About ***** This document is about the installing of both pytomb and the tomb gui. Pytomb is a python library that is needed to run the tomb gui Dependencies ============ The pytomb library has NO dependencies. Hooray! The gui depends on having PyQt4 installed in your operative system. This is package python-qt4 in debian or ubuntu, python2-pyqt in archlinux. If you are unsure about this, try to install and check if it works ;) Basic Installation ================== First, install pytomb. It has no dependencies 1. `cd' to the directory containing pytomb (src/pytomb) 2. do `sudo python2 setup.py install' Then, you have to install the gui. 1. `cd' to the directory containing the gui (src/qt) 2. do `python2 setup.py build_ui' 3. do `sudo python2 setup.py install'