#!/bin/zsh # # Tomb, the Crypto Undertaker # # a tool to easily operate file encryption of private and secret data # # Copyleft (C) 2007-2011 Denis Roio # # This source code is free software; you can redistribute it and/or # modify it under the terms of the GNU Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # This source code is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. # Please refer to the GNU Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU Public License along with # this source code; if not, write to: # Free Software Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA. VERSION=0.9.1 DATE=Feb/2011 # PATH=/usr/bin:/usr/sbin:/bin:/sbin # standard output message routines # it's always useful to wrap them, in case we change behaviour later notice() { echo "[*] $1"; } act() { echo " . $1"; } error() { echo "[!] $1"; } func() { if [ $DEBUG ]; then echo "[D] $1"; fi } # which dd command to use which dcfldd > /dev/null if [ $? = 0 ]; then DD="dcfldd" else DD=dd fi # which wipe command to use which wipe > /dev/null if [ $? = 0 ]; then WIPE=(wipe -f -s -q) else WIPE=(rm -f) fi # usb auto detect using dmesg # tested on ubuntu 10.04 - please test and patch on other systems if you can # TODO: use udev rules, see how archlinux folks document it - arch rox 8) # https://wiki.archlinux.org/index.php/System_Encryption_with_LUKS_for_dm-crypt # here we could modularize the choice of methods using function pointers, # so that they are configurable when calling tomb. ask_usbkey() { notice "Waiting 1 minute for a usb key to connect" echo -n " . please insert your usb key " exec_as_user notify-send -i monmort \ -u normal -h string:App:Tomb \ -h double:Version:${VERSION} \ -t 60 \ "Insert your USB KEY" \ "Tomb is waiting 1 minute for you to insert an external key." plugged=false c=0 while [ "$plugged" != "true" ]; do dmesg | tail -n 12 | grep -q 'new.*USB device' if [ $? = 0 ]; then plugged=true; fi echo -n "." sleep 1 c=`expr $c + 1` if [ $c -gt 60 ]; then echo error "timeout." export usbkey_mount=none return 1; fi done echo echo -n " . usb key inserted, opening " c=0 attached=false while [ "$attached" != "true" ]; do dmesg | tail -n 3| grep -q 'Attached.*removable disk' if [ $? = 0 ]; then attached=true; fi echo -n "." sleep 1 c=`expr $c + 1` if [ $c -gt 15 ]; then echo error "timeout." export usbkey_mount=none return 1; fi done # get the first partition usbpart=`dmesg |tail -n 8 | grep ' sd.:' |cut -d: -f2 |tr -d ' '` # wait that is mounted c=0 mounted=false while [ "$mounted" != "true" ]; do cat /proc/mounts | tail -n 2 | grep -q $usbpart if [ $? = 0 ]; then mounted=true; fi echo -n "." sleep .5 c=`expr $c + 1` if [ $c -gt 30 ]; then echo error "timeout." export usbkey_mount=none return 1; fi done # check where it is mounted usbmount=`cat /proc/mounts | awk -v p=$usbpart '{ if( $1 == "/dev/" p) print $2 }'` echo act "usb key mounted on $usbmount" export usbkey_mount=$usbmount return 0 } # user interface (just to ask the password) ask_password() { exec_as_user xhost # 2&>1 >/dev/null if [ $? = 0 ]; then # we have access to the X display exec_as_user which tomb-askpass # 2&>1 > /dev/null if [ $? = 0 ]; then export scolopendro="`exec_as_user tomb-askpass ${1} 2>/dev/null`" return fi exec_as_user which ssh-askpass # 2&>1 > /dev/null if [ $? = 0 ]; then export scolopendro="`exec_as_user ssh-askpass "Tomb: provide the password to unlock"`" return fi else # we'll collect the password from commandline act "Tomb: provide the password to unlock" echo -n " > " read -s scolopendro export scolopendro fi # just in case we'd like to have dialog supported too: # dialog --backtitle "This file is encrypted for privacy protection" \ # --title "Security check" --insecure \ # --passwordbox "Enter password:" 10 30 2> /var/run/.scolopendro } # popup notification tomb-notify() { # look for our icon in common prefixes if [ -r /usr/share/pixmaps/monmort.xpm ]; then icon=/usr/share/pixmaps/monmort.xpm elif [ -r /usr/share/icons/monmort.xpm ]; then icon=/usr/share/icons/monmort.xpm elif [ -r /usr/local/share/pixmaps/monmort.xpm ]; then icon=/usr/local/share/pixmaps/monmort.xpm elif [ -r /usr/local/share/icons/monmort.xpm ]; then icon=/usr/local/share/icons/monmort.xpm elif [ -r /opt/share/pixmaps/monmort.xpm ]; then icon=/opt/share/pixmaps/monmort.xpm elif [ -r /sw/share/pixmaps/monmort.xpm ]; then icon=/sw/share/pixmaps/monmort.xpm fi if [ -z $1 ]; then exec_as_user notify-send -i $icon \ -u low -h string:App:Tomb \ -h double:Version:${VERSION} \ "Tomb version $VERSION" \ "Hi, I'm the Undertaker. Let's start setting your Crypt?" else exec_as_user notify-send -i $icon ${@} fi } # drop privileges exec_as_user() { if ! [ $SUDO_USER ]; then exec $@[@] return $? fi func "executing as user '$SUDO_USER': ${(f)@}" which gksu > /dev/null if [ $? = 0 ]; then func "Using gksu for execution of '${(f)@}' as user $SUDO_USER" gksu -u $SUDO_USER "${@[@]}" return $? fi which sudo > /dev/null if [ $? = 0 ]; then func "Using sudo for execution of '${(f)@}' as user $SUDO_USER" sudo -u $SUDO_USER "${@[@]}" return $? fi } # escalate privileges check_priv() { id | grep root > /dev/null if [ $? != 0 ]; then which gksu > /dev/null if [ $? = 0 ]; then func "Using gksu for root execution of 'tomb ${(f)ARGS}'" gksu "tomb ${ARGS[@]}" exit $? fi which sudo > /dev/null if [ $? = 0 ]; then func "Using sudo for root execution of 'tomb ${(f)ARGS}'" sudo "tomb ${ARGS[@]}" exit $? fi exit 1 fi } ############################ ### main() ### notice "Tomb - simple commandline tool for encrypted storage" act "version $VERSION ($DATE) by Jaromil @ dyne.org" func "invoked with args \"${(f)@}\" " func "running on `date`" ARGS=$@[@] OPTS=`getopt -o hvDs:k: -n 'tomb' -- "$@"` while true; do case "$1" in -h) act "" notice "Syntax: tomb [options] command [file] [mountpoint]" act "" notice "Options:" act "-h print this help" act "-v print out the version information for this tool" act "-D print out debugging information at runtime" act "-s size of the storage file when creating one (MB)" act "-k path to the key to use for decryption" act "-S acquire super user rights if possible" act "" notice "Commands:" act "create create a new encrypted storage FILE and keys" act "open open an existing tomb FILE on MOUNTPOINT" act "close closes the tomb on MOUNTPOINT" echo; exit 2 ;; -v) # print out the GPL license in this file act "" cat $0 | awk ' BEGIN { license=0 } /^# This source/ { license=1 } { if(license==1) print " " $0 } /MA 02139, USA.$/ { license=0 } ' act "" exit 0 ;; -D) DEBUG=1; shift 1 ;; -s) SIZE=$2; shift 2 ;; -k) KEY=$2; shift 2 ;; --) shift; break ;; *) CMD=$1; FILE=$2; MOUNT=$3; # compat with old args CMD2=${2}; CMD3=${3}; break ;; esac done if [ -z $CMD ]; then error "first argument missing, use -h for help" tomb-notify exit 0 fi func "command: $CMD for file $FILE" tombdir=${HOME}/.tomb tombtab=${tombdir}/fstab if ! [ -r ${tombtab} ]; then act "creating tomb filesystem tab in your home" mkdir -m 0700 -p ${HOME}/.tomb echo "# entombed filesystem information, see man tomb (TODO)" > ${tombtab} echo "# format here is similar to the system wide fstab" >> ${tombtab} echo "# " >> ${tombtab} fi create_tomb() { # make sure the file has a .tomb extension FILE="${FILE%\.*}.tomb" if [ -e "$FILE" ]; then error "$FILE exists already. I'm not digging here." exit 1 fi notice "Creating a new tomb" if [ -z $SIZE ]; then if [ $MOUNT ]; then SIZE=$MOUNT else act "No size specified, summoning the Tomb Undertaker to guide us in the creation." tomb-open & disown exit 0 fi fi SIZE_4k=`expr $SIZE \* 1000 / 4` act "Generating ${FILE} of ${SIZE}Mb (${SIZE_4k} blocks of 4Kb)" $DD if=/dev/urandom bs=4k count=${SIZE_4k} of=${FILE} if [ $? = 0 -a -e ${FILE} ]; then act "OK: `ls -lh ${FILE}`" else error "Error creating the tomb ${FILE}, operation aborted." exit 1 fi modprobe dm-crypt modprobe aes-i586 nstloop=`losetup -f` # get the number for next loopback device losetup -f ${FILE} # allocates the next loopback for our file # create the keyfile in tmpfs so that we leave less traces in RAM keytmp=`tempfile -p tomb` rm -f $keytmp mkdir -p $keytmp mount tmpfs ${keytmp} -t tmpfs -o size=1m if [ $? != 0 ]; then error "cannot mount tmpfs filesystem in volatile memory" error "operation aborted." losetup -d $nstloop rm -r $keytmp exit 1 fi act "Generating secret key..." act "this operation takes time, keep using this computer on other tasks," act "once done you will be asked to choose a password for your tomb." touch ${keytmp}/tomb.tmp chmod 0600 ${keytmp}/tomb.tmp $DD bs=1 count=256 if=/dev/urandom of=${keytmp}/tomb.tmp if ! [ -r ${keytmp}/tomb.tmp ]; then error "cannot generate encryption key, operation aborted." umount ${keytmp} losetup -d $nstloop rm -r $keytmp exit 1 fi notice "Setup your secret key file ${FILE}.gpg" tomb-notify "The Tomb key is being forged:" "please set your password." # here user is prompted for key password for c in 1 2 3; do # 3 tries to write two times a matching password ask_password ${FILE} scolotemp=$scolopendro ask_password "${FILE} (again)" if [ "$scolotemp" = "$scolopendro" ]; then break; fi unset $scolotemp unset $scolopendro done if [ -z $scolopendro ]; then error "passwords don't match, aborting operation" umount ${keytmp} losetup -d $nstloop rm -r $keytmp exit 1 fi echo "${scolopendro}" | gpg --batch --no-options --no-tty --passphrase-fd 0 \ -o "${FILE}.gpg" -c -a ${keytmp}/tomb.tmp if [ $? = 2 ]; then error "setting password failed: gnupg returns 2" umount ${keytmp} losetup -d $nstloop rm -r $keytmp exit 1 fi act "formatting Luks mapped device" # we use aes-cbc-essiv with sha256 # for security, performance and compatibility cryptsetup --batch-mode \ --cipher aes-cbc-essiv:sha256 --key-size 256 \ luksFormat ${nstloop} ${keytmp}/tomb.tmp if ! [ $? = 0 ]; then act "operation aborted." exit 0 fi cryptsetup --key-file ${keytmp}/tomb.tmp --cipher aes luksOpen ${nstloop} tomb.tmp ${WIPE[@]} ${keytmp}/tomb.tmp umount ${keytmp} rm -r ${keytmp} notice "Your tomb is ready on ${FILE} and secured with key ${FILE}.gpg" act "Would you like to save the key on an external usb device?" act "This is recommended for safety:" act "always keep the key in a different place than the door!" act "If you answer yes, you'll need a USB KEY now: (y/n)" tomb-notify "Tomb has forged a key." "Would you like to save it on USB?" echo -n " > " read -q if [ $? = 0 ]; then ask_usbkey if ! [ -e ${usbkey_mount} ]; then error "cannot save the key in a separate place, move it yourself later." else mkdir -m 0700 -p ${usbkey_mount}/.tomb cp -v ${FILE}.gpg ${usbkey_mount}/.tomb/ chmod -R go-rwx ${usbkey_mount}/.tomb ${WIPE[@]} ${FILE}.gpg fi fi # cryptsetup luksDump ${nstloop} act "formatting your Tomb with Ext4 filesystem" mkfs.ext4 -q -F -j -L "${FILE%\.*}-`hostname`" /dev/mapper/tomb.tmp if [ $? = 0 ]; then act "OK, encrypted storage succesfully formatted" else act "error formatting Tomb" fi sync cryptsetup luksClose tomb.tmp losetup -d ${nstloop} notice "done creating $FILE encrypted storage (using Luks dm-crypt AES/SHA256)" tomb-notify "The Tomb is ready!" "We will now open your new Tomb for the first time." tomb mount $FILE } mount_tomb() { if ! [ -r $FILE ]; then # try also adding a .tomb extension FILEtomb="${FILE%\.*}.tomb" if ! [ -r $FILEtomb ]; then error "cannot find a tomb named $FILE" exit 1 else FILE=$FILEtomb fi fi if ! [ $KEY ]; then enc_key="`basename ${FILE}.gpg`" else enc_key="$KEY" fi notice "mounting $FILE on mountpoint $MOUNT" if [ -z $MOUNT ]; then MOUNT=/media/`basename ${FILE}` act "mountpoint not specified, using default: $MOUNT" mkdir -p $MOUNT elif ! [ -x $MOUNT ]; then error "mountpoint $MOUNT doesn't exist" exit 1 fi # check if key file is present if ! [ -r "${enc_key}" ]; then error "encryption key ${enc_key} not found on disk" error "use -k option to specify which key to use" error "or provide a usb key, or press ctrl-c to abort" ask_usbkey # returns usbkey_mount, now check if the key is there if [ -r ${usbkey_mount}/.tomb/${enc_key} ]; then enc_key=${usbkey_mount}/.tomb/${enc_key} notice "key found on ${enc_key}" else error "key is missing." exit 1 fi fi nstloop=`losetup -f` losetup -f ${FILE} act "check for a valid LUKS encrypted device" cryptsetup isLuks ${nstloop} if [ $? != 0 ]; then # is it a LUKS encrypted nest? see cryptsetup(1) error "$FILE is not a valid Luks encrypted storage file" exit 1 fi modprobe dm-crypt modprobe aes-i586 # save date of mount in minutes since 1970 mapdate="`date +%s`" mapdate="`echo ${mapdate}/60 | bc -l | cut -d. -f1`" mapper="tomb.`basename $FILE | cut -d. -f1`.$mapdate.`basename $nstloop`" notice "Password is required for key ${enc_key}" keyname=`basename $enc_key | cut -d. -f1` for c in 1 2 3; do if [ $c = 1 ]; then ask_password ${keyname} else ask_password "$keyname (retry $c)" fi echo "${scolopendro}" \ | gpg --batch --passphrase-fd 0 --no-tty --no-options \ -d "${enc_key}" 2>/dev/null \ | cryptsetup --key-file - luksOpen ${nstloop} ${mapper} unset scolopendro if [ -r /dev/mapper/${mapper} ]; then break; # password was correct fi done if ! [ -r /dev/mapper/${mapper} ]; then error "failure mounting the encrypted file" losetup -d ${nstloop} exit 1 fi act "encrypted storage filesystem check" fsck -p -C0 /dev/mapper/${mapper} mount -o rw,noatime,nodev /dev/mapper/${mapper} ${MOUNT} # Ensure the user can write the disk - 10x Hellekin :) ME=${SUDO_USER:-$(whoami)} chmod 0750 ${MOUNT} chown $(id -u $ME):$(id -g $ME) ${MOUNT} notice "encrypted storage $FILE succesfully mounted on $MOUNT" ( exec_as_user tomb-status ${mapper} ${FILE} ${MOUNT} ) & disown exit 0 } umount_tomb() { if [ -z $FILE ]; then how_many_tombs=`ls /dev/mapper/tomb.* 2> /dev/null | wc -w` if [ $how_many_tombs = 0 ]; then error "there is no open tomb to be closed" exit 0 elif [ $how_many_tombs = 1 ]; then mapper=`ls /dev/mapper/tomb.* 2>/dev/null` FILE=`mount | grep $mapper | awk '{print $3}'` else error "too many tombs mounted, please specify which to unmount:" ls /dev/mapper/tomb.* exit 1 fi fi if [ -r $FILE ]; then # accepts relative and absolute path mapper=$FILE elif [ -r /dev/mapper/${FILE} ]; then mapper=/dev/mapper/${FILE} fi if ! [ -r $mapper ]; then error "tomb not found: $mapper" error "please specify an existing /dev/mapper/tomb.*" ls /dev/mapper/tomb.* tomb-notify "My tomb vanished" "Crypto undertaker will rest in peace." killall -e ${mapper} exit 1 fi # if [ "$mapper" = "" ]; then # error "$FILE is not mounted" # return # fi # mapper=`basename $mapper` # if ! [ -r /dev/mapper/${mapper} ]; then # error "tomb doesn't seems to be mounted:" # error "${mapper} is not present in /dev/mapper" # exit 1 # fi basemap=`basename $mapper` tombname=`echo ${basemap} | cut -d. -f2` act "closing tomb $tombname on dm-crypt $basemap" mount | grep $mapper 2&>1 > /dev/null if [ $? = 0 ]; then # still mounted errno=`umount ${mapper}` if ! [ $? = 0 ]; then tomb-notify "Tomb '$tombname' is too busy." \ "Close all applications and file managers, then try again." exit 1 fi fi cryptsetup luksClose $basemap if ! [ $? = 0 ]; then error "error occurred in cryptsetup luksClose ${basemap}" exit 1 fi losetup -d "/dev/`echo $basemap | cut -d. -f4`" # echo ${nstloop} | grep loop 1>/dev/null 2>/dev/null # # if it's a loopback then we need to do losetup -d # if [ $? = 0 ]; then # losetup -d ${nstloop} # if ! [ $? = 0 ]; then # error "error occurred in losetup -d ${nstloop}" # exit 0 # fi # fi notice "crypt storage ${mapper} unmounted" tomb-notify "Tomb closed: $tombname" "Your bones will Rest In Peace." exit 0 } # install mime-types, bells and whistles for the desktop # see http://developers.sun.com/solaris/articles/integrating_gnome.html # and freedesktop specs install_tomb() { # TODO: distro package deps (for binary) # debian: zsh, cryptsetup, libgtk2.0-0, libnotify-bin act "updating mimetypes..." cat < /tmp/dyne-tomb.xml Tomb encrypted volume Tomb crypto key EOF xdg-mime install /tmp/dyne-tomb.xml xdg-icon-resource install --context mimetypes --size 32 monmort.xpm monmort xdg-icon-resource install --size 32 monmort.xpm dyne-monmort rm /tmp/dyne-tomb.xml act "updating desktop..." cat < /usr/share/applications/tomb.desktop [Desktop Entry] Version=1.0 Type=Application Name=Tomb crypto undertaker GenericName=Crypto undertaker Comment=Keep your bones safe Exec=tomb-open %U TryExec=tomb-open Icon=monmort.xpm Terminal=false Categories=Utility;Security;Archiving;Filesystem; MimeType=application/x-tomb-volume; X-AppInstall-Package=tomb EOF update-desktop-database act "updating menus..." cat < /etc/menu/tomb ?package(tomb):command="tomb" icon="/usr/share/pixmaps/monmort.xpm" needs="cryptsetup" \ section="Applications/Accessories" title="Tomb" hints="Crypto" \ hotkey="Tomb" EOF update-menus act "updating mime info..." cat < /usr/share/mime-info/tomb.keys # actions for encrypted tomb storage application/x-tomb-volume: open=tomb-open %f view=tomb-open %f icon-filename=monmort.xpm short_list_application_ids_for_novice_user_level=tomb EOF cat < /usr/share/mime-info/tomb.mime # mime type for encrypted tomb storage application/x-tomb-volume ext: tomb application/x-tomb-key ext: tomb.gpg EOF cat < /usr/lib/mime/packages/tomb application/x-tomb-volume; tomb-open '%s'; priority=8 EOF update-mime act "updating application entry..." cat < /usr/share/application-registry/tomb.applications tomb command=tomb-open name=Tomb - Crypto Undertaker can_open_multiple_files=false expects_uris=false requires_terminal=false mime-types=application/x-tomb-volume,application/x-tomb-key EOF act "Tomb is now installed." } kill_tomb() { # TODO: fixME - should close all tombs umount /tmp/tomb* 2&>1 > /dev/null # todo check which are tomb loops losetup -d /dev/loop* 2&>1 > /dev/null } case "$CMD" in create) check_priv ; create_tomb ;; mount) check_priv ; mount_tomb ;; open) check_priv ; mount_tomb ;; umount) check_priv ; umount_tomb ;; unmount) check_priv ; umount_tomb ;; close) check_priv ; umount_tomb ;; install) check_priv ; install_tomb ;; kill) check_priv ; kill_tomb ;; status) tomb-status ;; notify) tomb-notify $CMD2 $CMD3 ;; *) error "command \"$CMD\" not recognized" act "try -h for help" exit 1 ;; esac exit 0