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synced 2025-02-14 01:20:48 +00:00
BUILD ------ Just type make. You need a recent development version of libgcrypt installed. On Debian 7 (not earlier) the libgcrypt11-dev package works: # apt-get install libgcrypt11-dev PLANS ------ While this can be useful for general purpose, it specially fits tomb, and it's designed for easy integration and compilation. Binary name will then be: tomb-kdf-${algo} tomb-kdf-${algo}-gensalt tomb-kdf-${algo}-getiter hexencode (or similar utils, should they be developed), go with: tomb-utils-hexencode Base64 vs hexencode ------------------- While base64 is easier to use (shell command, more compact), pbkdf2 use hex in its specifications. This could be solved with an option (-x for hex, defaults to base64)