forked from joomla/Component-Builder
7358 lines
243 KiB
7358 lines
243 KiB
* @package Joomla.Component.Builder
* @created 30th April, 2015
* @author Llewellyn van der Merwe <>
* @github Joomla Component Builder <>
* @copyright Copyright (C) 2015 - 2020 Vast Development Method. All rights reserved.
* @license GNU General Public License version 2 or later; see LICENSE.txt
// No direct access to this file
defined('_JEXEC') or die('Restricted access');
use Joomla\CMS\Language\Language;
use Joomla\Registry\Registry;
use Joomla\String\StringHelper;
use Joomla\Utilities\ArrayHelper;
* Componentbuilder component helper
abstract class ComponentbuilderHelper
* Composer Switch
* @var array
protected static $composer = array();
* The Main Active Language
* @var string
public static $langTag;
* The Global Site Event Method.
public static function globalEvent($document)
// the Session keeps track of all data related to the current session of this user
* Locked Libraries (we can not have these change)
public static $libraryNames = array(1 => 'No Library', 2 => 'Bootstrap v4', 3 => 'Uikit v3', 4 => 'Uikit v2', 5 => 'FooTable v2', 6 => 'FooTable v3');
* Array of php fields Allowed (16)
public static $phpFieldArray = array('', 'a', 'b', 'c', 'd', 'e', 'f', 'g', 'h', 'i', 'j', 'k', 'l', 'm', 'n', 'x', 'HEADER');
* The global params
protected static $params = false;
* The global updater
protected static $globalUpdater = array();
* The local company details
protected static $localCompany = array();
* The snippet paths
public static $snippetPath = '';
public static $snippetsPath = '';
* The VDM packages paths
public static $vdmGithubPackageUrl = "";
public static $vdmGithubPackagesUrl = "";
* The JCB packages paths
public static $jcbGithubPackageUrl = "";
public static $jcbGithubPackagesUrl = "";
* The bolerplate paths
public static $bolerplatePath = '';
public static $bolerplateAPI = '';
* The array of constant paths
* JPATH_SITE is meant to represent the root path of the JSite application,
* just as JPATH_ADMINISTRATOR is mean to represent the root path of the JAdministrator application.
* JPATH_BASE is the root path for the current requested application.... so if you are in the administrator application:
* If you are in the site application:
* If you are in the installation application:
* JPATH_ROOT is the root path for the Joomla install and does not depend upon any application.
* @var array
public static $constantPaths = array(
// The path to the administrator folder.
// The path to the installed Joomla! site, or JPATH_ROOT/administrator if executed from the backend.
// The path to the cache folder.
// The path to the administration folder of the current component being executed.
// The path to the site folder of the current component being executed.
// The path to the current component being executed.
// The path to folder containing the configuration.php file.
// The path to the installation folder.
// The path to the libraries folder.
// The path to the plugins folder.
// The path to the installed Joomla! site.
// The path to the installed Joomla! site.
// The path to the templates folder.
* get the class method or property
* @input int The method/property ID
* @input string The target type
* @returns string on success
public static function getClassCode($id, $type)
if ('property' === $type || 'method' === $type)
// Get a db connection.
$db = JFactory::getDbo();
// Get user object
$user = JFactory::getUser();
// Create a new query object.
$query = $db->getQuery(true);
// get method
if ('method' === $type)
// get property
elseif ('property' === $type)
$query->from($db->quoteName('#__componentbuilder_class_' . $type,'a'));
$query->where($db->quoteName('') . ' = ' . (int) $id);
// Implement View Level Access
if (!$user->authorise('core.options', 'com_componentbuilder'))
$columns = $db->getTableColumns('#__componentbuilder_class_' . $type);
$groups = implode(',', $user->getAuthorisedViewLevels());
$query->where('a.access IN (' . $groups . ')');
if ($db->getNumRows())
// get the code
$code = $db->loadObject();
// combine method values
$combinded = array();
// add comment if set
if (self::checkString($code->comment))
$comment = array_map('trim', (array) explode(PHP_EOL, base64_decode($code->comment)));
$combinded[] = "\t" . implode(PHP_EOL . "\t ", $comment);
// build method
if ('method' === $type)
// set the method signature
if (self::checkString($code->arguments))
$combinded[] = "\t" . $code->visibility . ' function ' . $code->name . '(' . base64_decode($code->arguments) . ')';
$combinded[] = "\t" . $code->visibility . ' function ' . $code->name . '()';
// set the method code
$combinded[] = "\t" . "{";
// add code if set
if (self::checkString(trim($code->code)))
$combinded[] = base64_decode($code->code);
$combinded[] = "\t\t// add your code here";
$combinded[] = "\t" . "}";
if (self::checkString($code->default))
$code->default = base64_decode($code->default);
if (is_int($code->default))
// set the class property
$combinded[] = "\t" . $code->visibility . ' $' . $code->name . ' = ' . (int) $code->default . ';';
elseif (is_float($code->default))
// set the class property
$combinded[] = "\t" . $code->visibility . ' $' . $code->name . ' = ' . (float) $code->default . ';';
elseif (('false' === $code->default || 'true' === $code->default)
|| (self::checkString($code->default) && (strpos($code->default, 'array(') !== false || strpos($code->default, '"') !== false)))
// set the class property
$combinded[] = "\t" . $code->visibility . ' $' . $code->name . ' = ' . $code->default . ';';
elseif (self::checkString($code->default) && strpos($code->default, '"') === false)
// set the class property
$combinded[] = "\t" . $code->visibility . ' $' . $code->name . ' = "' . $code->default . '";';
// set the class property
$combinded[] = "\t" . $code->visibility . ' $' . $code->name . ';';
// set the class property
$combinded[] = "\t" . $code->visibility . ' $' . $code->name . ';';
// return the code
return implode(PHP_EOL, $combinded);
return false;
* extract Boilerplate Class Extends
* @input string The class as a string
* @input string The type of class/extension
* @returns string on success
public static function extractBoilerplateClassExtends(&$class, $type)
if (($strings = self::getAllBetween($class, 'class ', '}')) !== false && self::checkArray($strings))
foreach ($strings as $string)
if (($extends = self::getBetween($string, 'extends ', '{')) !== false && self::checkString($extends))
return trim($extends);
return false;
* extract Boilerplate Class Header
* @input string The class as a string
* @input string The class being extended
* @input string The type of class/extension
* @returns string on success
public static function extractBoilerplateClassHeader(&$class, $extends, $type)
if (($string = self::getBetween($class, "defined('_JEXEC')", 'extends ' . $extends)) !== false && self::checkString($string))
$headArray = explode(PHP_EOL, $string);
if (self::checkArray($headArray) && count($headArray) > 3)
// remove first since it still has the [or die;] string in it
// remove the last since it has the class declaration
// at this point we have the class comment still in as part of the header, lets remove that
$last = count($headArray);
while ($last > 0)
if (isset($headArray[$last]) && strpos($headArray[$last], '*') !== false)
// moment the comment stops, we break out
$last = 0;
// make sure we only return if we have values
if (self::checkArray($headArray))
return implode(PHP_EOL, $headArray);
return false;
* extract Boilerplate Class Comment
* @input string The class as a string
* @input string The class being extended
* @input string The type of class/extension
* @returns string on success
public static function extractBoilerplateClassComment(&$class, $extends, $type)
if (($string = self::getBetween($class, "defined('_JEXEC')", 'extends ' . $extends)) !== false && self::checkString($string))
$headArray = explode(PHP_EOL, $string);
if (self::checkArray($headArray) && count($headArray) > 3)
$comment = array();
// remove the last since it has the class declaration
// at this point we have the class comment still in as part of the header, lets remove that
$last = count($headArray);
while ($last > 0)
if (isset($headArray[$last]) && strpos($headArray[$last], '*') !== false)
$comment[$last] = $headArray[$last];
// moment the comment stops, we break out
$last = 0;
// make sure we only return if we have values
if (self::checkArray($comment))
// set the correct order
$replace = array('Foo' => '[[[Plugin_name]]]', '[PACKAGE_NAME]' => '[[[Plugin]]]', '1.0.0' => '[[[plugin.version]]]', '1.0' => '[[[plugin.version]]]');
// now update with JCB placeholders
return str_replace(array_keys($replace), array_values($replace), implode(PHP_EOL, $comment));
return false;
* extract Boilerplate Class Properties & Methods
* @input string The class as a string
* @input string The class being extended
* @input string The type of class/extension
* @input int The plugin groups
* @returns string on success
public static function extractBoilerplateClassPropertiesMethods(&$class, $extends, $type, $plugin_group = null)
$bucket = array('property' => array(), 'method' => array());
// get the class code, and remove the head
$codeArrayTmp = explode('extends ' . $extends, $class);
// make sure we have the correct result
if (self::checkArray($codeArrayTmp) && count($codeArrayTmp) == 2)
// the triggers
$triggers = array('public' => 1, 'protected' => 2, 'private' => 3);
$codeArray = explode(PHP_EOL, $codeArrayTmp[1]);
// clean the code
// temp bucket
$name = null;
$arg = null;
$target = null;
$visibility = null;
$tmp = array();
$comment = array();
// load method
$loadCode = function (&$bucket, &$target, &$name, &$arg, &$visibility, &$tmp, &$comment) use($type, $plugin_group){
$_tmp = array(
'name' => $name,
'visibility' => $visibility,
'extension_type' => $type
// build filter
$filters = array('extension_type' => $type);
// add more data based on target
if ('method' === $target && self::checkArray($tmp))
// clean the code
// only load if there are values
if (self::checkArray($tmp, true))
$_tmp['code'] = implode(PHP_EOL, $tmp);
$_tmp['code'] = '';
// load arguments only if set
if (self::checkString($arg))
$_tmp['arguments'] = $arg;
elseif ('property' === $target)
// load default only if set
if (self::checkString($arg))
$_tmp['default'] = $arg;
// load comment only if set
if (self::checkArray($comment, true))
$_tmp['comment'] = implode(PHP_EOL, $comment);
// load the group target
if ($plugin_group)
$_tmp['joomla_plugin_group'] = $plugin_group;
$filters['joomla_plugin_group'] = $plugin_group;
// load the local values
if (($locals = self::getLocalBoilerplate($name, $target, $type, $filters)) !== false)
foreach ($locals as $key => $value)
$_tmp[$key] = $value;
$_tmp['id'] = 0;
$_tmp['published'] = 1;
$_tmp['version'] = 1;
// store the data based on target
$bucket[$target][] = $_tmp;
// now we start loading
foreach($codeArray as $line)
if ($visibility && $target && $name && strpos($line, '/**') !== false)
$loadCode($bucket, $target, $name, $arg, $visibility, $tmp, $comment);
// reset loop buckets
$name = null;
$arg = null;
$target = null;
$visibility = null;
$tmp = array();
$comment = array();
// load the comment before method/property
if (!$visibility && !$target && !$name && strpos($line, '*') !== false)
$comment[] = rtrim($line);
if (!$visibility && !$target && !$name)
// get the line values
$lineArray = array_values(array_map('trim', preg_split('/\s+/', trim($line))));
// check if we are at the main line
if (isset($lineArray[0]) && isset($triggers[$lineArray[0]]))
$visibility = $lineArray[0];
if (strpos($line, 'function') !== false)
$target = 'method';
// get the name
$name = trim(self::getBetween($line, 'function ', '('));
// get the arguments
$arg = trim(self::getBetween($line, ' ' . $name . '(', ')'));
$target = 'property';
if (strpos($line, '=') !== false)
// get the name
$name = trim(self::getBetween($line, '$', '='));
// get the default
$arg = trim(self::getBetween($line, '=', ';'));
// get the name
$name = trim(self::getBetween($line, '$', ';'));
$tmp[] = rtrim($line);
// check if a last method is still around
if ($visibility && $target && $name)
$loadCode($bucket, $target, $name, $arg, $visibility, $tmp, $comment);
// reset loop buckets
$name = null;
$arg = null;
$target = null;
$visibility = null;
$tmp = array();
$comment = array();
return $bucket;
return false;
protected static function getLocalBoilerplate($name, $table, $extension_type, $filters = array())
if ('property' === $table || 'method' === $table)
// Get a db connection.
$db = JFactory::getDbo();
// Create a new query object.
$query = $db->getQuery(true);
// get method
$query->from($db->quoteName('#__componentbuilder_class_' . $table,'a'));
$query->where($db->quoteName('') . ' = ' . $db->quote($name));
$query->where($db->quoteName('a.extension_type') . ' = ' . $db->quote($extension_type));
// add more filters
if (self::checkArray($filters))
foreach($filters as $where => $value)
if (is_numeric($value))
$query->where($db->quoteName('a.' . $where) . ' = ' . $value);
$query->where($db->quoteName('a.' . $where) . ' = ' . $db->quote($value));
if ($db->getNumRows())
// get the code
return $db->loadAssoc();
return false;
protected static function cleanBoilerplateCode(&$code)
// remove the first lines until a { is found
$key = 0;
$found = false;
while (!$found)
if (isset($code[$key]))
if (strpos($code[$key], '{') !== false)
// only remove the first } found
$found = true;
// remove empty lines
elseif (!self::checkString(trim($code[$key])))
// check next line
// stop loop at line 30 (really this should never happen)
if ($key > 30)
$found = true;
// reset all keys
$code = array_values($code);
// remove last lines until }
$last = count($code);
while ($last > 0)
if (isset($code[$last]))
if (strpos($code[$last], '}') !== false)
// only remove the first } found
$last = 0;
// remove empty lines
elseif (!self::checkString(trim($code[$last])))
* Making class or function name safe
* @input string The name you would like to make safe
* @returns string on success
public static function safeClassFunctionName($name)
// remove numbers if the first character is a number
if (is_numeric(substr($name, 0, 1)))
$name = self::replaceNumbers($name);
// remove all spaces and strange characters
return trim(preg_replace("/[^A-Za-z0-9_-]/", '', $name));
* The field builder switch
protected static $fieldNameBuilder = false;
* Making field names safe
* @input string The you would like to make safe
* @input boolean The switch to return an ALL UPPER CASE string
* @input string The string to use in white space
* @returns string on success
public static function safeFieldName($string, $allcap = false, $spacer = '_')
// get global value
if (self::$fieldNameBuilder === false)
self::$fieldNameBuilder = JComponentHelper::getParams('com_componentbuilder')->get('field_name_builder', 1);
// use the new convention
if (2 == self::$fieldNameBuilder)
// 0nly continue if we have a string
if (self::checkString($string))
// check that the first character is not a number
if (is_numeric(substr($string, 0, 1)))
$string = self::replaceNumbers($string);
// remove all other strange characters
$string = trim($string);
$string = preg_replace('/'.$spacer.'+/', ' ', $string);
$string = preg_replace('/\s+/', ' ', $string);
// Transliterate string
$string = self::transliterate($string);
// remove all and keep only characters and numbers
$string = preg_replace("/[^A-Za-z0-9 ]/", '', $string);
// replace white space with underscore (SAFEST OPTION)
$string = preg_replace('/\s+/', $spacer, $string);
// return all caps
if ($allcap)
return strtoupper($string);
// default is to return lower
return strtolower($string);
// not a string
return '';
// return all caps
if ($allcap)
return self::safeString($string, 'U');
// use the default (original behaviour/convention)
return self::safeString($string);
* The type builder switch
protected static $typeNameBuilder = false;
* Making field type name safe
* @input string The you would like to make safe
* @returns string on success
public static function safeTypeName($string)
// get global value
if (self::$typeNameBuilder === false)
self::$typeNameBuilder = JComponentHelper::getParams('com_componentbuilder')->get('type_name_builder', 1);
// use the new convention
if (2 == self::$typeNameBuilder)
// 0nly continue if we have a string
if (self::checkString($string))
// check that the first character is not a number
if (is_numeric(substr($string, 0, 1)))
$string = self::replaceNumbers($string);
// Transliterate string
$string = self::transliterate($string);
// remove all and keep only characters and numbers and point (TODO just one point)
$string = trim(preg_replace("/[^A-Za-z0-9\.]/", '', $string));
// best is to return lower (for all string equality in compiler)
return strtolower($string);
// not a string
return '';
// use the default (original behaviour/convention)
return self::safeString($string);
* Get the Array of Existing Validation Rule Names
* @return array
public static function getExistingValidationRuleNames($lowercase = false)
// get the items
$items = self::get('_existing_validation_rules_VDM', null);
if (!$items)
// load the file class
// set the path to the form validation rules
$path = JPATH_LIBRARIES . '/src/Form/Rule';
// check if the path exist
if (!JFolder::exists($path))
return false;
// we must first store the current working directory
$joomla = getcwd();
// go to that folder
// load all the files in this path
$items = JFolder::files('.', '\.php', true, true);
// change back to Joomla working directory
// make sure we have an array
if (!self::checkArray($items))
return false;
// remove the Rule.php from the name
$items = array_map( function ($name) {
return str_replace(array('./','Rule.php'), '', $name);
}, $items);
// store the names for next run
self::set('_existing_validation_rules_VDM', json_encode($items));
// make sure it is no longer json
if (self::checkJson($items))
$items = json_decode($items, true);
// check if the names should be all lowercase
if ($lowercase)
$items = array_map( function($item) {
return strtolower($item);
}, $items);
return $items;
* Get the snippet contributor details
* @param string $filename The file name
* @param string $type The type of file
* @return array On success the contributor details
public static function getContributorDetails($filename, $type = 'snippet')
// start loading the contributor details
$contributor = array();
// get the path & content
switch ($type)
case 'snippet':
$path = self::$snippetPath.$filename;
// get the file if available
$content = self::getFileContents($path);
if (self::checkJson($content))
$content = json_decode($content, true);
// only allow types that are being targeted
return false;
// see if we have content and all needed details
if (isset($content) && self::checkArray($content)
&& isset($content['contributor_company'])
&& isset($content['contributor_name'])
&& isset($content['contributor_email'])
&& isset($content['contributor_website']))
// got the details from file
return array('contributor_company' => $content['contributor_company'] ,'contributor_name' => $content['contributor_name'], 'contributor_email' => $content['contributor_email'], 'contributor_website' => $content['contributor_website'], 'origin' => 'file');
// get the global settings
if (!self::checkObject(self::$params))
self::$params = JComponentHelper::getParams('com_componentbuilder');
// get the global company details
if (!self::checkArray(self::$localCompany))
// Set the person sharing information (default VDM ;)
self::$localCompany['company'] = self::$params->get('export_company', 'Vast Development Method');
self::$localCompany['owner'] = self::$params->get('export_owner', 'Llewellyn van der Merwe');
self::$localCompany['email'] = self::$params->get('export_email', '');
self::$localCompany['website'] = self::$params->get('export_website', '');
// default global
return array('contributor_company' => self::$localCompany['company'] ,'contributor_name' => self::$localCompany['owner'], 'contributor_email' => self::$localCompany['email'], 'contributor_website' => self::$localCompany['website'], 'origin' => 'global');
* Get the library files
* @param int $id The library id to target
* @return array On success the array of files that belong to this library
public static function getLibraryFiles($id)
// get the library files, folders, and urls
$files = array();
// Get a db connection.
$db = JFactory::getDbo();
// Create a new query object.
$query = $db->getQuery(true);
$query->join('LEFT', $db->quoteName('#__componentbuilder_library', 'b') . ' ON (' . $db->quoteName('a.library') . ' = ' . $db->quoteName('') . ')');
$query->where($db->quoteName('a.library') . ' = ' . (int) $id);
if ($db->getNumRows())
// prepare the files
$result = $db->loadObject();
// first we load the URLs
if (self::checkJson($result->addurls))
// convert to array
$result->addurls = json_decode($result->addurls, true);
// set urls
if (self::checkArray($result->addurls))
// build media folder path
$mediaPath = '/media/' . strtolower( preg_replace('/\s+/', '-', self::safeString($result->name, 'filename', ' ', false)));
// load the urls
foreach($result->addurls as $url)
if (isset($url['url']) && self::checkString($url['url']))
// set the path if needed
if (isset($url['type']) && $url['type'] > 1)
$fileName = basename($url['url']);
// build sub path
if (strpos($fileName, '.js') !== false)
$path = '/js';
elseif (strpos($fileName, '.css') !== false)
$path = '/css';
$path = '';
// set the path to library file
$url['path'] = $mediaPath . $path . '/' . $fileName; // we need this for later
// if local path is set, then use it first
if (isset($url['path']))
// load document script
$files[md5($url['path'])] = '(' . JText::_('URL') . ') ' . basename($url['url']) . ' - ' . JText::_('COM_COMPONENTBUILDER_LOCAL');
// check if link must be added
if (isset($url['url']) && ((isset($url['type']) && $url['type'] == 1) || (isset($url['type']) && $url['type'] == 3) || !isset($url['type'])))
// load url also if not building document
$files[md5($url['url'])] = '(' . JText::_('URL') . ') ' . basename($url['url']) . ' - ' . JText::_('COM_COMPONENTBUILDER_LINK');
// load the local files
if (self::checkJson($result->addfiles))
// convert to array
$result->addfiles = json_decode($result->addfiles, true);
// set files
if (self::checkArray($result->addfiles))
foreach($result->addfiles as $file)
if (isset($file['file']) && isset($file['path']))
$path = '/'.trim($file['path'], '/');
// check if path has new file name (has extetion)
$pathInfo = pathinfo($path);
if (isset($pathInfo['extension']) && $pathInfo['extension'])
// load document script
$files[md5($path)] = '(' . JText::_('COM_COMPONENTBUILDER_FILE') . ') ' . $file['file'];
// load document script
$files[md5($path.'/'.trim($file['file'],'/'))] = '(' . JText::_('COM_COMPONENTBUILDER_FILE') . ') ' . $file['file'];
// load the files in the folder
if (self::checkJson($result->addfolders))
// convert to array
$result->addfolders = json_decode($result->addfolders, true);
// set folder
if (self::checkArray($result->addfolders))
// get the global settings
if (!self::checkObject(self::$params))
self::$params = JComponentHelper::getParams('com_componentbuilder');
// reset bucket
$bucket = array();
// get custom folder path
$customPath = '/'.trim(self::$params->get('custom_folder_path', JPATH_COMPONENT_ADMINISTRATOR.'/custom'), '/');
// get all the file paths
foreach ($result->addfolders as $folder)
if (isset($folder['path']) && isset($folder['folder']))
$_path = '/'.trim($folder['path'], '/');
$customFolder = '/'.trim($folder['folder'], '/');
if (isset($folder['rename']) && 1 == $folder['rename'])
if ($_paths = self::getAllFilePaths($customPath.$customFolder))
$bucket[$_path] = $_paths;
$path = $_path.$customFolder;
if ($_paths = self::getAllFilePaths($customPath.$customFolder))
$bucket[$path] = $_paths;
// now load the script
if (self::checkArray($bucket))
foreach ($bucket as $root => $paths)
// load per path
foreach($paths as $path)
$files[md5($root.'/'.trim($path, '/'))] = '(' . JText::_('COM_COMPONENTBUILDER_FOLDER') . ') ' . basename($path) . ' - ' . basename($root);
// return files if found
if (self::checkArray($files))
return $files;
return false;
* Fix the path to work in the JCB script <-- (main issue here)
* Since we need / slash in all paths, for the JCB script even if it is Windows
* and since MS works with both forward and back slashes
* we just convert all slashes to forward slashes
* THIS is just my hack (fix) if you know a better way! speak-up!
* @param mix $values the array of paths or the path as a string
* @param array $targets paths to target
* @return string
public static function fixPath(&$values, $targets = array())
// if multiple to gets searched and fixed
if (self::checkArray($values) && self::checkArray($targets))
foreach ($targets as $target)
if (isset($values[$target]) && strpos($values[$target], '\\') !== false)
$values[$target] = str_replace('\\', '/', $values[$target]);
// if just a string
elseif (self::checkString($values) && strpos($values, '\\') !== false)
$values = str_replace('\\', '/', $values);
* get all the file paths in folder and sub folders
* @param string $folder The local path to parse
* @param array $fileTypes The type of files to get
* @return void
public static function getAllFilePaths($folder, $fileTypes = array('\.php', '\.js', '\.css', '\.less'), $recurse = true, $full = true)
if (JFolder::exists($folder))
// we must first store the current woking directory
$joomla = getcwd();
// we are changing the working directory to the componet path
// make sure we have file type filter
if (self::checkArray($fileTypes))
// get the files
foreach ($fileTypes as $type)
// get a list of files in the current directory tree
$files[] = JFolder::files('.', $type, $recurse, $full);
elseif (self::checkString($fileTypes))
// get a list of files in the current directory tree
$files[] = JFolder::files('.', $fileTypes, $recurse, $full);
// get a list of files in the current directory tree
$files[] = JFolder::files('.', '.', $recurse, $full);
// change back to Joomla working directory
// return array of files
return array_map( function($file) { return str_replace('./', '/', $file); }, (array) self::mergeArrays($files));
return false;
* get all component IDs
public static function getComponentIDs()
// Get a db connection.
$db = JFactory::getDbo();
// Create a new query object.
$query = $db->getQuery(true);
$query->where($db->quoteName('published') . ' >= 1'); // do not backup trash
if ($db->getNumRows())
return $db->loadColumn();
return false;
* Autoloader
public static function autoLoader($type = 'compiler')
// load the type classes
if ('smart' !== $type)
foreach (glob(JPATH_ADMINISTRATOR."/components/com_componentbuilder/helpers/".$type."/*.php") as $autoFile)
require_once $autoFile;
// load only if compiler
if ('compiler' === $type)
// import the Joomla librarys
// include class to minify js
require_once JPATH_ADMINISTRATOR.'/components/com_componentbuilder/helpers/js.php';
// load only if smart
if ('smart' === $type)
// import the Joomla libraries
// load this for all
* The dynamic builder of views, tables and fields
public static function dynamicBuilder(&$data, $type)
$extruder = new Extrusion($data);
* Convert repeatable field to subform
* @param array $item The array to convert
* @param string $name The main field name
* @return array
public static function convertRepeatable($item, $name)
// continue only if we have an array
if (self::checkArray($item))
$bucket = array();
foreach ($item as $key => $values)
foreach ($values as $nr => $value)
if (!isset($bucket[$name . $nr]) || !self::checkArray($bucket[$name . $nr]))
$bucket[$name . $nr] = array();
$bucket[$name . $nr][$key] = $value;
return $bucket;
return $item;
* Convert repeatable field to subform
* @param object $item The item to update
* @param array $searcher The fields to check and update
* @param array $updater To update the local table
* @return void
public static function convertRepeatableFields($object, $searcher, $updater = array())
// update the repeatable fields
foreach ($searcher as $key => $sleutel)
if (isset($object->{$key}))
$isJson = false;
if (self::checkJson($object->{$key}))
$object->{$key} = json_decode($object->{$key}, true);
$isJson = true;
// check if this is old values for repeatable fields
if (self::checkArray($object->{$key}) && isset($object->{$key}[$sleutel]))
// load it back
$object->{$key} = self::convertRepeatable($object->{$key}, $key);
// add to global updater
if (
self::checkArray($object->{$key}) && self::checkArray($updater) &&
( isset($updater['table']) && isset($updater['val']) && isset($updater['key']) ) ||
( isset($updater['unique']) && isset($updater['unique'][$key]) && isset($updater['unique'][$key]['table']) && isset($updater['unique'][$key]['val']) && isset($updater['unique'][$key]['key']) )
$_key = null;
$_value = null;
$_table = null;
// check if we have unique id table for this repeatable/subform field
if ( isset($updater['unique']) && isset($updater['unique'][$key]) && isset($updater['unique'][$key]['table']) && isset($updater['unique'][$key]['val']) && isset($updater['unique'][$key]['key']) )
$_key = $updater['unique'][$key]['key'];
$_value = $updater['unique'][$key]['val'];
$_table = $updater['unique'][$key]['table'];
elseif ( isset($updater['table']) && isset($updater['val']) && isset($updater['key']) )
$_key = $updater['key'];
$_value = $updater['val'];
$_table = $updater['table'];
// continue only if values are valid
if (self::checkString($_table) && self::checkString($_key) && $_value > 0)
// set target table & item
$target = trim($_table) . '.' . trim($_key) . '.' . trim($_value);
if (!isset(self::$globalUpdater[$target]))
self::$globalUpdater[$target] = new stdClass;
self::$globalUpdater[$target]->{$_key} = (int) $_value;
// load the new subform values to global updater
self::$globalUpdater[$target]->{$key} = json_encode($object->{$key});
// no set back to json if came in as json
if ($isJson && self::checkArray($object->{$key}))
$object->{$key} = json_encode($object->{$key});
// remove if not json or array
elseif (!self::checkArray($object->{$key}) && !self::checkJson($object->{$key}))
return $object;
* Run Global Updater if any are set
* @return void
public static function runGlobalUpdater()
// check if any updates are set to run
if (self::checkArray(self::$globalUpdater))
// get the database object
$db = JFactory::getDbo();
foreach (self::$globalUpdater as $tableKeyID => $object)
// get the table
$table = explode('.', $tableKeyID);
// update the item
$db->updateObject('#__componentbuilder_' . (string) $table[0] , $object, (string) $table[1]);
// rest updater
self::$globalUpdater = array();
* Copy Any Item (only use for direct database copying)
* @param int $id The item to copy
* @param string $table The table and model to copy from and with
* @param array $config The values that should change
* @return boolean True if success
public static function copyItem($id, $type, $config = array())
// only continue if we have an id
if ((int) $id > 0)
// get the model
$model = self::getModel($type);
$app = \JFactory::getApplication();
// get item
if ($item = $model->getItem($id))
// update values that should change
if (self::checkArray($config))
foreach($config as $key => $value)
if (isset($item->{$key}))
$item->{$key} = $value;
// clone the object
$data = array();
foreach ($item as $key => $value)
$data[$key] = $value;
// reset some values
$data['id'] = 0;
$data['version'] = 1;
if (isset($data['tags']))
$data['tags'] = null;
if (isset($data['associations']))
$data['associations'] = array();
// remove some unneeded values
// Attempt to save the data.
if ($model->save($data))
return true;
return false;
* the basic localkey
protected static $localkey = false;
* get the localkey
public static function getLocalKey()
if (!self::$localkey)
// get the basic key
self::$localkey = md5(self::getCryptKey('basic', 'localKey34fdWEkl'));
return self::$localkey;
* indent HTML
public static function indent($html)
// load the class
require_once JPATH_ADMINISTRATOR.'/components/com_componentbuilder/helpers/indenter.php';
// set new indenter
$indenter = new Indenter();
// return indented html
return $indenter->indent($html);
public static function checkFileType($file, $sufix)
// now check if the file ends with the sufix
return $sufix === "" || ($sufix == substr(strrchr($file, "."), -strlen($sufix)));
public static function imageInfo($path, $request = 'type')
// set image
$image = JPATH_SITE.'/'.$path;
// check if exists
if (file_exists($image) && $result = @getimagesize($image))
// return type request
switch ($request)
case 'width':
return $result[0];
case 'height':
return $result[1];
case 'type':
$extensions = array(
IMAGETYPE_JP2 => "jp2",
IMAGETYPE_JB2 => "jb2",
return $extensions[$result[2]];
case 'attr':
return $result[3];
case 'all':
return $result;
return false;
* set the session defaults if not set
protected static function setSessionDefaults()
// noting for now
return true;
* check if it is a new hash
public static function newHash($hash, $name = 'backup', $type = 'hash', $key = '', $fileType = 'txt')
// make sure we have a hash
if (self::checkString($hash))
// first get the file path
$path_filename = self::getFilePath('path', $name.$type, $fileType, $key, JPATH_COMPONENT_ADMINISTRATOR);
// set as read if not already set
if ($content = self::getFileContents($path_filename, false))
if ($hash == $content)
return false;
// set the hash
return self::writeFile($path_filename, $hash);
return false;
protected static $pkOwnerSearch = array(
* get the JCB package owner details display
public static function getPackageOwnerDetailsDisplay(&$info, $trust = false)
$hasOwner = false;
$ownerDetails = '<h2 class="module-title nav-header">' . JText::_('COM_COMPONENTBUILDER_PACKAGE_OWNER_DETAILS') . '</h2>';
$ownerDetails .= '<dl class="uk-description-list-horizontal">';
// load the list items
foreach (self::$pkOwnerSearch as $key => $dd)
if ($value = self::getPackageOwnerValue($key, $info))
$ownerDetails .= JText::sprintf($dd, $value);
// check if we have a owner/source name
if (('owner' === $key || 'company' === $key) && !$hasOwner)
$hasOwner = true;
$owner = $value;
$ownerDetails .= '</dl>';
// provide some details to how the user can get a key
if ($hasOwner && isset($info['getKeyFrom']['buy_link']) && self::checkString($info['getKeyFrom']['buy_link']))
$ownerDetails .= '<hr />';
$ownerDetails .= JText::sprintf('COM_COMPONENTBUILDER_BGET_THE_KEY_FROMB_A_SSA', 'class="btn btn-primary" href="'.$info['getKeyFrom']['buy_link'].'" target="_blank" title="get a key from '.$owner.'"', $owner);
// add more custom links
elseif ($hasOwner && isset($info['getKeyFrom']['buy_links']) && self::checkArray($info['getKeyFrom']['buy_links']))
$buttons = array();
foreach ($info['getKeyFrom']['buy_links'] as $keyName => $link)
$buttons[] = JText::sprintf('COM_COMPONENTBUILDER_BGET_THE_KEY_FROM_SB_FOR_A_SSA', $owner, 'class="btn btn-primary" href="'.$link.'" target="_blank" title="get a key from '.$owner.'"', $keyName);
$ownerDetails .= '<hr />';
$ownerDetails .= implode('<br />', $buttons);
// return the owner details
if (!$hasOwner)
$ownerDetails = '<h2>' . JText::_('COM_COMPONENTBUILDER_PACKAGE_OWNER_DETAILS_NOT_FOUND') . '</h2>';
if (!$trust)
$ownerDetails .= '<p style="color: #922924;">' . JText::_('COM_COMPONENTBUILDER_BE_CAUTIOUS_DO_NOT_CONTINUE_UNLESS_YOU_TRUST_THE_ORIGIN_OF_THIS_PACKAGE') . '</p>';
return '<div>'.$ownerDetails.'</div>';
public static function getPackageOwnerValue($key, &$info)
$source = (isset($info['source']) && isset($info['source'][$key])) ? 'source' : ((isset($info['getKeyFrom']) && isset($info['getKeyFrom'][$key])) ? 'getKeyFrom' : false);
if ($source && self::checkString($info[$source][$key]))
return $info[$source][$key];
return false;
* get the JCB package component key status
public static function getPackageComponentsKeyStatus(&$info)
// check the package key status
if (!isset($info['key']))
if (isset($info['getKeyFrom']) && isset($info['getKeyFrom']['owner']))
// this just confirms it for older packages
$info['key'] = true;
// this just confirms it for older packages
$info['key'] = false;
return $info['key'];
protected static $compOwnerSearch = array(
'ul' => array (
'other' => array(
* get the JCB package component details display
public static function getPackageComponentsDetailsDisplay(&$info)
// check if these components need a key
$needKey = self::getPackageComponentsKeyStatus($info);
if (isset($info['name']) && self::checkArray($info['name']))
$cAmount = count((array) $info['name']);
$class2 = ($cAmount == 1) ? 'span12' : 'span6';
$counter = 1;
$display = array();
foreach ($info['name'] as $key => $value)
// set the name
$name= $value . ' v' . $info['component_version'][$key];
if ($cAmount > 1 && $counter == 3)
$display[] = '</div>';
$counter = 1;
if ($cAmount > 1 && $counter == 1)
$display[] = '<div>';
$display[] = '<div class="well well-small ' . $class2 . '">';
$display[] = '<h3>';
$display[] = $name;
if ($needKey)
$display[] = ' - <em>' . JText::sprintf('COM_COMPONENTBUILDER_PAIDLOCKED') . '</em>';
$display[] = ' - <em>' . JText::sprintf('COM_COMPONENTBUILDER_FREEOPEN') . '</em>';
$display[] = '</h3><h4>';
$display[] = $info['short_description'][$key];
$display[] = '</h4>';
$display[] = '<ul class="uk-list uk-list-striped">';
// load the list items
foreach (self::$compOwnerSearch['ul'] as $li => $value)
if (isset($info[$li]) && isset($info[$li][$key]))
$display[] = '<li>'.JText::sprintf($value, $info[$li][$key]).'</li>';
$display[] = '</ul>';
// if we have a source link we add it
if (isset($info['joomla_source_link']) && self::checkArray($info['joomla_source_link']) && isset($info['joomla_source_link'][$key]) && self::checkString($info['joomla_source_link'][$key]))
$display[] = '<a class="uk-button uk-button-mini uk-width-1-1 uk-margin-small-bottom " href="'.$info['joomla_source_link'][$key].'" target="_blank" title="Source Code for Joomla Component ('.$name.')">source code</a>';
// load other
foreach (self::$compOwnerSearch['other'] as $other => $value)
if (isset($info[$other]) && isset($info[$other][$key]))
$display[] = JText::sprintf($value, $info[$other][$key]);
$display[] = '</div>';
// close the div if needed
if ($cAmount > 1)
$display[] = '</div>';
return implode("\n",$display);
* get the database table columns
public static function getDbTableColumns($tableName, $as, $type)
// Get a db connection.
$db = JFactory::getDbo();
// get the columns
$columns = $db->getTableColumns("#__" . $tableName);
// set the type (multi or single)
$unique = '';
if (1 == $type)
$unique = self::safeString($tableName) . '_';
if (self::checkArray($columns))
// build the return string
$tableColumns = array();
foreach ($columns as $column => $typeCast)
$tableColumns[] = $as . "." . $column . ' AS ' . $unique . $column;
return implode("\n", $tableColumns);
return false;
* get the view table columns
public static function getViewTableColumns($admin_view, $as, $type)
// Get a db connection.
$db = JFactory::getDbo();
// Create a new query object.
$query = $db->getQuery(true);
$query->select($db->quoteName(array('a.addfields', 'b.name_single')));
$query->from($db->quoteName('#__componentbuilder_admin_fields', 'a'));
$query->join('LEFT', $db->quoteName('#__componentbuilder_admin_view', 'b') . ' ON (' . $db->quoteName('a.admin_view') . ' = ' . $db->quoteName('') . ')');
$query->where($db->quoteName('b.published') . ' = 1');
$query->where($db->quoteName('a.admin_view') . ' = ' . (int) $admin_view);
// Reset the query using our newly populated query object.
if ($db->getNumRows())
$result = $db->loadObject();
$tableName = '';
if (1 == $type)
$tableName = self::safeString($result->name_single) . '_';
$addfields = json_decode($result->addfields, true);
if (self::checkArray($addfields))
// reset all buckets
$field = array();
$fields = array();
// get data
foreach ($addfields as $nr => $value)
$tmp = self::getFieldNameAndType((int) $value['field']);
if (self::checkArray($tmp))
$field[$nr] = $tmp;
// insure it is set to alias if needed
if (isset($value['alias']) && $value['alias'] == 1)
$field[$nr]['name'] = 'alias';
// remove a field that is not being stored in the database
if (!isset($value['list']) || $value['list'] == 2)
// add the basic defaults
$fields[] = $as . ".id AS " . $tableName . "id";
$fields[] = $as . ".asset_id AS " . $tableName . "asset_id";
// load data
foreach ($field as $n => $f)
if (self::checkArray($f))
$fields[] = $as . "." . $f['name'] . " AS " . $tableName . $f['name'];
// add the basic defaults
$fields[] = $as . ".published AS " . $tableName . "published";
$fields[] = $as . ".created_by AS " . $tableName . "created_by";
$fields[] = $as . ".modified_by AS " . $tableName . "modified_by";
$fields[] = $as . ".created AS " . $tableName . "created";
$fields[] = $as . ".modified AS " . $tableName . "modified";
$fields[] = $as . ".version AS " . $tableName . "version";
$fields[] = $as . ".hits AS " . $tableName . "hits";
if (0) // TODO access is not set here but per/view in the form linking this admin view to which these field belong to the components (boooo I know but that is the case and so we can't ever really know at this point if this view has access set)
$fields[] = $as . ".access AS " . $tableName . "access";
$fields[] = $as . ".ordering AS " . $tableName . "ordering";
// return the field of this view
return implode("\n", $fields);
return false;
public static function getFieldNameAndType($id, $spacers = false)
// Get a db connection.
$db = JFactory::getDbo();
// Create a new query object.
$query = $db->getQuery(true);
// Order it by the ordering field.
$query->select($db->quoteName(array('', 'a.xml')));
$query->select($db->quoteName(array(''), array('type_name')));
$query->from('#__componentbuilder_field AS a');
$query->join('LEFT', $db->quoteName('#__componentbuilder_fieldtype', 'c') . ' ON (' . $db->quoteName('a.fieldtype') . ' = ' . $db->quoteName('') . ')');
$query->where($db->quoteName('') . ' = '. $db->quote($id));
// Reset the query using our newly populated query object.
if ($db->getNumRows())
// Load the results as a list of stdClass objects (see later for more options on retrieving data).
$field = $db->loadObject();
// load the values form params
$field->xml = json_decode($field->xml);
$field->type_name = self::safeTypeName($field->type_name);
$load = true;
// if category then name must be catid (only one per view)
if ($field->type_name === 'category')
$name = 'catid';
// if tag is set then enable all tag options for this view (only one per view)
elseif ($field->type_name === 'tag')
$name = 'tags';
// don't add spacers or notes
elseif (!$spacers && ($field->type_name == 'spacer' || $field->type_name == 'note'))
// make sure the name is unique
return false;
$name = self::safeFieldName(self::getBetween($field->xml,'name="','"'));
// use field core name only if not found in xml
if (!self::checkString($name))
$name = self::safeFieldName($field->name);
return array('name' => $name, 'type' => $field->type_name);
return false;
* validate that a placeholder is unique
public static function validateUniquePlaceholder($id, $name, $bool = false)
// make sure no padding is set
$name = preg_replace("/[^A-Za-z0-9_]/", '', $name);
// this list may grow as we find more cases that break the compiler (just open an issue on github)
if (in_array($name, array('component', 'view', 'views')))
// check if we must return boolean
if (!$bool)
return array (
'status' => 'danger');
return false;
// add the padding (needed)
$name = '[[[' . trim($name) . ']]]';
if (self::placeholderIsSet($id, $name))
// check if we must return boolean
if (!$bool)
return array (
'status' => 'danger');
return false;
// check if we must return boolean
if (!$bool)
return array (
'name' => $name,
'status' => 'success');
return true;
* search for placeholder in table
protected static function placeholderIsSet($id, $name)
// query the table for result array
if (($results = self::getPlaceholderTarget($id, $name)) !== false)
// check if we must continue the search
foreach ($results as $_id => $target)
if ($name === $target)
return true;
return false;
* get placeholder target
protected static function getPlaceholderTarget($id, $name)
// Get a db connection.
$db = JFactory::getDbo();
// Create a new query object.
$query = $db->getQuery(true);
$query->select($db->quoteName(array('id', 'target')));
$query->where($db->quoteName('target') . ' = '. $db->quote($name));
// check if we have id
if (is_numeric($id))
$query->where($db->quoteName('id') . ' <> ' . (int) $id);
if ($db->getNumRows())
return $db->loadAssocList('id', 'target');
return false;
* The array of dynamic content
* @var array
protected static $dynamicContent = array(
// The banners by size
'banner' => array(
'728-90' => array(
'<a href="" target="_blank" title="Joomla! Volunteers Portal"><img src="" alt="Joomla! Volunteers Portal" width="728" height="90" border="0"></a>',
'<a href="" target="_blank" title="Joomla! Community Magazine | Because community matters..."><img alt="Joomla! Community Magazine | Because community matters..." src="" width="728" height="90" border="0" /></a>',
'<a href="" target="_blank" title="tlwebdesign a JCB sponsor | Because community matters..."><img alt="tlwebdesign a JCB sponsor | Because community matters..." src="" width="728" height="90" border="0" /></a>',
'<a href="" target="_blank" title="VDM a JCB sponsor | Because community matters..."><img alt="VDM a JCB sponsor | Because community matters..." src="" width="728" height="90" border="0" /></a>'
'160-600' => array(
'<a href="" target="_blank" title="Joomla! Volunteers Portal"><img src="" alt="Joomla! Volunteers Portal" width="160" height="600" border="0"></a>',
'<a href="" target="_blank" title="Joomla! Community Magazine | Because community matters..."><img src="" alt="Joomla! Community Magazine | Because community matters..." width="120" height="600" border="0"/></a>'
// The build-gif by size
'builder-gif' => array(
'707-400' => array(
'<img src="components/com_componentbuilder/assets/images/ajax-loader.gif" />'
* get the dynamic content
* @param string $type The type of content
* @param string $size The size of the content
* @return string on success
public static function getDynamicContent($type, $size, $default = '')
if (isset(self::$dynamicContent[$type]) && isset(self::$dynamicContent[$type][$size]) && ($nr = self::checkArray(self::$dynamicContent[$type][$size])))
// get the random item number
$get = (int) rand(0, --$nr);
// return found content
return self::$dynamicContent[$type][$size][$get];
return $default;
* Returns a GUIDv4 string
* Thanks to Dave Pearson (and other)
* Uses the best cryptographically secure method
* for all supported platforms with fallback to an older,
* less secure version.
* @param bool $trim
* @return string
public static function GUID ($trim = true)
// Windows
if (function_exists('com_create_guid') === true)
if ($trim === true)
return trim(com_create_guid(), '{}');
return com_create_guid();
// set the braces if needed
$lbrace = $trim ? "" : chr(123); // "{"
$rbrace = $trim ? "" : chr(125); // "}"
// OSX/Linux
if (function_exists('openssl_random_pseudo_bytes') === true)
$data = openssl_random_pseudo_bytes(16);
$data[6] = chr(ord($data[6]) & 0x0f | 0x40); // set version to 0100
$data[8] = chr(ord($data[8]) & 0x3f | 0x80); // set bits 6-7 to 10
return $lbrace . vsprintf('%s%s-%s-%s-%s-%s%s%s', str_split(bin2hex($data), 4)) . $lbrace;
// Fallback (PHP 4.2+)
mt_srand((double)microtime() * 10000);
$charid = strtolower(md5(uniqid(rand(), true)));
$hyphen = chr(45); // "-"
$guidv4 = $lbrace.
substr($charid, 0, 8).$hyphen.
substr($charid, 8, 4).$hyphen.
substr($charid, 12, 4).$hyphen.
substr($charid, 16, 4).$hyphen.
substr($charid, 20, 12).
return $guidv4;
* Validate the Globally Unique Identifier ( and check if table already has this identifier)
* @param string $guid
* @param string $table
* @param int $id
* @return bool
public static function validGUID ($guid, $table = null, $id = 0)
// check if we have a string
if (self::validateGUID($guid))
// check if table already has this identifier
if (self::checkString($table))
// Get the database object and a new query object.
$db = \JFactory::getDbo();
$query = $db->getQuery(true);
->from('#__componentbuilder_' . (string) $table)
->where($db->quoteName('guid') . ' = ' . $db->quote($guid));
// remove this item from the list
if ($id > 0)
$query->where($db->quoteName('id') . ' <> ' . (int) $id);
// Set and query the database.
$duplicate = (bool) $db->loadResult();
if ($duplicate)
return false;
return true;
return false;
* Validate the Globally Unique Identifier
* Thanks to Lewie
* @param string $guid
* @return bool
protected static function validateGUID ($guid)
// check if we have a string
if (self::checkString($guid))
return preg_match("/^(\{)?[a-f\d]{8}(-[a-f\d]{4}){4}[a-f\d]{8}(?(1)\})$/i", $guid);
return false;
* Tab/spacer bucket (to speed-up the build)
* @var array
protected static $tabSpacerBucket = array();
* Set tab/spacer
* @var string
protected static $tabSpacer = "\t";
* Set the tab/space
* @param int $nr The number of tag/space
* @return string
public static function _t($nr)
// check if we already have the string
if (!isset(self::$tabSpacerBucket[$nr]))
// get the string
self::$tabSpacerBucket[$nr] = str_repeat(self::$tabSpacer, (int) $nr);
// return stored string
return self::$tabSpacerBucket[$nr];
* the Butler
public static $session = array();
* the Butler Assistant
protected static $localSession = array();
* start a session if not already set, and load with data
public static function loadSession()
if (!isset(self::$session) || !self::checkObject(self::$session))
self::$session = JFactory::getSession();
// set the defaults
* give Session more to keep
public static function set($key, $value)
if (!isset(self::$session) || !self::checkObject(self::$session))
self::$session = JFactory::getSession();
// set to local memory to speed up program
self::$localSession[$key] = $value;
// load to session for later use
return self::$session->set($key, self::$localSession[$key]);
* get info from Session
public static function get($key, $default = null)
if (!isset(self::$session) || !self::checkObject(self::$session))
self::$session = JFactory::getSession();
// check if in local memory
if (!isset(self::$localSession[$key]))
// set to local memory to speed up program
self::$localSession[$key] = self::$session->get($key, $default);
return self::$localSession[$key];
* get field type properties
* @return array on success
public static function getFieldTypeProperties($value, $type, $settings = array(), $xml = null, $db_defaults = false)
// Get a db connection.
$db = JFactory::getDbo();
// Create a new query object.
$query = $db->getQuery(true);
$query->select($db->quoteName(array('properties', 'short_description', 'description')));
// load database default values
if ($db_defaults)
$query->select($db->quoteName(array('datadefault', 'datadefault_other', 'datalenght', 'datalenght_other', 'datatype', 'has_defaults', 'indexes', 'null_switch', 'store')));
$query->where($db->quoteName('published') . ' = 1');
$query->where($db->quoteName($type) . ' = '. $value);
// Reset the query using our newly populated query object.
if ($db->getNumRows())
$result = $db->loadObject();
$properties = json_decode($result->properties, true);
$field = array(
'subform' => array(),
'nameListOptions' => array(),
'php' => array(),
'values' => "<field ",
'values_description' => '<table class="uk-table uk-table-hover uk-table-striped uk-table-condensed">',
'short_description' => $result->short_description,
'description' => $result->description);
// number pointer
$nr = 0;
// php tracker (we must try to load alteast 17 rows
$phpTracker = array();
// value to check since there are false and null values even 0 in the values returned
$confirmation = '8qvZHoyuFYQqpj0YQbc6F3o5DhBlmS-_-a8pmCZfOVSfANjkmV5LG8pCdAY2JNYu6cB';
// set the headers
$field['values_description'] .= '<thead><tr><th class="uk-text-right">' . JText::_('COM_COMPONENTBUILDER_PROPERTY') . '</th><th>' . JText::_('COM_COMPONENTBUILDER_EXAMPLE') . '</th><th>' . JText::_('COM_COMPONENTBUILDER_DESCRIPTION') . '</th></thead><tbody>';
foreach ($properties as $property)
$example = (isset($property['example']) && self::checkString($property['example'])) ? $property['example'] : '';
$field['values_description'] .= '<tr><td class="uk-text-right"><code>' . $property['name'] . '</code></td><td>' . $example . '</td><td>' . $property['description'] . '</td></tr>';
// check if we should load the value
$value = self::getValueFromXMLstring($xml, $property['name'], $confirmation);
// check if this is a php field
$addPHP = false;
if (strpos($property['name'], 'type_php') !== false)
$addPHP = true;
// set the line number
$phpLine = (int) preg_replace('/[^0-9]/', '', $property['name']);
// set the key
$phpKey = trim(preg_replace('/[0-9]+/', '', $property['name']), '_');
// start array if not already set
if (!isset($field['php'][$phpKey]))
$field['php'][$phpKey] = array();
$field['php'][$phpKey]['value'] = array();
$field['php'][$phpKey]['desc'] = $property['description'];
// start tracker
$phpTracker[$phpKey] = 1;
// was the settings for the property passed
if(self::checkArray($settings) && isset($settings[$property['name']]))
// add the xml values
$field['values'] .= PHP_EOL . "\t" . $property['name'] . '="'. $settings[$property['name']] . '" ';
// add the json values
if ($addPHP)
$field['php'][$phpKey]['value'][$phpLine] = $settings[$property['name']];
$field['subform']['properties'.$nr] = array('name' => $property['name'], 'value' => $settings[$property['name']], 'desc' => $property['description']);
elseif (!$xml || $confirmation !== $value)
// add the xml values
$field['values'] .= PHP_EOL."\t" . $property['name'] . '="' . ($confirmation !== $value) ? $value : $example .'" ';
// add the json values
if ($addPHP)
$field['php'][$phpKey]['value'][$phpLine] = ($confirmation !== $value) ? $value : $example;
$field['subform']['properties' . $nr] = array('name' => $property['name'], 'value' => ($confirmation !== $value) ? $value : $example, 'desc' => $property['description']);
// add the name List Options
if (!$addPHP)
$field['nameListOptions'][$property['name']] = $property['name'];
// increment the number
// check if all php is loaded using the tracker
if (self::checkString($xml) && isset($phpTracker) && self::checkArray($phpTracker))
foreach ($phpTracker as $phpKey => $start)
if ($start < 30)
// we must search for more code in the xml just incase
foreach(range(2, 30) as $t_nr)
$get_ = $phpKey . '_' . $t_nr;
if (!isset($field['php'][$phpKey]['value'][$t_nr]) && ($value = self::getValueFromXMLstring($xml, $get_, $confirmation)) !== $confirmation)
$field['php'][$phpKey]['value'][$t_nr] = $value;
$field['values'] .= PHP_EOL . "/>";
$field['values_description'] .= '</tbody></table>';
// load the database defaults if set and wanted
if ($db_defaults && isset($result->has_defaults) && $result->has_defaults == 1)
$field['database'] = array(
'datatype' => $result->datatype,
'datadefault' => $result->datadefault,
'datadefault_other' => $result->datadefault_other,
'datalenght' => $result->datalenght,
'datalenght_other' => $result->datalenght_other,
'indexes' => $result->indexes,
'null_switch' => $result->null_switch,
'store' => $result->store
// return found field options
return $field;
return false;
public static function getValueFromXMLstring(&$xml, &$get, $confirmation = '')
if (self::checkString($xml))
// if we have a PHP value, we must base64 decode it
if (strpos($get, 'type_php') !== false)
return self::openValidBase64(self::getBetween($xml, $get.'="', '"', $confirmation));
return self::getBetween($xml, $get . '="', '"', $confirmation);
return $confirmation;
* get field types properties
* @return array on success
public static function getFieldTypesProperties($targets = array(), $filter = array(), $exclude = array(), $type = 'id', $operator = 'IN')
// Get a db connection.
$db = JFactory::getDbo();
// Create a new query object.
$query = $db->getQuery(true);
$query->where($db->quoteName('published') . ' = 1');
// make sure we have ids (or get all)
if ('IN_STRINGS' === $operator || 'NOT IN_STRINGS' === $operator)
$query->where($db->quoteName($type) . ' ' . str_replace('_STRINGS', '', $operator) . ' ("' . implode('","',$targets) . '")');
$query->where($db->quoteName($type) . ' ' . $operator . ' (' . implode(',',$targets) . ')');
// Reset the query using our newly populated query object.
if ($db->getNumRows())
$_types = array();
$_properties = array();
$types = $db->loadObjectList('id');
foreach ($types as $id => $type)
$properties = json_decode($type->properties);
foreach ($properties as $property)
if (!isset($_types[$id]))
$_types[$id] = array();
// add if no objection is found
$add = true;
// check if we have exclude
if (self::checkArray($exclude) && in_array($property->name, $exclude))
// check if we have filter
if (self::checkArray($filter))
foreach($filter as $key => $val)
if (!isset($property->$key) || $property->$key != $val)
$add = false;
// now add the property
if ($add)
$_types[$id][$property->name] = array('name' => ucfirst($property->name), 'example' => $property->example, 'description' => $property->description);
// set mandatory
if (isset($property->mandatory) && $property->mandatory == 1)
$_types[$id][$property->name]['mandatory'] = true;
$_types[$id][$property->name]['mandatory'] = false;
// set translatable
if (isset($property->translatable) && $property->translatable == 1)
$_types[$id][$property->name]['translatable'] = true;
$_types[$id][$property->name]['translatable'] = false;
$_properties[$property->name] = $_types[$id][$property->name]['name'];
// return found types & properties
return array('types' => $_types, 'properties' => $_properties);
return false;
* The zipper method
* @param string $workingDIR The directory where the items must be zipped
* @param string $filepath The path to where the zip file must be placed
* @return bool true On success
public static function zip($workingDIR, &$filepath)
// store the current joomla working directory
$joomla = getcwd();
// we are changing the working directory to the component temp folder
// the full file path of the zip file
$filepath = JPath::clean($filepath);
// delete an existing zip file (or use an exclusion parameter in JFolder::files()
// get a list of files in the current directory tree
$files = JFolder::files('.', '', true, true);
$zipArray = array();
// setup the zip array
foreach ($files as $file)
$tmp = array();
$tmp['name'] = str_replace('./', '', $file);
$tmp['data'] = JFile::read($file);
$tmp['time'] = filemtime($file);
$zipArray[] = $tmp;
// change back to joomla working directory
// get the zip adapter
$zip = JArchive::getAdapter('zip');
//create the zip file
if ($zip->create($filepath, $zipArray))
return true;
return false;
* Write a file to the server
* @param string $path The path and file name where to safe the data
* @param string $data The data to safe
* @return bool true On success
public static function writeFile($path, $data)
$klaar = false;
if (self::checkString($data))
// open the file
$fh = fopen($path, "w");
if (!is_resource($fh))
return $klaar;
// write to the file
if (fwrite($fh, $data))
// has been done
$klaar = true;
// close file.
return $klaar;
* Remove folders with files
* @param string $dir The path to folder to remove
* @param boolean $ignore The folders and files to ignore and not remove
* @return boolean True in all is removed
public static function removeFolder($dir, $ignore = false)
if (JFolder::exists($dir))
$it = new RecursiveDirectoryIterator($dir);
$it = new RecursiveIteratorIterator($it, RecursiveIteratorIterator::CHILD_FIRST);
// remove ending /
$dir = rtrim($dir, '/');
// now loop the files & folders
foreach ($it as $file)
if ('.' === $file->getBasename() || '..' === $file->getBasename()) continue;
// set file dir
$file_dir = $file->getPathname();
// check if this is a dir or a file
if ($file->isDir())
$keeper = false;
if (self::checkArray($ignore))
foreach ($ignore as $keep)
if (strpos($file_dir, $dir.'/'.$keep) !== false)
$keeper = true;
if ($keeper)
$keeper = false;
if (self::checkArray($ignore))
foreach ($ignore as $keep)
if (strpos($file_dir, $dir.'/'.$keep) !== false)
$keeper = true;
if ($keeper)
// delete the root folder if not ignore found
if (!self::checkArray($ignore))
return JFolder::delete($dir);
return true;
return false;
* The github access token
protected static $gitHubAccessToken = "";
* The github repo get data errors
public static $githubRepoDataErrors = array();
* get the github repo file list
* @return array on success
public static function getGithubRepoFileList($type, $target)
// get the repo data
if (($repoData = self::getGithubRepoData($type, $target, 'tree')) !== false)
return $repoData->tree;
return false;
* get the github repo file list
* @return array on success
public static function getGithubRepoData($type, $url, $target = null, $return_type = 'object')
// always reset errors per/request
self::$githubRepoDataErrors = array();
// get the current Packages (public)
if ('nomemory' === $type || !$repoData = self::get($type))
// add the token if not already added
$_url = self::setGithubToken($url);
// check if the url exist
if (self::urlExists($_url))
// get the data from github
if (($repoData = self::getFileContents($_url)) !== false && self::checkJson($repoData))
$github_returned = json_decode($repoData);
if (self::checkString($target) &&
( (self::checkObject($github_returned) && isset($github_returned->{$target}) && self::checkArray($github_returned->{$target})) ||
(self::checkArray($github_returned) && isset($github_returned[$target]) && self::checkArray($github_returned[$target])) ))
if ('nomemory' !== $type)
// remember to set it
self::set($type, $repoData);
elseif (!self::checkString($target) && (self::checkArray($github_returned) || (self::checkObject($github_returned) && !isset($github_returned->message))))
if ('nomemory' !== $type)
// remember to set it
self::set($type, $repoData);
// check if we have error message from github
elseif (($errorMessage = self::githubErrorHandeler(array('error' => null), $github_returned, $type)) !== false)
if (isset($errorMessage['error']) && self::checkString($errorMessage['error']))
// set the error in the application
JFactory::getApplication()->enqueueMessage($errorMessage['error'], 'Error');
// set the error also in the class encase it is and Ajax call
self::$githubRepoDataErrors[] = $errorMessage['error'];
return false;
elseif (self::checkString($target))
// setup error string
// set the error in the application
JFactory::getApplication()->enqueueMessage($error, 'Error');
// set the error also in the class encase it is and Ajax call
self::$githubRepoDataErrors[] = $error;
// we are done here
return false;
elseif ('nomemory' !== $type)
// setup error string
// set the error in the application
JFactory::getApplication()->enqueueMessage($error, 'Error');
// set the error also in the class encase it is and Ajax call
self::$githubRepoDataErrors[] = $error;
// we are done here
return false;
// setup error string
// set the error in the application
JFactory::getApplication()->enqueueMessage($error, 'Error');
// set the error also in the class encase it is and Ajax call
self::$githubRepoDataErrors[] = $error;
// we are done here
return false;
// setup error string
// set the error in the application
JFactory::getApplication()->enqueueMessage($error, 'Error');
// set the error also in the class encase it is and Ajax call
self::$githubRepoDataErrors[] = $error;
// we are done here
return false;
// setup error string
// set the error in the application
JFactory::getApplication()->enqueueMessage($error, 'Error');
// set the error also in the class encase it is and Ajax call
self::$githubRepoDataErrors[] = $error;
// we are done here
return false;
// check if we could find packages
if (isset($repoData) && self::checkJson($repoData))
if ('object' === $return_type)
return json_decode($repoData);
elseif ('array' === $return_type)
return json_decode($repoData, true);
return $repoData;
return false;
* get the github error messages
* @return array of errors on success
protected static function githubErrorHandeler($message, &$github, $type)
if (self::checkObject($github) && isset($github->message) && self::checkString($github->message))
// set the message
$errorMessage = $github->message;
// add the documentation URL
if (isset($github->documentation_url) && self::checkString($github->documentation_url))
$errorMessage = $errorMessage . '<br />' . $github->documentation_url;
// check the message
if (strpos($errorMessage, 'Authenticated') !== false)
if ('nomemory' === $type)
$type = 'data';
// add little more help if it is an access token issue
// set error notice
$message['error'] = $errorMessage;
// we have error message
return $message;
return |