PROG = tomb PREFIX ?= /usr/local MANDIR ?= ${PREFIX}/share/man deps: @if [ -r /etc/debian_version ]; then \ apt-get install -qy zsh cryptsetup file gnupg pinentry-curses; fi @if [ -r /etc/fedora-release ]; then \ yum install -y zsh cryptsetup file gnupg pinentry-curses; fi @if [ -r /etc/alpine-release ]; then \ apk add zsh cryptsetup file gpg pinentry-tty e2fsprogs findmnt; fi all: @echo @echo "Tomb is a script and does not need compilation, it can be simply executed." @echo @echo "To install it in /usr/local together with its manpage use 'make install'." @echo @echo "To run Tomb one needs to have some tools installed on the system:" @echo "Sudo, cryptsetup, pinentry and gnupg." @echo install: install -Dm755 ${PROG} ${DESTDIR}${PREFIX}/bin/${PROG} install -Dm644 doc/${PROG}.1 ${DESTDIR}${MANDIR}/man1/${PROG}.1 @echo @echo "Tomb is installed successfully. To install language translations, make sure" @echo "gettext is also installed, then 'cd extras/translations' and 'make install' there." @echo @echo "Look around the extras/ directory, it contains other interesting modules." @echo test: make -C extras/test lint: shellcheck -s bash -e SC1058,SC1073,SC1072,SC1009 tomb