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<HTML><HEAD><TITLE>Man page of tomb</TITLE>
Section: User Commands (1)<BR>Updated: February 12, 2011<BR><A HREF="#index">Index</A>
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<A NAME="lbAB">&nbsp;</A>
Tomb - the Crypto Undertaker
<A NAME="lbAC">&nbsp;</A>
<DT>tomb [options] command [arguments]<DD>
<B><DT>tomb-open [file]<DD>
<B><DT>tomb-status mountpoint<DD>
<A NAME="lbAD">&nbsp;</A>
Tomb is an application to manage the creation and access of encrypted
storage files: it can be operated from commandline and it can
integrate with a user's graphical desktop.
Tomb generates encrypted storage files to be opened and closed using
their associated keys, which are also protected with a password chosen
by the user. To create, open and close tombs a user will need super
user rights to execute the tomb commandline utility.
A tomb is like a locked folder that can be safely transported and
hidden in a filesystem; it encourages users to keep their keys
separate from tombs, for instance keeping a tomb file on your computer
harddisk and its key file on a USB stick.
For simplified use, the command <I>tomb-open</I> starts a wizard that
guides users in the creation of a new tomb or, if a tomb file is
specified as <I>argument</I>, it opens it and makes it accessible in a
default location under the /media folder, starting the status tray
applet (<I>tomb-status</I>) if a desktop is present.
<A NAME="lbAE">&nbsp;</A>
Creates a new encrypted storage tomb and its key, named as specified
by the given <I>argument</I>.
Opens an existing tomb file specified in the <I>first argument</I>. If
a <I>second argument</I> is given it will indicate the <I>mountpoint</I>
where the tomb should be made accessible, if not then the tomb is
mounted in a directory named after the filename and inside /media.
Closes a currently open tomb. When <I>an argument</I> is specified, it
should point to the tomb mount on /dev/mapper; if not specified and
only one tomb is open then it will be closed; if multiple tombs are
open, the command will list them on the terminal. The special
<I>argument</I> 'all' will close all currently open tombs.
Hides a tomb key (<I>first argument</I>) inside a jpeg image (<I>second
argument</I>) using steganography: the image will change in a way that
cannot be noticed by human eyes and the presence of the key inside it
isn't detectable without the right password. This option is useful to
backup tomb keys in unsuspected places; it uses steghide and the
serpent encryption algorithm.
Extracts a named tomb key (<I>first argument</I>) from a (jpeg) image file
(<I>second argument</I>) known to be containing it, if the right password is
given. This is used to recoved buried keys from unsuspected places.
<A NAME="lbAF">&nbsp;</A>
<DT>-s </B><I>&lt;MBytes&gt;</I><DD>
When creating a tomb, this option must be used to specify the size of
the new <I>file</I> to be created, in megabytes.
<B><DT>-k </B><I>&lt;keyfile&gt;</I><DD>
When opening a tomb, this option can be used to specify the location
of the key to use. Keys are created with the same name of the tomb
file adding a '.gpg' suffix, but can be later renamed and transported
on other media. When a key is not found, the program asks to insert a
USB storage device and it will look for the key file inside it.
Skip processing of post-hooks and bind-hooks if found inside the tomb.
See the <I>HOOKS</I> section in this manual for more information.
Display a help text and quit
Display version and quit
Run more quietly
Print more information while running, for debugging purposes
<A NAME="lbAG">&nbsp;</A>
Hooks are special files that can be placed inside the tomb and trigger
actions when it is opened and closed; there are two kinds of such
files: <I>bind-hooks</I> and <I>post-hooks</I> can be placed in the
base root of the tomb.
This hook file consists of a simple two column list of files or
directories inside the tomb to be made directly accessible inside the
current user's home directory. Tomb will use the &quot;mount -o bind&quot;
command to bind locations inside the tomb to locations found in $HOME
so in the first column are indicated paths relative to the tomb and in
the second column are indicated paths relative to $HOME contents, for
This hook file gets executed as user by tomb right after opening it;
it can consist of a shell script of a binary executable that performs
batch operations every time a tomb is opened.
<A NAME="lbAH">&nbsp;</A>
The tomb commandline tool needs to acquire super user rights to
execute most of its operations: to do so it uses <A HREF="/cgi-bin/man/man2html?8+sudo">sudo</A>(8), while
<A HREF="/cgi-bin/man/man2html?1+pinentry">pinentry</A>(1) is adopted to collect passwords from the user.
Tomb executes as super user only those commands requiring it, while it
executes desktop applications as processes owned by the user.
<A NAME="lbAI">&nbsp;</A>
Please report bugs on the tracker at <A HREF=""></A>
Get in touch with developers via mail using this web page
<A HREF=""></A> or via chat on <A HREF=""></A>
<A NAME="lbAJ">&nbsp;</A>
Tomb is designed and written by Denis Roio aka Jaromil.
Tomb's artwork is contributed by Jordi aka Mon Mort
Testing and fixes are contributed by Dreamer and Hellekin O. Wolf
Cryptsetup is developed by Christophe Saout and Clemens Fruhwirth
<A NAME="lbAK">&nbsp;</A>
This manual is Copyleft (c) 2011 Denis Roio &lt;<I><A HREF=""></A></I>&gt;
Permission is granted to copy, distribute and/or modify this manual
under the terms of the GNU Free Documentation License, Version 1.1 or
any later version published by the Free Software Foundation.
Permission is granted to make and distribute verbatim copies of this
manual page provided the above copyright notice and this permission
notice are preserved on all copies.
<A NAME="lbAL">&nbsp;</A>
The most recent version of Tomb sourcecode and up to date
documentation is available for download from its website on
<I><A HREF=""></A></I>.
<A NAME="lbAM">&nbsp;</A>
<DT><A HREF="/cgi-bin/man/man2html?8+cryptsetup">cryptsetup</A>(8)<DD>
GnuPG website on <A HREF=""></A>
DM-Crypt website on <A HREF=""></A>
LUKS website, <A HREF=""></A>
<A NAME="index">&nbsp;</A><H2>Index</H2>
<DT><A HREF="#lbAB">NAME</A><DD>
<DT><A HREF="#lbAI">BUGS</A><DD>
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Time: 18:57:34 GMT, March 09, 2011