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/* -------------------------------------------------------------------------
* libtcp-portmon.h: tcp port monitoring library.
* Copyright (C) 2005 Philip Kovacs kovacsp3@comcast.net
* This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
* modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
* License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
* version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
* This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* Lesser General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
* License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
* Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA
* --------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
#include <netdb.h>
#include <netinet/in.h>
#include <netinet/tcp.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <sys/socket.h>
#include <arpa/inet.h>
#include "hash.h"
/* ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
* Each port monitor contains a connection hash whose contents changes dynamically as the monitor
* is presented with connections on each update cycle. This implementation maintains the health
* of this hash by enforcing several rules. First, the hash cannot contain more items than the
* TCP_CONNECTION_HASH_MAX_LOAD_PCT permits. For example, a 256 element hash with a max load of
* 0.5 cannot contain more than 128 connections. Additional connections are ignored by the monitor.
* The load factor of 0.5 is low enough to keep the hash running at near O(1) performanace at all
* times. As elements are removed from the hash, the hash slots are tagged vacated, as required
* by open address hashing. The vacated tags are essential as they enable the hash to find elements
* for which there were collisions during insert (requiring additional probing for an open slot).
* The problem with vacated slots (even though they are reused) is that, as they increase in number,
* esp. past about 1/4 of all slots, the average number of probes the hash has to perform increases
* from O(1) on average to O(n) worst case. To keep the hash healthy, we simply rebuild it when the
* percentage of vacated slots gets too high (above TCP_CONNECTION_HASH_MAX_VACATED_PCT). Rebuilding
* the hash takes O(n) on the number of elements, but it well worth it as it keeps the hash running
* at an average access time of O(1).
* ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
#define TCP_CONNECTION_HASH_SIZE 256 /* connection hash size -- must be a power of two */
#define TCP_CONNECTION_HASH_MAX_LOAD_PCT 0.5 /* disallow inserts after this % load is exceeded */
#define TCP_CONNECIION_HASH_MAX_VACATED_PCT 0.25 /* rebalance hash after this % of vacated slots is exceeded */
#define TCP_CONNECIION_STARTING_AGE 1 /* connection deleted if unseen again after this # of refreshes */
/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
* The tcp port monitor collection also contains a hash to track the monitors it contains.
* This hash, unlike the connection hash describes above, is not very dynamic. Client of
* this library typically create a fixed number of monitors and let them run until program
* termination. For this reason, I haven't included any load governors or hash rebuilding
* steps as is done above. You may store up to TCP_MONITOR_HASH_SIZE monitors in this hash,
* but you _should_ remember that keeping the load low (e.g. max of 0.5) keeps the monitor
* lookups at O(1).
* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
/* TODO: Make TCP_CONNECTION_HASH_SIZE and TCP_MONITOR_HASH_SIZE variables the client can supply */
#define TCP_MONITOR_HASH_SIZE 64 /* monitor hash size -- must be a power of two */
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------
* Implementation-specific interface begins here. Clients should not
* manipulate these structures directly, nor call the defined helper
* functions. Use the "Client interface" functions defined at bottom.
* ------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/* The inventory of peekable items within the port monitor. */
/* -----------------------
* A single tcp connection
* ----------------------- */
typedef struct _tcp_connection_t {
in_addr_t local_addr;
in_port_t local_port;
in_addr_t remote_addr;
in_port_t remote_port;
unsigned int uid;
unsigned int inode;
int age;
} tcp_connection_t;
/* ------------------------------------------------------------------------
* A tcp connection node/list
* Connections within each monitor are stored in a double-linked list.
* The age variable provides the mechanism for removing connections if they
* are not seen again in subsequent update cycles.
* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ */
typedef struct _tcp_connection_node_t {
tcp_connection_t connection;
struct _tcp_connection_node_t * p_prev;
struct _tcp_connection_node_t * p_next;
} tcp_connection_node_t;
typedef struct _tcp_connection_list_t {
tcp_connection_node_t * p_head;
tcp_connection_node_t * p_tail;
} tcp_connection_list_t;
/* --------------
* A port monitor
* -------------- */
typedef struct _tcp_port_monitor_t {
in_port_t port_range_begin;
in_port_t port_range_end; /* begin = end to monitor a single port */
tcp_connection_list_t connection_list; /* list of connections for this monitor */
hash_table_t hash; /* hash table contains pointers into monitor's connection list */
tcp_connection_t **p_peek; /* array of connection pointers for O(1) peeking by index */
} tcp_port_monitor_t;
/* -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
* Open-addressed hash implementation requires that we supply two hash functions
* and a match function to compare two hash elements for identity.
* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/* --------------------------------------------------
* Functions to hash the connections within a monitor
* --------------------------------------------------*/
/* First connection hash function */
int connection_hash_function_1( const void * /* p_data */ );
/* Second connection hash function */
int connection_hash_function_2( const void * /* p_data */ );
/* Connection match function returns non-zero if hash elements are identical. */
int connection_match_function( const void * /* p_data1 */, const void * /* p_data2 */ );
/* --------------------------------------------------
* Functions to hash the monitors within a collection
* --------------------------------------------------*/
/* First monitor hash function */
int monitor_hash_function_1( const void * /* p_data */ );
/* Second monitor hash function */
int monitor_hash_function_2( const void * /* p_data */ );
/* Monitor match function returns non-zero if hash elements are identical. */
int monitor_match_function( const void * /* p_data1 */, const void * /* p_data2 */ );
/* ------------------------
* A port monitor node/list
* ------------------------ */
typedef struct _tcp_port_monitor_node_t {
tcp_port_monitor_t * p_monitor;
struct _tcp_port_monitor_node_t *p_next;
} tcp_port_monitor_node_t;
typedef struct __tcp_port_monitor_list_t {
tcp_port_monitor_node_t * p_head;
tcp_port_monitor_node_t * p_tail;
} tcp_port_monitor_list_t;
/* ---------------------------------------
* A port monitor utility function typedef
* ---------------------------------------*/
typedef void (*tcp_port_monitor_function_ptr_t)( tcp_port_monitor_t * /* p_monitor */, void * /* p_void */ );
/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
* Port monitor utility functions implementing tcp_port_monitor_function_ptr_t
* ---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
void destroy_tcp_port_monitor(
tcp_port_monitor_t * /* p_monitor */,
void * /* p_void (use NULL for this function) */
void age_tcp_port_monitor(
tcp_port_monitor_t * /* p_monitor */,
void * /* p_void (use NULL for this function) */
void maintain_tcp_port_monitor_hash(
tcp_port_monitor_t * /* p_monitor */,
void * /* p_void (use NULL for this function) */
void rebuild_tcp_port_monitor_peek_table(
tcp_port_monitor_t * /* p_monitor */,
void * /* p_void (use NULL for this function) */
void show_connection_to_tcp_port_monitor(
tcp_port_monitor_t * /* p_monitor */,
void * /* p_connection (client should cast) */
/* -----------------------------
* A tcp port monitor collection
* -----------------------------*/
typedef struct _tcp_port_monitor_collection_t {
tcp_port_monitor_list_t monitor_list; /* list of monitors for this collection */
hash_table_t hash; /* hash table contains pointers into collection's monitor list */
} tcp_port_monitor_collection_t;
/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
* Apply a tcp_port_monitor_function_ptr_t function to each port monitor in the collection.
* ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
void for_each_tcp_port_monitor_in_collection(
tcp_port_monitor_collection_t * /* p_collection */,
tcp_port_monitor_function_ptr_t /* p_function */,
void * /* p_function_args (for user arguments) */
/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------
* Clients should call only those functions below this line.
* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/* ----------------------------------
* Client operations on port monitors
* ---------------------------------- */
/* Clients should first try to "find_tcp_port_monitor" before creating one
so that there are no redundant monitors. */
tcp_port_monitor_t * create_tcp_port_monitor(
in_port_t /* port_range_begin */,
in_port_t /* port_range_end */
/* Clients use this function to get connection data from the indicated port monitor.
The requested monitor value is copied into a client-supplied char buffer.
Returns 0 on success, -1 otherwise. */
int peek_tcp_port_monitor(
tcp_port_monitor_t * /* p_monitor */,
int /* item, ( item of interest, from tcp_port_monitor_peekables enum ) */,
int /* connection_index, ( 0 to number of connections in monitor - 1 )*/,
char * /* p_buffer, buffer to receive requested value */,
size_t /* buffer_size, size of p_buffer */
/* --------------------------------
* Client operations on collections
* -------------------------------- */
/* Create a monitor collection. Do this one first. */
tcp_port_monitor_collection_t * create_tcp_port_monitor_collection( void );
/* Destroy the monitor collection (and everything it contains). Do this one last. */
void destroy_tcp_port_monitor_collection(
tcp_port_monitor_collection_t * /* p_collection */
/* Updates the tcp statitics for all monitors within a collection */
void update_tcp_port_monitor_collection(
tcp_port_monitor_collection_t * /* p_collection */
/* After clients create a monitor, use this to add it to the collection.
Returns 0 on success, -1 otherwise. */
int insert_tcp_port_monitor_into_collection(
tcp_port_monitor_collection_t * /* p_collection */,
tcp_port_monitor_t * /* p_monitor */
/* Clients need a way to find monitors */
tcp_port_monitor_t * find_tcp_port_monitor(
tcp_port_monitor_collection_t * /* p_collection */,
in_port_t /* port_range_begin */,
in_port_t /* port_range_end */