2015-01-09 17:47:11 +01:00

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msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: Tomb the Crypto Undertaker\n"
"Language: ru\n"
"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
#. Fold: Safety functions
#. Function: _whoami
#. Code sample:
#. # Set username from UID or environment
#. [[ "$_USER" = "" ]] && { _USER=$USERNAME }
#. [[ "$_USER" = "" ]] && { _USER=$(id -u) }
#. [[ "$_USER" = "" ]] && {
#. > _failure "Failing to identify the user who is calling us" }
#. # Get GID from option -G or the environment
#. option_is_set -G #. && _GID=$(option_value -G) || _GID=$(id -g $_USER)
#: tomb:189
msgid "Failing to identify the user who is calling us"
msgstr "Не удалось определить пользователя, вызвавшего меня"
#. Fold: Safety functions
#. Function: _plot
#. Code sample:
#. TOMBFILE=$(basename $TOMBPATH)
#. # The tomb name is TOMBFILE without an extension.
#. # It can start with dots: ->
#. TOMBNAME="${TOMBFILE%\.[^\.]*}"
#. [[ -z $TOMBNAME ]] && {
#. > _failure "Tomb won't work without a TOMBNAME." }
#. # Normalize tomb name
#: tomb:237
msgid "Tomb won't work without a TOMBNAME."
msgstr "Tomb не будет работать без ИМЕНИ_ГРОБНИЦЫ."
#. Fold: Safety functions
#. Function: _tmp_create
#. Code sample:
#. # Provide a random filename in shared memory
#. _tmp_create() {
#. [[ -d "$TMPPREFIX" ]] || {
#. # we create the tempdir with the sticky bit on
#. sudo mkdir -m 1777 "$TMPPREFIX"
#. > [[ $? == 0 ]] || _failure "Fatal error creating the temporary directory: ::1 temp dir::" "$TMPPREFIX"
#. }
#. # We're going to add one more $RANDOM for each time someone complain
#. # about this being too weak of a random.
#: tomb:252
msgid "Fatal error creating the temporary directory: ::1 temp dir::"
msgstr "Критическая ошибка при создании временной директории: ::1 temp dir::"
#. Fold: Safety functions
#. Function: _tmp_create
#. Code sample:
#. # We're going to add one more $RANDOM for each time someone complain
#. # about this being too weak of a random.
#. tfile="${TMPPREFIX}/$RANDOM$RANDOM$RANDOM$RANDOM" # Temporary file
#. umask 066
#. [[ $? == 0 ]] || {
#. > _failure "Fatal error setting the permission umask for temporary files" }
#. [[ -r "$tfile" ]] && {
#. _failure "Someone is messing up with us trying to hijack temporary files." }
#: tomb:260
msgid "Fatal error setting the permission umask for temporary files"
msgstr "Критическая ошибка при задании маски прав для временных файлов"
#. Fold: Safety functions
#. Function: _tmp_create
#. Code sample:
#. tfile="${TMPPREFIX}/$RANDOM$RANDOM$RANDOM$RANDOM" # Temporary file
#. umask 066
#. [[ $? == 0 ]] || {
#. _failure "Fatal error setting the permission umask for temporary files" }
#. [[ -r "$tfile" ]] && {
#. > _failure "Someone is messing up with us trying to hijack temporary files." }
#. touch "$tfile"
#. [[ $? == 0 ]] || {
#. _failure "Fatal error creating a temporary file: ::1 temp file::" "$tfile" }
#: tomb:263
msgid "Someone is messing up with us trying to hijack temporary files."
msgstr "Кто-то наглый пытается похитить наши временные файлы."
#. Fold: Safety functions
#. Function: _tmp_create
#. Code sample:
#. [[ -r "$tfile" ]] && {
#. _failure "Someone is messing up with us trying to hijack temporary files." }
#. touch "$tfile"
#. [[ $? == 0 ]] || {
#. > _failure "Fatal error creating a temporary file: ::1 temp file::" "$tfile" }
#. [[ $? == 0 ]] || {
#. _failure "Fatal error setting ownership on temporary file: ::1 temp file::" "$tfile" }
#: tomb:267
msgid "Fatal error creating a temporary file: ::1 temp file::"
msgstr "Критическая ошибка при создании временного файла ::1 temp file::"
#. Fold: Safety functions
#. Function: _tmp_create
#. Code sample:
#. touch "$tfile"
#. [[ $? == 0 ]] || {
#. _failure "Fatal error creating a temporary file: ::1 temp file::" "$tfile" }
#. [[ $? == 0 ]] || {
#. > _failure "Fatal error setting ownership on temporary file: ::1 temp file::" "$tfile" }
#. _verbose "Created tempfile: ::1 temp file::" "$tfile"
#. TOMBTMP="$tfile"
#. TOMBTMPFILES+=("$tfile")
#: tomb:270
msgid "Fatal error setting ownership on temporary file: ::1 temp file::"
msgstr ""
"Критическая ошибка при задании владельца временного файла ::1 temp file::"
#. Fold: Safety functions
#. Function: _ensure_safe_swap
#. Code sample:
#. r=1
#. is_crypt=`sudo dmsetup status "$s" | awk '/crypt/ {print $3}'`
#. [[ $is_crypt == "crypt" ]] && { r=2 } || { break }
#. fi
#. done
#. > _message "An active swap partition is detected..."
#. if [[ $r -eq 2 ]]; then
#. _success "All your swaps are belong to crypt. Good."
#. else
#. _warning "This poses a security risk."
#: tomb:316
msgid "An active swap partition is detected..."
msgstr ""
#. Fold: Safety functions
#. Function: _ensure_safe_swap
#. Code sample:
#. [[ $is_crypt == "crypt" ]] && { r=2 } || { break }
#. fi
#. done
#. _message "An active swap partition is detected..."
#. if [[ $r -eq 2 ]]; then
#. > _success "All your swaps are belong to crypt. Good."
#. else
#. _warning "This poses a security risk."
#. _warning "You can deactivate all swap partitions using the command:"
#. _warning " swapoff -a"
#: tomb:318
msgid "All your swaps are belong to crypt. Good."
msgstr "All your swaps are belong to crypt. Хорошо."
#. Fold: Safety functions
#. Function: _ensure_safe_swap
#. Code sample:
#. fi
#. done
#. _message "An active swap partition is detected..."
#. if [[ $r -eq 2 ]]; then
#. _success "All your swaps are belong to crypt. Good."
#. else
#. > _warning "This poses a security risk."
#. _warning "You can deactivate all swap partitions using the command:"
#. _warning " swapoff -a"
#. _warning "But if you want to proceed like this, use the -f (force) flag."
#. fi
#: tomb:320
msgid "This poses a security risk."
msgstr ""
#. Fold: Safety functions
#. Function: _ensure_safe_swap
#. Code sample:
#. done
#. _message "An active swap partition is detected..."
#. if [[ $r -eq 2 ]]; then
#. _success "All your swaps are belong to crypt. Good."
#. else
#. _warning "This poses a security risk."
#. > _warning "You can deactivate all swap partitions using the command:"
#. _warning " swapoff -a"
#. _warning "But if you want to proceed like this, use the -f (force) flag."
#. fi
#. return $r
#: tomb:321
msgid "You can deactivate all swap partitions using the command:"
msgstr "Вы можете отключить все разделы подкачки с помощью этой команды:"
#. Fold: Safety functions
#. Function: _ensure_safe_swap
#. Code sample:
#. _message "An active swap partition is detected..."
#. if [[ $r -eq 2 ]]; then
#. _success "All your swaps are belong to crypt. Good."
#. else
#. _warning "This poses a security risk."
#. _warning "You can deactivate all swap partitions using the command:"
#. > _warning " swapoff -a"
#. _warning "But if you want to proceed like this, use the -f (force) flag."
#. fi
#. return $r
#: tomb:322
msgid " swapoff -a"
msgstr " swapoff -a"
#. Fold: Safety functions
#. Function: _ensure_safe_swap
#. Code sample:
#. if [[ $r -eq 2 ]]; then
#. _success "All your swaps are belong to crypt. Good."
#. else
#. _warning "This poses a security risk."
#. _warning "You can deactivate all swap partitions using the command:"
#. _warning " swapoff -a"
#. > _warning "But if you want to proceed like this, use the -f (force) flag."
#. fi
#. return $r
#. }
#: tomb:323
msgid "But if you want to proceed like this, use the -f (force) flag."
msgstr ""
"Но если Вы все равно хотите продолжить работу, используйте флаг -f (force)."
#. Fold: Safety functions
#. Function: _check_swap
#. Code sample:
#. _ensure_safe_swap
#. case $? in
#. 0|2) # No, or encrypted swap
#. return 0
#. ;;
#. *) # Unencrypted swap
#. > _failure "Operation aborted."
#. ;;
#. esac
#. fi
#. }
#: tomb:342
msgid "Operation aborted."
msgstr "Операция отменена."
#. Fold: Safety functions
#. Function: ask_password
#. Code sample:
#. SETTITLE $title
#. SETDESC $description
#. SETPROMPT Password:
#. EOF`
#. else
#. > _failure "Cannot find pinentry-curses and no DISPLAY detected."
#. fi
#. else # a DISPLAY is found to be active
#: tomb:379
msgid "Cannot find pinentry-curses and no DISPLAY detected."
msgstr ""
#. Fold: Safety functions
#. Function: ask_password
#. Code sample:
#. EOF`
#. else
#. if _is_found "pinentry-curses"; then
#. > _warning "Detected DISPLAY, but only pinentry-curses is found."
#. output=`cat <<EOF | pinentry-curses
#. OPTION ttyname=$TTY
#. OPTION lc-ctype=$LANG
#. SETTITLE $title
#: tomb:432
msgid "Detected DISPLAY, but only pinentry-curses is found."
msgstr ""
#. Fold: Safety functions
#. Function: ask_password
#. Code sample:
#. SETTITLE $title
#. SETDESC $description
#. SETPROMPT Password:
#. EOF`
#. else
#. > _failure "Cannot find any pinentry: impossible to ask for password."
#. fi
#. fi
#: tomb:442
msgid "Cannot find any pinentry: impossible to ask for password."
msgstr ""
#. Fold: Safety functions
#. Function: ask_password
#. Code sample:
#. fi # end of DISPLAY block
#. # parse the pinentry output
#. for i in ${(f)output}; do
#. [[ "$i" =~ "^ERR.*" ]] && {
#. > _warning "Pinentry error: ::1 error::" ${i[(w)3]}
#. print "canceled"
#. return 1 }
#. # here the password is found
#: tomb:452
msgid "Pinentry error: ::1 error::"
msgstr "Ошибка pinentry: ::1 error::"
#. Fold: Safety functions
#. Function: ask_password
#. Code sample:
#. # here the password is found
#. [[ "$i" =~ "^D .*" ]] && password="${i##D }"
#. done
#. [[ "$password" = "" ]] && {
#. > _warning "Empty password"
#. print "empty"
#. return 1 }
#. print "$password"
#: tomb:461
msgid "Empty password"
msgstr "Пустой пароль"
#. Fold: Safety functions
#. Function: is_valid_tomb
#. Code sample:
#. # Check if a filename is a valid tomb
#. is_valid_tomb() {
#. _verbose "is_valid_tomb ::1 tomb file::" $1
#. # First argument must be the path to a tomb
#. [[ -z "$1" ]] && {
#. > _failure "Tomb file is missing from arguments." }
#. # Tomb file must be a readable, writable, not-empty regular file.
#. [[ ! -r "$1" ]] && {
#. _failure "Tomb file not found: ::1 tomb file::" $1 }
#: tomb:477
msgid "Tomb file is missing from arguments."
msgstr "В аргументах отсутствует файл гробницы."
#. Fold: Safety functions
#. Function: is_valid_tomb
#. Code sample:
#. # First argument must be the path to a tomb
#. [[ -z "$1" ]] && {
#. _failure "Tomb file is missing from arguments." }
#. # Tomb file must be a readable, writable, not-empty regular file.
#. [[ ! -r "$1" ]] && {
#. > _failure "Tomb file not found: ::1 tomb file::" $1 }
#. [[ ! -f "$1" ]] && {
#. _failure "Tomb file is not a regular file: ::1 tomb file::" $1 }
#. [[ ! -s "$1" ]] && {
#. _failure "Tomb file is empty (zero length): ::1 tomb file::" $1 }
#: tomb:481
msgid "Tomb file not found: ::1 tomb file::"
msgstr "Не найден файл гробницы: ::1 tomb file::"
#. Fold: Safety functions
#. Function: is_valid_tomb
#. Code sample:
#. _failure "Tomb file is missing from arguments." }
#. # Tomb file must be a readable, writable, not-empty regular file.
#. [[ ! -r "$1" ]] && {
#. _failure "Tomb file not found: ::1 tomb file::" $1 }
#. [[ ! -f "$1" ]] && {
#. > _failure "Tomb file is not a regular file: ::1 tomb file::" $1 }
#. [[ ! -s "$1" ]] && {
#. _failure "Tomb file is empty (zero length): ::1 tomb file::" $1 }
#. [[ ! -w "$1" ]] && {
#. _failure "Tomb file is not writable: ::1 tomb file::" $1 }
#: tomb:483
msgid "Tomb file is not a regular file: ::1 tomb file::"
msgstr "Файл гробницы не является обычным файлом: ::1 tomb file::"
#. Fold: Safety functions
#. Function: is_valid_tomb
#. Code sample:
#. # Tomb file must be a readable, writable, not-empty regular file.
#. [[ ! -r "$1" ]] && {
#. _failure "Tomb file not found: ::1 tomb file::" $1 }
#. [[ ! -f "$1" ]] && {
#. _failure "Tomb file is not a regular file: ::1 tomb file::" $1 }
#. [[ ! -s "$1" ]] && {
#. > _failure "Tomb file is empty (zero length): ::1 tomb file::" $1 }
#. [[ ! -w "$1" ]] && {
#. _failure "Tomb file is not writable: ::1 tomb file::" $1 }
#. # TODO: split the rest of that function out.
#: tomb:485
msgid "Tomb file is empty (zero length): ::1 tomb file::"
msgstr "Файл гробницы пуст (нулевая длина): ::1 tomb file::"
#. Fold: Safety functions
#. Function: is_valid_tomb
#. Code sample:
#. _failure "Tomb file not found: ::1 tomb file::" $1 }
#. [[ ! -f "$1" ]] && {
#. _failure "Tomb file is not a regular file: ::1 tomb file::" $1 }
#. [[ ! -s "$1" ]] && {
#. _failure "Tomb file is empty (zero length): ::1 tomb file::" $1 }
#. [[ ! -w "$1" ]] && {
#. > _failure "Tomb file is not writable: ::1 tomb file::" $1 }
#. # TODO: split the rest of that function out.
#. # We already have a valid tomb, now we're checking
#. # whether we can alter it.
#: tomb:487
msgid "Tomb file is not writable: ::1 tomb file::"
msgstr "Файл гробницы недоступен для записи: ::1 tomb file::"
#. Fold: Safety functions
#. Function: is_valid_tomb
#. Code sample:
#. # TODO: split the rest of that function out.
#. # We already have a valid tomb, now we're checking
#. # whether we can alter it.
#. # Tomb file may be a LUKS FS (or we are creating it)
#. [[ "`file $1`" =~ "luks encrypted file" ]] || {
#. > _warning "File is not yet a tomb: ::1 tomb file::" $1 }
#. _plot $1 # Set TOMB{PATH,DIR,FILE,NAME}
#. # Tomb cannot be already mounted (or we cannot alter it)
#: tomb:495
msgid "File is not yet a tomb: ::1 tomb file::"
msgstr "Файл пока не является гробницей: ::1 tomb file::"
#. Fold: Safety functions
#. Function: is_valid_tomb
#. Code sample:
#. _warning "File is not yet a tomb: ::1 tomb file::" $1 }
#. _plot $1 # Set TOMB{PATH,DIR,FILE,NAME}
#. # Tomb cannot be already mounted (or we cannot alter it)
#. [[ "`mount -l`" -regex-match "${TOMBFILE}.*\[$TOMBNAME\]$" ]] && {
#. > _failure "Tomb is currently in use: ::1 tomb name::" $TOMBNAME
#. }
#. _message "Valid tomb file found: ::1 tomb path::" $TOMBPATH
#: tomb:501
msgid "Tomb is currently in use: ::1 tomb name::"
msgstr "Гробница на данный момент используется: ::1 tomb name::"
#. Fold: Safety functions
#. Function: is_valid_tomb
#. Code sample:
#. # Tomb cannot be already mounted (or we cannot alter it)
#. [[ "`mount -l`" -regex-match "${TOMBFILE}.*\[$TOMBNAME\]$" ]] && {
#. _failure "Tomb is currently in use: ::1 tomb name::" $TOMBNAME
#. }
#. > _message "Valid tomb file found: ::1 tomb path::" $TOMBPATH
#. return 0
#. }
#: tomb:504
msgid "Valid tomb file found: ::1 tomb path::"
msgstr "Найден верный файл гробницы: ::1 tomb path::"
#. Fold: Safety functions
#. Function: lo_mount
#. Code sample:
#. lo_mount() {
#. tpath="$1"
#. # check if we have support for loop mounting
#. _nstloop=`sudo losetup -f`
#. [[ $? = 0 ]] || {
#. > _warning "Loop mount of volumes is not possible on this machine, this error"
#. _warning "often occurs on VPS and kernels that don't provide the loop module."
#. _warning "It is impossible to use Tomb on this machine at this conditions."
#. _failure "Operation aborted."
#. }
#: tomb:516
msgid "Loop mount of volumes is not possible on this machine, this error"
msgstr "Loop-монтирование томов не поддерживается на этой машине, эта ошибка"
#. Fold: Safety functions
#. Function: lo_mount
#. Code sample:
#. tpath="$1"
#. # check if we have support for loop mounting
#. _nstloop=`sudo losetup -f`
#. [[ $? = 0 ]] || {
#. _warning "Loop mount of volumes is not possible on this machine, this error"
#. > _warning "often occurs on VPS and kernels that don't provide the loop module."
#. _warning "It is impossible to use Tomb on this machine at this conditions."
#. _failure "Operation aborted."
#. }
#: tomb:517
msgid "often occurs on VPS and kernels that don't provide the loop module."
msgstr "часто возникает на VPS и ядрах, которые не имеют модуля loop."
#. Fold: Safety functions
#. Function: lo_mount
#. Code sample:
#. # check if we have support for loop mounting
#. _nstloop=`sudo losetup -f`
#. [[ $? = 0 ]] || {
#. _warning "Loop mount of volumes is not possible on this machine, this error"
#. _warning "often occurs on VPS and kernels that don't provide the loop module."
#. > _warning "It is impossible to use Tomb on this machine at this conditions."
#. _failure "Operation aborted."
#. }
#. sudo losetup -f "$tpath" # allocates the next loopback for our file
#: tomb:518
msgid "It is impossible to use Tomb on this machine at this conditions."
msgstr "Невозможно использовать Tomb на этой машине при таких условиях."
#. Fold: Commandline interaction
#. Function: usage
#. Code sample:
#. # }}}
#. # {{{ Commandline interaction
#. usage() {
#. > _print "Syntax: tomb [options] command [arguments]"
#. _print "\000"
#. _print "Commands:"
#. _print "\000"
#. _print " // Creation:"
#: tomb:558
msgid "Syntax: tomb [options] command [arguments]"
msgstr "Синтаксис: tomb [опции] команда [аргументы]"
#. Fold: Commandline interaction
#. Function: usage
#. Code sample:
#. # {{{ Commandline interaction
#. usage() {
#. _print "Syntax: tomb [options] command [arguments]"
#. _print "\000"
#. > _print "Commands:"
#. _print "\000"
#. _print " // Creation:"
#. _print " dig create a new empty TOMB file of size -s in MB"
#. _print " forge create a new KEY file and set its password"
#: tomb:560
msgid "Commands:"
msgstr "Команды:"
#. Fold: Commandline interaction
#. Function: usage
#. Code sample:
#. usage() {
#. _print "Syntax: tomb [options] command [arguments]"
#. _print "\000"
#. _print "Commands:"
#. _print "\000"
#. > _print " // Creation:"
#. _print " dig create a new empty TOMB file of size -s in MB"
#. _print " forge create a new KEY file and set its password"
#. _print " lock installs a lock on a TOMB to use it with KEY"
#. _print "\000"
#: tomb:562
msgid " // Creation:"
msgstr " // Создание: "
#. Fold: Commandline interaction
#. Function: usage
#. Code sample:
#. usage() {
#. _print "Syntax: tomb [options] command [arguments]"
#. _print "\000"
#. _print "Commands:"
#. _print "\000"
#. _print " // Creation:"
#. > _print " dig create a new empty TOMB file of size -s in MB"
#. _print " forge create a new KEY file and set its password"
#. _print " lock installs a lock on a TOMB to use it with KEY"
#. _print "\000"
#. _print " // Operations on tombs:"
#: tomb:563
msgid " dig create a new empty TOMB file of size -s in MB"
msgstr " dig создать новый пустой файл ГРОБНИЦЫ размером -s Мб "
#. Fold: Commandline interaction
#. Function: usage
#. Code sample:
#. _print "Syntax: tomb [options] command [arguments]"
#. _print "\000"
#. _print "Commands:"
#. _print "\000"
#. _print " // Creation:"
#. _print " dig create a new empty TOMB file of size -s in MB"
#. > _print " forge create a new KEY file and set its password"
#. _print " lock installs a lock on a TOMB to use it with KEY"
#. _print "\000"
#. _print " // Operations on tombs:"
#. _print " open open an existing TOMB"
#: tomb:564
msgid " forge create a new KEY file and set its password"
msgstr " forge создать новый файл КЛЮЧА и задать его пароль "
#. Fold: Commandline interaction
#. Function: usage
#. Code sample:
#. _print "\000"
#. _print "Commands:"
#. _print "\000"
#. _print " // Creation:"
#. _print " dig create a new empty TOMB file of size -s in MB"
#. _print " forge create a new KEY file and set its password"
#. > _print " lock installs a lock on a TOMB to use it with KEY"
#. _print "\000"
#. _print " // Operations on tombs:"
#. _print " open open an existing TOMB"
#. _print " index update the search indexes of tombs"
#: tomb:565
msgid " lock installs a lock on a TOMB to use it with KEY"
msgstr " lock установить замок на ГРОБНИЦУ, используя КЛЮЧ "
#. Fold: Commandline interaction
#. Function: usage
#. Code sample:
#. _print "\000"
#. _print " // Creation:"
#. _print " dig create a new empty TOMB file of size -s in MB"
#. _print " forge create a new KEY file and set its password"
#. _print " lock installs a lock on a TOMB to use it with KEY"
#. _print "\000"
#. > _print " // Operations on tombs:"
#. _print " open open an existing TOMB"
#. _print " index update the search indexes of tombs"
#. _print " search looks for filenames matching text patterns"
#. _print " list list of open TOMBs and information on them"
#: tomb:567
msgid " // Operations on tombs:"
msgstr " // Операции над гробницами: "
#. Fold: Commandline interaction
#. Function: usage
#. Code sample:
#. _print " // Creation:"
#. _print " dig create a new empty TOMB file of size -s in MB"
#. _print " forge create a new KEY file and set its password"
#. _print " lock installs a lock on a TOMB to use it with KEY"
#. _print "\000"
#. _print " // Operations on tombs:"
#. > _print " open open an existing TOMB"
#. _print " index update the search indexes of tombs"
#. _print " search looks for filenames matching text patterns"
#. _print " list list of open TOMBs and information on them"
#. _print " close close a specific TOMB (or 'all')"
#: tomb:568
msgid " open open an existing TOMB"
msgstr " open открыть существующую ГРОБНИЦУ "
#. Fold: Commandline interaction
#. Function: usage
#. Code sample:
#. _print " dig create a new empty TOMB file of size -s in MB"
#. _print " forge create a new KEY file and set its password"
#. _print " lock installs a lock on a TOMB to use it with KEY"
#. _print "\000"
#. _print " // Operations on tombs:"
#. _print " open open an existing TOMB"
#. > _print " index update the search indexes of tombs"
#. _print " search looks for filenames matching text patterns"
#. _print " list list of open TOMBs and information on them"
#. _print " close close a specific TOMB (or 'all')"
#. _print " slam slam a TOMB killing all programs using it"
#: tomb:569
msgid " index update the search indexes of tombs"
msgstr " index обновить поисковый индекс гробниц "
#. Fold: Commandline interaction
#. Function: usage
#. Code sample:
#. _print " forge create a new KEY file and set its password"
#. _print " lock installs a lock on a TOMB to use it with KEY"
#. _print "\000"
#. _print " // Operations on tombs:"
#. _print " open open an existing TOMB"
#. _print " index update the search indexes of tombs"
#. > _print " search looks for filenames matching text patterns"
#. _print " list list of open TOMBs and information on them"
#. _print " close close a specific TOMB (or 'all')"
#. _print " slam slam a TOMB killing all programs using it"
#. [[ $RESIZER == 1 ]] && {
#: tomb:570
msgid " search looks for filenames matching text patterns"
msgstr " search ищет имена файлов, соответствующие шаблону "
#. Fold: Commandline interaction
#. Function: usage
#. Code sample:
#. _print " lock installs a lock on a TOMB to use it with KEY"
#. _print "\000"
#. _print " // Operations on tombs:"
#. _print " open open an existing TOMB"
#. _print " index update the search indexes of tombs"
#. _print " search looks for filenames matching text patterns"
#. > _print " list list of open TOMBs and information on them"
#. _print " close close a specific TOMB (or 'all')"
#. _print " slam slam a TOMB killing all programs using it"
#. [[ $RESIZER == 1 ]] && {
#. _print " resize resize a TOMB to a new size -s (can only grow)"
#: tomb:571
msgid " list list of open TOMBs and information on them"
msgstr " list список открытых ГРОБНИЦ и информация о них "
#. Fold: Commandline interaction
#. Function: usage
#. Code sample:
#. _print "\000"
#. _print " // Operations on tombs:"
#. _print " open open an existing TOMB"
#. _print " index update the search indexes of tombs"
#. _print " search looks for filenames matching text patterns"
#. _print " list list of open TOMBs and information on them"
#. > _print " close close a specific TOMB (or 'all')"
#. _print " slam slam a TOMB killing all programs using it"
#. [[ $RESIZER == 1 ]] && {
#. _print " resize resize a TOMB to a new size -s (can only grow)"
#. }
#: tomb:572
msgid " close close a specific TOMB (or 'all')"
msgstr " close закрыть определенную ГРОБНИЦУ (или 'all' для всех) "
#. Fold: Commandline interaction
#. Function: usage
#. Code sample:
#. _print " // Operations on tombs:"
#. _print " open open an existing TOMB"
#. _print " index update the search indexes of tombs"
#. _print " search looks for filenames matching text patterns"
#. _print " list list of open TOMBs and information on them"
#. _print " close close a specific TOMB (or 'all')"
#. > _print " slam slam a TOMB killing all programs using it"
#. [[ $RESIZER == 1 ]] && {
#. _print " resize resize a TOMB to a new size -s (can only grow)"
#. }
#. _print "\000"
#: tomb:573
msgid " slam slam a TOMB killing all programs using it"
msgstr " slam захлопнуть ГРОБНИЦУ, убив все программы, использующие ее "
#. Fold: Commandline interaction
#. Function: usage
#. Code sample:
#. _print " index update the search indexes of tombs"
#. _print " search looks for filenames matching text patterns"
#. _print " list list of open TOMBs and information on them"
#. _print " close close a specific TOMB (or 'all')"
#. _print " slam slam a TOMB killing all programs using it"
#. [[ $RESIZER == 1 ]] && {
#. > _print " resize resize a TOMB to a new size -s (can only grow)"
#. }
#. _print "\000"
#. _print " // Operations on keys:"
#. _print " passwd change the password of a KEY (needs old pass)"
#: tomb:575
msgid " resize resize a TOMB to a new size -s (can only grow)"
msgstr " resize привести размер гробницы к -s Мб (можно только увеличить) "
#. Fold: Commandline interaction
#. Function: usage
#. Code sample:
#. _print " close close a specific TOMB (or 'all')"
#. _print " slam slam a TOMB killing all programs using it"
#. [[ $RESIZER == 1 ]] && {
#. _print " resize resize a TOMB to a new size -s (can only grow)"
#. }
#. _print "\000"
#. > _print " // Operations on keys:"
#. _print " passwd change the password of a KEY (needs old pass)"
#. _print " setkey change the KEY locking a TOMB (needs old key and pass)"
#. _print "\000"
#. [[ $QRENCODE == 1 ]] && {
#: tomb:578
msgid " // Operations on keys:"
msgstr " // Операции с ключами: "
#. Fold: Commandline interaction
#. Function: usage
#. Code sample:
#. _print " slam slam a TOMB killing all programs using it"
#. [[ $RESIZER == 1 ]] && {
#. _print " resize resize a TOMB to a new size -s (can only grow)"
#. }
#. _print "\000"
#. _print " // Operations on keys:"
#. > _print " passwd change the password of a KEY (needs old pass)"
#. _print " setkey change the KEY locking a TOMB (needs old key and pass)"
#. _print "\000"
#. [[ $QRENCODE == 1 ]] && {
#. _print " // Backup on paper:"
#: tomb:579
msgid " passwd change the password of a KEY (needs old pass)"
msgstr " passwd изменить пароль КЛЮЧА (требуется старый пароль)"
#. Fold: Commandline interaction
#. Function: usage
#. Code sample:
#. [[ $RESIZER == 1 ]] && {
#. _print " resize resize a TOMB to a new size -s (can only grow)"
#. }
#. _print "\000"
#. _print " // Operations on keys:"
#. _print " passwd change the password of a KEY (needs old pass)"
#. > _print " setkey change the KEY locking a TOMB (needs old key and pass)"
#. _print "\000"
#. [[ $QRENCODE == 1 ]] && {
#. _print " // Backup on paper:"
#. _print " engrave makes a QR code of a KEY to be saved on paper"
#: tomb:580
msgid " setkey change the KEY locking a TOMB (needs old key and pass)"
msgstr ""
" setkey изменить КЛЮЧ, запирающий ГРОБНИЦУ (требуется старый ключ и пароль)"
#. Fold: Commandline interaction
#. Function: usage
#. Code sample:
#. _print "\000"
#. _print " // Operations on keys:"
#. _print " passwd change the password of a KEY (needs old pass)"
#. _print " setkey change the KEY locking a TOMB (needs old key and pass)"
#. _print "\000"
#. [[ $QRENCODE == 1 ]] && {
#. > _print " // Backup on paper:"
#. _print " engrave makes a QR code of a KEY to be saved on paper"
#. }
#. _print "\000"
#. [[ $STEGHIDE == 1 ]] && {
#: tomb:583
msgid " // Backup on paper:"
msgstr " // Резервная копия на бумаге:"
#. Fold: Commandline interaction
#. Function: usage
#. Code sample:
#. _print " // Operations on keys:"
#. _print " passwd change the password of a KEY (needs old pass)"
#. _print " setkey change the KEY locking a TOMB (needs old key and pass)"
#. _print "\000"
#. [[ $QRENCODE == 1 ]] && {
#. _print " // Backup on paper:"
#. > _print " engrave makes a QR code of a KEY to be saved on paper"
#. }
#. _print "\000"
#. [[ $STEGHIDE == 1 ]] && {
#. _print " // Steganography:"
#: tomb:584
msgid " engrave makes a QR code of a KEY to be saved on paper"
msgstr " engrave создает штрих-код для хранения КЛЮЧА на бумаге "
#. Fold: Commandline interaction
#. Function: usage
#. Code sample:
#. [[ $QRENCODE == 1 ]] && {
#. _print " // Backup on paper:"
#. _print " engrave makes a QR code of a KEY to be saved on paper"
#. }
#. _print "\000"
#. [[ $STEGHIDE == 1 ]] && {
#. > _print " // Steganography:"
#. _print " bury hide a KEY inside a JPEG image (for use with -k)"
#. _print " exhume extract a KEY from a JPEG image (prints to stdout)"
#. }
#. _print "\000"
#: tomb:588
msgid " // Steganography:"
msgstr " // Стеганография:"
#. Fold: Commandline interaction
#. Function: usage
#. Code sample:
#. _print " // Backup on paper:"
#. _print " engrave makes a QR code of a KEY to be saved on paper"
#. }
#. _print "\000"
#. [[ $STEGHIDE == 1 ]] && {
#. _print " // Steganography:"
#. > _print " bury hide a KEY inside a JPEG image (for use with -k)"
#. _print " exhume extract a KEY from a JPEG image (prints to stdout)"
#. }
#. _print "\000"
#. _print "Options:"
#: tomb:589
msgid " bury hide a KEY inside a JPEG image (for use with -k)"
msgstr " bury спрятать КЛЮЧ внутри изображения JPEG (для использования с -k)"
#. Fold: Commandline interaction
#. Function: usage
#. Code sample:
#. _print " engrave makes a QR code of a KEY to be saved on paper"
#. }
#. _print "\000"
#. [[ $STEGHIDE == 1 ]] && {
#. _print " // Steganography:"
#. _print " bury hide a KEY inside a JPEG image (for use with -k)"
#. > _print " exhume extract a KEY from a JPEG image (prints to stdout)"
#. }
#. _print "\000"
#. _print "Options:"
#. _print "\000"
#: tomb:590
msgid " exhume extract a KEY from a JPEG image (prints to stdout)"
msgstr ""
" exhume извлечь КЛЮЧ из изображения JPEG (выводится в стандартный вывод)"
#. Fold: Commandline interaction
#. Function: usage
#. Code sample:
#. [[ $STEGHIDE == 1 ]] && {
#. _print " // Steganography:"
#. _print " bury hide a KEY inside a JPEG image (for use with -k)"
#. _print " exhume extract a KEY from a JPEG image (prints to stdout)"
#. }
#. _print "\000"
#. > _print "Options:"
#. _print "\000"
#. _print " -s size of the tomb file when creating/resizing one (in MB)"
#. _print " -k path to the key to be used ('-k -' to read from stdin)"
#. _print " -n don't process the hooks found in tomb"
#: tomb:593
msgid "Options:"
msgstr "Опции: "
#. Fold: Commandline interaction
#. Function: usage
#. Code sample:
#. _print " bury hide a KEY inside a JPEG image (for use with -k)"
#. _print " exhume extract a KEY from a JPEG image (prints to stdout)"
#. }
#. _print "\000"
#. _print "Options:"
#. _print "\000"
#. > _print " -s size of the tomb file when creating/resizing one (in MB)"
#. _print " -k path to the key to be used ('-k -' to read from stdin)"
#. _print " -n don't process the hooks found in tomb"
#. _print " -o options passed to local command, e.g.:"
#. _print " - mount options used to open (default: rw,noatime,nodev)"
#: tomb:595
msgid " -s size of the tomb file when creating/resizing one (in MB)"
msgstr " -s размер файла гробницы при создании/изменении размера (в Мб) "
#. Fold: Commandline interaction
#. Function: usage
#. Code sample:
#. _print " exhume extract a KEY from a JPEG image (prints to stdout)"
#. }
#. _print "\000"
#. _print "Options:"
#. _print "\000"
#. _print " -s size of the tomb file when creating/resizing one (in MB)"
#. > _print " -k path to the key to be used ('-k -' to read from stdin)"
#. _print " -n don't process the hooks found in tomb"
#. _print " -o options passed to local command, e.g.:"
#. _print " - mount options used to open (default: rw,noatime,nodev)"
#. _print " - an alternate cipher to forge and lock"
#: tomb:596
msgid " -k path to the key to be used ('-k -' to read from stdin)"
msgstr " -k путь к ключу ('-k -' для чтения из стандартного ввода) "
#. Fold: Commandline interaction
#. Function: usage
#. Code sample:
#. }
#. _print "\000"
#. _print "Options:"
#. _print "\000"
#. _print " -s size of the tomb file when creating/resizing one (in MB)"
#. _print " -k path to the key to be used ('-k -' to read from stdin)"
#. > _print " -n don't process the hooks found in tomb"
#. _print " -o options passed to local command, e.g.:"
#. _print " - mount options used to open (default: rw,noatime,nodev)"
#. _print " - an alternate cipher to forge and lock"
#. _print " -f force operation (i.e. even if swap is active)"
#: tomb:597
msgid " -n don't process the hooks found in tomb"
msgstr " -n не обрабатывать привязки, найденные в гробнице "
#. Fold: Commandline interaction
#. Function: usage
#. Code sample:
#. _print "\000"
#. _print "Options:"
#. _print "\000"
#. _print " -s size of the tomb file when creating/resizing one (in MB)"
#. _print " -k path to the key to be used ('-k -' to read from stdin)"
#. _print " -n don't process the hooks found in tomb"
#. > _print " -o options passed to local command, e.g.:"
#. _print " - mount options used to open (default: rw,noatime,nodev)"
#. _print " - an alternate cipher to forge and lock"
#. _print " -f force operation (i.e. even if swap is active)"
#. [[ $KDF == 1 ]] && {
#: tomb:598
msgid " -o options passed to local command, e.g.:"
msgstr ""
#. Fold: Commandline interaction
#. Function: usage
#. Code sample:
#. _print "Options:"
#. _print "\000"
#. _print " -s size of the tomb file when creating/resizing one (in MB)"
#. _print " -k path to the key to be used ('-k -' to read from stdin)"
#. _print " -n don't process the hooks found in tomb"
#. _print " -o options passed to local command, e.g.:"
#. > _print " - mount options used to open (default: rw,noatime,nodev)"
#. _print " - an alternate cipher to forge and lock"
#. _print " -f force operation (i.e. even if swap is active)"
#. [[ $KDF == 1 ]] && {
#. _print " --kdf generate passwords armored against dictionary attacks"
#: tomb:599
msgid " - mount options used to open (default: rw,noatime,nodev)"
msgstr ""
#. Fold: Commandline interaction
#. Function: usage
#. Code sample:
#. _print "\000"
#. _print " -s size of the tomb file when creating/resizing one (in MB)"
#. _print " -k path to the key to be used ('-k -' to read from stdin)"
#. _print " -n don't process the hooks found in tomb"
#. _print " -o options passed to local command, e.g.:"
#. _print " - mount options used to open (default: rw,noatime,nodev)"
#. > _print " - an alternate cipher to forge and lock"
#. _print " -f force operation (i.e. even if swap is active)"
#. [[ $KDF == 1 ]] && {
#. _print " --kdf generate passwords armored against dictionary attacks"
#. }
#: tomb:600
msgid " - an alternate cipher to forge and lock"
msgstr ""
#. Fold: Commandline interaction
#. Function: usage
#. Code sample:
#. _print " -s size of the tomb file when creating/resizing one (in MB)"
#. _print " -k path to the key to be used ('-k -' to read from stdin)"
#. _print " -n don't process the hooks found in tomb"
#. _print " -o options passed to local command, e.g.:"
#. _print " - mount options used to open (default: rw,noatime,nodev)"
#. _print " - an alternate cipher to forge and lock"
#. > _print " -f force operation (i.e. even if swap is active)"
#. [[ $KDF == 1 ]] && {
#. _print " --kdf generate passwords armored against dictionary attacks"
#. }
#: tomb:601
msgid " -f force operation (i.e. even if swap is active)"
msgstr " -f форсировать операцию (например, даже при активном swap) "
#. Fold: Commandline interaction
#. Function: usage
#. Code sample:
#. _print " -n don't process the hooks found in tomb"
#. _print " -o options passed to local command, e.g.:"
#. _print " - mount options used to open (default: rw,noatime,nodev)"
#. _print " - an alternate cipher to forge and lock"
#. _print " -f force operation (i.e. even if swap is active)"
#. [[ $KDF == 1 ]] && {
#. > _print " --kdf generate passwords armored against dictionary attacks"
#. }
#. _print "\000"
#. _print " -h print this help"
#: tomb:603
msgid " --kdf generate passwords armored against dictionary attacks"
msgstr " --kdf сгенерировать пароли, устойчивые к атакам по словарю "
#. Fold: Commandline interaction
#. Function: usage
#. Code sample:
#. _print " -f force operation (i.e. even if swap is active)"
#. [[ $KDF == 1 ]] && {
#. _print " --kdf generate passwords armored against dictionary attacks"
#. }
#. _print "\000"
#. > _print " -h print this help"
#. _print " -v print version, license and list of available ciphers"
#. _print " -q run quietly without printing informations"
#. _print " -D print debugging information at runtime"
#. _print "\000"
#: tomb:607
msgid " -h print this help"
msgstr " -h показать эту справку "
#. Fold: Commandline interaction
#. Function: usage
#. Code sample:
#. [[ $KDF == 1 ]] && {
#. _print " --kdf generate passwords armored against dictionary attacks"
#. }
#. _print "\000"
#. _print " -h print this help"
#. > _print " -v print version, license and list of available ciphers"
#. _print " -q run quietly without printing informations"
#. _print " -D print debugging information at runtime"
#. _print "\000"
#. _print "For more informations on Tomb read the manual: man tomb"
#: tomb:608
msgid " -v print version, license and list of available ciphers"
msgstr " -v показать версию, лицензию и доступные шифры "
#. Fold: Commandline interaction
#. Function: usage
#. Code sample:
#. _print " --kdf generate passwords armored against dictionary attacks"
#. }
#. _print "\000"
#. _print " -h print this help"
#. _print " -v print version, license and list of available ciphers"
#. > _print " -q run quietly without printing informations"
#. _print " -D print debugging information at runtime"
#. _print "\000"
#. _print "For more informations on Tomb read the manual: man tomb"
#. _print "Please report bugs on <>."
#: tomb:609
msgid " -q run quietly without printing informations"
msgstr " -q выполнение без вывода информации на экран "
#. Fold: Commandline interaction
#. Function: usage
#. Code sample:
#. }
#. _print "\000"
#. _print " -h print this help"
#. _print " -v print version, license and list of available ciphers"
#. _print " -q run quietly without printing informations"
#. > _print " -D print debugging information at runtime"
#. _print "\000"
#. _print "For more informations on Tomb read the manual: man tomb"
#. _print "Please report bugs on <>."
#. }
#: tomb:610
msgid " -D print debugging information at runtime"
msgstr " -D вывести отладочную информацию при запуске"
#. Fold: Commandline interaction
#. Function: usage
#. Code sample:
#. _print "\000"
#. _print " -h print this help"
#. _print " -v print version, license and list of available ciphers"
#. _print " -q run quietly without printing informations"
#. _print " -D print debugging information at runtime"
#. _print "\000"
#. > _print "For more informations on Tomb read the manual: man tomb"
#. _print "Please report bugs on <>."
#. }
#: tomb:612
msgid "For more informations on Tomb read the manual: man tomb"
msgstr "Больше информации по Tomb Вы можете найти в руководстве: man tomb"
#. Fold: Commandline interaction
#. Function: usage
#. Code sample:
#. _print " -h print this help"
#. _print " -v print version, license and list of available ciphers"
#. _print " -q run quietly without printing informations"
#. _print " -D print debugging information at runtime"
#. _print "\000"
#. _print "For more informations on Tomb read the manual: man tomb"
#. > _print "Please report bugs on <>."
#. }
#. # Check whether a commandline option is set.
#: tomb:613
msgid "Please report bugs on <>."
msgstr ""
"Пожалуйста, сообщайте о найденных ошибках на <"
#. Fold: Commandline interaction
#. Function: _ensure_dependencies
#. Code sample:
#. # missing, bail out.
#. _ensure_dependencies() {
#. # Check for required programs
#. for req in cryptsetup pinentry sudo gpg mkfs.ext4 e2fsck; do
#. command -v $req 1>/dev/null 2>/dev/null || {
#. > _failure "Missing required dependency ::1 command::. Please install it." $req }
#. done
#. # Ensure system binaries are available in the PATH
#. path+=(/sbin /usr/sbin) # zsh magic
#: tomb:748
msgid "Missing required dependency ::1 command::. Please install it."
msgstr ""
"Отсутствует необходимая зависимость: ::1 command::. Пожалуйста, установите "
#. Fold: Key operations
#. Function: is_valid_key
#. Code sample:
#. _verbose "is_valid_key"
#. [[ -z $key ]] && key=$TOMBKEY
#. [[ "$key" = "cleartext" ]] && {
#. { option_is_set --unsafe } || {
#. > _warning "cleartext key from stdin selected: this is unsafe."
#. exitv=127 _failure "please use --unsafe if you really want to do this."
#. }
#. _warning "received key in cleartext from stdin (unsafe mode)"
#. return 0 }
#: tomb:785
msgid "cleartext key from stdin selected: this is unsafe."
msgstr "выбран ключ, явно указанный через стандартный ввод: это небезопасно."
#. Fold: Key operations
#. Function: is_valid_key
#. Code sample:
#. _verbose "is_valid_key"
#. [[ -z $key ]] && key=$TOMBKEY
#. [[ "$key" = "cleartext" ]] && {
#. { option_is_set --unsafe } || {
#. _warning "cleartext key from stdin selected: this is unsafe."
#. > exitv=127 _failure "please use --unsafe if you really want to do this."
#. }
#. _warning "received key in cleartext from stdin (unsafe mode)"
#. return 0 }
#: tomb:786
msgid "please use --unsafe if you really want to do this."
msgstr "пожалуйчтв, используйте --unsafe, если Вы действительно этого хотите."
#. Fold: Key operations
#. Function: is_valid_key
#. Code sample:
#. [[ -z $key ]] && key=$TOMBKEY
#. [[ "$key" = "cleartext" ]] && {
#. { option_is_set --unsafe } || {
#. _warning "cleartext key from stdin selected: this is unsafe."
#. exitv=127 _failure "please use --unsafe if you really want to do this."
#. }
#. > _warning "received key in cleartext from stdin (unsafe mode)"
#. return 0 }
#. [[ -z $key ]] && {
#. _warning "is_valid_key() called without an argument."
#: tomb:788
msgid "received key in cleartext from stdin (unsafe mode)"
msgstr "получен ключ в явном виде через стандартный ввод (небезопасный режим)"
#. Fold: Key operations
#. Function: is_valid_key
#. Code sample:
#. exitv=127 _failure "please use --unsafe if you really want to do this."
#. }
#. _warning "received key in cleartext from stdin (unsafe mode)"
#. return 0 }
#. [[ -z $key ]] && {
#. > _warning "is_valid_key() called without an argument."
#. return 1
#. }
#. # If the key file is an image don't check file header
#: tomb:792
msgid "is_valid_key() called without an argument."
msgstr "is_valid_key() вызвана без аргумента."
#. Fold: Key operations
#. Function: is_valid_key
#. Code sample:
#. }
#. # If the key file is an image don't check file header
#. [[ -r $TOMBKEYFILE ]] #. && [[ $(file $TOMBKEYFILE) =~ "JP.G" ]] #. && {
#. > _message "Key is an image, it might be valid."
#. return 0 }
#. [[ $key =~ "BEGIN PGP" ]] && {
#. _message "Key is valid."
#: tomb:800
msgid "Key is an image, it might be valid."
msgstr "Ключ - изображение, может подойти."
#. Fold: Key operations
#. Function: is_valid_key
#. Code sample:
#. && [[ $(file $TOMBKEYFILE) =~ "JP.G" ]] #. && {
#. _message "Key is an image, it might be valid."
#. return 0 }
#. [[ $key =~ "BEGIN PGP" ]] && {
#. > _message "Key is valid."
#. return 0 }
#. return 1
#. }
#: tomb:804
msgid "Key is valid."
msgstr "Верный ключ."
#. Fold: Key operations
#. Function: _tomb_key_recover recover_key
#. Code sample:
#. }
#. # $1 is a string containing an encrypted key
#. _tomb_key_recover recover_key() {
#. local key="${1}" # Unique argument is an encrypted key
#. > _warning "Attempting key recovery."
#. _head="${key[(f)1]}" # take the first line
#. TOMBKEY="" # Reset global variable
#: tomb:814
msgid "Attempting key recovery."
msgstr "Попытка восстановления ключа."
#. Fold: Key operations
#. Function: _load_key
#. Code sample:
#. # Set global variables TOMBKEY and TOMBKEYFILE.
#. _load_key() {
#. local keyfile="$1" # Unique argument is an optional keyfile
#. [[ -z $keyfile ]] && keyfile=$(option_value -k)
#. [[ -z $keyfile ]] && {
#. > _failure "This operation requires a key file to be specified using the -k option." }
#. if [[ $keyfile == "-" ]]; then
#. _verbose "load_key reading from stdin."
#. _message "Waiting for the key to be piped from stdin... "
#: tomb:838
msgid "This operation requires a key file to be specified using the -k option."
msgstr "Эта операция требует указания файла ключа с помощью опции -k."
#. Fold: Key operations
#. Function: _load_key
#. Code sample:
#. [[ -z $keyfile ]] && keyfile=$(option_value -k)
#. [[ -z $keyfile ]] && {
#. _failure "This operation requires a key file to be specified using the -k option." }
#. if [[ $keyfile == "-" ]]; then
#. _verbose "load_key reading from stdin."
#. > _message "Waiting for the key to be piped from stdin... "
#. TOMBKEY=$(cat)
#. elif [[ $keyfile == "cleartext" ]]; then
#. _verbose "load_key reading SECRET from stdin"
#: tomb:842
msgid "Waiting for the key to be piped from stdin... "
msgstr "Ожидание передачи ключа через стандартный ввод..."
#. Fold: Key operations
#. Function: _load_key
#. Code sample:
#. _message "Waiting for the key to be piped from stdin... "
#. TOMBKEYFILE=cleartext
#. TOMBKEY=cleartext
#. TOMBSECRET=$(cat)
#. else
#. _verbose "load_key argument: ::1 key file::" $keyfile
#. > [[ -r $keyfile ]] || _failure "Key not found, specify one using -k."
#. TOMBKEYFILE=$keyfile
#. TOMBKEY="${mapfile[$TOMBKEYFILE]}"
#. fi
#: tomb:853
msgid "Key not found, specify one using -k."
msgstr "Ключ не найден, укажите его с помощью опции -k."
#. Fold: Key operations
#. Function: _load_key
#. Code sample:
#. TOMBKEY="${mapfile[$TOMBKEYFILE]}"
#. fi
#. _verbose "load_key: ::1 key::" $TOMBKEYFILE
#. is_valid_key $TOMBKEY || {
#. > _warning "The key seems invalid or its format is not known by this version of Tomb."
#. _tomb_key_recover $TOMBKEY
#. }
#. # Declared TOMBKEYFILE (path)
#: tomb:861
msgid ""
"The key seems invalid or its format is not known by this version of Tomb."
msgstr "Похоже, ключ неверен, либо его формат неизвестен этой версии Tomb."
#. Fold: Key operations
#. Function: get_lukskey
#. Code sample:
#. _verbose "KDF salt: $kdf_salt"
#. _verbose "KDF ic: $kdf_ic"
#. _verbose "KDF len: $kdf_len"
#. _password=$(tomb-kdb-pbkdf2 $kdf_salt $kdf_ic $kdf_len 2>/dev/null <<<$_password)
#. ;;
#. *)
#. > _failure "No suitable program for KDF ::1 program::." $pbkdf_hash
#. unset _password
#. return 1
#. ;;
#. esac
#: tomb:936
msgid "No suitable program for KDF ::1 program::."
msgstr "Нет подходящей программы для KDF ::1 program::."
#. Fold: Key operations
#. Function: ask_key_password
#. Code sample:
#. # This function asks the user for the password to use the key it tests
#. # it against the return code of gpg on success returns 0 and saves
#. # the password in the global variable $TOMBPASSWORD
#. ask_key_password() {
#. [[ -z "$TOMBKEYFILE" ]] && {
#. > _failure "Internal error: ask_key_password() called before _load_key()." }
#. [[ "$TOMBKEYFILE" = "cleartext" ]] && {
#. _verbose "no password needed, using secret bytes from stdin"
#. return 0 }
#: tomb:962
msgid "Internal error: ask_key_password() called before _load_key()."
msgstr "Внутренняя ошибка: ask_key_password() вызвана перед _load_key()."
#. Fold: Key operations
#. Function: ask_key_password
#. Code sample:
#. _failure "Internal error: ask_key_password() called before _load_key()." }
#. [[ "$TOMBKEYFILE" = "cleartext" ]] && {
#. _verbose "no password needed, using secret bytes from stdin"
#. return 0 }
#. > _message "A password is required to use key ::1 key::" $TOMBKEYFILE
#. passok=0
#. tombpass=""
#. if [[ "$1" = "" ]]; then
#: tomb:968
msgid "A password is required to use key ::1 key::"
msgstr "Для использования ключа ::1 key:: требуется пароль"
#. Fold: Key operations
#. Function: ask_key_password
#. Code sample:
#. if [[ $c == 1 ]]; then
#. tombpass=$(ask_password "Insert password to: $TOMBKEYFILE")
#. else
#. tombpass=$(ask_password "Insert password to: $TOMBKEYFILE (attempt $c)")
#. fi
#. [[ $? = 0 ]] || {
#. > _warning "User aborted password dialog."
#. return 1
#. }
#. get_lukskey "$tombpass"
#: tomb:980
msgid "User aborted password dialog."
msgstr "Пользователь отменил диалог пароля."
#. Fold: Key operations
#. Function: ask_key_password
#. Code sample:
#. return 1
#. }
#. get_lukskey "$tombpass"
#. [[ $? = 0 ]] && {
#. > passok=1; _message "Password OK."
#. break;
#. }
#. done
#: tomb:987
msgid "Password OK."
msgstr "Верный пароль."
#. Fold: Key operations
#. Function: change_passwd
#. Code sample:
#. change_passwd() {
#. local tmpnewkey lukskey c tombpass tombpasstmp
#. _check_swap # Ensure swap is secure, if any
#. _load_key # Try loading key from option -k and set TOMBKEYFILE
#. > _message "Commanded to change password for tomb key ::1 key::" $TOMBKEYFILE
#. _tmp_create
#. tmpnewkey=$TOMBTMP
#: tomb:1025
msgid "Commanded to change password for tomb key ::1 key::"
msgstr "Приказано изменить пароль для ключа ::1 key::"
#. Fold: Key operations
#. Function: change_passwd
#. Code sample:
#. local tomboldpwd="`option_value --tomb-old-pwd`"
#. _verbose "tomb-old-pwd = ::1 old pass::" $tomboldpwd
#. ask_key_password "$tomboldpwd"
#. else
#. ask_key_password
#. fi
#. > [[ $? == 0 ]] || _failure "No valid password supplied."
#. _success "Changing password for ::1 key file::" $TOMBKEYFILE
#. # Here $TOMBSECRET contains the key material in clear
#: tomb:1037
msgid "No valid password supplied."
msgstr "Не предоставлен верный пароль."
#. Fold: Key operations
#. Function: change_passwd
#. Code sample:
#. ask_key_password "$tomboldpwd"
#. else
#. ask_key_password
#. fi
#. [[ $? == 0 ]] || _failure "No valid password supplied."
#. > _success "Changing password for ::1 key file::" $TOMBKEYFILE
#. # Here $TOMBSECRET contains the key material in clear
#. { option_is_set --tomb-pwd } && {
#: tomb:1039
msgid "Changing password for ::1 key file::"
msgstr "Меняю пароль для ::1 key file::"
#. Fold: Key operations
#. Function: change_passwd
#. Code sample:
#. gen_key "$tombpwd" >> "$tmpnewkey"
#. } || {
#. gen_key >> "$tmpnewkey"
#. }
#. { is_valid_key "${mapfile[$tmpnewkey]}" } || {
#. > _failure "Error: the newly generated keyfile does not seem valid." }
#. # Copy the new key as the original keyfile name
#. cp -f "${tmpnewkey}" $TOMBKEYFILE
#. _success "Your passphrase was successfully updated."
#: tomb:1052
msgid "Error: the newly generated keyfile does not seem valid."
msgstr "Ошибка: сгенерированный файл ключа неверен."
#. Fold: Key operations
#. Function: change_passwd
#. Code sample:
#. { is_valid_key "${mapfile[$tmpnewkey]}" } || {
#. _failure "Error: the newly generated keyfile does not seem valid." }
#. # Copy the new key as the original keyfile name
#. cp -f "${tmpnewkey}" $TOMBKEYFILE
#. > _success "Your passphrase was successfully updated."
#. return 0
#. }
#: tomb:1056
msgid "Your passphrase was successfully updated."
msgstr "Ваш пароль успешно обновлен."
#. Fold: Key operations
#. Function: gen_key
#. Code sample:
#. if [ "$1" = "" ]; then
#. while true; do
#. # 3 tries to write two times a matching password
#. tombpass=`ask_password "Type the new password to secure your key"`
#. if [[ $? != 0 ]]; then
#. > _failure "User aborted."
#. fi
#. if [ -z $tombpass ]; then
#. _failure "You set empty password, which is not possible."
#. fi
#: tomb:1078
msgid "User aborted."
msgstr "Отменено пользователем."
#. Fold: Key operations
#. Function: gen_key
#. Code sample:
#. # 3 tries to write two times a matching password
#. tombpass=`ask_password "Type the new password to secure your key"`
#. if [[ $? != 0 ]]; then
#. _failure "User aborted."
#. fi
#. if [ -z $tombpass ]; then
#. > _failure "You set empty password, which is not possible."
#. fi
#. tombpasstmp=$tombpass
#. tombpass=`ask_password "Type the new password to secure your key (again)"`
#. if [[ $? != 0 ]]; then
#: tomb:1081
msgid "You set empty password, which is not possible."
msgstr "Вы указали пустой пароль, так нельзя."
#. Fold: Key operations
#. Function: gen_key
#. Code sample:
#. # see:
#. itertime="`option_value --kdf`"
#. # removing support of floating points because they can't be type checked well
#. if [[ "$itertime" != <-> ]]; then
#. unset tombpass
#. unset tombpasstmp
#. > _failure "Wrong argument for --kdf: must be an integer number (iteration seconds)."
#. fi
#. # --kdf takes one parameter: iter time (on present machine) in seconds
#. local -i microseconds
#. microseconds=$(( itertime * 10000 ))
#: tomb:1109
msgid ""
"Wrong argument for --kdf: must be an integer number (iteration seconds)."
msgstr ""
"Неверный аргумент для --kdf: должно быть указано целое число (секунд "
#. Fold: Key operations
#. Function: gen_key
#. Code sample:
#. unset tombpasstmp
#. _failure "Wrong argument for --kdf: must be an integer number (iteration seconds)."
#. fi
#. # --kdf takes one parameter: iter time (on present machine) in seconds
#. local -i microseconds
#. microseconds=$(( itertime * 10000 ))
#. > _success "Using KDF, iterations: ::1 microseconds::" $microseconds
#. _message "generating salt"
#. pbkdf2_salt=`tomb-kdb-pbkdf2-gensalt`
#. _message "calculating iterations"
#. pbkdf2_iter=`tomb-kdb-pbkdf2-getiter $microseconds`
#: tomb:1114
msgid "Using KDF, iterations: ::1 microseconds::"
msgstr "Использую KDF, итераций: ::1 microseconds::"
#. Fold: Key operations
#. Function: gen_key
#. Code sample:
#. _failure "Wrong argument for --kdf: must be an integer number (iteration seconds)."
#. fi
#. # --kdf takes one parameter: iter time (on present machine) in seconds
#. local -i microseconds
#. microseconds=$(( itertime * 10000 ))
#. _success "Using KDF, iterations: ::1 microseconds::" $microseconds
#. > _message "generating salt"
#. pbkdf2_salt=`tomb-kdb-pbkdf2-gensalt`
#. _message "calculating iterations"
#. pbkdf2_iter=`tomb-kdb-pbkdf2-getiter $microseconds`
#. _message "encoding the password"
#: tomb:1115
msgid "generating salt"
msgstr "генерирую соль"
#. Fold: Key operations
#. Function: gen_key
#. Code sample:
#. # --kdf takes one parameter: iter time (on present machine) in seconds
#. local -i microseconds
#. microseconds=$(( itertime * 10000 ))
#. _success "Using KDF, iterations: ::1 microseconds::" $microseconds
#. _message "generating salt"
#. pbkdf2_salt=`tomb-kdb-pbkdf2-gensalt`
#. > _message "calculating iterations"
#. pbkdf2_iter=`tomb-kdb-pbkdf2-getiter $microseconds`
#. _message "encoding the password"
#. # We use a length of 64bytes = 512bits (more than needed!?)
#. tombpass=`tomb-kdb-pbkdf2 $pbkdf2_salt $pbkdf2_iter 64 <<<"${tombpass}"`
#: tomb:1117
msgid "calculating iterations"
msgstr "вычисляю итерации"
#. Fold: Key operations
#. Function: gen_key
#. Code sample:
#. microseconds=$(( itertime * 10000 ))
#. _success "Using KDF, iterations: ::1 microseconds::" $microseconds
#. _message "generating salt"
#. pbkdf2_salt=`tomb-kdb-pbkdf2-gensalt`
#. _message "calculating iterations"
#. pbkdf2_iter=`tomb-kdb-pbkdf2-getiter $microseconds`
#. > _message "encoding the password"
#. # We use a length of 64bytes = 512bits (more than needed!?)
#. tombpass=`tomb-kdb-pbkdf2 $pbkdf2_salt $pbkdf2_iter 64 <<<"${tombpass}"`
#. header="_KDF_pbkdf2sha1_${pbkdf2_salt}_${pbkdf2_iter}_64\n"
#: tomb:1119
msgid "encoding the password"
msgstr "кодирую пароль"
#. Fold: Key operations
#. Function: list_gnupg_ciphers
#. Code sample:
#. unset tombpasstmp
#. }
#. # prints an array of ciphers available in gnupg (to encrypt keys)
#. list_gnupg_ciphers() {
#. # prints an error if GnuPG is not found
#. > which gpg 2>/dev/null || _failure "gpg (GnuPG) is not found, Tomb cannot function without it."
#. ciphers=(`gpg --version | awk '
#. BEGIN { ciphers=0 }
#. /^Cipher:/ { gsub(/,/,""); sub(/^Cipher:/,""); print; ciphers=1; next }
#: tomb:1150
msgid "gpg (GnuPG) is not found, Tomb cannot function without it."
msgstr "gpg (GnuPG) не найден, Tomb не может работать без него."
#. Fold: Key operations
#. Function: bury_key
#. Code sample:
#. _load_key # Try loading key from option -k and set TOMBKEY
#. imagefile=$PARAM
#. [[ "`file $imagefile`" =~ "JPEG" ]] || {
#. > _warning "Encode failed: ::1 image file:: is not a jpeg image." $imagefile
#. return 1
#. }
#. _success "Encoding key ::1 tomb key:: inside image ::2 image file::" $TOMBKEY $imagefile
#: tomb:1171
msgid "Encode failed: ::1 image file:: is not a jpeg image."
msgstr "Шифрование не удалось: ::1 image file:: не jpeg-изображение."
#. Fold: Key operations
#. Function: bury_key
#. Code sample:
#. [[ "`file $imagefile`" =~ "JPEG" ]] || {
#. _warning "Encode failed: ::1 image file:: is not a jpeg image." $imagefile
#. return 1
#. }
#. > _success "Encoding key ::1 tomb key:: inside image ::2 image file::" $TOMBKEY $imagefile
#. _message "Please confirm the key password for the encoding"
#. # We ask the password and test if it is the same encoding the
#. # base key, to insure that the same password is used for the
#. # encryption and the steganography. This is a standard enforced
#: tomb:1175
msgid "Encoding key ::1 tomb key:: inside image ::2 image file::"
msgstr "Кодирую ключ ::1 tomb key:: в изображение ::2 image file::"
#. Fold: Key operations
#. Function: bury_key
#. Code sample:
#. [[ "`file $imagefile`" =~ "JPEG" ]] || {
#. _warning "Encode failed: ::1 image file:: is not a jpeg image." $imagefile
#. return 1
#. }
#. _success "Encoding key ::1 tomb key:: inside image ::2 image file::" $TOMBKEY $imagefile
#. > _message "Please confirm the key password for the encoding"
#. # We ask the password and test if it is the same encoding the
#. # base key, to insure that the same password is used for the
#. # encryption and the steganography. This is a standard enforced
#. # by Tomb, but its not strictly necessary (and having different
#: tomb:1176
msgid "Please confirm the key password for the encoding"
msgstr "Пожалуйста, подтвердите пароль ключа для шифрования"
#. Fold: Key operations
#. Function: bury_key
#. Code sample:
#. _verbose "tomb-pwd = ::1 tomb pass::" $tombpwd
#. ask_key_password "$tombpwd"
#. } || {
#. ask_key_password
#. }
#. [[ $? != 0 ]] && {
#. > _warning "Wrong password supplied."
#. _failure "You shall not bury a key whose password is unknown to you." }
#. # We omit armor strings since having them as constants can give
#. # ground to effective attacks on steganography
#: tomb:1192
msgid "Wrong password supplied."
msgstr "Указан неверный пароль."
#. Fold: Key operations
#. Function: bury_key
#. Code sample:
#. ask_key_password "$tombpwd"
#. } || {
#. ask_key_password
#. }
#. [[ $? != 0 ]] && {
#. _warning "Wrong password supplied."
#. > _failure "You shall not bury a key whose password is unknown to you." }
#. # We omit armor strings since having them as constants can give
#. # ground to effective attacks on steganography
#. print - "$TOMBKEY" | awk '
#: tomb:1193
msgid "You shall not bury a key whose password is unknown to you."
msgstr "Вам не захоронить ключ, чей пароль не известен Вам."
#. Fold: Key operations
#. Function: bury_key
#. Code sample:
#. /^-----/ {next}
#. /^Version/ {next}
#. {print $0}' #. | steghide embed --embedfile - --coverfile ${imagefile} #. -p $TOMBPASSWORD -z 9 -e serpent cbc
#. if [ $? != 0 ]; then
#. > _warning "Encoding error: steghide reports problems."
#. res=1
#. else
#. _success "Tomb key encoded succesfully into image ::1 image file::" $imagefile
#. res=0
#: tomb:1204
msgid "Encoding error: steghide reports problems."
msgstr "Ошибка шифрования: steghide сообщает о проблемах."
#. Fold: Key operations
#. Function: bury_key
#. Code sample:
#. | steghide embed --embedfile - --coverfile ${imagefile} #. -p $TOMBPASSWORD -z 9 -e serpent cbc
#. if [ $? != 0 ]; then
#. _warning "Encoding error: steghide reports problems."
#. res=1
#. else
#. > _success "Tomb key encoded succesfully into image ::1 image file::" $imagefile
#. res=0
#. fi
#. return $res
#: tomb:1207
msgid "Tomb key encoded succesfully into image ::1 image file::"
msgstr "Ключ от гробницы успешно закодирован в изображение ::1 image file::"
#. Fold: Key operations
#. Function: exhume_key
#. Code sample:
#. # mandatory 1st arg: the image file where key is supposed to be
#. # optional 2nd arg: the password to use (same as key, internal use)
#. # optional 3rd arg: the key where to save the result (- for stdout)
#. exhume_key() {
#. [[ "$1" = "" ]] && {
#. > _failure "Exhume failed, no image specified" }
#. local imagefile="$1" # The image file where to look for the key
#. local tombpass="$2" # (Optional) the password to use (internal use)
#. local destkey="$3" # (Optional) the key file where to save the
#: tomb:1219
msgid "Exhume failed, no image specified"
msgstr "Эксгумация не удалась, не указано изображения"
#. Fold: Key operations
#. Function: exhume_key
#. Code sample:
#. local destkey="$3" # (Optional) the key file where to save the
#. # result (- for stdout)
#. local r=1 # Return code (default: fail)
#. # Ensure the image file is a readable JPEG
#. [[ ! -r $imagefile ]] && {
#. > _failure "Exhume failed, image file not found: ::1 image file::" "${imagefile:-none}" }
#. [[ ! $(file "$imagefile") =~ "JP.G" ]] && {
#. _failure "Exhume failed: ::1 image file:: is not a jpeg image." $imagefile }
#. # When a password is passed as argument then always print out
#: tomb:1229
msgid "Exhume failed, image file not found: ::1 image file::"
msgstr "Эксгумация неудачна, файл изображения не найден: ::1 image file::"
#. Fold: Key operations
#. Function: exhume_key
#. Code sample:
#. local r=1 # Return code (default: fail)
#. # Ensure the image file is a readable JPEG
#. [[ ! -r $imagefile ]] && {
#. _failure "Exhume failed, image file not found: ::1 image file::" "${imagefile:-none}" }
#. [[ ! $(file "$imagefile") =~ "JP.G" ]] && {
#. > _failure "Exhume failed: ::1 image file:: is not a jpeg image." $imagefile }
#. # When a password is passed as argument then always print out
#. # the exhumed key on stdout without further checks (internal use)
#. [[ -n "$tombpass" ]] && {
#: tomb:1231
msgid "Exhume failed: ::1 image file:: is not a jpeg image."
msgstr "Эксгумация не удалась: ::1 image file:: не jpeg изображение."
#. Fold: Key operations
#. Function: exhume_key
#. Code sample:
#. # When a password is passed as argument then always print out
#. # the exhumed key on stdout without further checks (internal use)
#. [[ -n "$tombpass" ]] && {
#. TOMBKEY=$(steghide extract -sf $imagefile -p $tombpass -xf -)
#. [[ $? != 0 ]] && {
#. > _failure "Wrong password or no steganographic key found" }
#. recover_key $TOMBKEY
#. return 0
#: tomb:1238
msgid "Wrong password or no steganographic key found"
msgstr "Неверный пароль или не найден стеганографический ключ"
#. Fold: Key operations
#. Function: exhume_key
#. Code sample:
#. }
#. # Ensure we have a valid destination for the key
#. [[ -z $destkey ]] && { option_is_set -k } && destkey=$(option_value -k)
#. [[ -z $destkey ]] && {
#. destkey="-" # No key was specified: fallback to stdout
#. > _message "printing exhumed key on stdout" }
#. # Bail out if destination exists, unless -f (force) was passed
#. [[ $destkey != "-" && -s $destkey ]] && {
#. _warning "File exists: ::1 tomb key::" $destkey
#: tomb:1249
msgid "printing exhumed key on stdout"
msgstr "вывод эксгумированного ключа в стандарный вывод"
#. Fold: Key operations
#. Function: exhume_key
#. Code sample:
#. [[ -z $destkey ]] && {
#. destkey="-" # No key was specified: fallback to stdout
#. _message "printing exhumed key on stdout" }
#. # Bail out if destination exists, unless -f (force) was passed
#. [[ $destkey != "-" && -s $destkey ]] && {
#. > _warning "File exists: ::1 tomb key::" $destkey
#. { option_is_set -f } && {
#. _warning "Use of --force selected: overwriting."
#. rm -f $destkey
#. } || {
#: tomb:1253
msgid "File exists: ::1 tomb key::"
msgstr "Файл существует: ::1 tomb key::"
#. Fold: Key operations
#. Function: exhume_key
#. Code sample:
#. _message "printing exhumed key on stdout" }
#. # Bail out if destination exists, unless -f (force) was passed
#. [[ $destkey != "-" && -s $destkey ]] && {
#. _warning "File exists: ::1 tomb key::" $destkey
#. { option_is_set -f } && {
#. > _warning "Use of --force selected: overwriting."
#. rm -f $destkey
#. } || {
#. _warning "Make explicit use of --force to overwrite."
#. _failure "Refusing to overwrite file. Operation aborted." }
#: tomb:1255
msgid "Use of --force selected: overwriting."
msgstr "Указана опция --force: перезаписываю."
#. Fold: Key operations
#. Function: exhume_key
#. Code sample:
#. [[ $destkey != "-" && -s $destkey ]] && {
#. _warning "File exists: ::1 tomb key::" $destkey
#. { option_is_set -f } && {
#. _warning "Use of --force selected: overwriting."
#. rm -f $destkey
#. } || {
#. > _warning "Make explicit use of --force to overwrite."
#. _failure "Refusing to overwrite file. Operation aborted." }
#. }
#. _message "Trying to exhume a key out of image ::1 image file::" $imagefile
#: tomb:1258
msgid "Make explicit use of --force to overwrite."
msgstr "Явно укажите опцию --force для перезаписи."
#. Fold: Key operations
#. Function: exhume_key
#. Code sample:
#. _warning "File exists: ::1 tomb key::" $destkey
#. { option_is_set -f } && {
#. _warning "Use of --force selected: overwriting."
#. rm -f $destkey
#. } || {
#. _warning "Make explicit use of --force to overwrite."
#. > _failure "Refusing to overwrite file. Operation aborted." }
#. }
#. _message "Trying to exhume a key out of image ::1 image file::" $imagefile
#. { option_is_set --tomb-pwd } && {
#: tomb:1259
msgid "Refusing to overwrite file. Operation aborted."
msgstr "Отказываюсь перезаписывать файл. Операция отменена."
#. Fold: Key operations
#. Function: exhume_key
#. Code sample:
#. rm -f $destkey
#. } || {
#. _warning "Make explicit use of --force to overwrite."
#. _failure "Refusing to overwrite file. Operation aborted." }
#. }
#. > _message "Trying to exhume a key out of image ::1 image file::" $imagefile
#. { option_is_set --tomb-pwd } && {
#. tombpass=$(option_value --tomb-pwd)
#. _verbose "tomb-pwd = ::1 tomb pass::" $tombpass
#. } || {
#: tomb:1262
msgid "Trying to exhume a key out of image ::1 image file::"
msgstr "Пытаюсь эксгумировать ключ из изображения ::1 image file::"
#. Fold: Key operations
#. Function: exhume_key
#. Code sample:
#. steghide extract -sf $imagefile -p ${tombpass} -xf $destkey
#. r=$?
#. # Report to the user
#. [[ "$destkey" = "-" ]] && destkey="stdout"
#. [[ $r == 0 ]] && {
#. > _success "Key succesfully exhumed to ::1 key::." $destkey
#. } || {
#. _warning "Nothing found in ::1 image file::" $imagefile
#. }
#: tomb:1283
msgid "Key succesfully exhumed to ::1 key::."
msgstr "Ключ успешно эксгумирован в ::1 key::"
#. Fold: Key operations
#. Function: exhume_key
#. Code sample:
#. # Report to the user
#. [[ "$destkey" = "-" ]] && destkey="stdout"
#. [[ $r == 0 ]] && {
#. _success "Key succesfully exhumed to ::1 key::." $destkey
#. } || {
#. > _warning "Nothing found in ::1 image file::" $imagefile
#. }
#. return $r
#. }
#: tomb:1285
msgid "Nothing found in ::1 image file::"
msgstr "В ::1 image file:: ничего не найдено"
#. Fold: Key operations
#. Function: engrave_key
#. Code sample:
#. _load_key # Try loading key from option -k and set TOMBKEYFILE
#. local keyname=$(basename $TOMBKEYFILE)
#. local pngname="$keyname.qr.png"
#. > _success "Rendering a printable QRCode for key: ::1 tomb key file::" $TOMBKEYFILE
#. # we omit armor strings to save space
#. awk '/^-----/ {next}; /^Version/ {next}; {print $0}' $TOMBKEYFILE #. | qrencode --size 4 --level H --casesensitive -o $pngname
#. [[ $? != 0 ]] && {
#: tomb:1300
msgid "Rendering a printable QRCode for key: ::1 tomb key file::"
msgstr "Рендерю готовый для печати штрих-код для ключа: ::1 tomb key file::"
#. Fold: Key operations
#. Function: engrave_key
#. Code sample:
#. _success "Rendering a printable QRCode for key: ::1 tomb key file::" $TOMBKEYFILE
#. # we omit armor strings to save space
#. awk '/^-----/ {next}; /^Version/ {next}; {print $0}' $TOMBKEYFILE #. | qrencode --size 4 --level H --casesensitive -o $pngname
#. [[ $? != 0 ]] && {
#. > _failure "QREncode reported an error." }
#. _success "Operation successful:"
#. # TODO: only if verbose and/or not silent
#. ls -lh $pngname
#: tomb:1305
msgid "QREncode reported an error."
msgstr "QREncode сообщил об ошибке."
#. Fold: Key operations
#. Function: engrave_key
#. Code sample:
#. # we omit armor strings to save space
#. awk '/^-----/ {next}; /^Version/ {next}; {print $0}' $TOMBKEYFILE #. | qrencode --size 4 --level H --casesensitive -o $pngname
#. [[ $? != 0 ]] && {
#. _failure "QREncode reported an error." }
#. > _success "Operation successful:"
#. # TODO: only if verbose and/or not silent
#. ls -lh $pngname
#. file $pngname
#. }
#: tomb:1307
msgid "Operation successful:"
msgstr "Операция успешна."
#. Fold: Create
#. Function: dig_tomb
#. Code sample:
#. dig_tomb() {
#. local tombpath="$1" # Path to tomb
#. # Require the specification of the size of the tomb (-s) in MB
#. local -i tombsize=$(option_value -s)
#. > _message "Commanded to dig tomb ::1 tomb path::" $tombpath
#. [[ -n "$tombpath" ]] || _failure "Missing path to tomb"
#. [[ -n "$tombsize" ]] || _failure "Size argument missing, use -s"
#. [[ $tombsize == <-> ]] || _failure "Size must be an integer (megabytes)"
#: tomb:1340
msgid "Commanded to dig tomb ::1 tomb path::"
msgstr "Приказано выкопать гробницу ::1 tomb path::"
#. Fold: Create
#. Function: dig_tomb
#. Code sample:
#. local tombpath="$1" # Path to tomb
#. # Require the specification of the size of the tomb (-s) in MB
#. local -i tombsize=$(option_value -s)
#. _message "Commanded to dig tomb ::1 tomb path::" $tombpath
#. > [[ -n "$tombpath" ]] || _failure "Missing path to tomb"
#. [[ -n "$tombsize" ]] || _failure "Size argument missing, use -s"
#. [[ $tombsize == <-> ]] || _failure "Size must be an integer (megabytes)"
#. [[ $tombsize -ge 10 ]] || _failure "Tombs can't be smaller than 10 megabytes"
#: tomb:1342
msgid "Missing path to tomb"
msgstr "Отсутствует путь к гробнице"
#. Fold: Create
#. Function: dig_tomb
#. Code sample:
#. # Require the specification of the size of the tomb (-s) in MB
#. local -i tombsize=$(option_value -s)
#. _message "Commanded to dig tomb ::1 tomb path::" $tombpath
#. [[ -n "$tombpath" ]] || _failure "Missing path to tomb"
#. > [[ -n "$tombsize" ]] || _failure "Size argument missing, use -s"
#. [[ $tombsize == <-> ]] || _failure "Size must be an integer (megabytes)"
#. [[ $tombsize -ge 10 ]] || _failure "Tombs can't be smaller than 10 megabytes"
#. _plot $tombpath # Set TOMB{PATH,DIR,FILE,NAME}
#: tomb:1343
msgid "Size argument missing, use -s"
msgstr "Отсутствует размер, укажите его с помощью -s"
#. Fold: Create
#. Function: dig_tomb
#. Code sample:
#. local -i tombsize=$(option_value -s)
#. _message "Commanded to dig tomb ::1 tomb path::" $tombpath
#. [[ -n "$tombpath" ]] || _failure "Missing path to tomb"
#. [[ -n "$tombsize" ]] || _failure "Size argument missing, use -s"
#. > [[ $tombsize == <-> ]] || _failure "Size must be an integer (megabytes)"
#. [[ $tombsize -ge 10 ]] || _failure "Tombs can't be smaller than 10 megabytes"
#. _plot $tombpath # Set TOMB{PATH,DIR,FILE,NAME}
#: tomb:1344
msgid "Size must be an integer (megabytes)"
msgstr "Размер должен быть целым числом (в мегабатах)"
#. Fold: Create
#. Function: dig_tomb
#. Code sample:
#. _message "Commanded to dig tomb ::1 tomb path::" $tombpath
#. [[ -n "$tombpath" ]] || _failure "Missing path to tomb"
#. [[ -n "$tombsize" ]] || _failure "Size argument missing, use -s"
#. [[ $tombsize == <-> ]] || _failure "Size must be an integer (megabytes)"
#. > [[ $tombsize -ge 10 ]] || _failure "Tombs can't be smaller than 10 megabytes"
#. _plot $tombpath # Set TOMB{PATH,DIR,FILE,NAME}
#. [[ -e $TOMBPATH ]] && {
#: tomb:1345
msgid "Tombs can't be smaller than 10 megabytes"
msgstr "Гробницы не могут быть меньше 10 мегабайт"
#. Fold: Create
#. Function: dig_tomb
#. Code sample:
#. [[ $tombsize == <-> ]] || _failure "Size must be an integer (megabytes)"
#. [[ $tombsize -ge 10 ]] || _failure "Tombs can't be smaller than 10 megabytes"
#. _plot $tombpath # Set TOMB{PATH,DIR,FILE,NAME}
#. [[ -e $TOMBPATH ]] && {
#. > _warning "A tomb exists already. I'm not digging here:"
#. ls -lh $TOMBPATH
#. return 1
#. }
#: tomb:1350
msgid "A tomb exists already. I'm not digging here:"
msgstr "Гробница существует. Я не буду копать здесь:"
#. Fold: Create
#. Function: dig_tomb
#. Code sample:
#. [[ -e $TOMBPATH ]] && {
#. _warning "A tomb exists already. I'm not digging here:"
#. ls -lh $TOMBPATH
#. return 1
#. }
#. > _success "Creating a new tomb in ::1 tomb path::" $TOMBPATH
#. _message "Generating ::1 tomb file:: of ::2 size::MiB" $TOMBFILE $tombsize
#. # Ensure that file permissions are safe even if interrupted
#: tomb:1355
msgid "Creating a new tomb in ::1 tomb path::"
msgstr "Создаю новую гробницу в ::1 tomb path::"
#. Fold: Create
#. Function: dig_tomb
#. Code sample:
#. ls -lh $TOMBPATH
#. return 1
#. }
#. _success "Creating a new tomb in ::1 tomb path::" $TOMBPATH
#. > _message "Generating ::1 tomb file:: of ::2 size::MiB" $TOMBFILE $tombsize
#. # Ensure that file permissions are safe even if interrupted
#. touch $TOMBPATH
#. [[ $? = 0 ]] || {
#: tomb:1357
msgid "Generating ::1 tomb file:: of ::2 size::MiB"
msgstr "Генерирую ::1 tomb file:: размером ::2 size::Мб"
#. Fold: Create
#. Function: dig_tomb
#. Code sample:
#. _message "Generating ::1 tomb file:: of ::2 size::MiB" $TOMBFILE $tombsize
#. # Ensure that file permissions are safe even if interrupted
#. touch $TOMBPATH
#. [[ $? = 0 ]] || {
#. > _warning "Error creating the tomb ::1 tomb path::" $TOMBPATH
#. _failure "Operation aborted."
#. }
#. chmod 0600 $TOMBPATH
#: tomb:1362
msgid "Error creating the tomb ::1 tomb path::"
msgstr "Ошибка при создании гробницы ::1 tomb path::"
#. Fold: Create
#. Function: dig_tomb
#. Code sample:
#. ls -lh $TOMBPATH
#. } || {
#. _warning "Error creating the tomb ::1 tomb path::" $TOMBPATH
#. _failure "Operation aborted."
#. }
#. > _success "Done digging ::1 tomb name::" $TOMBNAME
#. _message "Your tomb is not yet ready, you need to forge a key and lock it:"
#. _message "tomb forge ::1 tomb path::.key" $TOMBPATH
#. _message "tomb lock ::1 tomb path:: -k ::1 tomb path::.key" $TOMBPATH
#: tomb:1377
msgid "Done digging ::1 tomb name::"
msgstr "::1 tomb name:: выкопана"
#. Fold: Create
#. Function: dig_tomb
#. Code sample:
#. } || {
#. _warning "Error creating the tomb ::1 tomb path::" $TOMBPATH
#. _failure "Operation aborted."
#. }
#. _success "Done digging ::1 tomb name::" $TOMBNAME
#. > _message "Your tomb is not yet ready, you need to forge a key and lock it:"
#. _message "tomb forge ::1 tomb path::.key" $TOMBPATH
#. _message "tomb lock ::1 tomb path:: -k ::1 tomb path::.key" $TOMBPATH
#. return 0
#: tomb:1378
msgid "Your tomb is not yet ready, you need to forge a key and lock it:"
msgstr "Ваша гробница пока не готова, необходимо выковать ключ и запереть ее:"
#. Fold: Create
#. Function: dig_tomb
#. Code sample:
#. _warning "Error creating the tomb ::1 tomb path::" $TOMBPATH
#. _failure "Operation aborted."
#. }
#. _success "Done digging ::1 tomb name::" $TOMBNAME
#. _message "Your tomb is not yet ready, you need to forge a key and lock it:"
#. > _message "tomb forge ::1 tomb path::.key" $TOMBPATH
#. _message "tomb lock ::1 tomb path:: -k ::1 tomb path::.key" $TOMBPATH
#. return 0
#. }
#: tomb:1379
msgid "tomb forge ::1 tomb path::.key"
msgstr "tomb forge ::1 tomb path::.key"
#. Fold: Create
#. Function: dig_tomb
#. Code sample:
#. _failure "Operation aborted."
#. }
#. _success "Done digging ::1 tomb name::" $TOMBNAME
#. _message "Your tomb is not yet ready, you need to forge a key and lock it:"
#. _message "tomb forge ::1 tomb path::.key" $TOMBPATH
#. > _message "tomb lock ::1 tomb path:: -k ::1 tomb path::.key" $TOMBPATH
#. return 0
#. }
#: tomb:1380
msgid "tomb lock ::1 tomb path:: -k ::1 tomb path::.key"
msgstr "tomb lock ::1 tomb path:: -k ::1 tomb path::.key"
#. Fold: Create
#. Function: forge_key
#. Code sample:
#. local destkey="$1"
#. { option_is_set -k } && { destkey=$(option_value -k) }
#. local algo="AES256" # Default encryption algorithm
#. [[ -z "$destkey" ]] && {
#. > _failure "A filename needs to be specified using -k to forge a new key." }
#. _message "Commanded to forge key ::1 key::" $destkey
#. _check_swap # Ensure the available memory is safe to use
#: tomb:1401
msgid "A filename needs to be specified using -k to forge a new key."
msgstr ""
"Необходимо указать имя файла через опцию -k, чтобы выковать новый ключ."
#. Fold: Create
#. Function: forge_key
#. Code sample:
#. local algo="AES256" # Default encryption algorithm
#. [[ -z "$destkey" ]] && {
#. _failure "A filename needs to be specified using -k to forge a new key." }
#. > _message "Commanded to forge key ::1 key::" $destkey
#. _check_swap # Ensure the available memory is safe to use
#. # Ensure GnuPG won't exit with an error before first run
#: tomb:1403
msgid "Commanded to forge key ::1 key::"
msgstr "Приказано выковать ключ ::1 key::"
#. Fold: Create
#. Function: forge_key
#. Code sample:
#. mkdir -m 0700 $HOME/.gnupg
#. touch $HOME/.gnupg/pubring.gpg }
#. # Do not overwrite any files accidentally
#. [[ -r "$destkey" ]] && {
#. ls -lh $destkey
#. > _failure "Forging this key would overwrite an existing file. Operation aborted." }
#. touch $destkey
#. [[ $? == 0 ]] || {
#. _warning "Cannot generate encryption key."
#: tomb:1415
msgid "Forging this key would overwrite an existing file. Operation aborted."
msgstr "Выковка этого ключа перезапишет существующий файл. Операция отменена."
#. Fold: Create
#. Function: forge_key
#. Code sample:
#. [[ -r "$destkey" ]] && {
#. ls -lh $destkey
#. _failure "Forging this key would overwrite an existing file. Operation aborted." }
#. touch $destkey
#. [[ $? == 0 ]] || {
#. > _warning "Cannot generate encryption key."
#. _failure "Operation aborted." }
#. chmod 0600 $destkey
#. # Update algorithm if it was passed on the command line with -o
#: tomb:1419
msgid "Cannot generate encryption key."
msgstr "Не могу сгенерировать ключ шифрования."
#. Fold: Create
#. Function: forge_key
#. Code sample:
#. chmod 0600 $destkey
#. # Update algorithm if it was passed on the command line with -o
#. { option_is_set -o } && algopt="$(option_value -o)"
#. [[ -n "$algopt" ]] && algo=$algopt
#. > _message "Commanded to forge key ::1 key:: with cipher algorithm ::2 algorithm::" #. $destkey $algo
#. TOMBKEYFILE="$destkey" # Set global variable
#: tomb:1427
msgid "Commanded to forge key ::1 key:: with cipher algorithm ::2 algorithm::"
msgstr ""
"Приказано выковать ключ ::1 key:: с алгоритмом шифрования ::2 algorithm::"
#. Fold: Create
#. Function: forge_key
#. Code sample:
#. _message "Commanded to forge key ::1 key:: with cipher algorithm ::2 algorithm::" #. $destkey $algo
#. TOMBKEYFILE="$destkey" # Set global variable
#. > _message "This operation takes time, keep using this computer on other tasks,"
#. _message "once done you will be asked to choose a password for your tomb."
#. _message "To make it faster you can move the mouse around."
#. _message "If you are on a server, you can use an Entropy Generation Daemon."
#: tomb:1432
msgid "This operation takes time, keep using this computer on other tasks,"
msgstr "Эта операция займет некоторое время, выполняйте пока другие задачи,"
#. Fold: Create
#. Function: forge_key
#. Code sample:
#. _message "Commanded to forge key ::1 key:: with cipher algorithm ::2 algorithm::" #. $destkey $algo
#. TOMBKEYFILE="$destkey" # Set global variable
#. _message "This operation takes time, keep using this computer on other tasks,"
#. > _message "once done you will be asked to choose a password for your tomb."
#. _message "To make it faster you can move the mouse around."
#. _message "If you are on a server, you can use an Entropy Generation Daemon."
#. # Use /dev/random as the entropy source, unless --use-random is specified
#: tomb:1433
msgid "once done you will be asked to choose a password for your tomb."
msgstr "по завершении Вас вопросят ввести пароль для гробницы."
#. Fold: Create
#. Function: forge_key
#. Code sample:
#. $destkey $algo
#. TOMBKEYFILE="$destkey" # Set global variable
#. _message "This operation takes time, keep using this computer on other tasks,"
#. _message "once done you will be asked to choose a password for your tomb."
#. > _message "To make it faster you can move the mouse around."
#. _message "If you are on a server, you can use an Entropy Generation Daemon."
#. # Use /dev/random as the entropy source, unless --use-random is specified
#. local random_source=/dev/random
#: tomb:1434
msgid "To make it faster you can move the mouse around."
msgstr "Чтобы ускорить операцию, подвигайте мышку."
#. Fold: Create
#. Function: forge_key
#. Code sample:
#. TOMBKEYFILE="$destkey" # Set global variable
#. _message "This operation takes time, keep using this computer on other tasks,"
#. _message "once done you will be asked to choose a password for your tomb."
#. _message "To make it faster you can move the mouse around."
#. > _message "If you are on a server, you can use an Entropy Generation Daemon."
#. # Use /dev/random as the entropy source, unless --use-random is specified
#. local random_source=/dev/random
#. { option_is_set --use-urandom } && random_source=/dev/urandom
#: tomb:1435
msgid "If you are on a server, you can use an Entropy Generation Daemon."
msgstr "Если Вы на сервере, можно использовать демон генерации энтропии."
#. Fold: Create
#. Function: forge_key
#. Code sample:
#. [[ $? == 0 ]] || {
#. _warning "Cannot generate encryption key."
#. _failure "Operation aborted." }
#. # Here the global variable TOMBSECRET contains the naked secret
#. > _success "Choose the password of your key: ::1 tomb key::" $TOMBKEYFILE
#. _message "(You can also change it later using 'tomb passwd'.)"
#. # _user_file $TOMBKEYFILE
#. tombname="$TOMBKEYFILE" # XXX ???
#: tomb:1449
msgid "Choose the password of your key: ::1 tomb key::"
msgstr "Выберите пароль для вашего ключа: ::1 tomb key::"
#. Fold: Create
#. Function: forge_key
#. Code sample:
#. _warning "Cannot generate encryption key."
#. _failure "Operation aborted." }
#. # Here the global variable TOMBSECRET contains the naked secret
#. _success "Choose the password of your key: ::1 tomb key::" $TOMBKEYFILE
#. > _message "(You can also change it later using 'tomb passwd'.)"
#. # _user_file $TOMBKEYFILE
#. tombname="$TOMBKEYFILE" # XXX ???
#. # the gen_key() function takes care of the new key's encryption
#: tomb:1450
msgid "(You can also change it later using 'tomb passwd'.)"
msgstr "(Его можно потом изменить с помощью 'tomb passwd'.)"
#. Fold: Create
#. Function: forge_key
#. Code sample:
#. # load the key contents (set global variable)
#. TOMBKEY="${mapfile[$TOMBKEYFILE]}"
#. # this does a check on the file header
#. is_valid_key $TOMBKEY || {
#. > _warning "The key does not seem to be valid."
#. _warning "Dumping contents to screen:"
#. print "${mapfile[$TOMBKEY]}"
#. _warning "--"
#. sudo umount ${keytmp}
#: tomb:1468
msgid "The key does not seem to be valid."
msgstr "Ключ неверен."
#. Fold: Create
#. Function: forge_key
#. Code sample:
#. # load the key contents (set global variable)
#. TOMBKEY="${mapfile[$TOMBKEYFILE]}"
#. # this does a check on the file header
#. is_valid_key $TOMBKEY || {
#. _warning "The key does not seem to be valid."
#. > _warning "Dumping contents to screen:"
#. print "${mapfile[$TOMBKEY]}"
#. _warning "--"
#. sudo umount ${keytmp}
#. rm -r $keytmp
#: tomb:1469
msgid "Dumping contents to screen:"
msgstr "Выгрузка содержимого на экран:"
#. Fold: Create
#. Function: forge_key
#. Code sample:
#. _warning "--"
#. sudo umount ${keytmp}
#. rm -r $keytmp
#. _failure "Operation aborted."
#. }
#. > _message "Done forging ::1 key file::" $TOMBKEYFILE
#. _success "Your key is ready:"
#. ls -lh $TOMBKEYFILE
#. }
#: tomb:1477
msgid "Done forging ::1 key file::"
msgstr "Выкован ключ ::1 key file::"
#. Fold: Create
#. Function: forge_key
#. Code sample:
#. sudo umount ${keytmp}
#. rm -r $keytmp
#. _failure "Operation aborted."
#. }
#. _message "Done forging ::1 key file::" $TOMBKEYFILE
#. > _success "Your key is ready:"
#. ls -lh $TOMBKEYFILE
#. }
#. # Step three -- Lock tomb
#: tomb:1478
msgid "Your key is ready:"
msgstr "Ваш ключ готов:"
#. Fold: Create
#. Function: lock_tomb_with_key
#. Code sample:
#. # for more alternatives refer to cryptsetup(8)
#. local cipher="aes-xts-plain64:sha256"
#. local tombpath="$1" # First argument is the path to the tomb
#. [[ -n $tombpath ]] || {
#. > _warning "No tomb specified for locking."
#. _warning "Usage: tomb lock file.tomb file.tomb.key"
#. return 1
#. }
#: tomb:1498
msgid "No tomb specified for locking."
msgstr "Не указана гробница для запирания."
#. Fold: Create
#. Function: lock_tomb_with_key
#. Code sample:
#. local cipher="aes-xts-plain64:sha256"
#. local tombpath="$1" # First argument is the path to the tomb
#. [[ -n $tombpath ]] || {
#. _warning "No tomb specified for locking."
#. > _warning "Usage: tomb lock file.tomb file.tomb.key"
#. return 1
#. }
#. _plot $tombpath
#: tomb:1499
msgid "Usage: tomb lock file.tomb file.tomb.key"
msgstr "Использование: tomb lock file.tomb file.tomb.key"
#. Fold: Create
#. Function: lock_tomb_with_key
#. Code sample:
#. _warning "Usage: tomb lock file.tomb file.tomb.key"
#. return 1
#. }
#. _plot $tombpath
#. > _message "Commanded to lock tomb ::1 tomb file::" $TOMBFILE
#. [[ -f $TOMBPATH ]] || {
#. _failure "There is no tomb here. You have to dig it first." }
#: tomb:1505
msgid "Commanded to lock tomb ::1 tomb file::"
msgstr "Приказано запереть гробницу ::1 tomb file::"
#. Fold: Create
#. Function: lock_tomb_with_key
#. Code sample:
#. _plot $tombpath
#. _message "Commanded to lock tomb ::1 tomb file::" $TOMBFILE
#. [[ -f $TOMBPATH ]] || {
#. > _failure "There is no tomb here. You have to dig it first." }
#. _verbose "Tomb found: ::1 tomb path::" $TOMBPATH
#. lo_mount $TOMBPATH
#: tomb:1508
msgid "There is no tomb here. You have to dig it first."
msgstr "Здесь нет гробницы. Сначала выкопайте ее."
#. Fold: Create
#. Function: lock_tomb_with_key
#. Code sample:
#. lo_mount $TOMBPATH
#. nstloop=`lo_new`
#. _verbose "Loop mounted on ::1 mount point::" $nstloop
#. > _message "Checking if the tomb is empty (we never step on somebody else's bones)."
#. sudo cryptsetup isLuks ${nstloop}
#. if [ $? = 0 ]; then
#. # is it a LUKS encrypted nest? then bail out and avoid reformatting it
#. _warning "The tomb was already locked with another key."
#: tomb:1517
msgid "Checking if the tomb is empty (we never step on somebody else's bones)."
msgstr "Проверяю, пуста ли гробница (мы никогда не ходим по чужим костям)."
#. Fold: Create
#. Function: lock_tomb_with_key
#. Code sample:
#. _verbose "Loop mounted on ::1 mount point::" $nstloop
#. _message "Checking if the tomb is empty (we never step on somebody else's bones)."
#. sudo cryptsetup isLuks ${nstloop}
#. if [ $? = 0 ]; then
#. # is it a LUKS encrypted nest? then bail out and avoid reformatting it
#. > _warning "The tomb was already locked with another key."
#. _failure "Operation aborted. I cannot lock an already locked tomb. Go dig a new one."
#. else
#. _message "Fine, this tomb seems empty."
#. fi
#: tomb:1521
msgid "The tomb was already locked with another key."
msgstr "Гробница уже заперта другим ключом."
#. Fold: Create
#. Function: lock_tomb_with_key
#. Code sample:
#. _message "Checking if the tomb is empty (we never step on somebody else's bones)."
#. sudo cryptsetup isLuks ${nstloop}
#. if [ $? = 0 ]; then
#. # is it a LUKS encrypted nest? then bail out and avoid reformatting it
#. _warning "The tomb was already locked with another key."
#. > _failure "Operation aborted. I cannot lock an already locked tomb. Go dig a new one."
#. else
#. _message "Fine, this tomb seems empty."
#. fi
#: tomb:1522
msgid ""
"Operation aborted. I cannot lock an already locked tomb. Go dig a new one."
msgstr ""
"Операция отменена. Я не могу запереть уже запертую гробницу. Выкопайте новую."
#. Fold: Create
#. Function: lock_tomb_with_key
#. Code sample:
#. sudo cryptsetup isLuks ${nstloop}
#. if [ $? = 0 ]; then
#. # is it a LUKS encrypted nest? then bail out and avoid reformatting it
#. _warning "The tomb was already locked with another key."
#. _failure "Operation aborted. I cannot lock an already locked tomb. Go dig a new one."
#. else
#. > _message "Fine, this tomb seems empty."
#. fi
#. _load_key # Try loading key from option -k and set TOMBKEYFILE
#: tomb:1524
msgid "Fine, this tomb seems empty."
msgstr "Так, эта гробница, вроде как, пуста."
#. Fold: Create
#. Function: lock_tomb_with_key
#. Code sample:
#. _load_key # Try loading key from option -k and set TOMBKEYFILE
#. # the encryption cipher for a tomb can be set when locking using -c
#. { option_is_set -o } && algopt="$(option_value -o)"
#. [[ -n "$algopt" ]] && cipher=$algopt
#. > _message "Locking using cipher: ::1 cipher::" $cipher
#. # get the pass from the user and check it
#. if option_is_set --tomb-pwd; then
#. tomb_pwd="`option_value --tomb-pwd`"
#: tomb:1532
msgid "Locking using cipher: ::1 cipher::"
msgstr "Запираю, используя шифр ::1 cipher::"
#. Fold: Create
#. Function: lock_tomb_with_key
#. Code sample:
#. ask_key_password "$tomb_pwd"
#. else
#. ask_key_password
#. fi
#. [[ $? == 0 ]] || _failure "No valid password supplied."
#. > _success "Locking ::1 tomb file:: with ::2 tomb key file::" $TOMBFILE $TOMBKEYFILE
#. _message "Formatting Luks mapped device."
#. _cryptsetup --batch-mode #. --cipher ${cipher} --key-size 256 --key-slot 0 #: tomb:1544
msgid "Locking ::1 tomb file:: with ::2 tomb key file::"
msgstr "Запираю ::1 tomb file:: с помощью ::2 tomb key file::"
#. Fold: Create
#. Function: lock_tomb_with_key
#. Code sample:
#. ask_key_password
#. fi
#. [[ $? == 0 ]] || _failure "No valid password supplied."
#. _success "Locking ::1 tomb file:: with ::2 tomb key file::" $TOMBFILE $TOMBKEYFILE
#. > _message "Formatting Luks mapped device."
#. _cryptsetup --batch-mode #. --cipher ${cipher} --key-size 256 --key-slot 0 #. luksFormat ${nstloop}
#. [[ $? == 0 ]] || {
#: tomb:1546
msgid "Formatting Luks mapped device."
msgstr "Форматирую устройство LUKS."
#. Fold: Create
#. Function: lock_tomb_with_key
#. Code sample:
#. _message "Formatting Luks mapped device."
#. _cryptsetup --batch-mode #. --cipher ${cipher} --key-size 256 --key-slot 0 #. luksFormat ${nstloop}
#. [[ $? == 0 ]] || {
#. > _warning "cryptsetup luksFormat returned an error."
#. _failure "Operation aborted." }
#. _cryptsetup --cipher ${cipher} luksOpen ${nstloop} tomb.tmp
#. [[ $? == 0 ]] || {
#: tomb:1551
msgid "cryptsetup luksFormat returned an error."
msgstr "cryptsetup luksFormat вернул ошибку."
#. Fold: Create
#. Function: lock_tomb_with_key
#. Code sample:
#. [[ $? == 0 ]] || {
#. _warning "cryptsetup luksFormat returned an error."
#. _failure "Operation aborted." }
#. _cryptsetup --cipher ${cipher} luksOpen ${nstloop} tomb.tmp
#. [[ $? == 0 ]] || {
#. > _warning "cryptsetup luksOpen returned an error."
#. _failure "Operation aborted." }
#. _message "Formatting your Tomb with Ext3/Ext4 filesystem."
#. ${=MKFS} $TOMBNAME /dev/mapper/tomb.tmp
#: tomb:1556
msgid "cryptsetup luksOpen returned an error."
msgstr "cryptsetup luksOpen возвратил ошибку."
#. Fold: Create
#. Function: lock_tomb_with_key
#. Code sample:
#. _cryptsetup --cipher ${cipher} luksOpen ${nstloop} tomb.tmp
#. [[ $? == 0 ]] || {
#. _warning "cryptsetup luksOpen returned an error."
#. _failure "Operation aborted." }
#. > _message "Formatting your Tomb with Ext3/Ext4 filesystem."
#. ${=MKFS} $TOMBNAME /dev/mapper/tomb.tmp
#. [[ $? == 0 ]] || {
#. _warning "Tomb format returned an error."
#: tomb:1559
msgid "Formatting your Tomb with Ext3/Ext4 filesystem."
msgstr "Форматирую Вашу гробницу в файловую систему Ext3/Ext4."
#. Fold: Create
#. Function: lock_tomb_with_key
#. Code sample:
#. _failure "Operation aborted." }
#. _message "Formatting your Tomb with Ext3/Ext4 filesystem."
#. ${=MKFS} $TOMBNAME /dev/mapper/tomb.tmp
#. [[ $? == 0 ]] || {
#. > _warning "Tomb format returned an error."
#. _warning "Your tomb ::1 tomb file:: may be corrupted." $TOMBFILE }
#. # Sync
#. sudo cryptsetup luksClose tomb.tmp
#: tomb:1563
msgid "Tomb format returned an error."
msgstr "Tomb format вернул ошибку."
#. Fold: Create
#. Function: lock_tomb_with_key
#. Code sample:
#. _message "Formatting your Tomb with Ext3/Ext4 filesystem."
#. ${=MKFS} $TOMBNAME /dev/mapper/tomb.tmp
#. [[ $? == 0 ]] || {
#. _warning "Tomb format returned an error."
#. > _warning "Your tomb ::1 tomb file:: may be corrupted." $TOMBFILE }
#. # Sync
#. sudo cryptsetup luksClose tomb.tmp
#: tomb:1564
msgid "Your tomb ::1 tomb file:: may be corrupted."
msgstr "Ваша гробница ::1 tomb file:: может быть повреждена."
#. Fold: Create
#. Function: lock_tomb_with_key
#. Code sample:
#. _warning "Tomb format returned an error."
#. _warning "Your tomb ::1 tomb file:: may be corrupted." $TOMBFILE }
#. # Sync
#. sudo cryptsetup luksClose tomb.tmp
#. > _message "Done locking ::1 tomb name:: using Luks dm-crypt ::2 cipher::" $TOMBNAME $cipher
#. _success "Your tomb is ready in ::1 tomb path:: and secured with key ::2 tomb key::" #. $TOMBPATH $TOMBKEYFILE
#. }
#: tomb:1569
msgid "Done locking ::1 tomb name:: using Luks dm-crypt ::2 cipher::"
msgstr "Запер ::1 tomb name:: с помощью LUKS dm-crypt ::2 cipher::"
#. Fold: Create
#. Function: lock_tomb_with_key
#. Code sample:
#. _warning "Your tomb ::1 tomb file:: may be corrupted." $TOMBFILE }
#. # Sync
#. sudo cryptsetup luksClose tomb.tmp
#. _message "Done locking ::1 tomb name:: using Luks dm-crypt ::2 cipher::" $TOMBNAME $cipher
#. > _success "Your tomb is ready in ::1 tomb path:: and secured with key ::2 tomb key::" #. $TOMBPATH $TOMBKEYFILE
#. }
#: tomb:1570
msgid ""
"Your tomb is ready in ::1 tomb path:: and secured with key ::2 tomb key::"
msgstr ""
"Ваша гробница готова в ::1 tomb path:: и защищена ключом ::2 tomb key::"
#. Fold: Create
#. Function: change_tomb_key
#. Code sample:
#. # This function changes the key that locks a tomb
#. change_tomb_key() {
#. local tombkey="$1" # Path to the tomb's key file
#. local tombpath="$2" # Path to the tomb
#. > _message "Commanded to reset key for tomb ::1 tomb path::" $tombpath
#. [[ -z "$tombpath" ]] && {
#. _warning "Command 'setkey' needs two arguments: the old key file and the tomb."
#. _warning "I.e: tomb -k new.tomb.key old.tomb.key secret.tomb"
#: tomb:1580
msgid "Commanded to reset key for tomb ::1 tomb path::"
msgstr "Приказано сбросить ключ для гробницы ::1 tomb path::"
#. Fold: Create
#. Function: change_tomb_key
#. Code sample:
#. local tombkey="$1" # Path to the tomb's key file
#. local tombpath="$2" # Path to the tomb
#. _message "Commanded to reset key for tomb ::1 tomb path::" $tombpath
#. [[ -z "$tombpath" ]] && {
#. > _warning "Command 'setkey' needs two arguments: the old key file and the tomb."
#. _warning "I.e: tomb -k new.tomb.key old.tomb.key secret.tomb"
#. _failure "Execution aborted."
#. }
#: tomb:1583
msgid "Command 'setkey' needs two arguments: the old key file and the tomb."
msgstr "Команда 'setkey' требует два аргумента: старый файл ключа и гробницу."
#. Fold: Create
#. Function: change_tomb_key
#. Code sample:
#. local tombpath="$2" # Path to the tomb
#. _message "Commanded to reset key for tomb ::1 tomb path::" $tombpath
#. [[ -z "$tombpath" ]] && {
#. _warning "Command 'setkey' needs two arguments: the old key file and the tomb."
#. > _warning "I.e: tomb -k new.tomb.key old.tomb.key secret.tomb"
#. _failure "Execution aborted."
#. }
#. _check_swap
#: tomb:1584
msgid "I.e: tomb -k new.tomb.key old.tomb.key secret.tomb"
msgstr "Например: tomb -k new.tomb.key old.tomb.key secret.tomb"
#. Fold: Create
#. Function: change_tomb_key
#. Code sample:
#. _message "Commanded to reset key for tomb ::1 tomb path::" $tombpath
#. [[ -z "$tombpath" ]] && {
#. _warning "Command 'setkey' needs two arguments: the old key file and the tomb."
#. _warning "I.e: tomb -k new.tomb.key old.tomb.key secret.tomb"
#. > _failure "Execution aborted."
#. }
#. _check_swap
#. is_valid_tomb $tombpath
#: tomb:1585
msgid "Execution aborted."
msgstr "Операция отменена."
#. Fold: Create
#. Function: change_tomb_key
#. Code sample:
#. lo_mount $TOMBPATH
#. nstloop=`lo_new`
#. sudo cryptsetup isLuks ${nstloop}
#. # is it a LUKS encrypted nest? we check one more time
#. [[ $? == 0 ]] || {
#. > _failure "Not a valid LUKS encrypted volume: ::1 volume::" $TOMBPATH }
#. _load_key $tombkey # Try loading given key and set TOMBKEY and
#. local oldkey=$TOMBKEY
#: tomb:1596
msgid "Not a valid LUKS encrypted volume: ::1 volume::"
msgstr "Неверный зашифрованный том LUKS: ::1 volume::"
#. Fold: Create
#. Function: change_tomb_key
#. Code sample:
#. _load_key $tombkey # Try loading given key and set TOMBKEY and
#. local oldkey=$TOMBKEY
#. local oldkeyfile=$TOMBKEYFILE
#. # we have everything, prepare to mount
#. > _success "Changing lock on tomb ::1 tomb name::" $TOMBNAME
#. _message "Old key: ::1 old key::" $oldkeyfile
#. # render the mapper
#. mapdate=`date +%s`
#: tomb:1604
msgid "Changing lock on tomb ::1 tomb name::"
msgstr "Меняю замок на гробнице ::1 tomb name::"
#. Fold: Create
#. Function: change_tomb_key
#. Code sample:
#. local oldkey=$TOMBKEY
#. local oldkeyfile=$TOMBKEYFILE
#. # we have everything, prepare to mount
#. _success "Changing lock on tomb ::1 tomb name::" $TOMBNAME
#. > _message "Old key: ::1 old key::" $oldkeyfile
#. # render the mapper
#. mapdate=`date +%s`
#. # save date of mount in minutes since 1970
#: tomb:1605
msgid "Old key: ::1 old key::"
msgstr "Старый ключ: ::1 old key::"
#. Fold: Create
#. Function: change_tomb_key
#. Code sample:
#. _verbose "tomb-old-pwd = ::1 old pass::" $tomb_old_pwd
#. ask_key_password "$tomb_old_pwd"
#. else
#. ask_key_password
#. fi
#. [[ $? == 0 ]] || {
#. > _failure "No valid password supplied for the old key." }
#. old_secret=$TOMBSECRET
#. # luksOpen the tomb (not really mounting, just on the loopback)
#. print -R -n - "$old_secret" | sudo cryptsetup --key-file - #: tomb:1621
msgid "No valid password supplied for the old key."
msgstr "Не указан верный пароль для старого ключа."
#. Fold: Create
#. Function: change_tomb_key
#. Code sample:
#. _failure "No valid password supplied for the old key." }
#. old_secret=$TOMBSECRET
#. # luksOpen the tomb (not really mounting, just on the loopback)
#. print -R -n - "$old_secret" | sudo cryptsetup --key-file - #. luksOpen ${nstloop} ${mapper}
#. > [[ $? == 0 ]] || _failure "Unexpected error in luksOpen."
#. _load_key # Try loading new key from option -k and set TOMBKEYFILE
#. _message "New key: ::1 key file::" $TOMBKEYFILE
#: tomb:1627
msgid "Unexpected error in luksOpen."
msgstr "Неожиданная ошибка в luksOpen."
#. Fold: Create
#. Function: change_tomb_key
#. Code sample:
#. print -R -n - "$old_secret" | sudo cryptsetup --key-file - #. luksOpen ${nstloop} ${mapper}
#. [[ $? == 0 ]] || _failure "Unexpected error in luksOpen."
#. _load_key # Try loading new key from option -k and set TOMBKEYFILE
#. > _message "New key: ::1 key file::" $TOMBKEYFILE
#. if option_is_set --tomb-pwd; then
#. tomb_new_pwd="`option_value --tomb-pwd`"
#. _verbose "tomb-pwd = ::1 tomb pass::" $tomb_new_pwd
#: tomb:1631
msgid "New key: ::1 key file::"
msgstr "Новый ключ: ::1 key file::"
#. Fold: Create
#. Function: change_tomb_key
#. Code sample:
#. _verbose "tomb-pwd = ::1 tomb pass::" $tomb_new_pwd
#. ask_key_password "$tomb_new_pwd"
#. else
#. ask_key_password
#. fi
#. [[ $? == 0 ]] || {
#. > _failure "No valid password supplied for the new key." }
#. _tmp_create
#. tmpnewkey=$TOMBTMP
#. print -R -n - "$TOMBSECRET" >> $tmpnewkey
#: tomb:1641
msgid "No valid password supplied for the new key."
msgstr "Не узкана верный пароль для нового ключа."
#. Fold: Create
#. Function: change_tomb_key
#. Code sample:
#. tmpnewkey=$TOMBTMP
#. print -R -n - "$TOMBSECRET" >> $tmpnewkey
#. print -R -n - "$old_secret" | sudo cryptsetup --key-file - #. luksChangeKey "$nstloop" "$tmpnewkey"
#. > [[ $? == 0 ]] || _failure "Unexpected error in luksChangeKey."
#. sudo cryptsetup luksClose "${mapper}" || _failure "Unexpected error in luksClose."
#. _success "Succesfully changed key for tomb: ::1 tomb file::" $TOMBFILE
#: tomb:1650
msgid "Unexpected error in luksChangeKey."
msgstr "Неожиданная ошибка в luksChangeKey."
#. Fold: Create
#. Function: change_tomb_key
#. Code sample:
#. print -R -n - "$old_secret" | sudo cryptsetup --key-file - #. luksChangeKey "$nstloop" "$tmpnewkey"
#. [[ $? == 0 ]] || _failure "Unexpected error in luksChangeKey."
#. > sudo cryptsetup luksClose "${mapper}" || _failure "Unexpected error in luksClose."
#. _success "Succesfully changed key for tomb: ::1 tomb file::" $TOMBFILE
#. _message "The new key is: ::1 new key::" $TOMBKEYFILE
#: tomb:1652
msgid "Unexpected error in luksClose."
msgstr "Неожиданная ошибка в luksClose."
#. Fold: Create
#. Function: change_tomb_key
#. Code sample:
#. luksChangeKey "$nstloop" "$tmpnewkey"
#. [[ $? == 0 ]] || _failure "Unexpected error in luksChangeKey."
#. sudo cryptsetup luksClose "${mapper}" || _failure "Unexpected error in luksClose."
#. > _success "Succesfully changed key for tomb: ::1 tomb file::" $TOMBFILE
#. _message "The new key is: ::1 new key::" $TOMBKEYFILE
#. return 0
#. }
#: tomb:1654
msgid "Succesfully changed key for tomb: ::1 tomb file::"
msgstr "Ключ для гробницы ::1 tomb file:: успешно изменен"
#. Fold: Create
#. Function: change_tomb_key
#. Code sample:
#. [[ $? == 0 ]] || _failure "Unexpected error in luksChangeKey."
#. sudo cryptsetup luksClose "${mapper}" || _failure "Unexpected error in luksClose."
#. _success "Succesfully changed key for tomb: ::1 tomb file::" $TOMBFILE
#. > _message "The new key is: ::1 new key::" $TOMBKEYFILE
#. return 0
#. }
#: tomb:1655
msgid "The new key is: ::1 new key::"
msgstr "Новый ключ: ::1 new key::"
#. Fold: Open
#. Function: mount_tomb
#. Code sample:
#. # {{{ Open
#. # $1 = tombfile $2(optional) = mountpoint
#. mount_tomb() {
#. local tombpath="$1" # First argument is the path to the tomb
#. > [[ -n "$tombpath" ]] || _failure "No tomb name specified for opening."
#. _message "Commanded to open tomb ::1 tomb name::" $1
#. _check_swap
#: tomb:1667
msgid "No tomb name specified for opening."
msgstr "Не указано имя гробницы для открытия."
#. Fold: Open
#. Function: mount_tomb
#. Code sample:
#. # $1 = tombfile $2(optional) = mountpoint
#. mount_tomb() {
#. local tombpath="$1" # First argument is the path to the tomb
#. [[ -n "$tombpath" ]] || _failure "No tomb name specified for opening."
#. > _message "Commanded to open tomb ::1 tomb name::" $1
#. _check_swap
#. is_valid_tomb $tombpath
#: tomb:1669
msgid "Commanded to open tomb ::1 tomb name::"
msgstr "Приказано открыть гробницу ::1 tomb name::"
#. Fold: Open
#. Function: mount_tomb
#. Code sample:
#. _check_swap
#. is_valid_tomb $tombpath
#. # check file type (if its a Luks fs)
#. [[ "`file $TOMBPATH`" =~ "luks encrypted file" ]] || {
#. > _warning "::1 tomb file:: is not a valid tomb file" $TOMBFILE
#. _failure "Operation aborted."
#. }
#. _verbose "Tomb found: ::1 tomb path::" $TOMBPATH
#: tomb:1676
msgid "::1 tomb file:: is not a valid tomb file"
msgstr "::1 tomb file:: неверный файл гробницы"
#. Fold: Open
#. Function: mount_tomb
#. Code sample:
#. _verbose "Tomb found: ::1 tomb path::" $TOMBPATH
#. _load_key # Try loading new key from option -k and set TOMBKEYFILE
#. tombmount=${2:-/media/$TOMBFILE}
#. [[ -z "$2" ]] && {
#. > _message "Mountpoint not specified, using default: ::1 mount point::" $tombmount }
#. # Check if its already open
#. [[ "`mount -l`" -regex-match "${TOMBFILE}.*\[$TOMBNAME\]" ]] && {
#. _warning "::1 tomb name:: is already open." $TOMBNAME
#: tomb:1686
msgid "Mountpoint not specified, using default: ::1 mount point::"
msgstr ""
"Не указана точка монтирования, использую точку по умолчанию: ::1 mount "
#. Fold: Open
#. Function: mount_tomb
#. Code sample:
#. tombmount=${2:-/media/$TOMBFILE}
#. [[ -z "$2" ]] && {
#. _message "Mountpoint not specified, using default: ::1 mount point::" $tombmount }
#. # Check if its already open
#. [[ "`mount -l`" -regex-match "${TOMBFILE}.*\[$TOMBNAME\]" ]] && {
#. > _warning "::1 tomb name:: is already open." $TOMBNAME
#. _message "Here below its status is reported:"
#. list_tombs $TOMBNAME
#. return 0 }
#: tomb:1690
msgid "::1 tomb name:: is already open."
msgstr "::1 tomb name:: уже открыт."
#. Fold: Open
#. Function: mount_tomb
#. Code sample:
#. [[ -z "$2" ]] && {
#. _message "Mountpoint not specified, using default: ::1 mount point::" $tombmount }
#. # Check if its already open
#. [[ "`mount -l`" -regex-match "${TOMBFILE}.*\[$TOMBNAME\]" ]] && {
#. _warning "::1 tomb name:: is already open." $TOMBNAME
#. > _message "Here below its status is reported:"
#. list_tombs $TOMBNAME
#. return 0 }
#. _success "Opening ::1 tomb file:: on ::2 mount point::" $TOMBFILE $tombmount
#: tomb:1691
msgid "Here below its status is reported:"
msgstr "Ниже назодится отчет о его статусе:"
#. Fold: Open
#. Function: mount_tomb
#. Code sample:
#. [[ "`mount -l`" -regex-match "${TOMBFILE}.*\[$TOMBNAME\]" ]] && {
#. _warning "::1 tomb name:: is already open." $TOMBNAME
#. _message "Here below its status is reported:"
#. list_tombs $TOMBNAME
#. return 0 }
#. > _success "Opening ::1 tomb file:: on ::2 mount point::" $TOMBFILE $tombmount
#. lo_mount $TOMBPATH
#. nstloop=`lo_new`
#: tomb:1695
msgid "Opening ::1 tomb file:: on ::2 mount point::"
msgstr "Открываю ::1 tomb file:: в ::2 mount point::"
#. Fold: Open
#. Function: mount_tomb
#. Code sample:
#. lo_mount $TOMBPATH
#. nstloop=`lo_new`
#. sudo cryptsetup isLuks ${nstloop} || {
#. # is it a LUKS encrypted nest? see cryptsetup(1)
#. > _failure "::1 tomb file:: is not a valid Luks encrypted storage file." $TOMBFILE }
#. _message "This tomb is a valid LUKS encrypted device."
#. luksdump="`sudo cryptsetup luksDump ${nstloop}`"
#: tomb:1702
msgid "::1 tomb file:: is not a valid Luks encrypted storage file."
msgstr "::1 tomb file:: - неверное зашифрованное устройство LUSK."
#. Fold: Open
#. Function: mount_tomb
#. Code sample:
#. nstloop=`lo_new`
#. sudo cryptsetup isLuks ${nstloop} || {
#. # is it a LUKS encrypted nest? see cryptsetup(1)
#. _failure "::1 tomb file:: is not a valid Luks encrypted storage file." $TOMBFILE }
#. > _message "This tomb is a valid LUKS encrypted device."
#. luksdump="`sudo cryptsetup luksDump ${nstloop}`"
#. tombdump=(`print $luksdump | awk '
#. /^Cipher name/ {print $3}
#: tomb:1704
msgid "This tomb is a valid LUKS encrypted device."
msgstr "Эта гробница - верное зашифрованное устройство LUKS."
#. Fold: Open
#. Function: mount_tomb
#. Code sample:
#. luksdump="`sudo cryptsetup luksDump ${nstloop}`"
#. tombdump=(`print $luksdump | awk '
#. /^Cipher name/ {print $3}
#. /^Cipher mode/ {print $3}
#. /^Hash spec/ {print $3}'`)
#. > _message "Cipher is \"::1 cipher::\" mode \"::2 mode::\" hash \"::3 hash::\"" $tombdump[1] $tombdump[2] $tombdump[3]
#. slotwarn=`print $luksdump | awk '
#. BEGIN { zero=0 }
#. /^Key slot 0/ { zero=1 }
#: tomb:1711
msgid "Cipher is \"::1 cipher::\" mode \"::2 mode::\" hash \"::3 hash::\""
msgstr "Шифр \"::1 cipher::\", режим \"::2 mode::\", хеш \"::3 hash::\""
#. Fold: Open
#. Function: mount_tomb
#. Code sample:
#. slotwarn=`print $luksdump | awk '
#. BEGIN { zero=0 }
#. /^Key slot 0/ { zero=1 }
#. /^Key slot.*ENABLED/ { if(zero==1) print "WARN" }'`
#. [[ "$slotwarn" == "WARN" ]] && {
#. > _warning "Multiple key slots are enabled on this tomb. Beware: there can be a backdoor." }
#. # save date of mount in minutes since 1970
#. mapdate=`date +%s`
#: tomb:1718
msgid ""
"Multiple key slots are enabled on this tomb. Beware: there can be a backdoor."
msgstr ""
"Для этой гробницы разрешено использование нескольких ключей. Будьте "
"осторожны: там может быть бэкдор."
#. Fold: Open
#. Function: mount_tomb
#. Code sample:
#. ask_key_password
#. }
#. [[ $? == 0 ]] || _failure "No valid password supplied."
#. _cryptsetup luksOpen ${nstloop} ${mapper}
#. [[ $? = 0 ]] || {
#. > _failure "Failure mounting the encrypted file." }
#. # preserve the loopdev after exit
#. lo_preserve "$nstloop"
#: tomb:1742
msgid "Failure mounting the encrypted file."
msgstr "Не удалось примонтировать зашифрованный файл."
#. Fold: Open
#. Function: mount_tomb
#. Code sample:
#. # array: [ cipher, keysize, loopdevice ]
#. tombstat=(`sudo cryptsetup status ${mapper} | awk '
#. /cipher:/ {print $2}
#. /keysize:/ {print $2}
#. /device:/ {print $2}'`)
#. > _success "Success unlocking tomb ::1 tomb name::" $TOMBNAME
#. _verbose "Key size is ::1 size:: for cipher ::2 cipher::" $tombstat[2] $tombstat[1]
#. _message "Checking filesystem via ::1::" $tombstat[3]
#. sudo fsck -p -C0 /dev/mapper/${mapper}
#: tomb:1752
msgid "Success unlocking tomb ::1 tomb name::"
msgstr "Успешно отпер гробницу ::1 tomb name::"
#. Fold: Open
#. Function: mount_tomb
#. Code sample:
#. /cipher:/ {print $2}
#. /keysize:/ {print $2}
#. /device:/ {print $2}'`)
#. _success "Success unlocking tomb ::1 tomb name::" $TOMBNAME
#. _verbose "Key size is ::1 size:: for cipher ::2 cipher::" $tombstat[2] $tombstat[1]
#. > _message "Checking filesystem via ::1::" $tombstat[3]
#. sudo fsck -p -C0 /dev/mapper/${mapper}
#. _verbose "Tomb engraved as ::1 tomb name::" $TOMBNAME
#. sudo tune2fs -L $TOMBNAME /dev/mapper/${mapper} > /dev/null
#: tomb:1755
msgid "Checking filesystem via ::1::"
msgstr "Проверка файловой системы через ::1::"
#. Fold: Open
#. Function: mount_tomb
#. Code sample:
#. # TODO: safety check MOUNTOPTS
#. # safe_mount_options && #. sudo mount -o $MOUNTOPTS /dev/mapper/${mapper} ${tombmount}
#. # Clean up if the mount failed
#. [[ $? == 0 ]] || {
#. > _warning "Error mounting ::1 mapper:: on ::2 tombmount::" $mapper $tombmount
#. [[ $oldmountopts != $MOUNTOPTS ]] && #. _warning "Are mount options '::1 mount options::' valid?" $MOUNTOPTS
#. # TODO: move cleanup to _endgame()
#. [[ -d $tombmount ]] && rmdir $tombmount
#: tomb:1773
msgid "Error mounting ::1 mapper:: on ::2 tombmount::"
msgstr ""
#. Fold: Open
#. Function: mount_tomb
#. Code sample:
#. # safe_mount_options && #. sudo mount -o $MOUNTOPTS /dev/mapper/${mapper} ${tombmount}
#. # Clean up if the mount failed
#. [[ $? == 0 ]] || {
#. _warning "Error mounting ::1 mapper:: on ::2 tombmount::" $mapper $tombmount
#. [[ $oldmountopts != $MOUNTOPTS ]] && #. > _warning "Are mount options '::1 mount options::' valid?" $MOUNTOPTS
#. # TODO: move cleanup to _endgame()
#. [[ -d $tombmount ]] && rmdir $tombmount
#. [[ -e /dev/mapper/$mapper ]] && sudo cryptsetup luksClose $mapper
#. # The loop is taken care of in _endgame()
#: tomb:1775
msgid "Are mount options '::1 mount options::' valid?"
msgstr ""
#. Fold: Open
#. Function: mount_tomb
#. Code sample:
#. [[ $oldmountopts != $MOUNTOPTS ]] && #. _warning "Are mount options '::1 mount options::' valid?" $MOUNTOPTS
#. # TODO: move cleanup to _endgame()
#. [[ -d $tombmount ]] && rmdir $tombmount
#. [[ -e /dev/mapper/$mapper ]] && sudo cryptsetup luksClose $mapper
#. # The loop is taken care of in _endgame()
#. > _failure "Cannot mount ::1 tomb name::" $TOMBNAME
#. }
#. sudo chown $UID:$GID ${tombmount}
#. sudo chmod 0711 ${tombmount}
#: tomb:1780
msgid "Cannot mount ::1 tomb name::"
msgstr ""
#. Fold: Open
#. Function: mount_tomb
#. Code sample:
#. _failure "Cannot mount ::1 tomb name::" $TOMBNAME
#. }
#. sudo chown $UID:$GID ${tombmount}
#. sudo chmod 0711 ${tombmount}
#. > _success "Success opening ::1 tomb file:: on ::2 mount point::" $TOMBFILE $tombmount
#. local tombtty tombhost tombuid tombuser
#. # print out when was opened the last time, by whom and where
#: tomb:1786
msgid "Success opening ::1 tomb file:: on ::2 mount point::"
msgstr "Успешно открыл ::1 tomb file:: в ::2 mount point::"
#. Fold: Open
#. Function: mount_tomb
#. Code sample:
#. tombuid=$(_cat ${tombmount}/.uid | tr -d ' ')
#. tomblast=$(_cat ${tombmount}/.last | tr -d ' ')
#. for e in ${(f@)mapfile[/etc/passwd]}; do
#. [[ "$e" =~ ":$tombuid:" ]] && {
#. tombuser="${e[(ws@:@)1]}" }
#. done
#. > _message "Last visit by ::1 user::(::2 tomb build::) from ::3 tty:: on ::4 host::" $tombuser $tombuid $tombtty $tombhost
#. _message "on date ::1 date::" "`date --date=@${tomblast} +%c`"
#. }
#. # write down the UID and TTY that opened the tomb
#. rm -f ${tombmount}/.uid
#: tomb:1800
msgid "Last visit by ::1 user::(::2 tomb build::) from ::3 tty:: on ::4 host::"
msgstr ""
"Последний визит нанес ::1 user::(::2 tomb build::) из ::3 tty:: на ::4 host::"
#. Fold: Open
#. Function: mount_tomb
#. Code sample:
#. tomblast=$(_cat ${tombmount}/.last | tr -d ' ')
#. for e in ${(f@)mapfile[/etc/passwd]}; do
#. [[ "$e" =~ ":$tombuid:" ]] && {
#. tombuser="${e[(ws@:@)1]}" }
#. done
#. _message "Last visit by ::1 user::(::2 tomb build::) from ::3 tty:: on ::4 host::" $tombuser $tombuid $tombtty $tombhost
#. > _message "on date ::1 date::" "`date --date=@${tomblast} +%c`"
#. }
#. # write down the UID and TTY that opened the tomb
#. rm -f ${tombmount}/.uid
#. print $_UID > ${tombmount}/.uid
#: tomb:1801
msgid "on date ::1 date::"
msgstr "дата: ::1 date::"
#. Fold: Open
#. Function: exec_safe_bind_hooks
#. Code sample:
#. # Default mount options are overridden with the -o switch
#. [[ -n ${(k)OPTS[-o]} ]] && MOUNTOPTS=${OPTS[-o]}
#. # No HOME set? Note: this should never happen again.
#. [[ -z $HOME ]] && {
#. > _warning "How pitiful! A tomb, and no HOME."
#. return 1 }
#. [[ -z $mnt || ! -d $mnt ]] && {
#. _warning "Cannot exec bind hooks without a mounted tomb."
#: tomb:1849
msgid "How pitiful! A tomb, and no HOME."
msgstr "Как жаль! Гробница есть, но нет HOME."
#. Fold: Open
#. Function: exec_safe_bind_hooks
#. Code sample:
#. # No HOME set? Note: this should never happen again.
#. [[ -z $HOME ]] && {
#. _warning "How pitiful! A tomb, and no HOME."
#. return 1 }
#. [[ -z $mnt || ! -d $mnt ]] && {
#. > _warning "Cannot exec bind hooks without a mounted tomb."
#. return 1 }
#. [[ -r "$mnt/bind-hooks" ]] || {
#. _verbose "bind-hooks not found in ::1 mount point::" $mnt
#: tomb:1853
#, fuzzy
msgid "Cannot exec bind hooks without a mounted tomb."
msgstr "Невозможно совершить привязки без примонтированной гробницы."
#. Fold: Open
#. Function: exec_safe_bind_hooks
#. Code sample:
#. # better parsing for bind hooks checks for two separated words on
#. # each line, using zsh word separator array subscript
#. _bindhooks="${mapfile[${mnt}/bind-hooks]}"
#. for h in ${(f)_bindhooks}; do
#. s="${h[(w)1]}"
#. d="${h[(w)2]}"
#. > [[ "$s" = "" ]] && { _warning "bind-hooks file is broken"; return 1 }
#. [[ "$d" = "" ]] && { _warning "bind-hooks file is broken"; return 1 }
#. maps+=($s $d)
#. _verbose "bind-hook found: $s -> $d"
#. done
#: tomb:1869
msgid "bind-hooks file is broken"
msgstr "Файл bind-hooks поврежден."
#. Fold: Open
#. Function: exec_safe_bind_hooks
#. Code sample:
#. _verbose "bind-hook found: $s -> $d"
#. done
#. unset _bindhooks
#. for dir in ${(k)maps}; do
#. [[ "${dir[1]}" == "/" || "${dir[1,2]}" == ".." ]] && {
#. > _warning "bind-hooks map format: local/to/tomb local/to/\$HOME"
#. continue }
#. [[ "${${maps[$dir]}[1]}" == "/" || "${${maps[$dir]}[1,2]}" == ".." ]] && {
#. _warning "bind-hooks map format: local/to/tomb local/to/\$HOME. Rolling back"
#: tomb:1878
#, fuzzy
msgid "bind-hooks map format: local/to/tomb local/to/$HOME"
msgstr "Формат bind-hooks: local/to/tomb local/to/HOME"
#. Fold: Open
#. Function: exec_safe_bind_hooks
#. Code sample:
#. for dir in ${(k)maps}; do
#. [[ "${dir[1]}" == "/" || "${dir[1,2]}" == ".." ]] && {
#. _warning "bind-hooks map format: local/to/tomb local/to/\$HOME"
#. continue }
#. [[ "${${maps[$dir]}[1]}" == "/" || "${${maps[$dir]}[1,2]}" == ".." ]] && {
#. > _warning "bind-hooks map format: local/to/tomb local/to/\$HOME. Rolling back"
#. for dir in ${mounted}; do sudo umount $dir; done
#. return 1 }
#. if [[ ! -r "$HOME/${maps[$dir]}" ]]; then
#: tomb:1882
msgid "bind-hooks map format: local/to/tomb local/to/$HOME. Rolling back"
msgstr "Формат bind-hooks: local/to/tomb local/to/HOME. Откат"
#. Fold: Open
#. Function: exec_safe_bind_hooks
#. Code sample:
#. [[ "${${maps[$dir]}[1]}" == "/" || "${${maps[$dir]}[1,2]}" == ".." ]] && {
#. _warning "bind-hooks map format: local/to/tomb local/to/\$HOME. Rolling back"
#. for dir in ${mounted}; do sudo umount $dir; done
#. return 1 }
#. if [[ ! -r "$HOME/${maps[$dir]}" ]]; then
#. > _warning "bind-hook target not existent, skipping ::1 home::/::2 subdir::" $HOME ${maps[$dir]}
#. elif [[ ! -r "$mnt/$dir" ]]; then
#. _warning "bind-hook source not found in tomb, skipping ::1 mount point::/::2 subdir::" $mnt $dir
#. else
#. sudo mount -o bind,$MOUNTOPTS $mnt/$dir $HOME/${maps[$dir]} #: tomb:1887
msgid "bind-hook target not existent, skipping ::1 home::/::2 subdir::"
msgstr "Цель bind-hook не существует, пропускаю ::1 home::/::2 dir::"
#. Fold: Open
#. Function: exec_safe_bind_hooks
#. Code sample:
#. for dir in ${mounted}; do sudo umount $dir; done
#. return 1 }
#. if [[ ! -r "$HOME/${maps[$dir]}" ]]; then
#. _warning "bind-hook target not existent, skipping ::1 home::/::2 subdir::" $HOME ${maps[$dir]}
#. elif [[ ! -r "$mnt/$dir" ]]; then
#. > _warning "bind-hook source not found in tomb, skipping ::1 mount point::/::2 subdir::" $mnt $dir
#. else
#. sudo mount -o bind,$MOUNTOPTS $mnt/$dir $HOME/${maps[$dir]} #. && mounted+=("$HOME/${maps[$dir]}")
#. fi
#: tomb:1889
msgid ""
"bind-hook source not found in tomb, skipping ::1 mount point::/::2 subdir::"
msgstr ""
"Источник bind-hook не найден в гробнице, пропускаю ::1 mount point::/::2 "
#. Fold: Open
#. Function: exec_safe_post_hooks
#. Code sample:
#. # Only run if post-hooks has the executable bit set
#. [[ -x $mnt/post-hooks ]] || return
#. # If the file starts with a shebang, run it.
#. cat $mnt/post-hooks | head -n1 | grep '^#!\s*/' &> /dev/null
#. [[ $? == 0 ]] && {
#. > _success "Post hooks found, executing as user ::1 user name::." $USERNAME
#. $mnt/post-hooks $act $mnt
#. }
#. }
#: tomb:1917
msgid "Post hooks found, executing as user ::1 user name::."
msgstr "Найдены пост-обработчики, выполняю как пользователь ::1 user name::."
#. Fold: List
#. Function: list_tombs
#. Code sample:
#. local tombname tombmount tombfs tombfsopts tombloop
#. local ts tombtot tombused tombavail tombpercent tombp tombsince
#. local tombtty tombhost tombuid tombuser
#. # list all open tombs
#. mounted_tombs=(`list_tomb_mounts $1`)
#. [[ ${#mounted_tombs} == 0 ]] && {
#. > _failure "I can't see any ::1 status:: tomb, may they all rest in peace." ${1:-open} }
#. for t in ${mounted_tombs}; do
#. mapper=`basename ${t[(ws:;:)1]}`
#. tombname=${t[(ws:;:)5]}
#: tomb:1936
msgid "I can't see any ::1 status:: tomb, may they all rest in peace."
msgstr "Я не вижу ::1 status:: гробниц, да упокоятся они все с миром."
#. Fold: List
#. Function: list_tombs
#. Code sample:
#. tombuser="${ee[(ws@:@)1]}" }
#. done
#. }
#. { option_is_set --get-mountpoint } && { print $tombmount; continue }
#. > _message "::1 tombname:: open on ::2 tombmount:: using ::3 tombfsopts::" #. $tombname $tombmount $tombfsopts
#. _message "::1 tombname:: open since ::2 tombsince::" $tombname $tombsince
#: tomb:1969
msgid "::1 tombname:: open on ::2 tombmount:: using ::3 tombfsopts::"
msgstr ""
"::1 tombname:: открыта на ::2 tombmount:: с параметрами ::3 tombfsopts::"
#. Fold: List
#. Function: list_tombs
#. Code sample:
#. { option_is_set --get-mountpoint } && { print $tombmount; continue }
#. _message "::1 tombname:: open on ::2 tombmount:: using ::3 tombfsopts::" #. $tombname $tombmount $tombfsopts
#. > _message "::1 tombname:: open since ::2 tombsince::" $tombname $tombsince
#. [[ -z "$tombtty" ]] || {
#. _message "::1 tombname:: open by ::2 tombuser:: from ::3 tombtty:: on ::4 tombhost::" #. $tombname $tombuser $tombtty $tombhost
#: tomb:1972
msgid "::1 tombname:: open since ::2 tombsince::"
msgstr "::1 tombname:: открыта с ::2 tombsince::"
#. Fold: List
#. Function: list_tombs
#. Code sample:
#. _message "::1 tombname:: open on ::2 tombmount:: using ::3 tombfsopts::" #. $tombname $tombmount $tombfsopts
#. _message "::1 tombname:: open since ::2 tombsince::" $tombname $tombsince
#. [[ -z "$tombtty" ]] || {
#. > _message "::1 tombname:: open by ::2 tombuser:: from ::3 tombtty:: on ::4 tombhost::" #. $tombname $tombuser $tombtty $tombhost
#. }
#. _message "::1 tombname:: size ::2 tombtot:: of which ::3 tombused:: (::5 tombpercent::%) is used: ::4 tombavail:: free " #: tomb:1975
msgid ""
"::1 tombname:: open by ::2 tombuser:: from ::3 tombtty:: on ::4 tombhost::"
msgstr ""
"::1 tombname:: открыл ::2 tombuser:: из ::3 tombtty:: на ::4 tombhost::"
#. Fold: List
#. Function: list_tombs
#. Code sample:
#. [[ -z "$tombtty" ]] || {
#. _message "::1 tombname:: open by ::2 tombuser:: from ::3 tombtty:: on ::4 tombhost::" #. $tombname $tombuser $tombtty $tombhost
#. }
#. > _message "::1 tombname:: size ::2 tombtot:: of which ::3 tombused:: (::5 tombpercent::%) is used: ::4 tombavail:: free " #. $tombname $tombtot $tombused $tombavail $tombpercent
#. [[ ${tombp} -ge 90 ]] && {
#. _warning "::1 tombname:: warning: your tomb is almost full!" $tombname
#: tomb:1979
msgid ""
"::1 tombname:: size ::2 tombtot:: of which ::3 tombused:: (::5 tombpercent::"
"%) is used: ::4 tombavail:: free "
msgstr ""
"::1 tombname:: размер ::2 tombtot:: из которых ::3 tombused:: (::5 "
"tombpercent::%) использовано: ::4 tombavail:: свободно "
#. Fold: List
#. Function: list_tombs
#. Code sample:
#. }
#. _message "::1 tombname:: size ::2 tombtot:: of which ::3 tombused:: (::5 tombpercent::%) is used: ::4 tombavail:: free " #. $tombname $tombtot $tombused $tombavail $tombpercent
#. [[ ${tombp} -ge 90 ]] && {
#. > _warning "::1 tombname:: warning: your tomb is almost full!" $tombname
#. }
#. # Now check hooks
#. mounted_hooks=(`list_tomb_binds $tombname`)
#: tomb:1983
msgid "::1 tombname:: warning: your tomb is almost full!"
msgstr "::1 tombname:: предупреждает: Ваша гробница почти заполнена!"
#. Fold: List
#. Function: list_tombs
#. Code sample:
#. _warning "::1 tombname:: warning: your tomb is almost full!" $tombname
#. }
#. # Now check hooks
#. mounted_hooks=(`list_tomb_binds $tombname`)
#. for h in ${mounted_hooks}; do
#. > _message "::1 tombname:: hooks ::2 hookname:: on ::3 hookdest::" #. $tombname "`basename ${h[(ws:;:)1]}`" ${h[(ws:;:)2]}
#. done
#. done
#. }
#: tomb:1989
msgid "::1 tombname:: hooks ::2 hookname:: on ::3 hookdest::"
msgstr "::1 tombname:: прицепила ::2 hookname:: к ::3 hookdest::"
#. Fold: List
#. Function: list_tomb_binds
#. Code sample:
#. # list_tomb_binds
#. # print out an array of mounted bind hooks (internal use)
#. # format is semi-colon separated list of attributes
#. # needs an argument: name of tomb whose hooks belong
#. list_tomb_binds() {
#. [[ -z "$1" ]] && {
#. > _failure "Internal error: list_tomb_binds called without argument." }
#. # list bind hooks on util-linux 2.20 (Debian 7)
#. mount -l #. | awk -vtomb="$1" '
#: tomb:2044
msgid "Internal error: list_tomb_binds called without argument."
msgstr "Внутренняя ошибка: list_tomb_binds вызвана без аргумента."
#. Fold: Index and search
#. Function: index_tombs
#. Code sample:
#. # {{{ Index and search
#. # index files in all tombs for search
#. # $1 is optional, to specify a tomb
#. index_tombs() {
#. { command -v updatedb 1>/dev/null 2>/dev/null } || {
#. > _failure "Cannot index tombs on this system: updatedb (mlocate) not installed." }
#. updatedbver=`updatedb --version | grep '^updatedb'`
#. [[ "$updatedbver" =~ "GNU findutils" ]] && {
#. _warning "Cannot use GNU findutils for index/search commands." }
#: tomb:2076
msgid "Cannot index tombs on this system: updatedb (mlocate) not installed."
msgstr ""
"Не могу проиндексировать гробницы на этой системе: updatedb (mlocate) не "
#. Fold: Index and search
#. Function: index_tombs
#. Code sample:
#. index_tombs() {
#. { command -v updatedb 1>/dev/null 2>/dev/null } || {
#. _failure "Cannot index tombs on this system: updatedb (mlocate) not installed." }
#. updatedbver=`updatedb --version | grep '^updatedb'`
#. [[ "$updatedbver" =~ "GNU findutils" ]] && {
#. > _warning "Cannot use GNU findutils for index/search commands." }
#. [[ "$updatedbver" =~ "mlocate" ]] || {
#. _failure "Index command needs 'mlocate' to be installed." }
#. _verbose "$updatedbver"
#: tomb:2080
msgid "Cannot use GNU findutils for index/search commands."
msgstr "Не могу использовать GNU findutils для команд index/search."
#. Fold: Index and search
#. Function: index_tombs
#. Code sample:
#. _failure "Cannot index tombs on this system: updatedb (mlocate) not installed." }
#. updatedbver=`updatedb --version | grep '^updatedb'`
#. [[ "$updatedbver" =~ "GNU findutils" ]] && {
#. _warning "Cannot use GNU findutils for index/search commands." }
#. [[ "$updatedbver" =~ "mlocate" ]] || {
#. > _failure "Index command needs 'mlocate' to be installed." }
#. _verbose "$updatedbver"
#. mounted_tombs=(`list_tomb_mounts $1`)
#: tomb:2082
msgid "Index command needs 'mlocate' to be installed."
msgstr "Для использования команды index необходимо установить 'mlocate'."
#. Fold: Index and search
#. Function: index_tombs
#. Code sample:
#. _verbose "$updatedbver"
#. mounted_tombs=(`list_tomb_mounts $1`)
#. [[ ${#mounted_tombs} == 0 ]] && {
#. # Considering one tomb
#. [[ -n "$1" ]] && {
#. > _failure "There seems to be no open tomb engraved as [::1::]" $1 }
#. # Or more
#. _failure "I can't see any open tomb, may they all rest in peace." }
#. _success "Creating and updating search indexes."
#: tomb:2090
msgid "There seems to be no open tomb engraved as [::1::]"
msgstr "Не похоже, что открыта гробница, гравированная как [::1::]"
#. Fold: Index and search
#. Function: index_tombs
#. Code sample:
#. mounted_tombs=(`list_tomb_mounts $1`)
#. [[ ${#mounted_tombs} == 0 ]] && {
#. # Considering one tomb
#. [[ -n "$1" ]] && {
#. _failure "There seems to be no open tomb engraved as [::1::]" $1 }
#. # Or more
#. > _failure "I can't see any open tomb, may they all rest in peace." }
#. _success "Creating and updating search indexes."
#. # start the LibreOffice document converter if installed
#: tomb:2092
msgid "I can't see any open tomb, may they all rest in peace."
msgstr "Я не вижу открытых гробниц, да упокоятся они все с миром."
#. Fold: Index and search
#. Function: index_tombs
#. Code sample:
#. # Considering one tomb
#. [[ -n "$1" ]] && {
#. _failure "There seems to be no open tomb engraved as [::1::]" $1 }
#. # Or more
#. _failure "I can't see any open tomb, may they all rest in peace." }
#. > _success "Creating and updating search indexes."
#. # start the LibreOffice document converter if installed
#. { command -v unoconv 1>/dev/null 2>/dev/null } && {
#. unoconv -l 2>/dev/null &
#: tomb:2094
msgid "Creating and updating search indexes."
msgstr "Создаю и обновляю индексы поиска."
#. Fold: Index and search
#. Function: index_tombs
#. Code sample:
#. for t in ${mounted_tombs}; do
#. mapper=`basename ${t[(ws:;:)1]}`
#. tombname=${t[(ws:;:)5]}
#. tombmount=${t[(ws:;:)2]}
#. [[ -r ${tombmount}/.noindex ]] && {
#. > _message "Skipping ::1 tomb name:: (.noindex found)." $tombname
#. continue }
#. _message "Indexing ::1 tomb name:: filenames..." $tombname
#. updatedb -l 0 -o ${tombmount}/.updatedb -U ${tombmount}
#: tomb:2107
msgid "Skipping ::1 tomb name:: (.noindex found)."
msgstr "Пропускаю ::1 tomb name:: (найден файл .noindex)."
#. Fold: Index and search
#. Function: index_tombs
#. Code sample:
#. mapper=`basename ${t[(ws:;:)1]}`
#. tombname=${t[(ws:;:)5]}
#. tombmount=${t[(ws:;:)2]}
#. [[ -r ${tombmount}/.noindex ]] && {
#. _message "Skipping ::1 tomb name:: (.noindex found)." $tombname
#. continue }
#. > _message "Indexing ::1 tomb name:: filenames..." $tombname
#. updatedb -l 0 -o ${tombmount}/.updatedb -U ${tombmount}
#. # here we use swish to index file contents
#. [[ $SWISH == 1 ]] && {
#: tomb:2109
msgid "Indexing ::1 tomb name:: filenames..."
msgstr "Индексирую имена в ::1 tomb name::..."
#. Fold: Index and search
#. Function: index_tombs
#. Code sample:
#. continue }
#. _message "Indexing ::1 tomb name:: filenames..." $tombname
#. updatedb -l 0 -o ${tombmount}/.updatedb -U ${tombmount}
#. # here we use swish to index file contents
#. [[ $SWISH == 1 ]] && {
#. > _message "Indexing ::1 tomb name:: contents..." $tombname
#. [[ -r ${tombmount}/.swishrc ]] || {
#. _message "Generating a new swish-e configuration file: ::1 swish conf::" ${tombmount}/.swishrc
#. cat <<EOF > ${tombmount}/.swishrc
#. # index directives
#: tomb:2114
msgid "Indexing ::1 tomb name:: contents..."
msgstr "Индексирую содержимое ::1 tomb name::..."
#. Fold: Index and search
#. Function: index_tombs
#. Code sample:
#. updatedb -l 0 -o ${tombmount}/.updatedb -U ${tombmount}
#. # here we use swish to index file contents
#. [[ $SWISH == 1 ]] && {
#. _message "Indexing ::1 tomb name:: contents..." $tombname
#. [[ -r ${tombmount}/.swishrc ]] || {
#. > _message "Generating a new swish-e configuration file: ::1 swish conf::" ${tombmount}/.swishrc
#. cat <<EOF > ${tombmount}/.swishrc
#. # index directives
#. DefaultContents TXT*
#. IndexDir $tombmount
#: tomb:2116
msgid "Generating a new swish-e configuration file: ::1 swish conf::"
msgstr "Генерирую новый файл конфигурации swish-e: ::1 swish conf::"
#. Fold: Index and search
#. Function: index_tombs
#. Code sample:
#. }
#. swish-e -c ${tombmount}/.swishrc -S fs -v3
#. }
#. > _message "Search index updated."
#. done
#. }
#. search_tombs() {
#. { command -v locate 1>/dev/null 2>/dev/null } || {
#: tomb:2190
msgid "Search index updated."
msgstr "Поисковый индекс обновлен."
#. Fold: Index and search
#. Function: search_tombs
#. Code sample:
#. # list all open tombs
#. mounted_tombs=(`list_tomb_mounts`)
#. [[ ${#mounted_tombs} == 0 ]] && {
#. _failure "I can't see any open tomb, may they all rest in peace." }
#. > _success "Searching for: ::1::" ${(f)@}
#. for t in ${mounted_tombs}; do
#. _verbose "Checking for index: ::1::" ${t}
#. mapper=`basename ${t[(ws:;:)1]}`
#. tombname=${t[(ws:;:)5]}
#: tomb:2210
msgid "Searching for: ::1::"
msgstr "Ищу: ::1::"
#. Fold: Index and search
#. Function: search_tombs
#. Code sample:
#. _verbose "Checking for index: ::1::" ${t}
#. mapper=`basename ${t[(ws:;:)1]}`
#. tombname=${t[(ws:;:)5]}
#. tombmount=${t[(ws:;:)2]}
#. [[ -r ${tombmount}/.updatedb ]] && {
#. # Use mlocate to search hits on filenames
#. > _message "Searching filenames in tomb ::1 tomb name::" $tombname
#. locate -d ${tombmount}/.updatedb -e -i "${(f)@}"
#. _message "Matches found: ::1 matches::" #. $(locate -d ${tombmount}/.updatedb -e -i -c ${(f)@})
#: tomb:2218
msgid "Searching filenames in tomb ::1 tomb name::"
msgstr "Ищу в именах файлов гробницы ::1 tomb name::"
#. Fold: Index and search
#. Function: search_tombs
#. Code sample:
#. tombname=${t[(ws:;:)5]}
#. tombmount=${t[(ws:;:)2]}
#. [[ -r ${tombmount}/.updatedb ]] && {
#. # Use mlocate to search hits on filenames
#. _message "Searching filenames in tomb ::1 tomb name::" $tombname
#. locate -d ${tombmount}/.updatedb -e -i "${(f)@}"
#. > _message "Matches found: ::1 matches::" #. $(locate -d ${tombmount}/.updatedb -e -i -c ${(f)@})
#. # Use swish-e to search over contents
#. [[ $SWISH == 1 && -r $tombmount/.swish ]] && {
#: tomb:2220
msgid "Matches found: ::1 matches::"
msgstr "Найдены совпадения: ::1 matches::"
#. Fold: Index and search
#. Function: search_tombs
#. Code sample:
#. locate -d ${tombmount}/.updatedb -e -i "${(f)@}"
#. _message "Matches found: ::1 matches::" #. $(locate -d ${tombmount}/.updatedb -e -i -c ${(f)@})
#. # Use swish-e to search over contents
#. [[ $SWISH == 1 && -r $tombmount/.swish ]] && {
#. > _message "Searching contents in tomb ::1 tomb name::" $tombname
#. swish-e -w ${=@} -f $tombmount/.swish -H0 }
#. } || {
#. _warning "Skipping tomb ::1 tomb name::: not indexed." $tombname
#. _warning "Run 'tomb index' to create indexes." }
#: tomb:2225
msgid "Searching contents in tomb ::1 tomb name::"
msgstr "Ищу в содержимом гробницы ::1 tomb name::"
#. Fold: Index and search
#. Function: search_tombs
#. Code sample:
#. # Use swish-e to search over contents
#. [[ $SWISH == 1 && -r $tombmount/.swish ]] && {
#. _message "Searching contents in tomb ::1 tomb name::" $tombname
#. swish-e -w ${=@} -f $tombmount/.swish -H0 }
#. } || {
#. > _warning "Skipping tomb ::1 tomb name::: not indexed." $tombname
#. _warning "Run 'tomb index' to create indexes." }
#. done
#. _message "Search completed."
#. }
#: tomb:2228
msgid "Skipping tomb ::1 tomb name::: not indexed."
msgstr "Пропускаю гробницу ::1 tomb name::: она не индексирована."
#. Fold: Index and search
#. Function: search_tombs
#. Code sample:
#. # Use swish-e to search over contents
#. [[ $SWISH == 1 && -r $tombmount/.swish ]] && {
#. _message "Searching contents in tomb ::1 tomb name::" $tombname
#. swish-e -w ${=@} -f $tombmount/.swish -H0 }
#. } || {
#. _warning "Skipping tomb ::1 tomb name::: not indexed." $tombname
#. > _warning "Run 'tomb index' to create indexes." }
#. done
#. _message "Search completed."
#. }
#: tomb:2229
msgid "Run 'tomb index' to create indexes."
msgstr "Запустите 'tomb index' для создания индексов."
#. Fold: Index and search
#. Function: search_tombs
#. Code sample:
#. _message "Searching contents in tomb ::1 tomb name::" $tombname
#. swish-e -w ${=@} -f $tombmount/.swish -H0 }
#. } || {
#. _warning "Skipping tomb ::1 tomb name::: not indexed." $tombname
#. _warning "Run 'tomb index' to create indexes." }
#. done
#. > _message "Search completed."
#. }
#. # }}} - Index and search
#: tomb:2231
msgid "Search completed."
msgstr "Поиск завершен."
#. Fold: Resize
#. Function: resize_tomb
#. Code sample:
#. # {{{ Resize
#. # resize tomb file size
#. resize_tomb() {
#. local tombpath="$1" # First argument is the path to the tomb
#. > _message "Commanded to resize tomb ::1 tomb name:: to ::2 size:: megabytes." $1 $OPTS[-s]
#. [[ -z "$tombpath" ]] && _failure "No tomb name specified for resizing."
#. [[ ! -r $tombpath ]] && _failure "Cannot find ::1::" $tombpath
#: tomb:2242
msgid "Commanded to resize tomb ::1 tomb name:: to ::2 size:: megabytes."
msgstr ""
"Приказано изменить размер гробницы ::1 tomb name::. Новый размер: ::2 size:: "
#. Fold: Resize
#. Function: resize_tomb
#. Code sample:
#. # resize tomb file size
#. resize_tomb() {
#. local tombpath="$1" # First argument is the path to the tomb
#. _message "Commanded to resize tomb ::1 tomb name:: to ::2 size:: megabytes." $1 $OPTS[-s]
#. > [[ -z "$tombpath" ]] && _failure "No tomb name specified for resizing."
#. [[ ! -r $tombpath ]] && _failure "Cannot find ::1::" $tombpath
#. newtombsize="`option_value -s`"
#. [[ -z "$newtombsize" ]] && {
#: tomb:2244
msgid "No tomb name specified for resizing."
msgstr "Не указано имя гробницы для изменения размера."
#. Fold: Resize
#. Function: resize_tomb
#. Code sample:
#. resize_tomb() {
#. local tombpath="$1" # First argument is the path to the tomb
#. _message "Commanded to resize tomb ::1 tomb name:: to ::2 size:: megabytes." $1 $OPTS[-s]
#. [[ -z "$tombpath" ]] && _failure "No tomb name specified for resizing."
#. > [[ ! -r $tombpath ]] && _failure "Cannot find ::1::" $tombpath
#. newtombsize="`option_value -s`"
#. [[ -z "$newtombsize" ]] && {
#. _failure "Aborting operations: new size was not specified, use -s" }
#: tomb:2245
msgid "Cannot find ::1::"
msgstr "Не могу найти ::1::"
#. Fold: Resize
#. Function: resize_tomb
#. Code sample:
#. [[ -z "$tombpath" ]] && _failure "No tomb name specified for resizing."
#. [[ ! -r $tombpath ]] && _failure "Cannot find ::1::" $tombpath
#. newtombsize="`option_value -s`"
#. [[ -z "$newtombsize" ]] && {
#. > _failure "Aborting operations: new size was not specified, use -s" }
#. is_valid_tomb $tombpath # Set TOMB{PATH,DIR,FILE,NAME}
#. _load_key # Try loading new key from option -k and set TOMBKEYFILE
#: tomb:2249
msgid "Aborting operations: new size was not specified, use -s"
msgstr "Отмена операций: не указан новый размер, используйте -s"
#. Fold: Resize
#. Function: resize_tomb
#. Code sample:
#. local oldtombsize=$(( `stat -c %s "$TOMBPATH" 2>/dev/null` / 1048576 ))
#. local mounted_tomb=`mount -l |
#. awk -vtomb="[$TOMBNAME]" '/^\/dev\/mapper\/tomb/ { if($7==tomb) print $1 }'`
#. # Tomb must not be open
#. [[ -z "$mounted_tomb" ]] || {
#. > _failure "Please close the tomb ::1 tomb name:: before trying to resize it." $TOMBNAME }
#. # New tomb size must be specified
#. [[ -n "$newtombsize" ]] || {
#. _failure "You must specify the new size of ::1 tomb name::" $TOMBNAME }
#. # New tomb size must be an integer
#: tomb:2261
msgid "Please close the tomb ::1 tomb name:: before trying to resize it."
msgstr ""
"Пожалуйста, закройте гробницу ::1 tomb name::, прежде чем менять ее размер."
#. Fold: Resize
#. Function: resize_tomb
#. Code sample:
#. # Tomb must not be open
#. [[ -z "$mounted_tomb" ]] || {
#. _failure "Please close the tomb ::1 tomb name:: before trying to resize it." $TOMBNAME }
#. # New tomb size must be specified
#. [[ -n "$newtombsize" ]] || {
#. > _failure "You must specify the new size of ::1 tomb name::" $TOMBNAME }
#. # New tomb size must be an integer
#. [[ $newtombsize == <-> ]] || _failure "Size is not an integer."
#. # Tombs can only grow in size
#. [[ "$newtombsize" -gt "$oldtombsize" ]] || {
#: tomb:2264
msgid "You must specify the new size of ::1 tomb name::"
msgstr "Вы должны указать новый размер для ::1 tomb name::"
#. Fold: Resize
#. Function: resize_tomb
#. Code sample:
#. [[ -z "$mounted_tomb" ]] || {
#. _failure "Please close the tomb ::1 tomb name:: before trying to resize it." $TOMBNAME }
#. # New tomb size must be specified
#. [[ -n "$newtombsize" ]] || {
#. _failure "You must specify the new size of ::1 tomb name::" $TOMBNAME }
#. # New tomb size must be an integer
#. > [[ $newtombsize == <-> ]] || _failure "Size is not an integer."
#. # Tombs can only grow in size
#. [[ "$newtombsize" -gt "$oldtombsize" ]] || {
#. _failure "The new size must be greater then old tomb size." }
#: tomb:2266
msgid "Size is not an integer."
msgstr "Размер не целое число."
#. Fold: Resize
#. Function: resize_tomb
#. Code sample:
#. [[ -n "$newtombsize" ]] || {
#. _failure "You must specify the new size of ::1 tomb name::" $TOMBNAME }
#. # New tomb size must be an integer
#. [[ $newtombsize == <-> ]] || _failure "Size is not an integer."
#. # Tombs can only grow in size
#. [[ "$newtombsize" -gt "$oldtombsize" ]] || {
#. > _failure "The new size must be greater then old tomb size." }
#. delta="$(( $newtombsize - $oldtombsize ))"
#. _message "Generating ::1 tomb file:: of ::2 size::MiB" $TOMBFILE $newtombsize
#: tomb:2269
msgid "The new size must be greater then old tomb size."
msgstr "Новый размер гробницы должен быть больше старого."
#. Fold: Resize
#. Function: resize_tomb
#. Code sample:
#. _message "Generating ::1 tomb file:: of ::2 size::MiB" $TOMBFILE $newtombsize
#. _verbose "Data dump using ::1:: from /dev/urandom" ${DD[1]}
#. ${=DD} if=/dev/urandom bs=1048576 count=${delta} >> $TOMBPATH
#. [[ $? == 0 ]] || {
#. > _failure "Error creating the extra resize ::1 size::, operation aborted." $tmp_resize }
#. { option_is_set --tomb-pwd } && {
#. tomb_pwd="`option_value --tomb-pwd`"
#. _verbose "tomb-pwd = ::1 tomb pass::" $tomb_pwd
#: tomb:2279
msgid "Error creating the extra resize ::1 size::, operation aborted."
msgstr "Ошибка создания дополнительного размера ::1 size::, операция отменена."
#. Fold: Resize
#. Function: resize_tomb
#. Code sample:
#. mapper="tomb.$TOMBNAME.$mapdate.$(basename $nstloop)"
#. _cryptsetup luksOpen ${nstloop} ${mapper} || {
#. _failure "Failure mounting the encrypted file." }
#. sudo cryptsetup resize "${mapper}" || {
#. > _failure "cryptsetup failed to resize ::1 mapper::" $mapper }
#. sudo e2fsck -p -f /dev/mapper/${mapper} || {
#. _failure "e2fsck failed to check ::1 mapper::" $mapper }
#: tomb:2300
msgid "cryptsetup failed to resize ::1 mapper::"
msgstr "cryptsetup не смог изменить размер ::1 mapper::"
#. Fold: Resize
#. Function: resize_tomb
#. Code sample:
#. _failure "Failure mounting the encrypted file." }
#. sudo cryptsetup resize "${mapper}" || {
#. _failure "cryptsetup failed to resize ::1 mapper::" $mapper }
#. sudo e2fsck -p -f /dev/mapper/${mapper} || {
#. > _failure "e2fsck failed to check ::1 mapper::" $mapper }
#. sudo resize2fs /dev/mapper/${mapper} || {
#. _failure "resize2fs failed to resize ::1 mapper::" $mapper }
#: tomb:2303
msgid "e2fsck failed to check ::1 mapper::"
msgstr "e2fsck не смог проверить ::1 mapper::"
#. Fold: Resize
#. Function: resize_tomb
#. Code sample:
#. _failure "cryptsetup failed to resize ::1 mapper::" $mapper }
#. sudo e2fsck -p -f /dev/mapper/${mapper} || {
#. _failure "e2fsck failed to check ::1 mapper::" $mapper }
#. sudo resize2fs /dev/mapper/${mapper} || {
#. > _failure "resize2fs failed to resize ::1 mapper::" $mapper }
#. # close and free the loop device
#. sudo cryptsetup luksClose "${mapper}"
#: tomb:2306
msgid "resize2fs failed to resize ::1 mapper::"
msgstr "resize2fs не смог изменить размер ::1 mapper::"
#. Fold: Close
#. Function: umount_tomb
#. Code sample:
#. mounted_tombs=(`list_tomb_mounts`)
#. else
#. mounted_tombs=(`list_tomb_mounts $1`)
#. fi
#. [[ ${#mounted_tombs} == 0 ]] && {
#. > _failure "There is no open tomb to be closed." }
#. [[ ${#mounted_tombs} -gt 1 && -z "$1" ]] && {
#. _warning "Too many tombs mounted, please specify one (see tomb list)"
#. _warning "or issue the command 'tomb close all' to close them all."
#: tomb:2330
msgid "There is no open tomb to be closed."
msgstr "Нет открытой гробницы для закрытия."
#. Fold: Close
#. Function: umount_tomb
#. Code sample:
#. fi
#. [[ ${#mounted_tombs} == 0 ]] && {
#. _failure "There is no open tomb to be closed." }
#. [[ ${#mounted_tombs} -gt 1 && -z "$1" ]] && {
#. > _warning "Too many tombs mounted, please specify one (see tomb list)"
#. _warning "or issue the command 'tomb close all' to close them all."
#. _failure "Operation aborted." }
#. for t in ${mounted_tombs}; do
#: tomb:2333
msgid "Too many tombs mounted, please specify one (see tomb list)"
msgstr ""
"Примонтировано слишком много гробниц, пожалуйста, укажите точнее (см. tomb "
#. Fold: Close
#. Function: umount_tomb
#. Code sample:
#. [[ ${#mounted_tombs} == 0 ]] && {
#. _failure "There is no open tomb to be closed." }
#. [[ ${#mounted_tombs} -gt 1 && -z "$1" ]] && {
#. _warning "Too many tombs mounted, please specify one (see tomb list)"
#. > _warning "or issue the command 'tomb close all' to close them all."
#. _failure "Operation aborted." }
#. for t in ${mounted_tombs}; do
#. mapper=`basename ${t[(ws:;:)1]}`
#: tomb:2334
msgid "or issue the command 'tomb close all' to close them all."
msgstr "или выполните команду 'tomb close all', чтобы закрыть их все."
#. Fold: Close
#. Function: umount_tomb
#. Code sample:
#. _verbose "Name: ::1 tomb name::" $tombname
#. _verbose "Mount: ::1 mount point::" $tombmount
#. _verbose "Mapper: ::1 mapper::" $mapper
#. [[ -e "$mapper" ]] && {
#. > _warning "Tomb not found: ::1 tomb file::" $1
#. _warning "Please specify an existing tomb."
#. return 0 }
#. [[ -n $SLAM ]] && {
#: tomb:2350
msgid "Tomb not found: ::1 tomb file::"
msgstr "Гробница не найдена: ::1 tomb file::"
#. Fold: Close
#. Function: umount_tomb
#. Code sample:
#. _verbose "Name: ::1 tomb name::" $tombname
#. _verbose "Mount: ::1 mount point::" $tombmount
#. _verbose "Mapper: ::1 mapper::" $mapper
#. [[ -e "$mapper" ]] && {
#. _warning "Tomb not found: ::1 tomb file::" $1
#. > _warning "Please specify an existing tomb."
#. return 0 }
#. [[ -n $SLAM ]] && {
#. _success "Slamming tomb ::1 tomb name:: mounted on ::2 mount point::" #: tomb:2351
msgid "Please specify an existing tomb."
msgstr "Пожалуйста, укажите существующую гробницу."
#. Fold: Close
#. Function: umount_tomb
#. Code sample:
#. [[ -e "$mapper" ]] && {
#. _warning "Tomb not found: ::1 tomb file::" $1
#. _warning "Please specify an existing tomb."
#. return 0 }
#. [[ -n $SLAM ]] && {
#. > _success "Slamming tomb ::1 tomb name:: mounted on ::2 mount point::" #. $tombname $tombmount
#. _message "Kill all processes busy inside the tomb."
#. { slam_tomb "$tombmount" } || {
#. _failure "Cannot slam the tomb ::1 tomb name::" $tombname }
#: tomb:2355
msgid "Slamming tomb ::1 tomb name:: mounted on ::2 mount point::"
msgstr ""
"Захлопываю гробницу ::1 tomb name::, примонтированную на ::2 mount point::"
#. Fold: Close
#. Function: umount_tomb
#. Code sample:
#. _warning "Please specify an existing tomb."
#. return 0 }
#. [[ -n $SLAM ]] && {
#. _success "Slamming tomb ::1 tomb name:: mounted on ::2 mount point::" #. $tombname $tombmount
#. > _message "Kill all processes busy inside the tomb."
#. { slam_tomb "$tombmount" } || {
#. _failure "Cannot slam the tomb ::1 tomb name::" $tombname }
#. } || {
#. _message "Closing tomb ::1 tomb name:: mounted on ::2 mount point::" #: tomb:2357
msgid "Kill all processes busy inside the tomb."
msgstr "Убиваю все процессы, занятые в гробнице"
#. Fold: Close
#. Function: umount_tomb
#. Code sample:
#. [[ -n $SLAM ]] && {
#. _success "Slamming tomb ::1 tomb name:: mounted on ::2 mount point::" #. $tombname $tombmount
#. _message "Kill all processes busy inside the tomb."
#. { slam_tomb "$tombmount" } || {
#. > _failure "Cannot slam the tomb ::1 tomb name::" $tombname }
#. } || {
#. _message "Closing tomb ::1 tomb name:: mounted on ::2 mount point::" #. $tombname $tombmount }
#: tomb:2359
msgid "Cannot slam the tomb ::1 tomb name::"
msgstr "Не могу захлопнуть гробницу ::1 tomb name::"
#. Fold: Close
#. Function: umount_tomb
#. Code sample:
#. _success "Slamming tomb ::1 tomb name:: mounted on ::2 mount point::" #. $tombname $tombmount
#. _message "Kill all processes busy inside the tomb."
#. { slam_tomb "$tombmount" } || {
#. _failure "Cannot slam the tomb ::1 tomb name::" $tombname }
#. } || {
#. > _message "Closing tomb ::1 tomb name:: mounted on ::2 mount point::" #. $tombname $tombmount }
#. # check if there are binded dirs and close them
#. bind_tombs=(`list_tomb_binds $tombname`)
#: tomb:2361
msgid "Closing tomb ::1 tomb name:: mounted on ::2 mount point::"
msgstr ""
"Закрываю гробницу ::1 tomb name::, примонтированную на ::2 mount point::"
#. Fold: Close
#. Function: umount_tomb
#. Code sample:
#. # check if there are binded dirs and close them
#. bind_tombs=(`list_tomb_binds $tombname`)
#. for b in ${bind_tombs}; do
#. bind_mapper="${b[(ws:;:)1]}"
#. bind_mount="${b[(ws:;:)2]}"
#. > _message "Closing tomb bind hook: ::1 hook::" $bind_mount
#. sudo umount $bind_mount || {
#. [[ -n $SLAM ]] && {
#. _success "Slamming tomb: killing all processes using this hook."
#. slam_tomb "$bind_mount"
#: tomb:2369
#, fuzzy
msgid "Closing tomb bind hook: ::1 hook::"
msgstr "Закрываю привязку гробницы: ::1 hook::"
#. Fold: Close
#. Function: umount_tomb
#. Code sample:
#. for b in ${bind_tombs}; do
#. bind_mapper="${b[(ws:;:)1]}"
#. bind_mount="${b[(ws:;:)2]}"
#. _message "Closing tomb bind hook: ::1 hook::" $bind_mount
#. sudo umount $bind_mount || {
#. [[ -n $SLAM ]] && {
#. > _success "Slamming tomb: killing all processes using this hook."
#. slam_tomb "$bind_mount"
#. [[ $? == 1 ]] && {
#. _failure "Cannot slam the bind hook ::1 hook::" $bind_mount }
#. umount $bind_mount
#: tomb:2372
#, fuzzy
msgid "Slamming tomb: killing all processes using this hook."
msgstr "Захлопываю гробницу: убиваю все процессы, использующие эту привязку."
#. Fold: Close
#. Function: umount_tomb
#. Code sample:
#. _message "Closing tomb bind hook: ::1 hook::" $bind_mount
#. sudo umount $bind_mount || {
#. [[ -n $SLAM ]] && {
#. _success "Slamming tomb: killing all processes using this hook."
#. slam_tomb "$bind_mount"
#. [[ $? == 1 ]] && {
#. > _failure "Cannot slam the bind hook ::1 hook::" $bind_mount }
#. umount $bind_mount
#. } || {
#. _warning "Tomb bind hook ::1 hook:: is busy, cannot close tomb." $bind_mount }
#. }
#: tomb:2375
msgid "Cannot slam the bind hook ::1 hook::"
msgstr "Не могу захлопнуть обработчик ::1 hook::"
#. Fold: Close
#. Function: umount_tomb
#. Code sample:
#. _success "Slamming tomb: killing all processes using this hook."
#. slam_tomb "$bind_mount"
#. [[ $? == 1 ]] && {
#. _failure "Cannot slam the bind hook ::1 hook::" $bind_mount }
#. umount $bind_mount
#. } || {
#. > _warning "Tomb bind hook ::1 hook:: is busy, cannot close tomb." $bind_mount }
#. }
#. done
#. # Execute post-hooks for eventual cleanup
#: tomb:2378
msgid "Tomb bind hook ::1 hook:: is busy, cannot close tomb."
msgstr "Обработчик гробницы ::1 hook:: занят, не могу закрыть гробницу."
#. Fold: Close
#. Function: umount_tomb
#. Code sample:
#. # Execute post-hooks for eventual cleanup
#. { option_is_set -n } || {
#. exec_safe_post_hooks ${tombmount%%/} close }
#. _verbose "Performing umount of ::1 mount point::" $tombmount
#. sudo umount ${tombmount}
#. > [[ $? = 0 ]] || { _warning "Tomb is busy, cannot umount!"; return 1 }
#. # If we used a default mountpoint and is now empty, delete it
#. [[ "$tombmount" == "/media/$tombname.tomb" ]] && { rmdir $tombmount }
#: tomb:2388
msgid "Tomb is busy, cannot umount!"
msgstr "Гробница занята, не могу отмонтировать!"
#. Fold: Close
#. Function: umount_tomb
#. Code sample:
#. # If we used a default mountpoint and is now empty, delete it
#. [[ "$tombmount" == "/media/$tombname.tomb" ]] && { rmdir $tombmount }
#. sudo cryptsetup luksClose $mapper
#. [[ $? == 0 ]] || {
#. > _failure "Error occurred in cryptsetup luksClose ::1 mapper::" $mapper }
#. # Normally the loopback device is detached when unused
#. [[ -e "/dev/$tombloop" ]] && sudo losetup -d "/dev/$tombloop"
#. [[ $? = 0 ]] || {
#: tomb:2395
msgid "Error occurred in cryptsetup luksClose ::1 mapper::"
msgstr "Произошла ошибка cryptsetup luksClose ::1 mapper::"
#. Fold: Close
#. Function: umount_tomb
#. Code sample:
#. # Normally the loopback device is detached when unused
#. [[ -e "/dev/$tombloop" ]] && sudo losetup -d "/dev/$tombloop"
#. [[ $? = 0 ]] || {
#. _verbose "/dev/$tombloop was already closed." }
#. > _success "Tomb ::1 tomb name:: closed: your bones will rest in peace." $tombname
#. done # loop across mounted tombs
#. return 0
#: tomb:2402
msgid "Tomb ::1 tomb name:: closed: your bones will rest in peace."
msgstr "Гробница ::1 tomb name:: закрыта: да упокоятся с миром Ваши кости."
#. Fold: Main routine
#. Function: main
#. Code sample:
#. return 1
#. fi
#. return 0
#. fi
#. unset discardme
#. if ! zparseopts -M -E -D -Adiscardme ${every_opts}; then
#. > _failure "Error parsing."
#. return 127
#. fi
#. unset discardme
#. subcommand=$1
#: tomb:2522
msgid "Error parsing."
msgstr "Ошибка парсинга."
#. Fold: Main routine
#. Function: main
#. Code sample:
#. subcommand=$1
#. if [[ -z $subcommand ]]; then
#. subcommand="__default"
#. fi
#. if [[ -z ${(k)subcommands_opts[$subcommand]} ]]; then
#. > _warning "There's no such command \"::1 subcommand::\"." $subcommand
#. exitv=127 _failure "Please try -h for help."
#. fi
#. argv=("${(@)oldstar}")
#. unset oldstar
#: tomb:2532
msgid "There's no such command \"::1 subcommand::\"."
msgstr "Нет такой команды \"::1 subcommand::\"."
#. Fold: Main routine
#. Function: main
#. Code sample:
#. if [[ -z $subcommand ]]; then
#. subcommand="__default"
#. fi
#. if [[ -z ${(k)subcommands_opts[$subcommand]} ]]; then
#. _warning "There's no such command \"::1 subcommand::\"." $subcommand
#. > exitv=127 _failure "Please try -h for help."
#. fi
#. argv=("${(@)oldstar}")
#. unset oldstar
#: tomb:2533
msgid "Please try -h for help."
msgstr "Используйте -h для вызова справки."
#. Fold: Main routine
#. Function: main
#. Code sample:
#. # zsh magic: ${=string} will split to multiple arguments when spaces occur
#. set -A cmd_opts ${main_opts} ${=subcommands_opts[$subcommand]}
#. # if there is no option, we don't need parsing
#. if [[ -n $cmd_opts ]]; then
#. zparseopts -M -E -D -AOPTS ${cmd_opts}
#. if [[ $? != 0 ]]; then
#. > _warning "Some error occurred during option processing."
#. exitv=127 _failure "See \"tomb help\" for more info."
#. fi
#. fi
#. #build PARAM (array of arguments) and check if there are unrecognized options
#: tomb:2545
msgid "Some error occurred during option processing."
msgstr "Произошла какая-то ошибка при обработке опций."
#. Fold: Main routine
#. Function: main
#. Code sample:
#. set -A cmd_opts ${main_opts} ${=subcommands_opts[$subcommand]}
#. # if there is no option, we don't need parsing
#. if [[ -n $cmd_opts ]]; then
#. zparseopts -M -E -D -AOPTS ${cmd_opts}
#. if [[ $? != 0 ]]; then
#. _warning "Some error occurred during option processing."
#. > exitv=127 _failure "See \"tomb help\" for more info."
#. fi
#. fi
#. #build PARAM (array of arguments) and check if there are unrecognized options
#. ok=0
#: tomb:2546
msgid "See \"tomb help\" for more info."
msgstr "Для дополнительной информации выполните \"tomb help\"."
#. Fold: Main routine
#. Function: main
#. Code sample:
#. for arg in $*; do
#. if [[ $arg == '--' || $arg == '-' ]]; then
#. ok=1
#. continue #it shouldnt be appended to PARAM
#. elif [[ $arg[1] == '-' ]]; then
#. if [[ $ok == 0 ]]; then
#. > exitv=127 _failure "Unrecognized option ::1 arg:: for subcommand ::2 subcommand::" $arg $subcommand
#. fi
#. fi
#. PARAM+=$arg
#. done
#: tomb:2558
msgid "Unrecognized option ::1 arg:: for subcommand ::2 subcommand::"
msgstr "Не распознана опция ::1 arg:: для подкоманды ::2 subcommand::"
#. Fold: Main routine
#. Function: main
#. Code sample:
#. # Use colors unless told not to
#. { ! option_is_set --no-color } && { autoload -Uz colors && colors }
#. # Some options are only available during insecure mode
#. { ! option_is_set --unsafe } && {
#. for opt in --tomb-pwd --use-urandom --tomb-old-pwd; do
#. { option_is_set $opt } && {
#. > exitv=127 _failure "You specified option ::1 option::, which is DANGEROUS and should only be used for testing\nIf you really want so, add --unsafe" $opt }
#. done
#. }
#. # read -t or --tmp flags to set a custom temporary directory
#. option_is_set --tmp && TMPPREFIX=$(option_value --tmp)
#: tomb:2574
msgid ""
"You specified option ::1 option::, which is DANGEROUS and should only be "
"used for testing\n"
"If you really want so, add --unsafe"
msgstr ""
"Вы указали опцию ::1 option::, которая ОПАСНА и должна быть использована "
"только для тестирования\n"
"Если Вы и правда этого хотите, добавьте параметр --unsafe"
#. Fold: Main routine
#. Function: main
#. Code sample:
#. help)
#. usage
#. ;;
#. # DEPRECATION notice (leave here as 'create' is still present in old docs)
#. create)
#. > _warning "The create command is deprecated, please use dig, forge and lock instead."
#. _warning "For more informations see Tomb's manual page (man tomb)."
#. _failure "Operation aborted."
#. ;;
#: tomb:2608
msgid ""
"The create command is deprecated, please use dig, forge and lock instead."
msgstr "Команда create устарела, пожалуйста, используйте dig, forge и lock."
#. Fold: Main routine
#. Function: main
#. Code sample:
#. usage
#. ;;
#. # DEPRECATION notice (leave here as 'create' is still present in old docs)
#. create)
#. _warning "The create command is deprecated, please use dig, forge and lock instead."
#. > _warning "For more informations see Tomb's manual page (man tomb)."
#. _failure "Operation aborted."
#. ;;
#. # CREATE Step 1: dig -s NN file.tomb
#: tomb:2609
msgid "For more informations see Tomb's manual page (man tomb)."
msgstr "Для большей информации обратитесь к руководству Tomb (man tomb)."
#. Fold: Main routine
#. Function: main
#. Code sample:
#. umount_tomb $PARAM[1]
#. ;;
#. # Grow tomb's size
#. resize)
#. [[ $RESIZER == 0 ]] && {
#. > _failure "Resize2fs not installed: cannot resize tombs." }
#. resize_tomb $PARAM[1]
#. ;;
#. ## Contents manipulation
#: tomb:2643
msgid "Resize2fs not installed: cannot resize tombs."
msgstr "Resize2fs не установлен: не могу менять размер гробниц."
#. Fold: Main routine
#. Function: main
#. Code sample:
#. ## Locking operations
#. # Export key to QR Code
#. engrave)
#. [[ $QRENCODE == 0 ]] && {
#. > _failure "QREncode not installed: cannot engrave keys on paper." }
#. engrave_key ${=PARAM}
#. ;;
#. # Change password on existing key
#: tomb:2669
msgid "QREncode not installed: cannot engrave keys on paper."
msgstr "QREncode не установлен: не могу выгравировывать ключи на бумаге."
#. Fold: Main routine
#. Function: main
#. Code sample:
#. change_tomb_key ${=PARAM}
#. ;;
#. # STEGANOGRAPHY: hide key inside an image
#. bury)
#. [[ $STEGHIDE == 0 ]] && {
#. > _failure "Steghide not installed: cannot bury keys into images." }
#. bury_key $PARAM[1]
#. ;;
#. # STEGANOGRAPHY: read key hidden in an image
#: tomb:2686
msgid "Steghide not installed: cannot bury keys into images."
msgstr "Steghide не установлен: не могу прятать ключи в изображениях."
#. Fold: Main routine
#. Function: main
#. Code sample:
#. bury_key $PARAM[1]
#. ;;
#. # STEGANOGRAPHY: read key hidden in an image
#. exhume)
#. [[ $STEGHIDE == 0 ]] && {
#. > _failure "Steghide not installed: cannot exhume keys from images." }
#. exhume_key $PARAM[1]
#. ;;
#. ## Internal commands useful to developers
#: tomb:2693
msgid "Steghide not installed: cannot exhume keys from images."
msgstr "Steghide не установлен: не могу эксгумировать ключи из изображений."
#. Fold: Main routine
#. Function: main
#. Code sample:
#. # Ask user for a password interactively
#. askpass) ask_password $PARAM[1] $PARAM[2] ;;
#. # Default operation: presentation, or version information with -v
#. __default)
#. > _print "Tomb ::1 version:: - a strong and gentle undertaker for your secrets" $VERSION
#. _print "\000"
#. _print " Copyright (C) 2007-2015 Foundation, License GNU GPL v3+"
#. _print " This is free software: you are free to change and redistribute it"
#. _print " For the latest sourcecode go to <>"
#: tomb:2707
msgid "Tomb ::1 version:: - a strong and gentle undertaker for your secrets"
msgstr "Tomb ::1 version:: - стойкий и аккуратный хранитель Ваших секретов"
#. Fold: Main routine
#. Function: main
#. Code sample:
#. askpass) ask_password $PARAM[1] $PARAM[2] ;;
#. # Default operation: presentation, or version information with -v
#. __default)
#. _print "Tomb ::1 version:: - a strong and gentle undertaker for your secrets" $VERSION
#. _print "\000"
#. > _print " Copyright (C) 2007-2015 Foundation, License GNU GPL v3+"
#. _print " This is free software: you are free to change and redistribute it"
#. _print " For the latest sourcecode go to <>"
#. _print "\000"
#. option_is_set -v && {
#: tomb:2709
msgid " Copyright (C) 2007-2015 Foundation, License GNU GPL v3+"
msgstr ""
#. Fold: Main routine
#. Function: main
#. Code sample:
#. # Default operation: presentation, or version information with -v
#. __default)
#. _print "Tomb ::1 version:: - a strong and gentle undertaker for your secrets" $VERSION
#. _print "\000"
#. _print " Copyright (C) 2007-2015 Foundation, License GNU GPL v3+"
#. > _print " This is free software: you are free to change and redistribute it"
#. _print " For the latest sourcecode go to <>"
#. _print "\000"
#. option_is_set -v && {
#. local langwas=$LANG
#: tomb:2710
msgid " This is free software: you are free to change and redistribute it"
msgstr ""
" Это свободное программное обеспечение: Вы вправе изменять и распространять "
#. Fold: Main routine
#. Function: main
#. Code sample:
#. # Default operation: presentation, or version information with -v
#. __default)
#. _print "Tomb ::1 version:: - a strong and gentle undertaker for your secrets" $VERSION
#. _print "\000"
#. _print " Copyright (C) 2007-2015 Foundation, License GNU GPL v3+"
#. _print " This is free software: you are free to change and redistribute it"
#. > _print " For the latest sourcecode go to <>"
#. _print "\000"
#. option_is_set -v && {
#. local langwas=$LANG
#. LANG=en
#: tomb:2711
msgid " For the latest sourcecode go to <>"
msgstr ""
" За последним исходным кодом зайдите на <>"
#. Fold: Main routine
#. Function: main
#. Code sample:
#. _print " This is free software: you are free to change and redistribute it"
#. _print " For the latest sourcecode go to <>"
#. _print "\000"
#. option_is_set -v && {
#. local langwas=$LANG
#. LANG=en
#. > _print " This source code is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,"
#. _print " but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of"
#. LANG=$langwas
#. _print " When in need please refer to <>."
#: tomb:2716
msgid " This source code is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,"
msgstr " Этот исходный код распространяется с надежной, что он будет полезен,"
#. Fold: Main routine
#. Function: main
#. Code sample:
#. _print " For the latest sourcecode go to <>"
#. _print "\000"
#. option_is_set -v && {
#. local langwas=$LANG
#. LANG=en
#. _print " This source code is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,"
#. > _print " but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of"
#. LANG=$langwas
#. _print " When in need please refer to <>."
#. _print "\000"
#: tomb:2717
msgid " but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of"
msgstr " но БЕЗ КАКИХ-ЛИБО ГАРАНТИЙ; даже без предполагаемой"
#. Fold: Main routine
#. Function: main
#. Code sample:
#. _print "\000"
#. option_is_set -v && {
#. local langwas=$LANG
#. LANG=en
#. _print " This source code is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,"
#. _print " but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of"
#. LANG=$langwas
#. _print " When in need please refer to <>."
#. _print "\000"
#. _print "System utils:"
#: tomb:2718
#. Fold: Main routine
#. Function: main
#. Code sample:
#. local langwas=$LANG
#. LANG=en
#. _print " This source code is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,"
#. _print " but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of"
#. LANG=$langwas
#. > _print " When in need please refer to <>."
#. _print "\000"
#. _print "System utils:"
#. _print "\000"
#. cat <<EOF
#: tomb:2720
msgid " When in need please refer to <>."
msgstr " Если Вам нужна помощь, обращайтесь к <>."
#. Fold: Main routine
#. Function: main
#. Code sample:
#. _print " This source code is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,"
#. _print " but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of"
#. LANG=$langwas
#. _print " When in need please refer to <>."
#. _print "\000"
#. > _print "System utils:"
#. _print "\000"
#. cat <<EOF
#. `sudo -V | head -n1`
#. `cryptsetup --version`
#: tomb:2722
msgid "System utils:"
msgstr "Системные утилиты:"
#. Fold: Main routine
#. Function: main
#. Code sample:
#. `cryptsetup --version`
#. `pinentry --version`
#. `gpg --version | head -n1` - key forging algorithms (GnuPG symmetric ciphers):
#. `list_gnupg_ciphers`
#. EOF
#. _print "\000"
#. > _print "Optional utils:"
#. _print "\000"
#. _list_optional_tools version
#. return 0
#. }
#: tomb:2732
msgid "Optional utils:"
msgstr "Дополнительные утилиты:"
#. Fold: Main routine
#. Function: main
#. Code sample:
#. }
#. usage
#. ;;
#. # Reject unknown command and suggest help
#. *)
#. > _warning "Command \"::1 subcommand::\" not recognized." $subcommand
#. _message "Try -h for help."
#. return 1
#. ;;
#. esac
#: tomb:2742
msgid "Command \"::1 subcommand::\" not recognized."
msgstr "Команда \"::1 subcommand::\" не распознана."
#. Fold: Main routine
#. Function: main
#. Code sample:
#. usage
#. ;;
#. # Reject unknown command and suggest help
#. *)
#. _warning "Command \"::1 subcommand::\" not recognized." $subcommand
#. > _message "Try -h for help."
#. return 1
#. ;;
#. esac
#. return $?
#: tomb:2743
msgid "Try -h for help."
msgstr "Используйте -h для вызова справки."
#~ msgid " -o mount options used to open (default: rw,noatime,nodev)"
#~ msgstr ""
#~ " -o параметры монтирования при открытии (по умолчанию rw,noatime,"
#~ "nodev) "
#~ msgid " Copyright (C) 2007-2014 Foundation, License GNU GPL v3+"
#~ msgstr ""
#~ " Все права защищены (C) 2007-2014 Foundation, Лицензия GNU GPL "
#~ "v3+"