# Tomb - The Crypto Undertaker. # Copyright (C) 2007-2013 Dyne.org Foundation # Denis Roio , 2013. # #, fuzzy msgid "" msgstr "" "Project-Id-Version: Tomb \n" "PO-Revision-Date: sáb ago 30 20:56:52 CEST 2014\n" "Last-Translator: Denis Roio \n" "Language: English\n" "Language-Team: Tomb developers \n" "MIME-Version: 1.0\n" "Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n" "Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n" # #: commandline help # # # tomb internal messages # #: _verbose msgid "created tempfile: ::1 temp file::" msgstr "" #: _success msgid "All your swaps are belong to crypt. Good." msgstr "" #: _failure msgid "Operation aborted." msgstr "" #: _verbose msgid "exec_as_user '::1 user::': ::2::" msgstr "" #: _verbose msgid "Using sudo for root execution of '::1 exec:: ::2 args::'." msgstr "" #: _verbose msgid "Escalating privileges using sudo-pwd." msgstr "" #: _warning msgid "Loop mount of volumes is not supported on this machine, this error" msgstr "" #: _warning msgid "often occurs on VPS and kernels that don't provide the loop module." msgstr "" #: _warning msgid "It is impossible to use Tomb on this machine at this conditions." msgstr "" #: _verbose msgid "is_valid_tomb ::1 tomb file::" msgstr "" #: _warning msgid "Tomb file is missing from arguments." msgstr "" #: _warning msgid "Tomb file not found: ::1 tomb file::" msgstr "" #: _warning msgid "Tomb file is not a regular file: ::1 tomb file::" msgstr "" #: _warning msgid "File is not yet a tomb: ::1 tomb file::" msgstr "" #: _warning msgid "Tomb is currently in use: ::1 tomb name::" msgstr "" #: _message msgid "Valid tomb file found: ::1 tomb file::" msgstr "" #: _failure msgid "Loopback mount called on invalid tomb: ::1 path::" msgstr "" #: _failure msgid "Too many tombs open. Please close any of them to open another tomb." msgstr "" #: _failure msgid "Loopback device not available" msgstr "" #: _verbose msgid "lo_preserve on ::1 path::" msgstr "" #: _verbose msgid "tomb_file: ::1 tomb file::" msgstr "" #: _verbose msgid "tomb_key: ::1 key:: chars long" msgstr "" #: _verbose msgid "tomb_key_file: ::1 key::" msgstr "" #: _verbose msgid "tomb_secret: ::1 secret:: chars long" msgstr "" #: _verbose msgid "tomb_password: ::1 tomb pass::" msgstr "" #: _verbose msgid "tomb_tempfiles: ::1 temp files::" msgstr "" #: _verbose msgid "tomb_loopdevs: ::1 loopdevs::" msgstr "" #: _failure msgid "Cannot find ::1::. It's a requirement to use Tomb, please install it." msgstr "" #: _verbose msgid "is_valid_key" msgstr "" #: _warning msgid "is_valid_key() called without argument." msgstr "" #: _message msgid "Key is an image, it might be valid." msgstr "" #: _message msgid "Key is valid." msgstr "" #: _warning msgid "Attempting key recovery." msgstr "" #: _failure msgid "This operation requires a key file to be specified using the -k option." msgstr "" #: _verbose msgid "load_key reading from stdin." msgstr "" #: _message msgid "Waiting for the key to be piped from stdin... " msgstr "" #: _verbose msgid "load_key argument: `option_value -k`" msgstr "" #: _warning msgid "Key not found, specify one using -k." msgstr "" #: _verbose msgid "load_key: ::1 key::" msgstr "" #: _warning msgid "The key seems invalid or its format is not known by this version of Tomb." msgstr "" #: _verbose msgid "GnuPG is version 1.4.11 - adopting status fix." msgstr "" #: _verbose msgid "get_lukskey" msgstr "" #: _verbose msgid "KDF: `cut -d_ -f 3 <<<$firstline`" msgstr "" #: _failure msgid "No suitable program for KDF ::1 program::." msgstr "" #: _verbose msgid "get_lukskey returns ::1::" msgstr "" #: _failure msgid "Internal error: ask_key_password() called before load_key()." msgstr "" #: _message msgid "A password is required to use key ::1 key::" msgstr "" #: _warning msgid "User aborted password dialog." msgstr "" #: _message msgid "Password OK." msgstr "" #: _verbose msgid "ask_key_password with tombpass: ::1 tomb pass::" msgstr "" #: _message msgid "Commanded to change password for tomb key ::1 key::" msgstr "" #: _success msgid "Changing password for ::1 key file::" msgstr "" #: _verbose msgid "tomb-old-pwd = ::1 old pass::" msgstr "" #: _failure msgid "No valid password supplied." msgstr "" #: _verbose msgid "tomb-pwd = ::1 new pass::" msgstr "" #: _failure msgid "Error: the newly generated keyfile does not seem valid." msgstr "" #: _success msgid "Your passphrase was successfully updated." msgstr "" #: _failure msgid "User aborted." msgstr "" #: _warning msgid "You set empty password, which is not possible." msgstr "" #: _verbose msgid "gen_key takes tombpass from CLI argument: ::1 tomb pass::" msgstr "" #: _failure msgid "Wrong argument for --kdf: must be an integer number (iteration seconds)." msgstr "" #: _success msgid "Using KDF, iterations: ::1 microseconds::" msgstr "" #: _message msgid "generating salt" msgstr "" #: _message msgid "calculating iterations" msgstr "" #: _message msgid "encoding the password" msgstr "" #: _failure msgid "gpg (GnuPG) is not found, Tomb cannot function without it." msgstr "" #: _failure msgid "Bury failed for invalid key: ::1 key::" msgstr "" #: _warning msgid "Encode failed: ::1 image file:: is not a jpeg image." msgstr "" #: _success msgid "Encoding key ::1 tomb key:: inside image ::2 image file::" msgstr "" #: _message msgid "Please confirm the key password for the encoding" msgstr "" #: _verbose msgid "tomb-pwd = ::1 tomb pass::" msgstr "" #: _warning msgid "Wrong password supplied." msgstr "" #: _failure msgid "You shall not bury a key whose password is unknown to you." msgstr "" #: _warning msgid "Encoding error: steghide reports problems." msgstr "" #: _success msgid "Tomb key encoded succesfully into image ::1 image file::" msgstr "" #: _message msgid "printing exhumed key on stdout" msgstr "" #: _failure msgid "Exhume failed, image file not found: ::1 image file::" msgstr "" #: _failure msgid "Exhume failed: ::1 image file:: is not a jpeg image." msgstr "" #: _failure msgid "Wrong password or no steganographic key found" msgstr "" #: _warning msgid "File exists: ::1 tomb key::" msgstr "" #: _warning msgid "Make explicit use of --force to overwrite." msgstr "" #: _failure msgid "Refusing to overwrite file. Operation aborted." msgstr "" #: _warning msgid "Use of --force selected: overwriting." msgstr "" #: _message msgid "Trying to exhume a key out of image ::1 image file::" msgstr "" #: _success msgid "::1 tomb key:: succesfully decoded." msgstr "" #: _warning msgid "Nothing found in ::1 image file::" msgstr "" #: _failure msgid "No key specified." msgstr "" #: _success msgid "Rendering a printable QRCode for key: ::1 tomb key::" msgstr "" #: _failure msgid "QREncode reported an error." msgstr "" #: _success msgid "Operation successful:" msgstr "" #: _warning msgid "A filename needs to be specified using -k to forge a new key." msgstr "" #: _message msgid "Commanded to forge key ::1 key::" msgstr "" #: _warning msgid "Forging this key would overwrite an existing file. Operation aborted." msgstr "" #: _message msgid "Commanded to forge key ::1 key:: with cipher algorithm ::2 algorithm::" msgstr "" #: _message msgid "This operation takes time, keep using this computer on other tasks," msgstr "" #: _message msgid "once done you will be asked to choose a password for your tomb." msgstr "" #: _message msgid "To make it faster you can move the mouse around." msgstr "" #: _message msgid "If you are on a server, you can use an Entropy Generation Daemon." msgstr "" #: _verbose msgid "Data dump using ::1:: from ::2 source::" msgstr "" #: _warning msgid "Cannot generate encryption key." msgstr "" #: _success msgid "Choose the password of your key: ::1 tomb key::" msgstr "" #: _message msgid "(You can also change it later using 'tomb passwd'.)" msgstr "" #: _warning msgid "The key does not seem to be valid." msgstr "" #: _warning msgid "Dumping contents to screen:" msgstr "" #: _warning msgid "--" msgstr "" #: _message msgid "Done forging ::1 key::" msgstr "" #: _success msgid "Your key is ready:" msgstr "" #: _message msgid "Commanded to dig tomb ::1 tomb name::" msgstr "" #: _warning msgid "No tomb name specified for creation." msgstr "" #: _failure msgid "Size argument missing, use -s" msgstr "" #: _failure msgid "Size argument is not an integer." msgstr "" #: _failure msgid "Tombs can't be smaller than 10 megabytes." msgstr "" #: _warning msgid "A tomb exists already. I'm not digging here:" msgstr "" #: _success msgid "Creating a new tomb in ::1 tomb dir::/::2 tomb file::" msgstr "" #: _message msgid "Generating ::1 tomb file:: of ::2 size::MiB" msgstr "" #: _verbose msgid "Data dump using ::1:: from /dev/urandom" msgstr "" #: _failure msgid "Error creating the tomb ::1 tomb dir::/::2 tomb file::, operation aborted." msgstr "" #: _success msgid "Done digging ::1 tomb name::" msgstr "" #: _message msgid "Your tomb is not yet ready, you need to forge a key and lock it:" msgstr "" #: _message msgid "tomb forge ::1 tomb name::.tomb.key" msgstr "" #: _message msgid "tomb lock ::1 tomb name::.tomb -k ::1 tomb name::.tomb.key" msgstr "" #: _warning msgid "No tomb specified for locking." msgstr "" #: _warning msgid "Usage: tomb lock file.tomb file.tomb.key" msgstr "" #: _message msgid "Commanded to lock tomb ::1 tomb file::" msgstr "" #: _failure msgid "There is no tomb here. You have to it dig first." msgstr "" #: _verbose msgid "Tomb found: ::1 tomb dir::/::2 tomb file::" msgstr "" #: _verbose msgid "Loop mounted on ::1 mount point::" msgstr "" #: _message msgid "Checking if the tomb is empty (we never step on somebody else's bones)." msgstr "" #: _warning msgid "The tomb was already locked with another key." msgstr "" #: _failure msgid "Operation aborted. I cannot lock an already locked tomb. Go dig a new one." msgstr "" #: _message msgid "Fine, this tomb seems empty." msgstr "" #: _failure msgid "Aborting operations: error loading key." msgstr "" #: _message msgid "Locking using cipher: ::1 cipher::" msgstr "" #: _success msgid "Locking ::1 tomb file:: with ::2 tomb key::" msgstr "" #: _message msgid "Formatting Luks mapped device." msgstr "" #: _warning msgid "cryptsetup luksFormat returned an error." msgstr "" #: _warning msgid "cryptsetup luksOpen returned an error." msgstr "" #: _message msgid "Formatting your Tomb with Ext3/Ext4 filesystem." msgstr "" #: _warning msgid "Tomb format returned an error." msgstr "" #: _warning msgid "Your tomb ::1 tomb file:: may be corrupted." msgstr "" #: _message msgid "Done locking ::1 tomb name:: using Luks dm-crypt ::2 cipher::" msgstr "" #: _success msgid "Your tomb is ready in ::1 tomb dir::/::2 tomb file:: and secured with key ::3 tomb key::" msgstr "" #: _message msgid "Commanded to reset key for tomb ::1 tomb name::" msgstr "" #: _failure msgid "Aborting operations: error loading new key from -k" msgstr "" #: _failure msgid "Old key invalid. 1st argument of setkey must be a valid key file." msgstr "" #: _failure msgid "Tomb invalid. 2nd argument of setkey must be a valid tomb file." msgstr "" #: _failure msgid "Not a valid LUKS encrypted volume: ::1 volume::" msgstr "" #: _success msgid "Changing lock on tomb ::1 tomb name::" msgstr "" #: _message msgid "Old key: ::1 old key::" msgstr "" #: _message msgid "New key: ::1 new key::" msgstr "" #: _failure msgid "No valid password supplied for the new key." msgstr "" #: _failure msgid "No valid password supplied for the old key." msgstr "" #: _failure msgid "Unexpected error in luksOpen." msgstr "" #: _failure msgid "Unexpected error in luksChangeKey." msgstr "" #: _failure msgid "Unexpected error in luksClose." msgstr "" #: _success msgid "Succesfully changed key for tomb: ::1 tomb file::" msgstr "" #: _message msgid "The new key is: ::1 new key::" msgstr "" #: _verbose msgid "create_tomb(): ${=@} ${=OLDARGS}" msgstr "" #: _warning msgid "Creating this tomb would overwrite an existing file. Operation aborted." msgstr "" #: _failure msgid "Failed to dig tomb, operation aborted." msgstr "" #: _failure msgid "Failed to forge key, operation aborted." msgstr "" #: _failure msgid "Failed to lock tomb with key, operation aborted." msgstr "" #: _success msgid "Tomb ::1 tomb name:: succesfully created." msgstr "" #: _message msgid "Commanded to open tomb ::1 tomb name::" msgstr "" #: _warning msgid "No tomb name specified for opening." msgstr "" #: _warning msgid "::1 tomb file:: is not a valid tomb file, operation aborted." msgstr "" #: _failure msgid "Aborting operations: error loading key ::1 key::" msgstr "" #: _message msgid "Mountpoint not specified, using default: ::1 mount point::" msgstr "" #: _warning msgid "::1 tomb name:: is already open." msgstr "" #: _message msgid "Here below its status is reported:" msgstr "" #: _success msgid "Opening ::1 tomb file:: on ::2 mount point::" msgstr "" #: _warning msgid "::1 tomb file:: is not a valid Luks encrypted storage file." msgstr "" #: _message msgid "This tomb is a valid LUKS encrypted device." msgstr "" #: _message msgid "Cipher is \"::1 cipher::\" mode \"::2 mode::\" hash \"::3 hash::\"" msgstr "" #: _warning msgid "Multiple key slots are enabled on this tomb. Beware: there can be a backdoor." msgstr "" #: _verbose msgid "dev mapper device: ::1 mapper::" msgstr "" #: _verbose msgid "Tomb key: ::1 key::" msgstr "" #: _verbose msgid "Tomb name: ::1 tomb name:: (to be engraved)" msgstr "" #: _failure msgid "Failure mounting the encrypted file." msgstr "" #: _success msgid "Success unlocking tomb ::1 tomb name::" msgstr "" #: _verbose msgid "Key size is ::1 size:: for cipher ::2 cipher::" msgstr "" #: _message msgid "Checking filesystem via ::1::" msgstr "" #: _verbose msgid "Tomb engraved as ::1 tomb name::" msgstr "" #: _success msgid "Success opening ::1 tomb file:: on $fg_bold[white]::2 mount point::$fg_no_bold[white]" msgstr "" #: _message msgid "Last visit by $fg_bold[white]::1 user::(::2 tomb build::)$fg_no_bold[white] from $fg_bold[white]::3 tty::$fg_no_bold[white] on $fg_bold[white]$tombhost$fg_no_bold[white]" msgstr "" #: _message msgid "on date $fg_bold[white]::1 date::$fg_no_bold[white]" msgstr "" #: _warning msgid "How pitiful! A tomb, and no HOME." msgstr "" #: _warning msgid "Cannot exec bind hooks without a mounted tomb." msgstr "" #: _verbose msgid "bind-hooks not found in ::1 mount point::" msgstr "" #: _warning msgid "bind-hooks map format: local/to/tomb local/to/$HOME" msgstr "" #: _warning msgid "bind-hooks map format: local/to/tomb local/to/$HOME. Rolling back" msgstr "" #: _warning msgid "bind-hook target not existent, skipping ::1 home::/::2 subdir::" msgstr "" #: _warning msgid "bind-hook source not found in tomb, skipping ::1 mount point::/::2 subdir::" msgstr "" #: _success msgid "Post hooks found, executing as user ::1 user name::." msgstr "" #: _failure msgid "I can't see any ::1 status:: tomb, may they all rest in peace." msgstr "" #: _failure msgid "Internal error: list_tomb_binds called without argument." msgstr "" #: _failure msgid "Cannot index tombs on this system: updatedb (mlocate) not installed." msgstr "" #: _warning msgid "Cannot use GNU findutils for index/search commands." msgstr "" #: _failure msgid "Index command needs 'mlocate' to be installed." msgstr "" #: _verbose msgid "$updatedbver" msgstr "" #: _failure msgid "There seems to be no open tomb engraved as [::1::]" msgstr "" #: _failure msgid "I can't see any open tomb, may they all rest in peace." msgstr "" #: _success msgid "Creating and updating search indexes." msgstr "" #: _verbose msgid "unoconv listener launched." msgstr "" #: _message msgid "Skipping ::1 tomb name:: (.noindex found)." msgstr "" #: _message msgid "Indexing ::1 tomb name:: filenames..." msgstr "" #: _message msgid "Indexing ::1 tomb name:: contents..." msgstr "" #: _verbose msgid "Using swish-e to create index." msgstr "" #: _message msgid "Search index updated." msgstr "" #: _success msgid "Searching for: $fg_bold[white]::1::$fg_no_bold[white]" msgstr "" #: _verbose msgid "Checking for index: ::1::" msgstr "" #: _message msgid "Searching filenames in tomb ::1 tomb name::" msgstr "" #: _message msgid "Matches found: `locate -d ${tombmount}/.updatedb -e -i -c ${(f)@}`" msgstr "" #: _message msgid "Searching contents in tomb ::1 tomb name::" msgstr "" #: _warning msgid "Skipping tomb ::1 tomb name::: not indexed." msgstr "" #: _warning msgid "Run 'tomb index' to create indexes." msgstr "" #: _message msgid "Search completed." msgstr "" #: _message msgid "Commanded to resize tomb ::1 tomb name:: to ::2 size:: megabytes." msgstr "" #: _failure msgid "No tomb name specified for resizing." msgstr "" #: _failure msgid "Cannot find ::1::" msgstr "" #: _failure msgid "Aborting operations: new size was not specified, use -s" msgstr "" #: _failure msgid "Aborting operations: key not found, use -k" msgstr "" #: _failure msgid "The tomb ::1 tomb name:: is open, to resize it it needs to be closed." msgstr "" #: _failure msgid "You must specify the new size of ::1 tomb name::" msgstr "" #: _failure msgid "Size is not an integer." msgstr "" #: _failure msgid "The new size must be greater then old tomb size." msgstr "" #: _message msgid "Generating ::1 tomb file:: of MiB" msgstr "" #: _failure msgid "Error creating the extra resize ::1 size::, operation aborted." msgstr "" #: _failure msgid "cryptsetup failed to resize ::1 mapper::" msgstr "" #: _failure msgid "e2fsck failed to check ::1 mapper::" msgstr "" #: _failure msgid "resize2fs failed to resize ::1 mapper::" msgstr "" #: _warning msgid "There is no open tomb to be closed." msgstr "" #: _warning msgid "Too many tombs mounted, please specify one (see tomb list)" msgstr "" #: _warning msgid "or issue the command 'tomb close all' to close them all." msgstr "" #: _message msgid "Tomb close ::1::" msgstr "" #: _verbose msgid "Name: ::1 tomb name::" msgstr "" #: _verbose msgid "Mount: ::1 mount point::" msgstr "" #: _verbose msgid "Mapper: ::1 mapper::" msgstr "" #: _warning msgid "Tomb not found: ::1 tomb file::" msgstr "" #: _warning msgid "Please specify an existing tomb." msgstr "" #: _success msgid "Slamming tomb ::1 tomb name:: mounted on ::2 mount point::" msgstr "" #: _message msgid "Kill all processes busy inside the tomb." msgstr "" #: _warning msgid "Cannot slam the tomb ::1 tomb name::" msgstr "" #: _message msgid "Closing tomb ::1 tomb name:: mounted on ::2 mount point::" msgstr "" #: _message msgid "Closing tomb bind hook: ::1 hook::" msgstr "" #: _success msgid "Slamming tomb: killing all processes using this hook." msgstr "" #: _warning msgid "Cannot slam the bind hook ::1 hook::" msgstr "" #: _warning msgid "Tomb bind hook ::1 hook:: is busy, cannot close tomb." msgstr "" #: _verbose msgid "Performing umount of ::1 mount point::" msgstr "" #: _warning msgid "Tomb is busy, cannot umount!" msgstr "" #: _warning msgid "Error occurred in cryptsetup luksClose ::1 mapper::" msgstr "" #: _success msgid "Tomb ::1 tomb name:: closed: your bones will rest in peace." msgstr "" #: _verbose msgid "Sending ::1:: to processes inside the tomb:" msgstr "" #: _failure msgid "Error parsing." msgstr "" #: _warning msgid "There's no such command \"::1 subcommand::\"." msgstr "" #: _failure msgid "Please try -h for help." msgstr "" #: _warning msgid "Some error occurred during option processing." msgstr "" #: _failure msgid "See \"tomb help\" for more info." msgstr "" #: _failure msgid "Unrecognized option ::1 arg:: for subcommand ::2 subcommand::" msgstr "" #: _failure msgid "You specified option ::1 option::, which is DANGEROUS and should only be used for testing\nIf you really want so, add --unsecure-dev-mode" msgstr "" #: _verbose msgid "Tomb command: ::1 subcommand:: ::2 param::" msgstr "" #: _verbose msgid "Caller: uid[::1 uid::], gid[::2 gid::], tty[::3 tty::]." msgstr "" #: _failure msgid "QREncode not installed: cannot engrave keys on paper." msgstr "" #: _warning msgid "The create command is deprecated, please use dig, forge and lock instead." msgstr "" #: _warning msgid "For more informations see Tomb's manual page (man tomb)." msgstr "" #: _failure msgid "Steghide not installed: cannot bury keys into images." msgstr "" #: _failure msgid "Steghide not installed: cannot exhume keys from images." msgstr "" #: _failure msgid "Resize2fs not installed: cannot resize tombs." msgstr "" #: _warning msgid "Command \"::1 subcommand::\" not recognized." msgstr "" #: _message msgid "Try -h for help." msgstr ""