# Tomb: The Linux Crypto Undertaker [![Build Status](https://github.com/dyne/tomb/actions/workflows/linux.yml/badge.svg)](https://github.com/dyne/Tomb/actions) Minimalistic command line tool based on Linux dm-crypt and LUKS, trusted by hackers since 2007. You can keep your volumes secure and easily manageable with simple commands. ![tomb's logo](https://github.com/dyne/Tomb/blob/master/extras/images/monmort.png) ``` $ tomb dig -s 100 secret.tomb $ tomb forge secret.tomb.key $ tomb lock secret.tomb -k secret.tomb.key ``` To open it, do ``` $ tomb open secret.tomb -k secret.tomb.key ``` And after you are done ``` $ tomb close ``` Or, if you are in a hurry, kill all processes with open files inside your tomb and close it. ``` $ tomb slam ``` ## [Get started on dyne.org/software/tomb](https://dyne.org/software/tomb) All information is found on our website. Use only stable and signed releases in production! ### 💾 [Download from files.dyne.org/tomb](https://dyne.org/tomb) Tomb's development is community-based! ## How can you help Donations are very welcome on [dyne.org/donate](https://www.dyne.org/donate) Translations are also welcome: see our simple [translation guide](https://github.com/dyne/Tomb/blob/master/extras/translations/README.md) Tomb's code is short and readable: don't be afraid to inspect it! If you plan to submit a PR, please remember that this is a minimalist tool, and the code should be short and readable. Also, first, read our small intro to [Tomb's coding style](doc/HACKING.txt). We have a [space for issues](https://github.com/dyne/Tomb/issues) open for detailed bug reports. Always include the Tomb version being used when filing a case, please. There is also a [space for discussion](https://github.com/dyne/Tomb/discussions) of new features, desiderata and whatnot on github. # Licensing Tomb is Copyright (C) 2007-2023 by the Dyne.org Foundation and maintained by [Jaromil](https://github.com/jaromil). The [AUTHORS](AUTHORS.md) file contains more information on all the developers involved. The license is GNU Public License v3. ## [More info on dyne.org/software/tomb](https://dyne.org/software/tomb)