msgid "" msgstr "" "Project-Id-Version: Tomb the Crypto Undertaker\n" "Language: de\n" "MIME-Version: 1.0\n" "Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n" "Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n" "X-Generator:\n" #. Fold: Safety functions #. Function: _whoami #. #. Code sample: #. #. # Set username from UID or environment #. _USER=$SUDO_USER #. [[ "$_USER" = "" ]] && { _USER=$USERNAME } #. [[ "$_USER" = "" ]] && { _USER=$(id -u) } #. [[ "$_USER" = "" ]] && { #. > _failure "Failing to identify the user who is calling us" } #. #. # Get GID from option -G or the environment #. option_is_set -G #. && _GID=$(option_value -G) || _GID=$(id -g $_USER) #: tomb:189 msgid "Failing to identify the user who is calling us" msgstr "Fehler beim Identifizieren des uns rufenden Benutzers" #. Fold: Safety functions #. Function: _plot #. #. Code sample: #. TOMBFILE=$(basename $TOMBPATH) #. #. # The tomb name is TOMBFILE without an extension. #. # It can start with dots: -> #. TOMBNAME="${TOMBFILE%\.[^\.]*}" #. [[ -z $TOMBNAME ]] && { #. > _failure "Tomb won't work without a TOMBNAME." } #. #. # Normalize tomb name #. TOMBFILE="$TOMBNAME.tomb" #. #: tomb:237 msgid "Tomb won't work without a TOMBNAME." msgstr "Ohne GRABNAME kann Tomb nicht funktionieren." #. Fold: Safety functions #. Function: _tmp_create #. #. Code sample: #. #. # Provide a random filename in shared memory #. _tmp_create() { #. [[ -d "$TMPPREFIX" ]] || { #. # we create the tempdir with the sticky bit on #. sudo mkdir -m 1777 "$TMPPREFIX" #. > [[ $? == 0 ]] || _failure "Fatal error creating the temporary directory: ::1 temp dir::" "$TMPPREFIX" #. } #. #. # We're going to add one more $RANDOM for each time someone complain #. # about this being too weak of a random. #: tomb:252 msgid "Fatal error creating the temporary directory: ::1 temp dir::" msgstr "Fataler Fehler beim kreieren der temporären Datei: ::1 temp dir::" #. Fold: Safety functions #. Function: _tmp_create #. #. Code sample: #. #. # We're going to add one more $RANDOM for each time someone complain #. # about this being too weak of a random. #. tfile="${TMPPREFIX}/$RANDOM$RANDOM$RANDOM$RANDOM" # Temporary file #. umask 066 #. [[ $? == 0 ]] || { #. > _failure "Fatal error setting the permission umask for temporary files" } #. #. [[ -r "$tfile" ]] && { #. _failure "Someone is messing up with us trying to hijack temporary files." } #. #: tomb:260 msgid "Fatal error setting the permission umask for temporary files" msgstr "" "Fataler Fehler beim Setzen der Berechtigungsmaske für die temporären Dateien" #. Fold: Safety functions #. Function: _tmp_create #. #. Code sample: #. tfile="${TMPPREFIX}/$RANDOM$RANDOM$RANDOM$RANDOM" # Temporary file #. umask 066 #. [[ $? == 0 ]] || { #. _failure "Fatal error setting the permission umask for temporary files" } #. #. [[ -r "$tfile" ]] && { #. > _failure "Someone is messing up with us trying to hijack temporary files." } #. #. touch "$tfile" #. [[ $? == 0 ]] || { #. _failure "Fatal error creating a temporary file: ::1 temp file::" "$tfile" } #: tomb:263 msgid "Someone is messing up with us trying to hijack temporary files." msgstr "" "Jemand versucht uns durcheinander zu bringen und unsere temporären Dateien " "zu kapern." #. Fold: Safety functions #. Function: _tmp_create #. #. Code sample: #. #. [[ -r "$tfile" ]] && { #. _failure "Someone is messing up with us trying to hijack temporary files." } #. #. touch "$tfile" #. [[ $? == 0 ]] || { #. > _failure "Fatal error creating a temporary file: ::1 temp file::" "$tfile" } #. #. [[ $? == 0 ]] || { #. _failure "Fatal error setting ownership on temporary file: ::1 temp file::" "$tfile" } #. #: tomb:267 msgid "Fatal error creating a temporary file: ::1 temp file::" msgstr "Fataler Fehler beim erzeugen der temporären Datei: ::1 temp file::" #. Fold: Safety functions #. Function: _tmp_create #. #. Code sample: #. #. touch "$tfile" #. [[ $? == 0 ]] || { #. _failure "Fatal error creating a temporary file: ::1 temp file::" "$tfile" } #. #. [[ $? == 0 ]] || { #. > _failure "Fatal error setting ownership on temporary file: ::1 temp file::" "$tfile" } #. #. _verbose "Created tempfile: ::1 temp file::" "$tfile" #. TOMBTMP="$tfile" #. TOMBTMPFILES+=("$tfile") #: tomb:270 msgid "Fatal error setting ownership on temporary file: ::1 temp file::" msgstr "" "Fataler Fehler beim Setzen des Besitzers für die temporäre Datei: ::1 temp " "file::" #. Fold: Safety functions #. Function: _ensure_safe_swap #. #. Code sample: #. r=1 #. is_crypt=`sudo dmsetup status "$s" | awk '/crypt/ {print $3}'` #. [[ $is_crypt == "crypt" ]] && { r=2 } || { break } #. #. fi #. done #. > _message "An active swap partition is detected..." #. if [[ $r -eq 2 ]]; then #. _success "All your swaps are belong to crypt. Good." #. else #. _warning "This poses a security risk." #: tomb:316 msgid "An active swap partition is detected..." msgstr "" #. Fold: Safety functions #. Function: _ensure_safe_swap #. #. Code sample: #. [[ $is_crypt == "crypt" ]] && { r=2 } || { break } #. #. fi #. done #. _message "An active swap partition is detected..." #. if [[ $r -eq 2 ]]; then #. > _success "All your swaps are belong to crypt. Good." #. else #. _warning "This poses a security risk." #. _warning "You can deactivate all swap partitions using the command:" #. _warning " swapoff -a" #: tomb:318 msgid "All your swaps are belong to crypt. Good." msgstr "All ihre Auslagerungsdateien gehören Crypt. Gut." #. Fold: Safety functions #. Function: _ensure_safe_swap #. #. Code sample: #. fi #. done #. _message "An active swap partition is detected..." #. if [[ $r -eq 2 ]]; then #. _success "All your swaps are belong to crypt. Good." #. else #. > _warning "This poses a security risk." #. _warning "You can deactivate all swap partitions using the command:" #. _warning " swapoff -a" #. _warning "But if you want to proceed like this, use the -f (force) flag." #. fi #: tomb:320 msgid "This poses a security risk." msgstr "" #. Fold: Safety functions #. Function: _ensure_safe_swap #. #. Code sample: #. done #. _message "An active swap partition is detected..." #. if [[ $r -eq 2 ]]; then #. _success "All your swaps are belong to crypt. Good." #. else #. _warning "This poses a security risk." #. > _warning "You can deactivate all swap partitions using the command:" #. _warning " swapoff -a" #. _warning "But if you want to proceed like this, use the -f (force) flag." #. fi #. return $r #: tomb:321 msgid "You can deactivate all swap partitions using the command:" msgstr "Sie können alle Swap-Partitionen deaktivieren mit dem Befehl:" #. Fold: Safety functions #. Function: _ensure_safe_swap #. #. Code sample: #. _message "An active swap partition is detected..." #. if [[ $r -eq 2 ]]; then #. _success "All your swaps are belong to crypt. Good." #. else #. _warning "This poses a security risk." #. _warning "You can deactivate all swap partitions using the command:" #. > _warning " swapoff -a" #. _warning "But if you want to proceed like this, use the -f (force) flag." #. fi #. return $r #. #: tomb:322 msgid " swapoff -a" msgstr " swapoff -a" #. Fold: Safety functions #. Function: _ensure_safe_swap #. #. Code sample: #. if [[ $r -eq 2 ]]; then #. _success "All your swaps are belong to crypt. Good." #. else #. _warning "This poses a security risk." #. _warning "You can deactivate all swap partitions using the command:" #. _warning " swapoff -a" #. > _warning "But if you want to proceed like this, use the -f (force) flag." #. fi #. return $r #. #. } #: tomb:323 msgid "But if you want to proceed like this, use the -f (force) flag." msgstr "" "Falls sie ohne dies zu tun fortfahren wollen, benutzen sie die -f " "(forcieren) Option." #. Fold: Safety functions #. Function: _check_swap #. #. Code sample: #. _ensure_safe_swap #. case $? in #. 0|2) # No, or encrypted swap #. return 0 #. ;; #. *) # Unencrypted swap #. > _failure "Operation aborted." #. ;; #. esac #. fi #. } #: tomb:342 msgid "Operation aborted." msgstr "Vorgang abgebrochen." #. Fold: Safety functions #. Function: ask_password #. #. Code sample: #. SETTITLE $title #. SETDESC $description #. SETPROMPT Password: #. GETPIN #. EOF` #. else #. > _failure "Cannot find pinentry-curses and no DISPLAY detected." #. fi #. #. else # a DISPLAY is found to be active #. #: tomb:379 msgid "Cannot find pinentry-curses and no DISPLAY detected." msgstr "" #. Fold: Safety functions #. Function: ask_password #. #. Code sample: #. EOF` #. #. else #. #. if _is_found "pinentry-curses"; then #. #. > _warning "Detected DISPLAY, but only pinentry-curses is found." #. output=`cat < _failure "Cannot find any pinentry: impossible to ask for password." #. fi #. #. fi #. #: tomb:442 msgid "Cannot find any pinentry: impossible to ask for password." msgstr "" #. Fold: Safety functions #. Function: ask_password #. #. Code sample: #. #. fi # end of DISPLAY block #. #. # parse the pinentry output #. for i in ${(f)output}; do #. [[ "$i" =~ "^ERR.*" ]] && { #. > _warning "Pinentry error: ::1 error::" ${i[(w)3]} #. print "canceled" #. return 1 } #. #. # here the password is found #: tomb:452 msgid "Pinentry error: ::1 error::" msgstr "Pinentry Fehler: ::1 error::" #. Fold: Safety functions #. Function: ask_password #. #. Code sample: #. #. # here the password is found #. [[ "$i" =~ "^D .*" ]] && password="${i##D }" #. done #. #. [[ "$password" = "" ]] && { #. > _warning "Empty password" #. print "empty" #. return 1 } #. #. print "$password" #: tomb:461 msgid "Empty password" msgstr "Leeres Passwort" #. Fold: Safety functions #. Function: is_valid_tomb #. #. Code sample: #. # Check if a filename is a valid tomb #. is_valid_tomb() { #. _verbose "is_valid_tomb ::1 tomb file::" $1 #. #. # First argument must be the path to a tomb #. [[ -z "$1" ]] && { #. > _failure "Tomb file is missing from arguments." } #. #. # Tomb file must be a readable, writable, not-empty regular file. #. [[ ! -r "$1" ]] && { #. _failure "Tomb file not found: ::1 tomb file::" $1 } #: tomb:477 msgid "Tomb file is missing from arguments." msgstr "Grab Datei fehlen Argumente." #. Fold: Safety functions #. Function: is_valid_tomb #. #. Code sample: #. # First argument must be the path to a tomb #. [[ -z "$1" ]] && { #. _failure "Tomb file is missing from arguments." } #. #. # Tomb file must be a readable, writable, not-empty regular file. #. [[ ! -r "$1" ]] && { #. > _failure "Tomb file not found: ::1 tomb file::" $1 } #. [[ ! -f "$1" ]] && { #. _failure "Tomb file is not a regular file: ::1 tomb file::" $1 } #. [[ ! -s "$1" ]] && { #. _failure "Tomb file is empty (zero length): ::1 tomb file::" $1 } #: tomb:481 msgid "Tomb file not found: ::1 tomb file::" msgstr "Grab Datei nicht gefunden: ::1 tomb file::" #. Fold: Safety functions #. Function: is_valid_tomb #. #. Code sample: #. _failure "Tomb file is missing from arguments." } #. #. # Tomb file must be a readable, writable, not-empty regular file. #. [[ ! -r "$1" ]] && { #. _failure "Tomb file not found: ::1 tomb file::" $1 } #. [[ ! -f "$1" ]] && { #. > _failure "Tomb file is not a regular file: ::1 tomb file::" $1 } #. [[ ! -s "$1" ]] && { #. _failure "Tomb file is empty (zero length): ::1 tomb file::" $1 } #. [[ ! -w "$1" ]] && { #. _failure "Tomb file is not writable: ::1 tomb file::" $1 } #: tomb:483 msgid "Tomb file is not a regular file: ::1 tomb file::" msgstr "Tomb File ist keine reguläre Datei: ::1 tomb file::" #. Fold: Safety functions #. Function: is_valid_tomb #. #. Code sample: #. # Tomb file must be a readable, writable, not-empty regular file. #. [[ ! -r "$1" ]] && { #. _failure "Tomb file not found: ::1 tomb file::" $1 } #. [[ ! -f "$1" ]] && { #. _failure "Tomb file is not a regular file: ::1 tomb file::" $1 } #. [[ ! -s "$1" ]] && { #. > _failure "Tomb file is empty (zero length): ::1 tomb file::" $1 } #. [[ ! -w "$1" ]] && { #. _failure "Tomb file is not writable: ::1 tomb file::" $1 } #. #. # TODO: split the rest of that function out. #: tomb:485 msgid "Tomb file is empty (zero length): ::1 tomb file::" msgstr "Grab Datei ist leer (Länge: 0): ::1 tomb file::" #. Fold: Safety functions #. Function: is_valid_tomb #. #. Code sample: #. _failure "Tomb file not found: ::1 tomb file::" $1 } #. [[ ! -f "$1" ]] && { #. _failure "Tomb file is not a regular file: ::1 tomb file::" $1 } #. [[ ! -s "$1" ]] && { #. _failure "Tomb file is empty (zero length): ::1 tomb file::" $1 } #. [[ ! -w "$1" ]] && { #. > _failure "Tomb file is not writable: ::1 tomb file::" $1 } #. #. # TODO: split the rest of that function out. #. # We already have a valid tomb, now we're checking #. # whether we can alter it. #: tomb:487 msgid "Tomb file is not writable: ::1 tomb file::" msgstr "Grab-Datei ist nicht beschreibbar: ::1 tomb file::" #. Fold: Safety functions #. Function: is_valid_tomb #. #. Code sample: #. # TODO: split the rest of that function out. #. # We already have a valid tomb, now we're checking #. # whether we can alter it. #. #. # Tomb file may be a LUKS FS (or we are creating it) #. [[ "`file $1`" =~ "luks encrypted file" ]] || { #. > _warning "File is not yet a tomb: ::1 tomb file::" $1 } #. #. _plot $1 # Set TOMB{PATH,DIR,FILE,NAME} #. #. # Tomb cannot be already mounted (or we cannot alter it) #: tomb:495 msgid "File is not yet a tomb: ::1 tomb file::" msgstr "Datei ist noch kein Grab: ::1 tomb file::" #. Fold: Safety functions #. Function: is_valid_tomb #. #. Code sample: #. _warning "File is not yet a tomb: ::1 tomb file::" $1 } #. #. _plot $1 # Set TOMB{PATH,DIR,FILE,NAME} #. #. # Tomb cannot be already mounted (or we cannot alter it) #. [[ "`mount -l`" -regex-match "${TOMBFILE}.*\[$TOMBNAME\]$" ]] && { #. > _failure "Tomb is currently in use: ::1 tomb name::" $TOMBNAME #. } #. #. _message "Valid tomb file found: ::1 tomb path::" $TOMBPATH #. #: tomb:501 msgid "Tomb is currently in use: ::1 tomb name::" msgstr "Grab wird schon benutzt ::1 tomb name::" #. Fold: Safety functions #. Function: is_valid_tomb #. #. Code sample: #. #. # Tomb cannot be already mounted (or we cannot alter it) #. [[ "`mount -l`" -regex-match "${TOMBFILE}.*\[$TOMBNAME\]$" ]] && { #. _failure "Tomb is currently in use: ::1 tomb name::" $TOMBNAME #. } #. #. > _message "Valid tomb file found: ::1 tomb path::" $TOMBPATH #. #. return 0 #. } #. #: tomb:504 msgid "Valid tomb file found: ::1 tomb path::" msgstr "Gültige tomb Datei gefunden: ::1 tomb path::" #. Fold: Safety functions #. Function: lo_mount #. #. Code sample: #. lo_mount() { #. tpath="$1" #. #. # check if we have support for loop mounting #. _nstloop=`sudo losetup -f` #. [[ $? = 0 ]] || { #. > _warning "Loop mount of volumes is not possible on this machine, this error" #. _warning "often occurs on VPS and kernels that don't provide the loop module." #. _warning "It is impossible to use Tomb on this machine at this conditions." #. _failure "Operation aborted." #. } #: tomb:516 msgid "Loop mount of volumes is not possible on this machine, this error" msgstr "Loop-Mount der Laufwerke nicht unterstützt, dieser Fehler" #. Fold: Safety functions #. Function: lo_mount #. #. Code sample: #. tpath="$1" #. #. # check if we have support for loop mounting #. _nstloop=`sudo losetup -f` #. [[ $? = 0 ]] || { #. _warning "Loop mount of volumes is not possible on this machine, this error" #. > _warning "often occurs on VPS and kernels that don't provide the loop module." #. _warning "It is impossible to use Tomb on this machine at this conditions." #. _failure "Operation aborted." #. } #. #: tomb:517 msgid "often occurs on VPS and kernels that don't provide the loop module." msgstr "" "tritt oft in virtuellen Maschinen auf oder mit Kerneln ohne Loop-Modul." #. Fold: Safety functions #. Function: lo_mount #. #. Code sample: #. #. # check if we have support for loop mounting #. _nstloop=`sudo losetup -f` #. [[ $? = 0 ]] || { #. _warning "Loop mount of volumes is not possible on this machine, this error" #. _warning "often occurs on VPS and kernels that don't provide the loop module." #. > _warning "It is impossible to use Tomb on this machine at this conditions." #. _failure "Operation aborted." #. } #. #. sudo losetup -f "$tpath" # allocates the next loopback for our file #: tomb:518 msgid "It is impossible to use Tomb on this machine at this conditions." msgstr "" "Es ist unmöglich Tomb unter diesen Umständen auf dieser Maschine zu benutzen." #. Fold: Commandline interaction #. Function: usage #. #. Code sample: #. #. # }}} #. #. # {{{ Commandline interaction #. #. usage() { #. > _print "Syntax: tomb [options] command [arguments]" #. _print "\000" #. _print "Commands:" #. _print "\000" #. _print " // Creation:" #: tomb:558 msgid "Syntax: tomb [options] command [arguments]" msgstr "Syntax: tomb [Optionen] Befehl [Argumente]" #. Fold: Commandline interaction #. Function: usage #. #. Code sample: #. #. # {{{ Commandline interaction #. #. usage() { #. _print "Syntax: tomb [options] command [arguments]" #. _print "\000" #. > _print "Commands:" #. _print "\000" #. _print " // Creation:" #. _print " dig create a new empty TOMB file of size -s in MB" #. _print " forge create a new KEY file and set its password" #: tomb:560 msgid "Commands:" msgstr "Befehle:" #. Fold: Commandline interaction #. Function: usage #. #. Code sample: #. #. usage() { #. _print "Syntax: tomb [options] command [arguments]" #. _print "\000" #. _print "Commands:" #. _print "\000" #. > _print " // Creation:" #. _print " dig create a new empty TOMB file of size -s in MB" #. _print " forge create a new KEY file and set its password" #. _print " lock installs a lock on a TOMB to use it with KEY" #. _print "\000" #: tomb:562 msgid " // Creation:" msgstr " // Erstellen:" #. Fold: Commandline interaction #. Function: usage #. #. Code sample: #. usage() { #. _print "Syntax: tomb [options] command [arguments]" #. _print "\000" #. _print "Commands:" #. _print "\000" #. _print " // Creation:" #. > _print " dig create a new empty TOMB file of size -s in MB" #. _print " forge create a new KEY file and set its password" #. _print " lock installs a lock on a TOMB to use it with KEY" #. _print "\000" #. _print " // Operations on tombs:" #: tomb:563 msgid " dig create a new empty TOMB file of size -s in MB" msgstr " dig Neues GRAB erstellen mit der Größe -s Mb" #. Fold: Commandline interaction #. Function: usage #. #. Code sample: #. _print "Syntax: tomb [options] command [arguments]" #. _print "\000" #. _print "Commands:" #. _print "\000" #. _print " // Creation:" #. _print " dig create a new empty TOMB file of size -s in MB" #. > _print " forge create a new KEY file and set its password" #. _print " lock installs a lock on a TOMB to use it with KEY" #. _print "\000" #. _print " // Operations on tombs:" #. _print " open open an existing TOMB" #: tomb:564 msgid " forge create a new KEY file and set its password" msgstr " forge Neuen SCHLÜSSEL erstellen und Passwort zuweisen" #. Fold: Commandline interaction #. Function: usage #. #. Code sample: #. _print "\000" #. _print "Commands:" #. _print "\000" #. _print " // Creation:" #. _print " dig create a new empty TOMB file of size -s in MB" #. _print " forge create a new KEY file and set its password" #. > _print " lock installs a lock on a TOMB to use it with KEY" #. _print "\000" #. _print " // Operations on tombs:" #. _print " open open an existing TOMB" #. _print " index update the search indexes of tombs" #: tomb:565 msgid " lock installs a lock on a TOMB to use it with KEY" msgstr " lock GRAB mit einem SCHLÜSSEL zusperren" #. Fold: Commandline interaction #. Function: usage #. #. Code sample: #. _print "\000" #. _print " // Creation:" #. _print " dig create a new empty TOMB file of size -s in MB" #. _print " forge create a new KEY file and set its password" #. _print " lock installs a lock on a TOMB to use it with KEY" #. _print "\000" #. > _print " // Operations on tombs:" #. _print " open open an existing TOMB" #. _print " index update the search indexes of tombs" #. _print " search looks for filenames matching text patterns" #. _print " list list of open TOMBs and information on them" #: tomb:567 msgid " // Operations on tombs:" msgstr " // Gräber bearbeiten:" #. Fold: Commandline interaction #. Function: usage #. #. Code sample: #. _print " // Creation:" #. _print " dig create a new empty TOMB file of size -s in MB" #. _print " forge create a new KEY file and set its password" #. _print " lock installs a lock on a TOMB to use it with KEY" #. _print "\000" #. _print " // Operations on tombs:" #. > _print " open open an existing TOMB" #. _print " index update the search indexes of tombs" #. _print " search looks for filenames matching text patterns" #. _print " list list of open TOMBs and information on them" #. _print " close close a specific TOMB (or 'all')" #: tomb:568 msgid " open open an existing TOMB" msgstr " open Vorhandenens GRAB öffnen" #. Fold: Commandline interaction #. Function: usage #. #. Code sample: #. _print " dig create a new empty TOMB file of size -s in MB" #. _print " forge create a new KEY file and set its password" #. _print " lock installs a lock on a TOMB to use it with KEY" #. _print "\000" #. _print " // Operations on tombs:" #. _print " open open an existing TOMB" #. > _print " index update the search indexes of tombs" #. _print " search looks for filenames matching text patterns" #. _print " list list of open TOMBs and information on them" #. _print " close close a specific TOMB (or 'all')" #. _print " slam slam a TOMB killing all programs using it" #: tomb:569 msgid " index update the search indexes of tombs" msgstr " index Den Suchindex der Gräber aktualisieren" #. Fold: Commandline interaction #. Function: usage #. #. Code sample: #. _print " forge create a new KEY file and set its password" #. _print " lock installs a lock on a TOMB to use it with KEY" #. _print "\000" #. _print " // Operations on tombs:" #. _print " open open an existing TOMB" #. _print " index update the search indexes of tombs" #. > _print " search looks for filenames matching text patterns" #. _print " list list of open TOMBs and information on them" #. _print " close close a specific TOMB (or 'all')" #. _print " slam slam a TOMB killing all programs using it" #. [[ $RESIZER == 1 ]] && { #: tomb:570 msgid " search looks for filenames matching text patterns" msgstr " search Sucht nach Dateinamen welche Textmustern entsprechen" #. Fold: Commandline interaction #. Function: usage #. #. Code sample: #. _print " lock installs a lock on a TOMB to use it with KEY" #. _print "\000" #. _print " // Operations on tombs:" #. _print " open open an existing TOMB" #. _print " index update the search indexes of tombs" #. _print " search looks for filenames matching text patterns" #. > _print " list list of open TOMBs and information on them" #. _print " close close a specific TOMB (or 'all')" #. _print " slam slam a TOMB killing all programs using it" #. [[ $RESIZER == 1 ]] && { #. _print " resize resize a TOMB to a new size -s (can only grow)" #: tomb:571 msgid " list list of open TOMBs and information on them" msgstr " list Liste geöffneter GRÄBER mit Infos" #. Fold: Commandline interaction #. Function: usage #. #. Code sample: #. _print "\000" #. _print " // Operations on tombs:" #. _print " open open an existing TOMB" #. _print " index update the search indexes of tombs" #. _print " search looks for filenames matching text patterns" #. _print " list list of open TOMBs and information on them" #. > _print " close close a specific TOMB (or 'all')" #. _print " slam slam a TOMB killing all programs using it" #. [[ $RESIZER == 1 ]] && { #. _print " resize resize a TOMB to a new size -s (can only grow)" #. } #: tomb:572 msgid " close close a specific TOMB (or 'all')" msgstr " close Schliesst das angegebene GRAB (oder \"all\")" #. Fold: Commandline interaction #. Function: usage #. #. Code sample: #. _print " // Operations on tombs:" #. _print " open open an existing TOMB" #. _print " index update the search indexes of tombs" #. _print " search looks for filenames matching text patterns" #. _print " list list of open TOMBs and information on them" #. _print " close close a specific TOMB (or 'all')" #. > _print " slam slam a TOMB killing all programs using it" #. [[ $RESIZER == 1 ]] && { #. _print " resize resize a TOMB to a new size -s (can only grow)" #. } #. _print "\000" #: tomb:573 msgid " slam slam a TOMB killing all programs using it" msgstr " slam Knallt ein GRAB zu und bricht alle dazugehörende Programme ab" #. Fold: Commandline interaction #. Function: usage #. #. Code sample: #. _print " index update the search indexes of tombs" #. _print " search looks for filenames matching text patterns" #. _print " list list of open TOMBs and information on them" #. _print " close close a specific TOMB (or 'all')" #. _print " slam slam a TOMB killing all programs using it" #. [[ $RESIZER == 1 ]] && { #. > _print " resize resize a TOMB to a new size -s (can only grow)" #. } #. _print "\000" #. _print " // Operations on keys:" #. _print " passwd change the password of a KEY (needs old pass)" #: tomb:575 msgid " resize resize a TOMB to a new size -s (can only grow)" msgstr " resize Größe eines Grabes ändern zu -s Mb (nur vergrößern möglich)" #. Fold: Commandline interaction #. Function: usage #. #. Code sample: #. _print " close close a specific TOMB (or 'all')" #. _print " slam slam a TOMB killing all programs using it" #. [[ $RESIZER == 1 ]] && { #. _print " resize resize a TOMB to a new size -s (can only grow)" #. } #. _print "\000" #. > _print " // Operations on keys:" #. _print " passwd change the password of a KEY (needs old pass)" #. _print " setkey change the KEY locking a TOMB (needs old key and pass)" #. _print "\000" #. [[ $QRENCODE == 1 ]] && { #: tomb:578 msgid " // Operations on keys:" msgstr " // Schlüssel bearbeiten:" #. Fold: Commandline interaction #. Function: usage #. #. Code sample: #. _print " slam slam a TOMB killing all programs using it" #. [[ $RESIZER == 1 ]] && { #. _print " resize resize a TOMB to a new size -s (can only grow)" #. } #. _print "\000" #. _print " // Operations on keys:" #. > _print " passwd change the password of a KEY (needs old pass)" #. _print " setkey change the KEY locking a TOMB (needs old key and pass)" #. _print "\000" #. [[ $QRENCODE == 1 ]] && { #. _print " // Backup on paper:" #: tomb:579 msgid " passwd change the password of a KEY (needs old pass)" msgstr "" " passwd ändern des Passworts für einen SCHLÜSSEL (benötigt altes Passwort)" #. Fold: Commandline interaction #. Function: usage #. #. Code sample: #. [[ $RESIZER == 1 ]] && { #. _print " resize resize a TOMB to a new size -s (can only grow)" #. } #. _print "\000" #. _print " // Operations on keys:" #. _print " passwd change the password of a KEY (needs old pass)" #. > _print " setkey change the KEY locking a TOMB (needs old key and pass)" #. _print "\000" #. [[ $QRENCODE == 1 ]] && { #. _print " // Backup on paper:" #. _print " engrave makes a QR code of a KEY to be saved on paper" #: tomb:580 msgid " setkey change the KEY locking a TOMB (needs old key and pass)" msgstr "" " setkey ändern des SCHLÜSSELS von einem GRAB (benötigt alten Schlüssel und " "Passwort)" #. Fold: Commandline interaction #. Function: usage #. #. Code sample: #. _print "\000" #. _print " // Operations on keys:" #. _print " passwd change the password of a KEY (needs old pass)" #. _print " setkey change the KEY locking a TOMB (needs old key and pass)" #. _print "\000" #. [[ $QRENCODE == 1 ]] && { #. > _print " // Backup on paper:" #. _print " engrave makes a QR code of a KEY to be saved on paper" #. } #. _print "\000" #. [[ $STEGHIDE == 1 ]] && { #: tomb:583 msgid " // Backup on paper:" msgstr " //Backup auf Papier:" #. Fold: Commandline interaction #. Function: usage #. #. Code sample: #. _print " // Operations on keys:" #. _print " passwd change the password of a KEY (needs old pass)" #. _print " setkey change the KEY locking a TOMB (needs old key and pass)" #. _print "\000" #. [[ $QRENCODE == 1 ]] && { #. _print " // Backup on paper:" #. > _print " engrave makes a QR code of a KEY to be saved on paper" #. } #. _print "\000" #. [[ $STEGHIDE == 1 ]] && { #. _print " // Steganography:" #: tomb:584 msgid " engrave makes a QR code of a KEY to be saved on paper" msgstr " engrave Erstellt einen QR-Code eines SCHLÜSSELS zum ausdrucken" #. Fold: Commandline interaction #. Function: usage #. #. Code sample: #. [[ $QRENCODE == 1 ]] && { #. _print " // Backup on paper:" #. _print " engrave makes a QR code of a KEY to be saved on paper" #. } #. _print "\000" #. [[ $STEGHIDE == 1 ]] && { #. > _print " // Steganography:" #. _print " bury hide a KEY inside a JPEG image (for use with -k)" #. _print " exhume extract a KEY from a JPEG image (prints to stdout)" #. } #. _print "\000" #: tomb:588 msgid " // Steganography:" msgstr " // Steganographie:" #. Fold: Commandline interaction #. Function: usage #. #. Code sample: #. _print " // Backup on paper:" #. _print " engrave makes a QR code of a KEY to be saved on paper" #. } #. _print "\000" #. [[ $STEGHIDE == 1 ]] && { #. _print " // Steganography:" #. > _print " bury hide a KEY inside a JPEG image (for use with -k)" #. _print " exhume extract a KEY from a JPEG image (prints to stdout)" #. } #. _print "\000" #. _print "Options:" #: tomb:589 msgid " bury hide a KEY inside a JPEG image (for use with -k)" msgstr "" " bury versteckt einen SCHLÜSSEL in einem JPEG Bild (zur Nutzung mit -k)" #. Fold: Commandline interaction #. Function: usage #. #. Code sample: #. _print " engrave makes a QR code of a KEY to be saved on paper" #. } #. _print "\000" #. [[ $STEGHIDE == 1 ]] && { #. _print " // Steganography:" #. _print " bury hide a KEY inside a JPEG image (for use with -k)" #. > _print " exhume extract a KEY from a JPEG image (prints to stdout)" #. } #. _print "\000" #. _print "Options:" #. _print "\000" #: tomb:590 msgid " exhume extract a KEY from a JPEG image (prints to stdout)" msgstr "" " exhume extrahiert einen SCHLÜSSEL aus einer JPEG Datei (gibt an dei " "Standardausgabe aus)" #. Fold: Commandline interaction #. Function: usage #. #. Code sample: #. [[ $STEGHIDE == 1 ]] && { #. _print " // Steganography:" #. _print " bury hide a KEY inside a JPEG image (for use with -k)" #. _print " exhume extract a KEY from a JPEG image (prints to stdout)" #. } #. _print "\000" #. > _print "Options:" #. _print "\000" #. _print " -s size of the tomb file when creating/resizing one (in MB)" #. _print " -k path to the key to be used ('-k -' to read from stdin)" #. _print " -n don't process the hooks found in tomb" #: tomb:593 msgid "Options:" msgstr "Optionen:" #. Fold: Commandline interaction #. Function: usage #. #. Code sample: #. _print " bury hide a KEY inside a JPEG image (for use with -k)" #. _print " exhume extract a KEY from a JPEG image (prints to stdout)" #. } #. _print "\000" #. _print "Options:" #. _print "\000" #. > _print " -s size of the tomb file when creating/resizing one (in MB)" #. _print " -k path to the key to be used ('-k -' to read from stdin)" #. _print " -n don't process the hooks found in tomb" #. _print " -o options passed to local command, e.g.:" #. _print " - mount options used to open (default: rw,noatime,nodev)" #: tomb:595 msgid " -s size of the tomb file when creating/resizing one (in MB)" msgstr "" " -s Größe eines Grabes (beim Erstellen/neue Größe zuweisen) (in Mb)" #. Fold: Commandline interaction #. Function: usage #. #. Code sample: #. _print " exhume extract a KEY from a JPEG image (prints to stdout)" #. } #. _print "\000" #. _print "Options:" #. _print "\000" #. _print " -s size of the tomb file when creating/resizing one (in MB)" #. > _print " -k path to the key to be used ('-k -' to read from stdin)" #. _print " -n don't process the hooks found in tomb" #. _print " -o options passed to local command, e.g.:" #. _print " - mount options used to open (default: rw,noatime,nodev)" #. _print " - an alternate cipher to forge and lock" #: tomb:596 msgid " -k path to the key to be used ('-k -' to read from stdin)" msgstr "" " -k Dateipfad zum Schlüssel ('-k -' um ihn aus der Standarteingabe " "einzulesen)" #. Fold: Commandline interaction #. Function: usage #. #. Code sample: #. } #. _print "\000" #. _print "Options:" #. _print "\000" #. _print " -s size of the tomb file when creating/resizing one (in MB)" #. _print " -k path to the key to be used ('-k -' to read from stdin)" #. > _print " -n don't process the hooks found in tomb" #. _print " -o options passed to local command, e.g.:" #. _print " - mount options used to open (default: rw,noatime,nodev)" #. _print " - an alternate cipher to forge and lock" #. _print " -f force operation (i.e. even if swap is active)" #: tomb:597 msgid " -n don't process the hooks found in tomb" msgstr " -n 'Hooks' im Grab nicht benutzen" #. Fold: Commandline interaction #. Function: usage #. #. Code sample: #. _print "\000" #. _print "Options:" #. _print "\000" #. _print " -s size of the tomb file when creating/resizing one (in MB)" #. _print " -k path to the key to be used ('-k -' to read from stdin)" #. _print " -n don't process the hooks found in tomb" #. > _print " -o options passed to local command, e.g.:" #. _print " - mount options used to open (default: rw,noatime,nodev)" #. _print " - an alternate cipher to forge and lock" #. _print " -f force operation (i.e. even if swap is active)" #. [[ $KDF == 1 ]] && { #: tomb:598 msgid " -o options passed to local command, e.g.:" msgstr "" #. Fold: Commandline interaction #. Function: usage #. #. Code sample: #. _print "Options:" #. _print "\000" #. _print " -s size of the tomb file when creating/resizing one (in MB)" #. _print " -k path to the key to be used ('-k -' to read from stdin)" #. _print " -n don't process the hooks found in tomb" #. _print " -o options passed to local command, e.g.:" #. > _print " - mount options used to open (default: rw,noatime,nodev)" #. _print " - an alternate cipher to forge and lock" #. _print " -f force operation (i.e. even if swap is active)" #. [[ $KDF == 1 ]] && { #. _print " --kdf generate passwords armored against dictionary attacks" #: tomb:599 msgid " - mount options used to open (default: rw,noatime,nodev)" msgstr "" #. Fold: Commandline interaction #. Function: usage #. #. Code sample: #. _print "\000" #. _print " -s size of the tomb file when creating/resizing one (in MB)" #. _print " -k path to the key to be used ('-k -' to read from stdin)" #. _print " -n don't process the hooks found in tomb" #. _print " -o options passed to local command, e.g.:" #. _print " - mount options used to open (default: rw,noatime,nodev)" #. > _print " - an alternate cipher to forge and lock" #. _print " -f force operation (i.e. even if swap is active)" #. [[ $KDF == 1 ]] && { #. _print " --kdf generate passwords armored against dictionary attacks" #. } #: tomb:600 msgid " - an alternate cipher to forge and lock" msgstr "" #. Fold: Commandline interaction #. Function: usage #. #. Code sample: #. _print " -s size of the tomb file when creating/resizing one (in MB)" #. _print " -k path to the key to be used ('-k -' to read from stdin)" #. _print " -n don't process the hooks found in tomb" #. _print " -o options passed to local command, e.g.:" #. _print " - mount options used to open (default: rw,noatime,nodev)" #. _print " - an alternate cipher to forge and lock" #. > _print " -f force operation (i.e. even if swap is active)" #. [[ $KDF == 1 ]] && { #. _print " --kdf generate passwords armored against dictionary attacks" #. } #. #: tomb:601 msgid " -f force operation (i.e. even if swap is active)" msgstr " -f Vorgang erzwingen (z.B. falls Swap-Datei aktiv)" #. Fold: Commandline interaction #. Function: usage #. #. Code sample: #. _print " -n don't process the hooks found in tomb" #. _print " -o options passed to local command, e.g.:" #. _print " - mount options used to open (default: rw,noatime,nodev)" #. _print " - an alternate cipher to forge and lock" #. _print " -f force operation (i.e. even if swap is active)" #. [[ $KDF == 1 ]] && { #. > _print " --kdf generate passwords armored against dictionary attacks" #. } #. #. _print "\000" #. _print " -h print this help" #: tomb:603 msgid " --kdf generate passwords armored against dictionary attacks" msgstr " --kdf Gegen Wörterbuchattacken gefeite Passwörter erstellen" #. Fold: Commandline interaction #. Function: usage #. #. Code sample: #. _print " -f force operation (i.e. even if swap is active)" #. [[ $KDF == 1 ]] && { #. _print " --kdf generate passwords armored against dictionary attacks" #. } #. #. _print "\000" #. > _print " -h print this help" #. _print " -v print version, license and list of available ciphers" #. _print " -q run quietly without printing informations" #. _print " -D print debugging information at runtime" #. _print "\000" #: tomb:607 msgid " -h print this help" msgstr " -h Anzeigen dieses Hilfetextes" #. Fold: Commandline interaction #. Function: usage #. #. Code sample: #. [[ $KDF == 1 ]] && { #. _print " --kdf generate passwords armored against dictionary attacks" #. } #. #. _print "\000" #. _print " -h print this help" #. > _print " -v print version, license and list of available ciphers" #. _print " -q run quietly without printing informations" #. _print " -D print debugging information at runtime" #. _print "\000" #. _print "For more informations on Tomb read the manual: man tomb" #: tomb:608 msgid " -v print version, license and list of available ciphers" msgstr "" " -v Anzeigen der Version, Lizenzen und vorhandeners " "Verschlüsslungsmethoden" #. Fold: Commandline interaction #. Function: usage #. #. Code sample: #. _print " --kdf generate passwords armored against dictionary attacks" #. } #. #. _print "\000" #. _print " -h print this help" #. _print " -v print version, license and list of available ciphers" #. > _print " -q run quietly without printing informations" #. _print " -D print debugging information at runtime" #. _print "\000" #. _print "For more informations on Tomb read the manual: man tomb" #. _print "Please report bugs on ." #: tomb:609 msgid " -q run quietly without printing informations" msgstr " -q Still ablaufen lassen ohne Infos anzuzeigen" #. Fold: Commandline interaction #. Function: usage #. #. Code sample: #. } #. #. _print "\000" #. _print " -h print this help" #. _print " -v print version, license and list of available ciphers" #. _print " -q run quietly without printing informations" #. > _print " -D print debugging information at runtime" #. _print "\000" #. _print "For more informations on Tomb read the manual: man tomb" #. _print "Please report bugs on ." #. } #: tomb:610 msgid " -D print debugging information at runtime" msgstr " -D Debug-Infos beim Ablauf anzeigen" #. Fold: Commandline interaction #. Function: usage #. #. Code sample: #. _print "\000" #. _print " -h print this help" #. _print " -v print version, license and list of available ciphers" #. _print " -q run quietly without printing informations" #. _print " -D print debugging information at runtime" #. _print "\000" #. > _print "For more informations on Tomb read the manual: man tomb" #. _print "Please report bugs on ." #. } #. #. #: tomb:612 msgid "For more informations on Tomb read the manual: man tomb" msgstr "Für mehr Informationen siehe Benutzerhandbuch (man tomb)." #. Fold: Commandline interaction #. Function: usage #. #. Code sample: #. _print " -h print this help" #. _print " -v print version, license and list of available ciphers" #. _print " -q run quietly without printing informations" #. _print " -D print debugging information at runtime" #. _print "\000" #. _print "For more informations on Tomb read the manual: man tomb" #. > _print "Please report bugs on ." #. } #. #. #. # Check whether a commandline option is set. #: tomb:613 msgid "Please report bugs on ." msgstr "Bug-Reports bitte an .." #. Fold: Commandline interaction #. Function: _ensure_dependencies #. #. Code sample: #. # missing, bail out. #. _ensure_dependencies() { #. #. # Check for required programs #. for req in cryptsetup pinentry sudo gpg mkfs.ext4 e2fsck; do #. command -v $req 1>/dev/null 2>/dev/null || { #. > _failure "Missing required dependency ::1 command::. Please install it." $req } #. done #. #. # Ensure system binaries are available in the PATH #. path+=(/sbin /usr/sbin) # zsh magic #: tomb:748 msgid "Missing required dependency ::1 command::. Please install it." msgstr "" "Fehlende Abhängigkeit ::1 tomb path:: wird benötigt. Bitte installieren Sie " "sie." #. Fold: Key operations #. Function: is_valid_key #. #. Code sample: #. #. _verbose "is_valid_key" #. #. [[ -z $key ]] && key=$TOMBKEY #. [[ "$key" = "cleartext" ]] && { #. { option_is_set --unsafe } || { #. > _warning "cleartext key from stdin selected: this is unsafe." #. exitv=127 _failure "please use --unsafe if you really want to do this." #. } #. _warning "received key in cleartext from stdin (unsafe mode)" #. return 0 } #: tomb:785 msgid "cleartext key from stdin selected: this is unsafe." msgstr "" "Klartext Schlüssel von der Standarteingabe ausgewählt: Dies ist nicht sicher." #. Fold: Key operations #. Function: is_valid_key #. #. Code sample: #. _verbose "is_valid_key" #. #. [[ -z $key ]] && key=$TOMBKEY #. [[ "$key" = "cleartext" ]] && { #. { option_is_set --unsafe } || { #. _warning "cleartext key from stdin selected: this is unsafe." #. > exitv=127 _failure "please use --unsafe if you really want to do this." #. } #. _warning "received key in cleartext from stdin (unsafe mode)" #. return 0 } #. #: tomb:786 msgid "please use --unsafe if you really want to do this." msgstr "Bitte benutzen Sie --unsafe wenn Sie dies wirklich tun wollen." #. Fold: Key operations #. Function: is_valid_key #. #. Code sample: #. [[ -z $key ]] && key=$TOMBKEY #. [[ "$key" = "cleartext" ]] && { #. { option_is_set --unsafe } || { #. _warning "cleartext key from stdin selected: this is unsafe." #. exitv=127 _failure "please use --unsafe if you really want to do this." #. } #. > _warning "received key in cleartext from stdin (unsafe mode)" #. return 0 } #. #. [[ -z $key ]] && { #. _warning "is_valid_key() called without an argument." #: tomb:788 msgid "received key in cleartext from stdin (unsafe mode)" msgstr "" "Empfangen des Schlüssels in Klartext von der Standarteingabe (Nicht sicherer " "Modus)" #. Fold: Key operations #. Function: is_valid_key #. #. Code sample: #. exitv=127 _failure "please use --unsafe if you really want to do this." #. } #. _warning "received key in cleartext from stdin (unsafe mode)" #. return 0 } #. #. [[ -z $key ]] && { #. > _warning "is_valid_key() called without an argument." #. return 1 #. } #. #. # If the key file is an image don't check file header #: tomb:792 msgid "is_valid_key() called without an argument." msgstr "is_valid_key() ausgeführt ohne gültiges Argument." #. Fold: Key operations #. Function: is_valid_key #. #. Code sample: #. } #. #. # If the key file is an image don't check file header #. [[ -r $TOMBKEYFILE ]] #. && [[ $(file $TOMBKEYFILE) =~ "JP.G" ]] #. && { #. > _message "Key is an image, it might be valid." #. return 0 } #. #. [[ $key =~ "BEGIN PGP" ]] && { #. _message "Key is valid." #: tomb:800 msgid "Key is an image, it might be valid." msgstr "Schlüssel ist ein Bild, es könnte gültig sein" #. Fold: Key operations #. Function: is_valid_key #. #. Code sample: #. && [[ $(file $TOMBKEYFILE) =~ "JP.G" ]] #. && { #. _message "Key is an image, it might be valid." #. return 0 } #. #. [[ $key =~ "BEGIN PGP" ]] && { #. > _message "Key is valid." #. return 0 } #. #. return 1 #. } #: tomb:804 msgid "Key is valid." msgstr "Schlüssel ist gültig" #. Fold: Key operations #. Function: _tomb_key_recover recover_key #. #. Code sample: #. } #. #. # $1 is a string containing an encrypted key #. _tomb_key_recover recover_key() { #. local key="${1}" # Unique argument is an encrypted key #. #. > _warning "Attempting key recovery." #. #. _head="${key[(f)1]}" # take the first line #. #. TOMBKEY="" # Reset global variable #: tomb:814 msgid "Attempting key recovery." msgstr "Versuche Schlüssel wieder herzustellen" #. Fold: Key operations #. Function: _load_key #. #. Code sample: #. # Set global variables TOMBKEY and TOMBKEYFILE. #. _load_key() { #. local keyfile="$1" # Unique argument is an optional keyfile #. #. [[ -z $keyfile ]] && keyfile=$(option_value -k) #. [[ -z $keyfile ]] && { #. > _failure "This operation requires a key file to be specified using the -k option." } #. #. if [[ $keyfile == "-" ]]; then #. _verbose "load_key reading from stdin." #. _message "Waiting for the key to be piped from stdin... " #: tomb:838 msgid "This operation requires a key file to be specified using the -k option." msgstr "" "Diese Operation benötigt das Angeben eines Schlüssels durch die -k Option." #. Fold: Key operations #. Function: _load_key #. #. Code sample: #. [[ -z $keyfile ]] && keyfile=$(option_value -k) #. [[ -z $keyfile ]] && { #. _failure "This operation requires a key file to be specified using the -k option." } #. #. if [[ $keyfile == "-" ]]; then #. _verbose "load_key reading from stdin." #. > _message "Waiting for the key to be piped from stdin... " #. TOMBKEYFILE=stdin #. TOMBKEY=$(cat) #. elif [[ $keyfile == "cleartext" ]]; then #. _verbose "load_key reading SECRET from stdin" #: tomb:842 msgid "Waiting for the key to be piped from stdin... " msgstr "Warten auf den Schlüssel auf der Standarteingabe... " #. Fold: Key operations #. Function: _load_key #. #. Code sample: #. _message "Waiting for the key to be piped from stdin... " #. TOMBKEYFILE=cleartext #. TOMBKEY=cleartext #. TOMBSECRET=$(cat) #. else #. _verbose "load_key argument: ::1 key file::" $keyfile #. > [[ -r $keyfile ]] || _failure "Key not found, specify one using -k." #. TOMBKEYFILE=$keyfile #. TOMBKEY="${mapfile[$TOMBKEYFILE]}" #. fi #. #: tomb:853 msgid "Key not found, specify one using -k." msgstr "Schlüssel nicht gefunden, bitte mit -k einen Schlüssel angeben." #. Fold: Key operations #. Function: _load_key #. #. Code sample: #. TOMBKEY="${mapfile[$TOMBKEYFILE]}" #. fi #. #. _verbose "load_key: ::1 key::" $TOMBKEYFILE #. #. is_valid_key $TOMBKEY || { #. > _warning "The key seems invalid or its format is not known by this version of Tomb." #. _tomb_key_recover $TOMBKEY #. } #. #. # Declared TOMBKEYFILE (path) #: tomb:861 msgid "" "The key seems invalid or its format is not known by this version of Tomb." msgstr "" "Der Schlüssel scheint ungültig zu sein, oder sein Format ist dieser Tomb " "Version unbekannt." #. Fold: Key operations #. Function: get_lukskey #. #. Code sample: #. _verbose "KDF salt: $kdf_salt" #. _verbose "KDF ic: $kdf_ic" #. _verbose "KDF len: $kdf_len" #. _password=$(tomb-kdb-pbkdf2 $kdf_salt $kdf_ic $kdf_len 2>/dev/null <<<$_password) #. ;; #. *) #. > _failure "No suitable program for KDF ::1 program::." $pbkdf_hash #. unset _password #. return 1 #. ;; #. esac #: tomb:936 msgid "No suitable program for KDF ::1 program::." msgstr "Kein gültiges Programm zur Schlüsselableitung ::1 program::." #. Fold: Key operations #. Function: ask_key_password #. #. Code sample: #. #. # This function asks the user for the password to use the key it tests #. # it against the return code of gpg on success returns 0 and saves #. # the password in the global variable $TOMBPASSWORD #. ask_key_password() { #. [[ -z "$TOMBKEYFILE" ]] && { #. > _failure "Internal error: ask_key_password() called before _load_key()." } #. #. [[ "$TOMBKEYFILE" = "cleartext" ]] && { #. _verbose "no password needed, using secret bytes from stdin" #. return 0 } #: tomb:962 msgid "Internal error: ask_key_password() called before _load_key()." msgstr "Interner Fehler: ask_key_password() vor _load_key() ausgeführt." #. Fold: Key operations #. Function: ask_key_password #. #. Code sample: #. _failure "Internal error: ask_key_password() called before _load_key()." } #. #. [[ "$TOMBKEYFILE" = "cleartext" ]] && { #. _verbose "no password needed, using secret bytes from stdin" #. return 0 } #. #. > _message "A password is required to use key ::1 key::" $TOMBKEYFILE #. passok=0 #. tombpass="" #. if [[ "$1" = "" ]]; then #. #: tomb:968 msgid "A password is required to use key ::1 key::" msgstr "Ein Passwort ist zur Benutzung des Schlüssels ::1 key:: erforderlich" #. Fold: Key operations #. Function: ask_key_password #. #. Code sample: #. if [[ $c == 1 ]]; then #. tombpass=$(ask_password "Insert password to: $TOMBKEYFILE") #. else #. tombpass=$(ask_password "Insert password to: $TOMBKEYFILE (attempt $c)") #. fi #. [[ $? = 0 ]] || { #. > _warning "User aborted password dialog." #. return 1 #. } #. #. get_lukskey "$tombpass" #: tomb:980 msgid "User aborted password dialog." msgstr "Benutzer hat den Passwortdialog abgebrochen." #. Fold: Key operations #. Function: ask_key_password #. #. Code sample: #. return 1 #. } #. #. get_lukskey "$tombpass" #. #. [[ $? = 0 ]] && { #. > passok=1; _message "Password OK." #. break; #. } #. done #. #: tomb:987 msgid "Password OK." msgstr "Passwort OK." #. Fold: Key operations #. Function: change_passwd #. #. Code sample: #. change_passwd() { #. local tmpnewkey lukskey c tombpass tombpasstmp #. #. _check_swap # Ensure swap is secure, if any #. _load_key # Try loading key from option -k and set TOMBKEYFILE #. #. > _message "Commanded to change password for tomb key ::1 key::" $TOMBKEYFILE #. #. _tmp_create #. tmpnewkey=$TOMBTMP #. #: tomb:1025 msgid "Commanded to change password for tomb key ::1 key::" msgstr "Benutzer hat Passwort für Schlüssel ::1 key:: gewechselt." #. Fold: Key operations #. Function: change_passwd #. #. Code sample: #. local tomboldpwd="`option_value --tomb-old-pwd`" #. _verbose "tomb-old-pwd = ::1 old pass::" $tomboldpwd #. ask_key_password "$tomboldpwd" #. else #. ask_key_password #. fi #. > [[ $? == 0 ]] || _failure "No valid password supplied." #. #. _success "Changing password for ::1 key file::" $TOMBKEYFILE #. #. # Here $TOMBSECRET contains the key material in clear #: tomb:1037 msgid "No valid password supplied." msgstr "Kein gültiges Passwort angegeben" #. Fold: Key operations #. Function: change_passwd #. #. Code sample: #. ask_key_password "$tomboldpwd" #. else #. ask_key_password #. fi #. [[ $? == 0 ]] || _failure "No valid password supplied." #. #. > _success "Changing password for ::1 key file::" $TOMBKEYFILE #. #. # Here $TOMBSECRET contains the key material in clear #. #. { option_is_set --tomb-pwd } && { #: tomb:1039 msgid "Changing password for ::1 key file::" msgstr "Wechsle Passwort für ::1 key file::" #. Fold: Key operations #. Function: change_passwd #. #. Code sample: #. gen_key "$tombpwd" >> "$tmpnewkey" #. } || { #. gen_key >> "$tmpnewkey" #. } #. #. { is_valid_key "${mapfile[$tmpnewkey]}" } || { #. > _failure "Error: the newly generated keyfile does not seem valid." } #. #. # Copy the new key as the original keyfile name #. cp -f "${tmpnewkey}" $TOMBKEYFILE #. _success "Your passphrase was successfully updated." #: tomb:1052 msgid "Error: the newly generated keyfile does not seem valid." msgstr "Fehler: Der neu erstellte Schlüssel scheint nicht gültig zu sein." #. Fold: Key operations #. Function: change_passwd #. #. Code sample: #. #. { is_valid_key "${mapfile[$tmpnewkey]}" } || { #. _failure "Error: the newly generated keyfile does not seem valid." } #. #. # Copy the new key as the original keyfile name #. cp -f "${tmpnewkey}" $TOMBKEYFILE #. > _success "Your passphrase was successfully updated." #. #. return 0 #. } #. #: tomb:1056 msgid "Your passphrase was successfully updated." msgstr "Ihr Passphrase wurde erfolgreich auf den neuesten Stand gebracht." #. Fold: Key operations #. Function: gen_key #. #. Code sample: #. #. if [ "$1" = "" ]; then #. while true; do #. # 3 tries to write two times a matching password #. tombpass=`ask_password "Type the new password to secure your key"` #. if [[ $? != 0 ]]; then #. > _failure "User aborted." #. fi #. if [ -z $tombpass ]; then #. _failure "You set empty password, which is not possible." #. fi #: tomb:1078 msgid "User aborted." msgstr "Vom Benutzer abgebrochen." #. Fold: Key operations #. Function: gen_key #. #. Code sample: #. # 3 tries to write two times a matching password #. tombpass=`ask_password "Type the new password to secure your key"` #. if [[ $? != 0 ]]; then #. _failure "User aborted." #. fi #. if [ -z $tombpass ]; then #. > _failure "You set empty password, which is not possible." #. fi #. tombpasstmp=$tombpass #. tombpass=`ask_password "Type the new password to secure your key (again)"` #. if [[ $? != 0 ]]; then #: tomb:1081 msgid "You set empty password, which is not possible." msgstr "Fehler: Passwort nicht gesetzt." #. Fold: Key operations #. Function: gen_key #. #. Code sample: #. # see: #. itertime="`option_value --kdf`" #. # removing support of floating points because they can't be type checked well #. if [[ "$itertime" != <-> ]]; then #. unset tombpass #. unset tombpasstmp #. > _failure "Wrong argument for --kdf: must be an integer number (iteration seconds)." #. fi #. # --kdf takes one parameter: iter time (on present machine) in seconds #. local -i microseconds #. microseconds=$(( itertime * 10000 )) #: tomb:1109 msgid "" "Wrong argument for --kdf: must be an integer number (iteration seconds)." msgstr "Ungültiges Argument für --kdf: dies muss eine Ganzzahl sein." #. Fold: Key operations #. Function: gen_key #. #. Code sample: #. unset tombpasstmp #. _failure "Wrong argument for --kdf: must be an integer number (iteration seconds)." #. fi #. # --kdf takes one parameter: iter time (on present machine) in seconds #. local -i microseconds #. microseconds=$(( itertime * 10000 )) #. > _success "Using KDF, iterations: ::1 microseconds::" $microseconds #. _message "generating salt" #. pbkdf2_salt=`tomb-kdb-pbkdf2-gensalt` #. _message "calculating iterations" #. pbkdf2_iter=`tomb-kdb-pbkdf2-getiter $microseconds` #: tomb:1114 msgid "Using KDF, iterations: ::1 microseconds::" msgstr "Benutze Schlüsselableitungsverfahren, Durchläufe: ::1 microseconds::" #. Fold: Key operations #. Function: gen_key #. #. Code sample: #. _failure "Wrong argument for --kdf: must be an integer number (iteration seconds)." #. fi #. # --kdf takes one parameter: iter time (on present machine) in seconds #. local -i microseconds #. microseconds=$(( itertime * 10000 )) #. _success "Using KDF, iterations: ::1 microseconds::" $microseconds #. > _message "generating salt" #. pbkdf2_salt=`tomb-kdb-pbkdf2-gensalt` #. _message "calculating iterations" #. pbkdf2_iter=`tomb-kdb-pbkdf2-getiter $microseconds` #. _message "encoding the password" #: tomb:1115 msgid "generating salt" msgstr "generiere Salt" #. Fold: Key operations #. Function: gen_key #. #. Code sample: #. # --kdf takes one parameter: iter time (on present machine) in seconds #. local -i microseconds #. microseconds=$(( itertime * 10000 )) #. _success "Using KDF, iterations: ::1 microseconds::" $microseconds #. _message "generating salt" #. pbkdf2_salt=`tomb-kdb-pbkdf2-gensalt` #. > _message "calculating iterations" #. pbkdf2_iter=`tomb-kdb-pbkdf2-getiter $microseconds` #. _message "encoding the password" #. # We use a length of 64bytes = 512bits (more than needed!?) #. tombpass=`tomb-kdb-pbkdf2 $pbkdf2_salt $pbkdf2_iter 64 <<<"${tombpass}"` #: tomb:1117 msgid "calculating iterations" msgstr "berechne Iterationen" #. Fold: Key operations #. Function: gen_key #. #. Code sample: #. microseconds=$(( itertime * 10000 )) #. _success "Using KDF, iterations: ::1 microseconds::" $microseconds #. _message "generating salt" #. pbkdf2_salt=`tomb-kdb-pbkdf2-gensalt` #. _message "calculating iterations" #. pbkdf2_iter=`tomb-kdb-pbkdf2-getiter $microseconds` #. > _message "encoding the password" #. # We use a length of 64bytes = 512bits (more than needed!?) #. tombpass=`tomb-kdb-pbkdf2 $pbkdf2_salt $pbkdf2_iter 64 <<<"${tombpass}"` #. #. header="_KDF_pbkdf2sha1_${pbkdf2_salt}_${pbkdf2_iter}_64\n" #: tomb:1119 msgid "encoding the password" msgstr "Passwort verschlüsseln" #. Fold: Key operations #. Function: list_gnupg_ciphers #. #. Code sample: #. unset tombpasstmp #. } #. #. # prints an array of ciphers available in gnupg (to encrypt keys) #. list_gnupg_ciphers() { #. # prints an error if GnuPG is not found #. > which gpg 2>/dev/null || _failure "gpg (GnuPG) is not found, Tomb cannot function without it." #. #. ciphers=(`gpg --version | awk ' #. BEGIN { ciphers=0 } #. /^Cipher:/ { gsub(/,/,""); sub(/^Cipher:/,""); print; ciphers=1; next } #: tomb:1150 msgid "gpg (GnuPG) is not found, Tomb cannot function without it." msgstr "" "gpg (GnuPG) welches zur Funktion von Tomb notwendig ist, nicht gefunden." #. Fold: Key operations #. Function: bury_key #. #. Code sample: #. #. _load_key # Try loading key from option -k and set TOMBKEY #. #. imagefile=$PARAM #. #. [[ "`file $imagefile`" =~ "JPEG" ]] || { #. > _warning "Encode failed: ::1 image file:: is not a jpeg image." $imagefile #. return 1 #. } #. #. _success "Encoding key ::1 tomb key:: inside image ::2 image file::" $TOMBKEY $imagefile #: tomb:1171 msgid "Encode failed: ::1 image file:: is not a jpeg image." msgstr "Verschlüsselung fehlgeschlagen: ::1 image file:: ist keine JPEG-Datei." #. Fold: Key operations #. Function: bury_key #. #. Code sample: #. #. [[ "`file $imagefile`" =~ "JPEG" ]] || { #. _warning "Encode failed: ::1 image file:: is not a jpeg image." $imagefile #. return 1 #. } #. #. > _success "Encoding key ::1 tomb key:: inside image ::2 image file::" $TOMBKEY $imagefile #. _message "Please confirm the key password for the encoding" #. # We ask the password and test if it is the same encoding the #. # base key, to insure that the same password is used for the #. # encryption and the steganography. This is a standard enforced #: tomb:1175 msgid "Encoding key ::1 tomb key:: inside image ::2 image file::" msgstr "Enkodiere Schlüssel ::1 tomb key:: im Bild ::2 image file::" #. Fold: Key operations #. Function: bury_key #. #. Code sample: #. [[ "`file $imagefile`" =~ "JPEG" ]] || { #. _warning "Encode failed: ::1 image file:: is not a jpeg image." $imagefile #. return 1 #. } #. #. _success "Encoding key ::1 tomb key:: inside image ::2 image file::" $TOMBKEY $imagefile #. > _message "Please confirm the key password for the encoding" #. # We ask the password and test if it is the same encoding the #. # base key, to insure that the same password is used for the #. # encryption and the steganography. This is a standard enforced #. # by Tomb, but its not strictly necessary (and having different #: tomb:1176 msgid "Please confirm the key password for the encoding" msgstr "Bitte bestätigen Sie das Passwort zur Verschlüsselung" #. Fold: Key operations #. Function: bury_key #. #. Code sample: #. _verbose "tomb-pwd = ::1 tomb pass::" $tombpwd #. ask_key_password "$tombpwd" #. } || { #. ask_key_password #. } #. [[ $? != 0 ]] && { #. > _warning "Wrong password supplied." #. _failure "You shall not bury a key whose password is unknown to you." } #. #. # We omit armor strings since having them as constants can give #. # ground to effective attacks on steganography #: tomb:1192 msgid "Wrong password supplied." msgstr "Das eingegebene Passwort ist falsch." #. Fold: Key operations #. Function: bury_key #. #. Code sample: #. ask_key_password "$tombpwd" #. } || { #. ask_key_password #. } #. [[ $? != 0 ]] && { #. _warning "Wrong password supplied." #. > _failure "You shall not bury a key whose password is unknown to you." } #. #. # We omit armor strings since having them as constants can give #. # ground to effective attacks on steganography #. print - "$TOMBKEY" | awk ' #: tomb:1193 msgid "You shall not bury a key whose password is unknown to you." msgstr "" "Sie dürfen keinen Schlüssel vergraben, von dem Sie das Passwort nicht kennen." #. Fold: Key operations #. Function: bury_key #. #. Code sample: #. /^-----/ {next} #. /^Version/ {next} #. {print $0}' #. | steghide embed --embedfile - --coverfile ${imagefile} #. -p $TOMBPASSWORD -z 9 -e serpent cbc #. if [ $? != 0 ]; then #. > _warning "Encoding error: steghide reports problems." #. res=1 #. else #. _success "Tomb key encoded succesfully into image ::1 image file::" $imagefile #. res=0 #: tomb:1204 msgid "Encoding error: steghide reports problems." msgstr "Fehler beim Verschlüsseln: steghide meldet Fehler." #. Fold: Key operations #. Function: bury_key #. #. Code sample: #. | steghide embed --embedfile - --coverfile ${imagefile} #. -p $TOMBPASSWORD -z 9 -e serpent cbc #. if [ $? != 0 ]; then #. _warning "Encoding error: steghide reports problems." #. res=1 #. else #. > _success "Tomb key encoded succesfully into image ::1 image file::" $imagefile #. res=0 #. fi #. #. return $res #: tomb:1207 msgid "Tomb key encoded succesfully into image ::1 image file::" msgstr "Grabschlüssel erfolgreich im Bild ::1 image file:: enkodiert" #. Fold: Key operations #. Function: exhume_key #. #. Code sample: #. #. # mandatory 1st arg: the image file where key is supposed to be #. # optional 2nd arg: the password to use (same as key, internal use) #. # optional 3rd arg: the key where to save the result (- for stdout) #. exhume_key() { #. [[ "$1" = "" ]] && { #. > _failure "Exhume failed, no image specified" } #. #. local imagefile="$1" # The image file where to look for the key #. local tombpass="$2" # (Optional) the password to use (internal use) #. local destkey="$3" # (Optional) the key file where to save the #: tomb:1219 msgid "Exhume failed, no image specified" msgstr "Extrahieren fehlgeschlagen, keine Bilddatei angegeben" #. Fold: Key operations #. Function: exhume_key #. #. Code sample: #. local destkey="$3" # (Optional) the key file where to save the #. # result (- for stdout) #. local r=1 # Return code (default: fail) #. #. # Ensure the image file is a readable JPEG #. [[ ! -r $imagefile ]] && { #. > _failure "Exhume failed, image file not found: ::1 image file::" "${imagefile:-none}" } #. [[ ! $(file "$imagefile") =~ "JP.G" ]] && { #. _failure "Exhume failed: ::1 image file:: is not a jpeg image." $imagefile } #. #. # When a password is passed as argument then always print out #: tomb:1229 msgid "Exhume failed, image file not found: ::1 image file::" msgstr "Exhumieren fehlgeschlagen, Bilddatei nicht gefunden: ::1 image file::" #. Fold: Key operations #. Function: exhume_key #. #. Code sample: #. local r=1 # Return code (default: fail) #. #. # Ensure the image file is a readable JPEG #. [[ ! -r $imagefile ]] && { #. _failure "Exhume failed, image file not found: ::1 image file::" "${imagefile:-none}" } #. [[ ! $(file "$imagefile") =~ "JP.G" ]] && { #. > _failure "Exhume failed: ::1 image file:: is not a jpeg image." $imagefile } #. #. # When a password is passed as argument then always print out #. # the exhumed key on stdout without further checks (internal use) #. [[ -n "$tombpass" ]] && { #: tomb:1231 msgid "Exhume failed: ::1 image file:: is not a jpeg image." msgstr "Verschlüsselung fehlgeschlagen: ::1 image file:: ist keine JPEG-Datei." #. Fold: Key operations #. Function: exhume_key #. #. Code sample: #. #. # When a password is passed as argument then always print out #. # the exhumed key on stdout without further checks (internal use) #. [[ -n "$tombpass" ]] && { #. TOMBKEY=$(steghide extract -sf $imagefile -p $tombpass -xf -) #. [[ $? != 0 ]] && { #. > _failure "Wrong password or no steganographic key found" } #. #. recover_key $TOMBKEY #. #. return 0 #: tomb:1238 msgid "Wrong password or no steganographic key found" msgstr "Falsches Passwort, oder kein steganographischer Schlüssel gefunden" #. Fold: Key operations #. Function: exhume_key #. #. Code sample: #. } #. #. # Ensure we have a valid destination for the key #. [[ -z $destkey ]] && { option_is_set -k } && destkey=$(option_value -k) #. [[ -z $destkey ]] && { #. destkey="-" # No key was specified: fallback to stdout #. > _message "printing exhumed key on stdout" } #. #. # Bail out if destination exists, unless -f (force) was passed #. [[ $destkey != "-" && -s $destkey ]] && { #. _warning "File exists: ::1 tomb key::" $destkey #: tomb:1249 msgid "printing exhumed key on stdout" msgstr "Gebe exhumierten Schlüssel auf stdout aus" #. Fold: Key operations #. Function: exhume_key #. #. Code sample: #. [[ -z $destkey ]] && { #. destkey="-" # No key was specified: fallback to stdout #. _message "printing exhumed key on stdout" } #. #. # Bail out if destination exists, unless -f (force) was passed #. [[ $destkey != "-" && -s $destkey ]] && { #. > _warning "File exists: ::1 tomb key::" $destkey #. { option_is_set -f } && { #. _warning "Use of --force selected: overwriting." #. rm -f $destkey #. } || { #: tomb:1253 msgid "File exists: ::1 tomb key::" msgstr "Datei existiert: ::1 tomb key::" #. Fold: Key operations #. Function: exhume_key #. #. Code sample: #. _message "printing exhumed key on stdout" } #. #. # Bail out if destination exists, unless -f (force) was passed #. [[ $destkey != "-" && -s $destkey ]] && { #. _warning "File exists: ::1 tomb key::" $destkey #. { option_is_set -f } && { #. > _warning "Use of --force selected: overwriting." #. rm -f $destkey #. } || { #. _warning "Make explicit use of --force to overwrite." #. _failure "Refusing to overwrite file. Operation aborted." } #: tomb:1255 msgid "Use of --force selected: overwriting." msgstr "--force wurde benutzt, wird überschrieben." #. Fold: Key operations #. Function: exhume_key #. #. Code sample: #. [[ $destkey != "-" && -s $destkey ]] && { #. _warning "File exists: ::1 tomb key::" $destkey #. { option_is_set -f } && { #. _warning "Use of --force selected: overwriting." #. rm -f $destkey #. } || { #. > _warning "Make explicit use of --force to overwrite." #. _failure "Refusing to overwrite file. Operation aborted." } #. } #. #. _message "Trying to exhume a key out of image ::1 image file::" $imagefile #: tomb:1258 msgid "Make explicit use of --force to overwrite." msgstr "Benutzen Sie --force um ein Überschreiben zu erzwingen." #. Fold: Key operations #. Function: exhume_key #. #. Code sample: #. _warning "File exists: ::1 tomb key::" $destkey #. { option_is_set -f } && { #. _warning "Use of --force selected: overwriting." #. rm -f $destkey #. } || { #. _warning "Make explicit use of --force to overwrite." #. > _failure "Refusing to overwrite file. Operation aborted." } #. } #. #. _message "Trying to exhume a key out of image ::1 image file::" $imagefile #. { option_is_set --tomb-pwd } && { #: tomb:1259 msgid "Refusing to overwrite file. Operation aborted." msgstr "Überschreiben verweigert. Operation abgebrochen." #. Fold: Key operations #. Function: exhume_key #. #. Code sample: #. rm -f $destkey #. } || { #. _warning "Make explicit use of --force to overwrite." #. _failure "Refusing to overwrite file. Operation aborted." } #. } #. #. > _message "Trying to exhume a key out of image ::1 image file::" $imagefile #. { option_is_set --tomb-pwd } && { #. tombpass=$(option_value --tomb-pwd) #. _verbose "tomb-pwd = ::1 tomb pass::" $tombpass #. } || { #: tomb:1262 msgid "Trying to exhume a key out of image ::1 image file::" msgstr "Versuche Schlüssel aus ::1 image file:: zu exhumieren" #. Fold: Key operations #. Function: exhume_key #. #. Code sample: #. steghide extract -sf $imagefile -p ${tombpass} -xf $destkey #. r=$? #. #. # Report to the user #. [[ "$destkey" = "-" ]] && destkey="stdout" #. [[ $r == 0 ]] && { #. > _success "Key succesfully exhumed to ::1 key::." $destkey #. } || { #. _warning "Nothing found in ::1 image file::" $imagefile #. } #. #: tomb:1283 msgid "Key succesfully exhumed to ::1 key::." msgstr "Schlüssel erfolgreich exhumiert in ::1 key::." #. Fold: Key operations #. Function: exhume_key #. #. Code sample: #. #. # Report to the user #. [[ "$destkey" = "-" ]] && destkey="stdout" #. [[ $r == 0 ]] && { #. _success "Key succesfully exhumed to ::1 key::." $destkey #. } || { #. > _warning "Nothing found in ::1 image file::" $imagefile #. } #. #. return $r #. } #: tomb:1285 msgid "Nothing found in ::1 image file::" msgstr "Nichts gefunden in ::1 image file::" #. Fold: Key operations #. Function: engrave_key #. #. Code sample: #. #. _load_key # Try loading key from option -k and set TOMBKEYFILE #. #. local keyname=$(basename $TOMBKEYFILE) #. local pngname="$keyname.qr.png" #. #. > _success "Rendering a printable QRCode for key: ::1 tomb key file::" $TOMBKEYFILE #. # we omit armor strings to save space #. awk '/^-----/ {next}; /^Version/ {next}; {print $0}' $TOMBKEYFILE #. | qrencode --size 4 --level H --casesensitive -o $pngname #. [[ $? != 0 ]] && { #: tomb:1300 msgid "Rendering a printable QRCode for key: ::1 tomb key file::" msgstr "Rendern eines ausdruckbaren QRCodes für Schlüssel: ::1 tomb key file::" #. Fold: Key operations #. Function: engrave_key #. #. Code sample: #. #. _success "Rendering a printable QRCode for key: ::1 tomb key file::" $TOMBKEYFILE #. # we omit armor strings to save space #. awk '/^-----/ {next}; /^Version/ {next}; {print $0}' $TOMBKEYFILE #. | qrencode --size 4 --level H --casesensitive -o $pngname #. [[ $? != 0 ]] && { #. > _failure "QREncode reported an error." } #. #. _success "Operation successful:" #. # TODO: only if verbose and/or not silent #. ls -lh $pngname #: tomb:1305 msgid "QREncode reported an error." msgstr "QREncode meldet einen Fehler." #. Fold: Key operations #. Function: engrave_key #. #. Code sample: #. # we omit armor strings to save space #. awk '/^-----/ {next}; /^Version/ {next}; {print $0}' $TOMBKEYFILE #. | qrencode --size 4 --level H --casesensitive -o $pngname #. [[ $? != 0 ]] && { #. _failure "QREncode reported an error." } #. #. > _success "Operation successful:" #. # TODO: only if verbose and/or not silent #. ls -lh $pngname #. file $pngname #. } #: tomb:1307 msgid "Operation successful:" msgstr "Operation erfolgreich:" #. Fold: Create #. Function: dig_tomb #. #. Code sample: #. #. dig_tomb() { #. local tombpath="$1" # Path to tomb #. # Require the specification of the size of the tomb (-s) in MB #. local -i tombsize=$(option_value -s) #. #. > _message "Commanded to dig tomb ::1 tomb path::" $tombpath #. #. [[ -n "$tombpath" ]] || _failure "Missing path to tomb" #. [[ -n "$tombsize" ]] || _failure "Size argument missing, use -s" #. [[ $tombsize == <-> ]] || _failure "Size must be an integer (megabytes)" #: tomb:1340 msgid "Commanded to dig tomb ::1 tomb path::" msgstr "Befehl erhalten zum ausgraben des Grabes: ::1 tomb path::" #. Fold: Create #. Function: dig_tomb #. #. Code sample: #. local tombpath="$1" # Path to tomb #. # Require the specification of the size of the tomb (-s) in MB #. local -i tombsize=$(option_value -s) #. #. _message "Commanded to dig tomb ::1 tomb path::" $tombpath #. #. > [[ -n "$tombpath" ]] || _failure "Missing path to tomb" #. [[ -n "$tombsize" ]] || _failure "Size argument missing, use -s" #. [[ $tombsize == <-> ]] || _failure "Size must be an integer (megabytes)" #. [[ $tombsize -ge 10 ]] || _failure "Tombs can't be smaller than 10 megabytes" #. #: tomb:1342 msgid "Missing path to tomb" msgstr "Dateipfad zum Grab fehlt" #. Fold: Create #. Function: dig_tomb #. #. Code sample: #. # Require the specification of the size of the tomb (-s) in MB #. local -i tombsize=$(option_value -s) #. #. _message "Commanded to dig tomb ::1 tomb path::" $tombpath #. #. [[ -n "$tombpath" ]] || _failure "Missing path to tomb" #. > [[ -n "$tombsize" ]] || _failure "Size argument missing, use -s" #. [[ $tombsize == <-> ]] || _failure "Size must be an integer (megabytes)" #. [[ $tombsize -ge 10 ]] || _failure "Tombs can't be smaller than 10 megabytes" #. #. _plot $tombpath # Set TOMB{PATH,DIR,FILE,NAME} #: tomb:1343 msgid "Size argument missing, use -s" msgstr "Größenangabe fehlt, benutzen Sie -s" #. Fold: Create #. Function: dig_tomb #. #. Code sample: #. local -i tombsize=$(option_value -s) #. #. _message "Commanded to dig tomb ::1 tomb path::" $tombpath #. #. [[ -n "$tombpath" ]] || _failure "Missing path to tomb" #. [[ -n "$tombsize" ]] || _failure "Size argument missing, use -s" #. > [[ $tombsize == <-> ]] || _failure "Size must be an integer (megabytes)" #. [[ $tombsize -ge 10 ]] || _failure "Tombs can't be smaller than 10 megabytes" #. #. _plot $tombpath # Set TOMB{PATH,DIR,FILE,NAME} #. #: tomb:1344 msgid "Size must be an integer (megabytes)" msgstr "Größe muss eine Ganzzahl sein (Megabytes)" #. Fold: Create #. Function: dig_tomb #. #. Code sample: #. #. _message "Commanded to dig tomb ::1 tomb path::" $tombpath #. #. [[ -n "$tombpath" ]] || _failure "Missing path to tomb" #. [[ -n "$tombsize" ]] || _failure "Size argument missing, use -s" #. [[ $tombsize == <-> ]] || _failure "Size must be an integer (megabytes)" #. > [[ $tombsize -ge 10 ]] || _failure "Tombs can't be smaller than 10 megabytes" #. #. _plot $tombpath # Set TOMB{PATH,DIR,FILE,NAME} #. #. [[ -e $TOMBPATH ]] && { #: tomb:1345 msgid "Tombs can't be smaller than 10 megabytes" msgstr "Gräber können nicht kleiner als 10 Megabyte sein" #. Fold: Create #. Function: dig_tomb #. #. Code sample: #. [[ $tombsize == <-> ]] || _failure "Size must be an integer (megabytes)" #. [[ $tombsize -ge 10 ]] || _failure "Tombs can't be smaller than 10 megabytes" #. #. _plot $tombpath # Set TOMB{PATH,DIR,FILE,NAME} #. #. [[ -e $TOMBPATH ]] && { #. > _warning "A tomb exists already. I'm not digging here:" #. ls -lh $TOMBPATH #. return 1 #. } #. #: tomb:1350 msgid "A tomb exists already. I'm not digging here:" msgstr "Es existiert bereits ein Grab. Hier grabe ich nicht:" #. Fold: Create #. Function: dig_tomb #. #. Code sample: #. [[ -e $TOMBPATH ]] && { #. _warning "A tomb exists already. I'm not digging here:" #. ls -lh $TOMBPATH #. return 1 #. } #. #. > _success "Creating a new tomb in ::1 tomb path::" $TOMBPATH #. #. _message "Generating ::1 tomb file:: of ::2 size::MiB" $TOMBFILE $tombsize #. #. # Ensure that file permissions are safe even if interrupted #: tomb:1355 msgid "Creating a new tomb in ::1 tomb path::" msgstr "Erstelle ein neues Grab in ::1 tomb path::" #. Fold: Create #. Function: dig_tomb #. #. Code sample: #. ls -lh $TOMBPATH #. return 1 #. } #. #. _success "Creating a new tomb in ::1 tomb path::" $TOMBPATH #. #. > _message "Generating ::1 tomb file:: of ::2 size::MiB" $TOMBFILE $tombsize #. #. # Ensure that file permissions are safe even if interrupted #. touch $TOMBPATH #. [[ $? = 0 ]] || { #: tomb:1357 msgid "Generating ::1 tomb file:: of ::2 size::MiB" msgstr "Grab ::1 tomb file:: wird erstellt, mit der Größe ::2 size::Mb" #. Fold: Create #. Function: dig_tomb #. #. Code sample: #. #. _message "Generating ::1 tomb file:: of ::2 size::MiB" $TOMBFILE $tombsize #. #. # Ensure that file permissions are safe even if interrupted #. touch $TOMBPATH #. [[ $? = 0 ]] || { #. > _warning "Error creating the tomb ::1 tomb path::" $TOMBPATH #. _failure "Operation aborted." #. } #. chmod 0600 $TOMBPATH #. #: tomb:1362 msgid "Error creating the tomb ::1 tomb path::" msgstr "Fehler beim Erzeugen des Grabes ::1 tomb path::" #. Fold: Create #. Function: dig_tomb #. #. Code sample: #. ls -lh $TOMBPATH #. } || { #. _warning "Error creating the tomb ::1 tomb path::" $TOMBPATH #. _failure "Operation aborted." #. } #. #. > _success "Done digging ::1 tomb name::" $TOMBNAME #. _message "Your tomb is not yet ready, you need to forge a key and lock it:" #. _message "tomb forge ::1 tomb path::.key" $TOMBPATH #. _message "tomb lock ::1 tomb path:: -k ::1 tomb path::.key" $TOMBPATH #. #: tomb:1377 msgid "Done digging ::1 tomb name::" msgstr "Fertig mit ausgraben ::1 tomb name::" #. Fold: Create #. Function: dig_tomb #. #. Code sample: #. } || { #. _warning "Error creating the tomb ::1 tomb path::" $TOMBPATH #. _failure "Operation aborted." #. } #. #. _success "Done digging ::1 tomb name::" $TOMBNAME #. > _message "Your tomb is not yet ready, you need to forge a key and lock it:" #. _message "tomb forge ::1 tomb path::.key" $TOMBPATH #. _message "tomb lock ::1 tomb path:: -k ::1 tomb path::.key" $TOMBPATH #. #. return 0 #: tomb:1378 msgid "Your tomb is not yet ready, you need to forge a key and lock it:" msgstr "" "Ihr Grab ist noch nicht bereit, erst müssen Sie einen Schlüssel schmieden " "und es abschließen:" #. Fold: Create #. Function: dig_tomb #. #. Code sample: #. _warning "Error creating the tomb ::1 tomb path::" $TOMBPATH #. _failure "Operation aborted." #. } #. #. _success "Done digging ::1 tomb name::" $TOMBNAME #. _message "Your tomb is not yet ready, you need to forge a key and lock it:" #. > _message "tomb forge ::1 tomb path::.key" $TOMBPATH #. _message "tomb lock ::1 tomb path:: -k ::1 tomb path::.key" $TOMBPATH #. #. return 0 #. } #: tomb:1379 msgid "tomb forge ::1 tomb path::.key" msgstr "tomb forge ::1 tomb path::.key " #. Fold: Create #. Function: dig_tomb #. #. Code sample: #. _failure "Operation aborted." #. } #. #. _success "Done digging ::1 tomb name::" $TOMBNAME #. _message "Your tomb is not yet ready, you need to forge a key and lock it:" #. _message "tomb forge ::1 tomb path::.key" $TOMBPATH #. > _message "tomb lock ::1 tomb path:: -k ::1 tomb path::.key" $TOMBPATH #. #. return 0 #. } #. #: tomb:1380 msgid "tomb lock ::1 tomb path:: -k ::1 tomb path::.key" msgstr "tomb lock ::1 tomb path:: -k ::1 tomb path::.key " #. Fold: Create #. Function: forge_key #. #. Code sample: #. local destkey="$1" #. { option_is_set -k } && { destkey=$(option_value -k) } #. #. local algo="AES256" # Default encryption algorithm #. #. [[ -z "$destkey" ]] && { #. > _failure "A filename needs to be specified using -k to forge a new key." } #. #. _message "Commanded to forge key ::1 key::" $destkey #. #. _check_swap # Ensure the available memory is safe to use #: tomb:1401 msgid "A filename needs to be specified using -k to forge a new key." msgstr "" "Mit -k muss ein Dateiname angegeben werden, um einen neuen Schlüssel zu " "schmieden." #. Fold: Create #. Function: forge_key #. #. Code sample: #. #. local algo="AES256" # Default encryption algorithm #. #. [[ -z "$destkey" ]] && { #. _failure "A filename needs to be specified using -k to forge a new key." } #. #. > _message "Commanded to forge key ::1 key::" $destkey #. #. _check_swap # Ensure the available memory is safe to use #. #. # Ensure GnuPG won't exit with an error before first run #: tomb:1403 msgid "Commanded to forge key ::1 key::" msgstr "::1 key:: wird geschmiedet" #. Fold: Create #. Function: forge_key #. #. Code sample: #. mkdir -m 0700 $HOME/.gnupg #. touch $HOME/.gnupg/pubring.gpg } #. #. # Do not overwrite any files accidentally #. [[ -r "$destkey" ]] && { #. ls -lh $destkey #. > _failure "Forging this key would overwrite an existing file. Operation aborted." } #. #. touch $destkey #. [[ $? == 0 ]] || { #. _warning "Cannot generate encryption key." #: tomb:1415 msgid "Forging this key would overwrite an existing file. Operation aborted." msgstr "" "Diesen Schlüssel zu schmieden würde eine existierende Datei überschreiben. " "Aktion abgebrochen." #. Fold: Create #. Function: forge_key #. #. Code sample: #. [[ -r "$destkey" ]] && { #. ls -lh $destkey #. _failure "Forging this key would overwrite an existing file. Operation aborted." } #. #. touch $destkey #. [[ $? == 0 ]] || { #. > _warning "Cannot generate encryption key." #. _failure "Operation aborted." } #. chmod 0600 $destkey #. #. # Update algorithm if it was passed on the command line with -o #: tomb:1419 msgid "Cannot generate encryption key." msgstr "Verschlüsselungsschlüssel konnte nicht erstellt werden." #. Fold: Create #. Function: forge_key #. #. Code sample: #. chmod 0600 $destkey #. #. # Update algorithm if it was passed on the command line with -o #. { option_is_set -o } && algopt="$(option_value -o)" #. [[ -n "$algopt" ]] && algo=$algopt #. #. > _message "Commanded to forge key ::1 key:: with cipher algorithm ::2 algorithm::" #. $destkey $algo #. #. TOMBKEYFILE="$destkey" # Set global variable #. #: tomb:1427 msgid "Commanded to forge key ::1 key:: with cipher algorithm ::2 algorithm::" msgstr "" "Der Schlüssel ::1 key:: wird mit dem Verschlüsselungsalgorithmus ::2 " "algorithm:: geschmiedet." #. Fold: Create #. Function: forge_key #. #. Code sample: #. #. _message "Commanded to forge key ::1 key:: with cipher algorithm ::2 algorithm::" #. $destkey $algo #. #. TOMBKEYFILE="$destkey" # Set global variable #. #. > _message "This operation takes time, keep using this computer on other tasks," #. _message "once done you will be asked to choose a password for your tomb." #. _message "To make it faster you can move the mouse around." #. _message "If you are on a server, you can use an Entropy Generation Daemon." #. #: tomb:1432 msgid "This operation takes time, keep using this computer on other tasks," msgstr "" "Dieser Vorgang braucht Zeit, benutzen Sie den Computer für andere Aufgaben," #. Fold: Create #. Function: forge_key #. #. Code sample: #. _message "Commanded to forge key ::1 key:: with cipher algorithm ::2 algorithm::" #. $destkey $algo #. #. TOMBKEYFILE="$destkey" # Set global variable #. #. _message "This operation takes time, keep using this computer on other tasks," #. > _message "once done you will be asked to choose a password for your tomb." #. _message "To make it faster you can move the mouse around." #. _message "If you are on a server, you can use an Entropy Generation Daemon." #. #. # Use /dev/random as the entropy source, unless --use-random is specified #: tomb:1433 msgid "once done you will be asked to choose a password for your tomb." msgstr "" "wenn der Vorgang einmal abgeschlossen ist, werden Sie gefragt ein Passwort " "für ihr Grab anzugeben." #. Fold: Create #. Function: forge_key #. #. Code sample: #. $destkey $algo #. #. TOMBKEYFILE="$destkey" # Set global variable #. #. _message "This operation takes time, keep using this computer on other tasks," #. _message "once done you will be asked to choose a password for your tomb." #. > _message "To make it faster you can move the mouse around." #. _message "If you are on a server, you can use an Entropy Generation Daemon." #. #. # Use /dev/random as the entropy source, unless --use-random is specified #. local random_source=/dev/random #: tomb:1434 msgid "To make it faster you can move the mouse around." msgstr "" "Um den Vorgang zu Beschleunigen können Sie die Maus hin und her bewegen." #. Fold: Create #. Function: forge_key #. #. Code sample: #. #. TOMBKEYFILE="$destkey" # Set global variable #. #. _message "This operation takes time, keep using this computer on other tasks," #. _message "once done you will be asked to choose a password for your tomb." #. _message "To make it faster you can move the mouse around." #. > _message "If you are on a server, you can use an Entropy Generation Daemon." #. #. # Use /dev/random as the entropy source, unless --use-random is specified #. local random_source=/dev/random #. { option_is_set --use-urandom } && random_source=/dev/urandom #: tomb:1435 msgid "If you are on a server, you can use an Entropy Generation Daemon." msgstr "" "Falls Sie auf einem Server sind können Sie einen Daemon benutzen um Entropie " "zu erstellen." #. Fold: Create #. Function: forge_key #. #. Code sample: #. [[ $? == 0 ]] || { #. _warning "Cannot generate encryption key." #. _failure "Operation aborted." } #. #. # Here the global variable TOMBSECRET contains the naked secret #. #. > _success "Choose the password of your key: ::1 tomb key::" $TOMBKEYFILE #. _message "(You can also change it later using 'tomb passwd'.)" #. # _user_file $TOMBKEYFILE #. #. tombname="$TOMBKEYFILE" # XXX ??? #: tomb:1449 msgid "Choose the password of your key: ::1 tomb key::" msgstr "Wählen Sie das Passwort von ihrem Schlüssel: ::1 tomb key::" #. Fold: Create #. Function: forge_key #. #. Code sample: #. _warning "Cannot generate encryption key." #. _failure "Operation aborted." } #. #. # Here the global variable TOMBSECRET contains the naked secret #. #. _success "Choose the password of your key: ::1 tomb key::" $TOMBKEYFILE #. > _message "(You can also change it later using 'tomb passwd'.)" #. # _user_file $TOMBKEYFILE #. #. tombname="$TOMBKEYFILE" # XXX ??? #. # the gen_key() function takes care of the new key's encryption #: tomb:1450 msgid "(You can also change it later using 'tomb passwd'.)" msgstr "(Sie können ihn auch später mit 'tomb passwd' wechseln.)" #. Fold: Create #. Function: forge_key #. #. Code sample: #. #. # load the key contents (set global variable) #. TOMBKEY="${mapfile[$TOMBKEYFILE]}" #. #. # this does a check on the file header #. is_valid_key $TOMBKEY || { #. > _warning "The key does not seem to be valid." #. _warning "Dumping contents to screen:" #. print "${mapfile[$TOMBKEY]}" #. _warning "--" #. sudo umount ${keytmp} #: tomb:1468 msgid "The key does not seem to be valid." msgstr "Der Schlüssel scheint ungültig zu sein." #. Fold: Create #. Function: forge_key #. #. Code sample: #. # load the key contents (set global variable) #. TOMBKEY="${mapfile[$TOMBKEYFILE]}" #. #. # this does a check on the file header #. is_valid_key $TOMBKEY || { #. _warning "The key does not seem to be valid." #. > _warning "Dumping contents to screen:" #. print "${mapfile[$TOMBKEY]}" #. _warning "--" #. sudo umount ${keytmp} #. rm -r $keytmp #: tomb:1469 msgid "Dumping contents to screen:" msgstr "Inhalte werden am Bildschirm angezeigt :" #. Fold: Create #. Function: forge_key #. #. Code sample: #. _warning "--" #. sudo umount ${keytmp} #. rm -r $keytmp #. _failure "Operation aborted." #. } #. #. > _message "Done forging ::1 key file::" $TOMBKEYFILE #. _success "Your key is ready:" #. ls -lh $TOMBKEYFILE #. } #. #: tomb:1477 msgid "Done forging ::1 key file::" msgstr "::1 key file:: fertig geschmiedet" #. Fold: Create #. Function: forge_key #. #. Code sample: #. sudo umount ${keytmp} #. rm -r $keytmp #. _failure "Operation aborted." #. } #. #. _message "Done forging ::1 key file::" $TOMBKEYFILE #. > _success "Your key is ready:" #. ls -lh $TOMBKEYFILE #. } #. #. # Step three -- Lock tomb #: tomb:1478 msgid "Your key is ready:" msgstr "Ihr Schlüssel ist bereit:" #. Fold: Create #. Function: lock_tomb_with_key #. #. Code sample: #. # for more alternatives refer to cryptsetup(8) #. local cipher="aes-xts-plain64:sha256" #. #. local tombpath="$1" # First argument is the path to the tomb #. #. [[ -n $tombpath ]] || { #. > _warning "No tomb specified for locking." #. _warning "Usage: tomb lock file.tomb file.tomb.key" #. return 1 #. } #. #: tomb:1498 msgid "No tomb specified for locking." msgstr "Kein Grab zum verschließen angegeben" #. Fold: Create #. Function: lock_tomb_with_key #. #. Code sample: #. local cipher="aes-xts-plain64:sha256" #. #. local tombpath="$1" # First argument is the path to the tomb #. #. [[ -n $tombpath ]] || { #. _warning "No tomb specified for locking." #. > _warning "Usage: tomb lock file.tomb file.tomb.key" #. return 1 #. } #. #. _plot $tombpath #: tomb:1499 msgid "Usage: tomb lock file.tomb file.tomb.key" msgstr "Gebrauch: tomb lock file.tomb file.tomb.key" #. Fold: Create #. Function: lock_tomb_with_key #. #. Code sample: #. _warning "Usage: tomb lock file.tomb file.tomb.key" #. return 1 #. } #. #. _plot $tombpath #. #. > _message "Commanded to lock tomb ::1 tomb file::" $TOMBFILE #. #. [[ -f $TOMBPATH ]] || { #. _failure "There is no tomb here. You have to dig it first." } #. #: tomb:1505 msgid "Commanded to lock tomb ::1 tomb file::" msgstr "Grab ::1 tomb file:: wird verschlossen" #. Fold: Create #. Function: lock_tomb_with_key #. #. Code sample: #. #. _plot $tombpath #. #. _message "Commanded to lock tomb ::1 tomb file::" $TOMBFILE #. #. [[ -f $TOMBPATH ]] || { #. > _failure "There is no tomb here. You have to dig it first." } #. #. _verbose "Tomb found: ::1 tomb path::" $TOMBPATH #. #. lo_mount $TOMBPATH #: tomb:1508 msgid "There is no tomb here. You have to dig it first." msgstr "Es ist kein Grab an diesem Ort. Sie müssen erst eins graben." #. Fold: Create #. Function: lock_tomb_with_key #. #. Code sample: #. #. lo_mount $TOMBPATH #. nstloop=`lo_new` #. #. _verbose "Loop mounted on ::1 mount point::" $nstloop #. #. > _message "Checking if the tomb is empty (we never step on somebody else's bones)." #. sudo cryptsetup isLuks ${nstloop} #. if [ $? = 0 ]; then #. # is it a LUKS encrypted nest? then bail out and avoid reformatting it #. _warning "The tomb was already locked with another key." #: tomb:1517 msgid "Checking if the tomb is empty (we never step on somebody else's bones)." msgstr "" "Am kontrollieren ob Grab leer ist (wir würden nie fremde Knochen stören)." #. Fold: Create #. Function: lock_tomb_with_key #. #. Code sample: #. _verbose "Loop mounted on ::1 mount point::" $nstloop #. #. _message "Checking if the tomb is empty (we never step on somebody else's bones)." #. sudo cryptsetup isLuks ${nstloop} #. if [ $? = 0 ]; then #. # is it a LUKS encrypted nest? then bail out and avoid reformatting it #. > _warning "The tomb was already locked with another key." #. _failure "Operation aborted. I cannot lock an already locked tomb. Go dig a new one." #. else #. _message "Fine, this tomb seems empty." #. fi #: tomb:1521 msgid "The tomb was already locked with another key." msgstr "Grab ist schon mit anderem Schlüssel verschlossen." #. Fold: Create #. Function: lock_tomb_with_key #. #. Code sample: #. #. _message "Checking if the tomb is empty (we never step on somebody else's bones)." #. sudo cryptsetup isLuks ${nstloop} #. if [ $? = 0 ]; then #. # is it a LUKS encrypted nest? then bail out and avoid reformatting it #. _warning "The tomb was already locked with another key." #. > _failure "Operation aborted. I cannot lock an already locked tomb. Go dig a new one." #. else #. _message "Fine, this tomb seems empty." #. fi #. #: tomb:1522 msgid "" "Operation aborted. I cannot lock an already locked tomb. Go dig a new one." msgstr "" "Vorgang abgebrochen. Ich kann kein bereits abgeschlossenes Grab nochmal " "abschließen. Graben Sie ein neues." #. Fold: Create #. Function: lock_tomb_with_key #. #. Code sample: #. sudo cryptsetup isLuks ${nstloop} #. if [ $? = 0 ]; then #. # is it a LUKS encrypted nest? then bail out and avoid reformatting it #. _warning "The tomb was already locked with another key." #. _failure "Operation aborted. I cannot lock an already locked tomb. Go dig a new one." #. else #. > _message "Fine, this tomb seems empty." #. fi #. #. _load_key # Try loading key from option -k and set TOMBKEYFILE #. #: tomb:1524 msgid "Fine, this tomb seems empty." msgstr "Gut, dieses Grab scheint leer." #. Fold: Create #. Function: lock_tomb_with_key #. #. Code sample: #. #. _load_key # Try loading key from option -k and set TOMBKEYFILE #. #. # the encryption cipher for a tomb can be set when locking using -c #. { option_is_set -o } && algopt="$(option_value -o)" #. [[ -n "$algopt" ]] && cipher=$algopt #. > _message "Locking using cipher: ::1 cipher::" $cipher #. #. # get the pass from the user and check it #. if option_is_set --tomb-pwd; then #. tomb_pwd="`option_value --tomb-pwd`" #: tomb:1532 msgid "Locking using cipher: ::1 cipher::" msgstr "Abschließen mit Chiffre: ::1 cipher::" #. Fold: Create #. Function: lock_tomb_with_key #. #. Code sample: #. ask_key_password "$tomb_pwd" #. else #. ask_key_password #. fi #. [[ $? == 0 ]] || _failure "No valid password supplied." #. #. > _success "Locking ::1 tomb file:: with ::2 tomb key file::" $TOMBFILE $TOMBKEYFILE #. #. _message "Formatting Luks mapped device." #. _cryptsetup --batch-mode #. --cipher ${cipher} --key-size 256 --key-slot 0 #: tomb:1544 msgid "Locking ::1 tomb file:: with ::2 tomb key file::" msgstr "Schliesse ::1 tomb file:: ab mit ::2 tomb key file::" #. Fold: Create #. Function: lock_tomb_with_key #. #. Code sample: #. ask_key_password #. fi #. [[ $? == 0 ]] || _failure "No valid password supplied." #. #. _success "Locking ::1 tomb file:: with ::2 tomb key file::" $TOMBFILE $TOMBKEYFILE #. #. > _message "Formatting Luks mapped device." #. _cryptsetup --batch-mode #. --cipher ${cipher} --key-size 256 --key-slot 0 #. luksFormat ${nstloop} #. [[ $? == 0 ]] || { #: tomb:1546 msgid "Formatting Luks mapped device." msgstr "Formatieren des Luks Gerätes." #. Fold: Create #. Function: lock_tomb_with_key #. #. Code sample: #. #. _message "Formatting Luks mapped device." #. _cryptsetup --batch-mode #. --cipher ${cipher} --key-size 256 --key-slot 0 #. luksFormat ${nstloop} #. [[ $? == 0 ]] || { #. > _warning "cryptsetup luksFormat returned an error." #. _failure "Operation aborted." } #. #. _cryptsetup --cipher ${cipher} luksOpen ${nstloop} tomb.tmp #. [[ $? == 0 ]] || { #: tomb:1551 msgid "cryptsetup luksFormat returned an error." msgstr "'cryptsetup luksFormat' hat einen Fehler ausgegeben." #. Fold: Create #. Function: lock_tomb_with_key #. #. Code sample: #. [[ $? == 0 ]] || { #. _warning "cryptsetup luksFormat returned an error." #. _failure "Operation aborted." } #. #. _cryptsetup --cipher ${cipher} luksOpen ${nstloop} tomb.tmp #. [[ $? == 0 ]] || { #. > _warning "cryptsetup luksOpen returned an error." #. _failure "Operation aborted." } #. #. _message "Formatting your Tomb with Ext3/Ext4 filesystem." #. ${=MKFS} $TOMBNAME /dev/mapper/tomb.tmp #: tomb:1556 msgid "cryptsetup luksOpen returned an error." msgstr "'cryptsetup luksOpen' hat einen Fehler ausgegeben" #. Fold: Create #. Function: lock_tomb_with_key #. #. Code sample: #. #. _cryptsetup --cipher ${cipher} luksOpen ${nstloop} tomb.tmp #. [[ $? == 0 ]] || { #. _warning "cryptsetup luksOpen returned an error." #. _failure "Operation aborted." } #. #. > _message "Formatting your Tomb with Ext3/Ext4 filesystem." #. ${=MKFS} $TOMBNAME /dev/mapper/tomb.tmp #. #. [[ $? == 0 ]] || { #. _warning "Tomb format returned an error." #: tomb:1559 msgid "Formatting your Tomb with Ext3/Ext4 filesystem." msgstr "Ihr Grab wird mit Ext3/Ext4 formatiert." #. Fold: Create #. Function: lock_tomb_with_key #. #. Code sample: #. _failure "Operation aborted." } #. #. _message "Formatting your Tomb with Ext3/Ext4 filesystem." #. ${=MKFS} $TOMBNAME /dev/mapper/tomb.tmp #. #. [[ $? == 0 ]] || { #. > _warning "Tomb format returned an error." #. _warning "Your tomb ::1 tomb file:: may be corrupted." $TOMBFILE } #. #. # Sync #. sudo cryptsetup luksClose tomb.tmp #: tomb:1563 msgid "Tomb format returned an error." msgstr "Beim Formatieren ist ein Fehler aufgetreten." #. Fold: Create #. Function: lock_tomb_with_key #. #. Code sample: #. #. _message "Formatting your Tomb with Ext3/Ext4 filesystem." #. ${=MKFS} $TOMBNAME /dev/mapper/tomb.tmp #. #. [[ $? == 0 ]] || { #. _warning "Tomb format returned an error." #. > _warning "Your tomb ::1 tomb file:: may be corrupted." $TOMBFILE } #. #. # Sync #. sudo cryptsetup luksClose tomb.tmp #. #: tomb:1564 msgid "Your tomb ::1 tomb file:: may be corrupted." msgstr "Ihr Grab ::1 tomb file:: könnte korrumpiert sein." #. Fold: Create #. Function: lock_tomb_with_key #. #. Code sample: #. _warning "Tomb format returned an error." #. _warning "Your tomb ::1 tomb file:: may be corrupted." $TOMBFILE } #. #. # Sync #. sudo cryptsetup luksClose tomb.tmp #. #. > _message "Done locking ::1 tomb name:: using Luks dm-crypt ::2 cipher::" $TOMBNAME $cipher #. _success "Your tomb is ready in ::1 tomb path:: and secured with key ::2 tomb key::" #. $TOMBPATH $TOMBKEYFILE #. #. } #: tomb:1569 msgid "Done locking ::1 tomb name:: using Luks dm-crypt ::2 cipher::" msgstr "" "Grab ::1 tomb name:: wurde erfolgreich verschlüsselt mit LUKS dm-crypt ::2 " "cipher::" #. Fold: Create #. Function: lock_tomb_with_key #. #. Code sample: #. _warning "Your tomb ::1 tomb file:: may be corrupted." $TOMBFILE } #. #. # Sync #. sudo cryptsetup luksClose tomb.tmp #. #. _message "Done locking ::1 tomb name:: using Luks dm-crypt ::2 cipher::" $TOMBNAME $cipher #. > _success "Your tomb is ready in ::1 tomb path:: and secured with key ::2 tomb key::" #. $TOMBPATH $TOMBKEYFILE #. #. } #. #: tomb:1570 msgid "" "Your tomb is ready in ::1 tomb path:: and secured with key ::2 tomb key::" msgstr "" "Ihr Grab ist bereit in ::1 tomb path::und gesichert mit dem Schlüssel ::2 " "tomb key::" #. Fold: Create #. Function: change_tomb_key #. #. Code sample: #. #. # This function changes the key that locks a tomb #. change_tomb_key() { #. local tombkey="$1" # Path to the tomb's key file #. local tombpath="$2" # Path to the tomb #. #. > _message "Commanded to reset key for tomb ::1 tomb path::" $tombpath #. #. [[ -z "$tombpath" ]] && { #. _warning "Command 'setkey' needs two arguments: the old key file and the tomb." #. _warning "I.e: tomb -k new.tomb.key old.tomb.key secret.tomb" #: tomb:1580 msgid "Commanded to reset key for tomb ::1 tomb path::" msgstr "" "Befehl erhalten zum zurücksetzen des Schlüssels fur das Grab ::1 tomb path::" #. Fold: Create #. Function: change_tomb_key #. #. Code sample: #. local tombkey="$1" # Path to the tomb's key file #. local tombpath="$2" # Path to the tomb #. #. _message "Commanded to reset key for tomb ::1 tomb path::" $tombpath #. #. [[ -z "$tombpath" ]] && { #. > _warning "Command 'setkey' needs two arguments: the old key file and the tomb." #. _warning "I.e: tomb -k new.tomb.key old.tomb.key secret.tomb" #. _failure "Execution aborted." #. } #. #: tomb:1583 msgid "Command 'setkey' needs two arguments: the old key file and the tomb." msgstr "" "Der Befehl 'setkey' benötigt zwei Argumente: Die alte Schlüsseldatei und das " "Grab." #. Fold: Create #. Function: change_tomb_key #. #. Code sample: #. local tombpath="$2" # Path to the tomb #. #. _message "Commanded to reset key for tomb ::1 tomb path::" $tombpath #. #. [[ -z "$tombpath" ]] && { #. _warning "Command 'setkey' needs two arguments: the old key file and the tomb." #. > _warning "I.e: tomb -k new.tomb.key old.tomb.key secret.tomb" #. _failure "Execution aborted." #. } #. #. _check_swap #: tomb:1584 msgid "I.e: tomb -k new.tomb.key old.tomb.key secret.tomb" msgstr "z.B.: tomb -k new.tomb.key old.tomb.key secret.tomb" #. Fold: Create #. Function: change_tomb_key #. #. Code sample: #. #. _message "Commanded to reset key for tomb ::1 tomb path::" $tombpath #. #. [[ -z "$tombpath" ]] && { #. _warning "Command 'setkey' needs two arguments: the old key file and the tomb." #. _warning "I.e: tomb -k new.tomb.key old.tomb.key secret.tomb" #. > _failure "Execution aborted." #. } #. #. _check_swap #. is_valid_tomb $tombpath #: tomb:1585 msgid "Execution aborted." msgstr "Vorgang abgebrochen." #. Fold: Create #. Function: change_tomb_key #. #. Code sample: #. #. lo_mount $TOMBPATH #. nstloop=`lo_new` #. sudo cryptsetup isLuks ${nstloop} #. # is it a LUKS encrypted nest? we check one more time #. [[ $? == 0 ]] || { #. > _failure "Not a valid LUKS encrypted volume: ::1 volume::" $TOMBPATH } #. #. _load_key $tombkey # Try loading given key and set TOMBKEY and #. # TOMBKEYFILE #. local oldkey=$TOMBKEY #: tomb:1596 msgid "Not a valid LUKS encrypted volume: ::1 volume::" msgstr "Dieses Grab ist ein gültiges LUKS verschlüsseltes Gerät: ::1 volume::" #. Fold: Create #. Function: change_tomb_key #. #. Code sample: #. _load_key $tombkey # Try loading given key and set TOMBKEY and #. # TOMBKEYFILE #. local oldkey=$TOMBKEY #. local oldkeyfile=$TOMBKEYFILE #. #. # we have everything, prepare to mount #. > _success "Changing lock on tomb ::1 tomb name::" $TOMBNAME #. _message "Old key: ::1 old key::" $oldkeyfile #. #. # render the mapper #. mapdate=`date +%s` #: tomb:1604 msgid "Changing lock on tomb ::1 tomb name::" msgstr "Wechsle Schloss am Grab ::1 tomb name::" #. Fold: Create #. Function: change_tomb_key #. #. Code sample: #. # TOMBKEYFILE #. local oldkey=$TOMBKEY #. local oldkeyfile=$TOMBKEYFILE #. #. # we have everything, prepare to mount #. _success "Changing lock on tomb ::1 tomb name::" $TOMBNAME #. > _message "Old key: ::1 old key::" $oldkeyfile #. #. # render the mapper #. mapdate=`date +%s` #. # save date of mount in minutes since 1970 #: tomb:1605 msgid "Old key: ::1 old key::" msgstr "Alter Schlüssel: ::1 old key::" #. Fold: Create #. Function: change_tomb_key #. #. Code sample: #. _verbose "tomb-old-pwd = ::1 old pass::" $tomb_old_pwd #. ask_key_password "$tomb_old_pwd" #. else #. ask_key_password #. fi #. [[ $? == 0 ]] || { #. > _failure "No valid password supplied for the old key." } #. old_secret=$TOMBSECRET #. #. # luksOpen the tomb (not really mounting, just on the loopback) #. print -R -n - "$old_secret" | sudo cryptsetup --key-file - #: tomb:1621 msgid "No valid password supplied for the old key." msgstr "Kein gültiges Passwort für den alten Schlüssel angegeben." #. Fold: Create #. Function: change_tomb_key #. #. Code sample: #. _failure "No valid password supplied for the old key." } #. old_secret=$TOMBSECRET #. #. # luksOpen the tomb (not really mounting, just on the loopback) #. print -R -n - "$old_secret" | sudo cryptsetup --key-file - #. luksOpen ${nstloop} ${mapper} #. > [[ $? == 0 ]] || _failure "Unexpected error in luksOpen." #. #. _load_key # Try loading new key from option -k and set TOMBKEYFILE #. #. _message "New key: ::1 key file::" $TOMBKEYFILE #: tomb:1627 msgid "Unexpected error in luksOpen." msgstr "Unerwarteter Fehler in luksOpen." #. Fold: Create #. Function: change_tomb_key #. #. Code sample: #. print -R -n - "$old_secret" | sudo cryptsetup --key-file - #. luksOpen ${nstloop} ${mapper} #. [[ $? == 0 ]] || _failure "Unexpected error in luksOpen." #. #. _load_key # Try loading new key from option -k and set TOMBKEYFILE #. #. > _message "New key: ::1 key file::" $TOMBKEYFILE #. #. if option_is_set --tomb-pwd; then #. tomb_new_pwd="`option_value --tomb-pwd`" #. _verbose "tomb-pwd = ::1 tomb pass::" $tomb_new_pwd #: tomb:1631 msgid "New key: ::1 key file::" msgstr "Neuer Schlüssel: ::1 key file::" #. Fold: Create #. Function: change_tomb_key #. #. Code sample: #. _verbose "tomb-pwd = ::1 tomb pass::" $tomb_new_pwd #. ask_key_password "$tomb_new_pwd" #. else #. ask_key_password #. fi #. [[ $? == 0 ]] || { #. > _failure "No valid password supplied for the new key." } #. #. _tmp_create #. tmpnewkey=$TOMBTMP #. print -R -n - "$TOMBSECRET" >> $tmpnewkey #: tomb:1641 msgid "No valid password supplied for the new key." msgstr "Kein gültiges Passwort für den neuen Schlüssel angegeben." #. Fold: Create #. Function: change_tomb_key #. #. Code sample: #. tmpnewkey=$TOMBTMP #. print -R -n - "$TOMBSECRET" >> $tmpnewkey #. #. print -R -n - "$old_secret" | sudo cryptsetup --key-file - #. luksChangeKey "$nstloop" "$tmpnewkey" #. #. > [[ $? == 0 ]] || _failure "Unexpected error in luksChangeKey." #. #. sudo cryptsetup luksClose "${mapper}" || _failure "Unexpected error in luksClose." #. #. _success "Succesfully changed key for tomb: ::1 tomb file::" $TOMBFILE #: tomb:1650 msgid "Unexpected error in luksChangeKey." msgstr "Unerwarteter Fehler in luksChangeKey." #. Fold: Create #. Function: change_tomb_key #. #. Code sample: #. #. print -R -n - "$old_secret" | sudo cryptsetup --key-file - #. luksChangeKey "$nstloop" "$tmpnewkey" #. #. [[ $? == 0 ]] || _failure "Unexpected error in luksChangeKey." #. #. > sudo cryptsetup luksClose "${mapper}" || _failure "Unexpected error in luksClose." #. #. _success "Succesfully changed key for tomb: ::1 tomb file::" $TOMBFILE #. _message "The new key is: ::1 new key::" $TOMBKEYFILE #. #: tomb:1652 msgid "Unexpected error in luksClose." msgstr "Unerwarteter Fehler in luksClose." #. Fold: Create #. Function: change_tomb_key #. #. Code sample: #. luksChangeKey "$nstloop" "$tmpnewkey" #. #. [[ $? == 0 ]] || _failure "Unexpected error in luksChangeKey." #. #. sudo cryptsetup luksClose "${mapper}" || _failure "Unexpected error in luksClose." #. #. > _success "Succesfully changed key for tomb: ::1 tomb file::" $TOMBFILE #. _message "The new key is: ::1 new key::" $TOMBKEYFILE #. #. return 0 #. } #: tomb:1654 msgid "Succesfully changed key for tomb: ::1 tomb file::" msgstr "Schlüssel Erfolgreich gewechselt für das Grab: : ::1 tomb file::" #. Fold: Create #. Function: change_tomb_key #. #. Code sample: #. #. [[ $? == 0 ]] || _failure "Unexpected error in luksChangeKey." #. #. sudo cryptsetup luksClose "${mapper}" || _failure "Unexpected error in luksClose." #. #. _success "Succesfully changed key for tomb: ::1 tomb file::" $TOMBFILE #. > _message "The new key is: ::1 new key::" $TOMBKEYFILE #. #. return 0 #. } #. #: tomb:1655 msgid "The new key is: ::1 new key::" msgstr "Der neue Schlüssel ist: ::1 new key::" #. Fold: Open #. Function: mount_tomb #. #. Code sample: #. #. # {{{ Open #. #. # $1 = tombfile $2(optional) = mountpoint #. mount_tomb() { #. local tombpath="$1" # First argument is the path to the tomb #. > [[ -n "$tombpath" ]] || _failure "No tomb name specified for opening." #. #. _message "Commanded to open tomb ::1 tomb name::" $1 #. #. _check_swap #: tomb:1667 msgid "No tomb name specified for opening." msgstr "Bitte geben Sie den Namen des zu vöffnenden Grabes an." #. Fold: Open #. Function: mount_tomb #. #. Code sample: #. #. # $1 = tombfile $2(optional) = mountpoint #. mount_tomb() { #. local tombpath="$1" # First argument is the path to the tomb #. [[ -n "$tombpath" ]] || _failure "No tomb name specified for opening." #. #. > _message "Commanded to open tomb ::1 tomb name::" $1 #. #. _check_swap #. is_valid_tomb $tombpath #. #: tomb:1669 msgid "Commanded to open tomb ::1 tomb name::" msgstr "Grab ::1 tomb name:: wird geöffnet" #. Fold: Open #. Function: mount_tomb #. #. Code sample: #. #. _check_swap #. is_valid_tomb $tombpath #. #. # check file type (if its a Luks fs) #. [[ "`file $TOMBPATH`" =~ "luks encrypted file" ]] || { #. > _warning "::1 tomb file:: is not a valid tomb file" $TOMBFILE #. _failure "Operation aborted." #. } #. #. _verbose "Tomb found: ::1 tomb path::" $TOMBPATH #: tomb:1676 msgid "::1 tomb file:: is not a valid tomb file" msgstr "::1 tomb file:: iste keine gültige Grabdatei" #. Fold: Open #. Function: mount_tomb #. #. Code sample: #. _verbose "Tomb found: ::1 tomb path::" $TOMBPATH #. #. _load_key # Try loading new key from option -k and set TOMBKEYFILE #. #. tombmount=${2:-/media/$TOMBFILE} #. [[ -z "$2" ]] && { #. > _message "Mountpoint not specified, using default: ::1 mount point::" $tombmount } #. #. # Check if its already open #. [[ "`mount -l`" -regex-match "${TOMBFILE}.*\[$TOMBNAME\]" ]] && { #. _warning "::1 tomb name:: is already open." $TOMBNAME #: tomb:1686 msgid "Mountpoint not specified, using default: ::1 mount point::" msgstr "Mountpoint nicht angegeben, ::1 mount point:: wird benutzt" #. Fold: Open #. Function: mount_tomb #. #. Code sample: #. tombmount=${2:-/media/$TOMBFILE} #. [[ -z "$2" ]] && { #. _message "Mountpoint not specified, using default: ::1 mount point::" $tombmount } #. #. # Check if its already open #. [[ "`mount -l`" -regex-match "${TOMBFILE}.*\[$TOMBNAME\]" ]] && { #. > _warning "::1 tomb name:: is already open." $TOMBNAME #. _message "Here below its status is reported:" #. list_tombs $TOMBNAME #. return 0 } #. #: tomb:1690 msgid "::1 tomb name:: is already open." msgstr "::1 tomb name:: ist bereits geöffnet." #. Fold: Open #. Function: mount_tomb #. #. Code sample: #. [[ -z "$2" ]] && { #. _message "Mountpoint not specified, using default: ::1 mount point::" $tombmount } #. #. # Check if its already open #. [[ "`mount -l`" -regex-match "${TOMBFILE}.*\[$TOMBNAME\]" ]] && { #. _warning "::1 tomb name:: is already open." $TOMBNAME #. > _message "Here below its status is reported:" #. list_tombs $TOMBNAME #. return 0 } #. #. _success "Opening ::1 tomb file:: on ::2 mount point::" $TOMBFILE $tombmount #: tomb:1691 msgid "Here below its status is reported:" msgstr "Zustand des Grabes wie folgt:" #. Fold: Open #. Function: mount_tomb #. #. Code sample: #. [[ "`mount -l`" -regex-match "${TOMBFILE}.*\[$TOMBNAME\]" ]] && { #. _warning "::1 tomb name:: is already open." $TOMBNAME #. _message "Here below its status is reported:" #. list_tombs $TOMBNAME #. return 0 } #. #. > _success "Opening ::1 tomb file:: on ::2 mount point::" $TOMBFILE $tombmount #. #. lo_mount $TOMBPATH #. nstloop=`lo_new` #. #: tomb:1695 msgid "Opening ::1 tomb file:: on ::2 mount point::" msgstr "Öffne ::1 tomb file:: auf ::2 mount point::" #. Fold: Open #. Function: mount_tomb #. #. Code sample: #. #. lo_mount $TOMBPATH #. nstloop=`lo_new` #. #. sudo cryptsetup isLuks ${nstloop} || { #. # is it a LUKS encrypted nest? see cryptsetup(1) #. > _failure "::1 tomb file:: is not a valid Luks encrypted storage file." $TOMBFILE } #. #. _message "This tomb is a valid LUKS encrypted device." #. #. luksdump="`sudo cryptsetup luksDump ${nstloop}`" #: tomb:1702 msgid "::1 tomb file:: is not a valid Luks encrypted storage file." msgstr "::1 tomb file:: ist keine gültige Luks verschlüsselte Datei." #. Fold: Open #. Function: mount_tomb #. #. Code sample: #. nstloop=`lo_new` #. #. sudo cryptsetup isLuks ${nstloop} || { #. # is it a LUKS encrypted nest? see cryptsetup(1) #. _failure "::1 tomb file:: is not a valid Luks encrypted storage file." $TOMBFILE } #. #. > _message "This tomb is a valid LUKS encrypted device." #. #. luksdump="`sudo cryptsetup luksDump ${nstloop}`" #. tombdump=(`print $luksdump | awk ' #. /^Cipher name/ {print $3} #: tomb:1704 msgid "This tomb is a valid LUKS encrypted device." msgstr "Dieses Grab ist ein gültiges LUKS verschlüsseltes Gerät." #. Fold: Open #. Function: mount_tomb #. #. Code sample: #. #. luksdump="`sudo cryptsetup luksDump ${nstloop}`" #. tombdump=(`print $luksdump | awk ' #. /^Cipher name/ {print $3} #. /^Cipher mode/ {print $3} #. /^Hash spec/ {print $3}'`) #. > _message "Cipher is \"::1 cipher::\" mode \"::2 mode::\" hash \"::3 hash::\"" $tombdump[1] $tombdump[2] $tombdump[3] #. #. slotwarn=`print $luksdump | awk ' #. BEGIN { zero=0 } #. /^Key slot 0/ { zero=1 } #: tomb:1711 msgid "Cipher is \"::1 cipher::\" mode \"::2 mode::\" hash \"::3 hash::\"" msgstr "" "Verschlüsselung \"::1 cipher::\" im Modus \"::2 mode::\" und der " "Hashfunktion \"::3 hash::\"." #. Fold: Open #. Function: mount_tomb #. #. Code sample: #. #. slotwarn=`print $luksdump | awk ' #. BEGIN { zero=0 } #. /^Key slot 0/ { zero=1 } #. /^Key slot.*ENABLED/ { if(zero==1) print "WARN" }'` #. [[ "$slotwarn" == "WARN" ]] && { #. > _warning "Multiple key slots are enabled on this tomb. Beware: there can be a backdoor." } #. #. # save date of mount in minutes since 1970 #. mapdate=`date +%s` #. #: tomb:1718 msgid "" "Multiple key slots are enabled on this tomb. Beware: there can be a backdoor." msgstr "" "Mehrere Schlüssellöcher sind an diesem Grab angebracht. Achtung, es könnte " "eine Hintertür geben." #. Fold: Open #. Function: mount_tomb #. #. Code sample: #. ask_key_password #. } #. [[ $? == 0 ]] || _failure "No valid password supplied." #. #. _cryptsetup luksOpen ${nstloop} ${mapper} #. [[ $? = 0 ]] || { #. > _failure "Failure mounting the encrypted file." } #. #. # preserve the loopdev after exit #. lo_preserve "$nstloop" #. #: tomb:1742 msgid "Failure mounting the encrypted file." msgstr "Fehler beim Einhängen der verschlüsselten Datei." #. Fold: Open #. Function: mount_tomb #. #. Code sample: #. #. # array: [ cipher, keysize, loopdevice ] #. tombstat=(`sudo cryptsetup status ${mapper} | awk ' #. /cipher:/ {print $2} #. /keysize:/ {print $2} #. /device:/ {print $2}'`) #. > _success "Success unlocking tomb ::1 tomb name::" $TOMBNAME #. _verbose "Key size is ::1 size:: for cipher ::2 cipher::" $tombstat[2] $tombstat[1] #. #. _message "Checking filesystem via ::1::" $tombstat[3] #. sudo fsck -p -C0 /dev/mapper/${mapper} #: tomb:1752 msgid "Success unlocking tomb ::1 tomb name::" msgstr "Entsperren erfolgreich von ::1 tomb name::" #. Fold: Open #. Function: mount_tomb #. #. Code sample: #. /cipher:/ {print $2} #. /keysize:/ {print $2} #. /device:/ {print $2}'`) #. _success "Success unlocking tomb ::1 tomb name::" $TOMBNAME #. _verbose "Key size is ::1 size:: for cipher ::2 cipher::" $tombstat[2] $tombstat[1] #. #. > _message "Checking filesystem via ::1::" $tombstat[3] #. sudo fsck -p -C0 /dev/mapper/${mapper} #. _verbose "Tomb engraved as ::1 tomb name::" $TOMBNAME #. sudo tune2fs -L $TOMBNAME /dev/mapper/${mapper} > /dev/null #. #: tomb:1755 msgid "Checking filesystem via ::1::" msgstr "Dateisystem kontrollieren mit ::1::" #. Fold: Open #. Function: mount_tomb #. #. Code sample: #. #. # TODO: safety check MOUNTOPTS #. # safe_mount_options && #. sudo mount -o $MOUNTOPTS /dev/mapper/${mapper} ${tombmount} #. # Clean up if the mount failed #. [[ $? == 0 ]] || { #. > _warning "Error mounting ::1 mapper:: on ::2 tombmount::" $mapper $tombmount #. [[ $oldmountopts != $MOUNTOPTS ]] && #. _warning "Are mount options '::1 mount options::' valid?" $MOUNTOPTS #. # TODO: move cleanup to _endgame() #. [[ -d $tombmount ]] && rmdir $tombmount #: tomb:1773 msgid "Error mounting ::1 mapper:: on ::2 tombmount::" msgstr "" #. Fold: Open #. Function: mount_tomb #. #. Code sample: #. # safe_mount_options && #. sudo mount -o $MOUNTOPTS /dev/mapper/${mapper} ${tombmount} #. # Clean up if the mount failed #. [[ $? == 0 ]] || { #. _warning "Error mounting ::1 mapper:: on ::2 tombmount::" $mapper $tombmount #. [[ $oldmountopts != $MOUNTOPTS ]] && #. > _warning "Are mount options '::1 mount options::' valid?" $MOUNTOPTS #. # TODO: move cleanup to _endgame() #. [[ -d $tombmount ]] && rmdir $tombmount #. [[ -e /dev/mapper/$mapper ]] && sudo cryptsetup luksClose $mapper #. # The loop is taken care of in _endgame() #: tomb:1775 msgid "Are mount options '::1 mount options::' valid?" msgstr "" #. Fold: Open #. Function: mount_tomb #. #. Code sample: #. [[ $oldmountopts != $MOUNTOPTS ]] && #. _warning "Are mount options '::1 mount options::' valid?" $MOUNTOPTS #. # TODO: move cleanup to _endgame() #. [[ -d $tombmount ]] && rmdir $tombmount #. [[ -e /dev/mapper/$mapper ]] && sudo cryptsetup luksClose $mapper #. # The loop is taken care of in _endgame() #. > _failure "Cannot mount ::1 tomb name::" $TOMBNAME #. } #. #. sudo chown $UID:$GID ${tombmount} #. sudo chmod 0711 ${tombmount} #: tomb:1780 msgid "Cannot mount ::1 tomb name::" msgstr "" #. Fold: Open #. Function: mount_tomb #. #. Code sample: #. _failure "Cannot mount ::1 tomb name::" $TOMBNAME #. } #. #. sudo chown $UID:$GID ${tombmount} #. sudo chmod 0711 ${tombmount} #. #. > _success "Success opening ::1 tomb file:: on ::2 mount point::" $TOMBFILE $tombmount #. #. local tombtty tombhost tombuid tombuser #. #. # print out when was opened the last time, by whom and where #: tomb:1786 msgid "Success opening ::1 tomb file:: on ::2 mount point::" msgstr "Erfolgreiches Öffnen von ::1 tomb file:: auf ::2 mount point::" #. Fold: Open #. Function: mount_tomb #. #. Code sample: #. tombuid=$(_cat ${tombmount}/.uid | tr -d ' ') #. tomblast=$(_cat ${tombmount}/.last | tr -d ' ') #. for e in ${(f@)mapfile[/etc/passwd]}; do #. [[ "$e" =~ ":$tombuid:" ]] && { #. tombuser="${e[(ws@:@)1]}" } #. done #. > _message "Last visit by ::1 user::(::2 tomb build::) from ::3 tty:: on ::4 host::" $tombuser $tombuid $tombtty $tombhost #. _message "on date ::1 date::" "`date --date=@${tomblast} +%c`" #. } #. # write down the UID and TTY that opened the tomb #. rm -f ${tombmount}/.uid #: tomb:1800 msgid "Last visit by ::1 user::(::2 tomb build::) from ::3 tty:: on ::4 host::" msgstr "" "Letzer Besuch von ::1 user::(::2 tomb build::) von ::3 tty:: auf ::4 host::" #. Fold: Open #. Function: mount_tomb #. #. Code sample: #. tomblast=$(_cat ${tombmount}/.last | tr -d ' ') #. for e in ${(f@)mapfile[/etc/passwd]}; do #. [[ "$e" =~ ":$tombuid:" ]] && { #. tombuser="${e[(ws@:@)1]}" } #. done #. _message "Last visit by ::1 user::(::2 tomb build::) from ::3 tty:: on ::4 host::" $tombuser $tombuid $tombtty $tombhost #. > _message "on date ::1 date::" "`date --date=@${tomblast} +%c`" #. } #. # write down the UID and TTY that opened the tomb #. rm -f ${tombmount}/.uid #. print $_UID > ${tombmount}/.uid #: tomb:1801 msgid "on date ::1 date::" msgstr "am ::1 date::" #. Fold: Open #. Function: exec_safe_bind_hooks #. #. Code sample: #. #. # Default mount options are overridden with the -o switch #. [[ -n ${(k)OPTS[-o]} ]] && MOUNTOPTS=${OPTS[-o]} #. #. # No HOME set? Note: this should never happen again. #. [[ -z $HOME ]] && { #. > _warning "How pitiful! A tomb, and no HOME." #. return 1 } #. #. [[ -z $mnt || ! -d $mnt ]] && { #. _warning "Cannot exec bind hooks without a mounted tomb." #: tomb:1849 msgid "How pitiful! A tomb, and no HOME." msgstr "Wie bedaurndswert ! Ein Grab aber kein Zuhause." #. Fold: Open #. Function: exec_safe_bind_hooks #. #. Code sample: #. # No HOME set? Note: this should never happen again. #. [[ -z $HOME ]] && { #. _warning "How pitiful! A tomb, and no HOME." #. return 1 } #. #. [[ -z $mnt || ! -d $mnt ]] && { #. > _warning "Cannot exec bind hooks without a mounted tomb." #. return 1 } #. #. [[ -r "$mnt/bind-hooks" ]] || { #. _verbose "bind-hooks not found in ::1 mount point::" $mnt #: tomb:1853 msgid "Cannot exec bind hooks without a mounted tomb." msgstr "'Bind hooks' kann nicht benutzt werden ohne eingehängtes Grab." #. Fold: Open #. Function: exec_safe_bind_hooks #. #. Code sample: #. # better parsing for bind hooks checks for two separated words on #. # each line, using zsh word separator array subscript #. _bindhooks="${mapfile[${mnt}/bind-hooks]}" #. for h in ${(f)_bindhooks}; do #. s="${h[(w)1]}" #. d="${h[(w)2]}" #. > [[ "$s" = "" ]] && { _warning "bind-hooks file is broken"; return 1 } #. [[ "$d" = "" ]] && { _warning "bind-hooks file is broken"; return 1 } #. maps+=($s $d) #. _verbose "bind-hook found: $s -> $d" #. done #: tomb:1869 msgid "bind-hooks file is broken" msgstr "Datei mit den Bind-Hooks ist korrumpiert" #. Fold: Open #. Function: exec_safe_bind_hooks #. #. Code sample: #. _verbose "bind-hook found: $s -> $d" #. done #. unset _bindhooks #. #. for dir in ${(k)maps}; do #. [[ "${dir[1]}" == "/" || "${dir[1,2]}" == ".." ]] && { #. > _warning "bind-hooks map format: local/to/tomb local/to/\$HOME" #. continue } #. #. [[ "${${maps[$dir]}[1]}" == "/" || "${${maps[$dir]}[1,2]}" == ".." ]] && { #. _warning "bind-hooks map format: local/to/tomb local/to/\$HOME. Rolling back" #: tomb:1878 msgid "bind-hooks map format: local/to/tomb local/to/$HOME" msgstr "'bind hooks' map format: local/to/tomb local/to/$HOME" #. Fold: Open #. Function: exec_safe_bind_hooks #. #. Code sample: #. for dir in ${(k)maps}; do #. [[ "${dir[1]}" == "/" || "${dir[1,2]}" == ".." ]] && { #. _warning "bind-hooks map format: local/to/tomb local/to/\$HOME" #. continue } #. #. [[ "${${maps[$dir]}[1]}" == "/" || "${${maps[$dir]}[1,2]}" == ".." ]] && { #. > _warning "bind-hooks map format: local/to/tomb local/to/\$HOME. Rolling back" #. for dir in ${mounted}; do sudo umount $dir; done #. return 1 } #. #. if [[ ! -r "$HOME/${maps[$dir]}" ]]; then #: tomb:1882 msgid "bind-hooks map format: local/to/tomb local/to/$HOME. Rolling back" msgstr "" "'bind-hooks' map format: local/to/tomb local/to/$HOME. Wird rückgängig " "gemacht" #. Fold: Open #. Function: exec_safe_bind_hooks #. #. Code sample: #. [[ "${${maps[$dir]}[1]}" == "/" || "${${maps[$dir]}[1,2]}" == ".." ]] && { #. _warning "bind-hooks map format: local/to/tomb local/to/\$HOME. Rolling back" #. for dir in ${mounted}; do sudo umount $dir; done #. return 1 } #. #. if [[ ! -r "$HOME/${maps[$dir]}" ]]; then #. > _warning "bind-hook target not existent, skipping ::1 home::/::2 subdir::" $HOME ${maps[$dir]} #. elif [[ ! -r "$mnt/$dir" ]]; then #. _warning "bind-hook source not found in tomb, skipping ::1 mount point::/::2 subdir::" $mnt $dir #. else #. sudo mount -o bind,$MOUNTOPTS $mnt/$dir $HOME/${maps[$dir]} #: tomb:1887 msgid "bind-hook target not existent, skipping ::1 home::/::2 subdir::" msgstr "'bind-hooks' Ziel ungültig, ::1 home::/::2 subdir:: wird ignoriert." #. Fold: Open #. Function: exec_safe_bind_hooks #. #. Code sample: #. for dir in ${mounted}; do sudo umount $dir; done #. return 1 } #. #. if [[ ! -r "$HOME/${maps[$dir]}" ]]; then #. _warning "bind-hook target not existent, skipping ::1 home::/::2 subdir::" $HOME ${maps[$dir]} #. elif [[ ! -r "$mnt/$dir" ]]; then #. > _warning "bind-hook source not found in tomb, skipping ::1 mount point::/::2 subdir::" $mnt $dir #. else #. sudo mount -o bind,$MOUNTOPTS $mnt/$dir $HOME/${maps[$dir]} #. && mounted+=("$HOME/${maps[$dir]}") #. fi #: tomb:1889 msgid "" "bind-hook source not found in tomb, skipping ::1 mount point::/::2 subdir::" msgstr "" "'bind-hooks' Quelle nicht in Grab gefunden, ::1 mount point::/::2 subdir:: " "wird ignoriert" #. Fold: Open #. Function: exec_safe_post_hooks #. #. Code sample: #. # Only run if post-hooks has the executable bit set #. [[ -x $mnt/post-hooks ]] || return #. #. # If the file starts with a shebang, run it. #. cat $mnt/post-hooks | head -n1 | grep '^#!\s*/' &> /dev/null #. [[ $? == 0 ]] && { #. > _success "Post hooks found, executing as user ::1 user name::." $USERNAME #. $mnt/post-hooks $act $mnt #. } #. } #. #: tomb:1917 msgid "Post hooks found, executing as user ::1 user name::." msgstr "Post Hooks gefunden, ausführen als Benutzer ::1 user name::." #. Fold: List #. Function: list_tombs #. #. Code sample: #. local tombname tombmount tombfs tombfsopts tombloop #. local ts tombtot tombused tombavail tombpercent tombp tombsince #. local tombtty tombhost tombuid tombuser #. # list all open tombs #. mounted_tombs=(`list_tomb_mounts $1`) #. [[ ${#mounted_tombs} == 0 ]] && { #. > _failure "I can't see any ::1 status:: tomb, may they all rest in peace." ${1:-open} } #. #. for t in ${mounted_tombs}; do #. mapper=`basename ${t[(ws:;:)1]}` #. tombname=${t[(ws:;:)5]} #: tomb:1936 msgid "I can't see any ::1 status:: tomb, may they all rest in peace." msgstr "Ich sehe keine ::1 status::. Mögen sie alle in Frieden ruhen." #. Fold: List #. Function: list_tombs #. #. Code sample: #. tombuser="${ee[(ws@:@)1]}" } #. done #. } #. #. { option_is_set --get-mountpoint } && { print $tombmount; continue } #. #. > _message "::1 tombname:: open on ::2 tombmount:: using ::3 tombfsopts::" #. $tombname $tombmount $tombfsopts #. #. _message "::1 tombname:: open since ::2 tombsince::" $tombname $tombsince #. #: tomb:1969 msgid "::1 tombname:: open on ::2 tombmount:: using ::3 tombfsopts::" msgstr "::1 tombname:: geöffnet in ::2 tombmount:: mit ::3 tombfsopts::" #. Fold: List #. Function: list_tombs #. #. Code sample: #. #. { option_is_set --get-mountpoint } && { print $tombmount; continue } #. #. _message "::1 tombname:: open on ::2 tombmount:: using ::3 tombfsopts::" #. $tombname $tombmount $tombfsopts #. #. > _message "::1 tombname:: open since ::2 tombsince::" $tombname $tombsince #. #. [[ -z "$tombtty" ]] || { #. _message "::1 tombname:: open by ::2 tombuser:: from ::3 tombtty:: on ::4 tombhost::" #. $tombname $tombuser $tombtty $tombhost #: tomb:1972 msgid "::1 tombname:: open since ::2 tombsince::" msgstr "::1 tombname:: geöffnet seit ::2 tombsince::" #. Fold: List #. Function: list_tombs #. #. Code sample: #. _message "::1 tombname:: open on ::2 tombmount:: using ::3 tombfsopts::" #. $tombname $tombmount $tombfsopts #. #. _message "::1 tombname:: open since ::2 tombsince::" $tombname $tombsince #. #. [[ -z "$tombtty" ]] || { #. > _message "::1 tombname:: open by ::2 tombuser:: from ::3 tombtty:: on ::4 tombhost::" #. $tombname $tombuser $tombtty $tombhost #. } #. #. _message "::1 tombname:: size ::2 tombtot:: of which ::3 tombused:: (::5 tombpercent::%) is used: ::4 tombavail:: free " #: tomb:1975 msgid "" "::1 tombname:: open by ::2 tombuser:: from ::3 tombtty:: on ::4 tombhost::" msgstr "" "::1 tombname:: geöffnet von ::2 tombuser:: von ::3 tombtty:: auf ::4 " "tombhost::" #. Fold: List #. Function: list_tombs #. #. Code sample: #. #. [[ -z "$tombtty" ]] || { #. _message "::1 tombname:: open by ::2 tombuser:: from ::3 tombtty:: on ::4 tombhost::" #. $tombname $tombuser $tombtty $tombhost #. } #. #. > _message "::1 tombname:: size ::2 tombtot:: of which ::3 tombused:: (::5 tombpercent::%) is used: ::4 tombavail:: free " #. $tombname $tombtot $tombused $tombavail $tombpercent #. #. [[ ${tombp} -ge 90 ]] && { #. _warning "::1 tombname:: warning: your tomb is almost full!" $tombname #: tomb:1979 msgid "" "::1 tombname:: size ::2 tombtot:: of which ::3 tombused:: (::5 tombpercent::" "%) is used: ::4 tombavail:: free " msgstr "" "::1 tombname:: Grösse ::2 tombtot:: davon ::3 tombused:: (::5 tombpercent::" "%) is benutzt: ::4 tombavail:: frei␣ " #. Fold: List #. Function: list_tombs #. #. Code sample: #. } #. #. _message "::1 tombname:: size ::2 tombtot:: of which ::3 tombused:: (::5 tombpercent::%) is used: ::4 tombavail:: free " #. $tombname $tombtot $tombused $tombavail $tombpercent #. #. [[ ${tombp} -ge 90 ]] && { #. > _warning "::1 tombname:: warning: your tomb is almost full!" $tombname #. } #. #. # Now check hooks #. mounted_hooks=(`list_tomb_binds $tombname`) #: tomb:1983 msgid "::1 tombname:: warning: your tomb is almost full!" msgstr "::1 tombname:: Warnung: Ihr Grab ist fast voll!" #. Fold: List #. Function: list_tombs #. #. Code sample: #. _warning "::1 tombname:: warning: your tomb is almost full!" $tombname #. } #. #. # Now check hooks #. mounted_hooks=(`list_tomb_binds $tombname`) #. for h in ${mounted_hooks}; do #. > _message "::1 tombname:: hooks ::2 hookname:: on ::3 hookdest::" #. $tombname "`basename ${h[(ws:;:)1]}`" ${h[(ws:;:)2]} #. done #. done #. } #: tomb:1989 msgid "::1 tombname:: hooks ::2 hookname:: on ::3 hookdest::" msgstr "::1 tombname:: bindet ::2 hookname:: ein auf ::3 hookdest::" #. Fold: List #. Function: list_tomb_binds #. #. Code sample: #. # list_tomb_binds #. # print out an array of mounted bind hooks (internal use) #. # format is semi-colon separated list of attributes #. # needs an argument: name of tomb whose hooks belong #. list_tomb_binds() { #. [[ -z "$1" ]] && { #. > _failure "Internal error: list_tomb_binds called without argument." } #. #. # list bind hooks on util-linux 2.20 (Debian 7) #. mount -l #. | awk -vtomb="$1" ' #: tomb:2044 msgid "Internal error: list_tomb_binds called without argument." msgstr "Interner Fehler: list_tomb_binds ohne rgumente aufgerufen." #. Fold: Index and search #. Function: index_tombs #. #. Code sample: #. # {{{ Index and search #. #. # index files in all tombs for search #. # $1 is optional, to specify a tomb #. index_tombs() { #. { command -v updatedb 1>/dev/null 2>/dev/null } || { #. > _failure "Cannot index tombs on this system: updatedb (mlocate) not installed." } #. #. updatedbver=`updatedb --version | grep '^updatedb'` #. [[ "$updatedbver" =~ "GNU findutils" ]] && { #. _warning "Cannot use GNU findutils for index/search commands." } #: tomb:2076 msgid "Cannot index tombs on this system: updatedb (mlocate) not installed." msgstr "" "Kann Gräber auf diesem System nicht indexieren: updatedb (mlocate) nicht " "installiert." #. Fold: Index and search #. Function: index_tombs #. #. Code sample: #. index_tombs() { #. { command -v updatedb 1>/dev/null 2>/dev/null } || { #. _failure "Cannot index tombs on this system: updatedb (mlocate) not installed." } #. #. updatedbver=`updatedb --version | grep '^updatedb'` #. [[ "$updatedbver" =~ "GNU findutils" ]] && { #. > _warning "Cannot use GNU findutils for index/search commands." } #. [[ "$updatedbver" =~ "mlocate" ]] || { #. _failure "Index command needs 'mlocate' to be installed." } #. #. _verbose "$updatedbver" #: tomb:2080 msgid "Cannot use GNU findutils for index/search commands." msgstr "Kann GNU findutils nicht für Indexierung/Suchbefehle benutzen." #. Fold: Index and search #. Function: index_tombs #. #. Code sample: #. _failure "Cannot index tombs on this system: updatedb (mlocate) not installed." } #. #. updatedbver=`updatedb --version | grep '^updatedb'` #. [[ "$updatedbver" =~ "GNU findutils" ]] && { #. _warning "Cannot use GNU findutils for index/search commands." } #. [[ "$updatedbver" =~ "mlocate" ]] || { #. > _failure "Index command needs 'mlocate' to be installed." } #. #. _verbose "$updatedbver" #. #. mounted_tombs=(`list_tomb_mounts $1`) #: tomb:2082 msgid "Index command needs 'mlocate' to be installed." msgstr "Index Befehl benötigt installiertes 'mlocate'." #. Fold: Index and search #. Function: index_tombs #. #. Code sample: #. _verbose "$updatedbver" #. #. mounted_tombs=(`list_tomb_mounts $1`) #. [[ ${#mounted_tombs} == 0 ]] && { #. # Considering one tomb #. [[ -n "$1" ]] && { #. > _failure "There seems to be no open tomb engraved as [::1::]" $1 } #. # Or more #. _failure "I can't see any open tomb, may they all rest in peace." } #. #. _success "Creating and updating search indexes." #: tomb:2090 msgid "There seems to be no open tomb engraved as [::1::]" msgstr "Es scheint kein als [::1::] graviertes Grab offen zu sein" #. Fold: Index and search #. Function: index_tombs #. #. Code sample: #. mounted_tombs=(`list_tomb_mounts $1`) #. [[ ${#mounted_tombs} == 0 ]] && { #. # Considering one tomb #. [[ -n "$1" ]] && { #. _failure "There seems to be no open tomb engraved as [::1::]" $1 } #. # Or more #. > _failure "I can't see any open tomb, may they all rest in peace." } #. #. _success "Creating and updating search indexes." #. #. # start the LibreOffice document converter if installed #: tomb:2092 msgid "I can't see any open tomb, may they all rest in peace." msgstr "Ich sehe kein geöffnetes Grab. Mögen sie alle in Frieden ruhen." #. Fold: Index and search #. Function: index_tombs #. #. Code sample: #. # Considering one tomb #. [[ -n "$1" ]] && { #. _failure "There seems to be no open tomb engraved as [::1::]" $1 } #. # Or more #. _failure "I can't see any open tomb, may they all rest in peace." } #. #. > _success "Creating and updating search indexes." #. #. # start the LibreOffice document converter if installed #. { command -v unoconv 1>/dev/null 2>/dev/null } && { #. unoconv -l 2>/dev/null & #: tomb:2094 msgid "Creating and updating search indexes." msgstr "Kreieren und aktualisieren von Suchindexen" #. Fold: Index and search #. Function: index_tombs #. #. Code sample: #. #. for t in ${mounted_tombs}; do #. mapper=`basename ${t[(ws:;:)1]}` #. tombname=${t[(ws:;:)5]} #. tombmount=${t[(ws:;:)2]} #. [[ -r ${tombmount}/.noindex ]] && { #. > _message "Skipping ::1 tomb name:: (.noindex found)." $tombname #. continue } #. _message "Indexing ::1 tomb name:: filenames..." $tombname #. updatedb -l 0 -o ${tombmount}/.updatedb -U ${tombmount} #. #: tomb:2107 msgid "Skipping ::1 tomb name:: (.noindex found)." msgstr "Überspringen von ::1 tomb name:: (.noindex gefunden)." #. Fold: Index and search #. Function: index_tombs #. #. Code sample: #. mapper=`basename ${t[(ws:;:)1]}` #. tombname=${t[(ws:;:)5]} #. tombmount=${t[(ws:;:)2]} #. [[ -r ${tombmount}/.noindex ]] && { #. _message "Skipping ::1 tomb name:: (.noindex found)." $tombname #. continue } #. > _message "Indexing ::1 tomb name:: filenames..." $tombname #. updatedb -l 0 -o ${tombmount}/.updatedb -U ${tombmount} #. #. # here we use swish to index file contents #. [[ $SWISH == 1 ]] && { #: tomb:2109 msgid "Indexing ::1 tomb name:: filenames..." msgstr "Indexieren der Dateinamen von ::1 tomb name:: im Gange..." #. Fold: Index and search #. Function: index_tombs #. #. Code sample: #. continue } #. _message "Indexing ::1 tomb name:: filenames..." $tombname #. updatedb -l 0 -o ${tombmount}/.updatedb -U ${tombmount} #. #. # here we use swish to index file contents #. [[ $SWISH == 1 ]] && { #. > _message "Indexing ::1 tomb name:: contents..." $tombname #. [[ -r ${tombmount}/.swishrc ]] || { #. _message "Generating a new swish-e configuration file: ::1 swish conf::" ${tombmount}/.swishrc #. cat < ${tombmount}/.swishrc #. # index directives #: tomb:2114 msgid "Indexing ::1 tomb name:: contents..." msgstr "Indexieren der Inhalte von ::1 tomb name:: im Gange..." #. Fold: Index and search #. Function: index_tombs #. #. Code sample: #. updatedb -l 0 -o ${tombmount}/.updatedb -U ${tombmount} #. #. # here we use swish to index file contents #. [[ $SWISH == 1 ]] && { #. _message "Indexing ::1 tomb name:: contents..." $tombname #. [[ -r ${tombmount}/.swishrc ]] || { #. > _message "Generating a new swish-e configuration file: ::1 swish conf::" ${tombmount}/.swishrc #. cat < ${tombmount}/.swishrc #. # index directives #. DefaultContents TXT* #. IndexDir $tombmount #: tomb:2116 msgid "Generating a new swish-e configuration file: ::1 swish conf::" msgstr "Kreieren einer neuen swish-e Konfigurationsdatei: ::1 swish conf::" #. Fold: Index and search #. Function: index_tombs #. #. Code sample: #. } #. #. swish-e -c ${tombmount}/.swishrc -S fs -v3 #. #. } #. #. > _message "Search index updated." #. done #. } #. search_tombs() { #. { command -v locate 1>/dev/null 2>/dev/null } || { #: tomb:2190 msgid "Search index updated." msgstr "Such-Index aktualisiert." #. Fold: Index and search #. Function: search_tombs #. #. Code sample: #. #. # list all open tombs #. mounted_tombs=(`list_tomb_mounts`) #. [[ ${#mounted_tombs} == 0 ]] && { #. _failure "I can't see any open tomb, may they all rest in peace." } #. #. > _success "Searching for: ::1::" ${(f)@} #. for t in ${mounted_tombs}; do #. _verbose "Checking for index: ::1::" ${t} #. mapper=`basename ${t[(ws:;:)1]}` #. tombname=${t[(ws:;:)5]} #: tomb:2210 msgid "Searching for: ::1::" msgstr "Suchen nach: ::1::" #. Fold: Index and search #. Function: search_tombs #. #. Code sample: #. _verbose "Checking for index: ::1::" ${t} #. mapper=`basename ${t[(ws:;:)1]}` #. tombname=${t[(ws:;:)5]} #. tombmount=${t[(ws:;:)2]} #. [[ -r ${tombmount}/.updatedb ]] && { #. # Use mlocate to search hits on filenames #. > _message "Searching filenames in tomb ::1 tomb name::" $tombname #. locate -d ${tombmount}/.updatedb -e -i "${(f)@}" #. _message "Matches found: ::1 matches::" #. $(locate -d ${tombmount}/.updatedb -e -i -c ${(f)@}) #. #: tomb:2218 msgid "Searching filenames in tomb ::1 tomb name::" msgstr "Suche Dateinamen in::1 tomb name::" #. Fold: Index and search #. Function: search_tombs #. #. Code sample: #. tombname=${t[(ws:;:)5]} #. tombmount=${t[(ws:;:)2]} #. [[ -r ${tombmount}/.updatedb ]] && { #. # Use mlocate to search hits on filenames #. _message "Searching filenames in tomb ::1 tomb name::" $tombname #. locate -d ${tombmount}/.updatedb -e -i "${(f)@}" #. > _message "Matches found: ::1 matches::" #. $(locate -d ${tombmount}/.updatedb -e -i -c ${(f)@}) #. #. # Use swish-e to search over contents #. [[ $SWISH == 1 && -r $tombmount/.swish ]] && { #: tomb:2220 msgid "Matches found: ::1 matches::" msgstr "Ergebnisse: ::1 matches::" #. Fold: Index and search #. Function: search_tombs #. #. Code sample: #. locate -d ${tombmount}/.updatedb -e -i "${(f)@}" #. _message "Matches found: ::1 matches::" #. $(locate -d ${tombmount}/.updatedb -e -i -c ${(f)@}) #. #. # Use swish-e to search over contents #. [[ $SWISH == 1 && -r $tombmount/.swish ]] && { #. > _message "Searching contents in tomb ::1 tomb name::" $tombname #. swish-e -w ${=@} -f $tombmount/.swish -H0 } #. } || { #. _warning "Skipping tomb ::1 tomb name::: not indexed." $tombname #. _warning "Run 'tomb index' to create indexes." } #: tomb:2225 msgid "Searching contents in tomb ::1 tomb name::" msgstr "Suche in den Inhalten von ::1 tomb name::" #. Fold: Index and search #. Function: search_tombs #. #. Code sample: #. #. # Use swish-e to search over contents #. [[ $SWISH == 1 && -r $tombmount/.swish ]] && { #. _message "Searching contents in tomb ::1 tomb name::" $tombname #. swish-e -w ${=@} -f $tombmount/.swish -H0 } #. } || { #. > _warning "Skipping tomb ::1 tomb name::: not indexed." $tombname #. _warning "Run 'tomb index' to create indexes." } #. done #. _message "Search completed." #. } #: tomb:2228 msgid "Skipping tomb ::1 tomb name::: not indexed." msgstr "Das Grab ::1 tomb name:: ist nicht indexiert und wird ignoriert." #. Fold: Index and search #. Function: search_tombs #. #. Code sample: #. # Use swish-e to search over contents #. [[ $SWISH == 1 && -r $tombmount/.swish ]] && { #. _message "Searching contents in tomb ::1 tomb name::" $tombname #. swish-e -w ${=@} -f $tombmount/.swish -H0 } #. } || { #. _warning "Skipping tomb ::1 tomb name::: not indexed." $tombname #. > _warning "Run 'tomb index' to create indexes." } #. done #. _message "Search completed." #. } #. #: tomb:2229 msgid "Run 'tomb index' to create indexes." msgstr "Führen Sie 'tomb index' aus um Suchindexe zu erstellen." #. Fold: Index and search #. Function: search_tombs #. #. Code sample: #. _message "Searching contents in tomb ::1 tomb name::" $tombname #. swish-e -w ${=@} -f $tombmount/.swish -H0 } #. } || { #. _warning "Skipping tomb ::1 tomb name::: not indexed." $tombname #. _warning "Run 'tomb index' to create indexes." } #. done #. > _message "Search completed." #. } #. #. # }}} - Index and search #. #: tomb:2231 msgid "Search completed." msgstr "Suche abgeschlossen." #. Fold: Resize #. Function: resize_tomb #. #. Code sample: #. # {{{ Resize #. #. # resize tomb file size #. resize_tomb() { #. local tombpath="$1" # First argument is the path to the tomb #. #. > _message "Commanded to resize tomb ::1 tomb name:: to ::2 size:: megabytes." $1 $OPTS[-s] #. #. [[ -z "$tombpath" ]] && _failure "No tomb name specified for resizing." #. [[ ! -r $tombpath ]] && _failure "Cannot find ::1::" $tombpath #. #: tomb:2242 msgid "Commanded to resize tomb ::1 tomb name:: to ::2 size:: megabytes." msgstr "Grab ::1 tomb name:: wird auf ::2 size:: Mb vergrössert." #. Fold: Resize #. Function: resize_tomb #. #. Code sample: #. # resize tomb file size #. resize_tomb() { #. local tombpath="$1" # First argument is the path to the tomb #. #. _message "Commanded to resize tomb ::1 tomb name:: to ::2 size:: megabytes." $1 $OPTS[-s] #. #. > [[ -z "$tombpath" ]] && _failure "No tomb name specified for resizing." #. [[ ! -r $tombpath ]] && _failure "Cannot find ::1::" $tombpath #. #. newtombsize="`option_value -s`" #. [[ -z "$newtombsize" ]] && { #: tomb:2244 msgid "No tomb name specified for resizing." msgstr "Kein Name für das zu vergrössernde Grab angegeben." #. Fold: Resize #. Function: resize_tomb #. #. Code sample: #. resize_tomb() { #. local tombpath="$1" # First argument is the path to the tomb #. #. _message "Commanded to resize tomb ::1 tomb name:: to ::2 size:: megabytes." $1 $OPTS[-s] #. #. [[ -z "$tombpath" ]] && _failure "No tomb name specified for resizing." #. > [[ ! -r $tombpath ]] && _failure "Cannot find ::1::" $tombpath #. #. newtombsize="`option_value -s`" #. [[ -z "$newtombsize" ]] && { #. _failure "Aborting operations: new size was not specified, use -s" } #: tomb:2245 msgid "Cannot find ::1::" msgstr "::1:: nicht gefunden." #. Fold: Resize #. Function: resize_tomb #. #. Code sample: #. #. [[ -z "$tombpath" ]] && _failure "No tomb name specified for resizing." #. [[ ! -r $tombpath ]] && _failure "Cannot find ::1::" $tombpath #. #. newtombsize="`option_value -s`" #. [[ -z "$newtombsize" ]] && { #. > _failure "Aborting operations: new size was not specified, use -s" } #. #. is_valid_tomb $tombpath # Set TOMB{PATH,DIR,FILE,NAME} #. #. _load_key # Try loading new key from option -k and set TOMBKEYFILE #: tomb:2249 msgid "Aborting operations: new size was not specified, use -s" msgstr "Operationen werden abgebrochen: Neue Größe nicht mit -s angegeben" #. Fold: Resize #. Function: resize_tomb #. #. Code sample: #. local oldtombsize=$(( `stat -c %s "$TOMBPATH" 2>/dev/null` / 1048576 )) #. local mounted_tomb=`mount -l | #. awk -vtomb="[$TOMBNAME]" '/^\/dev\/mapper\/tomb/ { if($7==tomb) print $1 }'` #. #. # Tomb must not be open #. [[ -z "$mounted_tomb" ]] || { #. > _failure "Please close the tomb ::1 tomb name:: before trying to resize it." $TOMBNAME } #. # New tomb size must be specified #. [[ -n "$newtombsize" ]] || { #. _failure "You must specify the new size of ::1 tomb name::" $TOMBNAME } #. # New tomb size must be an integer #: tomb:2261 msgid "Please close the tomb ::1 tomb name:: before trying to resize it." msgstr "" "Bitte schließen Sie das Grab ::1 tomb name:: bevor Sie versuchen die Größe " "zu ändern." #. Fold: Resize #. Function: resize_tomb #. #. Code sample: #. #. # Tomb must not be open #. [[ -z "$mounted_tomb" ]] || { #. _failure "Please close the tomb ::1 tomb name:: before trying to resize it." $TOMBNAME } #. # New tomb size must be specified #. [[ -n "$newtombsize" ]] || { #. > _failure "You must specify the new size of ::1 tomb name::" $TOMBNAME } #. # New tomb size must be an integer #. [[ $newtombsize == <-> ]] || _failure "Size is not an integer." #. # Tombs can only grow in size #. [[ "$newtombsize" -gt "$oldtombsize" ]] || { #: tomb:2264 msgid "You must specify the new size of ::1 tomb name::" msgstr "Sie müssen die neue Grösse von ::1 tomb name:: angeben" #. Fold: Resize #. Function: resize_tomb #. #. Code sample: #. [[ -z "$mounted_tomb" ]] || { #. _failure "Please close the tomb ::1 tomb name:: before trying to resize it." $TOMBNAME } #. # New tomb size must be specified #. [[ -n "$newtombsize" ]] || { #. _failure "You must specify the new size of ::1 tomb name::" $TOMBNAME } #. # New tomb size must be an integer #. > [[ $newtombsize == <-> ]] || _failure "Size is not an integer." #. # Tombs can only grow in size #. [[ "$newtombsize" -gt "$oldtombsize" ]] || { #. _failure "The new size must be greater then old tomb size." } #. #: tomb:2266 msgid "Size is not an integer." msgstr "Die Grösse muss eine Ganzzahl sein." #. Fold: Resize #. Function: resize_tomb #. #. Code sample: #. [[ -n "$newtombsize" ]] || { #. _failure "You must specify the new size of ::1 tomb name::" $TOMBNAME } #. # New tomb size must be an integer #. [[ $newtombsize == <-> ]] || _failure "Size is not an integer." #. # Tombs can only grow in size #. [[ "$newtombsize" -gt "$oldtombsize" ]] || { #. > _failure "The new size must be greater then old tomb size." } #. #. delta="$(( $newtombsize - $oldtombsize ))" #. #. _message "Generating ::1 tomb file:: of ::2 size::MiB" $TOMBFILE $newtombsize #: tomb:2269 msgid "The new size must be greater then old tomb size." msgstr "Die neue Grösse muss grösser sein als die alte." #. Fold: Resize #. Function: resize_tomb #. #. Code sample: #. _message "Generating ::1 tomb file:: of ::2 size::MiB" $TOMBFILE $newtombsize #. #. _verbose "Data dump using ::1:: from /dev/urandom" ${DD[1]} #. ${=DD} if=/dev/urandom bs=1048576 count=${delta} >> $TOMBPATH #. #. [[ $? == 0 ]] || { #. > _failure "Error creating the extra resize ::1 size::, operation aborted." $tmp_resize } #. #. { option_is_set --tomb-pwd } && { #. tomb_pwd="`option_value --tomb-pwd`" #. _verbose "tomb-pwd = ::1 tomb pass::" $tomb_pwd #: tomb:2279 msgid "Error creating the extra resize ::1 size::, operation aborted." msgstr "" "Fehler beim erstellen der extra Vergrösserung ::1 size::, Operation " "abgebrochen." #. Fold: Resize #. Function: resize_tomb #. #. Code sample: #. mapper="tomb.$TOMBNAME.$mapdate.$(basename $nstloop)" #. #. _cryptsetup luksOpen ${nstloop} ${mapper} || { #. _failure "Failure mounting the encrypted file." } #. #. sudo cryptsetup resize "${mapper}" || { #. > _failure "cryptsetup failed to resize ::1 mapper::" $mapper } #. #. sudo e2fsck -p -f /dev/mapper/${mapper} || { #. _failure "e2fsck failed to check ::1 mapper::" $mapper } #. #: tomb:2300 msgid "cryptsetup failed to resize ::1 mapper::" msgstr "cryptsetup konnte ::1 mapper:: nicht vergrössern" #. Fold: Resize #. Function: resize_tomb #. #. Code sample: #. _failure "Failure mounting the encrypted file." } #. #. sudo cryptsetup resize "${mapper}" || { #. _failure "cryptsetup failed to resize ::1 mapper::" $mapper } #. #. sudo e2fsck -p -f /dev/mapper/${mapper} || { #. > _failure "e2fsck failed to check ::1 mapper::" $mapper } #. #. sudo resize2fs /dev/mapper/${mapper} || { #. _failure "resize2fs failed to resize ::1 mapper::" $mapper } #. #: tomb:2303 msgid "e2fsck failed to check ::1 mapper::" msgstr "e2fsck konnte ::1 mapper:: nicht verifizieren" #. Fold: Resize #. Function: resize_tomb #. #. Code sample: #. _failure "cryptsetup failed to resize ::1 mapper::" $mapper } #. #. sudo e2fsck -p -f /dev/mapper/${mapper} || { #. _failure "e2fsck failed to check ::1 mapper::" $mapper } #. #. sudo resize2fs /dev/mapper/${mapper} || { #. > _failure "resize2fs failed to resize ::1 mapper::" $mapper } #. #. # close and free the loop device #. sudo cryptsetup luksClose "${mapper}" #. #: tomb:2306 msgid "resize2fs failed to resize ::1 mapper::" msgstr "resize2fs konnte ::1 mapper:: nicht vergrössern" #. Fold: Close #. Function: umount_tomb #. #. Code sample: #. mounted_tombs=(`list_tomb_mounts`) #. else #. mounted_tombs=(`list_tomb_mounts $1`) #. fi #. #. [[ ${#mounted_tombs} == 0 ]] && { #. > _failure "There is no open tomb to be closed." } #. #. [[ ${#mounted_tombs} -gt 1 && -z "$1" ]] && { #. _warning "Too many tombs mounted, please specify one (see tomb list)" #. _warning "or issue the command 'tomb close all' to close them all." #: tomb:2330 msgid "There is no open tomb to be closed." msgstr "Es gibt kein zu schließendes Grab." #. Fold: Close #. Function: umount_tomb #. #. Code sample: #. fi #. #. [[ ${#mounted_tombs} == 0 ]] && { #. _failure "There is no open tomb to be closed." } #. #. [[ ${#mounted_tombs} -gt 1 && -z "$1" ]] && { #. > _warning "Too many tombs mounted, please specify one (see tomb list)" #. _warning "or issue the command 'tomb close all' to close them all." #. _failure "Operation aborted." } #. #. for t in ${mounted_tombs}; do #: tomb:2333 msgid "Too many tombs mounted, please specify one (see tomb list)" msgstr "" "Zu viele Gräber geöffnet, bitte geben sie ein Grab an (siehe 'tomb list')" #. Fold: Close #. Function: umount_tomb #. #. Code sample: #. #. [[ ${#mounted_tombs} == 0 ]] && { #. _failure "There is no open tomb to be closed." } #. #. [[ ${#mounted_tombs} -gt 1 && -z "$1" ]] && { #. _warning "Too many tombs mounted, please specify one (see tomb list)" #. > _warning "or issue the command 'tomb close all' to close them all." #. _failure "Operation aborted." } #. #. for t in ${mounted_tombs}; do #. mapper=`basename ${t[(ws:;:)1]}` #: tomb:2334 msgid "or issue the command 'tomb close all' to close them all." msgstr "oder 'tomb close all' ausführen um alle zu schließen." #. Fold: Close #. Function: umount_tomb #. #. Code sample: #. #. _verbose "Name: ::1 tomb name::" $tombname #. _verbose "Mount: ::1 mount point::" $tombmount #. _verbose "Mapper: ::1 mapper::" $mapper #. #. [[ -e "$mapper" ]] && { #. > _warning "Tomb not found: ::1 tomb file::" $1 #. _warning "Please specify an existing tomb." #. return 0 } #. #. [[ -n $SLAM ]] && { #: tomb:2350 msgid "Tomb not found: ::1 tomb file::" msgstr "Grab unauffindbar: ::1 tomb file::" #. Fold: Close #. Function: umount_tomb #. #. Code sample: #. _verbose "Name: ::1 tomb name::" $tombname #. _verbose "Mount: ::1 mount point::" $tombmount #. _verbose "Mapper: ::1 mapper::" $mapper #. #. [[ -e "$mapper" ]] && { #. _warning "Tomb not found: ::1 tomb file::" $1 #. > _warning "Please specify an existing tomb." #. return 0 } #. #. [[ -n $SLAM ]] && { #. _success "Slamming tomb ::1 tomb name:: mounted on ::2 mount point::" #: tomb:2351 msgid "Please specify an existing tomb." msgstr "Bitte geben Sie ein existierendes Grab an." #. Fold: Close #. Function: umount_tomb #. #. Code sample: #. [[ -e "$mapper" ]] && { #. _warning "Tomb not found: ::1 tomb file::" $1 #. _warning "Please specify an existing tomb." #. return 0 } #. #. [[ -n $SLAM ]] && { #. > _success "Slamming tomb ::1 tomb name:: mounted on ::2 mount point::" #. $tombname $tombmount #. _message "Kill all processes busy inside the tomb." #. { slam_tomb "$tombmount" } || { #. _failure "Cannot slam the tomb ::1 tomb name::" $tombname } #: tomb:2355 msgid "Slamming tomb ::1 tomb name:: mounted on ::2 mount point::" msgstr "" "Abruptes Schließen von ::1 tomb name:: eingehangen in ::2 mount point:: " #. Fold: Close #. Function: umount_tomb #. #. Code sample: #. _warning "Please specify an existing tomb." #. return 0 } #. #. [[ -n $SLAM ]] && { #. _success "Slamming tomb ::1 tomb name:: mounted on ::2 mount point::" #. $tombname $tombmount #. > _message "Kill all processes busy inside the tomb." #. { slam_tomb "$tombmount" } || { #. _failure "Cannot slam the tomb ::1 tomb name::" $tombname } #. } || { #. _message "Closing tomb ::1 tomb name:: mounted on ::2 mount point::" #: tomb:2357 msgid "Kill all processes busy inside the tomb." msgstr "Abbrechen aller laufenden Prozesse im Grab." #. Fold: Close #. Function: umount_tomb #. #. Code sample: #. #. [[ -n $SLAM ]] && { #. _success "Slamming tomb ::1 tomb name:: mounted on ::2 mount point::" #. $tombname $tombmount #. _message "Kill all processes busy inside the tomb." #. { slam_tomb "$tombmount" } || { #. > _failure "Cannot slam the tomb ::1 tomb name::" $tombname } #. } || { #. _message "Closing tomb ::1 tomb name:: mounted on ::2 mount point::" #. $tombname $tombmount } #. #: tomb:2359 msgid "Cannot slam the tomb ::1 tomb name::" msgstr "::1 tomb name:: kann nicht abrupt geschlossen werden !" #. Fold: Close #. Function: umount_tomb #. #. Code sample: #. _success "Slamming tomb ::1 tomb name:: mounted on ::2 mount point::" #. $tombname $tombmount #. _message "Kill all processes busy inside the tomb." #. { slam_tomb "$tombmount" } || { #. _failure "Cannot slam the tomb ::1 tomb name::" $tombname } #. } || { #. > _message "Closing tomb ::1 tomb name:: mounted on ::2 mount point::" #. $tombname $tombmount } #. #. # check if there are binded dirs and close them #. bind_tombs=(`list_tomb_binds $tombname`) #: tomb:2361 msgid "Closing tomb ::1 tomb name:: mounted on ::2 mount point::" msgstr "Grab ::1 tomb name:: eingehängt in ::2 mount point:: wird geschlossen." #. Fold: Close #. Function: umount_tomb #. #. Code sample: #. #. # check if there are binded dirs and close them #. bind_tombs=(`list_tomb_binds $tombname`) #. for b in ${bind_tombs}; do #. bind_mapper="${b[(ws:;:)1]}" #. bind_mount="${b[(ws:;:)2]}" #. > _message "Closing tomb bind hook: ::1 hook::" $bind_mount #. sudo umount $bind_mount || { #. [[ -n $SLAM ]] && { #. _success "Slamming tomb: killing all processes using this hook." #. slam_tomb "$bind_mount" #: tomb:2369 msgid "Closing tomb bind hook: ::1 hook::" msgstr "Schliessen des 'bind hooks': ::1 hook::" #. Fold: Close #. Function: umount_tomb #. #. Code sample: #. for b in ${bind_tombs}; do #. bind_mapper="${b[(ws:;:)1]}" #. bind_mount="${b[(ws:;:)2]}" #. _message "Closing tomb bind hook: ::1 hook::" $bind_mount #. sudo umount $bind_mount || { #. [[ -n $SLAM ]] && { #. > _success "Slamming tomb: killing all processes using this hook." #. slam_tomb "$bind_mount" #. [[ $? == 1 ]] && { #. _failure "Cannot slam the bind hook ::1 hook::" $bind_mount } #. umount $bind_mount #: tomb:2372 msgid "Slamming tomb: killing all processes using this hook." msgstr "" "Abruptes Schließen des Grabes: Beenden aller Prozesse die diesen Hook " "benutzen." #. Fold: Close #. Function: umount_tomb #. #. Code sample: #. _message "Closing tomb bind hook: ::1 hook::" $bind_mount #. sudo umount $bind_mount || { #. [[ -n $SLAM ]] && { #. _success "Slamming tomb: killing all processes using this hook." #. slam_tomb "$bind_mount" #. [[ $? == 1 ]] && { #. > _failure "Cannot slam the bind hook ::1 hook::" $bind_mount } #. umount $bind_mount #. } || { #. _warning "Tomb bind hook ::1 hook:: is busy, cannot close tomb." $bind_mount } #. } #: tomb:2375 msgid "Cannot slam the bind hook ::1 hook::" msgstr "Abruptes Schliessen des 'bind hooks' ::1 hook:: nicht möglich" #. Fold: Close #. Function: umount_tomb #. #. Code sample: #. _success "Slamming tomb: killing all processes using this hook." #. slam_tomb "$bind_mount" #. [[ $? == 1 ]] && { #. _failure "Cannot slam the bind hook ::1 hook::" $bind_mount } #. umount $bind_mount #. } || { #. > _warning "Tomb bind hook ::1 hook:: is busy, cannot close tomb." $bind_mount } #. } #. done #. #. # Execute post-hooks for eventual cleanup #: tomb:2378 msgid "Tomb bind hook ::1 hook:: is busy, cannot close tomb." msgstr "" "Der 'bind hook' ::1 hook:: ist beschäftigt und kann nicht geschlossen werden." #. Fold: Close #. Function: umount_tomb #. #. Code sample: #. # Execute post-hooks for eventual cleanup #. { option_is_set -n } || { #. exec_safe_post_hooks ${tombmount%%/} close } #. #. _verbose "Performing umount of ::1 mount point::" $tombmount #. sudo umount ${tombmount} #. > [[ $? = 0 ]] || { _warning "Tomb is busy, cannot umount!"; return 1 } #. #. # If we used a default mountpoint and is now empty, delete it #. [[ "$tombmount" == "/media/$tombname.tomb" ]] && { rmdir $tombmount } #. #: tomb:2388 msgid "Tomb is busy, cannot umount!" msgstr "Grab ist beschäftigt und kann nicht ausgehänkt werden!" #. Fold: Close #. Function: umount_tomb #. #. Code sample: #. #. # If we used a default mountpoint and is now empty, delete it #. [[ "$tombmount" == "/media/$tombname.tomb" ]] && { rmdir $tombmount } #. #. sudo cryptsetup luksClose $mapper #. [[ $? == 0 ]] || { #. > _failure "Error occurred in cryptsetup luksClose ::1 mapper::" $mapper } #. #. # Normally the loopback device is detached when unused #. [[ -e "/dev/$tombloop" ]] && sudo losetup -d "/dev/$tombloop" #. [[ $? = 0 ]] || { #: tomb:2395 msgid "Error occurred in cryptsetup luksClose ::1 mapper::" msgstr "" "Ein Fehler ist beim Ausführen von 'cryptsetup luksClose ::1 mapper::' " "aufgetreten." #. Fold: Close #. Function: umount_tomb #. #. Code sample: #. #. # Normally the loopback device is detached when unused #. [[ -e "/dev/$tombloop" ]] && sudo losetup -d "/dev/$tombloop" #. [[ $? = 0 ]] || { #. _verbose "/dev/$tombloop was already closed." } #. #. > _success "Tomb ::1 tomb name:: closed: your bones will rest in peace." $tombname #. #. done # loop across mounted tombs #. #. return 0 #: tomb:2402 msgid "Tomb ::1 tomb name:: closed: your bones will rest in peace." msgstr "" "Grab ::1 tomb name:: geschlossen: Ihre Knochen werden in Frieden ruhen." #. Fold: Main routine #. Function: main #. #. Code sample: #. return 1 #. fi #. return 0 #. fi #. unset discardme #. if ! zparseopts -M -E -D -Adiscardme ${every_opts}; then #. > _failure "Error parsing." #. return 127 #. fi #. unset discardme #. subcommand=$1 #: tomb:2522 msgid "Error parsing." msgstr "Syntax Fehler." #. Fold: Main routine #. Function: main #. #. Code sample: #. subcommand=$1 #. if [[ -z $subcommand ]]; then #. subcommand="__default" #. fi #. #. if [[ -z ${(k)subcommands_opts[$subcommand]} ]]; then #. > _warning "There's no such command \"::1 subcommand::\"." $subcommand #. exitv=127 _failure "Please try -h for help." #. fi #. argv=("${(@)oldstar}") #. unset oldstar #: tomb:2532 msgid "There's no such command \"::1 subcommand::\"." msgstr "Der Befehl \"::1 subcommand::\" existiert nicht." #. Fold: Main routine #. Function: main #. #. Code sample: #. if [[ -z $subcommand ]]; then #. subcommand="__default" #. fi #. #. if [[ -z ${(k)subcommands_opts[$subcommand]} ]]; then #. _warning "There's no such command \"::1 subcommand::\"." $subcommand #. > exitv=127 _failure "Please try -h for help." #. fi #. argv=("${(@)oldstar}") #. unset oldstar #. #: tomb:2533 msgid "Please try -h for help." msgstr "Versuchen Sie -h um Hilfe zu erhalten." #. Fold: Main routine #. Function: main #. #. Code sample: #. # zsh magic: ${=string} will split to multiple arguments when spaces occur #. set -A cmd_opts ${main_opts} ${=subcommands_opts[$subcommand]} #. # if there is no option, we don't need parsing #. if [[ -n $cmd_opts ]]; then #. zparseopts -M -E -D -AOPTS ${cmd_opts} #. if [[ $? != 0 ]]; then #. > _warning "Some error occurred during option processing." #. exitv=127 _failure "See \"tomb help\" for more info." #. fi #. fi #. #build PARAM (array of arguments) and check if there are unrecognized options #: tomb:2545 msgid "Some error occurred during option processing." msgstr "Fehler beim interpretieren der Optionen." #. Fold: Main routine #. Function: main #. #. Code sample: #. set -A cmd_opts ${main_opts} ${=subcommands_opts[$subcommand]} #. # if there is no option, we don't need parsing #. if [[ -n $cmd_opts ]]; then #. zparseopts -M -E -D -AOPTS ${cmd_opts} #. if [[ $? != 0 ]]; then #. _warning "Some error occurred during option processing." #. > exitv=127 _failure "See \"tomb help\" for more info." #. fi #. fi #. #build PARAM (array of arguments) and check if there are unrecognized options #. ok=0 #: tomb:2546 msgid "See \"tomb help\" for more info." msgstr "Sie \"tomb help\" für mehr Infos." #. Fold: Main routine #. Function: main #. #. Code sample: #. for arg in $*; do #. if [[ $arg == '--' || $arg == '-' ]]; then #. ok=1 #. continue #it shouldnt be appended to PARAM #. elif [[ $arg[1] == '-' ]]; then #. if [[ $ok == 0 ]]; then #. > exitv=127 _failure "Unrecognized option ::1 arg:: for subcommand ::2 subcommand::" $arg $subcommand #. fi #. fi #. PARAM+=$arg #. done #: tomb:2558 msgid "Unrecognized option ::1 arg:: for subcommand ::2 subcommand::" msgstr "Unbekannte Option ::1 arg:: für Unterbefehl ::2 subcommand::" #. Fold: Main routine #. Function: main #. #. Code sample: #. # Use colors unless told not to #. { ! option_is_set --no-color } && { autoload -Uz colors && colors } #. # Some options are only available during insecure mode #. { ! option_is_set --unsafe } && { #. for opt in --tomb-pwd --use-urandom --tomb-old-pwd; do #. { option_is_set $opt } && { #. > exitv=127 _failure "You specified option ::1 option::, which is DANGEROUS and should only be used for testing\nIf you really want so, add --unsafe" $opt } #. done #. } #. # read -t or --tmp flags to set a custom temporary directory #. option_is_set --tmp && TMPPREFIX=$(option_value --tmp) #: tomb:2574 msgid "" "You specified option ::1 option::, which is DANGEROUS and should only be " "used for testing\n" "If you really want so, add --unsafe" msgstr "" "Sie haben die Option ::1 option:: gewählt, welche GEFÄHRLICH ist und nur zum " "Testen benutzt werden sollte.\n" "Wenn sie dies wollen, benutzen sie --unsafe" #. Fold: Main routine #. Function: main #. #. Code sample: #. help) #. usage #. ;; #. #. # DEPRECATION notice (leave here as 'create' is still present in old docs) #. create) #. > _warning "The create command is deprecated, please use dig, forge and lock instead." #. _warning "For more informations see Tomb's manual page (man tomb)." #. _failure "Operation aborted." #. ;; #. #: tomb:2608 msgid "" "The create command is deprecated, please use dig, forge and lock instead." msgstr "" "Der Befehl create ist veraltet, benutzen Sie stattdesseb dig, forge, und " "lock." #. Fold: Main routine #. Function: main #. #. Code sample: #. usage #. ;; #. #. # DEPRECATION notice (leave here as 'create' is still present in old docs) #. create) #. _warning "The create command is deprecated, please use dig, forge and lock instead." #. > _warning "For more informations see Tomb's manual page (man tomb)." #. _failure "Operation aborted." #. ;; #. #. # CREATE Step 1: dig -s NN file.tomb #: tomb:2609 msgid "For more informations see Tomb's manual page (man tomb)." msgstr "Für mehr Informationen siehe Benutzerhandbuch (man tomb)." #. Fold: Main routine #. Function: main #. #. Code sample: #. umount_tomb $PARAM[1] #. ;; #. #. # Grow tomb's size #. resize) #. [[ $RESIZER == 0 ]] && { #. > _failure "Resize2fs not installed: cannot resize tombs." } #. resize_tomb $PARAM[1] #. ;; #. #. ## Contents manipulation #: tomb:2643 msgid "Resize2fs not installed: cannot resize tombs." msgstr "Resize2fs nicht installiert: Gräber können nicht vergrössert werden." #. Fold: Main routine #. Function: main #. #. Code sample: #. #. ## Locking operations #. #. # Export key to QR Code #. engrave) #. [[ $QRENCODE == 0 ]] && { #. > _failure "QREncode not installed: cannot engrave keys on paper." } #. engrave_key ${=PARAM} #. ;; #. #. # Change password on existing key #: tomb:2669 msgid "QREncode not installed: cannot engrave keys on paper." msgstr "QREncode nicht installiert: Kann Grabgravur nicht auf Papier ausgeben." #. Fold: Main routine #. Function: main #. #. Code sample: #. change_tomb_key ${=PARAM} #. ;; #. #. # STEGANOGRAPHY: hide key inside an image #. bury) #. [[ $STEGHIDE == 0 ]] && { #. > _failure "Steghide not installed: cannot bury keys into images." } #. bury_key $PARAM[1] #. ;; #. #. # STEGANOGRAPHY: read key hidden in an image #: tomb:2686 msgid "Steghide not installed: cannot bury keys into images." msgstr "" "Steghide ist nicht installiert: Schlüssel können nicht in Bilder vergraben " "werden." #. Fold: Main routine #. Function: main #. #. Code sample: #. bury_key $PARAM[1] #. ;; #. #. # STEGANOGRAPHY: read key hidden in an image #. exhume) #. [[ $STEGHIDE == 0 ]] && { #. > _failure "Steghide not installed: cannot exhume keys from images." } #. exhume_key $PARAM[1] #. ;; #. #. ## Internal commands useful to developers #: tomb:2693 msgid "Steghide not installed: cannot exhume keys from images." msgstr "" "Steghide ist nicht installiert: Schlüssel können nicht aus Bilder " "ausgegraben werden." #. Fold: Main routine #. Function: main #. #. Code sample: #. #. # Ask user for a password interactively #. askpass) ask_password $PARAM[1] $PARAM[2] ;; #. #. # Default operation: presentation, or version information with -v #. __default) #. > _print "Tomb ::1 version:: - a strong and gentle undertaker for your secrets" $VERSION #. _print "\000" #. _print " Copyright (C) 2007-2015 Foundation, License GNU GPL v3+" #. _print " This is free software: you are free to change and redistribute it" #. _print " For the latest sourcecode go to " #: tomb:2707 msgid "Tomb ::1 version:: - a strong and gentle undertaker for your secrets" msgstr "" "Tomb ::1 version:: - ein starker und sanfter Totengräber für ihre Geheimnisse" #. Fold: Main routine #. Function: main #. #. Code sample: #. askpass) ask_password $PARAM[1] $PARAM[2] ;; #. #. # Default operation: presentation, or version information with -v #. __default) #. _print "Tomb ::1 version:: - a strong and gentle undertaker for your secrets" $VERSION #. _print "\000" #. > _print " Copyright (C) 2007-2015 Foundation, License GNU GPL v3+" #. _print " This is free software: you are free to change and redistribute it" #. _print " For the latest sourcecode go to " #. _print "\000" #. option_is_set -v && { #: tomb:2709 msgid " Copyright (C) 2007-2015 Foundation, License GNU GPL v3+" msgstr "" #. Fold: Main routine #. Function: main #. #. Code sample: #. #. # Default operation: presentation, or version information with -v #. __default) #. _print "Tomb ::1 version:: - a strong and gentle undertaker for your secrets" $VERSION #. _print "\000" #. _print " Copyright (C) 2007-2015 Foundation, License GNU GPL v3+" #. > _print " This is free software: you are free to change and redistribute it" #. _print " For the latest sourcecode go to " #. _print "\000" #. option_is_set -v && { #. local langwas=$LANG #: tomb:2710 msgid " This is free software: you are free to change and redistribute it" msgstr "" " This ist freie Software, Sie sind frei sie zu verändern und weiterzugeben" #. Fold: Main routine #. Function: main #. #. Code sample: #. # Default operation: presentation, or version information with -v #. __default) #. _print "Tomb ::1 version:: - a strong and gentle undertaker for your secrets" $VERSION #. _print "\000" #. _print " Copyright (C) 2007-2015 Foundation, License GNU GPL v3+" #. _print " This is free software: you are free to change and redistribute it" #. > _print " For the latest sourcecode go to " #. _print "\000" #. option_is_set -v && { #. local langwas=$LANG #. LANG=en #: tomb:2711 msgid " For the latest sourcecode go to " msgstr "" " Für den aktuellsten Quellcode besuchen sie " #. Fold: Main routine #. Function: main #. #. Code sample: #. _print " This is free software: you are free to change and redistribute it" #. _print " For the latest sourcecode go to " #. _print "\000" #. option_is_set -v && { #. local langwas=$LANG #. LANG=en #. > _print " This source code is distributed in the hope that it will be useful," #. _print " but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of" #. _print " MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE." #. LANG=$langwas #. _print " When in need please refer to ." #: tomb:2716 msgid " This source code is distributed in the hope that it will be useful," msgstr "" " Dieser Quellcode wird veröffentlicht in der Hoffnung dass er nützlich ist," #. Fold: Main routine #. Function: main #. #. Code sample: #. _print " For the latest sourcecode go to " #. _print "\000" #. option_is_set -v && { #. local langwas=$LANG #. LANG=en #. _print " This source code is distributed in the hope that it will be useful," #. > _print " but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of" #. _print " MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE." #. LANG=$langwas #. _print " When in need please refer to ." #. _print "\000" #: tomb:2717 msgid " but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of" msgstr " aber OHNE JEDWEGE GARANTIE; inbegriffen die Garantie der" #. Fold: Main routine #. Function: main #. #. Code sample: #. _print "\000" #. option_is_set -v && { #. local langwas=$LANG #. LANG=en #. _print " This source code is distributed in the hope that it will be useful," #. _print " but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of" #. > _print " MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE." #. LANG=$langwas #. _print " When in need please refer to ." #. _print "\000" #. _print "System utils:" #: tomb:2718 msgid " MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE." msgstr " MARKTGÄNGIGKEIT oder der EIGNUNG ZU EINEM BESTIMMTEN ZWECK." #. Fold: Main routine #. Function: main #. #. Code sample: #. local langwas=$LANG #. LANG=en #. _print " This source code is distributed in the hope that it will be useful," #. _print " but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of" #. _print " MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE." #. LANG=$langwas #. > _print " When in need please refer to ." #. _print "\000" #. _print "System utils:" #. _print "\000" #. cat <." msgstr " Für Hilfe bitte wenden Sie sich an ." #. Fold: Main routine #. Function: main #. #. Code sample: #. _print " This source code is distributed in the hope that it will be useful," #. _print " but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of" #. _print " MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE." #. LANG=$langwas #. _print " When in need please refer to ." #. _print "\000" #. > _print "System utils:" #. _print "\000" #. cat < _print "Optional utils:" #. _print "\000" #. _list_optional_tools version #. return 0 #. } #: tomb:2732 msgid "Optional utils:" msgstr "Optionelle Hilfsmittel:" #. Fold: Main routine #. Function: main #. #. Code sample: #. } #. usage #. ;; #. #. # Reject unknown command and suggest help #. *) #. > _warning "Command \"::1 subcommand::\" not recognized." $subcommand #. _message "Try -h for help." #. return 1 #. ;; #. esac #: tomb:2742 msgid "Command \"::1 subcommand::\" not recognized." msgstr "Der Befehl \"::1 subcommand::\" wurde nicht erkannt." #. Fold: Main routine #. Function: main #. #. Code sample: #. usage #. ;; #. #. # Reject unknown command and suggest help #. *) #. _warning "Command \"::1 subcommand::\" not recognized." $subcommand #. > _message "Try -h for help." #. return 1 #. ;; #. esac #. return $? #: tomb:2743 msgid "Try -h for help." msgstr "Versuchen Sie -h um Hilfe zu erhalten." #~ msgid " -o mount options used to open (default: rw,noatime,nodev)" #~ msgstr " -o Mount Optionen beim Öffnen (Standart: rw,noatime,nodev)" #~ msgid " Copyright (C) 2007-2014 Foundation, License GNU GPL v3+" #~ msgstr " Urheberrecht (C) 2007-2014 Foundation, Lizens GNU GPL v3+"