#!/bin/zsh # # Tomb, the Crypto Undertaker # # A commandline tool to easily operate encryption of secret data # # Homepage on: [tomb.dyne.org](http://tomb.dyne.org) # {{{ License # Copyright (C) 2007-2013 Dyne.org Foundation # # Tomb is designed, written and maintained by Denis Roio # # With contributions by Anathema, Boyska and Hellekin O. Wolf. # # Testing and reviews are contributed by Dreamer, Shining, # Mancausoft, Asbesto Molesto and Nignux. # # Tomb's artwork is contributed by Jordi aka Mon Mort. #This source code is free software; you can redistribute it #and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Public License #as published by the Free Software Foundation; either #version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later #version. # #This source code is distributed in the hope that it will be #useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied #warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR #PURPOSE. Please refer to the GNU Public License for more #details. # #You should have received a copy of the GNU Public License #along with this source code; if not, write to: Free #Software Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA #02139, USA. # }}} - License # {{{ Global variables VERSION=1.4 DATE="Jun/2013" TOMBEXEC=$0 typeset -a OLDARGS for arg in ${argv}; do OLDARGS+=($arg); done DD="dd" WIPE="rm -f" MKFS="mkfs.ext3 -q -F -j -L" KDF=1 STEGHIDE=1 MKTEMP=1 RESIZER=1 SWISH=1 QRENCODE=1 MOUNTOPTS="rw,noatime,nodev" typeset -A global_opts typeset -A opts typeset -h username typeset -h tombkeydir # global used if key comes from stdin tombkeydir="" typeset -h _uid typeset -h _gid typeset -h _tty # Set a sensible PATH # PATH=/sbin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/bin:/usr/local/bin # }}} # {{{ Safety functions _have_shm() { # Check availability of 1MB of SHM xxx "_have_shm 0 We need only 1 MB of RAM" [[ -k /dev/shm ]] || return 1 local -i SHM RAM SHM=$(df -k -B 4K -a -t tmpfs /dev/shm | awk '/\/dev\/shm/ { print $4; }') (( $? )) && return 1 xxx "_have_shm 1 SHM $SHM KB are available" RAM=$(awk '/MemFree/ { print $2 }' /proc/meminfo) xxx "_have_shm 2 RAM $RAM KB are free" (( $RAM >= 1024 )) && return 0 xxx "_have_shm 3 RAM $RAM KB left only :(" # Now we have more RAM than affected to SHM, so we can expect some for our little needs. # Does that work when SHM is disabled from kernel config? return 1 } # Create temporary directories with caution safe_dir() { # Try and create our temporary directory in RAM # Note that there's no warranty the underlying FS won't swap # every 5 seconds (e.g., ext3) local -i tries while (( $tries < 3 )) ; do tries+=1 if _have_shm; then xxx "safe_dir creating $1 dir in RAM" if (( $MKTEMP )); then mktemp -d /dev/shm/tomb.$1.$$.XXXXXXX else dir="/dev/shm/tomb.$1.$$.$RANDOM$RANDOM" mkdir -m 0700 -p "$dir" print "$dir" fi return 0 else _warning "WARNING: we cannot ensure we're running in RAM." xxx "Wait a bit before retrying... (attempt $tries)" sync && sleep 0.5 fi done _warning "WARNING: no RAM available for me to run safely." return 1 } # Provide a random filename in shared memory safe_filename() { _have_shm || die "No access to shared memory on this system, sorry." (( $MKTEMP )) && \ mktemp -u /dev/shm/tomb.$1.$$.XXXXXXX || \ print "/dev/shm/tomb.$1.$$.$RANDOM$RANDOM" } # Check if swap is activated check_swap() { # Return 0 if NO swap is used, 1 if swap is used # Return 2 if swap(s) is(are) used, but ALL encrypted local swaps=$(awk '/partition/ { print $1 }' /proc/swaps 2>/dev/null) [[ -z "$swaps" ]] && return 0 # No swap partition is active no "An active swap partition is detected, this poses security risks." no "You can deactivate all swap partitions using the command:" no " swapoff -a" no "But if you want to proceed like this, use the -f (force) flag." die "Operation aborted." } # Ask user for a password ask_password() { # we use pinentry now # comes from gpg project and is much more secure # it also conveniently uses the right toolkit # pinentry has no custom icon setting # so we need to temporary modify the gtk theme if [ -r /usr/local/share/themes/tomb/gtk-2.0-key/gtkrc ]; then GTK2_RC=/usr/local/share/themes/tomb/gtk-2.0-key/gtkrc elif [ -r /usr/share/themes/tomb/gtk-2.0-key/gtkrc ]; then GTK2_RC=/usr/share/themes/tomb/gtk-2.0-key/gtkrc fi title="Insert tomb password" if [ $2 ]; then title="$2"; fi output=`cat </dev/null | tail -n +7 OPTION ttyname=$TTY OPTION lc-ctype=$LANG SETTITLE $title SETDESC $1 SETPROMPT Password: GETPIN EOF` if [[ `tail -n1 <<<$output` =~ ERR ]]; then return 1 fi head -n1 <<<$output | awk '/^D / { sub(/^D /, ""); print }' return 0 } # Drop privileges exec_as_user() { if ! [ $SUDO_USER ]; then exec $@[@] return $? fi xxx "exec_as_user '$SUDO_USER': ${(f)@}" sudo -u $SUDO_USER "${@[@]}" return $? } #Escalate privileges check_priv() { # save original user username=$USER if [ $UID != 0 ]; then xxx "Using sudo for root execution of '${TOMBEXEC} ${(f)OLDARGS}'" # check if sudo has a timestamp active sudok=false if ! option_is_set --sudo-pwd; then if [ $? != 0 ]; then # if not then ask a password cat </dev/null | awk '/^D / { sub(/^D /, ""); print }' | sudo -S -v OPTION ttyname=$TTY OPTION lc-ctype=$LANG SETTITLE Super user privileges required SETDESC Sudo execution of Tomb ${OLDARGS[@]} SETPROMPT Insert your USER password: GETPIN EOF fi else _verbose "Escalating privileges using sudo-pwd" sudo -S -v <<<`option_value --sudo-pwd` fi sudo "${TOMBEXEC}" -U ${UID} -G ${GID} -T ${TTY} "${(@)OLDARGS}" exit $? fi # are we root already # check if we have support for loop mounting losetup -f > /dev/null { test "$?" = "0" } || { no "Loop mount of volumes is not supported on this machine, this error" no "often occurs on VPS and kernels that don't provide the loop module." no "It is impossible to use Tomb on this machine at this conditions." die "Operation aborted." } # make sure necessary kernel modules are loaded modprobe dm_mod 2>/dev/null modprobe dm_crypt 2>/dev/null return 0 } # check if a filename is a valid tomb is_valid_tomb() { xxx "is_valid_tomb $1" # argument check { test "$1" = "" } && { _warning "Tomb file is missing from arguments"; return 1 } # file checks { test -r "$1" } || { _warning "Tomb file not found: $1"; return 1 } { test -f "$1" } || { _warning "Tomb file is not a regular file: $1"; return 1 } # check file type (if its a Luks fs) file "$1" | grep -i 'luks encrypted file' >/dev/null { test $? = 0 } || { _warning "File is not a valid tomb: $1"; return 1 } # check if its already open tombfile=`basename $1` tombname=${tombfile%%\.*} mount -l | grep "${tombfile}.*\[$tombname\]$" > /dev/null { test $? = 0 } && { _warning "Tomb is currently in use: $tombname"; return 1 } _message "Valid tomb file found: $1" return 0 } # }}} # {{{ Commandline interaction usage() { cat <. EOF } # Check an option option_is_set() { # First argument, the commandline flag (i.e. "-s"). # Second (optional) argument: if "out", command will print it out 'set'/'unset' # (useful for if conditions). # Return 0 if is set, 1 otherwise [[ -n ${(k)opts[$1]} ]]; r=$? if [[ $2 == out ]]; then if [[ $r == 0 ]]; then echo 'set' else echo 'unset' fi fi return $r; } # Get an option value option_value() { # First argument, the commandline flag (i.e. "-s"). <<< ${opts[$1]} } # Messaging function with pretty coloring function _msg() { local command="print -P" local progname="$fg[magenta]${TOMBEXEC##*/}$reset_color" local message="$fg_bold[normal]$fg_no_bold[normal]${2}$reset_color" local -i returncode case "$1" in inline) command+=" -n"; pchars=" > "; pcolor="yellow" ;; message) pchars=" . "; pcolor="white"; message="$fg_no_bold[$pcolor]${2}$reset_color" ;; verbose) pchars="[D]"; pcolor="blue" ;; success) pchars="(*)"; pcolor="green"; message="$fg_no_bold[$pcolor]${2}$reset_color" ;; warning) pchars="[W]"; pcolor="yellow"; message="$fg_no_bold[$pcolor]${2}$reset_color" ;; failure) pchars="[E]"; pcolor="red"; message="$fg_no_bold[$pcolor]${2}$reset_color" returncode=1 ;; *) pchars="[F]"; pcolor="red" message="Developer oops! Usage: _msg MESSAGE_TYPE \"MESSAGE_CONTENT\"" returncode=127 ;; esac ${=command} "${progname} $fg_bold[$pcolor]$pchars$reset_color ${message}$color[reset_color]" >&2 return $returncode } function _message say() { local notice="message" [[ "$1" = "-n" ]] && shift && notice="inline" option_is_set -q || _msg "$notice" "$1" return 0 } alias act="_message -n" function _verbose xxx() { option_is_set -D && _msg verbose "$1" return 0 } function _success yes() { option_is_set -q || _msg success "$1" return 0 } function _warning no() { option_is_set -q || _msg warning "$1" return 1 } function _failure die() { typeset -i exitcode=${2:-1} option_is_set -q || _msg failure "$1" exit $exitcode } # Print out progress to inform GUI caller applications (--batch mode) progress() { # $1 is "what is progressing" # $2 is "percentage" # $3 is (eventually blank) status # Example: if creating a tomb, it could be sth like # progress create 0 filling with random data # progress create 40 generating key # progress keygen 0 please move the mouse # progress keygen 30 please move the mouse # progress keygen 60 please move the mouse # progress keygen 100 key generated # progress create 80 please enter password # progress create 90 formatting the tomb # progress create 100 tomb created successfully if ! option_is_set --batch; then return fi print "[m][P][$1][$2][$3]" >&2 } # Check what's installed check_bin() { # check for required programs for req in cryptsetup pinentry sudo gpg; do command -v $req >/dev/null || die "Cannot find $req. It's a requirement to use Tomb, please install it." 1 done export PATH=/sbin:/usr/sbin:$PATH # which dd command to use command -v dcfldd > /dev/null { test $? = 0 } && { DD="dcfldd statusinterval=1" } # which wipe command to use command -v wipe > /dev/null && WIPE="wipe -f -s" || WIPE="rm -f" # check for filesystem creation progs command -v mkfs.ext4 > /dev/null && \ MKFS="mkfs.ext4 -q -F -j -L" || \ MKFS="mkfs.ext3 -q -F -j -L" # check for mktemp command -v mktemp > /dev/null || MKTEMP=0 # check for steghide command -v steghide > /dev/null || STEGHIDE=0 # check for resize command -v e2fsck resize2fs > /dev/null || RESIZER=0 # check for KDF auxiliary tools command -v tomb-kdb-pbkdf2 > /dev/null || KDF=0 # check for Swish-E file content indexer command -v swish-e > /dev/null || SWISH=0 # check for QREncode for paper backups of keys command -v qrencode > /dev/null || QRENCODE=0 } # }}} - Commandline interaction # {{{ Key operations # This function retrieves a tomb key specified on commandline or one # laying nearby the tomb if found, or from stdin if the option was # selected. It also runs validity checks on the file. Callers should # always use drop_key() when done with all key operations. # On success returns 0 and prints out the full path to the key load_key() { # take the name of a tomb file as argument # this is used for guessing if the key is nearby { test "$1" = "" } || { tombdir=`dirname $1` tombfile=`basename $1` tombname=${tombfile%%\.*} } if option_is_set -k ; then if [[ "`option_value -k`" == "-" ]]; then xxx "load_key reading from stdin" # take key from stdin tombkeydir=`safe_dir load_key` xxx "tempdir is $tombkeydir" cat > ${tombkeydir}/stdin.tmp tombdir=${tombkeydir} tombfile=stdin.tmp tombname="stdin" elif [[ "`option_value -k`" != "" ]]; then # take key from a file tombkey=`option_value -k` tombdir=`dirname $tombkey` tombfile=`basename $tombkey` fi fi tombkey=${tombdir}/${tombfile} xxx "load_key: `ls -lh ${tombkey}`" if [ -r "${tombkey}" ]; then _message "We'll use this key: ${tombkey}" else return 1 fi # this does a check on the file header if ! is_valid_key ${tombkey}; then _warning "The key seems invalid, the application/pgp header is missing" return 1 fi print "$tombkey" return 0 } # This function asks the user for the password to use the key it tests # it against the return code of gpg on success returns 0 and prints # the password (be careful about where you save it!) ask_key_password() { tombkey="$1" local keyname=`basename $tombkey` _message "a password is required to use key ${keyname}" local passok=0 local tombpass="" if option_is_set --tomb-pwd; then tombpass=`option_value --tomb-pwd` xxx "ask_key_password takes tombpass from CLI argument: $tombpass" get_lukskey "$tombpass" ${tombkey} >/dev/null if [ $? = 0 ]; then passok=1; _message "Password OK."; fi else for c in 1 2 3; do if [ $c = 1 ]; then tombpass=`exec_as_user ${TOMBEXEC} askpass "Insert password to use key: $keyname"` else tombpass=`exec_as_user ${TOMBEXEC} askpass "Insert password to use key: $keyname (retry $c)"` fi if [[ $? != 0 ]]; then _warning "User aborted password dialog" return 1 fi get_lukskey "$tombpass" ${tombkey} >/dev/null if [ $? = 0 ]; then passok=1; _message "Password OK." break; fi done fi { test "$passok" = "1" } || { return 1 } print "$tombpass" unset $tombpass return 0 } # change tomb key password change_passwd() { _message "Commanded to change password for tomb key $1" if ! option_is_set -f && ! option_is_set --ignore-swap; then check_swap; fi local keyfile="$1" # $1 is the tomb key path # check the keyfile if ! [ -r $keyfile ]; then _warning "key not found: $keyfile" return 1 fi if ! is_valid_key $keyfile ; then _warning "file doesn't seems to be a tomb key: $keyfile" _warning "operation aborted." return 1 fi local tmpnewkey lukskey c tombpass tombpasstmp tmpnewkey=`safe_filename passnew` lukskey=`safe_filename passold` _success "Changing password for $keyfile" tombpass=`ask_key_password $keyfile` { test $? = 0 } || { die "No valid password supplied" } get_lukskey "${tombpass}" ${keyfile} > ${lukskey}; drop_key { local algo { option_is_set -o } && { algopt="`option_value -o`" } gen_key $lukskey $algopt > ${tmpnewkey} if ! is_valid_key $tmpnewkey; then die "Error: the newly generated keyfile does not seem valid" else # copy the new key as the original keyfile name cp "${tmpnewkey}" "${keyfile}" _success "Your passphrase was successfully updated." fi } always { _verbose "cleanup: $tmpnewkey $lukskey" # wipe all temp file ${=WIPE} "${tmpnewkey}" ${=WIPE} "${lukskey}" } return $? } # To be called after load_key() drop_key() { { test "$tombkeydir" = "" } && { return 0 } { test -r ${tombkeydir}/stdin.tmp } && { ${=WIPE} ${tombkeydir}/stdin.tmp; rmdir ${tombkeydir} } } #$1 is the keyfile we are checking is_valid_key() { xxx "is_valid_key $1" # argument check { test "$1" = "" } && { _warning "Key file is missing from arguments"; return 1 } # file checks { test -r "$1" } || { _warning "Key file not found: $1"; return 1 } { test -f "$1" } || { _warning "Key file is not a regular file: $1"; return 1 } # this header validity check is a virtuosism by Hellekin [[ `file =(awk '/^-+BEGIN/,0' $1)` =~ PGP ]] && { _message "Valid key file found: $1"; return 0 } # if no BEGIN header found then we try to recover it [[ `file $1 -bi` =~ text/plain ]] && { _warning "Key data found with missing headers, attempting recovery" local tmp_keyfix=`safe_filename keyfix` touch $tmp_keyfix # make sure KDF header comes first local header=`grep '^_KDF_' $1` print "$header" >> $tmp_keyfix cat $1 | awk ' BEGIN { print "-----BEGIN PGP MESSAGE-----" print } /^_KDF_/ { next } { print $0 } END { print "-----END PGP MESSAGE-----" }' >> ${tmp_keyfix} mv $tmp_keyfix $1 chown ${_uid}:${_gid} ${1} chmod 0600 ${1} return 0 } _warning "Invalid key format: $1" return 1 } # Gets a key file and a password, prints out the decoded contents to # be used directly by Luks as a cryptographic key get_lukskey() { # $1 is the password, $2 is the keyfile local tombpass=$1 local keyfile=$2 firstline=`head -n1 $keyfile` xxx "get_lukskey XXX $keyfile" if [[ $firstline =~ '^_KDF_' ]]; then _verbose "KDF: `cut -d_ -f 3 <<<$firstline`" case `cut -d_ -f 3 <<<$firstline` in pbkdf2sha1) pbkdf2_param=`cut -d_ -f 4- <<<$firstline | tr '_' ' '` tombpass=$(tomb-kdb-pbkdf2 ${=pbkdf2_param} 2> /dev/null <<<$tombpass) ;; *) _failure "No suitable program for KDF `cut -f 3 <<<$firstline`" unset tombpass return 1 ;; esac fi # fix for gpg 1.4.11 where the --status-* options don't work ;^/ gpgver=`gpg --version | awk '/^gpg/ {print $3}'` if [ "$gpgver" = "1.4.11" ]; then xxx "GnuPG is version 1.4.11 - adopting status fix" print ${tombpass} | \ gpg --batch --passphrase-fd 0 --no-tty --no-options -d "${keyfile}" ret=$? unset tombpass else # using status-file in gpg != 1.4.11 res=`safe_filename lukskey` { test $? = 0 } || { unset tombpass; die "Fatal error creating temp file." } print ${tombpass} | \ gpg --batch --passphrase-fd 0 --no-tty --no-options --status-fd 2 \ --no-mdc-warning --no-permission-warning --no-secmem-warning \ -d "${keyfile}" 2> $res unset tombpass grep 'DECRYPTION_OKAY' $res > /dev/null ret=$?; rm -f $res fi xxx "get_lukskey returns $ret" return $ret } # takes care to encrypt a key # honored options: --kdf --tomb-pwd gen_key() { # $1 the lukskey to encrypt # $2 is the --cipher-algo to use (string taken by GnuPG) local lukskey="$1" local algo="${2:-AES256}" # here user is prompted for key password local tombpass="" local tombpasstmp="" if ! option_is_set --tomb-pwd; then while true; do # 3 tries to write two times a matching password tombpass=`exec_as_user ${TOMBEXEC} askpass "Secure key for ${tombname}"` if [[ $? != 0 ]]; then die "User aborted" fi if [ -z $tombpass ]; then _warning "you set empty password, which is not possible" continue fi tombpasstmp=$tombpass tombpass=`exec_as_user ${TOMBEXEC} askpass "Secure key for ${tombname} (again)"` if [[ $? != 0 ]]; then die "User aborted" fi if [ "$tombpasstmp" = "$tombpass" ]; then break; fi unset tombpasstmp unset tombpass done else tombpass="`option_value --tomb-pwd`" xxx "gen_key takes tombpass from CLI argument: $tombpass" fi header="" { test "$KDF" = 1 } && { { option_is_set --kdf } && { # KDF is a new key strenghtening technique against brute forcing # see: https://github.com/dyne/Tomb/issues/82 itertime="`option_value --kdf`" # removing support of floating points because they can't be type checked well if [[ "$itertime" != <-> ]]; then unset tombpass unset tombpasstmp die "Wrong argument for --kdf: must be an integer number (iteration seconds)" fi # --kdf takes one parameter: iter time (on present machine) in seconds local -i microseconds microseconds=$((itertime*10000)) yes "Using KDF, iterations: $microseconds" pbkdf2_salt=`tomb-kdb-pbkdf2-gensalt` pbkdf2_iter=`tomb-kdb-pbkdf2-getiter $microseconds` # We use a length of 64bytes = 512bits (more than needed!?) tombpass=`tomb-kdb-pbkdf2 $pbkdf2_salt $pbkdf2_iter 64 <<<"${tombpass}"` header="_KDF_pbkdf2sha1_${pbkdf2_salt}_${pbkdf2_iter}_64\n" } } print -n $header print "${tombpass}" \ | gpg --openpgp --force-mdc --cipher-algo ${algo} \ --batch --no-options --no-tty --passphrase-fd 0 --status-fd 2 \ -o - -c -a ${lukskey} unset tombpass unset tombpasstmp } # prints an array of ciphers available in gnupg (to encrypt keys) list_gnupg_ciphers() { # prints an error if GnuPG is not found which gpg > /dev/null || die "gpg (GnuPG) is not found, Tomb cannot function without it." ciphers=(`gpg --version | awk ' BEGIN { ciphers=0 } /^Cipher:/ { gsub(/,/,""); sub(/^Cipher:/,""); print; ciphers=1; next } /^Hash:/ { ciphers=0 } { if(ciphers==0) { next } else { gsub(/,/,""); print; } } '`) echo " ${ciphers}" return 1 } # Steganographic function to bury a key inside an image. # Requires steghide(1) to be installed bury_key() { tombkey="`option_value -k`" imagefile=$1 { is_valid_key ${tombkey} } || { die "Bury failed: not a tomb key $tombkey" } file $imagefile | grep JPEG > /dev/null if [ $? != 0 ]; then _warning "encode failed: $imagefile is not a jpeg image" return 1 fi _success "Encoding key $tombkey inside image $imagefile" _message "please confirm the key password for the encoding" tombpass=`ask_key_password $tombkey` { test $? = 0 } || { _warning "Wrong password supplied." die "You shall not bury a key whose password is unknown to you." } # we omit armor strings since having them as constants can give # ground to effective attacks on steganography awk ' /^-----/ {next} /^Version/ {next} {print $0}' ${tombkey} \ | steghide embed --embedfile - --coverfile ${imagefile} \ -p ${tombpass} -z 9 -e serpent cbc if [ $? != 0 ]; then _warning "encoding error: steghide reports problems" res=1 else _success "tomb key encoded succesfully into image ${imagefile}" res=0 fi unset tombpass return $res } # Steganographic function to exhume a key buries into an image exhume_key() { tombkey="`option_value -k`" imagefile=$1 res=1 file $imagefile | grep JPEG > /dev/null if [ $? != 0 ]; then _warning "encode failed: $imagefile is not a jpeg image" return 1 fi if [[ -e "$tombkey" ]]; then _warning "File exists: $tombkey" { option_is_set -f } || { _warning "Make explicit use of --force to overwrite" die "Refusing to overwrite file. Operation aborted." } _warning "Use of --force selected: overwriting." rm -f ${tombkey} fi _message "Trying to exhume a key out of image $imagefile" if option_is_set --tomb-pwd; then tombpass=`option_value --tomb-pwd` xxx "ask_key_password takes tombpass from CLI argument: $tombpass" else tombpass=`exec_as_user ${TOMBEXEC} askpass "Steg password for ${tombkey}"` fi # always steghide required steghide extract -sf ${imagefile} -p ${tombpass} -xf ${tombkey} res=$? unset tombpass if [ $res = 0 ]; then _success "${tombkey} succesfully decoded" return 0 fi _warning "nothing found in $imagefile" return 1 } # Produces a printable image of the key contents so that it can be # backuped on paper and hidden in books etc. engrave_key() { # load key from options tombkey="`load_key $1`" { test $? = 0 } || { die "No key specified." } keyname=`basename $tombkey` pngname="$keyname.qr.png" yes "Rendering a printable QRCode for key: $tombkey" # we omit armor strings to save space awk ' /^-----/ {next} /^Version/ {next} {print $0}' ${tombkey} | qrencode --size 4 -t PNG --level H \ --casesensitive -o "$pngname" { test $? = 0 } || { die "QREncode reported an error." } yes "Operation successful:" _message "`ls -lh $pngname`" _message "`file $pngname`" } # }}} - Key handling # {{{ Create # This is a new way to create tombs which dissects the whole create_tomb() into 3 clear steps: # # * dig a .tomb (the large file) using /dev/random (takes some minutes at least) # # * forge a .key (the small file) using /dev/urandom (good entropy needed) # # * lock the .tomb file with the key, binding the key to the tomb (requires dm_crypt format) forge_key() { xxx "forge_key()" # can be specified both as simple argument or using -k local destkey="$1" { option_is_set -k } && { destkey="`option_value -k`" } { test "$destkey" = "" } && { _warning "no key name specified for creation" return 1 } { test -r "$destkey" } && { _warning "Forging this key would overwrite an existing file. Operation aborted." die "`ls -lh $destkey`" } # if swap is on, we remind the user about possible data leaks to disk if ! option_is_set -f && ! option_is_set --ignore-swap; then check_swap; fi # create the keyfile in tmpfs so that we leave less traces in RAM local keytmp=`safe_dir forge` (( $? )) && die "error creating temp dir" xxx "safe_dir at $keytmp" mount tmpfs "${keytmp}" -t tmpfs -o size=1m if [ $? != 0 ]; then _warning "cannot mount tmpfs filesystem in volatile memory" rm -r "${keytmp}" die "operation aborted." fi local algo { option_is_set -o } && { algopt="`option_value -o`" } algo=${algopt:-AES256} _message "Commanded to forge key $destkey with cipher algorithm $algo" local tombkey="$destkey" _message "this operation takes time, keep using this computer on other tasks," _message "once done you will be asked to choose a password for your tomb." _message "To make it faster you can move the mouse around." _message "If you are on a server, you can use an Entropy Generation Daemon." touch ${keytmp}/tomb.tmp chmod 0600 ${keytmp}/tomb.tmp local random_source=/dev/random if option_is_set --use-urandom; then random_source=/dev/urandom fi xxx "Data dump using ${DD[1]} from $random_source" ${=DD} bs=1 count=256 if=$random_source of=${keytmp}/tomb.tmp if ! [ -r ${keytmp}/tomb.tmp ]; then _warning "cannot generate encryption key" umount ${keytmp} rm -r $keytmp die "operation aborted." fi _success "Choose the password of your key: ${tombkey}" _message "(you can also change it later using 'tomb passwd')" touch ${tombkey} chown ${_uid}:${_gid} ${tombkey} chmod 0600 ${tombkey} tombname="$tombkey" # the gen_key() function takes care of the new key's encryption gen_key "${keytmp}/tomb.tmp" "$algo" > ${tombkey} # this does a check on the file header if ! is_valid_key ${tombkey}; then _warning "The key does not seem to be valid" _warning "Dumping contents to screen:" cat ${tombkey} _warning "--" umount ${keytmp} rm -r $keytmp die "operation aborted." fi ${=WIPE} ${keytmp}/tomb.tmp # no need really, but anyway umount ${keytmp} rm -r ${keytmp} chown ${_uid}:${_gid} ${tombkey} _message "done forging $tombkey" _success "Your key is ready:" ls -lh ${tombkey} } # Dig a tomb, means that it will create an empty file to be formatted # as a loopback filesystem. Initially the file is filled with random data # taken from /dev/urandom which improves the tomb's overall security dig_tomb() { _message "Commanded to dig tomb $1" # if swap is on, we remind the user about possible data leaks to disk if ! option_is_set -f && ! option_is_set --ignore-swap; then check_swap; fi if ! [ $1 ]; then _warning "no tomb name specified for creation" return 1 fi tombfile=`basename $1` tombdir=`dirname $1` # make sure the file has a .tomb extension tombname=${tombfile%%\.*} tombfile=${tombname}.tomb # require the specification of the size of the tomb (-s) in MB tombsize="`option_value -s`" [ $tombsize ] || die "Size argument missing, use --size" [[ $tombsize != <-> ]] && die "Size argument is not an integer" [[ $tombsize -lt 10 ]] && die "Tombs can't be smaller than 10 megabytes" if [ -e ${tombdir}/${tombfile} ]; then _warning "A tomb exists already. I'm not digging here:" _warning " `ls -lh ${tombdir}/${tombfile}`" return 1 fi _success "Creating a new tomb in ${tombdir}/${tombfile}" _message "Generating ${tombfile} of ${tombsize}MiB" # we will first touch the file and set permissions: this way, even if interrupted, permissions are right touch ${tombdir}/${tombfile} chmod 0600 "${tombdir}/${tombfile}" chown $_uid:$_gid "${tombdir}/${tombfile}" xxx "Data dump using ${DD[1]} from /dev/urandom" ${=DD} if=/dev/urandom bs=1048576 count=${tombsize} of=${tombdir}/${tombfile} if [ $? = 0 -a -e ${tombdir}/${tombfile} ]; then _message " `ls -lh ${tombdir}/${tombfile}`" else die "Error creating the tomb ${tombdir}/${tombfile}, operation aborted." fi _success "Done digging $tombname" _message "your tomb is not yet ready, you need to forge a key and lock it:" _message "tomb forge ${tombname}.tomb.key" _message "tomb lock ${tombname}.tomb ${tombname}.tomb.key" } # this function locks a tomb with a key file # in fact LUKS formatting the loopback volume # it take arguments as the LUKS cipher to be used lock_tomb_with_key() { if ! [ $1 ]; then _warning "no tomb specified for locking" _warning "usage: tomb lock file.tomb file.tomb.key" return 1 fi tombfile="$1" _message "Commanded to lock tomb ${tombfile}" tombdir=`dirname $1` tombfile=`basename $1` tombname=${tombfile%%\.*} { test -f ${tombdir}/${tombfile} } || { die "There is no tomb here. You have to it dig first." return 1 } xxx "tomb found: ${tombdir}/${tombfile}" nstloop=`losetup -f` # get the number for next loopback device losetup -f ${tombdir}/${tombfile} # allocates the next loopback for our file xxx "loop mounted on ${nstloop}" _message "checking if the tomb is empty (we never step on somebody else's bones)" cryptsetup isLuks ${nstloop} if [ $? = 0 ]; then # is it a LUKS encrypted nest? then bail out and avoid reformatting it _warning "The tomb was already locked with another key" losetup -d ${nstloop} die "Operation aborted. I cannot lock an already locked tomb. Go dig a new one." else _message "fine, this tomb seems empty." fi # load key from options or file tombkey=`load_key ${tombdir}/${tombfile}.key` { test $? = 0 } || { losetup -d $nstloop die "Aborting operations: error loading key $tombkey" } # make sure to call drop_key later # the encryption cipher for a tomb can be set when locking using -o if option_is_set -o; then cipher="`option_value -o`" else cipher="aes-cbc-essiv:sha256" fi _message "locking using cipher: $cipher" # get the pass from the user and check it tombpass=`ask_key_password "$tombkey"` { test $? = 0 } || { losetup -d ${nstloop} die "No valid password supplied" } _success "Locking ${tombfile} with ${tombkey}" _message "formatting Luks mapped device" get_lukskey "${tombpass}" ${tombkey} | \ cryptsetup --key-file - --batch-mode \ --cipher ${cipher} --key-size 256 --key-slot 0 \ luksFormat ${nstloop} if ! [ $? = 0 ]; then _warning "cryptsetup luksFormat returned an error" unset tombpass losetup -d $nstloop die "Operation aborted." fi get_lukskey "${tombpass}" ${tombkey} | \ cryptsetup --key-file - \ --cipher ${cipher} luksOpen ${nstloop} tomb.tmp if ! [ $? = 0 ]; then _warning "cryptsetup luksOpen returned an error" unset tombpass losetup -d $nstloop die "Operation aborted." fi # cleanup tombs unset tombpass drop_key # make sure all temp files are out _message "formatting your Tomb with Ext3/Ext4 filesystem" ${=MKFS} ${tombname} /dev/mapper/tomb.tmp if [ $? != 0 ]; then _warning "Tomb format returned an error" _warning "your tomb ${tombfile} may be corrupted." fi sync cryptsetup luksClose tomb.tmp losetup -d ${nstloop} _message "done locking $tombname using Luks dm-crypt ${create_cipher}" _success "Your tomb is ready in ${tombdir}/${tombfile} and secured with key ${tombkey}" } # This function changes the key that locks a tomb change_tomb_key() { if ! option_is_set -f && ! option_is_set --ignore-swap; then check_swap; fi { option_is_set -k } || { die "Specify the new key with -k" } newkey="`option_value -k`" { is_valid_key "$newkey" } || { die "New key invalid. Check your usage of the --key option." } oldkey="$1" { is_valid_key "$oldkey" } || { die "Old key invalid. Check your usage of the first argument." } { is_valid_tomb "$2" } || { die "Specify the name of a tomb as second argument" } nstloop=`losetup -f` { test $? = 255 } && { die "Too many tombs are open. Please close any of them to proceed." } losetup -f "$2" cryptsetup isLuks ${nstloop} # is it a LUKS encrypted nest? we check one more timesee cryptsetup(1) { test $? = 0 } || { losetup -d "$nstloop" die "Not a valid LUKS encrypted volume: $2" } # we have everything, prepare to mount yes "Changing lock on tomb $tombname" _message "old key: $oldkey" _message "new key: $newkey" # render the mapper mapdate=`date +%s` # save date of mount in minutes since 1970 mapper="tomb.${tombname}.${mapdate}.`basename $nstloop`" # load the new key from the -k option tombkey=`load_key` { test $? = 0 } || { die "Aborting operations: error loading new key $tombkey" } newkeypass=`ask_key_password $tombkey` { test $? = 0 } || { die "No valid password supplied for the new key" } newkeyfile="`safe_filename newkey`" get_lukskey "$newkeypass" "$newkey" > $newkeyfile # load the old key oldkeypass="`ask_key_password $oldkey`" { test $? = 0 } || { die "No valid password supplied for the old key" } # luksOpen the tomb (not really mounting, just on the loopback) get_lukskey "$oldkeypass" "$oldkey" | \ cryptsetup --key-file - luksOpen ${nstloop} ${mapper} { test $? = 0 } || { losetup -d "$nstloop" die "Unexpected error in luksOpen." } get_lukskey "$oldkeypass" "$oldkey" | \ cryptsetup --key-file - luksChangeKey "$nstloop" "$newkeyfile" { test $? = 0 } || { losetup -d "$nstloop" die "Unexpected error in luksChangeKey." } cryptsetup luksClose "${mapper}" { test $? = 0 } || { losetup -d "$nstloop" die "Unexpected error in luksClose." } drop_key unset tombpass ${=WIPE} "$newkeyfile" losetup -d ${nstloop} yes "Succesfully changed key for tomb: $2" _message "The new key is: $newkey" return 0 } # backward compatibility create_tomb() { xxx "create_tomb(): ${=@} ${=OLDARGS}" if ! [ $1 ]; then _warning "no tomb name specified for creation" return 1 fi { test -r "$1" } && { _warning "Creating this tomb would overwrite an existing file. Operation aborted." die "`ls -lh $1`" } { test $? = 0 } || { die "Failed to dig tomb, operation aborted." } tombfile=`basename $1` tombdir=`dirname $1` # make sure the file has a .tomb extension tombname=${tombfile%%\.*} tombfile=${tombname}.tomb ${TOMBEXEC} dig ${=PARAM} ${TOMBEXEC} forge ${tombdir}/${tombfile}.key { test $? = 0 } || { die "Failed to forge key, operation aborted." } ${TOMBEXEC} lock ${tombdir}/${tombfile} -k ${tombdir}/${tombfile}.key { test $? = 0 } || { die "Failed to lock tomb with key, operation aborted." } yes "Tomb $tombname succesfully created" ls -l ${tombfile}* } # }}} - Creation # {{{ Open # $1 = tombfile $2(optional) = mountpoint mount_tomb() { _message "Commanded to open tomb $1" if ! option_is_set -f && ! option_is_set --ignore-swap; then check_swap; fi if ! [ ${1} ]; then _warning "no tomb name specified for creation" return 1 fi # set up variables to be used # the full path is made with $tombdir/$tombfile local tombkey local tombfile local tombdir local tombname tombfile=`basename ${1}` tombdir=`dirname ${1}` # check file type (if its a Luks fs) file ${tombdir}/${tombfile} | grep -i 'luks encrypted file' 2>&1 >/dev/null if [ $? != 0 ]; then _warning "$1 is not a valid tomb file, operation aborted" return 1 fi tombname=${tombfile%%\.*} xxx "tomb found: ${tombdir}/${tombfile}" # load_key called here tombkey=`load_key ${tombdir}/${tombfile}.key` { test $? = 0 } || { die "Aborting operations: error loading key $tombkey" } if [ "$2" = "" ]; then tombmount=/media/${tombfile} _message "mountpoint not specified, using default: $tombmount" else tombmount=$2 fi # check if its already open mount -l | grep "${tombfile}.*\[$tombname\]$" 2>&1 > /dev/null if [ $? = 0 ]; then _warning "$tombname is already open." _message "here below its status is reported:" list_tombs ${tombname} return 0 fi _success "Opening $tombfile on $tombmount" nstloop=`losetup -f` if [ $? = 255 ]; then die "too many tomb opened. Please close any of them to open another tomb" fi losetup -f ${tombdir}/${tombfile} cryptsetup isLuks ${nstloop} if [ $? != 0 ]; then # is it a LUKS encrypted nest? see cryptsetup(1) _warning "$tombfile is not a valid Luks encrypted storage file" losetup -d ${nstloop} return 1 fi say "this tomb is a valid LUKS encrypted device" luksdump="`cryptsetup luksDump ${nstloop}`" tombdump=(`print $luksdump | awk ' /^Cipher name/ {print $3} /^Cipher mode/ {print $3} /^Hash spec/ {print $3}'`) say "cipher is \"$tombdump[1]\" mode \"$tombdump[2]\" hash \"$tombdump[3]\"" slotwarn=`print $luksdump | awk ' BEGIN { zero=0 } /^Key slot 0/ { zero=1 } /^Key slot.*ENABLED/ { if(zero==1) print "WARN" }'` { test "$slotwarn" = "WARN" } && { _warning "Multiple key slots are enabled on this tomb. Beware: there can be a backdoor." } # save date of mount in minutes since 1970 mapdate=`date +%s` mapper="tomb.${tombname}.${mapdate}.`basename $nstloop`" keyname=`basename $tombkey | cut -d. -f1` tombpass=`ask_key_password $tombkey` { test $? = 0 } || { losetup -d ${nstloop} die "No valid password supplied" } get_lukskey "${tombpass}" ${tombkey} | \ cryptsetup --key-file - luksOpen ${nstloop} ${mapper} # key dropped here drop_key unset tombpass if ! [ -r /dev/mapper/${mapper} ]; then losetup -d ${nstloop} die "failure mounting the encrypted file" fi # array: [ cipher, keysize, loopdevice ] tombstat=(`cryptsetup status ${mapper} | awk ' /cipher:/ {print $2} /keysize:/ {print $2} /device:/ {print $2}'`) yes "Success unlocking tomb $tombname" xxx "key size is $tombstat[2] for cipher $tombstat[1]" _message "checking filesystem via $tombstat[3]" fsck -p -C0 /dev/mapper/${mapper} xxx "tomb engraved as $tombname" tune2fs -L ${tombname} /dev/mapper/${mapper} > /dev/null # we need root from here on mkdir -p $tombmount mount -o $MOUNTOPTS /dev/mapper/${mapper} ${tombmount} chown ${_uid}:${_gid} ${tombmount} chmod 0750 ${tombmount} _success "Success opening $tombfile on $fg_bold[white]$tombmount$fg_no_bold[white]" # print out when was opened the last time, by whom and where { test -r ${tombmount}/.last } && { tombtty="`cat ${tombmount}/.tty`" tombhost="`cat ${tombmount}/.host`" tombuid="`cat ${tombmount}/.uid`" tomblast="`cat ${tombmount}/.last`" tombuser=`awk -F: '/:'"$tombuid"':/ {print $1}' /etc/passwd` say "last visit by $fg_bold[white]$tombuser($tombuid)$fg_no_bold[white] from $fg_bold[white]$tombtty$fg_no_bold[white] on $fg_bold[white]$tombhost$fg_no_bold[white]" say "on date $fg_bold[white]`date --date @${tomblast} +%c`$fg_no_bold[white]" } # write down the UID and TTY that opened the tomb rm -f ${tombmount}/.uid echo ${_uid} > ${tombmount}/.uid rm -f ${tombmount}/.tty echo ${_tty} > ${tombmount}/.tty # also the hostname rm -f ${tombmount}/.host echo `hostname` > ${tombmount}/.host # and the "last time opened" information # in minutes since 1970, this is printed at next open rm -f ${tombmount}/.last echo "`date +%s`" > ${tombmount}/.last # human readable: date --date=@"`cat .last`" +%c # process bind-hooks (mount -o bind of directories) # and post-hooks (execute on open) if ! option_is_set -n ; then exec_safe_bind_hooks ${tombmount} exec_safe_post_hooks ${tombmount} open fi return 0 } # ## Hooks execution exec_safe_bind_hooks() { if [[ -n ${(k)opts[-o]} ]]; then MOUNTOPTS=${opts[-o]} fi local MOUNTPOINT="${1}" local ME=${SUDO_USER:-$(whoami)} local HOME=$(awk -v a="$ME" -F ':' '{if ($1 == a) print $6}' /etc/passwd 2>/dev/null) if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then _warning "how pitiful! A tomb, and no HOME" return 1 fi if [ -z "$MOUNTPOINT" -o ! -d "$MOUNTPOINT" ]; then _warning "cannot exec bind hooks without a mounted tomb." return 1 fi if ! [ -r "$MOUNTPOINT/bind-hooks" ]; then xxx "bind-hooks not found in $MOUNTPOINT" return 1 fi typeset -al mounted typeset -Al maps maps=($(<"$MOUNTPOINT/bind-hooks")) for dir in ${(k)maps}; do if [ "${dir[1]}" = "/" -o "${dir[1,2]}" = ".." ]; then _warning "bind-hooks map format: local/to/tomb local/to/\$HOME" continue fi if [ "${${maps[$dir]}[1]}" = "/" -o "${${maps[$dir]}[1,2]}" = ".." ]; then _warning "bind-hooks map format: local/to/tomb local/to/\$HOME. Rolling back" for dir in ${mounted}; do umount $dir; done return 1 fi if [ ! -r "$HOME/${maps[$dir]}" ]; then _warning "bind-hook target not existent, skipping $HOME/${maps[$dir]}" elif [ ! -r "$MOUNTPOINT/$dir" ]; then _warning "bind-hook source not found in tomb, skipping ${MOUNTPOINT}/${dir}" else mount -o bind,$MOUNTOPTS $MOUNTPOINT/$dir $HOME/${maps[$dir]} mounted+=("$HOME/${maps[$dir]}") fi done } # Post mount hooks exec_safe_post_hooks() { local mnt=$1 # first argument is where the tomb is mounted local ME=${SUDO_USER:-$(whoami)} if ! [ -x ${mnt}/post-hooks ]; then return; fi # if 'post-hooks' is found inside the tomb, check it: if it is an # executable, launch it as a user this might need a dialog for # security on what is being run, however we expect you know well # what is inside your tomb. this feature opens the possibility to # make encrypted executables. cat ${mnt}/post-hooks | head -n1 | grep '^#!/' if [ $? = 0 ]; then _success "post hooks found, executing as user $SUDO_USER" exec_as_user ${mnt}/post-hooks $2 fi } # }}} - Tomb open # {{{ List # list all tombs mounted in a readable format # $1 is optional, to specify a tomb list_tombs() { # list all open tombs mounted_tombs=(`list_tomb_mounts $1`) { test ${#mounted_tombs} = 0 } && { die "I can't see any ${1:-open} tomb, may they all rest in peace." } for t in ${mounted_tombs}; do mapper=`basename ${t[(ws:;:)1]}` tombname=${t[(ws:;:)5]} tombmount=${t[(ws:;:)2]} tombfs=${t[(ws:;:)3]} tombfsopts=${t[(ws:;:)4]} tombloop=${mapper[(ws:.:)4]} # calculate tomb size ts=`df -hP /dev/mapper/$mapper | awk "/mapper/"' { print $2 ";" $3 ";" $4 ";" $5 }'` tombtot=${ts[(ws:;:)1]} tombused=${ts[(ws:;:)2]} tombavail=${ts[(ws:;:)3]} tombpercent=${ts[(ws:;:)4]} tombp=${tombpercent%%%} tombsince=`date --date=@${mapper[(ws:.:)3]} +%c` # find out who opens it from where { test -r ${tombmount}/.tty } && { tombtty="`cat ${tombmount}/.tty`" tombhost="`cat ${tombmount}/.host`" tombuid="`cat ${tombmount}/.uid`" tombuser=`awk -F: '/:'"$tombuid"':/ {print $1}' /etc/passwd` } if option_is_set --get-mountpoint; then echo $tombmount continue fi # breaking up such strings is good for translation print -n "$fg[green]$tombname" print -n "$fg[white] open on " print -n "$fg_bold[white]$tombmount" print -n "$fg_no_bold[white] using " print "$fg_bold[white]$tombfs $tombfsopts" print -n "$fg_no_bold[green]$tombname" print -n "$fg_no_bold[white] open since " print "$fg_bold[white]$tombsince$fg_no_bold[white]" { test "$tombtty" = "" } || { print -n "$fg_no_bold[green]$tombname" print -n "$fg_no_bold[white] open by " print -n "$fg_bold[white]$tombuser" print -n "$fg_no_bold[white] from " print -n "$fg_bold[white]$tombtty" print -n "$fg_no_bold[white] on " print "$fg_bold[white]$tombhost" } print -n "$fg_no_bold[green]$tombname" print -n "$fg[white] size " print -n "$fg_bold[white]$tombtot" print -n "$fg_no_bold[white] of which " print -n "$fg_bold[white]$tombused" print -n "$fg_no_bold[white] used: " print -n "$fg_bold[white]$tombavail" print -n "$fg_no_bold[white] free (" print -n "$fg_bold[white]$tombpercent" print "$fg_no_bold[white] full)" if [[ ${tombp} -ge 90 ]]; then print -n "$fg_no_bold[green]$tombname" print "$fg_bold[red] Your tomb is almost full!" fi # now check hooks mounted_hooks=(`list_tomb_binds $tombname`) for h in ${mounted_hooks}; do print -n "$fg_no_bold[green]$tombname" print -n "$fg_no_bold[white] hooks " # print -n "$fg_bold[white]`basename ${h[(ws:;:)1]}`" # print -n "$fg_no_bold[white] on " print "$fg_bold[white]${h[(ws:;:)2]}$fg_no_bold[white]" done done } # print out an array of mounted tombs (internal use) # format is semi-colon separated list of attributes # if 1st arg is supplied, then list only that tomb # # String positions in the semicolon separated array: # # 1. full mapper path # # 2. mountpoint # # 3. filesystem type # # 4. mount options # # 5. tomb name list_tomb_mounts() { if [ "$1" = "" ]; then # list all open tombs mount -l \ | awk ' BEGIN { main="" } /^\/dev\/mapper\/tomb/ { if(main==$1) next; print $1 ";" $3 ";" $5 ";" $6 ";" $7 main=$1 } ' else # list a specific tomb mount -l \ | awk -vtomb="[$1]" ' BEGIN { main="" } /^\/dev\/mapper\/tomb/ { if($7!=tomb) next; if(main==$1) next; print $1 ";" $3 ";" $5 ";" $6 ";" $7 main=$1 } ' fi } # list_tomb_binds # print out an array of mounted bind hooks (internal use) # format is semi-colon separated list of attributes # needs an argument: name of tomb whose hooks belong list_tomb_binds() { if [ "$1" = "" ]; then _failure "internal error: list_tomb_binds called without argument."; fi # list bind hooks on util-linux 2.20 (Debian 7) mount -l \ | awk -vtomb="$1" ' BEGIN { main="" } /^\/dev\/mapper\/tomb/ { if($7!=tomb) next; if(main=="") { main=$1; next; } if(main==$1) print $1 ";" $3 ";" $5 ";" $6 ";" $7 } ' # list bind hooks on util-linux 2.17 (Debian 6) tombmount=`mount -l \ | awk -vtomb="$1" ' /^\/dev\/mapper\/tomb/ { if($7!=tomb) next; print $3; exit; }'` mount -l | grep "^$tombmount" \ | awk -vtomb="$1" ' /bind/ { print $1 ";" $3 ";" $5 ";" $6 ";" $7 }' } # }}} - Tomb list # {{{ Index and search # index files in all tombs for search # $1 is optional, to specify a tomb index_tombs() { { command -v updatedb > /dev/null } || { die "Cannot index tombs on this system: updatedb (mlocate) not installed" } updatedbver=`updatedb --version | grep '^updatedb'` [[ "$updatedbver" =~ "GNU findutils" ]] && { _warning "Cannot use GNU findutils for index/search commands" } [[ "$updatedbver" =~ "mlocate" ]] || { die "Index command needs 'mlocate' to be installed." } xxx "$updatedbver" mounted_tombs=(`list_tomb_mounts $1`) { test ${#mounted_tombs} = 0 } && { if [ $1 ]; then die "There seems to be no open tomb engraved as [$1]" else die "I can't see any open tomb, may they all rest in peace." fi } yes "Creating and updating search indexes" # start the LibreOffice document converter if installed { command -v unoconv >/dev/null } && { unoconv -l 2>/dev/null & xxx "unoconv listener launched" sleep 1 } for t in ${mounted_tombs}; do mapper=`basename ${t[(ws:;:)1]}` tombname=${t[(ws:;:)5]} tombmount=${t[(ws:;:)2]} { test -r ${tombmount}/.noindex } && { say "skipping $tombname (.noindex found)" continue } say "indexing $tombname filenames..." updatedb -l 0 -o ${tombmount}/.updatedb -U ${tombmount} # here we use swish to index file contents { test $SWISH = 1 } && { say "indexing $tombname contents..." swishrc=`safe_filename swish` cat < $swishrc # index directives DefaultContents TXT* IndexDir $tombmount IndexFile $tombmount/.swish # exclude images FileRules filename regex /\.jp.?g/i FileRules filename regex /\.png/i FileRules filename regex /\.gif/i FileRules filename regex /\.tiff/i FileRules filename regex /\.svg/i FileRules filename regex /\.xcf/i FileRules filename regex /\.eps/i FileRules filename regex /\.ttf/i # exclude audio FileRules filename regex /\.mp3/i FileRules filename regex /\.ogg/i FileRules filename regex /\.wav/i FileRules filename regex /\.mod/i FileRules filename regex /\.xm/i # exclude video FileRules filename regex /\.mp4/i FileRules filename regex /\.avi/i FileRules filename regex /\.ogv/i FileRules filename regex /\.ogm/i FileRules filename regex /\.mkv/i FileRules filename regex /\.mov/i # exclude system FileRules filename is ok FileRules filename is lock FileRules filename is control FileRules filename is status FileRules filename is proc FileRules filename is sys FileRules filename is supervise FileRules filename regex /\.asc$/i FileRules filename regex /\.gpg$/i # pdf and postscript FileFilter .pdf pdftotext "'%p' -" FileFilter .ps ps2txt "'%p' -" # compressed files FileFilterMatch lesspipe "%p" /\.tgz$/i FileFilterMatch lesspipe "%p" /\.zip$/i FileFilterMatch lesspipe "%p" /\.gz$/i FileFilterMatch lesspipe "%p" /\.bz2$/i FileFilterMatch lesspipe "%p" /\.Z$/ # spreadsheets FileFilterMatch unoconv "-d spreadsheet -f csv --stdout %P" /\.xls.*/i FileFilterMatch unoconv "-d spreadsheet -f csv --stdout %P" /\.xlt.*/i FileFilter .ods unoconv "-d spreadsheet -f csv --stdout %P" FileFilter .ots unoconv "-d spreadsheet -f csv --stdout %P" FileFilter .dbf unoconv "-d spreadsheet -f csv --stdout %P" FileFilter .dif unoconv "-d spreadsheet -f csv --stdout %P" FileFilter .uos unoconv "-d spreadsheet -f csv --stdout %P" FileFilter .sxc unoconv "-d spreadsheet -f csv --stdout %P" # word documents FileFilterMatch unoconv "-d document -f txt --stdout %P" /\.doc.*/i FileFilterMatch unoconv "-d document -f txt --stdout %P" /\.odt.*/i FileFilterMatch unoconv "-d document -f txt --stdout %P" /\.rtf.*/i FileFilterMatch unoconv "-d document -f txt --stdout %P" /\.tex$/i # native html support IndexContents HTML* .htm .html .shtml IndexContents XML* .xml EOF xxx "Using swish-e to create index" swish-e -c $swishrc -S fs -v3 rm -f $swishrc } say "search index updated" done } search_tombs() { { command -v locate > /dev/null } || { die "Cannot index tombs on this system: updatedb (mlocate) not installed" } updatedbver=`updatedb --version | grep '^updatedb'` [[ "$updatedbver" =~ "GNU findutils" ]] && { _warning "Cannot use GNU findutils for index/search commands" } [[ "$updatedbver" =~ "mlocate" ]] || { die "Index command needs 'mlocate' to be installed." } xxx "$updatedbver" # list all open tombs mounted_tombs=(`list_tomb_mounts`) if [ ${#mounted_tombs} = 0 ]; then die "I can't see any open tomb, may they all rest in peace."; fi yes "Searching for: $fg_bold[white]${(f)@}$fg_no_bold[white]" for t in ${mounted_tombs}; do xxx "checking for index: ${t}" mapper=`basename ${t[(ws:;:)1]}` tombname=${t[(ws:;:)5]} tombmount=${t[(ws:;:)2]} if [ -r ${tombmount}/.updatedb ]; then # use mlocate to search hits on filenames say "Searching filenames in tomb $tombname" locate -d ${tombmount}/.updatedb -e -i "${(f)@}" say "Matches found: `locate -d ${tombmount}/.updatedb -e -i -c ${(f)@}`" # use swish-e to search over contents { test $SWISH = 1 } && { test -r $tombmount/.swish } && { say "Searching contents in tomb $tombname" swish-search -w ${=@} -f $tombmount/.swish -H0 } else no "skipping tomb $tombname: not indexed" no "run 'tomb index' to create indexes" fi done say "Search completed." } # }}} - Index and search # {{{ Resize # resize tomb file size resize_tomb() { _message "Commanded to resize tomb $1 to $opts[-s] megabytes" if ! [ $1 ]; then _failure "No tomb name specified for resizing" elif ! [ -r "$1" ]; then _failure "Cannot find $1" fi # $1 is the tomb file path local c tombpass tombkey tombdir=`dirname $1` tombfile=`basename $1` tombname=${tombfile%%\.*} # load key from options or file tombkey=`load_key ${tombdir}/${tombfile}` { test $? = 0 } || { die "Aborting operations: error loading key $tombkey" } # make sure to call drop_key later local tmp_resize=`safe_filename resize` local newtombsize=$opts[-s] local oldtombsize=$(( `stat -c %s "$1" 2>/dev/null` / 1048576 )) local mounted_tomb=`mount -l | awk -vtomb="[$tombname]" '/^\/dev\/mapper\/tomb/ { if($7==tomb) print $1 }'` if [ "$mounted_tomb" ]; then _failure "the tomb $tombname is open, to resize it it needs to be close." fi if ! [ "$newtombsize" ] ; then _failure "You must specify the new size of $tombname" elif [[ $newtombsize != <-> ]]; then _failure "Size is not an integer" elif [ "$newtombsize" -le "$oldtombsize" ]; then _failure "the new size must be greater then old tomb size." fi delta="$(( $newtombsize - $oldtombsize ))" act "Generating ${tombfile} of ${newtombsize}MiB" xxx "Data dump using ${DD[1]} from /dev/urandom" ${=DD} if=/dev/urandom bs=1048576 count=${delta} of="${tmp_resize}" if [ $? = 0 -a -e "${tmp_resize}" ]; then xxx "OK: `ls -lh ${tmp_resize}`" else _failure "Error creating the extra resize $tmp_resize, operation aborted." fi cat "${tmp_resize}" >> ${tombdir}/${tombfile} rm "${tmp_resize}" tombpass=`ask_key_password $tombkey` { test $? = 0 } || { die "No valid password supplied" } local nstloop=`losetup -f` if [ $? = 255 ]; then _failure "too many tomb opened. Please close any of them to open another tomb" fi losetup -f ${tombdir}/${tombfile} local mapdate=`date +%s` local mapper="tomb.${tombname}.${mapdate}.`basename $nstloop`" get_lukskey "${tombpass}" ${tombkey} | \ cryptsetup --key-file - luksOpen ${nstloop} ${mapper} unset tombpass drop_key # cleanup after load_key if ! [ -r /dev/mapper/${mapper} ]; then losetup -d ${nstloop} _failure "failure mounting the encrypted file" fi cryptsetup resize "${mapper}" if [ $? != 0 ]; then losetup -d ${nstloop} _failure "cryptsetup failed to resize $mapper" fi e2fsck -f /dev/mapper/${mapper} if [ $? != 0 ]; then losetup -d ${nstloop} _failure "e2fsck failed to check $mapper" fi resize2fs /dev/mapper/${mapper} if [ $? != 0 ]; then losetup -d ${nstloop} _failure "resize2fs failed to resize $mapper" fi sleep 1 # needs to settle a bit # close and free the loop device cryptsetup luksClose "${mapper}" losetup -d ${nstloop} return 0 } # }}} # {{{ Close umount_tomb() { local tombs how_many_tombs local pathmap mapper tombname tombmount loopdev local ans pidk pname if [ "$1" = "all" ]; then mounted_tombs=(`list_tomb_mounts`) else mounted_tombs=(`list_tomb_mounts $1`) fi { test ${#mounted_tombs} = 0 } && { _warning "There is no open tomb to be closed" return 1 } { test ${#mounted_tombs} -gt 1 } && { test "$1" = "" } && { _warning "Too many tombs mounted, please specify one (see tomb list)" _warning "or issue the command 'tomb close all' to close them all." return 1 } say "Tomb close $1" for t in ${mounted_tombs}; do mapper=`basename ${t[(ws:;:)1]}` tombname=${t[(ws:;:)5]} tombmount=${t[(ws:;:)2]} tombfs=${t[(ws:;:)3]} tombfsopts=${t[(ws:;:)4]} tombloop=${mapper[(ws:.:)4]} xxx "name: $tombname" xxx "mount: $tombmount" xxx "mapper: $mapper" { test -e "$mapper" } && { _warning "Tomb not found: $1" _warning "Please specify an existing tomb." return 0 } if [ $SLAM ]; then _success "Slamming tomb $tombname mounted on $tombmount" _message "Kill all processes busy inside the tomb" if ! slam_tomb "$tombmount"; then _warning "Cannot slam the tomb $tombname" return 1 fi else say "Closing tomb $tombname mounted on $tombmount" fi # check if there are binded dirs and close them bind_tombs=(`list_tomb_binds $tombname`) for b in ${bind_tombs}; do bind_mapper="${b[(ws:;:)1]}" bind_mount="${b[(ws:;:)2]}" _message "closing tomb bind hook: $bind_mount" umount $bind_mount if [[ $? != 0 ]]; then if [ $SLAM ]; then _success "Slamming tomb: killing all processes using this hook" slam_tomb "$bind_mount" if [[ $? == 1 ]]; then _warning "Cannot slam the bind hook $bind_mount" return 1 fi umount $bind_mount else _warning "Tomb bind hook $bind_mount is busy, cannot close tomb." fi fi done # Execute post-hooks for eventual cleanup if ! option_is_set -n ; then exec_safe_post_hooks ${tombmount%%/} close fi xxx "performing umount of $tombmount" umount ${tombmount} if ! [ $? = 0 ]; then _warning "Tomb is busy, cannot umount!" else # this means we used a "default" mount point { test "${tombmount}" = "/media/${tombname}.tomb" } && { rmdir ${tombmount} } fi cryptsetup luksClose $mapper { test $? = 0 } || { _warning "error occurred in cryptsetup luksClose ${mapper}" return 1 } losetup -d "/dev/$tombloop" _success "Tomb $tombname closed: your bones will rest in peace." done # loop across mounted tombs return 0 } # Kill all processes using the tomb slam_tomb() { # $1 = tomb mount point if [[ -z `fuser -m "$1" 2> /dev/null` ]]; then return 0 fi #Note: shells are NOT killed by INT or TERM, but they are killed by HUP for s in TERM HUP KILL; do xxx "Sending $s to processes inside the tomb:" if option_is_set -D; then ps -fp `fuser -m /media/a.tomb 2> /dev/null`| while read line; do xxx $line done fi fuser -s -m "$1" -k -M -$s if [[ -z `fuser -m "$1" 2> /dev/null` ]]; then return 0 fi if ! option_is_set -f; then sleep 3 fi done return 1 } # }}} - Tomb close # {{{ Main routine main() { local -A subcommands_opts ### Options configuration # Hi, dear developer! Are you trying to add a new subcommand, or # to add some options? Well, keep in mind that an option CAN'T # have differente meanings/behaviour in different subcommands. # For example, "-s" means "size" and accept an argument. If you are tempted to add # an option "-s" (that means, for example "silent", and doesn't accept an argument) # DON'T DO IT! # There are two reasons for that: # I. usability; user expect that "-s" is "size" # II. Option parsing WILL EXPLODE if you do this kind of bad things # (it will say "option defined more than once, and he's right") # # If you want to use the same option in multiple commands then # you can only use the non-abbreviated long-option version like: # -force and NOT -f main_opts=(q -quiet=q D -debug=D h -help=h v -version=v U: -uid=U G: -gid=G T: -tty=T -no-color -unsecure-dev-mode) subcommands_opts[__default]="" subcommands_opts[open]="f -force n -nohook=n k: -key=k o: -ignore-swap -sudo-pwd: -tomb-pwd: " subcommands_opts[mount]=${subcommands_opts[open]} subcommands_opts[create]="" # deprecated, will issue warning subcommands_opts[forge]="f -force -ignore-swap k: -key=k -kdf: o: -tomb-pwd: -use-urandom " subcommands_opts[dig]="f -force -ignore-swap s: -size=s " subcommands_opts[lock]="f -force -ignore-swap k: -key=k o: -sudo-pwd: -tomb-pwd: " subcommands_opts[setkey]="f -force -ignore-swap k: -key=k -sudo-pwd: -tomb-pwd: " subcommands_opts[engrave]="k: -key=k " subcommands_opts[passwd]="f -ignore-swap -kdf: -tomb-old-pwd: -tomb-pwd: " subcommands_opts[close]="-sudo-pwd: " subcommands_opts[help]="" subcommands_opts[slam]="" subcommands_opts[list]="-get-mountpoint " subcommands_opts[index]="" subcommands_opts[search]="" subcommands_opts[help]="" subcommands_opts[bury]="f -force k: -key=k -tomb-pwd: " subcommands_opts[exhume]="f -force k: -key=k -tomb-pwd: " # subcommands_opts[decompose]="" # subcommands_opts[recompose]="" # subcommands_opts[install]="" subcommands_opts[askpass]="" subcommands_opts[mktemp]="" subcommands_opts[source]="" subcommands_opts[resize]="f -force -ignore-swap s: -size=s k: -key=k -tomb-pwd: " subcommands_opts[check]="-ignore-swap " # subcommands_opts[translate]="" ### Detect subcommand local -aU every_opts #every_opts behave like a set; that is, an array with unique elements for optspec in $subcommands_opts$main_opts; do for opt in ${=optspec}; do every_opts+=${opt} done done local -a oldstar oldstar=($argv) #### detect early: useful for --optiion-parsing zparseopts -M -D -Adiscardme ${every_opts} if [[ -n ${(k)discardme[--option-parsing]} ]]; then echo $1 if [[ -n "$1" ]]; then return 1 fi return 0 fi unset discardme if ! zparseopts -M -E -D -Adiscardme ${every_opts}; then die "error parsing" return 127 fi unset discardme subcommand=$1 if [[ -z $subcommand ]]; then subcommand="__default" fi if [[ -z ${(k)subcommands_opts[$subcommand]} ]]; then _warning "There's no such command \"$subcommand\"." _failure "Please try -h for help" 127 # die "Subcommand '$subcommand' doesn't exist" 127 fi argv=(${oldstar}) unset oldstar ### Parsing global + command-specific options # zsh magic: ${=string} will split to multiple arguments when spaces occur set -A cmd_opts ${main_opts} ${=subcommands_opts[$subcommand]} # if there is no option, we don't need parsing if [[ -n $cmd_opts ]]; then zparseopts -M -E -D -Aopts ${cmd_opts} if [[ $? != 0 ]]; then _warning "Some error occurred during option processing." die "See \"tomb help\" for more info" 127 fi fi #build PARAM (array of arguments) and check if there are unrecognized options ok=0 PARAM=() for arg in $*; do if [[ $arg == '--' || $arg == '-' ]]; then ok=1 continue #it shouldnt be appended to PARAM elif [[ $arg[1] == '-' ]]; then if [[ $ok == 0 ]]; then die "unrecognized option $arg for subcommand $subcommand" 127 fi fi PARAM+=$arg done #first parameter actually is the subcommand: delete it and shift if [[ $subcommand != '__default' ]]; then PARAM[1]=() shift fi ### End parsing command-specific options if ! option_is_set --no-color; then autoload colors; colors fi if ! option_is_set --unsecure-dev-mode; then for opt in --sudo-pwd --tomb-pwd --use-urandom --tomb-old-pwd; do if option_is_set $opt; then die "You specified option $opt, which is DANGEROUS and should only be used for testing\nIf you really want so, add --unsecure-dev-mode" 127 fi done fi # when we run as root, we remember the original uid:gid # to set permissions for the calling user and drop privileges if option_is_set -U; then _uid="`option_value -U`"; fi if option_is_set -G; then _gid="`option_value -G`"; fi if option_is_set -T; then _tty="`option_value -T`"; fi xxx "Tomb command: $subcommand ${PARAM}" xxx "caller uid[$_uid] gid[$_gid] tty[$_tty]" case "$subcommand" in # new creation in three steps forge) check_priv forge_key ${=PARAM} ;; dig) dig_tomb ${=PARAM} ;; lock) check_priv lock_tomb_with_key ${=PARAM} ;; setkey) check_priv change_tomb_key ${=PARAM} ;; engrave) { test "$QRENCODE" = 0 } && { die "QREncode not installed: cannot engrave keys on paper." } engrave_key ${=PARAM} ;; # backward compat create) _warning "The create command is deprecated, please use dig, forge and lock instead." _warning "For more informations see Tomb's manual page (man tomb)." ;; mount|open) check_priv mount_tomb $PARAM[1] $PARAM[2] ;; umount|close|slam) check_priv [ "$subcommand" = "slam" ] && SLAM=1 umount_tomb $PARAM[1] ;; passwd) change_passwd $PARAM[1] ;; list) list_tombs $PARAM[1] ;; index) index_tombs $PARAM[1] ;; search) search_tombs ${=PARAM} ;; help) usage ;; bury) { test "$STEGHIDE" = 0 } && { die "Steghide not installed: cannot bury keys into images." } bury_key $PARAM[1] ;; exhume) { test "$STEGHIDE" = 0 } && { die "Steghide not installed: cannot exhume keys from images." } exhume_key $PARAM[1] ;; resize) { test "$RESIZER" = 0 } && { die "Resize2fs not installed: cannot resize tombs." } check_priv resize_tomb $PARAM[1] ;; # internal commands useful to developers 'source') return 0 ;; install) check_priv ; install_tomb ;; askpass) ask_password $PARAM[1] $PARAM[2] ;; mktemp) safe_dir $PARAM[1] ;; translate) generate_translatable_strings ;; __default) cat < EOF option_is_set -v && { cat <