Default global IMAP server. Arguments are: "host user pass [-i interval] [-f folder] [-p port] [-e command]". Default port is 143, default folder is 'INBOX', default interval is 5 minutes. If the password is supplied as '*', you will be prompted to enter the password when Conky starts.
If own_window_transparent no, set a specified background colour (defaults to black). Takes either a hex value (#ffffff) or a valid RGB name (see /usr/lib/X11/rgb.txt)
Default global POP3 server. Arguments are: "host user pass [-i interval] [-p port] [-e command]". Default port is 110, default interval is 5 minutes. If the password is supplied as '*', you will be prompted to enter the password when Conky starts.
Total number of times for Conky to update before quitting. Zero makes Conky run forever
Update interval in seconds
Boolean value, if true, text is rendered in upper case
Adds spaces after certain objects to stop them from moving other things around. Note that this only helps if you are using a mono font, such as Bitstream Vera Sans Mono.
Use specified player/plugin for the xmms status variables. Valid items are: none, xmms, bmp, audacious and infopipe. (default is none). Note that bmpx is currently handled separately.
Download speed graph, colours defined in hex, minus the #. If scale is non-zero, it becomes the scale for the graph.
Text to show if any of the above are not true
Executes a shell command and displays the output in conky. warning: this takes a lot more resources than other variables. I'd recommend coding wanted behaviour in C and posting a patch.
Same as exec, except if the first value return is a value between 0-100, it will use that number for a bar. The size for the bar is currently fixed, but that may change in the future.
Same as execbar, but graphs values.
\fBexeci\fR\fBinterval command\fR
Same as exec but with specific interval. Interval can't be less than update_interval in configuration. See also $texeci
\fBexecibar\fR\fBinterval command\fR
Same as execbar, except with an interval
\fBexecigraph\fR\fBinterval command\fR
Same as execigraph, but takes an interval arg graphs values
Specify a different font. This new font will apply to the current line and everything following. You can use a $font with no arguments to change back to the default font (much like with $color)
Returns CPU frequency in MHz, but is calculated by counting to clock cycles to complete an instruction. Only available for x86/amd64.
Returns CPU frequency in GHz, but is calculated by counting to clock cycles to complete an instruction. Only available for x86/amd64.
\fBfs_bar\fR\fB(height),(width) fs\fR
Bar that shows how much space is used on a file system. height is the height in pixels. fs is any file on that file system.
Free space on a file system available for users.
Free percentage of space on a file system available for users.
File system size
File system used space
\fBhead\fR\fBlogfile lines (interval)\fR
Displays first N lines of supplied text text file. If interval is not supplied, Conky assumes 2x Conky's interval. Max of 30 lines can be displayed, or until the text buffer is filled.
I2C sensor from sysfs (Linux 2.6). dev may be omitted if you have only one I2C device. type is either in (or vol) meaning voltage, fan meaning fan or temp/tempf (first in C, second in F) meaning temperature. n is number of the sensor. See /sys/bus/i2c/devices/ on your local computer.
If running the i8k kernel driver for Inspiron laptops, displays whether ac power is on, as listed in /proc/i8k (translated to human-readable). Beware that this is by default not enabled by i8k itself.
If running the i8k kernel driver for Inspiron laptops, displays the bios version as listed in /proc/i8k.
If running the i8k kernel driver for Inspiron laptops, displays the volume buttons status as listed in /proc/i8k.
If running the i8k kernel driver for Inspiron laptops, displays the left fan's rate of rotation, in revolutions per minute as listed in /proc/i8k. Beware, some laptops i8k reports these fans in reverse order.
If running the i8k kernel driver for Inspiron laptops, displays the left fan status as listed in /proc/i8k (translated to human-readable). Beware, some laptops i8k reports these fans in reverse order.
If running the i8k kernel driver for Inspiron laptops, displays the right fan's rate of rotation, in revolutions per minute as listed in /proc/i8k. Beware, some laptops i8k reports these fans in reverse order.
If running the i8k kernel driver for Inspiron laptops, displays the right fan status as listed in /proc/i8k (translated to human-readable). Beware, some laptops i8k reports these fans in reverse order.
If running the i8k kernel driver for Inspiron laptops, displays your laptop serial number as listed in /proc/i8k.
If running the i8k kernel driver for Inspiron laptops, displays the version formatting of /proc/i8k.
if PROCESS is running, display everything if_running and the matching $endif
if FILE exists, display everything between if_existing and the matching $endif
if MOUNTPOINT is mounted, display everything between if_mounted and the matching $endif
Displays the number of messages in your global IMAP inbox by default. You can define individual IMAP inboxes seperately by passing arguments to this object. Arguments are: "host user pass [-i interval] [-p port] [-e command]". Default port is 110, default interval is 5 minutes. If the password is supplied as '*', you will be prompted to enter the password when Conky starts.
Displays the number of unseen messages in your global IMAP inbox by default. You can define individual IMAP inboxes seperately by passing arguments to this object. Arguments are: "host user pass [-i interval] [-p port] [-e command]". Default port is 110, default interval is 5 minutes. If the password is supplied as '*', you will be prompted to enter the password when Conky starts.
Displays the number of unseen messages in your global POP3 inbox by default. You can define individual POP3 inboxes seperately by passing arguments to this object. Arguments are: "host user pass [-i interval] [-p port] [-e command]". Default port is 110, default interval is 5 minutes. If the password is supplied as '*', you will be prompted to enter the password when Conky starts.
Displays the amount of space (in MiB, 2^20) used in your global POP3 inbox by default. You can define individual POP3 inboxes seperately by passing arguments to this object. Arguments are: "host user pass [-i interval] [-p port] [-e command]". Default port is 110, default interval is 5 minutes. If the password is supplied as '*', you will be prompted to enter the password when Conky starts.
The connection index provides you with access to each connection in the port monitor. The monitor will return information for index values from 0 to n-1 connections. Values higher than n-1 are simply ignored. For the "count" item, the connection index must be omitted. It is required for all other items.
displays the number of connections in the bittorrent port range
${tcp_portmon 22 22 rip 0} -
displays the remote host ip of the first sshd connection
${tcp_portmon 22 22 rip 9} -
displays the remote host ip of the tenth sshd connection
${tcp_portmon 1 1024 rhost 0} -
displays the remote host name of the first connection on a privileged port
${tcp_portmon 1 1024 rport 4} -
displays the remote host port of the fifth connection on a privileged port
${tcp_portmon 1 65535 lservice 14} -
displays the local service name of the fifteenth connection in the range of all ports
Note that port monitor variables which share the same port range actually refer to the same monitor, so many references to a single port range for different items and different indexes all use the same monitor internally. In other words, the program avoids creating redundant monitors.
\fBtexeci\fR\fBinterval command\fR
Runs a command at an interval inside a thread and displays the output. Same as $execi, except the command is run inside a thread. Use this if you have a slow script to keep Conky updating. You should make the interval slightly longer then the time it takes your script to execute. For example, if you have a script that take 5 seconds to execute, you should make the interval at least 6 seconds. See also $execi.
Move text over by N pixels. See also $voffset.
\fBtail\fR\fBlogfile lines (interval)\fR
Displays last N lines of supplied text text file. If interval is not supplied, Conky assumes 2x Conky's interval. Max of 30 lines can be displayed, or until the text buffer is filled.
Local time, see man strftime to get more information about format
Total download, overflows at 4 GB on Linux with 32-bit arch and there doesn't seem to be a way to know how many times it has already done that before conky has started.
\fBtop\fR\fBtype, num\fR
This takes arguments in the form:top (name) (number) Basically, processes are ranked from highest to lowest in terms of cpu usage, which is what (num) represents. The types are: "name", "pid", "cpu", and mem". There can be a max of 10 processes listed.
\fBtop_mem\fR\fBtype, num\fR
Same as top, except sorted by mem usage instead of cpu