* @github Joomla Members Manager * @copyright Copyright (C) 2015. All Rights Reserved * @license GNU/GPL Version 2 or later - http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-2.0.html */ // No direct access to this file defined('_JEXEC') or die('Restricted access'); jimport('joomla.application.component.helper'); /** * Membersmanager Ajax Model */ class MembersmanagerModelAjax extends JModelList { protected $app_params; public function __construct() { parent::__construct(); // get params $this->app_params = JComponentHelper::getParams('com_membersmanager'); } // Used in member // allowed views protected $allowedViews = array('member'); // allowed targets protected $targets = array('profile'); // allowed types protected $types = array('image' => 'image'); public function getUserDetails($user) { //first we check if this is an allowed query $view = $this->getViewID(); if (isset($view['a_view']) && in_array($view['a_view'], $this->allowedViews)) { // since the connected member user can not be changed, check if this member has a user value set if (isset($view['a_id']) && $view['a_id'] > 0 && ($alreadyUser = MembersmanagerHelper::getVar($view['a_view'], $view['a_id'], 'id', 'user')) !== false && is_numeric($alreadyUser) && $alreadyUser > 0 && $user != $alreadyUser) { return false; } // return user details $user = JFactory::getUser($user); return array( 'name' => $user->name, 'username' => $user->username, 'useremail' => $user->email ); } return false; } // get placeholder header if available public function getPlaceHolderHeaders($component) { if ('com_membersmanager' === $component || 'com_corecomponent' === $component) { // just return the core placeholders return JText::_('COM_MEMBERSMANAGER_CORE_PLACEHOLDERS'); } return MembersmanagerHelper::getComponentName($component); } // get chart image link public function getChartImageLink($image) { $view = $this->getViewID(); // make sure we are in the (allowed) view if (isset($view['a_view']) && ($view['a_view'] === 'compose' || $view['a_view'] === 'profile')) { // build image name $imageName = md5($image . 'jnst_f0r_dumm!es'); // build image data $image = explode('base64,', $image); unset($image[0]); $image = str_replace(' ', '+', implode('', $image)); // validate Base64 if (($image = MembersmanagerHelper::openValidBase64($image, null, false)) !== false) { // validate just png (for now) $png_binary_check = "\x89\x50\x4e\x47\x0d\x0a\x1a\x0a"; if (substr($image, 0, strlen($png_binary_check)) === $png_binary_check) { // build image path $imagepath = MembersmanagerHelper::getFolderPath('path', 'chartpath') . $imageName . '.png'; // now write the file if not exists if (file_exists($imagepath) || MembersmanagerHelper::writeFile($imagepath, $image)) { // build and return image link return array('link' => MembersmanagerHelper::getFolderPath('url', 'chartpath') . $imageName . '.png'); } } } } return false; } // set some buckets protected $target; protected $targetType; protected $formatType; // set some defaults protected $formats = array( 'image_formats' => array( 1 => 'jpg', 2 => 'jpeg', 3 => 'gif', 4 => 'png'), 'document_formats' => array( 1 => 'doc', 2 => 'docx', 3 => 'odt', 4 => 'pdf', 5 => 'csv', 6 => 'xls', 7 => 'xlsx', 8 => 'ods', 9 => 'ppt', 10 => 'pptx', 11 => 'pps', 12 => 'ppsx', 13 => 'odp', 14 => 'zip'), 'media_formats' => array( 1 => 'mp3', 2 => 'm4a', 3 => 'ogg', 4 => 'wav', 5 => 'mp4', 6 => 'm4v', 7 => 'mov', 8 => 'wmv', 9 => 'avi', 10 => 'mpg', 11 => 'ogv', 12 => '3gp', 13 => '3g2')); // file details protected $fileName; protected $folderPath; protected $fullPath; protected $fileFormat; // return error if upload fails protected $errorMessage; // set uploading values protected $use_streams = false; protected $allow_unsafe = false; protected $safeFileOptions = array(); public function uploadfile($target, $type) { // get the view values $view = $this->getViewID(); if (in_array($target, $this->targets) && isset($this->types[$type]) && isset($view['a_view']) && in_array($view['a_view'], $this->allowedViews)) { $this->target = (string) $target; $this->targetType = (string) $type; $this->formatType = (string) $this->types[$type]; if ($package = $this->_getPackageFromUpload()) { // now we move the file into place return $this->uploadNow($package, $view); } return array('error' => $this->errorMessage); } return array('error' => JText::_('COM_MEMBERSMANAGER_THERE_HAS_BEEN_AN_ERROR')); } protected function uploadNow($package, $view) { // set the package name to file name if found $name = $this->formatType; if (isset($package['packagename'])) { $name = MembersmanagerHelper::safeString(str_replace('.'.$this->fileFormat, '', $package['packagename']), 'filename', '_', false); } $this->fileName = $this->target.'_'.$this->targetType.'_'.$this->fileFormat.'_'.MembersmanagerHelper::randomkey(20).'VDM'.$name; // set the folder path if ($this->formatType === 'document' || $this->formatType === 'media') { // get the folder path $this->folderPath = MembersmanagerHelper::getFolderPath('path', 'hiddenfilepath'); } else { // get the file path $this->folderPath = MembersmanagerHelper::getFolderPath(); } // set full path to the file $this->fullPath = $this->folderPath . $this->fileName . '.' . $this->fileFormat; // move to target folder if (JFile::move($package['dir'], $this->fullPath)) { // do crop/resize if it is an image and cropping is set if ($this->formatType === 'image') { MembersmanagerHelper::resizeImage($this->fileName, $this->fileFormat, $this->target, $this->folderPath, $this->fullPath); } // Get the basic encryption. $basickey = MembersmanagerHelper::getCryptKey('basic'); $basic = null; // set link options $linkOptions = MembersmanagerHelper::getLinkOptions(); // set link options if ($basickey) { // Get the encryption object. $basic = new FOFEncryptAes($basickey, 128); } // when it is documents we need to give file name in base64 if ($this->formatType === 'document' || $this->formatType === 'media') { // store the name $keyName = $this->fileName; if (MembersmanagerHelper::checkObject($basic)) { // Get the encryption object. $localFile = MembersmanagerHelper::base64_urlencode($basic->encryptString($keyName)); } else { // can not get the encryption object so only base64 encode $localFile = MembersmanagerHelper::base64_urlencode($keyName, true); } } // check if we must update the current item if (isset($view['a_id']) && $view['a_id'] > 0 && isset($view['a_view'])) { $object = new stdClass(); $object->id = (int) $view['a_id']; if ($this->targetType === 'image' || $this->targetType === 'document') { if ($linkOptions['lock'] && MembersmanagerHelper::checkObject($basic)) { // Get the encryption object. $object->{$this->target.'_'.$this->targetType} = $basic->encryptString($this->fileName); } else { // can not get the encryption object. $object->{$this->target.'_'.$this->targetType} = $this->fileName; } } elseif ($this->targetType === 'images' || $this->targetType === 'documents' || $this->targetType === 'media') { $this->fileName = $this->setFileNameArray('add', $basic, $view); if ($linkOptions['lock'] && MembersmanagerHelper::checkObject($basic)) { // Get the encryption object. $object->{$this->target.'_'.$this->targetType} = $basic->encryptString($this->fileName); } else { // can not get the encryption object. $object->{$this->target.'_'.$this->targetType} = $this->fileName; } } JFactory::getDbo()->updateObject('#__membersmanager_'.$view['a_view'], $object, 'id'); } elseif ($this->targetType === 'images' || $this->targetType === 'documents' || $this->targetType === 'media') { $this->fileName = array($this->fileName); $this->fileName = '["'.implode('", "', $this->fileName).'"]'; } // set the results $result = array('success' => $this->fileName, 'fileformat' => $this->fileFormat); // add some more values if document format type if ($this->formatType === 'document' || $this->formatType === 'media') { $tokenLink = ''; if ($linkOptions['lock'] == 0) { $localFile = MembersmanagerHelper::base64_urlencode($keyName, true); } if ($linkOptions['session']) { $tokenLink = '&token=' . JSession::getFormToken(); } // if document if ($this->formatType === 'document') { $result['link'] = 'index.php?option=com_membersmanager&task=download.document&file=' . $localFile . $tokenLink; } // if media elseif ($this->formatType === 'media') { $result['link'] = 'index.php?option=com_membersmanager&task=download.media&file=' . $localFile . $tokenLink; } $result['key'] = $keyName; } return $result; } $this->remove($package['packagename']); return array('error' => JText::_('COM_MEMBERSMANAGER_THERE_HAS_BEEN_AN_ERROR')); } public function removeFile($oldFile, $target, $clearDB, $type) { // get view values $view = $this->getViewID(); if (in_array($target, $this->targets) && isset($this->types[$type]) && isset($view['a_view']) && in_array($view['a_view'], $this->allowedViews)) { $this->target = (string) $target; $this->targetType = (string) $type; $this->formatType = (string) $this->types[$type]; $this->fileName = (string) $oldFile; if (isset($view['a_id']) && $view['a_id'] > 0 && isset($view['a_view'])) { // get user to see if he has permission to upload $user = JFactory::getUser(); if (!$user->authorise($view['a_view'].'.edit.'.$this->target.'_'.$this->targetType, 'com_membersmanager')) { return array('error' => JText::_('COM_MEMBERSMANAGER_YOU_DO_NOT_HAVE_PERMISSION_TO_REMOVE_THIS_FILE')); } } if ($this->formatType === 'document' || $this->formatType === 'media') { // get the file path $this->folderPath = MembersmanagerHelper::getFolderPath('path', 'hiddenfilepath'); } else { // get the file path $this->folderPath = MembersmanagerHelper::getFolderPath(); } // remove from the db if there is an id if ($clearDB == 1 && isset($view['a_id']) && $view['a_id'] > 0 && isset($view['a_view']) && in_array($view['a_view'], $this->allowedViews)) { $object = new stdClass(); $object->id = (int) $view['a_id']; if ($this->targetType === 'image' || $this->targetType === 'document') { $object->{$this->target.'_'.$this->targetType} = ''; JFactory::getDbo()->updateObject('#__membersmanager_'.$view['a_view'], $object, 'id'); } elseif ($this->targetType === 'images' || $this->targetType === 'documents' || $this->targetType === 'media') { // Get the basic encription. $basickey = MembersmanagerHelper::getCryptKey('basic'); $basic = null; // set link options $linkOptions = MembersmanagerHelper::getLinkOptions(); if ($linkOptions['lock'] && $basickey) { // Get the encryption object. $basic = new FOFEncryptAes($basickey, 128); } $fileNameArray = $this->setFileNameArray('remove', $basic, $view); if ($linkOptions['lock'] && MembersmanagerHelper::checkObject($basic)) { // Get the encryption object. $object->{$this->target.'_'.$this->targetType} = $basic->encryptString($fileNameArray); } else { // can not get the encryption object. $object->{$this->target.'_'.$this->targetType} = $fileNameArray; } JFactory::getDbo()->updateObject('#__membersmanager_'.$view['a_view'], $object, 'id'); } } // load the file class jimport('joomla.filesystem.file'); // remove file with this filename $fileFormats = $this->formats[$this->formatType .'_formats']; foreach ($fileFormats as $fileFormat) { if (JFile::exists($this->folderPath . $this->fileName . '.' . $fileFormat)) { // remove the file return JFile::delete($this->folderPath . $this->fileName . '.' . $fileFormat); } } } return array('error' => JText::_('COM_MEMBERSMANAGER_THERE_HAS_BEEN_AN_ERROR')); } protected function setFileNameArray($action, $basic, $view) { $curentFiles = MembersmanagerHelper::getVar($view['a_view'], $view['a_id'], 'id', $this->target.'_'.$this->targetType); // unlock if needed if ($basic && $curentFiles === base64_encode(base64_decode($curentFiles, true))) { // basic decrypt data banner_image. $curentFiles = rtrim($basic->decryptString($curentFiles), "\0"); } // convert to array if needed if (MembersmanagerHelper::checkJson($curentFiles)) { $curentFiles = json_decode($curentFiles, true); } // remove or add the file name if (MembersmanagerHelper::checkArray($curentFiles)) { if ('add' === $action) { $curentFiles[] = $this->fileName; } else { if(($key = array_search($this->fileName, $curentFiles)) !== false) { unset($curentFiles[$key]); } } } elseif ('add' === $action) { $curentFiles = array($this->fileName); } else { $curentFiles = ''; } // convert to json if (MembersmanagerHelper::checkArray($curentFiles)) { return '["'.implode('", "', $curentFiles).'"]'; } return ''; } /** * Works out an importation file from a HTTP upload * * @return file definition or false on failure */ protected function _getPackageFromUpload() { // Get the uploaded file information $app = JFactory::getApplication(); $input = $app->input; // See JInputFiles::get. $userfiles = $input->files->get('files', null, 'array'); // Make sure that file uploads are enabled in php if (!(bool) ini_get('file_uploads')) { $this->errorMessage = JText::_('COM_MEMBERSMANAGER_WARNING_IMPORT_FILE_ERROR'); return false; } // get the files from array $userfile = null; if (is_array($userfiles)) { $userfile = array_values($userfiles)[0]; } // If there is no uploaded file, we have a problem... if (!is_array($userfile)) { $this->errorMessage = JText::_('COM_MEMBERSMANAGER_NO_IMPORT_FILE_SELECTED'); return false; } // Check if there was a problem uploading the file. if ($userfile['error'] || $userfile['size'] < 1) { $this->errorMessage = JText::_('COM_MEMBERSMANAGER_WARNING_IMPORT_UPLOAD_ERROR'); return false; } // Build the appropriate paths $config = JFactory::getConfig(); $tmp_dest = $config->get('tmp_path') . '/' . $userfile['name']; $tmp_src = $userfile['tmp_name']; // Move uploaded file jimport('joomla.filesystem.file'); jimport('joomla.filesystem.folder'); $p_file = JFile::upload($tmp_src, $tmp_dest, $this->use_streams, $this->allow_unsafe, $this->safeFileOptions); // Was the package downloaded? if (!$p_file) { $session = JFactory::getSession(); $session->clear('package'); $session->clear('dataType'); $session->clear('hasPackage'); $this->errorMessage = JText::_('COM_MEMBERSMANAGER_COULD_NOT_UPLOAD_THE_FILE'); // was not uploaded return false; } // check that this is a valid file $package = $this->check($userfile['name']); return $package; } /** * Check a file and verifies it as a allowed file format file * * @param string $archivename The uploaded package filename or import directory * * @return array of elements * */ protected function check($archivename) { // Clean the name $archivename = JPath::clean($archivename); // get file format $this->fileFormat = strtolower(pathinfo($archivename, PATHINFO_EXTENSION)); // get fileFormat key $allowedFormats = array(); if (in_array($this->fileFormat, $this->formats[$this->formatType .'_formats'])) { // get allowed formats $allowedFormats = (array) $this->app_params->get($this->formatType.'_formats', null); } // check the extension if (!in_array($this->fileFormat, $allowedFormats)) { // Cleanup the import files $this->remove($archivename); $this->errorMessage = JText::_('COM_MEMBERSMANAGER_DOES_NOT_HAVE_A_VALID_FILE_TYPE'); return false; } // check permission if user $view = $this->getViewID(); if (isset($view['a_id']) && $view['a_id'] > 0 && isset($view['a_view']) && in_array($view['a_view'], $this->allowedViews)) { // get user to see if he has permission to upload $user = JFactory::getUser(); if (!$user->authorise($view['a_view'].'.edit.'.$this->target.'_'.$this->targetType, 'com_membersmanager')) { // Cleanup the import files $this->remove($archivename); $this->errorMessage = JText::_('COM_MEMBERSMANAGER_YOU_DO_NOT_HAVE_PERMISSION_TO_UPLOAD_AN'.$this->targetType); return false; } } $config = JFactory::getConfig(); // set Package Name $check['packagename'] = $archivename; // set directory $check['dir'] = $config->get('tmp_path'). '/' .$archivename; return $check; } /** * Clean up temporary uploaded file * * @param string $package Name of the uploaded file * * @return boolean True on success * */ protected function remove($package) { jimport('joomla.filesystem.file'); $config = JFactory::getConfig(); $package = $config->get('tmp_path'). '/' .$package; // Is the package file a valid file? if (is_file($package)) { JFile::delete($package); } elseif (is_file(JPath::clean($package))) { // It might also be just a base filename JFile::delete(JPath::clean($package)); } } protected $viewid = array(); protected function getViewID($call = 'table') { if (!isset($this->viewid[$call])) { // get the vdm key $jinput = JFactory::getApplication()->input; $vdm = $jinput->get('vdm', null, 'WORD'); if ($vdm) { // set view and id if ($view = MembersmanagerHelper::get($vdm)) { $current = (array) explode('__', $view); if (MembersmanagerHelper::checkString($current[0]) && isset($current[1]) && is_numeric($current[1])) { // get the view name & id $this->viewid[$call] = array( 'a_id' => (int) $current[1], 'a_view' => $current[0] ); } } // set return if found if ($return = MembersmanagerHelper::get($vdm . '__return')) { if (MembersmanagerHelper::checkString($return)) { $this->viewid[$call]['a_return'] = $return; } } } } if (isset($this->viewid[$call])) { return $this->viewid[$call]; } return false; } public function checkUnique($field, $value) { // split at upper case $valueArray = (array) preg_split('/(?=[A-Z])/', trim($value), -1, PREG_SPLIT_NO_EMPTY); // make string safe $value = MembersmanagerHelper::safeString(trim(implode(' ', $valueArray), '-'), 'L', '-', false, false); // get table and current ID $view = $this->getViewID(); // check if it is unique if (MembersmanagerHelper::checkUnique($view['a_id'], $field, $value, $view['a_view'])) { return array ( 'value' => $value, 'message' => JText::sprintf('COM_MEMBERSMANAGER_GREAT_SS_IS_AVAILABLE', $field, $value), 'status' => 'success'); } return array ( 'message' => JText::sprintf('COM_MEMBERSMANAGER_BSB_IS_ALREADY_IN_USE_PLEASE_TRY_ANOTHER', $value), 'status' => 'danger'); } /** * get any placeholder * * @param string $getType Name get type * * @return string The html string of placeholders * */ public function getAnyPlaceHolders($getType) { // check if we should add a header if (method_exists(__CLASS__, 'getPlaceHolderHeaders') && ($string = $this->getPlaceHolderHeaders($getType)) !== false) { $string = JText::_($string) . ' '; $header = '

' . $string . '

'; } else { $string = ''; $header = ''; } // get the core component helper class & get placeholders if (($helperClass = MembersmanagerHelper::getHelperClass('membersmanager')) !== false && ($placeholders = $helperClass::getAnyPlaceHolders($getType)) !== false) { return '
' . $header . '' . implode(' ', $placeholders) . '
'; } // not found return '


'; } /** * get the placeholder * * @param string $getType Name get type * * @return string The html string of placeholders * */ public function getPlaceHolders($getType) { // check if we should add a header if (method_exists(__CLASS__, 'getPlaceHolderHeaders') && ($string = $this->getPlaceHolderHeaders($getType)) !== false) { $string = JText::_($string) . ' '; $header = '

' . $string . '

'; } else { $string = ''; $header = ''; } // get placeholders if ($placeholders = MembersmanagerHelper::getPlaceHolders($getType)) { return '
' . $header . '' . implode(' ', $placeholders) . '
'; } // not found return '


'; } // Used in cpanel public function searchMembers($search) { // get user $user = JFactory::getUser(); // get the session details $view = $this->getViewID(); if (isset($view['a_id']) && $view['a_id'] > 0 && $user->id == $view['a_id']) { // start building the result set $result = array(); // get the members $members = $this->getMembers($search, $user); // make sure we have some member values if (MembersmanagerHelper::checkArray($members)) { $result[] = ''; } else { $result[] = '


'; } return implode("\n", $result); } return false; } protected function getMembers($search, $user) { // get members from DB $this->searching($search, $user, $members, 1); // make sure we have members if (MembersmanagerHelper::checkArray($members)) { // only sort if not email search if (strpos($search, '@') === false) { // little sorter based on name usort($members, function ($a, $b) use($search) { // first check if this is a name with space (basically hen name and surname is in one field = name) $length = strlen($search); $evalue = substr($a->name, 0, $length) == $search; $fvalue = substr($b->name, 0, $length) == $search; // if not found if (!$evalue && !$fvalue) { // best break up the string and search for each word $searchArray = (array) preg_split('/\s+/', $search); $name = array_shift($searchArray); $length = strlen($name); $avalue = substr($a->name, 0, $length) == $name; $bvalue = substr($b->name, 0, $length) == $name; // if the name is the same, use the surname (works only if second string is surname) if ($avalue == $bvalue) { if (MembersmanagerHelper::checkArray($searchArray)) { // make sure we have surnames if (MembersmanagerHelper::checkString($a->surname) && MembersmanagerHelper::checkString($b->surname) ) { $surname = implode(' ', $searchArray); $length = strlen($surname); $cvalue = substr($a->surname, 0, $length) == $surname; $dvalue = substr($b->surname, 0, $length) == $surname; // if the surname is the same if ($cvalue == $dvalue) return strcmp($a->surname, $b->surname); /*else*/ if ($cvalue) return -1; if ($dvalue) return 1; } // try for longer name else { $name = implode(' ', $searchArray); $length = strlen($name); $cvalue = substr($a->name, 0, $length) == $name; $dvalue = substr($b->name, 0, $length) == $name; // if the surname is the same if ($cvalue == $dvalue) return strcmp($a->name, $b->name); /*else*/ if ($cvalue) return -1; if ($dvalue) return 1; } } return strcmp($a->name, $b->name); } /*else*/ if ($avalue) return -1; if ($bvalue) return 1; } else { /*else*/ if ($evalue) return -1; if ($fvalue) return 1; } }); } return (array) array_map( function ($member){ // build the details $slug = (isset($member->token)) ? $member->id . ':' . $member->token : $member->id; $profile_uri = MembersmanagerHelperRoute::getProfileRoute($slug); $profile_link = JRoute::_($profile_uri); $name = (isset($member->user_name) && MembersmanagerHelper::checkString($member->user_name)) ? $member->user_name : $member->name; $surname = (isset($member->surname) && MembersmanagerHelper::checkString($member->surname)) ? ' ' . $member->surname : ''; $email = (isset($member->user_email) && MembersmanagerHelper::checkString($member->user_email)) ? $member->user_email : $member->email; // build the link to the member return '' . $name . $surname . ' ' . $email . ' (' . $member->token . ') ' . MembersmanagerHelper::getEditButton($member, 'member', 'members', '&return=' . urlencode(base64_encode($profile_uri)), 'com_membersmanager', null); }, $members); } return false; } protected function searching($search, $user, &$members, $action) { // Create a new query object. $db = JFactory::getDBO(); $query = $db->getQuery(true); // Select some fields $query->select($db->quoteName(array('a.id','a.name','a.email','a.token','a.type','a.surname'),array('id','name','email','token','type','surname'))); // From the membersmanager_item table $query->from($db->quoteName('#__membersmanager_member', 'a')); // From the users table. $query->select($db->quoteName(array('g.name','g.email'),array('user_name','user_email'))); $query->join('LEFT', $db->quoteName('#__users', 'g') . ' ON (' . $db->quoteName('a.user') . ' = ' . $db->quoteName('g.id') . ')'); // Filter by published state always (for now) $query->where('a.published = 1'); // Implement View Level Access if (!$user->authorise('core.options', 'com_membersmanager')) { // Join over the asset groups. $query->join('LEFT', '#__viewlevels AS ag ON ag.id = a.access'); $groups = implode(',', $user->getAuthorisedViewLevels()); $query->where('a.access IN (' . $groups . ')'); } // if we aready have members, stop them from being queried again if (MembersmanagerHelper::checkArray($members)) { $ids = (array) array_map( function ($member){ // return idies return $member->id; }, $members); // remove the members already loaded $query->where('a.id NOT IN (' . implode(',', $ids) . ')'); } // check if they are searching for an id if (stripos($search, 'id:') === 0) { $query->where('a.id = ' . (int) substr($search, 3)); } else { // best break up the string and search for each word $searchArray = (array) preg_split('/\s+/', $search); // start search bucket $searchBucket = array(); // try to get it only if (1 == $action) { if (strpos($search, '@') !== false) { foreach ($searchArray as $i => $searchString) { $searchReady = $db->quote('%' . $db->escape($searchString) . '%'); // only if string hints to be an email if (strpos($searchString, '@') !== false) { $searchBucket[] = 'g.email LIKE ' . $searchReady; $searchBucket[] = 'a.email LIKE ' . $searchReady; // remove from array since it was an email unset($searchArray[$i]); break; } } } // not email with more then one word if (count($searchArray) >= 2) { // get the name $searchBucket[] = 'a.name LIKE ' . $db->quote('%' . $db->escape(array_shift($searchArray)) . '%'); $searchBucket[] = 'a.surname LIKE ' . $db->quote('%' . $db->escape( implode(' ', $searchArray) ) . '%'); } // one word, so else { $searchReady = $db->quote('%' . $db->escape($search) . '%'); $searchBucket[] = 'a.name LIKE ' . $searchReady; $searchBucket[] = 'a.surname LIKE ' . $searchReady; } } elseif (2 == $action) { if (strpos($search, '@') !== false) { foreach ($searchArray as $i => $searchString) { // only if string hints to be an email if (strpos($searchString, '@') !== false) { // remove from array since it was an email unset($searchArray[$i]); break; } } } // not email with more then one word if (count($searchArray) >= 2) { // get the name $searchBucket[] = 'g.name LIKE ' . $db->quote('%' . $db->escape(array_shift($searchArray)) . '%'); $searchBucket[] = 'a.surname LIKE ' . $db->quote('%' . $db->escape( implode(' ', $searchArray) ) . '%'); } // one word, so else { $searchReady = $db->quote('%' . $db->escape($search) . '%'); $searchBucket[] = 'g.name LIKE ' . $searchReady; $searchBucket[] = 'a.surname LIKE ' . $searchReady; } } elseif (3 == $action) { if (strpos($search, '@') !== false) { foreach ($searchArray as $i => $searchString) { // only if string hints to be an email if (strpos($searchString, '@') !== false) { // remove from array since it was an email unset($searchArray[$i]); break; } } } // not email with more then one word if (count($searchArray) >= 2) { // get by token $searchBucket[] = 'a.token LIKE ' . $db->quote('%' . $db->escape( implode(' ', $searchArray) ) . '%'); } // one word, so else { $searchReady = $db->quote('%' . $db->escape($search) . '%'); $searchBucket[] = 'a.token LIKE ' . $searchReady; } } else { if (count($searchArray) > 1) { foreach ($searchArray as $i => $searchString) { $searchReady = $db->quote('%' . $db->escape($searchString) . '%'); // only if string hints to be an email if (strpos($searchString, '@') !== false) { $searchBucket[] = 'g.email LIKE ' . $searchReady; $searchBucket[] = 'a.email LIKE ' . $searchReady; // remove from array since it was an email unset($searchArray[$i]); } // only if string is longer then 3 characters elseif (strlen($searchString) > 3) { $searchBucket[] = 'a.name LIKE ' . $searchReady; $searchBucket[] = 'a.token LIKE ' . $searchReady; $searchBucket[] = 'a.surname LIKE ' . $searchReady; $searchBucket[] = 'g.name LIKE ' . $searchReady; // if this is the first string in array then remove since it is probably the name if ($i == 0) { unset($searchArray[$i]); } } } // load to surname as a whole if (MembersmanagerHelper::checkArray($searchArray)) { $searchBucket[] = 'a.surname LIKE ' . $db->quote('%' . $db->escape( implode(' ', $searchArray) ) . '%'); } } else { // the basic search $searchString = $db->quote('%' . $db->escape($search) . '%'); $searchBucket[] = 'g.name LIKE ' . $searchString; $searchBucket[] = 'g.username LIKE ' . $searchString; // only if string hints to be an email if (strpos($searchString, '@') !== false) { $searchBucket[] = 'g.email LIKE ' . $searchString; $searchBucket[] = 'a.email LIKE ' . $searchString; } $searchBucket[] = 'a.name LIKE ' . $searchString; $searchBucket[] = 'a.surname LIKE ' . $searchString; $searchBucket[] = 'a.token LIKE ' . $searchString; } } // load the search bucket $query->where('('. implode(' OR ', $searchBucket) . ')'); } // set query (to only get last 10) $db->setQuery($query, 0, 10); // get the members $_members = $db->loadObjectList(); // did we get any if (MembersmanagerHelper::checkArray($_members) && ($_members = $this->permissionFilter($_members, $user)) !== false) { // merger the data $members = MembersmanagerHelper::mergeArrays(array($_members, $members)); // if we have 8 or more we return if (count($members) >= 18) { return true; } } // increment $action++; // try again if ($action <= 4 ) { $this->searching($search, $user, $members, $action); } return false; } protected function permissionFilter($members, &$user) { // if system admin, return all found if ($user->authorise('core.options', 'com_membersmanager')) { return $members; } // filter by access type $type_access = MembersmanagerHelper::getAccess($user); // filter to only these access types if (MembersmanagerHelper::checkArray($type_access)) { // our little function to check if two arrays intersect on values $intersect = function ($a, $b) { $b = array_flip($b); foreach ($a as $v) { if (isset($b[$v])) return true; } return false; }; // the new bucket $member_bucket = array(); foreach ($members as $member) { // convert type json to array if (MembersmanagerHelper::checkJson($member->type)) { $member->type = json_decode($member->type, true); } // convert type int to array if (is_numeric($member->type) && $member->type > 0) { $member->type = array($member->type); } // now check intersection if (MembersmanagerHelper::checkArray($member->type) && $intersect($member->type, $type_access)) { $member_bucket[] = $member; } } // did we get any if (MembersmanagerHelper::checkArray($member_bucket)) { return $member_bucket; } } return false; } // Used in profile public function getReport($key) { // first we check if this is an allowed query $view = $this->getViewID(); if (isset($view['a_view']) && 'profile' === $view['a_view']) { // unlock the request if (($check = MembersmanagerHelper::unlock($key)) !== false && MembersmanagerHelper::checkArray($check) && isset($check['id']) && $check['id'] > 0 && isset($check['element']) && MembersmanagerHelper::checkString($check['element']) && isset($check['type']) && $check['type'] > 0 && isset($check['account']) && $check['account'] > 0) { // now check if this component is active to this member if (($html = MembersmanagerHelper::getReport($check['id'], $check['element'])) !== false && MembersmanagerHelper::checkString($html)) { return array('html' => $html); } } } return false; } public function getListMessages($key) { // first we check if this is an allowed query $view = $this->getViewID(); if (isset($view['a_view']) && 'profile' === $view['a_view']) { // unlock the request if (($check = MembersmanagerHelper::unlock($key)) !== false && MembersmanagerHelper::checkArray($check) && isset($check['id']) && $check['id'] > 0 && isset($check['return']) && MembersmanagerHelper::checkString($check['return'])) { // now check if this component is active to this member if (($html = MembersmanagerHelper::communicate('list_messages', $check['id'], $check['return'])) !== false && MembersmanagerHelper::checkString($html)) { return array('html' => $html); } } } return false; } }