* @github Joomla Members Manager * @copyright Copyright (C) 2015. All Rights Reserved * @license GNU/GPL Version 2 or later - http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-2.0.html */ // No direct access to this file defined('_JEXEC') or die('Restricted access'); use Joomla\CMS\Language\Language; use Joomla\Registry\Registry; use Joomla\String\StringHelper; use Joomla\Utilities\ArrayHelper; use PhpOffice\PhpSpreadsheet\IOFactory; use PhpOffice\PhpSpreadsheet\Spreadsheet; use PhpOffice\PhpSpreadsheet\Writer\Xlsx; /** * Membersmanager component helper. */ abstract class MembersmanagerHelper { /** * Composer Switch * * @var array */ protected static $composer = array(); /** * The Main Active Language * * @var string */ public static $langTag; /** * The Global Admin Event Method. **/ public static function globalEvent($document) { // the Session keeps track of all data related to the current session of this user self::loadSession(); } /** * the params **/ protected static $params; /** * the button names **/ protected static $buttonNames = array(); /** * the opener **/ protected static $opener; /** * the return here path **/ protected static $return_here; /** * Get selection based on type * * @param string $table The main table to select * @param string $method The type of values to return * @param string $filter The kind of filter (to return only values required) * @param object $db The database object * * @return array * */ protected static function getSelection($table = 'member', $method = 'placeholder', $filter = 'none', $db = null) { // get the global settings if (!self::checkObject(self::$params)) { self::$params = JComponentHelper::getParams('com_membersmanager'); } // prep for placeholders $f = ''; $b = ''; if ('placeholder' === $method) { // get the placeholder prefix $prefix = self::$params->get('placeholder_prefix', 'membersmanager'); $f = '[' . $prefix . '_'; $b = ']'; } // get charts if ('chart' !== $filter && 'field' !== $filter && method_exists(__CLASS__, 'getAnyAvailableCharts') && method_exists(__CLASS__, 'getAllComponents')) { if (($components = self::getAllComponents(null, array('Assessment'))) !== false && self::checkArray($components)) { // Chart Target Types $targets = array(2,3); // load per component foreach ($targets as $target) { foreach ($components as $component) { if (($data = self::getAnyAvailableCharts(null, $target, $component->element)) !== false && self::checkArray($data)) { $com = str_replace('com_', '', $component->element); foreach ($data as $key => $chartData) { $charts[$key . '\^/' . $component->element . '\^/' . $target] = $com . '_' . $key; } } } } } } // only get what we need if ('email' === $filter || 'report' === $filter) { // check if we have the DB object if (!self::checkObject($db)) { // get the database object $db = JFactory::getDBO(); } // get the database columns of this table $columns = $db->getTableColumns("#__membersmanager_" . $table, false); // always remove these $remove = array('asset_id', 'checked_out', 'checked_out_time'); // remove foreach ($remove as $key) { unset($columns[$key]); } // prep the columns $columns = array_keys($columns); } // check if we have columns if (isset($columns) && self::checkArray($columns)) { // convert the columns for query selection $selection = array(); foreach ($columns as $column) { $selection['a.' . $column] = $f . $column . $b; // we must add the params if ('profile' !== $filter && 'field' !== $filter) { // set the label for these fields $selection['setLabel->' . $column] = $f . 'label_' . $column . $b; } } // needed values if ('member' === $table) { // set names and emails $selection['setMemberName:id|user|name|surname'] = $f . 'name' . $b; $selection['setMemberEmail:id|user|email'] = $f . 'email' . $b; $selection['setMemberName:created_by|user'] = $f . 'created_name' . $b; $selection['setMemberEmail:created_by|user'] = $f . 'created_email' . $b; $selection['setMemberName:modified_by|user'] = $f . 'modified_name' . $b; $selection['setMemberEmail:modified_by|user'] = $f . 'modified_email' . $b; // get name and email $selection['getMemberName:main_member'] = $f . 'main_name' . $b; $selection['getMemberEmail:main_member'] = $f . 'main_email' . $b; // set fancy dates $selection['fancyDate:created'] = $f . 'created' . $b; $selection['fancyDate:modified'] = $f . 'modified' . $b; // set profile image $selection['setImageLink:profile_image|name'] = $f . 'profile_image_url' . $b; $selection['setImageHTML:profile_image_url|name'] = $f . 'profile_image_html' . $b; // set profile $selection['setProfileLink:id|token'] = $f . 'profile_link_url' . $b; // set the return value self::$return_here = urlencode(base64_encode((string) JUri::getInstance())); // set edit link $selection['setMemberEditURL:id|created_by'] = $f . 'edit_url' . $b; // Get the medium encryption. $mediumkey = self::getCryptKey('medium'); if ($mediumkey) { // Get the encryption object. self::$opener = new FOFEncryptAes($mediumkey); } } // add the chart div and JS code (only if filter is not chart) if ('chart' !== $filter && 'field' !== $filter && isset($charts) && self::checkArray($charts)) { foreach ($charts as $chart => $value) { // make sure the chart name is save $selection['setMultiChart->' . $chart] = $f . $value . $b; } } return $selection; } return false; } /** * set image HTML **/ protected static function setImageHTML($object) { return '' . $object->get('name', JText::_('COM_MEMBERSMANAGER_MEMBER')) . ' ' . JText::_('COM_MEMBERSMANAGER_IMAGE') . ''; } /** * set image link **/ protected static function setImageLink($item) { if (self::checkObject(self::$opener) && ($image = $item->get('profile_image', false)) !== false && !is_numeric($image) && $image === base64_encode(base64_decode($image, true))) { // now unlock $item->set('profile_image', rtrim(self::$opener->decryptString($image), "\0")); } // get link return self::getImageLink($item, 'profile_image', 'name', null, false); } /** * set member edit url **/ protected static function setMemberEditURL($item) { if (self::canAccessMember($item->get('id', 0)) && ($url = self::getEditURL($item, 'member', 'members', '&return=' . self::$return_here)) !== false) { return $url; } return ''; } /** * set profile link **/ protected static function setProfileLink($object) { // get the global settings if (!self::checkObject(self::$params)) { self::$params = JComponentHelper::getParams('com_membersmanager'); } // only load link if open to public or has access if (2 == self::$params->get('login_required', 1) || self::canAccessMember($object->get('id', 0))) { return JRoute::_('index.php?option=com_membersmanager&view=profile&id='. $object->get('id') . ':' . $object->get('token') . '&return=' . self::$return_here); } return ''; } /** * set member name **/ protected static function setMemberName($object) { // check if this is a created by or modified by if (($user = $object->get('created_by', false)) !== false || ($user = $object->get('modified_by', false)) !== false ) { $object->set('user', $user); } return self::getMemberName($object->get('id', null), $object->get('user', null), $object->get('name', null), $object->get('surname', null)); } /** * set member email **/ protected static function setMemberEmail($object) { // check if this is a created by or modified by if (($user = $object->get('created_by', false)) !== false || ($user = $object->get('modified_by', false)) !== false ) { $object->set('user', $user); } return self::getMemberEmail($object->get('id', null), $object->get('user', null), $object->get('email', null)); } /** * set the session defaults if not set **/ protected static function setSessionDefaults() { // noting for now return true; } /** * get button name **/ public static function getButtonName($type, $default) { if (!isset(self::$buttonNames[$type])) { // get the global settings if (!self::checkObject(self::$params)) { self::$params = JComponentHelper::getParams('com_membersmanager'); } // get the button name self::$buttonNames[$type] = self::$params->get('button_'. $type . '_name', $default); } return self::$buttonNames[$type]; } /** * check if the communication component is set (and get key value) **/ public static function communicate($key = null, $default = false, $return = null) { if (JComponentHelper::isInstalled('com_communicate') && JComponentHelper::isEnabled('com_communicate')) { // check if looking for create_url if ($key && 'create_url' === $key) { $_return = urlencode(base64_encode((string) JUri::getInstance())); if ($return) { return self::getCreateURL('compose', 'compose', $return . '&return=' . $_return, 'com_communicate'); } return self::getCreateURL('compose', 'compose', '&return=' . $_return, 'com_communicate'); } elseif ($key && 'message_number' === $key && is_numeric($return) && $return > 0) { // get the messages numbers if (($messages = self::getMessages($return)) !== false) { // return result return count( (array) $messages); } return 0; } elseif ($key && 'list_messages' === $key && is_numeric($default) && $default > 0) { // return result return self::getListMessages($default, $return); } // get the global settings of com_communicate (singleton) $params = JComponentHelper::getParams('com_communicate'); // return the key value if ($key) { return $params->get($key, $default); } return $params; } return $default; } /** * return a list of messages **/ protected static function getListMessages(&$id, &$return) { // get the messages if (($messages = self::getMessages($id)) !== false) { // set the return value $_return = ''; if (self::checkString($return)) { $_return = '&return=' . $return; } // now build the html $bucket = array('received' => array(), 'send' => array()); foreach($messages as $message) { // get time stamp $timestamp = strtotime($message->created); $date = self::fancyDynamicDate($timestamp); // get key $key = '&key=' . self::lock($message->id); // to insure that the access is only given by the sytem // build link $link = JRoute::_('index.php?option=com_communicate&view=message&id=' . $message->id . $_return . $key); // set read status $b = ''; $_b = ''; if ($message->hits == 0) { $b = '★ '; } // build the bucket of messages if ($id == $message->recipient) { $bucket['received'][] = $b . $message->subject . '
  → ' . $date . '' . $_b; } else { if (($name = self::getMemberName($message->recipient, null, null, null, false)) === false) { $name = $message->email; } $bucket['send'][] = $b . $name . '
  ' . $message->subject . '
  ← ' . $date . '' . $_b; } } // now build the actual list $html = array(); foreach ($bucket as $_name => $_messages) { if (self::checkArray($_messages)) { $html[] = '
  • ' . $_name . '
  • '; $html[] = '
  • ' . implode('
  • ', $_messages) . '
  • '; } } // make sure we have messages if (self::checkArray($html)) { return implode("", $html); } } return false; } /** * get messages **/ public static function getMessages(&$id) { // Get the user object. $user = JFactory::getUser(); // get database object $db = JFactory::getDBO(); $query = $db->getQuery(true); $query->select(array('a.id', 'a.member','a.recipient','a.created','a.subject','a.kind','a.email','a.hits')); $query->from('#__communicate_message AS a'); $query->where('(a.recipient = ' . (int) $id . ' OR a.member = ' . (int) $id . ')'); $query->where('a.published = 1'); // Implement View Level Access if (!$user->authorise('core.options', 'com_communicate')) { $groups = implode(',', $user->getAuthorisedViewLevels()); $query->where('a.access IN (' . $groups . ')'); } $query->order('a.created desc'); $db->setQuery($query); $db->execute(); // check if we have found any if ($db->getNumRows()) { // get all messages return $db->loadObjectList(); } return false; } /** * remove all groups that are part of target groups in the member types **/ public static function removeMemberGroups(&$groups) { if (self::checkArray($groups)) { // get database object $db = JFactory::getDBO(); $query = $db->getQuery(true); $query->select(array('a.id')); $query->from('#__membersmanager_type AS a'); $db->setQuery($query); $db->execute(); // get all types $types = $db->loadColumn(); // now get all target groups $groups_target = self::getMemberGroupsByType($types, 'groups_target'); // now update the groups $groups = array_diff($groups, $groups_target); } } /** * Get any placeholders * * @param string $component The component placeholders to return * @param string $type The type of placeholders to return * @param bool $addCompany The switch to add the company * * @return array * */ public static function getAnyPlaceHolders($_component, $type = 'report', $addCompany = false) { // check if we are in the correct class if ('com_membersmanager' !== $_component && 'com_corecomponent' !== $_component) { // check if the class and method exist if (($helperClass = self::getHelperClass($_component)) !== false && method_exists($helperClass, 'getPlaceHolders')) { return $helperClass::getPlaceHolders($type, $addCompany); } } // check if the class and method exist elseif (method_exists(__CLASS__, 'getPlaceHolders')) { return self::getPlaceHolders($type, $addCompany, 'member'); } return false; } /** * Get placeholders * * @param string $type The type of placeholders to return * @param bool $addCompany The switch to add the company * @param string $table The table being targeted * * @return array * */ public static function getPlaceHolders($type = 'report', $addCompany = false, $table = 'form') { // start loading the placeholders $placeholders = array(); if (method_exists(__CLASS__, 'getSelection')) { // get form placeholders if (('report' === $type || 'chart' === $type) && ($form = self::getSelection($table, 'placeholder', $type)) !== false && self::checkArray($form)) { // always remove params, since it should never be used in placeholders unset($form['a.params']); // be sure to sort the array sort($form); // and remove duplicates $form = array_unique(array_values($form)); // check if company should be added if ($addCompany) { $placeholders[] = $form; } else { return $form; } } } // get company placeholders if (('document' === $type || $addCompany) && method_exists(__CLASS__, 'getAnyCompanyDetails') && ($company = self::getAnyCompanyDetails('com_membersmanager', 'placeholder')) !== false && self::checkArray($company)) { if ('document' === $type) { // just remove the footer and header placeholders unset($company['[company_doc_header]']); unset($company['[company_doc_footer]']); } $placeholders[] = array_keys($company); } // check that we have placeholders if (self::checkArray($placeholders)) { return self::mergeArrays($placeholders); } return false; } /** * The Type Members Memory * * @var array */ protected static $typeMembers = array(); /** * get members by type * * @param int/array $id The Type ID * @param object $db Database object * * @return array of member IDs * */ public static function getMembersByType(&$id, $db) { // if the id is an array if (self::checkArray($id)) { $members = array(); foreach ($id as $_id) { if (($_members = self::getMembersByType($_id, $db)) !== false) { $members[] = $_members; } } return self::mergeArrays($members); } // check if we already have the members set by type if (!self::checkArray(self::$typeMembers) || !isset(self::$typeMembers[$id]) || !self::checkArray(self::$typeMembers[$id])) { // check that we have the database object if (!$db) { // get DB $db = JFactory::getDBO(); } // get types that allow relationships $query = $db->getQuery(true); $query->select('a.member'); $query->from('#__membersmanager_type_map AS a'); $query->where('a.type = ' . (int) $id); $query->where('a.member > 0'); $db->setQuery($query); $db->execute(); // only continue if we have member types if (($members = $db->loadColumn()) !== false && self::checkArray($members)) { self::$typeMembers[$id] = $members; } } // check if we found member types if (self::checkArray(self::$typeMembers) && isset(self::$typeMembers[$id]) && self::checkArray(self::$typeMembers[$id])) { return self::$typeMembers[$id]; } return false; } /** * get the relationships by types * * @param object $member_types Member Types * @param object $db Database object * @param bool $filter_edit Switch to filter by edit relationship * @param bool $filter_view Switch to filter by view relationship * @param bool $load_members Switch to load the members of the types * * @return array * */ public static function getRelationshipsByTypes(&$member_types, $db, $filter_edit = false, $filter_view = true, $load_members = true) { // little function to get types $getTypes = function($type) { return (isset($type)) ? ((self::checkJson($type)) ? json_decode($type, true) : ((self::checkArray($type)) ? $type : false)) : false; }; // get this member types if (($member_types = $getTypes($member_types)) === false || (($user_types = $getTypes(self::getVar('member', JFactory::getUser()->id, 'user', 'type'))) === false || !self::checkArray($user_types) && ($filter_edit || $filter_view))) { return false; } // check that we have the database object if (!$db) { // get DB $db = JFactory::getDBO(); } // get types that allow relationships $query = $db->getQuery(true); $query->select(array('a.id', 'a.name', 'a.description', 'a.type', 'a.edit_relationship', 'a.view_relationship', 'a.field_type', 'a.communicate')); $query->from('#__membersmanager_type AS a'); $query->where($db->quoteName('a.published') . ' >= 1'); $query->where($db->quoteName('a.add_relationship') . ' = 1'); $db->setQuery($query); $db->execute(); // only continue if we have member types and all relationship types if (($types = $db->loadObjectList('id')) !== false && self::checkArray($types)) { // our little function to check if two arrays intersect on values $intersect = function ($a, $b) { $b = array_flip($b); foreach ($a as $v) { if (isset($b[$v])) return true; } return false; }; // the bucket $bucket = array(); // get all types related to this member foreach($types as $id => $value) { if (($value->type = $getTypes($value->type)) !== false && $intersect($member_types, $value->type) && (($value->view_relationship = $getTypes($value->view_relationship)) !== false && $intersect($user_types, $value->view_relationship) || !$filter_view) && (($value->edit_relationship = $getTypes($value->edit_relationship)) !== false && $intersect($user_types, $value->edit_relationship) || !$filter_edit)) { // set the type $bucket[$id] = $value; if ($load_members) { // now get all members that belong to this type $bucket[$id]->members = self::getMembersByType($id, $db); } } } // return if we found any if (self::checkArray($bucket)) { return $bucket; } } return false; } /** * get the relationships by member * * @param object $member Member ID * @param object $db Database object * @param string $direction The relationship direction * * @return array * */ public static function getRelationshipsByMember(&$member, $db, $direction = 'member') { // always check that we have an ID if (!is_numeric($member) || $member == 0) { return false; } // check that we have the database object if (!$db) { // get DB $db = JFactory::getDBO(); } // set the direction relationship $_direction = 'relation'; if ('relation' === $direction) { $_direction = 'member'; } // get types that allow relationships $query = $db->getQuery(true); $query->select(array('a.' . $_direction, 'a.type')); $query->from('#__membersmanager_relation_map AS a'); $query->where($db->quoteName('a.' . $direction) . ' = ' . (int) $member); $db->setQuery($query); $db->execute(); // only continue if we have member relationships if (($relationships = $db->loadObjectList()) !== false && self::checkArray($relationships)) { // the bucket $bucket = array(); // sort by types foreach($relationships as $relationship) { if (!isset($bucket[$relationship->type])) { $bucket[$relationship->type] = array(); } // set the type $bucket[$relationship->type][$relationship->{$_direction}] = $relationship->{$_direction}; } return $bucket; } return false; } /** * The Key to Access Memory * * @var string */ protected static $acK3y; /** * Get a user Access Types/Groups * * @param mix $id The the user ID/object * @param int $type The type of access to return (1 = type, 2 = groups) * @param object $db The database object * * @return mix array * */ public static function getAccess($user = null, $type = 1, $db = null) { // get user if (!self::checkObject($user)) { if (is_numeric($user) && $user > 0) { $user = JFactory::getUser($user); } else { $user = JFactory::getUser(); } } // check memory first self::$acK3y = 'membersmanager_user_access_' . $user->get('id', 'not_set') . '_' . $type; // check if we have it globally stored if (($access = self::get(self::$acK3y, false)) !== false) { return $access; } // get DB if (!$db) { $db = JFactory::getDBO(); } // get user Access groups if (2 == $type) { self::set(self::$acK3y, self::getAccessGroups($user, $db)); } elseif (1 == $type) { // return access types self::set(self::$acK3y, self::getAccessTypes($user, $db)); } return self::get(self::$acK3y, false); } /** * Get a user Access Groups * * @param object $user The user object * @param object $db The database object * * @return mix array * */ protected static function getAccessGroups(&$user, &$db) { // check if access is needed if (!$user->authorise('core.options', 'com_membersmanager')) { // get all types in system $query = $db->getQuery(true); $query->select(array('a.groups_access', 'a.groups_target')); $query->from('#__membersmanager_type AS a'); $query->where($db->quoteName('a.published') . ' >= 1'); // also filter by access (will keep an eye on this) $groups = implode(',', $user->getAuthorisedViewLevels()); $query->where('a.access IN (' . $groups . ')'); $db->setQuery($query); $db->execute(); // get all types $types = $db->loadAssocList(); // make sure we have types, and user access groups if (self::checkArray($types) && ($userID = $user->get('id', false)) !== false && $userID > 0 && ($member_type = self::getVar('member', $userID, 'user', 'type')) !== false) { // get the groups this member belong to if (($member_access = self::getMemberGroupsByType($member_type)) == false) { return false; } // function to setup the group array $setGroups = function ($groups) { // convert to array if (self::checkJson($groups)) { return (array) json_decode($groups, true); } elseif (is_numeric($groups)) { return array($groups); } return false; }; // our little function to check if two arrays intersect on values $intersect = function ($a, $b) { $b = array_flip($b); foreach ($a as $v) { if (isset($b[$v])) return true; } return false; }; // type bucket $bucketTypes = array(); foreach ($types as $groups) { $groups_access = $setGroups($groups['groups_access']); if (self::checkArray($groups_access) && $intersect($groups_access, $member_access)) { $groups_target = $setGroups($groups['groups_target']); foreach ($groups_target as $group_target) { $bucketTypes[$group_target] = $group_target; } } } // check if we found any if (self::checkArray($bucketTypes)) { return $bucketTypes; } } return false; } // return all groups $query = $db->getQuery(true); $query->select(array('a.id')); $query->from('#__usergroups AS a'); $db->setQuery($query); $db->execute(); return $db->loadColumn(); } /** * Get a user Access Types * * @param object $user The user object * @param object $db The database object * * @return mix array * */ protected static function getAccessTypes(&$user, &$db) { // check if access is needed if (!$user->authorise('core.options', 'com_membersmanager')) { // get all types in system $query = $db->getQuery(true); $query->select(array('a.id', 'a.groups_access')); $query->from('#__membersmanager_type AS a'); $query->where($db->quoteName('a.published') . ' >= 1'); // also filter by access (will keep an eye on this) $groups = implode(',', $user->getAuthorisedViewLevels()); $query->where('a.access IN (' . $groups . ')'); $db->setQuery($query); $db->execute(); // get all types $types = $db->loadAssocList('id', 'groups_access'); // make sure we have types, and user access groups if (self::checkArray($types) && ($userID = $user->get('id', false)) !== false && $userID > 0 && ($member_type = self::getVar('member', $userID, 'user', 'type')) !== false) { // get the access groups if (($groups_access = self::getMemberGroupsByType($member_type)) === false) { return false; } // function to setup the group array $setGroups = function ($groups) { // convert to array if (self::checkJson($groups)) { return (array) json_decode($groups, true); } elseif (is_numeric($groups)) { return array($groups); } return false; }; // our little function to check if two arrays intersect on values $intersect = function ($a, $b) { $b = array_flip($b); foreach ($a as $v) { if (isset($b[$v])) return true; } return false; }; // type bucket $bucketTypes = array(); foreach ($types as $id => $groups_target) { $groups_target = $setGroups($groups_target); if (self::checkArray($groups_target) && $intersect($groups_target, $groups_access)) { $bucketTypes[$id] = $id; } } // check if we found any if (self::checkArray($bucketTypes)) { return $bucketTypes; } } return false; } // return all types $query = $db->getQuery(true); $query->select(array('a.id')); $query->from('#__membersmanager_type AS a'); $query->where($db->quoteName('a.published') . ' >= 1'); $db->setQuery($query); $db->execute(); return $db->loadColumn(); } /** * Get a user Access Types/Groups * * @param mix $types The member types * @param string $groupType The type of groups * * @return mix array * */ public static function getMemberGroupsByType($types, $groupType = 'groups_target') { // convert type json to array if (self::checkJson($types)) { $types = json_decode($types, true); } // convert type int to array if (is_numeric($types) && $types > 0) { $types = array($types); } // make sure we have an array if (self::checkArray($types)) { $groups = array(); foreach ($types as $type) { // get the target groups $groups_target = self::getVar('type', $type, 'id', $groupType); // convert to array if (self::checkJson($groups_target)) { $groups_target = (array) json_decode($groups_target, true); } // convert type int to array if (is_numeric($groups_target)) { $groups_target = array((int) $groups_target); } // make sure we have an array if (self::checkArray($groups_target)) { $groups[] = $groups_target; } } // make sure we have an array if (self::checkArray($groups)) { return self::mergeArrays($groups); } } return false; } /** * Change to nice fancy date */ public static function fancyDate($date, $check_stamp = true) { if ($check_stamp && !self::isValidTimeStamp($date)) { $date = strtotime($date); } return date('jS \o\f F Y',$date); } /** * get date based in period past */ public static function fancyDynamicDate($date, $check_stamp = true) { if ($check_stamp && !self::isValidTimeStamp($date)) { $date = strtotime($date); } // older then year $lastyear = date("Y", strtotime("-1 year")); $tragetyear = date("Y", $date); if ($tragetyear <= $lastyear) { return date('m/d/y', $date); } // same day $yesterday = strtotime("-1 day"); if ($date > $yesterday) { return date('g:i A', $date); } // just month day return date('M j', $date); } /** * Change to nice fancy day time and date */ public static function fancyDayTimeDate($time, $check_stamp = true) { if ($check_stamp && !self::isValidTimeStamp($time)) { $time = strtotime($time); } return date('D ga jS \o\f F Y',$time); } /** * Change to nice fancy time and date */ public static function fancyDateTime($time, $check_stamp = true) { if ($check_stamp && !self::isValidTimeStamp($time)) { $time = strtotime($time); } return date('(G:i) jS \o\f F Y',$time); } /** * Change to nice hour:minutes time */ public static function fancyTime($time, $check_stamp = true) { if ($check_stamp && !self::isValidTimeStamp($time)) { $time = strtotime($time); } return date('G:i',$time); } /** * set the date day as Sunday through Saturday */ public static function setDayName($date, $check_stamp = true) { if ($check_stamp && !self::isValidTimeStamp($date)) { $date = strtotime($date); } return date('l', $date); } /** * set the date month as January through December */ public static function setMonthName($date, $check_stamp = true) { if ($check_stamp && !self::isValidTimeStamp($date)) { $date = strtotime($date); } return date('F', $date); } /** * set the date day as 1st */ public static function setDay($date, $check_stamp = true) { if ($check_stamp && !self::isValidTimeStamp($date)) { $date = strtotime($date); } return date('jS', $date); } /** * set the date month as 5 */ public static function setMonth($date, $check_stamp = true) { if ($check_stamp && !self::isValidTimeStamp($date)) { $date = strtotime($date); } return date('n', $date); } /** * set the date year as 2004 (for charts) */ public static function setYear($date, $check_stamp = true) { if ($check_stamp && !self::isValidTimeStamp($date)) { $date = strtotime($date); } return date('Y', $date); } /** * set the date as 2004/05 (for charts) */ public static function setYearMonth($date, $spacer = '/', $check_stamp = true) { if ($check_stamp && !self::isValidTimeStamp($date)) { $date = strtotime($date); } return date('Y' . $spacer . 'm', $date); } /** * set the date as 2004/05/03 (for charts) */ public static function setYearMonthDay($date, $spacer = '/', $check_stamp = true) { if ($check_stamp && !self::isValidTimeStamp($date)) { $date = strtotime($date); } return date('Y' . $spacer . 'm' . $spacer . 'd', $date); } /** * set the date as 03/05/2004 */ public static function setDayMonthYear($date, $spacer = '/', $check_stamp = true) { if ($check_stamp && !self::isValidTimeStamp($date)) { $date = strtotime($date); } return date('d' . $spacer . 'm' . $spacer . 'Y', $date); } /** * Check if string is a valid time stamp */ public static function isValidTimeStamp($timestamp) { return ((int) $timestamp === $timestamp) && ($timestamp <= PHP_INT_MAX) && ($timestamp >= ~PHP_INT_MAX); } /** * Check if string is a valid date * https://www.php.net/manual/en/function.checkdate.php#113205 */ public static function isValidateDate($date, $format = 'Y-m-d H:i:s') { $d = DateTime::createFromFormat($format, $date); return $d && $d->format($format) == $date; } /** * get between * * @param string $content The content to search * @param string $start The starting value * @param string $end The ending value * @param string $default The default value if none found * * @return string On success / empty string on failure * */ public static function getBetween($content, $start, $end, $default = '') { $r = explode($start, $content); if (isset($r[1])) { $r = explode($end, $r[1]); return $r[0]; } return $default; } /** * get all between * * @param string $content The content to search * @param string $start The starting value * @param string $end The ending value * * @return array On success * */ public static function getAllBetween($content, $start, $end) { // reset bucket $bucket = array(); for ($i = 0; ; $i++) { // search for string $found = self::getBetween($content,$start,$end); if (self::checkString($found)) { // add to bucket $bucket[] = $found; // build removal string $remove = $start.$found.$end; // remove from content $content = str_replace($remove,'',$content); } else { break; } // safety catch if ($i == 500) { break; } } // only return unique array of values return array_unique($bucket); } /** * the Butler **/ public static $session = array(); /** * the Butler Assistant **/ protected static $localSession = array(); /** * start a session if not already set, and load with data **/ public static function loadSession() { if (!isset(self::$session) || !self::checkObject(self::$session)) { self::$session = JFactory::getSession(); } // set the defaults self::setSessionDefaults(); } /** * give Session more to keep **/ public static function set($key, $value) { if (!isset(self::$session) || !self::checkObject(self::$session)) { self::$session = JFactory::getSession(); } // set to local memory to speed up program self::$localSession[$key] = $value; // load to session for later use return self::$session->set($key, self::$localSession[$key]); } /** * get info from Session **/ public static function get($key, $default = null) { if (!isset(self::$session) || !self::checkObject(self::$session)) { self::$session = JFactory::getSession(); } // check if in local memory if (!isset(self::$localSession[$key])) { // set to local memory to speed up program self::$localSession[$key] = self::$session->get($key, $default); } return self::$localSession[$key]; } /** * prepare base64 string for url **/ public static function base64_urlencode($string, $encode = false) { if ($encode) { $string = base64_encode($string); } return str_replace(array('+', '/'), array('-', '_'), $string); } /** * prepare base64 string form url **/ public static function base64_urldecode($string, $decode = false) { $string = str_replace(array('-', '_'), array('+', '/'), $string); if ($decode) { $string = base64_decode($string); } return $string; } /** * open base64 string if stored as base64 * * @param string $data The base64 string * @param string $key We store the string with that suffix :) * @param string $default The default switch * * @return string The opened string * */ public static function openValidBase64($data, $key = '__.o0=base64=Oo.__', $default = 'string') { // check that we have a string if (self::checkString($data)) { // check if we have a key if (self::checkString($key)) { if (strpos($data, $key) !== false) { return base64_decode(str_replace($key, '', $data)); } } // fallback to this, not perfect method if (base64_encode(base64_decode($data, true)) === $data) { return base64_decode($data); } } // check if we should just return the string if ('string' === $default) { return $data; } return $default; } /** * the locker * * @var array **/ protected static $locker = array(); /** * the dynamic replacement salt * * @var array **/ protected static $globalSalt = array(); /** * the timer * * @var object **/ protected static $keytimer; /** * To Lock string * * @param string $string The string/array to lock * @param string $key The custom key to use * @param int $salt The switch to add salt and type of salt * @param int $dynamic The dynamic replacement array of salt build string * @param int $urlencode The switch to control url encoding * * @return string Encrypted String * **/ public static function lock($string, $key = null, $salt = 2, $dynamic = null, $urlencode = true) { // get the global settings if (!$key || !self::checkString($key)) { // set temp timer $timer = 2; // if we have a timer use it if ($salt > 0) { $timer = $salt; } // set the default key $key = self::salt($timer, $dynamic); // try getting the system key if (method_exists(get_called_class(), "getCryptKey")) { // try getting the medium key first the fall back to basic, and then default $key = self::getCryptKey('medium', self::getCryptKey('basic', $key)); } } // check if we have a salt timer if ($salt > 0) { $key .= self::salt($salt, $dynamic); } // get the locker settings if (!isset(self::$locker[$key]) || !self::checkObject(self::$locker[$key])) { self::$locker[$key] = new FOFEncryptAes($key, 128); } // convert array or object to string if (self::checkArray($string) || self::checkObject($string)) { $string = serialize($string); } // prep for url if ($urlencode && method_exists(get_called_class(), "base64_urlencode")) { return self::base64_urlencode(self::$locker[$key]->encryptString($string)); } return self::$locker[$key]->encryptString($string); } /** * To un-Lock string * * @param string $string The string to unlock * @param string $key The custom key to use * @param int $salt The switch to add salt and type of salt * @param int $dynamic The dynamic replacement array of salt build string * @param int $urlencode The switch to control url decoding * * @return string Decrypted String * **/ public static function unlock($string, $key = null, $salt = 2, $dynamic = null, $urlencode = true) { // get the global settings if (!$key || !self::checkString($key)) { // set temp timer $timer = 2; // if we have a timer use it if ($salt > 0) { $timer = $salt; } // set the default key $key = self::salt($timer, $dynamic); // try getting the system key if (method_exists(get_called_class(), "getCryptKey")) { // try getting the medium key first the fall back to basic, and then default $key = self::getCryptKey('medium', self::getCryptKey('basic', $key)); } } // check if we have a salt timer if ($salt > 0) { $key .= self::salt($salt, $dynamic); } // get the locker settings if (!isset(self::$locker[$key]) || !self::checkObject(self::$locker[$key])) { self::$locker[$key] = new FOFEncryptAes($key, 128); } // make sure we have real base64 if ($urlencode && method_exists(get_called_class(), "base64_urldecode")) { $string = self::base64_urldecode($string); } // basic decrypt string. if (!empty($string) && !is_numeric($string) && $string === base64_encode(base64_decode($string, true))) { $string = rtrim(self::$locker[$key]->decryptString($string), "\0"); // convert serial string to array if (self::is_serial($string)) { $string = unserialize($string); } } return $string; } /** * The Salt * * @param int $type The type of length the salt should be valid * @param int $dynamic The dynamic replacement array of salt build string * * @return string * **/ public static function salt($type = 1, $dynamic = null) { // get dynamic replacement salt $dynamic = self::getDynamicSalt($dynamic); // get the key timer if (!self::checkObject(self::$keytimer)) { // load the date time object self::$keytimer = new DateTime; // set the correct time stamp $vdmLocalTime = new DateTimeZone('Africa/Windhoek'); self::$keytimer->setTimezone($vdmLocalTime); } // set type if ($type == 2) { // hour $format = 'Y-m-d \o\n ' . self::periodFix(self::$keytimer->format('H')); } elseif ($type == 3) { // day $format = 'Y-m-' . self::periodFix(self::$keytimer->format('d')); } elseif ($type == 4) { // month $format = 'Y-' . self::periodFix(self::$keytimer->format('m')); } else { // minute $format = 'Y-m-d \o\n H:' . self::periodFix(self::$keytimer->format('i')); } // get key if (self::checkArray($dynamic)) { return md5(str_replace(array_keys($dynamic), array_values($dynamic), self::$keytimer->format($format) . ' @ VDM.I0')); } return md5(self::$keytimer->format($format) . ' @ VDM.I0'); } /** * The function to insure the salt is valid within the given period (third try) * * @param int $main The main number */ protected static function periodFix($main) { return round($main / 3) * 3; } /** * Check if a string is serialized * * @param string $string * * @return Boolean * */ public static function is_serial($string) { return (@unserialize($string) !== false); } /** * Get dynamic replacement salt */ public static function getDynamicSalt($dynamic = null) { // load global if not manually set if (!self::checkArray($dynamic)) { return self::getGlobalSalt(); } // return manual values if set else { return $dynamic; } } /** * The random or dynamic secret salt */ public static function getSecretSalt($string = null, $size = 9) { // set the string if (!$string) { // get random string $string = self::randomkey($size); } // convert string to array $string = self::safeString($string); // convert string to array $array = str_split($string); // insure only unique values are used $array = array_unique($array); // set the size $size = ($size <= count($array)) ? $size : count($array); // down size the return array_slice($array, 0, $size); } /** * Get global replacement salt */ public static function getGlobalSalt() { // load from memory if found if (!self::checkArray(self::$globalSalt)) { // get the global settings if (!self::checkObject(self::$params)) { self::$params = JComponentHelper::getParams('com_membersmanager'); } // check if we have a global dynamic replacement array available (format --> ' 1->!,3->E,4->A') $tmp = self::$params->get('dynamic_salt', null); if (self::checkString($tmp) && strpos($tmp, ',') !== false && strpos($tmp, '->') !== false) { $salt = array_map('trim', (array) explode(',', $tmp)); if (self::checkArray($salt )) { foreach($salt as $replace) { $dynamic = array_map('trim', (array) explode('->', $replace)); if (isset($dynamic[0]) && isset($dynamic[1])) { self::$globalSalt[$dynamic[0]] = $dynamic[1]; } } } } } // return global if found if (self::checkArray(self::$globalSalt)) { return self::$globalSalt; } // return default as fail safe return array('1' => '!', '3' => 'E', '4' => 'A'); } /** * Close public protocol */ public static function closePublicProtocol($id, $public) { // get secret salt $secretSalt = self::getSecretSalt(self::salt(1,array('4' => 'R','1' => 'E','2' => 'G','7' => 'J','8' => 'A'))); // get the key $key = self::salt(1, $secretSalt); // get secret salt $secret = self::getSecretSalt(); // set the secret $close['SECRET'] = self::lock($secret, $key, 1, array('1' => 's', '3' => 'R', '4' => 'D')); // get the key $key = self::salt(1, $secret); // get the public key $close['PUBLIC'] = self::lock($public, $key, 1, array('1' => '!', '3' => 'E', '4' => 'A')); // get secret salt $secretSalt = self::getSecretSalt($public); // get the key $key = self::salt(1, $secretSalt); // get the ID $close['ID'] = self::unlock($id, $key, 1, array('1' => 'i', '3' => 'e', '4' => 'B')); // return closed values return $close; } /** * Open public protocol */ public static function openPublicProtocol($SECRET, $ID, $PUBLIC) { // get secret salt $secretSalt = self::getSecretSalt(self::salt(1,array('4' => 'R','1' => 'E','2' => 'G','7' => 'J','8' => 'A'))); // get the key $key = self::salt(1, $secretSalt); // get the $SECRET $SECRET = self::unlock($SECRET, $key, 1, array('1' => 's', '3' => 'R', '4' => 'D')); // get the key $key = self::salt(1, $SECRET); // get the public key $open['public'] = self::unlock($PUBLIC, $key, 1, array('1' => '!', '3' => 'E', '4' => 'A')); // get secret salt $secretSalt = self::getSecretSalt($open['public']); // get the key $key = self::salt(1, $secretSalt); // get the ID $open['id'] = self::unlock($ID, $key, 1, array('1' => 'i', '3' => 'e', '4' => 'B')); // return opened values return $open; } /** * The Dynamic Data Array * * @var array */ protected static $dynamicData = array(); /** * Set the Dynamic Data * * @param string $data The data to update * @param array $placeholders The placeholders to use to update data * * @return string of updated data * */ public static function setDynamicData($data, $placeholders) { // make sure data is a string & placeholders is an array if (self::checkString($data) && self::checkArray($placeholders)) { // store in memory in case it is build multiple times $keyMD5 = md5($data.json_encode($placeholders)); if (!isset(self::$dynamicData[$keyMD5])) { // remove all values that are not strings (just to be safe) $placeholders = array_filter($placeholders, function ($val){ if (self::checkArray($val) || self::checkObject($val)) { return false; } return true; }); // model (basic) based on logic self::setTheIF($data, $placeholders); // update the string and store in memory self::$dynamicData[$keyMD5] = str_replace(array_keys($placeholders), array_values($placeholders), $data); } // return updated string return self::$dynamicData[$keyMD5]; } return $data; } /** * Set the IF statements * * @param string $string The string to update * @param array $placeholders The placeholders to use to update string * * @return void * */ protected static function setTheIF(&$string, $placeholders) { // only normal if endif $condition = '[a-z0-9\_\-]+'; $inner = '((?:(?!\[\/?IF)(?!\[\/?ELSE)(?!\[\/?ELSEIF).)*?)'; $if = '\[IF\s?('.$condition.')\]'; $elseif = '\[ELSEIF\s?('.$condition.')\]'; $else = '\[ELSE\]'; $endif = '\[ENDIF\]'; // set the patterns $patterns = array(); // normal if endif $patterns[] = '#'.$if.$inner.$endif.'#is'; // normal if else endif $patterns[] = '#'.$if.$inner.$else.$inner.$endif.'#is'; // dynamic if elseif's endif $patterns[] = '#'.$if.$inner.$elseif.$inner.$endif.'#is'; $patterns[] = '#'.$if.$inner.$elseif.$inner.$elseif.$inner.$endif.'#is'; $patterns[] = '#'.$if.$inner.$elseif.$inner.$elseif.$inner.$elseif.$inner.$endif.'#is'; $patterns[] = '#'.$if.$inner.$elseif.$inner.$elseif.$inner.$elseif.$inner.$elseif.$inner.$endif.'#is'; $patterns[] = '#'.$if.$inner.$elseif.$inner.$elseif.$inner.$elseif.$inner.$elseif.$inner.$elseif.$inner.$endif.'#is'; $patterns[] = '#'.$if.$inner.$elseif.$inner.$elseif.$inner.$elseif.$inner.$elseif.$inner.$elseif.$inner.$elseif.$inner.$endif.'#is'; $patterns[] = '#'.$if.$inner.$elseif.$inner.$elseif.$inner.$elseif.$inner.$elseif.$inner.$elseif.$inner.$elseif.$inner.$elseif.$inner.$endif.'#is'; $patterns[] = '#'.$if.$inner.$elseif.$inner.$elseif.$inner.$elseif.$inner.$elseif.$inner.$elseif.$inner.$elseif.$inner.$elseif.$inner.$elseif.$inner.$endif.'#is'; // dynamic if elseif's else endif $patterns[] = '#'.$if.$inner.$elseif.$inner.$else.$inner.$endif.'#is'; $patterns[] = '#'.$if.$inner.$elseif.$inner.$elseif.$inner.$else.$inner.$endif.'#is'; $patterns[] = '#'.$if.$inner.$elseif.$inner.$elseif.$inner.$elseif.$inner.$else.$inner.$endif.'#is'; $patterns[] = '#'.$if.$inner.$elseif.$inner.$elseif.$inner.$elseif.$inner.$elseif.$inner.$else.$inner.$endif.'#is'; $patterns[] = '#'.$if.$inner.$elseif.$inner.$elseif.$inner.$elseif.$inner.$elseif.$inner.$elseif.$inner.$else.$inner.$endif.'#is'; $patterns[] = '#'.$if.$inner.$elseif.$inner.$elseif.$inner.$elseif.$inner.$elseif.$inner.$elseif.$inner.$elseif.$inner.$else.$inner.$endif.'#is'; $patterns[] = '#'.$if.$inner.$elseif.$inner.$elseif.$inner.$elseif.$inner.$elseif.$inner.$elseif.$inner.$elseif.$inner.$elseif.$inner.$else.$inner.$endif.'#is'; $patterns[] = '#'.$if.$inner.$elseif.$inner.$elseif.$inner.$elseif.$inner.$elseif.$inner.$elseif.$inner.$elseif.$inner.$elseif.$inner.$elseif.$inner.$else.$inner.$endif.'#is'; // run the patterns to setup the string foreach ($patterns as $pattern) { while (preg_match($pattern, $string, $match)) { $keep = self::remainderIF($match, $placeholders); $string = preg_replace($pattern, $keep, $string, 1); } } } /** * Set the remainder IF * * @param array $match The match search * @param array $placeholders The placeholders to use to match * * @return string of remainder * */ protected static function remainderIF(&$match, &$placeholders) { // default we keep nothing $keep = ''; $found = false; // get match lenght $length = count($match); // ranges to check $ii = range(2,30,2); // even numbers (content) $iii = range(1, 25, 2); // odd numbers (placeholder) // if empty value remove whole line else show line but remove all [CODE] foreach ($iii as $content => $placeholder) { if (isset($match[$placeholder]) && empty($placeholders['['.$match[$placeholder].']'])) { // keep nothing or next option $keep = ''; } elseif (isset($match[$ii[$content]])) { $keep = addcslashes($match[$ii[$content]], '$'); $found = true; break; } } // if not found load else if set if (!$found && in_array($length, $ii)) { $keep = addcslashes($match[$length - 1], '$'); } return $keep; } /** * The Global Templates Field **/ protected static $templates = array(); /** * Get The Template **/ public static function getTemplate($type, $default = null, $target = 'global') { // set global key $key = md5(json_encode($type).$default.$target); // check if we already have the template set if (!isset(self::$templates[$key])) { // get the template from the global settings if ('global' === $target && self::checkString($type)) { // get the global settings if (!self::checkObject(self::$params)) { self::$params = JComponentHelper::getParams('com_membersmanager'); } self::$templates[$key] = self::$params->get($type, $default); } // get the template from template view elseif (self::checkArray($type) && isset($type['value']) && isset($type['target']) && isset($type['get'])) { if (self::$templates[$key] = self::getVar($target, $type['value'], $type['target'], $type['get'])) { // check if we should decode if (isset($type['decode'])) { if ('json_array' === $type['decode']) { self::$templates[$key] = json_decode(self::$templates[$key], true); } elseif ('json' === $type['decode']) { self::$templates[$key] = json_decode(self::$templates[$key]); } elseif ('base64' === $type['decode']) { self::$templates[$key] = base64_decode(self::$templates[$key]); } } } else { // set the default self::$templates[$key] = $default; } } } // check if we still have array or object if (isset(self::$templates[$key]) && (self::checkArray(self::$templates[$key]) || self::checkObject(self::$templates[$key]))) { self::$templates[$key] = implode("\n", (array) self::$templates[$key]); } // return the template if found if (isset(self::$templates[$key]) && self::checkString(self::$templates[$key])) { return self::$templates[$key]; } // convert to string if array if (self::checkArray($type)) { $type = implode(', ', $type); } return JText::sprintf('COM_MEMBERSMANAGER_NO_TEMPLATE_FOR_BSB_WERE_FOUND', self::safeString($type, 'w')); } /** * Get the file path or url * * @param string $type The (url/path) type to return * @param string $target The Params Target name (if set) * @param string $default The default path if not set in Params (fallback path) * @param bool $createIfNotSet The switch to create the folder if not found * * @return string On success the path or url is returned based on the type requested * */ public static function getFolderPath($type = 'path', $target = 'folderpath', $default = '', $createIfNotSet = true) { // make sure to always have a string/path if(!self::checkString($default)) { $default = JPATH_SITE . '/images/'; } // get the global settings if (!self::checkObject(self::$params)) { self::$params = JComponentHelper::getParams('com_membersmanager'); } $folderPath = self::$params->get($target, $default); jimport('joomla.filesystem.folder'); // create the folder if it does not exist if ($createIfNotSet && !JFolder::exists($folderPath)) { JFolder::create($folderPath); } // return the url if ('url' === $type) { if (strpos($folderPath, JPATH_SITE) !== false) { $folderPath = trim( str_replace( JPATH_SITE, '', $folderPath), '/'); return JURI::root() . $folderPath . '/'; } // since the path is behind the root folder of the site, return only the root url (may be used to build the link) return JURI::root(); } // sanitize the path return '/' . trim( $folderPath, '/' ) . '/'; } /** * @param $fileName * @param $fileFormat * @param $target * @param $path * @param $fullPath * @return bool */ public static function resizeImage($fileName, $fileFormat, $target, $path, $fullPath) { // get the global settings if (!self::checkObject(self::$params)) { self::$params = JComponentHelper::getParams('com_membersmanager'); } // first check if we should resize this target if (1 == self::$params->get('crop_'.$target, 0)) { // load the size to be set $height = self::$params->get($target.'_height', 'not_set'); $width = self::$params->get($target.'_width', 'not_set'); // get image properties $image = self::getImageFileProperties($fileName.'.'.$fileFormat, $path); // make sure we have an object if (self::checkObject($image)) { if ($width !== 'not_set' && $height !== 'not_set' && ($image->width != $width || $image->height != $height)) { // if image is huge and should only be scaled, resize it on the fly if(($image->width > 900 || $image->height > 700) && ($height == 0 || $width == 0)) { if($fileFormat == "jpg" || $fileFormat == "jpeg" ) { $src = imagecreatefromjpeg($fullPath); } elseif($fileFormat == "png") { $src = imagecreatefrompng($fullPath); } elseif($fileFormat == "gif") { $src = imagecreatefromgif($fullPath); } else { return false; } if ($height != 0) { $hRatio = $image->height / $height; } if ($width != 0) { $wRatio = $image->width / $width; } if (isset($hRatio) && isset($wRatio)) { $maxRatio = max($wRatio, $hRatio); } elseif (isset($wRatio)) { $maxRatio = $wRatio; } elseif (isset($hRatio)) { $maxRatio = $hRatio; } if ($maxRatio > 1) { $newwidth = $image->width / $maxRatio; $newheight = $image->height / $maxRatio; } else { $newwidth = $image->width; $newheight = $image->height; } $tmp = imagecreatetruecolor($newwidth, $newheight); $backgroundColor = imagecolorallocate($tmp, 255, 255, 255); imagefill($tmp, 0, 0, $backgroundColor); imagecopyresampled($tmp, $src, 0, 0, 0, 0,$newwidth, $newheight, $image->width, $image->height); imagejpeg($tmp, $fullPath, 100); imagedestroy($src); imagedestroy($tmp); } // only continue if image should be cropped if ($height != 0 && $width != 0) { // Include wideimage - http://wideimage.sourceforge.net require_once(JPATH_ADMINISTRATOR . '/components/com_membersmanager/helpers/wideimage/WideImage.php'); $builder = WideImage::load($fullPath); $resized = $builder->resize($width, $height, 'outside')->crop('center', 'middle', $width, $height); $resized->saveToFile($fullPath); } } return true; } } return false; } /** * @param $image * @return bool|stdClass */ public static function getImageFileProperties($image, $folder = false) { if ($folder) { $localfolder = $folder; } else { $setimagesfolder = JComponentHelper::getParams('com_membersmanager')->get('setimagesfolder', 1); if (2 == $setimagesfolder) { $localfolder = JComponentHelper::getParams('com_membersmanager')->get('imagesfolder', JPATH_SITE.'/images/membersmanager'); } elseif (1 == $setimagesfolder) { $localfolder = JPATH_SITE.'/images'; } else // just in-case :) { $localfolder = JPATH_SITE.'/images/membersmanager'; } } // import all needed classes jimport('joomla.filesystem.folder'); jimport('joomla.filesystem.file'); jimport('joomla.image.image'); // setup the folder if it does not exist if (JFolder::exists($localfolder) && JFile::exists($localfolder.'/'.$image)) { $properties = JImage::getImageFileProperties($localfolder.'/'.$image); // check if we have properties if (self::checkObject($properties)) { // remove the server path $imagePath = trim(str_replace(JPATH_SITE,'',$localfolder),'/').'/'.$image; // now add the src path to show the image $properties->src = JURI::root().$imagePath; // return the image properties return $properties; } } return false; } /** * Write a file to the server * * @param string $path The path and file name where to safe the data * @param string $data The data to safe * * @return bool true On success * */ public static function writeFile($path, $data) { $klaar = false; if (self::checkString($data)) { // open the file $fh = fopen($path, "w"); if (!is_resource($fh)) { return $klaar; } // write to the file if (fwrite($fh, $data)) { // has been done $klaar = true; } // close file. fclose($fh); } return $klaar; } /** * @return array of link options */ public static function getLinkOptions($lock = 0, $session = 0, $params = null) { // get the global settings if (!self::checkObject(self::$params)) { if (self::checkObject($params)) { self::$params = $params; } else { self::$params = JComponentHelper::getParams('com_membersmanager'); } } $linkoptions = self::$params->get('link_option', null); // set the options to array $options = array('lock' => $lock, 'session' => $session); if (MembersmanagerHelper::checkArray($linkoptions)) { if (in_array(1, $linkoptions)) { // lock the filename $options['lock'] = 1; } if (in_array(2, $linkoptions)) { // add session to the links $options['session'] = 1; } } return $options; } /** * Get the html/link of the image * * @param object $item The item to get image for * @param string $target The target in the item to use * @param string $name The name target in item to use * @param string $filelink The file link * * @return string image html/link * */ public static function getImageLink(&$item, $target, $name = 'name', $filelink = null, $html = true) { // check that we have a value if (isset($item->{$target}) && MembersmanagerHelper::checkString($item->{$target})) { // load the file link path if not set if (!$filelink) { $filelink = self::getFolderPath('url'); } // set image link if (strpos($item->{$target}, '_') !== false) { $extention = explode('_', $item->{$target}); $actualName = self::safeString($target, 'w'); if (strpos($item->{$target}, 'VDM') !== false) { $fileNameArray = explode('VDM', $item->{$target}); if (isset($fileNameArray[1]) && MembersmanagerHelper::checkString($fileNameArray[1])) { $actualName = $fileNameArray[1]; } } // check if we have the extention if (isset($extention[2])) { // set the link $link = $filelink . $item->{$target} . '.' . $extention[2]; // return ready html if ($html) { return '' . $actualName . ' ' . $item->{$name} . ''; } // return just the link else { return $link; } } } } return false; } /** * Get an edit button * * @param int $item The item to edit * @param string $view The type of item to edit * @param string $views The list view controller name * @param string $ref The return path * @param string $component The component these views belong to * @param string $headsup The message to show on click of button * * @return string On success the full html link * */ public static function getEditButton(&$item, $view, $views, $ref = '', $component = 'com_membersmanager', $headsup = 'COM_MEMBERSMANAGER_ALL_UNSAVED_WORK_ON_THIS_PAGE_WILL_BE_LOST_ARE_YOU_SURE_YOU_WANT_TO_CONTINUE') { // get URL $url = self::getEditURL($item, $view, $views, $ref, $component); // check if we found any if (self::checkString($url)) { // get the global settings if (!self::checkObject(self::$params)) { self::$params = JComponentHelper::getParams('com_membersmanager'); } // get UIKIT version $uikit = self::$params->get('uikit_version', 2); // check that we have the ID if (self::checkObject($item) && isset($item->id)) { // check if the checked_out is available if (isset($item->checked_out)) { $checked_out = (int) $item->checked_out; } else { $checked_out = self::getVar($view, $item->id, 'id', 'checked_out', '=', str_replace('com_', '', $component)); } } elseif (self::checkArray($item) && isset($item['id'])) { // check if the checked_out is available if (isset($item['checked_out'])) { $checked_out = (int) $item['checked_out']; } else { $checked_out = self::getVar($view, $item['id'], 'id', 'checked_out', '=', str_replace('com_', '', $component)); } } elseif (is_numeric($item) && $item > 0) { $checked_out = self::getVar($view, $item, 'id', 'checked_out', '=', str_replace('com_', '', $component)); } // set the link title $title = self::safeString(JText::_('COM_MEMBERSMANAGER_EDIT') . ' ' . $view, 'W'); // check that there is a check message if (self::checkString($headsup)) { if (3 == $uikit) { $href = 'onclick="UIkit.modal.confirm(\''.JText::_($headsup).'\').then( function(){ window.location.href = \'' . $url . '\' } )" href="javascript:void(0)"'; } else { $href = 'onclick="UIkit2.modal.confirm(\''.JText::_($headsup).'\', function(){ window.location.href = \'' . $url . '\' })" href="javascript:void(0)"'; } } else { $href = 'href="' . $url . '"'; } // return UIKIT version 3 if (3 == $uikit) { // check if it is checked out if (isset($checked_out) && $checked_out > 0) { // is this user the one who checked it out if ($checked_out == JFactory::getUser()->id) { return '
    '; } return ' '; } // return normal edit link return ' '; } // check if it is checked out (return UIKIT version 2) if (isset($checked_out) && $checked_out > 0) { // is this user the one who checked it out if ($checked_out == JFactory::getUser()->id) { return ' '; } return ' '; } // return normal edit link return ' '; } return ''; } /** * Get an edit text button * * @param string $text The button text * @param int $item The item to edit * @param string $view The type of item to edit * @param string $views The list view controller name * @param string $ref The return path * @param string $component The component these views belong to * @param string $headsup The message to show on click of button * * @return string On success the full html link * */ public static function getEditTextButton($text, &$item, $view, $views, $ref = '', $component = 'com_membersmanager', $jRoute = true, $class = 'uk-button', $headsup = 'COM_MEMBERSMANAGER_ALL_UNSAVED_WORK_ON_THIS_PAGE_WILL_BE_LOST_ARE_YOU_SURE_YOU_WANT_TO_CONTINUE') { // make sure we have text if (!self::checkString($text)) { return self::getEditButton($item, $view, $views, $ref, $component, $headsup); } // get URL $url = self::getEditURL($item, $view, $views, $ref, $component, $jRoute); // check if we found any if (self::checkString($url)) { // get the global settings if (!self::checkObject(self::$params)) { self::$params = JComponentHelper::getParams('com_membersmanager'); } // get UIKIT version $uikit = self::$params->get('uikit_version', 2); // check that we have the ID if (self::checkObject($item) && isset($item->id)) { // check if the checked_out is available if (isset($item->checked_out)) { $checked_out = (int) $item->checked_out; } else { $checked_out = self::getVar($view, $item->id, 'id', 'checked_out', '=', str_replace('com_', '', $component)); } } elseif (self::checkArray($item) && isset($item['id'])) { // check if the checked_out is available if (isset($item['checked_out'])) { $checked_out = (int) $item['checked_out']; } else { $checked_out = self::getVar($view, $item['id'], 'id', 'checked_out', '=', str_replace('com_', '', $component)); } } elseif (is_numeric($item) && $item > 0) { $checked_out = self::getVar($view, $item, 'id', 'checked_out', '=', str_replace('com_', '', $component)); } // set the link title $title = self::safeString(JText::_('COM_MEMBERSMANAGER_EDIT') . ' ' . $view, 'W'); // check that there is a check message if (self::checkString($headsup)) { if (3 == $uikit) { $href = 'onclick="UIkit.modal.confirm(\''.JText::_($headsup).'\').then( function(){ window.location.href = \'' . $url . '\' } )" href="javascript:void(0)"'; } else { $href = 'onclick="UIkit2.modal.confirm(\''.JText::_($headsup).'\', function(){ window.location.href = \'' . $url . '\' })" href="javascript:void(0)"'; } } else { $href = 'href="' . $url . '"'; } // return UIKIT version 3 if (3 == $uikit) { // check if it is checked out if (isset($checked_out) && $checked_out > 0) { // is this user the one who checked it out if ($checked_out == JFactory::getUser()->id) { return ' ' . $text . ''; } return ' ' . $text . ''; } // return normal edit link return ' ' . $text . ''; } // check if it is checked out (return UIKIT version 2) if (isset($checked_out) && $checked_out > 0) { // is this user the one who checked it out if ($checked_out == JFactory::getUser()->id) { return ' ' . $text . ''; } return ' ' . $text . ''; } // return normal edit link return ' ' . $text . ''; } return ''; } /** * Get the edit URL * * @param int $item The item to edit * @param string $view The type of item to edit * @param string $views The list view controller name * @param string $ref The return path * @param string $component The component these views belong to * @param bool $jRoute The switch to add use JRoute or not * * @return string On success the edit url * */ public static function getEditURL(&$item, $view, $views, $ref = '', $component = 'com_membersmanager', $jRoute = true) { // build record $record = new stdClass(); // check if user can edit if (self::canEditItem($record, $item, $view, $views, $component)) { // set the edit link if ($jRoute) { return JRoute::_("index.php?option=" . $component . "&view=" . $views . "&task=" . $view . ".edit&id=" . $record->id . $ref); } return "index.php?option=" . $component . "&view=" . $views . "&task=" . $view . ".edit&id=" . $record->id . $ref; } return false; } /** * Can Edit (either any, or own) * * @param int $item The item to edit * @param string $view The type of item to edit * @param string $views The list view controller name * @param string $component The component these views belong to * * @return bool if user can edit returns true els * */ public static function allowEdit(&$item, $view, $views, $component = 'com_membersmanager') { // build record $record = new stdClass(); return self::canEditItem($record, $item, $view, $views, $component); } /** * Can Edit (either any, or own) * * @param int $item The item to edit * @param string $view The type of item to edit * @param string $views The list view controller name * @param string $component The component these views belong to * * @return bool if user can edit returns true els * */ protected static function canEditItem(&$record, &$item, $view, $views, $component = 'com_membersmanager') { // make sure the user has access to view if (!JFactory::getUser()->authorise($view. '.access', $component)) { return false; } // we start with false. $can_edit = false; // check that we have the ID if (self::checkObject($item) && isset($item->id)) { $record->id = (int) $item->id; // check if created_by is available if (isset($item->created_by) && $item->created_by > 0) { $record->created_by = (int) $item->created_by; } } elseif (self::checkArray($item) && isset($item['id'])) { $record->id = (int) $item['id']; // check if created_by is available if (isset($item['created_by']) && $item['created_by'] > 0) { $record->created_by = (int) $item['created_by']; } } elseif (is_numeric($item)) { $record->id = (int) $item; } // check ID if (isset($record->id) && $record->id > 0) { // get user action permission to edit $action = self::getActions($view, $record, $views, 'edit', str_replace('com_', '', $component)); // check if the view permission is set if (($can_edit = $action->get($view . '.edit', 'none-set')) === 'none-set') { // fall back on the core permission then (this can be an issue) $can_edit = ($action->get('core.edit', false) || $action->get('core.edit.own', false)); } } return $can_edit; } /** * Get a create button * * @param string $view The type of item to edit * @param string $views The list view controller name * @param string $ref The return path * @param string $component The component these views belong to * @param string $headsup The message to show on click of button * * @return string On success the full html create button * */ public static function getCreateButton($view, $views, $ref = '', $component = 'com_membersmanager', $headsup = 'COM_MEMBERSMANAGER_ALL_UNSAVED_WORK_ON_THIS_PAGE_WILL_BE_LOST_ARE_YOU_SURE_YOU_WANT_TO_CONTINUE') { // get URL $url = self::getCreateURL($view, $views, $ref, $component); // check if we found any if (self::checkString($url)) { // get the global settings if (!self::checkObject(self::$params)) { self::$params = JComponentHelper::getParams('com_membersmanager'); } // get UIKIT version $uikit = self::$params->get('uikit_version', 2); // set the link title $title = self::safeString(JText::_('COM_MEMBERSMANAGER_ADD') . ' ' . $view, 'W'); // check that there is a check message if (self::checkString($headsup)) { if (3 == $uikit) { $href = 'onclick="UIkit.modal.confirm(\''.JText::_($headsup).'\').then( function(){ window.location.href = \'' . $url . '\' } )" href="javascript:void(0)"'; } else { $href = 'onclick="UIkit2.modal.confirm(\''.JText::_($headsup).'\', function(){ window.location.href = \'' . $url . '\' })" href="javascript:void(0)"'; } } else { $href = 'href="' . $url . '"'; } // return normal create new link return ' ' . JText::_('COM_MEMBERSMANAGER_NEW') . ''; } return ''; } /** * Get the create URL * * @param string $view The type of item to edit * @param string $views The list view controller name * @param string $ref The return path * @param string $component The component these views belong to * @param bool $jRoute The switch to add use JRoute or not * * @return string On success the create url * */ public static function getCreateURL($view, $views, $ref = '', $component = 'com_membersmanager', $jRoute = true) { // can create if (JFactory::getUser()->authorise($view. '.access', $component) && JFactory::getUser()->authorise($view . '.create', $component)) { // set create task $create = "&task=" . $view . ".edit"; // check if this button must work with task or layout if ($views === $view) { // set layout edit $create = "&layout=edit"; } // set the edit link if ($jRoute) { return JRoute::_("index.php?option=" . $component . "&view=" . $views . $create . $ref); } return "index.php?option=" . $component . "&view=" . $views . $create . $ref; } return false; } /** * Check if a field is unique * * @param int $currentID The current item ID * @param string $field The field name * @param array $value The the value * @param array $table The table * * @return bool * */ public static function checkUnique($currentID, $field, $value, $table) { // make sure we have a table if (self::checkString($table)) { // Get the database object and a new query object. $db = \JFactory::getDbo(); $query = $db->getQuery(true); // Build the query. $query->select('COUNT(*)') ->from('#__membersmanager_' . (string) $table) ->where($db->quoteName($field) . ' = ' . $db->quote($value)); // remove this item from the list if ($currentID > 0) { $query->where($db->quoteName('id') . ' <> ' . (int) $currentID); } // Set and query the database. $db->setQuery($query); $duplicate = (bool) $db->loadResult(); if (!$duplicate) { return true; } } return false; } /** * The memory of the company details * * @var array */ protected static $companyDetails = array(); /** * Get company details * * @param string $method The type of values to return * @param string $filter The kind of filter (to return only values required) * * @return array/object based on $method * */ public static function getCompanyDetails($method = 'array', $filter = null) { if (!isset(self::$companyDetails[$method])) { $f = ''; $b = ''; if ('placeholder' == $method) { $f = '['; $b = ']'; } // get the global settings if (!self::checkObject(self::$params)) { self::$params = JComponentHelper::getParams('com_membersmanager'); } // start loading the company details self::$companyDetails[$method] = array(); self::$companyDetails[$method][$f.'company_name'.$b] = self::$params->get('companyname', self::$params->get('name', '')); // get the logo $logo = self::$params->get('companylogo', self::$params->get('logo', null)); // only lod logo if found if ($logo) { self::$companyDetails[$method][$f.'company_logo'.$b] = ''.self::$companyDetails[$method][$f.'company_name'.$b].''; self::$companyDetails[$method][$f.'company_logo_link'.$b] = JURI::root().$logo; } else { self::$companyDetails[$method][$f.'company_logo'.$b] = ''; self::$companyDetails[$method][$f.'company_logo_link'.$b] = ''; } self::$companyDetails[$method][$f.'company_email'.$b] = self::$params->get('email', ''); self::$companyDetails[$method][$f.'company_phone'.$b] = self::$params->get('phone', ''); self::$companyDetails[$method][$f.'company_mobile'.$b] = self::$params->get('mobile_phone', ''); self::$companyDetails[$method][$f.'company_street'.$b] = self::$params->get('street', ''); self::$companyDetails[$method][$f.'company_postal'.$b] = self::$params->get('postal', ''); self::$companyDetails[$method][$f.'company_postalcode'.$b] = self::$params->get('postalcode', ''); self::$companyDetails[$method][$f.'company_city'.$b] = self::$params->get('city', ''); self::$companyDetails[$method][$f.'company_website'.$b] = self::$params->get('website', ''); // set the region $region = self::$params->get('region', ''); if ($region && !is_numeric($region) && self::checkString($region)) { // set the region name self::$companyDetails[$method][$f.'company_region_name'.$b] = $region; // just set this incase self::$companyDetails[$method][$f.'company_region'.$b] = $region; } elseif (is_numeric($region) && $region > 0) { // set the region name self::$companyDetails[$method][$f.'company_region_name'.$b] = self::getVar('region', $region, 'id', 'name'); // just set this incase self::$companyDetails[$method][$f.'company_region'.$b] = ''; } else { // set the region name to blank self::$companyDetails[$method][$f.'company_region_name'.$b] = ''; // just set this incase self::$companyDetails[$method][$f.'company_region'.$b] = ''; } // set the country $country = self::$params->get('country', ''); if ($country && !is_numeric($country) && self::checkString($country)) { // set the country name self::$companyDetails[$method][$f.'company_country_name'.$b] = $country; // just set this incase self::$companyDetails[$method][$f.'company_country'.$b] = $country; } elseif (is_numeric($country) && $country > 0) { // set the country name self::$companyDetails[$method][$f.'company_country_name'.$b] = self::getVar('country', $country, 'id', 'name'); // just set this incase self::$companyDetails[$method][$f.'company_country'.$b] = ''; } else { // set the country name to blank self::$companyDetails[$method][$f.'company_country_name'.$b] = ''; // just set this incase self::$companyDetails[$method][$f.'company_country'.$b] = ''; } // add and update the header footer and header if setDynamicData is found on placeholder request if (method_exists(__CLASS__, 'setDynamicData') && 'placeholder' == $method) { // get the placeholder prefix $prefix = self::$params->get('placeholder_prefix', 'member'); // member array keeper $member_keeper = array('[IF ' . $prefix . '_' => '|!f r3c1p13nt_', '[' . $prefix . '_' => '|r3c1p13nt_'); // get the global templates $doc_header = self::$params->get('doc_header', ''); if (self::checkString($doc_header)) { // preserve any possible member placeholders $doc_header = str_replace(array_keys($member_keeper), array_values($member_keeper), $doc_header); // update document header with company details $doc_header = self::setDynamicData($doc_header, self::$companyDetails[$method]); // reverse the preservation of member placeholders $doc_header = str_replace(array_values($member_keeper), array_keys($member_keeper), $doc_header); } // get the global templates $doc_footer = self::$params->get('doc_footer', ''); if (self::checkString($doc_footer)) { // preserve any possible member placeholders $doc_footer = str_replace(array_keys($member_keeper), array_values($member_keeper), $doc_footer); // update document footer with company details $doc_footer = self::setDynamicData($doc_footer, self::$companyDetails[$method]); // reverse the preservation of member placeholders $doc_footer = str_replace(array_values($member_keeper), array_keys($member_keeper), $doc_footer); } // add document header and footer self::$companyDetails[$method][$f.'company_doc_header'.$b] = $doc_header; self::$companyDetails[$method][$f.'company_doc_footer'.$b] = $doc_footer; } // check branding options self::triggerPlugin('membersmanagerBrandingOverride', 'onGetCompanyDetails', array(&self::$companyDetails[$method], $f, $b)); // if object is called for if ('object' == $method) { self::$companyDetails[$method] = (object) self::$companyDetails[$method]; } } // return the values if (!isset(self::$companyDetails[$method])) { self::$companyDetails[$method] = false; } return self::$companyDetails[$method]; } /** * Get/load the component helper class if not already loaded * * @param string $_component The component element name * * @return string The helper class name * */ public static function getHelperClass($_component) { // make sure we have com_ if (strpos($_component, 'com_') !== false) { // get component name $component = str_replace('com_', '', $_component); } else { // get the component name $component = $_component; // set the element name $_component = 'com_' . $component; } // build component helper name $componentHelper = self::safeString($component, 'F') . 'Helper'; // check if it is already set if (!class_exists($componentHelper)) { // set the correct path focus $focus = JPATH_ADMINISTRATOR; // check if we are in the site area if (JFactory::getApplication()->isClient('site')) { // set admin path $adminPath = $focus . '/components/' . $_component . '/helpers/' . $component . '.php'; // change the focus $focus = JPATH_ROOT; } // set path based on focus $path = $focus . '/components/' . $_component . '/helpers/' . $component . '.php'; // check if file exist, if not try admin again. if (file_exists($path)) { // make sure to load the helper JLoader::register($componentHelper, $path); } // fallback option elseif (isset($adminPath) && file_exists($adminPath)) { // make sure to load the helper JLoader::register($componentHelper, $adminPath); } else { // could not find this return false; } } // success return $componentHelper; } /** * get a report * * @param int $id The item ID * @param string $component The component being targeted * * @return string * */ public static function getReport($id, $_component = 'com_membersmanager') { // check if user are allowed to view this report if ($id > 0 && JFactory::getUser()->authorise('form.report.viewtab', $_component)) { // get template if (($template = self::getAnyTemplate($_component, 'report_template')) === false || !self::checkString($template)) { return false; } // start loading the placeholders $placeholders = array(); // get form placeholders if (($form = self::getAnyFormDetails($id, 'id', $_component, 'placeholder', 'report', 'id')) !== false && self::checkArray($form)) { $placeholders[] = $form; } // get company placeholders if (($company = self::getAnyCompanyDetails('com_membersmanager', 'placeholder')) !== false && self::checkArray($company)) { $placeholders[] = $company; } // check that we have placeholders if (self::checkArray($placeholders)) { // set placeholders $placeholders = self::mergeArrays($placeholders); // get the ID $divID = self::randomkey(10); // update the template with placeholders $data = self::setDynamicData($template, $placeholders); // make sure all placeholders are removed if (strpos($data, '[') !== false && strpos($data, ']') !== false) { // get the prefix $prefix = JComponentHelper::getParams($_component)->get('placeholder_prefix', str_replace('com_', '', $_component)); // get the left over placeholders $left = self::getAllBetween($data, '[' . $prefix, ']'); if (self::checkArray($left)) { foreach ($left as $remove) { $data = str_replace('[' . $prefix . $remove . ']', '', $data); } } } // get the global settings if (!self::checkObject(self::$params)) { self::$params = JComponentHelper::getParams('com_membersmanager'); } // get uikit version $uikitVersion = self::$params->get('uikit_version', 2); if (3 == $uikitVersion) { return '' . JText::_('COM_MEMBERSMANAGER_PRINT') . '
    ' . $data . '
    '; } // return html return '
    ' . $data . '
    '; } } return false; } /** * Get Any template details * * @param string $_component The component element name * @param string $type The type of template * @param string $default The default if not found * @param string $target The target * * @return string * */ public static function getAnyTemplate($_component = 'com_membersmanager', $type, $default = null, $target = 'global') { // check if we are in the correct class if ('com_membersmanager' !== $_component) { // check if the class and method exist if (($helperClass = self::getHelperClass($_component)) !== false && method_exists($helperClass, 'getTemplate')) { return $helperClass::getTemplate($type, $default, $target); } return false; } // check if the class and method exist elseif (method_exists(__CLASS__, 'getTemplate')) { return self::getTemplate($type, $default, $target); } return false; } /** * Get Any form details * * @param int $memberID The item ID * @param string $type The type of ID * @param string $_component The component element name * @param string $method The type of values to return * @param string $filter The kind of filter (to return only values required) * @param string $masterkey The master key * @param string $table The target form table * @param int $qty The qty items to return * * @return array/object based on $method * */ public static function getAnyFormDetails($memberID, $type = 'member', $_component = 'com_membersmanager', $method = 'array', $filter = 'none', $masterkey = 'member', $table = 'form', $qty = 0) { // set class name $class = self::safeString($table, 'W'); // check if we are in the correct class if ('com_membersmanager' !== $_component) { // check if the class and method exist if (($helperClass = self::getHelperClass($_component)) !== false && method_exists($helperClass, 'get' . $class . 'Details')) { return $helperClass::{'get' . $class . 'Details'}($memberID, $type, $table, $method, $filter, $masterkey, $qty); } } // check if the class and method exist elseif (method_exists(__CLASS__, 'get' . $class . 'Details')) { return self::{'get' . $class . 'Details'}($memberID, $type, $table, $method, $filter, $masterkey, $qty); } return false; } /** * Get company details from any other component * * @param string $_component The component name * @param string $method The type of values to return * @param string $filter The kind of filter (to return only values required) * * @return array/object based on $method * */ public static function getAnyCompanyDetails($_component = 'com_membersmanager', $method = 'array', $filter = null) { // check if we are in the correct class if ('com_membersmanager' !== $_component) { // check if the class and method exist if (($helperClass = self::getHelperClass($_component)) !== false && method_exists($helperClass, 'getCompanyDetails')) { return $helperClass::getCompanyDetails($method, $filter); } } // check if the class and method exist elseif (method_exists(__CLASS__, 'getCompanyDetails')) { return self::getCompanyDetails($method, $filter); } return false; } /** * Get Any chart code * * @param string $key The unique key/id_name * @param string $dataTable The data table for the chart * @param string $dataTable The details for the chart * @param string $filter The kind of filter (to return only values required) * @param string $_component The component element name * * @return string The dataTable * */ public static function getAnyChartCode($key, $dataTable, $chartDetails, $filter = 'null', $_component = 'com_membersmanager') { // check if we are in the correct class if ('com_membersmanager' !== $_component) { // check if the class and method exist if (($helperClass = self::getHelperClass($_component)) !== false && method_exists($helperClass, 'getChartCode')) { return $helperClass::getChartCode($key, $dataTable, $chartDetails, $filter); } } // check if the class and method exist elseif (method_exists(__CLASS__, 'getChartCode')) { return self::getChartCode($key, $dataTable, $chartDetails, $filter); } return false; } /** * Get Any Multi Chart dataTable * * @param int $memberId The member ID * @param int $target The type of chart retrieval behavior * @param string $key The chart key * @param string $_component The component element name * @param array $args Options to override chart details * 'dataTable' => $template * 'number' => $number * * @return string The dataTable * */ public static function getAnyMultiChartDataTable($memberID, $target, $key = null, $_component = 'com_membersmanager', $args = null) { // check if we are in the correct class if ('com_membersmanager' !== $_component) { // check if the class and method exist if (($helperClass = self::getHelperClass($_component)) !== false && method_exists($helperClass, 'getMultiChartDataTable')) { return $helperClass::getMultiChartDataTable($memberID, $target, $key, $args); } } // check if the class and method exist elseif (method_exists(__CLASS__, 'getMultiChartDataTable')) { return self::getMultiChartDataTable($memberID, $target, $key, $args); } return false; } /** * Get Any Available Charts * * @param string $key The chart key * @param int $target The type of chart retrieval behavior * @param string $_component The component element name * * @return array * */ public static function getAnyAvailableCharts($key = null, $target = 1, $_component = 'com_membersmanager') { // check if we are in the correct class if ('com_membersmanager' !== $_component) { // check if the class and method exist if (($helperClass = self::getHelperClass($_component)) !== false && method_exists($helperClass, 'getAvailableCharts')) { return $helperClass::getAvailableCharts($key, $target); } } // check if the class and method exist elseif (method_exists(__CLASS__, 'getAvailableCharts')) { return self::getAvailableCharts($key, $target); } return false; } /** * Get Member forms * * @param int $id The item ID. * @param string $_component The component element name * @param string $method The type of values to return * @param array $data Data for the form. * @param boolean $loadData True if the form is to load its own data (default case), false if not. * * @return array/object * */ public static function getMemberForms($id = 0, $_component = 'com_membersmanager', $_model = 'form', $data = array(), $loadData = true, $control = null) { $form = false; // get APP $app = JFactory::getApplication(); // get component name $component = str_replace('com_', '', $_component); // build component name $Component = self::safeString($component, 'F'); // get old ID $old_id = $app->input->get('a_id', 0, 'INT'); // set the ID $app->input->set('a_id', $id); // check if the class and method exist if (($helperClass = self::getHelperClass($_component)) === false || !method_exists($helperClass, 'getModel')) { return false; } // get Model $model = $helperClass::getModel($_model, JPATH_ADMINISTRATOR . '/components/' . $_component, $Component); // do we have the model if ($model) { // force other component path (TODO) will be an issue if forms and fields are the same \JForm::addFormPath(JPATH_ADMINISTRATOR . '/components/' . $_component . '/models/forms'); \JForm::addFieldPath(JPATH_ADMINISTRATOR . '/components/' . $_component . '/models/fields'); // we must load the data if (!self::checkArray($data) && $id > 0) { $data = $model->getItem($id); } elseif (!self::checkArray($data)) { $loadData = false; } // set the form data if ($loadData) { $app->setUserState($_component . '.edit.' . $_model . '.data', $data); } // set control if not set if (!$control) { $control = $component; } // get the form (handles all default permissions) $form = $model->getForm($data, $loadData, array('control' => $control)); } // set the old ID again $app->input->set('a_id', $old_id); // now return form return $form; } /** * The memory of the member details * * @var array */ protected static $memberDetails = array(); /** * The current return number * * @var int */ public static $returnNumber; /** * The global details key (set per/query) * * @var string */ protected static $k3y; /** * Get member details * * @param int $id The the form ID * @param string $type The type of ID * @param string $table The table of ID * @param string $method The type of values to return * @param string $filter The kind of filter (to return only values required) * @param string $masterkey The master key for many values in the member table * @param int $qty The qty items to return * * @return array/object based on $method * */ public static function getMemberDetails($id, $type = 'id', $table = 'member', $method = 'array', $filter = 'none', $masterkey = 'member', $qty = 0) { // always make sure that we have a member column if ($table !== 'member' && $type !== $masterkey) { // convert to master key if (($id = self::getVar((string) $table, (int) $id, $type, $masterkey)) === false) { return false; } $type = $masterkey; $table = 'member'; } // get the user object $user = JFactory::getUser(); // get database object $db = JFactory::getDbo(); // get the database columns of this table $columns = $db->getTableColumns("#__membersmanager_member", false); // if not id validate column if ($type !== 'id' && $type !== $masterkey) { // check if the type is found if (!isset($columns[$type])) { return false; } } // get the global settings if (!self::checkObject(self::$params)) { self::$params = JComponentHelper::getParams('com_membersmanager'); } // get the relations (1 = one to one || 2 = one to many) $relations = self::$params->get('membersmanager_relation_type', 1); // always make sure that we have a masterkey ID if ($relations == 2 && $type !== $masterkey) { // convert to masterkey ID if (($id = self::getVar('member', (int) $id, $type, $masterkey)) === false) { return false; } // set master key as type of id $type = $masterkey; } // set the global key self::$k3y = $id.$method.$filter.$qty; // we will check this (qty) it may not be ideal (TODO) // check if we have the member details in memory if (is_numeric($id) && $id > 0 && !isset(self::$memberDetails[self::$k3y])) { // get the member details an place it in memory $query = $db->getQuery(true); // check if we can getSelection if (method_exists(__CLASS__, "getSelection")) { // Select some fields if (($selection = self::getSelection('member', $method, $filter, $db)) !== false) { // strip selection values not direct SQL (does not have point) $selection = array_filter( $selection, function ($key) { return strpos($key, '.'); }, ARRAY_FILTER_USE_KEY ); } } // check if we have a selection if (isset($selection) && self::checkArray($selection)) { // do permission view purge (TODO) // set the selection $query->select($db->quoteName(array_keys($selection), array_values($selection))); // From the membersmanager_member table $query->from($db->quoteName('#__membersmanager_member', 'a')); // check if we have more join tables for the member details if (method_exists(__CLASS__, "joinMemberDetails")) { self::joinMemberDetails($query, $filter, $db); } // Implement View Level Access (if set in table) if (!$user->authorise('core.options', 'com_membersmanager') && isset($columns['access'])) { // ensure to always filter by access // $accessGroups = implode(',', $user->getAuthorisedViewLevels()); TODO first fix save to correct access groups // $query->where('a.access IN (' . $accessGroups . ')'); } // check if we have more get where details if (method_exists(__CLASS__, "whereMemberDetails")) { self::whereMemberDetails($query, $filter, $db); } // check if we have more order details if (method_exists(__CLASS__, "orderMemberDetails")) { self::orderMemberDetails($query, $filter, $db); } // always order so to insure last added is first by default else { $query->order('a.id ASC'); } // limit the return if($qty > 1) { $query->setLimit($qty); } // get by type ID $query->where('a.' . $type . ' = ' . (int) $id); $db->setQuery($query); $db->execute(); self::$returnNumber = $db->getNumRows(); if (self::$returnNumber) { if ('object' == $method) { // if one to one if ($qty == 1 || $relations == 1 || self::$returnNumber == 1) { self::$memberDetails[self::$k3y] = $db->loadObject(); // we retrieved only 1 self::$returnNumber = 1; } // if one to many (so we must return many) else { self::$memberDetails[self::$k3y] = $db->loadObjectList(); } } else { // if one to one if ($qty == 1 || $relations == 1 || self::$returnNumber == 1) { self::$memberDetails[self::$k3y] = $db->loadAssoc(); // we retrieved only 1 self::$returnNumber = 1; } // if one to many (so we must return many) else { self::$memberDetails[self::$k3y] = $db->loadAssocList(); } } } // check if we have been able to get the member details if (!isset(self::$memberDetails[self::$k3y])) { self::$memberDetails[self::$k3y] = false; } // check if we must model the details elseif (method_exists(__CLASS__, "modelMemberDetails")) { self::modelMemberDetails($id, $method, $filter, $db); // check if we must remove some details after modeling if (method_exists(__CLASS__, "removeMemberDetails")) { self::removeMemberDetails($id, $method, $filter, $db); } } } else { self::$memberDetails[self::$k3y] = false; } } return self::$memberDetails[self::$k3y]; } /** * the global chart array * * @var array * */ public static $globalMemberChartArray = array(); /** * Model the member details/values * * @param object $id The the member ID * @param string $method The type of values to return * @param string $filter The kind of filter (to return only values required) * @param object $db The database object * * @return void * */ protected static function modelMemberDetails($id, $method, $filter, $db = null) { // check that we have values if (method_exists(__CLASS__, 'getSelection') && isset(self::$memberDetails[self::$k3y]) && self::$memberDetails[self::$k3y]) { // get language object $lang = JFactory::getLanguage(); // try to load the translation $lang->load('com_membersmanager', JPATH_ADMINISTRATOR, null, false, true); // Select some fields $_builder = self::getSelection('member', $method, $filter, $db); // check if we have params to model if (method_exists(__CLASS__, "paramsModelMemberDetails")) { self::paramsModelMemberDetails($_builder, $method); } // check if we have subforms to model if (method_exists(__CLASS__, "subformModelMemberDetails")) { self::subformModelMemberDetails($_builder, $method); } // get values that must be set (not SQL values) $builder = array_filter( $_builder, function ($key) { return strpos($key, ':'); }, ARRAY_FILTER_USE_KEY ); // start the builder if (self::checkArray($builder)) { // prep for placeholders $f = ''; $b = ''; if ('placeholder' === $method) { // get the placeholder prefix $prefix = self::$params->get('placeholder_prefix', 'membersmanager'); $f = '[' . $prefix . '_'; $b = ']'; } // loop builder foreach ($builder as $build => $set) { // get function and key $_build = explode(':', $build); // check the number of values must be two if (count((array)$_build) == 2) { // check if more then one value must be passed if (strpos($_build[1], '|') !== false) { // get all value names $valueKeys = explode('|', $_build[1]); // continue only if we have values if (self::checkArray($valueKeys)) { // start the modeling if (self::$returnNumber == 1) { $object = new JObject; foreach ($valueKeys as $valueKey) { // work with object if ('object' === $method && isset(self::$memberDetails[self::$k3y]->{$valueKey})) { // load the properties $object->set($valueKey, self::$memberDetails[self::$k3y]->{$valueKey}); } // work with array elseif (self::checkArray(self::$memberDetails[self::$k3y]) && isset(self::$memberDetails[self::$k3y][$f.$valueKey.$b])) { // load the properties $object->set($valueKey, self::$memberDetails[self::$k3y][$f.$valueKey.$b]); } } // now set the new value if ('object' === $method) { $result = self::{$_build[0]}($object); if (self::checkArray($result) || self::checkObject($result)) { foreach ($result as $_key => $_val) { self::$memberDetails[self::$k3y]->{$set . '_' . $_key} = $_val; } } else { self::$memberDetails[self::$k3y]->{$set} = $result; } } // work with array else { $result = self::{$_build[0]}($object); if (self::checkArray($result) || self::checkObject($result)) { $set = str_replace(array($f, $b), '', $set); foreach ($result as $_key => $_val) { self::$memberDetails[self::$k3y][$f . $set . '_' . $_key . $b] = $_val; } } else { self::$memberDetails[self::$k3y][$set] = $result; } } } elseif (self::checkArray(self::$memberDetails[self::$k3y])) { foreach (self::$memberDetails[self::$k3y] as $_nr => $details) { $object = new JObject; foreach ($valueKeys as $valueKey) { // work with object if ('object' === $method && isset($details->{$valueKey})) { // load the properties $object->set($valueKey, $details->{$valueKey}); } // work with array elseif (self::checkArray($details) && isset($details[$f.$valueKey.$b])) { // load the properties $object->set($valueKey, $details[$f.$valueKey.$b]); } } // now set the new value if ('object' === $method) { $result = self::{$_build[0]}($object); if (self::checkArray($result) || self::checkObject($result)) { foreach ($result as $_key => $_val) { self::$memberDetails[self::$k3y][$_nr]->{$set . '_' . $_key} = $_val; } } else { self::$memberDetails[self::$k3y][$_nr]->{$set} = $result; } } // work with array else { $result = self::{$_build[0]}($object); if (self::checkArray($result) || self::checkObject($result)) { $set = str_replace(array($f, $b), '', $set); foreach ($result as $_key => $_val) { self::$memberDetails[self::$k3y][$_nr][$f . $set . '_' . $_key . $b] = $_val; } } else { self::$memberDetails[self::$k3y][$_nr][$set] = $result; } } } } } } else { if (self::$returnNumber == 1) { // work with object if ('object' === $method && isset(self::$memberDetails[self::$k3y]->{$_build[1]})) { $result = self::{$_build[0]}(self::$memberDetails[self::$k3y]->{$_build[1]}); if (self::checkArray($result) || self::checkObject($result)) { foreach ($result as $_key => $_val) { self::$memberDetails[self::$k3y]->{$set . '_' . $_key} = $_val; } } else { self::$memberDetails[self::$k3y]->{$set} = $result; } } // work with array elseif (self::checkArray(self::$memberDetails[self::$k3y]) && isset(self::$memberDetails[self::$k3y][$f.$_build[1].$b])) { $result = self::{$_build[0]}(self::$memberDetails[self::$k3y][$f.$_build[1].$b]); if (self::checkArray($result) || self::checkObject($result)) { $set = str_replace(array($f, $b), '', $set); foreach ($result as $_key => $_val) { self::$memberDetails[self::$k3y][$f . $set . '_' . $_key . $b] = $_val; } } else { self::$memberDetails[self::$k3y][$set] = $result; } } } elseif (self::checkArray(self::$memberDetails[self::$k3y])) { foreach (self::$memberDetails[self::$k3y] as $_nr => $details) { // work with object if ('object' === $method && isset(self::$memberDetails[self::$k3y][$_nr]->{$_build[1]})) { $result = self::{$_build[0]}(self::$memberDetails[self::$k3y][$_nr]->{$_build[1]}); if (self::checkArray($result) || self::checkObject($result)) { foreach ($result as $_key => $_val) { self::$memberDetails[self::$k3y][$_nr]->{$set . '_' . $_key} = $_val; } } else { self::$memberDetails[self::$k3y][$_nr]->{$set} = $result; } } // work with array elseif (self::checkArray(self::$memberDetails[self::$k3y][$_nr]) && isset(self::$memberDetails[self::$k3y][$_nr][$f.$_build[1].$b])) { $result = self::{$_build[0]}(self::$memberDetails[self::$k3y][$_nr][$f.$_build[1].$b]); if (self::checkArray($result) || self::checkObject($result)) { $set = str_replace(array($f, $b), '', $set); foreach ($result as $_key => $_val) { self::$memberDetails[self::$k3y][$_nr][$f . $set . '_' . $_key . $b] = $_val; } } else { self::$memberDetails[self::$k3y][$_nr][$set] = $result; } } } } } } } } // check if we have labels to model if (method_exists(__CLASS__, "labelModelMemberDetails")) { self::labelModelMemberDetails($_builder, $method); } // check if we have templates to model if (method_exists(__CLASS__, "templateModelMemberDetails") && property_exists(__CLASS__, 'memberParams')) { self::templateModelMemberDetails($_builder, $method); } // check if we have charts to model (must be last after all data is set) if (method_exists(__CLASS__, "chartModelMemberDetails")) { self::chartModelMemberDetails($_builder, $method, $filter); } elseif (method_exists(__CLASS__, "multiChartModelMemberDetails")) { self::multiChartModelMemberDetails($_builder, $method, $filter); } } } /** * Label Model the member details/values * * @param array $builder The selection array * @param string $method The type of values to return * * @return void * */ protected static function labelModelMemberDetails($builder, $method) { // get values that must be set (not SQL values) $builder = array_filter( $builder, function ($key) { return strpos($key, 'Label->'); }, ARRAY_FILTER_USE_KEY ); // start the builder if (self::checkArray($builder)) { // prep for placeholders $f = ''; $b = ''; if ('placeholder' === $method) { // get the placeholder prefix $prefix = self::$params->get('placeholder_prefix', 'membersmanager'); $f = '[' . $prefix . '_'; $b = ']'; } // loop builder foreach ($builder as $build => $set) { // get the label key $build = str_replace('setLabel->', '', $build); // check if this is a single or multi array if (self::$returnNumber == 1) { // work with object if ('object' === $method) { self::$memberDetails[self::$k3y]->{$set} = self::setLabelModelMemberDetails($build); } // work with array elseif (self::checkArray(self::$memberDetails[self::$k3y]) && isset(self::$memberDetails[self::$k3y][$f.$build.$b])) { self::$memberDetails[self::$k3y][$set] = self::setLabelModelMemberDetails($build); } } elseif (self::checkArray(self::$memberDetails[self::$k3y])) { foreach (self::$memberDetails[self::$k3y] as $_nr => $details) { // work with object if ('object' === $method && isset(self::$memberDetails[self::$k3y][$_nr]->{$build})) { self::$memberDetails[self::$k3y][$_nr]->{$set} = self::setLabelModelMemberDetails($build); } // work with array elseif (self::checkArray(self::$memberDetails[self::$k3y][$_nr]) && isset(self::$memberDetails[self::$k3y][$_nr][$f.$build.$b])) { self::$memberDetails[self::$k3y][$_nr][$set] = self::setLabelModelMemberDetails($build); } } } } } } /** * Set the Label to the member details/values * * @param string $key The key of the setting label * * @return mix * */ protected static function setLabelModelMemberDetails($key) { // make sure we have the template if (property_exists(__CLASS__, 'formParams') && isset(self::$formParams[$key]) && isset(self::$memberParams[$key]['label']) && self::checkString(self::$memberParams[$key]['label'])) { return JText::_(self::$memberParams[$key]['label']); } // check if this value is part of the admin form $LABLE = 'COM_MEMBERSMANAGER_FORM_' . self::safeString($key, 'U') . '_LABEL'; $label = JText::_($LABLE); // little workaround for now if ($LABLE === $label) { return self::safeString($key, 'Ww'); } return $label; } /** * Multi Chart Model the member details/values * * @param array $builder The selection array * @param string $method The type of values to return * @param string $filter The kind of filter (to return only values required) * * @return void * */ protected static function multiChartModelMemberDetails($builder, $method, $filter) { // get values that must be set (not SQL values) $builder = array_filter( $builder, function ($key) { return strpos($key, 'MultiChart->'); }, ARRAY_FILTER_USE_KEY ); // start the builder if (self::checkArray($builder)) { // prep for placeholders $f = ''; $b = ''; if ('placeholder' === $method) { // get the placeholder prefix $prefix = self::$params->get('placeholder_prefix', 'membersmanager'); $f = '[' . $prefix . '_'; $b = ']'; } // set params key // loop builder foreach ($builder as $build => $set) { // get the chart key $build = str_replace('setMultiChart->', '', $build); // check if this is a single or multi array if (self::$returnNumber == 1) { // work with object if ('object' === $method) { self::$memberDetails[self::$k3y]->{$set} = self::setMultiChartModelMemberDetails(self::$memberDetails[self::$k3y]->{$f . 'id' . $b}, $build, $filter); } // work with array elseif (self::checkArray(self::$memberDetails[self::$k3y])) { self::$memberDetails[self::$k3y][$set] = self::setMultiChartModelMemberDetails(self::$memberDetails[self::$k3y][$f . 'id' . $b], $build, $filter); } } elseif (self::checkArray(self::$memberDetails[self::$k3y])) { foreach (self::$memberDetails[self::$k3y] as $_nr => $details) { // work with object if ('object' === $method) { self::$memberDetails[self::$k3y][$_nr]->{$set} = self::setMultiChartModelMemberDetails(self::$memberDetails[self::$k3y][$_nr]->{$f . 'id' . $b}, $build, $filter); } // work with array elseif (self::checkArray(self::$memberDetails[self::$k3y][$_nr])) { self::$memberDetails[self::$k3y][$_nr][$set] = self::setMultiChartModelMemberDetails(self::$memberDetails[self::$k3y][$_nr][$f . 'id' . $b], $build, $filter); } } } } } } /** * Set the multi chart to the member details/values * * @param object/array $placeholders The placeholders * @param string $key The key of the setting chart * @param string $filter The kind of filter (to return only values required) * * @return string * */ protected static function setMultiChartModelMemberDetails($id, $keyString, &$filter) { // get the key array $keyArray = explode('\^/', $keyString); // get the chart, the data table and the code if (($cart = self::getAnyAvailableCharts($keyArray[0], $keyArray[2], $keyArray[1])) !== false && ($dataTable = self::getAnyMultiChartDataTable($id, $keyArray[2], $keyArray[0], $keyArray[1])) !== '' && ($code = self::getAnyChartCode($keyArray[0] . self::safeString($id), $dataTable, $cart['details'], $filter, $keyArray[1])) !== false) { if ('email' === $filter && isset($code['span'])) { // set to global chart array self::$globalMemberChartArray[$code['id_name']] = $code; // return placeholder return $code['span']; } // build html $html = array(); $html[] = $code['div']; $html[] = ''; // return the chart code/html return implode("\n", $html); } return ''; } /** * The Member Name Memory * * @var array */ protected static $memberNames = array(); /** * Get the members name * * @param int $id The member ID * @param int $user The user ID * @param string $name The name * @param string $surname The surname * @param string $default The default * * @return string the members name * */ public static function getMemberName($id = null, $user = null, $name = null, $surname = null, $default = 'No Name') { // check if member ID is null, then get member ID if (!$id || !is_numeric($id)) { if (!$user || !is_numeric($user) || ($id = self::getVar('member', $user, 'user', 'id', '=', 'membersmanager')) === false || !is_numeric($id) || $id == 0) { // check if a was name given if (self::checkstring($name)) { $default = $name; } // always set surname if given if (self::checkString($surname)) { $default += ' ' . $surname; } return $default; } } // check if name in memory if (isset(self::$memberNames[$id])) { return self::$memberNames[$id]; } // always get surname if (!self::checkString($surname)) { if(($surname = self::getVar('member', $id, 'id', 'surname', '=', 'membersmanager')) === false || !self::checkString($surname)) { $surname = ''; } } // check name given if (self::checkstring($name)) { $memberName = $name . ' ' . $surname; } // check user given elseif ((is_numeric($user) && $user > 0) || (($user = self::getVar('member', $id, 'id', 'user', '=', 'membersmanager')) !== false && $user > 0)) { $memberName = JFactory::getUser($user)->name . ' ' . $surname; } // get the name elseif (($name = self::getVar('member', $id, 'id', 'name', '=', 'membersmanager')) !== false && self::checkstring($name)) { $memberName = $name . ' ' . $surname; } // load to memory if (isset($memberName)) { self::$memberNames[$id] = $memberName; // return member name return $memberName; } return $default; } /** * The Member Email Memory * * @var array */ protected static $memberEmails = array(); /** * Get the members email * * @param int $id The member ID * @param int $user The user ID * @param string $default The default * * @return string the members email * */ public static function getMemberEmail($id = null, $user = null, $default = '') { // check if member ID is null, then get member ID if (!$id || !is_numeric($id)) { if (!$user || !is_numeric($user) || ($id = self::getVar('member', $user, 'user', 'id')) === false) { return $default; } } // check if email in memory if (isset(self::$memberEmails[$id])) { return self::$memberEmails[$id]; } // check user given if ((is_numeric($user) && $user > 0) || (is_numeric($id) && $id > 0 && ($user = self::getVar('member', $id, 'id', 'user', '=', 'membersmanager')) !== false && $user > 0)) { $memberEmail = JFactory::getUser($user)->email; } // get the email elseif (($email = self::getVar('member', $id, 'id', 'email', '=', 'membersmanager')) !== false && self::checkstring($email)) { $memberEmail = $email; } // load to memory if (isset($memberEmail)) { self::$memberEmails[$id] = $memberEmail; // return found email return $memberEmail; } return $default; } /** * get all components linked * * @return array of all components * */ public static function getAllComponents($relation = null, $types = array('Info','Assessment')) { // build components array $components = array(); // search if the types are set and active foreach ($types as $type) { if (method_exists(__CLASS__, 'get' . $type. 'Components') && ($_components = self::{'get' . $type. 'Components'}(null, null, $relation)) !== false && self::checkArray($_components)) { $components = self::mergeArrays(array($components, $_components)); } } // if we found components return if (self::checkArray($components)) { return $components; } return false; } /** * get active component name * * @return string of component name * */ public static function getComponentName($_component, $types = array('Info','Assessment')) { // search if the types are set and active foreach ($types as $type) { if (method_exists(__CLASS__, 'get' . $type. 'ComponentName') && ($name = self::{'get' . $type. 'ComponentName'}($_component)) !== false) { return $name; } } return false; } /** * the info components **/ protected static $infoComponents = array(); /** * Get available infos based on type */ public static function getInfoAvaillable($types, $account, $multiDimensionalAllowed = true) { $infos = self::getInfoComponents($types, $account); // check if we found components if (self::checkArray($infos)) { // sort into types of info $bucketInfos = array(); foreach ($infos as $component) { if (isset($component->params->info_type_name) && self::checkString($component->params->info_type_name)) { $infoTypeName = $component->params->info_type_name; } else { $infoTypeName = $component->name; } // package based on relations (one to one or one to many) if (isset($component->params->membersmanager_relation_type) && $component->params->membersmanager_relation_type == 1 || !$multiDimensionalAllowed) { // set data (one to one) $bucketInfos[$infoTypeName] = $component; } else { // start array if not already set if (!isset($bucketInfos[$infoTypeName])) { $bucketInfos[$infoTypeName] = array(); $bucketInfos[$infoTypeName][] = $component; } // check if this is an array set elseif (self::checkArray($bucketInfos[$infoTypeName])) { // set data (one to many) $bucketInfos[$infoTypeName][] = $component; } // check if this is an array set elseif (self::checkObject($bucketInfos[$infoTypeName])) { $bucket_key = $infoTypeName . ' *'; // start array if not already set if (!isset($bucketInfos[$bucket_key])) { $bucketInfos[$bucket_key] = array(); $bucketInfos[$bucket_key][] = $component; } // check if this is an array set elseif (self::checkArray($bucketInfos[$bucket_key])) { // set data (one to many) $bucketInfos[$bucket_key][] = $component; } } } } // return the info bucket return $bucketInfos; } return false; } /** * Get type info component name */ public static function getInfoComponentName($_component) { // see if we have components in memory if (!self::checkArray(self::$infoComponents)) { // get list of components self::$infoComponents = self::setInfoComponents(); } // make sure we have components if (self::checkArray(self::$infoComponents)) { foreach (self::$infoComponents as $component) { if ($component->element === $_component) { return $component->name; } } } return false; } /** * Get type info names */ public static function getTypeInfosNames($types, $account, $as = 'string') { $infos = self::getInfoAvaillable($types, $account); $names = array(); if (self::checkArray($infos)) { foreach ($infos as $name => $info) { $names[] = $name; } } if (self::checkArray($names)) { // return as if ('string' === $as) { return implode(', ', $names); } return $names; } // still return string if ('string' === $as) { return 'Infos'; } return false; } /** * Get info components */ public static function getInfoComponents($types = null, $account = null, $relation = null) { // see if we have components in memory if (!self::checkArray(self::$infoComponents)) { // get list of components self::$infoComponents = self::setInfoComponents(); } // make sure we have components if (self::checkArray(self::$infoComponents)) { // convert type json to array if ($types && self::checkJson($types)) { $types = json_decode($types, true); } // convert type int to array if ($types && is_numeric($types) && $types > 0) { $types = array($types); } // filter by type & account if ($types && self::checkArray($types) && $account) { // our little function to check if two arrays intersect on values $intersect = function ($a, $b) { $b = array_flip($b); foreach ($a as $v) { if (isset($b[$v])) return true; } return false; }; // filter out the components we need return array_filter( self::$infoComponents, function ($component) use ($types, $account, $relation, $intersect) { // check if the component is available to this type of member return ((isset($component->params->membersmanager_target_type) && $intersect($types, (array) $component->params->membersmanager_target_type)) && (isset($component->params->membersmanager_target_account) && in_array($account, (array) $component->params->membersmanager_target_account)) && (!$relation || (is_int($relation) && $relation == $component->params->membersmanager_relation_type))); } ); } elseif (is_int($relation)) { // filter out the components we need return array_filter( self::$infoComponents, function ($component) use ($relation) { // check if the component is available to this relation return ($relation == $component->params->membersmanager_relation_type); } ); } return self::$infoComponents; } return false; } /** * set info components */ protected static function setInfoComponents() { // filter per user access $user = JFactory::getUser(); $db = JFactory::getDBO(); // get components $query = $db->getQuery(true); $query->select('a.*'); $query->from('#__extensions AS a'); $query->where('a.type = ' . $db->quote('component')); $query->where('a.protected = 0')->where('a.enabled = 1'); $db->setQuery($query); $db->execute(); if ($db->getNumRows()) { // get all components $listComponents = $db->loadObjectList(); // filter out the components we need $listComponents = array_filter( $listComponents, function ($component) use($user) { if (self::checkJson($component->params) && strpos($component->params, 'activate_membersmanager_info') !== false && $user->authorise('form.access', $component->element)) { // check if this component is active $component->params = json_decode($component->params); return $component->params->activate_membersmanager_info; } return false; } ); // check if we found components if (self::checkArray($listComponents)) { // get language object $lang = JFactory::getLanguage(); foreach ($listComponents as $listComponent) { if (isset($listComponent->params)) { // convert params to object if (self::checkJson($listComponent->params)) { // lets do a quick params setup (to objects) $listComponent->params = json_decode($listComponent->params); } // check that we have an object if (self::checkObject($listComponent->params)) { // try to load the translation $lang->load($listComponent->element, JPATH_ADMINISTRATOR, null, false, true); // translate the extension name if possible $listComponent->name = JText::_($listComponent->name); // translate the info type name if (isset($listComponent->params->info_type_name)) { $listComponent->params->info_type_name = JText::_(strtoupper($listComponent->element) . '_CONFIG_' . $listComponent->params->info_type_name); } } } } return $listComponents; } } return false; } /** * the assessment components **/ protected static $assessmentComponents = array(); /** * Get available assessments based on type */ public static function getAssessmentAvaillable($types, $account, $multiDimensionalAllowed = true) { $assessments = self::getAssessmentComponents($types, $account); // check if we found components if (self::checkArray($assessments)) { // sort into types of assessment $bucketAssessments = array(); foreach ($assessments as $component) { if (isset($component->params->assessment_type_name) && self::checkString($component->params->assessment_type_name)) { $assessmentTypeName = $component->params->assessment_type_name; } else { $assessmentTypeName = $component->name; } // package based on relations (one to one or one to many) if (isset($component->params->membersmanager_relation_type) && $component->params->membersmanager_relation_type == 1 || !$multiDimensionalAllowed) { // set data (one to one) $bucketAssessments[$assessmentTypeName] = $component; } else { // start array if not already set if (!isset($bucketAssessments[$assessmentTypeName])) { $bucketAssessments[$assessmentTypeName] = array(); $bucketAssessments[$assessmentTypeName][] = $component; } // check if this is an array set elseif (self::checkArray($bucketAssessments[$assessmentTypeName])) { // set data (one to many) $bucketAssessments[$assessmentTypeName][] = $component; } // check if this is an array set elseif (self::checkObject($bucketAssessments[$assessmentTypeName])) { $bucket_key = $assessmentTypeName . ' *'; // start array if not already set if (!isset($bucketAssessments[$bucket_key])) { $bucketAssessments[$bucket_key] = array(); $bucketAssessments[$bucket_key][] = $component; } // check if this is an array set elseif (self::checkArray($bucketAssessments[$bucket_key])) { // set data (one to many) $bucketAssessments[$bucket_key][] = $component; } } } } // return the assessment bucket return $bucketAssessments; } return false; } /** * Get type assessment component name */ public static function getAssessmentComponentName($_component) { // see if we have components in memory if (!self::checkArray(self::$assessmentComponents)) { // get list of components self::$assessmentComponents = self::setAssessmentComponents(); } // make sure we have components if (self::checkArray(self::$assessmentComponents)) { foreach (self::$assessmentComponents as $component) { if ($component->element === $_component) { return $component->name; } } } return false; } /** * Get type assessment names */ public static function getTypeAssessmentsNames($types, $account, $as = 'string') { $assessments = self::getAssessmentAvaillable($types, $account); $names = array(); if (self::checkArray($assessments)) { foreach ($assessments as $name => $assessment) { $names[] = $name; } } if (self::checkArray($names)) { // return as if ('string' === $as) { return implode(', ', $names); } return $names; } // still return string if ('string' === $as) { return 'Assessments'; } return false; } /** * Get assessment components */ public static function getAssessmentComponents($types = null, $account = null, $relation = null) { // see if we have components in memory if (!self::checkArray(self::$assessmentComponents)) { // get list of components self::$assessmentComponents = self::setAssessmentComponents(); } // make sure we have components if (self::checkArray(self::$assessmentComponents)) { // convert type json to array if ($types && self::checkJson($types)) { $types = json_decode($types, true); } // convert type int to array if ($types && is_numeric($types) && $types > 0) { $types = array($types); } // filter by type & account if ($types && self::checkArray($types) && $account) { // our little function to check if two arrays intersect on values $intersect = function ($a, $b) { $b = array_flip($b); foreach ($a as $v) { if (isset($b[$v])) return true; } return false; }; // filter out the components we need return array_filter( self::$assessmentComponents, function ($component) use ($types, $account, $relation, $intersect) { // check if the component is available to this type of member return ((isset($component->params->membersmanager_target_type) && $intersect($types, (array) $component->params->membersmanager_target_type)) && (isset($component->params->membersmanager_target_account) && in_array($account, (array) $component->params->membersmanager_target_account)) && (!$relation || (is_int($relation) && $relation == $component->params->membersmanager_relation_type))); } ); } elseif (is_int($relation)) { // filter out the components we need return array_filter( self::$assessmentComponents, function ($component) use ($relation) { // check if the component is available to this relation return ($relation == $component->params->membersmanager_relation_type); } ); } return self::$assessmentComponents; } return false; } /** * set assessment components */ protected static function setAssessmentComponents() { // filter per user access $user = JFactory::getUser(); $db = JFactory::getDBO(); // get components $query = $db->getQuery(true); $query->select('a.*'); $query->from('#__extensions AS a'); $query->where('a.type = ' . $db->quote('component')); $query->where('a.protected = 0')->where('a.enabled = 1'); $db->setQuery($query); $db->execute(); if ($db->getNumRows()) { // get all components $listComponents = $db->loadObjectList(); // filter out the components we need $listComponents = array_filter( $listComponents, function ($component) use($user) { if (self::checkJson($component->params) && strpos($component->params, 'activate_membersmanager_assessment') !== false && $user->authorise('form.access', $component->element)) { // check if this component is active $component->params = json_decode($component->params); return $component->params->activate_membersmanager_assessment; } return false; } ); // check if we found components if (self::checkArray($listComponents)) { // get language object $lang = JFactory::getLanguage(); foreach ($listComponents as $listComponent) { if (isset($listComponent->params)) { // convert params to object if (self::checkJson($listComponent->params)) { // lets do a quick params setup (to objects) $listComponent->params = json_decode($listComponent->params); } // check that we have an object if (self::checkObject($listComponent->params)) { // try to load the translation $lang->load($listComponent->element, JPATH_ADMINISTRATOR, null, false, true); // translate the extension name if possible $listComponent->name = JText::_($listComponent->name); // translate the assessment type name if (isset($listComponent->params->assessment_type_name)) { $listComponent->params->assessment_type_name = JText::_(strtoupper($listComponent->element) . '_CONFIG_' . $listComponent->params->assessment_type_name); } } } } return $listComponents; } } return false; } /** * Load the tabs * * @param object $item Data for the form * @param string $view The view name * @param string $return The return value if found * * @return string * */ public static function loadDynamicTabs(&$item, $view = 'member', $return = '') { // only loads if type and account is set if (isset($item->type) && (self::checkJson($item->type) || (is_numeric($item->type) && $item->type > 0) || self::checkArray($item->type)) && is_numeric($item->account) && $item->account > 0) { // get all the available component calling metods $class = new ReflectionClass('MembersmanagerHelper'); $methods = array_filter($class->getMethods(ReflectionMethod::IS_PUBLIC), function ($method) { if (strpos($method->name, 'get') !== false && strpos($method->name, 'Availlable') !== false ) // The spelling mistake (Availlable) is to unique identify those classes. { return true; } return false; } ); // get user object $user = JFactory::getUser(); // get the database object $db = JFactory::getDBO(); // set the tabs $tabs = array(); $layout = array(); $script = array(); if (self::checkArray($methods)) { foreach ($methods as $method) { // get components $components = self::{$method->name}($item->type, $item->account); // check if we found components if (self::checkArray($components)) { // get assessment details foreach ($components as $_name => $component) { if (self::checkArray($component)) { $tables = array(); foreach ($component as $_nr => $comp) { // first check access if ($user->authorise('form.edit', $comp->element)) { if (($ids = self::getVars('form', $item->id, $view, 'id', 'IN', str_replace('com_', '', $comp->element))) !== false && self::checkArray($ids)) { // load the table $tables[] = self::getTabLinksTable($ids, $item, $comp, $view, $return, $db); } elseif (($tmp = self::getTabLinksTable(null, $item, $comp, $view, $return, $db)) !== false) { $tables[] = $tmp; } } } // load the tables to the layout if (self::checkArray($tables)) { foreach ($tables as $table) { if (self::checkString($table)) { if (!isset($layout[$_name])) { $layout[$_name] = $table; } else { $layout[$_name] .= $table; } } } } // add layout to tabs if (self::checkArray($layout) && count((array) $layout) == 2) { $tabs[] = self::setTab($layout, $view); $layout = array(); } } elseif (self::checkObject($component) && isset($component->element) && $user->authorise('form.edit', $component->element)) { if (($id = self::getVar('form', $item->id, $view, 'id', '=', str_replace('com_', '', $component->element))) === false) // get item ID { // if no item was found set to zero $id = 0; } // check if user are allowed to edit form values or create form values if (($id > 0 && JFactory::getUser()->authorise('form.edit', $component->element . '.form.' . (int) $id)) || ($id == 0 && JFactory::getUser()->authorise('form.create', $component->element))) { $fields = self::getTabFields($id, $component, $script); // load the fields to the layout if (self::checkString($fields)) { // add fields $layout[$_name] = $fields; } // add layout to tabs if (self::checkArray($layout) && count((array) $layout) == 2) { $tabs[] = self::setTab($layout, $view); $layout = array(); } } } } } } } // add remainder layout to tabs if (self::checkArray($layout)) { $tabs[] = self::setTab($layout, $view); } // add the Relationship tab self::setRelationshipTab($item, $view, $return, $tabs); // check if we have tabs if (self::checkArray($tabs)) { // load the script if found if (self::checkArray($script)) { $document = JFactory::getDocument(); $document->addScriptDeclaration(implode("\n", $script)); } return implode("\n", $tabs); } } return ''; } /** * set the relationship tab * * @param object $item Data for the form * @param string $view The view name * @param string $return The return value if found * @param array $tabs The exiting tabs array * * @return void * */ protected static function setRelationshipTab(&$item, &$view, &$return, &$tabs) { // get DB $db = JFactory::getDBO(); // check if there is relationships and members in those relationships if (self::checkObject($item) && isset($item->type) && ($relation_types = self::getRelationshipsByTypes($item->type, $db)) !== false) { // get the members already selected relationships $relation_selected = (isset($item->id) && $item->id > 0) ? self::getRelationshipsByMember($item->id, $db) : false; // build the fields $null = null; $headers = array(); $form = array(); foreach ($relation_types as $id => $type) { // get the field selection $selected = ($relation_selected && isset($relation_selected[$id])) ? $relation_selected[$id] : ''; // set the field note headers $headers[$id] = self::getRelationshipField($type->name, $type->description, $selected, $null); // set the field $form[$id] = self::getRelationshipField($type->name, $type->field_type, $selected, $type->members); } // divide the fields in two $form = self::array_partition($form, 2, true); // load the field layouts foreach($form as $key => $fields) { $layout[$key] = ''; foreach ($fields as $pointer => $field) { // first set the header $layout[$key] .= (isset($headers[$pointer])) ? '
    ' . $headers[$pointer]->label . '
    ': ''; // first set the header $layout[$key] .= '
    '; $layout[$key] .= '
    ' . $field->label . '
    '; $layout[$key] .= '
    ' . $field->input . '
    '; $layout[$key] .= '
    '; } } // update tabs $tabs[] = self::setTab($layout, $view, JText::_('COM_MEMBERSMANAGER_RELATIONSHIPS'), 6, false); } } /** * get the relationship field * * @param string $name The field name * @param int/string $type The type if int or description if string * @param array $selected The selected values * * @return string * */ protected static function getRelationshipField(&$name, &$type, &$selected, &$values) { switch ($type) { case 1: // build checkboxes $attributes = array( 'type' => 'checkboxes', 'name' => 'relationship_mapping_' . self::safeString($name), 'label' => $name, 'class' => 'list_class', 'description' => 'COM_MEMBERSMANAGER_MAKE_A_SELECTION_TO_CREATE_A_RELATIONSHIP'); break; case 2: // build list $attributes = array( 'type' => 'list', 'name' => 'relationship_mapping_' . self::safeString($name), 'label' => $name, 'multiple' => true, 'class' => 'list_class', 'description' => 'COM_MEMBERSMANAGER_MAKE_A_SELECTION_TO_CREATE_A_RELATIONSHIP'); break; default: // build a note $attributes = array( 'type' => 'note', 'name' => 'relationship_mapping_note_' . self::safeString($name), 'label' => $name, 'class' => 'alert'); if (self::checkString($type)) { $attributes['description'] = $type; } break; } // set options $options = null; if (self::checkArray($values)) { // start the building the options $options = array(); // load relationship options from array foreach($values as $value) { $options[(int) $value] = self::getMemberName($value); } } return self::getFieldObject($attributes, $selected, $options); } /** * get the tab fields * * @param int $id The item id * @param object $component The target component details * @param array $document The document array to load script * @param array $footer The document footer array to load scripts * * @return string * */ protected static function getTabFields($id, &$component, &$document) { // build the rows $rows = ''; // get the form if (method_exists(__CLASS__, "getMemberForms") && ($form = self::getMemberForms($id, $component->element)) !== false && self::checkObject($form)) { // get the fields for this form if (($fields = JComponentHelper::getParams($component->element)->get('edit_fields', false)) !== false && self::checkObject($fields)) { // load the fields script self::getTabFieldsScript($component->element, $document); // add the id field if the id was found (but hidden) if ($id > 0) { $form->setFieldAttribute('id', 'type', 'hidden'); $rows = $form->renderField('id'); } // add the rest of the fields foreach ($fields as $row) { if ($form->getField($row->field)) { $rows .= PHP_EOL . $form->renderField($row->field); } } } } return $rows; } /** * get the tab fields script * * @param object $component The target component * @param array $document The document array to load script * @param array $footer The document footer array to load scripts * * @return string * */ protected static function getTabFieldsScript(&$_component, &$document) { // get component name $component = str_replace('com_', '', $_component); // values to change in script $replace = array( 'jform_' => $component . '_', 'updateFieldRequired' => $component . 'updateFieldRequired', 'isSet' => $component . 'isSet', 'vvvvv' => $component . 'uuuu' ); // normal path to view javascript file $script_path = JPATH_ADMINISTRATOR . '/components/' . $_component . '/models/forms/form.js'; // load the javascript for this view if (file_exists($script_path) && ($script = self::getFileContents($script_path, false)) !== false) { // now update the script and add to document $document[] = str_replace(array_keys($replace), array_values($replace), $script); } // normal path to view file $view_path = JPATH_ADMINISTRATOR . '/components/' . $_component . '/views/form/tmpl/edit.php'; // load the javascript form this view if (file_exists($view_path) && ($w_script = self::getFileContents($view_path, false)) !== false) { // get all script from view $a_script = self::getAllBetween($w_script, ''); // check if we found any if (self::checkArray($a_script)) { foreach ($a_script as $_script) { if (strpos($_script, '// waiting spinner') === false && strpos($_script, 'element); // get the database columns of this table $columns = $db->getTableColumns("#__" . $component . "_form", false); // get the global settings $params = JComponentHelper::getParams($comp->element); // get the profile fields $profile_fields = $params->get('profile_fields', false); // set some defaults $_return = '&ref=' . $view . '&refid=' . $item->id . '&return=' . urlencode(base64_encode('index.php?option=com_membersmanager&view=' . $view . '&layout=edit&id=' . $item->id . $return)); $rows = array(); // add a row to create a new item if (($create_button = self::getCreateButton('form', 'forms', $_return, $comp->element)) !== false && self::checkString($create_button)) { $rows[] = '' . $create_button . ''; } // see if id's are found if (self::checkArray($ids)) { // build the links foreach ($ids as $id) { if (self::checkObject($profile_fields)) { // the bucket $bucket = array(); foreach ($profile_fields as $profile) { $bucket[$profile->field] = self::getVar('form', $id, 'id', $profile->field, '=', $component); } $rows[] = '' . implode(', ', $bucket) . self::getEditButton($id, 'form', 'forms', $_return, $comp->element) . ''; } else { // get creating date $created = self::getVar('form', $id, 'id', 'created', '=', $component); // set name $name = self::fancyDayTimeDate($created); // check if there is a name in table if (isset($columns['name'])) { // get name $name = self::getVar('form', $id, 'id', 'name', '=', $component) . ' (' . $name . ')'; } elseif (isset($columns['title'])) { // get name $name = self::getVar('form', $id, 'id', 'title', '=', $component) . ' (' . $name . ')'; } $rows[] = '' . $name . self::getEditButton($id, 'form', 'forms', $_return, $comp->element) . ''; } } } // check if we have rows if (self::checkArray($rows)) { // set the header $head = array($comp->name); // return the table return self::setSubformTable($head, $rows, $view . '_' . $comp->name); } return false; } /** * get the form fields * * @param string $layout The layout array * @param string $code The tab/view code name * @param string $name The tab name * @param int $span The span trigger * @param bool $alert Show the alert * * @return string * */ protected static function setTab(&$layout, $code, $name = null, $span = 6, $alert = true) { // build the tab name if (!$name || !self::checkString($name)) { $name = implode(' & ', array_keys($layout)); } $tmp = JHtml::_('bootstrap.addTab', $code . 'Tab', self::randomkey(10), $name); $tmp .= PHP_EOL . '
    '; if (count((array) $layout) == 1) { if ($span == 6) { $tmp .= PHP_EOL . '
    '; if ($alert) { $tmp .= PHP_EOL . '
    ' . array_keys($layout)[0] . '
    '; } $tmp .= PHP_EOL . array_values($layout)[0]; $tmp .= PHP_EOL . '
    '; $tmp .= PHP_EOL . '
    '; $tmp .= PHP_EOL . '
    '; } else { $tmp .= PHP_EOL . '
    '; if ($alert) { $tmp .= PHP_EOL . '
    ' . array_keys($layout)[0] . '
    '; } $tmp .= PHP_EOL . array_values($layout)[0]; $tmp .= PHP_EOL . '
    '; } } else { foreach ($layout as $name => $value) { $tmp .= PHP_EOL . '
    '; if ($alert) { $tmp .= PHP_EOL . '
    ' . $name . '
    '; } $tmp .= PHP_EOL . $value; $tmp .= PHP_EOL . '
    '; } } $tmp .= PHP_EOL . '
    '; $tmp .= JHtml::_('bootstrap.endTab'); return $tmp; } /** * set subform type table * * @param array $head The header names * @param array $rows The row values * @param string $idName The prefix to the table id * * @return string * */ public static function setSubformTable($head, $rows, $idName) { $table[] = "
    "; $table[] = "\t
    "; $table[] = "\t\t
    "; $table[] = "\t\t\t"; $table[] = "\t\t\t\t"; $table[] = "\t\t\t\t\t"; $table[] = "\t\t\t\t\t\t"; $table[] = "\t\t\t\t\t"; $table[] = "\t\t\t\t"; $table[] = "\t\t\t\t"; foreach ($rows as $row) { $table[] = "\t\t\t\t\t"; $table[] = "\t\t\t\t\t\t" . $row; $table[] = "\t\t\t\t\t"; } $table[] = "\t\t\t\t"; $table[] = "\t\t\t
    " . implode("", $head) . "
    "; $table[] = "\t\t
    "; $table[] = "\t
    "; $table[] = "
    "; // return the table return implode("\n", $table); } /** * save the dynamic values * * @param object $date The main Data * @param string $view The view name * * @return void * */ public static function saveDynamicValues(&$data, $view = 'member') { // get all the available component calling metods $class = new ReflectionClass('MembersmanagerHelper'); $methods = array_filter($class->getMethods(ReflectionMethod::IS_PUBLIC), function ($method) { if (strpos($method->name, 'get') !== false && strpos($method->name, 'Availlable') !== false ) { return true; } return false; } ); // set type if not set if (!isset($data['type']) && $view == 'member') { $data['type'] = self::getVar($view, $data['id'], 'id', 'type'); } // set account if not set if (!isset($data['account']) && $view == 'member') { $data['account'] = self::getVar($view, $data['id'], 'id', 'account'); } // check if we have methods if (self::checkArray($methods) && isset($data['type'], $data['account'])) { // get the global settings if (!self::checkObject(self::$params)) { self::$params = JComponentHelper::getParams('com_membersmanager'); } // get the app object $app = JFactory::getApplication(); // get the post object $post = JFactory::getApplication()->input->post; // get the user object $user = JFactory::getUser(); // get the database object $db = JFactory::getDBO(); // start looping the methods foreach ($methods as $method) { // get components $components = self::{$method->name}($data['type'], $data['account']); // check if we found components if (self::checkArray($components)) { // get assessment details foreach ($components as $_name => $comp) { // only save one to one components if (self::checkObject($comp) && isset($comp->element)) { $_component = $comp->element; $component = str_replace('com_', '', $_component); $Component = self::safeString($component, 'F'); $COMponent = self::safeString($component, 'W'); // get the posted date if there were any $_data = $post->get($component, array(), 'array'); // check if user are allowed to edit form values or create form values if (self::checkArray($_data)) { // get the local params $params = JComponentHelper::getParams($_component); // make sure the ID is set if (!isset($_data['id']) || !is_numeric($_data['id']) || $_data['id'] == 0) { // set id to zero as this will cause new item to be created $_data['id'] = 0; // set default access $_data['access'] = $params->get('default_accesslevel', self::$params->get('default_accesslevel', 1)); } // check if user may edit if ($_data['id'] > 0 && !$user->authorise('form.edit', $_component . '.form.' . (int) $_data['id'])) { // check edit own if (($created_by = self::getVar('form', $_data['id'], 'id', 'created_by', '=', $component)) === false || $created_by != $user->id || !$user->authorise('form.edit.own', $_component)) { $app->enqueueMessage(JText::sprintf('COM_MEMBERSMANAGER_YOU_DO_NOT_HAVE_PERMISSION_TO_EDIT_S_PLEASE_CONTACT_YOUR_SYSTEM_ADMINISTRATOR', $COMponent, $_data['id']), 'warning'); continue; } } // check if user may create if ($_data['id'] == 0 && !$user->authorise('form.create', $_component)) { $app->enqueueMessage(JText::sprintf('COM_MEMBERSMANAGER_YOU_DO_NOT_HAVE_PERMISSION_TO_ADD_DATA_TO_S_PLEASE_CONTACT_YOUR_SYSTEM_ADMINISTRATOR', $COMponent), 'warning'); continue; } // make sure the member ID is set if view is member if ('member' === $view && !isset($_data[$view]) || !is_numeric($_data[$view]) || $_data[$view] == 0) { if ($_data['id'] > 0 && $data['id'] > 0) { // get the member ID if (($member = self::getVar('form', $_data['id'], 'id', $view, '=', $component)) === false || $member != $data['id']) { $app->enqueueMessage(JText::sprintf('COM_MEMBERSMANAGER_MEMBER_ID_MISMATCH_SS_COULD_NOT_BE_SAVED', $COMponent, $_data['id']), 'error'); continue; } } elseif ($_data['id'] > 0) { // get the member ID if (($member = self::getVar('form', $_data['id'], 'id', $view, '=', $component)) === false || $member == 0) { $app->enqueueMessage(JText::sprintf('COM_MEMBERSMANAGER_MEMBER_ID_MISMATCH_SS_COULD_NOT_BE_SAVED', $COMponent, $_data['id']), 'error'); continue; } } elseif ($data['id'] > 0) { // get the member ID $member = $data['id']; } else { $app->enqueueMessage(JText::sprintf('COM_MEMBERSMANAGER_S_COULD_NOT_BE_SAVED_PLEASE_TRY_AGAIN_THIS_COULD_BE_DUE_TO_THE_FACT_THIS_THE_MEMBER_ID_WAS_NOT_READY', $COMponent), 'error'); continue; } // set the member ID $_data[$view] = $member; } // get the model $model = self::getModel('form', JPATH_ADMINISTRATOR . '/components/' . $_component, $Component); // do we have the model if ($model) { // force other component path (TODO) will be an issue if forms and fields are the same \JForm::addFormPath(JPATH_ADMINISTRATOR . '/components/' . $_component . '/models/forms'); \JForm::addFieldPath(JPATH_ADMINISTRATOR . '/components/' . $_component . '/models/fields'); // Validate the posted data. // Sometimes the form needs some posted data, such as for plugins and modules. $form = $model->getForm($_data, false); if (!$form) { $app->enqueueMessage($model->getError(), 'error'); continue; } // remove all fields not part of the allowed edit fields if (($fields = $params->get('edit_fields', false)) !== false && self::checkObject($fields)) { // build a fields array bucket $fieldActive = array(); foreach ($fields as $row) { $fieldActive[$row->field] = $row->field; } // set the keep values $fieldActive['id'] = 'id'; $fieldActive['member'] = 'member'; $fieldActive['asset_id'] = 'asset_id'; $fieldActive['created'] = 'created'; $fieldActive['created_by'] = 'created_by'; $fieldActive['modified'] = 'modified'; $fieldActive['modified_by'] = 'modified_by'; $fieldActive['access'] = 'access'; $fieldActive['version'] = 'version'; $fieldActive['rules'] = 'rules'; // get the database columns of this table $columns = $db->getTableColumns("#__" . $component . "_form", false); // now make sure the fields that are not editable are removed (so can't be updated via this form) foreach(array_keys($columns) as $field) { if (!isset($fieldActive[$field])) { $form->removeField($field); } } } // Send an object which can be modified through the plugin event $objData = (object) $_data; $app->triggerEvent( 'onContentNormaliseRequestData', array($_component . '.form', $objData, $form) ); $_data = (array) $objData; // Test whether the data is valid. $validData = $model->validate($form, $_data); // Check for validation errors. if ($validData === false) { // Get the validation messages. $errors = $model->getErrors(); // Push up to three validation messages out to the user. for ($i = 0, $n = count($errors); $i < $n && $i < 3; $i++) { if ($errors[$i] instanceof \Exception) { $app->enqueueMessage($errors[$i]->getMessage(), 'warning'); } else { $app->enqueueMessage($errors[$i], 'warning'); } } continue; } // always load member back if (!is_numeric($validData[$view]) || $validData[$view] == 0) { $validData[$view] = $member; } // Attempt to save the data. if (!$model->save($validData)) { $app->enqueueMessage(JText::sprintf('COM_MEMBERSMANAGER_S_DATA_COULD_NOT_BE_SAVED', $COMponent), 'error'); } } } } } } } } } /** * save the relationships * * @param object $date The main Data * * @return void * */ public static function saveRelationships(&$data) { // get the app object $app = JFactory::getApplication(); // get the user object $user = JFactory::getUser(); // check if user may edit if (0) // !$user->authorise('member.edit.type', 'com_membersmanager.member.' . (int) $data['id'])) (TODO) { $app->enqueueMessage(JText::_('COM_MEMBERSMANAGER_YOU_DO_NOT_HAVE_PERMISSION_TO_EDIT_THIS_MEMBER_RELATIONSHIPS_PLEASE_CONTACT_YOUR_SYSTEM_ADMINISTRATOR'), 'warning'); return; } // get database object $db = JFactory::getDbo(); // check if there is relationships and members in those relationships if (self::checkArray($data) && isset($data['id']) && is_numeric($data['id']) && $data['id'] > 0 && isset($data['type']) && ($relation_types = self::getRelationshipsByTypes($data['type'], $db, true)) !== false) { // get the post object $post = JFactory::getApplication()->input->post; // Create a new query object. $query = $db->getQuery(true); // build insert query $query->insert($db->quoteName('#__membersmanager_relation_map')); // Insert columns. $columns = array('relation', 'member', 'type'); $query->columns($db->quoteName($columns)); // found values $found = false; // start looping the methods foreach ($relation_types as $type) { // delete all previous set relationships of this member and type self::deleteRelationship($data['id'], $type->id, $db); // get components $get = 'relationship_mapping_' . self::safeString($type->name); // get the posted date if there were any $_values = $post->get($get, array(), 'array'); // check if we found relationships if (self::checkArray($_values)) { // build the values foreach ($_values as $_value) { if (is_numeric($_value) && $_value > 0) { $query->values((int) $_value . ',' . (int) $data['id'] . ',' . (int) $type->id); } } $found = true; } } // save relationship if found if ($found) { // Set the query using our newly populated query object and execute it. $db->setQuery($query); $db->execute(); } } } /** * delete the relationships * * @param int $member The member ID * @param int $type The type ID * * @return void * */ public static function deleteRelationship(&$member, &$type, &$db) { $query = $db->getQuery(true); // delete all types the are linked to this member $conditions = array( $db->quoteName('member') . ' = ' . (int) $member, $db->quoteName('type') . ' = ' . (int) $type ); $query->delete($db->quoteName('#__membersmanager_relation_map')); $query->where($conditions); $db->setQuery($query); $db->execute(); } /** * update the type map, for quick search * * @param int $member The member ID * @param string/array $types The types * * @return void * */ public static function updateTypes(&$member, $types = null) { // get the app object $app = JFactory::getApplication(); // get the user object $user = JFactory::getUser(); // check if user may edit if (!$user->authorise('member.edit.type', 'com_membersmanager.member.' . (int) $member)) { $app->enqueueMessage(JText::_('COM_MEMBERSMANAGER_YOU_DO_NOT_HAVE_PERMISSION_TO_EDIT_THIS_MEMBER_TYPE_PLEASE_CONTACT_YOUR_SYSTEM_ADMINISTRATOR'), 'warning'); return; } // get database object $db = JFactory::getDbo(); $query = $db->getQuery(true); // delete all types the are linked to this member $conditions = array( $db->quoteName('member') . ' = ' . (int) $member ); $query->delete($db->quoteName('#__membersmanager_type_map')); $query->where($conditions); $db->setQuery($query); $db->execute(); // now set the new values if (self::checkArray($types)) { // Create a new query object. $query = $db->getQuery(true); // Insert columns. $columns = array('member', 'type'); // build insert query $query->insert($db->quoteName('#__membersmanager_type_map')); $query->columns($db->quoteName($columns)); // build the values foreach ($types as $type) { $query->values((int) $member . ',' . (int) $type); } // Set the query using our newly populated query object and execute it. $db->setQuery($query); $db->execute(); } } /** * Array Partitioning Function * * @link http://php.net/manual/en/function.array-chunk.php#75022 * Thanks to azspot at gmail dot com * * @param array $array

    * The array to work on *

    * @param int $size

    * The size of each chunk *

    * @param bool $preserve_keys [optional]

    * When set to TRUE keys will be preserved. * Default is FALSE which will reindex the chunk numerically *

    * * @return array a multidimensional numerically indexed array, starting with zero, * with each dimension containing size elements. */ public static function array_partition($array, $size, $preserve_keys = FALSE) { // set some key values $arraylen = count((array) $array ); $partlen = floor( $arraylen / $size ); $partrem = $arraylen % $size; // start the partition builder $partition = array(); $offset = 0; for ($sizex = 0; $sizex < $size; $sizex++) { // get the partition length $length = ($sizex < $partrem) ? $partlen + 1 : $partlen; // set the partition values $partition[$sizex] = array_slice($array, $offset, $length, $preserve_keys); // update the offset $offset += $length; } return $partition; } /** * get the content of a file * * @param string $path The path to the file * @param string/bool $none The return value if no content was found * * @return string On success * */ public static function getFileContents($path, $none = '') { if (self::checkString($path)) { // use basic file get content for now if (($content = @file_get_contents($path)) !== FALSE) { return $content; } // use curl if available elseif (function_exists('curl_version')) { // start curl $ch = curl_init(); // set the options $options = array(); $options[CURLOPT_URL] = $path; $options[CURLOPT_USERAGENT] = 'Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 6.1; en-US; rv: Gecko/20101026 Firefox/3.6.12'; $options[CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER] = TRUE; $options[CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYPEER] = FALSE; // load the options curl_setopt_array($ch, $options); // get the content $content = curl_exec($ch); // close the connection curl_close($ch); // return if found if (self::checkString($content)) { return $content; } } elseif (property_exists('MembersmanagerHelper', 'curlErrorLoaded') && !self::$curlErrorLoaded) { // set the notice JFactory::getApplication()->enqueueMessage(JText::_('COM_MEMBERSMANAGER_HTWOCURL_NOT_FOUNDHTWOPPLEASE_SETUP_CURL_ON_YOUR_SYSTEM_OR_BMEMBERSMANAGERB_WILL_NOT_FUNCTION_CORRECTLYP'), 'Error'); // load this notice only once self::$curlErrorLoaded = true; } } return $none; } /** * bc math wrapper (very basic not for accounting) * * @param string $type The type bc math * @param int $val1 The first value * @param int $val2 The second value * @param int $scale The scale value * * @return int * */ public static function bcmath($type, $val1, $val2, $scale = 0) { // build function name $function = 'bc' . $type; // use the bcmath function if available if (function_exists($function)) { return $function($val1, $val2, $scale); } // if function does not exist we use +-*/ operators (fallback - not ideal) switch ($type) { // Multiply two numbers case 'mul': return (string) round($val1 * $val2, $scale); break; // Divide of two numbers case 'div': return (string) round($val1 / $val2, $scale); break; // Adding two numbers case 'add': return (string) round($val1 + $val2, $scale); break; // Subtract one number from the other case 'sub': return (string) round($val1 - $val2, $scale); break; // Raise an arbitrary precision number to another case 'pow': return (string) round(pow($val1, $val2), $scale); break; // Compare two arbitrary precision numbers case 'comp': return (round($val1,2) == round($val2,2)); break; } return false; } /** * Basic sum of an array with more precision * * @param array $array The values to sum * @param int $scale The scale value * * @return float * */ public static function bcsum($array, $scale = 4) { // use the bcadd function if available if (function_exists('bcadd')) { // set the start value $value = 0.0; // loop the values and run bcadd foreach($array as $val) { $value = bcadd($value, $val, $scale); } return $value; } // fall back on array sum return array_sum($array); } /** * get Core Name * * @return string the core component name * */ public static function getCoreName() { return 'membersmanager'; } /** * File Extension to Mimetype * https://gist.github.com/Llewellynvdm/74be373357e131b8775a7582c3de508b * http://svn.apache.org/repos/asf/httpd/httpd/trunk/docs/conf/mime.types * * @var array **/ protected static $fileExtensionToMimeType = array( '123' => 'application/vnd.lotus-1-2-3', '3dml' => 'text/vnd.in3d.3dml', '3ds' => 'image/x-3ds', '3g2' => 'video/3gpp2', '3gp' => 'video/3gpp', '7z' => 'application/x-7z-compressed', 'aab' => 'application/x-authorware-bin', 'aac' => 'audio/x-aac', 'aam' => 'application/x-authorware-map', 'aas' => 'application/x-authorware-seg', 'abw' => 'application/x-abiword', 'ac' => 'application/pkix-attr-cert', 'acc' => 'application/vnd.americandynamics.acc', 'ace' => 'application/x-ace-compressed', 'acu' => 'application/vnd.acucobol', 'acutc' => 'application/vnd.acucorp', 'adp' => 'audio/adpcm', 'aep' => 'application/vnd.audiograph', 'afm' => 'application/x-font-type1', 'afp' => 'application/vnd.ibm.modcap', 'ahead' => 'application/vnd.ahead.space', 'ai' => 'application/postscript', 'aif' => 'audio/x-aiff', 'aifc' => 'audio/x-aiff', 'aiff' => 'audio/x-aiff', 'air' => 'application/vnd.adobe.air-application-installer-package+zip', 'ait' => 'application/vnd.dvb.ait', 'ami' => 'application/vnd.amiga.ami', 'apk' => 'application/vnd.android.package-archive', 'appcache' => 'text/cache-manifest', 'application' => 'application/x-ms-application', 'apr' => 'application/vnd.lotus-approach', 'arc' => 'application/x-freearc', 'asc' => 'application/pgp-signature', 'asf' => 'video/x-ms-asf', 'asm' => 'text/x-asm', 'aso' => 'application/vnd.accpac.simply.aso', 'asx' => 'video/x-ms-asf', 'atc' => 'application/vnd.acucorp', 'atom' => 'application/atom+xml', 'atomcat' => 'application/atomcat+xml', 'atomsvc' => 'application/atomsvc+xml', 'atx' => 'application/vnd.antix.game-component', 'au' => 'audio/basic', 'avi' => 'video/x-msvideo', 'aw' => 'application/applixware', 'azf' => 'application/vnd.airzip.filesecure.azf', 'azs' => 'application/vnd.airzip.filesecure.azs', 'azw' => 'application/vnd.amazon.ebook', 'bat' => 'application/x-msdownload', 'bcpio' => 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'application/xspf+xml', 'xul' => 'application/vnd.mozilla.xul+xml', 'xvm' => 'application/xv+xml', 'xvml' => 'application/xv+xml', 'xwd' => 'image/x-xwindowdump', 'xyz' => 'chemical/x-xyz', 'xz' => 'application/x-xz', 'yang' => 'application/yang', 'yin' => 'application/yin+xml', 'z1' => 'application/x-zmachine', 'z2' => 'application/x-zmachine', 'z3' => 'application/x-zmachine', 'z4' => 'application/x-zmachine', 'z5' => 'application/x-zmachine', 'z6' => 'application/x-zmachine', 'z7' => 'application/x-zmachine', 'z8' => 'application/x-zmachine', 'zaz' => 'application/vnd.zzazz.deck+xml', 'zip' => 'application/zip', 'zir' => 'application/vnd.zul', 'zirz' => 'application/vnd.zul', 'zmm' => 'application/vnd.handheld-entertainment+xml' ); /** * Get the mime type based on file extension * * @param string $file The file name or path * * @return string the mime type on success * */ public static function mimeType($file) { /** * **DISCLAIMER** * This will just match the file extension to the following * array. It does not guarantee that the file is TRULY that * of the extension that this function returns. * https://gist.github.com/Llewellynvdm/74be373357e131b8775a7582c3de508b */ // get the extension form file $extension = \strtolower(\pathinfo($file, \PATHINFO_EXTENSION)); // check if we have the extension listed if (isset(self::$fileExtensionToMimeType[$extension])) { return self::$fileExtensionToMimeType[$extension]; } elseif (function_exists('mime_content_type')) { return mime_content_type($file); } elseif (function_exists('finfo_open')) { $finfo = finfo_open(FILEINFO_MIME); $mimetype = finfo_file($finfo, $file); finfo_close($finfo); return $mimetype; } return 'application/octet-stream'; } /** * Get the file extensions * * @param string $target The targeted/filter option * @param boolean $sorted The multidimensional grouping sort (only if targeted filter is used) * * @return array All the extensions (targeted & sorted) * */ public static function getFileExtensions($target = null, $sorted = false) { // we have some in-house grouping/filters :) $filters = array( 'image' => array('image', 'font', 'model'), 'document' => array('application', 'text', 'chemical', 'message'), 'media' => array('video', 'audio'), 'file' => array('image', 'application', 'text', 'video', 'audio'), 'all' => array('application', 'text', 'chemical', 'message', 'image', 'font', 'model', 'video', 'audio', 'x-conference') ); // sould we filter if ($target) { // the bucket to get extensions $fileextensions = array(); // check if filter exist (if not return empty array) if (isset($filters[$target])) { foreach (self::$fileExtensionToMimeType as $extension => $mimetype) { // get the key mime type $mimearr = explode("/", $mimetype, 2); // check if this file extension should be added if (in_array($mimearr[0], $filters[$target])) { if ($sorted) { if (!isset($fileextensions[$mimearr[0]])) { $fileextensions[$mimearr[0]] = array(); } $fileextensions[$mimearr[0]][$extension] = $extension; } else { $fileextensions[$extension] = $extension; } } } } return $fileextensions; } // we just return all file extensions return array_keys(self::$fileExtensionToMimeType); } /** * Trigger events * * @param string $plugin The plugin name * @param string $event The event to trigger * @param mix $data The values to pass to the event/plugin * * @return void * */ public static function triggerPlugin($plugin, $event, $data) { // check if the plugin is enabled if (\JPluginHelper::isEnabled('extension', $plugin)) { // Import the appropriate plugin group. \JPluginHelper::importPlugin('extension', $plugin); // Get the dispatcher. $dispatcher = \JEventDispatcher::getInstance(); // Trigger this event. $results = $dispatcher->trigger($event, $data); // Check for errors encountered while trigger the event if (count((array) $results) && in_array(false, $results, true)) { // Get the last error. $error = $dispatcher->getError(); if (!($error instanceof \Exception)) { throw new \Exception($error); } } } } /** * Can a member access another member's data * * @param mix $member The the member being accessed * To do a dynamic get of member ID use the following array * array( table, where, whereString, what) * @param array $types The type of member being accessed * @param mix $user The active user * @param object $db The database object * * @return bool true of can access * */ public static function canAccessMember($member = null, $types = null, $user = null, $db = null) { // here you can do your own custom validation return true; } // <<<=== Privacy integration with Joomla Privacy suite ===>>> /** * Performs validation to determine if the data associated with a remove information request can be processed * * @param PrivacyPlugin $plugin The plugin being processed * @param PrivacyRemovalStatus $status The status being set * @param PrivacyTableRequest $request The request record being processed * @param JUser $user The user account associated with this request if available * * @return PrivacyRemovalStatus */ public static function onPrivacyCanRemoveData(&$plugin, &$status, &$request, &$user) { // Bucket to get all reasons why removal not allowed $reasons = array(); // Check if user has permission to delete Members if (!$user->authorise('member.delete', 'com_membersmanager') && !$user->authorise('member.privacy.delete', 'com_membersmanager')) { $reasons[] = JText::_('COM_MEMBERSMANAGER_PRIVACY_CANT_REMOVE_MEMBERS'); } // Check if any reasons were found not to allow removal if (self::checkArray($reasons)) { $status->canRemove = false; $status->reason = implode(' ' . PHP_EOL, $reasons) . ' ' . PHP_EOL . JText::_('COM_MEMBERSMANAGER_PRIVACY_CANT_REMOVE_CONTACT_SUPPORT'); } return $status; } /** * Processes an export request for Joomla core user data * * @param PrivacyPlugin $plugin The plugin being processed * @param DomainArray $domains The array of domains * @param PrivacyTableRequest $request The request record being processed * @param JUser $user The user account associated with this request if available * * @return PrivacyExportDomain[] */ public static function onPrivacyExportRequest(&$plugin, &$domains, &$request, &$user) { // Check if user has permission to access Members if ($user->authorise('member.access', 'com_membersmanager') || $user->authorise('member.privacy.access', 'com_membersmanager')) { // Get Member domain $domains[] = self::createMembersDomain($plugin, $user); } return $domains; } /** * Create the domain for the Member * * @param JTableUser $user The JTableUser object to process * * @return PrivacyExportDomain */ protected static function createMembersDomain(&$plugin, &$user) { // create Members domain $domain = self::createDomain('member', 'membersmanager_member_data'); // get database object $db = JFactory::getDbo(); // get all item ids of Members that belong to this user $query = $db->getQuery(true) ->select('id') ->from($db->quoteName('#__membersmanager_member')); $query->where($db->quoteName('user') . ' = ' . $db->quote($user->id)); // get all items for the Members domain $pks = $db->setQuery($query)->loadColumn(); // get the Members model $model = self::getModel('members', JPATH_ADMINISTRATOR . '/components/com_membersmanager'); // Get all item details of Members that belong to this user $items = $model->getPrivacyExport($pks, $user); // check if we have items since permissions could block the request if (self::checkArray($items)) { // Remove Member default columns foreach (array('params', 'asset_id', 'checked_out', 'checked_out_time', 'created', 'created_by', 'modified', 'modified_by', 'published', 'ordering', 'access', 'version', 'hits') as $column) { $items = ArrayHelper::dropColumn($items, $column); } // load the items into the domain object foreach ($items as $item) { $domain->addItem(self::createItemFromArray($item, $item['id'])); } } return $domain; } /** * Create a new domain object * * @param string $name The domain's name * @param string $description The domain's description * * @return PrivacyExportDomain * * @since 3.9.0 */ protected static function createDomain($name, $description = '') { $domain = new PrivacyExportDomain; $domain->name = $name; $domain->description = $description; return $domain; } /** * Create an item object for an array * * @param array $data The array data to convert * @param integer|null $itemId The ID of this item * * @return PrivacyExportItem * * @since 3.9.0 */ protected static function createItemFromArray(array $data, $itemId = null) { $item = new PrivacyExportItem; $item->id = $itemId; foreach ($data as $key => $value) { if (is_object($value)) { $value = (array) $value; } if (is_array($value)) { $value = print_r($value, true); } $field = new PrivacyExportField; $field->name = $key; $field->value = $value; $item->addField($field); } return $item; } /** * Removes the data associated with a remove information request * * @param PrivacyTableRequest $request The request record being processed * @param JUser $user The user account associated with this request if available * * @return void */ public static function onPrivacyRemoveData(&$plugin, &$request, &$user) { // Check if user has permission to delet Members if ($user->authorise('member.delete', 'com_membersmanager') || $user->authorise('member.privacy.delete', 'com_membersmanager')) { // Anonymize Member data self::anonymizeMembersData($plugin, $user); } } /** * Anonymize the Member data * * @param JTableUser $user The JTableUser object to process * * @return void */ protected static function anonymizeMembersData(&$plugin, &$user) { // get database object $db = JFactory::getDbo(); // get all item ids of Members that belong to this user $query = $db->getQuery(true) ->select('id') ->from($db->quoteName('#__membersmanager_member')); $query->where($db->quoteName('user') . ' = ' . $db->quote($user->id)); // get all items for the Members table that belong to this user $pks = $db->setQuery($query)->loadColumn(); if (self::checkArray($pks)) { // get the member model $model = self::getModel('member', JPATH_ADMINISTRATOR . '/components/com_membersmanager'); // this is the pseudoanonymised data array for Members $pseudoanonymisedData = array( 'token' => '', 'password' => '', 'password_check' => '', 'email' => '', 'useremail' => '', 'username' => '', 'main_member' => '', 'name' => 'RANDOM', 'profile_image' => '', 'surname' => '', 'account' => '' ); // Get global permissional control activation. (default is inactive) $strict_permission_per_field = JComponentHelper::getParams('com_membersmanager')->get('strict_permission_per_field', 0); if($strict_permission_per_field) { // remove all fields that is not permitted to be changed if (!$user->authorise('member.edit.name', 'com_membersmanager') || !$user->authorise('member.view.name', 'com_membersmanager')) { unset($pseudoanonymisedData['name']); } if (!$user->authorise('member.edit.email', 'com_membersmanager') || !$user->authorise('member.access.email', 'com_membersmanager') || !$user->authorise('member.view.email', 'com_membersmanager')) { unset($pseudoanonymisedData['email']); } if (!$user->authorise('member.edit.account', 'com_membersmanager') || !$user->authorise('member.view.account', 'com_membersmanager')) { unset($pseudoanonymisedData['account']); } if (!$user->authorise('member.edit.token', 'com_membersmanager') || !$user->authorise('member.view.token', 'com_membersmanager')) { unset($pseudoanonymisedData['token']); } if (!$user->authorise('member.edit.profile_image', 'com_membersmanager') || !$user->authorise('member.access.profile_image', 'com_membersmanager') || !$user->authorise('member.view.profile_image', 'com_membersmanager')) { unset($pseudoanonymisedData['profile_image']); } if (!$user->authorise('member.edit.main_member', 'com_membersmanager') || !$user->authorise('member.view.main_member', 'com_membersmanager')) { unset($pseudoanonymisedData['main_member']); } if (!$user->authorise('member.edit.password_check', 'com_membersmanager') || !$user->authorise('member.access.password_check', 'com_membersmanager') || !$user->authorise('member.view.password_check', 'com_membersmanager')) { unset($pseudoanonymisedData['password_check']); } if (!$user->authorise('member.edit.password', 'com_membersmanager') || !$user->authorise('member.access.password', 'com_membersmanager') || !$user->authorise('member.view.password', 'com_membersmanager')) { unset($pseudoanonymisedData['password']); } if (!$user->authorise('member.edit.useremail', 'com_membersmanager') || !$user->authorise('member.access.useremail', 'com_membersmanager') || !$user->authorise('member.view.useremail', 'com_membersmanager')) { unset($pseudoanonymisedData['useremail']); } if (!$user->authorise('member.edit.username', 'com_membersmanager') || !$user->authorise('member.access.username', 'com_membersmanager') || !$user->authorise('member.view.username', 'com_membersmanager')) { unset($pseudoanonymisedData['username']); } if (!$user->authorise('member.edit.surname', 'com_membersmanager') || !$user->authorise('member.view.surname', 'com_membersmanager')) { unset($pseudoanonymisedData['surname']); } } // get the Members table $table = $model->getTable(); // check that we still have pseudoanonymised data for Members set if (!self::checkArray($pseudoanonymisedData)) { // still archive all items $table->publish($pks, 2); return false; } // Iterate the items to anonimize each one. foreach ($pks as $i => $pk) { $table->reset(); $pseudoanonymisedData['id'] = $pk; if (isset($pseudoanonymisedData['name'])) { $pseudoanonymisedData['name'] = self::randomkey(8); } if ($table->bind($pseudoanonymisedData)) { $table->store(); } } // archive all items $table->publish($pks, 2); } } /** * Load the Composer Vendors */ public static function composerAutoload($target) { // insure we load the composer vendor only once if (!isset(self::$composer[$target])) { // get the function name $functionName = self::safeString('compose' . $target); // check if method exist if (method_exists(__CLASS__, $functionName)) { return self::{$functionName}(); } return false; } return self::$composer[$target]; } /** * Load the Component xml manifest. */ public static function manifest() { $manifestUrl = JPATH_ADMINISTRATOR."/components/com_membersmanager/membersmanager.xml"; return simplexml_load_file($manifestUrl); } /** * Joomla version object */ protected static $JVersion; /** * set/get Joomla version */ public static function jVersion() { // check if set if (!self::checkObject(self::$JVersion)) { self::$JVersion = new JVersion(); } return self::$JVersion; } /** * Load the Contributors details. */ public static function getContributors() { // get params $params = JComponentHelper::getParams('com_membersmanager'); // start contributors array $contributors = array(); // get all Contributors (max 20) $searchArray = range('0','20'); foreach($searchArray as $nr) { if ((NULL !== $params->get("showContributor".$nr)) && ($params->get("showContributor".$nr) == 1 || $params->get("showContributor".$nr) == 3)) { // set link based of selected option if($params->get("useContributor".$nr) == 1) { $link_front = ''; $link_back = ''; } elseif($params->get("useContributor".$nr) == 2) { $link_front = ''; $link_back = ''; } else { $link_front = ''; $link_back = ''; } $contributors[$nr]['title'] = self::htmlEscape($params->get("titleContributor".$nr)); $contributors[$nr]['name'] = $link_front.self::htmlEscape($params->get("nameContributor".$nr)).$link_back; } } return $contributors; } /** * Can be used to build help urls. **/ public static function getHelpUrl($view) { return false; } /** * Configure the Linkbar. */ public static function addSubmenu($submenu) { // load user for access menus $user = JFactory::getUser(); // load the submenus to sidebar if ($user->authorise('member.access', 'com_membersmanager') && $user->authorise('member.submenu', 'com_membersmanager')) { JHtmlSidebar::addEntry(JText::_('COM_MEMBERSMANAGER_SUBMENU_MEMBERS'), 'index.php?option=com_membersmanager&view=members', $submenu === 'members'); } if (JComponentHelper::isEnabled('com_fields')) { JHtmlSidebar::addEntry(JText::_('COM_MEMBERSMANAGER_SUBMENU_MEMBERS_FIELDS'), 'index.php?option=com_fields&context=com_membersmanager.member', $submenu === 'fields.fields'); JHtmlSidebar::addEntry(JText::_('COM_MEMBERSMANAGER_SUBMENU_MEMBERS_FIELDS_GROUPS'), 'index.php?option=com_fields&view=groups&context=com_membersmanager.member', $submenu === 'fields.groups'); } if ($user->authorise('type.access', 'com_membersmanager') && $user->authorise('type.submenu', 'com_membersmanager')) { JHtmlSidebar::addEntry(JText::_('COM_MEMBERSMANAGER_SUBMENU_TYPES'), 'index.php?option=com_membersmanager&view=types', $submenu === 'types'); } } /** * Greate user and update given table * * @param array $credentials Array('name' => string, 'username' => string, 'email' => string, 'password' => string, 'password2' => string) * @param int $autologin * @param array $params Array('useractivation' => int, 'sendpassword' => int, 'allowUserRegistration' => int) * @param array $mode 1 = Site Registrations; 0 = Admin Registration; 2 = Custom Helper Method Called registerUser * * @return int|Error User ID on success, or an error. */ public static function createUser($credentials, $autologin = 0, $params = array( 'useractivation' => 0, 'sendpassword' => 1 ), $mode = 1 ) { // Override mode if ($mode == 2 && method_exists(__CLASS__, 'registerUser')) { // Update params $params['autologin'] = $autologin; // Now Register User return self::registerUser($credentials, $params); } elseif ($mode == 2) { // Fallback to Site Registrations $mode = 1; } // load the user component language files if there is an error. $lang = JFactory::getLanguage(); $extension = 'com_users'; $base_dir = JPATH_SITE; $language_tag = 'en-GB'; $reload = true; $lang->load($extension, $base_dir, $language_tag, $reload); // Load the correct user model. if ($mode == 1) // 1 = Site Registrations { // Load the user site-registration model $model = self::getModel('registration', $base_dir . '/components/' . $extension, 'Users'); } else // 0 = Admin Registration { // Load the backend-user model $model = self::getModel('user', JPATH_ADMINISTRATOR . '/components/' . $extension, 'Users'); } // Check if we have params/config if (self::checkArray($params)) { // Make changes to user config foreach ($params as $param => $set) { // If you know of a better path, let me know $params[$param] = self::setParams($extension, $param, $set); } } // Set username to email if not set if (!isset($credentials['username']) || !self::checkString($credentials['username'])) { $credentials['username'] = $credentials['email']; } // Lineup new user data array $data = array( 'username' => $credentials['username'], 'name' => $credentials['name'], 'block' => 0 ); // Added details based on mode if ($mode == 1) // 1 = Site-registration mode { $data['email1'] = $credentials['email']; } else // 0 = Admin-registration mode { $data['email'] = $credentials['email']; $data['registerDate'] = JFactory::getDate()->toSql(); } // Check if password was set if ($mode == 1 && (!isset($credentials['password']) || !isset($credentials['password2']) || !self::checkString($credentials['password']) || !self::checkString($credentials['password2']))) { // Set random password when empty password was submitted, // when using the 1 = site-registration mode $credentials['password'] = self::randomkey(8); $credentials['password2'] = $credentials['password']; } // Now Add password if set if (isset($credentials['password']) && isset($credentials['password2']) && self::checkString($credentials['password']) && self::checkString($credentials['password2'])) { if ($mode == 1) // 1 = Site-registration mode { $data['password1'] = $credentials['password']; } else // 0 = Admin-registration mode { $data['password'] = $credentials['password']; } $data['password2'] = $credentials['password2']; } // Load the group/s value if set, only for Admin Registration ($mode == 0) if ($mode == 0 && isset($credentials['groups']) && self::checkArray($credentials['groups'])) { $data['groups'] = $credentials['groups']; } // Create the new user if ($mode == 1) // 1 = Site-registration mode { $userId = $model->register($data); } else // 0 = Admin-registration mode { $model->save($data); $userId = $model->getState('user.id', 0); } // Check if we have params if (self::checkArray($params)) { // Change user params/config back foreach ($params as $param => $set) { // If you know of a better path, let me know self::setParams($extension, $param, $set); } } // if user is created if ($userId > 0) { // Auto Login if Needed if ($autologin && isset($credentials['password'])) { // Try to login try{ JFactory::getApplication()->login($credentials); } catch (Exception $exception){ // Do noting for now, may want to set redirect. } } // Return ID return $userId; } return $model->getError(); } public static function setParams($component,$target,$value) { // Get the params and set the new values $params = JComponentHelper::getParams($component); $was = $params->get($target, null); if ($was != $value) { $params->set($target, $value); // Get a new database query instance $db = JFactory::getDBO(); $query = $db->getQuery(true); // Build the query $query->update('#__extensions AS a'); $query->set('a.params = ' . $db->quote((string)$params)); $query->where('a.element = ' . $db->quote((string)$component)); // Execute the query $db->setQuery($query); $db->execute(); } return $was; } /** * Update user values */ public static function updateUser($new) { // load the user component language files if there is an error. $lang = JFactory::getLanguage(); $extension = 'com_users'; $base_dir = JPATH_ADMINISTRATOR; $language_tag = 'en-GB'; $reload = true; $lang->load($extension, $base_dir, $language_tag, $reload); // load the user model $model = self::getModel('user', JPATH_ADMINISTRATOR . '/components/com_users', 'Users'); // Check if password was set if (isset($new['password']) && isset($new['password2']) && self::checkString($new['password']) && self::checkString($new['password2'])) { // Use the users passwords $password = $new['password']; $password2 = $new['password2']; } // set username if (!isset($new['username']) || !self::checkString($new['username'])) { $new['username'] = $new['email']; } // lineup update user data $data = array( 'id' => $new['id'], 'username' => $new['username'], 'name' => $new['name'], 'email' => $new['email'], 'password' => $password, // First password field 'password2' => $password2, // Confirm password field 'block' => 0 ); // set groups if found if (isset($new['groups']) && self::checkArray($new['groups'])) { $data['groups'] = $new['groups']; } // register the new user $done = $model->save($data); // if user is updated if ($done) { return $new['id']; } return $model->getError(); } /** * UIKIT Component Classes **/ public static $uk_components = array( 'data-uk-grid' => array( 'grid' ), 'uk-accordion' => array( 'accordion' ), 'uk-autocomplete' => array( 'autocomplete' ), 'data-uk-datepicker' => array( 'datepicker' ), 'uk-form-password' => array( 'form-password' ), 'uk-form-select' => array( 'form-select' ), 'data-uk-htmleditor' => array( 'htmleditor' ), 'data-uk-lightbox' => array( 'lightbox' ), 'uk-nestable' => array( 'nestable' ), 'UIkit.notify' => array( 'notify' ), 'data-uk-parallax' => array( 'parallax' ), 'uk-search' => array( 'search' ), 'uk-slider' => array( 'slider' ), 'uk-slideset' => array( 'slideset' ), 'uk-slideshow' => array( 'slideshow', 'slideshow-fx' ), 'uk-sortable' => array( 'sortable' ), 'data-uk-sticky' => array( 'sticky' ), 'data-uk-timepicker' => array( 'timepicker' ), 'data-uk-tooltip' => array( 'tooltip' ), 'uk-placeholder' => array( 'placeholder' ), 'uk-dotnav' => array( 'dotnav' ), 'uk-slidenav' => array( 'slidenav' ), 'uk-form' => array( 'form-advanced' ), 'uk-progress' => array( 'progress' ), 'upload-drop' => array( 'upload', 'form-file' ) ); /** * Add UIKIT Components **/ public static $uikit = false; /** * Get UIKIT Components **/ public static function getUikitComp($content,$classes = array()) { if (strpos($content,'class="uk-') !== false) { // reset $temp = array(); foreach (self::$uk_components as $looking => $add) { if (strpos($content,$looking) !== false) { $temp[] = $looking; } } // make sure uikit is loaded to config if (strpos($content,'class="uk-') !== false) { self::$uikit = true; } // sorter if (self::checkArray($temp)) { // merger if (self::checkArray($classes)) { $newTemp = array_merge($temp,$classes); $temp = array_unique($newTemp); } return $temp; } } if (self::checkArray($classes)) { return $classes; } return false; } /** * Prepares the xml document */ public static function xls($rows, $fileName = null, $title = null, $subjectTab = null, $creator = 'Joomla Component Builder', $description = null, $category = null,$keywords = null, $modified = null) { // set the user $user = JFactory::getUser(); // set fileName if not set if (!$fileName) { $fileName = 'exported_'.JFactory::getDate()->format('jS_F_Y'); } // set modified if not set if (!$modified) { $modified = $user->name; } // set title if not set if (!$title) { $title = 'Book1'; } // set tab name if not set if (!$subjectTab) { $subjectTab = 'Sheet1'; } // make sure we have the composer classes loaded self::composerAutoload('phpspreadsheet'); // Create new Spreadsheet object $spreadsheet = new Spreadsheet(); // Set document properties $spreadsheet->getProperties() ->setCreator($creator) ->setCompany('Joomla Component Builder') ->setLastModifiedBy($modified) ->setTitle($title) ->setSubject($subjectTab); // The file type $file_type = 'Xls'; // set description if ($description) { $spreadsheet->getProperties()->setDescription($description); } // set keywords if ($keywords) { $spreadsheet->getProperties()->setKeywords($keywords); } // set category if ($category) { $spreadsheet->getProperties()->setCategory($category); } // Some styles $headerStyles = array( 'font' => array( 'bold' => true, 'color' => array('rgb' => '1171A3'), 'size' => 12, 'name' => 'Verdana' )); $sideStyles = array( 'font' => array( 'bold' => true, 'color' => array('rgb' => '444444'), 'size' => 11, 'name' => 'Verdana' )); $normalStyles = array( 'font' => array( 'color' => array('rgb' => '444444'), 'size' => 11, 'name' => 'Verdana' )); // Add some data if (($size = self::checkArray($rows)) !== false) { $i = 1; // Based on data size we adapt the behaviour. $xls_mode = 1; if ($size > 3000) { $xls_mode = 3; $file_type = 'Csv'; } elseif ($size > 2000) { $xls_mode = 2; } // Set active sheet and get it. $active_sheet = $spreadsheet->setActiveSheetIndex(0); foreach ($rows as $array) { $a = 'A'; foreach ($array as $value) { $active_sheet->setCellValue($a.$i, $value); if ($xls_mode != 3) { if ($i == 1) { $active_sheet->getColumnDimension($a)->setAutoSize(true); $active_sheet->getStyle($a.$i)->applyFromArray($headerStyles); $active_sheet->getStyle($a.$i)->getAlignment()->setHorizontal(PhpOffice\PhpSpreadsheet\Style\Alignment::HORIZONTAL_CENTER); } elseif ($a === 'A') { $active_sheet->getStyle($a.$i)->applyFromArray($sideStyles); } elseif ($xls_mode == 1) { $active_sheet->getStyle($a.$i)->applyFromArray($normalStyles); } } $a++; } $i++; } } else { return false; } // Rename worksheet $spreadsheet->getActiveSheet()->setTitle($subjectTab); // Set active sheet index to the first sheet, so Excel opens this as the first sheet $spreadsheet->setActiveSheetIndex(0); // Redirect output to a client's web browser (Excel5) header('Content-Type: application/vnd.ms-excel'); header('Content-Disposition: attachment;filename="' . $fileName . '.' . strtolower($file_type) .'"'); header('Cache-Control: max-age=0'); // If you're serving to IE 9, then the following may be needed header('Cache-Control: max-age=1'); // If you're serving to IE over SSL, then the following may be needed header ('Expires: Mon, 26 Jul 1997 05:00:00 GMT'); // Date in the past header ('Last-Modified: '.gmdate('D, d M Y H:i:s').' GMT'); // always modified header ('Cache-Control: cache, must-revalidate'); // HTTP/1.1 header ('Pragma: public'); // HTTP/1.0 $writer = IOFactory::createWriter($spreadsheet, $file_type); $writer->save('php://output'); jexit(); } /** * Get CSV Headers */ public static function getFileHeaders($dataType) { // make sure we have the composer classes loaded self::composerAutoload('phpspreadsheet'); // get session object $session = JFactory::getSession(); $package = $session->get('package', null); $package = json_decode($package, true); // set the headers if(isset($package['dir'])) { // only load first three rows $chunkFilter = new PhpOffice\PhpSpreadsheet\Reader\chunkReadFilter(2,1); // identify the file type $inputFileType = IOFactory::identify($package['dir']); // create the reader for this file type $excelReader = IOFactory::createReader($inputFileType); // load the limiting filter $excelReader->setReadFilter($chunkFilter); $excelReader->setReadDataOnly(true); // load the rows (only first three) $excelObj = $excelReader->load($package['dir']); $headers = array(); foreach ($excelObj->getActiveSheet()->getRowIterator() as $row) { if($row->getRowIndex() == 1) { $cellIterator = $row->getCellIterator(); $cellIterator->setIterateOnlyExistingCells(false); foreach ($cellIterator as $cell) { if (!is_null($cell)) { $headers[$cell->getColumn()] = $cell->getValue(); } } $excelObj->disconnectWorksheets(); unset($excelObj); break; } } return $headers; } return false; } /** * Load the Composer Vendor phpspreadsheet */ protected static function composephpspreadsheet() { // load the autoloader for phpspreadsheet require_once JPATH_SITE . '/libraries/phpspreadsheet/vendor/autoload.php'; // do not load again self::$composer['phpspreadsheet'] = true; return true; } /** * Get a Variable * * @param string $table The table from which to get the variable * @param string $where The value where * @param string $whereString The target/field string where/name * @param string $what The return field * @param string $operator The operator between $whereString/field and $where/value * @param string $main The component in which the table is found * * @return mix string/int/float * */ public static function getVar($table, $where = null, $whereString = 'user', $what = 'id', $operator = '=', $main = 'membersmanager') { if(!$where) { $where = JFactory::getUser()->id; } // Get a db connection. $db = JFactory::getDbo(); // Create a new query object. $query = $db->getQuery(true); $query->select($db->quoteName(array($what))); if (empty($table)) { $query->from($db->quoteName('#__'.$main)); } else { $query->from($db->quoteName('#__'.$main.'_'.$table)); } if (is_numeric($where)) { $query->where($db->quoteName($whereString) . ' '.$operator.' '.(int) $where); } elseif (is_string($where)) { $query->where($db->quoteName($whereString) . ' '.$operator.' '. $db->quote((string)$where)); } else { return false; } $db->setQuery($query); $db->execute(); if ($db->getNumRows()) { return $db->loadResult(); } return false; } /** * Get array of variables * * @param string $table The table from which to get the variables * @param string $where The value where * @param string $whereString The target/field string where/name * @param string $what The return field * @param string $operator The operator between $whereString/field and $where/value * @param string $main The component in which the table is found * @param bool $unique The switch to return a unique array * * @return array * */ public static function getVars($table, $where = null, $whereString = 'user', $what = 'id', $operator = 'IN', $main = 'membersmanager', $unique = true) { if(!$where) { $where = JFactory::getUser()->id; } if (!self::checkArray($where) && $where > 0) { $where = array($where); } if (self::checkArray($where)) { // prep main <-- why? well if $main='' is empty then $table can be categories or users if (self::checkString($main)) { $main = '_'.ltrim($main, '_'); } // Get a db connection. $db = JFactory::getDbo(); // Create a new query object. $query = $db->getQuery(true); $query->select($db->quoteName(array($what))); if (empty($table)) { $query->from($db->quoteName('#__'.$main)); } else { $query->from($db->quoteName('#_'.$main.'_'.$table)); } // add strings to array search if ('IN_STRINGS' === $operator || 'NOT IN_STRINGS' === $operator) { $query->where($db->quoteName($whereString) . ' ' . str_replace('_STRINGS', '', $operator) . ' ("' . implode('","',$where) . '")'); } else { $query->where($db->quoteName($whereString) . ' ' . $operator . ' (' . implode(',',$where) . ')'); } $db->setQuery($query); $db->execute(); if ($db->getNumRows()) { if ($unique) { return array_unique($db->loadColumn()); } return $db->loadColumn(); } } return false; } public static function jsonToString($value, $sperator = ", ", $table = null, $id = 'id', $name = 'name') { // do some table foot work $external = false; if (strpos($table, '#__') !== false) { $external = true; $table = str_replace('#__', '', $table); } // check if string is JSON $result = json_decode($value, true); if (json_last_error() === JSON_ERROR_NONE) { // is JSON if (self::checkArray($result)) { if (self::checkString($table)) { $names = array(); foreach ($result as $val) { if ($external) { if ($_name = self::getVar(null, $val, $id, $name, '=', $table)) { $names[] = $_name; } } else { if ($_name = self::getVar($table, $val, $id, $name)) { $names[] = $_name; } } } if (self::checkArray($names)) { return (string) implode($sperator,$names); } } return (string) implode($sperator,$result); } return (string) json_decode($value); } return $value; } public static function isPublished($id,$type) { if ($type == 'raw') { $type = 'item'; } $db = JFactory::getDbo(); $query = $db->getQuery(true); $query->select(array('a.published')); $query->from('#__membersmanager_'.$type.' AS a'); $query->where('a.id = '. (int) $id); $query->where('a.published = 1'); $db->setQuery($query); $db->execute(); $found = $db->getNumRows(); if($found) { return true; } return false; } public static function getGroupName($id) { $db = JFactory::getDBO(); $query = $db->getQuery(true); $query->select(array('a.title')); $query->from('#__usergroups AS a'); $query->where('a.id = '. (int) $id); $db->setQuery($query); $db->execute(); $found = $db->getNumRows(); if($found) { return $db->loadResult(); } return $id; } /** * Get the action permissions * * @param string $view The related view name * @param int $record The item to act upon * @param string $views The related list view name * @param mixed $target Only get this permission (like edit, create, delete) * @param string $component The target component * @param object $user The user whose permissions we are loading * * @return object The JObject of permission/authorised actions * */ public static function getActions($view, &$record = null, $views = null, $target = null, $component = 'membersmanager', $user = 'null') { // load the user if not given if (!self::checkObject($user)) { // get the user object $user = JFactory::getUser(); } // load the JObject $result = new JObject; // make view name safe (just incase) $view = self::safeString($view); if (self::checkString($views)) { $views = self::safeString($views); } // get all actions from component $actions = JAccess::getActionsFromFile( JPATH_ADMINISTRATOR . '/components/com_' . $component . '/access.xml', "/access/section[@name='component']/" ); // if non found then return empty JObject if (empty($actions)) { return $result; } // get created by if not found if (self::checkObject($record) && !isset($record->created_by) && isset($record->id)) { $record->created_by = self::getVar($view, $record->id, 'id', 'created_by', '=', $component); } // set actions only set in component settings $componentActions = array('core.admin', 'core.manage', 'core.options', 'core.export'); // check if we have a target $checkTarget = false; if ($target) { // convert to an array if (self::checkString($target)) { $target = array($target); } // check if we are good to go if (self::checkArray($target)) { $checkTarget = true; } } // loop the actions and set the permissions foreach ($actions as $action) { // check target action filter if ($checkTarget && self::filterActions($view, $action->name, $target)) { continue; } // set to use component default $fallback = true; // reset permission per/action $permission = false; $catpermission = false; // set area $area = 'comp'; // check if the record has an ID and the action is item related (not a component action) if (self::checkObject($record) && isset($record->id) && $record->id > 0 && !in_array($action->name, $componentActions) && (strpos($action->name, 'core.') !== false || strpos($action->name, $view . '.') !== false)) { // we are in item $area = 'item'; // The record has been set. Check the record permissions. $permission = $user->authorise($action->name, 'com_' . $component . '.' . $view . '.' . (int) $record->id); // if no permission found, check edit own if (!$permission) { // With edit, if the created_by matches current user then dig deeper. if (($action->name === 'core.edit' || $action->name === $view . '.edit') && $record->created_by > 0 && ($record->created_by == $user->id)) { // the correct target $coreCheck = (array) explode('.', $action->name); // check that we have both local and global access if ($user->authorise($coreCheck[0] . '.edit.own', 'com_' . $component . '.' . $view . '.' . (int) $record->id) && $user->authorise($coreCheck[0] . '.edit.own', 'com_' . $component)) { // allow edit $result->set($action->name, true); // set not to use global default // because we already validated it $fallback = false; } else { // do not allow edit $result->set($action->name, false); $fallback = false; } } } elseif (self::checkString($views) && isset($record->catid) && $record->catid > 0) { // we are in item $area = 'category'; // set the core check $coreCheck = explode('.', $action->name); $core = $coreCheck[0]; // make sure we use the core. action check for the categories if (strpos($action->name, $view) !== false && strpos($action->name, 'core.') === false ) { $coreCheck[0] = 'core'; $categoryCheck = implode('.', $coreCheck); } else { $categoryCheck = $action->name; } // The record has a category. Check the category permissions. $catpermission = $user->authorise($categoryCheck, 'com_' . $component . '.' . $views . '.category.' . (int) $record->catid); if (!$catpermission && !is_null($catpermission)) { // With edit, if the created_by matches current user then dig deeper. if (($action->name === 'core.edit' || $action->name === $view . '.edit') && $record->created_by > 0 && ($record->created_by == $user->id)) { // check that we have both local and global access if ($user->authorise('core.edit.own', 'com_' . $component . '.' . $views . '.category.' . (int) $record->catid) && $user->authorise($core . '.edit.own', 'com_' . $component)) { // allow edit $result->set($action->name, true); // set not to use global default // because we already validated it $fallback = false; } else { // do not allow edit $result->set($action->name, false); $fallback = false; } } } } } // if allowed then fallback on component global settings if ($fallback) { // if item/category blocks access then don't fall back on global if ((($area === 'item') && !$permission) || (($area === 'category') && !$catpermission)) { // do not allow $result->set($action->name, false); } // Finally remember the global settings have the final say. (even if item allow) // The local item permissions can block, but it can't open and override of global permissions. // Since items are created by users and global permissions is set by system admin. else { $result->set($action->name, $user->authorise($action->name, 'com_' . $component)); } } } return $result; } /** * Filter the action permissions * * @param string $action The action to check * @param array $targets The array of target actions * * @return boolean true if action should be filtered out * */ protected static function filterActions(&$view, &$action, &$targets) { foreach ($targets as $target) { if (strpos($action, $view . '.' . $target) !== false || strpos($action, 'core.' . $target) !== false) { return false; break; } } return true; } /** * Get any component's model */ public static function getModel($name, $path = JPATH_COMPONENT_ADMINISTRATOR, $Component = 'Membersmanager', $config = array()) { // fix the name $name = self::safeString($name); // full path to models $fullPathModels = $path . '/models'; // load the model file JModelLegacy::addIncludePath($fullPathModels, $Component . 'Model'); // make sure the table path is loaded if (!isset($config['table_path']) || !self::checkString($config['table_path'])) { // This is the JCB default path to tables in Joomla 3.x $config['table_path'] = JPATH_ADMINISTRATOR . '/components/com_' . strtolower($Component) . '/tables'; } // get instance $model = JModelLegacy::getInstance($name, $Component . 'Model', $config); // if model not found (strange) if ($model == false) { jimport('joomla.filesystem.file'); // get file path $filePath = $path . '/' . $name . '.php'; $fullPathModel = $fullPathModels . '/' . $name . '.php'; // check if it exists if (JFile::exists($filePath)) { // get the file require_once $filePath; } elseif (JFile::exists($fullPathModel)) { // get the file require_once $fullPathModel; } // build class names $modelClass = $Component . 'Model' . $name; if (class_exists($modelClass)) { // initialize the model return new $modelClass($config); } } return $model; } /** * Add to asset Table */ public static function setAsset($id, $table, $inherit = true) { $parent = JTable::getInstance('Asset'); $parent->loadByName('com_membersmanager'); $parentId = $parent->id; $name = 'com_membersmanager.'.$table.'.'.$id; $title = ''; $asset = JTable::getInstance('Asset'); $asset->loadByName($name); // Check for an error. $error = $asset->getError(); if ($error) { return false; } else { // Specify how a new or moved node asset is inserted into the tree. if ($asset->parent_id != $parentId) { $asset->setLocation($parentId, 'last-child'); } // Prepare the asset to be stored. $asset->parent_id = $parentId; $asset->name = $name; $asset->title = $title; // get the default asset rules $rules = self::getDefaultAssetRules('com_membersmanager', $table, $inherit); if ($rules instanceof JAccessRules) { $asset->rules = (string) $rules; } if (!$asset->check() || !$asset->store()) { JFactory::getApplication()->enqueueMessage($asset->getError(), 'warning'); return false; } else { // Create an asset_id or heal one that is corrupted. $object = new stdClass(); // Must be a valid primary key value. $object->id = $id; $object->asset_id = (int) $asset->id; // Update their asset_id to link to the asset table. return JFactory::getDbo()->updateObject('#__membersmanager_'.$table, $object, 'id'); } } return false; } /** * Gets the default asset Rules for a component/view. */ protected static function getDefaultAssetRules($component, $view, $inherit = true) { // if new or inherited $assetId = 0; // Only get the actual item rules if not inheriting if (!$inherit) { // Need to find the asset id by the name of the component. $db = JFactory::getDbo(); $query = $db->getQuery(true) ->select($db->quoteName('id')) ->from($db->quoteName('#__assets')) ->where($db->quoteName('name') . ' = ' . $db->quote($component)); $db->setQuery($query); $db->execute(); // check that there is a value if ($db->getNumRows()) { // asset already set so use saved rules $assetId = (int) $db->loadResult(); } } // get asset rules $result = JAccess::getAssetRules($assetId); if ($result instanceof JAccessRules) { $_result = (string) $result; $_result = json_decode($_result); foreach ($_result as $name => &$rule) { $v = explode('.', $name); if ($view !== $v[0]) { // remove since it is not part of this view unset($_result->$name); } elseif ($inherit) { // clear the value since we inherit $rule = array(); } } // check if there are any view values remaining if (count((array) $_result)) { $_result = json_encode($_result); $_result = array($_result); // Instantiate and return the JAccessRules object for the asset rules. $rules = new JAccessRules($_result); // return filtered rules return $rules; } } return $result; } /** * xmlAppend * * @param SimpleXMLElement $xml The XML element reference in which to inject a comment * @param mixed $node A SimpleXMLElement node to append to the XML element reference, or a stdClass object containing a comment attribute to be injected before the XML node and a fieldXML attribute containing a SimpleXMLElement * * @return null * */ public static function xmlAppend(&$xml, $node) { if (!$node) { // element was not returned return; } switch (get_class($node)) { case 'stdClass': if (property_exists($node, 'comment')) { self::xmlComment($xml, $node->comment); } if (property_exists($node, 'fieldXML')) { self::xmlAppend($xml, $node->fieldXML); } break; case 'SimpleXMLElement': $domXML = dom_import_simplexml($xml); $domNode = dom_import_simplexml($node); $domXML->appendChild($domXML->ownerDocument->importNode($domNode, true)); $xml = simplexml_import_dom($domXML); break; } } /** * xmlComment * * @param SimpleXMLElement $xml The XML element reference in which to inject a comment * @param string $comment The comment to inject * * @return null * */ public static function xmlComment(&$xml, $comment) { $domXML = dom_import_simplexml($xml); $domComment = new DOMComment($comment); $nodeTarget = $domXML->ownerDocument->importNode($domComment, true); $domXML->appendChild($nodeTarget); $xml = simplexml_import_dom($domXML); } /** * xmlAddAttributes * * @param SimpleXMLElement $xml The XML element reference in which to inject a comment * @param array $attributes The attributes to apply to the XML element * * @return null * */ public static function xmlAddAttributes(&$xml, $attributes = array()) { foreach ($attributes as $key => $value) { $xml->addAttribute($key, $value); } } /** * xmlAddOptions * * @param SimpleXMLElement $xml The XML element reference in which to inject a comment * @param array $options The options to apply to the XML element * * @return void * */ public static function xmlAddOptions(&$xml, $options = array()) { foreach ($options as $key => $value) { $addOption = $xml->addChild('option'); $addOption->addAttribute('value', $key); $addOption[] = $value; } } /** * get the field object * * @param array $attributes The array of attributes * @param string $default The default of the field * @param array $options The options to apply to the XML element * * @return object * */ public static function getFieldObject(&$attributes, $default = '', $options = null) { // make sure we have attributes and a type value if (self::checkArray($attributes) && isset($attributes['type'])) { // make sure the form helper class is loaded if (!method_exists('JFormHelper', 'loadFieldType')) { jimport('joomla.form.form'); } // get field type $field = JFormHelper::loadFieldType($attributes['type'], true); // get field xml $XML = self::getFieldXML($attributes, $options); // setup the field $field->setup($XML, $default); // return the field object return $field; } return false; } /** * get the field xml * * @param array $attributes The array of attributes * @param array $options The options to apply to the XML element * * @return object * */ public static function getFieldXML(&$attributes, $options = null) { // make sure we have attributes and a type value if (self::checkArray($attributes)) { // start field xml $XML = new SimpleXMLElement(''); // load the attributes self::xmlAddAttributes($XML, $attributes); // check if we have options if (self::checkArray($options)) { // load the options self::xmlAddOptions($XML, $options); } // return the field xml return $XML; } return false; } /** * Render Bool Button * * @param array $args All the args for the button * 0) name * 1) additional (options class) // not used at this time * 2) default * 3) yes (name) * 4) no (name) * * @return string The input html of the button * */ public static function renderBoolButton() { $args = func_get_args(); // check if there is additional button class $additional = isset($args[1]) ? (string) $args[1] : ''; // not used at this time // button attributes $buttonAttributes = array( 'type' => 'radio', 'name' => isset($args[0]) ? self::htmlEscape($args[0]) : 'bool_button', 'label' => isset($args[0]) ? self::safeString(self::htmlEscape($args[0]), 'Ww') : 'Bool Button', // not seen anyway 'class' => 'btn-group', 'filter' => 'INT', 'default' => isset($args[2]) ? (int) $args[2] : 0); // set the button options $buttonOptions = array( '1' => isset($args[3]) ? self::htmlEscape($args[3]) : 'JYES', '0' => isset($args[4]) ? self::htmlEscape($args[4]) : 'JNO'); // return the input return self::getFieldObject($buttonAttributes, $buttonAttributes['default'], $buttonOptions)->input; } /** * Check if have an json string * * @input string The json string to check * * @returns bool true on success */ public static function checkJson($string) { if (self::checkString($string)) { json_decode($string); return (json_last_error() === JSON_ERROR_NONE); } return false; } /** * Check if have an object with a length * * @input object The object to check * * @returns bool true on success */ public static function checkObject($object) { if (isset($object) && is_object($object)) { return count((array)$object) > 0; } return false; } /** * Check if have an array with a length * * @input array The array to check * * @returns bool/int number of items in array on success */ public static function checkArray($array, $removeEmptyString = false) { if (isset($array) && is_array($array) && ($nr = count((array)$array)) > 0) { // also make sure the empty strings are removed if ($removeEmptyString) { foreach ($array as $key => $string) { if (empty($string)) { unset($array[$key]); } } return self::checkArray($array, false); } return $nr; } return false; } /** * Check if have a string with a length * * @input string The string to check * * @returns bool true on success */ public static function checkString($string) { if (isset($string) && is_string($string) && strlen($string) > 0) { return true; } return false; } /** * Check if we are connected * Thanks https://stackoverflow.com/a/4860432/1429677 * * @returns bool true on success */ public static function isConnected() { // If example.com is down, then probably the whole internet is down, since IANA maintains the domain. Right? $connected = @fsockopen("www.example.com", 80); // website, port (try 80 or 443) if ($connected) { //action when connected $is_conn = true; fclose($connected); } else { //action in connection failure $is_conn = false; } return $is_conn; } /** * Merge an array of array's * * @input array The arrays you would like to merge * * @returns array on success */ public static function mergeArrays($arrays) { if(self::checkArray($arrays)) { $arrayBuket = array(); foreach ($arrays as $array) { if (self::checkArray($array)) { $arrayBuket = array_merge($arrayBuket, $array); } } return $arrayBuket; } return false; } // typo sorry! public static function sorten($string, $length = 40, $addTip = true) { return self::shorten($string, $length, $addTip); } /** * Shorten a string * * @input string The you would like to shorten * * @returns string on success */ public static function shorten($string, $length = 40, $addTip = true) { if (self::checkString($string)) { $initial = strlen($string); $words = preg_split('/([\s\n\r]+)/', $string, null, PREG_SPLIT_DELIM_CAPTURE); $words_count = count((array)$words); $word_length = 0; $last_word = 0; for (; $last_word < $words_count; ++$last_word) { $word_length += strlen($words[$last_word]); if ($word_length > $length) { break; } } $newString = implode(array_slice($words, 0, $last_word)); $final = strlen($newString); if ($initial != $final && $addTip) { $title = self::shorten($string, 400 , false); return ''.trim($newString).'...'; } elseif ($initial != $final && !$addTip) { return trim($newString).'...'; } } return $string; } /** * Making strings safe (various ways) * * @input string The you would like to make safe * * @returns string on success */ public static function safeString($string, $type = 'L', $spacer = '_', $replaceNumbers = true, $keepOnlyCharacters = true) { if ($replaceNumbers === true) { // remove all numbers and replace with english text version (works well only up to millions) $string = self::replaceNumbers($string); } // 0nly continue if we have a string if (self::checkString($string)) { // create file name without the extention that is safe if ($type === 'filename') { // make sure VDM is not in the string $string = str_replace('VDM', 'vDm', $string); // Remove anything which isn't a word, whitespace, number // or any of the following caracters -_() // If you don't need to handle multi-byte characters // you can use preg_replace rather than mb_ereg_replace // Thanks @Ɓukasz Rysiak! // $string = mb_ereg_replace("([^\w\s\d\-_\(\)])", '', $string); $string = preg_replace("([^\w\s\d\-_\(\)])", '', $string); // http://stackoverflow.com/a/2021729/1429677 return preg_replace('/\s+/', ' ', $string); } // remove all other characters $string = trim($string); $string = preg_replace('/'.$spacer.'+/', ' ', $string); $string = preg_replace('/\s+/', ' ', $string); // Transliterate string $string = self::transliterate($string); // remove all and keep only characters if ($keepOnlyCharacters) { $string = preg_replace("/[^A-Za-z ]/", '', $string); } // keep both numbers and characters else { $string = preg_replace("/[^A-Za-z0-9 ]/", '', $string); } // select final adaptations if ($type === 'L' || $type === 'strtolower') { // replace white space with underscore $string = preg_replace('/\s+/', $spacer, $string); // default is to return lower return strtolower($string); } elseif ($type === 'W') { // return a string with all first letter of each word uppercase(no undersocre) return ucwords(strtolower($string)); } elseif ($type === 'w' || $type === 'word') { // return a string with all lowercase(no undersocre) return strtolower($string); } elseif ($type === 'Ww' || $type === 'Word') { // return a string with first letter of the first word uppercase and all the rest lowercase(no undersocre) return ucfirst(strtolower($string)); } elseif ($type === 'WW' || $type === 'WORD') { // return a string with all the uppercase(no undersocre) return strtoupper($string); } elseif ($type === 'U' || $type === 'strtoupper') { // replace white space with underscore $string = preg_replace('/\s+/', $spacer, $string); // return all upper return strtoupper($string); } elseif ($type === 'F' || $type === 'ucfirst') { // replace white space with underscore $string = preg_replace('/\s+/', $spacer, $string); // return with first caracter to upper return ucfirst(strtolower($string)); } elseif ($type === 'cA' || $type === 'cAmel' || $type === 'camelcase') { // convert all words to first letter uppercase $string = ucwords(strtolower($string)); // remove white space $string = preg_replace('/\s+/', '', $string); // now return first letter lowercase return lcfirst($string); } // return string return $string; } // not a string return ''; } public static function transliterate($string) { // set tag only once if (!self::checkString(self::$langTag)) { // get global value self::$langTag = JComponentHelper::getParams('com_membersmanager')->get('language', 'en-GB'); } // Transliterate on the language requested $lang = Language::getInstance(self::$langTag); return $lang->transliterate($string); } public static function htmlEscape($var, $charset = 'UTF-8', $shorten = false, $length = 40) { if (self::checkString($var)) { $filter = new JFilterInput(); $string = $filter->clean(html_entity_decode(htmlentities($var, ENT_COMPAT, $charset)), 'HTML'); if ($shorten) { return self::shorten($string,$length); } return $string; } else { return ''; } } public static function replaceNumbers($string) { // set numbers array $numbers = array(); // first get all numbers preg_match_all('!\d+!', $string, $numbers); // check if we have any numbers if (isset($numbers[0]) && self::checkArray($numbers[0])) { foreach ($numbers[0] as $number) { $searchReplace[$number] = self::numberToString((int)$number); } // now replace numbers in string $string = str_replace(array_keys($searchReplace), array_values($searchReplace),$string); // check if we missed any, strange if we did. return self::replaceNumbers($string); } // return the string with no numbers remaining. return $string; } /** * Convert an integer into an English word string * Thanks to Tom Nicholson * * @input an int * @returns a string */ public static function numberToString($x) { $nwords = array( "zero", "one", "two", "three", "four", "five", "six", "seven", "eight", "nine", "ten", "eleven", "twelve", "thirteen", "fourteen", "fifteen", "sixteen", "seventeen", "eighteen", "nineteen", "twenty", 30 => "thirty", 40 => "forty", 50 => "fifty", 60 => "sixty", 70 => "seventy", 80 => "eighty", 90 => "ninety" ); if(!is_numeric($x)) { $w = $x; } elseif(fmod($x, 1) != 0) { $w = $x; } else { if($x < 0) { $w = 'minus '; $x = -$x; } else { $w = ''; // ... now $x is a non-negative integer. } if($x < 21) // 0 to 20 { $w .= $nwords[$x]; } elseif($x < 100) // 21 to 99 { $w .= $nwords[10 * floor($x/10)]; $r = fmod($x, 10); if($r > 0) { $w .= ' '. $nwords[$r]; } } elseif($x < 1000) // 100 to 999 { $w .= $nwords[floor($x/100)] .' hundred'; $r = fmod($x, 100); if($r > 0) { $w .= ' and '. self::numberToString($r); } } elseif($x < 1000000) // 1000 to 999999 { $w .= self::numberToString(floor($x/1000)) .' thousand'; $r = fmod($x, 1000); if($r > 0) { $w .= ' '; if($r < 100) { $w .= 'and '; } $w .= self::numberToString($r); } } else // millions { $w .= self::numberToString(floor($x/1000000)) .' million'; $r = fmod($x, 1000000); if($r > 0) { $w .= ' '; if($r < 100) { $w .= 'and '; } $w .= self::numberToString($r); } } } return $w; } /** * Random Key * * @returns a string */ public static function randomkey($size) { $bag = "abcefghijknopqrstuwxyzABCDDEFGHIJKLLMMNOPQRSTUVVWXYZabcddefghijkllmmnopqrstuvvwxyzABCEFGHIJKNOPQRSTUWXYZ"; $key = array(); $bagsize = strlen($bag) - 1; for ($i = 0; $i < $size; $i++) { $get = rand(0, $bagsize); $key[] = $bag[$get]; } return implode($key); } /** * Get The Encryption Keys * * @param string $type The type of key * @param string/bool $default The return value if no key was found * * @return string On success * **/ public static function getCryptKey($type, $default = false) { // Get the global params $params = JComponentHelper::getParams('com_membersmanager', true); // Medium Encryption Type if ('medium' === $type) { // check if medium key is already loaded. if (self::checkString(self::$mediumCryptKey)) { return (self::$mediumCryptKey !== 'none') ? trim(self::$mediumCryptKey) : $default; } // get the path to the medium encryption key. $medium_key_path = $params->get('medium_key_path', null); if (self::checkString($medium_key_path)) { // load the key from the file. if (self::getMediumCryptKey($medium_key_path)) { return trim(self::$mediumCryptKey); } } } return $default; } /** * The Medium Encryption Key * * @var string/bool **/ protected static $mediumCryptKey = false; /** * Get The Medium Encryption Key * * @param string $path The path to the medium crypt key folder * * @return string On success * **/ public static function getMediumCryptKey($path) { // Prep the path a little $path = '/'. trim(str_replace('//', '/', $path), '/'); jimport('joomla.filesystem.folder'); /// Check if folder exist if (!JFolder::exists($path)) { // Lock key. self::$mediumCryptKey = 'none'; // Set the error message. JFactory::getApplication()->enqueueMessage(JText::_('COM_MEMBERSMANAGER_CONFIG_MEDIUM_KEY_PATH_ERROR'), 'Error'); return false; } // Create FileName and set file path $filePath = $path.'/.'.md5('medium_crypt_key_file'); // Check if we already have the file set if ((self::$mediumCryptKey = @file_get_contents($filePath)) !== FALSE) { return true; } // Set the key for the first time self::$mediumCryptKey = self::randomkey(128); // Open the key file $fh = @fopen($filePath, 'w'); if (!is_resource($fh)) { // Lock key. self::$mediumCryptKey = 'none'; // Set the error message. JFactory::getApplication()->enqueueMessage(JText::_('COM_MEMBERSMANAGER_CONFIG_MEDIUM_KEY_PATH_ERROR'), 'Error'); return false; } // Write to the key file if (!fwrite($fh, self::$mediumCryptKey)) { // Close key file. fclose($fh); // Lock key. self::$mediumCryptKey = 'none'; // Set the error message. JFactory::getApplication()->enqueueMessage(JText::_('COM_MEMBERSMANAGER_CONFIG_MEDIUM_KEY_PATH_ERROR'), 'Error'); return false; } // Close key file. fclose($fh); // Key is set. return true; } }