diff --git a/.clang-format b/.clang-format new file mode 100644 index 00000000..784c8a93 --- /dev/null +++ b/.clang-format @@ -0,0 +1,107 @@ +--- +Language: Cpp +# BasedOnStyle: Google +AccessModifierOffset: -1 +AlignAfterOpenBracket: Align +AlignConsecutiveAssignments: false +AlignConsecutiveDeclarations: false +AlignEscapedNewlines: Left +AlignOperands: true +AlignTrailingComments: true +AllowAllParametersOfDeclarationOnNextLine: true +AllowShortBlocksOnASingleLine: false +AllowShortCaseLabelsOnASingleLine: false +AllowShortFunctionsOnASingleLine: All +AllowShortIfStatementsOnASingleLine: true +AllowShortLoopsOnASingleLine: true +AlwaysBreakAfterDefinitionReturnType: None +AlwaysBreakAfterReturnType: None +AlwaysBreakBeforeMultilineStrings: true +AlwaysBreakTemplateDeclarations: true +BinPackArguments: true +BinPackParameters: true +BraceWrapping: + AfterClass: false + AfterControlStatement: false + AfterEnum: false + AfterFunction: false + AfterNamespace: false + AfterObjCDeclaration: false + AfterStruct: false + AfterUnion: false + BeforeCatch: false + BeforeElse: false + IndentBraces: false + SplitEmptyFunction: true + SplitEmptyRecord: true + SplitEmptyNamespace: true +BreakBeforeBinaryOperators: None +BreakBeforeBraces: Attach +BreakBeforeInheritanceComma: false +BreakBeforeTernaryOperators: true +BreakConstructorInitializersBeforeComma: false +BreakConstructorInitializers: BeforeColon +BreakAfterJavaFieldAnnotations: false +BreakStringLiterals: true +ColumnLimit: 80 +CommentPragmas: '^ IWYU pragma:' +CompactNamespaces: false +ConstructorInitializerAllOnOneLineOrOnePerLine: true +ConstructorInitializerIndentWidth: 4 +ContinuationIndentWidth: 4 +Cpp11BracedListStyle: true +DerivePointerAlignment: true +DisableFormat: false +ExperimentalAutoDetectBinPacking: false +FixNamespaceComments: true +ForEachMacros: + - foreach + - Q_FOREACH + - BOOST_FOREACH +IncludeCategories: + - Regex: '^<.*\.h>' + Priority: 1 + - Regex: '^<.*' + Priority: 2 + - Regex: '.*' + Priority: 3 +IncludeIsMainRegex: '([-_](test|unittest))?$' +IndentCaseLabels: true +IndentWidth: 2 +IndentWrappedFunctionNames: false +JavaScriptQuotes: Leave +JavaScriptWrapImports: true +KeepEmptyLinesAtTheStartOfBlocks: false +MacroBlockBegin: '' +MacroBlockEnd: '' +MaxEmptyLinesToKeep: 1 +NamespaceIndentation: None +ObjCBlockIndentWidth: 2 +ObjCSpaceAfterProperty: false +ObjCSpaceBeforeProtocolList: false +PenaltyBreakAssignment: 2 +PenaltyBreakBeforeFirstCallParameter: 1 +PenaltyBreakComment: 300 +PenaltyBreakFirstLessLess: 120 +PenaltyBreakString: 1000 +PenaltyExcessCharacter: 1000000 +PenaltyReturnTypeOnItsOwnLine: 200 +PointerAlignment: Left +ReflowComments: true +SortIncludes: true +SortUsingDeclarations: true +SpaceAfterCStyleCast: false +SpaceAfterTemplateKeyword: true +SpaceBeforeAssignmentOperators: true +SpaceBeforeParens: ControlStatements +SpaceInEmptyParentheses: false +SpacesBeforeTrailingComments: 2 +SpacesInAngles: false +SpacesInContainerLiterals: true +SpacesInCStyleCastParentheses: false +SpacesInParentheses: false +SpacesInSquareBrackets: false +Standard: Auto +TabWidth: 2 +UseTab: Never +... diff --git a/.editorconfig b/.editorconfig new file mode 100644 index 00000000..c401e20b --- /dev/null +++ b/.editorconfig @@ -0,0 +1,7 @@ +root = true + +[*] +end_of_line = lf +insert_final_newline = true +indent_style = space +intend_size = 2 diff --git a/.travis.yml b/.travis.yml index b44b199a..14a911b5 100644 --- a/.travis.yml +++ b/.travis.yml @@ -1,29 +1,75 @@ language: cpp -compiler: - - gcc -addons: - apt: - packages: - - cmake - - libxdamage-dev - - libx11-dev - - libxft-dev - - libxext-dev - - libglib2.0-dev - - libxml2-dev - - libcurl4-gnutls-dev - - liblua5.1-0-dev - - libtolua++5.1-dev - - libcairo2-dev - - libimlib2-dev - - libxinerama-dev - - gawk +dist: trusty +matrix: + include: + - os: linux + addons: + apt: + sources: + - ubuntu-toolchain-r-test + - llvm-toolchain-trusty-5.0 + packages: + - g++-7 + - cmake + - libxdamage-dev + - libx11-dev + - libxft-dev + - libxext-dev + - libglib2.0-dev + - libxml2-dev + - libcurl4-gnutls-dev + - liblua5.1-0-dev + - libtolua++5.1-dev + - libcairo2-dev + - libimlib2-dev + - libxinerama-dev + - gawk + - clang-5.0 + - clang-format-5.0 + env: + - MATRIX_EVAL="CC=gcc-7 && CXX=g++-7" + - os: linux + addons: + apt: + sources: + - ubuntu-toolchain-r-test + - llvm-toolchain-trusty-5.0 + packages: + - cmake + - libxdamage-dev + - libx11-dev + - libxft-dev + - libxext-dev + - libglib2.0-dev + - libxml2-dev + - libcurl4-gnutls-dev + - liblua5.1-0-dev + - libtolua++5.1-dev + - libcairo2-dev + - libimlib2-dev + - libxinerama-dev + - gawk + - clang-5.0 + - clang-format-5.0 + env: + - MATRIX_EVAL="CC=clang && CXX=clang++" +before_install: + - eval "${MATRIX_EVAL}" before_script: - - mkdir build && cd build && cmake .. && cd .. - - mkdir build-no-x11 && cd build-no-x11 && cmake -DBUILD_X11=OFF .. && cd .. + - mkdir build + - cd build + - scan-build --use-cc=$CC --use-c++=$CXX -o scanbuildout cmake -DCHECK_CODE_FORMAT=ON .. + - travis_wait 30 make format-check + - cd .. + - mkdir build-no-x11 + - cd build-no-x11 + - scan-build --use-cc=$CC --use-c++=$CXX -o scanbuildout cmake -DCHECK_CODE_FORMAT=ON -DBUILD_X11=OFF .. + - cd .. script: - - cd build && make -j4 && cd .. - - cd build-no-x11 && make -j4 && cd .. + - cd build + - scan-build --use-cc=$CC --use-c++=$CXX -o scanbuildout make -j4 + - cd ../build-no-x11 + - scan-build --use-cc=$CC --use-c++=$CXX -o scanbuildout make -j4 branches: only: - master diff --git a/CMakeLists.txt b/CMakeLists.txt index b33a112e..3910d33f 100644 --- a/CMakeLists.txt +++ b/CMakeLists.txt @@ -1,10 +1,9 @@ -# vim: ts=4 sw=4 noet ai cindent syntax=cmake # # Conky, a system monitor, based on torsmo # # Please see COPYING for details # -# Copyright (c) 2005-2010 Brenden Matthews, et. al. (see AUTHORS) +# Copyright (c) 2005-2018 Brenden Matthews, et. al. (see AUTHORS) # All rights reserved. # # This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify @@ -20,7 +19,7 @@ # along with this program. If not, see . # -cmake_minimum_required(VERSION 2.6) +cmake_minimum_required(VERSION 3.5) project(conky) @@ -39,10 +38,22 @@ include(ConkyPlatformChecks) # CPack module for installation tasks include(ConkyCPackSetup) +if(CHECK_CODE_FORMAT) + # Set up clang-format + set(CLANG_FORMAT_BIN_NAME clang-format clang-format-5.0) + set(CLANG_FORMAT_EXCLUDE_PATTERNS "build/" ${CMAKE_BINARY_DIR}) + find_package(ClangFormat) +endif(CHECK_CODE_FORMAT) + # setup our configuration headers configure_file(${CMAKE_MODULE_PATH}/config.h.in ${CMAKE_BINARY_DIR}/config.h) configure_file(${CMAKE_MODULE_PATH}/build.h.in ${CMAKE_BINARY_DIR}/build.h) +set(conky_sources + ${CMAKE_BINARY_DIR}/config.h + ${CMAKE_BINARY_DIR}/build.h +) + # Finally, add some code add_subdirectory(lua) add_subdirectory(data) @@ -50,7 +61,7 @@ add_subdirectory(doc) add_subdirectory(src) IF(NOT DEFINED DOC_PATH) - set(DOC_PATH "share/doc/${CPACK_PACKAGE_NAME}-${VERSION}") + set(DOC_PATH "share/doc/${CPACK_PACKAGE_NAME}-${VERSION}") ENDIF(NOT DEFINED DOC_PATH) set(DOC_FILES extras/convert.lua data/conky_no_x11.conf data/conky.conf) @@ -61,12 +72,12 @@ set(MAN_PATH "share/man/man1") set(MAN_FILES doc/conky.1) install(FILES ${DOC_FILES} - DESTINATION ${DOC_PATH}) + DESTINATION ${DOC_PATH}) if(MAINTAINER_MODE) - install(FILES ${HTML_FILES} - DESTINATION ${HTML_PATH}) + install(FILES ${HTML_FILES} + DESTINATION ${HTML_PATH}) - install(FILES ${MAN_FILES} - DESTINATION ${MAN_PATH}) + install(FILES ${MAN_FILES} + DESTINATION ${MAN_PATH}) endif(MAINTAINER_MODE) diff --git a/LICENSE.BSD b/LICENSE.BSD index 604d79da..91fe6e12 100644 --- a/LICENSE.BSD +++ b/LICENSE.BSD @@ -1,5 +1,5 @@ Copyright (c) 2004, Hannu Saransaari and Lauri Hakkarainen -Copyright (c) 2005-2010 Brenden Matthews, Philip Kovacs, et. al. (see AUTHORS) +Copyright (c) 2005-2018 Brenden Matthews, Philip Kovacs, et. al. (see AUTHORS) All rights reserved. Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without diff --git a/apply-clang-format.sh b/apply-clang-format.sh new file mode 100755 index 00000000..566a20f5 --- /dev/null +++ b/apply-clang-format.sh @@ -0,0 +1,5 @@ +#!/bin/bash + +find . -iname "*.h" -o -iname "*.cc" -o -iname "*.hh" \ + | xargs clang-format \ + -style=file -i -fallback-style=google diff --git a/cmake/Conky.cmake b/cmake/Conky.cmake index 31a77cb0..65738b7d 100644 --- a/cmake/Conky.cmake +++ b/cmake/Conky.cmake @@ -1,10 +1,9 @@ -# vim: ts=4 sw=4 noet ai cindent syntax=cmake # # Conky, a system monitor, based on torsmo # # Please see COPYING for details # -# Copyright (c) 2005-2010 Brenden Matthews, et. al. (see AUTHORS) +# Copyright (c) 2005-2018 Brenden Matthews, et. al. (see AUTHORS) # All rights reserved. # # This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify @@ -24,40 +23,40 @@ # Set system vars if(CMAKE_SYSTEM_NAME MATCHES "Linux") - set(OS_LINUX true) + set(OS_LINUX true) endif(CMAKE_SYSTEM_NAME MATCHES "Linux") if(CMAKE_SYSTEM_NAME MATCHES "FreeBSD") - set(OS_FREEBSD true) + set(OS_FREEBSD true) endif(CMAKE_SYSTEM_NAME MATCHES "FreeBSD") if(CMAKE_SYSTEM_NAME MATCHES "DragonFly") - set(OS_DRAGONFLY true) + set(OS_DRAGONFLY true) endif(CMAKE_SYSTEM_NAME MATCHES "DragonFly") if(CMAKE_SYSTEM_NAME MATCHES "OpenBSD") - set(OS_OPENBSD true) + set(OS_OPENBSD true) endif(CMAKE_SYSTEM_NAME MATCHES "OpenBSD") if(CMAKE_SYSTEM_NAME MATCHES "SunOS") - set(OS_SOLARIS true) + set(OS_SOLARIS true) endif(CMAKE_SYSTEM_NAME MATCHES "SunOS") if(CMAKE_SYSTEM_NAME MATCHES "NetBSD") - set(OS_NETBSD true) + set(OS_NETBSD true) endif(CMAKE_SYSTEM_NAME MATCHES "NetBSD") if(CMAKE_SYSTEM_NAME MATCHES "Haiku") - set(OS_HAIKU true) + set(OS_HAIKU true) endif(CMAKE_SYSTEM_NAME MATCHES "Haiku") if(CMAKE_SYSTEM_NAME MATCHES "Darwin") - set(OS_DARWIN true) + set(OS_DARWIN true) endif(CMAKE_SYSTEM_NAME MATCHES "Darwin") if(NOT OS_LINUX AND NOT OS_FREEBSD AND NOT OS_OPENBSD AND NOT OS_DRAGONFLY - AND NOT OS_SOLARIS AND NOT OS_HAIKU AND NOT OS_DARWIN) - message(FATAL_ERROR "Your platform, '${CMAKE_SYSTEM_NAME}', is not currently supported. Patches are welcome.") + AND NOT OS_SOLARIS AND NOT OS_HAIKU AND NOT OS_DARWIN) + message(FATAL_ERROR "Your platform, '${CMAKE_SYSTEM_NAME}', is not currently supported. Patches are welcome.") endif(NOT OS_LINUX AND NOT OS_FREEBSD AND NOT OS_OPENBSD AND NOT OS_DRAGONFLY AND NOT OS_SOLARIS AND NOT OS_HAIKU AND NOT OS_DARWIN) @@ -72,18 +71,18 @@ set(conky_includes ${CMAKE_BINARY_DIR}) # Thus disable this and _LARGEFILE64_SOURCE isnt needed, it is already used on macOS. # if(NOT OS_DARWIN) - add_definitions(-D_LARGEFILE64_SOURCE -D_POSIX_C_SOURCE=200809L) # Standard definitions - set(CMAKE_REQUIRED_DEFINITIONS - "${CMAKE_REQUIRED_DEFINITIONS} -D_LARGEFILE64_SOURCE -D_POSIX_C_SOURCE=200809L") + add_definitions(-D_LARGEFILE64_SOURCE -D_POSIX_C_SOURCE=200809L) # Standard definitions + set(CMAKE_REQUIRED_DEFINITIONS + "${CMAKE_REQUIRED_DEFINITIONS} -D_LARGEFILE64_SOURCE -D_POSIX_C_SOURCE=200809L") endif(NOT OS_DARWIN) if(OS_DRAGONFLY) -set(conky_libs ${conky_libs} -L/usr/pkg/lib) -set(conky_includes ${conky_includes} -I/usr/pkg/include) + set(conky_libs ${conky_libs} -L/usr/pkg/lib) + set(conky_includes ${conky_includes} -I/usr/pkg/include) endif(OS_DRAGONFLY) if(OS_SOLARIS) -set(conky_libs ${conky_libs} -L/usr/local/lib) + set(conky_libs ${conky_libs} -L/usr/local/lib) endif(OS_SOLARIS) # Do version stuff @@ -93,30 +92,30 @@ set(VERSION_PATCH "9") find_program(APP_AWK awk) if(NOT APP_AWK) - message(FATAL_ERROR "Unable to find program 'awk'") + message(FATAL_ERROR "Unable to find program 'awk'") endif(NOT APP_AWK) find_program(APP_WC wc) if(NOT APP_WC) - message(FATAL_ERROR "Unable to find program 'wc'") + message(FATAL_ERROR "Unable to find program 'wc'") endif(NOT APP_WC) find_program(APP_DATE date) if(NOT APP_DATE) - message(FATAL_ERROR "Unable to find program 'date'") + message(FATAL_ERROR "Unable to find program 'date'") endif(NOT APP_DATE) find_program(APP_UNAME uname) if(NOT APP_UNAME) - message(FATAL_ERROR "Unable to find program 'uname'") + message(FATAL_ERROR "Unable to find program 'uname'") endif(NOT APP_UNAME) if(NOT RELEASE) - find_program(APP_GIT git) - if(NOT APP_GIT) - message(FATAL_ERROR "Unable to find program 'git'") - endif(NOT APP_GIT) - mark_as_advanced(APP_GIT) + find_program(APP_GIT git) + if(NOT APP_GIT) + message(FATAL_ERROR "Unable to find program 'git'") + endif(NOT APP_GIT) + mark_as_advanced(APP_GIT) endif(NOT RELEASE) mark_as_advanced(APP_AWK APP_WC APP_DATE APP_UNAME) @@ -124,37 +123,37 @@ mark_as_advanced(APP_AWK APP_WC APP_DATE APP_UNAME) #BUILD_DATE=$(LANG=en_US LC_ALL=en_US LOCALE=en_US date) #BUILD_ARCH="$(uname -sr) ($(uname -m))" execute_process(COMMAND ${APP_DATE} RESULT_VARIABLE RETVAL OUTPUT_VARIABLE - BUILD_DATE OUTPUT_STRIP_TRAILING_WHITESPACE) + BUILD_DATE OUTPUT_STRIP_TRAILING_WHITESPACE) execute_process(COMMAND ${APP_UNAME} -srm RESULT_VARIABLE RETVAL - OUTPUT_VARIABLE BUILD_ARCH OUTPUT_STRIP_TRAILING_WHITESPACE) + OUTPUT_VARIABLE BUILD_ARCH OUTPUT_STRIP_TRAILING_WHITESPACE) if(RELEASE) - set(VERSION "${VERSION_MAJOR}.${VERSION_MINOR}.${VERSION_PATCH}") + set(VERSION "${VERSION_MAJOR}.${VERSION_MINOR}.${VERSION_PATCH}") else(RELEASE) - set(VERSION "${VERSION_MAJOR}.${VERSION_MINOR}.${VERSION_PATCH}_pre${COMMIT_COUNT}") + set(VERSION "${VERSION_MAJOR}.${VERSION_MINOR}.${VERSION_PATCH}_pre${COMMIT_COUNT}") endif(RELEASE) -set(COPYRIGHT "Copyright Brenden Matthews, et al, 2005-2015") +set(COPYRIGHT "Copyright Brenden Matthews, et al, 2005-2018") macro(AC_SEARCH_LIBS FUNCTION_NAME INCLUDES TARGET_VAR) - if("${TARGET_VAR}" MATCHES "^${TARGET_VAR}$") - unset(AC_SEARCH_LIBS_TMP CACHE) - check_symbol_exists(${FUNCTION_NAME} ${INCLUDES} AC_SEARCH_LIBS_TMP) - if(${AC_SEARCH_LIBS_TMP}) - set(${TARGET_VAR} "" CACHE INTERNAL "Library containing ${FUNCTION_NAME}") - else(${AC_SEARCH_LIBS_TMP}) - foreach(LIB ${ARGN}) - unset(AC_SEARCH_LIBS_TMP CACHE) - unset(AC_SEARCH_LIBS_FOUND CACHE) - find_library(AC_SEARCH_LIBS_TMP ${LIB}) - check_library_exists(${LIB} ${FUNCTION_NAME} ${AC_SEARCH_LIBS_TMP} - AC_SEARCH_LIBS_FOUND) - if(${AC_SEARCH_LIBS_FOUND}) - set(${TARGET_VAR} ${AC_SEARCH_LIBS_TMP} CACHE INTERNAL - "Library containing ${FUNCTION_NAME}") - break() - endif(${AC_SEARCH_LIBS_FOUND}) - endforeach(LIB) - endif(${AC_SEARCH_LIBS_TMP}) - endif("${TARGET_VAR}" MATCHES "^${TARGET_VAR}$") + if("${TARGET_VAR}" MATCHES "^${TARGET_VAR}$") + unset(AC_SEARCH_LIBS_TMP CACHE) + check_symbol_exists(${FUNCTION_NAME} ${INCLUDES} AC_SEARCH_LIBS_TMP) + if(${AC_SEARCH_LIBS_TMP}) + set(${TARGET_VAR} "" CACHE INTERNAL "Library containing ${FUNCTION_NAME}") + else(${AC_SEARCH_LIBS_TMP}) + foreach(LIB ${ARGN}) + unset(AC_SEARCH_LIBS_TMP CACHE) + unset(AC_SEARCH_LIBS_FOUND CACHE) + find_library(AC_SEARCH_LIBS_TMP ${LIB}) + check_library_exists(${LIB} ${FUNCTION_NAME} ${AC_SEARCH_LIBS_TMP} + AC_SEARCH_LIBS_FOUND) + if(${AC_SEARCH_LIBS_FOUND}) + set(${TARGET_VAR} ${AC_SEARCH_LIBS_TMP} CACHE INTERNAL + "Library containing ${FUNCTION_NAME}") + break() + endif(${AC_SEARCH_LIBS_FOUND}) + endforeach(LIB) + endif(${AC_SEARCH_LIBS_TMP}) + endif("${TARGET_VAR}" MATCHES "^${TARGET_VAR}$") endmacro(AC_SEARCH_LIBS) diff --git a/cmake/ConkyBuildOptions.cmake b/cmake/ConkyBuildOptions.cmake index 53b7859e..5f17d966 100644 --- a/cmake/ConkyBuildOptions.cmake +++ b/cmake/ConkyBuildOptions.cmake @@ -1,10 +1,9 @@ -# vim: ts=4 sw=4 noet ai cindent syntax=cmake # # Conky, a system monitor, based on torsmo # # Please see COPYING for details # -# Copyright (c) 2005-2010 Brenden Matthews, et. al. (see AUTHORS) +# Copyright (c) 2005-2018 Brenden Matthews, et. al. (see AUTHORS) # All rights reserved. # # This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify @@ -179,3 +178,5 @@ option(BUILD_CMUS "Enable support for cmus music player" false) option(BUILD_JOURNAL "Enable support for reading from the systemd journal" false) option(BUILD_PULSEAUDIO "Enable support for Pulseaudio's default sink and source" false) + +option(CHECK_CODE_FORMAT "Check code formatting with clang-format" false) diff --git a/cmake/ConkyCPackSetup.cmake b/cmake/ConkyCPackSetup.cmake index c1046efa..60f0e9b3 100644 --- a/cmake/ConkyCPackSetup.cmake +++ b/cmake/ConkyCPackSetup.cmake @@ -1,10 +1,9 @@ -# vim: ts=4 sw=4 noet ai cindent syntax=cmake # # Conky, a system monitor, based on torsmo # # Please see COPYING for details # -# Copyright (c) 2005-2010 Brenden Matthews, et. al. (see AUTHORS) +# Copyright (c) 2005-2018 Brenden Matthews, et. al. (see AUTHORS) # All rights reserved. # # This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify diff --git a/cmake/ConkyPlatformChecks.cmake b/cmake/ConkyPlatformChecks.cmake index 30dda7e6..c2fe4f85 100644 --- a/cmake/ConkyPlatformChecks.cmake +++ b/cmake/ConkyPlatformChecks.cmake @@ -1,10 +1,9 @@ -# vim: ts=4 sw=4 noet ai cindent syntax=cmake # # Conky, a system monitor, based on torsmo # # Please see COPYING for details # -# Copyright (c) 2005-2010 Brenden Matthews, et. al. (see AUTHORS) +# Copyright (c) 2005-2018 Brenden Matthews, et. al. (see AUTHORS) # All rights reserved. # # This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify @@ -38,18 +37,18 @@ check_symbol_exists(pipe2 "unistd.h" HAVE_PIPE2) check_symbol_exists(O_CLOEXEC "fcntl.h" HAVE_O_CLOEXEC) if(CMAKE_SYSTEM_NAME MATCHES "Darwin") - check_symbol_exists(statfs64 "sys/mount.h" HAVE_STATFS64) + check_symbol_exists(statfs64 "sys/mount.h" HAVE_STATFS64) else(CMAKE_SYSTEM_NAME MATCHES "Darwin") - check_symbol_exists(statfs64 "sys/statfs.h" HAVE_STATFS64) + check_symbol_exists(statfs64 "sys/statfs.h" HAVE_STATFS64) endif(CMAKE_SYSTEM_NAME MATCHES "Darwin") AC_SEARCH_LIBS(clock_gettime "time.h" CLOCK_GETTIME_LIB "rt") if(NOT DEFINED CLOCK_GETTIME_LIB) - if(NOT CMAKE_SYSTEM_NAME MATCHES "Darwin") - message(FATAL_ERROR "clock_gettime not found.") - endif(NOT CMAKE_SYSTEM_NAME MATCHES "Darwin") + if(NOT CMAKE_SYSTEM_NAME MATCHES "Darwin") + message(FATAL_ERROR "clock_gettime not found.") + endif(NOT CMAKE_SYSTEM_NAME MATCHES "Darwin") else(NOT DEFINED CLOCK_GETTIME_LIB) - set(HAVE_CLOCK_GETTIME 1) + set(HAVE_CLOCK_GETTIME 1) endif(NOT DEFINED CLOCK_GETTIME_LIB) set(conky_libs ${conky_libs} ${CLOCK_GETTIME_LIB}) @@ -58,258 +57,275 @@ set(INCLUDE_SEARCH_PATH /usr/include /usr/local/include) # Set system vars if(CMAKE_SYSTEM_NAME MATCHES "Linux") - set(OS_LINUX true) + set(OS_LINUX true) endif(CMAKE_SYSTEM_NAME MATCHES "Linux") if(CMAKE_SYSTEM_NAME MATCHES "FreeBSD") - set(OS_FREEBSD true) - set(conky_libs ${conky_libs} -lkvm -ldevstat -lbsd) + set(OS_FREEBSD true) + set(conky_libs ${conky_libs} -lkvm -ldevstat -lbsd) endif(CMAKE_SYSTEM_NAME MATCHES "FreeBSD") if(CMAKE_SYSTEM_NAME MATCHES "DragonFly") - set(OS_DRAGONFLY true) - set(conky_libs ${conky_libs} -ldevstat) + set(OS_DRAGONFLY true) + set(conky_libs ${conky_libs} -ldevstat) endif(CMAKE_SYSTEM_NAME MATCHES "DragonFly") if(CMAKE_SYSTEM_NAME MATCHES "OpenBSD") - set(OS_OPENBSD true) + set(OS_OPENBSD true) endif(CMAKE_SYSTEM_NAME MATCHES "OpenBSD") if(CMAKE_SYSTEM_NAME MATCHES "SunOS") - set(OS_SOLARIS true) - set(conky_libs ${conky_libs} -lkstat) + set(OS_SOLARIS true) + set(conky_libs ${conky_libs} -lkstat) endif(CMAKE_SYSTEM_NAME MATCHES "SunOS") if(CMAKE_SYSTEM_NAME MATCHES "NetBSD") - set(OS_NETBSD true) + set(OS_NETBSD true) endif(CMAKE_SYSTEM_NAME MATCHES "NetBSD") if(CMAKE_SYSTEM_NAME MATCHES "Haiku") - set(OS_HAIKU true) - set(conky_libs ${conky_libs} -lnetwork -lintl) + set(OS_HAIKU true) + set(conky_libs ${conky_libs} -lnetwork -lintl) endif(CMAKE_SYSTEM_NAME MATCHES "Haiku") if(CMAKE_SYSTEM_NAME MATCHES "Darwin") - set(OS_DARWIN true) + set(OS_DARWIN true) endif(CMAKE_SYSTEM_NAME MATCHES "Darwin") -if(NOT OS_LINUX AND NOT OS_FREEBSD AND NOT OS_OPENBSD AND NOT OS_DRAGONFLY - AND NOT OS_SOLARIS AND NOT OS_HAIKU AND NOT OS_DARWIN) - message(FATAL_ERROR "Your platform, '${CMAKE_SYSTEM_NAME}', is not currently supported. Patches are welcome.") +if(NOT OS_LINUX AND NOT OS_FREEBSD AND NOT OS_OPENBSD AND NOT OS_DRAGONFLY + AND NOT OS_SOLARIS AND NOT OS_HAIKU AND NOT OS_DARWIN) + message(FATAL_ERROR "Your platform, '${CMAKE_SYSTEM_NAME}', is not currently supported. Patches are welcome.") endif(NOT OS_LINUX AND NOT OS_FREEBSD AND NOT OS_OPENBSD AND NOT OS_DRAGONFLY AND NOT OS_SOLARIS AND NOT OS_HAIKU AND NOT OS_DARWIN) # Check for soundcard header if(OS_LINUX) - check_include_files("linux/soundcard.h" HAVE_SOME_SOUNDCARD_H) - check_include_files("linux/soundcard.h" HAVE_LINUX_SOUNDCARD_H) + check_include_files("linux/soundcard.h" HAVE_SOME_SOUNDCARD_H) + check_include_files("linux/soundcard.h" HAVE_LINUX_SOUNDCARD_H) elseif(OS_OPENBSD) - check_include_files("soundcard.h" HAVE_SOME_SOUNDCARD_H) + check_include_files("soundcard.h" HAVE_SOME_SOUNDCARD_H) else(OS_LINUX) - check_include_files("sys/soundcard.h" HAVE_SOME_SOUNDCARD_H) + check_include_files("sys/soundcard.h" HAVE_SOME_SOUNDCARD_H) endif(OS_LINUX) if(BUILD_I18N AND OS_DRAGONFLY) - set(conky_libs ${conky_libs} -lintl) + set(conky_libs ${conky_libs} -lintl) endif(BUILD_I18N AND OS_DRAGONFLY) if(BUILD_I18N AND OS_DARWIN) - set(conky_libs ${conky_libs} -lintl) + find_path(LIBINTL_H_N libintl.h PATHS + /usr/local/opt/gettext/include + /usr/include + /usr/local/include + /usr/local/opt/include + ) + if(LIBINTL_H_N) + include_directories(${LIBINTL_H_N}) + else(LIBINTL_H_N) + message(FATAL_ERROR "Unable to find libintl.h (try `brew install gettext`)") + endif(LIBINTL_H_N) + find_library(INTL_LIB NAMES intl PATHS + /usr/local/opt/gettext/lib + /usr/lib + /usr/local/lib + /usr/local/opt/lib + ) + set(conky_libs ${conky_libs} ${INTL_LIB}) endif(BUILD_I18N AND OS_DARWIN) if(BUILD_NCURSES AND OS_DARWIN) - set(conky_libs ${conky_libs} -lncurses) + set(conky_libs ${conky_libs} -lncurses) endif(BUILD_NCURSES AND OS_DARWIN) if(BUILD_MATH) - set(conky_libs ${conky_libs} -lm) + set(conky_libs ${conky_libs} -lm) endif(BUILD_MATH) if(BUILD_ICAL) - check_include_files(libical/ical.h ICAL_H_) - if(NOT ICAL_H_) - message(FATAL_ERROR "Unable to find libical") - endif(NOT ICAL_H_) - set(conky_libs ${conky_libs} -lical) + check_include_files(libical/ical.h ICAL_H_) + if(NOT ICAL_H_) + message(FATAL_ERROR "Unable to find libical") + endif(NOT ICAL_H_) + set(conky_libs ${conky_libs} -lical) endif(BUILD_ICAL) if(BUILD_IRC) - find_path(IRC_H_N libircclient.h PATHS /usr/include/libircclient) - find_path(IRC_H_S libircclient.h PATHS /usr/include) - if(IRC_H_N) - include_directories(${IRC_H_N}) - endif(IRC_H_N) - if(IRC_H_N OR IRC_H_S) - set(IRC_H_ true) - else() - message(FATAL_ERROR "Unable to find libircclient") - endif(IRC_H_N OR IRC_H_S) - set(conky_libs ${conky_libs} -lircclient) + find_path(IRC_H_N libircclient.h PATHS /usr/include/libircclient) + find_path(IRC_H_S libircclient.h PATHS /usr/include) + if(IRC_H_N) + include_directories(${IRC_H_N}) + endif(IRC_H_N) + if(IRC_H_N OR IRC_H_S) + set(IRC_H_ true) + else() + message(FATAL_ERROR "Unable to find libircclient") + endif(IRC_H_N OR IRC_H_S) + set(conky_libs ${conky_libs} -lircclient) endif(BUILD_IRC) if(BUILD_IPV6) - find_file(IF_INET6 if_inet6 PATHS /proc/net) - if(NOT IF_INET6) - message(WARNING "/proc/net/if_inet6 unavailable") - endif(NOT IF_INET6) + find_file(IF_INET6 if_inet6 PATHS /proc/net) + if(NOT IF_INET6) + message(WARNING "/proc/net/if_inet6 unavailable") + endif(NOT IF_INET6) endif(BUILD_IPV6) if(BUILD_HTTP) - find_file(HTTP_H_ microhttpd.h) - #I'm not using check_include_files because microhttpd.h seems to need a lot of different headers and i'm not sure which... - if(NOT HTTP_H_) - message(FATAL_ERROR "Unable to find libmicrohttpd") - endif(NOT HTTP_H_) - set(conky_libs ${conky_libs} -lmicrohttpd) + find_file(HTTP_H_ microhttpd.h) + #I'm not using check_include_files because microhttpd.h seems to need a lot of different headers and i'm not sure which... + if(NOT HTTP_H_) + message(FATAL_ERROR "Unable to find libmicrohttpd") + endif(NOT HTTP_H_) + set(conky_libs ${conky_libs} -lmicrohttpd) endif(BUILD_HTTP) if(BUILD_NCURSES) - include(FindCurses) - if(NOT CURSES_FOUND) - message(FATAL_ERROR "Unable to find ncurses library") - endif(NOT CURSES_FOUND) - set(conky_libs ${conky_libs} ${CURSES_LIBRARIES}) - set(conky_includes ${conky_includes} ${CURSES_INCLUDE_DIR}) + include(FindCurses) + if(NOT CURSES_FOUND) + message(FATAL_ERROR "Unable to find ncurses library") + endif(NOT CURSES_FOUND) + set(conky_libs ${conky_libs} ${CURSES_LIBRARIES}) + set(conky_includes ${conky_includes} ${CURSES_INCLUDE_DIR}) endif(BUILD_NCURSES) if(BUILD_MYSQL) - find_path(mysql_INCLUDE_PATH mysql.h ${INCLUDE_SEARCH_PATH} /usr/include/mysql /usr/local/include/mysql) - if(NOT mysql_INCLUDE_PATH) - message(FATAL_ERROR "Unable to find mysql.h") - endif(NOT mysql_INCLUDE_PATH) - set(conky_includes ${conky_includes} ${mysql_INCLUDE_PATH}) - find_library(MYSQLCLIENT_LIB NAMES mysqlclient) - if(NOT MYSQLCLIENT_LIB) - message(FATAL_ERROR "Unable to find mysqlclient library") - endif(NOT MYSQLCLIENT_LIB) - set(conky_libs ${conky_libs} ${MYSQLCLIENT_LIB}) + find_path(mysql_INCLUDE_PATH mysql.h ${INCLUDE_SEARCH_PATH} /usr/include/mysql /usr/local/include/mysql) + if(NOT mysql_INCLUDE_PATH) + message(FATAL_ERROR "Unable to find mysql.h") + endif(NOT mysql_INCLUDE_PATH) + set(conky_includes ${conky_includes} ${mysql_INCLUDE_PATH}) + find_library(MYSQLCLIENT_LIB NAMES mysqlclient) + if(NOT MYSQLCLIENT_LIB) + message(FATAL_ERROR "Unable to find mysqlclient library") + endif(NOT MYSQLCLIENT_LIB) + set(conky_libs ${conky_libs} ${MYSQLCLIENT_LIB}) endif(BUILD_MYSQL) if(BUILD_WLAN) - set(CMAKE_REQUIRED_DEFINITIONS -D_GNU_SOURCE) - check_include_files(iwlib.h IWLIB_H) - if(NOT IWLIB_H) - message(FATAL_ERROR "Unable to find iwlib.h") - endif(NOT IWLIB_H) - find_library(IWLIB_LIB NAMES iw) - if(NOT IWLIB_LIB) - message(FATAL_ERROR "Unable to find libiw.so") - endif(NOT IWLIB_LIB) - set(conky_libs ${conky_libs} ${IWLIB_LIB}) - check_function_exists(iw_sockets_open IWLIB_SOCKETS_OPEN_FUNC) + set(CMAKE_REQUIRED_DEFINITIONS -D_GNU_SOURCE) + check_include_files(iwlib.h IWLIB_H) + if(NOT IWLIB_H) + message(FATAL_ERROR "Unable to find iwlib.h") + endif(NOT IWLIB_H) + find_library(IWLIB_LIB NAMES iw) + if(NOT IWLIB_LIB) + message(FATAL_ERROR "Unable to find libiw.so") + endif(NOT IWLIB_LIB) + set(conky_libs ${conky_libs} ${IWLIB_LIB}) + check_function_exists(iw_sockets_open IWLIB_SOCKETS_OPEN_FUNC) endif(BUILD_WLAN) if(BUILD_PORT_MONITORS) - check_function_exists(getnameinfo HAVE_GETNAMEINFO) - if(NOT HAVE_GETNAMEINFO) - message(FATAL_ERROR "could not find getnameinfo()") - endif(NOT HAVE_GETNAMEINFO) - check_include_files("netdb.h;netinet/in.h;netinet/tcp.h;sys/socket.h;arpa/inet.h" HAVE_PORTMON_HEADERS) - if(NOT HAVE_PORTMON_HEADERS) - message(FATAL_ERROR "missing needed network header(s) for port monitoring") - endif(NOT HAVE_PORTMON_HEADERS) + check_function_exists(getnameinfo HAVE_GETNAMEINFO) + if(NOT HAVE_GETNAMEINFO) + message(FATAL_ERROR "could not find getnameinfo()") + endif(NOT HAVE_GETNAMEINFO) + check_include_files("netdb.h;netinet/in.h;netinet/tcp.h;sys/socket.h;arpa/inet.h" HAVE_PORTMON_HEADERS) + if(NOT HAVE_PORTMON_HEADERS) + message(FATAL_ERROR "missing needed network header(s) for port monitoring") + endif(NOT HAVE_PORTMON_HEADERS) endif(BUILD_PORT_MONITORS) # Check for iconv if(BUILD_ICONV) - check_include_files(iconv.h HAVE_ICONV_H) - find_library(ICONV_LIBRARY NAMES iconv) - if(NOT ICONV_LIBRARY) - # maybe iconv() is provided by libc - set(ICONV_LIBRARY "" CACHE FILEPATH "Path to the iconv library, if iconv is not provided by libc" FORCE) - endif(NOT ICONV_LIBRARY) - set(CMAKE_REQUIRED_LIBRARIES ${ICONV_LIBRARY}) - check_function_exists(iconv ICONV_FUNC) - if(HAVE_ICONV_H AND ICONV_FUNC) - set(conky_includes ${conky_includes} ${ICONV_INCLUDE_DIR}) - set(conky_libs ${conky_libs} ${ICONV_LIBRARY}) - else(HAVE_ICONV_H AND ICONV_FUNC) - message(FATAL_ERROR "Unable to find iconv library") - endif(HAVE_ICONV_H AND ICONV_FUNC) + check_include_files(iconv.h HAVE_ICONV_H) + find_library(ICONV_LIBRARY NAMES iconv) + if(NOT ICONV_LIBRARY) + # maybe iconv() is provided by libc + set(ICONV_LIBRARY "" CACHE FILEPATH "Path to the iconv library, if iconv is not provided by libc" FORCE) + endif(NOT ICONV_LIBRARY) + set(CMAKE_REQUIRED_LIBRARIES ${ICONV_LIBRARY}) + check_function_exists(iconv ICONV_FUNC) + if(HAVE_ICONV_H AND ICONV_FUNC) + set(conky_includes ${conky_includes} ${ICONV_INCLUDE_DIR}) + set(conky_libs ${conky_libs} ${ICONV_LIBRARY}) + else(HAVE_ICONV_H AND ICONV_FUNC) + message(FATAL_ERROR "Unable to find iconv library") + endif(HAVE_ICONV_H AND ICONV_FUNC) endif(BUILD_ICONV) # check for Xlib if(BUILD_X11) - include(FindX11) - find_package(X11) - if(X11_FOUND) - set(conky_includes ${conky_includes} ${X11_INCLUDE_DIR}) - set(conky_libs ${conky_libs} ${X11_LIBRARIES}) + include(FindX11) + find_package(X11) + if(X11_FOUND) + set(conky_includes ${conky_includes} ${X11_INCLUDE_DIR}) + set(conky_libs ${conky_libs} ${X11_LIBRARIES}) - # check for Xdamage - if(BUILD_XDAMAGE) - if(NOT X11_Xdamage_FOUND) - message(FATAL_ERROR "Unable to find Xdamage library") - endif(NOT X11_Xdamage_FOUND) - if(NOT X11_Xfixes_FOUND) - message(FATAL_ERROR "Unable to find Xfixes library") - endif(NOT X11_Xfixes_FOUND) - set(conky_libs ${conky_libs} ${X11_Xdamage_LIB} ${X11_Xfixes_LIB}) - endif(BUILD_XDAMAGE) + # check for Xdamage + if(BUILD_XDAMAGE) + if(NOT X11_Xdamage_FOUND) + message(FATAL_ERROR "Unable to find Xdamage library") + endif(NOT X11_Xdamage_FOUND) + if(NOT X11_Xfixes_FOUND) + message(FATAL_ERROR "Unable to find Xfixes library") + endif(NOT X11_Xfixes_FOUND) + set(conky_libs ${conky_libs} ${X11_Xdamage_LIB} ${X11_Xfixes_LIB}) + endif(BUILD_XDAMAGE) - if(BUILD_XSHAPE) - if(NOT X11_Xshape_FOUND) - message(FATAL_ERROR "Unable to find Xshape library") - endif(NOT X11_Xshape_FOUND) - set(conky_libs ${conky_libs} ${X11_Xshape_LIB} ) - endif(BUILD_XSHAPE) + if(BUILD_XSHAPE) + if(NOT X11_Xshape_FOUND) + message(FATAL_ERROR "Unable to find Xshape library") + endif(NOT X11_Xshape_FOUND) + set(conky_libs ${conky_libs} ${X11_Xshape_LIB} ) + endif(BUILD_XSHAPE) - # check for Xft - if(BUILD_XFT) - find_path(freetype_INCLUDE_PATH config/ftconfig.h ${INCLUDE_SEARCH_PATH} - /usr/include/freetype2 - /usr/local/include/freetype2 - /usr/pkg/include/freetype2) - if(freetype_INCLUDE_PATH) - set(freetype_FOUND true) - set(conky_includes ${conky_includes} ${freetype_INCLUDE_PATH}) - else(freetype_INCLUDE_PATH) - find_path(freetype_INCLUDE_PATH freetype/config/ftconfig.h ${INCLUDE_SEARCH_PATH} - /usr/include/freetype2 - /usr/local/include/freetype2 - /usr/pkg/include/freetype2) - if(freetype_INCLUDE_PATH) - set(freetype_FOUND true) - set(conky_includes ${conky_includes} ${freetype_INCLUDE_PATH}) - else(freetype_INCLUDE_PATH) - message(FATAL_ERROR "Unable to find freetype library") - endif(freetype_INCLUDE_PATH) - endif(freetype_INCLUDE_PATH) - if(NOT X11_Xft_FOUND) - message(FATAL_ERROR "Unable to find Xft library") - endif(NOT X11_Xft_FOUND) - set(conky_libs ${conky_libs} ${X11_Xft_LIB}) - endif(BUILD_XFT) + # check for Xft + if(BUILD_XFT) + find_path(freetype_INCLUDE_PATH config/ftconfig.h ${INCLUDE_SEARCH_PATH} + /usr/include/freetype2 + /usr/local/include/freetype2 + /usr/pkg/include/freetype2) + if(freetype_INCLUDE_PATH) + set(freetype_FOUND true) + set(conky_includes ${conky_includes} ${freetype_INCLUDE_PATH}) + else(freetype_INCLUDE_PATH) + find_path(freetype_INCLUDE_PATH freetype/config/ftconfig.h ${INCLUDE_SEARCH_PATH} + /usr/include/freetype2 + /usr/local/include/freetype2 + /usr/pkg/include/freetype2) + if(freetype_INCLUDE_PATH) + set(freetype_FOUND true) + set(conky_includes ${conky_includes} ${freetype_INCLUDE_PATH}) + else(freetype_INCLUDE_PATH) + message(FATAL_ERROR "Unable to find freetype library") + endif(freetype_INCLUDE_PATH) + endif(freetype_INCLUDE_PATH) + if(NOT X11_Xft_FOUND) + message(FATAL_ERROR "Unable to find Xft library") + endif(NOT X11_Xft_FOUND) + set(conky_libs ${conky_libs} ${X11_Xft_LIB}) + endif(BUILD_XFT) - # check for Xdbe - if(BUILD_XDBE) - if(NOT X11_Xext_FOUND) - message(FATAL_ERROR "Unable to find Xext library (needed for Xdbe)") - endif(NOT X11_Xext_FOUND) - set(conky_libs ${conky_libs} ${X11_Xext_LIB}) - endif(BUILD_XDBE) - else(X11_FOUND) - message(FATAL_ERROR "Unable to find X11 library") - endif(X11_FOUND) + # check for Xdbe + if(BUILD_XDBE) + if(NOT X11_Xext_FOUND) + message(FATAL_ERROR "Unable to find Xext library (needed for Xdbe)") + endif(NOT X11_Xext_FOUND) + set(conky_libs ${conky_libs} ${X11_Xext_LIB}) + endif(BUILD_XDBE) + else(X11_FOUND) + message(FATAL_ERROR "Unable to find X11 library") + endif(X11_FOUND) endif(BUILD_X11) # Check whether we want Lua bindings if(BUILD_LUA_CAIRO OR BUILD_LUA_IMLIB2 OR BUILD_LUA_RSVG) - set(WANT_TOLUA true) + set(WANT_TOLUA true) endif(BUILD_LUA_CAIRO OR BUILD_LUA_IMLIB2 OR BUILD_LUA_RSVG) # Check for Lua itself if(WANT_TOLUA) - # If we need tolua++, we must compile against Lua 5.1 - pkg_search_module(LUA REQUIRED lua5.1 lua-5.1 lua51 lua) - if(NOT LUA_VERSION VERSION_LESS 5.2.0) - message(FATAL_ERROR "Unable to find Lua 5.1.x") - endif(NOT LUA_VERSION VERSION_LESS 5.2.0) + # If we need tolua++, we must compile against Lua 5.1 + pkg_search_module(LUA REQUIRED lua5.1 lua-5.1 lua51 lua) + if(NOT LUA_VERSION VERSION_LESS 5.2.0) + message(FATAL_ERROR "Unable to find Lua 5.1.x") + endif(NOT LUA_VERSION VERSION_LESS 5.2.0) else(WANT_TOLUA) - # Otherwise, use the most recent Lua version - pkg_search_module(LUA REQUIRED lua>=5.3 lua5.3 lua-5.3 lua53 lua5.2 lua-5.2 lua52 lua5.1 lua-5.1 lua51 lua>=5.1) + # Otherwise, use the most recent Lua version + pkg_search_module(LUA REQUIRED lua>=5.3 lua5.3 lua-5.3 lua53 lua5.2 lua-5.2 lua52 lua5.1 lua-5.1 lua51 lua>=5.1) endif(WANT_TOLUA) set(conky_libs ${conky_libs} ${LUA_LIBRARIES}) set(conky_includes ${conky_includes} ${LUA_INCLUDE_DIRS}) @@ -317,183 +333,183 @@ link_directories(${LUA_LIBRARY_DIRS}) # Check for libraries used by Lua bindings if(BUILD_LUA_CAIRO) - pkg_check_modules(CAIRO REQUIRED cairo cairo-xlib) - set(luacairo_libs ${CAIRO_LIBRARIES} ${LUA_LIBRARIES}) - set(luacairo_includes ${CAIRO_INCLUDE_DIRS} ${LUA_INCLUDE_DIRS}) - find_program(APP_PATCH patch) - if(NOT APP_PATCH) - message(FATAL_ERROR "Unable to find program 'patch'") - endif(NOT APP_PATCH) + pkg_check_modules(CAIRO REQUIRED cairo cairo-xlib) + set(luacairo_libs ${CAIRO_LIBRARIES} ${LUA_LIBRARIES}) + set(luacairo_includes ${CAIRO_INCLUDE_DIRS} ${LUA_INCLUDE_DIRS}) + find_program(APP_PATCH patch) + if(NOT APP_PATCH) + message(FATAL_ERROR "Unable to find program 'patch'") + endif(NOT APP_PATCH) endif(BUILD_LUA_CAIRO) if(BUILD_LUA_IMLIB2) - pkg_search_module(IMLIB2 REQUIRED imlib2 Imlib2) - set(luaimlib2_libs ${IMLIB2_LIB} ${LUA_LIBRARIES}) - set(luaimlib2_includes ${IMLIB2_INCLUDE_PATH} ${LUA_INCLUDE_DIRS}) + pkg_search_module(IMLIB2 REQUIRED imlib2 Imlib2) + set(luaimlib2_libs ${IMLIB2_LIB} ${LUA_LIBRARIES}) + set(luaimlib2_includes ${IMLIB2_INCLUDE_PATH} ${LUA_INCLUDE_DIRS}) endif(BUILD_LUA_IMLIB2) if(BUILD_LUA_RSVG) - pkg_check_modules(RSVG REQUIRED librsvg-2.0) - set(luarsvg_libs ${RSVG_LIBRARIES} ${LUA_LIBRARIES}) - set(luarsvg_includes ${RSVG_INCLUDE_DIRS} ${LUA_INCLUDE_DIRS}) + pkg_check_modules(RSVG REQUIRED librsvg-2.0) + set(luarsvg_libs ${RSVG_LIBRARIES} ${LUA_LIBRARIES}) + set(luarsvg_includes ${RSVG_INCLUDE_DIRS} ${LUA_INCLUDE_DIRS}) endif(BUILD_LUA_RSVG) if(BUILD_AUDACIOUS) - set(WANT_GLIB true) - pkg_check_modules(NEW_AUDACIOUS audacious>=1.4.0) - if(NEW_AUDACIOUS_FOUND) - pkg_check_modules(AUDACIOUS REQUIRED audclient>=1.4.0) - pkg_check_modules(DBUS_GLIB REQUIRED dbus-glib-1) - else(NEW_AUDACIOUS_FOUND) - pkg_check_modules(AUDACIOUS REQUIRED audacious<1.4.0) - endif(NEW_AUDACIOUS_FOUND) - set(conky_libs ${conky_libs} ${AUDACIOUS_LIBRARIES} ${DBUS_GLIB_LIBRARIES}) - set(conky_includes ${conky_includes} ${AUDACIOUS_INCLUDE_DIRS} ${DBUS_GLIB_INCLUDE_DIRS}) + set(WANT_GLIB true) + pkg_check_modules(NEW_AUDACIOUS audacious>=1.4.0) + if(NEW_AUDACIOUS_FOUND) + pkg_check_modules(AUDACIOUS REQUIRED audclient>=1.4.0) + pkg_check_modules(DBUS_GLIB REQUIRED dbus-glib-1) + else(NEW_AUDACIOUS_FOUND) + pkg_check_modules(AUDACIOUS REQUIRED audacious<1.4.0) + endif(NEW_AUDACIOUS_FOUND) + set(conky_libs ${conky_libs} ${AUDACIOUS_LIBRARIES} ${DBUS_GLIB_LIBRARIES}) + set(conky_includes ${conky_includes} ${AUDACIOUS_INCLUDE_DIRS} ${DBUS_GLIB_INCLUDE_DIRS}) endif(BUILD_AUDACIOUS) if(BUILD_BMPX) - pkg_check_modules(BMPX REQUIRED bmp-2.0>=0.14.0) - set(conky_libs ${conky_libs} ${BMPX_LIBRARIES}) - set(conky_includes ${conky_includes} ${BMPX_INCLUDE_DIRS}) + pkg_check_modules(BMPX REQUIRED bmp-2.0>=0.14.0) + set(conky_libs ${conky_libs} ${BMPX_LIBRARIES}) + set(conky_includes ${conky_includes} ${BMPX_INCLUDE_DIRS}) endif(BUILD_BMPX) if(BUILD_XMMS2) - pkg_check_modules(XMMS2 REQUIRED xmms2-client>=0.6) - set(conky_libs ${conky_libs} ${XMMS2_LIBRARIES}) - set(conky_includes ${conky_includes} ${XMMS2_INCLUDE_DIRS}) + pkg_check_modules(XMMS2 REQUIRED xmms2-client>=0.6) + set(conky_libs ${conky_libs} ${XMMS2_LIBRARIES}) + set(conky_includes ${conky_includes} ${XMMS2_INCLUDE_DIRS}) endif(BUILD_XMMS2) if(BUILD_EVE) - set(WANT_CURL true) - set(WANT_LIBXML2 true) + set(WANT_CURL true) + set(WANT_LIBXML2 true) endif(BUILD_EVE) if(BUILD_CURL) - set(WANT_CURL true) + set(WANT_CURL true) endif(BUILD_CURL) if(BUILD_RSS) - set(WANT_CURL true) - set(WANT_LIBXML2 true) + set(WANT_CURL true) + set(WANT_LIBXML2 true) endif(BUILD_RSS) if(BUILD_WEATHER_METAR) - set(WANT_CURL true) - set(BUILD_WEATHER true) + set(WANT_CURL true) + set(BUILD_WEATHER true) endif(BUILD_WEATHER_METAR) if(BUILD_WEATHER_XOAP) - set(WANT_LIBXML2 true) - set(WANT_CURL true) - set(BUILD_XOAP true) - set(BUILD_WEATHER true) + set(WANT_LIBXML2 true) + set(WANT_CURL true) + set(BUILD_XOAP true) + set(BUILD_WEATHER true) endif(BUILD_WEATHER_XOAP) if(BUILD_NVIDIA) - find_path(XNVCtrl_INCLUDE_PATH NVCtrl/NVCtrl.h ${INCLUDE_SEARCH_PATH}) - find_library(XNVCtrl_LIB NAMES XNVCtrl) - if(XNVCtrl_INCLUDE_PATH AND XNVCtrl_LIB) - set(XNVCtrl_FOUND true) - set(conky_libs ${conky_libs} ${XNVCtrl_LIB}) - set(conky_includes ${conky_includes} ${XNVCtrl_INCLUDE_PATH}) - else(XNVCtrl_INCLUDE_PATH AND XNVCtrl_LIB) - message(FATAL_ERROR "Unable to find XNVCtrl library") - endif(XNVCtrl_INCLUDE_PATH AND XNVCtrl_LIB) + find_path(XNVCtrl_INCLUDE_PATH NVCtrl/NVCtrl.h ${INCLUDE_SEARCH_PATH}) + find_library(XNVCtrl_LIB NAMES XNVCtrl) + if(XNVCtrl_INCLUDE_PATH AND XNVCtrl_LIB) + set(XNVCtrl_FOUND true) + set(conky_libs ${conky_libs} ${XNVCtrl_LIB}) + set(conky_includes ${conky_includes} ${XNVCtrl_INCLUDE_PATH}) + else(XNVCtrl_INCLUDE_PATH AND XNVCtrl_LIB) + message(FATAL_ERROR "Unable to find XNVCtrl library") + endif(XNVCtrl_INCLUDE_PATH AND XNVCtrl_LIB) endif(BUILD_NVIDIA) if(BUILD_IMLIB2) - pkg_search_module(IMLIB2 REQUIRED imlib2 Imlib2) - set(conky_libs ${conky_libs} ${IMLIB2_LIB} ${IMLIB2_LDFLAGS}) - set(conky_includes ${conky_includes} ${IMLIB2_INCLUDE_PATH}) + pkg_search_module(IMLIB2 REQUIRED imlib2 Imlib2) + set(conky_libs ${conky_libs} ${IMLIB2_LIB} ${IMLIB2_LDFLAGS}) + set(conky_includes ${conky_includes} ${IMLIB2_INCLUDE_PATH}) endif(BUILD_IMLIB2) if(BUILD_JOURNAL) - pkg_search_module(SYSTEMD REQUIRED libsystemd) - set(conky_libs ${conky_libs} ${SYSTEMD_LIB} ${SYSTEMD_LDFLAGS}) - set(conky_includes ${conky_includes} ${SYSTEMD_INCLUDE_PATH}) + pkg_search_module(SYSTEMD REQUIRED libsystemd) + set(conky_libs ${conky_libs} ${SYSTEMD_LIB} ${SYSTEMD_LDFLAGS}) + set(conky_includes ${conky_includes} ${SYSTEMD_INCLUDE_PATH}) endif(BUILD_JOURNAL) if(BUILD_PULSEAUDIO) - pkg_check_modules(PULSEAUDIO REQUIRED libpulse) - set(conky_libs ${conky_libs} ${PULSEAUDIO_LIBRARIES}) - set(conky_includes ${conky_includes} ${PULSEAUDIO_INCLUDE_DIRS}) + pkg_check_modules(PULSEAUDIO REQUIRED libpulse) + set(conky_libs ${conky_libs} ${PULSEAUDIO_LIBRARIES}) + set(conky_includes ${conky_includes} ${PULSEAUDIO_INCLUDE_DIRS}) endif(BUILD_PULSEAUDIO) # Common libraries if(WANT_GLIB) - pkg_check_modules(GLIB REQUIRED glib-2.0) - set(conky_libs ${conky_libs} ${GLIB_LIBRARIES}) - set(conky_includes ${conky_includes} ${GLIB_INCLUDE_DIRS}) + pkg_check_modules(GLIB REQUIRED glib-2.0) + set(conky_libs ${conky_libs} ${GLIB_LIBRARIES}) + set(conky_includes ${conky_includes} ${GLIB_INCLUDE_DIRS}) endif(WANT_GLIB) if(WANT_CURL) - pkg_check_modules(CURL REQUIRED libcurl) - set(conky_libs ${conky_libs} ${CURL_LIBRARIES}) - set(conky_includes ${conky_includes} ${CURL_INCLUDE_DIRS}) + pkg_check_modules(CURL REQUIRED libcurl) + set(conky_libs ${conky_libs} ${CURL_LIBRARIES}) + set(conky_includes ${conky_includes} ${CURL_INCLUDE_DIRS}) endif(WANT_CURL) if(WANT_LIBXML2) - pkg_check_modules(LIBXML2 REQUIRED libxml-2.0) - set(conky_libs ${conky_libs} ${LIBXML2_LIBRARIES}) - set(conky_includes ${conky_includes} ${LIBXML2_INCLUDE_DIRS}) + pkg_check_modules(LIBXML2 REQUIRED libxml-2.0) + set(conky_libs ${conky_libs} ${LIBXML2_LIBRARIES}) + set(conky_includes ${conky_includes} ${LIBXML2_INCLUDE_DIRS}) endif(WANT_LIBXML2) if(WANT_TOLUA) - find_program(APP_TOLUA NAMES toluapp tolua++ tolua++5.1 tolua++-5.1) - if(NOT APP_TOLUA) - message(FATAL_ERROR "Unable to find program 'tolua++'") - endif(NOT APP_TOLUA) - find_library(TOLUA_LIBS NAMES toluapp tolua++ tolua++5.1 tolua++-5.1) - find_path(TOLUA_INCLUDE_PATH tolua++.h ${INCLUDE_SEARCH_PATH}) - if(TOLUA_INCLUDE_PATH AND TOLUA_LIBS) - set(TOLUA_FOUND true) - else(TOLUA_INCLUDE_PATH AND TOLUA_LIBS) - message(FATAL_ERROR "Unable to find tolua++ library") - endif(TOLUA_INCLUDE_PATH AND TOLUA_LIBS) - mark_as_advanced(APP_TOLUA TOLUA_INCLUDE_PATH TOLUA_LIBS) - set(conky_includes ${conky_includes} ${TOLUA_INCLUDE_PATH}) - set(conky_libs ${conky_libs} ${TOLUA_LIBS}) - set(LUA_EXTRAS true) + find_program(APP_TOLUA NAMES toluapp tolua++ tolua++5.1 tolua++-5.1) + if(NOT APP_TOLUA) + message(FATAL_ERROR "Unable to find program 'tolua++'") + endif(NOT APP_TOLUA) + find_library(TOLUA_LIBS NAMES toluapp tolua++ tolua++5.1 tolua++-5.1) + find_path(TOLUA_INCLUDE_PATH tolua++.h ${INCLUDE_SEARCH_PATH}) + if(TOLUA_INCLUDE_PATH AND TOLUA_LIBS) + set(TOLUA_FOUND true) + else(TOLUA_INCLUDE_PATH AND TOLUA_LIBS) + message(FATAL_ERROR "Unable to find tolua++ library") + endif(TOLUA_INCLUDE_PATH AND TOLUA_LIBS) + mark_as_advanced(APP_TOLUA TOLUA_INCLUDE_PATH TOLUA_LIBS) + set(conky_includes ${conky_includes} ${TOLUA_INCLUDE_PATH}) + set(conky_libs ${conky_libs} ${TOLUA_LIBS}) + set(LUA_EXTRAS true) endif(WANT_TOLUA) # Look for doc generation programs if(MAINTAINER_MODE) - # Used for doc generation - find_program(APP_DB2X_XSLTPROC db2x_xsltproc) - if(NOT APP_DB2X_XSLTPROC) - message(FATAL_ERROR "Unable to find program 'db2x_xsltproc'") - endif(NOT APP_DB2X_XSLTPROC) - find_program(APP_DB2X_MANXML db2x_manxml) - if(NOT APP_DB2X_MANXML) - message(FATAL_ERROR "Unable to find program 'db2x_manxml'") - endif(NOT APP_DB2X_MANXML) - find_program(APP_XSLTPROC xsltproc) - if(NOT APP_XSLTPROC) - message(FATAL_ERROR "Unable to find program 'xsltproc'") - endif(NOT APP_XSLTPROC) - find_program(APP_MAN man) - if(NOT APP_MAN) - message(FATAL_ERROR "Unable to find program 'man'") - endif(NOT APP_MAN) - find_program(APP_LESS less) - if(NOT APP_LESS) - message(FATAL_ERROR "Unable to find program 'less'") - endif(NOT APP_LESS) - find_program(APP_SED sed) - if(NOT APP_SED) - message(FATAL_ERROR "Unable to find program 'sed'") - endif(NOT APP_SED) - mark_as_advanced(APP_DB2X_XSLTPROC APP_DB2X_MANXML APP_XSLTPROC APP_MAN APP_SED APP_LESS) + # Used for doc generation + find_program(APP_DB2X_XSLTPROC db2x_xsltproc) + if(NOT APP_DB2X_XSLTPROC) + message(FATAL_ERROR "Unable to find program 'db2x_xsltproc'") + endif(NOT APP_DB2X_XSLTPROC) + find_program(APP_DB2X_MANXML db2x_manxml) + if(NOT APP_DB2X_MANXML) + message(FATAL_ERROR "Unable to find program 'db2x_manxml'") + endif(NOT APP_DB2X_MANXML) + find_program(APP_XSLTPROC xsltproc) + if(NOT APP_XSLTPROC) + message(FATAL_ERROR "Unable to find program 'xsltproc'") + endif(NOT APP_XSLTPROC) + find_program(APP_MAN man) + if(NOT APP_MAN) + message(FATAL_ERROR "Unable to find program 'man'") + endif(NOT APP_MAN) + find_program(APP_LESS less) + if(NOT APP_LESS) + message(FATAL_ERROR "Unable to find program 'less'") + endif(NOT APP_LESS) + find_program(APP_SED sed) + if(NOT APP_SED) + message(FATAL_ERROR "Unable to find program 'sed'") + endif(NOT APP_SED) + mark_as_advanced(APP_DB2X_XSLTPROC APP_DB2X_MANXML APP_XSLTPROC APP_MAN APP_SED APP_LESS) endif(MAINTAINER_MODE) if(CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE MATCHES "Debug") - set(DEBUG true) + set(DEBUG true) endif(CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE MATCHES "Debug") # The version numbers are simply derived from the date and number of commits # since start of month if(DEBUG) - execute_process(COMMAND - ${APP_GIT} --git-dir=${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/.git log - --since=${VERSION_MAJOR}-${VERSION_MINOR}-01 --pretty=oneline COMMAND - ${APP_WC} -l COMMAND ${APP_AWK} "{print $1}" RESULT_VARIABLE RETVAL - OUTPUT_VARIABLE COMMIT_COUNT OUTPUT_STRIP_TRAILING_WHITESPACE) + execute_process(COMMAND + ${APP_GIT} --git-dir=${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/.git log + --since=${VERSION_MAJOR}-${VERSION_MINOR}-01 --pretty=oneline COMMAND + ${APP_WC} -l COMMAND ${APP_AWK} "{print $1}" RESULT_VARIABLE RETVAL + OUTPUT_VARIABLE COMMIT_COUNT OUTPUT_STRIP_TRAILING_WHITESPACE) endif(DEBUG) diff --git a/cmake/Docbook.cmake b/cmake/Docbook.cmake index 355c6bd2..060b8eb3 100644 --- a/cmake/Docbook.cmake +++ b/cmake/Docbook.cmake @@ -1,10 +1,9 @@ -# vim: ts=4 sw=4 noet ai cindent syntax=cmake # # Conky, a system monitor, based on torsmo # # Please see COPYING for details # -# Copyright (c) 2005-2010 Brenden Matthews, et. al. (see AUTHORS) +# Copyright (c) 2005-2018 Brenden Matthews, et. al. (see AUTHORS) # All rights reserved. # # This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify diff --git a/cmake/FindClangFormat.cmake b/cmake/FindClangFormat.cmake new file mode 100644 index 00000000..036afd7a --- /dev/null +++ b/cmake/FindClangFormat.cmake @@ -0,0 +1,34 @@ +# Find Clang format +# +# +if(NOT CLANG_FORMAT_BIN_NAME) + set(CLANG_FORMAT_BIN_NAME clang-format) +endif() + +# if custom path check there first +if(CLANG_FORMAT_ROOT_DIR) + find_program(CLANG_FORMAT_BIN + NAMES + ${CLANG_FORMAT_BIN_NAME} + PATHS + "${CLANG_FORMAT_ROOT_DIR}" + NO_DEFAULT_PATH) +endif() + +find_program(CLANG_FORMAT_BIN NAMES ${CLANG_FORMAT_BIN_NAME}) + +include(FindPackageHandleStandardArgs) +FIND_PACKAGE_HANDLE_STANDARD_ARGS( + CLANG_FORMAT + DEFAULT_MSG + CLANG_FORMAT_BIN) + +mark_as_advanced( + CLANG_FORMAT_BIN) + +if(CLANG_FORMAT_FOUND) + # A CMake script to find all source files and setup clang-format targets for them + include(clang-format) +else() + message("clang-format not found. Not setting up format targets") +endif() diff --git a/cmake/ToLua.cmake b/cmake/ToLua.cmake index c8b067c9..00de3f19 100644 --- a/cmake/ToLua.cmake +++ b/cmake/ToLua.cmake @@ -1,10 +1,9 @@ -# vim: ts=4 sw=4 noet ai cindent syntax=cmake # # Conky, a system monitor, based on torsmo # # Please see COPYING for details # -# Copyright (c) 2005-2010 Brenden Matthews, et. al. (see AUTHORS) +# Copyright (c) 2005-2018 Brenden Matthews, et. al. (see AUTHORS) # All rights reserved. # # This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify diff --git a/cmake/clang-format.cmake b/cmake/clang-format.cmake new file mode 100644 index 00000000..423d1ef6 --- /dev/null +++ b/cmake/clang-format.cmake @@ -0,0 +1,62 @@ +# A CMake script to find all source files and setup clang-format targets for them + +# Find all source files +set(CLANG_FORMAT_CXX_FILE_EXTENSIONS ${CLANG_FORMAT_CXX_FILE_EXTENSIONS} *.cpp *.h *.cxx *.hxx *.hpp *.cc *.ipp) +file(GLOB_RECURSE ALL_SOURCE_FILES ${CLANG_FORMAT_CXX_FILE_EXTENSIONS}) + +# Don't include some common build folders +set(CLANG_FORMAT_EXCLUDE_PATTERNS ${CLANG_FORMAT_EXCLUDE_PATTERNS} "/CMakeFiles/" "cmake") + +# get all project files file +foreach (SOURCE_FILE ${ALL_SOURCE_FILES}) + foreach (EXCLUDE_PATTERN ${CLANG_FORMAT_EXCLUDE_PATTERNS}) + string(FIND ${SOURCE_FILE} ${EXCLUDE_PATTERN} EXCLUDE_FOUND) + if (NOT ${EXCLUDE_FOUND} EQUAL -1) + list(REMOVE_ITEM ALL_SOURCE_FILES ${SOURCE_FILE}) + endif () + endforeach () +endforeach () + +add_custom_target(format + COMMENT "Running clang-format to change files" + COMMAND ${CLANG_FORMAT_BIN} + -style=file + -i + ${ALL_SOURCE_FILES} +) + + +add_custom_target(format-check + COMMENT "Checking clang-format changes" + # Use ! to negate the result for correct output + COMMAND ! + ${CLANG_FORMAT_BIN} + -style=file + -output-replacements-xml + ${ALL_SOURCE_FILES} + | grep -q "replacement offset" +) + +# Get the path to this file +get_filename_component(_clangcheckpath ${CMAKE_CURRENT_LIST_FILE} PATH) +# have at least one here by default +set(CHANGED_FILE_EXTENSIONS ".cpp") +foreach(EXTENSION ${CLANG_FORMAT_CXX_FILE_EXTENSIONS}) + set(CHANGED_FILE_EXTENSIONS "${CHANGED_FILE_EXTENSIONS},${EXTENSION}" ) +endforeach() + +set(EXCLUDE_PATTERN_ARGS) +foreach(EXCLUDE_PATTERN ${CLANG_FORMAT_EXCLUDE_PATTERNS}) + list(APPEND EXCLUDE_PATTERN_ARGS "--exclude=${EXCLUDE_PATTERN}") +endforeach() + +# call the script to chech changed files in git +add_custom_target(format-check-changed + COMMENT "Checking changed files in git" + WORKING_DIRECTORY ${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR} + COMMAND ${_clangcheckpath}/../scripts/clang-format-check-changed.py + --file-extensions \"${CHANGED_FILE_EXTENSIONS}\" + ${EXCLUDE_PATTERN_ARGS} + --clang-format-bin ${CLANG_FORMAT_BIN} +) + diff --git a/cmake/scripts/clang-format-check-changed b/cmake/scripts/clang-format-check-changed new file mode 100755 index 00000000..30da46ec --- /dev/null +++ b/cmake/scripts/clang-format-check-changed @@ -0,0 +1,18 @@ +#!/bin/bash + +# Required because cmake root isn't git root in this example +CLANG_FORMAT_BIN=$1 +GIT_ROOT=`git rev-parse --show-toplevel` + +pushd ${GIT_ROOT} > /dev/null + +git status --porcelain \ + | egrep '*\.cpp|*\.h|*\.cxx|*\.hxx|*\.hpp|*\.cc' \ + | awk -F " " '{print $NF}' \ + | xargs -r ${CLANG_FORMAT_BIN} -style=file -output-replacements-xml \ + | grep "replacement offset" 2>&1 > /dev/null + +RET=$? +popd > /dev/null + +exit ${RET} diff --git a/cmake/scripts/clang-format-check-changed.py b/cmake/scripts/clang-format-check-changed.py new file mode 100755 index 00000000..6c91c2ae --- /dev/null +++ b/cmake/scripts/clang-format-check-changed.py @@ -0,0 +1,163 @@ +#!/usr/bin/env python + +import argparse +import os +import sys +import subprocess + + +def check_file(filename, excludes, extensions): + """ + Check if a file should be included in our check + """ + name, ext = os.path.splitext(filename) + + if len(ext) > 0 and ext in extensions: + if len(excludes) == 0: + return True + + for exclude in excludes: + if exclude in filename: + return False + + return True + + return False + + +def check_directory(directory, excludes, extensions): + output = [] + + if len(excludes) > 0: + for exclude in excludes: + if exclude in directory: + directory_excluded = False + return output + + for root, _, files in os.walk(directory): + for file in files: + filename = os.path.join(root, file) + if check_file(filename, excludes, extensions): + print("Will check file [{}]".format(filename)) + output.append(filename) + return output + +def get_git_root(git_bin): + cmd = [git_bin, "rev-parse", "--show-toplevel"] + try: + return subprocess.check_output(cmd).strip() + except subprocess.CalledProcessError, e: + print("Error calling git [{}]".format(e)) + raise + +def clean_git_filename(line): + """ + Takes a line from git status --porcelain and returns the filename + """ + file = None + git_status = line[:2] + # Not an exhaustive list of git status output but should + # be enough for this case + # check if this is a delete + if 'D' in git_status: + return None + # ignored file + if '!' in git_status: + return None + # Covers renamed files + if '->' in line: + file = line[3:].split('->')[-1].strip() + else: + file = line[3:].strip() + + return file + + +def get_changed_files(git_bin, excludes, file_extensions): + """ + Run git status and return the list of changed files + """ + extensions = file_extensions.split(",") + # arguments coming from cmake will be *.xx. We want to remove the * + for i, extension in enumerate(extensions): + if extension[0] == '*': + extensions[i] = extension[1:] + + git_root = get_git_root(git_bin) + + cmd = [git_bin, "status", "--porcelain", "--ignore-submodules"] + print("git cmd = {}".format(cmd)) + output = [] + returncode = 0 + try: + cmd_output = subprocess.check_output(cmd) + for line in cmd_output.split('\n'): + if len(line) > 0: + file = clean_git_filename(line) + if not file: + continue + file = os.path.join(git_root, file) + + if file[-1] == "/": + directory_files = check_directory( + file, excludes, file_extensions) + output = output + directory_files + else: + if check_file(file, excludes, file_extensions): + print("Will check file [{}]".format(file)) + output.append(file) + + except subprocess.CalledProcessError, e: + print("Error calling git [{}]".format(e)) + returncode = e.returncode + + return output, returncode + + +def run_clang_format(clang_format_bin, changed_files): + """ + Run clang format on a list of files + @return 0 if formatted correctly. + """ + if len(changed_files) == 0: + return 0 + cmd = [clang_format_bin, "-style=file", + "-output-replacements-xml"] + changed_files + print("clang-format cmd = {}".format(cmd)) + try: + cmd_output = subprocess.check_output(cmd) + if "replacement offset" in cmd_output: + print("ERROR: Changed files don't match format") + return 1 + except subprocess.CalledProcessError, e: + print("Error calling clang-format [{}]".format(e)) + return e.returncode + + return 0 + + +def cli(): + # global params + parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(prog='clang-format-check-changed', + description='Checks if files chagned in git match the .clang-format specification') + parser.add_argument("--file-extensions", type=str, + default=".cpp,.h,.cxx,.hxx,.hpp,.cc,.ipp", + help="Comma seperated list of file extensions to check") + parser.add_argument('--exclude', action='append', default=[], + help='Will not match the files / directories with these in the name') + parser.add_argument('--clang-format-bin', type=str, default="clang-format", + help="The clang format binary") + parser.add_argument('--git-bin', type=str, default="git", + help="The git binary") + args = parser.parse_args() + + # Run gcovr to get the .gcda files form .gcno + changed_files, returncode = get_changed_files( + args.git_bin, args.exclude, args.file_extensions) + if returncode != 0: + return returncode + + return run_clang_format(args.clang_format_bin, changed_files) + +if __name__ == '__main__': + sys.exit(cli()) diff --git a/data/CMakeLists.txt b/data/CMakeLists.txt index 6c943fea..b611ab3b 100644 --- a/data/CMakeLists.txt +++ b/data/CMakeLists.txt @@ -1,10 +1,9 @@ -# vim: ts=4 sw=4 noet ai cindent syntax=cmake # # Conky, a system monitor, based on torsmo # # Please see COPYING for details # -# Copyright (c) 2005-2012 Brenden Matthews, et. al. (see AUTHORS) +# Copyright (c) 2005-2018 Brenden Matthews, et. al. (see AUTHORS) # All rights reserved. # # This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify diff --git a/data/Makefile.am b/data/Makefile.am deleted file mode 100644 index 126c4f24..00000000 --- a/data/Makefile.am +++ /dev/null @@ -1,31 +0,0 @@ -# -*- mode: Makefile; c-basic-offset: 4; tab-width: 4; indent-tabs-mode: t -*- -# -# Conky, a system monitor, based on torsmo -# -# Any original torsmo code is licensed under the BSD license -# -# All code written since the fork of torsmo is licensed under the GPL -# -# Please see COPYING for details -# -# Copyright (c) 2004, Hannu Saransaari and Lauri Hakkarainen -# Copyright (c) 2005-2012 Brenden Matthews, Philip Kovacs, et. al. (see AUTHORS) -# All rights reserved. -# -# This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify -# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by -# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or -# (at your option) any later version. -# -# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, -# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of -# MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the -# GNU General Public License for more details. -# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License -# along with this program. If not, see . -# - -configdir = ${sysconfdir}/conky -dist_config_DATA = conky.conf conky_no_x11.conf - -# vi:set ts=4 sw=4 noet ai nocindent syntax=automake: diff --git a/data/conky-dfly-smp.conf b/data/conky-dfly-smp.conf index c89313ca..f728fc3d 100644 --- a/data/conky-dfly-smp.conf +++ b/data/conky-dfly-smp.conf @@ -1,4 +1,3 @@ --- vim: ts=4 sw=4 noet ai cindent syntax=lua --[[ Conky, a system monitor, based on torsmo @@ -9,7 +8,7 @@ All code written since the fork of torsmo is licensed under the GPL Please see COPYING for details Copyright (c) 2004, Hannu Saransaari and Lauri Hakkarainen -Copyright (c) 2005-2010 Brenden Matthews, Philip Kovacs, et. al. (see AUTHORS) +Copyright (c) 2005-2018 Brenden Matthews, Philip Kovacs, et. al. (see AUTHORS) All rights reserved. This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify diff --git a/data/conky.conf b/data/conky.conf index 3a7b935a..b3709c8d 100644 --- a/data/conky.conf +++ b/data/conky.conf @@ -1,4 +1,3 @@ --- vim: ts=4 sw=4 noet ai cindent syntax=lua --[[ Conky, a system monitor, based on torsmo @@ -9,7 +8,7 @@ All code written since the fork of torsmo is licensed under the GPL Please see COPYING for details Copyright (c) 2004, Hannu Saransaari and Lauri Hakkarainen -Copyright (c) 2005-2012 Brenden Matthews, Philip Kovacs, et. al. (see AUTHORS) +Copyright (c) 2005-2018 Brenden Matthews, Philip Kovacs, et. al. (see AUTHORS) All rights reserved. This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify diff --git a/data/conky_no_x11.conf b/data/conky_no_x11.conf index 07f18e7d..40a675da 100644 --- a/data/conky_no_x11.conf +++ b/data/conky_no_x11.conf @@ -7,7 +7,7 @@ -- Please see COPYING for details -- Copyright (c) 2004, Hannu Saransaari and Lauri Hakkarainen --- Copyright (c) 2005-2012 Brenden Matthews, Philip Kovacs, et. al. (see AUTHORS) +-- Copyright (c) 2005-2018 Brenden Matthews, Philip Kovacs, et. al. (see AUTHORS) -- All rights reserved. -- This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify diff --git a/doc/CMakeLists.txt b/doc/CMakeLists.txt index b58e3e0f..74189bfc 100644 --- a/doc/CMakeLists.txt +++ b/doc/CMakeLists.txt @@ -1,10 +1,9 @@ -# vim: ts=4 sw=4 noet ai cindent syntax=cmake # # Conky, a system monitor, based on torsmo # # Please see COPYING for details # -# Copyright (c) 2005-2012 Brenden Matthews, et. al. (see AUTHORS) +# Copyright (c) 2005-2018 Brenden Matthews, et. al. (see AUTHORS) # All rights reserved. # # This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify diff --git a/doc/docs.xml b/doc/docs.xml index 83e9a320..856f40b2 100644 --- a/doc/docs.xml +++ b/doc/docs.xml @@ -303,7 +303,7 @@ Copying - Copyright (c) 2005-2012 Brenden Matthews, Philip + Copyright (c) 2005-2018 Brenden Matthews, Philip Kovacs, et. al. Any original torsmo code is licensed under the BSD license (see LICENSE.BSD for a copy). All code written since the fork of torsmo is licensed under the GPL diff --git a/lua/CMakeLists.txt b/lua/CMakeLists.txt index 436dd0c5..947c18ec 100644 --- a/lua/CMakeLists.txt +++ b/lua/CMakeLists.txt @@ -1,10 +1,9 @@ -# vim: ts=4 sw=4 noet ai cindent syntax=cmake # # Conky, a system monitor, based on torsmo # # Please see COPYING for details # -# Copyright (c) 2005-2012 Brenden Matthews, et. al. (see AUTHORS) +# Copyright (c) 2005-2018 Brenden Matthews, et. al. (see AUTHORS) # All rights reserved. # # This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify diff --git a/lua/libcairo-helper.h b/lua/libcairo-helper.h index bec2d6e5..3b8dce37 100644 --- a/lua/libcairo-helper.h +++ b/lua/libcairo-helper.h @@ -1,10 +1,10 @@ -/* -*- mode: c; c-basic-offset: 4; tab-width: 4; indent-tabs-mode: t -*- +/* * * Conky, a system monitor, based on torsmo * * Please see COPYING for details * - * Copyright (c) 2005-2012 Brenden Matthews, Philip Kovacs, et. al. + * Copyright (c) 2005-2018 Brenden Matthews, Philip Kovacs, et. al. * (see AUTHORS) * All rights reserved. * @@ -28,15 +28,15 @@ #include cairo_text_extents_t *create_cairo_text_extents_t(void) { - return calloc(1, sizeof(cairo_text_extents_t)); + return calloc(1, sizeof(cairo_text_extents_t)); } cairo_font_extents_t *create_cairo_font_extents_t(void) { - return calloc(1, sizeof(cairo_font_extents_t)); + return calloc(1, sizeof(cairo_font_extents_t)); } cairo_matrix_t *create_cairo_matrix_t(void) { - return calloc(1, sizeof(cairo_matrix_t)); + return calloc(1, sizeof(cairo_matrix_t)); } #endif /* _LIBCAIRO_HELPER_H_ */ diff --git a/lua/libcairo_imlib2_helper.h b/lua/libcairo_imlib2_helper.h index 85ff9977..e8fa1ebc 100644 --- a/lua/libcairo_imlib2_helper.h +++ b/lua/libcairo_imlib2_helper.h @@ -1,10 +1,10 @@ -/* -*- mode: c; c-basic-offset: 4; tab-width: 4; indent-tabs-mode: t -*- +/* * * Conky, a system monitor, based on torsmo * * Please see COPYING for details * - * Copyright (c) 2005-2012 Brenden Matthews, Philip Kovacs, et. al. + * Copyright (c) 2005-2018 Brenden Matthews, Philip Kovacs, et. al. * (see AUTHORS) * All rights reserved. * @@ -25,22 +25,22 @@ #ifndef _LIBCAIRO_IMAGE_HELPER_H_ #define _LIBCAIRO_IMAGE_HELPER_H_ -#include #include +#include -void -cairo_draw_image(const char * file, cairo_surface_t * cs, int x, int y, - double scale_x, double scale_y, - double * return_scale_w, double * return_scale_h) -{ - Imlib_Image * image = imlib_load_image(file); - if (! image) { return; } +void cairo_draw_image(const char *file, cairo_surface_t *cs, int x, int y, + double scale_x, double scale_y, double *return_scale_w, + double *return_scale_h) { + Imlib_Image *image = imlib_load_image(file); + if (!image) { + return; + } imlib_context_set_image(image); int w = imlib_image_get_width(), h = imlib_image_get_height(); - double scaled_w = *return_scale_w = scale_x * (double)w - , scaled_h = *return_scale_h = scale_y * (double)h; + double scaled_w = *return_scale_w = scale_x * (double)w, + scaled_h = *return_scale_h = scale_y * (double)h; /* create temporary image */ Imlib_Image premul = imlib_create_image(scaled_w, scaled_h); @@ -59,11 +59,11 @@ cairo_draw_image(const char * file, cairo_surface_t * cs, int x, int y, imlib_image_copy_alpha_to_image(image, 0, 0); /* now pass the result to cairo */ - cairo_surface_t * result = cairo_image_surface_create_for_data( - (void *) imlib_image_get_data_for_reading_only(), - CAIRO_FORMAT_ARGB32, scaled_w, scaled_h, sizeof(DATA32) * scaled_w); + cairo_surface_t *result = cairo_image_surface_create_for_data( + (void *)imlib_image_get_data_for_reading_only(), CAIRO_FORMAT_ARGB32, + scaled_w, scaled_h, sizeof(DATA32) * scaled_w); - cairo_t * cr = cairo_create(cs); + cairo_t *cr = cairo_create(cs); cairo_set_source_surface(cr, result, x, y); cairo_paint(cr); diff --git a/lua/librsvg-helper.h b/lua/librsvg-helper.h index 8918f558..2d960f6a 100644 --- a/lua/librsvg-helper.h +++ b/lua/librsvg-helper.h @@ -1,10 +1,10 @@ -/* -*- mode: c; c-basic-offset: 4; tab-width: 4; indent-tabs-mode: t -*- +/* * * Conky, a system monitor, based on torsmo * * Please see COPYING for details * - * Copyright (c) 2005-2012 Brenden Matthews, Philip Kovacs, et. al. + * Copyright (c) 2005-2018 Brenden Matthews, Philip Kovacs, et. al. * (see AUTHORS) * All rights reserved. * @@ -26,19 +26,15 @@ #define _LIBRSVG_HELPER_H_ #include -#include #include +#include -RsvgDimensionData * -rsvgDimensionDataCreate(void) -{ +RsvgDimensionData *rsvgDimensionDataCreate(void) { return (RsvgDimensionData *)calloc(1, sizeof(RsvgDimensionData)); } -void -rsvgDimensionDataGet(RsvgDimensionData * dd, - int * width, int * height, double * em, double * ex) -{ +void rsvgDimensionDataGet(RsvgDimensionData *dd, int *width, int *height, + double *em, double *ex) { if (dd) { *width = dd->width; *height = dd->height; @@ -47,51 +43,40 @@ rsvgDimensionDataGet(RsvgDimensionData * dd, } } -RsvgPositionData * -rsvgPositionDataCreate(void) -{ +RsvgPositionData *rsvgPositionDataCreate(void) { return (RsvgPositionData *)calloc(1, sizeof(RsvgPositionData)); } -void -rsvgPositionDataGet(RsvgPositionData * pd, int * x, int * y) -{ +void rsvgPositionDataGet(RsvgPositionData *pd, int *x, int *y) { if (pd) { *x = pd->x; *y = pd->y; } } -RsvgHandle * -rsvg_create_handle_from_file(const char * filename) -{ - GError * error = NULL; - RsvgHandle * handle = rsvg_handle_new_from_file(filename, &error); +RsvgHandle *rsvg_create_handle_from_file(const char *filename) { + GError *error = NULL; + RsvgHandle *handle = rsvg_handle_new_from_file(filename, &error); if (error) { g_object_unref(error); - if (handle) - g_object_unref(handle); + if (handle) g_object_unref(handle); handle = NULL; } return handle; } -int -rsvg_destroy_handle(RsvgHandle * handle) -{ +int rsvg_destroy_handle(RsvgHandle *handle) { int status = 0; if (handle) { - GError * error = NULL; + GError *error = NULL; status = rsvg_handle_close(handle, &error); - if (status) - g_object_unref(handle); + if (status) g_object_unref(handle); - if (error) - g_object_unref(error); + if (error) g_object_unref(error); } return status; diff --git a/src/CMakeLists.txt b/src/CMakeLists.txt index 6a5b45df..040d0ead 100644 --- a/src/CMakeLists.txt +++ b/src/CMakeLists.txt @@ -1,10 +1,9 @@ -# vim: ts=4 sw=4 noet ai cindent syntax=cmake # # Conky, a system monitor, based on torsmo # # Please see COPYING for details # -# Copyright (c) 2005-2012 Brenden Matthews, et. al. (see AUTHORS) +# Copyright (c) 2005-2018 Brenden Matthews, et. al. (see AUTHORS) # All rights reserved. # # This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify @@ -22,199 +21,310 @@ include_directories(${conky_includes}) if(BUILD_BUILTIN_CONFIG OR BUILD_OLD_CONFIG) - # include config output dir - include_directories(${CMAKE_BINARY_DIR}/data) + # include config output dir + include_directories(${CMAKE_BINARY_DIR}/data) endif(BUILD_BUILTIN_CONFIG OR BUILD_OLD_CONFIG) # ensure build.h and config.h aren't in the way if(EXISTS ${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/config.h) - message(FATAL_ERROR "You must remove the autotools generated file '${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/config.h' in order to build with CMake.") + message(FATAL_ERROR "You must remove the autotools generated file '${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/config.h' in order to build with CMake.") endif(EXISTS ${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/config.h) if(EXISTS ${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/build.h) - message(FATAL_ERROR "You must remove the autotools generated file '${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/build.h' in order to build with CMake.") + message(FATAL_ERROR "You must remove the autotools generated file '${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/build.h' in order to build with CMake.") endif(EXISTS ${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/build.h) if(EXISTS ${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/defconfig.h) - message(FATAL_ERROR "You must remove the autotools generated file '${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/defconfig.h' in order to build with CMake.") + message(FATAL_ERROR "You must remove the autotools generated file '${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/defconfig.h' in order to build with CMake.") endif(EXISTS ${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/defconfig.h) -set(conky_sources c++wrap.cc colours.cc combine.cc common.cc conky.cc core.cc - diskio.cc entropy.cc exec.cc fs.cc mail.cc net_stat.cc template.cc - mboxscan.cc read_tcpip.cc scroll.cc specials.cc tailhead.cc temphelper.cc - text_object.cc timeinfo.cc top.cc algebra.cc prioqueue.cc proc.cc user.cc - luamm.cc data-source.cc lua-config.cc setting.cc llua.cc update-cb.cc) +set(conky_sources + ${conky_sources} + c++wrap.cc c++wrap.hh + colours.cc colours.h + combine.cc combine.h + common.cc common.h + conky.cc conky.h + core.cc core.h + diskio.cc diskio.h + entropy.cc entropy.h + exec.cc exec.h + fs.cc fs.h + mail.cc mail.h + net_stat.cc net_stat.h + template.cc template.h + mboxscan.cc mboxscan.h + read_tcpip.cc read_tcpip.h + scroll.cc scroll.h + specials.cc specials.h + tailhead.cc tailhead.h + temphelper.cc temphelper.h + text_object.cc text_object.h + timeinfo.cc timeinfo.h + top.cc top.h + algebra.cc algebra.h + prioqueue.cc prioqueue.h + proc.cc proc.h + user.cc user.h + luamm.cc luamm.hh + data-source.cc data-source.hh + lua-config.cc lua-config.hh + setting.cc setting.hh + llua.cc llua.h + update-cb.cc update-cb.hh + logging.h + semaphore.hh +) # Platform specific sources if(OS_LINUX) - set(linux linux.cc users.cc sony.cc i8k.cc) - set(optional_sources ${optional_sources} ${linux}) + set(linux + linux.cc linux.h + users.cc users.h + sony.cc sony.h + i8k.cc i8k.h + ) + set(optional_sources ${optional_sources} ${linux}) endif(OS_LINUX) if(OS_FREEBSD) - set(freebsd freebsd.cc bsdapm.cc) - set(optional_sources ${optional_sources} ${freebsd}) + set(freebsd + freebsd.cc freebsd.h + bsdapm.cc bsdapm.h + ) + set(optional_sources ${optional_sources} ${freebsd}) endif(OS_FREEBSD) if(OS_DRAGONFLY) - set(dragonfly dragonfly.cc bsdapm.cc) - set(optional_sources ${optional_sources} ${dragonfly}) + set(dragonfly + dragonfly.cc dragonfly.h + bsdapm.cc bsdapm.h + ) + set(optional_sources ${optional_sources} ${dragonfly}) endif(OS_DRAGONFLY) if(OS_OPENBSD) - set(openbsd openbsd.cc bsdapm.cc) - set(optional_sources ${optional_sources} ${openbsd}) + set(openbsd + openbsd.cc openbsd.h + bsdapm.cc bsdapm.h + ) + set(optional_sources ${optional_sources} ${openbsd}) endif(OS_OPENBSD) # These below are not actually supported. No idea what their status is. if(OS_SOLARIS) - set(solaris solaris.cc) - set(optional_sources ${optional_sources} ${solaris}) + set(solaris + solaris.cc solaris.h + ) + set(optional_sources ${optional_sources} ${solaris}) endif(OS_SOLARIS) if(OS_NETBSD) - set(netbsd netbsd.cc) - set(optional_sources ${optional_sources} ${netbsd}) + set(netbsd + netbsd.cc netbsd.h + ) + set(optional_sources ${optional_sources} ${netbsd}) endif(OS_NETBSD) if(OS_HAIKU) - set(haiku haiku.cc) - set(optional_sources ${optional_sources} ${haiku}) + set(haiku + haiku.cc haiku.h + ) + set(optional_sources ${optional_sources} ${haiku}) endif(OS_HAIKU) if(OS_DARWIN) - set(darwin darwin.cc) - set(optional_sources ${optional_sources} ${darwin}) + set(darwin + darwin.cc darwin.h + darwin_sip.h + i18n.h + ) + set(optional_sources ${optional_sources} ${darwin}) endif(OS_DARWIN) # Optional sources if(HAVE_SOME_SOUNDCARD_H) - set(mixer mixer.cc) - set(optional_sources ${optional_sources} ${mixer}) + set(mixer + mixer.cc mixer.h + ) + set(optional_sources ${optional_sources} ${mixer}) endif(HAVE_SOME_SOUNDCARD_H) if(BUILD_AUDACIOUS) - set(audacious audacious.cc) - set(optional_sources ${optional_sources} ${audacious}) + set(audacious + audacious.cc audacious.h + ) + set(optional_sources ${optional_sources} ${audacious}) endif(BUILD_AUDACIOUS) if(BUILD_BMPX) - set(bmpx bmpx.cc) - set(optional_sources ${optional_sources} ${bmpx}) + set(bmpx + bmpx.cc bmpx.h + ) + set(optional_sources ${optional_sources} ${bmpx}) endif(BUILD_BMPX) if(BUILD_IBM) - set(ibm ibm.cc smapi.cc) - set(optional_sources ${optional_sources} ${ibm}) + set(ibm + ibm.cc ibm.h + smapi.cc smapi.h + ) + set(optional_sources ${optional_sources} ${ibm}) endif(BUILD_IBM) if(BUILD_MPD) - set(mpd mpd.cc libmpdclient.cc) - set(optional_sources ${optional_sources} ${mpd}) + set(mpd + mpd.cc mpd.h + libmpdclient.cc libmpdclient.h + ) + set(optional_sources ${optional_sources} ${mpd}) endif(BUILD_MPD) if(BUILD_MYSQL) - set(mysql mysql.cc) - set(optional_sources ${optional_sources} ${mysql}) + set(mysql + mysql.cc mysql.h + ) + set(optional_sources ${optional_sources} ${mysql}) endif(BUILD_MYSQL) if(BUILD_MOC) - set(moc moc.cc) - set(optional_sources ${optional_sources} ${moc}) + set(moc + moc.cc moc.h + ) + set(optional_sources ${optional_sources} ${moc}) endif(BUILD_MOC) if(BUILD_CMUS) - set(cmus cmus.cc) - set(optional_sources ${optional_sources} ${cmus}) + set(cmus + cmus.cc cmus.h + ) + set(optional_sources ${optional_sources} ${cmus}) endif(BUILD_CMUS) if(BUILD_JOURNAL) - set(journal journal.cc) - set(optional_sources ${optional_sources} ${journal}) + set(journal + journal.cc journal.h + ) + set(optional_sources ${optional_sources} ${journal}) endif(BUILD_JOURNAL) if(BUILD_XMMS2) - set(xmms2 xmms2.cc) - set(optional_sources ${optional_sources} ${xmms2}) + set(xmms2 + xmms2.cc xmms2.h + ) + set(optional_sources ${optional_sources} ${xmms2}) endif(BUILD_XMMS2) if(BUILD_PORT_MONITORS) - add_library(tcp-portmon libtcp-portmon.cc) - set(conky_libs ${conky_libs} tcp-portmon) - set(port_monitors tcp-portmon.cc) - set(optional_sources ${optional_sources} ${port_monitors}) + add_library(tcp-portmon libtcp-portmon.cc libtcp-portmon.h) + set(conky_libs ${conky_libs} tcp-portmon) + set(port_monitors + tcp-portmon.cc tcp-portmon.h + ) + set(optional_sources ${optional_sources} ${port_monitors}) endif(BUILD_PORT_MONITORS) if(BUILD_X11) - set(x11 x11.cc fonts.cc) - set(optional_sources ${optional_sources} ${x11}) + set(x11 + x11.cc x11.h + fonts.cc fonts.h + ) + set(optional_sources ${optional_sources} ${x11}) - if(BUILD_XINERAMA) - find_package(Xinerama REQUIRED) - set(conky_libs ${conky_libs} ${Xinerama_LIBRARIES}) - endif(BUILD_XINERAMA) + if(BUILD_XINERAMA) + find_package(Xinerama REQUIRED) + set(conky_libs ${conky_libs} ${Xinerama_LIBRARIES}) + endif(BUILD_XINERAMA) endif(BUILD_X11) if(BUILD_HDDTEMP) - set(hddtemp hddtemp.cc) - set(optional_sources ${optional_sources} ${hddtemp}) + set(hddtemp + hddtemp.cc hddtemp.h + ) + set(optional_sources ${optional_sources} ${hddtemp}) endif(BUILD_HDDTEMP) if(BUILD_EVE) - set(eve eve.cc) - set(optional_sources ${optional_sources} ${eve}) + set(eve + eve.cc eve.h + ) + set(optional_sources ${optional_sources} ${eve}) endif(BUILD_EVE) if(BUILD_CURL) - set(ccurl_thread ccurl_thread.cc) - set(optional_sources ${optional_sources} ${ccurl_thread}) + set(ccurl_thread + ccurl_thread.cc ccurl_thread.h + ) + set(optional_sources ${optional_sources} ${ccurl_thread}) endif(BUILD_CURL) if(BUILD_RSS) - set(rss rss.cc prss.cc) - set(optional_sources ${optional_sources} ${rss}) + set(rss + rss.cc rss.h + prss.cc prss.h + ) + set(optional_sources ${optional_sources} ${rss}) endif(BUILD_RSS) if(BUILD_WEATHER) - set(weather weather.cc) - set(optional_sources ${optional_sources} ${weather}) + set(weather + weather.cc weather.h + ) + set(optional_sources ${optional_sources} ${weather}) endif(BUILD_WEATHER) if(BUILD_NVIDIA) - set(nvidia nvidia.cc) - set(optional_sources ${optional_sources} ${nvidia}) + set(nvidia + nvidia.cc nvidia.h + ) + set(optional_sources ${optional_sources} ${nvidia}) endif(BUILD_NVIDIA) if(BUILD_IMLIB2) - set(imlib2 imlib2.cc) - set(optional_sources ${optional_sources} ${imlib2}) + set(imlib2 + imlib2.cc imlib2.h + ) + set(optional_sources ${optional_sources} ${imlib2}) endif(BUILD_IMLIB2) if(BUILD_APCUPSD) - set(apcupsd apcupsd.cc) - set(optional_sources ${optional_sources} ${apcupsd}) + set(apcupsd + apcupsd.cc apcupsd.h + ) + set(optional_sources ${optional_sources} ${apcupsd}) endif(BUILD_APCUPSD) if(BUILD_ICAL) - set(ical ical.cc) - set(optional_sources ${optional_sources} ${ical}) + set(ical + ical.cc ical.h + ) + set(optional_sources ${optional_sources} ${ical}) endif(BUILD_ICAL) if(BUILD_IRC) - set(irc irc.cc) - set(optional_sources ${optional_sources} ${irc}) + set(irc + irc.cc irc.h + ) + set(optional_sources ${optional_sources} ${irc}) endif(BUILD_IRC) if(BUILD_ICONV) - set(iconv iconv_tools.cc) - set(optional_sources ${optional_sources} ${iconv}) + set(iconv + iconv_tools.cc iconv_tools.h + ) + set(optional_sources ${optional_sources} ${iconv}) endif(BUILD_ICONV) if(BUILD_NCURSES) - set(optional_sources ${optional_sources} nc.cc) + set(ncurses_srcs + nc.cc nc.h + ) + set(optional_sources ${optional_sources} ${ncurses_srcs}) endif(BUILD_NCURSES) if(BUILD_PULSEAUDIO) - set(pulseaudio pulseaudio.cc) - set(optional_sources ${optional_sources} ${pulseaudio}) + set(pulseaudio + pulseaudio.cc pulseaudio.h + ) + set(optional_sources ${optional_sources} ${pulseaudio}) endif(BUILD_PULSEAUDIO) add_executable(conky ${conky_sources} ${optional_sources}) @@ -223,8 +333,8 @@ target_link_libraries(conky ${conky_libs}) # Install libtcp-portmon too? install(TARGETS - conky - RUNTIME DESTINATION bin - LIBRARY DESTINATION lib - ARCHIVE DESTINATION lib + conky + RUNTIME DESTINATION bin + LIBRARY DESTINATION lib + ARCHIVE DESTINATION lib ) diff --git a/src/algebra.cc b/src/algebra.cc index c984558f..0617972f 100644 --- a/src/algebra.cc +++ b/src/algebra.cc @@ -1,5 +1,4 @@ -/* -*- mode: c++; c-basic-offset: 4; tab-width: 4; indent-tabs-mode: t -*- - * vim: ts=4 sw=4 noet ai cindent syntax=cpp +/* * * Conky, a system monitor, based on torsmo * @@ -10,7 +9,7 @@ * Please see COPYING for details * * Copyright (c) 2004, Hannu Saransaari and Lauri Hakkarainen - * Copyright (c) 2005-2012 Brenden Matthews, Philip Kovacs, et. al. + * Copyright (c) 2005-2018 Brenden Matthews, Philip Kovacs, et. al. * (see AUTHORS) * All rights reserved. * @@ -27,250 +26,227 @@ * along with this program. If not, see . * */ -#include "config.h" -#include "conky.h" #include "algebra.h" -#include "logging.h" #include #include #include #include #include +#include "config.h" +#include "conky.h" +#include "logging.h" /* find the operand in the given expression * returns the index of the first op character or -1 on error */ -int find_match_op(const char *expr) -{ - unsigned int idx; +int find_match_op(const char *expr) { + unsigned int idx; - for (idx = 0; idx < strlen(expr); idx++) { - switch (expr[idx]) { - case '=': - case '!': - if (expr[idx + 1] != '=') - return -1; - /* fall through */ - case '<': - case '>': - return idx; - break; - } - } - return -1; + for (idx = 0; idx < strlen(expr); idx++) { + switch (expr[idx]) { + case '=': + case '!': + if (expr[idx + 1] != '=') return -1; + /* fall through */ + case '<': + case '>': + return idx; + break; + } + } + return -1; } -int get_match_type(const char *expr) -{ - int idx; - const char *str; +int get_match_type(const char *expr) { + int idx; + const char *str; - if ((idx = find_match_op(expr)) == -1) - return -1; - str = expr + idx; + if ((idx = find_match_op(expr)) == -1) return -1; + str = expr + idx; - if (*str == '=' && *(str + 1) == '=') - return OP_EQ; - else if (*str == '!' && *(str + 1) == '=') - return OP_NEQ; - else if (*str == '>') { - if (*(str + 1) == '=') - return OP_GEQ; - return OP_GT; - } else if (*str == '<') { - if (*(str + 1) == '=') - return OP_LEQ; - return OP_LT; - } - return -1; + if (*str == '=' && *(str + 1) == '=') + return OP_EQ; + else if (*str == '!' && *(str + 1) == '=') + return OP_NEQ; + else if (*str == '>') { + if (*(str + 1) == '=') return OP_GEQ; + return OP_GT; + } else if (*str == '<') { + if (*(str + 1) == '=') return OP_LEQ; + return OP_LT; + } + return -1; } - - /* generic compare function * * v is actually the difference of the compared values. For strings * this is equal to the output of str(n)cmp(). Use a macro here, as * it's type-independent. */ -#define COMPARE(v, t) \ - switch (t) { \ - case OP_GT: return (v > 0); \ - case OP_LT: return (v < 0); \ - case OP_EQ: return (v == 0); \ - case OP_GEQ: return (v >= 0); \ - case OP_LEQ: return (v <= 0); \ - case OP_NEQ: return (v != 0); \ - } \ - return 0 +#define COMPARE(v, t) \ + switch (t) { \ + case OP_GT: \ + return (v > 0); \ + case OP_LT: \ + return (v < 0); \ + case OP_EQ: \ + return (v == 0); \ + case OP_GEQ: \ + return (v >= 0); \ + case OP_LEQ: \ + return (v <= 0); \ + case OP_NEQ: \ + return (v != 0); \ + } \ + return 0 -int lcompare(long a, enum match_type mtype, long b) -{ - DBGP2("comparing longs '%ld' and '%ld'", a, b); - COMPARE((a - b), mtype); +int lcompare(long a, enum match_type mtype, long b) { + DBGP2("comparing longs '%ld' and '%ld'", a, b); + COMPARE((a - b), mtype); } -int dcompare(double a, enum match_type mtype, double b) -{ - DBGP2("comparing doubles '%.lf' and '%.lf'", a, b); - COMPARE((a - b), mtype); +int dcompare(double a, enum match_type mtype, double b) { + DBGP2("comparing doubles '%.lf' and '%.lf'", a, b); + COMPARE((a - b), mtype); } -int scompare(const char *a, enum match_type mtype, const char *b) -{ - DBGP2("comparing strings '%s' and '%s'", a, b); - COMPARE(strcmp(a, b), mtype); +int scompare(const char *a, enum match_type mtype, const char *b) { + DBGP2("comparing strings '%s' and '%s'", a, b); + COMPARE(strcmp(a, b), mtype); } -enum arg_type get_arg_type(const char *arg) -{ - const char *p, *e; +enum arg_type get_arg_type(const char *arg) { + const char *p, *e; - p = arg; - e = arg + strlen(arg)-1; + p = arg; + e = arg + strlen(arg) - 1; - while (p != e && *e && *e == ' ') - e--; - while (p != e && *p == ' ') - p++; + while (p != e && *e && *e == ' ') e--; + while (p != e && *p == ' ') p++; - if (*p == '"' && *e == '"') - return ARG_STRING; + if (*p == '"' && *e == '"') return ARG_STRING; - if (*p == '-') //allow negative values - p++; - while (p <= e) { - if (!isdigit(*p)) - break; - p++; - } - if (p == e+1) - return ARG_LONG; - if (*p == '.') { - p++; - while (p <= e) { - if (!isdigit(*p)) - return ARG_BAD; - p++; - } - return ARG_DOUBLE; - } - return ARG_BAD; + if (*p == '-') // allow negative values + p++; + while (p <= e) { + if (!isdigit(*p)) break; + p++; + } + if (p == e + 1) return ARG_LONG; + if (*p == '.') { + p++; + while (p <= e) { + if (!isdigit(*p)) return ARG_BAD; + p++; + } + return ARG_DOUBLE; + } + return ARG_BAD; } -char *arg_to_string(const char *arg) -{ - const char *start; - int len; +char *arg_to_string(const char *arg) { + const char *start; + int len; - start = arg; - len = 0; - while (*start && *start == ' ') - start++; - if (!(*(start++) == '"')) - return NULL; - while (start[len] != '"') - len++; - return strndup(start, len); + start = arg; + len = 0; + while (*start && *start == ' ') start++; + if (!(*(start++) == '"')) return NULL; + while (start[len] != '"') len++; + return strndup(start, len); } -double arg_to_double(const char *arg) -{ - double d; - if (sscanf(arg, "%lf", &d) != 1) { - NORM_ERR("converting '%s' to double failed", arg); - return 0.0; - } - return d; +double arg_to_double(const char *arg) { + double d; + if (sscanf(arg, "%lf", &d) != 1) { + NORM_ERR("converting '%s' to double failed", arg); + return 0.0; + } + return d; } -long arg_to_long(const char *arg) -{ - long l; - if (sscanf(arg, "%ld", &l) != 1) { - NORM_ERR("converting '%s' to long failed", arg); - return 0; - } - return l; +long arg_to_long(const char *arg) { + long l; + if (sscanf(arg, "%ld", &l) != 1) { + NORM_ERR("converting '%s' to long failed", arg); + return 0; + } + return l; } -int compare(const char *expr) -{ - char *expr_dup; - int idx, mtype; - enum arg_type type1, type2; - long lng_a, lng_b; - double dbl_a, dbl_b; +int compare(const char *expr) { + char *expr_dup; + int idx, mtype; + enum arg_type type1, type2; + long lng_a, lng_b; + double dbl_a, dbl_b; - idx = find_match_op(expr); - mtype = get_match_type(expr); + idx = find_match_op(expr); + mtype = get_match_type(expr); - if (!idx || mtype == -1) { - NORM_ERR("failed to parse compare string '%s'", expr); - return -2; - } + if (!idx || mtype == -1) { + NORM_ERR("failed to parse compare string '%s'", expr); + return -2; + } - expr_dup = strdup(expr); - expr_dup[idx] = '\0'; - if (expr_dup[idx + 1] == '=') - expr_dup[++idx] = '\0'; + expr_dup = strdup(expr); + expr_dup[idx] = '\0'; + if (expr_dup[idx + 1] == '=') expr_dup[++idx] = '\0'; - type1 = get_arg_type(expr_dup); - type2 = get_arg_type(expr_dup + idx + 1); - if (type1 == ARG_BAD || type2 == ARG_BAD) { - NORM_ERR("Bad arguments: '%s' and '%s'", expr_dup, (expr_dup + idx + 1)); - free(expr_dup); - return -2; - } - if (type1 == ARG_LONG && type2 == ARG_DOUBLE) - type1 = ARG_DOUBLE; - if (type1 == ARG_DOUBLE && type2 == ARG_LONG) - type2 = ARG_DOUBLE; - if (type1 != type2) { - NORM_ERR("trying to compare args '%s' and '%s' of different type", - expr_dup, (expr_dup + idx + 1)); - free(expr_dup); - return -2; - } - switch (type1) { - case ARG_STRING: - { - char *a, *b; - a = arg_to_string(expr_dup); - b = arg_to_string(expr_dup + idx + 1); - idx = scompare(a, (enum match_type) mtype, b); - free(a); - free(b); - free(expr_dup); - return idx; - } - case ARG_LONG: - lng_a = arg_to_long(expr_dup); - lng_b = arg_to_long(expr_dup + idx + 1); - free(expr_dup); - return lcompare(lng_a, (enum match_type) mtype, lng_b); - case ARG_DOUBLE: - dbl_a = arg_to_double(expr_dup); - dbl_b = arg_to_double(expr_dup + idx + 1); - free(expr_dup); - return dcompare(dbl_a, (enum match_type) mtype, dbl_b); - case ARG_BAD: /* make_gcc_happy() */; - } - /* not reached */ - free(expr_dup); - return -2; + type1 = get_arg_type(expr_dup); + type2 = get_arg_type(expr_dup + idx + 1); + if (type1 == ARG_BAD || type2 == ARG_BAD) { + NORM_ERR("Bad arguments: '%s' and '%s'", expr_dup, (expr_dup + idx + 1)); + free(expr_dup); + return -2; + } + if (type1 == ARG_LONG && type2 == ARG_DOUBLE) type1 = ARG_DOUBLE; + if (type1 == ARG_DOUBLE && type2 == ARG_LONG) type2 = ARG_DOUBLE; + if (type1 != type2) { + NORM_ERR("trying to compare args '%s' and '%s' of different type", expr_dup, + (expr_dup + idx + 1)); + free(expr_dup); + return -2; + } + switch (type1) { + case ARG_STRING: { + char *a, *b; + a = arg_to_string(expr_dup); + b = arg_to_string(expr_dup + idx + 1); + idx = scompare(a, (enum match_type)mtype, b); + free(a); + free(b); + free(expr_dup); + return idx; + } + case ARG_LONG: + lng_a = arg_to_long(expr_dup); + lng_b = arg_to_long(expr_dup + idx + 1); + free(expr_dup); + return lcompare(lng_a, (enum match_type)mtype, lng_b); + case ARG_DOUBLE: + dbl_a = arg_to_double(expr_dup); + dbl_b = arg_to_double(expr_dup + idx + 1); + free(expr_dup); + return dcompare(dbl_a, (enum match_type)mtype, dbl_b); + case ARG_BAD: /* make_gcc_happy() */; + } + /* not reached */ + free(expr_dup); + return -2; } -int check_if_match(struct text_object *obj) -{ - std::unique_ptr expression(new char[max_user_text.get(*state)]); - int val; - int result = 1; +int check_if_match(struct text_object *obj) { + std::unique_ptr expression(new char[max_user_text.get(*state)]); + int val; + int result = 1; - generate_text_internal(expression.get(), max_user_text.get(*state), *obj->sub); - DBGP("parsed arg into '%s'", expression.get()); + generate_text_internal(expression.get(), max_user_text.get(*state), + *obj->sub); + DBGP("parsed arg into '%s'", expression.get()); - val = compare(expression.get()); - if (val == -2) { - NORM_ERR("compare failed for expression '%s'", expression.get()); - } else if (!val) { - result = 0; - } - return result; + val = compare(expression.get()); + if (val == -2) { + NORM_ERR("compare failed for expression '%s'", expression.get()); + } else if (!val) { + result = 0; + } + return result; } diff --git a/src/algebra.h b/src/algebra.h index a3194ee5..c80b8b17 100644 --- a/src/algebra.h +++ b/src/algebra.h @@ -1,5 +1,4 @@ -/* -*- mode: c; c-basic-offset: 4; tab-width: 4; indent-tabs-mode: t -*- - * vim: ts=4 sw=4 noet ai cindent syntax=c +/* * * Conky, a system monitor, based on torsmo * @@ -10,7 +9,7 @@ * Please see COPYING for details * * Copyright (c) 2004, Hannu Saransaari and Lauri Hakkarainen - * Copyright (c) 2005-2012 Brenden Matthews, Philip Kovacs, et. al. + * Copyright (c) 2005-2018 Brenden Matthews, Philip Kovacs, et. al. * (see AUTHORS) * All rights reserved. * @@ -31,19 +30,19 @@ #define _ALGEBRA_H enum match_type { - OP_LT = 1, /* < */ - OP_GT = 2, /* > */ - OP_EQ = 3, /* == */ - OP_LEQ = 4, /* <= */ - OP_GEQ = 5, /* >= */ - OP_NEQ = 6 /* != */ + OP_LT = 1, /* < */ + OP_GT = 2, /* > */ + OP_EQ = 3, /* == */ + OP_LEQ = 4, /* <= */ + OP_GEQ = 5, /* >= */ + OP_NEQ = 6 /* != */ }; enum arg_type { - ARG_BAD = 0, /* something strange */ - ARG_STRING = 1, /* "asdf" */ - ARG_LONG = 2, /* 123456 */ - ARG_DOUBLE = 3 /* 12.456 */ + ARG_BAD = 0, /* something strange */ + ARG_STRING = 1, /* "asdf" */ + ARG_LONG = 2, /* 123456 */ + ARG_DOUBLE = 3 /* 12.456 */ }; int compare(const char *); diff --git a/src/apcupsd.cc b/src/apcupsd.cc index 8f088ff6..7e2c7de8 100644 --- a/src/apcupsd.cc +++ b/src/apcupsd.cc @@ -1,5 +1,4 @@ -/* -*- mode: c++; c-basic-offset: 4; tab-width: 4; indent-tabs-mode: t -*- - * vim: ts=4 sw=4 noet ai cindent syntax=cpp +/* * * apcupsd.c: conky module for APC UPS daemon monitoring * @@ -22,260 +21,254 @@ * */ -#include "conky.h" #include "apcupsd.h" +#include "conky.h" #include "logging.h" #include "text_object.h" #include -#include #include +#include #include #include enum _apcupsd_items { - APCUPSD_NAME, - APCUPSD_MODEL, - APCUPSD_UPSMODE, - APCUPSD_CABLE, - APCUPSD_STATUS, - APCUPSD_LINEV, - APCUPSD_LOAD, - APCUPSD_CHARGE, - APCUPSD_TIMELEFT, - APCUPSD_TEMP, - APCUPSD_LASTXFER, - _APCUPSD_COUNT + APCUPSD_NAME, + APCUPSD_MODEL, + APCUPSD_UPSMODE, + APCUPSD_CABLE, + APCUPSD_STATUS, + APCUPSD_LINEV, + APCUPSD_LOAD, + APCUPSD_CHARGE, + APCUPSD_TIMELEFT, + APCUPSD_TEMP, + APCUPSD_LASTXFER, + _APCUPSD_COUNT }; /* type for data exchange with main thread */ #define APCUPSD_MAXSTR 32 typedef struct apcupsd_s { - char items[_APCUPSD_COUNT][APCUPSD_MAXSTR+1]; /* e.g. items[APCUPSD_STATUS] */ - char host[64]; - int port; + char items[_APCUPSD_COUNT] + [APCUPSD_MAXSTR + 1]; /* e.g. items[APCUPSD_STATUS] */ + char host[64]; + int port; } APCUPSD_S, *PAPCUPSD_S; static APCUPSD_S apcupsd; - // // encapsulated recv() // -static int net_recv_ex(int sock, void *buf, int size, struct timeval *tv) -{ - fd_set fds; - int res; +static int net_recv_ex(int sock, void *buf, int size, struct timeval *tv) { + fd_set fds; + int res; - // wait for some data to be read - do { - errno = 0; - FD_ZERO(&fds); - FD_SET(sock, &fds); - res = select(sock + 1, &fds, NULL, NULL, tv); - } while (res < 0 && errno == EINTR); - if (res < 0) return 0; - if (res == 0) { - // timeout - errno = ETIMEDOUT; // select was succesfull, errno is now 0 - return 0; - } + // wait for some data to be read + do { + errno = 0; + FD_ZERO(&fds); + FD_SET(sock, &fds); + res = select(sock + 1, &fds, NULL, NULL, tv); + } while (res < 0 && errno == EINTR); + if (res < 0) return 0; + if (res == 0) { + // timeout + errno = ETIMEDOUT; // select was succesfull, errno is now 0 + return 0; + } - // socket ready, read the data - do { - errno = 0; - res = recv(sock, (char*)buf, size, 0); - } while (res < 0 && errno == EINTR); - if (res < 0) return 0; - if (res == 0) { - // orderly shutdown - errno = ENOTCONN; - return 0; - } + // socket ready, read the data + do { + errno = 0; + res = recv(sock, (char *)buf, size, 0); + } while (res < 0 && errno == EINTR); + if (res < 0) return 0; + if (res == 0) { + // orderly shutdown + errno = ENOTCONN; + return 0; + } - return res; + return res; } // // read whole buffer or fail // -static int net_recv(int sock, void* buf, int size) -{ - int todo = size; - int off = 0; - int len; - struct timeval tv = { 0, 250000 }; +static int net_recv(int sock, void *buf, int size) { + int todo = size; + int off = 0; + int len; + struct timeval tv = {0, 250000}; - while (todo) { - len = net_recv_ex(sock, (char*)buf + off, todo, &tv); - if (!len) return 0; - todo -= len; - off += len; - } - return 1; + while (todo) { + len = net_recv_ex(sock, (char *)buf + off, todo, &tv); + if (!len) return 0; + todo -= len; + off += len; + } + return 1; } // // get one response line // -static int get_line(int sock, char line[], short linesize) -{ - // get the line length - short sz; - if (!net_recv(sock, &sz, sizeof(sz))) return -1; - sz = ntohs(sz); - if (!sz) return 0; +static int get_line(int sock, char line[], short linesize) { + // get the line length + short sz; + if (!net_recv(sock, &sz, sizeof(sz))) return -1; + sz = ntohs(sz); + if (!sz) return 0; - // get the line - while (sz >= linesize) { - // this is just a hack (being lazy), this should not happen anyway - net_recv(sock, line, linesize); - sz -= linesize; - } - if (!net_recv(sock, line, sz)) return 0; - line[sz] = 0; - return sz; + // get the line + while (sz >= linesize) { + // this is just a hack (being lazy), this should not happen anyway + net_recv(sock, line, linesize); + sz -= linesize; + } + if (!net_recv(sock, line, sz)) return 0; + line[sz] = 0; + return sz; } -#define FILL(NAME,FIELD,FIRST) \ - if (!strncmp(NAME, line, sizeof(NAME)-1)) { \ - strncpy(apc->items[FIELD], line+11, APCUPSD_MAXSTR); \ - /* remove trailing newline and assure termination */ \ - apc->items[FIELD][len-11 > APCUPSD_MAXSTR ? APCUPSD_MAXSTR : len-12] = 0; \ - if (FIRST) { \ - char* c; \ - for (c = apc->items[FIELD]; *c; ++c) \ - if (*c == ' ' && c > apc->items[FIELD]+2) { \ - *c = 0; \ - break; \ - } \ - } \ - } +#define FILL(NAME, FIELD, FIRST) \ + if (!strncmp(NAME, line, sizeof(NAME) - 1)) { \ + strncpy(apc->items[FIELD], line + 11, APCUPSD_MAXSTR); \ + /* remove trailing newline and assure termination */ \ + apc->items[FIELD][len - 11 > APCUPSD_MAXSTR ? APCUPSD_MAXSTR : len - 12] = \ + 0; \ + if (FIRST) { \ + char *c; \ + for (c = apc->items[FIELD]; *c; ++c) \ + if (*c == ' ' && c > apc->items[FIELD] + 2) { \ + *c = 0; \ + break; \ + } \ + } \ + } // // fills in the data received from a socket // -static int fill_items(int sock, PAPCUPSD_S apc) -{ - char line[512]; - int len; - while ((len = get_line(sock, line, sizeof(line)))) { - // fill the right types in - FILL("UPSNAME", APCUPSD_NAME, FALSE); - FILL("MODEL", APCUPSD_MODEL, FALSE); - FILL("UPSMODE", APCUPSD_UPSMODE, FALSE); - FILL("CABLE", APCUPSD_CABLE, FALSE); - FILL("STATUS", APCUPSD_STATUS, FALSE); - FILL("LINEV", APCUPSD_LINEV, TRUE); - FILL("LOADPCT", APCUPSD_LOAD, TRUE); - FILL("BCHARGE", APCUPSD_CHARGE, TRUE); - FILL("TIMELEFT", APCUPSD_TIMELEFT, TRUE); - FILL("ITEMP", APCUPSD_TEMP, TRUE); - FILL("LASTXFER", APCUPSD_LASTXFER, FALSE); - } +static int fill_items(int sock, PAPCUPSD_S apc) { + char line[512]; + int len; + while ((len = get_line(sock, line, sizeof(line)))) { + // fill the right types in + FILL("UPSNAME", APCUPSD_NAME, FALSE); + FILL("MODEL", APCUPSD_MODEL, FALSE); + FILL("UPSMODE", APCUPSD_UPSMODE, FALSE); + FILL("CABLE", APCUPSD_CABLE, FALSE); + FILL("STATUS", APCUPSD_STATUS, FALSE); + FILL("LINEV", APCUPSD_LINEV, TRUE); + FILL("LOADPCT", APCUPSD_LOAD, TRUE); + FILL("BCHARGE", APCUPSD_CHARGE, TRUE); + FILL("TIMELEFT", APCUPSD_TIMELEFT, TRUE); + FILL("ITEMP", APCUPSD_TEMP, TRUE); + FILL("LASTXFER", APCUPSD_LASTXFER, FALSE); + } - return len == 0; + return len == 0; } // // Conky update function for apcupsd data // -int update_apcupsd(void) -{ - int i; - APCUPSD_S apc; - int sock; +int update_apcupsd(void) { + int i; + APCUPSD_S apc; + int sock; - for (i = 0; i < _APCUPSD_COUNT; ++i) - memcpy(apc.items[i], "N/A", 4); // including \0 + for (i = 0; i < _APCUPSD_COUNT; ++i) + memcpy(apc.items[i], "N/A", 4); // including \0 - do { - struct addrinfo hints; - struct addrinfo *ai, *rp; - int res; - short sz = 0; - char portbuf[8]; - // - // connect to apcupsd daemon - // - memset(&hints, 0, sizeof(struct addrinfo)); - hints.ai_family = AF_UNSPEC; - hints.ai_socktype = SOCK_STREAM; - hints.ai_flags = 0; - hints.ai_protocol = 0; - snprintf(portbuf, 8, "%d", apcupsd.port); - res = getaddrinfo(apcupsd.host, portbuf, &hints, &ai); - if (res != 0) { - NORM_ERR("APCUPSD getaddrinfo: %s", gai_strerror(res)); - break; - } - for (rp = ai; rp != NULL; rp = rp->ai_next) { - sock = socket(rp->ai_family, rp->ai_socktype, rp->ai_protocol); - if (sock == -1) { - continue; - } - if (connect(sock, rp->ai_addr, rp->ai_addrlen) != -1) { - break; - } - close(sock); - } - freeaddrinfo(ai); - if (rp == NULL) { - // no error reporting, the daemon is probably not running - break; - } + do { + struct addrinfo hints; + struct addrinfo *ai, *rp; + int res; + short sz = 0; + char portbuf[8]; + // + // connect to apcupsd daemon + // + memset(&hints, 0, sizeof(struct addrinfo)); + hints.ai_family = AF_UNSPEC; + hints.ai_socktype = SOCK_STREAM; + hints.ai_flags = 0; + hints.ai_protocol = 0; + snprintf(portbuf, 8, "%d", apcupsd.port); + res = getaddrinfo(apcupsd.host, portbuf, &hints, &ai); + if (res != 0) { + NORM_ERR("APCUPSD getaddrinfo: %s", gai_strerror(res)); + break; + } + for (rp = ai; rp != NULL; rp = rp->ai_next) { + sock = socket(rp->ai_family, rp->ai_socktype, rp->ai_protocol); + if (sock == -1) { + continue; + } + if (connect(sock, rp->ai_addr, rp->ai_addrlen) != -1) { + break; + } + close(sock); + } + freeaddrinfo(ai); + if (rp == NULL) { + // no error reporting, the daemon is probably not running + break; + } - // - // send status request - "status" - 6B - // - sz = htons(6); - // no waiting to become writeable is really needed - if (send(sock, &sz, sizeof(sz), 0) != sizeof(sz) || send(sock, "status", 6, 0) != 6) { - perror("send"); - break; - } + // + // send status request - "status" - 6B + // + sz = htons(6); + // no waiting to become writeable is really needed + if (send(sock, &sz, sizeof(sz), 0) != sizeof(sz) || + send(sock, "status", 6, 0) != 6) { + perror("send"); + break; + } - // - // read the lines of output and put them into the info structure - // - if (!fill_items(sock, &apc)) break; + // + // read the lines of output and put them into the info structure + // + if (!fill_items(sock, &apc)) break; - } while (0); + } while (0); - close(sock); + close(sock); - // - // "atomically" copy the data into working set - // - memcpy(apcupsd.items, apc.items, sizeof(apcupsd.items)); - return 0; + // + // "atomically" copy the data into working set + // + memcpy(apcupsd.items, apc.items, sizeof(apcupsd.items)); + return 0; } -int apcupsd_scan_arg(const char *arg) -{ - char host[64]; - int port; - if (sscanf(arg, "%63s %d", host, &port) != 2) - return 1; +int apcupsd_scan_arg(const char *arg) { + char host[64]; + int port; + if (sscanf(arg, "%63s %d", host, &port) != 2) return 1; - apcupsd.port = port; - strncpy(apcupsd.host, host, sizeof(apcupsd.host)); - return 0; + apcupsd.port = port; + strncpy(apcupsd.host, host, sizeof(apcupsd.host)); + return 0; } -double apcupsd_loadbarval(struct text_object *obj) -{ - (void)obj; +double apcupsd_loadbarval(struct text_object *obj) { + (void)obj; - return atof(apcupsd.items[APCUPSD_LOAD]); + return atof(apcupsd.items[APCUPSD_LOAD]); } -#define APCUPSD_PRINT_GENERATOR(name, idx) \ -void print_apcupsd_##name(struct text_object *obj, char *p, int p_max_size) \ -{ \ - (void)obj; \ - snprintf(p, p_max_size, "%s", apcupsd.items[APCUPSD_##idx]); \ -} +#define APCUPSD_PRINT_GENERATOR(name, idx) \ + void print_apcupsd_##name(struct text_object *obj, char *p, \ + int p_max_size) { \ + (void)obj; \ + snprintf(p, p_max_size, "%s", apcupsd.items[APCUPSD_##idx]); \ + } APCUPSD_PRINT_GENERATOR(name, NAME) APCUPSD_PRINT_GENERATOR(model, MODEL) diff --git a/src/apcupsd.h b/src/apcupsd.h index 67862b44..2c4cf835 100644 --- a/src/apcupsd.h +++ b/src/apcupsd.h @@ -1,5 +1,4 @@ -/* -*- mode: c; c-basic-offset: 4; tab-width: 4; indent-tabs-mode: t -*- - * vim: ts=4 sw=4 noet ai cindent syntax=c +/* * * apcupsd.h: conky module for APC UPS daemon monitoring * diff --git a/src/audacious.cc b/src/audacious.cc index b39775eb..4c38ebea 100644 --- a/src/audacious.cc +++ b/src/audacious.cc @@ -1,5 +1,4 @@ -/* -*- mode: c++; c-basic-offset: 4; tab-width: 4; indent-tabs-mode: t -*- - * vim: ts=4 sw=4 noet ai cindent syntax=cpp +/* * * audacious.c: conky support for audacious music player * @@ -26,219 +25,213 @@ #include +#include +#include "audacious.h" #include "conky.h" #include "logging.h" -#include "audacious.h" -#include #include "update-cb.hh" #include #ifdef NEW_AUDACIOUS_FOUND -#include #include #include +#include #else /* NEW_AUDACIOUS_FOUND */ #include -#define audacious_remote_is_running(x) \ - xmms_remote_is_running(x) -#define audacious_remote_is_paused(x) \ - xmms_remote_is_paused(x) -#define audacious_remote_is_playing(x) \ - xmms_remote_is_playing(x) -#define audacious_remote_get_playlist_pos(x) \ - xmms_remote_get_playlist_pos(x) -#define audacious_remote_get_playlist_title(x, y) \ - xmms_remote_get_playlist_title(x, y) -#define audacious_remote_get_playlist_time(x, y) \ - xmms_remote_get_playlist_time(x, y) -#define audacious_remote_get_output_time(x) \ - xmms_remote_get_output_time(x) -#define audacious_remote_get_info(w, x, y, z) \ - xmms_remote_get_info(w, x, y, z) -#define audacious_remote_get_playlist_file(x, y) \ - xmms_remote_get_playlist_file(x, y) -#define audacious_remote_get_playlist_length(x) \ - xmms_remote_get_playlist_length(x) +#define audacious_remote_is_running(x) xmms_remote_is_running(x) +#define audacious_remote_is_paused(x) xmms_remote_is_paused(x) +#define audacious_remote_is_playing(x) xmms_remote_is_playing(x) +#define audacious_remote_get_playlist_pos(x) xmms_remote_get_playlist_pos(x) +#define audacious_remote_get_playlist_title(x, y) \ + xmms_remote_get_playlist_title(x, y) +#define audacious_remote_get_playlist_time(x, y) \ + xmms_remote_get_playlist_time(x, y) +#define audacious_remote_get_output_time(x) xmms_remote_get_output_time(x) +#define audacious_remote_get_info(w, x, y, z) xmms_remote_get_info(w, x, y, z) +#define audacious_remote_get_playlist_file(x, y) \ + xmms_remote_get_playlist_file(x, y) +#define audacious_remote_get_playlist_length(x) \ + xmms_remote_get_playlist_length(x) #endif /* NEW_AUDACIOUS_FOUND */ namespace { - enum aud_status { AS_NOT_RUNNING, AS_PAUSED, AS_PLAYING, AS_STOPPED }; - const char * const as_message[] = { "Not running", "Paused", "Playing", "Stopped" }; +enum aud_status { AS_NOT_RUNNING, AS_PAUSED, AS_PLAYING, AS_STOPPED }; +const char *const as_message[] = {"Not running", "Paused", "Playing", + "Stopped"}; - struct aud_result { - std::string title; - std::string filename; - int length; // in ms - int position; // in ms - int bitrate; - int frequency; - int channels; - int playlist_length; - int playlist_position; - int main_volume; - aud_status status; +struct aud_result { + std::string title; + std::string filename; + int length; // in ms + int position; // in ms + int bitrate; + int frequency; + int channels; + int playlist_length; + int playlist_position; + int main_volume; + aud_status status; - aud_result() - : length(0), position(0), bitrate(0), frequency(0), channels(0), playlist_length(0), - playlist_position(0), main_volume(0), status(AS_NOT_RUNNING) - {} - }; + aud_result() + : length(0), + position(0), + bitrate(0), + frequency(0), + channels(0), + playlist_length(0), + playlist_position(0), + main_volume(0), + status(AS_NOT_RUNNING) {} +}; - class audacious_cb: public conky::callback { - typedef conky::callback Base; +class audacious_cb : public conky::callback { + typedef conky::callback Base; #ifdef NEW_AUDACIOUS_FOUND - DBusGProxy *session; + DBusGProxy *session; #else - gint session; + gint session; #endif - protected: - virtual void work(); + protected: + virtual void work(); - public: - audacious_cb(uint32_t period) - : Base(period, false, Tuple()) - { + public: + audacious_cb(uint32_t period) : Base(period, false, Tuple()) { #ifdef NEW_AUDACIOUS_FOUND - g_type_init(); - DBusGConnection *connection = dbus_g_bus_get(DBUS_BUS_SESSION, NULL); - if (!connection) - throw std::runtime_error("unable to establish dbus connection"); + g_type_init(); + DBusGConnection *connection = dbus_g_bus_get(DBUS_BUS_SESSION, NULL); + if (!connection) + throw std::runtime_error("unable to establish dbus connection"); - session = dbus_g_proxy_new_for_name(connection, AUDACIOUS_DBUS_SERVICE, - AUDACIOUS_DBUS_PATH, AUDACIOUS_DBUS_INTERFACE); - if (!session) - throw std::runtime_error("unable to create dbus proxy"); + session = dbus_g_proxy_new_for_name(connection, AUDACIOUS_DBUS_SERVICE, + AUDACIOUS_DBUS_PATH, + AUDACIOUS_DBUS_INTERFACE); + if (!session) throw std::runtime_error("unable to create dbus proxy"); #else - session = 0; + session = 0; #endif /* NEW_AUDACIOUS_FOUND */ - } + } #ifdef NEW_AUDACIOUS_FOUND - ~audacious_cb() - { - /* release reference to dbus proxy */ - g_object_unref(session); - } + ~audacious_cb() { + /* release reference to dbus proxy */ + g_object_unref(session); + } #endif - }; +}; - /* --------------------------------------------------- - * Worker thread function for audacious data sampling. - * --------------------------------------------------- */ - void audacious_cb::work() - { - aud_result tmp; - gchar *psong, *pfilename; - psong = NULL; - pfilename = NULL; +/* --------------------------------------------------- + * Worker thread function for audacious data sampling. + * --------------------------------------------------- */ +void audacious_cb::work() { + aud_result tmp; + gchar *psong, *pfilename; + psong = NULL; + pfilename = NULL; - do { - if (!audacious_remote_is_running(session)) { - tmp.status = AS_NOT_RUNNING; - break; - } + do { + if (!audacious_remote_is_running(session)) { + tmp.status = AS_NOT_RUNNING; + break; + } - /* Player status */ - if (audacious_remote_is_paused(session)) { - tmp.status = AS_PAUSED; - } else if (audacious_remote_is_playing(session)) { - tmp.status = AS_PLAYING; - } else { - tmp.status = AS_STOPPED; - } + /* Player status */ + if (audacious_remote_is_paused(session)) { + tmp.status = AS_PAUSED; + } else if (audacious_remote_is_playing(session)) { + tmp.status = AS_PLAYING; + } else { + tmp.status = AS_STOPPED; + } - /* Current song title */ - tmp.playlist_position = audacious_remote_get_playlist_pos(session); - psong = audacious_remote_get_playlist_title(session, tmp.playlist_position); - if (psong) { - tmp.title = psong; - g_free(psong); - } + /* Current song title */ + tmp.playlist_position = audacious_remote_get_playlist_pos(session); + psong = audacious_remote_get_playlist_title(session, tmp.playlist_position); + if (psong) { + tmp.title = psong; + g_free(psong); + } - /* Current song length */ - tmp.length = audacious_remote_get_playlist_time(session, tmp.playlist_position); + /* Current song length */ + tmp.length = + audacious_remote_get_playlist_time(session, tmp.playlist_position); - /* Current song position */ - tmp.position = audacious_remote_get_output_time(session); + /* Current song position */ + tmp.position = audacious_remote_get_output_time(session); - /* Current song bitrate, frequency, channels */ - audacious_remote_get_info(session, &tmp.bitrate, &tmp.frequency, &tmp.channels); + /* Current song bitrate, frequency, channels */ + audacious_remote_get_info(session, &tmp.bitrate, &tmp.frequency, + &tmp.channels); - /* Current song filename */ - pfilename = audacious_remote_get_playlist_file(session, tmp.playlist_position); - if (pfilename) { - tmp.filename = pfilename; - g_free(pfilename); - } + /* Current song filename */ + pfilename = + audacious_remote_get_playlist_file(session, tmp.playlist_position); + if (pfilename) { + tmp.filename = pfilename; + g_free(pfilename); + } - /* Length of the Playlist (number of songs) */ - tmp.playlist_length = audacious_remote_get_playlist_length(session); + /* Length of the Playlist (number of songs) */ + tmp.playlist_length = audacious_remote_get_playlist_length(session); - /* Main volume */ - tmp.main_volume = audacious_remote_get_main_volume(session); - } while (0); - { - /* Deliver the refreshed items array to audacious_items. */ - std::lock_guard lock(result_mutex); - result = tmp; - } - } - - aud_result get_res() - { - uint32_t period = std::max( - lround(music_player_interval.get(*state)/active_update_interval()), 1l - ); - return conky::register_cb(period)->get_result_copy(); - } + /* Main volume */ + tmp.main_volume = audacious_remote_get_main_volume(session); + } while (0); + { + /* Deliver the refreshed items array to audacious_items. */ + std::lock_guard lock(result_mutex); + result = tmp; + } } -void print_audacious_status(struct text_object *, char *p, int p_max_size) -{ - const aud_result &res = get_res(); - snprintf(p, p_max_size, "%s", as_message[res.status]); +aud_result get_res() { + uint32_t period = std::max( + lround(music_player_interval.get(*state) / active_update_interval()), 1l); + return conky::register_cb(period)->get_result_copy(); +} +} // namespace + +void print_audacious_status(struct text_object *, char *p, int p_max_size) { + const aud_result &res = get_res(); + snprintf(p, p_max_size, "%s", as_message[res.status]); } -void print_audacious_title(struct text_object *obj, char *p, int p_max_size) -{ - snprintf(p, std::min(obj->data.i, p_max_size), "%s", get_res().title.c_str()); +void print_audacious_title(struct text_object *obj, char *p, int p_max_size) { + snprintf(p, std::min(obj->data.i, p_max_size), "%s", get_res().title.c_str()); } -void print_audacious_filename(struct text_object *obj, char *p, int p_max_size) -{ - snprintf(p, std::min(obj->data.i, p_max_size), "%s", get_res().filename.c_str()); +void print_audacious_filename(struct text_object *obj, char *p, + int p_max_size) { + snprintf(p, std::min(obj->data.i, p_max_size), "%s", + get_res().filename.c_str()); } -double audacious_barval(struct text_object *) -{ - const aud_result &res = get_res(); - return (double)res.position / res.length; +double audacious_barval(struct text_object *) { + const aud_result &res = get_res(); + return (double)res.position / res.length; } -#define AUDACIOUS_TIME_GENERATOR(name) \ -void print_audacious_##name(struct text_object *, char *p, int p_max_size) \ -{ \ - const aud_result &res = get_res(); \ - int sec = res.name / 1000; \ - snprintf(p, p_max_size, "%d:%.2d", sec/60, sec%60); \ -} \ - \ -void print_audacious_##name##_seconds(struct text_object *, char *p, int p_max_size) \ -{ \ - snprintf(p, p_max_size, "%d", get_res().name); \ -} +#define AUDACIOUS_TIME_GENERATOR(name) \ + void print_audacious_##name(struct text_object *, char *p, int p_max_size) { \ + const aud_result &res = get_res(); \ + int sec = res.name / 1000; \ + snprintf(p, p_max_size, "%d:%.2d", sec / 60, sec % 60); \ + } \ + \ + void print_audacious_##name##_seconds(struct text_object *, char *p, \ + int p_max_size) { \ + snprintf(p, p_max_size, "%d", get_res().name); \ + } AUDACIOUS_TIME_GENERATOR(length) AUDACIOUS_TIME_GENERATOR(position) -#define AUDACIOUS_INT_GENERATOR(name, offset) \ -void print_audacious_##name(struct text_object *, char *p, int p_max_size) \ -{ \ - snprintf(p, p_max_size, "%d", get_res().name + offset); \ -} +#define AUDACIOUS_INT_GENERATOR(name, offset) \ + void print_audacious_##name(struct text_object *, char *p, int p_max_size) { \ + snprintf(p, p_max_size, "%d", get_res().name + offset); \ + } AUDACIOUS_INT_GENERATOR(bitrate, 0) AUDACIOUS_INT_GENERATOR(frequency, 0) diff --git a/src/audacious.h b/src/audacious.h index c66e9e04..e8e70412 100644 --- a/src/audacious.h +++ b/src/audacious.h @@ -1,5 +1,4 @@ -/* -*- mode: c++; c-basic-offset: 4; tab-width: 4; indent-tabs-mode: t -*- - * vim: ts=4 sw=4 noet ai cindent syntax=cpp +/* * * audacious.h: conky support for audacious music player * diff --git a/src/bmpx.cc b/src/bmpx.cc index cbe5b4e5..b23f3d81 100644 --- a/src/bmpx.cc +++ b/src/bmpx.cc @@ -1,5 +1,4 @@ -/* -*- mode: c++; c-basic-offset: 4; tab-width: 4; indent-tabs-mode: t -*- - * vim: ts=4 sw=4 noet ai cindent syntax=cpp +/* * * Conky, a system monitor, based on torsmo * @@ -9,7 +8,7 @@ * * Please see COPYING for details * - * Copyright (c) 2005-2012 Brenden Matthews, Philip Kovacs, et. al. + * Copyright (c) 2005-2018 Brenden Matthews, Philip Kovacs, et. al. * (see AUTHORS) * All rights reserved. * @@ -31,11 +30,11 @@ #include "conky.h" #include "logging.h" -#include #include +#include #define DBUS_TYPE_G_STRING_VALUE_HASHTABLE \ - (dbus_g_type_get_map("GHashTable", G_TYPE_STRING, G_TYPE_VALUE)) + (dbus_g_type_get_map("GHashTable", G_TYPE_STRING, G_TYPE_VALUE)) static DBusGConnection *bus; static DBusGProxy *remote_object; @@ -44,105 +43,103 @@ static char *unknown = "unknown"; void fail(GError *error, struct information *); -void update_bmpx() -{ - GError *error = NULL; - struct information *current_info = &info; - gint current_track; - GHashTable *metadata; +void update_bmpx() { + GError *error = NULL; + struct information *current_info = &info; + gint current_track; + GHashTable *metadata; - if (connected == 0) { - g_type_init(); - dbus_g_type_specialized_init(); + if (connected == 0) { + g_type_init(); + dbus_g_type_specialized_init(); - bus = dbus_g_bus_get(DBUS_BUS_SESSION, &error); - if (bus == NULL) { - NORM_ERR("BMPx error 1: %s\n", error->message); - fail(error, current_info); - return; - } + bus = dbus_g_bus_get(DBUS_BUS_SESSION, &error); + if (bus == NULL) { + NORM_ERR("BMPx error 1: %s\n", error->message); + fail(error, current_info); + return; + } - remote_object = dbus_g_proxy_new_for_name(bus, BMP_DBUS_SERVICE, - BMP_DBUS_PATH__BMP, BMP_DBUS_INTERFACE__BMP); - if (!remote_object) { - NORM_ERR("BMPx error 2: %s\n", error->message); - fail(error, current_info); - return; - } + remote_object = dbus_g_proxy_new_for_name( + bus, BMP_DBUS_SERVICE, BMP_DBUS_PATH__BMP, BMP_DBUS_INTERFACE__BMP); + if (!remote_object) { + NORM_ERR("BMPx error 2: %s\n", error->message); + fail(error, current_info); + return; + } - connected = 1; - } + connected = 1; + } - if (connected == 1) { - if (dbus_g_proxy_call(remote_object, "GetCurrentTrack", &error, - G_TYPE_INVALID, G_TYPE_INT, ¤t_track, G_TYPE_INVALID)) { - } else { - NORM_ERR("BMPx error 3: %s\n", error->message); - fail(error, current_info); - return; - } + if (connected == 1) { + if (dbus_g_proxy_call(remote_object, "GetCurrentTrack", &error, + G_TYPE_INVALID, G_TYPE_INT, ¤t_track, + G_TYPE_INVALID)) { + } else { + NORM_ERR("BMPx error 3: %s\n", error->message); + fail(error, current_info); + return; + } - if (dbus_g_proxy_call(remote_object, "GetMetadataForListItem", &error, - G_TYPE_INT, current_track, G_TYPE_INVALID, - DBUS_TYPE_G_STRING_VALUE_HASHTABLE, &metadata, - G_TYPE_INVALID)) { - free_and_zero(current_info->bmpx.title); - free_and_zero(current_info->bmpx.artist); - free_and_zero(current_info->bmpx.album); - current_info->bmpx.title = - g_value_dup_string(g_hash_table_lookup(metadata, "title")); - current_info->bmpx.artist = - g_value_dup_string(g_hash_table_lookup(metadata, "artist")); - current_info->bmpx.album = - g_value_dup_string(g_hash_table_lookup(metadata, "album")); - current_info->bmpx.bitrate = - g_value_get_int(g_hash_table_lookup(metadata, "bitrate")); - current_info->bmpx.track = - g_value_get_int(g_hash_table_lookup(metadata, "track-number")); - current_info->bmpx.uri = - g_value_get_string(g_hash_table_lookup(metadata, "location")); - } else { - NORM_ERR("BMPx error 4: %s\n", error->message); - fail(error, current_info); - return; - } + if (dbus_g_proxy_call(remote_object, "GetMetadataForListItem", &error, + G_TYPE_INT, current_track, G_TYPE_INVALID, + DBUS_TYPE_G_STRING_VALUE_HASHTABLE, &metadata, + G_TYPE_INVALID)) { + free_and_zero(current_info->bmpx.title); + free_and_zero(current_info->bmpx.artist); + free_and_zero(current_info->bmpx.album); + current_info->bmpx.title = + g_value_dup_string(g_hash_table_lookup(metadata, "title")); + current_info->bmpx.artist = + g_value_dup_string(g_hash_table_lookup(metadata, "artist")); + current_info->bmpx.album = + g_value_dup_string(g_hash_table_lookup(metadata, "album")); + current_info->bmpx.bitrate = + g_value_get_int(g_hash_table_lookup(metadata, "bitrate")); + current_info->bmpx.track = + g_value_get_int(g_hash_table_lookup(metadata, "track-number")); + current_info->bmpx.uri = + g_value_get_string(g_hash_table_lookup(metadata, "location")); + } else { + NORM_ERR("BMPx error 4: %s\n", error->message); + fail(error, current_info); + return; + } - g_hash_table_destroy(metadata); - } else { - fail(error, current_info); - } + g_hash_table_destroy(metadata); + } else { + fail(error, current_info); + } } -void fail(GError *error, struct information *current_info) -{ - if (error) { - g_error_free(error); - } - if (current_info->bmpx.title) { - g_free(current_info->bmpx.title); - current_info->bmpx.title = 0; - } - if (current_info->bmpx.artist) { - g_free(current_info->bmpx.artist); - current_info->bmpx.artist = 0; - } - if (current_info->bmpx.album) { - g_free(current_info->bmpx.album); - current_info->bmpx.album = 0; - } - current_info->bmpx.title = unknown; - current_info->bmpx.artist = unknown; - current_info->bmpx.album = unknown; - current_info->bmpx.bitrate = 0; - current_info->bmpx.track = 0; +void fail(GError *error, struct information *current_info) { + if (error) { + g_error_free(error); + } + if (current_info->bmpx.title) { + g_free(current_info->bmpx.title); + current_info->bmpx.title = 0; + } + if (current_info->bmpx.artist) { + g_free(current_info->bmpx.artist); + current_info->bmpx.artist = 0; + } + if (current_info->bmpx.album) { + g_free(current_info->bmpx.album); + current_info->bmpx.album = 0; + } + current_info->bmpx.title = unknown; + current_info->bmpx.artist = unknown; + current_info->bmpx.album = unknown; + current_info->bmpx.bitrate = 0; + current_info->bmpx.track = 0; } -#define BMPX_PRINT_GENERATOR(name, fmt) \ -void print_bmpx_##name(struct text_object *obj, char *p, int p_max_size) \ -{ \ - (void)obj; \ - snprintf(p, p_max_size, fmt, info.bmpx.name); \ -} +#define BMPX_PRINT_GENERATOR(name, fmt) \ + void print_bmpx_##name(struct text_object *obj, char *p, int p_max_size) { \ + (void)obj; \ + snprintf(p, p_max_size, fmt, info.bmpx.name); \ + } BMPX_PRINT_GENERATOR(title, "%s") BMPX_PRINT_GENERATOR(artist, "%s") @@ -152,4 +149,3 @@ BMPX_PRINT_GENERATOR(track, "%i") BMPX_PRINT_GENERATOR(bitrate, "%i") #undef BMPX_PRINT_GENERATOR - diff --git a/src/bmpx.h b/src/bmpx.h index 6891557b..b40b3011 100644 --- a/src/bmpx.h +++ b/src/bmpx.h @@ -1,11 +1,10 @@ -/* -*- mode: c; c-basic-offset: 4; tab-width: 4; indent-tabs-mode: t -*- - * vim: ts=4 sw=4 noet ai cindent syntax=c +/* * * Conky, a system monitor, based on torsmo * * Please see COPYING for details * - * Copyright (c) 2005-2012 Brenden Matthews, Philip Kovacs, et. al. + * Copyright (c) 2005-2018 Brenden Matthews, Philip Kovacs, et. al. * (see AUTHORS) * All rights reserved. * @@ -28,12 +27,12 @@ void update_bmpx(void); struct bmpx_s { - char *title; - char *artist; - char *album; - char *uri; - int bitrate; - int track; + char *title; + char *artist; + char *album; + char *uri; + int bitrate; + int track; }; void print_bmpx_title(struct text_object *, char *, int); diff --git a/src/bsdapm.cc b/src/bsdapm.cc index 357c4156..74dfee3f 100644 --- a/src/bsdapm.cc +++ b/src/bsdapm.cc @@ -1,5 +1,4 @@ -/* -*- mode: c++; c-basic-offset: 4; tab-width: 4; indent-tabs-mode: t -*- - * vim: ts=4 sw=4 noet ai cindent syntax=cpp +/* * * Conky, a system monitor, based on torsmo * @@ -10,7 +9,7 @@ * Please see COPYING for details * * Copyright (c) 2004, Hannu Saransaari and Lauri Hakkarainen - * Copyright (c) 2005-2012 Brenden Matthews, Philip Kovacs, et. al. + * Copyright (c) 2005-2018 Brenden Matthews, Philip Kovacs, et. al. * (see AUTHORS) * All rights reserved. * @@ -27,184 +26,178 @@ * along with this program. If not, see . * */ +#include +#include +#include +#include #include "config.h" #include "conky.h" #include "text_object.h" -#include -#include -#include -#include -#define APMDEV "/dev/apm" -#define APM_UNKNOWN 255 +#define APMDEV "/dev/apm" +#define APM_UNKNOWN 255 #ifndef APM_AC_OFF -# define APM_AC_OFF 0 +#define APM_AC_OFF 0 #endif #ifndef APM_AC_ON -# define APM_AC_ON 1 +#define APM_AC_ON 1 #endif #ifndef APM_BATT_CHARGING -# define APM_BATT_CHARGING 3 +#define APM_BATT_CHARGING 3 #endif -static int apm_getinfo(int fd, apm_info_t aip) -{ +static int apm_getinfo(int fd, apm_info_t aip) { #ifdef __OpenBSD__ - if (ioctl(fd, APM_IOC_GETPOWER, aip) == -1) { + if (ioctl(fd, APM_IOC_GETPOWER, aip) == -1) { #else - if (ioctl(fd, APMIO_GETINFO, aip) == -1) { + if (ioctl(fd, APMIO_GETINFO, aip) == -1) { #endif - return -1; - } + return -1; + } - return 0; + return 0; } -void print_apm_adapter(struct text_object *obj, char *p, int p_max_size) -{ - int fd; - const char *out; +void print_apm_adapter(struct text_object *obj, char *p, int p_max_size) { + int fd; + const char *out; #ifdef __OpenBSD__ - struct apm_power_info a_info; + struct apm_power_info a_info; #else - struct apm_info a_info; + struct apm_info a_info; #endif - (void)obj; + (void)obj; - fd = open(APMDEV, O_RDONLY); - if (fd < 0) { - snprintf(p, p_max_size, "ERR"); - return; - } + fd = open(APMDEV, O_RDONLY); + if (fd < 0) { + snprintf(p, p_max_size, "ERR"); + return; + } - if (apm_getinfo(fd, &a_info) != 0) { - close(fd); - snprintf(p, p_max_size, "ERR"); - return; - } - close(fd); + if (apm_getinfo(fd, &a_info) != 0) { + close(fd); + snprintf(p, p_max_size, "ERR"); + return; + } + close(fd); #ifdef __OpenBSD__ -# define ai_acline ac_state +#define ai_acline ac_state #endif - switch (a_info.ai_acline) { - case APM_AC_OFF: - out = "off-line"; - break; - case APM_AC_ON: + switch (a_info.ai_acline) { + case APM_AC_OFF: + out = "off-line"; + break; + case APM_AC_ON: #ifdef __OpenBSD__ -# define ai_batt_stat battery_state +#define ai_batt_stat battery_state #endif - if (a_info.ai_batt_stat - == APM_BATT_CHARGING) { - out = "charging"; - } else { - out = "on-line"; - } - break; - default: - out = "unknown"; - break; - } - snprintf(p, p_max_size, "%s", out); + if (a_info.ai_batt_stat == APM_BATT_CHARGING) { + out = "charging"; + } else { + out = "on-line"; + } + break; + default: + out = "unknown"; + break; + } + snprintf(p, p_max_size, "%s", out); } -void print_apm_battery_life(struct text_object *obj, char *p, int p_max_size) -{ - int fd; - u_int batt_life; - const char *out; +void print_apm_battery_life(struct text_object *obj, char *p, int p_max_size) { + int fd; + u_int batt_life; + const char *out; #ifdef __OpenBSD__ - struct apm_power_info a_info; + struct apm_power_info a_info; #else - struct apm_info a_info; + struct apm_info a_info; #endif - (void)obj; + (void)obj; - fd = open(APMDEV, O_RDONLY); - if (fd < 0) { - snprintf(p, p_max_size, "ERR"); - return; - } + fd = open(APMDEV, O_RDONLY); + if (fd < 0) { + snprintf(p, p_max_size, "ERR"); + return; + } - if (apm_getinfo(fd, &a_info) != 0) { - close(fd); - snprintf(p, p_max_size, "ERR"); - return; - } - close(fd); + if (apm_getinfo(fd, &a_info) != 0) { + close(fd); + snprintf(p, p_max_size, "ERR"); + return; + } + close(fd); #ifdef __OpenBSD__ -# define ai_batt_life battery_life +#define ai_batt_life battery_life #endif - batt_life = a_info.ai_batt_life; - if (batt_life == APM_UNKNOWN) { - out = "unknown"; - } else if (batt_life <= 100) { - snprintf(p, p_max_size, "%d%%", batt_life); - return; - } else { - out = "ERR"; - } + batt_life = a_info.ai_batt_life; + if (batt_life == APM_UNKNOWN) { + out = "unknown"; + } else if (batt_life <= 100) { + snprintf(p, p_max_size, "%d%%", batt_life); + return; + } else { + out = "ERR"; + } - snprintf(p, p_max_size, "%s", out); + snprintf(p, p_max_size, "%s", out); } -void print_apm_battery_time(struct text_object *obj, char *p, int p_max_size) -{ - int fd; - int batt_time; +void print_apm_battery_time(struct text_object *obj, char *p, int p_max_size) { + int fd; + int batt_time; #ifdef __OpenBSD__ - int h, m; - struct apm_power_info a_info; + int h, m; + struct apm_power_info a_info; #else - int h, m, s; - struct apm_info a_info; + int h, m, s; + struct apm_info a_info; #endif - (void)obj; + (void)obj; - fd = open(APMDEV, O_RDONLY); - if (fd < 0) { - snprintf(p, p_max_size, "ERR"); - return; - } + fd = open(APMDEV, O_RDONLY); + if (fd < 0) { + snprintf(p, p_max_size, "ERR"); + return; + } - if (apm_getinfo(fd, &a_info) != 0) { - close(fd); - snprintf(p, p_max_size, "ERR"); - return; - } - close(fd); + if (apm_getinfo(fd, &a_info) != 0) { + close(fd); + snprintf(p, p_max_size, "ERR"); + return; + } + close(fd); #ifdef __OpenBSD__ -# define ai_batt_time minutes_left +#define ai_batt_time minutes_left #endif - batt_time = a_info.ai_batt_time; - - if (batt_time == -1) { - snprintf(p, p_max_size, "unknown"); - } else + batt_time = a_info.ai_batt_time; + if (batt_time == -1) { + snprintf(p, p_max_size, "unknown"); + } else #ifdef __OpenBSD__ - { - h = batt_time / 60; - m = batt_time % 60; - snprintf(p, p_max_size, "%2d:%02d", h, m); - } + { + h = batt_time / 60; + m = batt_time % 60; + snprintf(p, p_max_size, "%2d:%02d", h, m); + } #else - { - h = batt_time; - s = h % 60; - h /= 60; - m = h % 60; - h /= 60; - snprintf(p, p_max_size, "%2d:%02d:%02d", h, m, s); - } + { + h = batt_time; + s = h % 60; + h /= 60; + m = h % 60; + h /= 60; + snprintf(p, p_max_size, "%2d:%02d:%02d", h, m, s); + } #endif } diff --git a/src/bsdapm.h b/src/bsdapm.h index 3dac2ddb..59061d87 100644 --- a/src/bsdapm.h +++ b/src/bsdapm.h @@ -1,5 +1,4 @@ -/* -*- mode: c; c-basic-offset: 4; tab-width: 4; indent-tabs-mode: t -*- - * vim: ts=4 sw=4 noet ai cindent syntax=c +/* * * Conky, a system monitor, based on torsmo * @@ -10,7 +9,7 @@ * Please see COPYING for details * * Copyright (c) 2004, Hannu Saransaari and Lauri Hakkarainen - * Copyright (c) 2005-2012 Brenden Matthews, Philip Kovacs, et. al. + * Copyright (c) 2005-2018 Brenden Matthews, Philip Kovacs, et. al. * (see AUTHORS) * All rights reserved. * diff --git a/src/c++wrap.cc b/src/c++wrap.cc index fcb2713f..14f9788e 100644 --- a/src/c++wrap.cc +++ b/src/c++wrap.cc @@ -1,5 +1,4 @@ -/* -*- mode: c++; c-basic-offset: 4; tab-width: 4; indent-tabs-mode: t -*- - * vim: ts=4 sw=4 noet ai cindent syntax=cpp +/* * * Conky, a system monitor, based on torsmo * @@ -25,8 +24,8 @@ #include "c++wrap.hh" -#include #include +#include /* force use of POSIX strerror_r instead of non-portable GNU specific */ #ifdef _GNU_SOURCE @@ -42,47 +41,41 @@ #include namespace { - int pipe2_emulate(int pipefd[2], int flags) - { - if(pipe(pipefd) == -1) - return -1; +int pipe2_emulate(int pipefd[2], int flags) { + if (pipe(pipefd) == -1) return -1; - if(flags & O_CLOEXEC) { - // we emulate O_CLOEXEC if the system does not have it - // not very thread-safe, but at least it works + if (flags & O_CLOEXEC) { + // we emulate O_CLOEXEC if the system does not have it + // not very thread-safe, but at least it works - for(int i = 0; i < 2; ++i) { - int r = fcntl(pipefd[i], F_GETFD); - if(r == -1) - return -1; + for (int i = 0; i < 2; ++i) { + int r = fcntl(pipefd[i], F_GETFD); + if (r == -1) return -1; - if(fcntl(pipefd[i], F_SETFD, r | FD_CLOEXEC) == -1) - return -1; - } - } + if (fcntl(pipefd[i], F_SETFD, r | FD_CLOEXEC) == -1) return -1; + } + } - return 0; - } - - int (* const pipe2_ptr)(int[2], int) = &pipe2_emulate; + return 0; } + +int (*const pipe2_ptr)(int[2], int) = &pipe2_emulate; +} // namespace #else - int (* const pipe2_ptr)(int[2], int) = &pipe2; +int (*const pipe2_ptr)(int[2], int) = &pipe2; #endif -std::string strerror_r(int errnum) -{ - static thread_local char buf[100]; - if (strerror_r(errnum, buf, sizeof buf) != 0) - snprintf(buf, sizeof buf, "Unknown error %i", errnum); - return buf; +std::string strerror_r(int errnum) { + static thread_local char buf[100]; + if (strerror_r(errnum, buf, sizeof buf) != 0) + snprintf(buf, sizeof buf, "Unknown error %i", errnum); + return buf; } -std::pair pipe2(int flags) -{ - int fd[2]; - if(pipe2_ptr(fd, flags) == -1) - throw errno_error("pipe2"); - else - return std::pair(fd[0], fd[1]); +std::pair pipe2(int flags) { + int fd[2]; + if (pipe2_ptr(fd, flags) == -1) + throw errno_error("pipe2"); + else + return std::pair(fd[0], fd[1]); } diff --git a/src/c++wrap.hh b/src/c++wrap.hh index fc4c9e76..69abca82 100644 --- a/src/c++wrap.hh +++ b/src/c++wrap.hh @@ -1,5 +1,4 @@ -/* -*- mode: c++; c-basic-offset: 4; tab-width: 4; indent-tabs-mode: t -*- - * vim: ts=4 sw=4 noet ai cindent syntax=cpp +/* * * Conky, a system monitor, based on torsmo * @@ -38,15 +37,14 @@ enum { O_CLOEXEC = 02000000 }; std::string strerror_r(int errnum); std::pair pipe2(int flags); -class errno_error: public std::runtime_error { - typedef std::runtime_error Base; +class errno_error : public std::runtime_error { + typedef std::runtime_error Base; -public: - errno_error(const std::string &prefix, int err_ = errno) - : Base(prefix + ": " + strerror_r(err_)), err(err_) - {} + public: + errno_error(const std::string &prefix, int err_ = errno) + : Base(prefix + ": " + strerror_r(err_)), err(err_) {} - const int err; + const int err; }; #endif /* CPPWRAP_HH */ diff --git a/src/ccurl_thread.cc b/src/ccurl_thread.cc index 02cee57b..8c771568 100644 --- a/src/ccurl_thread.cc +++ b/src/ccurl_thread.cc @@ -1,11 +1,10 @@ -/* -*- mode: c++; c-basic-offset: 4; tab-width: 4; indent-tabs-mode: t -*- - * vim: ts=4 sw=4 noet ai cindent syntax=cpp +/* * * Conky, a system monitor, based on torsmo * * Please see COPYING for details * - * Copyright (c) 2005-2012 Brenden Matthews, Philip Kovacs, et. al. + * Copyright (c) 2005-2018 Brenden Matthews, Philip Kovacs, et. al. * (see AUTHORS) * All rights reserved. * @@ -23,12 +22,12 @@ * */ -#include "conky.h" -#include "logging.h" #include "ccurl_thread.h" -#include "text_object.h" #include #include +#include "conky.h" +#include "logging.h" +#include "text_object.h" #ifdef DEBUG #include @@ -44,178 +43,169 @@ */ namespace priv { - /* callback used by curl for parsing the header data */ - size_t curl_internal::parse_header_cb(void *ptr, size_t size, size_t nmemb, void *data) - { - curl_internal *obj = static_cast(data); - const char *value = static_cast(ptr); - size_t realsize = size * nmemb; +/* callback used by curl for parsing the header data */ +size_t curl_internal::parse_header_cb(void *ptr, size_t size, size_t nmemb, + void *data) { + curl_internal *obj = static_cast(data); + const char *value = static_cast(ptr); + size_t realsize = size * nmemb; - if(realsize > 0 && (value[realsize-1] == '\r' || value[realsize-1] == 0)) - --realsize; + if (realsize > 0 && (value[realsize - 1] == '\r' || value[realsize - 1] == 0)) + --realsize; - if (strncmp(value, "Last-Modified: ", 15) == EQUAL) { - obj->last_modified = std::string(value + 15, realsize - 15); - } else if (strncmp(value,"ETag: ", 6) == EQUAL) { - obj->etag = std::string(value + 6, realsize - 6); - } + if (strncmp(value, "Last-Modified: ", 15) == EQUAL) { + obj->last_modified = std::string(value + 15, realsize - 15); + } else if (strncmp(value, "ETag: ", 6) == EQUAL) { + obj->etag = std::string(value + 6, realsize - 6); + } - return size*nmemb; - } - - /* callback used by curl for writing the received data */ - size_t curl_internal::write_cb(void *ptr, size_t size, size_t nmemb, void *data) - { - curl_internal *obj = static_cast(data); - const char *value = static_cast(ptr); - size_t realsize = size * nmemb; - - obj->data += std::string(value, realsize); - - return realsize; - } - - curl_internal::curl_internal(const std::string &url) - : curl(curl_easy_init()) - { - if(not curl) - throw std::runtime_error("curl_easy_init() failed"); - - curl_easy_setopt(curl, CURLOPT_NOPROGRESS, 1); - curl_easy_setopt(curl, CURLOPT_HEADERDATA, this); - curl_easy_setopt(curl, CURLOPT_HEADERFUNCTION, parse_header_cb); - curl_easy_setopt(curl, CURLOPT_WRITEDATA, this); - curl_easy_setopt(curl, CURLOPT_WRITEFUNCTION, write_cb); - curl_easy_setopt(curl, CURLOPT_URL, url.c_str()); - curl_easy_setopt(curl, CURLOPT_USERAGENT, "conky-curl/1.1"); - curl_easy_setopt(curl, CURLOPT_FOLLOWLOCATION, 1); - curl_easy_setopt(curl, CURLOPT_LOW_SPEED_LIMIT, 1000); - curl_easy_setopt(curl, CURLOPT_LOW_SPEED_TIME, 60); - - // curl's usage of alarm()+longjmp() is a really bad idea for multi-threaded applications - curl_easy_setopt(curl, CURLOPT_NOSIGNAL, 1); - - } - - - /* fetch our datums */ - void curl_internal::do_work() - { - CURLcode res; - struct headers_ { - struct curl_slist *h; - - headers_() : h(NULL) {} - ~headers_() { curl_slist_free_all(h); } - } headers; - - data.clear(); - - if (not last_modified.empty()) { - headers.h = curl_slist_append(headers.h, ("If-Modified-Since: " + last_modified).c_str()); - last_modified.clear(); - } - if (not etag.empty()) { - headers.h = curl_slist_append(headers.h, ("If-None-Match: " + etag).c_str()); - etag.clear(); - } - curl_easy_setopt(curl, CURLOPT_HTTPHEADER, headers.h); - - res = curl_easy_perform(curl); - if (res == CURLE_OK) { - long http_status_code; - - if (curl_easy_getinfo(curl, CURLINFO_RESPONSE_CODE, &http_status_code) == CURLE_OK) { - switch (http_status_code) { - case 200: - process_data(); - break; - case 304: - break; - default: - NORM_ERR("curl: no data from server, got HTTP status %ld", - http_status_code); - break; - } - } else { - NORM_ERR("curl: no HTTP status from server"); - } - } else { - NORM_ERR("curl: could not retrieve data from server"); - } - } + return size * nmemb; } +/* callback used by curl for writing the received data */ +size_t curl_internal::write_cb(void *ptr, size_t size, size_t nmemb, + void *data) { + curl_internal *obj = static_cast(data); + const char *value = static_cast(ptr); + size_t realsize = size * nmemb; + + obj->data += std::string(value, realsize); + + return realsize; +} + +curl_internal::curl_internal(const std::string &url) : curl(curl_easy_init()) { + if (not curl) throw std::runtime_error("curl_easy_init() failed"); + + curl_easy_setopt(curl, CURLOPT_NOPROGRESS, 1); + curl_easy_setopt(curl, CURLOPT_HEADERDATA, this); + curl_easy_setopt(curl, CURLOPT_HEADERFUNCTION, parse_header_cb); + curl_easy_setopt(curl, CURLOPT_WRITEDATA, this); + curl_easy_setopt(curl, CURLOPT_WRITEFUNCTION, write_cb); + curl_easy_setopt(curl, CURLOPT_URL, url.c_str()); + curl_easy_setopt(curl, CURLOPT_USERAGENT, "conky-curl/1.1"); + curl_easy_setopt(curl, CURLOPT_FOLLOWLOCATION, 1); + curl_easy_setopt(curl, CURLOPT_LOW_SPEED_LIMIT, 1000); + curl_easy_setopt(curl, CURLOPT_LOW_SPEED_TIME, 60); + + // curl's usage of alarm()+longjmp() is a really bad idea for multi-threaded + // applications + curl_easy_setopt(curl, CURLOPT_NOSIGNAL, 1); +} + +/* fetch our datums */ +void curl_internal::do_work() { + CURLcode res; + struct headers_ { + struct curl_slist *h; + + headers_() : h(NULL) {} + ~headers_() { curl_slist_free_all(h); } + } headers; + + data.clear(); + + if (not last_modified.empty()) { + headers.h = curl_slist_append( + headers.h, ("If-Modified-Since: " + last_modified).c_str()); + last_modified.clear(); + } + if (not etag.empty()) { + headers.h = + curl_slist_append(headers.h, ("If-None-Match: " + etag).c_str()); + etag.clear(); + } + curl_easy_setopt(curl, CURLOPT_HTTPHEADER, headers.h); + + res = curl_easy_perform(curl); + if (res == CURLE_OK) { + long http_status_code; + + if (curl_easy_getinfo(curl, CURLINFO_RESPONSE_CODE, &http_status_code) == + CURLE_OK) { + switch (http_status_code) { + case 200: + process_data(); + break; + case 304: + break; + default: + NORM_ERR("curl: no data from server, got HTTP status %ld", + http_status_code); + break; + } + } else { + NORM_ERR("curl: no HTTP status from server"); + } + } else { + NORM_ERR("curl: could not retrieve data from server"); + } +} +} // namespace priv + namespace { - class simple_curl_cb: public curl_callback { - typedef curl_callback Base; +class simple_curl_cb : public curl_callback { + typedef curl_callback Base; - protected: - virtual void process_data() - { - std::lock_guard lock(result_mutex); - result = data; - } - - public: - simple_curl_cb(uint32_t period, const std::string &uri) - : Base(period, Tuple(uri)) - {} - }; -} + protected: + virtual void process_data() { + std::lock_guard lock(result_mutex); + result = data; + } + + public: + simple_curl_cb(uint32_t period, const std::string &uri) + : Base(period, Tuple(uri)) {} +}; +} // namespace /* * This is where the $curl section begins. */ struct curl_data { - char uri[128]; - float interval; + char uri[128]; + float interval; }; /* prints result data to text buffer, used by $curl */ -void ccurl_process_info(char *p, int p_max_size, const std::string &uri, int interval) -{ - uint32_t period = std::max(lround(interval/active_update_interval()), 1l); - auto cb = conky::register_cb(period, uri); +void ccurl_process_info(char *p, int p_max_size, const std::string &uri, + int interval) { + uint32_t period = std::max(lround(interval / active_update_interval()), 1l); + auto cb = conky::register_cb(period, uri); - strncpy(p, cb->get_result_copy().c_str(), p_max_size); + strncpy(p, cb->get_result_copy().c_str(), p_max_size); } -void curl_parse_arg(struct text_object *obj, const char *arg) -{ - int argc; - struct curl_data *cd; - float interval = 0; +void curl_parse_arg(struct text_object *obj, const char *arg) { + int argc; + struct curl_data *cd; + float interval = 0; - cd = (struct curl_data*)malloc(sizeof(struct curl_data)); - memset(cd, 0, sizeof(struct curl_data)); + cd = (struct curl_data *)malloc(sizeof(struct curl_data)); + memset(cd, 0, sizeof(struct curl_data)); - argc = sscanf(arg, "%127s %f", cd->uri, &interval); - if (argc < 1) { - free(cd); - NORM_ERR("wrong number of arguments for $curl"); - return; - } - if (argc == 1) - cd->interval = 15*60; - else - cd->interval = interval > 0 ? interval * 60 : active_update_interval(); - obj->data.opaque = cd; + argc = sscanf(arg, "%127s %f", cd->uri, &interval); + if (argc < 1) { + free(cd); + NORM_ERR("wrong number of arguments for $curl"); + return; + } + if (argc == 1) + cd->interval = 15 * 60; + else + cd->interval = interval > 0 ? interval * 60 : active_update_interval(); + obj->data.opaque = cd; } -void curl_print(struct text_object *obj, char *p, int p_max_size) -{ - struct curl_data *cd = (struct curl_data *)obj->data.opaque; +void curl_print(struct text_object *obj, char *p, int p_max_size) { + struct curl_data *cd = (struct curl_data *)obj->data.opaque; - if (!cd || !cd->uri) { - NORM_ERR("error processing Curl data"); - return; - } - ccurl_process_info(p, p_max_size, cd->uri, cd->interval); + if (!cd || !cd->uri) { + NORM_ERR("error processing Curl data"); + return; + } + ccurl_process_info(p, p_max_size, cd->uri, cd->interval); } -void curl_obj_free(struct text_object *obj) -{ - free_and_zero(obj->data.opaque); -} +void curl_obj_free(struct text_object *obj) { free_and_zero(obj->data.opaque); } diff --git a/src/ccurl_thread.h b/src/ccurl_thread.h index 5520168b..f7827717 100644 --- a/src/ccurl_thread.h +++ b/src/ccurl_thread.h @@ -1,11 +1,10 @@ -/* -*- mode: c++; c-basic-offset: 4; tab-width: 4; indent-tabs-mode: t -*- - * vim: ts=4 sw=4 noet ai cindent syntax=cpp +/* * * Conky, a system monitor, based on torsmo * * Please see COPYING for details * - * Copyright (c) 2005-2012 Brenden Matthews, Philip Kovacs, et. al. + * Copyright (c) 2005-2018 Brenden Matthews, Philip Kovacs, et. al. * (see AUTHORS) * All rights reserved. * @@ -31,55 +30,56 @@ #include "update-cb.hh" namespace priv { - // factored out stuff that does not depend on the template parameters - struct curl_internal { - std::string last_modified; - std::string etag; - std::string data; - CURL *curl; +// factored out stuff that does not depend on the template parameters +struct curl_internal { + std::string last_modified; + std::string etag; + std::string data; + CURL *curl; - static size_t parse_header_cb(void *ptr, size_t size, size_t nmemb, void *data); - static size_t write_cb(void *ptr, size_t size, size_t nmemb, void *data); + static size_t parse_header_cb(void *ptr, size_t size, size_t nmemb, + void *data); + static size_t write_cb(void *ptr, size_t size, size_t nmemb, void *data); - void do_work(); + void do_work(); - // called by do_work() after downloading data from the uri - // it should populate the result variable - virtual void process_data() = 0; + // called by do_work() after downloading data from the uri + // it should populate the result variable + virtual void process_data() = 0; - curl_internal(const std::string &url); - virtual ~curl_internal() { if(curl) curl_easy_cleanup(curl); } - }; -} + curl_internal(const std::string &url); + virtual ~curl_internal() { + if (curl) curl_easy_cleanup(curl); + } +}; +} // namespace priv /* * Curl callback class template * the key is an url */ -template -class curl_callback: public conky::callback, - protected priv::curl_internal { - typedef conky::callback Base1; - typedef priv::curl_internal Base2; +template +class curl_callback : public conky::callback, + protected priv::curl_internal { + typedef conky::callback Base1; + typedef priv::curl_internal Base2; -protected: - virtual void work() - { - DBGP("reading curl data from '%s'", std::get<0>(Base1::tuple).c_str()); - do_work(); - } + protected: + virtual void work() { + DBGP("reading curl data from '%s'", std::get<0>(Base1::tuple).c_str()); + do_work(); + } -public: - curl_callback(uint32_t period, const typename Base1::Tuple &tuple) - : Base1(period, false, tuple), Base2(std::get<0>(tuple)) - {} + public: + curl_callback(uint32_t period, const typename Base1::Tuple &tuple) + : Base1(period, false, tuple), Base2(std::get<0>(tuple)) {} }; - /* $curl exports begin */ /* runs instance of $curl */ -void ccurl_process_info(char *p, int p_max_size, const std::string &uri, int interval); +void ccurl_process_info(char *p, int p_max_size, const std::string &uri, + int interval); void curl_parse_arg(struct text_object *, const char *); void curl_print(struct text_object *, char *, int); @@ -88,4 +88,3 @@ void curl_obj_free(struct text_object *); /* $curl exports end */ #endif /* _CURL_THREAD_H_ */ - diff --git a/src/cmus.cc b/src/cmus.cc index 547efff9..4b6bb849 100644 --- a/src/cmus.cc +++ b/src/cmus.cc @@ -1,5 +1,4 @@ -/* -*- mode: c++; c-basic-offset: 4; tab-width: 4; indent-tabs-mode: t -*- - * vim: ts=4 sw=4 noet ai cindent syntax=cpp +/* * * CMUS Conky integration * @@ -25,134 +24,129 @@ #include "logging.h" #include "text_object.h" +#include #include #include #include #include #include -#include #include "update-cb.hh" namespace { - struct cmus_result { - std::string state; - std::string file; - std::string title; - std::string artist; - std::string album; - std::string totaltime; - std::string curtime; - std::string random; - std::string repeat; - std::string aaa; - std::string track; - std::string genre; - std::string date; - float progress; - float timeleft; - }; +struct cmus_result { + std::string state; + std::string file; + std::string title; + std::string artist; + std::string album; + std::string totaltime; + std::string curtime; + std::string random; + std::string repeat; + std::string aaa; + std::string track; + std::string genre; + std::string date; + float progress; + float timeleft; +}; - class cmus_cb: public conky::callback { - typedef conky::callback Base; +class cmus_cb : public conky::callback { + typedef conky::callback Base; - protected: - virtual void work(); + protected: + virtual void work(); - public: - cmus_cb(uint32_t period) - : Base(period, false, Tuple()) - {} - }; + public: + cmus_cb(uint32_t period) : Base(period, false, Tuple()) {} +}; - void cmus_cb::work() - { - cmus_result cmus; - FILE *fp; +void cmus_cb::work() { + cmus_result cmus; + FILE *fp; - fp = popen("cmus-remote -Q 2>/dev/null", "r"); - if (!fp) { - cmus.state = "Can't run 'cmus-remote -Q'"; - } else { - while (1) { - char line[255]; - char *p; + fp = popen("cmus-remote -Q 2>/dev/null", "r"); + if (!fp) { + cmus.state = "Can't run 'cmus-remote -Q'"; + } else { + while (1) { + char line[255]; + char *p; - /* Read a line from the pipe and strip the possible '\n'. */ - if (!fgets(line, 255, fp)) - break; - if ((p = strrchr(line, '\n'))) - *p = '\0'; + /* Read a line from the pipe and strip the possible '\n'. */ + if (!fgets(line, 255, fp)) break; + if ((p = strrchr(line, '\n'))) *p = '\0'; - /* Parse infos. */ - if (strncmp(line, "status ", 7) == 0) - cmus.state = line + 7; + /* Parse infos. */ + if (strncmp(line, "status ", 7) == 0) + cmus.state = line + 7; - else if (strncmp(line, "file ", 5) == 0) - cmus.file = line + 5; + else if (strncmp(line, "file ", 5) == 0) + cmus.file = line + 5; - else if (strncmp(line, "tag artist ", 11) == 0) - cmus.artist = line + 11; + else if (strncmp(line, "tag artist ", 11) == 0) + cmus.artist = line + 11; - else if (strncmp(line, "tag title ", 10) == 0) - cmus.title = line + 10; + else if (strncmp(line, "tag title ", 10) == 0) + cmus.title = line + 10; - else if (strncmp(line, "tag album ", 10) == 0) - cmus.album = line + 10; + else if (strncmp(line, "tag album ", 10) == 0) + cmus.album = line + 10; - else if (strncmp(line, "duration ", 9) == 0) - cmus.totaltime = line + 9; + else if (strncmp(line, "duration ", 9) == 0) + cmus.totaltime = line + 9; - else if (strncmp(line, "position ", 9) == 0) - { - cmus.curtime = line + 9; - cmus.timeleft = atoi(cmus.totaltime.c_str()) - atoi(cmus.curtime.c_str()); - if (cmus.curtime.size() > 0) - cmus.progress = (float) atoi(cmus.curtime.c_str()) / atoi(cmus.totaltime.c_str()); - else - cmus.progress = 0; - } + else if (strncmp(line, "position ", 9) == 0) { + cmus.curtime = line + 9; + cmus.timeleft = + atoi(cmus.totaltime.c_str()) - atoi(cmus.curtime.c_str()); + if (cmus.curtime.size() > 0) + cmus.progress = + (float)atoi(cmus.curtime.c_str()) / atoi(cmus.totaltime.c_str()); + else + cmus.progress = 0; + } - else if (strncmp(line, "set shuffle ", 12) == 0) - cmus.random = (strncmp(line+12, "true", 4) == 0 ? - "on" : "off" ); + else if (strncmp(line, "set shuffle ", 12) == 0) + cmus.random = (strncmp(line + 12, "true", 4) == 0 ? "on" : "off"); - else if (strncmp(line, "set repeat ", 11) == 0) - cmus.repeat = (strncmp((line+11), "true", 4) == 0 ? - "all" : "off" ); + else if (strncmp(line, "set repeat ", 11) == 0) + cmus.repeat = (strncmp((line + 11), "true", 4) == 0 ? "all" : "off"); - else if (strncmp(line, "set repeat_current ", 19) == 0) - cmus.repeat = (strncmp((line + 19), "true", 4) == 0 ? - "song" : cmus.repeat ); - else if (strncmp(line, "set aaa_mode ", 13) == 0) - cmus.aaa = line + 13; + else if (strncmp(line, "set repeat_current ", 19) == 0) + cmus.repeat = + (strncmp((line + 19), "true", 4) == 0 ? "song" : cmus.repeat); + else if (strncmp(line, "set aaa_mode ", 13) == 0) + cmus.aaa = line + 13; - else if (strncmp(line, "tag tracknumber ", 16) == 0) - cmus.track = line + 16; - else if (strncmp(line, "tag genre ", 10) == 0) - cmus.genre = line + 10; - else if (strncmp(line, "tag date ", 9) == 0) - cmus.date = line + 9; - } - } + else if (strncmp(line, "tag tracknumber ", 16) == 0) + cmus.track = line + 16; + else if (strncmp(line, "tag genre ", 10) == 0) + cmus.genre = line + 10; + else if (strncmp(line, "tag date ", 9) == 0) + cmus.date = line + 9; + } + } - pclose(fp); + pclose(fp); - std::lock_guard l(result_mutex); - result = cmus; - } + std::lock_guard l(result_mutex); + result = cmus; } +} // namespace -#define CMUS_PRINT_GENERATOR(type, alt) \ -void print_cmus_##type(struct text_object *obj, char *p, int p_max_size) \ -{ \ - (void)obj; \ - uint32_t period = std::max( \ - lround(music_player_interval.get(*state)/active_update_interval()), 1l \ - ); \ - const cmus_result &cmus = conky::register_cb(period)->get_result_copy(); \ - snprintf(p, p_max_size, "%s", (cmus.type.length() ? cmus.type.c_str() : alt)); \ -} +#define CMUS_PRINT_GENERATOR(type, alt) \ + void print_cmus_##type(struct text_object *obj, char *p, int p_max_size) { \ + (void)obj; \ + uint32_t period = std::max( \ + lround(music_player_interval.get(*state) / active_update_interval()), \ + 1l); \ + const cmus_result &cmus = \ + conky::register_cb(period)->get_result_copy(); \ + snprintf(p, p_max_size, "%s", \ + (cmus.type.length() ? cmus.type.c_str() : alt)); \ + } CMUS_PRINT_GENERATOR(state, "Off") CMUS_PRINT_GENERATOR(file, "no file") @@ -166,50 +160,50 @@ CMUS_PRINT_GENERATOR(track, "no track") CMUS_PRINT_GENERATOR(genre, "") CMUS_PRINT_GENERATOR(date, "") -uint8_t cmus_percent(struct text_object *obj) -{ - (void)obj; - uint32_t period = std::max( - lround(music_player_interval.get(*state)/active_update_interval()), 1l); - const cmus_result &cmus = conky::register_cb(period)->get_result_copy(); - return (uint8_t) round(cmus.progress * 100.0f); +uint8_t cmus_percent(struct text_object *obj) { + (void)obj; + uint32_t period = std::max( + lround(music_player_interval.get(*state) / active_update_interval()), 1l); + const cmus_result &cmus = + conky::register_cb(period)->get_result_copy(); + return (uint8_t)round(cmus.progress * 100.0f); } -double cmus_progress(struct text_object *obj) -{ - (void)obj; - uint32_t period = std::max( - lround(music_player_interval.get(*state)/active_update_interval()), 1l); - const cmus_result &cmus = conky::register_cb(period)->get_result_copy(); - return (double) cmus.progress; +double cmus_progress(struct text_object *obj) { + (void)obj; + uint32_t period = std::max( + lround(music_player_interval.get(*state) / active_update_interval()), 1l); + const cmus_result &cmus = + conky::register_cb(period)->get_result_copy(); + return (double)cmus.progress; } -void print_cmus_totaltime(struct text_object *obj, char *p, int p_max_size) -{ - (void)obj; - uint32_t period = std::max( - lround(music_player_interval.get(*state)/active_update_interval()), 1l); - const cmus_result &cmus = conky::register_cb(period)->get_result_copy(); - format_seconds_short(p, p_max_size, atol(cmus.totaltime.c_str())); +void print_cmus_totaltime(struct text_object *obj, char *p, int p_max_size) { + (void)obj; + uint32_t period = std::max( + lround(music_player_interval.get(*state) / active_update_interval()), 1l); + const cmus_result &cmus = + conky::register_cb(period)->get_result_copy(); + format_seconds_short(p, p_max_size, atol(cmus.totaltime.c_str())); } -void print_cmus_timeleft(struct text_object *obj, char *p, int p_max_size) -{ - (void)obj; - uint32_t period = std::max( - lround(music_player_interval.get(*state)/active_update_interval()), 1l); - const cmus_result &cmus = conky::register_cb(period)->get_result_copy(); - //format_seconds_short(p, p_max_size, atol(cmus.timeleft.c_str())); - format_seconds_short(p, p_max_size, (long)cmus.timeleft); +void print_cmus_timeleft(struct text_object *obj, char *p, int p_max_size) { + (void)obj; + uint32_t period = std::max( + lround(music_player_interval.get(*state) / active_update_interval()), 1l); + const cmus_result &cmus = + conky::register_cb(period)->get_result_copy(); + // format_seconds_short(p, p_max_size, atol(cmus.timeleft.c_str())); + format_seconds_short(p, p_max_size, (long)cmus.timeleft); } -void print_cmus_curtime(struct text_object *obj, char *p, int p_max_size) -{ - (void)obj; - uint32_t period = std::max( - lround(music_player_interval.get(*state)/active_update_interval()), 1l); - const cmus_result &cmus = conky::register_cb(period)->get_result_copy(); - format_seconds_short(p, p_max_size, atol(cmus.curtime.c_str())); +void print_cmus_curtime(struct text_object *obj, char *p, int p_max_size) { + (void)obj; + uint32_t period = std::max( + lround(music_player_interval.get(*state) / active_update_interval()), 1l); + const cmus_result &cmus = + conky::register_cb(period)->get_result_copy(); + format_seconds_short(p, p_max_size, atol(cmus.curtime.c_str())); } #undef CMUS_PRINT_GENERATOR diff --git a/src/cmus.h b/src/cmus.h index 7c518f99..5dfa0470 100644 --- a/src/cmus.h +++ b/src/cmus.h @@ -1,5 +1,4 @@ -/* -*- mode: c++; c-basic-offset: 4; tab-width: 4; indent-tabs-mode: t -*- - * vim: ts=4 sw=4 noet ai cindent syntax=cpp +/* * * CMUS Conky integration * @@ -43,4 +42,3 @@ double cmus_progress(struct text_object *obj); uint8_t cmus_percent(struct text_object *obj); #endif /* CMUS_H_ */ - diff --git a/src/colours.cc b/src/colours.cc index 7fcab034..a8fa4e22 100644 --- a/src/colours.cc +++ b/src/colours.cc @@ -1,5 +1,4 @@ -/* -*- mode: c++; c-basic-offset: 4; tab-width: 4; indent-tabs-mode: t -*- - * vim: ts=4 sw=4 noet ai cindent syntax=cpp +/* * * Conky, a system monitor, based on torsmo * @@ -10,7 +9,7 @@ * Please see COPYING for details * * Copyright (c) 2004, Hannu Saransaari and Lauri Hakkarainen - * Copyright (c) 2005-2012 Brenden Matthews, Philip Kovacs, et. al. + * Copyright (c) 2005-2018 Brenden Matthews, Philip Kovacs, et. al. * (see AUTHORS) * All rights reserved. * @@ -40,156 +39,156 @@ static short colour_depth = 0; static long redmask, greenmask, bluemask; -static void set_up_gradient(void) -{ - int i; +static void set_up_gradient(void) { + int i; #ifdef BUILD_X11 - if (out_to_x.get(*state)) { - colour_depth = DisplayPlanes(display, screen); - } else + if (out_to_x.get(*state)) { + colour_depth = DisplayPlanes(display, screen); + } else #endif /* BUILD_X11 */ - { - colour_depth = 16; - } - if (colour_depth != 24 && colour_depth != 16) { - NORM_ERR("using non-standard colour depth, gradients may look like a " - "lolly-pop"); - } + { + colour_depth = 16; + } + if (colour_depth != 24 && colour_depth != 16) { + NORM_ERR( + "using non-standard colour depth, gradients may look like a " + "lolly-pop"); + } - redmask = 0; - greenmask = 0; - bluemask = 0; - for (i = (colour_depth / 3) - 1; i >= 0; i--) { - redmask |= 1 << i; - greenmask |= 1 << i; - bluemask |= 1 << i; - } - if (colour_depth % 3 == 1) { - greenmask |= 1 << (colour_depth / 3); - } - redmask = redmask << (2 * colour_depth / 3 + colour_depth % 3); - greenmask = greenmask << (colour_depth / 3); + redmask = 0; + greenmask = 0; + bluemask = 0; + for (i = (colour_depth / 3) - 1; i >= 0; i--) { + redmask |= 1 << i; + greenmask |= 1 << i; + bluemask |= 1 << i; + } + if (colour_depth % 3 == 1) { + greenmask |= 1 << (colour_depth / 3); + } + redmask = redmask << (2 * colour_depth / 3 + colour_depth % 3); + greenmask = greenmask << (colour_depth / 3); } /* adjust colour values depending on colour depth */ -unsigned int adjust_colours(unsigned int colour) -{ - double r, g, b; +unsigned int adjust_colours(unsigned int colour) { + double r, g, b; - if (colour_depth == 0) { - set_up_gradient(); - } - if (colour_depth == 16) { - r = (colour & 0xff0000) >> 16; - g = (colour & 0xff00) >> 8; - b = colour & 0xff; - colour = (int) (r * CONST_8_TO_5_BITS) << 11; - colour |= (int) (g * CONST_8_TO_6_BITS) << 5; - colour |= (int) (b * CONST_8_TO_5_BITS); - } - return colour; + if (colour_depth == 0) { + set_up_gradient(); + } + if (colour_depth == 16) { + r = (colour & 0xff0000) >> 16; + g = (colour & 0xff00) >> 8; + b = colour & 0xff; + colour = (int)(r * CONST_8_TO_5_BITS) << 11; + colour |= (int)(g * CONST_8_TO_6_BITS) << 5; + colour |= (int)(b * CONST_8_TO_5_BITS); + } + return colour; } /* this function returns the next colour between two colours for a gradient */ -unsigned long *do_gradient(int width, unsigned long first_colour, unsigned long last_colour) -{ - int red1, green1, blue1; // first colour - int red2, green2, blue2; // last colour - int reddiff, greendiff, bluediff; // difference - short redshift = (2 * colour_depth / 3 + colour_depth % 3); - short greenshift = (colour_depth / 3); - unsigned long *colours = (unsigned long*)malloc(width * sizeof(unsigned long)); - int i; +unsigned long *do_gradient(int width, unsigned long first_colour, + unsigned long last_colour) { + int red1, green1, blue1; // first colour + int red2, green2, blue2; // last colour + int reddiff, greendiff, bluediff; // difference + short redshift = (2 * colour_depth / 3 + colour_depth % 3); + short greenshift = (colour_depth / 3); + unsigned long *colours = + (unsigned long *)malloc(width * sizeof(unsigned long)); + int i; - if (colour_depth == 0) { - set_up_gradient(); - } - red1 = (first_colour & redmask) >> redshift; - green1 = (first_colour & greenmask) >> greenshift; - blue1 = first_colour & bluemask; - red2 = (last_colour & redmask) >> redshift; - green2 = (last_colour & greenmask) >> greenshift; - blue2 = last_colour & bluemask; - reddiff = abs(red1 - red2); - greendiff = abs(green1 - green2); - bluediff = abs(blue1 - blue2); + if (colour_depth == 0) { + set_up_gradient(); + } + red1 = (first_colour & redmask) >> redshift; + green1 = (first_colour & greenmask) >> greenshift; + blue1 = first_colour & bluemask; + red2 = (last_colour & redmask) >> redshift; + green2 = (last_colour & greenmask) >> greenshift; + blue2 = last_colour & bluemask; + reddiff = abs(red1 - red2); + greendiff = abs(green1 - green2); + bluediff = abs(blue1 - blue2); #ifdef HAVE_OPENMP -#pragma omp parallel for schedule(dynamic,10) shared(colours) +#pragma omp parallel for schedule(dynamic, 10) shared(colours) #endif /* HAVE_OPENMP */ - for (i = 0; i < width; i++) { - int red3 = 0, green3 = 0, blue3 = 0; // colour components + for (i = 0; i < width; i++) { + int red3 = 0, green3 = 0, blue3 = 0; // colour components - float factor = ((float) i / (width - 1)); + float factor = ((float)i / (width - 1)); - /* the '+ 0.5' bit rounds our floats to ints properly */ - if (red1 >= red2) { - red3 = -(factor * reddiff) - 0.5; - } else if (red1 < red2) { - red3 = factor * reddiff + 0.5; - } - if (green1 >= green2) { - green3 = -(factor * greendiff) - 0.5; - } else if (green1 < green2) { - green3 = factor * greendiff + 0.5; - } - if (blue1 >= blue2) { - blue3 = -(factor * bluediff) - 0.5; - } else if (blue1 < blue2) { - blue3 = factor * bluediff + 0.5; - } - red3 += red1; - green3 += green1; - blue3 += blue1; - if (red3 < 0) { - red3 = 0; - } - if (green3 < 0) { - green3 = 0; - } - if (blue3 < 0) { - blue3 = 0; - } - if (red3 > bluemask) { - red3 = bluemask; - } - if (green3 > bluemask) { - green3 = bluemask; - } - if (blue3 > bluemask) { - blue3 = bluemask; - } - colours[i] = (red3 << redshift) | (green3 << greenshift) | blue3; - } - return colours; + /* the '+ 0.5' bit rounds our floats to ints properly */ + if (red1 >= red2) { + red3 = -(factor * reddiff) - 0.5; + } else if (red1 < red2) { + red3 = factor * reddiff + 0.5; + } + if (green1 >= green2) { + green3 = -(factor * greendiff) - 0.5; + } else if (green1 < green2) { + green3 = factor * greendiff + 0.5; + } + if (blue1 >= blue2) { + blue3 = -(factor * bluediff) - 0.5; + } else if (blue1 < blue2) { + blue3 = factor * bluediff + 0.5; + } + red3 += red1; + green3 += green1; + blue3 += blue1; + if (red3 < 0) { + red3 = 0; + } + if (green3 < 0) { + green3 = 0; + } + if (blue3 < 0) { + blue3 = 0; + } + if (red3 > bluemask) { + red3 = bluemask; + } + if (green3 > bluemask) { + green3 = bluemask; + } + if (blue3 > bluemask) { + blue3 = bluemask; + } + colours[i] = (red3 << redshift) | (green3 << greenshift) | blue3; + } + return colours; } #ifdef BUILD_X11 -long get_x11_color(const char *name) -{ - XColor color; +long get_x11_color(const char *name) { + XColor color; - color.pixel = 0; - if (!XParseColor(display, DefaultColormap(display, screen), name, &color)) { - /* lets check if it's a hex colour with the # missing in front - * if yes, then do something about it */ - char newname[DEFAULT_TEXT_BUFFER_SIZE]; + color.pixel = 0; + if (!XParseColor(display, DefaultColormap(display, screen), name, &color)) { + /* lets check if it's a hex colour with the # missing in front + * if yes, then do something about it */ + char newname[DEFAULT_TEXT_BUFFER_SIZE]; - newname[0] = '#'; - strncpy(&newname[1], name, DEFAULT_TEXT_BUFFER_SIZE - 1); - /* now lets try again */ - if (!XParseColor(display, DefaultColormap(display, screen), &newname[0], - &color)) { - NORM_ERR("can't parse X color '%s'", name); - return 0xFF00FF; - } - } - if (!XAllocColor(display, DefaultColormap(display, screen), &color)) { - NORM_ERR("can't allocate X color '%s'", name); - } + newname[0] = '#'; + strncpy(&newname[1], name, DEFAULT_TEXT_BUFFER_SIZE - 1); + /* now lets try again */ + if (!XParseColor(display, DefaultColormap(display, screen), &newname[0], + &color)) { + NORM_ERR("can't parse X color '%s'", name); + return 0xFF00FF; + } + } + if (!XAllocColor(display, DefaultColormap(display, screen), &color)) { + NORM_ERR("can't allocate X color '%s'", name); + } - return (long) color.pixel; + return (long)color.pixel; } -long get_x11_color(const std::string &colour) -{ return get_x11_color(colour.c_str()); } +long get_x11_color(const std::string &colour) { + return get_x11_color(colour.c_str()); +} #endif diff --git a/src/colours.h b/src/colours.h index 1ebefff1..ec34d775 100644 --- a/src/colours.h +++ b/src/colours.h @@ -1,5 +1,4 @@ -/* -*- mode: c++; c-basic-offset: 4; tab-width: 4; indent-tabs-mode: t -*- - * vim: ts=4 sw=4 noet ai cindent syntax=cpp +/* * * Conky, a system monitor, based on torsmo * @@ -10,7 +9,7 @@ * Please see COPYING for details * * Copyright (c) 2004, Hannu Saransaari and Lauri Hakkarainen - * Copyright (c) 2005-2012 Brenden Matthews, Philip Kovacs, et. al. + * Copyright (c) 2005-2018 Brenden Matthews, Philip Kovacs, et. al. * (see AUTHORS) * All rights reserved. * @@ -30,6 +29,8 @@ #ifndef _COLOURS_H #define _COLOURS_H +#include + unsigned int adjust_colours(unsigned int); unsigned long *do_gradient(int, unsigned long, unsigned long); diff --git a/src/combine.cc b/src/combine.cc index dad2e5df..9edff96d 100644 --- a/src/combine.cc +++ b/src/combine.cc @@ -1,5 +1,4 @@ -/* -*- mode: c++; c-basic-offset: 4; tab-width: 4; indent-tabs-mode: t -*- - * vim: ts=4 sw=4 noet ai cindent syntax=cpp +/* * * Conky, a system monitor, based on torsmo * @@ -10,7 +9,7 @@ * Please see COPYING for details * * Copyright (c) 2004, Hannu Saransaari and Lauri Hakkarainen - * Copyright (c) 2005-2012 Brenden Matthews, Philip Kovacs, et. al. + * Copyright (c) 2005-2018 Brenden Matthews, Philip Kovacs, et. al. * (see AUTHORS) * All rights reserved. * @@ -35,155 +34,159 @@ #include "text_object.h" struct combine_data { - char *left; - char *seperation; - char *right; + char *left; + char *seperation; + char *right; }; -void parse_combine_arg(struct text_object *obj, const char *arg) -{ - struct combine_data *cd; - unsigned int i,j; - unsigned int indenting = 0; //vars can be used as args for other vars - int startvar[2]; - int endvar[2]; - startvar[0] = endvar[0] = startvar[1] = endvar[1] = -1; - j=0; - for (i=0; arg[i] != 0 && j < 2; i++) { - if(startvar[j] == -1) { - if(arg[i] == '$') { - startvar[j] = i; - } - }else if(endvar[j] == -1) { - if(arg[i] == '{') { - indenting++; - }else if(arg[i] == '}') { - indenting--; - } - if (indenting == 0 && arg[i+1] < 48) { //<48 has 0, $, and the most used chars not used in varnames but not { or } - endvar[j]=i+1; - j++; - } - } - } - if(startvar[0] >= 0 && endvar[0] >= 0 && startvar[1] >= 0 && endvar[1] >= 0) { - cd = (struct combine_data*)malloc(sizeof(struct combine_data)); - memset(cd, 0, sizeof(struct combine_data)); +void parse_combine_arg(struct text_object *obj, const char *arg) { + struct combine_data *cd; + unsigned int i, j; + unsigned int indenting = 0; // vars can be used as args for other vars + int startvar[2]; + int endvar[2]; + startvar[0] = endvar[0] = startvar[1] = endvar[1] = -1; + j = 0; + for (i = 0; arg[i] != 0 && j < 2; i++) { + if (startvar[j] == -1) { + if (arg[i] == '$') { + startvar[j] = i; + } + } else if (endvar[j] == -1) { + if (arg[i] == '{') { + indenting++; + } else if (arg[i] == '}') { + indenting--; + } + if (indenting == 0 && + arg[i + 1] < 48) { //<48 has 0, $, and the most used chars not used + // in varnames but not { or } + endvar[j] = i + 1; + j++; + } + } + } + if (startvar[0] >= 0 && endvar[0] >= 0 && startvar[1] >= 0 && + endvar[1] >= 0) { + cd = (struct combine_data *)malloc(sizeof(struct combine_data)); + memset(cd, 0, sizeof(struct combine_data)); - cd->left = (char*)malloc(endvar[0]-startvar[0] + 1); - cd->seperation = (char*)malloc(startvar[1] - endvar[0] + 1); - cd->right= (char*)malloc(endvar[1]-startvar[1] + 1); + cd->left = (char *)malloc(endvar[0] - startvar[0] + 1); + cd->seperation = (char *)malloc(startvar[1] - endvar[0] + 1); + cd->right = (char *)malloc(endvar[1] - startvar[1] + 1); - strncpy(cd->left, arg + startvar[0], endvar[0] - startvar[0]); - cd->left[endvar[0] - startvar[0]] = 0; + strncpy(cd->left, arg + startvar[0], endvar[0] - startvar[0]); + cd->left[endvar[0] - startvar[0]] = 0; - strncpy(cd->seperation, arg + endvar[0], startvar[1] - endvar[0]); - cd->seperation[startvar[1] - endvar[0]] = 0; + strncpy(cd->seperation, arg + endvar[0], startvar[1] - endvar[0]); + cd->seperation[startvar[1] - endvar[0]] = 0; - strncpy(cd->right, arg + startvar[1], endvar[1] - startvar[1]); - cd->right[endvar[1] - startvar[1]] = 0; + strncpy(cd->right, arg + startvar[1], endvar[1] - startvar[1]); + cd->right[endvar[1] - startvar[1]] = 0; - obj->sub = (struct text_object*)malloc(sizeof(struct text_object)); - extract_variable_text_internal(obj->sub, cd->left); - obj->sub->sub = (struct text_object*)malloc(sizeof(struct text_object)); - extract_variable_text_internal(obj->sub->sub, cd->right); - obj->data.opaque = cd; - } else { - throw combine_needs_2_args_error(); - } + obj->sub = (struct text_object *)malloc(sizeof(struct text_object)); + extract_variable_text_internal(obj->sub, cd->left); + obj->sub->sub = (struct text_object *)malloc(sizeof(struct text_object)); + extract_variable_text_internal(obj->sub->sub, cd->right); + obj->data.opaque = cd; + } else { + throw combine_needs_2_args_error(); + } } -void print_combine(struct text_object *obj, char *p, int p_max_size) -{ - struct combine_data *cd = (struct combine_data *)obj->data.opaque; - std::vector> buf; - buf.resize(2); - buf[0].resize(max_user_text.get(*state)); - buf[1].resize(max_user_text.get(*state)); - int i, j; - long longest=0; - int nextstart; - int nr_rows[2]; - struct llrows { - char* row; - struct llrows* next; - }; - struct llrows *ll_rows[2], *current[2]; - struct text_object * objsub = obj->sub; +void print_combine(struct text_object *obj, char *p, int p_max_size) { + struct combine_data *cd = (struct combine_data *)obj->data.opaque; + std::vector> buf; + buf.resize(2); + buf[0].resize(max_user_text.get(*state)); + buf[1].resize(max_user_text.get(*state)); + int i, j; + long longest = 0; + int nextstart; + int nr_rows[2]; + struct llrows { + char *row; + struct llrows *next; + }; + struct llrows *ll_rows[2], *current[2]; + struct text_object *objsub = obj->sub; - if (!cd || !p_max_size) - return; + if (!cd || !p_max_size) return; - p[0]=0; - for(i=0; i<2; i++) { - nr_rows[i] = 1; - nextstart = 0; - ll_rows[i] = (struct llrows*)malloc(sizeof(struct llrows)); - current[i] = ll_rows[i]; - for(j=0; jsub; - generate_text_internal(&(buf[i][0]), max_user_text.get(*state), *objsub); - for(j=0; buf[i][j] != 0; j++) { - if(buf[i][j] == '\t') buf[i][j] = ' '; - if(buf[i][j] == '\n') buf[i][j] = 0; //the vars inside combine may not have a \n at the end - if(buf[i][j] == 2) { // \002 is used instead of \n to separate lines inside a var - buf[i][j] = 0; - current[i]->row = strdup(&(buf[i][0])+nextstart); - if(i==0 && (long)strlen(current[i]->row) > longest) longest = (long)strlen(current[i]->row); - current[i]->next = (struct llrows*)malloc(sizeof(struct llrows)); - current[i] = current[i]->next; - nextstart = j + 1; - nr_rows[i]++; - } - } - current[i]->row = strdup(&(buf[i][0])+nextstart); - if(i==0 && (long)strlen(current[i]->row) > longest) longest = (long)strlen(current[i]->row); - current[i]->next = NULL; - current[i] = ll_rows[i]; - } - for(j=0; j < (nr_rows[0] > nr_rows[1] ? nr_rows[0] : nr_rows[1] ); j++) { - if(current[0]) { - strcat(p, current[0]->row); - i=strlen(current[0]->row); - }else i = 0; - while(i < longest) { - strcat(p, " "); - i++; - } - if(current[1]) { - strcat(p, cd->seperation); - strcat(p, current[1]->row); - } - strcat(p, "\n"); + p[0] = 0; + for (i = 0; i < 2; i++) { + nr_rows[i] = 1; + nextstart = 0; + ll_rows[i] = (struct llrows *)malloc(sizeof(struct llrows)); + current[i] = ll_rows[i]; + for (j = 0; j < i; j++) objsub = objsub->sub; + generate_text_internal(&(buf[i][0]), max_user_text.get(*state), *objsub); + for (j = 0; buf[i][j] != 0; j++) { + if (buf[i][j] == '\t') buf[i][j] = ' '; + if (buf[i][j] == '\n') + buf[i][j] = 0; // the vars inside combine may not have a \n at the end + if (buf[i][j] == + 2) { // \002 is used instead of \n to separate lines inside a var + buf[i][j] = 0; + current[i]->row = strdup(&(buf[i][0]) + nextstart); + if (i == 0 && (long)strlen(current[i]->row) > longest) + longest = (long)strlen(current[i]->row); + current[i]->next = (struct llrows *)malloc(sizeof(struct llrows)); + current[i] = current[i]->next; + nextstart = j + 1; + nr_rows[i]++; + } + } + current[i]->row = strdup(&(buf[i][0]) + nextstart); + if (i == 0 && (long)strlen(current[i]->row) > longest) + longest = (long)strlen(current[i]->row); + current[i]->next = NULL; + current[i] = ll_rows[i]; + } + for (j = 0; j < (nr_rows[0] > nr_rows[1] ? nr_rows[0] : nr_rows[1]); j++) { + if (current[0]) { + strcat(p, current[0]->row); + i = strlen(current[0]->row); + } else + i = 0; + while (i < longest) { + strcat(p, " "); + i++; + } + if (current[1]) { + strcat(p, cd->seperation); + strcat(p, current[1]->row); + } + strcat(p, "\n"); #ifdef HAVE_OPENMP -#pragma omp parallel for schedule(dynamic,10) +#pragma omp parallel for schedule(dynamic, 10) #endif /* HAVE_OPENMP */ - for(i=0; i<2; i++) if(current[i]) current[i]=current[i]->next; - } + for (i = 0; i < 2; i++) + if (current[i]) current[i] = current[i]->next; + } #ifdef HAVE_OPENMP -#pragma omp parallel for schedule(dynamic,10) +#pragma omp parallel for schedule(dynamic, 10) #endif /* HAVE_OPENMP */ - for(i=0; i<2; i++) { - while(ll_rows[i] != NULL) { - current[i]=ll_rows[i]; - free(current[i]->row); - ll_rows[i]=current[i]->next; - free(current[i]); - } - } + for (i = 0; i < 2; i++) { + while (ll_rows[i] != NULL) { + current[i] = ll_rows[i]; + free(current[i]->row); + ll_rows[i] = current[i]->next; + free(current[i]); + } + } } -void free_combine(struct text_object *obj) -{ - struct combine_data *cd = (struct combine_data *)obj->data.opaque; +void free_combine(struct text_object *obj) { + struct combine_data *cd = (struct combine_data *)obj->data.opaque; - if (!cd) - return; - free(cd->left); - free(cd->seperation); - free(cd->right); - free_text_objects(obj->sub->sub); - free_and_zero(obj->sub->sub); - free_text_objects(obj->sub); - free_and_zero(obj->sub); - free_and_zero(obj->data.opaque); + if (!cd) return; + free(cd->left); + free(cd->seperation); + free(cd->right); + free_text_objects(obj->sub->sub); + free_and_zero(obj->sub->sub); + free_text_objects(obj->sub); + free_and_zero(obj->sub); + free_and_zero(obj->data.opaque); } diff --git a/src/combine.h b/src/combine.h index cacba209..146ec236 100644 --- a/src/combine.h +++ b/src/combine.h @@ -1,5 +1,4 @@ -/* -*- mode: c++; c-basic-offset: 4; tab-width: 4; indent-tabs-mode: t -*- - * vim: ts=4 sw=4 noet ai cindent syntax=cpp +/* * * Conky, a system monitor, based on torsmo * @@ -10,7 +9,7 @@ * Please see COPYING for details * * Copyright (c) 2004, Hannu Saransaari and Lauri Hakkarainen - * Copyright (c) 2005-2012 Brenden Matthews, Philip Kovacs, et. al. + * Copyright (c) 2005-2018 Brenden Matthews, Philip Kovacs, et. al. * (see AUTHORS) * All rights reserved. * diff --git a/src/common.cc b/src/common.cc index 37fddf3e..4f1db15f 100644 --- a/src/common.cc +++ b/src/common.cc @@ -1,5 +1,4 @@ -/* -*- mode: c++; c-basic-offset: 4; tab-width: 4; indent-tabs-mode: t -*- - * vim: ts=4 sw=4 noet ai cindent syntax=cpp +/* * * Conky, a system monitor, based on torsmo * @@ -10,7 +9,7 @@ * Please see COPYING for details * * Copyright (c) 2004, Hannu Saransaari and Lauri Hakkarainen - * Copyright (c) 2005-2012 Brenden Matthews, Philip Kovacs, et. al. + * Copyright (c) 2005-2018 Brenden Matthews, Philip Kovacs, et. al. * (see AUTHORS) * All rights reserved. * @@ -28,6 +27,17 @@ * */ +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include #include "config.h" #include "conky.h" #include "core.h" @@ -38,17 +48,6 @@ #include "temphelper.h" #include "timeinfo.h" #include "top.h" -#include -#include -#include -#include -#include -#include -#include -#include -#include -#include -#include /* check for OS and include appropriate headers */ #if defined(__linux__) @@ -60,7 +59,7 @@ #elif defined(__OpenBSD__) #include "openbsd.h" #elif defined(__APPLE__) && defined(__MACH__) -#include "darwin.h" // strings.h +#include "darwin.h" // strings.h #endif #include "update-cb.hh" @@ -73,352 +72,324 @@ * * if start is "blah", and you call it with count = 1, the result will be "lah" */ -void strfold(char *start, int count) -{ - char *curplace; - for (curplace = start + count; *curplace != 0; curplace++) { - *(curplace - count) = *curplace; - } - *(curplace - count) = 0; +void strfold(char *start, int count) { + char *curplace; + for (curplace = start + count; *curplace != 0; curplace++) { + *(curplace - count) = *curplace; + } + *(curplace - count) = 0; } #ifndef HAVE_STRNDUP // use our own strndup() if it's not available -char *strndup(const char *s, size_t n) -{ - if (strlen(s) > n) { - char *ret = malloc(n + 1); - strncpy(ret, s, n); - ret[n] = 0; - return ret; - } else { - return strdup(s); - } +char *strndup(const char *s, size_t n) { + if (strlen(s) > n) { + char *ret = malloc(n + 1); + strncpy(ret, s, n); + ret[n] = 0; + return ret; + } else { + return strdup(s); + } } #endif /* HAVE_STRNDUP */ -int update_uname(void) -{ - uname(&info.uname_s); +int update_uname(void) { + uname(&info.uname_s); #if defined(__DragonFly__) - { - size_t desc_n; char desc[256]; + { + size_t desc_n; + char desc[256]; - if (sysctlbyname("kern.version", NULL, &desc_n, NULL, 0) == -1 || - sysctlbyname("kern.version", desc, &desc_n, NULL, 0) == -1) - perror("kern.version"); - else { - char *start = desc; - strsep(&start, " "); - strcpy(info.uname_v, strsep(&start, " ")); - } + if (sysctlbyname("kern.version", NULL, &desc_n, NULL, 0) == -1 || + sysctlbyname("kern.version", desc, &desc_n, NULL, 0) == -1) + perror("kern.version"); + else { + char *start = desc; + strsep(&start, " "); + strcpy(info.uname_v, strsep(&start, " ")); + } - if (errno == ENOMEM) printf("desc_n %zu\n", desc_n); - } + if (errno == ENOMEM) printf("desc_n %zu\n", desc_n); + } #endif - return 0; + return 0; } -double get_time(void) -{ - struct timespec tv; +double get_time(void) { + struct timespec tv; #ifdef _POSIX_MONOTONIC_CLOCK - clock_gettime(CLOCK_MONOTONIC, &tv); + clock_gettime(CLOCK_MONOTONIC, &tv); #else - clock_gettime(CLOCK_REALTIME, &tv); + clock_gettime(CLOCK_REALTIME, &tv); #endif - return tv.tv_sec + (tv.tv_nsec * 1e-9); + return tv.tv_sec + (tv.tv_nsec * 1e-9); } /* Converts '~/...' paths to '/home/blah/...'. It's similar to * variable_substitute, except only cheques for $HOME and ~/ in * path. If HOME is unset it uses an empty string for substitution */ -std::string to_real_path(const std::string &source) -{ - const char *homedir = getenv("HOME") ? : ""; - if(source.find("~/") == 0) - return homedir + source.substr(1); - else if(source.find("$HOME/") == 0) - return homedir + source.substr(5); - else - return source; +std::string to_real_path(const std::string &source) { + const char *homedir = getenv("HOME") ?: ""; + if (source.find("~/") == 0) + return homedir + source.substr(1); + else if (source.find("$HOME/") == 0) + return homedir + source.substr(5); + else + return source; } -int open_fifo(const char *file, int *reported) -{ - int fd = 0; +int open_fifo(const char *file, int *reported) { + int fd = 0; - fd = open(file, O_RDONLY | O_NONBLOCK); + fd = open(file, O_RDONLY | O_NONBLOCK); - if (fd == -1) { - if (!reported || *reported == 0) { - NORM_ERR("can't open %s: %s", file, strerror(errno)); - if (reported) { - *reported = 1; - } - } - return -1; - } + if (fd == -1) { + if (!reported || *reported == 0) { + NORM_ERR("can't open %s: %s", file, strerror(errno)); + if (reported) { + *reported = 1; + } + } + return -1; + } - return fd; + return fd; } -FILE *open_file(const char *file, int *reported) -{ - FILE *fp = 0; +FILE *open_file(const char *file, int *reported) { + FILE *fp = 0; - fp = fopen(file, "r"); + fp = fopen(file, "r"); - if (!fp) { - if (!reported || *reported == 0) { - NORM_ERR("can't open %s: %s", file, strerror(errno)); - if (reported) { - *reported = 1; - } - } - return NULL; - } + if (!fp) { + if (!reported || *reported == 0) { + NORM_ERR("can't open %s: %s", file, strerror(errno)); + if (reported) { + *reported = 1; + } + } + return NULL; + } - return fp; + return fp; } -std::string variable_substitute(std::string s) -{ - std::string::size_type pos = 0; - while((pos = s.find('$', pos)) != std::string::npos) { - if(pos + 1 >= s.size()) - break; +std::string variable_substitute(std::string s) { + std::string::size_type pos = 0; + while ((pos = s.find('$', pos)) != std::string::npos) { + if (pos + 1 >= s.size()) break; - if(s[pos+1] == '$') { - s.erase(pos, 1); - ++pos; - } else { - std::string var; - std::string::size_type l = 0; + if (s[pos + 1] == '$') { + s.erase(pos, 1); + ++pos; + } else { + std::string var; + std::string::size_type l = 0; - if(isalpha(s[pos+1])) { - l = 1; - while(pos+l < s.size() && isalnum(s[pos+l])) - ++l; - var = s.substr(pos+1, l-1); - } else if(s[pos+1] == '{') { - l = s.find('}', pos); - if(l == std::string::npos) - break; - l -= pos - 1; - var = s.substr(pos+2, l-3); - } else - ++pos; + if (isalpha(s[pos + 1])) { + l = 1; + while (pos + l < s.size() && isalnum(s[pos + l])) ++l; + var = s.substr(pos + 1, l - 1); + } else if (s[pos + 1] == '{') { + l = s.find('}', pos); + if (l == std::string::npos) break; + l -= pos - 1; + var = s.substr(pos + 2, l - 3); + } else + ++pos; - if(l) { - s.erase(pos, l); - const char *val = getenv(var.c_str()); - if(val) { - s.insert(pos, val); - pos += strlen(val); - } + if (l) { + s.erase(pos, l); + const char *val = getenv(var.c_str()); + if (val) { + s.insert(pos, val); + pos += strlen(val); + } + } + } + } - } - } - } - - return s; + return s; } -void format_seconds(char *buf, unsigned int n, long seconds) -{ - long days; - int hours, minutes; +void format_seconds(char *buf, unsigned int n, long seconds) { + long days; + int hours, minutes; - if (times_in_seconds.get(*state)) { - snprintf(buf, n, "%ld", seconds); - return; - } + if (times_in_seconds.get(*state)) { + snprintf(buf, n, "%ld", seconds); + return; + } - days = seconds / 86400; - seconds %= 86400; - hours = seconds / 3600; - seconds %= 3600; - minutes = seconds / 60; - seconds %= 60; + days = seconds / 86400; + seconds %= 86400; + hours = seconds / 3600; + seconds %= 3600; + minutes = seconds / 60; + seconds %= 60; - if (days > 0) { - snprintf(buf, n, "%ldd %dh %dm", days, hours, minutes); - } else { - snprintf(buf, n, "%dh %dm %lds", hours, minutes, seconds); - } + if (days > 0) { + snprintf(buf, n, "%ldd %dh %dm", days, hours, minutes); + } else { + snprintf(buf, n, "%dh %dm %lds", hours, minutes, seconds); + } } -void format_seconds_short(char *buf, unsigned int n, long seconds) -{ - long days; - int hours, minutes; +void format_seconds_short(char *buf, unsigned int n, long seconds) { + long days; + int hours, minutes; - if (times_in_seconds.get(*state)) { - snprintf(buf, n, "%ld", seconds); - return; - } + if (times_in_seconds.get(*state)) { + snprintf(buf, n, "%ld", seconds); + return; + } - days = seconds / 86400; - seconds %= 86400; - hours = seconds / 3600; - seconds %= 3600; - minutes = seconds / 60; - seconds %= 60; + days = seconds / 86400; + seconds %= 86400; + hours = seconds / 3600; + seconds %= 3600; + minutes = seconds / 60; + seconds %= 60; - if (days > 0) { - snprintf(buf, n, "%ldd %dh", days, hours); - } else if (hours > 0) { - snprintf(buf, n, "%dh %dm", hours, minutes); - } else { - snprintf(buf, n, "%dm %lds", minutes, seconds); - } + if (days > 0) { + snprintf(buf, n, "%ldd %dh", days, hours); + } else if (hours > 0) { + snprintf(buf, n, "%dh %dm", hours, minutes); + } else { + snprintf(buf, n, "%dm %lds", minutes, seconds); + } } conky::simple_config_setting no_buffers("no_buffers", true, true); -void update_stuff(void) -{ - /* clear speeds, addresses and up status in case device was removed and - * doesn't get updated */ +void update_stuff(void) { + /* clear speeds, addresses and up status in case device was removed and + * doesn't get updated */ - #ifdef HAVE_OPENMP - #pragma omp parallel for schedule(dynamic,10) - #endif /* HAVE_OPENMP */ - for (int i = 0; i < MAX_NET_INTERFACES; ++i) { - if (netstats[i].dev) { - netstats[i].up = 0; - netstats[i].recv_speed = 0.0; - netstats[i].trans_speed = 0.0; - netstats[i].addr.sa_data[2] = 0; - netstats[i].addr.sa_data[3] = 0; - netstats[i].addr.sa_data[4] = 0; - netstats[i].addr.sa_data[5] = 0; - } - } +#ifdef HAVE_OPENMP +#pragma omp parallel for schedule(dynamic, 10) +#endif /* HAVE_OPENMP */ + for (int i = 0; i < MAX_NET_INTERFACES; ++i) { + if (netstats[i].dev) { + netstats[i].up = 0; + netstats[i].recv_speed = 0.0; + netstats[i].trans_speed = 0.0; + netstats[i].addr.sa_data[2] = 0; + netstats[i].addr.sa_data[3] = 0; + netstats[i].addr.sa_data[4] = 0; + netstats[i].addr.sa_data[5] = 0; + } + } - /* this is a stub on all platforms except solaris */ - prepare_update(); + /* this is a stub on all platforms except solaris */ + prepare_update(); - /* if you registered a callback with conky::register_cb, this will run it */ - conky::run_all_callbacks(); + /* if you registered a callback with conky::register_cb, this will run it */ + conky::run_all_callbacks(); - /* XXX: move the following into the update_meminfo() functions? */ - if (no_buffers.get(*state)) { - info.mem -= info.bufmem; - info.memeasyfree += info.bufmem; - } + /* XXX: move the following into the update_meminfo() functions? */ + if (no_buffers.get(*state)) { + info.mem -= info.bufmem; + info.memeasyfree += info.bufmem; + } } /* Ohkie to return negative values for temperatures */ -int round_to_int_temp(float f) -{ - if (f >= 0.0) { - return (int) (f + 0.5); - } else { - return (int) (f - 0.5); - } +int round_to_int_temp(float f) { + if (f >= 0.0) { + return (int)(f + 0.5); + } else { + return (int)(f - 0.5); + } } /* Don't return negative values for cpugraph, bar, gauge, percentage. * Causes unreasonable numbers to show */ -unsigned int round_to_int(float f) -{ - if (f >= 0.0) { - return (int) (f + 0.5); - } else { - return 0; - } +unsigned int round_to_int(float f) { + if (f >= 0.0) { + return (int)(f + 0.5); + } else { + return 0; + } } -void scan_loadavg_arg(struct text_object *obj, const char *arg) -{ - obj->data.i = 0; - if (arg && !arg[1] && isdigit(arg[0])) { - obj->data.i = atoi(arg); - if (obj->data.i > 3 || obj->data.i < 1) { - NORM_ERR("loadavg arg needs to be in range (1,3)"); - obj->data.i = 0; - } - } - /* convert to array index (or the default (-1)) */ - obj->data.i--; +void scan_loadavg_arg(struct text_object *obj, const char *arg) { + obj->data.i = 0; + if (arg && !arg[1] && isdigit(arg[0])) { + obj->data.i = atoi(arg); + if (obj->data.i > 3 || obj->data.i < 1) { + NORM_ERR("loadavg arg needs to be in range (1,3)"); + obj->data.i = 0; + } + } + /* convert to array index (or the default (-1)) */ + obj->data.i--; } -void print_loadavg(struct text_object *obj, char *p, int p_max_size) -{ - float *v = info.loadavg; +void print_loadavg(struct text_object *obj, char *p, int p_max_size) { + float *v = info.loadavg; - if (obj->data.i < 0) { - snprintf(p, p_max_size, "%.2f %.2f %.2f", v[0], v[1], v[2]); - } else { - snprintf(p, p_max_size, "%.2f", v[obj->data.i]); - } + if (obj->data.i < 0) { + snprintf(p, p_max_size, "%.2f %.2f %.2f", v[0], v[1], v[2]); + } else { + snprintf(p, p_max_size, "%.2f", v[obj->data.i]); + } } -void scan_no_update(struct text_object *obj, const char *arg) -{ - obj->data.s = (char*) malloc(text_buffer_size.get(*state)); - evaluate(arg, obj->data.s, text_buffer_size.get(*state)); - obj->data.s = (char*) realloc(obj->data.s, strlen(obj->data.s) + 1); +void scan_no_update(struct text_object *obj, const char *arg) { + obj->data.s = (char *)malloc(text_buffer_size.get(*state)); + evaluate(arg, obj->data.s, text_buffer_size.get(*state)); + obj->data.s = (char *)realloc(obj->data.s, strlen(obj->data.s) + 1); } -void free_no_update(struct text_object *obj) { - free(obj->data.s); -} +void free_no_update(struct text_object *obj) { free(obj->data.s); } -void print_no_update(struct text_object *obj, char *p, int p_max_size) -{ - snprintf(p, p_max_size, "%s", obj->data.s); +void print_no_update(struct text_object *obj, char *p, int p_max_size) { + snprintf(p, p_max_size, "%s", obj->data.s); } #ifdef BUILD_X11 -void scan_loadgraph_arg(struct text_object *obj, const char *arg) -{ - char *buf = 0; +void scan_loadgraph_arg(struct text_object *obj, const char *arg) { + char *buf = 0; - buf = scan_graph(obj, arg, 0); - free_and_zero(buf); + buf = scan_graph(obj, arg, 0); + free_and_zero(buf); } -double loadgraphval(struct text_object *obj) -{ - (void)obj; +double loadgraphval(struct text_object *obj) { + (void)obj; - return info.loadavg[0]; + return info.loadavg[0]; } #endif /* BUILD_X11 */ -uint8_t cpu_percentage(struct text_object *obj) -{ - if (obj->data.i > info.cpu_count) { - NORM_ERR("obj->data.i %i info.cpu_count %i", - obj->data.i, info.cpu_count); - CRIT_ERR(NULL, NULL, "attempting to use more CPUs than you have!"); - } - if (info.cpu_usage) { - return round_to_int(info.cpu_usage[obj->data.i] * 100.0); - } else { - return 0; - } +uint8_t cpu_percentage(struct text_object *obj) { + if (obj->data.i > info.cpu_count) { + NORM_ERR("obj->data.i %i info.cpu_count %i", obj->data.i, info.cpu_count); + CRIT_ERR(NULL, NULL, "attempting to use more CPUs than you have!"); + } + if (info.cpu_usage) { + return round_to_int(info.cpu_usage[obj->data.i] * 100.0); + } else { + return 0; + } } -double cpu_barval(struct text_object *obj) -{ - if (info.cpu_usage) { - return info.cpu_usage[obj->data.i]; - } else { - return 0.; - } +double cpu_barval(struct text_object *obj) { + if (info.cpu_usage) { + return info.cpu_usage[obj->data.i]; + } else { + return 0.; + } } -#define PRINT_HR_GENERATOR(name) \ -void print_##name(struct text_object *obj, char *p, int p_max_size) \ -{ \ - (void)obj; \ - human_readable(info.name * 1024, p, p_max_size); \ -} +#define PRINT_HR_GENERATOR(name) \ + void print_##name(struct text_object *obj, char *p, int p_max_size) { \ + (void)obj; \ + human_readable(info.name * 1024, p, p_max_size); \ + } PRINT_HR_GENERATOR(mem) PRINT_HR_GENERATOR(memwithbuffers) @@ -430,341 +401,300 @@ PRINT_HR_GENERATOR(swap) PRINT_HR_GENERATOR(swapfree) PRINT_HR_GENERATOR(swapmax) -uint8_t mem_percentage(struct text_object *obj) -{ - (void)obj; +uint8_t mem_percentage(struct text_object *obj) { + (void)obj; - return (info.memmax ? round_to_int(info.mem * 100 / info.memmax) : 0); + return (info.memmax ? round_to_int(info.mem * 100 / info.memmax) : 0); } -double mem_barval(struct text_object *obj) -{ - (void)obj; +double mem_barval(struct text_object *obj) { + (void)obj; - return info.memmax ? ((double)info.mem / info.memmax) : 0; + return info.memmax ? ((double)info.mem / info.memmax) : 0; } -double mem_with_buffers_barval(struct text_object *obj) -{ - (void)obj; +double mem_with_buffers_barval(struct text_object *obj) { + (void)obj; - return info.memmax ? ((double)info.memwithbuffers / info.memmax) : 0; + return info.memmax ? ((double)info.memwithbuffers / info.memmax) : 0; } -uint8_t swap_percentage(struct text_object *obj) -{ - (void)obj; +uint8_t swap_percentage(struct text_object *obj) { + (void)obj; - return (info.swapmax ? round_to_int(info.swap * 100 / info.swapmax) : 0); + return (info.swapmax ? round_to_int(info.swap * 100 / info.swapmax) : 0); } -double swap_barval(struct text_object *obj) -{ - (void)obj; +double swap_barval(struct text_object *obj) { + (void)obj; - return info.swapmax ? ((double)info.swap / info.swapmax) : 0; + return info.swapmax ? ((double)info.swap / info.swapmax) : 0; } -void print_kernel(struct text_object *obj, char *p, int p_max_size) -{ - (void)obj; - snprintf(p, p_max_size, "%s", info.uname_s.release); +void print_kernel(struct text_object *obj, char *p, int p_max_size) { + (void)obj; + snprintf(p, p_max_size, "%s", info.uname_s.release); } -void print_machine(struct text_object *obj, char *p, int p_max_size) -{ - (void)obj; - snprintf(p, p_max_size, "%s", info.uname_s.machine); +void print_machine(struct text_object *obj, char *p, int p_max_size) { + (void)obj; + snprintf(p, p_max_size, "%s", info.uname_s.machine); } -void print_nodename(struct text_object *obj, char *p, int p_max_size) -{ - (void)obj; - snprintf(p, p_max_size, "%s", info.uname_s.nodename); +void print_nodename(struct text_object *obj, char *p, int p_max_size) { + (void)obj; + snprintf(p, p_max_size, "%s", info.uname_s.nodename); } -void print_nodename_short(struct text_object *obj, char *p, int p_max_size) -{ - (void)obj; - snprintf(p, p_max_size, "%s", info.uname_s.nodename); - for(int i=0; p[i] != 0; i++) { - if(p[i] == '.') { - p[i] = 0; - break; - } - } +void print_nodename_short(struct text_object *obj, char *p, int p_max_size) { + (void)obj; + snprintf(p, p_max_size, "%s", info.uname_s.nodename); + for (int i = 0; p[i] != 0; i++) { + if (p[i] == '.') { + p[i] = 0; + break; + } + } } -void print_sysname(struct text_object *obj, char *p, int p_max_size) -{ - (void)obj; - snprintf(p, p_max_size, "%s", info.uname_s.sysname); +void print_sysname(struct text_object *obj, char *p, int p_max_size) { + (void)obj; + snprintf(p, p_max_size, "%s", info.uname_s.sysname); } #if defined(__DragonFly__) -void print_version(struct text_object *obj, char *p, int p_max_size) -{ - (void)obj; - snprintf(p, p_max_size, "%s", info.uname_v); +void print_version(struct text_object *obj, char *p, int p_max_size) { + (void)obj; + snprintf(p, p_max_size, "%s", info.uname_v); } #endif -void print_uptime(struct text_object *obj, char *p, int p_max_size) -{ - (void)obj; - format_seconds(p, p_max_size, (int)info.uptime); +void print_uptime(struct text_object *obj, char *p, int p_max_size) { + (void)obj; + format_seconds(p, p_max_size, (int)info.uptime); } -void print_uptime_short(struct text_object *obj, char *p, int p_max_size) -{ - (void)obj; - format_seconds_short(p, p_max_size, (int)info.uptime); +void print_uptime_short(struct text_object *obj, char *p, int p_max_size) { + (void)obj; + format_seconds_short(p, p_max_size, (int)info.uptime); } -void print_processes(struct text_object *obj, char *p, int p_max_size) -{ - (void)obj; - spaced_print(p, p_max_size, "%hu", 4, info.procs); +void print_processes(struct text_object *obj, char *p, int p_max_size) { + (void)obj; + spaced_print(p, p_max_size, "%hu", 4, info.procs); } -void print_running_processes(struct text_object *obj, char *p, int p_max_size) -{ - (void)obj; - spaced_print(p, p_max_size, "%hu", 4, info.run_procs); +void print_running_processes(struct text_object *obj, char *p, int p_max_size) { + (void)obj; + spaced_print(p, p_max_size, "%hu", 4, info.run_procs); } -void print_running_threads(struct text_object *obj, char *p, int p_max_size) -{ - (void)obj; - spaced_print(p, p_max_size, "%hu", 4, info.run_threads); +void print_running_threads(struct text_object *obj, char *p, int p_max_size) { + (void)obj; + spaced_print(p, p_max_size, "%hu", 4, info.run_threads); } -void print_threads(struct text_object *obj, char *p, int p_max_size) -{ - (void)obj; - spaced_print(p, p_max_size, "%hu", 4, info.threads); +void print_threads(struct text_object *obj, char *p, int p_max_size) { + (void)obj; + spaced_print(p, p_max_size, "%hu", 4, info.threads); } -void print_buffers(struct text_object *obj, char *p, int p_max_size) -{ - (void)obj; - human_readable(info.buffers * 1024, p, p_max_size); +void print_buffers(struct text_object *obj, char *p, int p_max_size) { + (void)obj; + human_readable(info.buffers * 1024, p, p_max_size); } -void print_cached(struct text_object *obj, char *p, int p_max_size) -{ - (void)obj; - human_readable(info.cached * 1024, p, p_max_size); +void print_cached(struct text_object *obj, char *p, int p_max_size) { + (void)obj; + human_readable(info.cached * 1024, p, p_max_size); } -void print_evaluate(struct text_object *obj, char *p, int p_max_size) -{ - std::vector buf(text_buffer_size.get(*state)); - evaluate(obj->data.s, &buf[0], buf.size()); - evaluate(&buf[0], p, p_max_size); +void print_evaluate(struct text_object *obj, char *p, int p_max_size) { + std::vector buf(text_buffer_size.get(*state)); + evaluate(obj->data.s, &buf[0], buf.size()); + evaluate(&buf[0], p, p_max_size); } -int if_empty_iftest(struct text_object *obj) -{ - std::vector buf(max_user_text.get(*state)); - int result = 1; +int if_empty_iftest(struct text_object *obj) { + std::vector buf(max_user_text.get(*state)); + int result = 1; - generate_text_internal(&(buf[0]), max_user_text.get(*state), *obj->sub); + generate_text_internal(&(buf[0]), max_user_text.get(*state), *obj->sub); - if (strlen(&(buf[0])) != 0) { - result = 0; - } - return result; + if (strlen(&(buf[0])) != 0) { + result = 0; + } + return result; } -static int check_contains(char *f, char *s) -{ - int ret = 0; - FILE *where = open_file(f, 0); +static int check_contains(char *f, char *s) { + int ret = 0; + FILE *where = open_file(f, 0); - if (where) { - char buf1[256]; + if (where) { + char buf1[256]; - while (fgets(buf1, 256, where)) { - if (strstr(buf1, s)) { - ret = 1; - break; - } - } - fclose(where); - } else { - NORM_ERR("Could not open the file"); - } - return ret; + while (fgets(buf1, 256, where)) { + if (strstr(buf1, s)) { + ret = 1; + break; + } + } + fclose(where); + } else { + NORM_ERR("Could not open the file"); + } + return ret; } -int if_existing_iftest(struct text_object *obj) -{ - char *spc; - int result = 0; +int if_existing_iftest(struct text_object *obj) { + char *spc; + int result = 0; - spc = strchr(obj->data.s, ' '); - if(spc != NULL) *spc = 0; - if (access(obj->data.s, F_OK) == 0) { - if(spc == NULL || check_contains(obj->data.s, spc + 1)) result = 1; - } - if(spc != NULL) *spc = ' '; - return result; + spc = strchr(obj->data.s, ' '); + if (spc != NULL) *spc = 0; + if (access(obj->data.s, F_OK) == 0) { + if (spc == NULL || check_contains(obj->data.s, spc + 1)) result = 1; + } + if (spc != NULL) *spc = ' '; + return result; } -int if_running_iftest(struct text_object *obj) -{ +int if_running_iftest(struct text_object *obj) { #ifdef __linux__ - if (!get_process_by_name(obj->data.s)) { + if (!get_process_by_name(obj->data.s)) { #else - if ((obj->data.s) && system(obj->data.s)) { + if ((obj->data.s) && system(obj->data.s)) { #endif - return 0; - } - return 1; + return 0; + } + return 1; } #ifndef __OpenBSD__ -void print_acpitemp(struct text_object *obj, char *p, int p_max_size) -{ - temp_print(p, p_max_size, get_acpi_temperature(obj->data.i), TEMP_CELSIUS); +void print_acpitemp(struct text_object *obj, char *p, int p_max_size) { + temp_print(p, p_max_size, get_acpi_temperature(obj->data.i), TEMP_CELSIUS); } -void free_acpitemp(struct text_object *obj) -{ - close(obj->data.i); -} +void free_acpitemp(struct text_object *obj) { close(obj->data.i); } #endif /* !__OpenBSD__ */ -void print_freq(struct text_object *obj, char *p, int p_max_size) -{ - static int ok = 1; - if (ok) { - ok = get_freq(p, p_max_size, "%.0f", 1, obj->data.i); - } +void print_freq(struct text_object *obj, char *p, int p_max_size) { + static int ok = 1; + if (ok) { + ok = get_freq(p, p_max_size, "%.0f", 1, obj->data.i); + } } -void print_freq_g(struct text_object *obj, char *p, int p_max_size) -{ - static int ok = 1; - if (ok) { +void print_freq_g(struct text_object *obj, char *p, int p_max_size) { + static int ok = 1; + if (ok) { #ifndef __OpenBSD__ - ok = get_freq(p, p_max_size, "%'.2f", 1000, obj->data.i); + ok = get_freq(p, p_max_size, "%'.2f", 1000, obj->data.i); #else - /* OpenBSD has no such flag (SUSv2) */ - ok = get_freq(p, p_max_size, "%.2f", 1000, obj->data.i); + /* OpenBSD has no such flag (SUSv2) */ + ok = get_freq(p, p_max_size, "%.2f", 1000, obj->data.i); #endif /* __OpenBSD */ - } + } } #ifndef __OpenBSD__ -void print_acpifan(struct text_object *obj, char *p, int p_max_size) -{ - (void)obj; - get_acpi_fan(p, p_max_size); +void print_acpifan(struct text_object *obj, char *p, int p_max_size) { + (void)obj; + get_acpi_fan(p, p_max_size); } -void print_acpiacadapter(struct text_object *obj, char *p, int p_max_size) -{ - get_acpi_ac_adapter(p, p_max_size, (const char *)obj->data.opaque); +void print_acpiacadapter(struct text_object *obj, char *p, int p_max_size) { + get_acpi_ac_adapter(p, p_max_size, (const char *)obj->data.opaque); } -void print_battery(struct text_object *obj, char *p, int p_max_size) -{ - get_battery_stuff(p, p_max_size, obj->data.s, BATTERY_STATUS); +void print_battery(struct text_object *obj, char *p, int p_max_size) { + get_battery_stuff(p, p_max_size, obj->data.s, BATTERY_STATUS); } -void print_battery_time(struct text_object *obj, char *p, int p_max_size) -{ - get_battery_stuff(p, p_max_size, obj->data.s, BATTERY_TIME); +void print_battery_time(struct text_object *obj, char *p, int p_max_size) { + get_battery_stuff(p, p_max_size, obj->data.s, BATTERY_TIME); } -uint8_t battery_percentage(struct text_object *obj) -{ - return get_battery_perct(obj->data.s); +uint8_t battery_percentage(struct text_object *obj) { + return get_battery_perct(obj->data.s); } -void print_battery_short(struct text_object *obj, char *p, int p_max_size) -{ - get_battery_short_status(p, p_max_size, obj->data.s); +void print_battery_short(struct text_object *obj, char *p, int p_max_size) { + get_battery_short_status(p, p_max_size, obj->data.s); } #endif /* !__OpenBSD__ */ +void print_blink(struct text_object *obj, char *p, int p_max_size) { + // blinking like this can look a bit ugly if the chars in the font don't have + // the same width + std::vector buf(max_user_text.get(*state)); + static int visible = 1; + static int last_len = 0; + int i; -void print_blink(struct text_object *obj, char *p, int p_max_size) -{ - //blinking like this can look a bit ugly if the chars in the font don't have the same width - std::vector buf(max_user_text.get(*state)); - static int visible = 1; - static int last_len = 0; - int i; + if (visible) { + generate_text_internal(&(buf[0]), max_user_text.get(*state), *obj->sub); + last_len = strlen(&(buf[0])); + } else { + for (i = 0; i < last_len; i++) buf[i] = ' '; + } - if (visible) { - generate_text_internal(&(buf[0]), max_user_text.get(*state), *obj->sub); - last_len = strlen(&(buf[0])); - } else { - for (i = 0; i < last_len; i++) - buf[i] = ' '; - } - - snprintf(p, p_max_size, "%s", &(buf[0])); - visible = !visible; + snprintf(p, p_max_size, "%s", &(buf[0])); + visible = !visible; } -void print_include(struct text_object *obj, char *p, int p_max_size) -{ - std::vector buf(max_user_text.get(*state)); +void print_include(struct text_object *obj, char *p, int p_max_size) { + std::vector buf(max_user_text.get(*state)); - if (!obj->sub) - return; + if (!obj->sub) return; - generate_text_internal(&(buf[0]), max_user_text.get(*state), *obj->sub); - snprintf(p, p_max_size, "%s", &(buf[0])); + generate_text_internal(&(buf[0]), max_user_text.get(*state), *obj->sub); + snprintf(p, p_max_size, "%s", &(buf[0])); } #ifdef BUILD_CURL -void print_stock(struct text_object *obj, char *p, int p_max_size) -{ - if( ! obj->data.s) { - p[0] = 0; - return; - } - ccurl_process_info(p, p_max_size, obj->data.s, 1); +void print_stock(struct text_object *obj, char *p, int p_max_size) { + if (!obj->data.s) { + p[0] = 0; + return; + } + ccurl_process_info(p, p_max_size, obj->data.s, 1); } -void free_stock(struct text_object *obj) -{ - free(obj->data.s); -} +void free_stock(struct text_object *obj) { free(obj->data.s); } #endif /* BUILD_CURL */ -void print_to_bytes(struct text_object *obj, char *p, int p_max_size) -{ - std::vector buf(max_user_text.get(*state)); - long double bytes; - char unit[16]; // 16 because we can also have long names (like mega-bytes) +void print_to_bytes(struct text_object *obj, char *p, int p_max_size) { + std::vector buf(max_user_text.get(*state)); + long double bytes; + char unit[16]; // 16 because we can also have long names (like mega-bytes) - generate_text_internal(&(buf[0]), max_user_text.get(*state), *obj->sub); - if(sscanf(&(buf[0]), "%Lf%s", &bytes, unit) == 2 && strlen(unit) < 16){ - if(strncasecmp("b", unit, 1) == 0) snprintf(&(buf[0]), max_user_text.get(*state), "%Lf", bytes); - else if(strncasecmp("k", unit, 1) == 0) snprintf(&(buf[0]), max_user_text.get(*state), "%Lf", bytes * 1024); - else if(strncasecmp("m", unit, 1) == 0) snprintf(&(buf[0]), max_user_text.get(*state), "%Lf", bytes * 1024 * 1024); - else if(strncasecmp("g", unit, 1) == 0) snprintf(&(buf[0]), max_user_text.get(*state), "%Lf", bytes * 1024 * 1024 * 1024); - else if(strncasecmp("t", unit, 1) == 0) snprintf(&(buf[0]), max_user_text.get(*state), "%Lf", bytes * 1024 * 1024 * 1024 * 1024); - } - snprintf(p, p_max_size, "%s", &(buf[0])); + generate_text_internal(&(buf[0]), max_user_text.get(*state), *obj->sub); + if (sscanf(&(buf[0]), "%Lf%s", &bytes, unit) == 2 && strlen(unit) < 16) { + if (strncasecmp("b", unit, 1) == 0) + snprintf(&(buf[0]), max_user_text.get(*state), "%Lf", bytes); + else if (strncasecmp("k", unit, 1) == 0) + snprintf(&(buf[0]), max_user_text.get(*state), "%Lf", bytes * 1024); + else if (strncasecmp("m", unit, 1) == 0) + snprintf(&(buf[0]), max_user_text.get(*state), "%Lf", + bytes * 1024 * 1024); + else if (strncasecmp("g", unit, 1) == 0) + snprintf(&(buf[0]), max_user_text.get(*state), "%Lf", + bytes * 1024 * 1024 * 1024); + else if (strncasecmp("t", unit, 1) == 0) + snprintf(&(buf[0]), max_user_text.get(*state), "%Lf", + bytes * 1024 * 1024 * 1024 * 1024); + } + snprintf(p, p_max_size, "%s", &(buf[0])); } - -void print_updates(struct text_object *obj, char *p, int p_max_size) -{ - (void)obj; - snprintf(p, p_max_size, "%d", get_total_updates()); +void print_updates(struct text_object *obj, char *p, int p_max_size) { + (void)obj; + snprintf(p, p_max_size, "%d", get_total_updates()); } -int updatenr_iftest(struct text_object *obj) -{ - if (get_total_updates() % get_updatereset() != obj->data.i - 1) - return 0; - return 1; +int updatenr_iftest(struct text_object *obj) { + if (get_total_updates() % get_updatereset() != obj->data.i - 1) return 0; + return 1; } diff --git a/src/common.h b/src/common.h index 217100f2..3f4f6511 100644 --- a/src/common.h +++ b/src/common.h @@ -1,11 +1,10 @@ -/* -*- mode: c++; c-basic-offset: 4; tab-width: 4; indent-tabs-mode: t -*- - * vim: ts=4 sw=4 noet ai cindent syntax=cpp +/* * * Conky, a system monitor, based on torsmo * * Please see COPYING for details * - * Copyright (c) 2005-2012 Brenden Matthews, Philip Kovacs, et. al. + * Copyright (c) 2005-2018 Brenden Matthews, Philip Kovacs, et. al. * (see AUTHORS) * All rights reserved. * @@ -28,13 +27,13 @@ #include #include -#include #include #include -#include "text_object.h" +#include #include "setting.hh" +#include "text_object.h" -char* readfile(const char* filename, int* total_read, char showerror); +char *readfile(const char *filename, int *total_read, char showerror); void print_to_bytes(struct text_object *, char *, int); @@ -60,7 +59,8 @@ void get_cpu_count(void); double get_time(void); /* Converts '~/...' paths to '/home/blah/...' - * It's similar to variable_substitute, except only cheques for $HOME and ~/ in path */ + * It's similar to variable_substitute, except only cheques for $HOME and ~/ in + * path */ std::string to_real_path(const std::string &source); FILE *open_file(const char *file, int *reported); int open_fifo(const char *file, int *reported); @@ -77,7 +77,8 @@ extern conky::simple_config_setting no_buffers; int open_acpi_temperature(const char *name); double get_acpi_temperature(int fd); -void get_acpi_ac_adapter(char *p_client_buffer, size_t client_buffer_size, const char *adapter); +void get_acpi_ac_adapter(char *p_client_buffer, size_t client_buffer_size, + const char *adapter); void get_acpi_fan(char *, size_t); void get_battery_stuff(char *buf, unsigned int n, const char *bat, int item); int get_battery_perct(const char *bat); @@ -123,7 +124,6 @@ void print_sysname(struct text_object *, char *, int); void print_version(struct text_object *obj, char *p, int p_max_size); #endif - void print_uptime(struct text_object *, char *, int); void print_uptime_short(struct text_object *, char *, int); diff --git a/src/conky.cc b/src/conky.cc index 9b2c55ca..2e3d6df8 100644 --- a/src/conky.cc +++ b/src/conky.cc @@ -1,5 +1,4 @@ -/* -*- mode: c++; c-basic-offset: 4; tab-width: 4; indent-tabs-mode: t -*- - * vim: ts=4 sw=4 noet ai cindent syntax=cpp +/* * * Conky, a system monitor, based on torsmo * @@ -10,7 +9,7 @@ * Please see COPYING for details * * Copyright (c) 2004, Hannu Saransaari and Lauri Hakkarainen - * Copyright (c) 2005-2012 Brenden Matthews, Philip Kovacs, et. al. + * Copyright (c) 2005-2018 Brenden Matthews, Philip Kovacs, et. al. * (see AUTHORS) * All rights reserved. * @@ -28,32 +27,32 @@ * */ -#include "config.h" -#include "text_object.h" #include "conky.h" -#include "common.h" -#include -#include -#include -#include -#include -#include -#include -#include -#include #include #include +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include "common.h" +#include "config.h" +#include "text_object.h" #ifdef HAVE_DIRENT_H #include #endif /* HAVE_DIRENT_H */ -#include #include +#include #ifdef HAVE_SYS_INOTIFY_H #include #endif /* HAVE_SYS_INOTIFY_H */ #ifdef BUILD_X11 -#include "x11.h" #include +#include "x11.h" #ifdef BUILD_XDAMAGE #include #endif @@ -67,12 +66,12 @@ #ifdef BUILD_NCURSES #include #endif -#include -#include -#include -#include #include #include +#include +#include +#include +#include #if defined BUILD_WEATHER_XOAP || defined BUILD_RSS #include #endif @@ -81,9 +80,9 @@ #endif /* local headers */ -#include "core.h" #include "build.h" #include "colours.h" +#include "core.h" #include "diskio.h" #include "exec.h" #ifdef BUILD_X11 @@ -139,7 +138,9 @@ #ifdef BUILD_BUILTIN_CONFIG #include "defconfig.h" -namespace { const char builtin_config_magic[] = "==builtin=="; } +namespace { +const char builtin_config_magic[] = "==builtin=="; +} #endif #ifdef BUILD_OLD_CONFIG @@ -147,7 +148,7 @@ namespace { const char builtin_config_magic[] = "==builtin=="; } #endif #ifndef S_ISSOCK -#define S_ISSOCK(x) ((x & S_IFMT) == S_IFSOCK) +#define S_ISSOCK(x) ((x & S_IFMT) == S_IFSOCK) #endif #define MAX_IF_BLOCK_DEPTH 5 @@ -159,286 +160,287 @@ namespace { const char builtin_config_magic[] = "==builtin=="; } int global_debug_level = 0; /* disable inotify auto reload feature if desired */ -static conky::simple_config_setting disable_auto_reload("disable_auto_reload", false, false); +static conky::simple_config_setting disable_auto_reload( + "disable_auto_reload", false, false); /* two strings for internal use */ static char *tmpstring1, *tmpstring2; #ifdef BUILD_NCURSES -extern WINDOW* ncurses_window; +extern WINDOW *ncurses_window; #endif -enum spacer_state { - NO_SPACER = 0, - LEFT_SPACER, - RIGHT_SPACER -}; -template<> +enum spacer_state { NO_SPACER = 0, LEFT_SPACER, RIGHT_SPACER }; +template <> conky::lua_traits::Map conky::lua_traits::map = { - { "none", NO_SPACER }, - { "left", LEFT_SPACER }, - { "right", RIGHT_SPACER } -}; -static conky::simple_config_setting use_spacer("use_spacer", NO_SPACER, false); + {"none", NO_SPACER}, {"left", LEFT_SPACER}, {"right", RIGHT_SPACER}}; +static conky::simple_config_setting use_spacer("use_spacer", + NO_SPACER, false); /* variables holding various config settings */ -static conky::simple_config_setting short_units("short_units", false, true); -static conky::simple_config_setting format_human_readable("format_human_readable", - true, true); +static conky::simple_config_setting short_units("short_units", false, + true); +static conky::simple_config_setting format_human_readable( + "format_human_readable", true, true); static conky::simple_config_setting out_to_stdout("out_to_console", // Default value is false, unless we are building without X #ifdef BUILD_X11 - false, + false, #else - true, + true, #endif - false); -static conky::simple_config_setting out_to_stderr("out_to_stderr", false, false); - + false); +static conky::simple_config_setting out_to_stderr("out_to_stderr", false, + false); int top_cpu, top_mem, top_time; #ifdef BUILD_IOSTATS int top_io; #endif int top_running; -static conky::simple_config_setting extra_newline("extra_newline", false, false); -static volatile sig_atomic_t g_sigterm_pending, g_sighup_pending,g_sigusr2_pending; +static conky::simple_config_setting extra_newline("extra_newline", false, + false); +static volatile sig_atomic_t g_sigterm_pending, g_sighup_pending, + g_sigusr2_pending; /* Update interval */ -conky::range_config_setting update_interval("update_interval", 0.0, - std::numeric_limits::infinity(), 3.0, true); -conky::range_config_setting update_interval_on_battery("update_interval_on_battery", 0.0, - std::numeric_limits::infinity(), NOBATTERY, true); +conky::range_config_setting update_interval( + "update_interval", 0.0, std::numeric_limits::infinity(), 3.0, true); +conky::range_config_setting update_interval_on_battery( + "update_interval_on_battery", 0.0, std::numeric_limits::infinity(), + NOBATTERY, true); conky::simple_config_setting detect_battery("detect_battery", - std::string("BAT0"), false); + std::string("BAT0"), + false); static bool on_battery = false; -double active_update_interval() -{ return (on_battery?update_interval_on_battery:update_interval).get(*state); } +double active_update_interval() { + return (on_battery ? update_interval_on_battery : update_interval) + .get(*state); +} -void music_player_interval_setting::lua_setter(lua::state &l, bool init) -{ - lua::stack_sentry s(l, -2); +void music_player_interval_setting::lua_setter(lua::state &l, bool init) { + lua::stack_sentry s(l, -2); - if(l.isnil(-2)) { - l.checkstack(1); - l.pushnumber(update_interval.get(l)); - l.replace(-3); - } + if (l.isnil(-2)) { + l.checkstack(1); + l.pushnumber(update_interval.get(l)); + l.replace(-3); + } - Base::lua_setter(l, init); + Base::lua_setter(l, init); - ++s; + ++s; } music_player_interval_setting music_player_interval; void *global_cpu = NULL; -static conky::range_config_setting max_text_width("max_text_width", 0, - std::numeric_limits::max(), 0, true); +static conky::range_config_setting max_text_width( + "max_text_width", 0, std::numeric_limits::max(), 0, true); #if defined(__FreeBSD__) || defined(__FreeBSD_kernel__) extern kvm_t *kd; #endif int argc_copy; -char** argv_copy; +char **argv_copy; /* prototypes for internally used functions */ static void signal_handler(int); static void reload_config(void); -static void print_version(void) -{ - std::cout << _(PACKAGE_NAME" " VERSION" compiled " BUILD_DATE" for " BUILD_ARCH"\n" - "\nCompiled in features:\n\n" - "System config file: " SYSTEM_CONFIG_FILE"\n" - "Package library path: " PACKAGE_LIBDIR"\n\n") - << _("\n General:\n") +static void print_version(void) { + std::cout << _(PACKAGE_NAME " " VERSION " compiled " BUILD_DATE + " for " BUILD_ARCH + "\n" + "\nCompiled in features:\n\n" + "System config file: " SYSTEM_CONFIG_FILE + "\n" + "Package library path: " PACKAGE_LIBDIR "\n\n") + << _("\n General:\n") #ifdef HAVE_OPENMP - << _(" * OpenMP\n") + << _(" * OpenMP\n") #endif /* HAVE_OPENMP */ #ifdef BUILD_MATH - << _(" * math\n") + << _(" * math\n") #endif /* BUILD_MATH */ #ifdef BUILD_HDDTEMP - << _(" * hddtemp\n") + << _(" * hddtemp\n") #endif /* BUILD_HDDTEMP */ #ifdef BUILD_PORT_MONITORS - << _(" * portmon\n") + << _(" * portmon\n") #endif /* BUILD_PORT_MONITORS */ #ifdef BUILD_HTTP - << _(" * HTTP\n") + << _(" * HTTP\n") #endif #ifdef BUILD_IPV6 - << _(" * IPv6\n") + << _(" * IPv6\n") #endif /* BUILD_IPV6 */ #ifdef BUILD_IRC - << _(" * IRC\n") + << _(" * IRC\n") #endif #ifdef BUILD_CURL - << _(" * Curl\n") + << _(" * Curl\n") #endif /* BUILD_CURL */ #ifdef BUILD_RSS - << _(" * RSS\n") + << _(" * RSS\n") #endif /* BUILD_RSS */ #ifdef BUILD_ICAL - << _(" * ICal\n") + << _(" * ICal\n") #endif /* BUILD_ICAL */ #ifdef BUILD_ICONV - << _(" * iconv\n") + << _(" * iconv\n") #endif /* BUILD_ICONV */ #ifdef BUILD_MYSQL - << _(" * MySQL\n") + << _(" * MySQL\n") #endif /* BUILD_MYSQL */ #ifdef BUILD_WEATHER_METAR - << _(" * Weather (METAR)\n") + << _(" * Weather (METAR)\n") #endif /* BUILD_WEATHER_METAR */ #ifdef BUILD_WEATHER_XOAP - << _(" * Weather (XOAP)\n") + << _(" * Weather (XOAP)\n") #endif /* BUILD_WEATHER_XOAP */ #ifdef BUILD_WLAN - << _(" * wireless\n") + << _(" * wireless\n") #endif /* BUILD_WLAN */ #ifdef BUILD_IBM - << _(" * support for IBM/Lenovo notebooks\n") + << _(" * support for IBM/Lenovo notebooks\n") #endif /* BUILD_IBM */ #ifdef BUILD_NVIDIA - << _(" * nvidia\n") + << _(" * nvidia\n") #endif /* BUILD_NVIDIA */ #ifdef BUILD_EVE - << _(" * eve-online\n") + << _(" * eve-online\n") #endif /* BUILD_EVE */ #ifdef BUILD_BUILTIN_CONFIG - << _(" * builtin default configuration\n") + << _(" * builtin default configuration\n") #endif /* BUILD_BUILTIN_CONFIG */ #ifdef BUILD_OLD_CONFIG - << _(" * old configuration syntax\n") + << _(" * old configuration syntax\n") #endif /* BUILD_OLD_CONFIG */ #ifdef BUILD_IMLIB2 - << _(" * Imlib2\n") + << _(" * Imlib2\n") #endif /* BUILD_IMLIB2 */ #ifdef HAVE_SOME_SOUNDCARD_H - << _(" * OSS mixer support\n") + << _(" * OSS mixer support\n") #endif /* HAVE_SOME_SOUNDCARD_H */ #ifdef BUILD_MIXER_ALSA - << _(" * ALSA mixer support\n") + << _(" * ALSA mixer support\n") #endif /* BUILD_MIXER_ALSA */ #ifdef BUILD_APCUPSD - << _(" * apcupsd\n") + << _(" * apcupsd\n") #endif /* BUILD_APCUPSD */ #ifdef BUILD_IOSTATS - << _(" * iostats\n") + << _(" * iostats\n") #endif /* BUILD_IOSTATS */ #ifdef BUILD_NCURSES - << _(" * ncurses\n") + << _(" * ncurses\n") #endif /* BUILD_NCURSES */ #ifdef BUILD_I18N - << _(" * Internationalization support\n") + << _(" * Internationalization support\n") #endif #ifdef BUILD_PULSEAUDIO - << _(" * PulseAudio\n") + << _(" * PulseAudio\n") #endif /* BUIL_PULSEAUDIO */ #ifdef DEBUG - << _(" * Debugging extensions\n") + << _(" * Debugging extensions\n") #endif #if defined BUILD_LUA_CAIRO || defined BUILD_LUA_IMLIB2 || BUILD_LUA_RSVG - << _("\n Lua bindings:\n") + << _("\n Lua bindings:\n") #endif #ifdef BUILD_LUA_CAIRO - << _(" * Cairo\n") + << _(" * Cairo\n") #endif /* BUILD_LUA_CAIRO */ #ifdef BUILD_LUA_IMLIB2 - << _(" * Imlib2\n") + << _(" * Imlib2\n") #endif /* BUILD_LUA_IMLIB2 */ #ifdef BUILD_LUA_RSVG - << _(" * RSVG\n") + << _(" * RSVG\n") #endif /* BUILD_LUA_RSVG */ #ifdef BUILD_X11 - << _(" X11:\n") -# ifdef BUILD_XDAMAGE - << _(" * Xdamage extension\n") -# endif /* BUILD_XDAMAGE */ -# ifdef BUILD_XINERAMA - << _(" * Xinerama extension (virtual display)\n") -# endif /* BUILD_XINERAMA */ -# ifdef BUILD_XSHAPE - << _(" * Xshape extension (click through)\n") -# endif /* BUILD_XSHAPE */ -# ifdef BUILD_XDBE - << _(" * XDBE (double buffer extension)\n") -# endif /* BUILD_XDBE */ -# ifdef BUILD_XFT - << _(" * Xft\n") -# endif /* BUILD_XFT */ -# ifdef BUILD_ARGB - << _(" * ARGB visual\n") -# endif /* BUILD_ARGB */ + << _(" X11:\n") +#ifdef BUILD_XDAMAGE + << _(" * Xdamage extension\n") +#endif /* BUILD_XDAMAGE */ +#ifdef BUILD_XINERAMA + << _(" * Xinerama extension (virtual display)\n") +#endif /* BUILD_XINERAMA */ +#ifdef BUILD_XSHAPE + << _(" * Xshape extension (click through)\n") +#endif /* BUILD_XSHAPE */ +#ifdef BUILD_XDBE + << _(" * XDBE (double buffer extension)\n") +#endif /* BUILD_XDBE */ +#ifdef BUILD_XFT + << _(" * Xft\n") +#endif /* BUILD_XFT */ +#ifdef BUILD_ARGB + << _(" * ARGB visual\n") +#endif /* BUILD_ARGB */ #ifdef OWN_WINDOW - << _(" * Own window\n") + << _(" * Own window\n") #endif #endif /* BUILD_X11 */ -#if defined BUILD_AUDACIOUS || defined BUILD_BMPX || defined BUILD_CMUS || defined BUILD_MPD || defined BUILD_MOC || defined BUILD_XMMS2 - << _("\n Music detection:\n") +#if defined BUILD_AUDACIOUS || defined BUILD_BMPX || defined BUILD_CMUS || \ + defined BUILD_MPD || defined BUILD_MOC || defined BUILD_XMMS2 + << _("\n Music detection:\n") #endif #ifdef BUILD_AUDACIOUS - << _(" * Audacious\n") + << _(" * Audacious\n") #endif /* BUILD_AUDACIOUS */ #ifdef BUILD_BMPX - << _(" * BMPx\n") + << _(" * BMPx\n") #endif /* BUILD_BMPX */ #ifdef BUILD_CMUS - << _(" * CMUS\n") + << _(" * CMUS\n") #endif /* BUILD_CMUS */ #ifdef BUILD_MPD - << _(" * MPD\n") + << _(" * MPD\n") #endif /* BUILD_MPD */ #ifdef BUILD_MOC - << _(" * MOC\n") + << _(" * MOC\n") #endif /* BUILD_MOC */ #ifdef BUILD_XMMS2 - << _(" * XMMS2\n") + << _(" * XMMS2\n") #endif /* BUILD_XMMS2 */ - << _("\n Default values:\n") - << " * Netdevice: " DEFAULTNETDEV"\n" - << " * Local configfile: " CONFIG_FILE"\n" + << _("\n Default values:\n") << " * Netdevice: " DEFAULTNETDEV "\n" + << " * Local configfile: " CONFIG_FILE "\n" #ifdef BUILD_I18N - << " * Localedir: " LOCALE_DIR"\n" + << " * Localedir: " LOCALE_DIR "\n" #endif #ifdef BUILD_HTTP - << " * HTTP-port: " << HTTPPORT << "\n" + << " * HTTP-port: " << HTTPPORT << "\n" #endif - << " * Maximum netdevices: " << MAX_NET_INTERFACES << "\n" - << " * Maximum text size: " << MAX_USER_TEXT_DEFAULT << "\n" - << " * Size text buffer: " << DEFAULT_TEXT_BUFFER_SIZE << "\n" - ; + << " * Maximum netdevices: " << MAX_NET_INTERFACES << "\n" + << " * Maximum text size: " << MAX_USER_TEXT_DEFAULT << "\n" + << " * Size text buffer: " << DEFAULT_TEXT_BUFFER_SIZE << "\n"; } - -static const char *suffixes[] = { - _nop("B"), _nop("KiB"), _nop("MiB"), _nop("GiB"), _nop("TiB"), _nop("PiB"), "" -}; - +static const char *suffixes[] = {_nop("B"), _nop("KiB"), _nop("MiB"), + _nop("GiB"), _nop("TiB"), _nop("PiB"), + ""}; #ifdef BUILD_X11 static void X11_create_window(void); struct _x11_stuff_s { - Region region; + Region region; #ifdef BUILD_XDAMAGE - Damage damage; - XserverRegion region2, part; - int event_base, error_base; + Damage damage; + XserverRegion region2, part; + int event_base, error_base; #endif } x11_stuff; /* text size */ -static int text_start_x, text_start_y; /* text start position in window */ +static int text_start_x, text_start_y; /* text start position in window */ static int text_offset_x, text_offset_y; /* offset for start position */ -static int text_width = 1, text_height = 1; /* initially 1 so no zero-sized window is created */ +static int text_width = 1, + text_height = 1; /* initially 1 so no zero-sized window is created */ #endif /* BUILD_X11 */ @@ -450,149 +452,165 @@ struct information info; std::string current_config; /* set to 1 if you want all text to be in uppercase */ -static conky::simple_config_setting stuff_in_uppercase("uppercase", false, true); +static conky::simple_config_setting stuff_in_uppercase("uppercase", false, + true); /* Run how many times? */ -static conky::range_config_setting total_run_times("total_run_times", 0, - std::numeric_limits::max(), 0, true); +static conky::range_config_setting total_run_times( + "total_run_times", 0, std::numeric_limits::max(), 0, true); /* fork? */ -static conky::simple_config_setting fork_to_background("background", false, false); +static conky::simple_config_setting fork_to_background("background", + false, false); /* set to 0 after the first time conky is run, so we don't fork again after the * first forking */ static int first_pass = 1; -conky::range_config_setting cpu_avg_samples("cpu_avg_samples", 1, 14, 2, true); -conky::range_config_setting net_avg_samples("net_avg_samples", 1, 14, 2, true); -conky::range_config_setting diskio_avg_samples("diskio_avg_samples", 1, 14, 2, true); +conky::range_config_setting cpu_avg_samples("cpu_avg_samples", 1, 14, 2, + true); +conky::range_config_setting net_avg_samples("net_avg_samples", 1, 14, 2, + true); +conky::range_config_setting diskio_avg_samples("diskio_avg_samples", 1, 14, + 2, true); /* filenames for output */ -static conky::simple_config_setting overwrite_file("overwrite_file", - std::string(), true); +static conky::simple_config_setting overwrite_file( + "overwrite_file", std::string(), true); static FILE *overwrite_fpointer = NULL; static conky::simple_config_setting append_file("append_file", - std::string(), true); + std::string(), + true); static FILE *append_fpointer = NULL; #ifdef BUILD_HTTP std::string webpage; struct MHD_Daemon *httpd; -static conky::simple_config_setting http_refresh("http_refresh", false, true); +static conky::simple_config_setting http_refresh("http_refresh", false, + true); -int sendanswer(void *cls, struct MHD_Connection *connection, const char *url, const char *method, const char *version, const char *upload_data, size_t *upload_data_size, void **con_cls) { - struct MHD_Response *response = MHD_create_response_from_data(webpage.length(), (void*) webpage.c_str(), MHD_NO, MHD_NO); - int ret = MHD_queue_response (connection, MHD_HTTP_OK, response); - MHD_destroy_response(response); - if(cls || url || method || version || upload_data || upload_data_size || con_cls) {} //make compiler happy - return ret; +int sendanswer(void *cls, struct MHD_Connection *connection, const char *url, + const char *method, const char *version, const char *upload_data, + size_t *upload_data_size, void **con_cls) { + struct MHD_Response *response = MHD_create_response_from_data( + webpage.length(), (void *)webpage.c_str(), MHD_NO, MHD_NO); + int ret = MHD_queue_response(connection, MHD_HTTP_OK, response); + MHD_destroy_response(response); + if (cls || url || method || version || upload_data || upload_data_size || + con_cls) { + } // make compiler happy + return ret; } -class out_to_http_setting: public conky::simple_config_setting { - typedef conky::simple_config_setting Base; +class out_to_http_setting : public conky::simple_config_setting { + typedef conky::simple_config_setting Base; -protected: - virtual void lua_setter(lua::state &l, bool init) - { - lua::stack_sentry s(l, -2); + protected: + virtual void lua_setter(lua::state &l, bool init) { + lua::stack_sentry s(l, -2); - Base::lua_setter(l, init); + Base::lua_setter(l, init); - if(init && do_convert(l, -1).first) { - httpd = MHD_start_daemon(MHD_USE_SELECT_INTERNALLY, HTTPPORT, - NULL, NULL, &sendanswer, NULL, MHD_OPTION_END); - } - - ++s; + if (init && do_convert(l, -1).first) { + httpd = MHD_start_daemon(MHD_USE_SELECT_INTERNALLY, HTTPPORT, NULL, NULL, + &sendanswer, NULL, MHD_OPTION_END); } - virtual void cleanup(lua::state &l) - { - lua::stack_sentry s(l, -1); + ++s; + } - if(do_convert(l, -1).first) { - MHD_stop_daemon(httpd); - httpd = NULL; - } + virtual void cleanup(lua::state &l) { + lua::stack_sentry s(l, -1); - l.pop(); - } + if (do_convert(l, -1).first) { + MHD_stop_daemon(httpd); + httpd = NULL; + } -public: - out_to_http_setting() - : Base("out_to_http", false, false) - {} + l.pop(); + } + + public: + out_to_http_setting() : Base("out_to_http", false, false) {} }; static out_to_http_setting out_to_http; #endif #ifdef BUILD_X11 -static conky::simple_config_setting show_graph_scale("show_graph_scale", false, false); -static conky::simple_config_setting show_graph_range("show_graph_range", false, false); +static conky::simple_config_setting show_graph_scale("show_graph_scale", + false, false); +static conky::simple_config_setting show_graph_range("show_graph_range", + false, false); /* Position on the screen */ static conky::simple_config_setting gap_x("gap_x", 5, true); static conky::simple_config_setting gap_y("gap_y", 60, true); /* border */ -static conky::simple_config_setting draw_borders("draw_borders", false, false); -static conky::simple_config_setting draw_graph_borders("draw_graph_borders", true, false); +static conky::simple_config_setting draw_borders("draw_borders", false, + false); +static conky::simple_config_setting draw_graph_borders( + "draw_graph_borders", true, false); -conky::range_config_setting stippled_borders("stippled_borders", 0, - std::numeric_limits::max(), 0, true); +conky::range_config_setting stippled_borders( + "stippled_borders", 0, std::numeric_limits::max(), 0, true); -static conky::simple_config_setting draw_shades("draw_shades", true, false); -static conky::simple_config_setting draw_outline("draw_outline", false, false); +static conky::simple_config_setting draw_shades("draw_shades", true, + false); +static conky::simple_config_setting draw_outline("draw_outline", false, + false); #ifdef OWN_WINDOW /* fixed size/pos is set if wm/user changes them */ static int fixed_size = 0, fixed_pos = 0; #endif -static conky::range_config_setting minimum_height("minimum_height", 0, - std::numeric_limits::max(), 5, true); -static conky::range_config_setting minimum_width("minimum_width", 0, - std::numeric_limits::max(), 5, true); -static conky::range_config_setting maximum_width("maximum_width", 0, - std::numeric_limits::max(), 0, true); +static conky::range_config_setting minimum_height( + "minimum_height", 0, std::numeric_limits::max(), 5, true); +static conky::range_config_setting minimum_width( + "minimum_width", 0, std::numeric_limits::max(), 5, true); +static conky::range_config_setting maximum_width( + "maximum_width", 0, std::numeric_limits::max(), 0, true); -static bool isutf8(const char* envvar) { - char *s = getenv(envvar); - if(s) { - std::string temp = s; - std::transform(temp.begin(), temp.end(), temp.begin(), ::tolower); - if( (temp.find("utf-8") != std::string::npos) || (temp.find("utf8") != std::string::npos) ) { - return true; - } - } - return false; +static bool isutf8(const char *envvar) { + char *s = getenv(envvar); + if (s) { + std::string temp = s; + std::transform(temp.begin(), temp.end(), temp.begin(), ::tolower); + if ((temp.find("utf-8") != std::string::npos) || + (temp.find("utf8") != std::string::npos)) { + return true; + } + } + return false; } /* UTF-8 */ conky::simple_config_setting utf8_mode("override_utf8_locale", - isutf8("LC_ALL") || isutf8("LC_CTYPE") || isutf8("LANG"), false); + isutf8("LC_ALL") || + isutf8("LC_CTYPE") || + isutf8("LANG"), + false); #endif /* BUILD_X11 */ /* maximum size of config TEXT buffer, i.e. below TEXT line. */ -conky::range_config_setting max_user_text("max_user_text", 47, - std::numeric_limits::max(), MAX_USER_TEXT_DEFAULT, false); +conky::range_config_setting max_user_text( + "max_user_text", 47, std::numeric_limits::max(), + MAX_USER_TEXT_DEFAULT, false); /* maximum size of individual text buffers, ie $exec buffer size */ -conky::range_config_setting text_buffer_size("text_buffer_size", - DEFAULT_TEXT_BUFFER_SIZE, std::numeric_limits::max(), - DEFAULT_TEXT_BUFFER_SIZE, false); +conky::range_config_setting text_buffer_size( + "text_buffer_size", DEFAULT_TEXT_BUFFER_SIZE, + std::numeric_limits::max(), DEFAULT_TEXT_BUFFER_SIZE, false); /* pad percentages to decimals? */ static conky::simple_config_setting pad_percents("pad_percents", 0, false); static char *global_text = 0; -char *get_global_text(void) -{ - return global_text; -} +char *get_global_text(void) { return global_text; } long global_text_lines; @@ -601,48 +619,38 @@ static int updatereset; std::unique_ptr state; -void set_updatereset(int i) -{ - updatereset = i; -} +void set_updatereset(int i) { updatereset = i; } -int get_updatereset(void) -{ - return updatereset; -} +int get_updatereset(void) { return updatereset; } -int get_total_updates(void) -{ - return total_updates; -} +int get_total_updates(void) { return total_updates; } -int calc_text_width(const char *s) -{ - size_t slen = strlen(s); +int calc_text_width(const char *s) { + size_t slen = strlen(s); #ifdef BUILD_X11 - if (not out_to_x.get(*state)) { + if (not out_to_x.get(*state)) { #endif /* BUILD_X11 */ - return slen; + return slen; #ifdef BUILD_X11 - } + } #ifdef BUILD_XFT - if (use_xft.get(*state)) { - XGlyphInfo gi; + if (use_xft.get(*state)) { + XGlyphInfo gi; - if (utf8_mode.get(*state)) { - XftTextExtentsUtf8(display, fonts[selected_font].xftfont, - (const FcChar8 *) s, slen, &gi); - } else { - XftTextExtents8(display, fonts[selected_font].xftfont, - (const FcChar8 *) s, slen, &gi); - } - return gi.xOff; - } else + if (utf8_mode.get(*state)) { + XftTextExtentsUtf8(display, fonts[selected_font].xftfont, + (const FcChar8 *)s, slen, &gi); + } else { + XftTextExtents8(display, fonts[selected_font].xftfont, (const FcChar8 *)s, + slen, &gi); + } + return gi.xOff; + } else #endif /* BUILD_XFT */ - { - return XTextWidth(fonts[selected_font].font, s, slen); - } + { + return XTextWidth(fonts[selected_font].font, s, slen); + } #endif /* BUILD_X11 */ } @@ -653,87 +661,83 @@ static char *text_buffer; /* quite boring functions */ -static inline void for_each_line(char *b, int f(char *, int)) -{ - char *ps, *pe; - int special_index = 0; /* specials index */ +static inline void for_each_line(char *b, int f(char *, int)) { + char *ps, *pe; + int special_index = 0; /* specials index */ - if(! b) return; - for (ps = b, pe = b; *pe; pe++) { - if (*pe == '\n') { - *pe = '\0'; - special_index = f(ps, special_index); - *pe = '\n'; - ps = pe + 1; - } - } + if (!b) return; + for (ps = b, pe = b; *pe; pe++) { + if (*pe == '\n') { + *pe = '\0'; + special_index = f(ps, special_index); + *pe = '\n'; + ps = pe + 1; + } + } - if (ps < pe) { - f(ps, special_index); - } + if (ps < pe) { + f(ps, special_index); + } } -static void convert_escapes(char *buf) -{ - char *p = buf, *s = buf; +static void convert_escapes(char *buf) { + char *p = buf, *s = buf; - while (*s) { - if (*s == '\\') { - s++; - if (*s == 'n') { - *p++ = '\n'; - } else if (*s == '\\') { - *p++ = '\\'; - } - s++; - } else { - *p++ = *s++; - } - } - *p = '\0'; + while (*s) { + if (*s == '\\') { + s++; + if (*s == 'n') { + *p++ = '\n'; + } else if (*s == '\\') { + *p++ = '\\'; + } + s++; + } else { + *p++ = *s++; + } + } + *p = '\0'; } /* Prints anything normally printed with snprintf according to the current value * of use_spacer. Actually slightly more flexible than snprintf, as you can * safely specify the destination buffer as one of your inputs. */ -int spaced_print(char *buf, int size, const char *format, int width, ...) -{ - int len = 0; - va_list argp; - char *tempbuf; +int spaced_print(char *buf, int size, const char *format, int width, ...) { + int len = 0; + va_list argp; + char *tempbuf; - if (size < 1) { - return 0; - } - tempbuf = (char*)malloc(size * sizeof(char)); + if (size < 1) { + return 0; + } + tempbuf = (char *)malloc(size * sizeof(char)); - // Passes the varargs along to vsnprintf - va_start(argp, width); - vsnprintf(tempbuf, size, format, argp); - va_end(argp); + // Passes the varargs along to vsnprintf + va_start(argp, width); + vsnprintf(tempbuf, size, format, argp); + va_end(argp); - switch (use_spacer.get(*state)) { - case NO_SPACER: - len = snprintf(buf, size, "%s", tempbuf); - break; - case LEFT_SPACER: - len = snprintf(buf, size, "%*s", width, tempbuf); - break; - case RIGHT_SPACER: - len = snprintf(buf, size, "%-*s", width, tempbuf); - break; - } - free(tempbuf); - return len; + switch (use_spacer.get(*state)) { + case NO_SPACER: + len = snprintf(buf, size, "%s", tempbuf); + break; + case LEFT_SPACER: + len = snprintf(buf, size, "%*s", width, tempbuf); + break; + case RIGHT_SPACER: + len = snprintf(buf, size, "%-*s", width, tempbuf); + break; + } + free(tempbuf); + return len; } /* print percentage values * * - i.e., unsigned values between 0 and 100 * - respect the value of pad_percents */ -int percent_print(char *buf, int size, unsigned value) -{ - return spaced_print(buf, size, "%u", pad_percents.get(*state), value); +int percent_print(char *buf, int size, unsigned value) { + return spaced_print(buf, size, "%u", pad_percents.get(*state), value); } /* converts from bytes to human readable format (K, M, G, T) @@ -741,64 +745,61 @@ int percent_print(char *buf, int size, unsigned value) * The algorithm always divides by 1024, as unit-conversion of byte * counts suggests. But for output length determination we need to * compare with 1000 here, as we print in decimal form. */ -void human_readable(long long num, char *buf, int size) -{ - const char **suffix = suffixes; - float fnum; - int precision; - int width; - const char *format; +void human_readable(long long num, char *buf, int size) { + const char **suffix = suffixes; + float fnum; + int precision; + int width; + const char *format; - /* Possibly just output as usual, for example for stdout usage */ - if (not format_human_readable.get(*state)) { - spaced_print(buf, size, "%lld", 6, num); - return; - } - if (short_units.get(*state)) { - width = 5; - format = "%.*f%.1s"; - } else { - width = 7; - format = "%.*f%-3s"; - } + /* Possibly just output as usual, for example for stdout usage */ + if (not format_human_readable.get(*state)) { + spaced_print(buf, size, "%lld", 6, num); + return; + } + if (short_units.get(*state)) { + width = 5; + format = "%.*f%.1s"; + } else { + width = 7; + format = "%.*f%-3s"; + } - if (llabs(num) < 1000LL) { - spaced_print(buf, size, format, width, 0, (float)num, _(*suffix)); - return; - } + if (llabs(num) < 1000LL) { + spaced_print(buf, size, format, width, 0, (float)num, _(*suffix)); + return; + } - while (llabs(num / 1024) >= 1000LL && **(suffix + 2)) { - num /= 1024; - suffix++; - } + while (llabs(num / 1024) >= 1000LL && **(suffix + 2)) { + num /= 1024; + suffix++; + } - suffix++; - fnum = num / 1024.0; + suffix++; + fnum = num / 1024.0; - /* fnum should now be < 1000, so looks like 'AAA.BBBBB' - * - * The goal is to always have a significance of 3, by - * adjusting the decimal part of the number. Sample output: - * 123MiB - * 23.4GiB - * 5.12B - * so the point of alignment resides between number and unit. The - * upside of this is that there is minimal padding necessary, though - * there should be a way to make alignment take place at the decimal - * dot (then with fixed width decimal part). - * - * Note the repdigits below: when given a precision value, printf() - * rounds the float to it, not just cuts off the remaining digits. So - * e.g. 99.95 with a precision of 1 gets 100.0, which again should be - * printed with a precision of 0. Yay. */ + /* fnum should now be < 1000, so looks like 'AAA.BBBBB' + * + * The goal is to always have a significance of 3, by + * adjusting the decimal part of the number. Sample output: + * 123MiB + * 23.4GiB + * 5.12B + * so the point of alignment resides between number and unit. The + * upside of this is that there is minimal padding necessary, though + * there should be a way to make alignment take place at the decimal + * dot (then with fixed width decimal part). + * + * Note the repdigits below: when given a precision value, printf() + * rounds the float to it, not just cuts off the remaining digits. So + * e.g. 99.95 with a precision of 1 gets 100.0, which again should be + * printed with a precision of 0. Yay. */ - precision = 0; /* print 100-999 without decimal part */ - if (fnum < 99.95) - precision = 1; /* print 10-99 with one decimal place */ - if (fnum < 9.995) - precision = 2; /* print 0-9 with two decimal places */ + precision = 0; /* print 100-999 without decimal part */ + if (fnum < 99.95) precision = 1; /* print 10-99 with one decimal place */ + if (fnum < 9.995) precision = 2; /* print 0-9 with two decimal places */ - spaced_print(buf, size, format, width, precision, fnum, _(*suffix)); + spaced_print(buf, size, format, width, precision, fnum, _(*suffix)); } /* global object list root element */ @@ -806,31 +807,23 @@ static struct text_object global_root_object; static long current_text_color; -void set_current_text_color(long colour) -{ - current_text_color = colour; +void set_current_text_color(long colour) { current_text_color = colour; } + +long get_current_text_color(void) { return current_text_color; } + +static void extract_variable_text(const char *p) { + free_text_objects(&global_root_object); + free_and_zero(tmpstring1); + free_and_zero(tmpstring2); + free_and_zero(text_buffer); + + extract_variable_text_internal(&global_root_object, p); } -long get_current_text_color(void) -{ - return current_text_color; -} - -static void extract_variable_text(const char *p) -{ - free_text_objects(&global_root_object); - free_and_zero(tmpstring1); - free_and_zero(tmpstring2); - free_and_zero(text_buffer); - - extract_variable_text_internal(&global_root_object, p); -} - -void parse_conky_vars(struct text_object *root, const char *txt, - char *p, int p_max_size) -{ - extract_variable_text_internal(root, txt); - generate_text_internal(p, p_max_size, *root); +void parse_conky_vars(struct text_object *root, const char *txt, char *p, + int p_max_size) { + extract_variable_text_internal(root, txt); + generate_text_internal(p, p_max_size, *root); } /* IFBLOCK jumping algorithm @@ -851,1954 +844,1951 @@ void parse_conky_vars(struct text_object *root, const char *txt, * so we need to jump always. If we encounter an ENDIF, it's corresponding IF * or ELSE has not jumped, and there is nothing to do. */ -void generate_text_internal(char *p, int p_max_size, struct text_object root) -{ - struct text_object *obj; - size_t a; +void generate_text_internal(char *p, int p_max_size, struct text_object root) { + struct text_object *obj; + size_t a; - if(! p) return; + if (!p) return; #ifdef BUILD_ICONV - char *buff_in; + char *buff_in; - buff_in = (char *)malloc(p_max_size); - memset(buff_in, 0, p_max_size); + buff_in = (char *)malloc(p_max_size); + memset(buff_in, 0, p_max_size); #endif /* BUILD_ICONV */ - p[0] = 0; - obj = root.next; - while (obj && p_max_size > 0) { - - /* check callbacks for existence and act accordingly */ - if (obj->callbacks.print) { - (*obj->callbacks.print)(obj, p, p_max_size); - } else if (obj->callbacks.iftest) { - if (!(*obj->callbacks.iftest)(obj)) { - DBGP2("jumping"); - if (obj->ifblock_next) - obj = obj->ifblock_next; - } - } else if (obj->callbacks.barval) { - new_bar(obj, p, p_max_size, (*obj->callbacks.barval)(obj)); - } else if (obj->callbacks.gaugeval) { - new_gauge(obj, p, p_max_size, (*obj->callbacks.gaugeval)(obj)); + p[0] = 0; + obj = root.next; + while (obj && p_max_size > 0) { + /* check callbacks for existence and act accordingly */ + if (obj->callbacks.print) { + (*obj->callbacks.print)(obj, p, p_max_size); + } else if (obj->callbacks.iftest) { + if (!(*obj->callbacks.iftest)(obj)) { + DBGP2("jumping"); + if (obj->ifblock_next) obj = obj->ifblock_next; + } + } else if (obj->callbacks.barval) { + new_bar(obj, p, p_max_size, (*obj->callbacks.barval)(obj)); + } else if (obj->callbacks.gaugeval) { + new_gauge(obj, p, p_max_size, (*obj->callbacks.gaugeval)(obj)); #ifdef BUILD_X11 - } else if (obj->callbacks.graphval) { - new_graph(obj, p, p_max_size, (*obj->callbacks.graphval)(obj)); + } else if (obj->callbacks.graphval) { + new_graph(obj, p, p_max_size, (*obj->callbacks.graphval)(obj)); #endif /* BUILD_X11 */ - } else if (obj->callbacks.percentage) { - percent_print(p, p_max_size, (*obj->callbacks.percentage)(obj)); - } + } else if (obj->callbacks.percentage) { + percent_print(p, p_max_size, (*obj->callbacks.percentage)(obj)); + } - a = strlen(p); + a = strlen(p); #ifdef BUILD_ICONV - iconv_convert(&a, buff_in, p, p_max_size); + iconv_convert(&a, buff_in, p, p_max_size); #endif /* BUILD_ICONV */ - p += a; - p_max_size -= a; - (*p) = 0; + p += a; + p_max_size -= a; + (*p) = 0; - obj = obj->next; - } + obj = obj->next; + } #ifdef BUILD_X11 - /* load any new fonts we may have had */ - load_fonts(utf8_mode.get(*state)); + /* load any new fonts we may have had */ + load_fonts(utf8_mode.get(*state)); #endif /* BUILD_X11 */ #ifdef BUILD_ICONV - free(buff_in); + free(buff_in); #endif /* BUILD_ICONV */ } -void evaluate(const char *text, char *p, int p_max_size) -{ - struct text_object subroot; +void evaluate(const char *text, char *p, int p_max_size) { + struct text_object subroot; - parse_conky_vars(&subroot, text, p, p_max_size); - DBGP2("evaluated '%s' to '%s'", text, p); + parse_conky_vars(&subroot, text, p, p_max_size); + DBGP2("evaluated '%s' to '%s'", text, p); - free_text_objects(&subroot); + free_text_objects(&subroot); } double current_update_time, next_update_time, last_update_time; -static void generate_text(void) -{ - char *p; - unsigned int i, j, k; - special_count = 0; +static void generate_text(void) { + char *p; + unsigned int i, j, k; + special_count = 0; - current_update_time = get_time(); + current_update_time = get_time(); - /* clears netstats info, calls conky::run_all_callbacks(), and changes - * some info.mem entries */ - update_stuff(); + /* clears netstats info, calls conky::run_all_callbacks(), and changes + * some info.mem entries */ + update_stuff(); - /* populate the text buffer; generate_text_internal() iterates through - * global_root_object (an instance of the text_object struct) and calls - * any callbacks that were set on startup by construct_text_object(). */ - p = text_buffer; + /* populate the text buffer; generate_text_internal() iterates through + * global_root_object (an instance of the text_object struct) and calls + * any callbacks that were set on startup by construct_text_object(). */ + p = text_buffer; - generate_text_internal(p, max_user_text.get(*state), global_root_object); - unsigned int mw = max_text_width.get(*state); - unsigned int tbs = text_buffer_size.get(*state); - if(mw > 0) { - for(i = 0, j = 0; p[i] != 0; i++) { - if(p[i] == '\n') j = 0; - else if(j == mw) { - k = i + strlen(p + i) + 1; - if(k < tbs) { - while(k != i) { - p[k] = p[k-1]; - k--; - } - p[k] = '\n'; - j = 0; - } else NORM_ERR("The end of the text_buffer is reached, increase \"text_buffer_size\""); - } else j++; - } - } + generate_text_internal(p, max_user_text.get(*state), global_root_object); + unsigned int mw = max_text_width.get(*state); + unsigned int tbs = text_buffer_size.get(*state); + if (mw > 0) { + for (i = 0, j = 0; p[i] != 0; i++) { + if (p[i] == '\n') + j = 0; + else if (j == mw) { + k = i + strlen(p + i) + 1; + if (k < tbs) { + while (k != i) { + p[k] = p[k - 1]; + k--; + } + p[k] = '\n'; + j = 0; + } else + NORM_ERR( + "The end of the text_buffer is reached, increase " + "\"text_buffer_size\""); + } else + j++; + } + } - if (stuff_in_uppercase.get(*state)) { - char *tmp_p; + if (stuff_in_uppercase.get(*state)) { + char *tmp_p; - tmp_p = text_buffer; - while (*tmp_p) { - *tmp_p = toupper(*tmp_p); - tmp_p++; - } - } + tmp_p = text_buffer; + while (*tmp_p) { + *tmp_p = toupper(*tmp_p); + tmp_p++; + } + } - double ui = active_update_interval(); - double time = get_time(); - next_update_time += ui; - if (next_update_time < time || - next_update_time > time + ui) - next_update_time = time - fmod(time, ui) + ui; - last_update_time = current_update_time; - total_updates++; + double ui = active_update_interval(); + double time = get_time(); + next_update_time += ui; + if (next_update_time < time || next_update_time > time + ui) + next_update_time = time - fmod(time, ui) + ui; + last_update_time = current_update_time; + total_updates++; } -int get_string_width(const char *s) -{ - return *s ? calc_text_width(s) : 0; -} +int get_string_width(const char *s) { return *s ? calc_text_width(s) : 0; } #ifdef BUILD_X11 -static inline int get_border_total() -{ - return border_inner_margin.get(*state) + border_outer_margin.get(*state) + - border_width.get(*state); +static inline int get_border_total() { + return border_inner_margin.get(*state) + border_outer_margin.get(*state) + + border_width.get(*state); } -static int get_string_width_special(char *s, int special_index) -{ - char *p, *final; - special_t *current = specials; - int idx = 1; - int width = 0; - long i; +static int get_string_width_special(char *s, int special_index) { + char *p, *final; + special_t *current = specials; + int idx = 1; + int width = 0; + long i; - if (!s) - return 0; + if (!s) return 0; - if (not out_to_x.get(*state)) - return strlen(s); + if (not out_to_x.get(*state)) return strlen(s); - p = strndup(s, text_buffer_size.get(*state)); - final = p; + p = strndup(s, text_buffer_size.get(*state)); + final = p; - for(i = 0; i < special_index; i++) - current = current->next; - for(i = 0; i < idx; i++) - current = current->next; + for (i = 0; i < special_index; i++) current = current->next; + for (i = 0; i < idx; i++) current = current->next; - while (*p) { - if (*p == SPECIAL_CHAR) { - /* shift everything over by 1 so that the special char - * doesn't mess up the size calculation */ - for (i = 0; i < (long)strlen(p); i++) { - *(p + i) = *(p + i + 1); - } - if (current->type == GRAPH - || current->type == GAUGE - || current->type == BAR) { - width += current->width; - } - if (current->type == FONT) { - //put all following text until the next fontchange/stringend in influenced_by_font but do not include specials - char *influenced_by_font=strdup(p); - special_t *current_after_font=current; - for(i=0; influenced_by_font[i]!=0; i++) { - if(influenced_by_font[i] == SPECIAL_CHAR) { - //remove specials and stop at fontchange - current_after_font=current_after_font->next; - if(current_after_font->type == FONT) { - influenced_by_font[i]=0; - break; - } else memmove(&influenced_by_font[i], &influenced_by_font[i+1], strlen(&influenced_by_font[i+1]) + 1); - } - } - //add the length of influenced_by_font in the new font to width - int orig_font = selected_font; - selected_font=current->font_added; - width += calc_text_width(influenced_by_font); - selected_font = orig_font; - free(influenced_by_font); - //make sure there chars counted in the new font are not again counted in the old font - int specials_skipped=0; - while(i>0) { - if(p[specials_skipped]!=1) memmove(&p[specials_skipped], &p[specials_skipped+1], strlen(&p[specials_skipped+1]) + 1); - else specials_skipped++; - i--; - } - } - idx++; - current = current->next; - } else { - p++; - } - } - if (strlen(final) > 1) { - width += calc_text_width(final); - } - free(final); - return width; + while (*p) { + if (*p == SPECIAL_CHAR) { + /* shift everything over by 1 so that the special char + * doesn't mess up the size calculation */ + for (i = 0; i < (long)strlen(p); i++) { + *(p + i) = *(p + i + 1); + } + if (current->type == GRAPH || current->type == GAUGE || + current->type == BAR) { + width += current->width; + } + if (current->type == FONT) { + // put all following text until the next fontchange/stringend in + // influenced_by_font but do not include specials + char *influenced_by_font = strdup(p); + special_t *current_after_font = current; + for (i = 0; influenced_by_font[i] != 0; i++) { + if (influenced_by_font[i] == SPECIAL_CHAR) { + // remove specials and stop at fontchange + current_after_font = current_after_font->next; + if (current_after_font->type == FONT) { + influenced_by_font[i] = 0; + break; + } else + memmove(&influenced_by_font[i], &influenced_by_font[i + 1], + strlen(&influenced_by_font[i + 1]) + 1); + } + } + // add the length of influenced_by_font in the new font to width + int orig_font = selected_font; + selected_font = current->font_added; + width += calc_text_width(influenced_by_font); + selected_font = orig_font; + free(influenced_by_font); + // make sure there chars counted in the new font are not again counted + // in the old font + int specials_skipped = 0; + while (i > 0) { + if (p[specials_skipped] != 1) + memmove(&p[specials_skipped], &p[specials_skipped + 1], + strlen(&p[specials_skipped + 1]) + 1); + else + specials_skipped++; + i--; + } + } + idx++; + current = current->next; + } else { + p++; + } + } + if (strlen(final) > 1) { + width += calc_text_width(final); + } + free(final); + return width; } static int text_size_updater(char *s, int special_index); int last_font_height; -static void update_text_area(void) -{ - int x = 0, y = 0; +static void update_text_area(void) { + int x = 0, y = 0; - if (not out_to_x.get(*state)) - return; - /* update text size if it isn't fixed */ + if (not out_to_x.get(*state)) return; + /* update text size if it isn't fixed */ #ifdef OWN_WINDOW - if (!fixed_size) + if (!fixed_size) #endif - { - text_width = minimum_width.get(*state); - text_height = 0; - last_font_height = font_height(); - for_each_line(text_buffer, text_size_updater); - text_width += 1; - if (text_height < minimum_height.get(*state)) { - text_height = minimum_height.get(*state); - } - int mw = maximum_width.get(*state); - if (text_width > mw && mw > 0) { - text_width = mw; - } - } + { + text_width = minimum_width.get(*state); + text_height = 0; + last_font_height = font_height(); + for_each_line(text_buffer, text_size_updater); + text_width += 1; + if (text_height < minimum_height.get(*state)) { + text_height = minimum_height.get(*state); + } + int mw = maximum_width.get(*state); + if (text_width > mw && mw > 0) { + text_width = mw; + } + } - alignment align = text_alignment.get(*state); - /* get text position on workarea */ - switch (align) { - case TOP_LEFT: case TOP_RIGHT: case TOP_MIDDLE: - y = gap_y.get(*state); - break; + alignment align = text_alignment.get(*state); + /* get text position on workarea */ + switch (align) { + case TOP_LEFT: + case TOP_RIGHT: + case TOP_MIDDLE: + y = gap_y.get(*state); + break; - case BOTTOM_LEFT: case BOTTOM_RIGHT: case BOTTOM_MIDDLE: default: - y = workarea[3] - text_height - gap_y.get(*state); - break; + case BOTTOM_LEFT: + case BOTTOM_RIGHT: + case BOTTOM_MIDDLE: + default: + y = workarea[3] - text_height - gap_y.get(*state); + break; - case MIDDLE_LEFT: case MIDDLE_RIGHT: case MIDDLE_MIDDLE: - y = workarea[3] / 2 - text_height / 2 - gap_y.get(*state); - break; - } - switch (align) { - case TOP_LEFT: case BOTTOM_LEFT: case MIDDLE_LEFT: default: - x = gap_x.get(*state); - break; + case MIDDLE_LEFT: + case MIDDLE_RIGHT: + case MIDDLE_MIDDLE: + y = workarea[3] / 2 - text_height / 2 - gap_y.get(*state); + break; + } + switch (align) { + case TOP_LEFT: + case BOTTOM_LEFT: + case MIDDLE_LEFT: + default: + x = gap_x.get(*state); + break; - case TOP_RIGHT: case BOTTOM_RIGHT: case MIDDLE_RIGHT: - x = workarea[2] - text_width - gap_x.get(*state); - break; + case TOP_RIGHT: + case BOTTOM_RIGHT: + case MIDDLE_RIGHT: + x = workarea[2] - text_width - gap_x.get(*state); + break; - case TOP_MIDDLE: case BOTTOM_MIDDLE: case MIDDLE_MIDDLE: - x = workarea[2] / 2 - text_width / 2 - gap_x.get(*state); - break; - } + case TOP_MIDDLE: + case BOTTOM_MIDDLE: + case MIDDLE_MIDDLE: + x = workarea[2] / 2 - text_width / 2 - gap_x.get(*state); + break; + } #ifdef OWN_WINDOW - if (align == NONE) { // Let the WM manage the window - x = window.x; - y = window.y; + if (align == NONE) { // Let the WM manage the window + x = window.x; + y = window.y; - fixed_pos = 1; - fixed_size = 1; - } + fixed_pos = 1; + fixed_size = 1; + } #endif /* OWN_WINDOW */ #ifdef OWN_WINDOW - if (own_window.get(*state) && !fixed_pos) { - x += workarea[0]; - y += workarea[1]; + if (own_window.get(*state) && !fixed_pos) { + x += workarea[0]; + y += workarea[1]; - int border_total = get_border_total(); - text_start_x = text_start_y = border_total; - window.x = x - border_total; - window.y = y - border_total; - } else + int border_total = get_border_total(); + text_start_x = text_start_y = border_total; + window.x = x - border_total; + window.y = y - border_total; + } else #endif - { - /* If window size doesn't match to workarea's size, - * then window probably includes panels (gnome). - * Blah, doesn't work on KDE. */ - if (workarea[2] != window.width || workarea[3] != window.height) { - y += workarea[1]; - x += workarea[0]; - } + { + /* If window size doesn't match to workarea's size, + * then window probably includes panels (gnome). + * Blah, doesn't work on KDE. */ + if (workarea[2] != window.width || workarea[3] != window.height) { + y += workarea[1]; + x += workarea[0]; + } - text_start_x = x; - text_start_y = y; - } - /* update lua window globals */ - llua_update_window_table(text_start_x, text_start_y, text_width, text_height); + text_start_x = x; + text_start_y = y; + } + /* update lua window globals */ + llua_update_window_table(text_start_x, text_start_y, text_width, text_height); } /* drawing stuff */ -static int cur_x, cur_y; /* current x and y for drawing */ +static int cur_x, cur_y; /* current x and y for drawing */ #endif -//draw_mode also without BUILD_X11 because we only need to print to stdout with FG -static int draw_mode; /* FG, BG or OUTLINE */ +// draw_mode also without BUILD_X11 because we only need to print to stdout with +// FG +static int draw_mode; /* FG, BG or OUTLINE */ #ifdef BUILD_X11 static long current_color; -static int text_size_updater(char *s, int special_index) -{ - int w = 0; - char *p; - special_t *current = specials; +static int text_size_updater(char *s, int special_index) { + int w = 0; + char *p; + special_t *current = specials; - for(int i = 0; i < special_index; i++) - current = current->next; + for (int i = 0; i < special_index; i++) current = current->next; - if (not out_to_x.get(*state)) - return 0; - /* get string widths and skip specials */ - p = s; - while (*p) { - if (*p == SPECIAL_CHAR) { - *p = '\0'; - w += get_string_width(s); - *p = SPECIAL_CHAR; + if (not out_to_x.get(*state)) return 0; + /* get string widths and skip specials */ + p = s; + while (*p) { + if (*p == SPECIAL_CHAR) { + *p = '\0'; + w += get_string_width(s); + *p = SPECIAL_CHAR; - if (current->type == BAR - || current->type == GAUGE - || current->type == GRAPH) { - w += current->width; - if (current->height > last_font_height) { - last_font_height = current->height; - last_font_height += font_height(); - } - } else if (current->type == OFFSET) { - if (current->arg > 0) { - w += current->arg; - } - } else if (current->type == VOFFSET) { - last_font_height += current->arg; - } else if (current->type == GOTO) { - if (current->arg > cur_x) { - w = (int) current->arg; - } - } else if (current->type == TAB) { - int start = current->arg; - int step = current->width; + if (current->type == BAR || current->type == GAUGE || + current->type == GRAPH) { + w += current->width; + if (current->height > last_font_height) { + last_font_height = current->height; + last_font_height += font_height(); + } + } else if (current->type == OFFSET) { + if (current->arg > 0) { + w += current->arg; + } + } else if (current->type == VOFFSET) { + last_font_height += current->arg; + } else if (current->type == GOTO) { + if (current->arg > cur_x) { + w = (int)current->arg; + } + } else if (current->type == TAB) { + int start = current->arg; + int step = current->width; - if (!step || step < 0) { - step = 10; - } - w += step - (cur_x - text_start_x - start) % step; - } else if (current->type == FONT) { - selected_font = current->font_added; - if (font_height() > last_font_height) { - last_font_height = font_height(); - } - } + if (!step || step < 0) { + step = 10; + } + w += step - (cur_x - text_start_x - start) % step; + } else if (current->type == FONT) { + selected_font = current->font_added; + if (font_height() > last_font_height) { + last_font_height = font_height(); + } + } - special_index++; - current = current->next; - s = p + 1; - } - p++; - } + special_index++; + current = current->next; + s = p + 1; + } + p++; + } - w += get_string_width(s); + w += get_string_width(s); - if (w > text_width) { - text_width = w; - } - int mw = maximum_width.get(*state); - if (text_width > mw && mw > 0) { - text_width = mw; - } + if (w > text_width) { + text_width = w; + } + int mw = maximum_width.get(*state); + if (text_width > mw && mw > 0) { + text_width = mw; + } - text_height += last_font_height; - last_font_height = font_height(); - return special_index; + text_height += last_font_height; + last_font_height = font_height(); + return special_index; } #endif /* BUILD_X11 */ -static inline void set_foreground_color(long c) -{ +static inline void set_foreground_color(long c) { #ifdef BUILD_X11 - if (out_to_x.get(*state)) { + if (out_to_x.get(*state)) { #ifdef BUILD_ARGB - if (have_argb_visual) { - current_color = c | (own_window_argb_value.get(*state) << 24); - } else { + if (have_argb_visual) { + current_color = c | (own_window_argb_value.get(*state) << 24); + } else { #endif /* BUILD_ARGB */ - current_color = c; + current_color = c; #ifdef BUILD_ARGB - } + } #endif /* BUILD_ARGB */ - XSetForeground(display, window.gc, current_color); - } + XSetForeground(display, window.gc, current_color); + } #endif /* BUILD_X11 */ #ifdef BUILD_NCURSES - if (out_to_ncurses.get(*state)) { - attron(COLOR_PAIR(c)); - } + if (out_to_ncurses.get(*state)) { + attron(COLOR_PAIR(c)); + } #endif /* BUILD_NCURSES */ - UNUSED(c); - return; + UNUSED(c); + return; } -std::string string_replace_all(std::string original, std::string oldpart, std::string newpart, std::string::size_type start) { - std::string::size_type i = start; - int oldpartlen = oldpart.length(); - while(1) { - i = original.find(oldpart, i); - if(i == std::string::npos) break; - original.replace(i, oldpartlen, newpart); - } - return original; +std::string string_replace_all(std::string original, std::string oldpart, + std::string newpart, + std::string::size_type start) { + std::string::size_type i = start; + int oldpartlen = oldpart.length(); + while (1) { + i = original.find(oldpart, i); + if (i == std::string::npos) break; + original.replace(i, oldpartlen, newpart); + } + return original; } -static void draw_string(const char *s) -{ - int i, i2, pos, width_of_s; - int max = 0; - int added; +static void draw_string(const char *s) { + int i, i2, pos, width_of_s; + int max = 0; + int added; - if (s[0] == '\0') { - return; - } + if (s[0] == '\0') { + return; + } - width_of_s = get_string_width(s); - if (out_to_stdout.get(*state) && draw_mode == FG) { - printf("%s\n", s); - if (extra_newline.get(*state)) fputc('\n', stdout); - fflush(stdout); /* output immediately, don't buffer */ - } - if (out_to_stderr.get(*state) && draw_mode == FG) { - fprintf(stderr, "%s\n", s); - fflush(stderr); /* output immediately, don't buffer */ - } - if (draw_mode == FG && overwrite_fpointer) { - fprintf(overwrite_fpointer, "%s\n", s); - } - if (draw_mode == FG && append_fpointer) { - fprintf(append_fpointer, "%s\n", s); - } + width_of_s = get_string_width(s); + if (out_to_stdout.get(*state) && draw_mode == FG) { + printf("%s\n", s); + if (extra_newline.get(*state)) fputc('\n', stdout); + fflush(stdout); /* output immediately, don't buffer */ + } + if (out_to_stderr.get(*state) && draw_mode == FG) { + fprintf(stderr, "%s\n", s); + fflush(stderr); /* output immediately, don't buffer */ + } + if (draw_mode == FG && overwrite_fpointer) { + fprintf(overwrite_fpointer, "%s\n", s); + } + if (draw_mode == FG && append_fpointer) { + fprintf(append_fpointer, "%s\n", s); + } #ifdef BUILD_NCURSES - if (out_to_ncurses.get(*state) && draw_mode == FG) { - printw("%s", s); - } + if (out_to_ncurses.get(*state) && draw_mode == FG) { + printw("%s", s); + } #endif #ifdef BUILD_HTTP - if (out_to_http.get(*state) && draw_mode == FG) { - std::string::size_type origlen = webpage.length(); - webpage.append(s); - webpage = string_replace_all(webpage, "\n", "
", origlen); - webpage = string_replace_all(webpage, " ", "  ", origlen); - webpage = string_replace_all(webpage, "  ", "  ", origlen); - webpage.append("
"); - } + if (out_to_http.get(*state) && draw_mode == FG) { + std::string::size_type origlen = webpage.length(); + webpage.append(s); + webpage = string_replace_all(webpage, "\n", "
", origlen); + webpage = string_replace_all(webpage, " ", "  ", origlen); + webpage = string_replace_all(webpage, "  ", "  ", origlen); + webpage.append("
"); + } #endif - int tbs = text_buffer_size.get(*state); - memset(tmpstring1, 0, tbs); - memset(tmpstring2, 0, tbs); - strncpy(tmpstring1, s, tbs - 1); - pos = 0; - added = 0; + int tbs = text_buffer_size.get(*state); + memset(tmpstring1, 0, tbs); + memset(tmpstring2, 0, tbs); + strncpy(tmpstring1, s, tbs - 1); + pos = 0; + added = 0; #ifdef BUILD_X11 - if (out_to_x.get(*state)) { - max = ((text_width - width_of_s) / get_string_width(" ")); - } + if (out_to_x.get(*state)) { + max = ((text_width - width_of_s) / get_string_width(" ")); + } #endif /* BUILD_X11 */ - /* This code looks for tabs in the text and coverts them to spaces. - * The trick is getting the correct number of spaces, and not going - * over the window's size without forcing the window larger. */ - for (i = 0; i < tbs; i++) { - if (tmpstring1[i] == '\t') { - i2 = 0; - for (i2 = 0; i2 < (8 - (1 + pos) % 8) && added <= max; i2++) { - /* guard against overrun */ - tmpstring2[MIN(pos + i2, tbs - 1)] = ' '; - added++; - } - pos += i2; - } else { - /* guard against overrun */ - tmpstring2[MIN(pos, tbs - 1)] = tmpstring1[i]; - pos++; - } - } + /* This code looks for tabs in the text and coverts them to spaces. + * The trick is getting the correct number of spaces, and not going + * over the window's size without forcing the window larger. */ + for (i = 0; i < tbs; i++) { + if (tmpstring1[i] == '\t') { + i2 = 0; + for (i2 = 0; i2 < (8 - (1 + pos) % 8) && added <= max; i2++) { + /* guard against overrun */ + tmpstring2[MIN(pos + i2, tbs - 1)] = ' '; + added++; + } + pos += i2; + } else { + /* guard against overrun */ + tmpstring2[MIN(pos, tbs - 1)] = tmpstring1[i]; + pos++; + } + } #ifdef BUILD_X11 - if (out_to_x.get(*state)) { - int mw = maximum_width.get(*state); - if (text_width == mw) { - /* this means the text is probably pushing the limit, - * so we'll chop it */ - while (cur_x + get_string_width(tmpstring2) - text_start_x > mw - && strlen(tmpstring2) > 0) { - tmpstring2[strlen(tmpstring2) - 1] = '\0'; - } - } - } + if (out_to_x.get(*state)) { + int mw = maximum_width.get(*state); + if (text_width == mw) { + /* this means the text is probably pushing the limit, + * so we'll chop it */ + while (cur_x + get_string_width(tmpstring2) - text_start_x > mw && + strlen(tmpstring2) > 0) { + tmpstring2[strlen(tmpstring2) - 1] = '\0'; + } + } + } #endif /* BUILD_X11 */ - s = tmpstring2; + s = tmpstring2; #ifdef BUILD_X11 - if (out_to_x.get(*state)) { + if (out_to_x.get(*state)) { #ifdef BUILD_XFT - if (use_xft.get(*state)) { - XColor c; - XftColor c2; + if (use_xft.get(*state)) { + XColor c; + XftColor c2; - c.pixel = current_color; - // query color on custom colormap - XQueryColor(display, window.colourmap, &c); + c.pixel = current_color; + // query color on custom colormap + XQueryColor(display, window.colourmap, &c); - c2.pixel = c.pixel; - c2.color.red = c.red; - c2.color.green = c.green; - c2.color.blue = c.blue; - c2.color.alpha = fonts[selected_font].font_alpha; - if (utf8_mode.get(*state)) { - XftDrawStringUtf8(window.xftdraw, &c2, fonts[selected_font].xftfont, - text_offset_x + cur_x, text_offset_y + cur_y, (const XftChar8 *) s, strlen(s)); - } else { - XftDrawString8(window.xftdraw, &c2, fonts[selected_font].xftfont, - text_offset_x + cur_x, text_offset_y + cur_y, (const XftChar8 *) s, strlen(s)); - } - } else + c2.pixel = c.pixel; + c2.color.red = c.red; + c2.color.green = c.green; + c2.color.blue = c.blue; + c2.color.alpha = fonts[selected_font].font_alpha; + if (utf8_mode.get(*state)) { + XftDrawStringUtf8(window.xftdraw, &c2, fonts[selected_font].xftfont, + text_offset_x + cur_x, text_offset_y + cur_y, + (const XftChar8 *)s, strlen(s)); + } else { + XftDrawString8(window.xftdraw, &c2, fonts[selected_font].xftfont, + text_offset_x + cur_x, text_offset_y + cur_y, + (const XftChar8 *)s, strlen(s)); + } + } else #endif - { - if (utf8_mode.get(*state)) { - Xutf8DrawString(display, window.drawable, fonts[selected_font].fontset, window.gc, - text_offset_x + cur_x, text_offset_y + cur_y, s, strlen(s)); - } else { - XDrawString(display, window.drawable, window.gc, - text_offset_x + cur_x, text_offset_y + cur_y, s, strlen(s)); - } - } - cur_x += width_of_s; - } + { + if (utf8_mode.get(*state)) { + Xutf8DrawString(display, window.drawable, fonts[selected_font].fontset, + window.gc, text_offset_x + cur_x, text_offset_y + cur_y, + s, strlen(s)); + } else { + XDrawString(display, window.drawable, window.gc, text_offset_x + cur_x, + text_offset_y + cur_y, s, strlen(s)); + } + } + cur_x += width_of_s; + } #endif /* BUILD_X11 */ - memcpy(tmpstring1, s, tbs); + memcpy(tmpstring1, s, tbs); } -int draw_each_line_inner(char *s, int special_index, int last_special_applied) -{ +int draw_each_line_inner(char *s, int special_index, int last_special_applied) { #ifndef BUILD_X11 - static int cur_x, cur_y; /* current x and y for drawing */ + static int cur_x, cur_y; /* current x and y for drawing */ #endif #ifdef BUILD_X11 - int font_h = 0; - int cur_y_add = 0; - int mw = maximum_width.get(*state); + int font_h = 0; + int cur_y_add = 0; + int mw = maximum_width.get(*state); #endif /* BUILD_X11 */ - char *p = s; - int orig_special_index = special_index; + char *p = s; + int orig_special_index = special_index; #ifdef BUILD_X11 - if (out_to_x.get(*state)) { - font_h = font_height(); - cur_y += font_ascent(); - } - cur_x = text_start_x; + if (out_to_x.get(*state)) { + font_h = font_height(); + cur_y += font_ascent(); + } + cur_x = text_start_x; #endif /* BUILD_X11 */ - while (*p) { - if (*p == SPECIAL_CHAR || last_special_applied > -1) { + while (*p) { + if (*p == SPECIAL_CHAR || last_special_applied > -1) { #ifdef BUILD_X11 - int w = 0; + int w = 0; #endif /* BUILD_X11 */ - /* draw string before special, unless we're dealing multiline - * specials */ - if (last_special_applied > -1) { - special_index = last_special_applied; - } else { - *p = '\0'; - draw_string(s); - *p = SPECIAL_CHAR; - s = p + 1; - } - /* draw special */ - special_t *current = specials; - for(int i = 0; i < special_index; i++) - current = current->next; - switch (current->type) { + /* draw string before special, unless we're dealing multiline + * specials */ + if (last_special_applied > -1) { + special_index = last_special_applied; + } else { + *p = '\0'; + draw_string(s); + *p = SPECIAL_CHAR; + s = p + 1; + } + /* draw special */ + special_t *current = specials; + for (int i = 0; i < special_index; i++) current = current->next; + switch (current->type) { #ifdef BUILD_X11 - case HORIZONTAL_LINE: - { - int h = current->height; - int mid = font_ascent() / 2; + case HORIZONTAL_LINE: { + int h = current->height; + int mid = font_ascent() / 2; - w = text_start_x + text_width - cur_x; + w = text_start_x + text_width - cur_x; - XSetLineAttributes(display, window.gc, h, LineSolid, - CapButt, JoinMiter); - XDrawLine(display, window.drawable, window.gc, text_offset_x + cur_x, - text_offset_y + cur_y - mid / 2, text_offset_x + cur_x + w, text_offset_y + cur_y - mid / 2); - break; - } + XSetLineAttributes(display, window.gc, h, LineSolid, CapButt, + JoinMiter); + XDrawLine(display, window.drawable, window.gc, text_offset_x + cur_x, + text_offset_y + cur_y - mid / 2, text_offset_x + cur_x + w, + text_offset_y + cur_y - mid / 2); + break; + } - case STIPPLED_HR: - { - int h = current->height; - char tmp_s = current->arg; - int mid = font_ascent() / 2; - char ss[2] = { tmp_s, tmp_s }; + case STIPPLED_HR: { + int h = current->height; + char tmp_s = current->arg; + int mid = font_ascent() / 2; + char ss[2] = {tmp_s, tmp_s}; - w = text_start_x + text_width - cur_x - 1; - XSetLineAttributes(display, window.gc, h, LineOnOffDash, - CapButt, JoinMiter); - XSetDashes(display, window.gc, 0, ss, 2); - XDrawLine(display, window.drawable, window.gc, text_offset_x + cur_x, - text_offset_y + cur_y - mid / 2, text_offset_x + cur_x + w, text_offset_x + cur_y - mid / 2); - break; - } + w = text_start_x + text_width - cur_x - 1; + XSetLineAttributes(display, window.gc, h, LineOnOffDash, CapButt, + JoinMiter); + XSetDashes(display, window.gc, 0, ss, 2); + XDrawLine(display, window.drawable, window.gc, text_offset_x + cur_x, + text_offset_y + cur_y - mid / 2, text_offset_x + cur_x + w, + text_offset_x + cur_y - mid / 2); + break; + } - case BAR: - { - int h, by; - double bar_usage, scale; - if (cur_x - text_start_x > mw && mw > 0) { - break; - } - h = current->height; - bar_usage = current->arg; - scale = current->scale; - by = cur_y - (font_ascent() / 2) - 1; + case BAR: { + int h, by; + double bar_usage, scale; + if (cur_x - text_start_x > mw && mw > 0) { + break; + } + h = current->height; + bar_usage = current->arg; + scale = current->scale; + by = cur_y - (font_ascent() / 2) - 1; - if (h < font_h) { - by -= h / 2 - 1; - } - w = current->width; - if (w == 0) { - w = text_start_x + text_width - cur_x - 1; - } - if (w < 0) { - w = 0; - } + if (h < font_h) { + by -= h / 2 - 1; + } + w = current->width; + if (w == 0) { + w = text_start_x + text_width - cur_x - 1; + } + if (w < 0) { + w = 0; + } - XSetLineAttributes(display, window.gc, 1, LineSolid, - CapButt, JoinMiter); + XSetLineAttributes(display, window.gc, 1, LineSolid, CapButt, + JoinMiter); - XDrawRectangle(display, window.drawable, window.gc, text_offset_x + cur_x, - text_offset_y + by, w, h); - XFillRectangle(display, window.drawable, window.gc, text_offset_x + cur_x, - text_offset_y + by, w * bar_usage / scale, h); - if (h > cur_y_add - && h > font_h) { - cur_y_add = h; - } - break; - } + XDrawRectangle(display, window.drawable, window.gc, + text_offset_x + cur_x, text_offset_y + by, w, h); + XFillRectangle(display, window.drawable, window.gc, + text_offset_x + cur_x, text_offset_y + by, + w * bar_usage / scale, h); + if (h > cur_y_add && h > font_h) { + cur_y_add = h; + } + break; + } - case GAUGE: /* new GAUGE */ - { - int h, by = 0; - unsigned long last_colour = current_color; + case GAUGE: /* new GAUGE */ + { + int h, by = 0; + unsigned long last_colour = current_color; #ifdef BUILD_MATH - float angle, px, py; - double usage, scale; + float angle, px, py; + double usage, scale; #endif /* BUILD_MATH */ - if (cur_x - text_start_x > mw && mw > 0) { - break; - } + if (cur_x - text_start_x > mw && mw > 0) { + break; + } - h = current->height; - by = cur_y - (font_ascent() / 2) - 1; + h = current->height; + by = cur_y - (font_ascent() / 2) - 1; - if (h < font_h) { - by -= h / 2 - 1; - } - w = current->width; - if (w == 0) { - w = text_start_x + text_width - cur_x - 1; - } - if (w < 0) { - w = 0; - } + if (h < font_h) { + by -= h / 2 - 1; + } + w = current->width; + if (w == 0) { + w = text_start_x + text_width - cur_x - 1; + } + if (w < 0) { + w = 0; + } - XSetLineAttributes(display, window.gc, 1, LineSolid, - CapButt, JoinMiter); + XSetLineAttributes(display, window.gc, 1, LineSolid, CapButt, + JoinMiter); - XDrawArc(display, window.drawable, window.gc, - text_offset_x + cur_x, text_offset_y + by, w, h * 2, 0, 180*64); + XDrawArc(display, window.drawable, window.gc, text_offset_x + cur_x, + text_offset_y + by, w, h * 2, 0, 180 * 64); #ifdef BUILD_MATH - usage = current->arg; - scale = current->scale; - angle = M_PI * usage / scale; - px = (float)(cur_x+(w/2.))-(float)(w/2.)*cos(angle); - py = (float)(by+(h))-(float)(h)*sin(angle); + usage = current->arg; + scale = current->scale; + angle = M_PI * usage / scale; + px = (float)(cur_x + (w / 2.)) - (float)(w / 2.) * cos(angle); + py = (float)(by + (h)) - (float)(h)*sin(angle); - XDrawLine(display, window.drawable, window.gc, - text_offset_x + cur_x + (w/2.), text_offset_y + by+(h), text_offset_x + (int)(px), text_offset_y + (int)(py)); + XDrawLine(display, window.drawable, window.gc, + text_offset_x + cur_x + (w / 2.), text_offset_y + by + (h), + text_offset_x + (int)(px), text_offset_y + (int)(py)); #endif /* BUILD_MATH */ - if (h > cur_y_add - && h > font_h) { - cur_y_add = h; - } + if (h > cur_y_add && h > font_h) { + cur_y_add = h; + } - set_foreground_color(last_colour); + set_foreground_color(last_colour); - break; + break; + } - } + case GRAPH: { + int h, by, i = 0, j = 0; + int colour_idx = 0; + unsigned long last_colour = current_color; + if (cur_x - text_start_x > mw && mw > 0) { + break; + } + h = current->height; + by = cur_y - (font_ascent() / 2) - 1; - case GRAPH: - { - int h, by, i = 0, j = 0; - int colour_idx = 0; - unsigned long last_colour = current_color; - if (cur_x - text_start_x > mw && mw > 0) { - break; - } - h = current->height; - by = cur_y - (font_ascent() / 2) - 1; + if (h < font_h) { + by -= h / 2 - 1; + } + w = current->width; + if (w == 0) { + w = text_start_x + text_width - cur_x - 1; + current->graph_width = MAX(w - 1, 0); + if (current->graph_width != current->graph_allocated) { + w = current->graph_allocated + 1; + } + } + if (w < 0) { + w = 0; + } + if (draw_graph_borders.get(*state)) { + XSetLineAttributes(display, window.gc, 1, LineSolid, CapButt, + JoinMiter); + XDrawRectangle(display, window.drawable, window.gc, + text_offset_x + cur_x, text_offset_y + by, w, h); + } + XSetLineAttributes(display, window.gc, 1, LineSolid, CapButt, + JoinMiter); - if (h < font_h) { - by -= h / 2 - 1; - } - w = current->width; - if (w == 0) { - w = text_start_x + text_width - cur_x - 1; - current->graph_width = MAX(w - 1, 0); - if (current->graph_width != current->graph_allocated) { - w = current->graph_allocated + 1; - } + /* in case we don't have a graph yet */ + if (current->graph) { + unsigned long *tmpcolour = 0; - } - if (w < 0) { - w = 0; - } - if (draw_graph_borders.get(*state)) { - XSetLineAttributes(display, window.gc, 1, LineSolid, - CapButt, JoinMiter); - XDrawRectangle(display, window.drawable, window.gc, - text_offset_x + cur_x, text_offset_y + by, w, h); - } - XSetLineAttributes(display, window.gc, 1, LineSolid, - CapButt, JoinMiter); - - /* in case we don't have a graph yet */ - if (current->graph) { - unsigned long *tmpcolour = 0; - - if (current->last_colour != 0 || current->first_colour != 0) { - tmpcolour = do_gradient(w - 1, - current->last_colour, current->first_colour); - } - colour_idx = 0; - for (i = w - 2; i > -1; i--) { - if (current->last_colour != 0 || current->first_colour != 0) { - if (current->tempgrad) { + if (current->last_colour != 0 || current->first_colour != 0) { + tmpcolour = do_gradient(w - 1, current->last_colour, + current->first_colour); + } + colour_idx = 0; + for (i = w - 2; i > -1; i--) { + if (current->last_colour != 0 || current->first_colour != 0) { + if (current->tempgrad) { #ifdef DEBUG_lol - assert( - (int)((float)(w - 2) - current->graph[j] * - (w - 2) / (float)current->scale) - < w-1 - ); - assert( - (int)((float)(w - 2) - current->graph[j] * - (w - 2) / (float)current->scale) - > -1 - ); - if (current->graph[j] == current->scale) { - assert( - (int)((float)(w - 2) - current->graph[j] * - (w - 2) / (float)current->scale) - == 0 - ); - } + assert((int)((float)(w - 2) - current->graph[j] * (w - 2) / + (float)current->scale) < + w - 1); + assert((int)((float)(w - 2) - current->graph[j] * (w - 2) / + (float)current->scale) > + -1); + if (current->graph[j] == current->scale) { + assert((int)((float)(w - 2) - current->graph[j] * (w - 2) / + (float)current->scale) == + 0); + } #endif /* DEBUG_lol */ - set_foreground_color(tmpcolour[ - (int)((float)(w - 2) - - current->graph[j] * (w - 2) / - std::max((float)current->scale, 1.0f)) - ]); - } else { - set_foreground_color(tmpcolour[colour_idx++]); - } - } - /* this is mugfugly, but it works */ - XDrawLine(display, window.drawable, window.gc, - text_offset_x + cur_x + i + 1, text_offset_y + by + h, text_offset_x + cur_x + i + 1, - text_offset_y + round_to_int((double)by + h - current->graph[j] * - (h - 1) / current->scale)); - ++j; - } - free_and_zero(tmpcolour); - } - if (h > cur_y_add - && h > font_h) { - cur_y_add = h; - } - if (show_graph_range.get(*state)) { - int tmp_x = cur_x; - int tmp_y = cur_y; - unsigned short int seconds = active_update_interval() * w; - char *tmp_day_str; - char *tmp_hour_str; - char *tmp_min_str; - char *tmp_sec_str; - char *tmp_str; - unsigned short int timeunits; - if (seconds != 0) { - timeunits = seconds / 86400; seconds %= 86400; - if (timeunits <= 0 || - asprintf(&tmp_day_str, _("%dd"), timeunits) == -1) { - tmp_day_str = strdup(""); - } - timeunits = seconds / 3600; seconds %= 3600; - if (timeunits <= 0 || - asprintf(&tmp_hour_str, _("%dh"), timeunits) == -1) { - tmp_hour_str = strdup(""); - } - timeunits = seconds / 60; seconds %= 60; - if (timeunits <= 0 || - asprintf(&tmp_min_str, _("%dm"), timeunits) == -1) { - tmp_min_str = strdup(""); - } - if (seconds <= 0 || - asprintf(&tmp_sec_str, _("%ds"), seconds) == -1) { - tmp_sec_str = strdup(""); - } - if (asprintf(&tmp_str, "%s%s%s%s", tmp_day_str, tmp_hour_str, tmp_min_str, tmp_sec_str) == -1) - tmp_str = strdup(""); - free(tmp_day_str); free(tmp_hour_str); free(tmp_min_str); free(tmp_sec_str); - } else { - tmp_str = strdup(_("Range not possible")); // should never happen, but better safe then sorry - } - cur_x += (w / 2) - (font_ascent() * (strlen(tmp_str) / 2)); - cur_y += font_h / 2; - draw_string(tmp_str); - free(tmp_str); - cur_x = tmp_x; - cur_y = tmp_y; - } + set_foreground_color(tmpcolour[( + int)((float)(w - 2) - + current->graph[j] * (w - 2) / + std::max((float)current->scale, 1.0f))]); + } else { + set_foreground_color(tmpcolour[colour_idx++]); + } + } + /* this is mugfugly, but it works */ + XDrawLine( + display, window.drawable, window.gc, + text_offset_x + cur_x + i + 1, text_offset_y + by + h, + text_offset_x + cur_x + i + 1, + text_offset_y + round_to_int((double)by + h - + current->graph[j] * (h - 1) / + current->scale)); + ++j; + } + free_and_zero(tmpcolour); + } + if (h > cur_y_add && h > font_h) { + cur_y_add = h; + } + if (show_graph_range.get(*state)) { + int tmp_x = cur_x; + int tmp_y = cur_y; + unsigned short int seconds = active_update_interval() * w; + char *tmp_day_str; + char *tmp_hour_str; + char *tmp_min_str; + char *tmp_sec_str; + char *tmp_str; + unsigned short int timeunits; + if (seconds != 0) { + timeunits = seconds / 86400; + seconds %= 86400; + if (timeunits <= 0 || + asprintf(&tmp_day_str, _("%dd"), timeunits) == -1) { + tmp_day_str = strdup(""); + } + timeunits = seconds / 3600; + seconds %= 3600; + if (timeunits <= 0 || + asprintf(&tmp_hour_str, _("%dh"), timeunits) == -1) { + tmp_hour_str = strdup(""); + } + timeunits = seconds / 60; + seconds %= 60; + if (timeunits <= 0 || + asprintf(&tmp_min_str, _("%dm"), timeunits) == -1) { + tmp_min_str = strdup(""); + } + if (seconds <= 0 || + asprintf(&tmp_sec_str, _("%ds"), seconds) == -1) { + tmp_sec_str = strdup(""); + } + if (asprintf(&tmp_str, "%s%s%s%s", tmp_day_str, tmp_hour_str, + tmp_min_str, tmp_sec_str) == -1) + tmp_str = strdup(""); + free(tmp_day_str); + free(tmp_hour_str); + free(tmp_min_str); + free(tmp_sec_str); + } else { + tmp_str = + strdup(_("Range not possible")); // should never happen, but + // better safe then sorry + } + cur_x += (w / 2) - (font_ascent() * (strlen(tmp_str) / 2)); + cur_y += font_h / 2; + draw_string(tmp_str); + free(tmp_str); + cur_x = tmp_x; + cur_y = tmp_y; + } #ifdef BUILD_MATH - if (show_graph_scale.get(*state) && (current->show_scale == 1)) { - int tmp_x = cur_x; - int tmp_y = cur_y; - char *tmp_str; - cur_x += font_ascent() / 2; - cur_y += font_h / 2; - const int tmp_str_len = 64; - tmp_str = (char *) calloc(tmp_str_len, sizeof(char)); - sprintf(tmp_str, "%.1f", current->scale); - draw_string(tmp_str); - free(tmp_str); - cur_x = tmp_x; - cur_y = tmp_y; - } + if (show_graph_scale.get(*state) && (current->show_scale == 1)) { + int tmp_x = cur_x; + int tmp_y = cur_y; + char *tmp_str; + cur_x += font_ascent() / 2; + cur_y += font_h / 2; + const int tmp_str_len = 64; + tmp_str = (char *)calloc(tmp_str_len, sizeof(char)); + sprintf(tmp_str, "%.1f", current->scale); + draw_string(tmp_str); + free(tmp_str); + cur_x = tmp_x; + cur_y = tmp_y; + } #endif - set_foreground_color(last_colour); - break; - } + set_foreground_color(last_colour); + break; + } - case FONT: - { - int old = font_ascent(); + case FONT: { + int old = font_ascent(); - cur_y -= font_ascent(); - selected_font = current->font_added; - set_font(); - if (cur_y + font_ascent() < cur_y + old) { - cur_y += old; - } else { - cur_y += font_ascent(); - } - font_h = font_height(); - break; - } + cur_y -= font_ascent(); + selected_font = current->font_added; + set_font(); + if (cur_y + font_ascent() < cur_y + old) { + cur_y += old; + } else { + cur_y += font_ascent(); + } + font_h = font_height(); + break; + } #endif /* BUILD_X11 */ - case FG: - if (draw_mode == FG) { - set_foreground_color(current->arg); - } - break; + case FG: + if (draw_mode == FG) { + set_foreground_color(current->arg); + } + break; #ifdef BUILD_X11 - case BG: - if (draw_mode == BG) { - set_foreground_color(current->arg); - } - break; + case BG: + if (draw_mode == BG) { + set_foreground_color(current->arg); + } + break; - case OUTLINE: - if (draw_mode == OUTLINE) { - set_foreground_color(current->arg); - } - break; + case OUTLINE: + if (draw_mode == OUTLINE) { + set_foreground_color(current->arg); + } + break; - case OFFSET: - w += current->arg; - break; + case OFFSET: + w += current->arg; + break; - case VOFFSET: - cur_y += current->arg; - break; + case VOFFSET: + cur_y += current->arg; + break; - case TAB: - { - int start = current->arg; - int step = current->width; + case TAB: { + int start = current->arg; + int step = current->width; - if (!step || step < 0) { - step = 10; - } - w = step - (cur_x - text_start_x - start) % step; - break; - } + if (!step || step < 0) { + step = 10; + } + w = step - (cur_x - text_start_x - start) % step; + break; + } - case ALIGNR: - { - /* TODO: add back in "+ window.border_inner_margin" to the end of - * this line? */ - int pos_x = text_start_x + text_width - - get_string_width_special(s, special_index); + case ALIGNR: { + /* TODO: add back in "+ window.border_inner_margin" to the end of + * this line? */ + int pos_x = text_start_x + text_width - + get_string_width_special(s, special_index); - /* printf("pos_x %i text_start_x %i text_width %i cur_x %i " - "get_string_width(p) %i gap_x %i " - "current->arg %i window.border_inner_margin %i " - "window.border_width %i\n", pos_x, text_start_x, text_width, - cur_x, get_string_width_special(s), gap_x, - current->arg, window.border_inner_margin, - window.border_width); */ - if (pos_x > current->arg && pos_x > cur_x) { - cur_x = pos_x - current->arg; - } - break; - } + /* printf("pos_x %i text_start_x %i text_width %i cur_x %i " + "get_string_width(p) %i gap_x %i " + "current->arg %i window.border_inner_margin %i " + "window.border_width %i\n", pos_x, text_start_x, text_width, + cur_x, get_string_width_special(s), gap_x, + current->arg, window.border_inner_margin, + window.border_width); */ + if (pos_x > current->arg && pos_x > cur_x) { + cur_x = pos_x - current->arg; + } + break; + } - case ALIGNC: - { - int pos_x = (text_width) / 2 - get_string_width_special(s, - special_index) / 2 - (cur_x - - text_start_x); - /* int pos_x = text_start_x + text_width / 2 - - get_string_width_special(s) / 2; */ + case ALIGNC: { + int pos_x = (text_width) / 2 - + get_string_width_special(s, special_index) / 2 - + (cur_x - text_start_x); + /* int pos_x = text_start_x + text_width / 2 - + get_string_width_special(s) / 2; */ - /* printf("pos_x %i text_start_x %i text_width %i cur_x %i " - "get_string_width(p) %i gap_x %i " - "current->arg %i\n", pos_x, text_start_x, - text_width, cur_x, get_string_width(s), gap_x, - current->arg); */ - if (pos_x > current->arg) { - w = pos_x - current->arg; - } - break; - } + /* printf("pos_x %i text_start_x %i text_width %i cur_x %i " + "get_string_width(p) %i gap_x %i " + "current->arg %i\n", pos_x, text_start_x, + text_width, cur_x, get_string_width(s), gap_x, + current->arg); */ + if (pos_x > current->arg) { + w = pos_x - current->arg; + } + break; + } #endif /* BUILD_X11 */ - case GOTO: - if (current->arg >= 0) { + case GOTO: + if (current->arg >= 0) { #ifdef BUILD_X11 - cur_x = (int) current->arg; - //make sure shades are 1 pixel to the right of the text - if(draw_mode == BG) cur_x++; + cur_x = (int)current->arg; + // make sure shades are 1 pixel to the right of the text + if (draw_mode == BG) cur_x++; #endif /* BUILD_X11 */ #ifdef BUILD_NCURSES - if (out_to_ncurses.get(*state)){ - int x, y; - getyx(ncurses_window, y, x); - move(y, cur_x); - } + if (out_to_ncurses.get(*state)) { + int x, y; + getyx(ncurses_window, y, x); + move(y, cur_x); + } #endif /* BUILD_NCURSES */ - } - break; - - } + } + break; + } #ifdef BUILD_X11 - cur_x += w; + cur_x += w; #endif /* BUILD_X11 */ - if (special_index != last_special_applied) { - special_index++; - } else { - special_index = orig_special_index; - last_special_applied = -1; - } - } - p++; - } + if (special_index != last_special_applied) { + special_index++; + } else { + special_index = orig_special_index; + last_special_applied = -1; + } + } + p++; + } #ifdef BUILD_X11 - cur_y += cur_y_add; + cur_y += cur_y_add; #endif /* BUILD_X11 */ - draw_string(s); + draw_string(s); #ifdef BUILD_NCURSES - if (out_to_ncurses.get(*state)) { - printw("\n"); - } + if (out_to_ncurses.get(*state)) { + printw("\n"); + } #endif /* BUILD_NCURSES */ #ifdef BUILD_X11 - if (out_to_x.get(*state)) - cur_y += font_descent(); + if (out_to_x.get(*state)) cur_y += font_descent(); #endif /* BUILD_X11 */ - return special_index; + return special_index; } -static int draw_line(char *s, int special_index) -{ +static int draw_line(char *s, int special_index) { #ifdef BUILD_X11 - if (out_to_x.get(*state)) { - return draw_each_line_inner(s, special_index, -1); - } + if (out_to_x.get(*state)) { + return draw_each_line_inner(s, special_index, -1); + } #endif /* BUILD_X11 */ #ifdef BUILD_NCURSES - if (out_to_ncurses.get(*state)) { - return draw_each_line_inner(s, special_index, -1); - } + if (out_to_ncurses.get(*state)) { + return draw_each_line_inner(s, special_index, -1); + } #endif /* BUILD_NCURSES */ - draw_string(s); - UNUSED(special_index); - return 0; + draw_string(s); + UNUSED(special_index); + return 0; } -static void draw_text(void) -{ +static void draw_text(void) { #ifdef BUILD_HTTP -#define WEBPAGE_START1 "\n" -#define WEBPAGE_START2 "Conky

" +#define WEBPAGE_START1 \ + "\n" +#define WEBPAGE_START2 \ + "Conky

" #define WEBPAGE_END "

" - if (out_to_http.get(*state)) { - webpage = WEBPAGE_START1; - if(http_refresh.get(*state)) { - webpage.append(""); - } - webpage.append(WEBPAGE_START2); - } + if (out_to_http.get(*state)) { + webpage = WEBPAGE_START1; + if (http_refresh.get(*state)) { + webpage.append(""); + } + webpage.append(WEBPAGE_START2); + } #endif #ifdef BUILD_X11 - if (out_to_x.get(*state)) { - cur_y = text_start_y; - int bw = border_width.get(*state); + if (out_to_x.get(*state)) { + cur_y = text_start_y; + int bw = border_width.get(*state); - /* draw borders */ - if (draw_borders.get(*state) && bw > 0) { - if (stippled_borders.get(*state)) { - char ss[2] = { stippled_borders.get(*state), stippled_borders.get(*state) }; - XSetLineAttributes(display, window.gc, bw, LineOnOffDash, - CapButt, JoinMiter); - XSetDashes(display, window.gc, 0, ss, 2); - } else { - XSetLineAttributes(display, window.gc, bw, LineSolid, - CapButt, JoinMiter); - } + /* draw borders */ + if (draw_borders.get(*state) && bw > 0) { + if (stippled_borders.get(*state)) { + char ss[2] = {stippled_borders.get(*state), + stippled_borders.get(*state)}; + XSetLineAttributes(display, window.gc, bw, LineOnOffDash, CapButt, + JoinMiter); + XSetDashes(display, window.gc, 0, ss, 2); + } else { + XSetLineAttributes(display, window.gc, bw, LineSolid, CapButt, + JoinMiter); + } - int offset = border_inner_margin.get(*state) + bw; - XDrawRectangle(display, window.drawable, window.gc, - text_offset_x + text_start_x - offset, text_offset_y + text_start_y - offset, - text_width + 2*offset, text_height + 2*offset); - } + int offset = border_inner_margin.get(*state) + bw; + XDrawRectangle(display, window.drawable, window.gc, + text_offset_x + text_start_x - offset, + text_offset_y + text_start_y - offset, + text_width + 2 * offset, text_height + 2 * offset); + } - /* draw text */ - } - setup_fonts(); + /* draw text */ + } + setup_fonts(); #endif /* BUILD_X11 */ #ifdef BUILD_NCURSES - init_pair(COLOR_WHITE, COLOR_WHITE, COLOR_BLACK); - attron(COLOR_PAIR(COLOR_WHITE)); + init_pair(COLOR_WHITE, COLOR_WHITE, COLOR_BLACK); + attron(COLOR_PAIR(COLOR_WHITE)); #endif /* BUILD_NCURSES */ - for_each_line(text_buffer, draw_line); + for_each_line(text_buffer, draw_line); #ifdef BUILD_HTTP - if (out_to_http.get(*state)) { - webpage.append(WEBPAGE_END); - } + if (out_to_http.get(*state)) { + webpage.append(WEBPAGE_END); + } #endif } -static void draw_stuff(void) -{ +static void draw_stuff(void) { #ifndef BUILD_X11 - static int text_offset_x, text_offset_y; /* offset for start position */ + static int text_offset_x, text_offset_y; /* offset for start position */ #endif - text_offset_x = text_offset_y = 0; + text_offset_x = text_offset_y = 0; #ifdef BUILD_IMLIB2 - cimlib_render(text_start_x, text_start_y, window.width, window.height); + cimlib_render(text_start_x, text_start_y, window.width, window.height); #endif /* BUILD_IMLIB2 */ - if (overwrite_file.get(*state).size()) { - overwrite_fpointer = fopen(overwrite_file.get(*state).c_str(), "w"); - if(!overwrite_fpointer) - NORM_ERR("Cannot overwrite '%s'", overwrite_file.get(*state).c_str()); - } - if (append_file.get(*state).size()) { - append_fpointer = fopen(append_file.get(*state).c_str(), "a"); - if(!append_fpointer) - NORM_ERR("Cannot append to '%s'", append_file.get(*state).c_str()); - } + if (overwrite_file.get(*state).size()) { + overwrite_fpointer = fopen(overwrite_file.get(*state).c_str(), "w"); + if (!overwrite_fpointer) + NORM_ERR("Cannot overwrite '%s'", overwrite_file.get(*state).c_str()); + } + if (append_file.get(*state).size()) { + append_fpointer = fopen(append_file.get(*state).c_str(), "a"); + if (!append_fpointer) + NORM_ERR("Cannot append to '%s'", append_file.get(*state).c_str()); + } #ifdef BUILD_X11 - llua_draw_pre_hook(); - if (out_to_x.get(*state)) { - selected_font = 0; - if (draw_shades.get(*state) && !draw_outline.get(*state)) { - text_offset_x = text_offset_y = 1; - text_start_y++; - set_foreground_color(default_shade_color.get(*state)); - draw_mode = BG; - draw_text(); - text_offset_x = text_offset_y = 0; - } + llua_draw_pre_hook(); + if (out_to_x.get(*state)) { + selected_font = 0; + if (draw_shades.get(*state) && !draw_outline.get(*state)) { + text_offset_x = text_offset_y = 1; + text_start_y++; + set_foreground_color(default_shade_color.get(*state)); + draw_mode = BG; + draw_text(); + text_offset_x = text_offset_y = 0; + } - if (draw_outline.get(*state)) { - selected_font = 0; + if (draw_outline.get(*state)) { + selected_font = 0; - for (text_offset_x = -1; text_offset_x < 2; text_offset_x++) { - for (text_offset_y = -1; text_offset_y < 2; text_offset_y++) { - if (text_offset_x == 0 && text_offset_y == 0) { - continue; - } - set_foreground_color(default_outline_color.get(*state)); - draw_mode = OUTLINE; - draw_text(); - } - } - text_offset_x = text_offset_y = 0; - } + for (text_offset_x = -1; text_offset_x < 2; text_offset_x++) { + for (text_offset_y = -1; text_offset_y < 2; text_offset_y++) { + if (text_offset_x == 0 && text_offset_y == 0) { + continue; + } + set_foreground_color(default_outline_color.get(*state)); + draw_mode = OUTLINE; + draw_text(); + } + } + text_offset_x = text_offset_y = 0; + } - set_foreground_color(default_color.get(*state)); - } + set_foreground_color(default_color.get(*state)); + } #endif /* BUILD_X11 */ - draw_mode = FG; - draw_text(); + draw_mode = FG; + draw_text(); #if defined(BUILD_X11) - llua_draw_post_hook(); + llua_draw_post_hook(); #if defined(BUILD_XDBE) - if (out_to_x.get(*state)) { - xdbe_swap_buffers(); - } + if (out_to_x.get(*state)) { + xdbe_swap_buffers(); + } #else - if (out_to_x.get(*state)) { - xpmdb_swap_buffers(); - } + if (out_to_x.get(*state)) { + xpmdb_swap_buffers(); + } #endif #endif /* BUILD_X11 && BUILD_XDBE */ - if(overwrite_fpointer) { - fclose(overwrite_fpointer); - overwrite_fpointer = 0; - } - if (append_fpointer) { - fclose(append_fpointer); - append_fpointer = 0; - } + if (overwrite_fpointer) { + fclose(overwrite_fpointer); + overwrite_fpointer = 0; + } + if (append_fpointer) { + fclose(append_fpointer); + append_fpointer = 0; + } } #ifdef BUILD_X11 -static void clear_text(int exposures) -{ +static void clear_text(int exposures) { #ifdef BUILD_XDBE - if (use_xdbe.get(*state)) { - /* The swap action is XdbeBackground, which clears */ - return; - } else + if (use_xdbe.get(*state)) { + /* The swap action is XdbeBackground, which clears */ + return; + } else #else - if (use_xpmdb.get(*state)) { - return; - } else + if (use_xpmdb.get(*state)) { + return; + } else #endif - if (display && window.window) { // make sure these are !null - /* there is some extra space for borders and outlines */ - int border_total = get_border_total(); + if (display && window.window) { // make sure these are !null + /* there is some extra space for borders and outlines */ + int border_total = get_border_total(); - XClearArea(display, window.window, text_start_x - border_total, - text_start_y - border_total, text_width + 2*border_total, - text_height + 2*border_total, exposures ? True : 0); - } + XClearArea(display, window.window, text_start_x - border_total, + text_start_y - border_total, text_width + 2 * border_total, + text_height + 2 * border_total, exposures ? True : 0); + } } #endif /* BUILD_X11 */ static int need_to_update; /* update_text() generates new text and clears old text area */ -static void update_text(void) -{ +static void update_text(void) { #ifdef BUILD_IMLIB2 - cimlib_cleanup(); + cimlib_cleanup(); #endif /* BUILD_IMLIB2 */ - generate_text(); + generate_text(); #ifdef BUILD_X11 - if (out_to_x.get(*state)) - clear_text(1); + if (out_to_x.get(*state)) clear_text(1); #endif /* BUILD_X11 */ - need_to_update = 1; - llua_update_info(&info, active_update_interval()); + need_to_update = 1; + llua_update_info(&info, active_update_interval()); } #ifdef HAVE_SYS_INOTIFY_H int inotify_fd = -1; #endif -bool is_on_battery() { //checks if at least one battery specified in "detect_battery" is discharging - char buf[64]; - std::string detect_battery_str; - std::string str_buf={""}; - detect_battery_str.assign(detect_battery.get(*state)); - detect_battery_str+=','; +bool is_on_battery() { // checks if at least one battery specified in + // "detect_battery" is discharging + char buf[64]; + std::string detect_battery_str; + std::string str_buf = {""}; + detect_battery_str.assign(detect_battery.get(*state)); + detect_battery_str += ','; - for(std::string::size_type i = 0; i < detect_battery_str.size(); i++){ //parse using ',' as delimiter - if( (detect_battery_str[i] != ',') && (detect_battery_str[i] != ' ') ) str_buf+=detect_battery_str[i]; - if( (detect_battery_str[i] == ',') && !str_buf.empty() ){ - get_battery_short_status(buf, 64, str_buf.c_str()); - if(buf[0] == 'D') return true; - str_buf=""; - } - } - return false; + for (std::string::size_type i = 0; i < detect_battery_str.size(); + i++) { // parse using ',' as delimiter + if ((detect_battery_str[i] != ',') && (detect_battery_str[i] != ' ')) + str_buf += detect_battery_str[i]; + if ((detect_battery_str[i] == ',') && !str_buf.empty()) { + get_battery_short_status(buf, 64, str_buf.c_str()); + if (buf[0] == 'D') return true; + str_buf = ""; + } + } + return false; } -static void main_loop(void) -{ - int terminate = 0; +static void main_loop(void) { + int terminate = 0; #ifdef SIGNAL_BLOCKING - sigset_t newmask, oldmask; + sigset_t newmask, oldmask; #endif - double t; + double t; #ifdef HAVE_SYS_INOTIFY_H - int inotify_config_wd = -1; -#define INOTIFY_EVENT_SIZE (sizeof(struct inotify_event)) -#define INOTIFY_BUF_LEN (20 * (INOTIFY_EVENT_SIZE + 16)) + 1 - char inotify_buff[INOTIFY_BUF_LEN]; + int inotify_config_wd = -1; +#define INOTIFY_EVENT_SIZE (sizeof(struct inotify_event)) +#define INOTIFY_BUF_LEN (20 * (INOTIFY_EVENT_SIZE + 16)) + 1 + char inotify_buff[INOTIFY_BUF_LEN]; #endif /* HAVE_SYS_INOTIFY_H */ - #ifdef SIGNAL_BLOCKING - sigemptyset(&newmask); - sigaddset(&newmask, SIGINT); - sigaddset(&newmask, SIGTERM); - sigaddset(&newmask, SIGUSR1); + sigemptyset(&newmask); + sigaddset(&newmask, SIGINT); + sigaddset(&newmask, SIGTERM); + sigaddset(&newmask, SIGUSR1); #endif #ifdef BUILD_X11 #ifdef BUILD_XSHAPE - if (out_to_x.get(*state)) { - /* allow only decorated windows to be given mouse input */ - int major_version, minor_version; - if (!XShapeQueryVersion(display, &major_version, &minor_version)) { - NORM_ERR("Input shapes are not supported"); - } else { - if (own_window.get(*state) && - (own_window_type.get(*state) != TYPE_NORMAL || - (TEST_HINT(own_window_hints.get(*state), HINT_UNDECORATED)))) { - XShapeCombineRectangles(display, window.window, ShapeInput, 0, 0, - NULL, 0, ShapeSet, Unsorted); - } - } - } + if (out_to_x.get(*state)) { + /* allow only decorated windows to be given mouse input */ + int major_version, minor_version; + if (!XShapeQueryVersion(display, &major_version, &minor_version)) { + NORM_ERR("Input shapes are not supported"); + } else { + if (own_window.get(*state) && + (own_window_type.get(*state) != TYPE_NORMAL || + (TEST_HINT(own_window_hints.get(*state), HINT_UNDECORATED)))) { + XShapeCombineRectangles(display, window.window, ShapeInput, 0, 0, NULL, + 0, ShapeSet, Unsorted); + } + } + } #endif /* BUILD_XSHAPE */ #endif /* BUILD_X11 */ - last_update_time = 0.0; - next_update_time = get_time() - fmod(get_time(), active_update_interval()); - info.looped = 0; - while (terminate == 0 - && (total_run_times.get(*state) == 0 || info.looped < total_run_times.get(*state))) { - if( (update_interval_on_battery.get(*state) != NOBATTERY)) on_battery = is_on_battery(); - info.looped++; + last_update_time = 0.0; + next_update_time = get_time() - fmod(get_time(), active_update_interval()); + info.looped = 0; + while (terminate == 0 && (total_run_times.get(*state) == 0 || + info.looped < total_run_times.get(*state))) { + if ((update_interval_on_battery.get(*state) != NOBATTERY)) + on_battery = is_on_battery(); + info.looped++; #ifdef SIGNAL_BLOCKING - /* block signals. we will inspect for pending signals later */ - if (sigprocmask(SIG_BLOCK, &newmask, &oldmask) < 0) { - CRIT_ERR(NULL, NULL, "unable to sigprocmask()"); - } + /* block signals. we will inspect for pending signals later */ + if (sigprocmask(SIG_BLOCK, &newmask, &oldmask) < 0) { + CRIT_ERR(NULL, NULL, "unable to sigprocmask()"); + } #endif #ifdef BUILD_X11 - if (out_to_x.get(*state)) { - XFlush(display); + if (out_to_x.get(*state)) { + XFlush(display); - /* wait for X event or timeout */ + /* wait for X event or timeout */ - if (!XPending(display)) { - fd_set fdsr; - struct timeval tv; - int s; - t = next_update_time - get_time(); + if (!XPending(display)) { + fd_set fdsr; + struct timeval tv; + int s; + t = next_update_time - get_time(); - t = std::min(std::max(t, 0.0), active_update_interval()); + t = std::min(std::max(t, 0.0), active_update_interval()); - tv.tv_sec = (long) t; - tv.tv_usec = (long) (t * 1000000) % 1000000; - FD_ZERO(&fdsr); - FD_SET(ConnectionNumber(display), &fdsr); + tv.tv_sec = (long)t; + tv.tv_usec = (long)(t * 1000000) % 1000000; + FD_ZERO(&fdsr); + FD_SET(ConnectionNumber(display), &fdsr); - s = select(ConnectionNumber(display) + 1, &fdsr, 0, 0, &tv); - if (s == -1) { - if (errno != EINTR) { - NORM_ERR("can't select(): %s", strerror(errno)); - } - } else { - /* timeout */ - if (s == 0) { - update_text(); - } - } - } + s = select(ConnectionNumber(display) + 1, &fdsr, 0, 0, &tv); + if (s == -1) { + if (errno != EINTR) { + NORM_ERR("can't select(): %s", strerror(errno)); + } + } else { + /* timeout */ + if (s == 0) { + update_text(); + } + } + } - if (need_to_update) { + if (need_to_update) { #ifdef OWN_WINDOW - int wx = window.x, wy = window.y; + int wx = window.x, wy = window.y; #endif - need_to_update = 0; - selected_font = 0; - update_text_area(); + need_to_update = 0; + selected_font = 0; + update_text_area(); #ifdef OWN_WINDOW - if (own_window.get(*state)) { - int changed = 0; - int border_total = get_border_total(); + if (own_window.get(*state)) { + int changed = 0; + int border_total = get_border_total(); - /* resize window if it isn't right size */ - if (!fixed_size - && (text_width + 2*border_total != window.width - || text_height + 2*border_total != window.height)) { - window.width = text_width + 2*border_total; - window.height = text_height + 2*border_total; - draw_stuff(); /* redraw everything in our newly sized window */ - XResizeWindow(display, window.window, window.width, - window.height); /* resize window */ - set_transparent_background(window.window); + /* resize window if it isn't right size */ + if (!fixed_size && + (text_width + 2 * border_total != window.width || + text_height + 2 * border_total != window.height)) { + window.width = text_width + 2 * border_total; + window.height = text_height + 2 * border_total; + draw_stuff(); /* redraw everything in our newly sized window */ + XResizeWindow(display, window.window, window.width, + window.height); /* resize window */ + set_transparent_background(window.window); #ifdef BUILD_XDBE - /* swap buffers */ - xdbe_swap_buffers(); + /* swap buffers */ + xdbe_swap_buffers(); #else - if (use_xpmdb.get(*state)) { + if (use_xpmdb.get(*state)) { + XFreePixmap(display, window.back_buffer); + window.back_buffer = + XCreatePixmap(display, window.window, window.width, + window.height, DefaultDepth(display, screen)); - XFreePixmap(display, window.back_buffer); - window.back_buffer = XCreatePixmap(display, - window.window, window.width, window.height, DefaultDepth(display, screen)); - - if (window.back_buffer != None) { - window.drawable = window.back_buffer; - } else { - // this is probably reallllly bad - NORM_ERR("Failed to allocate back buffer"); - } - XSetForeground(display, window.gc, 0); - XFillRectangle(display, window.drawable, window.gc, 0, 0, window.width, window.height); - } + if (window.back_buffer != None) { + window.drawable = window.back_buffer; + } else { + // this is probably reallllly bad + NORM_ERR("Failed to allocate back buffer"); + } + XSetForeground(display, window.gc, 0); + XFillRectangle(display, window.drawable, window.gc, 0, 0, + window.width, window.height); + } #endif - changed++; - /* update lua window globals */ - llua_update_window_table(text_start_x, text_start_y, text_width, text_height); - } + changed++; + /* update lua window globals */ + llua_update_window_table(text_start_x, text_start_y, text_width, + text_height); + } - /* move window if it isn't in right position */ - if (!fixed_pos && (window.x != wx || window.y != wy)) { - XMoveWindow(display, window.window, window.x, window.y); - changed++; - } + /* move window if it isn't in right position */ + if (!fixed_pos && (window.x != wx || window.y != wy)) { + XMoveWindow(display, window.window, window.x, window.y); + changed++; + } - /* update struts */ - if (changed && own_window_type.get(*state) == TYPE_PANEL) { - int sidenum = -1; + /* update struts */ + if (changed && own_window_type.get(*state) == TYPE_PANEL) { + int sidenum = -1; - fprintf(stderr, _(PACKAGE_NAME": defining struts\n")); - fflush(stderr); + fprintf(stderr, _(PACKAGE_NAME ": defining struts\n")); + fflush(stderr); - switch (text_alignment.get(*state)) { - case TOP_LEFT: - case TOP_RIGHT: - case TOP_MIDDLE: - { - sidenum = 2; - break; - } - case BOTTOM_LEFT: - case BOTTOM_RIGHT: - case BOTTOM_MIDDLE: - { - sidenum = 3; - break; - } - case MIDDLE_LEFT: - { - sidenum = 0; - break; - } - case MIDDLE_RIGHT: - { - sidenum = 1; - break; - } + switch (text_alignment.get(*state)) { + case TOP_LEFT: + case TOP_RIGHT: + case TOP_MIDDLE: { + sidenum = 2; + break; + } + case BOTTOM_LEFT: + case BOTTOM_RIGHT: + case BOTTOM_MIDDLE: { + sidenum = 3; + break; + } + case MIDDLE_LEFT: { + sidenum = 0; + break; + } + case MIDDLE_RIGHT: { + sidenum = 1; + break; + } - case NONE: case MIDDLE_MIDDLE: /* XXX What about these? */; - } + case NONE: + case MIDDLE_MIDDLE: /* XXX What about these? */; + } - set_struts(sidenum); - } - } + set_struts(sidenum); + } + } #endif - clear_text(1); + clear_text(1); #if defined(BUILD_XDBE) - if (use_xdbe.get(*state)) { + if (use_xdbe.get(*state)) { #else - if (use_xpmdb.get(*state)) { + if (use_xpmdb.get(*state)) { #endif - XRectangle r; - int border_total = get_border_total(); + XRectangle r; + int border_total = get_border_total(); - r.x = text_start_x - border_total; - r.y = text_start_y - border_total; - r.width = text_width + 2*border_total; - r.height = text_height + 2*border_total; - XUnionRectWithRegion(&r, x11_stuff.region, x11_stuff.region); - } - } + r.x = text_start_x - border_total; + r.y = text_start_y - border_total; + r.width = text_width + 2 * border_total; + r.height = text_height + 2 * border_total; + XUnionRectWithRegion(&r, x11_stuff.region, x11_stuff.region); + } + } - /* handle X events */ - while (XPending(display)) { - XEvent ev; + /* handle X events */ + while (XPending(display)) { + XEvent ev; - XNextEvent(display, &ev); - switch (ev.type) { - case Expose: - { - XRectangle r; - r.x = ev.xexpose.x; - r.y = ev.xexpose.y; - r.width = ev.xexpose.width; - r.height = ev.xexpose.height; - XUnionRectWithRegion(&r, x11_stuff.region, x11_stuff.region); - break; - } + XNextEvent(display, &ev); + switch (ev.type) { + case Expose: { + XRectangle r; + r.x = ev.xexpose.x; + r.y = ev.xexpose.y; + r.width = ev.xexpose.width; + r.height = ev.xexpose.height; + XUnionRectWithRegion(&r, x11_stuff.region, x11_stuff.region); + break; + } - case PropertyNotify: - { - if ( ev.xproperty.state == PropertyNewValue ) { - get_x11_desktop_info( ev.xproperty.display, ev.xproperty.atom ); - } + case PropertyNotify: { + if (ev.xproperty.state == PropertyNewValue) { + get_x11_desktop_info(ev.xproperty.display, ev.xproperty.atom); + } #ifdef USE_ARGB - if (!have_argb_visual) { + if (!have_argb_visual) { #endif - if ( ev.xproperty.atom == ATOM(_XROOTPMAP_ID) - || ev.xproperty.atom == ATOM(_XROOTMAP_ID)) { - draw_stuff(); - next_update_time = get_time(); - need_to_update = 1; - } + if (ev.xproperty.atom == ATOM(_XROOTPMAP_ID) || + ev.xproperty.atom == ATOM(_XROOTMAP_ID)) { + draw_stuff(); + next_update_time = get_time(); + need_to_update = 1; + } #ifdef USE_ARGB - } + } #endif - break; - } + break; + } #ifdef OWN_WINDOW - case ReparentNotify: - /* make background transparent */ - if (own_window.get(*state)) { - set_transparent_background(window.window); - } - break; + case ReparentNotify: + /* make background transparent */ + if (own_window.get(*state)) { + set_transparent_background(window.window); + } + break; - case ConfigureNotify: - if (own_window.get(*state)) { - /* if window size isn't what expected, set fixed size */ - if (ev.xconfigure.width != window.width - || ev.xconfigure.height != window.height) { - if (window.width != 0 && window.height != 0) { - fixed_size = 1; - } + case ConfigureNotify: + if (own_window.get(*state)) { + /* if window size isn't what expected, set fixed size */ + if (ev.xconfigure.width != window.width || + ev.xconfigure.height != window.height) { + if (window.width != 0 && window.height != 0) { + fixed_size = 1; + } - /* clear old stuff before screwing up - * size and pos */ - clear_text(1); + /* clear old stuff before screwing up + * size and pos */ + clear_text(1); - { - XWindowAttributes attrs; - if (XGetWindowAttributes(display, - window.window, &attrs)) { - window.width = attrs.width; - window.height = attrs.height; - } - } + { + XWindowAttributes attrs; + if (XGetWindowAttributes(display, window.window, &attrs)) { + window.width = attrs.width; + window.height = attrs.height; + } + } - int border_total = get_border_total(); + int border_total = get_border_total(); - text_width = window.width - 2*border_total; - text_height = window.height - 2*border_total; - int mw = maximum_width.get(*state); - if (text_width > mw && mw > 0) { - text_width = mw; - } - } + text_width = window.width - 2 * border_total; + text_height = window.height - 2 * border_total; + int mw = maximum_width.get(*state); + if (text_width > mw && mw > 0) { + text_width = mw; + } + } - /* if position isn't what expected, set fixed pos - * total_updates avoids setting fixed_pos when window - * is set to weird locations when started */ - /* // this is broken - if (total_updates >= 2 && !fixed_pos - && (window.x != ev.xconfigure.x - || window.y != ev.xconfigure.y) - && (ev.xconfigure.x != 0 - || ev.xconfigure.y != 0)) { - fixed_pos = 1; - } */ - } - break; + /* if position isn't what expected, set fixed pos + * total_updates avoids setting fixed_pos when window + * is set to weird locations when started */ + /* // this is broken + if (total_updates >= 2 && !fixed_pos + && (window.x != ev.xconfigure.x + || window.y != ev.xconfigure.y) + && (ev.xconfigure.x != 0 + || ev.xconfigure.y != 0)) { + fixed_pos = 1; + } */ + } + break; - case ButtonPress: - if (own_window.get(*state)) { - /* if an ordinary window with decorations */ - if ((own_window_type.get(*state) == TYPE_NORMAL && - not TEST_HINT(own_window_hints.get(*state), - HINT_UNDECORATED)) || - own_window_type.get(*state) == TYPE_DESKTOP) { - /* allow conky to hold input focus. */ - break; - } else { - /* forward the click to the desktop window */ - XUngrabPointer(display, ev.xbutton.time); - ev.xbutton.window = window.desktop; - ev.xbutton.x = ev.xbutton.x_root; - ev.xbutton.y = ev.xbutton.y_root; - XSendEvent(display, ev.xbutton.window, False, - ButtonPressMask, &ev); - XSetInputFocus(display, ev.xbutton.window, - RevertToParent, ev.xbutton.time); - } - } - break; + case ButtonPress: + if (own_window.get(*state)) { + /* if an ordinary window with decorations */ + if ((own_window_type.get(*state) == TYPE_NORMAL && + not TEST_HINT(own_window_hints.get(*state), + HINT_UNDECORATED)) || + own_window_type.get(*state) == TYPE_DESKTOP) { + /* allow conky to hold input focus. */ + break; + } else { + /* forward the click to the desktop window */ + XUngrabPointer(display, ev.xbutton.time); + ev.xbutton.window = window.desktop; + ev.xbutton.x = ev.xbutton.x_root; + ev.xbutton.y = ev.xbutton.y_root; + XSendEvent(display, ev.xbutton.window, False, ButtonPressMask, + &ev); + XSetInputFocus(display, ev.xbutton.window, RevertToParent, + ev.xbutton.time); + } + } + break; - case ButtonRelease: - if (own_window.get(*state)) { - /* if an ordinary window with decorations */ - if ((own_window_type.get(*state) == TYPE_NORMAL) && - not TEST_HINT(own_window_hints.get(*state), HINT_UNDECORATED)) { - /* allow conky to hold input focus. */ - break; - } else { - /* forward the release to the desktop window */ - ev.xbutton.window = window.desktop; - ev.xbutton.x = ev.xbutton.x_root; - ev.xbutton.y = ev.xbutton.y_root; - XSendEvent(display, ev.xbutton.window, False, - ButtonReleaseMask, &ev); - } - } - break; + case ButtonRelease: + if (own_window.get(*state)) { + /* if an ordinary window with decorations */ + if ((own_window_type.get(*state) == TYPE_NORMAL) && + not TEST_HINT(own_window_hints.get(*state), + HINT_UNDECORATED)) { + /* allow conky to hold input focus. */ + break; + } else { + /* forward the release to the desktop window */ + ev.xbutton.window = window.desktop; + ev.xbutton.x = ev.xbutton.x_root; + ev.xbutton.y = ev.xbutton.y_root; + XSendEvent(display, ev.xbutton.window, False, ButtonReleaseMask, + &ev); + } + } + break; #endif - default: + default: #ifdef BUILD_XDAMAGE - if (ev.type == x11_stuff.event_base + XDamageNotify) { - XDamageNotifyEvent *dev = (XDamageNotifyEvent *) &ev; + if (ev.type == x11_stuff.event_base + XDamageNotify) { + XDamageNotifyEvent *dev = (XDamageNotifyEvent *)&ev; - XFixesSetRegion(display, x11_stuff.part, &dev->area, 1); - XFixesUnionRegion(display, x11_stuff.region2, x11_stuff.region2, x11_stuff.part); - } + XFixesSetRegion(display, x11_stuff.part, &dev->area, 1); + XFixesUnionRegion(display, x11_stuff.region2, x11_stuff.region2, + x11_stuff.part); + } #endif /* BUILD_XDAMAGE */ - break; - } - } + break; + } + } #ifdef BUILD_XDAMAGE - XDamageSubtract(display, x11_stuff.damage, x11_stuff.region2, None); - XFixesSetRegion(display, x11_stuff.region2, 0, 0); + XDamageSubtract(display, x11_stuff.damage, x11_stuff.region2, None); + XFixesSetRegion(display, x11_stuff.region2, 0, 0); #endif /* BUILD_XDAMAGE */ - /* XDBE doesn't seem to provide a way to clear the back buffer - * without interfering with the front buffer, other than passing - * XdbeBackground to XdbeSwapBuffers. That means that if we're - * using XDBE, we need to redraw the text even if it wasn't part of - * the exposed area. OTOH, if we're not going to call draw_stuff at - * all, then no swap happens and we can safely do nothing. */ + /* XDBE doesn't seem to provide a way to clear the back buffer + * without interfering with the front buffer, other than passing + * XdbeBackground to XdbeSwapBuffers. That means that if we're + * using XDBE, we need to redraw the text even if it wasn't part of + * the exposed area. OTOH, if we're not going to call draw_stuff at + * all, then no swap happens and we can safely do nothing. */ - if (!XEmptyRegion(x11_stuff.region)) { + if (!XEmptyRegion(x11_stuff.region)) { #if defined(BUILD_XDBE) - if (use_xdbe.get(*state)) { + if (use_xdbe.get(*state)) { #else - if (use_xpmdb.get(*state)) { + if (use_xpmdb.get(*state)) { #endif - XRectangle r; - int border_total = get_border_total(); + XRectangle r; + int border_total = get_border_total(); - r.x = text_start_x - border_total; - r.y = text_start_y - border_total; - r.width = text_width + 2*border_total; - r.height = text_height + 2*border_total; - XUnionRectWithRegion(&r, x11_stuff.region, x11_stuff.region); - } - XSetRegion(display, window.gc, x11_stuff.region); + r.x = text_start_x - border_total; + r.y = text_start_y - border_total; + r.width = text_width + 2 * border_total; + r.height = text_height + 2 * border_total; + XUnionRectWithRegion(&r, x11_stuff.region, x11_stuff.region); + } + XSetRegion(display, window.gc, x11_stuff.region); #ifdef BUILD_XFT - if (use_xft.get(*state)) { - XftDrawSetClip(window.xftdraw, x11_stuff.region); - } + if (use_xft.get(*state)) { + XftDrawSetClip(window.xftdraw, x11_stuff.region); + } #endif - draw_stuff(); - XDestroyRegion(x11_stuff.region); - x11_stuff.region = XCreateRegion(); - } - } else { + draw_stuff(); + XDestroyRegion(x11_stuff.region); + x11_stuff.region = XCreateRegion(); + } + } else { #endif /* BUILD_X11 */ - t = (next_update_time - get_time()) * 1000000; - if(t > 0) usleep((useconds_t)t); - update_text(); - draw_stuff(); + t = (next_update_time - get_time()) * 1000000; + if (t > 0) usleep((useconds_t)t); + update_text(); + draw_stuff(); #ifdef BUILD_NCURSES - if(out_to_ncurses.get(*state)) { - refresh(); - clear(); - } + if (out_to_ncurses.get(*state)) { + refresh(); + clear(); + } #endif #ifdef BUILD_X11 - } + } #endif /* BUILD_X11 */ #ifdef SIGNAL_BLOCKING - /* unblock signals of interest and let handler fly */ - if (sigprocmask(SIG_SETMASK, &oldmask, NULL) < 0) { - CRIT_ERR(NULL, NULL, "unable to sigprocmask()"); - } + /* unblock signals of interest and let handler fly */ + if (sigprocmask(SIG_SETMASK, &oldmask, NULL) < 0) { + CRIT_ERR(NULL, NULL, "unable to sigprocmask()"); + } #endif - if (g_sighup_pending) { - g_sighup_pending = false; - NORM_ERR("received SIGHUP or SIGUSR1. reloading the config file."); + if (g_sighup_pending) { + g_sighup_pending = false; + NORM_ERR("received SIGHUP or SIGUSR1. reloading the config file."); - reload_config(); - } - - if(g_sigusr2_pending){ - g_sigusr2_pending = false; - // refresh view; - NORM_ERR("recieved SIGUSR2. refreshing."); - update_text(); - draw_stuff(); + reload_config(); + } + + if (g_sigusr2_pending) { + g_sigusr2_pending = false; + // refresh view; + NORM_ERR("recieved SIGUSR2. refreshing."); + update_text(); + draw_stuff(); #ifdef BUILD_NCURSES - if(out_to_ncurses.get(*state)) { - refresh(); - clear(); - } -#endif - } + if (out_to_ncurses.get(*state)) { + refresh(); + clear(); + } +#endif + } - if (g_sigterm_pending) { - g_sigterm_pending = false; - NORM_ERR("received SIGINT or SIGTERM to terminate. bye!"); - terminate = 1; + if (g_sigterm_pending) { + g_sigterm_pending = false; + NORM_ERR("received SIGINT or SIGTERM to terminate. bye!"); + terminate = 1; #ifdef BUILD_X11 - if (out_to_x.get(*state)) { - XDestroyRegion(x11_stuff.region); - x11_stuff.region = NULL; + if (out_to_x.get(*state)) { + XDestroyRegion(x11_stuff.region); + x11_stuff.region = NULL; #ifdef BUILD_XDAMAGE - XDamageDestroy(display, x11_stuff.damage); - XFixesDestroyRegion(display, x11_stuff.region2); - XFixesDestroyRegion(display, x11_stuff.part); + XDamageDestroy(display, x11_stuff.damage); + XFixesDestroyRegion(display, x11_stuff.region2); + XFixesDestroyRegion(display, x11_stuff.part); #endif /* BUILD_XDAMAGE */ - } + } #endif /* BUILD_X11 */ - } + } #ifdef HAVE_SYS_INOTIFY_H - if (!disable_auto_reload.get(*state) && inotify_fd != -1 - && inotify_config_wd == -1 && !current_config.empty()) { - inotify_config_wd = inotify_add_watch(inotify_fd, - current_config.c_str(), - IN_MODIFY); - } - if (!disable_auto_reload.get(*state) && inotify_fd != -1 - && inotify_config_wd != -1 && !current_config.empty()) { - int len = 0, idx = 0; - fd_set descriptors; - struct timeval time_to_wait; + if (!disable_auto_reload.get(*state) && inotify_fd != -1 && + inotify_config_wd == -1 && !current_config.empty()) { + inotify_config_wd = + inotify_add_watch(inotify_fd, current_config.c_str(), IN_MODIFY); + } + if (!disable_auto_reload.get(*state) && inotify_fd != -1 && + inotify_config_wd != -1 && !current_config.empty()) { + int len = 0, idx = 0; + fd_set descriptors; + struct timeval time_to_wait; - FD_ZERO(&descriptors); - FD_SET(inotify_fd, &descriptors); + FD_ZERO(&descriptors); + FD_SET(inotify_fd, &descriptors); - time_to_wait.tv_sec = time_to_wait.tv_usec = 0; + time_to_wait.tv_sec = time_to_wait.tv_usec = 0; - select(inotify_fd + 1, &descriptors, NULL, NULL, &time_to_wait); - if (FD_ISSET(inotify_fd, &descriptors)) { - /* process inotify events */ - len = read(inotify_fd, inotify_buff, INOTIFY_BUF_LEN - 1); - inotify_buff[len] = 0; - while (len > 0 && idx < len) { - struct inotify_event *ev = (struct inotify_event *) &inotify_buff[idx]; - if (ev->wd == inotify_config_wd && (ev->mask & IN_MODIFY || ev->mask & IN_IGNORED)) { - /* current_config should be reloaded */ - NORM_ERR("'%s' modified, reloading...", current_config.c_str()); - reload_config(); - if (ev->mask & IN_IGNORED) { - /* for some reason we get IN_IGNORED here - * sometimes, so we need to re-add the watch */ - inotify_config_wd = inotify_add_watch(inotify_fd, - current_config.c_str(), - IN_MODIFY); - } - break; - } - else { - llua_inotify_query(ev->wd, ev->mask); - } - idx += INOTIFY_EVENT_SIZE + ev->len; - } - } - } else if (disable_auto_reload.get(*state) && inotify_fd != -1) { - inotify_rm_watch(inotify_fd, inotify_config_wd); - close(inotify_fd); - inotify_fd = inotify_config_wd = -1; - } + select(inotify_fd + 1, &descriptors, NULL, NULL, &time_to_wait); + if (FD_ISSET(inotify_fd, &descriptors)) { + /* process inotify events */ + len = read(inotify_fd, inotify_buff, INOTIFY_BUF_LEN - 1); + inotify_buff[len] = 0; + while (len > 0 && idx < len) { + struct inotify_event *ev = (struct inotify_event *)&inotify_buff[idx]; + if (ev->wd == inotify_config_wd && + (ev->mask & IN_MODIFY || ev->mask & IN_IGNORED)) { + /* current_config should be reloaded */ + NORM_ERR("'%s' modified, reloading...", current_config.c_str()); + reload_config(); + if (ev->mask & IN_IGNORED) { + /* for some reason we get IN_IGNORED here + * sometimes, so we need to re-add the watch */ + inotify_config_wd = inotify_add_watch( + inotify_fd, current_config.c_str(), IN_MODIFY); + } + break; + } else { + llua_inotify_query(ev->wd, ev->mask); + } + idx += INOTIFY_EVENT_SIZE + ev->len; + } + } + } else if (disable_auto_reload.get(*state) && inotify_fd != -1) { + inotify_rm_watch(inotify_fd, inotify_config_wd); + close(inotify_fd); + inotify_fd = inotify_config_wd = -1; + } #endif /* HAVE_SYS_INOTIFY_H */ - llua_update_info(&info, active_update_interval()); - } - clean_up(NULL, NULL); + llua_update_info(&info, active_update_interval()); + } + clean_up(NULL, NULL); #ifdef HAVE_SYS_INOTIFY_H - if (inotify_fd != -1) { - inotify_rm_watch(inotify_fd, inotify_config_wd); - close(inotify_fd); - inotify_fd = inotify_config_wd = -1; - } + if (inotify_fd != -1) { + inotify_rm_watch(inotify_fd, inotify_config_wd); + close(inotify_fd); + inotify_fd = inotify_config_wd = -1; + } #endif /* HAVE_SYS_INOTIFY_H */ } -void initialisation(int argc, char** argv); +void initialisation(int argc, char **argv); - /* reload the config file */ -static void reload_config(void) -{ - struct stat sb; - if (stat(current_config.c_str(), &sb) || (!S_ISREG(sb.st_mode) && !S_ISLNK(sb.st_mode))) { - NORM_ERR(_("Config file '%s' is gone, continuing with config from memory.\nIf you recreate this file sent me a SIGUSR1 to tell me about it. ( kill -s USR1 %d )"), current_config.c_str(), getpid()); - return; - } - clean_up(NULL, NULL); - state.reset(new lua::state); - conky::export_symbols(*state); - sleep(1); /* slight pause */ - initialisation(argc_copy, argv_copy); +/* reload the config file */ +static void reload_config(void) { + struct stat sb; + if (stat(current_config.c_str(), &sb) || + (!S_ISREG(sb.st_mode) && !S_ISLNK(sb.st_mode))) { + NORM_ERR(_("Config file '%s' is gone, continuing with config from " + "memory.\nIf you recreate this file sent me a SIGUSR1 to tell " + "me about it. ( kill -s USR1 %d )"), + current_config.c_str(), getpid()); + return; + } + clean_up(NULL, NULL); + state.reset(new lua::state); + conky::export_symbols(*state); + sleep(1); /* slight pause */ + initialisation(argc_copy, argv_copy); } #ifdef BUILD_X11 -void clean_up_x11(void) -{ - if(window_created == 1) { - int border_total = get_border_total(); +void clean_up_x11(void) { + if (window_created == 1) { + int border_total = get_border_total(); - XClearArea(display, window.window, text_start_x - border_total, - text_start_y - border_total, text_width + 2*border_total, - text_height + 2*border_total, 0); - } - destroy_window(); - free_fonts(utf8_mode.get(*state)); - if(x11_stuff.region) { - XDestroyRegion(x11_stuff.region); - x11_stuff.region = NULL; - } + XClearArea(display, window.window, text_start_x - border_total, + text_start_y - border_total, text_width + 2 * border_total, + text_height + 2 * border_total, 0); + } + destroy_window(); + free_fonts(utf8_mode.get(*state)); + if (x11_stuff.region) { + XDestroyRegion(x11_stuff.region); + x11_stuff.region = NULL; + } } #endif void free_specials(special_t *¤t) { - if (current) { - free_specials(current->next); - if(current->type == GRAPH) - free(current->graph); - delete current; - current = NULL; - } + if (current) { + free_specials(current->next); + if (current->type == GRAPH) free(current->graph); + delete current; + current = NULL; + } } -void clean_up_without_threads(void *memtofree1, void* memtofree2) -{ - free_and_zero(memtofree1); - free_and_zero(memtofree2); +void clean_up_without_threads(void *memtofree1, void *memtofree2) { + free_and_zero(memtofree1); + free_and_zero(memtofree2); - free_and_zero(info.cpu_usage); + free_and_zero(info.cpu_usage); #ifdef BUILD_X11 - if(out_to_x.get(*state)) - clean_up_x11(); - else - fonts.clear(); //in set_default_configurations a font is set but not loaded -#endif /* BUILD_X11 */ + if (out_to_x.get(*state)) + clean_up_x11(); + else + fonts.clear(); // in set_default_configurations a font is set but not + // loaded +#endif /* BUILD_X11 */ - if (info.first_process) { - free_all_processes(); - info.first_process = NULL; - } + if (info.first_process) { + free_all_processes(); + info.first_process = NULL; + } - free_text_objects(&global_root_object); - free_and_zero(tmpstring1); - free_and_zero(tmpstring2); - free_and_zero(text_buffer); - free_and_zero(global_text); + free_text_objects(&global_root_object); + free_and_zero(tmpstring1); + free_and_zero(tmpstring2); + free_and_zero(text_buffer); + free_and_zero(global_text); #ifdef BUILD_PORT_MONITORS - tcp_portmon_clear(); + tcp_portmon_clear(); #endif - llua_shutdown_hook(); + llua_shutdown_hook(); #if defined BUILD_WEATHER_XOAP || defined BUILD_RSS - xmlCleanupParser(); + xmlCleanupParser(); #endif - free_specials(specials); + free_specials(specials); - clear_net_stats(); - clear_fs_stats(); - clear_diskio_stats(); - free_and_zero(global_cpu); + clear_net_stats(); + clear_fs_stats(); + clear_diskio_stats(); + free_and_zero(global_cpu); - conky::cleanup_config_settings(*state); - state.reset(); + conky::cleanup_config_settings(*state); + state.reset(); } -void clean_up(void *memtofree1, void* memtofree2) -{ - /* free_update_callbacks(); XXX: some new equivalent of this? */ - clean_up_without_threads(memtofree1, memtofree2); +void clean_up(void *memtofree1, void *memtofree2) { + /* free_update_callbacks(); XXX: some new equivalent of this? */ + clean_up_without_threads(memtofree1, memtofree2); } -static void set_default_configurations(void) -{ - update_uname(); - info.memmax = 0; - top_cpu = 0; - top_mem = 0; - top_time = 0; +static void set_default_configurations(void) { + update_uname(); + info.memmax = 0; + top_cpu = 0; + top_mem = 0; + top_time = 0; #ifdef BUILD_IOSTATS - top_io = 0; + top_io = 0; #endif - top_running = 0; + top_running = 0; #ifdef BUILD_XMMS2 - info.xmms2.artist = NULL; - info.xmms2.album = NULL; - info.xmms2.title = NULL; - info.xmms2.genre = NULL; - info.xmms2.comment = NULL; - info.xmms2.url = NULL; - info.xmms2.status = NULL; - info.xmms2.playlist = NULL; + info.xmms2.artist = NULL; + info.xmms2.album = NULL; + info.xmms2.title = NULL; + info.xmms2.genre = NULL; + info.xmms2.comment = NULL; + info.xmms2.url = NULL; + info.xmms2.status = NULL; + info.xmms2.playlist = NULL; #endif /* BUILD_XMMS2 */ - state->pushboolean(true); + state->pushboolean(true); #ifdef BUILD_X11 - out_to_x.lua_set(*state); + out_to_x.lua_set(*state); #else - out_to_stdout.lua_set(*state); + out_to_stdout.lua_set(*state); #endif - info.users.number = 1; + info.users.number = 1; } #ifdef BUILD_X11 -static void X11_create_window(void) -{ - if (out_to_x.get(*state)) { - setup_fonts(); - load_fonts(utf8_mode.get(*state)); - update_text_area(); /* to position text/window on screen */ +static void X11_create_window(void) { + if (out_to_x.get(*state)) { + setup_fonts(); + load_fonts(utf8_mode.get(*state)); + update_text_area(); /* to position text/window on screen */ #ifdef OWN_WINDOW - if (own_window.get(*state)) { - if (not fixed_pos) - XMoveWindow(display, window.window, window.x, window.y); + if (own_window.get(*state)) { + if (not fixed_pos) + XMoveWindow(display, window.window, window.x, window.y); - set_transparent_background(window.window); - } + set_transparent_background(window.window); + } #endif - create_gc(); + create_gc(); - draw_stuff(); + draw_stuff(); - x11_stuff.region = XCreateRegion(); + x11_stuff.region = XCreateRegion(); #ifdef BUILD_XDAMAGE - if (!XDamageQueryExtension(display, &x11_stuff.event_base, &x11_stuff.error_base)) { - NORM_ERR("Xdamage extension unavailable"); - } - x11_stuff.damage = XDamageCreate(display, window.window, XDamageReportNonEmpty); - x11_stuff.region2 = XFixesCreateRegionFromWindow(display, window.window, 0); - x11_stuff.part = XFixesCreateRegionFromWindow(display, window.window, 0); + if (!XDamageQueryExtension(display, &x11_stuff.event_base, + &x11_stuff.error_base)) { + NORM_ERR("Xdamage extension unavailable"); + } + x11_stuff.damage = + XDamageCreate(display, window.window, XDamageReportNonEmpty); + x11_stuff.region2 = XFixesCreateRegionFromWindow(display, window.window, 0); + x11_stuff.part = XFixesCreateRegionFromWindow(display, window.window, 0); #endif /* BUILD_XDAMAGE */ - selected_font = 0; - update_text_area(); /* to get initial size of the window */ - } - /* setup lua window globals */ - llua_setup_window_table(text_start_x, text_start_y, text_width, text_height); + selected_font = 0; + update_text_area(); /* to get initial size of the window */ + } + /* setup lua window globals */ + llua_setup_window_table(text_start_x, text_start_y, text_width, text_height); } #endif /* BUILD_X11 */ -void load_config_file() -{ - DBGP(_("reading contents from config file '%s'"), current_config.c_str()); +void load_config_file() { + DBGP(_("reading contents from config file '%s'"), current_config.c_str()); - lua::state &l = *state; - lua::stack_sentry s(l); - l.checkstack(2); + lua::state &l = *state; + lua::stack_sentry s(l); + l.checkstack(2); - try { + try { #ifdef BUILD_BUILTIN_CONFIG - if(current_config == builtin_config_magic) - l.loadstring(defconfig); - else + if (current_config == builtin_config_magic) + l.loadstring(defconfig); + else #endif - l.loadfile(current_config.c_str()); - } - catch(lua::syntax_error &e) { + l.loadfile(current_config.c_str()); + } catch (lua::syntax_error &e) { #define SYNTAX_ERR_READ_CONF "Syntax error (%s) while reading config file. " #ifdef BUILD_OLD_CONFIG - NORM_ERR(_(SYNTAX_ERR_READ_CONF), e.what()); - NORM_ERR(_("Assuming it's in old syntax and attempting conversion.")); - // the strchr thingy skips the first line (#! /usr/bin/lua) - l.loadstring(strchr(convertconf, '\n')); - l.pushstring(current_config.c_str()); - l.call(1, 1); + NORM_ERR(_(SYNTAX_ERR_READ_CONF), e.what()); + NORM_ERR(_("Assuming it's in old syntax and attempting conversion.")); + // the strchr thingy skips the first line (#! /usr/bin/lua) + l.loadstring(strchr(convertconf, '\n')); + l.pushstring(current_config.c_str()); + l.call(1, 1); #else - char *syntaxerr; - asprintf(&syntaxerr, _(SYNTAX_ERR_READ_CONF), e.what()); - std::string syntaxerrobj(syntaxerr); - free(syntaxerr); - throw conky::error(syntaxerrobj); + char *syntaxerr; + asprintf(&syntaxerr, _(SYNTAX_ERR_READ_CONF), e.what()); + std::string syntaxerrobj(syntaxerr); + free(syntaxerr); + throw conky::error(syntaxerrobj); #endif - } - l.call(0, 0); + } + l.call(0, 0); - l.getglobal("conky"); - l.getfield(-1, "text"); - l.replace(-2); - if(l.type(-1) != lua::TSTRING) - throw conky::error(_("missing text block in configuration")); + l.getglobal("conky"); + l.getfield(-1, "text"); + l.replace(-2); + if (l.type(-1) != lua::TSTRING) + throw conky::error(_("missing text block in configuration")); - /* Remove \\-\n. */ - l.gsub(l.tocstring(-1), "\\\n", ""); - l.replace(-2); - global_text = strdup(l.tocstring(-1)); - l.pop(); + /* Remove \\-\n. */ + l.gsub(l.tocstring(-1), "\\\n", ""); + l.replace(-2); + global_text = strdup(l.tocstring(-1)); + l.pop(); - // XXX: what does this do? - // global_text_lines = line + 1; + // XXX: what does this do? + // global_text_lines = line + 1; #if 0 #if defined(BUILD_NCURSES) @@ -2823,456 +2813,463 @@ void load_config_file() } static void print_help(const char *prog_name) { - printf("Usage: %s [OPTION]...\n" - PACKAGE_NAME " is a system monitor that renders text on desktop or to own transparent\n" - "window. Command line options will override configurations defined in config\n" - "file.\n" - " -v, --version version\n" - " -q, --quiet quiet mode\n" - " -D, --debug increase debugging output, ie. -DD for more debugging\n" - " -c, --config=FILE config file to load\n" + printf("Usage: %s [OPTION]...\n" PACKAGE_NAME + " is a system monitor that renders text on desktop or to own " + "transparent\n" + "window. Command line options will override configurations defined in " + "config\n" + "file.\n" + " -v, --version version\n" + " -q, --quiet quiet mode\n" + " -D, --debug increase debugging output, ie. -DD for " + "more debugging\n" + " -c, --config=FILE config file to load\n" #ifdef BUILD_BUILTIN_CONFIG - " -C, --print-config print the builtin default config to stdout\n" - " e.g. 'conky -C > ~/.conkyrc' will create a new default config\n" + " -C, --print-config print the builtin default config to " + "stdout\n" + " e.g. 'conky -C > ~/.conkyrc' will " + "create a new default config\n" #endif - " -d, --daemonize daemonize, fork to background\n" - " -h, --help help\n" + " -d, --daemonize daemonize, fork to background\n" + " -h, --help help\n" #ifdef BUILD_X11 - " -a, --alignment=ALIGNMENT text alignment on screen, {top,bottom,middle}_{left,right,middle}\n" - " -f, --font=FONT font to use\n" - " -X, --display=DISPLAY X11 display to use\n" + " -a, --alignment=ALIGNMENT text alignment on screen, " + "{top,bottom,middle}_{left,right,middle}\n" + " -f, --font=FONT font to use\n" + " -X, --display=DISPLAY X11 display to use\n" #ifdef OWN_WINDOW - " -o, --own-window create own window to draw\n" + " -o, --own-window create own window to draw\n" #endif - " -b, --double-buffer double buffer (prevents flickering)\n" - " -w, --window-id=WIN_ID window id to draw\n" - " -x X x position\n" - " -y Y y position\n" + " -b, --double-buffer double buffer (prevents flickering)\n" + " -w, --window-id=WIN_ID window id to draw\n" + " -x X x position\n" + " -y Y y position\n" #endif /* BUILD_X11 */ - " -t, --text=TEXT text to render, remember single quotes, like -t '$uptime'\n" - " -u, --interval=SECS update interval\n" - " -i COUNT number of times to update " PACKAGE_NAME " (and quit)\n" - " -p, --pause=SECS pause for SECS seconds at startup before doing anything\n", - prog_name - ); + " -t, --text=TEXT text to render, remember single quotes, " + "like -t '$uptime'\n" + " -u, --interval=SECS update interval\n" + " -i COUNT number of times to update " PACKAGE_NAME + " (and quit)\n" + " -p, --pause=SECS pause for SECS seconds at startup " + "before doing anything\n", + prog_name); } inline void reset_optind() { -#if defined(__FreeBSD__) || defined(__FreeBSD_kernel__) || defined(__OpenBSD__) \ - || defined(__NetBSD__) || defined(__DragonFly__) - optind = optreset = 1; +#if defined(__FreeBSD__) || defined(__FreeBSD_kernel__) || \ + defined(__OpenBSD__) || defined(__NetBSD__) || defined(__DragonFly__) + optind = optreset = 1; #else - optind = 0; + optind = 0; #endif } /* : means that character before that takes an argument */ -static const char *getopt_string = "vVqdDSs:t:u:i:hc:p:" +static const char *getopt_string = + "vVqdDSs:t:u:i:hc:p:" #ifdef BUILD_X11 - "x:y:w:a:f:X:" + "x:y:w:a:f:X:" #ifdef OWN_WINDOW - "o" + "o" #endif - "b" + "b" #endif /* BUILD_X11 */ #ifdef BUILD_BUILTIN_CONFIG - "C" + "C" #endif - ; + ; static const struct option longopts[] = { - { "help", 0, NULL, 'h' }, - { "version", 0, NULL, 'V' }, - { "quiet", 0, NULL, 'q' }, - { "debug", 0, NULL, 'D' }, - { "config", 1, NULL, 'c' }, + {"help", 0, NULL, 'h'}, {"version", 0, NULL, 'V'}, + {"quiet", 0, NULL, 'q'}, {"debug", 0, NULL, 'D'}, + {"config", 1, NULL, 'c'}, #ifdef BUILD_BUILTIN_CONFIG - { "print-config", 0, NULL, 'C' }, + {"print-config", 0, NULL, 'C'}, #endif - { "daemonize", 0, NULL, 'd' }, + {"daemonize", 0, NULL, 'd'}, #ifdef BUILD_X11 - { "alignment", 1, NULL, 'a' }, - { "font", 1, NULL, 'f' }, - { "display", 1, NULL, 'X' }, + {"alignment", 1, NULL, 'a'}, {"font", 1, NULL, 'f'}, + {"display", 1, NULL, 'X'}, #ifdef OWN_WINDOW - { "own-window", 0, NULL, 'o' }, + {"own-window", 0, NULL, 'o'}, #endif - { "double-buffer", 0, NULL, 'b' }, - { "window-id", 1, NULL, 'w' }, + {"double-buffer", 0, NULL, 'b'}, {"window-id", 1, NULL, 'w'}, #endif /* BUILD_X11 */ - { "text", 1, NULL, 't' }, - { "interval", 1, NULL, 'u' }, - { "pause", 1, NULL, 'p' }, - { 0, 0, 0, 0 } -}; + {"text", 1, NULL, 't'}, {"interval", 1, NULL, 'u'}, + {"pause", 1, NULL, 'p'}, {0, 0, 0, 0}}; void set_current_config() { - /* load current_config, CONFIG_FILE or SYSTEM_CONFIG_FILE */ - struct stat s; + /* load current_config, CONFIG_FILE or SYSTEM_CONFIG_FILE */ + struct stat s; - if (current_config.empty()) { - /* Try to use personal config file first */ - std::string buf = to_real_path(XDG_CONFIG_FILE); - if (stat(buf.c_str(), &s) == 0) - current_config = buf; - } + if (current_config.empty()) { + /* Try to use personal config file first */ + std::string buf = to_real_path(XDG_CONFIG_FILE); + if (stat(buf.c_str(), &s) == 0) current_config = buf; + } - if (current_config.empty()) { - /* Try to use personal config file first */ - std::string buf = to_real_path(CONFIG_FILE); - if (stat(buf.c_str(), &s) == 0) - current_config = buf; - } + if (current_config.empty()) { + /* Try to use personal config file first */ + std::string buf = to_real_path(CONFIG_FILE); + if (stat(buf.c_str(), &s) == 0) current_config = buf; + } - /* Try to use system config file if personal config does not exist */ - if (current_config.empty() && (stat(SYSTEM_CONFIG_FILE, &s)==0)) - current_config = SYSTEM_CONFIG_FILE; + /* Try to use system config file if personal config does not exist */ + if (current_config.empty() && (stat(SYSTEM_CONFIG_FILE, &s) == 0)) + current_config = SYSTEM_CONFIG_FILE; - /* No readable config found */ - if (current_config.empty()) { + /* No readable config found */ + if (current_config.empty()) { #define NOCFGFILEFOUND "no personal or system-wide config file found" #ifdef BUILD_BUILTIN_CONFIG - current_config = builtin_config_magic; - NORM_ERR(NOCFGFILEFOUND ", using builtin default"); + current_config = builtin_config_magic; + NORM_ERR(NOCFGFILEFOUND ", using builtin default"); #else - throw conky::error(NOCFGFILEFOUND); + throw conky::error(NOCFGFILEFOUND); #endif - } + } - // "-" stands for "read from stdin" - if(current_config == "-") - current_config = "/dev/stdin"; + // "-" stands for "read from stdin" + if (current_config == "-") current_config = "/dev/stdin"; } void initialisation(int argc, char **argv) { - struct sigaction act, oact; + struct sigaction act, oact; - clear_net_stats(); - set_default_configurations(); + clear_net_stats(); + set_default_configurations(); - set_current_config(); - load_config_file(); + set_current_config(); + load_config_file(); - /* handle other command line arguments */ + /* handle other command line arguments */ - reset_optind(); + reset_optind(); #if defined(__FreeBSD__) || defined(__FreeBSD_kernel__) - if ((kd = kvm_open("/dev/null", "/dev/null", "/dev/null", O_RDONLY, - "kvm_open")) == NULL) { - CRIT_ERR(NULL, NULL, "cannot read kvm"); - } + if ((kd = kvm_open("/dev/null", "/dev/null", "/dev/null", O_RDONLY, + "kvm_open")) == NULL) { + CRIT_ERR(NULL, NULL, "cannot read kvm"); + } #endif - while (1) { - int c = getopt_long(argc, argv, getopt_string, longopts, NULL); - int startup_pause; - char *conv_end; + while (1) { + int c = getopt_long(argc, argv, getopt_string, longopts, NULL); + int startup_pause; + char *conv_end; - if (c == -1) { - break; - } + if (c == -1) { + break; + } - switch (c) { - case 'd': - state->pushboolean(true); - fork_to_background.lua_set(*state); - break; + switch (c) { + case 'd': + state->pushboolean(true); + fork_to_background.lua_set(*state); + break; #ifdef BUILD_X11 - case 'f': - state->pushstring(optarg); - font.lua_set(*state); - break; - case 'a': - state->pushstring(optarg); - text_alignment.lua_set(*state); - break; - case 'X': - state->pushstring(optarg); - display_name.lua_set(*state); - break; + case 'f': + state->pushstring(optarg); + font.lua_set(*state); + break; + case 'a': + state->pushstring(optarg); + text_alignment.lua_set(*state); + break; + case 'X': + state->pushstring(optarg); + display_name.lua_set(*state); + break; #ifdef OWN_WINDOW - case 'o': - state->pushboolean(true); - own_window.lua_set(*state); - break; + case 'o': + state->pushboolean(true); + own_window.lua_set(*state); + break; #endif #ifdef BUILD_XDBE - case 'b': - state->pushboolean(true); - use_xdbe.lua_set(*state); - break; + case 'b': + state->pushboolean(true); + use_xdbe.lua_set(*state); + break; #else - case 'b': - state->pushboolean(true); - use_xpmdb.lua_set(*state); - break; + case 'b': + state->pushboolean(true); + use_xpmdb.lua_set(*state); + break; #endif #endif /* BUILD_X11 */ - case 't': - free_and_zero(global_text); - global_text = strndup(optarg, max_user_text.get(*state)); - convert_escapes(global_text); - break; + case 't': + free_and_zero(global_text); + global_text = strndup(optarg, max_user_text.get(*state)); + convert_escapes(global_text); + break; - case 'u': - state->pushinteger(strtol(optarg, &conv_end, 10)); - if(*conv_end != 0) { CRIT_ERR(NULL, NULL, "'%s' is a wrong update-interval", optarg); } - update_interval.lua_set(*state); - break; + case 'u': + state->pushinteger(strtol(optarg, &conv_end, 10)); + if (*conv_end != 0) { + CRIT_ERR(NULL, NULL, "'%s' is a wrong update-interval", optarg); + } + update_interval.lua_set(*state); + break; - case 'i': - state->pushinteger(strtol(optarg, &conv_end, 10)); - if(*conv_end != 0) { CRIT_ERR(NULL, NULL, "'%s' is a wrong number of update-times", optarg); } - total_run_times.lua_set(*state); - break; + case 'i': + state->pushinteger(strtol(optarg, &conv_end, 10)); + if (*conv_end != 0) { + CRIT_ERR(NULL, NULL, "'%s' is a wrong number of update-times", + optarg); + } + total_run_times.lua_set(*state); + break; #ifdef BUILD_X11 - case 'x': - state->pushinteger(strtol(optarg, &conv_end, 10)); - if(*conv_end != 0) { CRIT_ERR(NULL, NULL, "'%s' is a wrong value for the X-position", optarg); } - gap_x.lua_set(*state); - break; + case 'x': + state->pushinteger(strtol(optarg, &conv_end, 10)); + if (*conv_end != 0) { + CRIT_ERR(NULL, NULL, "'%s' is a wrong value for the X-position", + optarg); + } + gap_x.lua_set(*state); + break; - case 'y': - state->pushinteger(strtol(optarg, &conv_end, 10)); - if(*conv_end != 0) { CRIT_ERR(NULL, NULL, "'%s' is a wrong value for the Y-position", optarg); } - gap_y.lua_set(*state); - break; + case 'y': + state->pushinteger(strtol(optarg, &conv_end, 10)); + if (*conv_end != 0) { + CRIT_ERR(NULL, NULL, "'%s' is a wrong value for the Y-position", + optarg); + } + gap_y.lua_set(*state); + break; #endif /* BUILD_X11 */ - case 'p': - if (first_pass) { - startup_pause = atoi(optarg); - sleep(startup_pause); - } - break; + case 'p': + if (first_pass) { + startup_pause = atoi(optarg); + sleep(startup_pause); + } + break; - case '?': - throw unknown_arg_throw(); - } - } + case '?': + throw unknown_arg_throw(); + } + } - conky::set_config_settings(*state); + conky::set_config_settings(*state); #ifdef BUILD_X11 - if(out_to_x.get(*state)) { - current_text_color = default_color.get(*state); - } + if (out_to_x.get(*state)) { + current_text_color = default_color.get(*state); + } #endif - /* generate text and get initial size */ - extract_variable_text(global_text); - free_and_zero(global_text); - /* fork */ - if (fork_to_background.get(*state) && first_pass) { - int pid = fork(); + /* generate text and get initial size */ + extract_variable_text(global_text); + free_and_zero(global_text); + /* fork */ + if (fork_to_background.get(*state) && first_pass) { + int pid = fork(); - switch (pid) { - case -1: - NORM_ERR(PACKAGE_NAME": couldn't fork() to background: %s", - strerror(errno)); - break; + switch (pid) { + case -1: + NORM_ERR(PACKAGE_NAME ": couldn't fork() to background: %s", + strerror(errno)); + break; - case 0: - /* child process */ - usleep(25000); - fprintf(stderr, "\n"); - fflush(stderr); - break; + case 0: + /* child process */ + usleep(25000); + fprintf(stderr, "\n"); + fflush(stderr); + break; - default: - /* parent process */ - fprintf(stderr, PACKAGE_NAME": forked to background, pid is %d\n", - pid); - fflush(stderr); - throw fork_throw(); - } - } + default: + /* parent process */ + fprintf(stderr, PACKAGE_NAME ": forked to background, pid is %d\n", + pid); + fflush(stderr); + throw fork_throw(); + } + } - text_buffer = (char*)malloc(max_user_text.get(*state)); - memset(text_buffer, 0, max_user_text.get(*state)); - tmpstring1 = (char*)malloc(text_buffer_size.get(*state)); - memset(tmpstring1, 0, text_buffer_size.get(*state)); - tmpstring2 = (char*)malloc(text_buffer_size.get(*state)); - memset(tmpstring2, 0, text_buffer_size.get(*state)); + text_buffer = (char *)malloc(max_user_text.get(*state)); + memset(text_buffer, 0, max_user_text.get(*state)); + tmpstring1 = (char *)malloc(text_buffer_size.get(*state)); + memset(tmpstring1, 0, text_buffer_size.get(*state)); + tmpstring2 = (char *)malloc(text_buffer_size.get(*state)); + memset(tmpstring2, 0, text_buffer_size.get(*state)); #ifdef BUILD_X11 - X11_create_window(); + X11_create_window(); #endif /* BUILD_X11 */ - llua_setup_info(&info, active_update_interval()); + llua_setup_info(&info, active_update_interval()); #ifdef BUILD_WEATHER_XOAP - xmlInitParser(); + xmlInitParser(); #endif /* BUILD_WEATHER_XOAP */ - /* Set signal handlers */ - act.sa_handler = signal_handler; - sigemptyset(&act.sa_mask); - act.sa_flags = 0; + /* Set signal handlers */ + act.sa_handler = signal_handler; + sigemptyset(&act.sa_mask); + act.sa_flags = 0; #ifdef SA_RESTART - act.sa_flags |= SA_RESTART; + act.sa_flags |= SA_RESTART; #endif - if ( sigaction(SIGINT, &act, &oact) < 0 - || sigaction(SIGALRM, &act, &oact) < 0 - || sigaction(SIGUSR1, &act, &oact) < 0 - || sigaction(SIGUSR2, &act, &oact) < 0 - || sigaction(SIGHUP, &act, &oact) < 0 - || sigaction(SIGTERM, &act, &oact) < 0) { - NORM_ERR("error setting signal handler: %s", strerror(errno)); - } + if (sigaction(SIGINT, &act, &oact) < 0 || + sigaction(SIGALRM, &act, &oact) < 0 || + sigaction(SIGUSR1, &act, &oact) < 0 || + sigaction(SIGUSR2, &act, &oact) < 0 || + sigaction(SIGHUP, &act, &oact) < 0 || + sigaction(SIGTERM, &act, &oact) < 0) { + NORM_ERR("error setting signal handler: %s", strerror(errno)); + } - llua_startup_hook(); + llua_startup_hook(); } -int main(int argc, char **argv) -{ +int main(int argc, char **argv) { #ifdef BUILD_I18N - setlocale(LC_ALL, ""); - bindtextdomain(PACKAGE_NAME, LOCALE_DIR); - textdomain(PACKAGE_NAME); + setlocale(LC_ALL, ""); + bindtextdomain(PACKAGE_NAME, LOCALE_DIR); + textdomain(PACKAGE_NAME); #endif - argc_copy = argc; - argv_copy = argv; - g_sigterm_pending = false; - g_sighup_pending = false; - g_sigusr2_pending = false; + argc_copy = argc; + argv_copy = argv; + g_sigterm_pending = false; + g_sighup_pending = false; + g_sigusr2_pending = false; #ifdef BUILD_CURL - struct curl_global_initializer { - curl_global_initializer() - { - if(curl_global_init(CURL_GLOBAL_ALL)) - NORM_ERR("curl_global_init() failed, you may not be able to use curl variables"); - } - ~curl_global_initializer() - { curl_global_cleanup(); } - }; - curl_global_initializer curl_global; + struct curl_global_initializer { + curl_global_initializer() { + if (curl_global_init(CURL_GLOBAL_ALL)) + NORM_ERR( + "curl_global_init() failed, you may not be able to use curl " + "variables"); + } + ~curl_global_initializer() { curl_global_cleanup(); } + }; + curl_global_initializer curl_global; #endif - /* handle command line parameters that don't change configs */ + /* handle command line parameters that don't change configs */ #ifdef BUILD_X11 - if (!setlocale(LC_CTYPE, "")) { - NORM_ERR("Can't set the specified locale!\nCheck LANG, LC_CTYPE, LC_ALL."); - } + if (!setlocale(LC_CTYPE, "")) { + NORM_ERR("Can't set the specified locale!\nCheck LANG, LC_CTYPE, LC_ALL."); + } #endif /* BUILD_X11 */ - while (1) { - int c = getopt_long(argc, argv, getopt_string, longopts, NULL); + while (1) { + int c = getopt_long(argc, argv, getopt_string, longopts, NULL); - if (c == -1) { - break; - } + if (c == -1) { + break; + } - switch (c) { - case 'D': - global_debug_level++; - break; - case 'v': - case 'V': - print_version(); - return EXIT_SUCCESS; - case 'c': - current_config = optarg; - break; - case 'q': - if (!freopen("/dev/null", "w", stderr)) - CRIT_ERR(0, 0, "could not open /dev/null as stderr!"); - break; - case 'h': - print_help(argv[0]); - return 0; + switch (c) { + case 'D': + global_debug_level++; + break; + case 'v': + case 'V': + print_version(); + return EXIT_SUCCESS; + case 'c': + current_config = optarg; + break; + case 'q': + if (!freopen("/dev/null", "w", stderr)) + CRIT_ERR(0, 0, "could not open /dev/null as stderr!"); + break; + case 'h': + print_help(argv[0]); + return 0; #ifdef BUILD_BUILTIN_CONFIG - case 'C': - std::cout << defconfig; - return 0; + case 'C': + std::cout << defconfig; + return 0; #endif #ifdef BUILD_X11 - case 'w': - window.window = strtol(optarg, 0, 0); - break; + case 'w': + window.window = strtol(optarg, 0, 0); + break; #endif /* BUILD_X11 */ - case '?': - return EXIT_FAILURE; - } - } + case '?': + return EXIT_FAILURE; + } + } - try { - set_current_config(); + try { + set_current_config(); - state.reset(new lua::state); + state.reset(new lua::state); - conky::export_symbols(*state); + conky::export_symbols(*state); #ifdef BUILD_WEATHER_XOAP - /* Load xoap keys, if existing */ - load_xoap_keys(); + /* Load xoap keys, if existing */ + load_xoap_keys(); #endif /* BUILD_WEATHER_XOAP */ #ifdef HAVE_SYS_INOTIFY_H - // the file descriptor will be automatically closed on exit - inotify_fd = inotify_init(); - if(inotify_fd != -1) { - fcntl(inotify_fd, F_SETFL, fcntl(inotify_fd, F_GETFL) | O_NONBLOCK); + // the file descriptor will be automatically closed on exit + inotify_fd = inotify_init(); + if (inotify_fd != -1) { + fcntl(inotify_fd, F_SETFL, fcntl(inotify_fd, F_GETFL) | O_NONBLOCK); - fcntl(inotify_fd, F_SETFD, fcntl(inotify_fd, F_GETFD) | FD_CLOEXEC); - } + fcntl(inotify_fd, F_SETFD, fcntl(inotify_fd, F_GETFD) | FD_CLOEXEC); + } #endif /* HAVE_SYS_INOTIFY_H */ - initialisation(argc, argv); + initialisation(argc, argv); - first_pass = 0; /* don't ever call fork() again */ + first_pass = 0; /* don't ever call fork() again */ - main_loop(); - } - catch(fork_throw &e) { return EXIT_SUCCESS; } - catch(unknown_arg_throw &e) { return EXIT_FAILURE; } - catch(obj_create_error &e) { - std::cerr << e.what() << std::endl; - clean_up(NULL, NULL); - return EXIT_FAILURE; - } - catch(std::exception &e) { - std::cerr << PACKAGE_NAME": " << e.what() << std::endl; - return EXIT_FAILURE; - } + main_loop(); + } catch (fork_throw &e) { + return EXIT_SUCCESS; + } catch (unknown_arg_throw &e) { + return EXIT_FAILURE; + } catch (obj_create_error &e) { + std::cerr << e.what() << std::endl; + clean_up(NULL, NULL); + return EXIT_FAILURE; + } catch (std::exception &e) { + std::cerr << PACKAGE_NAME ": " << e.what() << std::endl; + return EXIT_FAILURE; + } #if defined(__FreeBSD__) || defined(__FreeBSD_kernel__) - kvm_close(kd); + kvm_close(kd); #endif #ifdef LEAKFREE_NCURSES - _nc_free_and_exit(0); //hide false memleaks + _nc_free_and_exit(0); // hide false memleaks #endif - return 0; - + return 0; } -static void signal_handler(int sig) -{ - /* signal handler is light as a feather, as it should be. - * we will poll g_signal_pending with each loop of conky - * and do any signal processing there, NOT here */ +static void signal_handler(int sig) { + /* signal handler is light as a feather, as it should be. + * we will poll g_signal_pending with each loop of conky + * and do any signal processing there, NOT here */ - switch (sig) { - case SIGINT: - case SIGTERM: - g_sigterm_pending = true; - break; - case SIGHUP: - case SIGUSR1: - g_sighup_pending = true; - break; - case SIGUSR2: - g_sigusr2_pending = true; - default: - /* Reaching here means someone set a signal - * (SIGXXXX, signal_handler), but didn't write any code - * to deal with it. - * If you don't want to handle a signal, don't set a handler on - * it in the first place. - * We cannot print debug messages from a sighandler, so simply ignore. - */ - break; - } + switch (sig) { + case SIGINT: + case SIGTERM: + g_sigterm_pending = true; + break; + case SIGHUP: + case SIGUSR1: + g_sighup_pending = true; + break; + case SIGUSR2: + g_sigusr2_pending = true; + default: + /* Reaching here means someone set a signal + * (SIGXXXX, signal_handler), but didn't write any code + * to deal with it. + * If you don't want to handle a signal, don't set a handler on + * it in the first place. + * We cannot print debug messages from a sighandler, so simply ignore. + */ + break; + } } diff --git a/src/conky.h b/src/conky.h index f981aafb..4db04e96 100644 --- a/src/conky.h +++ b/src/conky.h @@ -1,5 +1,4 @@ -/* -*- mode: c++; c-basic-offset: 4; tab-width: 4; indent-tabs-mode: t -*- - * vim: ts=4 sw=4 noet ai cindent syntax=cpp +/* * * Conky, a system monitor, based on torsmo * @@ -10,7 +9,7 @@ * Please see COPYING for details * * Copyright (c) 2004, Hannu Saransaari and Lauri Hakkarainen - * Copyright (c) 2005-2012 Brenden Matthews, Philip Kovacs, et. al. + * Copyright (c) 2005-2018 Brenden Matthews, Philip Kovacs, et. al. * (see AUTHORS) * All rights reserved. * @@ -33,11 +32,11 @@ #define __STDC_FORMAT_MACROS -#include /* defines */ -#include "common.h" /* at least for struct dns_data */ -#include /* struct uname_s */ #include +#include /* defines */ +#include /* struct uname_s */ #include +#include "common.h" /* at least for struct dns_data */ #include "luamm.hh" #if defined(HAS_MCHECK_H) @@ -47,14 +46,14 @@ #undef EQUAL #undef FALSE #undef TRUE -#define EQUAL 0 //returnvalue of strcmp-variants when strings are equal +#define EQUAL 0 // returnvalue of strcmp-variants when strings are equal #define FALSE 0 #define TRUE 1 #define DEFAULT_BAR_WIDTH_NO_X 10 #if !defined(__GNUC__) -# define __attribute__(x) /* nothing */ +#define __attribute__(x) /* nothing */ #endif #ifndef HAVE_STRNDUP @@ -120,38 +119,38 @@ struct text_object; extern conky::range_config_setting text_buffer_size; struct usr_info { - char *names; - char *times; - char *ctime; - char *terms; - int number; + char *names; + char *times; + char *ctime; + char *terms; + int number; }; #ifdef BUILD_X11 struct monitor_info { - int number; - int current; + int number; + int current; }; struct desktop_info { - int current; - int number; - std::string all_names; - std::string name; + int current; + int number; + std::string all_names; + std::string name; }; struct x11_info { - struct monitor_info monitor; - struct desktop_info desktop; + struct monitor_info monitor; + struct desktop_info desktop; }; #endif /* BUILD_X11 */ struct conftree { - char* string; - struct conftree* horz_next; - struct conftree* vert_next; - struct conftree* back; + char *string; + struct conftree *horz_next; + struct conftree *vert_next; + struct conftree *back; }; void load_config_file(); @@ -164,96 +163,93 @@ char **get_templates(void); /* get_battery_stuff() item selector * needed by conky.c, linux.c and freebsd.c */ -enum { - BATTERY_STATUS, - BATTERY_TIME -}; +enum { BATTERY_STATUS, BATTERY_TIME }; struct information { - unsigned int mask; + unsigned int mask; - struct utsname uname_s; + struct utsname uname_s; #if defined(__DragonFly__) - char uname_v[256]; /* with git version */ + char uname_v[256]; /* with git version */ #endif - char freq[10]; + char freq[10]; - double uptime; + double uptime; - /* memory information in kilobytes */ - unsigned long long mem, memwithbuffers, memeasyfree, memfree, memmax, memdirty; - unsigned long long swap, swapfree, swapmax; - unsigned long long bufmem, buffers, cached; + /* memory information in kilobytes */ + unsigned long long mem, memwithbuffers, memeasyfree, memfree, memmax, + memdirty; + unsigned long long swap, swapfree, swapmax; + unsigned long long bufmem, buffers, cached; - unsigned short procs; - unsigned short run_procs; - unsigned short threads; - unsigned short run_threads; + unsigned short procs; + unsigned short run_procs; + unsigned short threads; + unsigned short run_threads; - float *cpu_usage; - /* struct cpu_stat cpu_summed; what the hell is this? */ - int cpu_count; + float *cpu_usage; + /* struct cpu_stat cpu_summed; what the hell is this? */ + int cpu_count; - float loadavg[3]; + float loadavg[3]; #ifdef BUILD_XMMS2 - struct xmms2_s xmms2; + struct xmms2_s xmms2; #endif /* BUILD_XMMS2 */ #ifdef BUILD_BMPX - struct bmpx_s bmpx; + struct bmpx_s bmpx; #endif /* BUILD_BMPX */ - struct usr_info users; - struct process *cpu[10]; - struct process *memu[10]; - struct process *time[10]; + struct usr_info users; + struct process *cpu[10]; + struct process *memu[10]; + struct process *time[10]; #ifdef BUILD_IOSTATS - struct process *io[10]; + struct process *io[10]; #endif /* BUILD_IOSTATS */ - struct process *first_process; - unsigned long looped; + struct process *first_process; + unsigned long looped; #ifdef BUILD_X11 - struct x11_info x11; + struct x11_info x11; #endif /* BUILD_X11 */ - short kflags; /* kernel settings, see enum KFLAG */ - + short kflags; /* kernel settings, see enum KFLAG */ + #if defined(__APPLE__) && defined(__MACH__) - /* System Integrity Protection related */ - struct csr_config_flags { - bool csr_allow_untrusted_kexts; - bool csr_allow_unrestricted_fs; - bool csr_allow_task_for_pid; - bool csr_allow_kernel_debugger; - bool csr_allow_apple_internal; - bool csr_allow_unrestricted_dtrace; - bool csr_allow_unrestricted_nvram; - bool csr_allow_device_configuration; - bool csr_allow_any_recovery_os; - bool csr_allow_user_approved_kexts; - }; - - /* SIP typedefs */ - typedef csr_config_flags csr_config_flags_t; - typedef uint32_t csr_config_t; - - /* SIP variables */ - csr_config_t csr_config; - csr_config_flags_t csr_config_flags; + /* System Integrity Protection related */ + struct csr_config_flags { + bool csr_allow_untrusted_kexts; + bool csr_allow_unrestricted_fs; + bool csr_allow_task_for_pid; + bool csr_allow_kernel_debugger; + bool csr_allow_apple_internal; + bool csr_allow_unrestricted_dtrace; + bool csr_allow_unrestricted_nvram; + bool csr_allow_device_configuration; + bool csr_allow_any_recovery_os; + bool csr_allow_user_approved_kexts; + }; + + /* SIP typedefs */ + typedef csr_config_flags csr_config_flags_t; + typedef uint32_t csr_config_t; + + /* SIP variables */ + csr_config_t csr_config; + csr_config_flags_t csr_config_flags; #endif /* defined(__APPLE__) && defined(__MACH__) */ }; -class music_player_interval_setting: public conky::simple_config_setting { - typedef conky::simple_config_setting Base; +class music_player_interval_setting + : public conky::simple_config_setting { + typedef conky::simple_config_setting Base; -protected: - virtual void lua_setter(lua::state &l, bool init); + protected: + virtual void lua_setter(lua::state &l, bool init); -public: - music_player_interval_setting() - : Base("music_player_interval", 0, true) - {} + public: + music_player_interval_setting() : Base("music_player_interval", 0, true) {} }; extern music_player_interval_setting music_player_interval; @@ -263,31 +259,35 @@ extern conky::range_config_setting diskio_avg_samples; /* needed by linux.c and top.c -> outsource somewhere */ enum { - /* set to true if kernel uses "long" format for /proc/stats */ - KFLAG_IS_LONGSTAT = 0x01, - /* set to true if kernel shows # of threads for the proc value - * in sysinfo() call */ - KFLAG_PROC_IS_THREADS = 0x02 - /* bits 0x04, 0x08, 0x10, 0x20, 0x40, 0x80 available for future use */ - /* KFLAG_NEXT_ONE = 0x04 */ + /* set to true if kernel uses "long" format for /proc/stats */ + KFLAG_IS_LONGSTAT = 0x01, + /* set to true if kernel shows # of threads for the proc value + * in sysinfo() call */ + KFLAG_PROC_IS_THREADS = 0x02 + /* bits 0x04, 0x08, 0x10, 0x20, 0x40, 0x80 available for future use */ + /* KFLAG_NEXT_ONE = 0x04 */ }; #define KFLAG_SETON(a) info.kflags |= a #define KFLAG_SETOFF(a) info.kflags &= (~a) #define KFLAG_FLIP(a) info.kflags ^= a -#define KFLAG_ISSET(a) info.kflags & a +#define KFLAG_ISSET(a) info.kflags &a #if !defined(MAX) -#define MAX(x,y) \ - ({ __typeof__ (x) _x = (x); \ - __typeof__ (y) _y = (y); \ - _x > _y ? _x : _y;}) +#define MAX(x, y) \ + ({ \ + __typeof__(x) _x = (x); \ + __typeof__(y) _y = (y); \ + _x > _y ? _x : _y; \ + }) #endif #if !defined(MIN) -#define MIN(x,y) \ - ({ __typeof__ (x) _x = (x); \ - __typeof__ (y) _y = (y); \ - _x < _y ? _x : _y;}) +#define MIN(x, y) \ + ({ \ + __typeof__(x) _x = (x); \ + __typeof__(y) _y = (y); \ + _x < _y ? _x : _y; \ + }) #endif /* defined in conky.c, needed by top.c */ @@ -308,7 +308,7 @@ extern conky::range_config_setting update_interval; extern conky::range_config_setting update_interval_on_battery; double active_update_interval(); -extern conky::range_config_setting stippled_borders; +extern conky::range_config_setting stippled_borders; void set_current_text_color(long colour); long get_current_text_color(void); @@ -319,7 +319,7 @@ int get_total_updates(void); /* defined in conky.c */ int spaced_print(char *, int, const char *, int, ...) - __attribute__((format(printf, 3, 5))); + __attribute__((format(printf, 3, 5))); extern int inotify_fd; /* defined in conky.c @@ -353,20 +353,20 @@ extern std::string current_config; #define NOBATTERY 0 /* to get rid of 'unused variable' warnings */ -#define UNUSED(a) (void)a -#define UNUSED_ATTR __attribute__ ((unused)) +#define UNUSED(a) (void)a +#define UNUSED_ATTR __attribute__((unused)) template void free_and_zero(T *&ptr) { - if(ptr) { - free(ptr); - ptr = NULL; - } + if (ptr) { + free(ptr); + ptr = NULL; + } } extern std::unique_ptr state; extern int argc_copy; -extern char** argv_copy; +extern char **argv_copy; #endif /* _conky_h_ */ diff --git a/src/core.cc b/src/core.cc index 91924b27..762c6227 100644 --- a/src/core.cc +++ b/src/core.cc @@ -1,5 +1,4 @@ -/* -*- mode: c++; c-basic-offset: 4; tab-width: 4; indent-tabs-mode: t -*- - * vim: ts=4 sw=4 noet ai cindent syntax=cpp +/* * * Conky, a system monitor, based on torsmo * @@ -10,7 +9,7 @@ * Please see COPYING for details * * Copyright (c) 2004, Hannu Saransaari and Lauri Hakkarainen - * Copyright (c) 2005-2012 Brenden Matthews, Philip Kovacs, et. al. + * Copyright (c) 2005-2018 Brenden Matthews, Philip Kovacs, et. al. * (see AUTHORS) * All rights reserved. * @@ -30,16 +29,16 @@ /* local headers */ #include "core.h" -#include "text_object.h" #include "algebra.h" -#include "build.h" #include "bsdapm.h" +#include "build.h" #include "colours.h" #include "combine.h" #include "diskio.h" #include "entropy.h" #include "exec.h" #include "i8k.h" +#include "text_object.h" #ifdef BUILD_IMLIB2 #include "imlib2.h" #endif @@ -66,9 +65,9 @@ #endif #include "llua.h" #include "logging.h" -#include "mixer.h" #include "mail.h" #include "mboxscan.h" +#include "mixer.h" #include "nc.h" #include "net_stat.h" #ifdef BUILD_NVIDIA @@ -77,9 +76,9 @@ #include "read_tcpip.h" #include "scroll.h" #include "specials.h" +#include "tailhead.h" #include "temphelper.h" #include "template.h" -#include "tailhead.h" #include "timeinfo.h" #include "top.h" #include "user.h" @@ -119,8 +118,8 @@ #include "darwin.h" #endif -#include #include +#include /* strip a leading /dev/ if any, following symlinks first * @@ -128,1822 +127,1752 @@ * which gets overwritten in consecutive calls. I.e.: * this function is NOT reentrant. */ -const char *dev_name(const char *path) -{ - static char buf[PATH_MAX]; +const char *dev_name(const char *path) { + static char buf[PATH_MAX]; - if (!path) - return NULL; + if (!path) return NULL; #define DEV_NAME(x) \ - x != NULL && strlen(x) > 5 && strncmp(x, "/dev/", 5) == 0 ? x + 5 : x - if (realpath(path, buf) == NULL) - return DEV_NAME(path); - return DEV_NAME(buf); + x != NULL &&strlen(x) > 5 && strncmp(x, "/dev/", 5) == 0 ? x + 5 : x + if (realpath(path, buf) == NULL) return DEV_NAME(path); + return DEV_NAME(buf); #undef DEV_NAME } -static struct text_object *new_text_object_internal(void) -{ - struct text_object *obj = (text_object*)malloc(sizeof(struct text_object)); - memset(obj, 0, sizeof(struct text_object)); - return obj; +static struct text_object *new_text_object_internal(void) { + struct text_object *obj = (text_object *)malloc(sizeof(struct text_object)); + memset(obj, 0, sizeof(struct text_object)); + return obj; } -static struct text_object *create_plain_text(const char *s) -{ - struct text_object *obj; +static struct text_object *create_plain_text(const char *s) { + struct text_object *obj; - if (s == NULL || *s == '\0') { - return NULL; - } + if (s == NULL || *s == '\0') { + return NULL; + } - obj = new_text_object_internal(); + obj = new_text_object_internal(); - obj_be_plain_text(obj, s); - return obj; + obj_be_plain_text(obj, s); + return obj; } #ifdef BUILD_CURL -void stock_parse_arg(struct text_object *obj, const char *arg) -{ - char stock[8]; - char data[16]; +void stock_parse_arg(struct text_object *obj, const char *arg) { + char stock[8]; + char data[16]; - obj->data.s = NULL; - if(sscanf(arg, "%7s %15s", stock, data) != 2) { - NORM_ERR("wrong number of arguments for $stock"); - return; - } - if(!strcasecmp("ask", data)) strcpy(data, "a"); - else if(!strcasecmp("adv", data)) strcpy(data, "a2"); - else if(!strcasecmp("asksize", data)) strcpy(data, "a5"); - else if(!strcasecmp("bid", data)) strcpy(data, "b"); - else if(!strcasecmp("askrt", data)) strcpy(data, "b2"); - else if(!strcasecmp("bidrt", data)) strcpy(data, "b3"); - else if(!strcasecmp("bookvalue", data)) strcpy(data, "b4"); - else if(!strcasecmp("bidsize", data)) strcpy(data, "b6"); - else if(!strcasecmp("change", data)) strcpy(data, "c1"); - else if(!strcasecmp("commission", data)) strcpy(data, "c3"); - else if(!strcasecmp("changert", data)) strcpy(data, "c6"); - else if(!strcasecmp("ahcrt", data)) strcpy(data, "c8"); - else if(!strcasecmp("ds", data)) strcpy(data, "d"); - else if(!strcasecmp("ltd", data)) strcpy(data, "d1"); - else if(!strcasecmp("tradedate", data)) strcpy(data, "d2"); - else if(!strcasecmp("es", data)) strcpy(data, "e"); - else if(!strcasecmp("ei", data)) strcpy(data, "e1"); - else if(!strcasecmp("epsecy", data)) strcpy(data, "e7"); - else if(!strcasecmp("epseny", data)) strcpy(data, "e8"); - else if(!strcasecmp("epsenq", data)) strcpy(data, "e9"); - else if(!strcasecmp("floatshares", data)) strcpy(data, "f6"); - else if(!strcasecmp("dayslow", data)) strcpy(data, "g"); - else if(!strcasecmp("dayshigh", data)) strcpy(data, "h"); - else if(!strcasecmp("52weeklow", data)) strcpy(data, "j"); - else if(!strcasecmp("52weekhigh", data)) strcpy(data, "k"); - else if(!strcasecmp("hgp", data)) strcpy(data, "g1"); - else if(!strcasecmp("ag", data)) strcpy(data, "g3"); - else if(!strcasecmp("hg", data)) strcpy(data, "g4"); - else if(!strcasecmp("hgprt", data)) strcpy(data, "g5"); - else if(!strcasecmp("hgrt", data)) strcpy(data, "g6"); - else if(!strcasecmp("moreinfo", data)) strcpy(data, "i"); - else if(!strcasecmp("obrt", data)) strcpy(data, "i5"); - else if(!strcasecmp("mc", data)) strcpy(data, "j1"); - else if(!strcasecmp("mcrt", data)) strcpy(data, "j3"); - else if(!strcasecmp("ebitda", data)) strcpy(data, "j4"); - else if(!strcasecmp("c52wlow", data)) strcpy(data, "j5"); - else if(!strcasecmp("pc52wlow", data)) strcpy(data, "j6"); - else if(!strcasecmp("cprt", data)) strcpy(data, "k2"); - else if(!strcasecmp("lts", data)) strcpy(data, "k3"); - else if(!strcasecmp("c52whigh", data)) strcpy(data, "k4"); - else if(!strcasecmp("pc52whigh", data)) strcpy(data, "k5"); - else if(!strcasecmp("ltp", data)) strcpy(data, "l1"); - else if(!strcasecmp("hl", data)) strcpy(data, "l2"); - else if(!strcasecmp("ll", data)) strcpy(data, "l3"); - else if(!strcasecmp("dr", data)) strcpy(data, "m"); - else if(!strcasecmp("drrt", data)) strcpy(data, "m2"); - else if(!strcasecmp("50ma", data)) strcpy(data, "m3"); - else if(!strcasecmp("200ma", data)) strcpy(data, "m4"); - else if(!strcasecmp("c200ma", data)) strcpy(data, "m5"); - else if(!strcasecmp("pc200ma", data)) strcpy(data, "m6"); - else if(!strcasecmp("c50ma", data)) strcpy(data, "m7"); - else if(!strcasecmp("pc50ma", data)) strcpy(data, "m8"); - else if(!strcasecmp("name", data)) strcpy(data, "n"); - else if(!strcasecmp("notes", data)) strcpy(data, "n4"); - else if(!strcasecmp("open", data)) strcpy(data, "o"); - else if(!strcasecmp("pc", data)) strcpy(data, "p"); - else if(!strcasecmp("pricepaid", data)) strcpy(data, "p1"); - else if(!strcasecmp("cip", data)) strcpy(data, "p2"); - else if(!strcasecmp("ps", data)) strcpy(data, "p5"); - else if(!strcasecmp("pb", data)) strcpy(data, "p6"); - else if(!strcasecmp("edv", data)) strcpy(data, "q"); - else if(!strcasecmp("per", data)) strcpy(data, "r"); - else if(!strcasecmp("dpd", data)) strcpy(data, "r1"); - else if(!strcasecmp("perrt", data)) strcpy(data, "r2"); - else if(!strcasecmp("pegr", data)) strcpy(data, "r5"); - else if(!strcasecmp("pepsecy", data)) strcpy(data, "r6"); - else if(!strcasecmp("pepseny", data)) strcpy(data, "r7"); - else if(!strcasecmp("symbol", data)) strcpy(data, "s"); - else if(!strcasecmp("sharesowned", data)) strcpy(data, "s1"); - else if(!strcasecmp("shortratio", data)) strcpy(data, "s7"); - else if(!strcasecmp("ltt", data)) strcpy(data, "t1"); - else if(!strcasecmp("tradelinks", data)) strcpy(data, "t6"); - else if(!strcasecmp("tt", data)) strcpy(data, "t7"); - else if(!strcasecmp("1ytp", data)) strcpy(data, "t8"); - else if(!strcasecmp("volume", data)) strcpy(data, "v"); - else if(!strcasecmp("hv", data)) strcpy(data, "v1"); - else if(!strcasecmp("hvrt", data)) strcpy(data, "v7"); - else if(!strcasecmp("52weekrange", data)) strcpy(data, "w"); - else if(!strcasecmp("dvc", data)) strcpy(data, "w1"); - else if(!strcasecmp("dvcrt", data)) strcpy(data, "w4"); - else if(!strcasecmp("se", data)) strcpy(data, "x"); - else if(!strcasecmp("dy", data)) strcpy(data, "y"); - else { - NORM_ERR("\"%s\" is not supported by $stock. Supported: 1ytp, 200ma, 50ma, 52weeklow, 52weekhigh, 52weekrange, adv, ag, ahcrt, ask, askrt, asksize, bid, bidrt, bidsize, bookvalue, c200ma, c50ma, c52whigh, c52wlow, change, changert, cip, commission, cprt, dayshigh, dayslow, dpd, dr, drrt, ds, dvc, dvcrt, dy, ebitda, edv, ei, epsecy, epsenq, epseny, es, floatshares, hg, hgp, hgprt, hl, hv, hvrt, ll, ltd, ltp, lts, ltt, mc, mcrt, moreinfo, name, notes, obrt, open, pb, pc, pc200ma, pc50ma, pc52whigh, pc52wlow, pegr, pepsecy, pepseny, per, perrt, pricepaid, ps, se, sharesowned, shortratio, symbol, tradedate, tradelinks, tt, volume", data); - return; - } + obj->data.s = NULL; + if (sscanf(arg, "%7s %15s", stock, data) != 2) { + NORM_ERR("wrong number of arguments for $stock"); + return; + } + if (!strcasecmp("ask", data)) + strcpy(data, "a"); + else if (!strcasecmp("adv", data)) + strcpy(data, "a2"); + else if (!strcasecmp("asksize", data)) + strcpy(data, "a5"); + else if (!strcasecmp("bid", data)) + strcpy(data, "b"); + else if (!strcasecmp("askrt", data)) + strcpy(data, "b2"); + else if (!strcasecmp("bidrt", data)) + strcpy(data, "b3"); + else if (!strcasecmp("bookvalue", data)) + strcpy(data, "b4"); + else if (!strcasecmp("bidsize", data)) + strcpy(data, "b6"); + else if (!strcasecmp("change", data)) + strcpy(data, "c1"); + else if (!strcasecmp("commission", data)) + strcpy(data, "c3"); + else if (!strcasecmp("changert", data)) + strcpy(data, "c6"); + else if (!strcasecmp("ahcrt", data)) + strcpy(data, "c8"); + else if (!strcasecmp("ds", data)) + strcpy(data, "d"); + else if (!strcasecmp("ltd", data)) + strcpy(data, "d1"); + else if (!strcasecmp("tradedate", data)) + strcpy(data, "d2"); + else if (!strcasecmp("es", data)) + strcpy(data, "e"); + else if (!strcasecmp("ei", data)) + strcpy(data, "e1"); + else if (!strcasecmp("epsecy", data)) + strcpy(data, "e7"); + else if (!strcasecmp("epseny", data)) + strcpy(data, "e8"); + else if (!strcasecmp("epsenq", data)) + strcpy(data, "e9"); + else if (!strcasecmp("floatshares", data)) + strcpy(data, "f6"); + else if (!strcasecmp("dayslow", data)) + strcpy(data, "g"); + else if (!strcasecmp("dayshigh", data)) + strcpy(data, "h"); + else if (!strcasecmp("52weeklow", data)) + strcpy(data, "j"); + else if (!strcasecmp("52weekhigh", data)) + strcpy(data, "k"); + else if (!strcasecmp("hgp", data)) + strcpy(data, "g1"); + else if (!strcasecmp("ag", data)) + strcpy(data, "g3"); + else if (!strcasecmp("hg", data)) + strcpy(data, "g4"); + else if (!strcasecmp("hgprt", data)) + strcpy(data, "g5"); + else if (!strcasecmp("hgrt", data)) + strcpy(data, "g6"); + else if (!strcasecmp("moreinfo", data)) + strcpy(data, "i"); + else if (!strcasecmp("obrt", data)) + strcpy(data, "i5"); + else if (!strcasecmp("mc", data)) + strcpy(data, "j1"); + else if (!strcasecmp("mcrt", data)) + strcpy(data, "j3"); + else if (!strcasecmp("ebitda", data)) + strcpy(data, "j4"); + else if (!strcasecmp("c52wlow", data)) + strcpy(data, "j5"); + else if (!strcasecmp("pc52wlow", data)) + strcpy(data, "j6"); + else if (!strcasecmp("cprt", data)) + strcpy(data, "k2"); + else if (!strcasecmp("lts", data)) + strcpy(data, "k3"); + else if (!strcasecmp("c52whigh", data)) + strcpy(data, "k4"); + else if (!strcasecmp("pc52whigh", data)) + strcpy(data, "k5"); + else if (!strcasecmp("ltp", data)) + strcpy(data, "l1"); + else if (!strcasecmp("hl", data)) + strcpy(data, "l2"); + else if (!strcasecmp("ll", data)) + strcpy(data, "l3"); + else if (!strcasecmp("dr", data)) + strcpy(data, "m"); + else if (!strcasecmp("drrt", data)) + strcpy(data, "m2"); + else if (!strcasecmp("50ma", data)) + strcpy(data, "m3"); + else if (!strcasecmp("200ma", data)) + strcpy(data, "m4"); + else if (!strcasecmp("c200ma", data)) + strcpy(data, "m5"); + else if (!strcasecmp("pc200ma", data)) + strcpy(data, "m6"); + else if (!strcasecmp("c50ma", data)) + strcpy(data, "m7"); + else if (!strcasecmp("pc50ma", data)) + strcpy(data, "m8"); + else if (!strcasecmp("name", data)) + strcpy(data, "n"); + else if (!strcasecmp("notes", data)) + strcpy(data, "n4"); + else if (!strcasecmp("open", data)) + strcpy(data, "o"); + else if (!strcasecmp("pc", data)) + strcpy(data, "p"); + else if (!strcasecmp("pricepaid", data)) + strcpy(data, "p1"); + else if (!strcasecmp("cip", data)) + strcpy(data, "p2"); + else if (!strcasecmp("ps", data)) + strcpy(data, "p5"); + else if (!strcasecmp("pb", data)) + strcpy(data, "p6"); + else if (!strcasecmp("edv", data)) + strcpy(data, "q"); + else if (!strcasecmp("per", data)) + strcpy(data, "r"); + else if (!strcasecmp("dpd", data)) + strcpy(data, "r1"); + else if (!strcasecmp("perrt", data)) + strcpy(data, "r2"); + else if (!strcasecmp("pegr", data)) + strcpy(data, "r5"); + else if (!strcasecmp("pepsecy", data)) + strcpy(data, "r6"); + else if (!strcasecmp("pepseny", data)) + strcpy(data, "r7"); + else if (!strcasecmp("symbol", data)) + strcpy(data, "s"); + else if (!strcasecmp("sharesowned", data)) + strcpy(data, "s1"); + else if (!strcasecmp("shortratio", data)) + strcpy(data, "s7"); + else if (!strcasecmp("ltt", data)) + strcpy(data, "t1"); + else if (!strcasecmp("tradelinks", data)) + strcpy(data, "t6"); + else if (!strcasecmp("tt", data)) + strcpy(data, "t7"); + else if (!strcasecmp("1ytp", data)) + strcpy(data, "t8"); + else if (!strcasecmp("volume", data)) + strcpy(data, "v"); + else if (!strcasecmp("hv", data)) + strcpy(data, "v1"); + else if (!strcasecmp("hvrt", data)) + strcpy(data, "v7"); + else if (!strcasecmp("52weekrange", data)) + strcpy(data, "w"); + else if (!strcasecmp("dvc", data)) + strcpy(data, "w1"); + else if (!strcasecmp("dvcrt", data)) + strcpy(data, "w4"); + else if (!strcasecmp("se", data)) + strcpy(data, "x"); + else if (!strcasecmp("dy", data)) + strcpy(data, "y"); + else { + NORM_ERR( + "\"%s\" is not supported by $stock. Supported: 1ytp, 200ma, 50ma, " + "52weeklow, 52weekhigh, 52weekrange, adv, ag, ahcrt, ask, askrt, " + "asksize, bid, bidrt, bidsize, bookvalue, c200ma, c50ma, c52whigh, " + "c52wlow, change, changert, cip, commission, cprt, dayshigh, dayslow, " + "dpd, dr, drrt, ds, dvc, dvcrt, dy, ebitda, edv, ei, epsecy, epsenq, " + "epseny, es, floatshares, hg, hgp, hgprt, hl, hv, hvrt, ll, ltd, ltp, " + "lts, ltt, mc, mcrt, moreinfo, name, notes, obrt, open, pb, pc, " + "pc200ma, pc50ma, pc52whigh, pc52wlow, pegr, pepsecy, pepseny, per, " + "perrt, pricepaid, ps, se, sharesowned, shortratio, symbol, tradedate, " + "tradelinks, tt, volume", + data); + return; + } #define MAX_FINYAH_URL_LENGTH 64 - obj->data.s = (char*) malloc(MAX_FINYAH_URL_LENGTH); - snprintf(obj->data.s, MAX_FINYAH_URL_LENGTH, "http://download.finance.yahoo.com/d/quotes.csv?s=%s&f=%s", stock, data); + obj->data.s = (char *)malloc(MAX_FINYAH_URL_LENGTH); + snprintf(obj->data.s, MAX_FINYAH_URL_LENGTH, + "http://download.finance.yahoo.com/d/quotes.csv?s=%s&f=%s", stock, + data); } #endif /* BUILD_CURL */ -legacy_cb_handle *create_cb_handle(int (*fn)()) -{ - if(fn) - return new legacy_cb_handle(conky::register_cb(1, fn)); - else - return NULL; +legacy_cb_handle *create_cb_handle(int (*fn)()) { + if (fn) + return new legacy_cb_handle(conky::register_cb(1, fn)); + else + return NULL; } /* construct_text_object() creates a new text_object */ -struct text_object *construct_text_object(char *s, const char *arg, - long line, void **ifblock_opaque, void *free_at_crash) -{ - // struct text_object *obj = new_text_object(); - struct text_object *obj = new_text_object_internal(); +struct text_object *construct_text_object(char *s, const char *arg, long line, + void **ifblock_opaque, + void *free_at_crash) { + // struct text_object *obj = new_text_object(); + struct text_object *obj = new_text_object_internal(); - obj->line = line; + obj->line = line; /* helper defines for internal use only */ -#define __OBJ_HEAD(a, n) if (!strcmp(s, #a)) { \ - obj->cb_handle = create_cb_handle(n); +#define __OBJ_HEAD(a, n) \ + if (!strcmp(s, #a)) { \ + obj->cb_handle = create_cb_handle(n); #define __OBJ_IF obj_be_ifblock_if(ifblock_opaque, obj) -#define __OBJ_ARG(...) if (!arg) { free(s); CRIT_ERR(obj, free_at_crash, __VA_ARGS__); } +#define __OBJ_ARG(...) \ + if (!arg) { \ + free(s); \ + CRIT_ERR(obj, free_at_crash, __VA_ARGS__); \ + } /* defines to be used below */ #define OBJ(a, n) __OBJ_HEAD(a, n) { #define OBJ_ARG(a, n, ...) __OBJ_HEAD(a, n) __OBJ_ARG(__VA_ARGS__) { -#define OBJ_IF(a, n) __OBJ_HEAD(a, n) __OBJ_IF; { -#define OBJ_IF_ARG(a, n, ...) __OBJ_HEAD(a, n) __OBJ_ARG(__VA_ARGS__) __OBJ_IF; { -#define END } } else +#define OBJ_IF(a, n) \ + __OBJ_HEAD(a, n) __OBJ_IF; \ + { +#define OBJ_IF_ARG(a, n, ...) \ + __OBJ_HEAD(a, n) __OBJ_ARG(__VA_ARGS__) __OBJ_IF; \ + { +#define END \ + } \ + } \ + else #ifdef BUILD_X11 - if (s[0] == '#') { - obj->data.l = get_x11_color(s); - obj->callbacks.print = &new_fg; - } else + if (s[0] == '#') { + obj->data.l = get_x11_color(s); + obj->callbacks.print = &new_fg; + } else #endif /* BUILD_X11 */ #ifndef __OpenBSD__ - OBJ(acpitemp, 0) - obj->data.i = open_acpi_temperature(arg); - obj->callbacks.print = &print_acpitemp; - obj->callbacks.free = &free_acpitemp; - END OBJ(acpiacadapter, 0) - if(arg) { + OBJ(acpitemp, 0) + obj->data.i = open_acpi_temperature(arg); + obj->callbacks.print = &print_acpitemp; + obj->callbacks.free = &free_acpitemp; + END OBJ(acpiacadapter, 0) if (arg) { #ifdef __linux__ - if(strpbrk(arg, "/.") != NULL) { - /* - * a bit of paranoia. screen out funky paths - * i hope no device will have a '.' in its name - */ - NORM_ERR("acpiacadapter: arg must not contain '/' or '.'"); - } else - obj->data.opaque = strdup(arg); + if (strpbrk(arg, "/.") != NULL) { + /* + * a bit of paranoia. screen out funky paths + * i hope no device will have a '.' in its name + */ + NORM_ERR("acpiacadapter: arg must not contain '/' or '.'"); + } else + obj->data.opaque = strdup(arg); #else - NORM_ERR("acpiacadapter: arg is only used on linux"); + NORM_ERR("acpiacadapter: arg is only used on linux"); #endif - } - obj->callbacks.print = &print_acpiacadapter; - obj->callbacks.free = &gen_free_opaque; + } + obj->callbacks.print = &print_acpiacadapter; + obj->callbacks.free = &gen_free_opaque; #endif /* !__OpenBSD__ */ - END OBJ(freq, 0) - get_cpu_count(); - if (!arg || !isdigit(arg[0]) || strlen(arg) >= 3 || atoi(&arg[0]) == 0 - || atoi(&arg[0]) > info.cpu_count) { - obj->data.i = 1; - /* NORM_ERR("freq: Invalid CPU number or you don't have that many CPUs! " - "Displaying the clock for CPU 1."); */ - } else { - obj->data.i = atoi(&arg[0]); - } - obj->callbacks.print = &print_freq; - END OBJ(freq_g, 0) - get_cpu_count(); - if (!arg || !isdigit(arg[0]) || strlen(arg) >= 3 || atoi(&arg[0]) == 0 - || atoi(&arg[0]) > info.cpu_count) { - obj->data.i = 1; - /* NORM_ERR("freq_g: Invalid CPU number or you don't have that many " - "CPUs! Displaying the clock for CPU 1."); */ - } else { - obj->data.i = atoi(&arg[0]); - } - obj->callbacks.print = &print_freq_g; - END OBJ_ARG(read_tcp, 0, "read_tcp: Needs \"(host) port\" as argument(s)") - parse_read_tcpip_arg(obj, arg, free_at_crash); - obj->callbacks.print = &print_read_tcp; - obj->callbacks.free = &free_read_tcpip; - END OBJ_ARG(read_udp, 0, "read_udp: Needs \"(host) port\" as argument(s)") - parse_read_tcpip_arg(obj, arg, free_at_crash); - obj->callbacks.print = &print_read_udp; - obj->callbacks.free = &free_read_tcpip; - END OBJ_ARG(tcp_ping, 0, "tcp_ping: Needs \"host (port)\" as argument(s)") - parse_tcp_ping_arg(obj, arg, free_at_crash); - obj->callbacks.print = &print_tcp_ping; - obj->callbacks.free = &free_tcp_ping; + END OBJ(freq, 0) get_cpu_count(); + if (!arg || !isdigit(arg[0]) || strlen(arg) >= 3 || atoi(&arg[0]) == 0 || + atoi(&arg[0]) > info.cpu_count) { + obj->data.i = 1; + /* NORM_ERR("freq: Invalid CPU number or you don't have that many CPUs! " + "Displaying the clock for CPU 1."); */ + } else { + obj->data.i = atoi(&arg[0]); + } + obj->callbacks.print = &print_freq; + END OBJ(freq_g, 0) get_cpu_count(); + if (!arg || !isdigit(arg[0]) || strlen(arg) >= 3 || atoi(&arg[0]) == 0 || + atoi(&arg[0]) > info.cpu_count) { + obj->data.i = 1; + /* NORM_ERR("freq_g: Invalid CPU number or you don't have that many " + "CPUs! Displaying the clock for CPU 1."); */ + } else { + obj->data.i = atoi(&arg[0]); + } + obj->callbacks.print = &print_freq_g; + END OBJ_ARG(read_tcp, 0, "read_tcp: Needs \"(host) port\" as argument(s)") + parse_read_tcpip_arg(obj, arg, free_at_crash); + obj->callbacks.print = &print_read_tcp; + obj->callbacks.free = &free_read_tcpip; + END OBJ_ARG(read_udp, 0, "read_udp: Needs \"(host) port\" as argument(s)") + parse_read_tcpip_arg(obj, arg, free_at_crash); + obj->callbacks.print = &print_read_udp; + obj->callbacks.free = &free_read_tcpip; + END OBJ_ARG(tcp_ping, 0, "tcp_ping: Needs \"host (port)\" as argument(s)") + parse_tcp_ping_arg(obj, arg, free_at_crash); + obj->callbacks.print = &print_tcp_ping; + obj->callbacks.free = &free_tcp_ping; #if defined(__linux__) - END OBJ(voltage_mv, 0) - get_cpu_count(); - if (!arg || !isdigit(arg[0]) || strlen(arg) >= 3 || atoi(&arg[0]) == 0 - || atoi(&arg[0]) > info.cpu_count) { - obj->data.i = 1; - /* NORM_ERR("voltage_mv: Invalid CPU number or you don't have that many " - "CPUs! Displaying voltage for CPU 1."); */ - } else { - obj->data.i = atoi(&arg[0]); - } - obj->callbacks.print = &print_voltage_mv; - END OBJ(voltage_v, 0) - get_cpu_count(); - if (!arg || !isdigit(arg[0]) || strlen(arg) >= 3 || atoi(&arg[0]) == 0 - || atoi(&arg[0]) > info.cpu_count) { - obj->data.i = 1; - /* NORM_ERR("voltage_v: Invalid CPU number or you don't have that many " - "CPUs! Displaying voltage for CPU 1."); */ - } else { - obj->data.i = atoi(&arg[0]); - } - obj->callbacks.print = &print_voltage_v; + END OBJ(voltage_mv, 0) get_cpu_count(); + if (!arg || !isdigit(arg[0]) || strlen(arg) >= 3 || atoi(&arg[0]) == 0 || + atoi(&arg[0]) > info.cpu_count) { + obj->data.i = 1; + /* NORM_ERR("voltage_mv: Invalid CPU number or you don't have that many " + "CPUs! Displaying voltage for CPU 1."); */ + } else { + obj->data.i = atoi(&arg[0]); + } + obj->callbacks.print = &print_voltage_mv; + END OBJ(voltage_v, 0) get_cpu_count(); + if (!arg || !isdigit(arg[0]) || strlen(arg) >= 3 || atoi(&arg[0]) == 0 || + atoi(&arg[0]) > info.cpu_count) { + obj->data.i = 1; + /* NORM_ERR("voltage_v: Invalid CPU number or you don't have that many " + "CPUs! Displaying voltage for CPU 1."); */ + } else { + obj->data.i = atoi(&arg[0]); + } + obj->callbacks.print = &print_voltage_v; #ifdef BUILD_WLAN - END OBJ(wireless_essid, &update_net_stats) - obj->data.opaque = get_net_stat(arg, obj, free_at_crash); - obj->callbacks.print = &print_wireless_essid; - END OBJ(wireless_channel, &update_net_stats) - parse_net_stat_arg(obj, arg, free_at_crash); - obj->callbacks.print = &print_wireless_channel; - END OBJ(wireless_freq, &update_net_stats) - parse_net_stat_arg(obj, arg, free_at_crash); - obj->callbacks.print = &print_wireless_frequency; - END OBJ(wireless_mode, &update_net_stats) - parse_net_stat_arg(obj, arg, free_at_crash); - obj->callbacks.print = &print_wireless_mode; - END OBJ(wireless_bitrate, &update_net_stats) - parse_net_stat_arg(obj, arg, free_at_crash); - obj->callbacks.print = &print_wireless_bitrate; - END OBJ(wireless_ap, &update_net_stats) - parse_net_stat_arg(obj, arg, free_at_crash); - obj->callbacks.print = &print_wireless_ap; - END OBJ(wireless_link_qual, &update_net_stats) - parse_net_stat_arg(obj, arg, free_at_crash); - obj->callbacks.print = &print_wireless_link_qual; - END OBJ(wireless_link_qual_max, &update_net_stats) - parse_net_stat_arg(obj, arg, free_at_crash); - obj->callbacks.print = &print_wireless_link_qual_max; - END OBJ(wireless_link_qual_perc, &update_net_stats) - parse_net_stat_arg(obj, arg, free_at_crash); - obj->callbacks.print = &print_wireless_link_qual_perc; - END OBJ(wireless_link_bar, &update_net_stats) - parse_net_stat_bar_arg(obj, arg, free_at_crash); - obj->callbacks.barval = &wireless_link_barval; + END OBJ(wireless_essid, &update_net_stats) obj->data.opaque = + get_net_stat(arg, obj, free_at_crash); + obj->callbacks.print = &print_wireless_essid; + END OBJ(wireless_channel, &update_net_stats) + parse_net_stat_arg(obj, arg, free_at_crash); + obj->callbacks.print = &print_wireless_channel; + END OBJ(wireless_freq, &update_net_stats) + parse_net_stat_arg(obj, arg, free_at_crash); + obj->callbacks.print = &print_wireless_frequency; + END OBJ(wireless_mode, &update_net_stats) + parse_net_stat_arg(obj, arg, free_at_crash); + obj->callbacks.print = &print_wireless_mode; + END OBJ(wireless_bitrate, &update_net_stats) + parse_net_stat_arg(obj, arg, free_at_crash); + obj->callbacks.print = &print_wireless_bitrate; + END OBJ(wireless_ap, &update_net_stats) + parse_net_stat_arg(obj, arg, free_at_crash); + obj->callbacks.print = &print_wireless_ap; + END OBJ(wireless_link_qual, &update_net_stats) + parse_net_stat_arg(obj, arg, free_at_crash); + obj->callbacks.print = &print_wireless_link_qual; + END OBJ(wireless_link_qual_max, &update_net_stats) + parse_net_stat_arg(obj, arg, free_at_crash); + obj->callbacks.print = &print_wireless_link_qual_max; + END OBJ(wireless_link_qual_perc, &update_net_stats) + parse_net_stat_arg(obj, arg, free_at_crash); + obj->callbacks.print = &print_wireless_link_qual_perc; + END OBJ(wireless_link_bar, &update_net_stats) + parse_net_stat_bar_arg(obj, arg, free_at_crash); + obj->callbacks.barval = &wireless_link_barval; #endif /* BUILD_WLAN */ #endif /* __linux__ */ #ifndef __OpenBSD__ - END OBJ(acpifan, 0) - obj->callbacks.print = &print_acpifan; - END OBJ(battery, 0) - char bat[64]; + END OBJ(acpifan, 0) obj->callbacks.print = &print_acpifan; + END OBJ(battery, 0) char bat[64]; - if (arg) { - sscanf(arg, "%63s", bat); - } else { - strcpy(bat, "BAT0"); - } - obj->data.s = strndup(bat, text_buffer_size.get(*state)); - obj->callbacks.print = &print_battery; - obj->callbacks.free = &gen_free_opaque; - END OBJ(battery_short, 0) - char bat[64]; + if (arg) { + sscanf(arg, "%63s", bat); + } else { + strcpy(bat, "BAT0"); + } + obj->data.s = strndup(bat, text_buffer_size.get(*state)); + obj->callbacks.print = &print_battery; + obj->callbacks.free = &gen_free_opaque; + END OBJ(battery_short, 0) char bat[64]; - if (arg) { - sscanf(arg, "%63s", bat); - } else { - strcpy(bat, "BAT0"); - } - obj->data.s = strndup(bat, text_buffer_size.get(*state)); - obj->callbacks.print = &print_battery_short; - obj->callbacks.free = &gen_free_opaque; - END OBJ(battery_time, 0) - char bat[64]; + if (arg) { + sscanf(arg, "%63s", bat); + } else { + strcpy(bat, "BAT0"); + } + obj->data.s = strndup(bat, text_buffer_size.get(*state)); + obj->callbacks.print = &print_battery_short; + obj->callbacks.free = &gen_free_opaque; + END OBJ(battery_time, 0) char bat[64]; - if (arg) { - sscanf(arg, "%63s", bat); - } else { - strcpy(bat, "BAT0"); - } - obj->data.s = strndup(bat, text_buffer_size.get(*state)); - obj->callbacks.print = &print_battery_time; - obj->callbacks.free = &gen_free_opaque; - END OBJ(battery_percent, 0) - char bat[64]; + if (arg) { + sscanf(arg, "%63s", bat); + } else { + strcpy(bat, "BAT0"); + } + obj->data.s = strndup(bat, text_buffer_size.get(*state)); + obj->callbacks.print = &print_battery_time; + obj->callbacks.free = &gen_free_opaque; + END OBJ(battery_percent, 0) char bat[64]; - if (arg) { - sscanf(arg, "%63s", bat); - } else { - strcpy(bat, "BAT0"); - } - obj->data.s = strndup(bat, text_buffer_size.get(*state)); - obj->callbacks.percentage = &battery_percentage; - obj->callbacks.free = &gen_free_opaque; - END OBJ(battery_bar, 0) - char bat[64]; + if (arg) { + sscanf(arg, "%63s", bat); + } else { + strcpy(bat, "BAT0"); + } + obj->data.s = strndup(bat, text_buffer_size.get(*state)); + obj->callbacks.percentage = &battery_percentage; + obj->callbacks.free = &gen_free_opaque; + END OBJ(battery_bar, 0) char bat[64]; - arg = scan_bar(obj, arg, 100); - if (arg && strlen(arg)>0) { - sscanf(arg, "%63s", bat); - } else { - strcpy(bat, "BAT0"); - } - obj->data.s = strndup(bat, text_buffer_size.get(*state)); - obj->callbacks.barval = &get_battery_perct_bar; - obj->callbacks.free = &gen_free_opaque; + arg = scan_bar(obj, arg, 100); + if (arg && strlen(arg) > 0) { + sscanf(arg, "%63s", bat); + } else { + strcpy(bat, "BAT0"); + } + obj->data.s = strndup(bat, text_buffer_size.get(*state)); + obj->callbacks.barval = &get_battery_perct_bar; + obj->callbacks.free = &gen_free_opaque; #endif /* !__OpenBSD__ */ #if defined(__linux__) - END OBJ_ARG(disk_protect, 0, "disk_protect needs an argument") - obj->data.s = strndup(dev_name(arg), text_buffer_size.get(*state)); - obj->callbacks.print = &print_disk_protect_queue; - obj->callbacks.free = &gen_free_opaque; - END OBJ(i8k_version, &update_i8k) - obj->callbacks.print = &print_i8k_version; - END OBJ(i8k_bios, &update_i8k) - obj->callbacks.print = &print_i8k_bios; - END OBJ(i8k_serial, &update_i8k) - obj->callbacks.print = &print_i8k_serial; - END OBJ(i8k_cpu_temp, &update_i8k) - obj->callbacks.print = &print_i8k_cpu_temp; - END OBJ(i8k_left_fan_status, &update_i8k) - obj->callbacks.print = &print_i8k_left_fan_status; - END OBJ(i8k_right_fan_status, &update_i8k) - obj->callbacks.print = &print_i8k_right_fan_status; - END OBJ(i8k_left_fan_rpm, &update_i8k) - obj->callbacks.print = &print_i8k_left_fan_rpm; - END OBJ(i8k_right_fan_rpm, &update_i8k) - obj->callbacks.print = &print_i8k_right_fan_rpm; - END OBJ(i8k_ac_status, &update_i8k) - obj->callbacks.print = &print_i8k_ac_status; - END OBJ(i8k_buttons_status, &update_i8k) - obj->callbacks.print = &print_i8k_buttons_status; + END OBJ_ARG(disk_protect, 0, "disk_protect needs an argument") obj->data.s = + strndup(dev_name(arg), text_buffer_size.get(*state)); + obj->callbacks.print = &print_disk_protect_queue; + obj->callbacks.free = &gen_free_opaque; + END OBJ(i8k_version, &update_i8k) obj->callbacks.print = &print_i8k_version; + END OBJ(i8k_bios, &update_i8k) obj->callbacks.print = &print_i8k_bios; + END OBJ(i8k_serial, &update_i8k) obj->callbacks.print = &print_i8k_serial; + END OBJ(i8k_cpu_temp, &update_i8k) obj->callbacks.print = &print_i8k_cpu_temp; + END OBJ(i8k_left_fan_status, &update_i8k) obj->callbacks.print = + &print_i8k_left_fan_status; + END OBJ(i8k_right_fan_status, &update_i8k) obj->callbacks.print = + &print_i8k_right_fan_status; + END OBJ(i8k_left_fan_rpm, &update_i8k) obj->callbacks.print = + &print_i8k_left_fan_rpm; + END OBJ(i8k_right_fan_rpm, &update_i8k) obj->callbacks.print = + &print_i8k_right_fan_rpm; + END OBJ(i8k_ac_status, &update_i8k) obj->callbacks.print = + &print_i8k_ac_status; + END OBJ(i8k_buttons_status, &update_i8k) obj->callbacks.print = + &print_i8k_buttons_status; #if defined(BUILD_IBM) - END OBJ(ibm_fan, 0) - obj->callbacks.print = &get_ibm_acpi_fan; - END OBJ_ARG(ibm_temps, &get_ibm_acpi_temps, "ibm_temps: needs an argument") - parse_ibm_temps_arg(obj, arg); - obj->callbacks.print = &print_ibm_temps; - END OBJ(ibm_volume, 0) - obj->callbacks.print = &get_ibm_acpi_volume; - END OBJ(ibm_brightness, 0) - obj->callbacks.print = &get_ibm_acpi_brightness; - END OBJ(ibm_thinklight, 0) - obj->callbacks.print = &get_ibm_acpi_thinklight; + END OBJ(ibm_fan, 0) obj->callbacks.print = &get_ibm_acpi_fan; + END OBJ_ARG(ibm_temps, &get_ibm_acpi_temps, "ibm_temps: needs an argument") + parse_ibm_temps_arg(obj, arg); + obj->callbacks.print = &print_ibm_temps; + END OBJ(ibm_volume, 0) obj->callbacks.print = &get_ibm_acpi_volume; + END OBJ(ibm_brightness, 0) obj->callbacks.print = &get_ibm_acpi_brightness; + END OBJ(ibm_thinklight, 0) obj->callbacks.print = &get_ibm_acpi_thinklight; #endif - /* information from sony_laptop kernel module - * /sys/devices/platform/sony-laptop */ - END OBJ(sony_fanspeed, 0) - obj->callbacks.print = &get_sony_fanspeed; - END OBJ_IF(if_gw, &update_gateway_info) - obj->callbacks.iftest = &gateway_exists; - obj->callbacks.free = &free_gateway_info; - END OBJ_ARG(ioscheduler, 0, "get_ioscheduler needs an argument (e.g. hda)") - obj->data.s = strndup(dev_name(arg), text_buffer_size.get(*state)); - obj->callbacks.print = &print_ioscheduler; - obj->callbacks.free = &gen_free_opaque; - END OBJ(laptop_mode, 0) - obj->callbacks.print = &print_laptop_mode; - END OBJ_ARG(pb_battery, 0, "pb_battery: needs one argument: status, percent or time") - if (strcmp(arg, "status") == EQUAL) { - obj->data.i = PB_BATT_STATUS; - } else if (strcmp(arg, "percent") == EQUAL) { - obj->data.i = PB_BATT_PERCENT; - } else if (strcmp(arg, "time") == EQUAL) { - obj->data.i = PB_BATT_TIME; - } else { - NORM_ERR("pb_battery: illegal argument '%s', defaulting to status", arg); - obj->data.i = PB_BATT_STATUS; - } - obj->callbacks.print = get_powerbook_batt_info; + /* information from sony_laptop kernel module + * /sys/devices/platform/sony-laptop */ + END OBJ(sony_fanspeed, 0) obj->callbacks.print = &get_sony_fanspeed; + END OBJ_IF(if_gw, &update_gateway_info) obj->callbacks.iftest = + &gateway_exists; + obj->callbacks.free = &free_gateway_info; + END OBJ_ARG(ioscheduler, 0, "get_ioscheduler needs an argument (e.g. hda)") + obj->data.s = strndup(dev_name(arg), text_buffer_size.get(*state)); + obj->callbacks.print = &print_ioscheduler; + obj->callbacks.free = &gen_free_opaque; + END OBJ(laptop_mode, 0) obj->callbacks.print = &print_laptop_mode; + END OBJ_ARG( + pb_battery, 0, + "pb_battery: needs one argument: status, percent or time") if (strcmp(arg, + "st" + "at" + "u" + "s") == + EQUAL) { + obj->data.i = PB_BATT_STATUS; + } + else if (strcmp(arg, "percent") == EQUAL) { + obj->data.i = PB_BATT_PERCENT; + } + else if (strcmp(arg, "time") == EQUAL) { + obj->data.i = PB_BATT_TIME; + } + else { + NORM_ERR("pb_battery: illegal argument '%s', defaulting to status", arg); + obj->data.i = PB_BATT_STATUS; + } + obj->callbacks.print = get_powerbook_batt_info; #endif /* __linux__ */ -#if (defined(__FreeBSD__) || defined(__linux__) || defined(__DragonFly__) || (defined(__APPLE__) && defined(__MACH__))) - END OBJ_IF_ARG(if_up, 0, "if_up needs an argument") - parse_if_up_arg(obj, arg); - obj->callbacks.iftest = &interface_up; - obj->callbacks.free = &free_if_up; +#if (defined(__FreeBSD__) || defined(__linux__) || defined(__DragonFly__) || \ + (defined(__APPLE__) && defined(__MACH__))) + END OBJ_IF_ARG(if_up, 0, "if_up needs an argument") parse_if_up_arg(obj, arg); + obj->callbacks.iftest = &interface_up; + obj->callbacks.free = &free_if_up; #endif #if defined(__OpenBSD__) - END OBJ_ARG(obsd_sensors_temp, 0, "obsd_sensors_temp: needs an argument") - parse_obsd_sensor(obj, arg); - obj->callbacks.print = &print_obsd_sensors_temp; - END OBJ_ARG(obsd_sensors_fan, 0, "obsd_sensors_fan: needs 2 arguments (device and sensor number)") - parse_obsd_sensor(obj, arg); - obj->callbacks.print = &print_obsd_sensors_fan; - END OBJ_ARG(obsd_sensors_volt, 0, "obsd_sensors_volt: needs 2 arguments (device and sensor number)") - parse_obsd_sensor(obj, arg); - obj->callbacks.print = &print_obsd_sensors_volt; - END OBJ(obsd_vendor, 0) - obj->callbacks.print = &get_obsd_vendor; - END OBJ(obsd_product, 0) - obj->callbacks.print = &get_obsd_product; + END OBJ_ARG(obsd_sensors_temp, 0, "obsd_sensors_temp: needs an argument") + parse_obsd_sensor(obj, arg); + obj->callbacks.print = &print_obsd_sensors_temp; + END OBJ_ARG(obsd_sensors_fan, 0, + "obsd_sensors_fan: needs 2 arguments (device and sensor number)") + parse_obsd_sensor(obj, arg); + obj->callbacks.print = &print_obsd_sensors_fan; + END OBJ_ARG(obsd_sensors_volt, 0, + "obsd_sensors_volt: needs 2 arguments (device and sensor number)") + parse_obsd_sensor(obj, arg); + obj->callbacks.print = &print_obsd_sensors_volt; + END OBJ(obsd_vendor, 0) obj->callbacks.print = &get_obsd_vendor; + END OBJ(obsd_product, 0) obj->callbacks.print = &get_obsd_product; #endif /* __OpenBSD__ */ - END OBJ(buffers, &update_meminfo) - obj->callbacks.print = &print_buffers; - END OBJ(cached, &update_meminfo) - obj->callbacks.print = &print_cached; -#define SCAN_CPU(__arg, __var) { \ - int __offset = 0; \ - if (__arg && sscanf(__arg, " cpu%d %n", &__var, &__offset) > 0) \ - __arg += __offset; \ - else \ - __var = 0; \ -} - END OBJ(cpu, &update_cpu_usage) - get_cpu_count(); - SCAN_CPU(arg, obj->data.i); - obj->callbacks.percentage = &cpu_percentage; - DBGP2("Adding $cpu for CPU %d", obj->data.i); + END OBJ(buffers, &update_meminfo) obj->callbacks.print = &print_buffers; + END OBJ(cached, &update_meminfo) obj->callbacks.print = &print_cached; +#define SCAN_CPU(__arg, __var) \ + { \ + int __offset = 0; \ + if (__arg && sscanf(__arg, " cpu%d %n", &__var, &__offset) > 0) \ + __arg += __offset; \ + else \ + __var = 0; \ + } + END OBJ(cpu, &update_cpu_usage) get_cpu_count(); + SCAN_CPU(arg, obj->data.i); + obj->callbacks.percentage = &cpu_percentage; + DBGP2("Adding $cpu for CPU %d", obj->data.i); #ifdef BUILD_X11 - END OBJ(cpugauge, &update_cpu_usage) - get_cpu_count(); - SCAN_CPU(arg, obj->data.i); - scan_gauge(obj, arg, 1); - obj->callbacks.gaugeval = &cpu_barval; - DBGP2("Adding $cpugauge for CPU %d", obj->data.i); + END OBJ(cpugauge, &update_cpu_usage) get_cpu_count(); + SCAN_CPU(arg, obj->data.i); + scan_gauge(obj, arg, 1); + obj->callbacks.gaugeval = &cpu_barval; + DBGP2("Adding $cpugauge for CPU %d", obj->data.i); #endif - END OBJ(cpubar, &update_cpu_usage) - get_cpu_count(); - SCAN_CPU(arg, obj->data.i); - scan_bar(obj, arg, 1); - obj->callbacks.barval = &cpu_barval; - DBGP2("Adding $cpubar for CPU %d", obj->data.i); + END OBJ(cpubar, &update_cpu_usage) get_cpu_count(); + SCAN_CPU(arg, obj->data.i); + scan_bar(obj, arg, 1); + obj->callbacks.barval = &cpu_barval; + DBGP2("Adding $cpubar for CPU %d", obj->data.i); #ifdef BUILD_X11 - END OBJ(cpugraph, &update_cpu_usage) - get_cpu_count(); - char *buf = 0; - SCAN_CPU(arg, obj->data.i); - buf = scan_graph(obj, arg, 1); - DBGP2("Adding $cpugraph for CPU %d", obj->data.i); - free_and_zero(buf); - obj->callbacks.graphval = &cpu_barval; - END OBJ(loadgraph, &update_load_average) - scan_loadgraph_arg(obj, arg); - obj->callbacks.graphval = &loadgraphval; + END OBJ(cpugraph, &update_cpu_usage) get_cpu_count(); + char *buf = 0; + SCAN_CPU(arg, obj->data.i); + buf = scan_graph(obj, arg, 1); + DBGP2("Adding $cpugraph for CPU %d", obj->data.i); + free_and_zero(buf); + obj->callbacks.graphval = &cpu_barval; + END OBJ(loadgraph, &update_load_average) scan_loadgraph_arg(obj, arg); + obj->callbacks.graphval = &loadgraphval; #endif /* BUILD_X11 */ - END OBJ(diskio, &update_diskio) - parse_diskio_arg(obj, arg); - obj->callbacks.print = &print_diskio; - END OBJ(diskio_read, &update_diskio) - parse_diskio_arg(obj, arg); - obj->callbacks.print = &print_diskio_read; - END OBJ(diskio_write, &update_diskio) - parse_diskio_arg(obj, arg); - obj->callbacks.print = &print_diskio_write; + END OBJ(diskio, &update_diskio) parse_diskio_arg(obj, arg); + obj->callbacks.print = &print_diskio; + END OBJ(diskio_read, &update_diskio) parse_diskio_arg(obj, arg); + obj->callbacks.print = &print_diskio_read; + END OBJ(diskio_write, &update_diskio) parse_diskio_arg(obj, arg); + obj->callbacks.print = &print_diskio_write; #ifdef BUILD_X11 - END OBJ(diskiograph, &update_diskio) - parse_diskiograph_arg(obj, arg); - obj->callbacks.graphval = &diskiographval; - END OBJ(diskiograph_read, &update_diskio) - parse_diskiograph_arg(obj, arg); - obj->callbacks.graphval = &diskiographval_read; - END OBJ(diskiograph_write, &update_diskio) - parse_diskiograph_arg(obj, arg); - obj->callbacks.graphval = &diskiographval_write; + END OBJ(diskiograph, &update_diskio) parse_diskiograph_arg(obj, arg); + obj->callbacks.graphval = &diskiographval; + END OBJ(diskiograph_read, &update_diskio) parse_diskiograph_arg(obj, arg); + obj->callbacks.graphval = &diskiographval_read; + END OBJ(diskiograph_write, &update_diskio) parse_diskiograph_arg(obj, arg); + obj->callbacks.graphval = &diskiographval_write; #endif /* BUILD_X11 */ - END OBJ(color, 0) + END OBJ(color, 0) #ifdef BUILD_X11 - if (out_to_x.get(*state)) { - obj->data.l = arg ? get_x11_color(arg) : default_color.get(*state); - set_current_text_color(obj->data.l); - } + if (out_to_x.get(*state)) { + obj->data.l = arg ? get_x11_color(arg) : default_color.get(*state); + set_current_text_color(obj->data.l); + } #endif /* BUILD_X11 */ #ifdef BUILD_NCURSES - if (out_to_ncurses.get(*state)) { - obj->data.l = COLOR_WHITE; - if(arg) { - if(strcasecmp(arg, "red") == 0) { - obj->data.l = COLOR_RED; - }else if(strcasecmp(arg, "green") == 0) { - obj->data.l = COLOR_GREEN; - }else if(strcasecmp(arg, "yellow") == 0) { - obj->data.l = COLOR_YELLOW; - }else if(strcasecmp(arg, "blue") == 0) { - obj->data.l = COLOR_BLUE; - }else if(strcasecmp(arg, "magenta") == 0) { - obj->data.l = COLOR_MAGENTA; - }else if(strcasecmp(arg, "cyan") == 0) { - obj->data.l = COLOR_CYAN; - }else if(strcasecmp(arg, "black") == 0) { - obj->data.l = COLOR_BLACK; - } - } - set_current_text_color(obj->data.l); - init_pair(obj->data.l, obj->data.l, COLOR_BLACK); - } + if (out_to_ncurses.get(*state)) { + obj->data.l = COLOR_WHITE; + if (arg) { + if (strcasecmp(arg, "red") == 0) { + obj->data.l = COLOR_RED; + } else if (strcasecmp(arg, "green") == 0) { + obj->data.l = COLOR_GREEN; + } else if (strcasecmp(arg, "yellow") == 0) { + obj->data.l = COLOR_YELLOW; + } else if (strcasecmp(arg, "blue") == 0) { + obj->data.l = COLOR_BLUE; + } else if (strcasecmp(arg, "magenta") == 0) { + obj->data.l = COLOR_MAGENTA; + } else if (strcasecmp(arg, "cyan") == 0) { + obj->data.l = COLOR_CYAN; + } else if (strcasecmp(arg, "black") == 0) { + obj->data.l = COLOR_BLACK; + } + } + set_current_text_color(obj->data.l); + init_pair(obj->data.l, obj->data.l, COLOR_BLACK); + } #endif /* BUILD_NCURSES */ - obj->callbacks.print = &new_fg; + obj->callbacks.print = &new_fg; #ifdef BUILD_X11 - END OBJ(color0, 0) - obj->data.l = color[0].get(*state); - set_current_text_color(obj->data.l); - obj->callbacks.print = &new_fg; - END OBJ(color1, 0) - obj->data.l = color[1].get(*state); - set_current_text_color(obj->data.l); - obj->callbacks.print = &new_fg; - END OBJ(color2, 0) - obj->data.l = color[2].get(*state); - set_current_text_color(obj->data.l); - obj->callbacks.print = &new_fg; - END OBJ(color3, 0) - obj->data.l = color[3].get(*state); - set_current_text_color(obj->data.l); - obj->callbacks.print = &new_fg; - END OBJ(color4, 0) - obj->data.l = color[4].get(*state); - set_current_text_color(obj->data.l); - obj->callbacks.print = &new_fg; - END OBJ(color5, 0) - obj->data.l = color[5].get(*state); - set_current_text_color(obj->data.l); - obj->callbacks.print = &new_fg; - END OBJ(color6, 0) - obj->data.l = color[6].get(*state); - set_current_text_color(obj->data.l); - obj->callbacks.print = &new_fg; - END OBJ(color7, 0) - obj->data.l = color[7].get(*state); - set_current_text_color(obj->data.l); - obj->callbacks.print = &new_fg; - END OBJ(color8, 0) - obj->data.l = color[8].get(*state); - set_current_text_color(obj->data.l); - obj->callbacks.print = &new_fg; - END OBJ(color9, 0) - obj->data.l = color[9].get(*state); - set_current_text_color(obj->data.l); - obj->callbacks.print = &new_fg; - END OBJ(font, 0) - scan_font(obj, arg); - obj->callbacks.print = &new_font; - obj->callbacks.free = &gen_free_opaque; + END OBJ(color0, 0) obj->data.l = color[0].get(*state); + set_current_text_color(obj->data.l); + obj->callbacks.print = &new_fg; + END OBJ(color1, 0) obj->data.l = color[1].get(*state); + set_current_text_color(obj->data.l); + obj->callbacks.print = &new_fg; + END OBJ(color2, 0) obj->data.l = color[2].get(*state); + set_current_text_color(obj->data.l); + obj->callbacks.print = &new_fg; + END OBJ(color3, 0) obj->data.l = color[3].get(*state); + set_current_text_color(obj->data.l); + obj->callbacks.print = &new_fg; + END OBJ(color4, 0) obj->data.l = color[4].get(*state); + set_current_text_color(obj->data.l); + obj->callbacks.print = &new_fg; + END OBJ(color5, 0) obj->data.l = color[5].get(*state); + set_current_text_color(obj->data.l); + obj->callbacks.print = &new_fg; + END OBJ(color6, 0) obj->data.l = color[6].get(*state); + set_current_text_color(obj->data.l); + obj->callbacks.print = &new_fg; + END OBJ(color7, 0) obj->data.l = color[7].get(*state); + set_current_text_color(obj->data.l); + obj->callbacks.print = &new_fg; + END OBJ(color8, 0) obj->data.l = color[8].get(*state); + set_current_text_color(obj->data.l); + obj->callbacks.print = &new_fg; + END OBJ(color9, 0) obj->data.l = color[9].get(*state); + set_current_text_color(obj->data.l); + obj->callbacks.print = &new_fg; + END OBJ(font, 0) scan_font(obj, arg); + obj->callbacks.print = &new_font; + obj->callbacks.free = &gen_free_opaque; #endif /* BUILD_X11 */ - END OBJ(conky_version, 0) - obj_be_plain_text(obj, VERSION); - END OBJ(conky_build_date, 0) - obj_be_plain_text(obj, BUILD_DATE); - END OBJ(conky_build_arch, 0) - obj_be_plain_text(obj, BUILD_ARCH); - END OBJ(downspeed, &update_net_stats) - parse_net_stat_arg(obj, arg, free_at_crash); - obj->callbacks.print = &print_downspeed; - END OBJ(downspeedf, &update_net_stats) - parse_net_stat_arg(obj, arg, free_at_crash); - obj->callbacks.print = &print_downspeedf; + END OBJ(conky_version, 0) obj_be_plain_text(obj, VERSION); + END OBJ(conky_build_date, 0) obj_be_plain_text(obj, BUILD_DATE); + END OBJ(conky_build_arch, 0) obj_be_plain_text(obj, BUILD_ARCH); + END OBJ(downspeed, &update_net_stats) + parse_net_stat_arg(obj, arg, free_at_crash); + obj->callbacks.print = &print_downspeed; + END OBJ(downspeedf, &update_net_stats) + parse_net_stat_arg(obj, arg, free_at_crash); + obj->callbacks.print = &print_downspeedf; #ifdef BUILD_X11 - END OBJ(downspeedgraph, &update_net_stats) - parse_net_stat_graph_arg(obj, arg, free_at_crash); - obj->callbacks.graphval = &downspeedgraphval; + END OBJ(downspeedgraph, &update_net_stats) + parse_net_stat_graph_arg(obj, arg, free_at_crash); + obj->callbacks.graphval = &downspeedgraphval; #endif /* BUILD_X11 */ - END OBJ(else, 0) - obj_be_ifblock_else(ifblock_opaque, obj); - obj->callbacks.iftest = &gen_false_iftest; - END OBJ(endif, 0) - obj_be_ifblock_endif(ifblock_opaque, obj); - obj->callbacks.print = &gen_print_nothing; - END OBJ(eval, 0) - obj->data.s = strndup(arg ? arg : "", text_buffer_size.get(*state)); - obj->callbacks.print = &print_evaluate; - obj->callbacks.free = &gen_free_opaque; + END OBJ(else, 0) obj_be_ifblock_else(ifblock_opaque, obj); + obj->callbacks.iftest = &gen_false_iftest; + END OBJ(endif, 0) obj_be_ifblock_endif(ifblock_opaque, obj); + obj->callbacks.print = &gen_print_nothing; + END OBJ(eval, 0) obj->data.s = + strndup(arg ? arg : "", text_buffer_size.get(*state)); + obj->callbacks.print = &print_evaluate; + obj->callbacks.free = &gen_free_opaque; #if defined(BUILD_IMLIB2) && defined(BUILD_X11) - END OBJ(image, 0) - obj->data.s = strndup(arg ? arg : "", text_buffer_size.get(*state)); - obj->callbacks.print = &print_image_callback; - obj->callbacks.free = &gen_free_opaque; + END OBJ(image, 0) obj->data.s = + strndup(arg ? arg : "", text_buffer_size.get(*state)); + obj->callbacks.print = &print_image_callback; + obj->callbacks.free = &gen_free_opaque; #endif /* BUILD_IMLIB2 */ #ifdef BUILD_MYSQL - END OBJ_ARG(mysql, 0, "mysql needs a query") - obj->data.s = strdup(arg); - obj->callbacks.print = &print_mysql; + END OBJ_ARG(mysql, 0, "mysql needs a query") obj->data.s = strdup(arg); + obj->callbacks.print = &print_mysql; #endif /* BUILD_MYSQL */ - END OBJ_ARG(no_update, 0, "no_update needs arguments") - scan_no_update(obj, arg); - obj->callbacks.print = &print_no_update; - obj->callbacks.free = &free_no_update; - END OBJ_ARG(exec, 0, "exec needs arguments: ") - scan_exec_arg(obj, arg, EF_EXEC); - obj->parse = false; - obj->thread = false; - register_exec(obj); - obj->callbacks.print = &print_exec; - obj->callbacks.free = &free_exec; - END OBJ_ARG(execi, 0, "execi needs arguments: ") - scan_exec_arg(obj, arg, EF_EXECI); - obj->parse = false; - obj->thread = false; - register_execi(obj); - obj->callbacks.print = &print_exec; - obj->callbacks.free = &free_execi; - END OBJ_ARG(execp, 0, "execp needs arguments: ") - scan_exec_arg(obj, arg, EF_EXEC); - obj->parse = true; - obj->thread = false; - register_exec(obj); - obj->callbacks.print = &print_exec; - obj->callbacks.free = &free_exec; - END OBJ_ARG(execpi, 0, "execpi needs arguments: ") - scan_exec_arg(obj, arg, EF_EXECI); - obj->parse = true; - obj->thread = false; - register_execi(obj); - obj->callbacks.print = &print_exec; - obj->callbacks.free = &free_execi; - END OBJ_ARG(execbar, 0, "execbar needs arguments: [height],[width] ") - scan_exec_arg(obj, arg, EF_EXEC | EF_BAR); - register_exec(obj); - obj->callbacks.barval = &execbarval; - obj->callbacks.free = &free_exec; - END OBJ_ARG(execibar, 0, "execibar needs arguments: [height],[width] ") - scan_exec_arg(obj, arg, EF_EXECI | EF_BAR); - register_execi(obj); - obj->callbacks.barval = &execbarval; - obj->callbacks.free = &free_execi; + END OBJ_ARG(no_update, 0, "no_update needs arguments") + scan_no_update(obj, arg); + obj->callbacks.print = &print_no_update; + obj->callbacks.free = &free_no_update; + END OBJ_ARG(exec, 0, "exec needs arguments: ") + scan_exec_arg(obj, arg, EF_EXEC); + obj->parse = false; + obj->thread = false; + register_exec(obj); + obj->callbacks.print = &print_exec; + obj->callbacks.free = &free_exec; + END OBJ_ARG(execi, 0, "execi needs arguments: ") + scan_exec_arg(obj, arg, EF_EXECI); + obj->parse = false; + obj->thread = false; + register_execi(obj); + obj->callbacks.print = &print_exec; + obj->callbacks.free = &free_execi; + END OBJ_ARG(execp, 0, "execp needs arguments: ") + scan_exec_arg(obj, arg, EF_EXEC); + obj->parse = true; + obj->thread = false; + register_exec(obj); + obj->callbacks.print = &print_exec; + obj->callbacks.free = &free_exec; + END OBJ_ARG(execpi, 0, "execpi needs arguments: ") + scan_exec_arg(obj, arg, EF_EXECI); + obj->parse = true; + obj->thread = false; + register_execi(obj); + obj->callbacks.print = &print_exec; + obj->callbacks.free = &free_execi; + END OBJ_ARG(execbar, 0, "execbar needs arguments: [height],[width] ") + scan_exec_arg(obj, arg, EF_EXEC | EF_BAR); + register_exec(obj); + obj->callbacks.barval = &execbarval; + obj->callbacks.free = &free_exec; + END OBJ_ARG(execibar, 0, + "execibar needs arguments: [height],[width] ") + scan_exec_arg(obj, arg, EF_EXECI | EF_BAR); + register_execi(obj); + obj->callbacks.barval = &execbarval; + obj->callbacks.free = &free_execi; #ifdef BUILD_X11 - END OBJ_ARG(execgauge, 0, "execgauge needs arguments: [height],[width] ") - scan_exec_arg(obj, arg, EF_EXEC | EF_GAUGE); - register_exec(obj); - obj->callbacks.gaugeval = &execbarval; - obj->callbacks.free = &free_exec; - END OBJ_ARG(execigauge, 0, "execigauge needs arguments: [height],[width] ") - scan_exec_arg(obj, arg, EF_EXECI | EF_GAUGE); - register_execi(obj); - obj->callbacks.gaugeval = &execbarval; - obj->callbacks.free = &free_execi; - END OBJ_ARG(execgraph, 0, "execgraph needs arguments: [height],[width] [color1] [color2] [scale] [-t|-l]") - scan_exec_arg(obj, arg, EF_EXEC | EF_GRAPH); - register_exec(obj); - obj->callbacks.graphval = &execbarval; - obj->callbacks.free = &free_exec; - END OBJ_ARG(execigraph, 0, "execigraph needs arguments: [height],[width] [color1] [color2] [scale] [-t|-l]") - scan_exec_arg(obj, arg, EF_EXECI | EF_GRAPH); - register_execi(obj); - obj->callbacks.graphval = &execbarval; - obj->callbacks.free = &free_execi; + END OBJ_ARG(execgauge, 0, + "execgauge needs arguments: [height],[width] ") + scan_exec_arg(obj, arg, EF_EXEC | EF_GAUGE); + register_exec(obj); + obj->callbacks.gaugeval = &execbarval; + obj->callbacks.free = &free_exec; + END OBJ_ARG( + execigauge, 0, + "execigauge needs arguments: [height],[width] ") + scan_exec_arg(obj, arg, EF_EXECI | EF_GAUGE); + register_execi(obj); + obj->callbacks.gaugeval = &execbarval; + obj->callbacks.free = &free_execi; + END OBJ_ARG(execgraph, 0, + "execgraph needs arguments: [height],[width] [color1] " + "[color2] [scale] [-t|-l]") + scan_exec_arg(obj, arg, EF_EXEC | EF_GRAPH); + register_exec(obj); + obj->callbacks.graphval = &execbarval; + obj->callbacks.free = &free_exec; + END OBJ_ARG(execigraph, 0, + "execigraph needs arguments: " + "[height],[width] [color1] [color2] [scale] [-t|-l]") + scan_exec_arg(obj, arg, EF_EXECI | EF_GRAPH); + register_execi(obj); + obj->callbacks.graphval = &execbarval; + obj->callbacks.free = &free_execi; #endif /* BUILD_X11 */ - END OBJ_ARG(texeci, 0, "texeci needs arguments: ") - scan_exec_arg(obj, arg, EF_EXECI); - obj->parse = false; - obj->thread = true; - register_execi(obj); - obj->callbacks.print = &print_exec; - obj->callbacks.free = &free_execi; - END OBJ_ARG(texecpi, 0, "texecpi needs arguments: ") - scan_exec_arg(obj, arg, EF_EXECI); - obj->parse = true; - obj->thread = true; - register_execi(obj); - obj->callbacks.print = &print_exec; - obj->callbacks.free = &free_execi; - END OBJ(fs_bar, &update_fs_stats) - init_fs_bar(obj, arg); - obj->callbacks.barval = &fs_barval; - END OBJ(fs_bar_free, &update_fs_stats) - init_fs_bar(obj, arg); - obj->callbacks.barval = &fs_free_barval; - END OBJ(fs_free, &update_fs_stats) - init_fs(obj, arg); - obj->callbacks.print = &print_fs_free; - END OBJ(fs_used_perc, &update_fs_stats) - init_fs(obj, arg); - obj->callbacks.percentage = &fs_used_percentage; - END OBJ(fs_free_perc, &update_fs_stats) - init_fs(obj, arg); - obj->callbacks.percentage = &fs_free_percentage; - END OBJ(fs_size, &update_fs_stats) - init_fs(obj, arg); - obj->callbacks.print = &print_fs_size; - END OBJ(fs_type, &update_fs_stats) - init_fs(obj, arg); - obj->callbacks.print = &print_fs_type; - END OBJ(fs_used, &update_fs_stats) - init_fs(obj, arg); - obj->callbacks.print = &print_fs_used; + END OBJ_ARG(texeci, 0, "texeci needs arguments: ") + scan_exec_arg(obj, arg, EF_EXECI); + obj->parse = false; + obj->thread = true; + register_execi(obj); + obj->callbacks.print = &print_exec; + obj->callbacks.free = &free_execi; + END OBJ_ARG(texecpi, 0, "texecpi needs arguments: ") + scan_exec_arg(obj, arg, EF_EXECI); + obj->parse = true; + obj->thread = true; + register_execi(obj); + obj->callbacks.print = &print_exec; + obj->callbacks.free = &free_execi; + END OBJ(fs_bar, &update_fs_stats) init_fs_bar(obj, arg); + obj->callbacks.barval = &fs_barval; + END OBJ(fs_bar_free, &update_fs_stats) init_fs_bar(obj, arg); + obj->callbacks.barval = &fs_free_barval; + END OBJ(fs_free, &update_fs_stats) init_fs(obj, arg); + obj->callbacks.print = &print_fs_free; + END OBJ(fs_used_perc, &update_fs_stats) init_fs(obj, arg); + obj->callbacks.percentage = &fs_used_percentage; + END OBJ(fs_free_perc, &update_fs_stats) init_fs(obj, arg); + obj->callbacks.percentage = &fs_free_percentage; + END OBJ(fs_size, &update_fs_stats) init_fs(obj, arg); + obj->callbacks.print = &print_fs_size; + END OBJ(fs_type, &update_fs_stats) init_fs(obj, arg); + obj->callbacks.print = &print_fs_type; + END OBJ(fs_used, &update_fs_stats) init_fs(obj, arg); + obj->callbacks.print = &print_fs_used; #ifdef BUILD_X11 - END OBJ(hr, 0) - obj->data.l = arg ? atoi(arg) : 1; - obj->callbacks.print = &new_hr; + END OBJ(hr, 0) obj->data.l = arg ? atoi(arg) : 1; + obj->callbacks.print = &new_hr; #endif /* BUILD_X11 */ - END OBJ(nameserver, &update_dns_data) - parse_nameserver_arg(obj, arg); - obj->callbacks.print = &print_nameserver; - obj->callbacks.free = &free_dns_data; - END OBJ(offset, 0) - obj->data.l = arg ? atoi(arg) : 1; - obj->callbacks.print = &new_offset; - END OBJ(voffset, 0) - obj->data.l = arg ? atoi(arg) : 1; - obj->callbacks.print = &new_voffset; - END OBJ_ARG(goto, 0, "goto needs arguments") - obj->data.l = atoi(arg); - obj->callbacks.print = &new_goto; + END OBJ(nameserver, &update_dns_data) parse_nameserver_arg(obj, arg); + obj->callbacks.print = &print_nameserver; + obj->callbacks.free = &free_dns_data; + END OBJ(offset, 0) obj->data.l = arg ? atoi(arg) : 1; + obj->callbacks.print = &new_offset; + END OBJ(voffset, 0) obj->data.l = arg ? atoi(arg) : 1; + obj->callbacks.print = &new_voffset; + END OBJ_ARG(goto, 0, "goto needs arguments") obj->data.l = atoi(arg); + obj->callbacks.print = &new_goto; #ifdef BUILD_X11 - END OBJ(tab, 0) - scan_tab(obj, arg); - obj->callbacks.print = &new_tab; + END OBJ(tab, 0) scan_tab(obj, arg); + obj->callbacks.print = &new_tab; #endif /* BUILD_X11 */ #ifdef __linux__ - END OBJ_ARG(i2c, 0, "i2c needs arguments") - parse_i2c_sensor(obj, arg); - obj->callbacks.print = &print_sysfs_sensor; - obj->callbacks.free = &free_sysfs_sensor; - END OBJ_ARG(platform, 0, "platform needs arguments") - parse_platform_sensor(obj, arg); - obj->callbacks.print = &print_sysfs_sensor; - obj->callbacks.free = &free_sysfs_sensor; - END OBJ_ARG(hwmon, 0, "hwmon needs argumanets") - parse_hwmon_sensor(obj, arg); - obj->callbacks.print = &print_sysfs_sensor; - obj->callbacks.free = &free_sysfs_sensor; + END OBJ_ARG(i2c, 0, "i2c needs arguments") parse_i2c_sensor(obj, arg); + obj->callbacks.print = &print_sysfs_sensor; + obj->callbacks.free = &free_sysfs_sensor; + END OBJ_ARG(platform, 0, "platform needs arguments") + parse_platform_sensor(obj, arg); + obj->callbacks.print = &print_sysfs_sensor; + obj->callbacks.free = &free_sysfs_sensor; + END OBJ_ARG(hwmon, 0, "hwmon needs argumanets") parse_hwmon_sensor(obj, arg); + obj->callbacks.print = &print_sysfs_sensor; + obj->callbacks.free = &free_sysfs_sensor; #endif /* __linux__ */ - END - /* we have four different types of top (top, top_mem, top_time and top_io). To - * avoid having almost-same code four times, we have this special - * handler. */ - /* XXX: maybe fiddle them apart later, as print_top() does - * nothing else than just that, using an ugly switch(). */ - if (strncmp(s, "top", 3) == EQUAL) { - if (parse_top_args(s, arg, obj)) { + END + /* we have four different types of top (top, top_mem, top_time and + * top_io). To avoid having almost-same code four times, we have this + * special handler. */ + /* XXX: maybe fiddle them apart later, as print_top() does + * nothing else than just that, using an ugly switch(). */ + if (strncmp(s, "top", 3) == EQUAL) { + if (parse_top_args(s, arg, obj)) { #ifdef __linux__ - determine_longstat_file(); + determine_longstat_file(); #endif - obj->cb_handle = create_cb_handle(update_top); - } else { - free(obj); - return NULL; - } - } else - OBJ(addr, &update_net_stats) - parse_net_stat_arg(obj, arg, free_at_crash); - obj->callbacks.print = &print_addr; - END + obj->cb_handle = create_cb_handle(update_top); + } else { + free(obj); + return NULL; + } + } + else OBJ(addr, &update_net_stats) parse_net_stat_arg(obj, arg, free_at_crash); + obj->callbacks.print = &print_addr; + END #ifdef __linux__ - OBJ(addrs, &update_net_stats) - parse_net_stat_arg(obj, arg, free_at_crash); - obj->callbacks.print = &print_addrs; + OBJ(addrs, &update_net_stats) parse_net_stat_arg(obj, arg, free_at_crash); + obj->callbacks.print = &print_addrs; #ifdef BUILD_IPV6 - END OBJ(v6addrs, &update_net_stats) - parse_net_stat_arg(obj, arg, free_at_crash); - obj->callbacks.print = &print_v6addrs; + END OBJ(v6addrs, &update_net_stats) + parse_net_stat_arg(obj, arg, free_at_crash); + obj->callbacks.print = &print_v6addrs; #endif /* BUILD_IPV6 */ - END + END #endif /* __linux__ */ - OBJ_ARG(tail, 0, "tail needs arguments") - init_tailhead("tail", arg, obj, free_at_crash); - obj->callbacks.print = &print_tail; - obj->callbacks.free = &free_tailhead; - END OBJ_ARG(head, 0, "head needs arguments") - init_tailhead("head", arg, obj, free_at_crash); - obj->callbacks.print = &print_head; - obj->callbacks.free = &free_tailhead; - END OBJ_ARG(lines, 0, "lines needs an argument") - obj->data.s = strndup(arg, text_buffer_size.get(*state)); - obj->callbacks.print = &print_lines; - obj->callbacks.free = &gen_free_opaque; - END OBJ_ARG(words, 0, "words needs a argument") - obj->data.s = strndup(arg, text_buffer_size.get(*state)); - obj->callbacks.print = &print_words; - obj->callbacks.free = &gen_free_opaque; - END OBJ(loadavg, &update_load_average) - scan_loadavg_arg(obj, arg); - obj->callbacks.print = &print_loadavg; - END OBJ_IF_ARG(if_empty, 0, "if_empty needs an argument") - obj->sub = (text_object*)malloc(sizeof(struct text_object)); - extract_variable_text_internal(obj->sub, arg); - obj->callbacks.iftest = &if_empty_iftest; - END OBJ_IF_ARG(if_match, 0, "if_match needs arguments") - obj->sub = (text_object*)malloc(sizeof(struct text_object)); - extract_variable_text_internal(obj->sub, arg); - obj->callbacks.iftest = &check_if_match; - END OBJ_IF_ARG(if_existing, 0, "if_existing needs an argument or two") - obj->data.s = strndup(arg, text_buffer_size.get(*state)); - obj->callbacks.iftest = &if_existing_iftest; - obj->callbacks.free = &gen_free_opaque; + OBJ_ARG(tail, 0, "tail needs arguments") + init_tailhead("tail", arg, obj, free_at_crash); + obj->callbacks.print = &print_tail; + obj->callbacks.free = &free_tailhead; + END OBJ_ARG(head, 0, "head needs arguments") + init_tailhead("head", arg, obj, free_at_crash); + obj->callbacks.print = &print_head; + obj->callbacks.free = &free_tailhead; + END OBJ_ARG(lines, 0, "lines needs an argument") obj->data.s = + strndup(arg, text_buffer_size.get(*state)); + obj->callbacks.print = &print_lines; + obj->callbacks.free = &gen_free_opaque; + END OBJ_ARG(words, 0, "words needs a argument") obj->data.s = + strndup(arg, text_buffer_size.get(*state)); + obj->callbacks.print = &print_words; + obj->callbacks.free = &gen_free_opaque; + END OBJ(loadavg, &update_load_average) scan_loadavg_arg(obj, arg); + obj->callbacks.print = &print_loadavg; + END OBJ_IF_ARG(if_empty, 0, "if_empty needs an argument") obj->sub = + (text_object *)malloc(sizeof(struct text_object)); + extract_variable_text_internal(obj->sub, arg); + obj->callbacks.iftest = &if_empty_iftest; + END OBJ_IF_ARG(if_match, 0, "if_match needs arguments") obj->sub = + (text_object *)malloc(sizeof(struct text_object)); + extract_variable_text_internal(obj->sub, arg); + obj->callbacks.iftest = &check_if_match; + END OBJ_IF_ARG(if_existing, 0, "if_existing needs an argument or two") + obj->data.s = strndup(arg, text_buffer_size.get(*state)); + obj->callbacks.iftest = &if_existing_iftest; + obj->callbacks.free = &gen_free_opaque; #ifdef __linux__ - END OBJ_IF_ARG(if_mounted, 0, "if_mounted needs an argument") - obj->data.s = strndup(arg, text_buffer_size.get(*state)); - obj->callbacks.iftest = &check_mount; - obj->callbacks.free = &gen_free_opaque; - END OBJ_IF_ARG(if_running, &update_top, "if_running needs an argument") - top_running = 1; - obj->data.s = strndup(arg, text_buffer_size.get(*state)); - obj->callbacks.iftest = &if_running_iftest; - obj->callbacks.free = &gen_free_opaque; + END OBJ_IF_ARG(if_mounted, 0, "if_mounted needs an argument") obj->data.s = + strndup(arg, text_buffer_size.get(*state)); + obj->callbacks.iftest = &check_mount; + obj->callbacks.free = &gen_free_opaque; + END OBJ_IF_ARG(if_running, &update_top, "if_running needs an argument") + top_running = 1; + obj->data.s = strndup(arg, text_buffer_size.get(*state)); + obj->callbacks.iftest = &if_running_iftest; + obj->callbacks.free = &gen_free_opaque; #elif defined(__APPLE__) && defined(__MACH__) - END OBJ_IF_ARG(if_mounted, 0, "if_mounted needs an argument") - obj->data.s = strndup(arg, text_buffer_size.get(*state)); - obj->callbacks.iftest = &check_mount; - obj->callbacks.free = &gen_free_opaque; - - /* System Integrity Protection */ - END OBJ(sip_status, &get_sip_status) - obj->data.s = strndup(arg ? arg : "", text_buffer_size.get(*state)); - obj->callbacks.print = &print_sip_status; - obj->callbacks.free = &gen_free_opaque; + END OBJ_IF_ARG(if_mounted, 0, "if_mounted needs an argument") obj->data.s = + strndup(arg, text_buffer_size.get(*state)); + obj->callbacks.iftest = &check_mount; + obj->callbacks.free = &gen_free_opaque; + + /* System Integrity Protection */ + END OBJ(sip_status, &get_sip_status) obj->data.s = + strndup(arg ? arg : "", text_buffer_size.get(*state)); + obj->callbacks.print = &print_sip_status; + obj->callbacks.free = &gen_free_opaque; #else - END OBJ_IF_ARG(if_running, 0, "if_running needs an argument") - char buf[text_buffer_size.get(*state)]; + END OBJ_IF_ARG( + if_running, 0, + "if_running needs an argument") char buf[text_buffer_size.get(*state)]; - snprintf(buf, text_buffer_size.get(*state), "pidof %s >/dev/null", arg); - obj->data.s = strndup(buf, text_buffer_size.get(*state)); - /* XXX: maybe use a different callback here */ - obj->callbacks.iftest = &if_running_iftest; + snprintf(buf, text_buffer_size.get(*state), "pidof %s >/dev/null", arg); + obj->data.s = strndup(buf, text_buffer_size.get(*state)); + /* XXX: maybe use a different callback here */ + obj->callbacks.iftest = &if_running_iftest; #endif - END OBJ(kernel, 0) - obj->callbacks.print = &print_kernel; - END OBJ(machine, 0) - obj->callbacks.print = &print_machine; + END OBJ(kernel, 0) obj->callbacks.print = &print_kernel; + END OBJ(machine, 0) obj->callbacks.print = &print_machine; #if defined(__DragonFly__) - END OBJ(version, 0) - obj->callbacks.print = &print_version; + END OBJ(version, 0) obj->callbacks.print = &print_version; #endif - END OBJ(mails, 0) - parse_local_mail_args(obj, arg); - obj->callbacks.print = &print_mails; - obj->callbacks.free = &free_local_mails; - END OBJ(new_mails, 0) - parse_local_mail_args(obj, arg); - obj->callbacks.print = &print_new_mails; - obj->callbacks.free = &free_local_mails; - END OBJ(seen_mails, 0) - parse_local_mail_args(obj, arg); - obj->callbacks.print = &print_seen_mails; - obj->callbacks.free = &free_local_mails; - END OBJ(unseen_mails, 0) - parse_local_mail_args(obj, arg); - obj->callbacks.print = &print_unseen_mails; - obj->callbacks.free = &free_local_mails; - END OBJ(flagged_mails, 0) - parse_local_mail_args(obj, arg); - obj->callbacks.print = &print_flagged_mails; - obj->callbacks.free = &free_local_mails; - END OBJ(unflagged_mails, 0) - parse_local_mail_args(obj, arg); - obj->callbacks.print = &print_unflagged_mails; - obj->callbacks.free = &free_local_mails; - END OBJ(forwarded_mails, 0) - parse_local_mail_args(obj, arg); - obj->callbacks.print = &print_forwarded_mails; - obj->callbacks.free = &free_local_mails; - END OBJ(unforwarded_mails, 0) - parse_local_mail_args(obj, arg); - obj->callbacks.print = &print_unforwarded_mails; - obj->callbacks.free = &free_local_mails; - END OBJ(replied_mails, 0) - parse_local_mail_args(obj, arg); - obj->callbacks.print = &print_replied_mails; - obj->callbacks.free = &free_local_mails; - END OBJ(unreplied_mails, 0) - parse_local_mail_args(obj, arg); - obj->callbacks.print = &print_unreplied_mails; - obj->callbacks.free = &free_local_mails; - END OBJ(draft_mails, 0) - parse_local_mail_args(obj, arg); - obj->callbacks.print = &print_draft_mails; - obj->callbacks.free = &free_local_mails; - END OBJ(trashed_mails, 0) - parse_local_mail_args(obj, arg); - obj->callbacks.print = &print_trashed_mails; - obj->callbacks.free = &free_local_mails; - END OBJ(mboxscan, 0) - parse_mboxscan_arg(obj, arg); - obj->callbacks.print = &print_mboxscan; - obj->callbacks.free = &free_mboxscan; - END OBJ(mem, &update_meminfo) - obj->callbacks.print = &print_mem; - END OBJ(memwithbuffers, &update_meminfo) - obj->callbacks.print = &print_memwithbuffers; - END OBJ(memeasyfree, &update_meminfo) - obj->callbacks.print = &print_memeasyfree; - END OBJ(memfree, &update_meminfo) - obj->callbacks.print = &print_memfree; - END OBJ(memmax, &update_meminfo) - obj->callbacks.print = &print_memmax; - END OBJ(memperc, &update_meminfo) - obj->callbacks.percentage = &mem_percentage; + END OBJ(mails, 0) parse_local_mail_args(obj, arg); + obj->callbacks.print = &print_mails; + obj->callbacks.free = &free_local_mails; + END OBJ(new_mails, 0) parse_local_mail_args(obj, arg); + obj->callbacks.print = &print_new_mails; + obj->callbacks.free = &free_local_mails; + END OBJ(seen_mails, 0) parse_local_mail_args(obj, arg); + obj->callbacks.print = &print_seen_mails; + obj->callbacks.free = &free_local_mails; + END OBJ(unseen_mails, 0) parse_local_mail_args(obj, arg); + obj->callbacks.print = &print_unseen_mails; + obj->callbacks.free = &free_local_mails; + END OBJ(flagged_mails, 0) parse_local_mail_args(obj, arg); + obj->callbacks.print = &print_flagged_mails; + obj->callbacks.free = &free_local_mails; + END OBJ(unflagged_mails, 0) parse_local_mail_args(obj, arg); + obj->callbacks.print = &print_unflagged_mails; + obj->callbacks.free = &free_local_mails; + END OBJ(forwarded_mails, 0) parse_local_mail_args(obj, arg); + obj->callbacks.print = &print_forwarded_mails; + obj->callbacks.free = &free_local_mails; + END OBJ(unforwarded_mails, 0) parse_local_mail_args(obj, arg); + obj->callbacks.print = &print_unforwarded_mails; + obj->callbacks.free = &free_local_mails; + END OBJ(replied_mails, 0) parse_local_mail_args(obj, arg); + obj->callbacks.print = &print_replied_mails; + obj->callbacks.free = &free_local_mails; + END OBJ(unreplied_mails, 0) parse_local_mail_args(obj, arg); + obj->callbacks.print = &print_unreplied_mails; + obj->callbacks.free = &free_local_mails; + END OBJ(draft_mails, 0) parse_local_mail_args(obj, arg); + obj->callbacks.print = &print_draft_mails; + obj->callbacks.free = &free_local_mails; + END OBJ(trashed_mails, 0) parse_local_mail_args(obj, arg); + obj->callbacks.print = &print_trashed_mails; + obj->callbacks.free = &free_local_mails; + END OBJ(mboxscan, 0) parse_mboxscan_arg(obj, arg); + obj->callbacks.print = &print_mboxscan; + obj->callbacks.free = &free_mboxscan; + END OBJ(mem, &update_meminfo) obj->callbacks.print = &print_mem; + END OBJ(memwithbuffers, &update_meminfo) obj->callbacks.print = + &print_memwithbuffers; + END OBJ(memeasyfree, &update_meminfo) obj->callbacks.print = + &print_memeasyfree; + END OBJ(memfree, &update_meminfo) obj->callbacks.print = &print_memfree; + END OBJ(memmax, &update_meminfo) obj->callbacks.print = &print_memmax; + END OBJ(memperc, &update_meminfo) obj->callbacks.percentage = &mem_percentage; #ifdef __linux__ - END OBJ(memdirty, &update_meminfo) - obj->callbacks.print = &print_memdirty; + END OBJ(memdirty, &update_meminfo) obj->callbacks.print = &print_memdirty; #endif #ifdef BUILD_X11 - END OBJ(memgauge, &update_meminfo) - scan_gauge(obj, arg, 1); - obj->callbacks.gaugeval = &mem_barval; + END OBJ(memgauge, &update_meminfo) scan_gauge(obj, arg, 1); + obj->callbacks.gaugeval = &mem_barval; #endif - END OBJ(membar, &update_meminfo) - scan_bar(obj, arg, 1); - obj->callbacks.barval = &mem_barval; - END OBJ(memwithbuffersbar, &update_meminfo) - scan_bar(obj, arg, 1); - obj->callbacks.barval = &mem_with_buffers_barval; + END OBJ(membar, &update_meminfo) scan_bar(obj, arg, 1); + obj->callbacks.barval = &mem_barval; + END OBJ(memwithbuffersbar, &update_meminfo) scan_bar(obj, arg, 1); + obj->callbacks.barval = &mem_with_buffers_barval; #ifdef BUILD_X11 - END OBJ(memgraph, &update_meminfo) - char *buf = 0; - buf = scan_graph(obj, arg, 1); + END OBJ(memgraph, &update_meminfo) char *buf = 0; + buf = scan_graph(obj, arg, 1); - free_and_zero(buf); - obj->callbacks.graphval = &mem_barval; + free_and_zero(buf); + obj->callbacks.graphval = &mem_barval; #endif /* BUILD_X11*/ #ifdef HAVE_SOME_SOUNDCARD_H - END OBJ(mixer, 0) - parse_mixer_arg(obj, arg); - obj->callbacks.percentage = &mixer_percentage; - END OBJ(mixerl, 0) - parse_mixer_arg(obj, arg); - obj->callbacks.percentage = &mixerl_percentage; - END OBJ(mixerr, 0) - parse_mixer_arg(obj, arg); - obj->callbacks.percentage = &mixerr_percentage; - END OBJ(mixerbar, 0) - scan_mixer_bar(obj, arg); - obj->callbacks.barval = &mixer_barval; - END OBJ(mixerlbar, 0) - scan_mixer_bar(obj, arg); - obj->callbacks.barval = &mixerl_barval; - END OBJ(mixerrbar, 0) - scan_mixer_bar(obj, arg); - obj->callbacks.barval = &mixerr_barval; - END OBJ_IF(if_mixer_mute, 0) - parse_mixer_arg(obj, arg); - obj->callbacks.iftest = &check_mixer_muted; + END OBJ(mixer, 0) parse_mixer_arg(obj, arg); + obj->callbacks.percentage = &mixer_percentage; + END OBJ(mixerl, 0) parse_mixer_arg(obj, arg); + obj->callbacks.percentage = &mixerl_percentage; + END OBJ(mixerr, 0) parse_mixer_arg(obj, arg); + obj->callbacks.percentage = &mixerr_percentage; + END OBJ(mixerbar, 0) scan_mixer_bar(obj, arg); + obj->callbacks.barval = &mixer_barval; + END OBJ(mixerlbar, 0) scan_mixer_bar(obj, arg); + obj->callbacks.barval = &mixerl_barval; + END OBJ(mixerrbar, 0) scan_mixer_bar(obj, arg); + obj->callbacks.barval = &mixerr_barval; + END OBJ_IF(if_mixer_mute, 0) parse_mixer_arg(obj, arg); + obj->callbacks.iftest = &check_mixer_muted; #endif #ifdef BUILD_X11 - END OBJ(monitor, 0) - obj->callbacks.print = &print_monitor; - END OBJ(monitor_number, 0) - obj->callbacks.print = &print_monitor_number; - END OBJ(desktop, 0) - obj->callbacks.print = &print_desktop; - END OBJ(desktop_number, 0) - obj->callbacks.print = &print_desktop_number; - END OBJ(desktop_name, 0) - obj->callbacks.print = &print_desktop_name; + END OBJ(monitor, 0) obj->callbacks.print = &print_monitor; + END OBJ(monitor_number, 0) obj->callbacks.print = &print_monitor_number; + END OBJ(desktop, 0) obj->callbacks.print = &print_desktop; + END OBJ(desktop_number, 0) obj->callbacks.print = &print_desktop_number; + END OBJ(desktop_name, 0) obj->callbacks.print = &print_desktop_name; #endif /* BUILD_X11 */ - END OBJ_ARG(format_time, 0, "format_time needs a pid as argument") - obj->sub = (text_object*)malloc(sizeof(struct text_object)); - extract_variable_text_internal(obj->sub, arg); - obj->callbacks.print = &print_format_time; - END OBJ(nodename, 0) - obj->callbacks.print = &print_nodename; - END OBJ(nodename_short, 0) - obj->callbacks.print = &print_nodename_short; - END OBJ_ARG(cmdline_to_pid, 0, "cmdline_to_pid needs a command line as argument") - scan_cmdline_to_pid_arg(obj, arg, free_at_crash); - obj->callbacks.print = &print_cmdline_to_pid; - obj->callbacks.free = &gen_free_opaque; - END OBJ_ARG(pid_chroot, 0, "pid_chroot needs a pid as argument") - extract_object_args_to_sub(obj, arg); - obj->callbacks.print = &print_pid_chroot; - END OBJ_ARG(pid_cmdline, 0, "pid_cmdline needs a pid as argument") - extract_object_args_to_sub(obj, arg); - obj->callbacks.print = &print_pid_cmdline; - END OBJ_ARG(pid_cwd, 0, "pid_cwd needs a pid as argument") - extract_object_args_to_sub(obj, arg); - obj->callbacks.print = &print_pid_cwd; - END OBJ_ARG(pid_environ, 0, "pid_environ needs arguments") - extract_object_args_to_sub(obj, arg); - obj->callbacks.print = &print_pid_environ; - END OBJ_ARG(pid_environ_list, 0, "pid_environ_list needs a pid as argument") - extract_object_args_to_sub(obj, arg); - obj->callbacks.print = &print_pid_environ_list; - END OBJ_ARG(pid_exe, 0, "pid_exe needs a pid as argument") - extract_object_args_to_sub(obj, arg); - obj->callbacks.print = &print_pid_exe; - END OBJ_ARG(pid_nice, 0, "pid_nice needs a pid as argument") - extract_object_args_to_sub(obj, arg); - obj->callbacks.print = &print_pid_nice; - END OBJ_ARG(pid_openfiles, 0, "pid_openfiles needs a pid as argument") - extract_object_args_to_sub(obj, arg); - obj->callbacks.print = &print_pid_openfiles; - END OBJ_ARG(pid_parent, 0, "pid_parent needs a pid as argument") - extract_object_args_to_sub(obj, arg); - obj->callbacks.print = &print_pid_parent; - END OBJ_ARG(pid_priority, 0, "pid_priority needs a pid as argument") - extract_object_args_to_sub(obj, arg); - obj->callbacks.print = &print_pid_priority; - END OBJ_ARG(pid_state, 0, "pid_state needs a pid as argument") - extract_object_args_to_sub(obj, arg); - obj->callbacks.print = &print_pid_state; - END OBJ_ARG(pid_state_short, 0, "pid_state_short needs a pid as argument") - extract_object_args_to_sub(obj, arg); - obj->callbacks.print = &print_pid_state_short; - END OBJ_ARG(pid_stderr, 0, "pid_stderr needs a pid as argument") - extract_object_args_to_sub(obj, arg); - obj->callbacks.print = &print_pid_stderr; - END OBJ_ARG(pid_stdin, 0, "pid_stdin needs a pid as argument") - extract_object_args_to_sub(obj, arg); - obj->callbacks.print = &print_pid_stdin; - END OBJ_ARG(pid_stdout, 0, "pid_stdout needs a pid as argument") - extract_object_args_to_sub(obj, arg); - obj->callbacks.print = &print_pid_stdout; - END OBJ_ARG(pid_threads, 0, "pid_threads needs a pid as argument") - extract_object_args_to_sub(obj, arg); - obj->callbacks.print = &print_pid_threads; - END OBJ_ARG(pid_thread_list, 0, "pid_thread_list needs a pid as argument") - extract_object_args_to_sub(obj, arg); - obj->callbacks.print = &print_pid_thread_list; - END OBJ_ARG(pid_time_kernelmode, 0, "pid_time_kernelmode needs a pid as argument") - extract_object_args_to_sub(obj, arg); - obj->callbacks.print = &print_pid_time_kernelmode; - END OBJ_ARG(pid_time_usermode, 0, "pid_time_usermode needs a pid as argument") - extract_object_args_to_sub(obj, arg); - obj->callbacks.print = &print_pid_time_usermode; - END OBJ_ARG(pid_time, 0, "pid_time needs a pid as argument") - extract_object_args_to_sub(obj, arg); - obj->callbacks.print = &print_pid_time; - END OBJ_ARG(pid_uid, 0, "pid_uid needs a pid as argument") - extract_object_args_to_sub(obj, arg); - obj->callbacks.print = &print_pid_uid; - END OBJ_ARG(pid_euid, 0, "pid_euid needs a pid as argument") - extract_object_args_to_sub(obj, arg); - obj->callbacks.print = &print_pid_euid; - END OBJ_ARG(pid_suid, 0, "pid_suid needs a pid as argument") - extract_object_args_to_sub(obj, arg); - obj->callbacks.print = &print_pid_suid; - END OBJ_ARG(pid_fsuid, 0, "pid_fsuid needs a pid as argument") - extract_object_args_to_sub(obj, arg); - obj->callbacks.print = &print_pid_fsuid; - END OBJ_ARG(pid_gid, 0, "pid_gid needs a pid as argument") - extract_object_args_to_sub(obj, arg); - obj->callbacks.print = &print_pid_gid; - END OBJ_ARG(pid_egid, 0, "pid_egid needs a pid as argument") - extract_object_args_to_sub(obj, arg); - obj->callbacks.print = &print_pid_egid; - END OBJ_ARG(pid_sgid, 0, "pid_sgid needs a pid as argument") - extract_object_args_to_sub(obj, arg); - obj->callbacks.print = &print_pid_sgid; - END OBJ_ARG(pid_fsgid, 0, "pid_fsgid needs a pid as argument") - extract_object_args_to_sub(obj, arg); - obj->callbacks.print = &print_pid_fsgid; - END OBJ_ARG(gid_name, 0, "gid_name needs a gid as argument") - extract_object_args_to_sub(obj, arg); - obj->callbacks.print = &print_gid_name; - END OBJ_ARG(uid_name, 0, "uid_name needs a uid as argument") - extract_object_args_to_sub(obj, arg); - obj->callbacks.print = &print_uid_name; - END OBJ_ARG(pid_read, 0, "pid_read needs a pid as argument") - extract_object_args_to_sub(obj, arg); - obj->callbacks.print = &print_pid_read; - END OBJ_ARG(pid_vmpeak, 0, "pid_vmpeak needs a pid as argument") - extract_object_args_to_sub(obj, arg); - obj->callbacks.print = &print_pid_vmpeak; - END OBJ_ARG(pid_vmsize, 0, "pid_vmsize needs a pid as argument") - extract_object_args_to_sub(obj, arg); - obj->callbacks.print = &print_pid_vmsize; - END OBJ_ARG(pid_vmlck, 0, "pid_vmlck needs a pid as argument") - extract_object_args_to_sub(obj, arg); - obj->callbacks.print = &print_pid_vmlck; - END OBJ_ARG(pid_vmhwm, 0, "pid_vmhwm needs a pid as argument") - extract_object_args_to_sub(obj, arg); - obj->callbacks.print = &print_pid_vmhwm; - END OBJ_ARG(pid_vmrss, 0, "pid_vmrss needs a pid as argument") - extract_object_args_to_sub(obj, arg); - obj->callbacks.print = &print_pid_vmrss; - END OBJ_ARG(pid_vmdata, 0, "pid_vmdata needs a pid as argument") - extract_object_args_to_sub(obj, arg); - obj->callbacks.print = &print_pid_vmdata; - END OBJ_ARG(pid_vmstk, 0, "pid_vmstk needs a pid as argument") - extract_object_args_to_sub(obj, arg); - obj->callbacks.print = &print_pid_vmstk; - END OBJ_ARG(pid_vmexe, 0, "pid_vmexe needs a pid as argument") - extract_object_args_to_sub(obj, arg); - obj->callbacks.print = &print_pid_vmexe; - END OBJ_ARG(pid_vmlib, 0, "pid_vmlib needs a pid as argument") - extract_object_args_to_sub(obj, arg); - obj->callbacks.print = &print_pid_vmlib; - END OBJ_ARG(pid_vmpte, 0, "pid_vmpte needs a pid as argument") - extract_object_args_to_sub(obj, arg); - obj->callbacks.print = &print_pid_vmpte; - END OBJ_ARG(pid_write, 0, "pid_write needs a pid as argument") - extract_object_args_to_sub(obj, arg); - obj->callbacks.print = &print_pid_write; + END OBJ_ARG(format_time, 0, "format_time needs a pid as argument") obj->sub = + (text_object *)malloc(sizeof(struct text_object)); + extract_variable_text_internal(obj->sub, arg); + obj->callbacks.print = &print_format_time; + END OBJ(nodename, 0) obj->callbacks.print = &print_nodename; + END OBJ(nodename_short, 0) obj->callbacks.print = &print_nodename_short; + END OBJ_ARG(cmdline_to_pid, 0, + "cmdline_to_pid needs a command line as argument") + scan_cmdline_to_pid_arg(obj, arg, free_at_crash); + obj->callbacks.print = &print_cmdline_to_pid; + obj->callbacks.free = &gen_free_opaque; + END OBJ_ARG(pid_chroot, 0, "pid_chroot needs a pid as argument") + extract_object_args_to_sub(obj, arg); + obj->callbacks.print = &print_pid_chroot; + END OBJ_ARG(pid_cmdline, 0, "pid_cmdline needs a pid as argument") + extract_object_args_to_sub(obj, arg); + obj->callbacks.print = &print_pid_cmdline; + END OBJ_ARG(pid_cwd, 0, "pid_cwd needs a pid as argument") + extract_object_args_to_sub(obj, arg); + obj->callbacks.print = &print_pid_cwd; + END OBJ_ARG(pid_environ, 0, "pid_environ needs arguments") + extract_object_args_to_sub(obj, arg); + obj->callbacks.print = &print_pid_environ; + END OBJ_ARG(pid_environ_list, 0, "pid_environ_list needs a pid as argument") + extract_object_args_to_sub(obj, arg); + obj->callbacks.print = &print_pid_environ_list; + END OBJ_ARG(pid_exe, 0, "pid_exe needs a pid as argument") + extract_object_args_to_sub(obj, arg); + obj->callbacks.print = &print_pid_exe; + END OBJ_ARG(pid_nice, 0, "pid_nice needs a pid as argument") + extract_object_args_to_sub(obj, arg); + obj->callbacks.print = &print_pid_nice; + END OBJ_ARG(pid_openfiles, 0, "pid_openfiles needs a pid as argument") + extract_object_args_to_sub(obj, arg); + obj->callbacks.print = &print_pid_openfiles; + END OBJ_ARG(pid_parent, 0, "pid_parent needs a pid as argument") + extract_object_args_to_sub(obj, arg); + obj->callbacks.print = &print_pid_parent; + END OBJ_ARG(pid_priority, 0, "pid_priority needs a pid as argument") + extract_object_args_to_sub(obj, arg); + obj->callbacks.print = &print_pid_priority; + END OBJ_ARG(pid_state, 0, "pid_state needs a pid as argument") + extract_object_args_to_sub(obj, arg); + obj->callbacks.print = &print_pid_state; + END OBJ_ARG(pid_state_short, 0, "pid_state_short needs a pid as argument") + extract_object_args_to_sub(obj, arg); + obj->callbacks.print = &print_pid_state_short; + END OBJ_ARG(pid_stderr, 0, "pid_stderr needs a pid as argument") + extract_object_args_to_sub(obj, arg); + obj->callbacks.print = &print_pid_stderr; + END OBJ_ARG(pid_stdin, 0, "pid_stdin needs a pid as argument") + extract_object_args_to_sub(obj, arg); + obj->callbacks.print = &print_pid_stdin; + END OBJ_ARG(pid_stdout, 0, "pid_stdout needs a pid as argument") + extract_object_args_to_sub(obj, arg); + obj->callbacks.print = &print_pid_stdout; + END OBJ_ARG(pid_threads, 0, "pid_threads needs a pid as argument") + extract_object_args_to_sub(obj, arg); + obj->callbacks.print = &print_pid_threads; + END OBJ_ARG(pid_thread_list, 0, "pid_thread_list needs a pid as argument") + extract_object_args_to_sub(obj, arg); + obj->callbacks.print = &print_pid_thread_list; + END OBJ_ARG(pid_time_kernelmode, 0, + "pid_time_kernelmode needs a pid as argument") + extract_object_args_to_sub(obj, arg); + obj->callbacks.print = &print_pid_time_kernelmode; + END OBJ_ARG(pid_time_usermode, 0, "pid_time_usermode needs a pid as argument") + extract_object_args_to_sub(obj, arg); + obj->callbacks.print = &print_pid_time_usermode; + END OBJ_ARG(pid_time, 0, "pid_time needs a pid as argument") + extract_object_args_to_sub(obj, arg); + obj->callbacks.print = &print_pid_time; + END OBJ_ARG(pid_uid, 0, "pid_uid needs a pid as argument") + extract_object_args_to_sub(obj, arg); + obj->callbacks.print = &print_pid_uid; + END OBJ_ARG(pid_euid, 0, "pid_euid needs a pid as argument") + extract_object_args_to_sub(obj, arg); + obj->callbacks.print = &print_pid_euid; + END OBJ_ARG(pid_suid, 0, "pid_suid needs a pid as argument") + extract_object_args_to_sub(obj, arg); + obj->callbacks.print = &print_pid_suid; + END OBJ_ARG(pid_fsuid, 0, "pid_fsuid needs a pid as argument") + extract_object_args_to_sub(obj, arg); + obj->callbacks.print = &print_pid_fsuid; + END OBJ_ARG(pid_gid, 0, "pid_gid needs a pid as argument") + extract_object_args_to_sub(obj, arg); + obj->callbacks.print = &print_pid_gid; + END OBJ_ARG(pid_egid, 0, "pid_egid needs a pid as argument") + extract_object_args_to_sub(obj, arg); + obj->callbacks.print = &print_pid_egid; + END OBJ_ARG(pid_sgid, 0, "pid_sgid needs a pid as argument") + extract_object_args_to_sub(obj, arg); + obj->callbacks.print = &print_pid_sgid; + END OBJ_ARG(pid_fsgid, 0, "pid_fsgid needs a pid as argument") + extract_object_args_to_sub(obj, arg); + obj->callbacks.print = &print_pid_fsgid; + END OBJ_ARG(gid_name, 0, "gid_name needs a gid as argument") + extract_object_args_to_sub(obj, arg); + obj->callbacks.print = &print_gid_name; + END OBJ_ARG(uid_name, 0, "uid_name needs a uid as argument") + extract_object_args_to_sub(obj, arg); + obj->callbacks.print = &print_uid_name; + END OBJ_ARG(pid_read, 0, "pid_read needs a pid as argument") + extract_object_args_to_sub(obj, arg); + obj->callbacks.print = &print_pid_read; + END OBJ_ARG(pid_vmpeak, 0, "pid_vmpeak needs a pid as argument") + extract_object_args_to_sub(obj, arg); + obj->callbacks.print = &print_pid_vmpeak; + END OBJ_ARG(pid_vmsize, 0, "pid_vmsize needs a pid as argument") + extract_object_args_to_sub(obj, arg); + obj->callbacks.print = &print_pid_vmsize; + END OBJ_ARG(pid_vmlck, 0, "pid_vmlck needs a pid as argument") + extract_object_args_to_sub(obj, arg); + obj->callbacks.print = &print_pid_vmlck; + END OBJ_ARG(pid_vmhwm, 0, "pid_vmhwm needs a pid as argument") + extract_object_args_to_sub(obj, arg); + obj->callbacks.print = &print_pid_vmhwm; + END OBJ_ARG(pid_vmrss, 0, "pid_vmrss needs a pid as argument") + extract_object_args_to_sub(obj, arg); + obj->callbacks.print = &print_pid_vmrss; + END OBJ_ARG(pid_vmdata, 0, "pid_vmdata needs a pid as argument") + extract_object_args_to_sub(obj, arg); + obj->callbacks.print = &print_pid_vmdata; + END OBJ_ARG(pid_vmstk, 0, "pid_vmstk needs a pid as argument") + extract_object_args_to_sub(obj, arg); + obj->callbacks.print = &print_pid_vmstk; + END OBJ_ARG(pid_vmexe, 0, "pid_vmexe needs a pid as argument") + extract_object_args_to_sub(obj, arg); + obj->callbacks.print = &print_pid_vmexe; + END OBJ_ARG(pid_vmlib, 0, "pid_vmlib needs a pid as argument") + extract_object_args_to_sub(obj, arg); + obj->callbacks.print = &print_pid_vmlib; + END OBJ_ARG(pid_vmpte, 0, "pid_vmpte needs a pid as argument") + extract_object_args_to_sub(obj, arg); + obj->callbacks.print = &print_pid_vmpte; + END OBJ_ARG(pid_write, 0, "pid_write needs a pid as argument") + extract_object_args_to_sub(obj, arg); + obj->callbacks.print = &print_pid_write; #ifdef __DragonFly__ - END OBJ(processes, &update_top) + END OBJ(processes, &update_top) #else - END OBJ(processes, &update_total_processes) + END OBJ(processes, &update_total_processes) #endif - obj->callbacks.print = &print_processes; + obj->callbacks.print = &print_processes; #ifdef __linux__ - END OBJ(distribution, 0) - obj->callbacks.print = &print_distribution; - END OBJ(running_processes, &update_top) - top_running = 1; - obj->callbacks.print = &print_running_processes; - END OBJ(threads, &update_threads) - obj->callbacks.print = &print_threads; - END OBJ(running_threads, &update_stat) - obj->callbacks.print = &print_running_threads; + END OBJ(distribution, 0) obj->callbacks.print = &print_distribution; + END OBJ(running_processes, &update_top) top_running = 1; + obj->callbacks.print = &print_running_processes; + END OBJ(threads, &update_threads) obj->callbacks.print = &print_threads; + END OBJ(running_threads, &update_stat) obj->callbacks.print = + &print_running_threads; #else #if defined(__DragonFly__) - END OBJ(running_processes, &update_top) - obj->callbacks.print = &print_running_processes; + END OBJ(running_processes, &update_top) obj->callbacks.print = + &print_running_processes; #elif (defined(__APPLE__) && defined(__MACH__)) - END OBJ(running_processes, &update_running_processes) - obj->callbacks.print = &print_running_processes; - END OBJ(threads, &update_threads) - obj->callbacks.print = &print_threads; - END OBJ(running_threads, &update_running_threads) - obj->callbacks.print = &print_running_threads; + END OBJ(running_processes, &update_running_processes) obj->callbacks.print = + &print_running_processes; + END OBJ(threads, &update_threads) obj->callbacks.print = &print_threads; + END OBJ(running_threads, &update_running_threads) obj->callbacks.print = + &print_running_threads; #else - END OBJ(running_processes, &update_running_processes) - obj->callbacks.print = &print_running_processes; + END OBJ(running_processes, &update_running_processes) obj->callbacks.print = + &print_running_processes; #endif #endif /* __linux__ */ - END OBJ(shadecolor, 0) + END OBJ(shadecolor, 0) #ifdef BUILD_X11 - obj->data.l = arg ? get_x11_color(arg) : default_shade_color.get(*state); - obj->callbacks.print = &new_bg; + obj->data.l = arg ? get_x11_color(arg) : default_shade_color.get(*state); + obj->callbacks.print = &new_bg; #endif /* BUILD_X11 */ - END OBJ(outlinecolor, 0) + END OBJ(outlinecolor, 0) #ifdef BUILD_X11 - obj->data.l = arg ? get_x11_color(arg) : default_outline_color.get(*state); - obj->callbacks.print = &new_outline; + obj->data.l = + arg ? get_x11_color(arg) : default_outline_color.get(*state); + obj->callbacks.print = &new_outline; #endif /* BUILD_X11 */ - END OBJ(stippled_hr, 0) + END OBJ(stippled_hr, 0) #ifdef BUILD_X11 - scan_stippled_hr(obj, arg); - obj->callbacks.print = &new_stippled_hr; + scan_stippled_hr(obj, arg); + obj->callbacks.print = &new_stippled_hr; #endif /* BUILD_X11 */ - END OBJ(swap, &update_meminfo) - obj->callbacks.print = &print_swap; - END OBJ(swapfree, &update_meminfo) - obj->callbacks.print = &print_swapfree; - END OBJ(swapmax, &update_meminfo) - obj->callbacks.print = &print_swapmax; - END OBJ(swapperc, &update_meminfo) - obj->callbacks.percentage = &swap_percentage; - END OBJ(swapbar, &update_meminfo) - scan_bar(obj, arg, 1); - obj->callbacks.barval = &swap_barval; - /* XXX: swapgraph, swapgauge? */ - END OBJ(sysname, 0) - obj->callbacks.print = &print_sysname; - END OBJ(time, 0) - scan_time(obj, arg); - obj->callbacks.print = &print_time; - obj->callbacks.free = &free_time; - END OBJ(utime, 0) - scan_time(obj, arg); - obj->callbacks.print = &print_utime; - obj->callbacks.free = &free_time; - END OBJ(tztime, 0) - scan_tztime(obj, arg); - obj->callbacks.print = &print_tztime; - obj->callbacks.free = &free_tztime; + END OBJ(swap, &update_meminfo) obj->callbacks.print = &print_swap; + END OBJ(swapfree, &update_meminfo) obj->callbacks.print = &print_swapfree; + END OBJ(swapmax, &update_meminfo) obj->callbacks.print = &print_swapmax; + END OBJ(swapperc, &update_meminfo) obj->callbacks.percentage = + &swap_percentage; + END OBJ(swapbar, &update_meminfo) scan_bar(obj, arg, 1); + obj->callbacks.barval = &swap_barval; + /* XXX: swapgraph, swapgauge? */ + END OBJ(sysname, 0) obj->callbacks.print = &print_sysname; + END OBJ(time, 0) scan_time(obj, arg); + obj->callbacks.print = &print_time; + obj->callbacks.free = &free_time; + END OBJ(utime, 0) scan_time(obj, arg); + obj->callbacks.print = &print_utime; + obj->callbacks.free = &free_time; + END OBJ(tztime, 0) scan_tztime(obj, arg); + obj->callbacks.print = &print_tztime; + obj->callbacks.free = &free_tztime; #ifdef BUILD_ICAL - END OBJ_ARG(ical, 0, "ical requires arguments") - parse_ical_args(obj, arg, free_at_crash, s); - obj->callbacks.print = &print_ical; - obj->callbacks.free = &free_ical; + END OBJ_ARG(ical, 0, "ical requires arguments") + parse_ical_args(obj, arg, free_at_crash, s); + obj->callbacks.print = &print_ical; + obj->callbacks.free = &free_ical; #endif #ifdef BUILD_IRC - END OBJ_ARG(irc, 0, "irc requires arguments") - parse_irc_args(obj, arg); - obj->callbacks.print = &print_irc; - obj->callbacks.free = &free_irc; + END OBJ_ARG(irc, 0, "irc requires arguments") parse_irc_args(obj, arg); + obj->callbacks.print = &print_irc; + obj->callbacks.free = &free_irc; #endif #ifdef BUILD_ICONV - END OBJ_ARG(iconv_start, 0, "Iconv requires arguments") - init_iconv_start(obj, free_at_crash, arg); - obj->callbacks.print = &print_iconv_start; - obj->callbacks.free = &free_iconv; - END OBJ(iconv_stop, 0) - init_iconv_stop(); - obj->callbacks.print = &print_iconv_stop; + END OBJ_ARG(iconv_start, 0, "Iconv requires arguments") + init_iconv_start(obj, free_at_crash, arg); + obj->callbacks.print = &print_iconv_start; + obj->callbacks.free = &free_iconv; + END OBJ(iconv_stop, 0) init_iconv_stop(); + obj->callbacks.print = &print_iconv_stop; #endif - END OBJ(totaldown, &update_net_stats) - parse_net_stat_arg(obj, arg, free_at_crash); - obj->callbacks.print = &print_totaldown; - END OBJ(totalup, &update_net_stats) - parse_net_stat_arg(obj, arg, free_at_crash); - obj->callbacks.print = &print_totalup; - END OBJ(updates, 0) - obj->callbacks.print = &print_updates; - END OBJ_IF(if_updatenr, 0) - obj->data.i = arg ? atoi(arg) : 0; - if(obj->data.i == 0) CRIT_ERR(obj, free_at_crash, "if_updatenr needs a number above 0 as argument"); - set_updatereset(obj->data.i > get_updatereset() ? obj->data.i : get_updatereset()); - obj->callbacks.iftest = &updatenr_iftest; - END OBJ(alignr, 0) - obj->data.l = arg ? atoi(arg) : 1; - obj->callbacks.print = &new_alignr; - END OBJ(alignc, 0) - obj->data.l = arg ? atoi(arg) : 0; - obj->callbacks.print = &new_alignc; - END OBJ(upspeed, &update_net_stats) - parse_net_stat_arg(obj, arg, free_at_crash); - obj->callbacks.print = &print_upspeed; - END OBJ(upspeedf, &update_net_stats) - parse_net_stat_arg(obj, arg, free_at_crash); - obj->callbacks.print = &print_upspeedf; + END OBJ(totaldown, &update_net_stats) + parse_net_stat_arg(obj, arg, free_at_crash); + obj->callbacks.print = &print_totaldown; + END OBJ(totalup, &update_net_stats) + parse_net_stat_arg(obj, arg, free_at_crash); + obj->callbacks.print = &print_totalup; + END OBJ(updates, 0) obj->callbacks.print = &print_updates; + END OBJ_IF(if_updatenr, 0) obj->data.i = arg ? atoi(arg) : 0; + if (obj->data.i == 0) + CRIT_ERR(obj, free_at_crash, + "if_updatenr needs a number above 0 as argument"); + set_updatereset(obj->data.i > get_updatereset() ? obj->data.i + : get_updatereset()); + obj->callbacks.iftest = &updatenr_iftest; + END OBJ(alignr, 0) obj->data.l = arg ? atoi(arg) : 1; + obj->callbacks.print = &new_alignr; + END OBJ(alignc, 0) obj->data.l = arg ? atoi(arg) : 0; + obj->callbacks.print = &new_alignc; + END OBJ(upspeed, &update_net_stats) + parse_net_stat_arg(obj, arg, free_at_crash); + obj->callbacks.print = &print_upspeed; + END OBJ(upspeedf, &update_net_stats) + parse_net_stat_arg(obj, arg, free_at_crash); + obj->callbacks.print = &print_upspeedf; #ifdef BUILD_X11 - END OBJ(upspeedgraph, &update_net_stats) - parse_net_stat_graph_arg(obj, arg, free_at_crash); - obj->callbacks.graphval = &upspeedgraphval; + END OBJ(upspeedgraph, &update_net_stats) + parse_net_stat_graph_arg(obj, arg, free_at_crash); + obj->callbacks.graphval = &upspeedgraphval; #endif - END OBJ(uptime_short, &update_uptime) - obj->callbacks.print = &print_uptime_short; - END OBJ(uptime, &update_uptime) - obj->callbacks.print = &print_uptime; + END OBJ(uptime_short, &update_uptime) obj->callbacks.print = + &print_uptime_short; + END OBJ(uptime, &update_uptime) obj->callbacks.print = &print_uptime; #if defined(__linux__) - END OBJ(user_names, &update_users) - obj->callbacks.print = &print_user_names; - obj->callbacks.free = &free_user_names; - END OBJ(user_times, &update_users) - obj->callbacks.print = &print_user_times; - obj->callbacks.free = &free_user_times; - END OBJ_ARG(user_time, 0, "user time needs a console name as argument") - obj->data.s = strndup(arg, text_buffer_size.get(*state)); - obj->callbacks.print = &print_user_time; - obj->callbacks.free = &free_user_time; - END OBJ(user_terms, &update_users) - obj->callbacks.print = &print_user_terms; - obj->callbacks.free = &free_user_terms; - END OBJ(user_number, &update_users) - obj->callbacks.print = &print_user_number; - END OBJ(gw_iface, &update_gateway_info) - obj->callbacks.print = &print_gateway_iface; - obj->callbacks.free = &free_gateway_info; - END OBJ(gw_ip, &update_gateway_info) - obj->callbacks.print = &print_gateway_ip; - obj->callbacks.free = &free_gateway_info; + END OBJ(user_names, &update_users) obj->callbacks.print = &print_user_names; + obj->callbacks.free = &free_user_names; + END OBJ(user_times, &update_users) obj->callbacks.print = &print_user_times; + obj->callbacks.free = &free_user_times; + END OBJ_ARG(user_time, 0, "user time needs a console name as argument") + obj->data.s = strndup(arg, text_buffer_size.get(*state)); + obj->callbacks.print = &print_user_time; + obj->callbacks.free = &free_user_time; + END OBJ(user_terms, &update_users) obj->callbacks.print = &print_user_terms; + obj->callbacks.free = &free_user_terms; + END OBJ(user_number, &update_users) obj->callbacks.print = &print_user_number; + END OBJ(gw_iface, &update_gateway_info) obj->callbacks.print = + &print_gateway_iface; + obj->callbacks.free = &free_gateway_info; + END OBJ(gw_ip, &update_gateway_info) obj->callbacks.print = &print_gateway_ip; + obj->callbacks.free = &free_gateway_info; #endif /* !__linux__ */ -#if (defined(__FreeBSD__) || defined(__FreeBSD_kernel__) \ - || defined(__DragonFly__) \ - || defined(__OpenBSD__)) && (defined(i386) || defined(__i386__)) - END OBJ(apm_adapter, 0) - obj->callbacks.print = &print_apm_adapter; - END OBJ(apm_battery_life, 0) - obj->callbacks.print = &print_apm_battery_life; - END OBJ(apm_battery_time, 0) - obj->callbacks.print = &print_apm_battery_time; +#if (defined(__FreeBSD__) || defined(__FreeBSD_kernel__) || \ + defined(__DragonFly__) || defined(__OpenBSD__)) && \ + (defined(i386) || defined(__i386__)) + END OBJ(apm_adapter, 0) obj->callbacks.print = &print_apm_adapter; + END OBJ(apm_battery_life, 0) obj->callbacks.print = &print_apm_battery_life; + END OBJ(apm_battery_time, 0) obj->callbacks.print = &print_apm_battery_time; #endif /* __FreeBSD__ */ - END OBJ(imap_unseen, 0) - parse_imap_mail_args(obj, arg); - obj->callbacks.print = &print_imap_unseen; - obj->callbacks.free = &free_mail_obj; - END OBJ(imap_messages, 0) - parse_imap_mail_args(obj, arg); - obj->callbacks.print = &print_imap_messages; - obj->callbacks.free = &free_mail_obj; - END OBJ(pop3_unseen, 0) - parse_pop3_mail_args(obj, arg); - obj->callbacks.print = &print_pop3_unseen; - obj->callbacks.free = &free_mail_obj; - END OBJ(pop3_used, 0) - parse_pop3_mail_args(obj, arg); - obj->callbacks.print = &print_pop3_used; - obj->callbacks.free = &free_mail_obj; + END OBJ(imap_unseen, 0) parse_imap_mail_args(obj, arg); + obj->callbacks.print = &print_imap_unseen; + obj->callbacks.free = &free_mail_obj; + END OBJ(imap_messages, 0) parse_imap_mail_args(obj, arg); + obj->callbacks.print = &print_imap_messages; + obj->callbacks.free = &free_mail_obj; + END OBJ(pop3_unseen, 0) parse_pop3_mail_args(obj, arg); + obj->callbacks.print = &print_pop3_unseen; + obj->callbacks.free = &free_mail_obj; + END OBJ(pop3_used, 0) parse_pop3_mail_args(obj, arg); + obj->callbacks.print = &print_pop3_used; + obj->callbacks.free = &free_mail_obj; #ifdef BUILD_IBM - END OBJ_ARG(smapi, 0, "smapi needs an argument") - obj->data.s = strndup(arg, text_buffer_size.get(*state)); - obj->callbacks.print = &print_smapi; - obj->callbacks.free = &gen_free_opaque; - END OBJ_IF_ARG(if_smapi_bat_installed, 0, "if_smapi_bat_installed needs an argument") - obj->data.s = strndup(arg, text_buffer_size.get(*state)); - obj->callbacks.iftest = &smapi_bat_installed; - obj->callbacks.free = &gen_free_opaque; - END OBJ_ARG(smapi_bat_perc, 0, "smapi_bat_perc needs an argument") - obj->data.s = strndup(arg, text_buffer_size.get(*state)); - obj->callbacks.percentage = &smapi_bat_percentage; - obj->callbacks.free = &gen_free_opaque; - END OBJ_ARG(smapi_bat_temp, 0, "smapi_bat_temp needs an argument") - obj->data.s = strndup(arg, text_buffer_size.get(*state)); - obj->callbacks.print = &print_smapi_bat_temp; - obj->callbacks.free = &gen_free_opaque; - END OBJ_ARG(smapi_bat_power, 0, "smapi_bat_power needs an argument") - obj->data.s = strndup(arg, text_buffer_size.get(*state)); - obj->callbacks.print = &print_smapi_bat_power; - obj->callbacks.free = &gen_free_opaque; - END OBJ_ARG(smapi_bat_bar, 0, "smapi_bat_bar needs an argument") - int cnt; - if(sscanf(arg, "%i %n", &obj->data.i, &cnt) <= 0) { - NORM_ERR("first argument to smapi_bat_bar must be an integer value"); - obj->data.i = -1; - } else - arg = scan_bar(obj, arg + cnt, 100); - obj->callbacks.barval = &smapi_bat_barval; + END OBJ_ARG(smapi, 0, "smapi needs an argument") obj->data.s = + strndup(arg, text_buffer_size.get(*state)); + obj->callbacks.print = &print_smapi; + obj->callbacks.free = &gen_free_opaque; + END OBJ_IF_ARG(if_smapi_bat_installed, 0, + "if_smapi_bat_installed needs an argument") obj->data.s = + strndup(arg, text_buffer_size.get(*state)); + obj->callbacks.iftest = &smapi_bat_installed; + obj->callbacks.free = &gen_free_opaque; + END OBJ_ARG(smapi_bat_perc, 0, "smapi_bat_perc needs an argument") + obj->data.s = strndup(arg, text_buffer_size.get(*state)); + obj->callbacks.percentage = &smapi_bat_percentage; + obj->callbacks.free = &gen_free_opaque; + END OBJ_ARG(smapi_bat_temp, 0, "smapi_bat_temp needs an argument") + obj->data.s = strndup(arg, text_buffer_size.get(*state)); + obj->callbacks.print = &print_smapi_bat_temp; + obj->callbacks.free = &gen_free_opaque; + END OBJ_ARG(smapi_bat_power, 0, "smapi_bat_power needs an argument") + obj->data.s = strndup(arg, text_buffer_size.get(*state)); + obj->callbacks.print = &print_smapi_bat_power; + obj->callbacks.free = &gen_free_opaque; + END OBJ_ARG(smapi_bat_bar, 0, "smapi_bat_bar needs an argument") int cnt; + if (sscanf(arg, "%i %n", &obj->data.i, &cnt) <= 0) { + NORM_ERR("first argument to smapi_bat_bar must be an integer value"); + obj->data.i = -1; + } else + arg = scan_bar(obj, arg + cnt, 100); + obj->callbacks.barval = &smapi_bat_barval; #endif /* BUILD_IBM */ #ifdef BUILD_MPD -#define mpd_set_maxlen(name) \ - if (arg) { \ - int i; \ - sscanf(arg, "%d", &i); \ - if (i > 0) \ - obj->data.i = i + 1; \ - else \ - NORM_ERR(#name ": invalid length argument"); \ - } - END OBJ(mpd_artist, 0) - mpd_set_maxlen(mpd_artist); - obj->callbacks.print = &print_mpd_artist; - END OBJ(mpd_albumartist, 0) - mpd_set_maxlen(mpd_albumartist); - obj->callbacks.print = &print_mpd_albumartist; - END OBJ(mpd_title, 0) - mpd_set_maxlen(mpd_title); - obj->callbacks.print = &print_mpd_title; - END OBJ(mpd_date, 0) - mpd_set_maxlen(mpd_date); - obj->callbacks.print = &print_mpd_date; - END OBJ(mpd_random, 0) - obj->callbacks.print = &print_mpd_random; - END OBJ(mpd_repeat, 0) - obj->callbacks.print = &print_mpd_repeat; - END OBJ(mpd_elapsed, 0) - obj->callbacks.print = &print_mpd_elapsed; - END OBJ(mpd_length, 0) - obj->callbacks.print = &print_mpd_length; - END OBJ(mpd_track, 0) - mpd_set_maxlen(mpd_track); - obj->callbacks.print = &print_mpd_track; - END OBJ(mpd_name, 0) - mpd_set_maxlen(mpd_name); - obj->callbacks.print = &print_mpd_name; - END OBJ(mpd_file, 0) - mpd_set_maxlen(mpd_file); - obj->callbacks.print = &print_mpd_file; - END OBJ(mpd_percent, 0) - obj->callbacks.percentage = &mpd_percentage; - END OBJ(mpd_album, 0) - mpd_set_maxlen(mpd_album); - obj->callbacks.print = &print_mpd_album; - END OBJ(mpd_vol, 0) - obj->callbacks.print = &print_mpd_vol; - END OBJ(mpd_bitrate, 0) - obj->callbacks.print = &print_mpd_bitrate; - END OBJ(mpd_status, 0) - obj->callbacks.print = &print_mpd_status; - END OBJ(mpd_bar, 0) - scan_bar(obj, arg, 1); - obj->callbacks.barval = &mpd_barval; - END OBJ(mpd_smart, 0) - mpd_set_maxlen(mpd_smart); - obj->callbacks.print = &print_mpd_smart; - END OBJ_IF(if_mpd_playing, 0) - obj->callbacks.iftest = &check_mpd_playing; +#define mpd_set_maxlen(name) \ + if (arg) { \ + int i; \ + sscanf(arg, "%d", &i); \ + if (i > 0) \ + obj->data.i = i + 1; \ + else \ + NORM_ERR(#name ": invalid length argument"); \ + } + END OBJ(mpd_artist, 0) mpd_set_maxlen(mpd_artist); + obj->callbacks.print = &print_mpd_artist; + END OBJ(mpd_albumartist, 0) mpd_set_maxlen(mpd_albumartist); + obj->callbacks.print = &print_mpd_albumartist; + END OBJ(mpd_title, 0) mpd_set_maxlen(mpd_title); + obj->callbacks.print = &print_mpd_title; + END OBJ(mpd_date, 0) mpd_set_maxlen(mpd_date); + obj->callbacks.print = &print_mpd_date; + END OBJ(mpd_random, 0) obj->callbacks.print = &print_mpd_random; + END OBJ(mpd_repeat, 0) obj->callbacks.print = &print_mpd_repeat; + END OBJ(mpd_elapsed, 0) obj->callbacks.print = &print_mpd_elapsed; + END OBJ(mpd_length, 0) obj->callbacks.print = &print_mpd_length; + END OBJ(mpd_track, 0) mpd_set_maxlen(mpd_track); + obj->callbacks.print = &print_mpd_track; + END OBJ(mpd_name, 0) mpd_set_maxlen(mpd_name); + obj->callbacks.print = &print_mpd_name; + END OBJ(mpd_file, 0) mpd_set_maxlen(mpd_file); + obj->callbacks.print = &print_mpd_file; + END OBJ(mpd_percent, 0) obj->callbacks.percentage = &mpd_percentage; + END OBJ(mpd_album, 0) mpd_set_maxlen(mpd_album); + obj->callbacks.print = &print_mpd_album; + END OBJ(mpd_vol, 0) obj->callbacks.print = &print_mpd_vol; + END OBJ(mpd_bitrate, 0) obj->callbacks.print = &print_mpd_bitrate; + END OBJ(mpd_status, 0) obj->callbacks.print = &print_mpd_status; + END OBJ(mpd_bar, 0) scan_bar(obj, arg, 1); + obj->callbacks.barval = &mpd_barval; + END OBJ(mpd_smart, 0) mpd_set_maxlen(mpd_smart); + obj->callbacks.print = &print_mpd_smart; + END OBJ_IF(if_mpd_playing, 0) obj->callbacks.iftest = &check_mpd_playing; #undef mpd_set_maxlen #endif /* BUILD_MPD */ #ifdef BUILD_MOC - END OBJ(moc_state, 0) - obj->callbacks.print = &print_moc_state; - END OBJ(moc_file, 0) - obj->callbacks.print = &print_moc_file; - END OBJ(moc_title, 0) - obj->callbacks.print = &print_moc_title; - END OBJ(moc_artist, 0) - obj->callbacks.print = &print_moc_artist; - END OBJ(moc_song, 0) - obj->callbacks.print = &print_moc_song; - END OBJ(moc_album, 0) - obj->callbacks.print = &print_moc_album; - END OBJ(moc_totaltime, 0) - obj->callbacks.print = &print_moc_totaltime; - END OBJ(moc_timeleft, 0) - obj->callbacks.print = &print_moc_timeleft; - END OBJ(moc_curtime, 0) - obj->callbacks.print = &print_moc_curtime; - END OBJ(moc_bitrate, 0) - obj->callbacks.print = &print_moc_bitrate; - END OBJ(moc_rate, 0) - obj->callbacks.print = &print_moc_rate; + END OBJ(moc_state, 0) obj->callbacks.print = &print_moc_state; + END OBJ(moc_file, 0) obj->callbacks.print = &print_moc_file; + END OBJ(moc_title, 0) obj->callbacks.print = &print_moc_title; + END OBJ(moc_artist, 0) obj->callbacks.print = &print_moc_artist; + END OBJ(moc_song, 0) obj->callbacks.print = &print_moc_song; + END OBJ(moc_album, 0) obj->callbacks.print = &print_moc_album; + END OBJ(moc_totaltime, 0) obj->callbacks.print = &print_moc_totaltime; + END OBJ(moc_timeleft, 0) obj->callbacks.print = &print_moc_timeleft; + END OBJ(moc_curtime, 0) obj->callbacks.print = &print_moc_curtime; + END OBJ(moc_bitrate, 0) obj->callbacks.print = &print_moc_bitrate; + END OBJ(moc_rate, 0) obj->callbacks.print = &print_moc_rate; #endif /* BUILD_MOC */ #ifdef BUILD_CMUS - END OBJ(cmus_state, 0) - obj->callbacks.print = &print_cmus_state; - END OBJ(cmus_file, 0) - obj->callbacks.print = &print_cmus_file; - END OBJ(cmus_title, 0) - obj->callbacks.print = &print_cmus_title; - END OBJ(cmus_artist, 0) - obj->callbacks.print = &print_cmus_artist; - END OBJ(cmus_album, 0) - obj->callbacks.print = &print_cmus_album; - END OBJ(cmus_totaltime, 0) - obj->callbacks.print = &print_cmus_totaltime; - END OBJ(cmus_timeleft, 0) - obj->callbacks.print = &print_cmus_timeleft; - END OBJ(cmus_curtime, 0) - obj->callbacks.print = &print_cmus_curtime; - END OBJ(cmus_random, 0) - obj->callbacks.print = &print_cmus_random; - END OBJ(cmus_state, 0) - obj->callbacks.print = &print_cmus_state; - END OBJ(cmus_file, 0) - obj->callbacks.print = &print_cmus_file; - END OBJ(cmus_title, 0) - obj->callbacks.print = &print_cmus_title; - END OBJ(cmus_artist, 0) - obj->callbacks.print = &print_cmus_artist; - END OBJ(cmus_album, 0) - obj->callbacks.print = &print_cmus_album; - END OBJ(cmus_totaltime, 0) - obj->callbacks.print = &print_cmus_totaltime; - END OBJ(cmus_timeleft, 0) - obj->callbacks.print = &print_cmus_timeleft; - END OBJ(cmus_curtime, 0) - obj->callbacks.print = &print_cmus_curtime; - END OBJ(cmus_random, 0) - obj->callbacks.print = &print_cmus_random; - END OBJ(cmus_repeat, 0) - obj->callbacks.print = &print_cmus_repeat; - END OBJ(cmus_aaa, 0) - obj->callbacks.print = &print_cmus_aaa; - END OBJ(cmus_track, 0) - obj->callbacks.print = &print_cmus_track; - END OBJ(cmus_genre, 0) - obj->callbacks.print = &print_cmus_genre; - END OBJ(cmus_date, 0) - obj->callbacks.print = &print_cmus_date; - END OBJ(cmus_progress, 0) - scan_bar(obj, arg, 1); - obj->callbacks.barval = &cmus_progress; - END OBJ(cmus_percent, 0) - obj->callbacks.percentage = &cmus_percent; + END OBJ(cmus_state, 0) obj->callbacks.print = &print_cmus_state; + END OBJ(cmus_file, 0) obj->callbacks.print = &print_cmus_file; + END OBJ(cmus_title, 0) obj->callbacks.print = &print_cmus_title; + END OBJ(cmus_artist, 0) obj->callbacks.print = &print_cmus_artist; + END OBJ(cmus_album, 0) obj->callbacks.print = &print_cmus_album; + END OBJ(cmus_totaltime, 0) obj->callbacks.print = &print_cmus_totaltime; + END OBJ(cmus_timeleft, 0) obj->callbacks.print = &print_cmus_timeleft; + END OBJ(cmus_curtime, 0) obj->callbacks.print = &print_cmus_curtime; + END OBJ(cmus_random, 0) obj->callbacks.print = &print_cmus_random; + END OBJ(cmus_state, 0) obj->callbacks.print = &print_cmus_state; + END OBJ(cmus_file, 0) obj->callbacks.print = &print_cmus_file; + END OBJ(cmus_title, 0) obj->callbacks.print = &print_cmus_title; + END OBJ(cmus_artist, 0) obj->callbacks.print = &print_cmus_artist; + END OBJ(cmus_album, 0) obj->callbacks.print = &print_cmus_album; + END OBJ(cmus_totaltime, 0) obj->callbacks.print = &print_cmus_totaltime; + END OBJ(cmus_timeleft, 0) obj->callbacks.print = &print_cmus_timeleft; + END OBJ(cmus_curtime, 0) obj->callbacks.print = &print_cmus_curtime; + END OBJ(cmus_random, 0) obj->callbacks.print = &print_cmus_random; + END OBJ(cmus_repeat, 0) obj->callbacks.print = &print_cmus_repeat; + END OBJ(cmus_aaa, 0) obj->callbacks.print = &print_cmus_aaa; + END OBJ(cmus_track, 0) obj->callbacks.print = &print_cmus_track; + END OBJ(cmus_genre, 0) obj->callbacks.print = &print_cmus_genre; + END OBJ(cmus_date, 0) obj->callbacks.print = &print_cmus_date; + END OBJ(cmus_progress, 0) scan_bar(obj, arg, 1); + obj->callbacks.barval = &cmus_progress; + END OBJ(cmus_percent, 0) obj->callbacks.percentage = &cmus_percent; #endif /* BUILD_CMUS */ #ifdef BUILD_XMMS2 - END OBJ(xmms2_artist, &update_xmms2) - obj->callbacks.print = &print_xmms2_artist; - obj->callbacks.free = &free_xmms2; - END OBJ(xmms2_album, &update_xmms2) - obj->callbacks.print = &print_xmms2_album; - obj->callbacks.free = &free_xmms2; - END OBJ(xmms2_title, &update_xmms2) - obj->callbacks.print = &print_xmms2_title; - obj->callbacks.free = &free_xmms2; - END OBJ(xmms2_genre, &update_xmms2) - obj->callbacks.print = &print_xmms2_genre; - obj->callbacks.free = &free_xmms2; - END OBJ(xmms2_comment, &update_xmms2) - obj->callbacks.print = &print_xmms2_comment; - obj->callbacks.free = &free_xmms2; - END OBJ(xmms2_url, &update_xmms2) - obj->callbacks.print = &print_xmms2_url; - obj->callbacks.free = &free_xmms2; - END OBJ(xmms2_tracknr, &update_xmms2) - obj->callbacks.print = &print_xmms2_tracknr; - obj->callbacks.free = &free_xmms2; - END OBJ(xmms2_bitrate, &update_xmms2) - obj->callbacks.print = &print_xmms2_bitrate; - obj->callbacks.free = &free_xmms2; - END OBJ(xmms2_date, &update_xmms2) - obj->callbacks.print = &print_xmms2_date; - obj->callbacks.free = &free_xmms2; - END OBJ(xmms2_id, &update_xmms2) - obj->callbacks.print = &print_xmms2_id; - obj->callbacks.free = &free_xmms2; - END OBJ(xmms2_duration, &update_xmms2) - obj->callbacks.print = &print_xmms2_duration; - obj->callbacks.free = &free_xmms2; - END OBJ(xmms2_elapsed, &update_xmms2) - obj->callbacks.print = &print_xmms2_elapsed; - obj->callbacks.free = &free_xmms2; - END OBJ(xmms2_size, &update_xmms2) - obj->callbacks.print = &print_xmms2_size; - obj->callbacks.free = &free_xmms2; - END OBJ(xmms2_status, &update_xmms2) - obj->callbacks.print = &print_xmms2_status; - obj->callbacks.free = &free_xmms2; - END OBJ(xmms2_percent, &update_xmms2) - obj->callbacks.print = &print_xmms2_percent; - obj->callbacks.free = &free_xmms2; - END OBJ(xmms2_bar, &update_xmms2) - scan_bar(obj, arg, 1); - obj->callbacks.barval = &xmms2_barval; - obj->callbacks.free = &free_xmms2; - END OBJ(xmms2_smart, &update_xmms2) - obj->callbacks.print = &print_xmms2_smart; - obj->callbacks.free = &free_xmms2; - END OBJ(xmms2_playlist, &update_xmms2) - obj->callbacks.print = &print_xmms2_playlist; - obj->callbacks.free = &free_xmms2; - END OBJ(xmms2_timesplayed, &update_xmms2) - obj->callbacks.print = &print_xmms2_timesplayed; - obj->callbacks.free = &free_xmms2; - END OBJ_IF(if_xmms2_connected, &update_xmms2) - obj->callbacks.iftest = &if_xmms2_connected; - obj->callbacks.free = &free_xmms2; + END OBJ(xmms2_artist, &update_xmms2) obj->callbacks.print = + &print_xmms2_artist; + obj->callbacks.free = &free_xmms2; + END OBJ(xmms2_album, &update_xmms2) obj->callbacks.print = &print_xmms2_album; + obj->callbacks.free = &free_xmms2; + END OBJ(xmms2_title, &update_xmms2) obj->callbacks.print = &print_xmms2_title; + obj->callbacks.free = &free_xmms2; + END OBJ(xmms2_genre, &update_xmms2) obj->callbacks.print = &print_xmms2_genre; + obj->callbacks.free = &free_xmms2; + END OBJ(xmms2_comment, &update_xmms2) obj->callbacks.print = + &print_xmms2_comment; + obj->callbacks.free = &free_xmms2; + END OBJ(xmms2_url, &update_xmms2) obj->callbacks.print = &print_xmms2_url; + obj->callbacks.free = &free_xmms2; + END OBJ(xmms2_tracknr, &update_xmms2) obj->callbacks.print = + &print_xmms2_tracknr; + obj->callbacks.free = &free_xmms2; + END OBJ(xmms2_bitrate, &update_xmms2) obj->callbacks.print = + &print_xmms2_bitrate; + obj->callbacks.free = &free_xmms2; + END OBJ(xmms2_date, &update_xmms2) obj->callbacks.print = &print_xmms2_date; + obj->callbacks.free = &free_xmms2; + END OBJ(xmms2_id, &update_xmms2) obj->callbacks.print = &print_xmms2_id; + obj->callbacks.free = &free_xmms2; + END OBJ(xmms2_duration, &update_xmms2) obj->callbacks.print = + &print_xmms2_duration; + obj->callbacks.free = &free_xmms2; + END OBJ(xmms2_elapsed, &update_xmms2) obj->callbacks.print = + &print_xmms2_elapsed; + obj->callbacks.free = &free_xmms2; + END OBJ(xmms2_size, &update_xmms2) obj->callbacks.print = &print_xmms2_size; + obj->callbacks.free = &free_xmms2; + END OBJ(xmms2_status, &update_xmms2) obj->callbacks.print = + &print_xmms2_status; + obj->callbacks.free = &free_xmms2; + END OBJ(xmms2_percent, &update_xmms2) obj->callbacks.print = + &print_xmms2_percent; + obj->callbacks.free = &free_xmms2; + END OBJ(xmms2_bar, &update_xmms2) scan_bar(obj, arg, 1); + obj->callbacks.barval = &xmms2_barval; + obj->callbacks.free = &free_xmms2; + END OBJ(xmms2_smart, &update_xmms2) obj->callbacks.print = &print_xmms2_smart; + obj->callbacks.free = &free_xmms2; + END OBJ(xmms2_playlist, &update_xmms2) obj->callbacks.print = + &print_xmms2_playlist; + obj->callbacks.free = &free_xmms2; + END OBJ(xmms2_timesplayed, &update_xmms2) obj->callbacks.print = + &print_xmms2_timesplayed; + obj->callbacks.free = &free_xmms2; + END OBJ_IF(if_xmms2_connected, &update_xmms2) obj->callbacks.iftest = + &if_xmms2_connected; + obj->callbacks.free = &free_xmms2; #endif /* BUILD_XMMS2 */ #ifdef BUILD_AUDACIOUS - END OBJ(audacious_status, 0) - obj->callbacks.print = &print_audacious_status; - END OBJ_ARG(audacious_title, 0, "audacious_title needs an argument") - sscanf(arg, "%d", &obj->data.i); - if (obj->data.i > 0) { - ++ obj->data.i; - } else { - CRIT_ERR(obj, free_at_crash, "audacious_title: invalid length argument"); - } - obj->callbacks.print = &print_audacious_title; - END OBJ(audacious_length, 0) - obj->callbacks.print = &print_audacious_length; - END OBJ(audacious_length_seconds, 0) - obj->callbacks.print = &print_audacious_length_seconds; - END OBJ(audacious_position, 0) - obj->callbacks.print = &print_audacious_position; - END OBJ(audacious_position_seconds, 0) - obj->callbacks.print = &print_audacious_position_seconds; - END OBJ(audacious_bitrate, 0) - obj->callbacks.print = &print_audacious_bitrate; - END OBJ(audacious_frequency, 0) - obj->callbacks.print = &print_audacious_frequency; - END OBJ(audacious_channels, 0) - obj->callbacks.print = &print_audacious_channels; - END OBJ(audacious_filename, 0) - obj->callbacks.print = &print_audacious_filename; - END OBJ(audacious_playlist_length, 0) - obj->callbacks.print = &print_audacious_playlist_length; - END OBJ(audacious_playlist_position, 0) - obj->callbacks.print = &print_audacious_playlist_position; - END OBJ(audacious_main_volume, 0) - obj->callbacks.print = &print_audacious_main_volume; - END OBJ(audacious_bar, 0) - scan_bar(obj, arg, 1); - obj->callbacks.barval = &audacious_barval; + END OBJ(audacious_status, 0) obj->callbacks.print = &print_audacious_status; + END OBJ_ARG(audacious_title, 0, "audacious_title needs an argument") + sscanf(arg, "%d", &obj->data.i); + if (obj->data.i > 0) { + ++obj->data.i; + } else { + CRIT_ERR(obj, free_at_crash, "audacious_title: invalid length argument"); + } + obj->callbacks.print = &print_audacious_title; + END OBJ(audacious_length, 0) obj->callbacks.print = &print_audacious_length; + END OBJ(audacious_length_seconds, 0) obj->callbacks.print = + &print_audacious_length_seconds; + END OBJ(audacious_position, 0) obj->callbacks.print = + &print_audacious_position; + END OBJ(audacious_position_seconds, 0) obj->callbacks.print = + &print_audacious_position_seconds; + END OBJ(audacious_bitrate, 0) obj->callbacks.print = &print_audacious_bitrate; + END OBJ(audacious_frequency, 0) obj->callbacks.print = + &print_audacious_frequency; + END OBJ(audacious_channels, 0) obj->callbacks.print = + &print_audacious_channels; + END OBJ(audacious_filename, 0) obj->callbacks.print = + &print_audacious_filename; + END OBJ(audacious_playlist_length, 0) obj->callbacks.print = + &print_audacious_playlist_length; + END OBJ(audacious_playlist_position, 0) obj->callbacks.print = + &print_audacious_playlist_position; + END OBJ(audacious_main_volume, 0) obj->callbacks.print = + &print_audacious_main_volume; + END OBJ(audacious_bar, 0) scan_bar(obj, arg, 1); + obj->callbacks.barval = &audacious_barval; #endif /* BUILD_AUDACIOUS */ #ifdef BUIL_BMPX - END OBJ(bmpx_title, &update_bmpx) - obj->callbacks.print = &print_bmpx_title; - END OBJ(bmpx_artist, &update_bmpx) - obj->callbacks.print = &print_bmpx_artist; - END OBJ(bmpx_album, &update_bmpx) - obj->callbacks.print = &print_bmpx_album; - END OBJ(bmpx_track, &update_bmpx) - obj->callbacks.print = &print_bmpx_track; - END OBJ(bmpx_uri, &update_bmpx) - obj->callbacks.print = &print_bmpx_uri; - END OBJ(bmpx_bitrate, &update_bmpx) - obj->callbacks.print = &print_bmpx_bitrate; + END OBJ(bmpx_title, &update_bmpx) obj->callbacks.print = &print_bmpx_title; + END OBJ(bmpx_artist, &update_bmpx) obj->callbacks.print = &print_bmpx_artist; + END OBJ(bmpx_album, &update_bmpx) obj->callbacks.print = &print_bmpx_album; + END OBJ(bmpx_track, &update_bmpx) obj->callbacks.print = &print_bmpx_track; + END OBJ(bmpx_uri, &update_bmpx) obj->callbacks.print = &print_bmpx_uri; + END OBJ(bmpx_bitrate, &update_bmpx) obj->callbacks.print = + &print_bmpx_bitrate; #endif /* BUILD_BMPX */ #ifdef BUILD_EVE - END OBJ_ARG(eve, 0, "eve needs arguments: ") - scan_eve(obj, arg); - obj->callbacks.print = &print_eve; - obj->callbacks.free = &free_eve; + END OBJ_ARG(eve, 0, "eve needs arguments: ") + scan_eve(obj, arg); + obj->callbacks.print = &print_eve; + obj->callbacks.free = &free_eve; #endif /* BUILD_EVE */ #ifdef BUILD_CURL - END OBJ_ARG(curl, 0, "curl needs arguments: ") - curl_parse_arg(obj, arg); - obj->callbacks.print = &curl_print; - obj->callbacks.free = &curl_obj_free; + END OBJ_ARG(curl, 0, "curl needs arguments: ") + curl_parse_arg(obj, arg); + obj->callbacks.print = &curl_print; + obj->callbacks.free = &curl_obj_free; #endif /* BUILD_CURL */ #ifdef BUILD_RSS - END OBJ_ARG(rss, 0, "rss needs arguments: [act_par] [spaces in front]") - rss_scan_arg(obj, arg); - obj->callbacks.print = &rss_print_info; - obj->callbacks.free = &rss_free_obj_info; + END OBJ_ARG(rss, 0, + "rss needs arguments: " + "[act_par] [spaces in front]") rss_scan_arg(obj, arg); + obj->callbacks.print = &rss_print_info; + obj->callbacks.free = &rss_free_obj_info; #endif /* BUILD_RSS */ #ifdef BUILD_WEATHER_METAR - END OBJ_ARG(weather, 0, "weather needs arguments: [interval in minutes]") - scan_weather_arg(obj, arg, free_at_crash); - obj->callbacks.print = &print_weather; - obj->callbacks.free = &free_weather; + END OBJ_ARG(weather, 0, + "weather needs arguments: [interval in " + "minutes]") scan_weather_arg(obj, arg, free_at_crash); + obj->callbacks.print = &print_weather; + obj->callbacks.free = &free_weather; #endif /* BUILD_WEATHER_METAR */ #ifdef BUILD_WEATHER_XOAP - END OBJ_ARG(weather_forecast, 0, "weather_forecast needs arguments: [interval in minutes]") - scan_weather_forecast_arg(obj, arg, free_at_crash); - obj->callbacks.print = &print_weather_forecast; - obj->callbacks.free = &free_weather; + END OBJ_ARG(weather_forecast, 0, + "weather_forecast needs arguments: " + " [interval in minutes]") + scan_weather_forecast_arg(obj, arg, free_at_crash); + obj->callbacks.print = &print_weather_forecast; + obj->callbacks.free = &free_weather; #endif /* BUILD_WEATHER_XOAP */ - END OBJ_ARG(lua, 0, "lua needs arguments: [function parameters]") - obj->data.s = strndup(arg, text_buffer_size.get(*state)); - obj->callbacks.print = &print_lua; - obj->callbacks.free = &gen_free_opaque; - END OBJ_ARG(lua_parse, 0, "lua_parse needs arguments: [function parameters]") - obj->data.s = strndup(arg, text_buffer_size.get(*state)); - obj->callbacks.print = &print_lua_parse; - obj->callbacks.free = &gen_free_opaque; - END OBJ_ARG(lua_bar, 0, "lua_bar needs arguments: , [function parameters]") - arg = scan_bar(obj, arg, 100); - if(arg) { - obj->data.s = strndup(arg, text_buffer_size.get(*state)); - } else { - CRIT_ERR(obj, free_at_crash, "lua_bar needs arguments: , [function parameters]"); - } - obj->callbacks.barval = &lua_barval; - obj->callbacks.free = &gen_free_opaque; + END OBJ_ARG(lua, 0, + "lua needs arguments: [function parameters]") + obj->data.s = strndup(arg, text_buffer_size.get(*state)); + obj->callbacks.print = &print_lua; + obj->callbacks.free = &gen_free_opaque; + END OBJ_ARG( + lua_parse, 0, + "lua_parse needs arguments: [function parameters]") + obj->data.s = strndup(arg, text_buffer_size.get(*state)); + obj->callbacks.print = &print_lua_parse; + obj->callbacks.free = &gen_free_opaque; + END OBJ_ARG(lua_bar, 0, + "lua_bar needs arguments: , " + "[function parameters]") arg = scan_bar(obj, arg, 100); + if (arg) { + obj->data.s = strndup(arg, text_buffer_size.get(*state)); + } else { + CRIT_ERR(obj, free_at_crash, + "lua_bar needs arguments: , " + "[function parameters]"); + } + obj->callbacks.barval = &lua_barval; + obj->callbacks.free = &gen_free_opaque; #ifdef BUILD_X11 - END OBJ_ARG(lua_graph, 0, "lua_graph needs arguments: [height],[width] [gradient colour 1] [gradient colour 2] [scale] [-t] [-l]") - char *buf = 0; - buf = scan_graph(obj, arg, 100); - if (buf) { - obj->data.s = buf; - } else { - CRIT_ERR(obj, free_at_crash, "lua_graph needs arguments: [height],[width] [gradient colour 1] [gradient colour 2] [scale] [-t] [-l]"); - } - obj->callbacks.graphval = &lua_barval; - obj->callbacks.free = &gen_free_opaque; - END OBJ_ARG(lua_gauge, 0, "lua_gauge needs arguments: , [function parameters]") - arg = scan_gauge(obj, arg, 100); - if (arg) { - obj->data.s = strndup(arg, text_buffer_size.get(*state)); - } else { - CRIT_ERR(obj, free_at_crash, "lua_gauge needs arguments: , [function parameters]"); - } - obj->callbacks.gaugeval = &lua_barval; - obj->callbacks.free = &gen_free_opaque; + END OBJ_ARG( + lua_graph, 0, + "lua_graph needs arguments: [height],[width] [gradient " + "colour 1] [gradient colour 2] [scale] [-t] [-l]") char *buf = 0; + buf = scan_graph(obj, arg, 100); + if (buf) { + obj->data.s = buf; + } else { + CRIT_ERR(obj, free_at_crash, + "lua_graph needs arguments: [height],[width] " + "[gradient colour 1] [gradient colour 2] [scale] [-t] [-l]"); + } + obj->callbacks.graphval = &lua_barval; + obj->callbacks.free = &gen_free_opaque; + END OBJ_ARG(lua_gauge, 0, + "lua_gauge needs arguments: , " + "[function parameters]") arg = scan_gauge(obj, arg, 100); + if (arg) { + obj->data.s = strndup(arg, text_buffer_size.get(*state)); + } else { + CRIT_ERR(obj, free_at_crash, + "lua_gauge needs arguments: , " + "[function parameters]"); + } + obj->callbacks.gaugeval = &lua_barval; + obj->callbacks.free = &gen_free_opaque; #endif /* BUILD_X11 */ #ifdef BUILD_HDDTEMP - END OBJ(hddtemp, &update_hddtemp) - if (arg) - obj->data.s = strndup(arg, text_buffer_size.get(*state)); - obj->callbacks.print = &print_hddtemp; - obj->callbacks.free = &free_hddtemp; + END OBJ(hddtemp, &update_hddtemp) if (arg) obj->data.s = + strndup(arg, text_buffer_size.get(*state)); + obj->callbacks.print = &print_hddtemp; + obj->callbacks.free = &free_hddtemp; #endif /* BUILD_HDDTEMP */ #ifdef BUILD_PORT_MONITORS - END OBJ_ARG(tcp_portmon, &tcp_portmon_update, "tcp_portmon: needs arguments") - tcp_portmon_init(obj, arg); - obj->callbacks.print = &tcp_portmon_action; - obj->callbacks.free = &tcp_portmon_free; + END OBJ_ARG(tcp_portmon, &tcp_portmon_update, "tcp_portmon: needs arguments") + tcp_portmon_init(obj, arg); + obj->callbacks.print = &tcp_portmon_action; + obj->callbacks.free = &tcp_portmon_free; #endif /* BUILD_PORT_MONITORS */ - END OBJ(entropy_avail, &update_entropy) - obj->callbacks.print = &print_entropy_avail; - END OBJ(entropy_perc, &update_entropy) - obj->callbacks.percentage = &entropy_percentage; - END OBJ(entropy_poolsize, &update_entropy) - obj->callbacks.print = &print_entropy_poolsize; - END OBJ(entropy_bar, &update_entropy) - scan_bar(obj, arg, 1); - obj->callbacks.barval = &entropy_barval; - END OBJ_ARG(blink, 0, "blink needs a argument") - obj->sub = (text_object*)malloc(sizeof(struct text_object)); - extract_variable_text_internal(obj->sub, arg); - obj->callbacks.print = &print_blink; - END OBJ_ARG(to_bytes, 0, "to_bytes needs a argument") - obj->sub = (text_object*)malloc(sizeof(struct text_object)); - extract_variable_text_internal(obj->sub, arg); - obj->callbacks.print = &print_to_bytes; + END OBJ(entropy_avail, &update_entropy) obj->callbacks.print = + &print_entropy_avail; + END OBJ(entropy_perc, &update_entropy) obj->callbacks.percentage = + &entropy_percentage; + END OBJ(entropy_poolsize, &update_entropy) obj->callbacks.print = + &print_entropy_poolsize; + END OBJ(entropy_bar, &update_entropy) scan_bar(obj, arg, 1); + obj->callbacks.barval = &entropy_barval; + END OBJ_ARG(blink, 0, "blink needs a argument") obj->sub = + (text_object *)malloc(sizeof(struct text_object)); + extract_variable_text_internal(obj->sub, arg); + obj->callbacks.print = &print_blink; + END OBJ_ARG(to_bytes, 0, "to_bytes needs a argument") obj->sub = + (text_object *)malloc(sizeof(struct text_object)); + extract_variable_text_internal(obj->sub, arg); + obj->callbacks.print = &print_to_bytes; #ifdef BUILD_CURL - END OBJ_ARG(stock, 0, "stock needs arguments") - stock_parse_arg(obj, arg); - obj->callbacks.print = &print_stock; - obj->callbacks.free = &free_stock; + END OBJ_ARG(stock, 0, "stock needs arguments") stock_parse_arg(obj, arg); + obj->callbacks.print = &print_stock; + obj->callbacks.free = &free_stock; #endif /* BUILD_CURL */ - END OBJ(scroll, 0) + END OBJ(scroll, 0) #ifdef BUILD_X11 - /* allocate a follower to reset any color changes */ + /* allocate a follower to reset any color changes */ #endif /* BUILD_X11 */ - parse_scroll_arg(obj, arg, free_at_crash, s); - obj->callbacks.print = &print_scroll; - obj->callbacks.free = &free_scroll; - END OBJ(combine, 0) - try { - parse_combine_arg(obj, arg); - } - catch(combine_needs_2_args_error &e) { - free(obj); - throw obj_create_error(e.what()); - } - obj->callbacks.print = &print_combine; - obj->callbacks.free = &free_combine; + parse_scroll_arg(obj, arg, free_at_crash, s); + obj->callbacks.print = &print_scroll; + obj->callbacks.free = &free_scroll; + END OBJ(combine, 0) try { + parse_combine_arg(obj, arg); + } catch (combine_needs_2_args_error &e) { + free(obj); + throw obj_create_error(e.what()); + } + obj->callbacks.print = &print_combine; + obj->callbacks.free = &free_combine; #ifdef BUILD_NVIDIA - END OBJ_ARG(nvidia, 0, "nvidia needs an argument") - if (set_nvidia_query(obj, arg, NONSPECIAL)) { - CRIT_ERR(obj, free_at_crash, "nvidia: invalid argument" - " specified: '%s'", arg); - } - obj->callbacks.print = &print_nvidia_value; - obj->callbacks.free = &free_nvidia; - END OBJ_ARG(nvidiabar, 0, "nvidiabar needs an argument") - if (set_nvidia_query(obj, arg, BAR)) { - CRIT_ERR(obj, free_at_crash, "nvidiabar: invalid argument" - " specified: '%s'", arg); - } - obj->callbacks.barval = &get_nvidia_barval; - obj->callbacks.free = &free_nvidia; - END OBJ_ARG(nvidiagraph, 0, "nvidiagraph needs an argument") - if (set_nvidia_query(obj, arg, GRAPH)) { - CRIT_ERR(obj, free_at_crash, "nvidiagraph: invalid argument" - " specified: '%s'", arg); - } - obj->callbacks.graphval = &get_nvidia_barval; - obj->callbacks.free = &free_nvidia; - END OBJ_ARG(nvidiagauge, 0, "nvidiagauge needs an argument") - if (set_nvidia_query(obj, arg, GAUGE)) { - CRIT_ERR(obj, free_at_crash, "nvidiagauge: invalid argument" - " specified: '%s'", arg); - } - obj->callbacks.gaugeval = &get_nvidia_barval; - obj->callbacks.free = &free_nvidia; + END OBJ_ARG( + nvidia, 0, + "nvidia needs an argument") if (set_nvidia_query(obj, arg, NONSPECIAL)) { + CRIT_ERR(obj, free_at_crash, + "nvidia: invalid argument" + " specified: '%s'", + arg); + } + obj->callbacks.print = &print_nvidia_value; + obj->callbacks.free = &free_nvidia; + END OBJ_ARG( + nvidiabar, 0, + "nvidiabar needs an argument") if (set_nvidia_query(obj, arg, BAR)) { + CRIT_ERR(obj, free_at_crash, + "nvidiabar: invalid argument" + " specified: '%s'", + arg); + } + obj->callbacks.barval = &get_nvidia_barval; + obj->callbacks.free = &free_nvidia; + END OBJ_ARG( + nvidiagraph, 0, + "nvidiagraph needs an argument") if (set_nvidia_query(obj, arg, GRAPH)) { + CRIT_ERR(obj, free_at_crash, + "nvidiagraph: invalid argument" + " specified: '%s'", + arg); + } + obj->callbacks.graphval = &get_nvidia_barval; + obj->callbacks.free = &free_nvidia; + END OBJ_ARG( + nvidiagauge, 0, + "nvidiagauge needs an argument") if (set_nvidia_query(obj, arg, GAUGE)) { + CRIT_ERR(obj, free_at_crash, + "nvidiagauge: invalid argument" + " specified: '%s'", + arg); + } + obj->callbacks.gaugeval = &get_nvidia_barval; + obj->callbacks.free = &free_nvidia; #endif /* BUILD_NVIDIA */ #ifdef BUILD_APCUPSD - END OBJ_ARG(apcupsd, &update_apcupsd, "apcupsd needs arguments: ") - if (apcupsd_scan_arg(arg)) { - CRIT_ERR(obj, free_at_crash, "apcupsd needs arguments: "); - } - obj->callbacks.print = &gen_print_nothing; - END OBJ(apcupsd_name, &update_apcupsd) - obj->callbacks.print = &print_apcupsd_name; - END OBJ(apcupsd_model, &update_apcupsd) - obj->callbacks.print = &print_apcupsd_model; - END OBJ(apcupsd_upsmode, &update_apcupsd) - obj->callbacks.print = &print_apcupsd_upsmode; - END OBJ(apcupsd_cable, &update_apcupsd) - obj->callbacks.print = &print_apcupsd_cable; - END OBJ(apcupsd_status, &update_apcupsd) - obj->callbacks.print = &print_apcupsd_status; - END OBJ(apcupsd_linev, &update_apcupsd) - obj->callbacks.print = &print_apcupsd_linev; - END OBJ(apcupsd_load, &update_apcupsd) - obj->callbacks.print = &print_apcupsd_load; - END OBJ(apcupsd_loadbar, &update_apcupsd) - scan_bar(obj, arg, 100); - obj->callbacks.barval = &apcupsd_loadbarval; + END OBJ_ARG( + apcupsd, &update_apcupsd, + "apcupsd needs arguments: ") if (apcupsd_scan_arg(arg)) { + CRIT_ERR(obj, free_at_crash, "apcupsd needs arguments: "); + } + obj->callbacks.print = &gen_print_nothing; + END OBJ(apcupsd_name, &update_apcupsd) obj->callbacks.print = + &print_apcupsd_name; + END OBJ(apcupsd_model, &update_apcupsd) obj->callbacks.print = + &print_apcupsd_model; + END OBJ(apcupsd_upsmode, &update_apcupsd) obj->callbacks.print = + &print_apcupsd_upsmode; + END OBJ(apcupsd_cable, &update_apcupsd) obj->callbacks.print = + &print_apcupsd_cable; + END OBJ(apcupsd_status, &update_apcupsd) obj->callbacks.print = + &print_apcupsd_status; + END OBJ(apcupsd_linev, &update_apcupsd) obj->callbacks.print = + &print_apcupsd_linev; + END OBJ(apcupsd_load, &update_apcupsd) obj->callbacks.print = + &print_apcupsd_load; + END OBJ(apcupsd_loadbar, &update_apcupsd) scan_bar(obj, arg, 100); + obj->callbacks.barval = &apcupsd_loadbarval; #ifdef BUILD_X11 - END OBJ(apcupsd_loadgraph, &update_apcupsd) - char* buf = 0; - buf = scan_graph(obj, arg, 100); - free_and_zero(buf); - obj->callbacks.graphval = &apcupsd_loadbarval; - END OBJ(apcupsd_loadgauge, &update_apcupsd) - scan_gauge(obj, arg, 100); - obj->callbacks.gaugeval = &apcupsd_loadbarval; + END OBJ(apcupsd_loadgraph, &update_apcupsd) char *buf = 0; + buf = scan_graph(obj, arg, 100); + free_and_zero(buf); + obj->callbacks.graphval = &apcupsd_loadbarval; + END OBJ(apcupsd_loadgauge, &update_apcupsd) scan_gauge(obj, arg, 100); + obj->callbacks.gaugeval = &apcupsd_loadbarval; #endif /* BUILD_X11 */ - END OBJ(apcupsd_charge, &update_apcupsd) - obj->callbacks.print = &print_apcupsd_charge; - END OBJ(apcupsd_timeleft, &update_apcupsd) - obj->callbacks.print = &print_apcupsd_timeleft; - END OBJ(apcupsd_temp, &update_apcupsd) - obj->callbacks.print = &print_apcupsd_temp; - END OBJ(apcupsd_lastxfer, &update_apcupsd) - obj->callbacks.print = &print_apcupsd_lastxfer; + END OBJ(apcupsd_charge, &update_apcupsd) obj->callbacks.print = + &print_apcupsd_charge; + END OBJ(apcupsd_timeleft, &update_apcupsd) obj->callbacks.print = + &print_apcupsd_timeleft; + END OBJ(apcupsd_temp, &update_apcupsd) obj->callbacks.print = + &print_apcupsd_temp; + END OBJ(apcupsd_lastxfer, &update_apcupsd) obj->callbacks.print = + &print_apcupsd_lastxfer; #endif /* BUILD_APCUPSD */ #ifdef BUILD_JOURNAL - END OBJ_ARG(journal, 0, "journal needs arguments") - init_journal("journal", arg, obj, free_at_crash); - obj->callbacks.print = &print_journal; - obj->callbacks.free = &free_journal; + END OBJ_ARG(journal, 0, "journal needs arguments") + init_journal("journal", arg, obj, free_at_crash); + obj->callbacks.print = &print_journal; + obj->callbacks.free = &free_journal; #endif /* BUILD_JOURNAL */ #ifdef BUILD_PULSEAUDIO - END OBJ_IF(if_pa_sink_muted, 0) - obj->callbacks.iftest = &puau_muted; - obj->callbacks.free = &free_pulseaudio; - init_pulseaudio(obj); - END OBJ(pa_sink_description, 0) - obj->callbacks.print = &print_puau_sink_description; - obj->callbacks.free = &free_pulseaudio; - init_pulseaudio(obj); - END OBJ(pa_sink_active_port_name, 0) - obj->callbacks.print = &print_puau_sink_active_port_name; - obj->callbacks.free = &free_pulseaudio; - init_pulseaudio(obj); - END OBJ(pa_sink_active_port_description, 0) - obj->callbacks.print = &print_puau_sink_active_port_description; - obj->callbacks.free = &free_pulseaudio; - init_pulseaudio(obj); - END OBJ(pa_sink_volume, 0) - obj->callbacks.percentage = &puau_vol; - obj->callbacks.free = &free_pulseaudio; - init_pulseaudio(obj); - END OBJ(pa_sink_volumebar, 0) - scan_bar(obj, arg, 1); - init_pulseaudio(obj); - obj->callbacks.barval = &puau_volumebarval; - obj->callbacks.free = &free_pulseaudio; - END OBJ(pa_card_active_profile, 0) - obj->callbacks.print = &print_puau_card_active_profile; - obj->callbacks.free = &free_pulseaudio; - init_pulseaudio(obj); - END OBJ(pa_card_name, 0) - obj->callbacks.print = &print_puau_card_name; - obj->callbacks.free = &free_pulseaudio; - init_pulseaudio(obj); + END OBJ_IF(if_pa_sink_muted, 0) obj->callbacks.iftest = &puau_muted; + obj->callbacks.free = &free_pulseaudio; + init_pulseaudio(obj); + END OBJ(pa_sink_description, 0) obj->callbacks.print = + &print_puau_sink_description; + obj->callbacks.free = &free_pulseaudio; + init_pulseaudio(obj); + END OBJ(pa_sink_active_port_name, 0) obj->callbacks.print = + &print_puau_sink_active_port_name; + obj->callbacks.free = &free_pulseaudio; + init_pulseaudio(obj); + END OBJ(pa_sink_active_port_description, 0) obj->callbacks.print = + &print_puau_sink_active_port_description; + obj->callbacks.free = &free_pulseaudio; + init_pulseaudio(obj); + END OBJ(pa_sink_volume, 0) obj->callbacks.percentage = &puau_vol; + obj->callbacks.free = &free_pulseaudio; + init_pulseaudio(obj); + END OBJ(pa_sink_volumebar, 0) scan_bar(obj, arg, 1); + init_pulseaudio(obj); + obj->callbacks.barval = &puau_volumebarval; + obj->callbacks.free = &free_pulseaudio; + END OBJ(pa_card_active_profile, 0) obj->callbacks.print = + &print_puau_card_active_profile; + obj->callbacks.free = &free_pulseaudio; + init_pulseaudio(obj); + END OBJ(pa_card_name, 0) obj->callbacks.print = &print_puau_card_name; + obj->callbacks.free = &free_pulseaudio; + init_pulseaudio(obj); #endif /* BUILD_PULSEAUDIO */ - END { - char *buf = (char *)malloc(text_buffer_size.get(*state)); + END { + char *buf = (char *)malloc(text_buffer_size.get(*state)); - NORM_ERR("unknown variable '$%s'", s); - snprintf(buf, text_buffer_size.get(*state), "${%s}", s); - obj_be_plain_text(obj, buf); - free(buf); - } + NORM_ERR("unknown variable '$%s'", s); + snprintf(buf, text_buffer_size.get(*state), "${%s}", s); + obj_be_plain_text(obj, buf); + free(buf); + } #undef OBJ #undef OBJ_IF #undef OBJ_ARG @@ -1953,7 +1882,7 @@ struct text_object *construct_text_object(char *s, const char *arg, #undef __OBJ_ARG #undef END - return obj; + return obj; } /* @@ -1963,222 +1892,219 @@ struct text_object *construct_text_object(char *s, const char *arg, * - copies the last char into 'char *last' argument, which should be a pointer * to a char rather than a string. */ -static size_t remove_comment(char *string, char *last) -{ - char *end = string; - while (*end != '\0' && *end != '\n') { - ++end; - } - if (last) *last = *end; - if (*end == '\n') end++; - strfold(string, end - string); - return end - string; +static size_t remove_comment(char *string, char *last) { + char *end = string; + while (*end != '\0' && *end != '\n') { + ++end; + } + if (last) *last = *end; + if (*end == '\n') end++; + strfold(string, end - string); + return end - string; } -size_t remove_comments(char *string) -{ - char *curplace; - size_t folded = 0; - for (curplace = string; *curplace != 0; curplace++) { - if (*curplace == '\\' && *(curplace + 1) == '#') { - // strcpy can't be used for overlapping strings - strfold(curplace, 1); - folded += 1; - } else if (*curplace == '#') { - folded += remove_comment(curplace, 0); - } - } - return folded; +size_t remove_comments(char *string) { + char *curplace; + size_t folded = 0; + for (curplace = string; *curplace != 0; curplace++) { + if (*curplace == '\\' && *(curplace + 1) == '#') { + // strcpy can't be used for overlapping strings + strfold(curplace, 1); + folded += 1; + } else if (*curplace == '#') { + folded += remove_comment(curplace, 0); + } + } + return folded; } -int extract_variable_text_internal(struct text_object *retval, const char *const_p) -{ - struct text_object *obj; - char *p, *s, *orig_p; - long line; - void *ifblock_opaque = NULL; - char *tmp_p; - char *arg = 0; - size_t len = 0; +int extract_variable_text_internal(struct text_object *retval, + const char *const_p) { + struct text_object *obj; + char *p, *s, *orig_p; + long line; + void *ifblock_opaque = NULL; + char *tmp_p; + char *arg = 0; + size_t len = 0; - p = strndup(const_p, max_user_text.get(*state) - 1); - while (text_contains_templates(p)) { - char *tmp; - tmp = find_and_replace_templates(p); - free(p); - p = tmp; - } - s = orig_p = p; + p = strndup(const_p, max_user_text.get(*state) - 1); + while (text_contains_templates(p)) { + char *tmp; + tmp = find_and_replace_templates(p); + free(p); + p = tmp; + } + s = orig_p = p; - if (strcmp(p, const_p)) { - DBGP2("replaced all templates in text: input is\n'%s'\noutput is\n'%s'", const_p, p); - } else { - DBGP2("no templates to replace"); - } + if (strcmp(p, const_p)) { + DBGP2("replaced all templates in text: input is\n'%s'\noutput is\n'%s'", + const_p, p); + } else { + DBGP2("no templates to replace"); + } - memset(retval, 0, sizeof(struct text_object)); + memset(retval, 0, sizeof(struct text_object)); - line = global_text_lines; + line = global_text_lines; - while (*p) { - if (*p == '\n') { - line++; - } - if (*p == '$') { - *p = '\0'; - obj = create_plain_text(s); - if (obj != NULL) { - append_object(retval, obj); - } - *p = '$'; - p++; - s = p; + while (*p) { + if (*p == '\n') { + line++; + } + if (*p == '$') { + *p = '\0'; + obj = create_plain_text(s); + if (obj != NULL) { + append_object(retval, obj); + } + *p = '$'; + p++; + s = p; - if (*p != '$') { - char *buf = (char *)malloc(text_buffer_size.get(*state)); - const char *var; + if (*p != '$') { + char *buf = (char *)malloc(text_buffer_size.get(*state)); + const char *var; - /* variable is either $foo or ${foo} */ - if (*p == '{') { - unsigned int brl = 1, brr = 0; + /* variable is either $foo or ${foo} */ + if (*p == '{') { + unsigned int brl = 1, brr = 0; - p++; - s = p; - while (*p && brl != brr) { - if (*p == '{') { - brl++; - } - if (*p == '}') { - brr++; - } - p++; - } - p--; - } else { - s = p; - if (*p == '#') { - p++; - } - while (*p && (isalnum((int) *p) || *p == '_')) { - p++; - } - } + p++; + s = p; + while (*p && brl != brr) { + if (*p == '{') { + brl++; + } + if (*p == '}') { + brr++; + } + p++; + } + p--; + } else { + s = p; + if (*p == '#') { + p++; + } + while (*p && (isalnum((int)*p) || *p == '_')) { + p++; + } + } - /* copy variable to buffer */ - len = (p - s > (int)text_buffer_size.get(*state)-1) ? (int)text_buffer_size.get(*state)-1 : (p - s); - strncpy(buf, s, len); - buf[len] = '\0'; + /* copy variable to buffer */ + len = (p - s > (int)text_buffer_size.get(*state) - 1) + ? (int)text_buffer_size.get(*state) - 1 + : (p - s); + strncpy(buf, s, len); + buf[len] = '\0'; - if (*p == '}') { - p++; - } - s = p; + if (*p == '}') { + p++; + } + s = p; - /* search for variable in environment */ + /* search for variable in environment */ - var = getenv(buf); - if (var) { - obj = create_plain_text(var); - if (obj) { - append_object(retval, obj); - } - free(buf); - continue; - } + var = getenv(buf); + if (var) { + obj = create_plain_text(var); + if (obj) { + append_object(retval, obj); + } + free(buf); + continue; + } - /* if variable wasn't found in environment, use some special */ + /* if variable wasn't found in environment, use some special */ - arg = 0; + arg = 0; - /* split arg */ - if (strchr(buf, ' ')) { - arg = strchr(buf, ' '); - *arg = '\0'; - arg++; - while (isspace((int) *arg)) { - arg++; - } - if (!*arg) { - arg = 0; - } - } + /* split arg */ + if (strchr(buf, ' ')) { + arg = strchr(buf, ' '); + *arg = '\0'; + arg++; + while (isspace((int)*arg)) { + arg++; + } + if (!*arg) { + arg = 0; + } + } - /* lowercase variable name */ - tmp_p = buf; - while (*tmp_p) { - *tmp_p = tolower(*tmp_p); - tmp_p++; - } + /* lowercase variable name */ + tmp_p = buf; + while (*tmp_p) { + *tmp_p = tolower(*tmp_p); + tmp_p++; + } - try { - obj = construct_text_object(buf, arg, - line, &ifblock_opaque, orig_p); - } - catch(obj_create_error &e) { - free(buf); - free(orig_p); - throw e; - } - if (obj != NULL) { - append_object(retval, obj); - } - free(buf); - continue; - } else { - obj = create_plain_text("$"); - s = p + 1; - if (obj != NULL) { - append_object(retval, obj); - } - } - } else if (*p == '\\' && *(p+1) == '#') { - strfold(p, 1); - } else if (*p == '#') { - char c; - if (remove_comment(p, &c) && p >= orig_p && c == '\n') { - /* if remove_comment removed a newline, we need to 'back up' with p */ - p--; - } - } - p++; - } - obj = create_plain_text(s); - if (obj != NULL) { - append_object(retval, obj); - } + try { + obj = construct_text_object(buf, arg, line, &ifblock_opaque, orig_p); + } catch (obj_create_error &e) { + free(buf); + free(orig_p); + throw e; + } + if (obj != NULL) { + append_object(retval, obj); + } + free(buf); + continue; + } else { + obj = create_plain_text("$"); + s = p + 1; + if (obj != NULL) { + append_object(retval, obj); + } + } + } else if (*p == '\\' && *(p + 1) == '#') { + strfold(p, 1); + } else if (*p == '#') { + char c; + if (remove_comment(p, &c) && p >= orig_p && c == '\n') { + /* if remove_comment removed a newline, we need to 'back up' with p */ + p--; + } + } + p++; + } + obj = create_plain_text(s); + if (obj != NULL) { + append_object(retval, obj); + } - if (!ifblock_stack_empty(&ifblock_opaque)) { - NORM_ERR("one or more $endif's are missing"); - } + if (!ifblock_stack_empty(&ifblock_opaque)) { + NORM_ERR("one or more $endif's are missing"); + } - free(orig_p); - return 0; + free(orig_p); + return 0; } -void extract_object_args_to_sub(struct text_object *obj, const char *args) -{ - obj->sub = (struct text_object *)malloc(sizeof(struct text_object)); - memset(obj->sub, 0, sizeof(struct text_object)); - extract_variable_text_internal(obj->sub, args); +void extract_object_args_to_sub(struct text_object *obj, const char *args) { + obj->sub = (struct text_object *)malloc(sizeof(struct text_object)); + memset(obj->sub, 0, sizeof(struct text_object)); + extract_variable_text_internal(obj->sub, args); } /* Frees the list of text objects root points to. */ -void free_text_objects(struct text_object *root) -{ - struct text_object *obj; +void free_text_objects(struct text_object *root) { + struct text_object *obj; - if(root && root->prev) { - for (obj = root->prev; obj; obj = root->prev) { - root->prev = obj->prev; - if (obj->callbacks.free) { - (*obj->callbacks.free)(obj); - } - free_text_objects(obj->sub); - free_and_zero(obj->sub); - free_and_zero(obj->special_data); - delete obj->cb_handle; + if (root && root->prev) { + for (obj = root->prev; obj; obj = root->prev) { + root->prev = obj->prev; + if (obj->callbacks.free) { + (*obj->callbacks.free)(obj); + } + free_text_objects(obj->sub); + free_and_zero(obj->sub); + free_and_zero(obj->special_data); + delete obj->cb_handle; - free(obj); - } - } + free(obj); + } + } } diff --git a/src/core.h b/src/core.h index 3bd9f36f..d1c58fee 100644 --- a/src/core.h +++ b/src/core.h @@ -1,5 +1,4 @@ -/* -*- mode: c++; c-basic-offset: 4; tab-width: 4; indent-tabs-mode: t -*- - * vim: ts=4 sw=4 noet ai cindent syntax=cpp +/* * * Conky, a system monitor, based on torsmo * @@ -10,7 +9,7 @@ * Please see COPYING for details * * Copyright (c) 2004, Hannu Saransaari and Lauri Hakkarainen - * Copyright (c) 2005-2012 Brenden Matthews, Philip Kovacs, et. al. + * Copyright (c) 2005-2018 Brenden Matthews, Philip Kovacs, et. al. * (see AUTHORS) * All rights reserved. * @@ -33,12 +32,14 @@ #include "conky.h" -struct text_object *construct_text_object(const char *s, const char *arg, long - line, void **ifblock_opaque, void *free_at_crash); +struct text_object *construct_text_object(const char *s, const char *arg, + long line, void **ifblock_opaque, + void *free_at_crash); size_t remove_comments(char *string); -int extract_variable_text_internal(struct text_object *retval, const char *const_p); +int extract_variable_text_internal(struct text_object *retval, + const char *const_p); void free_text_objects(struct text_object *root); diff --git a/src/darwin.cc b/src/darwin.cc index 13b0d555..b4f66c4b 100644 --- a/src/darwin.cc +++ b/src/darwin.cc @@ -33,12 +33,13 @@ * *********************************************************************************************** * - * Code for SIP taken from Pike R. Alpha's csrstat tool https://github.com/Piker-Alpha/csrstat - * csrstat version 1.8 ( works for OS up to High Sierra ) + * Code for SIP taken from Pike R. Alpha's csrstat tool + *https://github.com/Piker-Alpha/csrstat csrstat version 1.8 ( works for OS up + *to High Sierra ) * * My patches: - * made csr_get_active_config weak link and added check for finding if it is available. - * patched the _csr_check function to return the bool bit instead. + * made csr_get_active_config weak link and added check for finding if it + *is available. patched the _csr_check function to return the bool bit instead. */ /* @@ -48,38 +49,38 @@ */ #include "darwin.h" -#include "conky.h" // for struct info +#include "conky.h" // for struct info #include #include -#include // statfs +#include // statfs #include -#include -#include -#include #include +#include +#include #include +#include -#include // update_total_processes +#include // update_total_processes #include // get_top_info #include // get_top_info #include "top.h" // get_top_info -#include // update_net_stats -#include "net_stat.h" // update_net_stats +#include // update_net_stats +#include "net_stat.h" // update_net_stats -#include "darwin_sip.h" // sip status +#include "darwin_sip.h" // sip status /* clock_gettime includes */ #ifndef HAVE_CLOCK_GETTIME -#include +#include #include +#include #include #include -#include #endif /* debugging defines */ @@ -88,72 +89,73 @@ /* (E)nhanced printf */ #ifdef DEBUG_MODE #include -void eprintf(const char *fmt, ...) -{ - va_list args; - va_start(args, fmt); - vprintf(fmt, args); - va_end(args); +void eprintf(const char *fmt, ...) { + va_list args; + va_start(args, fmt); + vprintf(fmt, args); + va_end(args); } #else #define eprintf(...) /* ... */ #endif -#define GETSYSCTL(name, var) getsysctl(name, &(var), sizeof(var)) +#define GETSYSCTL(name, var) getsysctl(name, &(var), sizeof(var)) /* * used by calc_cpu_each() for get_top_info() */ -static conky::simple_config_setting top_cpu_separate("top_cpu_separate", false, true); +static conky::simple_config_setting top_cpu_separate("top_cpu_separate", + false, true); -static int getsysctl(const char *name, void *ptr, size_t len) -{ - size_t nlen = len; - - if (sysctlbyname(name, ptr, &nlen, NULL, 0) == -1) { - return -1; - } - - if (nlen != len && errno == ENOMEM) { - return -1; - } - - return 0; +static int getsysctl(const char *name, void *ptr, size_t len) { + size_t nlen = len; + + if (sysctlbyname(name, ptr, &nlen, NULL, 0) == -1) { + return -1; + } + + if (nlen != len && errno == ENOMEM) { + return -1; + } + + return 0; } /* * clock_gettime is not implemented on versions prior to Sierra! - * code taken from https://github.com/lorrden/darwin-posix-rt/blob/master/clock_gettime.c + * code taken from + * https://github.com/lorrden/darwin-posix-rt/blob/master/clock_gettime.c */ #ifndef HAVE_CLOCK_GETTIME -int clock_gettime(int clock_id, struct timespec *ts) -{ - mach_timespec_t mts; - static clock_serv_t rt_clock_serv = 0; - static clock_serv_t mono_clock_serv = 0; - - switch (clock_id) { - case CLOCK_REALTIME: - if (rt_clock_serv == 0) { - (void) host_get_clock_service(mach_host_self(), CALENDAR_CLOCK, &rt_clock_serv); - } - (void) clock_get_time(rt_clock_serv, &mts); - ts->tv_sec = mts.tv_sec; - ts->tv_nsec = mts.tv_nsec; - return 0; - case CLOCK_MONOTONIC: - if (mono_clock_serv == 0) { - (void) host_get_clock_service(mach_host_self(), SYSTEM_CLOCK, &mono_clock_serv); - } - (void) clock_get_time(mono_clock_serv, &mts); - ts->tv_sec = mts.tv_sec; - ts->tv_nsec = mts.tv_nsec; - return 0; - default: - errno = EINVAL; - return -1; - } +int clock_gettime(int clock_id, struct timespec *ts) { + mach_timespec_t mts; + static clock_serv_t rt_clock_serv = 0; + static clock_serv_t mono_clock_serv = 0; + + switch (clock_id) { + case CLOCK_REALTIME: + if (rt_clock_serv == 0) { + (void)host_get_clock_service(mach_host_self(), CALENDAR_CLOCK, + &rt_clock_serv); + } + (void)clock_get_time(rt_clock_serv, &mts); + ts->tv_sec = mts.tv_sec; + ts->tv_nsec = mts.tv_nsec; + return 0; + case CLOCK_MONOTONIC: + if (mono_clock_serv == 0) { + (void)host_get_clock_service(mach_host_self(), SYSTEM_CLOCK, + &mono_clock_serv); + } + (void)clock_get_time(mono_clock_serv, &mts); + ts->tv_sec = mts.tv_sec; + ts->tv_nsec = mts.tv_nsec; + return 0; + default: + errno = EINVAL; + return -1; + } } #endif /* ifndef HAVE_CLOCK_GETTIME */ @@ -164,58 +166,55 @@ int clock_gettime(int clock_id, struct timespec *ts) * Uses mach API to get load info ( task_count, thread_count ) * */ -static void helper_update_threads_processes(void) -{ - static host_name_port_t machHost; - static processor_set_name_port_t processorSet = 0; - static bool machStuffInitialised = false; - - /* Set up our mach host and default processor set for later calls */ - if (!machStuffInitialised) - { - machHost = mach_host_self(); - processor_set_default(machHost, &processorSet); - - /* set this to true so we don't ever initialise stuff again */ - machStuffInitialised = true; - } - - /* get load info */ - struct processor_set_load_info loadInfo; - mach_msg_type_number_t count = PROCESSOR_SET_LOAD_INFO_COUNT; - kern_return_t err = processor_set_statistics(processorSet, PROCESSOR_SET_LOAD_INFO, - (processor_set_info_t)&loadInfo, &count); - - if (err != KERN_SUCCESS) - return; - - info.procs = loadInfo.task_count; - info.threads = loadInfo.thread_count; +static void helper_update_threads_processes(void) { + static host_name_port_t machHost; + static processor_set_name_port_t processorSet = 0; + static bool machStuffInitialised = false; + + /* Set up our mach host and default processor set for later calls */ + if (!machStuffInitialised) { + machHost = mach_host_self(); + processor_set_default(machHost, &processorSet); + + /* set this to true so we don't ever initialise stuff again */ + machStuffInitialised = true; + } + + /* get load info */ + struct processor_set_load_info loadInfo; + mach_msg_type_number_t count = PROCESSOR_SET_LOAD_INFO_COUNT; + kern_return_t err = + processor_set_statistics(processorSet, PROCESSOR_SET_LOAD_INFO, + (processor_set_info_t)&loadInfo, &count); + + if (err != KERN_SUCCESS) return; + + info.procs = loadInfo.task_count; + info.threads = loadInfo.thread_count; } /* - * useful info about the cpu used by functions such as update_cpu_usage() and get_top_info() + * useful info about the cpu used by functions such as update_cpu_usage() and + * get_top_info() */ -struct cpusample -{ - uint64_t totalUserTime; /* ticks of CPU in userspace */ - uint64_t totalSystemTime; /* ticks of CPU in kernelspace */ - uint64_t totalIdleTime; /* ticks in idleness */ - - uint64_t total; /* delta of current and previous */ - uint64_t current_total; /* total CPU ticks of current iteration */ - uint64_t previous_total; /* total CPU tick of previous iteration */ +struct cpusample { + uint64_t totalUserTime; /* ticks of CPU in userspace */ + uint64_t totalSystemTime; /* ticks of CPU in kernelspace */ + uint64_t totalIdleTime; /* ticks in idleness */ + + uint64_t total; /* delta of current and previous */ + uint64_t current_total; /* total CPU ticks of current iteration */ + uint64_t previous_total; /* total CPU tick of previous iteration */ }; /* * Memory sample */ -typedef struct memorysample -{ - vm_statistics64_data_t vm_stat; /* general VM information */ - uint64_t pages_stolen; /* # of stolen pages */ - vm_size_t pagesize; /* pagesize (in bytes) */ - boolean_t purgeable_is_valid; /* check if we have data for purgeable memory */ +typedef struct memorysample { + vm_statistics64_data_t vm_stat; /* general VM information */ + uint64_t pages_stolen; /* # of stolen pages */ + vm_size_t pagesize; /* pagesize (in bytes) */ + boolean_t purgeable_is_valid; /* check if we have data for purgeable memory */ } libtop_tsamp_t; /* @@ -224,64 +223,66 @@ typedef struct memorysample * Gets systemTime, userTime and idleTime for CPU * MenuMeters has been great inspiration for this function */ -static void get_cpu_sample(struct cpusample *sample) -{ - host_name_port_t machHost; - natural_t processorCount; - processor_cpu_load_info_t processorTickInfo; - mach_msg_type_number_t processorInfoCount; - struct cpusample *samples = NULL; - - machHost = mach_host_self(); - - kern_return_t err = host_processor_info(machHost, PROCESSOR_CPU_LOAD_INFO, &processorCount, (processor_info_array_t *)&processorTickInfo, &processorInfoCount); - if (err != KERN_SUCCESS) - { - printf("host_statistics: %s\n", mach_error_string(err)); - return; - } - - /* - * allocate ncpus+1 cpusample structs (one foreach CPU) - * ** samples[0] is overal CPU usage - */ - samples = new struct cpusample[processorCount + 1]; - memset(samples, 0, sizeof(cpusample)*(processorCount+1)); - - /* - * start from samples[1] because samples[0] is overall CPU usage - */ - for (natural_t i = 1; i < processorCount + 1; i++) - { - samples[i].totalSystemTime = processorTickInfo[i-1].cpu_ticks[CPU_STATE_SYSTEM], - samples[i].totalUserTime = processorTickInfo[i-1].cpu_ticks[CPU_STATE_USER], - samples[i].totalIdleTime = processorTickInfo[i-1].cpu_ticks[CPU_STATE_IDLE]; - } - - /* - * sum up all totals - */ - for (natural_t i = 1; i < processorCount + 1; i++) - { - samples[0].totalSystemTime += samples[i].totalSystemTime; - samples[0].totalUserTime += samples[i].totalUserTime; - samples[0].totalIdleTime += samples[i].totalIdleTime; - } - - /* - * set the sample pointer - */ - sample->totalSystemTime = samples[0].totalSystemTime; - sample->totalUserTime = samples[0].totalUserTime; - sample->totalIdleTime = samples[0].totalIdleTime; - - /* - * Dealloc - */ - vm_deallocate(mach_task_self(), (vm_address_t)processorTickInfo, (vm_size_t)(processorInfoCount * sizeof(natural_t))); - delete[] samples; - +static void get_cpu_sample(struct cpusample *sample) { + host_name_port_t machHost; + natural_t processorCount; + processor_cpu_load_info_t processorTickInfo; + mach_msg_type_number_t processorInfoCount; + struct cpusample *samples = NULL; + + machHost = mach_host_self(); + + kern_return_t err = host_processor_info( + machHost, PROCESSOR_CPU_LOAD_INFO, &processorCount, + (processor_info_array_t *)&processorTickInfo, &processorInfoCount); + if (err != KERN_SUCCESS) { + printf("host_statistics: %s\n", mach_error_string(err)); return; + } + + /* + * allocate ncpus+1 cpusample structs (one foreach CPU) + * ** samples[0] is overal CPU usage + */ + samples = new struct cpusample[processorCount + 1]; + memset(samples, 0, sizeof(cpusample) * (processorCount + 1)); + + /* + * start from samples[1] because samples[0] is overall CPU usage + */ + for (natural_t i = 1; i < processorCount + 1; i++) { + samples[i].totalSystemTime = + processorTickInfo[i - 1].cpu_ticks[CPU_STATE_SYSTEM], + samples[i].totalUserTime = + processorTickInfo[i - 1].cpu_ticks[CPU_STATE_USER], + samples[i].totalIdleTime = + processorTickInfo[i - 1].cpu_ticks[CPU_STATE_IDLE]; + } + + /* + * sum up all totals + */ + for (natural_t i = 1; i < processorCount + 1; i++) { + samples[0].totalSystemTime += samples[i].totalSystemTime; + samples[0].totalUserTime += samples[i].totalUserTime; + samples[0].totalIdleTime += samples[i].totalIdleTime; + } + + /* + * set the sample pointer + */ + sample->totalSystemTime = samples[0].totalSystemTime; + sample->totalUserTime = samples[0].totalUserTime; + sample->totalIdleTime = samples[0].totalIdleTime; + + /* + * Dealloc + */ + vm_deallocate(mach_task_self(), (vm_address_t)processorTickInfo, + (vm_size_t)(processorInfoCount * sizeof(natural_t))); + delete[] samples; + + return; } /* @@ -295,42 +296,44 @@ static void get_cpu_sample(struct cpusample *sample) * ATTENTION: Do not forget to free the array once you are done with it, * it is not freed automatically. */ -static int helper_get_proc_list( struct kinfo_proc **p = NULL ) -{ - int err = 0; - size_t length = 0; - static const int name[] = { CTL_KERN, KERN_PROC, KERN_PROC_ALL, 0 }; - - /* Call sysctl with a NULL buffer to get proper length */ - err = sysctl((int *)name, (sizeof(name) / sizeof(*name)) - 1, NULL, &length, NULL, 0); - if (err) { - perror(NULL); - return (-1); - } - - /* Allocate buffer */ - *p = (kinfo_proc*)malloc(length); - if (!p) { - perror(NULL); - return (-1); - } - - /* Get the actual process list */ - err = sysctl((int *)name, (sizeof(name) / sizeof(*name)) - 1, *p, &length, NULL, 0); - if (err) - { - perror(NULL); - return (-1); - } - - int proc_count = length / sizeof(struct kinfo_proc); - return proc_count; +static int helper_get_proc_list(struct kinfo_proc **p = NULL) { + int err = 0; + size_t length = 0; + static const int name[] = {CTL_KERN, KERN_PROC, KERN_PROC_ALL, 0}; + + /* Call sysctl with a NULL buffer to get proper length */ + err = sysctl((int *)name, (sizeof(name) / sizeof(*name)) - 1, NULL, &length, + NULL, 0); + if (err) { + perror(NULL); + return (-1); + } + + /* Allocate buffer */ + *p = (kinfo_proc *)malloc(length); + if (!p) { + perror(NULL); + return (-1); + } + + /* Get the actual process list */ + err = sysctl((int *)name, (sizeof(name) / sizeof(*name)) - 1, *p, &length, + NULL, 0); + if (err) { + perror(NULL); + return (-1); + } + + int proc_count = length / sizeof(struct kinfo_proc); + return proc_count; } /*------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * macOS Swapfiles Logic... * - * o There is NO separate partition for swap storage ( unlike most Unix-based OSes ) --- Instead swap memory is stored in the currently used partition inside files + * o There is NO separate partition for swap storage ( unlike most Unix-based + *OSes ) --- Instead swap memory is stored in the currently used partition + *inside files * * o macOS can use ALL the available space on the used partition * @@ -338,90 +341,84 @@ static int helper_get_proc_list( struct kinfo_proc **p = NULL ) * * o Every swapfile has index number eg. swapfile0, swapfile1, ... * - * o Anyone can change the location of the swapfiles by editing the plist: /System/Library/LaunchDaemons/com.apple.dynamic_pager.plist - * ( Though it seems like this is not supported by the dynamic_pager application as can be observed from the code: - * https://github.com/practicalswift/osx/blob/master/src/system_cmds/dynamic_pager.tproj/dynamic_pager.c ) - * o Every swapfile has size of 1GB + * o Anyone can change the location of the swapfiles by editing the plist: + * /System/Library/LaunchDaemons/com.apple.dynamic_pager.plist ( Though it seems + *like this is not supported by the dynamic_pager application as can be observed + *from the code: + * https://github.com/practicalswift/osx/blob/master/src/system_cmds/dynamic_pager.tproj/dynamic_pager.c + *) o Every swapfile has size of 1GB * *------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ +static int swapmode(unsigned long *retavail, unsigned long *retfree) { + /* + * COMPATIBILITY: Tiger+ + */ -static int swapmode(unsigned long *retavail, unsigned long *retfree) -{ - /* - * COMPATIBILITY: Tiger+ - */ - - int swapMIB[] = { CTL_VM, 5 }; - struct xsw_usage swapUsage; - size_t swapUsageSize = sizeof(swapUsage); - memset(&swapUsage, 0, sizeof(swapUsage)); - if (sysctl(swapMIB, 2, &swapUsage, &swapUsageSize, NULL, 0) == 0) { - - *retfree = swapUsage.xsu_avail / 1024; - *retavail = swapUsage.xsu_total / 1024; - } else { - perror("sysctl"); - return (-1); - } - - return 1; + int swapMIB[] = {CTL_VM, 5}; + struct xsw_usage swapUsage; + size_t swapUsageSize = sizeof(swapUsage); + memset(&swapUsage, 0, sizeof(swapUsage)); + if (sysctl(swapMIB, 2, &swapUsage, &swapUsageSize, NULL, 0) == 0) { + *retfree = swapUsage.xsu_avail / 1024; + *retavail = swapUsage.xsu_total / 1024; + } else { + perror("sysctl"); + return (-1); + } + + return 1; } -void prepare_update(void) -{ - // in freebsd.cc this is empty so leaving it here too! +void prepare_update(void) { + // in freebsd.cc this is empty so leaving it here too! } -int update_uptime(void) -{ - int mib[2] = { CTL_KERN, KERN_BOOTTIME }; - struct timeval boottime; - time_t now; - size_t size = sizeof(boottime); - - if ((sysctl(mib, 2, &boottime, &size, NULL, 0) != -1) - && (boottime.tv_sec != 0)) { - time(&now); - info.uptime = now - boottime.tv_sec; - } else { - fprintf(stderr, "could not get uptime\n"); - info.uptime = 0; - } - - return 0; +int update_uptime(void) { + int mib[2] = {CTL_KERN, KERN_BOOTTIME}; + struct timeval boottime; + time_t now; + size_t size = sizeof(boottime); + + if ((sysctl(mib, 2, &boottime, &size, NULL, 0) != -1) && + (boottime.tv_sec != 0)) { + time(&now); + info.uptime = now - boottime.tv_sec; + } else { + fprintf(stderr, "could not get uptime\n"); + info.uptime = 0; + } + + return 0; } /* * check_mount * * Notes on macOS implementation: - * 1. path mustn't contain a '/' at the end! ( eg. /Volumes/MacOS/ is not correct but this is correct: /Volumes/MacOS ) + * 1. path mustn't contain a '/' at the end! ( eg. /Volumes/MacOS/ is not + * correct but this is correct: /Volumes/MacOS ) * 2. it works the same as the FreeBSD function */ -int check_mount(struct text_object *obj) -{ - int num_mounts = 0; - struct statfs* mounts; - - if (!obj->data.s) - return 0; - - num_mounts = getmntinfo(&mounts, MNT_WAIT); - - if (num_mounts < 0) - { - NORM_ERR("could not get mounts using getmntinfo"); - return 0; - } - - for (int i = 0; i < num_mounts; i++) - if (strcmp(mounts[i].f_mntonname, obj->data.s) == 0) - { - return 1; - } - +int check_mount(struct text_object *obj) { + int num_mounts = 0; + struct statfs *mounts; + + if (!obj->data.s) return 0; + + num_mounts = getmntinfo(&mounts, MNT_WAIT); + + if (num_mounts < 0) { + NORM_ERR("could not get mounts using getmntinfo"); return 0; + } + + for (int i = 0; i < num_mounts; i++) + if (strcmp(mounts[i].f_mntonname, obj->data.s) == 0) { + return 1; + } + + return 0; } /* @@ -430,9 +427,8 @@ int check_mount(struct text_object *obj) * The code is intact. */ /* This is for . */ -static uint64_t -round_down_wired(uint64_t value) { - return (value & ~((128 * 1024 * 1024ULL) - 1)); +static uint64_t round_down_wired(uint64_t value) { + return (value & ~((128 * 1024 * 1024ULL) - 1)); } /* @@ -442,92 +438,87 @@ round_down_wired(uint64_t value) { * The code is intact. */ /* This is for . */ -static void -update_pages_stolen(libtop_tsamp_t *tsamp) { - static int mib_reserved[CTL_MAXNAME]; - static int mib_unusable[CTL_MAXNAME]; - static int mib_other[CTL_MAXNAME]; - static size_t mib_reserved_len = 0; - static size_t mib_unusable_len = 0; - static size_t mib_other_len = 0; - int r; - - tsamp->pages_stolen = 0; - - /* This can be used for testing: */ - //tsamp->pages_stolen = (256 * 1024 * 1024ULL) / tsamp->pagesize; - - if(0 == mib_reserved_len) { - mib_reserved_len = CTL_MAXNAME; - - r = sysctlnametomib("machdep.memmap.Reserved", mib_reserved, - &mib_reserved_len); - - if(-1 == r) { - mib_reserved_len = 0; - return; - } - - mib_unusable_len = CTL_MAXNAME; - - r = sysctlnametomib("machdep.memmap.Unusable", mib_unusable, - &mib_unusable_len); - - if(-1 == r) { - mib_reserved_len = 0; - return; - } - - - mib_other_len = CTL_MAXNAME; - - r = sysctlnametomib("machdep.memmap.Other", mib_other, - &mib_other_len); - - if(-1 == r) { - mib_reserved_len = 0; - return; - } +static void update_pages_stolen(libtop_tsamp_t *tsamp) { + static int mib_reserved[CTL_MAXNAME]; + static int mib_unusable[CTL_MAXNAME]; + static int mib_other[CTL_MAXNAME]; + static size_t mib_reserved_len = 0; + static size_t mib_unusable_len = 0; + static size_t mib_other_len = 0; + int r; + + tsamp->pages_stolen = 0; + + /* This can be used for testing: */ + // tsamp->pages_stolen = (256 * 1024 * 1024ULL) / tsamp->pagesize; + + if (0 == mib_reserved_len) { + mib_reserved_len = CTL_MAXNAME; + + r = sysctlnametomib("machdep.memmap.Reserved", mib_reserved, + &mib_reserved_len); + + if (-1 == r) { + mib_reserved_len = 0; + return; } - - if(mib_reserved_len > 0 && mib_unusable_len > 0 && mib_other_len > 0) { - uint64_t reserved = 0, unusable = 0, other = 0; - size_t reserved_len; - size_t unusable_len; - size_t other_len; - - reserved_len = sizeof(reserved); - unusable_len = sizeof(unusable); - other_len = sizeof(other); - - /* These are all declared as QUAD/uint64_t sysctls in the kernel. */ - - if(-1 == sysctl(mib_reserved, mib_reserved_len, &reserved, - &reserved_len, NULL, 0)) { - return; - } - - if(-1 == sysctl(mib_unusable, mib_unusable_len, &unusable, - &unusable_len, NULL, 0)) { - return; - } - - if(-1 == sysctl(mib_other, mib_other_len, &other, - &other_len, NULL, 0)) { - return; - } - - if(reserved_len == sizeof(reserved) - && unusable_len == sizeof(unusable) - && other_len == sizeof(other)) { - uint64_t stolen = reserved + unusable + other; - uint64_t mb128 = 128 * 1024 * 1024ULL; - - if(stolen >= mb128) { - tsamp->pages_stolen = round_down_wired(stolen) / tsamp->pagesize; - } - } + + mib_unusable_len = CTL_MAXNAME; + + r = sysctlnametomib("machdep.memmap.Unusable", mib_unusable, + &mib_unusable_len); + + if (-1 == r) { + mib_reserved_len = 0; + return; } + + mib_other_len = CTL_MAXNAME; + + r = sysctlnametomib("machdep.memmap.Other", mib_other, &mib_other_len); + + if (-1 == r) { + mib_reserved_len = 0; + return; + } + } + + if (mib_reserved_len > 0 && mib_unusable_len > 0 && mib_other_len > 0) { + uint64_t reserved = 0, unusable = 0, other = 0; + size_t reserved_len; + size_t unusable_len; + size_t other_len; + + reserved_len = sizeof(reserved); + unusable_len = sizeof(unusable); + other_len = sizeof(other); + + /* These are all declared as QUAD/uint64_t sysctls in the kernel. */ + + if (-1 == sysctl(mib_reserved, mib_reserved_len, &reserved, &reserved_len, + NULL, 0)) { + return; + } + + if (-1 == sysctl(mib_unusable, mib_unusable_len, &unusable, &unusable_len, + NULL, 0)) { + return; + } + + if (-1 == sysctl(mib_other, mib_other_len, &other, &other_len, NULL, 0)) { + return; + } + + if (reserved_len == sizeof(reserved) && unusable_len == sizeof(unusable) && + other_len == sizeof(other)) { + uint64_t stolen = reserved + unusable + other; + uint64_t mb128 = 128 * 1024 * 1024ULL; + + if (stolen >= mb128) { + tsamp->pages_stolen = round_down_wired(stolen) / tsamp->pagesize; + } + } + } } /** @@ -539,221 +530,199 @@ update_pages_stolen(libtop_tsamp_t *tsamp) { * - remove reference to seq variable * - libtop_port replaced with mach_host_self() */ -static int -libtop_tsamp_update_vm_stats(libtop_tsamp_t* tsamp) { - kern_return_t kr; - - mach_msg_type_number_t count = sizeof(tsamp->vm_stat) / sizeof(natural_t); - kr = host_statistics64(mach_host_self(), HOST_VM_INFO64, (host_info64_t)&tsamp->vm_stat, &count); - if (kr != KERN_SUCCESS) { - return kr; - } - - if (tsamp->pages_stolen > 0) { - tsamp->vm_stat.wire_count += tsamp->pages_stolen; - } - - // Check whether we got purgeable memory statistics - tsamp->purgeable_is_valid = (count == (sizeof(tsamp->vm_stat)/sizeof(natural_t))); - if (!tsamp->purgeable_is_valid) { - tsamp->vm_stat.purgeable_count = 0; - tsamp->vm_stat.purges = 0; - } - +static int libtop_tsamp_update_vm_stats(libtop_tsamp_t *tsamp) { + kern_return_t kr; + + mach_msg_type_number_t count = sizeof(tsamp->vm_stat) / sizeof(natural_t); + kr = host_statistics64(mach_host_self(), HOST_VM_INFO64, + (host_info64_t)&tsamp->vm_stat, &count); + if (kr != KERN_SUCCESS) { return kr; + } + + if (tsamp->pages_stolen > 0) { + tsamp->vm_stat.wire_count += tsamp->pages_stolen; + } + + // Check whether we got purgeable memory statistics + tsamp->purgeable_is_valid = + (count == (sizeof(tsamp->vm_stat) / sizeof(natural_t))); + if (!tsamp->purgeable_is_valid) { + tsamp->vm_stat.purgeable_count = 0; + tsamp->vm_stat.purges = 0; + } + + return kr; } /* * helper function for update_meminfo() * return physical memory in bytes */ -uint64_t get_physical_memory(void) -{ - int mib[2] = { CTL_HW, HW_MEMSIZE }; - - int64_t physical_memory = 0; - size_t length = sizeof(int64_t); - - if (sysctl(mib, 2, &physical_memory, &length, NULL, 0) == -1) - { - physical_memory = 0; - } - - return physical_memory; +uint64_t get_physical_memory(void) { + int mib[2] = {CTL_HW, HW_MEMSIZE}; + + int64_t physical_memory = 0; + size_t length = sizeof(int64_t); + + if (sysctl(mib, 2, &physical_memory, &length, NULL, 0) == -1) { + physical_memory = 0; + } + + return physical_memory; } -int update_meminfo(void) -{ - /* XXX implement remaining memory-related variables (see conky.h) */ - /* XXX conky breaks the values ... :( probably some rounding problem... - Though we get the right values (based on top) */ - /* XXX probably investigate the "probably apple keeps some info secret" */ - - vm_size_t page_size = getpagesize(); // get pagesize in bytes - unsigned long swap_avail, swap_free; - - static - libtop_tsamp_t * tsamp = nullptr; - if (!tsamp) - { - tsamp = new libtop_tsamp_t; - if (!tsamp) - return 0; - - memset(tsamp, 0, sizeof(libtop_tsamp_t)); - tsamp->pagesize = page_size; - } - - /* get physical memory */ - uint64_t physical_memory = get_physical_memory() / 1024; - info.memmax = physical_memory; - - /* - * get general memory stats - * but first update pages stolen count - */ - update_pages_stolen(tsamp); - if (libtop_tsamp_update_vm_stats(tsamp) == KERN_FAILURE) - return 0; - - /* - * This is actually a tricky part. - * - * MenuMeters, Activity Monitor and top show different values. - * Our code uses top's implementation because: - * - it is apple's tool - * - professional projects such as osquery follow it - * - Activity Monitor seems to be hiding the whole truth (e.g. for being user friendly) - * - * STEPS: - * - get stolen pages count - * Occassionaly host_statistics64 doesn't return correct values (see https://stackoverflow.com/questions/14789672/why-does-host-statistics64-return-inconsistent-results) - * We need to get the count of stolen pages and add it to wired pages count. - * This is a known bug and apple has implemented the function update_pages_stolen(). - * - * - use vm_stat.free_count instead of the sum of wired, active and inactive - * Based on https://stackoverflow.com/questions/63166/how-to-determine-cpu-and-memory-consumption-from-inside-a-process - * summing up wired, active and inactive is what we should do BUT, based on top, this is incorrect. - * Seems like apple keeps some info "secret"! - */ - info.mem = physical_memory - (tsamp->vm_stat.free_count * page_size / 1024); +int update_meminfo(void) { + /* XXX implement remaining memory-related variables (see conky.h) */ + /* XXX conky breaks the values ... :( probably some rounding problem... + Though we get the right values (based on top) */ + /* XXX probably investigate the "probably apple keeps some info secret" */ - /* rest memory related variables */ - info.memwithbuffers = info.mem; - info.memeasyfree = info.memfree = info.memmax - info.mem; - - if ((swapmode(&swap_avail, &swap_free)) >= 0) - { - info.swapmax = swap_avail; - info.swap = (swap_avail - swap_free); - info.swapfree = swap_free; - } - else - { - info.swapmax = 0; - info.swap = 0; - info.swapfree = 0; - } - + vm_size_t page_size = getpagesize(); // get pagesize in bytes + unsigned long swap_avail, swap_free; + + static libtop_tsamp_t *tsamp = nullptr; + if (!tsamp) { + tsamp = new libtop_tsamp_t; + if (!tsamp) return 0; + + memset(tsamp, 0, sizeof(libtop_tsamp_t)); + tsamp->pagesize = page_size; + } + + /* get physical memory */ + uint64_t physical_memory = get_physical_memory() / 1024; + info.memmax = physical_memory; + + /* + * get general memory stats + * but first update pages stolen count + */ + update_pages_stolen(tsamp); + if (libtop_tsamp_update_vm_stats(tsamp) == KERN_FAILURE) return 0; + + /* + * This is actually a tricky part. + * + * MenuMeters, Activity Monitor and top show different values. + * Our code uses top's implementation because: + * - it is apple's tool + * - professional projects such as osquery follow it + * - Activity Monitor seems to be hiding the whole truth (e.g. for being user + * friendly) + * + * STEPS: + * - get stolen pages count + * Occassionaly host_statistics64 doesn't return correct values (see + * https://stackoverflow.com/questions/14789672/why-does-host-statistics64-return-inconsistent-results) + * We need to get the count of stolen pages and add it to wired pages count. + * This is a known bug and apple has implemented the function + * update_pages_stolen(). + * + * - use vm_stat.free_count instead of the sum of wired, active and inactive + * Based on + * https://stackoverflow.com/questions/63166/how-to-determine-cpu-and-memory-consumption-from-inside-a-process + * summing up wired, active and inactive is what we should do BUT, based on + * top, this is incorrect. Seems like apple keeps some info "secret"! + */ + info.mem = physical_memory - (tsamp->vm_stat.free_count * page_size / 1024); + + /* rest memory related variables */ + info.memwithbuffers = info.mem; + info.memeasyfree = info.memfree = info.memmax - info.mem; + + if ((swapmode(&swap_avail, &swap_free)) >= 0) { + info.swapmax = swap_avail; + info.swap = (swap_avail - swap_free); + info.swapfree = swap_free; + } else { + info.swapmax = 0; + info.swap = 0; + info.swapfree = 0; + } + + return 0; +} + +int update_net_stats(void) { + struct net_stat *ns; + double delta; + long long r, t, last_recv, last_trans; + struct ifaddrs *ifap, *ifa; + struct if_data *ifd; + + /* get delta */ + delta = current_update_time - last_update_time; + if (delta <= 0.0001) { return 0; -} + } -int update_net_stats(void) -{ - struct net_stat *ns; - double delta; - long long r, t, last_recv, last_trans; - struct ifaddrs *ifap, *ifa; - struct if_data *ifd; - - /* get delta */ - delta = current_update_time - last_update_time; - if (delta <= 0.0001) { - return 0; - } - - if (getifaddrs(&ifap) < 0) - { - return 0; - } - - for (ifa = ifap; ifa; ifa = ifa->ifa_next) - { - ns = get_net_stat((const char *) ifa->ifa_name, NULL, NULL); - - if (ifa->ifa_flags & IFF_UP) - { - struct ifaddrs *iftmp; - - ns->up = 1; - last_recv = ns->recv; - last_trans = ns->trans; - - if (ifa->ifa_addr->sa_family != AF_LINK) - { - continue; - } - - for (iftmp = ifa->ifa_next; - iftmp != NULL && strcmp(ifa->ifa_name, iftmp->ifa_name) == 0; - iftmp = iftmp->ifa_next) - { - if (iftmp->ifa_addr->sa_family == AF_INET) - { - memcpy(&(ns->addr), iftmp->ifa_addr, iftmp->ifa_addr->sa_len); - } - } - - ifd = (struct if_data *) ifa->ifa_data; - r = ifd->ifi_ibytes; - t = ifd->ifi_obytes; - - if (r < ns->last_read_recv) - { - ns->recv += ((long long) 4294967295U - - ns->last_read_recv) + r; - } - else - { - ns->recv += (r - ns->last_read_recv); - } - - ns->last_read_recv = r; - - if (t < ns->last_read_trans) - { - ns->trans += ((long long) 4294967295U - - ns->last_read_trans) + t; - } - else - { - ns->trans += (t - ns->last_read_trans); - } - - ns->last_read_trans = t; - - /* calculate speeds */ - ns->recv_speed = (ns->recv - last_recv) / delta; - ns->trans_speed = (ns->trans - last_trans) / delta; - } - else - { - ns->up = 0; + if (getifaddrs(&ifap) < 0) { + return 0; + } + + for (ifa = ifap; ifa; ifa = ifa->ifa_next) { + ns = get_net_stat((const char *)ifa->ifa_name, NULL, NULL); + + if (ifa->ifa_flags & IFF_UP) { + struct ifaddrs *iftmp; + + ns->up = 1; + last_recv = ns->recv; + last_trans = ns->trans; + + if (ifa->ifa_addr->sa_family != AF_LINK) { + continue; + } + + for (iftmp = ifa->ifa_next; + iftmp != NULL && strcmp(ifa->ifa_name, iftmp->ifa_name) == 0; + iftmp = iftmp->ifa_next) { + if (iftmp->ifa_addr->sa_family == AF_INET) { + memcpy(&(ns->addr), iftmp->ifa_addr, iftmp->ifa_addr->sa_len); } + } + + ifd = (struct if_data *)ifa->ifa_data; + r = ifd->ifi_ibytes; + t = ifd->ifi_obytes; + + if (r < ns->last_read_recv) { + ns->recv += ((long long)4294967295U - ns->last_read_recv) + r; + } else { + ns->recv += (r - ns->last_read_recv); + } + + ns->last_read_recv = r; + + if (t < ns->last_read_trans) { + ns->trans += ((long long)4294967295U - ns->last_read_trans) + t; + } else { + ns->trans += (t - ns->last_read_trans); + } + + ns->last_read_trans = t; + + /* calculate speeds */ + ns->recv_speed = (ns->recv - last_recv) / delta; + ns->trans_speed = (ns->trans - last_trans) / delta; + } else { + ns->up = 0; } - - freeifaddrs(ifap); - return 0; + } + + freeifaddrs(ifap); + return 0; } -int update_threads(void) -{ - helper_update_threads_processes(); - return 0; +int update_threads(void) { + helper_update_threads_processes(); + return 0; } /* - * XXX This seems to be wrong... We must first find the threads (using thread_info() ) + * XXX This seems to be wrong... We must first find the threads (using + * thread_info() ) * * Get list of all processes. * Foreach process check its state. @@ -762,111 +731,105 @@ int update_threads(void) * Foreach pid and foreach pid's threads check their state and increment * the run_threads counter acordingly. */ -int update_running_threads(void) -{ - struct kinfo_proc *p = NULL; - int proc_count = 0; - int run_threads = 0; - - proc_count = helper_get_proc_list(&p); - - if (proc_count == -1) - return 0; - - for (int i = 0; i < proc_count; i++) - if (p[i].kp_proc.p_stat & SRUN) - { - pid_t pid = 0; - struct proc_taskinfo pti; - struct proc_threadinfo pthi; - int num_threads = 0; - - pid = p[i].kp_proc.p_pid; - - /* get total number of threads this pid has */ - if (sizeof(pti) == proc_pidinfo(pid, PROC_PIDTASKINFO, 0, &pti, sizeof(pti))) - { - num_threads = pti.pti_threadnum; - } - else continue; - - /* foreach thread check its state */ - for (int i = 0; i < num_threads; i++) - if (sizeof(pthi) == proc_pidinfo(pid, PROC_PIDTHREADINFO, i, &pthi, sizeof(pthi))) - { - if (pthi.pth_run_state == TH_STATE_RUNNING) - run_threads++; - } - else continue; - } - - free(p); - info.run_threads = run_threads; - return 0; -} +int update_running_threads(void) { + struct kinfo_proc *p = NULL; + int proc_count = 0; + int run_threads = 0; -int update_total_processes(void) -{ - helper_update_threads_processes(); - return 0; - - /* - * WARNING: You may stumble upon this implementation: - * https://stackoverflow.com/questions/8141913/is-there-a-lightweight-way-to-obtain-the-current-number-of-processes-in-linux - * - * This method DOESN'T find the correct number of tasks. - * - * This is probably (??) because on macOS there is no option for KERN_PROC_KTHREAD like there is in FreeBSD - * - * In FreeBSD's sysctl.h we can see the following: - * - * KERN_PROC_KTHREAD all processes (user-level plus kernel threads) - * KERN_PROC_ALL all user-level processes - * KERN_PROC_PID processes with process ID arg - * KERN_PROC_PGRP processes with process group arg - * KERN_PROC_SESSION processes with session arg - * KERN_PROC_TTY processes with tty(4) arg - * KERN_PROC_UID processes with effective user ID arg - * KERN_PROC_RUID processes with real user ID arg - * - * Though in macOS's sysctl.h there are only: - * - * KERN_PROC_ALL everything - * KERN_PROC_PID by process id - * KERN_PROC_PGRP by process group id - * KERN_PROC_SESSION by session of pid - * KERN_PROC_TTY by controlling tty - * KERN_PROC_UID by effective uid - * KERN_PROC_RUID by real uid - * KERN_PROC_LCID by login context id - * - * Probably by saying "everything" they mean that KERN_PROC_ALL gives all processes (user-level plus kernel threads) - * ( So basically this is the problem with the old implementation ) - */ -} + proc_count = helper_get_proc_list(&p); -int update_running_processes(void) -{ - struct kinfo_proc *p = NULL; - int proc_count = 0; - int run_procs = 0; - - proc_count = helper_get_proc_list(&p); - - if (proc_count == -1) - return 0; - - for (int i = 0; i < proc_count; i++) - { - int state = p[i].kp_proc.p_stat; - - if (state == SRUN) // XXX this check needs to be fixed... - run_procs++; + if (proc_count == -1) return 0; + + for (int i = 0; i < proc_count; i++) + if (p[i].kp_proc.p_stat & SRUN) { + pid_t pid = 0; + struct proc_taskinfo pti; + struct proc_threadinfo pthi; + int num_threads = 0; + + pid = p[i].kp_proc.p_pid; + + /* get total number of threads this pid has */ + if (sizeof(pti) == + proc_pidinfo(pid, PROC_PIDTASKINFO, 0, &pti, sizeof(pti))) { + num_threads = pti.pti_threadnum; + } else + continue; + + /* foreach thread check its state */ + for (int i = 0; i < num_threads; i++) + if (sizeof(pthi) == + proc_pidinfo(pid, PROC_PIDTHREADINFO, i, &pthi, sizeof(pthi))) { + if (pthi.pth_run_state == TH_STATE_RUNNING) run_threads++; + } else + continue; } - - free(p); - info.run_procs = run_procs; - return 0; + + free(p); + info.run_threads = run_threads; + return 0; +} + +int update_total_processes(void) { + helper_update_threads_processes(); + return 0; + + /* + * WARNING: You may stumble upon this implementation: + * https://stackoverflow.com/questions/8141913/is-there-a-lightweight-way-to-obtain-the-current-number-of-processes-in-linux + * + * This method DOESN'T find the correct number of tasks. + * + * This is probably (??) because on macOS there is no option for + * KERN_PROC_KTHREAD like there is in FreeBSD + * + * In FreeBSD's sysctl.h we can see the following: + * + * KERN_PROC_KTHREAD all processes (user-level plus kernel threads) + * KERN_PROC_ALL all user-level processes + * KERN_PROC_PID processes with process ID arg + * KERN_PROC_PGRP processes with process group arg + * KERN_PROC_SESSION processes with session arg + * KERN_PROC_TTY processes with tty(4) arg + * KERN_PROC_UID processes with effective user ID arg + * KERN_PROC_RUID processes with real user ID arg + * + * Though in macOS's sysctl.h there are only: + * + * KERN_PROC_ALL everything + * KERN_PROC_PID by process id + * KERN_PROC_PGRP by process group id + * KERN_PROC_SESSION by session of pid + * KERN_PROC_TTY by controlling tty + * KERN_PROC_UID by effective uid + * KERN_PROC_RUID by real uid + * KERN_PROC_LCID by login context id + * + * Probably by saying "everything" they mean that KERN_PROC_ALL gives all + * processes (user-level plus kernel threads) ( So basically this is the + * problem with the old implementation ) + */ +} + +int update_running_processes(void) { + struct kinfo_proc *p = NULL; + int proc_count = 0; + int run_procs = 0; + + proc_count = helper_get_proc_list(&p); + + if (proc_count == -1) return 0; + + for (int i = 0; i < proc_count; i++) { + int state = p[i].kp_proc.p_stat; + + if (state == SRUN) // XXX this check needs to be fixed... + run_procs++; + } + + free(p); + info.run_procs = run_procs; + return 0; } /* @@ -875,201 +838,181 @@ int update_running_processes(void) * The macOS implementation gets the number of active cpus * in compliance with linux implementation. */ -void get_cpu_count(void) -{ - int cpu_count = 0; - - if (GETSYSCTL("hw.activecpu", cpu_count) == 0) { - info.cpu_count = cpu_count; - } else { - fprintf(stderr, "Cannot get hw.activecpu\n"); - info.cpu_count = 0; - } - - /* XXX this can be moved to update_cpu_usage() but keep here to follow linux implementation */ - if (!info.cpu_usage) - { - /* - * Allocate ncpus+1 slots because cpu_usage[0] is overall usage. - */ - info.cpu_usage = (float *) malloc((info.cpu_count + 1) * sizeof(float)); - if (info.cpu_usage == NULL) - { - CRIT_ERR(NULL, NULL, "malloc"); - } +void get_cpu_count(void) { + int cpu_count = 0; + + if (GETSYSCTL("hw.activecpu", cpu_count) == 0) { + info.cpu_count = cpu_count; + } else { + fprintf(stderr, "Cannot get hw.activecpu\n"); + info.cpu_count = 0; + } + + /* XXX this can be moved to update_cpu_usage() but keep here to follow linux + * implementation */ + if (!info.cpu_usage) { + /* + * Allocate ncpus+1 slots because cpu_usage[0] is overall usage. + */ + info.cpu_usage = (float *)malloc((info.cpu_count + 1) * sizeof(float)); + if (info.cpu_usage == NULL) { + CRIT_ERR(NULL, NULL, "malloc"); } + } } /* * used by update_cpu_usage() */ -struct cpu_info -{ - long oldtotal; - long oldused; +struct cpu_info { + long oldtotal; + long oldused; }; -int update_cpu_usage(void) -{ - /* XXX add support for multiple cpus (see linux.cc) */ - - static bool - cpu_setup = 0; - - long used, total; - static struct cpu_info *cpu = NULL; - unsigned int malloc_cpu_size = 0; - extern void* global_cpu; - - struct cpusample sample; +int update_cpu_usage(void) { + /* XXX add support for multiple cpus (see linux.cc) */ - static pthread_mutex_t last_stat_update_mutex = PTHREAD_MUTEX_INITIALIZER; - static double last_stat_update = 0.0; - - /* since we use wrappers for this function, the update machinery - * can't eliminate double invocations of this function. Check for - * them here, otherwise cpu_usage counters are freaking out. */ - pthread_mutex_lock(&last_stat_update_mutex); - if (last_stat_update == current_update_time) { - pthread_mutex_unlock(&last_stat_update_mutex); - return 0; - } - last_stat_update = current_update_time; + static bool cpu_setup = 0; + + long used, total; + static struct cpu_info *cpu = NULL; + unsigned int malloc_cpu_size = 0; + extern void *global_cpu; + + struct cpusample sample; + + static pthread_mutex_t last_stat_update_mutex = PTHREAD_MUTEX_INITIALIZER; + static double last_stat_update = 0.0; + + /* since we use wrappers for this function, the update machinery + * can't eliminate double invocations of this function. Check for + * them here, otherwise cpu_usage counters are freaking out. */ + pthread_mutex_lock(&last_stat_update_mutex); + if (last_stat_update == current_update_time) { pthread_mutex_unlock(&last_stat_update_mutex); - - /* add check for !info.cpu_usage since that mem is freed on a SIGUSR1 */ - if ((cpu_setup == 0) || (!info.cpu_usage)) - { - get_cpu_count(); - cpu_setup = 1; - } - - if (!global_cpu) - { - /* - * Allocate ncpus+1 slots because cpu_usage[0] is overall usage. - */ - malloc_cpu_size = (info.cpu_count + 1) * sizeof(struct cpu_info); - cpu = (cpu_info *) malloc(malloc_cpu_size); - memset(cpu, 0, malloc_cpu_size); - global_cpu = cpu; - } - - get_cpu_sample(&sample); - total = sample.totalUserTime + sample.totalIdleTime + sample.totalSystemTime; - used = total - sample.totalIdleTime; - - if ((total - cpu[0].oldtotal) != 0) - { - info.cpu_usage[0] = ((double) (used - cpu[0].oldused)) / (double) (total - cpu[0].oldtotal); - } - else - { - info.cpu_usage[0] = 0; - } - - cpu[0].oldused = used; - cpu[0].oldtotal = total; - return 0; + } + last_stat_update = current_update_time; + pthread_mutex_unlock(&last_stat_update_mutex); + + /* add check for !info.cpu_usage since that mem is freed on a SIGUSR1 */ + if ((cpu_setup == 0) || (!info.cpu_usage)) { + get_cpu_count(); + cpu_setup = 1; + } + + if (!global_cpu) { + /* + * Allocate ncpus+1 slots because cpu_usage[0] is overall usage. + */ + malloc_cpu_size = (info.cpu_count + 1) * sizeof(struct cpu_info); + cpu = (cpu_info *)malloc(malloc_cpu_size); + memset(cpu, 0, malloc_cpu_size); + global_cpu = cpu; + } + + get_cpu_sample(&sample); + total = sample.totalUserTime + sample.totalIdleTime + sample.totalSystemTime; + used = total - sample.totalIdleTime; + + if ((total - cpu[0].oldtotal) != 0) { + info.cpu_usage[0] = + ((double)(used - cpu[0].oldused)) / (double)(total - cpu[0].oldtotal); + } else { + info.cpu_usage[0] = 0; + } + + cpu[0].oldused = used; + cpu[0].oldtotal = total; + + return 0; } -int update_load_average(void) -{ - double v[3]; - - getloadavg(v, 3); - - info.loadavg[0] = (double) v[0]; - info.loadavg[1] = (double) v[1]; - info.loadavg[2] = (double) v[2]; - - return 0; +int update_load_average(void) { + double v[3]; + + getloadavg(v, 3); + + info.loadavg[0] = (double)v[0]; + info.loadavg[1] = (double)v[1]; + info.loadavg[2] = (double)v[2]; + + return 0; } -double get_acpi_temperature(int fd) -{ - printf("get_acpi_temperature: STUB\n"); - return 0.0; +double get_acpi_temperature(int fd) { + printf("get_acpi_temperature: STUB\n"); + return 0.0; } -void get_battery_stuff(char *buf, unsigned int n, const char *bat, int item) -{ - printf("get_battery_stuff: STUB\n"); +void get_battery_stuff(char *buf, unsigned int n, const char *bat, int item) { + printf("get_battery_stuff: STUB\n"); } -int get_battery_perct(const char *bat) -{ - printf("get_battery_perct: STUB\n"); - return 1; +int get_battery_perct(const char *bat) { + printf("get_battery_perct: STUB\n"); + return 1; } -double get_battery_perct_bar(struct text_object *obj) -{ - printf("get_battery_perct_bar: STUB\n"); - return 0.0; +double get_battery_perct_bar(struct text_object *obj) { + printf("get_battery_perct_bar: STUB\n"); + return 0.0; } -int open_acpi_temperature(const char *name) -{ - printf("open_acpi_temperature: STUB\n"); - - (void)name; - /* Not applicable for FreeBSD. */ - return 0; +int open_acpi_temperature(const char *name) { + printf("open_acpi_temperature: STUB\n"); + + (void)name; + /* Not applicable for FreeBSD. */ + return 0; } -void get_acpi_ac_adapter(char *p_client_buffer, size_t client_buffer_size, const char *adapter) -{ - printf("get_acpi_ac_adapter: STUB\n"); +void get_acpi_ac_adapter(char *p_client_buffer, size_t client_buffer_size, + const char *adapter) { + printf("get_acpi_ac_adapter: STUB\n"); } -void get_acpi_fan(char *p_client_buffer, size_t client_buffer_size) -{ - printf("get_acpi_fan: STUB\n"); +void get_acpi_fan(char *p_client_buffer, size_t client_buffer_size) { + printf("get_acpi_fan: STUB\n"); } /* void */ -char get_freq(char *p_client_buffer, size_t client_buffer_size, const char *p_format, - int divisor, unsigned int cpu) -{ - /* - * For now, we get the factory cpu frequency, not **current** cpu frequency - * (Also, it is always the same for every core, so ignore |cpu| argument) - */ - - // XXX Probably find a way to get **current** cpu frequency - - int mib[2]; - unsigned int freq; - size_t len; - - if (!p_client_buffer || client_buffer_size <= 0 || !p_format - || divisor <= 0) { - return 0; - } - - mib[0] = CTL_HW; - mib[1] = HW_CPU_FREQ; - len = sizeof(freq); - - if (sysctl(mib, 2, &freq, &len, NULL, 0) == 0) - { - /* - * convert to MHz - */ - divisor *= 1000000; +char get_freq(char *p_client_buffer, size_t client_buffer_size, + const char *p_format, int divisor, unsigned int cpu) { + /* + * For now, we get the factory cpu frequency, not **current** cpu frequency + * (Also, it is always the same for every core, so ignore |cpu| argument) + */ - snprintf(p_client_buffer, client_buffer_size, p_format, - (float) freq / divisor); - } - else - { - snprintf(p_client_buffer, client_buffer_size, p_format, 0.0f); - return 0; - } - - return 1; + // XXX Probably find a way to get **current** cpu frequency + + int mib[2]; + unsigned int freq; + size_t len; + + if (!p_client_buffer || client_buffer_size <= 0 || !p_format || + divisor <= 0) { + return 0; + } + + mib[0] = CTL_HW; + mib[1] = HW_CPU_FREQ; + len = sizeof(freq); + + if (sysctl(mib, 2, &freq, &len, NULL, 0) == 0) { + /* + * convert to MHz + */ + divisor *= 1000000; + + snprintf(p_client_buffer, client_buffer_size, p_format, + (float)freq / divisor); + } else { + snprintf(p_client_buffer, client_buffer_size, p_format, 0.0f); + return 0; + } + + return 1; } #if 0 @@ -1079,26 +1022,22 @@ void update_wifi_stats(void) } #endif -int update_diskio(void) -{ - printf("update_diskio: STUB\n"); - return 0; +int update_diskio(void) { + printf("update_diskio: STUB\n"); + return 0; } -void get_battery_short_status(char *buffer, unsigned int n, const char *bat) -{ - printf("get_battery_short_status: STUB\n"); +void get_battery_short_status(char *buffer, unsigned int n, const char *bat) { + printf("get_battery_short_status: STUB\n"); } -int get_entropy_avail(unsigned int * val) -{ - (void)val; - return 1; +int get_entropy_avail(unsigned int *val) { + (void)val; + return 1; } -int get_entropy_poolsize(unsigned int * val) -{ - (void)val; - return 1; +int get_entropy_poolsize(unsigned int *val) { + (void)val; + return 1; } /****************************************** @@ -1108,177 +1047,174 @@ int get_entropy_poolsize(unsigned int * val) /* * Calculate a process' cpu usage percentage */ -static void calc_cpu_usage_for_proc(struct process *proc, uint64_t total) -{ - float mul = 100.0; - if(top_cpu_separate.get(*state)) - mul *= info.cpu_count; - - proc->amount = mul * (proc->user_time + proc->kernel_time) / (float) total; +static void calc_cpu_usage_for_proc(struct process *proc, uint64_t total) { + float mul = 100.0; + if (top_cpu_separate.get(*state)) mul *= info.cpu_count; + + proc->amount = mul * (proc->user_time + proc->kernel_time) / (float)total; } /* * calculate total CPU usage based on total CPU usage * of previous iteration stored inside |process| struct */ -static void calc_cpu_total(struct process *proc, uint64_t *total) -{ - uint64_t current_total = 0; /* of current iteration */ - //uint64_t total = 0; /* delta */ - struct cpusample sample; - - get_cpu_sample(&sample); - current_total = sample.totalUserTime + sample.totalIdleTime + sample.totalSystemTime; - - *total = current_total - proc->previous_total_cpu_time; - proc->previous_total_cpu_time = current_total; - - *total = ((*total / sysconf(_SC_CLK_TCK)) * 100) / info.cpu_count; +static void calc_cpu_total(struct process *proc, uint64_t *total) { + uint64_t current_total = 0; /* of current iteration */ + // uint64_t total = 0; /* delta */ + struct cpusample sample; + + get_cpu_sample(&sample); + current_total = + sample.totalUserTime + sample.totalIdleTime + sample.totalSystemTime; + + *total = current_total - proc->previous_total_cpu_time; + proc->previous_total_cpu_time = current_total; + + *total = ((*total / sysconf(_SC_CLK_TCK)) * 100) / info.cpu_count; } /* * calc_cpu_time_for_proc * - * calculates user_time and kernel_time and sets the contents of the |process| struct - * excessively based on process_parse_stat() from linux.cc + * calculates user_time and kernel_time and sets the contents of the |process| + * struct excessively based on process_parse_stat() from linux.cc */ -static void calc_cpu_time_for_proc(struct process *process, const struct proc_taskinfo *pti) -{ - unsigned long long user_time = 0; - unsigned long long kernel_time = 0; - - process->user_time = pti->pti_total_user; - process->kernel_time = pti->pti_total_system; - - /* user_time and kernel_time are in nanoseconds, total_cpu_time in centiseconds. - * Therefore we divide by 10^7 . */ - process->user_time /= 10000000; - process->kernel_time /= 10000000; - - process->total_cpu_time = process->user_time + process->kernel_time; - if (process->previous_user_time == ULONG_MAX) { - process->previous_user_time = process->user_time; - } - if (process->previous_kernel_time == ULONG_MAX) { - process->previous_kernel_time = process->kernel_time; - } - - /* store the difference of the user_time */ - user_time = process->user_time - process->previous_user_time; - kernel_time = process->kernel_time - process->previous_kernel_time; - - /* backup the process->user_time for next time around */ +static void calc_cpu_time_for_proc(struct process *process, + const struct proc_taskinfo *pti) { + unsigned long long user_time = 0; + unsigned long long kernel_time = 0; + + process->user_time = pti->pti_total_user; + process->kernel_time = pti->pti_total_system; + + /* user_time and kernel_time are in nanoseconds, total_cpu_time in + * centiseconds. Therefore we divide by 10^7 . */ + process->user_time /= 10000000; + process->kernel_time /= 10000000; + + process->total_cpu_time = process->user_time + process->kernel_time; + if (process->previous_user_time == ULONG_MAX) { process->previous_user_time = process->user_time; + } + if (process->previous_kernel_time == ULONG_MAX) { process->previous_kernel_time = process->kernel_time; - - /* store only the difference of the user_time here... */ - process->user_time = user_time; - process->kernel_time = kernel_time; + } + + /* store the difference of the user_time */ + user_time = process->user_time - process->previous_user_time; + kernel_time = process->kernel_time - process->previous_kernel_time; + + /* backup the process->user_time for next time around */ + process->previous_user_time = process->user_time; + process->previous_kernel_time = process->kernel_time; + + /* store only the difference of the user_time here... */ + process->user_time = user_time; + process->kernel_time = kernel_time; } /* - * finds top-information only for one process which is represented by a kinfo_proc struct - * this function is called mutliple types ( one foreach process ) to implement get_top_info() + * finds top-information only for one process which is represented by a + * kinfo_proc struct this function is called mutliple types ( one foreach + * process ) to implement get_top_info() */ -static void get_top_info_for_kinfo_proc(struct kinfo_proc *p) -{ - struct process *proc = NULL; - struct proc_taskinfo pti; - pid_t pid; - - pid = p->kp_proc.p_pid; - proc = get_process(pid); - - free_and_zero(proc->name); - free_and_zero(proc->basename); - - proc->name = strndup(p->kp_proc.p_comm, text_buffer_size.get(*state)); - proc->basename = strndup(p->kp_proc.p_comm, text_buffer_size.get(*state)); - proc->uid = p->kp_eproc.e_pcred.p_ruid; - proc->time_stamp = g_time; - - if(sizeof(pti) == proc_pidinfo(pid, PROC_PIDTASKINFO, 0, &pti, sizeof(pti))) - { - /* vsize, rss are in bytes thus we dont have to convert */ - proc->vsize = pti.pti_virtual_size; - proc->rss = pti.pti_resident_size; - - __block uint64_t t = 0; - - __block bool calc_cpu_total_finished = false; - __block bool calc_proc_total_finished = false; - - dispatch_async( dispatch_get_global_queue(DISPATCH_QUEUE_PRIORITY_DEFAULT, 0), ^{ +static void get_top_info_for_kinfo_proc(struct kinfo_proc *p) { + struct process *proc = NULL; + struct proc_taskinfo pti; + pid_t pid; - /* calc CPU time for process */ - calc_cpu_time_for_proc(proc, &pti); - - calc_proc_total_finished = true; - }); - - dispatch_async( dispatch_get_global_queue(DISPATCH_QUEUE_PRIORITY_DEFAULT, 0), ^{ + pid = p->kp_proc.p_pid; + proc = get_process(pid); - /* calc total CPU time (considering current process) */ - calc_cpu_total(proc, &t); - - calc_cpu_total_finished = true; + free_and_zero(proc->name); + free_and_zero(proc->basename); + + proc->name = strndup(p->kp_proc.p_comm, text_buffer_size.get(*state)); + proc->basename = strndup(p->kp_proc.p_comm, text_buffer_size.get(*state)); + proc->uid = p->kp_eproc.e_pcred.p_ruid; + proc->time_stamp = g_time; + + if (sizeof(pti) == + proc_pidinfo(pid, PROC_PIDTASKINFO, 0, &pti, sizeof(pti))) { + /* vsize, rss are in bytes thus we dont have to convert */ + proc->vsize = pti.pti_virtual_size; + proc->rss = pti.pti_resident_size; + + __block uint64_t t = 0; + + __block bool calc_cpu_total_finished = false; + __block bool calc_proc_total_finished = false; + + dispatch_async( + dispatch_get_global_queue(DISPATCH_QUEUE_PRIORITY_DEFAULT, 0), ^{ + /* calc CPU time for process */ + calc_cpu_time_for_proc(proc, &pti); + + calc_proc_total_finished = true; }); - - /* - * wait until done - */ - while (!(calc_cpu_total_finished && calc_proc_total_finished)) - ; - - /* calc the amount(%) of CPU the process used */ - calc_cpu_usage_for_proc(proc, t); - } + + dispatch_async( + dispatch_get_global_queue(DISPATCH_QUEUE_PRIORITY_DEFAULT, 0), ^{ + /* calc total CPU time (considering current process) */ + calc_cpu_total(proc, &t); + + calc_cpu_total_finished = true; + }); + + /* + * wait until done + */ + while (!(calc_cpu_total_finished && calc_proc_total_finished)) + ; + + /* calc the amount(%) of CPU the process used */ + calc_cpu_usage_for_proc(proc, t); + } } /* While topless is obviously better, top is also not bad. */ -void get_top_info(void) -{ - int proc_count = 0; - struct kinfo_proc *p = NULL; - - /* - * QUICKFIX for #16 - * XXX if we run conky -t '${top_mem mem 1}' it will crash because info.cpu_count is not initialised. - * - * We can initialise it down here, but it seems like in the linux implementation of get_top_info() there is no - * call to the get_cpu_count() function. Neither is there in core.cc... If this is the case, when is info.cpu_count - * initialised??? - * - * Find a proper better place for get_cpu_count() call. (for comformance with linux.cc) - */ - get_cpu_count(); - - /* - * get processes count - * and create the processes list - */ - proc_count = helper_get_proc_list(&p); - - if (proc_count == -1) - return; - - /* - * get top info for-each process - */ - for (int i = 0; i < proc_count; i++) - { - if (!((p[i].kp_proc.p_flag & P_SYSTEM)) && *p[i].kp_proc.p_comm != '\0') - { - get_top_info_for_kinfo_proc(&p[i]); - } +void get_top_info(void) { + int proc_count = 0; + struct kinfo_proc *p = NULL; + + /* + * QUICKFIX for #16 + * XXX if we run conky -t '${top_mem mem 1}' it will crash because + * info.cpu_count is not initialised. + * + * We can initialise it down here, but it seems like in the linux + * implementation of get_top_info() there is no call to the get_cpu_count() + * function. Neither is there in core.cc... If this is the case, when is + * info.cpu_count initialised??? + * + * Find a proper better place for get_cpu_count() call. (for comformance with + * linux.cc) + */ + get_cpu_count(); + + /* + * get processes count + * and create the processes list + */ + proc_count = helper_get_proc_list(&p); + + if (proc_count == -1) return; + + /* + * get top info for-each process + */ + for (int i = 0; i < proc_count; i++) { + if (!((p[i].kp_proc.p_flag & P_SYSTEM)) && *p[i].kp_proc.p_comm != '\0') { + get_top_info_for_kinfo_proc(&p[i]); } - - free(p); + } + + free(p); } /********************************************************************************************* - * System Integrity Protection * + * System Integrity Protection * *********************************************************************************************/ #if (MAC_OS_X_VERSION_MIN_REQUIRED > MAC_OS_X_VERSION_10_9) @@ -1287,53 +1223,60 @@ void get_top_info(void) * Check if a flag is enabled based on the csr_config variable * Also, flip the result on occasion */ -bool _csr_check(int aMask, bool aFlipflag) -{ - bool bit = (info.csr_config & aMask); - - if (aFlipflag) - return !bit; - - return bit; +bool _csr_check(int aMask, bool aFlipflag) { + bool bit = (info.csr_config & aMask); + + if (aFlipflag) return !bit; + + return bit; } /* * Extract info from the csr_config variable and set the flags struct */ -void fill_csr_config_flags_struct(void) -{ - info.csr_config_flags.csr_allow_apple_internal = _csr_check(CSR_ALLOW_APPLE_INTERNAL, 0); - info.csr_config_flags.csr_allow_untrusted_kexts = _csr_check(CSR_ALLOW_UNTRUSTED_KEXTS, 1); - info.csr_config_flags.csr_allow_task_for_pid = _csr_check(CSR_ALLOW_TASK_FOR_PID, 1); - info.csr_config_flags.csr_allow_unrestricted_fs = _csr_check(CSR_ALLOW_UNRESTRICTED_FS, 1); - info.csr_config_flags.csr_allow_kernel_debugger = _csr_check(CSR_ALLOW_KERNEL_DEBUGGER, 1); - info.csr_config_flags.csr_allow_unrestricted_dtrace = _csr_check(CSR_ALLOW_UNRESTRICTED_DTRACE, 1); - info.csr_config_flags.csr_allow_unrestricted_nvram = _csr_check(CSR_ALLOW_UNRESTRICTED_NVRAM, 1); - info.csr_config_flags.csr_allow_device_configuration = _csr_check(CSR_ALLOW_DEVICE_CONFIGURATION, 0); - info.csr_config_flags.csr_allow_any_recovery_os = _csr_check(CSR_ALLOW_ANY_RECOVERY_OS, 1); - info.csr_config_flags.csr_allow_user_approved_kexts = _csr_check(CSR_ALLOW_UNAPPROVED_KEXTS, 1); +void fill_csr_config_flags_struct(void) { + info.csr_config_flags.csr_allow_apple_internal = + _csr_check(CSR_ALLOW_APPLE_INTERNAL, 0); + info.csr_config_flags.csr_allow_untrusted_kexts = + _csr_check(CSR_ALLOW_UNTRUSTED_KEXTS, 1); + info.csr_config_flags.csr_allow_task_for_pid = + _csr_check(CSR_ALLOW_TASK_FOR_PID, 1); + info.csr_config_flags.csr_allow_unrestricted_fs = + _csr_check(CSR_ALLOW_UNRESTRICTED_FS, 1); + info.csr_config_flags.csr_allow_kernel_debugger = + _csr_check(CSR_ALLOW_KERNEL_DEBUGGER, 1); + info.csr_config_flags.csr_allow_unrestricted_dtrace = + _csr_check(CSR_ALLOW_UNRESTRICTED_DTRACE, 1); + info.csr_config_flags.csr_allow_unrestricted_nvram = + _csr_check(CSR_ALLOW_UNRESTRICTED_NVRAM, 1); + info.csr_config_flags.csr_allow_device_configuration = + _csr_check(CSR_ALLOW_DEVICE_CONFIGURATION, 0); + info.csr_config_flags.csr_allow_any_recovery_os = + _csr_check(CSR_ALLOW_ANY_RECOVERY_OS, 1); + info.csr_config_flags.csr_allow_user_approved_kexts = + _csr_check(CSR_ALLOW_UNAPPROVED_KEXTS, 1); } /* * Get SIP configuration ( sets csr_config and csr_config_flags ) */ -int get_sip_status(void) -{ - if (csr_get_active_config == nullptr) /* check if weakly linked symbol exists */ - { - NORM_ERR("$sip_status will not work on this version of macOS\n"); - return 0; - } - - csr_get_active_config(&info.csr_config); - fill_csr_config_flags_struct(); - +int get_sip_status(void) { + if (csr_get_active_config == + nullptr) /* check if weakly linked symbol exists */ + { + NORM_ERR("$sip_status will not work on this version of macOS\n"); return 0; + } + + csr_get_active_config(&info.csr_config); + fill_csr_config_flags_struct(); + + return 0; } /* - * Prints SIP status or a specific SIP feature status depending on the argument passed - * to $sip_status command + * Prints SIP status or a specific SIP feature status depending on the argument + * passed to $sip_status command * * Variables that can be passed to $sip_status command * @@ -1348,133 +1291,148 @@ int get_sip_status(void) * 7 --> allow_device_configuration * 8 --> allow_any_recovery_os * 9 --> allow_user_approved_kexts - * a --> check if unsupported configuration ---> this is not an apple SIP flag. This is for us. + * a --> check if unsupported configuration ---> this is not an apple SIP + * flag. This is for us. * - * The print function is designed to show 'YES' if a specific protection measure is ENABLED. - * For example, if SIP is configured to disallow untrusted kexts, then our function will print 'YES'. - * Thus, it doesnt print 'YES' in the case SIP allows untrusted kexts. + * The print function is designed to show 'YES' if a specific protection + * measure is ENABLED. For example, if SIP is configured to disallow untrusted + * kexts, then our function will print 'YES'. Thus, it doesnt print 'YES' in the + * case SIP allows untrusted kexts. * - * For this reason, your conkyrc should say for example: Untrusted Kexts Protection: ${sip_status 1} - * You should not write: "Allow Untrusted Kexts", this is wrong. + * For this reason, your conkyrc should say for example: Untrusted Kexts + * Protection: ${sip_status 1} You should not write: "Allow Untrusted Kexts", + * this is wrong. */ -void print_sip_status(struct text_object *obj, char *p, int p_max_size) -{ - if (csr_get_active_config == nullptr) /* check if weakly linked symbol exists */ - { +void print_sip_status(struct text_object *obj, char *p, int p_max_size) { + if (csr_get_active_config == + nullptr) /* check if weakly linked symbol exists */ + { + snprintf(p, p_max_size, "%s", "unsupported"); + NORM_ERR("$sip_status will not work on this version of macOS\n"); + return; + } + + /* conky window output */ + (void)obj; + + if (!obj->data.s) return; + + if (strlen(obj->data.s) == 0) { + snprintf(p, p_max_size, "%s", + (info.csr_config == CSR_VALID_FLAGS) ? "disabled" : "enabled"); + } else if (strlen(obj->data.s) == 1) { + switch (obj->data.s[0]) { + case '0': + snprintf(p, p_max_size, "%s", + info.csr_config_flags.csr_allow_apple_internal ? "YES" : "NO"); + break; + case '1': + snprintf( + p, p_max_size, "%s", + info.csr_config_flags.csr_allow_untrusted_kexts ? "YES" : "NO"); + break; + case '2': + snprintf(p, p_max_size, "%s", + info.csr_config_flags.csr_allow_task_for_pid ? "YES" : "NO"); + break; + case '3': + snprintf( + p, p_max_size, "%s", + info.csr_config_flags.csr_allow_unrestricted_fs ? "YES" : "NO"); + break; + case '4': + snprintf( + p, p_max_size, "%s", + info.csr_config_flags.csr_allow_kernel_debugger ? "YES" : "NO"); + break; + case '5': + snprintf( + p, p_max_size, "%s", + info.csr_config_flags.csr_allow_unrestricted_dtrace ? "YES" : "NO"); + break; + case '6': + snprintf( + p, p_max_size, "%s", + info.csr_config_flags.csr_allow_unrestricted_nvram ? "YES" : "NO"); + break; + case '7': + snprintf(p, p_max_size, "%s", + info.csr_config_flags.csr_allow_device_configuration ? "YES" + : "NO"); + break; + case '8': + snprintf( + p, p_max_size, "%s", + info.csr_config_flags.csr_allow_any_recovery_os ? "YES" : "NO"); + break; + case '9': + snprintf( + p, p_max_size, "%s", + info.csr_config_flags.csr_allow_user_approved_kexts ? "YES" : "NO"); + break; + case 'a': + snprintf( + p, p_max_size, "%s", + (info.csr_config && (info.csr_config != CSR_ALLOW_APPLE_INTERNAL)) + ? "unsupported configuration, beware!" + : "configuration is ok"); + break; + default: snprintf(p, p_max_size, "%s", "unsupported"); - NORM_ERR("$sip_status will not work on this version of macOS\n"); - return; - } - - /* conky window output */ - (void)obj; - - if (!obj->data.s) - return; - - if (strlen(obj->data.s) == 0) - { - snprintf(p, p_max_size, "%s", (info.csr_config == CSR_VALID_FLAGS) ? "disabled" : "enabled"); - } - else if(strlen(obj->data.s) == 1) - { - switch (obj->data.s[0]) - { - case '0': - snprintf(p, p_max_size, "%s", info.csr_config_flags.csr_allow_apple_internal ? "YES" : "NO"); - break; - case '1': - snprintf(p, p_max_size, "%s", info.csr_config_flags.csr_allow_untrusted_kexts ? "YES" : "NO"); - break; - case '2': - snprintf(p, p_max_size, "%s", info.csr_config_flags.csr_allow_task_for_pid ? "YES" : "NO"); - break; - case '3': - snprintf(p, p_max_size, "%s", info.csr_config_flags.csr_allow_unrestricted_fs ? "YES" : "NO"); - break; - case '4': - snprintf(p, p_max_size, "%s", info.csr_config_flags.csr_allow_kernel_debugger ? "YES" : "NO"); - break; - case '5': - snprintf(p, p_max_size, "%s", info.csr_config_flags.csr_allow_unrestricted_dtrace ? "YES" : "NO"); - break; - case '6': - snprintf(p, p_max_size, "%s", info.csr_config_flags.csr_allow_unrestricted_nvram ? "YES" : "NO"); - break; - case '7': - snprintf(p, p_max_size, "%s", info.csr_config_flags.csr_allow_device_configuration ? "YES" : "NO"); - break; - case '8': - snprintf(p, p_max_size, "%s", info.csr_config_flags.csr_allow_any_recovery_os ? "YES" : "NO"); - break; - case '9': - snprintf(p, p_max_size, "%s", info.csr_config_flags.csr_allow_user_approved_kexts ? "YES" : "NO"); - break; - case 'a': - snprintf(p, p_max_size, "%s", (info.csr_config && (info.csr_config != CSR_ALLOW_APPLE_INTERNAL)) ? "unsupported configuration, beware!" : "configuration is ok"); - break; - default: - snprintf(p, p_max_size, "%s", "unsupported"); - NORM_ERR("print_sip_status: unsupported argument passed to $sip_status"); - break; - } - } else { /* bad argument */ - snprintf(p, p_max_size, "%s", "unsupported"); - NORM_ERR("print_sip_status: unsupported argument passed to $sip_status"); + NORM_ERR( + "print_sip_status: unsupported argument passed to $sip_status"); + break; } + } else { /* bad argument */ + snprintf(p, p_max_size, "%s", "unsupported"); + NORM_ERR("print_sip_status: unsupported argument passed to $sip_status"); + } } -#else /* Mavericks and before */ +#else /* Mavericks and before */ /* - * Versions prior to Yosemite DONT EVEN DEFINE csr_get_active_config() function. Thus we must avoid calling this function! + * Versions prior to Yosemite DONT EVEN DEFINE csr_get_active_config() + * function. Thus we must avoid calling this function! */ -int get_sip_status(void) -{ - /* Does not do anything intentionally */ - return 0; +int get_sip_status(void) { + /* Does not do anything intentionally */ + return 0; } -void print_sip_status(struct text_object *obj, char *p, int p_max_size) -{ - /* conky window output */ - (void)obj; - - if (!obj->data.s) - return; - - if (strlen(obj->data.s) == 0) - { +void print_sip_status(struct text_object *obj, char *p, int p_max_size) { + /* conky window output */ + (void)obj; + + if (!obj->data.s) return; + + if (strlen(obj->data.s) == 0) { + snprintf(p, p_max_size, "%s", "error unsupported"); + } else if (strlen(obj->data.s) == 1) { + switch (obj->data.s[0]) { + case '0': + case '1': + case '2': + case '3': + case '4': + case '5': + case '6': + case '7': + case '8': + case '9': + case 'a': snprintf(p, p_max_size, "%s", "error unsupported"); - } - else if(strlen(obj->data.s) == 1) - { - switch (obj->data.s[0]) - { - case '0': - case '1': - case '2': - case '3': - case '4': - case '5': - case '6': - case '7': - case '8': - case '9': - case 'a': - snprintf(p, p_max_size, "%s", "error unsupported"); - break; - default: - snprintf(p, p_max_size, "%s", "unsupported"); - NORM_ERR("print_sip_status: unsupported argument passed to $sip_status"); - break; - } - } - else - { /* bad argument */ + break; + default: snprintf(p, p_max_size, "%s", "unsupported"); - NORM_ERR("print_sip_status: unsupported argument passed to $sip_status"); + NORM_ERR( + "print_sip_status: unsupported argument passed to $sip_status"); + break; } + } else { /* bad argument */ + snprintf(p, p_max_size, "%s", "unsupported"); + NORM_ERR("print_sip_status: unsupported argument passed to $sip_status"); + } } #endif diff --git a/src/darwin.h b/src/darwin.h index db086ae6..83def954 100644 --- a/src/darwin.h +++ b/src/darwin.h @@ -26,10 +26,10 @@ #ifndef DARWIN_H #define DARWIN_H -#include -#include -#include #include +#include +#include +#include /* * on versions prior to Sierra clock_gettime is not implemented. @@ -38,10 +38,10 @@ /* only CLOCK_REALTIME and CLOCK_MONOTONIC are emulated */ #ifndef CLOCK_REALTIME -# define CLOCK_REALTIME 0 +#define CLOCK_REALTIME 0 #endif #ifndef CLOCK_MONOTONIC -# define CLOCK_MONOTONIC 1 +#define CLOCK_MONOTONIC 1 #endif int clock_gettime(int clock_id, struct timespec *ts); diff --git a/src/darwin_sip.h b/src/darwin_sip.h index dc295473..3e555433 100644 --- a/src/darwin_sip.h +++ b/src/darwin_sip.h @@ -25,40 +25,38 @@ // // Defines for System Integrity Protection monitoring -// based on csrstat tool by Pike R. Alpha. https://github.com/Piker-Alpha/csrstat +// based on csrstat tool by Pike R. Alpha. +// https://github.com/Piker-Alpha/csrstat // #ifndef DARWIN_SIP_H #define DARWIN_SIP_H /* Rootless configuration flags */ -#define CSR_ALLOW_UNTRUSTED_KEXTS (1 << 0) // 1 -#define CSR_ALLOW_UNRESTRICTED_FS (1 << 1) // 2 -#define CSR_ALLOW_TASK_FOR_PID (1 << 2) // 4 -#define CSR_ALLOW_KERNEL_DEBUGGER (1 << 3) // 8 -#define CSR_ALLOW_APPLE_INTERNAL (1 << 4) // 16 -#define CSR_ALLOW_UNRESTRICTED_DTRACE (1 << 5) // 32 -#define CSR_ALLOW_UNRESTRICTED_NVRAM (1 << 6) // 64 -#define CSR_ALLOW_DEVICE_CONFIGURATION (1 << 7) // 128 -#define CSR_ALLOW_ANY_RECOVERY_OS (1 << 8) // 256 -#define CSR_ALLOW_UNAPPROVED_KEXTS (1 << 9) // 512 +#define CSR_ALLOW_UNTRUSTED_KEXTS (1 << 0) // 1 +#define CSR_ALLOW_UNRESTRICTED_FS (1 << 1) // 2 +#define CSR_ALLOW_TASK_FOR_PID (1 << 2) // 4 +#define CSR_ALLOW_KERNEL_DEBUGGER (1 << 3) // 8 +#define CSR_ALLOW_APPLE_INTERNAL (1 << 4) // 16 +#define CSR_ALLOW_UNRESTRICTED_DTRACE (1 << 5) // 32 +#define CSR_ALLOW_UNRESTRICTED_NVRAM (1 << 6) // 64 +#define CSR_ALLOW_DEVICE_CONFIGURATION (1 << 7) // 128 +#define CSR_ALLOW_ANY_RECOVERY_OS (1 << 8) // 256 +#define CSR_ALLOW_UNAPPROVED_KEXTS (1 << 9) // 512 -#define CSR_VALID_FLAGS (CSR_ALLOW_UNTRUSTED_KEXTS | \ - CSR_ALLOW_UNRESTRICTED_FS | \ - CSR_ALLOW_TASK_FOR_PID | \ - CSR_ALLOW_KERNEL_DEBUGGER | \ - CSR_ALLOW_APPLE_INTERNAL | \ - CSR_ALLOW_UNRESTRICTED_DTRACE | \ - CSR_ALLOW_UNRESTRICTED_NVRAM | \ - CSR_ALLOW_DEVICE_CONFIGURATION | \ - CSR_ALLOW_ANY_RECOVERY_OS | \ - CSR_ALLOW_UNAPPROVED_KEXTS) +#define CSR_VALID_FLAGS \ + (CSR_ALLOW_UNTRUSTED_KEXTS | CSR_ALLOW_UNRESTRICTED_FS | \ + CSR_ALLOW_TASK_FOR_PID | CSR_ALLOW_KERNEL_DEBUGGER | \ + CSR_ALLOW_APPLE_INTERNAL | CSR_ALLOW_UNRESTRICTED_DTRACE | \ + CSR_ALLOW_UNRESTRICTED_NVRAM | CSR_ALLOW_DEVICE_CONFIGURATION | \ + CSR_ALLOW_ANY_RECOVERY_OS | CSR_ALLOW_UNAPPROVED_KEXTS) /* Syscalls */ // mark these symbols as weakly linked, as they may not be available // at runtime on older OS X versions. extern "C" { - int csr_get_active_config(information::csr_config_t* config) __attribute__((weak_import)); +int csr_get_active_config(information::csr_config_t* config) + __attribute__((weak_import)); }; #endif diff --git a/src/data-source.cc b/src/data-source.cc index da1ea9d9..aff56f02 100644 --- a/src/data-source.cc +++ b/src/data-source.cc @@ -1,5 +1,4 @@ -/* -*- mode: c++; c-basic-offset: 4; tab-width: 4; indent-tabs-mode: t -*- - * vim: ts=4 sw=4 noet ai cindent syntax=cpp +/* * * Conky, a system monitor, based on torsmo * @@ -30,136 +29,140 @@ #include namespace conky { - namespace { - /* - * Returned when there is no data available. - * An alternative would be to throw an exception, but if we don't want to react too - * aggresively when the user e.g. uses a nonexisting variable, then returning NaN will do - * just fine. - */ - float NaN = std::numeric_limits::quiet_NaN(); +namespace { +/* + * Returned when there is no data available. + * An alternative would be to throw an exception, but if we don't want to react + * too aggresively when the user e.g. uses a nonexisting variable, then + * returning NaN will do just fine. + */ +float NaN = std::numeric_limits::quiet_NaN(); - typedef std::unordered_map data_sources_t; +typedef std::unordered_map data_sources_t; - /* - * We cannot construct this object statically, because order of object construction in - * different modules is not defined, so register_source could be called before this - * object is constructed. Therefore, we create it on the first call to register_source. - */ - data_sources_t *data_sources; +/* + * We cannot construct this object statically, because order of object + * construction in different modules is not defined, so register_source could be + * called before this object is constructed. Therefore, we create it on the + * first call to register_source. + */ +data_sources_t *data_sources; - data_source_base& get_data_source(lua::state *l) - { - if(l->gettop() != 1) - throw std::runtime_error("Wrong number of parameters"); +data_source_base &get_data_source(lua::state *l) { + if (l->gettop() != 1) throw std::runtime_error("Wrong number of parameters"); - l->rawgetfield(lua::REGISTRYINDEX, priv::data_source_metatable); - if(not l->getmetatable(-2) or not l->rawequal(-1, -2)) - throw std::runtime_error("Invalid parameter"); + l->rawgetfield(lua::REGISTRYINDEX, priv::data_source_metatable); + if (not l->getmetatable(-2) or not l->rawequal(-1, -2)) + throw std::runtime_error("Invalid parameter"); - return *static_cast(l->touserdata(1)); - } - - int data_source_asnumber(lua::state *l) - { - double x = get_data_source(l).get_number(); - l->pushnumber(x); - return 1; - } - - int data_source_astext(lua::state *l) - { - std::string x = get_data_source(l).get_text(); - l->pushstring(x); - return 1; - } - - const char data_source__index[] = - "local table, key = ...;\n" - "if key == 'num' then\n" - " return conky.asnumber(table);\n" - "elseif key == 'text' then\n" - " return conky.astext(table);\n" - "else\n" - " print(string.format([[Invalid data source operation: '%s']], key));\n" - " return 0/0;\n" - "end\n"; - } - - namespace priv { - void do_register_data_source(const std::string &name, const lua::cpp_function &fn) - { - struct data_source_constructor { - data_source_constructor() { data_sources = new data_sources_t(); } - ~data_source_constructor() { delete data_sources; data_sources = NULL; } - }; - static data_source_constructor constructor; - - bool inserted = data_sources->insert({name, fn}).second; - if(not inserted) - throw std::logic_error("Data source with name '" + name + "' already registered"); - } - - disabled_data_source::disabled_data_source(lua::state *l, const std::string &name, - const std::string &setting) - : simple_numeric_source(l, name, &NaN) - { - // XXX some generic way of reporting errors? NORM_ERR? - std::cerr << "Support for variable '" << name - << "' has been disabled during compilation. Please recompile with '" - << setting << "'" << std::endl; - } - } - - double data_source_base::get_number() const - { return NaN; } - - std::string data_source_base::get_text() const - { - std::ostringstream s; - s << get_number(); - return s.str(); - } - - register_disabled_data_source::register_disabled_data_source(const std::string &name, - const std::string &setting) - : register_data_source(name, setting) - {} - - // at least one data source should always be registered, so data_sources will not be null - void export_data_sources(lua::state &l) - { - lua::stack_sentry s(l); - l.checkstack(2); - - l.newmetatable(priv::data_source_metatable); { - l.pushboolean(false); - l.rawsetfield(-2, "__metatable"); - - l.pushdestructor(); - l.rawsetfield(-2, "__gc"); - - l.loadstring(data_source__index); - l.rawsetfield(-2, "__index"); - } l.pop(); - - l.newtable(); { - for(auto i = data_sources->begin(); i != data_sources->end(); ++i) { - l.pushfunction(i->second); - l.rawsetfield(-2, i->first.c_str()); - } - } l.rawsetfield(-2, "variables"); - - l.pushfunction(data_source_asnumber); - l.rawsetfield(-2, "asnumber"); - - l.pushfunction(data_source_astext); - l.rawsetfield(-2, "astext"); - } + return *static_cast(l->touserdata(1)); } -/////////// example data sources, remove after real data sources are available /////// +int data_source_asnumber(lua::state *l) { + double x = get_data_source(l).get_number(); + l->pushnumber(x); + return 1; +} + +int data_source_astext(lua::state *l) { + std::string x = get_data_source(l).get_text(); + l->pushstring(x); + return 1; +} + +const char data_source__index[] = + "local table, key = ...;\n" + "if key == 'num' then\n" + " return conky.asnumber(table);\n" + "elseif key == 'text' then\n" + " return conky.astext(table);\n" + "else\n" + " print(string.format([[Invalid data source operation: '%s']], key));\n" + " return 0/0;\n" + "end\n"; +} // namespace + +namespace priv { +void do_register_data_source(const std::string &name, + const lua::cpp_function &fn) { + struct data_source_constructor { + data_source_constructor() { data_sources = new data_sources_t(); } + ~data_source_constructor() { + delete data_sources; + data_sources = NULL; + } + }; + static data_source_constructor constructor; + + bool inserted = data_sources->insert({name, fn}).second; + if (not inserted) + throw std::logic_error("Data source with name '" + name + + "' already registered"); +} + +disabled_data_source::disabled_data_source(lua::state *l, + const std::string &name, + const std::string &setting) + : simple_numeric_source(l, name, &NaN) { + // XXX some generic way of reporting errors? NORM_ERR? + std::cerr << "Support for variable '" << name + << "' has been disabled during compilation. Please recompile with '" + << setting << "'" << std::endl; +} +} // namespace priv + +double data_source_base::get_number() const { return NaN; } + +std::string data_source_base::get_text() const { + std::ostringstream s; + s << get_number(); + return s.str(); +} + +register_disabled_data_source::register_disabled_data_source( + const std::string &name, const std::string &setting) + : register_data_source(name, setting) {} + +// at least one data source should always be registered, so data_sources will +// not be null +void export_data_sources(lua::state &l) { + lua::stack_sentry s(l); + l.checkstack(2); + + l.newmetatable(priv::data_source_metatable); + { + l.pushboolean(false); + l.rawsetfield(-2, "__metatable"); + + l.pushdestructor(); + l.rawsetfield(-2, "__gc"); + + l.loadstring(data_source__index); + l.rawsetfield(-2, "__index"); + } + l.pop(); + + l.newtable(); + { + for (auto i = data_sources->begin(); i != data_sources->end(); ++i) { + l.pushfunction(i->second); + l.rawsetfield(-2, i->first.c_str()); + } + } + l.rawsetfield(-2, "variables"); + + l.pushfunction(data_source_asnumber); + l.rawsetfield(-2, "asnumber"); + + l.pushfunction(data_source_astext); + l.rawsetfield(-2, "astext"); +} +} // namespace conky + +/////////// example data sources, remove after real data sources are available +////////// int asdf_ = 47; -conky::register_data_source> asdf("asdf", &asdf_); +conky::register_data_source> asdf("asdf", + &asdf_); conky::register_disabled_data_source zxcv("zxcv", "BUILD_ZXCV"); diff --git a/src/data-source.hh b/src/data-source.hh index d3ec9c3b..37a34dd7 100644 --- a/src/data-source.hh +++ b/src/data-source.hh @@ -1,5 +1,4 @@ -/* -*- mode: c++; c-basic-offset: 4; tab-width: 4; indent-tabs-mode: t -*- - * vim: ts=4 sw=4 noet ai cindent syntax=cpp +/* * * Conky, a system monitor, based on torsmo * @@ -32,107 +31,112 @@ namespace conky { - /* - * A base class for all data sources. - * API consists of two functions: - * - get_number should return numeric representation of the data (if available). This can - * then be used when drawing graphs, bars, ... The default implementation returns NaN. - * - get_text should return textual representation of the data. This is used when simple - * displaying the value of the data source. The default implementation converts - * get_number() to a string, but you can override to return anything (e.g. add units) - */ - class data_source_base { - public: - const std::string name; +/* + * A base class for all data sources. + * API consists of two functions: + * - get_number should return numeric representation of the data (if available). + * This can then be used when drawing graphs, bars, ... The default + * implementation returns NaN. + * - get_text should return textual representation of the data. This is used + * when simple displaying the value of the data source. The default + * implementation converts get_number() to a string, but you can override to + * return anything (e.g. add units) + */ +class data_source_base { + public: + const std::string name; - data_source_base(const std::string &name_) - : name(name_) - {} + data_source_base(const std::string &name_) : name(name_) {} - virtual ~data_source_base() {} - virtual double get_number() const; - virtual std::string get_text() const; - }; + virtual ~data_source_base() {} + virtual double get_number() const; + virtual std::string get_text() const; +}; - /* - * A simple data source that returns the value of some variable. It ignores the lua table. - * The source variable can be specified as a fixed parameter to the register_data_source - * constructor, or one can create a subclass and then set the source from the subclass - * constructor. - */ - template - class simple_numeric_source: public data_source_base { - static_assert(std::is_convertible::value, "T must be convertible to double"); +/* + * A simple data source that returns the value of some variable. It ignores the + * lua table. The source variable can be specified as a fixed parameter to the + * register_data_source constructor, or one can create a subclass and then set + * the source from the subclass constructor. + */ +template +class simple_numeric_source : public data_source_base { + static_assert(std::is_convertible::value, + "T must be convertible to double"); - const T *source; - public: - simple_numeric_source(lua::state *, const std::string &name_, const T *source_) - : data_source_base(name_), source(source_) - {} + const T *source; - virtual double get_number() const - { return *source; } - }; + public: + simple_numeric_source(lua::state *, const std::string &name_, + const T *source_) + : data_source_base(name_), source(source_) {} - /* - * This is a part of the implementation, but it cannot be in .cc file because the template - * functions below call it - */ - namespace priv { - const char data_source_metatable[] = "conky::data_source_metatable"; + virtual double get_number() const { return *source; } +}; - void do_register_data_source(const std::string &name, const lua::cpp_function &fn); +/* + * This is a part of the implementation, but it cannot be in .cc file because + * the template functions below call it + */ +namespace priv { +const char data_source_metatable[] = "conky::data_source_metatable"; - class disabled_data_source: public simple_numeric_source { - public: - disabled_data_source(lua::state *l, const std::string &name, - const std::string &setting); - }; +void do_register_data_source(const std::string &name, + const lua::cpp_function &fn); - } +class disabled_data_source : public simple_numeric_source { + public: + disabled_data_source(lua::state *l, const std::string &name, + const std::string &setting); +}; - /* - * Declaring an object of this type at global scope will register a data source with the - * given name. Any additional parameters are passed on to the data source constructor. - */ - template - class register_data_source { - template - static int factory(lua::state *l, const std::string &name, const Args&... args) - { - T *t = static_cast(l->newuserdata(sizeof(T))); - l->insert(1); - new(t) T(l, name, args...); - l->settop(1); - l->rawgetfield(lua::REGISTRYINDEX, priv::data_source_metatable); - l->setmetatable(-2); - return 1; - } +} // namespace priv - public: - template - register_data_source(const std::string &name, Args&&... args) - { - priv::do_register_data_source( name, std::bind(&factory, - std::placeholders::_1, name, args... - )); - } - }; +/* + * Declaring an object of this type at global scope will register a data source + * with the given name. Any additional parameters are passed on to the data + * source constructor. + */ +template +class register_data_source { + template + static int factory(lua::state *l, const std::string &name, + const Args &... args) { + T *t = static_cast(l->newuserdata(sizeof(T))); + l->insert(1); + new (t) T(l, name, args...); + l->settop(1); + l->rawgetfield(lua::REGISTRYINDEX, priv::data_source_metatable); + l->setmetatable(-2); + return 1; + } - /* - * Use this to declare a data source that has been disabled during compilation. We can then - * print a nice error message telling the used which setting to enable. - */ - class register_disabled_data_source: public register_data_source { - public: - register_disabled_data_source(const std::string &name, const std::string &setting); - }; + public: + template + register_data_source(const std::string &name, Args &&... args) { + priv::do_register_data_source( + name, + std::bind(&factory, std::placeholders::_1, name, args...)); + } +}; - /* - * It expects to have a table at the top of lua stack. It then exports all the data sources - * into that table (actually, into a "variables" subtable). - */ - void export_data_sources(lua::state &l); -} +/* + * Use this to declare a data source that has been disabled during compilation. + * We can then print a nice error message telling the used which setting to + * enable. + */ +class register_disabled_data_source + : public register_data_source { + public: + register_disabled_data_source(const std::string &name, + const std::string &setting); +}; + +/* + * It expects to have a table at the top of lua stack. It then exports all the + * data sources into that table (actually, into a "variables" subtable). + */ +void export_data_sources(lua::state &l); +} // namespace conky #endif /* DATA_SOURCE_HH */ diff --git a/src/diskio.cc b/src/diskio.cc index 605c82f3..b511a309 100644 --- a/src/diskio.cc +++ b/src/diskio.cc @@ -1,5 +1,4 @@ -/* -*- mode: c++; c-basic-offset: 4; tab-width: 4; indent-tabs-mode: t -*- - * vim: ts=4 sw=4 noet ai cindent syntax=cpp +/* * * Conky, a system monitor, based on torsmo * @@ -10,7 +9,7 @@ * Please see COPYING for details * * Copyright (c) 2004, Hannu Saransaari and Lauri Hakkarainen - * Copyright (c) 2005-2012 Brenden Matthews, Philip Kovacs, et. al. + * Copyright (c) 2005-2018 Brenden Matthews, Philip Kovacs, et. al. * (see AUTHORS) * All rights reserved. * @@ -28,99 +27,100 @@ * */ -#include "config.h" -#include "conky.h" /* text_buffer_size */ -#include "core.h" -#include "logging.h" #include "diskio.h" -#include "common.h" -#include "specials.h" -#include "text_object.h" #include #include #include +#include "common.h" +#include "config.h" +#include "conky.h" /* text_buffer_size */ +#include "core.h" +#include "logging.h" +#include "specials.h" +#include "text_object.h" /* this is the root of all per disk stats, * also containing the totals. */ struct diskio_stat stats; -void clear_diskio_stats(void) -{ - struct diskio_stat *cur; - while (stats.next) { - cur = stats.next; - stats.next = stats.next->next; - free_and_zero(cur->dev); - free(cur); - } +void clear_diskio_stats(void) { + struct diskio_stat *cur; + while (stats.next) { + cur = stats.next; + stats.next = stats.next->next; + free_and_zero(cur->dev); + free(cur); + } } -struct diskio_stat *prepare_diskio_stat(const char *s) -{ - struct stat sb; - std::vector stat_name(text_buffer_size.get(*state)), device_name(text_buffer_size.get(*state)), device_s(text_buffer_size.get(*state)); - struct diskio_stat *cur = &stats; - char * rpbuf; +struct diskio_stat *prepare_diskio_stat(const char *s) { + struct stat sb; + std::vector stat_name(text_buffer_size.get(*state)), + device_name(text_buffer_size.get(*state)), + device_s(text_buffer_size.get(*state)); + struct diskio_stat *cur = &stats; + char *rpbuf; - if (!s) { - return &stats; - } + if (!s) { + return &stats; + } - if (strncmp(s, "label:", 6) == 0) { - snprintf(&(device_name[0]), text_buffer_size.get(*state), "/dev/disk/by-label/%s", s+6); - rpbuf = realpath(&device_name[0], NULL); - } else { - rpbuf = realpath(s, NULL); - } + if (strncmp(s, "label:", 6) == 0) { + snprintf(&(device_name[0]), text_buffer_size.get(*state), + "/dev/disk/by-label/%s", s + 6); + rpbuf = realpath(&device_name[0], NULL); + } else { + rpbuf = realpath(s, NULL); + } - if (rpbuf) { - strncpy(&device_s[0], rpbuf, text_buffer_size.get(*state)); - free(rpbuf); - } else { - strncpy(&device_s[0], s, text_buffer_size.get(*state)); - } + if (rpbuf) { + strncpy(&device_s[0], rpbuf, text_buffer_size.get(*state)); + free(rpbuf); + } else { + strncpy(&device_s[0], s, text_buffer_size.get(*state)); + } #if defined(__FreeBSD__) || defined(__DragonFly__) || defined(__linux__) - if (strncmp(&device_s[0], "/dev/", 5) == 0) { - device_s.erase(device_s.begin(), device_s.begin()+5); - } + if (strncmp(&device_s[0], "/dev/", 5) == 0) { + device_s.erase(device_s.begin(), device_s.begin() + 5); + } #endif - strncpy(&(device_name[0]), &device_s[0], text_buffer_size.get(*state)); + strncpy(&(device_name[0]), &device_s[0], text_buffer_size.get(*state)); #if !defined(__sun) - /* - * On Solaris we currently don't use the name of disk's special file so - * this test is useless. - */ - snprintf(&(stat_name[0]), text_buffer_size.get(*state), "/dev/%s", &(device_name[0])); + /* + * On Solaris we currently don't use the name of disk's special file so + * this test is useless. + */ + snprintf(&(stat_name[0]), text_buffer_size.get(*state), "/dev/%s", + &(device_name[0])); - if (stat(&(stat_name[0]), &sb) || !S_ISBLK(sb.st_mode)) { - NORM_ERR("diskio device '%s' does not exist", &device_s[0]); - } + if (stat(&(stat_name[0]), &sb) || !S_ISBLK(sb.st_mode)) { + NORM_ERR("diskio device '%s' does not exist", &device_s[0]); + } #endif - /* lookup existing */ - while (cur->next) { - cur = cur->next; - if (!strcmp(cur->dev, &(device_name[0]))) { - return cur; - } - } + /* lookup existing */ + while (cur->next) { + cur = cur->next; + if (!strcmp(cur->dev, &(device_name[0]))) { + return cur; + } + } - /* no existing found, make a new one */ - cur->next = new diskio_stat; - cur = cur->next; - cur->dev = strndup(&(device_s[0]), text_buffer_size.get(*state)); - cur->last = UINT_MAX; - cur->last_read = UINT_MAX; - cur->last_write = UINT_MAX; + /* no existing found, make a new one */ + cur->next = new diskio_stat; + cur = cur->next; + cur->dev = strndup(&(device_s[0]), text_buffer_size.get(*state)); + cur->last = UINT_MAX; + cur->last_read = UINT_MAX; + cur->last_write = UINT_MAX; - return cur; + return cur; } -void parse_diskio_arg(struct text_object *obj, const char *arg) -{ - obj->data.opaque = prepare_diskio_stat(arg); +void parse_diskio_arg(struct text_object *obj, const char *arg) { + obj->data.opaque = prepare_diskio_stat(arg); } /* dir indicates the direction: @@ -128,113 +128,103 @@ void parse_diskio_arg(struct text_object *obj, const char *arg) * 0: read + write * 1: write */ -static void print_diskio_dir(struct text_object *obj, int dir, char *p, int p_max_size) -{ - struct diskio_stat *diskio = (struct diskio_stat *)obj->data.opaque; - double val; +static void print_diskio_dir(struct text_object *obj, int dir, char *p, + int p_max_size) { + struct diskio_stat *diskio = (struct diskio_stat *)obj->data.opaque; + double val; - if (!diskio) - return; + if (!diskio) return; - if (dir < 0) - val = diskio->current_read; - else if (dir == 0) - val = diskio->current; - else - val = diskio->current_write; + if (dir < 0) + val = diskio->current_read; + else if (dir == 0) + val = diskio->current; + else + val = diskio->current_write; - /* TODO: move this correction from kB to kB/s elsewhere - * (or get rid of it??) */ - human_readable((val / active_update_interval()) * 1024LL, p, p_max_size); + /* TODO: move this correction from kB to kB/s elsewhere + * (or get rid of it??) */ + human_readable((val / active_update_interval()) * 1024LL, p, p_max_size); } -void print_diskio(struct text_object *obj, char *p, int p_max_size) -{ - print_diskio_dir(obj, 0, p, p_max_size); +void print_diskio(struct text_object *obj, char *p, int p_max_size) { + print_diskio_dir(obj, 0, p, p_max_size); } -void print_diskio_read(struct text_object *obj, char *p, int p_max_size) -{ - print_diskio_dir(obj, -1, p, p_max_size); +void print_diskio_read(struct text_object *obj, char *p, int p_max_size) { + print_diskio_dir(obj, -1, p, p_max_size); } -void print_diskio_write(struct text_object *obj, char *p, int p_max_size) -{ - print_diskio_dir(obj, 1, p, p_max_size); +void print_diskio_write(struct text_object *obj, char *p, int p_max_size) { + print_diskio_dir(obj, 1, p, p_max_size); } #ifdef BUILD_X11 -void parse_diskiograph_arg(struct text_object *obj, const char *arg) -{ - char *buf = 0; - buf = scan_graph(obj, arg, 0); +void parse_diskiograph_arg(struct text_object *obj, const char *arg) { + char *buf = 0; + buf = scan_graph(obj, arg, 0); - obj->data.opaque = prepare_diskio_stat(dev_name(buf)); - free_and_zero(buf); + obj->data.opaque = prepare_diskio_stat(dev_name(buf)); + free_and_zero(buf); } -double diskiographval(struct text_object *obj) -{ - struct diskio_stat *diskio = (struct diskio_stat *)obj->data.opaque; +double diskiographval(struct text_object *obj) { + struct diskio_stat *diskio = (struct diskio_stat *)obj->data.opaque; - return (diskio ? diskio->current : 0); + return (diskio ? diskio->current : 0); } -double diskiographval_read(struct text_object *obj) -{ - struct diskio_stat *diskio = (struct diskio_stat *)obj->data.opaque; +double diskiographval_read(struct text_object *obj) { + struct diskio_stat *diskio = (struct diskio_stat *)obj->data.opaque; - return (diskio ? diskio->current_read : 0); + return (diskio ? diskio->current_read : 0); } -double diskiographval_write(struct text_object *obj) -{ - struct diskio_stat *diskio = (struct diskio_stat *)obj->data.opaque; +double diskiographval_write(struct text_object *obj) { + struct diskio_stat *diskio = (struct diskio_stat *)obj->data.opaque; - return (diskio ? diskio->current_write : 0); + return (diskio ? diskio->current_write : 0); } #endif /* BUILD_X11 */ -void update_diskio_values(struct diskio_stat *ds, - unsigned int reads, unsigned int writes) -{ - int i; - double sum=0, sum_r=0, sum_w=0; +void update_diskio_values(struct diskio_stat *ds, unsigned int reads, + unsigned int writes) { + int i; + double sum = 0, sum_r = 0, sum_w = 0; - if (reads < ds->last_read || writes < ds->last_write) { - /* counter overflow or reset - rebase to sane values */ - ds->last = reads+writes; - ds->last_read = reads; - ds->last_write = writes; - } - /* since the values in /proc/diskstats are absolute, we have to subtract - * our last reading. The numbers stand for "sectors read", and we therefore - * have to divide by two to get KB */ - ds->sample_read[0] = (reads - ds->last_read) / 2; - ds->sample_write[0] = (writes - ds->last_write) / 2; - ds->sample[0] = ds->sample_read[0] + ds->sample_write[0]; + if (reads < ds->last_read || writes < ds->last_write) { + /* counter overflow or reset - rebase to sane values */ + ds->last = reads + writes; + ds->last_read = reads; + ds->last_write = writes; + } + /* since the values in /proc/diskstats are absolute, we have to subtract + * our last reading. The numbers stand for "sectors read", and we therefore + * have to divide by two to get KB */ + ds->sample_read[0] = (reads - ds->last_read) / 2; + ds->sample_write[0] = (writes - ds->last_write) / 2; + ds->sample[0] = ds->sample_read[0] + ds->sample_write[0]; - /* compute averages */ - int samples = diskio_avg_samples.get(*state); - for (i = 0; i < samples; i++) { - sum += ds->sample[i]; - sum_r += ds->sample_read[i]; - sum_w += ds->sample_write[i]; - } - ds->current = sum / (double) samples; - ds->current_read = sum_r / (double) samples; - ds->current_write = sum_w / (double) samples; + /* compute averages */ + int samples = diskio_avg_samples.get(*state); + for (i = 0; i < samples; i++) { + sum += ds->sample[i]; + sum_r += ds->sample_read[i]; + sum_w += ds->sample_write[i]; + } + ds->current = sum / (double)samples; + ds->current_read = sum_r / (double)samples; + ds->current_write = sum_w / (double)samples; - /* shift sample history */ - for (i = samples-1; i > 0; i--) { - ds->sample[i] = ds->sample[i-1]; - ds->sample_read[i] = ds->sample_read[i-1]; - ds->sample_write[i] = ds->sample_write[i-1]; - } + /* shift sample history */ + for (i = samples - 1; i > 0; i--) { + ds->sample[i] = ds->sample[i - 1]; + ds->sample_read[i] = ds->sample_read[i - 1]; + ds->sample_write[i] = ds->sample_write[i - 1]; + } - /* save last */ - ds->last_read = reads; - ds->last_write = writes; - ds->last = ds->last_read + ds->last_write; + /* save last */ + ds->last_read = reads; + ds->last_write = writes; + ds->last = ds->last_read + ds->last_write; } - diff --git a/src/diskio.h b/src/diskio.h index 058cc8db..4ba2afe7 100644 --- a/src/diskio.h +++ b/src/diskio.h @@ -1,5 +1,4 @@ -/* -*- mode: c++; c-basic-offset: 4; tab-width: 4; indent-tabs-mode: t -*- - * vim: ts=4 sw=4 noet ai cindent syntax=cpp +/* * * Conky, a system monitor, based on torsmo * @@ -10,7 +9,7 @@ * Please see COPYING for details * * Copyright (c) 2004, Hannu Saransaari and Lauri Hakkarainen - * Copyright (c) 2005-2012 Brenden Matthews, Philip Kovacs, et. al. + * Copyright (c) 2005-2018 Brenden Matthews, Philip Kovacs, et. al. * (see AUTHORS) * All rights reserved. * @@ -32,32 +31,33 @@ #define DISKIO_H_ #include +#include struct diskio_stat { - diskio_stat() : - next(NULL), - current(0), - current_read(0), - current_write(0), - last(UINT_MAX), - last_read(UINT_MAX), - last_write(UINT_MAX) - { - memset(sample, 0, sizeof(sample) / sizeof(sample[0])); - memset(sample_read, 0, sizeof(sample_read) / sizeof(sample_read[0])); - memset(sample_write, 0, sizeof(sample_write) / sizeof(sample_write[0])); - } - struct diskio_stat *next; - char *dev; - double sample[15]; - double sample_read[15]; - double sample_write[15]; - double current; - double current_read; - double current_write; - double last; - double last_read; - double last_write; + diskio_stat() + : next(nullptr), + current(0), + current_read(0), + current_write(0), + last(UINT_MAX), + last_read(UINT_MAX), + last_write(UINT_MAX) { + std::memset(sample, 0, sizeof(sample) / sizeof(sample[0])); + std::memset(sample_read, 0, sizeof(sample_read) / sizeof(sample_read[0])); + std::memset(sample_write, 0, + sizeof(sample_write) / sizeof(sample_write[0])); + } + struct diskio_stat *next; + char *dev; + double sample[15]; + double sample_read[15]; + double sample_write[15]; + double current; + double current_read; + double current_write; + double last; + double last_read; + double last_write; }; extern struct diskio_stat stats; diff --git a/src/dragonfly.cc b/src/dragonfly.cc index f6a3341d..e3c5aca0 100644 --- a/src/dragonfly.cc +++ b/src/dragonfly.cc @@ -1,5 +1,4 @@ -/* -*- mode: c++; c-basic-offset: 4; tab-width: 4; indent-tabs-mode: t -*- - * vim: ts=4 sw=4 noet ai cindent syntax=cpp +/* * * Conky, a system monitor, based on torsmo * @@ -28,6 +27,7 @@ #include "config.h" +#include #include #include #include @@ -37,516 +37,496 @@ #include #include #include -#include #include -#include #include +#include #include #include #include #include -#include #include +#include #include #include "conky.h" +#include "diskio.h" #include "dragonfly.h" #include "logging.h" #include "net_stat.h" #include "top.h" -#include "diskio.h" -#define GETSYSCTL(name, var) getsysctl(name, &(var), sizeof(var)) -#define KELVTOC(x) ((x - 2732) / 10.0) -#define MAXSHOWDEVS 16 +#define GETSYSCTL(name, var) getsysctl(name, &(var), sizeof(var)) +#define KELVTOC(x) ((x - 2732) / 10.0) +#define MAXSHOWDEVS 16 static short cpu_setup = 0; -static int getsysctl(const char *name, void *ptr, size_t len) -{ - size_t nlen = len; +static int getsysctl(const char *name, void *ptr, size_t len) { + size_t nlen = len; - if (sysctlbyname(name, ptr, &nlen, NULL, 0) == -1) { - fprintf(stderr, "getsysctl(): %s failed '%s'\n", - name, strerror(errno)); - return -1; - } + if (sysctlbyname(name, ptr, &nlen, NULL, 0) == -1) { + fprintf(stderr, "getsysctl(): %s failed '%s'\n", name, strerror(errno)); + return -1; + } - if (nlen != len && errno == ENOMEM) { - fprintf(stderr, "getsysctl(): %s failed %zu != %zu\n", name, nlen, len); - return -1; - } + if (nlen != len && errno == ENOMEM) { + fprintf(stderr, "getsysctl(): %s failed %zu != %zu\n", name, nlen, len); + return -1; + } - return 0; + return 0; } -static int swapmode(unsigned long *retavail, unsigned long *retfree) -{ - int total, used; size_t len = sizeof(int); +static int swapmode(unsigned long *retavail, unsigned long *retfree) { + int total, used; + size_t len = sizeof(int); - if (sysctlbyname("vm.swap_size", &total, &len, NULL, 0) == -1) - perror("vm_swap_usage(): vm.swap_size"); - else if (sysctlbyname("vm.swap_anon_use", &used, &len, NULL, 0) == -1) - perror("vm_swap_usage(): vm.swap_anon_use"); - else { - int size = getpagesize(); + if (sysctlbyname("vm.swap_size", &total, &len, NULL, 0) == -1) + perror("vm_swap_usage(): vm.swap_size"); + else if (sysctlbyname("vm.swap_anon_use", &used, &len, NULL, 0) == -1) + perror("vm_swap_usage(): vm.swap_anon_use"); + else { + int size = getpagesize(); -#define CONVERT(v) ((quad_t)(v) * (size / 1024)) +#define CONVERT(v) ((quad_t)(v) * (size / 1024)) - *retavail = CONVERT(total); - *retfree = CONVERT(total - used); + *retavail = CONVERT(total); + *retfree = CONVERT(total - used); - return (int) ((double) used * 100.0 / (double) total); - } - return 0; + return (int)((double)used * 100.0 / (double)total); + } + return 0; } -void prepare_update(void) -{ +void prepare_update(void) {} + +int update_uptime(void) { + int mib[2] = {CTL_KERN, KERN_BOOTTIME}; + struct timeval boottime; + time_t now; + size_t size = sizeof(boottime); + + if ((sysctl(mib, 2, &boottime, &size, NULL, 0) != -1) && boottime.tv_sec) { + time(&now); + info.uptime = now - boottime.tv_sec; + } else { + fprintf(stderr, "Could not get uptime\n"); + info.uptime = 0; + } + + return 0; } -int update_uptime(void) -{ - int mib[2] = { CTL_KERN, KERN_BOOTTIME }; - struct timeval boottime; - time_t now; - size_t size = sizeof(boottime); +int check_mount(char *s) { + struct statfs *mntbuf; + int i, mntsize; - if ((sysctl(mib, 2, &boottime, &size, NULL, 0) != -1) && boottime.tv_sec) { - time(&now); - info.uptime = now - boottime.tv_sec; - } else { - fprintf(stderr, "Could not get uptime\n"); - info.uptime = 0; - } - - return 0; -} - -int check_mount(char *s) -{ - struct statfs *mntbuf; - int i, mntsize; - - mntsize = getmntinfo(&mntbuf, MNT_NOWAIT); - for (i = mntsize - 1; i >= 0; i--) { - if (strcmp(mntbuf[i].f_mntonname, s) == 0) { - return 1; - } - } - - return 0; -} - -int update_meminfo(void) -{ - u_int total_pages, inactive_pages, free_pages; - unsigned long swap_avail, swap_free; - - int pagesize = getpagesize(); - - if (GETSYSCTL("vm.stats.vm.v_page_count", total_pages)) { - fprintf(stderr, "Cannot read sysctl \"vm.stats.vm.v_page_count\"\n"); - } - - if (GETSYSCTL("vm.stats.vm.v_free_count", free_pages)) { - fprintf(stderr, "Cannot read sysctl \"vm.stats.vm.v_free_count\"\n"); - } - - if (GETSYSCTL("vm.stats.vm.v_inactive_count", inactive_pages)) { - fprintf(stderr, "Cannot read sysctl \"vm.stats.vm.v_inactive_count\"\n"); - } - - info.memmax = total_pages * (pagesize >> 10); - info.mem = (total_pages - free_pages - inactive_pages) * (pagesize >> 10); - info.memeasyfree = info.memfree = info.memmax - info.mem; - - if ((swapmode(&swap_avail, &swap_free)) >= 0) { - info.swapmax = swap_avail; - info.swap = (swap_avail - swap_free); - info.swapfree = swap_free; - } else { - info.swapmax = 0; - info.swap = 0; - info.swapfree = 0; - } - - return 0; -} - -int update_net_stats(void) -{ - struct net_stat *ns; - double delta; - long long r, t, last_recv, last_trans; - struct ifaddrs *ifap, *ifa; - struct if_data *ifd; - - /* get delta */ - delta = current_update_time - last_update_time; - if (delta <= 0.0001) { - return 0; - } - - if (getifaddrs(&ifap) < 0) { - return 0; - } - - for (ifa = ifap; ifa; ifa = ifa->ifa_next) { - ns = get_net_stat((const char *) ifa->ifa_name, NULL, NULL); - - if (ifa->ifa_flags & IFF_UP) { - struct ifaddrs *iftmp; - - ns->up = 1; - last_recv = ns->recv; - last_trans = ns->trans; - - if (ifa->ifa_addr->sa_family != AF_LINK) { - continue; - } - - for (iftmp = ifa->ifa_next; - iftmp != NULL && strcmp(ifa->ifa_name, iftmp->ifa_name) == 0; - iftmp = iftmp->ifa_next) { - if (iftmp->ifa_addr->sa_family == AF_INET) { - memcpy(&(ns->addr), iftmp->ifa_addr, - iftmp->ifa_addr->sa_len); - } - } - - ifd = (struct if_data *) ifa->ifa_data; - r = ifd->ifi_ibytes; - t = ifd->ifi_obytes; - - if (r < ns->last_read_recv) { - ns->recv += ((long long) 4294967295U - ns->last_read_recv) + r; - } else { - ns->recv += (r - ns->last_read_recv); - } - - ns->last_read_recv = r; - - if (t < ns->last_read_trans) { - ns->trans += ((long long) 4294967295U - - ns->last_read_trans) + t; - } else { - ns->trans += (t - ns->last_read_trans); - } - - ns->last_read_trans = t; - - /* calculate speeds */ - ns->recv_speed = (ns->recv - last_recv) / delta; - ns->trans_speed = (ns->trans - last_trans) / delta; - } else { - ns->up = 0; - } - } - - freeifaddrs(ifap); - return 0; -} - -static int kern_proc_all_n() -{ - size_t len = 0; - - if (sysctlbyname("kern.proc.all_lwp", NULL, &len, NULL, 0) == -1) { - perror("kern.proc.all_lwp"); - return -1; - } - - if (len % sizeof(struct kinfo_proc)) { - fprintf(stderr, "kern_proc(): " - "len %% sizeof(struct kinfo_proc) != 0"); - return -1; + mntsize = getmntinfo(&mntbuf, MNT_NOWAIT); + for (i = mntsize - 1; i >= 0; i--) { + if (strcmp(mntbuf[i].f_mntonname, s) == 0) { + return 1; } + } - return len / sizeof(struct kinfo_proc); + return 0; } -static struct kinfo_proc *kern_proc_all(size_t proc_n) -{ - if (proc_n > 0) { - size_t len = proc_n * sizeof(struct kinfo_proc); - struct kinfo_proc *kp = (struct kinfo_proc *) malloc(len); +int update_meminfo(void) { + u_int total_pages, inactive_pages, free_pages; + unsigned long swap_avail, swap_free; - if (kp) { - if (sysctlbyname("kern.proc.all_lwp", kp, &len, NULL, 0) == -1) - perror("kern_proc(): kern.proc.all_lwp"); - else return kp; - free (kp); - } - else perror("malloc"); - } - return NULL; + int pagesize = getpagesize(); + + if (GETSYSCTL("vm.stats.vm.v_page_count", total_pages)) { + fprintf(stderr, "Cannot read sysctl \"vm.stats.vm.v_page_count\"\n"); + } + + if (GETSYSCTL("vm.stats.vm.v_free_count", free_pages)) { + fprintf(stderr, "Cannot read sysctl \"vm.stats.vm.v_free_count\"\n"); + } + + if (GETSYSCTL("vm.stats.vm.v_inactive_count", inactive_pages)) { + fprintf(stderr, "Cannot read sysctl \"vm.stats.vm.v_inactive_count\"\n"); + } + + info.memmax = total_pages * (pagesize >> 10); + info.mem = (total_pages - free_pages - inactive_pages) * (pagesize >> 10); + info.memeasyfree = info.memfree = info.memmax - info.mem; + + if ((swapmode(&swap_avail, &swap_free)) >= 0) { + info.swapmax = swap_avail; + info.swap = (swap_avail - swap_free); + info.swapfree = swap_free; + } else { + info.swapmax = 0; + info.swap = 0; + info.swapfree = 0; + } + + return 0; } -void get_cpu_count(void) -{ - int cpu_count = 0; +int update_net_stats(void) { + struct net_stat *ns; + double delta; + long long r, t, last_recv, last_trans; + struct ifaddrs *ifap, *ifa; + struct if_data *ifd; - if (GETSYSCTL("hw.ncpu", cpu_count) == 0) { - info.cpu_count = cpu_count; - } else { - fprintf(stderr, "Cannot get hw.ncpu\n"); - info.cpu_count = 0; - } + /* get delta */ + delta = current_update_time - last_update_time; + if (delta <= 0.0001) { + return 0; + } - info.cpu_usage = (float *) malloc((info.cpu_count + 1) * sizeof(float)); - if (info.cpu_usage == NULL) { - CRIT_ERR(NULL, NULL, "malloc"); - } + if (getifaddrs(&ifap) < 0) { + return 0; + } + + for (ifa = ifap; ifa; ifa = ifa->ifa_next) { + ns = get_net_stat((const char *)ifa->ifa_name, NULL, NULL); + + if (ifa->ifa_flags & IFF_UP) { + struct ifaddrs *iftmp; + + ns->up = 1; + last_recv = ns->recv; + last_trans = ns->trans; + + if (ifa->ifa_addr->sa_family != AF_LINK) { + continue; + } + + for (iftmp = ifa->ifa_next; + iftmp != NULL && strcmp(ifa->ifa_name, iftmp->ifa_name) == 0; + iftmp = iftmp->ifa_next) { + if (iftmp->ifa_addr->sa_family == AF_INET) { + memcpy(&(ns->addr), iftmp->ifa_addr, iftmp->ifa_addr->sa_len); + } + } + + ifd = (struct if_data *)ifa->ifa_data; + r = ifd->ifi_ibytes; + t = ifd->ifi_obytes; + + if (r < ns->last_read_recv) { + ns->recv += ((long long)4294967295U - ns->last_read_recv) + r; + } else { + ns->recv += (r - ns->last_read_recv); + } + + ns->last_read_recv = r; + + if (t < ns->last_read_trans) { + ns->trans += ((long long)4294967295U - ns->last_read_trans) + t; + } else { + ns->trans += (t - ns->last_read_trans); + } + + ns->last_read_trans = t; + + /* calculate speeds */ + ns->recv_speed = (ns->recv - last_recv) / delta; + ns->trans_speed = (ns->trans - last_trans) / delta; + } else { + ns->up = 0; + } + } + + freeifaddrs(ifap); + return 0; +} + +static int kern_proc_all_n() { + size_t len = 0; + + if (sysctlbyname("kern.proc.all_lwp", NULL, &len, NULL, 0) == -1) { + perror("kern.proc.all_lwp"); + return -1; + } + + if (len % sizeof(struct kinfo_proc)) { + fprintf(stderr, + "kern_proc(): " + "len %% sizeof(struct kinfo_proc) != 0"); + return -1; + } + + return len / sizeof(struct kinfo_proc); +} + +static struct kinfo_proc *kern_proc_all(size_t proc_n) { + if (proc_n > 0) { + size_t len = proc_n * sizeof(struct kinfo_proc); + struct kinfo_proc *kp = (struct kinfo_proc *)malloc(len); + + if (kp) { + if (sysctlbyname("kern.proc.all_lwp", kp, &len, NULL, 0) == -1) + perror("kern_proc(): kern.proc.all_lwp"); + else + return kp; + free(kp); + } else + perror("malloc"); + } + return NULL; +} + +void get_cpu_count(void) { + int cpu_count = 0; + + if (GETSYSCTL("hw.ncpu", cpu_count) == 0) { + info.cpu_count = cpu_count; + } else { + fprintf(stderr, "Cannot get hw.ncpu\n"); + info.cpu_count = 0; + } + + info.cpu_usage = (float *)malloc((info.cpu_count + 1) * sizeof(float)); + if (info.cpu_usage == NULL) { + CRIT_ERR(NULL, NULL, "malloc"); + } } struct cpu_info { - long oldtotal; - long oldused; + long oldtotal; + long oldused; }; PCPU_STATISTICS_FUNC(cputime, struct kinfo_cputime, uint64_t); -static void stat_cpu(struct cpu_info *cpu, - struct kinfo_cputime *percpu, float *usage) -{ - long int used = (percpu->cp_user + percpu->cp_nice + - percpu->cp_sys + percpu->cp_intr), - total = used + percpu->cp_idle; +static void stat_cpu(struct cpu_info *cpu, struct kinfo_cputime *percpu, + float *usage) { + long int used = (percpu->cp_user + percpu->cp_nice + percpu->cp_sys + + percpu->cp_intr), + total = used + percpu->cp_idle; - *usage = (total - cpu->oldtotal) && cpu->oldtotal ? - ((float) (used - cpu->oldused)) / (total - cpu->oldtotal) : 0; + *usage = (total - cpu->oldtotal) && cpu->oldtotal + ? ((float)(used - cpu->oldused)) / (total - cpu->oldtotal) + : 0; - cpu->oldused = used; - cpu->oldtotal = total; + cpu->oldused = used; + cpu->oldtotal = total; } -int update_cpu_usage(void) -{ - static struct cpu_info *cpu = NULL; - extern void* global_cpu; +int update_cpu_usage(void) { + static struct cpu_info *cpu = NULL; + extern void *global_cpu; - /* add check for !info.cpu_usage since that mem is freed on a SIGUSR1 */ - if ((cpu_setup == 0) || (!info.cpu_usage)) { - get_cpu_count(); - cpu_setup = 1; - } + /* add check for !info.cpu_usage since that mem is freed on a SIGUSR1 */ + if ((cpu_setup == 0) || (!info.cpu_usage)) { + get_cpu_count(); + cpu_setup = 1; + } - if (!global_cpu) { - if (!cpu) cpu = (struct cpu_info *) - calloc(sizeof(struct cpu_info), info.cpu_count + 1); - global_cpu = cpu; - } + if (!global_cpu) { + if (!cpu) + cpu = (struct cpu_info *)calloc(sizeof(struct cpu_info), + info.cpu_count + 1); + global_cpu = cpu; + } - { - size_t percpu_n = info.cpu_count * sizeof(struct kinfo_cputime); - struct kinfo_cputime *percpu = (struct kinfo_cputime *) - malloc(info.cpu_count * sizeof(struct kinfo_cputime)); + { + size_t percpu_n = info.cpu_count * sizeof(struct kinfo_cputime); + struct kinfo_cputime *percpu = (struct kinfo_cputime *)malloc( + info.cpu_count * sizeof(struct kinfo_cputime)); - if (percpu) { - if (sysctlbyname("kern.cputime", percpu, - &percpu_n, NULL, 0) == -1 && errno != ENOMEM) { - printf("update_cpu_usage(): with %d cpu(s) ", info.cpu_count); - perror("kern.cputime"); - } - else { - struct kinfo_cputime total; - cputime_pcpu_statistics(&percpu[0], &total, info.cpu_count); + if (percpu) { + if (sysctlbyname("kern.cputime", percpu, &percpu_n, NULL, 0) == -1 && + errno != ENOMEM) { + printf("update_cpu_usage(): with %d cpu(s) ", info.cpu_count); + perror("kern.cputime"); + } else { + struct kinfo_cputime total; + cputime_pcpu_statistics(&percpu[0], &total, info.cpu_count); - { - int i; - for (i = 0; i < info.cpu_count; i++) - stat_cpu(&cpu[i+1], &percpu[i], &info.cpu_usage[i+1]); - } - stat_cpu(&cpu[0], &total, &info.cpu_usage[0]); - } - free(percpu); - } - } + { + int i; + for (i = 0; i < info.cpu_count; i++) + stat_cpu(&cpu[i + 1], &percpu[i], &info.cpu_usage[i + 1]); + } + stat_cpu(&cpu[0], &total, &info.cpu_usage[0]); + } + free(percpu); + } + } - return 0; + return 0; } -int update_load_average(void) -{ - double v[3]; +int update_load_average(void) { + double v[3]; - getloadavg(v, 3); + getloadavg(v, 3); - info.loadavg[0] = (double) v[0]; - info.loadavg[1] = (double) v[1]; - info.loadavg[2] = (double) v[2]; + info.loadavg[0] = (double)v[0]; + info.loadavg[1] = (double)v[1]; + info.loadavg[2] = (double)v[2]; - return 0; + return 0; } -double get_acpi_temperature(int fd) -{ - int temp; - (void)fd; +double get_acpi_temperature(int fd) { + int temp; + (void)fd; - if (GETSYSCTL("hw.acpi.thermal.tz0.temperature", temp)) { - fprintf(stderr, - "Cannot read sysctl \"hw.acpi.thermal.tz0.temperature\"\n"); - return 0.0; - } + if (GETSYSCTL("hw.acpi.thermal.tz0.temperature", temp)) { + fprintf(stderr, "Cannot read sysctl \"hw.acpi.thermal.tz0.temperature\"\n"); + return 0.0; + } - return KELVTOC(temp); + return KELVTOC(temp); } -static void get_battery_stats(int *battime, int *batcapacity, int *batstate, int *ac) { - if (battime && GETSYSCTL("hw.acpi.battery.time", *battime)) { - fprintf(stderr, "Cannot read sysctl \"hw.acpi.battery.time\"\n"); - } - if (batcapacity && GETSYSCTL("hw.acpi.battery.life", *batcapacity)) { - fprintf(stderr, "Cannot read sysctl \"hw.acpi.battery.life\"\n"); - } - if (batstate && GETSYSCTL("hw.acpi.battery.state", *batstate)) { - fprintf(stderr, "Cannot read sysctl \"hw.acpi.battery.state\"\n"); - } - if (ac && GETSYSCTL("hw.acpi.acline", *ac)) { - fprintf(stderr, "Cannot read sysctl \"hw.acpi.acline\"\n"); - } +static void get_battery_stats(int *battime, int *batcapacity, int *batstate, + int *ac) { + if (battime && GETSYSCTL("hw.acpi.battery.time", *battime)) { + fprintf(stderr, "Cannot read sysctl \"hw.acpi.battery.time\"\n"); + } + if (batcapacity && GETSYSCTL("hw.acpi.battery.life", *batcapacity)) { + fprintf(stderr, "Cannot read sysctl \"hw.acpi.battery.life\"\n"); + } + if (batstate && GETSYSCTL("hw.acpi.battery.state", *batstate)) { + fprintf(stderr, "Cannot read sysctl \"hw.acpi.battery.state\"\n"); + } + if (ac && GETSYSCTL("hw.acpi.acline", *ac)) { + fprintf(stderr, "Cannot read sysctl \"hw.acpi.acline\"\n"); + } } -void get_battery_stuff(char *buf, unsigned int n, const char *bat, int item) -{ - int battime, batcapacity, batstate, ac; - (void)bat; +void get_battery_stuff(char *buf, unsigned int n, const char *bat, int item) { + int battime, batcapacity, batstate, ac; + (void)bat; - get_battery_stats(&battime, &batcapacity, &batstate, &ac); + get_battery_stats(&battime, &batcapacity, &batstate, &ac); - if (batstate != 1 && batstate != 2 && batstate != 0 && batstate != 7) - fprintf(stderr, "Unknown battery state %d!\n", batstate); - else if (batstate != 1 && ac == 0) - fprintf(stderr, "Battery charging while not on AC!\n"); - else if (batstate == 1 && ac == 1) - fprintf(stderr, "Battery discharing while on AC!\n"); + if (batstate != 1 && batstate != 2 && batstate != 0 && batstate != 7) + fprintf(stderr, "Unknown battery state %d!\n", batstate); + else if (batstate != 1 && ac == 0) + fprintf(stderr, "Battery charging while not on AC!\n"); + else if (batstate == 1 && ac == 1) + fprintf(stderr, "Battery discharing while on AC!\n"); - switch (item) { - case BATTERY_TIME: - if (batstate == 1 && battime != -1) - snprintf(buf, n, "%d:%2.2d", battime / 60, battime % 60); - break; - case BATTERY_STATUS: - if (batstate == 1) // Discharging - snprintf(buf, n, "remaining %d%%", batcapacity); - else - snprintf(buf, n, batstate == 2 ? "charging (%d%%)" : - (batstate == 7 ? "absent/on AC" : "charged (%d%%)"), - batcapacity); - break; - default: - fprintf(stderr, "Unknown requested battery stat %d\n", item); - } + switch (item) { + case BATTERY_TIME: + if (batstate == 1 && battime != -1) + snprintf(buf, n, "%d:%2.2d", battime / 60, battime % 60); + break; + case BATTERY_STATUS: + if (batstate == 1) // Discharging + snprintf(buf, n, "remaining %d%%", batcapacity); + else + snprintf(buf, n, + batstate == 2 + ? "charging (%d%%)" + : (batstate == 7 ? "absent/on AC" : "charged (%d%%)"), + batcapacity); + break; + default: + fprintf(stderr, "Unknown requested battery stat %d\n", item); + } } -static int check_bat(const char *bat) -{ - int batnum, numbatts; - char *endptr; - if (GETSYSCTL("hw.acpi.battery.units", numbatts)) { - fprintf(stderr, "Cannot read sysctl \"hw.acpi.battery.units\"\n"); - return -1; - } - if (numbatts <= 0) { - fprintf(stderr, "No battery unit detected\n"); - return -1; - } - if (!bat || (batnum = strtol(bat, &endptr, 10)) < 0 || - bat == endptr || batnum > numbatts) { - fprintf(stderr, "Wrong battery unit %s requested\n", bat ? bat : ""); - return -1; - } - return batnum; +static int check_bat(const char *bat) { + int batnum, numbatts; + char *endptr; + if (GETSYSCTL("hw.acpi.battery.units", numbatts)) { + fprintf(stderr, "Cannot read sysctl \"hw.acpi.battery.units\"\n"); + return -1; + } + if (numbatts <= 0) { + fprintf(stderr, "No battery unit detected\n"); + return -1; + } + if (!bat || (batnum = strtol(bat, &endptr, 10)) < 0 || bat == endptr || + batnum > numbatts) { + fprintf(stderr, "Wrong battery unit %s requested\n", bat ? bat : ""); + return -1; + } + return batnum; } -int get_battery_perct(const char *bat) -{ - union acpi_battery_ioctl_arg battio; - int batnum, acpifd; - int designcap, lastfulcap, batperct; +int get_battery_perct(const char *bat) { + union acpi_battery_ioctl_arg battio; + int batnum, acpifd; + int designcap, lastfulcap, batperct; - if ((battio.unit = batnum = check_bat(bat)) < 0) - return 0; - if ((acpifd = open("/dev/acpi", O_RDONLY)) < 0) { - fprintf(stderr, "Can't open ACPI device\n"); - return 0; - } - if (ioctl(acpifd, ACPIIO_BATT_GET_BIF, &battio) == -1) { - fprintf(stderr, "Unable to get info for battery unit %d\n", batnum); - return 0; - } - close(acpifd); - designcap = battio.bif.dcap; - lastfulcap = battio.bif.lfcap; - batperct = (designcap > 0 && lastfulcap > 0) ? - (((float) lastfulcap / designcap) * 100) : 0; - return batperct > 100 ? 100 : batperct; + if ((battio.unit = batnum = check_bat(bat)) < 0) return 0; + if ((acpifd = open("/dev/acpi", O_RDONLY)) < 0) { + fprintf(stderr, "Can't open ACPI device\n"); + return 0; + } + if (ioctl(acpifd, ACPIIO_BATT_GET_BIF, &battio) == -1) { + fprintf(stderr, "Unable to get info for battery unit %d\n", batnum); + return 0; + } + close(acpifd); + designcap = battio.bif.dcap; + lastfulcap = battio.bif.lfcap; + batperct = (designcap > 0 && lastfulcap > 0) + ? (((float)lastfulcap / designcap) * 100) + : 0; + return batperct > 100 ? 100 : batperct; } -double get_battery_perct_bar(struct text_object *obj) -{ - int batperct = get_battery_perct(obj->data.s); - return batperct * 2.56 - 1; +double get_battery_perct_bar(struct text_object *obj) { + int batperct = get_battery_perct(obj->data.s); + return batperct * 2.56 - 1; } -int open_acpi_temperature(const char *name) -{ - (void)name; - /* Not applicable for FreeBSD. */ - return 0; +int open_acpi_temperature(const char *name) { + (void)name; + /* Not applicable for FreeBSD. */ + return 0; } -void get_acpi_ac_adapter(char *p_client_buffer, size_t client_buffer_size, const char *adapter) -{ - int state; +void get_acpi_ac_adapter(char *p_client_buffer, size_t client_buffer_size, + const char *adapter) { + int state; - (void) adapter; // only linux uses this + (void)adapter; // only linux uses this - if (!p_client_buffer || client_buffer_size <= 0) { - return; - } + if (!p_client_buffer || client_buffer_size <= 0) { + return; + } - if (GETSYSCTL("hw.acpi.acline", state)) { - fprintf(stderr, "Cannot read sysctl \"hw.acpi.acline\"\n"); - return; - } + if (GETSYSCTL("hw.acpi.acline", state)) { + fprintf(stderr, "Cannot read sysctl \"hw.acpi.acline\"\n"); + return; + } - if (state) { - strncpy(p_client_buffer, "Running on AC Power", client_buffer_size); - } else { - strncpy(p_client_buffer, "Running on battery", client_buffer_size); - } + if (state) { + strncpy(p_client_buffer, "Running on AC Power", client_buffer_size); + } else { + strncpy(p_client_buffer, "Running on battery", client_buffer_size); + } } -void get_acpi_fan(char *p_client_buffer, size_t client_buffer_size) -{ - /* not implemented */ - if (p_client_buffer && client_buffer_size > 0) { - memset(p_client_buffer, 0, client_buffer_size); - } +void get_acpi_fan(char *p_client_buffer, size_t client_buffer_size) { + /* not implemented */ + if (p_client_buffer && client_buffer_size > 0) { + memset(p_client_buffer, 0, client_buffer_size); + } } /* void */ -char get_freq(char *p_client_buffer, size_t client_buffer_size, const char *p_format, - int divisor, unsigned int cpu) -{ - int64_t freq; +char get_freq(char *p_client_buffer, size_t client_buffer_size, + const char *p_format, int divisor, unsigned int cpu) { + int64_t freq; - if (p_client_buffer && client_buffer_size > 0 && p_format && divisor > 0) { - if (GETSYSCTL("hw.tsc_frequency", freq) == 0) { - snprintf(p_client_buffer, client_buffer_size, p_format, - (float) freq / (divisor * 1000000)); - } else { - snprintf(p_client_buffer, client_buffer_size, p_format, 0.0f); - } - return 1; - } - return 0; + if (p_client_buffer && client_buffer_size > 0 && p_format && divisor > 0) { + if (GETSYSCTL("hw.tsc_frequency", freq) == 0) { + snprintf(p_client_buffer, client_buffer_size, p_format, + (float)freq / (divisor * 1000000)); + } else { + snprintf(p_client_buffer, client_buffer_size, p_format, 0.0f); + } + return 1; + } + return 0; } #if 0 @@ -604,291 +584,277 @@ cleanup: } #endif -int update_diskio(void) -{ - int devs_count, num_selected, num_selections, dn; - struct device_selection *dev_select = NULL; - long select_generation; - static struct statinfo statinfo_cur; - char device_name[DEFAULT_TEXT_BUFFER_SIZE]; - struct diskio_stat *cur; - unsigned int reads, writes; - unsigned int total_reads = 0, total_writes = 0; +int update_diskio(void) { + int devs_count, num_selected, num_selections, dn; + struct device_selection *dev_select = NULL; + long select_generation; + static struct statinfo statinfo_cur; + char device_name[DEFAULT_TEXT_BUFFER_SIZE]; + struct diskio_stat *cur; + unsigned int reads, writes; + unsigned int total_reads = 0, total_writes = 0; + memset(&statinfo_cur, 0, sizeof(statinfo_cur)); + statinfo_cur.dinfo = (struct devinfo *)calloc(1, sizeof(struct devinfo)); + stats.current = stats.current_read = stats.current_write = 0; - memset(&statinfo_cur, 0, sizeof(statinfo_cur)); - statinfo_cur.dinfo = (struct devinfo *)calloc(1, sizeof(struct devinfo)); - stats.current = stats.current_read = stats.current_write = 0; + if (getdevs(&statinfo_cur) < 0) { + free(statinfo_cur.dinfo); + return 0; + } - if (getdevs(&statinfo_cur) < 0) { - free(statinfo_cur.dinfo); - return 0; - } + devs_count = statinfo_cur.dinfo->numdevs; + if (selectdevs(&dev_select, &num_selected, &num_selections, + &select_generation, statinfo_cur.dinfo->generation, + statinfo_cur.dinfo->devices, devs_count, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, + DS_SELECT_ONLY, MAXSHOWDEVS, 1) >= 0) { + for (dn = 0; dn < devs_count; dn++) { + int di; + struct devstat *dev; - devs_count = statinfo_cur.dinfo->numdevs; - if (selectdevs(&dev_select, &num_selected, &num_selections, - &select_generation, statinfo_cur.dinfo->generation, - statinfo_cur.dinfo->devices, devs_count, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, - DS_SELECT_ONLY, MAXSHOWDEVS, 1) >= 0) { - for (dn = 0; dn < devs_count; dn++) { - int di; - struct devstat *dev; + di = dev_select[dn].position; + dev = &statinfo_cur.dinfo->devices[di]; + snprintf(device_name, DEFAULT_TEXT_BUFFER_SIZE, "%s%d", + dev_select[dn].device_name, dev_select[dn].unit_number); - di = dev_select[dn].position; - dev = &statinfo_cur.dinfo->devices[di]; - snprintf(device_name, DEFAULT_TEXT_BUFFER_SIZE, "%s%d", - dev_select[dn].device_name, dev_select[dn].unit_number); + total_reads += (reads = dev->bytes_read / 512); + total_writes += (writes = dev->bytes_written / 512); + for (cur = stats.next; cur; cur = cur->next) { + if (cur->dev && !strcmp(device_name, cur->dev)) { + update_diskio_values(cur, reads, writes); + break; + } + } + } + update_diskio_values(&stats, total_reads, total_writes); - total_reads += (reads = dev->bytes_read / 512); - total_writes += (writes = dev->bytes_written / 512); - for (cur = stats.next; cur; cur = cur->next) { - if (cur->dev && !strcmp(device_name, cur->dev)) { - update_diskio_values(cur, reads, writes); - break; - } - } - } - update_diskio_values(&stats, total_reads, total_writes); + free(dev_select); + } - free(dev_select); - } - - free(statinfo_cur.dinfo); - return 0; + free(statinfo_cur.dinfo); + return 0; } -static int proc_rusage(struct kinfo_proc *p) -{ +static int proc_rusage(struct kinfo_proc *p) { + struct kinfo_lwp *lwp = &p->kp_lwp; + struct rusage *cru = &p->kp_cru; + + return (lwp->kl_uticks + lwp->kl_sticks + lwp->kl_iticks) + + (cru->ru_stime.tv_sec + cru->ru_utime.tv_sec) * 1000000; +} + +static void proc_count(struct kinfo_proc *kp, size_t proc_n) { + size_t i, act = 0, run = 0; + + for (i = 0; i < proc_n; i++) { + struct kinfo_proc *p = &kp[i]; + + if (!(p->kp_flags & P_SYSTEM)) { + struct kinfo_lwp *lwp = &p->kp_lwp; + + if (!lwp->kl_tid) act++; + if (lwp->kl_stat == LSRUN) run++; + } + } + + info.procs = act; + info.run_procs = run; +} + +static void proc_fill(struct kinfo_proc *kp, size_t proc_n) { + size_t i, f = getpagesize(); + static long prev_ticks = 0; /* safe as long as in same thread */ + + for (i = 0; i < proc_n; i++) { + struct kinfo_proc *p = &kp[i]; struct kinfo_lwp *lwp = &p->kp_lwp; - struct rusage *cru = &p->kp_cru; - return (lwp->kl_uticks + - lwp->kl_sticks + lwp->kl_iticks) + - (cru->ru_stime.tv_sec + cru->ru_utime.tv_sec) * 1000000; + if (!(p->kp_flags & P_SYSTEM) && p->kp_comm && + *p->kp_comm && /* just to be sure */ + !lwp->kl_tid) { /* 'main' lwp, the real process (observed) */ + + struct process *my = get_process(p->kp_pid); + long ticks = proc_rusage(p); + + my->time_stamp = g_time; + + free_and_zero(my->name); + my->name = strdup(p->kp_comm); + + my->amount = 100.0 * lwp->kl_pctcpu / FSCALE; + my->vsize = p->kp_vm_map_size; + my->rss = p->kp_vm_rssize * f; + + my->total_cpu_time = ticks - prev_ticks; + prev_ticks = ticks; + + // printf("\tmy[%p]: %s(%u) %d %d 0x%x 0x%x %f\n", p, + // my->name, my->pid, my->vsize, my->rss, + // p->kp_flags, lwp->kl_stat, my->amount); + } + } } -static void proc_count(struct kinfo_proc *kp, size_t proc_n) -{ - size_t i, act = 0, run = 0; +void get_top_info(void) { + size_t proc_n = kern_proc_all_n(); + struct kinfo_proc *kp = kern_proc_all(proc_n); - for (i = 0; i < proc_n; i++) { - struct kinfo_proc *p = &kp[i]; - - if (!(p->kp_flags & P_SYSTEM)) { - struct kinfo_lwp *lwp = &p->kp_lwp; - - if (!lwp->kl_tid) act++; - if (lwp->kl_stat == LSRUN) run++; - } - } - - info.procs = act; - info.run_procs = run; + if (kp) { + proc_count(kp, proc_n); + proc_fill(kp, proc_n); + free(kp); + } } -static void proc_fill(struct kinfo_proc *kp, size_t proc_n) -{ - size_t i, f = getpagesize(); - static long prev_ticks = 0; /* safe as long as in same thread */ +#if defined(i386) || defined(__i386__) +#define APMDEV "/dev/apm" +#define APM_UNKNOWN 255 - for (i = 0; i < proc_n; i++) { - struct kinfo_proc *p = &kp[i]; - struct kinfo_lwp *lwp = &p->kp_lwp; +int apm_getinfo(int fd, apm_info_t aip) { + if (ioctl(fd, APMIO_GETINFO, aip) == -1) { + return -1; + } - if (!(p->kp_flags & P_SYSTEM) && - p->kp_comm && *p->kp_comm && /* just to be sure */ - !lwp->kl_tid) { /* 'main' lwp, the real process (observed) */ - - struct process *my = get_process(p->kp_pid); - long ticks = proc_rusage(p); - - my->time_stamp = g_time; - - free_and_zero(my->name); - my->name = strdup(p->kp_comm); - - my->amount = 100.0 * lwp->kl_pctcpu / FSCALE; - my->vsize = p->kp_vm_map_size; - my->rss = p->kp_vm_rssize * f; - - my->total_cpu_time = ticks - prev_ticks; - prev_ticks = ticks; - - // printf("\tmy[%p]: %s(%u) %d %d 0x%x 0x%x %f\n", p, - // my->name, my->pid, my->vsize, my->rss, - // p->kp_flags, lwp->kl_stat, my->amount); - } - } + return 0; } -void get_top_info(void) -{ - size_t proc_n = kern_proc_all_n(); - struct kinfo_proc *kp = kern_proc_all(proc_n); +char *get_apm_adapter(void) { + int fd; + struct apm_info a_info; + char *out; - if (kp) { - proc_count(kp, proc_n); - proc_fill(kp, proc_n); - free(kp); - } + out = (char *)calloc(16, sizeof(char)); + + fd = open(APMDEV, O_RDONLY); + if (fd < 0) { + strncpy(out, "ERR", 16); + return out; + } + + if (apm_getinfo(fd, &a_info) != 0) { + close(fd); + strncpy(out, "ERR", 16); + return out; + } + close(fd); + + switch (a_info.ai_acline) { + case 0: + strncpy(out, "off-line", 16); + return out; + break; + case 1: + if (a_info.ai_batt_stat == 3) { + strncpy(out, "charging", 16); + return out; + } else { + strncpy(out, "on-line", 16); + return out; + } + break; + default: + strncpy(out, "unknown", 16); + return out; + break; + } } -#if defined(i386) || defined(__i386__) -#define APMDEV "/dev/apm" -#define APM_UNKNOWN 255 +char *get_apm_battery_life(void) { + int fd; + u_int batt_life; + struct apm_info a_info; + char *out; -int apm_getinfo(int fd, apm_info_t aip) -{ - if (ioctl(fd, APMIO_GETINFO, aip) == -1) { - return -1; - } + out = (char *)calloc(16, sizeof(char)); - return 0; + fd = open(APMDEV, O_RDONLY); + if (fd < 0) { + strncpy(out, "ERR", 16); + return out; + } + + if (apm_getinfo(fd, &a_info) != 0) { + close(fd); + strncpy(out, "ERR", 16); + return out; + } + close(fd); + + batt_life = a_info.ai_batt_life; + if (batt_life == APM_UNKNOWN) { + strncpy(out, "unknown", 16); + } else if (batt_life <= 100) { + snprintf(out, 16, "%d%%", batt_life); + return out; + } else { + strncpy(out, "ERR", 16); + } + + return out; } -char *get_apm_adapter(void) -{ - int fd; - struct apm_info a_info; - char *out; +char *get_apm_battery_time(void) { + int fd; + int batt_time; + int h, m, s; + struct apm_info a_info; + char *out; - out = (char *) calloc(16, sizeof(char)); + out = (char *)calloc(16, sizeof(char)); - fd = open(APMDEV, O_RDONLY); - if (fd < 0) { - strncpy(out, "ERR", 16); - return out; - } + fd = open(APMDEV, O_RDONLY); + if (fd < 0) { + strncpy(out, "ERR", 16); + return out; + } - if (apm_getinfo(fd, &a_info) != 0) { - close(fd); - strncpy(out, "ERR", 16); - return out; - } - close(fd); + if (apm_getinfo(fd, &a_info) != 0) { + close(fd); + strncpy(out, "ERR", 16); + return out; + } + close(fd); - switch (a_info.ai_acline) { - case 0: - strncpy(out, "off-line", 16); - return out; - break; - case 1: - if (a_info.ai_batt_stat == 3) { - strncpy(out, "charging", 16); - return out; - } else { - strncpy(out, "on-line", 16); - return out; - } - break; - default: - strncpy(out, "unknown", 16); - return out; - break; - } -} + batt_time = a_info.ai_batt_time; -char *get_apm_battery_life(void) -{ - int fd; - u_int batt_life; - struct apm_info a_info; - char *out; + if (batt_time == -1) { + strncpy(out, "unknown", 16); + } else { + h = batt_time; + s = h % 60; + h /= 60; + m = h % 60; + h /= 60; + snprintf(out, 16, "%2d:%02d:%02d", h, m, s); + } - out = (char *) calloc(16, sizeof(char)); - - fd = open(APMDEV, O_RDONLY); - if (fd < 0) { - strncpy(out, "ERR", 16); - return out; - } - - if (apm_getinfo(fd, &a_info) != 0) { - close(fd); - strncpy(out, "ERR", 16); - return out; - } - close(fd); - - batt_life = a_info.ai_batt_life; - if (batt_life == APM_UNKNOWN) { - strncpy(out, "unknown", 16); - } else if (batt_life <= 100) { - snprintf(out, 16, "%d%%", batt_life); - return out; - } else { - strncpy(out, "ERR", 16); - } - - return out; -} - -char *get_apm_battery_time(void) -{ - int fd; - int batt_time; - int h, m, s; - struct apm_info a_info; - char *out; - - out = (char *) calloc(16, sizeof(char)); - - fd = open(APMDEV, O_RDONLY); - if (fd < 0) { - strncpy(out, "ERR", 16); - return out; - } - - if (apm_getinfo(fd, &a_info) != 0) { - close(fd); - strncpy(out, "ERR", 16); - return out; - } - close(fd); - - batt_time = a_info.ai_batt_time; - - if (batt_time == -1) { - strncpy(out, "unknown", 16); - } else { - h = batt_time; - s = h % 60; - h /= 60; - m = h % 60; - h /= 60; - snprintf(out, 16, "%2d:%02d:%02d", h, m, s); - } - - return out; + return out; } #endif -void get_battery_short_status(char *buffer, unsigned int n, const char *bat) -{ - get_battery_stuff(buffer, n, bat, BATTERY_STATUS); - if (0 == strncmp("charging", buffer, 8)) { - buffer[0] = 'C'; - memmove(buffer + 1, buffer + 8, n - 8); - } else if (0 == strncmp("discharging", buffer, 11)) { - buffer[0] = 'D'; - memmove(buffer + 1, buffer + 11, n - 11); - } else if (0 == strncmp("absent/on AC", buffer, 12)) { - buffer[0] = 'A'; - memmove(buffer + 1, buffer + 12, n - 12); - } +void get_battery_short_status(char *buffer, unsigned int n, const char *bat) { + get_battery_stuff(buffer, n, bat, BATTERY_STATUS); + if (0 == strncmp("charging", buffer, 8)) { + buffer[0] = 'C'; + memmove(buffer + 1, buffer + 8, n - 8); + } else if (0 == strncmp("discharging", buffer, 11)) { + buffer[0] = 'D'; + memmove(buffer + 1, buffer + 11, n - 11); + } else if (0 == strncmp("absent/on AC", buffer, 12)) { + buffer[0] = 'A'; + memmove(buffer + 1, buffer + 12, n - 12); + } } -int get_entropy_avail(unsigned int *val) -{ - /* Not applicable for FreeBSD as it uses the yarrow prng. */ - (void)val; - return 1; +int get_entropy_avail(unsigned int *val) { + /* Not applicable for FreeBSD as it uses the yarrow prng. */ + (void)val; + return 1; } -int get_entropy_poolsize(unsigned int *val) -{ - /* Not applicable for FreeBSD as it uses the yarrow prng. */ - (void)val; - return 1; +int get_entropy_poolsize(unsigned int *val) { + /* Not applicable for FreeBSD as it uses the yarrow prng. */ + (void)val; + return 1; } diff --git a/src/dragonfly.h b/src/dragonfly.h index b8fbefc4..52a39cc5 100644 --- a/src/dragonfly.h +++ b/src/dragonfly.h @@ -1,14 +1,14 @@ -/* -*- mode: c; c-basic-offset: 4; tab-width: 4; indent-tabs-mode: t -*- */ +/* */ #ifndef DRAGONFLY_H_ #define DRAGONFLY_H_ -#include "common.h" -#include -#include -#include #include #include +#include +#include +#include +#include "common.h" #if (defined(i386) || defined(__i386__)) #include #endif /* i386 || __i386__ */ diff --git a/src/entropy.cc b/src/entropy.cc index e43c1956..0b412cd2 100644 --- a/src/entropy.cc +++ b/src/entropy.cc @@ -1,5 +1,4 @@ -/* -*- mode: c++; c-basic-offset: 4; tab-width: 4; indent-tabs-mode: t -*- - * vim: ts=4 sw=4 noet ai cindent syntax=cpp +/* * * Conky, a system monitor, based on torsmo * @@ -10,7 +9,7 @@ * Please see COPYING for details * * Copyright (c) 2004, Hannu Saransaari and Lauri Hakkarainen - * Copyright (c) 2005-2012 Brenden Matthews, Philip Kovacs, et. al. + * Copyright (c) 2005-2018 Brenden Matthews, Philip Kovacs, et. al. * (see AUTHORS) * All rights reserved. * @@ -50,41 +49,36 @@ #endif struct _entropy { - _entropy() : avail(0), poolsize(0) {} - unsigned int avail; - unsigned int poolsize; + _entropy() : avail(0), poolsize(0) {} + unsigned int avail; + unsigned int poolsize; }; static _entropy entropy; -int update_entropy(void) -{ - get_entropy_avail(&entropy.avail); - get_entropy_poolsize(&entropy.poolsize); - return 0; +int update_entropy(void) { + get_entropy_avail(&entropy.avail); + get_entropy_poolsize(&entropy.poolsize); + return 0; } -void print_entropy_avail(struct text_object *obj, char *p, int p_max_size) -{ - (void)obj; - snprintf(p, p_max_size, "%u", entropy.avail); +void print_entropy_avail(struct text_object *obj, char *p, int p_max_size) { + (void)obj; + snprintf(p, p_max_size, "%u", entropy.avail); } -uint8_t entropy_percentage(struct text_object *obj) -{ - (void)obj; - return round_to_int((double)entropy.avail * 100.0 / (double)entropy.poolsize); +uint8_t entropy_percentage(struct text_object *obj) { + (void)obj; + return round_to_int((double)entropy.avail * 100.0 / (double)entropy.poolsize); } -void print_entropy_poolsize(struct text_object *obj, char *p, int p_max_size) -{ - (void)obj; - snprintf(p, p_max_size, "%u", entropy.poolsize); +void print_entropy_poolsize(struct text_object *obj, char *p, int p_max_size) { + (void)obj; + snprintf(p, p_max_size, "%u", entropy.poolsize); } -double entropy_barval(struct text_object *obj) -{ - (void)obj; +double entropy_barval(struct text_object *obj) { + (void)obj; - return (double)entropy.avail / entropy.poolsize; + return (double)entropy.avail / entropy.poolsize; } diff --git a/src/entropy.h b/src/entropy.h index 342da9d4..481452f9 100644 --- a/src/entropy.h +++ b/src/entropy.h @@ -1,5 +1,4 @@ -/* -*- mode: c++; c-basic-offset: 4; tab-width: 4; indent-tabs-mode: t -*- - * vim: ts=4 sw=4 noet ai cindent syntax=cpp +/* * * Conky, a system monitor, based on torsmo * @@ -10,7 +9,7 @@ * Please see COPYING for details * * Copyright (c) 2004, Hannu Saransaari and Lauri Hakkarainen - * Copyright (c) 2005-2012 Brenden Matthews, Philip Kovacs, et. al. + * Copyright (c) 2005-2018 Brenden Matthews, Philip Kovacs, et. al. * (see AUTHORS) * All rights reserved. * diff --git a/src/eve.cc b/src/eve.cc index df3b1ae7..657e1247 100644 --- a/src/eve.cc +++ b/src/eve.cc @@ -1,10 +1,9 @@ -/* -*- mode: c++; c-basic-offset: 4; tab-width: 4; indent-tabs-mode: t -*- - * vim: ts=4 sw=4 noet ai cindent syntax=cpp +/* * * Conky, a system monitor, based on torsmo * * Copyright (c) 2008 Asbjørn Zweidorff Kjær - * Copyright (c) 2005-2012 Brenden Matthews, Philip Kovacs, et. al. + * Copyright (c) 2005-2018 Brenden Matthews, Philip Kovacs, et. al. * (see AUTHORS) * All rights reserved. * @@ -23,17 +22,17 @@ */ #include "eve.h" +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include #include "config.h" #include "logging.h" #include "text_object.h" -#include -#include -#include -#include -#include -#include -#include -#include #include #include @@ -50,420 +49,402 @@ #define EVE_UPDATE_DELAY 60 typedef struct { - char *charid; - char *skillname; - char *time; - char *lastOutput; + char *charid; + char *skillname; + char *time; + char *lastOutput; - struct tm ends; - struct tm cache; + struct tm ends; + struct tm cache; - time_t delay; + time_t delay; - int isTraining; + int isTraining; - int level; - int skill; + int level; + int skill; } Character; struct xmlData { - char *data; - size_t size; + char *data; + size_t size; }; struct eve_data { - char apiVCode[65]; - char charid[21]; - char apiKeyID[21]; + char apiVCode[65]; + char charid[21]; + char apiKeyID[21]; }; int num_chars = 0; Character eveCharacters[MAXCHARS]; -static size_t write_data(void *ptr, size_t size, size_t nmemb, void *stream) -{ - size_t realsize = 0; - struct xmlData *data = 0; - data = (struct xmlData *)stream; - realsize = size * nmemb; +static size_t write_data(void *ptr, size_t size, size_t nmemb, void *stream) { + size_t realsize = 0; + struct xmlData *data = 0; + data = (struct xmlData *)stream; + realsize = size * nmemb; - data->data = (char *)realloc(data->data, data->size + realsize + 1); - if (data->data) { - memcpy(&(data->data[data->size]), ptr, realsize); - data->size += realsize; - data->data[data->size] = '\0'; - } + data->data = (char *)realloc(data->data, data->size + realsize + 1); + if (data->data) { + memcpy(&(data->data[data->size]), ptr, realsize); + data->size += realsize; + data->data[data->size] = '\0'; + } - return realsize; + return realsize; } -int parseTrainingXml(char *data, Character * s) -{ - char *skill, *level, *ends, *cache, *isTraining; - xmlNodePtr n; - xmlDocPtr doc = 0; - xmlNodePtr root = 0; - struct tm end_tm, cache_tm; +int parseTrainingXml(char *data, Character *s) { + char *skill, *level, *ends, *cache, *isTraining; + xmlNodePtr n; + xmlDocPtr doc = 0; + xmlNodePtr root = 0; + struct tm end_tm, cache_tm; - // initialize the time structs - time_t now = time(NULL); - localtime_r(&now, &end_tm); - localtime_r(&now, &cache_tm); + // initialize the time structs + time_t now = time(NULL); + localtime_r(&now, &end_tm); + localtime_r(&now, &cache_tm); - if (!data) - return 1; + if (!data) return 1; - doc = xmlReadMemory(data, strlen(data), "", NULL, XML_PARSE_RECOVER); - root = xmlDocGetRootElement(doc); + doc = xmlReadMemory(data, strlen(data), "", NULL, XML_PARSE_RECOVER); + root = xmlDocGetRootElement(doc); - for (n = root->children; n; n = n->next) { - if (n->type == XML_ELEMENT_NODE) { - if (!strcasecmp((const char *)n->name, "error")) { - return 1; - } else if (!strcasecmp((const char *)n->name, "result")) { - xmlNodePtr c; - for (c = n->children; c; c = c->next) { - if (!strcasecmp((const char *)c->name, "SkillInTraining")) { - isTraining = (char *)c->children->content; - } else if (!strcasecmp((const char *)c->name, "trainingEndTime")) { - ends = (char *)c->children->content; - } else if (!strcasecmp((const char *)c->name, "trainingTypeID")) { - if (c->children->content) - skill = (char *)c->children->content; - } else if (!strcasecmp((const char *)c->name, "trainingToLevel")) { - level = (char *)c->children->content; - } - } - } else if (!strcasecmp((const char *)n->name, "cachedUntil")) { - cache = (char *)n->children->content; - } - } - } + for (n = root->children; n; n = n->next) { + if (n->type == XML_ELEMENT_NODE) { + if (!strcasecmp((const char *)n->name, "error")) { + return 1; + } else if (!strcasecmp((const char *)n->name, "result")) { + xmlNodePtr c; + for (c = n->children; c; c = c->next) { + if (!strcasecmp((const char *)c->name, "SkillInTraining")) { + isTraining = (char *)c->children->content; + } else if (!strcasecmp((const char *)c->name, "trainingEndTime")) { + ends = (char *)c->children->content; + } else if (!strcasecmp((const char *)c->name, "trainingTypeID")) { + if (c->children->content) skill = (char *)c->children->content; + } else if (!strcasecmp((const char *)c->name, "trainingToLevel")) { + level = (char *)c->children->content; + } + } + } else if (!strcasecmp((const char *)n->name, "cachedUntil")) { + cache = (char *)n->children->content; + } + } + } - s->isTraining = atoi(isTraining); - s->skill = atoi(skill); - s->level = atoi(level); + s->isTraining = atoi(isTraining); + s->skill = atoi(skill); + s->level = atoi(level); - strptime(cache, "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S", &cache_tm); - s->cache = cache_tm; + strptime(cache, "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S", &cache_tm); + s->cache = cache_tm; - if (s->isTraining) { - strptime(ends, "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S", &end_tm); - s->ends = end_tm; - } + if (s->isTraining) { + strptime(ends, "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S", &end_tm); + s->ends = end_tm; + } - xmlFreeDoc(doc); - return 0; + xmlFreeDoc(doc); + return 0; } -static char *getXmlFromAPI(const char *apiKeyID, const char *apiVCode, const char *charid, const char *url) -{ - struct curl_httppost *post = NULL; - struct curl_httppost *last = NULL; - struct xmlData chr; - char *content; - CURL *curl_handle; - int rc = 0; +static char *getXmlFromAPI(const char *apiKeyID, const char *apiVCode, + const char *charid, const char *url) { + struct curl_httppost *post = NULL; + struct curl_httppost *last = NULL; + struct xmlData chr; + char *content; + CURL *curl_handle; + int rc = 0; - chr.data = NULL; - chr.size = 0; + chr.data = NULL; + chr.size = 0; - curl_handle = curl_easy_init(); - curl_easy_setopt(curl_handle, CURLOPT_FAILONERROR, 1); - curl_easy_setopt(curl_handle, CURLOPT_NOPROGRESS, 1); - curl_easy_setopt(curl_handle, CURLOPT_WRITEFUNCTION, write_data); - curl_easy_setopt(curl_handle, CURLOPT_WRITEDATA, (void *)&chr); + curl_handle = curl_easy_init(); + curl_easy_setopt(curl_handle, CURLOPT_FAILONERROR, 1); + curl_easy_setopt(curl_handle, CURLOPT_NOPROGRESS, 1); + curl_easy_setopt(curl_handle, CURLOPT_WRITEFUNCTION, write_data); + curl_easy_setopt(curl_handle, CURLOPT_WRITEDATA, (void *)&chr); - std::string real_url = std::string(url, strlen(url)); - if (apiKeyID && apiVCode && charid) { - real_url += "?keyID="; - real_url += curl_easy_escape(curl_handle, apiKeyID, strlen(apiKeyID)); - real_url += "&vCode="; - real_url += curl_easy_escape(curl_handle, apiVCode, strlen(apiVCode)); - real_url += "&characterID="; - real_url += curl_easy_escape(curl_handle, charid, strlen(charid)); - } + std::string real_url = std::string(url, strlen(url)); + if (apiKeyID && apiVCode && charid) { + real_url += "?keyID="; + real_url += curl_easy_escape(curl_handle, apiKeyID, strlen(apiKeyID)); + real_url += "&vCode="; + real_url += curl_easy_escape(curl_handle, apiVCode, strlen(apiVCode)); + real_url += "&characterID="; + real_url += curl_easy_escape(curl_handle, charid, strlen(charid)); + } - curl_easy_setopt(curl_handle, CURLOPT_URL, real_url.c_str()); + curl_easy_setopt(curl_handle, CURLOPT_URL, real_url.c_str()); - rc = curl_easy_perform(curl_handle); + rc = curl_easy_perform(curl_handle); - if (chr.data == NULL) { - return NULL; - } + if (chr.data == NULL) { + return NULL; + } - content = strdup(chr.data); - curl_easy_cleanup(curl_handle); + content = strdup(chr.data); + curl_easy_cleanup(curl_handle); - return content; + return content; } -static void init_eve(void) -{ - int i; +static void init_eve(void) { + int i; - for (i = 0; i < MAXCHARS; i++) { - eveCharacters[i].charid = NULL; - eveCharacters[i].skillname = NULL; - eveCharacters[i].time = NULL; - eveCharacters[i].level = 0; - eveCharacters[i].skill = 0; - eveCharacters[i].delay = 0; - } + for (i = 0; i < MAXCHARS; i++) { + eveCharacters[i].charid = NULL; + eveCharacters[i].skillname = NULL; + eveCharacters[i].time = NULL; + eveCharacters[i].level = 0; + eveCharacters[i].skill = 0; + eveCharacters[i].delay = 0; + } } -static int isCacheValid(struct tm cached) -{ - //struct timeval tv; - //struct timezone tz; - double offset = 0; - time_t now = time(NULL); - time_t cache = 0; - double diff = 0; +static int isCacheValid(struct tm cached) { + // struct timeval tv; + // struct timezone tz; + double offset = 0; + time_t now = time(NULL); + time_t cache = 0; + double diff = 0; - //gettimeofday(&tv, &tz); - //tzset(); - struct tm * lt = localtime(&now); + // gettimeofday(&tv, &tz); + // tzset(); + struct tm *lt = localtime(&now); - offset = (double)(-lt->tm_gmtoff); - cache = mktime(&cached); - diff = difftime(cache, now); + offset = (double)(-lt->tm_gmtoff); + cache = mktime(&cached); + diff = difftime(cache, now); - if (diff < offset) - return 0; - else - return 1; + if (diff < offset) + return 0; + else + return 1; } -static char *formatTime(struct tm *ends) -{ - //struct timeval tv; - //struct timezone tz; - double offset = 0; - time_t now = time(NULL); - time_t tEnds = 0; - long lin = 0; - long lie = 0; - long diff = 0; - - //gettimeofday(&tv, &tz); - struct tm * lt = localtime(&now); +static char *formatTime(struct tm *ends) { + // struct timeval tv; + // struct timezone tz; + double offset = 0; + time_t now = time(NULL); + time_t tEnds = 0; + long lin = 0; + long lie = 0; + long diff = 0; - offset = (double)(-lt->tm_gmtoff); - tEnds = mktime(ends); - lin = (long)now; - lin += (long)offset; - lie = (long)tEnds; - diff = (lie - lin); + // gettimeofday(&tv, &tz); + struct tm *lt = localtime(&now); - if (diff > 0) { - int days = (int)(diff / 60 / 60 / 24); - int hours = (int)((diff / 60 / 60) - (days * 24)); - int minutes = (int)((diff / 60) - ((hours * 60) + (days * 60 * 24))); - int seconds = (int)(diff - ((minutes * 60) + (hours * 60 * 60) + (days * 60 * 60 * 24))); - char *output = (char*) malloc(100 * sizeof(char)); + offset = (double)(-lt->tm_gmtoff); + tEnds = mktime(ends); + lin = (long)now; + lin += (long)offset; + lie = (long)tEnds; + diff = (lie - lin); - if (days > 0) - sprintf(output, "%dd %dh %02dm %02ds", days, hours, minutes, seconds); - else if (hours > 0) - sprintf(output, "%dh %02dm %02ds", hours, minutes, seconds); - else - sprintf(output, "%02dm %02ds", minutes, seconds); + if (diff > 0) { + int days = (int)(diff / 60 / 60 / 24); + int hours = (int)((diff / 60 / 60) - (days * 24)); + int minutes = (int)((diff / 60) - ((hours * 60) + (days * 60 * 24))); + int seconds = (int)(diff - ((minutes * 60) + (hours * 60 * 60) + + (days * 60 * 60 * 24))); + char *output = (char *)malloc(100 * sizeof(char)); - return output; - } else { - char *output = strdup("Done"); - return output; - } + if (days > 0) + sprintf(output, "%dd %dh %02dm %02ds", days, hours, minutes, seconds); + else if (hours > 0) + sprintf(output, "%dh %02dm %02ds", hours, minutes, seconds); + else + sprintf(output, "%02dm %02ds", minutes, seconds); + + return output; + } else { + char *output = strdup("Done"); + return output; + } } -static void writeSkilltree(char *content, const char *filename) -{ - FILE *fp = fopen(filename, "w"); - if (fwrite(content, sizeof(char), strlen(content), fp) < strlen(content)) - NORM_ERR("skill tree write failed"); - fclose(fp); +static void writeSkilltree(char *content, const char *filename) { + FILE *fp = fopen(filename, "w"); + if (fwrite(content, sizeof(char), strlen(content), fp) < strlen(content)) + NORM_ERR("skill tree write failed"); + fclose(fp); } -static char *getSkillname(const char *file, int skillid) -{ - char *skilltree; - char *skill = NULL; - xmlNodePtr n; - xmlDocPtr doc = 0; - xmlNodePtr root = 0; +static char *getSkillname(const char *file, int skillid) { + char *skilltree; + char *skill = NULL; + xmlNodePtr n; + xmlDocPtr doc = 0; + xmlNodePtr root = 0; - skilltree = getXmlFromAPI(NULL, NULL, NULL, EVEURL_SKILLTREE); - if(skilltree) - { - writeSkilltree(skilltree, file); - free(skilltree); - } + skilltree = getXmlFromAPI(NULL, NULL, NULL, EVEURL_SKILLTREE); + if (skilltree) { + writeSkilltree(skilltree, file); + free(skilltree); + } - doc = xmlReadFile(file, NULL, XML_PARSE_RECOVER); - unlink(file); - if (!doc) - return NULL; + doc = xmlReadFile(file, NULL, XML_PARSE_RECOVER); + unlink(file); + if (!doc) return NULL; - root = xmlDocGetRootElement(doc); + root = xmlDocGetRootElement(doc); - for (n = root->children; n; n = n->next) { - xmlNodePtr o; - for (o = n->children; o; o = o->next) { - xmlNodePtr p; - for (p = o->children; p; p = p->next) { - xmlNodePtr q; - for (q = p->children; q; q = q->next) { - xmlNodePtr r; - for (r = q->children; r; r = r->next) { - xmlElementPtr ele = (xmlElementPtr) r; - xmlAttrPtr attr = (xmlAttrPtr) ele->attributes; - char *mySkill = NULL; - int id; + for (n = root->children; n; n = n->next) { + xmlNodePtr o; + for (o = n->children; o; o = o->next) { + xmlNodePtr p; + for (p = o->children; p; p = p->next) { + xmlNodePtr q; + for (q = p->children; q; q = q->next) { + xmlNodePtr r; + for (r = q->children; r; r = r->next) { + xmlElementPtr ele = (xmlElementPtr)r; + xmlAttrPtr attr = (xmlAttrPtr)ele->attributes; + char *mySkill = NULL; + int id; - while (attr != NULL) { - if (!strcasecmp((const char *)attr->name, "typeName")) { - mySkill = strdup((const char *)attr->children->content); - } else if (!strcasecmp((const char *)attr->name, "typeID")) { - id = atoi((const char *)attr->children->content); - } - attr = attr->next; - } + while (attr != NULL) { + if (!strcasecmp((const char *)attr->name, "typeName")) { + mySkill = strdup((const char *)attr->children->content); + } else if (!strcasecmp((const char *)attr->name, "typeID")) { + id = atoi((const char *)attr->children->content); + } + attr = attr->next; + } - if (id == skillid) { - skill = mySkill; - goto END; - } + if (id == skillid) { + skill = mySkill; + goto END; + } - free(mySkill); - } - } - } - } - } - END: - xmlFreeDoc(doc); + free(mySkill); + } + } + } + } + } +END: + xmlFreeDoc(doc); - return skill; + return skill; } -static char *eve(char *apiKeyID, char *apiVCode, char *charid) -{ - Character *chr = NULL; - char skillfile[] = "/tmp/.cesfXXXXXX"; - int i = 0; - char *output = 0; - char *timel = 0; - char *skill = 0; - char *content = 0; - time_t now = 0; - char *error = 0; - int tmp_fd, old_umask; +static char *eve(char *apiKeyID, char *apiVCode, char *charid) { + Character *chr = NULL; + char skillfile[] = "/tmp/.cesfXXXXXX"; + int i = 0; + char *output = 0; + char *timel = 0; + char *skill = 0; + char *content = 0; + time_t now = 0; + char *error = 0; + int tmp_fd, old_umask; + for (i = 0; i < num_chars; i++) { + if (eveCharacters[i].charid != NULL) { + if (strcasecmp(eveCharacters[i].charid, charid) == 0) { + chr = &eveCharacters[i]; + break; + } + } + } - for (i = 0; i < num_chars; i++) { - if (eveCharacters[i].charid != NULL) { - if (strcasecmp(eveCharacters[i].charid, charid) == 0) { - chr = &eveCharacters[i]; - break; - } - } - } + if (!chr) { + if (num_chars == MAXCHARS - 1) return NULL; + chr = &eveCharacters[num_chars]; + memset(chr, 0, sizeof(Character)); + chr->charid = strdup(charid); + num_chars++; + } - if (!chr) { - if (num_chars == MAXCHARS - 1) - return NULL; - chr = &eveCharacters[num_chars]; - memset(chr, 0, sizeof(Character)); - chr->charid = strdup(charid); - num_chars++; - } + if (chr->delay > 0) { + now = time(NULL); + if (now < chr->delay) { + output = strdup("Server error"); + return output; + } else + chr->delay = 0; + } - if (chr->delay > 0) { - now = time(NULL); - if (now < chr->delay) { - output = strdup("Server error"); - return output; - } else - chr->delay = 0; - } + if (isCacheValid(chr->cache)) { + if (chr->isTraining) { + output = (char *)malloc(200 * sizeof(char)); + timel = strdup(formatTime(&chr->ends)); + sprintf(output, EVE_OUTPUT_FORMAT, chr->skillname, chr->level, timel); + free(timel); + return output; + } else { + return strdup(TRAINING_INACTIVE); + } + } else { + content = getXmlFromAPI(apiKeyID, apiVCode, charid, EVEURL_TRAINING); + if (content == NULL) { + error = strdup("Server error"); + now = time(NULL); + now += (time_t)1800; + chr->delay = now; + return error; + } - if (isCacheValid(chr->cache)) { - if (chr->isTraining) { - output = (char *)malloc(200 * sizeof(char)); - timel = strdup(formatTime(&chr->ends)); - sprintf(output, EVE_OUTPUT_FORMAT, chr->skillname, chr->level, timel); - free(timel); - return output; - } else { - return strdup(TRAINING_INACTIVE); - } - } else { - content = getXmlFromAPI(apiKeyID, apiVCode, charid, EVEURL_TRAINING); - if (content == NULL) { - error = strdup("Server error"); - now = time(NULL); - now += (time_t) 1800; - chr->delay = now; - return error; - } + if (parseTrainingXml(content, chr)) { + output = strdup("API error"); + return output; + } - if (parseTrainingXml(content, chr)) { - output = strdup("API error"); - return output; - } + timel = formatTime(&chr->ends); + old_umask = umask(0066); + tmp_fd = mkstemp(skillfile); + umask(old_umask); + if (tmp_fd == -1) { + error = strdup("Cannot create temporary file"); + return error; + } + close(tmp_fd); - timel = formatTime(&chr->ends); - old_umask = umask(0066); - tmp_fd = mkstemp(skillfile); - umask(old_umask); - if (tmp_fd == -1) { - error = strdup("Cannot create temporary file"); - return error; - } - close(tmp_fd); - - skill = getSkillname(skillfile, chr->skill); - if (skill) { - chr->skillname = strdup(skill); - - output = (char *)malloc(200 * sizeof(char)); - sprintf(output, EVE_OUTPUT_FORMAT, chr->skillname, chr->level, timel); - free(skill); - return output; - } else { - return strdup(TRAINING_INACTIVE); - } - } + skill = getSkillname(skillfile, chr->skill); + if (skill) { + chr->skillname = strdup(skill); + output = (char *)malloc(200 * sizeof(char)); + sprintf(output, EVE_OUTPUT_FORMAT, chr->skillname, chr->level, timel); + free(skill); + return output; + } else { + return strdup(TRAINING_INACTIVE); + } + } } -void scan_eve(struct text_object *obj, const char *arg) -{ - int argc; - struct eve_data *ed; +void scan_eve(struct text_object *obj, const char *arg) { + int argc; + struct eve_data *ed; - ed = (struct eve_data *) malloc(sizeof(struct eve_data)); - memset(ed, 0, sizeof(struct eve_data)); + ed = (struct eve_data *)malloc(sizeof(struct eve_data)); + memset(ed, 0, sizeof(struct eve_data)); - argc = sscanf(arg, "%20s %64s %20s", ed->apiKeyID, ed->apiVCode, ed->charid); + argc = sscanf(arg, "%20s %64s %20s", ed->apiKeyID, ed->apiVCode, ed->charid); - init_eve(); - obj->data.opaque = ed; + init_eve(); + obj->data.opaque = ed; } -void print_eve(struct text_object *obj, char *p, int p_max_size) -{ - struct eve_data *ed = (struct eve_data *) obj->data.opaque; +void print_eve(struct text_object *obj, char *p, int p_max_size) { + struct eve_data *ed = (struct eve_data *)obj->data.opaque; - if (!ed) - return; + if (!ed) return; - snprintf(p, p_max_size, "%s", eve(ed->apiKeyID, ed->apiVCode, ed->charid)); + snprintf(p, p_max_size, "%s", eve(ed->apiKeyID, ed->apiVCode, ed->charid)); } -void free_eve(struct text_object *obj) -{ - free_and_zero(obj->data.opaque); - num_chars = 0; +void free_eve(struct text_object *obj) { + free_and_zero(obj->data.opaque); + num_chars = 0; } diff --git a/src/eve.h b/src/eve.h index a7e19f16..5d2e432a 100644 --- a/src/eve.h +++ b/src/eve.h @@ -1,10 +1,9 @@ -/* -*- mode: c; c-basic-offset: 4; tab-width: 4; indent-tabs-mode: t -*- - * vim: ts=4 sw=4 noet ai cindent syntax=cpp +/* * * Conky, a system monitor, based on torsmo * * Copyright (c) 2008 Asbjørn Zweidorff Kjær - * Copyright (c) 2005-2012 Brenden Matthews, Philip Kovacs, et. al. + * Copyright (c) 2005-2018 Brenden Matthews, Philip Kovacs, et. al. * (see AUTHORS) * All rights reserved. * @@ -25,7 +24,8 @@ #ifndef _EVE_H #define _EVE_H -#define EVEURL_TRAINING "https://api.eveonline.com/char/SkillInTraining.xml.aspx" +#define EVEURL_TRAINING \ + "https://api.eveonline.com/char/SkillInTraining.xml.aspx" #define EVEURL_SKILLTREE "https://api.eveonline.com/eve/Skilltree.xml.aspx" #define EVE_OUTPUT_FORMAT "%s %d in %s" diff --git a/src/exec.cc b/src/exec.cc index aab210e0..df29c180 100644 --- a/src/exec.cc +++ b/src/exec.cc @@ -1,5 +1,4 @@ -/* -*- mode: c++; c-basic-offset: 4; tab-width: 4; indent-tabs-mode: t -*- - * vim: ts=4 sw=4 noet ai cindent syntax=cpp +/* * * Conky, a system monitor, based on torsmo * @@ -10,7 +9,7 @@ * Please see COPYING for details * * Copyright (c) 2004, Hannu Saransaari and Lauri Hakkarainen - * Copyright (c) 2005-2012 Brenden Matthews, Philip Kovacs, et. al. + * Copyright (c) 2005-2018 Brenden Matthews, Philip Kovacs, et. al. * (see AUTHORS) * All rights reserved. * @@ -28,78 +27,79 @@ * */ -#include "conky.h" -#include "core.h" #include "exec.h" -#include "logging.h" -#include "specials.h" -#include "text_object.h" -#include "update-cb.hh" -#include -#include #include #include #include #include +#include +#include +#include "conky.h" +#include "core.h" +#include "logging.h" +#include "specials.h" +#include "text_object.h" +#include "update-cb.hh" struct execi_data { - float interval; - char *cmd; - execi_data() : interval(0), cmd(0) {} + float interval; + char *cmd; + execi_data() : interval(0), cmd(0) {} }; -//our own implementation of popen, the difference : the value of 'childpid' will be filled with -//the pid of the running 'command'. This is useful if want to kill it when it hangs while reading -//or writing to it. We have to kill it because pclose will wait until the process dies by itself -static FILE* pid_popen(const char *command, const char *mode, pid_t *child) { - int ends[2]; - int parentend, childend; +// our own implementation of popen, the difference : the value of 'childpid' +// will be filled with the pid of the running 'command'. This is useful if want +// to kill it when it hangs while reading or writing to it. We have to kill it +// because pclose will wait until the process dies by itself +static FILE *pid_popen(const char *command, const char *mode, pid_t *child) { + int ends[2]; + int parentend, childend; - //by running pipe after the strcmp's we make sure that we don't have to create a pipe - //and close the ends if mode is something illegal - if (strcmp(mode, "r") == 0) { - if (pipe(ends) != 0) { - return NULL; - } - parentend = ends[0]; - childend = ends[1]; - } else if (strcmp(mode, "w") == 0) { - if (pipe(ends) != 0) { - return NULL; - } - parentend = ends[1]; - childend = ends[0]; - } else { - return NULL; - } + // by running pipe after the strcmp's we make sure that we don't have to + // create a pipe and close the ends if mode is something illegal + if (strcmp(mode, "r") == 0) { + if (pipe(ends) != 0) { + return NULL; + } + parentend = ends[0]; + childend = ends[1]; + } else if (strcmp(mode, "w") == 0) { + if (pipe(ends) != 0) { + return NULL; + } + parentend = ends[1]; + childend = ends[0]; + } else { + return NULL; + } - *child = fork(); - if (*child == -1) { - close(parentend); - close(childend); - return NULL; - } else if (*child > 0) { - close(childend); - waitpid(*child, NULL, 0); - } else { - //don't read from both stdin and pipe or write to both stdout and pipe - if (childend == ends[0]) { - close(0); - } else { - close(1); - } - close(parentend); + *child = fork(); + if (*child == -1) { + close(parentend); + close(childend); + return NULL; + } else if (*child > 0) { + close(childend); + waitpid(*child, NULL, 0); + } else { + // don't read from both stdin and pipe or write to both stdout and pipe + if (childend == ends[0]) { + close(0); + } else { + close(1); + } + close(parentend); - //by dupping childend, the returned fd will have close-on-exec turned off - if (dup(childend) == -1) - perror("dup()"); - close(childend); + // by dupping childend, the returned fd will have close-on-exec turned off + if (dup(childend) == -1) perror("dup()"); + close(childend); - execl("/bin/sh", "sh", "-c", command, (char *) NULL); - _exit(EXIT_FAILURE); //child should die here, (normally execl will take care of this but it can fail) - } + execl("/bin/sh", "sh", "-c", command, (char *)NULL); + _exit(EXIT_FAILURE); // child should die here, (normally execl will take + // care of this but it can fail) + } - return fdopen(parentend, mode); + return fdopen(parentend, mode); } /** @@ -113,43 +113,45 @@ static FILE* pid_popen(const char *command, const char *mode, pid_t *child) { * results, use the stored callback to call get_result_copy(), which * returns a std::string. */ -void exec_cb::work() -{ - pid_t childpid; - std::string buf; - std::shared_ptr fp; - char b[0x1000]; +void exec_cb::work() { + pid_t childpid; + std::string buf; + std::shared_ptr fp; + char b[0x1000]; - if (FILE *t = pid_popen(std::get<0>(tuple).c_str(), "r", &childpid)) - fp.reset(t, fclose); - else - return; + if (FILE *t = pid_popen(std::get<0>(tuple).c_str(), "r", &childpid)) + fp.reset(t, fclose); + else + return; - while (!feof(fp.get()) && !ferror(fp.get())) { - int length = fread(b, 1, sizeof b, fp.get()); - buf.append(b, length); - } + while (!feof(fp.get()) && !ferror(fp.get())) { + int length = fread(b, 1, sizeof b, fp.get()); + buf.append(b, length); + } - if (*buf.rbegin() == '\n') - buf.resize(buf.size()-1); + if (*buf.rbegin() == '\n') buf.resize(buf.size() - 1); - std::lock_guard l(result_mutex); - result = buf; + std::lock_guard l(result_mutex); + result = buf; } -//remove backspaced chars, example: "dog^H^H^Hcat" becomes "cat" -//string has to end with \0 and it's length should fit in a int +// remove backspaced chars, example: "dog^H^H^Hcat" becomes "cat" +// string has to end with \0 and it's length should fit in a int #define BACKSPACE 8 -static void remove_deleted_chars(char *string){ - int i = 0; - while (string[i] != 0) { - if (string[i] == BACKSPACE) { - if (i != 0) { - strcpy( &(string[i-1]), &(string[i+1]) ); - i--; - } else strcpy( &(string[i]), &(string[i+1]) ); //necessary for ^H's at the start of a string - } else i++; - } +static void remove_deleted_chars(char *string) { + int i = 0; + while (string[i] != 0) { + if (string[i] == BACKSPACE) { + if (i != 0) { + strcpy(&(string[i - 1]), &(string[i + 1])); + i--; + } else + strcpy( + &(string[i]), + &(string[i + 1])); // necessary for ^H's at the start of a string + } else + i++; + } } /** @@ -159,22 +161,23 @@ static void remove_deleted_chars(char *string){ * @param[in] buf output of a command executed by an exec_cb object * @return number between 0.0 and 100.0 */ -static inline double get_barnum(const char *buf) -{ - double barnum; +static inline double get_barnum(const char *buf) { + double barnum; - if (sscanf(buf, "%lf", &barnum) != 1) { - NORM_ERR("reading exec value failed (perhaps it's not the " - "correct format?)"); - return 0.0; - } - if (barnum > 100.0 || barnum < 0.0) { - NORM_ERR("your exec value is not between 0 and 100, " - "therefore it will be ignored"); - return 0.0; - } + if (sscanf(buf, "%lf", &barnum) != 1) { + NORM_ERR( + "reading exec value failed (perhaps it's not the " + "correct format?)"); + return 0.0; + } + if (barnum > 100.0 || barnum < 0.0) { + NORM_ERR( + "your exec value is not between 0 and 100, " + "therefore it will be ignored"); + return 0.0; + } - return barnum; + return barnum; } /** @@ -186,67 +189,71 @@ static inline double get_barnum(const char *buf) * @param[out] p the string in which we store command output * @param[in] p_max_size the maximum size of p... */ -void fill_p(const char *buffer, struct text_object *obj, char *p, int p_max_size) { - if (obj->parse == true) { - evaluate(buffer, p, p_max_size); - } else { - snprintf(p, p_max_size, "%s", buffer); - } +void fill_p(const char *buffer, struct text_object *obj, char *p, + int p_max_size) { + if (obj->parse == true) { + evaluate(buffer, p, p_max_size); + } else { + snprintf(p, p_max_size, "%s", buffer); + } - remove_deleted_chars(p); + remove_deleted_chars(p); } /** * Parses arg to find the command to be run, as well as special options * like height, width, color, and update interval * - * @param[out] obj stores the command and an execi_data structure (if applicable) + * @param[out] obj stores the command and an execi_data structure (if + * applicable) * @param[in] arg the argument to an ${exec*} object - * @param[in] execflag bitwise flag used to specify the exec variant we need to process + * @param[in] execflag bitwise flag used to specify the exec variant we need to + * process */ -void scan_exec_arg(struct text_object *obj, const char *arg, unsigned int execflag) -{ - const char *cmd = arg; - struct execi_data *ed; +void scan_exec_arg(struct text_object *obj, const char *arg, + unsigned int execflag) { + const char *cmd = arg; + struct execi_data *ed; - /* in case we have an execi object, we need to parse out the interval */ - if (execflag & EF_EXECI) { - ed = new execi_data; - int n; + /* in case we have an execi object, we need to parse out the interval */ + if (execflag & EF_EXECI) { + ed = new execi_data; + int n; - /* store the interval in ed->interval */ - if (sscanf(arg, "%f %n", &ed->interval, &n) <= 0) { - NORM_ERR("missing execi interval: ${execi* command}"); - delete ed; - ed = NULL; - return; - } + /* store the interval in ed->interval */ + if (sscanf(arg, "%f %n", &ed->interval, &n) <= 0) { + NORM_ERR("missing execi interval: ${execi* command}"); + delete ed; + ed = NULL; + return; + } - /* set cmd to everything after the interval */ - cmd = strndup(arg + n, text_buffer_size.get(*state)); - } + /* set cmd to everything after the interval */ + cmd = strndup(arg + n, text_buffer_size.get(*state)); + } - /* parse any special options for the graphical exec types */ - if (execflag & EF_BAR) { - cmd = scan_bar(obj, cmd, 100); + /* parse any special options for the graphical exec types */ + if (execflag & EF_BAR) { + cmd = scan_bar(obj, cmd, 100); #ifdef BUILD_X11 - } else if (execflag & EF_GAUGE) { - cmd = scan_gauge(obj, cmd, 100); - } else if (execflag & EF_GRAPH) { - cmd = scan_graph(obj, cmd, 100); - if (!cmd) { - NORM_ERR("error parsing arguments to execgraph object"); - } + } else if (execflag & EF_GAUGE) { + cmd = scan_gauge(obj, cmd, 100); + } else if (execflag & EF_GRAPH) { + cmd = scan_graph(obj, cmd, 100); + if (!cmd) { + NORM_ERR("error parsing arguments to execgraph object"); + } #endif /* BUILD_X11 */ - } + } - /* finally, store the resulting command, or an empty string if something went wrong */ - if (execflag & EF_EXEC) { - obj->data.s = strndup(cmd ? cmd : "", text_buffer_size.get(*state)); - } else if (execflag & EF_EXECI) { - ed->cmd = strndup(cmd ? cmd : "", text_buffer_size.get(*state)); - obj->data.opaque = ed; - } + /* finally, store the resulting command, or an empty string if something went + * wrong */ + if (execflag & EF_EXEC) { + obj->data.s = strndup(cmd ? cmd : "", text_buffer_size.get(*state)); + } else if (execflag & EF_EXECI) { + ed->cmd = strndup(cmd ? cmd : "", text_buffer_size.get(*state)); + obj->data.opaque = ed; + } } /** @@ -254,14 +261,13 @@ void scan_exec_arg(struct text_object *obj, const char *arg, unsigned int execfl * * @param[out] obj stores the callback handle */ -void register_exec(struct text_object *obj) -{ - if (obj->data.s && obj->data.s[0]) { - obj->exec_handle = new conky::callback_handle( - conky::register_cb(1, true, obj->data.s)); - } else { - DBGP("unable to register exec callback"); - } +void register_exec(struct text_object *obj) { + if (obj->data.s && obj->data.s[0]) { + obj->exec_handle = new conky::callback_handle( + conky::register_cb(1, true, obj->data.s)); + } else { + DBGP("unable to register exec callback"); + } } /** @@ -272,17 +278,17 @@ void register_exec(struct text_object *obj) * * @param[out] obj stores the callback handle */ -void register_execi(struct text_object *obj) -{ - struct execi_data *ed = (struct execi_data *)obj->data.opaque; +void register_execi(struct text_object *obj) { + struct execi_data *ed = (struct execi_data *)obj->data.opaque; - if (ed && ed->cmd && ed->cmd[0]) { - uint32_t period = std::max(lround(ed->interval/active_update_interval()), 1l); - obj->exec_handle = new conky::callback_handle( - conky::register_cb(period, !obj->thread, ed->cmd)); - } else { - DBGP("unable to register execi callback"); - } + if (ed && ed->cmd && ed->cmd[0]) { + uint32_t period = + std::max(lround(ed->interval / active_update_interval()), 1l); + obj->exec_handle = new conky::callback_handle( + conky::register_cb(period, !obj->thread, ed->cmd)); + } else { + DBGP("unable to register execi callback"); + } } /** @@ -292,11 +298,10 @@ void register_execi(struct text_object *obj) * @param[out] p the string in which we store command output * @param[in] p_max_size the maximum size of p... */ -void print_exec(struct text_object *obj, char *p, int p_max_size) -{ - if (obj->exec_handle) { - fill_p((*obj->exec_handle)->get_result_copy().c_str(), obj, p, p_max_size); - } +void print_exec(struct text_object *obj, char *p, int p_max_size) { + if (obj->exec_handle) { + fill_p((*obj->exec_handle)->get_result_copy().c_str(), obj, p, p_max_size); + } } /** @@ -305,13 +310,12 @@ void print_exec(struct text_object *obj, char *p, int p_max_size) * @param[in] obj hold an exec_handle, assuming one was registered * @return a value between 0.0 and 100.0 */ -double execbarval(struct text_object *obj) -{ - if (obj->exec_handle) { - return get_barnum((*obj->exec_handle)->get_result_copy().c_str()); - } else { - return 0.0; - } +double execbarval(struct text_object *obj) { + if (obj->exec_handle) { + return get_barnum((*obj->exec_handle)->get_result_copy().c_str()); + } else { + return 0.0; + } } /** @@ -319,11 +323,10 @@ double execbarval(struct text_object *obj) * * @param[in] obj holds the data that we need to free up */ -void free_exec(struct text_object *obj) -{ - free_and_zero(obj->data.s); - delete obj->exec_handle; - obj->exec_handle = NULL; +void free_exec(struct text_object *obj) { + free_and_zero(obj->data.s); + delete obj->exec_handle; + obj->exec_handle = NULL; } /** @@ -331,19 +334,17 @@ void free_exec(struct text_object *obj) * * @param[in] obj holds the data that we need to free up */ -void free_execi(struct text_object *obj) -{ - struct execi_data *ed = (struct execi_data *)obj->data.opaque; +void free_execi(struct text_object *obj) { + struct execi_data *ed = (struct execi_data *)obj->data.opaque; - /* if ed is NULL, there is nothing to do */ - if (!ed) - return; + /* if ed is NULL, there is nothing to do */ + if (!ed) return; - delete obj->exec_handle; - obj->exec_handle = NULL; + delete obj->exec_handle; + obj->exec_handle = NULL; - free_and_zero(ed->cmd); - delete ed; - ed = NULL; - obj->data.opaque = NULL; + free_and_zero(ed->cmd); + delete ed; + ed = NULL; + obj->data.opaque = NULL; } diff --git a/src/exec.h b/src/exec.h index 30ff05ac..2a66cff5 100644 --- a/src/exec.h +++ b/src/exec.h @@ -1,5 +1,4 @@ -/* -*- mode: c++; c-basic-offset: 4; tab-width: 4; indent-tabs-mode: t -*- - * vim: ts=4 sw=4 noet ai cindent syntax=cpp +/* * * Conky, a system monitor, based on torsmo * @@ -10,7 +9,7 @@ * Please see COPYING for details * * Copyright (c) 2004, Hannu Saransaari and Lauri Hakkarainen - * Copyright (c) 2005-2012 Brenden Matthews, Philip Kovacs, et. al. + * Copyright (c) 2005-2018 Brenden Matthews, Philip Kovacs, et. al. * (see AUTHORS) * All rights reserved. * @@ -31,7 +30,7 @@ #ifndef _EXEC_H #define _EXEC_H -#include "text_object.h" +#include "update-cb.hh" /** * A callback that executes a command and stores the output as a std::string. @@ -48,16 +47,15 @@ * command will in fact run on every update interval, rather than every * ten seconds as one would expect. */ -class exec_cb: public conky::callback { - typedef conky::callback Base; +class exec_cb : public conky::callback { + typedef conky::callback Base; - protected: - virtual void work(); + protected: + virtual void work(); - public: - exec_cb(uint32_t period, bool wait, const std::string &cmd) - : Base(period, wait, Base::Tuple(cmd)) - {} + public: + exec_cb(uint32_t period, bool wait, const std::string &cmd) + : Base(period, wait, Base::Tuple(cmd)) {} }; /** @@ -67,11 +65,11 @@ class exec_cb: public conky::callback { * as the last argument to scan_exec_arg(). */ enum { - EF_EXEC = (1 << 0), - EF_EXECI = (1 << 1), - EF_BAR = (1 << 2), - EF_GRAPH = (1 << 3), - EF_GAUGE = (1 << 4) + EF_EXEC = (1 << 0), + EF_EXECI = (1 << 1), + EF_BAR = (1 << 2), + EF_GRAPH = (1 << 3), + EF_GAUGE = (1 << 4) }; void scan_exec_arg(struct text_object *, const char *, unsigned int); diff --git a/src/fonts.cc b/src/fonts.cc index 290a7b65..8e2c0881 100644 --- a/src/fonts.cc +++ b/src/fonts.cc @@ -1,5 +1,4 @@ -/* -*- mode: c++; c-basic-offset: 4; tab-width: 4; indent-tabs-mode: t -*- - * vim: ts=4 sw=4 noet ai cindent syntax=cpp +/* * * Conky, a system monitor, based on torsmo * @@ -10,7 +9,7 @@ * Please see COPYING for details * * Copyright (c) 2004, Hannu Saransaari and Lauri Hakkarainen - * Copyright (c) 2005-2012 Brenden Matthews, Philip Kovacs, et. al. + * Copyright (c) 2005-2018 Brenden Matthews, Philip Kovacs, et. al. * (see AUTHORS) * All rights reserved. * @@ -27,7 +26,7 @@ * along with this program. If not, see . * */ -#include "conky.h" + #include "fonts.h" #include "logging.h" @@ -35,171 +34,166 @@ int selected_font = 0; std::vector fonts; char fontloaded = 0; -void font_setting::lua_setter(lua::state &l, bool init) -{ - lua::stack_sentry s(l, -2); +void font_setting::lua_setter(lua::state &l, bool init) { + lua::stack_sentry s(l, -2); - Base::lua_setter(l, init); + Base::lua_setter(l, init); - if(init && out_to_x.get(*state)) { - if(fonts.size() == 0) - fonts.resize(1); - fonts[0].name = do_convert(l, -1).first; - } + if (init && out_to_x.get(*state)) { + if (fonts.size() == 0) fonts.resize(1); + fonts[0].name = do_convert(l, -1).first; + } - ++s; + ++s; } font_setting font; #ifdef BUILD_XFT namespace { - class xftalpha_setting: public conky::simple_config_setting { - typedef conky::simple_config_setting Base; +class xftalpha_setting : public conky::simple_config_setting { + typedef conky::simple_config_setting Base; - protected: - virtual void lua_setter(lua::state &l, bool init) - { - lua::stack_sentry s(l, -2); + protected: + virtual void lua_setter(lua::state &l, bool init) { + lua::stack_sentry s(l, -2); - Base::lua_setter(l, init); + Base::lua_setter(l, init); - if(init && out_to_x.get(*state)) { - fonts[0].font_alpha = do_convert(l, -1).first * 0xffff; - } + if (init && out_to_x.get(*state)) { + fonts[0].font_alpha = do_convert(l, -1).first * 0xffff; + } - ++s; - } + ++s; + } - public: - xftalpha_setting() - : Base("xftalpha", 1.0, false) - {} - }; + public: + xftalpha_setting() : Base("xftalpha", 1.0, false) {} +}; - xftalpha_setting xftalpha; -} +xftalpha_setting xftalpha; +} // namespace #endif /* BUILD_XFT */ -void set_font(void) -{ +void set_font(void) { #ifdef BUILD_XFT - if (use_xft.get(*state)) return; + if (use_xft.get(*state)) return; #endif /* BUILD_XFT */ - if (fonts[selected_font].font) { - XSetFont(display, window.gc, fonts[selected_font].font->fid); - } + if (fonts[selected_font].font) { + XSetFont(display, window.gc, fonts[selected_font].font->fid); + } } -void setup_fonts(void) -{ - if (not out_to_x.get(*state)) { - return; - } +void setup_fonts(void) { + if (not out_to_x.get(*state)) { + return; + } #ifdef BUILD_XFT - if (use_xft.get(*state)) { - if (window.xftdraw) { - XftDrawDestroy(window.xftdraw); - window.xftdraw = 0; - } - window.xftdraw = XftDrawCreate(display, window.drawable, - window.visual, window.colourmap); - } + if (use_xft.get(*state)) { + if (window.xftdraw) { + XftDrawDestroy(window.xftdraw); + window.xftdraw = 0; + } + window.xftdraw = XftDrawCreate(display, window.drawable, window.visual, + window.colourmap); + } #endif /* BUILD_XFT */ - set_font(); + set_font(); } -int add_font(const char *data_in) -{ - if (not out_to_x.get(*state)) { - return 0; - } - fonts.push_back(font_list()); - fonts.rbegin()->name = data_in; +int add_font(const char *data_in) { + if (not out_to_x.get(*state)) { + return 0; + } + fonts.push_back(font_list()); + fonts.rbegin()->name = data_in; - return fonts.size()-1; + return fonts.size() - 1; } void free_fonts(bool utf8) { - if (not out_to_x.get(*state)) { - return; - } - for (size_t i = 0; i < fonts.size(); i++) { + if (not out_to_x.get(*state)) { + return; + } + for (size_t i = 0; i < fonts.size(); i++) { #ifdef BUILD_XFT - if (use_xft.get(*state)) { - /* - * Do we not need to close fonts with Xft? Unsure. Not freeing the - * fonts seems to incur a slight memory leak, but it also prevents - * a crash. - * - * XftFontClose(display, fonts[i].xftfont); - */ - } else + if (use_xft.get(*state)) { + /* + * Do we not need to close fonts with Xft? Unsure. Not freeing the + * fonts seems to incur a slight memory leak, but it also prevents + * a crash. + * + * XftFontClose(display, fonts[i].xftfont); + */ + } else #endif /* BUILD_XFT */ - { - if (fonts[i].font) { - XFreeFont(display, fonts[i].font); - } - if (utf8 && fonts[i].fontset) { - XFreeFontSet(display, fonts[i].fontset); - } - } - } - fonts.clear(); - selected_font = 0; + { + if (fonts[i].font) { + XFreeFont(display, fonts[i].font); + } + if (utf8 && fonts[i].fontset) { + XFreeFontSet(display, fonts[i].fontset); + } + } + } + fonts.clear(); + selected_font = 0; #ifdef BUILD_XFT - if (window.xftdraw) { - XftDrawDestroy(window.xftdraw); - window.xftdraw = 0; - } + if (window.xftdraw) { + XftDrawDestroy(window.xftdraw); + window.xftdraw = 0; + } #endif /* BUILD_XFT */ } void load_fonts(bool utf8) { - if (not out_to_x.get(*state)) - return; - for (size_t i = 0; i < fonts.size(); i++) { + if (not out_to_x.get(*state)) return; + for (size_t i = 0; i < fonts.size(); i++) { #ifdef BUILD_XFT - /* load Xft font */ - if (use_xft.get(*state)) { - if(not fonts[i].xftfont) - fonts[i].xftfont = XftFontOpenName(display, screen, fonts[i].name.c_str()); + /* load Xft font */ + if (use_xft.get(*state)) { + if (not fonts[i].xftfont) + fonts[i].xftfont = + XftFontOpenName(display, screen, fonts[i].name.c_str()); - if (fonts[i].xftfont) { - continue; - } + if (fonts[i].xftfont) { + continue; + } - NORM_ERR("can't load Xft font '%s'", fonts[i].name.c_str()); - if ((fonts[i].xftfont = XftFontOpenName(display, screen, - "courier-12")) != NULL) { - continue; - } + NORM_ERR("can't load Xft font '%s'", fonts[i].name.c_str()); + if ((fonts[i].xftfont = XftFontOpenName(display, screen, "courier-12")) != + NULL) { + continue; + } - CRIT_ERR(NULL, NULL, "can't load Xft font '%s'", "courier-12"); + CRIT_ERR(NULL, NULL, "can't load Xft font '%s'", "courier-12"); - continue; - } + continue; + } #endif - if(utf8 && fonts[i].fontset == NULL) { - char** missing; - int missingnum; - char* missingdrawn; - fonts[i].fontset = XCreateFontSet(display, fonts[i].name.c_str(), &missing, &missingnum, &missingdrawn); - XFreeStringList(missing); - if(fonts[i].fontset == NULL) { - NORM_ERR("can't load font '%s'", fonts[i].name.c_str()); - fonts[i].fontset = XCreateFontSet(display, "fixed", &missing, &missingnum, &missingdrawn); - if(fonts[i].fontset == NULL) { - CRIT_ERR(NULL, NULL, "can't load font '%s'", "fixed"); - } - } - } - /* load normal font */ - if (!fonts[i].font && (fonts[i].font = XLoadQueryFont(display, fonts[i].name.c_str())) == NULL) { - NORM_ERR("can't load font '%s'", fonts[i].name.c_str()); - if ((fonts[i].font = XLoadQueryFont(display, "fixed")) == NULL) { - CRIT_ERR(NULL, NULL, "can't load font '%s'", "fixed"); - } - } - } + if (utf8 && fonts[i].fontset == NULL) { + char **missing; + int missingnum; + char *missingdrawn; + fonts[i].fontset = XCreateFontSet(display, fonts[i].name.c_str(), + &missing, &missingnum, &missingdrawn); + XFreeStringList(missing); + if (fonts[i].fontset == NULL) { + NORM_ERR("can't load font '%s'", fonts[i].name.c_str()); + fonts[i].fontset = XCreateFontSet(display, "fixed", &missing, + &missingnum, &missingdrawn); + if (fonts[i].fontset == NULL) { + CRIT_ERR(NULL, NULL, "can't load font '%s'", "fixed"); + } + } + } + /* load normal font */ + if (!fonts[i].font && (fonts[i].font = XLoadQueryFont( + display, fonts[i].name.c_str())) == NULL) { + NORM_ERR("can't load font '%s'", fonts[i].name.c_str()); + if ((fonts[i].font = XLoadQueryFont(display, "fixed")) == NULL) { + CRIT_ERR(NULL, NULL, "can't load font '%s'", "fixed"); + } + } + } } diff --git a/src/fonts.h b/src/fonts.h index 00b22651..92e5fbab 100644 --- a/src/fonts.h +++ b/src/fonts.h @@ -1,5 +1,4 @@ -/* -*- mode: c; c-basic-offset: 4; tab-width: 4; indent-tabs-mode: t -*- - * vim: ts=4 sw=4 noet ai cindent syntax=cpp +/* * * Conky, a system monitor, based on torsmo * @@ -10,7 +9,7 @@ * Please see COPYING for details * * Copyright (c) 2004, Hannu Saransaari and Lauri Hakkarainen - * Copyright (c) 2005-2012 Brenden Matthews, Philip Kovacs, et. al. + * Copyright (c) 2005-2018 Brenden Matthews, Philip Kovacs, et. al. * (see AUTHORS) * All rights reserved. * @@ -27,49 +26,57 @@ * along with this program. If not, see . * */ -#ifdef BUILD_X11 #ifndef _FONTS_H #define _FONTS_H #include +#include "conky.h" #include "x11.h" /* for fonts */ struct font_list { - - std::string name; - XFontStruct *font; - XFontSet fontset; + std::string name; + XFontStruct *font; + XFontSet fontset; #ifdef BUILD_XFT - XftFont *xftfont; - int font_alpha; + XftFont *xftfont; + int font_alpha; #endif - font_list() - : name(), font(NULL), fontset(NULL) + font_list() + : name(), + font(NULL), + fontset(NULL) #ifdef BUILD_XFT - , xftfont(NULL), font_alpha(0xffff) + , + xftfont(NULL), + font_alpha(0xffff) #endif - {} + { + } }; #ifdef BUILD_XFT -#define font_height() (use_xft.get(*state) ? (fonts[selected_font].xftfont->ascent + \ - fonts[selected_font].xftfont->descent) \ - : (fonts[selected_font].font->max_bounds.ascent + \ - fonts[selected_font].font->max_bounds.descent)) -#define font_ascent() (use_xft.get(*state) ? fonts[selected_font].xftfont->ascent \ - : fonts[selected_font].font->max_bounds.ascent) -#define font_descent() (use_xft.get(*state) ? fonts[selected_font].xftfont->descent \ - : fonts[selected_font].font->max_bounds.descent) +#define font_height() \ + (use_xft.get(*state) ? (fonts[selected_font].xftfont->ascent + \ + fonts[selected_font].xftfont->descent) \ + : (fonts[selected_font].font->max_bounds.ascent + \ + fonts[selected_font].font->max_bounds.descent)) +#define font_ascent() \ + (use_xft.get(*state) ? fonts[selected_font].xftfont->ascent \ + : fonts[selected_font].font->max_bounds.ascent) +#define font_descent() \ + (use_xft.get(*state) ? fonts[selected_font].xftfont->descent \ + : fonts[selected_font].font->max_bounds.descent) #else -#define font_height() (fonts[selected_font].font->max_bounds.ascent + \ - fonts[selected_font].font->max_bounds.descent) +#define font_height() \ + (fonts[selected_font].font->max_bounds.ascent + \ + fonts[selected_font].font->max_bounds.descent) #define font_ascent() fonts[selected_font].font->max_bounds.ascent #define font_descent() fonts[selected_font].font->max_bounds.descent @@ -85,19 +92,16 @@ int add_font(const char *); void free_fonts(bool utf8); void load_fonts(bool utf8); -class font_setting: public conky::simple_config_setting { - typedef conky::simple_config_setting Base; +class font_setting : public conky::simple_config_setting { + typedef conky::simple_config_setting Base; -protected: - virtual void lua_setter(lua::state &l, bool init); + protected: + virtual void lua_setter(lua::state &l, bool init); -public: - font_setting() - : Base("font", "6x10", false) - {} + public: + font_setting() : Base("font", "6x10", false) {} }; extern font_setting font; #endif /* _FONTS_H */ -#endif /* BUILD_X11 */ diff --git a/src/freebsd.cc b/src/freebsd.cc index 94244d66..cac80615 100644 --- a/src/freebsd.cc +++ b/src/freebsd.cc @@ -1,5 +1,4 @@ -/* -*- mode: c++; c-basic-offset: 4; tab-width: 4; indent-tabs-mode: t -*- - * vim: ts=4 sw=4 noet ai cindent syntax=cpp +/* * * Conky, a system monitor, based on torsmo * @@ -9,7 +8,7 @@ * * Please see COPYING for details * - * Copyright (c) 2005-2012 Brenden Matthews, Philip Kovacs, et. al. + * Copyright (c) 2005-2018 Brenden Matthews, Philip Kovacs, et. al. * (see AUTHORS) * All rights reserved. * @@ -29,8 +28,8 @@ #include "config.h" -#include #include +#include #include #include #include @@ -41,8 +40,8 @@ #include #include -#include #include +#include #include #include @@ -50,540 +49,517 @@ #include #include -#include #include +#include #include #include "conky.h" +#include "diskio.h" #include "freebsd.h" #include "logging.h" #include "net_stat.h" #include "text_object.h" #include "top.h" -#include "diskio.h" -#define GETSYSCTL(name, var) getsysctl(name, &(var), sizeof(var)) -#define KELVTOC(x) ((x - 2732) / 10.0) -#define MAXSHOWDEVS 16 +#define GETSYSCTL(name, var) getsysctl(name, &(var), sizeof(var)) +#define KELVTOC(x) ((x - 2732) / 10.0) +#define MAXSHOWDEVS 16 #if 0 -#define FREEBSD_DEBUG +#define FREEBSD_DEBUG #endif kvm_t *kd; std::mutex kvm_proc_mutex; - -__attribute__((gnu_inline)) inline void -proc_find_top(struct process **cpu, struct process **mem, struct process **time); +__attribute__((gnu_inline)) inline void proc_find_top(struct process **cpu, + struct process **mem, + struct process **time); static short cpu_setup = 0; -static int getsysctl(const char *name, void *ptr, size_t len) -{ - size_t nlen = len; +static int getsysctl(const char *name, void *ptr, size_t len) { + size_t nlen = len; - if (sysctlbyname(name, ptr, &nlen, NULL, 0) == -1) { - return -1; - } + if (sysctlbyname(name, ptr, &nlen, NULL, 0) == -1) { + return -1; + } - if (nlen != len && errno == ENOMEM) { - return -1; - } + if (nlen != len && errno == ENOMEM) { + return -1; + } - return 0; + return 0; } struct ifmibdata *data = NULL; size_t len = 0; -static int swapmode(unsigned long *retavail, unsigned long *retfree) -{ - int n; - unsigned long pagesize = getpagesize(); - struct kvm_swap swapary[1]; +static int swapmode(unsigned long *retavail, unsigned long *retfree) { + int n; + unsigned long pagesize = getpagesize(); + struct kvm_swap swapary[1]; - *retavail = 0; - *retfree = 0; + *retavail = 0; + *retfree = 0; -#define CONVERT(v) ((quad_t)(v) * (pagesize / 1024)) +#define CONVERT(v) ((quad_t)(v) * (pagesize / 1024)) - n = kvm_getswapinfo(kd, swapary, 1, 0); - if (n < 0 || swapary[0].ksw_total == 0) { - return 0; - } + n = kvm_getswapinfo(kd, swapary, 1, 0); + if (n < 0 || swapary[0].ksw_total == 0) { + return 0; + } - *retavail = CONVERT(swapary[0].ksw_total); - *retfree = CONVERT(swapary[0].ksw_total - swapary[0].ksw_used); + *retavail = CONVERT(swapary[0].ksw_total); + *retfree = CONVERT(swapary[0].ksw_total - swapary[0].ksw_used); - n = (int) ((double) swapary[0].ksw_used * 100.0 / - (double) swapary[0].ksw_total); + n = (int)((double)swapary[0].ksw_used * 100.0 / (double)swapary[0].ksw_total); - return n; + return n; } -void prepare_update(void) -{ +void prepare_update(void) {} + +int update_uptime(void) { + int mib[2] = {CTL_KERN, KERN_BOOTTIME}; + struct timeval boottime; + time_t now; + size_t size = sizeof(boottime); + + if ((sysctl(mib, 2, &boottime, &size, NULL, 0) != -1) && + (boottime.tv_sec != 0)) { + time(&now); + info.uptime = now - boottime.tv_sec; + } else { + fprintf(stderr, "Could not get uptime\n"); + info.uptime = 0; + } + + return 0; } -int update_uptime(void) -{ - int mib[2] = { CTL_KERN, KERN_BOOTTIME }; - struct timeval boottime; - time_t now; - size_t size = sizeof(boottime); +int check_mount(struct text_object *obj) { + struct statfs *mntbuf; + int i, mntsize; - if ((sysctl(mib, 2, &boottime, &size, NULL, 0) != -1) - && (boottime.tv_sec != 0)) { - time(&now); - info.uptime = now - boottime.tv_sec; - } else { - fprintf(stderr, "Could not get uptime\n"); - info.uptime = 0; - } + if (!obj->data.s) return 0; - return 0; + mntsize = getmntinfo(&mntbuf, MNT_NOWAIT); + for (i = mntsize - 1; i >= 0; i--) { + if (strcmp(mntbuf[i].f_mntonname, obj->data.s) == 0) { + return 1; + } + } + + return 0; } -int check_mount(struct text_object *obj) -{ - struct statfs *mntbuf; - int i, mntsize; +int update_meminfo(void) { + u_int total_pages, inactive_pages, free_pages; + unsigned long swap_avail, swap_free; - if (!obj->data.s) - return 0; + int pagesize = getpagesize(); - mntsize = getmntinfo(&mntbuf, MNT_NOWAIT); - for (i = mntsize - 1; i >= 0; i--) { - if (strcmp(mntbuf[i].f_mntonname, obj->data.s) == 0) { - return 1; - } - } + if (GETSYSCTL("vm.stats.vm.v_page_count", total_pages)) { + fprintf(stderr, "Cannot read sysctl \"vm.stats.vm.v_page_count\"\n"); + } - return 0; + if (GETSYSCTL("vm.stats.vm.v_free_count", free_pages)) { + fprintf(stderr, "Cannot read sysctl \"vm.stats.vm.v_free_count\"\n"); + } + + if (GETSYSCTL("vm.stats.vm.v_inactive_count", inactive_pages)) { + fprintf(stderr, "Cannot read sysctl \"vm.stats.vm.v_inactive_count\"\n"); + } + + info.memmax = total_pages * (pagesize >> 10); + info.mem = (total_pages - free_pages - inactive_pages) * (pagesize >> 10); + info.memwithbuffers = info.mem; + info.memeasyfree = info.memfree = info.memmax - info.mem; + + if ((swapmode(&swap_avail, &swap_free)) >= 0) { + info.swapmax = swap_avail; + info.swap = (swap_avail - swap_free); + info.swapfree = swap_free; + } else { + info.swapmax = 0; + info.swap = 0; + info.swapfree = 0; + } + + return 0; } -int update_meminfo(void) -{ - u_int total_pages, inactive_pages, free_pages; - unsigned long swap_avail, swap_free; +int update_net_stats(void) { + struct net_stat *ns; + double delta; + long long r, t, last_recv, last_trans; + struct ifaddrs *ifap, *ifa; + struct if_data *ifd; - int pagesize = getpagesize(); + /* get delta */ + delta = current_update_time - last_update_time; + if (delta <= 0.0001) { + return 0; + } - if (GETSYSCTL("vm.stats.vm.v_page_count", total_pages)) { - fprintf(stderr, "Cannot read sysctl \"vm.stats.vm.v_page_count\"\n"); - } + if (getifaddrs(&ifap) < 0) { + return 0; + } - if (GETSYSCTL("vm.stats.vm.v_free_count", free_pages)) { - fprintf(stderr, "Cannot read sysctl \"vm.stats.vm.v_free_count\"\n"); - } + for (ifa = ifap; ifa; ifa = ifa->ifa_next) { + ns = get_net_stat((const char *)ifa->ifa_name, NULL, NULL); - if (GETSYSCTL("vm.stats.vm.v_inactive_count", inactive_pages)) { - fprintf(stderr, "Cannot read sysctl \"vm.stats.vm.v_inactive_count\"\n"); - } + if (ifa->ifa_flags & IFF_UP) { + struct ifaddrs *iftmp; - info.memmax = total_pages * (pagesize >> 10); - info.mem = (total_pages - free_pages - inactive_pages) * (pagesize >> 10); - info.memwithbuffers = info.mem; - info.memeasyfree = info.memfree = info.memmax - info.mem; + ns->up = 1; + last_recv = ns->recv; + last_trans = ns->trans; - if ((swapmode(&swap_avail, &swap_free)) >= 0) { - info.swapmax = swap_avail; - info.swap = (swap_avail - swap_free); - info.swapfree = swap_free; - } else { - info.swapmax = 0; - info.swap = 0; - info.swapfree = 0; - } + if (ifa->ifa_addr->sa_family != AF_LINK) { + continue; + } - return 0; + for (iftmp = ifa->ifa_next; + iftmp != NULL && strcmp(ifa->ifa_name, iftmp->ifa_name) == 0; + iftmp = iftmp->ifa_next) { + if (iftmp->ifa_addr->sa_family == AF_INET) { + memcpy(&(ns->addr), iftmp->ifa_addr, iftmp->ifa_addr->sa_len); + } + } + + ifd = (struct if_data *)ifa->ifa_data; + r = ifd->ifi_ibytes; + t = ifd->ifi_obytes; + + if (r < ns->last_read_recv) { + ns->recv += ((long long)4294967295U - ns->last_read_recv) + r; + } else { + ns->recv += (r - ns->last_read_recv); + } + + ns->last_read_recv = r; + + if (t < ns->last_read_trans) { + ns->trans += ((long long)4294967295U - ns->last_read_trans) + t; + } else { + ns->trans += (t - ns->last_read_trans); + } + + ns->last_read_trans = t; + + /* calculate speeds */ + ns->recv_speed = (ns->recv - last_recv) / delta; + ns->trans_speed = (ns->trans - last_trans) / delta; + } else { + ns->up = 0; + } + } + + freeifaddrs(ifap); + return 0; } -int update_net_stats(void) -{ - struct net_stat *ns; - double delta; - long long r, t, last_recv, last_trans; - struct ifaddrs *ifap, *ifa; - struct if_data *ifd; +int update_total_processes(void) { + int n_processes; - /* get delta */ - delta = current_update_time - last_update_time; - if (delta <= 0.0001) { - return 0; - } + std::lock_guard guard(kvm_proc_mutex); + kvm_getprocs(kd, KERN_PROC_ALL, 0, &n_processes); - if (getifaddrs(&ifap) < 0) { - return 0; - } - - for (ifa = ifap; ifa; ifa = ifa->ifa_next) { - ns = get_net_stat((const char *) ifa->ifa_name, NULL, NULL); - - if (ifa->ifa_flags & IFF_UP) { - struct ifaddrs *iftmp; - - ns->up = 1; - last_recv = ns->recv; - last_trans = ns->trans; - - if (ifa->ifa_addr->sa_family != AF_LINK) { - continue; - } - - for (iftmp = ifa->ifa_next; - iftmp != NULL && strcmp(ifa->ifa_name, iftmp->ifa_name) == 0; - iftmp = iftmp->ifa_next) { - if (iftmp->ifa_addr->sa_family == AF_INET) { - memcpy(&(ns->addr), iftmp->ifa_addr, - iftmp->ifa_addr->sa_len); - } - } - - ifd = (struct if_data *) ifa->ifa_data; - r = ifd->ifi_ibytes; - t = ifd->ifi_obytes; - - if (r < ns->last_read_recv) { - ns->recv += ((long long) 4294967295U - ns->last_read_recv) + r; - } else { - ns->recv += (r - ns->last_read_recv); - } - - ns->last_read_recv = r; - - if (t < ns->last_read_trans) { - ns->trans += ((long long) 4294967295U - - ns->last_read_trans) + t; - } else { - ns->trans += (t - ns->last_read_trans); - } - - ns->last_read_trans = t; - - /* calculate speeds */ - ns->recv_speed = (ns->recv - last_recv) / delta; - ns->trans_speed = (ns->trans - last_trans) / delta; - } else { - ns->up = 0; - } - } - - freeifaddrs(ifap); - return 0; + info.procs = n_processes; + return 0; } -int update_total_processes(void) -{ - int n_processes; +int update_running_processes(void) { + struct kinfo_proc *p; + int n_processes; + int i, cnt = 0; - std::lock_guard guard(kvm_proc_mutex); - kvm_getprocs(kd, KERN_PROC_ALL, 0, &n_processes); + std::lock_guard guard(kvm_proc_mutex); + p = kvm_getprocs(kd, KERN_PROC_ALL, 0, &n_processes); + for (i = 0; i < n_processes; i++) { + if (p[i].ki_stat == SRUN) { + cnt++; + } + } - info.procs = n_processes; - return 0; + info.run_procs = cnt; + return 0; } -int update_running_processes(void) -{ - struct kinfo_proc *p; - int n_processes; - int i, cnt = 0; +void get_cpu_count(void) { + int cpu_count = 0; + size_t cpu_count_len = sizeof(cpu_count); - std::lock_guard guard(kvm_proc_mutex); - p = kvm_getprocs(kd, KERN_PROC_ALL, 0, &n_processes); - for (i = 0; i < n_processes; i++) { - if (p[i].ki_stat == SRUN) { - cnt++; - } - } + if (GETSYSCTL("hw.ncpu", cpu_count) == 0) { + info.cpu_count = cpu_count; + } else { + fprintf(stderr, "Cannot get hw.ncpu\n"); + info.cpu_count = 0; + } - info.run_procs = cnt; - return 0; -} - -void get_cpu_count(void) -{ - int cpu_count = 0; - size_t cpu_count_len = sizeof(cpu_count); - - if (GETSYSCTL("hw.ncpu", cpu_count) == 0) { - info.cpu_count = cpu_count; - } else { - fprintf(stderr, "Cannot get hw.ncpu\n"); - info.cpu_count = 0; - } - - info.cpu_usage = (float *) malloc((info.cpu_count + 1) * sizeof(float)); - if (info.cpu_usage == NULL) { - CRIT_ERR(NULL, NULL, "malloc"); - } + info.cpu_usage = (float *)malloc((info.cpu_count + 1) * sizeof(float)); + if (info.cpu_usage == NULL) { + CRIT_ERR(NULL, NULL, "malloc"); + } } struct cpu_info { - long oldtotal; - long oldused; + long oldtotal; + long oldused; }; -int update_cpu_usage(void) -{ - int i, j = 0; - long used, total; - long *cp_time = NULL; - size_t cp_len; - static struct cpu_info *cpu = NULL; - unsigned int malloc_cpu_size = 0; - extern void* global_cpu; +int update_cpu_usage(void) { + int i, j = 0; + long used, total; + long *cp_time = NULL; + size_t cp_len; + static struct cpu_info *cpu = NULL; + unsigned int malloc_cpu_size = 0; + extern void *global_cpu; - /* add check for !info.cpu_usage since that mem is freed on a SIGUSR1 */ - if ((cpu_setup == 0) || (!info.cpu_usage)) { - get_cpu_count(); - cpu_setup = 1; - } + /* add check for !info.cpu_usage since that mem is freed on a SIGUSR1 */ + if ((cpu_setup == 0) || (!info.cpu_usage)) { + get_cpu_count(); + cpu_setup = 1; + } - if (!global_cpu) { - malloc_cpu_size = (info.cpu_count + 1) * sizeof(struct cpu_info); - cpu = (cpu_info *) malloc(malloc_cpu_size); - memset(cpu, 0, malloc_cpu_size); - global_cpu = cpu; - } + if (!global_cpu) { + malloc_cpu_size = (info.cpu_count + 1) * sizeof(struct cpu_info); + cpu = (cpu_info *)malloc(malloc_cpu_size); + memset(cpu, 0, malloc_cpu_size); + global_cpu = cpu; + } - /* cpu[0] is overall stats, get it from separate sysctl */ - cp_len = CPUSTATES * sizeof(long); - cp_time = (long int *) malloc(cp_len); + /* cpu[0] is overall stats, get it from separate sysctl */ + cp_len = CPUSTATES * sizeof(long); + cp_time = (long int *)malloc(cp_len); - if (sysctlbyname("kern.cp_time", cp_time, &cp_len, NULL, 0) < 0) { - fprintf(stderr, "Cannot get kern.cp_time\n"); - } + if (sysctlbyname("kern.cp_time", cp_time, &cp_len, NULL, 0) < 0) { + fprintf(stderr, "Cannot get kern.cp_time\n"); + } - total = 0; - for (j = 0; j < CPUSTATES; j++) - total += cp_time[j]; + total = 0; + for (j = 0; j < CPUSTATES; j++) total += cp_time[j]; - used = total - cp_time[CP_IDLE]; + used = total - cp_time[CP_IDLE]; - if ((total - cpu[0].oldtotal) != 0) { - info.cpu_usage[0] = ((double) (used - cpu[0].oldused)) / - (double) (total - cpu[0].oldtotal); - } else { - info.cpu_usage[0] = 0; - } + if ((total - cpu[0].oldtotal) != 0) { + info.cpu_usage[0] = + ((double)(used - cpu[0].oldused)) / (double)(total - cpu[0].oldtotal); + } else { + info.cpu_usage[0] = 0; + } - cpu[0].oldused = used; - cpu[0].oldtotal = total; + cpu[0].oldused = used; + cpu[0].oldtotal = total; - free(cp_time); + free(cp_time); - /* per-core stats */ - cp_len = CPUSTATES * sizeof(long) * info.cpu_count; - cp_time = (long int *) malloc(cp_len); + /* per-core stats */ + cp_len = CPUSTATES * sizeof(long) * info.cpu_count; + cp_time = (long int *)malloc(cp_len); - /* on e.g. i386 SMP we may have more values than actual cpus; this will just drop extra values */ - if (sysctlbyname("kern.cp_times", cp_time, &cp_len, NULL, 0) < 0 && errno != ENOMEM) { - fprintf(stderr, "Cannot get kern.cp_times\n"); - } + /* on e.g. i386 SMP we may have more values than actual cpus; this will just + * drop extra values */ + if (sysctlbyname("kern.cp_times", cp_time, &cp_len, NULL, 0) < 0 && + errno != ENOMEM) { + fprintf(stderr, "Cannot get kern.cp_times\n"); + } - for (i = 0; i < info.cpu_count; i++) - { - total = 0; - for (j = 0; j < CPUSTATES; j++) - total += cp_time[i*CPUSTATES + j]; + for (i = 0; i < info.cpu_count; i++) { + total = 0; + for (j = 0; j < CPUSTATES; j++) total += cp_time[i * CPUSTATES + j]; - used = total - cp_time[i*CPUSTATES + CP_IDLE]; + used = total - cp_time[i * CPUSTATES + CP_IDLE]; - if ((total - cpu[i+1].oldtotal) != 0) { - info.cpu_usage[i+1] = ((double) (used - cpu[i+1].oldused)) / - (double) (total - cpu[i+1].oldtotal); - } else { - info.cpu_usage[i+1] = 0; - } + if ((total - cpu[i + 1].oldtotal) != 0) { + info.cpu_usage[i + 1] = ((double)(used - cpu[i + 1].oldused)) / + (double)(total - cpu[i + 1].oldtotal); + } else { + info.cpu_usage[i + 1] = 0; + } - cpu[i+1].oldused = used; - cpu[i+1].oldtotal = total; - } + cpu[i + 1].oldused = used; + cpu[i + 1].oldtotal = total; + } - free(cp_time); - return 0; + free(cp_time); + return 0; } -int update_load_average(void) -{ - double v[3]; +int update_load_average(void) { + double v[3]; - getloadavg(v, 3); + getloadavg(v, 3); - info.loadavg[0] = (double) v[0]; - info.loadavg[1] = (double) v[1]; - info.loadavg[2] = (double) v[2]; + info.loadavg[0] = (double)v[0]; + info.loadavg[1] = (double)v[1]; + info.loadavg[2] = (double)v[2]; - return 0; + return 0; } -double get_acpi_temperature(int fd) -{ - int temp; - (void)fd; +double get_acpi_temperature(int fd) { + int temp; + (void)fd; - if (GETSYSCTL("hw.acpi.thermal.tz0.temperature", temp) == 0) { - return KELVTOC(temp); - } else if (GETSYSCTL("dev.cpu.0.temperature", temp) == 0) { - return KELVTOC(temp); - } else if (GETSYSCTL("dev.amdtemp.0.core0.sensor0", temp) == 0) { - return KELVTOC(temp); - } - fprintf(stderr, "Cannot get temperature from sysctl\n"); + if (GETSYSCTL("hw.acpi.thermal.tz0.temperature", temp) == 0) { + return KELVTOC(temp); + } else if (GETSYSCTL("dev.cpu.0.temperature", temp) == 0) { + return KELVTOC(temp); + } else if (GETSYSCTL("dev.amdtemp.0.core0.sensor0", temp) == 0) { + return KELVTOC(temp); + } + fprintf(stderr, "Cannot get temperature from sysctl\n"); - return 0.0; + return 0.0; } -static void get_battery_stats(int *battime, int *batcapacity, int *batstate, int *ac) { - if (battime && GETSYSCTL("hw.acpi.battery.time", *battime)) { - fprintf(stderr, "Cannot read sysctl \"hw.acpi.battery.time\"\n"); - } - if (batcapacity && GETSYSCTL("hw.acpi.battery.life", *batcapacity)) { - fprintf(stderr, "Cannot read sysctl \"hw.acpi.battery.life\"\n"); - } - if (batstate && GETSYSCTL("hw.acpi.battery.state", *batstate)) { - fprintf(stderr, "Cannot read sysctl \"hw.acpi.battery.state\"\n"); - } - if (ac && GETSYSCTL("hw.acpi.acline", *ac)) { - fprintf(stderr, "Cannot read sysctl \"hw.acpi.acline\"\n"); - } +static void get_battery_stats(int *battime, int *batcapacity, int *batstate, + int *ac) { + if (battime && GETSYSCTL("hw.acpi.battery.time", *battime)) { + fprintf(stderr, "Cannot read sysctl \"hw.acpi.battery.time\"\n"); + } + if (batcapacity && GETSYSCTL("hw.acpi.battery.life", *batcapacity)) { + fprintf(stderr, "Cannot read sysctl \"hw.acpi.battery.life\"\n"); + } + if (batstate && GETSYSCTL("hw.acpi.battery.state", *batstate)) { + fprintf(stderr, "Cannot read sysctl \"hw.acpi.battery.state\"\n"); + } + if (ac && GETSYSCTL("hw.acpi.acline", *ac)) { + fprintf(stderr, "Cannot read sysctl \"hw.acpi.acline\"\n"); + } } -void get_battery_stuff(char *buf, unsigned int n, const char *bat, int item) -{ - int battime, batcapacity, batstate, ac; - (void)bat; +void get_battery_stuff(char *buf, unsigned int n, const char *bat, int item) { + int battime, batcapacity, batstate, ac; + (void)bat; - get_battery_stats(&battime, &batcapacity, &batstate, &ac); + get_battery_stats(&battime, &batcapacity, &batstate, &ac); - if (batstate != 1 && batstate != 2 && batstate != 0 && batstate != 7) - fprintf(stderr, "Unknown battery state %d!\n", batstate); - else if (batstate != 1 && ac == 0) - fprintf(stderr, "Battery charging while not on AC!\n"); - else if (batstate == 1 && ac == 1) - fprintf(stderr, "Battery discharing while on AC!\n"); + if (batstate != 1 && batstate != 2 && batstate != 0 && batstate != 7) + fprintf(stderr, "Unknown battery state %d!\n", batstate); + else if (batstate != 1 && ac == 0) + fprintf(stderr, "Battery charging while not on AC!\n"); + else if (batstate == 1 && ac == 1) + fprintf(stderr, "Battery discharing while on AC!\n"); - switch (item) { - case BATTERY_TIME: - if (batstate == 1 && battime != -1) - snprintf(buf, n, "%d:%2.2d", battime / 60, battime % 60); - break; - case BATTERY_STATUS: - if (batstate == 1) // Discharging - snprintf(buf, n, "remaining (%d%%)", batcapacity); - else - snprintf(buf, n, batstate == 2 ? "charging (%d%%)" : - (batstate == 7 ? "absent/on AC" : "charged (%d%%)"), - batcapacity); - break; - default: - fprintf(stderr, "Unknown requested battery stat %d\n", item); - } + switch (item) { + case BATTERY_TIME: + if (batstate == 1 && battime != -1) + snprintf(buf, n, "%d:%2.2d", battime / 60, battime % 60); + break; + case BATTERY_STATUS: + if (batstate == 1) // Discharging + snprintf(buf, n, "remaining (%d%%)", batcapacity); + else + snprintf(buf, n, + batstate == 2 + ? "charging (%d%%)" + : (batstate == 7 ? "absent/on AC" : "charged (%d%%)"), + batcapacity); + break; + default: + fprintf(stderr, "Unknown requested battery stat %d\n", item); + } } -static int check_bat(const char *bat) -{ - int batnum, numbatts; - char *endptr; - if (GETSYSCTL("hw.acpi.battery.units", numbatts)) { - fprintf(stderr, "Cannot read sysctl \"hw.acpi.battery.units\"\n"); - return -1; - } - if (numbatts <= 0) { - fprintf(stderr, "No battery unit detected\n"); - return -1; - } - if (!bat || (batnum = strtol(bat, &endptr, 10)) < 0 || - bat == endptr || batnum > numbatts) { - fprintf(stderr, "Wrong battery unit %s requested\n", bat ? bat : ""); - return -1; - } - return batnum; +static int check_bat(const char *bat) { + int batnum, numbatts; + char *endptr; + if (GETSYSCTL("hw.acpi.battery.units", numbatts)) { + fprintf(stderr, "Cannot read sysctl \"hw.acpi.battery.units\"\n"); + return -1; + } + if (numbatts <= 0) { + fprintf(stderr, "No battery unit detected\n"); + return -1; + } + if (!bat || (batnum = strtol(bat, &endptr, 10)) < 0 || bat == endptr || + batnum > numbatts) { + fprintf(stderr, "Wrong battery unit %s requested\n", bat ? bat : ""); + return -1; + } + return batnum; } -int get_battery_perct(const char *bat) -{ - int batcapacity; +int get_battery_perct(const char *bat) { + int batcapacity; - get_battery_stats(NULL, &batcapacity, NULL, NULL); - return batcapacity; + get_battery_stats(NULL, &batcapacity, NULL, NULL); + return batcapacity; } -double get_battery_perct_bar(struct text_object *obj) -{ - int batperct = get_battery_perct(obj->data.s); - return batperct; +double get_battery_perct_bar(struct text_object *obj) { + int batperct = get_battery_perct(obj->data.s); + return batperct; } -int open_acpi_temperature(const char *name) -{ - (void)name; - /* Not applicable for FreeBSD. */ - return 0; +int open_acpi_temperature(const char *name) { + (void)name; + /* Not applicable for FreeBSD. */ + return 0; } -void get_acpi_ac_adapter(char *p_client_buffer, size_t client_buffer_size, const char *adapter) -{ - int state; +void get_acpi_ac_adapter(char *p_client_buffer, size_t client_buffer_size, + const char *adapter) { + int state; - (void) adapter; // only linux uses this + (void)adapter; // only linux uses this - if (!p_client_buffer || client_buffer_size <= 0) { - return; - } + if (!p_client_buffer || client_buffer_size <= 0) { + return; + } - if (GETSYSCTL("hw.acpi.acline", state)) { - fprintf(stderr, "Cannot read sysctl \"hw.acpi.acline\"\n"); - return; - } + if (GETSYSCTL("hw.acpi.acline", state)) { + fprintf(stderr, "Cannot read sysctl \"hw.acpi.acline\"\n"); + return; + } - if (state) { - strncpy(p_client_buffer, "Running on AC Power", client_buffer_size); - } else { - strncpy(p_client_buffer, "Running on battery", client_buffer_size); - } + if (state) { + strncpy(p_client_buffer, "Running on AC Power", client_buffer_size); + } else { + strncpy(p_client_buffer, "Running on battery", client_buffer_size); + } } -void get_acpi_fan(char *p_client_buffer, size_t client_buffer_size) -{ - /* not implemented */ - if (p_client_buffer && client_buffer_size > 0) { - memset(p_client_buffer, 0, client_buffer_size); - } +void get_acpi_fan(char *p_client_buffer, size_t client_buffer_size) { + /* not implemented */ + if (p_client_buffer && client_buffer_size > 0) { + memset(p_client_buffer, 0, client_buffer_size); + } } /* void */ -char get_freq(char *p_client_buffer, size_t client_buffer_size, const char *p_format, - int divisor, unsigned int cpu) -{ - int freq; - char *freq_sysctl; +char get_freq(char *p_client_buffer, size_t client_buffer_size, + const char *p_format, int divisor, unsigned int cpu) { + int freq; + char *freq_sysctl; - if (!p_client_buffer || client_buffer_size <= 0 || !p_format - || divisor <= 0) { - return 0; - } + if (!p_client_buffer || client_buffer_size <= 0 || !p_format || + divisor <= 0) { + return 0; + } - freq_sysctl = (char *) calloc(16, sizeof(char)); - if (freq_sysctl == NULL) { - exit(-1); - } + freq_sysctl = (char *)calloc(16, sizeof(char)); + if (freq_sysctl == NULL) { + exit(-1); + } - snprintf(freq_sysctl, 16, "dev.cpu.%d.freq", (cpu - 1)); + snprintf(freq_sysctl, 16, "dev.cpu.%d.freq", (cpu - 1)); - if (GETSYSCTL(freq_sysctl, freq) == 0) { - snprintf(p_client_buffer, client_buffer_size, p_format, - (float) freq / divisor); - } else { - snprintf(p_client_buffer, client_buffer_size, p_format, 0.0f); - } + if (GETSYSCTL(freq_sysctl, freq) == 0) { + snprintf(p_client_buffer, client_buffer_size, p_format, + (float)freq / divisor); + } else { + snprintf(p_client_buffer, client_buffer_size, p_format, 0.0f); + } - free(freq_sysctl); - return 1; + free(freq_sysctl); + return 1; } #if 0 @@ -641,116 +617,110 @@ cleanup: } #endif -int update_diskio(void) -{ - int devs_count, num_selected, num_selections, dn; - struct device_selection *dev_select = NULL; - long select_generation; - static struct statinfo statinfo_cur; - char device_name[text_buffer_size.get(*state)]; - struct diskio_stat *cur; - unsigned int reads, writes; - unsigned int total_reads = 0, total_writes = 0; +int update_diskio(void) { + int devs_count, num_selected, num_selections, dn; + struct device_selection *dev_select = NULL; + long select_generation; + static struct statinfo statinfo_cur; + char device_name[text_buffer_size.get(*state)]; + struct diskio_stat *cur; + unsigned int reads, writes; + unsigned int total_reads = 0, total_writes = 0; + memset(&statinfo_cur, 0, sizeof(statinfo_cur)); + statinfo_cur.dinfo = (struct devinfo *)calloc(1, sizeof(struct devinfo)); + stats.current = stats.current_read = stats.current_write = 0; - memset(&statinfo_cur, 0, sizeof(statinfo_cur)); - statinfo_cur.dinfo = (struct devinfo *)calloc(1, sizeof(struct devinfo)); - stats.current = stats.current_read = stats.current_write = 0; + if (devstat_getdevs(NULL, &statinfo_cur) < 0) { + free(statinfo_cur.dinfo); + return 0; + } - if (devstat_getdevs(NULL, &statinfo_cur) < 0) { - free(statinfo_cur.dinfo); - return 0; - } + devs_count = statinfo_cur.dinfo->numdevs; + if (devstat_selectdevs(&dev_select, &num_selected, &num_selections, + &select_generation, statinfo_cur.dinfo->generation, + statinfo_cur.dinfo->devices, devs_count, NULL, 0, NULL, + 0, DS_SELECT_ONLY, MAXSHOWDEVS, 1) >= 0) { + for (dn = 0; dn < devs_count; dn++) { + int di; + struct devstat *dev; - devs_count = statinfo_cur.dinfo->numdevs; - if (devstat_selectdevs(&dev_select, &num_selected, &num_selections, - &select_generation, statinfo_cur.dinfo->generation, - statinfo_cur.dinfo->devices, devs_count, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, - DS_SELECT_ONLY, MAXSHOWDEVS, 1) >= 0) { - for (dn = 0; dn < devs_count; dn++) { - int di; - struct devstat *dev; + di = dev_select[dn].position; + dev = &statinfo_cur.dinfo->devices[di]; + snprintf(device_name, text_buffer_size.get(*state), "%s%d", + dev_select[dn].device_name, dev_select[dn].unit_number); - di = dev_select[dn].position; - dev = &statinfo_cur.dinfo->devices[di]; - snprintf(device_name, text_buffer_size.get(*state), "%s%d", - dev_select[dn].device_name, dev_select[dn].unit_number); + total_reads += (reads = dev->bytes[DEVSTAT_READ] / 512); + total_writes += (writes = dev->bytes[DEVSTAT_WRITE] / 512); + for (cur = stats.next; cur; cur = cur->next) { + if (cur->dev && !strcmp(device_name, cur->dev)) { + update_diskio_values(cur, reads, writes); + break; + } + } + } + update_diskio_values(&stats, total_reads, total_writes); - total_reads += (reads = dev->bytes[DEVSTAT_READ] / 512); - total_writes += (writes = dev->bytes[DEVSTAT_WRITE] / 512); - for (cur = stats.next; cur; cur = cur->next) { - if (cur->dev && !strcmp(device_name, cur->dev)) { - update_diskio_values(cur, reads, writes); - break; - } - } - } - update_diskio_values(&stats, total_reads, total_writes); + free(dev_select); + } - free(dev_select); - } - - free(statinfo_cur.dinfo); - return 0; + free(statinfo_cur.dinfo); + return 0; } /* While topless is obviously better, top is also not bad. */ -void get_top_info(void) -{ - struct kinfo_proc *p; - struct process *proc; - int n_processes; - int i; +void get_top_info(void) { + struct kinfo_proc *p; + struct process *proc; + int n_processes; + int i; - std::lock_guard guard(kvm_proc_mutex); - p = kvm_getprocs(kd, KERN_PROC_PROC, 0, &n_processes); + std::lock_guard guard(kvm_proc_mutex); + p = kvm_getprocs(kd, KERN_PROC_PROC, 0, &n_processes); - for (i = 0; i < n_processes; i++) { - if (!((p[i].ki_flag & P_SYSTEM)) && p[i].ki_comm != NULL) { - proc = get_process(p[i].ki_pid); + for (i = 0; i < n_processes; i++) { + if (!((p[i].ki_flag & P_SYSTEM)) && p[i].ki_comm != NULL) { + proc = get_process(p[i].ki_pid); - proc->time_stamp = g_time; - proc->name = strndup(p[i].ki_comm, text_buffer_size.get(*state)); - proc->basename = strndup(p[i].ki_comm, text_buffer_size.get(*state)); - proc->amount = 100.0 * p[i].ki_pctcpu / FSCALE; - proc->vsize = p[i].ki_size; - proc->rss = (p[i].ki_rssize * getpagesize()); - /* ki_runtime is in microseconds, total_cpu_time in centiseconds. - * Therefore we divide by 10000. */ - proc->total_cpu_time = p[i].ki_runtime / 10000; - } - } + proc->time_stamp = g_time; + proc->name = strndup(p[i].ki_comm, text_buffer_size.get(*state)); + proc->basename = strndup(p[i].ki_comm, text_buffer_size.get(*state)); + proc->amount = 100.0 * p[i].ki_pctcpu / FSCALE; + proc->vsize = p[i].ki_size; + proc->rss = (p[i].ki_rssize * getpagesize()); + /* ki_runtime is in microseconds, total_cpu_time in centiseconds. + * Therefore we divide by 10000. */ + proc->total_cpu_time = p[i].ki_runtime / 10000; + } + } } -void get_battery_short_status(char *buffer, unsigned int n, const char *bat) -{ - get_battery_stuff(buffer, n, bat, BATTERY_STATUS); - if (0 == strncmp("charging", buffer, 8)) { - buffer[0] = 'C'; - memmove(buffer + 1, buffer + 8, n - 8); - } else if (0 == strncmp("remaining", buffer, 9)) { - buffer[0] = 'D'; - memmove(buffer + 1, buffer + 9, n - 9); - } else if (0 == strncmp("charged", buffer, 7)) { - buffer[0] = 'F'; - memmove(buffer + 1, buffer + 7, n - 7); - } else if (0 == strncmp("absent/on AC", buffer, 12)) { - buffer[0] = 'N'; - memmove(buffer + 1, buffer + 12, n - 12); - } +void get_battery_short_status(char *buffer, unsigned int n, const char *bat) { + get_battery_stuff(buffer, n, bat, BATTERY_STATUS); + if (0 == strncmp("charging", buffer, 8)) { + buffer[0] = 'C'; + memmove(buffer + 1, buffer + 8, n - 8); + } else if (0 == strncmp("remaining", buffer, 9)) { + buffer[0] = 'D'; + memmove(buffer + 1, buffer + 9, n - 9); + } else if (0 == strncmp("charged", buffer, 7)) { + buffer[0] = 'F'; + memmove(buffer + 1, buffer + 7, n - 7); + } else if (0 == strncmp("absent/on AC", buffer, 12)) { + buffer[0] = 'N'; + memmove(buffer + 1, buffer + 12, n - 12); + } } -int get_entropy_avail(unsigned int *val) -{ - /* Not applicable for FreeBSD as it uses the yarrow prng. */ - (void)val; - return 1; +int get_entropy_avail(unsigned int *val) { + /* Not applicable for FreeBSD as it uses the yarrow prng. */ + (void)val; + return 1; } -int get_entropy_poolsize(unsigned int *val) -{ - /* Not applicable for FreeBSD as it uses the yarrow prng. */ - (void)val; - return 1; +int get_entropy_poolsize(unsigned int *val) { + /* Not applicable for FreeBSD as it uses the yarrow prng. */ + (void)val; + return 1; } diff --git a/src/freebsd.h b/src/freebsd.h index b6d4df85..b0987540 100644 --- a/src/freebsd.h +++ b/src/freebsd.h @@ -1,15 +1,15 @@ -/* -*- mode: c; c-basic-offset: 4; tab-width: 4; indent-tabs-mode: t -*- */ +/* */ #ifndef FREEBSD_H_ #define FREEBSD_H_ -#include "common.h" -#include -#include -#include -#include #include #include +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include "common.h" #if (defined(i386) || defined(__i386__)) #include #endif /* i386 || __i386__ */ diff --git a/src/fs.cc b/src/fs.cc index a7eae4d8..a79363c9 100644 --- a/src/fs.cc +++ b/src/fs.cc @@ -1,5 +1,4 @@ -/* -*- mode: c++; c-basic-offset: 4; tab-width: 4; indent-tabs-mode: t -*- - * vim: ts=4 sw=4 noet ai cindent syntax=cpp +/* * * Conky, a system monitor, based on torsmo * @@ -10,7 +9,7 @@ * Please see COPYING for details * * Copyright (c) 2004, Hannu Saransaari and Lauri Hakkarainen - * Copyright (c) 2005-2012 Brenden Matthews, Philip Kovacs, et. al. + * Copyright (c) 2005-2018 Brenden Matthews, Philip Kovacs, et. al. * (see AUTHORS) * All rights reserved. * @@ -28,24 +27,24 @@ * */ +#include "fs.h" +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include #include "conky.h" #include "logging.h" -#include "fs.h" #include "specials.h" #include "text_object.h" -#include -#include -#include -#include -#include #ifdef HAVE_SYS_STATFS_H #include #endif #if defined(__sun) -#include #include +#include #endif #if defined(__FreeBSD__) @@ -58,11 +57,9 @@ #include "darwin.h" #endif - -#if !defined(HAVE_STRUCT_STATFS_F_FSTYPENAME) && \ - !defined (__OpenBSD__) && !defined(__FreeBSD__) && \ - !defined(__DragonFly__) && !defined(__sun) && !defined(__HAIKU__) && \ - !(defined(__APPLE__) && defined(__MACH__)) +#if !defined(HAVE_STRUCT_STATFS_F_FSTYPENAME) && !defined(__OpenBSD__) && \ + !defined(__FreeBSD__) && !defined(__DragonFly__) && !defined(__sun) && \ + !defined(__HAIKU__) && !(defined(__APPLE__) && defined(__MACH__)) #include #endif @@ -75,222 +72,200 @@ static void update_fs_stat(struct fs_stat *fs); void get_fs_type(const char *path, char *result); -int update_fs_stats(void) -{ - unsigned i; - static double last_fs_update = 0.0; +int update_fs_stats(void) { + unsigned i; + static double last_fs_update = 0.0; - if (current_update_time - last_fs_update < 13) - return 0; + if (current_update_time - last_fs_update < 13) return 0; - for (i = 0; i < MAX_FS_STATS; ++i) { - if (fs_stats[i].set) { - update_fs_stat(&fs_stats[i]); - } - } - last_fs_update = current_update_time; - return 0; + for (i = 0; i < MAX_FS_STATS; ++i) { + if (fs_stats[i].set) { + update_fs_stat(&fs_stats[i]); + } + } + last_fs_update = current_update_time; + return 0; } -void clear_fs_stats(void) -{ - unsigned i; - for (i = 0; i < MAX_FS_STATS; ++i) { - memset(&fs_stats[i], 0, sizeof(struct fs_stat)); - } +void clear_fs_stats(void) { + unsigned i; + for (i = 0; i < MAX_FS_STATS; ++i) { + memset(&fs_stats[i], 0, sizeof(struct fs_stat)); + } } -struct fs_stat *prepare_fs_stat(const char *s) -{ - struct fs_stat *next = 0; - unsigned i; +struct fs_stat *prepare_fs_stat(const char *s) { + struct fs_stat *next = 0; + unsigned i; - /* lookup existing or get new */ - for (i = 0; i < MAX_FS_STATS; ++i) { - if (fs_stats[i].set) { - if (strncmp(fs_stats[i].path, s, DEFAULT_TEXT_BUFFER_SIZE) == 0) { - return &fs_stats[i]; - } - } else { - next = &fs_stats[i]; - } - } - /* new path */ - if (!next) { - NORM_ERR("too many fs stats"); - return 0; - } - strncpy(next->path, s, DEFAULT_TEXT_BUFFER_SIZE); - next->set = 1; - update_fs_stat(next); - return next; + /* lookup existing or get new */ + for (i = 0; i < MAX_FS_STATS; ++i) { + if (fs_stats[i].set) { + if (strncmp(fs_stats[i].path, s, DEFAULT_TEXT_BUFFER_SIZE) == 0) { + return &fs_stats[i]; + } + } else { + next = &fs_stats[i]; + } + } + /* new path */ + if (!next) { + NORM_ERR("too many fs stats"); + return 0; + } + strncpy(next->path, s, DEFAULT_TEXT_BUFFER_SIZE); + next->set = 1; + update_fs_stat(next); + return next; } -static void update_fs_stat(struct fs_stat *fs) -{ +static void update_fs_stat(struct fs_stat *fs) { #if defined(__sun) - struct statvfs s; + struct statvfs s; - if (statvfs(fs->path, &s) == 0) { - fs->size = (long long)s.f_blocks * s.f_frsize; - fs->avail = (long long)s.f_bavail * s.f_frsize; - fs->free = (long long)s.f_bfree * s.f_frsize; - (void) strncpy(fs->type, s.f_basetype, sizeof (fs->type)); + if (statvfs(fs->path, &s) == 0) { + fs->size = (long long)s.f_blocks * s.f_frsize; + fs->avail = (long long)s.f_bavail * s.f_frsize; + fs->free = (long long)s.f_bfree * s.f_frsize; + (void)strncpy(fs->type, s.f_basetype, sizeof(fs->type)); #else - struct statfs64 s; + struct statfs64 s; - if (statfs64(fs->path, &s) == 0) { - fs->size = (long long)s.f_blocks * s.f_bsize; - /* bfree (root) or bavail (non-roots) ? */ - fs->avail = (long long)s.f_bavail * s.f_bsize; - fs->free = (long long)s.f_bfree * s.f_bsize; - get_fs_type(fs->path, fs->type); + if (statfs64(fs->path, &s) == 0) { + fs->size = (long long)s.f_blocks * s.f_bsize; + /* bfree (root) or bavail (non-roots) ? */ + fs->avail = (long long)s.f_bavail * s.f_bsize; + fs->free = (long long)s.f_bfree * s.f_bsize; + get_fs_type(fs->path, fs->type); #endif - } else { - NORM_ERR("statfs64 '%s': %s", fs->path, strerror(errno)); - fs->size = 0; - fs->avail = 0; - fs->free = 0; - strncpy(fs->type, "unknown", DEFAULT_TEXT_BUFFER_SIZE); - } + } else { + NORM_ERR("statfs64 '%s': %s", fs->path, strerror(errno)); + fs->size = 0; + fs->avail = 0; + fs->free = 0; + strncpy(fs->type, "unknown", DEFAULT_TEXT_BUFFER_SIZE); + } } -void get_fs_type(const char *path, char *result) -{ +void get_fs_type(const char *path, char *result) { +#if defined(HAVE_STRUCT_STATFS_F_FSTYPENAME) || defined(__FreeBSD__) || \ + defined(__OpenBSD__) || defined(__DragonFly__) || defined(__HAIKU__) || \ + (defined(__APPLE__) && defined(__MACH__)) -#if defined(HAVE_STRUCT_STATFS_F_FSTYPENAME) || \ - defined(__FreeBSD__) || defined (__OpenBSD__) || defined(__DragonFly__) || defined(__HAIKU__) || (defined(__APPLE__) && defined(__MACH__)) - - struct statfs64 s; - if (statfs64(path, &s) == 0) { - strncpy(result, s.f_fstypename, DEFAULT_TEXT_BUFFER_SIZE); - } else { - NORM_ERR("statfs64 '%s': %s", path, strerror(errno)); - } - return; + struct statfs64 s; + if (statfs64(path, &s) == 0) { + strncpy(result, s.f_fstypename, DEFAULT_TEXT_BUFFER_SIZE); + } else { + NORM_ERR("statfs64 '%s': %s", path, strerror(errno)); + } + return; #elif defined(__sun) - assert(0); /* not used - see update_fs_stat() */ -#else /* HAVE_STRUCT_STATFS_F_FSTYPENAME */ + assert(0); /* not used - see update_fs_stat() */ +#else /* HAVE_STRUCT_STATFS_F_FSTYPENAME */ - struct mntent *me; - FILE *mtab = setmntent("/proc/mounts", "r"); - char *search_path; - int match; - char *slash; + struct mntent *me; + FILE *mtab = setmntent("/proc/mounts", "r"); + char *search_path; + int match; + char *slash; - if (mtab == NULL) { - NORM_ERR("setmntent /proc/mounts: %s", strerror(errno)); - strncpy(result, "unknown", DEFAULT_TEXT_BUFFER_SIZE); - return; - } + if (mtab == NULL) { + NORM_ERR("setmntent /proc/mounts: %s", strerror(errno)); + strncpy(result, "unknown", DEFAULT_TEXT_BUFFER_SIZE); + return; + } - me = getmntent(mtab); + me = getmntent(mtab); - // find our path in the mtab - search_path = strdup(path); - do { - while ((match = strcmp(search_path, me->mnt_dir)) - && getmntent(mtab)); - if (!match) - break; - fseek(mtab, 0, SEEK_SET); - slash = strrchr(search_path, '/'); - if (slash == NULL) - CRIT_ERR(NULL, NULL, "invalid path '%s'", path); - if (strlen(slash) == 1) /* trailing slash */ - *(slash) = '\0'; - else if (strlen(slash) > 1) - *(slash + 1) = '\0'; - else - CRIT_ERR(NULL, NULL, "found a crack in the matrix!"); - } while (strlen(search_path) > 0); - free(search_path); + // find our path in the mtab + search_path = strdup(path); + do { + while ((match = strcmp(search_path, me->mnt_dir)) && getmntent(mtab)) + ; + if (!match) break; + fseek(mtab, 0, SEEK_SET); + slash = strrchr(search_path, '/'); + if (slash == NULL) CRIT_ERR(NULL, NULL, "invalid path '%s'", path); + if (strlen(slash) == 1) /* trailing slash */ + *(slash) = '\0'; + else if (strlen(slash) > 1) + *(slash + 1) = '\0'; + else + CRIT_ERR(NULL, NULL, "found a crack in the matrix!"); + } while (strlen(search_path) > 0); + free(search_path); - endmntent(mtab); + endmntent(mtab); - if (me && !match) { - strncpy(result, me->mnt_type, DEFAULT_TEXT_BUFFER_SIZE); - return; - } -#endif /* HAVE_STRUCT_STATFS_F_FSTYPENAME */ - - strncpy(result, "unknown", DEFAULT_TEXT_BUFFER_SIZE); + if (me && !match) { + strncpy(result, me->mnt_type, DEFAULT_TEXT_BUFFER_SIZE); + return; + } +#endif /* HAVE_STRUCT_STATFS_F_FSTYPENAME */ + strncpy(result, "unknown", DEFAULT_TEXT_BUFFER_SIZE); } -void init_fs_bar(struct text_object *obj, const char *arg) -{ - arg = scan_bar(obj, arg, 1); - if (arg) { - while (isspace(*arg)) { - arg++; - } - if (*arg == '\0') { - arg = "/"; - } - } else { - arg = "/"; - } - obj->data.opaque = prepare_fs_stat(arg); +void init_fs_bar(struct text_object *obj, const char *arg) { + arg = scan_bar(obj, arg, 1); + if (arg) { + while (isspace(*arg)) { + arg++; + } + if (*arg == '\0') { + arg = "/"; + } + } else { + arg = "/"; + } + obj->data.opaque = prepare_fs_stat(arg); } -static double get_fs_perc(struct text_object *obj, bool get_free) -{ - struct fs_stat *fs = static_cast(obj->data.opaque); - double ret = 0.0; +static double get_fs_perc(struct text_object *obj, bool get_free) { + struct fs_stat *fs = static_cast(obj->data.opaque); + double ret = 0.0; - if(fs && fs->size) { - if(get_free) - ret = fs->avail; - else - ret = fs->size - fs->free; - ret /= fs->size; - } + if (fs && fs->size) { + if (get_free) + ret = fs->avail; + else + ret = fs->size - fs->free; + ret /= fs->size; + } - return ret; + return ret; } -double fs_barval(struct text_object *obj) -{ - return get_fs_perc(obj, false); +double fs_barval(struct text_object *obj) { return get_fs_perc(obj, false); } + +double fs_free_barval(struct text_object *obj) { + return get_fs_perc(obj, true); } -double fs_free_barval(struct text_object *obj) -{ - return get_fs_perc(obj, true); +void init_fs(struct text_object *obj, const char *arg) { + obj->data.opaque = prepare_fs_stat(arg ? arg : "/"); } -void init_fs(struct text_object *obj, const char *arg) -{ - obj->data.opaque = prepare_fs_stat(arg ? arg : "/"); +uint8_t fs_free_percentage(struct text_object *obj) { + return get_fs_perc(obj, true) * 100; } -uint8_t fs_free_percentage(struct text_object *obj) -{ - return get_fs_perc(obj, true) * 100; +uint8_t fs_used_percentage(struct text_object *obj) { + return get_fs_perc(obj, false) * 100; } -uint8_t fs_used_percentage(struct text_object *obj) -{ - return get_fs_perc(obj, false) * 100; -} - -#define HUMAN_PRINT_FS_GENERATOR(name, expr) \ -void print_fs_##name(struct text_object *obj, char *p, int p_max_size) \ -{ \ - struct fs_stat *fs = (struct fs_stat *)obj->data.opaque; \ - if (fs) \ - human_readable(expr, p, p_max_size); \ -} +#define HUMAN_PRINT_FS_GENERATOR(name, expr) \ + void print_fs_##name(struct text_object *obj, char *p, int p_max_size) { \ + struct fs_stat *fs = (struct fs_stat *)obj->data.opaque; \ + if (fs) human_readable(expr, p, p_max_size); \ + } HUMAN_PRINT_FS_GENERATOR(free, fs->avail) HUMAN_PRINT_FS_GENERATOR(size, fs->size) HUMAN_PRINT_FS_GENERATOR(used, fs->size - fs->free) -void print_fs_type(struct text_object *obj, char *p, int p_max_size) -{ - struct fs_stat *fs = (struct fs_stat *)obj->data.opaque; +void print_fs_type(struct text_object *obj, char *p, int p_max_size) { + struct fs_stat *fs = (struct fs_stat *)obj->data.opaque; - if (fs) - snprintf(p, p_max_size, "%s", fs->type); + if (fs) snprintf(p, p_max_size, "%s", fs->type); } diff --git a/src/fs.h b/src/fs.h index 8a5b02f4..eb5e5cdc 100644 --- a/src/fs.h +++ b/src/fs.h @@ -1,5 +1,4 @@ -/* -*- mode: c++; c-basic-offset: 4; tab-width: 4; indent-tabs-mode: t -*- - * vim: ts=4 sw=4 noet ai cindent syntax=cpp +/* * * Conky, a system monitor, based on torsmo * @@ -10,7 +9,7 @@ * Please see COPYING for details * * Copyright (c) 2004, Hannu Saransaari and Lauri Hakkarainen - * Copyright (c) 2005-2012 Brenden Matthews, Philip Kovacs, et. al. + * Copyright (c) 2005-2018 Brenden Matthews, Philip Kovacs, et. al. * (see AUTHORS) * All rights reserved. * @@ -31,16 +30,16 @@ #ifndef _FS_H #define _FS_H -#include "conky.h" /* DEFAULT_TEXT_BUFFER_SIZE */ +#include "conky.h" /* DEFAULT_TEXT_BUFFER_SIZE */ /* needed here and by fs.c */ struct fs_stat { - char path[DEFAULT_TEXT_BUFFER_SIZE]; - char type[DEFAULT_TEXT_BUFFER_SIZE]; - long long size; - long long avail; - long long free; - char set; + char path[DEFAULT_TEXT_BUFFER_SIZE]; + char type[DEFAULT_TEXT_BUFFER_SIZE]; + long long size; + long long avail; + long long free; + char set; }; /* forward declare to make gcc happy (fs.h <-> text_object.h include) */ diff --git a/src/haiku.cc b/src/haiku.cc index df71ba91..9db49c5e 100644 --- a/src/haiku.cc +++ b/src/haiku.cc @@ -1,5 +1,4 @@ -/* -*- mode: c++; c-basic-offset: 4; tab-width: 4; indent-tabs-mode: t -*- - * vim: ts=4 sw=4 noet ai cindent syntax=cpp +/* * * Conky, a system monitor, based on torsmo * @@ -10,7 +9,7 @@ * Please see COPYING for details * * Copyright (c) 2004, Hannu Saransaari and Lauri Hakkarainen - * Copyright (c) 2005-2012 Brenden Matthews, Philip Kovacs, et. al. + * Copyright (c) 2005-2018 Brenden Matthews, Philip Kovacs, et. al. * (see AUTHORS) * All rights reserved. * @@ -30,257 +29,223 @@ #include -#include "haiku.h" #include "conky.h" +#include "haiku.h" #include "net_stat.h" #include "top.h" static short cpu_setup = 0; -void prepare_update() -{ +void prepare_update() {} + +int update_uptime() { + info.uptime = (double)system_time() / 1000000.0; + return 0; } -int update_uptime() -{ - info.uptime = (double)system_time() / 1000000.0; - return 0; +int check_mount(struct text_object *obj) { + /* stub */ + (void)obj; + return 0; } -int check_mount(struct text_object *obj) -{ - /* stub */ - (void)obj; - return 0; +int update_meminfo() { + system_info si; + + if (get_system_info(&si) != B_OK) { + fprintf(stderr, "Cannot get_system_info\n"); + return 1; + } + + info.memmax = si.max_pages * (B_PAGE_SIZE >> 10); + info.mem = si.used_pages * (B_PAGE_SIZE >> 10); + // TODO: we have some more info... + info.memwithbuffers = info.mem; + info.memeasyfree = info.memfree = info.memmax - info.mem; + + info.swapmax = si.max_swap_pages * (B_PAGE_SIZE >> 10); + info.swapfree = si.free_swap_pages * (B_PAGE_SIZE >> 10); + info.swap = (info.swapmax - info.swapfree); + + return 0; } -int update_meminfo() -{ - system_info si; - - if (get_system_info(&si) != B_OK) { - fprintf(stderr, "Cannot get_system_info\n"); - return 1; - } - - info.memmax = si.max_pages * (B_PAGE_SIZE >> 10); - info.mem = si.used_pages * (B_PAGE_SIZE >> 10); - // TODO: we have some more info... - info.memwithbuffers = info.mem; - info.memeasyfree = info.memfree = info.memmax - info.mem; - - info.swapmax = si.max_swap_pages * (B_PAGE_SIZE >> 10); - info.swapfree = si.free_swap_pages * (B_PAGE_SIZE >> 10); - info.swap = (info.swapmax - info.swapfree); - - return 0; +int update_net_stats() { + // TODO + return 1; } -int update_net_stats() -{ - // TODO - return 1; +int update_total_processes() { + // TODO + return 1; } -int update_total_processes() -{ - // TODO - return 1; +int update_running_processes() { + // TODO + return 1; } -int update_running_processes() -{ - // TODO - return 1; +void get_cpu_count(void) { + system_info si; + + if (get_system_info(&si) != B_OK) { + fprintf(stderr, "Cannot get_system_info\n"); + info.cpu_count = 0; + return; + } + info.cpu_count = si.cpu_count; + + info.cpu_usage = (float *)malloc((info.cpu_count + 1) * sizeof(float)); + if (info.cpu_usage == NULL) { + CRIT_ERR(NULL, NULL, "malloc"); + } } -void get_cpu_count(void) -{ - system_info si; +int update_cpu_usage() { + // TODO + static bigtime_t prev = 0; + static cpu_info *prev_cpuinfo = NULL; + bigtime_t now; + cpu_info *cpuinfo; - if (get_system_info(&si) != B_OK) { - fprintf(stderr, "Cannot get_system_info\n"); - info.cpu_count = 0; - return; - } - info.cpu_count = si.cpu_count; + /* add check for !info.cpu_usage since that mem is freed on a SIGUSR1 */ + if ((cpu_setup == 0) || (!info.cpu_usage)) { + get_cpu_count(); + cpu_setup = 1; + } - info.cpu_usage = (float *) malloc((info.cpu_count + 1) * sizeof(float)); - if (info.cpu_usage == NULL) { - CRIT_ERR(NULL, NULL, "malloc"); - } + int malloc_cpu_size = sizeof(cpu_info) * (info.cpu_count + 1); + + if (!prev_cpuinfo) { + prev_cpuinfo = (cpu_info *)malloc(malloc_cpu_size); + if (prev_cpuinfo == NULL) { + CRIT_ERR(NULL, NULL, "malloc"); + } + memset(prev_cpuinfo, 0, malloc_cpu_size); + } + + cpuinfo = (cpu_info *)malloc(malloc_cpu_size); + memset(cpuinfo, 0, malloc_cpu_size); + + if (cpuinfo == NULL) { + CRIT_ERR(NULL, NULL, "malloc"); + } + + now = system_time(); + if (get_cpu_info(0, info.cpu_count, &cpuinfo[1]) == B_OK) { + for (int i = 1; i <= info.cpu_count; i++) + cpuinfo[0].active_time += cpuinfo[i].active_time; + cpuinfo[0].active_time /= info.cpu_count; + for (int i = 0; i <= info.cpu_count; i++) { + double period = (double)(now - prev); + info.cpu_usage[i] = + ((double)(cpuinfo[i].active_time - prev_cpuinfo[i].active_time)) / + period; + } + } + + memcpy(prev_cpuinfo, cpuinfo, malloc_cpu_size); + prev = now; + free(cpuinfo); + return 1; } -int update_cpu_usage() -{ - // TODO - static bigtime_t prev = 0; - static cpu_info *prev_cpuinfo = NULL; - bigtime_t now; - cpu_info *cpuinfo; - - /* add check for !info.cpu_usage since that mem is freed on a SIGUSR1 */ - if ((cpu_setup == 0) || (!info.cpu_usage)) { - get_cpu_count(); - cpu_setup = 1; - } - - int malloc_cpu_size = sizeof(cpu_info) * (info.cpu_count + 1); - - if (!prev_cpuinfo) { - prev_cpuinfo = (cpu_info *)malloc(malloc_cpu_size); - if (prev_cpuinfo == NULL) { - CRIT_ERR(NULL, NULL, "malloc"); - } - memset(prev_cpuinfo, 0, malloc_cpu_size); - } - - cpuinfo = (cpu_info *)malloc(malloc_cpu_size); - memset(cpuinfo, 0, malloc_cpu_size); - - if (cpuinfo == NULL) { - CRIT_ERR(NULL, NULL, "malloc"); - } - - now = system_time(); - if (get_cpu_info(0, info.cpu_count, &cpuinfo[1]) == B_OK) { - for (int i = 1; i <= info.cpu_count; i++) - cpuinfo[0].active_time += cpuinfo[i].active_time; - cpuinfo[0].active_time /= info.cpu_count; - for (int i = 0; i <= info.cpu_count; i++) { - double period = (double)(now - prev); - info.cpu_usage[i] = ((double) - (cpuinfo[i].active_time - prev_cpuinfo[i].active_time)) / - period; - } - } - - memcpy(prev_cpuinfo, cpuinfo, malloc_cpu_size); - prev = now; - free(cpuinfo); - return 1; +int update_load_average() { + // TODO + return 1; } -int update_load_average() -{ - // TODO - return 1; +double get_acpi_temperature(int fd) { return -1; } + +void get_battery_stuff(char *buf, unsigned int n, const char *bat, int item) { + // TODO } -double get_acpi_temperature(int fd) -{ - return -1; +int get_battery_perct(const char *bat) { + /* + int batcapacity; + + get_battery_stats(NULL, &batcapacity, NULL, NULL); + return batcapacity; + */ + // TODO + return 0; } -void get_battery_stuff(char *buf, unsigned int n, const char *bat, int item) -{ - // TODO +double get_battery_perct_bar(struct text_object *obj) { + int batperct = get_battery_perct(obj->data.s); + return batperct; } -int get_battery_perct(const char *bat) -{ - /* - int batcapacity; +int open_acpi_temperature(const char *name) { return -1; } - get_battery_stats(NULL, &batcapacity, NULL, NULL); - return batcapacity; - */ - // TODO - return 0; -} +void get_acpi_ac_adapter(char *p_client_buffer, size_t client_buffer_size, + const char *adapter) { + (void)adapter; // only linux uses this -double get_battery_perct_bar(struct text_object *obj) -{ - int batperct = get_battery_perct(obj->data.s); - return batperct; -} + if (!p_client_buffer || client_buffer_size <= 0) { + return; + } -int open_acpi_temperature(const char *name) -{ - return -1; -} - -void get_acpi_ac_adapter(char *p_client_buffer, size_t client_buffer_size, const char *adapter) -{ - (void) adapter; // only linux uses this - - if (!p_client_buffer || client_buffer_size <= 0) { - return; - } - - /* not implemented */ - memset(p_client_buffer, 0, client_buffer_size); + /* not implemented */ + memset(p_client_buffer, 0, client_buffer_size); } /* char *get_acpi_fan() */ -void get_acpi_fan(char *p_client_buffer, size_t client_buffer_size) -{ - if (!p_client_buffer || client_buffer_size <= 0) { - return; - } +void get_acpi_fan(char *p_client_buffer, size_t client_buffer_size) { + if (!p_client_buffer || client_buffer_size <= 0) { + return; + } - /* not implemented */ - memset(p_client_buffer, 0, client_buffer_size); + /* not implemented */ + memset(p_client_buffer, 0, client_buffer_size); } /* void */ -char get_freq(char *p_client_buffer, size_t client_buffer_size, const char *p_format, - int divisor, unsigned int cpu) -{ - int freq; - char *freq_sysctl; +char get_freq(char *p_client_buffer, size_t client_buffer_size, + const char *p_format, int divisor, unsigned int cpu) { + int freq; + char *freq_sysctl; - if (!p_client_buffer || client_buffer_size <= 0 || !p_format - || divisor <= 0) { - return 0; - } - return 0; - // TODO -// return 1; + if (!p_client_buffer || client_buffer_size <= 0 || !p_format || + divisor <= 0) { + return 0; + } + return 0; + // TODO + // return 1; } -int update_diskio(void) -{ - return 1; +int update_diskio(void) { return 1; } + +void get_top_info(void) { + int32 tmcookie = 0; + team_info tm; + struct process *proc; + + while (get_next_team_info(&tmcookie, &tm) == B_NO_ERROR) { + team_usage_info ti; + + if (get_team_usage_info(tm.team, B_TEAM_USAGE_SELF, &ti) != B_OK) continue; + + proc = get_process(tm.team); + + proc->time_stamp = g_time; + proc->name = strndup(tm.args, sizeof(tm.args)); + proc->basename = strndup(tm.args, sizeof(tm.args)); + // proc->amount = 100.0 * p[i].ki_pctcpu / FSCALE; + proc->vsize = 0; + proc->rss = 0; + /* bigtime_t is in microseconds, total_cpu_time in centiseconds. + * Therefore we divide by 10000. */ + proc->total_cpu_time = (ti.user_time + ti.kernel_time) / 10000; + } } -void get_top_info(void) -{ - int32 tmcookie = 0; - team_info tm; - struct process *proc; - - while (get_next_team_info(&tmcookie, &tm) == B_NO_ERROR) { - team_usage_info ti; - - if (get_team_usage_info(tm.team, B_TEAM_USAGE_SELF, &ti) != B_OK) - continue; - - proc = get_process(tm.team); - - proc->time_stamp = g_time; - proc->name = strndup(tm.args, sizeof(tm.args)); - proc->basename = strndup(tm.args, sizeof(tm.args)); - //proc->amount = 100.0 * p[i].ki_pctcpu / FSCALE; - proc->vsize = 0; - proc->rss = 0; - /* bigtime_t is in microseconds, total_cpu_time in centiseconds. - * Therefore we divide by 10000. */ - proc->total_cpu_time = (ti.user_time + ti.kernel_time) / 10000; - } +void get_battery_short_status(char *buffer, unsigned int n, const char *bat) { + // TODO } -void get_battery_short_status(char *buffer, unsigned int n, const char *bat) -{ - // TODO -} +int get_entropy_avail(unsigned int *val) { return 1; } -int get_entropy_avail(unsigned int *val) -{ - return 1; -} - -int get_entropy_poolsize(unsigned int *val) -{ - return 1; -} +int get_entropy_poolsize(unsigned int *val) { return 1; } diff --git a/src/haiku.h b/src/haiku.h index ec245b79..801000b9 100644 --- a/src/haiku.h +++ b/src/haiku.h @@ -1,37 +1,35 @@ -/* -*- mode: c; c-basic-offset: 4; tab-width: 4; indent-tabs-mode: t -*- */ +/* */ #ifndef HAIKU_H_ #define HAIKU_H_ -#include -#include -#include #include +#include #include #include +#include +#include +#include #include #include -#include #include #include -#include "conky.h" #include "common.h" +#include "conky.h" int get_entropy_avail(unsigned int *); int get_entropy_poolsize(unsigned int *); - /* let's just mimic statfs64 */ struct statfs : public fs_info {}; -inline int statfs(const char *path, struct statfs *buf) -{ - return fs_stat_dev(dev_for_path(path), buf); +inline int statfs(const char *path, struct statfs *buf) { + return fs_stat_dev(dev_for_path(path), buf); } #define f_blocks total_blocks @@ -40,5 +38,4 @@ inline int statfs(const char *path, struct statfs *buf) #define f_bfree free_blocks #define f_fstypename fsh_name - #endif /*HAIKU_H_*/ diff --git a/src/hddtemp.cc b/src/hddtemp.cc index fac3115c..21d8c408 100644 --- a/src/hddtemp.cc +++ b/src/hddtemp.cc @@ -1,5 +1,4 @@ -/* -*- mode: c++; c-basic-offset: 4; tab-width: 4; indent-tabs-mode: t -*- - * vim: ts=4 sw=4 noet ai cindent syntax=cpp +/* * * Conky, a system monitor, based on torsmo * @@ -10,7 +9,7 @@ * Please see COPYING for details * * Copyright (c) 2004, Hannu Saransaari and Lauri Hakkarainen - * Copyright (c) 2005-2012 Brenden Matthews, Philip Kovacs, et. al. + * Copyright (c) 2005-2018 Brenden Matthews, Philip Kovacs, et. al. * (see AUTHORS) * All rights reserved. * @@ -28,114 +27,107 @@ * */ +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include #include "conky.h" #include "logging.h" #include "temphelper.h" #include "text_object.h" -#include -#include -#include -#include -#include -#include -#include #define BUFLEN 512 -static conky::simple_config_setting hddtemp_host("hddtemp_host", "localhost", false); -static conky::simple_config_setting hddtemp_port("hddtemp_port", "7634", false); +static conky::simple_config_setting hddtemp_host("hddtemp_host", + "localhost", + false); +static conky::simple_config_setting hddtemp_port("hddtemp_port", + "7634", false); struct hdd_info { - hdd_info() : next(0) {} - struct hdd_info *next; - char *dev; - short temp; - char unit; + hdd_info() : next(0) {} + struct hdd_info *next; + char *dev; + short temp; + char unit; }; struct hdd_info hdd_info_head; -static void __free_hddtemp_info(struct hdd_info *hdi) -{ - if (hdi->next) - __free_hddtemp_info(hdi->next); - free(hdi->dev); - delete hdi; +static void __free_hddtemp_info(struct hdd_info *hdi) { + if (hdi->next) __free_hddtemp_info(hdi->next); + free(hdi->dev); + delete hdi; } -static void free_hddtemp_info(void) -{ - DBGP("free_hddtemp_info() called"); - if (!hdd_info_head.next) - return; - __free_hddtemp_info(hdd_info_head.next); - hdd_info_head.next = NULL; +static void free_hddtemp_info(void) { + DBGP("free_hddtemp_info() called"); + if (!hdd_info_head.next) return; + __free_hddtemp_info(hdd_info_head.next); + hdd_info_head.next = NULL; } -static void add_hddtemp_info(char *dev, short temp, char unit) -{ - struct hdd_info *hdi = &hdd_info_head; +static void add_hddtemp_info(char *dev, short temp, char unit) { + struct hdd_info *hdi = &hdd_info_head; - DBGP("add_hddtemp_info(%s, %d, %c) being called", dev, temp, unit); - while (hdi->next) - hdi = hdi->next; + DBGP("add_hddtemp_info(%s, %d, %c) being called", dev, temp, unit); + while (hdi->next) hdi = hdi->next; - hdi->next = new hdd_info; - memset(hdi->next, 0, sizeof(struct hdd_info)); - hdi->next->dev = strdup(dev); - hdi->next->temp = temp; - hdi->next->unit = unit; + hdi->next = new hdd_info; + memset(hdi->next, 0, sizeof(struct hdd_info)); + hdi->next->dev = strdup(dev); + hdi->next->temp = temp; + hdi->next->unit = unit; } -static char *fetch_hddtemp_output(void) -{ - int sockfd; - char *buf = NULL; - int buflen, offset = 0, rlen; - struct addrinfo hints, *result, *rp; - int i; +static char *fetch_hddtemp_output(void) { + int sockfd; + char *buf = NULL; + int buflen, offset = 0, rlen; + struct addrinfo hints, *result, *rp; + int i; - memset(&hints, 0, sizeof(hints)); - hints.ai_family = AF_INET; /* XXX: hddtemp has no ipv6 support (yet?) */ - hints.ai_socktype = SOCK_STREAM; + memset(&hints, 0, sizeof(hints)); + hints.ai_family = AF_INET; /* XXX: hddtemp has no ipv6 support (yet?) */ + hints.ai_socktype = SOCK_STREAM; - if ((i = getaddrinfo(hddtemp_host.get(*state).c_str(), - hddtemp_port.get(*state).c_str(), &hints, &result))) { - NORM_ERR("getaddrinfo(): %s", gai_strerror(i)); - return NULL; - } + if ((i = getaddrinfo(hddtemp_host.get(*state).c_str(), + hddtemp_port.get(*state).c_str(), &hints, &result))) { + NORM_ERR("getaddrinfo(): %s", gai_strerror(i)); + return NULL; + } - for (rp = result; rp; rp = rp->ai_next) { - sockfd = socket(rp->ai_family, rp->ai_socktype, rp->ai_protocol); - if (sockfd == -1) - continue; - if (connect(sockfd, rp->ai_addr, rp->ai_addrlen) != -1) - break; - close(sockfd); - } - if (!rp) { - NORM_ERR("could not connect to hddtemp host"); - goto GET_OUT; - } + for (rp = result; rp; rp = rp->ai_next) { + sockfd = socket(rp->ai_family, rp->ai_socktype, rp->ai_protocol); + if (sockfd == -1) continue; + if (connect(sockfd, rp->ai_addr, rp->ai_addrlen) != -1) break; + close(sockfd); + } + if (!rp) { + NORM_ERR("could not connect to hddtemp host"); + goto GET_OUT; + } - buflen = 1024; - buf = (char*)malloc(buflen); - while ((rlen = recv(sockfd, buf + offset, buflen - offset - 1, 0)) > 0) { - offset += rlen; - if (buflen - offset < 1) { - buflen += 1024; - buf = (char*)realloc(buf, buflen); - } - } - if (rlen < 0) - perror("recv"); + buflen = 1024; + buf = (char *)malloc(buflen); + while ((rlen = recv(sockfd, buf + offset, buflen - offset - 1, 0)) > 0) { + offset += rlen; + if (buflen - offset < 1) { + buflen += 1024; + buf = (char *)realloc(buf, buflen); + } + } + if (rlen < 0) perror("recv"); - buf[offset] = '\0'; + buf[offset] = '\0'; - close(sockfd); + close(sockfd); GET_OUT: - freeaddrinfo(result); - return buf; + freeaddrinfo(result); + return buf; } /* this is an iterator: @@ -144,111 +136,98 @@ GET_OUT: * is not being freed! */ static int read_hdd_val(const char *line, char **dev, short *val, char *unit, - char **saveptr) -{ - char *line_s, *cval, *endptr; - static char *p = 0; + char **saveptr) { + char *line_s, *cval, *endptr; + static char *p = 0; - if (line) { - *saveptr = strdup(line); - p = *saveptr; - } - line_s = *saveptr; + if (line) { + *saveptr = strdup(line); + p = *saveptr; + } + line_s = *saveptr; again: - if(!*p) - goto out_fail; - /* read the device */ - *dev = ++p; - if (!(p = strchr(p, line_s[0]))) - goto out_fail; - *(p++) = '\0'; - /* jump over the devname */ - if (!(p = strchr(p, line_s[0]))) - goto out_fail; - /* read the value */ - cval = ++p; - if (!(p = strchr(p, line_s[0]))) - goto out_fail; - *(p++) = '\0'; - *unit = *(p++); - *val = strtol(cval, &endptr, 10); - if (*endptr) { - if (!(p = strchr(p, line_s[0]))) - goto out_fail; + if (!*p) goto out_fail; + /* read the device */ + *dev = ++p; + if (!(p = strchr(p, line_s[0]))) goto out_fail; + *(p++) = '\0'; + /* jump over the devname */ + if (!(p = strchr(p, line_s[0]))) goto out_fail; + /* read the value */ + cval = ++p; + if (!(p = strchr(p, line_s[0]))) goto out_fail; + *(p++) = '\0'; + *unit = *(p++); + *val = strtol(cval, &endptr, 10); + if (*endptr) { + if (!(p = strchr(p, line_s[0]))) goto out_fail; - p++; - goto again; - } - - /* preset p for next call */ - p++; + p++; + goto again; + } - return 0; + /* preset p for next call */ + p++; + + return 0; out_fail: - free(*saveptr); - return 1; + free(*saveptr); + return 1; } int update_hddtemp(void) { - char *data, *dev, unit, *saveptr; - short val; - static double last_hddtemp_update = 0.0; + char *data, *dev, unit, *saveptr; + short val; + static double last_hddtemp_update = 0.0; - /* limit tcp connection overhead */ - if (current_update_time - last_hddtemp_update < 5) - return 0; - last_hddtemp_update = current_update_time; + /* limit tcp connection overhead */ + if (current_update_time - last_hddtemp_update < 5) return 0; + last_hddtemp_update = current_update_time; - free_hddtemp_info(); + free_hddtemp_info(); - if (!(data = fetch_hddtemp_output())) - return 0; + if (!(data = fetch_hddtemp_output())) return 0; - if (read_hdd_val(data, &dev, &val, &unit, &saveptr)) { - free(data); - return 0; - } - do { - add_hddtemp_info(dev, val, unit); - } while (!read_hdd_val(NULL, &dev, &val, &unit, &saveptr)); - free(data); - return 0; + if (read_hdd_val(data, &dev, &val, &unit, &saveptr)) { + free(data); + return 0; + } + do { + add_hddtemp_info(dev, val, unit); + } while (!read_hdd_val(NULL, &dev, &val, &unit, &saveptr)); + free(data); + return 0; } -void free_hddtemp(struct text_object *obj) -{ - free_hddtemp_info(); - free_and_zero(obj->data.s); +void free_hddtemp(struct text_object *obj) { + free_hddtemp_info(); + free_and_zero(obj->data.s); } -static int get_hddtemp_info(const char *dev, short *val, char *unit) -{ - struct hdd_info *hdi = hdd_info_head.next; +static int get_hddtemp_info(const char *dev, short *val, char *unit) { + struct hdd_info *hdi = hdd_info_head.next; - /* if no dev is given, just use hdd_info_head->next */ - while(dev && hdi) { - if (!strcmp(dev, hdi->dev)) - break; - hdi = hdi->next; - } - if (!hdi) - return 1; - - *val = hdi->temp; - *unit = hdi->unit; - return 0; + /* if no dev is given, just use hdd_info_head->next */ + while (dev && hdi) { + if (!strcmp(dev, hdi->dev)) break; + hdi = hdi->next; + } + if (!hdi) return 1; + + *val = hdi->temp; + *unit = hdi->unit; + return 0; } -void print_hddtemp(struct text_object *obj, char *p, int p_max_size) -{ - short val; - char unit; +void print_hddtemp(struct text_object *obj, char *p, int p_max_size) { + short val; + char unit; - if (get_hddtemp_info(obj->data.s, &val, &unit)) { - snprintf(p, p_max_size, "N/A"); - } else { - temp_print(p, p_max_size, (double)val, - (unit == 'C' ? TEMP_CELSIUS : TEMP_FAHRENHEIT)); - } + if (get_hddtemp_info(obj->data.s, &val, &unit)) { + snprintf(p, p_max_size, "N/A"); + } else { + temp_print(p, p_max_size, (double)val, + (unit == 'C' ? TEMP_CELSIUS : TEMP_FAHRENHEIT)); + } } diff --git a/src/hddtemp.h b/src/hddtemp.h index 142235bc..8e5dcfd7 100644 --- a/src/hddtemp.h +++ b/src/hddtemp.h @@ -1,12 +1,11 @@ -/* -*- mode: c++; c-basic-offset: 4; tab-width: 4; indent-tabs-mode: t -*- - * vim: ts=4 sw=4 noet ai cindent syntax=cpp +/* * * Conky, a system monitor, based on torsmo * * Please see COPYING for details * * Copyright (c) 2007 Toni Spets - * Copyright (c) 2005-2012 Brenden Matthews, Philip Kovacs, et. al. + * Copyright (c) 2005-2018 Brenden Matthews, Philip Kovacs, et. al. * (see AUTHORS) * All rights reserved. * diff --git a/src/i18n.h b/src/i18n.h index 31c609e6..2fabe5b4 100644 --- a/src/i18n.h +++ b/src/i18n.h @@ -1,11 +1,10 @@ -/* -*- mode: c++; c-basic-offset: 4; tab-width: 4; indent-tabs-mode: t -*- - * vim: ts=4 sw=4 noet ai cindent syntax=cpp +/* * * Conky, a system monitor, based on torsmo * * Please see COPYING for details * - * Copyright (c) 2005-2012 Brenden Matthews, Philip Kovacs, et. al. + * Copyright (c) 2005-2018 Brenden Matthews, Philip Kovacs, et. al. * (see AUTHORS) * All rights reserved. * diff --git a/src/i8k.cc b/src/i8k.cc index e8cd25e2..257a936a 100644 --- a/src/i8k.cc +++ b/src/i8k.cc @@ -1,5 +1,4 @@ -/* -*- mode: c++; c-basic-offset: 4; tab-width: 4; indent-tabs-mode: t -*- - * vim: ts=4 sw=4 noet ai cindent syntax=cpp +/* * * Conky, a system monitor, based on torsmo * @@ -11,7 +10,7 @@ * * Copyright (c) 2004, Hannu Saransaari and Lauri Hakkarainen * Copyright (c) 2007 Toni Spets - * Copyright (c) 2005-2012 Brenden Matthews, Philip Kovacs, et. al. + * Copyright (c) 2005-2018 Brenden Matthews, Philip Kovacs, et. al. * (see AUTHORS) * All rights reserved. * @@ -38,117 +37,113 @@ #include "text_object.h" struct _i8k { - char *version; - char *bios; - char *serial; - char *cpu_temp; - char *left_fan_status; - char *right_fan_status; - char *left_fan_rpm; - char *right_fan_rpm; - char *ac_status; - char *buttons_status; + char *version; + char *bios; + char *serial; + char *cpu_temp; + char *left_fan_status; + char *right_fan_status; + char *left_fan_rpm; + char *right_fan_rpm; + char *ac_status; + char *buttons_status; } i8k; /* FIXME: there should be an ioctl interface to request specific data */ #define PROC_I8K "/proc/i8k" #define I8K_DELIM " " static char *i8k_procbuf = NULL; -int update_i8k(void) -{ - FILE *fp; +int update_i8k(void) { + FILE *fp; - if (!i8k_procbuf) { - i8k_procbuf = (char *) malloc(128 * sizeof(char)); - } - if ((fp = fopen(PROC_I8K, "r")) == NULL) { - free_and_zero(i8k_procbuf); - /*THREAD_CRIT_ERR(NULL, NULL, "/proc/i8k doesn't exist! use insmod to make sure the kernel " - "driver is loaded...");*/ - NORM_ERR("/proc/i8k doesn't exist! use insmod to make sure the kernel driver is loaded..."); - clean_up_without_threads(NULL, NULL); - return 1; - } + if (!i8k_procbuf) { + i8k_procbuf = (char *)malloc(128 * sizeof(char)); + } + if ((fp = fopen(PROC_I8K, "r")) == NULL) { + free_and_zero(i8k_procbuf); + /*THREAD_CRIT_ERR(NULL, NULL, "/proc/i8k doesn't exist! use insmod to make + sure the kernel " "driver is loaded...");*/ + NORM_ERR( + "/proc/i8k doesn't exist! use insmod to make sure the kernel driver is " + "loaded..."); + clean_up_without_threads(NULL, NULL); + return 1; + } - memset(&i8k_procbuf[0], 0, 128); - if (fread(&i8k_procbuf[0], sizeof(char), 128, fp) == 0) { - NORM_ERR("something wrong with /proc/i8k..."); - } + memset(&i8k_procbuf[0], 0, 128); + if (fread(&i8k_procbuf[0], sizeof(char), 128, fp) == 0) { + NORM_ERR("something wrong with /proc/i8k..."); + } - fclose(fp); + fclose(fp); - DBGP("read `%s' from /proc/i8k\n", i8k_procbuf); + DBGP("read `%s' from /proc/i8k\n", i8k_procbuf); - i8k.version = strtok(&i8k_procbuf[0], I8K_DELIM); - i8k.bios = strtok(NULL, I8K_DELIM); - i8k.serial = strtok(NULL, I8K_DELIM); - i8k.cpu_temp = strtok(NULL, I8K_DELIM); - i8k.left_fan_status = strtok(NULL, I8K_DELIM); - i8k.right_fan_status = strtok(NULL, I8K_DELIM); - i8k.left_fan_rpm = strtok(NULL, I8K_DELIM); - i8k.right_fan_rpm = strtok(NULL, I8K_DELIM); - i8k.ac_status = strtok(NULL, I8K_DELIM); - i8k.buttons_status = strtok(NULL, I8K_DELIM); - return 0; + i8k.version = strtok(&i8k_procbuf[0], I8K_DELIM); + i8k.bios = strtok(NULL, I8K_DELIM); + i8k.serial = strtok(NULL, I8K_DELIM); + i8k.cpu_temp = strtok(NULL, I8K_DELIM); + i8k.left_fan_status = strtok(NULL, I8K_DELIM); + i8k.right_fan_status = strtok(NULL, I8K_DELIM); + i8k.left_fan_rpm = strtok(NULL, I8K_DELIM); + i8k.right_fan_rpm = strtok(NULL, I8K_DELIM); + i8k.ac_status = strtok(NULL, I8K_DELIM); + i8k.buttons_status = strtok(NULL, I8K_DELIM); + return 0; } -static void print_i8k_fan_status(char *p, int p_max_size, const char *status) -{ - static const char *status_arr[] = { "off", "low", "high", "error" }; +static void print_i8k_fan_status(char *p, int p_max_size, const char *status) { + static const char *status_arr[] = {"off", "low", "high", "error"}; - int i = status ? atoi(status) : 3; - if(i < 0 || i > 3) - i = 3; + int i = status ? atoi(status) : 3; + if (i < 0 || i > 3) i = 3; - snprintf(p, p_max_size, "%s", status_arr[i]); + snprintf(p, p_max_size, "%s", status_arr[i]); } -void print_i8k_left_fan_status(struct text_object *obj, char *p, int p_max_size) -{ - (void)obj; - print_i8k_fan_status(p, p_max_size, i8k.left_fan_status); +void print_i8k_left_fan_status(struct text_object *obj, char *p, + int p_max_size) { + (void)obj; + print_i8k_fan_status(p, p_max_size, i8k.left_fan_status); } -void print_i8k_cpu_temp(struct text_object *obj, char *p, int p_max_size) -{ - int cpu_temp; +void print_i8k_cpu_temp(struct text_object *obj, char *p, int p_max_size) { + int cpu_temp; - (void)obj; + (void)obj; - sscanf(i8k.cpu_temp, "%d", &cpu_temp); - temp_print(p, p_max_size, (double)cpu_temp, TEMP_CELSIUS); + sscanf(i8k.cpu_temp, "%d", &cpu_temp); + temp_print(p, p_max_size, (double)cpu_temp, TEMP_CELSIUS); } -void print_i8k_right_fan_status(struct text_object *obj, char *p, int p_max_size) -{ - (void)obj; - print_i8k_fan_status(p, p_max_size, i8k.right_fan_status); +void print_i8k_right_fan_status(struct text_object *obj, char *p, + int p_max_size) { + (void)obj; + print_i8k_fan_status(p, p_max_size, i8k.right_fan_status); } -void print_i8k_ac_status(struct text_object *obj, char *p, int p_max_size) -{ - int ac_status; +void print_i8k_ac_status(struct text_object *obj, char *p, int p_max_size) { + int ac_status; - (void)obj; + (void)obj; - sscanf(i8k.ac_status, "%d", &ac_status); - if (ac_status == -1) { - snprintf(p, p_max_size, "disabled (read i8k docs)"); - } - if (ac_status == 0) { - snprintf(p, p_max_size, "off"); - } - if (ac_status == 1) { - snprintf(p, p_max_size, "on"); - } + sscanf(i8k.ac_status, "%d", &ac_status); + if (ac_status == -1) { + snprintf(p, p_max_size, "disabled (read i8k docs)"); + } + if (ac_status == 0) { + snprintf(p, p_max_size, "off"); + } + if (ac_status == 1) { + snprintf(p, p_max_size, "on"); + } } -#define I8K_PRINT_GENERATOR(name) \ -void print_i8k_##name(struct text_object *obj, char *p, int p_max_size) \ -{ \ - (void)obj; \ - snprintf(p, p_max_size, "%s", i8k.name); \ -} +#define I8K_PRINT_GENERATOR(name) \ + void print_i8k_##name(struct text_object *obj, char *p, int p_max_size) { \ + (void)obj; \ + snprintf(p, p_max_size, "%s", i8k.name); \ + } I8K_PRINT_GENERATOR(version) I8K_PRINT_GENERATOR(bios) diff --git a/src/i8k.h b/src/i8k.h index fa222edf..491c3bc1 100644 --- a/src/i8k.h +++ b/src/i8k.h @@ -1,5 +1,4 @@ -/* -*- mode: c++; c-basic-offset: 4; tab-width: 4; indent-tabs-mode: t -*- - * vim: ts=4 sw=4 noet ai cindent syntax=cpp +/* * * Conky, a system monitor, based on torsmo * @@ -11,7 +10,7 @@ * * Copyright (c) 2004, Hannu Saransaari and Lauri Hakkarainen * Copyright (c) 2007 Toni Spets - * Copyright (c) 2005-2012 Brenden Matthews, Philip Kovacs, et. al. + * Copyright (c) 2005-2018 Brenden Matthews, Philip Kovacs, et. al. * (see AUTHORS) * All rights reserved. * diff --git a/src/ibm.cc b/src/ibm.cc index 8d9d1035..8464bc09 100644 --- a/src/ibm.cc +++ b/src/ibm.cc @@ -1,5 +1,4 @@ -/* -*- mode: c++; c-basic-offset: 4; tab-width: 4; indent-tabs-mode: t -*- - * vim: ts=4 sw=4 noet ai cindent syntax=cpp +/* * * Conky, a system monitor, based on torsmo * @@ -11,7 +10,7 @@ * * Copyright (c) 2004, Hannu Saransaari and Lauri Hakkarainen * Copyright (c) 2007 Toni Spets - * Copyright (c) 2005-2012 Brenden Matthews, Philip Kovacs, et. al. + * Copyright (c) 2005-2018 Brenden Matthews, Philip Kovacs, et. al. * (see AUTHORS) * All rights reserved. * @@ -29,16 +28,16 @@ * */ -#include "conky.h" -#include "config.h" #include "ibm.h" +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include "config.h" +#include "conky.h" #include "logging.h" #include "temphelper.h" -#include -#include -#include -#include -#include static int ibm_acpi_temps[8]; @@ -73,39 +72,40 @@ speed: 2944 commands: enable, disable * Peter Tarjan (ptarjan@citromail.hu) */ -void get_ibm_acpi_fan(struct text_object *obj, char *p, int p_max_size) -{ - FILE *fp; - unsigned int speed = 0; - char fan[128]; +void get_ibm_acpi_fan(struct text_object *obj, char *p, int p_max_size) { + FILE *fp; + unsigned int speed = 0; + char fan[128]; - (void)obj; + (void)obj; - if (!p || p_max_size <= 0) { - return; - } + if (!p || p_max_size <= 0) { + return; + } - snprintf(fan, 127, "%s/fan", IBM_ACPI_DIR); + snprintf(fan, 127, "%s/fan", IBM_ACPI_DIR); - fp = fopen(fan, "r"); - if (fp != NULL) { - while (!feof(fp)) { - char line[256]; + fp = fopen(fan, "r"); + if (fp != NULL) { + while (!feof(fp)) { + char line[256]; - if (fgets(line, 255, fp) == NULL) { - break; - } - if (sscanf(line, "speed: %u", &speed)) { - break; - } - } - } else { - CRIT_ERR(NULL, NULL, "can't open '%s': %s\nYou are not using the IBM ACPI. Remove " - "ibm* from your " PACKAGE_NAME" config file.", fan, strerror(errno)); - } + if (fgets(line, 255, fp) == NULL) { + break; + } + if (sscanf(line, "speed: %u", &speed)) { + break; + } + } + } else { + CRIT_ERR(NULL, NULL, + "can't open '%s': %s\nYou are not using the IBM ACPI. Remove " + "ibm* from your " PACKAGE_NAME " config file.", + fan, strerror(errno)); + } - fclose(fp); - snprintf(p, p_max_size, "%d", speed); + fclose(fp); + snprintf(p, p_max_size, "%d", speed); } /* get the measured temperatures from the temperature sensors @@ -129,36 +129,36 @@ void get_ibm_acpi_fan(struct text_object *obj, char *p, int p_max_size) temperatures: 41 43 31 46 33 -128 29 -128 * Peter Tarjan (ptarjan@citromail.hu) */ -int get_ibm_acpi_temps(void) -{ +int get_ibm_acpi_temps(void) { + FILE *fp; + char thermal[128]; - FILE *fp; - char thermal[128]; + snprintf(thermal, 127, "%s/thermal", IBM_ACPI_DIR); + fp = fopen(thermal, "r"); - snprintf(thermal, 127, "%s/thermal", IBM_ACPI_DIR); - fp = fopen(thermal, "r"); + if (fp != NULL) { + while (!feof(fp)) { + char line[256]; - if (fp != NULL) { - while (!feof(fp)) { - char line[256]; + if (fgets(line, 255, fp) == NULL) { + break; + } + if (sscanf(line, "temperatures: %d %d %d %d %d %d %d %d", + &ibm_acpi_temps[0], &ibm_acpi_temps[1], &ibm_acpi_temps[2], + &ibm_acpi_temps[3], &ibm_acpi_temps[4], &ibm_acpi_temps[5], + &ibm_acpi_temps[6], &ibm_acpi_temps[7])) { + break; + } + } + } else { + CRIT_ERR(NULL, NULL, + "can't open '%s': %s\nYou are not using the IBM ACPI. Remove " + "ibm* from your " PACKAGE_NAME " config file.", + thermal, strerror(errno)); + } - if (fgets(line, 255, fp) == NULL) { - break; - } - if (sscanf(line, "temperatures: %d %d %d %d %d %d %d %d", - &ibm_acpi_temps[0], &ibm_acpi_temps[1], &ibm_acpi_temps[2], - &ibm_acpi_temps[3], &ibm_acpi_temps[4], &ibm_acpi_temps[5], - &ibm_acpi_temps[6], &ibm_acpi_temps[7])) { - break; - } - } - } else { - CRIT_ERR(NULL, NULL, "can't open '%s': %s\nYou are not using the IBM ACPI. Remove " - "ibm* from your " PACKAGE_NAME" config file.", thermal, strerror(errno)); - } - - fclose(fp); - return 0; + fclose(fp); + return 0; } /* get volume (0-14) on IBM/Lenovo laptops running the ibm acpi. @@ -171,49 +171,50 @@ commands: up, down, mute commands: level ( is 0-15) * Peter Tarjan (ptarjan@citromail.hu) */ -void get_ibm_acpi_volume(struct text_object *obj, char *p, int p_max_size) -{ - FILE *fp; - char volume[128]; - unsigned int vol = -1; - char mute[3] = ""; +void get_ibm_acpi_volume(struct text_object *obj, char *p, int p_max_size) { + FILE *fp; + char volume[128]; + unsigned int vol = -1; + char mute[3] = ""; - (void)obj; + (void)obj; - if (!p || p_max_size <= 0) { - return; - } + if (!p || p_max_size <= 0) { + return; + } - snprintf(volume, 127, "%s/volume", IBM_ACPI_DIR); + snprintf(volume, 127, "%s/volume", IBM_ACPI_DIR); - fp = fopen(volume, "r"); - if (fp != NULL) { - while (!feof(fp)) { - char line[256]; - unsigned int read_vol = -1; + fp = fopen(volume, "r"); + if (fp != NULL) { + while (!feof(fp)) { + char line[256]; + unsigned int read_vol = -1; - if (fgets(line, 255, fp) == NULL) { - break; - } - if (sscanf(line, "level: %u", &read_vol)) { - vol = read_vol; - continue; - } - if (sscanf(line, "mute: %s", mute)) { - break; - } - } - } else { - CRIT_ERR(NULL, NULL, "can't open '%s': %s\nYou are not using the IBM ACPI. Remove " - "ibm* from your " PACKAGE_NAME" config file.", volume, strerror(errno)); - } + if (fgets(line, 255, fp) == NULL) { + break; + } + if (sscanf(line, "level: %u", &read_vol)) { + vol = read_vol; + continue; + } + if (sscanf(line, "mute: %s", mute)) { + break; + } + } + } else { + CRIT_ERR(NULL, NULL, + "can't open '%s': %s\nYou are not using the IBM ACPI. Remove " + "ibm* from your " PACKAGE_NAME " config file.", + volume, strerror(errno)); + } - fclose(fp); + fclose(fp); - if (strcmp(mute, "on") == 0) - snprintf(p, p_max_size, "%s", "mute"); - else - snprintf(p, p_max_size, "%d", vol); + if (strcmp(mute, "on") == 0) + snprintf(p, p_max_size, "%s", "mute"); + else + snprintf(p, p_max_size, "%d", vol); } /* static FILE *fp = NULL; */ @@ -225,40 +226,41 @@ commands: up, down commands: level ( is 0-7) * Peter Tarjan (ptarjan@citromail.hu) */ -void get_ibm_acpi_brightness(struct text_object *obj, char *p, int p_max_size) -{ - FILE *fp; - unsigned int brightness = 0; - char filename[128]; +void get_ibm_acpi_brightness(struct text_object *obj, char *p, int p_max_size) { + FILE *fp; + unsigned int brightness = 0; + char filename[128]; - (void)obj; + (void)obj; - if (!p || p_max_size <= 0) { - return; - } + if (!p || p_max_size <= 0) { + return; + } - snprintf(filename, 127, "%s/brightness", IBM_ACPI_DIR); + snprintf(filename, 127, "%s/brightness", IBM_ACPI_DIR); - fp = fopen(filename, "r"); - if (fp != NULL) { - while (!feof(fp)) { - char line[256]; + fp = fopen(filename, "r"); + if (fp != NULL) { + while (!feof(fp)) { + char line[256]; - if (fgets(line, 255, fp) == NULL) { - break; - } - if (sscanf(line, "level: %u", &brightness)) { - break; - } - } - } else { - CRIT_ERR(NULL, NULL, "can't open '%s': %s\nYou are not using the IBM ACPI. Remove " - "ibm* from your " PACKAGE_NAME" config file.", filename, strerror(errno)); - } + if (fgets(line, 255, fp) == NULL) { + break; + } + if (sscanf(line, "level: %u", &brightness)) { + break; + } + } + } else { + CRIT_ERR(NULL, NULL, + "can't open '%s': %s\nYou are not using the IBM ACPI. Remove " + "ibm* from your " PACKAGE_NAME " config file.", + filename, strerror(errno)); + } - fclose(fp); + fclose(fp); - snprintf(p, p_max_size, "%d", brightness); + snprintf(p, p_max_size, "%d", brightness); } /* get ThinkLight status on IBM/Lenovo laptops running the ibm acpi. @@ -269,53 +271,52 @@ commands: on, off * get "unknown" for a few models that do not make the status available. * Lluis Esquerda (eskerda@gmail.com) */ -void get_ibm_acpi_thinklight(struct text_object *obj, char *p, int p_max_size) -{ - FILE *fp; - char thinklight[8]; - char filename[128]; +void get_ibm_acpi_thinklight(struct text_object *obj, char *p, int p_max_size) { + FILE *fp; + char thinklight[8]; + char filename[128]; - (void)obj; + (void)obj; - if (!p || p_max_size <= 0) { - return; - } + if (!p || p_max_size <= 0) { + return; + } - snprintf(filename, 127, "%s/light", IBM_ACPI_DIR); + snprintf(filename, 127, "%s/light", IBM_ACPI_DIR); - fp = fopen(filename, "r"); - if (fp != NULL) { - while (!feof(fp)) { - char line[256]; + fp = fopen(filename, "r"); + if (fp != NULL) { + while (!feof(fp)) { + char line[256]; - if (fgets(line, 255, fp) == NULL) { - break; - } - if (sscanf(line, "status: %s", thinklight)) { - break; - } - } - } else { - CRIT_ERR(NULL, NULL, "can't open '%s': %s\nYou are not using the IBM " - "ACPI. Remove ibm* from your " PACKAGE_NAME" config file.", - filename, strerror(errno)); - } + if (fgets(line, 255, fp) == NULL) { + break; + } + if (sscanf(line, "status: %s", thinklight)) { + break; + } + } + } else { + CRIT_ERR(NULL, NULL, + "can't open '%s': %s\nYou are not using the IBM " + "ACPI. Remove ibm* from your " PACKAGE_NAME " config file.", + filename, strerror(errno)); + } - fclose(fp); - snprintf(p, p_max_size, "%s", thinklight); + fclose(fp); + snprintf(p, p_max_size, "%s", thinklight); } -void parse_ibm_temps_arg(struct text_object *obj, const char *arg) -{ - if (!isdigit(arg[0]) || strlen(arg) > 1 || atoi(&arg[0]) >= 8) { - obj->data.l = 0; - NORM_ERR("Invalid temperature sensor! Sensor number must be 0 to 7. " - "Using 0 (CPU temp sensor)."); - } else - obj->data.l = atoi(arg); +void parse_ibm_temps_arg(struct text_object *obj, const char *arg) { + if (!isdigit(arg[0]) || strlen(arg) > 1 || atoi(&arg[0]) >= 8) { + obj->data.l = 0; + NORM_ERR( + "Invalid temperature sensor! Sensor number must be 0 to 7. " + "Using 0 (CPU temp sensor)."); + } else + obj->data.l = atoi(arg); } -void print_ibm_temps(struct text_object *obj, char *p, int p_max_size) -{ - temp_print(p, p_max_size, ibm_acpi_temps[obj->data.l], TEMP_CELSIUS); +void print_ibm_temps(struct text_object *obj, char *p, int p_max_size) { + temp_print(p, p_max_size, ibm_acpi_temps[obj->data.l], TEMP_CELSIUS); } diff --git a/src/ibm.h b/src/ibm.h index 2b838bea..fccbfb5c 100644 --- a/src/ibm.h +++ b/src/ibm.h @@ -1,11 +1,10 @@ -/* -*- mode: c++; c-basic-offset: 4; tab-width: 4; indent-tabs-mode: t -*- - * vim: ts=4 sw=4 noet ai cindent syntax=cpp +/* * * Conky, a system monitor, based on torsmo * * Please see COPYING for details * - * Copyright (c) 2005-2012 Brenden Matthews, Philip Kovacs, et. al. + * Copyright (c) 2005-2018 Brenden Matthews, Philip Kovacs, et. al. * (see AUTHORS) * All rights reserved. * diff --git a/src/ical.cc b/src/ical.cc index ef069124..3cdeaf6f 100644 --- a/src/ical.cc +++ b/src/ical.cc @@ -1,11 +1,10 @@ -/* -*- mode: c++; c-basic-offset: 4; tab-width: 4; indent-tabs-mode: t -*- - * vim: ts=4 sw=4 noet ai cindent syntax=cpp +/* * * Conky, a system monitor, based on torsmo * * Please see COPYING for details * - * Copyright (c) 2005-2012 Brenden Matthews, Philip Kovacs, et. al. + * Copyright (c) 2005-2018 Brenden Matthews, Philip Kovacs, et. al. * (see AUTHORS) * All rights reserved. * @@ -28,157 +27,168 @@ #include "logging.h" struct ical_event { - icaltimetype start; - icalcomponent *event; - ical_event *next, *prev; + icaltimetype start; + icalcomponent *event; + ical_event *next, *prev; }; struct obj_ical { - struct ical_event *list; - icalcomponent *comps; - icalparser *parser; - unsigned int num; + struct ical_event *list; + icalcomponent *comps; + icalparser *parser; + unsigned int num; }; -char* read_stream(char *s, size_t size, void *d) { - return fgets(s, size, (FILE*) d); +char *read_stream(char *s, size_t size, void *d) { + return fgets(s, size, (FILE *)d); } -struct ical_event *add_event(struct ical_event *listend, icalcomponent *new_ev) { - struct ical_event *ev_new, *ev_cur; - icaltimetype start; +struct ical_event *add_event(struct ical_event *listend, + icalcomponent *new_ev) { + struct ical_event *ev_new, *ev_cur; + icaltimetype start; - start = icalcomponent_get_dtstart(new_ev); - if(icaltime_compare(start, icaltime_from_timet_with_zone(time(NULL), 0, NULL)) <= 0) { - icalproperty *rrule = icalcomponent_get_first_property(new_ev, ICAL_RRULE_PROPERTY); - if(rrule) { - icalrecur_iterator* ritr = icalrecur_iterator_new(icalproperty_get_rrule(rrule), start); - icaltimetype nexttime = icalrecur_iterator_next(ritr); - while (!icaltime_is_null_time(nexttime)) { - if(icaltime_compare(nexttime, icaltime_from_timet_with_zone(time(NULL), 0, NULL)) > 0) { - start = nexttime; - break; - } - nexttime = icalrecur_iterator_next(ritr); - } - icalrecur_iterator_free(ritr); - } else return NULL; - } - ev_new = (struct ical_event *) malloc(sizeof(struct ical_event)); - memset(ev_new, 0, sizeof(struct ical_event)); - ev_new->event = new_ev; - ev_new->start = start; - if(listend) { //list already contains events - ev_cur = listend; - while(icaltime_compare(ev_new->start, ev_cur->start) <= 0) { - if( ! ev_cur->prev) { //ev_new starts first - ev_new->next = ev_cur; - ev_cur->prev = ev_new; - return listend; - } - ev_cur = ev_cur->prev; - } - if(ev_cur == listend) { //ev_new starts last - ev_cur->next = ev_new; - ev_new->prev = ev_cur; - return ev_new; - } - //ev_new somewhere in the middle - ev_new->prev = ev_cur; - ev_new->next = ev_cur->next; - ev_cur->next->prev = ev_new; - ev_cur->next = ev_new; - return listend; - } - return ev_new; + start = icalcomponent_get_dtstart(new_ev); + if (icaltime_compare( + start, icaltime_from_timet_with_zone(time(NULL), 0, NULL)) <= 0) { + icalproperty *rrule = + icalcomponent_get_first_property(new_ev, ICAL_RRULE_PROPERTY); + if (rrule) { + icalrecur_iterator *ritr = + icalrecur_iterator_new(icalproperty_get_rrule(rrule), start); + icaltimetype nexttime = icalrecur_iterator_next(ritr); + while (!icaltime_is_null_time(nexttime)) { + if (icaltime_compare(nexttime, icaltime_from_timet_with_zone( + time(NULL), 0, NULL)) > 0) { + start = nexttime; + break; + } + nexttime = icalrecur_iterator_next(ritr); + } + icalrecur_iterator_free(ritr); + } else + return NULL; + } + ev_new = (struct ical_event *)malloc(sizeof(struct ical_event)); + memset(ev_new, 0, sizeof(struct ical_event)); + ev_new->event = new_ev; + ev_new->start = start; + if (listend) { // list already contains events + ev_cur = listend; + while (icaltime_compare(ev_new->start, ev_cur->start) <= 0) { + if (!ev_cur->prev) { // ev_new starts first + ev_new->next = ev_cur; + ev_cur->prev = ev_new; + return listend; + } + ev_cur = ev_cur->prev; + } + if (ev_cur == listend) { // ev_new starts last + ev_cur->next = ev_new; + ev_new->prev = ev_cur; + return ev_new; + } + // ev_new somewhere in the middle + ev_new->prev = ev_cur; + ev_new->next = ev_cur->next; + ev_cur->next->prev = ev_new; + ev_cur->next = ev_new; + return listend; + } + return ev_new; } -void parse_ical_args(struct text_object *obj, const char* arg, void *free_at_crash, void *free_at_crash2) { - char *filename = strdup(arg); - FILE *file; - icalparser *parser; - icalcomponent *allc, *curc; - struct ical_event *ll_start, *ll_end, *ll_new; - struct obj_ical *opaque; - unsigned int num; +void parse_ical_args(struct text_object *obj, const char *arg, + void *free_at_crash, void *free_at_crash2) { + char *filename = strdup(arg); + FILE *file; + icalparser *parser; + icalcomponent *allc, *curc; + struct ical_event *ll_start, *ll_end, *ll_new; + struct obj_ical *opaque; + unsigned int num; - if(sscanf(arg , "%d %s", &num, filename) != 2) { - free(filename); - free(obj); - CRIT_ERR(free_at_crash, free_at_crash2, "wrong number of arguments for $ical"); - } - file = fopen(filename, "r"); - if( ! file) { - free(obj); - free(free_at_crash); - CRIT_ERR(filename, free_at_crash2, "Can't read file %s", filename); - return; - } - free(filename); - parser = icalparser_new(); - icalparser_set_gen_data(parser, file); - allc = icalparser_parse(parser, read_stream); - fclose(file); - curc = icalcomponent_get_first_component(allc, ICAL_VEVENT_COMPONENT); - if(!curc) { - icalparser_free(parser); - icalcomponent_free(allc); - NORM_ERR("No ical events available"); - return; - } - ll_start = add_event(NULL, curc); - ll_end = ll_start; - while(1) { - curc = icalcomponent_get_next_component(allc, ICAL_VEVENT_COMPONENT); - if(!curc) break; - ll_new = add_event(ll_end, curc); - if( ! ll_start) { //first component was not added - ll_start = ll_new; - ll_end = ll_new; - }else if( ll_start->prev ) { - ll_start = ll_start->prev; - }else if( ll_end->next ) { - ll_end = ll_end->next; - } - } - opaque = (struct obj_ical *) malloc(sizeof(struct obj_ical)); - opaque->list = ll_start; - opaque->parser = parser; - opaque->comps = allc; - opaque->num = num; - obj->data.opaque = opaque; + if (sscanf(arg, "%d %s", &num, filename) != 2) { + free(filename); + free(obj); + CRIT_ERR(free_at_crash, free_at_crash2, + "wrong number of arguments for $ical"); + } + file = fopen(filename, "r"); + if (!file) { + free(obj); + free(free_at_crash); + CRIT_ERR(filename, free_at_crash2, "Can't read file %s", filename); + return; + } + free(filename); + parser = icalparser_new(); + icalparser_set_gen_data(parser, file); + allc = icalparser_parse(parser, read_stream); + fclose(file); + curc = icalcomponent_get_first_component(allc, ICAL_VEVENT_COMPONENT); + if (!curc) { + icalparser_free(parser); + icalcomponent_free(allc); + NORM_ERR("No ical events available"); + return; + } + ll_start = add_event(NULL, curc); + ll_end = ll_start; + while (1) { + curc = icalcomponent_get_next_component(allc, ICAL_VEVENT_COMPONENT); + if (!curc) break; + ll_new = add_event(ll_end, curc); + if (!ll_start) { // first component was not added + ll_start = ll_new; + ll_end = ll_new; + } else if (ll_start->prev) { + ll_start = ll_start->prev; + } else if (ll_end->next) { + ll_end = ll_end->next; + } + } + opaque = (struct obj_ical *)malloc(sizeof(struct obj_ical)); + opaque->list = ll_start; + opaque->parser = parser; + opaque->comps = allc; + opaque->num = num; + obj->data.opaque = opaque; } void print_ical(struct text_object *obj, char *p, int p_max_size) { - struct obj_ical *ical_obj = (struct obj_ical *) obj->data.opaque; - struct ical_event *ll_current; + struct obj_ical *ical_obj = (struct obj_ical *)obj->data.opaque; + struct ical_event *ll_current; - if( ! ical_obj) return; - ll_current = ical_obj->list; - unsigned int i=1; - while(1) { - if( ! ll_current) return; - if(i > ical_obj->num) return; - if(i == ical_obj->num) break; - if(i < ical_obj->num) { - ll_current = ll_current->next; - i++; - } - } - snprintf(p, p_max_size, "%s", icalproperty_get_summary(icalcomponent_get_first_property(ll_current->event, ICAL_SUMMARY_PROPERTY))); + if (!ical_obj) return; + ll_current = ical_obj->list; + unsigned int i = 1; + while (1) { + if (!ll_current) return; + if (i > ical_obj->num) return; + if (i == ical_obj->num) break; + if (i < ical_obj->num) { + ll_current = ll_current->next; + i++; + } + } + snprintf(p, p_max_size, "%s", + icalproperty_get_summary(icalcomponent_get_first_property( + ll_current->event, ICAL_SUMMARY_PROPERTY))); } void free_ical(struct text_object *obj) { - struct obj_ical *ical_free_me = (struct obj_ical *) obj->data.opaque; + struct obj_ical *ical_free_me = (struct obj_ical *)obj->data.opaque; - if( ! ical_free_me) return; - icalcomponent_free(ical_free_me->comps); - icalparser_free(ical_free_me->parser); - while(ical_free_me->list) { - if(ical_free_me->list->next) { - ical_free_me->list = ical_free_me->list->next; - free_and_zero(ical_free_me->list->prev); - } else free_and_zero(ical_free_me->list); - } - free(obj->data.opaque); + if (!ical_free_me) return; + icalcomponent_free(ical_free_me->comps); + icalparser_free(ical_free_me->parser); + while (ical_free_me->list) { + if (ical_free_me->list->next) { + ical_free_me->list = ical_free_me->list->next; + free_and_zero(ical_free_me->list->prev); + } else + free_and_zero(ical_free_me->list); + } + free(obj->data.opaque); } diff --git a/src/ical.h b/src/ical.h index 9053203e..29b50c95 100644 --- a/src/ical.h +++ b/src/ical.h @@ -1,11 +1,10 @@ -/* -*- mode: c++; c-basic-offset: 4; tab-width: 4; indent-tabs-mode: t -*- - * vim: ts=4 sw=4 noet ai cindent syntax=cpp +/* * * Conky, a system monitor, based on torsmo * * Please see COPYING for details * - * Copyright (c) 2005-2012 Brenden Matthews, Philip Kovacs, et. al. + * Copyright (c) 2005-2018 Brenden Matthews, Philip Kovacs, et. al. * (see AUTHORS) * All rights reserved. * @@ -26,7 +25,7 @@ #ifndef ICAL_H_ #define ICAL_H_ -void parse_ical_args(struct text_object *, const char*, void*, void*); +void parse_ical_args(struct text_object *, const char *, void *, void *); void print_ical(struct text_object *, char *, int); void free_ical(struct text_object *); diff --git a/src/iconv_tools.cc b/src/iconv_tools.cc index b61c0ea4..e1b263bb 100644 --- a/src/iconv_tools.cc +++ b/src/iconv_tools.cc @@ -1,5 +1,4 @@ -/* -*- mode: c++; c-basic-offset: 4; tab-width: 4; indent-tabs-mode: t -*- - * vim: ts=4 sw=4 noet ai cindent syntax=cpp +/* * * Conky, a system monitor, based on torsmo * @@ -10,7 +9,7 @@ * Please see COPYING for details * * Copyright (c) 2004, Hannu Saransaari and Lauri Hakkarainen - * Copyright (c) 2005-2012 Brenden Matthews, Philip Kovacs, et. al. + * Copyright (c) 2005-2018 Brenden Matthews, Philip Kovacs, et. al. * (see AUTHORS) * All rights reserved. * @@ -28,13 +27,13 @@ * */ -#include "config.h" -#include "logging.h" -#include "text_object.h" #include #include #include #include +#include "config.h" +#include "logging.h" +#include "text_object.h" #define ICONV_CODEPAGE_LENGTH 20 @@ -43,120 +42,112 @@ static long iconv_count = 0; static char iconv_converting = 0; static iconv_t **iconv_cd = 0; -int register_iconv(iconv_t *new_iconv) -{ - iconv_cd = (void ***) realloc(iconv_cd, sizeof(iconv_t *) * (iconv_count + 1)); - if (!iconv_cd) { - CRIT_ERR(NULL, NULL, "Out of memory"); - } - iconv_cd[iconv_count] = (void **) malloc(sizeof(iconv_t)); - if (!iconv_cd[iconv_count]) { - CRIT_ERR(NULL, NULL, "Out of memory"); - } - memcpy(iconv_cd[iconv_count], new_iconv, sizeof(iconv_t)); - iconv_count++; - return iconv_count; +int register_iconv(iconv_t *new_iconv) { + iconv_cd = (void ***)realloc(iconv_cd, sizeof(iconv_t *) * (iconv_count + 1)); + if (!iconv_cd) { + CRIT_ERR(NULL, NULL, "Out of memory"); + } + iconv_cd[iconv_count] = (void **)malloc(sizeof(iconv_t)); + if (!iconv_cd[iconv_count]) { + CRIT_ERR(NULL, NULL, "Out of memory"); + } + memcpy(iconv_cd[iconv_count], new_iconv, sizeof(iconv_t)); + iconv_count++; + return iconv_count; } -void free_iconv(struct text_object *obj) -{ - long i; +void free_iconv(struct text_object *obj) { + long i; - (void)obj; + (void)obj; - if (!iconv_cd) - return; + if (!iconv_cd) return; - for (i = 0; i < iconv_count; i++) { - if (iconv_cd[i]) { - iconv_close(*iconv_cd[i]); - free(iconv_cd[i]); - } - } - free(iconv_cd); - iconv_cd = 0; + for (i = 0; i < iconv_count; i++) { + if (iconv_cd[i]) { + iconv_close(*iconv_cd[i]); + free(iconv_cd[i]); + } + } + free(iconv_cd); + iconv_cd = 0; } -void iconv_convert(size_t *a, char *buff_in, char *p, size_t p_max_size) -{ - int bytes; - size_t dummy1, dummy2; +void iconv_convert(size_t *a, char *buff_in, char *p, size_t p_max_size) { + int bytes; + size_t dummy1, dummy2; #if defined(__FreeBSD__) || defined(__DragonFly__) - const char *ptr = buff_in; + const char *ptr = buff_in; #else - char *ptr = buff_in; + char *ptr = buff_in; #endif - char *outptr = p; + char *outptr = p; - if (*a <= 0 || !iconv_converting || iconv_selected <= 0 - || iconv_cd[iconv_selected - 1] == (iconv_t) (-1)) - return; + if (*a <= 0 || !iconv_converting || iconv_selected <= 0 || + iconv_cd[iconv_selected - 1] == (iconv_t)(-1)) + return; - dummy1 = dummy2 = *a; + dummy1 = dummy2 = *a; - strncpy(buff_in, p, p_max_size); + strncpy(buff_in, p, p_max_size); - iconv(*iconv_cd[iconv_selected - 1], NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL); - while (dummy1 > 0) { - bytes = iconv(*iconv_cd[iconv_selected - 1], &ptr, &dummy1, - &outptr, &dummy2); - if (bytes == -1) { - NORM_ERR("Iconv codeset conversion failed"); - break; - } - } + iconv(*iconv_cd[iconv_selected - 1], NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL); + while (dummy1 > 0) { + bytes = + iconv(*iconv_cd[iconv_selected - 1], &ptr, &dummy1, &outptr, &dummy2); + if (bytes == -1) { + NORM_ERR("Iconv codeset conversion failed"); + break; + } + } - /* It is nessecary when we are converting from multibyte to - * singlebyte codepage */ - //a = outptr - p; - //(*a) = *a - dummy2; - (*a) = outptr - p; + /* It is nessecary when we are converting from multibyte to + * singlebyte codepage */ + // a = outptr - p; + //(*a) = *a - dummy2; + (*a) = outptr - p; } -void init_iconv_start(struct text_object *obj, void *free_at_crash, const char *arg) -{ - char iconv_from[ICONV_CODEPAGE_LENGTH]; - char iconv_to[ICONV_CODEPAGE_LENGTH]; +void init_iconv_start(struct text_object *obj, void *free_at_crash, + const char *arg) { + char iconv_from[ICONV_CODEPAGE_LENGTH]; + char iconv_to[ICONV_CODEPAGE_LENGTH]; - if (iconv_converting) { - CRIT_ERR(obj, free_at_crash, "You must stop your last iconv conversion before " - "starting another"); - } - if (sscanf(arg, "%s %s", iconv_from, iconv_to) != 2) { - CRIT_ERR(obj, free_at_crash, "Invalid arguments for iconv_start"); - } else { - iconv_t new_iconv; + if (iconv_converting) { + CRIT_ERR(obj, free_at_crash, + "You must stop your last iconv conversion before " + "starting another"); + } + if (sscanf(arg, "%s %s", iconv_from, iconv_to) != 2) { + CRIT_ERR(obj, free_at_crash, "Invalid arguments for iconv_start"); + } else { + iconv_t new_iconv; - new_iconv = iconv_open(iconv_to, iconv_from); - if (new_iconv == (iconv_t) (-1)) { - NORM_ERR("Can't convert from %s to %s.", iconv_from, iconv_to); - } else { - obj->data.i = register_iconv(&new_iconv); - iconv_converting = 1; - } - } + new_iconv = iconv_open(iconv_to, iconv_from); + if (new_iconv == (iconv_t)(-1)) { + NORM_ERR("Can't convert from %s to %s.", iconv_from, iconv_to); + } else { + obj->data.i = register_iconv(&new_iconv); + iconv_converting = 1; + } + } } -void init_iconv_stop(void) -{ - iconv_converting = 0; +void init_iconv_stop(void) { iconv_converting = 0; } + +void print_iconv_start(struct text_object *obj, char *p, int p_max_size) { + (void)p; + (void)p_max_size; + + iconv_converting = 1; + iconv_selected = obj->data.i; } -void print_iconv_start(struct text_object *obj, char *p, int p_max_size) -{ - (void)p; - (void)p_max_size; +void print_iconv_stop(struct text_object *obj, char *p, int p_max_size) { + (void)obj; + (void)p; + (void)p_max_size; - iconv_converting = 1; - iconv_selected = obj->data.i; -} - -void print_iconv_stop(struct text_object *obj, char *p, int p_max_size) -{ - (void)obj; - (void)p; - (void)p_max_size; - - iconv_converting = 0; - iconv_selected = 0; + iconv_converting = 0; + iconv_selected = 0; } diff --git a/src/iconv_tools.h b/src/iconv_tools.h index 6c14716d..f8d368d9 100644 --- a/src/iconv_tools.h +++ b/src/iconv_tools.h @@ -1,5 +1,4 @@ -/* -*- mode: c; c-basic-offset: 4; tab-width: 4; indent-tabs-mode: t -*- - * vim: ts=4 sw=4 noet ai cindent syntax=c +/* * * Conky, a system monitor, based on torsmo * @@ -10,7 +9,7 @@ * Please see COPYING for details * * Copyright (c) 2004, Hannu Saransaari and Lauri Hakkarainen - * Copyright (c) 2005-2012 Brenden Matthews, Philip Kovacs, et. al. + * Copyright (c) 2005-2018 Brenden Matthews, Philip Kovacs, et. al. * (see AUTHORS) * All rights reserved. * diff --git a/src/imlib2.cc b/src/imlib2.cc index d185b2ff..01ad9793 100644 --- a/src/imlib2.cc +++ b/src/imlib2.cc @@ -1,11 +1,10 @@ -/* -*- mode: c++; c-basic-offset: 4; tab-width: 4; indent-tabs-mode: t -*- - * vim: ts=4 sw=4 noet ai cindent syntax=cpp +/* * * Conky, a system monitor, based on torsmo * * Please see COPYING for details * - * Copyright (c) 2005-2012 Brenden Matthews, et. al. + * Copyright (c) 2005-2018 Brenden Matthews, et. al. * All rights reserved. * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify @@ -22,29 +21,29 @@ * */ +#include "imlib2.h" #include "config.h" #include "conky.h" #include "logging.h" #include "text_object.h" -#include "imlib2.h" #include +#include #include #include -#include #include #include #include "x11.h" struct image_list_s { - char name[1024]; - Imlib_Image image; - int x, y, w, h; - int wh_set; - char no_cache; - int flush_interval; - struct image_list_s *next; + char name[1024]; + Imlib_Image image; + int x, y, w, h; + int wh_set; + char no_cache; + int flush_interval; + struct image_list_s *next; }; struct image_list_s *image_list_start, *image_list_end; @@ -55,231 +54,224 @@ Imlib_Updates updates, current_update; Imlib_Image buffer, image; namespace { - Imlib_Context context; +Imlib_Context context; - conky::range_config_setting imlib_cache_flush_interval( - "imlib_cache_flush_interval", 0, - std::numeric_limits::max(), 0, true - ); +conky::range_config_setting imlib_cache_flush_interval( + "imlib_cache_flush_interval", 0, std::numeric_limits::max(), + 0, true); - unsigned int cimlib_cache_flush_last = 0; +unsigned int cimlib_cache_flush_last = 0; +} // namespace + +void imlib_cache_size_setting::lua_setter(lua::state &l, bool init) { + lua::stack_sentry s(l, -2); + + Base::lua_setter(l, init); + + if (init && out_to_x.get(l)) { + image_list_start = image_list_end = NULL; + context = imlib_context_new(); + imlib_context_push(context); + imlib_set_cache_size(do_convert(l, -1).first); + /* set the maximum number of colors to allocate for 8bpp and less to 256 */ + imlib_set_color_usage(256); + /* dither for depths < 24bpp */ + imlib_context_set_dither(1); + /* set the display , visual, colormap and drawable we are using */ + imlib_context_set_display(display); + imlib_context_set_visual(window.visual); + imlib_context_set_colormap(window.colourmap); + imlib_context_set_drawable(window.drawable); + } + + ++s; } -void imlib_cache_size_setting::lua_setter(lua::state &l, bool init) -{ - lua::stack_sentry s(l, -2); +void imlib_cache_size_setting::cleanup(lua::state &l) { + lua::stack_sentry s(l, -1); - Base::lua_setter(l, init); - - if(init && out_to_x.get(l)) { - image_list_start = image_list_end = NULL; - context = imlib_context_new(); - imlib_context_push(context); - imlib_set_cache_size(do_convert(l, -1).first); - /* set the maximum number of colors to allocate for 8bpp and less to 256 */ - imlib_set_color_usage(256); - /* dither for depths < 24bpp */ - imlib_context_set_dither(1); - /* set the display , visual, colormap and drawable we are using */ - imlib_context_set_display(display); - imlib_context_set_visual(window.visual); - imlib_context_set_colormap(window.colourmap); - imlib_context_set_drawable(window.drawable); - } - - ++s; + if (out_to_x.get(l)) { + cimlib_cleanup(); + imlib_context_disconnect_display(); + imlib_context_pop(); + imlib_context_free(context); + } } -void imlib_cache_size_setting::cleanup(lua::state &l) -{ - lua::stack_sentry s(l, -1); - - if(out_to_x.get(l)) { - cimlib_cleanup(); - imlib_context_disconnect_display(); - imlib_context_pop(); - imlib_context_free(context); - } +void cimlib_cleanup(void) { + struct image_list_s *cur = image_list_start, *last = NULL; + while (cur) { + last = cur; + cur = last->next; + free(last); + } + image_list_start = image_list_end = NULL; } -void cimlib_cleanup(void) -{ - struct image_list_s *cur = image_list_start, *last = NULL; - while (cur) { - last = cur; - cur = last->next; - free(last); - } - image_list_start = image_list_end = NULL; +void cimlib_add_image(const char *args) { + struct image_list_s *cur = NULL; + const char *tmp; + + cur = (struct image_list_s *)malloc(sizeof(struct image_list_s)); + memset(cur, 0, sizeof(struct image_list_s)); + + if (!sscanf(args, "%1023s", cur->name)) { + NORM_ERR( + "Invalid args for $image. Format is: ' (-p" + "x,y) (-s WxH) (-n) (-f interval)' (got '%s')", + args); + free(cur); + return; + } + strncpy(cur->name, to_real_path(cur->name).c_str(), 1024); + cur->name[1023] = 0; + // + // now we check for optional args + tmp = strstr(args, "-p "); + if (tmp) { + tmp += 3; + sscanf(tmp, "%i,%i", &cur->x, &cur->y); + } + tmp = strstr(args, "-s "); + if (tmp) { + tmp += 3; + if (sscanf(tmp, "%ix%i", &cur->w, &cur->h)) { + cur->wh_set = 1; + } + } + + tmp = strstr(args, "-n"); + if (tmp) { + cur->no_cache = 1; + } + + tmp = strstr(args, "-f "); + if (tmp) { + tmp += 3; + if (sscanf(tmp, "%d", &cur->flush_interval)) { + cur->no_cache = 0; + } + } + if (cur->flush_interval < 0) { + NORM_ERR("Imlib2: flush interval should be >= 0"); + cur->flush_interval = 0; + } + + if (image_list_end) { + image_list_end->next = cur; + image_list_end = cur; + } else { + image_list_start = image_list_end = cur; + } } -void cimlib_add_image(const char *args) -{ - struct image_list_s *cur = NULL; - const char *tmp; +static void cimlib_draw_image(struct image_list_s *cur, int *clip_x, + int *clip_y, int *clip_x2, int *clip_y2) { + int w, h; + time_t now = time(NULL); + static int rep = 0; - cur = (struct image_list_s *)malloc(sizeof(struct image_list_s)); - memset(cur, 0, sizeof(struct image_list_s)); + if (imlib_context_get_drawable() != window.drawable) { + imlib_context_set_drawable(window.drawable); + } - if (!sscanf(args, "%1023s", cur->name)) { - NORM_ERR("Invalid args for $image. Format is: ' (-p" - "x,y) (-s WxH) (-n) (-f interval)' (got '%s')", args); - free(cur); - return; - } - strncpy(cur->name, to_real_path(cur->name).c_str(), 1024); - cur->name[1023] = 0; - // - // now we check for optional args - tmp = strstr(args, "-p "); - if (tmp) { - tmp += 3; - sscanf(tmp, "%i,%i", &cur->x, &cur->y); - } - tmp = strstr(args, "-s "); - if (tmp) { - tmp += 3; - if (sscanf(tmp, "%ix%i", &cur->w, &cur->h)) { - cur->wh_set = 1; - } - } + image = imlib_load_image(cur->name); + if (!image) { + if (!rep) NORM_ERR("Unable to load image '%s'", cur->name); + rep = 1; + return; + } + rep = 0; /* reset so disappearing images are reported */ - tmp = strstr(args, "-n"); - if (tmp) { - cur->no_cache = 1; - } + DBGP( + "Drawing image '%s' at (%i,%i) scaled to %ix%i, " + "caching interval set to %i (with -n opt %i)", + cur->name, cur->x, cur->y, cur->w, cur->h, cur->flush_interval, + cur->no_cache); - tmp = strstr(args, "-f "); - if (tmp) { - tmp += 3; - if (sscanf(tmp, "%d", &cur->flush_interval)) { - cur->no_cache = 0; - } - } - if (cur->flush_interval < 0) { - NORM_ERR("Imlib2: flush interval should be >= 0"); - cur->flush_interval = 0; - } - - if (image_list_end) { - image_list_end->next = cur; - image_list_end = cur; - } else { - image_list_start = image_list_end = cur; - } + imlib_context_set_image(image); + /* turn alpha channel on */ + imlib_image_set_has_alpha(1); + w = imlib_image_get_width(); + h = imlib_image_get_height(); + if (!cur->wh_set) { + cur->w = w; + cur->h = h; + } + imlib_context_set_image(buffer); + imlib_blend_image_onto_image(image, 1, 0, 0, w, h, cur->x, cur->y, cur->w, + cur->h); + imlib_context_set_image(image); + if (cur->no_cache || + (cur->flush_interval && now % cur->flush_interval == 0)) { + imlib_free_image_and_decache(); + } else { + imlib_free_image(); + } + if (cur->x < *clip_x) *clip_x = cur->x; + if (cur->y < *clip_y) *clip_y = cur->y; + if (cur->x + cur->w > *clip_x2) *clip_x2 = cur->x + cur->w; + if (cur->y + cur->h > *clip_y2) *clip_y2 = cur->y + cur->h; } -static void cimlib_draw_image(struct image_list_s *cur, int *clip_x, int - *clip_y, int *clip_x2, int *clip_y2) -{ - int w, h; - time_t now = time(NULL); - static int rep = 0; - - if (imlib_context_get_drawable() != window.drawable) { - imlib_context_set_drawable(window.drawable); - } - - - image = imlib_load_image(cur->name); - if (!image) { - if (!rep) - NORM_ERR("Unable to load image '%s'", cur->name); - rep = 1; - return; - } - rep = 0; /* reset so disappearing images are reported */ - - DBGP("Drawing image '%s' at (%i,%i) scaled to %ix%i, " - "caching interval set to %i (with -n opt %i)", - cur->name, cur->x, cur->y, cur->w, cur->h, - cur->flush_interval, cur->no_cache); - - imlib_context_set_image(image); - /* turn alpha channel on */ - imlib_image_set_has_alpha(1); - w = imlib_image_get_width(); - h = imlib_image_get_height(); - if (!cur->wh_set) { - cur->w = w; - cur->h = h; - } - imlib_context_set_image(buffer); - imlib_blend_image_onto_image(image, 1, 0, 0, w, h, - cur->x, cur->y, cur->w, cur->h); - imlib_context_set_image(image); - if (cur->no_cache || (cur->flush_interval && - now % cur->flush_interval == 0)) { - imlib_free_image_and_decache(); - } else { - imlib_free_image(); - } - if (cur->x < *clip_x) *clip_x = cur->x; - if (cur->y < *clip_y) *clip_y = cur->y; - if (cur->x + cur->w > *clip_x2) *clip_x2 = cur->x + cur->w; - if (cur->y + cur->h > *clip_y2) *clip_y2 = cur->y + cur->h; +static void cimlib_draw_all(int *clip_x, int *clip_y, int *clip_x2, + int *clip_y2) { + struct image_list_s *cur = image_list_start; + while (cur) { + cimlib_draw_image(cur, clip_x, clip_y, clip_x2, clip_y2); + cur = cur->next; + } } -static void cimlib_draw_all(int *clip_x, int *clip_y, int *clip_x2, int *clip_y2) -{ - struct image_list_s *cur = image_list_start; - while (cur) { - cimlib_draw_image(cur, clip_x, clip_y, clip_x2, clip_y2); - cur = cur->next; - } +void cimlib_render(int x, int y, int width, int height) { + int clip_x = INT_MAX, clip_y = INT_MAX; + int clip_x2 = 0, clip_y2 = 0; + time_t now; + + if (!image_list_start) return; /* are we actually drawing anything? */ + + /* cheque if it's time to flush our cache */ + now = time(NULL); + if (imlib_cache_flush_interval.get(*state) && + now - imlib_cache_flush_interval.get(*state) > cimlib_cache_flush_last) { + int size = imlib_get_cache_size(); + imlib_set_cache_size(0); + imlib_set_cache_size(size); + cimlib_cache_flush_last = now; + DBGP("Flushing Imlib2 cache (%li)\n", now); + } + + /* take all the little rectangles to redraw and merge them into + * something sane for rendering */ + buffer = imlib_create_image(width, height); + /* clear our buffer */ + imlib_context_set_image(buffer); + imlib_image_clear(); + /* we can blend stuff now */ + imlib_context_set_blend(1); + /* turn alpha channel on */ + imlib_image_set_has_alpha(1); + + cimlib_draw_all(&clip_x, &clip_y, &clip_x2, &clip_y2); + + /* set the buffer image as our current image */ + imlib_context_set_image(buffer); + + /* setup our clip rect */ + if (clip_x == INT_MAX) clip_x = 0; + if (clip_y == INT_MAX) clip_y = 0; + + /* render the image at 0, 0 */ + imlib_render_image_part_on_drawable_at_size( + clip_x, clip_y, clip_x2 - clip_x, clip_y2 - clip_y, x + clip_x, + y + clip_y, clip_x2 - clip_x, clip_y2 - clip_y); + /* don't need that temporary buffer image anymore */ + imlib_free_image(); } -void cimlib_render(int x, int y, int width, int height) -{ - int clip_x = INT_MAX, clip_y = INT_MAX; - int clip_x2 = 0, clip_y2 = 0; - time_t now; +void print_image_callback(struct text_object *obj, char *p, int p_max_size) { + (void)p; + (void)p_max_size; - if (!image_list_start) return; /* are we actually drawing anything? */ - - /* cheque if it's time to flush our cache */ - now = time(NULL); - if (imlib_cache_flush_interval.get(*state) && - now - imlib_cache_flush_interval.get(*state) > cimlib_cache_flush_last) { - int size = imlib_get_cache_size(); - imlib_set_cache_size(0); - imlib_set_cache_size(size); - cimlib_cache_flush_last = now; - DBGP("Flushing Imlib2 cache (%li)\n", now); - } - - /* take all the little rectangles to redraw and merge them into - * something sane for rendering */ - buffer = imlib_create_image(width, height); - /* clear our buffer */ - imlib_context_set_image(buffer); - imlib_image_clear(); - /* we can blend stuff now */ - imlib_context_set_blend(1); - /* turn alpha channel on */ - imlib_image_set_has_alpha(1); - - cimlib_draw_all(&clip_x, &clip_y, &clip_x2, &clip_y2); - - /* set the buffer image as our current image */ - imlib_context_set_image(buffer); - - /* setup our clip rect */ - if (clip_x == INT_MAX) clip_x = 0; - if (clip_y == INT_MAX) clip_y = 0; - - /* render the image at 0, 0 */ - imlib_render_image_part_on_drawable_at_size(clip_x, clip_y, clip_x2 - clip_x, - clip_y2 - clip_y, x + clip_x, y + clip_y, clip_x2 - clip_x, - clip_y2 - clip_y); - /* don't need that temporary buffer image anymore */ - imlib_free_image(); -} - -void print_image_callback(struct text_object *obj, char *p, int p_max_size) -{ - (void)p; - (void)p_max_size; - - cimlib_add_image(obj->data.s); + cimlib_add_image(obj->data.s); } diff --git a/src/imlib2.h b/src/imlib2.h index f4e7a01d..e4f1b67d 100644 --- a/src/imlib2.h +++ b/src/imlib2.h @@ -1,11 +1,10 @@ -/* -*- mode: c++; c-basic-offset: 4; tab-width: 4; indent-tabs-mode: t -*- - * vim: ts=4 sw=4 noet ai cindent syntax=cpp +/* * * Conky, a system monitor, based on torsmo * * Please see COPYING for details * - * Copyright (c) 2005-2012 Brenden Matthews, et. al. + * Copyright (c) 2005-2018 Brenden Matthews, et. al. * All rights reserved. * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify @@ -25,6 +24,8 @@ #ifndef _CONKY_IMBLI2_H_ #define _CONKY_IMBLI2_H_ +#include "conky.h" + #include void cimlib_add_image(const char *name); @@ -35,18 +36,18 @@ void cimlib_cleanup(void); void print_image_callback(struct text_object *, char *, int); -class imlib_cache_size_setting: public conky::range_config_setting { - typedef conky::range_config_setting Base; +class imlib_cache_size_setting + : public conky::range_config_setting { + typedef conky::range_config_setting Base; -protected: - virtual void lua_setter(lua::state &l, bool init); - virtual void cleanup(lua::state &l); + protected: + virtual void lua_setter(lua::state &l, bool init); + virtual void cleanup(lua::state &l); -public: - imlib_cache_size_setting() - : Base("imlib_cache_size", 0, - std::numeric_limits::max(), 4096*1024, true) - {} + public: + imlib_cache_size_setting() + : Base("imlib_cache_size", 0, std::numeric_limits::max(), + 4096 * 1024, true) {} }; #endif /* _CONKY_IMBLI2_H_ */ diff --git a/src/irc.cc b/src/irc.cc index 6e99790c..ac7d6694 100644 --- a/src/irc.cc +++ b/src/irc.cc @@ -1,11 +1,10 @@ -/* -*- mode: c++; c-basic-offset: 4; tab-width: 4; indent-tabs-mode: t -*- - * vim: ts=4 sw=4 noet ai cindent syntax=cpp +/* * * Conky, a system monitor, based on torsmo * * Please see COPYING for details * - * Copyright (c) 2005-2012 Brenden Matthews, Philip Kovacs, et. al. + * Copyright (c) 2005-2018 Brenden Matthews, Philip Kovacs, et. al. * (see AUTHORS) * All rights reserved. * @@ -23,100 +22,108 @@ * */ -#include "conky.h" -#include "logging.h" +#include #include #include #include +#include "conky.h" +#include "logging.h" #include "text_object.h" -#include struct ll_text { - char *text; - struct ll_text *next; + char *text; + struct ll_text *next; }; struct obj_irc { - pthread_t *thread; - irc_session_t *session; - char *arg; + pthread_t *thread; + irc_session_t *session; + char *arg; }; struct ctx { - char *chan; - int max_msg_lines; - struct ll_text *messages; + char *chan; + int max_msg_lines; + struct ll_text *messages; }; -void ev_connected(irc_session_t *session, const char *event, const char *origin, const char **params, unsigned int count) { - struct ctx *ctxptr = (struct ctx *) irc_get_ctx(session); - if(irc_cmd_join(session, ctxptr->chan, NULL) != 0) { - NORM_ERR("irc: %s", irc_strerror(irc_errno(session))); - } - if(event || origin || params || count) {} //fix gcc warnings +void ev_connected(irc_session_t *session, const char *event, const char *origin, + const char **params, unsigned int count) { + struct ctx *ctxptr = (struct ctx *)irc_get_ctx(session); + if (irc_cmd_join(session, ctxptr->chan, NULL) != 0) { + NORM_ERR("irc: %s", irc_strerror(irc_errno(session))); + } + if (event || origin || params || count) { + } // fix gcc warnings } void addmessage(struct ctx *ctxptr, char *nick, const char *text) { - struct ll_text *lastmsg = ctxptr->messages; - struct ll_text *newmsg = (struct ll_text*) malloc(sizeof(struct ll_text)); - newmsg->text = (char*) malloc(strlen(nick) + strlen(text) + 4); //4 = ": \n" - sprintf(newmsg->text, "%s: %s\n", nick, text); - newmsg->next = NULL; - int msgcnt = 1; - if(!lastmsg) { - ctxptr->messages = newmsg; - } else { - msgcnt++; - while(lastmsg->next) { - lastmsg = lastmsg->next; - msgcnt++; - if(msgcnt<0) { - NORM_ERR("irc: too many messages, discarding the last one."); - free(newmsg->text); - free(newmsg); - return; - } - } - lastmsg->next = newmsg; - } - if(ctxptr->max_msg_lines>0) { - newmsg = ctxptr->messages; - msgcnt -= ctxptr->max_msg_lines; - while((msgcnt>0) && (ctxptr->messages)) { - msgcnt--; - newmsg = ctxptr->messages->next; - free(ctxptr->messages->text); - free(ctxptr->messages); - ctxptr->messages = newmsg; - } - } + struct ll_text *lastmsg = ctxptr->messages; + struct ll_text *newmsg = (struct ll_text *)malloc(sizeof(struct ll_text)); + newmsg->text = (char *)malloc(strlen(nick) + strlen(text) + 4); // 4 = ": \n" + sprintf(newmsg->text, "%s: %s\n", nick, text); + newmsg->next = NULL; + int msgcnt = 1; + if (!lastmsg) { + ctxptr->messages = newmsg; + } else { + msgcnt++; + while (lastmsg->next) { + lastmsg = lastmsg->next; + msgcnt++; + if (msgcnt < 0) { + NORM_ERR("irc: too many messages, discarding the last one."); + free(newmsg->text); + free(newmsg); + return; + } + } + lastmsg->next = newmsg; + } + if (ctxptr->max_msg_lines > 0) { + newmsg = ctxptr->messages; + msgcnt -= ctxptr->max_msg_lines; + while ((msgcnt > 0) && (ctxptr->messages)) { + msgcnt--; + newmsg = ctxptr->messages->next; + free(ctxptr->messages->text); + free(ctxptr->messages); + ctxptr->messages = newmsg; + } + } } -void ev_talkinchan(irc_session_t *session, const char *event, const char *origin, const char **params, unsigned int count) { - char nickname[64]; - struct ctx *ctxptr = (struct ctx *) irc_get_ctx(session); +void ev_talkinchan(irc_session_t *session, const char *event, + const char *origin, const char **params, + unsigned int count) { + char nickname[64]; + struct ctx *ctxptr = (struct ctx *)irc_get_ctx(session); - irc_target_get_nick(origin, nickname, sizeof(nickname)); - addmessage(ctxptr, nickname, params[1]); - if(session || event || count) {} //fix gcc warnings + irc_target_get_nick(origin, nickname, sizeof(nickname)); + addmessage(ctxptr, nickname, params[1]); + if (session || event || count) { + } // fix gcc warnings } -void ev_num(irc_session_t *session, unsigned int event, const char *origin, const char **params, unsigned int count) { - char attachment[4]="_00"; +void ev_num(irc_session_t *session, unsigned int event, const char *origin, + const char **params, unsigned int count) { + char attachment[4] = "_00"; - if(event == 433) { //nick in use - char *newnick = (char*) malloc(strlen(params[1]) + 4); - strcpy(newnick, params[1]); - attachment[1] += rand() % 10; - attachment[2] += rand() % 10; - strcat(newnick, attachment); - irc_cmd_nick(session, newnick); - free(newnick); - } - if(origin || count) {} //fix gcc warnings + if (event == 433) { // nick in use + char *newnick = (char *)malloc(strlen(params[1]) + 4); + strcpy(newnick, params[1]); + attachment[1] += rand() % 10; + attachment[2] += rand() % 10; + strcat(newnick, attachment); + irc_cmd_nick(session, newnick); + free(newnick); + } + if (origin || count) { + } // fix gcc warnings } -#define IRCSYNTAX "The correct syntax is ${irc server(:port) #channel (max_msg_lines)}" +#define IRCSYNTAX \ + "The correct syntax is ${irc server(:port) #channel (max_msg_lines)}" #define IRCPORT 6667 #define IRCNICK "conky" #define IRCSERVERPASS NULL @@ -124,123 +131,124 @@ void ev_num(irc_session_t *session, unsigned int event, const char *origin, cons #define IRCREAL NULL void *ircclient(void *ptr) { - struct obj_irc *ircobj = (struct obj_irc *) ptr; - struct ctx *ctxptr = (struct ctx *) malloc(sizeof(struct ctx)); - irc_callbacks_t callbacks; - char *server; - char *strport; - char *str_max_msg_lines; - unsigned int port; + struct obj_irc *ircobj = (struct obj_irc *)ptr; + struct ctx *ctxptr = (struct ctx *)malloc(sizeof(struct ctx)); + irc_callbacks_t callbacks; + char *server; + char *strport; + char *str_max_msg_lines; + unsigned int port; - memset (&callbacks, 0, sizeof(callbacks)); - callbacks.event_connect = ev_connected; - callbacks.event_channel = ev_talkinchan; - callbacks.event_numeric = ev_num; - ircobj->session = irc_create_session(&callbacks); - server = strtok(ircobj->arg , " "); - ctxptr->chan = strtok(NULL , " "); - if( ! ctxptr->chan) { - NORM_ERR("irc: %s", IRCSYNTAX); - } - str_max_msg_lines = strtok(NULL, " "); - if(str_max_msg_lines) { - ctxptr->max_msg_lines = strtol(str_max_msg_lines, NULL, 10); - } - ctxptr->messages = NULL; - irc_set_ctx(ircobj->session, ctxptr); - server = strtok(server, ":"); - strport = strtok(NULL, ":"); - if(strport) { - port = strtol(strport, NULL, 10); - if(port < 1 || port > 65535) - port = IRCPORT; - } else { - port = IRCPORT; - } - int err = irc_connect(ircobj->session, server, port, IRCSERVERPASS, IRCNICK, IRCUSER, IRCREAL); - if(err != 0) { - err = irc_errno(ircobj->session); - } + memset(&callbacks, 0, sizeof(callbacks)); + callbacks.event_connect = ev_connected; + callbacks.event_channel = ev_talkinchan; + callbacks.event_numeric = ev_num; + ircobj->session = irc_create_session(&callbacks); + server = strtok(ircobj->arg, " "); + ctxptr->chan = strtok(NULL, " "); + if (!ctxptr->chan) { + NORM_ERR("irc: %s", IRCSYNTAX); + } + str_max_msg_lines = strtok(NULL, " "); + if (str_max_msg_lines) { + ctxptr->max_msg_lines = strtol(str_max_msg_lines, NULL, 10); + } + ctxptr->messages = NULL; + irc_set_ctx(ircobj->session, ctxptr); + server = strtok(server, ":"); + strport = strtok(NULL, ":"); + if (strport) { + port = strtol(strport, NULL, 10); + if (port < 1 || port > 65535) port = IRCPORT; + } else { + port = IRCPORT; + } + int err = irc_connect(ircobj->session, server, port, IRCSERVERPASS, IRCNICK, + IRCUSER, IRCREAL); + if (err != 0) { + err = irc_errno(ircobj->session); + } #ifdef BUILD_IPV6 - if(err == LIBIRC_ERR_RESOLV) { - err = irc_connect6(ircobj->session, server, port, IRCSERVERPASS, IRCNICK, IRCUSER, IRCREAL); - if(err != 0) { - err = irc_errno(ircobj->session); - } - } + if (err == LIBIRC_ERR_RESOLV) { + err = irc_connect6(ircobj->session, server, port, IRCSERVERPASS, IRCNICK, + IRCUSER, IRCREAL); + if (err != 0) { + err = irc_errno(ircobj->session); + } + } #endif /* BUILD_IPV6 */ - if(err != 0) { - NORM_ERR("irc: %s", irc_strerror(err)); - } - if(irc_run(ircobj->session) != 0) { - int ircerror = irc_errno(ircobj->session); - if(irc_is_connected(ircobj->session)) { - NORM_ERR("irc: %s", irc_strerror(ircerror)); - } else { - NORM_ERR("irc: disconnected"); - } - } - free(ircobj->arg); - free(ctxptr); - return NULL; + if (err != 0) { + NORM_ERR("irc: %s", irc_strerror(err)); + } + if (irc_run(ircobj->session) != 0) { + int ircerror = irc_errno(ircobj->session); + if (irc_is_connected(ircobj->session)) { + NORM_ERR("irc: %s", irc_strerror(ircerror)); + } else { + NORM_ERR("irc: disconnected"); + } + } + free(ircobj->arg); + free(ctxptr); + return NULL; } -void parse_irc_args(struct text_object *obj, const char* arg) { - struct obj_irc* opaque = (struct obj_irc *) malloc(sizeof(struct obj_irc)); - opaque->thread = (pthread_t *) malloc(sizeof(pthread_t)); - srand(time(NULL)); - opaque->session = NULL; - opaque->arg = strdup(arg); - pthread_create(opaque->thread, NULL, ircclient, opaque); - obj->data.opaque = opaque; +void parse_irc_args(struct text_object *obj, const char *arg) { + struct obj_irc *opaque = (struct obj_irc *)malloc(sizeof(struct obj_irc)); + opaque->thread = (pthread_t *)malloc(sizeof(pthread_t)); + srand(time(NULL)); + opaque->session = NULL; + opaque->arg = strdup(arg); + pthread_create(opaque->thread, NULL, ircclient, opaque); + obj->data.opaque = opaque; } void print_irc(struct text_object *obj, char *p, int p_max_size) { - struct obj_irc *ircobj = (struct obj_irc *) obj->data.opaque; - struct ctx *ctxptr; - struct ll_text *nextmsg, *curmsg; + struct obj_irc *ircobj = (struct obj_irc *)obj->data.opaque; + struct ctx *ctxptr; + struct ll_text *nextmsg, *curmsg; - if( ! ircobj->session) return; - if( ! irc_is_connected(ircobj->session)) return; - ctxptr = (struct ctx *) irc_get_ctx(ircobj->session); - curmsg = ctxptr->messages; - while(curmsg) { - nextmsg = curmsg->next; - strncat(p, curmsg->text, p_max_size - strlen(p) - 1); - if(!ctxptr->max_msg_lines) { - free(curmsg->text); - free(curmsg); - } - curmsg = nextmsg; - } - if(p[0] != 0) { - p[strlen(p) - 1] = 0; - } - if(!ctxptr->max_msg_lines) { - ctxptr->messages = NULL; - } + if (!ircobj->session) return; + if (!irc_is_connected(ircobj->session)) return; + ctxptr = (struct ctx *)irc_get_ctx(ircobj->session); + curmsg = ctxptr->messages; + while (curmsg) { + nextmsg = curmsg->next; + strncat(p, curmsg->text, p_max_size - strlen(p) - 1); + if (!ctxptr->max_msg_lines) { + free(curmsg->text); + free(curmsg); + } + curmsg = nextmsg; + } + if (p[0] != 0) { + p[strlen(p) - 1] = 0; + } + if (!ctxptr->max_msg_lines) { + ctxptr->messages = NULL; + } } void free_irc(struct text_object *obj) { - struct obj_irc *ircobj = (struct obj_irc *) obj->data.opaque; - struct ctx *ctxptr; - struct ll_text *nextmsg, *curmsg = NULL; + struct obj_irc *ircobj = (struct obj_irc *)obj->data.opaque; + struct ctx *ctxptr; + struct ll_text *nextmsg, *curmsg = NULL; - if(ircobj->session) { - if( irc_is_connected(ircobj->session)) { - ctxptr = (struct ctx *) irc_get_ctx(ircobj->session); - curmsg = ctxptr->messages; - irc_disconnect(ircobj->session); - } - pthread_join(*(ircobj->thread), NULL); - irc_destroy_session(ircobj->session); - } - free(ircobj->thread); - free(obj->data.opaque); - while(curmsg) { - nextmsg = curmsg->next; - free(curmsg->text); - free(curmsg); - curmsg = nextmsg; - } + if (ircobj->session) { + if (irc_is_connected(ircobj->session)) { + ctxptr = (struct ctx *)irc_get_ctx(ircobj->session); + curmsg = ctxptr->messages; + irc_disconnect(ircobj->session); + } + pthread_join(*(ircobj->thread), NULL); + irc_destroy_session(ircobj->session); + } + free(ircobj->thread); + free(obj->data.opaque); + while (curmsg) { + nextmsg = curmsg->next; + free(curmsg->text); + free(curmsg); + curmsg = nextmsg; + } } diff --git a/src/irc.h b/src/irc.h index 50a27fdf..75db2556 100644 --- a/src/irc.h +++ b/src/irc.h @@ -1,11 +1,10 @@ -/* -*- mode: c++; c-basic-offset: 4; tab-width: 4; indent-tabs-mode: t -*- - * vim: ts=4 sw=4 noet ai cindent syntax=cpp +/* * * Conky, a system monitor, based on torsmo * * Please see COPYING for details * - * Copyright (c) 2005-2012 Brenden Matthews, Philip Kovacs, et. al. + * Copyright (c) 2005-2018 Brenden Matthews, Philip Kovacs, et. al. * (see AUTHORS) * All rights reserved. * @@ -26,7 +25,7 @@ #ifndef IRC_H_ #define IRC_H_ -void parse_irc_args(struct text_object *, const char*); +void parse_irc_args(struct text_object *, const char *); void print_irc(struct text_object *, char *, int); void free_irc(struct text_object *); diff --git a/src/journal.cc b/src/journal.cc index f13f06a8..24f6726d 100644 --- a/src/journal.cc +++ b/src/journal.cc @@ -1,5 +1,4 @@ -/* -*- mode: c++; c-basic-offset: 4; tab-width: 4; indent-tabs-mode: t -*- - * vim: ts=4 sw=4 noet ai cindent syntax=cpp +/* * * Conky, a system monitor, based on torsmo * @@ -10,7 +9,7 @@ * Please see COPYING for details * * Copyright (c) 2004, Hannu Saransaari and Lauri Hakkarainen - * Copyright (c) 2005-2012 Brenden Matthews, Philip Kovacs, et. al. + * Copyright (c) 2005-2018 Brenden Matthews, Philip Kovacs, et. al. * (see AUTHORS) * All rights reserved. * @@ -28,144 +27,139 @@ * */ -#include "conky.h" -#include "config.h" -#include "common.h" -#include "text_object.h" -#include "logging.h" #include #include +#include #include #include -#include +#include "common.h" +#include "config.h" +#include "conky.h" +#include "logging.h" +#include "text_object.h" #define MAX_JOURNAL_LINES 200 struct journal { - int wantedlines; - int flags; - - journal() - : wantedlines(0), flags(SD_JOURNAL_LOCAL_ONLY) - {} + int wantedlines; + int flags; + journal() : wantedlines(0), flags(SD_JOURNAL_LOCAL_ONLY) {} }; -void free_journal(struct text_object *obj) -{ - struct journal *j = (struct journal *)obj->data.opaque; - obj->data.opaque = NULL; - delete j; +void free_journal(struct text_object *obj) { + struct journal *j = (struct journal *)obj->data.opaque; + obj->data.opaque = NULL; + delete j; } -void init_journal(const char* type, const char* arg, struct text_object *obj, void* free_at_crash) { - unsigned int args; - struct journal *j = new journal; +void init_journal(const char *type, const char *arg, struct text_object *obj, + void *free_at_crash) { + unsigned int args; + struct journal *j = new journal; - std::unique_ptr tmp(new char[DEFAULT_TEXT_BUFFER_SIZE]); - memset(tmp.get(), 0, DEFAULT_TEXT_BUFFER_SIZE); + std::unique_ptr tmp(new char[DEFAULT_TEXT_BUFFER_SIZE]); + memset(tmp.get(), 0, DEFAULT_TEXT_BUFFER_SIZE); - args = sscanf(arg, "%d %6s", &j->wantedlines, tmp.get()); - if (args < 1 || args > 2) { - free_journal(obj); - CRIT_ERR(obj, free_at_crash, "%s a number of lines as 1st argument and optionally a journal type as 2nd argument", type); - } - if (j->wantedlines > 0 && j->wantedlines <= MAX_JOURNAL_LINES) { - if(args > 1) { - if(strcmp(tmp.get(), "system") == 0) { - j->flags |= SD_JOURNAL_SYSTEM; - } else if(strcmp(tmp.get(), "user") == 0) { - j->flags |= SD_JOURNAL_CURRENT_USER; - } else { - free_journal(obj); - CRIT_ERR(obj, free_at_crash, "invalid arg for %s, type must be 'system' or 'user'", type); - } - } + args = sscanf(arg, "%d %6s", &j->wantedlines, tmp.get()); + if (args < 1 || args > 2) { + free_journal(obj); + CRIT_ERR(obj, free_at_crash, + "%s a number of lines as 1st argument and optionally a journal " + "type as 2nd argument", + type); + } + if (j->wantedlines > 0 && j->wantedlines <= MAX_JOURNAL_LINES) { + if (args > 1) { + if (strcmp(tmp.get(), "system") == 0) { + j->flags |= SD_JOURNAL_SYSTEM; + } else if (strcmp(tmp.get(), "user") == 0) { + j->flags |= SD_JOURNAL_CURRENT_USER; + } else { + free_journal(obj); + CRIT_ERR(obj, free_at_crash, + "invalid arg for %s, type must be 'system' or 'user'", type); + } + } - } else { - free_journal(obj); - CRIT_ERR(obj, free_at_crash, "invalid arg for %s, number of lines must be between 1 and %d", type, MAX_JOURNAL_LINES); - } - obj->data.opaque = j; + } else { + free_journal(obj); + CRIT_ERR(obj, free_at_crash, + "invalid arg for %s, number of lines must be between 1 and %d", + type, MAX_JOURNAL_LINES); + } + obj->data.opaque = j; } -static int print_field(sd_journal *jh, const char *field, char spacer, size_t *read, char *p, int p_max_size) { - const void *get; - size_t length; - size_t fieldlen = strlen(field)+1; +static int print_field(sd_journal *jh, const char *field, char spacer, + size_t *read, char *p, int p_max_size) { + const void *get; + size_t length; + size_t fieldlen = strlen(field) + 1; - int ret = sd_journal_get_data(jh, field, &get, &length); - if(ret == -ENOENT) - goto out; + int ret = sd_journal_get_data(jh, field, &get, &length); + if (ret == -ENOENT) goto out; - if(ret < 0 || length + *read > p_max_size) - return -1; + if (ret < 0 || length + *read > p_max_size) return -1; - memcpy(p + *read, (const char*)get+fieldlen, length-fieldlen); - *read += length-fieldlen; + memcpy(p + *read, (const char *)get + fieldlen, length - fieldlen); + *read += length - fieldlen; out: - if(spacer) - p[(*read)++] = spacer; - return length ? length-fieldlen : 0; + if (spacer) p[(*read)++] = spacer; + return length ? length - fieldlen : 0; } void print_journal(struct text_object *obj, char *p, int p_max_size) { - size_t read = 0, length; - struct journal *j = (struct journal *)obj->data.opaque; - sd_journal *jh = NULL; + size_t read = 0, length; + struct journal *j = (struct journal *)obj->data.opaque; + sd_journal *jh = NULL; - struct tm *tm; - time_t time; - uint64_t timestamp; + struct tm *tm; + time_t time; + uint64_t timestamp; - if(sd_journal_open(&jh, j->flags) != 0) { - NORM_ERR("unable to open journal"); - goto out; - } - if (!j) - return; + if (sd_journal_open(&jh, j->flags) != 0) { + NORM_ERR("unable to open journal"); + goto out; + } + if (!j) return; - if(sd_journal_seek_tail(jh) < 0) - { - NORM_ERR("unable to seek to end of journal"); - goto out; - } - if(sd_journal_previous_skip(jh, j->wantedlines) < 0) { - NORM_ERR("unable to seek back %d lines", j->wantedlines); - goto out; - } + if (sd_journal_seek_tail(jh) < 0) { + NORM_ERR("unable to seek to end of journal"); + goto out; + } + if (sd_journal_previous_skip(jh, j->wantedlines) < 0) { + NORM_ERR("unable to seek back %d lines", j->wantedlines); + goto out; + } - do { - if(sd_journal_get_realtime_usec(jh, ×tamp) < 0) - break; - time = timestamp / 1000000; - tm = localtime(&time); + do { + if (sd_journal_get_realtime_usec(jh, ×tamp) < 0) break; + time = timestamp / 1000000; + tm = localtime(&time); - if((length = strftime(p+read, p_max_size-read, "%b %d %H:%M:%S", tm)) <= 0) - break; - read += length; - p[read++] = ' '; + if ((length = + strftime(p + read, p_max_size - read, "%b %d %H:%M:%S", tm)) <= 0) + break; + read += length; + p[read++] = ' '; - if(print_field(jh, "_HOSTNAME", ' ', &read, p, p_max_size) < 0) - break; + if (print_field(jh, "_HOSTNAME", ' ', &read, p, p_max_size) < 0) break; - if(print_field(jh, "SYSLOG_IDENTIFIER", '[', &read, p, p_max_size) < 0) - break; + if (print_field(jh, "SYSLOG_IDENTIFIER", '[', &read, p, p_max_size) < 0) + break; - if(print_field(jh, "_PID", ']', &read, p, p_max_size) < 0) - break; + if (print_field(jh, "_PID", ']', &read, p, p_max_size) < 0) break; - p[read++] = ':'; - p[read++] = ' '; + p[read++] = ':'; + p[read++] = ' '; - if(print_field(jh, "MESSAGE", '\n', &read, p, p_max_size) < 0) - break; - } while(sd_journal_next(jh)); + if (print_field(jh, "MESSAGE", '\n', &read, p, p_max_size) < 0) break; + } while (sd_journal_next(jh)); out: - if(jh) - sd_journal_close(jh); - p[read] = '\0'; - return; + if (jh) sd_journal_close(jh); + p[read] = '\0'; + return; } diff --git a/src/journal.h b/src/journal.h index 55e091dd..aa696dfc 100644 --- a/src/journal.h +++ b/src/journal.h @@ -1,5 +1,4 @@ -/* -*- mode: c++; c-basic-offset: 4; tab-width: 4; indent-tabs-mode: t -*- - * vim: ts=4 sw=4 noet ai cindent syntax=cpp +/* * * Conky, a system monitor, based on torsmo * @@ -10,7 +9,7 @@ * Please see COPYING for details * * Copyright (c) 2004, Hannu Saransaari and Lauri Hakkarainen - * Copyright (c) 2005-2012 Brenden Matthews, Philip Kovacs, et. al. + * Copyright (c) 2005-2018 Brenden Matthews, Philip Kovacs, et. al. * (see AUTHORS) * All rights reserved. * diff --git a/src/libmpdclient.cc b/src/libmpdclient.cc index 8b26a105..84300aea 100644 --- a/src/libmpdclient.cc +++ b/src/libmpdclient.cc @@ -1,5 +1,4 @@ -/* -*- mode: c++; c-basic-offset: 4; tab-width: 4; indent-tabs-mode: t -*- - * vim: ts=4 sw=4 noet ai cindent syntax=cpp +/* * * libmpdclient * (c)2003-2006 by Warren Dukes (warren.dukes@gmail.com) @@ -34,26 +33,26 @@ * */ -#include "conky.h" #include "libmpdclient.h" +#include "conky.h" -#include #include -#include -#include -#include +#include #include #include +#include +#include +#include #ifdef WIN32 -# include -# include +#include +#include #else -# include -# include -# include -# include -# include +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include #endif #ifndef SUN_LEN @@ -61,2012 +60,1887 @@ #endif /* (bits + 1) / 3 (plus the sign character) */ -#define INTLEN ((sizeof(int) * CHAR_BIT + 1) / 3 + 1) -#define LONGLONGLEN ((sizeof(long long) * CHAR_BIT + 1) / 3 + 1) +#define INTLEN ((sizeof(int) * CHAR_BIT + 1) / 3 + 1) +#define LONGLONGLEN ((sizeof(long long) * CHAR_BIT + 1) / 3 + 1) -#define COMMAND_LIST 1 -#define COMMAND_LIST_OK 2 +#define COMMAND_LIST 1 +#define COMMAND_LIST_OK 2 #ifndef MPD_NO_GAI -# ifdef AI_ADDRCONFIG -# define MPD_HAVE_GAI -# endif +#ifdef AI_ADDRCONFIG +#define MPD_HAVE_GAI +#endif #endif #ifndef MSG_DONTWAIT -# define MSG_DONTWAIT 0 +#define MSG_DONTWAIT 0 #endif #ifdef WIN32 -# define SELECT_ERRNO_IGNORE (errno == WSAEINTR || errno == WSAEINPROGRESS) -# define SENDRECV_ERRNO_IGNORE SELECT_ERRNO_IGNORE +#define SELECT_ERRNO_IGNORE (errno == WSAEINTR || errno == WSAEINPROGRESS) +#define SENDRECV_ERRNO_IGNORE SELECT_ERRNO_IGNORE #else -# define SELECT_ERRNO_IGNORE (errno == EINTR) -# define SENDRECV_ERRNO_IGNORE (errno == EINTR || errno == EAGAIN) -# define winsock_dll_error(c) 0 -# define closesocket(s) close(s) -# define WSACleanup() do { /* nothing */ } while (0) +#define SELECT_ERRNO_IGNORE (errno == EINTR) +#define SENDRECV_ERRNO_IGNORE (errno == EINTR || errno == EAGAIN) +#define winsock_dll_error(c) 0 +#define closesocket(s) close(s) +#define WSACleanup() \ + do { /* nothing */ \ + } while (0) #endif #ifdef WIN32 -static int winsock_dll_error(mpd_Connection *connection) -{ - WSADATA wsaData; +static int winsock_dll_error(mpd_Connection *connection) { + WSADATA wsaData; - if ((WSAStartup(MAKEWORD(2, 2), &wsaData)) != 0 - || LOBYTE(wsaData.wVersion) != 2 - || HIBYTE(wsaData.wVersion) != 2) { - strcpy(connection->errorStr, "Could not find usable WinSock DLL."); - connection->error = MPD_ERROR_SYSTEM; - return 1; - } - return 0; + if ((WSAStartup(MAKEWORD(2, 2), &wsaData)) != 0 || + LOBYTE(wsaData.wVersion) != 2 || HIBYTE(wsaData.wVersion) != 2) { + strcpy(connection->errorStr, "Could not find usable WinSock DLL."); + connection->error = MPD_ERROR_SYSTEM; + return 1; + } + return 0; } static int do_connect_fail(mpd_Connection *connection, - const struct sockaddr *serv_addr, int addrlen) -{ - int iMode = 1; /* 0 = blocking, else non-blocking */ + const struct sockaddr *serv_addr, int addrlen) { + int iMode = 1; /* 0 = blocking, else non-blocking */ - ioctlsocket(connection->sock, FIONBIO, (u_long FAR *) &iMode); - return (connect(connection->sock, serv_addr, addrlen) == SOCKET_ERROR - && WSAGetLastError() != WSAEWOULDBLOCK); + ioctlsocket(connection->sock, FIONBIO, (u_long FAR *)&iMode); + return (connect(connection->sock, serv_addr, addrlen) == SOCKET_ERROR && + WSAGetLastError() != WSAEWOULDBLOCK); } -#else /* !WIN32 (sane operating systems) */ +#else /* !WIN32 (sane operating systems) */ static int do_connect_fail(mpd_Connection *connection, - const struct sockaddr *serv_addr, int addrlen) -{ - int flags = fcntl(connection->sock, F_GETFL, 0); + const struct sockaddr *serv_addr, int addrlen) { + int flags = fcntl(connection->sock, F_GETFL, 0); - fcntl(connection->sock, F_SETFL, flags | O_NONBLOCK); - return (connect(connection->sock, serv_addr, addrlen) < 0 - && errno != EINPROGRESS); + fcntl(connection->sock, F_SETFL, flags | O_NONBLOCK); + return (connect(connection->sock, serv_addr, addrlen) < 0 && + errno != EINPROGRESS); } #endif /* !WIN32 */ static int uds_connect(mpd_Connection *connection, const char *host, - float timeout) -{ - struct sockaddr_un addr; + float timeout) { + struct sockaddr_un addr; - strncpy(addr.sun_path, host, sizeof(addr.sun_path)-1); - addr.sun_family = AF_UNIX; - addr.sun_path[sizeof(addr.sun_path)-1] = 0; - connection->sock = socket(AF_UNIX, SOCK_STREAM, 0); + strncpy(addr.sun_path, host, sizeof(addr.sun_path) - 1); + addr.sun_family = AF_UNIX; + addr.sun_path[sizeof(addr.sun_path) - 1] = 0; + connection->sock = socket(AF_UNIX, SOCK_STREAM, 0); - if (connection->sock < 0) { - snprintf(connection->errorStr, MPD_ERRORSTR_MAX_LENGTH, - "problems creating socket: %s", strerror(errno)); - connection->error = MPD_ERROR_SYSTEM; - return -1; - } + if (connection->sock < 0) { + snprintf(connection->errorStr, MPD_ERRORSTR_MAX_LENGTH, + "problems creating socket: %s", strerror(errno)); + connection->error = MPD_ERROR_SYSTEM; + return -1; + } - mpd_setConnectionTimeout(connection, timeout); + mpd_setConnectionTimeout(connection, timeout); - /* connect stuff */ - if (do_connect_fail(connection, (struct sockaddr *)&addr, SUN_LEN(&addr))) { - snprintf(connection->errorStr, MPD_ERRORSTR_MAX_LENGTH, - "problems connecting socket: %s", strerror(errno)); - closesocket(connection->sock); - connection->sock = -1; - connection->error = MPD_ERROR_SYSTEM; - return -1; - } + /* connect stuff */ + if (do_connect_fail(connection, (struct sockaddr *)&addr, SUN_LEN(&addr))) { + snprintf(connection->errorStr, MPD_ERRORSTR_MAX_LENGTH, + "problems connecting socket: %s", strerror(errno)); + closesocket(connection->sock); + connection->sock = -1; + connection->error = MPD_ERROR_SYSTEM; + return -1; + } - return 0; + return 0; } #ifdef MPD_HAVE_GAI static int mpd_connect(mpd_Connection *connection, const char *host, int port, - float timeout) -{ - int error; - char service[INTLEN + 1]; - struct addrinfo hints; - struct addrinfo *res = NULL; - struct addrinfo *addrinfo = NULL; + float timeout) { + int error; + char service[INTLEN + 1]; + struct addrinfo hints; + struct addrinfo *res = NULL; + struct addrinfo *addrinfo = NULL; - if (*host == '/') - return uds_connect(connection, host, timeout); + if (*host == '/') return uds_connect(connection, host, timeout); - /* Setup hints */ - hints.ai_flags = AI_ADDRCONFIG; - hints.ai_family = AF_UNSPEC; - hints.ai_socktype = SOCK_STREAM; - hints.ai_protocol = IPPROTO_TCP; - hints.ai_addrlen = 0; - hints.ai_addr = NULL; - hints.ai_canonname = NULL; - hints.ai_next = NULL; + /* Setup hints */ + hints.ai_flags = AI_ADDRCONFIG; + hints.ai_family = AF_UNSPEC; + hints.ai_socktype = SOCK_STREAM; + hints.ai_protocol = IPPROTO_TCP; + hints.ai_addrlen = 0; + hints.ai_addr = NULL; + hints.ai_canonname = NULL; + hints.ai_next = NULL; - snprintf(service, sizeof(service), "%i", port); + snprintf(service, sizeof(service), "%i", port); - error = getaddrinfo(host, service, &hints, &addrinfo); + error = getaddrinfo(host, service, &hints, &addrinfo); - if (error) { - snprintf(connection->errorStr, MPD_ERRORSTR_MAX_LENGTH, - "host \"%s\" not found: %s", host, gai_strerror(error)); - connection->error = MPD_ERROR_UNKHOST; - return -1; - } + if (error) { + snprintf(connection->errorStr, MPD_ERRORSTR_MAX_LENGTH, + "host \"%s\" not found: %s", host, gai_strerror(error)); + connection->error = MPD_ERROR_UNKHOST; + return -1; + } - for (res = addrinfo; res; res = res->ai_next) { - /* create socket */ - if (connection->sock > -1) { - closesocket(connection->sock); - } - connection->sock = socket(res->ai_family, SOCK_STREAM, - res->ai_protocol); - if (connection->sock < 0) { - snprintf(connection->errorStr, MPD_ERRORSTR_MAX_LENGTH, - "problems creating socket: %s", strerror(errno)); - connection->error = MPD_ERROR_SYSTEM; - freeaddrinfo(addrinfo); - return -1; - } + for (res = addrinfo; res; res = res->ai_next) { + /* create socket */ + if (connection->sock > -1) { + closesocket(connection->sock); + } + connection->sock = socket(res->ai_family, SOCK_STREAM, res->ai_protocol); + if (connection->sock < 0) { + snprintf(connection->errorStr, MPD_ERRORSTR_MAX_LENGTH, + "problems creating socket: %s", strerror(errno)); + connection->error = MPD_ERROR_SYSTEM; + freeaddrinfo(addrinfo); + return -1; + } - mpd_setConnectionTimeout(connection, timeout); + mpd_setConnectionTimeout(connection, timeout); - /* connect stuff */ - if (do_connect_fail(connection, res->ai_addr, res->ai_addrlen)) { - /* try the next address family */ - closesocket(connection->sock); - connection->sock = -1; - continue; - } - } + /* connect stuff */ + if (do_connect_fail(connection, res->ai_addr, res->ai_addrlen)) { + /* try the next address family */ + closesocket(connection->sock); + connection->sock = -1; + continue; + } + } - freeaddrinfo(addrinfo); + freeaddrinfo(addrinfo); - if (connection->sock < 0) { - snprintf(connection->errorStr, MPD_ERRORSTR_MAX_LENGTH, - "problems connecting to \"%s\" on port %i: %s", host, port, - strerror(errno)); - connection->error = MPD_ERROR_CONNPORT; + if (connection->sock < 0) { + snprintf(connection->errorStr, MPD_ERRORSTR_MAX_LENGTH, + "problems connecting to \"%s\" on port %i: %s", host, port, + strerror(errno)); + connection->error = MPD_ERROR_CONNPORT; - return -1; - } + return -1; + } - return 0; + return 0; } #else /* !MPD_HAVE_GAI */ static int mpd_connect(mpd_Connection *connection, const char *host, int port, - float timeout) -{ - struct hostent he, *he_res = 0; - int he_errno; - char hostbuff[2048]; - struct sockaddr *dest; - int destlen; - struct sockaddr_in sin; + float timeout) { + struct hostent he, *he_res = 0; + int he_errno; + char hostbuff[2048]; + struct sockaddr *dest; + int destlen; + struct sockaddr_in sin; - if (*host == '/') - return uds_connect(connection, host, timeout); + if (*host == '/') return uds_connect(connection, host, timeout); #ifdef HAVE_GETHOSTBYNAME_R - if (gethostbyname_r(host, &he, hostbuff, sizeof(hostbuff), &he_res, &he_errno)) { // get the host info - snprintf(connection->errorStr, MPD_ERRORSTR_MAX_LENGTH, - "%s ('%s')", hstrerror(h_errno), host); - connection->error = MPD_ERROR_UNKHOST; - return -1; - } -#else /* HAVE_GETHOSTBYNAME_R */ - if (!(he_res = gethostbyname(host))) { - snprintf(connection->errorStr, MPD_ERRORSTR_MAX_LENGTH, - "host \"%s\" not found", host); - connection->error = MPD_ERROR_UNKHOST; - return -1; - } + if (gethostbyname_r(host, &he, hostbuff, sizeof(hostbuff), &he_res, + &he_errno)) { // get the host info + snprintf(connection->errorStr, MPD_ERRORSTR_MAX_LENGTH, "%s ('%s')", + hstrerror(h_errno), host); + connection->error = MPD_ERROR_UNKHOST; + return -1; + } +#else /* HAVE_GETHOSTBYNAME_R */ + if (!(he_res = gethostbyname(host))) { + snprintf(connection->errorStr, MPD_ERRORSTR_MAX_LENGTH, + "host \"%s\" not found", host); + connection->error = MPD_ERROR_UNKHOST; + return -1; + } #endif /* HAVE_GETHOSTBYNAME_R */ - memset(&sin, 0, sizeof(struct sockaddr_in)); - /* dest.sin_family = he_res->h_addrtype; */ - sin.sin_family = AF_INET; - sin.sin_port = htons(port); + memset(&sin, 0, sizeof(struct sockaddr_in)); + /* dest.sin_family = he_res->h_addrtype; */ + sin.sin_family = AF_INET; + sin.sin_port = htons(port); - switch (he_res->h_addrtype) { - case AF_INET: - memcpy((char *) &sin.sin_addr.s_addr, (char *) he_res->h_addr, - he_res->h_length); - dest = (struct sockaddr *) &sin; - destlen = sizeof(struct sockaddr_in); - break; - default: - strcpy(connection->errorStr, "address type is not IPv4"); - connection->error = MPD_ERROR_SYSTEM; - return -1; - break; - } + switch (he_res->h_addrtype) { + case AF_INET: + memcpy((char *)&sin.sin_addr.s_addr, (char *)he_res->h_addr, + he_res->h_length); + dest = (struct sockaddr *)&sin; + destlen = sizeof(struct sockaddr_in); + break; + default: + strcpy(connection->errorStr, "address type is not IPv4"); + connection->error = MPD_ERROR_SYSTEM; + return -1; + break; + } - if (connection->sock > -1) { - closesocket(connection->sock); - } - if ((connection->sock = socket(dest->sa_family, SOCK_STREAM, 0)) < 0) { - strcpy(connection->errorStr, "problems creating socket"); - connection->error = MPD_ERROR_SYSTEM; - return -1; - } + if (connection->sock > -1) { + closesocket(connection->sock); + } + if ((connection->sock = socket(dest->sa_family, SOCK_STREAM, 0)) < 0) { + strcpy(connection->errorStr, "problems creating socket"); + connection->error = MPD_ERROR_SYSTEM; + return -1; + } - mpd_setConnectionTimeout(connection, timeout); + mpd_setConnectionTimeout(connection, timeout); - /* connect stuff */ - if (do_connect_fail(connection, dest, destlen)) { - snprintf(connection->errorStr, MPD_ERRORSTR_MAX_LENGTH, - "problems connecting to \"%s\" on port %i", host, port); - connection->error = MPD_ERROR_CONNPORT; - return -1; - } + /* connect stuff */ + if (do_connect_fail(connection, dest, destlen)) { + snprintf(connection->errorStr, MPD_ERRORSTR_MAX_LENGTH, + "problems connecting to \"%s\" on port %i", host, port); + connection->error = MPD_ERROR_CONNPORT; + return -1; + } - return 0; + return 0; } #endif /* !MPD_HAVE_GAI */ const char *mpdTagItemKeys[MPD_TAG_NUM_OF_ITEM_TYPES] = { - "Artist", - "Album", - "Title", - "Track", - "Name", - "Genre", - "Date", - "Composer", - "Performer", - "Comment", - "Disc", - "Filename", - "Any" -}; + "Artist", "Album", "Title", "Track", "Name", "Genre", "Date", + "Composer", "Performer", "Comment", "Disc", "Filename", "Any"}; -static char *mpd_sanitizeArg(const char *arg) -{ - size_t i; - char *ret; - register const char *c; - register char *rc; +static char *mpd_sanitizeArg(const char *arg) { + size_t i; + char *ret; + register const char *c; + register char *rc; - /* instead of counting in that loop above, - * just use a bit more memory and halve running time */ - ret = (char*) malloc(strlen(arg) * 2 + 1); + /* instead of counting in that loop above, + * just use a bit more memory and halve running time */ + ret = (char *)malloc(strlen(arg) * 2 + 1); - c = arg; - rc = ret; - for (i = strlen(arg) + 1; i != 0; --i) { - if (*c == '"' || *c == '\\') { - *rc++ = '\\'; - } - *(rc++) = *(c++); - } + c = arg; + rc = ret; + for (i = strlen(arg) + 1; i != 0; --i) { + if (*c == '"' || *c == '\\') { + *rc++ = '\\'; + } + *(rc++) = *(c++); + } - return ret; + return ret; } static mpd_ReturnElement *mpd_newReturnElement(const char *name, - const char *value) -{ - mpd_ReturnElement *ret = (mpd_ReturnElement*) malloc(sizeof(mpd_ReturnElement)); + const char *value) { + mpd_ReturnElement *ret = + (mpd_ReturnElement *)malloc(sizeof(mpd_ReturnElement)); - ret->name = strndup(name, text_buffer_size.get(*state)); - ret->value = strndup(value, text_buffer_size.get(*state)); + ret->name = strndup(name, text_buffer_size.get(*state)); + ret->value = strndup(value, text_buffer_size.get(*state)); - return ret; + return ret; } -static void mpd_freeReturnElement(mpd_ReturnElement *re) -{ - free(re->name); - free(re->value); - free(re); +static void mpd_freeReturnElement(mpd_ReturnElement *re) { + free(re->name); + free(re->value); + free(re); } -void mpd_setConnectionTimeout(mpd_Connection *connection, float timeout) -{ - connection->timeout.tv_sec = (int) timeout; - connection->timeout.tv_usec = - (int) ((timeout - connection->timeout.tv_sec) * 1e6 + 0.5); +void mpd_setConnectionTimeout(mpd_Connection *connection, float timeout) { + connection->timeout.tv_sec = (int)timeout; + connection->timeout.tv_usec = + (int)((timeout - connection->timeout.tv_sec) * 1e6 + 0.5); } static int mpd_parseWelcome(mpd_Connection *connection, const char *host, - int port, /* char *rt, */ char *output) -{ - char *tmp; - char *test; - int i; + int port, /* char *rt, */ char *output) { + char *tmp; + char *test; + int i; - if (strncmp(output, MPD_WELCOME_MESSAGE, strlen(MPD_WELCOME_MESSAGE))) { - snprintf(connection->errorStr, MPD_ERRORSTR_MAX_LENGTH, - "mpd not running on port %i on host \"%s\"", port, host); - connection->error = MPD_ERROR_NOTMPD; - return 1; - } + if (strncmp(output, MPD_WELCOME_MESSAGE, strlen(MPD_WELCOME_MESSAGE))) { + snprintf(connection->errorStr, MPD_ERRORSTR_MAX_LENGTH, + "mpd not running on port %i on host \"%s\"", port, host); + connection->error = MPD_ERROR_NOTMPD; + return 1; + } - tmp = &output[strlen(MPD_WELCOME_MESSAGE)]; + tmp = &output[strlen(MPD_WELCOME_MESSAGE)]; - for (i = 0; i < 3; i++) { - if (tmp) { - connection->version[i] = strtol(tmp, &test, 10); - } + for (i = 0; i < 3; i++) { + if (tmp) { + connection->version[i] = strtol(tmp, &test, 10); + } - if (!tmp || (test[0] != '.' && test[0] != '\0')) { - snprintf(connection->errorStr, MPD_ERRORSTR_MAX_LENGTH, - "error parsing version number at \"%s\"", - &output[strlen(MPD_WELCOME_MESSAGE)]); - connection->error = MPD_ERROR_NOTMPD; - return 1; - } - tmp = ++test; - } + if (!tmp || (test[0] != '.' && test[0] != '\0')) { + snprintf(connection->errorStr, MPD_ERRORSTR_MAX_LENGTH, + "error parsing version number at \"%s\"", + &output[strlen(MPD_WELCOME_MESSAGE)]); + connection->error = MPD_ERROR_NOTMPD; + return 1; + } + tmp = ++test; + } - return 0; + return 0; } -mpd_Connection *mpd_newConnection(const char *host, int port, float timeout) -{ - int err; - char *rt; - char *output = NULL; - mpd_Connection *connection = (mpd_Connection*) malloc(sizeof(mpd_Connection)); - struct timeval tv; - fd_set fds; +mpd_Connection *mpd_newConnection(const char *host, int port, float timeout) { + int err; + char *rt; + char *output = NULL; + mpd_Connection *connection = (mpd_Connection *)malloc(sizeof(mpd_Connection)); + struct timeval tv; + fd_set fds; - strcpy(connection->buffer, ""); - connection->buflen = 0; - connection->bufstart = 0; - strcpy(connection->errorStr, ""); - connection->error = 0; - connection->doneProcessing = 0; - connection->commandList = 0; - connection->listOks = 0; - connection->doneListOk = 0; - connection->sock = -1; - connection->returnElement = NULL; - connection->request = NULL; + strcpy(connection->buffer, ""); + connection->buflen = 0; + connection->bufstart = 0; + strcpy(connection->errorStr, ""); + connection->error = 0; + connection->doneProcessing = 0; + connection->commandList = 0; + connection->listOks = 0; + connection->doneListOk = 0; + connection->sock = -1; + connection->returnElement = NULL; + connection->request = NULL; - if (winsock_dll_error(connection)) { - return connection; - } + if (winsock_dll_error(connection)) { + return connection; + } - if (mpd_connect(connection, host, port, timeout) < 0) { - return connection; - } + if (mpd_connect(connection, host, port, timeout) < 0) { + return connection; + } - while (!(rt = strstr(connection->buffer, "\n"))) { - tv.tv_sec = connection->timeout.tv_sec; - tv.tv_usec = connection->timeout.tv_usec; - FD_ZERO(&fds); - FD_SET(connection->sock, &fds); - if ((err = select(connection->sock + 1, &fds, NULL, NULL, &tv)) == 1) { - int readed; + while (!(rt = strstr(connection->buffer, "\n"))) { + tv.tv_sec = connection->timeout.tv_sec; + tv.tv_usec = connection->timeout.tv_usec; + FD_ZERO(&fds); + FD_SET(connection->sock, &fds); + if ((err = select(connection->sock + 1, &fds, NULL, NULL, &tv)) == 1) { + int readed; - readed = recv(connection->sock, - &(connection->buffer[connection->buflen]), - MPD_BUFFER_MAX_LENGTH - connection->buflen, 0); - if (readed <= 0) { - snprintf(connection->errorStr, MPD_ERRORSTR_MAX_LENGTH, - "problems getting a response from \"%s\" on port %i : %s", - host, port, strerror(errno)); - connection->error = MPD_ERROR_NORESPONSE; - return connection; - } - connection->buflen += readed; - connection->buffer[connection->buflen] = '\0'; - } else if (err < 0) { - if (SELECT_ERRNO_IGNORE) { - continue; - } - snprintf(connection->errorStr, MPD_ERRORSTR_MAX_LENGTH, - "problems connecting to \"%s\" on port %i", host, port); - connection->error = MPD_ERROR_CONNPORT; - return connection; - } else { - snprintf(connection->errorStr, MPD_ERRORSTR_MAX_LENGTH, - "timeout in attempting to get a response from \"%s\" on " - "port %i", host, port); - connection->error = MPD_ERROR_NORESPONSE; - return connection; - } - } + readed = recv(connection->sock, &(connection->buffer[connection->buflen]), + MPD_BUFFER_MAX_LENGTH - connection->buflen, 0); + if (readed <= 0) { + snprintf(connection->errorStr, MPD_ERRORSTR_MAX_LENGTH, + "problems getting a response from \"%s\" on port %i : %s", + host, port, strerror(errno)); + connection->error = MPD_ERROR_NORESPONSE; + return connection; + } + connection->buflen += readed; + connection->buffer[connection->buflen] = '\0'; + } else if (err < 0) { + if (SELECT_ERRNO_IGNORE) { + continue; + } + snprintf(connection->errorStr, MPD_ERRORSTR_MAX_LENGTH, + "problems connecting to \"%s\" on port %i", host, port); + connection->error = MPD_ERROR_CONNPORT; + return connection; + } else { + snprintf(connection->errorStr, MPD_ERRORSTR_MAX_LENGTH, + "timeout in attempting to get a response from \"%s\" on " + "port %i", + host, port); + connection->error = MPD_ERROR_NORESPONSE; + return connection; + } + } - *rt = '\0'; - output = strndup(connection->buffer, text_buffer_size.get(*state)); - strcpy(connection->buffer, rt + 1); - connection->buflen = strlen(connection->buffer); + *rt = '\0'; + output = strndup(connection->buffer, text_buffer_size.get(*state)); + strcpy(connection->buffer, rt + 1); + connection->buflen = strlen(connection->buffer); - if (mpd_parseWelcome(connection, host, port, /* rt, */ output) == 0) { - connection->doneProcessing = 1; - } + if (mpd_parseWelcome(connection, host, port, /* rt, */ output) == 0) { + connection->doneProcessing = 1; + } - free(output); + free(output); - return connection; + return connection; } -void mpd_clearError(mpd_Connection *connection) -{ - connection->error = 0; - connection->errorStr[0] = '\0'; +void mpd_clearError(mpd_Connection *connection) { + connection->error = 0; + connection->errorStr[0] = '\0'; } -void mpd_closeConnection(mpd_Connection *connection) -{ - if (connection) { - closesocket(connection->sock); - free_and_zero(connection->returnElement); - free_and_zero(connection->request); - free(connection); - } - WSACleanup(); +void mpd_closeConnection(mpd_Connection *connection) { + if (connection) { + closesocket(connection->sock); + free_and_zero(connection->returnElement); + free_and_zero(connection->request); + free(connection); + } + WSACleanup(); } -static void mpd_executeCommand(mpd_Connection *connection, const char *command) -{ - int ret; - struct timeval tv; - fd_set fds; - const char *commandPtr = command; - int commandLen = strlen(command); +static void mpd_executeCommand(mpd_Connection *connection, + const char *command) { + int ret; + struct timeval tv; + fd_set fds; + const char *commandPtr = command; + int commandLen = strlen(command); - if (!connection->doneProcessing && !connection->commandList) { - strcpy(connection->errorStr, "not done processing current command"); - connection->error = 1; - return; - } + if (!connection->doneProcessing && !connection->commandList) { + strcpy(connection->errorStr, "not done processing current command"); + connection->error = 1; + return; + } - mpd_clearError(connection); + mpd_clearError(connection); - FD_ZERO(&fds); - FD_SET(connection->sock, &fds); - tv.tv_sec = connection->timeout.tv_sec; - tv.tv_usec = connection->timeout.tv_usec; + FD_ZERO(&fds); + FD_SET(connection->sock, &fds); + tv.tv_sec = connection->timeout.tv_sec; + tv.tv_usec = connection->timeout.tv_usec; - while ((ret = select(connection->sock + 1, NULL, &fds, NULL, &tv) == 1) - || (ret == -1 && SELECT_ERRNO_IGNORE)) { - ret = send(connection->sock, commandPtr, commandLen, MSG_DONTWAIT); - if (ret <= 0) { - if (SENDRECV_ERRNO_IGNORE) { - continue; - } - snprintf(connection->errorStr, MPD_ERRORSTR_MAX_LENGTH, - "problems giving command \"%s\"", command); - connection->error = MPD_ERROR_SENDING; - return; - } else { - commandPtr += ret; - commandLen -= ret; - } + while ((ret = select(connection->sock + 1, NULL, &fds, NULL, &tv) == 1) || + (ret == -1 && SELECT_ERRNO_IGNORE)) { + ret = send(connection->sock, commandPtr, commandLen, MSG_DONTWAIT); + if (ret <= 0) { + if (SENDRECV_ERRNO_IGNORE) { + continue; + } + snprintf(connection->errorStr, MPD_ERRORSTR_MAX_LENGTH, + "problems giving command \"%s\"", command); + connection->error = MPD_ERROR_SENDING; + return; + } else { + commandPtr += ret; + commandLen -= ret; + } - if (commandLen <= 0) { - break; - } - } + if (commandLen <= 0) { + break; + } + } - if (commandLen > 0) { - perror(""); - snprintf(connection->errorStr, MPD_ERRORSTR_MAX_LENGTH, - "timeout sending command \"%s\"", command); - connection->error = MPD_ERROR_TIMEOUT; - return; - } + if (commandLen > 0) { + perror(""); + snprintf(connection->errorStr, MPD_ERRORSTR_MAX_LENGTH, + "timeout sending command \"%s\"", command); + connection->error = MPD_ERROR_TIMEOUT; + return; + } - if (!connection->commandList) { - connection->doneProcessing = 0; - } else if (connection->commandList == COMMAND_LIST_OK) { - connection->listOks++; - } + if (!connection->commandList) { + connection->doneProcessing = 0; + } else if (connection->commandList == COMMAND_LIST_OK) { + connection->listOks++; + } } -static void mpd_getNextReturnElement(mpd_Connection *connection) -{ - char *output = NULL; - char *rt = NULL; - char *name = NULL; - char *value = NULL; - fd_set fds; - struct timeval tv; - char *tok = NULL; - int readed; - char *bufferCheck = NULL; - int err; - int pos; +static void mpd_getNextReturnElement(mpd_Connection *connection) { + char *output = NULL; + char *rt = NULL; + char *name = NULL; + char *value = NULL; + fd_set fds; + struct timeval tv; + char *tok = NULL; + int readed; + char *bufferCheck = NULL; + int err; + int pos; - if (connection->returnElement) { - mpd_freeReturnElement(connection->returnElement); - } - connection->returnElement = NULL; + if (connection->returnElement) { + mpd_freeReturnElement(connection->returnElement); + } + connection->returnElement = NULL; - if (connection->doneProcessing - || (connection->listOks && connection->doneListOk)) { - strcpy(connection->errorStr, - "already done processing current command"); - connection->error = 1; - return; - } + if (connection->doneProcessing || + (connection->listOks && connection->doneListOk)) { + strcpy(connection->errorStr, "already done processing current command"); + connection->error = 1; + return; + } - bufferCheck = connection->buffer + connection->bufstart; - while (connection->bufstart >= connection->buflen - || !(rt = strchr(bufferCheck, '\n'))) { - if (connection->buflen >= MPD_BUFFER_MAX_LENGTH) { - memmove(connection->buffer, - connection->buffer + connection->bufstart, - connection->buflen - connection->bufstart + 1); - connection->buflen -= connection->bufstart; - connection->bufstart = 0; - } - if (connection->buflen >= MPD_BUFFER_MAX_LENGTH) { - strcpy(connection->errorStr, "buffer overrun"); - connection->error = MPD_ERROR_BUFFEROVERRUN; - connection->doneProcessing = 1; - connection->doneListOk = 0; - return; - } - bufferCheck = connection->buffer + connection->buflen; - tv.tv_sec = connection->timeout.tv_sec; - tv.tv_usec = connection->timeout.tv_usec; - FD_ZERO(&fds); - FD_SET(connection->sock, &fds); - if ((err = select(connection->sock + 1, &fds, NULL, NULL, &tv) == 1)) { - readed = recv(connection->sock, - connection->buffer + connection->buflen, - MPD_BUFFER_MAX_LENGTH - connection->buflen, MSG_DONTWAIT); - if (readed < 0 && SENDRECV_ERRNO_IGNORE) { - continue; - } - if (readed <= 0) { - strcpy(connection->errorStr, "connection closed"); - connection->error = MPD_ERROR_CONNCLOSED; - connection->doneProcessing = 1; - connection->doneListOk = 0; - return; - } - connection->buflen += readed; - connection->buffer[connection->buflen] = '\0'; - } else if (err < 0 && SELECT_ERRNO_IGNORE) { - continue; - } else { - strcpy(connection->errorStr, "connection timeout"); - connection->error = MPD_ERROR_TIMEOUT; - connection->doneProcessing = 1; - connection->doneListOk = 0; - return; - } - } + bufferCheck = connection->buffer + connection->bufstart; + while (connection->bufstart >= connection->buflen || + !(rt = strchr(bufferCheck, '\n'))) { + if (connection->buflen >= MPD_BUFFER_MAX_LENGTH) { + memmove(connection->buffer, connection->buffer + connection->bufstart, + connection->buflen - connection->bufstart + 1); + connection->buflen -= connection->bufstart; + connection->bufstart = 0; + } + if (connection->buflen >= MPD_BUFFER_MAX_LENGTH) { + strcpy(connection->errorStr, "buffer overrun"); + connection->error = MPD_ERROR_BUFFEROVERRUN; + connection->doneProcessing = 1; + connection->doneListOk = 0; + return; + } + bufferCheck = connection->buffer + connection->buflen; + tv.tv_sec = connection->timeout.tv_sec; + tv.tv_usec = connection->timeout.tv_usec; + FD_ZERO(&fds); + FD_SET(connection->sock, &fds); + if ((err = select(connection->sock + 1, &fds, NULL, NULL, &tv) == 1)) { + readed = recv(connection->sock, connection->buffer + connection->buflen, + MPD_BUFFER_MAX_LENGTH - connection->buflen, MSG_DONTWAIT); + if (readed < 0 && SENDRECV_ERRNO_IGNORE) { + continue; + } + if (readed <= 0) { + strcpy(connection->errorStr, "connection closed"); + connection->error = MPD_ERROR_CONNCLOSED; + connection->doneProcessing = 1; + connection->doneListOk = 0; + return; + } + connection->buflen += readed; + connection->buffer[connection->buflen] = '\0'; + } else if (err < 0 && SELECT_ERRNO_IGNORE) { + continue; + } else { + strcpy(connection->errorStr, "connection timeout"); + connection->error = MPD_ERROR_TIMEOUT; + connection->doneProcessing = 1; + connection->doneListOk = 0; + return; + } + } - *rt = '\0'; - output = connection->buffer + connection->bufstart; - connection->bufstart = rt - connection->buffer + 1; + *rt = '\0'; + output = connection->buffer + connection->bufstart; + connection->bufstart = rt - connection->buffer + 1; - if (strcmp(output, "OK") == 0) { - if (connection->listOks > 0) { - strcpy(connection->errorStr, "expected more list_OK's"); - connection->error = 1; - } - connection->listOks = 0; - connection->doneProcessing = 1; - connection->doneListOk = 0; - return; - } + if (strcmp(output, "OK") == 0) { + if (connection->listOks > 0) { + strcpy(connection->errorStr, "expected more list_OK's"); + connection->error = 1; + } + connection->listOks = 0; + connection->doneProcessing = 1; + connection->doneListOk = 0; + return; + } - if (strcmp(output, "list_OK") == 0) { - if (!connection->listOks) { - strcpy(connection->errorStr, "got an unexpected list_OK"); - connection->error = 1; - } else { - connection->doneListOk = 1; - connection->listOks--; - } - return; - } + if (strcmp(output, "list_OK") == 0) { + if (!connection->listOks) { + strcpy(connection->errorStr, "got an unexpected list_OK"); + connection->error = 1; + } else { + connection->doneListOk = 1; + connection->listOks--; + } + return; + } - if (strncmp(output, "ACK", strlen("ACK")) == 0) { - char *test; - char *needle; - int val; + if (strncmp(output, "ACK", strlen("ACK")) == 0) { + char *test; + char *needle; + int val; - strcpy(connection->errorStr, output); - connection->error = MPD_ERROR_ACK; - connection->errorCode = MPD_ACK_ERROR_UNK; - connection->errorAt = MPD_ERROR_AT_UNK; - connection->doneProcessing = 1; - connection->doneListOk = 0; + strcpy(connection->errorStr, output); + connection->error = MPD_ERROR_ACK; + connection->errorCode = MPD_ACK_ERROR_UNK; + connection->errorAt = MPD_ERROR_AT_UNK; + connection->doneProcessing = 1; + connection->doneListOk = 0; - needle = strchr(output, '['); - if (!needle) { - return; - } - val = strtol(needle + 1, &test, 10); - if (*test != '@') { - return; - } - connection->errorCode = val; - val = strtol(test + 1, &test, 10); - if (*test != ']') { - return; - } - connection->errorAt = val; - return; - } + needle = strchr(output, '['); + if (!needle) { + return; + } + val = strtol(needle + 1, &test, 10); + if (*test != '@') { + return; + } + connection->errorCode = val; + val = strtol(test + 1, &test, 10); + if (*test != ']') { + return; + } + connection->errorAt = val; + return; + } - tok = strchr(output, ':'); - if (!tok) { - return; - } - pos = tok - output; - value = ++tok; - name = output; - name[pos] = '\0'; + tok = strchr(output, ':'); + if (!tok) { + return; + } + pos = tok - output; + value = ++tok; + name = output; + name[pos] = '\0'; - if (value[0] == ' ') { - connection->returnElement = mpd_newReturnElement(name, &(value[1])); - } else { - snprintf(connection->errorStr, MPD_ERRORSTR_MAX_LENGTH, - "error parsing: %s:%s", name, value); - connection->error = 1; - } + if (value[0] == ' ') { + connection->returnElement = mpd_newReturnElement(name, &(value[1])); + } else { + snprintf(connection->errorStr, MPD_ERRORSTR_MAX_LENGTH, + "error parsing: %s:%s", name, value); + connection->error = 1; + } } -void mpd_finishCommand(mpd_Connection *connection) -{ - while (connection && !connection->doneProcessing) { - if (connection->doneListOk) { - connection->doneListOk = 0; - } - mpd_getNextReturnElement(connection); - } +void mpd_finishCommand(mpd_Connection *connection) { + while (connection && !connection->doneProcessing) { + if (connection->doneListOk) { + connection->doneListOk = 0; + } + mpd_getNextReturnElement(connection); + } } -static void mpd_finishListOkCommand(mpd_Connection *connection) -{ - while (!connection->doneProcessing && connection->listOks - && !connection->doneListOk) { - mpd_getNextReturnElement(connection); - } +static void mpd_finishListOkCommand(mpd_Connection *connection) { + while (!connection->doneProcessing && connection->listOks && + !connection->doneListOk) { + mpd_getNextReturnElement(connection); + } } -int mpd_nextListOkCommand(mpd_Connection *connection) -{ - mpd_finishListOkCommand(connection); - if (!connection->doneProcessing) { - connection->doneListOk = 0; - } - if (connection->listOks == 0 || connection->doneProcessing) { - return -1; - } - return 0; +int mpd_nextListOkCommand(mpd_Connection *connection) { + mpd_finishListOkCommand(connection); + if (!connection->doneProcessing) { + connection->doneListOk = 0; + } + if (connection->listOks == 0 || connection->doneProcessing) { + return -1; + } + return 0; } -void mpd_sendStatusCommand(mpd_Connection *connection) -{ - mpd_executeCommand(connection, "status\n"); +void mpd_sendStatusCommand(mpd_Connection *connection) { + mpd_executeCommand(connection, "status\n"); } -mpd_Status *mpd_getStatus(mpd_Connection *connection) -{ - mpd_Status *status; +mpd_Status *mpd_getStatus(mpd_Connection *connection) { + mpd_Status *status; - /* mpd_executeCommand(connection, "status\n"); - if (connection->error) { - return NULL; - } */ + /* mpd_executeCommand(connection, "status\n"); + if (connection->error) { + return NULL; + } */ - if (connection->doneProcessing - || (connection->listOks && connection->doneListOk)) { - return NULL; - } + if (connection->doneProcessing || + (connection->listOks && connection->doneListOk)) { + return NULL; + } - if (!connection->returnElement) { - mpd_getNextReturnElement(connection); - } + if (!connection->returnElement) { + mpd_getNextReturnElement(connection); + } - status = (mpd_Status *) malloc(sizeof(mpd_Status)); - status->volume = -1; - status->repeat = 0; - status->random = 0; - status->playlist = -1; - status->playlistLength = -1; - status->state = -1; - status->song = 0; - status->songid = 0; - status->elapsedTime = 0; - status->totalTime = 0; - status->bitRate = 0; - status->sampleRate = 0; - status->bits = 0; - status->channels = 0; - status->crossfade = -1; - status->error = NULL; - status->updatingDb = 0; + status = (mpd_Status *)malloc(sizeof(mpd_Status)); + status->volume = -1; + status->repeat = 0; + status->random = 0; + status->playlist = -1; + status->playlistLength = -1; + status->state = -1; + status->song = 0; + status->songid = 0; + status->elapsedTime = 0; + status->totalTime = 0; + status->bitRate = 0; + status->sampleRate = 0; + status->bits = 0; + status->channels = 0; + status->crossfade = -1; + status->error = NULL; + status->updatingDb = 0; - if (connection->error) { - free(status); - return NULL; - } - while (connection->returnElement) { - mpd_ReturnElement *re = connection->returnElement; + if (connection->error) { + free(status); + return NULL; + } + while (connection->returnElement) { + mpd_ReturnElement *re = connection->returnElement; - if (strcmp(re->name, "volume") == 0) { - status->volume = atoi(re->value); - } else if (strcmp(re->name, "repeat") == 0) { - status->repeat = atoi(re->value); - } else if (strcmp(re->name, "random") == 0) { - status->random = atoi(re->value); - } else if (strcmp(re->name, "playlist") == 0) { - status->playlist = strtol(re->value, NULL, 10); - } else if (strcmp(re->name, "playlistlength") == 0) { - status->playlistLength = atoi(re->value); - } else if (strcmp(re->name, "bitrate") == 0) { - status->bitRate = atoi(re->value); - } else if (strcmp(re->name, "state") == 0) { - if (strcmp(re->value, "play") == 0) { - status->state = MPD_STATUS_STATE_PLAY; - } else if (strcmp(re->value, "stop") == 0) { - status->state = MPD_STATUS_STATE_STOP; - } else if (strcmp(re->value, "pause") == 0) { - status->state = MPD_STATUS_STATE_PAUSE; - } else { - status->state = MPD_STATUS_STATE_UNKNOWN; - } - } else if (strcmp(re->name, "song") == 0) { - status->song = atoi(re->value); - } else if (strcmp(re->name, "songid") == 0) { - status->songid = atoi(re->value); - } else if (strcmp(re->name, "time") == 0) { - char *tok = strchr(re->value, ':'); + if (strcmp(re->name, "volume") == 0) { + status->volume = atoi(re->value); + } else if (strcmp(re->name, "repeat") == 0) { + status->repeat = atoi(re->value); + } else if (strcmp(re->name, "random") == 0) { + status->random = atoi(re->value); + } else if (strcmp(re->name, "playlist") == 0) { + status->playlist = strtol(re->value, NULL, 10); + } else if (strcmp(re->name, "playlistlength") == 0) { + status->playlistLength = atoi(re->value); + } else if (strcmp(re->name, "bitrate") == 0) { + status->bitRate = atoi(re->value); + } else if (strcmp(re->name, "state") == 0) { + if (strcmp(re->value, "play") == 0) { + status->state = MPD_STATUS_STATE_PLAY; + } else if (strcmp(re->value, "stop") == 0) { + status->state = MPD_STATUS_STATE_STOP; + } else if (strcmp(re->value, "pause") == 0) { + status->state = MPD_STATUS_STATE_PAUSE; + } else { + status->state = MPD_STATUS_STATE_UNKNOWN; + } + } else if (strcmp(re->name, "song") == 0) { + status->song = atoi(re->value); + } else if (strcmp(re->name, "songid") == 0) { + status->songid = atoi(re->value); + } else if (strcmp(re->name, "time") == 0) { + char *tok = strchr(re->value, ':'); - /* the second strchr below is a safety check */ - if (tok && (strchr(tok, 0) > (tok + 1))) { - /* atoi stops at the first non-[0-9] char: */ - status->elapsedTime = atoi(re->value); - status->totalTime = atoi(tok + 1); - } - } else if (strcmp(re->name, "error") == 0) { - status->error = strndup(re->value, text_buffer_size.get(*state)); - } else if (strcmp(re->name, "xfade") == 0) { - status->crossfade = atoi(re->value); - } else if (strcmp(re->name, "updating_db") == 0) { - status->updatingDb = atoi(re->value); - } else if (strcmp(re->name, "audio") == 0) { - char *tok = strchr(re->value, ':'); + /* the second strchr below is a safety check */ + if (tok && (strchr(tok, 0) > (tok + 1))) { + /* atoi stops at the first non-[0-9] char: */ + status->elapsedTime = atoi(re->value); + status->totalTime = atoi(tok + 1); + } + } else if (strcmp(re->name, "error") == 0) { + status->error = strndup(re->value, text_buffer_size.get(*state)); + } else if (strcmp(re->name, "xfade") == 0) { + status->crossfade = atoi(re->value); + } else if (strcmp(re->name, "updating_db") == 0) { + status->updatingDb = atoi(re->value); + } else if (strcmp(re->name, "audio") == 0) { + char *tok = strchr(re->value, ':'); - if (tok && (strchr(tok, 0) > (tok + 1))) { - status->sampleRate = atoi(re->value); - status->bits = atoi(++tok); - tok = strchr(tok, ':'); - if (tok && (strchr(tok, 0) > (tok + 1))) { - status->channels = atoi(tok + 1); - } - } - } + if (tok && (strchr(tok, 0) > (tok + 1))) { + status->sampleRate = atoi(re->value); + status->bits = atoi(++tok); + tok = strchr(tok, ':'); + if (tok && (strchr(tok, 0) > (tok + 1))) { + status->channels = atoi(tok + 1); + } + } + } - mpd_getNextReturnElement(connection); - if (connection->error) { - free(status); - return NULL; - } - } + mpd_getNextReturnElement(connection); + if (connection->error) { + free(status); + return NULL; + } + } - if (connection->error) { - free(status); - return NULL; - } else if (status->state < 0) { - strcpy(connection->errorStr, "state not found"); - connection->error = 1; - free(status); - return NULL; - } + if (connection->error) { + free(status); + return NULL; + } else if (status->state < 0) { + strcpy(connection->errorStr, "state not found"); + connection->error = 1; + free(status); + return NULL; + } - return status; + return status; } -void mpd_freeStatus(mpd_Status *status) -{ - free_and_zero(status->error); - free(status); +void mpd_freeStatus(mpd_Status *status) { + free_and_zero(status->error); + free(status); } -void mpd_sendStatsCommand(mpd_Connection *connection) -{ - mpd_executeCommand(connection, "stats\n"); +void mpd_sendStatsCommand(mpd_Connection *connection) { + mpd_executeCommand(connection, "stats\n"); } -mpd_Stats *mpd_getStats(mpd_Connection *connection) -{ - mpd_Stats *stats; +mpd_Stats *mpd_getStats(mpd_Connection *connection) { + mpd_Stats *stats; - /* mpd_executeCommand(connection, "stats\n"); - if (connection->error) { - return NULL; - } */ + /* mpd_executeCommand(connection, "stats\n"); + if (connection->error) { + return NULL; + } */ - if (connection->doneProcessing - || (connection->listOks && connection->doneListOk)) { - return NULL; - } + if (connection->doneProcessing || + (connection->listOks && connection->doneListOk)) { + return NULL; + } - if (!connection->returnElement) { - mpd_getNextReturnElement(connection); - } + if (!connection->returnElement) { + mpd_getNextReturnElement(connection); + } - stats = (mpd_Stats *) malloc(sizeof(mpd_Stats)); - stats->numberOfArtists = 0; - stats->numberOfAlbums = 0; - stats->numberOfSongs = 0; - stats->uptime = 0; - stats->dbUpdateTime = 0; - stats->playTime = 0; - stats->dbPlayTime = 0; + stats = (mpd_Stats *)malloc(sizeof(mpd_Stats)); + stats->numberOfArtists = 0; + stats->numberOfAlbums = 0; + stats->numberOfSongs = 0; + stats->uptime = 0; + stats->dbUpdateTime = 0; + stats->playTime = 0; + stats->dbPlayTime = 0; - if (connection->error) { - free(stats); - return NULL; - } - while (connection->returnElement) { - mpd_ReturnElement *re = connection->returnElement; + if (connection->error) { + free(stats); + return NULL; + } + while (connection->returnElement) { + mpd_ReturnElement *re = connection->returnElement; - if (strcmp(re->name, "artists") == 0) { - stats->numberOfArtists = atoi(re->value); - } else if (strcmp(re->name, "albums") == 0) { - stats->numberOfAlbums = atoi(re->value); - } else if (strcmp(re->name, "songs") == 0) { - stats->numberOfSongs = atoi(re->value); - } else if (strcmp(re->name, "uptime") == 0) { - stats->uptime = strtol(re->value, NULL, 10); - } else if (strcmp(re->name, "db_update") == 0) { - stats->dbUpdateTime = strtol(re->value, NULL, 10); - } else if (strcmp(re->name, "playtime") == 0) { - stats->playTime = strtol(re->value, NULL, 10); - } else if (strcmp(re->name, "db_playtime") == 0) { - stats->dbPlayTime = strtol(re->value, NULL, 10); - } + if (strcmp(re->name, "artists") == 0) { + stats->numberOfArtists = atoi(re->value); + } else if (strcmp(re->name, "albums") == 0) { + stats->numberOfAlbums = atoi(re->value); + } else if (strcmp(re->name, "songs") == 0) { + stats->numberOfSongs = atoi(re->value); + } else if (strcmp(re->name, "uptime") == 0) { + stats->uptime = strtol(re->value, NULL, 10); + } else if (strcmp(re->name, "db_update") == 0) { + stats->dbUpdateTime = strtol(re->value, NULL, 10); + } else if (strcmp(re->name, "playtime") == 0) { + stats->playTime = strtol(re->value, NULL, 10); + } else if (strcmp(re->name, "db_playtime") == 0) { + stats->dbPlayTime = strtol(re->value, NULL, 10); + } - mpd_getNextReturnElement(connection); - if (connection->error) { - free(stats); - return NULL; - } - } + mpd_getNextReturnElement(connection); + if (connection->error) { + free(stats); + return NULL; + } + } - if (connection->error) { - free(stats); - return NULL; - } + if (connection->error) { + free(stats); + return NULL; + } - return stats; + return stats; } -void mpd_freeStats(mpd_Stats *stats) -{ - free(stats); +void mpd_freeStats(mpd_Stats *stats) { free(stats); } + +mpd_SearchStats *mpd_getSearchStats(mpd_Connection *connection) { + mpd_SearchStats *stats; + mpd_ReturnElement *re; + + if (connection->doneProcessing || + (connection->listOks && connection->doneListOk)) { + return NULL; + } + + if (!connection->returnElement) { + mpd_getNextReturnElement(connection); + } + + if (connection->error) { + return NULL; + } + + stats = (mpd_SearchStats *)malloc(sizeof(mpd_SearchStats)); + stats->numberOfSongs = 0; + stats->playTime = 0; + + while (connection->returnElement) { + re = connection->returnElement; + + if (strcmp(re->name, "songs") == 0) { + stats->numberOfSongs = atoi(re->value); + } else if (strcmp(re->name, "playtime") == 0) { + stats->playTime = strtol(re->value, NULL, 10); + } + + mpd_getNextReturnElement(connection); + if (connection->error) { + free(stats); + return NULL; + } + } + + if (connection->error) { + free(stats); + return NULL; + } + + return stats; } -mpd_SearchStats *mpd_getSearchStats(mpd_Connection *connection) -{ - mpd_SearchStats *stats; - mpd_ReturnElement *re; +void mpd_freeSearchStats(mpd_SearchStats *stats) { free(stats); } - if (connection->doneProcessing - || (connection->listOks && connection->doneListOk)) { - return NULL; - } +static void mpd_initSong(mpd_Song *song) { + song->file = NULL; + song->artist = NULL; + song->albumartist = NULL; + song->album = NULL; + song->track = NULL; + song->title = NULL; + song->name = NULL; + song->date = NULL; + /* added by Qball */ + song->genre = NULL; + song->composer = NULL; + song->performer = NULL; + song->disc = NULL; + song->comment = NULL; - if (!connection->returnElement) { - mpd_getNextReturnElement(connection); - } - - if (connection->error) { - return NULL; - } - - stats = (mpd_SearchStats *) malloc(sizeof(mpd_SearchStats)); - stats->numberOfSongs = 0; - stats->playTime = 0; - - while (connection->returnElement) { - re = connection->returnElement; - - if (strcmp(re->name, "songs") == 0) { - stats->numberOfSongs = atoi(re->value); - } else if (strcmp(re->name, "playtime") == 0) { - stats->playTime = strtol(re->value, NULL, 10); - } - - mpd_getNextReturnElement(connection); - if (connection->error) { - free(stats); - return NULL; - } - } - - if (connection->error) { - free(stats); - return NULL; - } - - return stats; + song->time = MPD_SONG_NO_TIME; + song->pos = MPD_SONG_NO_NUM; + song->id = MPD_SONG_NO_ID; } -void mpd_freeSearchStats(mpd_SearchStats *stats) -{ - free(stats); +static void mpd_finishSong(mpd_Song *song) { + free_and_zero(song->file); + free_and_zero(song->artist); + free_and_zero(song->albumartist); + free_and_zero(song->album); + free_and_zero(song->title); + free_and_zero(song->track); + free_and_zero(song->name); + free_and_zero(song->date); + free_and_zero(song->genre); + free_and_zero(song->composer); + free_and_zero(song->disc); + free_and_zero(song->comment); } -static void mpd_initSong(mpd_Song *song) -{ - song->file = NULL; - song->artist = NULL; - song->albumartist = NULL; - song->album = NULL; - song->track = NULL; - song->title = NULL; - song->name = NULL; - song->date = NULL; - /* added by Qball */ - song->genre = NULL; - song->composer = NULL; - song->performer = NULL; - song->disc = NULL; - song->comment = NULL; +mpd_Song *mpd_newSong(void) { + mpd_Song *ret = (mpd_Song *)malloc(sizeof(mpd_Song)); - song->time = MPD_SONG_NO_TIME; - song->pos = MPD_SONG_NO_NUM; - song->id = MPD_SONG_NO_ID; + mpd_initSong(ret); + + return ret; } -static void mpd_finishSong(mpd_Song *song) -{ - free_and_zero(song->file); - free_and_zero(song->artist); - free_and_zero(song->albumartist); - free_and_zero(song->album); - free_and_zero(song->title); - free_and_zero(song->track); - free_and_zero(song->name); - free_and_zero(song->date); - free_and_zero(song->genre); - free_and_zero(song->composer); - free_and_zero(song->disc); - free_and_zero(song->comment); +void mpd_freeSong(mpd_Song *song) { + mpd_finishSong(song); + free(song); } -mpd_Song *mpd_newSong(void) -{ - mpd_Song *ret = (mpd_Song *) malloc(sizeof(mpd_Song)); +mpd_Song *mpd_songDup(mpd_Song *song) { + mpd_Song *ret = mpd_newSong(); - mpd_initSong(ret); + if (song->file) { + ret->file = strndup(song->file, text_buffer_size.get(*state)); + } + if (song->artist) { + ret->artist = strndup(song->artist, text_buffer_size.get(*state)); + } + if (song->albumartist) { + ret->artist = strndup(song->albumartist, text_buffer_size.get(*state)); + } + if (song->album) { + ret->album = strndup(song->album, text_buffer_size.get(*state)); + } + if (song->title) { + ret->title = strndup(song->title, text_buffer_size.get(*state)); + } + if (song->track) { + ret->track = strndup(song->track, text_buffer_size.get(*state)); + } + if (song->name) { + ret->name = strndup(song->name, text_buffer_size.get(*state)); + } + if (song->date) { + ret->date = strndup(song->date, text_buffer_size.get(*state)); + } + if (song->genre) { + ret->genre = strndup(song->genre, text_buffer_size.get(*state)); + } + if (song->composer) { + ret->composer = strndup(song->composer, text_buffer_size.get(*state)); + } + if (song->disc) { + ret->disc = strndup(song->disc, text_buffer_size.get(*state)); + } + if (song->comment) { + ret->comment = strndup(song->comment, text_buffer_size.get(*state)); + } + ret->time = song->time; + ret->pos = song->pos; + ret->id = song->id; - return ret; + return ret; } -void mpd_freeSong(mpd_Song *song) -{ - mpd_finishSong(song); - free(song); +static void mpd_initDirectory(mpd_Directory *directory) { + directory->path = NULL; } -mpd_Song *mpd_songDup(mpd_Song *song) -{ - mpd_Song *ret = mpd_newSong(); - - if (song->file) { - ret->file = strndup(song->file, text_buffer_size.get(*state)); - } - if (song->artist) { - ret->artist = strndup(song->artist, text_buffer_size.get(*state)); - } - if (song->albumartist) { - ret->artist = strndup(song->albumartist, text_buffer_size.get(*state)); - } - if (song->album) { - ret->album = strndup(song->album, text_buffer_size.get(*state)); - } - if (song->title) { - ret->title = strndup(song->title, text_buffer_size.get(*state)); - } - if (song->track) { - ret->track = strndup(song->track, text_buffer_size.get(*state)); - } - if (song->name) { - ret->name = strndup(song->name, text_buffer_size.get(*state)); - } - if (song->date) { - ret->date = strndup(song->date, text_buffer_size.get(*state)); - } - if (song->genre) { - ret->genre = strndup(song->genre, text_buffer_size.get(*state)); - } - if (song->composer) { - ret->composer = strndup(song->composer, text_buffer_size.get(*state)); - } - if (song->disc) { - ret->disc = strndup(song->disc, text_buffer_size.get(*state)); - } - if (song->comment) { - ret->comment = strndup(song->comment, text_buffer_size.get(*state)); - } - ret->time = song->time; - ret->pos = song->pos; - ret->id = song->id; - - return ret; +static void mpd_finishDirectory(mpd_Directory *directory) { + free_and_zero(directory->path); } -static void mpd_initDirectory(mpd_Directory *directory) -{ - directory->path = NULL; +mpd_Directory *mpd_newDirectory(void) { + mpd_Directory *directory = (mpd_Directory *)malloc(sizeof(mpd_Directory)); + + mpd_initDirectory(directory); + + return directory; } -static void mpd_finishDirectory(mpd_Directory *directory) -{ - free_and_zero(directory->path); +void mpd_freeDirectory(mpd_Directory *directory) { + mpd_finishDirectory(directory); + + free(directory); } -mpd_Directory *mpd_newDirectory(void) -{ - mpd_Directory *directory = (mpd_Directory *) malloc(sizeof(mpd_Directory)); +mpd_Directory *mpd_directoryDup(mpd_Directory *directory) { + mpd_Directory *ret = mpd_newDirectory(); - mpd_initDirectory(directory); + if (directory->path) { + ret->path = strndup(directory->path, text_buffer_size.get(*state)); + } - return directory; + return ret; } -void mpd_freeDirectory(mpd_Directory *directory) -{ - mpd_finishDirectory(directory); - - free(directory); +static void mpd_initPlaylistFile(mpd_PlaylistFile *playlist) { + playlist->path = NULL; } -mpd_Directory *mpd_directoryDup(mpd_Directory *directory) -{ - mpd_Directory *ret = mpd_newDirectory(); - - if (directory->path) { - ret->path = strndup(directory->path, text_buffer_size.get(*state)); - } - - return ret; +static void mpd_finishPlaylistFile(mpd_PlaylistFile *playlist) { + free_and_zero(playlist->path); } -static void mpd_initPlaylistFile(mpd_PlaylistFile *playlist) -{ - playlist->path = NULL; +mpd_PlaylistFile *mpd_newPlaylistFile(void) { + mpd_PlaylistFile *playlist = + (mpd_PlaylistFile *)malloc(sizeof(mpd_PlaylistFile)); + + mpd_initPlaylistFile(playlist); + + return playlist; } -static void mpd_finishPlaylistFile(mpd_PlaylistFile *playlist) -{ - free_and_zero(playlist->path); +void mpd_freePlaylistFile(mpd_PlaylistFile *playlist) { + mpd_finishPlaylistFile(playlist); + free(playlist); } -mpd_PlaylistFile *mpd_newPlaylistFile(void) -{ - mpd_PlaylistFile *playlist = (mpd_PlaylistFile *) malloc(sizeof(mpd_PlaylistFile)); +mpd_PlaylistFile *mpd_playlistFileDup(mpd_PlaylistFile *playlist) { + mpd_PlaylistFile *ret = mpd_newPlaylistFile(); - mpd_initPlaylistFile(playlist); + if (playlist->path) { + ret->path = strndup(playlist->path, text_buffer_size.get(*state)); + } - return playlist; + return ret; } -void mpd_freePlaylistFile(mpd_PlaylistFile *playlist) -{ - mpd_finishPlaylistFile(playlist); - free(playlist); +static void mpd_initInfoEntity(mpd_InfoEntity *entity) { + entity->info.directory = NULL; } -mpd_PlaylistFile *mpd_playlistFileDup(mpd_PlaylistFile *playlist) -{ - mpd_PlaylistFile *ret = mpd_newPlaylistFile(); - - if (playlist->path) { - ret->path = strndup(playlist->path, text_buffer_size.get(*state)); - } - - return ret; +static void mpd_finishInfoEntity(mpd_InfoEntity *entity) { + if (entity->info.directory) { + if (entity->type == MPD_INFO_ENTITY_TYPE_DIRECTORY) { + mpd_freeDirectory(entity->info.directory); + } else if (entity->type == MPD_INFO_ENTITY_TYPE_SONG) { + mpd_freeSong(entity->info.song); + } else if (entity->type == MPD_INFO_ENTITY_TYPE_PLAYLISTFILE) { + mpd_freePlaylistFile(entity->info.playlistFile); + } + } } -static void mpd_initInfoEntity(mpd_InfoEntity *entity) -{ - entity->info.directory = NULL; +mpd_InfoEntity *mpd_newInfoEntity(void) { + mpd_InfoEntity *entity = (mpd_InfoEntity *)malloc(sizeof(mpd_InfoEntity)); + + mpd_initInfoEntity(entity); + + return entity; } -static void mpd_finishInfoEntity(mpd_InfoEntity *entity) -{ - if (entity->info.directory) { - if (entity->type == MPD_INFO_ENTITY_TYPE_DIRECTORY) { - mpd_freeDirectory(entity->info.directory); - } else if (entity->type == MPD_INFO_ENTITY_TYPE_SONG) { - mpd_freeSong(entity->info.song); - } else if (entity->type == MPD_INFO_ENTITY_TYPE_PLAYLISTFILE) { - mpd_freePlaylistFile(entity->info.playlistFile); - } - } +void mpd_freeInfoEntity(mpd_InfoEntity *entity) { + mpd_finishInfoEntity(entity); + free(entity); } -mpd_InfoEntity *mpd_newInfoEntity(void) -{ - mpd_InfoEntity *entity = (mpd_InfoEntity *) malloc(sizeof(mpd_InfoEntity)); - - mpd_initInfoEntity(entity); - - return entity; +static void mpd_sendInfoCommand(mpd_Connection *connection, char *command) { + mpd_executeCommand(connection, command); } -void mpd_freeInfoEntity(mpd_InfoEntity *entity) -{ - mpd_finishInfoEntity(entity); - free(entity); -} +mpd_InfoEntity *mpd_getNextInfoEntity(mpd_Connection *connection) { + mpd_InfoEntity *entity = NULL; -static void mpd_sendInfoCommand(mpd_Connection *connection, char *command) -{ - mpd_executeCommand(connection, command); -} + if (connection->doneProcessing || + (connection->listOks && connection->doneListOk)) { + return NULL; + } -mpd_InfoEntity *mpd_getNextInfoEntity(mpd_Connection *connection) -{ - mpd_InfoEntity *entity = NULL; + if (!connection->returnElement) { + mpd_getNextReturnElement(connection); + } - if (connection->doneProcessing - || (connection->listOks && connection->doneListOk)) { - return NULL; - } + if (connection->returnElement) { + if (strcmp(connection->returnElement->name, "file") == 0) { + entity = mpd_newInfoEntity(); + entity->type = MPD_INFO_ENTITY_TYPE_SONG; + entity->info.song = mpd_newSong(); + entity->info.song->file = strndup(connection->returnElement->value, + text_buffer_size.get(*state)); + } else if (strcmp(connection->returnElement->name, "directory") == 0) { + entity = mpd_newInfoEntity(); + entity->type = MPD_INFO_ENTITY_TYPE_DIRECTORY; + entity->info.directory = mpd_newDirectory(); + entity->info.directory->path = strndup(connection->returnElement->value, + text_buffer_size.get(*state)); + } else if (strcmp(connection->returnElement->name, "playlist") == 0) { + entity = mpd_newInfoEntity(); + entity->type = MPD_INFO_ENTITY_TYPE_PLAYLISTFILE; + entity->info.playlistFile = mpd_newPlaylistFile(); + entity->info.playlistFile->path = strndup( + connection->returnElement->value, text_buffer_size.get(*state)); + } else if (strcmp(connection->returnElement->name, "cpos") == 0) { + entity = mpd_newInfoEntity(); + entity->type = MPD_INFO_ENTITY_TYPE_SONG; + entity->info.song = mpd_newSong(); + entity->info.song->pos = atoi(connection->returnElement->value); + } else { + connection->error = 1; + strcpy(connection->errorStr, "problem parsing song info"); + return NULL; + } + } else { + return NULL; + } - if (!connection->returnElement) { - mpd_getNextReturnElement(connection); - } + mpd_getNextReturnElement(connection); + while (connection->returnElement) { + mpd_ReturnElement *re = connection->returnElement; - if (connection->returnElement) { - if (strcmp(connection->returnElement->name, "file") == 0) { - entity = mpd_newInfoEntity(); - entity->type = MPD_INFO_ENTITY_TYPE_SONG; - entity->info.song = mpd_newSong(); - entity->info.song->file = strndup(connection->returnElement->value, text_buffer_size.get(*state)); - } else if (strcmp(connection->returnElement->name, "directory") == 0) { - entity = mpd_newInfoEntity(); - entity->type = MPD_INFO_ENTITY_TYPE_DIRECTORY; - entity->info.directory = mpd_newDirectory(); - entity->info.directory->path = - strndup(connection->returnElement->value, text_buffer_size.get(*state)); - } else if (strcmp(connection->returnElement->name, "playlist") == 0) { - entity = mpd_newInfoEntity(); - entity->type = MPD_INFO_ENTITY_TYPE_PLAYLISTFILE; - entity->info.playlistFile = mpd_newPlaylistFile(); - entity->info.playlistFile->path = - strndup(connection->returnElement->value, text_buffer_size.get(*state)); - } else if (strcmp(connection->returnElement->name, "cpos") == 0) { - entity = mpd_newInfoEntity(); - entity->type = MPD_INFO_ENTITY_TYPE_SONG; - entity->info.song = mpd_newSong(); - entity->info.song->pos = atoi(connection->returnElement->value); - } else { - connection->error = 1; - strcpy(connection->errorStr, "problem parsing song info"); - return NULL; - } - } else { - return NULL; - } + if (strcmp(re->name, "file") == 0) { + return entity; + } else if (strcmp(re->name, "directory") == 0) { + return entity; + } else if (strcmp(re->name, "playlist") == 0) { + return entity; + } else if (strcmp(re->name, "cpos") == 0) { + return entity; + } - mpd_getNextReturnElement(connection); - while (connection->returnElement) { - mpd_ReturnElement *re = connection->returnElement; + if (entity->type == MPD_INFO_ENTITY_TYPE_SONG && strlen(re->value)) { + if (!entity->info.song->artist && strcmp(re->name, "Artist") == 0) { + entity->info.song->artist = + strndup(re->value, text_buffer_size.get(*state)); + } else if (!entity->info.song->albumartist && + strcmp(re->name, "AlbumArtist") == 0) { + entity->info.song->albumartist = + strndup(re->value, text_buffer_size.get(*state)); + } else if (!entity->info.song->album && strcmp(re->name, "Album") == 0) { + entity->info.song->album = + strndup(re->value, text_buffer_size.get(*state)); + } else if (!entity->info.song->title && strcmp(re->name, "Title") == 0) { + entity->info.song->title = + strndup(re->value, text_buffer_size.get(*state)); + } else if (!entity->info.song->track && strcmp(re->name, "Track") == 0) { + entity->info.song->track = + strndup(re->value, text_buffer_size.get(*state)); + } else if (!entity->info.song->name && strcmp(re->name, "Name") == 0) { + entity->info.song->name = + strndup(re->value, text_buffer_size.get(*state)); + } else if (entity->info.song->time == MPD_SONG_NO_TIME && + strcmp(re->name, "Time") == 0) { + entity->info.song->time = atoi(re->value); + } else if (entity->info.song->pos == MPD_SONG_NO_NUM && + strcmp(re->name, "Pos") == 0) { + entity->info.song->pos = atoi(re->value); + } else if (entity->info.song->id == MPD_SONG_NO_ID && + strcmp(re->name, "Id") == 0) { + entity->info.song->id = atoi(re->value); + } else if (!entity->info.song->date && strcmp(re->name, "Date") == 0) { + entity->info.song->date = + strndup(re->value, text_buffer_size.get(*state)); + } else if (!entity->info.song->genre && strcmp(re->name, "Genre") == 0) { + entity->info.song->genre = + strndup(re->value, text_buffer_size.get(*state)); + } else if (!entity->info.song->composer && + strcmp(re->name, "Composer") == 0) { + entity->info.song->composer = + strndup(re->value, text_buffer_size.get(*state)); + } else if (!entity->info.song->performer && + strcmp(re->name, "Performer") == 0) { + entity->info.song->performer = + strndup(re->value, text_buffer_size.get(*state)); + } else if (!entity->info.song->disc && strcmp(re->name, "Disc") == 0) { + entity->info.song->disc = + strndup(re->value, text_buffer_size.get(*state)); + } else if (!entity->info.song->comment && + strcmp(re->name, "Comment") == 0) { + entity->info.song->comment = + strndup(re->value, text_buffer_size.get(*state)); + } + } else if (entity->type == MPD_INFO_ENTITY_TYPE_DIRECTORY) { + } else if (entity->type == MPD_INFO_ENTITY_TYPE_PLAYLISTFILE) { + } - if (strcmp(re->name, "file") == 0) { - return entity; - } else if (strcmp(re->name, "directory") == 0) { - return entity; - } else if (strcmp(re->name, "playlist") == 0) { - return entity; - } else if (strcmp(re->name, "cpos") == 0) { - return entity; - } + mpd_getNextReturnElement(connection); + } - if (entity->type == MPD_INFO_ENTITY_TYPE_SONG && strlen(re->value)) { - if (!entity->info.song->artist - && strcmp(re->name, "Artist") == 0) { - entity->info.song->artist = strndup(re->value, text_buffer_size.get(*state)); - } else if (!entity->info.song->albumartist - && strcmp(re->name, "AlbumArtist") == 0) { - entity->info.song->albumartist = strndup(re->value, text_buffer_size.get(*state)); - } else if (!entity->info.song->album - && strcmp(re->name, "Album") == 0) { - entity->info.song->album = strndup(re->value, text_buffer_size.get(*state)); - } else if (!entity->info.song->title - && strcmp(re->name, "Title") == 0) { - entity->info.song->title = strndup(re->value, text_buffer_size.get(*state)); - } else if (!entity->info.song->track - && strcmp(re->name, "Track") == 0) { - entity->info.song->track = strndup(re->value, text_buffer_size.get(*state)); - } else if (!entity->info.song->name - && strcmp(re->name, "Name") == 0) { - entity->info.song->name = strndup(re->value, text_buffer_size.get(*state)); - } else if (entity->info.song->time == MPD_SONG_NO_TIME - && strcmp(re->name, "Time") == 0) { - entity->info.song->time = atoi(re->value); - } else if (entity->info.song->pos == MPD_SONG_NO_NUM - && strcmp(re->name, "Pos") == 0) { - entity->info.song->pos = atoi(re->value); - } else if (entity->info.song->id == MPD_SONG_NO_ID - && strcmp(re->name, "Id") == 0) { - entity->info.song->id = atoi(re->value); - } else if (!entity->info.song->date - && strcmp(re->name, "Date") == 0) { - entity->info.song->date = strndup(re->value, text_buffer_size.get(*state)); - } else if (!entity->info.song->genre - && strcmp(re->name, "Genre") == 0) { - entity->info.song->genre = strndup(re->value, text_buffer_size.get(*state)); - } else if (!entity->info.song->composer - && strcmp(re->name, "Composer") == 0) { - entity->info.song->composer = strndup(re->value, text_buffer_size.get(*state)); - } else if (!entity->info.song->performer - && strcmp(re->name, "Performer") == 0) { - entity->info.song->performer = strndup(re->value, text_buffer_size.get(*state)); - } else if (!entity->info.song->disc - && strcmp(re->name, "Disc") == 0) { - entity->info.song->disc = strndup(re->value, text_buffer_size.get(*state)); - } else if (!entity->info.song->comment - && strcmp(re->name, "Comment") == 0) { - entity->info.song->comment = strndup(re->value, text_buffer_size.get(*state)); - } - } else if (entity->type == MPD_INFO_ENTITY_TYPE_DIRECTORY) { - } else if (entity->type == MPD_INFO_ENTITY_TYPE_PLAYLISTFILE) { - } - - mpd_getNextReturnElement(connection); - } - - return entity; + return entity; } static char *mpd_getNextReturnElementNamed(mpd_Connection *connection, - const char *name) -{ - if (connection->doneProcessing - || (connection->listOks && connection->doneListOk)) { - return NULL; - } + const char *name) { + if (connection->doneProcessing || + (connection->listOks && connection->doneListOk)) { + return NULL; + } - mpd_getNextReturnElement(connection); - while (connection->returnElement) { - mpd_ReturnElement *re = connection->returnElement; + mpd_getNextReturnElement(connection); + while (connection->returnElement) { + mpd_ReturnElement *re = connection->returnElement; - if (strcmp(re->name, name) == 0) { - return strndup(re->value, text_buffer_size.get(*state)); - } - mpd_getNextReturnElement(connection); - } + if (strcmp(re->name, name) == 0) { + return strndup(re->value, text_buffer_size.get(*state)); + } + mpd_getNextReturnElement(connection); + } - return NULL; + return NULL; } -char *mpd_getNextTag(mpd_Connection *connection, int type) -{ - if (type < 0 || type >= MPD_TAG_NUM_OF_ITEM_TYPES - || type == MPD_TAG_ITEM_ANY) { - return NULL; - } - if (type == MPD_TAG_ITEM_FILENAME) { - return mpd_getNextReturnElementNamed(connection, "file"); - } - return mpd_getNextReturnElementNamed(connection, mpdTagItemKeys[type]); +char *mpd_getNextTag(mpd_Connection *connection, int type) { + if (type < 0 || type >= MPD_TAG_NUM_OF_ITEM_TYPES || + type == MPD_TAG_ITEM_ANY) { + return NULL; + } + if (type == MPD_TAG_ITEM_FILENAME) { + return mpd_getNextReturnElementNamed(connection, "file"); + } + return mpd_getNextReturnElementNamed(connection, mpdTagItemKeys[type]); } -char *mpd_getNextArtist(mpd_Connection *connection) -{ - return mpd_getNextReturnElementNamed(connection, "Artist"); +char *mpd_getNextArtist(mpd_Connection *connection) { + return mpd_getNextReturnElementNamed(connection, "Artist"); } -char *mpd_getNextAlbum(mpd_Connection *connection) -{ - return mpd_getNextReturnElementNamed(connection, "Album"); +char *mpd_getNextAlbum(mpd_Connection *connection) { + return mpd_getNextReturnElementNamed(connection, "Album"); } -void mpd_sendPlaylistInfoCommand(mpd_Connection *connection, int songPos) -{ - int len = strlen("playlistinfo") + 2 + INTLEN + 3; - char *string = (char*) malloc(len); +void mpd_sendPlaylistInfoCommand(mpd_Connection *connection, int songPos) { + int len = strlen("playlistinfo") + 2 + INTLEN + 3; + char *string = (char *)malloc(len); - snprintf(string, len, "playlistinfo \"%i\"\n", songPos); - mpd_sendInfoCommand(connection, string); - free(string); + snprintf(string, len, "playlistinfo \"%i\"\n", songPos); + mpd_sendInfoCommand(connection, string); + free(string); } -void mpd_sendPlaylistIdCommand(mpd_Connection *connection, int id) -{ - int len = strlen("playlistid") + 2 + INTLEN + 3; - char *string = (char*) malloc(len); +void mpd_sendPlaylistIdCommand(mpd_Connection *connection, int id) { + int len = strlen("playlistid") + 2 + INTLEN + 3; + char *string = (char *)malloc(len); - snprintf(string, len, "playlistid \"%i\"\n", id); - mpd_sendInfoCommand(connection, string); - free(string); + snprintf(string, len, "playlistid \"%i\"\n", id); + mpd_sendInfoCommand(connection, string); + free(string); } -void mpd_sendPlChangesCommand(mpd_Connection *connection, long long playlist) -{ - int len = strlen("plchanges") + 2 + LONGLONGLEN + 3; - char *string = (char*) malloc(len); +void mpd_sendPlChangesCommand(mpd_Connection *connection, long long playlist) { + int len = strlen("plchanges") + 2 + LONGLONGLEN + 3; + char *string = (char *)malloc(len); - snprintf(string, len, "plchanges \"%lld\"\n", playlist); - mpd_sendInfoCommand(connection, string); - free(string); + snprintf(string, len, "plchanges \"%lld\"\n", playlist); + mpd_sendInfoCommand(connection, string); + free(string); } void mpd_sendPlChangesPosIdCommand(mpd_Connection *connection, - long long playlist) -{ - int len = strlen("plchangesposid") + 2 + LONGLONGLEN + 3; - char *string = (char*) malloc(len); + long long playlist) { + int len = strlen("plchangesposid") + 2 + LONGLONGLEN + 3; + char *string = (char *)malloc(len); - snprintf(string, len, "plchangesposid \"%lld\"\n", playlist); - mpd_sendInfoCommand(connection, string); - free(string); + snprintf(string, len, "plchangesposid \"%lld\"\n", playlist); + mpd_sendInfoCommand(connection, string); + free(string); } -void mpd_sendListallCommand(mpd_Connection *connection, const char *dir) -{ - char *sDir = mpd_sanitizeArg(dir); - int len = strlen("listall") + 2 + strlen(sDir) + 3; - char *string = (char*) malloc(len); +void mpd_sendListallCommand(mpd_Connection *connection, const char *dir) { + char *sDir = mpd_sanitizeArg(dir); + int len = strlen("listall") + 2 + strlen(sDir) + 3; + char *string = (char *)malloc(len); - snprintf(string, len, "listall \"%s\"\n", sDir); - mpd_sendInfoCommand(connection, string); - free(string); - free(sDir); + snprintf(string, len, "listall \"%s\"\n", sDir); + mpd_sendInfoCommand(connection, string); + free(string); + free(sDir); } -void mpd_sendListallInfoCommand(mpd_Connection *connection, const char *dir) -{ - char *sDir = mpd_sanitizeArg(dir); - int len = strlen("listallinfo") + 2 + strlen(sDir) + 3; - char *string = (char*) malloc(len); +void mpd_sendListallInfoCommand(mpd_Connection *connection, const char *dir) { + char *sDir = mpd_sanitizeArg(dir); + int len = strlen("listallinfo") + 2 + strlen(sDir) + 3; + char *string = (char *)malloc(len); - snprintf(string, len, "listallinfo \"%s\"\n", sDir); - mpd_sendInfoCommand(connection, string); - free(string); - free(sDir); + snprintf(string, len, "listallinfo \"%s\"\n", sDir); + mpd_sendInfoCommand(connection, string); + free(string); + free(sDir); } -void mpd_sendLsInfoCommand(mpd_Connection *connection, const char *dir) -{ - char *sDir = mpd_sanitizeArg(dir); - int len = strlen("lsinfo") + 2 + strlen(sDir) + 3; - char *string = (char*) malloc(len); +void mpd_sendLsInfoCommand(mpd_Connection *connection, const char *dir) { + char *sDir = mpd_sanitizeArg(dir); + int len = strlen("lsinfo") + 2 + strlen(sDir) + 3; + char *string = (char *)malloc(len); - snprintf(string, len, "lsinfo \"%s\"\n", sDir); - mpd_sendInfoCommand(connection, string); - free(string); - free(sDir); + snprintf(string, len, "lsinfo \"%s\"\n", sDir); + mpd_sendInfoCommand(connection, string); + free(string); + free(sDir); } -void mpd_sendCurrentSongCommand(mpd_Connection *connection) -{ - mpd_executeCommand(connection, "currentsong\n"); +void mpd_sendCurrentSongCommand(mpd_Connection *connection) { + mpd_executeCommand(connection, "currentsong\n"); } void mpd_sendSearchCommand(mpd_Connection *connection, int table, - const char *str) -{ - mpd_startSearch(connection, 0); - mpd_addConstraintSearch(connection, table, str); - mpd_commitSearch(connection); + const char *str) { + mpd_startSearch(connection, 0); + mpd_addConstraintSearch(connection, table, str); + mpd_commitSearch(connection); } void mpd_sendFindCommand(mpd_Connection *connection, int table, - const char *str) -{ - mpd_startSearch(connection, 1); - mpd_addConstraintSearch(connection, table, str); - mpd_commitSearch(connection); + const char *str) { + mpd_startSearch(connection, 1); + mpd_addConstraintSearch(connection, table, str); + mpd_commitSearch(connection); } void mpd_sendListCommand(mpd_Connection *connection, int table, - const char *arg1) -{ - char st[10]; - int len; - char *string; + const char *arg1) { + char st[10]; + int len; + char *string; - if (table == MPD_TABLE_ARTIST) { - strcpy(st, "artist"); - } else if (table == MPD_TABLE_ALBUM) { - strcpy(st, "album"); - } else { - connection->error = 1; - strcpy(connection->errorStr, "unknown table for list"); - return; - } - if (arg1) { - char *sanitArg1 = mpd_sanitizeArg(arg1); + if (table == MPD_TABLE_ARTIST) { + strcpy(st, "artist"); + } else if (table == MPD_TABLE_ALBUM) { + strcpy(st, "album"); + } else { + connection->error = 1; + strcpy(connection->errorStr, "unknown table for list"); + return; + } + if (arg1) { + char *sanitArg1 = mpd_sanitizeArg(arg1); - len = strlen("list") + 1 + strlen(sanitArg1) + 2 + strlen(st) + 3; - string = (char*) malloc(len); - snprintf(string, len, "list %s \"%s\"\n", st, sanitArg1); - free(sanitArg1); - } else { - len = strlen("list") + 1 + strlen(st) + 2; - string = (char*) malloc(len); - snprintf(string, len, "list %s\n", st); - } - mpd_sendInfoCommand(connection, string); - free(string); + len = strlen("list") + 1 + strlen(sanitArg1) + 2 + strlen(st) + 3; + string = (char *)malloc(len); + snprintf(string, len, "list %s \"%s\"\n", st, sanitArg1); + free(sanitArg1); + } else { + len = strlen("list") + 1 + strlen(st) + 2; + string = (char *)malloc(len); + snprintf(string, len, "list %s\n", st); + } + mpd_sendInfoCommand(connection, string); + free(string); } -void mpd_sendAddCommand(mpd_Connection *connection, const char *file) -{ - char *sFile = mpd_sanitizeArg(file); - int len = strlen("add") + 2 + strlen(sFile) + 3; - char *string = (char*) malloc(len); +void mpd_sendAddCommand(mpd_Connection *connection, const char *file) { + char *sFile = mpd_sanitizeArg(file); + int len = strlen("add") + 2 + strlen(sFile) + 3; + char *string = (char *)malloc(len); - snprintf(string, len, "add \"%s\"\n", sFile); - mpd_executeCommand(connection, string); - free(string); - free(sFile); + snprintf(string, len, "add \"%s\"\n", sFile); + mpd_executeCommand(connection, string); + free(string); + free(sFile); } -int mpd_sendAddIdCommand(mpd_Connection *connection, const char *file) -{ - int retval = -1; - char *sFile = mpd_sanitizeArg(file); - int len = strlen("addid") + 2 + strlen(sFile) + 3; - char *string = (char*) malloc(len); +int mpd_sendAddIdCommand(mpd_Connection *connection, const char *file) { + int retval = -1; + char *sFile = mpd_sanitizeArg(file); + int len = strlen("addid") + 2 + strlen(sFile) + 3; + char *string = (char *)malloc(len); - snprintf(string, len, "addid \"%s\"\n", sFile); - mpd_sendInfoCommand(connection, string); - free(string); - free(sFile); + snprintf(string, len, "addid \"%s\"\n", sFile); + mpd_sendInfoCommand(connection, string); + free(string); + free(sFile); - string = mpd_getNextReturnElementNamed(connection, "Id"); - if (string) { - retval = atoi(string); - free(string); - } + string = mpd_getNextReturnElementNamed(connection, "Id"); + if (string) { + retval = atoi(string); + free(string); + } - return retval; + return retval; } -void mpd_sendDeleteCommand(mpd_Connection *connection, int songPos) -{ - int len = strlen("delete") + 2 + INTLEN + 3; - char *string = (char*) malloc(len); +void mpd_sendDeleteCommand(mpd_Connection *connection, int songPos) { + int len = strlen("delete") + 2 + INTLEN + 3; + char *string = (char *)malloc(len); - snprintf(string, len, "delete \"%i\"\n", songPos); - mpd_sendInfoCommand(connection, string); - free(string); + snprintf(string, len, "delete \"%i\"\n", songPos); + mpd_sendInfoCommand(connection, string); + free(string); } -void mpd_sendDeleteIdCommand(mpd_Connection *connection, int id) -{ - int len = strlen("deleteid") + 2 + INTLEN + 3; - char *string = (char*) malloc(len); +void mpd_sendDeleteIdCommand(mpd_Connection *connection, int id) { + int len = strlen("deleteid") + 2 + INTLEN + 3; + char *string = (char *)malloc(len); - snprintf(string, len, "deleteid \"%i\"\n", id); - mpd_sendInfoCommand(connection, string); - free(string); + snprintf(string, len, "deleteid \"%i\"\n", id); + mpd_sendInfoCommand(connection, string); + free(string); } -void mpd_sendSaveCommand(mpd_Connection *connection, const char *name) -{ - char *sName = mpd_sanitizeArg(name); - int len = strlen("save") + 2 + strlen(sName) + 3; - char *string = (char*) malloc(len); +void mpd_sendSaveCommand(mpd_Connection *connection, const char *name) { + char *sName = mpd_sanitizeArg(name); + int len = strlen("save") + 2 + strlen(sName) + 3; + char *string = (char *)malloc(len); - snprintf(string, len, "save \"%s\"\n", sName); - mpd_executeCommand(connection, string); - free(string); - free(sName); + snprintf(string, len, "save \"%s\"\n", sName); + mpd_executeCommand(connection, string); + free(string); + free(sName); } -void mpd_sendLoadCommand(mpd_Connection *connection, const char *name) -{ - char *sName = mpd_sanitizeArg(name); - int len = strlen("load") + 2 + strlen(sName) + 3; - char *string = (char*) malloc(len); +void mpd_sendLoadCommand(mpd_Connection *connection, const char *name) { + char *sName = mpd_sanitizeArg(name); + int len = strlen("load") + 2 + strlen(sName) + 3; + char *string = (char *)malloc(len); - snprintf(string, len, "load \"%s\"\n", sName); - mpd_executeCommand(connection, string); - free(string); - free(sName); + snprintf(string, len, "load \"%s\"\n", sName); + mpd_executeCommand(connection, string); + free(string); + free(sName); } -void mpd_sendRmCommand(mpd_Connection *connection, const char *name) -{ - char *sName = mpd_sanitizeArg(name); - int len = strlen("rm") + 2 + strlen(sName) + 3; - char *string = (char*) malloc(len); +void mpd_sendRmCommand(mpd_Connection *connection, const char *name) { + char *sName = mpd_sanitizeArg(name); + int len = strlen("rm") + 2 + strlen(sName) + 3; + char *string = (char *)malloc(len); - snprintf(string, len, "rm \"%s\"\n", sName); - mpd_executeCommand(connection, string); - free(string); - free(sName); + snprintf(string, len, "rm \"%s\"\n", sName); + mpd_executeCommand(connection, string); + free(string); + free(sName); } void mpd_sendRenameCommand(mpd_Connection *connection, const char *from, - const char *to) -{ - char *sFrom = mpd_sanitizeArg(from); - char *sTo = mpd_sanitizeArg(to); - int len = strlen("rename") + 2 + strlen(sFrom) + 3 + strlen(sTo) + 3; - char *string = (char*) malloc(len); + const char *to) { + char *sFrom = mpd_sanitizeArg(from); + char *sTo = mpd_sanitizeArg(to); + int len = strlen("rename") + 2 + strlen(sFrom) + 3 + strlen(sTo) + 3; + char *string = (char *)malloc(len); - snprintf(string, len, "rename \"%s\" \"%s\"\n", sFrom, sTo); - mpd_executeCommand(connection, string); - free(string); - free(sFrom); - free(sTo); + snprintf(string, len, "rename \"%s\" \"%s\"\n", sFrom, sTo); + mpd_executeCommand(connection, string); + free(string); + free(sFrom); + free(sTo); } -void mpd_sendShuffleCommand(mpd_Connection *connection) -{ - mpd_executeCommand(connection, "shuffle\n"); +void mpd_sendShuffleCommand(mpd_Connection *connection) { + mpd_executeCommand(connection, "shuffle\n"); } -void mpd_sendClearCommand(mpd_Connection *connection) -{ - mpd_executeCommand(connection, "clear\n"); +void mpd_sendClearCommand(mpd_Connection *connection) { + mpd_executeCommand(connection, "clear\n"); } -void mpd_sendPlayCommand(mpd_Connection *connection, int songPos) -{ - int len = strlen("play") + 2 + INTLEN + 3; - char *string = (char*) malloc(len); +void mpd_sendPlayCommand(mpd_Connection *connection, int songPos) { + int len = strlen("play") + 2 + INTLEN + 3; + char *string = (char *)malloc(len); - snprintf(string, len, "play \"%i\"\n", songPos); - mpd_sendInfoCommand(connection, string); - free(string); + snprintf(string, len, "play \"%i\"\n", songPos); + mpd_sendInfoCommand(connection, string); + free(string); } -void mpd_sendPlayIdCommand(mpd_Connection *connection, int id) -{ - int len = strlen("playid") + 2 + INTLEN + 3; - char *string = (char*) malloc(len); +void mpd_sendPlayIdCommand(mpd_Connection *connection, int id) { + int len = strlen("playid") + 2 + INTLEN + 3; + char *string = (char *)malloc(len); - snprintf(string, len, "playid \"%i\"\n", id); - mpd_sendInfoCommand(connection, string); - free(string); + snprintf(string, len, "playid \"%i\"\n", id); + mpd_sendInfoCommand(connection, string); + free(string); } -void mpd_sendStopCommand(mpd_Connection *connection) -{ - mpd_executeCommand(connection, "stop\n"); +void mpd_sendStopCommand(mpd_Connection *connection) { + mpd_executeCommand(connection, "stop\n"); } -void mpd_sendPauseCommand(mpd_Connection *connection, int pauseMode) -{ - int len = strlen("pause") + 2 + INTLEN + 3; - char *string = (char*) malloc(len); +void mpd_sendPauseCommand(mpd_Connection *connection, int pauseMode) { + int len = strlen("pause") + 2 + INTLEN + 3; + char *string = (char *)malloc(len); - snprintf(string, len, "pause \"%i\"\n", pauseMode); - mpd_executeCommand(connection, string); - free(string); + snprintf(string, len, "pause \"%i\"\n", pauseMode); + mpd_executeCommand(connection, string); + free(string); } -void mpd_sendNextCommand(mpd_Connection *connection) -{ - mpd_executeCommand(connection, "next\n"); +void mpd_sendNextCommand(mpd_Connection *connection) { + mpd_executeCommand(connection, "next\n"); } -void mpd_sendMoveCommand(mpd_Connection *connection, int from, int to) -{ - int len = strlen("move") + 2 + INTLEN + 3 + INTLEN + 3; - char *string = (char*) malloc(len); +void mpd_sendMoveCommand(mpd_Connection *connection, int from, int to) { + int len = strlen("move") + 2 + INTLEN + 3 + INTLEN + 3; + char *string = (char *)malloc(len); - snprintf(string, len, "move \"%i\" \"%i\"\n", from, to); - mpd_sendInfoCommand(connection, string); - free(string); + snprintf(string, len, "move \"%i\" \"%i\"\n", from, to); + mpd_sendInfoCommand(connection, string); + free(string); } -void mpd_sendMoveIdCommand(mpd_Connection *connection, int id, int to) -{ - int len = strlen("moveid") + 2 + INTLEN + 3 + INTLEN + 3; - char *string = (char*) malloc(len); +void mpd_sendMoveIdCommand(mpd_Connection *connection, int id, int to) { + int len = strlen("moveid") + 2 + INTLEN + 3 + INTLEN + 3; + char *string = (char *)malloc(len); - snprintf(string, len, "moveid \"%i\" \"%i\"\n", id, to); - mpd_sendInfoCommand(connection, string); - free(string); + snprintf(string, len, "moveid \"%i\" \"%i\"\n", id, to); + mpd_sendInfoCommand(connection, string); + free(string); } -void mpd_sendSwapCommand(mpd_Connection *connection, int song1, int song2) -{ - int len = strlen("swap") + 2 + INTLEN + 3 + INTLEN + 3; - char *string = (char*) malloc(len); +void mpd_sendSwapCommand(mpd_Connection *connection, int song1, int song2) { + int len = strlen("swap") + 2 + INTLEN + 3 + INTLEN + 3; + char *string = (char *)malloc(len); - snprintf(string, len, "swap \"%i\" \"%i\"\n", song1, song2); - mpd_sendInfoCommand(connection, string); - free(string); + snprintf(string, len, "swap \"%i\" \"%i\"\n", song1, song2); + mpd_sendInfoCommand(connection, string); + free(string); } -void mpd_sendSwapIdCommand(mpd_Connection *connection, int id1, int id2) -{ - int len = strlen("swapid") + 2 + INTLEN + 3 + INTLEN + 3; - char *string = (char*) malloc(len); +void mpd_sendSwapIdCommand(mpd_Connection *connection, int id1, int id2) { + int len = strlen("swapid") + 2 + INTLEN + 3 + INTLEN + 3; + char *string = (char *)malloc(len); - snprintf(string, len, "swapid \"%i\" \"%i\"\n", id1, id2); - mpd_sendInfoCommand(connection, string); - free(string); + snprintf(string, len, "swapid \"%i\" \"%i\"\n", id1, id2); + mpd_sendInfoCommand(connection, string); + free(string); } -void mpd_sendSeekCommand(mpd_Connection *connection, int song, int seek_time) -{ - int len = strlen("seek") + 2 + INTLEN + 3 + INTLEN + 3; - char *string = (char*) malloc(len); +void mpd_sendSeekCommand(mpd_Connection *connection, int song, int seek_time) { + int len = strlen("seek") + 2 + INTLEN + 3 + INTLEN + 3; + char *string = (char *)malloc(len); - snprintf(string, len, "seek \"%i\" \"%i\"\n", song, seek_time); - mpd_sendInfoCommand(connection, string); - free(string); + snprintf(string, len, "seek \"%i\" \"%i\"\n", song, seek_time); + mpd_sendInfoCommand(connection, string); + free(string); } -void mpd_sendSeekIdCommand(mpd_Connection *connection, int id, int seek_time) -{ - int len = strlen("seekid") + 2 + INTLEN + 3 + INTLEN + 3; - char *string = (char*) malloc(len); +void mpd_sendSeekIdCommand(mpd_Connection *connection, int id, int seek_time) { + int len = strlen("seekid") + 2 + INTLEN + 3 + INTLEN + 3; + char *string = (char *)malloc(len); - snprintf(string, len, "seekid \"%i\" \"%i\"\n", id, seek_time); - mpd_sendInfoCommand(connection, string); - free(string); + snprintf(string, len, "seekid \"%i\" \"%i\"\n", id, seek_time); + mpd_sendInfoCommand(connection, string); + free(string); } -void mpd_sendUpdateCommand(mpd_Connection *connection, char *path) -{ - char *sPath = mpd_sanitizeArg(path); - int len = strlen("update") + 2 + strlen(sPath) + 3; - char *string = (char*) malloc(len); +void mpd_sendUpdateCommand(mpd_Connection *connection, char *path) { + char *sPath = mpd_sanitizeArg(path); + int len = strlen("update") + 2 + strlen(sPath) + 3; + char *string = (char *)malloc(len); - snprintf(string, len, "update \"%s\"\n", sPath); - mpd_sendInfoCommand(connection, string); - free(string); - free(sPath); + snprintf(string, len, "update \"%s\"\n", sPath); + mpd_sendInfoCommand(connection, string); + free(string); + free(sPath); } -int mpd_getUpdateId(mpd_Connection *connection) -{ - char *jobid; - int ret = 0; +int mpd_getUpdateId(mpd_Connection *connection) { + char *jobid; + int ret = 0; - jobid = mpd_getNextReturnElementNamed(connection, "updating_db"); - if (jobid) { - ret = atoi(jobid); - free(jobid); - } + jobid = mpd_getNextReturnElementNamed(connection, "updating_db"); + if (jobid) { + ret = atoi(jobid); + free(jobid); + } - return ret; + return ret; } -void mpd_sendPrevCommand(mpd_Connection *connection) -{ - mpd_executeCommand(connection, "previous\n"); +void mpd_sendPrevCommand(mpd_Connection *connection) { + mpd_executeCommand(connection, "previous\n"); } -void mpd_sendRepeatCommand(mpd_Connection *connection, int repeatMode) -{ - int len = strlen("repeat") + 2 + INTLEN + 3; - char *string = (char*) malloc(len); +void mpd_sendRepeatCommand(mpd_Connection *connection, int repeatMode) { + int len = strlen("repeat") + 2 + INTLEN + 3; + char *string = (char *)malloc(len); - snprintf(string, len, "repeat \"%i\"\n", repeatMode); - mpd_executeCommand(connection, string); - free(string); + snprintf(string, len, "repeat \"%i\"\n", repeatMode); + mpd_executeCommand(connection, string); + free(string); } -void mpd_sendRandomCommand(mpd_Connection *connection, int randomMode) -{ - int len = strlen("random") + 2 + INTLEN + 3; - char *string = (char*) malloc(len); +void mpd_sendRandomCommand(mpd_Connection *connection, int randomMode) { + int len = strlen("random") + 2 + INTLEN + 3; + char *string = (char *)malloc(len); - snprintf(string, len, "random \"%i\"\n", randomMode); - mpd_executeCommand(connection, string); - free(string); + snprintf(string, len, "random \"%i\"\n", randomMode); + mpd_executeCommand(connection, string); + free(string); } -void mpd_sendSetvolCommand(mpd_Connection *connection, int volumeChange) -{ - int len = strlen("setvol") + 2 + INTLEN + 3; - char *string = (char*) malloc(len); +void mpd_sendSetvolCommand(mpd_Connection *connection, int volumeChange) { + int len = strlen("setvol") + 2 + INTLEN + 3; + char *string = (char *)malloc(len); - snprintf(string, len, "setvol \"%i\"\n", volumeChange); - mpd_executeCommand(connection, string); - free(string); + snprintf(string, len, "setvol \"%i\"\n", volumeChange); + mpd_executeCommand(connection, string); + free(string); } -void mpd_sendVolumeCommand(mpd_Connection *connection, int volumeChange) -{ - int len = strlen("volume") + 2 + INTLEN + 3; - char *string = (char*) malloc(len); +void mpd_sendVolumeCommand(mpd_Connection *connection, int volumeChange) { + int len = strlen("volume") + 2 + INTLEN + 3; + char *string = (char *)malloc(len); - snprintf(string, len, "volume \"%i\"\n", volumeChange); - mpd_executeCommand(connection, string); - free(string); + snprintf(string, len, "volume \"%i\"\n", volumeChange); + mpd_executeCommand(connection, string); + free(string); } -void mpd_sendCrossfadeCommand(mpd_Connection *connection, int seconds) -{ - int len = strlen("crossfade") + 2 + INTLEN + 3; - char *string = (char*) malloc(len); +void mpd_sendCrossfadeCommand(mpd_Connection *connection, int seconds) { + int len = strlen("crossfade") + 2 + INTLEN + 3; + char *string = (char *)malloc(len); - snprintf(string, len, "crossfade \"%i\"\n", seconds); - mpd_executeCommand(connection, string); - free(string); + snprintf(string, len, "crossfade \"%i\"\n", seconds); + mpd_executeCommand(connection, string); + free(string); } -void mpd_sendPasswordCommand(mpd_Connection *connection, const char *pass) -{ - char *sPass = mpd_sanitizeArg(pass); - int len = strlen("password") + 2 + strlen(sPass) + 3; - char *string = (char*) malloc(len); +void mpd_sendPasswordCommand(mpd_Connection *connection, const char *pass) { + char *sPass = mpd_sanitizeArg(pass); + int len = strlen("password") + 2 + strlen(sPass) + 3; + char *string = (char *)malloc(len); - snprintf(string, len, "password \"%s\"\n", sPass); - mpd_executeCommand(connection, string); - free(string); - free(sPass); + snprintf(string, len, "password \"%s\"\n", sPass); + mpd_executeCommand(connection, string); + free(string); + free(sPass); } -void mpd_sendCommandListBegin(mpd_Connection *connection) -{ - if (connection->commandList) { - strcpy(connection->errorStr, "already in command list mode"); - connection->error = 1; - return; - } - connection->commandList = COMMAND_LIST; - mpd_executeCommand(connection, "command_list_begin\n"); +void mpd_sendCommandListBegin(mpd_Connection *connection) { + if (connection->commandList) { + strcpy(connection->errorStr, "already in command list mode"); + connection->error = 1; + return; + } + connection->commandList = COMMAND_LIST; + mpd_executeCommand(connection, "command_list_begin\n"); } -void mpd_sendCommandListOkBegin(mpd_Connection *connection) -{ - if (connection->commandList) { - strcpy(connection->errorStr, "already in command list mode"); - connection->error = 1; - return; - } - connection->commandList = COMMAND_LIST_OK; - mpd_executeCommand(connection, "command_list_ok_begin\n"); - connection->listOks = 0; +void mpd_sendCommandListOkBegin(mpd_Connection *connection) { + if (connection->commandList) { + strcpy(connection->errorStr, "already in command list mode"); + connection->error = 1; + return; + } + connection->commandList = COMMAND_LIST_OK; + mpd_executeCommand(connection, "command_list_ok_begin\n"); + connection->listOks = 0; } -void mpd_sendCommandListEnd(mpd_Connection *connection) -{ - if (!connection->commandList) { - strcpy(connection->errorStr, "not in command list mode"); - connection->error = 1; - return; - } - connection->commandList = 0; - mpd_executeCommand(connection, "command_list_end\n"); +void mpd_sendCommandListEnd(mpd_Connection *connection) { + if (!connection->commandList) { + strcpy(connection->errorStr, "not in command list mode"); + connection->error = 1; + return; + } + connection->commandList = 0; + mpd_executeCommand(connection, "command_list_end\n"); } -void mpd_sendOutputsCommand(mpd_Connection *connection) -{ - mpd_executeCommand(connection, "outputs\n"); +void mpd_sendOutputsCommand(mpd_Connection *connection) { + mpd_executeCommand(connection, "outputs\n"); } -mpd_OutputEntity *mpd_getNextOutput(mpd_Connection *connection) -{ - mpd_OutputEntity *output = NULL; +mpd_OutputEntity *mpd_getNextOutput(mpd_Connection *connection) { + mpd_OutputEntity *output = NULL; - if (connection->doneProcessing - || (connection->listOks && connection->doneListOk)) { - return NULL; - } + if (connection->doneProcessing || + (connection->listOks && connection->doneListOk)) { + return NULL; + } - if (connection->error) { - return NULL; - } + if (connection->error) { + return NULL; + } - output = (mpd_OutputEntity*) malloc(sizeof(mpd_OutputEntity)); - output->id = -10; - output->name = NULL; - output->enabled = 0; + output = (mpd_OutputEntity *)malloc(sizeof(mpd_OutputEntity)); + output->id = -10; + output->name = NULL; + output->enabled = 0; - if (!connection->returnElement) { - mpd_getNextReturnElement(connection); - } + if (!connection->returnElement) { + mpd_getNextReturnElement(connection); + } - while (connection->returnElement) { - mpd_ReturnElement *re = connection->returnElement; + while (connection->returnElement) { + mpd_ReturnElement *re = connection->returnElement; - if (strcmp(re->name, "outputid") == 0) { - if (output != NULL && output->id >= 0) { - return output; - } - output->id = atoi(re->value); - } else if (strcmp(re->name, "outputname") == 0) { - output->name = strndup(re->value, text_buffer_size.get(*state)); - } else if (strcmp(re->name, "outputenabled") == 0) { - output->enabled = atoi(re->value); - } + if (strcmp(re->name, "outputid") == 0) { + if (output != NULL && output->id >= 0) { + return output; + } + output->id = atoi(re->value); + } else if (strcmp(re->name, "outputname") == 0) { + output->name = strndup(re->value, text_buffer_size.get(*state)); + } else if (strcmp(re->name, "outputenabled") == 0) { + output->enabled = atoi(re->value); + } - mpd_getNextReturnElement(connection); - if (connection->error) { - free(output); - return NULL; - } - } + mpd_getNextReturnElement(connection); + if (connection->error) { + free(output); + return NULL; + } + } - return output; + return output; } -void mpd_sendEnableOutputCommand(mpd_Connection *connection, int outputId) -{ - int len = strlen("enableoutput") + 2 + INTLEN + 3; - char *string = (char*) malloc(len); +void mpd_sendEnableOutputCommand(mpd_Connection *connection, int outputId) { + int len = strlen("enableoutput") + 2 + INTLEN + 3; + char *string = (char *)malloc(len); - snprintf(string, len, "enableoutput \"%i\"\n", outputId); - mpd_executeCommand(connection, string); - free(string); + snprintf(string, len, "enableoutput \"%i\"\n", outputId); + mpd_executeCommand(connection, string); + free(string); } -void mpd_sendDisableOutputCommand(mpd_Connection *connection, int outputId) -{ - int len = strlen("disableoutput") + 2 + INTLEN + 3; - char *string = (char*) malloc(len); +void mpd_sendDisableOutputCommand(mpd_Connection *connection, int outputId) { + int len = strlen("disableoutput") + 2 + INTLEN + 3; + char *string = (char *)malloc(len); - snprintf(string, len, "disableoutput \"%i\"\n", outputId); - mpd_executeCommand(connection, string); - free(string); + snprintf(string, len, "disableoutput \"%i\"\n", outputId); + mpd_executeCommand(connection, string); + free(string); } -void mpd_freeOutputElement(mpd_OutputEntity *output) -{ - free(output->name); - free(output); +void mpd_freeOutputElement(mpd_OutputEntity *output) { + free(output->name); + free(output); } /** odd naming, but it gets the not allowed commands */ -void mpd_sendNotCommandsCommand(mpd_Connection *connection) -{ - mpd_executeCommand(connection, "notcommands\n"); +void mpd_sendNotCommandsCommand(mpd_Connection *connection) { + mpd_executeCommand(connection, "notcommands\n"); } /** odd naming, but it gets the allowed commands */ -void mpd_sendCommandsCommand(mpd_Connection *connection) -{ - mpd_executeCommand(connection, "commands\n"); +void mpd_sendCommandsCommand(mpd_Connection *connection) { + mpd_executeCommand(connection, "commands\n"); } /** Get the next returned command */ -char *mpd_getNextCommand(mpd_Connection *connection) -{ - return mpd_getNextReturnElementNamed(connection, "command"); +char *mpd_getNextCommand(mpd_Connection *connection) { + return mpd_getNextReturnElementNamed(connection, "command"); } -void mpd_sendUrlHandlersCommand(mpd_Connection *connection) -{ - mpd_executeCommand(connection, "urlhandlers\n"); +void mpd_sendUrlHandlersCommand(mpd_Connection *connection) { + mpd_executeCommand(connection, "urlhandlers\n"); } -char *mpd_getNextHandler(mpd_Connection *connection) -{ - return mpd_getNextReturnElementNamed(connection, "handler"); +char *mpd_getNextHandler(mpd_Connection *connection) { + return mpd_getNextReturnElementNamed(connection, "handler"); } -void mpd_sendTagTypesCommand(mpd_Connection *connection) -{ - mpd_executeCommand(connection, "tagtypes\n"); +void mpd_sendTagTypesCommand(mpd_Connection *connection) { + mpd_executeCommand(connection, "tagtypes\n"); } -char *mpd_getNextTagType(mpd_Connection *connection) -{ - return mpd_getNextReturnElementNamed(connection, "tagtype"); +char *mpd_getNextTagType(mpd_Connection *connection) { + return mpd_getNextReturnElementNamed(connection, "tagtype"); } -void mpd_startSearch(mpd_Connection *connection, int exact) -{ - if (connection->request) { - strcpy(connection->errorStr, "search already in progress"); - connection->error = 1; - return; - } +void mpd_startSearch(mpd_Connection *connection, int exact) { + if (connection->request) { + strcpy(connection->errorStr, "search already in progress"); + connection->error = 1; + return; + } - if (exact) { - connection->request = strndup("find", text_buffer_size.get(*state)); - } else { - connection->request = strndup("search", text_buffer_size.get(*state)); - } + if (exact) { + connection->request = strndup("find", text_buffer_size.get(*state)); + } else { + connection->request = strndup("search", text_buffer_size.get(*state)); + } } -void mpd_startStatsSearch(mpd_Connection *connection) -{ - if (connection->request) { - strcpy(connection->errorStr, "search already in progress"); - connection->error = 1; - return; - } +void mpd_startStatsSearch(mpd_Connection *connection) { + if (connection->request) { + strcpy(connection->errorStr, "search already in progress"); + connection->error = 1; + return; + } - connection->request = strndup("count", text_buffer_size.get(*state)); + connection->request = strndup("count", text_buffer_size.get(*state)); } -void mpd_startPlaylistSearch(mpd_Connection *connection, int exact) -{ - if (connection->request) { - strcpy(connection->errorStr, "search already in progress"); - connection->error = 1; - return; - } +void mpd_startPlaylistSearch(mpd_Connection *connection, int exact) { + if (connection->request) { + strcpy(connection->errorStr, "search already in progress"); + connection->error = 1; + return; + } - if (exact) { - connection->request = strndup("playlistfind", text_buffer_size.get(*state)); - } else { - connection->request = strndup("playlistsearch", text_buffer_size.get(*state)); - } + if (exact) { + connection->request = strndup("playlistfind", text_buffer_size.get(*state)); + } else { + connection->request = + strndup("playlistsearch", text_buffer_size.get(*state)); + } } -void mpd_startFieldSearch(mpd_Connection *connection, int type) -{ - const char *strtype; - int len; +void mpd_startFieldSearch(mpd_Connection *connection, int type) { + const char *strtype; + int len; - if (connection->request) { - strcpy(connection->errorStr, "search already in progress"); - connection->error = 1; - return; - } + if (connection->request) { + strcpy(connection->errorStr, "search already in progress"); + connection->error = 1; + return; + } - if (type < 0 || type >= MPD_TAG_NUM_OF_ITEM_TYPES) { - strcpy(connection->errorStr, "invalid type specified"); - connection->error = 1; - return; - } + if (type < 0 || type >= MPD_TAG_NUM_OF_ITEM_TYPES) { + strcpy(connection->errorStr, "invalid type specified"); + connection->error = 1; + return; + } - strtype = mpdTagItemKeys[type]; + strtype = mpdTagItemKeys[type]; - len = 5 + strlen(strtype) + 1; - connection->request = (char*) malloc(len); + len = 5 + strlen(strtype) + 1; + connection->request = (char *)malloc(len); - snprintf(connection->request, len, "list %c%s", tolower(strtype[0]), - strtype + 1); + snprintf(connection->request, len, "list %c%s", tolower(strtype[0]), + strtype + 1); } void mpd_addConstraintSearch(mpd_Connection *connection, int type, - const char *name) -{ - const char *strtype; - char *arg; - int len; - char *string; + const char *name) { + const char *strtype; + char *arg; + int len; + char *string; - if (!connection->request) { - strcpy(connection->errorStr, "no search in progress"); - connection->error = 1; - return; - } + if (!connection->request) { + strcpy(connection->errorStr, "no search in progress"); + connection->error = 1; + return; + } - if (type < 0 || type >= MPD_TAG_NUM_OF_ITEM_TYPES) { - strcpy(connection->errorStr, "invalid type specified"); - connection->error = 1; - return; - } + if (type < 0 || type >= MPD_TAG_NUM_OF_ITEM_TYPES) { + strcpy(connection->errorStr, "invalid type specified"); + connection->error = 1; + return; + } - if (name == NULL) { - strcpy(connection->errorStr, "no name specified"); - connection->error = 1; - return; - } + if (name == NULL) { + strcpy(connection->errorStr, "no name specified"); + connection->error = 1; + return; + } - string = strndup(connection->request, text_buffer_size.get(*state)); - strtype = mpdTagItemKeys[type]; - arg = mpd_sanitizeArg(name); + string = strndup(connection->request, text_buffer_size.get(*state)); + strtype = mpdTagItemKeys[type]; + arg = mpd_sanitizeArg(name); - len = strlen(string) + 1 + strlen(strtype) + 2 + strlen(arg) + 2; - connection->request = (char*) realloc(connection->request, len); - snprintf(connection->request, len, "%s %c%s \"%s\"", string, - tolower(strtype[0]), strtype + 1, arg); + len = strlen(string) + 1 + strlen(strtype) + 2 + strlen(arg) + 2; + connection->request = (char *)realloc(connection->request, len); + snprintf(connection->request, len, "%s %c%s \"%s\"", string, + tolower(strtype[0]), strtype + 1, arg); - free(string); - free(arg); + free(string); + free(arg); } -void mpd_commitSearch(mpd_Connection *connection) -{ - int len; +void mpd_commitSearch(mpd_Connection *connection) { + int len; - if (!connection->request) { - strcpy(connection->errorStr, "no search in progress"); - connection->error = 1; - return; - } + if (!connection->request) { + strcpy(connection->errorStr, "no search in progress"); + connection->error = 1; + return; + } - len = strlen(connection->request) + 2; - connection->request = (char*) realloc(connection->request, len); - connection->request[len - 2] = '\n'; - connection->request[len - 1] = '\0'; - mpd_sendInfoCommand(connection, connection->request); + len = strlen(connection->request) + 2; + connection->request = (char *)realloc(connection->request, len); + connection->request[len - 2] = '\n'; + connection->request[len - 1] = '\0'; + mpd_sendInfoCommand(connection, connection->request); - free_and_zero(connection->request); + free_and_zero(connection->request); } /** @@ -2074,16 +1948,15 @@ void mpd_commitSearch(mpd_Connection *connection) * @param path the path to the playlist. * * List the content, with full metadata, of a stored playlist. */ -void mpd_sendListPlaylistInfoCommand(mpd_Connection *connection, char *path) -{ - char *arg = mpd_sanitizeArg(path); - int len = strlen("listplaylistinfo") + 2 + strlen(arg) + 3; - char *query = (char*) malloc(len); +void mpd_sendListPlaylistInfoCommand(mpd_Connection *connection, char *path) { + char *arg = mpd_sanitizeArg(path); + int len = strlen("listplaylistinfo") + 2 + strlen(arg) + 3; + char *query = (char *)malloc(len); - snprintf(query, len, "listplaylistinfo \"%s\"\n", arg); - mpd_sendInfoCommand(connection, query); - free(arg); - free(query); + snprintf(query, len, "listplaylistinfo \"%s\"\n", arg); + mpd_sendInfoCommand(connection, query); + free(arg); + free(query); } /** @@ -2091,71 +1964,65 @@ void mpd_sendListPlaylistInfoCommand(mpd_Connection *connection, char *path) * @param path the path to the playlist. * * List the content of a stored playlist. */ -void mpd_sendListPlaylistCommand(mpd_Connection *connection, char *path) -{ - char *arg = mpd_sanitizeArg(path); - int len = strlen("listplaylist") + 2 + strlen(arg) + 3; - char *query = (char*) malloc(len); +void mpd_sendListPlaylistCommand(mpd_Connection *connection, char *path) { + char *arg = mpd_sanitizeArg(path); + int len = strlen("listplaylist") + 2 + strlen(arg) + 3; + char *query = (char *)malloc(len); - snprintf(query, len, "listplaylist \"%s\"\n", arg); - mpd_sendInfoCommand(connection, query); - free(arg); - free(query); + snprintf(query, len, "listplaylist \"%s\"\n", arg); + mpd_sendInfoCommand(connection, query); + free(arg); + free(query); } -void mpd_sendPlaylistClearCommand(mpd_Connection *connection, char *path) -{ - char *sPath = mpd_sanitizeArg(path); - int len = strlen("playlistclear") + 2 + strlen(sPath) + 3; - char *string = (char*) malloc(len); +void mpd_sendPlaylistClearCommand(mpd_Connection *connection, char *path) { + char *sPath = mpd_sanitizeArg(path); + int len = strlen("playlistclear") + 2 + strlen(sPath) + 3; + char *string = (char *)malloc(len); - snprintf(string, len, "playlistclear \"%s\"\n", sPath); - mpd_executeCommand(connection, string); - free(sPath); - free(string); + snprintf(string, len, "playlistclear \"%s\"\n", sPath); + mpd_executeCommand(connection, string); + free(sPath); + free(string); } void mpd_sendPlaylistAddCommand(mpd_Connection *connection, char *playlist, - char *path) -{ - char *sPlaylist = mpd_sanitizeArg(playlist); - char *sPath = mpd_sanitizeArg(path); - int len = strlen("playlistadd") + 2 + strlen(sPlaylist) + 3 + - strlen(sPath) + 3; - char *string = (char*) malloc(len); + char *path) { + char *sPlaylist = mpd_sanitizeArg(playlist); + char *sPath = mpd_sanitizeArg(path); + int len = + strlen("playlistadd") + 2 + strlen(sPlaylist) + 3 + strlen(sPath) + 3; + char *string = (char *)malloc(len); - snprintf(string, len, "playlistadd \"%s\" \"%s\"\n", sPlaylist, sPath); - mpd_executeCommand(connection, string); - free(sPlaylist); - free(sPath); - free(string); + snprintf(string, len, "playlistadd \"%s\" \"%s\"\n", sPlaylist, sPath); + mpd_executeCommand(connection, string); + free(sPlaylist); + free(sPath); + free(string); } void mpd_sendPlaylistMoveCommand(mpd_Connection *connection, char *playlist, - int from, int to) -{ - char *sPlaylist = mpd_sanitizeArg(playlist); - int len = strlen("playlistmove") + 2 + strlen(sPlaylist) + 3 + INTLEN + - 3 + INTLEN + 3; - char *string = (char*) malloc(len); + int from, int to) { + char *sPlaylist = mpd_sanitizeArg(playlist); + int len = strlen("playlistmove") + 2 + strlen(sPlaylist) + 3 + INTLEN + 3 + + INTLEN + 3; + char *string = (char *)malloc(len); - snprintf(string, len, "playlistmove \"%s\" \"%i\" \"%i\"\n", sPlaylist, - from, to); - mpd_executeCommand(connection, string); - free(sPlaylist); - free(string); + snprintf(string, len, "playlistmove \"%s\" \"%i\" \"%i\"\n", sPlaylist, from, + to); + mpd_executeCommand(connection, string); + free(sPlaylist); + free(string); } void mpd_sendPlaylistDeleteCommand(mpd_Connection *connection, char *playlist, - int pos) -{ - char *sPlaylist = mpd_sanitizeArg(playlist); - int len = strlen("playlistdelete") + 2 + strlen(sPlaylist) + 3 + - INTLEN + 3; - char *string = (char*) malloc(len); + int pos) { + char *sPlaylist = mpd_sanitizeArg(playlist); + int len = strlen("playlistdelete") + 2 + strlen(sPlaylist) + 3 + INTLEN + 3; + char *string = (char *)malloc(len); - snprintf(string, len, "playlistdelete \"%s\" \"%i\"\n", sPlaylist, pos); - mpd_executeCommand(connection, string); - free(sPlaylist); - free(string); + snprintf(string, len, "playlistdelete \"%s\" \"%i\"\n", sPlaylist, pos); + mpd_executeCommand(connection, string); + free(sPlaylist); + free(string); } diff --git a/src/libmpdclient.h b/src/libmpdclient.h index c2b78b0c..44f9cda8 100644 --- a/src/libmpdclient.h +++ b/src/libmpdclient.h @@ -1,5 +1,4 @@ -/* -*- mode: c; c-basic-offset: 4; tab-width: 4; indent-tabs-mode: t -*- - * vim: ts=4 sw=4 noet ai cindent syntax=c +/* * * libmpdclient * (c)2003-2006 by Warren Dukes (warren.dukes@gmail.com) @@ -36,93 +35,93 @@ #define LIBMPDCLIENT_H #ifdef WIN32 -# define __W32API_USE_DLLIMPORT__ 1 +#define __W32API_USE_DLLIMPORT__ 1 #endif -#include #include -#define MPD_BUFFER_MAX_LENGTH 50000 -#define MPD_ERRORSTR_MAX_LENGTH 1000 -#define MPD_WELCOME_MESSAGE "OK MPD " +#include +#define MPD_BUFFER_MAX_LENGTH 50000 +#define MPD_ERRORSTR_MAX_LENGTH 1000 +#define MPD_WELCOME_MESSAGE "OK MPD " -#define MPD_ERROR_TIMEOUT 10 /* timeout trying to talk to mpd */ -#define MPD_ERROR_SYSTEM 11 /* system error */ -#define MPD_ERROR_UNKHOST 12 /* unknown host */ -#define MPD_ERROR_CONNPORT 13 /* problems connecting to port on host */ -#define MPD_ERROR_NOTMPD 14 /* mpd not running on port at host */ -#define MPD_ERROR_NORESPONSE 15 /* no response on attempting to connect */ -#define MPD_ERROR_SENDING 16 /* error sending command */ -#define MPD_ERROR_CONNCLOSED 17 /* connection closed by mpd */ -#define MPD_ERROR_ACK 18 /* ACK returned! */ -#define MPD_ERROR_BUFFEROVERRUN 19 /* Buffer was overrun! */ +#define MPD_ERROR_TIMEOUT 10 /* timeout trying to talk to mpd */ +#define MPD_ERROR_SYSTEM 11 /* system error */ +#define MPD_ERROR_UNKHOST 12 /* unknown host */ +#define MPD_ERROR_CONNPORT 13 /* problems connecting to port on host */ +#define MPD_ERROR_NOTMPD 14 /* mpd not running on port at host */ +#define MPD_ERROR_NORESPONSE 15 /* no response on attempting to connect */ +#define MPD_ERROR_SENDING 16 /* error sending command */ +#define MPD_ERROR_CONNCLOSED 17 /* connection closed by mpd */ +#define MPD_ERROR_ACK 18 /* ACK returned! */ +#define MPD_ERROR_BUFFEROVERRUN 19 /* Buffer was overrun! */ -#define MPD_ACK_ERROR_UNK -1 -#define MPD_ERROR_AT_UNK -1 +#define MPD_ACK_ERROR_UNK -1 +#define MPD_ERROR_AT_UNK -1 -#define MPD_ACK_ERROR_NOT_LIST 1 -#define MPD_ACK_ERROR_ARG 2 -#define MPD_ACK_ERROR_PASSWORD 3 -#define MPD_ACK_ERROR_PERMISSION 4 -#define MPD_ACK_ERROR_UNKNOWN_CMD 5 +#define MPD_ACK_ERROR_NOT_LIST 1 +#define MPD_ACK_ERROR_ARG 2 +#define MPD_ACK_ERROR_PASSWORD 3 +#define MPD_ACK_ERROR_PERMISSION 4 +#define MPD_ACK_ERROR_UNKNOWN_CMD 5 -#define MPD_ACK_ERROR_NO_EXIST 50 -#define MPD_ACK_ERROR_PLAYLIST_MAX 51 -#define MPD_ACK_ERROR_SYSTEM 52 -#define MPD_ACK_ERROR_PLAYLIST_LOAD 53 -#define MPD_ACK_ERROR_UPDATE_ALREADY 54 -#define MPD_ACK_ERROR_PLAYER_SYNC 55 -#define MPD_ACK_ERROR_EXIST 56 +#define MPD_ACK_ERROR_NO_EXIST 50 +#define MPD_ACK_ERROR_PLAYLIST_MAX 51 +#define MPD_ACK_ERROR_SYSTEM 52 +#define MPD_ACK_ERROR_PLAYLIST_LOAD 53 +#define MPD_ACK_ERROR_UPDATE_ALREADY 54 +#define MPD_ACK_ERROR_PLAYER_SYNC 55 +#define MPD_ACK_ERROR_EXIST 56 typedef enum mpd_TagItems { - MPD_TAG_ITEM_ARTIST, - MPD_TAG_ITEM_ALBUMARTIST, - MPD_TAG_ITEM_ALBUM, - MPD_TAG_ITEM_TITLE, - MPD_TAG_ITEM_TRACK, - MPD_TAG_ITEM_NAME, - MPD_TAG_ITEM_GENRE, - MPD_TAG_ITEM_DATE, - MPD_TAG_ITEM_COMPOSER, - MPD_TAG_ITEM_PERFORMER, - MPD_TAG_ITEM_COMMENT, - MPD_TAG_ITEM_DISC, - MPD_TAG_ITEM_FILENAME, - MPD_TAG_ITEM_ANY, - MPD_TAG_NUM_OF_ITEM_TYPES + MPD_TAG_ITEM_ARTIST, + MPD_TAG_ITEM_ALBUMARTIST, + MPD_TAG_ITEM_ALBUM, + MPD_TAG_ITEM_TITLE, + MPD_TAG_ITEM_TRACK, + MPD_TAG_ITEM_NAME, + MPD_TAG_ITEM_GENRE, + MPD_TAG_ITEM_DATE, + MPD_TAG_ITEM_COMPOSER, + MPD_TAG_ITEM_PERFORMER, + MPD_TAG_ITEM_COMMENT, + MPD_TAG_ITEM_DISC, + MPD_TAG_ITEM_FILENAME, + MPD_TAG_ITEM_ANY, + MPD_TAG_NUM_OF_ITEM_TYPES } mpd_TagItems; extern const char *mpdTagItemKeys[MPD_TAG_NUM_OF_ITEM_TYPES]; /* internal stuff don't touch this struct */ typedef struct _mpd_ReturnElement { - char *name; - char *value; + char *name; + char *value; } mpd_ReturnElement; /* mpd_Connection * holds info about connection to mpd * use error, and errorStr to detect errors */ typedef struct _mpd_Connection { - /* use this to check the version of mpd */ - int version[3]; - /* IMPORTANT, you want to get the error messages from here */ - char errorStr[MPD_ERRORSTR_MAX_LENGTH + 1]; - int errorCode; - int errorAt; - /* this will be set to MPD_ERROR_* if there is an error, 0 if not */ - int error; - /* DON'T TOUCH any of the rest of this stuff */ - int sock; - char buffer[MPD_BUFFER_MAX_LENGTH + 1]; - int buflen; - int bufstart; - int doneProcessing; - int listOks; - int doneListOk; - int commandList; - mpd_ReturnElement *returnElement; - struct timeval timeout; - char *request; + /* use this to check the version of mpd */ + int version[3]; + /* IMPORTANT, you want to get the error messages from here */ + char errorStr[MPD_ERRORSTR_MAX_LENGTH + 1]; + int errorCode; + int errorAt; + /* this will be set to MPD_ERROR_* if there is an error, 0 if not */ + int error; + /* DON'T TOUCH any of the rest of this stuff */ + int sock; + char buffer[MPD_BUFFER_MAX_LENGTH + 1]; + int buflen; + int bufstart; + int doneProcessing; + int listOks; + int doneListOk; + int commandList; + mpd_ReturnElement *returnElement; + struct timeval timeout; + char *request; } mpd_Connection; /* mpd_newConnection @@ -145,53 +144,53 @@ void mpd_clearError(mpd_Connection *connection); /* STATUS STUFF */ /* use these with status.state to determine what state the player is in */ -#define MPD_STATUS_STATE_UNKNOWN 0 -#define MPD_STATUS_STATE_STOP 1 -#define MPD_STATUS_STATE_PLAY 2 -#define MPD_STATUS_STATE_PAUSE 3 +#define MPD_STATUS_STATE_UNKNOWN 0 +#define MPD_STATUS_STATE_STOP 1 +#define MPD_STATUS_STATE_PLAY 2 +#define MPD_STATUS_STATE_PAUSE 3 /* use this with status.volume to determine if mpd has volume support */ -#define MPD_STATUS_NO_VOLUME -1 +#define MPD_STATUS_NO_VOLUME -1 /* mpd_Status * holds info return from status command */ typedef struct mpd_Status { - /* 0-100, or MPD_STATUS_NO_VOLUME when there is no volume support */ - int volume; - /* 1 if repeat is on, 0 otherwise */ - int repeat; - /* 1 if random is on, 0 otherwise */ - int random; - /* playlist length */ - int playlistLength; - /* playlist, use this to determine when the playlist has changed */ - long long playlist; - /* use with MPD_STATUS_STATE_* to determine state of player */ - int state; - /* crossfade setting in seconds */ - int crossfade; - /* if a song is currently selected (always the case when state is PLAY - * or PAUSE), this is the position of the currently playing song in the - * playlist, beginning with 0 */ - int song; - /* Song ID of the currently selected song */ - int songid; - /* time in seconds that have elapsed in the currently playing/paused song */ - int elapsedTime; - /* length in seconds of the currently playing/paused song */ - int totalTime; - /* current bit rate in kbs */ - int bitRate; - /* audio sample rate */ - unsigned int sampleRate; - /* audio bits */ - int bits; - /* audio channels */ - int channels; - /* 1 if mpd is updating, 0 otherwise */ - int updatingDb; - /* error */ - char *error; + /* 0-100, or MPD_STATUS_NO_VOLUME when there is no volume support */ + int volume; + /* 1 if repeat is on, 0 otherwise */ + int repeat; + /* 1 if random is on, 0 otherwise */ + int random; + /* playlist length */ + int playlistLength; + /* playlist, use this to determine when the playlist has changed */ + long long playlist; + /* use with MPD_STATUS_STATE_* to determine state of player */ + int state; + /* crossfade setting in seconds */ + int crossfade; + /* if a song is currently selected (always the case when state is PLAY + * or PAUSE), this is the position of the currently playing song in the + * playlist, beginning with 0 */ + int song; + /* Song ID of the currently selected song */ + int songid; + /* time in seconds that have elapsed in the currently playing/paused song */ + int elapsedTime; + /* length in seconds of the currently playing/paused song */ + int totalTime; + /* current bit rate in kbs */ + int bitRate; + /* audio sample rate */ + unsigned int sampleRate; + /* audio bits */ + int bits; + /* audio channels */ + int channels; + /* 1 if mpd is updating, 0 otherwise */ + int updatingDb; + /* error */ + char *error; } mpd_Status; void mpd_sendStatusCommand(mpd_Connection *connection); @@ -206,18 +205,18 @@ mpd_Status *mpd_getStatus(mpd_Connection *connection); void mpd_freeStatus(mpd_Status *status); typedef struct _mpd_Stats { - int numberOfArtists; - int numberOfAlbums; - int numberOfSongs; - unsigned long uptime; - unsigned long dbUpdateTime; - unsigned long playTime; - unsigned long dbPlayTime; + int numberOfArtists; + int numberOfAlbums; + int numberOfSongs; + unsigned long uptime; + unsigned long dbUpdateTime; + unsigned long playTime; + unsigned long dbPlayTime; } mpd_Stats; typedef struct _mpd_SearchStats { - int numberOfSongs; - unsigned long playTime; + int numberOfSongs; + unsigned long playTime; } mpd_SearchStats; void mpd_sendStatsCommand(mpd_Connection *connection); @@ -232,50 +231,50 @@ void mpd_freeSearchStats(mpd_SearchStats *stats); /* SONG STUFF */ -#define MPD_SONG_NO_TIME -1 -#define MPD_SONG_NO_NUM -1 -#define MPD_SONG_NO_ID -1 +#define MPD_SONG_NO_TIME -1 +#define MPD_SONG_NO_NUM -1 +#define MPD_SONG_NO_ID -1 /* mpd_Song * for storing song info returned by mpd */ typedef struct _mpd_Song { - /* filename of song */ - char *file; - /* artist, maybe NULL if there is no tag */ - char *artist; - /* albumartist, maybe NULL if there is no tag */ - char *albumartist; - /* title, maybe NULL if there is no tag */ - char *title; - /* album, maybe NULL if there is no tag */ - char *album; - /* track, maybe NULL if there is no tag */ - char *track; - /* name, maybe NULL if there is no tag; it's the name of the current song, - * f.e. the icyName of the stream */ - char *name; - /* date */ - char *date; + /* filename of song */ + char *file; + /* artist, maybe NULL if there is no tag */ + char *artist; + /* albumartist, maybe NULL if there is no tag */ + char *albumartist; + /* title, maybe NULL if there is no tag */ + char *title; + /* album, maybe NULL if there is no tag */ + char *album; + /* track, maybe NULL if there is no tag */ + char *track; + /* name, maybe NULL if there is no tag; it's the name of the current song, + * f.e. the icyName of the stream */ + char *name; + /* date */ + char *date; - /* added by qball */ - /* Genre */ - char *genre; - /* Composer */ - char *composer; - /* Performer */ - char *performer; - /* Disc */ - char *disc; - /* Comment */ - char *comment; + /* added by qball */ + /* Genre */ + char *genre; + /* Composer */ + char *composer; + /* Performer */ + char *performer; + /* Disc */ + char *disc; + /* Comment */ + char *comment; - /* length of song in seconds, check that it is not MPD_SONG_NO_TIME */ - int time; - /* if plchanges/playlistinfo/playlistid used, is the position of the song - * in the playlist */ - int pos; - /* song id for a song in the playlist */ - int id; + /* length of song in seconds, check that it is not MPD_SONG_NO_TIME */ + int time; + /* if plchanges/playlistinfo/playlistid used, is the position of the song + * in the playlist */ + int pos; + /* song id for a song in the playlist */ + int id; } mpd_Song; /* mpd_newSong @@ -301,7 +300,7 @@ mpd_Song *mpd_songDup(mpd_Song *song); /* mpd_Directory * used to store info from directory (right now just the path) */ typedef struct _mpd_Directory { - char *path; + char *path; } mpd_Directory; /* mpd_newDirectory @@ -323,7 +322,7 @@ mpd_Directory *mpd_directoryDup(mpd_Directory *directory); /* mpd_PlaylistFile * stores info about playlist file returned by lsinfo */ typedef struct _mpd_PlaylistFile { - char *path; + char *path; } mpd_PlaylistFile; /* mpd_newPlaylistFile @@ -344,22 +343,22 @@ mpd_PlaylistFile *mpd_playlistFileDup(mpd_PlaylistFile *playlist); /* the type of entity returned from one of the commands that generates info * use in conjunction with mpd_InfoEntity.type */ -#define MPD_INFO_ENTITY_TYPE_DIRECTORY 0 -#define MPD_INFO_ENTITY_TYPE_SONG 1 -#define MPD_INFO_ENTITY_TYPE_PLAYLISTFILE 2 +#define MPD_INFO_ENTITY_TYPE_DIRECTORY 0 +#define MPD_INFO_ENTITY_TYPE_SONG 1 +#define MPD_INFO_ENTITY_TYPE_PLAYLISTFILE 2 /* mpd_InfoEntity * stores info on stuff returned info commands */ typedef struct mpd_InfoEntity { - /* the type of entity, use with MPD_INFO_ENTITY_TYPE_* to determine - * what this entity is (song, directory, etc...) */ - int type; - /* the actual data you want, mpd_Song, mpd_Directory, etc */ - union { - mpd_Directory *directory; - mpd_Song *song; - mpd_PlaylistFile *playlistFile; - } info; + /* the type of entity, use with MPD_INFO_ENTITY_TYPE_* to determine + * what this entity is (song, directory, etc...) */ + int type; + /* the actual data you want, mpd_Song, mpd_Directory, etc */ + union { + mpd_Directory *directory; + mpd_Song *song; + mpd_PlaylistFile *playlistFile; + } info; } mpd_InfoEntity; mpd_InfoEntity *mpd_newInfoEntity(void); @@ -391,7 +390,7 @@ void mpd_sendPlChangesCommand(mpd_Connection *connection, long long playlist); * A more bandwidth efficient version of the mpd_sendPlChangesCommand. * It only returns the pos+id of the changes song. */ void mpd_sendPlChangesPosIdCommand(mpd_Connection *connection, - long long playlist); + long long playlist); /* recursively fetches all songs/dir/playlists in "dir* * (no metadata is returned) */ @@ -403,16 +402,16 @@ void mpd_sendListallInfoCommand(mpd_Connection *connection, const char *dir); /* non-recursive version of ListallInfo */ void mpd_sendLsInfoCommand(mpd_Connection *connection, const char *dir); -#define MPD_TABLE_ARTIST MPD_TAG_ITEM_ARTIST -#define MPD_TABLE_ALBUM MPD_TAG_ITEM_ALBUM -#define MPD_TABLE_TITLE MPD_TAG_ITEM_TITLE -#define MPD_TABLE_FILENAME MPD_TAG_ITEM_FILENAME +#define MPD_TABLE_ARTIST MPD_TAG_ITEM_ARTIST +#define MPD_TABLE_ALBUM MPD_TAG_ITEM_ALBUM +#define MPD_TABLE_TITLE MPD_TAG_ITEM_TITLE +#define MPD_TABLE_FILENAME MPD_TAG_ITEM_FILENAME void mpd_sendSearchCommand(mpd_Connection *connection, int table, - const char *str); + const char *str); void mpd_sendFindCommand(mpd_Connection *connection, int table, - const char *str); + const char *str); /* LIST TAG COMMANDS */ @@ -430,7 +429,7 @@ char *mpd_getNextTag(mpd_Connection *connection, int type); * arg1 should be set to the artist if listing albums by a artist * otherwise NULL for listing all artists or albums */ void mpd_sendListCommand(mpd_Connection *connection, int table, - const char *arg1); + const char *arg1); /* SIMPLE COMMANDS */ @@ -449,14 +448,14 @@ void mpd_sendLoadCommand(mpd_Connection *connection, const char *name); void mpd_sendRmCommand(mpd_Connection *connection, const char *name); void mpd_sendRenameCommand(mpd_Connection *connection, const char *from, - const char *to); + const char *to); void mpd_sendShuffleCommand(mpd_Connection *connection); void mpd_sendClearCommand(mpd_Connection *connection); /* use this to start playing at the beginning, useful when in random mode */ -#define MPD_PLAY_AT_BEGINNING -1 +#define MPD_PLAY_AT_BEGINNING -1 void mpd_sendPlayCommand(mpd_Connection *connection, int songNum); @@ -517,9 +516,9 @@ void mpd_sendCommandListEnd(mpd_Connection *connection); int mpd_nextListOkCommand(mpd_Connection *connection); typedef struct _mpd_OutputEntity { - int id; - char *name; - int enabled; + int id; + char *name; + int enabled; } mpd_OutputEntity; void mpd_sendOutputsCommand(mpd_Connection *connection); @@ -588,7 +587,7 @@ void mpd_startSearch(mpd_Connection *connection, int exact); * @param type * @param name */ void mpd_addConstraintSearch(mpd_Connection *connection, int type, - const char *name); + const char *name); /** * @param connection a #mpd_Connection */ @@ -624,12 +623,12 @@ void mpd_startStatsSearch(mpd_Connection *connection); void mpd_sendPlaylistClearCommand(mpd_Connection *connection, char *path); void mpd_sendPlaylistAddCommand(mpd_Connection *connection, char *playlist, - char *path); + char *path); void mpd_sendPlaylistMoveCommand(mpd_Connection *connection, char *playlist, - int from, int to); + int from, int to); void mpd_sendPlaylistDeleteCommand(mpd_Connection *connection, char *playlist, - int pos); + int pos); #endif diff --git a/src/libtcp-portmon.cc b/src/libtcp-portmon.cc index 048971af..5dc67f03 100644 --- a/src/libtcp-portmon.cc +++ b/src/libtcp-portmon.cc @@ -1,5 +1,4 @@ -/* -*- mode: c++; c-basic-offset: 4; tab-width: 4; indent-tabs-mode: t -*- - * vim: ts=4 sw=4 noet ai cindent syntax=cpp +/* * * libtcp-portmon.c: tcp port monitoring library. * @@ -30,8 +29,8 @@ #include #include -#include #include +#include /* ------------------------------------------------------------------- * IMPLEMENTATION INTERFACE @@ -42,330 +41,321 @@ * ------------------------------------------------------------------- */ namespace { - /* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ - * A single tcp connection - * ------------------------------------------------------------------------ */ - struct tcp_connection_t { - /* connection's key in monitor hash */ - struct in6_addr local_addr; - struct in6_addr remote_addr; - in_port_t local_port; - in_port_t remote_port; - }; +/* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ + * A single tcp connection + * ------------------------------------------------------------------------ */ +struct tcp_connection_t { + /* connection's key in monitor hash */ + struct in6_addr local_addr; + struct in6_addr remote_addr; + in_port_t local_port; + in_port_t remote_port; +}; - /* hash function for tcp connections */ - struct tcp_connection_hash { - size_t operator()(const tcp_connection_t &a) const - { - size_t hash = 0; - size_t i; +/* hash function for tcp connections */ +struct tcp_connection_hash { + size_t operator()(const tcp_connection_t &a) const { + size_t hash = 0; + size_t i; - hash = hash*47 + a.local_port; - hash = hash*47 + a.remote_port; - for(i = 0; i < sizeof(a.local_addr.s6_addr); ++i) - hash = hash*47 + a.local_addr.s6_addr[i]; - for(i = 0; i < sizeof(a.remote_addr.s6_addr); ++i) - hash = hash*47 + a.remote_addr.s6_addr[i]; + hash = hash * 47 + a.local_port; + hash = hash * 47 + a.remote_port; + for (i = 0; i < sizeof(a.local_addr.s6_addr); ++i) + hash = hash * 47 + a.local_addr.s6_addr[i]; + for (i = 0; i < sizeof(a.remote_addr.s6_addr); ++i) + hash = hash * 47 + a.remote_addr.s6_addr[i]; - return hash; - } - }; - - /* comparison function for tcp connections */ - bool operator==(const tcp_connection_t &a, const tcp_connection_t &b) - { - return a.local_port == b.local_port && a.remote_port == b.remote_port && - ! std::memcmp(&a.local_addr, &b.local_addr, sizeof(a.local_addr)) && - ! std::memcmp(&a.remote_addr.s6_addr, &b.remote_addr, sizeof(a.remote_addr)); - } - - /* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ - * A hash table containing tcp connection - * - * The second parameter provides the mechanism for removing connections if - * they are not seen again in subsequent update cycles. - * ------------------------------------------------------------------------ */ - typedef std::unordered_map connection_hash_t; - - /* start and end of port monitor range. Set start=end to monitor a single port */ - typedef std::pair port_range_t; - - /* hash function for port ranges */ - struct port_range_hash { - size_t operator()(const port_range_t &a) const - { - return a.first*47 + a.second; - } - }; - - typedef std::unordered_map monitor_hash_t; + return hash; + } +}; +/* comparison function for tcp connections */ +bool operator==(const tcp_connection_t &a, const tcp_connection_t &b) { + return a.local_port == b.local_port && a.remote_port == b.remote_port && + !std::memcmp(&a.local_addr, &b.local_addr, sizeof(a.local_addr)) && + !std::memcmp(&a.remote_addr.s6_addr, &b.remote_addr, + sizeof(a.remote_addr)); } +/* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ + * A hash table containing tcp connection + * + * The second parameter provides the mechanism for removing connections if + * they are not seen again in subsequent update cycles. + * ------------------------------------------------------------------------ */ +typedef std::unordered_map + connection_hash_t; + +/* start and end of port monitor range. Set start=end to monitor a single port + */ +typedef std::pair port_range_t; + +/* hash function for port ranges */ +struct port_range_hash { + size_t operator()(const port_range_t &a) const { + return a.first * 47 + a.second; + } +}; + +typedef std::unordered_map + monitor_hash_t; + +} // namespace + /* -------------- * A port monitor * -------------- */ struct _tcp_port_monitor_t { - /* hash table of pointers into connection list */ - connection_hash_t hash; - /* array of connection pointers for O(1) peeking - * these point into the hash table*/ - std::vector p_peek; + /* hash table of pointers into connection list */ + connection_hash_t hash; + /* array of connection pointers for O(1) peeking + * these point into the hash table*/ + std::vector p_peek; - _tcp_port_monitor_t(int max_connections) - : hash(), p_peek(max_connections, static_cast(NULL)) - { } + _tcp_port_monitor_t(int max_connections) + : hash(), + p_peek(max_connections, static_cast(NULL)) {} - _tcp_port_monitor_t(const _tcp_port_monitor_t &other) - : hash(other.hash), p_peek(other.p_peek.size(), static_cast(NULL)) - { - // we must rebuild the peek table because the pointers are no longer valid - rebuild_peek_table(); - } + _tcp_port_monitor_t(const _tcp_port_monitor_t &other) + : hash(other.hash), + p_peek(other.p_peek.size(), + static_cast(NULL)) { + // we must rebuild the peek table because the pointers are no longer valid + rebuild_peek_table(); + } - void rebuild_peek_table() - { - /* Run through the monitor's connections and rebuild the peek table of - * connection pointers. This is done so peeking into the monitor can be - * done in O(1) time instead of O(n) time for each peek. */ + void rebuild_peek_table() { + /* Run through the monitor's connections and rebuild the peek table of + * connection pointers. This is done so peeking into the monitor can be + * done in O(1) time instead of O(n) time for each peek. */ - /* zero out the peek array */ - std::fill(p_peek.begin(), p_peek.end(), static_cast(NULL)); + /* zero out the peek array */ + std::fill(p_peek.begin(), p_peek.end(), + static_cast(NULL)); - size_t i = 0; - for (connection_hash_t::iterator j = hash.begin(); j != hash.end(); ++j, ++i ) { - p_peek[i] = &j->first; - } - } + size_t i = 0; + for (connection_hash_t::iterator j = hash.begin(); j != hash.end(); + ++j, ++i) { + p_peek[i] = &j->first; + } + } -private: - // we don't need this atm - const _tcp_port_monitor_t& operator=(const _tcp_port_monitor_t &); + private: + // we don't need this atm + const _tcp_port_monitor_t &operator=(const _tcp_port_monitor_t &); }; /* ----------------------------- * A tcp port monitor collection * ----------------------------- */ struct _tcp_port_monitor_collection_t { - /* hash table of monitors */ - monitor_hash_t hash; + /* hash table of monitors */ + monitor_hash_t hash; }; namespace { - /* --------------------------------------- - * A port monitor utility function typedef - * --------------------------------------- */ - typedef void (*tcp_port_monitor_function_ptr_t)(monitor_hash_t::value_type &monitor, - void *p_void); +/* --------------------------------------- + * A port monitor utility function typedef + * --------------------------------------- */ +typedef void (*tcp_port_monitor_function_ptr_t)( + monitor_hash_t::value_type &monitor, void *p_void); - void age_tcp_port_monitor(monitor_hash_t::value_type &monitor, void *p_void) - { - /* Run through the monitor's connections and decrement the age variable. - * If the age goes negative, we remove the connection from the monitor. - * Function takes O(n) time on the number of connections. */ +void age_tcp_port_monitor(monitor_hash_t::value_type &monitor, void *p_void) { + /* Run through the monitor's connections and decrement the age variable. + * If the age goes negative, we remove the connection from the monitor. + * Function takes O(n) time on the number of connections. */ - if (p_void) { /* p_void should be NULL in this context */ - return; - } + if (p_void) { /* p_void should be NULL in this context */ + return; + } - for (connection_hash_t::iterator i = monitor.second.hash.begin(); - i != monitor.second.hash.end(); ) { - - if (--i->second >= 0) - ++i; - else { - /* connection is old. remove connection from the hash. */ - /* erase shouldn't invalidate iterators */ - monitor.second.hash.erase(i++); - } - } - } - - void rebuild_tcp_port_monitor_peek_table(monitor_hash_t::value_type &monitor, - void *p_void) - { - if (p_void) { /* p_void should be NULL in this context */ - return; - } - - monitor.second.rebuild_peek_table(); - } - - void show_connection_to_tcp_port_monitor(monitor_hash_t::value_type &monitor, - void *p_void) - { - /* The monitor gets to look at each connection to see if it falls within - * the monitor's port range of interest. Connections of interest are first - * looked up in the hash to see if they are already there. If they are, we - * reset the age of the connection so it is not deleted. If the connection - * is not in the hash, we add it, but only if we haven't exceeded the - * maximum connection limit for the monitor. - * The function takes O(1) time. */ - - tcp_connection_t *p_connection; - - if (!p_void) { - return; - } - - /* This p_connection is on caller's stack and not the heap. - * If we are interested, we will create a copy of the connection - * (on the heap) and add it to our list. */ - p_connection = (tcp_connection_t *) p_void; - - /* inspect the local port number of the connection to see if we're - * interested. */ - if ((monitor.first.first <= p_connection->local_port) - && (p_connection->local_port <= monitor.first.second)) { - /* the connection is in the range of the monitor. */ - - /* first check the hash to see if the connection is already there. */ - connection_hash_t::iterator i = monitor.second.hash.find(*p_connection); - if (i != monitor.second.hash.end()) { - /* it's already in the hash. reset the age of the connection. */ - i->second = TCP_CONNECTION_STARTING_AGE; - - return; - } - - /* Connection is not yet in the hash. - * Add it if max_connections not exceeded. */ - if (monitor.second.hash.size() < monitor.second.p_peek.size()) { - - monitor.second.hash.insert(connection_hash_t::value_type(*p_connection, - TCP_CONNECTION_STARTING_AGE)); - } - } - } - - /* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ - * Apply a tcp_port_monitor_function_ptr_t function to each port monitor in - * the collection. - * ------------------------------------------------------------------------ */ - void for_each_tcp_port_monitor_in_collection( - tcp_port_monitor_collection_t *p_collection, - tcp_port_monitor_function_ptr_t p_function, void *p_function_args) - { - if (!p_collection || !p_function) { - return; - } - - /* for each monitor in the collection */ - for (monitor_hash_t::iterator i = p_collection->hash.begin(); - i != p_collection->hash.end(); ++i) { - /* apply the function with the given arguments */ - p_function(*i, p_function_args); - } - } - - const unsigned char prefix_4on6[] = { - 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, - 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, - 0x00, 0x00, 0xff, 0xff - }; - - union sockaddr_in46 { - struct sockaddr_in sa4; - struct sockaddr_in6 sa6; - struct sockaddr sa; - }; - - /* checks whether the address is a IPv4-mapped IPv6 address */ - bool is_4on6(const struct in6_addr *addr) - { - return ! std::memcmp(&addr->s6_addr, prefix_4on6, sizeof(prefix_4on6)); - } - - - /* converts the address to appropriate textual representation (IPv6, IPv4 or fqdn) */ - void print_host(char *p_buffer, size_t buffer_size, const struct in6_addr *addr, int fqdn) - { - union sockaddr_in46 sa; - socklen_t slen; - - std::memset(&sa, 0, sizeof(sa)); - - if(is_4on6(addr)) { - sa.sa4.sin_family = AF_INET; - std::memcpy(&sa.sa4.sin_addr.s_addr, &addr->s6_addr[12], 4); - slen = sizeof(sa.sa4); - } else { - sa.sa6.sin6_family = AF_INET6; - std::memcpy(&sa.sa6.sin6_addr, addr, sizeof(struct in6_addr)); - slen = sizeof(sa.sa6); - } - - getnameinfo(&sa.sa, slen, p_buffer, buffer_size, NULL, 0, fqdn?0:NI_NUMERICHOST); - } - - /* converts the textual representation of an IPv4 or IPv6 address to struct in6_addr */ - void string_to_addr(struct in6_addr *addr, const char *p_buffer) - { - size_t i; - - if(std::strlen(p_buffer) < 32) { //IPv4 address - i = sizeof(prefix_4on6); - std::memcpy(addr->s6_addr, prefix_4on6, i); - } else { - i = 0; - } - - for( ; i < sizeof(addr->s6_addr); i+=4, p_buffer+=8) { - std::sscanf(p_buffer, "%8x", (unsigned *)&addr->s6_addr[i]); - } - } - - /* adds connections from file to the collection */ - void process_file(tcp_port_monitor_collection_t *p_collection, const char *file) - { - std::FILE *fp; - char buf[256]; - char local_addr[40]; - char remote_addr[40]; - tcp_connection_t conn; - unsigned long inode, uid, state; - - if ((fp = std::fopen(file, "r")) == NULL) { - return; - } - - /* ignore field name line */ - if(std::fgets(buf, 255, fp) == NULL) { - std::fclose(fp); - return; - } - - /* read all tcp connections */ - while (std::fgets(buf, sizeof(buf), fp) != NULL) { - - if (std::sscanf(buf, - "%*d: %39[0-9a-fA-F]:%hx %39[0-9a-fA-F]:%hx %lx %*x:%*x %*x:%*x %*x %lu %*d %lu", - local_addr, &conn.local_port, - remote_addr, &conn.remote_port, - (unsigned long *) &state, (unsigned long *) &uid, - (unsigned long *) &inode) != 7) { - std::fprintf(stderr, "%s: bad file format\n", file); - } - /** TCP_ESTABLISHED equals 1, but is not (always??) included **/ - //if ((inode == 0) || (state != TCP_ESTABLISHED)) { - if((inode == 0) || (state != 1)) { - continue; - } - - string_to_addr(&conn.local_addr, local_addr); - string_to_addr(&conn.remote_addr, remote_addr); - - /* show the connection to each port monitor. */ - for_each_tcp_port_monitor_in_collection(p_collection, - &show_connection_to_tcp_port_monitor, (void *) &conn); - } - - std::fclose(fp); - } + for (connection_hash_t::iterator i = monitor.second.hash.begin(); + i != monitor.second.hash.end();) { + if (--i->second >= 0) + ++i; + else { + /* connection is old. remove connection from the hash. */ + /* erase shouldn't invalidate iterators */ + monitor.second.hash.erase(i++); + } + } } +void rebuild_tcp_port_monitor_peek_table(monitor_hash_t::value_type &monitor, + void *p_void) { + if (p_void) { /* p_void should be NULL in this context */ + return; + } + + monitor.second.rebuild_peek_table(); +} + +void show_connection_to_tcp_port_monitor(monitor_hash_t::value_type &monitor, + void *p_void) { + /* The monitor gets to look at each connection to see if it falls within + * the monitor's port range of interest. Connections of interest are first + * looked up in the hash to see if they are already there. If they are, we + * reset the age of the connection so it is not deleted. If the connection + * is not in the hash, we add it, but only if we haven't exceeded the + * maximum connection limit for the monitor. + * The function takes O(1) time. */ + + tcp_connection_t *p_connection; + + if (!p_void) { + return; + } + + /* This p_connection is on caller's stack and not the heap. + * If we are interested, we will create a copy of the connection + * (on the heap) and add it to our list. */ + p_connection = (tcp_connection_t *)p_void; + + /* inspect the local port number of the connection to see if we're + * interested. */ + if ((monitor.first.first <= p_connection->local_port) && + (p_connection->local_port <= monitor.first.second)) { + /* the connection is in the range of the monitor. */ + + /* first check the hash to see if the connection is already there. */ + connection_hash_t::iterator i = monitor.second.hash.find(*p_connection); + if (i != monitor.second.hash.end()) { + /* it's already in the hash. reset the age of the connection. */ + i->second = TCP_CONNECTION_STARTING_AGE; + + return; + } + + /* Connection is not yet in the hash. + * Add it if max_connections not exceeded. */ + if (monitor.second.hash.size() < monitor.second.p_peek.size()) { + monitor.second.hash.insert(connection_hash_t::value_type( + *p_connection, TCP_CONNECTION_STARTING_AGE)); + } + } +} + +/* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ + * Apply a tcp_port_monitor_function_ptr_t function to each port monitor in + * the collection. + * ------------------------------------------------------------------------ */ +void for_each_tcp_port_monitor_in_collection( + tcp_port_monitor_collection_t *p_collection, + tcp_port_monitor_function_ptr_t p_function, void *p_function_args) { + if (!p_collection || !p_function) { + return; + } + + /* for each monitor in the collection */ + for (monitor_hash_t::iterator i = p_collection->hash.begin(); + i != p_collection->hash.end(); ++i) { + /* apply the function with the given arguments */ + p_function(*i, p_function_args); + } +} + +const unsigned char prefix_4on6[] = {0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, + 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0xff, 0xff}; + +union sockaddr_in46 { + struct sockaddr_in sa4; + struct sockaddr_in6 sa6; + struct sockaddr sa; +}; + +/* checks whether the address is a IPv4-mapped IPv6 address */ +bool is_4on6(const struct in6_addr *addr) { + return !std::memcmp(&addr->s6_addr, prefix_4on6, sizeof(prefix_4on6)); +} + +/* converts the address to appropriate textual representation (IPv6, IPv4 or + * fqdn) */ +void print_host(char *p_buffer, size_t buffer_size, const struct in6_addr *addr, + int fqdn) { + union sockaddr_in46 sa; + socklen_t slen; + + std::memset(&sa, 0, sizeof(sa)); + + if (is_4on6(addr)) { + sa.sa4.sin_family = AF_INET; + std::memcpy(&sa.sa4.sin_addr.s_addr, &addr->s6_addr[12], 4); + slen = sizeof(sa.sa4); + } else { + sa.sa6.sin6_family = AF_INET6; + std::memcpy(&sa.sa6.sin6_addr, addr, sizeof(struct in6_addr)); + slen = sizeof(sa.sa6); + } + + getnameinfo(&sa.sa, slen, p_buffer, buffer_size, NULL, 0, + fqdn ? 0 : NI_NUMERICHOST); +} + +/* converts the textual representation of an IPv4 or IPv6 address to struct + * in6_addr */ +void string_to_addr(struct in6_addr *addr, const char *p_buffer) { + size_t i; + + if (std::strlen(p_buffer) < 32) { // IPv4 address + i = sizeof(prefix_4on6); + std::memcpy(addr->s6_addr, prefix_4on6, i); + } else { + i = 0; + } + + for (; i < sizeof(addr->s6_addr); i += 4, p_buffer += 8) { + std::sscanf(p_buffer, "%8x", (unsigned *)&addr->s6_addr[i]); + } +} + +/* adds connections from file to the collection */ +void process_file(tcp_port_monitor_collection_t *p_collection, + const char *file) { + std::FILE *fp; + char buf[256]; + char local_addr[40]; + char remote_addr[40]; + tcp_connection_t conn; + unsigned long inode, uid, state; + + if ((fp = std::fopen(file, "r")) == NULL) { + return; + } + + /* ignore field name line */ + if (std::fgets(buf, 255, fp) == NULL) { + std::fclose(fp); + return; + } + + /* read all tcp connections */ + while (std::fgets(buf, sizeof(buf), fp) != NULL) { + if (std::sscanf(buf, + "%*d: %39[0-9a-fA-F]:%hx %39[0-9a-fA-F]:%hx %lx %*x:%*x " + "%*x:%*x %*x %lu %*d %lu", + local_addr, &conn.local_port, remote_addr, + &conn.remote_port, (unsigned long *)&state, + (unsigned long *)&uid, (unsigned long *)&inode) != 7) { + std::fprintf(stderr, "%s: bad file format\n", file); + } + /** TCP_ESTABLISHED equals 1, but is not (always??) included **/ + // if ((inode == 0) || (state != TCP_ESTABLISHED)) { + if ((inode == 0) || (state != 1)) { + continue; + } + + string_to_addr(&conn.local_addr, local_addr); + string_to_addr(&conn.remote_addr, remote_addr); + + /* show the connection to each port monitor. */ + for_each_tcp_port_monitor_in_collection( + p_collection, &show_connection_to_tcp_port_monitor, (void *)&conn); + } + + std::fclose(fp); +} +} // namespace + /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- * CLIENT INTERFACE * @@ -381,81 +371,88 @@ namespace { * The requested monitor value is copied into a client-supplied char buffer. * Returns 0 on success, -1 otherwise. */ int peek_tcp_port_monitor(const tcp_port_monitor_t *p_monitor, int item, - int connection_index, char *p_buffer, size_t buffer_size) -{ - struct sockaddr_in sa; + int connection_index, char *p_buffer, + size_t buffer_size) { + struct sockaddr_in sa; - if (!p_monitor || !p_buffer || connection_index < 0) { - return -1; - } + if (!p_monitor || !p_buffer || connection_index < 0) { + return -1; + } - std::memset(p_buffer, 0, buffer_size); - std::memset(&sa, 0, sizeof(sa)); + std::memset(p_buffer, 0, buffer_size); + std::memset(&sa, 0, sizeof(sa)); - sa.sin_family = AF_INET; - - /* if the connection index is out of range, we simply return with no error, - * having first cleared the client-supplied buffer. */ - if ( (item != COUNT) && (connection_index >= ssize_t(p_monitor->hash.size())) ) { - return 0; - } + sa.sin_family = AF_INET; - switch (item) { + /* if the connection index is out of range, we simply return with no error, + * having first cleared the client-supplied buffer. */ + if ((item != COUNT) && + (connection_index >= ssize_t(p_monitor->hash.size()))) { + return 0; + } - case COUNT: + switch (item) { + case COUNT: - std::snprintf(p_buffer, buffer_size, "%u", unsigned(p_monitor->hash.size())); - break; + std::snprintf(p_buffer, buffer_size, "%u", + unsigned(p_monitor->hash.size())); + break; - case REMOTEIP: + case REMOTEIP: - print_host(p_buffer, buffer_size, &p_monitor->p_peek[connection_index]->remote_addr, 0); - break; + print_host(p_buffer, buffer_size, + &p_monitor->p_peek[connection_index]->remote_addr, 0); + break; - case REMOTEHOST: + case REMOTEHOST: - print_host(p_buffer, buffer_size, &p_monitor->p_peek[connection_index]->remote_addr, 1); - break; + print_host(p_buffer, buffer_size, + &p_monitor->p_peek[connection_index]->remote_addr, 1); + break; - case REMOTEPORT: + case REMOTEPORT: - std::snprintf(p_buffer, buffer_size, "%d", - p_monitor->p_peek[connection_index]->remote_port); - break; + std::snprintf(p_buffer, buffer_size, "%d", + p_monitor->p_peek[connection_index]->remote_port); + break; - case REMOTESERVICE: + case REMOTESERVICE: - sa.sin_port=htons(p_monitor->p_peek[connection_index]->remote_port); - getnameinfo((struct sockaddr *) &sa, sizeof(struct sockaddr_in), NULL, 0, p_buffer, buffer_size, NI_NUMERICHOST); - break; + sa.sin_port = htons(p_monitor->p_peek[connection_index]->remote_port); + getnameinfo((struct sockaddr *)&sa, sizeof(struct sockaddr_in), NULL, 0, + p_buffer, buffer_size, NI_NUMERICHOST); + break; - case LOCALIP: + case LOCALIP: - print_host(p_buffer, buffer_size, &p_monitor->p_peek[connection_index]->local_addr, 0); - break; + print_host(p_buffer, buffer_size, + &p_monitor->p_peek[connection_index]->local_addr, 0); + break; - case LOCALHOST: + case LOCALHOST: - print_host(p_buffer, buffer_size, &p_monitor->p_peek[connection_index]->local_addr, 1); - break; + print_host(p_buffer, buffer_size, + &p_monitor->p_peek[connection_index]->local_addr, 1); + break; - case LOCALPORT: + case LOCALPORT: - std::snprintf(p_buffer, buffer_size, "%d", - p_monitor->p_peek[connection_index]->local_port); - break; + std::snprintf(p_buffer, buffer_size, "%d", + p_monitor->p_peek[connection_index]->local_port); + break; - case LOCALSERVICE: + case LOCALSERVICE: - sa.sin_port=htons(p_monitor->p_peek[connection_index]->local_port); - getnameinfo((struct sockaddr *) &sa, sizeof(struct sockaddr_in), NULL, 0, p_buffer, buffer_size, NI_NUMERICHOST); - break; + sa.sin_port = htons(p_monitor->p_peek[connection_index]->local_port); + getnameinfo((struct sockaddr *)&sa, sizeof(struct sockaddr_in), NULL, 0, + p_buffer, buffer_size, NI_NUMERICHOST); + break; - default: - return -1; - } + default: + return -1; + } - return 0; + return 0; } /* -------------------------------- @@ -463,70 +460,63 @@ int peek_tcp_port_monitor(const tcp_port_monitor_t *p_monitor, int item, * -------------------------------- */ /* Create a monitor collection. Do this one first. */ -tcp_port_monitor_collection_t *create_tcp_port_monitor_collection(void) -{ - return new tcp_port_monitor_collection_t(); +tcp_port_monitor_collection_t *create_tcp_port_monitor_collection(void) { + return new tcp_port_monitor_collection_t(); } /* Destroy the monitor collection (and the monitors inside). * Do this one last. */ void destroy_tcp_port_monitor_collection( - tcp_port_monitor_collection_t *p_collection) -{ - delete p_collection; + tcp_port_monitor_collection_t *p_collection) { + delete p_collection; } /* Updates the tcp statistics for all monitors within a collection */ void update_tcp_port_monitor_collection( - tcp_port_monitor_collection_t *p_collection) -{ - if (!p_collection) { - return; - } + tcp_port_monitor_collection_t *p_collection) { + if (!p_collection) { + return; + } - process_file(p_collection, "/proc/net/tcp"); - process_file(p_collection, "/proc/net/tcp6"); + process_file(p_collection, "/proc/net/tcp"); + process_file(p_collection, "/proc/net/tcp6"); - /* age the connections in all port monitors. */ - for_each_tcp_port_monitor_in_collection(p_collection, - &age_tcp_port_monitor, NULL); + /* age the connections in all port monitors. */ + for_each_tcp_port_monitor_in_collection(p_collection, &age_tcp_port_monitor, + NULL); - /* rebuild the connection peek tables of all monitors - * so clients can peek in O(1) time */ - for_each_tcp_port_monitor_in_collection(p_collection, - &rebuild_tcp_port_monitor_peek_table, NULL); + /* rebuild the connection peek tables of all monitors + * so clients can peek in O(1) time */ + for_each_tcp_port_monitor_in_collection( + p_collection, &rebuild_tcp_port_monitor_peek_table, NULL); } /* Creation of reduntant monitors is silently ignored */ int insert_new_tcp_port_monitor_into_collection( - tcp_port_monitor_collection_t *p_collection, in_port_t port_range_begin, - in_port_t port_range_end, tcp_port_monitor_args_t *p_creation_args) -{ + tcp_port_monitor_collection_t *p_collection, in_port_t port_range_begin, + in_port_t port_range_end, tcp_port_monitor_args_t *p_creation_args) { + if (!p_collection) { + return -1; + } - if (!p_collection) { - return -1; - } + p_collection->hash.insert(monitor_hash_t::value_type( + port_range_t(port_range_begin, port_range_end), + tcp_port_monitor_t(p_creation_args->max_port_monitor_connections))); - p_collection->hash.insert( monitor_hash_t::value_type( - port_range_t(port_range_begin, port_range_end), - tcp_port_monitor_t(p_creation_args->max_port_monitor_connections) - ) ); - - return 0; + return 0; } /* Clients need a way to find monitors */ tcp_port_monitor_t *find_tcp_port_monitor( - tcp_port_monitor_collection_t *p_collection, - in_port_t port_range_begin, in_port_t port_range_end) -{ - if (!p_collection) { - return NULL; - } + tcp_port_monitor_collection_t *p_collection, in_port_t port_range_begin, + in_port_t port_range_end) { + if (!p_collection) { + return NULL; + } - /* is monitor in hash? */ - monitor_hash_t::iterator i = p_collection->hash.find( - port_range_t(port_range_begin, port_range_end) ); + /* is monitor in hash? */ + monitor_hash_t::iterator i = + p_collection->hash.find(port_range_t(port_range_begin, port_range_end)); - return i == p_collection->hash.end() ? NULL : &i->second; + return i == p_collection->hash.end() ? NULL : &i->second; } diff --git a/src/libtcp-portmon.h b/src/libtcp-portmon.h index 9042c6fd..0e20459e 100644 --- a/src/libtcp-portmon.h +++ b/src/libtcp-portmon.h @@ -1,5 +1,4 @@ -/* -*- mode: c++; c-basic-offset: 4; tab-width: 4; indent-tabs-mode: t -*- - * vim: ts=4 sw=4 noet ai cindent syntax=cpp +/* * * libtcp-portmon.h: tcp port monitoring library. * @@ -23,8 +22,8 @@ #ifndef LIBTCP_PORTMON_H #define LIBTCP_PORTMON_H -#include #include +#include #include #include @@ -47,15 +46,15 @@ /* The inventory of peekable items within the port monitor. */ enum tcp_port_monitor_peekables { - COUNT = 0, - REMOTEIP, - REMOTEHOST, - REMOTEPORT, - REMOTESERVICE, - LOCALIP, - LOCALHOST, - LOCALPORT, - LOCALSERVICE + COUNT = 0, + REMOTEIP, + REMOTEHOST, + REMOTEPORT, + REMOTESERVICE, + LOCALIP, + LOCALHOST, + LOCALPORT, + LOCALSERVICE }; /* ------------------------------------------------------------ @@ -82,8 +81,8 @@ typedef struct _tcp_port_monitor_collection_t tcp_port_monitor_collection_t; /* struct to hold monitor creation arguments */ typedef struct _tcp_port_monitor_args_t { - /* monitor supports tracking at most this many connections */ - int max_port_monitor_connections; + /* monitor supports tracking at most this many connections */ + int max_port_monitor_connections; } tcp_port_monitor_args_t; /* ---------------------------------- @@ -94,15 +93,16 @@ typedef struct _tcp_port_monitor_args_t { * the indicated port monitor. * The requested monitor value is copied into a client-supplied char buffer. * Returns 0 on success, -1 otherwise. */ -int peek_tcp_port_monitor(const tcp_port_monitor_t *p_monitor, - /* (item of interest, from tcp_port_monitor_peekables enum) */ - int item, - /* (0 to number of connections in monitor - 1) */ - int connection_index, - /* buffer to receive requested value */ - char *p_buffer, - /* size of p_buffer */ - size_t buffer_size); +int peek_tcp_port_monitor( + const tcp_port_monitor_t *p_monitor, + /* (item of interest, from tcp_port_monitor_peekables enum) */ + int item, + /* (0 to number of connections in monitor - 1) */ + int connection_index, + /* buffer to receive requested value */ + char *p_buffer, + /* size of p_buffer */ + size_t buffer_size); /* -------------------------------- * Client operations on collections @@ -114,21 +114,21 @@ tcp_port_monitor_collection_t *create_tcp_port_monitor_collection(void); /* Destroy the monitor collection (and everything it contains). * Do this one last. */ void destroy_tcp_port_monitor_collection( - tcp_port_monitor_collection_t *p_collection); + tcp_port_monitor_collection_t *p_collection); /* Updates the tcp statitics for all monitors within a collection */ void update_tcp_port_monitor_collection( - tcp_port_monitor_collection_t *p_collection); + tcp_port_monitor_collection_t *p_collection); /* Creation of reduntant monitors is silently ignored * Returns 0 on success, -1 otherwise. */ int insert_new_tcp_port_monitor_into_collection( - tcp_port_monitor_collection_t *p_collection, in_port_t port_range_begin, - in_port_t port_range_end, tcp_port_monitor_args_t *p_creation_args); + tcp_port_monitor_collection_t *p_collection, in_port_t port_range_begin, + in_port_t port_range_end, tcp_port_monitor_args_t *p_creation_args); /* Clients need a way to find monitors */ tcp_port_monitor_t *find_tcp_port_monitor( - tcp_port_monitor_collection_t *p_collection, - in_port_t port_range_begin, in_port_t port_range_end); + tcp_port_monitor_collection_t *p_collection, in_port_t port_range_begin, + in_port_t port_range_end); #endif diff --git a/src/linux.cc b/src/linux.cc index ef39bd09..78263ed5 100644 --- a/src/linux.cc +++ b/src/linux.cc @@ -1,5 +1,4 @@ -/* -*- mode: c++; c-basic-offset: 4; tab-width: 4; indent-tabs-mode: t -*- - * vim: ts=4 sw=4 noet ai cindent syntax=cpp +/* * * Conky, a system monitor, based on torsmo * @@ -7,7 +6,7 @@ * * Copyright (c) 2004, Hannu Saransaari and Lauri Hakkarainen * Copyright (c) 2007 Toni Spets - * Copyright (c) 2005-2012 Brenden Matthews, Philip Kovacs, et. al. + * Copyright (c) 2005-2018 Brenden Matthews, Philip Kovacs, et. al. * (see AUTHORS) * All rights reserved. * @@ -25,21 +24,21 @@ * */ -#include "conky.h" -#include "logging.h" -#include "common.h" #include "linux.h" -#include "net_stat.h" -#include "diskio.h" -#include "temphelper.h" -#include "proc.h" -#include #include +#include #include #include -#include -#include #include +#include +#include +#include "common.h" +#include "conky.h" +#include "diskio.h" +#include "logging.h" +#include "net_stat.h" +#include "proc.h" +#include "temphelper.h" #ifndef HAVE_CLOCK_GETTIME #include #endif @@ -51,12 +50,12 @@ #include "setting.hh" #include "top.h" -#include -#include -#include +#include #include #include -#include +#include +#include +#include #ifdef _NET_IF_H #define _LINUX_IF_H #endif @@ -88,17 +87,18 @@ #endif struct sysfs { - int fd; - int arg; - char devtype[256]; - char type[64]; - float factor, offset; + int fd; + int arg; + char devtype[256]; + char type[64]; + float factor, offset; }; #define SHORTSTAT_TEMPL "%*s %llu %llu %llu" #define LONGSTAT_TEMPL "%*s %llu %llu %llu " -static conky::simple_config_setting top_cpu_separate("top_cpu_separate", false, true); +static conky::simple_config_setting top_cpu_separate("top_cpu_separate", + false, true); /* This flag tells the linux routines to use the /proc system where possible, * even if other api's are available, e.g. sysinfo() or getloadavg(). @@ -106,268 +106,250 @@ static conky::simple_config_setting top_cpu_separate("top_cpu_separate", f * using a flag in this manner creates less confusing code. */ static int prefer_proc = 0; -void prepare_update(void) -{ -} +void prepare_update(void) {} -int update_uptime(void) -{ +int update_uptime(void) { #ifdef HAVE_SYSINFO - if (!prefer_proc) { - struct sysinfo s_info; + if (!prefer_proc) { + struct sysinfo s_info; - sysinfo(&s_info); - info.uptime = (double) s_info.uptime; - } else + sysinfo(&s_info); + info.uptime = (double)s_info.uptime; + } else #endif - { - static int rep = 0; - FILE *fp; + { + static int rep = 0; + FILE *fp; - if (!(fp = open_file("/proc/uptime", &rep))) { - info.uptime = 0.0; - return 0; - } - if (fscanf(fp, "%lf", &info.uptime) <= 0) - info.uptime = 0; - fclose(fp); - } - return 0; + if (!(fp = open_file("/proc/uptime", &rep))) { + info.uptime = 0.0; + return 0; + } + if (fscanf(fp, "%lf", &info.uptime) <= 0) info.uptime = 0; + fclose(fp); + } + return 0; } -int check_mount(struct text_object *obj) -{ - int ret = 0; - FILE *mtab; +int check_mount(struct text_object *obj) { + int ret = 0; + FILE *mtab; - if (!obj->data.s) - return 0; + if (!obj->data.s) return 0; - if ((mtab = fopen("/proc/mounts", "r"))) { - char buf1[256], buf2[129]; + if ((mtab = fopen("/proc/mounts", "r"))) { + char buf1[256], buf2[129]; - while (fgets(buf1, 256, mtab)) { - sscanf(buf1, "%*s %128s", buf2); - if (!strcmp(obj->data.s, buf2)) { - ret = 1; - break; - } - } - fclose(mtab); - } else { - NORM_ERR("Could not open mtab"); - } - return ret; + while (fgets(buf1, 256, mtab)) { + sscanf(buf1, "%*s %128s", buf2); + if (!strcmp(obj->data.s, buf2)) { + ret = 1; + break; + } + } + fclose(mtab); + } else { + NORM_ERR("Could not open mtab"); + } + return ret; } /* these things are also in sysinfo except Buffers: * (that's why I'm reading them from proc) */ -int update_meminfo(void) -{ - FILE *meminfo_fp; - static int rep = 0; +int update_meminfo(void) { + FILE *meminfo_fp; + static int rep = 0; - /* unsigned int a; */ - char buf[256]; + /* unsigned int a; */ + char buf[256]; - unsigned long long shmem = 0, sreclaimable = 0; + unsigned long long shmem = 0, sreclaimable = 0; - info.mem = info.memwithbuffers = info.memmax = info.memdirty = info.swap = info.swapfree = info.swapmax = - info.bufmem = info.buffers = info.cached = info.memfree = info.memeasyfree = 0; + info.mem = info.memwithbuffers = info.memmax = info.memdirty = info.swap = + info.swapfree = info.swapmax = info.bufmem = info.buffers = info.cached = + info.memfree = info.memeasyfree = 0; - if (!(meminfo_fp = open_file("/proc/meminfo", &rep))) { - return 0; - } + if (!(meminfo_fp = open_file("/proc/meminfo", &rep))) { + return 0; + } - while (!feof(meminfo_fp)) { - if (fgets(buf, 255, meminfo_fp) == NULL) { - break; - } + while (!feof(meminfo_fp)) { + if (fgets(buf, 255, meminfo_fp) == NULL) { + break; + } - if (strncmp(buf, "MemTotal:", 9) == 0) { - sscanf(buf, "%*s %llu", &info.memmax); - } else if (strncmp(buf, "MemFree:", 8) == 0) { - sscanf(buf, "%*s %llu", &info.memfree); - } else if (strncmp(buf, "SwapTotal:", 10) == 0) { - sscanf(buf, "%*s %llu", &info.swapmax); - } else if (strncmp(buf, "SwapFree:", 9) == 0) { - sscanf(buf, "%*s %llu", &info.swapfree); - } else if (strncmp(buf, "Buffers:", 8) == 0) { - sscanf(buf, "%*s %llu", &info.buffers); - } else if (strncmp(buf, "Cached:", 7) == 0) { - sscanf(buf, "%*s %llu", &info.cached); - } else if (strncmp(buf, "Dirty:", 6) == 0) { - sscanf(buf, "%*s %llu", &info.memdirty); - } else if (strncmp(buf, "Shmem:", 6) == 0) { - sscanf(buf, "%*s %llu", &shmem); - } else if (strncmp(buf, "SReclaimable:", 13) == 0) { - sscanf(buf, "%*s %llu", &sreclaimable); - } - } + if (strncmp(buf, "MemTotal:", 9) == 0) { + sscanf(buf, "%*s %llu", &info.memmax); + } else if (strncmp(buf, "MemFree:", 8) == 0) { + sscanf(buf, "%*s %llu", &info.memfree); + } else if (strncmp(buf, "SwapTotal:", 10) == 0) { + sscanf(buf, "%*s %llu", &info.swapmax); + } else if (strncmp(buf, "SwapFree:", 9) == 0) { + sscanf(buf, "%*s %llu", &info.swapfree); + } else if (strncmp(buf, "Buffers:", 8) == 0) { + sscanf(buf, "%*s %llu", &info.buffers); + } else if (strncmp(buf, "Cached:", 7) == 0) { + sscanf(buf, "%*s %llu", &info.cached); + } else if (strncmp(buf, "Dirty:", 6) == 0) { + sscanf(buf, "%*s %llu", &info.memdirty); + } else if (strncmp(buf, "Shmem:", 6) == 0) { + sscanf(buf, "%*s %llu", &shmem); + } else if (strncmp(buf, "SReclaimable:", 13) == 0) { + sscanf(buf, "%*s %llu", &sreclaimable); + } + } - info.mem = info.memwithbuffers = info.memmax - info.memfree; - info.memeasyfree = info.memfree; - info.swap = info.swapmax - info.swapfree; + info.mem = info.memwithbuffers = info.memmax - info.memfree; + info.memeasyfree = info.memfree; + info.swap = info.swapmax - info.swapfree; - /* Reclaimable memory: does not include shared memory, which is part of cached but unreclaimable. - Includes the reclaimable part of the Slab cache though. - Note: when shared memory is swapped out, shmem decreases and swapfree decreases - we want this. - */ - info.bufmem = (info.cached - shmem) + info.buffers + sreclaimable; + /* Reclaimable memory: does not include shared memory, which is part of cached + but unreclaimable. Includes the reclaimable part of the Slab cache though. + Note: when shared memory is swapped out, shmem decreases and swapfree + decreases - we want this. + */ + info.bufmem = (info.cached - shmem) + info.buffers + sreclaimable; - /* Now (info.mem - info.bufmem) is the *really used* (aka unreclaimable) memory. - When this value reaches the size of the physical RAM, and swap is full or non-present, OOM happens. - Therefore this is the value users want to monitor, regarding their RAM. - */ + /* Now (info.mem - info.bufmem) is the *really used* (aka unreclaimable) + memory. When this value reaches the size of the physical RAM, and swap is + full or non-present, OOM happens. Therefore this is the value users want to + monitor, regarding their RAM. + */ - fclose(meminfo_fp); - return 0; + fclose(meminfo_fp); + return 0; } -void print_laptop_mode(struct text_object *obj, char *p, int p_max_size) -{ - FILE *fp; - int val = -1; +void print_laptop_mode(struct text_object *obj, char *p, int p_max_size) { + FILE *fp; + int val = -1; - (void)obj; + (void)obj; - if ((fp = fopen("/proc/sys/vm/laptop_mode", "r")) != NULL) { - if (fscanf(fp, "%d\n", &val) <= 0) - val = 0; - fclose(fp); - } - snprintf(p, p_max_size, "%d", val); + if ((fp = fopen("/proc/sys/vm/laptop_mode", "r")) != NULL) { + if (fscanf(fp, "%d\n", &val) <= 0) val = 0; + fclose(fp); + } + snprintf(p, p_max_size, "%d", val); } /* my system says: * # cat /sys/block/sda/queue/scheduler * noop [anticipatory] cfq */ -void print_ioscheduler(struct text_object *obj, char *p, int p_max_size) -{ - FILE *fp; - char buf[128]; +void print_ioscheduler(struct text_object *obj, char *p, int p_max_size) { + FILE *fp; + char buf[128]; - if (!obj->data.s) - goto out_fail; + if (!obj->data.s) goto out_fail; - snprintf(buf, 127, "/sys/block/%s/queue/scheduler", obj->data.s); - if ((fp = fopen(buf, "r")) == NULL) - goto out_fail; + snprintf(buf, 127, "/sys/block/%s/queue/scheduler", obj->data.s); + if ((fp = fopen(buf, "r")) == NULL) goto out_fail; - while (fscanf(fp, "%127s", buf) == 1) { - if (buf[0] == '[') { - buf[strlen(buf) - 1] = '\0'; - snprintf(p, p_max_size, "%s", buf + 1); - fclose(fp); - return; - } - } - fclose(fp); + while (fscanf(fp, "%127s", buf) == 1) { + if (buf[0] == '[') { + buf[strlen(buf) - 1] = '\0'; + snprintf(p, p_max_size, "%s", buf + 1); + fclose(fp); + return; + } + } + fclose(fp); out_fail: - snprintf(p, p_max_size, "n/a"); - return; + snprintf(p, p_max_size, "n/a"); + return; } static struct { - char *iface; - char *ip; - int count; + char *iface; + char *ip; + int count; } gw_info; -#define SAVE_SET_STRING(x, y) \ - if (x && strcmp((char *)x, (char *)y)) { \ - free(x); \ - x = strndup("multiple", text_buffer_size.get(*state)); \ - } else if (!x) { \ - x = strndup(y, text_buffer_size.get(*state)); \ - } +#define SAVE_SET_STRING(x, y) \ + if (x && strcmp((char *)x, (char *)y)) { \ + free(x); \ + x = strndup("multiple", text_buffer_size.get(*state)); \ + } else if (!x) { \ + x = strndup(y, text_buffer_size.get(*state)); \ + } -void update_gateway_info_failure(const char *reason) -{ - if(reason != NULL) { - perror(reason); - } - //2 pointers to 1 location causes a crash when we try to free them both - gw_info.iface = strndup("failed", text_buffer_size.get(*state)); - gw_info.ip = strndup("failed", text_buffer_size.get(*state)); +void update_gateway_info_failure(const char *reason) { + if (reason != NULL) { + perror(reason); + } + // 2 pointers to 1 location causes a crash when we try to free them both + gw_info.iface = strndup("failed", text_buffer_size.get(*state)); + gw_info.ip = strndup("failed", text_buffer_size.get(*state)); } - /* Iface Destination Gateway Flags RefCnt Use Metric Mask MTU Window IRTT */ #define RT_ENTRY_FORMAT "%63s %lx %lx %x %*d %*d %*d %lx %*d %*d %*d\n" -int update_gateway_info(void) -{ - FILE *fp; - struct in_addr ina; - char iface[64]; - unsigned long dest, gate, mask; - unsigned int flags; +int update_gateway_info(void) { + FILE *fp; + struct in_addr ina; + char iface[64]; + unsigned long dest, gate, mask; + unsigned int flags; - free_and_zero(gw_info.iface); - free_and_zero(gw_info.ip); - gw_info.count = 0; + free_and_zero(gw_info.iface); + free_and_zero(gw_info.ip); + gw_info.count = 0; - if ((fp = fopen("/proc/net/route", "r")) == NULL) { - update_gateway_info_failure("fopen()"); - return 0; - } + if ((fp = fopen("/proc/net/route", "r")) == NULL) { + update_gateway_info_failure("fopen()"); + return 0; + } - /* skip over the table header line, which is always present */ - if (fscanf(fp, "%*[^\n]\n") < 0) { - fclose(fp); - return 0; - } + /* skip over the table header line, which is always present */ + if (fscanf(fp, "%*[^\n]\n") < 0) { + fclose(fp); + return 0; + } - while (!feof(fp)) { - if(fscanf(fp, RT_ENTRY_FORMAT, - iface, &dest, &gate, &flags, &mask) != 5) { - update_gateway_info_failure("fscanf()"); - break; - } - if (!(dest || mask) && ((flags & RTF_GATEWAY) || !gate) ) { - gw_info.count++; - SAVE_SET_STRING(gw_info.iface, iface) - ina.s_addr = gate; - SAVE_SET_STRING(gw_info.ip, inet_ntoa(ina)) - } - } - fclose(fp); - return 0; + while (!feof(fp)) { + if (fscanf(fp, RT_ENTRY_FORMAT, iface, &dest, &gate, &flags, &mask) != 5) { + update_gateway_info_failure("fscanf()"); + break; + } + if (!(dest || mask) && ((flags & RTF_GATEWAY) || !gate)) { + gw_info.count++; + SAVE_SET_STRING(gw_info.iface, iface) + ina.s_addr = gate; + SAVE_SET_STRING(gw_info.ip, inet_ntoa(ina)) + } + } + fclose(fp); + return 0; } -void free_gateway_info(struct text_object *obj) -{ - (void)obj; +void free_gateway_info(struct text_object *obj) { + (void)obj; - free_and_zero(gw_info.iface); - free_and_zero(gw_info.ip); - memset(&gw_info, 0, sizeof(gw_info)); + free_and_zero(gw_info.iface); + free_and_zero(gw_info.ip); + memset(&gw_info, 0, sizeof(gw_info)); } -int gateway_exists(struct text_object *obj) -{ - (void)obj; - return !!gw_info.count; +int gateway_exists(struct text_object *obj) { + (void)obj; + return !!gw_info.count; } -void print_gateway_iface(struct text_object *obj, char *p, int p_max_size) -{ - (void)obj; +void print_gateway_iface(struct text_object *obj, char *p, int p_max_size) { + (void)obj; - snprintf(p, p_max_size, "%s", gw_info.iface); + snprintf(p, p_max_size, "%s", gw_info.iface); } -void print_gateway_ip(struct text_object *obj, char *p, int p_max_size) -{ - (void)obj; +void print_gateway_ip(struct text_object *obj, char *p, int p_max_size) { + (void)obj; - snprintf(p, p_max_size, "%s", gw_info.ip); + snprintf(p, p_max_size, "%s", gw_info.ip); } - /** * Parses information from /proc/net/dev and stores them in ??? * @@ -376,390 +358,386 @@ void print_gateway_ip(struct text_object *obj, char *p, int p_max_size) * @return always returns 0. May change in the future, e.g. returning non zero * if some error happened **/ -int update_net_stats(void) -{ - FILE *net_dev_fp; - static int rep = 0; - /* variably to notify the parts averaging the download speed, that this - * is the first call ever to this function. This variable can't be used - * to decide if this is the first time an interface was parsed as there - * are many interfaces, which can be activated and deactivated at arbitrary - * times */ - static char first = 1; +int update_net_stats(void) { + FILE *net_dev_fp; + static int rep = 0; + /* variably to notify the parts averaging the download speed, that this + * is the first call ever to this function. This variable can't be used + * to decide if this is the first time an interface was parsed as there + * are many interfaces, which can be activated and deactivated at arbitrary + * times */ + static char first = 1; - // FIXME: arbitrary size chosen to keep code simple. - int i, i2; - unsigned int curtmp1, curtmp2; - unsigned int k; - struct ifconf conf; - char buf[256]; - double delta; + // FIXME: arbitrary size chosen to keep code simple. + int i, i2; + unsigned int curtmp1, curtmp2; + unsigned int k; + struct ifconf conf; + char buf[256]; + double delta; #ifdef BUILD_WLAN - // wireless info variables - int skfd, has_bitrate = 0; - struct wireless_info *winfo; - struct iwreq wrq; + // wireless info variables + int skfd, has_bitrate = 0; + struct wireless_info *winfo; + struct iwreq wrq; #endif - /* get delta */ - delta = current_update_time - last_update_time; - if (delta <= 0.0001) { - return 0; - } + /* get delta */ + delta = current_update_time - last_update_time; + if (delta <= 0.0001) { + return 0; + } - /* open file /proc/net/dev. If not something went wrong, clear all - * network statistics */ - if (!(net_dev_fp = open_file("/proc/net/dev", &rep))) { - clear_net_stats(); - return 0; - } - /* ignore first two header lines in file /proc/net/dev. If somethings - * goes wrong, e.g. end of file reached, quit. - * (Why isn't clear_net_stats called for this case ??? */ - if (!fgets(buf, 255, net_dev_fp) || /* garbage */ - !fgets(buf, 255, net_dev_fp)) { /* garbage (field names) */ - fclose(net_dev_fp); - return 0; - } + /* open file /proc/net/dev. If not something went wrong, clear all + * network statistics */ + if (!(net_dev_fp = open_file("/proc/net/dev", &rep))) { + clear_net_stats(); + return 0; + } + /* ignore first two header lines in file /proc/net/dev. If somethings + * goes wrong, e.g. end of file reached, quit. + * (Why isn't clear_net_stats called for this case ??? */ + if (!fgets(buf, 255, net_dev_fp) || /* garbage */ + !fgets(buf, 255, net_dev_fp)) { /* garbage (field names) */ + fclose(net_dev_fp); + return 0; + } - /* read each interface */ - for (i2 = 0; i2 < MAX_NET_INTERFACES; i2++) { - struct net_stat *ns; - char *s, *p; - char temp_addr[18]; - long long r, t, last_recv, last_trans; + /* read each interface */ + for (i2 = 0; i2 < MAX_NET_INTERFACES; i2++) { + struct net_stat *ns; + char *s, *p; + char temp_addr[18]; + long long r, t, last_recv, last_trans; - /* quit only after all non-header lines from /proc/net/dev parsed */ - if (fgets(buf, 255, net_dev_fp) == NULL) { - break; - } - p = buf; - /* change char * p to first non-space character, which is the beginning - * of the interface name */ - while (*p != '\0' && isspace((int) *p)) { - p++; - } + /* quit only after all non-header lines from /proc/net/dev parsed */ + if (fgets(buf, 255, net_dev_fp) == NULL) { + break; + } + p = buf; + /* change char * p to first non-space character, which is the beginning + * of the interface name */ + while (*p != '\0' && isspace((int)*p)) { + p++; + } - s = p; + s = p; - /* increment p until the end of the interface name has been reached */ - while (*p != '\0' && *p != ':') { - p++; - } - if (*p == '\0') { - continue; - } - /* replace ':' with '\0' in output of /proc/net/dev */ - *p = '\0'; - p++; + /* increment p until the end of the interface name has been reached */ + while (*p != '\0' && *p != ':') { + p++; + } + if (*p == '\0') { + continue; + } + /* replace ':' with '\0' in output of /proc/net/dev */ + *p = '\0'; + p++; - /* get pointer to interface statistics with the interface name in s */ - ns = get_net_stat(s, NULL, NULL); - ns->up = 1; - memset(&(ns->addr.sa_data), 0, 14); + /* get pointer to interface statistics with the interface name in s */ + ns = get_net_stat(s, NULL, NULL); + ns->up = 1; + memset(&(ns->addr.sa_data), 0, 14); - memset(ns->addrs, 0, 17 * MAX_NET_INTERFACES + 1); /* Up to 17 chars per ip, max MAX_NET_INTERFACES interfaces. Nasty memory usage... */ + memset(ns->addrs, 0, + 17 * MAX_NET_INTERFACES + + 1); /* Up to 17 chars per ip, max MAX_NET_INTERFACES interfaces. + Nasty memory usage... */ - /* bytes packets errs drop fifo frame compressed multicast|bytes ... */ - sscanf(p, "%lld %*d %*d %*d %*d %*d %*d %*d %lld", - &r, &t); + /* bytes packets errs drop fifo frame compressed multicast|bytes ... */ + sscanf(p, "%lld %*d %*d %*d %*d %*d %*d %*d %lld", + &r, &t); - /* if the interface is parsed the first time, then set recv and trans - * to currently received, meaning the change in network traffic is 0 */ - if (ns->last_read_recv == -1) { - ns->recv = r; - first = 1; - ns->last_read_recv = r; - } - if (ns->last_read_trans == -1) { - ns->trans = t; - first = 1; - ns->last_read_trans = t; - } - /* move current traffic statistic to last thereby obsoleting the - * current statistic */ - last_recv = ns->recv; - last_trans = ns->trans; + /* if the interface is parsed the first time, then set recv and trans + * to currently received, meaning the change in network traffic is 0 */ + if (ns->last_read_recv == -1) { + ns->recv = r; + first = 1; + ns->last_read_recv = r; + } + if (ns->last_read_trans == -1) { + ns->trans = t; + first = 1; + ns->last_read_trans = t; + } + /* move current traffic statistic to last thereby obsoleting the + * current statistic */ + last_recv = ns->recv; + last_trans = ns->trans; - /* If recv or trans is less than last time, an overflow happened. - * In that case set the last traffic to the current one, don't set - * it to 0, else a spike in the download and upload speed will occur! */ - if (r < ns->last_read_recv) { - last_recv = r; - } else { - ns->recv += (r - ns->last_read_recv); - } - ns->last_read_recv = r; + /* If recv or trans is less than last time, an overflow happened. + * In that case set the last traffic to the current one, don't set + * it to 0, else a spike in the download and upload speed will occur! */ + if (r < ns->last_read_recv) { + last_recv = r; + } else { + ns->recv += (r - ns->last_read_recv); + } + ns->last_read_recv = r; - if (t < ns->last_read_trans) { - last_trans = t; - } else { - ns->trans += (t - ns->last_read_trans); - } - ns->last_read_trans = t; + if (t < ns->last_read_trans) { + last_trans = t; + } else { + ns->trans += (t - ns->last_read_trans); + } + ns->last_read_trans = t; - /*** ip addr patch ***/ - i = socket(PF_INET, SOCK_DGRAM, IPPROTO_IP); + /*** ip addr patch ***/ + i = socket(PF_INET, SOCK_DGRAM, IPPROTO_IP); - conf.ifc_buf = (char*)malloc(sizeof(struct ifreq) * MAX_NET_INTERFACES); - conf.ifc_len = sizeof(struct ifreq) * MAX_NET_INTERFACES; - memset(conf.ifc_buf, 0, conf.ifc_len); + conf.ifc_buf = (char *)malloc(sizeof(struct ifreq) * MAX_NET_INTERFACES); + conf.ifc_len = sizeof(struct ifreq) * MAX_NET_INTERFACES; + memset(conf.ifc_buf, 0, conf.ifc_len); - ioctl((long) i, SIOCGIFCONF, &conf); + ioctl((long)i, SIOCGIFCONF, &conf); - for (k = 0; k < conf.ifc_len / sizeof(struct ifreq); k++) { - struct net_stat *ns2; + for (k = 0; k < conf.ifc_len / sizeof(struct ifreq); k++) { + struct net_stat *ns2; - if (!(((struct ifreq *) conf.ifc_buf) + k)) - break; + if (!(((struct ifreq *)conf.ifc_buf) + k)) break; - ns2 = get_net_stat( - ((struct ifreq *) conf.ifc_buf)[k].ifr_ifrn.ifrn_name, NULL, NULL); - ns2->addr = ((struct ifreq *) conf.ifc_buf)[k].ifr_ifru.ifru_addr; - sprintf(temp_addr, "%u.%u.%u.%u, ", - ns2->addr.sa_data[2] & 255, - ns2->addr.sa_data[3] & 255, - ns2->addr.sa_data[4] & 255, - ns2->addr.sa_data[5] & 255); - if(NULL == strstr(ns2->addrs, temp_addr)) - strncpy(ns2->addrs + strlen(ns2->addrs), temp_addr, 17); - } + ns2 = get_net_stat(((struct ifreq *)conf.ifc_buf)[k].ifr_ifrn.ifrn_name, + NULL, NULL); + ns2->addr = ((struct ifreq *)conf.ifc_buf)[k].ifr_ifru.ifru_addr; + sprintf(temp_addr, "%u.%u.%u.%u, ", ns2->addr.sa_data[2] & 255, + ns2->addr.sa_data[3] & 255, ns2->addr.sa_data[4] & 255, + ns2->addr.sa_data[5] & 255); + if (NULL == strstr(ns2->addrs, temp_addr)) + strncpy(ns2->addrs + strlen(ns2->addrs), temp_addr, 17); + } - close((long) i); + close((long)i); - free(conf.ifc_buf); - /*** end ip addr patch ***/ + free(conf.ifc_buf); + /*** end ip addr patch ***/ - if (!first) { - /* calculate instantenous speeds */ - ns->net_rec [0] = (ns->recv - last_recv ) / delta; - ns->net_trans[0] = (ns->trans - last_trans) / delta; - } + if (!first) { + /* calculate instantenous speeds */ + ns->net_rec[0] = (ns->recv - last_recv) / delta; + ns->net_trans[0] = (ns->trans - last_trans) / delta; + } - curtmp1 = 0; - curtmp2 = 0; - /* get an average over the last speed samples */ - int samples = net_avg_samples.get(*state); - /* is OpenMP actually useful here? How large is samples? > 1000 ? */ + curtmp1 = 0; + curtmp2 = 0; + /* get an average over the last speed samples */ + int samples = net_avg_samples.get(*state); + /* is OpenMP actually useful here? How large is samples? > 1000 ? */ #ifdef HAVE_OPENMP -#pragma omp parallel for reduction(+:curtmp1, curtmp2) schedule(dynamic,10) +#pragma omp parallel for reduction(+ : curtmp1, curtmp2) schedule(dynamic, 10) #endif /* HAVE_OPENMP */ - for (i = 0; i < samples; i++) { - curtmp1 = curtmp1 + ns->net_rec[i]; - curtmp2 = curtmp2 + ns->net_trans[i]; - } - ns->recv_speed = curtmp1 / (double) samples; - ns->trans_speed = curtmp2 / (double) samples; - if (samples > 1) { + for (i = 0; i < samples; i++) { + curtmp1 = curtmp1 + ns->net_rec[i]; + curtmp2 = curtmp2 + ns->net_trans[i]; + } + ns->recv_speed = curtmp1 / (double)samples; + ns->trans_speed = curtmp2 / (double)samples; + if (samples > 1) { #ifdef HAVE_OPENMP -#pragma omp parallel for schedule(dynamic,10) +#pragma omp parallel for schedule(dynamic, 10) #endif /* HAVE_OPENMP */ - for (i = samples; i > 1; i--) { - ns->net_rec[i - 1] = ns->net_rec[i - 2]; - ns->net_trans[i - 1] = ns->net_trans[i - 2]; - } - } + for (i = samples; i > 1; i--) { + ns->net_rec[i - 1] = ns->net_rec[i - 2]; + ns->net_trans[i - 1] = ns->net_trans[i - 2]; + } + } #ifdef BUILD_WLAN - /* update wireless info */ - winfo = (struct wireless_info *) malloc(sizeof(struct wireless_info)); - memset(winfo, 0, sizeof(struct wireless_info)); + /* update wireless info */ + winfo = (struct wireless_info *)malloc(sizeof(struct wireless_info)); + memset(winfo, 0, sizeof(struct wireless_info)); - skfd = iw_sockets_open(); - if (iw_get_basic_config(skfd, s, &(winfo->b)) > -1) { + skfd = iw_sockets_open(); + if (iw_get_basic_config(skfd, s, &(winfo->b)) > -1) { + // set present winfo variables + if (iw_get_range_info(skfd, s, &(winfo->range)) >= 0) { + winfo->has_range = 1; + } + if (iw_get_stats(skfd, s, &(winfo->stats), &winfo->range, + winfo->has_range) >= 0) { + winfo->has_stats = 1; + } + if (iw_get_ext(skfd, s, SIOCGIWAP, &wrq) >= 0) { + winfo->has_ap_addr = 1; + memcpy(&(winfo->ap_addr), &(wrq.u.ap_addr), sizeof(sockaddr)); + } - // set present winfo variables - if (iw_get_range_info(skfd, s, &(winfo->range)) >= 0) { - winfo->has_range = 1; - } - if (iw_get_stats(skfd, s, &(winfo->stats), - &winfo->range, winfo->has_range) >= 0) { - winfo->has_stats = 1; - } - if (iw_get_ext(skfd, s, SIOCGIWAP, &wrq) >= 0) { - winfo->has_ap_addr = 1; - memcpy(&(winfo->ap_addr), &(wrq.u.ap_addr), sizeof(sockaddr)); - } + // get bitrate + if (iw_get_ext(skfd, s, SIOCGIWRATE, &wrq) >= 0) { + memcpy(&(winfo->bitrate), &(wrq.u.bitrate), sizeof(iwparam)); + iw_print_bitrate(ns->bitrate, 16, winfo->bitrate.value); + has_bitrate = 1; + } - // get bitrate - if (iw_get_ext(skfd, s, SIOCGIWRATE, &wrq) >= 0) { - memcpy(&(winfo->bitrate), &(wrq.u.bitrate), sizeof(iwparam)); - iw_print_bitrate(ns->bitrate, 16, winfo->bitrate.value); - has_bitrate = 1; - } + // get link quality + if (winfo->has_range && winfo->has_stats && + ((winfo->stats.qual.level != 0) || + (winfo->stats.qual.updated & IW_QUAL_DBM))) { + if (!(winfo->stats.qual.updated & IW_QUAL_QUAL_INVALID)) { + ns->link_qual = winfo->stats.qual.qual; + ns->link_qual_max = winfo->range.max_qual.qual; + } + } - // get link quality - if (winfo->has_range && winfo->has_stats - && ((winfo->stats.qual.level != 0) - || (winfo->stats.qual.updated & IW_QUAL_DBM))) { - if (!(winfo->stats.qual.updated & IW_QUAL_QUAL_INVALID)) { - ns->link_qual = winfo->stats.qual.qual; - ns->link_qual_max = winfo->range.max_qual.qual; - } - } + // get ap mac + if (winfo->has_ap_addr) { + iw_sawap_ntop(&winfo->ap_addr, ns->ap); + } - // get ap mac - if (winfo->has_ap_addr) { - iw_sawap_ntop(&winfo->ap_addr, ns->ap); - } + // get essid + if (winfo->b.has_essid) { + if (winfo->b.essid_on) { + snprintf(ns->essid, 32, "%s", winfo->b.essid); + } else { + snprintf(ns->essid, 32, "off/any"); + } + } + // get channel and freq + if (winfo->b.has_freq) { + if (winfo->has_range == 1) { + ns->channel = iw_freq_to_channel(winfo->b.freq, &(winfo->range)); + iw_print_freq_value(ns->freq, 16, winfo->b.freq); + } else { + ns->channel = 0; + ns->freq[0] = 0; + } + } - // get essid - if (winfo->b.has_essid) { - if (winfo->b.essid_on) { - snprintf(ns->essid, 32, "%s", winfo->b.essid); - } else { - snprintf(ns->essid, 32, "off/any"); - } - } - // get channel and freq - if (winfo->b.has_freq) { - if(winfo->has_range == 1) { - ns->channel = iw_freq_to_channel(winfo->b.freq, &(winfo->range)); - iw_print_freq_value(ns->freq, 16, winfo->b.freq); - } else { - ns->channel = 0; - ns->freq[0] = 0; - } - } - - snprintf(ns->mode, 16, "%s", iw_operation_mode[winfo->b.mode]); - } - iw_sockets_close(skfd); - free(winfo); + snprintf(ns->mode, 16, "%s", iw_operation_mode[winfo->b.mode]); + } + iw_sockets_close(skfd); + free(winfo); #endif - } + } #ifdef BUILD_IPV6 - FILE *file; - char v6addr[33]; - char devname[21]; - unsigned int netmask, scope; - struct net_stat *ns; - struct v6addr *lastv6; - //remove the old v6 addresses otherwise they are listed multiple times - for (unsigned int i = 0; i < MAX_NET_INTERFACES; i++) { - ns = &netstats[i]; - while(ns->v6addrs != NULL) { - lastv6 = ns->v6addrs; - ns->v6addrs = ns->v6addrs->next; - free(lastv6); - } - } - if ((file = fopen(PROCDIR"/net/if_inet6", "r")) != NULL) { - while (fscanf(file, "%32s %*02x %02x %02x %*02x %20s\n", v6addr, &netmask, &scope, devname) != EOF) { - ns = get_net_stat(devname, NULL, NULL); - if(ns->v6addrs == NULL) { - lastv6 = (struct v6addr *) malloc(sizeof(struct v6addr)); - ns->v6addrs = lastv6; - } else { - lastv6 = ns->v6addrs; - while(lastv6->next) lastv6 = lastv6->next; - lastv6->next = (struct v6addr *) malloc(sizeof(struct v6addr)); - lastv6 = lastv6->next; - } - for(int i=0; i<16; i++) - sscanf(v6addr+2*i, "%2hhx", &(lastv6->addr.s6_addr[i])); - lastv6->netmask = netmask; - switch(scope) { - case 0: //global - lastv6->scope = 'G'; - break; - case 16: //host-local - lastv6->scope = 'H'; - break; - case 32: //link-local - lastv6->scope = 'L'; - break; - case 64: //site-local - lastv6->scope = 'S'; - break; - case 128: //compat - lastv6->scope = 'C'; - break; - default: - lastv6->scope = '?'; - } - lastv6->next = NULL; - } - fclose(file); - } + FILE *file; + char v6addr[33]; + char devname[21]; + unsigned int netmask, scope; + struct net_stat *ns; + struct v6addr *lastv6; + // remove the old v6 addresses otherwise they are listed multiple times + for (unsigned int i = 0; i < MAX_NET_INTERFACES; i++) { + ns = &netstats[i]; + while (ns->v6addrs != NULL) { + lastv6 = ns->v6addrs; + ns->v6addrs = ns->v6addrs->next; + free(lastv6); + } + } + if ((file = fopen(PROCDIR "/net/if_inet6", "r")) != NULL) { + while (fscanf(file, "%32s %*02x %02x %02x %*02x %20s\n", v6addr, &netmask, + &scope, devname) != EOF) { + ns = get_net_stat(devname, NULL, NULL); + if (ns->v6addrs == NULL) { + lastv6 = (struct v6addr *)malloc(sizeof(struct v6addr)); + ns->v6addrs = lastv6; + } else { + lastv6 = ns->v6addrs; + while (lastv6->next) lastv6 = lastv6->next; + lastv6->next = (struct v6addr *)malloc(sizeof(struct v6addr)); + lastv6 = lastv6->next; + } + for (int i = 0; i < 16; i++) + sscanf(v6addr + 2 * i, "%2hhx", &(lastv6->addr.s6_addr[i])); + lastv6->netmask = netmask; + switch (scope) { + case 0: // global + lastv6->scope = 'G'; + break; + case 16: // host-local + lastv6->scope = 'H'; + break; + case 32: // link-local + lastv6->scope = 'L'; + break; + case 64: // site-local + lastv6->scope = 'S'; + break; + case 128: // compat + lastv6->scope = 'C'; + break; + default: + lastv6->scope = '?'; + } + lastv6->next = NULL; + } + fclose(file); + } #endif /* BUILD_IPV6 */ - first = 0; + first = 0; - fclose(net_dev_fp); - return 0; + fclose(net_dev_fp); + return 0; } int result; -int update_total_processes(void) -{ - DIR *dir; - struct dirent *entry; - int ignore1; - char ignore2; +int update_total_processes(void) { + DIR *dir; + struct dirent *entry; + int ignore1; + char ignore2; - info.procs = 0; - if (!(dir = opendir("/proc"))) { - return 0; - } - while ((entry = readdir(dir))) { - if (!entry) { - /* Problem reading list of processes */ - closedir(dir); - info.procs = 0; - return 0; - } - if (sscanf(entry->d_name, "%d%c", &ignore1, &ignore2) == 1) { - info.procs++; - } - } - closedir(dir); - return 0; + info.procs = 0; + if (!(dir = opendir("/proc"))) { + return 0; + } + while ((entry = readdir(dir))) { + if (!entry) { + /* Problem reading list of processes */ + closedir(dir); + info.procs = 0; + return 0; + } + if (sscanf(entry->d_name, "%d%c", &ignore1, &ignore2) == 1) { + info.procs++; + } + } + closedir(dir); + return 0; } -int update_threads(void) -{ +int update_threads(void) { #ifdef HAVE_SYSINFO - if (!prefer_proc) { - struct sysinfo s_info; + if (!prefer_proc) { + struct sysinfo s_info; - sysinfo(&s_info); - info.threads = s_info.procs; - } else + sysinfo(&s_info); + info.threads = s_info.procs; + } else #endif - { - static int rep = 0; - FILE *fp; + { + static int rep = 0; + FILE *fp; - if (!(fp = open_file("/proc/loadavg", &rep))) { - info.threads = 0; - return 0; - } - if (fscanf(fp, "%*f %*f %*f %*d/%hu", &info.threads) <= 0) - info.threads = 0; - fclose(fp); - } - return 0; + if (!(fp = open_file("/proc/loadavg", &rep))) { + info.threads = 0; + return 0; + } + if (fscanf(fp, "%*f %*f %*f %*d/%hu", &info.threads) <= 0) info.threads = 0; + fclose(fp); + } + return 0; } #define CPU_SAMPLE_COUNT 15 struct cpu_info { - unsigned long long cpu_user; - unsigned long long cpu_system; - unsigned long long cpu_nice; - unsigned long long cpu_idle; - unsigned long long cpu_iowait; - unsigned long long cpu_irq; - unsigned long long cpu_softirq; - unsigned long long cpu_steal; - unsigned long long cpu_total; - unsigned long long cpu_active_total; - unsigned long long cpu_last_total; - unsigned long long cpu_last_active_total; - double cpu_val[CPU_SAMPLE_COUNT]; + unsigned long long cpu_user; + unsigned long long cpu_system; + unsigned long long cpu_nice; + unsigned long long cpu_idle; + unsigned long long cpu_iowait; + unsigned long long cpu_irq; + unsigned long long cpu_softirq; + unsigned long long cpu_steal; + unsigned long long cpu_total; + unsigned long long cpu_active_total; + unsigned long long cpu_last_total; + unsigned long long cpu_last_active_total; + double cpu_val[CPU_SAMPLE_COUNT]; }; static short cpu_setup = 0; @@ -769,552 +747,551 @@ static short cpu_setup = 0; * idle values in proc stat. * Kernels around 2.6 and greater report these PLUS iowait, irq, softirq, * and steal */ -void determine_longstat(char *buf) -{ - unsigned long long iowait = 0; +void determine_longstat(char *buf) { + unsigned long long iowait = 0; - KFLAG_SETOFF(KFLAG_IS_LONGSTAT); - /* scanf will either return -1 or 1 because there is only 1 assignment */ - if (sscanf(buf, "%*s %*d %*d %*d %*d %llu", &iowait) > 0) { - KFLAG_SETON(KFLAG_IS_LONGSTAT); - } + KFLAG_SETOFF(KFLAG_IS_LONGSTAT); + /* scanf will either return -1 or 1 because there is only 1 assignment */ + if (sscanf(buf, "%*s %*d %*d %*d %*d %llu", &iowait) > 0) { + KFLAG_SETON(KFLAG_IS_LONGSTAT); + } } void determine_longstat_file(void) { #define MAX_PROCSTAT_LINELEN 255 - FILE *stat_fp; - static int rep = 0; - char buf[MAX_PROCSTAT_LINELEN + 1]; + FILE *stat_fp; + static int rep = 0; + char buf[MAX_PROCSTAT_LINELEN + 1]; - if ( not (stat_fp = open_file("/proc/stat", &rep))) return; - while ( not feof(stat_fp)) { - if (fgets(buf, MAX_PROCSTAT_LINELEN, stat_fp) == NULL) break; - if (strncmp(buf, "cpu", 3) == 0) { - determine_longstat(buf); - break; - } - } - fclose(stat_fp); + if (not(stat_fp = open_file("/proc/stat", &rep))) return; + while (not feof(stat_fp)) { + if (fgets(buf, MAX_PROCSTAT_LINELEN, stat_fp) == NULL) break; + if (strncmp(buf, "cpu", 3) == 0) { + determine_longstat(buf); + break; + } + } + fclose(stat_fp); } -void get_cpu_count(void) -{ - FILE *stat_fp; - static int rep = 0; - char buf[256]; - char *str1, *str2, *token, *subtoken; - char *saveptr1, *saveptr2; - int subtoken1=-1; - int subtoken2=-1; +void get_cpu_count(void) { + FILE *stat_fp; + static int rep = 0; + char buf[256]; + char *str1, *str2, *token, *subtoken; + char *saveptr1, *saveptr2; + int subtoken1 = -1; + int subtoken2 = -1; - if (info.cpu_usage) { - return; - } + if (info.cpu_usage) { + return; + } - if (!(stat_fp = open_file("/sys/devices/system/cpu/present", &rep))) { - return; - } + if (!(stat_fp = open_file("/sys/devices/system/cpu/present", &rep))) { + return; + } - info.cpu_count = 0; + info.cpu_count = 0; - while (!feof(stat_fp)) { - if (fgets(buf, 255, stat_fp) == NULL) { - break; - } + while (!feof(stat_fp)) { + if (fgets(buf, 255, stat_fp) == NULL) { + break; + } - // Do some parsing here to handle skipped cpu numbers. For example, - // for an AMD FX(tm)-6350 Six-Core Processor /sys/.../present reports - // "0,3-7". I assume that chip is really an 8-core die with two cores - // disabled... Presumably you could also get "0,3-4,6", and other - // combos too... - for (str1 = buf; ; str1 = NULL) { - token = strtok_r(str1, ",", &saveptr1); - if (token == NULL) break; - ++info.cpu_count; + // Do some parsing here to handle skipped cpu numbers. For example, + // for an AMD FX(tm)-6350 Six-Core Processor /sys/.../present reports + // "0,3-7". I assume that chip is really an 8-core die with two cores + // disabled... Presumably you could also get "0,3-4,6", and other + // combos too... + for (str1 = buf;; str1 = NULL) { + token = strtok_r(str1, ",", &saveptr1); + if (token == NULL) break; + ++info.cpu_count; - subtoken1=-1; - subtoken2=-1; - for (str2 = token; ; str2 = NULL) { - subtoken = strtok_r(str2, "-", &saveptr2); - if (subtoken == NULL) break; - if(subtoken1 < 0) - subtoken1=atoi(subtoken); - else - subtoken2=atoi(subtoken); - } - if(subtoken2 > 0) - info.cpu_count += subtoken2 - subtoken1; - } - } - info.cpu_usage = (float*)malloc((info.cpu_count + 1) * sizeof(float)); + subtoken1 = -1; + subtoken2 = -1; + for (str2 = token;; str2 = NULL) { + subtoken = strtok_r(str2, "-", &saveptr2); + if (subtoken == NULL) break; + if (subtoken1 < 0) + subtoken1 = atoi(subtoken); + else + subtoken2 = atoi(subtoken); + } + if (subtoken2 > 0) info.cpu_count += subtoken2 - subtoken1; + } + } + info.cpu_usage = (float *)malloc((info.cpu_count + 1) * sizeof(float)); - fclose(stat_fp); + fclose(stat_fp); } #define TMPL_LONGSTAT "%*s %llu %llu %llu %llu %llu %llu %llu %llu" #define TMPL_SHORTSTAT "%*s %llu %llu %llu %llu" -int update_stat(void) -{ - FILE *stat_fp; - static int rep = 0; - static struct cpu_info *cpu = NULL; - char buf[256]; - int i; - unsigned int idx; - double curtmp; - const char *stat_template = NULL; - unsigned int malloc_cpu_size = 0; - extern void* global_cpu; +int update_stat(void) { + FILE *stat_fp; + static int rep = 0; + static struct cpu_info *cpu = NULL; + char buf[256]; + int i; + unsigned int idx; + double curtmp; + const char *stat_template = NULL; + unsigned int malloc_cpu_size = 0; + extern void *global_cpu; - static pthread_mutex_t last_stat_update_mutex = PTHREAD_MUTEX_INITIALIZER; - static double last_stat_update = 0.0; - float cur_total = 0.0; + static pthread_mutex_t last_stat_update_mutex = PTHREAD_MUTEX_INITIALIZER; + static double last_stat_update = 0.0; + float cur_total = 0.0; - /* since we use wrappers for this function, the update machinery - * can't eliminate double invocations of this function. Check for - * them here, otherwise cpu_usage counters are freaking out. */ - pthread_mutex_lock(&last_stat_update_mutex); - if (last_stat_update == current_update_time) { - pthread_mutex_unlock(&last_stat_update_mutex); - return 0; - } - last_stat_update = current_update_time; - pthread_mutex_unlock(&last_stat_update_mutex); + /* since we use wrappers for this function, the update machinery + * can't eliminate double invocations of this function. Check for + * them here, otherwise cpu_usage counters are freaking out. */ + pthread_mutex_lock(&last_stat_update_mutex); + if (last_stat_update == current_update_time) { + pthread_mutex_unlock(&last_stat_update_mutex); + return 0; + } + last_stat_update = current_update_time; + pthread_mutex_unlock(&last_stat_update_mutex); - /* add check for !info.cpu_usage since that mem is freed on a SIGUSR1 */ - if (!cpu_setup || !info.cpu_usage) { - get_cpu_count(); - cpu_setup = 1; - } + /* add check for !info.cpu_usage since that mem is freed on a SIGUSR1 */ + if (!cpu_setup || !info.cpu_usage) { + get_cpu_count(); + cpu_setup = 1; + } - if (!stat_template) { - stat_template = - KFLAG_ISSET(KFLAG_IS_LONGSTAT) ? TMPL_LONGSTAT : TMPL_SHORTSTAT; - } + if (!stat_template) { + stat_template = + KFLAG_ISSET(KFLAG_IS_LONGSTAT) ? TMPL_LONGSTAT : TMPL_SHORTSTAT; + } - if (!global_cpu) { - malloc_cpu_size = (info.cpu_count + 1) * sizeof(struct cpu_info); - cpu = (struct cpu_info *)malloc(malloc_cpu_size); - memset(cpu, 0, malloc_cpu_size); - global_cpu = cpu; - } + if (!global_cpu) { + malloc_cpu_size = (info.cpu_count + 1) * sizeof(struct cpu_info); + cpu = (struct cpu_info *)malloc(malloc_cpu_size); + memset(cpu, 0, malloc_cpu_size); + global_cpu = cpu; + } - if (!(stat_fp = open_file("/proc/stat", &rep))) { - info.run_threads = 0; - if (info.cpu_usage) { - memset(info.cpu_usage, 0, info.cpu_count * sizeof(float)); - } - return 0; - } + if (!(stat_fp = open_file("/proc/stat", &rep))) { + info.run_threads = 0; + if (info.cpu_usage) { + memset(info.cpu_usage, 0, info.cpu_count * sizeof(float)); + } + return 0; + } - idx = 0; - while (!feof(stat_fp)) { - if (fgets(buf, 255, stat_fp) == NULL) { - break; - } + idx = 0; + while (!feof(stat_fp)) { + if (fgets(buf, 255, stat_fp) == NULL) { + break; + } - if (strncmp(buf, "procs_running ", 14) == 0) { - sscanf(buf, "%*s %hu", &info.run_threads); - } else if (strncmp(buf, "cpu", 3) == 0) { - double delta; - if (isdigit(buf[3])) { - idx++; //just increment here since the CPU index can skip numbers - } else { - idx = 0; - } - if (idx > info.cpu_count) { - continue; - } - sscanf(buf, stat_template, &(cpu[idx].cpu_user), - &(cpu[idx].cpu_nice), &(cpu[idx].cpu_system), - &(cpu[idx].cpu_idle), &(cpu[idx].cpu_iowait), - &(cpu[idx].cpu_irq), &(cpu[idx].cpu_softirq), - &(cpu[idx].cpu_steal)); + if (strncmp(buf, "procs_running ", 14) == 0) { + sscanf(buf, "%*s %hu", &info.run_threads); + } else if (strncmp(buf, "cpu", 3) == 0) { + double delta; + if (isdigit(buf[3])) { + idx++; // just increment here since the CPU index can skip numbers + } else { + idx = 0; + } + if (idx > info.cpu_count) { + continue; + } + sscanf(buf, stat_template, &(cpu[idx].cpu_user), &(cpu[idx].cpu_nice), + &(cpu[idx].cpu_system), &(cpu[idx].cpu_idle), + &(cpu[idx].cpu_iowait), &(cpu[idx].cpu_irq), + &(cpu[idx].cpu_softirq), &(cpu[idx].cpu_steal)); - cpu[idx].cpu_total = cpu[idx].cpu_user + cpu[idx].cpu_nice + - cpu[idx].cpu_system + cpu[idx].cpu_idle + - cpu[idx].cpu_iowait + cpu[idx].cpu_irq + - cpu[idx].cpu_softirq + cpu[idx].cpu_steal; + cpu[idx].cpu_total = cpu[idx].cpu_user + cpu[idx].cpu_nice + + cpu[idx].cpu_system + cpu[idx].cpu_idle + + cpu[idx].cpu_iowait + cpu[idx].cpu_irq + + cpu[idx].cpu_softirq + cpu[idx].cpu_steal; - cpu[idx].cpu_active_total = cpu[idx].cpu_total - - (cpu[idx].cpu_idle + cpu[idx].cpu_iowait); + cpu[idx].cpu_active_total = + cpu[idx].cpu_total - (cpu[idx].cpu_idle + cpu[idx].cpu_iowait); - delta = current_update_time - last_update_time; + delta = current_update_time - last_update_time; - if (delta <= 0.001) { - break; - } + if (delta <= 0.001) { + break; + } - cur_total = (float) (cpu[idx].cpu_total - cpu[idx].cpu_last_total); - if (cur_total == 0.0) { - cpu[idx].cpu_val[0] = 1.0; - } else { - cpu[idx].cpu_val[0] = (cpu[idx].cpu_active_total - - cpu[idx].cpu_last_active_total) / cur_total; - } - curtmp = 0; + cur_total = (float)(cpu[idx].cpu_total - cpu[idx].cpu_last_total); + if (cur_total == 0.0) { + cpu[idx].cpu_val[0] = 1.0; + } else { + cpu[idx].cpu_val[0] = + (cpu[idx].cpu_active_total - cpu[idx].cpu_last_active_total) / + cur_total; + } + curtmp = 0; - int samples = cpu_avg_samples.get(*state); + int samples = cpu_avg_samples.get(*state); #ifdef HAVE_OPENMP -#pragma omp parallel for reduction(+:curtmp) schedule(dynamic,10) +#pragma omp parallel for reduction(+ : curtmp) schedule(dynamic, 10) #endif /* HAVE_OPENMP */ - for (i = 0; i < samples; i++) { - curtmp = curtmp + cpu[idx].cpu_val[i]; - } - info.cpu_usage[idx] = curtmp / samples; + for (i = 0; i < samples; i++) { + curtmp = curtmp + cpu[idx].cpu_val[i]; + } + info.cpu_usage[idx] = curtmp / samples; - cpu[idx].cpu_last_total = cpu[idx].cpu_total; - cpu[idx].cpu_last_active_total = cpu[idx].cpu_active_total; + cpu[idx].cpu_last_total = cpu[idx].cpu_total; + cpu[idx].cpu_last_active_total = cpu[idx].cpu_active_total; #ifdef HAVE_OPENMP -#pragma omp parallel for schedule(dynamic,10) +#pragma omp parallel for schedule(dynamic, 10) #endif /* HAVE_OPENMP */ - for (i = samples - 1; i > 0; i--) { - cpu[idx].cpu_val[i] = cpu[idx].cpu_val[i - 1]; - } - } - } - fclose(stat_fp); - return 0; + for (i = samples - 1; i > 0; i--) { + cpu[idx].cpu_val[i] = cpu[idx].cpu_val[i - 1]; + } + } + } + fclose(stat_fp); + return 0; } -int update_running_processes(void) -{ - update_stat(); - return 0; +int update_running_processes(void) { + update_stat(); + return 0; } -int update_cpu_usage(void) -{ - update_stat(); - return 0; +int update_cpu_usage(void) { + update_stat(); + return 0; } -//fscanf() that reads floats with points even if you are using a locale where -//floats are with commas +// fscanf() that reads floats with points even if you are using a locale where +// floats are with commas int fscanf_no_i18n(FILE *stream, const char *format, ...) { - int returncode; - va_list ap; + int returncode; + va_list ap; #ifdef BUILD_I18N - const char *oldlocale = setlocale(LC_NUMERIC, NULL); + const char *oldlocale = setlocale(LC_NUMERIC, NULL); - setlocale(LC_NUMERIC, "C"); + setlocale(LC_NUMERIC, "C"); #endif - va_start(ap, format); - returncode = vfscanf(stream, format, ap); - va_end(ap); + va_start(ap, format); + returncode = vfscanf(stream, format, ap); + va_end(ap); #ifdef BUILD_I18N - setlocale(LC_NUMERIC, oldlocale); + setlocale(LC_NUMERIC, oldlocale); #endif - return returncode; + return returncode; } -int update_load_average(void) -{ +int update_load_average(void) { #ifdef HAVE_GETLOADAVG - if (!prefer_proc) { - double v[3]; + if (!prefer_proc) { + double v[3]; - getloadavg(v, 3); - info.loadavg[0] = (float) v[0]; - info.loadavg[1] = (float) v[1]; - info.loadavg[2] = (float) v[2]; - } else + getloadavg(v, 3); + info.loadavg[0] = (float)v[0]; + info.loadavg[1] = (float)v[1]; + info.loadavg[2] = (float)v[2]; + } else #endif - { - static int rep = 0; - FILE *fp; + { + static int rep = 0; + FILE *fp; - if (!(fp = open_file("/proc/loadavg", &rep))) { - info.loadavg[0] = info.loadavg[1] = info.loadavg[2] = 0.0; - return 0; - } - if (fscanf_no_i18n(fp, "%f %f %f", &info.loadavg[0], &info.loadavg[1], - &info.loadavg[2]) < 0) - info.loadavg[0] = info.loadavg[1] = info.loadavg[2] = 0.0; - fclose(fp); - } - return 0; + if (!(fp = open_file("/proc/loadavg", &rep))) { + info.loadavg[0] = info.loadavg[1] = info.loadavg[2] = 0.0; + return 0; + } + if (fscanf_no_i18n(fp, "%f %f %f", &info.loadavg[0], &info.loadavg[1], + &info.loadavg[2]) < 0) + info.loadavg[0] = info.loadavg[1] = info.loadavg[2] = 0.0; + fclose(fp); + } + return 0; } /***********************************************************/ /***********************************************************/ /***********************************************************/ -static int no_dots(const struct dirent *d) -{ - if (d->d_name[0] == '.') { - return 0; - } - return 1; +static int no_dots(const struct dirent *d) { + if (d->d_name[0] == '.') { + return 0; + } + return 1; } -static int get_first_file_in_a_directory(const char *dir, char *s, int *rep) -{ - struct dirent **namelist; - int i, n; +static int get_first_file_in_a_directory(const char *dir, char *s, int *rep) { + struct dirent **namelist; + int i, n; - n = scandir(dir, &namelist, no_dots, alphasort); - if (n < 0) { - if (!rep || !*rep) { - NORM_ERR("scandir for %s: %s", dir, strerror(errno)); - if (rep) { - *rep = 1; - } - } - return 0; - } else { - if (n == 0) { - return 0; - } + n = scandir(dir, &namelist, no_dots, alphasort); + if (n < 0) { + if (!rep || !*rep) { + NORM_ERR("scandir for %s: %s", dir, strerror(errno)); + if (rep) { + *rep = 1; + } + } + return 0; + } else { + if (n == 0) { + return 0; + } - strncpy(s, namelist[0]->d_name, 255); - s[255] = '\0'; + strncpy(s, namelist[0]->d_name, 255); + s[255] = '\0'; #ifdef HAVE_OPENMP -#pragma omp parallel for schedule(dynamic,10) +#pragma omp parallel for schedule(dynamic, 10) #endif /* HAVE_OPENMP */ - for (i = 0; i < n; i++) { - free(namelist[i]); - } - free(namelist); + for (i = 0; i < n; i++) { + free(namelist[i]); + } + free(namelist); - return 1; - } + return 1; + } } -static int open_sysfs_sensor(const char *dir, const char *dev, const char *type, int n, - int *divisor, char *devtype) -{ - char path[256]; - char buf[256]; - int fd; - int divfd; +static int open_sysfs_sensor(const char *dir, const char *dev, const char *type, + int n, int *divisor, char *devtype) { + char path[256]; + char buf[256]; + int fd; + int divfd; - memset(buf, 0, sizeof(buf)); + memset(buf, 0, sizeof(buf)); - /* if device is NULL or *, get first */ - if (dev == NULL || strcmp(dev, "*") == 0) { - static int rep = 0; + /* if device is NULL or *, get first */ + if (dev == NULL || strcmp(dev, "*") == 0) { + static int rep = 0; - if (!get_first_file_in_a_directory(dir, buf, &rep)) { - return -1; - } - dev = buf; - } + if (!get_first_file_in_a_directory(dir, buf, &rep)) { + return -1; + } + dev = buf; + } - if (strcmp(dir, "/sys/class/hwmon/") == 0) { - if (*buf) { - /* buf holds result from get_first_file_in_a_directory() above, - * e.g. "hwmon0" -- append "/device" */ - strcat(buf, "/device"); - } else { - /* dev holds device number N as a string, - * e.g. "0", -- convert to "hwmon0/device" */ - sprintf(buf, "hwmon%s/device", dev); - dev = buf; - } - } + if (strcmp(dir, "/sys/class/hwmon/") == 0) { + if (*buf) { + /* buf holds result from get_first_file_in_a_directory() above, + * e.g. "hwmon0" -- append "/device" */ + strcat(buf, "/device"); + } else { + /* dev holds device number N as a string, + * e.g. "0", -- convert to "hwmon0/device" */ + sprintf(buf, "hwmon%s/device", dev); + dev = buf; + } + } - /* change vol to in, tempf to temp */ - if (strcmp(type, "vol") == 0) { - type = "in"; - } else if (strcmp(type, "tempf") == 0) { - type = "temp"; - } + /* change vol to in, tempf to temp */ + if (strcmp(type, "vol") == 0) { + type = "in"; + } else if (strcmp(type, "tempf") == 0) { + type = "temp"; + } - /* construct path */ - snprintf(path, 255, "%s%s/%s%d_input", dir, dev, type, n); + /* construct path */ + snprintf(path, 255, "%s%s/%s%d_input", dir, dev, type, n); - /* first, attempt to open file in /device */ - fd = open(path, O_RDONLY); - if (fd < 0) { + /* first, attempt to open file in /device */ + fd = open(path, O_RDONLY); + if (fd < 0) { + /* if it fails, strip the /device from dev and attempt again */ + buf[strlen(buf) - 7] = 0; + snprintf(path, 255, "%s%s/%s%d_input", dir, dev, type, n); + fd = open(path, O_RDONLY); + if (fd < 0) { + NORM_ERR( + "can't open '%s': %s\nplease check your device or remove this " + "var from " PACKAGE_NAME, + path, strerror(errno)); + } + } - /* if it fails, strip the /device from dev and attempt again */ - buf[strlen(buf) - 7] = 0; - snprintf(path, 255, "%s%s/%s%d_input", dir, dev, type, n); - fd = open(path, O_RDONLY); - if (fd < 0) { - NORM_ERR("can't open '%s': %s\nplease check your device or remove this " - "var from " PACKAGE_NAME, path, strerror(errno)); - } - } + strncpy(devtype, path, 255); - strncpy(devtype, path, 255); + if (strcmp(type, "in") == 0 || strcmp(type, "temp") == 0 || + strcmp(type, "tempf") == 0) { + *divisor = 1; + } else { + *divisor = 0; + } + /* fan does not use *_div as a read divisor */ + if (strcmp("fan", type) == 0) { + return fd; + } - if (strcmp(type, "in") == 0 || strcmp(type, "temp") == 0 - || strcmp(type, "tempf") == 0) { - *divisor = 1; - } else { - *divisor = 0; - } - /* fan does not use *_div as a read divisor */ - if (strcmp("fan", type) == 0) { - return fd; - } + /* test if *_div file exist, open it and use it as divisor */ + if (strcmp(type, "tempf") == 0) { + snprintf(path, 255, "%s%s/%s%d_div", dir, "one", "two", n); + } else { + snprintf(path, 255, "%s%s/%s%d_div", dir, dev, type, n); + } - /* test if *_div file exist, open it and use it as divisor */ - if (strcmp(type, "tempf") == 0) { - snprintf(path, 255, "%s%s/%s%d_div", dir, "one", "two", n); - } else { - snprintf(path, 255, "%s%s/%s%d_div", dir, dev, type, n); - } + divfd = open(path, O_RDONLY); + if (divfd > 0) { + /* read integer */ + char divbuf[64]; + int divn; - divfd = open(path, O_RDONLY); - if (divfd > 0) { - /* read integer */ - char divbuf[64]; - int divn; + divn = read(divfd, divbuf, 63); + /* should read until n == 0 but I doubt that kernel will give these + * in multiple pieces. :) */ + if (divn < 0) { + NORM_ERR("open_sysfs_sensor(): can't read from sysfs"); + } else { + divbuf[divn] = '\0'; + *divisor = atoi(divbuf); + } + close(divfd); + } - divn = read(divfd, divbuf, 63); - /* should read until n == 0 but I doubt that kernel will give these - * in multiple pieces. :) */ - if (divn < 0) { - NORM_ERR("open_sysfs_sensor(): can't read from sysfs"); - } else { - divbuf[divn] = '\0'; - *divisor = atoi(divbuf); - } - close(divfd); - } - - return fd; + return fd; } -static double get_sysfs_info(int *fd, int divisor, char *devtype, char *type) -{ - int val = 0; +static double get_sysfs_info(int *fd, int divisor, char *devtype, char *type) { + int val = 0; - if (*fd <= 0) { - return 0; - } + if (*fd <= 0) { + return 0; + } - lseek(*fd, 0, SEEK_SET); + lseek(*fd, 0, SEEK_SET); - /* read integer */ - { - char buf[64]; - int n; - n = read(*fd, buf, 63); - /* should read until n == 0 but I doubt that kernel will give these - * in multiple pieces. :) */ - if (n < 0) { - NORM_ERR("get_sysfs_info(): read from %s failed\n", devtype); - } else { - buf[n] = '\0'; - val = atoi(buf); - } - } + /* read integer */ + { + char buf[64]; + int n; + n = read(*fd, buf, 63); + /* should read until n == 0 but I doubt that kernel will give these + * in multiple pieces. :) */ + if (n < 0) { + NORM_ERR("get_sysfs_info(): read from %s failed\n", devtype); + } else { + buf[n] = '\0'; + val = atoi(buf); + } + } - close(*fd); - /* open file */ - *fd = open(devtype, O_RDONLY); - if (*fd < 0) { - NORM_ERR("can't open '%s': %s", devtype, strerror(errno)); - } + close(*fd); + /* open file */ + *fd = open(devtype, O_RDONLY); + if (*fd < 0) { + NORM_ERR("can't open '%s': %s", devtype, strerror(errno)); + } - /* My dirty hack for computing CPU value - * Filedil, from forums.gentoo.org */ - /* if (strstr(devtype, "temp1_input") != NULL) { - return -15.096 + 1.4893 * (val / 1000.0); - } */ + /* My dirty hack for computing CPU value + * Filedil, from forums.gentoo.org */ + /* if (strstr(devtype, "temp1_input") != NULL) { + return -15.096 + 1.4893 * (val / 1000.0); + } */ - /* divide voltage and temperature by 1000 */ - /* or if any other divisor is given, use that */ - if (strcmp(type, "tempf") == 0) { - if (divisor > 1) { - return ((val / divisor + 40) * 9.0 / 5) - 40; - } else if (divisor) { - return ((val / 1000.0 + 40) * 9.0 / 5) - 40; - } else { - return ((val + 40) * 9.0 / 5) - 40; - } - } else { - if (divisor > 1) { - return val / divisor; - } else if (divisor) { - return val / 1000.0; - } else { - return val; - } - } + /* divide voltage and temperature by 1000 */ + /* or if any other divisor is given, use that */ + if (strcmp(type, "tempf") == 0) { + if (divisor > 1) { + return ((val / divisor + 40) * 9.0 / 5) - 40; + } else if (divisor) { + return ((val / 1000.0 + 40) * 9.0 / 5) - 40; + } else { + return ((val + 40) * 9.0 / 5) - 40; + } + } else { + if (divisor > 1) { + return val / divisor; + } else if (divisor) { + return val / 1000.0; + } else { + return val; + } + } } -#define HWMON_RESET() {\ - buf1[0] = 0; \ - factor = 1.0; \ - offset = 0.0; } +#define HWMON_RESET() \ + { \ + buf1[0] = 0; \ + factor = 1.0; \ + offset = 0.0; \ + } -static void parse_sysfs_sensor(struct text_object *obj, const char *arg, const char *path, const char *type) -{ - char buf1[64], buf2[64]; - float factor, offset; - int n, found = 0; - struct sysfs *sf; +static void parse_sysfs_sensor(struct text_object *obj, const char *arg, + const char *path, const char *type) { + char buf1[64], buf2[64]; + float factor, offset; + int n, found = 0; + struct sysfs *sf; - if (sscanf(arg, "%63s %d %f %f", buf2, &n, &factor, &offset) == 4) found = 1; else HWMON_RESET(); - if (!found && sscanf(arg, "%63s %63s %d %f %f", buf1, buf2, &n, &factor, &offset) == 5) found = 1; else if (!found) HWMON_RESET(); - if (!found && sscanf(arg, "%63s %63s %d", buf1, buf2, &n) == 3) found = 1; else if (!found) HWMON_RESET(); - if (!found && sscanf(arg, "%63s %d", buf2, &n) == 2) found = 1; else if (!found) HWMON_RESET(); + if (sscanf(arg, "%63s %d %f %f", buf2, &n, &factor, &offset) == 4) + found = 1; + else + HWMON_RESET(); + if (!found && + sscanf(arg, "%63s %63s %d %f %f", buf1, buf2, &n, &factor, &offset) == 5) + found = 1; + else if (!found) + HWMON_RESET(); + if (!found && sscanf(arg, "%63s %63s %d", buf1, buf2, &n) == 3) + found = 1; + else if (!found) + HWMON_RESET(); + if (!found && sscanf(arg, "%63s %d", buf2, &n) == 2) + found = 1; + else if (!found) + HWMON_RESET(); - if (!found) { - obj_be_plain_text(obj, "fail"); - return; - } - DBGP("parsed %s args: '%s' '%s' %d %f %f\n", type, buf1, buf2, n, factor, offset); - sf = (struct sysfs*)malloc(sizeof(struct sysfs)); - memset(sf, 0, sizeof(struct sysfs)); - sf->fd = open_sysfs_sensor(path, (*buf1) ? buf1 : 0, buf2, n, - &sf->arg, sf->devtype); - strncpy(sf->type, buf2, 63); - sf->factor = factor; - sf->offset = offset; - obj->data.opaque = sf; + if (!found) { + obj_be_plain_text(obj, "fail"); + return; + } + DBGP("parsed %s args: '%s' '%s' %d %f %f\n", type, buf1, buf2, n, factor, + offset); + sf = (struct sysfs *)malloc(sizeof(struct sysfs)); + memset(sf, 0, sizeof(struct sysfs)); + sf->fd = open_sysfs_sensor(path, (*buf1) ? buf1 : 0, buf2, n, &sf->arg, + sf->devtype); + strncpy(sf->type, buf2, 63); + sf->factor = factor; + sf->offset = offset; + obj->data.opaque = sf; } -#define PARSER_GENERATOR(name, path) \ -void parse_##name##_sensor(struct text_object *obj, const char *arg) \ -{ \ - parse_sysfs_sensor(obj, arg, path, #name); \ -} +#define PARSER_GENERATOR(name, path) \ + void parse_##name##_sensor(struct text_object *obj, const char *arg) { \ + parse_sysfs_sensor(obj, arg, path, #name); \ + } PARSER_GENERATOR(i2c, "/sys/bus/i2c/devices/") PARSER_GENERATOR(hwmon, "/sys/class/hwmon/") PARSER_GENERATOR(platform, "/sys/bus/platform/devices/") -void print_sysfs_sensor(struct text_object *obj, char *p, int p_max_size) -{ - double r; - struct sysfs *sf = (struct sysfs *)obj->data.opaque; +void print_sysfs_sensor(struct text_object *obj, char *p, int p_max_size) { + double r; + struct sysfs *sf = (struct sysfs *)obj->data.opaque; - if (!sf || sf->fd < 0) - return; + if (!sf || sf->fd < 0) return; - r = get_sysfs_info(&sf->fd, sf->arg, - sf->devtype, sf->type); + r = get_sysfs_info(&sf->fd, sf->arg, sf->devtype, sf->type); - r = r * sf->factor + sf->offset; + r = r * sf->factor + sf->offset; - if (!strncmp(sf->type, "temp", 4)) { - temp_print(p, p_max_size, r, TEMP_CELSIUS); - } else if (r >= 100.0 || r == 0) { - snprintf(p, p_max_size, "%d", (int) r); - } else { - snprintf(p, p_max_size, "%.1f", r); - } + if (!strncmp(sf->type, "temp", 4)) { + temp_print(p, p_max_size, r, TEMP_CELSIUS); + } else if (r >= 100.0 || r == 0) { + snprintf(p, p_max_size, "%d", (int)r); + } else { + snprintf(p, p_max_size, "%.1f", r); + } } -void free_sysfs_sensor(struct text_object *obj) -{ - struct sysfs *sf = (struct sysfs *)obj->data.opaque; +void free_sysfs_sensor(struct text_object *obj) { + struct sysfs *sf = (struct sysfs *)obj->data.opaque; - if (!sf) - return; + if (!sf) return; - if(sf->fd >= 0) - close(sf->fd); - free_and_zero(obj->data.opaque); + if (sf->fd >= 0) close(sf->fd); + free_and_zero(obj->data.opaque); } #define CPUFREQ_PREFIX "/sys/devices/system/cpu" @@ -1322,86 +1299,84 @@ void free_sysfs_sensor(struct text_object *obj) /* return system frequency in MHz (use divisor=1) or GHz (use divisor=1000) */ char get_freq(char *p_client_buffer, size_t client_buffer_size, - const char *p_format, int divisor, unsigned int cpu) -{ - FILE *f; - static int rep = 0; - char frequency[32]; - char s[256]; - double freq = 0; + const char *p_format, int divisor, unsigned int cpu) { + FILE *f; + static int rep = 0; + char frequency[32]; + char s[256]; + double freq = 0; - if (!p_client_buffer || client_buffer_size <= 0 || !p_format - || divisor <= 0) { - return 0; - } + if (!p_client_buffer || client_buffer_size <= 0 || !p_format || + divisor <= 0) { + return 0; + } - if (!prefer_proc) { - char current_freq_file[128]; + if (!prefer_proc) { + char current_freq_file[128]; - snprintf(current_freq_file, 127, "%s/cpu%d/%s", CPUFREQ_PREFIX, cpu - 1, - CPUFREQ_POSTFIX); - f = fopen(current_freq_file, "r"); - if (f) { - /* if there's a cpufreq /sys node, read the current frequency from - * this node and divide by 1000 to get Mhz. */ - if (fgets(s, sizeof(s), f)) { - s[strlen(s) - 1] = '\0'; - freq = strtod(s, NULL); - } - fclose(f); - snprintf(p_client_buffer, client_buffer_size, p_format, - (freq / 1000) / divisor); - return 1; - } - } + snprintf(current_freq_file, 127, "%s/cpu%d/%s", CPUFREQ_PREFIX, cpu - 1, + CPUFREQ_POSTFIX); + f = fopen(current_freq_file, "r"); + if (f) { + /* if there's a cpufreq /sys node, read the current frequency from + * this node and divide by 1000 to get Mhz. */ + if (fgets(s, sizeof(s), f)) { + s[strlen(s) - 1] = '\0'; + freq = strtod(s, NULL); + } + fclose(f); + snprintf(p_client_buffer, client_buffer_size, p_format, + (freq / 1000) / divisor); + return 1; + } + } - // open the CPU information file - f = open_file("/proc/cpuinfo", &rep); - if (!f) { - perror(PACKAGE_NAME": Failed to access '/proc/cpuinfo' at get_freq()"); - return 0; - } - - // read the file - while (fgets(s, sizeof(s), f) != NULL) { + // open the CPU information file + f = open_file("/proc/cpuinfo", &rep); + if (!f) { + perror(PACKAGE_NAME ": Failed to access '/proc/cpuinfo' at get_freq()"); + return 0; + } + // read the file + while (fgets(s, sizeof(s), f) != NULL) { #if defined(__i386) || defined(__x86_64) - // and search for the cpu mhz - if (strncmp(s, "cpu MHz", 7) == 0 && cpu == 0) { + // and search for the cpu mhz + if (strncmp(s, "cpu MHz", 7) == 0 && cpu == 0) { #else #if defined(__alpha) - // different on alpha - if (strncmp(s, "cycle frequency [Hz]", 20) == 0 && cpu == 0) { + // different on alpha + if (strncmp(s, "cycle frequency [Hz]", 20) == 0 && cpu == 0) { #else - // this is different on ppc for some reason - if (strncmp(s, "clock", 5) == 0 && cpu == 0) { -#endif // defined(__alpha) -#endif // defined(__i386) || defined(__x86_64) + // this is different on ppc for some reason + if (strncmp(s, "clock", 5) == 0 && cpu == 0) { +#endif // defined(__alpha) +#endif // defined(__i386) || defined(__x86_64) - // copy just the number - strcpy(frequency, strchr(s, ':') + 2); + // copy just the number + strcpy(frequency, strchr(s, ':') + 2); #if defined(__alpha) - // strip " est.\n" - frequency[strlen(frequency) - 6] = '\0'; - // kernel reports in Hz - freq = strtod(frequency, NULL) / 1000000; + // strip " est.\n" + frequency[strlen(frequency) - 6] = '\0'; + // kernel reports in Hz + freq = strtod(frequency, NULL) / 1000000; #else - // strip \n - frequency[strlen(frequency) - 1] = '\0'; - freq = strtod(frequency, NULL); + // strip \n + frequency[strlen(frequency) - 1] = '\0'; + freq = strtod(frequency, NULL); #endif - break; - } - if (strncmp(s, "processor", 9) == 0) { - cpu--; - continue; - } - } + break; + } + if (strncmp(s, "processor", 9) == 0) { + cpu--; + continue; + } + } - fclose(f); - snprintf(p_client_buffer, client_buffer_size, p_format, - (float) freq / divisor); - return 1; + fclose(f); + snprintf(p_client_buffer, client_buffer_size, p_format, + (float)freq / divisor); + return 1; } #define CPUFREQ_VOLTAGE "cpufreq/scaling_voltages" @@ -1420,123 +1395,120 @@ char get_freq(char *p_client_buffer, size_t client_buffer_size, /* return cpu voltage in mV (use divisor=1) or V (use divisor=1000) */ static char get_voltage(char *p_client_buffer, size_t client_buffer_size, - const char *p_format, int divisor, unsigned int cpu) -{ - FILE *f; - char s[256]; - int freq = 0; - int voltage = 0; - char current_freq_file[128]; - int freq_comp = 0; + const char *p_format, int divisor, unsigned int cpu) { + FILE *f; + char s[256]; + int freq = 0; + int voltage = 0; + char current_freq_file[128]; + int freq_comp = 0; - /* build the voltage file name */ - cpu--; - snprintf(current_freq_file, 127, "%s/cpu%d/%s", CPUFREQ_PREFIX, cpu, - CPUFREQ_POSTFIX); + /* build the voltage file name */ + cpu--; + snprintf(current_freq_file, 127, "%s/cpu%d/%s", CPUFREQ_PREFIX, cpu, + CPUFREQ_POSTFIX); - if (!p_client_buffer || client_buffer_size <= 0 || !p_format - || divisor <= 0) { - return 0; - } + if (!p_client_buffer || client_buffer_size <= 0 || !p_format || + divisor <= 0) { + return 0; + } - /* read the current cpu frequency from the /sys node */ - f = fopen(current_freq_file, "r"); - if (f) { - if (fgets(s, sizeof(s), f)) { - s[strlen(s) - 1] = '\0'; - freq = strtod(s, NULL); - } - fclose(f); - } else { - fprintf(stderr, PACKAGE_NAME": Failed to access '%s' at ", current_freq_file); - perror("get_voltage()"); - if (f) { - fclose(f); - } - return 0; - } + /* read the current cpu frequency from the /sys node */ + f = fopen(current_freq_file, "r"); + if (f) { + if (fgets(s, sizeof(s), f)) { + s[strlen(s) - 1] = '\0'; + freq = strtod(s, NULL); + } + fclose(f); + } else { + fprintf(stderr, PACKAGE_NAME ": Failed to access '%s' at ", + current_freq_file); + perror("get_voltage()"); + if (f) { + fclose(f); + } + return 0; + } - snprintf(current_freq_file, 127, "%s/cpu%d/%s", CPUFREQ_PREFIX, cpu, - CPUFREQ_VOLTAGE); + snprintf(current_freq_file, 127, "%s/cpu%d/%s", CPUFREQ_PREFIX, cpu, + CPUFREQ_VOLTAGE); - /* use the current cpu frequency to find the corresponding voltage */ - f = fopen(current_freq_file, "r"); + /* use the current cpu frequency to find the corresponding voltage */ + f = fopen(current_freq_file, "r"); - if (f) { - while (!feof(f)) { - char line[256]; + if (f) { + while (!feof(f)) { + char line[256]; - if (fgets(line, 255, f) == NULL) { - break; - } - sscanf(line, "%d %d", &freq_comp, &voltage); - if (freq_comp == freq) { - break; - } - } - fclose(f); - } else { - fprintf(stderr, PACKAGE_NAME": Failed to access '%s' at ", current_freq_file); - perror("get_voltage()"); - if (f) { - fclose(f); - } - return 0; - } - snprintf(p_client_buffer, client_buffer_size, p_format, - (float) voltage / divisor); - return 1; + if (fgets(line, 255, f) == NULL) { + break; + } + sscanf(line, "%d %d", &freq_comp, &voltage); + if (freq_comp == freq) { + break; + } + } + fclose(f); + } else { + fprintf(stderr, PACKAGE_NAME ": Failed to access '%s' at ", + current_freq_file); + perror("get_voltage()"); + if (f) { + fclose(f); + } + return 0; + } + snprintf(p_client_buffer, client_buffer_size, p_format, + (float)voltage / divisor); + return 1; } -void print_voltage_mv(struct text_object *obj, char *p, int p_max_size) -{ - static int ok = 1; - if (ok) { - ok = get_voltage(p, p_max_size, "%.0f", 1, obj->data.i); - } +void print_voltage_mv(struct text_object *obj, char *p, int p_max_size) { + static int ok = 1; + if (ok) { + ok = get_voltage(p, p_max_size, "%.0f", 1, obj->data.i); + } } -void print_voltage_v(struct text_object *obj, char *p, int p_max_size) -{ - static int ok = 1; - if (ok) { - ok = get_voltage(p, p_max_size, "%'.3f", 1000, obj->data.i); - } +void print_voltage_v(struct text_object *obj, char *p, int p_max_size) { + static int ok = 1; + if (ok) { + ok = get_voltage(p, p_max_size, "%'.3f", 1000, obj->data.i); + } } #define ACPI_FAN_DIR "/proc/acpi/fan/" -void get_acpi_fan(char *p_client_buffer, size_t client_buffer_size) -{ - static int rep = 0; - char buf[256]; - char buf2[256]; - FILE *fp; +void get_acpi_fan(char *p_client_buffer, size_t client_buffer_size) { + static int rep = 0; + char buf[256]; + char buf2[256]; + FILE *fp; - if (!p_client_buffer || client_buffer_size <= 0) { - return; - } + if (!p_client_buffer || client_buffer_size <= 0) { + return; + } - /* yeah, slow... :/ */ - if (!get_first_file_in_a_directory(ACPI_FAN_DIR, buf, &rep)) { - snprintf(p_client_buffer, client_buffer_size, "no fans?"); - return; - } + /* yeah, slow... :/ */ + if (!get_first_file_in_a_directory(ACPI_FAN_DIR, buf, &rep)) { + snprintf(p_client_buffer, client_buffer_size, "no fans?"); + return; + } - snprintf(buf2, sizeof(buf2), "%s%s/state", ACPI_FAN_DIR, buf); + snprintf(buf2, sizeof(buf2), "%s%s/state", ACPI_FAN_DIR, buf); - fp = open_file(buf2, &rep); - if (!fp) { - snprintf(p_client_buffer, client_buffer_size, - "can't open fan's state file"); - return; - } - memset(buf, 0, sizeof(buf)); - if (fscanf(fp, "%*s %99s", buf) <= 0) - perror("fscanf()"); - fclose(fp); + fp = open_file(buf2, &rep); + if (!fp) { + snprintf(p_client_buffer, client_buffer_size, + "can't open fan's state file"); + return; + } + memset(buf, 0, sizeof(buf)); + if (fscanf(fp, "%*s %99s", buf) <= 0) perror("fscanf()"); + fclose(fp); - snprintf(p_client_buffer, client_buffer_size, "%s", buf); + snprintf(p_client_buffer, client_buffer_size, "%s", buf); } #define SYSFS_AC_ADAPTER_DIR "/sys/class/power_supply" @@ -1552,69 +1524,72 @@ void get_acpi_fan(char *p_client_buffer, size_t client_buffer_size) POWER_SUPPLY_TYPE=Mains POWER_SUPPLY_ONLINE=1 - Update: it seems the folder name is hardware-dependent. We add an aditional adapter - argument, specifying the folder name. + Update: it seems the folder name is hardware-dependent. We add an aditional + adapter argument, specifying the folder name. - Update: on some systems it's /sys/class/power_supply/ADP1 instead of /sys/class/power_supply/AC + Update: on some systems it's /sys/class/power_supply/ADP1 instead of + /sys/class/power_supply/AC */ -void get_acpi_ac_adapter(char *p_client_buffer, size_t client_buffer_size, const char *adapter) -{ - static int rep = 0; +void get_acpi_ac_adapter(char *p_client_buffer, size_t client_buffer_size, + const char *adapter) { + static int rep = 0; - char buf[256]; - char buf2[256]; - struct stat sb; - FILE *fp; + char buf[256]; + char buf2[256]; + struct stat sb; + FILE *fp; - if (!p_client_buffer || client_buffer_size <= 0) { - return; - } + if (!p_client_buffer || client_buffer_size <= 0) { + return; + } - if(adapter) - snprintf(buf2, sizeof(buf2), "%s/%s/uevent", SYSFS_AC_ADAPTER_DIR, adapter); - else{ - snprintf(buf2, sizeof(buf2), "%s/AC/uevent", SYSFS_AC_ADAPTER_DIR); - if(stat(buf2, &sb) == -1) snprintf(buf2, sizeof(buf2), "%s/ADP1/uevent", SYSFS_AC_ADAPTER_DIR); - } - if(stat(buf2, &sb) == 0) fp = open_file(buf2, &rep); else fp = 0; - if (fp) { - /* sysfs processing */ - while (!feof(fp)) { - if (fgets(buf, sizeof(buf), fp) == NULL) - break; + if (adapter) + snprintf(buf2, sizeof(buf2), "%s/%s/uevent", SYSFS_AC_ADAPTER_DIR, adapter); + else { + snprintf(buf2, sizeof(buf2), "%s/AC/uevent", SYSFS_AC_ADAPTER_DIR); + if (stat(buf2, &sb) == -1) + snprintf(buf2, sizeof(buf2), "%s/ADP1/uevent", SYSFS_AC_ADAPTER_DIR); + } + if (stat(buf2, &sb) == 0) + fp = open_file(buf2, &rep); + else + fp = 0; + if (fp) { + /* sysfs processing */ + while (!feof(fp)) { + if (fgets(buf, sizeof(buf), fp) == NULL) break; - if (strncmp(buf, "POWER_SUPPLY_ONLINE=", 20) == 0) { - int online = 0; - sscanf(buf, "POWER_SUPPLY_ONLINE=%d", &online); - snprintf(p_client_buffer, client_buffer_size, - "%s-line", (online ? "on" : "off")); - break; - } - } - fclose(fp); - } else { - /* yeah, slow... :/ */ - if (!get_first_file_in_a_directory(ACPI_AC_ADAPTER_DIR, buf, &rep)) { - snprintf(p_client_buffer, client_buffer_size, "no ac_adapters?"); - return; - } + if (strncmp(buf, "POWER_SUPPLY_ONLINE=", 20) == 0) { + int online = 0; + sscanf(buf, "POWER_SUPPLY_ONLINE=%d", &online); + snprintf(p_client_buffer, client_buffer_size, "%s-line", + (online ? "on" : "off")); + break; + } + } + fclose(fp); + } else { + /* yeah, slow... :/ */ + if (!get_first_file_in_a_directory(ACPI_AC_ADAPTER_DIR, buf, &rep)) { + snprintf(p_client_buffer, client_buffer_size, "no ac_adapters?"); + return; + } - snprintf(buf2, sizeof(buf2), "%s%s/state", ACPI_AC_ADAPTER_DIR, buf); + snprintf(buf2, sizeof(buf2), "%s%s/state", ACPI_AC_ADAPTER_DIR, buf); - fp = open_file(buf2, &rep); - if (!fp) { - snprintf(p_client_buffer, client_buffer_size, - "No ac adapter found.... where is it?"); - return; - } - memset(buf, 0, sizeof(buf)); - if (fscanf(fp, "%*s %99s", buf) <= 0) - perror("fscanf()"); - fclose(fp); + fp = open_file(buf2, &rep); + if (!fp) { + snprintf(p_client_buffer, client_buffer_size, + "No ac adapter found.... where is it?"); + return; + } + memset(buf, 0, sizeof(buf)); + if (fscanf(fp, "%*s %99s", buf) <= 0) perror("fscanf()"); + fclose(fp); - snprintf(p_client_buffer, client_buffer_size, "%s", buf); - } + snprintf(p_client_buffer, client_buffer_size, "%s", buf); + } } /* @@ -1634,62 +1609,61 @@ passive: 73 C: tc1=4 tc2=3 tsp=40 devices=0xcdf6e6c0 #define ACPI_THERMAL_ZONE_DEFAULT "thermal_zone0" #define ACPI_THERMAL_FORMAT "/sys/class/thermal/%s/temp" -int open_acpi_temperature(const char *name) -{ - char path[256]; - int fd; +int open_acpi_temperature(const char *name) { + char path[256]; + int fd; - if (name == NULL || strcmp(name, "*") == 0) { - snprintf(path, 255, ACPI_THERMAL_FORMAT, ACPI_THERMAL_ZONE_DEFAULT); - } else { - snprintf(path, 255, ACPI_THERMAL_FORMAT, name); - } + if (name == NULL || strcmp(name, "*") == 0) { + snprintf(path, 255, ACPI_THERMAL_FORMAT, ACPI_THERMAL_ZONE_DEFAULT); + } else { + snprintf(path, 255, ACPI_THERMAL_FORMAT, name); + } - fd = open(path, O_RDONLY); - if (fd < 0) { - NORM_ERR("can't open '%s': %s", path, strerror(errno)); - } + fd = open(path, O_RDONLY); + if (fd < 0) { + NORM_ERR("can't open '%s': %s", path, strerror(errno)); + } - return fd; + return fd; } static double last_acpi_temp; static double last_acpi_temp_time; -//the maximum length of the string inside a ACPI_THERMAL_FORMAT file including the ending 0 +// the maximum length of the string inside a ACPI_THERMAL_FORMAT file including +// the ending 0 #define MAXTHERMZONELEN 6 -double get_acpi_temperature(int fd) -{ - if (fd <= 0) { - return 0; - } +double get_acpi_temperature(int fd) { + if (fd <= 0) { + return 0; + } - /* don't update acpi temperature too often */ - if (current_update_time - last_acpi_temp_time < 11.32) { - return last_acpi_temp; - } - last_acpi_temp_time = current_update_time; + /* don't update acpi temperature too often */ + if (current_update_time - last_acpi_temp_time < 11.32) { + return last_acpi_temp; + } + last_acpi_temp_time = current_update_time; - /* seek to beginning */ - lseek(fd, 0, SEEK_SET); + /* seek to beginning */ + lseek(fd, 0, SEEK_SET); - /* read */ - { - char buf[MAXTHERMZONELEN]; - int n; + /* read */ + { + char buf[MAXTHERMZONELEN]; + int n; - n = read(fd, buf, MAXTHERMZONELEN-1); - if (n < 0) { - NORM_ERR("can't read fd %d: %s", fd, strerror(errno)); - } else { - buf[n] = '\0'; - sscanf(buf, "%lf", &last_acpi_temp); - last_acpi_temp /= 1000; - } - } + n = read(fd, buf, MAXTHERMZONELEN - 1); + if (n < 0) { + NORM_ERR("can't read fd %d: %s", fd, strerror(errno)); + } else { + buf[n] = '\0'; + sscanf(buf, "%lf", &last_acpi_temp); + last_acpi_temp /= 1000; + } + } - return last_acpi_temp; + return last_acpi_temp; } /* @@ -1729,31 +1703,32 @@ present voltage: 16608 mV 2238<@jupet�kellari��> 1.16 1.2 0x03 0x00 0x00 0x01 100% -1 ? ilman verkkovirtaa 2239<@jupet�kellari��> 1.16 1.2 0x03 0x01 0x00 0x01 99% -1 ? verkkovirralla -2240<@jupet�kellari��> 1.16 1.2 0x03 0x01 0x03 0x09 100% -1 ? verkkovirralla ja monitori p��ll� -2241<@jupet�kellari��> 1.16 1.2 0x03 0x00 0x00 0x01 99% -1 ? monitori p��ll� mutta ilman verkkovirtaa +2240<@jupet�kellari��> 1.16 1.2 0x03 0x01 0x03 0x09 100% -1 ? verkkovirralla ja +monitori p��ll� 2241<@jupet�kellari��> 1.16 1.2 0x03 0x00 0x00 0x01 99% -1 ? +monitori p��ll� mutta ilman verkkovirtaa */ /* Kapil Hari Paranjape Linux 2.6.24 onwards battery info is in /sys/class/power_supply/BAT0/ On my system I get the following. - /sys/class/power_supply/BAT0/uevent: - PHYSDEVPATH=/devices/LNXSYSTM:00/device:00/PNP0A03:00/device:01/PNP0C09:00/PNP0C0A:00 - PHYSDEVBUS=acpi - PHYSDEVDRIVER=battery - POWER_SUPPLY_NAME=BAT0 - POWER_SUPPLY_TYPE=Battery - POWER_SUPPLY_STATUS=Discharging - POWER_SUPPLY_PRESENT=1 - POWER_SUPPLY_TECHNOLOGY=Li-ion - POWER_SUPPLY_VOLTAGE_MIN_DESIGN=10800000 - POWER_SUPPLY_VOLTAGE_NOW=10780000 - POWER_SUPPLY_CURRENT_NOW=13970000 - POWER_SUPPLY_ENERGY_FULL_DESIGN=47510000 - POWER_SUPPLY_ENERGY_FULL=27370000 - POWER_SUPPLY_ENERGY_NOW=11810000 - POWER_SUPPLY_MODEL_NAME=IBM-92P1060 - POWER_SUPPLY_MANUFACTURER=Panasonic + /sys/class/power_supply/BAT0/uevent: + PHYSDEVPATH=/devices/LNXSYSTM:00/device:00/PNP0A03:00/device:01/PNP0C09:00/PNP0C0A:00 + PHYSDEVBUS=acpi + PHYSDEVDRIVER=battery + POWER_SUPPLY_NAME=BAT0 + POWER_SUPPLY_TYPE=Battery + POWER_SUPPLY_STATUS=Discharging + POWER_SUPPLY_PRESENT=1 + POWER_SUPPLY_TECHNOLOGY=Li-ion + POWER_SUPPLY_VOLTAGE_MIN_DESIGN=10800000 + POWER_SUPPLY_VOLTAGE_NOW=10780000 + POWER_SUPPLY_CURRENT_NOW=13970000 + POWER_SUPPLY_ENERGY_FULL_DESIGN=47510000 + POWER_SUPPLY_ENERGY_FULL=27370000 + POWER_SUPPLY_ENERGY_NOW=11810000 + POWER_SUPPLY_MODEL_NAME=IBM-92P1060 + POWER_SUPPLY_MANUFACTURER=Panasonic On some systems POWER_SUPPLY_ENERGY_* is replaced by POWER_SUPPLY_CHARGE_* */ @@ -1768,9 +1743,9 @@ present voltage: 16608 mV #define APM_PATH "/proc/apm" #define MAX_BATTERY_COUNT 4 -static FILE *sysfs_bat_fp[MAX_BATTERY_COUNT] = { NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL }; -static FILE *acpi_bat_fp[MAX_BATTERY_COUNT] = { NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL }; -static FILE *apm_bat_fp[MAX_BATTERY_COUNT] = { NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL }; +static FILE *sysfs_bat_fp[MAX_BATTERY_COUNT] = {NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL}; +static FILE *acpi_bat_fp[MAX_BATTERY_COUNT] = {NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL}; +static FILE *apm_bat_fp[MAX_BATTERY_COUNT] = {NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL}; static int batteries_initialized = 0; static char batteries[MAX_BATTERY_COUNT][32]; @@ -1788,531 +1763,540 @@ static double last_battery_time[MAX_BATTERY_COUNT]; static int last_battery_perct[MAX_BATTERY_COUNT]; static double last_battery_perct_time[MAX_BATTERY_COUNT]; -void init_batteries(void) -{ - int idx; +void init_batteries(void) { + int idx; - if (batteries_initialized) { - return; - } + if (batteries_initialized) { + return; + } #ifdef HAVE_OPENMP -#pragma omp parallel for schedule(dynamic,10) +#pragma omp parallel for schedule(dynamic, 10) #endif /* HAVE_OPENMP */ - for (idx = 0; idx < MAX_BATTERY_COUNT; idx++) { - batteries[idx][0] = '\0'; - } - batteries_initialized = 1; + for (idx = 0; idx < MAX_BATTERY_COUNT; idx++) { + batteries[idx][0] = '\0'; + } + batteries_initialized = 1; } -int get_battery_idx(const char *bat) -{ - int idx; +int get_battery_idx(const char *bat) { + int idx; - for (idx = 0; idx < MAX_BATTERY_COUNT; idx++) { - if (!strlen(batteries[idx]) || !strcmp(batteries[idx], bat)) { - break; - } - } + for (idx = 0; idx < MAX_BATTERY_COUNT; idx++) { + if (!strlen(batteries[idx]) || !strcmp(batteries[idx], bat)) { + break; + } + } - /* if not found, enter a new entry */ - if (!strlen(batteries[idx])) { - snprintf(batteries[idx], 31, "%s", bat); - } + /* if not found, enter a new entry */ + if (!strlen(batteries[idx])) { + snprintf(batteries[idx], 31, "%s", bat); + } - return idx; + return idx; } void set_return_value(char *buffer, unsigned int n, int item, int idx); -void get_battery_stuff(char *buffer, unsigned int n, const char *bat, int item) -{ - static int idx, rep = 0, rep1 = 0, rep2 = 0; - char acpi_path[128]; - char sysfs_path[128]; +void get_battery_stuff(char *buffer, unsigned int n, const char *bat, + int item) { + static int idx, rep = 0, rep1 = 0, rep2 = 0; + char acpi_path[128]; + char sysfs_path[128]; - snprintf(acpi_path, 127, ACPI_BATTERY_BASE_PATH "/%s/state", bat); - snprintf(sysfs_path, 127, SYSFS_BATTERY_BASE_PATH "/%s/uevent", bat); + snprintf(acpi_path, 127, ACPI_BATTERY_BASE_PATH "/%s/state", bat); + snprintf(sysfs_path, 127, SYSFS_BATTERY_BASE_PATH "/%s/uevent", bat); - init_batteries(); + init_batteries(); - idx = get_battery_idx(bat); + idx = get_battery_idx(bat); - /* don't update battery too often */ - if (current_update_time - last_battery_time[idx] < 29.5) { - set_return_value(buffer, n, item, idx); - return; - } + /* don't update battery too often */ + if (current_update_time - last_battery_time[idx] < 29.5) { + set_return_value(buffer, n, item, idx); + return; + } - last_battery_time[idx] = current_update_time; + last_battery_time[idx] = current_update_time; - memset(last_battery_str[idx], 0, sizeof(last_battery_str[idx])); - memset(last_battery_time_str[idx], 0, sizeof(last_battery_time_str[idx])); + memset(last_battery_str[idx], 0, sizeof(last_battery_str[idx])); + memset(last_battery_time_str[idx], 0, sizeof(last_battery_time_str[idx])); - /* first try SYSFS if that fails try ACPI */ + /* first try SYSFS if that fails try ACPI */ - if (sysfs_bat_fp[idx] == NULL && acpi_bat_fp[idx] == NULL && apm_bat_fp[idx] == NULL) { - sysfs_bat_fp[idx] = open_file(sysfs_path, &rep); - } + if (sysfs_bat_fp[idx] == NULL && acpi_bat_fp[idx] == NULL && + apm_bat_fp[idx] == NULL) { + sysfs_bat_fp[idx] = open_file(sysfs_path, &rep); + } - if (sysfs_bat_fp[idx] == NULL && acpi_bat_fp[idx] == NULL && apm_bat_fp[idx] == NULL) { - acpi_bat_fp[idx] = open_file(acpi_path, &rep1); - } + if (sysfs_bat_fp[idx] == NULL && acpi_bat_fp[idx] == NULL && + apm_bat_fp[idx] == NULL) { + acpi_bat_fp[idx] = open_file(acpi_path, &rep1); + } - if (sysfs_bat_fp[idx] != NULL) { - /* SYSFS */ - int present_rate = -1; - int remaining_capacity = -1; - char charging_state[64]; - char present[4]; + if (sysfs_bat_fp[idx] != NULL) { + /* SYSFS */ + int present_rate = -1; + int remaining_capacity = -1; + char charging_state[64]; + char present[4]; - strcpy(charging_state, "unknown"); + strcpy(charging_state, "unknown"); - while (!feof(sysfs_bat_fp[idx])) { - char buf[256]; - if (fgets(buf, 256, sysfs_bat_fp[idx]) == NULL) - break; + while (!feof(sysfs_bat_fp[idx])) { + char buf[256]; + if (fgets(buf, 256, sysfs_bat_fp[idx]) == NULL) break; - /* let's just hope units are ok */ - if (strncmp (buf, "POWER_SUPPLY_PRESENT=1", 22) == 0) - strcpy(present, "yes"); - else if (strncmp (buf, "POWER_SUPPLY_PRESENT=0", 22) == 0) - strcpy(present, "no"); - else if (strncmp (buf, "POWER_SUPPLY_STATUS=", 20) == 0) - sscanf(buf, "POWER_SUPPLY_STATUS=%63s", charging_state); - /* present_rate is not the same as the current flowing now but it - * is the same value which was used in the past. so we continue the - * tradition! */ - else if (strncmp(buf, "POWER_SUPPLY_CURRENT_NOW=", 25) == 0) - sscanf(buf, "POWER_SUPPLY_CURRENT_NOW=%d", &present_rate); - else if (strncmp(buf, "POWER_SUPPLY_POWER_NOW=", 23) == 0) - sscanf(buf, "POWER_SUPPLY_POWER_NOW=%d", &present_rate); - else if (strncmp(buf, "POWER_SUPPLY_ENERGY_NOW=", 24) == 0) - sscanf(buf, "POWER_SUPPLY_ENERGY_NOW=%d", &remaining_capacity); - else if (strncmp(buf, "POWER_SUPPLY_ENERGY_FULL=", 25) == 0) - sscanf(buf, "POWER_SUPPLY_ENERGY_FULL=%d", &acpi_last_full[idx]); - else if (strncmp(buf, "POWER_SUPPLY_CHARGE_NOW=", 24) == 0) - sscanf(buf, "POWER_SUPPLY_CHARGE_NOW=%d", &remaining_capacity); - else if (strncmp(buf, "POWER_SUPPLY_CHARGE_FULL=", 25) == 0) - sscanf(buf, "POWER_SUPPLY_CHARGE_FULL=%d", &acpi_last_full[idx]); - } + /* let's just hope units are ok */ + if (strncmp(buf, "POWER_SUPPLY_PRESENT=1", 22) == 0) + strcpy(present, "yes"); + else if (strncmp(buf, "POWER_SUPPLY_PRESENT=0", 22) == 0) + strcpy(present, "no"); + else if (strncmp(buf, "POWER_SUPPLY_STATUS=", 20) == 0) + sscanf(buf, "POWER_SUPPLY_STATUS=%63s", charging_state); + /* present_rate is not the same as the current flowing now but it + * is the same value which was used in the past. so we continue the + * tradition! */ + else if (strncmp(buf, "POWER_SUPPLY_CURRENT_NOW=", 25) == 0) + sscanf(buf, "POWER_SUPPLY_CURRENT_NOW=%d", &present_rate); + else if (strncmp(buf, "POWER_SUPPLY_POWER_NOW=", 23) == 0) + sscanf(buf, "POWER_SUPPLY_POWER_NOW=%d", &present_rate); + else if (strncmp(buf, "POWER_SUPPLY_ENERGY_NOW=", 24) == 0) + sscanf(buf, "POWER_SUPPLY_ENERGY_NOW=%d", &remaining_capacity); + else if (strncmp(buf, "POWER_SUPPLY_ENERGY_FULL=", 25) == 0) + sscanf(buf, "POWER_SUPPLY_ENERGY_FULL=%d", &acpi_last_full[idx]); + else if (strncmp(buf, "POWER_SUPPLY_CHARGE_NOW=", 24) == 0) + sscanf(buf, "POWER_SUPPLY_CHARGE_NOW=%d", &remaining_capacity); + else if (strncmp(buf, "POWER_SUPPLY_CHARGE_FULL=", 25) == 0) + sscanf(buf, "POWER_SUPPLY_CHARGE_FULL=%d", &acpi_last_full[idx]); + } - fclose(sysfs_bat_fp[idx]); - sysfs_bat_fp[idx] = NULL; + fclose(sysfs_bat_fp[idx]); + sysfs_bat_fp[idx] = NULL; - /* Hellf[i]re notes that remaining capacity can exceed acpi_last_full */ - if (remaining_capacity > acpi_last_full[idx]) - acpi_last_full[idx] = remaining_capacity; /* normalize to 100% */ + /* Hellf[i]re notes that remaining capacity can exceed acpi_last_full */ + if (remaining_capacity > acpi_last_full[idx]) + acpi_last_full[idx] = remaining_capacity; /* normalize to 100% */ - /* not present */ - if (strcmp(present, "No") == 0) { - strncpy(last_battery_str[idx], "not present", 64); - } - /* charging */ - else if (strcmp(charging_state, "Charging") == 0) { - if (acpi_last_full[idx] != 0 && present_rate > 0) { - /* e.g. charging 75% */ - snprintf(last_battery_str[idx], sizeof(last_battery_str[idx])-1, "charging %i%%", - (int) (((float) remaining_capacity / acpi_last_full[idx]) * 100 )); - /* e.g. 2h 37m */ - format_seconds(last_battery_time_str[idx], sizeof(last_battery_time_str[idx])-1, - (long) (((float)(acpi_last_full[idx] - remaining_capacity) / present_rate) * 3600)); - } else if (acpi_last_full[idx] != 0 && present_rate <= 0) { - snprintf(last_battery_str[idx], sizeof(last_battery_str[idx])-1, "charging %d%%", - (int) (((float)remaining_capacity / acpi_last_full[idx]) * 100)); - snprintf(last_battery_time_str[idx], - sizeof(last_battery_time_str[idx]) - 1, "unknown"); - } else { - strncpy(last_battery_str[idx], "charging", sizeof(last_battery_str[idx])-1); - snprintf(last_battery_time_str[idx], - sizeof(last_battery_time_str[idx]) - 1, "unknown"); - } - } - /* discharging */ - else if (strncmp(charging_state, "Discharging", 64) == 0) { - if (present_rate > 0) { - /* e.g. discharging 35% */ - snprintf(last_battery_str[idx], sizeof(last_battery_str[idx])-1, "discharging %i%%", - (int) (((float) remaining_capacity / acpi_last_full[idx]) * 100 )); - /* e.g. 1h 12m */ - format_seconds(last_battery_time_str[idx], sizeof(last_battery_time_str[idx])-1, - (long) (((float) remaining_capacity / present_rate) * 3600)); - } else if (present_rate == 0) { /* Thanks to Nexox for this one */ - snprintf(last_battery_str[idx], sizeof(last_battery_str[idx])-1, "full"); - snprintf(last_battery_time_str[idx], - sizeof(last_battery_time_str[idx]) - 1, "unknown"); - } else { - snprintf(last_battery_str[idx], sizeof(last_battery_str[idx])-1, - "discharging %d%%", - (int) (((float)remaining_capacity / acpi_last_full[idx]) * 100)); - snprintf(last_battery_time_str[idx], - sizeof(last_battery_time_str[idx]) - 1, "unknown"); - } - } - /* charged */ - /* thanks to Lukas Zapletal */ - else if (strncmp(charging_state, "Charged", 64) == 0 || strncmp(charging_state, "Full", 64) == 0) { - /* Below happens with the second battery on my X40, - * when the second one is empty and the first one - * being charged. */ - if (remaining_capacity == 0) - strcpy(last_battery_str[idx], "empty"); - else - strcpy(last_battery_str[idx], "charged"); - } - /* unknown, probably full / AC */ - else { - if (acpi_last_full[idx] != 0 - && remaining_capacity != acpi_last_full[idx]) - snprintf(last_battery_str[idx], 64, "unknown %d%%", - (int) (((float)remaining_capacity / acpi_last_full[idx]) * 100)); - else - strncpy(last_battery_str[idx], "not present", 64); - } - } else if (acpi_bat_fp[idx] != NULL) { - /* ACPI */ - int present_rate = -1; - int remaining_capacity = -1; - char charging_state[64]; - char present[5]; + /* not present */ + if (strcmp(present, "No") == 0) { + strncpy(last_battery_str[idx], "not present", 64); + } + /* charging */ + else if (strcmp(charging_state, "Charging") == 0) { + if (acpi_last_full[idx] != 0 && present_rate > 0) { + /* e.g. charging 75% */ + snprintf( + last_battery_str[idx], sizeof(last_battery_str[idx]) - 1, + "charging %i%%", + (int)(((float)remaining_capacity / acpi_last_full[idx]) * 100)); + /* e.g. 2h 37m */ + format_seconds( + last_battery_time_str[idx], sizeof(last_battery_time_str[idx]) - 1, + (long)(((float)(acpi_last_full[idx] - remaining_capacity) / + present_rate) * + 3600)); + } else if (acpi_last_full[idx] != 0 && present_rate <= 0) { + snprintf( + last_battery_str[idx], sizeof(last_battery_str[idx]) - 1, + "charging %d%%", + (int)(((float)remaining_capacity / acpi_last_full[idx]) * 100)); + snprintf(last_battery_time_str[idx], + sizeof(last_battery_time_str[idx]) - 1, "unknown"); + } else { + strncpy(last_battery_str[idx], "charging", + sizeof(last_battery_str[idx]) - 1); + snprintf(last_battery_time_str[idx], + sizeof(last_battery_time_str[idx]) - 1, "unknown"); + } + } + /* discharging */ + else if (strncmp(charging_state, "Discharging", 64) == 0) { + if (present_rate > 0) { + /* e.g. discharging 35% */ + snprintf( + last_battery_str[idx], sizeof(last_battery_str[idx]) - 1, + "discharging %i%%", + (int)(((float)remaining_capacity / acpi_last_full[idx]) * 100)); + /* e.g. 1h 12m */ + format_seconds( + last_battery_time_str[idx], sizeof(last_battery_time_str[idx]) - 1, + (long)(((float)remaining_capacity / present_rate) * 3600)); + } else if (present_rate == 0) { /* Thanks to Nexox for this one */ + snprintf(last_battery_str[idx], sizeof(last_battery_str[idx]) - 1, + "full"); + snprintf(last_battery_time_str[idx], + sizeof(last_battery_time_str[idx]) - 1, "unknown"); + } else { + snprintf( + last_battery_str[idx], sizeof(last_battery_str[idx]) - 1, + "discharging %d%%", + (int)(((float)remaining_capacity / acpi_last_full[idx]) * 100)); + snprintf(last_battery_time_str[idx], + sizeof(last_battery_time_str[idx]) - 1, "unknown"); + } + } + /* charged */ + /* thanks to Lukas Zapletal */ + else if (strncmp(charging_state, "Charged", 64) == 0 || + strncmp(charging_state, "Full", 64) == 0) { + /* Below happens with the second battery on my X40, + * when the second one is empty and the first one + * being charged. */ + if (remaining_capacity == 0) + strcpy(last_battery_str[idx], "empty"); + else + strcpy(last_battery_str[idx], "charged"); + } + /* unknown, probably full / AC */ + else { + if (acpi_last_full[idx] != 0 && remaining_capacity != acpi_last_full[idx]) + snprintf( + last_battery_str[idx], 64, "unknown %d%%", + (int)(((float)remaining_capacity / acpi_last_full[idx]) * 100)); + else + strncpy(last_battery_str[idx], "not present", 64); + } + } else if (acpi_bat_fp[idx] != NULL) { + /* ACPI */ + int present_rate = -1; + int remaining_capacity = -1; + char charging_state[64]; + char present[5]; - /* read last full capacity if it's zero */ - if (acpi_last_full[idx] == 0) { - static int rep3 = 0; - char path[128]; - FILE *fp; + /* read last full capacity if it's zero */ + if (acpi_last_full[idx] == 0) { + static int rep3 = 0; + char path[128]; + FILE *fp; - snprintf(path, 127, ACPI_BATTERY_BASE_PATH "/%s/info", bat); - fp = open_file(path, &rep3); - if (fp != NULL) { - while (!feof(fp)) { - char b[256]; + snprintf(path, 127, ACPI_BATTERY_BASE_PATH "/%s/info", bat); + fp = open_file(path, &rep3); + if (fp != NULL) { + while (!feof(fp)) { + char b[256]; - if (fgets(b, 256, fp) == NULL) { - break; - } - if (sscanf(b, "last full capacity: %d", - &acpi_last_full[idx]) != 0) { - break; - } - } + if (fgets(b, 256, fp) == NULL) { + break; + } + if (sscanf(b, "last full capacity: %d", &acpi_last_full[idx]) != 0) { + break; + } + } - fclose(fp); - } - } + fclose(fp); + } + } - fseek(acpi_bat_fp[idx], 0, SEEK_SET); + fseek(acpi_bat_fp[idx], 0, SEEK_SET); - strcpy(charging_state, "unknown"); + strcpy(charging_state, "unknown"); - while (!feof(acpi_bat_fp[idx])) { - char buf[256]; + while (!feof(acpi_bat_fp[idx])) { + char buf[256]; - if (fgets(buf, 256, acpi_bat_fp[idx]) == NULL) { - break; - } + if (fgets(buf, 256, acpi_bat_fp[idx]) == NULL) { + break; + } - /* let's just hope units are ok */ - if (strncmp(buf, "present:", 8) == 0) { - sscanf(buf, "present: %4s", present); - } else if (strncmp(buf, "charging state:", 15) == 0) { - sscanf(buf, "charging state: %63s", charging_state); - } else if (strncmp(buf, "present rate:", 13) == 0) { - sscanf(buf, "present rate: %d", &present_rate); - } else if (strncmp(buf, "remaining capacity:", 19) == 0) { - sscanf(buf, "remaining capacity: %d", &remaining_capacity); - } - } - /* Hellf[i]re notes that remaining capacity can exceed acpi_last_full */ - if (remaining_capacity > acpi_last_full[idx]) { - /* normalize to 100% */ - acpi_last_full[idx] = remaining_capacity; - } + /* let's just hope units are ok */ + if (strncmp(buf, "present:", 8) == 0) { + sscanf(buf, "present: %4s", present); + } else if (strncmp(buf, "charging state:", 15) == 0) { + sscanf(buf, "charging state: %63s", charging_state); + } else if (strncmp(buf, "present rate:", 13) == 0) { + sscanf(buf, "present rate: %d", &present_rate); + } else if (strncmp(buf, "remaining capacity:", 19) == 0) { + sscanf(buf, "remaining capacity: %d", &remaining_capacity); + } + } + /* Hellf[i]re notes that remaining capacity can exceed acpi_last_full */ + if (remaining_capacity > acpi_last_full[idx]) { + /* normalize to 100% */ + acpi_last_full[idx] = remaining_capacity; + } - /* not present */ - if (strcmp(present, "no") == 0) { - strncpy(last_battery_str[idx], "not present", 64); - /* charging */ - } else if (strcmp(charging_state, "charging") == 0) { - if (acpi_last_full[idx] != 0 && present_rate > 0) { - /* e.g. charging 75% */ - snprintf(last_battery_str[idx], - sizeof(last_battery_str[idx]) - 1, "charging %i%%", - (int) ((remaining_capacity * 100) / acpi_last_full[idx])); - /* e.g. 2h 37m */ - format_seconds(last_battery_time_str[idx], - sizeof(last_battery_time_str[idx]) - 1, - (long) (((acpi_last_full[idx] - remaining_capacity) * - 3600) / present_rate)); - } else if (acpi_last_full[idx] != 0 && present_rate <= 0) { - snprintf(last_battery_str[idx], - sizeof(last_battery_str[idx]) - 1, "charging %d%%", - (int) ((remaining_capacity * 100) / acpi_last_full[idx])); - snprintf(last_battery_time_str[idx], - sizeof(last_battery_time_str[idx]) - 1, "unknown"); - } else { - strncpy(last_battery_str[idx], "charging", - sizeof(last_battery_str[idx]) - 1); - snprintf(last_battery_time_str[idx], - sizeof(last_battery_time_str[idx]) - 1, "unknown"); - } - /* discharging */ - } else if (strncmp(charging_state, "discharging", 64) == 0) { - if (present_rate > 0) { - /* e.g. discharging 35% */ - snprintf(last_battery_str[idx], - sizeof(last_battery_str[idx]) - 1, "discharging %i%%", - (int) ((remaining_capacity * 100) / acpi_last_full[idx])); - /* e.g. 1h 12m */ - format_seconds(last_battery_time_str[idx], - sizeof(last_battery_time_str[idx]) - 1, - (long) ((remaining_capacity * 3600) / present_rate)); - } else if (present_rate == 0) { /* Thanks to Nexox for this one */ - snprintf(last_battery_str[idx], - sizeof(last_battery_str[idx]) - 1, "charged"); - snprintf(last_battery_time_str[idx], - sizeof(last_battery_time_str[idx]) - 1, "unknown"); - } else { - snprintf(last_battery_str[idx], - sizeof(last_battery_str[idx]) - 1, "discharging %d%%", - (int) ((remaining_capacity * 100) / acpi_last_full[idx])); - snprintf(last_battery_time_str[idx], - sizeof(last_battery_time_str[idx]) - 1, "unknown"); - } - /* charged */ - } else if (strncmp(charging_state, "charged", 64) == 0) { - /* thanks to Lukas Zapletal */ - /* Below happens with the second battery on my X40, - * when the second one is empty and the first one being charged. */ - if (remaining_capacity == 0) { - strcpy(last_battery_str[idx], "empty"); - } else { - strcpy(last_battery_str[idx], "charged"); - } - /* unknown, probably full / AC */ - } else { - if (strncmp(charging_state, "Full", 64) == 0) { - strncpy(last_battery_str[idx], "charged", 64); - } else if (acpi_last_full[idx] != 0 - && remaining_capacity != acpi_last_full[idx]) { - snprintf(last_battery_str[idx], 64, "unknown %d%%", - (int) ((remaining_capacity * 100) / acpi_last_full[idx])); - } else { - strncpy(last_battery_str[idx], "not present", 64); - } - } - fclose(acpi_bat_fp[idx]); - acpi_bat_fp[idx] = NULL; - } else { - /* APM */ - if (apm_bat_fp[idx] == NULL) { - apm_bat_fp[idx] = open_file(APM_PATH, &rep2); - } + /* not present */ + if (strcmp(present, "no") == 0) { + strncpy(last_battery_str[idx], "not present", 64); + /* charging */ + } else if (strcmp(charging_state, "charging") == 0) { + if (acpi_last_full[idx] != 0 && present_rate > 0) { + /* e.g. charging 75% */ + snprintf(last_battery_str[idx], sizeof(last_battery_str[idx]) - 1, + "charging %i%%", + (int)((remaining_capacity * 100) / acpi_last_full[idx])); + /* e.g. 2h 37m */ + format_seconds( + last_battery_time_str[idx], sizeof(last_battery_time_str[idx]) - 1, + (long)(((acpi_last_full[idx] - remaining_capacity) * 3600) / + present_rate)); + } else if (acpi_last_full[idx] != 0 && present_rate <= 0) { + snprintf(last_battery_str[idx], sizeof(last_battery_str[idx]) - 1, + "charging %d%%", + (int)((remaining_capacity * 100) / acpi_last_full[idx])); + snprintf(last_battery_time_str[idx], + sizeof(last_battery_time_str[idx]) - 1, "unknown"); + } else { + strncpy(last_battery_str[idx], "charging", + sizeof(last_battery_str[idx]) - 1); + snprintf(last_battery_time_str[idx], + sizeof(last_battery_time_str[idx]) - 1, "unknown"); + } + /* discharging */ + } else if (strncmp(charging_state, "discharging", 64) == 0) { + if (present_rate > 0) { + /* e.g. discharging 35% */ + snprintf(last_battery_str[idx], sizeof(last_battery_str[idx]) - 1, + "discharging %i%%", + (int)((remaining_capacity * 100) / acpi_last_full[idx])); + /* e.g. 1h 12m */ + format_seconds(last_battery_time_str[idx], + sizeof(last_battery_time_str[idx]) - 1, + (long)((remaining_capacity * 3600) / present_rate)); + } else if (present_rate == 0) { /* Thanks to Nexox for this one */ + snprintf(last_battery_str[idx], sizeof(last_battery_str[idx]) - 1, + "charged"); + snprintf(last_battery_time_str[idx], + sizeof(last_battery_time_str[idx]) - 1, "unknown"); + } else { + snprintf(last_battery_str[idx], sizeof(last_battery_str[idx]) - 1, + "discharging %d%%", + (int)((remaining_capacity * 100) / acpi_last_full[idx])); + snprintf(last_battery_time_str[idx], + sizeof(last_battery_time_str[idx]) - 1, "unknown"); + } + /* charged */ + } else if (strncmp(charging_state, "charged", 64) == 0) { + /* thanks to Lukas Zapletal */ + /* Below happens with the second battery on my X40, + * when the second one is empty and the first one being charged. */ + if (remaining_capacity == 0) { + strcpy(last_battery_str[idx], "empty"); + } else { + strcpy(last_battery_str[idx], "charged"); + } + /* unknown, probably full / AC */ + } else { + if (strncmp(charging_state, "Full", 64) == 0) { + strncpy(last_battery_str[idx], "charged", 64); + } else if (acpi_last_full[idx] != 0 && + remaining_capacity != acpi_last_full[idx]) { + snprintf(last_battery_str[idx], 64, "unknown %d%%", + (int)((remaining_capacity * 100) / acpi_last_full[idx])); + } else { + strncpy(last_battery_str[idx], "not present", 64); + } + } + fclose(acpi_bat_fp[idx]); + acpi_bat_fp[idx] = NULL; + } else { + /* APM */ + if (apm_bat_fp[idx] == NULL) { + apm_bat_fp[idx] = open_file(APM_PATH, &rep2); + } - if (apm_bat_fp[idx] != NULL) { - unsigned int ac, status, flag; - int life; + if (apm_bat_fp[idx] != NULL) { + unsigned int ac, status, flag; + int life; - if (fscanf(apm_bat_fp[idx], "%*s %*s %*x %x %x %x %d%%", - &ac, &status, &flag, &life) <= 0) - goto read_bat_fp_end; + if (fscanf(apm_bat_fp[idx], "%*s %*s %*x %x %x %x %d%%", &ac, + &status, &flag, &life) <= 0) + goto read_bat_fp_end; - if (life == -1) { - /* could check now that there is ac */ - snprintf(last_battery_str[idx], 64, "not present"); + if (life == -1) { + /* could check now that there is ac */ + snprintf(last_battery_str[idx], 64, "not present"); - /* could check that status == 3 here? */ - } else if (ac && life != 100) { - snprintf(last_battery_str[idx], 64, "charging %d%%", life); - } else { - snprintf(last_battery_str[idx], 64, "%d%%", life); - } + /* could check that status == 3 here? */ + } else if (ac && life != 100) { + snprintf(last_battery_str[idx], 64, "charging %d%%", life); + } else { + snprintf(last_battery_str[idx], 64, "%d%%", life); + } -read_bat_fp_end: - /* it seemed to buffer it so file must be closed (or could use - * syscalls directly but I don't feel like coding it now) */ - fclose(apm_bat_fp[idx]); - apm_bat_fp[idx] = NULL; - } - } - set_return_value(buffer, n, item, idx); + read_bat_fp_end: + /* it seemed to buffer it so file must be closed (or could use + * syscalls directly but I don't feel like coding it now) */ + fclose(apm_bat_fp[idx]); + apm_bat_fp[idx] = NULL; + } + } + set_return_value(buffer, n, item, idx); } -void set_return_value(char *buffer, unsigned int n, int item, int idx) -{ - switch (item) { - case BATTERY_STATUS: - snprintf(buffer, n, "%s", last_battery_str[idx]); - break; - case BATTERY_TIME: - snprintf(buffer, n, "%s", last_battery_time_str[idx]); - break; - default: - break; - } +void set_return_value(char *buffer, unsigned int n, int item, int idx) { + switch (item) { + case BATTERY_STATUS: + snprintf(buffer, n, "%s", last_battery_str[idx]); + break; + case BATTERY_TIME: + snprintf(buffer, n, "%s", last_battery_time_str[idx]); + break; + default: + break; + } } -void get_battery_short_status(char *buffer, unsigned int n, const char *bat) -{ - get_battery_stuff(buffer, n, bat, BATTERY_STATUS); - if (0 == strncmp("charging", buffer, 8)) { - buffer[0] = 'C'; - memmove(buffer + 1, buffer + 8, n - 8); - } else if (0 == strncmp("discharging", buffer, 11)) { - buffer[0] = 'D'; - memmove(buffer + 1, buffer + 11, n - 11); - } else if (0 == strncmp("charged", buffer, 7)) { - buffer[0] = 'F'; - memmove(buffer + 1, buffer + 7, n - 7); - } else if (0 == strncmp("not present", buffer, 11)) { - buffer[0] = 'N'; - memmove(buffer + 1, buffer + 11, n - 11); - } else if (0 == strncmp("empty", buffer, 5)) { - buffer[0] = 'E'; - memmove(buffer + 1, buffer + 5, n - 5); - } else if (0 == strncmp("unknown", buffer, 7)) { - buffer[0] = 'U'; - memmove(buffer + 1, buffer + 7, n - 7); - } - // Otherwise, don't shorten. +void get_battery_short_status(char *buffer, unsigned int n, const char *bat) { + get_battery_stuff(buffer, n, bat, BATTERY_STATUS); + if (0 == strncmp("charging", buffer, 8)) { + buffer[0] = 'C'; + memmove(buffer + 1, buffer + 8, n - 8); + } else if (0 == strncmp("discharging", buffer, 11)) { + buffer[0] = 'D'; + memmove(buffer + 1, buffer + 11, n - 11); + } else if (0 == strncmp("charged", buffer, 7)) { + buffer[0] = 'F'; + memmove(buffer + 1, buffer + 7, n - 7); + } else if (0 == strncmp("not present", buffer, 11)) { + buffer[0] = 'N'; + memmove(buffer + 1, buffer + 11, n - 11); + } else if (0 == strncmp("empty", buffer, 5)) { + buffer[0] = 'E'; + memmove(buffer + 1, buffer + 5, n - 5); + } else if (0 == strncmp("unknown", buffer, 7)) { + buffer[0] = 'U'; + memmove(buffer + 1, buffer + 7, n - 7); + } + // Otherwise, don't shorten. } -int _get_battery_perct(const char *bat) -{ - static int rep = 0; - int idx; - char acpi_path[128]; - char sysfs_path[128]; - int remaining_capacity = -1; +int _get_battery_perct(const char *bat) { + static int rep = 0; + int idx; + char acpi_path[128]; + char sysfs_path[128]; + int remaining_capacity = -1; - snprintf(acpi_path, 127, ACPI_BATTERY_BASE_PATH "/%s/state", bat); - snprintf(sysfs_path, 127, SYSFS_BATTERY_BASE_PATH "/%s/uevent", bat); + snprintf(acpi_path, 127, ACPI_BATTERY_BASE_PATH "/%s/state", bat); + snprintf(sysfs_path, 127, SYSFS_BATTERY_BASE_PATH "/%s/uevent", bat); - idx = get_battery_idx(bat); + idx = get_battery_idx(bat); - /* don't update battery too often */ - if (current_update_time - last_battery_perct_time[idx] < 30) { - return last_battery_perct[idx]; - } - last_battery_perct_time[idx] = current_update_time; + /* don't update battery too often */ + if (current_update_time - last_battery_perct_time[idx] < 30) { + return last_battery_perct[idx]; + } + last_battery_perct_time[idx] = current_update_time; - /* Only check for SYSFS or ACPI */ + /* Only check for SYSFS or ACPI */ - if (sysfs_bat_fp[idx] == NULL && acpi_bat_fp[idx] == NULL && apm_bat_fp[idx] == NULL) { - sysfs_bat_fp[idx] = open_file(sysfs_path, &rep); - rep = 0; - } + if (sysfs_bat_fp[idx] == NULL && acpi_bat_fp[idx] == NULL && + apm_bat_fp[idx] == NULL) { + sysfs_bat_fp[idx] = open_file(sysfs_path, &rep); + rep = 0; + } - if (sysfs_bat_fp[idx] == NULL && acpi_bat_fp[idx] == NULL && apm_bat_fp[idx] == NULL) { - acpi_bat_fp[idx] = open_file(acpi_path, &rep); - } + if (sysfs_bat_fp[idx] == NULL && acpi_bat_fp[idx] == NULL && + apm_bat_fp[idx] == NULL) { + acpi_bat_fp[idx] = open_file(acpi_path, &rep); + } - if (sysfs_bat_fp[idx] != NULL) { - /* SYSFS */ - while (!feof(sysfs_bat_fp[idx])) { - char buf[256]; - if (fgets(buf, 256, sysfs_bat_fp[idx]) == NULL) - break; + if (sysfs_bat_fp[idx] != NULL) { + /* SYSFS */ + while (!feof(sysfs_bat_fp[idx])) { + char buf[256]; + if (fgets(buf, 256, sysfs_bat_fp[idx]) == NULL) break; - if (strncmp(buf, "POWER_SUPPLY_CHARGE_NOW=", 24) == 0) { - sscanf(buf, "POWER_SUPPLY_CHARGE_NOW=%d", &remaining_capacity); - } else if (strncmp(buf, "POWER_SUPPLY_CHARGE_FULL=",25) == 0) { - sscanf(buf, "POWER_SUPPLY_CHARGE_FULL=%d", &acpi_design_capacity[idx]); - } else if (strncmp(buf, "POWER_SUPPLY_ENERGY_NOW=", 24) == 0) { - sscanf(buf, "POWER_SUPPLY_ENERGY_NOW=%d", &remaining_capacity); - } else if (strncmp(buf, "POWER_SUPPLY_ENERGY_FULL=",25) == 0) { - sscanf(buf, "POWER_SUPPLY_ENERGY_FULL=%d", &acpi_design_capacity[idx]); - } - } + if (strncmp(buf, "POWER_SUPPLY_CHARGE_NOW=", 24) == 0) { + sscanf(buf, "POWER_SUPPLY_CHARGE_NOW=%d", &remaining_capacity); + } else if (strncmp(buf, "POWER_SUPPLY_CHARGE_FULL=", 25) == 0) { + sscanf(buf, "POWER_SUPPLY_CHARGE_FULL=%d", &acpi_design_capacity[idx]); + } else if (strncmp(buf, "POWER_SUPPLY_ENERGY_NOW=", 24) == 0) { + sscanf(buf, "POWER_SUPPLY_ENERGY_NOW=%d", &remaining_capacity); + } else if (strncmp(buf, "POWER_SUPPLY_ENERGY_FULL=", 25) == 0) { + sscanf(buf, "POWER_SUPPLY_ENERGY_FULL=%d", &acpi_design_capacity[idx]); + } + } - fclose(sysfs_bat_fp[idx]); - sysfs_bat_fp[idx] = NULL; + fclose(sysfs_bat_fp[idx]); + sysfs_bat_fp[idx] = NULL; - } else if (acpi_bat_fp[idx] != NULL) { - /* ACPI */ - /* read last full capacity if it's zero */ - if (acpi_design_capacity[idx] == 0) { - static int rep2; - char path[128]; - FILE *fp; + } else if (acpi_bat_fp[idx] != NULL) { + /* ACPI */ + /* read last full capacity if it's zero */ + if (acpi_design_capacity[idx] == 0) { + static int rep2; + char path[128]; + FILE *fp; - snprintf(path, 127, ACPI_BATTERY_BASE_PATH "/%s/info", bat); - fp = open_file(path, &rep2); - if (fp != NULL) { - while (!feof(fp)) { - char b[256]; + snprintf(path, 127, ACPI_BATTERY_BASE_PATH "/%s/info", bat); + fp = open_file(path, &rep2); + if (fp != NULL) { + while (!feof(fp)) { + char b[256]; - if (fgets(b, 256, fp) == NULL) { - break; - } - if (sscanf(b, "last full capacity: %d", - &acpi_design_capacity[idx]) != 0) { - break; - } - } - fclose(fp); - } - } + if (fgets(b, 256, fp) == NULL) { + break; + } + if (sscanf(b, "last full capacity: %d", &acpi_design_capacity[idx]) != + 0) { + break; + } + } + fclose(fp); + } + } - fseek(acpi_bat_fp[idx], 0, SEEK_SET); + fseek(acpi_bat_fp[idx], 0, SEEK_SET); - while (!feof(acpi_bat_fp[idx])) { - char buf[256]; + while (!feof(acpi_bat_fp[idx])) { + char buf[256]; - if (fgets(buf, 256, acpi_bat_fp[idx]) == NULL) { - break; - } + if (fgets(buf, 256, acpi_bat_fp[idx]) == NULL) { + break; + } - if (buf[0] == 'r') { - sscanf(buf, "remaining capacity: %d", &remaining_capacity); - } - } - } - if (remaining_capacity < 0) { - return 0; - } - /* compute the battery percentage */ - last_battery_perct[idx] = - (int) (((float) remaining_capacity / acpi_design_capacity[idx]) * 100); - if (last_battery_perct[idx] > 100) last_battery_perct[idx] = 100; - return last_battery_perct[idx]; + if (buf[0] == 'r') { + sscanf(buf, "remaining capacity: %d", &remaining_capacity); + } + } + } + if (remaining_capacity < 0) { + return 0; + } + /* compute the battery percentage */ + last_battery_perct[idx] = + (int)(((float)remaining_capacity / acpi_design_capacity[idx]) * 100); + if (last_battery_perct[idx] > 100) last_battery_perct[idx] = 100; + return last_battery_perct[idx]; } -int get_battery_perct(const char *bat) -{ - int idx, n = 0, total_capacity = 0, remaining_capacity;; +int get_battery_perct(const char *bat) { + int idx, n = 0, total_capacity = 0, remaining_capacity; + ; #define BATTERY_LEN 8 - char battery[BATTERY_LEN]; + char battery[BATTERY_LEN]; - init_batteries(); + init_batteries(); - /* Check if user asked for the mean percentage of all batteries. */ - if (!strcmp(bat, "all")) { - for (idx = 0; idx < MAX_BATTERY_COUNT; idx++) { - snprintf(battery, BATTERY_LEN - 1, "BAT%d", idx); + /* Check if user asked for the mean percentage of all batteries. */ + if (!strcmp(bat, "all")) { + for (idx = 0; idx < MAX_BATTERY_COUNT; idx++) { + snprintf(battery, BATTERY_LEN - 1, "BAT%d", idx); #undef BATTERY_LEN - remaining_capacity = _get_battery_perct(battery); - if (remaining_capacity > 0) { - total_capacity += remaining_capacity; - n++; - } - } + remaining_capacity = _get_battery_perct(battery); + if (remaining_capacity > 0) { + total_capacity += remaining_capacity; + n++; + } + } - if (n == 0) - return 0; - else - return total_capacity / n; - } else { - return _get_battery_perct(bat); - } + if (n == 0) + return 0; + else + return total_capacity / n; + } else { + return _get_battery_perct(bat); + } } -double get_battery_perct_bar(struct text_object *obj) -{ - int idx; +double get_battery_perct_bar(struct text_object *obj) { + int idx; - get_battery_perct(obj->data.s); - idx = get_battery_idx(obj->data.s); - return last_battery_perct[idx]; + get_battery_perct(obj->data.s); + idx = get_battery_idx(obj->data.s); + return last_battery_perct[idx]; } /* On Apple powerbook and ibook: @@ -2331,8 +2315,8 @@ Battery count : 1 */ /* defines as in */ -#define PMU_BATT_PRESENT 0x00000001 -#define PMU_BATT_CHARGING 0x00000002 +#define PMU_BATT_PRESENT 0x00000001 +#define PMU_BATT_CHARGING 0x00000002 static FILE *pmu_battery_fp; static FILE *pmu_info_fp; @@ -2340,275 +2324,264 @@ static char pb_battery_info[3][32]; static double pb_battery_info_update; #define PMU_PATH "/proc/pmu" -void get_powerbook_batt_info(struct text_object *obj, char *buffer, int n) -{ - static int rep = 0; - const char *batt_path = PMU_PATH "/battery_0"; - const char *info_path = PMU_PATH "/info"; - unsigned int flags; - int charge, max_charge, ac = -1; - long timeval = -1; +void get_powerbook_batt_info(struct text_object *obj, char *buffer, int n) { + static int rep = 0; + const char *batt_path = PMU_PATH "/battery_0"; + const char *info_path = PMU_PATH "/info"; + unsigned int flags; + int charge, max_charge, ac = -1; + long timeval = -1; - /* don't update battery too often */ - if (current_update_time - pb_battery_info_update < 29.5) { - snprintf(buffer, n, "%s", pb_battery_info[obj->data.i]); - return; - } - pb_battery_info_update = current_update_time; + /* don't update battery too often */ + if (current_update_time - pb_battery_info_update < 29.5) { + snprintf(buffer, n, "%s", pb_battery_info[obj->data.i]); + return; + } + pb_battery_info_update = current_update_time; - if (pmu_battery_fp == NULL) { - pmu_battery_fp = open_file(batt_path, &rep); - if (pmu_battery_fp == NULL) { - return; - } - } + if (pmu_battery_fp == NULL) { + pmu_battery_fp = open_file(batt_path, &rep); + if (pmu_battery_fp == NULL) { + return; + } + } - if (pmu_battery_fp != NULL) { - rewind(pmu_battery_fp); - while (!feof(pmu_battery_fp)) { - char buf[32]; + if (pmu_battery_fp != NULL) { + rewind(pmu_battery_fp); + while (!feof(pmu_battery_fp)) { + char buf[32]; - if (fgets(buf, sizeof(buf), pmu_battery_fp) == NULL) { - break; - } + if (fgets(buf, sizeof(buf), pmu_battery_fp) == NULL) { + break; + } - if (buf[0] == 'f') { - sscanf(buf, "flags : %8x", &flags); - } else if (buf[0] == 'c' && buf[1] == 'h') { - sscanf(buf, "charge : %d", &charge); - } else if (buf[0] == 'm') { - sscanf(buf, "max_charge : %d", &max_charge); - } else if (buf[0] == 't') { - sscanf(buf, "time rem. : %ld", &timeval); - } - } - } - if (pmu_info_fp == NULL) { - pmu_info_fp = open_file(info_path, &rep); - if (pmu_info_fp == NULL) { - return; - } - } + if (buf[0] == 'f') { + sscanf(buf, "flags : %8x", &flags); + } else if (buf[0] == 'c' && buf[1] == 'h') { + sscanf(buf, "charge : %d", &charge); + } else if (buf[0] == 'm') { + sscanf(buf, "max_charge : %d", &max_charge); + } else if (buf[0] == 't') { + sscanf(buf, "time rem. : %ld", &timeval); + } + } + } + if (pmu_info_fp == NULL) { + pmu_info_fp = open_file(info_path, &rep); + if (pmu_info_fp == NULL) { + return; + } + } - if (pmu_info_fp != NULL) { - rewind(pmu_info_fp); - while (!feof(pmu_info_fp)) { - char buf[32]; + if (pmu_info_fp != NULL) { + rewind(pmu_info_fp); + while (!feof(pmu_info_fp)) { + char buf[32]; - if (fgets(buf, sizeof(buf), pmu_info_fp) == NULL) { - break; - } - if (buf[0] == 'A') { - sscanf(buf, "AC Power : %d", &ac); - } - } - } - /* update status string */ - if ((ac && !(flags & PMU_BATT_PRESENT))) { - strncpy(pb_battery_info[PB_BATT_STATUS], "AC", sizeof(pb_battery_info[PB_BATT_STATUS])); - } else if (ac && (flags & PMU_BATT_PRESENT) - && !(flags & PMU_BATT_CHARGING)) { - strncpy(pb_battery_info[PB_BATT_STATUS], "charged", sizeof(pb_battery_info[PB_BATT_STATUS])); - } else if ((flags & PMU_BATT_PRESENT) && (flags & PMU_BATT_CHARGING)) { - strncpy(pb_battery_info[PB_BATT_STATUS], "charging", sizeof(pb_battery_info[PB_BATT_STATUS])); - } else { - strncpy(pb_battery_info[PB_BATT_STATUS], "discharging", sizeof(pb_battery_info[PB_BATT_STATUS])); - } + if (fgets(buf, sizeof(buf), pmu_info_fp) == NULL) { + break; + } + if (buf[0] == 'A') { + sscanf(buf, "AC Power : %d", &ac); + } + } + } + /* update status string */ + if ((ac && !(flags & PMU_BATT_PRESENT))) { + strncpy(pb_battery_info[PB_BATT_STATUS], "AC", + sizeof(pb_battery_info[PB_BATT_STATUS])); + } else if (ac && (flags & PMU_BATT_PRESENT) && !(flags & PMU_BATT_CHARGING)) { + strncpy(pb_battery_info[PB_BATT_STATUS], "charged", + sizeof(pb_battery_info[PB_BATT_STATUS])); + } else if ((flags & PMU_BATT_PRESENT) && (flags & PMU_BATT_CHARGING)) { + strncpy(pb_battery_info[PB_BATT_STATUS], "charging", + sizeof(pb_battery_info[PB_BATT_STATUS])); + } else { + strncpy(pb_battery_info[PB_BATT_STATUS], "discharging", + sizeof(pb_battery_info[PB_BATT_STATUS])); + } - /* update percentage string */ - if (timeval == 0 && ac && (flags & PMU_BATT_PRESENT) - && !(flags & PMU_BATT_CHARGING)) { - snprintf(pb_battery_info[PB_BATT_PERCENT], - sizeof(pb_battery_info[PB_BATT_PERCENT]), "100%%"); - } else if (timeval == 0) { - snprintf(pb_battery_info[PB_BATT_PERCENT], - sizeof(pb_battery_info[PB_BATT_PERCENT]), "unknown"); - } else { - snprintf(pb_battery_info[PB_BATT_PERCENT], - sizeof(pb_battery_info[PB_BATT_PERCENT]), "%d%%", - (charge * 100) / max_charge); - } + /* update percentage string */ + if (timeval == 0 && ac && (flags & PMU_BATT_PRESENT) && + !(flags & PMU_BATT_CHARGING)) { + snprintf(pb_battery_info[PB_BATT_PERCENT], + sizeof(pb_battery_info[PB_BATT_PERCENT]), "100%%"); + } else if (timeval == 0) { + snprintf(pb_battery_info[PB_BATT_PERCENT], + sizeof(pb_battery_info[PB_BATT_PERCENT]), "unknown"); + } else { + snprintf(pb_battery_info[PB_BATT_PERCENT], + sizeof(pb_battery_info[PB_BATT_PERCENT]), "%d%%", + (charge * 100) / max_charge); + } - /* update time string */ - if (timeval == 0) { /* fully charged or battery not present */ - snprintf(pb_battery_info[PB_BATT_TIME], - sizeof(pb_battery_info[PB_BATT_TIME]), "unknown"); - } else if (timeval < 60 * 60) { /* don't show secs */ - format_seconds_short(pb_battery_info[PB_BATT_TIME], - sizeof(pb_battery_info[PB_BATT_TIME]), timeval); - } else { - format_seconds(pb_battery_info[PB_BATT_TIME], - sizeof(pb_battery_info[PB_BATT_TIME]), timeval); - } + /* update time string */ + if (timeval == 0) { /* fully charged or battery not present */ + snprintf(pb_battery_info[PB_BATT_TIME], + sizeof(pb_battery_info[PB_BATT_TIME]), "unknown"); + } else if (timeval < 60 * 60) { /* don't show secs */ + format_seconds_short(pb_battery_info[PB_BATT_TIME], + sizeof(pb_battery_info[PB_BATT_TIME]), timeval); + } else { + format_seconds(pb_battery_info[PB_BATT_TIME], + sizeof(pb_battery_info[PB_BATT_TIME]), timeval); + } - snprintf(buffer, n, "%s", pb_battery_info[obj->data.i]); + snprintf(buffer, n, "%s", pb_battery_info[obj->data.i]); } #define ENTROPY_AVAIL_PATH "/proc/sys/kernel/random/entropy_avail" -int get_entropy_avail(unsigned int *val) -{ - static int rep = 0; - FILE *fp; +int get_entropy_avail(unsigned int *val) { + static int rep = 0; + FILE *fp; - if (!(fp = open_file(ENTROPY_AVAIL_PATH, &rep))) - return 1; + if (!(fp = open_file(ENTROPY_AVAIL_PATH, &rep))) return 1; - if (fscanf(fp, "%u", val) != 1) - return 1; + if (fscanf(fp, "%u", val) != 1) return 1; - fclose(fp); - return 0; + fclose(fp); + return 0; } #define ENTROPY_POOLSIZE_PATH "/proc/sys/kernel/random/poolsize" -int get_entropy_poolsize(unsigned int *val) -{ - static int rep = 0; - FILE *fp; +int get_entropy_poolsize(unsigned int *val) { + static int rep = 0; + FILE *fp; - if (!(fp = open_file(ENTROPY_POOLSIZE_PATH, &rep))) - return 1; + if (!(fp = open_file(ENTROPY_POOLSIZE_PATH, &rep))) return 1; - if (fscanf(fp, "%u", val) != 1) - return 1; + if (fscanf(fp, "%u", val) != 1) return 1; - fclose(fp); - return 0; + fclose(fp); + return 0; } -void print_disk_protect_queue(struct text_object *obj, char *p, int p_max_size) -{ - FILE *fp; - char path[128]; - int state; +void print_disk_protect_queue(struct text_object *obj, char *p, + int p_max_size) { + FILE *fp; + char path[128]; + int state; - snprintf(path, 127, "/sys/block/%s/device/unload_heads", obj->data.s); - if (access(path, F_OK)) { - snprintf(path, 127, "/sys/block/%s/queue/protect", obj->data.s); - } - if ((fp = fopen(path, "r")) == NULL) { - snprintf(p, p_max_size, "n/a "); - return; - } - if (fscanf(fp, "%d\n", &state) != 1) { - fclose(fp); - snprintf(p, p_max_size, "failed"); - return; - } - fclose(fp); - snprintf(p, p_max_size, (state > 0) ? "frozen" : "free "); + snprintf(path, 127, "/sys/block/%s/device/unload_heads", obj->data.s); + if (access(path, F_OK)) { + snprintf(path, 127, "/sys/block/%s/queue/protect", obj->data.s); + } + if ((fp = fopen(path, "r")) == NULL) { + snprintf(p, p_max_size, "n/a "); + return; + } + if (fscanf(fp, "%d\n", &state) != 1) { + fclose(fp); + snprintf(p, p_max_size, "failed"); + return; + } + fclose(fp); + snprintf(p, p_max_size, (state > 0) ? "frozen" : "free "); } std::unordered_map dev_list; /* Same as sf #2942117 but memoized using a linked list */ -int is_disk(char *dev) -{ - std::string orig(dev); - std::string syspath("/sys/block/"); - char *slash; +int is_disk(char *dev) { + std::string orig(dev); + std::string syspath("/sys/block/"); + char *slash; - auto i = dev_list.find(orig); - if(i != dev_list.end()) - return i->second; + auto i = dev_list.find(orig); + if (i != dev_list.end()) return i->second; - while ((slash = strchr(dev, '/'))) - *slash = '!'; - syspath += dev; + while ((slash = strchr(dev, '/'))) *slash = '!'; + syspath += dev; - return dev_list[orig] = !(access(syspath.c_str(), F_OK)); + return dev_list[orig] = !(access(syspath.c_str(), F_OK)); } -int update_diskio(void) -{ - FILE *fp; - static int rep = 0; - char buf[512], devbuf[64]; - unsigned int major, minor; - int col_count = 0; - struct diskio_stat *cur; - unsigned int reads, writes; - unsigned int total_reads = 0, total_writes = 0; +int update_diskio(void) { + FILE *fp; + static int rep = 0; + char buf[512], devbuf[64]; + unsigned int major, minor; + int col_count = 0; + struct diskio_stat *cur; + unsigned int reads, writes; + unsigned int total_reads = 0, total_writes = 0; - stats.current = 0; - stats.current_read = 0; - stats.current_write = 0; + stats.current = 0; + stats.current_read = 0; + stats.current_write = 0; - if (!(fp = open_file("/proc/diskstats", &rep))) { - return 0; - } + if (!(fp = open_file("/proc/diskstats", &rep))) { + return 0; + } - /* read reads and writes from all disks (minor = 0), including cd-roms - * and floppies, and sum them up */ - while (fgets(buf, 512, fp)) { - col_count = sscanf(buf, "%u %u %s %*u %*u %u %*u %*u %*u %u", &major, - &minor, devbuf, &reads, &writes); - /* ignore subdevices (they have only 3 matching entries in their line) - * and virtual devices (LVM, network block devices, RAM disks, Loopback) - * - * XXX: ignore devices which are part of a SW RAID (MD_MAJOR) */ - if (col_count == 5 && major != LVM_BLK_MAJOR && major != NBD_MAJOR - && major != RAMDISK_MAJOR && major != LOOP_MAJOR - && major != DM_MAJOR) { - /* check needed for kernel >= 2.6.31, see sf #2942117 */ - if (is_disk(devbuf)) { - total_reads += reads; - total_writes += writes; - } - } else { - col_count = sscanf(buf, "%u %u %s %*u %u %*u %u", - &major, &minor, devbuf, &reads, &writes); - if (col_count != 5) { - continue; - } - } - cur = stats.next; - while (cur && strcmp(devbuf, cur->dev)) - cur = cur->next; + /* read reads and writes from all disks (minor = 0), including cd-roms + * and floppies, and sum them up */ + while (fgets(buf, 512, fp)) { + col_count = sscanf(buf, "%u %u %s %*u %*u %u %*u %*u %*u %u", &major, + &minor, devbuf, &reads, &writes); + /* ignore subdevices (they have only 3 matching entries in their line) + * and virtual devices (LVM, network block devices, RAM disks, Loopback) + * + * XXX: ignore devices which are part of a SW RAID (MD_MAJOR) */ + if (col_count == 5 && major != LVM_BLK_MAJOR && major != NBD_MAJOR && + major != RAMDISK_MAJOR && major != LOOP_MAJOR && major != DM_MAJOR) { + /* check needed for kernel >= 2.6.31, see sf #2942117 */ + if (is_disk(devbuf)) { + total_reads += reads; + total_writes += writes; + } + } else { + col_count = sscanf(buf, "%u %u %s %*u %u %*u %u", &major, &minor, devbuf, + &reads, &writes); + if (col_count != 5) { + continue; + } + } + cur = stats.next; + while (cur && strcmp(devbuf, cur->dev)) cur = cur->next; - if (cur) - update_diskio_values(cur, reads, writes); - } - update_diskio_values(&stats, total_reads, total_writes); - fclose(fp); - return 0; + if (cur) update_diskio_values(cur, reads, writes); + } + update_diskio_values(&stats, total_reads, total_writes); + fclose(fp); + return 0; } -void print_distribution(struct text_object *obj, char *p, int p_max_size) -{ - (void)obj; - int i, bytes_read; - char* buf; - struct stat sb; +void print_distribution(struct text_object *obj, char *p, int p_max_size) { + (void)obj; + int i, bytes_read; + char *buf; + struct stat sb; - if(stat("/etc/arch-release", &sb) == 0) { - snprintf(p, p_max_size, "Arch Linux"); - return; - } - snprintf(p, p_max_size, "Unknown"); - buf = readfile("/proc/version", &bytes_read, 1); - if(buf) { - /* I am assuming the distribution name is the first string in /proc/version that: - - is preceded by a '(' - - starts with a capital - - is followed by a space and a number - but i am not sure if this is always true... */ - for(i=1; i= 'A' && buf[i] <= 'Z') break; - } - if(i < bytes_read) { - snprintf(p, p_max_size, "%s", &buf[i]); - for(i=1; p[i]; i++) { - if(p[i-1] == ' ' && p[i] >= '0' && p[i] <= '9') { - p[i-1] = 0; - break; - } - } - } - free(buf); - } + if (stat("/etc/arch-release", &sb) == 0) { + snprintf(p, p_max_size, "Arch Linux"); + return; + } + snprintf(p, p_max_size, "Unknown"); + buf = readfile("/proc/version", &bytes_read, 1); + if (buf) { + /* I am assuming the distribution name is the first string in /proc/version + that: + - is preceded by a '(' + - starts with a capital + - is followed by a space and a number + but i am not sure if this is always true... */ + for (i = 1; i < bytes_read; i++) { + if (buf[i - 1] == '(' && buf[i] >= 'A' && buf[i] <= 'Z') break; + } + if (i < bytes_read) { + snprintf(p, p_max_size, "%s", &buf[i]); + for (i = 1; p[i]; i++) { + if (p[i - 1] == ' ' && p[i] >= '0' && p[i] <= '9') { + p[i - 1] = 0; + break; + } + } + } + free(buf); + } } /****************************************** @@ -2617,69 +2590,63 @@ void print_distribution(struct text_object *obj, char *p, int p_max_size) #define TMPL_SHORTPROC "%*s %llu %llu %llu %llu" #define TMPL_LONGPROC "%*s %llu %llu %llu %llu %llu %llu %llu %llu" -static unsigned long long calc_cpu_total(void) -{ - static unsigned long long previous_total = 0; - unsigned long long total = 0; - unsigned long long t = 0; - int rc; - int ps; - char line[BUFFER_LEN] = { 0 }; - unsigned long long cpu = 0; - unsigned long long niceval = 0; - unsigned long long systemval = 0; - unsigned long long idle = 0; - unsigned long long iowait = 0; - unsigned long long irq = 0; - unsigned long long softirq = 0; - unsigned long long steal = 0; - const char *template_ = - KFLAG_ISSET(KFLAG_IS_LONGSTAT) ? TMPL_LONGPROC : TMPL_SHORTPROC; +static unsigned long long calc_cpu_total(void) { + static unsigned long long previous_total = 0; + unsigned long long total = 0; + unsigned long long t = 0; + int rc; + int ps; + char line[BUFFER_LEN] = {0}; + unsigned long long cpu = 0; + unsigned long long niceval = 0; + unsigned long long systemval = 0; + unsigned long long idle = 0; + unsigned long long iowait = 0; + unsigned long long irq = 0; + unsigned long long softirq = 0; + unsigned long long steal = 0; + const char *template_ = + KFLAG_ISSET(KFLAG_IS_LONGSTAT) ? TMPL_LONGPROC : TMPL_SHORTPROC; - ps = open("/proc/stat", O_RDONLY); - rc = read(ps, line, BUFFER_LEN - 1); - close(ps); - if (rc < 0) { - return 0; - } + ps = open("/proc/stat", O_RDONLY); + rc = read(ps, line, BUFFER_LEN - 1); + close(ps); + if (rc < 0) { + return 0; + } - sscanf(line, template_, &cpu, &niceval, &systemval, &idle, &iowait, &irq, - &softirq, &steal); - total = cpu + niceval + systemval + idle + iowait + irq + softirq + steal; + sscanf(line, template_, &cpu, &niceval, &systemval, &idle, &iowait, &irq, + &softirq, &steal); + total = cpu + niceval + systemval + idle + iowait + irq + softirq + steal; - t = total - previous_total; - previous_total = total; + t = total - previous_total; + previous_total = total; - return t; + return t; } /****************************************** * Calculate each processes cpu * ******************************************/ -inline static void calc_cpu_each(unsigned long long total) -{ - float mul = 100.0; - if(top_cpu_separate.get(*state)) - mul *= info.cpu_count; +inline static void calc_cpu_each(unsigned long long total) { + float mul = 100.0; + if (top_cpu_separate.get(*state)) mul *= info.cpu_count; - for(struct process *p = first_process; p; p = p->next) - p->amount = mul * (p->user_time + p->kernel_time) / (float) total; + for (struct process *p = first_process; p; p = p->next) + p->amount = mul * (p->user_time + p->kernel_time) / (float)total; } #ifdef BUILD_IOSTATS -static void calc_io_each(void) -{ - struct process *p; - unsigned long long sum = 0; +static void calc_io_each(void) { + struct process *p; + unsigned long long sum = 0; - for (p = first_process; p; p = p->next) - sum += p->read_bytes + p->write_bytes; + for (p = first_process; p; p = p->next) sum += p->read_bytes + p->write_bytes; - if(sum == 0) - sum = 1; /* to avoid having NANs if no I/O occured */ - for (p = first_process; p; p = p->next) - p->io_perc = 100.0 * (p->read_bytes + p->write_bytes) / (float) sum; + if (sum == 0) sum = 1; /* to avoid having NANs if no I/O occured */ + for (p = first_process; p; p = p->next) + p->io_perc = 100.0 * (p->read_bytes + p->write_bytes) / (float)sum; } #endif /* BUILD_IOSTATS */ @@ -2692,223 +2659,223 @@ static void calc_io_each(void) /* These are the guts that extract information out of /proc. * Anyone hoping to port wmtop should look here first. */ -static void process_parse_stat(struct process *process) -{ - char line[BUFFER_LEN] = { 0 }, filename[BUFFER_LEN], procname[BUFFER_LEN]; - char cmdline[BUFFER_LEN] = { 0 }, cmdline_filename[BUFFER_LEN], cmdline_procname[BUFFER_LEN]; - char basename[BUFFER_LEN] = { 0 }; - char tmpstr[BUFFER_LEN] = { 0 }; - char state[4]; - int ps, cmdline_ps; - unsigned long user_time = 0; - unsigned long kernel_time = 0; - int rc; - char *r, *q; - int endl; - int nice_val; - char *lparen, *rparen; - struct stat process_stat; +static void process_parse_stat(struct process *process) { + char line[BUFFER_LEN] = {0}, filename[BUFFER_LEN], procname[BUFFER_LEN]; + char cmdline[BUFFER_LEN] = {0}, cmdline_filename[BUFFER_LEN], + cmdline_procname[BUFFER_LEN]; + char basename[BUFFER_LEN] = {0}; + char tmpstr[BUFFER_LEN] = {0}; + char state[4]; + int ps, cmdline_ps; + unsigned long user_time = 0; + unsigned long kernel_time = 0; + int rc; + char *r, *q; + int endl; + int nice_val; + char *lparen, *rparen; + struct stat process_stat; - snprintf(filename, sizeof(filename), PROCFS_TEMPLATE, process->pid); - snprintf(cmdline_filename, sizeof(cmdline_filename), PROCFS_CMDLINE_TEMPLATE, process->pid); + snprintf(filename, sizeof(filename), PROCFS_TEMPLATE, process->pid); + snprintf(cmdline_filename, sizeof(cmdline_filename), PROCFS_CMDLINE_TEMPLATE, + process->pid); - ps = open(filename, O_RDONLY); - if (ps < 0) { - /* The process must have finished in the last few jiffies! */ - return; - } + ps = open(filename, O_RDONLY); + if (ps < 0) { + /* The process must have finished in the last few jiffies! */ + return; + } - if (fstat(ps, &process_stat) != 0) - return; - process->uid=process_stat.st_uid; + if (fstat(ps, &process_stat) != 0) return; + process->uid = process_stat.st_uid; - /* Mark process as up-to-date. */ - process->time_stamp = g_time; + /* Mark process as up-to-date. */ + process->time_stamp = g_time; - rc = read(ps, line, BUFFER_LEN - 1); - close(ps); - if (rc < 0) { - return; - } + rc = read(ps, line, BUFFER_LEN - 1); + close(ps); + if (rc < 0) { + return; + } - /* Read /proc//cmdline */ - cmdline_ps = open(cmdline_filename, O_RDONLY); - if (cmdline_ps < 0) { - /* The process must have finished in the last few jiffies! */ - return; - } + /* Read /proc//cmdline */ + cmdline_ps = open(cmdline_filename, O_RDONLY); + if (cmdline_ps < 0) { + /* The process must have finished in the last few jiffies! */ + return; + } - endl = read(cmdline_ps, cmdline, BUFFER_LEN - 1); - close(cmdline_ps); - if (endl < 0) { - return; - } + endl = read(cmdline_ps, cmdline, BUFFER_LEN - 1); + close(cmdline_ps); + if (endl < 0) { + return; + } - /* Some processes have null-separated arguments (see proc(5)); let's fix it */ - int i = endl; - while (i && cmdline[i-1] == 0) { - /* Skip past any trailing null characters */ - --i; - } - while (i--) { - /* Replace null character between arguments with a space */ - if (cmdline[i] == 0) { - cmdline[i] = ' '; - } - } + /* Some processes have null-separated arguments (see proc(5)); let's fix it */ + int i = endl; + while (i && cmdline[i - 1] == 0) { + /* Skip past any trailing null characters */ + --i; + } + while (i--) { + /* Replace null character between arguments with a space */ + if (cmdline[i] == 0) { + cmdline[i] = ' '; + } + } - cmdline[endl] = 0; + cmdline[endl] = 0; - /* We want to transform for example "/usr/bin/python program.py" to "python program.py" - * 1. search for first space - * 2. search for last / before first space - * 3. copy string from its position - */ - char *space_ptr = strchr(cmdline, ' '); - if (space_ptr == NULL) { - strcpy(tmpstr, cmdline); - } else { - long int space_pos = space_ptr - cmdline; - strncpy(tmpstr, cmdline, space_pos); - tmpstr[space_pos] = 0; - } + /* We want to transform for example "/usr/bin/python program.py" to "python + * program.py" + * 1. search for first space + * 2. search for last / before first space + * 3. copy string from its position + */ + char *space_ptr = strchr(cmdline, ' '); + if (space_ptr == NULL) { + strcpy(tmpstr, cmdline); + } else { + long int space_pos = space_ptr - cmdline; + strncpy(tmpstr, cmdline, space_pos); + tmpstr[space_pos] = 0; + } - char *slash_ptr = strrchr(tmpstr, '/'); - if (slash_ptr == NULL) { - strncpy(cmdline_procname, cmdline, BUFFER_LEN); - } else { - long int slash_pos = slash_ptr - tmpstr; - strncpy(cmdline_procname, cmdline + slash_pos + 1, BUFFER_LEN - slash_pos); - cmdline_procname[BUFFER_LEN - slash_pos] = 0; - } + char *slash_ptr = strrchr(tmpstr, '/'); + if (slash_ptr == NULL) { + strncpy(cmdline_procname, cmdline, BUFFER_LEN); + } else { + long int slash_pos = slash_ptr - tmpstr; + strncpy(cmdline_procname, cmdline + slash_pos + 1, BUFFER_LEN - slash_pos); + cmdline_procname[BUFFER_LEN - slash_pos] = 0; + } - /* Extract cpu times from data in /proc filesystem */ - lparen = strchr(line, '('); - rparen = strrchr(line, ')'); - if (!lparen || !rparen || rparen < lparen) - return; // this should not happen + /* Extract cpu times from data in /proc filesystem */ + lparen = strchr(line, '('); + rparen = strrchr(line, ')'); + if (!lparen || !rparen || rparen < lparen) return; // this should not happen - rc = MIN((unsigned)(rparen - lparen - 1), sizeof(procname) - 1); - strncpy(procname, lparen + 1, rc); - procname[rc] = '\0'; - strncpy(basename, procname, strlen(procname) + 1); + rc = MIN((unsigned)(rparen - lparen - 1), sizeof(procname) - 1); + strncpy(procname, lparen + 1, rc); + procname[rc] = '\0'; + strncpy(basename, procname, strlen(procname) + 1); - if (strlen(procname) < strlen(cmdline_procname)) - strncpy(procname, cmdline_procname, strlen(cmdline_procname) + 1); + if (strlen(procname) < strlen(cmdline_procname)) + strncpy(procname, cmdline_procname, strlen(cmdline_procname) + 1); - rc = sscanf(rparen + 1, "%3s %*s %*s %*s %*s %*s %*s %*s %*s %*s %*s %lu " - "%lu %*s %*s %*s %d %*s %*s %*s %llu %llu", state, &process->user_time, - &process->kernel_time, &nice_val, &process->vsize, &process->rss); - if (rc < 6) { - NORM_ERR("scaning data for %s failed, got only %d fields", procname, rc); - return; - } + rc = sscanf(rparen + 1, + "%3s %*s %*s %*s %*s %*s %*s %*s %*s %*s %*s %lu " + "%lu %*s %*s %*s %d %*s %*s %*s %llu %llu", + state, &process->user_time, &process->kernel_time, &nice_val, + &process->vsize, &process->rss); + if (rc < 6) { + NORM_ERR("scaning data for %s failed, got only %d fields", procname, rc); + return; + } - if (state[0] == 'R') - ++ info.run_procs; + if (state[0] == 'R') ++info.run_procs; - free_and_zero(process->name); - free_and_zero(process->basename); - process->name = strndup(procname, text_buffer_size.get(*::state)); - process->basename = strndup(basename, text_buffer_size.get(*::state)); - process->rss *= getpagesize(); + free_and_zero(process->name); + free_and_zero(process->basename); + process->name = strndup(procname, text_buffer_size.get(*::state)); + process->basename = strndup(basename, text_buffer_size.get(*::state)); + process->rss *= getpagesize(); - process->total_cpu_time = process->user_time + process->kernel_time; - if (process->previous_user_time == ULONG_MAX) { - process->previous_user_time = process->user_time; - } - if (process->previous_kernel_time == ULONG_MAX) { - process->previous_kernel_time = process->kernel_time; - } + process->total_cpu_time = process->user_time + process->kernel_time; + if (process->previous_user_time == ULONG_MAX) { + process->previous_user_time = process->user_time; + } + if (process->previous_kernel_time == ULONG_MAX) { + process->previous_kernel_time = process->kernel_time; + } - /* strangely, the values aren't monotonous */ - if (process->previous_user_time > process->user_time) - process->previous_user_time = process->user_time; + /* strangely, the values aren't monotonous */ + if (process->previous_user_time > process->user_time) + process->previous_user_time = process->user_time; - if (process->previous_kernel_time > process->kernel_time) - process->previous_kernel_time = process->kernel_time; + if (process->previous_kernel_time > process->kernel_time) + process->previous_kernel_time = process->kernel_time; - /* store the difference of the user_time */ - user_time = process->user_time - process->previous_user_time; - kernel_time = process->kernel_time - process->previous_kernel_time; + /* store the difference of the user_time */ + user_time = process->user_time - process->previous_user_time; + kernel_time = process->kernel_time - process->previous_kernel_time; - /* backup the process->user_time for next time around */ - process->previous_user_time = process->user_time; - process->previous_kernel_time = process->kernel_time; + /* backup the process->user_time for next time around */ + process->previous_user_time = process->user_time; + process->previous_kernel_time = process->kernel_time; - /* store only the difference of the user_time here... */ - process->user_time = user_time; - process->kernel_time = kernel_time; + /* store only the difference of the user_time here... */ + process->user_time = user_time; + process->kernel_time = kernel_time; } #ifdef BUILD_IOSTATS #define PROCFS_TEMPLATE_IO "/proc/%d/io" -static void process_parse_io(struct process *process) -{ - static const char *read_bytes_str="read_bytes:"; - static const char *write_bytes_str="write_bytes:"; +static void process_parse_io(struct process *process) { + static const char *read_bytes_str = "read_bytes:"; + static const char *write_bytes_str = "write_bytes:"; - char line[BUFFER_LEN] = { 0 }, filename[BUFFER_LEN]; - int ps; - int rc; - char *pos, *endpos; - unsigned long long read_bytes, write_bytes; + char line[BUFFER_LEN] = {0}, filename[BUFFER_LEN]; + int ps; + int rc; + char *pos, *endpos; + unsigned long long read_bytes, write_bytes; - snprintf(filename, sizeof(filename), PROCFS_TEMPLATE_IO, process->pid); + snprintf(filename, sizeof(filename), PROCFS_TEMPLATE_IO, process->pid); - ps = open(filename, O_RDONLY); - if (ps < 0) { - /* The process must have finished in the last few jiffies! - * Or, the kernel doesn't support I/O accounting. - */ - return; - } + ps = open(filename, O_RDONLY); + if (ps < 0) { + /* The process must have finished in the last few jiffies! + * Or, the kernel doesn't support I/O accounting. + */ + return; + } - rc = read(ps, line, BUFFER_LEN - 1); - close(ps); - if (rc < 0) { - return; - } + rc = read(ps, line, BUFFER_LEN - 1); + close(ps); + if (rc < 0) { + return; + } - pos = strstr(line, read_bytes_str); - if (pos == NULL) { - /* these should not happen (unless the format of the file changes) */ - return; - } - pos += strlen(read_bytes_str); - process->read_bytes = strtoull(pos, &endpos, 10); - if (endpos == pos) { - return; - } + pos = strstr(line, read_bytes_str); + if (pos == NULL) { + /* these should not happen (unless the format of the file changes) */ + return; + } + pos += strlen(read_bytes_str); + process->read_bytes = strtoull(pos, &endpos, 10); + if (endpos == pos) { + return; + } - pos = strstr(line, write_bytes_str); - if (pos == NULL) { - return; - } - pos += strlen(write_bytes_str); - process->write_bytes = strtoull(pos, &endpos, 10); - if (endpos == pos) { - return; - } + pos = strstr(line, write_bytes_str); + if (pos == NULL) { + return; + } + pos += strlen(write_bytes_str); + process->write_bytes = strtoull(pos, &endpos, 10); + if (endpos == pos) { + return; + } - if (process->previous_read_bytes == ULLONG_MAX) { - process->previous_read_bytes = process->read_bytes; - } - if (process->previous_write_bytes == ULLONG_MAX) { - process->previous_write_bytes = process->write_bytes; - } + if (process->previous_read_bytes == ULLONG_MAX) { + process->previous_read_bytes = process->read_bytes; + } + if (process->previous_write_bytes == ULLONG_MAX) { + process->previous_write_bytes = process->write_bytes; + } - /* store the difference of the byte counts */ - read_bytes = process->read_bytes - process->previous_read_bytes; - write_bytes = process->write_bytes - process->previous_write_bytes; + /* store the difference of the byte counts */ + read_bytes = process->read_bytes - process->previous_read_bytes; + write_bytes = process->write_bytes - process->previous_write_bytes; - /* backup the counts for next time around */ - process->previous_read_bytes = process->read_bytes; - process->previous_write_bytes = process->write_bytes; + /* backup the counts for next time around */ + process->previous_read_bytes = process->read_bytes; + process->previous_write_bytes = process->write_bytes; - /* store only the difference here... */ - process->read_bytes = read_bytes; - process->write_bytes = write_bytes; + /* store only the difference here... */ + process->read_bytes = read_bytes; + process->write_bytes = write_bytes; } #endif /* BUILD_IOSTATS */ @@ -2918,65 +2885,62 @@ static void process_parse_io(struct process *process) /* This function seems to hog all of the CPU time. * I can't figure out why - it doesn't do much. */ -static void calculate_stats(struct process *process) -{ - /* compute each process cpu usage by reading /proc//stat */ - process_parse_stat(process); +static void calculate_stats(struct process *process) { + /* compute each process cpu usage by reading /proc//stat */ + process_parse_stat(process); #ifdef BUILD_IOSTATS - process_parse_io(process); + process_parse_io(process); #endif /* BUILD_IOSTATS */ - /* - * Check name against the exclusion list - */ - /* if (process->counted && exclusion_expression && - * !regexec(exclusion_expression, process->name, 0, 0, 0)) - * process->counted = 0; */ + /* + * Check name against the exclusion list + */ + /* if (process->counted && exclusion_expression && + * !regexec(exclusion_expression, process->name, 0, 0, 0)) + * process->counted = 0; */ } /****************************************** * Update process table * ******************************************/ -static void update_process_table(void) -{ - DIR *dir; - struct dirent *entry; +static void update_process_table(void) { + DIR *dir; + struct dirent *entry; - if (!(dir = opendir("/proc"))) { - return; - } + if (!(dir = opendir("/proc"))) { + return; + } - info.run_procs = 0; + info.run_procs = 0; - /* Get list of processes from /proc directory */ - while ((entry = readdir(dir))) { - pid_t pid; + /* Get list of processes from /proc directory */ + while ((entry = readdir(dir))) { + pid_t pid; - if (!entry) { - /* Problem reading list of processes */ - closedir(dir); - return; - } + if (!entry) { + /* Problem reading list of processes */ + closedir(dir); + return; + } - if (sscanf(entry->d_name, "%d", &pid) > 0) { - /* compute each process cpu usage */ - calculate_stats(get_process(pid)); - } - } + if (sscanf(entry->d_name, "%d", &pid) > 0) { + /* compute each process cpu usage */ + calculate_stats(get_process(pid)); + } + } - closedir(dir); + closedir(dir); } -void get_top_info(void) -{ - unsigned long long total = 0; +void get_top_info(void) { + unsigned long long total = 0; - total = calc_cpu_total(); /* calculate the total of the processor */ - update_process_table(); /* update the table with process list */ - calc_cpu_each(total); /* and then the percentage for each task */ + total = calc_cpu_total(); /* calculate the total of the processor */ + update_process_table(); /* update the table with process list */ + calc_cpu_each(total); /* and then the percentage for each task */ #ifdef BUILD_IOSTATS - calc_io_each(); /* percentage of I/O for each task */ -#endif /* BUILD_IOSTATS */ + calc_io_each(); /* percentage of I/O for each task */ +#endif /* BUILD_IOSTATS */ } diff --git a/src/linux.h b/src/linux.h index 7eac8ca6..76c9364a 100644 --- a/src/linux.h +++ b/src/linux.h @@ -1,11 +1,10 @@ -/* -*- mode: c++; c-basic-offset: 4; tab-width: 4; indent-tabs-mode: t -*- - * vim: ts=4 sw=4 noet ai cindent syntax=cpp +/* * * Conky, a system monitor, based on torsmo * * Please see COPYING for details * - * Copyright (c) 2005-2012 Brenden Matthews, Philip Kovacs, et. al. + * Copyright (c) 2005-2018 Brenden Matthews, Philip Kovacs, et. al. * (see AUTHORS) * All rights reserved. * @@ -45,7 +44,7 @@ void get_powerbook_batt_info(struct text_object *, char *, int); void parse_i2c_sensor(struct text_object *, const char *); void parse_hwmon_sensor(struct text_object *, const char *); void parse_platform_sensor(struct text_object *, const char *); -void print_sysfs_sensor(struct text_object *, char *, int ); +void print_sysfs_sensor(struct text_object *, char *, int); void free_sysfs_sensor(struct text_object *); int get_entropy_avail(unsigned int *); diff --git a/src/llua.cc b/src/llua.cc index 3b56e036..8c86a59b 100644 --- a/src/llua.cc +++ b/src/llua.cc @@ -1,10 +1,9 @@ -/* -*- mode: c++; c-basic-offset: 4; tab-width: 4; indent-tabs-mode: t -*- - * vim: ts=4 sw=4 noet ai cindent syntax=cpp +/* * * Conky, a system monitor, based on torsmo * * Copyright (c) 2009 Toni Spets - * Copyright (c) 2005-2012 Brenden Matthews, Philip Kovacs, et. al. + * Copyright (c) 2005-2018 Brenden Matthews, Philip Kovacs, et. al. * (see AUTHORS) * All rights reserved. * @@ -22,11 +21,11 @@ * */ -#include -#include "conky.h" #include "llua.h" -#include "logging.h" +#include #include "build.h" +#include "conky.h" +#include "logging.h" #ifdef BUILD_LUA_EXTRAS extern "C" { @@ -47,194 +46,195 @@ static void llua_load(const char *script); lua_State *lua_L = NULL; namespace { - class lua_load_setting: public conky::simple_config_setting { - typedef conky::simple_config_setting Base; +class lua_load_setting : public conky::simple_config_setting { + typedef conky::simple_config_setting Base; - protected: - void lua_setter(lua::state &l, bool init) - { - lua::stack_sentry s(l, -2); + protected: + void lua_setter(lua::state &l, bool init) { + lua::stack_sentry s(l, -2); - Base::lua_setter(l, init); + Base::lua_setter(l, init); - if(init) { - std::string files = do_convert(l, -1).first; - while(not files.empty()) { - std::string::size_type pos = files.find(' '); - if(pos > 0) { - std::string file(files, 0, pos); - llua_load(file.c_str()); - } - files.erase(0, pos==std::string::npos ? pos : pos+1); - } - } + if (init) { + std::string files = do_convert(l, -1).first; + while (not files.empty()) { + std::string::size_type pos = files.find(' '); + if (pos > 0) { + std::string file(files, 0, pos); + llua_load(file.c_str()); + } + files.erase(0, pos == std::string::npos ? pos : pos + 1); + } + } - ++s; - } + ++s; + } - void cleanup(lua::state &l) - { - lua::stack_sentry s(l, -1); + void cleanup(lua::state &l) { + lua::stack_sentry s(l, -1); #ifdef HAVE_SYS_INOTIFY_H - llua_rm_notifies(); + llua_rm_notifies(); #endif /* HAVE_SYS_INOTIFY_H */ - if(!lua_L) return; - lua_close(lua_L); - lua_L = NULL; - } + if (!lua_L) return; + lua_close(lua_L); + lua_L = NULL; + } - public: - lua_load_setting() - : Base("lua_load", std::string(), false) - {} - }; + public: + lua_load_setting() : Base("lua_load", std::string(), false) {} +}; - lua_load_setting lua_load; - conky::simple_config_setting lua_startup_hook("lua_startup_hook", - std::string(), true); - conky::simple_config_setting lua_shutdown_hook("lua_shutdown_hook", - std::string(), true); +lua_load_setting lua_load; +conky::simple_config_setting lua_startup_hook("lua_startup_hook", + std::string(), true); +conky::simple_config_setting lua_shutdown_hook("lua_shutdown_hook", + std::string(), + true); #ifdef BUILD_X11 - conky::simple_config_setting lua_draw_hook_pre("lua_draw_hook_pre", - std::string(), true); - conky::simple_config_setting lua_draw_hook_post("lua_draw_hook_post", - std::string(), true); +conky::simple_config_setting lua_draw_hook_pre("lua_draw_hook_pre", + std::string(), + true); +conky::simple_config_setting lua_draw_hook_post( + "lua_draw_hook_post", std::string(), true); #endif +} // namespace + +static int llua_conky_parse(lua_State *L) { + int n = lua_gettop(L); /* number of arguments */ + char *str; + char *buf = (char *)calloc(1, max_user_text.get(*state)); + if (n != 1) { + lua_pushstring( + L, "incorrect arguments, conky_parse(string) takes exactly 1 argument"); + lua_error(L); + } + if (!lua_isstring(L, 1)) { + lua_pushstring(L, "incorrect argument (expecting a string)"); + lua_error(L); + } + str = strdup(lua_tostring(L, 1)); + evaluate(str, buf, max_user_text.get(*state)); + lua_pushstring(L, buf); + free(str); + free(buf); + return 1; /* number of results */ } -static int llua_conky_parse(lua_State *L) -{ - int n = lua_gettop(L); /* number of arguments */ - char *str; - char *buf = (char*)calloc(1, max_user_text.get(*state)); - if (n != 1) { - lua_pushstring(L, "incorrect arguments, conky_parse(string) takes exactly 1 argument"); - lua_error(L); - } - if (!lua_isstring(L, 1)) { - lua_pushstring(L, "incorrect argument (expecting a string)"); - lua_error(L); - } - str = strdup(lua_tostring(L, 1)); - evaluate(str, buf, max_user_text.get(*state)); - lua_pushstring(L, buf); - free(str); - free(buf); - return 1; /* number of results */ +static int llua_conky_set_update_interval(lua_State *L) { + int n = lua_gettop(L); /* number of arguments */ + if (n != 1) { + lua_pushstring(L, + "incorrect arguments, conky_set_update_interval(number) " + "takes exactly 1 argument"); + lua_error(L); + } + if (!lua_isnumber(L, 1)) { + lua_pushstring(L, "incorrect argument (expecting a number)"); + lua_error(L); + } + state->pushnumber(lua_tonumber(L, 1)); + update_interval.lua_set(*state); + return 0; /* number of results */ } -static int llua_conky_set_update_interval(lua_State *L) -{ - int n = lua_gettop(L); /* number of arguments */ - if (n != 1) { - lua_pushstring(L, "incorrect arguments, conky_set_update_interval(number) takes exactly 1 argument"); - lua_error(L); - } - if (!lua_isnumber(L, 1)) { - lua_pushstring(L, "incorrect argument (expecting a number)"); - lua_error(L); - } - state->pushnumber(lua_tonumber(L, 1)); - update_interval.lua_set(*state); - return 0; /* number of results */ -} +void llua_init(void) { + const char *libs = PACKAGE_LIBDIR "/lib?.so;"; + char *old_path, *new_path; + if (lua_L) return; + lua_L = luaL_newstate(); -void llua_init(void) -{ - const char *libs = PACKAGE_LIBDIR"/lib?.so;"; - char *old_path, *new_path; - if (lua_L) return; - lua_L = luaL_newstate(); + /* add our library path to the lua package.cpath global var */ + luaL_openlibs(lua_L); + lua_getglobal(lua_L, "package"); + lua_getfield(lua_L, -1, "cpath"); + old_path = strdup(lua_tostring(lua_L, -1)); + new_path = (char *)malloc(strlen(old_path) + strlen(libs) + 1); + strcpy(new_path, libs); + strcat(new_path, old_path); + lua_pushstring(lua_L, new_path); + lua_setfield(lua_L, -3, "cpath"); + lua_pop(lua_L, 2); + free(old_path); + free(new_path); - /* add our library path to the lua package.cpath global var */ - luaL_openlibs(lua_L); - lua_getglobal(lua_L, "package"); - lua_getfield(lua_L, -1, "cpath"); - old_path = strdup(lua_tostring(lua_L, -1)); - new_path = (char*)malloc(strlen(old_path) + strlen(libs) + 1); - strcpy(new_path, libs); - strcat(new_path, old_path); - lua_pushstring(lua_L, new_path); - lua_setfield(lua_L, -3, "cpath"); - lua_pop(lua_L, 2); - free(old_path); - free(new_path); + lua_pushstring(lua_L, PACKAGE_NAME " " VERSION " compiled " BUILD_DATE + " for " BUILD_ARCH); + lua_setglobal(lua_L, "conky_build_info"); - lua_pushstring(lua_L, PACKAGE_NAME" " VERSION" compiled " BUILD_DATE" for " BUILD_ARCH); - lua_setglobal(lua_L, "conky_build_info"); + lua_pushstring(lua_L, VERSION); + lua_setglobal(lua_L, "conky_version"); - lua_pushstring(lua_L, VERSION); - lua_setglobal(lua_L, "conky_version"); + lua_pushstring(lua_L, BUILD_DATE); + lua_setglobal(lua_L, "conky_build_date"); - lua_pushstring(lua_L, BUILD_DATE); - lua_setglobal(lua_L, "conky_build_date"); + lua_pushstring(lua_L, BUILD_ARCH); + lua_setglobal(lua_L, "conky_build_arch"); - lua_pushstring(lua_L, BUILD_ARCH); - lua_setglobal(lua_L, "conky_build_arch"); + lua_pushstring(lua_L, current_config.c_str()); + lua_setglobal(lua_L, "conky_config"); - lua_pushstring(lua_L, current_config.c_str()); - lua_setglobal(lua_L, "conky_config"); + lua_pushcfunction(lua_L, &llua_conky_parse); + lua_setglobal(lua_L, "conky_parse"); - lua_pushcfunction(lua_L, &llua_conky_parse); - lua_setglobal(lua_L, "conky_parse"); - - lua_pushcfunction(lua_L, &llua_conky_set_update_interval); - lua_setglobal(lua_L, "conky_set_update_interval"); + lua_pushcfunction(lua_L, &llua_conky_set_update_interval); + lua_setglobal(lua_L, "conky_set_update_interval"); #if defined(BUILD_X11) && defined(BUILD_LUA_EXTRAS) - /* register tolua++ user types */ - tolua_open(lua_L); - tolua_usertype(lua_L, "Drawable"); - tolua_usertype(lua_L, "Visual"); - tolua_usertype(lua_L, "Display"); + /* register tolua++ user types */ + tolua_open(lua_L); + tolua_usertype(lua_L, "Drawable"); + tolua_usertype(lua_L, "Visual"); + tolua_usertype(lua_L, "Display"); #endif /* BUILD_X11 */ } -void llua_load(const char *script) -{ - int error; +void llua_load(const char *script) { + int error; - llua_init(); + llua_init(); - std::string path = to_real_path(script); - error = luaL_dofile(lua_L, path.c_str()); - if (error) { - NORM_ERR("llua_load: %s", lua_tostring(lua_L, -1)); - lua_pop(lua_L, 1); + std::string path = to_real_path(script); + error = luaL_dofile(lua_L, path.c_str()); + if (error) { + NORM_ERR("llua_load: %s", lua_tostring(lua_L, -1)); + lua_pop(lua_L, 1); #ifdef HAVE_SYS_INOTIFY_H - } else if (!llua_block_notify && inotify_fd != -1) { - llua_append_notify(path.c_str()); + } else if (!llua_block_notify && inotify_fd != -1) { + llua_append_notify(path.c_str()); #endif /* HAVE_SYS_INOTIFY_H */ - } + } } /* - * Returns the first space-delimited token of the string starting at position *len. - * On return *len contains the length of the token. Spaces inside brackets are ignored, so that - * eg. '${foo bar}' is treated as a single token. Sets *len to zero and *str points to the end of - * the string when there are no more tokens. + * Returns the first space-delimited token of the string starting at position + * *len. On return *len contains the length of the token. Spaces inside brackets + * are ignored, so that eg. '${foo bar}' is treated as a single token. Sets *len + * to zero and *str points to the end of the string when there are no more + * tokens. */ -static const char* tokenize(const char *str, size_t *len) -{ - str += *len; - *len = 0; - while(str && isspace(*str)) - ++str; +static const char *tokenize(const char *str, size_t *len) { + str += *len; + *len = 0; + while (str && isspace(*str)) ++str; - size_t level = 0; - while(str[*len] && (level > 0 || !isspace(str[*len]))) { - switch(str[*len]) { - case '{': ++level; break; - case '}': --level; break; - } - ++*len; - } + size_t level = 0; + while (str[*len] && (level > 0 || !isspace(str[*len]))) { + switch (str[*len]) { + case '{': + ++level; + break; + case '}': + --level; + break; + } + ++*len; + } - if(!str[*len] && level > 0) - NORM_ERR("tokenize: improperly nested token: %s", str); + if (!str[*len] && level > 0) + NORM_ERR("tokenize: improperly nested token: %s", str); - return str; + return str; } /* @@ -242,43 +242,43 @@ static const char* tokenize(const char *str, size_t *len) string: [par1] [par2...] retc: the number of return values expected */ -static char *llua_do_call(const char *string, int retc) -{ - static char func[64]; - int argc = 0; +static char *llua_do_call(const char *string, int retc) { + static char func[64]; + int argc = 0; - size_t len = 0; + size_t len = 0; - const char *ptr = tokenize(string, &len); + const char *ptr = tokenize(string, &len); - /* proceed only if the function name is present */ - if (!len) { - return NULL; - } + /* proceed only if the function name is present */ + if (!len) { + return NULL; + } - /* call only conky_ prefixed functions */ - if(strncmp(ptr, LUAPREFIX, strlen(LUAPREFIX)) != 0) { - snprintf(func, sizeof func, "%s", LUAPREFIX); - } else - *func = 0; - strncat(func, ptr, std::min(len, sizeof(func) - strlen(func) - 1)); + /* call only conky_ prefixed functions */ + if (strncmp(ptr, LUAPREFIX, strlen(LUAPREFIX)) != 0) { + snprintf(func, sizeof func, "%s", LUAPREFIX); + } else + *func = 0; + strncat(func, ptr, std::min(len, sizeof(func) - strlen(func) - 1)); - /* push the function name to stack */ - lua_getglobal(lua_L, func); + /* push the function name to stack */ + lua_getglobal(lua_L, func); - /* parse all function parameters from args and push them to the stack */ - while( ptr = tokenize(ptr, &len), len) { - lua_pushlstring(lua_L, ptr, len); - argc++; - } + /* parse all function parameters from args and push them to the stack */ + while (ptr = tokenize(ptr, &len), len) { + lua_pushlstring(lua_L, ptr, len); + argc++; + } - if(lua_pcall(lua_L, argc, retc, 0) != 0) { - NORM_ERR("llua_do_call: function %s execution failed: %s", func, lua_tostring(lua_L, -1)); - lua_pop(lua_L, -1); - return NULL; - } + if (lua_pcall(lua_L, argc, retc, 0) != 0) { + NORM_ERR("llua_do_call: function %s execution failed: %s", func, + lua_tostring(lua_L, -1)); + lua_pop(lua_L, -1); + return NULL; + } - return func; + return func; } #if 0 @@ -307,24 +307,26 @@ static char *llua_do_read_call(const char *function, const char *arg, int retc) #endif /* call a function with args, and return a string from it (must be free'd) */ -static char *llua_getstring(const char *args) -{ - char *func; - char *ret = NULL; +static char *llua_getstring(const char *args) { + char *func; + char *ret = NULL; - if(!lua_L) return NULL; + if (!lua_L) return NULL; - func = llua_do_call(args, 1); - if (func) { - if (!lua_isstring(lua_L, -1)) { - NORM_ERR("llua_getstring: function %s didn't return a string, result discarded", func); - } else { - ret = strdup(lua_tostring(lua_L, -1)); - lua_pop(lua_L, 1); - } - } + func = llua_do_call(args, 1); + if (func) { + if (!lua_isstring(lua_L, -1)) { + NORM_ERR( + "llua_getstring: function %s didn't return a string, result " + "discarded", + func); + } else { + ret = strdup(lua_tostring(lua_L, -1)); + lua_pop(lua_L, 1); + } + } - return ret; + return ret; } #if 0 @@ -351,248 +353,231 @@ static char *llua_getstring_read(const char *function, const char *arg) #endif /* call a function with args, and put the result in ret */ -static int llua_getnumber(const char *args, double *ret) -{ - char *func; +static int llua_getnumber(const char *args, double *ret) { + char *func; - if(!lua_L) return 0; + if (!lua_L) return 0; - func = llua_do_call(args, 1); - if(func) { - if(!lua_isnumber(lua_L, -1)) { - NORM_ERR("llua_getnumber: function %s didn't return a number, result discarded", func); - } else { - *ret = lua_tonumber(lua_L, -1); - lua_pop(lua_L, 1); - return 1; - } - } - return 0; + func = llua_do_call(args, 1); + if (func) { + if (!lua_isnumber(lua_L, -1)) { + NORM_ERR( + "llua_getnumber: function %s didn't return a number, result " + "discarded", + func); + } else { + *ret = lua_tonumber(lua_L, -1); + lua_pop(lua_L, 1); + return 1; + } + } + return 0; } #ifdef HAVE_SYS_INOTIFY_H struct _lua_notify_s { - int wd; - char name[DEFAULT_TEXT_BUFFER_SIZE]; - struct _lua_notify_s *next; + int wd; + char name[DEFAULT_TEXT_BUFFER_SIZE]; + struct _lua_notify_s *next; }; static struct _lua_notify_s *lua_notifies = 0; -static struct _lua_notify_s *llua_notify_list_do_alloc(const char *name) -{ - struct _lua_notify_s *ret = (struct _lua_notify_s *)malloc(sizeof(struct _lua_notify_s)); - memset(ret, 0, sizeof(struct _lua_notify_s)); - strncpy(ret->name, name, DEFAULT_TEXT_BUFFER_SIZE); - return ret; +static struct _lua_notify_s *llua_notify_list_do_alloc(const char *name) { + struct _lua_notify_s *ret = + (struct _lua_notify_s *)malloc(sizeof(struct _lua_notify_s)); + memset(ret, 0, sizeof(struct _lua_notify_s)); + strncpy(ret->name, name, DEFAULT_TEXT_BUFFER_SIZE); + return ret; } -void llua_append_notify(const char *name) -{ - /* do it */ - struct _lua_notify_s *new_tail = 0; - if (!lua_notifies) { - /* empty, fresh new digs */ - new_tail = lua_notifies = llua_notify_list_do_alloc(name); - } else { - struct _lua_notify_s *tail = lua_notifies; - while (tail->next) { - tail = tail->next; - } - // should be @ the end now - new_tail = llua_notify_list_do_alloc(name); - tail->next = new_tail; - } - new_tail->wd = inotify_add_watch(inotify_fd, - new_tail->name, - IN_MODIFY); +void llua_append_notify(const char *name) { + /* do it */ + struct _lua_notify_s *new_tail = 0; + if (!lua_notifies) { + /* empty, fresh new digs */ + new_tail = lua_notifies = llua_notify_list_do_alloc(name); + } else { + struct _lua_notify_s *tail = lua_notifies; + while (tail->next) { + tail = tail->next; + } + // should be @ the end now + new_tail = llua_notify_list_do_alloc(name); + tail->next = new_tail; + } + new_tail->wd = inotify_add_watch(inotify_fd, new_tail->name, IN_MODIFY); } -void llua_rm_notifies(void) -{ - /* git 'er done */ - struct _lua_notify_s *head = lua_notifies; - struct _lua_notify_s *next = 0; - if (!lua_notifies) return; - inotify_rm_watch(inotify_fd, head->wd); - if (head->next) next = head->next; - free(head); - while (next) { - head = next; - next = head->next; - inotify_rm_watch(inotify_fd, head->wd); - free(head); - } - lua_notifies = 0; +void llua_rm_notifies(void) { + /* git 'er done */ + struct _lua_notify_s *head = lua_notifies; + struct _lua_notify_s *next = 0; + if (!lua_notifies) return; + inotify_rm_watch(inotify_fd, head->wd); + if (head->next) next = head->next; + free(head); + while (next) { + head = next; + next = head->next; + inotify_rm_watch(inotify_fd, head->wd); + free(head); + } + lua_notifies = 0; } -void llua_inotify_query(int wd, int mask) -{ - struct _lua_notify_s *head = lua_notifies; - if (mask & IN_MODIFY || mask & IN_IGNORED) { - /* for whatever reason, i keep getting IN_IGNORED when the file is - * modified */ - while (head) { - if (head->wd == wd) { - llua_block_notify = 1; - llua_load(head->name); - llua_block_notify = 0; - NORM_ERR("Lua script '%s' reloaded", head->name); - if (mask & IN_IGNORED) { - /* for some reason we get IN_IGNORED here - * sometimes, so we need to re-add the watch */ - head->wd = inotify_add_watch(inotify_fd, - head->name, - IN_MODIFY); - } - return; - } - head = head->next; - } - } +void llua_inotify_query(int wd, int mask) { + struct _lua_notify_s *head = lua_notifies; + if (mask & IN_MODIFY || mask & IN_IGNORED) { + /* for whatever reason, i keep getting IN_IGNORED when the file is + * modified */ + while (head) { + if (head->wd == wd) { + llua_block_notify = 1; + llua_load(head->name); + llua_block_notify = 0; + NORM_ERR("Lua script '%s' reloaded", head->name); + if (mask & IN_IGNORED) { + /* for some reason we get IN_IGNORED here + * sometimes, so we need to re-add the watch */ + head->wd = inotify_add_watch(inotify_fd, head->name, IN_MODIFY); + } + return; + } + head = head->next; + } + } } #endif /* HAVE_SYS_INOTIFY_H */ -void llua_set_number(const char *key, double value) -{ - lua_pushnumber(lua_L, value); - lua_setfield(lua_L, -2, key); +void llua_set_number(const char *key, double value) { + lua_pushnumber(lua_L, value); + lua_setfield(lua_L, -2, key); } -void llua_startup_hook(void) -{ - if (!lua_L || lua_startup_hook.get(*state).empty()) return; - llua_do_call(lua_startup_hook.get(*state).c_str(), 0); +void llua_startup_hook(void) { + if (!lua_L || lua_startup_hook.get(*state).empty()) return; + llua_do_call(lua_startup_hook.get(*state).c_str(), 0); } -void llua_shutdown_hook(void) -{ - if (!lua_L || lua_shutdown_hook.get(*state).empty()) return; - llua_do_call(lua_shutdown_hook.get(*state).c_str(), 0); +void llua_shutdown_hook(void) { + if (!lua_L || lua_shutdown_hook.get(*state).empty()) return; + llua_do_call(lua_shutdown_hook.get(*state).c_str(), 0); } #ifdef BUILD_X11 -void llua_draw_pre_hook(void) -{ - if (!lua_L || lua_draw_hook_pre.get(*state).empty()) return; - llua_do_call(lua_draw_hook_pre.get(*state).c_str(), 0); +void llua_draw_pre_hook(void) { + if (!lua_L || lua_draw_hook_pre.get(*state).empty()) return; + llua_do_call(lua_draw_hook_pre.get(*state).c_str(), 0); } -void llua_draw_post_hook(void) -{ - if (!lua_L || lua_draw_hook_post.get(*state).empty()) return; - llua_do_call(lua_draw_hook_post.get(*state).c_str(), 0); +void llua_draw_post_hook(void) { + if (!lua_L || lua_draw_hook_post.get(*state).empty()) return; + llua_do_call(lua_draw_hook_post.get(*state).c_str(), 0); } #ifdef BUILD_LUA_EXTRAS -void llua_set_userdata(const char *key, const char *type, void *value) -{ - tolua_pushusertype(lua_L, value, type); - lua_setfield(lua_L, -2, key); +void llua_set_userdata(const char *key, const char *type, void *value) { + tolua_pushusertype(lua_L, value, type); + lua_setfield(lua_L, -2, key); } #endif /* BUILD_LUA_EXTRAS */ -void llua_setup_window_table(int text_start_x, int text_start_y, int text_width, int text_height) -{ - if (!lua_L) return; - lua_newtable(lua_L); +void llua_setup_window_table(int text_start_x, int text_start_y, int text_width, + int text_height) { + if (!lua_L) return; + lua_newtable(lua_L); - if (out_to_x.get(*state)) { + if (out_to_x.get(*state)) { #ifdef BUILD_LUA_EXTRAS - llua_set_userdata("drawable", "Drawable", (void*)&window.drawable); - llua_set_userdata("visual", "Visual", window.visual); - llua_set_userdata("display", "Display", display); + llua_set_userdata("drawable", "Drawable", (void *)&window.drawable); + llua_set_userdata("visual", "Visual", window.visual); + llua_set_userdata("display", "Display", display); #endif /* BUILD_LUA_EXTRAS */ + llua_set_number("width", window.width); + llua_set_number("height", window.height); + llua_set_number("border_inner_margin", border_inner_margin.get(*state)); + llua_set_number("border_outer_margin", border_outer_margin.get(*state)); + llua_set_number("border_width", border_width.get(*state)); - llua_set_number("width", window.width); - llua_set_number("height", window.height); - llua_set_number("border_inner_margin", border_inner_margin.get(*state)); - llua_set_number("border_outer_margin", border_outer_margin.get(*state)); - llua_set_number("border_width", border_width.get(*state)); + llua_set_number("text_start_x", text_start_x); + llua_set_number("text_start_y", text_start_y); + llua_set_number("text_width", text_width); + llua_set_number("text_height", text_height); - llua_set_number("text_start_x", text_start_x); - llua_set_number("text_start_y", text_start_y); - llua_set_number("text_width", text_width); - llua_set_number("text_height", text_height); - - lua_setglobal(lua_L, "conky_window"); - } + lua_setglobal(lua_L, "conky_window"); + } } -void llua_update_window_table(int text_start_x, int text_start_y, int text_width, int text_height) -{ - if (!lua_L) return; +void llua_update_window_table(int text_start_x, int text_start_y, + int text_width, int text_height) { + if (!lua_L) return; - lua_getglobal(lua_L, "conky_window"); - if (lua_isnil(lua_L, -1)) { - /* window table isn't populated yet */ - lua_pop(lua_L, 1); - return; - } + lua_getglobal(lua_L, "conky_window"); + if (lua_isnil(lua_L, -1)) { + /* window table isn't populated yet */ + lua_pop(lua_L, 1); + return; + } - llua_set_number("width", window.width); - llua_set_number("height", window.height); + llua_set_number("width", window.width); + llua_set_number("height", window.height); - llua_set_number("text_start_x", text_start_x); - llua_set_number("text_start_y", text_start_y); - llua_set_number("text_width", text_width); - llua_set_number("text_height", text_height); + llua_set_number("text_start_x", text_start_x); + llua_set_number("text_start_y", text_start_y); + llua_set_number("text_width", text_width); + llua_set_number("text_height", text_height); - lua_setglobal(lua_L, "conky_window"); + lua_setglobal(lua_L, "conky_window"); } #endif /* BUILD_X11 */ -void llua_setup_info(struct information *i, double u_interval) -{ - if (!lua_L) return; - lua_newtable(lua_L); +void llua_setup_info(struct information *i, double u_interval) { + if (!lua_L) return; + lua_newtable(lua_L); - llua_set_number("update_interval", u_interval); - llua_set_number("uptime", i->uptime); + llua_set_number("update_interval", u_interval); + llua_set_number("uptime", i->uptime); - lua_setglobal(lua_L, "conky_info"); + lua_setglobal(lua_L, "conky_info"); } -void llua_update_info(struct information *i, double u_interval) -{ - if (!lua_L) return; +void llua_update_info(struct information *i, double u_interval) { + if (!lua_L) return; - lua_getglobal(lua_L, "conky_info"); - if (lua_isnil(lua_L, -1)) { - /* window table isn't populated yet */ - lua_pop(lua_L, 1); - return; - } + lua_getglobal(lua_L, "conky_info"); + if (lua_isnil(lua_L, -1)) { + /* window table isn't populated yet */ + lua_pop(lua_L, 1); + return; + } - llua_set_number("update_interval", u_interval); - llua_set_number("uptime", i->uptime); + llua_set_number("update_interval", u_interval); + llua_set_number("uptime", i->uptime); - lua_setglobal(lua_L, "conky_info"); + lua_setglobal(lua_L, "conky_info"); } -void print_lua(struct text_object *obj, char *p, int p_max_size) -{ - char *str = llua_getstring(obj->data.s); - if (str) { - snprintf(p, p_max_size, "%s", str); - free(str); - } +void print_lua(struct text_object *obj, char *p, int p_max_size) { + char *str = llua_getstring(obj->data.s); + if (str) { + snprintf(p, p_max_size, "%s", str); + free(str); + } } -void print_lua_parse(struct text_object *obj, char *p, int p_max_size) -{ - char *str = llua_getstring(obj->data.s); - if (str) { - evaluate(str, p, p_max_size); - free(str); - } +void print_lua_parse(struct text_object *obj, char *p, int p_max_size) { + char *str = llua_getstring(obj->data.s); + if (str) { + evaluate(str, p, p_max_size); + free(str); + } } -double lua_barval(struct text_object *obj) -{ - double per; - if (llua_getnumber(obj->data.s, &per)) { - return per; - } - return 0; +double lua_barval(struct text_object *obj) { + double per; + if (llua_getnumber(obj->data.s, &per)) { + return per; + } + return 0; } diff --git a/src/llua.h b/src/llua.h index 4eab16c8..da22327c 100644 --- a/src/llua.h +++ b/src/llua.h @@ -1,10 +1,9 @@ -/* -*- mode: c++; c-basic-offset: 4; tab-width: 4; indent-tabs-mode: t -*- - * vim: ts=4 sw=4 noet ai cindent syntax=cpp +/* * * Conky, a system monitor, based on torsmo * * Copyright (c) 2009 Toni Spets - * Copyright (c) 2005-2012 Brenden Matthews, Philip Kovacs, et. al. + * Copyright (c) 2005-2018 Brenden Matthews, Philip Kovacs, et. al. * (see AUTHORS) * All rights reserved. * @@ -26,8 +25,8 @@ #define LUA_H_ extern "C" { -#include #include +#include #include } @@ -51,8 +50,10 @@ void llua_shutdown_hook(void); void llua_draw_pre_hook(void); void llua_draw_post_hook(void); -void llua_setup_window_table(int text_start_x, int text_start_y, int text_width, int text_height); -void llua_update_window_table(int text_start_x, int text_start_y, int text_width, int text_height); +void llua_setup_window_table(int text_start_x, int text_start_y, int text_width, + int text_height); +void llua_update_window_table(int text_start_x, int text_start_y, + int text_width, int text_height); #endif /* BUILD_X11 */ void llua_setup_info(struct information *i, double u_interval); diff --git a/src/logging.h b/src/logging.h index 0bfc8824..b2a6ad16 100644 --- a/src/logging.h +++ b/src/logging.h @@ -1,4 +1,4 @@ -/* -*- mode: c; c-basic-offset: 4; tab-width: 4; indent-tabs-mode: t -*- +/* * * Conky, a system monitor, based on torsmo * @@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ * Please see COPYING for details * * Copyright (c) 2004, Hannu Saransaari and Lauri Hakkarainen - * Copyright (c) 2005-2012 Brenden Matthews, Philip Kovacs, et. al. + * Copyright (c) 2005-2018 Brenden Matthews, Philip Kovacs, et. al. * (see AUTHORS) * All rights reserved. * @@ -32,75 +32,86 @@ #include #include +#include "config.h" #include "i18n.h" class fork_throw : public std::runtime_error { -public: - fork_throw() : std::runtime_error("Fork happened") {} - fork_throw(const std::string &msg) : std::runtime_error(msg) {} + public: + fork_throw() : std::runtime_error("Fork happened") {} + fork_throw(const std::string &msg) : std::runtime_error(msg) {} }; class unknown_arg_throw : public std::runtime_error { -public: - unknown_arg_throw() : std::runtime_error("Unknown argumunt given") {} - unknown_arg_throw(const std::string &msg) : std::runtime_error(msg) {} + public: + unknown_arg_throw() : std::runtime_error("Unknown argumunt given") {} + unknown_arg_throw(const std::string &msg) : std::runtime_error(msg) {} }; class combine_needs_2_args_error : public std::runtime_error { -public: - combine_needs_2_args_error() : std::runtime_error("combine needs arguments: ") {} - combine_needs_2_args_error(const std::string &msg) : std::runtime_error(msg) {} + public: + combine_needs_2_args_error() + : std::runtime_error("combine needs arguments: ") {} + combine_needs_2_args_error(const std::string &msg) + : std::runtime_error(msg) {} }; class obj_create_error : public std::runtime_error { -public: - obj_create_error() : std::runtime_error("Failed to create object") {} - obj_create_error(const std::string &msg) : std::runtime_error(msg) {} + public: + obj_create_error() : std::runtime_error("Failed to create object") {} + obj_create_error(const std::string &msg) : std::runtime_error(msg) {} }; -void clean_up(void *memtofree1, void* memtofree2); -void clean_up_without_threads(void *memtofree1, void* memtofree2); +void clean_up(void *memtofree1, void *memtofree2); +void clean_up_without_threads(void *memtofree1, void *memtofree2); -template -void gettextize_format(const char *format, Args&&... args) -{ fprintf(stderr, _(format), args...); } +template +void gettextize_format(const char *format, Args &&... args) { + fprintf(stderr, _(format), args...); +} -// explicit specialization for no arguments to avoid the +// explicit specialization for no arguments to avoid the // "format not a string literal and no format arguments" warning -inline void gettextize_format(const char *format) -{ fputs(_(format), stderr); } +inline void gettextize_format(const char *format) { fputs(_(format), stderr); } -#define NORM_ERR(...) do { \ - fprintf(stderr, PACKAGE_NAME": "); \ - gettextize_format(__VA_ARGS__); \ - fputs("\n", stderr); \ -} while(0) +#define NORM_ERR(...) \ + do { \ + fprintf(stderr, PACKAGE_NAME ": "); \ + gettextize_format(__VA_ARGS__); \ + fputs("\n", stderr); \ + } while (0) /* critical error */ #define CRIT_ERR(memtofree1, memtofree2, ...) \ - { NORM_ERR(__VA_ARGS__); clean_up(memtofree1, memtofree2); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } + { \ + NORM_ERR(__VA_ARGS__); \ + clean_up(memtofree1, memtofree2); \ + exit(EXIT_FAILURE); \ + } -#define THREAD_CRIT_ERR(memtofree1, memtofree2, ...) \ - { NORM_ERR(__VA_ARGS__); clean_up_without_threads(memtofree1, memtofree2); return; } +#define THREAD_CRIT_ERR(memtofree1, memtofree2, ...) \ + { \ + NORM_ERR(__VA_ARGS__); \ + clean_up_without_threads(memtofree1, memtofree2); \ + return; \ + } namespace conky { - class error : public std::runtime_error { - public: - error(const std::string &msg) - : std::runtime_error(msg) - {} - }; -} +class error : public std::runtime_error { + public: + error(const std::string &msg) : std::runtime_error(msg) {} +}; +} // namespace conky /* debugging output */ extern int global_debug_level; -#define __DBGP(level, ...) do {\ - if (global_debug_level > level) { \ - fprintf(stderr, "DEBUG(%d) [" __FILE__ ":%d]: ", level, __LINE__); \ - gettextize_format(__VA_ARGS__); \ - fputs("\n", stderr); \ - } \ -} while(0) +#define __DBGP(level, ...) \ + do { \ + if (global_debug_level > level) { \ + fprintf(stderr, "DEBUG(%d) [" __FILE__ ":%d]: ", level, __LINE__); \ + gettextize_format(__VA_ARGS__); \ + fputs("\n", stderr); \ + } \ + } while (0) #define DBGP(...) __DBGP(0, __VA_ARGS__) #define DBGP2(...) __DBGP(1, __VA_ARGS__) diff --git a/src/lua-config.cc b/src/lua-config.cc index edcff476..b05ee4e5 100644 --- a/src/lua-config.cc +++ b/src/lua-config.cc @@ -1,5 +1,4 @@ -/* -*- mode: c++; c-basic-offset: 4; tab-width: 4; indent-tabs-mode: t -*- - * vim: ts=4 sw=4 noet ai cindent syntax=cpp +/* * * Conky, a system monitor, based on torsmo * @@ -29,16 +28,17 @@ #include "setting.hh" namespace conky { - void export_symbols(lua::state &l) - { - lua::stack_sentry s(l); - l.checkstack(3); +void export_symbols(lua::state &l) { + lua::stack_sentry s(l); + l.checkstack(3); - l.newtable(); { - export_data_sources(l); + l.newtable(); + { + export_data_sources(l); - l.newtable(); - l.rawsetfield(-2, "config"); - } l.setglobal("conky"); - } + l.newtable(); + l.rawsetfield(-2, "config"); + } + l.setglobal("conky"); } +} // namespace conky diff --git a/src/lua-config.hh b/src/lua-config.hh index 7ed81a35..2c11a912 100644 --- a/src/lua-config.hh +++ b/src/lua-config.hh @@ -1,5 +1,4 @@ -/* -*- mode: c++; c-basic-offset: 4; tab-width: 4; indent-tabs-mode: t -*- - * vim: ts=4 sw=4 noet ai cindent syntax=cpp +/* * * Conky, a system monitor, based on torsmo * @@ -27,7 +26,7 @@ #include "luamm.hh" namespace conky { - void export_symbols(lua::state &l); +void export_symbols(lua::state &l); } #endif /* LUA_CONFIG_HH */ diff --git a/src/luamm.cc b/src/luamm.cc index 0afae49f..d413eb3f 100644 --- a/src/luamm.cc +++ b/src/luamm.cc @@ -1,5 +1,4 @@ -/* -*- mode: c; c-basic-offset: 4; tab-width: 4; indent-tabs-mode: t -*- - * vim: ts=4 sw=4 noet ai cindent syntax=cpp +/* * * luamm: C++ binding for lua * @@ -24,500 +23,472 @@ #include "luamm.hh" namespace lua { - namespace { +namespace { #if LUA_VERSION_NUM >= 502 - // These two functions were deprecated in 5.2. Limited backwards compatibility is - // provided by macros. We want them as real functions, because we take their addresses. +// These two functions were deprecated in 5.2. Limited backwards compatibility +// is provided by macros. We want them as real functions, because we take their +// addresses. #undef lua_equal - int lua_equal(lua_State *L, int index1, int index2) - { return lua_compare(L, index1, index2, LUA_OPEQ); } +int lua_equal(lua_State *L, int index1, int index2) { + return lua_compare(L, index1, index2, LUA_OPEQ); +} #undef lua_lessthan - int lua_lessthan(lua_State *L, int index1, int index2) - { return lua_compare(L, index1, index2, LUA_OPLT); } -#endif - - // keys for storing values in lua registry - const char cpp_exception_metatable[] = "lua::cpp_exception_metatable"; - const char cpp_function_metatable [] = "lua::cpp_function_metatable"; - const char lua_exception_namespace[] = "lua::lua_exception_namespace"; - const char this_cpp_object [] = "lua::this_cpp_object"; - - // converts C++ exceptions to strings, so lua can do something with them - int exception_to_string(lua_State *l) - { - std::exception_ptr *ptr = static_cast(lua_touserdata(l, -1)); - assert(ptr); - try { - std::rethrow_exception(*ptr); - } - catch(std::exception &e) { - lua_pushstring(l, e.what()); - } - catch(...) { -#if defined(__APPLE__) && defined(__MACH__) - //lua_pushstring(l, ptr->__cxa_exception_type()->name()); - printf("%s: FIXME: no member named '__cxa_exception_type' in 'std::exception_ptr' \n", __func__); - lua_pushstring(l, "FIXME: in luamm.cc"); -#else - lua_pushstring(l, ptr->__cxa_exception_type()->name()); -#endif - } - return 1; - } - - int absindex(lua_State *l, int index) throw() - { return index<0 && -index<=lua_gettop(l) ? lua_gettop(l)+1+index : index; } - - // Just like getfield(), only without calling metamethods (or throwing random exceptions) - inline void rawgetfield(lua_State *l, int index, const char *k) throw(std::bad_alloc) - { - index = absindex(l, index); - if(not lua_checkstack(l, 1)) - throw std::bad_alloc(); - - lua_pushstring(l, k); - lua_rawget(l, index); - } - - // Just like setfield(), only without calling metamethods (or throwing random exceptions) - inline void rawsetfield(lua_State *l, int index, const char *k) throw(std::bad_alloc) - { - index = absindex(l, index); - if(not lua_checkstack(l, 2)) - throw std::bad_alloc(); - - lua_pushstring(l, k); - lua_insert(l, -2); - lua_rawset(l, index); - } - - int closure_trampoline(lua_State *l) - { - lua_checkstack(l, 2); - rawgetfield(l, REGISTRYINDEX, this_cpp_object); - assert(lua_islightuserdata(l, -1)); - state *L = static_cast( lua_touserdata(l, -1) ); - lua_pop(l, 1); - - try { - cpp_function *fn = static_cast( L->touserdata(lua_upvalueindex(1)) ); - assert(fn); - return (*fn)(L); - } - catch(lua::exception &e) { - // rethrow lua errors as such - e.push_lua_error(L); - } - catch(...) { - // C++ exceptions (pointers to them, actually) are stored as lua userdata and - // then thrown - L->createuserdata(std::current_exception()); - L->rawgetfield(REGISTRYINDEX, cpp_exception_metatable); - L->setmetatable(-2); - } - - // lua_error does longjmp(), so destructors for objects in this function will not be - // called - return lua_error(l); - } - - /* - * This function is called when lua encounters an error outside of any protected - * environment - * Throwing the exception through lua code appears to work, even if it was compiled - * without -fexceptions. If it turns out, it fails in some conditions, it could be - * replaced with some longjmp() magic. But that shouldn't be necessary, as this function - * will not be called under normal conditions (we execute everything in protected mode). - */ - int panic_throw(lua_State *l) - { - if(not lua_checkstack(l, 1)) - throw std::bad_alloc(); - - rawgetfield(l, REGISTRYINDEX, this_cpp_object); - assert(lua_islightuserdata(l, -1)); - state *L = static_cast( lua_touserdata(l, -1) ); - lua_pop(l, 1); - - throw lua::exception(L); - } - - // protected mode wrappers for various lua functions - int safe_concat_trampoline(lua_State *l) - { - lua_concat(l, lua_gettop(l)); - return 1; - } - - template - int safe_compare_trampoline(lua_State *l) - { - int r = compare(l, 1, 2); - lua_pop(l, 2); - lua_pushinteger(l, r); - return 1; - } - - int safe_gc_trampoline(lua_State *l) - { - int what = lua_tointeger(l, -2); - int data = lua_tointeger(l, -1); - lua_pop(l, 2); - lua_pushinteger(l, lua_gc(l, what, data)); - return 1; - } - - template - int safe_misc_trampoline(lua_State *l) - { - misc(l, 1); - return nresults; - } - - // Overloaded for Lua 5.3+ as lua_gettable and others return an int - template - int safe_misc_trampoline(lua_State *l) - { - misc(l, 1); - return nresults; - } - - int safe_next_trampoline(lua_State *l) - { - int r = lua_next(l, 1); - lua_checkstack(l, 1); - lua_pushinteger(l, r); - return r ? 3 : 1; - } - - } - - std::string exception::get_error_msg(state *L) - { - static const std::string default_msg("Unknown lua exception"); - - try { - return L->tostring(-1); - } - catch(not_string_error &e) { - return default_msg; - } - } - - exception::exception(state *l) - : std::runtime_error(get_error_msg(l)), L(l) - { - L->checkstack(1); - - L->rawgetfield(REGISTRYINDEX, lua_exception_namespace); - L->insert(-2); - key = L->ref(-2); - L->pop(1); - } - - exception::~exception() throw() - { - if(not L) - return; - L->checkstack(1); - - L->rawgetfield(REGISTRYINDEX, lua_exception_namespace); - L->unref(-1, key); - L->pop(); - } - - void exception::push_lua_error(state *l) - { - if(l != L) - throw std::runtime_error("Cannot transfer exceptions between different lua contexts"); - l->checkstack(2); - - l->rawgetfield(REGISTRYINDEX, lua_exception_namespace); - l->rawgeti(-1, key); - l->replace(-2); - } - - state::state() - { - if(lua_State *l = luaL_newstate()) - cobj.reset(l, &lua_close); - else { - // docs say this can happen only in case of a memory allocation error - throw std::bad_alloc(); - } - - // set our panic function - lua_atpanic(cobj.get(), panic_throw); - - checkstack(2); - - // store a pointer to ourselves - pushlightuserdata(this); - rawsetfield(REGISTRYINDEX, this_cpp_object); - - // a metatable for C++ exceptions travelling through lua code - newmetatable(cpp_exception_metatable); - lua_pushcfunction(cobj.get(), &exception_to_string); - rawsetfield(-2, "__tostring"); - pushboolean(false); - rawsetfield(-2, "__metatable"); - pushdestructor(); - rawsetfield(-2, "__gc"); - pop(); - - // a metatable for C++ functions callable from lua code - newmetatable(cpp_function_metatable); - pushboolean(false); - rawsetfield(-2, "__metatable"); - pushdestructor(); - rawsetfield(-2, "__gc"); - pop(); - - // while they're travelling through C++ code, lua exceptions will reside here - newtable(); - rawsetfield(REGISTRYINDEX, lua_exception_namespace); - - luaL_openlibs(cobj.get()); - } - - void state::call(int nargs, int nresults, int errfunc) - { - int r = lua_pcall(cobj.get(), nargs, nresults, errfunc); - if(r == 0) - return; - - if(r == LUA_ERRMEM) { - // memory allocation error, cross your fingers - throw std::bad_alloc(); - } - - checkstack(3); - rawgetfield(REGISTRYINDEX, cpp_exception_metatable); - if(getmetatable(-2)) { - if(rawequal(-1, -2)) { - // it's a C++ exception, rethrow it - std::exception_ptr *ptr = static_cast(touserdata(-3)); - assert(ptr); - - /* - * we create a copy, so we can pop the object without fearing the exception will - * be collected by lua's GC - */ - std::exception_ptr t(*ptr); ptr = NULL; - pop(3); - std::rethrow_exception(t); - } - pop(2); - } - // it's a lua exception, wrap it - if(r == LUA_ERRERR) - throw lua::errfunc_error(this); - else - throw lua::exception(this); - } - - void state::checkstack(int extra) throw(std::bad_alloc) - { - if(not lua_checkstack(cobj.get(), extra)) - throw std::bad_alloc(); - } - - void state::concat(int n) - { - assert(n>=0); - checkstack(1); - lua_pushcfunction(cobj.get(), safe_concat_trampoline); - insert(-n-1); - call(n, 1, 0); - } - - bool state::equal(int index1, int index2) - { - // avoid pcall overhead in trivial cases - if( rawequal(index1, index2) ) - return true; - - return safe_compare(&safe_compare_trampoline, index1, index2); - } - - int state::gc(int what, int data) - { - checkstack(3); - lua_pushcfunction(cobj.get(), safe_gc_trampoline); - pushinteger(what); - pushinteger(data); - call(2, 1, 0); - assert(isnumber(-1)); - int r = tointeger(-1); - pop(); - return r; - } - - void state::getfield(int index, const char *k) - { - checkstack(1); - index = absindex(index); - pushstring(k); - gettable(index); - } - - void state::getglobal(const char *name) - { -#if LUA_VERSION_NUM >= 502 - checkstack(1); - pushinteger(LUA_RIDX_GLOBALS); - gettable(REGISTRYINDEX); - getfield(-1, name); - replace(-2); -#else - getfield(LUA_GLOBALSINDEX, name); -#endif - } - - void state::gettable(int index) - { - checkstack(2); - pushvalue(index); - insert(-2); - lua_pushcfunction(cobj.get(), (&safe_misc_trampoline<&lua_gettable, 1>)); - insert(-3); - call(2, 1, 0); - } - - bool state::lessthan(int index1, int index2) - { - return safe_compare(&safe_compare_trampoline<&lua_lessthan>, index1, index2); - } - - void state::loadfile(const char *filename) - throw(lua::syntax_error, lua::file_error, std::bad_alloc) - { - switch(luaL_loadfile(cobj.get(), filename)) { - case 0: - return; - case LUA_ERRSYNTAX: - throw lua::syntax_error(this); - case LUA_ERRFILE: - throw lua::file_error(this); - case LUA_ERRMEM: - throw std::bad_alloc(); - default: - assert(0); - } - } - - void state::loadstring(const char *s) throw(lua::syntax_error, std::bad_alloc) - { - switch(luaL_loadstring(cobj.get(), s)) { - case 0: - return; - case LUA_ERRSYNTAX: - throw lua::syntax_error(this); - case LUA_ERRMEM: - throw std::bad_alloc(); - default: - assert(0); - } - } - - bool state::next(int index) - { - checkstack(2); - pushvalue(index); - insert(-2); - lua_pushcfunction(cobj.get(), &safe_next_trampoline); - insert(-3); - - call(2, MULTRET, 0); - - assert(isnumber(-1)); - int r = tointeger(-1); - pop(); - return r; - } - - void state::pushclosure(const cpp_function &fn, int n) - { - checkstack(2); - - createuserdata(fn); - rawgetfield(REGISTRYINDEX, cpp_function_metatable); - setmetatable(-2); - - insert(-n-1); - lua_pushcclosure(cobj.get(), &closure_trampoline, n+1); - } - - void state::rawgetfield(int index, const char *k) throw(std::bad_alloc) - { lua::rawgetfield(cobj.get(), index, k); } - - void state::rawsetfield(int index, const char *k) throw(std::bad_alloc) - { lua::rawsetfield(cobj.get(), index, k); } - - bool state::safe_compare(lua_CFunction trampoline, int index1, int index2) - { - // if one of the indexes is invalid, return false - if(isnone(index1) || isnone(index2)) - return false; - - // convert relative indexes into absolute - index1 = absindex(index1); - index2 = absindex(index2); - - checkstack(3); - lua_pushcfunction(cobj.get(), trampoline); - pushvalue(index1); - pushvalue(index2); - call(2, 1, 0); - assert(isnumber(-1)); - int r = tointeger(-1); - pop(); - return r; - } - - void state::setfield(int index, const char *k) - { - checkstack(1); - index = absindex(index); - pushstring(k); - insert(-2); - settable(index); - } - - void state::setglobal(const char *name) - { -#if LUA_VERSION_NUM >= 502 - stack_sentry s(*this, -1); - checkstack(1); - pushinteger(LUA_RIDX_GLOBALS); - gettable(REGISTRYINDEX); - insert(-2); - setfield(-2, name); - pop(); -#else - setfield(LUA_GLOBALSINDEX, name); -#endif - } - - void state::settable(int index) - { - checkstack(2); - pushvalue(index); - insert(-3); - lua_pushcfunction(cobj.get(), (&safe_misc_trampoline<&lua_settable, 0>)); - insert(-4); - call(3, 0, 0); - } - - std::string state::tostring(int index) throw(lua::not_string_error) - { - size_t len; - const char *str = lua_tolstring(cobj.get(), index, &len); - if(not str) - throw not_string_error(); - return std::string(str, len); - } +int lua_lessthan(lua_State *L, int index1, int index2) { + return lua_compare(L, index1, index2, LUA_OPLT); } +#endif + +// keys for storing values in lua registry +const char cpp_exception_metatable[] = "lua::cpp_exception_metatable"; +const char cpp_function_metatable[] = "lua::cpp_function_metatable"; +const char lua_exception_namespace[] = "lua::lua_exception_namespace"; +const char this_cpp_object[] = "lua::this_cpp_object"; + +// converts C++ exceptions to strings, so lua can do something with them +int exception_to_string(lua_State *l) { + std::exception_ptr *ptr = + static_cast(lua_touserdata(l, -1)); + assert(ptr); + try { + std::rethrow_exception(*ptr); + } catch (std::exception &e) { + lua_pushstring(l, e.what()); + } catch (...) { +#if defined(__APPLE__) && defined(__MACH__) + // lua_pushstring(l, ptr->__cxa_exception_type()->name()); + printf( + "%s: FIXME: no member named '__cxa_exception_type' in " + "'std::exception_ptr' \n", + __func__); + lua_pushstring(l, "FIXME: in luamm.cc"); +#else + lua_pushstring(l, ptr->__cxa_exception_type()->name()); +#endif + } + return 1; +} + +int absindex(lua_State *l, int index) throw() { + return index < 0 && -index <= lua_gettop(l) ? lua_gettop(l) + 1 + index + : index; +} + +// Just like getfield(), only without calling metamethods (or throwing random +// exceptions) +inline void rawgetfield(lua_State *l, int index, + const char *k) throw(std::bad_alloc) { + index = absindex(l, index); + if (not lua_checkstack(l, 1)) throw std::bad_alloc(); + + lua_pushstring(l, k); + lua_rawget(l, index); +} + +// Just like setfield(), only without calling metamethods (or throwing random +// exceptions) +inline void rawsetfield(lua_State *l, int index, + const char *k) throw(std::bad_alloc) { + index = absindex(l, index); + if (not lua_checkstack(l, 2)) throw std::bad_alloc(); + + lua_pushstring(l, k); + lua_insert(l, -2); + lua_rawset(l, index); +} + +int closure_trampoline(lua_State *l) { + lua_checkstack(l, 2); + rawgetfield(l, REGISTRYINDEX, this_cpp_object); + assert(lua_islightuserdata(l, -1)); + state *L = static_cast(lua_touserdata(l, -1)); + lua_pop(l, 1); + + try { + cpp_function *fn = + static_cast(L->touserdata(lua_upvalueindex(1))); + assert(fn); + return (*fn)(L); + } catch (lua::exception &e) { + // rethrow lua errors as such + e.push_lua_error(L); + } catch (...) { + // C++ exceptions (pointers to them, actually) are stored as lua userdata + // and then thrown + L->createuserdata(std::current_exception()); + L->rawgetfield(REGISTRYINDEX, cpp_exception_metatable); + L->setmetatable(-2); + } + + // lua_error does longjmp(), so destructors for objects in this function will + // not be called + return lua_error(l); +} + +/* + * This function is called when lua encounters an error outside of any protected + * environment + * Throwing the exception through lua code appears to work, even if it was + * compiled without -fexceptions. If it turns out, it fails in some conditions, + * it could be replaced with some longjmp() magic. But that shouldn't be + * necessary, as this function will not be called under normal conditions (we + * execute everything in protected mode). + */ +int panic_throw(lua_State *l) { + if (not lua_checkstack(l, 1)) throw std::bad_alloc(); + + rawgetfield(l, REGISTRYINDEX, this_cpp_object); + assert(lua_islightuserdata(l, -1)); + state *L = static_cast(lua_touserdata(l, -1)); + lua_pop(l, 1); + + throw lua::exception(L); +} + +// protected mode wrappers for various lua functions +int safe_concat_trampoline(lua_State *l) { + lua_concat(l, lua_gettop(l)); + return 1; +} + +template +int safe_compare_trampoline(lua_State *l) { + int r = compare(l, 1, 2); + lua_pop(l, 2); + lua_pushinteger(l, r); + return 1; +} + +int safe_gc_trampoline(lua_State *l) { + int what = lua_tointeger(l, -2); + int data = lua_tointeger(l, -1); + lua_pop(l, 2); + lua_pushinteger(l, lua_gc(l, what, data)); + return 1; +} + +template +int safe_misc_trampoline(lua_State *l) { + misc(l, 1); + return nresults; +} + +// Overloaded for Lua 5.3+ as lua_gettable and others return an int +template +int safe_misc_trampoline(lua_State *l) { + misc(l, 1); + return nresults; +} + +int safe_next_trampoline(lua_State *l) { + int r = lua_next(l, 1); + lua_checkstack(l, 1); + lua_pushinteger(l, r); + return r ? 3 : 1; +} + +} // namespace + +std::string exception::get_error_msg(state *L) { + static const std::string default_msg("Unknown lua exception"); + + try { + return L->tostring(-1); + } catch (not_string_error &e) { + return default_msg; + } +} + +exception::exception(state *l) : std::runtime_error(get_error_msg(l)), L(l) { + L->checkstack(1); + + L->rawgetfield(REGISTRYINDEX, lua_exception_namespace); + L->insert(-2); + key = L->ref(-2); + L->pop(1); +} + +exception::~exception() throw() { + if (not L) return; + L->checkstack(1); + + L->rawgetfield(REGISTRYINDEX, lua_exception_namespace); + L->unref(-1, key); + L->pop(); +} + +void exception::push_lua_error(state *l) { + if (l != L) + throw std::runtime_error( + "Cannot transfer exceptions between different lua contexts"); + l->checkstack(2); + + l->rawgetfield(REGISTRYINDEX, lua_exception_namespace); + l->rawgeti(-1, key); + l->replace(-2); +} + +state::state() { + if (lua_State *l = luaL_newstate()) + cobj.reset(l, &lua_close); + else { + // docs say this can happen only in case of a memory allocation error + throw std::bad_alloc(); + } + + // set our panic function + lua_atpanic(cobj.get(), panic_throw); + + checkstack(2); + + // store a pointer to ourselves + pushlightuserdata(this); + rawsetfield(REGISTRYINDEX, this_cpp_object); + + // a metatable for C++ exceptions travelling through lua code + newmetatable(cpp_exception_metatable); + lua_pushcfunction(cobj.get(), &exception_to_string); + rawsetfield(-2, "__tostring"); + pushboolean(false); + rawsetfield(-2, "__metatable"); + pushdestructor(); + rawsetfield(-2, "__gc"); + pop(); + + // a metatable for C++ functions callable from lua code + newmetatable(cpp_function_metatable); + pushboolean(false); + rawsetfield(-2, "__metatable"); + pushdestructor(); + rawsetfield(-2, "__gc"); + pop(); + + // while they're travelling through C++ code, lua exceptions will reside here + newtable(); + rawsetfield(REGISTRYINDEX, lua_exception_namespace); + + luaL_openlibs(cobj.get()); +} + +void state::call(int nargs, int nresults, int errfunc) { + int r = lua_pcall(cobj.get(), nargs, nresults, errfunc); + if (r == 0) return; + + if (r == LUA_ERRMEM) { + // memory allocation error, cross your fingers + throw std::bad_alloc(); + } + + checkstack(3); + rawgetfield(REGISTRYINDEX, cpp_exception_metatable); + if (getmetatable(-2)) { + if (rawequal(-1, -2)) { + // it's a C++ exception, rethrow it + std::exception_ptr *ptr = + static_cast(touserdata(-3)); + assert(ptr); + + /* + * we create a copy, so we can pop the object without fearing the + * exception will be collected by lua's GC + */ + std::exception_ptr t(*ptr); + ptr = NULL; + pop(3); + std::rethrow_exception(t); + } + pop(2); + } + // it's a lua exception, wrap it + if (r == LUA_ERRERR) + throw lua::errfunc_error(this); + else + throw lua::exception(this); +} + +void state::checkstack(int extra) throw(std::bad_alloc) { + if (not lua_checkstack(cobj.get(), extra)) throw std::bad_alloc(); +} + +void state::concat(int n) { + assert(n >= 0); + checkstack(1); + lua_pushcfunction(cobj.get(), safe_concat_trampoline); + insert(-n - 1); + call(n, 1, 0); +} + +bool state::equal(int index1, int index2) { + // avoid pcall overhead in trivial cases + if (rawequal(index1, index2)) return true; + + return safe_compare(&safe_compare_trampoline, index1, index2); +} + +int state::gc(int what, int data) { + checkstack(3); + lua_pushcfunction(cobj.get(), safe_gc_trampoline); + pushinteger(what); + pushinteger(data); + call(2, 1, 0); + assert(isnumber(-1)); + int r = tointeger(-1); + pop(); + return r; +} + +void state::getfield(int index, const char *k) { + checkstack(1); + index = absindex(index); + pushstring(k); + gettable(index); +} + +void state::getglobal(const char *name) { +#if LUA_VERSION_NUM >= 502 + checkstack(1); + pushinteger(LUA_RIDX_GLOBALS); + gettable(REGISTRYINDEX); + getfield(-1, name); + replace(-2); +#else + getfield(LUA_GLOBALSINDEX, name); +#endif +} + +void state::gettable(int index) { + checkstack(2); + pushvalue(index); + insert(-2); + lua_pushcfunction(cobj.get(), (&safe_misc_trampoline<&lua_gettable, 1>)); + insert(-3); + call(2, 1, 0); +} + +bool state::lessthan(int index1, int index2) { + return safe_compare(&safe_compare_trampoline<&lua_lessthan>, index1, index2); +} + +void state::loadfile(const char *filename) throw(lua::syntax_error, + lua::file_error, + std::bad_alloc) { + switch (luaL_loadfile(cobj.get(), filename)) { + case 0: + return; + case LUA_ERRSYNTAX: + throw lua::syntax_error(this); + case LUA_ERRFILE: + throw lua::file_error(this); + case LUA_ERRMEM: + throw std::bad_alloc(); + default: + assert(0); + } +} + +void state::loadstring(const char *s) throw(lua::syntax_error, std::bad_alloc) { + switch (luaL_loadstring(cobj.get(), s)) { + case 0: + return; + case LUA_ERRSYNTAX: + throw lua::syntax_error(this); + case LUA_ERRMEM: + throw std::bad_alloc(); + default: + assert(0); + } +} + +bool state::next(int index) { + checkstack(2); + pushvalue(index); + insert(-2); + lua_pushcfunction(cobj.get(), &safe_next_trampoline); + insert(-3); + + call(2, MULTRET, 0); + + assert(isnumber(-1)); + int r = tointeger(-1); + pop(); + return r; +} + +void state::pushclosure(const cpp_function &fn, int n) { + checkstack(2); + + createuserdata(fn); + rawgetfield(REGISTRYINDEX, cpp_function_metatable); + setmetatable(-2); + + insert(-n - 1); + lua_pushcclosure(cobj.get(), &closure_trampoline, n + 1); +} + +void state::rawgetfield(int index, const char *k) throw(std::bad_alloc) { + lua::rawgetfield(cobj.get(), index, k); +} + +void state::rawsetfield(int index, const char *k) throw(std::bad_alloc) { + lua::rawsetfield(cobj.get(), index, k); +} + +bool state::safe_compare(lua_CFunction trampoline, int index1, int index2) { + // if one of the indexes is invalid, return false + if (isnone(index1) || isnone(index2)) return false; + + // convert relative indexes into absolute + index1 = absindex(index1); + index2 = absindex(index2); + + checkstack(3); + lua_pushcfunction(cobj.get(), trampoline); + pushvalue(index1); + pushvalue(index2); + call(2, 1, 0); + assert(isnumber(-1)); + int r = tointeger(-1); + pop(); + return r; +} + +void state::setfield(int index, const char *k) { + checkstack(1); + index = absindex(index); + pushstring(k); + insert(-2); + settable(index); +} + +void state::setglobal(const char *name) { +#if LUA_VERSION_NUM >= 502 + stack_sentry s(*this, -1); + checkstack(1); + pushinteger(LUA_RIDX_GLOBALS); + gettable(REGISTRYINDEX); + insert(-2); + setfield(-2, name); + pop(); +#else + setfield(LUA_GLOBALSINDEX, name); +#endif +} + +void state::settable(int index) { + checkstack(2); + pushvalue(index); + insert(-3); + lua_pushcfunction(cobj.get(), (&safe_misc_trampoline<&lua_settable, 0>)); + insert(-4); + call(3, 0, 0); +} + +std::string state::tostring(int index) throw(lua::not_string_error) { + size_t len; + const char *str = lua_tolstring(cobj.get(), index, &len); + if (not str) throw not_string_error(); + return std::string(str, len); +} +} // namespace lua diff --git a/src/luamm.hh b/src/luamm.hh index 3898d4f3..26589930 100644 --- a/src/luamm.hh +++ b/src/luamm.hh @@ -1,5 +1,4 @@ -/* -*- mode: c; c-basic-offset: 4; tab-width: 4; indent-tabs-mode: t -*- - * vim: ts=4 sw=4 noet ai cindent syntax=cpp +/* * * luamm: C++ binding for lua * @@ -23,325 +22,359 @@ #define LUAMM_HH #include +#include +#include #include #include -#include #include #include -#include #include namespace lua { - class state; +class state; - typedef lua_Integer integer; - typedef lua_Number number; - typedef std::function cpp_function; +typedef lua_Integer integer; +typedef lua_Number number; +typedef std::function cpp_function; - enum { - REGISTRYINDEX = LUA_REGISTRYINDEX - }; +enum { REGISTRYINDEX = LUA_REGISTRYINDEX }; - enum { - GCSTOP = LUA_GCSTOP, - GCRESTART = LUA_GCRESTART, - GCCOLLECT = LUA_GCCOLLECT, - GCCOUNT = LUA_GCCOUNT, - GCCOUNTB = LUA_GCCOUNTB, - GCSTEP = LUA_GCSTEP, - GCSETPAUSE = LUA_GCSETPAUSE, - GCSETSTEPMUL = LUA_GCSETSTEPMUL - }; +enum { + GCSTOP = LUA_GCSTOP, + GCRESTART = LUA_GCRESTART, + GCCOLLECT = LUA_GCCOLLECT, + GCCOUNT = LUA_GCCOUNT, + GCCOUNTB = LUA_GCCOUNTB, + GCSTEP = LUA_GCSTEP, + GCSETPAUSE = LUA_GCSETPAUSE, + GCSETSTEPMUL = LUA_GCSETSTEPMUL +}; - enum { - MULTRET = LUA_MULTRET - }; +enum { MULTRET = LUA_MULTRET }; - enum Type { - TBOOLEAN = LUA_TBOOLEAN, - TFUNCTION = LUA_TFUNCTION, - TLIGHTUSERDATA = LUA_TLIGHTUSERDATA, - TNIL = LUA_TNIL, - TNONE = LUA_TNONE, - TNUMBER = LUA_TNUMBER, - TSTRING = LUA_TSTRING, - TTABLE = LUA_TTABLE, - TTHREAD = LUA_TTHREAD, - TUSERDATA = LUA_TUSERDATA - }; +enum Type { + TBOOLEAN = LUA_TBOOLEAN, + TFUNCTION = LUA_TFUNCTION, + TLIGHTUSERDATA = LUA_TLIGHTUSERDATA, + TNIL = LUA_TNIL, + TNONE = LUA_TNONE, + TNUMBER = LUA_TNUMBER, + TSTRING = LUA_TSTRING, + TTABLE = LUA_TTABLE, + TTHREAD = LUA_TTHREAD, + TUSERDATA = LUA_TUSERDATA +}; - // we reserve one upvalue for the function pointer - inline int upvalueindex(int n) - { return lua_upvalueindex(n+1); } +// we reserve one upvalue for the function pointer +inline int upvalueindex(int n) { return lua_upvalueindex(n + 1); } - /* - * Lua error()s are wrapped in this class when rethrown into C++ code. what() returns the - * error message. push_lua_error() pushes the error onto lua stack. The error can only be - * pushed into the same state it was generated in. - */ - class exception: public std::runtime_error { - /* - * We only allow moving, to avoid complications with multiple references. It shouldn't be - * difficult to modify this to work with copying, if that proves unavoidable. - */ - state *L; - int key; +/* + * Lua error()s are wrapped in this class when rethrown into C++ code. what() + * returns the error message. push_lua_error() pushes the error onto lua stack. + * The error can only be pushed into the same state it was generated in. + */ +class exception : public std::runtime_error { + /* + * We only allow moving, to avoid complications with multiple references. It + * shouldn't be difficult to modify this to work with copying, if that proves + * unavoidable. + */ + state *L; + int key; - static std::string get_error_msg(state *L); + static std::string get_error_msg(state *L); - exception(const exception &) = delete; - const exception& operator=(const exception &) = delete; + exception(const exception &) = delete; + const exception &operator=(const exception &) = delete; - public: - exception(exception &&other) - : std::runtime_error(std::move(other)), L(other.L), key(other.key) - { other.L = NULL; } + public: + exception(exception &&other) + : std::runtime_error(std::move(other)), L(other.L), key(other.key) { + other.L = NULL; + } - explicit exception(state *l); - virtual ~exception() throw(); + explicit exception(state *l); + virtual ~exception() throw(); - void push_lua_error(state *l); - }; + void push_lua_error(state *l); +}; - class not_string_error: public std::runtime_error { - public: - not_string_error() - : std::runtime_error("Cannot convert value to a string") - {} - }; +class not_string_error : public std::runtime_error { + public: + not_string_error() : std::runtime_error("Cannot convert value to a string") {} +}; - // the name says it all - class syntax_error: public lua::exception { - syntax_error(const syntax_error &) = delete; - const syntax_error& operator=(const syntax_error &) = delete; +// the name says it all +class syntax_error : public lua::exception { + syntax_error(const syntax_error &) = delete; + const syntax_error &operator=(const syntax_error &) = delete; - public: - syntax_error(state *L) - : lua::exception(L) - {} + public: + syntax_error(state *L) : lua::exception(L) {} - syntax_error(syntax_error &&other) - : lua::exception(std::move(other)) - {} - }; + syntax_error(syntax_error &&other) : lua::exception(std::move(other)) {} +}; - // loadfile() encountered an error while opening/reading the file - class file_error: public lua::exception { - file_error(const file_error &) = delete; - const file_error& operator=(const file_error &) = delete; +// loadfile() encountered an error while opening/reading the file +class file_error : public lua::exception { + file_error(const file_error &) = delete; + const file_error &operator=(const file_error &) = delete; - public: - file_error(state *L) - : lua::exception(L) - {} + public: + file_error(state *L) : lua::exception(L) {} - file_error(file_error &&other) - : lua::exception(std::move(other)) - {} - }; + file_error(file_error &&other) : lua::exception(std::move(other)) {} +}; - // double fault, lua encountered an error while running the error handler function - class errfunc_error: public lua::exception { - errfunc_error(const errfunc_error &) = delete; - const errfunc_error& operator=(const errfunc_error &) = delete; +// double fault, lua encountered an error while running the error handler +// function +class errfunc_error : public lua::exception { + errfunc_error(const errfunc_error &) = delete; + const errfunc_error &operator=(const errfunc_error &) = delete; - public: - errfunc_error(state *L) - : lua::exception(L) - {} + public: + errfunc_error(state *L) : lua::exception(L) {} - errfunc_error(errfunc_error &&other) - : lua::exception(std::move(other)) - {} - }; + errfunc_error(errfunc_error &&other) : lua::exception(std::move(other)) {} +}; - // a fancy wrapper around lua_State - class state: private std::mutex { - std::shared_ptr cobj; +// a fancy wrapper around lua_State +class state : private std::mutex { + std::shared_ptr cobj; - // destructor for C++ objects stored as lua userdata - template - static int destroy_cpp_object(lua_State *l) - { - T *ptr = static_cast(lua_touserdata(l, -1)); - assert(ptr); - try { - // throwing exceptions in destructors is a bad idea - // but we catch (and ignore) them, just in case - ptr->~T(); - } - catch(...) { - } - return 0; - } + // destructor for C++ objects stored as lua userdata + template + static int destroy_cpp_object(lua_State *l) { + T *ptr = static_cast(lua_touserdata(l, -1)); + assert(ptr); + try { + // throwing exceptions in destructors is a bad idea + // but we catch (and ignore) them, just in case + ptr->~T(); + } catch (...) { + } + return 0; + } - bool safe_compare(lua_CFunction trampoline, int index1, int index2); - public: - state(); + bool safe_compare(lua_CFunction trampoline, int index1, int index2); - /* - * Lua functions come in three flavours - * a) functions that never throw an exception - * b) functions that throw only in case of a memory allocation error - * c) functions that throw other kinds of errors - * - * Calls to type a functions are simply forwarded to the C api. - * Type c functions are executed in protected mode, to make sure they don't longjmp() - * over us (and our destructors). This add a certain amount overhead. If you care about - * performance, try using the raw versions (if possible). - * Type b functions are not executed in protected mode atm. as memory allocation errors - * don't happen that often (as opposed to the type c, where the user get deliberately set - * a metamethod that throws an error). That means those errors will do something - * undefined, but hopefully that won't be a problem. - * - * Semantics are mostly identical to those of the underlying C api. Any deviation is - * noted in the respective functions comment. The most important difference is that - * instead of return values, we use exceptions to indicate errors. The lua and C++ - * exception mechanisms are integrated. That means one can throw a C++ exception and - * catch it in lua (with pcall). Lua error()s can be caught in C++ as exceptions of type - * lua::exception. - */ + public: + state(); - // type a, never throw - int absindex(int index) throw() { return index<0 && -index<=gettop() ? gettop()+1+index : index; } - bool getmetatable(int index) throw() { return lua_getmetatable(cobj.get(), index); } - int gettop() throw() { return lua_gettop(cobj.get()); } - void insert(int index) throw() { lua_insert(cobj.get(), index); } - bool isboolean(int index) throw() { return lua_isboolean(cobj.get(), index); } - bool isfunction(int index) throw() { return lua_isfunction(cobj.get(), index); } - bool islightuserdata(int index) throw() { return lua_islightuserdata(cobj.get(), index); } - bool isnil(int index) throw() { return lua_isnil(cobj.get(), index); } - bool isnone(int index) throw() { return lua_isnone(cobj.get(), index); } - bool isnumber(int index) throw() { return lua_isnumber(cobj.get(), index); } - bool isstring(int index) throw() { return lua_isstring(cobj.get(), index); } - void pop(int n = 1) throw() { lua_pop(cobj.get(), n); } - void pushboolean(bool b) throw() { lua_pushboolean(cobj.get(), b); } - void pushinteger(integer n) throw() { lua_pushinteger(cobj.get(), n); } - void pushlightuserdata(void *p) throw() { lua_pushlightuserdata(cobj.get(), p); } - void pushnil() throw() { lua_pushnil(cobj.get()); } - void pushnumber(number n) throw() { lua_pushnumber(cobj.get(), n); } - void pushvalue(int index) throw() { lua_pushvalue(cobj.get(), index); } - void rawget(int index) throw() { lua_rawget(cobj.get(), index); } - void rawgeti(int index, int n) throw() { lua_rawgeti(cobj.get(), index, n); } - bool rawequal(int index1, int index2) throw() { return lua_rawequal(cobj.get(), index1, index2); } - void replace(int index) throw() { lua_replace(cobj.get(), index); } - // lua_setmetatable returns int, but docs don't specify it's meaning :/ - int setmetatable(int index) throw() { return lua_setmetatable(cobj.get(), index); } - void settop(int index) throw() { return lua_settop(cobj.get(), index); } - bool toboolean(int index) throw() { return lua_toboolean(cobj.get(), index); } - integer tointeger(int index) throw() { return lua_tointeger(cobj.get(), index); } - number tonumber(int index) throw() { return lua_tonumber(cobj.get(), index); } - void* touserdata(int index) throw() { return lua_touserdata(cobj.get(), index); } - Type type(int index) throw() { return static_cast(lua_type(cobj.get(), index)); } - // typename is a reserved word :/ - const char* type_name(Type tp) throw() { return lua_typename(cobj.get(), tp); } - void unref(int t, int ref) throw() { return luaL_unref(cobj.get(), t, ref); } + /* + * Lua functions come in three flavours + * a) functions that never throw an exception + * b) functions that throw only in case of a memory allocation error + * c) functions that throw other kinds of errors + * + * Calls to type a functions are simply forwarded to the C api. + * Type c functions are executed in protected mode, to make sure they don't + * longjmp() over us (and our destructors). This add a certain amount + * overhead. If you care about performance, try using the raw versions (if + * possible). Type b functions are not executed in protected mode atm. as + * memory allocation errors don't happen that often (as opposed to the type c, + * where the user get deliberately set a metamethod that throws an error). + * That means those errors will do something undefined, but hopefully that + * won't be a problem. + * + * Semantics are mostly identical to those of the underlying C api. Any + * deviation is noted in the respective functions comment. The most important + * difference is that instead of return values, we use exceptions to indicate + * errors. The lua and C++ exception mechanisms are integrated. That means + * one can throw a C++ exception and catch it in lua (with pcall). Lua + * error()s can be caught in C++ as exceptions of type lua::exception. + */ - // type b, throw only on memory allocation errors - // checkstack correctly throws bad_alloc, because lua_checkstack kindly informs us of - // that sitution - void checkstack(int extra) throw(std::bad_alloc); - const char* gsub(const char *s, const char *p, const char *r) { return luaL_gsub(cobj.get(), s, p, r); } - bool newmetatable(const char *tname) { return luaL_newmetatable(cobj.get(), tname); } - void newtable() { lua_newtable(cobj.get()); } - void *newuserdata(size_t size) { return lua_newuserdata(cobj.get(), size); } - // cpp_function can be anything that std::function can handle, everything else remains - // identical - void pushclosure(const cpp_function &fn, int n); - void pushfunction(const cpp_function &fn) { pushclosure(fn, 0); } - void pushstring(const char *s) { lua_pushstring(cobj.get(), s); } - void pushstring(const char *s, size_t len) { lua_pushlstring(cobj.get(), s, len); } - void pushstring(const std::string &s) { lua_pushlstring(cobj.get(), s.c_str(), s.size()); } - void rawgetfield(int index, const char *k) throw(std::bad_alloc); - void rawset(int index) { lua_rawset(cobj.get(), index); } - void rawsetfield(int index, const char *k) throw(std::bad_alloc); - int ref(int t) { return luaL_ref(cobj.get(), t); } - // len recieves length, if not null. Returned value may contain '\0' - const char* tocstring(int index, size_t *len = NULL) { return lua_tolstring(cobj.get(), index, len); } - // Don't use pushclosure() to create a __gc function. The problem is that lua calls them - // in an unspecified order, and we may end up destroying the object holding the - // std::function before we get a chance to call it. This pushes a function that simply - // calls ~T when the time comes. Only set it as __gc on userdata of type T. - template - void pushdestructor() - { lua_pushcfunction(cobj.get(), &destroy_cpp_object); } + // type a, never throw + int absindex(int index) throw() { + return index < 0 && -index <= gettop() ? gettop() + 1 + index : index; + } + bool getmetatable(int index) throw() { + return lua_getmetatable(cobj.get(), index); + } + int gettop() throw() { return lua_gettop(cobj.get()); } + void insert(int index) throw() { lua_insert(cobj.get(), index); } + bool isboolean(int index) throw() { return lua_isboolean(cobj.get(), index); } + bool isfunction(int index) throw() { + return lua_isfunction(cobj.get(), index); + } + bool islightuserdata(int index) throw() { + return lua_islightuserdata(cobj.get(), index); + } + bool isnil(int index) throw() { return lua_isnil(cobj.get(), index); } + bool isnone(int index) throw() { return lua_isnone(cobj.get(), index); } + bool isnumber(int index) throw() { return lua_isnumber(cobj.get(), index); } + bool isstring(int index) throw() { return lua_isstring(cobj.get(), index); } + void pop(int n = 1) throw() { lua_pop(cobj.get(), n); } + void pushboolean(bool b) throw() { lua_pushboolean(cobj.get(), b); } + void pushinteger(integer n) throw() { lua_pushinteger(cobj.get(), n); } + void pushlightuserdata(void *p) throw() { + lua_pushlightuserdata(cobj.get(), p); + } + void pushnil() throw() { lua_pushnil(cobj.get()); } + void pushnumber(number n) throw() { lua_pushnumber(cobj.get(), n); } + void pushvalue(int index) throw() { lua_pushvalue(cobj.get(), index); } + void rawget(int index) throw() { lua_rawget(cobj.get(), index); } + void rawgeti(int index, int n) throw() { lua_rawgeti(cobj.get(), index, n); } + bool rawequal(int index1, int index2) throw() { + return lua_rawequal(cobj.get(), index1, index2); + } + void replace(int index) throw() { lua_replace(cobj.get(), index); } + // lua_setmetatable returns int, but docs don't specify it's meaning :/ + int setmetatable(int index) throw() { + return lua_setmetatable(cobj.get(), index); + } + void settop(int index) throw() { return lua_settop(cobj.get(), index); } + bool toboolean(int index) throw() { return lua_toboolean(cobj.get(), index); } + integer tointeger(int index) throw() { + return lua_tointeger(cobj.get(), index); + } + number tonumber(int index) throw() { return lua_tonumber(cobj.get(), index); } + void *touserdata(int index) throw() { + return lua_touserdata(cobj.get(), index); + } + Type type(int index) throw() { + return static_cast(lua_type(cobj.get(), index)); + } + // typename is a reserved word :/ + const char *type_name(Type tp) throw() { + return lua_typename(cobj.get(), tp); + } + void unref(int t, int ref) throw() { return luaL_unref(cobj.get(), t, ref); } - // type c, throw everything but the kitchen sink - // call() is a protected mode call, we don't allow unprotected calls - void call(int nargs, int nresults, int errfunc = 0); - void concat(int n); - bool equal(int index1, int index2); - int gc(int what, int data); - void getfield(int index, const char *k); - void getglobal(const char *name); - void gettable(int index); - bool lessthan(int index1, int index2); - void loadfile(const char *filename) throw(lua::syntax_error, lua::file_error, std::bad_alloc); - void loadstring(const char *s) throw(lua::syntax_error, std::bad_alloc); - bool next(int index); - // register is a reserved word :/ - void register_fn(const char *name, const cpp_function &f) { pushfunction(f); setglobal(name); } - void setfield(int index, const char *k); - void setglobal(const char *name); - void settable(int index); - // lua_tostring uses NULL to indicate conversion error, since there is no such thing as a - // NULL std::string, we throw an exception. Returned value may contain '\0' - std::string tostring(int index) throw(lua::not_string_error); - // allocate a new lua userdata of appropriate size, and create a object in it - // pushes the userdata on stack and returns the pointer - template - T* createuserdata(Args&&... args); + // type b, throw only on memory allocation errors + // checkstack correctly throws bad_alloc, because lua_checkstack kindly + // informs us of that sitution + void checkstack(int extra) throw(std::bad_alloc); + const char *gsub(const char *s, const char *p, const char *r) { + return luaL_gsub(cobj.get(), s, p, r); + } + bool newmetatable(const char *tname) { + return luaL_newmetatable(cobj.get(), tname); + } + void newtable() { lua_newtable(cobj.get()); } + void *newuserdata(size_t size) { return lua_newuserdata(cobj.get(), size); } + // cpp_function can be anything that std::function can handle, everything else + // remains identical + void pushclosure(const cpp_function &fn, int n); + void pushfunction(const cpp_function &fn) { pushclosure(fn, 0); } + void pushstring(const char *s) { lua_pushstring(cobj.get(), s); } + void pushstring(const char *s, size_t len) { + lua_pushlstring(cobj.get(), s, len); + } + void pushstring(const std::string &s) { + lua_pushlstring(cobj.get(), s.c_str(), s.size()); + } + void rawgetfield(int index, const char *k) throw(std::bad_alloc); + void rawset(int index) { lua_rawset(cobj.get(), index); } + void rawsetfield(int index, const char *k) throw(std::bad_alloc); + int ref(int t) { return luaL_ref(cobj.get(), t); } + // len recieves length, if not null. Returned value may contain '\0' + const char *tocstring(int index, size_t *len = NULL) { + return lua_tolstring(cobj.get(), index, len); + } + // Don't use pushclosure() to create a __gc function. The problem is that lua + // calls them in an unspecified order, and we may end up destroying the object + // holding the std::function before we get a chance to call it. This pushes a + // function that simply calls ~T when the time comes. Only set it as __gc on + // userdata of type T. + template + void pushdestructor() { + lua_pushcfunction(cobj.get(), &destroy_cpp_object); + } - using std::mutex::lock; - using std::mutex::unlock; - using std::mutex::try_lock; - }; + // type c, throw everything but the kitchen sink + // call() is a protected mode call, we don't allow unprotected calls + void call(int nargs, int nresults, int errfunc = 0); + void concat(int n); + bool equal(int index1, int index2); + int gc(int what, int data); + void getfield(int index, const char *k); + void getglobal(const char *name); + void gettable(int index); + bool lessthan(int index1, int index2); + void loadfile(const char *filename) throw(lua::syntax_error, lua::file_error, + std::bad_alloc); + void loadstring(const char *s) throw(lua::syntax_error, std::bad_alloc); + bool next(int index); + // register is a reserved word :/ + void register_fn(const char *name, const cpp_function &f) { + pushfunction(f); + setglobal(name); + } + void setfield(int index, const char *k); + void setglobal(const char *name); + void settable(int index); + // lua_tostring uses NULL to indicate conversion error, since there is no such + // thing as a NULL std::string, we throw an exception. Returned value may + // contain '\0' + std::string tostring(int index) throw(lua::not_string_error); + // allocate a new lua userdata of appropriate size, and create a object in it + // pushes the userdata on stack and returns the pointer + template + T *createuserdata(Args &&... args); - /* - * Can be used to automatically pop temporary values off the lua stack on exit from the - * function/block (e.g. via an exception). It's destructor makes sure the stack contains - * exactly n items. The constructor initializes n to l.gettop()+n_, but that can be later - * changed with the overloaded operators. It is an error if stack contains less than n - * elements at entry into the destructor. - * - * Proposed stack discipline for functions is this: - * - called function always pops parameters off the stack. - * - if functions returns normally, it's return values are on the stack. - * - if function throws an exception, there are no return values on the stack. - * The last point differs from lua C api, which return an error message on the stack. But - * since we have exception.what() for that, putting the message on the stack is not - * necessary. - */ - class stack_sentry { - state *L; - int n; - - stack_sentry(const stack_sentry &) = delete; - const stack_sentry& operator=(const stack_sentry &) = delete; - public: - explicit stack_sentry(state &l, int n_ = 0) throw() - : L(&l), n(l.gettop()+n_) - { assert(n >= 0); } + using std::mutex::lock; + using std::mutex::try_lock; + using std::mutex::unlock; +}; - ~stack_sentry() throw() { assert(L->gettop() >= n); L->settop(n); } +/* + * Can be used to automatically pop temporary values off the lua stack on exit + * from the function/block (e.g. via an exception). It's destructor makes sure + * the stack contains exactly n items. The constructor initializes n to + * l.gettop()+n_, but that can be later changed with the overloaded operators. + * It is an error if stack contains less than n elements at entry into the + * destructor. + * + * Proposed stack discipline for functions is this: + * - called function always pops parameters off the stack. + * - if functions returns normally, it's return values are on the stack. + * - if function throws an exception, there are no return values on the stack. + * The last point differs from lua C api, which return an error message on the + * stack. But since we have exception.what() for that, putting the message on + * the stack is not necessary. + */ +class stack_sentry { + state *L; + int n; - void operator++() throw() { ++n; } - void operator--() throw() { --n; assert(n >= 0); } - void operator+=(int n_) throw() { n+=n_; } - void operator-=(int n_) throw() { n-=n_; assert(n >= 0); } - }; + stack_sentry(const stack_sentry &) = delete; + const stack_sentry &operator=(const stack_sentry &) = delete; - template - T* state::createuserdata(Args&&... args) - { - stack_sentry s(*this); + public: + explicit stack_sentry(state &l, int n_ = 0) throw() + : L(&l), n(l.gettop() + n_) { + assert(n >= 0); + } - void *t = newuserdata(sizeof(T)); - new(t) T(std::forward(args)...); - ++s; - return static_cast(t); - } + ~stack_sentry() throw() { + assert(L->gettop() >= n); + L->settop(n); + } + + void operator++() throw() { ++n; } + void operator--() throw() { + --n; + assert(n >= 0); + } + void operator+=(int n_) throw() { n += n_; } + void operator-=(int n_) throw() { + n -= n_; + assert(n >= 0); + } +}; + +template +T *state::createuserdata(Args &&... args) { + stack_sentry s(*this); + + void *t = newuserdata(sizeof(T)); + new (t) T(std::forward(args)...); + ++s; + return static_cast(t); } +} // namespace lua #endif /* LUAMM_HH */ diff --git a/src/mail.cc b/src/mail.cc index 755b50ad..4415abe5 100644 --- a/src/mail.cc +++ b/src/mail.cc @@ -1,5 +1,4 @@ -/* -*- mode: c++; c-basic-offset: 4; tab-width: 4; indent-tabs-mode: t -*- - * vim: ts=4 sw=4 noet ai cindent syntax=cpp +/* * * Conky, a system monitor, based on torsmo * @@ -10,7 +9,7 @@ * Please see COPYING for details * * Copyright (c) 2004, Hannu Saransaari and Lauri Hakkarainen - * Copyright (c) 2005-2012 Brenden Matthews, Philip Kovacs, et. al. + * Copyright (c) 2005-2018 Brenden Matthews, Philip Kovacs, et. al. * (see AUTHORS) * All rights reserved. * @@ -32,23 +31,23 @@ #include "mail.h" -#include "conky.h" #include "common.h" +#include "conky.h" #include "logging.h" #include "text_object.h" #include +#include +#include +#include +#include #include #include -#include -#include -#include -#include +#include #include #include #include -#include -#include +#include #include #include @@ -60,423 +59,409 @@ #include "update-cb.hh" struct local_mail_s { - char *mbox; - int mail_count; - int new_mail_count; - int seen_mail_count; - int unseen_mail_count; - int flagged_mail_count; - int unflagged_mail_count; - int forwarded_mail_count; - int unforwarded_mail_count; - int replied_mail_count; - int unreplied_mail_count; - int draft_mail_count; - int trashed_mail_count; - float interval; - time_t last_mtime; - time_t last_ctime; /* needed for mutt at least */ - double last_update; + char *mbox; + int mail_count; + int new_mail_count; + int seen_mail_count; + int unseen_mail_count; + int flagged_mail_count; + int unflagged_mail_count; + int forwarded_mail_count; + int unforwarded_mail_count; + int replied_mail_count; + int unreplied_mail_count; + int draft_mail_count; + int trashed_mail_count; + float interval; + time_t last_mtime; + time_t last_ctime; /* needed for mutt at least */ + double last_update; }; -std::pair -priv::current_mail_spool_setting::do_convert(lua::state &l, int index) -{ - auto ret = Base::do_convert(l, index); - if(ret.second) - ret.first = variable_substitute(ret.first); - return ret; +std::pair priv::current_mail_spool_setting::do_convert( + lua::state &l, int index) { + auto ret = Base::do_convert(l, index); + if (ret.second) ret.first = variable_substitute(ret.first); + return ret; } priv::current_mail_spool_setting current_mail_spool; namespace { - enum { DEFAULT_MAIL_INTERVAL = 300 /*seconds*/ }; +enum { DEFAULT_MAIL_INTERVAL = 300 /*seconds*/ }; - enum { MP_USER, MP_PASS, MP_FOLDER, MP_COMMAND, MP_HOST, MP_PORT }; +enum { MP_USER, MP_PASS, MP_FOLDER, MP_COMMAND, MP_HOST, MP_PORT }; - struct mail_result { - unsigned long unseen; - unsigned long used; - unsigned long messages; +struct mail_result { + unsigned long unseen; + unsigned long used; + unsigned long messages; - mail_result() - : unseen(0), used(0), messages(0) - {} - }; + mail_result() : unseen(0), used(0), messages(0) {} +}; - class mail_cb: public conky::callback { - typedef conky::callback Base; +class mail_cb + : public conky::callback { + typedef conky::callback + Base; - protected: - addrinfo *ai; + protected: + addrinfo *ai; - uint16_t fail; - uint16_t retries; + uint16_t fail; + uint16_t retries; - void resolve_host() - { - struct addrinfo hints; - char portbuf[8]; + void resolve_host() { + struct addrinfo hints; + char portbuf[8]; - memset(&hints, 0, sizeof(struct addrinfo)); - hints.ai_family = AF_UNSPEC; - hints.ai_socktype = SOCK_STREAM; - hints.ai_protocol = IPPROTO_TCP; - snprintf(portbuf, 8, "%" SCNu16, get()); + memset(&hints, 0, sizeof(struct addrinfo)); + hints.ai_family = AF_UNSPEC; + hints.ai_socktype = SOCK_STREAM; + hints.ai_protocol = IPPROTO_TCP; + snprintf(portbuf, 8, "%" SCNu16, get()); - if(int res = getaddrinfo(get().c_str(), portbuf, &hints, &ai)) - throw std::runtime_error(std::string("IMAP getaddrinfo: ") + gai_strerror(res)); - } + if (int res = getaddrinfo(get().c_str(), portbuf, &hints, &ai)) + throw std::runtime_error(std::string("IMAP getaddrinfo: ") + + gai_strerror(res)); + } - int connect() - { - for (struct addrinfo *rp = ai; rp != NULL; rp = rp->ai_next) { - int sockfd = socket(rp->ai_family, rp->ai_socktype, rp->ai_protocol); - if (sockfd == -1) { - continue; - } - if (::connect(sockfd, rp->ai_addr, rp->ai_addrlen) != -1) { - return sockfd; - } - close(sockfd); - } - throw std::runtime_error("Unable to connect to mail server"); - } + int connect() { + for (struct addrinfo *rp = ai; rp != NULL; rp = rp->ai_next) { + int sockfd = socket(rp->ai_family, rp->ai_socktype, rp->ai_protocol); + if (sockfd == -1) { + continue; + } + if (::connect(sockfd, rp->ai_addr, rp->ai_addrlen) != -1) { + return sockfd; + } + close(sockfd); + } + throw std::runtime_error("Unable to connect to mail server"); + } - virtual void merge(callback_base &&other) - { - mail_cb &&o = dynamic_cast(other); - if(retries < o.retries) { - retries = o.retries; - fail = 0; - } + virtual void merge(callback_base &&other) { + mail_cb &&o = dynamic_cast(other); + if (retries < o.retries) { + retries = o.retries; + fail = 0; + } - Base::merge(std::move(other)); - } + Base::merge(std::move(other)); + } - mail_cb(uint32_t period, const Tuple &tuple, uint16_t retries_) - : Base(period, false, tuple, true), ai(NULL), fail(0), retries(retries_) - {} + mail_cb(uint32_t period, const Tuple &tuple, uint16_t retries_) + : Base(period, false, tuple, true), + ai(NULL), + fail(0), + retries(retries_) {} - ~mail_cb() - { - if(ai) - freeaddrinfo(ai); - } - }; + ~mail_cb() { + if (ai) freeaddrinfo(ai); + } +}; - struct mail_param_ex: public mail_cb::Tuple { - uint16_t retries; - uint32_t period; +struct mail_param_ex : public mail_cb::Tuple { + uint16_t retries; + uint32_t period; - mail_param_ex() - : retries(0), period(1) - {} - }; + mail_param_ex() : retries(0), period(1) {} +}; - class imap_cb: public mail_cb { - typedef mail_cb Base; +class imap_cb : public mail_cb { + typedef mail_cb Base; - void check_status(char *recvbuf); - void unseen_command(unsigned long old_unseen, unsigned long old_messages); + void check_status(char *recvbuf); + void unseen_command(unsigned long old_unseen, unsigned long old_messages); - protected: - virtual void work(); + protected: + virtual void work(); - public: - imap_cb(uint32_t period, const Tuple &tuple, uint16_t retries_) - : Base(period, tuple, retries_) - {} - }; + public: + imap_cb(uint32_t period, const Tuple &tuple, uint16_t retries_) + : Base(period, tuple, retries_) {} +}; - class pop3_cb: public mail_cb { - typedef mail_cb Base; +class pop3_cb : public mail_cb { + typedef mail_cb Base; - protected: - virtual void work(); + protected: + virtual void work(); - public: - pop3_cb(uint32_t period, const Tuple &tuple, uint16_t retries_) - : Base(period, tuple, retries_) - {} - }; + public: + pop3_cb(uint32_t period, const Tuple &tuple, uint16_t retries_) + : Base(period, tuple, retries_) {} +}; - struct mail_param_ex *global_mail; -} +struct mail_param_ex *global_mail; +} // namespace -static void update_mail_count(struct local_mail_s *mail) -{ - struct stat st; +static void update_mail_count(struct local_mail_s *mail) { + struct stat st; - if (mail == NULL) { - return; - } + if (mail == NULL) { + return; + } - /* TODO: use that fine file modification notify on Linux 2.4 */ + /* TODO: use that fine file modification notify on Linux 2.4 */ - /* don't check mail so often (9.5s is minimum interval) */ - if (current_update_time - mail->last_update < 9.5) { - return; - } else { - mail->last_update = current_update_time; - } + /* don't check mail so often (9.5s is minimum interval) */ + if (current_update_time - mail->last_update < 9.5) { + return; + } else { + mail->last_update = current_update_time; + } - if (stat(mail->mbox, &st)) { - static int rep = 0; + if (stat(mail->mbox, &st)) { + static int rep = 0; - if (!rep) { - NORM_ERR("can't stat %s: %s", mail->mbox, strerror(errno)); - rep = 1; - } - return; - } + if (!rep) { + NORM_ERR("can't stat %s: %s", mail->mbox, strerror(errno)); + rep = 1; + } + return; + } #if HAVE_DIRENT_H - /* maildir format */ - if (S_ISDIR(st.st_mode)) { - DIR *dir; - char *dirname; - struct dirent *dirent; - char *mailflags; + /* maildir format */ + if (S_ISDIR(st.st_mode)) { + DIR *dir; + char *dirname; + struct dirent *dirent; + char *mailflags; - mail->mail_count = mail->new_mail_count = 0; - mail->seen_mail_count = mail->unseen_mail_count = 0; - mail->flagged_mail_count = mail->unflagged_mail_count = 0; - mail->forwarded_mail_count = mail->unforwarded_mail_count = 0; - mail->replied_mail_count = mail->unreplied_mail_count = 0; - mail->draft_mail_count = mail->trashed_mail_count = 0; - dirname = (char *) malloc(sizeof(char) * (strlen(mail->mbox) + 5)); - if (!dirname) { - NORM_ERR("malloc"); - return; - } - strcpy(dirname, mail->mbox); - strcat(dirname, "/"); - /* checking the cur subdirectory */ - strcat(dirname, "cur"); + mail->mail_count = mail->new_mail_count = 0; + mail->seen_mail_count = mail->unseen_mail_count = 0; + mail->flagged_mail_count = mail->unflagged_mail_count = 0; + mail->forwarded_mail_count = mail->unforwarded_mail_count = 0; + mail->replied_mail_count = mail->unreplied_mail_count = 0; + mail->draft_mail_count = mail->trashed_mail_count = 0; + dirname = (char *)malloc(sizeof(char) * (strlen(mail->mbox) + 5)); + if (!dirname) { + NORM_ERR("malloc"); + return; + } + strcpy(dirname, mail->mbox); + strcat(dirname, "/"); + /* checking the cur subdirectory */ + strcat(dirname, "cur"); - dir = opendir(dirname); - if (!dir) { - NORM_ERR("cannot open directory"); - free(dirname); - return; - } - dirent = readdir(dir); - while (dirent) { - /* . and .. are skipped */ - if (dirent->d_name[0] != '.') { - mail->mail_count++; - mailflags = (char *) malloc(sizeof(char) * strlen(strrchr(dirent->d_name, ','))); - if (!mailflags) { - NORM_ERR("malloc"); - free(dirname); - return; - } - strcpy(mailflags, strrchr(dirent->d_name, ',')); - if (!strchr(mailflags, 'T')) { /* The message is not in the trash */ - if (strchr(mailflags, 'S')) { /*The message has been seen */ - mail->seen_mail_count++; - } else { - mail->unseen_mail_count++; - } - if (strchr(mailflags, 'F')) { /*The message was flagged */ - mail->flagged_mail_count++; - } else { - mail->unflagged_mail_count++; - } - if (strchr(mailflags, 'P')) { /*The message was forwarded */ - mail->forwarded_mail_count++; - } else { - mail->unforwarded_mail_count++; - } - if (strchr(mailflags, 'R')) { /*The message was replied */ - mail->replied_mail_count++; - } else { - mail->unreplied_mail_count++; - } - if (strchr(mailflags, 'D')) { /*The message is a draft */ - mail->draft_mail_count++; - } - } else { - mail->trashed_mail_count++; - } - free(mailflags); - } - dirent = readdir(dir); - } - closedir(dir); + dir = opendir(dirname); + if (!dir) { + NORM_ERR("cannot open directory"); + free(dirname); + return; + } + dirent = readdir(dir); + while (dirent) { + /* . and .. are skipped */ + if (dirent->d_name[0] != '.') { + mail->mail_count++; + mailflags = + (char *)malloc(sizeof(char) * strlen(strrchr(dirent->d_name, ','))); + if (!mailflags) { + NORM_ERR("malloc"); + free(dirname); + return; + } + strcpy(mailflags, strrchr(dirent->d_name, ',')); + if (!strchr(mailflags, 'T')) { /* The message is not in the trash */ + if (strchr(mailflags, 'S')) { /*The message has been seen */ + mail->seen_mail_count++; + } else { + mail->unseen_mail_count++; + } + if (strchr(mailflags, 'F')) { /*The message was flagged */ + mail->flagged_mail_count++; + } else { + mail->unflagged_mail_count++; + } + if (strchr(mailflags, 'P')) { /*The message was forwarded */ + mail->forwarded_mail_count++; + } else { + mail->unforwarded_mail_count++; + } + if (strchr(mailflags, 'R')) { /*The message was replied */ + mail->replied_mail_count++; + } else { + mail->unreplied_mail_count++; + } + if (strchr(mailflags, 'D')) { /*The message is a draft */ + mail->draft_mail_count++; + } + } else { + mail->trashed_mail_count++; + } + free(mailflags); + } + dirent = readdir(dir); + } + closedir(dir); - dirname[strlen(dirname) - 3] = '\0'; - strcat(dirname, "new"); + dirname[strlen(dirname) - 3] = '\0'; + strcat(dirname, "new"); - dir = opendir(dirname); - if (!dir) { - NORM_ERR("cannot open directory"); - free(dirname); - return; - } - dirent = readdir(dir); - while (dirent) { - /* . and .. are skipped */ - if (dirent->d_name[0] != '.') { - mail->new_mail_count++; - mail->mail_count++; - mail->unseen_mail_count++; /* new messages cannot have been seen */ - } - dirent = readdir(dir); - } - closedir(dir); + dir = opendir(dirname); + if (!dir) { + NORM_ERR("cannot open directory"); + free(dirname); + return; + } + dirent = readdir(dir); + while (dirent) { + /* . and .. are skipped */ + if (dirent->d_name[0] != '.') { + mail->new_mail_count++; + mail->mail_count++; + mail->unseen_mail_count++; /* new messages cannot have been seen */ + } + dirent = readdir(dir); + } + closedir(dir); - free(dirname); - return; - } + free(dirname); + return; + } #endif - /* mbox format */ - if (st.st_mtime != mail->last_mtime || st.st_ctime != mail->last_ctime) { - /* yippee, modification time has changed, let's read mail count! */ - static int rep; - FILE *fp; - int reading_status = 0; + /* mbox format */ + if (st.st_mtime != mail->last_mtime || st.st_ctime != mail->last_ctime) { + /* yippee, modification time has changed, let's read mail count! */ + static int rep; + FILE *fp; + int reading_status = 0; - /* could lock here but I don't think it's really worth it because - * this isn't going to write mail spool */ + /* could lock here but I don't think it's really worth it because + * this isn't going to write mail spool */ - mail->new_mail_count = mail->mail_count = 0; + mail->new_mail_count = mail->mail_count = 0; - /* these flags are not supported for mbox */ - mail->seen_mail_count = mail->unseen_mail_count = -1; - mail->flagged_mail_count = mail->unflagged_mail_count = -1; - mail->forwarded_mail_count = mail->unforwarded_mail_count = -1; - mail->replied_mail_count = mail->unreplied_mail_count = -1; - mail->draft_mail_count = mail->trashed_mail_count = -1; + /* these flags are not supported for mbox */ + mail->seen_mail_count = mail->unseen_mail_count = -1; + mail->flagged_mail_count = mail->unflagged_mail_count = -1; + mail->forwarded_mail_count = mail->unforwarded_mail_count = -1; + mail->replied_mail_count = mail->unreplied_mail_count = -1; + mail->draft_mail_count = mail->trashed_mail_count = -1; - fp = open_file(mail->mbox, &rep); - if (!fp) { - return; - } + fp = open_file(mail->mbox, &rep); + if (!fp) { + return; + } - /* NOTE: adds mail as new if there isn't Status-field at all */ + /* NOTE: adds mail as new if there isn't Status-field at all */ - while (!feof(fp)) { - char buf[128]; - int was_new = 0; + while (!feof(fp)) { + char buf[128]; + int was_new = 0; - if (fgets(buf, 128, fp) == NULL) { - break; - } + if (fgets(buf, 128, fp) == NULL) { + break; + } - if (strncmp(buf, "From ", 5) == 0) { - /* ignore MAILER-DAEMON */ - if (strncmp(buf + 5, "MAILER-DAEMON ", 14) != 0) { - mail->mail_count++; - was_new = 0; + if (strncmp(buf, "From ", 5) == 0) { + /* ignore MAILER-DAEMON */ + if (strncmp(buf + 5, "MAILER-DAEMON ", 14) != 0) { + mail->mail_count++; + was_new = 0; - if (reading_status == 1) { - mail->new_mail_count++; - } else { - reading_status = 1; - } - } - } else { - if (reading_status == 1 - && strncmp(buf, "X-Mozilla-Status:", 17) == 0) { - int xms = strtol(buf + 17, NULL, 16); - /* check that mail isn't marked for deletion */ - if (xms & 0x0008) { - mail->trashed_mail_count++; - reading_status = 0; - /* Don't check whether the trashed email is unread */ - continue; - } - /* check that mail isn't already read */ - if (!(xms & 0x0001)) { - mail->new_mail_count++; - was_new = 1; - } + if (reading_status == 1) { + mail->new_mail_count++; + } else { + reading_status = 1; + } + } + } else { + if (reading_status == 1 && strncmp(buf, "X-Mozilla-Status:", 17) == 0) { + int xms = strtol(buf + 17, NULL, 16); + /* check that mail isn't marked for deletion */ + if (xms & 0x0008) { + mail->trashed_mail_count++; + reading_status = 0; + /* Don't check whether the trashed email is unread */ + continue; + } + /* check that mail isn't already read */ + if (!(xms & 0x0001)) { + mail->new_mail_count++; + was_new = 1; + } - /* check for an additional X-Status header */ - reading_status = 2; - continue; - } - if (reading_status == 1 && strncmp(buf, "Status:", 7) == 0) { - /* check that mail isn't already read */ - if (strchr(buf + 7, 'R') == NULL) { - mail->new_mail_count++; - was_new = 1; - } + /* check for an additional X-Status header */ + reading_status = 2; + continue; + } + if (reading_status == 1 && strncmp(buf, "Status:", 7) == 0) { + /* check that mail isn't already read */ + if (strchr(buf + 7, 'R') == NULL) { + mail->new_mail_count++; + was_new = 1; + } - reading_status = 2; - continue; - } - if (reading_status >= 1 && strncmp(buf, "X-Status:", 9) == 0) { - /* check that mail isn't marked for deletion */ - if (strchr(buf + 9, 'D') != NULL) { - mail->trashed_mail_count++; - /* If the mail was previously detected as new, - subtract it from the new mail count */ - if (was_new) - mail->new_mail_count--; - } + reading_status = 2; + continue; + } + if (reading_status >= 1 && strncmp(buf, "X-Status:", 9) == 0) { + /* check that mail isn't marked for deletion */ + if (strchr(buf + 9, 'D') != NULL) { + mail->trashed_mail_count++; + /* If the mail was previously detected as new, + subtract it from the new mail count */ + if (was_new) mail->new_mail_count--; + } - reading_status = 0; - continue; - } - } + reading_status = 0; + continue; + } + } - /* skip until \n */ - while (strchr(buf, '\n') == NULL && !feof(fp)) { - if (!fgets(buf, 128, fp)) - break; - } - } + /* skip until \n */ + while (strchr(buf, '\n') == NULL && !feof(fp)) { + if (!fgets(buf, 128, fp)) break; + } + } - fclose(fp); + fclose(fp); - if (reading_status) { - mail->new_mail_count++; - } + if (reading_status) { + mail->new_mail_count++; + } - mail->last_mtime = st.st_mtime; - mail->last_ctime = st.st_ctime; - } + mail->last_mtime = st.st_mtime; + mail->last_ctime = st.st_ctime; + } } -void parse_local_mail_args(struct text_object *obj, const char *arg) -{ - float n1; - char mbox[256]; - struct local_mail_s *locmail; +void parse_local_mail_args(struct text_object *obj, const char *arg) { + float n1; + char mbox[256]; + struct local_mail_s *locmail; - if (!arg) { - n1 = 9.5; - strncpy(mbox, current_mail_spool.get(*state).c_str(), sizeof(mbox)); - } else { - if (sscanf(arg, "%s %f", mbox, &n1) != 2) { - n1 = 9.5; - strncpy(mbox, arg, sizeof(mbox)); - } - } + if (!arg) { + n1 = 9.5; + strncpy(mbox, current_mail_spool.get(*state).c_str(), sizeof(mbox)); + } else { + if (sscanf(arg, "%s %f", mbox, &n1) != 2) { + n1 = 9.5; + strncpy(mbox, arg, sizeof(mbox)); + } + } - std::string dst = variable_substitute(mbox); + std::string dst = variable_substitute(mbox); - locmail = (struct local_mail_s*)malloc(sizeof(struct local_mail_s)); - memset(locmail, 0, sizeof(struct local_mail_s)); - locmail->mbox = strndup(dst.c_str(), text_buffer_size.get(*state)); - locmail->interval = n1; - obj->data.opaque = locmail; + locmail = (struct local_mail_s *)malloc(sizeof(struct local_mail_s)); + memset(locmail, 0, sizeof(struct local_mail_s)); + locmail->mbox = strndup(dst.c_str(), text_buffer_size.get(*state)); + locmail->interval = n1; + obj->data.opaque = locmail; } -#define PRINT_MAILS_GENERATOR(x) \ -void print_##x##mails(struct text_object *obj, char *p, int p_max_size) \ -{ \ - struct local_mail_s *locmail = (struct local_mail_s *)obj->data.opaque; \ - if (!locmail) \ - return; \ - update_mail_count(locmail); \ - snprintf(p, p_max_size, "%d", locmail->x##mail_count); \ -} +#define PRINT_MAILS_GENERATOR(x) \ + void print_##x##mails(struct text_object *obj, char *p, int p_max_size) { \ + struct local_mail_s *locmail = (struct local_mail_s *)obj->data.opaque; \ + if (!locmail) return; \ + update_mail_count(locmail); \ + snprintf(p, p_max_size, "%d", locmail->x##mail_count); \ + } PRINT_MAILS_GENERATOR() PRINT_MAILS_GENERATOR(new_) @@ -491,539 +476,522 @@ PRINT_MAILS_GENERATOR(unreplied_) PRINT_MAILS_GENERATOR(draft_) PRINT_MAILS_GENERATOR(trashed_) -void free_local_mails(struct text_object *obj) -{ - struct local_mail_s *locmail = (struct local_mail_s *)obj->data.opaque; +void free_local_mails(struct text_object *obj) { + struct local_mail_s *locmail = (struct local_mail_s *)obj->data.opaque; - if (!locmail) - return; + if (!locmail) return; - free_and_zero(locmail->mbox); - free_and_zero(obj->data.opaque); + free_and_zero(locmail->mbox); + free_and_zero(obj->data.opaque); } #define MAXDATASIZE 1000 namespace { - enum mail_type { - POP3_TYPE, IMAP_TYPE - }; +enum mail_type { POP3_TYPE, IMAP_TYPE }; } -std::unique_ptr parse_mail_args(mail_type type, const char *arg) -{ - using std::get; +std::unique_ptr parse_mail_args(mail_type type, + const char *arg) { + using std::get; - std::unique_ptr mail; - char *tmp; - char host[129]; - char user[129]; - char pass[129]; + std::unique_ptr mail; + char *tmp; + char host[129]; + char user[129]; + char pass[129]; - if (sscanf(arg, "%128s %128s %128s", host, user, pass) - != 3) { - if (type == POP3_TYPE) { - NORM_ERR("Scanning POP3 args failed"); - } else if (type == IMAP_TYPE) { - NORM_ERR("Scanning IMAP args failed"); - } - return mail; - } + if (sscanf(arg, "%128s %128s %128s", host, user, pass) != 3) { + if (type == POP3_TYPE) { + NORM_ERR("Scanning POP3 args failed"); + } else if (type == IMAP_TYPE) { + NORM_ERR("Scanning IMAP args failed"); + } + return mail; + } - // see if password needs prompting - if (pass[0] == '*' && pass[1] == '\0') { - int fp = fileno(stdin); - struct termios term; + // see if password needs prompting + if (pass[0] == '*' && pass[1] == '\0') { + int fp = fileno(stdin); + struct termios term; - tcgetattr(fp, &term); - term.c_lflag &= ~ECHO; - tcsetattr(fp, TCSANOW, &term); - printf("Enter mailbox password (%s@%s): ", user, host); - if (scanf("%128s", pass) != 1) - pass[0] = 0; - printf("\n"); - term.c_lflag |= ECHO; - tcsetattr(fp, TCSANOW, &term); - } + tcgetattr(fp, &term); + term.c_lflag &= ~ECHO; + tcsetattr(fp, TCSANOW, &term); + printf("Enter mailbox password (%s@%s): ", user, host); + if (scanf("%128s", pass) != 1) pass[0] = 0; + printf("\n"); + term.c_lflag |= ECHO; + tcsetattr(fp, TCSANOW, &term); + } - mail.reset(new mail_param_ex); - get(*mail) = host; - get(*mail) = user; - get(*mail) = pass; + mail.reset(new mail_param_ex); + get(*mail) = host; + get(*mail) = user; + get(*mail) = pass; - // now we check for optional args - tmp = (char*)strstr(arg, "-r "); - if (tmp) { - tmp += 3; - sscanf(tmp, "%" SCNu16, &mail->retries); - } else { - mail->retries = 5; // 5 retries after failure - } + // now we check for optional args + tmp = (char *)strstr(arg, "-r "); + if (tmp) { + tmp += 3; + sscanf(tmp, "%" SCNu16, &mail->retries); + } else { + mail->retries = 5; // 5 retries after failure + } - float interval = DEFAULT_MAIL_INTERVAL; - tmp = (char*)strstr(arg, "-i "); - if (tmp) { - tmp += 3; - sscanf(tmp, "%f", &interval); - } - mail->period = std::max(lround(interval/active_update_interval()), 1l); + float interval = DEFAULT_MAIL_INTERVAL; + tmp = (char *)strstr(arg, "-i "); + if (tmp) { + tmp += 3; + sscanf(tmp, "%f", &interval); + } + mail->period = std::max(lround(interval / active_update_interval()), 1l); - tmp = (char*)strstr(arg, "-p "); - if (tmp) { - tmp += 3; - sscanf(tmp, "%" SCNu16, &get(*mail)); - } else { - if (type == POP3_TYPE) { - get(*mail) = 110; // default pop3 port - } else if (type == IMAP_TYPE) { - get(*mail) = 143; // default imap port - } - } - if (type == IMAP_TYPE) { - tmp = (char*)strstr(arg, "-f "); - if (tmp) { - int len = 0; - tmp += 3; - if (tmp[0] == '\'') { - len = (char*)strstr(tmp + 1, "'") - tmp - 1; - tmp++; - } - get(*mail).assign(tmp, len); - } else { - get(*mail) = "INBOX"; // default imap inbox - } - } - tmp = (char*)strstr(arg, "-e "); - if (tmp) { - int len = 0; - tmp += 3; + tmp = (char *)strstr(arg, "-p "); + if (tmp) { + tmp += 3; + sscanf(tmp, "%" SCNu16, &get(*mail)); + } else { + if (type == POP3_TYPE) { + get(*mail) = 110; // default pop3 port + } else if (type == IMAP_TYPE) { + get(*mail) = 143; // default imap port + } + } + if (type == IMAP_TYPE) { + tmp = (char *)strstr(arg, "-f "); + if (tmp) { + int len = 0; + tmp += 3; + if (tmp[0] == '\'') { + len = (char *)strstr(tmp + 1, "'") - tmp - 1; + tmp++; + } + get(*mail).assign(tmp, len); + } else { + get(*mail) = "INBOX"; // default imap inbox + } + } + tmp = (char *)strstr(arg, "-e "); + if (tmp) { + int len = 0; + tmp += 3; - if (tmp[0] == '\'') { - len = (char*)strstr(tmp + 1, "'") - tmp - 1; - } - get(*mail).assign(tmp + 1, len); - } + if (tmp[0] == '\'') { + len = (char *)strstr(tmp + 1, "'") - tmp - 1; + } + get(*mail).assign(tmp + 1, len); + } - return mail; + return mail; } -void parse_imap_mail_args(struct text_object *obj, const char *arg) -{ - static int rep = 0; +void parse_imap_mail_args(struct text_object *obj, const char *arg) { + static int rep = 0; - if (!arg) { - if (!global_mail && !rep) { - // something is wrong, warn once then stop - NORM_ERR("There's a problem with your mail settings. " - "Check that the global mail settings are properly defined" - " (line %li).", obj->line); - rep = 1; - return; - } - obj->data.opaque = global_mail; - return; - } - // process - obj->data.opaque = parse_mail_args(IMAP_TYPE, arg).release(); + if (!arg) { + if (!global_mail && !rep) { + // something is wrong, warn once then stop + NORM_ERR( + "There's a problem with your mail settings. " + "Check that the global mail settings are properly defined" + " (line %li).", + obj->line); + rep = 1; + return; + } + obj->data.opaque = global_mail; + return; + } + // process + obj->data.opaque = parse_mail_args(IMAP_TYPE, arg).release(); } -void parse_pop3_mail_args(struct text_object *obj, const char *arg) -{ - static int rep = 0; +void parse_pop3_mail_args(struct text_object *obj, const char *arg) { + static int rep = 0; - if (!arg) { - if (!global_mail && !rep) { - // something is wrong, warn once then stop - NORM_ERR("There's a problem with your mail settings. " - "Check that the global mail settings are properly defined" - " (line %li).", obj->line); - rep = 1; - return; - } - obj->data.opaque = global_mail; - return; - } - // process - obj->data.opaque = parse_mail_args(POP3_TYPE, arg).release(); + if (!arg) { + if (!global_mail && !rep) { + // something is wrong, warn once then stop + NORM_ERR( + "There's a problem with your mail settings. " + "Check that the global mail settings are properly defined" + " (line %li).", + obj->line); + rep = 1; + return; + } + obj->data.opaque = global_mail; + return; + } + // process + obj->data.opaque = parse_mail_args(POP3_TYPE, arg).release(); } namespace { - class mail_setting: public conky::simple_config_setting { - typedef conky::simple_config_setting Base; +class mail_setting : public conky::simple_config_setting { + typedef conky::simple_config_setting Base; - mail_type type; + mail_type type; - protected: - virtual void lua_setter(lua::state &l, bool init) - { - lua::stack_sentry s(l, -2); + protected: + virtual void lua_setter(lua::state &l, bool init) { + lua::stack_sentry s(l, -2); - Base::lua_setter(l, init); + Base::lua_setter(l, init); - if(init && !global_mail) { - const std::string &t = do_convert(l, -1).first; - if(t.size()) - global_mail = parse_mail_args(type, t.c_str()).release(); - } + if (init && !global_mail) { + const std::string &t = do_convert(l, -1).first; + if (t.size()) global_mail = parse_mail_args(type, t.c_str()).release(); + } - ++s; - } + ++s; + } - virtual void cleanup(lua::state &l) - { - lua::stack_sentry s(l, -1); + virtual void cleanup(lua::state &l) { + lua::stack_sentry s(l, -1); - delete global_mail; - global_mail = NULL; + delete global_mail; + global_mail = NULL; - l.pop(); - } + l.pop(); + } - public: - mail_setting(const std::string &name, mail_type type_) - : Base(name), type(type_) - {} - }; + public: + mail_setting(const std::string &name, mail_type type_) + : Base(name), type(type_) {} +}; - mail_setting imap("imap", IMAP_TYPE); - mail_setting pop3("pop3", POP3_TYPE); +mail_setting imap("imap", IMAP_TYPE); +mail_setting pop3("pop3", POP3_TYPE); +} // namespace + +void free_mail_obj(struct text_object *obj) { + if (!obj->data.opaque) return; + + if (obj->data.opaque != global_mail) { + mail_param_ex *mail = static_cast(obj->data.opaque); + delete mail; + obj->data.opaque = 0; + } } -void free_mail_obj(struct text_object *obj) -{ - if (!obj->data.opaque) - return; +static void command(int sockfd, const std::string &cmd, char *response, + const char *verify) { + struct timeval fetchtimeout; + fd_set fdset; + ssize_t total = 0; + int numbytes = 0; - if (obj->data.opaque != global_mail) { - mail_param_ex *mail = static_cast(obj->data.opaque); - delete mail; - obj->data.opaque = 0; - } + if (send(sockfd, cmd.c_str(), cmd.length(), 0) == -1) + throw std::runtime_error("send: " + strerror_r(errno)); + DBGP2("command() command: %s", cmd.c_str()); + + while (1) { + fetchtimeout.tv_sec = 60; // 60 second timeout i guess + fetchtimeout.tv_usec = 0; + FD_ZERO(&fdset); + FD_SET(sockfd, &fdset); + + if (select(sockfd + 1, &fdset, NULL, NULL, &fetchtimeout) == 0) + throw std::runtime_error("select: read timeout"); + + if ((numbytes = + recv(sockfd, response + total, MAXDATASIZE - 1 - total, 0)) == -1) + throw std::runtime_error("recv: " + strerror_r(errno)); + + total += numbytes; + response[total] = '\0'; + DBGP2("command() received: %s", response); + + if (strstr(response, verify) != NULL) return; + + if (numbytes == 0) + throw std::runtime_error("Unexpected response from server"); + } } -static void command(int sockfd, const std::string &cmd, char *response, const char *verify) -{ - struct timeval fetchtimeout; - fd_set fdset; - ssize_t total = 0; - int numbytes = 0; +void imap_cb::check_status(char *recvbuf) { + char *reply; + reply = (char *)strstr(recvbuf, " (MESSAGES "); + if (!reply || strlen(reply) < 2) + std::runtime_error("Unexpected response from server"); - if (send(sockfd, cmd.c_str(), cmd.length(), 0) == -1) - throw std::runtime_error("send: " + strerror_r(errno)); - DBGP2("command() command: %s", cmd.c_str()); + reply += 2; + *strchr(reply, ')') = '\0'; - while(1) { - fetchtimeout.tv_sec = 60; // 60 second timeout i guess - fetchtimeout.tv_usec = 0; - FD_ZERO(&fdset); - FD_SET(sockfd, &fdset); - - if(select(sockfd + 1, &fdset, NULL, NULL, &fetchtimeout) == 0) - throw std::runtime_error("select: read timeout"); - - if ((numbytes = recv(sockfd, response + total, MAXDATASIZE - 1 - total, 0)) == -1) - throw std::runtime_error("recv: " + strerror_r(errno)); - - total += numbytes; - response[total] = '\0'; - DBGP2("command() received: %s", response); - - if (strstr(response, verify) != NULL) - return; - - if(numbytes == 0) - throw std::runtime_error("Unexpected response from server"); - } + std::lock_guard lock(result_mutex); + if (sscanf(reply, "MESSAGES %lu UNSEEN %lu", &result.messages, + &result.unseen) != 2) + throw std::runtime_error(std::string("Error parsing response: ") + recvbuf); } -void imap_cb::check_status(char *recvbuf) -{ - char *reply; - reply = (char*)strstr(recvbuf, " (MESSAGES "); - if (!reply || strlen(reply) < 2) - std::runtime_error("Unexpected response from server"); - - reply += 2; - *strchr(reply, ')') = '\0'; - - std::lock_guard lock(result_mutex); - if(sscanf(reply, "MESSAGES %lu UNSEEN %lu", &result.messages, &result.unseen) != 2) - throw std::runtime_error(std::string("Error parsing response: ") + recvbuf); +void imap_cb::unseen_command(unsigned long old_unseen, + unsigned long old_messages) { + if (!get().empty() && + (result.unseen > old_unseen || + (result.messages > old_messages && result.unseen > 0))) { + if (system(get().c_str()) == -1) { + perror("system()"); + } + } } -void imap_cb::unseen_command(unsigned long old_unseen, unsigned long old_messages) -{ - if (!get().empty() && (result.unseen > old_unseen - || (result.messages > old_messages && result.unseen > 0))) { - if (system(get().c_str()) == -1) { - perror("system()"); - } - } +void imap_cb::work() { + int sockfd, numbytes; + char recvbuf[MAXDATASIZE]; + unsigned long old_unseen = ULONG_MAX; + unsigned long old_messages = ULONG_MAX; + bool has_idle = false; + + while (fail < retries) { + struct timeval fetchtimeout; + int res; + fd_set fdset; + + if (not ai) resolve_host(); + + try { + sockfd = connect(); + + command(sockfd, "", recvbuf, "* OK"); + + command(sockfd, "abc CAPABILITY\r\n", recvbuf, "abc OK"); + if (strstr(recvbuf, " IDLE ") != NULL) has_idle = true; + + std::ostringstream str; + str << "a1 login " << get() << " {" << get().length() + << "}\r\n"; + command(sockfd, str.str(), recvbuf, "+"); + + command(sockfd, get() + "\r\n", recvbuf, "a1 OK"); + + command(sockfd, + "a2 STATUS \"" + get() + "\" (MESSAGES UNSEEN)\r\n", + recvbuf, "a2 OK"); + check_status(recvbuf); + + unseen_command(old_unseen, old_messages); + fail = 0; + old_unseen = result.unseen; + old_messages = result.messages; + + if (not has_idle) { + try { + command(sockfd, "a3 LOGOUT\r\n", recvbuf, "a3 OK"); + } catch (std::runtime_error &) { + } + close(sockfd); + return; + } + + command(sockfd, "a4 SELECT \"" + get() + "\"\r\n", recvbuf, + "a4 OK"); + + command(sockfd, "a5 IDLE\r\n", recvbuf, "+ idling"); + recvbuf[0] = '\0'; + + while (1) { + /* + * RFC 2177 says we have to re-idle every 29 minutes. + * We'll do it every 20 minutes to be safe. + */ + fetchtimeout.tv_sec = 1200; + fetchtimeout.tv_usec = 0; + DBGP2("idling..."); + FD_ZERO(&fdset); + FD_SET(sockfd, &fdset); + FD_SET(donefd(), &fdset); + res = select(std::max(sockfd, donefd()) + 1, &fdset, NULL, NULL, + &fetchtimeout); + if ((res == -1 && errno == EINTR) || FD_ISSET(donefd(), &fdset)) { + try { + command(sockfd, "DONE\r\n", recvbuf, "a5 OK"); + command(sockfd, "a3 LOGOUT\r\n", recvbuf, "a3 OK"); + } catch (std::runtime_error &) { + } + close(sockfd); + return; + } else if (res > 0) { + if ((numbytes = recv(sockfd, recvbuf, MAXDATASIZE - 1, 0)) == -1) + throw std::runtime_error("recv idling"); + } else + throw std::runtime_error(""); + + recvbuf[numbytes] = '\0'; + DBGP2("imap_thread() received: %s", recvbuf); + unsigned long messages, recent = 0; + bool force_check = 0; + if (strlen(recvbuf) > 2) { + char *buf = recvbuf; + buf = (char *)strstr(buf, "EXISTS"); + while (buf && strlen(buf) > 1 && strstr(buf + 1, "EXISTS")) { + buf = (char *)strstr(buf + 1, "EXISTS"); + } + if (buf) { + // back up until we reach '*' + while (buf >= recvbuf && buf[0] != '*') { + buf--; + } + if (sscanf(buf, "* %lu EXISTS\r\n", &messages) == 1) { + std::lock_guard lock(result_mutex); + if (result.messages != messages) { + force_check = 1; + result.messages = messages; + } + } + } + buf = recvbuf; + buf = (char *)strstr(buf, "RECENT"); + while (buf && strlen(buf) > 1 && strstr(buf + 1, "RECENT")) { + buf = (char *)strstr(buf + 1, "RECENT"); + } + if (buf) { + // back up until we reach '*' + while (buf >= recvbuf && buf[0] != '*') { + buf--; + } + if (sscanf(buf, "* %lu RECENT\r\n", &recent) != 1) { + recent = 0; + } + } + } + /* check if we got a BYE from server */ + if (strstr(recvbuf, "* BYE")) { + // need to re-connect + throw std::runtime_error(""); + } + + /* + * check if we got a FETCH from server, recent was + * something other than 0, or we had a timeout + */ + if (recent > 0 || strstr(recvbuf, " FETCH ") || + fetchtimeout.tv_sec == 0 || force_check) { + // re-check messages and unseen + command(sockfd, "DONE\r\n", recvbuf, "a5 OK"); + + command( + sockfd, + "a2 STATUS \"" + get() + "\" (MESSAGES UNSEEN)\r\n", + recvbuf, "a2 OK"); + + check_status(recvbuf); + + command(sockfd, "a5 IDLE\r\n", recvbuf, "+ idling"); + } + unseen_command(old_unseen, old_messages); + fail = 0; + old_unseen = result.unseen; + old_messages = result.messages; + } + } catch (std::runtime_error &e) { + if (sockfd != -1) close(sockfd); + freeaddrinfo(ai); + ai = NULL; + + ++fail; + if (*e.what()) + NORM_ERR("Error while communicating with IMAP server: %s", e.what()); + NORM_ERR("Trying IMAP connection again for %s@%s (try %u/%u)", + get().c_str(), get().c_str(), fail + 1, + retries); + sleep(fail); /* sleep more for the more failures we have */ + } + + if (is_done()) return; + } } -void imap_cb::work() -{ - int sockfd, numbytes; - char recvbuf[MAXDATASIZE]; - unsigned long old_unseen = ULONG_MAX; - unsigned long old_messages = ULONG_MAX; - bool has_idle = false; +void print_imap_unseen(struct text_object *obj, char *p, int p_max_size) { + struct mail_param_ex *mail = (struct mail_param_ex *)obj->data.opaque; - while (fail < retries) { - struct timeval fetchtimeout; - int res; - fd_set fdset; + if (!mail) return; - if(not ai) - resolve_host(); + auto cb = conky::register_cb(mail->period, *mail, mail->retries); - try { - sockfd = connect(); - - command(sockfd, "", recvbuf, "* OK"); - - command(sockfd, "abc CAPABILITY\r\n", recvbuf, "abc OK"); - if (strstr(recvbuf, " IDLE ") != NULL) - has_idle = true; - - std::ostringstream str; - str << "a1 login " << get() << " {" << get().length() << "}\r\n"; - command(sockfd, str.str(), recvbuf, "+"); - - command(sockfd, get() + "\r\n", recvbuf, "a1 OK"); - - command(sockfd, "a2 STATUS \"" + get() + "\" (MESSAGES UNSEEN)\r\n", - recvbuf, "a2 OK"); - check_status(recvbuf); - - unseen_command(old_unseen, old_messages); - fail = 0; - old_unseen = result.unseen; - old_messages = result.messages; - - if(not has_idle) { - try { command(sockfd, "a3 LOGOUT\r\n", recvbuf, "a3 OK"); } - catch(std::runtime_error &) {} - close(sockfd); - return; - } - - command(sockfd, "a4 SELECT \"" + get() + "\"\r\n", recvbuf, "a4 OK"); - - command(sockfd, "a5 IDLE\r\n", recvbuf, "+ idling"); - recvbuf[0] = '\0'; - - while (1) { - /* - * RFC 2177 says we have to re-idle every 29 minutes. - * We'll do it every 20 minutes to be safe. - */ - fetchtimeout.tv_sec = 1200; - fetchtimeout.tv_usec = 0; - DBGP2("idling..."); - FD_ZERO(&fdset); - FD_SET(sockfd, &fdset); - FD_SET(donefd(), &fdset); - res = select(std::max(sockfd, donefd()) + 1, &fdset, NULL, NULL, &fetchtimeout); - if ((res == -1 && errno == EINTR) || FD_ISSET(donefd(), &fdset)) { - try { - command(sockfd, "DONE\r\n", recvbuf, "a5 OK"); - command(sockfd, "a3 LOGOUT\r\n", recvbuf, "a3 OK"); - } - catch(std::runtime_error &) {} - close(sockfd); - return; - } else if (res > 0) { - if((numbytes = recv(sockfd, recvbuf, MAXDATASIZE - 1, 0)) == -1) - throw std::runtime_error("recv idling"); - } else - throw std::runtime_error(""); - - recvbuf[numbytes] = '\0'; - DBGP2("imap_thread() received: %s", recvbuf); - unsigned long messages, recent = 0; - bool force_check = 0; - if (strlen(recvbuf) > 2) { - char *buf = recvbuf; - buf = (char*)strstr(buf, "EXISTS"); - while (buf && strlen(buf) > 1 && strstr(buf + 1, "EXISTS")) { - buf = (char*)strstr(buf + 1, "EXISTS"); - } - if (buf) { - // back up until we reach '*' - while (buf >= recvbuf && buf[0] != '*') { - buf--; - } - if (sscanf(buf, "* %lu EXISTS\r\n", &messages) == 1) { - std::lock_guard lock(result_mutex); - if (result.messages != messages) { - force_check = 1; - result.messages = messages; - } - } - } - buf = recvbuf; - buf = (char*)strstr(buf, "RECENT"); - while (buf && strlen(buf) > 1 && strstr(buf + 1, "RECENT")) { - buf = (char*)strstr(buf + 1, "RECENT"); - } - if (buf) { - // back up until we reach '*' - while (buf >= recvbuf && buf[0] != '*') { - buf--; - } - if (sscanf(buf, "* %lu RECENT\r\n", &recent) != 1) { - recent = 0; - } - } - } - /* check if we got a BYE from server */ - if (strstr(recvbuf, "* BYE")) { - // need to re-connect - throw std::runtime_error(""); - } - - /* - * check if we got a FETCH from server, recent was - * something other than 0, or we had a timeout - */ - if (recent > 0 || strstr(recvbuf, " FETCH ") || fetchtimeout.tv_sec == 0 || force_check) { - // re-check messages and unseen - command(sockfd, "DONE\r\n", recvbuf, "a5 OK"); - - command(sockfd, "a2 STATUS \"" + get() - + "\" (MESSAGES UNSEEN)\r\n", recvbuf, "a2 OK"); - - check_status(recvbuf); - - command(sockfd, "a5 IDLE\r\n", recvbuf, "+ idling"); - } - unseen_command(old_unseen, old_messages); - fail = 0; - old_unseen = result.unseen; - old_messages = result.messages; - } - } - catch(std::runtime_error &e) { - if(sockfd != -1) - close(sockfd); - freeaddrinfo(ai); - ai = NULL; - - ++fail; - if(*e.what()) - NORM_ERR("Error while communicating with IMAP server: %s", e.what()); - NORM_ERR("Trying IMAP connection again for %s@%s (try %u/%u)", - get().c_str(), get().c_str(), fail+1, retries); - sleep(fail); /* sleep more for the more failures we have */ - } - - if(is_done()) - return; - } + snprintf(p, p_max_size, "%lu", cb->get_result_copy().unseen); } -void print_imap_unseen(struct text_object *obj, char *p, int p_max_size) -{ - struct mail_param_ex *mail = (struct mail_param_ex *)obj->data.opaque; +void print_imap_messages(struct text_object *obj, char *p, int p_max_size) { + struct mail_param_ex *mail = (struct mail_param_ex *)obj->data.opaque; - if (!mail) - return; + if (!mail) return; - auto cb = conky::register_cb(mail->period, *mail, mail->retries); + auto cb = conky::register_cb(mail->period, *mail, mail->retries); - snprintf(p, p_max_size, "%lu", cb->get_result_copy().unseen); + snprintf(p, p_max_size, "%lu", cb->get_result_copy().messages); } -void print_imap_messages(struct text_object *obj, char *p, int p_max_size) -{ - struct mail_param_ex *mail = (struct mail_param_ex *)obj->data.opaque; +void pop3_cb::work() { + int sockfd; + char recvbuf[MAXDATASIZE]; + char *reply; + unsigned long old_unseen = ULONG_MAX; - if (!mail) - return; + while (fail < retries) { + if (not ai) resolve_host(); - auto cb = conky::register_cb(mail->period, *mail, mail->retries); + try { + sockfd = connect(); - snprintf(p, p_max_size, "%lu", cb->get_result_copy().messages); + command(sockfd, "", recvbuf, "+OK "); + command(sockfd, "USER " + get() + "\r\n", recvbuf, "+OK "); + command(sockfd, "PASS " + get() + "\r\n", recvbuf, "+OK "); + command(sockfd, "STAT\r\n", recvbuf, "+OK "); + + // now we get the data + reply = recvbuf + 4; + { + std::lock_guard lock(result_mutex); + sscanf(reply, "%lu %lu", &result.unseen, &result.used); + } + + command(sockfd, "QUIT\r\n", recvbuf, "+OK"); + + if (get().length() > 1 && result.unseen > old_unseen) { + // new mail goodie + if (system(get().c_str()) == -1) { + perror("system()"); + } + } + fail = 0; + old_unseen = result.unseen; + return; + } catch (std::runtime_error &e) { + if (sockfd != -1) close(sockfd); + freeaddrinfo(ai); + ai = NULL; + + ++fail; + if (*e.what()) + NORM_ERR("Error while communicating with POP3 server: %s", e.what()); + NORM_ERR("Trying POP3 connection again for %s@%s (try %u/%u)", + get().c_str(), get().c_str(), fail + 1, + retries); + sleep(fail); /* sleep more for the more failures we have */ + } + + if (is_done()) return; + } } -void pop3_cb::work() -{ - int sockfd; - char recvbuf[MAXDATASIZE]; - char *reply; - unsigned long old_unseen = ULONG_MAX; +void print_pop3_unseen(struct text_object *obj, char *p, int p_max_size) { + struct mail_param_ex *mail = (struct mail_param_ex *)obj->data.opaque; - while (fail < retries) { - if(not ai) - resolve_host(); + if (!mail) return; - try { - sockfd = connect(); + auto cb = conky::register_cb(mail->period, *mail, mail->retries); - command(sockfd, "", recvbuf, "+OK "); - command(sockfd, "USER " + get() + "\r\n", recvbuf, "+OK "); - command(sockfd, "PASS " + get() + "\r\n", recvbuf, "+OK "); - command(sockfd, "STAT\r\n", recvbuf, "+OK "); - - // now we get the data - reply = recvbuf + 4; - { - std::lock_guard lock(result_mutex); - sscanf(reply, "%lu %lu", &result.unseen, &result.used); - } - - command(sockfd, "QUIT\r\n", recvbuf, "+OK"); - - if (get().length() > 1 && result.unseen > old_unseen) { - // new mail goodie - if (system(get().c_str()) == -1) { - perror("system()"); - } - } - fail = 0; - old_unseen = result.unseen; - return; - } - catch(std::runtime_error &e) { - if(sockfd != -1) - close(sockfd); - freeaddrinfo(ai); - ai = NULL; - - ++fail; - if(*e.what()) - NORM_ERR("Error while communicating with POP3 server: %s", e.what()); - NORM_ERR("Trying POP3 connection again for %s@%s (try %u/%u)", - get().c_str(), get().c_str(), fail+1, retries); - sleep(fail); /* sleep more for the more failures we have */ - } - - if(is_done()) - return; - } + snprintf(p, p_max_size, "%lu", cb->get_result_copy().unseen); } -void print_pop3_unseen(struct text_object *obj, char *p, int p_max_size) -{ - struct mail_param_ex *mail = (struct mail_param_ex *)obj->data.opaque; +void print_pop3_used(struct text_object *obj, char *p, int p_max_size) { + struct mail_param_ex *mail = (struct mail_param_ex *)obj->data.opaque; - if (!mail) - return; + if (!mail) return; - auto cb = conky::register_cb(mail->period, *mail, mail->retries); + auto cb = conky::register_cb(mail->period, *mail, mail->retries); - snprintf(p, p_max_size, "%lu", cb->get_result_copy().unseen); -} - -void print_pop3_used(struct text_object *obj, char *p, int p_max_size) -{ - struct mail_param_ex *mail = (struct mail_param_ex *)obj->data.opaque; - - if (!mail) - return; - - auto cb = conky::register_cb(mail->period, *mail, mail->retries); - - snprintf(p, p_max_size, "%.1f", cb->get_result_copy().used / 1024.0 / 1024.0); + snprintf(p, p_max_size, "%.1f", cb->get_result_copy().used / 1024.0 / 1024.0); } diff --git a/src/mail.h b/src/mail.h index 6c73900c..30c7c4a7 100644 --- a/src/mail.h +++ b/src/mail.h @@ -1,11 +1,10 @@ -/* -*- mode: c++; c-basic-offset: 4; tab-width: 4; indent-tabs-mode: t -*- - * vim: ts=4 sw=4 noet ai cindent syntax=cpp +/* * * Conky, a system monitor, based on torsmo * * Please see COPYING for details * - * Copyright (c) 2005-2012 Brenden Matthews, Philip Kovacs, et. al. + * Copyright (c) 2005-2018 Brenden Matthews, Philip Kovacs, et. al. * (see AUTHORS) * All rights reserved. * @@ -31,7 +30,7 @@ void parse_local_mail_args(struct text_object *, const char *); #define PRINT_MAILS_PROTO_GENERATOR(x) \ -void print_##x##mails(struct text_object *, char *, int); + void print_##x##mails(struct text_object *, char *, int); PRINT_MAILS_PROTO_GENERATOR() PRINT_MAILS_PROTO_GENERATOR(new_) @@ -60,18 +59,17 @@ void print_pop3_unseen(struct text_object *, char *, int); void print_pop3_used(struct text_object *, char *, int); namespace priv { - class current_mail_spool_setting: public conky::simple_config_setting { - typedef conky::simple_config_setting Base; - - protected: - virtual std::pair do_convert(lua::state &l, int index); +class current_mail_spool_setting + : public conky::simple_config_setting { + typedef conky::simple_config_setting Base; - public: - current_mail_spool_setting() - : Base("current_mail_spool", "$MAIL", true) - {} - }; -} + protected: + virtual std::pair do_convert(lua::state &l, int index); + + public: + current_mail_spool_setting() : Base("current_mail_spool", "$MAIL", true) {} +}; +} // namespace priv extern priv::current_mail_spool_setting current_mail_spool; diff --git a/src/mboxscan.cc b/src/mboxscan.cc index 2821d0d6..bcfe0c12 100644 --- a/src/mboxscan.cc +++ b/src/mboxscan.cc @@ -1,5 +1,4 @@ -/* -*- mode: c++; c-basic-offset: 4; tab-width: 4; indent-tabs-mode: t -*- - * vim: ts=4 sw=4 noet ai cindent syntax=cpp +/* * * Conky, a system monitor, based on torsmo * @@ -10,7 +9,7 @@ * Please see COPYING for details * * Copyright (c) 2006 Marco Candrian - * Copyright (c) 2005-2012 Brenden Matthews, Philip Kovacs, et. al. + * Copyright (c) 2005-2018 Brenden Matthews, Philip Kovacs, et. al. * (see AUTHORS) * All rights reserved. * @@ -28,14 +27,14 @@ * */ +#include +#include +#include +#include #include "conky.h" #include "logging.h" #include "mail.h" #include "text_object.h" -#include -#include -#include -#include #define FROM_WIDTH 10 #define SUBJECT_WIDTH 22 @@ -43,14 +42,14 @@ #define TIME_DELAY 5 struct ring_list { - char *from; - char *subject; - struct ring_list *previous; - struct ring_list *next; + char *from; + char *subject; + struct ring_list *previous; + struct ring_list *next; }; -static time_t last_ctime; /* needed for mutt at least */ -static time_t last_mtime; /* not sure what to test: testing both now */ +static time_t last_ctime; /* needed for mutt at least */ +static time_t last_mtime; /* not sure what to test: testing both now */ static double last_update; static int args_ok = 0; @@ -61,358 +60,340 @@ static int time_delay; static char mbox_mail_spool[DEFAULT_TEXT_BUFFER_SIZE]; -static void mbox_scan(char *args, char *output, size_t max_len) -{ - int i, u, flag; - int force_rescan = 0; - std::unique_ptr buf_(new char[text_buffer_size.get(*state)]); - char *buf = buf_.get(); - struct stat statbuf; - struct ring_list *curr = 0, *prev = 0, *startlist = 0; - FILE *fp; +static void mbox_scan(char *args, char *output, size_t max_len) { + int i, u, flag; + int force_rescan = 0; + std::unique_ptr buf_(new char[text_buffer_size.get(*state)]); + char *buf = buf_.get(); + struct stat statbuf; + struct ring_list *curr = 0, *prev = 0, *startlist = 0; + FILE *fp; - /* output was set to 1 after malloc'ing in conky.c */ - /* -> beeing able to test it here for catching SIGUSR1 */ - if (output[0] == 1) { - force_rescan = 1; - output[0] = '\0'; - } + /* output was set to 1 after malloc'ing in conky.c */ + /* -> beeing able to test it here for catching SIGUSR1 */ + if (output[0] == 1) { + force_rescan = 1; + output[0] = '\0'; + } - if (!args_ok || force_rescan) { + if (!args_ok || force_rescan) { + char *substr = strstr(args, "-n"); - char *substr = strstr(args, "-n"); + if (substr) { + if (sscanf(substr, "-n %i", &print_num_mails) != 1) { + print_num_mails = PRINT_MAILS; + } + } else { + print_num_mails = PRINT_MAILS; + } + if (print_num_mails < 1) { + print_num_mails = 1; + } - if (substr) { - if (sscanf(substr, "-n %i", &print_num_mails) != 1) { - print_num_mails = PRINT_MAILS; - } - } else { - print_num_mails = PRINT_MAILS; - } - if (print_num_mails < 1) { - print_num_mails = 1; - } + substr = strstr(args, "-t"); + if (substr) { + if (sscanf(substr, "-t %i", &time_delay) != 1) { + time_delay = TIME_DELAY; + } + } else { + time_delay = TIME_DELAY; + } - substr = strstr(args, "-t"); - if (substr) { - if (sscanf(substr, "-t %i", &time_delay) != 1) { - time_delay = TIME_DELAY; - } - } else { - time_delay = TIME_DELAY; - } + substr = strstr(args, "-fw"); + if (substr) { + if (sscanf(substr, "-fw %i", &from_width) != 1) { + from_width = FROM_WIDTH; + } + } else { + from_width = FROM_WIDTH; + } - substr = strstr(args, "-fw"); - if (substr) { - if (sscanf(substr, "-fw %i", &from_width) != 1) { - from_width = FROM_WIDTH; - } - } else { - from_width = FROM_WIDTH; - } + substr = strstr(args, "-sw"); + if (substr) { + if (sscanf(substr, "-sw %i", &subject_width) != 1) { + subject_width = SUBJECT_WIDTH; + } + } else { + subject_width = SUBJECT_WIDTH; + } + /* encapsulated with "'s find first occurrence of " */ + if (args[strlen(args) - 1] == '"') { + char *start; + strncpy(mbox_mail_spool, args, DEFAULT_TEXT_BUFFER_SIZE); + start = strchr(mbox_mail_spool, '"') + 1; - substr = strstr(args, "-sw"); - if (substr) { - if (sscanf(substr, "-sw %i", &subject_width) != 1) { - subject_width = SUBJECT_WIDTH; - } - } else { - subject_width = SUBJECT_WIDTH; - } - /* encapsulated with "'s find first occurrence of " */ - if (args[strlen(args) - 1] == '"') { - char *start; - strncpy(mbox_mail_spool, args, DEFAULT_TEXT_BUFFER_SIZE); - start = strchr(mbox_mail_spool, '"') + 1; + start[(long)(strrchr(mbox_mail_spool, '"') - start)] = '\0'; + strncpy(mbox_mail_spool, start, DEFAULT_TEXT_BUFFER_SIZE); + } else { + char *copy_args = strndup(args, text_buffer_size.get(*state)); + char *tmp = strtok(copy_args, " "); + char *start = tmp; - start[(long) (strrchr(mbox_mail_spool, '"') - start)] = '\0'; - strncpy(mbox_mail_spool, start, DEFAULT_TEXT_BUFFER_SIZE); - } else { - char *copy_args = strndup(args, text_buffer_size.get(*state)); - char *tmp = strtok(copy_args, " "); - char *start = tmp; + while (tmp) { + tmp = strtok(NULL, " "); + if (tmp) { + start = tmp; + } + } + strncpy(mbox_mail_spool, start, DEFAULT_TEXT_BUFFER_SIZE); + free(copy_args); + } + if (strlen(mbox_mail_spool) < 1) { + CRIT_ERR(NULL, NULL, + "Usage: ${mboxscan [-n ] " + "[-fw ] [-sw ] " + "[-t mbox]}"); + } - while (tmp) { - tmp = strtok(NULL, " "); - if (tmp) { - start = tmp; - } - } - strncpy(mbox_mail_spool, start, DEFAULT_TEXT_BUFFER_SIZE); - free(copy_args); - } - if (strlen(mbox_mail_spool) < 1) { - CRIT_ERR(NULL, NULL, "Usage: ${mboxscan [-n ] " - "[-fw ] [-sw ] " - "[-t mbox]}"); - } + /* allowing $MAIL in the config */ + if (!strcmp(mbox_mail_spool, "$MAIL")) { + strcpy(mbox_mail_spool, current_mail_spool.get(*state).c_str()); + } - /* allowing $MAIL in the config */ - if (!strcmp(mbox_mail_spool, "$MAIL")) { - strcpy(mbox_mail_spool, current_mail_spool.get(*state).c_str()); - } + if (stat(mbox_mail_spool, &statbuf)) { + CRIT_ERR(NULL, NULL, "can't stat %s: %s", mbox_mail_spool, + strerror(errno)); + } + args_ok = 1; /* args-computing necessary only once */ + } - if (stat(mbox_mail_spool, &statbuf)) { - CRIT_ERR(NULL, NULL, "can't stat %s: %s", mbox_mail_spool, strerror(errno)); - } - args_ok = 1; /* args-computing necessary only once */ - } + /* if time_delay not yet reached, then return */ + if (current_update_time - last_update < time_delay && !force_rescan) { + return; + } - /* if time_delay not yet reached, then return */ - if (current_update_time - last_update < time_delay && !force_rescan) { - return; - } + last_update = current_update_time; - last_update = current_update_time; + /* mbox still exists? and get stat-infos */ + if (stat(mbox_mail_spool, &statbuf)) { + NORM_ERR("can't stat %s: %s", mbox_mail_spool, strerror(errno)); + output[0] = '\0'; /* delete any output */ + return; + } - /* mbox still exists? and get stat-infos */ - if (stat(mbox_mail_spool, &statbuf)) { - NORM_ERR("can't stat %s: %s", mbox_mail_spool, strerror(errno)); - output[0] = '\0'; /* delete any output */ - return; - } + /* modification time has not changed, so skip scanning the box */ + if (statbuf.st_ctime == last_ctime && statbuf.st_mtime == last_mtime && + !force_rescan) { + return; + } - /* modification time has not changed, so skip scanning the box */ - if (statbuf.st_ctime == last_ctime && statbuf.st_mtime == last_mtime - && !force_rescan) { - return; - } + last_ctime = statbuf.st_ctime; + last_mtime = statbuf.st_mtime; - last_ctime = statbuf.st_ctime; - last_mtime = statbuf.st_mtime; + /* build up double-linked ring-list to hold data, while scanning down the + * mbox */ + for (i = 0; i < print_num_mails; i++) { + curr = (struct ring_list *)malloc(sizeof(struct ring_list)); + curr->from = (char *)malloc(from_width + 1); + curr->subject = (char *)malloc(subject_width + 1); + curr->from[0] = '\0'; + curr->subject[0] = '\0'; - /* build up double-linked ring-list to hold data, while scanning down the - * mbox */ - for (i = 0; i < print_num_mails; i++) { - curr = (struct ring_list *) malloc(sizeof(struct ring_list)); - curr->from = (char *) malloc(from_width + 1); - curr->subject = (char *) malloc(subject_width + 1); - curr->from[0] = '\0'; - curr->subject[0] = '\0'; + if (i == 0) { + startlist = curr; + } + if (i > 0) { + curr->previous = prev; + prev->next = curr; + } + prev = curr; + } - if (i == 0) { - startlist = curr; - } - if (i > 0) { - curr->previous = prev; - prev->next = curr; - } - prev = curr; - } + /* connect end to start for an endless loop-ring */ + startlist->previous = curr; + curr->next = startlist; - /* connect end to start for an endless loop-ring */ - startlist->previous = curr; - curr->next = startlist; + /* mbox */ + fp = fopen(mbox_mail_spool, "r"); + if (!fp) { + return; + } - /* mbox */ - fp = fopen(mbox_mail_spool, "r"); - if (!fp) { - return; - } + /* first find a "From " to set it to 0 for header-sarchings */ + flag = 1; + while (!feof(fp)) { + if (fgets(buf, text_buffer_size.get(*state), fp) == NULL) { + break; + } - /* first find a "From " to set it to 0 for header-sarchings */ - flag = 1; - while (!feof(fp)) { - if (fgets(buf, text_buffer_size.get(*state), fp) == NULL) { - break; - } + if (strncmp(buf, "From ", 5) == 0) { + curr = curr->next; - if (strncmp(buf, "From ", 5) == 0) { - curr = curr->next; + /* skip until \n */ + while (strchr(buf, '\n') == NULL && !feof(fp)) { + if (!fgets(buf, text_buffer_size.get(*state), fp)) break; + } - /* skip until \n */ - while (strchr(buf, '\n') == NULL && !feof(fp)) { - if (!fgets(buf, text_buffer_size.get(*state), fp)) - break; - } + flag = 0; /* in the headers now */ + continue; + } - flag = 0; /* in the headers now */ - continue; - } + if (flag == 1) { /* in the body, so skip */ + continue; + } - if (flag == 1) { /* in the body, so skip */ - continue; - } + if (buf[0] == '\n') { + /* beyond the headers now (empty line), skip until \n */ + /* then search for new mail ("From ") */ - if (buf[0] == '\n') { - /* beyond the headers now (empty line), skip until \n */ - /* then search for new mail ("From ") */ + while (strchr(buf, '\n') == NULL && !feof(fp)) { + if (!fgets(buf, text_buffer_size.get(*state), fp)) break; + } + flag = 1; /* in the body now */ + continue; + } - while (strchr(buf, '\n') == NULL && !feof(fp)) { - if (!fgets(buf, text_buffer_size.get(*state), fp)) - break; - } - flag = 1; /* in the body now */ - continue; - } + if ((strncmp(buf, "X-Status: ", 10) == 0) || + (strncmp(buf, "Status: R", 9) == 0)) { + /* Mail was read or something, so skip that message */ + flag = 1; /* search for next From */ + curr->subject[0] = '\0'; + curr->from[0] = '\0'; + /* (will get current again on new 'From ' finding) */ + curr = curr->previous; + /* Skip until \n */ + while (strchr(buf, '\n') == NULL && !feof(fp)) { + if (!fgets(buf, text_buffer_size.get(*state), fp)) break; + } + continue; + } - if ((strncmp(buf, "X-Status: ", 10) == 0) - || (strncmp(buf, "Status: R", 9) == 0)) { + /* that covers ^From: and ^from: ^From: */ + if (strncmp(buf + 1, "rom:", 4) == 0) { + i = 0; + u = 6; /* no "From: " string needed, so skip */ + while (1) { + if (buf[u] == '"') { /* no quotes around names */ + u++; + continue; + } - /* Mail was read or something, so skip that message */ - flag = 1; /* search for next From */ - curr->subject[0] = '\0'; - curr->from[0] = '\0'; - /* (will get current again on new 'From ' finding) */ - curr = curr->previous; - /* Skip until \n */ - while (strchr(buf, '\n') == NULL && !feof(fp)) { - if (!fgets(buf, text_buffer_size.get(*state), fp)) - break; - } - continue; - } + /* some are: From: */ + if (buf[u] == '<' && i > 1) { + curr->from[i] = '\0'; + /* skip until \n */ + while (strchr(buf, '\n') == NULL && !feof(fp)) { + if (!fgets(buf, text_buffer_size.get(*state), fp)) break; + } + break; + } - /* that covers ^From: and ^from: ^From: */ - if (strncmp(buf + 1, "rom:", 4) == 0) { + if (buf[u] == '\n') { + curr->from[i] = '\0'; + break; + } - i = 0; - u = 6; /* no "From: " string needed, so skip */ - while (1) { + if (buf[u] == '\0') { + curr->from[i] = '\0'; + break; + } - if (buf[u] == '"') { /* no quotes around names */ - u++; - continue; - } + if (i >= from_width) { + curr->from[i] = '\0'; + /* skip until \n */ + while (strchr(buf, '\n') == NULL && !feof(fp)) { + if (!fgets(buf, text_buffer_size.get(*state), fp)) break; + } + break; + } - /* some are: From: */ - if (buf[u] == '<' && i > 1) { + /* nothing special so just set it */ + curr->from[i++] = buf[u++]; + } + } - curr->from[i] = '\0'; - /* skip until \n */ - while (strchr(buf, '\n') == NULL && !feof(fp)) { - if (!fgets(buf, text_buffer_size.get(*state), fp)) - break; - } - break; - } + /* that covers ^Subject: and ^subject: and ^Subjec: */ + if (strncmp(buf + 1, "ubject:", 7) == 0) { + i = 0; + u = 9; /* no "Subject: " string needed, so skip */ + while (1) { + if (buf[u] == '\n') { + curr->subject[i] = '\0'; + break; + } + if (buf[u] == '\0') { + curr->subject[i] = '\0'; + break; + } + if (i >= subject_width) { + curr->subject[i] = '\0'; - if (buf[u] == '\n') { - curr->from[i] = '\0'; - break; - } + /* skip until \n */ + while (strchr(buf, '\n') == NULL && !feof(fp)) { + if (!fgets(buf, text_buffer_size.get(*state), fp)) break; + } + break; + } - if (buf[u] == '\0') { - curr->from[i] = '\0'; - break; - } + /* nothing special so just set it */ + curr->subject[i++] = buf[u++]; + } + } + } - if (i >= from_width) { - curr->from[i] = '\0'; - /* skip until \n */ - while (strchr(buf, '\n') == NULL && !feof(fp)) { - if (!fgets(buf, text_buffer_size.get(*state), fp)) - break; - } - break; - } + fclose(fp); - /* nothing special so just set it */ - curr->from[i++] = buf[u++]; - } - } + output[0] = '\0'; - /* that covers ^Subject: and ^subject: and ^Subjec: */ - if (strncmp(buf + 1, "ubject:", 7) == 0) { + i = print_num_mails; + while (i) { + struct ring_list *tmp; + if (curr->from[0] != '\0') { + if (i != print_num_mails) { + snprintf(buf, text_buffer_size.get(*state), "\nF: %-*s S: %-*s", + from_width, curr->from, subject_width, curr->subject); + } else { /* first time - no \n in front */ + snprintf(buf, text_buffer_size.get(*state), "F: %-*s S: %-*s", + from_width, curr->from, subject_width, curr->subject); + } + } else { + snprintf(buf, text_buffer_size.get(*state), "\n"); + } + strncat(output, buf, max_len - strlen(output)); - i = 0; - u = 9; /* no "Subject: " string needed, so skip */ - while (1) { + tmp = curr; + curr = curr->previous; + free(tmp->from); + free(tmp->subject); + free(tmp); - if (buf[u] == '\n') { - curr->subject[i] = '\0'; - break; - } - if (buf[u] == '\0') { - curr->subject[i] = '\0'; - break; - } - if (i >= subject_width) { - curr->subject[i] = '\0'; - - /* skip until \n */ - while (strchr(buf, '\n') == NULL && !feof(fp)) { - if (!fgets(buf, text_buffer_size.get(*state), fp)) - break; - } - break; - } - - /* nothing special so just set it */ - curr->subject[i++] = buf[u++]; - } - } - } - - fclose(fp); - - output[0] = '\0'; - - i = print_num_mails; - while (i) { - struct ring_list *tmp; - if (curr->from[0] != '\0') { - if (i != print_num_mails) { - snprintf(buf, text_buffer_size.get(*state), "\nF: %-*s S: %-*s", from_width, - curr->from, subject_width, curr->subject); - } else { /* first time - no \n in front */ - snprintf(buf, text_buffer_size.get(*state), "F: %-*s S: %-*s", from_width, - curr->from, subject_width, curr->subject); - } - } else { - snprintf(buf, text_buffer_size.get(*state), "\n"); - } - strncat(output, buf, max_len - strlen(output)); - - tmp = curr; - curr = curr->previous; - free(tmp->from); - free(tmp->subject); - free(tmp); - - i--; - } + i--; + } } struct mboxscan_data { - char *args; - char *output; + char *args; + char *output; }; -void parse_mboxscan_arg(struct text_object *obj, const char *arg) -{ - struct mboxscan_data *msd; +void parse_mboxscan_arg(struct text_object *obj, const char *arg) { + struct mboxscan_data *msd; - msd = (mboxscan_data*) malloc(sizeof(struct mboxscan_data)); - memset(msd, 0, sizeof(struct mboxscan_data)); + msd = (mboxscan_data *)malloc(sizeof(struct mboxscan_data)); + memset(msd, 0, sizeof(struct mboxscan_data)); - msd->args = strndup(arg, text_buffer_size.get(*state)); - msd->output = (char *) malloc(text_buffer_size.get(*state)); - /* if '1' (in mboxscan.c) then there was SIGUSR1, hmm */ - msd->output[0] = 1; + msd->args = strndup(arg, text_buffer_size.get(*state)); + msd->output = (char *)malloc(text_buffer_size.get(*state)); + /* if '1' (in mboxscan.c) then there was SIGUSR1, hmm */ + msd->output[0] = 1; - obj->data.opaque = msd; + obj->data.opaque = msd; } -void print_mboxscan(struct text_object *obj, char *p, int p_max_size) -{ - struct mboxscan_data *msd = (mboxscan_data*) obj->data.opaque; +void print_mboxscan(struct text_object *obj, char *p, int p_max_size) { + struct mboxscan_data *msd = (mboxscan_data *)obj->data.opaque; - if (!msd) - return; + if (!msd) return; - mbox_scan(msd->args, msd->output, text_buffer_size.get(*state)); - snprintf(p, p_max_size, "%s", msd->output); + mbox_scan(msd->args, msd->output, text_buffer_size.get(*state)); + snprintf(p, p_max_size, "%s", msd->output); } -void free_mboxscan(struct text_object *obj) -{ - struct mboxscan_data *msd = (mboxscan_data*) obj->data.opaque; +void free_mboxscan(struct text_object *obj) { + struct mboxscan_data *msd = (mboxscan_data *)obj->data.opaque; - if (!msd) - return; - free_and_zero(msd->args); - free_and_zero(msd->output); - free_and_zero(obj->data.opaque); + if (!msd) return; + free_and_zero(msd->args); + free_and_zero(msd->output); + free_and_zero(obj->data.opaque); } - diff --git a/src/mboxscan.h b/src/mboxscan.h index 2f933d5d..040e2ae1 100644 --- a/src/mboxscan.h +++ b/src/mboxscan.h @@ -1,4 +1,4 @@ -/* -*- mode: c; c-basic-offset: 4; tab-width: 4; indent-tabs-mode: t -*- +/* * * Conky, a system monitor, based on torsmo * @@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ * Please see COPYING for details * * Copyright (c) 2006 Marco Candrian - * Copyright (c) 2005-2012 Brenden Matthews, Philip Kovacs, et. al. + * Copyright (c) 2005-2018 Brenden Matthews, Philip Kovacs, et. al. * (see AUTHORS) * All rights reserved. * diff --git a/src/mixer.cc b/src/mixer.cc index 86b10efa..430e4370 100644 --- a/src/mixer.cc +++ b/src/mixer.cc @@ -1,5 +1,4 @@ -/* -*- mode: c++; c-basic-offset: 4; tab-width: 4; indent-tabs-mode: t -*- - * vim: ts=4 sw=4 noet ai cindent syntax=cpp +/* * * Conky, a system monitor, based on torsmo * @@ -10,7 +9,7 @@ * Please see COPYING for details * * Copyright (c) 2004, Hannu Saransaari and Lauri Hakkarainen - * Copyright (c) 2005-2012 Brenden Matthews, Philip Kovacs, et. al. + * Copyright (c) 2005-2018 Brenden Matthews, Philip Kovacs, et. al. * (see AUTHORS) * All rights reserved. * @@ -28,15 +27,14 @@ * */ +#include +#include +#include +#include #include "conky.h" #include "logging.h" #include "specials.h" #include "text_object.h" -#include -#include -#include -#include - #ifdef HAVE_LINUX_SOUNDCARD_H #include @@ -49,8 +47,8 @@ #endif /* HAVE_LINUX_SOUNDCARD_H */ #if defined(__sun) -#include #include +#include #endif #define MIXER_DEV "/dev/mixer" @@ -58,124 +56,102 @@ static int mixer_fd; static const char *devs[] = SOUND_DEVICE_NAMES; -int mixer_init(const char *name) -{ - unsigned int i; +int mixer_init(const char *name) { + unsigned int i; - if (name == 0 || name[0] == '\0') { - name = "vol"; - } + if (name == 0 || name[0] == '\0') { + name = "vol"; + } - /* open mixer */ - if (mixer_fd <= 0) { - mixer_fd = open(MIXER_DEV, O_RDONLY); - if (mixer_fd == -1) { - NORM_ERR("can't open %s: %s", MIXER_DEV, strerror(errno)); - return -1; - } - } + /* open mixer */ + if (mixer_fd <= 0) { + mixer_fd = open(MIXER_DEV, O_RDONLY); + if (mixer_fd == -1) { + NORM_ERR("can't open %s: %s", MIXER_DEV, strerror(errno)); + return -1; + } + } - for (i = 0; i < sizeof(devs) / sizeof(const char *); i++) { - if (strcasecmp(devs[i], name) == 0) { - return i; - } - } + for (i = 0; i < sizeof(devs) / sizeof(const char *); i++) { + if (strcasecmp(devs[i], name) == 0) { + return i; + } + } - return -1; + return -1; } -static int mixer_get(int i) -{ - static char rep = 0; - int val = -1; +static int mixer_get(int i) { + static char rep = 0; + int val = -1; - if (ioctl(mixer_fd, MIXER_READ(i), &val) == -1) { - if (!rep) { - NORM_ERR("mixer ioctl: %s", strerror(errno)); - } - rep = 1; - return 0; - } - rep = 0; + if (ioctl(mixer_fd, MIXER_READ(i), &val) == -1) { + if (!rep) { + NORM_ERR("mixer ioctl: %s", strerror(errno)); + } + rep = 1; + return 0; + } + rep = 0; - return val; + return val; } -static int mixer_get_avg(int i) -{ - int v = mixer_get(i); +static int mixer_get_avg(int i) { + int v = mixer_get(i); - return ((v >> 8) + (v & 0xFF)) / 2; + return ((v >> 8) + (v & 0xFF)) / 2; } -static int mixer_get_left(int i) -{ - return mixer_get(i) >> 8; -} +static int mixer_get_left(int i) { return mixer_get(i) >> 8; } -static int mixer_get_right(int i) -{ - return mixer_get(i) & 0xFF; -} -int mixer_is_mute(int i) -{ - return !mixer_get(i); -} +static int mixer_get_right(int i) { return mixer_get(i) & 0xFF; } +int mixer_is_mute(int i) { return !mixer_get(i); } #define mixer_to_255(i, x) x -void parse_mixer_arg(struct text_object *obj, const char *arg) -{ - obj->data.l = mixer_init(arg); +void parse_mixer_arg(struct text_object *obj, const char *arg) { + obj->data.l = mixer_init(arg); } -uint8_t mixer_percentage(struct text_object *obj) -{ - return mixer_get_avg(obj->data.l); +uint8_t mixer_percentage(struct text_object *obj) { + return mixer_get_avg(obj->data.l); } -uint8_t mixerl_percentage(struct text_object *obj) -{ - return mixer_get_left(obj->data.l); +uint8_t mixerl_percentage(struct text_object *obj) { + return mixer_get_left(obj->data.l); } -uint8_t mixerr_percentage(struct text_object *obj) -{ - return mixer_get_right(obj->data.l); +uint8_t mixerr_percentage(struct text_object *obj) { + return mixer_get_right(obj->data.l); } -int check_mixer_muted(struct text_object *obj) -{ - if (!mixer_is_mute(obj->data.l)) - return 0; - return 1; +int check_mixer_muted(struct text_object *obj) { + if (!mixer_is_mute(obj->data.l)) return 0; + return 1; } -void scan_mixer_bar(struct text_object *obj, const char *arg) -{ - char buf1[64]; - int n; +void scan_mixer_bar(struct text_object *obj, const char *arg) { + char buf1[64]; + int n; - if (arg && sscanf(arg, "%63s %n", buf1, &n) >= 1) { - obj->data.i = mixer_init(buf1); - scan_bar(obj, arg + n, 100); - } else { - obj->data.i = mixer_init(NULL); - scan_bar(obj, arg, 100); - } + if (arg && sscanf(arg, "%63s %n", buf1, &n) >= 1) { + obj->data.i = mixer_init(buf1); + scan_bar(obj, arg + n, 100); + } else { + obj->data.i = mixer_init(NULL); + scan_bar(obj, arg, 100); + } } -double mixer_barval(struct text_object *obj) -{ - return mixer_to_255(obj->data.i, mixer_get_avg(obj->data.i)); +double mixer_barval(struct text_object *obj) { + return mixer_to_255(obj->data.i, mixer_get_avg(obj->data.i)); } -double mixerl_barval(struct text_object *obj) -{ - return mixer_to_255(obj->data.i, mixer_get_left(obj->data.i)); +double mixerl_barval(struct text_object *obj) { + return mixer_to_255(obj->data.i, mixer_get_left(obj->data.i)); } -double mixerr_barval(struct text_object *obj) -{ - return mixer_to_255(obj->data.i, mixer_get_right(obj->data.i)); +double mixerr_barval(struct text_object *obj) { + return mixer_to_255(obj->data.i, mixer_get_right(obj->data.i)); } diff --git a/src/mixer.h b/src/mixer.h index 87a5ed68..648b4f07 100644 --- a/src/mixer.h +++ b/src/mixer.h @@ -1,5 +1,4 @@ -/* -*- mode: c++; c-basic-offset: 4; tab-width: 4; indent-tabs-mode: t -*- - * vim: ts=4 sw=4 noet ai cindent syntax=cpp +/* * * Conky, a system monitor, based on torsmo * @@ -11,7 +10,7 @@ * * Copyright (c) 2004, Hannu Saransaari and Lauri Hakkarainen * Copyright (c) 2007 Toni Spets - * Copyright (c) 2005-2012 Brenden Matthews, Philip Kovacs, et. al. + * Copyright (c) 2005-2018 Brenden Matthews, Philip Kovacs, et. al. * (see AUTHORS) * All rights reserved. * diff --git a/src/moc.cc b/src/moc.cc index 84f0496b..e6c39069 100644 --- a/src/moc.cc +++ b/src/moc.cc @@ -1,5 +1,4 @@ -/* -*- mode: c++; c-basic-offset: 4; tab-width: 4; indent-tabs-mode: t -*- - * vim: ts=4 sw=4 noet ai cindent syntax=cpp +/* * * MOC Conky integration * @@ -34,94 +33,90 @@ #include "update-cb.hh" namespace { - struct moc_result { - std::string state; - std::string file; - std::string title; - std::string artist; - std::string song; - std::string album; - std::string totaltime; - std::string timeleft; - std::string curtime; - std::string bitrate; - std::string rate; - }; +struct moc_result { + std::string state; + std::string file; + std::string title; + std::string artist; + std::string song; + std::string album; + std::string totaltime; + std::string timeleft; + std::string curtime; + std::string bitrate; + std::string rate; +}; - class moc_cb: public conky::callback { - typedef conky::callback Base; +class moc_cb : public conky::callback { + typedef conky::callback Base; - protected: - virtual void work(); + protected: + virtual void work(); - public: - moc_cb(uint32_t period) - : Base(period, false, Tuple()) - {} - }; + public: + moc_cb(uint32_t period) : Base(period, false, Tuple()) {} +}; - void moc_cb::work() - { - moc_result moc; - FILE *fp; +void moc_cb::work() { + moc_result moc; + FILE *fp; - fp = popen("mocp -i", "r"); - if (!fp) { - moc.state = "Can't run 'mocp -i'"; - } else { - while (1) { - char line[100]; - char *p; + fp = popen("mocp -i", "r"); + if (!fp) { + moc.state = "Can't run 'mocp -i'"; + } else { + while (1) { + char line[100]; + char *p; - /* Read a line from the pipe and strip the possible '\n'. */ - if (!fgets(line, 100, fp)) - break; - if ((p = strrchr(line, '\n'))) - *p = '\0'; + /* Read a line from the pipe and strip the possible '\n'. */ + if (!fgets(line, 100, fp)) break; + if ((p = strrchr(line, '\n'))) *p = '\0'; - /* Parse infos. */ - if (strncmp(line, "State:", 6) == 0) - moc.state = line + 7; - else if (strncmp(line, "File:", 5) == 0) - moc.file = line + 6; - else if (strncmp(line, "Title:", 6) == 0) - moc.title = line + 7; - else if (strncmp(line, "Artist:", 7) == 0) - moc.artist = line + 8; - else if (strncmp(line, "SongTitle:", 10) == 0) - moc.song = line + 11; - else if (strncmp(line, "Album:", 6) == 0) - moc.album = line + 7; - else if (strncmp(line, "TotalTime:", 10) == 0) - moc.totaltime = line + 11; - else if (strncmp(line, "TimeLeft:", 9) == 0) - moc.timeleft = line + 10; - else if (strncmp(line, "CurrentTime:", 12) == 0) - moc.curtime = line + 13; - else if (strncmp(line, "Bitrate:", 8) == 0) - moc.bitrate = line + 9; - else if (strncmp(line, "Rate:", 5) == 0) - moc.rate = line + 6; - } - } + /* Parse infos. */ + if (strncmp(line, "State:", 6) == 0) + moc.state = line + 7; + else if (strncmp(line, "File:", 5) == 0) + moc.file = line + 6; + else if (strncmp(line, "Title:", 6) == 0) + moc.title = line + 7; + else if (strncmp(line, "Artist:", 7) == 0) + moc.artist = line + 8; + else if (strncmp(line, "SongTitle:", 10) == 0) + moc.song = line + 11; + else if (strncmp(line, "Album:", 6) == 0) + moc.album = line + 7; + else if (strncmp(line, "TotalTime:", 10) == 0) + moc.totaltime = line + 11; + else if (strncmp(line, "TimeLeft:", 9) == 0) + moc.timeleft = line + 10; + else if (strncmp(line, "CurrentTime:", 12) == 0) + moc.curtime = line + 13; + else if (strncmp(line, "Bitrate:", 8) == 0) + moc.bitrate = line + 9; + else if (strncmp(line, "Rate:", 5) == 0) + moc.rate = line + 6; + } + } - pclose(fp); + pclose(fp); - std::lock_guard l(result_mutex); - result = moc; - } + std::lock_guard l(result_mutex); + result = moc; } +} // namespace -#define MOC_PRINT_GENERATOR(type, alt) \ -void print_moc_##type(struct text_object *obj, char *p, int p_max_size) \ -{ \ - (void)obj; \ - uint32_t period = std::max( \ - lround(music_player_interval.get(*state)/active_update_interval()), 1l \ - ); \ - const moc_result &moc = conky::register_cb(period)->get_result_copy(); \ - snprintf(p, p_max_size, "%s", (moc.type.length() ? moc.type.c_str() : alt)); \ -} +#define MOC_PRINT_GENERATOR(type, alt) \ + void print_moc_##type(struct text_object *obj, char *p, int p_max_size) { \ + (void)obj; \ + uint32_t period = std::max( \ + lround(music_player_interval.get(*state) / active_update_interval()), \ + 1l); \ + const moc_result &moc = \ + conky::register_cb(period)->get_result_copy(); \ + snprintf(p, p_max_size, "%s", \ + (moc.type.length() ? moc.type.c_str() : alt)); \ + } MOC_PRINT_GENERATOR(state, "??") MOC_PRINT_GENERATOR(file, "no file") diff --git a/src/moc.h b/src/moc.h index d524bdca..fef701b7 100644 --- a/src/moc.h +++ b/src/moc.h @@ -1,5 +1,4 @@ -/* -*- mode: c++; c-basic-offset: 4; tab-width: 4; indent-tabs-mode: t -*- - * vim: ts=4 sw=4 noet ai cindent syntax=cpp +/* * * MOC Conky integration * @@ -37,4 +36,3 @@ void print_moc_bitrate(struct text_object *, char *, int); void print_moc_rate(struct text_object *, char *, int); #endif /* MOC_H_ */ - diff --git a/src/mpd.cc b/src/mpd.cc index 20973558..270e3918 100644 --- a/src/mpd.cc +++ b/src/mpd.cc @@ -1,5 +1,4 @@ -/* -*- mode: c++; c-basic-offset: 4; tab-width: 4; indent-tabs-mode: t -*- - * vim: ts=4 sw=4 noet ai cindent syntax=cpp +/* * * Conky, a system monitor, based on torsmo * @@ -9,7 +8,7 @@ * * Please see COPYING for details * - * Copyright (c) 2005-2012 Brenden Matthews, Philip Kovacs, et. al. + * Copyright (c) 2005-2018 Brenden Matthews, Philip Kovacs, et. al. * (see AUTHORS) * All rights reserved. * @@ -27,377 +26,354 @@ * */ +#include "mpd.h" #include #include #include "conky.h" +#include "libmpdclient.h" #include "logging.h" #include "timeinfo.h" -#include "libmpdclient.h" -#include "mpd.h" #include "update-cb.hh" namespace { - /* this is true if the current host was set from MPD_HOST */ - bool mpd_environment_host = false; +/* this is true if the current host was set from MPD_HOST */ +bool mpd_environment_host = false; - class mpd_host_setting: public conky::simple_config_setting { - typedef conky::simple_config_setting Base; - - protected: - virtual void lua_setter(lua::state &l, bool init); +class mpd_host_setting : public conky::simple_config_setting { + typedef conky::simple_config_setting Base; - public: - mpd_host_setting() - : Base("mpd_host", "localhost", false) - {} - }; + protected: + virtual void lua_setter(lua::state &l, bool init); - void mpd_host_setting::lua_setter(lua::state &l, bool init) - { - lua::stack_sentry s(l, -2); + public: + mpd_host_setting() : Base("mpd_host", "localhost", false) {} +}; - if(l.isnil(-2)) { - // get the value from environment - mpd_environment_host = true; - const char *t = getenv("MPD_HOST"); - if(t) { - l.checkstack(1); - const char *h = strchr(t, '@'); - if(h) { - if(h[1]) - l.pushstring(h+1); - } else - l.pushstring(t); - l.replace(-3); - } +void mpd_host_setting::lua_setter(lua::state &l, bool init) { + lua::stack_sentry s(l, -2); - } + if (l.isnil(-2)) { + // get the value from environment + mpd_environment_host = true; + const char *t = getenv("MPD_HOST"); + if (t) { + l.checkstack(1); + const char *h = strchr(t, '@'); + if (h) { + if (h[1]) l.pushstring(h + 1); + } else + l.pushstring(t); + l.replace(-3); + } + } - Base::lua_setter(l, init); + Base::lua_setter(l, init); - ++s; - } - - class mpd_password_setting: public conky::simple_config_setting { - typedef conky::simple_config_setting Base; - - protected: - virtual void lua_setter(lua::state &l, bool init); - - public: - mpd_password_setting() - : Base("mpd_password", std::string(), false) - {} - }; - - void mpd_password_setting::lua_setter(lua::state &l, bool init) - { - lua::stack_sentry s(l, -2); - - /* for security, dont use environment password when user specifies host in config */ - if(l.isnil(-2) && mpd_environment_host) { - // get the value from environment - const char *t = getenv("MPD_HOST"); - if(t) { - const char *p = strchr(t, '@'); - if(p) { - l.checkstack(1); - l.pushstring(t, p-t); - l.replace(-3); - } - } - - } - - Base::lua_setter(l, init); - - ++s; - } - - conky::range_config_setting mpd_port("mpd_port", 1, 65535, 6600, false); - mpd_host_setting mpd_host; - mpd_password_setting mpd_password; - - struct mpd_result { - std::string title; - std::string artist; - std::string albumartist; - std::string album; - std::string date; - std::string status; - std::string random; - std::string repeat; - std::string track; - std::string name; - std::string file; - int is_playing; - int vol; - float progress; - int bitrate; - int length; - int elapsed; - }; - - class mpd_cb: public conky::callback { - typedef conky::callback Base; - - mpd_Connection *conn; - - protected: - virtual void work(); - - public: - mpd_cb(uint32_t period) - : Base(period, false, Tuple()), conn(NULL) - {} - - ~mpd_cb() - { - if(conn) - mpd_closeConnection(conn); - } - }; - - void mpd_cb::work() - { - mpd_Status *status; - mpd_InfoEntity *entity; - mpd_result mpd_info; - - do { - if (!conn) - conn = mpd_newConnection(mpd_host.get(*state).c_str(), mpd_port.get(*state), 10); - - if (mpd_password.get(*state).size()) { - mpd_sendPasswordCommand(conn, mpd_password.get(*state).c_str()); - mpd_finishCommand(conn); - } - - if (conn->error) { - NORM_ERR("MPD error: %s\n", conn->errorStr); - mpd_closeConnection(conn); - conn = 0; - - mpd_info.status = "MPD not responding"; - break; - } - - mpd_sendStatusCommand(conn); - if ((status = mpd_getStatus(conn)) == NULL) { - NORM_ERR("MPD error: %s\n", conn->errorStr); - mpd_closeConnection(conn); - conn = 0; - - mpd_info.status = "MPD not responding"; - } - mpd_finishCommand(conn); - if (!conn || conn->error) { - // fprintf(stderr, "%s\n", conn->errorStr); - mpd_closeConnection(conn); - conn = 0; - break; - } - - mpd_info.vol = status->volume; - if (status->random == 0) { - mpd_info.random = "Off"; - } else if (status->random == 1) { - mpd_info.random = "On"; - } else { - mpd_info.random = ""; - } - if (status->repeat == 0) { - mpd_info.repeat = "Off"; - } else if (status->repeat == 1) { - mpd_info.repeat = "On"; - } else { - mpd_info.repeat = ""; - } - /* if (status->error) { - printf("error: %s\n", status->error); - } */ - - switch (status->state) { - case MPD_STATUS_STATE_PLAY: - mpd_info.status = "Playing"; - break; - case MPD_STATUS_STATE_STOP: - mpd_info.status = "Stopped"; - break; - case MPD_STATUS_STATE_PAUSE: - mpd_info.status = "Paused"; - break; - default: - mpd_info.status = ""; - break; - } - - if (status->state == MPD_STATUS_STATE_PLAY || - status->state == MPD_STATUS_STATE_PAUSE) { - mpd_info.is_playing = 1; - mpd_info.bitrate = status->bitRate; - mpd_info.progress = (float) status->elapsedTime / - status->totalTime; - mpd_info.elapsed = status->elapsedTime; - mpd_info.length = status->totalTime; - } else { - mpd_info.progress = 0; - mpd_info.is_playing = 0; - mpd_info.elapsed = 0; - } - - if (conn->error) { - // fprintf(stderr, "%s\n", conn->errorStr); - mpd_closeConnection(conn); - conn = 0; - break; - } - - mpd_sendCurrentSongCommand(conn); - while ((entity = mpd_getNextInfoEntity(conn))) { - mpd_Song *song = entity->info.song; - - if (entity->type != MPD_INFO_ENTITY_TYPE_SONG) { - mpd_freeInfoEntity(entity); - continue; - } -#define SETSTRING(a,b) \ -if (b) a=b; else a=""; - SETSTRING(mpd_info.artist, song->artist); - SETSTRING(mpd_info.albumartist, song->albumartist); - SETSTRING(mpd_info.album, song->album); - SETSTRING(mpd_info.title, song->title); - SETSTRING(mpd_info.date, song->date); - SETSTRING(mpd_info.track, song->track); - SETSTRING(mpd_info.name, song->name); - SETSTRING(mpd_info.file, song->file); - if (entity != NULL) { - mpd_freeInfoEntity(entity); - entity = NULL; - } - } - mpd_finishCommand(conn); - if (conn && conn->error) { - // fprintf(stderr, "%s\n", conn->errorStr); - mpd_closeConnection(conn); - conn = 0; - break; - } - - - if (conn->error) { - // fprintf(stderr, "%s\n", conn->errorStr); - mpd_closeConnection(conn); - conn = 0; - break; - } - - mpd_freeStatus(status); - /* if (conn) { - mpd_closeConnection(conn); - conn = 0; - } */ - } while (0); - std::lock_guard lock(Base::result_mutex); - result = mpd_info; // don't forget to save results! - } - - mpd_result get_mpd() - { - uint32_t period = std::max( - lround(music_player_interval.get(*state)/active_update_interval()), 1l - ); - return conky::register_cb(period)->get_result_copy(); - } + ++s; } +class mpd_password_setting : public conky::simple_config_setting { + typedef conky::simple_config_setting Base; + + protected: + virtual void lua_setter(lua::state &l, bool init); + + public: + mpd_password_setting() : Base("mpd_password", std::string(), false) {} +}; + +void mpd_password_setting::lua_setter(lua::state &l, bool init) { + lua::stack_sentry s(l, -2); + + /* for security, dont use environment password when user specifies host in + * config */ + if (l.isnil(-2) && mpd_environment_host) { + // get the value from environment + const char *t = getenv("MPD_HOST"); + if (t) { + const char *p = strchr(t, '@'); + if (p) { + l.checkstack(1); + l.pushstring(t, p - t); + l.replace(-3); + } + } + } + + Base::lua_setter(l, init); + + ++s; +} + +conky::range_config_setting mpd_port("mpd_port", 1, 65535, 6600, + false); +mpd_host_setting mpd_host; +mpd_password_setting mpd_password; + +struct mpd_result { + std::string title; + std::string artist; + std::string albumartist; + std::string album; + std::string date; + std::string status; + std::string random; + std::string repeat; + std::string track; + std::string name; + std::string file; + int is_playing; + int vol; + float progress; + int bitrate; + int length; + int elapsed; +}; + +class mpd_cb : public conky::callback { + typedef conky::callback Base; + + mpd_Connection *conn; + + protected: + virtual void work(); + + public: + mpd_cb(uint32_t period) : Base(period, false, Tuple()), conn(NULL) {} + + ~mpd_cb() { + if (conn) mpd_closeConnection(conn); + } +}; + +void mpd_cb::work() { + mpd_Status *status; + mpd_InfoEntity *entity; + mpd_result mpd_info; + + do { + if (!conn) + conn = mpd_newConnection(mpd_host.get(*state).c_str(), + mpd_port.get(*state), 10); + + if (mpd_password.get(*state).size()) { + mpd_sendPasswordCommand(conn, mpd_password.get(*state).c_str()); + mpd_finishCommand(conn); + } + + if (conn->error) { + NORM_ERR("MPD error: %s\n", conn->errorStr); + mpd_closeConnection(conn); + conn = 0; + + mpd_info.status = "MPD not responding"; + break; + } + + mpd_sendStatusCommand(conn); + if ((status = mpd_getStatus(conn)) == NULL) { + NORM_ERR("MPD error: %s\n", conn->errorStr); + mpd_closeConnection(conn); + conn = 0; + + mpd_info.status = "MPD not responding"; + } + mpd_finishCommand(conn); + if (!conn || conn->error) { + // fprintf(stderr, "%s\n", conn->errorStr); + mpd_closeConnection(conn); + conn = 0; + break; + } + + mpd_info.vol = status->volume; + if (status->random == 0) { + mpd_info.random = "Off"; + } else if (status->random == 1) { + mpd_info.random = "On"; + } else { + mpd_info.random = ""; + } + if (status->repeat == 0) { + mpd_info.repeat = "Off"; + } else if (status->repeat == 1) { + mpd_info.repeat = "On"; + } else { + mpd_info.repeat = ""; + } + /* if (status->error) { + printf("error: %s\n", status->error); + } */ + + switch (status->state) { + case MPD_STATUS_STATE_PLAY: + mpd_info.status = "Playing"; + break; + case MPD_STATUS_STATE_STOP: + mpd_info.status = "Stopped"; + break; + case MPD_STATUS_STATE_PAUSE: + mpd_info.status = "Paused"; + break; + default: + mpd_info.status = ""; + break; + } + + if (status->state == MPD_STATUS_STATE_PLAY || + status->state == MPD_STATUS_STATE_PAUSE) { + mpd_info.is_playing = 1; + mpd_info.bitrate = status->bitRate; + mpd_info.progress = (float)status->elapsedTime / status->totalTime; + mpd_info.elapsed = status->elapsedTime; + mpd_info.length = status->totalTime; + } else { + mpd_info.progress = 0; + mpd_info.is_playing = 0; + mpd_info.elapsed = 0; + } + + if (conn->error) { + // fprintf(stderr, "%s\n", conn->errorStr); + mpd_closeConnection(conn); + conn = 0; + break; + } + + mpd_sendCurrentSongCommand(conn); + while ((entity = mpd_getNextInfoEntity(conn))) { + mpd_Song *song = entity->info.song; + + if (entity->type != MPD_INFO_ENTITY_TYPE_SONG) { + mpd_freeInfoEntity(entity); + continue; + } +#define SETSTRING(a, b) \ + if (b) \ + a = b; \ + else \ + a = ""; + SETSTRING(mpd_info.artist, song->artist); + SETSTRING(mpd_info.albumartist, song->albumartist); + SETSTRING(mpd_info.album, song->album); + SETSTRING(mpd_info.title, song->title); + SETSTRING(mpd_info.date, song->date); + SETSTRING(mpd_info.track, song->track); + SETSTRING(mpd_info.name, song->name); + SETSTRING(mpd_info.file, song->file); + if (entity != NULL) { + mpd_freeInfoEntity(entity); + entity = NULL; + } + } + mpd_finishCommand(conn); + if (conn && conn->error) { + // fprintf(stderr, "%s\n", conn->errorStr); + mpd_closeConnection(conn); + conn = 0; + break; + } + + if (conn->error) { + // fprintf(stderr, "%s\n", conn->errorStr); + mpd_closeConnection(conn); + conn = 0; + break; + } + + mpd_freeStatus(status); + /* if (conn) { + mpd_closeConnection(conn); + conn = 0; + } */ + } while (0); + std::lock_guard lock(Base::result_mutex); + result = mpd_info; // don't forget to save results! +} + +mpd_result get_mpd() { + uint32_t period = std::max( + lround(music_player_interval.get(*state) / active_update_interval()), 1l); + return conky::register_cb(period)->get_result_copy(); +} +} // namespace + static inline void format_media_player_time(char *buf, const int size, - int seconds) -{ - int days, hours, minutes; + int seconds) { + int days, hours, minutes; - if (times_in_seconds.get(*state)) { - snprintf(buf, size, "%d", seconds); - return; - } + if (times_in_seconds.get(*state)) { + snprintf(buf, size, "%d", seconds); + return; + } - days = seconds / (24 * 60 * 60); - seconds %= (24 * 60 * 60); - hours = seconds / (60 * 60); - seconds %= (60 * 60); - minutes = seconds / 60; - seconds %= 60; + days = seconds / (24 * 60 * 60); + seconds %= (24 * 60 * 60); + hours = seconds / (60 * 60); + seconds %= (60 * 60); + minutes = seconds / 60; + seconds %= 60; - if (days > 0) { - snprintf(buf, size, "%i days %i:%02i:%02i", days, - hours, minutes, seconds); - } else if (hours > 0) { - snprintf(buf, size, "%i:%02i:%02i", hours, minutes, - seconds); - } else { - snprintf(buf, size, "%i:%02i", minutes, seconds); - } + if (days > 0) { + snprintf(buf, size, "%i days %i:%02i:%02i", days, hours, minutes, seconds); + } else if (hours > 0) { + snprintf(buf, size, "%i:%02i:%02i", hours, minutes, seconds); + } else { + snprintf(buf, size, "%i:%02i", minutes, seconds); + } } -void print_mpd_elapsed(struct text_object *obj, char *p, int p_max_size) -{ - (void)obj; - format_media_player_time(p, p_max_size, get_mpd().elapsed); +void print_mpd_elapsed(struct text_object *obj, char *p, int p_max_size) { + (void)obj; + format_media_player_time(p, p_max_size, get_mpd().elapsed); } -void print_mpd_length(struct text_object *obj, char *p, int p_max_size) -{ - (void)obj; - format_media_player_time(p, p_max_size, get_mpd().length); +void print_mpd_length(struct text_object *obj, char *p, int p_max_size) { + (void)obj; + format_media_player_time(p, p_max_size, get_mpd().length); } -uint8_t mpd_percentage(struct text_object *obj) -{ - (void)obj; - return round_to_int(get_mpd().progress * 100.0f); +uint8_t mpd_percentage(struct text_object *obj) { + (void)obj; + return round_to_int(get_mpd().progress * 100.0f); } -double mpd_barval(struct text_object *obj) -{ - (void)obj; - return get_mpd().progress; +double mpd_barval(struct text_object *obj) { + (void)obj; + return get_mpd().progress; } -void print_mpd_smart(struct text_object *obj, char *p, int p_max_size) -{ - const mpd_result &mpd_info = get_mpd(); - int len = obj->data.i; - if (len == 0 || len > p_max_size) - len = p_max_size; +void print_mpd_smart(struct text_object *obj, char *p, int p_max_size) { + const mpd_result &mpd_info = get_mpd(); + int len = obj->data.i; + if (len == 0 || len > p_max_size) len = p_max_size; - memset(p, 0, p_max_size); - if (mpd_info.artist.size() && mpd_info.title.size()) { - snprintf(p, len, "%s - %s", mpd_info.artist.c_str(), mpd_info.title.c_str()); - } else if (get_mpd().title.size()) { - snprintf(p, len, "%s", mpd_info.title.c_str()); - } else if (mpd_info.artist.size()) { - snprintf(p, len, "%s", mpd_info.artist.c_str()); - } else if (mpd_info.file.size()) { - snprintf(p, len, "%s", mpd_info.file.c_str()); - } else { - *p = 0; - } + memset(p, 0, p_max_size); + if (mpd_info.artist.size() && mpd_info.title.size()) { + snprintf(p, len, "%s - %s", mpd_info.artist.c_str(), + mpd_info.title.c_str()); + } else if (get_mpd().title.size()) { + snprintf(p, len, "%s", mpd_info.title.c_str()); + } else if (mpd_info.artist.size()) { + snprintf(p, len, "%s", mpd_info.artist.c_str()); + } else if (mpd_info.file.size()) { + snprintf(p, len, "%s", mpd_info.file.c_str()); + } else { + *p = 0; + } } -int check_mpd_playing(struct text_object *obj) -{ - (void)obj; - return get_mpd().is_playing; +int check_mpd_playing(struct text_object *obj) { + (void)obj; + return get_mpd().is_playing; } -#define MPD_PRINT_GENERATOR(name, fmt, acc) \ -void print_mpd_##name(struct text_object *obj, char *p, int p_max_size) \ -{ \ - if (obj->data.i && obj->data.i < p_max_size) \ - p_max_size = obj->data.i; \ - snprintf(p, p_max_size, fmt, get_mpd().name acc); \ -} +#define MPD_PRINT_GENERATOR(name, fmt, acc) \ + void print_mpd_##name(struct text_object *obj, char *p, int p_max_size) { \ + if (obj->data.i && obj->data.i < p_max_size) p_max_size = obj->data.i; \ + snprintf(p, p_max_size, fmt, get_mpd().name acc); \ + } MPD_PRINT_GENERATOR(title, "%s", .c_str()) MPD_PRINT_GENERATOR(artist, "%s", .c_str()) diff --git a/src/mpd.h b/src/mpd.h index e3e6254a..59119eb0 100644 --- a/src/mpd.h +++ b/src/mpd.h @@ -1,11 +1,10 @@ -/* -*- mode: c++; c-basic-offset: 4; tab-width: 4; indent-tabs-mode: t -*- - * vim: ts=4 sw=4 noet ai cindent syntax=cpp +/* * * Conky, a system monitor, based on torsmo * * Please see COPYING for details * - * Copyright (c) 2005-2012 Brenden Matthews, Philip Kovacs, et. al. + * Copyright (c) 2005-2018 Brenden Matthews, Philip Kovacs, et. al. * (see AUTHORS) * All rights reserved. * @@ -26,6 +25,8 @@ #ifndef MPD_H_ #define MPD_H_ +#include + /* text object functions */ void print_mpd_elapsed(struct text_object *, char *, int); void print_mpd_length(struct text_object *, char *, int); diff --git a/src/mysql.cc b/src/mysql.cc index c08e639c..0676430d 100644 --- a/src/mysql.cc +++ b/src/mysql.cc @@ -1,5 +1,4 @@ -/* -*- mode: c++; c-basic-offset: 4; tab-width: 4; indent-tabs-mode: t -*- - * vim: ts=4 sw=4 noet ai cindent syntax=cpp +/* * * Conky, a system monitor, based on torsmo * @@ -9,7 +8,7 @@ * * Please see COPYING for details * - * Copyright (c) 2005-2012 Brenden Matthews, Philip Kovacs, et. al. + * Copyright (c) 2005-2018 Brenden Matthews, Philip Kovacs, et. al. * (see AUTHORS) * All rights reserved. * @@ -27,58 +26,61 @@ * */ +#include "mysql.h" #include "conky.h" #include "logging.h" -#include "mysql.h" #include #include "setting.hh" namespace { - conky::simple_config_setting host("mysql_host", "localhost", false); - conky::range_config_setting port("mysql_port", 0, 0xffff, 0, false); - conky::simple_config_setting user("mysql_user", "root", false); - conky::simple_config_setting password("mysql_password", std::string(), false); - conky::simple_config_setting db("mysql_db", "mysql", false); -} +conky::simple_config_setting host("mysql_host", "localhost", + false); +conky::range_config_setting port("mysql_port", 0, 0xffff, 0, false); +conky::simple_config_setting user("mysql_user", "root", false); +conky::simple_config_setting password("mysql_password", + std::string(), false); +conky::simple_config_setting db("mysql_db", "mysql", false); +} // namespace void print_mysql(struct text_object *obj, char *p, int p_max_size) { - MYSQL *conn = mysql_init(NULL); + MYSQL *conn = mysql_init(NULL); - if(conn == NULL) { - NORM_ERR("Can't initialize MySQL"); - mysql_library_end(); - return; - } - if (!mysql_real_connect(conn, host.get(*state).c_str(), user.get(*state).c_str(), - password.get(*state).c_str(), db.get(*state).c_str(), - port.get(*state), NULL, 0)) { - NORM_ERR("MySQL: %s", mysql_error(conn)); - mysql_close(conn); - mysql_library_end(); - return; - } - if(mysql_query(conn, obj->data.s)) { - NORM_ERR("MySQL: %s", mysql_error(conn)); - mysql_close(conn); - mysql_library_end(); - return; - } - MYSQL_RES *res = mysql_use_result(conn); - if(res == NULL) { - NORM_ERR("MySQL: %s", mysql_error(conn)); - mysql_close(conn); - mysql_library_end(); - return; - } - MYSQL_ROW row = mysql_fetch_row(res); - if(row) { - snprintf(p, p_max_size, "%s", row[0]); - } else { - NORM_ERR("MySQL: '%s' returned no results", obj->data.s); - } - mysql_free_result(res); - mysql_close(conn); - mysql_library_end(); + if (conn == NULL) { + NORM_ERR("Can't initialize MySQL"); + mysql_library_end(); + return; + } + if (!mysql_real_connect(conn, host.get(*state).c_str(), + user.get(*state).c_str(), + password.get(*state).c_str(), db.get(*state).c_str(), + port.get(*state), NULL, 0)) { + NORM_ERR("MySQL: %s", mysql_error(conn)); + mysql_close(conn); + mysql_library_end(); + return; + } + if (mysql_query(conn, obj->data.s)) { + NORM_ERR("MySQL: %s", mysql_error(conn)); + mysql_close(conn); + mysql_library_end(); + return; + } + MYSQL_RES *res = mysql_use_result(conn); + if (res == NULL) { + NORM_ERR("MySQL: %s", mysql_error(conn)); + mysql_close(conn); + mysql_library_end(); + return; + } + MYSQL_ROW row = mysql_fetch_row(res); + if (row) { + snprintf(p, p_max_size, "%s", row[0]); + } else { + NORM_ERR("MySQL: '%s' returned no results", obj->data.s); + } + mysql_free_result(res); + mysql_close(conn); + mysql_library_end(); } diff --git a/src/mysql.h b/src/mysql.h index f21509a0..a95ba7d9 100644 --- a/src/mysql.h +++ b/src/mysql.h @@ -1,11 +1,10 @@ -/* -*- mode: c++; c-basic-offset: 4; tab-width: 4; indent-tabs-mode: t -*- - * vim: ts=4 sw=4 noet ai cindent syntax=cpp +/* * * Conky, a system monitor, based on torsmo * * Please see COPYING for details * - * Copyright (c) 2005-2012 Brenden Matthews, Philip Kovacs, et. al. + * Copyright (c) 2005-2018 Brenden Matthews, Philip Kovacs, et. al. * (see AUTHORS) * All rights reserved. * diff --git a/src/nc.cc b/src/nc.cc index 943ff9a1..c9b21f7b 100644 --- a/src/nc.cc +++ b/src/nc.cc @@ -1,5 +1,30 @@ -/* -*- mode: c; c-basic-offset: 4; tab-width: 4; indent-tabs-mode: t -*- - * vim: ts=4 sw=4 noet ai cindent syntax=cpp +/* + * + * Conky, a system monitor, based on torsmo + * + * Any original torsmo code is licensed under the BSD license + * + * All code written since the fork of torsmo is licensed under the GPL + * + * Please see COPYING for details + * + * Copyright (c) 2004, Hannu Saransaari and Lauri Hakkarainen + * Copyright (c) 2005-2018 Brenden Matthews, Philip Kovacs, et. al. + * (see AUTHORS) + * All rights reserved. + * + * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify + * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by + * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or + * (at your option) any later version. + * + * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, + * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of + * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the + * GNU General Public License for more details. + * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License + * along with this program. If not, see . + * */ #include @@ -7,33 +32,30 @@ #include "nc.h" #ifdef BUILD_NCURSES -WINDOW* ncurses_window; +WINDOW *ncurses_window; #endif namespace priv { - void out_to_ncurses_setting::lua_setter(lua::state &l, bool init) - { - lua::stack_sentry s(l, -2); +void out_to_ncurses_setting::lua_setter(lua::state &l, bool init) { + lua::stack_sentry s(l, -2); - Base::lua_setter(l, init); + Base::lua_setter(l, init); - if(init && do_convert(l, -1).first) { - ncurses_window = initscr(); - start_color(); - } + if (init && do_convert(l, -1).first) { + ncurses_window = initscr(); + start_color(); + } - ++s; - } - - void out_to_ncurses_setting::cleanup(lua::state &l) - { - lua::stack_sentry s(l, -1); - - if(do_convert(l, -1).first) - endwin(); - - l.pop(); - } + ++s; } +void out_to_ncurses_setting::cleanup(lua::state &l) { + lua::stack_sentry s(l, -1); + + if (do_convert(l, -1).first) endwin(); + + l.pop(); +} +} // namespace priv + priv::out_to_ncurses_setting out_to_ncurses; diff --git a/src/nc.h b/src/nc.h index ba9e87f7..192aadb1 100644 --- a/src/nc.h +++ b/src/nc.h @@ -1,5 +1,30 @@ -/* -*- mode: c; c-basic-offset: 4; tab-width: 4; indent-tabs-mode: t -*- - * vim: ts=4 sw=4 noet ai cindent syntax=cpp +/* + * + * Conky, a system monitor, based on torsmo + * + * Any original torsmo code is licensed under the BSD license + * + * All code written since the fork of torsmo is licensed under the GPL + * + * Please see COPYING for details + * + * Copyright (c) 2004, Hannu Saransaari and Lauri Hakkarainen + * Copyright (c) 2005-2018 Brenden Matthews, Philip Kovacs, et. al. + * (see AUTHORS) + * All rights reserved. + * + * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify + * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by + * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or + * (at your option) any later version. + * + * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, + * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of + * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the + * GNU General Public License for more details. + * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License + * along with this program. If not, see . + * */ #if defined(BUILD_NCURSES) && !defined(CONKY_NC_H) @@ -16,19 +41,17 @@ void _nc_free_and_exit(int); #endif namespace priv { - class out_to_ncurses_setting: public conky::simple_config_setting { - typedef conky::simple_config_setting Base; - - protected: - virtual void lua_setter(lua::state &l, bool init); - virtual void cleanup(lua::state &l); +class out_to_ncurses_setting : public conky::simple_config_setting { + typedef conky::simple_config_setting Base; - public: - out_to_ncurses_setting() - : Base("out_to_ncurses", false, false) - {} - }; -} + protected: + virtual void lua_setter(lua::state &l, bool init); + virtual void cleanup(lua::state &l); + + public: + out_to_ncurses_setting() : Base("out_to_ncurses", false, false) {} +}; +} // namespace priv extern priv::out_to_ncurses_setting out_to_ncurses; diff --git a/src/net_stat.cc b/src/net_stat.cc index 84a97a85..3d37058b 100644 --- a/src/net_stat.cc +++ b/src/net_stat.cc @@ -1,5 +1,4 @@ -/* -*- mode: c++; c-basic-offset: 4; tab-width: 4; indent-tabs-mode: t -*- - * vim: ts=4 sw=4 noet ai cindent syntax=cpp +/* * * Conky, a system monitor, based on torsmo * @@ -10,7 +9,7 @@ * Please see COPYING for details * * Copyright (c) 2004, Hannu Saransaari and Lauri Hakkarainen - * Copyright (c) 2005-2012 Brenden Matthews, Philip Kovacs, et. al. + * Copyright (c) 2005-2018 Brenden Matthews, Philip Kovacs, et. al. * (see AUTHORS) * All rights reserved. * @@ -28,18 +27,16 @@ * */ -#include "config.h" -#include "conky.h" -#include "logging.h" -#include "specials.h" -#include "net/if.h" -#include "text_object.h" #include "net_stat.h" -#include #include #include #include #include +#include "conky.h" +#include "logging.h" +#include "net/if.h" +#include "specials.h" +#include "text_object.h" #if defined(__sun) #include #endif @@ -50,21 +47,15 @@ /* network interface stuff */ -enum if_up_strictness_ { - IFUP_UP, - IFUP_LINK, - IFUP_ADDR -}; +enum if_up_strictness_ { IFUP_UP, IFUP_LINK, IFUP_ADDR }; -template<> -conky::lua_traits::Map conky::lua_traits::map = { - { "up", IFUP_UP }, - { "link", IFUP_LINK }, - { "address", IFUP_ADDR } -}; +template <> +conky::lua_traits::Map + conky::lua_traits::map = { + {"up", IFUP_UP}, {"link", IFUP_LINK}, {"address", IFUP_ADDR}}; -static conky::simple_config_setting if_up_strictness("if_up_strictness", - IFUP_UP, true); +static conky::simple_config_setting if_up_strictness( + "if_up_strictness", IFUP_UP, true); /** * global array of structs containing network statistics for each interface **/ @@ -79,220 +70,201 @@ struct net_stat foo_netstats; * * @param[in] dev device / interface name. Silently ignores char * == NULL **/ -struct net_stat *get_net_stat(const char *dev, void *free_at_crash1, void *free_at_crash2) -{ - unsigned int i; +struct net_stat *get_net_stat(const char *dev, void *free_at_crash1, + void *free_at_crash2) { + unsigned int i; - if (!dev) { - return 0; - } + if (!dev) { + return 0; + } - /* find interface stat */ - for (i = 0; i < MAX_NET_INTERFACES; i++) { - if (netstats[i].dev && strcmp(netstats[i].dev, dev) == 0) { - return &netstats[i]; - } - } + /* find interface stat */ + for (i = 0; i < MAX_NET_INTERFACES; i++) { + if (netstats[i].dev && strcmp(netstats[i].dev, dev) == 0) { + return &netstats[i]; + } + } - /* wasn't found? add it */ - for (i = 0; i < MAX_NET_INTERFACES; i++) { - if (netstats[i].dev == 0) { - netstats[i].dev = strndup(dev, text_buffer_size.get(*state)); - /* initialize last_read_recv and last_read_trans to -1 denoting - * that they were never read before */ - netstats[i].last_read_recv = -1; - netstats[i].last_read_trans = -1; - return &netstats[i]; - } - } + /* wasn't found? add it */ + for (i = 0; i < MAX_NET_INTERFACES; i++) { + if (netstats[i].dev == 0) { + netstats[i].dev = strndup(dev, text_buffer_size.get(*state)); + /* initialize last_read_recv and last_read_trans to -1 denoting + * that they were never read before */ + netstats[i].last_read_recv = -1; + netstats[i].last_read_trans = -1; + return &netstats[i]; + } + } - clear_net_stats(&foo_netstats); - foo_netstats.dev = strndup(dev, text_buffer_size.get(*state)); - /* initialize last_read_recv and last_read_trans to -1 denoting - * that they were never read before */ - foo_netstats.last_read_recv = -1; - foo_netstats.last_read_trans = -1; - return &foo_netstats; + clear_net_stats(&foo_netstats); + foo_netstats.dev = strndup(dev, text_buffer_size.get(*state)); + /* initialize last_read_recv and last_read_trans to -1 denoting + * that they were never read before */ + foo_netstats.last_read_recv = -1; + foo_netstats.last_read_trans = -1; + return &foo_netstats; } -void parse_net_stat_arg(struct text_object *obj, const char *arg, void *free_at_crash) -{ - bool shownetmask = false; - bool showscope = false; - char nextarg[21]; //longest arg possible is a devname (max 20 chars) - int i=0; - struct net_stat *netstat = NULL; +void parse_net_stat_arg(struct text_object *obj, const char *arg, + void *free_at_crash) { + bool shownetmask = false; + bool showscope = false; + char nextarg[21]; // longest arg possible is a devname (max 20 chars) + int i = 0; + struct net_stat *netstat = NULL; - if (!arg) - arg = DEFAULTNETDEV; + if (!arg) arg = DEFAULTNETDEV; - while(sscanf(arg+i, " %20s", nextarg) == 1) { - if(strcmp(nextarg, "-n") == 0 || strcmp(nextarg, "--netmask") == 0) shownetmask = true; - else if(strcmp(nextarg, "-s") == 0 || strcmp(nextarg, "--scope") == 0) showscope = true; - else if(nextarg[0]=='-') { //multiple flags in 1 arg - for(int j=1; nextarg[j] != 0; j++) { - if(nextarg[j]=='n') shownetmask = true; - if(nextarg[j]=='s') showscope = true; - } - } - else netstat = get_net_stat(nextarg, obj, free_at_crash); - i+=strlen(nextarg); //skip this arg - while( ! (isspace(arg[i]) || arg[i] == 0)) i++; //and skip the spaces in front of it - } - if(netstat == NULL) netstat = get_net_stat(DEFAULTNETDEV, obj, free_at_crash); + while (sscanf(arg + i, " %20s", nextarg) == 1) { + if (strcmp(nextarg, "-n") == 0 || strcmp(nextarg, "--netmask") == 0) + shownetmask = true; + else if (strcmp(nextarg, "-s") == 0 || strcmp(nextarg, "--scope") == 0) + showscope = true; + else if (nextarg[0] == '-') { // multiple flags in 1 arg + for (int j = 1; nextarg[j] != 0; j++) { + if (nextarg[j] == 'n') shownetmask = true; + if (nextarg[j] == 's') showscope = true; + } + } else + netstat = get_net_stat(nextarg, obj, free_at_crash); + i += strlen(nextarg); // skip this arg + while (!(isspace(arg[i]) || arg[i] == 0)) + i++; // and skip the spaces in front of it + } + if (netstat == NULL) + netstat = get_net_stat(DEFAULTNETDEV, obj, free_at_crash); #ifdef BUILD_IPV6 - netstat->v6show_nm = shownetmask; - netstat->v6show_sc = showscope; + netstat->v6show_nm = shownetmask; + netstat->v6show_sc = showscope; #endif /* BUILD_IPV6 */ - obj->data.opaque = netstat; + obj->data.opaque = netstat; } -void parse_net_stat_bar_arg(struct text_object *obj, const char *arg, void *free_at_crash) -{ - if (arg) { - arg = scan_bar(obj, arg, 1); - obj->data.opaque = get_net_stat(arg, obj, free_at_crash); - } else { - // default to DEFAULTNETDEV - char *buf = strndup(DEFAULTNETDEV, text_buffer_size.get(*state)); - obj->data.opaque = get_net_stat(buf, obj, free_at_crash); - free(buf); - } +void parse_net_stat_bar_arg(struct text_object *obj, const char *arg, + void *free_at_crash) { + if (arg) { + arg = scan_bar(obj, arg, 1); + obj->data.opaque = get_net_stat(arg, obj, free_at_crash); + } else { + // default to DEFAULTNETDEV + char *buf = strndup(DEFAULTNETDEV, text_buffer_size.get(*state)); + obj->data.opaque = get_net_stat(buf, obj, free_at_crash); + free(buf); + } } -void print_downspeed(struct text_object *obj, char *p, int p_max_size) -{ - struct net_stat *ns = (struct net_stat *)obj->data.opaque; +void print_downspeed(struct text_object *obj, char *p, int p_max_size) { + struct net_stat *ns = (struct net_stat *)obj->data.opaque; - if (!ns) - return; + if (!ns) return; - human_readable(ns->recv_speed, p, p_max_size); + human_readable(ns->recv_speed, p, p_max_size); } -void print_downspeedf(struct text_object *obj, char *p, int p_max_size) -{ - struct net_stat *ns = (struct net_stat *)obj->data.opaque; +void print_downspeedf(struct text_object *obj, char *p, int p_max_size) { + struct net_stat *ns = (struct net_stat *)obj->data.opaque; - if (!ns) - return; + if (!ns) return; - spaced_print(p, p_max_size, "%.1f", 8, ns->recv_speed / 1024.0); + spaced_print(p, p_max_size, "%.1f", 8, ns->recv_speed / 1024.0); } -void print_upspeed(struct text_object *obj, char *p, int p_max_size) -{ - struct net_stat *ns = (struct net_stat *)obj->data.opaque; +void print_upspeed(struct text_object *obj, char *p, int p_max_size) { + struct net_stat *ns = (struct net_stat *)obj->data.opaque; - if (!ns) - return; + if (!ns) return; - human_readable(ns->trans_speed, p, p_max_size); + human_readable(ns->trans_speed, p, p_max_size); } -void print_upspeedf(struct text_object *obj, char *p, int p_max_size) -{ - struct net_stat *ns = (struct net_stat *)obj->data.opaque; +void print_upspeedf(struct text_object *obj, char *p, int p_max_size) { + struct net_stat *ns = (struct net_stat *)obj->data.opaque; - if (!ns) - return; + if (!ns) return; - spaced_print(p, p_max_size, "%.1f", 8, ns->trans_speed / 1024.0); + spaced_print(p, p_max_size, "%.1f", 8, ns->trans_speed / 1024.0); } -void print_totaldown(struct text_object *obj, char *p, int p_max_size) -{ - struct net_stat *ns = (struct net_stat *)obj->data.opaque; +void print_totaldown(struct text_object *obj, char *p, int p_max_size) { + struct net_stat *ns = (struct net_stat *)obj->data.opaque; - if (!ns) - return; + if (!ns) return; - human_readable(ns->recv, p, p_max_size); + human_readable(ns->recv, p, p_max_size); } -void print_totalup(struct text_object *obj, char *p, int p_max_size) -{ - struct net_stat *ns = (struct net_stat *)obj->data.opaque; +void print_totalup(struct text_object *obj, char *p, int p_max_size) { + struct net_stat *ns = (struct net_stat *)obj->data.opaque; - if (!ns) - return; + if (!ns) return; - human_readable(ns->trans, p, p_max_size); + human_readable(ns->trans, p, p_max_size); } -void print_addr(struct text_object *obj, char *p, int p_max_size) -{ - struct net_stat *ns = (struct net_stat *)obj->data.opaque; +void print_addr(struct text_object *obj, char *p, int p_max_size) { + struct net_stat *ns = (struct net_stat *)obj->data.opaque; - if (!ns) - return; + if (!ns) return; - if ((ns->addr.sa_data[2] & 255) == 0 && - (ns->addr.sa_data[3] & 255) == 0 && - (ns->addr.sa_data[4] & 255) == 0 && - (ns->addr.sa_data[5] & 255) == 0) { - snprintf(p, p_max_size, "No Address"); - } else { - snprintf(p, p_max_size, "%u.%u.%u.%u", - ns->addr.sa_data[2] & 255, - ns->addr.sa_data[3] & 255, - ns->addr.sa_data[4] & 255, - ns->addr.sa_data[5] & 255); - } + if ((ns->addr.sa_data[2] & 255) == 0 && (ns->addr.sa_data[3] & 255) == 0 && + (ns->addr.sa_data[4] & 255) == 0 && (ns->addr.sa_data[5] & 255) == 0) { + snprintf(p, p_max_size, "No Address"); + } else { + snprintf(p, p_max_size, "%u.%u.%u.%u", ns->addr.sa_data[2] & 255, + ns->addr.sa_data[3] & 255, ns->addr.sa_data[4] & 255, + ns->addr.sa_data[5] & 255); + } } #ifdef __linux__ -void print_addrs(struct text_object *obj, char *p, int p_max_size) -{ - struct net_stat *ns = (struct net_stat *)obj->data.opaque; +void print_addrs(struct text_object *obj, char *p, int p_max_size) { + struct net_stat *ns = (struct net_stat *)obj->data.opaque; - if (!ns) - return; + if (!ns) return; - if (NULL != ns->addrs && strlen(ns->addrs) > 2) { - ns->addrs[strlen(ns->addrs) - 2] = 0; /* remove ", " from end of string */ - strncpy(p, ns->addrs, p_max_size); - } else { - strncpy(p, "", p_max_size); - } + if (NULL != ns->addrs && strlen(ns->addrs) > 2) { + ns->addrs[strlen(ns->addrs) - 2] = 0; /* remove ", " from end of string */ + strncpy(p, ns->addrs, p_max_size); + } else { + strncpy(p, "", p_max_size); + } } #ifdef BUILD_IPV6 -void print_v6addrs(struct text_object *obj, char *p, int p_max_size) -{ - struct net_stat *ns = (struct net_stat *)obj->data.opaque; - char tempaddress[INET6_ADDRSTRLEN]; - struct v6addr *current_v6 = ns->v6addrs; +void print_v6addrs(struct text_object *obj, char *p, int p_max_size) { + struct net_stat *ns = (struct net_stat *)obj->data.opaque; + char tempaddress[INET6_ADDRSTRLEN]; + struct v6addr *current_v6 = ns->v6addrs; - if (!ns) - return; + if (!ns) return; - if(p_max_size == 0) return; - if( ! ns->v6addrs) { - snprintf(p, p_max_size, "No Address"); - return; - } - *p=0; - while(current_v6) { - inet_ntop(AF_INET6, &(current_v6->addr), tempaddress, INET6_ADDRSTRLEN); - strncat(p, tempaddress, p_max_size); - //netmask - if(ns->v6show_nm) { - char netmaskstr[5]; //max 5 chars (/128 + null-terminator) - sprintf(netmaskstr, "/%u", current_v6->netmask); - strncat(p, netmaskstr, p_max_size); - } - //scope - if(ns->v6show_sc) { - char scopestr[3]; - sprintf(scopestr, "(%c)", current_v6->scope); - strncat(p, scopestr, p_max_size); - } - //next (or last) address - current_v6 = current_v6->next; - if(current_v6) strncat(p, ", ", p_max_size); - } + if (p_max_size == 0) return; + if (!ns->v6addrs) { + snprintf(p, p_max_size, "No Address"); + return; + } + *p = 0; + while (current_v6) { + inet_ntop(AF_INET6, &(current_v6->addr), tempaddress, INET6_ADDRSTRLEN); + strncat(p, tempaddress, p_max_size); + // netmask + if (ns->v6show_nm) { + char netmaskstr[5]; // max 5 chars (/128 + null-terminator) + sprintf(netmaskstr, "/%u", current_v6->netmask); + strncat(p, netmaskstr, p_max_size); + } + // scope + if (ns->v6show_sc) { + char scopestr[3]; + sprintf(scopestr, "(%c)", current_v6->scope); + strncat(p, scopestr, p_max_size); + } + // next (or last) address + current_v6 = current_v6->next; + if (current_v6) strncat(p, ", ", p_max_size); + } } #endif /* BUILD_IPV6 */ @@ -309,19 +281,19 @@ void print_v6addrs(struct text_object *obj, char *p, int p_max_size) * @param[out] obj struct which will hold evaluated arguments * @param[in] arg argument string to evaluate **/ -void parse_net_stat_graph_arg(struct text_object *obj, const char *arg, void *free_at_crash) -{ - /* scan arguments and get interface name back */ - char *buf = 0; - buf = scan_graph(obj, arg, 0); +void parse_net_stat_graph_arg(struct text_object *obj, const char *arg, + void *free_at_crash) { + /* scan arguments and get interface name back */ + char *buf = 0; + buf = scan_graph(obj, arg, 0); - // default to DEFAULTNETDEV - if (buf) { - obj->data.opaque = get_net_stat(buf, obj, free_at_crash); - free(buf); - return; - } - obj->data.opaque = get_net_stat(DEFAULTNETDEV, obj, free_at_crash); + // default to DEFAULTNETDEV + if (buf) { + obj->data.opaque = get_net_stat(buf, obj, free_at_crash); + free(buf); + return; + } + obj->data.opaque = get_net_stat(DEFAULTNETDEV, obj, free_at_crash); } /** @@ -330,291 +302,255 @@ void parse_net_stat_graph_arg(struct text_object *obj, const char *arg, void *fr * @param[in] obj struct containting a member data, which is a struct * containing a void * to a net_stat struct **/ -double downspeedgraphval(struct text_object *obj) -{ - struct net_stat *ns = (struct net_stat *)obj->data.opaque; +double downspeedgraphval(struct text_object *obj) { + struct net_stat *ns = (struct net_stat *)obj->data.opaque; - return (ns ? (ns->recv_speed / 1024.0) : 0); + return (ns ? (ns->recv_speed / 1024.0) : 0); } -double upspeedgraphval(struct text_object *obj) -{ - struct net_stat *ns = (struct net_stat *)obj->data.opaque; +double upspeedgraphval(struct text_object *obj) { + struct net_stat *ns = (struct net_stat *)obj->data.opaque; - return (ns ? (ns->trans_speed / 1024.0) : 0); + return (ns ? (ns->trans_speed / 1024.0) : 0); } #endif /* BUILD_X11 */ #ifdef BUILD_WLAN -void print_wireless_essid(struct text_object *obj, char *p, int p_max_size) -{ - struct net_stat *ns = (struct net_stat *)obj->data.opaque; +void print_wireless_essid(struct text_object *obj, char *p, int p_max_size) { + struct net_stat *ns = (struct net_stat *)obj->data.opaque; - if (!ns) { - for(unsigned int i = 0; *(netstats[i].dev) != 0; i++) { - if(*(netstats[i].essid) != 0) { - snprintf(p, p_max_size, "%s", netstats[i].essid); - return; - } - } - return; - } + if (!ns) { + for (unsigned int i = 0; *(netstats[i].dev) != 0; i++) { + if (*(netstats[i].essid) != 0) { + snprintf(p, p_max_size, "%s", netstats[i].essid); + return; + } + } + return; + } - snprintf(p, p_max_size, "%s", ns->essid); + snprintf(p, p_max_size, "%s", ns->essid); } -void print_wireless_mode(struct text_object *obj, char *p, int p_max_size) -{ - struct net_stat *ns = (struct net_stat *)obj->data.opaque; +void print_wireless_mode(struct text_object *obj, char *p, int p_max_size) { + struct net_stat *ns = (struct net_stat *)obj->data.opaque; - if (!ns) - return; + if (!ns) return; - snprintf(p, p_max_size, "%s", ns->mode); + snprintf(p, p_max_size, "%s", ns->mode); } -void print_wireless_channel(struct text_object *obj, char *p, int p_max_size) -{ - struct net_stat *ns = (struct net_stat *)obj->data.opaque; +void print_wireless_channel(struct text_object *obj, char *p, int p_max_size) { + struct net_stat *ns = (struct net_stat *)obj->data.opaque; - if (!ns) - return; + if (!ns) return; - if(ns->channel != 0) { - snprintf(p, p_max_size, "%i", ns->channel); - } else { - snprintf(p, p_max_size, "/"); - } + if (ns->channel != 0) { + snprintf(p, p_max_size, "%i", ns->channel); + } else { + snprintf(p, p_max_size, "/"); + } } -void print_wireless_frequency(struct text_object *obj, char *p, int p_max_size) -{ - struct net_stat *ns = (struct net_stat *)obj->data.opaque; +void print_wireless_frequency(struct text_object *obj, char *p, + int p_max_size) { + struct net_stat *ns = (struct net_stat *)obj->data.opaque; - if (!ns) - return; + if (!ns) return; - if(ns->freq[0] != 0) { - snprintf(p, p_max_size, "%s", ns->freq); - } else { - snprintf(p, p_max_size, "/"); - } + if (ns->freq[0] != 0) { + snprintf(p, p_max_size, "%s", ns->freq); + } else { + snprintf(p, p_max_size, "/"); + } } -void print_wireless_bitrate(struct text_object *obj, char *p, int p_max_size) -{ - struct net_stat *ns = (struct net_stat *)obj->data.opaque; +void print_wireless_bitrate(struct text_object *obj, char *p, int p_max_size) { + struct net_stat *ns = (struct net_stat *)obj->data.opaque; - if (!ns) - return; + if (!ns) return; - snprintf(p, p_max_size, "%s", ns->bitrate); + snprintf(p, p_max_size, "%s", ns->bitrate); } -void print_wireless_ap(struct text_object *obj, char *p, int p_max_size) -{ - struct net_stat *ns = (struct net_stat *)obj->data.opaque; +void print_wireless_ap(struct text_object *obj, char *p, int p_max_size) { + struct net_stat *ns = (struct net_stat *)obj->data.opaque; - if (!ns) - return; + if (!ns) return; - snprintf(p, p_max_size, "%s", ns->ap); + snprintf(p, p_max_size, "%s", ns->ap); } -void print_wireless_link_qual(struct text_object *obj, char *p, int p_max_size) -{ - struct net_stat *ns = (struct net_stat *)obj->data.opaque; +void print_wireless_link_qual(struct text_object *obj, char *p, + int p_max_size) { + struct net_stat *ns = (struct net_stat *)obj->data.opaque; - if (!ns) - return; + if (!ns) return; - spaced_print(p, p_max_size, "%d", 4, ns->link_qual); + spaced_print(p, p_max_size, "%d", 4, ns->link_qual); } -void print_wireless_link_qual_max(struct text_object *obj, char *p, int p_max_size) -{ - struct net_stat *ns = (struct net_stat *)obj->data.opaque; +void print_wireless_link_qual_max(struct text_object *obj, char *p, + int p_max_size) { + struct net_stat *ns = (struct net_stat *)obj->data.opaque; - if (!ns) - return; + if (!ns) return; - spaced_print(p, p_max_size, "%d", 4, ns->link_qual_max); + spaced_print(p, p_max_size, "%d", 4, ns->link_qual_max); } -void print_wireless_link_qual_perc(struct text_object *obj, char *p, int p_max_size) -{ - struct net_stat *ns = (struct net_stat *)obj->data.opaque; +void print_wireless_link_qual_perc(struct text_object *obj, char *p, + int p_max_size) { + struct net_stat *ns = (struct net_stat *)obj->data.opaque; - if (!ns) - return; + if (!ns) return; - if (ns->link_qual_max > 0) { - spaced_print(p, p_max_size, "%.0f", 5, - (double) ns->link_qual / - ns->link_qual_max * 100); - } else { - spaced_print(p, p_max_size, "unk", 5); - } + if (ns->link_qual_max > 0) { + spaced_print(p, p_max_size, "%.0f", 5, + (double)ns->link_qual / ns->link_qual_max * 100); + } else { + spaced_print(p, p_max_size, "unk", 5); + } } -double wireless_link_barval(struct text_object *obj) -{ - struct net_stat *ns = (struct net_stat *)obj->data.opaque; +double wireless_link_barval(struct text_object *obj) { + struct net_stat *ns = (struct net_stat *)obj->data.opaque; - if (!ns) - return 0; + if (!ns) return 0; - return (double)ns->link_qual / ns->link_qual_max; + return (double)ns->link_qual / ns->link_qual_max; } #endif /* BUILD_WLAN */ - /** * Clears the global array of net_stat structs which contains networks * statistics for every interface. **/ -void clear_net_stats(void) -{ +void clear_net_stats(void) { #ifdef BUILD_IPV6 - struct v6addr *nextv6; + struct v6addr *nextv6; #endif /* BUILD_IPV6 */ - int i; - for (i = 0; i < MAX_NET_INTERFACES; i++) { - free_and_zero(netstats[i].dev); + int i; + for (i = 0; i < MAX_NET_INTERFACES; i++) { + free_and_zero(netstats[i].dev); #ifdef BUILD_IPV6 - while(netstats[i].v6addrs) { - nextv6 = netstats[i].v6addrs; - netstats[i].v6addrs = netstats[i].v6addrs->next; - free_and_zero(nextv6); - } + while (netstats[i].v6addrs) { + nextv6 = netstats[i].v6addrs; + netstats[i].v6addrs = netstats[i].v6addrs->next; + free_and_zero(nextv6); + } #endif /* BUILD_IPV6 */ - } - memset(netstats, 0, sizeof(netstats)); + } + memset(netstats, 0, sizeof(netstats)); } void clear_net_stats(net_stat *in) { #ifdef BUILD_IPV6 - struct v6addr *nextv6; + struct v6addr *nextv6; #endif /* BUILD_IPV6 */ - free_and_zero(in->dev); + free_and_zero(in->dev); #ifdef BUILD_IPV6 - while (in->v6addrs) { - nextv6 = in->v6addrs; - in->v6addrs = in->v6addrs->next; - free_and_zero(nextv6); - } + while (in->v6addrs) { + nextv6 = in->v6addrs; + in->v6addrs = in->v6addrs->next; + free_and_zero(nextv6); + } #endif /* BUILD_IPV6 */ } -void parse_if_up_arg(struct text_object *obj, const char *arg) -{ - obj->data.opaque = strndup(arg, text_buffer_size.get(*state)); +void parse_if_up_arg(struct text_object *obj, const char *arg) { + obj->data.opaque = strndup(arg, text_buffer_size.get(*state)); } -void free_if_up(struct text_object *obj) -{ - free_and_zero(obj->data.opaque); -} +void free_if_up(struct text_object *obj) { free_and_zero(obj->data.opaque); } /* We should check if this is ok with OpenBSD and NetBSD as well. */ -int interface_up(struct text_object *obj) -{ - int fd; - struct ifreq ifr; - char *dev = (char*)obj->data.opaque; +int interface_up(struct text_object *obj) { + int fd; + struct ifreq ifr; + char *dev = (char *)obj->data.opaque; - if (!dev) - return 0; + if (!dev) return 0; - if ((fd = socket(PF_INET, SOCK_DGRAM, 0)) < 0) { - CRIT_ERR(NULL, NULL, "could not create sockfd"); - return 0; - } - strncpy(ifr.ifr_name, dev, IFNAMSIZ); - if (ioctl(fd, SIOCGIFFLAGS, &ifr)) { - /* if device does not exist, treat like not up */ - if (errno != ENODEV && errno != ENXIO) - perror("SIOCGIFFLAGS"); - goto END_FALSE; - } + if ((fd = socket(PF_INET, SOCK_DGRAM, 0)) < 0) { + CRIT_ERR(NULL, NULL, "could not create sockfd"); + return 0; + } + strncpy(ifr.ifr_name, dev, IFNAMSIZ); + if (ioctl(fd, SIOCGIFFLAGS, &ifr)) { + /* if device does not exist, treat like not up */ + if (errno != ENODEV && errno != ENXIO) perror("SIOCGIFFLAGS"); + goto END_FALSE; + } - if (!(ifr.ifr_flags & IFF_UP)) /* iface is not up */ - goto END_FALSE; - if (if_up_strictness.get(*state) == IFUP_UP) - goto END_TRUE; + if (!(ifr.ifr_flags & IFF_UP)) /* iface is not up */ + goto END_FALSE; + if (if_up_strictness.get(*state) == IFUP_UP) goto END_TRUE; #ifdef IFF_RUNNING - if (!(ifr.ifr_flags & IFF_RUNNING)) - goto END_FALSE; + if (!(ifr.ifr_flags & IFF_RUNNING)) goto END_FALSE; #endif - if (if_up_strictness.get(*state) == IFUP_LINK) - goto END_TRUE; + if (if_up_strictness.get(*state) == IFUP_LINK) goto END_TRUE; - if (ioctl(fd, SIOCGIFADDR, &ifr)) { - perror("SIOCGIFADDR"); - goto END_FALSE; - } - if (((struct sockaddr_in *)&(ifr.ifr_addr))->sin_addr.s_addr) - goto END_TRUE; + if (ioctl(fd, SIOCGIFADDR, &ifr)) { + perror("SIOCGIFADDR"); + goto END_FALSE; + } + if (((struct sockaddr_in *)&(ifr.ifr_addr))->sin_addr.s_addr) goto END_TRUE; END_FALSE: - close(fd); - return 0; + close(fd); + return 0; END_TRUE: - close(fd); - return 1; + close(fd); + return 1; } struct _dns_data { - _dns_data() : nscount(0), ns_list(0) {} - int nscount; - char **ns_list; + _dns_data() : nscount(0), ns_list(0) {} + int nscount; + char **ns_list; }; static _dns_data dns_data; -void free_dns_data(struct text_object *obj) -{ - int i; +void free_dns_data(struct text_object *obj) { + int i; - (void)obj; + (void)obj; - for (i = 0; i < dns_data.nscount; i++) - free(dns_data.ns_list[i]); - free(dns_data.ns_list); - memset(&dns_data, 0, sizeof(dns_data)); + for (i = 0; i < dns_data.nscount; i++) free(dns_data.ns_list[i]); + free(dns_data.ns_list); + memset(&dns_data, 0, sizeof(dns_data)); } -int update_dns_data(void) -{ - FILE *fp; - char line[256]; - //static double last_dns_update = 0.0; +int update_dns_data(void) { + FILE *fp; + char line[256]; + // static double last_dns_update = 0.0; - /* maybe updating too often causes higher load because of /etc lying on a real FS - if (current_update_time - last_dns_update < 10.0) - return 0; + /* maybe updating too often causes higher load because of /etc lying on a real + FS if (current_update_time - last_dns_update < 10.0) return 0; - last_dns_update = current_update_time; - */ + last_dns_update = current_update_time; + */ - free_dns_data(NULL); + free_dns_data(NULL); - if ((fp = fopen("/etc/resolv.conf", "r")) == NULL) - return 0; - while(!feof(fp)) { - if (fgets(line, 255, fp) == NULL) { - break; - } - if (!strncmp(line, "nameserver ", 11)) { - line[strlen(line) - 1] = '\0'; // remove trailing newline - dns_data.nscount++; - dns_data.ns_list = (char**)realloc(dns_data.ns_list, dns_data.nscount * sizeof(char *)); - dns_data.ns_list[dns_data.nscount - 1] = strndup(line + 11, text_buffer_size.get(*state)); - } - } - fclose(fp); - return 0; + if ((fp = fopen("/etc/resolv.conf", "r")) == NULL) return 0; + while (!feof(fp)) { + if (fgets(line, 255, fp) == NULL) { + break; + } + if (!strncmp(line, "nameserver ", 11)) { + line[strlen(line) - 1] = '\0'; // remove trailing newline + dns_data.nscount++; + dns_data.ns_list = + (char **)realloc(dns_data.ns_list, dns_data.nscount * sizeof(char *)); + dns_data.ns_list[dns_data.nscount - 1] = + strndup(line + 11, text_buffer_size.get(*state)); + } + } + fclose(fp); + return 0; } -void parse_nameserver_arg(struct text_object *obj, const char *arg) -{ - obj->data.l = arg ? atoi(arg) : 0; +void parse_nameserver_arg(struct text_object *obj, const char *arg) { + obj->data.l = arg ? atoi(arg) : 0; } -void print_nameserver(struct text_object *obj, char *p, int p_max_size) -{ - if (dns_data.nscount > obj->data.l) - snprintf(p, p_max_size, "%s", dns_data.ns_list[obj->data.l]); +void print_nameserver(struct text_object *obj, char *p, int p_max_size) { + if (dns_data.nscount > obj->data.l) + snprintf(p, p_max_size, "%s", dns_data.ns_list[obj->data.l]); } diff --git a/src/net_stat.h b/src/net_stat.h index 49d98271..56330aeb 100644 --- a/src/net_stat.h +++ b/src/net_stat.h @@ -1,5 +1,4 @@ -/* -*- mode: c++; c-basic-offset: 4; tab-width: 4; indent-tabs-mode: t -*- - * vim: ts=4 sw=4 noet ai cindent syntax=cpp +/* * * Conky, a system monitor, based on torsmo * @@ -10,7 +9,7 @@ * Please see COPYING for details * * Copyright (c) 2004, Hannu Saransaari and Lauri Hakkarainen - * Copyright (c) 2005-2012 Brenden Matthews, Philip Kovacs, et. al. + * Copyright (c) 2005-2018 Brenden Matthews, Philip Kovacs, et. al. * (see AUTHORS) * All rights reserved. * @@ -31,55 +30,57 @@ #ifndef _NET_STAT_H #define _NET_STAT_H -#include /* struct sockaddr */ +#include "config.h" +#include /* struct sockaddr */ +#include /* struct in6_addr */ #ifdef BUILD_IPV6 struct v6addr { - struct in6_addr addr; - unsigned int netmask; - char scope; - struct v6addr *next; + struct in6_addr addr; + unsigned int netmask; + char scope; + struct v6addr *next; }; #endif /* BUILD_IPV6 */ struct net_stat { - /* interface name, e.g. wlan0, eth0, ... */ - char *dev; - /* set to 1, if interface is up */ - int up; - /* network traffic read on last call in order to calculate how much - * was received or transmitted since the last call. contains -1 if - * it was never read before. in bytes */ - long long last_read_recv, last_read_trans; - /* total received and transmitted data statistics in bytes */ - long long recv, trans; - /* averaged network speed in bytes / second */ - double recv_speed, trans_speed; - /* struct with at least the member sa_data which is a const * containing - * the socket address. - * @see http://pubs.opengroup.org/onlinepubs/7908799/xns/syssocket.h.html */ - struct sockaddr addr; + /* interface name, e.g. wlan0, eth0, ... */ + char *dev; + /* set to 1, if interface is up */ + int up; + /* network traffic read on last call in order to calculate how much + * was received or transmitted since the last call. contains -1 if + * it was never read before. in bytes */ + long long last_read_recv, last_read_trans; + /* total received and transmitted data statistics in bytes */ + long long recv, trans; + /* averaged network speed in bytes / second */ + double recv_speed, trans_speed; + /* struct with at least the member sa_data which is a const * containing + * the socket address. + * @see http://pubs.opengroup.org/onlinepubs/7908799/xns/syssocket.h.html */ + struct sockaddr addr; #ifdef BUILD_IPV6 - struct v6addr *v6addrs; - bool v6show_nm; - bool v6show_sc; + struct v6addr *v6addrs; + bool v6show_nm; + bool v6show_sc; #endif /* BUILD_IPV6 */ #if defined(__linux__) - char addrs[17 * MAX_NET_INTERFACES + 1]; + char addrs[17 * MAX_NET_INTERFACES + 1]; #endif /* __linux__ */ - /* network speeds between two conky calls in bytes per second. - * An average over these samples is calculated in recv_speed and - * trans_speed */ - double net_rec[15], net_trans[15]; - // wireless extensions - char essid[32]; - int channel; - char freq[16]; - char bitrate[16]; - char mode[16]; - int link_qual; - int link_qual_max; - char ap[18]; + /* network speeds between two conky calls in bytes per second. + * An average over these samples is calculated in recv_speed and + * trans_speed */ + double net_rec[15], net_trans[15]; + // wireless extensions + char essid[32]; + int channel; + char freq[16]; + char bitrate[16]; + char mode[16]; + int link_qual; + int link_qual_max; + char ap[18]; }; extern struct net_stat netstats[]; @@ -120,7 +121,7 @@ double wireless_link_barval(struct text_object *); #endif /* BUILD_WLAN */ void clear_net_stats(void); -void clear_net_stats(net_stat*); +void clear_net_stats(net_stat *); void parse_if_up_arg(struct text_object *, const char *); int interface_up(struct text_object *); diff --git a/src/netbsd.cc b/src/netbsd.cc index bfcaa444..e87ee7b9 100644 --- a/src/netbsd.cc +++ b/src/netbsd.cc @@ -1,5 +1,4 @@ -/* -*- mode: c++; c-basic-offset: 4; tab-width: 4; indent-tabs-mode: t -*- - * vim: ts=4 sw=4 noet ai cindent syntax=cpp +/* * * Conky, a system monitor, based on torsmo * @@ -10,7 +9,7 @@ * Please see COPYING for details * * Copyright (c) 2004, Hannu Saransaari and Lauri Hakkarainen - * Copyright (c) 2005-2012 Brenden Matthews, Philip Kovacs, et. al. + * Copyright (c) 2005-2018 Brenden Matthews, Philip Kovacs, et. al. * (see AUTHORS) * All rights reserved. * @@ -36,333 +35,299 @@ int kd_init = 0, nkd_init = 0; u_int32_t sensvalue; char errbuf[_POSIX2_LINE_MAX]; -static int init_kvm(void) -{ - if (kd_init) { - return 0; - } +static int init_kvm(void) { + if (kd_init) { + return 0; + } - kd = kvm_openfiles(NULL, NULL, NULL, KVM_NO_FILES, errbuf); - if (kd == NULL) { - warnx("cannot kvm_openfiles: %s", errbuf); - return -1; - } - kd_init = 1; - return 0; + kd = kvm_openfiles(NULL, NULL, NULL, KVM_NO_FILES, errbuf); + if (kd == NULL) { + warnx("cannot kvm_openfiles: %s", errbuf); + return -1; + } + kd_init = 1; + return 0; } -static int swapmode(int *retavail, int *retfree) -{ - int n; - struct swapent *sep; +static int swapmode(int *retavail, int *retfree) { + int n; + struct swapent *sep; - *retavail = 0; - *retfree = 0; + *retavail = 0; + *retfree = 0; - n = swapctl(SWAP_NSWAP, 0, 0); + n = swapctl(SWAP_NSWAP, 0, 0); - if (n < 1) { - warn("could not get swap information"); - return 0; - } + if (n < 1) { + warn("could not get swap information"); + return 0; + } - sep = (struct swapent *) malloc(n * (sizeof(*sep))); + sep = (struct swapent *)malloc(n * (sizeof(*sep))); - if (sep == NULL) { - warn("memory allocation failed"); - return 0; - } + if (sep == NULL) { + warn("memory allocation failed"); + return 0; + } - if (swapctl(SWAP_STATS, (void *) sep, n) < n) { - warn("could not get swap stats"); - return 0; - } - for (; n > 0; n--) { - *retavail += (int) dbtob(sep[n - 1].se_nblks); - *retfree += (int) dbtob(sep[n - 1].se_nblks - sep[n - 1].se_inuse); - } - *retavail = (int) (*retavail / 1024); - *retfree = (int) (*retfree / 1024); + if (swapctl(SWAP_STATS, (void *)sep, n) < n) { + warn("could not get swap stats"); + return 0; + } + for (; n > 0; n--) { + *retavail += (int)dbtob(sep[n - 1].se_nblks); + *retfree += (int)dbtob(sep[n - 1].se_nblks - sep[n - 1].se_inuse); + } + *retavail = (int)(*retavail / 1024); + *retfree = (int)(*retfree / 1024); - return 1; + return 1; } -void prepare_update() -{ +void prepare_update() {} + +void update_uptime() { + int mib[2] = {CTL_KERN, KERN_BOOTTIME}; + struct timeval boottime; + time_t now; + int size = sizeof(boottime); + + if ((sysctl(mib, 2, &boottime, &size, NULL, 0) != -1) && + (boottime.tv_sec != 0)) { + time(&now); + info.uptime = now - boottime.tv_sec; + } else { + warn("could not get uptime"); + info.uptime = 0; + } } -void update_uptime() -{ - int mib[2] = { CTL_KERN, KERN_BOOTTIME }; - struct timeval boottime; - time_t now; - int size = sizeof(boottime); - - if ((sysctl(mib, 2, &boottime, &size, NULL, 0) != -1) - && (boottime.tv_sec != 0)) { - time(&now); - info.uptime = now - boottime.tv_sec; - } else { - warn("could not get uptime"); - info.uptime = 0; - } +int check_mount(struct text_object *obj) { + /* stub */ + (void)obj; + return 0; } -int check_mount(struct text_object *obj) -{ - /* stub */ - (void)obj; - return 0; +void update_meminfo() { + int mib[] = {CTL_VM, VM_UVMEXP2}; + int total_pages, inactive_pages, free_pages; + int swap_avail, swap_free; + const int pagesize = getpagesize(); + struct uvmexp_sysctl uvmexp; + size_t size = sizeof(uvmexp); + + if (sysctl(mib, 2, &uvmexp, &size, NULL, 0) < 0) { + warn("could not get memory info"); + return; + } + + total_pages = uvmexp.npages; + free_pages = uvmexp.free; + inactive_pages = uvmexp.inactive; + + info.memmax = (total_pages * pagesize) >> 10; + info.mem = ((total_pages - free_pages - inactive_pages) * pagesize) >> 10; + info.memwithbuffers = info.mem; + info.memeasyfree = info.memfree = info.memmax - info.mem; + + if (swapmode(&swap_avail, &swap_free) >= 0) { + info.swapmax = swap_avail; + info.swap = (swap_avail - swap_free); + info.swapfree = swap_free; + } } -void update_meminfo() -{ - int mib[] = { CTL_VM, VM_UVMEXP2 }; - int total_pages, inactive_pages, free_pages; - int swap_avail, swap_free; - const int pagesize = getpagesize(); - struct uvmexp_sysctl uvmexp; - size_t size = sizeof(uvmexp); +void update_net_stats() { + int i; + double delta; + struct ifnet ifnet; + struct ifnet_head ifhead; /* interfaces are in a tail queue */ + u_long ifnetaddr; + static struct nlist namelist[] = {{"_ifnet"}, {NULL}}; + static kvm_t *nkd; - if (sysctl(mib, 2, &uvmexp, &size, NULL, 0) < 0) { - warn("could not get memory info"); - return; - } + if (!nkd_init) { + nkd = kvm_openfiles(NULL, NULL, NULL, O_RDONLY, errbuf); + if (nkd == NULL) { + warnx("cannot kvm_openfiles: %s", errbuf); + warnx("maybe you need to setgid kmem this program?"); + return; + } else if (kvm_nlist(nkd, namelist) != 0) { + warn("cannot kvm_nlist"); + return; + } else { + nkd_init = 1; + } + } - total_pages = uvmexp.npages; - free_pages = uvmexp.free; - inactive_pages = uvmexp.inactive; + if (kvm_read(nkd, (u_long)namelist[0].n_value, (void *)&ifhead, + sizeof(ifhead)) < 0) { + warn("cannot kvm_read"); + return; + } - info.memmax = (total_pages * pagesize) >> 10; - info.mem = ((total_pages - free_pages - inactive_pages) * pagesize) >> 10; - info.memwithbuffers = info.mem; - info.memeasyfree = info.memfree = info.memmax - info.mem; + /* get delta */ + delta = current_update_time - last_update_time; + if (delta <= 0.0001) { + return; + } - if (swapmode(&swap_avail, &swap_free) >= 0) { - info.swapmax = swap_avail; - info.swap = (swap_avail - swap_free); - info.swapfree = swap_free; - } + for (i = 0, ifnetaddr = (u_long)ifhead.tqh_first; + ifnet.if_list.tqe_next && i < 16; + ifnetaddr = (u_long)ifnet.if_list.tqe_next, i++) { + struct net_stat *ns; + long long last_recv, last_trans; + + kvm_read(nkd, (u_long)ifnetaddr, (void *)&ifnet, sizeof(ifnet)); + ns = get_net_stat(ifnet.if_xname, NULL, NULL); + ns->up = 1; + last_recv = ns->recv; + last_trans = ns->trans; + + if (ifnet.if_ibytes < ns->last_read_recv) { + ns->recv += + ((long long)4294967295U - ns->last_read_recv) + ifnet.if_ibytes; + } else { + ns->recv += (ifnet.if_ibytes - ns->last_read_recv); + } + + ns->last_read_recv = ifnet.if_ibytes; + + if (ifnet.if_obytes < ns->last_read_trans) { + ns->trans += + ((long long)4294967295U - ns->last_read_trans) + ifnet.if_obytes; + } else { + ns->trans += (ifnet.if_obytes - ns->last_read_trans); + } + + ns->last_read_trans = ifnet.if_obytes; + + ns->recv += (ifnet.if_ibytes - ns->last_read_recv); + ns->last_read_recv = ifnet.if_ibytes; + ns->trans += (ifnet.if_obytes - ns->last_read_trans); + ns->last_read_trans = ifnet.if_obytes; + + ns->recv_speed = (ns->recv - last_recv) / delta; + ns->trans_speed = (ns->trans - last_trans) / delta; + } } -void update_net_stats() -{ - int i; - double delta; - struct ifnet ifnet; - struct ifnet_head ifhead; /* interfaces are in a tail queue */ - u_long ifnetaddr; - static struct nlist namelist[] = { - { "_ifnet" }, - { NULL } - }; - static kvm_t *nkd; +void update_total_processes() { + /* It's easier to use kvm here than sysctl */ - if (!nkd_init) { - nkd = kvm_openfiles(NULL, NULL, NULL, O_RDONLY, errbuf); - if (nkd == NULL) { - warnx("cannot kvm_openfiles: %s", errbuf); - warnx("maybe you need to setgid kmem this program?"); - return; - } else if (kvm_nlist(nkd, namelist) != 0) { - warn("cannot kvm_nlist"); - return; - } else { - nkd_init = 1; - } - } + int n_processes; - if (kvm_read(nkd, (u_long) namelist[0].n_value, (void *) &ifhead, - sizeof(ifhead)) < 0) { - warn("cannot kvm_read"); - return; - } + info.procs = 0; - /* get delta */ - delta = current_update_time - last_update_time; - if (delta <= 0.0001) { - return; - } + if (init_kvm() < 0) { + return; + } else { + kvm_getproc2(kd, KERN_PROC_ALL, 0, sizeof(struct kinfo_proc2), + &n_processes); + } - for (i = 0, ifnetaddr = (u_long) ifhead.tqh_first; - ifnet.if_list.tqe_next && i < 16; - ifnetaddr = (u_long) ifnet.if_list.tqe_next, i++) { - - struct net_stat *ns; - long long last_recv, last_trans; - - kvm_read(nkd, (u_long) ifnetaddr, (void *) &ifnet, sizeof(ifnet)); - ns = get_net_stat(ifnet.if_xname, NULL, NULL); - ns->up = 1; - last_recv = ns->recv; - last_trans = ns->trans; - - if (ifnet.if_ibytes < ns->last_read_recv) { - ns->recv += ((long long) 4294967295U - ns->last_read_recv) + - ifnet.if_ibytes; - } else { - ns->recv += (ifnet.if_ibytes - ns->last_read_recv); - } - - ns->last_read_recv = ifnet.if_ibytes; - - if (ifnet.if_obytes < ns->last_read_trans) { - ns->trans += ((long long) 4294967295U - ns->last_read_trans) + - ifnet.if_obytes; - } else { - ns->trans += (ifnet.if_obytes - ns->last_read_trans); - } - - ns->last_read_trans = ifnet.if_obytes; - - ns->recv += (ifnet.if_ibytes - ns->last_read_recv); - ns->last_read_recv = ifnet.if_ibytes; - ns->trans += (ifnet.if_obytes - ns->last_read_trans); - ns->last_read_trans = ifnet.if_obytes; - - ns->recv_speed = (ns->recv - last_recv) / delta; - ns->trans_speed = (ns->trans - last_trans) / delta; - } + info.procs = n_processes; } -void update_total_processes() -{ - /* It's easier to use kvm here than sysctl */ +void update_running_processes() { + struct kinfo_proc2 *p; + int n_processes; + int i, cnt = 0; - int n_processes; + info.run_procs = 0; - info.procs = 0; + if (init_kvm() < 0) { + return; + } else { + p = kvm_getproc2(kd, KERN_PROC_ALL, 0, sizeof(struct kinfo_proc2), + &n_processes); + for (i = 0; i < n_processes; i++) { + if (p[i].p_stat == LSRUN || p[i].p_stat == LSIDL || + p[i].p_stat == LSONPROC) { + cnt++; + } + } + } - if (init_kvm() < 0) { - return; - } else { - kvm_getproc2(kd, KERN_PROC_ALL, 0, sizeof(struct kinfo_proc2), - &n_processes); - } - - info.procs = n_processes; -} - -void update_running_processes() -{ - struct kinfo_proc2 *p; - int n_processes; - int i, cnt = 0; - - info.run_procs = 0; - - if (init_kvm() < 0) { - return; - } else { - p = kvm_getproc2(kd, KERN_PROC_ALL, 0, sizeof(struct kinfo_proc2), - &n_processes); - for (i = 0; i < n_processes; i++) { - if (p[i].p_stat == LSRUN || p[i].p_stat == LSIDL - || p[i].p_stat == LSONPROC) { - cnt++; - } - } - } - - info.run_procs = cnt; + info.run_procs = cnt; } struct cpu_load_struct { - unsigned long load[5]; + unsigned long load[5]; }; -struct cpu_load_struct fresh = { - {0, 0, 0, 0, 0} -}; +struct cpu_load_struct fresh = {{0, 0, 0, 0, 0}}; long cpu_used, oldtotal, oldused; -void update_cpu_usage() -{ - long used, total; - static u_int64_t cp_time[CPUSTATES]; - size_t len = sizeof(cp_time); +void update_cpu_usage() { + long used, total; + static u_int64_t cp_time[CPUSTATES]; + size_t len = sizeof(cp_time); - info.cpu_usage = 0; + info.cpu_usage = 0; - if (sysctlbyname("kern.cp_time", &cp_time, &len, NULL, 0) < 0) { - warn("cannot get kern.cp_time"); - } + if (sysctlbyname("kern.cp_time", &cp_time, &len, NULL, 0) < 0) { + warn("cannot get kern.cp_time"); + } - fresh.load[0] = cp_time[CP_USER]; - fresh.load[1] = cp_time[CP_NICE]; - fresh.load[2] = cp_time[CP_SYS]; - fresh.load[3] = cp_time[CP_IDLE]; - fresh.load[4] = cp_time[CP_IDLE]; + fresh.load[0] = cp_time[CP_USER]; + fresh.load[1] = cp_time[CP_NICE]; + fresh.load[2] = cp_time[CP_SYS]; + fresh.load[3] = cp_time[CP_IDLE]; + fresh.load[4] = cp_time[CP_IDLE]; - used = fresh.load[0] + fresh.load[1] + fresh.load[2]; - total = fresh.load[0] + fresh.load[1] + fresh.load[2] + fresh.load[3]; + used = fresh.load[0] + fresh.load[1] + fresh.load[2]; + total = fresh.load[0] + fresh.load[1] + fresh.load[2] + fresh.load[3]; - if ((total - oldtotal) != 0) { - info.cpu_usage = ((double) (used - oldused)) / - (double) (total - oldtotal); - } else { - info.cpu_usage = 0; - } + if ((total - oldtotal) != 0) { + info.cpu_usage = ((double)(used - oldused)) / (double)(total - oldtotal); + } else { + info.cpu_usage = 0; + } - oldused = used; - oldtotal = total; + oldused = used; + oldtotal = total; } -void update_load_average() -{ - double v[3]; +void update_load_average() { + double v[3]; - getloadavg(v, 3); + getloadavg(v, 3); - info.loadavg[0] = (float) v[0]; - info.loadavg[1] = (float) v[1]; - info.loadavg[2] = (float) v[2]; + info.loadavg[0] = (float)v[0]; + info.loadavg[1] = (float)v[1]; + info.loadavg[2] = (float)v[2]; } -double get_acpi_temperature(int fd) -{ - return -1; -} +double get_acpi_temperature(int fd) { return -1; } -void get_battery_stuff(char *buf, unsigned int n, const char *bat, int item) -{ -} +void get_battery_stuff(char *buf, unsigned int n, const char *bat, int item) {} -int open_acpi_temperature(const char *name) -{ - return -1; -} +int open_acpi_temperature(const char *name) { return -1; } -void get_acpi_ac_adapter(char *p_client_buffer, size_t client_buffer_size, const char *adapter) -{ - (void) adapter; // only linux uses this +void get_acpi_ac_adapter(char *p_client_buffer, size_t client_buffer_size, + const char *adapter) { + (void)adapter; // only linux uses this - if (!p_client_buffer || client_buffer_size <= 0) { - return; - } + if (!p_client_buffer || client_buffer_size <= 0) { + return; + } - /* not implemented */ - memset(p_client_buffer, 0, client_buffer_size); + /* not implemented */ + memset(p_client_buffer, 0, client_buffer_size); } /* char *get_acpi_fan() */ -void get_acpi_fan(char *p_client_buffer, size_t client_buffer_size) -{ - if (!p_client_buffer || client_buffer_size <= 0) { - return; - } +void get_acpi_fan(char *p_client_buffer, size_t client_buffer_size) { + if (!p_client_buffer || client_buffer_size <= 0) { + return; + } - /* not implemented */ - memset(p_client_buffer, 0, client_buffer_size); + /* not implemented */ + memset(p_client_buffer, 0, client_buffer_size); } -int get_entropy_avail(unsigned int *val) -{ - return 1; -} +int get_entropy_avail(unsigned int *val) { return 1; } -int get_entropy_poolsize(unsigned int *val) -{ - return 1; -} +int get_entropy_poolsize(unsigned int *val) { return 1; } diff --git a/src/netbsd.h b/src/netbsd.h index 908bf55e..77b0c079 100644 --- a/src/netbsd.h +++ b/src/netbsd.h @@ -1,25 +1,25 @@ -/* -*- mode: c; c-basic-offset: 4; tab-width: 4; indent-tabs-mode: t -*- */ +/* */ #ifndef NETBSD_H_ #define NETBSD_H_ +#include #include +#include +#include +#include +#include #include #include -#include -#include -#include -#include -#include -#include -#include -#include -#include +#include +#include #include #include -#include -#include +#include +#include +#include +#include #include @@ -27,8 +27,8 @@ #include -#include "conky.h" #include "common.h" +#include "conky.h" int get_entropy_avail(unsigned int *); int get_entropy_poolsize(unsigned int *); diff --git a/src/nvidia.cc b/src/nvidia.cc index 6c705f0c..49bab7b3 100644 --- a/src/nvidia.cc +++ b/src/nvidia.cc @@ -1,5 +1,4 @@ -/* -*- mode: c++; c-basic-offset: 4; tab-width: 4; indent-tabs-mode: t -*- - * vim: ts=4 sw=4 noet ai cindent syntax=cpp +/* * * Conky, a system monitor, based on torsmo * @@ -10,7 +9,7 @@ * Please see COPYING for details * * Copyright (c) 2008 Markus Meissner - * Copyright (c) 2005-2012 Brenden Matthews, Philip Kovacs, et. al. + * Copyright (c) 2005-2018 Brenden Matthews, Philip Kovacs, et. al. * (see AUTHORS) * All rights reserved. * @@ -28,33 +27,37 @@ * */ - /* - * + * * Author: * Fonic - * + * * TODO: * - Move decoding of GPU/MEM freqs to print_nvidia_value() using QUERY_SPECIAL * so that all quirks are located there * - Implement nvs->print_type to allow control over how the value is printed * (int, float, temperature...) - * + * * Showcase (conky.conf): * --==| NVIDIA | ==-- - * GPU ${nvidia gpufreq [gpu_id]}MHz (${nvidia gpufreqmin [gpu_id]}-${nvidia gpufreqmax [gpu_id]}MHz) - * MEM ${nvidia memfreq [gpu_id]}MHz (${nvidia memfreqmin [gpu_id]}-${nvidia memfreqmax [gpu_id]}MHz) - * MTR ${nvidia mtrfreq [gpu_id]}MHz (${nvidia mtrfreqmin [gpu_id]}-${nvidia mtrfreqmax [gpu_id]}MHz) - * PERF Level ${nvidia perflevel [gpu_id]} (${nvidia perflevelmin [gpu_id]}-${nvidia perflevelmax [gpu_id]}), Mode: ${nvidia perfmode [gpu_id]} - * VRAM ${nvidia memutil [gpu_id]}% (${nvidia memused [gpu_id]}MB/${nvidia memtotal [gpu_id]}MB) - * LOAD GPU ${nvidia gpuutil [gpu_id]}%, RAM ${nvidia membwutil [gpu_id]}%, VIDEO ${nvidia videoutil [gpu_id]}%, PCIe ${nvidia pcieutil [gpu_id]}% - * TEMP GPU ${nvidia gputemp [gpu_id]}°C (${nvidia gputempthreshold [gpu_id]}°C max.), SYS ${nvidia ambienttemp [gpu_id]}°C - * FAN ${nvidia fanspeed [gpu_id]} RPM (${nvidia fanlevel [gpu_id]}%) - * + * GPU ${nvidia gpufreq [gpu_id]}MHz (${nvidia gpufreqmin [gpu_id]}-${nvidia + * gpufreqmax [gpu_id]}MHz) MEM ${nvidia memfreq [gpu_id]}MHz (${nvidia + * memfreqmin [gpu_id]}-${nvidia memfreqmax [gpu_id]}MHz) MTR ${nvidia + * mtrfreq [gpu_id]}MHz (${nvidia mtrfreqmin [gpu_id]}-${nvidia mtrfreqmax + * [gpu_id]}MHz) PERF Level ${nvidia perflevel [gpu_id]} (${nvidia + * perflevelmin [gpu_id]}-${nvidia perflevelmax [gpu_id]}), Mode: ${nvidia + * perfmode [gpu_id]} VRAM ${nvidia memutil [gpu_id]}% (${nvidia memused + * [gpu_id]}MB/${nvidia memtotal [gpu_id]}MB) LOAD GPU ${nvidia gpuutil + * [gpu_id]}%, RAM ${nvidia membwutil [gpu_id]}%, VIDEO ${nvidia videoutil + * [gpu_id]}%, PCIe ${nvidia pcieutil [gpu_id]}% TEMP GPU ${nvidia gputemp + * [gpu_id]}°C (${nvidia gputempthreshold [gpu_id]}°C max.), SYS ${nvidia + * ambienttemp [gpu_id]}°C FAN ${nvidia fanspeed [gpu_id]} RPM (${nvidia + * fanlevel [gpu_id]}%) + * * miscelaneas: * OPENGL ${nvidia imagequality [gpu_id]} - * GPU ${nvidia modelname [gpu_id]} - * + * GPU ${nvidia modelname [gpu_id]} + * * --==| NVIDIA Bars |==-- * LOAD ${nvidiabar [height][,width] gpuutil [gpu_id]} * VRAM ${nvidiabar [height][,width] memutil [gpu_id]} @@ -63,7 +66,7 @@ * PCIe ${nvidiabar [height][,width] pcieutil [gpu_id]} * Fan ${nvidiabar [height][,width] fanlevel [gpu_id]} * TEMP ${nvidiabar [height][,width] gputemp [gpu_id]} - * + * * --==| NVIDIA Gauge |==-- * LOAD ${nvidiagauge [height][,width] gpuutil [gpu_id]} * VRAM ${nvidiagauge [height][,width] memutil [gpu_id]} @@ -72,979 +75,978 @@ * PCIe ${nvidiagauge [height][,width] pcieutil [gpu_id]} * Fan ${nvidiagauge [height][,width] fanlevel [gpu_id]} * TEMP ${nvidiagauge [height][,width] gputemp [gpu_id]} - * + * * --==| NVIDIA Graph |==-- (gpu_id is not optional in this case) - * LOAD ${nvidiagraph gpuutil [height][,width] [gradient color 1] [gradient color 2] [scale] [-t] [-l] gpu_id} - * VRAM ${nvidiagraph memutil [height][,width] [gradient color 1] [gradient color 2] [scale] [-t] [-l] gpu_id} - * RAM ${nvidiagraph membwutil [height][,width] [gradient color 1] [gradient color 2] [scale] [-t] [-l] gpu_id} - * VIDEO ${nvidiagraph videoutil [height][,width] [gradient color 1] [gradient color 2] [scale] [-t] [-l] gpu_id} - * PCIe ${nvidiagraph pcieutil [height][,width] [gradient color 1] [gradient color 2] [scale] [-t] [-l] gpu_id} - * Fan ${nvidiagraph fanlevel [height][,width] [gradient color 1] [gradient color 2] [scale] [-t] [-l] gpu_id} - * TEMP ${nvidiagraph gputemp [height][,width] [gradient color 1] [gradient color 2] [scale] [-t] [-l] gpu_id} + * LOAD ${nvidiagraph gpuutil [height][,width] [gradient color 1] [gradient + * color 2] [scale] [-t] [-l] gpu_id} VRAM ${nvidiagraph memutil + * [height][,width] [gradient color 1] [gradient color 2] [scale] [-t] [-l] + * gpu_id} RAM ${nvidiagraph membwutil [height][,width] [gradient color 1] + * [gradient color 2] [scale] [-t] [-l] gpu_id} VIDEO ${nvidiagraph videoutil + * [height][,width] [gradient color 1] [gradient color 2] [scale] [-t] [-l] + * gpu_id} PCIe ${nvidiagraph pcieutil [height][,width] [gradient color 1] + * [gradient color 2] [scale] [-t] [-l] gpu_id} Fan ${nvidiagraph fanlevel + * [height][,width] [gradient color 1] [gradient color 2] [scale] [-t] [-l] + * gpu_id} TEMP ${nvidiagraph gputemp [height][,width] [gradient color 1] + * [gradient color 2] [scale] [-t] [-l] gpu_id} */ - +#include "nvidia.h" +#include #include "conky.h" #include "logging.h" -#include "nvidia.h" #include "temphelper.h" #include "x11.h" -#include - // Separators for nvidia string parsing -// (sample: "perf=0, nvclock=324, nvclockmin=324, nvclockmax=324 ; perf=1, nvclock=549, nvclockmin=549, nvclockmax=549") +// (sample: "perf=0, nvclock=324, nvclockmin=324, nvclockmax=324 ; perf=1, +// nvclock=549, nvclockmin=549, nvclockmax=549") #define NV_KVPAIR_SEPARATORS ", ;" #define NV_KEYVAL_SEPARATORS "=" - // Module arguments -const char* translate_module_argument[] = { - "temp", // Temperatures - "gputemp", - "threshold", - "gputempthreshold", - "ambient", - "ambienttemp", - - "gpufreq", // GPU frequency - "gpufreqcur", - "gpufreqmin", - "gpufreqmax", - - "memfreq", // Memory frequency - "memfreqcur", - "memfreqmin", - "memfreqmax", - - "mtrfreq", // Memory transfer rate frequency - "mtrfreqcur", - "mtrfreqmin", - "mtrfreqmax", +const char *translate_module_argument[] = { + "temp", // Temperatures + "gputemp", "threshold", "gputempthreshold", "ambient", "ambienttemp", - "perflevel", // Performance levels - "perflevelcur", - "perflevelmin", - "perflevelmax", - "perfmode", + "gpufreq", // GPU frequency + "gpufreqcur", "gpufreqmin", "gpufreqmax", - "gpuutil", // Load/utilization - "membwutil", // NOTE: this is the memory _bandwidth_ utilization, not the percentage of used/available memory! - "videoutil", - "pcieutil", - - "mem", // RAM statistics - "memused", - "memfree", - "memavail", - "memmax", - "memtotal", - "memutil", - "memperc", - - "fanspeed", // Fan/cooler - "fanlevel", - - "imagequality", // Miscellaneous - "modelname" -}; + "memfreq", // Memory frequency + "memfreqcur", "memfreqmin", "memfreqmax", + + "mtrfreq", // Memory transfer rate frequency + "mtrfreqcur", "mtrfreqmin", "mtrfreqmax", + + "perflevel", // Performance levels + "perflevelcur", "perflevelmin", "perflevelmax", "perfmode", + + "gpuutil", // Load/utilization + "membwutil", // NOTE: this is the memory _bandwidth_ utilization, not the + // percentage of used/available memory! + "videoutil", "pcieutil", + + "mem", // RAM statistics + "memused", "memfree", "memavail", "memmax", "memtotal", "memutil", + "memperc", + + "fanspeed", // Fan/cooler + "fanlevel", + + "imagequality", // Miscellaneous + "modelname"}; // Enum for module arguments typedef enum _ARG_ID { - ARG_TEMP, - ARG_GPU_TEMP, - ARG_THRESHOLD, - ARG_GPU_TEMP_THRESHOLD, - ARG_AMBIENT, - ARG_AMBIENT_TEMP, - - ARG_GPU_FREQ, - ARG_GPU_FREQ_CUR, - ARG_GPU_FREQ_MIN, - ARG_GPU_FREQ_MAX, - - ARG_MEM_FREQ, - ARG_MEM_FREQ_CUR, - ARG_MEM_FREQ_MIN, - ARG_MEM_FREQ_MAX, + ARG_TEMP, + ARG_GPU_TEMP, + ARG_THRESHOLD, + ARG_GPU_TEMP_THRESHOLD, + ARG_AMBIENT, + ARG_AMBIENT_TEMP, - ARG_MTR_FREQ, - ARG_MTR_FREQ_CUR, - ARG_MTR_FREQ_MIN, - ARG_MTR_FREQ_MAX, + ARG_GPU_FREQ, + ARG_GPU_FREQ_CUR, + ARG_GPU_FREQ_MIN, + ARG_GPU_FREQ_MAX, - ARG_PERF_LEVEL, - ARG_PERF_LEVEL_CUR, - ARG_PERF_LEVEL_MIN, - ARG_PERF_LEVEL_MAX, - ARG_PERF_MODE, + ARG_MEM_FREQ, + ARG_MEM_FREQ_CUR, + ARG_MEM_FREQ_MIN, + ARG_MEM_FREQ_MAX, - ARG_GPU_UTIL, - ARG_MEM_BW_UTIL, - ARG_VIDEO_UTIL, - ARG_PCIE_UTIL, - - ARG_MEM, - ARG_MEM_USED, - ARG_MEM_FREE, - ARG_MEM_AVAIL, - ARG_MEM_MAX, - ARG_MEM_TOTAL, - ARG_MEM_UTIL, - ARG_MEM_PERC, + ARG_MTR_FREQ, + ARG_MTR_FREQ_CUR, + ARG_MTR_FREQ_MIN, + ARG_MTR_FREQ_MAX, - ARG_FAN_SPEED, - ARG_FAN_LEVEL, - - ARG_IMAGEQUALITY, + ARG_PERF_LEVEL, + ARG_PERF_LEVEL_CUR, + ARG_PERF_LEVEL_MIN, + ARG_PERF_LEVEL_MAX, + ARG_PERF_MODE, - ARG_MODEL_NAME, + ARG_GPU_UTIL, + ARG_MEM_BW_UTIL, + ARG_VIDEO_UTIL, + ARG_PCIE_UTIL, - ARG_UNKNOWN + ARG_MEM, + ARG_MEM_USED, + ARG_MEM_FREE, + ARG_MEM_AVAIL, + ARG_MEM_MAX, + ARG_MEM_TOTAL, + ARG_MEM_UTIL, + ARG_MEM_PERC, + + ARG_FAN_SPEED, + ARG_FAN_LEVEL, + + ARG_IMAGEQUALITY, + + ARG_MODEL_NAME, + + ARG_UNKNOWN } ARG_ID; - // Nvidia query targets const int translate_nvidia_target[] = { - NV_CTRL_TARGET_TYPE_X_SCREEN, - NV_CTRL_TARGET_TYPE_GPU, - NV_CTRL_TARGET_TYPE_FRAMELOCK, - NV_CTRL_TARGET_TYPE_VCSC, - NV_CTRL_TARGET_TYPE_GVI, - NV_CTRL_TARGET_TYPE_COOLER, - NV_CTRL_TARGET_TYPE_THERMAL_SENSOR, - NV_CTRL_TARGET_TYPE_3D_VISION_PRO_TRANSCEIVER, - NV_CTRL_TARGET_TYPE_DISPLAY, + NV_CTRL_TARGET_TYPE_X_SCREEN, + NV_CTRL_TARGET_TYPE_GPU, + NV_CTRL_TARGET_TYPE_FRAMELOCK, + NV_CTRL_TARGET_TYPE_VCSC, + NV_CTRL_TARGET_TYPE_GVI, + NV_CTRL_TARGET_TYPE_COOLER, + NV_CTRL_TARGET_TYPE_THERMAL_SENSOR, + NV_CTRL_TARGET_TYPE_3D_VISION_PRO_TRANSCEIVER, + NV_CTRL_TARGET_TYPE_DISPLAY, }; // Enum for nvidia query targets typedef enum _TARGET_ID { - TARGET_SCREEN, - TARGET_GPU, - TARGET_FRAMELOCK, - TARGET_VCSC, - TARGET_GVI, - TARGET_COOLER, - TARGET_THERMAL, - TARGET_3DVISION, - TARGET_DISPLAY + TARGET_SCREEN, + TARGET_GPU, + TARGET_FRAMELOCK, + TARGET_VCSC, + TARGET_GVI, + TARGET_COOLER, + TARGET_THERMAL, + TARGET_3DVISION, + TARGET_DISPLAY } TARGET_ID; - // Nvidia query attributes const int translate_nvidia_attribute[] = { - NV_CTRL_GPU_CORE_TEMPERATURE, - NV_CTRL_GPU_CORE_THRESHOLD, - NV_CTRL_AMBIENT_TEMPERATURE, - - NV_CTRL_GPU_CURRENT_CLOCK_FREQS, - NV_CTRL_GPU_CURRENT_CLOCK_FREQS, - NV_CTRL_STRING_PERFORMANCE_MODES, - NV_CTRL_STRING_GPU_CURRENT_CLOCK_FREQS, - NV_CTRL_GPU_POWER_MIZER_MODE, + NV_CTRL_GPU_CORE_TEMPERATURE, + NV_CTRL_GPU_CORE_THRESHOLD, + NV_CTRL_AMBIENT_TEMPERATURE, - NV_CTRL_STRING_GPU_UTILIZATION, + NV_CTRL_GPU_CURRENT_CLOCK_FREQS, + NV_CTRL_GPU_CURRENT_CLOCK_FREQS, + NV_CTRL_STRING_PERFORMANCE_MODES, + NV_CTRL_STRING_GPU_CURRENT_CLOCK_FREQS, + NV_CTRL_GPU_POWER_MIZER_MODE, - NV_CTRL_USED_DEDICATED_GPU_MEMORY, - 0, - NV_CTRL_TOTAL_DEDICATED_GPU_MEMORY, // NOTE: NV_CTRL_TOTAL_GPU_MEMORY would be better, but returns KB instead of MB - 0, - - NV_CTRL_THERMAL_COOLER_SPEED, - NV_CTRL_THERMAL_COOLER_LEVEL, + NV_CTRL_STRING_GPU_UTILIZATION, - NV_CTRL_GPU_CURRENT_PERFORMANCE_LEVEL, - NV_CTRL_IMAGE_SETTINGS, + NV_CTRL_USED_DEDICATED_GPU_MEMORY, + 0, + NV_CTRL_TOTAL_DEDICATED_GPU_MEMORY, // NOTE: NV_CTRL_TOTAL_GPU_MEMORY would + // be better, but returns KB instead of + // MB + 0, + + NV_CTRL_THERMAL_COOLER_SPEED, + NV_CTRL_THERMAL_COOLER_LEVEL, + + NV_CTRL_GPU_CURRENT_PERFORMANCE_LEVEL, + NV_CTRL_IMAGE_SETTINGS, }; // Enum for nvidia query attributes typedef enum _ATTR_ID { - ATTR_GPU_TEMP, - ATTR_GPU_TEMP_THRESHOLD, - ATTR_AMBIENT_TEMP, - - ATTR_GPU_FREQ, - ATTR_MEM_FREQ, - ATTR_PERFMODES_STRING, - ATTR_FREQS_STRING, - ATTR_PERF_MODE, - - ATTR_UTILS_STRING, + ATTR_GPU_TEMP, + ATTR_GPU_TEMP_THRESHOLD, + ATTR_AMBIENT_TEMP, - ATTR_MEM_USED, - ATTR_MEM_FREE, - ATTR_MEM_TOTAL, - ATTR_MEM_UTIL, + ATTR_GPU_FREQ, + ATTR_MEM_FREQ, + ATTR_PERFMODES_STRING, + ATTR_FREQS_STRING, + ATTR_PERF_MODE, - ATTR_FAN_SPEED, - ATTR_FAN_LEVEL, + ATTR_UTILS_STRING, - ATTR_PERF_LEVEL, - ATTR_IMAGE_QUALITY, + ATTR_MEM_USED, + ATTR_MEM_FREE, + ATTR_MEM_TOTAL, + ATTR_MEM_UTIL, - ATTR_MODEL_NAME, + ATTR_FAN_SPEED, + ATTR_FAN_LEVEL, + + ATTR_PERF_LEVEL, + ATTR_IMAGE_QUALITY, + + ATTR_MODEL_NAME, } ATTR_ID; - // Enum for query type typedef enum _QUERY_ID { - QUERY_VALUE, - QUERY_STRING, - QUERY_STRING_VALUE, - QUERY_SPECIAL + QUERY_VALUE, + QUERY_STRING, + QUERY_STRING_VALUE, + QUERY_SPECIAL } QUERY_ID; - // Enum for string token search mode typedef enum _SEARCH_ID { - SEARCH_FIRST, - SEARCH_LAST, - SEARCH_MIN, - SEARCH_MAX + SEARCH_FIRST, + SEARCH_LAST, + SEARCH_MIN, + SEARCH_MAX } SEARCH_ID; // Translate special_type into command string -const char* translate_nvidia_special_type[] = { - "nvidia", // NONSPECIAL - "", // HORIZONTAL_LINE - "", // STIPPLED_HR - "nvidiabar", // BAR - "", // FG - "", // BG - "", // OUTLINE - "", // ALIGNR - "", // ALIGNC - "nvidiagague", // GAUGE - "nvidiagraph", // GRAPH - "", // OFFSET - "", // VOFFSET - "", // FONT - "", // GOTO - "" // TAB +const char *translate_nvidia_special_type[] = { + "nvidia", // NONSPECIAL + "", // HORIZONTAL_LINE + "", // STIPPLED_HR + "nvidiabar", // BAR + "", // FG + "", // BG + "", // OUTLINE + "", // ALIGNR + "", // ALIGNC + "nvidiagague", // GAUGE + "nvidiagraph", // GRAPH + "", // OFFSET + "", // VOFFSET + "", // FONT + "", // GOTO + "" // TAB }; - // Global struct to keep track of queries struct nvidia_s { - const char *command; - const char *arg; - QUERY_ID query; - TARGET_ID target; - ATTR_ID attribute; - char *token; - SEARCH_ID search; -// added new field for GPU id - int gpu_id; + const char *command; + const char *arg; + QUERY_ID query; + TARGET_ID target; + ATTR_ID attribute; + char *token; + SEARCH_ID search; + // added new field for GPU id + int gpu_id; }; -//Cache by value +// Cache by value struct nvidia_c_value { - int memtotal = -1; - int gputempthreshold = -1; + int memtotal = -1; + int gputempthreshold = -1; }; -//Cache by string +// Cache by string struct nvidia_c_string { - int nvclockmin = -1; - int nvclockmax = -1; - int memclockmin = -1; - int memclockmax = -1; - int memTransferRatemin = -1; - int memTransferRatemax = -1; - int perfmin = -1; - int perfmax = -1; + int nvclockmin = -1; + int nvclockmax = -1; + int memclockmin = -1; + int memclockmax = -1; + int memTransferRatemin = -1; + int memTransferRatemax = -1; + int perfmin = -1; + int perfmax = -1; }; static Display *nvdisplay; // Maximum number of GPU connected: -// For cache default value: choosed a model of direct access to array instead of list for speed improvement -// value based on the incoming quad Naples tech having 256 PCIe lanes available -const int MAXNUMGPU=64; - +// For cache default value: choosed a model of direct access to array instead of +// list for speed improvement value based on the incoming quad Naples tech +// having 256 PCIe lanes available +const int MAXNUMGPU = 64; namespace { - class nvidia_display_setting: public conky::simple_config_setting { - typedef conky::simple_config_setting Base; - - protected: - virtual void lua_setter(lua::state &l, bool init); - virtual void cleanup(lua::state &l); +class nvidia_display_setting + : public conky::simple_config_setting { + typedef conky::simple_config_setting Base; - public: - nvidia_display_setting() - : Base("nvidia_display", std::string(), false) - {} - }; + protected: + virtual void lua_setter(lua::state &l, bool init); + virtual void cleanup(lua::state &l); - void nvidia_display_setting::lua_setter(lua::state &l, bool init) - { - lua::stack_sentry s(l, -2); + public: + nvidia_display_setting() : Base("nvidia_display", std::string(), false) {} +}; - Base::lua_setter(l, init); +void nvidia_display_setting::lua_setter(lua::state &l, bool init) { + lua::stack_sentry s(l, -2); - std::string str = do_convert(l, -1).first; - if(str.size()) { - if ((nvdisplay = XOpenDisplay(str.c_str())) == NULL) { - CRIT_ERR(NULL, NULL, "can't open nvidia display: %s", XDisplayName(str.c_str())); - } - } + Base::lua_setter(l, init); - ++s; - } + std::string str = do_convert(l, -1).first; + if (str.size()) { + if ((nvdisplay = XOpenDisplay(str.c_str())) == NULL) { + CRIT_ERR(NULL, NULL, "can't open nvidia display: %s", + XDisplayName(str.c_str())); + } + } - void nvidia_display_setting::cleanup(lua::state &l) - { - lua::stack_sentry s(l, -1); - - if(nvdisplay) { - XCloseDisplay(nvdisplay); - nvdisplay = NULL; - } - - l.pop(); - } - - nvidia_display_setting nvidia_display; + ++s; } +void nvidia_display_setting::cleanup(lua::state &l) { + lua::stack_sentry s(l, -1); + + if (nvdisplay) { + XCloseDisplay(nvdisplay); + nvdisplay = NULL; + } + + l.pop(); +} + +nvidia_display_setting nvidia_display; +} // namespace // Evaluate module parameters and prepare query -int set_nvidia_query(struct text_object *obj, const char *arg, unsigned int special_type) -{ - struct nvidia_s *nvs; - int aid; - int ilen; +int set_nvidia_query(struct text_object *obj, const char *arg, + unsigned int special_type) { + struct nvidia_s *nvs; + int aid; + int ilen; + // Initialize global struct + obj->data.opaque = malloc(sizeof(struct nvidia_s)); + nvs = static_cast(obj->data.opaque); + memset(nvs, 0, sizeof(struct nvidia_s)); - - - // Initialize global struct - obj->data.opaque = malloc(sizeof(struct nvidia_s)); - nvs = static_cast(obj->data.opaque); - memset(nvs, 0, sizeof(struct nvidia_s)); - - // Added new parameter parsing GPU_ID as 0,1,2,.. - // if no GPU_ID parameter then default to 0 - nvs->gpu_id = 0; - char *strbuf = strdup(arg); - char *p = strrchr(strbuf, ' '); - if (p && *(p + 1)) { - nvs->gpu_id = atoi(p+1); - if( (nvs->gpu_id > 0) || !strcmp(p+1,"0") ) { - ilen = strlen(strbuf); - ilen = ilen - strlen(p); - strbuf[ilen] = 0; - arg = strbuf; - } + // Added new parameter parsing GPU_ID as 0,1,2,.. + // if no GPU_ID parameter then default to 0 + nvs->gpu_id = 0; + char *strbuf = strdup(arg); + char *p = strrchr(strbuf, ' '); + if (p && *(p + 1)) { + nvs->gpu_id = atoi(p + 1); + if ((nvs->gpu_id > 0) || !strcmp(p + 1, "0")) { + ilen = strlen(strbuf); + ilen = ilen - strlen(p); + strbuf[ilen] = 0; + arg = strbuf; } + } - // If the value is negative it is set to 0 - if (nvs->gpu_id < 0) nvs->gpu_id = 0; + // If the value is negative it is set to 0 + if (nvs->gpu_id < 0) nvs->gpu_id = 0; - // Extract arguments for nvidiabar, etc, and run set_nvidia_query - switch (special_type) { - case BAR: - arg = scan_bar(obj, arg, 100); - break; - case GRAPH: - arg = scan_graph(obj, arg, 100); - break; - case GAUGE: - arg = scan_gauge(obj, arg, 100); - break; - } + // Extract arguments for nvidiabar, etc, and run set_nvidia_query + switch (special_type) { + case BAR: + arg = scan_bar(obj, arg, 100); + break; + case GRAPH: + arg = scan_graph(obj, arg, 100); + break; + case GAUGE: + arg = scan_gauge(obj, arg, 100); + break; + } - // Return error if no argument - // (sometimes scan_graph gets excited and eats the whole string! - if (!arg) return 1; - - // Translate parameter to id - for (aid=0; aid < ARG_UNKNOWN; aid++) { - if (strcmp(arg, translate_module_argument[aid]) == 0) - break; - } + // Return error if no argument + // (sometimes scan_graph gets excited and eats the whole string! + if (!arg) return 1; - // free the string buffer after arg is not anymore needed - if (strbuf != NULL) free(strbuf); - - // Save pointers to the arg and command strings for debugging and printing - nvs->arg = translate_module_argument[aid]; - nvs->command = translate_nvidia_special_type[special_type]; + // Translate parameter to id + for (aid = 0; aid < ARG_UNKNOWN; aid++) { + if (strcmp(arg, translate_module_argument[aid]) == 0) break; + } - // Evaluate parameter - switch(aid) { - - case ARG_TEMP: // GPU temperature - case ARG_GPU_TEMP: - nvs->query = QUERY_VALUE; - nvs->target = TARGET_GPU; - nvs->attribute = ATTR_GPU_TEMP; - break; - case ARG_THRESHOLD: // GPU temperature threshold - case ARG_GPU_TEMP_THRESHOLD: - nvs->query = QUERY_VALUE; - nvs->target = TARGET_GPU; - nvs->attribute = ATTR_GPU_TEMP_THRESHOLD; - break; - case ARG_AMBIENT: // Ambient temperature - case ARG_AMBIENT_TEMP: - nvs->query = QUERY_VALUE; - nvs->target = TARGET_GPU; - nvs->attribute = ATTR_AMBIENT_TEMP; - break; - - case ARG_GPU_FREQ: // Current GPU clock - case ARG_GPU_FREQ_CUR: - nvs->query = QUERY_VALUE; - nvs->target = TARGET_GPU; - nvs->attribute = ATTR_GPU_FREQ; - break; - case ARG_GPU_FREQ_MIN: // Minimum GPU clock - nvs->query = QUERY_STRING_VALUE; - nvs->target = TARGET_GPU; - nvs->attribute = ATTR_PERFMODES_STRING; - nvs->token = (char*) "nvclockmin"; - nvs->search = SEARCH_MIN; - break; - case ARG_GPU_FREQ_MAX: // Maximum GPU clock - nvs->query = QUERY_STRING_VALUE; - nvs->target = TARGET_GPU; - nvs->attribute = ATTR_PERFMODES_STRING; - nvs->token = (char*) "nvclockmax"; - nvs->search = SEARCH_MAX; - break; - - case ARG_MEM_FREQ: // Current memory clock - case ARG_MEM_FREQ_CUR: - nvs->query = QUERY_VALUE; - nvs->target = TARGET_GPU; - nvs->attribute = ATTR_MEM_FREQ; - break; - case ARG_MEM_FREQ_MIN: // Minimum memory clock - nvs->query = QUERY_STRING_VALUE; - nvs->target = TARGET_GPU; - nvs->attribute = ATTR_PERFMODES_STRING; - nvs->token = (char*) "memclockmin"; - nvs->search = SEARCH_MIN; - break; - case ARG_MEM_FREQ_MAX: // Maximum memory clock - nvs->query = QUERY_STRING_VALUE; - nvs->target = TARGET_GPU; - nvs->attribute = ATTR_PERFMODES_STRING; - nvs->token = (char*) "memclockmax"; - nvs->search = SEARCH_MAX; - break; + // free the string buffer after arg is not anymore needed + if (strbuf != NULL) free(strbuf); - case ARG_MTR_FREQ: // Current memory transfer rate clock - case ARG_MTR_FREQ_CUR: - nvs->query = QUERY_STRING_VALUE; - nvs->target = TARGET_GPU; - nvs->attribute = ATTR_FREQS_STRING; - nvs->token = (char*) "memTransferRate"; - nvs->search = SEARCH_FIRST; - break; - case ARG_MTR_FREQ_MIN: // Minimum memory transfer rate clock - nvs->query = QUERY_STRING_VALUE; - nvs->target = TARGET_GPU; - nvs->attribute = ATTR_PERFMODES_STRING; - nvs->token = (char*) "memTransferRatemin"; - nvs->search = SEARCH_MIN; - break; - case ARG_MTR_FREQ_MAX: // Maximum memory transfer rate clock - nvs->query = QUERY_STRING_VALUE; - nvs->target = TARGET_GPU; - nvs->attribute = ATTR_PERFMODES_STRING; - nvs->token = (char*) "memTransferRatemax"; - nvs->search = SEARCH_MAX; - break; + // Save pointers to the arg and command strings for debugging and printing + nvs->arg = translate_module_argument[aid]; + nvs->command = translate_nvidia_special_type[special_type]; - case ARG_PERF_LEVEL: // Current performance level - case ARG_PERF_LEVEL_CUR: - nvs->query = QUERY_VALUE; - nvs->target = TARGET_GPU; - nvs->attribute = ATTR_PERF_LEVEL; - break; - case ARG_PERF_LEVEL_MIN: // Lowest performance level - nvs->query = QUERY_STRING_VALUE; - nvs->target = TARGET_GPU; - nvs->attribute = ATTR_PERFMODES_STRING; - nvs->token = (char*) "perf"; - nvs->search = SEARCH_MIN; - break; - case ARG_PERF_LEVEL_MAX: // Highest performance level - nvs->query = QUERY_STRING_VALUE; - nvs->target = TARGET_GPU; - nvs->attribute = ATTR_PERFMODES_STRING; - nvs->token = (char*) "perf"; - nvs->search = SEARCH_MAX; - break; - case ARG_PERF_MODE: // Performance mode - nvs->query = QUERY_SPECIAL; - nvs->target = TARGET_GPU; - nvs->attribute = ATTR_PERF_MODE; - break; - - case ARG_GPU_UTIL: // GPU utilization % - nvs->query = QUERY_STRING_VALUE; - nvs->target = TARGET_GPU; - nvs->attribute = ATTR_UTILS_STRING; - nvs->token = (char*) "graphics"; - nvs->search = SEARCH_FIRST; - break; - case ARG_MEM_BW_UTIL: // Memory bandwidth utilization % - nvs->query = QUERY_STRING_VALUE; - nvs->target = TARGET_GPU; - nvs->attribute = ATTR_UTILS_STRING; - nvs->token = (char*) "memory"; - nvs->search = SEARCH_FIRST; - break; - case ARG_VIDEO_UTIL: // Video engine utilization % - nvs->query = QUERY_STRING_VALUE; - nvs->target = TARGET_GPU; - nvs->attribute = ATTR_UTILS_STRING; - nvs->token = (char*) "video"; - nvs->search = SEARCH_FIRST; - break; - case ARG_PCIE_UTIL: // PCIe bandwidth utilization % - nvs->query = QUERY_STRING_VALUE; - nvs->target = TARGET_GPU; - nvs->attribute = ATTR_UTILS_STRING; - nvs->token = (char*) "PCIe"; - nvs->search = SEARCH_FIRST; - break; - - case ARG_MEM: // Amount of used memory - case ARG_MEM_USED: - nvs->query = QUERY_VALUE; - nvs->target = TARGET_GPU; - nvs->attribute = ATTR_MEM_USED; - break; - case ARG_MEM_FREE: // Amount of free memory - case ARG_MEM_AVAIL: - nvs->query = QUERY_SPECIAL; - nvs->target = TARGET_GPU; - nvs->attribute = ATTR_MEM_FREE; - break; - case ARG_MEM_MAX: // Total amount of memory - case ARG_MEM_TOTAL: - nvs->query = QUERY_VALUE; - nvs->target = TARGET_GPU; - nvs->attribute = ATTR_MEM_TOTAL; - break; - case ARG_MEM_UTIL: // Memory utilization % - case ARG_MEM_PERC: - nvs->query = QUERY_SPECIAL; - nvs->target = TARGET_GPU; - nvs->attribute = ATTR_MEM_UTIL; - break; - - case ARG_FAN_SPEED: // Fan speed - nvs->query = QUERY_VALUE; - nvs->target = TARGET_COOLER; - nvs->attribute = ATTR_FAN_SPEED; - break; - case ARG_FAN_LEVEL: // Fan level % - nvs->query = QUERY_VALUE; - nvs->target = TARGET_COOLER; - nvs->attribute = ATTR_FAN_LEVEL; - break; - - case ARG_IMAGEQUALITY: // Image quality - nvs->query = QUERY_VALUE; - nvs->target = TARGET_SCREEN; - nvs->attribute = ATTR_IMAGE_QUALITY; - break; + // Evaluate parameter + switch (aid) { + case ARG_TEMP: // GPU temperature + case ARG_GPU_TEMP: + nvs->query = QUERY_VALUE; + nvs->target = TARGET_GPU; + nvs->attribute = ATTR_GPU_TEMP; + break; + case ARG_THRESHOLD: // GPU temperature threshold + case ARG_GPU_TEMP_THRESHOLD: + nvs->query = QUERY_VALUE; + nvs->target = TARGET_GPU; + nvs->attribute = ATTR_GPU_TEMP_THRESHOLD; + break; + case ARG_AMBIENT: // Ambient temperature + case ARG_AMBIENT_TEMP: + nvs->query = QUERY_VALUE; + nvs->target = TARGET_GPU; + nvs->attribute = ATTR_AMBIENT_TEMP; + break; - case ARG_MODEL_NAME: - nvs->query = QUERY_STRING; - nvs->target = TARGET_GPU; - nvs->attribute = ATTR_MODEL_NAME; - break; - - default: // Unknown/invalid argument - // Error printed by core.cc - return 1; - } - return 0; + case ARG_GPU_FREQ: // Current GPU clock + case ARG_GPU_FREQ_CUR: + nvs->query = QUERY_VALUE; + nvs->target = TARGET_GPU; + nvs->attribute = ATTR_GPU_FREQ; + break; + case ARG_GPU_FREQ_MIN: // Minimum GPU clock + nvs->query = QUERY_STRING_VALUE; + nvs->target = TARGET_GPU; + nvs->attribute = ATTR_PERFMODES_STRING; + nvs->token = (char *)"nvclockmin"; + nvs->search = SEARCH_MIN; + break; + case ARG_GPU_FREQ_MAX: // Maximum GPU clock + nvs->query = QUERY_STRING_VALUE; + nvs->target = TARGET_GPU; + nvs->attribute = ATTR_PERFMODES_STRING; + nvs->token = (char *)"nvclockmax"; + nvs->search = SEARCH_MAX; + break; + + case ARG_MEM_FREQ: // Current memory clock + case ARG_MEM_FREQ_CUR: + nvs->query = QUERY_VALUE; + nvs->target = TARGET_GPU; + nvs->attribute = ATTR_MEM_FREQ; + break; + case ARG_MEM_FREQ_MIN: // Minimum memory clock + nvs->query = QUERY_STRING_VALUE; + nvs->target = TARGET_GPU; + nvs->attribute = ATTR_PERFMODES_STRING; + nvs->token = (char *)"memclockmin"; + nvs->search = SEARCH_MIN; + break; + case ARG_MEM_FREQ_MAX: // Maximum memory clock + nvs->query = QUERY_STRING_VALUE; + nvs->target = TARGET_GPU; + nvs->attribute = ATTR_PERFMODES_STRING; + nvs->token = (char *)"memclockmax"; + nvs->search = SEARCH_MAX; + break; + + case ARG_MTR_FREQ: // Current memory transfer rate clock + case ARG_MTR_FREQ_CUR: + nvs->query = QUERY_STRING_VALUE; + nvs->target = TARGET_GPU; + nvs->attribute = ATTR_FREQS_STRING; + nvs->token = (char *)"memTransferRate"; + nvs->search = SEARCH_FIRST; + break; + case ARG_MTR_FREQ_MIN: // Minimum memory transfer rate clock + nvs->query = QUERY_STRING_VALUE; + nvs->target = TARGET_GPU; + nvs->attribute = ATTR_PERFMODES_STRING; + nvs->token = (char *)"memTransferRatemin"; + nvs->search = SEARCH_MIN; + break; + case ARG_MTR_FREQ_MAX: // Maximum memory transfer rate clock + nvs->query = QUERY_STRING_VALUE; + nvs->target = TARGET_GPU; + nvs->attribute = ATTR_PERFMODES_STRING; + nvs->token = (char *)"memTransferRatemax"; + nvs->search = SEARCH_MAX; + break; + + case ARG_PERF_LEVEL: // Current performance level + case ARG_PERF_LEVEL_CUR: + nvs->query = QUERY_VALUE; + nvs->target = TARGET_GPU; + nvs->attribute = ATTR_PERF_LEVEL; + break; + case ARG_PERF_LEVEL_MIN: // Lowest performance level + nvs->query = QUERY_STRING_VALUE; + nvs->target = TARGET_GPU; + nvs->attribute = ATTR_PERFMODES_STRING; + nvs->token = (char *)"perf"; + nvs->search = SEARCH_MIN; + break; + case ARG_PERF_LEVEL_MAX: // Highest performance level + nvs->query = QUERY_STRING_VALUE; + nvs->target = TARGET_GPU; + nvs->attribute = ATTR_PERFMODES_STRING; + nvs->token = (char *)"perf"; + nvs->search = SEARCH_MAX; + break; + case ARG_PERF_MODE: // Performance mode + nvs->query = QUERY_SPECIAL; + nvs->target = TARGET_GPU; + nvs->attribute = ATTR_PERF_MODE; + break; + + case ARG_GPU_UTIL: // GPU utilization % + nvs->query = QUERY_STRING_VALUE; + nvs->target = TARGET_GPU; + nvs->attribute = ATTR_UTILS_STRING; + nvs->token = (char *)"graphics"; + nvs->search = SEARCH_FIRST; + break; + case ARG_MEM_BW_UTIL: // Memory bandwidth utilization % + nvs->query = QUERY_STRING_VALUE; + nvs->target = TARGET_GPU; + nvs->attribute = ATTR_UTILS_STRING; + nvs->token = (char *)"memory"; + nvs->search = SEARCH_FIRST; + break; + case ARG_VIDEO_UTIL: // Video engine utilization % + nvs->query = QUERY_STRING_VALUE; + nvs->target = TARGET_GPU; + nvs->attribute = ATTR_UTILS_STRING; + nvs->token = (char *)"video"; + nvs->search = SEARCH_FIRST; + break; + case ARG_PCIE_UTIL: // PCIe bandwidth utilization % + nvs->query = QUERY_STRING_VALUE; + nvs->target = TARGET_GPU; + nvs->attribute = ATTR_UTILS_STRING; + nvs->token = (char *)"PCIe"; + nvs->search = SEARCH_FIRST; + break; + + case ARG_MEM: // Amount of used memory + case ARG_MEM_USED: + nvs->query = QUERY_VALUE; + nvs->target = TARGET_GPU; + nvs->attribute = ATTR_MEM_USED; + break; + case ARG_MEM_FREE: // Amount of free memory + case ARG_MEM_AVAIL: + nvs->query = QUERY_SPECIAL; + nvs->target = TARGET_GPU; + nvs->attribute = ATTR_MEM_FREE; + break; + case ARG_MEM_MAX: // Total amount of memory + case ARG_MEM_TOTAL: + nvs->query = QUERY_VALUE; + nvs->target = TARGET_GPU; + nvs->attribute = ATTR_MEM_TOTAL; + break; + case ARG_MEM_UTIL: // Memory utilization % + case ARG_MEM_PERC: + nvs->query = QUERY_SPECIAL; + nvs->target = TARGET_GPU; + nvs->attribute = ATTR_MEM_UTIL; + break; + + case ARG_FAN_SPEED: // Fan speed + nvs->query = QUERY_VALUE; + nvs->target = TARGET_COOLER; + nvs->attribute = ATTR_FAN_SPEED; + break; + case ARG_FAN_LEVEL: // Fan level % + nvs->query = QUERY_VALUE; + nvs->target = TARGET_COOLER; + nvs->attribute = ATTR_FAN_LEVEL; + break; + + case ARG_IMAGEQUALITY: // Image quality + nvs->query = QUERY_VALUE; + nvs->target = TARGET_SCREEN; + nvs->attribute = ATTR_IMAGE_QUALITY; + break; + + case ARG_MODEL_NAME: + nvs->query = QUERY_STRING; + nvs->target = TARGET_GPU; + nvs->attribute = ATTR_MODEL_NAME; + break; + + default: // Unknown/invalid argument + // Error printed by core.cc + return 1; + } + return 0; } // Return the amount of targets present or raise error) -static inline int get_nvidia_target_count(Display *dpy, TARGET_ID tid) -{ - int num_tgts; - if (!XNVCTRLQueryTargetCount(dpy, translate_nvidia_target[tid], &num_tgts)) { - num_tgts = -1; - } +static inline int get_nvidia_target_count(Display *dpy, TARGET_ID tid) { + int num_tgts; + if (!XNVCTRLQueryTargetCount(dpy, translate_nvidia_target[tid], &num_tgts)) { + num_tgts = -1; + } - if(num_tgts < 1) { - // Print error and exit if there's no NVIDIA's GPU - CRIT_ERR(NULL, NULL, "%s:" - "\n Trying to query Nvidia target failed (using the propietary drivers)." - "\n Are you sure they are installed correctly and a Nvidia GPU is in use?" - "\n (display: %d,Nvidia target_count: %d)" - , __func__, dpy, num_tgts ); - } - - return num_tgts; + if (num_tgts < 1) { + // Print error and exit if there's no NVIDIA's GPU + CRIT_ERR(NULL, NULL, + "%s:" + "\n Trying to query Nvidia target failed (using the " + "propietary drivers)." + "\n Are you sure they are installed correctly and a " + "Nvidia GPU is in use?" + "\n (display: %d,Nvidia target_count: %d)", + __func__, dpy, num_tgts); + } + + return num_tgts; } -static int cache_nvidia_value(TARGET_ID tid, ATTR_ID aid, Display *dpy, int *value, int gid) -{ - static nvidia_c_value ac_value[MAXNUMGPU]; +static int cache_nvidia_value(TARGET_ID tid, ATTR_ID aid, Display *dpy, + int *value, int gid) { + static nvidia_c_value ac_value[MAXNUMGPU]; - if (aid == ATTR_MEM_TOTAL) { - if (ac_value[gid].memtotal < 0) { - if(!dpy || !XNVCTRLQueryTargetAttribute(dpy, translate_nvidia_target[tid], gid, 0, translate_nvidia_attribute[aid], value)){ - NORM_ERR("%s: Something went wrong running nvidia query (tid: %d, aid: %d)", __func__, tid, aid); - return -1; - } - ac_value[gid].memtotal = *value; - } else { - *value = ac_value[gid].memtotal; - } - } else if (aid == ATTR_GPU_TEMP_THRESHOLD) { - if (ac_value[gid].gputempthreshold < 0) { - if(!dpy || !XNVCTRLQueryTargetAttribute(dpy, translate_nvidia_target[tid], gid, 0, translate_nvidia_attribute[aid], value)){ - NORM_ERR("%s: Something went wrong running nvidia query (tid: %d, aid: %d)", __func__, tid, aid); - return -1; - } - ac_value[gid].gputempthreshold = *value; - } else { - *value = ac_value[gid].gputempthreshold; - } - } + if (aid == ATTR_MEM_TOTAL) { + if (ac_value[gid].memtotal < 0) { + if (!dpy || !XNVCTRLQueryTargetAttribute( + dpy, translate_nvidia_target[tid], gid, 0, + translate_nvidia_attribute[aid], value)) { + NORM_ERR( + "%s: Something went wrong running nvidia query (tid: %d, aid: %d)", + __func__, tid, aid); + return -1; + } + ac_value[gid].memtotal = *value; + } else { + *value = ac_value[gid].memtotal; + } + } else if (aid == ATTR_GPU_TEMP_THRESHOLD) { + if (ac_value[gid].gputempthreshold < 0) { + if (!dpy || !XNVCTRLQueryTargetAttribute( + dpy, translate_nvidia_target[tid], gid, 0, + translate_nvidia_attribute[aid], value)) { + NORM_ERR( + "%s: Something went wrong running nvidia query (tid: %d, aid: %d)", + __func__, tid, aid); + return -1; + } + ac_value[gid].gputempthreshold = *value; + } else { + *value = ac_value[gid].gputempthreshold; + } + } - return 0; + return 0; } // Retrieve attribute value via nvidia interface -static int get_nvidia_value(TARGET_ID tid, ATTR_ID aid, int gid) -{ - Display *dpy = nvdisplay ? nvdisplay : display; - int value; +static int get_nvidia_value(TARGET_ID tid, ATTR_ID aid, int gid) { + Display *dpy = nvdisplay ? nvdisplay : display; + int value; - // Check if the aid is cacheable - if (aid == ATTR_MEM_TOTAL || aid == ATTR_GPU_TEMP_THRESHOLD) { - if (cache_nvidia_value(tid, aid, dpy, &value, gid)) { - return -1; - } - // If not, then query it - } else { - if(!dpy || !XNVCTRLQueryTargetAttribute(dpy, translate_nvidia_target[tid], gid, 0, translate_nvidia_attribute[aid], &value)){ - NORM_ERR("%s: Something went wrong running nvidia query (tid: %d, aid: %d)", __func__, tid, aid); - return -1; - } - } - - // Unpack clock values (see NVCtrl.h for details) - if (aid == ATTR_GPU_FREQ) - return value >> 16; - if (aid == ATTR_MEM_FREQ) - return value & 0xFFFF; - - // Return value - return value; + // Check if the aid is cacheable + if (aid == ATTR_MEM_TOTAL || aid == ATTR_GPU_TEMP_THRESHOLD) { + if (cache_nvidia_value(tid, aid, dpy, &value, gid)) { + return -1; + } + // If not, then query it + } else { + if (!dpy || + !XNVCTRLQueryTargetAttribute(dpy, translate_nvidia_target[tid], gid, 0, + translate_nvidia_attribute[aid], &value)) { + NORM_ERR( + "%s: Something went wrong running nvidia query (tid: %d, aid: %d)", + __func__, tid, aid); + return -1; + } + } + + // Unpack clock values (see NVCtrl.h for details) + if (aid == ATTR_GPU_FREQ) return value >> 16; + if (aid == ATTR_MEM_FREQ) return value & 0xFFFF; + + // Return value + return value; } - // Retrieve attribute string via nvidia interface -static char* get_nvidia_string(TARGET_ID tid, ATTR_ID aid, int gid) -{ - Display *dpy = nvdisplay ? nvdisplay : display; - char *str; +static char *get_nvidia_string(TARGET_ID tid, ATTR_ID aid, int gid) { + Display *dpy = nvdisplay ? nvdisplay : display; + char *str; - // Query nvidia interface - if (!dpy || !XNVCTRLQueryTargetStringAttribute(dpy, translate_nvidia_target[tid], gid, 0, translate_nvidia_attribute[aid], &str)) { - NORM_ERR("%s: Something went wrong running nvidia string query (tid: %d, aid: %d, GPU %d)", __func__, tid, aid, gid); - return NULL; - } - //fprintf(stderr, "checking get_nvidia_string-> '%s'", str); - return str; + // Query nvidia interface + if (!dpy || !XNVCTRLQueryTargetStringAttribute( + dpy, translate_nvidia_target[tid], gid, 0, + translate_nvidia_attribute[aid], &str)) { + NORM_ERR( + "%s: Something went wrong running nvidia string query (tid: %d, aid: " + "%d, GPU %d)", + __func__, tid, aid, gid); + return NULL; + } + // fprintf(stderr, "checking get_nvidia_string-> '%s'", str); + return str; } -static int cache_nvidia_string_value(TARGET_ID tid, ATTR_ID aid, char *token, SEARCH_ID search, int *value, int update, int gid) -{ - static nvidia_c_string ac_string[MAXNUMGPU]; +static int cache_nvidia_string_value(TARGET_ID tid, ATTR_ID aid, char *token, + SEARCH_ID search, int *value, int update, + int gid) { + static nvidia_c_string ac_string[MAXNUMGPU]; - if (update) { - if (strcmp(token, (char*) "nvclockmin") == 0 && ac_string[gid].nvclockmin < 0){ - ac_string[gid].nvclockmin = *value; - } else if (strcmp(token, (char*) "nvclockmax") == 0 && ac_string[gid].nvclockmax < 0){ - ac_string[gid].nvclockmax = *value; - } else if (strcmp(token, (char*) "memclockmin") == 0 && ac_string[gid].memclockmin < 0){ - ac_string[gid].memclockmin = *value; - } else if (strcmp(token, (char*) "memclockmax") == 0 && ac_string[gid].memclockmax < 0){ - ac_string[gid].memclockmax = *value; - } else if (strcmp(token, (char*) "memTransferRatemin") == 0 && ac_string[gid].memTransferRatemin < 0){ - ac_string[gid].memTransferRatemin = *value; - } else if (strcmp(token, (char*) "memTransferRatemax") == 0 && ac_string[gid].memTransferRatemax < 0){ - ac_string[gid].memTransferRatemax = *value; + if (update) { + if (strcmp(token, (char *)"nvclockmin") == 0 && + ac_string[gid].nvclockmin < 0) { + ac_string[gid].nvclockmin = *value; + } else if (strcmp(token, (char *)"nvclockmax") == 0 && + ac_string[gid].nvclockmax < 0) { + ac_string[gid].nvclockmax = *value; + } else if (strcmp(token, (char *)"memclockmin") == 0 && + ac_string[gid].memclockmin < 0) { + ac_string[gid].memclockmin = *value; + } else if (strcmp(token, (char *)"memclockmax") == 0 && + ac_string[gid].memclockmax < 0) { + ac_string[gid].memclockmax = *value; + } else if (strcmp(token, (char *)"memTransferRatemin") == 0 && + ac_string[gid].memTransferRatemin < 0) { + ac_string[gid].memTransferRatemin = *value; + } else if (strcmp(token, (char *)"memTransferRatemax") == 0 && + ac_string[gid].memTransferRatemax < 0) { + ac_string[gid].memTransferRatemax = *value; - } else if (strcmp(token, (char*) "perf") == 0 && ac_string[gid].memTransferRatemax < 0){ - if (search == SEARCH_MIN) { - ac_string[gid].perfmin = *value; - } else if (search == SEARCH_MAX) { - ac_string[gid].perfmax = *value; - } - } - - } else { - if (strcmp(token, (char*) "nvclockmin") == 0){ - *value = ac_string[gid].nvclockmin; - } else if (strcmp(token, (char*) "nvclockmax") == 0){ - *value = ac_string[gid].nvclockmax; - } else if (strcmp(token, (char*) "memclockmin") == 0){ - *value = ac_string[gid].memclockmin; - } else if (strcmp(token, (char*) "memclockmax") == 0){ - *value = ac_string[gid].memclockmax; - } else if (strcmp(token, (char*) "memTransferRatemin") == 0){ - *value = ac_string[gid].memTransferRatemin; - } else if (strcmp(token, (char*) "memTransferRatemax") == 0){ - *value = ac_string[gid].memTransferRatemax; + } else if (strcmp(token, (char *)"perf") == 0 && + ac_string[gid].memTransferRatemax < 0) { + if (search == SEARCH_MIN) { + ac_string[gid].perfmin = *value; + } else if (search == SEARCH_MAX) { + ac_string[gid].perfmax = *value; + } + } - } else if (strcmp(token, (char*) "perf") == 0){ - if (search == SEARCH_MIN) { - *value = ac_string[gid].perfmin; - } else if (search == SEARCH_MAX) { - *value = ac_string[gid].perfmax; - } - } - - } + } else { + if (strcmp(token, (char *)"nvclockmin") == 0) { + *value = ac_string[gid].nvclockmin; + } else if (strcmp(token, (char *)"nvclockmax") == 0) { + *value = ac_string[gid].nvclockmax; + } else if (strcmp(token, (char *)"memclockmin") == 0) { + *value = ac_string[gid].memclockmin; + } else if (strcmp(token, (char *)"memclockmax") == 0) { + *value = ac_string[gid].memclockmax; + } else if (strcmp(token, (char *)"memTransferRatemin") == 0) { + *value = ac_string[gid].memTransferRatemin; + } else if (strcmp(token, (char *)"memTransferRatemax") == 0) { + *value = ac_string[gid].memTransferRatemax; - return 0; + } else if (strcmp(token, (char *)"perf") == 0) { + if (search == SEARCH_MIN) { + *value = ac_string[gid].perfmin; + } else if (search == SEARCH_MAX) { + *value = ac_string[gid].perfmax; + } + } + } + + return 0; } // Retrieve token value from nvidia string -static int get_nvidia_string_value(TARGET_ID tid, ATTR_ID aid, char *token, SEARCH_ID search, int gid) -{ - char *str; - char *kvp, *key, *val; - char *saveptr1, *saveptr2; - int value, temp; +static int get_nvidia_string_value(TARGET_ID tid, ATTR_ID aid, char *token, + SEARCH_ID search, int gid) { + char *str; + char *kvp, *key, *val; + char *saveptr1, *saveptr2; + int value, temp; - value = -1; + value = -1; - // Checks if the value is cacheable and is already loaded - cache_nvidia_string_value(tid, aid, token, search, &value, 0, gid); - if ( value != -1 ) { - return value; - } + // Checks if the value is cacheable and is already loaded + cache_nvidia_string_value(tid, aid, token, search, &value, 0, gid); + if (value != -1) { + return value; + } - // Get string via nvidia interface - str = get_nvidia_string(tid, aid, gid); + // Get string via nvidia interface + str = get_nvidia_string(tid, aid, gid); - // Split string into 'key=value' substrings, split substring - // into key and value, from value, check if token was found, - // convert value to int, evaluate value according to specified - // token search mode - kvp = strtok_r(str, NV_KVPAIR_SEPARATORS, &saveptr1); - while (kvp) { - key = strtok_r(kvp, NV_KEYVAL_SEPARATORS, &saveptr2); - val = strtok_r(NULL, NV_KEYVAL_SEPARATORS, &saveptr2); - if (key && val && (strcmp(token, key) == 0)) { - temp = (int) strtol(val, NULL, 0); - if (search == SEARCH_FIRST) { - value = temp; - break; - } else if (search == SEARCH_LAST) { - value = temp; - } else if (search == SEARCH_MIN) { - if ((value == -1) || (temp < value)) - value = temp; - } else if (search == SEARCH_MAX) { - if (temp > value) - value = temp; - } else { - value = -1; - break; - } - } - kvp = strtok_r(NULL, NV_KVPAIR_SEPARATORS, &saveptr1); - } + // Split string into 'key=value' substrings, split substring + // into key and value, from value, check if token was found, + // convert value to int, evaluate value according to specified + // token search mode + kvp = strtok_r(str, NV_KVPAIR_SEPARATORS, &saveptr1); + while (kvp) { + key = strtok_r(kvp, NV_KEYVAL_SEPARATORS, &saveptr2); + val = strtok_r(NULL, NV_KEYVAL_SEPARATORS, &saveptr2); + if (key && val && (strcmp(token, key) == 0)) { + temp = (int)strtol(val, NULL, 0); + if (search == SEARCH_FIRST) { + value = temp; + break; + } else if (search == SEARCH_LAST) { + value = temp; + } else if (search == SEARCH_MIN) { + if ((value == -1) || (temp < value)) value = temp; + } else if (search == SEARCH_MAX) { + if (temp > value) value = temp; + } else { + value = -1; + break; + } + } + kvp = strtok_r(NULL, NV_KVPAIR_SEPARATORS, &saveptr1); + } - // This call updated the cache for the cacheable values; - cache_nvidia_string_value(tid, aid, token, search, &value, 1, gid); - - // TESTING - print raw string if token was not found; - // string has to be queried again due to strtok_r() - /*if (value == -1) { - free(str); - str = get_nvidia_string(tid, aid); - fprintf(stderr, "%s", str); - }*/ - - // Free string, return value - free(str); - return value; + // This call updated the cache for the cacheable values; + cache_nvidia_string_value(tid, aid, token, search, &value, 1, gid); + + // TESTING - print raw string if token was not found; + // string has to be queried again due to strtok_r() + /*if (value == -1) { + free(str); + str = get_nvidia_string(tid, aid); + fprintf(stderr, "%s", str); + }*/ + + // Free string, return value + free(str); + return value; } - // Perform query and print result -void print_nvidia_value(struct text_object *obj, char *p, int p_max_size) -{ - struct nvidia_s *nvs = static_cast(obj->data.opaque); - int value, temp1, temp2; - char* str; - - Display *dpy = nvdisplay ? nvdisplay : display; - - //num_GPU calculated only once based on the physical target - static int num_GPU = get_nvidia_target_count(dpy, TARGET_GPU) - 1; +void print_nvidia_value(struct text_object *obj, char *p, int p_max_size) { + struct nvidia_s *nvs = static_cast(obj->data.opaque); + int value, temp1, temp2; + char *str; - // Assume failure - value = -1; - str = NULL; + Display *dpy = nvdisplay ? nvdisplay : display; - // Perform query - if (nvs != NULL) { + // num_GPU calculated only once based on the physical target + static int num_GPU = get_nvidia_target_count(dpy, TARGET_GPU) - 1; - //Reduce overcommitted GPU number to last GPU - if( nvs->gpu_id > num_GPU ) nvs->gpu_id = num_GPU; - - //Execute switch by query type - switch (nvs->query) { - case QUERY_VALUE: - value = get_nvidia_value(nvs->target, nvs->attribute, nvs->gpu_id); - break; - case QUERY_STRING: - str = get_nvidia_string(nvs->target, nvs->attribute, nvs->gpu_id); - break; - case QUERY_STRING_VALUE: - value = get_nvidia_string_value(nvs->target, nvs->attribute, nvs->token, nvs->search, nvs->gpu_id); - break; - case QUERY_SPECIAL: - switch (nvs->attribute) { - case ATTR_PERF_MODE: - temp1 = get_nvidia_value(nvs->target, nvs->attribute, nvs->gpu_id); - switch (temp1) { - case NV_CTRL_GPU_POWER_MIZER_MODE_ADAPTIVE: - temp2 = asprintf(&str, "Adaptive"); - break; - case NV_CTRL_GPU_POWER_MIZER_MODE_PREFER_MAXIMUM_PERFORMANCE: - temp2 = asprintf(&str, "Max. Perf."); - break; - case NV_CTRL_GPU_POWER_MIZER_MODE_AUTO: - temp2 = asprintf(&str, "Auto"); - break; - case NV_CTRL_GPU_POWER_MIZER_MODE_PREFER_CONSISTENT_PERFORMANCE: - temp2 = asprintf(&str, "Consistent"); - break; - default: - temp2 = asprintf(&str, "Unknown (%d)", value); - } - break; - case ATTR_MEM_FREE: - temp1 = get_nvidia_value(nvs->target, ATTR_MEM_USED, nvs->gpu_id); - temp2 = get_nvidia_value(nvs->target, ATTR_MEM_TOTAL, nvs->gpu_id); - value = temp2 - temp1; - break; - case ATTR_MEM_UTIL: - temp1 = get_nvidia_value(nvs->target, ATTR_MEM_USED, nvs->gpu_id); - temp2 = get_nvidia_value(nvs->target, ATTR_MEM_TOTAL, nvs->gpu_id); - value = ((float)temp1 * 100 / (float)temp2) + 0.5; - break; - } - break; - } - } + // Assume failure + value = -1; + str = NULL; - // Print result - if (value != -1) { - snprintf(p, p_max_size, "%d", value); - } else if (str != NULL) { - snprintf(p, p_max_size, "%s", str); - free(str); - } else { - snprintf(p, p_max_size, "N/A"); - } + // Perform query + if (nvs != NULL) { + // Reduce overcommitted GPU number to last GPU + if (nvs->gpu_id > num_GPU) nvs->gpu_id = num_GPU; - + // Execute switch by query type + switch (nvs->query) { + case QUERY_VALUE: + value = get_nvidia_value(nvs->target, nvs->attribute, nvs->gpu_id); + break; + case QUERY_STRING: + str = get_nvidia_string(nvs->target, nvs->attribute, nvs->gpu_id); + break; + case QUERY_STRING_VALUE: + value = get_nvidia_string_value(nvs->target, nvs->attribute, nvs->token, + nvs->search, nvs->gpu_id); + break; + case QUERY_SPECIAL: + switch (nvs->attribute) { + case ATTR_PERF_MODE: + temp1 = get_nvidia_value(nvs->target, nvs->attribute, nvs->gpu_id); + switch (temp1) { + case NV_CTRL_GPU_POWER_MIZER_MODE_ADAPTIVE: + temp2 = asprintf(&str, "Adaptive"); + break; + case NV_CTRL_GPU_POWER_MIZER_MODE_PREFER_MAXIMUM_PERFORMANCE: + temp2 = asprintf(&str, "Max. Perf."); + break; + case NV_CTRL_GPU_POWER_MIZER_MODE_AUTO: + temp2 = asprintf(&str, "Auto"); + break; + case NV_CTRL_GPU_POWER_MIZER_MODE_PREFER_CONSISTENT_PERFORMANCE: + temp2 = asprintf(&str, "Consistent"); + break; + default: + temp2 = asprintf(&str, "Unknown (%d)", value); + } + break; + case ATTR_MEM_FREE: + temp1 = get_nvidia_value(nvs->target, ATTR_MEM_USED, nvs->gpu_id); + temp2 = get_nvidia_value(nvs->target, ATTR_MEM_TOTAL, nvs->gpu_id); + value = temp2 - temp1; + break; + case ATTR_MEM_UTIL: + temp1 = get_nvidia_value(nvs->target, ATTR_MEM_USED, nvs->gpu_id); + temp2 = get_nvidia_value(nvs->target, ATTR_MEM_TOTAL, nvs->gpu_id); + value = ((float)temp1 * 100 / (float)temp2) + 0.5; + break; + } + break; + } + } + + // Print result + if (value != -1) { + snprintf(p, p_max_size, "%d", value); + } else if (str != NULL) { + snprintf(p, p_max_size, "%s", str); + free(str); + } else { + snprintf(p, p_max_size, "N/A"); + } } double get_nvidia_barval(struct text_object *obj) { - struct nvidia_s *nvs = static_cast(obj->data.opaque); - int temp1, temp2; - double value; - - // Assume failure - value = 0; - - // Convert query_result to a percentage using ((val-min)÷(max-min)×100)+0.5 if needed. - if (nvs != NULL) { - switch (nvs->attribute) { - case ATTR_UTILS_STRING: // one of the percentage utils (gpuutil, membwutil, videoutil and pcieutil) - value = get_nvidia_string_value(nvs->target, ATTR_UTILS_STRING, nvs->token, nvs->search, nvs->gpu_id); - break; - case ATTR_MEM_UTIL: // memutil - case ATTR_MEM_USED: - temp1 = get_nvidia_value(nvs->target, ATTR_MEM_USED, nvs->gpu_id); - temp2 = get_nvidia_value(nvs->target, ATTR_MEM_TOTAL, nvs->gpu_id); - value = ((float)temp1 * 100 / (float)temp2) + 0.5; - break; - case ATTR_MEM_FREE: // memfree - temp1 = get_nvidia_value(nvs->target, ATTR_MEM_USED, nvs->gpu_id); - temp2 = get_nvidia_value(nvs->target, ATTR_MEM_TOTAL, nvs->gpu_id); - value = temp2 - temp1; - break; - case ATTR_FAN_SPEED: // fanspeed: Warn user we are using fanlevel - NORM_ERR("%s: invalid argument specified: '%s' (using 'fanlevel' instead).", - nvs->command, nvs->arg); - // No break, continue into fanlevel - case ATTR_FAN_LEVEL: // fanlevel - value = get_nvidia_value(nvs->target, ATTR_FAN_LEVEL, nvs->gpu_id); - break; - case ATTR_GPU_TEMP: // gputemp (calculate out of gputempthreshold) - temp1 = get_nvidia_value(nvs->target, ATTR_GPU_TEMP, nvs->gpu_id); - temp2 = get_nvidia_value(nvs->target, ATTR_GPU_TEMP_THRESHOLD, nvs->gpu_id); - value = ((float)temp1 * 100 / (float)temp2) + 0.5; - break; - case ATTR_AMBIENT_TEMP: // ambienttemp (calculate out of gputempthreshold for consistency) - temp1 = get_nvidia_value(nvs->target, ATTR_AMBIENT_TEMP, nvs->gpu_id); - temp2 = get_nvidia_value(nvs->target, ATTR_GPU_TEMP_THRESHOLD, nvs->gpu_id); - value = ((float)temp1 * 100 / (float)temp2) + 0.5; - break; - case ATTR_GPU_FREQ: // gpufreq (calculate out of gpufreqmax) - temp1 = get_nvidia_value(nvs->target, ATTR_GPU_FREQ, nvs->gpu_id); - temp2 = get_nvidia_string_value(nvs->target, ATTR_PERFMODES_STRING, (char*) "nvclockmax", SEARCH_MAX, nvs->gpu_id); - value = ((float)temp1 * 100 / (float)temp2) + 0.5; - break; - case ATTR_MEM_FREQ: // memfreq (calculate out of memfreqmax) - temp1 = get_nvidia_value(nvs->target, ATTR_MEM_FREQ, nvs->gpu_id); - temp2 = get_nvidia_string_value(nvs->target, ATTR_PERFMODES_STRING, (char*) "memclockmax", SEARCH_MAX, nvs->gpu_id); - value = ((float)temp1 * 100 / (float)temp2) + 0.5; - break; - case ATTR_FREQS_STRING: // mtrfreq (calculate out of memfreqmax) - if (nvs->token == "memTransferRate") { - // Just in case error for silly devs - CRIT_ERR(NULL, NULL, "%s: attribute is 'ATTR_FREQS_STRING' but token is not \"memTransferRate\" (arg: '%s')", - nvs->command, nvs->arg); - return 0; - } - temp1 = get_nvidia_string_value(nvs->target, ATTR_FREQS_STRING, nvs->token, SEARCH_MAX, nvs->gpu_id); - temp2 = get_nvidia_string_value(nvs->target, ATTR_PERFMODES_STRING, (char*) "memTransferRatemax", SEARCH_MAX, nvs->gpu_id); - if (temp2 > temp1) temp1 = temp2; // extra safe here - value = ((float)temp1 * 100 / (float)temp2) + 0.5; - break; - case ATTR_IMAGE_QUALITY: // imagequality - value = get_nvidia_value(nvs->target, ATTR_IMAGE_QUALITY, nvs->gpu_id); - break; + struct nvidia_s *nvs = static_cast(obj->data.opaque); + int temp1, temp2; + double value; - default: // Throw error if unsupported args are used - CRIT_ERR(NULL, NULL, "%s: invalid argument specified: '%s'", - nvs->command, nvs->arg); - } - } - - // Return the percentage - return value; + // Assume failure + value = 0; + + // Convert query_result to a percentage using ((val-min)÷(max-min)×100)+0.5 if + // needed. + if (nvs != NULL) { + switch (nvs->attribute) { + case ATTR_UTILS_STRING: // one of the percentage utils (gpuutil, + // membwutil, videoutil and pcieutil) + value = get_nvidia_string_value(nvs->target, ATTR_UTILS_STRING, + nvs->token, nvs->search, nvs->gpu_id); + break; + case ATTR_MEM_UTIL: // memutil + case ATTR_MEM_USED: + temp1 = get_nvidia_value(nvs->target, ATTR_MEM_USED, nvs->gpu_id); + temp2 = get_nvidia_value(nvs->target, ATTR_MEM_TOTAL, nvs->gpu_id); + value = ((float)temp1 * 100 / (float)temp2) + 0.5; + break; + case ATTR_MEM_FREE: // memfree + temp1 = get_nvidia_value(nvs->target, ATTR_MEM_USED, nvs->gpu_id); + temp2 = get_nvidia_value(nvs->target, ATTR_MEM_TOTAL, nvs->gpu_id); + value = temp2 - temp1; + break; + case ATTR_FAN_SPEED: // fanspeed: Warn user we are using fanlevel + NORM_ERR( + "%s: invalid argument specified: '%s' (using 'fanlevel' instead).", + nvs->command, nvs->arg); + // No break, continue into fanlevel + case ATTR_FAN_LEVEL: // fanlevel + value = get_nvidia_value(nvs->target, ATTR_FAN_LEVEL, nvs->gpu_id); + break; + case ATTR_GPU_TEMP: // gputemp (calculate out of gputempthreshold) + temp1 = get_nvidia_value(nvs->target, ATTR_GPU_TEMP, nvs->gpu_id); + temp2 = + get_nvidia_value(nvs->target, ATTR_GPU_TEMP_THRESHOLD, nvs->gpu_id); + value = ((float)temp1 * 100 / (float)temp2) + 0.5; + break; + case ATTR_AMBIENT_TEMP: // ambienttemp (calculate out of gputempthreshold + // for consistency) + temp1 = get_nvidia_value(nvs->target, ATTR_AMBIENT_TEMP, nvs->gpu_id); + temp2 = + get_nvidia_value(nvs->target, ATTR_GPU_TEMP_THRESHOLD, nvs->gpu_id); + value = ((float)temp1 * 100 / (float)temp2) + 0.5; + break; + case ATTR_GPU_FREQ: // gpufreq (calculate out of gpufreqmax) + temp1 = get_nvidia_value(nvs->target, ATTR_GPU_FREQ, nvs->gpu_id); + temp2 = get_nvidia_string_value(nvs->target, ATTR_PERFMODES_STRING, + (char *)"nvclockmax", SEARCH_MAX, + nvs->gpu_id); + value = ((float)temp1 * 100 / (float)temp2) + 0.5; + break; + case ATTR_MEM_FREQ: // memfreq (calculate out of memfreqmax) + temp1 = get_nvidia_value(nvs->target, ATTR_MEM_FREQ, nvs->gpu_id); + temp2 = get_nvidia_string_value(nvs->target, ATTR_PERFMODES_STRING, + (char *)"memclockmax", SEARCH_MAX, + nvs->gpu_id); + value = ((float)temp1 * 100 / (float)temp2) + 0.5; + break; + case ATTR_FREQS_STRING: // mtrfreq (calculate out of memfreqmax) + if (nvs->token == "memTransferRate") { + // Just in case error for silly devs + CRIT_ERR(NULL, NULL, + "%s: attribute is 'ATTR_FREQS_STRING' but token is not " + "\"memTransferRate\" (arg: '%s')", + nvs->command, nvs->arg); + return 0; + } + temp1 = get_nvidia_string_value(nvs->target, ATTR_FREQS_STRING, + nvs->token, SEARCH_MAX, nvs->gpu_id); + temp2 = get_nvidia_string_value(nvs->target, ATTR_PERFMODES_STRING, + (char *)"memTransferRatemax", + SEARCH_MAX, nvs->gpu_id); + if (temp2 > temp1) temp1 = temp2; // extra safe here + value = ((float)temp1 * 100 / (float)temp2) + 0.5; + break; + case ATTR_IMAGE_QUALITY: // imagequality + value = get_nvidia_value(nvs->target, ATTR_IMAGE_QUALITY, nvs->gpu_id); + break; + + default: // Throw error if unsupported args are used + CRIT_ERR(NULL, NULL, "%s: invalid argument specified: '%s'", + nvs->command, nvs->arg); + } + } + + // Return the percentage + return value; } - // Cleanup -void free_nvidia(struct text_object *obj) -{ - free_and_zero(obj->data.opaque); -} +void free_nvidia(struct text_object *obj) { free_and_zero(obj->data.opaque); } diff --git a/src/nvidia.h b/src/nvidia.h index 7c805bd9..bf29966a 100644 --- a/src/nvidia.h +++ b/src/nvidia.h @@ -1,5 +1,4 @@ -/* -*- mode: c++; c-basic-offset: 4; tab-width: 4; indent-tabs-mode: t -*- - * vim: ts=4 sw=4 noet ai cindent syntax=cpp +/* * * Conky, a system monitor, based on torsmo * @@ -10,7 +9,7 @@ * Please see COPYING for details * * Copyright (c) 2008 Markus Meissner - * Copyright (c) 2005-2012 Brenden Matthews, Philip Kovacs, et. al. + * Copyright (c) 2005-2018 Brenden Matthews, Philip Kovacs, et. al. * (see AUTHORS) * All rights reserved. * @@ -28,7 +27,6 @@ * */ - #ifndef NVIDIA_CONKY_H #define NVIDIA_CONKY_H diff --git a/src/openbsd.cc b/src/openbsd.cc index 7ad97c67..c9f6d83a 100644 --- a/src/openbsd.cc +++ b/src/openbsd.cc @@ -1,5 +1,4 @@ -/* -*- mode: c++; c-basic-offset: 4; tab-width: 4; indent-tabs-mode: t -*- - * vim: ts=4 sw=4 noet ai cindent syntax=cpp +/* * * Conky, a system monitor, based on torsmo * @@ -10,7 +9,7 @@ * Please see COPYING for details * * Copyright (c) 2007 Toni Spets - * Copyright (c) 2005-2012 Brenden Matthews, Philip Kovacs, et. al. + * Copyright (c) 2005-2018 Brenden Matthews, Philip Kovacs, et. al. * (see AUTHORS) * All rights reserved. * @@ -28,20 +27,20 @@ * */ +#include #include +#include +#include #include #include +#include #include +#include #include #include #include -#include #include -#include -#include -#include -#include -#include +#include #include #include @@ -52,8 +51,8 @@ #include #include #include -#include #include +#include #include #include @@ -65,9 +64,9 @@ #include "openbsd.h" #include "top.h" -#define MAXSHOWDEVS 16 +#define MAXSHOWDEVS 16 -#define LOG1024 10 +#define LOG1024 10 #define pagetok(size) ((size) << pageshift) inline void proc_find_top(struct process **cpu, struct process **mem); @@ -81,222 +80,213 @@ size_t len = 0; int init_kvm = 0; int init_sensors = 0; -static int kvm_init() -{ - if (init_kvm) { - return 1; - } +static int kvm_init() { + if (init_kvm) { + return 1; + } - kd = kvm_open(NULL, NULL, NULL, KVM_NO_FILES, NULL); - if (kd == NULL) { - NORM_ERR("error opening kvm"); - } else { - init_kvm = 1; - } + kd = kvm_open(NULL, NULL, NULL, KVM_NO_FILES, NULL); + if (kd == NULL) { + NORM_ERR("error opening kvm"); + } else { + init_kvm = 1; + } - return 1; + return 1; } /* note: swapmode taken from 'top' source */ /* swapmode is rewritten by Tobias Weingartner * to be based on the new swapctl(2) system call. */ -static int swapmode(int *used, int *total) -{ - struct swapent *swdev; - int nswap, rnswap, i; +static int swapmode(int *used, int *total) { + struct swapent *swdev; + int nswap, rnswap, i; - nswap = swapctl(SWAP_NSWAP, 0, 0); - if (nswap == 0) { - return 0; - } + nswap = swapctl(SWAP_NSWAP, 0, 0); + if (nswap == 0) { + return 0; + } - swdev = malloc(nswap * sizeof(*swdev)); - if (swdev == NULL) { - return 0; - } + swdev = malloc(nswap * sizeof(*swdev)); + if (swdev == NULL) { + return 0; + } - rnswap = swapctl(SWAP_STATS, swdev, nswap); - if (rnswap == -1) { - free(swdev); - return 0; - } + rnswap = swapctl(SWAP_STATS, swdev, nswap); + if (rnswap == -1) { + free(swdev); + return 0; + } - /* if rnswap != nswap, then what? */ + /* if rnswap != nswap, then what? */ - /* Total things up */ - *total = *used = 0; - for (i = 0; i < nswap; i++) { - if (swdev[i].se_flags & SWF_ENABLE) { - *used += (swdev[i].se_inuse / (1024 / DEV_BSIZE)); - *total += (swdev[i].se_nblks / (1024 / DEV_BSIZE)); - } - } - free(swdev); - return 1; + /* Total things up */ + *total = *used = 0; + for (i = 0; i < nswap; i++) { + if (swdev[i].se_flags & SWF_ENABLE) { + *used += (swdev[i].se_inuse / (1024 / DEV_BSIZE)); + *total += (swdev[i].se_nblks / (1024 / DEV_BSIZE)); + } + } + free(swdev); + return 1; } -int check_mount(struct text_object *obj) -{ - /* stub */ - (void)obj; - return 0; +int check_mount(struct text_object *obj) { + /* stub */ + (void)obj; + return 0; } -void update_uptime() -{ - int mib[2] = { CTL_KERN, KERN_BOOTTIME }; - struct timeval boottime; - time_t now; - size_t size = sizeof(boottime); +void update_uptime() { + int mib[2] = {CTL_KERN, KERN_BOOTTIME}; + struct timeval boottime; + time_t now; + size_t size = sizeof(boottime); - if ((sysctl(mib, 2, &boottime, &size, NULL, 0) != -1) - && (boottime.tv_sec != 0)) { - time(&now); - info.uptime = now - boottime.tv_sec; - } else { - NORM_ERR("Could not get uptime"); - info.uptime = 0; - } + if ((sysctl(mib, 2, &boottime, &size, NULL, 0) != -1) && + (boottime.tv_sec != 0)) { + time(&now); + info.uptime = now - boottime.tv_sec; + } else { + NORM_ERR("Could not get uptime"); + info.uptime = 0; + } } -void update_meminfo() -{ - static int mib[2] = { CTL_VM, VM_METER }; - struct vmtotal vmtotal; - size_t size; - int pagesize, pageshift, swap_avail, swap_used; +void update_meminfo() { + static int mib[2] = {CTL_VM, VM_METER}; + struct vmtotal vmtotal; + size_t size; + int pagesize, pageshift, swap_avail, swap_used; - pagesize = getpagesize(); - pageshift = 0; - while (pagesize > 1) { - pageshift++; - pagesize >>= 1; - } + pagesize = getpagesize(); + pageshift = 0; + while (pagesize > 1) { + pageshift++; + pagesize >>= 1; + } - /* we only need the amount of log(2)1024 for our conversion */ - pageshift -= LOG1024; + /* we only need the amount of log(2)1024 for our conversion */ + pageshift -= LOG1024; - /* get total -- systemwide main memory usage structure */ - size = sizeof(vmtotal); - if (sysctl(mib, 2, &vmtotal, &size, NULL, 0) < 0) { - warn("sysctl failed"); - bzero(&vmtotal, sizeof(vmtotal)); - } + /* get total -- systemwide main memory usage structure */ + size = sizeof(vmtotal); + if (sysctl(mib, 2, &vmtotal, &size, NULL, 0) < 0) { + warn("sysctl failed"); + bzero(&vmtotal, sizeof(vmtotal)); + } - info.memmax = pagetok(vmtotal.t_rm) + pagetok(vmtotal.t_free); - info.mem = info.memwithbuffers = pagetok(vmtotal.t_rm); - info.memeasyfree = info.memfree = info.memmax - info.mem; + info.memmax = pagetok(vmtotal.t_rm) + pagetok(vmtotal.t_free); + info.mem = info.memwithbuffers = pagetok(vmtotal.t_rm); + info.memeasyfree = info.memfree = info.memmax - info.mem; - if ((swapmode(&swap_used, &swap_avail)) >= 0) { - info.swapmax = swap_avail; - info.swap = swap_used; - info.swapfree = swap_avail - swap_used; - } else { - info.swapmax = 0; - info.swap = 0; - info.swapfree = 0; - } + if ((swapmode(&swap_used, &swap_avail)) >= 0) { + info.swapmax = swap_avail; + info.swap = swap_used; + info.swapfree = swap_avail - swap_used; + } else { + info.swapmax = 0; + info.swap = 0; + info.swapfree = 0; + } } -void update_net_stats() -{ - struct net_stat *ns; - double delta; - long long r, t, last_recv, last_trans; - struct ifaddrs *ifap, *ifa; - struct if_data *ifd; +void update_net_stats() { + struct net_stat *ns; + double delta; + long long r, t, last_recv, last_trans; + struct ifaddrs *ifap, *ifa; + struct if_data *ifd; - /* get delta */ - delta = current_update_time - last_update_time; - if (delta <= 0.0001) { - return; - } + /* get delta */ + delta = current_update_time - last_update_time; + if (delta <= 0.0001) { + return; + } - if (getifaddrs(&ifap) < 0) { - return; - } + if (getifaddrs(&ifap) < 0) { + return; + } - for (ifa = ifap; ifa; ifa = ifa->ifa_next) { - ns = get_net_stat((const char *) ifa->ifa_name, NULL, NULL); + for (ifa = ifap; ifa; ifa = ifa->ifa_next) { + ns = get_net_stat((const char *)ifa->ifa_name, NULL, NULL); - if (ifa->ifa_flags & IFF_UP) { - struct ifaddrs *iftmp; + if (ifa->ifa_flags & IFF_UP) { + struct ifaddrs *iftmp; - ns->up = 1; - last_recv = ns->recv; - last_trans = ns->trans; + ns->up = 1; + last_recv = ns->recv; + last_trans = ns->trans; - if (ifa->ifa_addr->sa_family != AF_LINK) { - continue; - } + if (ifa->ifa_addr->sa_family != AF_LINK) { + continue; + } - for (iftmp = ifa->ifa_next; - iftmp != NULL && strcmp(ifa->ifa_name, iftmp->ifa_name) == 0; - iftmp = iftmp->ifa_next) { - if (iftmp->ifa_addr->sa_family == AF_INET) { - memcpy(&(ns->addr), iftmp->ifa_addr, - iftmp->ifa_addr->sa_len); - } - } + for (iftmp = ifa->ifa_next; + iftmp != NULL && strcmp(ifa->ifa_name, iftmp->ifa_name) == 0; + iftmp = iftmp->ifa_next) { + if (iftmp->ifa_addr->sa_family == AF_INET) { + memcpy(&(ns->addr), iftmp->ifa_addr, iftmp->ifa_addr->sa_len); + } + } - ifd = (struct if_data *) ifa->ifa_data; - r = ifd->ifi_ibytes; - t = ifd->ifi_obytes; + ifd = (struct if_data *)ifa->ifa_data; + r = ifd->ifi_ibytes; + t = ifd->ifi_obytes; - if (r < ns->last_read_recv) { - ns->recv += ((long long) 4294967295U - ns->last_read_recv) + r; - } else { - ns->recv += (r - ns->last_read_recv); - } + if (r < ns->last_read_recv) { + ns->recv += ((long long)4294967295U - ns->last_read_recv) + r; + } else { + ns->recv += (r - ns->last_read_recv); + } - ns->last_read_recv = r; + ns->last_read_recv = r; - if (t < ns->last_read_trans) { - ns->trans += (long long) 4294967295U - ns->last_read_trans + t; - } else { - ns->trans += (t - ns->last_read_trans); - } + if (t < ns->last_read_trans) { + ns->trans += (long long)4294967295U - ns->last_read_trans + t; + } else { + ns->trans += (t - ns->last_read_trans); + } - ns->last_read_trans = t; + ns->last_read_trans = t; - /* calculate speeds */ - ns->recv_speed = (ns->recv - last_recv) / delta; - ns->trans_speed = (ns->trans - last_trans) / delta; - } else { - ns->up = 0; - } - } + /* calculate speeds */ + ns->recv_speed = (ns->recv - last_recv) / delta; + ns->trans_speed = (ns->trans - last_trans) / delta; + } else { + ns->up = 0; + } + } - freeifaddrs(ifap); + freeifaddrs(ifap); } -void update_total_processes() -{ - int n_processes; +void update_total_processes() { + int n_processes; - kvm_init(); - kvm_getprocs(kd, KERN_PROC_ALL, 0, &n_processes); + kvm_init(); + kvm_getprocs(kd, KERN_PROC_ALL, 0, &n_processes); - info.procs = n_processes; + info.procs = n_processes; } -void update_running_processes() -{ - struct kinfo_proc2 *p; - int n_processes; - int i, cnt = 0; +void update_running_processes() { + struct kinfo_proc2 *p; + int n_processes; + int i, cnt = 0; - kvm_init(); - int max_size = sizeof(struct kinfo_proc2); + kvm_init(); + int max_size = sizeof(struct kinfo_proc2); - p = kvm_getproc2(kd, KERN_PROC_ALL, 0, max_size, &n_processes); - for (i = 0; i < n_processes; i++) { - if (p[i].p_stat == SRUN) { - cnt++; - } - } + p = kvm_getproc2(kd, KERN_PROC_ALL, 0, max_size, &n_processes); + for (i = 0; i < n_processes; i++) { + if (p[i].p_stat == SRUN) { + cnt++; + } + } - info.run_procs = cnt; + info.run_procs = cnt; } /* new SMP code can be enabled by commenting the following line */ @@ -304,10 +294,10 @@ void update_running_processes() #ifdef OLDCPU struct cpu_load_struct { - unsigned long load[5]; + unsigned long load[5]; }; -struct cpu_load_struct fresh = { {0, 0, 0, 0, 0} }; +struct cpu_load_struct fresh = {{0, 0, 0, 0, 0}}; long cpu_used, oldtotal, oldused; #else #include @@ -318,300 +308,288 @@ int64_t *fresh = NULL; int64_t oldtotal[8], oldused[8]; #endif -void get_cpu_count() -{ - int cpu_count = 1; /* default to 1 cpu */ +void get_cpu_count() { + int cpu_count = 1; /* default to 1 cpu */ #ifndef OLDCPU - int mib[2] = { CTL_HW, HW_NCPU }; - size_t len = sizeof(cpu_count); + int mib[2] = {CTL_HW, HW_NCPU}; + size_t len = sizeof(cpu_count); - if (sysctl(mib, 2, &cpu_count, &len, NULL, 0) != 0) { - NORM_ERR("error getting cpu count, defaulting to 1"); - } + if (sysctl(mib, 2, &cpu_count, &len, NULL, 0) != 0) { + NORM_ERR("error getting cpu count, defaulting to 1"); + } #endif - info.cpu_count = cpu_count; + info.cpu_count = cpu_count; - info.cpu_usage = malloc(info.cpu_count * sizeof(float)); - if (info.cpu_usage == NULL) { - CRIT_ERR(NULL, NULL, "malloc"); - } + info.cpu_usage = malloc(info.cpu_count * sizeof(float)); + if (info.cpu_usage == NULL) { + CRIT_ERR(NULL, NULL, "malloc"); + } #ifndef OLDCPU - assert(fresh == NULL); /* XXX Is this leaking memory? */ - /* XXX Where shall I free this? */ - if (NULL == (fresh = calloc(cpu_count, sizeof(int64_t) * CPUSTATES))) { - CRIT_ERR(NULL, NULL, "calloc"); - } + assert(fresh == NULL); /* XXX Is this leaking memory? */ + /* XXX Where shall I free this? */ + if (NULL == (fresh = calloc(cpu_count, sizeof(int64_t) * CPUSTATES))) { + CRIT_ERR(NULL, NULL, "calloc"); + } #endif } -void update_cpu_usage() -{ +void update_cpu_usage() { #ifdef OLDCPU - int mib[2] = { CTL_KERN, KERN_CPTIME }; - long used, total; - long cp_time[CPUSTATES]; - size_t len = sizeof(cp_time); + int mib[2] = {CTL_KERN, KERN_CPTIME}; + long used, total; + long cp_time[CPUSTATES]; + size_t len = sizeof(cp_time); #else - size_t size; - unsigned int i; + size_t size; + unsigned int i; #endif - /* add check for !info.cpu_usage since that mem is freed on a SIGUSR1 */ - if ((cpu_setup == 0) || (!info.cpu_usage)) { - get_cpu_count(); - cpu_setup = 1; - } + /* add check for !info.cpu_usage since that mem is freed on a SIGUSR1 */ + if ((cpu_setup == 0) || (!info.cpu_usage)) { + get_cpu_count(); + cpu_setup = 1; + } #ifdef OLDCPU - if (sysctl(mib, 2, &cp_time, &len, NULL, 0) < 0) { - NORM_ERR("Cannot get kern.cp_time"); - } + if (sysctl(mib, 2, &cp_time, &len, NULL, 0) < 0) { + NORM_ERR("Cannot get kern.cp_time"); + } - fresh.load[0] = cp_time[CP_USER]; - fresh.load[1] = cp_time[CP_NICE]; - fresh.load[2] = cp_time[CP_SYS]; - fresh.load[3] = cp_time[CP_IDLE]; - fresh.load[4] = cp_time[CP_IDLE]; + fresh.load[0] = cp_time[CP_USER]; + fresh.load[1] = cp_time[CP_NICE]; + fresh.load[2] = cp_time[CP_SYS]; + fresh.load[3] = cp_time[CP_IDLE]; + fresh.load[4] = cp_time[CP_IDLE]; - used = fresh.load[0] + fresh.load[1] + fresh.load[2]; - total = fresh.load[0] + fresh.load[1] + fresh.load[2] + fresh.load[3]; + used = fresh.load[0] + fresh.load[1] + fresh.load[2]; + total = fresh.load[0] + fresh.load[1] + fresh.load[2] + fresh.load[3]; - if ((total - oldtotal) != 0) { - info.cpu_usage[0] = ((double) (used - oldused)) / - (double) (total - oldtotal); - } else { - info.cpu_usage[0] = 0; - } + if ((total - oldtotal) != 0) { + info.cpu_usage[0] = ((double)(used - oldused)) / (double)(total - oldtotal); + } else { + info.cpu_usage[0] = 0; + } - oldused = used; - oldtotal = total; + oldused = used; + oldtotal = total; #else - if (info.cpu_count > 1) { - size = CPUSTATES * sizeof(int64_t); - for (i = 0; i < info.cpu_count; i++) { - int cp_time_mib[] = { CTL_KERN, KERN_CPTIME2, i }; - if (sysctl(cp_time_mib, 3, &(fresh[i * CPUSTATES]), &size, NULL, 0) - < 0) { - NORM_ERR("sysctl kern.cp_time2 failed"); - } - } - } else { - int cp_time_mib[] = { CTL_KERN, KERN_CPTIME }; - long cp_time_tmp[CPUSTATES]; + if (info.cpu_count > 1) { + size = CPUSTATES * sizeof(int64_t); + for (i = 0; i < info.cpu_count; i++) { + int cp_time_mib[] = {CTL_KERN, KERN_CPTIME2, i}; + if (sysctl(cp_time_mib, 3, &(fresh[i * CPUSTATES]), &size, NULL, 0) < 0) { + NORM_ERR("sysctl kern.cp_time2 failed"); + } + } + } else { + int cp_time_mib[] = {CTL_KERN, KERN_CPTIME}; + long cp_time_tmp[CPUSTATES]; - size = sizeof(cp_time_tmp); - if (sysctl(cp_time_mib, 2, cp_time_tmp, &size, NULL, 0) < 0) { - NORM_ERR("sysctl kern.cp_time failed"); - } + size = sizeof(cp_time_tmp); + if (sysctl(cp_time_mib, 2, cp_time_tmp, &size, NULL, 0) < 0) { + NORM_ERR("sysctl kern.cp_time failed"); + } - for (i = 0; i < CPUSTATES; i++) { - fresh[i] = (int64_t) cp_time_tmp[i]; - } - } + for (i = 0; i < CPUSTATES; i++) { + fresh[i] = (int64_t)cp_time_tmp[i]; + } + } - /* XXX Do sg with this int64_t => long => double ? float hell. */ - for (i = 0; i < info.cpu_count; i++) { - int64_t used, total; - int at = i * CPUSTATES; + /* XXX Do sg with this int64_t => long => double ? float hell. */ + for (i = 0; i < info.cpu_count; i++) { + int64_t used, total; + int at = i * CPUSTATES; - used = fresh[at + CP_USER] + fresh[at + CP_NICE] + fresh[at + CP_SYS]; - total = used + fresh[at + CP_IDLE]; + used = fresh[at + CP_USER] + fresh[at + CP_NICE] + fresh[at + CP_SYS]; + total = used + fresh[at + CP_IDLE]; - if ((total - oldtotal[i]) != 0) { - info.cpu_usage[i] = ((double) (used - oldused[i])) / - (double) (total - oldtotal[i]); - } else { - info.cpu_usage[i] = 0; - } + if ((total - oldtotal[i]) != 0) { + info.cpu_usage[i] = + ((double)(used - oldused[i])) / (double)(total - oldtotal[i]); + } else { + info.cpu_usage[i] = 0; + } - oldused[i] = used; - oldtotal[i] = total; - } + oldused[i] = used; + oldtotal[i] = total; + } #endif } -void update_load_average() -{ - double v[3]; +void update_load_average() { + double v[3]; - getloadavg(v, 3); + getloadavg(v, 3); - info.loadavg[0] = (float) v[0]; - info.loadavg[1] = (float) v[1]; - info.loadavg[2] = (float) v[2]; + info.loadavg[0] = (float)v[0]; + info.loadavg[1] = (float)v[1]; + info.loadavg[2] = (float)v[2]; } #define OBSD_MAX_SENSORS 256 static struct obsd_sensors_struct { - int device; - float temp[MAXSENSORDEVICES][OBSD_MAX_SENSORS]; - unsigned int fan[MAXSENSORDEVICES][OBSD_MAX_SENSORS]; - float volt[MAXSENSORDEVICES][OBSD_MAX_SENSORS]; + int device; + float temp[MAXSENSORDEVICES][OBSD_MAX_SENSORS]; + unsigned int fan[MAXSENSORDEVICES][OBSD_MAX_SENSORS]; + float volt[MAXSENSORDEVICES][OBSD_MAX_SENSORS]; } obsd_sensors; -static conky::simple_config_setting sensor_device("sensor_device", 0, false); +static conky::simple_config_setting sensor_device("sensor_device", 0, + false); /* read sensors from sysctl */ -void update_obsd_sensors() -{ - int sensor_cnt, dev, numt, mib[5] = { CTL_HW, HW_SENSORS, 0, 0, 0 }; - struct sensor sensor; - struct sensordev sensordev; - size_t slen, sdlen; - enum sensor_type type; +void update_obsd_sensors() { + int sensor_cnt, dev, numt, mib[5] = {CTL_HW, HW_SENSORS, 0, 0, 0}; + struct sensor sensor; + struct sensordev sensordev; + size_t slen, sdlen; + enum sensor_type type; - slen = sizeof(sensor); - sdlen = sizeof(sensordev); + slen = sizeof(sensor); + sdlen = sizeof(sensordev); - sensor_cnt = 0; + sensor_cnt = 0; - dev = obsd_sensors.device; // FIXME: read more than one device + dev = obsd_sensors.device; // FIXME: read more than one device - /* for (dev = 0; dev < MAXSENSORDEVICES; dev++) { */ - mib[2] = dev; - if (sysctl(mib, 3, &sensordev, &sdlen, NULL, 0) == -1) { - if (errno != ENOENT) { - warn("sysctl"); - } - return; - // continue; - } - for (type = 0; type < SENSOR_MAX_TYPES; type++) { - mib[3] = type; - for (numt = 0; numt < sensordev.maxnumt[type]; numt++) { - mib[4] = numt; - if (sysctl(mib, 5, &sensor, &slen, NULL, 0) == -1) { - if (errno != ENOENT) { - warn("sysctl"); - } - continue; - } - if (sensor.flags & SENSOR_FINVALID) { - continue; - } + /* for (dev = 0; dev < MAXSENSORDEVICES; dev++) { */ + mib[2] = dev; + if (sysctl(mib, 3, &sensordev, &sdlen, NULL, 0) == -1) { + if (errno != ENOENT) { + warn("sysctl"); + } + return; + // continue; + } + for (type = 0; type < SENSOR_MAX_TYPES; type++) { + mib[3] = type; + for (numt = 0; numt < sensordev.maxnumt[type]; numt++) { + mib[4] = numt; + if (sysctl(mib, 5, &sensor, &slen, NULL, 0) == -1) { + if (errno != ENOENT) { + warn("sysctl"); + } + continue; + } + if (sensor.flags & SENSOR_FINVALID) { + continue; + } - switch (type) { - case SENSOR_TEMP: - obsd_sensors.temp[dev][sensor.numt] = - (sensor.value - 273150000) / 1000000.0; - break; - case SENSOR_FANRPM: - obsd_sensors.fan[dev][sensor.numt] = sensor.value; - break; - case SENSOR_VOLTS_DC: - obsd_sensors.volt[dev][sensor.numt] = - sensor.value / 1000000.0; - break; - default: - break; - } + switch (type) { + case SENSOR_TEMP: + obsd_sensors.temp[dev][sensor.numt] = + (sensor.value - 273150000) / 1000000.0; + break; + case SENSOR_FANRPM: + obsd_sensors.fan[dev][sensor.numt] = sensor.value; + break; + case SENSOR_VOLTS_DC: + obsd_sensors.volt[dev][sensor.numt] = sensor.value / 1000000.0; + break; + default: + break; + } - sensor_cnt++; - } - } - /* } */ + sensor_cnt++; + } + } + /* } */ - init_sensors = 1; + init_sensors = 1; } -void parse_obsd_sensor(struct text_object *obj, const char *arg) -{ - if (!isdigit(arg[0]) || atoi(&arg[0]) < 0 - || atoi(&arg[0]) > OBSD_MAX_SENSORS - 1) { - obj->data.l = 0; - NORM_ERR("Invalid sensor number!"); - } else - obj->data.l = atoi(&arg[0]); +void parse_obsd_sensor(struct text_object *obj, const char *arg) { + if (!isdigit(arg[0]) || atoi(&arg[0]) < 0 || + atoi(&arg[0]) > OBSD_MAX_SENSORS - 1) { + obj->data.l = 0; + NORM_ERR("Invalid sensor number!"); + } else + obj->data.l = atoi(&arg[0]); } -void print_obsd_sensors_temp(struct text_object *obj, char *p, int p_max_size) -{ - obsd_sensors.device = sensor_device.get(*state); - update_obsd_sensors(); - temp_print(p, p_max_size, - obsd_sensors.temp[obsd_sensors.device][obj->data.l], - TEMP_CELSIUS); +void print_obsd_sensors_temp(struct text_object *obj, char *p, int p_max_size) { + obsd_sensors.device = sensor_device.get(*state); + update_obsd_sensors(); + temp_print(p, p_max_size, obsd_sensors.temp[obsd_sensors.device][obj->data.l], + TEMP_CELSIUS); } -void print_obsd_sensors_fan(struct text_object *obj, char *p, int p_max_size) -{ - obsd_sensors.device = sensor_device.get(*state); - update_obsd_sensors(); - snprintf(p, p_max_size, "%d", - obsd_sensors.fan[obsd_sensors.device][obj->data.l]); +void print_obsd_sensors_fan(struct text_object *obj, char *p, int p_max_size) { + obsd_sensors.device = sensor_device.get(*state); + update_obsd_sensors(); + snprintf(p, p_max_size, "%d", + obsd_sensors.fan[obsd_sensors.device][obj->data.l]); } -void print_obsd_sensors_volt(struct text_object *obj, char *p, int p_max_size) -{ - obsd_sensors.device = sensor_device.get(*state); - update_obsd_sensors(); - snprintf(p, p_max_size, "%.2f", - obsd_sensors.volt[obsd_sensors.device][obj->data.l]); +void print_obsd_sensors_volt(struct text_object *obj, char *p, int p_max_size) { + obsd_sensors.device = sensor_device.get(*state); + update_obsd_sensors(); + snprintf(p, p_max_size, "%.2f", + obsd_sensors.volt[obsd_sensors.device][obj->data.l]); } /* chipset vendor */ -void get_obsd_vendor(struct text_object *obj, char *buf, size_t client_buffer_size) -{ - int mib[2]; - char vendor[64]; - size_t size = sizeof(vendor); +void get_obsd_vendor(struct text_object *obj, char *buf, + size_t client_buffer_size) { + int mib[2]; + char vendor[64]; + size_t size = sizeof(vendor); - (void)obj; + (void)obj; - mib[0] = CTL_HW; - mib[1] = HW_VENDOR; + mib[0] = CTL_HW; + mib[1] = HW_VENDOR; - if (sysctl(mib, 2, vendor, &size, NULL, 0) == -1) { - NORM_ERR("error reading vendor"); - snprintf(buf, client_buffer_size, "unknown"); - } else { - snprintf(buf, client_buffer_size, "%s", vendor); - } + if (sysctl(mib, 2, vendor, &size, NULL, 0) == -1) { + NORM_ERR("error reading vendor"); + snprintf(buf, client_buffer_size, "unknown"); + } else { + snprintf(buf, client_buffer_size, "%s", vendor); + } } /* chipset name */ -void get_obsd_product(struct text_object *obj, char *buf, size_t client_buffer_size) -{ - int mib[2]; - char product[64]; - size_t size = sizeof(product); +void get_obsd_product(struct text_object *obj, char *buf, + size_t client_buffer_size) { + int mib[2]; + char product[64]; + size_t size = sizeof(product); - (void)obj; + (void)obj; - mib[0] = CTL_HW; - mib[1] = HW_PRODUCT; + mib[0] = CTL_HW; + mib[1] = HW_PRODUCT; - if (sysctl(mib, 2, product, &size, NULL, 0) == -1) { - NORM_ERR("error reading product"); - snprintf(buf, client_buffer_size, "unknown"); - } else { - snprintf(buf, client_buffer_size, "%s", product); - } + if (sysctl(mib, 2, product, &size, NULL, 0) == -1) { + NORM_ERR("error reading product"); + snprintf(buf, client_buffer_size, "unknown"); + } else { + snprintf(buf, client_buffer_size, "%s", product); + } } /* void */ char get_freq(char *p_client_buffer, size_t client_buffer_size, - const char *p_format, int divisor, unsigned int cpu) -{ - int freq = cpu; - int mib[2] = { CTL_HW, HW_CPUSPEED }; + const char *p_format, int divisor, unsigned int cpu) { + int freq = cpu; + int mib[2] = {CTL_HW, HW_CPUSPEED}; - if (!p_client_buffer || client_buffer_size <= 0 || !p_format - || divisor <= 0) { - return 0; - } + if (!p_client_buffer || client_buffer_size <= 0 || !p_format || + divisor <= 0) { + return 0; + } - size_t size = sizeof(freq); + size_t size = sizeof(freq); - if (sysctl(mib, 2, &freq, &size, NULL, 0) == 0) { - snprintf(p_client_buffer, client_buffer_size, p_format, - (float) freq / divisor); - } else { - snprintf(p_client_buffer, client_buffer_size, p_format, 0.0f); - } + if (sysctl(mib, 2, &freq, &size, NULL, 0) == 0) { + snprintf(p_client_buffer, client_buffer_size, p_format, + (float)freq / divisor); + } else { + snprintf(p_client_buffer, client_buffer_size, p_format, 0.0f); + } - return 1; + return 1; } #if 0 @@ -667,58 +645,41 @@ cleanup: } #endif -void clear_diskio_stats() -{ -} +void clear_diskio_stats() {} -struct diskio_stat *prepare_diskio_stat(const char *s) -{ -} +struct diskio_stat *prepare_diskio_stat(const char *s) {} -void update_diskio() -{ - return; /* XXX: implement? hifi: not sure how */ -} +void update_diskio() { return; /* XXX: implement? hifi: not sure how */ } /* While topless is obviously better, top is also not bad. */ -void get_top_info(void) -{ - struct kinfo_proc2 *p; - struct process *proc; - int n_processes; - int i; +void get_top_info(void) { + struct kinfo_proc2 *p; + struct process *proc; + int n_processes; + int i; - kvm_init(); + kvm_init(); - p = kvm_getproc2(kd, KERN_PROC_ALL, 0, sizeof(struct kinfo_proc2), - &n_processes); + p = kvm_getproc2(kd, KERN_PROC_ALL, 0, sizeof(struct kinfo_proc2), + &n_processes); - for (i = 0; i < n_processes; i++) { - if (!((p[i].p_flag & P_SYSTEM)) && p[i].p_comm != NULL) { - proc = find_process(p[i].p_pid); - if (!proc) - proc = new_process(p[i].p_pid); + for (i = 0; i < n_processes; i++) { + if (!((p[i].p_flag & P_SYSTEM)) && p[i].p_comm != NULL) { + proc = find_process(p[i].p_pid); + if (!proc) proc = new_process(p[i].p_pid); - proc->time_stamp = g_time; - proc->name = strndup(p[i].p_comm, text_buffer_size); - proc->amount = 100.0 * p[i].p_pctcpu / FSCALE; - /* TODO: vsize, rss, total_cpu_time */ - } - } + proc->time_stamp = g_time; + proc->name = strndup(p[i].p_comm, text_buffer_size); + proc->amount = 100.0 * p[i].p_pctcpu / FSCALE; + /* TODO: vsize, rss, total_cpu_time */ + } + } } /* empty stubs so conky links */ -void prepare_update() -{ -} +void prepare_update() {} -int get_entropy_avail(unsigned int *val) -{ - return 1; -} +int get_entropy_avail(unsigned int *val) { return 1; } -int get_entropy_poolsize(unsigned int *val) -{ - return 1; -} +int get_entropy_poolsize(unsigned int *val) { return 1; } diff --git a/src/openbsd.h b/src/openbsd.h index cd46f27d..f98f4b21 100644 --- a/src/openbsd.h +++ b/src/openbsd.h @@ -1,20 +1,22 @@ -/* -*- mode: c; c-basic-offset: 4; tab-width: 4; indent-tabs-mode: t -*- */ +/* */ #ifndef OPENBSD_H_ #define OPENBSD_H_ -#include "common.h" -#include -#include -#include #include +#include +#include +#include +#include "common.h" void parse_obsd_sensor(struct text_object *, const char *); void print_obsd_sensors_temp(struct text_object *, char *, int); void print_obsd_sensors_fan(struct text_object *, char *, int); void print_obsd_sensors_volt(struct text_object *, char *, int); -void get_obsd_vendor(struct text_object *, char *buf, size_t client_buffer_size); -void get_obsd_product(struct text_object *, char *buf, size_t client_buffer_size); +void get_obsd_vendor(struct text_object *, char *buf, + size_t client_buffer_size); +void get_obsd_product(struct text_object *, char *buf, + size_t client_buffer_size); #if defined(i386) || defined(__i386__) typedef struct apm_power_info *apm_info_t; diff --git a/src/prioqueue.cc b/src/prioqueue.cc index b546a6d5..bf0119f1 100644 --- a/src/prioqueue.cc +++ b/src/prioqueue.cc @@ -1,5 +1,4 @@ -/* -*- mode: c; c-basic-offset: 4; tab-width: 4; indent-tabs-mode: t -*- - * vim: ts=4 sw=4 noet ai cindent syntax=c +/* * * prioqueue: a simple priority queue implementation * @@ -32,176 +31,160 @@ * */ -#include "conky.h" -#include /* INT_MAX */ +#include /* INT_MAX */ #include #include +#include "conky.h" struct prio_elem { - struct prio_elem *next, *prev; - void *data; + struct prio_elem *next, *prev; + void *data; }; struct prio_queue { - /* Compare a and b. Return: - * <0 if a should come before b, - * >0 if b should come before a, - * 0 if don't care */ - int (*compare)(void *a, void *b); + /* Compare a and b. Return: + * <0 if a should come before b, + * >0 if b should come before a, + * 0 if don't care */ + int (*compare)(void *a, void *b); - /* Free element payload. Called when dropping elements. */ - void (*free)(void *a); + /* Free element payload. Called when dropping elements. */ + void (*free)(void *a); - /* Maximum size of queue. The first - * elements in the list take precedence. */ - int max_size; + /* Maximum size of queue. The first + * elements in the list take precedence. */ + int max_size; - /* The pointers to the actual list. */ - struct prio_elem *head, *tail; + /* The pointers to the actual list. */ + struct prio_elem *head, *tail; - /* The current number of elements in the list. */ - int cur_size; + /* The current number of elements in the list. */ + int cur_size; }; /* nop callback to save us from conditional calling */ static void pq_free_nop(void *a) { (void)a; } -struct prio_queue *init_prio_queue(void) -{ - struct prio_queue *retval; +struct prio_queue *init_prio_queue(void) { + struct prio_queue *retval; - retval = (struct prio_queue *) malloc(sizeof(struct prio_queue)); - memset(retval, 0, sizeof(struct prio_queue)); + retval = (struct prio_queue *)malloc(sizeof(struct prio_queue)); + memset(retval, 0, sizeof(struct prio_queue)); - /* use pq_free_nop by default */ - retval->free = &pq_free_nop; + /* use pq_free_nop by default */ + retval->free = &pq_free_nop; - /* Default to maximum possible size as restricted - * by the used data type. This also saves us from - * checking if caller has set this field or not. */ - retval->max_size = INT_MAX; + /* Default to maximum possible size as restricted + * by the used data type. This also saves us from + * checking if caller has set this field or not. */ + retval->max_size = INT_MAX; - return retval; + return retval; } -void pq_set_compare(struct prio_queue *queue, int (*pqcompare)(void *a, void *b)) -{ - if (pqcompare) - queue->compare = pqcompare; +void pq_set_compare(struct prio_queue *queue, + int (*pqcompare)(void *a, void *b)) { + if (pqcompare) queue->compare = pqcompare; } -void pq_set_free(struct prio_queue *queue, void (*pqfree)(void *a)) -{ - if (pqfree) - queue->free = pqfree; +void pq_set_free(struct prio_queue *queue, void (*pqfree)(void *a)) { + if (pqfree) queue->free = pqfree; } -void pq_set_max_size(struct prio_queue *queue, int max_size) -{ - if (max_size >= 0) - queue->max_size = max_size; +void pq_set_max_size(struct prio_queue *queue, int max_size) { + if (max_size >= 0) queue->max_size = max_size; } -int pq_get_cur_size(struct prio_queue *queue) -{ - return queue->cur_size; +int pq_get_cur_size(struct prio_queue *queue) { return queue->cur_size; } + +static struct prio_elem *init_prio_elem(void *data) { + struct prio_elem *retval; + + retval = (struct prio_elem *)malloc(sizeof(struct prio_elem)); + memset(retval, 0, sizeof(struct prio_elem)); + + retval->data = data; + return retval; } -static struct prio_elem *init_prio_elem(void *data) -{ - struct prio_elem *retval; +void insert_prio_elem(struct prio_queue *queue, void *data) { + struct prio_elem *cur; - retval = (struct prio_elem *) malloc(sizeof(struct prio_elem)); - memset(retval, 0, sizeof(struct prio_elem)); + /* queue->compare is a must-have */ + if (!queue->compare) return; - retval->data = data; - return retval; -} + /* empty queue, insert the first item */ + if (!queue->cur_size) { + queue->cur_size++; + queue->head = queue->tail = init_prio_elem(data); + return; + } -void insert_prio_elem(struct prio_queue *queue, void *data) -{ - struct prio_elem *cur; + /* short-cut 1: new item is lower than all others */ + if (queue->compare(queue->tail->data, data) <= 0) { + if (queue->cur_size < queue->max_size) { + queue->cur_size++; + queue->tail->next = init_prio_elem(data); + queue->tail->next->prev = queue->tail; + queue->tail = queue->tail->next; + } else /* list was already full */ + (*queue->free)(data); + return; + } - /* queue->compare is a must-have */ - if (!queue->compare) - return; + /* short-cut 2: we have a new maximum */ + if (queue->compare(queue->head->data, data) >= 0) { + queue->cur_size++; + queue->head->prev = init_prio_elem(data); + queue->head->prev->next = queue->head; + queue->head = queue->head->prev; + goto check_cur_size; + } - /* empty queue, insert the first item */ - if (!queue->cur_size) { - queue->cur_size++; - queue->head = queue->tail = init_prio_elem(data); - return; - } - - /* short-cut 1: new item is lower than all others */ - if (queue->compare(queue->tail->data, data) <= 0) { - if (queue->cur_size < queue->max_size) { - queue->cur_size++; - queue->tail->next = init_prio_elem(data); - queue->tail->next->prev = queue->tail; - queue->tail = queue->tail->next; - } else /* list was already full */ - (*queue->free)(data); - return; - } - - /* short-cut 2: we have a new maximum */ - if (queue->compare(queue->head->data, data) >= 0) { - queue->cur_size++; - queue->head->prev = init_prio_elem(data); - queue->head->prev->next = queue->head; - queue->head = queue->head->prev; - goto check_cur_size; - } - - /* find the actual position if short-cuts failed */ - for (cur = queue->head->next; cur; cur = cur->next) { - if (queue->compare(cur->data, data) >= 0) { - queue->cur_size++; - cur->prev->next = init_prio_elem(data); - cur->prev->next->prev = cur->prev; - cur->prev->next->next = cur; - cur->prev = cur->prev->next; - break; - } - } + /* find the actual position if short-cuts failed */ + for (cur = queue->head->next; cur; cur = cur->next) { + if (queue->compare(cur->data, data) >= 0) { + queue->cur_size++; + cur->prev->next = init_prio_elem(data); + cur->prev->next->prev = cur->prev; + cur->prev->next->next = cur; + cur->prev = cur->prev->next; + break; + } + } check_cur_size: - /* drop the lowest item if queue overrun */ - if (queue->cur_size > queue->max_size) { - queue->cur_size--; - queue->tail = queue->tail->prev; - (*queue->free)(queue->tail->next->data); - free_and_zero(queue->tail->next); - } + /* drop the lowest item if queue overrun */ + if (queue->cur_size > queue->max_size) { + queue->cur_size--; + queue->tail = queue->tail->prev; + (*queue->free)(queue->tail->next->data); + free_and_zero(queue->tail->next); + } } -void *pop_prio_elem(struct prio_queue *queue) -{ - struct prio_elem *tmp; - void *data; +void *pop_prio_elem(struct prio_queue *queue) { + struct prio_elem *tmp; + void *data; - if (queue->cur_size <= 0) - return NULL; + if (queue->cur_size <= 0) return NULL; - tmp = queue->head; - data = tmp->data; + tmp = queue->head; + data = tmp->data; - queue->head = queue->head->next; - queue->cur_size--; - if (queue->head) - queue->head->prev = NULL; - else /* list is now empty */ - queue->tail = NULL; + queue->head = queue->head->next; + queue->cur_size--; + if (queue->head) + queue->head->prev = NULL; + else /* list is now empty */ + queue->tail = NULL; - free(tmp); - return data; + free(tmp); + return data; } -void free_prio_queue(struct prio_queue *queue) -{ - void *data; - while((data = pop_prio_elem(queue))) - (*queue->free)(data); - free(queue); +void free_prio_queue(struct prio_queue *queue) { + void *data; + while ((data = pop_prio_elem(queue))) (*queue->free)(data); + free(queue); } diff --git a/src/prioqueue.h b/src/prioqueue.h index 764be23b..070b7571 100644 --- a/src/prioqueue.h +++ b/src/prioqueue.h @@ -1,5 +1,4 @@ -/* -*- mode: c; c-basic-offset: 4; tab-width: 4; indent-tabs-mode: t -*- - * vim: ts=4 sw=4 noet ai cindent syntax=c +/* * * prioqueue: a simple priority queue implementation * diff --git a/src/proc.cc b/src/proc.cc index 037ed1e9..71f1900b 100644 --- a/src/proc.cc +++ b/src/proc.cc @@ -1,5 +1,4 @@ -/* -*- mode: c++; c-basic-offset: 4; tab-width: 4; indent-tabs-mode: t -*- - * vim: ts=4 sw=4 noet ai cindent syntax=cpp +/* * * Conky, a system monitor, based on torsmo * @@ -10,7 +9,7 @@ * Please see COPYING for details * * Copyright (c) 2004, Hannu Saransaari and Lauri Hakkarainen - * Copyright (c) 2005-2012 Brenden Matthews, Philip Kovacs, et. al. + * Copyright (c) 2005-2018 Brenden Matthews, Philip Kovacs, et. al. * (see AUTHORS) * All rights reserved. * @@ -28,920 +27,967 @@ * */ +#include "proc.h" +#include +#include +#include +#include #include "conky.h" #include "core.h" #include "logging.h" -#include "proc.h" -#include -#include -#include -#include -pid_t strtopid(const char *s) -{ - long t; - if(sscanf(s, "%ld", &t) != 1) - return -1; - return t; +pid_t strtopid(const char *s) { + long t; + if (sscanf(s, "%ld", &t) != 1) return -1; + return t; } -char* readfile(const char* filename, int* total_read, char showerror) { - FILE* file; - char* buf = NULL; - int bytes_read; +char *readfile(const char *filename, int *total_read, char showerror) { + FILE *file; + char *buf = NULL; + int bytes_read; - *total_read = 0; - file = fopen(filename, "r"); - if(file) { - do { - buf = (char *) realloc(buf, *total_read + READSIZE + 1); - bytes_read = fread(buf + *total_read, 1, READSIZE, file); - *total_read += bytes_read; - buf[*total_read] = 0; - }while(bytes_read != 0); - fclose(file); - } else if(showerror != 0) { - NORM_ERR(READERR, filename); - } - return buf; + *total_read = 0; + file = fopen(filename, "r"); + if (file) { + do { + buf = (char *)realloc(buf, *total_read + READSIZE + 1); + bytes_read = fread(buf + *total_read, 1, READSIZE, file); + *total_read += bytes_read; + buf[*total_read] = 0; + } while (bytes_read != 0); + fclose(file); + } else if (showerror != 0) { + NORM_ERR(READERR, filename); + } + return buf; } -void pid_readlink(char *file, char *p, int p_max_size) -{ - std::unique_ptr buf(new char[p_max_size]); +void pid_readlink(char *file, char *p, int p_max_size) { + std::unique_ptr buf(new char[p_max_size]); - memset(buf.get(), 0, p_max_size); - if(readlink(file, buf.get(), p_max_size) >= 0) { - snprintf(p, p_max_size, "%s", buf.get()); - } else { - NORM_ERR(READERR, file); - } + memset(buf.get(), 0, p_max_size); + if (readlink(file, buf.get(), p_max_size) >= 0) { + snprintf(p, p_max_size, "%s", buf.get()); + } else { + NORM_ERR(READERR, file); + } } struct ll_string { - char *string; - struct ll_string* next; + char *string; + struct ll_string *next; }; -struct ll_string* addnode(struct ll_string* end, char* string) { - struct ll_string* current = (struct ll_string*) malloc(sizeof(struct ll_string)); - current->string = strdup(string); - current->next = NULL; - if(end != NULL) end->next = current; - return current; +struct ll_string *addnode(struct ll_string *end, char *string) { + struct ll_string *current = + (struct ll_string *)malloc(sizeof(struct ll_string)); + current->string = strdup(string); + current->next = NULL; + if (end != NULL) end->next = current; + return current; } -void freelist(struct ll_string* front) { - if(front != NULL) { - free(front->string); - if(front->next != NULL) { - freelist(front->next); - } - free(front); - } +void freelist(struct ll_string *front) { + if (front != NULL) { + free(front->string); + if (front->next != NULL) { + freelist(front->next); + } + free(front); + } } -int inlist(struct ll_string* front, char* string) { - struct ll_string* current; +int inlist(struct ll_string *front, char *string) { + struct ll_string *current; - for(current = front; current != NULL; current = current->next) { - if(strcmp(current->string, string) == 0) { - return 1; - } - } - return 0; + for (current = front; current != NULL; current = current->next) { + if (strcmp(current->string, string) == 0) { + return 1; + } + } + return 0; } void print_pid_chroot(struct text_object *obj, char *p, int p_max_size) { - char pathbuf[64]; - std::unique_ptr buf(new char[max_user_text.get(*state)]); + char pathbuf[64]; + std::unique_ptr buf(new char[max_user_text.get(*state)]); - generate_text_internal(buf.get(), max_user_text.get(*state), *obj->sub); - snprintf(pathbuf, 64, PROCDIR "/%d/root", strtopid(buf.get())); - pid_readlink(pathbuf, p, p_max_size); + generate_text_internal(buf.get(), max_user_text.get(*state), *obj->sub); + snprintf(pathbuf, 64, PROCDIR "/%d/root", strtopid(buf.get())); + pid_readlink(pathbuf, p, p_max_size); } -void print_pid_cmdline(struct text_object *obj, char *p, int p_max_size) -{ - char* buf; - int i, bytes_read; - char pathbuf[64]; - std::unique_ptr objbuf(new char[max_user_text.get(*state)]); +void print_pid_cmdline(struct text_object *obj, char *p, int p_max_size) { + char *buf; + int i, bytes_read; + char pathbuf[64]; + std::unique_ptr objbuf(new char[max_user_text.get(*state)]); - generate_text_internal(objbuf.get(), max_user_text.get(*state), *obj->sub); + generate_text_internal(objbuf.get(), max_user_text.get(*state), *obj->sub); - if(*(objbuf.get()) != 0) { - snprintf(pathbuf, 64, PROCDIR "/%d/cmdline", strtopid(objbuf.get())); - buf = readfile(pathbuf, &bytes_read, 1); - if(buf != NULL) { - for(i = 0; i < bytes_read-1; i++) { - if(buf[i] == 0) { - buf[i] = ' '; - } - } - snprintf(p, p_max_size, "%s", buf); - free(buf); - } - } else { - NORM_ERR("$pid_cmdline didn't receive a argument"); - } + if (*(objbuf.get()) != 0) { + snprintf(pathbuf, 64, PROCDIR "/%d/cmdline", strtopid(objbuf.get())); + buf = readfile(pathbuf, &bytes_read, 1); + if (buf != NULL) { + for (i = 0; i < bytes_read - 1; i++) { + if (buf[i] == 0) { + buf[i] = ' '; + } + } + snprintf(p, p_max_size, "%s", buf); + free(buf); + } + } else { + NORM_ERR("$pid_cmdline didn't receive a argument"); + } } -void print_pid_cwd(struct text_object *obj, char *p, int p_max_size) -{ - std::unique_ptr buf(new char[p_max_size]); - int bytes_read; - char pathbuf[64]; - std::unique_ptr objbuf(new char[max_user_text.get(*state)]); +void print_pid_cwd(struct text_object *obj, char *p, int p_max_size) { + std::unique_ptr buf(new char[p_max_size]); + int bytes_read; + char pathbuf[64]; + std::unique_ptr objbuf(new char[max_user_text.get(*state)]); - generate_text_internal(objbuf.get(), max_user_text.get(*state), *obj->sub); - snprintf(pathbuf, 64, PROCDIR "/%d/cwd", strtopid(objbuf.get())); - bytes_read = readlink(pathbuf, buf.get(), p_max_size); - if(bytes_read != -1) { - buf[bytes_read] = 0; - snprintf(p, p_max_size, "%s", buf.get()); - } else { - NORM_ERR(READERR, pathbuf); - } + generate_text_internal(objbuf.get(), max_user_text.get(*state), *obj->sub); + snprintf(pathbuf, 64, PROCDIR "/%d/cwd", strtopid(objbuf.get())); + bytes_read = readlink(pathbuf, buf.get(), p_max_size); + if (bytes_read != -1) { + buf[bytes_read] = 0; + snprintf(p, p_max_size, "%s", buf.get()); + } else { + NORM_ERR(READERR, pathbuf); + } } -void print_pid_environ(struct text_object *obj, char *p, int p_max_size) -{ - int i, total_read; - pid_t pid; - char pathbuf[64]; - std::unique_ptr objbuf(new char[max_user_text.get(*state)]); - char *buf, *var=strdup(obj->data.s);; +void print_pid_environ(struct text_object *obj, char *p, int p_max_size) { + int i, total_read; + pid_t pid; + char pathbuf[64]; + std::unique_ptr objbuf(new char[max_user_text.get(*state)]); + char *buf, *var = strdup(obj->data.s); + ; - generate_text_internal(objbuf.get(), max_user_text.get(*state), *obj->sub); - if(sscanf(objbuf.get(), "%d %s", &pid, var) == 2) { - for(i = 0; var[i] != 0; i++) { - var[i] = toupper(var[i]); - } - snprintf(pathbuf, 64, PROCDIR "/%d/environ", pid); - buf = readfile(pathbuf, &total_read, 1); - if(buf != NULL) { - for(i = 0; i < total_read; i += strlen(buf + i) + 1) { - if(strncmp(buf + i, var, strlen(var)) == 0 && *(buf + i + strlen(var)) == '=') { - snprintf(p, p_max_size, "%s", buf + i + strlen(var) + 1); - free(buf); - free(var); - return; - } - } - free(buf); - } - *p = 0; - } - free(var); + generate_text_internal(objbuf.get(), max_user_text.get(*state), *obj->sub); + if (sscanf(objbuf.get(), "%d %s", &pid, var) == 2) { + for (i = 0; var[i] != 0; i++) { + var[i] = toupper(var[i]); + } + snprintf(pathbuf, 64, PROCDIR "/%d/environ", pid); + buf = readfile(pathbuf, &total_read, 1); + if (buf != NULL) { + for (i = 0; i < total_read; i += strlen(buf + i) + 1) { + if (strncmp(buf + i, var, strlen(var)) == 0 && + *(buf + i + strlen(var)) == '=') { + snprintf(p, p_max_size, "%s", buf + i + strlen(var) + 1); + free(buf); + free(var); + return; + } + } + free(buf); + } + *p = 0; + } + free(var); } -void print_pid_environ_list(struct text_object *obj, char *p, int p_max_size) -{ - char *buf = NULL; - char *buf2; - int bytes_read, total_read; - int i = 0; - char pathbuf[64]; - std::unique_ptr objbuf(new char[max_user_text.get(*state)]); +void print_pid_environ_list(struct text_object *obj, char *p, int p_max_size) { + char *buf = NULL; + char *buf2; + int bytes_read, total_read; + int i = 0; + char pathbuf[64]; + std::unique_ptr objbuf(new char[max_user_text.get(*state)]); - generate_text_internal(objbuf.get(), max_user_text.get(*state), *obj->sub); - snprintf(pathbuf, 64, PROCDIR "/%d/environ", strtopid(objbuf.get())); + generate_text_internal(objbuf.get(), max_user_text.get(*state), *obj->sub); + snprintf(pathbuf, 64, PROCDIR "/%d/environ", strtopid(objbuf.get())); - buf = readfile(pathbuf, &total_read, 1); - if(buf != NULL) { - for(bytes_read = 0; bytes_read < total_read; buf[i-1] = ';') { - buf2 = strdup(buf+bytes_read); - bytes_read += strlen(buf2)+1; - sscanf(buf2, "%[^=]", buf+i); - free(buf2); - i = strlen(buf) + 1; - } - buf[i-1] = 0; - snprintf(p, p_max_size, "%s", buf); - free(buf); - } + buf = readfile(pathbuf, &total_read, 1); + if (buf != NULL) { + for (bytes_read = 0; bytes_read < total_read; buf[i - 1] = ';') { + buf2 = strdup(buf + bytes_read); + bytes_read += strlen(buf2) + 1; + sscanf(buf2, "%[^=]", buf + i); + free(buf2); + i = strlen(buf) + 1; + } + buf[i - 1] = 0; + snprintf(p, p_max_size, "%s", buf); + free(buf); + } } void print_pid_exe(struct text_object *obj, char *p, int p_max_size) { - char pathbuf[64]; - std::unique_ptr objbuf(new char[max_user_text.get(*state)]); + char pathbuf[64]; + std::unique_ptr objbuf(new char[max_user_text.get(*state)]); - generate_text_internal(objbuf.get(), max_user_text.get(*state), *obj->sub); - snprintf(pathbuf, 64, PROCDIR "/%d/exe", strtopid(objbuf.get())); - pid_readlink(pathbuf, p, p_max_size); + generate_text_internal(objbuf.get(), max_user_text.get(*state), *obj->sub); + snprintf(pathbuf, 64, PROCDIR "/%d/exe", strtopid(objbuf.get())); + pid_readlink(pathbuf, p, p_max_size); } void print_pid_nice(struct text_object *obj, char *p, int p_max_size) { - char *buf = NULL; - int bytes_read; - long int nice_value; - char pathbuf[64]; - std::unique_ptr objbuf(new char[max_user_text.get(*state)]); + char *buf = NULL; + int bytes_read; + long int nice_value; + char pathbuf[64]; + std::unique_ptr objbuf(new char[max_user_text.get(*state)]); - generate_text_internal(objbuf.get(), max_user_text.get(*state), *obj->sub); + generate_text_internal(objbuf.get(), max_user_text.get(*state), *obj->sub); - if(*(obj->data.s) != 0) { - snprintf(pathbuf, 64, PROCDIR "/%d/stat", strtopid(objbuf.get())); - buf = readfile(pathbuf, &bytes_read, 1); - if(buf != NULL) { - sscanf(buf, "%*d %*s %*c %*d %*d %*d %*d %*d %*u %*u %*u %*u %*u %*u %*u %*d %*d %*d %ld", &nice_value); - snprintf(p, p_max_size, "%ld", nice_value); - free(buf); - } - } else { - NORM_ERR("$pid_nice didn't receive a argument"); - } + if (*(obj->data.s) != 0) { + snprintf(pathbuf, 64, PROCDIR "/%d/stat", strtopid(objbuf.get())); + buf = readfile(pathbuf, &bytes_read, 1); + if (buf != NULL) { + sscanf(buf, + "%*d %*s %*c %*d %*d %*d %*d %*d %*u %*u %*u %*u %*u %*u %*u %*d " + "%*d %*d %ld", + &nice_value); + snprintf(p, p_max_size, "%ld", nice_value); + free(buf); + } + } else { + NORM_ERR("$pid_nice didn't receive a argument"); + } } void print_pid_openfiles(struct text_object *obj, char *p, int p_max_size) { - DIR* dir; - struct dirent *entry; - std::unique_ptr buf(new char[p_max_size]); - int length, totallength = 0; - struct ll_string* files_front = NULL; - struct ll_string* files_back = NULL; - std::unique_ptr objbuf(new char[max_user_text.get(*state)]); + DIR *dir; + struct dirent *entry; + std::unique_ptr buf(new char[p_max_size]); + int length, totallength = 0; + struct ll_string *files_front = NULL; + struct ll_string *files_back = NULL; + std::unique_ptr objbuf(new char[max_user_text.get(*state)]); - generate_text_internal(objbuf.get(), max_user_text.get(*state), *obj->sub); + generate_text_internal(objbuf.get(), max_user_text.get(*state), *obj->sub); - dir = opendir(objbuf.get()); - if(dir != NULL) { - while ((entry = readdir(dir))) { - if(entry->d_name[0] != '.') { - snprintf(buf.get(), p_max_size, "%d/%s", strtopid(objbuf.get()), entry->d_name); - length = readlink(buf.get(), buf.get(), p_max_size); - buf[length] = 0; - if(inlist(files_front, buf.get()) == 0) { - files_back = addnode(files_back, buf.get()); - snprintf(p + totallength, p_max_size - totallength, "%s; " , buf.get()); - totallength += length + strlen("; "); - } - if(files_front == NULL) { - files_front = files_back; - } - } - } - closedir(dir); - freelist(files_front); - p[totallength - strlen("; ")] = 0; - } else { - p[0] = 0; - } + dir = opendir(objbuf.get()); + if (dir != NULL) { + while ((entry = readdir(dir))) { + if (entry->d_name[0] != '.') { + snprintf(buf.get(), p_max_size, "%d/%s", strtopid(objbuf.get()), + entry->d_name); + length = readlink(buf.get(), buf.get(), p_max_size); + buf[length] = 0; + if (inlist(files_front, buf.get()) == 0) { + files_back = addnode(files_back, buf.get()); + snprintf(p + totallength, p_max_size - totallength, "%s; ", + buf.get()); + totallength += length + strlen("; "); + } + if (files_front == NULL) { + files_front = files_back; + } + } + } + closedir(dir); + freelist(files_front); + p[totallength - strlen("; ")] = 0; + } else { + p[0] = 0; + } } void print_pid_parent(struct text_object *obj, char *p, int p_max_size) { #define PARENT_ENTRY "PPid:\t" -#define PARENTNOTFOUND "Can't find the process parent in '%s'" - char *begin, *end, *buf = NULL; - int bytes_read; - char pathbuf[64]; - std::unique_ptr objbuf(new char[max_user_text.get(*state)]); +#define PARENTNOTFOUND "Can't find the process parent in '%s'" + char *begin, *end, *buf = NULL; + int bytes_read; + char pathbuf[64]; + std::unique_ptr objbuf(new char[max_user_text.get(*state)]); - generate_text_internal(objbuf.get(), max_user_text.get(*state), *obj->sub); - snprintf(pathbuf, 64, PROCDIR "/%d/status", strtopid(objbuf.get())); + generate_text_internal(objbuf.get(), max_user_text.get(*state), *obj->sub); + snprintf(pathbuf, 64, PROCDIR "/%d/status", strtopid(objbuf.get())); - buf = readfile(pathbuf, &bytes_read, 1); - if(buf != NULL) { - begin = strstr(buf, PARENT_ENTRY); - if(begin != NULL) { - begin += strlen(PARENT_ENTRY); - end = strchr(begin, '\n'); - if(end != NULL) { - *(end) = 0; - } - snprintf(p, p_max_size, "%s", begin); - } else { - NORM_ERR(PARENTNOTFOUND, pathbuf); - } - free(buf); - } + buf = readfile(pathbuf, &bytes_read, 1); + if (buf != NULL) { + begin = strstr(buf, PARENT_ENTRY); + if (begin != NULL) { + begin += strlen(PARENT_ENTRY); + end = strchr(begin, '\n'); + if (end != NULL) { + *(end) = 0; + } + snprintf(p, p_max_size, "%s", begin); + } else { + NORM_ERR(PARENTNOTFOUND, pathbuf); + } + free(buf); + } } void print_pid_priority(struct text_object *obj, char *p, int p_max_size) { - char *buf = NULL; - int bytes_read; - long int priority; - char pathbuf[64]; - std::unique_ptr objbuf(new char[max_user_text.get(*state)]); + char *buf = NULL; + int bytes_read; + long int priority; + char pathbuf[64]; + std::unique_ptr objbuf(new char[max_user_text.get(*state)]); - generate_text_internal(objbuf.get(), max_user_text.get(*state), *obj->sub); + generate_text_internal(objbuf.get(), max_user_text.get(*state), *obj->sub); - if(*(objbuf.get()) != 0) { - snprintf(pathbuf, 64, PROCDIR "/%d/stat", strtopid(objbuf.get())); - buf = readfile(pathbuf, &bytes_read, 1); - if(buf != NULL) { - sscanf(buf, "%*d %*s %*c %*d %*d %*d %*d %*d %*u %*u %*u %*u %*u %*u %*u %*d %*d %ld", &priority); - snprintf(p, p_max_size, "%ld", priority); - free(buf); - } - } else { - NORM_ERR("$pid_priority didn't receive a argument"); - } + if (*(objbuf.get()) != 0) { + snprintf(pathbuf, 64, PROCDIR "/%d/stat", strtopid(objbuf.get())); + buf = readfile(pathbuf, &bytes_read, 1); + if (buf != NULL) { + sscanf(buf, + "%*d %*s %*c %*d %*d %*d %*d %*d %*u %*u %*u %*u %*u %*u %*u %*d " + "%*d %ld", + &priority); + snprintf(p, p_max_size, "%ld", priority); + free(buf); + } + } else { + NORM_ERR("$pid_priority didn't receive a argument"); + } } void print_pid_state(struct text_object *obj, char *p, int p_max_size) { #define STATE_ENTRY "State:\t" -#define STATENOTFOUND "Can't find the process state in '%s'" - char *begin, *end, *buf = NULL; - int bytes_read; - char pathbuf[64]; - std::unique_ptr objbuf(new char[max_user_text.get(*state)]); +#define STATENOTFOUND "Can't find the process state in '%s'" + char *begin, *end, *buf = NULL; + int bytes_read; + char pathbuf[64]; + std::unique_ptr objbuf(new char[max_user_text.get(*state)]); - generate_text_internal(objbuf.get(), max_user_text.get(*state), *obj->sub); - snprintf(pathbuf, 64, PROCDIR "/%d/status", strtopid(objbuf.get())); + generate_text_internal(objbuf.get(), max_user_text.get(*state), *obj->sub); + snprintf(pathbuf, 64, PROCDIR "/%d/status", strtopid(objbuf.get())); - buf = readfile(pathbuf, &bytes_read, 1); - if(buf != NULL) { - begin = strstr(buf, STATE_ENTRY); - if(begin != NULL) { - begin += strlen(STATE_ENTRY) + 3; // +3 will strip the char representing the short state and the space and '(' that follow - end = strchr(begin, '\n'); - if(end != NULL) { - *(end-1) = 0; // -1 strips the ')' - } - snprintf(p, p_max_size, "%s", begin); - } else { - NORM_ERR(STATENOTFOUND, pathbuf); - } - free(buf); - } + buf = readfile(pathbuf, &bytes_read, 1); + if (buf != NULL) { + begin = strstr(buf, STATE_ENTRY); + if (begin != NULL) { + begin += strlen(STATE_ENTRY) + + 3; // +3 will strip the char representing the short state and + // the space and '(' that follow + end = strchr(begin, '\n'); + if (end != NULL) { + *(end - 1) = 0; // -1 strips the ')' + } + snprintf(p, p_max_size, "%s", begin); + } else { + NORM_ERR(STATENOTFOUND, pathbuf); + } + free(buf); + } } void print_pid_state_short(struct text_object *obj, char *p, int p_max_size) { - char *begin, *buf = NULL; - int bytes_read; - char pathbuf[64]; - std::unique_ptr objbuf(new char[max_user_text.get(*state)]); + char *begin, *buf = NULL; + int bytes_read; + char pathbuf[64]; + std::unique_ptr objbuf(new char[max_user_text.get(*state)]); - generate_text_internal(objbuf.get(), max_user_text.get(*state), *obj->sub); + generate_text_internal(objbuf.get(), max_user_text.get(*state), *obj->sub); - snprintf(pathbuf, 64, PROCDIR "/%d/status", strtopid(objbuf.get())); + snprintf(pathbuf, 64, PROCDIR "/%d/status", strtopid(objbuf.get())); - buf = readfile(pathbuf, &bytes_read, 1); - if(buf != NULL) { - begin = strstr(buf, STATE_ENTRY); - if(begin != NULL) { - snprintf(p, p_max_size, "%c", *begin); - } else { - NORM_ERR(STATENOTFOUND, pathbuf); - } - free(buf); - } + buf = readfile(pathbuf, &bytes_read, 1); + if (buf != NULL) { + begin = strstr(buf, STATE_ENTRY); + if (begin != NULL) { + snprintf(p, p_max_size, "%c", *begin); + } else { + NORM_ERR(STATENOTFOUND, pathbuf); + } + free(buf); + } } void print_pid_stderr(struct text_object *obj, char *p, int p_max_size) { - char pathbuf[64]; - std::unique_ptr objbuf(new char[max_user_text.get(*state)]); + char pathbuf[64]; + std::unique_ptr objbuf(new char[max_user_text.get(*state)]); - generate_text_internal(objbuf.get(), max_user_text.get(*state), *obj->sub); + generate_text_internal(objbuf.get(), max_user_text.get(*state), *obj->sub); - snprintf(pathbuf, 64, PROCDIR "/%d/fd/2", strtopid(objbuf.get())); - pid_readlink(pathbuf, p, p_max_size); + snprintf(pathbuf, 64, PROCDIR "/%d/fd/2", strtopid(objbuf.get())); + pid_readlink(pathbuf, p, p_max_size); } void print_pid_stdin(struct text_object *obj, char *p, int p_max_size) { - std::unique_ptr objbuf(new char[max_user_text.get(*state)]); - char pathbuf[64]; + std::unique_ptr objbuf(new char[max_user_text.get(*state)]); + char pathbuf[64]; - generate_text_internal(objbuf.get(), max_user_text.get(*state), *obj->sub); + generate_text_internal(objbuf.get(), max_user_text.get(*state), *obj->sub); - snprintf(pathbuf, 64, PROCDIR "/%d/fd/0", strtopid(objbuf.get())); - pid_readlink(pathbuf, p, p_max_size); + snprintf(pathbuf, 64, PROCDIR "/%d/fd/0", strtopid(objbuf.get())); + pid_readlink(pathbuf, p, p_max_size); } void print_pid_stdout(struct text_object *obj, char *p, int p_max_size) { - char pathbuf[64]; - std::unique_ptr objbuf(new char[max_user_text.get(*state)]); + char pathbuf[64]; + std::unique_ptr objbuf(new char[max_user_text.get(*state)]); - generate_text_internal(objbuf.get(), max_user_text.get(*state), *obj->sub); + generate_text_internal(objbuf.get(), max_user_text.get(*state), *obj->sub); - snprintf(pathbuf, 64, PROCDIR "/%d/fd/1", strtopid(objbuf.get())); - pid_readlink(pathbuf, p, p_max_size); + snprintf(pathbuf, 64, PROCDIR "/%d/fd/1", strtopid(objbuf.get())); + pid_readlink(pathbuf, p, p_max_size); } -void scan_cmdline_to_pid_arg(struct text_object *obj, const char *arg, void* free_at_crash) { - unsigned int i; - std::unique_ptr objbuf(new char[max_user_text.get(*state)]); +void scan_cmdline_to_pid_arg(struct text_object *obj, const char *arg, + void *free_at_crash) { + unsigned int i; + std::unique_ptr objbuf(new char[max_user_text.get(*state)]); - /* FIXME */ - generate_text_internal(objbuf.get(), max_user_text.get(*state), *obj->sub); + /* FIXME */ + generate_text_internal(objbuf.get(), max_user_text.get(*state), *obj->sub); - if(strlen(arg) > 0) { - obj->data.s = strdup(arg); - for(i = 0; obj->data.s[i] != 0; i++) { - while(obj->data.s[i] == ' ' && obj->data.s[i + 1] == ' ') { - memmove(obj->data.s + i, obj->data.s + i + 1, strlen(obj->data.s + i + 1) + 1); - } - } - if(obj->data.s[i - 1] == ' ') { - obj->data.s[i - 1] = 0; - } - } else { - CRIT_ERR(obj, free_at_crash, "${cmdline_to_pid commandline}"); - } + if (strlen(arg) > 0) { + obj->data.s = strdup(arg); + for (i = 0; obj->data.s[i] != 0; i++) { + while (obj->data.s[i] == ' ' && obj->data.s[i + 1] == ' ') { + memmove(obj->data.s + i, obj->data.s + i + 1, + strlen(obj->data.s + i + 1) + 1); + } + } + if (obj->data.s[i - 1] == ' ') { + obj->data.s[i - 1] = 0; + } + } else { + CRIT_ERR(obj, free_at_crash, "${cmdline_to_pid commandline}"); + } } void print_cmdline_to_pid(struct text_object *obj, char *p, int p_max_size) { - DIR* dir; - struct dirent *entry; - char *buf; - int bytes_read, i; - char pathbuf[64]; + DIR *dir; + struct dirent *entry; + char *buf; + int bytes_read, i; + char pathbuf[64]; - dir = opendir(PROCDIR); - if(dir != NULL) { - while ((entry = readdir(dir))) { - snprintf(pathbuf, 64, PROCDIR "/%s/cmdline", entry->d_name); + dir = opendir(PROCDIR); + if (dir != NULL) { + while ((entry = readdir(dir))) { + snprintf(pathbuf, 64, PROCDIR "/%s/cmdline", entry->d_name); - buf = readfile(pathbuf, &bytes_read, 0); - if(buf != NULL) { - for(i = 0; i < bytes_read - 1; i++) { - if(buf[i] == 0) buf[i] = ' '; - } - if(strstr(buf, obj->data.s) != NULL) { - snprintf(p, p_max_size, "%s", entry->d_name); - free(buf); - closedir(dir); - return; - } - free(buf); - } - } - closedir(dir); - } else { - NORM_ERR(READERR, PROCDIR); - } + buf = readfile(pathbuf, &bytes_read, 0); + if (buf != NULL) { + for (i = 0; i < bytes_read - 1; i++) { + if (buf[i] == 0) buf[i] = ' '; + } + if (strstr(buf, obj->data.s) != NULL) { + snprintf(p, p_max_size, "%s", entry->d_name); + free(buf); + closedir(dir); + return; + } + free(buf); + } + } + closedir(dir); + } else { + NORM_ERR(READERR, PROCDIR); + } } void print_pid_threads(struct text_object *obj, char *p, int p_max_size) { #define THREADS_ENTRY "Threads:\t" -#define THREADSNOTFOUND "Can't find the number of the threads of the process in '%s'" - char *begin, *end, *buf = NULL; - int bytes_read; - char pathbuf[64]; - std::unique_ptr objbuf(new char[max_user_text.get(*state)]); +#define THREADSNOTFOUND \ + "Can't find the number of the threads of the process in '%s'" + char *begin, *end, *buf = NULL; + int bytes_read; + char pathbuf[64]; + std::unique_ptr objbuf(new char[max_user_text.get(*state)]); - generate_text_internal(objbuf.get(), max_user_text.get(*state), *obj->sub); - snprintf(pathbuf, 64, PROCDIR "/%d/status", strtopid(objbuf.get())); + generate_text_internal(objbuf.get(), max_user_text.get(*state), *obj->sub); + snprintf(pathbuf, 64, PROCDIR "/%d/status", strtopid(objbuf.get())); - buf = readfile(pathbuf, &bytes_read, 1); - if(buf != NULL) { - begin = strstr(buf, THREADS_ENTRY); - if(begin != NULL) { - begin += strlen(THREADS_ENTRY); - end = strchr(begin, '\n'); - if(end != NULL) { - *(end) = 0; - } - snprintf(p, p_max_size, "%s", begin); - } else { - NORM_ERR(THREADSNOTFOUND, pathbuf); - } - free(buf); - } + buf = readfile(pathbuf, &bytes_read, 1); + if (buf != NULL) { + begin = strstr(buf, THREADS_ENTRY); + if (begin != NULL) { + begin += strlen(THREADS_ENTRY); + end = strchr(begin, '\n'); + if (end != NULL) { + *(end) = 0; + } + snprintf(p, p_max_size, "%s", begin); + } else { + NORM_ERR(THREADSNOTFOUND, pathbuf); + } + free(buf); + } } void print_pid_thread_list(struct text_object *obj, char *p, int p_max_size) { - DIR* dir; - struct dirent *entry; - int totallength = 0; - char pathbuf[64]; - std::unique_ptr objbuf(new char[max_user_text.get(*state)]); + DIR *dir; + struct dirent *entry; + int totallength = 0; + char pathbuf[64]; + std::unique_ptr objbuf(new char[max_user_text.get(*state)]); - generate_text_internal(objbuf.get(), max_user_text.get(*state), *obj->sub); - snprintf(pathbuf, 64, PROCDIR "/%d/task", strtopid(objbuf.get())); + generate_text_internal(objbuf.get(), max_user_text.get(*state), *obj->sub); + snprintf(pathbuf, 64, PROCDIR "/%d/task", strtopid(objbuf.get())); - dir = opendir(pathbuf); - if(dir != NULL) { - while ((entry = readdir(dir))) { - if(entry->d_name[0] != '.') { - snprintf(p + totallength, p_max_size - totallength, "%s," , entry->d_name); - totallength += strlen(entry->d_name)+1; - } - } - closedir(dir); - if(p[totallength - 1] == ',') p[totallength - 1] = 0; - } else { - p[0] = 0; - } + dir = opendir(pathbuf); + if (dir != NULL) { + while ((entry = readdir(dir))) { + if (entry->d_name[0] != '.') { + snprintf(p + totallength, p_max_size - totallength, "%s,", + entry->d_name); + totallength += strlen(entry->d_name) + 1; + } + } + closedir(dir); + if (p[totallength - 1] == ',') p[totallength - 1] = 0; + } else { + p[0] = 0; + } } -void print_pid_time_kernelmode(struct text_object *obj, char *p, int p_max_size) { - char *buf = NULL; - int bytes_read; - unsigned long int umtime; - char pathbuf[64]; - std::unique_ptr objbuf(new char[max_user_text.get(*state)]); +void print_pid_time_kernelmode(struct text_object *obj, char *p, + int p_max_size) { + char *buf = NULL; + int bytes_read; + unsigned long int umtime; + char pathbuf[64]; + std::unique_ptr objbuf(new char[max_user_text.get(*state)]); - generate_text_internal(objbuf.get(), max_user_text.get(*state), *obj->sub); + generate_text_internal(objbuf.get(), max_user_text.get(*state), *obj->sub); - if(*(objbuf.get()) != 0) { - snprintf(pathbuf, 64, PROCDIR "/%d/stat", strtopid(objbuf.get())); - buf = readfile(pathbuf, &bytes_read, 1); - if(buf != NULL) { - sscanf(buf, "%*d %*s %*c %*d %*d %*d %*d %*d %*u %*u %*u %*u %*u %lu", &umtime); - snprintf(p, p_max_size, "%.2f", (float) umtime / 100); - free(buf); - } - } else { - NORM_ERR("$pid_time_kernelmode didn't receive a argument"); - } + if (*(objbuf.get()) != 0) { + snprintf(pathbuf, 64, PROCDIR "/%d/stat", strtopid(objbuf.get())); + buf = readfile(pathbuf, &bytes_read, 1); + if (buf != NULL) { + sscanf(buf, "%*d %*s %*c %*d %*d %*d %*d %*d %*u %*u %*u %*u %*u %lu", + &umtime); + snprintf(p, p_max_size, "%.2f", (float)umtime / 100); + free(buf); + } + } else { + NORM_ERR("$pid_time_kernelmode didn't receive a argument"); + } } void print_pid_time_usermode(struct text_object *obj, char *p, int p_max_size) { - char *buf = NULL; - int bytes_read; - unsigned long int kmtime; - char pathbuf[64]; - std::unique_ptr objbuf(new char[max_user_text.get(*state)]); + char *buf = NULL; + int bytes_read; + unsigned long int kmtime; + char pathbuf[64]; + std::unique_ptr objbuf(new char[max_user_text.get(*state)]); - generate_text_internal(objbuf.get(), max_user_text.get(*state), *obj->sub); + generate_text_internal(objbuf.get(), max_user_text.get(*state), *obj->sub); - if(*(objbuf.get()) != 0) { - snprintf(pathbuf, 64, PROCDIR "/%d/stat", strtopid(objbuf.get())); - buf = readfile(pathbuf, &bytes_read, 1); - if(buf != NULL) { - sscanf(buf, "%*d %*s %*c %*d %*d %*d %*d %*d %*u %*u %*u %*u %*u %*u %lu", &kmtime); - snprintf(p, p_max_size, "%.2f", (float) kmtime / 100); - free(buf); - } - } else { - NORM_ERR("$pid_time_usermode didn't receive a argument"); - } + if (*(objbuf.get()) != 0) { + snprintf(pathbuf, 64, PROCDIR "/%d/stat", strtopid(objbuf.get())); + buf = readfile(pathbuf, &bytes_read, 1); + if (buf != NULL) { + sscanf(buf, "%*d %*s %*c %*d %*d %*d %*d %*d %*u %*u %*u %*u %*u %*u %lu", + &kmtime); + snprintf(p, p_max_size, "%.2f", (float)kmtime / 100); + free(buf); + } + } else { + NORM_ERR("$pid_time_usermode didn't receive a argument"); + } } void print_pid_time(struct text_object *obj, char *p, int p_max_size) { - char *buf = NULL; - int bytes_read; - unsigned long int umtime, kmtime; - char pathbuf[64]; - std::unique_ptr objbuf(new char[max_user_text.get(*state)]); + char *buf = NULL; + int bytes_read; + unsigned long int umtime, kmtime; + char pathbuf[64]; + std::unique_ptr objbuf(new char[max_user_text.get(*state)]); - generate_text_internal(objbuf.get(), max_user_text.get(*state), *obj->sub); + generate_text_internal(objbuf.get(), max_user_text.get(*state), *obj->sub); - if(*(objbuf.get()) != 0) { - snprintf(pathbuf, 64, PROCDIR "/%d/stat", strtopid(objbuf.get())); - buf = readfile(pathbuf, &bytes_read, 1); - if(buf != NULL) { - sscanf(buf, "%*d %*s %*c %*d %*d %*d %*d %*d %*u %*u %*u %*u %*u %lu %lu", &umtime, &kmtime); - snprintf(p, p_max_size, "%.2f", (float) (umtime + kmtime) / 100); - free(buf); - } - } else { - NORM_ERR("$pid_time didn't receive a argument"); - } + if (*(objbuf.get()) != 0) { + snprintf(pathbuf, 64, PROCDIR "/%d/stat", strtopid(objbuf.get())); + buf = readfile(pathbuf, &bytes_read, 1); + if (buf != NULL) { + sscanf(buf, "%*d %*s %*c %*d %*d %*d %*d %*d %*u %*u %*u %*u %*u %lu %lu", + &umtime, &kmtime); + snprintf(p, p_max_size, "%.2f", (float)(umtime + kmtime) / 100); + free(buf); + } + } else { + NORM_ERR("$pid_time didn't receive a argument"); + } } #define UID_ENTRY "Uid:\t" void print_pid_uid(struct text_object *obj, char *p, int p_max_size) { -#define UIDNOTFOUND "Can't find the process real uid in '%s'" - char *begin, *end, *buf = NULL; - int bytes_read; - char pathbuf[64]; - std::unique_ptr objbuf(new char[max_user_text.get(*state)]); +#define UIDNOTFOUND "Can't find the process real uid in '%s'" + char *begin, *end, *buf = NULL; + int bytes_read; + char pathbuf[64]; + std::unique_ptr objbuf(new char[max_user_text.get(*state)]); - generate_text_internal(objbuf.get(), max_user_text.get(*state), *obj->sub); - snprintf(pathbuf, 64, PROCDIR "/%d/status", strtopid(objbuf.get())); + generate_text_internal(objbuf.get(), max_user_text.get(*state), *obj->sub); + snprintf(pathbuf, 64, PROCDIR "/%d/status", strtopid(objbuf.get())); - buf = readfile(pathbuf, &bytes_read, 1); - if(buf != NULL) { - begin = strstr(buf, UID_ENTRY); - if(begin != NULL) { - begin += strlen(UID_ENTRY); - end = strchr(begin, '\t'); - if(end != NULL) { - *(end) = 0; - } - snprintf(p, p_max_size, "%s", begin); - } else { - NORM_ERR(UIDNOTFOUND, pathbuf); - } - free(buf); - } + buf = readfile(pathbuf, &bytes_read, 1); + if (buf != NULL) { + begin = strstr(buf, UID_ENTRY); + if (begin != NULL) { + begin += strlen(UID_ENTRY); + end = strchr(begin, '\t'); + if (end != NULL) { + *(end) = 0; + } + snprintf(p, p_max_size, "%s", begin); + } else { + NORM_ERR(UIDNOTFOUND, pathbuf); + } + free(buf); + } } void print_pid_euid(struct text_object *obj, char *p, int p_max_size) { -#define EUIDNOTFOUND "Can't find the process effective uid in '%s'" - char *begin, *end, *buf = NULL; - int bytes_read; - char pathbuf[64]; - std::unique_ptr objbuf(new char[max_user_text.get(*state)]); +#define EUIDNOTFOUND "Can't find the process effective uid in '%s'" + char *begin, *end, *buf = NULL; + int bytes_read; + char pathbuf[64]; + std::unique_ptr objbuf(new char[max_user_text.get(*state)]); - generate_text_internal(objbuf.get(), max_user_text.get(*state), *obj->sub); - snprintf(pathbuf, 64, PROCDIR "/%d/status", strtopid(objbuf.get())); + generate_text_internal(objbuf.get(), max_user_text.get(*state), *obj->sub); + snprintf(pathbuf, 64, PROCDIR "/%d/status", strtopid(objbuf.get())); - buf = readfile(pathbuf, &bytes_read, 1); - if(buf != NULL) { - begin = strstr(buf, UID_ENTRY); - if(begin != NULL) { - begin = strchr(begin, '\t'); begin++; - begin = strchr(begin, '\t'); begin++; - end = strchr(begin, '\t'); - if(end != NULL) { - *(end) = 0; - } - snprintf(p, p_max_size, "%s", begin); - } else { - NORM_ERR(EUIDNOTFOUND, pathbuf); - } - free(buf); - } + buf = readfile(pathbuf, &bytes_read, 1); + if (buf != NULL) { + begin = strstr(buf, UID_ENTRY); + if (begin != NULL) { + begin = strchr(begin, '\t'); + begin++; + begin = strchr(begin, '\t'); + begin++; + end = strchr(begin, '\t'); + if (end != NULL) { + *(end) = 0; + } + snprintf(p, p_max_size, "%s", begin); + } else { + NORM_ERR(EUIDNOTFOUND, pathbuf); + } + free(buf); + } } void print_pid_suid(struct text_object *obj, char *p, int p_max_size) { -#define SUIDNOTFOUND "Can't find the process saved set uid in '%s'" - char *begin, *end, *buf = NULL; - int bytes_read; - char pathbuf[64]; - std::unique_ptr objbuf(new char[max_user_text.get(*state)]); +#define SUIDNOTFOUND "Can't find the process saved set uid in '%s'" + char *begin, *end, *buf = NULL; + int bytes_read; + char pathbuf[64]; + std::unique_ptr objbuf(new char[max_user_text.get(*state)]); - generate_text_internal(objbuf.get(), max_user_text.get(*state), *obj->sub); - snprintf(pathbuf, 64, PROCDIR "/%d/status", strtopid(objbuf.get())); + generate_text_internal(objbuf.get(), max_user_text.get(*state), *obj->sub); + snprintf(pathbuf, 64, PROCDIR "/%d/status", strtopid(objbuf.get())); - buf = readfile(pathbuf, &bytes_read, 1); - if(buf != NULL) { - begin = strstr(buf, UID_ENTRY); - if(begin != NULL) { - begin = strchr(begin, '\t'); begin++; - begin = strchr(begin, '\t'); begin++; - begin = strchr(begin, '\t'); begin++; - end = strchr(begin, '\t'); - if(end != NULL) { - *(end) = 0; - } - snprintf(p, p_max_size, "%s", begin); - } else { - NORM_ERR(SUIDNOTFOUND, pathbuf); - } - free(buf); - } + buf = readfile(pathbuf, &bytes_read, 1); + if (buf != NULL) { + begin = strstr(buf, UID_ENTRY); + if (begin != NULL) { + begin = strchr(begin, '\t'); + begin++; + begin = strchr(begin, '\t'); + begin++; + begin = strchr(begin, '\t'); + begin++; + end = strchr(begin, '\t'); + if (end != NULL) { + *(end) = 0; + } + snprintf(p, p_max_size, "%s", begin); + } else { + NORM_ERR(SUIDNOTFOUND, pathbuf); + } + free(buf); + } } void print_pid_fsuid(struct text_object *obj, char *p, int p_max_size) { -#define FSUIDNOTFOUND "Can't find the process file system uid in '%s'" - char *begin, *end, *buf = NULL; - int bytes_read; - char pathbuf[64]; - std::unique_ptr objbuf(new char[max_user_text.get(*state)]); +#define FSUIDNOTFOUND "Can't find the process file system uid in '%s'" + char *begin, *end, *buf = NULL; + int bytes_read; + char pathbuf[64]; + std::unique_ptr objbuf(new char[max_user_text.get(*state)]); - generate_text_internal(objbuf.get(), max_user_text.get(*state), *obj->sub); - snprintf(pathbuf, 64, PROCDIR "/%d/status", strtopid(objbuf.get())); + generate_text_internal(objbuf.get(), max_user_text.get(*state), *obj->sub); + snprintf(pathbuf, 64, PROCDIR "/%d/status", strtopid(objbuf.get())); - buf = readfile(pathbuf, &bytes_read, 1); - if(buf != NULL) { - begin = strstr(buf, UID_ENTRY); - if(begin != NULL) { - begin = strchr(begin, '\t'); begin++; - begin = strchr(begin, '\t'); begin++; - begin = strchr(begin, '\t'); begin++; - begin = strchr(begin, '\t'); begin++; - end = strchr(begin, '\n'); - if(end != NULL) { - *(end) = 0; - } - snprintf(p, p_max_size, "%s", begin); - } else { - NORM_ERR(FSUIDNOTFOUND, pathbuf); - } - free(buf); - } + buf = readfile(pathbuf, &bytes_read, 1); + if (buf != NULL) { + begin = strstr(buf, UID_ENTRY); + if (begin != NULL) { + begin = strchr(begin, '\t'); + begin++; + begin = strchr(begin, '\t'); + begin++; + begin = strchr(begin, '\t'); + begin++; + begin = strchr(begin, '\t'); + begin++; + end = strchr(begin, '\n'); + if (end != NULL) { + *(end) = 0; + } + snprintf(p, p_max_size, "%s", begin); + } else { + NORM_ERR(FSUIDNOTFOUND, pathbuf); + } + free(buf); + } } #define GID_ENTRY "Gid:\t" void print_pid_gid(struct text_object *obj, char *p, int p_max_size) { -#define GIDNOTFOUND "Can't find the process real gid in '%s'" - char *begin, *end, *buf = NULL; - int bytes_read; - char pathbuf[64]; - std::unique_ptr objbuf(new char[max_user_text.get(*state)]); +#define GIDNOTFOUND "Can't find the process real gid in '%s'" + char *begin, *end, *buf = NULL; + int bytes_read; + char pathbuf[64]; + std::unique_ptr objbuf(new char[max_user_text.get(*state)]); - generate_text_internal(objbuf.get(), max_user_text.get(*state), *obj->sub); - snprintf(pathbuf, 64, PROCDIR "/%d/status", strtopid(objbuf.get())); + generate_text_internal(objbuf.get(), max_user_text.get(*state), *obj->sub); + snprintf(pathbuf, 64, PROCDIR "/%d/status", strtopid(objbuf.get())); - buf = readfile(pathbuf, &bytes_read, 1); - if(buf != NULL) { - begin = strstr(buf, GID_ENTRY); - if(begin != NULL) { - begin += strlen(GID_ENTRY); - end = strchr(begin, '\t'); - if(end != NULL) { - *(end) = 0; - } - snprintf(p, p_max_size, "%s", begin); - } else { - NORM_ERR(GIDNOTFOUND, pathbuf); - } - free(buf); - } + buf = readfile(pathbuf, &bytes_read, 1); + if (buf != NULL) { + begin = strstr(buf, GID_ENTRY); + if (begin != NULL) { + begin += strlen(GID_ENTRY); + end = strchr(begin, '\t'); + if (end != NULL) { + *(end) = 0; + } + snprintf(p, p_max_size, "%s", begin); + } else { + NORM_ERR(GIDNOTFOUND, pathbuf); + } + free(buf); + } } void print_pid_egid(struct text_object *obj, char *p, int p_max_size) { -#define EGIDNOTFOUND "Can't find the process effective gid in '%s'" - char *begin, *end, *buf = NULL; - int bytes_read; - char pathbuf[64]; - std::unique_ptr objbuf(new char[max_user_text.get(*state)]); +#define EGIDNOTFOUND "Can't find the process effective gid in '%s'" + char *begin, *end, *buf = NULL; + int bytes_read; + char pathbuf[64]; + std::unique_ptr objbuf(new char[max_user_text.get(*state)]); - generate_text_internal(objbuf.get(), max_user_text.get(*state), *obj->sub); - snprintf(pathbuf, 64, PROCDIR "/%d/status", strtopid(objbuf.get())); + generate_text_internal(objbuf.get(), max_user_text.get(*state), *obj->sub); + snprintf(pathbuf, 64, PROCDIR "/%d/status", strtopid(objbuf.get())); - buf = readfile(pathbuf, &bytes_read, 1); - if(buf != NULL) { - begin = strstr(buf, GID_ENTRY); - if(begin != NULL) { - begin = strchr(begin, '\t'); begin++; - begin = strchr(begin, '\t'); begin++; - end = strchr(begin, '\t'); - if(end != NULL) { - *(end) = 0; - } - snprintf(p, p_max_size, "%s", begin); - } else { - NORM_ERR(EGIDNOTFOUND, pathbuf); - } - free(buf); - } + buf = readfile(pathbuf, &bytes_read, 1); + if (buf != NULL) { + begin = strstr(buf, GID_ENTRY); + if (begin != NULL) { + begin = strchr(begin, '\t'); + begin++; + begin = strchr(begin, '\t'); + begin++; + end = strchr(begin, '\t'); + if (end != NULL) { + *(end) = 0; + } + snprintf(p, p_max_size, "%s", begin); + } else { + NORM_ERR(EGIDNOTFOUND, pathbuf); + } + free(buf); + } } void print_pid_sgid(struct text_object *obj, char *p, int p_max_size) { -#define SGIDNOTFOUND "Can't find the process saved set gid in '%s'" - char *begin, *end, *buf = NULL; - int bytes_read; - char pathbuf[64]; - std::unique_ptr objbuf(new char[max_user_text.get(*state)]); +#define SGIDNOTFOUND "Can't find the process saved set gid in '%s'" + char *begin, *end, *buf = NULL; + int bytes_read; + char pathbuf[64]; + std::unique_ptr objbuf(new char[max_user_text.get(*state)]); - generate_text_internal(objbuf.get(), max_user_text.get(*state), *obj->sub); - snprintf(pathbuf, 64, PROCDIR "/%d/status", strtopid(objbuf.get())); + generate_text_internal(objbuf.get(), max_user_text.get(*state), *obj->sub); + snprintf(pathbuf, 64, PROCDIR "/%d/status", strtopid(objbuf.get())); - buf = readfile(pathbuf, &bytes_read, 1); - if(buf != NULL) { - begin = strstr(buf, GID_ENTRY); - if(begin != NULL) { - begin = strchr(begin, '\t'); begin++; - begin = strchr(begin, '\t'); begin++; - begin = strchr(begin, '\t'); begin++; - end = strchr(begin, '\t'); - if(end != NULL) { - *(end) = 0; - } - snprintf(p, p_max_size, "%s", begin); - } else { - NORM_ERR(SGIDNOTFOUND, pathbuf); - } - free(buf); - } + buf = readfile(pathbuf, &bytes_read, 1); + if (buf != NULL) { + begin = strstr(buf, GID_ENTRY); + if (begin != NULL) { + begin = strchr(begin, '\t'); + begin++; + begin = strchr(begin, '\t'); + begin++; + begin = strchr(begin, '\t'); + begin++; + end = strchr(begin, '\t'); + if (end != NULL) { + *(end) = 0; + } + snprintf(p, p_max_size, "%s", begin); + } else { + NORM_ERR(SGIDNOTFOUND, pathbuf); + } + free(buf); + } } void print_pid_fsgid(struct text_object *obj, char *p, int p_max_size) { -#define FSGIDNOTFOUND "Can't find the process file system gid in '%s'" - char *begin, *end, *buf = NULL; - int bytes_read; - char pathbuf[64]; - std::unique_ptr objbuf(new char[max_user_text.get(*state)]); +#define FSGIDNOTFOUND "Can't find the process file system gid in '%s'" + char *begin, *end, *buf = NULL; + int bytes_read; + char pathbuf[64]; + std::unique_ptr objbuf(new char[max_user_text.get(*state)]); - generate_text_internal(objbuf.get(), max_user_text.get(*state), *obj->sub); - snprintf(pathbuf, 64, PROCDIR "/%d/status", strtopid(objbuf.get())); + generate_text_internal(objbuf.get(), max_user_text.get(*state), *obj->sub); + snprintf(pathbuf, 64, PROCDIR "/%d/status", strtopid(objbuf.get())); - buf = readfile(pathbuf, &bytes_read, 1); - if(buf != NULL) { - begin = strstr(buf, GID_ENTRY); - if(begin != NULL) { - begin = strchr(begin, '\t'); begin++; - begin = strchr(begin, '\t'); begin++; - begin = strchr(begin, '\t'); begin++; - begin = strchr(begin, '\t'); begin++; - end = strchr(begin, '\n'); - if(end != NULL) { - *(end) = 0; - } - snprintf(p, p_max_size, "%s", begin); - } else { - NORM_ERR(FSGIDNOTFOUND, pathbuf); - } - free(buf); - } + buf = readfile(pathbuf, &bytes_read, 1); + if (buf != NULL) { + begin = strstr(buf, GID_ENTRY); + if (begin != NULL) { + begin = strchr(begin, '\t'); + begin++; + begin = strchr(begin, '\t'); + begin++; + begin = strchr(begin, '\t'); + begin++; + begin = strchr(begin, '\t'); + begin++; + end = strchr(begin, '\n'); + if (end != NULL) { + *(end) = 0; + } + snprintf(p, p_max_size, "%s", begin); + } else { + NORM_ERR(FSGIDNOTFOUND, pathbuf); + } + free(buf); + } } -void internal_print_pid_vm(struct text_object *obj, char *p, int p_max_size, const char* entry, const char* errorstring) { - char *begin, *end, *buf = NULL; - int bytes_read; - char pathbuf[64]; - std::unique_ptr objbuf(new char[max_user_text.get(*state)]); +void internal_print_pid_vm(struct text_object *obj, char *p, int p_max_size, + const char *entry, const char *errorstring) { + char *begin, *end, *buf = NULL; + int bytes_read; + char pathbuf[64]; + std::unique_ptr objbuf(new char[max_user_text.get(*state)]); - generate_text_internal(objbuf.get(), max_user_text.get(*state), *obj->sub); - snprintf(pathbuf, 64, PROCDIR "/%d/status", strtopid(objbuf.get())); + generate_text_internal(objbuf.get(), max_user_text.get(*state), *obj->sub); + snprintf(pathbuf, 64, PROCDIR "/%d/status", strtopid(objbuf.get())); - buf = readfile(pathbuf, &bytes_read, 1); - if(buf != NULL) { - begin = strstr(buf, entry); - if(begin != NULL) { - begin += strlen(entry); - while(*begin == '\t' || *begin == ' ') { - begin++; - } - end = strchr(begin, '\n'); - if(end != NULL) { - *(end) = 0; - } - snprintf(p, p_max_size, "%s", begin); - } else { - NORM_ERR(errorstring, pathbuf); - } - free(buf); - } + buf = readfile(pathbuf, &bytes_read, 1); + if (buf != NULL) { + begin = strstr(buf, entry); + if (begin != NULL) { + begin += strlen(entry); + while (*begin == '\t' || *begin == ' ') { + begin++; + } + end = strchr(begin, '\n'); + if (end != NULL) { + *(end) = 0; + } + snprintf(p, p_max_size, "%s", begin); + } else { + NORM_ERR(errorstring, pathbuf); + } + free(buf); + } } void print_pid_vmpeak(struct text_object *obj, char *p, int p_max_size) { - internal_print_pid_vm(obj, p, p_max_size, "VmPeak:\t", "Can't find the process peak virtual memory size in '%s'"); + internal_print_pid_vm( + obj, p, p_max_size, "VmPeak:\t", + "Can't find the process peak virtual memory size in '%s'"); } void print_pid_vmsize(struct text_object *obj, char *p, int p_max_size) { - internal_print_pid_vm(obj, p, p_max_size, "VmSize:\t", "Can't find the process virtual memory size in '%s'"); + internal_print_pid_vm(obj, p, p_max_size, "VmSize:\t", + "Can't find the process virtual memory size in '%s'"); } void print_pid_vmlck(struct text_object *obj, char *p, int p_max_size) { - internal_print_pid_vm(obj, p, p_max_size, "VmLck:\t", "Can't find the process locked memory size in '%s'"); + internal_print_pid_vm(obj, p, p_max_size, "VmLck:\t", + "Can't find the process locked memory size in '%s'"); } void print_pid_vmhwm(struct text_object *obj, char *p, int p_max_size) { - internal_print_pid_vm(obj, p, p_max_size, "VmHWM:\t", "Can't find the process peak resident set size in '%s'"); + internal_print_pid_vm( + obj, p, p_max_size, "VmHWM:\t", + "Can't find the process peak resident set size in '%s'"); } void print_pid_vmrss(struct text_object *obj, char *p, int p_max_size) { - internal_print_pid_vm(obj, p, p_max_size, "VmHWM:\t", "Can't find the process resident set size in '%s'"); + internal_print_pid_vm(obj, p, p_max_size, "VmHWM:\t", + "Can't find the process resident set size in '%s'"); } void print_pid_vmdata(struct text_object *obj, char *p, int p_max_size) { - internal_print_pid_vm(obj, p, p_max_size, "VmData:\t", "Can't find the process data segment size in '%s'"); + internal_print_pid_vm(obj, p, p_max_size, "VmData:\t", + "Can't find the process data segment size in '%s'"); } void print_pid_vmstk(struct text_object *obj, char *p, int p_max_size) { - internal_print_pid_vm(obj, p, p_max_size, "VmData:\t", "Can't find the process stack segment size in '%s'"); + internal_print_pid_vm(obj, p, p_max_size, "VmData:\t", + "Can't find the process stack segment size in '%s'"); } void print_pid_vmexe(struct text_object *obj, char *p, int p_max_size) { - internal_print_pid_vm(obj, p, p_max_size, "VmData:\t", "Can't find the process text segment size in '%s'"); + internal_print_pid_vm(obj, p, p_max_size, "VmData:\t", + "Can't find the process text segment size in '%s'"); } void print_pid_vmlib(struct text_object *obj, char *p, int p_max_size) { - internal_print_pid_vm(obj, p, p_max_size, "VmLib:\t", "Can't find the process shared library code size in '%s'"); + internal_print_pid_vm( + obj, p, p_max_size, "VmLib:\t", + "Can't find the process shared library code size in '%s'"); } void print_pid_vmpte(struct text_object *obj, char *p, int p_max_size) { - internal_print_pid_vm(obj, p, p_max_size, "VmPTE:\t", "Can't find the process page table entries size in '%s'"); + internal_print_pid_vm( + obj, p, p_max_size, "VmPTE:\t", + "Can't find the process page table entries size in '%s'"); } #define READ_ENTRY "read_bytes: " -#define READNOTFOUND "Can't find the amount of bytes read in '%s'" +#define READNOTFOUND "Can't find the amount of bytes read in '%s'" void print_pid_read(struct text_object *obj, char *p, int p_max_size) { - char *begin, *end, *buf = NULL; - int bytes_read; - char pathbuf[64]; - std::unique_ptr objbuf(new char[max_user_text.get(*state)]); + char *begin, *end, *buf = NULL; + int bytes_read; + char pathbuf[64]; + std::unique_ptr objbuf(new char[max_user_text.get(*state)]); - generate_text_internal(objbuf.get(), max_user_text.get(*state), *obj->sub); - snprintf(pathbuf, 64, PROCDIR "/%d/io", strtopid(objbuf.get())); + generate_text_internal(objbuf.get(), max_user_text.get(*state), *obj->sub); + snprintf(pathbuf, 64, PROCDIR "/%d/io", strtopid(objbuf.get())); - buf = readfile(pathbuf, &bytes_read, 1); - if(buf != NULL) { - begin = strstr(buf, READ_ENTRY); - if(begin != NULL) { - end = strchr(begin, '\n'); - if(end != NULL) { - *(end) = 0; - } - snprintf(p, p_max_size, "%s", begin); - } else { - NORM_ERR(READNOTFOUND, pathbuf); - } - free(buf); - } + buf = readfile(pathbuf, &bytes_read, 1); + if (buf != NULL) { + begin = strstr(buf, READ_ENTRY); + if (begin != NULL) { + end = strchr(begin, '\n'); + if (end != NULL) { + *(end) = 0; + } + snprintf(p, p_max_size, "%s", begin); + } else { + NORM_ERR(READNOTFOUND, pathbuf); + } + free(buf); + } } #define WRITE_ENTRY "write_bytes: " -#define WRITENOTFOUND "Can't find the amount of bytes written in '%s'" +#define WRITENOTFOUND "Can't find the amount of bytes written in '%s'" void print_pid_write(struct text_object *obj, char *p, int p_max_size) { - char *begin, *end, *buf = NULL; - int bytes_read; - char pathbuf[64]; - std::unique_ptr objbuf(new char[max_user_text.get(*state)]); + char *begin, *end, *buf = NULL; + int bytes_read; + char pathbuf[64]; + std::unique_ptr objbuf(new char[max_user_text.get(*state)]); - generate_text_internal(objbuf.get(), max_user_text.get(*state), *obj->sub); - snprintf(pathbuf, 64, PROCDIR "/%d/io", strtopid(objbuf.get())); + generate_text_internal(objbuf.get(), max_user_text.get(*state), *obj->sub); + snprintf(pathbuf, 64, PROCDIR "/%d/io", strtopid(objbuf.get())); - buf = readfile(pathbuf, &bytes_read, 1); - if(buf != NULL) { - begin = strstr(buf, WRITE_ENTRY); - if(begin != NULL) { - end = strchr(begin, '\n'); - if(end != NULL) { - *(end) = 0; - } - snprintf(p, p_max_size, "%s", begin); - } else { - NORM_ERR(WRITENOTFOUND, pathbuf); - } - free(buf); - } + buf = readfile(pathbuf, &bytes_read, 1); + if (buf != NULL) { + begin = strstr(buf, WRITE_ENTRY); + if (begin != NULL) { + end = strchr(begin, '\n'); + if (end != NULL) { + *(end) = 0; + } + snprintf(p, p_max_size, "%s", begin); + } else { + NORM_ERR(WRITENOTFOUND, pathbuf); + } + free(buf); + } } diff --git a/src/proc.h b/src/proc.h index 9c634720..d54eba0b 100644 --- a/src/proc.h +++ b/src/proc.h @@ -1,5 +1,4 @@ -/* -*- mode: c; c-basic-offset: 4; tab-width: 4; indent-tabs-mode: t -*- - * vim: ts=4 sw=4 noet ai cindent syntax=c +/* * * Conky, a system monitor, based on torsmo * @@ -10,7 +9,7 @@ * Please see COPYING for details * * Copyright (c) 2004, Hannu Saransaari and Lauri Hakkarainen - * Copyright (c) 2005-2012 Brenden Matthews, Philip Kovacs, et. al. + * Copyright (c) 2005-2018 Brenden Matthews, Philip Kovacs, et. al. * (see AUTHORS) * All rights reserved. * @@ -31,8 +30,8 @@ #ifndef CONKY_PROC_H #define CONKY_PROC_H -#define PROCDIR "/proc" -#define READERR "Can't read '%s'" +#define PROCDIR "/proc" +#define READERR "Can't read '%s'" #define READSIZE 128 void print_pid_chroot(struct text_object *obj, char *p, int p_max_size); @@ -52,7 +51,8 @@ void print_pid_stdin(struct text_object *obj, char *p, int p_max_size); void print_pid_stdout(struct text_object *obj, char *p, int p_max_size); void print_pid_threads(struct text_object *obj, char *p, int p_max_size); void print_pid_thread_list(struct text_object *obj, char *p, int p_max_size); -void print_pid_time_kernelmode(struct text_object *obj, char *p, int p_max_size); +void print_pid_time_kernelmode(struct text_object *obj, char *p, + int p_max_size); void print_pid_time_usermode(struct text_object *obj, char *p, int p_max_size); void print_pid_time(struct text_object *obj, char *p, int p_max_size); void print_pid_uid(struct text_object *obj, char *p, int p_max_size); @@ -76,7 +76,8 @@ void print_pid_vmlib(struct text_object *obj, char *p, int p_max_size); void print_pid_vmpte(struct text_object *obj, char *p, int p_max_size); void print_pid_write(struct text_object *obj, char *p, int p_max_size); -void scan_cmdline_to_pid_arg(struct text_object *obj, const char *arg, void* free_at_crash); +void scan_cmdline_to_pid_arg(struct text_object *obj, const char *arg, + void *free_at_crash); void print_cmdline_to_pid(struct text_object *obj, char *p, int p_max_size); #endif /* CONKY_PROC_H */ diff --git a/src/prss.cc b/src/prss.cc index a9d76a0f..ed278a7e 100644 --- a/src/prss.cc +++ b/src/prss.cc @@ -1,5 +1,4 @@ -/* -*- mode: c++; c-basic-offset: 4; tab-width: 4; indent-tabs-mode: t -*- - * vim: ts=4 sw=4 noet ai cindent syntax=cpp +/* * * Copyright (c) 2007 Mikko Sysikaski * Toni Spets @@ -18,11 +17,11 @@ * */ -#include "conky.h" #include "prss.h" -#include "logging.h" #include #include +#include "conky.h" +#include "logging.h" #ifndef PARSE_OPTIONS #define PARSE_OPTIONS 0 @@ -31,218 +30,221 @@ void prss_parse_doc(PRSS *result, xmlDocPtr doc); PRSS::PRSS(const std::string &xml_data) - : version(NULL), title(NULL), link(NULL), description(NULL), language(NULL), - generator(NULL), managingEditor(NULL), webMaster(NULL), docs(NULL), lastBuildDate(NULL), - pubDate(NULL), copyright(NULL), ttl(NULL), items(NULL), item_count(0) -{ - std::unique_ptr doc( - xmlReadMemory(xml_data.c_str(), xml_data.length(), "", NULL, PARSE_OPTIONS), - xmlFreeDoc); + : version(NULL), + title(NULL), + link(NULL), + description(NULL), + language(NULL), + generator(NULL), + managingEditor(NULL), + webMaster(NULL), + docs(NULL), + lastBuildDate(NULL), + pubDate(NULL), + copyright(NULL), + ttl(NULL), + items(NULL), + item_count(0) { + std::unique_ptr doc( + xmlReadMemory(xml_data.c_str(), xml_data.length(), "", NULL, + PARSE_OPTIONS), + xmlFreeDoc); - if (!doc) - throw std::runtime_error("Unable to parse rss data"); + if (!doc) throw std::runtime_error("Unable to parse rss data"); - prss_parse_doc(this, doc.get()); + prss_parse_doc(this, doc.get()); } -void free_rss_items(PRSS *data) -{ - int i; +void free_rss_items(PRSS *data) { + int i; - if(data->items) { - for (i = 0; i < data->item_count; i++) { + if (data->items) { + for (i = 0; i < data->item_count; i++) { #define CLEAR(a) free_and_zero(data->items[i].a); - CLEAR(title); - CLEAR(link); - CLEAR(description); - CLEAR(category); - CLEAR(pubDate); - CLEAR(guid); + CLEAR(title); + CLEAR(link); + CLEAR(description); + CLEAR(category); + CLEAR(pubDate); + CLEAR(guid); #undef CLEAR - } - free_and_zero(data->items); - data->item_count = 0; - } + } + free_and_zero(data->items); + data->item_count = 0; + } } -PRSS::~PRSS() -{ - free_rss_items(this); - free(version); - free(title); - free(link); - free(description); - free(language); - free(pubDate); - free(lastBuildDate); - free(generator); - free(docs); - free(managingEditor); - free(webMaster); - free(copyright); - free(ttl); +PRSS::~PRSS() { + free_rss_items(this); + free(version); + free(title); + free(link); + free(description); + free(language); + free(pubDate); + free(lastBuildDate); + free(generator); + free(docs); + free(managingEditor); + free(webMaster); + free(copyright); + free(ttl); } -static inline void prss_null_item(PRSS_Item *i) -{ - memset(i, 0, sizeof(PRSS_Item)); +static inline void prss_null_item(PRSS_Item *i) { + memset(i, 0, sizeof(PRSS_Item)); } -static inline void read_item(PRSS_Item *res, xmlNodePtr data) -{ - prss_null_item(res); +static inline void read_item(PRSS_Item *res, xmlNodePtr data) { + prss_null_item(res); - for (; data; data = data->next) { - xmlNodePtr child; + for (; data; data = data->next) { + xmlNodePtr child; - if (data->type != XML_ELEMENT_NODE) { - continue; - } - child = data->children; + if (data->type != XML_ELEMENT_NODE) { + continue; + } + child = data->children; - if (!child) { - continue; - } + if (!child) { + continue; + } -#define ASSIGN(a) if (strcasecmp((const char*)data->name, #a) == EQUAL) { \ - free_and_zero(res->a); \ - res->a = strdup((const char*)child->content); \ - continue; \ - } - ASSIGN(title); - ASSIGN(link); - ASSIGN(description); - ASSIGN(category); - ASSIGN(pubDate); - ASSIGN(guid); +#define ASSIGN(a) \ + if (strcasecmp((const char *)data->name, #a) == EQUAL) { \ + free_and_zero(res->a); \ + res->a = strdup((const char *)child->content); \ + continue; \ + } + ASSIGN(title); + ASSIGN(link); + ASSIGN(description); + ASSIGN(category); + ASSIGN(pubDate); + ASSIGN(guid); #undef ASSIGN - } + } } -static inline void read_element(PRSS *res, xmlNodePtr n) -{ - xmlNodePtr child; +static inline void read_element(PRSS *res, xmlNodePtr n) { + xmlNodePtr child; - if (n->type != XML_ELEMENT_NODE) { - return; - } - child = n->children; + if (n->type != XML_ELEMENT_NODE) { + return; + } + child = n->children; - if (!child) { - return; - } + if (!child) { + return; + } -#define ASSIGN(a) if (strcasecmp((const char*)n->name, #a) == EQUAL) { \ - free_and_zero(res->a); \ - res->a = strdup((const char*)child->content); \ - return; \ - } - ASSIGN(title); - ASSIGN(link); - ASSIGN(description); - ASSIGN(language); - ASSIGN(pubDate); - ASSIGN(lastBuildDate); - ASSIGN(generator); - ASSIGN(docs); - ASSIGN(managingEditor); - ASSIGN(webMaster); - ASSIGN(copyright); - ASSIGN(ttl); +#define ASSIGN(a) \ + if (strcasecmp((const char *)n->name, #a) == EQUAL) { \ + free_and_zero(res->a); \ + res->a = strdup((const char *)child->content); \ + return; \ + } + ASSIGN(title); + ASSIGN(link); + ASSIGN(description); + ASSIGN(language); + ASSIGN(pubDate); + ASSIGN(lastBuildDate); + ASSIGN(generator); + ASSIGN(docs); + ASSIGN(managingEditor); + ASSIGN(webMaster); + ASSIGN(copyright); + ASSIGN(ttl); #undef ASSIGN - if (!strcasecmp((const char*)n->name, "item")) { - read_item(&res->items[res->item_count++], n->children); - } + if (!strcasecmp((const char *)n->name, "item")) { + read_item(&res->items[res->item_count++], n->children); + } } -static inline int parse_rss_2_0(PRSS *res, xmlNodePtr root) -{ - xmlNodePtr channel = root->children; - xmlNodePtr n; - int items = 0; +static inline int parse_rss_2_0(PRSS *res, xmlNodePtr root) { + xmlNodePtr channel = root->children; + xmlNodePtr n; + int items = 0; - DBGP("parsing rss 2.0 or <1 doc"); + DBGP("parsing rss 2.0 or <1 doc"); - while (channel && (channel->type != XML_ELEMENT_NODE - || strcmp((const char *) channel->name, "channel"))) { - channel = channel->next; - } - if (!channel) { - return 0; - } + while (channel && (channel->type != XML_ELEMENT_NODE || + strcmp((const char *)channel->name, "channel"))) { + channel = channel->next; + } + if (!channel) { + return 0; + } - for (n = channel->children; n; n = n->next) { - if (n->type == XML_ELEMENT_NODE && - !strcmp((const char *) n->name, "item")) { - ++items; - } - } + for (n = channel->children; n; n = n->next) { + if (n->type == XML_ELEMENT_NODE && !strcmp((const char *)n->name, "item")) { + ++items; + } + } - free_and_zero(res->version); - res->version = strndup("2.0", text_buffer_size.get(*state)); - free_rss_items(res); - res->items = (PRSS_Item*) malloc(items * sizeof(PRSS_Item)); - res->item_count = 0; + free_and_zero(res->version); + res->version = strndup("2.0", text_buffer_size.get(*state)); + free_rss_items(res); + res->items = (PRSS_Item *)malloc(items * sizeof(PRSS_Item)); + res->item_count = 0; - for (n = channel->children; n; n = n->next) { - read_element(res, n); - } + for (n = channel->children; n; n = n->next) { + read_element(res, n); + } - return 1; + return 1; } -static inline int parse_rss_1_0(PRSS *res, xmlNodePtr root) -{ - int items = 0; - xmlNodePtr n; +static inline int parse_rss_1_0(PRSS *res, xmlNodePtr root) { + int items = 0; + xmlNodePtr n; - DBGP("parsing rss 1.0 doc"); + DBGP("parsing rss 1.0 doc"); - for (n = root->children; n; n = n->next) { - if (n->type == XML_ELEMENT_NODE) { - if (!strcmp((const char *) n->name, "item")) { - ++items; - } else if (!strcmp((const char *) n->name, "channel")) { - xmlNodePtr i; + for (n = root->children; n; n = n->next) { + if (n->type == XML_ELEMENT_NODE) { + if (!strcmp((const char *)n->name, "item")) { + ++items; + } else if (!strcmp((const char *)n->name, "channel")) { + xmlNodePtr i; - for (i = n->children; i; i = i->next) { - read_element(res, i); - } - } - } - } + for (i = n->children; i; i = i->next) { + read_element(res, i); + } + } + } + } - free_and_zero(res->version); - res->version = strndup("1.0", text_buffer_size.get(*state)); - free_rss_items(res); - res->items = (PRSS_Item*) malloc(items * sizeof(PRSS_Item)); - res->item_count = 0; + free_and_zero(res->version); + res->version = strndup("1.0", text_buffer_size.get(*state)); + free_rss_items(res); + res->items = (PRSS_Item *)malloc(items * sizeof(PRSS_Item)); + res->item_count = 0; - for (n = root->children; n; n = n->next) { - if (n->type == XML_ELEMENT_NODE && - !strcmp((const char *) n->name, "item")) { - read_item(&res->items[res->item_count++], n->children); - } - } + for (n = root->children; n; n = n->next) { + if (n->type == XML_ELEMENT_NODE && !strcmp((const char *)n->name, "item")) { + read_item(&res->items[res->item_count++], n->children); + } + } - return 1; + return 1; } -void prss_parse_doc(PRSS *result, xmlDocPtr doc) -{ - xmlNodePtr root = xmlDocGetRootElement(doc); +void prss_parse_doc(PRSS *result, xmlDocPtr doc) { + xmlNodePtr root = xmlDocGetRootElement(doc); - do { - if (root->type == XML_ELEMENT_NODE) { - if (!strcmp((const char *) root->name, "RDF")) { - // RSS 1.0 document - parse_rss_1_0(result, root); - return; - } else if (!strcmp((const char *) root->name, "rss")) { - // RSS 2.0 or <1.0 document - parse_rss_2_0(result, root); - return; - } - } - root = root->next; - } while (root); - return; + do { + if (root->type == XML_ELEMENT_NODE) { + if (!strcmp((const char *)root->name, "RDF")) { + // RSS 1.0 document + parse_rss_1_0(result, root); + return; + } else if (!strcmp((const char *)root->name, "rss")) { + // RSS 2.0 or <1.0 document + parse_rss_2_0(result, root); + return; + } + } + root = root->next; + } while (root); + return; } diff --git a/src/prss.h b/src/prss.h index 05fa5a45..f3d79553 100644 --- a/src/prss.h +++ b/src/prss.h @@ -1,5 +1,4 @@ -/* -*- mode: c; c-basic-offset: 4; tab-width: 4; indent-tabs-mode: t -*- - * vim: ts=4 sw=4 noet ai cindent syntax=cpp +/* * * Copyright (c) 2007 Mikko Sysikaski * Toni Spets @@ -22,35 +21,35 @@ #include typedef struct PRSS_Item_ { - char *title; - char *link; - char *description; - char *category; - char *pubDate; - char *guid; + char *title; + char *link; + char *description; + char *category; + char *pubDate; + char *guid; } PRSS_Item; struct PRSS { - char *version; + char *version; - char *title; - char *link; - char *description; - char *language; - char *generator; - char *managingEditor; - char *webMaster; - char *docs; - char *lastBuildDate; - char *pubDate; - char *copyright; - char *ttl; + char *title; + char *link; + char *description; + char *language; + char *generator; + char *managingEditor; + char *webMaster; + char *docs; + char *lastBuildDate; + char *pubDate; + char *copyright; + char *ttl; - PRSS_Item *items; - int item_count; + PRSS_Item *items; + int item_count; - PRSS(const std::string &xml_data); - ~PRSS(); + PRSS(const std::string &xml_data); + ~PRSS(); }; #endif /* PRSS_H */ diff --git a/src/pulseaudio.cc b/src/pulseaudio.cc index 93226c1b..9add3bf7 100644 --- a/src/pulseaudio.cc +++ b/src/pulseaudio.cc @@ -1,307 +1,333 @@ -/* -*- mode: c++; c-basic-offset: 4; tab-width: 4; indent-tabs-mode: t -*- -* vim: ts=4 sw=4 noet ai cindent syntax=cpp -* -* Conky, a system monitor, based on torsmo -* -* Any original torsmo code is licensed under the BSD license -* -* All code written since the fork of torsmo is licensed under the GPL -* -* Please see COPYING for details -* -* Copyright (c) 2004, Hannu Saransaari and Lauri Hakkarainen -* Copyright (c) 2005-2012 Brenden Matthews, Philip Kovacs, et. al. -* (see AUTHORS) -* All rights reserved. -* -* This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify -* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by -* the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or -* (at your option) any later version. -* -* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, -* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of -* MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the -* GNU General Public License for more details. -* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License -* along with this program. If not, see . -* -*/ +/* + * + * Conky, a system monitor, based on torsmo + * + * Any original torsmo code is licensed under the BSD license + * + * All code written since the fork of torsmo is licensed under the GPL + * + * Please see COPYING for details + * + * Copyright (c) 2004, Hannu Saransaari and Lauri Hakkarainen + * Copyright (c) 2005-2018 Brenden Matthews, Philip Kovacs, et. al. + * (see AUTHORS) + * All rights reserved. + * + * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify + * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by + * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or + * (at your option) any later version. + * + * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, + * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of + * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the + * GNU General Public License for more details. + * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License + * along with this program. If not, see . + * + */ +#include "pulseaudio.h" +#include +#include #include "common.h" #include "config.h" #include "conky.h" #include "core.h" #include "logging.h" -#include "pulseaudio.h" #include "specials.h" #include "text_object.h" -#include -#include struct pulseaudio_default_results get_result_copy(); - -const struct pulseaudio_default_results pulseaudio_result0 = - { std::string(), std::string(), std::string(), std::string(), 0, 0, 0, 0, std::string(), std::string(), 0 }; +const struct pulseaudio_default_results pulseaudio_result0 = {std::string(), + std::string(), + std::string(), + std::string(), + 0, + 0, + 0, + 0, + std::string(), + std::string(), + 0}; pulseaudio_c *pulseaudio = NULL; -void pa_sink_info_callback(pa_context *c, const pa_sink_info *i, int eol, void *data) { - if (i != NULL && data) { - struct pulseaudio_default_results *pdr = (struct pulseaudio_default_results *)data; - pdr->sink_description.assign(i->description); - pdr->sink_mute = i->mute; - pdr->sink_card = i->card; - pdr->sink_index = i->index; - pdr->sink_active_port_name.assign(i->active_port->name); - pdr->sink_active_port_description.assign(i->active_port->description); - pdr->sink_volume = round_to_int(100.0f * (float)pa_cvolume_avg(&(i->volume)) / (float)PA_VOLUME_NORM); - pa_threaded_mainloop_signal(pulseaudio->mainloop, 0); - } - (void)c; - ++eol; +void pa_sink_info_callback(pa_context *c, const pa_sink_info *i, int eol, + void *data) { + if (i != NULL && data) { + struct pulseaudio_default_results *pdr = + (struct pulseaudio_default_results *)data; + pdr->sink_description.assign(i->description); + pdr->sink_mute = i->mute; + pdr->sink_card = i->card; + pdr->sink_index = i->index; + pdr->sink_active_port_name.assign(i->active_port->name); + pdr->sink_active_port_description.assign(i->active_port->description); + pdr->sink_volume = round_to_int( + 100.0f * (float)pa_cvolume_avg(&(i->volume)) / (float)PA_VOLUME_NORM); + pa_threaded_mainloop_signal(pulseaudio->mainloop, 0); + } + (void)c; + ++eol; } -void pa_server_info_callback(pa_context *c, const pa_server_info *i, void *userdata) { - if (i != NULL) { - struct pulseaudio_default_results *pdr = (struct pulseaudio_default_results *)userdata; - pdr->sink_name.assign(i->default_sink_name); - pa_threaded_mainloop_signal(pulseaudio->mainloop, 0); - } - (void)c; +void pa_server_info_callback(pa_context *c, const pa_server_info *i, + void *userdata) { + if (i != NULL) { + struct pulseaudio_default_results *pdr = + (struct pulseaudio_default_results *)userdata; + pdr->sink_name.assign(i->default_sink_name); + pa_threaded_mainloop_signal(pulseaudio->mainloop, 0); + } + (void)c; } -void pa_server_sink_info_callback(pa_context *c, const pa_server_info *i, void *userdata) { - if (i != NULL) { - struct pulseaudio_default_results *pdr = (struct pulseaudio_default_results *)userdata; - pdr->sink_name.assign(i->default_sink_name); - if(pdr->sink_name.empty()) return; - pa_operation *op; - if (!(op = pa_context_get_sink_info_by_name(c, pdr->sink_name.c_str(), pa_sink_info_callback, pdr))) { - NORM_ERR("pa_context_get_sink_info_by_index() failed"); - return; - } - pa_operation_unref(op); +void pa_server_sink_info_callback(pa_context *c, const pa_server_info *i, + void *userdata) { + if (i != NULL) { + struct pulseaudio_default_results *pdr = + (struct pulseaudio_default_results *)userdata; + pdr->sink_name.assign(i->default_sink_name); + if (pdr->sink_name.empty()) return; + pa_operation *op; + if (!(op = pa_context_get_sink_info_by_name(c, pdr->sink_name.c_str(), + pa_sink_info_callback, pdr))) { + NORM_ERR("pa_context_get_sink_info_by_index() failed"); + return; } - (void)c; + pa_operation_unref(op); + } + (void)c; } -void pa_card_info_callback(pa_context *c, const pa_card_info *card, - int eol, void *userdata) { - if (card) { - struct pulseaudio_default_results *pdr = (struct pulseaudio_default_results *)userdata; - pdr->card_name.assign(card->name); - pdr->card_index = card->index; - pdr->card_active_profile_description.assign(card->active_profile->description); - pa_threaded_mainloop_signal(pulseaudio->mainloop, 0); - } - (void)c; - eol++; +void pa_card_info_callback(pa_context *c, const pa_card_info *card, int eol, + void *userdata) { + if (card) { + struct pulseaudio_default_results *pdr = + (struct pulseaudio_default_results *)userdata; + pdr->card_name.assign(card->name); + pdr->card_index = card->index; + pdr->card_active_profile_description.assign( + card->active_profile->description); + pa_threaded_mainloop_signal(pulseaudio->mainloop, 0); + } + (void)c; + eol++; } void context_state_cb(pa_context *c, void *userdata) { - pulseaudio_c *puau_int = static_cast( userdata); - switch (pa_context_get_state(c)) { - case PA_CONTEXT_UNCONNECTED: - case PA_CONTEXT_CONNECTING: - case PA_CONTEXT_AUTHORIZING: - case PA_CONTEXT_SETTING_NAME: - break; + pulseaudio_c *puau_int = static_cast(userdata); + switch (pa_context_get_state(c)) { + case PA_CONTEXT_UNCONNECTED: + case PA_CONTEXT_CONNECTING: + case PA_CONTEXT_AUTHORIZING: + case PA_CONTEXT_SETTING_NAME: + break; - case PA_CONTEXT_READY: { - puau_int->cstate = PULSE_CONTEXT_READY; - break; - } - case PA_CONTEXT_FAILED: - case PA_CONTEXT_TERMINATED: { - puau_int->cstate = PULSE_CONTEXT_FINISHED; - break; - } - default: - return; + case PA_CONTEXT_READY: { + puau_int->cstate = PULSE_CONTEXT_READY; + break; } + case PA_CONTEXT_FAILED: + case PA_CONTEXT_TERMINATED: { + puau_int->cstate = PULSE_CONTEXT_FINISHED; + break; + } + default: + return; + } } #define PULSEAUDIO_OP(command, error_msg) \ - if (!(op = command)) { \ - NORM_ERR(error_msg); \ - return; \ - } \ - pa_operation_unref(op); + if (!(op = command)) { \ + NORM_ERR(error_msg); \ + return; \ + } \ + pa_operation_unref(op); +void subscribe_cb(pa_context *c, pa_subscription_event_type_t t, uint32_t index, + void *userdata) { + struct pulseaudio_default_results *res = + (struct pulseaudio_default_results *)userdata; -void subscribe_cb(pa_context *c, pa_subscription_event_type_t t, uint32_t index, void *userdata) { - struct pulseaudio_default_results *res = (struct pulseaudio_default_results *)userdata; + switch (t & PA_SUBSCRIPTION_EVENT_FACILITY_MASK) { + case PA_SUBSCRIPTION_EVENT_SINK: { + if (res->sink_name.empty()) return; + pa_operation *op; + PULSEAUDIO_OP(pa_context_get_sink_info_by_name( + c, res->sink_name.c_str(), pa_sink_info_callback, res), + "pa_context_get_sink_info_by_name failed"); + } break; - switch (t & PA_SUBSCRIPTION_EVENT_FACILITY_MASK) { - case PA_SUBSCRIPTION_EVENT_SINK: { - if(res->sink_name.empty()) return; - pa_operation *op; - PULSEAUDIO_OP(pa_context_get_sink_info_by_name(c, res->sink_name.c_str(), - pa_sink_info_callback, res), - "pa_context_get_sink_info_by_name failed"); - } break; + case PA_SUBSCRIPTION_EVENT_CARD: + if (index == res->card_index && res->card_index != (uint32_t)-1) { + pa_operation *op; + PULSEAUDIO_OP(pa_context_get_card_info_by_index( + c, index, pa_card_info_callback, res), + "pa_context_get_card_info_by_index() failed") + } + break; - case PA_SUBSCRIPTION_EVENT_CARD: - if (index == res->card_index && res->card_index != (uint32_t)-1) { - pa_operation *op; - PULSEAUDIO_OP(pa_context_get_card_info_by_index(c, - index, pa_card_info_callback, res), - "pa_context_get_card_info_by_index() failed") - } - break; - - case PA_SUBSCRIPTION_EVENT_SERVER: { - pa_operation *op; - PULSEAUDIO_OP(pa_context_get_server_info(c, - pa_server_sink_info_callback, res), - "pa_context_get_server_info() failed"); - } break; - } + case PA_SUBSCRIPTION_EVENT_SERVER: { + pa_operation *op; + PULSEAUDIO_OP( + pa_context_get_server_info(c, pa_server_sink_info_callback, res), + "pa_context_get_server_info() failed"); + } break; + } } -#define PULSEAUDIO_WAIT(COMMAND) \ - op = COMMAND; \ - while (pa_operation_get_state(op) == PA_OPERATION_RUNNING) { \ - pa_threaded_mainloop_wait(pulseaudio->mainloop); \ - } \ - pa_operation_unref(op); - +#define PULSEAUDIO_WAIT(COMMAND) \ + op = COMMAND; \ + while (pa_operation_get_state(op) == PA_OPERATION_RUNNING) { \ + pa_threaded_mainloop_wait(pulseaudio->mainloop); \ + } \ + pa_operation_unref(op); void init_pulseaudio(struct text_object *obj) { - // already initialized - (void)obj; - if(pulseaudio != NULL && pulseaudio->cstate == PULSE_CONTEXT_READY) { - pulseaudio->ninits++; - obj->data.opaque = (void *)pulseaudio; - return ; - } - pulseaudio = new pulseaudio_c(); - obj->data.opaque = (void *)pulseaudio; - pulseaudio->ninits++; + // already initialized + (void)obj; + if (pulseaudio != NULL && pulseaudio->cstate == PULSE_CONTEXT_READY) { + pulseaudio->ninits++; + obj->data.opaque = (void *)pulseaudio; + return; + } + pulseaudio = new pulseaudio_c(); + obj->data.opaque = (void *)pulseaudio; + pulseaudio->ninits++; - // Create a mainloop API and connection to the default server - pulseaudio->mainloop = pa_threaded_mainloop_new(); - if (!pulseaudio->mainloop) - NORM_ERR("Cannot create pulseaudio mainloop"); + // Create a mainloop API and connection to the default server + pulseaudio->mainloop = pa_threaded_mainloop_new(); + if (!pulseaudio->mainloop) NORM_ERR("Cannot create pulseaudio mainloop"); - pulseaudio->mainloop_api = pa_threaded_mainloop_get_api(pulseaudio->mainloop); + pulseaudio->mainloop_api = pa_threaded_mainloop_get_api(pulseaudio->mainloop); - if (!pulseaudio->mainloop_api) - NORM_ERR("Cannot get mainloop api"); + if (!pulseaudio->mainloop_api) NORM_ERR("Cannot get mainloop api"); - pulseaudio->context = pa_context_new(pulseaudio->mainloop_api, "Conky Infos"); + pulseaudio->context = pa_context_new(pulseaudio->mainloop_api, "Conky Infos"); - // This function defines a callback so the server will tell us its state. - pa_context_set_state_callback(pulseaudio->context, - context_state_cb, pulseaudio); + // This function defines a callback so the server will tell us its state. + pa_context_set_state_callback(pulseaudio->context, context_state_cb, + pulseaudio); - // This function connects to the pulse server - if (pa_context_connect(pulseaudio->context, NULL, (pa_context_flags_t)0, NULL) < 0) { - CRIT_ERR(NULL, NULL, "Cannot connect to pulseaudio"); - return; - } - pa_threaded_mainloop_start(pulseaudio->mainloop); + // This function connects to the pulse server + if (pa_context_connect(pulseaudio->context, NULL, (pa_context_flags_t)0, + NULL) < 0) { + CRIT_ERR(NULL, NULL, "Cannot connect to pulseaudio"); + return; + } + pa_threaded_mainloop_start(pulseaudio->mainloop); - while (pulseaudio->cstate != PULSE_CONTEXT_READY) { - usleep(200); - } + while (pulseaudio->cstate != PULSE_CONTEXT_READY) { + usleep(200); + } - //Initial parameters update + // Initial parameters update - pa_operation *op; - PULSEAUDIO_WAIT(pa_context_get_server_info(pulseaudio->context, - pa_server_info_callback, &pulseaudio->result)); + pa_operation *op; + PULSEAUDIO_WAIT(pa_context_get_server_info( + pulseaudio->context, pa_server_info_callback, &pulseaudio->result)); - if (pulseaudio->result.sink_name.empty()) - return; + if (pulseaudio->result.sink_name.empty()) return; - PULSEAUDIO_WAIT(pa_context_get_sink_info_by_name(pulseaudio->context, pulseaudio->result.sink_name.c_str(), - pa_sink_info_callback, &pulseaudio->result)); + PULSEAUDIO_WAIT(pa_context_get_sink_info_by_name( + pulseaudio->context, pulseaudio->result.sink_name.c_str(), + pa_sink_info_callback, &pulseaudio->result)); - if (pulseaudio->result.sink_name.empty()){ - NORM_ERR("Incorrect pulseaudio sink information."); - return; - } + if (pulseaudio->result.sink_name.empty()) { + NORM_ERR("Incorrect pulseaudio sink information."); + return; + } - if(pulseaudio->result.sink_card!=(uint32_t)-1) - PULSEAUDIO_WAIT(pa_context_get_card_info_by_index(pulseaudio->context, pulseaudio->result.sink_card, - pa_card_info_callback, &pulseaudio->result)); + if (pulseaudio->result.sink_card != (uint32_t)-1) + PULSEAUDIO_WAIT(pa_context_get_card_info_by_index( + pulseaudio->context, pulseaudio->result.sink_card, + pa_card_info_callback, &pulseaudio->result)); - // get notification when something changes in PA - pa_context_set_subscribe_callback(pulseaudio->context, subscribe_cb, &pulseaudio->result); - - if (!(op = pa_context_subscribe(pulseaudio->context, (pa_subscription_mask_t)(PA_SUBSCRIPTION_MASK_SINK | - PA_SUBSCRIPTION_MASK_SERVER | - PA_SUBSCRIPTION_MASK_CARD), - NULL, NULL))) { - NORM_ERR("pa_context_subscribe() failed"); - return; - } - pa_operation_unref(op); + // get notification when something changes in PA + pa_context_set_subscribe_callback(pulseaudio->context, subscribe_cb, + &pulseaudio->result); + if (!(op = pa_context_subscribe( + pulseaudio->context, + (pa_subscription_mask_t)(PA_SUBSCRIPTION_MASK_SINK | + PA_SUBSCRIPTION_MASK_SERVER | + PA_SUBSCRIPTION_MASK_CARD), + NULL, NULL))) { + NORM_ERR("pa_context_subscribe() failed"); + return; + } + pa_operation_unref(op); } void free_pulseaudio(struct text_object *obj) { - pulseaudio_c *puau_int = static_cast( obj->data.opaque); + pulseaudio_c *puau_int = static_cast(obj->data.opaque); - if(!puau_int) return; + if (!puau_int) return; - if(--puau_int->ninits > 0) { - obj->data.opaque=NULL; - return; - } + if (--puau_int->ninits > 0) { + obj->data.opaque = NULL; + return; + } - puau_int->cstate = PULSE_CONTEXT_FINISHED; + puau_int->cstate = PULSE_CONTEXT_FINISHED; - if (puau_int->context) { - pa_context_set_state_callback(puau_int->context, NULL, NULL); - pa_context_disconnect(puau_int->context); - pa_context_unref(puau_int->context); - } - if (puau_int->mainloop) { - pa_threaded_mainloop_stop(puau_int->mainloop); - pa_threaded_mainloop_free(puau_int->mainloop); - } - delete puau_int; - puau_int = NULL; + if (puau_int->context) { + pa_context_set_state_callback(puau_int->context, NULL, NULL); + pa_context_disconnect(puau_int->context); + pa_context_unref(puau_int->context); + } + if (puau_int->mainloop) { + pa_threaded_mainloop_stop(puau_int->mainloop); + pa_threaded_mainloop_free(puau_int->mainloop); + } + delete puau_int; + puau_int = NULL; } struct pulseaudio_default_results get_pulseaudio(struct text_object *obj) { - pulseaudio_c *puau_int = static_cast( obj->data.opaque); - if(puau_int && puau_int->cstate == PULSE_CONTEXT_READY) - return puau_int->result; - return pulseaudio_result0; + pulseaudio_c *puau_int = static_cast(obj->data.opaque); + if (puau_int && puau_int->cstate == PULSE_CONTEXT_READY) + return puau_int->result; + return pulseaudio_result0; } uint8_t puau_vol(struct text_object *obj) { - return get_pulseaudio(obj).sink_volume; + return get_pulseaudio(obj).sink_volume; } int puau_muted(struct text_object *obj) { - return get_pulseaudio(obj).sink_mute; + return get_pulseaudio(obj).sink_mute; } -void print_puau_sink_description(struct text_object *obj, char *p, int p_max_size) { - snprintf(p, p_max_size, "%s", get_pulseaudio(obj).sink_description.c_str()); +void print_puau_sink_description(struct text_object *obj, char *p, + int p_max_size) { + snprintf(p, p_max_size, "%s", get_pulseaudio(obj).sink_description.c_str()); } -void print_puau_sink_active_port_name(struct text_object *obj, char *p, int p_max_size) { - snprintf(p, p_max_size, "%s", get_pulseaudio(obj).sink_active_port_name.c_str()); +void print_puau_sink_active_port_name(struct text_object *obj, char *p, + int p_max_size) { + snprintf(p, p_max_size, "%s", + get_pulseaudio(obj).sink_active_port_name.c_str()); } -void print_puau_sink_active_port_description(struct text_object *obj, char *p, int p_max_size) { - snprintf(p, p_max_size, "%s", get_pulseaudio(obj).sink_active_port_description.c_str()); +void print_puau_sink_active_port_description(struct text_object *obj, char *p, + int p_max_size) { + snprintf(p, p_max_size, "%s", + get_pulseaudio(obj).sink_active_port_description.c_str()); } -void print_puau_card_active_profile(struct text_object *obj, char *p, int p_max_size) { - snprintf(p, p_max_size, "%s", get_pulseaudio(obj).card_active_profile_description.c_str()); +void print_puau_card_active_profile(struct text_object *obj, char *p, + int p_max_size) { + snprintf(p, p_max_size, "%s", + get_pulseaudio(obj).card_active_profile_description.c_str()); } void print_puau_card_name(struct text_object *obj, char *p, int p_max_size) { - snprintf(p, p_max_size, "%s", get_pulseaudio(obj).card_name.c_str()); + snprintf(p, p_max_size, "%s", get_pulseaudio(obj).card_name.c_str()); } double puau_volumebarval(struct text_object *obj) { - return get_pulseaudio(obj).sink_volume / 100.0f; + return get_pulseaudio(obj).sink_volume / 100.0f; } diff --git a/src/pulseaudio.h b/src/pulseaudio.h index 18abeb51..35d79685 100644 --- a/src/pulseaudio.h +++ b/src/pulseaudio.h @@ -1,87 +1,92 @@ -/* -*- mode: c++; c-basic-offset: 4; tab-width: 4; indent-tabs-mode: t -*- -* vim: ts=4 sw=4 noet ai cindent syntax=cpp -* -* Conky, a system monitor, based on torsmo -* -* Any original torsmo code is licensed under the BSD license -* -* All code written since the fork of torsmo is licensed under the GPL -* -* Please see COPYING for details -* -* Copyright (c) 2004, Hannu Saransaari and Lauri Hakkarainen -* Copyright (c) 2005-2012 Brenden Matthews, Philip Kovacs, et. al. -* (see AUTHORS) -* All rights reserved. -* -* This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify -* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by -* the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or -* (at your option) any later version. -* -* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, -* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of -* MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the -* GNU General Public License for more details. -* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License -* along with this program. If not, see . -* -*/ +/* + * + * Conky, a system monitor, based on torsmo + * + * Any original torsmo code is licensed under the BSD license + * + * All code written since the fork of torsmo is licensed under the GPL + * + * Please see COPYING for details + * + * Copyright (c) 2004, Hannu Saransaari and Lauri Hakkarainen + * Copyright (c) 2005-2018 Brenden Matthews, Philip Kovacs, et. al. + * (see AUTHORS) + * All rights reserved. + * + * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify + * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by + * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or + * (at your option) any later version. + * + * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, + * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of + * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the + * GNU General Public License for more details. + * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License + * along with this program. If not, see . + * + */ #ifndef _PULSEAUDIO_H #define _PULSEAUDIO_H -#include "text_object.h" #include +#include "text_object.h" void init_pulseaudio(struct text_object *obj); void free_pulseaudio(struct text_object *obj); -uint8_t puau_vol(struct text_object *); // preserve pa_* for libpulse -void print_puau_sink_description(struct text_object *obj, char *p, int p_max_size); -void print_puau_sink_active_port_name(struct text_object *obj, char *p, int p_max_size); -void print_puau_sink_active_port_description(struct text_object *obj, char *p, int p_max_size); -void print_puau_card_name(struct text_object *obj, char *p, int p_max_size); -void print_puau_card_active_profile(struct text_object *obj, char *p, int p_max_size); +uint8_t puau_vol(struct text_object *); // preserve pa_* for libpulse +void print_puau_sink_description(struct text_object *obj, char *p, + int p_max_size); +void print_puau_sink_active_port_name(struct text_object *obj, char *p, + int p_max_size); +void print_puau_sink_active_port_description(struct text_object *obj, char *p, + int p_max_size); +void print_puau_card_name(struct text_object *obj, char *p, int p_max_size); +void print_puau_card_active_profile(struct text_object *obj, char *p, + int p_max_size); double puau_volumebarval(struct text_object *obj); int puau_muted(struct text_object *obj); struct pulseaudio_default_results { - // default sink - std::string sink_name; - std::string sink_description; - std::string sink_active_port_name; - std::string sink_active_port_description; - uint32_t sink_card; - int sink_mute; - uint32_t sink_index; - unsigned int sink_volume; // percentage + // default sink + std::string sink_name; + std::string sink_description; + std::string sink_active_port_name; + std::string sink_active_port_description; + uint32_t sink_card; + int sink_mute; + uint32_t sink_index; + unsigned int sink_volume; // percentage - // default card - std::string card_active_profile_description; - std::string card_name; - uint32_t card_index; + // default card + std::string card_active_profile_description; + std::string card_name; + uint32_t card_index; }; enum pulseaudio_state { - PULSE_CONTEXT_INITIALIZING, - PULSE_CONTEXT_READY, - PULSE_CONTEXT_FINISHED + PULSE_CONTEXT_INITIALIZING, + PULSE_CONTEXT_READY, + PULSE_CONTEXT_FINISHED }; class pulseaudio_c { - public: - pa_threaded_mainloop *mainloop; - pa_mainloop_api *mainloop_api; - pa_context *context; - volatile enum pulseaudio_state cstate; - int ninits; - struct pulseaudio_default_results result; - pulseaudio_c():mainloop(NULL), - mainloop_api(NULL), - context(NULL), - cstate(PULSE_CONTEXT_INITIALIZING), - ninits(0), - result({ std::string(), std::string(), std::string(), std::string(), 0, 0, 0, 0, std::string(), std::string(), 0 }){}; + public: + pa_threaded_mainloop *mainloop; + pa_mainloop_api *mainloop_api; + pa_context *context; + volatile enum pulseaudio_state cstate; + int ninits; + struct pulseaudio_default_results result; + pulseaudio_c() + : mainloop(NULL), + mainloop_api(NULL), + context(NULL), + cstate(PULSE_CONTEXT_INITIALIZING), + ninits(0), + result({std::string(), std::string(), std::string(), std::string(), 0, + 0, 0, 0, std::string(), std::string(), 0}){}; }; #endif /* _PULSEAUDIO_H */ diff --git a/src/read_tcpip.cc b/src/read_tcpip.cc index f6e20e83..719a25a1 100644 --- a/src/read_tcpip.cc +++ b/src/read_tcpip.cc @@ -1,5 +1,4 @@ -/* -*- mode: c++; c-basic-offset: 4; tab-width: 4; indent-tabs-mode: t -*- - * vim: ts=4 sw=4 noet ai cindent syntax=cpp +/* * * Conky, a system monitor, based on torsmo * @@ -10,7 +9,7 @@ * Please see COPYING for details * * Copyright (c) 2004, Hannu Saransaari and Lauri Hakkarainen - * Copyright (c) 2005-2012 Brenden Matthews, Philip Kovacs, et. al. + * Copyright (c) 2005-2018 Brenden Matthews, Philip Kovacs, et. al. * (see AUTHORS) * All rights reserved. * @@ -28,206 +27,209 @@ * */ +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include #include "conky.h" #include "logging.h" #include "text_object.h" -#include -#include -#include -#include -#include -#include -#include -#include -#include struct read_tcpip_data { - char *host; - unsigned int port; + char *host; + unsigned int port; }; -void parse_read_tcpip_arg(struct text_object *obj, const char *arg, void *free_at_crash) -{ - struct read_tcpip_data *rtd; +void parse_read_tcpip_arg(struct text_object *obj, const char *arg, + void *free_at_crash) { + struct read_tcpip_data *rtd; - rtd = (struct read_tcpip_data *) malloc(sizeof(struct read_tcpip_data)); - memset(rtd, 0, sizeof(struct read_tcpip_data)); + rtd = (struct read_tcpip_data *)malloc(sizeof(struct read_tcpip_data)); + memset(rtd, 0, sizeof(struct read_tcpip_data)); - rtd->host = (char *) malloc(text_buffer_size.get(*state)); - sscanf(arg, "%s", rtd->host); - sscanf(arg+strlen(rtd->host), "%u", &(rtd->port)); - if(rtd->port == 0) { - rtd->port = atoi(rtd->host); - strcpy(rtd->host,"localhost"); - } - if(rtd->port < 1 || rtd->port > 65535) - CRIT_ERR(obj, free_at_crash, "read_tcp and read_udp need a port from 1 to 65535 as argument"); + rtd->host = (char *)malloc(text_buffer_size.get(*state)); + sscanf(arg, "%s", rtd->host); + sscanf(arg + strlen(rtd->host), "%u", &(rtd->port)); + if (rtd->port == 0) { + rtd->port = atoi(rtd->host); + strcpy(rtd->host, "localhost"); + } + if (rtd->port < 1 || rtd->port > 65535) + CRIT_ERR(obj, free_at_crash, + "read_tcp and read_udp need a port from 1 to 65535 as argument"); - obj->data.opaque = rtd; + obj->data.opaque = rtd; } -void parse_tcp_ping_arg(struct text_object *obj, const char *arg, void *free_at_crash) -{ +void parse_tcp_ping_arg(struct text_object *obj, const char *arg, + void *free_at_crash) { #define DEFAULT_TCP_PING_PORT 80 - struct sockaddr_in *addr; - char *hostname; - struct hostent* he; + struct sockaddr_in *addr; + char *hostname; + struct hostent *he; - addr = (struct sockaddr_in *) malloc(sizeof(struct sockaddr_in)); - obj->data.opaque = addr; - memset(addr, 0, sizeof(struct sockaddr_in)); - hostname = (char *) malloc(strlen(arg)+1); - switch( sscanf(arg, "%s %" SCNu16, hostname, &(addr->sin_port)) ) { - case 1: - addr->sin_port = DEFAULT_TCP_PING_PORT; - break; - case 2: - break; - default: //this point should never be reached - free(hostname); - CRIT_ERR(obj, free_at_crash, "tcp_ping: Reading arguments failed"); - } - if(!(he = gethostbyname(hostname))) { - NORM_ERR("tcp_ping: Problem with resolving '%s', using 'localhost' instead", hostname); - if(!(he = gethostbyname("localhost"))) { - free(hostname); - CRIT_ERR(obj, free_at_crash, "tcp_ping: Resolving 'localhost' also failed"); - } - } - free(hostname); - addr->sin_port = htons(addr->sin_port); - addr->sin_family = he->h_addrtype; - memcpy(&(addr->sin_addr), he->h_addr, he->h_length); + addr = (struct sockaddr_in *)malloc(sizeof(struct sockaddr_in)); + obj->data.opaque = addr; + memset(addr, 0, sizeof(struct sockaddr_in)); + hostname = (char *)malloc(strlen(arg) + 1); + switch (sscanf(arg, "%s %" SCNu16, hostname, &(addr->sin_port))) { + case 1: + addr->sin_port = DEFAULT_TCP_PING_PORT; + break; + case 2: + break; + default: // this point should never be reached + free(hostname); + CRIT_ERR(obj, free_at_crash, "tcp_ping: Reading arguments failed"); + } + if (!(he = gethostbyname(hostname))) { + NORM_ERR("tcp_ping: Problem with resolving '%s', using 'localhost' instead", + hostname); + if (!(he = gethostbyname("localhost"))) { + free(hostname); + CRIT_ERR(obj, free_at_crash, + "tcp_ping: Resolving 'localhost' also failed"); + } + } + free(hostname); + addr->sin_port = htons(addr->sin_port); + addr->sin_family = he->h_addrtype; + memcpy(&(addr->sin_addr), he->h_addr, he->h_length); } -void print_tcp_ping(struct text_object *obj, char *p, int p_max_size) -{ - struct timeval tv1, tv2, timeout; - struct sockaddr_in *addr = (struct sockaddr_in *) obj->data.opaque; - int addrlen = sizeof(struct sockaddr); - int sock = socket(addr->sin_family, SOCK_STREAM, IPPROTO_TCP); - unsigned long long usecdiff; - fd_set writefds; +void print_tcp_ping(struct text_object *obj, char *p, int p_max_size) { + struct timeval tv1, tv2, timeout; + struct sockaddr_in *addr = (struct sockaddr_in *)obj->data.opaque; + int addrlen = sizeof(struct sockaddr); + int sock = socket(addr->sin_family, SOCK_STREAM, IPPROTO_TCP); + unsigned long long usecdiff; + fd_set writefds; - if(sock != -1) { - fcntl(sock, F_SETFL, O_NONBLOCK | fcntl(sock, F_GETFL)); + if (sock != -1) { + fcntl(sock, F_SETFL, O_NONBLOCK | fcntl(sock, F_GETFL)); - FD_ZERO(&writefds); - FD_SET(sock, &writefds); + FD_ZERO(&writefds); + FD_SET(sock, &writefds); #define TCP_PING_TIMEOUT 10 - timeout.tv_sec = (int) TCP_PING_TIMEOUT; - timeout.tv_usec = (TCP_PING_TIMEOUT - timeout.tv_sec) * 1000000; - connect(sock, (struct sockaddr*) addr, addrlen); //this will "fail" because sock is non-blocking - if(errno == EINPROGRESS) { //but EINPROGRESS is only a "false fail" - gettimeofday(&tv1, 0); - if(select(sock+1, NULL, &writefds, NULL, &timeout) != -1) { - gettimeofday(&tv2, 0); - usecdiff = ((tv2.tv_sec - tv1.tv_sec) * 1000000) + tv2.tv_usec - tv1.tv_usec; - if(usecdiff <= TCP_PING_TIMEOUT * 1000000) { - snprintf(p, p_max_size, "%llu", usecdiff); - } else { + timeout.tv_sec = (int)TCP_PING_TIMEOUT; + timeout.tv_usec = (TCP_PING_TIMEOUT - timeout.tv_sec) * 1000000; + connect(sock, (struct sockaddr *)addr, + addrlen); // this will "fail" because sock is non-blocking + if (errno == EINPROGRESS) { // but EINPROGRESS is only a "false fail" + gettimeofday(&tv1, 0); + if (select(sock + 1, NULL, &writefds, NULL, &timeout) != -1) { + gettimeofday(&tv2, 0); + usecdiff = + ((tv2.tv_sec - tv1.tv_sec) * 1000000) + tv2.tv_usec - tv1.tv_usec; + if (usecdiff <= TCP_PING_TIMEOUT * 1000000) { + snprintf(p, p_max_size, "%llu", usecdiff); + } else { #define TCP_PING_FAILED "down" - snprintf(p, p_max_size, TCP_PING_FAILED); - } - } else { - NORM_ERR("tcp_ping: Couldn't wait on the 'pong'"); - } - } else { - NORM_ERR("tcp_ping: Couldn't start connection"); - } - close(sock); - } else { - NORM_ERR("tcp_ping: Couldn't create socket"); - } + snprintf(p, p_max_size, TCP_PING_FAILED); + } + } else { + NORM_ERR("tcp_ping: Couldn't wait on the 'pong'"); + } + } else { + NORM_ERR("tcp_ping: Couldn't start connection"); + } + close(sock); + } else { + NORM_ERR("tcp_ping: Couldn't create socket"); + } } -void print_read_tcpip(struct text_object *obj, char *p, int p_max_size, int protocol) -{ - int sock, received; - fd_set readfds; - struct timeval tv; - struct read_tcpip_data *rtd = (struct read_tcpip_data *) obj->data.opaque; - struct addrinfo hints; - struct addrinfo* airesult, *rp; - char portbuf[8]; +void print_read_tcpip(struct text_object *obj, char *p, int p_max_size, + int protocol) { + int sock, received; + fd_set readfds; + struct timeval tv; + struct read_tcpip_data *rtd = (struct read_tcpip_data *)obj->data.opaque; + struct addrinfo hints; + struct addrinfo *airesult, *rp; + char portbuf[8]; - if (!rtd) - return; + if (!rtd) return; - memset(&hints, 0, sizeof(struct addrinfo)); - hints.ai_family = AF_UNSPEC; - hints.ai_socktype = protocol==IPPROTO_TCP ? SOCK_STREAM : SOCK_DGRAM; - hints.ai_flags = 0; - hints.ai_protocol = protocol; - snprintf(portbuf, 8, "%d", rtd->port); - if (getaddrinfo(rtd->host, portbuf, &hints, &airesult)) { - NORM_ERR("%s: Problem with resolving the hostname", protocol == IPPROTO_TCP ? "read_tcp" : "read_udp"); - return; - } - for (rp = airesult; rp != NULL; rp = rp->ai_next) { - sock = socket(rp->ai_family, rp->ai_socktype, rp->ai_protocol); - if (sock == -1) { - continue; - } - if (connect(sock, rp->ai_addr, rp->ai_addrlen) != -1) { - break; - } - close(sock); - return; - } - freeaddrinfo(airesult); - if (rp == NULL) { - if(protocol == IPPROTO_TCP) { - NORM_ERR("read_tcp: Couldn't create a connection"); - } else { - NORM_ERR("read_udp: Couldn't listen"); //other error because udp is connectionless - } - return; - } - if(protocol == IPPROTO_UDP) { - //when using udp send a zero-length packet to let the other end know of our existence - if(write(sock, NULL, 0) < 0) { - NORM_ERR("read_udp: Couldn't create a empty package"); - } - } - FD_ZERO(&readfds); - FD_SET(sock, &readfds); - tv.tv_sec = 1; - tv.tv_usec = 0; - if(select(sock + 1, &readfds, NULL, NULL, &tv) > 0){ - received = recv(sock, p, p_max_size, 0); - if(received != -1) p[received] = 0; else p[0] = 0; - } - close(sock); + memset(&hints, 0, sizeof(struct addrinfo)); + hints.ai_family = AF_UNSPEC; + hints.ai_socktype = protocol == IPPROTO_TCP ? SOCK_STREAM : SOCK_DGRAM; + hints.ai_flags = 0; + hints.ai_protocol = protocol; + snprintf(portbuf, 8, "%d", rtd->port); + if (getaddrinfo(rtd->host, portbuf, &hints, &airesult)) { + NORM_ERR("%s: Problem with resolving the hostname", + protocol == IPPROTO_TCP ? "read_tcp" : "read_udp"); + return; + } + for (rp = airesult; rp != NULL; rp = rp->ai_next) { + sock = socket(rp->ai_family, rp->ai_socktype, rp->ai_protocol); + if (sock == -1) { + continue; + } + if (connect(sock, rp->ai_addr, rp->ai_addrlen) != -1) { + break; + } + close(sock); + return; + } + freeaddrinfo(airesult); + if (rp == NULL) { + if (protocol == IPPROTO_TCP) { + NORM_ERR("read_tcp: Couldn't create a connection"); + } else { + NORM_ERR("read_udp: Couldn't listen"); // other error because udp is + // connectionless + } + return; + } + if (protocol == IPPROTO_UDP) { + // when using udp send a zero-length packet to let the other end know of our + // existence + if (write(sock, NULL, 0) < 0) { + NORM_ERR("read_udp: Couldn't create a empty package"); + } + } + FD_ZERO(&readfds); + FD_SET(sock, &readfds); + tv.tv_sec = 1; + tv.tv_usec = 0; + if (select(sock + 1, &readfds, NULL, NULL, &tv) > 0) { + received = recv(sock, p, p_max_size, 0); + if (received != -1) + p[received] = 0; + else + p[0] = 0; + } + close(sock); } -void print_read_tcp(struct text_object *obj, char *p, int p_max_size) -{ - print_read_tcpip(obj, p, p_max_size, IPPROTO_TCP); +void print_read_tcp(struct text_object *obj, char *p, int p_max_size) { + print_read_tcpip(obj, p, p_max_size, IPPROTO_TCP); } -void print_read_udp(struct text_object *obj, char *p, int p_max_size) -{ - print_read_tcpip(obj, p, p_max_size, IPPROTO_UDP); +void print_read_udp(struct text_object *obj, char *p, int p_max_size) { + print_read_tcpip(obj, p, p_max_size, IPPROTO_UDP); } -void free_read_tcpip(struct text_object *obj) -{ - struct read_tcpip_data *rtd = (struct read_tcpip_data *) obj->data.opaque; +void free_read_tcpip(struct text_object *obj) { + struct read_tcpip_data *rtd = (struct read_tcpip_data *)obj->data.opaque; - if (!rtd) - return; + if (!rtd) return; - free_and_zero(rtd->host); - free_and_zero(obj->data.opaque); + free_and_zero(rtd->host); + free_and_zero(obj->data.opaque); } -void free_tcp_ping(struct text_object *obj) -{ - struct sockaddr_in *addr = (struct sockaddr_in *) obj->data.opaque; +void free_tcp_ping(struct text_object *obj) { + struct sockaddr_in *addr = (struct sockaddr_in *)obj->data.opaque; - if (!addr) - return; + if (!addr) return; - free_and_zero(obj->data.opaque); + free_and_zero(obj->data.opaque); } diff --git a/src/read_tcpip.h b/src/read_tcpip.h index a651c68f..0cec0ee8 100644 --- a/src/read_tcpip.h +++ b/src/read_tcpip.h @@ -1,5 +1,4 @@ -/* -*- mode: c; c-basic-offset: 4; tab-width: 4; indent-tabs-mode: t -*- - * vim: ts=4 sw=4 noet ai cindent syntax=c +/* * * Conky, a system monitor, based on torsmo * @@ -10,7 +9,7 @@ * Please see COPYING for details * * Copyright (c) 2004, Hannu Saransaari and Lauri Hakkarainen - * Copyright (c) 2005-2012 Brenden Matthews, Philip Kovacs, et. al. + * Copyright (c) 2005-2018 Brenden Matthews, Philip Kovacs, et. al. * (see AUTHORS) * All rights reserved. * @@ -32,7 +31,8 @@ #define _READ_TCP_H void parse_read_tcpip_arg(struct text_object *, const char *, void *); -void parse_tcp_ping_arg(struct text_object *obj, const char *arg, void *free_at_crash); +void parse_tcp_ping_arg(struct text_object *obj, const char *arg, + void *free_at_crash); void print_read_tcp(struct text_object *, char *, int); void print_read_udp(struct text_object *, char *, int); void print_tcp_ping(struct text_object *, char *, int); diff --git a/src/rss.cc b/src/rss.cc index cbfe9c79..4406cbc2 100644 --- a/src/rss.cc +++ b/src/rss.cc @@ -1,12 +1,11 @@ -/* -*- mode: c++; c-basic-offset: 4; tab-width: 4; indent-tabs-mode: t -*- - * vim: ts=4 sw=4 noet ai cindent syntax=cpp +/* * * Conky, a system monitor, based on torsmo * * Please see COPYING for details * * Copyright (c) 2007 Toni Spets - * Copyright (c) 2005-2012 Brenden Matthews, Philip Kovacs, et. al. + * Copyright (c) 2005-2018 Brenden Matthews, Philip Kovacs, et. al. * (see AUTHORS) * All rights reserved. * @@ -24,174 +23,166 @@ * */ +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include "ccurl_thread.h" #include "conky.h" #include "logging.h" #include "prss.h" #include "text_object.h" -#include "ccurl_thread.h" -#include -#include -#include -#include struct rss_data { - char uri[128]; - char action[64]; - int act_par; - float interval; - unsigned int nrspaces; + char uri[128]; + char action[64]; + int act_par; + float interval; + unsigned int nrspaces; }; namespace { - class rss_cb: public curl_callback> { - typedef curl_callback> Base; +class rss_cb : public curl_callback> { + typedef curl_callback> Base; - protected: - virtual void process_data() - { - try { - std::shared_ptr tmp(new PRSS(data)); + protected: + virtual void process_data() { + try { + std::shared_ptr tmp(new PRSS(data)); - std::unique_lock lock(Base::result_mutex); - Base::result = tmp; - } - catch(std::runtime_error &e) { - NORM_ERR("%s", e.what()); - } - } + std::unique_lock lock(Base::result_mutex); + Base::result = tmp; + } catch (std::runtime_error &e) { + NORM_ERR("%s", e.what()); + } + } - public: - rss_cb(uint32_t period, const std::string &uri) - : Base(period, Base::Tuple(uri)) - {} + public: + rss_cb(uint32_t period, const std::string &uri) + : Base(period, Base::Tuple(uri)) {} +}; +} // namespace - }; +static void rss_process_info(char *p, int p_max_size, const std::string &uri, + char *action, int act_par, int interval, + unsigned int nrspaces) { + char *str; + + uint32_t period = std::max(lround(interval / active_update_interval()), 1l); + + auto cb = conky::register_cb(period, uri); + + assert(act_par >= 0 && action); + + std::shared_ptr data = cb->get_result_copy(); + + if (!data || data->item_count < 1) { + *p = 0; + } else { + /* + * XXX: Refactor this so that we can retrieve any of the fields in the + * PRSS struct (in prss.h). + */ + if (strcmp(action, "feed_title") == EQUAL) { + str = data->title; + if (str && strlen(str) > 0) { + // remove trailing new line if one exists + if (str[strlen(str) - 1] == '\n') { + str[strlen(str) - 1] = 0; + } + snprintf(p, p_max_size, "%s", str); + } + } else if (strcmp(action, "item_title") == EQUAL) { + if (act_par < data->item_count) { + str = data->items[act_par].title; + // remove trailing new line if one exists + if (str && strlen(str) > 0) { + if (str[strlen(str) - 1] == '\n') { + str[strlen(str) - 1] = 0; + } + snprintf(p, p_max_size, "%s", str); + } + } + } else if (strcmp(action, "item_desc") == EQUAL) { + if (act_par < data->item_count) { + str = data->items[act_par].description; + // remove trailing new line if one exists + if (str && strlen(str) > 0) { + if (str[strlen(str) - 1] == '\n') { + str[strlen(str) - 1] = 0; + } + snprintf(p, p_max_size, "%s", str); + } + } + } else if (strcmp(action, "item_titles") == EQUAL) { + if (data->item_count > 0) { + int itmp; + int show; + //'tmpspaces' is a string with spaces too be placed in front of each + // title + char *tmpspaces = (char *)malloc(nrspaces + 1); + memset(tmpspaces, ' ', nrspaces); + tmpspaces[nrspaces] = 0; + + if (act_par > data->item_count) { + show = data->item_count; + } else { + show = act_par; + } + for (itmp = 0; itmp < show; itmp++) { + PRSS_Item *item = &data->items[itmp]; + + str = item->title; + if (str) { + // don't add new line before first item + if (itmp > 0) { + strncat(p, "\n", p_max_size); + } + /* remove trailing new line if one exists, + * we have our own */ + if (strlen(str) > 0 && str[strlen(str) - 1] == '\n') { + str[strlen(str) - 1] = 0; + } + strncat(p, tmpspaces, p_max_size); + strncat(p, str, p_max_size); + } + } + free(tmpspaces); + } + } else { + NORM_ERR("rss: Invalid action '%s'", action); + } + } } +void rss_scan_arg(struct text_object *obj, const char *arg) { + int argc; + struct rss_data *rd; -static void rss_process_info(char *p, int p_max_size, const std::string &uri, char *action, int - act_par, int interval, unsigned int nrspaces) -{ - char *str; + rd = (struct rss_data *)malloc(sizeof(struct rss_data)); + memset(rd, 0, sizeof(struct rss_data)); - uint32_t period = std::max(lround(interval/active_update_interval()), 1l); - - auto cb = conky::register_cb(period, uri); - - assert(act_par >= 0 && action); - - std::shared_ptr data = cb->get_result_copy(); - - if (!data || data->item_count < 1) { - *p = 0; - } else { - /* - * XXX: Refactor this so that we can retrieve any of the fields in the - * PRSS struct (in prss.h). - */ - if (strcmp(action, "feed_title") == EQUAL) { - str = data->title; - if (str && strlen(str) > 0) { - // remove trailing new line if one exists - if (str[strlen(str) - 1] == '\n') { - str[strlen(str) - 1] = 0; - } - snprintf(p, p_max_size, "%s", str); - } - } else if (strcmp(action, "item_title") == EQUAL) { - if (act_par < data->item_count) { - str = data->items[act_par].title; - // remove trailing new line if one exists - if (str && strlen(str) > 0) { - if (str[strlen(str) - 1] == '\n') { - str[strlen(str) - 1] = 0; - } - snprintf(p, p_max_size, "%s", str); - } - } - } else if (strcmp(action, "item_desc") == EQUAL) { - if (act_par < data->item_count) { - str = - data->items[act_par].description; - // remove trailing new line if one exists - if (str && strlen(str) > 0) { - if (str[strlen(str) - 1] == '\n') { - str[strlen(str) - 1] = 0; - } - snprintf(p, p_max_size, "%s", str); - } - } - } else if (strcmp(action, "item_titles") == EQUAL) { - if (data->item_count > 0) { - int itmp; - int show; - //'tmpspaces' is a string with spaces too be placed in front of each title - char *tmpspaces = (char*)malloc(nrspaces + 1); - memset(tmpspaces, ' ', nrspaces); - tmpspaces[nrspaces]=0; - - if (act_par > data->item_count) { - show = data->item_count; - } else { - show = act_par; - } - for (itmp = 0; itmp < show; itmp++) { - PRSS_Item *item = &data->items[itmp]; - - str = item->title; - if (str) { - // don't add new line before first item - if (itmp > 0) { - strncat(p, "\n", p_max_size); - } - /* remove trailing new line if one exists, - * we have our own */ - if (strlen(str) > 0 && str[strlen(str) - 1] == '\n') { - str[strlen(str) - 1] = 0; - } - strncat(p, tmpspaces, p_max_size); - strncat(p, str, p_max_size); - } - } - free(tmpspaces); - } - } else { - NORM_ERR("rss: Invalid action '%s'", action); - } - } + argc = sscanf(arg, "%127s %f %63s %d %u", rd->uri, &rd->interval, rd->action, + &rd->act_par, &rd->nrspaces); + if (argc < 3) { + NORM_ERR("wrong number of arguments for $rss"); + free(rd); + return; + } + obj->data.opaque = rd; } -void rss_scan_arg(struct text_object *obj, const char *arg) -{ - int argc; - struct rss_data *rd; +void rss_print_info(struct text_object *obj, char *p, int p_max_size) { + struct rss_data *rd = (struct rss_data *)obj->data.opaque; - rd = (struct rss_data *)malloc(sizeof(struct rss_data)); - memset(rd, 0, sizeof(struct rss_data)); - - argc = sscanf(arg, "%127s %f %63s %d %u", rd->uri, &rd->interval, rd->action, - &rd->act_par, &rd->nrspaces); - if (argc < 3) { - NORM_ERR("wrong number of arguments for $rss"); - free(rd); - return; - } - obj->data.opaque = rd; + if (!rd) { + NORM_ERR("error processing RSS data"); + return; + } + rss_process_info(p, p_max_size, rd->uri, rd->action, rd->act_par, + rd->interval, rd->nrspaces); } -void rss_print_info(struct text_object *obj, char *p, int p_max_size) -{ - struct rss_data *rd = (struct rss_data *)obj->data.opaque; - - if (!rd) { - NORM_ERR("error processing RSS data"); - return; - } - rss_process_info(p, p_max_size, rd->uri, rd->action, - rd->act_par, rd->interval, rd->nrspaces); -} - -void rss_free_obj_info(struct text_object *obj) -{ - free_and_zero(obj->data.opaque); +void rss_free_obj_info(struct text_object *obj) { + free_and_zero(obj->data.opaque); } diff --git a/src/rss.h b/src/rss.h index dbc20ba9..700a1ff1 100644 --- a/src/rss.h +++ b/src/rss.h @@ -1,11 +1,10 @@ -/* -*- mode: c++; c-basic-offset: 4; tab-width: 4; indent-tabs-mode: t -*- - * vim: ts=4 sw=4 noet ai cindent syntax=cpp +/* * * Conky, a system monitor, based on torsmo * * Please see COPYING for details * - * Copyright (c) 2005-2012 Brenden Matthews, Philip Kovacs, et. al. + * Copyright (c) 2005-2018 Brenden Matthews, Philip Kovacs, et. al. * (see AUTHORS) * All rights reserved. * diff --git a/src/scroll.cc b/src/scroll.cc index a03c22a1..d9dc10ee 100644 --- a/src/scroll.cc +++ b/src/scroll.cc @@ -1,5 +1,4 @@ -/* -*- mode: c++; c-basic-offset: 4; tab-width: 4; indent-tabs-mode: t -*- - * vim: ts=4 sw=4 noet ai cindent syntax=cpp +/* * * Conky, a system monitor, based on torsmo * @@ -10,7 +9,7 @@ * Please see COPYING for details * * Copyright (c) 2004, Hannu Saransaari and Lauri Hakkarainen - * Copyright (c) 2005-2012 Brenden Matthews, Philip Kovacs, et. al. + * Copyright (c) 2005-2018 Brenden Matthews, Philip Kovacs, et. al. * (see AUTHORS) * All rights reserved. * @@ -27,13 +26,13 @@ * along with this program. If not, see . * */ +#include #include "conky.h" #include "core.h" #include "logging.h" #include "specials.h" #include "text_object.h" #include "x11.h" -#include /** * Length of a character in bytes. @@ -41,40 +40,38 @@ */ inline int scroll_character_length(char c) { #ifdef BUILD_X11 - if (utf8_mode.get(*state)) { - unsigned char uc = (unsigned char) c; - int len = 0; + if (utf8_mode.get(*state)) { + unsigned char uc = (unsigned char)c; + int len = 0; - if (c == -1) - return 1; + if (c == -1) return 1; - if ((uc & 0x80) == 0) - return 1; + if ((uc & 0x80) == 0) return 1; - while (len < 7 && (uc & (0x80 >> len)) != 0) - ++len; + while (len < 7 && (uc & (0x80 >> len)) != 0) ++len; - return len; - } + return len; + } #endif - return 1; + return 1; } /** - * Check if a byte should be skipped when counting characters to scroll text to right. + * Check if a byte should be skipped when counting characters to scroll text to + * right. */ inline bool scroll_check_skip_byte(char c) { #ifdef BUILD_X11 - if (utf8_mode.get(*state)) { - // Check if byte matches UTF-8 continuation byte pattern (0b10xxxxxx) - if ((c & 0xC0) == 0x80) { - return true; - } + if (utf8_mode.get(*state)) { + // Check if byte matches UTF-8 continuation byte pattern (0b10xxxxxx) + if ((c & 0xC0) == 0x80) { + return true; } + } #endif - return SPECIAL_CHAR == c; + return SPECIAL_CHAR == c; } #define SCROLL_LEFT 1 @@ -82,247 +79,257 @@ inline bool scroll_check_skip_byte(char c) { #define SCROLL_WAIT 3 struct scroll_data { - char *text; - unsigned int show; - unsigned int step; - int wait; - unsigned int wait_arg; - signed int start; - long resetcolor; - int direction; + char *text; + unsigned int show; + unsigned int step; + int wait; + unsigned int wait_arg; + signed int start; + long resetcolor; + int direction; }; /** * Get count of characters to right from (sd->start) position. */ -static unsigned int scroll_count_characters_to_right(struct scroll_data* sd, const std::vector& buf) { - unsigned int n = 0; - int offset = sd->start; +static unsigned int scroll_count_characters_to_right( + struct scroll_data *sd, const std::vector &buf) { + unsigned int n = 0; + int offset = sd->start; - while ('\0' != buf[offset] && offset < buf.size()) { - offset += scroll_character_length(buf[offset]); - ++n; - } + while ('\0' != buf[offset] && offset < buf.size()) { + offset += scroll_character_length(buf[offset]); + ++n; + } - return n; + return n; } -static void scroll_scroll_left(struct scroll_data* sd, const std::vector& buf, unsigned int amount) { - for (int i = 0; (i < amount) && (buf[sd->start] != '\0') && (sd->start < buf.size()); ++i) { - sd->start += scroll_character_length(buf[sd->start]); - } +static void scroll_scroll_left(struct scroll_data *sd, + const std::vector &buf, + unsigned int amount) { + for (int i = 0; + (i < amount) && (buf[sd->start] != '\0') && (sd->start < buf.size()); + ++i) { + sd->start += scroll_character_length(buf[sd->start]); + } - if (buf[sd->start] == 0 || sd->start > strlen(buf.data())) { - sd->start = 0; - } + if (buf[sd->start] == 0 || sd->start > strlen(buf.data())) { + sd->start = 0; + } } -static void scroll_scroll_right(struct scroll_data* sd, const std::vector& buf, unsigned int amount) { - for (int i = 0; i < amount; ++i) { - if (sd->start <= 0) { - sd->start = (int) strlen(&(buf[0])); - } - - while (--(sd->start) >= 0) { - if (!scroll_check_skip_byte(buf[sd->start])) { - break; - } - } +static void scroll_scroll_right(struct scroll_data *sd, + const std::vector &buf, + unsigned int amount) { + for (int i = 0; i < amount; ++i) { + if (sd->start <= 0) { + sd->start = (int)strlen(&(buf[0])); } + + while (--(sd->start) >= 0) { + if (!scroll_check_skip_byte(buf[sd->start])) { + break; + } + } + } } -void parse_scroll_arg(struct text_object *obj, const char *arg, void *free_at_crash, char *free_at_crash2) -{ - struct scroll_data *sd; - int n1 = 0, n2 = 0; - char dirarg[6]; +void parse_scroll_arg(struct text_object *obj, const char *arg, + void *free_at_crash, char *free_at_crash2) { + struct scroll_data *sd; + int n1 = 0, n2 = 0; + char dirarg[6]; - sd = (struct scroll_data *)malloc(sizeof(struct scroll_data)); - memset(sd, 0, sizeof(struct scroll_data)); + sd = (struct scroll_data *)malloc(sizeof(struct scroll_data)); + memset(sd, 0, sizeof(struct scroll_data)); - sd->resetcolor = get_current_text_color(); - sd->step = 1; - sd->direction = SCROLL_LEFT; + sd->resetcolor = get_current_text_color(); + sd->step = 1; + sd->direction = SCROLL_LEFT; - if (arg && sscanf(arg, "%5s %n", dirarg, &n1) == 1) { - if (strcasecmp(dirarg, "right") == 0 || strcasecmp(dirarg, "r") == 0) - sd->direction = SCROLL_RIGHT; - else if ( strcasecmp(dirarg, "wait") == 0 || strcasecmp(dirarg, "w") == 0) - sd->direction = SCROLL_WAIT; - else if ( strcasecmp(dirarg, "left") != 0 && strcasecmp(dirarg, "l") != 0) - n1 = 0; - } + if (arg && sscanf(arg, "%5s %n", dirarg, &n1) == 1) { + if (strcasecmp(dirarg, "right") == 0 || strcasecmp(dirarg, "r") == 0) + sd->direction = SCROLL_RIGHT; + else if (strcasecmp(dirarg, "wait") == 0 || strcasecmp(dirarg, "w") == 0) + sd->direction = SCROLL_WAIT; + else if (strcasecmp(dirarg, "left") != 0 && strcasecmp(dirarg, "l") != 0) + n1 = 0; + } - if (!arg || sscanf(arg + n1, "%u %n", &sd->show, &n2) <= 0) { - free(sd); + if (!arg || sscanf(arg + n1, "%u %n", &sd->show, &n2) <= 0) { + free(sd); #ifdef BUILD_X11 - free(obj->next); + free(obj->next); #endif - free(free_at_crash2); - CRIT_ERR(obj, free_at_crash, "scroll needs arguments: [left|right|wait] [] [interval] "); - } - n1 += n2; + free(free_at_crash2); + CRIT_ERR(obj, free_at_crash, + "scroll needs arguments: [left|right|wait] [] " + "[interval] "); + } + n1 += n2; - if(sscanf(arg + n1, "%u %n", &sd->step, &n2) == 1) { - n1 += n2; - } else { - sd->step = 1; - } + if (sscanf(arg + n1, "%u %n", &sd->step, &n2) == 1) { + n1 += n2; + } else { + sd->step = 1; + } - if(sscanf(arg + n1, "%u %n", &sd->wait_arg, &n2) == 1) { - n1 += n2; - sd->wait = sd->wait_arg; - } else { - sd->wait_arg = sd->wait = 0; - } + if (sscanf(arg + n1, "%u %n", &sd->wait_arg, &n2) == 1) { + n1 += n2; + sd->wait = sd->wait_arg; + } else { + sd->wait_arg = sd->wait = 0; + } - sd->text = (char*)malloc(strlen(arg + n1) + sd->show + 1); + sd->text = (char *)malloc(strlen(arg + n1) + sd->show + 1); - if (strlen(arg) > sd->show && sd->direction != SCROLL_WAIT) { - for(n2 = 0; (unsigned int) n2 < sd->show; n2++) { - sd->text[n2] = ' '; - } - sd->text[n2] = 0; - } - else - sd->text[0] = 0; + if (strlen(arg) > sd->show && sd->direction != SCROLL_WAIT) { + for (n2 = 0; (unsigned int)n2 < sd->show; n2++) { + sd->text[n2] = ' '; + } + sd->text[n2] = 0; + } else + sd->text[0] = 0; - strcat(sd->text, arg + n1); - sd->start = sd->direction == SCROLL_WAIT ? strlen(sd->text) : 0; - obj->sub = (struct text_object *)malloc(sizeof(struct text_object)); - extract_variable_text_internal(obj->sub, sd->text); + strcat(sd->text, arg + n1); + sd->start = sd->direction == SCROLL_WAIT ? strlen(sd->text) : 0; + obj->sub = (struct text_object *)malloc(sizeof(struct text_object)); + extract_variable_text_internal(obj->sub, sd->text); - obj->data.opaque = sd; + obj->data.opaque = sd; #ifdef BUILD_X11 - /* add a color object right after scroll to reset any color changes */ + /* add a color object right after scroll to reset any color changes */ #endif /* BUILD_X11 */ } -void print_scroll(struct text_object *obj, char *p, int p_max_size) -{ - struct scroll_data *sd = (struct scroll_data *)obj->data.opaque; - unsigned int j, colorchanges = 0, frontcolorchanges = 0, visibcolorchanges = 0, strend; - unsigned int visiblechars = 0; - char *pwithcolors; - std::vector buf(max_user_text.get(*state), (char) 0); +void print_scroll(struct text_object *obj, char *p, int p_max_size) { + struct scroll_data *sd = (struct scroll_data *)obj->data.opaque; + unsigned int j, colorchanges = 0, frontcolorchanges = 0, + visibcolorchanges = 0, strend; + unsigned int visiblechars = 0; + char *pwithcolors; + std::vector buf(max_user_text.get(*state), (char)0); - if (!sd) - return; + if (!sd) return; - generate_text_internal(&(buf[0]), max_user_text.get(*state), *obj->sub); - for(j = 0; buf[j] != 0; j++) { - switch(buf[j]) { - case '\n': //place all the lines behind each other with LINESEPARATOR between them + generate_text_internal(&(buf[0]), max_user_text.get(*state), *obj->sub); + for (j = 0; buf[j] != 0; j++) { + switch (buf[j]) { + case '\n': // place all the lines behind each other with LINESEPARATOR + // between them #define LINESEPARATOR '|' - buf[j]=LINESEPARATOR; - break; - case SPECIAL_CHAR: - colorchanges++; - break; - } - } - //no scrolling necessary if the length of the text to scroll is too short - if (strlen(&(buf[0])) - colorchanges <= sd->show) { - snprintf(p, p_max_size, "%s", &(buf[0])); - return; - } - //if length of text changed to shorter so the (sd->start) is already - //outside of actual text then reset (sd->start) - if (sd->start >= strlen(&(buf[0]))) { - sd->start = 0; + buf[j] = LINESEPARATOR; + break; + case SPECIAL_CHAR: + colorchanges++; + break; + } + } + // no scrolling necessary if the length of the text to scroll is too short + if (strlen(&(buf[0])) - colorchanges <= sd->show) { + snprintf(p, p_max_size, "%s", &(buf[0])); + return; + } + // if length of text changed to shorter so the (sd->start) is already + // outside of actual text then reset (sd->start) + if (sd->start >= strlen(&(buf[0]))) { + sd->start = 0; + } + // make sure a colorchange at the front is not part of the string we are going + // to show + while (buf[sd->start] == SPECIAL_CHAR) { + sd->start++; + } + // place all chars that should be visible in p, including colorchanges + for (j = 0, visiblechars = 0; visiblechars < sd->show;) { + char c = p[j] = buf[sd->start + j]; + if (0 == c) { + break; } - //make sure a colorchange at the front is not part of the string we are going to show - while(buf[sd->start] == SPECIAL_CHAR) { - sd->start++; - } - //place all chars that should be visible in p, including colorchanges - for(j=0, visiblechars=0; visiblechars < sd->show;) { - char c = p[j] = buf[sd->start + j]; - if (0 == c) { - break; - } + ++j; + + if (SPECIAL_CHAR == c) { + ++visibcolorchanges; + } else { + int l = scroll_character_length(c); + + while (--l) { + p[j] = buf[sd->start + j]; ++j; + } - if (SPECIAL_CHAR == c) { - ++visibcolorchanges; + ++visiblechars; + } + } + for (; visiblechars < sd->show; j++, visiblechars++) { + p[j] = ' '; + } + p[j] = 0; + // count colorchanges in front of the visible part and place that many + // colorchanges in front of the visible part + for (j = 0; j < (unsigned)sd->start; j++) { + if (buf[j] == SPECIAL_CHAR) frontcolorchanges++; + } + pwithcolors = + (char *)malloc(strlen(p) + 4 + colorchanges - visibcolorchanges); + for (j = 0; j < frontcolorchanges; j++) { + pwithcolors[j] = SPECIAL_CHAR; + } + pwithcolors[j] = 0; + strcat(pwithcolors, p); + strend = strlen(pwithcolors); + // and place the colorchanges not in front or in the visible part behind the + // visible part + for (j = 0; j < colorchanges - frontcolorchanges - visibcolorchanges; j++) { + pwithcolors[strend + j] = SPECIAL_CHAR; + } + pwithcolors[strend + j] = 0; + strcpy(p, pwithcolors); + free(pwithcolors); + // scroll + if (sd->direction == SCROLL_LEFT) { + scroll_scroll_left(sd, buf, sd->step); + } else if (sd->direction == SCROLL_WAIT) { + unsigned int charsleft = scroll_count_characters_to_right(sd, buf); + + if (sd->show >= charsleft) { + if (sd->wait_arg && (--sd->wait <= 0 && sd->wait_arg != 1)) { + sd->wait = sd->wait_arg; + } else { + sd->start = 0; + } + } else { + if (!sd->wait_arg || sd->wait_arg == 1 || + (sd->wait_arg && sd->wait-- <= 0)) { + sd->wait = 0; + + if (sd->step < charsleft) { + scroll_scroll_left(sd, buf, sd->step); } else { - int l = scroll_character_length(c); - - while (--l) { - p[j] = buf[sd->start + j]; - ++j; - } - - ++visiblechars; + scroll_scroll_left(sd, buf, charsleft); } - } - for(; visiblechars < sd->show; j++, visiblechars++) { - p[j] = ' '; - } - p[j] = 0; - //count colorchanges in front of the visible part and place that many colorchanges in front of the visible part - for(j = 0; j < (unsigned) sd->start; j++) { - if(buf[j] == SPECIAL_CHAR) frontcolorchanges++; - } - pwithcolors=(char*)malloc(strlen(p) + 4 + colorchanges - visibcolorchanges); - for(j = 0; j < frontcolorchanges; j++) { - pwithcolors[j] = SPECIAL_CHAR; - } - pwithcolors[j] = 0; - strcat(pwithcolors,p); - strend = strlen(pwithcolors); - //and place the colorchanges not in front or in the visible part behind the visible part - for(j = 0; j < colorchanges - frontcolorchanges - visibcolorchanges; j++) { - pwithcolors[strend + j] = SPECIAL_CHAR; - } - pwithcolors[strend + j] = 0; - strcpy(p, pwithcolors); - free(pwithcolors); - //scroll - if(sd->direction == SCROLL_LEFT) { - scroll_scroll_left(sd, buf, sd->step); - } else if(sd->direction == SCROLL_WAIT) { - unsigned int charsleft = scroll_count_characters_to_right(sd, buf); - - if(sd->show >= charsleft) { - if (sd->wait_arg && (--sd->wait <= 0 && sd->wait_arg != 1)) { - sd->wait = sd->wait_arg; - } else { - sd->start = 0; - } - } else { - if(!sd->wait_arg || sd->wait_arg == 1 || - (sd->wait_arg && sd->wait-- <= 0)) { - sd->wait = 0; - - if (sd->step < charsleft) { - scroll_scroll_left(sd, buf, sd->step); - } else { - scroll_scroll_left(sd, buf, charsleft); - } - } - } - } else { - scroll_scroll_right(sd, buf, sd->step); - } + } + } + } else { + scroll_scroll_right(sd, buf, sd->step); + } #ifdef BUILD_X11 - //reset color when scroll is finished - if (out_to_x.get(*state)) - new_special(p + strlen(p), FG)->arg = sd->resetcolor; + // reset color when scroll is finished + if (out_to_x.get(*state)) + new_special(p + strlen(p), FG)->arg = sd->resetcolor; #endif } -void free_scroll(struct text_object *obj) -{ - struct scroll_data *sd = (struct scroll_data *)obj->data.opaque; +void free_scroll(struct text_object *obj) { + struct scroll_data *sd = (struct scroll_data *)obj->data.opaque; - if (!sd) - return; + if (!sd) return; - free_and_zero(sd->text); - free_text_objects(obj->sub); - free_and_zero(obj->sub); - free_and_zero(obj->data.opaque); + free_and_zero(sd->text); + free_text_objects(obj->sub); + free_and_zero(obj->sub); + free_and_zero(obj->data.opaque); } diff --git a/src/scroll.h b/src/scroll.h index d4243fd2..6dc0bb70 100644 --- a/src/scroll.h +++ b/src/scroll.h @@ -1,5 +1,4 @@ -/* -*- mode: c++; c-basic-offset: 4; tab-width: 4; indent-tabs-mode: t -*- - * vim: ts=4 sw=4 noet ai cindent syntax=cpp +/* * * Conky, a system monitor, based on torsmo * @@ -10,7 +9,7 @@ * Please see COPYING for details * * Copyright (c) 2004, Hannu Saransaari and Lauri Hakkarainen - * Copyright (c) 2005-2012 Brenden Matthews, Philip Kovacs, et. al. + * Copyright (c) 2005-2018 Brenden Matthews, Philip Kovacs, et. al. * (see AUTHORS) * All rights reserved. * diff --git a/src/semaphore.hh b/src/semaphore.hh index 6694cd05..5c716d1f 100644 --- a/src/semaphore.hh +++ b/src/semaphore.hh @@ -1,5 +1,4 @@ -/* -*- mode: c++; c-basic-offset: 4; tab-width: 4; indent-tabs-mode: t -*- - * vim: ts=4 sw=4 noet ai cindent syntax=cpp +/* * * Conky, a system monitor, based on torsmo * @@ -40,49 +39,37 @@ #include class semaphore { - dispatch_semaphore_t sem; - - semaphore(const semaphore &) = delete; - semaphore& operator=(const semaphore &) = delete; -public: - semaphore(unsigned int value = 0) throw(std::logic_error) - { - sem = dispatch_semaphore_create(value); - - if (!sem) - throw std::logic_error(strerror(errno)); - } - - ~semaphore() throw() - { - dispatch_release(sem); - } - void post() throw(std::overflow_error) - { - dispatch_semaphore_signal(sem); - } - - void wait() throw() - { - dispatch_semaphore_wait(sem, DISPATCH_TIME_FOREVER); - } - - bool trywait() throw() - { - /* XXX Quick patch */ + dispatch_semaphore_t sem; + + semaphore(const semaphore &) = delete; + semaphore &operator=(const semaphore &) = delete; + + public: + semaphore(unsigned int value = 0) throw(std::logic_error) { + sem = dispatch_semaphore_create(value); + + if (!sem) throw std::logic_error(strerror(errno)); + } + + ~semaphore() throw() { dispatch_release(sem); } + void post() throw(std::overflow_error) { dispatch_semaphore_signal(sem); } + + void wait() throw() { dispatch_semaphore_wait(sem, DISPATCH_TIME_FOREVER); } + + bool trywait() throw() { + /* XXX Quick patch */ #define DISPATCH_EAGAIN 49 - - int ret = dispatch_semaphore_wait(sem, DISPATCH_TIME_NOW); - - while (ret > 0) - { - if(ret == DISPATCH_EAGAIN) - return false; - else if(errno != EINTR) - abort(); - } - return true; - } + + int ret = dispatch_semaphore_wait(sem, DISPATCH_TIME_NOW); + + while (ret > 0) { + if (ret == DISPATCH_EAGAIN) + return false; + else if (errno != EINTR) + abort(); + } + return true; + } }; #else @@ -90,48 +77,39 @@ public: #include class semaphore { - sem_t sem; - - semaphore(const semaphore &) = delete; - semaphore& operator=(const semaphore &) = delete; -public: - semaphore(unsigned int value = 0) throw(std::logic_error) - { - if(sem_init(&sem, 0, value)) - throw std::logic_error(strerror(errno)); - } - - ~semaphore() throw() - { sem_destroy(&sem); } - - void post() throw(std::overflow_error) - { - if(sem_post(&sem)) - throw std::overflow_error(strerror(errno)); - } - - void wait() throw() - { - while(sem_wait(&sem)) { - if(errno != EINTR) - abort(); - } - } - - bool trywait() throw() - { - while(sem_trywait(&sem)) { - - if(errno == EAGAIN) - return false; - else if(errno != EINTR) - abort(); - } - return true; - } + sem_t sem; + + semaphore(const semaphore &) = delete; + semaphore &operator=(const semaphore &) = delete; + + public: + semaphore(unsigned int value = 0) throw(std::logic_error) { + if (sem_init(&sem, 0, value)) throw std::logic_error(strerror(errno)); + } + + ~semaphore() throw() { sem_destroy(&sem); } + + void post() throw(std::overflow_error) { + if (sem_post(&sem)) throw std::overflow_error(strerror(errno)); + } + + void wait() throw() { + while (sem_wait(&sem)) { + if (errno != EINTR) abort(); + } + } + + bool trywait() throw() { + while (sem_trywait(&sem)) { + if (errno == EAGAIN) + return false; + else if (errno != EINTR) + abort(); + } + return true; + } }; #endif /* defined(__APPLE__) && defined(__MACH__) */ #endif - diff --git a/src/setting.cc b/src/setting.cc index fc9f1149..fdf0a236 100644 --- a/src/setting.cc +++ b/src/setting.cc @@ -1,5 +1,4 @@ -/* -*- mode: c++; c-basic-offset: 4; tab-width: 4; indent-tabs-mode: t -*- - * vim: ts=4 sw=4 noet ai cindent syntax=cpp +/* * * Conky, a system monitor, based on torsmo * @@ -27,227 +26,229 @@ #include #include -#include #include +#include namespace conky { - namespace { - typedef std::unordered_map settings_map; - typedef std::vector settings_vector; +namespace { +typedef std::unordered_map + settings_map; +typedef std::vector settings_vector; - /* - * We cannot construct this object statically, because order of object construction in - * different modules is not defined, so config_setting_base could be called before this - * object is constructed. Therefore, we create it on the first call to - * config_setting_base constructor. - */ - settings_map *settings; +/* + * We cannot construct this object statically, because order of object + * construction in different modules is not defined, so config_setting_base + * could be called before this object is constructed. Therefore, we create it on + * the first call to config_setting_base constructor. + */ +settings_map *settings; - /* - * Returns the setting record corresponding to the value at the specified index. If the - * value is not valid, returns NULL and prints an error. - */ - priv::config_setting_base* get_setting(lua::state &l, int index) - { - lua::Type type = l.type(index); - if(type != lua::TSTRING) { - NORM_ERR("invalid setting of type '%s'", l.type_name(type)); - return NULL; - } +/* + * Returns the setting record corresponding to the value at the specified index. + * If the value is not valid, returns NULL and prints an error. + */ +priv::config_setting_base *get_setting(lua::state &l, int index) { + lua::Type type = l.type(index); + if (type != lua::TSTRING) { + NORM_ERR("invalid setting of type '%s'", l.type_name(type)); + return NULL; + } - const std::string &name = l.tostring(index); - auto iter = settings->find(name); - if(iter == settings->end()) { - NORM_ERR("Unknown setting '%s'", name.c_str()); - return NULL; - } + const std::string &name = l.tostring(index); + auto iter = settings->find(name); + if (iter == settings->end()) { + NORM_ERR("Unknown setting '%s'", name.c_str()); + return NULL; + } - return iter->second; - } + return iter->second; +} - // returns a vector of all settings, sorted in order of registration - settings_vector make_settings_vector() - { - settings_vector ret; - ret.reserve(settings->size()); +// returns a vector of all settings, sorted in order of registration +settings_vector make_settings_vector() { + settings_vector ret; + ret.reserve(settings->size()); - for(auto i = settings->begin(); i != settings->end(); ++i) - ret.push_back(i->second); - sort(ret.begin(), ret.end(), &priv::config_setting_base::seq_compare); + for (auto i = settings->begin(); i != settings->end(); ++i) + ret.push_back(i->second); + sort(ret.begin(), ret.end(), &priv::config_setting_base::seq_compare); - return ret; - } + return ret; +} - /* - * Returns the seq_no for the new setting object. Also constructs settings object - * if needed. - */ - size_t get_next_seq_no() - { - struct settings_constructor { - settings_constructor() { settings = new settings_map; } - ~settings_constructor() { delete settings; settings = NULL; } - }; - static settings_constructor constructor; +/* + * Returns the seq_no for the new setting object. Also constructs settings + * object if needed. + */ +size_t get_next_seq_no() { + struct settings_constructor { + settings_constructor() { settings = new settings_map; } + ~settings_constructor() { + delete settings; + settings = NULL; + } + }; + static settings_constructor constructor; - return settings->size(); - } - } + return settings->size(); +} +} // namespace - namespace priv { +namespace priv { - config_setting_base::config_setting_base(const std::string &name_) - : name(name_), seq_no(get_next_seq_no()) - { - bool inserted = settings->insert({name, this}).second; - if(not inserted) - throw std::logic_error("Setting with name '" + name + "' already registered"); - } +config_setting_base::config_setting_base(const std::string &name_) + : name(name_), seq_no(get_next_seq_no()) { + bool inserted = settings->insert({name, this}).second; + if (not inserted) + throw std::logic_error("Setting with name '" + name + + "' already registered"); +} - void config_setting_base::lua_set(lua::state &l) - { - std::lock_guard guard(l); - lua::stack_sentry s(l, -1); - l.checkstack(2); +void config_setting_base::lua_set(lua::state &l) { + std::lock_guard guard(l); + lua::stack_sentry s(l, -1); + l.checkstack(2); - l.getglobal("conky"); - l.rawgetfield(-1, "config"); - l.replace(-2); - l.insert(-2); + l.getglobal("conky"); + l.rawgetfield(-1, "config"); + l.replace(-2); + l.insert(-2); - l.setfield(-2, name.c_str()); - l.pop(); - } + l.setfield(-2, name.c_str()); + l.pop(); +} - /* - * Performs the actual assignment of settings. Calls the setting-specific setter after - * some sanity-checking. - * stack on entry: | ..., new_config_table, key, value, old_value | - * stack on exit: | ..., new_config_table | - */ - void config_setting_base::process_setting(lua::state &l, bool init) - { - lua::stack_sentry s(l, -3); +/* + * Performs the actual assignment of settings. Calls the setting-specific setter + * after some sanity-checking. stack on entry: | ..., new_config_table, key, + * value, old_value | stack on exit: | ..., new_config_table | + */ +void config_setting_base::process_setting(lua::state &l, bool init) { + lua::stack_sentry s(l, -3); - config_setting_base *ptr = get_setting(l, -3); - if(not ptr) - return; + config_setting_base *ptr = get_setting(l, -3); + if (not ptr) return; - ptr->lua_setter(l, init); - l.pushvalue(-2); - l.insert(-2); - l.rawset(-4); - } + ptr->lua_setter(l, init); + l.pushvalue(-2); + l.insert(-2); + l.rawset(-4); +} - /* - * Called when user sets a new value for a setting - * stack on entry: | config_table, key, value | - * stack on exit: | | - */ - int config_setting_base::config__newindex(lua::state *l) - { - lua::stack_sentry s(*l, -3); - l->checkstack(1); +/* + * Called when user sets a new value for a setting + * stack on entry: | config_table, key, value | + * stack on exit: | | + */ +int config_setting_base::config__newindex(lua::state *l) { + lua::stack_sentry s(*l, -3); + l->checkstack(1); - l->getmetatable(-3); - l->replace(-4); + l->getmetatable(-3); + l->replace(-4); - l->pushvalue(-2); - l->rawget(-4); - process_setting(*l, false); + l->pushvalue(-2); + l->rawget(-4); + process_setting(*l, false); - return 0; - } + return 0; +} - /* - * conky.config will not be a table, but a userdata with some metamethods we do this - * because we want to control access to the settings we use the metatable for storing the - * settings, that means having a setting whose name starts with "__" is a bad idea - * stack on entry: | ... | - * stack on exit: | ... new_config_table | - */ - void config_setting_base::make_conky_config(lua::state &l) - { - lua::stack_sentry s(l); - l.checkstack(3); +/* + * conky.config will not be a table, but a userdata with some metamethods we do + * this because we want to control access to the settings we use the metatable + * for storing the settings, that means having a setting whose name starts with + * "__" is a bad idea stack on entry: | ... | stack on exit: | ... + * new_config_table | + */ +void config_setting_base::make_conky_config(lua::state &l) { + lua::stack_sentry s(l); + l.checkstack(3); - l.newuserdata(1); + l.newuserdata(1); - l.newtable(); { - l.pushboolean(false); - l.rawsetfield(-2, "__metatable"); + l.newtable(); + { + l.pushboolean(false); + l.rawsetfield(-2, "__metatable"); - l.pushvalue(-1); - l.rawsetfield(-2, "__index"); + l.pushvalue(-1); + l.rawsetfield(-2, "__index"); - l.pushfunction(&priv::config_setting_base::config__newindex); - l.rawsetfield(-2, "__newindex"); - } l.setmetatable(-2); - - ++s; - } - } + l.pushfunction(&priv::config_setting_base::config__newindex); + l.rawsetfield(-2, "__newindex"); + } + l.setmetatable(-2); - void set_config_settings(lua::state &l) - { - lua::stack_sentry s(l); - l.checkstack(6); + ++s; +} +} // namespace priv - // Force creation of settings map. In the off chance we have no settings. - get_next_seq_no(); +void set_config_settings(lua::state &l) { + lua::stack_sentry s(l); + l.checkstack(6); - l.getglobal("conky"); { - if(l.type(-1) != lua::TTABLE) - throw std::runtime_error("conky must be a table"); + // Force creation of settings map. In the off chance we have no settings. + get_next_seq_no(); - l.rawgetfield(-1, "config"); { - if(l.type(-1) != lua::TTABLE) - throw std::runtime_error("conky.config must be a table"); + l.getglobal("conky"); + { + if (l.type(-1) != lua::TTABLE) + throw std::runtime_error("conky must be a table"); - priv::config_setting_base::make_conky_config(l); - l.rawsetfield(-3, "config"); + l.rawgetfield(-1, "config"); + { + if (l.type(-1) != lua::TTABLE) + throw std::runtime_error("conky.config must be a table"); - l.rawgetfield(-2, "config"); l.getmetatable(-1); l.replace(-2); { - const settings_vector &v = make_settings_vector(); + priv::config_setting_base::make_conky_config(l); + l.rawsetfield(-3, "config"); - for(size_t i = 0; i < v.size(); ++i) { - l.pushstring(v[i]->name); - l.rawgetfield(-3, v[i]->name.c_str()); - l.pushnil(); - priv::config_setting_base::process_setting(l, true); - } - } l.pop(); + l.rawgetfield(-2, "config"); + l.getmetatable(-1); + l.replace(-2); + { + const settings_vector &v = make_settings_vector(); - // print error messages for unknown settings - l.pushnil(); - while(l.next(-2)) { - l.pop(); - get_setting(l, -1); - } + for (size_t i = 0; i < v.size(); ++i) { + l.pushstring(v[i]->name); + l.rawgetfield(-3, v[i]->name.c_str()); + l.pushnil(); + priv::config_setting_base::process_setting(l, true); + } + } + l.pop(); - } l.pop(); - } l.pop(); - } + // print error messages for unknown settings + l.pushnil(); + while (l.next(-2)) { + l.pop(); + get_setting(l, -1); + } + } + l.pop(); + } + l.pop(); +} - void cleanup_config_settings(lua::state &l) - { - lua::stack_sentry s(l); - l.checkstack(2); +void cleanup_config_settings(lua::state &l) { + lua::stack_sentry s(l); + l.checkstack(2); - l.getglobal("conky"); - l.rawgetfield(-1, "config"); - l.replace(-2); + l.getglobal("conky"); + l.rawgetfield(-1, "config"); + l.replace(-2); - const settings_vector &v = make_settings_vector(); - for(size_t i = v.size(); i > 0; --i) { - l.getfield(-1, v[i-1]->name.c_str()); - v[i-1]->cleanup(l); - } + const settings_vector &v = make_settings_vector(); + for (size_t i = v.size(); i > 0; --i) { + l.getfield(-1, v[i - 1]->name.c_str()); + v[i - 1]->cleanup(l); + } - l.pop(); - } + l.pop(); +} /////////// example settings, remove after real settings are available /////// - range_config_setting asdf("asdf", 42, 47, 45, true); -} +range_config_setting asdf("asdf", 42, 47, 45, true); +} // namespace conky diff --git a/src/setting.hh b/src/setting.hh index e7b20642..6436ac05 100644 --- a/src/setting.hh +++ b/src/setting.hh @@ -1,5 +1,4 @@ -/* -*- mode: c++; c-basic-offset: 4; tab-width: 4; indent-tabs-mode: t -*- - * vim: ts=4 sw=4 noet ai cindent syntax=cpp +/* * * Conky, a system monitor, based on torsmo * @@ -33,320 +32,327 @@ namespace conky { - /* - * Checks settings, and does initial calls to the setters. - * Should be called after reading the user config. - * stack on entry: | ... | - * stack on exit: | ... | - */ - void set_config_settings(lua::state &l); +/* + * Checks settings, and does initial calls to the setters. + * Should be called after reading the user config. + * stack on entry: | ... | + * stack on exit: | ... | + */ +void set_config_settings(lua::state &l); - /* - * Calls cleanup functions. - * Should be called before exit/restart. - * stack on entry: | ... | - * stack on exit: | ... | - */ - void cleanup_config_settings(lua::state &l); +/* + * Calls cleanup functions. + * Should be called before exit/restart. + * stack on entry: | ... | + * stack on exit: | ... | + */ +void cleanup_config_settings(lua::state &l); - template::value, - bool floating_point = std::is_floating_point::value, - bool is_enum = std::is_enum::value> - struct lua_traits - { - // integral is here to force the compiler to evaluate the assert at instantiation time - static_assert(is_integral && false, - "Only specializations for enum, string, integral and floating point types are available"); - }; +template ::value, + bool floating_point = std::is_floating_point::value, + bool is_enum = std::is_enum::value> +struct lua_traits { + // integral is here to force the compiler to evaluate the assert at + // instantiation time + static_assert(is_integral && false, + "Only specializations for enum, string, integral and floating " + "point types are available"); +}; - // specialization for integral types - template - struct lua_traits { - static const lua::Type type = lua::TNUMBER; - typedef lua::integer Type; +// specialization for integral types +template +struct lua_traits { + static const lua::Type type = lua::TNUMBER; + typedef lua::integer Type; - static inline std::pair - convert(lua::state &l, int index, const std::string &) - { return {l.tointeger(index), true}; } - }; + static inline std::pair convert(lua::state &l, int index, + const std::string &) { + return {l.tointeger(index), true}; + } +}; - // specialization for floating point types - template - struct lua_traits { - static const lua::Type type = lua::TNUMBER; - typedef lua::number Type; +// specialization for floating point types +template +struct lua_traits { + static const lua::Type type = lua::TNUMBER; + typedef lua::number Type; - static inline std::pair - convert(lua::state &l, int index, const std::string &) - { return {l.tonumber(index), true}; } - }; + static inline std::pair convert(lua::state &l, int index, + const std::string &) { + return {l.tonumber(index), true}; + } +}; - // specialization for std::string - template<> - struct lua_traits { - static const lua::Type type = lua::TSTRING; - typedef std::string Type; +// specialization for std::string +template <> +struct lua_traits { + static const lua::Type type = lua::TSTRING; + typedef std::string Type; - static inline std::pair - convert(lua::state &l, int index, const std::string &) - { return {l.tostring(index), true}; } - }; + static inline std::pair convert(lua::state &l, int index, + const std::string &) { + return {l.tostring(index), true}; + } +}; - // specialization for bool - template<> - struct lua_traits { - static const lua::Type type = lua::TBOOLEAN; - typedef bool Type; +// specialization for bool +template <> +struct lua_traits { + static const lua::Type type = lua::TBOOLEAN; + typedef bool Type; - static inline std::pair - convert(lua::state &l, int index, const std::string &) - { return {l.toboolean(index), true}; } - }; + static inline std::pair convert(lua::state &l, int index, + const std::string &) { + return {l.toboolean(index), true}; + } +}; - // specialization for enums - // to use this, one first has to declare string<->value map - template - struct lua_traits { - static const lua::Type type = lua::TSTRING; - typedef T Type; +// specialization for enums +// to use this, one first has to declare string<->value map +template +struct lua_traits { + static const lua::Type type = lua::TSTRING; + typedef T Type; - typedef std::initializer_list> Map; - static Map map; + typedef std::initializer_list> Map; + static Map map; - static std::pair convert(lua::state &l, int index, const std::string &name) - { - std::string val = l.tostring(index); + static std::pair convert(lua::state &l, int index, + const std::string &name) { + std::string val = l.tostring(index); - for(auto i = map.begin(); i != map.end(); ++i) { - if(i->first == val) - return {i->second, true}; - } + for (auto i = map.begin(); i != map.end(); ++i) { + if (i->first == val) return {i->second, true}; + } - std::string msg = "Invalid value '" + val + "' for setting '" - + name + "'. Valid values are: "; - for(auto i = map.begin(); i != map.end(); ++i) { - if(i != map.begin()) - msg += ", "; - msg += "'" + i->first + "'"; - } - msg += "."; - NORM_ERR("%s", msg.c_str()); - - return {T(), false}; - } - }; + std::string msg = "Invalid value '" + val + "' for setting '" + name + + "'. Valid values are: "; + for (auto i = map.begin(); i != map.end(); ++i) { + if (i != map.begin()) msg += ", "; + msg += "'" + i->first + "'"; + } + msg += "."; + NORM_ERR("%s", msg.c_str()); - namespace priv { - class config_setting_base { - private: - static void process_setting(lua::state &l, bool init); - static int config__newindex(lua::state *l); - static void make_conky_config(lua::state &l); + return {T(), false}; + } +}; - // copying is a REALLY bad idea - config_setting_base(const config_setting_base &) = delete; - config_setting_base& operator=(const config_setting_base &) = delete; +namespace priv { +class config_setting_base { + private: + static void process_setting(lua::state &l, bool init); + static int config__newindex(lua::state *l); + static void make_conky_config(lua::state &l); - protected: - /* - * Set the setting, if the value is sane - * stack on entry: | ... potential_new_value old_value | - * stack on exit: | ... real_new_value | - * real_new_value can be the old value if the new value doesn't make sense - */ - virtual void lua_setter(lua::state &l, bool init) = 0; + // copying is a REALLY bad idea + config_setting_base(const config_setting_base &) = delete; + config_setting_base &operator=(const config_setting_base &) = delete; - /* - * Called on exit/restart. - * stack on entry: | ... new_value | - * stack on exit: | ... | - */ - virtual void cleanup(lua::state &l) { l.pop(); } + protected: + /* + * Set the setting, if the value is sane + * stack on entry: | ... potential_new_value old_value | + * stack on exit: | ... real_new_value | + * real_new_value can be the old value if the new value doesn't make sense + */ + virtual void lua_setter(lua::state &l, bool init) = 0; - public: - const std::string name; - const size_t seq_no; + /* + * Called on exit/restart. + * stack on entry: | ... new_value | + * stack on exit: | ... | + */ + virtual void cleanup(lua::state &l) { l.pop(); } - static bool seq_compare(const config_setting_base *a, const config_setting_base *b) - { return a->seq_no < b->seq_no; } + public: + const std::string name; + const size_t seq_no; - explicit config_setting_base(const std::string &name_); - virtual ~config_setting_base() {} + static bool seq_compare(const config_setting_base *a, + const config_setting_base *b) { + return a->seq_no < b->seq_no; + } - /* - * Set the setting manually. - * stack on entry: | ... new_value | - * stack on exit: | ... | - */ - void lua_set(lua::state &l); + explicit config_setting_base(const std::string &name_); + virtual ~config_setting_base() {} - friend void conky::set_config_settings(lua::state &l); - friend void conky::cleanup_config_settings(lua::state &l); - }; - } + /* + * Set the setting manually. + * stack on entry: | ... new_value | + * stack on exit: | ... | + */ + void lua_set(lua::state &l); - // If you need some very exotic setting, derive it from this class. Otherwise, scroll down. - template - class config_setting_template: public priv::config_setting_base { - public: - explicit config_setting_template(const std::string &name_) - : config_setting_base(name_) - {} + friend void conky::set_config_settings(lua::state &l); + friend void conky::cleanup_config_settings(lua::state &l); +}; +} // namespace priv - // get the value of the setting as a C++ type - T get(lua::state &l); +// If you need some very exotic setting, derive it from this class. Otherwise, +// scroll down. +template +class config_setting_template : public priv::config_setting_base { + public: + explicit config_setting_template(const std::string &name_) + : config_setting_base(name_) {} - protected: - /* - * Convert the value into a C++ type. - * stack on entry: | ... value | - * stack on exit: | ... | - */ - virtual T getter(lua::state &l) = 0; - }; + // get the value of the setting as a C++ type + T get(lua::state &l); - template - T config_setting_template::get(lua::state &l) - { - std::lock_guard guard(l); - lua::stack_sentry s(l); - l.checkstack(2); + protected: + /* + * Convert the value into a C++ type. + * stack on entry: | ... value | + * stack on exit: | ... | + */ + virtual T getter(lua::state &l) = 0; +}; - l.getglobal("conky"); - l.getfield(-1, "config"); - l.replace(-2); +template +T config_setting_template::get(lua::state &l) { + std::lock_guard guard(l); + lua::stack_sentry s(l); + l.checkstack(2); - l.getfield(-1, name.c_str()); - l.replace(-2); + l.getglobal("conky"); + l.getfield(-1, "config"); + l.replace(-2); - return getter(l); - } + l.getfield(-1, name.c_str()); + l.replace(-2); - /* - * Declares a setting in the conky.config table. - * Getter function is used to translate the lua value into C++. It recieves the value on the - * lua stack. It should pop it and return the C++ value. In case the value is nil, it should - * return a predefined default value. Translation into basic types works with the help of - * lua_traits template above - * The lua_setter function is called when someone tries to set the value. It recieves the - * new and the old value on the stack (old one is on top). It should return the new value for - * the setting. It doesn't have to be the value the user set, if e.g. the value doesn't make - * sense. The second parameter is true if the assignment occurs during the initial parsing of - * the config file, and false afterwards. Some settings obviously cannot be changed (easily?) - * when conky is running, but some (e.g. x/y position of the window) can. - */ - template> - class simple_config_setting: public config_setting_template { - typedef config_setting_template Base; - - public: - simple_config_setting(const std::string &name_, const T &default_value_ = T(), - bool modifiable_ = false) - : Base(name_), default_value(default_value_), modifiable(modifiable_) - {} - - protected: - const T default_value; - const bool modifiable; - - virtual std::pair do_convert(lua::state &l, int index); - virtual void lua_setter(lua::state &l, bool init); - - virtual T getter(lua::state &l) - { - lua::stack_sentry s(l, -1); - auto ret = do_convert(l, -1); - l.pop(); - - // setter function should make sure the value is valid - assert(ret.second); - - return ret.first; - } - }; - - template - std::pair - simple_config_setting::do_convert(lua::state &l, int index) - { - if(l.isnil(index)) - return {default_value, true}; - - if(l.type(index) != Traits::type) { - NORM_ERR("Invalid value of type '%s' for setting '%s'. " - "Expected value of type '%s'.", l.type_name(l.type(index)), - Base::name.c_str(), l.type_name(Traits::type) ); - return {default_value, false}; - } - - return Traits::convert(l, index, Base::name); - } - - template - void simple_config_setting::lua_setter(lua::state &l, bool init) - { - lua::stack_sentry s(l, -2); - - bool ok = true; - if(!init && !modifiable) { - NORM_ERR("Setting '%s' is not modifiable", Base::name.c_str()); - ok = false; - } - - if(ok && do_convert(l, -2).second) - l.pop(); - else - l.replace(-2); - ++s; - } - - template - bool between(Signed1 value, Signed2 min, - typename std::enable_if::value, Signed2>::type max) - { return value >= min && value <= max; } - - template - bool between(Signed1 value, Unsigned2 min, - typename std::enable_if::value, Unsigned2>::type max) - { - return value >= 0 - && static_cast::type>(value) >= min - && static_cast::type>(value) <= max; - } - - // Just like simple_config_setting, except that in only accepts value in the [min, max] range - template> - class range_config_setting: public simple_config_setting { - typedef simple_config_setting Base; - - const T min; - const T max; - public: - range_config_setting(const std::string &name_, - const T &min_ = std::numeric_limits::min(), - const T &max_ = std::numeric_limits::max(), - const T &default_value_ = T(), - bool modifiable_ = false) - : Base(name_, default_value_, modifiable_), min(min_), max(max_) - { assert(min <= Base::default_value && Base::default_value <= max); } - - protected: - virtual std::pair do_convert(lua::state &l, int index) - { - auto ret = Base::do_convert(l, index); - if(ret.second && !between(ret.first, min, max)) { - NORM_ERR("Value is out of range for setting '%s'", Base::name.c_str()); - // we ignore out-of-range values. an alternative would be to clamp them. do we - // want to do that? - ret.second = false; - } - return ret; - } - }; - -/////////// example settings, remove after real settings are available /////// - extern range_config_setting asdf; + return getter(l); } +/* + * Declares a setting in the conky.config table. + * Getter function is used to translate the lua value into C++. It recieves the + * value on the lua stack. It should pop it and return the C++ value. In case + * the value is nil, it should return a predefined default value. Translation + * into basic types works with the help of lua_traits template above The + * lua_setter function is called when someone tries to set the value. It + * recieves the new and the old value on the stack (old one is on top). It + * should return the new value for the setting. It doesn't have to be the value + * the user set, if e.g. the value doesn't make sense. The second parameter is + * true if the assignment occurs during the initial parsing of the config file, + * and false afterwards. Some settings obviously cannot be changed (easily?) + * when conky is running, but some (e.g. x/y position of the window) can. + */ +template > +class simple_config_setting : public config_setting_template { + typedef config_setting_template Base; + + public: + simple_config_setting(const std::string &name_, const T &default_value_ = T(), + bool modifiable_ = false) + : Base(name_), default_value(default_value_), modifiable(modifiable_) {} + + protected: + const T default_value; + const bool modifiable; + + virtual std::pair do_convert(lua::state &l, + int index); + virtual void lua_setter(lua::state &l, bool init); + + virtual T getter(lua::state &l) { + lua::stack_sentry s(l, -1); + auto ret = do_convert(l, -1); + l.pop(); + + // setter function should make sure the value is valid + assert(ret.second); + + return ret.first; + } +}; + +template +std::pair +simple_config_setting::do_convert(lua::state &l, int index) { + if (l.isnil(index)) return {default_value, true}; + + if (l.type(index) != Traits::type) { + NORM_ERR( + "Invalid value of type '%s' for setting '%s'. " + "Expected value of type '%s'.", + l.type_name(l.type(index)), Base::name.c_str(), + l.type_name(Traits::type)); + return {default_value, false}; + } + + return Traits::convert(l, index, Base::name); +} + +template +void simple_config_setting::lua_setter(lua::state &l, bool init) { + lua::stack_sentry s(l, -2); + + bool ok = true; + if (!init && !modifiable) { + NORM_ERR("Setting '%s' is not modifiable", Base::name.c_str()); + ok = false; + } + + if (ok && do_convert(l, -2).second) + l.pop(); + else + l.replace(-2); + ++s; +} + +template +bool between(Signed1 value, Signed2 min, + typename std::enable_if::value, + Signed2>::type max) { + return value >= min && value <= max; +} + +template +bool between(Signed1 value, Unsigned2 min, + typename std::enable_if::value, + Unsigned2>::type max) { + return value >= 0 && + static_cast::type>(value) >= + min && + static_cast::type>(value) <= max; +} + +// Just like simple_config_setting, except that in only accepts value in the +// [min, max] range +template > +class range_config_setting : public simple_config_setting { + typedef simple_config_setting Base; + + const T min; + const T max; + + public: + range_config_setting(const std::string &name_, + const T &min_ = std::numeric_limits::min(), + const T &max_ = std::numeric_limits::max(), + const T &default_value_ = T(), bool modifiable_ = false) + : Base(name_, default_value_, modifiable_), min(min_), max(max_) { + assert(min <= Base::default_value && Base::default_value <= max); + } + + protected: + virtual std::pair do_convert(lua::state &l, + int index) { + auto ret = Base::do_convert(l, index); + if (ret.second && !between(ret.first, min, max)) { + NORM_ERR("Value is out of range for setting '%s'", Base::name.c_str()); + // we ignore out-of-range values. an alternative would be to clamp them. + // do we want to do that? + ret.second = false; + } + return ret; + } +}; + +/////////// example settings, remove after real settings are available /////// +extern range_config_setting asdf; +} // namespace conky + #endif /* SETTING_HH */ diff --git a/src/smapi.cc b/src/smapi.cc index a2cf0854..8edf19d6 100644 --- a/src/smapi.cc +++ b/src/smapi.cc @@ -1,5 +1,4 @@ -/* -*- mode: c++; c-basic-offset: 4; tab-width: 4; indent-tabs-mode: t -*- - * vim: ts=4 sw=4 noet ai cindent syntax=cpp +/* * * smapi.c: conky support for IBM Thinkpad smapi * @@ -21,175 +20,155 @@ * USA. * */ -#include "conky.h" /* text_buffer_size, PACKAGE_NAME, maybe more */ #include -#include "temphelper.h" -#include "logging.h" #include #include -#include #include #include +#include +#include "conky.h" /* text_buffer_size, PACKAGE_NAME, maybe more */ +#include "logging.h" +#include "temphelper.h" #define SYS_SMAPI_PATH "/sys/devices/platform/smapi" -static int smapi_read_int(const char *path) -{ - FILE *fp; - int i = 0; - if ((fp = fopen(path, "r"))) { - if (fscanf(fp, "%i\n", &i) < 0) - perror("fscanf()"); - fclose(fp); - } - return i; +static int smapi_read_int(const char *path) { + FILE *fp; + int i = 0; + if ((fp = fopen(path, "r"))) { + if (fscanf(fp, "%i\n", &i) < 0) perror("fscanf()"); + fclose(fp); + } + return i; } -static int smapi_bat_installed_internal(int idx) -{ - char path[128]; - struct stat sb; - int ret = 0; - - snprintf(path, 127, SYS_SMAPI_PATH "/BAT%i", idx); - if (!stat(path, &sb) && (sb.st_mode & S_IFMT) == S_IFDIR) { - snprintf(path, 127, SYS_SMAPI_PATH "/BAT%i/installed", idx); - ret = (smapi_read_int(path) == 1) ? 1 : 0; - } - return ret; +static int smapi_bat_installed_internal(int idx) { + char path[128]; + struct stat sb; + int ret = 0; + snprintf(path, 127, SYS_SMAPI_PATH "/BAT%i", idx); + if (!stat(path, &sb) && (sb.st_mode & S_IFMT) == S_IFDIR) { + snprintf(path, 127, SYS_SMAPI_PATH "/BAT%i/installed", idx); + ret = (smapi_read_int(path) == 1) ? 1 : 0; + } + return ret; } -static char *smapi_read_str(const char *path) -{ - FILE *fp; - char str[256] = "failed"; - if ((fp = fopen(path, "r")) != NULL) { - if (fscanf(fp, "%255s\n", str) < 0) - perror("fscanf()"); - fclose(fp); - } - return strndup(str, text_buffer_size.get(*state)); +static char *smapi_read_str(const char *path) { + FILE *fp; + char str[256] = "failed"; + if ((fp = fopen(path, "r")) != NULL) { + if (fscanf(fp, "%255s\n", str) < 0) perror("fscanf()"); + fclose(fp); + } + return strndup(str, text_buffer_size.get(*state)); } -static char *smapi_get_str(const char *fname) -{ - char path[128]; - if(snprintf(path, 127, SYS_SMAPI_PATH "/%s", fname) < 0) - return NULL; +static char *smapi_get_str(const char *fname) { + char path[128]; + if (snprintf(path, 127, SYS_SMAPI_PATH "/%s", fname) < 0) return NULL; - return smapi_read_str(path); + return smapi_read_str(path); } -static char *smapi_get_bat_str(int idx, const char *fname) -{ - char path[128]; - if(snprintf(path, 127, SYS_SMAPI_PATH "/BAT%i/%s", idx, fname) < 0) - return NULL; - return smapi_read_str(path); +static char *smapi_get_bat_str(int idx, const char *fname) { + char path[128]; + if (snprintf(path, 127, SYS_SMAPI_PATH "/BAT%i/%s", idx, fname) < 0) + return NULL; + return smapi_read_str(path); } -static int smapi_get_bat_int(int idx, const char *fname) -{ - char path[128]; - if(snprintf(path, 127, SYS_SMAPI_PATH "/BAT%i/%s", idx, fname) < 0) - return 0; - return smapi_read_int(path); +static int smapi_get_bat_int(int idx, const char *fname) { + char path[128]; + if (snprintf(path, 127, SYS_SMAPI_PATH "/BAT%i/%s", idx, fname) < 0) return 0; + return smapi_read_int(path); } -static char *smapi_get_bat_val(const char *args) -{ - char fname[128]; - int idx, cnt; +static char *smapi_get_bat_val(const char *args) { + char fname[128]; + int idx, cnt; - if(sscanf(args, "%i %n", &idx, &cnt) <= 0 || - snprintf(fname, 127, "%s", (args + cnt)) < 0) { - NORM_ERR("smapi: wrong arguments, should be 'bat,,'"); - return NULL; - } + if (sscanf(args, "%i %n", &idx, &cnt) <= 0 || + snprintf(fname, 127, "%s", (args + cnt)) < 0) { + NORM_ERR("smapi: wrong arguments, should be 'bat,,'"); + return NULL; + } - if(!smapi_bat_installed_internal(idx)) - return NULL; + if (!smapi_bat_installed_internal(idx)) return NULL; - return smapi_get_bat_str(idx, fname); + return smapi_get_bat_str(idx, fname); } -static char *smapi_get_val(const char *args) -{ - char str[128]; +static char *smapi_get_val(const char *args) { + char str[128]; - if(!args || sscanf(args, "%127s", str) <= 0) - return NULL; + if (!args || sscanf(args, "%127s", str) <= 0) return NULL; - if(!strcmp(str, "bat")) - return smapi_get_bat_val(args + 4); + if (!strcmp(str, "bat")) return smapi_get_bat_val(args + 4); - return smapi_get_str(str); + return smapi_get_str(str); } -void print_smapi(struct text_object *obj, char *p, int p_max_size) -{ - char *s; +void print_smapi(struct text_object *obj, char *p, int p_max_size) { + char *s; - if (!obj->data.s) - return; + if (!obj->data.s) return; - s = smapi_get_val(obj->data.s); - snprintf(p, p_max_size, "%s", s); - free(s); + s = smapi_get_val(obj->data.s); + snprintf(p, p_max_size, "%s", s); + free(s); } -uint8_t smapi_bat_percentage(struct text_object *obj) -{ - int idx, val = 0; - if (obj->data.s && sscanf(obj->data.s, "%i", &idx) == 1) { - val = smapi_bat_installed_internal(idx) ? - smapi_get_bat_int(idx, "remaining_percent") : 0; - } else - NORM_ERR("argument to smapi_bat_perc must be an integer"); +uint8_t smapi_bat_percentage(struct text_object *obj) { + int idx, val = 0; + if (obj->data.s && sscanf(obj->data.s, "%i", &idx) == 1) { + val = smapi_bat_installed_internal(idx) + ? smapi_get_bat_int(idx, "remaining_percent") + : 0; + } else + NORM_ERR("argument to smapi_bat_perc must be an integer"); - return val; + return val; } -void print_smapi_bat_temp(struct text_object *obj, char *p, int p_max_size) -{ - int idx, val; - if (obj->data.s && sscanf(obj->data.s, "%i", &idx) == 1) { - val = smapi_bat_installed_internal(idx) ? - smapi_get_bat_int(idx, "temperature") : 0; - /* temperature is in milli degree celsius */ - temp_print(p, p_max_size, val / 1000, TEMP_CELSIUS); - } else - NORM_ERR("argument to smapi_bat_temp must be an integer"); +void print_smapi_bat_temp(struct text_object *obj, char *p, int p_max_size) { + int idx, val; + if (obj->data.s && sscanf(obj->data.s, "%i", &idx) == 1) { + val = smapi_bat_installed_internal(idx) + ? smapi_get_bat_int(idx, "temperature") + : 0; + /* temperature is in milli degree celsius */ + temp_print(p, p_max_size, val / 1000, TEMP_CELSIUS); + } else + NORM_ERR("argument to smapi_bat_temp must be an integer"); } -void print_smapi_bat_power(struct text_object *obj, char *p, int p_max_size) -{ - int idx, val; - if (obj->data.s && sscanf(obj->data.s, "%i", &idx) == 1) { - val = smapi_bat_installed_internal(idx) ? - smapi_get_bat_int(idx, "power_now") : 0; - /* power_now is in mW, set to W with one digit precision */ - snprintf(p, p_max_size, "%.1f", ((double)val / 1000)); - } else - NORM_ERR("argument to smapi_bat_power must be an integer"); +void print_smapi_bat_power(struct text_object *obj, char *p, int p_max_size) { + int idx, val; + if (obj->data.s && sscanf(obj->data.s, "%i", &idx) == 1) { + val = smapi_bat_installed_internal(idx) + ? smapi_get_bat_int(idx, "power_now") + : 0; + /* power_now is in mW, set to W with one digit precision */ + snprintf(p, p_max_size, "%.1f", ((double)val / 1000)); + } else + NORM_ERR("argument to smapi_bat_power must be an integer"); } -double smapi_bat_barval(struct text_object *obj) -{ - if (obj->data.i >= 0 && smapi_bat_installed_internal(obj->data.i)) - return smapi_get_bat_int(obj->data.i, "remaining_percent"); - return 0; +double smapi_bat_barval(struct text_object *obj) { + if (obj->data.i >= 0 && smapi_bat_installed_internal(obj->data.i)) + return smapi_get_bat_int(obj->data.i, "remaining_percent"); + return 0; } -int smapi_bat_installed(struct text_object *obj) -{ - int idx; - if(obj->data.s && sscanf(obj->data.s, "%i", &idx) == 1) { - if(!smapi_bat_installed_internal(idx)) { - return 0; - } - } else - NORM_ERR("argument to if_smapi_bat_installed must be an integer"); - return 1; +int smapi_bat_installed(struct text_object *obj) { + int idx; + if (obj->data.s && sscanf(obj->data.s, "%i", &idx) == 1) { + if (!smapi_bat_installed_internal(idx)) { + return 0; + } + } else + NORM_ERR("argument to if_smapi_bat_installed must be an integer"); + return 1; } diff --git a/src/smapi.h b/src/smapi.h index c46ba7a7..e9b52e8a 100644 --- a/src/smapi.h +++ b/src/smapi.h @@ -1,5 +1,4 @@ -/* -*- mode: c++; c-basic-offset: 4; tab-width: 4; indent-tabs-mode: t -*- - * vim: ts=4 sw=4 noet ai cindent syntax=cpp +/* * * smapi.h: conky support for IBM Thinkpad smapi * diff --git a/src/solaris.cc b/src/solaris.cc index e7eb32ce..59628f77 100644 --- a/src/solaris.cc +++ b/src/solaris.cc @@ -1,5 +1,4 @@ -/* -*- mode: c++; c-basic-offset: 4; tab-width: 4; indent-tabs-mode: t -*- - * vim: ts=4 sw=4 noet ai cindent syntax=cpp +/* * * Conky, a system monitor, based on torsmo * @@ -9,7 +8,7 @@ * * Please see COPYING for details * - * Copyright (c) 2005-2012 Brenden Matthews, Philip Kovacs, et. al. + * Copyright (c) 2005-2018 Brenden Matthews, Philip Kovacs, et. al. * (see AUTHORS) * All rights reserved. * @@ -27,373 +26,340 @@ * */ -#include "conky.h" -#include "common.h" +#include #include -#include #include -#include -#include -#include -#include -#include -#include +#include #include #include -#include -#include +#include +#include #include +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include "common.h" +#include "conky.h" #include "diskio.h" #include "top.h" #include -#include "solaris.h" #include "net_stat.h" +#include "solaris.h" static kstat_ctl_t *kstat; static time_t kstat_updated; static int pageshift = INT_MAX; -static int pagetok(int pages) -{ - if (pageshift == INT_MAX) { - int pagesize = sysconf(_SC_PAGESIZE); - pageshift = 0; - while ((pagesize >>= 1) > 0) - pageshift++; - pageshift -= 10; /* 2^10 = 1024 */ - } - return (pageshift > 0 ? pages << pageshift : pages >> -pageshift); +static int pagetok(int pages) { + if (pageshift == INT_MAX) { + int pagesize = sysconf(_SC_PAGESIZE); + pageshift = 0; + while ((pagesize >>= 1) > 0) pageshift++; + pageshift -= 10; /* 2^10 = 1024 */ + } + return (pageshift > 0 ? pages << pageshift : pages >> -pageshift); } -static void update_kstat() -{ - time_t now = time(NULL); +static void update_kstat() { + time_t now = time(NULL); - if (kstat == NULL) { - if ((kstat = kstat_open()) == NULL) { - NORM_ERR("can't open kstat: %s", strerror(errno)); - return; - } - kstat_updated = 0; - } - if (now - kstat_updated < 2) /* Do not update kstats too often */ - return; + if (kstat == NULL) { + if ((kstat = kstat_open()) == NULL) { + NORM_ERR("can't open kstat: %s", strerror(errno)); + return; + } + kstat_updated = 0; + } + if (now - kstat_updated < 2) /* Do not update kstats too often */ + return; - if (kstat_chain_update(kstat) == -1) { - perror("kstat_chain_update"); - return; - } - kstat_updated = now; + if (kstat_chain_update(kstat) == -1) { + perror("kstat_chain_update"); + return; + } + kstat_updated = now; } static kstat_named_t *get_kstat(const char *module, int inst, const char *name, - const char *stat) -{ - kstat_t *ksp; + const char *stat) { + kstat_t *ksp; - update_kstat(); + update_kstat(); - ksp = kstat_lookup(kstat, (char *)module, inst, (char *)name); - if (ksp == NULL) { - NORM_ERR("cannot lookup kstat %s:%d:%s:%s %s", module, inst, name, - stat, strerror(errno)); - return NULL; - } + ksp = kstat_lookup(kstat, (char *)module, inst, (char *)name); + if (ksp == NULL) { + NORM_ERR("cannot lookup kstat %s:%d:%s:%s %s", module, inst, name, stat, + strerror(errno)); + return NULL; + } - if (kstat_read(kstat, ksp, NULL) >= 0) { - if (ksp->ks_type == KSTAT_TYPE_NAMED || - ksp->ks_type == KSTAT_TYPE_TIMER) { - kstat_named_t *knp = (kstat_named_t *)kstat_data_lookup(ksp, - (char *)stat); - return knp; - } else { - NORM_ERR("kstat %s:%d:%s:%s has unexpected type %d", - module, inst, name, stat, ksp->ks_type); - return NULL; - } - } - NORM_ERR("cannot read kstat %s:%d:%s:%s", module, inst, name, stat); - return NULL; + if (kstat_read(kstat, ksp, NULL) >= 0) { + if (ksp->ks_type == KSTAT_TYPE_NAMED || ksp->ks_type == KSTAT_TYPE_TIMER) { + kstat_named_t *knp = + (kstat_named_t *)kstat_data_lookup(ksp, (char *)stat); + return knp; + } else { + NORM_ERR("kstat %s:%d:%s:%s has unexpected type %d", module, inst, name, + stat, ksp->ks_type); + return NULL; + } + } + NORM_ERR("cannot read kstat %s:%d:%s:%s", module, inst, name, stat); + return NULL; } -void prepare_update() -{ - kstat_updated = 0; +void prepare_update() { kstat_updated = 0; } + +int update_meminfo() { + kstat_named_t *knp; + int nswap = swapctl(SC_GETNSWP, 0); + struct swaptable *swt; + struct swapent *swe; + char path[PATH_MAX]; + unsigned long stp, sfp; + + /* RAM stats */ + knp = get_kstat("unix", -1, "system_pages", "freemem"); + if (knp != NULL) info.memfree = pagetok(knp->value.ui32); + info.memmax = pagetok(sysconf(_SC_PHYS_PAGES)); + if (info.memmax > info.memfree) + info.mem = info.memmax - info.memfree; + else /* for non-global zones with capped memory */ + info.mem = info.memmax; + + /* Swap stats */ + if (nswap < 1) return 0; + /* for swapctl(2) */ + swt = + (struct swaptable *)malloc(nswap * sizeof(struct swapent) + sizeof(int)); + if (swt == NULL) return 0; + swt->swt_n = nswap; + swe = &(swt->swt_ent[0]); + /* We are not interested in ste_path */ + for (int i = 0; i < nswap; i++) swe[i].ste_path = path; + nswap = swapctl(SC_LIST, swt); + swe = &(swt->swt_ent[0]); + stp = sfp = 0; + for (int i = 0; i < nswap; i++) { + if ((swe[i].ste_flags & ST_INDEL) || (swe[i].ste_flags & ST_DOINGDEL)) + continue; + stp += swe->ste_pages; + sfp += swe->ste_free; + } + free(swt); + info.swapfree = pagetok(sfp); + info.swapmax = pagetok(stp); + info.swap = info.swapmax - info.swapfree; + + return 0; } -int update_meminfo() -{ - kstat_named_t *knp; - int nswap = swapctl(SC_GETNSWP, 0); - struct swaptable *swt; - struct swapent *swe; - char path[PATH_MAX]; - unsigned long stp, sfp; - - /* RAM stats */ - knp = get_kstat("unix", -1, "system_pages", "freemem"); - if (knp != NULL) - info.memfree = pagetok(knp->value.ui32); - info.memmax = pagetok(sysconf(_SC_PHYS_PAGES)); - if (info.memmax > info.memfree) - info.mem = info.memmax - info.memfree; - else /* for non-global zones with capped memory */ - info.mem = info.memmax; - - /* Swap stats */ - if (nswap < 1) - return 0; - /* for swapctl(2) */ - swt = (struct swaptable *)malloc(nswap * sizeof (struct swapent) + - sizeof (int)); - if (swt == NULL) - return 0; - swt->swt_n = nswap; - swe = &(swt->swt_ent[0]); - /* We are not interested in ste_path */ - for (int i = 0; i < nswap; i++) - swe[i].ste_path = path; - nswap = swapctl(SC_LIST, swt); - swe = &(swt->swt_ent[0]); - stp = sfp = 0; - for (int i = 0; i < nswap; i++) { - if ((swe[i].ste_flags & ST_INDEL) || (swe[i].ste_flags & ST_DOINGDEL)) - continue; - stp += swe->ste_pages; - sfp += swe->ste_free; - } - free(swt); - info.swapfree = pagetok(sfp); - info.swapmax = pagetok(stp); - info.swap = info.swapmax - info.swapfree; - - return 0; +int check_mount(struct text_object *obj) { + /* stub */ + (void)obj; + return 0; } -int check_mount(struct text_object *obj) -{ - /* stub */ - (void) obj; - return 0; +double get_battery_perct_bar(struct text_object *obj) { + /* Not implemented */ + (void)obj; + + return 100.0; } -double get_battery_perct_bar(struct text_object *obj) -{ - /* Not implemented */ - (void) obj; +double get_acpi_temperature(int fd) { + /* Not implemented */ + (void)fd; - return 100.0; + return 0.0; } -double get_acpi_temperature(int fd) -{ - /* Not implemented */ - (void) fd; - - return 0.0; +int update_total_processes(void) { + kstat_named_t *knp = get_kstat("unix", -1, "system_misc", "nproc"); + if (knp != NULL) info.procs = knp->value.ui32; + return 0; } -int update_total_processes(void) -{ - kstat_named_t *knp = get_kstat("unix", -1, "system_misc", "nproc"); - if (knp != NULL) - info.procs = knp->value.ui32; - return 0; +void get_battery_stuff(char *buf, unsigned int n, const char *bat, int item) { + /* Not implemented */ } -void get_battery_stuff(char *buf, unsigned int n, const char *bat, int item) -{ - /* Not implemented */ +int update_running_processes(void) { + /* There is no kstat for this, see update_proc_entry() */ + return 0; } -int update_running_processes(void) -{ - /* There is no kstat for this, see update_proc_entry() */ - return 0; +int update_net_stats(void) { + struct ifconf ifc; + int sockfd; + char buf[1024]; + double d = current_update_time - last_update_time; + + if (d < 0.1) return 0; + + /* Find all active net interfaces */ + if ((sockfd = socket(AF_INET, SOCK_DGRAM, 0)) < 0) { + NORM_ERR("cannot create socket: %s", strerror(errno)); + return 0; + } + ifc.ifc_buf = buf; + ifc.ifc_len = sizeof(buf); + if (ioctl(sockfd, SIOCGIFCONF, &ifc) < 0) { + NORM_ERR("ioctl(SIOCGIFCONF) failed: %s", strerror(errno)); + (void)close(sockfd); + return 0; + } + (void)close(sockfd); + + /* Collect stats for all active interfaces */ + for (int i = 0; i < ifc.ifc_len / sizeof(struct ifreq); i++) { + struct net_stat *ns; + struct ifreq *ifr = &ifc.ifc_req[i]; + long long last_recv, last_trans; + long long r, t; + kstat_named_t *knp; + + ns = get_net_stat((const char *)ifr->ifr_name, NULL, NULL); + ns->up = 1; + memcpy(&(ns->addr), &ifr->ifr_addr, sizeof(ifr->ifr_addr)); + + /* Skip the loopback interface, it does not have kstat data */ + if (ifr->ifr_flags & IFF_LOOPBACK || strcmp(ifr->ifr_name, "lo0") == 0) + continue; + last_recv = ns->recv; + last_trans = ns->trans; + + /* Get received bytes */ + knp = get_kstat("link", -1, ifr->ifr_name, "rbytes"); + if (knp == NULL) { + NORM_ERR("cannot read rbytes for %s\n", ifr->ifr_name); + continue; + } + r = (long long)knp->value.ui32; + if (r <= ns->last_read_recv) { + ns->recv += ((long long)4294967295U - ns->last_read_recv) + r; + } else { + ns->recv += (r - ns->last_read_recv); + } + ns->last_read_recv = r; + + /* Get transceived bytes */ + knp = get_kstat("link", -1, ifr->ifr_name, "obytes"); + if (knp == NULL) { + NORM_ERR("cannot read obytes for %s\n", ifr->ifr_name); + continue; + } + t = (long long)knp->value.ui32; + if (t < ns->last_read_trans) { + ns->trans += ((long long)4294967295U - ns->last_read_trans) + t; + } else { + ns->trans += (t - ns->last_read_trans); + } + ns->last_read_trans = t; + + ns->recv_speed = (ns->recv - last_recv) / d; + ns->trans_speed = (ns->trans - last_trans) / d; + } + return 0; } -int update_net_stats(void) -{ - struct ifconf ifc; - int sockfd; - char buf[1024]; - double d = current_update_time - last_update_time; +int update_cpu_usage(void) { + static int last_cpu_cnt = 0; + static int *last_cpu_use = NULL; + double d = current_update_time - last_update_time; + int cpu; - if (d < 0.1) - return 0; + if (d < 0.1) return 0; - /* Find all active net interfaces */ - if ((sockfd = socket(AF_INET, SOCK_DGRAM, 0)) < 0) { - NORM_ERR("cannot create socket: %s", strerror(errno)); - return 0; - } - ifc.ifc_buf = buf; - ifc.ifc_len = sizeof (buf); - if (ioctl(sockfd, SIOCGIFCONF, &ifc) < 0) { - NORM_ERR("ioctl(SIOCGIFCONF) failed: %s", strerror(errno)); - (void) close(sockfd); - return 0; - } - (void) close(sockfd); + update_kstat(); - /* Collect stats for all active interfaces */ - for (int i = 0; i < ifc.ifc_len / sizeof (struct ifreq); i++) { - struct net_stat *ns; - struct ifreq *ifr = &ifc.ifc_req[i]; - long long last_recv, last_trans; - long long r, t; - kstat_named_t *knp; + info.cpu_count = sysconf(_SC_NPROCESSORS_ONLN); - ns = get_net_stat((const char *) ifr->ifr_name, NULL, NULL); - ns->up = 1; - memcpy(&(ns->addr), &ifr->ifr_addr, sizeof (ifr->ifr_addr)); + /* (Re)allocate the array with previous values */ + if (last_cpu_cnt != info.cpu_count || last_cpu_use == NULL) { + last_cpu_use = (int *)realloc(last_cpu_use, info.cpu_count * sizeof(int)); + last_cpu_cnt = info.cpu_count; + if (last_cpu_use == NULL) return 0; + } - /* Skip the loopback interface, it does not have kstat data */ - if (ifr->ifr_flags & IFF_LOOPBACK || strcmp(ifr->ifr_name, "lo0") == 0) - continue; - last_recv = ns->recv; - last_trans = ns->trans; + info.cpu_usage = (float *)malloc(info.cpu_count * sizeof(float)); - /* Get received bytes */ - knp = get_kstat("link", -1, ifr->ifr_name, "rbytes"); - if (knp == NULL) { - NORM_ERR("cannot read rbytes for %s\n", ifr->ifr_name); - continue; - } - r = (long long)knp->value.ui32; - if (r <= ns->last_read_recv) { - ns->recv += ((long long) 4294967295U - ns->last_read_recv) + r; - } else { - ns->recv += (r - ns->last_read_recv); - } - ns->last_read_recv = r; + for (cpu = 0; cpu < info.cpu_count; cpu++) { + char stat_name[PATH_MAX]; + unsigned long cpu_user, cpu_nice, cpu_system, cpu_idle; + unsigned long cpu_use; + cpu_stat_t *cs; + kstat_t *ksp; - /* Get transceived bytes */ - knp = get_kstat("link", -1, ifr->ifr_name, "obytes"); - if (knp == NULL) { - NORM_ERR("cannot read obytes for %s\n", ifr->ifr_name); - continue; - } - t = (long long)knp->value.ui32; - if (t < ns->last_read_trans) { - ns->trans += ((long long) 4294967295U - ns->last_read_trans) + t; - } else { - ns->trans += (t - ns->last_read_trans); - } - ns->last_read_trans = t; + snprintf(stat_name, PATH_MAX, "cpu_stat%d", cpu); + ksp = kstat_lookup(kstat, (char *)"cpu_stat", cpu, stat_name); + if (ksp == NULL) continue; + if (kstat_read(kstat, ksp, NULL) == -1) continue; + cs = (cpu_stat_t *)ksp->ks_data; - ns->recv_speed = (ns->recv - last_recv) / d; - ns->trans_speed = (ns->trans - last_trans) / d; - } - return 0; + cpu_idle = cs->cpu_sysinfo.cpu[CPU_IDLE]; + cpu_user = cs->cpu_sysinfo.cpu[CPU_USER]; + cpu_nice = cs->cpu_sysinfo.cpu[CPU_WAIT]; + cpu_system = cs->cpu_sysinfo.cpu[CPU_KERNEL]; + + cpu_use = cpu_user + cpu_nice + cpu_system; + + info.cpu_usage[cpu] = (double)(cpu_use - last_cpu_use[cpu]) / d / 100.0; + last_cpu_use[cpu] = cpu_use; + } + + return 0; } -int update_cpu_usage(void) -{ - static int last_cpu_cnt = 0; - static int *last_cpu_use = NULL; - double d = current_update_time - last_update_time; - int cpu; +void update_proc_entry(struct process *p) { + psinfo_t proc; + int fd; + char pfn[PATH_MAX]; - if (d < 0.1) - return 0; - - update_kstat(); - - info.cpu_count = sysconf(_SC_NPROCESSORS_ONLN); - - /* (Re)allocate the array with previous values */ - if (last_cpu_cnt != info.cpu_count || last_cpu_use == NULL) { - last_cpu_use = (int *)realloc(last_cpu_use, - info.cpu_count * sizeof (int)); - last_cpu_cnt = info.cpu_count; - if (last_cpu_use == NULL) - return 0; - } - - info.cpu_usage = (float *)malloc(info.cpu_count * sizeof (float)); - - for (cpu = 0; cpu < info.cpu_count; cpu++) { - char stat_name[PATH_MAX]; - unsigned long cpu_user, cpu_nice, cpu_system, cpu_idle; - unsigned long cpu_use; - cpu_stat_t *cs; - kstat_t *ksp; - - snprintf(stat_name, PATH_MAX, "cpu_stat%d", cpu); - ksp = kstat_lookup(kstat, (char *)"cpu_stat", cpu, stat_name); - if (ksp == NULL) - continue; - if (kstat_read(kstat, ksp, NULL) == -1) - continue; - cs = (cpu_stat_t *)ksp->ks_data; - - cpu_idle = cs->cpu_sysinfo.cpu[CPU_IDLE]; - cpu_user = cs->cpu_sysinfo.cpu[CPU_USER]; - cpu_nice = cs->cpu_sysinfo.cpu[CPU_WAIT]; - cpu_system = cs->cpu_sysinfo.cpu[CPU_KERNEL]; - - cpu_use = cpu_user + cpu_nice + cpu_system; - - info.cpu_usage[cpu] = (double)(cpu_use - last_cpu_use[cpu]) / d / 100.0; - last_cpu_use[cpu] = cpu_use; - } - - return 0; + snprintf(pfn, PATH_MAX, "/proc/%d/psinfo", p->pid); + /* Ignore errors here as the process can be gone */ + if ((fd = open(pfn, O_RDONLY)) < 0) return; + if (pread(fd, &proc, sizeof(psinfo_t), 0) != sizeof(psinfo_t)) { + (void)close(fd); + return; + } + (void)close(fd); + free_and_zero(p->name); + free_and_zero(p->basename); + p->name = strndup(proc.pr_fname, text_buffer_size.get(*::state)); + p->basename = strndup(proc.pr_fname, text_buffer_size.get(*::state)); + p->uid = proc.pr_uid; + /* see proc(4) */ + p->amount = (double)proc.pr_pctcpu / (double)0x8000 * 100.0; + p->rss = proc.pr_rssize * 1024; /* to bytes */ + p->vsize = proc.pr_size * 1024; /* to bytes */ + p->total_cpu_time = proc.pr_time.tv_sec * 100; /* to hundredths of secs */ + if (proc.pr_lwp.pr_sname == 'O' || proc.pr_lwp.pr_sname == 'R') + info.run_procs++; + p->time_stamp = g_time; } -void update_proc_entry(struct process *p) -{ - psinfo_t proc; - int fd; - char pfn[PATH_MAX]; +void get_top_info(void) { + DIR *dir; + struct dirent *entry; - snprintf(pfn, PATH_MAX, "/proc/%d/psinfo", p->pid); - /* Ignore errors here as the process can be gone */ - if ((fd = open(pfn, O_RDONLY)) < 0) - return; - if (pread(fd, &proc, sizeof (psinfo_t), 0) != sizeof (psinfo_t)) { - (void) close(fd); - return; - } - (void) close(fd); - free_and_zero(p->name); - free_and_zero(p->basename); - p->name = strndup(proc.pr_fname, text_buffer_size.get(*::state)); - p->basename = strndup(proc.pr_fname, text_buffer_size.get(*::state)); - p->uid = proc.pr_uid; - /* see proc(4) */ - p->amount = (double)proc.pr_pctcpu / (double)0x8000 * 100.0; - p->rss = proc.pr_rssize * 1024; /* to bytes */ - p->vsize = proc.pr_size * 1024; /* to bytes */ - p->total_cpu_time = proc.pr_time.tv_sec * 100; /* to hundredths of secs */ - if (proc.pr_lwp.pr_sname == 'O' || proc.pr_lwp.pr_sname == 'R') - info.run_procs++; - p->time_stamp = g_time; -} + if (!(dir = opendir("/proc"))) { + return; + } + info.run_procs = 0; -void get_top_info(void) -{ - DIR *dir; - struct dirent *entry; + while ((entry = readdir(dir))) { + pid_t pid; - if (!(dir = opendir("/proc"))) { - return; - } - info.run_procs = 0; - - while ((entry = readdir(dir))) { - pid_t pid; - - if (entry == NULL) - break; - if (sscanf(entry->d_name, "%u", &pid) != 1) - continue; - update_proc_entry(get_process(pid)); - } - (void) closedir(dir); + if (entry == NULL) break; + if (sscanf(entry->d_name, "%u", &pid) != 1) continue; + update_proc_entry(get_process(pid)); + } + (void)closedir(dir); } /* @@ -403,127 +369,108 @@ void get_top_info(void) * and the instance number to specify the disk or partition. For example: sd0, * ssd3, or sd5,b. */ -int update_diskio(void) -{ - unsigned int tot_read = 0; - unsigned int tot_written = 0; +int update_diskio(void) { + unsigned int tot_read = 0; + unsigned int tot_written = 0; - update_kstat(); + update_kstat(); - for (struct diskio_stat *cur = &stats; cur; cur = cur->next) { - unsigned int read, written; - kstat_io_t *ksio; - kstat_t *ksp; + for (struct diskio_stat *cur = &stats; cur; cur = cur->next) { + unsigned int read, written; + kstat_io_t *ksio; + kstat_t *ksp; - if (cur->dev == NULL) - continue; - if ((ksp = kstat_lookup(kstat, NULL, -1, cur->dev)) == NULL) - continue; - if (kstat_read(kstat, ksp, NULL) == -1) - continue; - ksio = (kstat_io_t *)ksp->ks_data; - tot_read += read = (unsigned int)(ksio->nread / 512); - tot_written += written = (unsigned int)(ksio->nwritten / 512); - update_diskio_values(cur, read, written); - } + if (cur->dev == NULL) continue; + if ((ksp = kstat_lookup(kstat, NULL, -1, cur->dev)) == NULL) continue; + if (kstat_read(kstat, ksp, NULL) == -1) continue; + ksio = (kstat_io_t *)ksp->ks_data; + tot_read += read = (unsigned int)(ksio->nread / 512); + tot_written += written = (unsigned int)(ksio->nwritten / 512); + update_diskio_values(cur, read, written); + } - update_diskio_values(&stats, tot_read, tot_written); + update_diskio_values(&stats, tot_read, tot_written); - return 0; + return 0; } -void get_battery_short_status(char *buffer, unsigned int n, const char *bat) -{ - /* Not implemented */ - (void) bat; - if (buffer && n > 0) - memset(buffer, 0, n); +void get_battery_short_status(char *buffer, unsigned int n, const char *bat) { + /* Not implemented */ + (void)bat; + if (buffer && n > 0) memset(buffer, 0, n); } -void get_acpi_fan(char *p_client_buffer, size_t client_buffer_size) -{ - /* Not implemented */ - if (p_client_buffer && client_buffer_size > 0) - memset(p_client_buffer, 0, client_buffer_size); +void get_acpi_fan(char *p_client_buffer, size_t client_buffer_size) { + /* Not implemented */ + if (p_client_buffer && client_buffer_size > 0) + memset(p_client_buffer, 0, client_buffer_size); } void get_acpi_ac_adapter(char *p_client_buffer, size_t client_buffer_size, - const char *adapter) -{ - /* Not implemented */ - if (p_client_buffer && client_buffer_size > 0) - memset(p_client_buffer, 0, client_buffer_size); + const char *adapter) { + /* Not implemented */ + if (p_client_buffer && client_buffer_size > 0) + memset(p_client_buffer, 0, client_buffer_size); } -int get_battery_perct(const char *bat) -{ - /* Not implemented */ - (void) bat; - return 1; +int get_battery_perct(const char *bat) { + /* Not implemented */ + (void)bat; + return 1; } -int get_entropy_poolsize(unsigned int *val) -{ - /* Not implemented */ - (void) val; - return 1; +int get_entropy_poolsize(unsigned int *val) { + /* Not implemented */ + (void)val; + return 1; } char get_freq(char *p_client_buffer, size_t client_buffer_size, - const char *p_format, int divisor, unsigned int cpu) -{ - char stat_name[PATH_MAX]; - kstat_named_t *knp; + const char *p_format, int divisor, unsigned int cpu) { + char stat_name[PATH_MAX]; + kstat_named_t *knp; - snprintf(stat_name, PATH_MAX, "cpu_info%d", cpu - 1); - knp = get_kstat("cpu_info", cpu - 1, stat_name, "current_clock_Hz"); - if (knp == NULL) - return 0; - snprintf(p_client_buffer, client_buffer_size, p_format, - (float) knp->value.ui32 / divisor / 1000000.0); - return 1; + snprintf(stat_name, PATH_MAX, "cpu_info%d", cpu - 1); + knp = get_kstat("cpu_info", cpu - 1, stat_name, "current_clock_Hz"); + if (knp == NULL) return 0; + snprintf(p_client_buffer, client_buffer_size, p_format, + (float)knp->value.ui32 / divisor / 1000000.0); + return 1; } -int update_uptime(void) -{ - kstat_named_t *knp; +int update_uptime(void) { + kstat_named_t *knp; - knp = get_kstat("unix", -1, "system_misc", "boot_time"); - if (knp == NULL) - return 0; - info.uptime = time(NULL) - knp->value.ui32; - return 1; + knp = get_kstat("unix", -1, "system_misc", "boot_time"); + if (knp == NULL) return 0; + info.uptime = time(NULL) - knp->value.ui32; + return 1; } -int open_acpi_temperature(const char *name) -{ - /* Not implemented */ - (void) name; - return 1; +int open_acpi_temperature(const char *name) { + /* Not implemented */ + (void)name; + return 1; } -int get_entropy_avail(unsigned int *val) -{ - /* Not implemented */ - (void) val; - return 1; +int get_entropy_avail(unsigned int *val) { + /* Not implemented */ + (void)val; + return 1; } -int update_load_average(void) -{ - double load[3]; +int update_load_average(void) { + double load[3]; - getloadavg(load, 3); - info.loadavg[0] = (float) load[0]; - info.loadavg[1] = (float) load[1]; - info.loadavg[2] = (float) load[2]; + getloadavg(load, 3); + info.loadavg[0] = (float)load[0]; + info.loadavg[1] = (float)load[1]; + info.loadavg[2] = (float)load[2]; - return 0; + return 0; } -void get_cpu_count(void) -{ - kstat_named_t *knp = get_kstat("unix", -1, "system_misc", "ncpus"); - if (knp != NULL) - info.cpu_count = knp->value.ui32; +void get_cpu_count(void) { + kstat_named_t *knp = get_kstat("unix", -1, "system_misc", "ncpus"); + if (knp != NULL) info.cpu_count = knp->value.ui32; } diff --git a/src/solaris.h b/src/solaris.h index 94d32d5f..8967acc1 100644 --- a/src/solaris.h +++ b/src/solaris.h @@ -5,4 +5,3 @@ int get_entropy_avail(unsigned int *); int get_entropy_poolsize(unsigned int *); #endif /*SOLARIS_H_*/ - diff --git a/src/sony.cc b/src/sony.cc index c36ae398..95d3bd80 100644 --- a/src/sony.cc +++ b/src/sony.cc @@ -1,11 +1,10 @@ -/* -*- mode: c++; c-basic-offset: 4; tab-width: 4; indent-tabs-mode: t -*- - * vim: ts=4 sw=4 noet ai cindent syntax=cpp +/* * * Conky, a system monitor, based on torsmo * * Please see COPYING for details * - * Copyright (c) 2005-2012 Brenden Matthews, Philip Kovacs, et. al. + * Copyright (c) 2005-2018 Brenden Matthews, Philip Kovacs, et. al. * Copyright (c) 2009 Yeon-Hyeong Yang * (see AUTHORS) * All rights reserved. @@ -29,54 +28,54 @@ * I mimicked the methods from ibm.c * Yeon-Hyeong Yang */ -#include "conky.h" -#include "config.h" #include "sony.h" +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include "config.h" +#include "conky.h" #include "logging.h" #include "text_object.h" -#include -#include -#include -#include #define SONY_LAPTOP_DIR "/sys/devices/platform/sony-laptop" /* fanspeed in SONY_LAPTOP_DIR contains an integer value for fanspeed (0~255). * I don't know the exact measurement unit, though. I may assume that 0 for * 'fan stopped' and 255 for 'maximum fan speed'. */ -void get_sony_fanspeed(struct text_object *obj, char *p_client_buffer, int client_buffer_size) -{ - FILE *fp; - unsigned int speed = 0; - char fan[128]; +void get_sony_fanspeed(struct text_object *obj, char *p_client_buffer, + int client_buffer_size) { + FILE *fp; + unsigned int speed = 0; + char fan[128]; - (void)obj; + (void)obj; - if (!p_client_buffer || client_buffer_size <= 0) { - return; - } + if (!p_client_buffer || client_buffer_size <= 0) { + return; + } - snprintf(fan, 127, "%s/fanspeed", SONY_LAPTOP_DIR); + snprintf(fan, 127, "%s/fanspeed", SONY_LAPTOP_DIR); - fp = fopen(fan, "r"); - if (fp != NULL) { - while (!feof(fp)) { - char line[256]; + fp = fopen(fan, "r"); + if (fp != NULL) { + while (!feof(fp)) { + char line[256]; - if (fgets(line, 255, fp) == NULL) { - break; - } - if (sscanf(line, "%u", &speed)) { - break; - } - } - } else { - CRIT_ERR(NULL, NULL, "can't open '%s': %s\nEnable sony support or remove " - "sony* from your " PACKAGE_NAME" config file.", - fan, strerror(errno)); - } + if (fgets(line, 255, fp) == NULL) { + break; + } + if (sscanf(line, "%u", &speed)) { + break; + } + } + } else { + CRIT_ERR(NULL, NULL, + "can't open '%s': %s\nEnable sony support or remove " + "sony* from your " PACKAGE_NAME " config file.", + fan, strerror(errno)); + } - fclose(fp); - snprintf(p_client_buffer, client_buffer_size, "%d", speed); + fclose(fp); + snprintf(p_client_buffer, client_buffer_size, "%d", speed); } - diff --git a/src/sony.h b/src/sony.h index cb27ec62..942ca167 100644 --- a/src/sony.h +++ b/src/sony.h @@ -1,10 +1,10 @@ -/* -*- mode: c; c-basic-offset: 4; tab-width: 4; indent-tabs-mode: t -*- +/* * * Conky, a system monitor, based on torsmo * * Please see COPYING for details * - * Copyright (c) 2005-2012 Brenden Matthews, Philip Kovacs, et. al. + * Copyright (c) 2005-2018 Brenden Matthews, Philip Kovacs, et. al. * Copyright (c) 2009 Yeon-Hyeong Yang * (see AUTHORS) * All rights reserved. diff --git a/src/specials.cc b/src/specials.cc index d8ac8b0d..e6ae26ec 100644 --- a/src/specials.cc +++ b/src/specials.cc @@ -1,5 +1,4 @@ -/* -*- mode: c++; c-basic-offset: 4; tab-width: 4; indent-tabs-mode: t -*- - * vim: ts=4 sw=4 noet ai cindent syntax=cpp +/* * * Conky, a system monitor, based on torsmo * @@ -10,7 +9,7 @@ * Please see COPYING for details * * Copyright (c) 2004, Hannu Saransaari and Lauri Hakkarainen - * Copyright (c) 2005-2012 Brenden Matthews, Philip Kovacs, et. al. + * Copyright (c) 2005-2018 Brenden Matthews, Philip Kovacs, et. al. * (see AUTHORS) * All rights reserved. * @@ -28,79 +27,80 @@ * */ #include "conky.h" -#include "colours.h" #ifdef BUILD_X11 #include "fonts.h" #endif /* BUILD_X11 */ +#include #include "logging.h" #include "nc.h" #include "specials.h" -#include #ifdef HAVE_SYS_PARAM_H #include #endif /* HAVE_SYS_PARAM_H */ #include #include +#include "colours.h" struct special_t *specials = NULL; int special_count; namespace { - conky::range_config_setting default_bar_width("default_bar_width", 0, - std::numeric_limits::max(), 0, false); - conky::range_config_setting default_bar_height("default_bar_height", 0, - std::numeric_limits::max(), 6, false); +conky::range_config_setting default_bar_width( + "default_bar_width", 0, std::numeric_limits::max(), 0, false); +conky::range_config_setting default_bar_height( + "default_bar_height", 0, std::numeric_limits::max(), 6, false); #ifdef BUILD_X11 - conky::range_config_setting default_graph_width("default_graph_width", 0, - std::numeric_limits::max(), 0, false); - conky::range_config_setting default_graph_height("default_graph_height", 0, - std::numeric_limits::max(), 25, false); +conky::range_config_setting default_graph_width( + "default_graph_width", 0, std::numeric_limits::max(), 0, false); +conky::range_config_setting default_graph_height( + "default_graph_height", 0, std::numeric_limits::max(), 25, false); - conky::range_config_setting default_gauge_width("default_gauge_width", 0, - std::numeric_limits::max(), 40, false); - conky::range_config_setting default_gauge_height("default_gauge_height", 0, - std::numeric_limits::max(), 25, false); +conky::range_config_setting default_gauge_width( + "default_gauge_width", 0, std::numeric_limits::max(), 40, false); +conky::range_config_setting default_gauge_height( + "default_gauge_height", 0, std::numeric_limits::max(), 25, false); #endif /* BUILD_X11 */ - conky::simple_config_setting console_graph_ticks("console_graph_ticks", " ,_,=,#", false); -} +conky::simple_config_setting console_graph_ticks( + "console_graph_ticks", " ,_,=,#", false); +} // namespace /* special data types flags */ -#define SF_SCALED (1 << 0) -#define SF_SHOWLOG (1 << 1) +#define SF_SCALED (1 << 0) +#define SF_SHOWLOG (1 << 1) /* * Special data typedefs */ struct bar { - char flags; - int width, height; - double scale; + char flags; + int width, height; + double scale; }; struct gauge { - char flags; - int width, height; - double scale; + char flags; + int width, height; + double scale; }; struct graph { - char flags; - int width, height; - unsigned int first_colour, last_colour; - double scale; - char tempgrad; + char flags; + int width, height; + unsigned int first_colour, last_colour; + double scale; + char tempgrad; }; struct stippled_hr { - int height, arg; + int height, arg; }; struct tab { - int width, arg; + int width, arg; }; /* @@ -108,74 +108,71 @@ struct tab { */ #ifdef BUILD_X11 -const char *scan_gauge(struct text_object *obj, const char *args, double scale) -{ - struct gauge *g; +const char *scan_gauge(struct text_object *obj, const char *args, + double scale) { + struct gauge *g; - g = (struct gauge *)malloc(sizeof(struct gauge)); - memset(g, 0, sizeof(struct gauge)); + g = (struct gauge *)malloc(sizeof(struct gauge)); + memset(g, 0, sizeof(struct gauge)); - /*width and height*/ - g->width = default_gauge_width.get(*state); - g->height = default_gauge_height.get(*state); + /*width and height*/ + g->width = default_gauge_width.get(*state); + g->height = default_gauge_height.get(*state); - if (scale) - g->scale = scale; - else - g->flags |= SF_SCALED; + if (scale) + g->scale = scale; + else + g->flags |= SF_SCALED; - /* gauge's argument is either height or height,width */ - if (args) { - int n = 0; + /* gauge's argument is either height or height,width */ + if (args) { + int n = 0; - if (sscanf(args, "%d,%d %n", &g->height, &g->width, &n) <= 1) { - if (sscanf(args, "%d %n", &g->height, &n) == 2) { - g->width = g->height; /*square gauge*/ - } - } - args += n; - } + if (sscanf(args, "%d,%d %n", &g->height, &g->width, &n) <= 1) { + if (sscanf(args, "%d %n", &g->height, &n) == 2) { + g->width = g->height; /*square gauge*/ + } + } + args += n; + } - obj->special_data = g; - return args; + obj->special_data = g; + return args; } #endif -const char *scan_bar(struct text_object *obj, const char *args, double scale) -{ - struct bar *b; +const char *scan_bar(struct text_object *obj, const char *args, double scale) { + struct bar *b; - b = (struct bar *)malloc(sizeof(struct bar)); - memset(b, 0, sizeof(struct bar)); + b = (struct bar *)malloc(sizeof(struct bar)); + memset(b, 0, sizeof(struct bar)); - /* zero width means all space that is available */ - b->width = default_bar_width.get(*state); - b->height = default_bar_height.get(*state); + /* zero width means all space that is available */ + b->width = default_bar_width.get(*state); + b->height = default_bar_height.get(*state); - if (scale) - b->scale = scale; - else - b->flags |= SF_SCALED; + if (scale) + b->scale = scale; + else + b->flags |= SF_SCALED; - /* bar's argument is either height or height,width */ - if (args) { - int n = 0; + /* bar's argument is either height or height,width */ + if (args) { + int n = 0; - if (sscanf(args, "%d,%d %n", &b->height, &b->width, &n) <= 1) { - sscanf(args, "%d %n", &b->height, &n); - } - args += n; - } + if (sscanf(args, "%d,%d %n", &b->height, &b->width, &n) <= 1) { + sscanf(args, "%d %n", &b->height, &n); + } + args += n; + } - obj->special_data = b; - return args; + obj->special_data = b; + return args; } #ifdef BUILD_X11 -void scan_font(struct text_object *obj, const char *args) -{ - if (args && *args) - obj->data.s = strndup(args, DEFAULT_TEXT_BUFFER_SIZE); +void scan_font(struct text_object *obj, const char *args) { + if (args && *args) obj->data.s = strndup(args, DEFAULT_TEXT_BUFFER_SIZE); } /** @@ -190,125 +187,141 @@ void scan_font(struct text_object *obj, const char *args) * @return string to the command argument, NULL if argument didn't start with * a string, but a number or if invalid argument string **/ -char *scan_graph(struct text_object *obj, const char *args, double defscale) -{ - char quoted_cmd[1024] = { '\0' }; /* double-quoted execgraph command */ - char argstr[1024] = { '\0' }; /* args minus quoted_cmd */ - char buf[1024] = { '\0' }; /* first unquoted string argument in argstr */ +char *scan_graph(struct text_object *obj, const char *args, double defscale) { + char quoted_cmd[1024] = {'\0'}; /* double-quoted execgraph command */ + char argstr[1024] = {'\0'}; /* args minus quoted_cmd */ + char buf[1024] = {'\0'}; /* first unquoted string argument in argstr */ - struct graph *g = (struct graph *)malloc(sizeof(struct graph)); - memset(g, 0, sizeof(struct graph)); - obj->special_data = g; + struct graph *g = (struct graph *)malloc(sizeof(struct graph)); + memset(g, 0, sizeof(struct graph)); + obj->special_data = g; - /* zero width means all space that is available */ - g->width = default_graph_width.get(*state); - g->height = default_graph_height.get(*state); - g->first_colour = 0; - g->last_colour = 0; - g->scale = defscale; - g->tempgrad = FALSE; - if (args) { - /* extract double-quoted command in case of execgraph */ - if (*args == '"') { - char *_ptr; - size_t _size; - if ((_ptr = const_cast(strrchr(args, '"'))) && _ptr != args) { - _size = _ptr - args - 1; - } else { - NORM_ERR("mismatched double-quote in execgraph object"); - return NULL; - } + /* zero width means all space that is available */ + g->width = default_graph_width.get(*state); + g->height = default_graph_height.get(*state); + g->first_colour = 0; + g->last_colour = 0; + g->scale = defscale; + g->tempgrad = FALSE; + if (args) { + /* extract double-quoted command in case of execgraph */ + if (*args == '"') { + char *_ptr; + size_t _size; + if ((_ptr = const_cast(strrchr(args, '"'))) && _ptr != args) { + _size = _ptr - args - 1; + } else { + NORM_ERR("mismatched double-quote in execgraph object"); + return NULL; + } - _size = _size < 1024 ? _size : 1023; - strncpy(quoted_cmd, args + 1, _size); - quoted_cmd[_size] = '\0'; + _size = _size < 1024 ? _size : 1023; + strncpy(quoted_cmd, args + 1, _size); + quoted_cmd[_size] = '\0'; - /* copy everything after the last quote into argstr */ - if (_size + 2 < strlen(args)) { - strncpy(argstr, args + _size + 2, 1023); - } - } else { - /* redundant, but simplifies the code below */ - strncpy(argstr, args, 1023); - } + /* copy everything after the last quote into argstr */ + if (_size + 2 < strlen(args)) { + strncpy(argstr, args + _size + 2, 1023); + } + } else { + /* redundant, but simplifies the code below */ + strncpy(argstr, args, 1023); + } - /* set tempgrad to true, if '-t' specified. - * It doesn#t matter where the argument is exactly. */ - if (strstr(argstr, " " TEMPGRAD) || strncmp(argstr, TEMPGRAD, strlen(TEMPGRAD)) == 0) { - g->tempgrad = TRUE; - } - /* set showlog-flag, if '-l' specified - * It doesn#t matter where the argument is exactly. */ - if (strstr(argstr, " " LOGGRAPH) || strncmp(argstr, LOGGRAPH, strlen(LOGGRAPH)) == 0) { - g->flags |= SF_SHOWLOG; - } + /* set tempgrad to true, if '-t' specified. + * It doesn#t matter where the argument is exactly. */ + if (strstr(argstr, " " TEMPGRAD) || + strncmp(argstr, TEMPGRAD, strlen(TEMPGRAD)) == 0) { + g->tempgrad = TRUE; + } + /* set showlog-flag, if '-l' specified + * It doesn#t matter where the argument is exactly. */ + if (strstr(argstr, " " LOGGRAPH) || + strncmp(argstr, LOGGRAPH, strlen(LOGGRAPH)) == 0) { + g->flags |= SF_SHOWLOG; + } - /* all the following functions try to interpret the beginning of a - * a string with different formaters. If successfuly the return from - * this whole function */ + /* all the following functions try to interpret the beginning of a + * a string with different formaters. If successfuly the return from + * this whole function */ - /* interpret the beginning(!) of the argument string as: - * '[height],[width] [color1] [color2] [scale]' - * This means parameters like -t and -l may not be in the beginning */ - if (sscanf(argstr, "%d,%d %x %x %lf", &g->height, &g->width, &g->first_colour, &g->last_colour, &g->scale) == 5) { - return *quoted_cmd ? strndup(quoted_cmd, text_buffer_size.get(*state)) : NULL; - } - /* [height],[width] [color1] [color2] */ - g->scale = defscale; - if (sscanf(argstr, "%d,%d %x %x", &g->height, &g->width, &g->first_colour, &g->last_colour) == 4) { - return *quoted_cmd ? strndup(quoted_cmd, text_buffer_size.get(*state)) : NULL; - } - /* [command] [height],[width] [color1] [color2] [scale] */ - if (sscanf(argstr, "%1023s %d,%d %x %x %lf", buf, &g->height, &g->width, &g->first_colour, &g->last_colour, &g->scale) == 6) { - return strndup(buf, text_buffer_size.get(*state)); - } - g->scale = defscale; - if (sscanf(argstr, "%1023s %d,%d %x %x", buf, &g->height, &g->width, &g->first_colour, &g->last_colour) == 5) { - return strndup(buf, text_buffer_size.get(*state)); - } + /* interpret the beginning(!) of the argument string as: + * '[height],[width] [color1] [color2] [scale]' + * This means parameters like -t and -l may not be in the beginning */ + if (sscanf(argstr, "%d,%d %x %x %lf", &g->height, &g->width, + &g->first_colour, &g->last_colour, &g->scale) == 5) { + return *quoted_cmd ? strndup(quoted_cmd, text_buffer_size.get(*state)) + : NULL; + } + /* [height],[width] [color1] [color2] */ + g->scale = defscale; + if (sscanf(argstr, "%d,%d %x %x", &g->height, &g->width, &g->first_colour, + &g->last_colour) == 4) { + return *quoted_cmd ? strndup(quoted_cmd, text_buffer_size.get(*state)) + : NULL; + } + /* [command] [height],[width] [color1] [color2] [scale] */ + if (sscanf(argstr, "%1023s %d,%d %x %x %lf", buf, &g->height, &g->width, + &g->first_colour, &g->last_colour, &g->scale) == 6) { + return strndup(buf, text_buffer_size.get(*state)); + } + g->scale = defscale; + if (sscanf(argstr, "%1023s %d,%d %x %x", buf, &g->height, &g->width, + &g->first_colour, &g->last_colour) == 5) { + return strndup(buf, text_buffer_size.get(*state)); + } - buf[0] = '\0'; - g->height = default_graph_height.get(*state); - g->width = default_graph_width.get(*state); - if (sscanf(argstr, "%x %x %lf", &g->first_colour, &g->last_colour, &g->scale) == 3) { - return *quoted_cmd ? strndup(quoted_cmd, text_buffer_size.get(*state)) : NULL; - } - g->scale = defscale; - if (sscanf(argstr, "%x %x", &g->first_colour, &g->last_colour) == 2) { - return *quoted_cmd ? strndup(quoted_cmd, text_buffer_size.get(*state)) : NULL; - } - if (sscanf(argstr, "%1023s %x %x %lf", buf, &g->first_colour, &g->last_colour, &g->scale) == 4) { - return strndup(buf, text_buffer_size.get(*state)); - } - g->scale = defscale; - if (sscanf(argstr, "%1023s %x %x", buf, &g->first_colour, &g->last_colour) == 3) { - return strndup(buf, text_buffer_size.get(*state)); - } + buf[0] = '\0'; + g->height = default_graph_height.get(*state); + g->width = default_graph_width.get(*state); + if (sscanf(argstr, "%x %x %lf", &g->first_colour, &g->last_colour, + &g->scale) == 3) { + return *quoted_cmd ? strndup(quoted_cmd, text_buffer_size.get(*state)) + : NULL; + } + g->scale = defscale; + if (sscanf(argstr, "%x %x", &g->first_colour, &g->last_colour) == 2) { + return *quoted_cmd ? strndup(quoted_cmd, text_buffer_size.get(*state)) + : NULL; + } + if (sscanf(argstr, "%1023s %x %x %lf", buf, &g->first_colour, + &g->last_colour, &g->scale) == 4) { + return strndup(buf, text_buffer_size.get(*state)); + } + g->scale = defscale; + if (sscanf(argstr, "%1023s %x %x", buf, &g->first_colour, + &g->last_colour) == 3) { + return strndup(buf, text_buffer_size.get(*state)); + } - buf[0] = '\0'; - g->first_colour = 0; - g->last_colour = 0; - if (sscanf(argstr, "%d,%d %lf", &g->height, &g->width, &g->scale) == 3) { - return *quoted_cmd ? strndup(quoted_cmd, text_buffer_size.get(*state)) : NULL; - } - g->scale = defscale; - if (sscanf(argstr, "%d,%d", &g->height, &g->width) == 2) { - return *quoted_cmd ? strndup(quoted_cmd, text_buffer_size.get(*state)) : NULL; - } - if (sscanf(argstr, "%1023s %d,%d %lf", buf, &g->height, &g->width, &g->scale) < 4) { - g->scale = defscale; - //TODO: check the return value and throw an error? - sscanf(argstr, "%1023s %d,%d", buf, &g->height, &g->width); - } + buf[0] = '\0'; + g->first_colour = 0; + g->last_colour = 0; + if (sscanf(argstr, "%d,%d %lf", &g->height, &g->width, &g->scale) == 3) { + return *quoted_cmd ? strndup(quoted_cmd, text_buffer_size.get(*state)) + : NULL; + } + g->scale = defscale; + if (sscanf(argstr, "%d,%d", &g->height, &g->width) == 2) { + return *quoted_cmd ? strndup(quoted_cmd, text_buffer_size.get(*state)) + : NULL; + } + if (sscanf(argstr, "%1023s %d,%d %lf", buf, &g->height, &g->width, + &g->scale) < 4) { + g->scale = defscale; + // TODO: check the return value and throw an error? + sscanf(argstr, "%1023s %d,%d", buf, &g->height, &g->width); + } - if (!*quoted_cmd && !*buf) { - return NULL; - } else { - return strndup(*quoted_cmd ? quoted_cmd : buf, text_buffer_size.get(*state)); - } - } + if (!*quoted_cmd && !*buf) { + return NULL; + } else { + return strndup(*quoted_cmd ? quoted_cmd : buf, + text_buffer_size.get(*state)); + } + } - return NULL; + return NULL; } #endif /* BUILD_X11 */ @@ -316,12 +329,11 @@ char *scan_graph(struct text_object *obj, const char *args, double defscale) * Printing various special text objects */ -struct special_t *new_special_t_node() -{ - special_t *newnode = new special_t; +struct special_t *new_special_t_node() { + special_t *newnode = new special_t; - memset(newnode, 0, sizeof *newnode); - return newnode; + memset(newnode, 0, sizeof *newnode); + return newnode; } /** @@ -332,164 +344,152 @@ struct special_t *new_special_t_node() * @param[in] t special type enum, e.g. alignc, alignr, fg, bg, ... * @return pointer to the newly inserted special of type t **/ -struct special_t *new_special(char *buf, enum special_types t) -{ - special_t* current; +struct special_t *new_special(char *buf, enum special_types t) { + special_t *current; - buf[0] = SPECIAL_CHAR; - buf[1] = '\0'; - if(!specials) - specials = new_special_t_node(); - current = specials; - /* allocate special_count linked list elements */ - for(int i=0; i < special_count; i++) { - if(current->next == NULL) - current->next = new_special_t_node(); - current = current->next; - } - current->type = t; - special_count++; - return current; + buf[0] = SPECIAL_CHAR; + buf[1] = '\0'; + if (!specials) specials = new_special_t_node(); + current = specials; + /* allocate special_count linked list elements */ + for (int i = 0; i < special_count; i++) { + if (current->next == NULL) current->next = new_special_t_node(); + current = current->next; + } + current->type = t; + special_count++; + return current; } -void new_gauge_in_shell(struct text_object *obj, char *p, int p_max_size, double usage) -{ - static const char *gaugevals[] = { "_. ", "\\. ", " | ", " ./", " ._" }; - struct gauge *g = (struct gauge *)obj->special_data; +void new_gauge_in_shell(struct text_object *obj, char *p, int p_max_size, + double usage) { + static const char *gaugevals[] = {"_. ", "\\. ", " | ", " ./", " ._"}; + struct gauge *g = (struct gauge *)obj->special_data; - snprintf(p, p_max_size, "%s", gaugevals[round_to_int(usage * 4 / g->scale)]); + snprintf(p, p_max_size, "%s", gaugevals[round_to_int(usage * 4 / g->scale)]); } #ifdef BUILD_X11 -void new_gauge_in_x11(struct text_object *obj, char *buf, double usage) -{ - struct special_t *s = 0; - struct gauge *g = (struct gauge *)obj->special_data; +void new_gauge_in_x11(struct text_object *obj, char *buf, double usage) { + struct special_t *s = 0; + struct gauge *g = (struct gauge *)obj->special_data; - if (not out_to_x.get(*state)) - return; + if (not out_to_x.get(*state)) return; - if (!g) - return; + if (!g) return; - s = new_special(buf, GAUGE); + s = new_special(buf, GAUGE); - s->arg = usage; - s->width = g->width; - s->height = g->height; - s->scale = g->scale; + s->arg = usage; + s->width = g->width; + s->height = g->height; + s->scale = g->scale; } #endif /* BUILD_X11 */ -void new_gauge(struct text_object *obj, char *p, int p_max_size, double usage) -{ - struct gauge *g = (struct gauge *)obj->special_data; +void new_gauge(struct text_object *obj, char *p, int p_max_size, double usage) { + struct gauge *g = (struct gauge *)obj->special_data; - if (!p_max_size || !g) - return; + if (!p_max_size || !g) return; - if (g->flags & SF_SCALED) - g->scale = MAX(g->scale, usage); - else - usage = MIN(g->scale, usage); + if (g->flags & SF_SCALED) + g->scale = MAX(g->scale, usage); + else + usage = MIN(g->scale, usage); #ifdef BUILD_X11 - if (out_to_x.get(*state)) - new_gauge_in_x11(obj, p, usage); - else + if (out_to_x.get(*state)) + new_gauge_in_x11(obj, p, usage); + else #endif /* BUILD_X11 */ - new_gauge_in_shell(obj, p, p_max_size, usage); + new_gauge_in_shell(obj, p, p_max_size, usage); } #ifdef BUILD_X11 -void new_font(struct text_object *obj, char *p, int p_max_size) -{ - struct special_t *s; - int tmp = selected_font; +void new_font(struct text_object *obj, char *p, int p_max_size) { + struct special_t *s; + int tmp = selected_font; - if (not out_to_x.get(*state)) - return; + if (not out_to_x.get(*state)) return; - if (!p_max_size) - return; + if (!p_max_size) return; - s = new_special(p, FONT); + s = new_special(p, FONT); - if (obj->data.s) { - if (s->font_added >= (int)fonts.size() || !s->font_added - || obj->data.s != fonts[s->font_added].name ) { - selected_font = s->font_added = add_font(obj->data.s); - selected_font = tmp; - } - } else { - selected_font = s->font_added = 0; - selected_font = tmp; - } + if (obj->data.s) { + if (s->font_added >= (int)fonts.size() || !s->font_added || + obj->data.s != fonts[s->font_added].name) { + selected_font = s->font_added = add_font(obj->data.s); + selected_font = tmp; + } + } else { + selected_font = s->font_added = 0; + selected_font = tmp; + } } /** * Adds value f to graph possibly truncating and scaling the graph **/ -static void graph_append(struct special_t *graph, double f, char showaslog) -{ - int i; +static void graph_append(struct special_t *graph, double f, char showaslog) { + int i; - /* do nothing if we don't even have a graph yet */ - if (!graph->graph) return; + /* do nothing if we don't even have a graph yet */ + if (!graph->graph) return; - if (showaslog) { + if (showaslog) { #ifdef BUILD_MATH - f = log10(f + 1); + f = log10(f + 1); #endif - } + } - if (!graph->scaled && f > graph->scale) { - f = graph->scale; - } + if (!graph->scaled && f > graph->scale) { + f = graph->scale; + } - /* shift all the data by 1 */ - for (i = graph->graph_allocated - 1; i > 0; i--) { - graph->graph[i] = graph->graph[i - 1]; - } - graph->graph[0] = f; /* add new data */ + /* shift all the data by 1 */ + for (i = graph->graph_allocated - 1; i > 0; i--) { + graph->graph[i] = graph->graph[i - 1]; + } + graph->graph[0] = f; /* add new data */ - if(graph->scaled) { - graph->scale = *std::max_element(graph->graph + 0, graph->graph + graph->graph_width); - if(graph->scale < 1e-47) { - /* avoid NaN's when the graph is all-zero (e.g. before the first update) - * there is nothing magical about 1e-47 here */ - graph->scale = 1e-47; - } - } + if (graph->scaled) { + graph->scale = + *std::max_element(graph->graph + 0, graph->graph + graph->graph_width); + if (graph->scale < 1e-47) { + /* avoid NaN's when the graph is all-zero (e.g. before the first update) + * there is nothing magical about 1e-47 here */ + graph->scale = 1e-47; + } + } } -void new_graph_in_shell(struct special_t *s, char *buf, int buf_max_size) -{ - // Split config string on comma to avoid the hassle of dealing with the - // idiosyncrasies of multi-byte unicode on different platforms. - // TODO: Parse config string once and cache result. - const std::string ticks = console_graph_ticks.get(*state); - std::stringstream ss(ticks); - std::string tickitem; - std::vector tickitems; - while (std::getline(ss, tickitem, ',')) { - tickitems.push_back(tickitem); - } +void new_graph_in_shell(struct special_t *s, char *buf, int buf_max_size) { + // Split config string on comma to avoid the hassle of dealing with the + // idiosyncrasies of multi-byte unicode on different platforms. + // TODO: Parse config string once and cache result. + const std::string ticks = console_graph_ticks.get(*state); + std::stringstream ss(ticks); + std::string tickitem; + std::vector tickitems; + while (std::getline(ss, tickitem, ',')) { + tickitems.push_back(tickitem); + } - char *p = buf; - char *buf_max = buf + (sizeof(char) * buf_max_size); - double scale = (tickitems.size() - 1) / s->scale; - for (int i = s->graph_allocated -1; i >= 0; i--) { - const unsigned int v = round_to_int(s->graph[i] * scale); - const char *tick = tickitems[v].c_str(); - size_t itemlen = tickitems[v].size(); - for (unsigned int j = 0; j < itemlen; j++) { - *p++ = tick[j]; - if (p == buf_max) goto graph_buf_end; - } - } + char *p = buf; + char *buf_max = buf + (sizeof(char) * buf_max_size); + double scale = (tickitems.size() - 1) / s->scale; + for (int i = s->graph_allocated - 1; i >= 0; i--) { + const unsigned int v = round_to_int(s->graph[i] * scale); + const char *tick = tickitems[v].c_str(); + size_t itemlen = tickitems[v].size(); + for (unsigned int j = 0; j < itemlen; j++) { + *p++ = tick[j]; + if (p == buf_max) goto graph_buf_end; + } + } graph_buf_end: - *p = '\0'; + *p = '\0'; } /** @@ -500,283 +500,244 @@ graph_buf_end: * @param[in] buf_max_size maximum length of buf * @param[in] val value to plot i.e. to add to plot **/ -void new_graph(struct text_object *obj, char *buf, int buf_max_size, double val) -{ - struct special_t *s = 0; - struct graph *g = (struct graph *)obj->special_data; +void new_graph(struct text_object *obj, char *buf, int buf_max_size, + double val) { + struct special_t *s = 0; + struct graph *g = (struct graph *)obj->special_data; - if (!g || !buf_max_size) - return; + if (!g || !buf_max_size) return; - s = new_special(buf, GRAPH); + s = new_special(buf, GRAPH); - /* set graph (special) width to width in obj */ - s->width = g->width; - if (s->width) s->graph_width = s->width; + /* set graph (special) width to width in obj */ + s->width = g->width; + if (s->width) s->graph_width = s->width; - if (s->graph_width != s->graph_allocated) { - double *graph = static_cast(realloc(s->graph, s->graph_width * sizeof(double))); - DBGP("reallocing graph from %d to %d", s->graph_allocated, s->graph_width); - if (!s->graph) { - /* initialize */ - std::fill_n(graph, s->graph_width, 0.0); - s->scale = 100; - } else if (graph) { - if (s->graph_width > s->graph_allocated) { - /* initialize the new region */ - std::fill(graph + s->graph_allocated, graph + s->graph_width, 0.0); - } - } else { - DBGP("reallocing FAILED"); - graph = s->graph; - s->graph_width = s->graph_allocated; - } - s->graph = graph; - s->graph_allocated = s->graph_width; - } - s->height = g->height; - s->first_colour = adjust_colours(g->first_colour); - s->last_colour = adjust_colours(g->last_colour); - if (g->scale != 0) { - s->scaled = 0; - s->scale = g->scale; - s->show_scale = 0; - } else { - s->scaled = 1; - s->scale = 1; - s->show_scale = 1; - } - s->tempgrad = g->tempgrad; + if (s->graph_width != s->graph_allocated) { + double *graph = static_cast( + realloc(s->graph, s->graph_width * sizeof(double))); + DBGP("reallocing graph from %d to %d", s->graph_allocated, s->graph_width); + if (!s->graph) { + /* initialize */ + std::fill_n(graph, s->graph_width, 0.0); + s->scale = 100; + } else if (graph) { + if (s->graph_width > s->graph_allocated) { + /* initialize the new region */ + std::fill(graph + s->graph_allocated, graph + s->graph_width, 0.0); + } + } else { + DBGP("reallocing FAILED"); + graph = s->graph; + s->graph_width = s->graph_allocated; + } + s->graph = graph; + s->graph_allocated = s->graph_width; + } + s->height = g->height; + s->first_colour = adjust_colours(g->first_colour); + s->last_colour = adjust_colours(g->last_colour); + if (g->scale != 0) { + s->scaled = 0; + s->scale = g->scale; + s->show_scale = 0; + } else { + s->scaled = 1; + s->scale = 1; + s->show_scale = 1; + } + s->tempgrad = g->tempgrad; #ifdef BUILD_MATH - if (g->flags & SF_SHOWLOG) { - s->scale = log10(s->scale + 1); - } + if (g->flags & SF_SHOWLOG) { + s->scale = log10(s->scale + 1); + } #endif - graph_append(s, val, g->flags); + graph_append(s, val, g->flags); - if (not out_to_x.get(*state)) - new_graph_in_shell(s, buf, buf_max_size); + if (not out_to_x.get(*state)) new_graph_in_shell(s, buf, buf_max_size); } -void new_hr(struct text_object *obj, char *p, int p_max_size) -{ - if (not out_to_x.get(*state)) - return; +void new_hr(struct text_object *obj, char *p, int p_max_size) { + if (not out_to_x.get(*state)) return; - if (!p_max_size) - return; + if (!p_max_size) return; - new_special(p, HORIZONTAL_LINE)->height = obj->data.l; + new_special(p, HORIZONTAL_LINE)->height = obj->data.l; } -void scan_stippled_hr(struct text_object *obj, const char *arg) -{ - struct stippled_hr *sh; +void scan_stippled_hr(struct text_object *obj, const char *arg) { + struct stippled_hr *sh; - sh = (struct stippled_hr *)malloc(sizeof(struct stippled_hr)); - memset(sh, 0, sizeof(struct stippled_hr)); + sh = (struct stippled_hr *)malloc(sizeof(struct stippled_hr)); + memset(sh, 0, sizeof(struct stippled_hr)); - sh->arg = stippled_borders.get(*state); - sh->height = 1; + sh->arg = stippled_borders.get(*state); + sh->height = 1; - if (arg) { - if (sscanf(arg, "%d %d", &sh->arg, &sh->height) != 2) { - sscanf(arg, "%d", &sh->height); - } - } - if (sh->arg <= 0) { - sh->arg = 1; - } - obj->special_data = sh; + if (arg) { + if (sscanf(arg, "%d %d", &sh->arg, &sh->height) != 2) { + sscanf(arg, "%d", &sh->height); + } + } + if (sh->arg <= 0) { + sh->arg = 1; + } + obj->special_data = sh; } -void new_stippled_hr(struct text_object *obj, char *p, int p_max_size) -{ - struct special_t *s = 0; - struct stippled_hr *sh = (struct stippled_hr *)obj->special_data; +void new_stippled_hr(struct text_object *obj, char *p, int p_max_size) { + struct special_t *s = 0; + struct stippled_hr *sh = (struct stippled_hr *)obj->special_data; - if (not out_to_x.get(*state)) - return; + if (not out_to_x.get(*state)) return; - if (!sh || !p_max_size) - return; + if (!sh || !p_max_size) return; - s = new_special(p, STIPPLED_HR); + s = new_special(p, STIPPLED_HR); - s->height = sh->height; - s->arg = sh->arg; + s->height = sh->height; + s->arg = sh->arg; } #endif /* BUILD_X11 */ -void new_fg(struct text_object *obj, char *p, int p_max_size) -{ +void new_fg(struct text_object *obj, char *p, int p_max_size) { #ifdef BUILD_X11 - if (out_to_x.get(*state)) - new_special(p, FG)->arg = obj->data.l; + if (out_to_x.get(*state)) new_special(p, FG)->arg = obj->data.l; #endif /* BUILD_X11 */ #ifdef BUILD_NCURSES - if (out_to_ncurses.get(*state)) - new_special(p, FG)->arg = obj->data.l; + if (out_to_ncurses.get(*state)) new_special(p, FG)->arg = obj->data.l; #endif /* BUILD_NCURSES */ - UNUSED(obj); - UNUSED(p); - UNUSED(p_max_size); + UNUSED(obj); + UNUSED(p); + UNUSED(p_max_size); } #ifdef BUILD_X11 -void new_bg(struct text_object *obj, char *p, int p_max_size) -{ - if (not out_to_x.get(*state)) - return; +void new_bg(struct text_object *obj, char *p, int p_max_size) { + if (not out_to_x.get(*state)) return; - if (!p_max_size) - return; + if (!p_max_size) return; - new_special(p, BG)->arg = obj->data.l; + new_special(p, BG)->arg = obj->data.l; } #endif /* BUILD_X11 */ -static void new_bar_in_shell(struct text_object *obj, char* buffer, int buf_max_size, double usage) -{ - struct bar *b = (struct bar *)obj->special_data; - int width, i, scaledusage; +static void new_bar_in_shell(struct text_object *obj, char *buffer, + int buf_max_size, double usage) { + struct bar *b = (struct bar *)obj->special_data; + int width, i, scaledusage; - if (!b) - return; + if (!b) return; - width = b->width; - if (!width) - width = DEFAULT_BAR_WIDTH_NO_X; + width = b->width; + if (!width) width = DEFAULT_BAR_WIDTH_NO_X; - if (width > buf_max_size) - width = buf_max_size; + if (width > buf_max_size) width = buf_max_size; - scaledusage = round_to_int( usage * width / b->scale); + scaledusage = round_to_int(usage * width / b->scale); - for (i = 0; i < scaledusage; i++) - buffer[i] = '#'; + for (i = 0; i < scaledusage; i++) buffer[i] = '#'; - for (; i < width; i++) - buffer[i] = '_'; + for (; i < width; i++) buffer[i] = '_'; - buffer[i] = 0; + buffer[i] = 0; } #ifdef BUILD_X11 -static void new_bar_in_x11(struct text_object *obj, char *buf, double usage) -{ - struct special_t *s = 0; - struct bar *b = (struct bar *)obj->special_data; +static void new_bar_in_x11(struct text_object *obj, char *buf, double usage) { + struct special_t *s = 0; + struct bar *b = (struct bar *)obj->special_data; - if (not out_to_x.get(*state)) - return; + if (not out_to_x.get(*state)) return; - if (!b) - return; + if (!b) return; - s = new_special(buf, BAR); + s = new_special(buf, BAR); - s->arg = usage; - s->width = b->width; - s->height = b->height; - s->scale = b->scale; + s->arg = usage; + s->width = b->width; + s->height = b->height; + s->scale = b->scale; } #endif /* BUILD_X11 */ /* usage is in range [0,255] */ -void new_bar(struct text_object *obj, char *p, int p_max_size, double usage) -{ - struct bar *b = (struct bar *)obj->special_data; +void new_bar(struct text_object *obj, char *p, int p_max_size, double usage) { + struct bar *b = (struct bar *)obj->special_data; - if (!p_max_size || !b) - return; + if (!p_max_size || !b) return; - if (b->flags & SF_SCALED) - b->scale = MAX(b->scale, usage); - else - usage = MIN(b->scale, usage); + if (b->flags & SF_SCALED) + b->scale = MAX(b->scale, usage); + else + usage = MIN(b->scale, usage); #ifdef BUILD_X11 - if (out_to_x.get(*state)) - new_bar_in_x11(obj, p, usage); - else + if (out_to_x.get(*state)) + new_bar_in_x11(obj, p, usage); + else #endif /* BUILD_X11 */ - new_bar_in_shell(obj, p, p_max_size, usage); + new_bar_in_shell(obj, p, p_max_size, usage); } -void new_outline(struct text_object *obj, char *p, int p_max_size) -{ - if (!p_max_size) - return; - new_special(p, OUTLINE)->arg = obj->data.l; +void new_outline(struct text_object *obj, char *p, int p_max_size) { + if (!p_max_size) return; + new_special(p, OUTLINE)->arg = obj->data.l; } -void new_offset(struct text_object *obj, char *p, int p_max_size) -{ - if (!p_max_size) - return; - new_special(p, OFFSET)->arg = obj->data.l; +void new_offset(struct text_object *obj, char *p, int p_max_size) { + if (!p_max_size) return; + new_special(p, OFFSET)->arg = obj->data.l; } -void new_voffset(struct text_object *obj, char *p, int p_max_size) -{ - if (!p_max_size) - return; - new_special(p, VOFFSET)->arg = obj->data.l; +void new_voffset(struct text_object *obj, char *p, int p_max_size) { + if (!p_max_size) return; + new_special(p, VOFFSET)->arg = obj->data.l; } -void new_alignr(struct text_object *obj, char *p, int p_max_size) -{ - if (!p_max_size) - return; - new_special(p, ALIGNR)->arg = obj->data.l; +void new_alignr(struct text_object *obj, char *p, int p_max_size) { + if (!p_max_size) return; + new_special(p, ALIGNR)->arg = obj->data.l; } // A postive offset pushes the text further left -void new_alignc(struct text_object *obj, char *p, int p_max_size) -{ - if (!p_max_size) - return; - new_special(p, ALIGNC)->arg = obj->data.l; +void new_alignc(struct text_object *obj, char *p, int p_max_size) { + if (!p_max_size) return; + new_special(p, ALIGNC)->arg = obj->data.l; } -void new_goto(struct text_object *obj, char *p, int p_max_size) -{ - if (!p_max_size) - return; - new_special(p, GOTO)->arg = obj->data.l; +void new_goto(struct text_object *obj, char *p, int p_max_size) { + if (!p_max_size) return; + new_special(p, GOTO)->arg = obj->data.l; } -void scan_tab(struct text_object *obj, const char *arg) -{ - struct tab *t; +void scan_tab(struct text_object *obj, const char *arg) { + struct tab *t; - t = (struct tab *)malloc(sizeof(struct tab)); - memset(t, 0, sizeof(struct tab)); + t = (struct tab *)malloc(sizeof(struct tab)); + memset(t, 0, sizeof(struct tab)); - t->width = 10; - t->arg = 0; + t->width = 10; + t->arg = 0; - if (arg) { - if (sscanf(arg, "%d %d", &t->width, &t->arg) != 2) { - sscanf(arg, "%d", &t->arg); - } - } - if (t->width <= 0) { - t->width = 1; - } - obj->special_data = t; + if (arg) { + if (sscanf(arg, "%d %d", &t->width, &t->arg) != 2) { + sscanf(arg, "%d", &t->arg); + } + } + if (t->width <= 0) { + t->width = 1; + } + obj->special_data = t; } -void new_tab(struct text_object *obj, char *p, int p_max_size) -{ - struct special_t *s = 0; - struct tab *t = (struct tab *)obj->special_data; +void new_tab(struct text_object *obj, char *p, int p_max_size) { + struct special_t *s = 0; + struct tab *t = (struct tab *)obj->special_data; - if (!t || !p_max_size) - return; + if (!t || !p_max_size) return; - s = new_special(p, TAB); - s->width = t->width; - s->arg = t->arg; + s = new_special(p, TAB); + s->width = t->width; + s->arg = t->arg; } diff --git a/src/specials.h b/src/specials.h index 5e3771cc..3de7a50a 100644 --- a/src/specials.h +++ b/src/specials.h @@ -1,5 +1,4 @@ -/* -*- mode: c++; c-basic-offset: 4; tab-width: 4; indent-tabs-mode: t -*- - * vim: ts=4 sw=4 noet ai cindent syntax=cpp +/* * * Conky, a system monitor, based on torsmo * @@ -10,7 +9,7 @@ * Please see COPYING for details * * Copyright (c) 2004, Hannu Saransaari and Lauri Hakkarainen - * Copyright (c) 2005-2012 Brenden Matthews, Philip Kovacs, et. al. + * Copyright (c) 2005-2018 Brenden Matthews, Philip Kovacs, et. al. * (see AUTHORS) * All rights reserved. * @@ -39,47 +38,48 @@ #define TEMPGRAD "-t" enum special_types { - NONSPECIAL = 0, - HORIZONTAL_LINE = 1, - STIPPLED_HR, - BAR, - FG, - BG, - OUTLINE, - ALIGNR, - ALIGNC, - GAUGE, - GRAPH, - OFFSET, - VOFFSET, - FONT, - GOTO, - TAB + NONSPECIAL = 0, + HORIZONTAL_LINE = 1, + STIPPLED_HR, + BAR, + FG, + BG, + OUTLINE, + ALIGNR, + ALIGNC, + GAUGE, + GRAPH, + OFFSET, + VOFFSET, + FONT, + GOTO, + TAB }; struct special_t { - int type; - short height; - short width; - double arg; - double *graph; - double scale; /* maximum value */ - short show_scale; - int graph_width; - int graph_allocated; - int scaled; /* auto adjust maximum */ - unsigned long first_colour; // for graph gradient - unsigned long last_colour; - short font_added; - char tempgrad; - struct special_t *next; + int type; + short height; + short width; + double arg; + double *graph; + double scale; /* maximum value */ + short show_scale; + int graph_width; + int graph_allocated; + int scaled; /* auto adjust maximum */ + unsigned long first_colour; // for graph gradient + unsigned long last_colour; + short font_added; + char tempgrad; + struct special_t *next; }; /* direct access to the registered specials (FIXME: bad encapsulation) */ extern struct special_t *specials; extern int special_count; -/* forward declare to avoid mutual inclusion between specials.h and text_object.h */ +/* forward declare to avoid mutual inclusion between specials.h and + * text_object.h */ struct text_object; /* scanning special arguments */ @@ -89,7 +89,7 @@ const char *scan_gauge(struct text_object *, const char *, double); void scan_font(struct text_object *, const char *); char *scan_graph(struct text_object *, const char *, double); void scan_tab(struct text_object *, const char *); -void scan_stippled_hr(struct text_object *, const char*); +void scan_stippled_hr(struct text_object *, const char *); /* printing specials */ void new_font(struct text_object *, char *, int); diff --git a/src/tailhead.cc b/src/tailhead.cc index 28004608..9820d324 100644 --- a/src/tailhead.cc +++ b/src/tailhead.cc @@ -1,5 +1,4 @@ -/* -*- mode: c++; c-basic-offset: 4; tab-width: 4; indent-tabs-mode: t -*- - * vim: ts=4 sw=4 noet ai cindent syntax=cpp +/* * * Conky, a system monitor, based on torsmo * @@ -10,7 +9,7 @@ * Please see COPYING for details * * Copyright (c) 2004, Hannu Saransaari and Lauri Hakkarainen - * Copyright (c) 2005-2012 Brenden Matthews, Philip Kovacs, et. al. + * Copyright (c) 2005-2018 Brenden Matthews, Philip Kovacs, et. al. * (see AUTHORS) * All rights reserved. * @@ -28,224 +27,231 @@ * */ -#include "conky.h" -#include "config.h" -#include "common.h" -#include "text_object.h" -#include "logging.h" -#include #include #include #include +#include #include #include +#include "common.h" +#include "config.h" +#include "conky.h" +#include "logging.h" +#include "text_object.h" #define MAX_HEADTAIL_LINES 30 #define DEFAULT_MAX_HEADTAIL_USES 2 struct headtail { - int wantedlines; - std::string logfile; - char *buffer; - int current_use; - int max_uses; - int reported; + int wantedlines; + std::string logfile; + char *buffer; + int current_use; + int max_uses; + int reported; - headtail() - : wantedlines(0), buffer(NULL), current_use(0), max_uses(0), reported(0) - {} + headtail() + : wantedlines(0), + buffer(NULL), + current_use(0), + max_uses(0), + reported(0) {} - ~headtail() - { free(buffer); } + ~headtail() { free(buffer); } }; static void tailstring(char *string, int endofstring, int wantedlines) { - int i, linescounted = 0; + int i, linescounted = 0; - string[endofstring] = 0; - if(endofstring > 0) { - if(string[endofstring-1] == '\n') { //work with or without \n at end of file - string[endofstring-1] = 0; - } - for(i = endofstring - 1; i >= 0 && linescounted < wantedlines; i--) { - if(string[i] == '\n') { - linescounted++; - } - } - if(i > 0) { - strfold(string, i+2); - } - } + string[endofstring] = 0; + if (endofstring > 0) { + if (string[endofstring - 1] == + '\n') { // work with or without \n at end of file + string[endofstring - 1] = 0; + } + for (i = endofstring - 1; i >= 0 && linescounted < wantedlines; i--) { + if (string[i] == '\n') { + linescounted++; + } + } + if (i > 0) { + strfold(string, i + 2); + } + } } -void free_tailhead(struct text_object *obj) -{ - struct headtail *ht = (struct headtail *)obj->data.opaque; - obj->data.opaque = NULL; - delete ht; +void free_tailhead(struct text_object *obj) { + struct headtail *ht = (struct headtail *)obj->data.opaque; + obj->data.opaque = NULL; + delete ht; } -void init_tailhead(const char* type, const char* arg, struct text_object *obj, void* free_at_crash) { - unsigned int args; - struct headtail *ht = new headtail; +void init_tailhead(const char *type, const char *arg, struct text_object *obj, + void *free_at_crash) { + unsigned int args; + struct headtail *ht = new headtail; - std::unique_ptr tmp(new char[DEFAULT_TEXT_BUFFER_SIZE]); - memset(tmp.get(), 0, DEFAULT_TEXT_BUFFER_SIZE); + std::unique_ptr tmp(new char[DEFAULT_TEXT_BUFFER_SIZE]); + memset(tmp.get(), 0, DEFAULT_TEXT_BUFFER_SIZE); - ht->max_uses = DEFAULT_MAX_HEADTAIL_USES; + ht->max_uses = DEFAULT_MAX_HEADTAIL_USES; - // XXX: Buffer overflow ? - args = sscanf(arg, "%s %d %d", tmp.get(), &ht->wantedlines, &ht->max_uses); - if (args < 2 || args > 3) { - free_tailhead(obj); - CRIT_ERR(obj, free_at_crash, "%s needs a file as 1st and a number of lines as 2nd argument", type); - } - if (ht->max_uses < 1) { - free_tailhead(obj); - CRIT_ERR(obj, free_at_crash, "invalid arg for %s, next_check must be larger than 0", type); - } - if (ht->wantedlines > 0 && ht->wantedlines <= MAX_HEADTAIL_LINES) { - ht->logfile = to_real_path(tmp.get()); - ht->buffer = NULL; - ht->current_use = 0; - } else { - free_tailhead(obj); - CRIT_ERR(obj, free_at_crash, "invalid arg for %s, number of lines must be between 1 and %d", type, MAX_HEADTAIL_LINES); - } - obj->data.opaque = ht; + // XXX: Buffer overflow ? + args = sscanf(arg, "%s %d %d", tmp.get(), &ht->wantedlines, &ht->max_uses); + if (args < 2 || args > 3) { + free_tailhead(obj); + CRIT_ERR(obj, free_at_crash, + "%s needs a file as 1st and a number of lines as 2nd argument", + type); + } + if (ht->max_uses < 1) { + free_tailhead(obj); + CRIT_ERR(obj, free_at_crash, + "invalid arg for %s, next_check must be larger than 0", type); + } + if (ht->wantedlines > 0 && ht->wantedlines <= MAX_HEADTAIL_LINES) { + ht->logfile = to_real_path(tmp.get()); + ht->buffer = NULL; + ht->current_use = 0; + } else { + free_tailhead(obj); + CRIT_ERR(obj, free_at_crash, + "invalid arg for %s, number of lines must be between 1 and %d", + type, MAX_HEADTAIL_LINES); + } + obj->data.opaque = ht; } -static void print_tailhead(const char* type, struct text_object *obj, char *p, int p_max_size) { - int fd, i, endofstring = 0, linescounted = 0; - FILE *fp; - struct stat st; - struct headtail *ht = (struct headtail *)obj->data.opaque; +static void print_tailhead(const char *type, struct text_object *obj, char *p, + int p_max_size) { + int fd, i, endofstring = 0, linescounted = 0; + FILE *fp; + struct stat st; + struct headtail *ht = (struct headtail *)obj->data.opaque; - if (!ht) - return; + if (!ht) return; - //empty the buffer and reset the counter if we used it the max number of times - if(ht->buffer && ht->current_use >= ht->max_uses - 1) { - free_and_zero(ht->buffer); - ht->current_use = 0; - } - //use the buffer if possible - if(ht->buffer) { - strcpy(p, ht->buffer); - ht->current_use++; - }else{ //otherwise find the needed data - if(stat(ht->logfile.c_str(), &st) == 0) { - if (S_ISFIFO(st.st_mode)) { - fd = open_fifo(ht->logfile.c_str(), &ht->reported); - if(fd != -1) { - if(strcmp(type, "head") == 0) { - for(i = 0; linescounted < ht->wantedlines; i++) { - if (read(fd, p + i, 1) <= 0) - break; - if(p[i] == '\n') { - linescounted++; - } - } - p[i] = 0; - } else if(strcmp(type, "tail") == 0) { - i = read(fd, p, p_max_size - 1); - tailstring(p, i, ht->wantedlines); - } else { - CRIT_ERR(NULL, NULL, "If you are seeing this then there is a bug in the code, report it !"); - } - } - close(fd); - } else { - fp = open_file(ht->logfile.c_str(), &ht->reported); - if(fp != NULL) { - if(strcmp(type, "head") == 0) { - for(i = 0; i < ht->wantedlines; i++) { - if (!fgets(p + endofstring, p_max_size - endofstring, fp)) - break; - endofstring = strlen(p); - } - } else if(strcmp(type, "tail") == 0) { - fseek(fp, - p_max_size, SEEK_END); - i = fread(p, 1, p_max_size - 1, fp); - tailstring(p, i, ht->wantedlines); - } else { - CRIT_ERR(NULL, NULL, "If you are seeing this then there is a bug in the code, report it !"); - } - fclose(fp); - } - } - ht->buffer = strdup(p); - } else { - CRIT_ERR(NULL, NULL, "$%s can't find information about %s", type, ht->logfile.c_str()); - } - } - return; + // empty the buffer and reset the counter if we used it the max number of + // times + if (ht->buffer && ht->current_use >= ht->max_uses - 1) { + free_and_zero(ht->buffer); + ht->current_use = 0; + } + // use the buffer if possible + if (ht->buffer) { + strcpy(p, ht->buffer); + ht->current_use++; + } else { // otherwise find the needed data + if (stat(ht->logfile.c_str(), &st) == 0) { + if (S_ISFIFO(st.st_mode)) { + fd = open_fifo(ht->logfile.c_str(), &ht->reported); + if (fd != -1) { + if (strcmp(type, "head") == 0) { + for (i = 0; linescounted < ht->wantedlines; i++) { + if (read(fd, p + i, 1) <= 0) break; + if (p[i] == '\n') { + linescounted++; + } + } + p[i] = 0; + } else if (strcmp(type, "tail") == 0) { + i = read(fd, p, p_max_size - 1); + tailstring(p, i, ht->wantedlines); + } else { + CRIT_ERR(NULL, NULL, + "If you are seeing this then there is a bug in the code, " + "report it !"); + } + } + close(fd); + } else { + fp = open_file(ht->logfile.c_str(), &ht->reported); + if (fp != NULL) { + if (strcmp(type, "head") == 0) { + for (i = 0; i < ht->wantedlines; i++) { + if (!fgets(p + endofstring, p_max_size - endofstring, fp)) break; + endofstring = strlen(p); + } + } else if (strcmp(type, "tail") == 0) { + fseek(fp, -p_max_size, SEEK_END); + i = fread(p, 1, p_max_size - 1, fp); + tailstring(p, i, ht->wantedlines); + } else { + CRIT_ERR(NULL, NULL, + "If you are seeing this then there is a bug in the code, " + "report it !"); + } + fclose(fp); + } + } + ht->buffer = strdup(p); + } else { + CRIT_ERR(NULL, NULL, "$%s can't find information about %s", type, + ht->logfile.c_str()); + } + } + return; } -void print_head(struct text_object *obj, char *p, int p_max_size) -{ - print_tailhead("head", obj, p, p_max_size); +void print_head(struct text_object *obj, char *p, int p_max_size) { + print_tailhead("head", obj, p, p_max_size); } -void print_tail(struct text_object *obj, char *p, int p_max_size) -{ - print_tailhead("tail", obj, p, p_max_size); +void print_tail(struct text_object *obj, char *p, int p_max_size) { + print_tailhead("tail", obj, p, p_max_size); } /* FIXME: use something more general (see also tail.c, head.c */ #define BUFSZ 0x1000 -void print_lines(struct text_object *obj, char *p, int p_max_size) -{ - static int rep = 0; - FILE *fp = open_file(obj->data.s, &rep); - char buf[BUFSZ]; - int j, lines; +void print_lines(struct text_object *obj, char *p, int p_max_size) { + static int rep = 0; + FILE *fp = open_file(obj->data.s, &rep); + char buf[BUFSZ]; + int j, lines; - if (!fp) { - snprintf(p, p_max_size, "File Unreadable"); - return; - } + if (!fp) { + snprintf(p, p_max_size, "File Unreadable"); + return; + } - lines = 0; - while(fgets(buf, BUFSZ, fp) != NULL){ - for(j = 0; buf[j] != 0; j++) { - if(buf[j] == '\n') { - lines++; - } - } - } - snprintf(p, p_max_size, "%d", lines); - fclose(fp); + lines = 0; + while (fgets(buf, BUFSZ, fp) != NULL) { + for (j = 0; buf[j] != 0; j++) { + if (buf[j] == '\n') { + lines++; + } + } + } + snprintf(p, p_max_size, "%d", lines); + fclose(fp); } -void print_words(struct text_object *obj, char *p, int p_max_size) -{ - static int rep = 0; - FILE *fp = open_file(obj->data.s, &rep); - char buf[BUFSZ]; - int j, words; - char inword = 0; +void print_words(struct text_object *obj, char *p, int p_max_size) { + static int rep = 0; + FILE *fp = open_file(obj->data.s, &rep); + char buf[BUFSZ]; + int j, words; + char inword = 0; - if(!fp) { - snprintf(p, p_max_size, "File Unreadable"); - return; - } + if (!fp) { + snprintf(p, p_max_size, "File Unreadable"); + return; + } - words = 0; - while(fgets(buf, BUFSZ, fp) != NULL){ - for(j = 0; buf[j] != 0; j++) { - if(!isspace(buf[j])) { - if(!inword) { - words++; - inword = 1; - } - } else { - inword = 0; - } - } - } - snprintf(p, p_max_size, "%d", words); - fclose(fp); + words = 0; + while (fgets(buf, BUFSZ, fp) != NULL) { + for (j = 0; buf[j] != 0; j++) { + if (!isspace(buf[j])) { + if (!inword) { + words++; + inword = 1; + } + } else { + inword = 0; + } + } + } + snprintf(p, p_max_size, "%d", words); + fclose(fp); } - diff --git a/src/tailhead.h b/src/tailhead.h index be2e8dba..83b4e6aa 100644 --- a/src/tailhead.h +++ b/src/tailhead.h @@ -1,5 +1,4 @@ -/* -*- mode: c++; c-basic-offset: 4; tab-width: 4; indent-tabs-mode: t -*- - * vim: ts=4 sw=4 noet ai cindent syntax=cpp +/* * * Conky, a system monitor, based on torsmo * @@ -10,7 +9,7 @@ * Please see COPYING for details * * Copyright (c) 2004, Hannu Saransaari and Lauri Hakkarainen - * Copyright (c) 2005-2012 Brenden Matthews, Philip Kovacs, et. al. + * Copyright (c) 2005-2018 Brenden Matthews, Philip Kovacs, et. al. * (see AUTHORS) * All rights reserved. * diff --git a/src/tcp-portmon.cc b/src/tcp-portmon.cc index ce0441d4..d8b33829 100644 --- a/src/tcp-portmon.cc +++ b/src/tcp-portmon.cc @@ -1,5 +1,4 @@ -/* -*- mode: c++; c-basic-offset: 4; tab-width: 4; indent-tabs-mode: t -*- - * vim: ts=4 sw=4 noet ai cindent syntax=cpp +/* * * tcp-portmon.c - libtcp-portmon hooks * @@ -18,139 +17,138 @@ * along with this program. If not, see . * */ -#include "conky.h" -#include "logging.h" #include "tcp-portmon.h" -#include "text_object.h" +#include "conky.h" #include "libtcp-portmon.h" +#include "logging.h" +#include "text_object.h" static tcp_port_monitor_collection_t *pmc = NULL; -static conky::range_config_setting max_port_monitor_connections("max_port_monitor_connections", - 0, std::numeric_limits::max(), MAX_PORT_MONITOR_CONNECTIONS_DEFAULT, false); +static conky::range_config_setting max_port_monitor_connections( + "max_port_monitor_connections", 0, std::numeric_limits::max(), + MAX_PORT_MONITOR_CONNECTIONS_DEFAULT, false); -int tcp_portmon_init(struct text_object *obj, const char *arg) -{ - int argc, port_begin, port_end, item, connection_index; - char itembuf[32]; - struct tcp_port_monitor_data *pmd; +int tcp_portmon_init(struct text_object *obj, const char *arg) { + int argc, port_begin, port_end, item, connection_index; + char itembuf[32]; + struct tcp_port_monitor_data *pmd; - memset(itembuf, 0, sizeof(itembuf)); - connection_index = 0; - /* massive argument checking */ - argc = sscanf(arg, "%d %d %31s %d", &port_begin, &port_end, itembuf, - &connection_index); - if ((argc != 3) && (argc != 4)) { - CRIT_ERR(NULL, NULL, "tcp_portmon: requires 3 or 4 arguments"); - } - if ((port_begin < 1) || (port_begin > 65535) || (port_end < 1) - || (port_end > 65535)) { - CRIT_ERR(NULL, NULL, "tcp_portmon: port values must be from 1 to 65535"); - } - if (port_begin > port_end) { - CRIT_ERR(NULL, NULL, "tcp_portmon: starting port must be <= ending port"); - } - if (strncmp(itembuf, "count", 31) == EQUAL) { - item = COUNT; - } else if (strncmp(itembuf, "rip", 31) == EQUAL) { - item = REMOTEIP; - } else if (strncmp(itembuf, "rhost", 31) == EQUAL) { - item = REMOTEHOST; - } else if (strncmp(itembuf, "rport", 31) == EQUAL) { - item = REMOTEPORT; - } else if (strncmp(itembuf, "rservice", 31) == EQUAL) { - item = REMOTESERVICE; - } else if (strncmp(itembuf, "lip", 31) == EQUAL) { - item = LOCALIP; - } else if (strncmp(itembuf, "lhost", 31) == EQUAL) { - item = LOCALHOST; - } else if (strncmp(itembuf, "lport", 31) == EQUAL) { - item = LOCALPORT; - } else if (strncmp(itembuf, "lservice", 31) == EQUAL) { - item = LOCALSERVICE; - } else { - CRIT_ERR(NULL, NULL, "tcp_portmon: invalid item specified"); - } - if ((argc == 3) && (item != COUNT)) { - CRIT_ERR(NULL, NULL, "tcp_portmon: 3 argument form valid only for \"count\" " - "item"); - } - if ((argc == 4) && (connection_index < 0)) { - CRIT_ERR(NULL, NULL, "tcp_portmon: connection index must be non-negative"); - } - /* ok, args looks good. save the text object data */ - pmd = (tcp_port_monitor_data*)malloc(sizeof(struct tcp_port_monitor_data)); - memset(pmd, 0, sizeof(struct tcp_port_monitor_data)); - pmd->port_range_begin = (in_port_t) port_begin; - pmd->port_range_end = (in_port_t) port_end; - pmd->item = item; - pmd->connection_index = connection_index; - obj->data.opaque = pmd; + memset(itembuf, 0, sizeof(itembuf)); + connection_index = 0; + /* massive argument checking */ + argc = sscanf(arg, "%d %d %31s %d", &port_begin, &port_end, itembuf, + &connection_index); + if ((argc != 3) && (argc != 4)) { + CRIT_ERR(NULL, NULL, "tcp_portmon: requires 3 or 4 arguments"); + } + if ((port_begin < 1) || (port_begin > 65535) || (port_end < 1) || + (port_end > 65535)) { + CRIT_ERR(NULL, NULL, "tcp_portmon: port values must be from 1 to 65535"); + } + if (port_begin > port_end) { + CRIT_ERR(NULL, NULL, "tcp_portmon: starting port must be <= ending port"); + } + if (strncmp(itembuf, "count", 31) == EQUAL) { + item = COUNT; + } else if (strncmp(itembuf, "rip", 31) == EQUAL) { + item = REMOTEIP; + } else if (strncmp(itembuf, "rhost", 31) == EQUAL) { + item = REMOTEHOST; + } else if (strncmp(itembuf, "rport", 31) == EQUAL) { + item = REMOTEPORT; + } else if (strncmp(itembuf, "rservice", 31) == EQUAL) { + item = REMOTESERVICE; + } else if (strncmp(itembuf, "lip", 31) == EQUAL) { + item = LOCALIP; + } else if (strncmp(itembuf, "lhost", 31) == EQUAL) { + item = LOCALHOST; + } else if (strncmp(itembuf, "lport", 31) == EQUAL) { + item = LOCALPORT; + } else if (strncmp(itembuf, "lservice", 31) == EQUAL) { + item = LOCALSERVICE; + } else { + CRIT_ERR(NULL, NULL, "tcp_portmon: invalid item specified"); + } + if ((argc == 3) && (item != COUNT)) { + CRIT_ERR(NULL, NULL, + "tcp_portmon: 3 argument form valid only for \"count\" " + "item"); + } + if ((argc == 4) && (connection_index < 0)) { + CRIT_ERR(NULL, NULL, "tcp_portmon: connection index must be non-negative"); + } + /* ok, args looks good. save the text object data */ + pmd = (tcp_port_monitor_data *)malloc(sizeof(struct tcp_port_monitor_data)); + memset(pmd, 0, sizeof(struct tcp_port_monitor_data)); + pmd->port_range_begin = (in_port_t)port_begin; + pmd->port_range_end = (in_port_t)port_end; + pmd->item = item; + pmd->connection_index = connection_index; + obj->data.opaque = pmd; - /* if the port monitor collection hasn't been created, - * we must create it */ - if (!pmc) { - pmc = create_tcp_port_monitor_collection(); - if (!pmc) { - CRIT_ERR(NULL, NULL, "tcp_portmon: unable to create port monitor " - "collection"); - } - } + /* if the port monitor collection hasn't been created, + * we must create it */ + if (!pmc) { + pmc = create_tcp_port_monitor_collection(); + if (!pmc) { + CRIT_ERR(NULL, NULL, + "tcp_portmon: unable to create port monitor " + "collection"); + } + } - /* if a port monitor for this port does not exist, - * create one and add it to the collection */ - if (find_tcp_port_monitor(pmc, port_begin, port_end) == NULL) { - tcp_port_monitor_args_t pma; - memset(&pma, 0, sizeof pma); - pma.max_port_monitor_connections = max_port_monitor_connections.get(*state); + /* if a port monitor for this port does not exist, + * create one and add it to the collection */ + if (find_tcp_port_monitor(pmc, port_begin, port_end) == NULL) { + tcp_port_monitor_args_t pma; + memset(&pma, 0, sizeof pma); + pma.max_port_monitor_connections = max_port_monitor_connections.get(*state); - /* add the newly created monitor to the collection */ - if (insert_new_tcp_port_monitor_into_collection(pmc, port_begin, port_end, &pma) != 0) { - CRIT_ERR(NULL, NULL, "tcp_portmon: unable to add port monitor to " - "collection"); - } - } - return 0; + /* add the newly created monitor to the collection */ + if (insert_new_tcp_port_monitor_into_collection(pmc, port_begin, port_end, + &pma) != 0) { + CRIT_ERR(NULL, NULL, + "tcp_portmon: unable to add port monitor to " + "collection"); + } + } + return 0; } -void tcp_portmon_action(struct text_object *obj, char *p, int p_max_size) -{ - struct tcp_port_monitor_data *pmd = (tcp_port_monitor_data*)obj->data.opaque; - tcp_port_monitor_t *p_monitor; +void tcp_portmon_action(struct text_object *obj, char *p, int p_max_size) { + struct tcp_port_monitor_data *pmd = (tcp_port_monitor_data *)obj->data.opaque; + tcp_port_monitor_t *p_monitor; - if (!pmd) - return; + if (!pmd) return; - /* grab a pointer to this port monitor */ - p_monitor = find_tcp_port_monitor(pmc, pmd->port_range_begin, - pmd->port_range_end); + /* grab a pointer to this port monitor */ + p_monitor = + find_tcp_port_monitor(pmc, pmd->port_range_begin, pmd->port_range_end); - if (!p_monitor) { - snprintf(p, p_max_size, "monitor not found"); - return; - } + if (!p_monitor) { + snprintf(p, p_max_size, "monitor not found"); + return; + } - /* now grab the text of interest */ - if (peek_tcp_port_monitor(p_monitor, pmd->item, - pmd->connection_index, p, p_max_size) != 0) { - snprintf(p, p_max_size, "monitor peek error"); - } + /* now grab the text of interest */ + if (peek_tcp_port_monitor(p_monitor, pmd->item, pmd->connection_index, p, + p_max_size) != 0) { + snprintf(p, p_max_size, "monitor peek error"); + } } -int tcp_portmon_update(void) -{ - update_tcp_port_monitor_collection(pmc); - return 0; +int tcp_portmon_update(void) { + update_tcp_port_monitor_collection(pmc); + return 0; } -int tcp_portmon_clear(void) -{ - destroy_tcp_port_monitor_collection(pmc); - pmc = NULL; - return 0; +int tcp_portmon_clear(void) { + destroy_tcp_port_monitor_collection(pmc); + pmc = NULL; + return 0; } -void tcp_portmon_free(struct text_object *obj) -{ - free_and_zero(obj->data.opaque); +void tcp_portmon_free(struct text_object *obj) { + free_and_zero(obj->data.opaque); } diff --git a/src/tcp-portmon.h b/src/tcp-portmon.h index d852c9a5..8f8cc1d4 100644 --- a/src/tcp-portmon.h +++ b/src/tcp-portmon.h @@ -1,5 +1,4 @@ -/* -*- mode: c++; c-basic-offset: 4; tab-width: 4; indent-tabs-mode: t -*- - * vim: ts=4 sw=4 noet ai cindent syntax=cpp +/* * * tcp-portmon.h - libtcp-portmon hooks protoypes * @@ -24,14 +23,14 @@ #include "libtcp-portmon.h" struct tcp_port_monitor_data { - /* starting port to monitor */ - in_port_t port_range_begin; - /* ending port to monitor */ - in_port_t port_range_end; - /* enum from libtcp-portmon.h, e.g. COUNT, etc. */ - int item; - /* 0 to n-1 connections. */ - int connection_index; + /* starting port to monitor */ + in_port_t port_range_begin; + /* ending port to monitor */ + in_port_t port_range_end; + /* enum from libtcp-portmon.h, e.g. COUNT, etc. */ + int item; + /* 0 to n-1 connections. */ + int connection_index; }; /* forward declare to make gcc happy */ diff --git a/src/temphelper.cc b/src/temphelper.cc index 00bde02f..ccc63dfc 100644 --- a/src/temphelper.cc +++ b/src/temphelper.cc @@ -1,5 +1,4 @@ -/* -*- mode: c++; c-basic-offset: 4; tab-width: 4; indent-tabs-mode: t -*- - * vim: ts=4 sw=4 noet ai cindent syntax=cpp +/* * * temphelper.c: aid in converting temperature units * @@ -21,56 +20,46 @@ * USA. * */ -#include "config.h" +#include "temphelper.h" +#include #include #include #include -#include #include -#include "temphelper.h" +#include "config.h" #include "conky.h" -template<> +template <> conky::lua_traits::Map conky::lua_traits::map = { - { "celsius", TEMP_CELSIUS }, - { "fahrenheit", TEMP_FAHRENHEIT } -}; + {"celsius", TEMP_CELSIUS}, {"fahrenheit", TEMP_FAHRENHEIT}}; static conky::simple_config_setting output_unit("temperature_unit", - TEMP_CELSIUS, true); + TEMP_CELSIUS, true); -static double fahrenheit_to_celsius(double n) -{ - return ((n - 32) * 5 / 9); +static double fahrenheit_to_celsius(double n) { return ((n - 32) * 5 / 9); } + +static double celsius_to_fahrenheit(double n) { return ((n * 9 / 5) + 32); } + +static double convert_temp_output(double n, enum TEMP_UNIT input_unit) { + if (input_unit == output_unit.get(*state)) return n; + + switch (output_unit.get(*state)) { + case TEMP_CELSIUS: + return fahrenheit_to_celsius(n); + case TEMP_FAHRENHEIT: + return celsius_to_fahrenheit(n); + } + /* NOT REACHED */ + return 0.0; } -static double celsius_to_fahrenheit(double n) -{ - return ((n * 9 / 5) + 32); -} - -static double convert_temp_output(double n, enum TEMP_UNIT input_unit) -{ - if (input_unit == output_unit.get(*state)) - return n; - - switch(output_unit.get(*state)) { - case TEMP_CELSIUS: - return fahrenheit_to_celsius(n); - case TEMP_FAHRENHEIT: - return celsius_to_fahrenheit(n); - } - /* NOT REACHED */ - return 0.0; -} - -int temp_print(char *p, size_t p_max_size, double n, enum TEMP_UNIT input_unit) -{ - int out; - size_t plen; - - out = round_to_int_temp(convert_temp_output(n, input_unit)); - plen = spaced_print(p, p_max_size, "%d", 3, out); - - return !(plen >= p_max_size); +int temp_print(char *p, size_t p_max_size, double n, + enum TEMP_UNIT input_unit) { + int out; + size_t plen; + + out = round_to_int_temp(convert_temp_output(n, input_unit)); + plen = spaced_print(p, p_max_size, "%d", 3, out); + + return !(plen >= p_max_size); } diff --git a/src/temphelper.h b/src/temphelper.h index f8039542..e7dce891 100644 --- a/src/temphelper.h +++ b/src/temphelper.h @@ -1,5 +1,4 @@ -/* -*- mode: c++; c-basic-offset: 4; tab-width: 4; indent-tabs-mode: t -*- - * vim: ts=4 sw=4 noet ai cindent syntax=cpp +/* * * temphelper.h: aid in converting temperature units * @@ -25,11 +24,10 @@ #ifndef TEMPHELPER_H #define TEMPHELPER_H -enum TEMP_UNIT { - TEMP_CELSIUS, - TEMP_FAHRENHEIT -}; +#include -int temp_print(char *, size_t, double, enum TEMP_UNIT); +enum TEMP_UNIT { TEMP_CELSIUS, TEMP_FAHRENHEIT }; + +int temp_print(char *, std::size_t, double, enum TEMP_UNIT); #endif /* TEMPHELPER_H */ diff --git a/src/template.cc b/src/template.cc index 98b9f682..dd207af2 100644 --- a/src/template.cc +++ b/src/template.cc @@ -1,5 +1,4 @@ -/* -*- mode: c++; c-basic-offset: 4; tab-width: 4; indent-tabs-mode: t -*- - * vim: ts=4 sw=4 noet ai cindent syntax=cpp +/* * * Conky, a system monitor, based on torsmo * @@ -10,7 +9,7 @@ * Please see COPYING for details * * Copyright (c) 2004, Hannu Saransaari and Lauri Hakkarainen - * Copyright (c) 2005-2012 Brenden Matthews, Philip Kovacs, et. al. + * Copyright (c) 2005-2018 Brenden Matthews, Philip Kovacs, et. al. * (see AUTHORS) * All rights reserved. * @@ -27,81 +26,75 @@ * along with this program. If not, see . * */ -#include "conky.h" -#include "logging.h" #include #include #include +#include "conky.h" +#include "logging.h" namespace { - conky::simple_config_setting _template[10] = { - { "template0", std::string(), true }, - { "template1", std::string(), true }, - { "template2", std::string(), true }, - { "template3", std::string(), true }, - { "template4", std::string(), true }, - { "template5", std::string(), true }, - { "template6", std::string(), true }, - { "template7", std::string(), true }, - { "template8", std::string(), true }, - { "template9", std::string(), true } - }; +conky::simple_config_setting _template[10] = { + {"template0", std::string(), true}, {"template1", std::string(), true}, + {"template2", std::string(), true}, {"template3", std::string(), true}, + {"template4", std::string(), true}, {"template5", std::string(), true}, + {"template6", std::string(), true}, {"template7", std::string(), true}, + {"template8", std::string(), true}, {"template9", std::string(), true}}; } - /* backslash_escape - do the actual substitution task for template objects * * The field templates is used for substituting the \N occurences. Set it to * NULL to leave them as they are. */ -static char *backslash_escape(const char *src, char **templates, unsigned int template_count) -{ - char *src_dup; - const char *p; - unsigned int dup_idx = 0, dup_len; +static char *backslash_escape(const char *src, char **templates, + unsigned int template_count) { + char *src_dup; + const char *p; + unsigned int dup_idx = 0, dup_len; - dup_len = strlen(src) + 1; - src_dup = (char*) malloc(dup_len * sizeof(char)); + dup_len = strlen(src) + 1; + src_dup = (char *)malloc(dup_len * sizeof(char)); - p = src; - while (*p) { - switch (*p) { - case '\\': - if (!*(p + 1)) - break; - if (*(p + 1) == '\\') { - src_dup[dup_idx++] = '\\'; - p++; - } else if (*(p + 1) == ' ') { - src_dup[dup_idx++] = ' '; - p++; - } else if (*(p + 1) == 'n') { - src_dup[dup_idx++] = '\n'; - p++; - } else if (templates) { - unsigned int tmpl_num; - int digits; - if ((sscanf(p + 1, "%u%n", &tmpl_num, &digits) <= 0) || - (tmpl_num > template_count)) - break; - if (tmpl_num == 0) - CRIT_ERR(NULL, NULL, "invalid template argument \\0; arguments must start at \\1"); - dup_len += strlen(templates[tmpl_num - 1]); - src_dup = (char*) realloc(src_dup, dup_len * sizeof(char)); - sprintf(src_dup + dup_idx, "%s", templates[tmpl_num - 1]); - dup_idx += strlen(templates[tmpl_num - 1]); - p += digits; - } - break; - default: - src_dup[dup_idx++] = *p; - break; - } - p++; - } - src_dup[dup_idx++] = '\0'; - src_dup = (char*) realloc(src_dup, dup_idx * sizeof(char)); - return src_dup; + p = src; + while (*p) { + switch (*p) { + case '\\': + if (!*(p + 1)) break; + if (*(p + 1) == '\\') { + src_dup[dup_idx++] = '\\'; + p++; + } else if (*(p + 1) == ' ') { + src_dup[dup_idx++] = ' '; + p++; + } else if (*(p + 1) == 'n') { + src_dup[dup_idx++] = '\n'; + p++; + } else if (templates) { + unsigned int tmpl_num; + int digits; + if ((sscanf(p + 1, "%u%n", &tmpl_num, &digits) <= 0) || + (tmpl_num > template_count)) + break; + if (tmpl_num == 0) + CRIT_ERR( + NULL, NULL, + "invalid template argument \\0; arguments must start at \\1"); + dup_len += strlen(templates[tmpl_num - 1]); + src_dup = (char *)realloc(src_dup, dup_len * sizeof(char)); + sprintf(src_dup + dup_idx, "%s", templates[tmpl_num - 1]); + dup_idx += strlen(templates[tmpl_num - 1]); + p += digits; + } + break; + default: + src_dup[dup_idx++] = *p; + break; + } + p++; + } + src_dup[dup_idx++] = '\0'; + src_dup = (char *)realloc(src_dup, dup_idx * sizeof(char)); + return src_dup; } /* handle_template_object - core logic of the template object @@ -115,134 +108,122 @@ static char *backslash_escape(const char *src, char **templates, unsigned int te * ${template2 root /} * ${template2 cdrom /mnt/cdrom} */ -static char *handle_template(const char *tmpl, const char *args) -{ - char *args_dup = NULL; - char *p, *p_old; - char **argsp = NULL; - unsigned int argcnt = 0, template_idx, i; - char *eval_text; +static char *handle_template(const char *tmpl, const char *args) { + char *args_dup = NULL; + char *p, *p_old; + char **argsp = NULL; + unsigned int argcnt = 0, template_idx, i; + char *eval_text; - if ((sscanf(tmpl, "template%u", &template_idx) != 1) || - (template_idx >= MAX_TEMPLATES)) - return NULL; + if ((sscanf(tmpl, "template%u", &template_idx) != 1) || + (template_idx >= MAX_TEMPLATES)) + return NULL; - if(args) { - args_dup = strdup(args); - p = args_dup; - while (*p) { - while (*p && (*p == ' ' && (p == args_dup || *(p - 1) != '\\'))) - p++; - if (p > args_dup && *(p - 1) == '\\') - p--; - p_old = p; - while (*p && (*p != ' ' || (p > args_dup && *(p - 1) == '\\'))) - p++; - if (*p) { - (*p) = '\0'; - p++; - } - argsp = (char**) realloc(argsp, ++argcnt * sizeof(char *)); - argsp[argcnt - 1] = p_old; - } - for (i = 0; i < argcnt; i++) { - char *tmp; - tmp = backslash_escape(argsp[i], NULL, 0); - DBGP2("%s: substituted arg '%s' to '%s'", tmpl, argsp[i], tmp); - argsp[i] = tmp; - } - } + if (args) { + args_dup = strdup(args); + p = args_dup; + while (*p) { + while (*p && (*p == ' ' && (p == args_dup || *(p - 1) != '\\'))) p++; + if (p > args_dup && *(p - 1) == '\\') p--; + p_old = p; + while (*p && (*p != ' ' || (p > args_dup && *(p - 1) == '\\'))) p++; + if (*p) { + (*p) = '\0'; + p++; + } + argsp = (char **)realloc(argsp, ++argcnt * sizeof(char *)); + argsp[argcnt - 1] = p_old; + } + for (i = 0; i < argcnt; i++) { + char *tmp; + tmp = backslash_escape(argsp[i], NULL, 0); + DBGP2("%s: substituted arg '%s' to '%s'", tmpl, argsp[i], tmp); + argsp[i] = tmp; + } + } - eval_text = backslash_escape(_template[template_idx].get(*state).c_str(), argsp, argcnt); - DBGP("substituted %s, output is '%s'", tmpl, eval_text); - free(args_dup); - for (i = 0; i < argcnt; i++) - free(argsp[i]); - free(argsp); - return eval_text; + eval_text = backslash_escape(_template[template_idx].get(*state).c_str(), + argsp, argcnt); + DBGP("substituted %s, output is '%s'", tmpl, eval_text); + free(args_dup); + for (i = 0; i < argcnt; i++) free(argsp[i]); + free(argsp); + return eval_text; } /* Search inbuf and replace all found template object references * with the substituted value. */ -char *find_and_replace_templates(const char *inbuf) -{ - char *outbuf, *indup, *p, *o, *templ, *args, *tmpl_out; - int stack, outlen; +char *find_and_replace_templates(const char *inbuf) { + char *outbuf, *indup, *p, *o, *templ, *args, *tmpl_out; + int stack, outlen; - outlen = strlen(inbuf) + 1; - o = outbuf = (char*) calloc(outlen, sizeof(char)); - memset(outbuf, 0, outlen * sizeof(char)); + outlen = strlen(inbuf) + 1; + o = outbuf = (char *)calloc(outlen, sizeof(char)); + memset(outbuf, 0, outlen * sizeof(char)); - p = indup = strdup(inbuf); - while (*p) { - while (*p && *p != '$') - *(o++) = *(p++); + p = indup = strdup(inbuf); + while (*p) { + while (*p && *p != '$') *(o++) = *(p++); - if (!(*p)) - break; + if (!(*p)) break; - if (strncmp(p, "$template", strlen("$template")) && strncmp(p, "${template", strlen("${template"))) { - *(o++) = *(p++); - continue; - } + if (strncmp(p, "$template", strlen("$template")) && + strncmp(p, "${template", strlen("${template"))) { + *(o++) = *(p++); + continue; + } - if (*(p + 1) == '{') { - p += 2; - templ = p; - while (*p && !isspace(*p) && *p != '{' && *p != '}') - p++; - if (*p == '}') - args = NULL; - else - args = p; + if (*(p + 1) == '{') { + p += 2; + templ = p; + while (*p && !isspace(*p) && *p != '{' && *p != '}') p++; + if (*p == '}') + args = NULL; + else + args = p; - stack = 1; - while (*p && stack > 0) { - if (*p == '{') - stack++; - else if (*p == '}') - stack--; - p++; - } - if (stack == 0) { - // stack is empty. that means the previous char was }, so we zero it - *(p - 1) = '\0'; - } else { - // we ran into the end of string without finding a closing }, bark - CRIT_ERR(NULL, NULL, "cannot find a closing '}' in template expansion"); - } - } else { - templ = p + 1; - p += strlen("$template"); - while (*p && isdigit(*p)) - p++; - args = NULL; - } - tmpl_out = handle_template(templ, args); - if (tmpl_out) { - outlen += strlen(tmpl_out); - *o = '\0'; - outbuf = (char*) realloc(outbuf, outlen * sizeof(char)); - strcat (outbuf, tmpl_out); - free(tmpl_out); - o = outbuf + strlen(outbuf); - } else { - NORM_ERR("failed to handle template '%s' with args '%s'", templ, args); - } - } - *o = '\0'; - outbuf = (char*) realloc(outbuf, (strlen(outbuf) + 1) * sizeof(char)); - free(indup); - return outbuf; + stack = 1; + while (*p && stack > 0) { + if (*p == '{') + stack++; + else if (*p == '}') + stack--; + p++; + } + if (stack == 0) { + // stack is empty. that means the previous char was }, so we zero it + *(p - 1) = '\0'; + } else { + // we ran into the end of string without finding a closing }, bark + CRIT_ERR(NULL, NULL, "cannot find a closing '}' in template expansion"); + } + } else { + templ = p + 1; + p += strlen("$template"); + while (*p && isdigit(*p)) p++; + args = NULL; + } + tmpl_out = handle_template(templ, args); + if (tmpl_out) { + outlen += strlen(tmpl_out); + *o = '\0'; + outbuf = (char *)realloc(outbuf, outlen * sizeof(char)); + strcat(outbuf, tmpl_out); + free(tmpl_out); + o = outbuf + strlen(outbuf); + } else { + NORM_ERR("failed to handle template '%s' with args '%s'", templ, args); + } + } + *o = '\0'; + outbuf = (char *)realloc(outbuf, (strlen(outbuf) + 1) * sizeof(char)); + free(indup); + return outbuf; } /* check text for any template object references */ -int text_contains_templates(const char *text) -{ - if (strcasestr(text, "${template") != NULL) - return 1; - if (strcasestr(text, "$template") != NULL) - return 1; - return 0; +int text_contains_templates(const char *text) { + if (strcasestr(text, "${template") != NULL) return 1; + if (strcasestr(text, "$template") != NULL) return 1; + return 0; } - diff --git a/src/template.h b/src/template.h index ed6e68f6..1b0bbf0c 100644 --- a/src/template.h +++ b/src/template.h @@ -1,5 +1,4 @@ -/* -*- mode: c; c-basic-offset: 4; tab-width: 4; indent-tabs-mode: t -*- - * vim: ts=4 sw=4 noet ai cindent syntax=c +/* * * Conky, a system monitor, based on torsmo * @@ -10,7 +9,7 @@ * Please see COPYING for details * * Copyright (c) 2004, Hannu Saransaari and Lauri Hakkarainen - * Copyright (c) 2005-2012 Brenden Matthews, Philip Kovacs, et. al. + * Copyright (c) 2005-2018 Brenden Matthews, Philip Kovacs, et. al. * (see AUTHORS) * All rights reserved. * diff --git a/src/text_object.cc b/src/text_object.cc index 74c1a856..0e562d29 100644 --- a/src/text_object.cc +++ b/src/text_object.cc @@ -1,5 +1,4 @@ -/* -*- mode: c++; c-basic-offset: 4; tab-width: 4; indent-tabs-mode: t -*- - * vim: ts=4 sw=4 noet ai cindent syntax=cpp +/* * * Conky, a system monitor, based on torsmo * @@ -9,7 +8,7 @@ * * Please see COPYING for details * - * Copyright (c) 2005-2012 Brenden Matthews, Philip Kovacs, et. al. + * Copyright (c) 2005-2018 Brenden Matthews, Philip Kovacs, et. al. * (see AUTHORS) * All rights reserved. * @@ -26,37 +25,32 @@ * along with this program. If not, see . * */ -#include "conky.h" -#include "config.h" #include "text_object.h" -#include "logging.h" -#include #include +#include #include +#include "config.h" +#include "conky.h" +#include "logging.h" -void gen_free_opaque(struct text_object *obj) -{ - free_and_zero(obj->data.opaque); +void gen_free_opaque(struct text_object *obj) { + free_and_zero(obj->data.opaque); } -int gen_false_iftest(struct text_object *obj) -{ - (void)obj; - return 0; +int gen_false_iftest(struct text_object *obj) { + (void)obj; + return 0; } -void gen_print_nothing(struct text_object *obj, char *p, int p_max_size) -{ - (void)obj; - (void)p; - (void)p_max_size; +void gen_print_nothing(struct text_object *obj, char *p, int p_max_size) { + (void)obj; + (void)p; + (void)p_max_size; } -void gen_print_obj_data_s(struct text_object *obj, char *p, int p_max_size) -{ - if (!obj->data.s) - return; - snprintf(p, p_max_size, "%s", obj->data.s); +void gen_print_obj_data_s(struct text_object *obj, char *p, int p_max_size) { + if (!obj->data.s) return; + snprintf(p, p_max_size, "%s", obj->data.s); } /* text_object_list @@ -73,29 +67,26 @@ void gen_print_obj_data_s(struct text_object *obj, char *p, int p_max_size) */ /* append an object or list of objects to the given root object's list */ -int append_object(struct text_object *root, struct text_object *obj) -{ - struct text_object *end; +int append_object(struct text_object *root, struct text_object *obj) { + struct text_object *end; - /* hook in start of list to append */ - end = root->prev; - obj->prev = end; + /* hook in start of list to append */ + end = root->prev; + obj->prev = end; - /* update pointers of the list to append to */ - if (end) { - if (end->next) - CRIT_ERR(NULL, NULL, "huston, we have a lift-off"); - end->next = obj; - } else { - root->next = obj; - } + /* update pointers of the list to append to */ + if (end) { + if (end->next) CRIT_ERR(NULL, NULL, "huston, we have a lift-off"); + end->next = obj; + } else { + root->next = obj; + } - /* find end of appended list to point root->prev there */ - while (obj->next) - obj = obj->next; - root->prev = obj; + /* find end of appended list to point root->prev there */ + while (obj->next) obj = obj->next; + root->prev = obj; - return 0; + return 0; } /* ifblock handlers for the object list @@ -108,19 +99,15 @@ int append_object(struct text_object *root, struct text_object *obj) /* possible ifblock types * only used internally, so no need to make this public */ -enum ifblock_type { - IFBLOCK_IF = 1, - IFBLOCK_ELSE, - IFBLOCK_ENDIF -}; +enum ifblock_type { IFBLOCK_IF = 1, IFBLOCK_ELSE, IFBLOCK_ENDIF }; /* linked list of ifblock objects, building a stack * only used internally, so no need to make this public */ struct ifblock_stack_obj { - enum ifblock_type type; - struct text_object *obj; - struct ifblock_stack_obj *next; + enum ifblock_type type; + struct text_object *obj; + struct ifblock_stack_obj *next; }; /* push an ifblock object onto the stack @@ -133,72 +120,64 @@ struct ifblock_stack_obj { * any optional IFBLOCK_ELSE along with it's IFBLOCK_IF */ static int push_ifblock(struct ifblock_stack_obj **ifblock_stack_top, - struct text_object *obj, enum ifblock_type type) -{ - struct ifblock_stack_obj *stackobj; + struct text_object *obj, enum ifblock_type type) { + struct ifblock_stack_obj *stackobj; - switch (type) { - case IFBLOCK_ENDIF: - if (!(*ifblock_stack_top)) - CRIT_ERR(NULL, NULL, "got an endif without matching if"); - (*ifblock_stack_top)->obj->ifblock_next = obj; - /* if there's some else in between, remove and free it */ - if ((*ifblock_stack_top)->type == IFBLOCK_ELSE) { - stackobj = *ifblock_stack_top; - *ifblock_stack_top = stackobj->next; - free(stackobj); - } - /* finally remove and free the if object */ - stackobj = *ifblock_stack_top; - *ifblock_stack_top = stackobj->next; - free(stackobj); - break; - case IFBLOCK_ELSE: - if (!(*ifblock_stack_top)) - CRIT_ERR(NULL, NULL, "got an else without matching if"); - (*ifblock_stack_top)->obj->ifblock_next = obj; - /* fall through */ - case IFBLOCK_IF: - stackobj = (ifblock_stack_obj*) malloc(sizeof(struct ifblock_stack_obj)); - stackobj->type = type; - stackobj->obj = obj; - stackobj->next = *ifblock_stack_top; - *ifblock_stack_top = stackobj; - break; - default: - CRIT_ERR(NULL, NULL, "push_ifblock() missuse detected!"); - } - return 0; + switch (type) { + case IFBLOCK_ENDIF: + if (!(*ifblock_stack_top)) + CRIT_ERR(NULL, NULL, "got an endif without matching if"); + (*ifblock_stack_top)->obj->ifblock_next = obj; + /* if there's some else in between, remove and free it */ + if ((*ifblock_stack_top)->type == IFBLOCK_ELSE) { + stackobj = *ifblock_stack_top; + *ifblock_stack_top = stackobj->next; + free(stackobj); + } + /* finally remove and free the if object */ + stackobj = *ifblock_stack_top; + *ifblock_stack_top = stackobj->next; + free(stackobj); + break; + case IFBLOCK_ELSE: + if (!(*ifblock_stack_top)) + CRIT_ERR(NULL, NULL, "got an else without matching if"); + (*ifblock_stack_top)->obj->ifblock_next = obj; + /* fall through */ + case IFBLOCK_IF: + stackobj = (ifblock_stack_obj *)malloc(sizeof(struct ifblock_stack_obj)); + stackobj->type = type; + stackobj->obj = obj; + stackobj->next = *ifblock_stack_top; + *ifblock_stack_top = stackobj; + break; + default: + CRIT_ERR(NULL, NULL, "push_ifblock() missuse detected!"); + } + return 0; } /* public functions for client use */ -int obj_be_ifblock_if(void **opaque, struct text_object *obj) -{ - return push_ifblock((struct ifblock_stack_obj **)opaque, obj, IFBLOCK_IF); +int obj_be_ifblock_if(void **opaque, struct text_object *obj) { + return push_ifblock((struct ifblock_stack_obj **)opaque, obj, IFBLOCK_IF); } -int obj_be_ifblock_else(void **opaque, struct text_object *obj) -{ - return push_ifblock((struct ifblock_stack_obj **)opaque, obj, IFBLOCK_ELSE); +int obj_be_ifblock_else(void **opaque, struct text_object *obj) { + return push_ifblock((struct ifblock_stack_obj **)opaque, obj, IFBLOCK_ELSE); } -int obj_be_ifblock_endif(void **opaque, struct text_object *obj) -{ - return push_ifblock((struct ifblock_stack_obj **)opaque, obj, IFBLOCK_ENDIF); +int obj_be_ifblock_endif(void **opaque, struct text_object *obj) { + return push_ifblock((struct ifblock_stack_obj **)opaque, obj, IFBLOCK_ENDIF); } /* check if ifblock stack is empty * if so, return true (!= 0) */ -int ifblock_stack_empty(void **opaque) -{ - return *opaque == NULL; -} +int ifblock_stack_empty(void **opaque) { return *opaque == NULL; } -void obj_be_plain_text(struct text_object *obj, const char *text) -{ - obj->data.s = strdup(text); +void obj_be_plain_text(struct text_object *obj, const char *text) { + obj->data.s = strdup(text); - memset(&obj->callbacks, 0, sizeof(obj->callbacks)); - obj->callbacks.print = &gen_print_obj_data_s; - obj->callbacks.free = &gen_free_opaque; + memset(&obj->callbacks, 0, sizeof(obj->callbacks)); + obj->callbacks.print = &gen_print_obj_data_s; + obj->callbacks.free = &gen_free_opaque; } diff --git a/src/text_object.h b/src/text_object.h index 9aa2924e..ec211e44 100644 --- a/src/text_object.h +++ b/src/text_object.h @@ -1,4 +1,4 @@ -/* -*- mode: c; c-basic-offset: 4; tab-width: 4; indent-tabs-mode: t -*- +/* * * Conky, a system monitor, based on torsmo * @@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ * Please see COPYING for details * * Copyright (c) 2004, Hannu Saransaari and Lauri Hakkarainen - * Copyright (c) 2005-2012 Brenden Matthews, Philip Kovacs, et. al. + * Copyright (c) 2005-2018 Brenden Matthews, Philip Kovacs, et. al. * (see AUTHORS) * All rights reserved. * @@ -29,35 +29,34 @@ #ifndef _TEXT_OBJECT_H #define _TEXT_OBJECT_H -#include /* uint8_t */ -#include "config.h" /* for the defines */ -#include "specials.h" /* enum special_types */ -#include "update-cb.hh" +#include /* uint8_t */ +#include "config.h" /* for the defines */ #include "exec.h" +#include "specials.h" /* enum special_types */ /* text object callbacks */ struct obj_cb { - /* text object: print obj's output to p */ - void (*print)(struct text_object *obj, char *p, int p_max_size); + /* text object: print obj's output to p */ + void (*print)(struct text_object *obj, char *p, int p_max_size); - /* ifblock object: return zero to trigger jumping */ - int (*iftest)(struct text_object *obj); + /* ifblock object: return zero to trigger jumping */ + int (*iftest)(struct text_object *obj); - /* meter objects: - * The following functions return the current meter-type value - * in a range between 0 and the value passed to the appropriate - * scan_* function. Or, if named function has been called with - * a value of 0, make use of auto-scaling (i.e., scaling to the - * maximum value seen so far). */ - double (*barval)(struct text_object *obj); - double (*gaugeval)(struct text_object *obj); - double (*graphval)(struct text_object *obj); + /* meter objects: + * The following functions return the current meter-type value + * in a range between 0 and the value passed to the appropriate + * scan_* function. Or, if named function has been called with + * a value of 0, make use of auto-scaling (i.e., scaling to the + * maximum value seen so far). */ + double (*barval)(struct text_object *obj); + double (*gaugeval)(struct text_object *obj); + double (*graphval)(struct text_object *obj); - /* percentage object: return value in range [0, 100] */ - uint8_t (*percentage)(struct text_object *obj); + /* percentage object: return value in range [0, 100] */ + uint8_t (*percentage)(struct text_object *obj); - /* free obj's data */ - void (*free)(struct text_object *obj); + /* free obj's data */ + void (*free)(struct text_object *obj); }; /* generic free opaque callback @@ -76,55 +75,55 @@ void gen_print_nothing(struct text_object *, char *, int); * used by the $text object */ void gen_print_obj_data_s(struct text_object *, char *, int); -class legacy_cb: public conky::callback { - typedef conky::callback Base; +class legacy_cb : public conky::callback { + typedef conky::callback Base; -protected: - virtual void work() - { std::get<0>(tuple)(); } + protected: + virtual void work() { std::get<0>(tuple)(); } -public: - legacy_cb(uint32_t period, int (*fn)()) - : Base(period, true, Base::Tuple(fn)) - {} + public: + legacy_cb(uint32_t period, int (*fn)()) + : Base(period, true, Base::Tuple(fn)) {} }; typedef conky::callback_handle legacy_cb_handle; typedef conky::callback_handle exec_cb_handle; /** - * This is where Conky collects information on the conky.text objects in your config + * This is where Conky collects information on the conky.text objects in your + * config * - * During startup and reload, objects are parsed and callbacks are set. Note that - * there are currently two types of callback: obj_cb (old style) and - * conky::callback (new style). On each update interval, generate_text_internal() - * in conky.cc traverses the list of text_objects and calls the old callbacks. - * The new style callbacks are run separately by conky::run_all_callbacks(). + * During startup and reload, objects are parsed and callbacks are set. Note + * that there are currently two types of callback: obj_cb (old style) and + * conky::callback (new style). On each update interval, + * generate_text_internal() in conky.cc traverses the list of text_objects and + * calls the old callbacks. The new style callbacks are run separately by + * conky::run_all_callbacks(). */ struct text_object { - struct text_object *next, *prev; /* doubly linked list of text objects */ - struct text_object *sub; /* for objects parsing text into objects */ - struct text_object *ifblock_next; /* jump target for ifblock objects */ + struct text_object *next, *prev; /* doubly linked list of text objects */ + struct text_object *sub; /* for objects parsing text into objects */ + struct text_object *ifblock_next; /* jump target for ifblock objects */ - union { - void *opaque; /* new style generic per object data */ - char *s; /* some string */ - int i; /* some integer */ - long l; /* some long integer */ - } data; + union { + void *opaque; /* new style generic per object data */ + char *s; /* some string */ + int i; /* some integer */ + long l; /* some long integer */ + } data; - void *special_data; - long line; - bool parse; /* if true then data.s should still be parsed */ - bool thread; /* if true then data.s should be set by a seperate thread */ + void *special_data; + long line; + bool parse; /* if true then data.s should still be parsed */ + bool thread; /* if true then data.s should be set by a seperate thread */ - struct obj_cb callbacks; + struct obj_cb callbacks; - /* Each _cb_handle is a std::shared_ptr with very tight restrictions on - * construction. For now, it is necessary to store them here as regular - * pointers so we can instantiate them later. */ - exec_cb_handle *exec_handle; - legacy_cb_handle *cb_handle; + /* Each _cb_handle is a std::shared_ptr with very tight restrictions on + * construction. For now, it is necessary to store them here as regular + * pointers so we can instantiate them later. */ + exec_cb_handle *exec_handle; + legacy_cb_handle *cb_handle; }; /* text object list helpers */ diff --git a/src/timeinfo.cc b/src/timeinfo.cc index 30054268..b9563404 100644 --- a/src/timeinfo.cc +++ b/src/timeinfo.cc @@ -1,5 +1,4 @@ -/* -*- mode: c++; c-basic-offset: 4; tab-width: 4; indent-tabs-mode: t -*- - * vim: ts=4 sw=4 noet ai cindent syntax=cpp +/* * * Conky, a system monitor, based on torsmo * @@ -10,7 +9,7 @@ * Please see COPYING for details * * Copyright (c) 2004, Hannu Saransaari and Lauri Hakkarainen - * Copyright (c) 2005-2012 Brenden Matthews, Philip Kovacs, et. al. + * Copyright (c) 2005-2018 Brenden Matthews, Philip Kovacs, et. al. * (see AUTHORS) * All rights reserved. * @@ -32,115 +31,105 @@ #include "timeinfo.h" -#include "conky.h" -#include "text_object.h" +#include #include #include #include -#include +#include "conky.h" #include "logging.h" +#include "text_object.h" #include struct tztime_s { - char *tz; /* timezone variable */ - char *fmt; /* time display formatting */ + char *tz; /* timezone variable */ + char *fmt; /* time display formatting */ }; -conky::simple_config_setting times_in_seconds("times_in_seconds", false, false); +conky::simple_config_setting times_in_seconds("times_in_seconds", false, + false); -void scan_time(struct text_object *obj, const char *arg) -{ - obj->data.opaque = strndup(arg ? arg : "%F %T", text_buffer_size.get(*state)); +void scan_time(struct text_object *obj, const char *arg) { + obj->data.opaque = strndup(arg ? arg : "%F %T", text_buffer_size.get(*state)); } -void scan_tztime(struct text_object *obj, const char *arg) -{ - char buf1[256], buf2[256], *fmt, *tz; - struct tztime_s *ts; +void scan_tztime(struct text_object *obj, const char *arg) { + char buf1[256], buf2[256], *fmt, *tz; + struct tztime_s *ts; - fmt = tz = NULL; - if (arg) { - int nArgs = sscanf(arg, "%255s %255[^\n]", buf1, buf2); + fmt = tz = NULL; + if (arg) { + int nArgs = sscanf(arg, "%255s %255[^\n]", buf1, buf2); - switch (nArgs) { - case 2: - fmt = buf2; - case 1: - tz = buf1; - } - } + switch (nArgs) { + case 2: + fmt = buf2; + case 1: + tz = buf1; + } + } - ts = (tztime_s*) malloc(sizeof(struct tztime_s)); - memset(ts, 0, sizeof(struct tztime_s)); - ts->fmt = strndup(fmt ? fmt : "%F %T", text_buffer_size.get(*state)); - ts->tz = tz ? strndup(tz, text_buffer_size.get(*state)) : NULL; - obj->data.opaque = ts; + ts = (tztime_s *)malloc(sizeof(struct tztime_s)); + memset(ts, 0, sizeof(struct tztime_s)); + ts->fmt = strndup(fmt ? fmt : "%F %T", text_buffer_size.get(*state)); + ts->tz = tz ? strndup(tz, text_buffer_size.get(*state)) : NULL; + obj->data.opaque = ts; } -void print_time(struct text_object *obj, char *p, int p_max_size) -{ - time_t t = time(NULL); - struct tm *tm = localtime(&t); +void print_time(struct text_object *obj, char *p, int p_max_size) { + time_t t = time(NULL); + struct tm *tm = localtime(&t); - setlocale(LC_TIME, ""); - strftime(p, p_max_size, (char *)obj->data.opaque, tm); + setlocale(LC_TIME, ""); + strftime(p, p_max_size, (char *)obj->data.opaque, tm); } -void print_utime(struct text_object *obj, char *p, int p_max_size) -{ - time_t t = time(NULL); - struct tm *tm = gmtime(&t); +void print_utime(struct text_object *obj, char *p, int p_max_size) { + time_t t = time(NULL); + struct tm *tm = gmtime(&t); - setlocale(LC_TIME, ""); - strftime(p, p_max_size, (char *)obj->data.opaque, tm); + setlocale(LC_TIME, ""); + strftime(p, p_max_size, (char *)obj->data.opaque, tm); } -void print_tztime(struct text_object *obj, char *p, int p_max_size) -{ - char *oldTZ = NULL; - time_t t; - struct tm *tm; - struct tztime_s *ts = (tztime_s*) obj->data.opaque; +void print_tztime(struct text_object *obj, char *p, int p_max_size) { + char *oldTZ = NULL; + time_t t; + struct tm *tm; + struct tztime_s *ts = (tztime_s *)obj->data.opaque; - if (!ts) - return; + if (!ts) return; - if (ts->tz) { - oldTZ = getenv("TZ"); - setenv("TZ", ts->tz, 1); - tzset(); - } - t = time(NULL); - tm = localtime(&t); + if (ts->tz) { + oldTZ = getenv("TZ"); + setenv("TZ", ts->tz, 1); + tzset(); + } + t = time(NULL); + tm = localtime(&t); - setlocale(LC_TIME, ""); - strftime(p, p_max_size, ts->fmt, tm); - if (oldTZ) { - setenv("TZ", oldTZ, 1); - tzset(); - } else { - unsetenv("TZ"); - } - // Needless to free oldTZ since getenv gives ptr to static data + setlocale(LC_TIME, ""); + strftime(p, p_max_size, ts->fmt, tm); + if (oldTZ) { + setenv("TZ", oldTZ, 1); + tzset(); + } else { + unsetenv("TZ"); + } + // Needless to free oldTZ since getenv gives ptr to static data } -void free_time(struct text_object *obj) -{ - free_and_zero(obj->data.opaque); -} +void free_time(struct text_object *obj) { free_and_zero(obj->data.opaque); } -void free_tztime(struct text_object *obj) -{ - struct tztime_s *ts = (tztime_s*) obj->data.opaque; +void free_tztime(struct text_object *obj) { + struct tztime_s *ts = (tztime_s *)obj->data.opaque; - if (!ts) - return; + if (!ts) return; - free_and_zero(ts->tz); - free_and_zero(ts->fmt); + free_and_zero(ts->tz); + free_and_zero(ts->fmt); - free_and_zero(obj->data.opaque); + free_and_zero(obj->data.opaque); } /* a safer asprintf() @@ -148,173 +137,182 @@ void free_tztime(struct text_object *obj) * - exit conky on memory allocation failure * - XXX: no return value at all, otherwise this * could be used globally */ -#define safe_asprintf(bufp, ...) { \ - int __v; \ - if ((__v = asprintf(bufp, __VA_ARGS__)) == -1) { \ - fprintf(stderr, "%s: memory allocation failed\n", __func__); \ - exit(__v); \ - } \ +#define safe_asprintf(bufp, ...) \ + { \ + int __v; \ + if ((__v = asprintf(bufp, __VA_ARGS__)) == -1) { \ + fprintf(stderr, "%s: memory allocation failed\n", __func__); \ + exit(__v); \ + } \ + } + +// all chars after the ending " and between the seconds and the starting " are +// silently ignored, this is wanted behavior, not a bug, so don't "fix" this. +static void do_format_time(struct text_object *obj, char *p, + unsigned int p_max_size) { + double seconds; + char *currentchar, *temp; + unsigned int output_length = 0; + int minutes, hours, days, weeks; + char show_minutes = 0, show_hours = 0, show_days = 0, show_weeks = 0, + hidestring; + + if (not times_in_seconds.get(*state)) { + NORM_ERR("Enable \"times_in_seconds\" to use $format_time"); + return; + } + + errno = 0; + seconds = strtod(obj->data.s, ¤tchar); + if (errno == 0 && obj->data.s != currentchar) { + while (*currentchar != 0 && *currentchar != '"') { + currentchar++; + } + if (*currentchar != 0) { + currentchar++; + minutes = seconds / 60; + seconds -= minutes * 60; + hours = minutes / 60; + minutes %= 60; + days = hours / 24; + hours %= 24; + weeks = days / 7; + days %= 7; + for (temp = currentchar; *temp != 0 && *temp != '"'; temp++) { + if (*temp == '\\') { + switch (*(temp + 1)) { + case '\\': + temp++; + break; + case 'w': + show_weeks = 1; + break; + case 'd': + show_days = 1; + break; + case 'h': + show_hours = 1; + break; + case 'm': + show_minutes = 1; + break; + } + } + } + if (show_weeks == 0) days += weeks * 7; + if (show_days == 0) hours += days * 24; + if (show_hours == 0) minutes += hours * 60; + if (show_minutes == 0) seconds += minutes * 60; + hidestring = 0; + while (output_length < p_max_size - 1) { + if (*currentchar != 0 && *currentchar != '"') { + temp = NULL; + if (*currentchar == '\\' && hidestring == 0) { + currentchar++; + switch (*currentchar) { + case 'w': + safe_asprintf(&temp, "%d", weeks); + break; + case 'd': + safe_asprintf(&temp, "%d", days); + break; + case 'h': + safe_asprintf(&temp, "%d", hours); + break; + case 'm': + safe_asprintf(&temp, "%d", minutes); + break; + case 's': + safe_asprintf(&temp, "%d", (int)seconds); + break; + case 'S': + currentchar++; + if (*currentchar >= '0' && *currentchar <= '9') { + safe_asprintf(&temp, "%.*f", (*currentchar) - '0', seconds); + } else if (*currentchar == 'x') { + if (seconds == (int)seconds) { + safe_asprintf(&temp, "%d", (int)seconds); + } else { + safe_asprintf(&temp, "%.9f", seconds); + while (*(temp + strlen(temp) - 1) == '0' || + *(temp + strlen(temp) - 1) == '.') { + *(temp + strlen(temp) - 1) = 0; + } + } + } else { + currentchar--; + NORM_ERR( + "$format_time needs a digit behind 'S' to specify " + "precision"); + } + break; + case '\\': + case '(': + case ')': + p[output_length] = *currentchar; + output_length++; + break; + default: + NORM_ERR("$format_time doesn't have a special char '%c'", + *currentchar); + } + } else if (*currentchar == '(') { + for (temp = currentchar + 1; *temp != 0 && *temp != ')'; temp++) { + if (*(temp - 1) == '\\') { + switch (*temp) { + case 'w': + if (weeks == 0) hidestring = 1; + break; + case 'd': + if (days == 0) hidestring = 1; + break; + case 'h': + if (hours == 0) hidestring = 1; + break; + case 'm': + if (minutes == 0) hidestring = 1; + break; + case 's': + case 'S': + if (seconds == 0) hidestring = 1; + break; + } + } + } + temp = NULL; + } else if (*currentchar == ')') { + hidestring = 0; + } else if (hidestring == 0) { + p[output_length] = *currentchar; + output_length++; + } + if (temp) { + if (output_length + strlen(temp) < p_max_size - 1) { + strcpy(p + output_length, temp); + output_length += strlen(temp); + } else + NORM_ERR("The format string for $format_time is too long"); + free(temp); + } + currentchar++; + } else + break; + } + p[output_length] = 0; + } else { + NORM_ERR( + "$format_time needs a output-format starting with a \"-char as 2nd " + "argument"); + } + } else { + NORM_ERR("$format_time didn't receive a time in seconds as first argument"); + } } -//all chars after the ending " and between the seconds and the starting " are silently -//ignored, this is wanted behavior, not a bug, so don't "fix" this. -static void do_format_time(struct text_object *obj, char *p, unsigned int p_max_size) { - double seconds; - char *currentchar, *temp; - unsigned int output_length = 0; - int minutes, hours, days, weeks; - char show_minutes = 0, show_hours = 0, show_days = 0, show_weeks = 0, hidestring; +void print_format_time(struct text_object *obj, char *p, int p_max_size) { + std::unique_ptr buf(new char[max_user_text.get(*state)]); - if (not times_in_seconds.get(*state)) { - NORM_ERR("Enable \"times_in_seconds\" to use $format_time"); - return; - } - - errno = 0; - seconds = strtod(obj->data.s, ¤tchar); - if(errno == 0 && obj->data.s != currentchar) { - while(*currentchar != 0 && *currentchar != '"') { - currentchar++; - } - if(*currentchar != 0) { - currentchar++; - minutes = seconds / 60; - seconds -= minutes * 60; - hours = minutes / 60; - minutes %= 60; - days = hours / 24; - hours %= 24; - weeks = days / 7; - days %= 7; - for(temp = currentchar; *temp != 0 && *temp != '"'; temp++) { - if(*temp=='\\') { - switch(*(temp+1)) { - case '\\': - temp++; - break; - case 'w': - show_weeks = 1; - break; - case 'd': - show_days = 1; - break; - case 'h': - show_hours = 1; - break; - case 'm': - show_minutes = 1; - break; - } - } - } - if(show_weeks == 0) days += weeks * 7; - if(show_days == 0) hours += days * 24; - if(show_hours == 0) minutes += hours * 60; - if(show_minutes == 0) seconds += minutes * 60; - hidestring = 0; - while(output_length < p_max_size - 1) { - if(*currentchar != 0 && *currentchar != '"') { - temp = NULL; - if(*currentchar == '\\' && hidestring == 0) { - currentchar++; - switch(*currentchar){ - case 'w': - safe_asprintf(&temp, "%d", weeks); - break; - case 'd': - safe_asprintf(&temp, "%d", days); - break; - case 'h': - safe_asprintf(&temp, "%d", hours); - break; - case 'm': - safe_asprintf(&temp, "%d", minutes); - break; - case 's': - safe_asprintf(&temp, "%d", (int) seconds); - break; - case 'S': - currentchar++; - if(*currentchar >= '0' && *currentchar <= '9') { - safe_asprintf(&temp, "%.*f", (*currentchar) - '0', seconds); - } else if(*currentchar == 'x') { - if(seconds == (int) seconds ) { - safe_asprintf(&temp, "%d", (int) seconds); - } else { - safe_asprintf(&temp, "%.9f", seconds); - while(*(temp + strlen(temp) - 1) == '0' || *(temp + strlen(temp) - 1) == '.') { - *(temp + strlen(temp) - 1) = 0; - } - } - }else{ - currentchar--; - NORM_ERR("$format_time needs a digit behind 'S' to specify precision"); - } - break; - case '\\': - case '(': - case ')': - p[output_length] = *currentchar; - output_length++; - break; - default: - NORM_ERR("$format_time doesn't have a special char '%c'", *currentchar); - } - } else if(*currentchar == '(') { - for(temp = currentchar + 1; *temp != 0 && *temp != ')'; temp++) { - if(*(temp-1) == '\\') { - switch(*temp) { - case 'w': - if(weeks == 0) hidestring = 1; - break; - case 'd': - if(days == 0) hidestring = 1; - break; - case 'h': - if(hours == 0) hidestring = 1; - break; - case 'm': - if(minutes == 0) hidestring = 1; - break; - case 's': - case 'S': - if(seconds == 0) hidestring = 1; - break; - } - } - } - temp = NULL; - } else if(*currentchar == ')') { - hidestring = 0; - } else if(hidestring == 0) { - p[output_length] = *currentchar; - output_length++; - } - if(temp) { - if(output_length + strlen(temp) < p_max_size - 1) { - strcpy(p + output_length, temp); - output_length += strlen(temp); - } else NORM_ERR("The format string for $format_time is too long"); - free(temp); - } - currentchar++; - } else break; - } - p[output_length] = 0; - } else { - NORM_ERR("$format_time needs a output-format starting with a \"-char as 2nd argument"); - } - } else { - NORM_ERR("$format_time didn't receive a time in seconds as first argument"); - } + generate_text_internal(buf.get(), max_user_text.get(*state), *obj->sub); + obj->data.s = buf.get(); + do_format_time(obj, p, p_max_size); } - -void print_format_time(struct text_object *obj, char *p, int p_max_size) -{ - std::unique_ptr buf(new char[max_user_text.get(*state)]); - - generate_text_internal(buf.get(), max_user_text.get(*state), *obj->sub); - obj->data.s = buf.get(); - do_format_time(obj, p, p_max_size); -} - diff --git a/src/timeinfo.h b/src/timeinfo.h index 177247db..3f141751 100644 --- a/src/timeinfo.h +++ b/src/timeinfo.h @@ -1,5 +1,4 @@ -/* -*- mode: c; c-basic-offset: 4; tab-width: 4; indent-tabs-mode: t -*- - * vim: ts=4 sw=4 noet ai cindent syntax=c +/* * * Conky, a system monitor, based on torsmo * @@ -10,7 +9,7 @@ * Please see COPYING for details * * Copyright (c) 2004, Hannu Saransaari and Lauri Hakkarainen - * Copyright (c) 2005-2012 Brenden Matthews, Philip Kovacs, et. al. + * Copyright (c) 2005-2018 Brenden Matthews, Philip Kovacs, et. al. * (see AUTHORS) * All rights reserved. * diff --git a/src/top.cc b/src/top.cc index 3217c1ac..9f082f53 100644 --- a/src/top.cc +++ b/src/top.cc @@ -1,5 +1,4 @@ -/* -*- mode: c++; c-basic-offset: 4; tab-width: 4; indent-tabs-mode: t -*- - * vim: ts=4 sw=4 noet ai cindent syntax=cpp +/* * * Conky, a system monitor, based on torsmo * @@ -11,7 +10,7 @@ * * Copyright (c) 2005 Adi Zaimi, Dan Piponi , * Dave Clark - * Copyright (c) 2005-2012 Brenden Matthews, Philip Kovacs, et. al. + * Copyright (c) 2005-2018 Brenden Matthews, Philip Kovacs, et. al. * (see AUTHORS) * All rights reserved. * @@ -29,9 +28,9 @@ * */ -#include "prioqueue.h" #include "top.h" #include "logging.h" +#include "prioqueue.h" /* hash table size - always a power of 2 */ #define HTABSIZE 256 @@ -42,166 +41,155 @@ unsigned long g_time = 0; /* a simple hash table to speed up find_process() */ struct proc_hash_entry { - struct proc_hash_entry *next; - struct process *proc; + struct proc_hash_entry *next; + struct process *proc; }; static struct proc_hash_entry proc_hash_table[HTABSIZE]; -static void hash_process(struct process *p) -{ - struct proc_hash_entry *phe; - static char first_run = 1; - int bucket; +static void hash_process(struct process *p) { + struct proc_hash_entry *phe; + static char first_run = 1; + int bucket; - /* better make sure all next pointers are zero upon first access */ - if (first_run) { - memset(proc_hash_table, 0, sizeof(struct proc_hash_entry) * HTABSIZE); - first_run = 0; - } + /* better make sure all next pointers are zero upon first access */ + if (first_run) { + memset(proc_hash_table, 0, sizeof(struct proc_hash_entry) * HTABSIZE); + first_run = 0; + } - /* get the bucket index */ - bucket = p->pid & (HTABSIZE - 1); + /* get the bucket index */ + bucket = p->pid & (HTABSIZE - 1); - /* insert a new element on bucket's top */ - phe = (struct proc_hash_entry *)malloc(sizeof(struct proc_hash_entry)); - phe->proc = p; - phe->next = proc_hash_table[bucket].next; - proc_hash_table[bucket].next = phe; + /* insert a new element on bucket's top */ + phe = (struct proc_hash_entry *)malloc(sizeof(struct proc_hash_entry)); + phe->proc = p; + phe->next = proc_hash_table[bucket].next; + proc_hash_table[bucket].next = phe; } -static void unhash_process(struct process *p) -{ - struct proc_hash_entry *phe, *tmp; +static void unhash_process(struct process *p) { + struct proc_hash_entry *phe, *tmp; - /* get the bucket head */ - phe = &proc_hash_table[p->pid & (HTABSIZE - 1)]; - /* find the entry pointing to p and drop it */ - while (phe->next) { - if (phe->next->proc == p) { - tmp = phe->next; - phe->next = phe->next->next; - free(tmp); - return; - } - phe = phe->next; - } + /* get the bucket head */ + phe = &proc_hash_table[p->pid & (HTABSIZE - 1)]; + /* find the entry pointing to p and drop it */ + while (phe->next) { + if (phe->next->proc == p) { + tmp = phe->next; + phe->next = phe->next->next; + free(tmp); + return; + } + phe = phe->next; + } } -static void __unhash_all_processes(struct proc_hash_entry *phe) -{ - if (phe->next) - __unhash_all_processes(phe->next); - free(phe->next); +static void __unhash_all_processes(struct proc_hash_entry *phe) { + if (phe->next) __unhash_all_processes(phe->next); + free(phe->next); } -static void unhash_all_processes(void) -{ - int i; +static void unhash_all_processes(void) { + int i; - for (i = 0; i < HTABSIZE; i++) { - __unhash_all_processes(&proc_hash_table[i]); - proc_hash_table[i].next = NULL; - } + for (i = 0; i < HTABSIZE; i++) { + __unhash_all_processes(&proc_hash_table[i]); + proc_hash_table[i].next = NULL; + } } -struct process *get_first_process(void) -{ - return first_process; +struct process *get_first_process(void) { + return first_process; } -void free_all_processes(void) -{ - struct process *next = NULL, *pr = first_process; +void free_all_processes(void) { + struct process *next = NULL, *pr = first_process; - while (pr) { - next = pr->next; - free_and_zero(pr->name); - free_and_zero(pr->basename); - free(pr); - pr = next; - } - first_process = NULL; + while (pr) { + next = pr->next; + free_and_zero(pr->name); + free_and_zero(pr->basename); + free(pr); + pr = next; + } + first_process = NULL; - /* drop the whole hash table */ - unhash_all_processes(); + /* drop the whole hash table */ + unhash_all_processes(); } -struct process *get_process_by_name(const char *name) -{ - struct process *p = first_process; +struct process *get_process_by_name(const char *name) { + struct process *p = first_process; - while (p) { - /* Try matching against the full command line first. If that fails, - * fall back to the basename. - */ - if ((p->name && !strcmp(p->name, name)) || (p->basename && !strcmp(p->basename, name))) - return p; - p = p->next; - } - return 0; + while (p) { + /* Try matching against the full command line first. If that fails, + * fall back to the basename. + */ + if ((p->name && !strcmp(p->name, name)) || + (p->basename && !strcmp(p->basename, name))) + return p; + p = p->next; + } + return 0; } -static struct process *find_process(pid_t pid) -{ - struct proc_hash_entry *phe; +static struct process *find_process(pid_t pid) { + struct proc_hash_entry *phe; - phe = &proc_hash_table[pid & (HTABSIZE - 1)]; - while (phe->next) { - if (phe->next->proc->pid == pid) - return phe->next->proc; - phe = phe->next; - } - return NULL; + phe = &proc_hash_table[pid & (HTABSIZE - 1)]; + while (phe->next) { + if (phe->next->proc->pid == pid) return phe->next->proc; + phe = phe->next; + } + return NULL; } -static struct process *new_process(pid_t pid) -{ - struct process *p = (struct process *) malloc(sizeof(struct process)); +static struct process *new_process(pid_t pid) { + struct process *p = (struct process *)malloc(sizeof(struct process)); - /* Do stitching necessary for doubly linked list */ - p->previous = NULL; - p->next = first_process; - if (p->next) { - p->next->previous = p; - } - first_process = p; + /* Do stitching necessary for doubly linked list */ + p->previous = NULL; + p->next = first_process; + if (p->next) { + p->next->previous = p; + } + first_process = p; - p->pid = pid; - p->name = 0; - p->basename = 0; - p->amount = 0; - p->user_time = 0; - p->total = 0; - p->kernel_time = 0; - p->previous_user_time = ULONG_MAX; - p->previous_kernel_time = ULONG_MAX; - p->total_cpu_time = 0; - p->vsize = 0; - p->rss = 0; + p->pid = pid; + p->name = 0; + p->basename = 0; + p->amount = 0; + p->user_time = 0; + p->total = 0; + p->kernel_time = 0; + p->previous_user_time = ULONG_MAX; + p->previous_kernel_time = ULONG_MAX; + p->total_cpu_time = 0; + p->vsize = 0; + p->rss = 0; #ifdef BUILD_IOSTATS - p->read_bytes = 0; - p->previous_read_bytes = ULLONG_MAX; - p->write_bytes = 0; - p->previous_write_bytes = ULLONG_MAX; - p->io_perc = 0; + p->read_bytes = 0; + p->previous_read_bytes = ULLONG_MAX; + p->write_bytes = 0; + p->previous_write_bytes = ULLONG_MAX; + p->io_perc = 0; #endif /* BUILD_IOSTATS */ - p->time_stamp = 0; - p->counted = 1; - p->changed = 0; + p->time_stamp = 0; + p->counted = 1; + p->changed = 0; - /* process_find_name(p); */ + /* process_find_name(p); */ - /* add the process to the hash table */ - hash_process(p); + /* add the process to the hash table */ + hash_process(p); - return p; + return p; } /* Get / create a new process object and insert it into the process list */ -struct process *get_process(pid_t pid) -{ - struct process *p = find_process(pid); - return p ? p : new_process(pid); +struct process *get_process(pid_t pid) { + struct process *p = find_process(pid); + return p ? p : new_process(pid); } /****************************************** @@ -212,56 +200,52 @@ struct process *get_process(pid_t pid) * Destroy and remove a process * ******************************************/ -static void delete_process(struct process *p) -{ +static void delete_process(struct process *p) { #if defined(PARANOID) - assert(p->id == 0x0badfeed); + assert(p->id == 0x0badfeed); - /* - * Ensure that deleted processes aren't reused. - */ - p->id = 0x007babe; + /* + * Ensure that deleted processes aren't reused. + */ + p->id = 0x007babe; #endif /* defined(PARANOID) */ - /* - * Maintain doubly linked list. - */ - if (p->next) - p->next->previous = p->previous; - if (p->previous) - p->previous->next = p->next; - else - first_process = p->next; + /* + * Maintain doubly linked list. + */ + if (p->next) p->next->previous = p->previous; + if (p->previous) + p->previous->next = p->next; + else + first_process = p->next; - free_and_zero(p->name); - free_and_zero(p->basename); - /* remove the process from the hash table */ - unhash_process(p); - free(p); + free_and_zero(p->name); + free_and_zero(p->basename); + /* remove the process from the hash table */ + unhash_process(p); + free(p); } /****************************************** * Strip dead process entries * ******************************************/ -static void process_cleanup(void) -{ +static void process_cleanup(void) { + struct process *p = first_process; - struct process *p = first_process; - - while (p) { - struct process *current = p; + while (p) { + struct process *current = p; #if defined(PARANOID) - assert(p->id == 0x0badfeed); + assert(p->id == 0x0badfeed); #endif /* defined(PARANOID) */ - p = p->next; - /* Delete processes that have died */ - if (current->time_stamp != g_time) { - delete_process(current); - } - } + p = p->next; + /* Delete processes that have died */ + if (current->time_stamp != g_time) { + delete_process(current); + } + } } /****************************************** @@ -269,60 +253,56 @@ static void process_cleanup(void) ******************************************/ /* cpu comparison function for prio queue */ -static int compare_cpu(void *va, void *vb) -{ - struct process *a = (struct process *)va, *b = (struct process *)vb; +static int compare_cpu(void *va, void *vb) { + struct process *a = (struct process *)va, *b = (struct process *)vb; - if (b->amount > a->amount) { - return 1; - } else if (a->amount > b->amount) { - return -1; - } else { - return 0; - } + if (b->amount > a->amount) { + return 1; + } else if (a->amount > b->amount) { + return -1; + } else { + return 0; + } } /* mem comparison function for prio queue */ -static int compare_mem(void *va, void *vb) -{ - struct process *a = (struct process *)va, *b = (struct process *)vb; +static int compare_mem(void *va, void *vb) { + struct process *a = (struct process *)va, *b = (struct process *)vb; - if (b->rss > a->rss) { - return 1; - } else if (a->rss > b->rss) { - return -1; - } else { - return 0; - } + if (b->rss > a->rss) { + return 1; + } else if (a->rss > b->rss) { + return -1; + } else { + return 0; + } } /* CPU time comparision function for prio queue */ -static int compare_time(void *va, void *vb) -{ - struct process *a = (struct process *)va, *b = (struct process *)vb; +static int compare_time(void *va, void *vb) { + struct process *a = (struct process *)va, *b = (struct process *)vb; - if (b->total_cpu_time > a->total_cpu_time) { - return 1; - } else if (b->total_cpu_time < a->total_cpu_time) { - return -1; - } else { - return 0; - } + if (b->total_cpu_time > a->total_cpu_time) { + return 1; + } else if (b->total_cpu_time < a->total_cpu_time) { + return -1; + } else { + return 0; + } } #ifdef BUILD_IOSTATS /* I/O comparision function for prio queue */ -static int compare_io(void *va, void *vb) -{ - struct process *a = (struct process *)va, *b = (struct process *)vb; +static int compare_io(void *va, void *vb) { + struct process *a = (struct process *)va, *b = (struct process *)vb; - if (b->io_perc > a->io_perc) { - return 1; - } else if (a->io_perc > b->io_perc) { - return -1; - } else { - return 0; - } + if (b->io_perc > a->io_perc) { + return 1; + } else if (a->io_perc > b->io_perc) { + return -1; + } else { + return 0; + } } #endif /* BUILD_IOSTATS */ @@ -332,234 +312,220 @@ static int compare_io(void *va, void *vb) * ****************************************************************** */ static void process_find_top(struct process **cpu, struct process **mem, - struct process **ptime + struct process **ptime #ifdef BUILD_IOSTATS - , struct process **io + , + struct process **io #endif /* BUILD_IOSTATS */ - ) -{ - prio_queue_t cpu_queue, mem_queue, time_queue; +) { + prio_queue_t cpu_queue, mem_queue, time_queue; #ifdef BUILD_IOSTATS - prio_queue_t io_queue; + prio_queue_t io_queue; #endif - struct process *cur_proc = NULL; - int i; + struct process *cur_proc = NULL; + int i; - if (!top_cpu && !top_mem && !top_time + if (!top_cpu && !top_mem && !top_time #ifdef BUILD_IOSTATS - && !top_io + && !top_io #endif /* BUILD_IOSTATS */ - && !top_running - ) { - return; - } + && !top_running) { + return; + } - cpu_queue = init_prio_queue(); - pq_set_compare(cpu_queue, &compare_cpu); - pq_set_max_size(cpu_queue, MAX_SP); + cpu_queue = init_prio_queue(); + pq_set_compare(cpu_queue, &compare_cpu); + pq_set_max_size(cpu_queue, MAX_SP); - mem_queue = init_prio_queue(); - pq_set_compare(mem_queue, &compare_mem); - pq_set_max_size(mem_queue, MAX_SP); + mem_queue = init_prio_queue(); + pq_set_compare(mem_queue, &compare_mem); + pq_set_max_size(mem_queue, MAX_SP); - time_queue = init_prio_queue(); - pq_set_compare(time_queue, &compare_time); - pq_set_max_size(time_queue, MAX_SP); + time_queue = init_prio_queue(); + pq_set_compare(time_queue, &compare_time); + pq_set_max_size(time_queue, MAX_SP); #ifdef BUILD_IOSTATS - io_queue = init_prio_queue(); - pq_set_compare(io_queue, &compare_io); - pq_set_max_size(io_queue, MAX_SP); + io_queue = init_prio_queue(); + pq_set_compare(io_queue, &compare_io); + pq_set_max_size(io_queue, MAX_SP); #endif - /* g_time is the time_stamp entry for process. It is updated when the - * process information is updated to indicate that the process is still - * alive (and must not be removed from the process list in - * process_cleanup()) */ - ++g_time; + /* g_time is the time_stamp entry for process. It is updated when the + * process information is updated to indicate that the process is still + * alive (and must not be removed from the process list in + * process_cleanup()) */ + ++g_time; - /* OS-specific function updating process list */ - get_top_info(); + /* OS-specific function updating process list */ + get_top_info(); - process_cleanup(); /* cleanup list from exited processes */ + process_cleanup(); /* cleanup list from exited processes */ - cur_proc = first_process; + cur_proc = first_process; - while (cur_proc != NULL) { - if (top_cpu) { - insert_prio_elem(cpu_queue, cur_proc); - } - if (top_mem) { - insert_prio_elem(mem_queue, cur_proc); - } - if (top_time) { - insert_prio_elem(time_queue, cur_proc); - } + while (cur_proc != NULL) { + if (top_cpu) { + insert_prio_elem(cpu_queue, cur_proc); + } + if (top_mem) { + insert_prio_elem(mem_queue, cur_proc); + } + if (top_time) { + insert_prio_elem(time_queue, cur_proc); + } #ifdef BUILD_IOSTATS - if (top_io) { - insert_prio_elem(io_queue, cur_proc); - } + if (top_io) { + insert_prio_elem(io_queue, cur_proc); + } #endif /* BUILD_IOSTATS */ - cur_proc = cur_proc->next; - } + cur_proc = cur_proc->next; + } - for (i = 0; i < MAX_SP; i++) { - if (top_cpu) - cpu[i] = (process*)pop_prio_elem(cpu_queue); - if (top_mem) - mem[i] = (process*)pop_prio_elem(mem_queue); - if (top_time) - ptime[i] = (process*)pop_prio_elem(time_queue); + for (i = 0; i < MAX_SP; i++) { + if (top_cpu) cpu[i] = (process *)pop_prio_elem(cpu_queue); + if (top_mem) mem[i] = (process *)pop_prio_elem(mem_queue); + if (top_time) ptime[i] = (process *)pop_prio_elem(time_queue); #ifdef BUILD_IOSTATS - if (top_io) - io[i] = (process*)pop_prio_elem(io_queue); + if (top_io) io[i] = (process *)pop_prio_elem(io_queue); #endif /* BUILD_IOSTATS */ - } - free_prio_queue(cpu_queue); - free_prio_queue(mem_queue); - free_prio_queue(time_queue); + } + free_prio_queue(cpu_queue); + free_prio_queue(mem_queue); + free_prio_queue(time_queue); #ifdef BUILD_IOSTATS - free_prio_queue(io_queue); + free_prio_queue(io_queue); #endif /* BUILD_IOSTATS */ } -int update_top(void) -{ - // XXX: this was a separate callback. and it should be again, as soon as it's possible - update_meminfo(); +int update_top(void) { + // XXX: this was a separate callback. and it should be again, as soon as it's + // possible + update_meminfo(); - process_find_top(info.cpu, info.memu, info.time + process_find_top(info.cpu, info.memu, info.time #ifdef BUILD_IOSTATS - , info.io + , + info.io #endif - ); - info.first_process = get_first_process(); - return 0; + ); + info.first_process = get_first_process(); + return 0; } -static char *format_time(unsigned long timeval, const int width) -{ - char buf[10]; - unsigned long nt; // narrow time, for speed on 32-bit - unsigned cc; // centiseconds - unsigned nn; // multi-purpose whatever +static char *format_time(unsigned long timeval, const int width) { + char buf[10]; + unsigned long nt; // narrow time, for speed on 32-bit + unsigned cc; // centiseconds + unsigned nn; // multi-purpose whatever - nt = timeval; - cc = nt % 100; // centiseconds past second - nt /= 100; // total seconds - nn = nt % 60; // seconds past the minute - nt /= 60; // total minutes - if (width >= snprintf(buf, sizeof buf, "%lu:%02u.%02u", - nt, nn, cc)) { - return strndup(buf, text_buffer_size.get(*state)); - } - if (width >= snprintf(buf, sizeof buf, "%lu:%02u", nt, nn)) { - return strndup(buf, text_buffer_size.get(*state)); - } - nn = nt % 60; // minutes past the hour - nt /= 60; // total hours - if (width >= snprintf(buf, sizeof buf, "%lu,%02u", nt, nn)) { - return strndup(buf, text_buffer_size.get(*state)); - } - nn = nt; // now also hours - if (width >= snprintf(buf, sizeof buf, "%uh", nn)) { - return strndup(buf, text_buffer_size.get(*state)); - } - nn /= 24; // now days - if (width >= snprintf(buf, sizeof buf, "%ud", nn)) { - return strndup(buf, text_buffer_size.get(*state)); - } - nn /= 7; // now weeks - if (width >= snprintf(buf, sizeof buf, "%uw", nn)) { - return strndup(buf, text_buffer_size.get(*state)); - } - // well shoot, this outta' fit... - return strndup("", text_buffer_size.get(*state)); + nt = timeval; + cc = nt % 100; // centiseconds past second + nt /= 100; // total seconds + nn = nt % 60; // seconds past the minute + nt /= 60; // total minutes + if (width >= snprintf(buf, sizeof buf, "%lu:%02u.%02u", nt, nn, cc)) { + return strndup(buf, text_buffer_size.get(*state)); + } + if (width >= snprintf(buf, sizeof buf, "%lu:%02u", nt, nn)) { + return strndup(buf, text_buffer_size.get(*state)); + } + nn = nt % 60; // minutes past the hour + nt /= 60; // total hours + if (width >= snprintf(buf, sizeof buf, "%lu,%02u", nt, nn)) { + return strndup(buf, text_buffer_size.get(*state)); + } + nn = nt; // now also hours + if (width >= snprintf(buf, sizeof buf, "%uh", nn)) { + return strndup(buf, text_buffer_size.get(*state)); + } + nn /= 24; // now days + if (width >= snprintf(buf, sizeof buf, "%ud", nn)) { + return strndup(buf, text_buffer_size.get(*state)); + } + nn /= 7; // now weeks + if (width >= snprintf(buf, sizeof buf, "%uw", nn)) { + return strndup(buf, text_buffer_size.get(*state)); + } + // well shoot, this outta' fit... + return strndup("", text_buffer_size.get(*state)); } struct top_data { - struct process **list; - int num; - int was_parsed; - char *s; + struct process **list; + int num; + int was_parsed; + char *s; }; -static conky::range_config_setting top_name_width("top_name_width", 0, - std::numeric_limits::max(), 15, true); -static conky::simple_config_setting top_name_verbose("top_name_verbose", false, true); +static conky::range_config_setting top_name_width( + "top_name_width", 0, std::numeric_limits::max(), 15, true); +static conky::simple_config_setting top_name_verbose("top_name_verbose", + false, true); -static void print_top_name(struct text_object *obj, char *p, int p_max_size) -{ - struct top_data *td = (struct top_data *)obj->data.opaque; - int width; +static void print_top_name(struct text_object *obj, char *p, int p_max_size) { + struct top_data *td = (struct top_data *)obj->data.opaque; + int width; - if (!td || !td->list || !td->list[td->num]) - return; + if (!td || !td->list || !td->list[td->num]) return; - width = MIN(p_max_size, (int)top_name_width.get(*state) + 1); - if (top_name_verbose.get(*state)) { - /* print the full command line */ - snprintf(p, width + 1, "%-*s", width, td->list[td->num]->name); - } else { - /* print only the basename (i.e. executable name) */ - snprintf(p, width + 1, "%-*s", width, td->list[td->num]->basename); - } + width = MIN(p_max_size, (int)top_name_width.get(*state) + 1); + if (top_name_verbose.get(*state)) { + /* print the full command line */ + snprintf(p, width + 1, "%-*s", width, td->list[td->num]->name); + } else { + /* print only the basename (i.e. executable name) */ + snprintf(p, width + 1, "%-*s", width, td->list[td->num]->basename); + } } -static void print_top_mem(struct text_object *obj, char *p, int p_max_size) -{ - struct top_data *td = (struct top_data *)obj->data.opaque; - int width; +static void print_top_mem(struct text_object *obj, char *p, int p_max_size) { + struct top_data *td = (struct top_data *)obj->data.opaque; + int width; - if (!td || !td->list || !td->list[td->num]) - return; + if (!td || !td->list || !td->list[td->num]) return; - width = MIN(p_max_size, 7); - snprintf(p, width, "%6.2f", (float) ((float)td->list[td->num]->rss / info.memmax) / 10); + width = MIN(p_max_size, 7); + snprintf(p, width, "%6.2f", + (float)((float)td->list[td->num]->rss / info.memmax) / 10); } -static void print_top_time(struct text_object *obj, char *p, int p_max_size) -{ - struct top_data *td = (struct top_data *)obj->data.opaque; - int width; - char *timeval; +static void print_top_time(struct text_object *obj, char *p, int p_max_size) { + struct top_data *td = (struct top_data *)obj->data.opaque; + int width; + char *timeval; - if (!td || !td->list || !td->list[td->num]) - return; + if (!td || !td->list || !td->list[td->num]) return; - width = MIN(p_max_size, 10); - timeval = format_time(td->list[td->num]->total_cpu_time, 9); - snprintf(p, width, "%9s", timeval); - free(timeval); + width = MIN(p_max_size, 10); + timeval = format_time(td->list[td->num]->total_cpu_time, 9); + snprintf(p, width, "%9s", timeval); + free(timeval); } -static void print_top_user(struct text_object *obj, char *p, int p_max_size) -{ - struct top_data *td = (struct top_data *)obj->data.opaque; +static void print_top_user(struct text_object *obj, char *p, int p_max_size) { + struct top_data *td = (struct top_data *)obj->data.opaque; - if (!td || !td->list || !td->list[td->num]) - return; + if (!td || !td->list || !td->list[td->num]) return; - snprintf(p, p_max_size, "%.8s", getpwuid(td->list[td->num]->uid)->pw_name); + snprintf(p, p_max_size, "%.8s", getpwuid(td->list[td->num]->uid)->pw_name); } -#define PRINT_TOP_GENERATOR(name, width, fmt, field) \ -static void print_top_##name(struct text_object *obj, char *p, int p_max_size) \ -{ \ - struct top_data *td = (struct top_data *)obj->data.opaque; \ - if (!td || !td->list || !td->list[td->num]) \ - return; \ - snprintf(p, MIN(p_max_size, width), fmt, td->list[td->num]->field); \ -} +#define PRINT_TOP_GENERATOR(name, width, fmt, field) \ + static void print_top_##name(struct text_object *obj, char *p, \ + int p_max_size) { \ + struct top_data *td = (struct top_data *)obj->data.opaque; \ + if (!td || !td->list || !td->list[td->num]) return; \ + snprintf(p, MIN(p_max_size, width), fmt, td->list[td->num]->field); \ + } -#define PRINT_TOP_HR_GENERATOR(name, field, denom) \ -static void print_top_##name(struct text_object *obj, char *p, int p_max_size) \ -{ \ - struct top_data *td = (struct top_data *)obj->data.opaque; \ - if (!td || !td->list || !td->list[td->num]) \ - return; \ - human_readable(td->list[td->num]->field / denom, p, p_max_size); \ -} +#define PRINT_TOP_HR_GENERATOR(name, field, denom) \ + static void print_top_##name(struct text_object *obj, char *p, \ + int p_max_size) { \ + struct top_data *td = (struct top_data *)obj->data.opaque; \ + if (!td || !td->list || !td->list[td->num]) return; \ + human_readable(td->list[td->num]->field / denom, p, p_max_size); \ + } PRINT_TOP_GENERATOR(cpu, 7, "%6.2f", amount) PRINT_TOP_GENERATOR(pid, 6, "%5i", pid) @@ -572,109 +538,107 @@ PRINT_TOP_HR_GENERATOR(write_bytes, write_bytes, active_update_interval()) PRINT_TOP_GENERATOR(io_perc, 7, "%6.2f", io_perc) #endif /* BUILD_IOSTATS */ -static void free_top(struct text_object *obj) -{ - struct top_data *td = (struct top_data *)obj->data.opaque; +static void free_top(struct text_object *obj) { + struct top_data *td = (struct top_data *)obj->data.opaque; - if (!td) - return; - free_and_zero(td->s); - free_and_zero(obj->data.opaque); + if (!td) return; + free_and_zero(td->s); + free_and_zero(obj->data.opaque); } -int parse_top_args(const char *s, const char *arg, struct text_object *obj) -{ - struct top_data *td; - char buf[64]; - int n; +int parse_top_args(const char *s, const char *arg, struct text_object *obj) { + struct top_data *td; + char buf[64]; + int n; - if (!arg) { - NORM_ERR("top needs arguments"); - return 0; - } + if (!arg) { + NORM_ERR("top needs arguments"); + return 0; + } - obj->data.opaque = td = (struct top_data *)malloc(sizeof(struct top_data)); - memset(td, 0, sizeof(struct top_data)); + obj->data.opaque = td = (struct top_data *)malloc(sizeof(struct top_data)); + memset(td, 0, sizeof(struct top_data)); - if (s[3] == 0) { - td->list = info.cpu; - top_cpu = 1; - } else if (strcmp(&s[3], "_mem") == EQUAL) { - td->list = info.memu; - top_mem = 1; - } else if (strcmp(&s[3], "_time") == EQUAL) { - td->list = info.time; - top_time = 1; + if (s[3] == 0) { + td->list = info.cpu; + top_cpu = 1; + } else if (strcmp(&s[3], "_mem") == EQUAL) { + td->list = info.memu; + top_mem = 1; + } else if (strcmp(&s[3], "_time") == EQUAL) { + td->list = info.time; + top_time = 1; #ifdef BUILD_IOSTATS - } else if (strcmp(&s[3], "_io") == EQUAL) { - td->list = info.io; - top_io = 1; + } else if (strcmp(&s[3], "_io") == EQUAL) { + td->list = info.io; + top_io = 1; #endif /* BUILD_IOSTATS */ - } else { + } else { #ifdef BUILD_IOSTATS - NORM_ERR("Must be top, top_mem, top_time or top_io"); -#else /* BUILD_IOSTATS */ - NORM_ERR("Must be top, top_mem or top_time"); + NORM_ERR("Must be top, top_mem, top_time or top_io"); +#else /* BUILD_IOSTATS */ + NORM_ERR("Must be top, top_mem or top_time"); #endif /* BUILD_IOSTATS */ - free_and_zero(obj->data.opaque); - return 0; - } + free_and_zero(obj->data.opaque); + return 0; + } - td->s = strndup(arg, text_buffer_size.get(*state)); + td->s = strndup(arg, text_buffer_size.get(*state)); - if (sscanf(arg, "%63s %i", buf, &n) == 2) { - if (strcmp(buf, "name") == EQUAL) { - obj->callbacks.print = &print_top_name; - } else if (strcmp(buf, "cpu") == EQUAL) { - obj->callbacks.print = &print_top_cpu; - } else if (strcmp(buf, "pid") == EQUAL) { - obj->callbacks.print = &print_top_pid; - } else if (strcmp(buf, "mem") == EQUAL) { - obj->callbacks.print = &print_top_mem; - } else if (strcmp(buf, "time") == EQUAL) { - obj->callbacks.print = &print_top_time; - } else if (strcmp(buf, "mem_res") == EQUAL) { - obj->callbacks.print = &print_top_mem_res; - } else if (strcmp(buf, "mem_vsize") == EQUAL) { - obj->callbacks.print = &print_top_mem_vsize; - } else if (strcmp(buf, "uid") == EQUAL) { - obj->callbacks.print = &print_top_uid; - } else if (strcmp(buf, "user") == EQUAL) { - obj->callbacks.print = &print_top_user; + if (sscanf(arg, "%63s %i", buf, &n) == 2) { + if (strcmp(buf, "name") == EQUAL) { + obj->callbacks.print = &print_top_name; + } else if (strcmp(buf, "cpu") == EQUAL) { + obj->callbacks.print = &print_top_cpu; + } else if (strcmp(buf, "pid") == EQUAL) { + obj->callbacks.print = &print_top_pid; + } else if (strcmp(buf, "mem") == EQUAL) { + obj->callbacks.print = &print_top_mem; + } else if (strcmp(buf, "time") == EQUAL) { + obj->callbacks.print = &print_top_time; + } else if (strcmp(buf, "mem_res") == EQUAL) { + obj->callbacks.print = &print_top_mem_res; + } else if (strcmp(buf, "mem_vsize") == EQUAL) { + obj->callbacks.print = &print_top_mem_vsize; + } else if (strcmp(buf, "uid") == EQUAL) { + obj->callbacks.print = &print_top_uid; + } else if (strcmp(buf, "user") == EQUAL) { + obj->callbacks.print = &print_top_user; #ifdef BUILD_IOSTATS - } else if (strcmp(buf, "io_read") == EQUAL) { - obj->callbacks.print = &print_top_read_bytes; - } else if (strcmp(buf, "io_write") == EQUAL) { - obj->callbacks.print = &print_top_write_bytes; - } else if (strcmp(buf, "io_perc") == EQUAL) { - obj->callbacks.print = &print_top_io_perc; + } else if (strcmp(buf, "io_read") == EQUAL) { + obj->callbacks.print = &print_top_read_bytes; + } else if (strcmp(buf, "io_write") == EQUAL) { + obj->callbacks.print = &print_top_write_bytes; + } else if (strcmp(buf, "io_perc") == EQUAL) { + obj->callbacks.print = &print_top_io_perc; #endif /* BUILD_IOSTATS */ - } else { - NORM_ERR("invalid type arg for top"); + } else { + NORM_ERR("invalid type arg for top"); #ifdef BUILD_IOSTATS - NORM_ERR("must be one of: name, cpu, pid, mem, time, mem_res, mem_vsize, " - "io_read, io_write, io_perc"); -#else /* BUILD_IOSTATS */ - NORM_ERR("must be one of: name, cpu, pid, mem, time, mem_res, mem_vsize"); + NORM_ERR( + "must be one of: name, cpu, pid, mem, time, mem_res, mem_vsize, " + "io_read, io_write, io_perc"); +#else /* BUILD_IOSTATS */ + NORM_ERR("must be one of: name, cpu, pid, mem, time, mem_res, mem_vsize"); #endif /* BUILD_IOSTATS */ - free_and_zero(td->s); - free_and_zero(obj->data.opaque); - return 0; - } - if (n < 1 || n > MAX_SP) { - NORM_ERR("invalid num arg for top. Must be between 1 and %d.", MAX_SP); - free_and_zero(td->s); - free_and_zero(obj->data.opaque); - return 0; - } else { - td->num = n - 1; - } - } else { - NORM_ERR("invalid argument count for top"); - free_and_zero(td->s); - free_and_zero(obj->data.opaque); - return 0; - } - obj->callbacks.free = &free_top; - return 1; + free_and_zero(td->s); + free_and_zero(obj->data.opaque); + return 0; + } + if (n < 1 || n > MAX_SP) { + NORM_ERR("invalid num arg for top. Must be between 1 and %d.", MAX_SP); + free_and_zero(td->s); + free_and_zero(obj->data.opaque); + return 0; + } else { + td->num = n - 1; + } + } else { + NORM_ERR("invalid argument count for top"); + free_and_zero(td->s); + free_and_zero(obj->data.opaque); + return 0; + } + obj->callbacks.free = &free_top; + return 1; } diff --git a/src/top.h b/src/top.h index ccbe1ec5..6936a54d 100644 --- a/src/top.h +++ b/src/top.h @@ -1,5 +1,4 @@ -/* -*- mode: c++; c-basic-offset: 4; tab-width: 4; indent-tabs-mode: t -*- - * vim: ts=4 sw=4 noet ai cindent syntax=cpp +/* * * Conky, a system monitor, based on torsmo * @@ -11,7 +10,7 @@ * * Copyright (c) 2005 Adi Zaimi, Dan Piponi , * Dave Clark - * Copyright (c) 2005-2012 Brenden Matthews, Philip Kovacs, et. al. + * Copyright (c) 2005-2018 Brenden Matthews, Philip Kovacs, et. al. * (see AUTHORS) * All rights reserved. * @@ -43,29 +42,28 @@ #include "conky.h" #include "text_object.h" -#define CPU_THRESHHOLD 0 /* threshhold for the cpu diff to appear */ -#include -#include -#include -#include -#include -#include -#include +#define CPU_THRESHHOLD 0 /* threshhold for the cpu diff to appear */ #include -#include +#include +#include #include +#include +#include +#include #include +#include +#include +#include -#include -#include -#include #include #include +#include #include +#include +#include -#include #include - +#include /****************************************** * Defines * @@ -75,47 +73,47 @@ * and it'll take me a while to write a replacement. */ #define BUFFER_LEN 1024 -#define MAX_SP 10 // number of elements to sort +#define MAX_SP 10 // number of elements to sort /****************************************** * Process class * ******************************************/ struct process { - struct process *next; - struct process *previous; + struct process *next; + struct process *previous; - pid_t pid; - char *name; - char *basename; - uid_t uid; - float amount; - // User and kernel times are in hundredths of seconds - unsigned long user_time; - unsigned long total; - unsigned long kernel_time; - unsigned long previous_user_time; - unsigned long previous_kernel_time; - unsigned long total_cpu_time; - unsigned long previous_total_cpu_time; - unsigned long long vsize; - unsigned long long rss; + pid_t pid; + char *name; + char *basename; + uid_t uid; + float amount; + // User and kernel times are in hundredths of seconds + unsigned long user_time; + unsigned long total; + unsigned long kernel_time; + unsigned long previous_user_time; + unsigned long previous_kernel_time; + unsigned long total_cpu_time; + unsigned long previous_total_cpu_time; + unsigned long long vsize; + unsigned long long rss; #ifdef BUILD_IOSTATS - unsigned long long read_bytes; - unsigned long long previous_read_bytes; - unsigned long long write_bytes; - unsigned long long previous_write_bytes; - float io_perc; + unsigned long long read_bytes; + unsigned long long previous_read_bytes; + unsigned long long write_bytes; + unsigned long long previous_write_bytes; + float io_perc; #endif - unsigned int time_stamp; - unsigned int counted; - unsigned int changed; + unsigned int time_stamp; + unsigned int counted; + unsigned int changed; }; struct sorted_process { - struct sorted_process *greater; - struct sorted_process *less; - struct process *proc; + struct sorted_process *greater; + struct sorted_process *less; + struct process *proc; }; /* lookup a program by it's name */ diff --git a/src/update-cb.cc b/src/update-cb.cc index 8be20031..93d403f5 100644 --- a/src/update-cb.cc +++ b/src/update-cb.cc @@ -1,5 +1,4 @@ -/* -*- mode: c++; c-basic-offset: 4; tab-width: 4; indent-tabs-mode: t -*- - * vim: ts=4 sw=4 noet ai cindent syntax=cpp +/* * * Conky, a system monitor, based on torsmo * @@ -30,140 +29,123 @@ #include namespace conky { - namespace { - semaphore sem_wait; - enum {UNUSED_MAX = 5}; - } +namespace { +semaphore sem_wait; +enum { UNUSED_MAX = 5 }; +} // namespace - namespace priv { - callback_base::~callback_base() - { - stop(); - } +namespace priv { +callback_base::~callback_base() { stop(); } - void callback_base::stop() - { - if(thread) { - done = true; - sem_start.post(); - if(pipefd.second >= 0) - if(write(pipefd.second, "X", 1) != 1) - NORM_ERR("can't write 'X' to pipefd %d: %s", pipefd.second, strerror(errno)); - thread->join(); - delete thread; - thread = NULL; - } - if(pipefd.first >= 0) { - close(pipefd.first); - pipefd.first = -1; - } - if(pipefd.second >= 0) { - close(pipefd.second); - pipefd.second = -1; - } - } - - inline size_t callback_base::get_hash(const handle &h) - { return h->hash; } - - inline bool callback_base::is_equal(const handle &a, const handle &b) - { - if(a->hash != b->hash) - return false; - - if(typeid(*a) != typeid(*b)) - return false; - - return *a == *b; - } - - /* - * If a callback is not successfully inserted into the set, it must have - * the same hash as an existing callback. If this is so, merge the incoming - * callback with the one that prevented insertion. Keep the smaller of the - * two periods. - */ - void callback_base::merge(callback_base &&other) - { - if(other.period < period) { - period = other.period; - remaining = 0; - } - assert(wait == other.wait); - unused = 0; - } - - /* - * Register a callback (i.e. insert it into the callbacks set) - */ - callback_base::handle callback_base::do_register_cb(const handle &h) - { - const auto &p = callbacks.insert(h); - - /* insertion failed; callback already exists */ - if(not p.second) - (*p.first)->merge(std::move(*h)); - - return *p.first; - } - - void callback_base::run() - { - if(not thread) - thread = new std::thread(&callback_base::start_routine, this); - - sem_start.post(); - } - - void callback_base::start_routine() - { - for(;;) { - sem_start.wait(); - if(done) - return; - - // clear any remaining posts in case the previous iteration was very slow - // (this should only happen if wait == false) - while(sem_start.trywait()); - - work(); - if(wait) - sem_wait.post(); - } - } - - callback_base::Callbacks callback_base::callbacks(1, get_hash, is_equal); - } - - - void run_all_callbacks() - { - using priv::callback_base; - - size_t wait = 0; - for(auto i = callback_base::callbacks.begin(); i != callback_base::callbacks.end(); ) { - callback_base &cb = **i; - - /* check whether enough update intervals have elapsed (up to period) */ - if(cb.remaining-- == 0) { - /* run the callback as long as someone holds a pointer to it; - * if no one owns the callback, run it at most UNUSED_MAX times */ - if(!i->unique() || ++cb.unused < UNUSED_MAX) { - cb.remaining = cb.period-1; - cb.run(); - if(cb.wait) - ++wait; - } - } - if(cb.unused == UNUSED_MAX) { - auto t = i; - ++i; - callback_base::callbacks.erase(t); - } else - ++i; - } - - while(wait-- > 0) - sem_wait.wait(); - } +void callback_base::stop() { + if (thread) { + done = true; + sem_start.post(); + if (pipefd.second >= 0) + if (write(pipefd.second, "X", 1) != 1) + NORM_ERR("can't write 'X' to pipefd %d: %s", pipefd.second, + strerror(errno)); + thread->join(); + delete thread; + thread = NULL; + } + if (pipefd.first >= 0) { + close(pipefd.first); + pipefd.first = -1; + } + if (pipefd.second >= 0) { + close(pipefd.second); + pipefd.second = -1; + } } + +inline size_t callback_base::get_hash(const handle &h) { return h->hash; } + +inline bool callback_base::is_equal(const handle &a, const handle &b) { + if (a->hash != b->hash) return false; + + if (typeid(*a) != typeid(*b)) return false; + + return *a == *b; +} + +/* + * If a callback is not successfully inserted into the set, it must have + * the same hash as an existing callback. If this is so, merge the incoming + * callback with the one that prevented insertion. Keep the smaller of the + * two periods. + */ +void callback_base::merge(callback_base &&other) { + if (other.period < period) { + period = other.period; + remaining = 0; + } + assert(wait == other.wait); + unused = 0; +} + +/* + * Register a callback (i.e. insert it into the callbacks set) + */ +callback_base::handle callback_base::do_register_cb(const handle &h) { + const auto &p = callbacks.insert(h); + + /* insertion failed; callback already exists */ + if (not p.second) (*p.first)->merge(std::move(*h)); + + return *p.first; +} + +void callback_base::run() { + if (not thread) thread = new std::thread(&callback_base::start_routine, this); + + sem_start.post(); +} + +void callback_base::start_routine() { + for (;;) { + sem_start.wait(); + if (done) return; + + // clear any remaining posts in case the previous iteration was very slow + // (this should only happen if wait == false) + while (sem_start.trywait()) + ; + + work(); + if (wait) sem_wait.post(); + } +} + +callback_base::Callbacks callback_base::callbacks(1, get_hash, is_equal); +} // namespace priv + +void run_all_callbacks() { + using priv::callback_base; + + size_t wait = 0; + for (auto i = callback_base::callbacks.begin(); + i != callback_base::callbacks.end();) { + callback_base &cb = **i; + + /* check whether enough update intervals have elapsed (up to period) */ + if (cb.remaining-- == 0) { + /* run the callback as long as someone holds a pointer to it; + * if no one owns the callback, run it at most UNUSED_MAX times */ + if (!i->unique() || ++cb.unused < UNUSED_MAX) { + cb.remaining = cb.period - 1; + cb.run(); + if (cb.wait) ++wait; + } + } + if (cb.unused == UNUSED_MAX) { + auto t = i; + ++i; + callback_base::callbacks.erase(t); + } else + ++i; + } + + while (wait-- > 0) sem_wait.wait(); +} +} // namespace conky diff --git a/src/update-cb.hh b/src/update-cb.hh index da70502c..ab83374c 100644 --- a/src/update-cb.hh +++ b/src/update-cb.hh @@ -1,5 +1,4 @@ -/* -*- mode: c++; c-basic-offset: 4; tab-width: 4; indent-tabs-mode: t -*- - * vim: ts=4 sw=4 noet ai cindent syntax=cpp +/* * * Conky, a system monitor, based on torsmo * @@ -32,223 +31,216 @@ #include #include - #include #include "c++wrap.hh" #include "semaphore.hh" namespace conky { - // forward declarations - template - class callback_handle; - void run_all_callbacks(); - template - callback_handle register_cb(uint32_t period, Params&&... params); +// forward declarations +template +class callback_handle; +void run_all_callbacks(); +template +callback_handle register_cb(uint32_t period, Params &&... params); - namespace priv { - class callback_base { - typedef callback_handle handle; - typedef std::unordered_set - Callbacks; +namespace priv { +class callback_base { + typedef callback_handle handle; + typedef std::unordered_set + Callbacks; + semaphore sem_start; + std::thread *thread; + const size_t hash; /* used to determined callback uniqueness */ + uint32_t period; /* how often to run a callback */ + uint32_t + remaining; /* update intervals remaining until we can run a callback */ + std::pair pipefd; + const bool wait; /* whether or not to wait for a callback to finish */ + bool done; /* if true, callback is being stopped and destroyed */ + uint8_t unused; /* number of update intervals during which no one owns a + callback */ - semaphore sem_start; - std::thread *thread; - const size_t hash; /* used to determined callback uniqueness */ - uint32_t period; /* how often to run a callback */ - uint32_t remaining; /* update intervals remaining until we can run a callback */ - std::pair pipefd; - const bool wait; /* whether or not to wait for a callback to finish */ - bool done; /* if true, callback is being stopped and destroyed */ - uint8_t unused; /* number of update intervals during which no one owns a callback */ + callback_base(const callback_base &) = delete; + callback_base &operator=(const callback_base &) = delete; - callback_base(const callback_base &) = delete; - callback_base& operator=(const callback_base &) = delete; + virtual bool operator==(const callback_base &) = 0; - virtual bool operator==(const callback_base &) = 0; + void run(); + void start_routine(); + void stop(); - void run(); - void start_routine(); - void stop(); + static void deleter(callback_base *ptr) { + ptr->stop(); + delete ptr; + } - static void deleter(callback_base *ptr) - { - ptr->stop(); - delete ptr; - } + // a list of registered callbacks + static Callbacks callbacks; - // a list of registered callbacks - static Callbacks callbacks; + // used by the callbacks list + static inline size_t get_hash(const handle &h); + static inline bool is_equal(const handle &a, const handle &b); - // used by the callbacks list - static inline size_t get_hash(const handle &h); - static inline bool is_equal(const handle &a, const handle &b); + static handle do_register_cb(const handle &h); - static handle do_register_cb(const handle &h); + template + friend callback_handle conky::register_cb(uint32_t period, + Params &&... params); - template - friend callback_handle - conky::register_cb(uint32_t period, Params&&... params); + friend void conky::run_all_callbacks(); - friend void conky::run_all_callbacks(); + template + friend class conky::callback_handle; - template - friend class conky::callback_handle; + protected: + callback_base(size_t hash_, uint32_t period_, bool wait_, bool use_pipe) + : thread(NULL), + hash(hash_), + period(period_), + remaining(0), + pipefd(use_pipe ? pipe2(O_CLOEXEC) : std::pair(-1, -1)), + wait(wait_), + done(false), + unused(0) {} - protected: - callback_base(size_t hash_, uint32_t period_, bool wait_, bool use_pipe) - : thread(NULL), hash(hash_), period(period_), remaining(0), - pipefd(use_pipe ? pipe2(O_CLOEXEC) : std::pair(-1, -1)), - wait(wait_), done(false), unused(0) - {} + int donefd() { return pipefd.first; } - int donefd() - { return pipefd.first; } + bool is_done() { return done; } - bool is_done() - { return done; } + // to be implemented by descendant classes + virtual void work() = 0; - // to be implemented by descendant classes - virtual void work() = 0; + // called when two registered objects evaulate as equal, the latter is removed + // afterwards + virtual void merge(callback_base &&); - // called when two registered objects evaulate as equal, the latter is removed - // afterwards - virtual void merge(callback_base &&); + public: + std::mutex result_mutex; + virtual ~callback_base(); +}; - public: - std::mutex result_mutex; +} // namespace priv - virtual ~callback_base(); - }; +template +class callback_handle : private std::shared_ptr { + typedef std::shared_ptr Base; - } + callback_handle(Callback *ptr) : Base(ptr, &priv::callback_base::deleter) {} - template - class callback_handle: private std::shared_ptr { - typedef std::shared_ptr Base; - - callback_handle(Callback *ptr) - : Base(ptr, &priv::callback_base::deleter) - {} + callback_handle(Base &&ptr) : Base(std::move(ptr)) {} - callback_handle(Base &&ptr) - : Base(std::move(ptr)) - {} + public: + using Base::operator->; + using Base::operator*; - public: + friend void conky::run_all_callbacks(); + template + friend callback_handle register_cb(uint32_t period, + Params &&... params); +}; - using Base::operator->; - using Base::operator*; - - friend void conky::run_all_callbacks(); - template - friend callback_handle register_cb(uint32_t period, Params&&... params); - }; - - - template - callback_handle register_cb(uint32_t period, Params&&... params) - { - return std::dynamic_pointer_cast(priv::callback_base::do_register_cb( - priv::callback_base::handle( - new Callback(period, std::forward(params)...) - ) - )); - } - - /* - * Callback uniqueness is determined by the hash computed here. - */ - namespace priv { - template - struct hash_tuple { - typedef std::tuple Tuple; - typedef typename std::tuple_element::type Element; - - static inline size_t hash(const Tuple &tuple) - { - return std::hash()(std::get(tuple)) - + 47 * hash_tuple::hash(tuple); - } - }; - - template - struct hash_tuple<0, Elements...> { - static inline size_t hash(const std::tuple &) - { return 0; } - }; - } - - /* - * To create a callback, inherit from this class. The Result template parameter should be the - * type of your output, so that your users can retrieve it with the get_result* functions. - * - * get_result() returns a reference to the internal variable. It can be used without locking - * if the object has wait set to true (wait=true means that the run_all_callbacks() waits for - * the callback to finish work()ing before returning). If object has wait=false then the user - * must first lock the result_mutex. - * - * get_result_copy() returns a copy of the result object and it handles the necessary - * locking. Don't call it if you hold a lock on the result_mutex. - * - * You should implement the work() function to do the actual updating and store the result in - * the result variable (lock the mutex while you are doing it, especially if you have - * wait=false). - * - * The Keys... template parameters are parameters for your work function. E.g., a curl - * callback can have one parameter - the url to retrieve,. hddtemp may have two - host and - * port number of the hddtemp server, etc. The register_cb() function make sure that there - * exists only one object (of the same type) with the same values for all the keys. - * - * Callbacks are registered with the register_cb() function. You pass the class name as the - * template parameter, and any additional parameters to the constructor as function - * parameters. The period parameter specifies how often the callback will run. It should be - * left for the user to decide that. register_cb() returns a pointer to the newly created - * object. As long as someone holds a pointer to the object, the callback will be run. - * - * run_all_callbacks() runs the registered callbacks (with the specified periodicity). It - * should be called from somewhere inside the main loop, according to the update_interval - * setting. It waits for the callbacks which have wait=true. It leaves the rest to run in - * background. - */ - template - class callback: public priv::callback_base { - virtual bool operator==(const callback_base &other) - { return tuple == dynamic_cast(other).tuple; } - - public: - typedef std::tuple Tuple; - - protected: - const Tuple tuple; - Result result; - - template - typename std::add_lvalue_reference< - const typename std::tuple_element::type - >::type - get() - { return std::get(tuple); } - - public: - callback(uint32_t period_, bool wait_, const Tuple &tuple_, bool use_pipe = false) - : callback_base(priv::hash_tuple::hash(tuple_), - period_, wait_, use_pipe), - tuple(tuple_) - {} - - const Result& get_result() - { return result; } - - Result get_result_copy() - { - std::lock_guard l(result_mutex); - return result; - } - }; +template +callback_handle register_cb(uint32_t period, Params &&... params) { + return std::dynamic_pointer_cast( + priv::callback_base::do_register_cb(priv::callback_base::handle( + new Callback(period, std::forward(params)...)))); } +/* + * Callback uniqueness is determined by the hash computed here. + */ +namespace priv { +template +struct hash_tuple { + typedef std::tuple Tuple; + typedef typename std::tuple_element::type Element; + + static inline size_t hash(const Tuple &tuple) { + return std::hash()(std::get(tuple)) + + 47 * hash_tuple::hash(tuple); + } +}; + +template +struct hash_tuple<0, Elements...> { + static inline size_t hash(const std::tuple &) { return 0; } +}; +} // namespace priv + +/* + * To create a callback, inherit from this class. The Result template parameter + * should be the type of your output, so that your users can retrieve it with + * the get_result* functions. + * + * get_result() returns a reference to the internal variable. It can be used + * without locking if the object has wait set to true (wait=true means that the + * run_all_callbacks() waits for the callback to finish work()ing before + * returning). If object has wait=false then the user must first lock the + * result_mutex. + * + * get_result_copy() returns a copy of the result object and it handles the + * necessary locking. Don't call it if you hold a lock on the result_mutex. + * + * You should implement the work() function to do the actual updating and store + * the result in the result variable (lock the mutex while you are doing it, + * especially if you have wait=false). + * + * The Keys... template parameters are parameters for your work function. E.g., + * a curl callback can have one parameter - the url to retrieve,. hddtemp may + * have two - host and port number of the hddtemp server, etc. The register_cb() + * function make sure that there exists only one object (of the same type) with + * the same values for all the keys. + * + * Callbacks are registered with the register_cb() function. You pass the class + * name as the template parameter, and any additional parameters to the + * constructor as function parameters. The period parameter specifies how often + * the callback will run. It should be left for the user to decide that. + * register_cb() returns a pointer to the newly created object. As long as + * someone holds a pointer to the object, the callback will be run. + * + * run_all_callbacks() runs the registered callbacks (with the specified + * periodicity). It should be called from somewhere inside the main loop, + * according to the update_interval setting. It waits for the callbacks which + * have wait=true. It leaves the rest to run in background. + */ +template +class callback : public priv::callback_base { + virtual bool operator==(const callback_base &other) { + return tuple == dynamic_cast(other).tuple; + } + + public: + typedef std::tuple Tuple; + + protected: + const Tuple tuple; + Result result; + + template + typename std::add_lvalue_reference< + const typename std::tuple_element::type>::type + get() { + return std::get(tuple); + } + + public: + callback(uint32_t period_, bool wait_, const Tuple &tuple_, + bool use_pipe = false) + : callback_base(priv::hash_tuple::hash(tuple_), + period_, wait_, use_pipe), + tuple(tuple_) {} + + const Result &get_result() { return result; } + + Result get_result_copy() { + std::lock_guard l(result_mutex); + return result; + } +}; +} // namespace conky + #endif /* UPDATE_CB_HH */ diff --git a/src/user.cc b/src/user.cc index c3c6d8a0..012cb173 100644 --- a/src/user.cc +++ b/src/user.cc @@ -1,5 +1,4 @@ -/* -*- mode: c++; c-basic-offset: 4; tab-width: 4; indent-tabs-mode: t -*- - * vim: ts=4 sw=4 noet ai cindent syntax=cpp +/* * * Conky, a system monitor, based on torsmo * @@ -10,7 +9,7 @@ * Please see COPYING for details * * Copyright (c) 2004, Hannu Saransaari and Lauri Hakkarainen - * Copyright (c) 2005-2012 Brenden Matthews, Philip Kovacs, et. al. + * Copyright (c) 2005-2018 Brenden Matthews, Philip Kovacs, et. al. * (see AUTHORS) * All rights reserved. * @@ -30,53 +29,53 @@ #include -#include "logging.h" -#include -#include #include -#include "conky.h" +#include +#include #include +#include "conky.h" +#include "logging.h" void print_uid_name(struct text_object *obj, char *p, int p_max_size) { - struct passwd *pw; - uid_t uid; - char* firstinvalid; - std::unique_ptr objbuf(new char[max_user_text.get(*state)]); + struct passwd *pw; + uid_t uid; + char *firstinvalid; + std::unique_ptr objbuf(new char[max_user_text.get(*state)]); - generate_text_internal(objbuf.get(), max_user_text.get(*state), *obj->sub); + generate_text_internal(objbuf.get(), max_user_text.get(*state), *obj->sub); - errno = 0; - uid = strtol(objbuf.get(), &firstinvalid, 10); - if (errno == 0 && objbuf.get() != firstinvalid) { - pw = getpwuid(uid); - if(pw != NULL) { - snprintf(p, p_max_size, "%s", pw->pw_name); - } else { - NORM_ERR("The uid %d doesn't exist", uid); - } - } else { - NORM_ERR("$uid_name didn't receive a uid as argument"); - } + errno = 0; + uid = strtol(objbuf.get(), &firstinvalid, 10); + if (errno == 0 && objbuf.get() != firstinvalid) { + pw = getpwuid(uid); + if (pw != NULL) { + snprintf(p, p_max_size, "%s", pw->pw_name); + } else { + NORM_ERR("The uid %d doesn't exist", uid); + } + } else { + NORM_ERR("$uid_name didn't receive a uid as argument"); + } } void print_gid_name(struct text_object *obj, char *p, int p_max_size) { - struct group *grp; - gid_t gid; - char* firstinvalid; - std::unique_ptr objbuf(new char[max_user_text.get(*state)]); + struct group *grp; + gid_t gid; + char *firstinvalid; + std::unique_ptr objbuf(new char[max_user_text.get(*state)]); - generate_text_internal(objbuf.get(), max_user_text.get(*state), *obj->sub); + generate_text_internal(objbuf.get(), max_user_text.get(*state), *obj->sub); - errno = 0; - gid = strtol(objbuf.get(), &firstinvalid, 10); - if (errno == 0 && objbuf.get() != firstinvalid) { - grp = getgrgid(gid); - if(grp != NULL) { - snprintf(p, p_max_size, "%s", grp->gr_name); - } else { - NORM_ERR("The gid %d doesn't exist", gid); - } - } else { - NORM_ERR("$gid_name didn't receive a gid as argument"); - } + errno = 0; + gid = strtol(objbuf.get(), &firstinvalid, 10); + if (errno == 0 && objbuf.get() != firstinvalid) { + grp = getgrgid(gid); + if (grp != NULL) { + snprintf(p, p_max_size, "%s", grp->gr_name); + } else { + NORM_ERR("The gid %d doesn't exist", gid); + } + } else { + NORM_ERR("$gid_name didn't receive a gid as argument"); + } } diff --git a/src/user.h b/src/user.h index 29808414..7c5080f8 100644 --- a/src/user.h +++ b/src/user.h @@ -1,5 +1,4 @@ -/* -*- mode: c; c-basic-offset: 4; tab-width: 4; indent-tabs-mode: t -*- - * vim: ts=4 sw=4 noet ai cindent syntax=c +/* * * Conky, a system monitor, based on torsmo * @@ -10,7 +9,7 @@ * Please see COPYING for details * * Copyright (c) 2004, Hannu Saransaari and Lauri Hakkarainen - * Copyright (c) 2005-2012 Brenden Matthews, Philip Kovacs, et. al. + * Copyright (c) 2005-2018 Brenden Matthews, Philip Kovacs, et. al. * (see AUTHORS) * All rights reserved. * diff --git a/src/users.cc b/src/users.cc index 05862582..8d689ec8 100644 --- a/src/users.cc +++ b/src/users.cc @@ -1,5 +1,4 @@ -/* -*- mode: c++; c-basic-offset: 4; tab-width: 4; indent-tabs-mode: t -*- - * vim: ts=4 sw=4 noet ai cindent syntax=cpp +/* * * Conky, a system monitor, based on torsmo * @@ -10,7 +9,7 @@ * Please see COPYING for details * * Copyright (c) 2004, Hannu Saransaari and Lauri Hakkarainen - * Copyright (c) 2005-2012 Brenden Matthews, Philip Kovacs, et. al. + * Copyright (c) 2005-2018 Brenden Matthews, Philip Kovacs, et. al. * (see AUTHORS) * All rights reserved. * @@ -28,228 +27,210 @@ * */ -#include "conky.h" -#include #include #include +#include +#include "conky.h" #define BUFLEN 512 -static void user_name(char *ptr) -{ - const struct utmp *usr = 0; +static void user_name(char *ptr) { + const struct utmp *usr = 0; - setutent(); - while ((usr = getutent()) != NULL) { - if (usr->ut_type == USER_PROCESS) { - if (strlen(ptr) + strlen(usr->ut_name) + 1 <= BUFLEN) { - strncat(ptr, usr->ut_name, UT_NAMESIZE); - } - } - } + setutent(); + while ((usr = getutent()) != NULL) { + if (usr->ut_type == USER_PROCESS) { + if (strlen(ptr) + strlen(usr->ut_name) + 1 <= BUFLEN) { + strncat(ptr, usr->ut_name, UT_NAMESIZE); + } + } + } } -static void user_num(int *ptr) -{ - const struct utmp *usr; - int users_num = 0; +static void user_num(int *ptr) { + const struct utmp *usr; + int users_num = 0; - setutent(); - while ((usr = getutent()) != NULL) { - if (usr->ut_type == USER_PROCESS) { - ++users_num; - } - } - *ptr = users_num; + setutent(); + while ((usr = getutent()) != NULL) { + if (usr->ut_type == USER_PROCESS) { + ++users_num; + } + } + *ptr = users_num; } -static void user_term(char *ptr) -{ - const struct utmp *usr; +static void user_term(char *ptr) { + const struct utmp *usr; - setutent(); - while ((usr = getutent()) != NULL) { - if (usr->ut_type == USER_PROCESS) { - if (strlen(ptr) + strlen(usr->ut_line) + 1 <= BUFLEN) { - strncat(ptr, usr->ut_line, UT_LINESIZE); - } - } - } + setutent(); + while ((usr = getutent()) != NULL) { + if (usr->ut_type == USER_PROCESS) { + if (strlen(ptr) + strlen(usr->ut_line) + 1 <= BUFLEN) { + strncat(ptr, usr->ut_line, UT_LINESIZE); + } + } + } } -static void user_time(char *ptr) -{ - const struct utmp *usr; - time_t log_in, real, diff; - char buf[BUFLEN] = ""; +static void user_time(char *ptr) { + const struct utmp *usr; + time_t log_in, real, diff; + char buf[BUFLEN] = ""; - setutent(); - while ((usr = getutent()) != NULL) { - if (usr->ut_type == USER_PROCESS) { - log_in = usr->ut_time; - time(&real); - diff = difftime(real, log_in); - format_seconds(buf, BUFLEN, diff); - if (strlen(ptr) + strlen(buf) + 1 <= BUFLEN) { - strncat(ptr, buf, BUFLEN-strlen(ptr)-1); - } - } - } + setutent(); + while ((usr = getutent()) != NULL) { + if (usr->ut_type == USER_PROCESS) { + log_in = usr->ut_time; + time(&real); + diff = difftime(real, log_in); + format_seconds(buf, BUFLEN, diff); + if (strlen(ptr) + strlen(buf) + 1 <= BUFLEN) { + strncat(ptr, buf, BUFLEN - strlen(ptr) - 1); + } + } + } } -static void tty_user_time(char *ptr, char *tty) -{ - time_t real, diff, log_in; - char buf[BUFLEN] = ""; +static void tty_user_time(char *ptr, char *tty) { + time_t real, diff, log_in; + char buf[BUFLEN] = ""; - struct utmp *usr, line; + struct utmp *usr, line; - setutent(); - strcpy(line.ut_line, tty); - usr = getutline(&line); - if (usr == NULL ) { - return; - } + setutent(); + strcpy(line.ut_line, tty); + usr = getutline(&line); + if (usr == NULL) { + return; + } - log_in = usr->ut_time; + log_in = usr->ut_time; - time(&real); - diff = difftime(real, log_in); - format_seconds(buf, BUFLEN, diff); - strncpy(ptr, buf, BUFLEN-1); + time(&real); + diff = difftime(real, log_in); + format_seconds(buf, BUFLEN, diff); + strncpy(ptr, buf, BUFLEN - 1); } -static void users_alloc(struct information *ptr) -{ - if (ptr->users.names == NULL) { - ptr->users.names = (char*)malloc(text_buffer_size.get(*state)); - - } - if (ptr->users.terms == NULL) { - ptr->users.terms = (char*)malloc(text_buffer_size.get(*state)); - } - if (ptr->users.times == NULL) { - ptr->users.times = (char*)malloc(text_buffer_size.get(*state)); - } +static void users_alloc(struct information *ptr) { + if (ptr->users.names == NULL) { + ptr->users.names = (char *)malloc(text_buffer_size.get(*state)); + } + if (ptr->users.terms == NULL) { + ptr->users.terms = (char *)malloc(text_buffer_size.get(*state)); + } + if (ptr->users.times == NULL) { + ptr->users.times = (char *)malloc(text_buffer_size.get(*state)); + } } -static void update_user_time(char *tty) -{ - struct information *current_info = &info; - char temp[BUFLEN] = ""; +static void update_user_time(char *tty) { + struct information *current_info = &info; + char temp[BUFLEN] = ""; - if (current_info->users.ctime == NULL) { - current_info->users.ctime = (char*)malloc(text_buffer_size.get(*state)); - } + if (current_info->users.ctime == NULL) { + current_info->users.ctime = (char *)malloc(text_buffer_size.get(*state)); + } - tty_user_time(temp, tty); + tty_user_time(temp, tty); - if (temp != NULL) { - free_and_zero(current_info->users.ctime); - current_info->users.ctime = (char*)malloc(text_buffer_size.get(*state)); - strncpy(current_info->users.ctime, temp, text_buffer_size.get(*state)); - } else { - free_and_zero(current_info->users.ctime); - current_info->users.ctime = (char*)malloc(text_buffer_size.get(*state)); - strncpy(current_info->users.ctime, "broken", text_buffer_size.get(*state)); - } + if (temp != NULL) { + free_and_zero(current_info->users.ctime); + current_info->users.ctime = (char *)malloc(text_buffer_size.get(*state)); + strncpy(current_info->users.ctime, temp, text_buffer_size.get(*state)); + } else { + free_and_zero(current_info->users.ctime); + current_info->users.ctime = (char *)malloc(text_buffer_size.get(*state)); + strncpy(current_info->users.ctime, "broken", text_buffer_size.get(*state)); + } } -int update_users(void) -{ - struct information *current_info = &info; - char temp[BUFLEN] = ""; - int t; - users_alloc(current_info); - user_name(temp); - if (temp != NULL) { - free_and_zero(current_info->users.names); - current_info->users.names = (char*)malloc(text_buffer_size.get(*state)); - strncpy(current_info->users.names, temp, text_buffer_size.get(*state)); - } else { - free_and_zero(current_info->users.names); - current_info->users.names = (char*)malloc(text_buffer_size.get(*state)); - strncpy(current_info->users.names, "broken", text_buffer_size.get(*state)); - } - user_num(&t); - if (t != 0) { - if (current_info->users.number) { - current_info->users.number = 0; - } - current_info->users.number = t; - } else { - current_info->users.number = 0; - } - temp[0] = 0; - user_term(temp); - if (temp != NULL) { - free_and_zero(current_info->users.terms); - current_info->users.terms = (char*)malloc(text_buffer_size.get(*state)); - strncpy(current_info->users.terms, temp, text_buffer_size.get(*state)); - } else { - free_and_zero(current_info->users.terms); - current_info->users.terms = (char*)malloc(text_buffer_size.get(*state)); - strncpy(current_info->users.terms, "broken", text_buffer_size.get(*state)); - } - user_time(temp); - if (temp != NULL) { - free_and_zero(current_info->users.times); - current_info->users.times = (char*)malloc(text_buffer_size.get(*state)); - strncpy(current_info->users.times, temp, text_buffer_size.get(*state)); - } else { - free_and_zero(current_info->users.times); - current_info->users.times = (char*)malloc(text_buffer_size.get(*state)); - strncpy(current_info->users.times, "broken", text_buffer_size.get(*state)); - } - return 0; +int update_users(void) { + struct information *current_info = &info; + char temp[BUFLEN] = ""; + int t; + users_alloc(current_info); + user_name(temp); + if (temp != NULL) { + free_and_zero(current_info->users.names); + current_info->users.names = (char *)malloc(text_buffer_size.get(*state)); + strncpy(current_info->users.names, temp, text_buffer_size.get(*state)); + } else { + free_and_zero(current_info->users.names); + current_info->users.names = (char *)malloc(text_buffer_size.get(*state)); + strncpy(current_info->users.names, "broken", text_buffer_size.get(*state)); + } + user_num(&t); + if (t != 0) { + if (current_info->users.number) { + current_info->users.number = 0; + } + current_info->users.number = t; + } else { + current_info->users.number = 0; + } + temp[0] = 0; + user_term(temp); + if (temp != NULL) { + free_and_zero(current_info->users.terms); + current_info->users.terms = (char *)malloc(text_buffer_size.get(*state)); + strncpy(current_info->users.terms, temp, text_buffer_size.get(*state)); + } else { + free_and_zero(current_info->users.terms); + current_info->users.terms = (char *)malloc(text_buffer_size.get(*state)); + strncpy(current_info->users.terms, "broken", text_buffer_size.get(*state)); + } + user_time(temp); + if (temp != NULL) { + free_and_zero(current_info->users.times); + current_info->users.times = (char *)malloc(text_buffer_size.get(*state)); + strncpy(current_info->users.times, temp, text_buffer_size.get(*state)); + } else { + free_and_zero(current_info->users.times); + current_info->users.times = (char *)malloc(text_buffer_size.get(*state)); + strncpy(current_info->users.times, "broken", text_buffer_size.get(*state)); + } + return 0; } -void print_user_names(struct text_object *obj, char *p, int p_max_size) -{ - (void)obj; - snprintf(p, p_max_size, "%s", info.users.names); +void print_user_names(struct text_object *obj, char *p, int p_max_size) { + (void)obj; + snprintf(p, p_max_size, "%s", info.users.names); } -void print_user_terms(struct text_object *obj, char *p, int p_max_size) -{ - (void)obj; - snprintf(p, p_max_size, "%s", info.users.terms); +void print_user_terms(struct text_object *obj, char *p, int p_max_size) { + (void)obj; + snprintf(p, p_max_size, "%s", info.users.terms); } -void print_user_times(struct text_object *obj, char *p, int p_max_size) -{ - (void)obj; - snprintf(p, p_max_size, "%s", info.users.times); +void print_user_times(struct text_object *obj, char *p, int p_max_size) { + (void)obj; + snprintf(p, p_max_size, "%s", info.users.times); } -void print_user_time(struct text_object *obj, char *p, int p_max_size) -{ - update_user_time(obj->data.s); - snprintf(p, p_max_size, "%s", info.users.ctime); +void print_user_time(struct text_object *obj, char *p, int p_max_size) { + update_user_time(obj->data.s); + snprintf(p, p_max_size, "%s", info.users.ctime); } -void print_user_number(struct text_object *obj, char *p, int p_max_size) -{ - (void)obj; - snprintf(p, p_max_size, "%d", info.users.number); +void print_user_number(struct text_object *obj, char *p, int p_max_size) { + (void)obj; + snprintf(p, p_max_size, "%d", info.users.number); } -void free_user_names(struct text_object *obj) -{ - (void)obj; - free_and_zero(info.users.names); +void free_user_names(struct text_object *obj) { + (void)obj; + free_and_zero(info.users.names); } -void free_user_terms(struct text_object *obj) -{ - (void)obj; - free_and_zero(info.users.terms); +void free_user_terms(struct text_object *obj) { + (void)obj; + free_and_zero(info.users.terms); } -void free_user_times(struct text_object *obj) -{ - (void)obj; - free_and_zero(info.users.times); +void free_user_times(struct text_object *obj) { + (void)obj; + free_and_zero(info.users.times); } -void free_user_time(struct text_object *obj) -{ - free_and_zero(info.users.ctime); - free_and_zero(obj->data.s); +void free_user_time(struct text_object *obj) { + free_and_zero(info.users.ctime); + free_and_zero(obj->data.s); } diff --git a/src/users.h b/src/users.h index e7b625b9..31e0f192 100644 --- a/src/users.h +++ b/src/users.h @@ -1,5 +1,4 @@ -/* -*- mode: c++; c-basic-offset: 4; tab-width: 4; indent-tabs-mode: t -*- - * vim: ts=4 sw=4 noet ai cindent syntax=cpp +/* * * Conky, a system monitor, based on torsmo * @@ -10,7 +9,7 @@ * Please see COPYING for details * * Copyright (c) 2004, Hannu Saransaari and Lauri Hakkarainen - * Copyright (c) 2005-2012 Brenden Matthews, Philip Kovacs, et. al. + * Copyright (c) 2005-2018 Brenden Matthews, Philip Kovacs, et. al. * (see AUTHORS) * All rights reserved. * diff --git a/src/weather.cc b/src/weather.cc index da70d086..db14a721 100644 --- a/src/weather.cc +++ b/src/weather.cc @@ -1,11 +1,10 @@ -/* -*- mode: c++; c-basic-offset: 4; tab-width: 4; indent-tabs-mode: t -*- - * vim: ts=4 sw=4 noet ai cindent syntax=cpp +/* * * Conky, a system monitor, based on torsmo * * Please see COPYING for details * - * Copyright (c) 2005-2012 Brenden Matthews, Philip Kovacs, et. al. + * Copyright (c) 2005-2018 Brenden Matthews, Philip Kovacs, et. al. * (see AUTHORS) * All rights reserved. * @@ -23,19 +22,19 @@ * */ -#include "config.h" -#include "conky.h" -#include "logging.h" #include "weather.h" -#include "temphelper.h" -#include "text_object.h" -#include "ccurl_thread.h" -#include #include +#include #include #include #include #include +#include "ccurl_thread.h" +#include "config.h" +#include "conky.h" +#include "logging.h" +#include "temphelper.h" +#include "text_object.h" #ifdef BUILD_WEATHER_XOAP #include #include @@ -43,297 +42,289 @@ /* WEATHER data */ class weather { - void parse_token(const char *token); + void parse_token(const char *token); #ifdef BUILD_WEATHER_XOAP - void parse_cc(xmlXPathContextPtr xpathCtx); - void parse_weather_xml(const std::string &data); + void parse_cc(xmlXPathContextPtr xpathCtx); + void parse_weather_xml(const std::string &data); #endif -public: - std::string lastupd; + public: + std::string lastupd; #ifdef BUILD_WEATHER_XOAP - std::string xoap_t; - std::string icon; + std::string xoap_t; + std::string icon; #endif /* BUILD_WEATHER_XOAP */ - int temp; - int dew; - int cc; - int bar; - int wind_s; - int wind_d; - int hmid; - int wc; + int temp; + int dew; + int cc; + int bar; + int wind_s; + int wind_d; + int hmid; + int wc; - weather() - : temp(0), dew(0), cc(0), bar(0), wind_s(0), wind_d(0), hmid(0), wc(0) - {} + weather() + : temp(0), dew(0), cc(0), bar(0), wind_s(0), wind_d(0), hmid(0), wc(0) {} - weather(const std::string &); + weather(const std::string &); }; #ifdef BUILD_WEATHER_XOAP #define FORECAST_DAYS 5 struct weather_forecast_day { - std::string icon; - std::string xoap_t; - std::string day; - std::string date; - int hi; - int low; - int wind_s; - int wind_d; - int hmid; - int ppcp; + std::string icon; + std::string xoap_t; + std::string day; + std::string date; + int hi; + int low; + int wind_s; + int wind_d; + int hmid; + int ppcp; - weather_forecast_day() - : hi(0), low(0), wind_s(0), wind_d(0), hmid(0), ppcp(0) - {} + weather_forecast_day() + : hi(0), low(0), wind_s(0), wind_d(0), hmid(0), ppcp(0) {} }; -class weather_forecast: public std::array { - void parse_df(xmlXPathContextPtr xpathCtx); +class weather_forecast + : public std::array { + void parse_df(xmlXPathContextPtr xpathCtx); -public: - weather_forecast() = default; + public: + weather_forecast() = default; - weather_forecast(const std::string &); + weather_forecast(const std::string &); }; - /* Xpath expressions for BUILD_WEATHER_XOAP xml parsing */ #define NUM_XPATH_EXPRESSIONS_CC 8 const char *xpath_expression_cc[NUM_XPATH_EXPRESSIONS_CC] = { - "/weather/cc/lsup", "/weather/cc/tmp", "/weather/cc/t", - "/weather/cc/bar/r", "/weather/cc/wind/s", "/weather/cc/wind/d", - "/weather/cc/hmid", "/weather/cc/icon" -}; + "/weather/cc/lsup", "/weather/cc/tmp", "/weather/cc/t", + "/weather/cc/bar/r", "/weather/cc/wind/s", "/weather/cc/wind/d", + "/weather/cc/hmid", "/weather/cc/icon"}; #define NUM_XPATH_EXPRESSIONS_DF 10 const char *xpath_expression_df[NUM_XPATH_EXPRESSIONS_DF] = { - "/weather/dayf/day[*]/hi", "/weather/dayf/day[*]/low", - "/weather/dayf/day[*]/part[1]/icon", "/weather/dayf/day[*]/part[1]/t", - "/weather/dayf/day[*]/part[1]/wind/s","/weather/dayf/day[*]/part[1]/wind/d", - "/weather/dayf/day[*]/part[1]/ppcp", "/weather/dayf/day[*]/part[1]/hmid", - "/weather/dayf/day[*]/@t", "/weather/dayf/day[*]/@dt" -}; + "/weather/dayf/day[*]/hi", + "/weather/dayf/day[*]/low", + "/weather/dayf/day[*]/part[1]/icon", + "/weather/dayf/day[*]/part[1]/t", + "/weather/dayf/day[*]/part[1]/wind/s", + "/weather/dayf/day[*]/part[1]/wind/d", + "/weather/dayf/day[*]/part[1]/ppcp", + "/weather/dayf/day[*]/part[1]/hmid", + "/weather/dayf/day[*]/@t", + "/weather/dayf/day[*]/@dt"}; #endif /* BUILD_WEATHER_XOAP */ /* Possible sky conditions */ #define NUM_CC_CODES 6 -const char *CC_CODES[NUM_CC_CODES] = { - "SKC", "CLR", "FEW", "SCT", "BKN", "OVC" -}; +const char *CC_CODES[NUM_CC_CODES] = {"SKC", "CLR", "FEW", "SCT", "BKN", "OVC"}; /* Possible weather modifiers */ #define NUM_WM_CODES 9 -const char *WM_CODES[NUM_WM_CODES] = { - "VC", "MI", "BC", "PR", "TS", "BL", - "SH", "DR", "FZ" -}; +const char *WM_CODES[NUM_WM_CODES] = {"VC", "MI", "BC", "PR", "TS", + "BL", "SH", "DR", "FZ"}; /* Possible weather conditions */ #define NUM_WC_CODES 17 -const char *WC_CODES[NUM_WC_CODES] = { - "DZ", "RA", "GR", "GS", "SN", "SG", - "FG", "HZ", "FU", "BR", "DU", "SA", - "FC", "PO", "SQ", "SS", "DS" -}; +const char *WC_CODES[NUM_WC_CODES] = {"DZ", "RA", "GR", "GS", "SN", "SG", + "FG", "HZ", "FU", "BR", "DU", "SA", + "FC", "PO", "SQ", "SS", "DS"}; struct weather_data { - char uri[128]; - char data_type[32]; - int interval; + char uri[128]; + char data_type[32]; + int interval; }; #ifdef BUILD_WEATHER_XOAP struct weather_forecast_data { - char uri[128]; - unsigned int day; - char data_type[32]; - int interval; + char uri[128]; + unsigned int day; + char data_type[32]; + int interval; }; #endif int rel_humidity(int dew_point, int air) { - const float a = 17.27f; - const float b = 237.7f; + const float a = 17.27f; + const float b = 237.7f; - float diff = a*(dew_point/(b+dew_point)-air/(b+air)); + float diff = a * (dew_point / (b + dew_point) - air / (b + air)); #ifdef BUILD_MATH - return (int)(100.f*expf(diff)); + return (int)(100.f * expf(diff)); #else - return (int)(16.666667163372f*(6.f+diff*(6.f+diff*(3.f+diff)))); + return (int)(16.666667163372f * (6.f + diff * (6.f + diff * (3.f + diff)))); #endif /* BUILD_MATH */ } #ifdef BUILD_WEATHER_XOAP -void weather_forecast::parse_df(xmlXPathContextPtr xpathCtx) -{ - int i, j, k; - char *content = NULL; - xmlXPathObjectPtr xpathObj; +void weather_forecast::parse_df(xmlXPathContextPtr xpathCtx) { + int i, j, k; + char *content = NULL; + xmlXPathObjectPtr xpathObj; - xpathObj = xmlXPathEvalExpression((const xmlChar *)"/error/err", xpathCtx); - if (xpathObj && xpathObj->nodesetval && xpathObj->nodesetval->nodeNr > 0 && - xpathObj->nodesetval->nodeTab[0]->type == XML_ELEMENT_NODE) { - content = (char *)xmlNodeGetContent(xpathObj->nodesetval->nodeTab[0]); - NORM_ERR("XOAP error: %s", content); - xmlFree(content); - xmlXPathFreeObject(xpathObj); - return; - } - xmlXPathFreeObject(xpathObj); + xpathObj = xmlXPathEvalExpression((const xmlChar *)"/error/err", xpathCtx); + if (xpathObj && xpathObj->nodesetval && xpathObj->nodesetval->nodeNr > 0 && + xpathObj->nodesetval->nodeTab[0]->type == XML_ELEMENT_NODE) { + content = (char *)xmlNodeGetContent(xpathObj->nodesetval->nodeTab[0]); + NORM_ERR("XOAP error: %s", content); + xmlFree(content); + xmlXPathFreeObject(xpathObj); + return; + } + xmlXPathFreeObject(xpathObj); - for (i = 0; i < NUM_XPATH_EXPRESSIONS_DF; i++) { - xpathObj = xmlXPathEvalExpression((const xmlChar *)xpath_expression_df[i], xpathCtx); - if (xpathObj != NULL) { - xmlNodeSetPtr nodes = xpathObj->nodesetval; - k = 0; - for (j = 0; j < nodes->nodeNr; ++j) { - if (nodes->nodeTab[j]->type == XML_ELEMENT_NODE) { - content = (char *)xmlNodeGetContent(nodes->nodeTab[k]); - switch(i) { - case 0: - (*this)[k].hi = atoi(content); - break; - case 1: - (*this)[k].low = atoi(content); - break; - case 2: - (*this)[k].icon = content; - case 3: - (*this)[k].xoap_t = content; - break; - case 4: - (*this)[k].wind_s = atoi(content); - break; - case 5: - (*this)[k].wind_d = atoi(content); - break; - case 6: - (*this)[k].ppcp = atoi(content); - break; - case 7: - (*this)[k].hmid = atoi(content); - } - } else if (nodes->nodeTab[j]->type == XML_ATTRIBUTE_NODE) { - content = (char *)xmlNodeGetContent(nodes->nodeTab[k]); - switch(i) { - case 8: - (*this)[k].day = content; - break; - case 9: - (*this)[k].date = content; - } - } - xmlFree(content); - if (++k == FORECAST_DAYS) break; - } - } - xmlXPathFreeObject(xpathObj); - } - return; + for (i = 0; i < NUM_XPATH_EXPRESSIONS_DF; i++) { + xpathObj = xmlXPathEvalExpression((const xmlChar *)xpath_expression_df[i], + xpathCtx); + if (xpathObj != NULL) { + xmlNodeSetPtr nodes = xpathObj->nodesetval; + k = 0; + for (j = 0; j < nodes->nodeNr; ++j) { + if (nodes->nodeTab[j]->type == XML_ELEMENT_NODE) { + content = (char *)xmlNodeGetContent(nodes->nodeTab[k]); + switch (i) { + case 0: + (*this)[k].hi = atoi(content); + break; + case 1: + (*this)[k].low = atoi(content); + break; + case 2: + (*this)[k].icon = content; + case 3: + (*this)[k].xoap_t = content; + break; + case 4: + (*this)[k].wind_s = atoi(content); + break; + case 5: + (*this)[k].wind_d = atoi(content); + break; + case 6: + (*this)[k].ppcp = atoi(content); + break; + case 7: + (*this)[k].hmid = atoi(content); + } + } else if (nodes->nodeTab[j]->type == XML_ATTRIBUTE_NODE) { + content = (char *)xmlNodeGetContent(nodes->nodeTab[k]); + switch (i) { + case 8: + (*this)[k].day = content; + break; + case 9: + (*this)[k].date = content; + } + } + xmlFree(content); + if (++k == FORECAST_DAYS) break; + } + } + xmlXPathFreeObject(xpathObj); + } + return; } -weather_forecast::weather_forecast(const std::string &data) -{ - xmlDocPtr doc; - xmlXPathContextPtr xpathCtx; +weather_forecast::weather_forecast(const std::string &data) { + xmlDocPtr doc; + xmlXPathContextPtr xpathCtx; - if (!(doc = xmlReadMemory(data.c_str(), data.length(), "", NULL, 0))) { - NORM_ERR("weather_forecast: can't read xml data"); - return; - } + if (!(doc = xmlReadMemory(data.c_str(), data.length(), "", NULL, 0))) { + NORM_ERR("weather_forecast: can't read xml data"); + return; + } - xpathCtx = xmlXPathNewContext(doc); - if(xpathCtx == NULL) { - NORM_ERR("weather_forecast: unable to create new XPath context"); - xmlFreeDoc(doc); - return; - } + xpathCtx = xmlXPathNewContext(doc); + if (xpathCtx == NULL) { + NORM_ERR("weather_forecast: unable to create new XPath context"); + xmlFreeDoc(doc); + return; + } - parse_df(xpathCtx); - xmlXPathFreeContext(xpathCtx); - xmlFreeDoc(doc); - return; + parse_df(xpathCtx); + xmlXPathFreeContext(xpathCtx); + xmlFreeDoc(doc); + return; } -void weather::parse_cc(xmlXPathContextPtr xpathCtx) -{ - int i; - char *content; - xmlXPathObjectPtr xpathObj; +void weather::parse_cc(xmlXPathContextPtr xpathCtx) { + int i; + char *content; + xmlXPathObjectPtr xpathObj; - xpathObj = xmlXPathEvalExpression((const xmlChar *)"/error/err", xpathCtx); - if (xpathObj && xpathObj->nodesetval && xpathObj->nodesetval->nodeNr > 0 && - xpathObj->nodesetval->nodeTab[0]->type == XML_ELEMENT_NODE) { - content = (char *)xmlNodeGetContent(xpathObj->nodesetval->nodeTab[0]); - NORM_ERR("XOAP error: %s", content); - xmlFree(content); - xmlXPathFreeObject(xpathObj); - return; - } - xmlXPathFreeObject(xpathObj); + xpathObj = xmlXPathEvalExpression((const xmlChar *)"/error/err", xpathCtx); + if (xpathObj && xpathObj->nodesetval && xpathObj->nodesetval->nodeNr > 0 && + xpathObj->nodesetval->nodeTab[0]->type == XML_ELEMENT_NODE) { + content = (char *)xmlNodeGetContent(xpathObj->nodesetval->nodeTab[0]); + NORM_ERR("XOAP error: %s", content); + xmlFree(content); + xmlXPathFreeObject(xpathObj); + return; + } + xmlXPathFreeObject(xpathObj); - for (i = 0; i < NUM_XPATH_EXPRESSIONS_CC; i++) { - xpathObj = xmlXPathEvalExpression((const xmlChar *)xpath_expression_cc[i], xpathCtx); - if (xpathObj && xpathObj->nodesetval && xpathObj->nodesetval->nodeNr >0 && - xpathObj->nodesetval->nodeTab[0]->type == - XML_ELEMENT_NODE) { - content = (char *)xmlNodeGetContent(xpathObj->nodesetval->nodeTab[0]); - switch(i) { - case 0: - lastupd = content; - break; - case 1: - temp = atoi(content); - break; - case 2: - xoap_t = content; - break; - case 3: - bar = atoi(content); - break; - case 4: - wind_s = atoi(content); - break; - case 5: - wind_d = atoi(content); - break; - case 6: - hmid = atoi(content); - break; - case 7: - icon = content; - } - xmlFree(content); - } - xmlXPathFreeObject(xpathObj); - } - return; + for (i = 0; i < NUM_XPATH_EXPRESSIONS_CC; i++) { + xpathObj = xmlXPathEvalExpression((const xmlChar *)xpath_expression_cc[i], + xpathCtx); + if (xpathObj && xpathObj->nodesetval && xpathObj->nodesetval->nodeNr > 0 && + xpathObj->nodesetval->nodeTab[0]->type == XML_ELEMENT_NODE) { + content = (char *)xmlNodeGetContent(xpathObj->nodesetval->nodeTab[0]); + switch (i) { + case 0: + lastupd = content; + break; + case 1: + temp = atoi(content); + break; + case 2: + xoap_t = content; + break; + case 3: + bar = atoi(content); + break; + case 4: + wind_s = atoi(content); + break; + case 5: + wind_d = atoi(content); + break; + case 6: + hmid = atoi(content); + break; + case 7: + icon = content; + } + xmlFree(content); + } + xmlXPathFreeObject(xpathObj); + } + return; } -void weather::parse_weather_xml(const std::string &data) -{ - xmlDocPtr doc; - xmlXPathContextPtr xpathCtx; +void weather::parse_weather_xml(const std::string &data) { + xmlDocPtr doc; + xmlXPathContextPtr xpathCtx; - if (!(doc = xmlReadMemory(data.c_str(), data.length(), "", NULL, 0))) { - NORM_ERR("weather: can't read xml data"); - return; - } + if (!(doc = xmlReadMemory(data.c_str(), data.length(), "", NULL, 0))) { + NORM_ERR("weather: can't read xml data"); + return; + } - xpathCtx = xmlXPathNewContext(doc); - if(xpathCtx == NULL) { - NORM_ERR("weather: unable to create new XPath context"); - xmlFreeDoc(doc); - return; - } + xpathCtx = xmlXPathNewContext(doc); + if (xpathCtx == NULL) { + NORM_ERR("weather: unable to create new XPath context"); + xmlFreeDoc(doc); + return; + } - parse_cc(xpathCtx); - xmlXPathFreeContext(xpathCtx); - xmlFreeDoc(doc); - return; + parse_cc(xpathCtx); + xmlXPathFreeContext(xpathCtx); + xmlFreeDoc(doc); + return; } #endif /* BUILD_WEATHER_XOAP */ @@ -343,533 +334,534 @@ void weather::parse_weather_xml(const std::string &data) */ void weather::parse_token(const char *token) { + int i; + char s_tmp[64]; - int i; - char s_tmp[64]; + switch (strlen(token)) { + // Check all tokens 2 chars long + case 2: - switch (strlen(token)) { + // Check if token is a weather condition + for (i = 0; i < 2; i++) { + if (!isalpha(token[i])) break; + } + if (i == 2) { + for (i = 0; i < NUM_WC_CODES; i++) { + if (!strncmp(token, WC_CODES[i], 2)) { + wc = i + 1; + break; + } + } + return; + } - //Check all tokens 2 chars long - case 2: + // Check for CB + if (!strcmp(token, "CB")) { + cc = 8; + return; + } - //Check if token is a weather condition - for (i=0; i<2; i++) { - if (!isalpha(token[i])) break; - } - if (i==2) { - for(i=0; i - class weather_cb: public curl_callback { - typedef curl_callback Base; +template +class weather_cb : public curl_callback { + typedef curl_callback Base; - protected: - virtual void process_data() - { - Result tmp(Base::data); + protected: + virtual void process_data() { + Result tmp(Base::data); - std::unique_lock lock(Base::result_mutex); - Base::result = tmp; - } + std::unique_lock lock(Base::result_mutex); + Base::result = tmp; + } - public: - weather_cb(uint32_t period, const std::string &uri) - : Base(period, typename Base::Tuple(uri)) - {} - - }; -} + public: + weather_cb(uint32_t period, const std::string &uri) + : Base(period, typename Base::Tuple(uri)) {} +}; +} // namespace void wind_deg_to_dir(char *p, int p_max_size, int wind_deg) { - if ((wind_deg >= 349) || (wind_deg < 12)) { - strncpy(p, "N", p_max_size); - } else if (wind_deg < 33) { - strncpy(p, "NNE", p_max_size); - } else if (wind_deg < 57) { - strncpy(p, "NE", p_max_size); - } else if (wind_deg < 79) { - strncpy(p, "ENE", p_max_size); - } else if (wind_deg < 102) { - strncpy(p, "E", p_max_size); - } else if (wind_deg < 124) { - strncpy(p, "ESE", p_max_size); - } else if (wind_deg < 147) { - strncpy(p, "SE", p_max_size); - } else if (wind_deg < 169) { - strncpy(p, "SSE", p_max_size); - } else if (wind_deg < 192) { - strncpy(p, "S", p_max_size); - } else if (wind_deg < 214) { - strncpy(p, "SSW", p_max_size); - } else if (wind_deg < 237) { - strncpy(p, "SW", p_max_size); - } else if (wind_deg < 259) { - strncpy(p, "WSW", p_max_size); - } else if (wind_deg < 282) { - strncpy(p, "W", p_max_size); - } else if (wind_deg < 304) { - strncpy(p, "WNW", p_max_size); - } else if (wind_deg < 327) { - strncpy(p, "NW", p_max_size); - } else if (wind_deg < 349) { - strncpy(p, "NNW", p_max_size); - }; + if ((wind_deg >= 349) || (wind_deg < 12)) { + strncpy(p, "N", p_max_size); + } else if (wind_deg < 33) { + strncpy(p, "NNE", p_max_size); + } else if (wind_deg < 57) { + strncpy(p, "NE", p_max_size); + } else if (wind_deg < 79) { + strncpy(p, "ENE", p_max_size); + } else if (wind_deg < 102) { + strncpy(p, "E", p_max_size); + } else if (wind_deg < 124) { + strncpy(p, "ESE", p_max_size); + } else if (wind_deg < 147) { + strncpy(p, "SE", p_max_size); + } else if (wind_deg < 169) { + strncpy(p, "SSE", p_max_size); + } else if (wind_deg < 192) { + strncpy(p, "S", p_max_size); + } else if (wind_deg < 214) { + strncpy(p, "SSW", p_max_size); + } else if (wind_deg < 237) { + strncpy(p, "SW", p_max_size); + } else if (wind_deg < 259) { + strncpy(p, "WSW", p_max_size); + } else if (wind_deg < 282) { + strncpy(p, "W", p_max_size); + } else if (wind_deg < 304) { + strncpy(p, "WNW", p_max_size); + } else if (wind_deg < 327) { + strncpy(p, "NW", p_max_size); + } else if (wind_deg < 349) { + strncpy(p, "NNW", p_max_size); + }; } #ifdef BUILD_WEATHER_XOAP -static void weather_forecast_process_info(char *p, int p_max_size, const - std::string &uri, unsigned int day, char *data_type, int interval) -{ - uint32_t period = std::max(lround(interval/active_update_interval()), 1l); +static void weather_forecast_process_info(char *p, int p_max_size, + const std::string &uri, + unsigned int day, char *data_type, + int interval) { + uint32_t period = std::max(lround(interval / active_update_interval()), 1l); - auto cb = conky::register_cb>(period, uri); - - std::lock_guard lock(cb->result_mutex); - const weather_forecast &data = cb->get_result(); - if (strcmp(data_type, "hi") == EQUAL) { - temp_print(p, p_max_size, data[day].hi, TEMP_CELSIUS); - } else if (strcmp(data_type, "low") == EQUAL) { - temp_print(p, p_max_size, data[day].low, TEMP_CELSIUS); - } else if (strcmp(data_type, "icon") == EQUAL) { - strncpy(p, data[day].icon.c_str(), p_max_size); - } else if (strcmp(data_type, "forecast") == EQUAL) { - strncpy(p, data[day].xoap_t.c_str(), p_max_size); - } else if (strcmp(data_type, "wind_speed") == EQUAL) { - snprintf(p, p_max_size, "%d", data[day].wind_s); - } else if (strcmp(data_type, "wind_dir") == EQUAL) { - wind_deg_to_dir(p, p_max_size, data[day].wind_d); - } else if (strcmp(data_type, "wind_dir_DEG") == EQUAL) { - snprintf(p, p_max_size, "%d", data[day].wind_d); - } else if (strcmp(data_type, "humidity") == EQUAL) { - snprintf(p, p_max_size, "%d", data[day].hmid); - } else if (strcmp(data_type, "precipitation") == EQUAL) { - snprintf(p, p_max_size, "%d", data[day].ppcp); - } else if (strcmp(data_type, "day") == EQUAL) { - strncpy(p, data[day].day.c_str(), p_max_size); - } else if (strcmp(data_type, "date") == EQUAL) { - strncpy(p, data[day].date.c_str(), p_max_size); - } + auto cb = conky::register_cb>(period, uri); + std::lock_guard lock(cb->result_mutex); + const weather_forecast &data = cb->get_result(); + if (strcmp(data_type, "hi") == EQUAL) { + temp_print(p, p_max_size, data[day].hi, TEMP_CELSIUS); + } else if (strcmp(data_type, "low") == EQUAL) { + temp_print(p, p_max_size, data[day].low, TEMP_CELSIUS); + } else if (strcmp(data_type, "icon") == EQUAL) { + strncpy(p, data[day].icon.c_str(), p_max_size); + } else if (strcmp(data_type, "forecast") == EQUAL) { + strncpy(p, data[day].xoap_t.c_str(), p_max_size); + } else if (strcmp(data_type, "wind_speed") == EQUAL) { + snprintf(p, p_max_size, "%d", data[day].wind_s); + } else if (strcmp(data_type, "wind_dir") == EQUAL) { + wind_deg_to_dir(p, p_max_size, data[day].wind_d); + } else if (strcmp(data_type, "wind_dir_DEG") == EQUAL) { + snprintf(p, p_max_size, "%d", data[day].wind_d); + } else if (strcmp(data_type, "humidity") == EQUAL) { + snprintf(p, p_max_size, "%d", data[day].hmid); + } else if (strcmp(data_type, "precipitation") == EQUAL) { + snprintf(p, p_max_size, "%d", data[day].ppcp); + } else if (strcmp(data_type, "day") == EQUAL) { + strncpy(p, data[day].day.c_str(), p_max_size); + } else if (strcmp(data_type, "date") == EQUAL) { + strncpy(p, data[day].date.c_str(), p_max_size); + } } #endif /* BUILD_WEATHER_XOAP */ -static void weather_process_info(char *p, int p_max_size, const std::string &uri, char *data_type, int interval) -{ - static const char *wc[] = { - "", "drizzle", "rain", "hail", "soft hail", - "snow", "snow grains", "fog", "haze", "smoke", - "mist", "dust", "sand", "funnel cloud tornado", - "dust/sand", "squall", "sand storm", "dust storm" - }; +static void weather_process_info(char *p, int p_max_size, + const std::string &uri, char *data_type, + int interval) { + static const char *wc[] = {"", + "drizzle", + "rain", + "hail", + "soft hail", + "snow", + "snow grains", + "fog", + "haze", + "smoke", + "mist", + "dust", + "sand", + "funnel cloud tornado", + "dust/sand", + "squall", + "sand storm", + "dust storm"}; - uint32_t period = std::max(lround(interval/active_update_interval()), 1l); + uint32_t period = std::max(lround(interval / active_update_interval()), 1l); - auto cb = conky::register_cb>(period, uri); + auto cb = conky::register_cb>(period, uri); - std::lock_guard lock(cb->result_mutex); - const weather *data = &cb->get_result(); - if (strcmp(data_type, "last_update") == EQUAL) { - strncpy(p, data->lastupd.c_str(), p_max_size); - } else if (strcmp(data_type, "temperature") == EQUAL) { - temp_print(p, p_max_size, data->temp, TEMP_CELSIUS); - } else if (strcmp(data_type, "cloud_cover") == EQUAL) { + std::lock_guard lock(cb->result_mutex); + const weather *data = &cb->get_result(); + if (strcmp(data_type, "last_update") == EQUAL) { + strncpy(p, data->lastupd.c_str(), p_max_size); + } else if (strcmp(data_type, "temperature") == EQUAL) { + temp_print(p, p_max_size, data->temp, TEMP_CELSIUS); + } else if (strcmp(data_type, "cloud_cover") == EQUAL) { #ifdef BUILD_WEATHER_XOAP - if (data->xoap_t[0] != '\0') { - char *s = p; - strncpy(p, data->xoap_t.c_str(), p_max_size); - while (*s) { - *s = tolower(*s); - s++; - } - } else + if (data->xoap_t[0] != '\0') { + char *s = p; + strncpy(p, data->xoap_t.c_str(), p_max_size); + while (*s) { + *s = tolower(*s); + s++; + } + } else #endif /* BUILD_WEATHER_XOAP */ - if (data->cc == 0) { - strncpy(p, "", p_max_size); - } else if (data->cc < 3) { - strncpy(p, "clear", p_max_size); - } else if (data->cc < 5) { - strncpy(p, "partly cloudy", p_max_size); - } else if (data->cc == 5) { - strncpy(p, "cloudy", p_max_size); - } else if (data->cc == 6) { - strncpy(p, "overcast", p_max_size); - } else if (data->cc == 7) { - strncpy(p, "towering cumulus", p_max_size); - } else { - strncpy(p, "cumulonimbus", p_max_size); - } + if (data->cc == 0) { + strncpy(p, "", p_max_size); + } else if (data->cc < 3) { + strncpy(p, "clear", p_max_size); + } else if (data->cc < 5) { + strncpy(p, "partly cloudy", p_max_size); + } else if (data->cc == 5) { + strncpy(p, "cloudy", p_max_size); + } else if (data->cc == 6) { + strncpy(p, "overcast", p_max_size); + } else if (data->cc == 7) { + strncpy(p, "towering cumulus", p_max_size); + } else { + strncpy(p, "cumulonimbus", p_max_size); + } #ifdef BUILD_WEATHER_XOAP - } else if (strcmp(data_type, "icon") == EQUAL) { - strncpy(p, data->icon.c_str(), p_max_size); + } else if (strcmp(data_type, "icon") == EQUAL) { + strncpy(p, data->icon.c_str(), p_max_size); #endif /* BUILD_WEATHER_XOAP */ - } else if (strcmp(data_type, "pressure") == EQUAL) { - snprintf(p, p_max_size, "%d", data->bar); - } else if (strcmp(data_type, "wind_speed") == EQUAL) { - snprintf(p, p_max_size, "%d", data->wind_s); - } else if (strcmp(data_type, "wind_dir") == EQUAL) { - wind_deg_to_dir(p, p_max_size, data->wind_d); - } else if (strcmp(data_type, "wind_dir_DEG") == EQUAL) { - snprintf(p, p_max_size, "%d", data->wind_d); - - } else if (strcmp(data_type, "humidity") == EQUAL) { - snprintf(p, p_max_size, "%d", data->hmid); - } else if (strcmp(data_type, "weather") == EQUAL) { - strncpy(p, wc[data->wc], p_max_size); - } + } else if (strcmp(data_type, "pressure") == EQUAL) { + snprintf(p, p_max_size, "%d", data->bar); + } else if (strcmp(data_type, "wind_speed") == EQUAL) { + snprintf(p, p_max_size, "%d", data->wind_s); + } else if (strcmp(data_type, "wind_dir") == EQUAL) { + wind_deg_to_dir(p, p_max_size, data->wind_d); + } else if (strcmp(data_type, "wind_dir_DEG") == EQUAL) { + snprintf(p, p_max_size, "%d", data->wind_d); + } else if (strcmp(data_type, "humidity") == EQUAL) { + snprintf(p, p_max_size, "%d", data->hmid); + } else if (strcmp(data_type, "weather") == EQUAL) { + strncpy(p, wc[data->wc], p_max_size); + } } #ifdef BUILD_WEATHER_XOAP /* xoap suffix for weather from weather.com */ namespace { - std::string xoap_cc; - std::string xoap_df; -} +std::string xoap_cc; +std::string xoap_df; +} // namespace #endif /* BUILD_WEATHER_XOAP */ -static int process_weather_uri(char *uri, char *locID, int dayf UNUSED_ATTR) -{ - /* locID MUST BE upper-case */ - char *tmp_p = locID; +static int process_weather_uri(char *uri, char *locID, int dayf UNUSED_ATTR) { + /* locID MUST BE upper-case */ + char *tmp_p = locID; - while (*tmp_p) { - *tmp_p = toupper(*tmp_p); - tmp_p++; - } + while (*tmp_p) { + *tmp_p = toupper(*tmp_p); + tmp_p++; + } - /* Construct complete uri */ + /* Construct complete uri */ #ifdef BUILD_WEATHER_XOAP - if (strstr(uri, "xoap.weather.com")) { - if ((dayf == 0) && (xoap_cc.length() != 0)) { - strcat(uri, locID); - strcat(uri, xoap_cc.c_str()); - } else if ((dayf == 1) && (xoap_df.length() != 0)) { - strcat(uri, locID); - strcat(uri, xoap_df.c_str()); - } else { - return 0; - } - } else + if (strstr(uri, "xoap.weather.com")) { + if ((dayf == 0) && (xoap_cc.length() != 0)) { + strcat(uri, locID); + strcat(uri, xoap_cc.c_str()); + } else if ((dayf == 1) && (xoap_df.length() != 0)) { + strcat(uri, locID); + strcat(uri, xoap_df.c_str()); + } else { + return 0; + } + } else #endif /* BUILD_WEATHER_XOAP */ - if (strstr(uri, "tgftp.nws.noaa.gov")) { - strcat(uri, locID); - strcat(uri, ".TXT"); - } else if (!strstr(uri, "localhost") && !strstr(uri, "")) { - return -1; - } - return 0; + if (strstr(uri, "tgftp.nws.noaa.gov")) { + strcat(uri, locID); + strcat(uri, ".TXT"); + } else if (!strstr(uri, "localhost") && !strstr(uri, "")) { + return -1; + } + return 0; } #ifdef BUILD_WEATHER_XOAP @@ -879,136 +871,139 @@ static int process_weather_uri(char *uri, char *locID, int dayf UNUSED_ATTR) * make the keys directly readable from the config file * make the xoap keys file giveable as a command line option */ -void load_xoap_keys(void) -{ - FILE *fp; - char *par = (char *) malloc(11 * sizeof(char)); - char *key = (char *) malloc(17 * sizeof(char)); +void load_xoap_keys(void) { + FILE *fp; + char *par = (char *)malloc(11 * sizeof(char)); + char *key = (char *)malloc(17 * sizeof(char)); - std::string xoap = to_real_path(XOAP_FILE); - fp = fopen(xoap.c_str(), "r"); - if (fp != NULL) { - if (fscanf(fp, "%10s %16s", par, key) == 2) { - xoap_cc = std::string("?cc=*&link=xoap&prod=xoap&par=") - + par + "&key=" + key + "&unit=m"; + std::string xoap = to_real_path(XOAP_FILE); + fp = fopen(xoap.c_str(), "r"); + if (fp != NULL) { + if (fscanf(fp, "%10s %16s", par, key) == 2) { + xoap_cc = std::string("?cc=*&link=xoap&prod=xoap&par=") + par + + "&key=" + key + "&unit=m"; - /* TODO: Use FORECAST_DAYS instead of 5 */ - xoap_df = std::string("?dayf=5&link=xoap&prod=xoap&par=") - + par + "&key=" + key + "&unit=m"; - } - fclose(fp); - } - free(par); - free(key); + /* TODO: Use FORECAST_DAYS instead of 5 */ + xoap_df = std::string("?dayf=5&link=xoap&prod=xoap&par=") + par + + "&key=" + key + "&unit=m"; + } + fclose(fp); + } + free(par); + free(key); } -void scan_weather_forecast_arg(struct text_object *obj, const char *arg, void *free_at_crash) -{ - int argc; - struct weather_forecast_data *wfd; - float interval = 0; - char *locID = (char *) malloc(9 * sizeof(char)); +void scan_weather_forecast_arg(struct text_object *obj, const char *arg, + void *free_at_crash) { + int argc; + struct weather_forecast_data *wfd; + float interval = 0; + char *locID = (char *)malloc(9 * sizeof(char)); - wfd = (struct weather_forecast_data *)malloc(sizeof(struct weather_forecast_data)); - memset(wfd, 0, sizeof(struct weather_forecast_data)); + wfd = (struct weather_forecast_data *)malloc( + sizeof(struct weather_forecast_data)); + memset(wfd, 0, sizeof(struct weather_forecast_data)); - argc = sscanf(arg, "%119s %8s %1u %31s %f", wfd->uri, locID, &wfd->day, wfd->data_type, &interval); + argc = sscanf(arg, "%119s %8s %1u %31s %f", wfd->uri, locID, &wfd->day, + wfd->data_type, &interval); - if (argc < 4) { - free(locID); - free(wfd); - CRIT_ERR(obj, free_at_crash, "wrong number of arguments for $weather_forecast"); - } - if (process_weather_uri(wfd->uri, locID, 1)) { - free(locID); - free(wfd); - CRIT_ERR(obj, free_at_crash, \ - "could not recognize the weather forecast uri"); - } + if (argc < 4) { + free(locID); + free(wfd); + CRIT_ERR(obj, free_at_crash, + "wrong number of arguments for $weather_forecast"); + } + if (process_weather_uri(wfd->uri, locID, 1)) { + free(locID); + free(wfd); + CRIT_ERR(obj, free_at_crash, + "could not recognize the weather forecast uri"); + } - /* Limit the day between 0 (today) and FORECAST_DAYS */ - if (wfd->day >= FORECAST_DAYS) { - wfd->day = FORECAST_DAYS-1; - } + /* Limit the day between 0 (today) and FORECAST_DAYS */ + if (wfd->day >= FORECAST_DAYS) { + wfd->day = FORECAST_DAYS - 1; + } - /* Limit the data retrieval interval to 3 hours and an half */ - if (interval < 210) { - interval = 210; - } + /* Limit the data retrieval interval to 3 hours and an half */ + if (interval < 210) { + interval = 210; + } - /* Convert to seconds */ - wfd->interval = interval * 60; - free(locID); + /* Convert to seconds */ + wfd->interval = interval * 60; + free(locID); - DBGP("weather_forecast: fetching %s for day %d from %s every %d seconds", \ - wfd->data_type, wfd->day, wfd->uri, wfd->interval); + DBGP("weather_forecast: fetching %s for day %d from %s every %d seconds", + wfd->data_type, wfd->day, wfd->uri, wfd->interval); - obj->data.opaque = wfd; + obj->data.opaque = wfd; } -void print_weather_forecast(struct text_object *obj, char *p, int p_max_size) -{ - struct weather_forecast_data *wfd = (struct weather_forecast_data *)obj->data.opaque; +void print_weather_forecast(struct text_object *obj, char *p, int p_max_size) { + struct weather_forecast_data *wfd = + (struct weather_forecast_data *)obj->data.opaque; - if (!wfd || !wfd->uri) { - NORM_ERR("error processing weather forecast data, check that you have a valid XOAP key if using XOAP."); - return; - } - weather_forecast_process_info(p, p_max_size, wfd->uri, wfd->day, wfd->data_type, wfd->interval); + if (!wfd || !wfd->uri) { + NORM_ERR( + "error processing weather forecast data, check that you have a valid " + "XOAP key if using XOAP."); + return; + } + weather_forecast_process_info(p, p_max_size, wfd->uri, wfd->day, + wfd->data_type, wfd->interval); } #endif /* BUILD_WEATHER_XOAP */ -void scan_weather_arg(struct text_object *obj, const char *arg, void *free_at_crash) -{ - int argc; - struct weather_data *wd; - char *locID = (char *) malloc(9 * sizeof(char)); - float interval = 0; +void scan_weather_arg(struct text_object *obj, const char *arg, + void *free_at_crash) { + int argc; + struct weather_data *wd; + char *locID = (char *)malloc(9 * sizeof(char)); + float interval = 0; - wd = (struct weather_data *)malloc(sizeof(struct weather_data)); - memset(wd, 0, sizeof(struct weather_data)); + wd = (struct weather_data *)malloc(sizeof(struct weather_data)); + memset(wd, 0, sizeof(struct weather_data)); - argc = sscanf(arg, "%119s %8s %31s %f", wd->uri, locID, wd->data_type, &interval); + argc = sscanf(arg, "%119s %8s %31s %f", wd->uri, locID, wd->data_type, + &interval); - if (argc < 3) { - free(locID); - free(wd); - CRIT_ERR(obj, free_at_crash, "wrong number of arguments for $weather"); - } - if (process_weather_uri(wd->uri, locID, 0)) { - free(locID); - free(wd); - CRIT_ERR(obj, free_at_crash, \ - "could not recognize the weather uri"); - } + if (argc < 3) { + free(locID); + free(wd); + CRIT_ERR(obj, free_at_crash, "wrong number of arguments for $weather"); + } + if (process_weather_uri(wd->uri, locID, 0)) { + free(locID); + free(wd); + CRIT_ERR(obj, free_at_crash, "could not recognize the weather uri"); + } - /* Limit the data retrieval interval to half hour min */ - if (interval < 30) { - interval = 30; - } + /* Limit the data retrieval interval to half hour min */ + if (interval < 30) { + interval = 30; + } - /* Convert to seconds */ - wd->interval = interval * 60; - free(locID); + /* Convert to seconds */ + wd->interval = interval * 60; + free(locID); - DBGP("weather: fetching %s from %s every %d seconds", \ - wd->data_type, wd->uri, wd->interval); + DBGP("weather: fetching %s from %s every %d seconds", wd->data_type, wd->uri, + wd->interval); - obj->data.opaque = wd; + obj->data.opaque = wd; } -void print_weather(struct text_object *obj, char *p, int p_max_size) -{ - struct weather_data *wd = (struct weather_data *)obj->data.opaque; +void print_weather(struct text_object *obj, char *p, int p_max_size) { + struct weather_data *wd = (struct weather_data *)obj->data.opaque; - if (!wd || !wd->uri) { - NORM_ERR("error processing weather data, check that you have a valid XOAP key if using XOAP."); - return; - } - weather_process_info(p, p_max_size, wd->uri, wd->data_type, wd->interval); + if (!wd || !wd->uri) { + NORM_ERR( + "error processing weather data, check that you have a valid XOAP key " + "if using XOAP."); + return; + } + weather_process_info(p, p_max_size, wd->uri, wd->data_type, wd->interval); } -void free_weather(struct text_object *obj) -{ - free_and_zero(obj->data.opaque); -} +void free_weather(struct text_object *obj) { free_and_zero(obj->data.opaque); } diff --git a/src/weather.h b/src/weather.h index fc2077a9..b913e491 100644 --- a/src/weather.h +++ b/src/weather.h @@ -1,5 +1,4 @@ -/* -*- mode: c++; c-basic-offset: 4; tab-width: 4; indent-tabs-mode: t -*- - * vim: ts=4 sw=4 noet ai cindent syntax=cpp +/* * * Conky, a system monitor, based on torsmo * @@ -10,7 +9,7 @@ * Please see COPYING for details * * Copyright (c) 2004, Hannu Saransaari and Lauri Hakkarainen - * Copyright (c) 2005-2012 Brenden Matthews, Philip Kovacs, et. al. + * Copyright (c) 2005-2018 Brenden Matthews, Philip Kovacs, et. al. * (see AUTHORS) * All rights reserved. * diff --git a/src/x11.cc b/src/x11.cc index c245c25d..ffbcb313 100644 --- a/src/x11.cc +++ b/src/x11.cc @@ -1,5 +1,4 @@ -/* -*- mode: c++; c-basic-offset: 4; tab-width: 4; indent-tabs-mode: t -*- - * vim: ts=4 sw=4 noet ai cindent syntax=cpp +/* * * Conky, a system monitor, based on torsmo * @@ -10,7 +9,7 @@ * Please see COPYING for details * * Copyright (c) 2004, Hannu Saransaari and Lauri Hakkarainen - * Copyright (c) 2005-2012 Brenden Matthews, Philip Kovacs, et. al. + * Copyright (c) 2005-2018 Brenden Matthews, Philip Kovacs, et. al. * (see AUTHORS) * All rights reserved. * @@ -28,16 +27,16 @@ * */ +#include "common.h" #include "config.h" #include "conky.h" #include "logging.h" -#include "common.h" -#include "x11.h" -#include #include +#include #include #include +#include "x11.h" #ifdef BUILD_IMLIB2 #include "imlib2.h" #endif /* BUILD_IMLIB2 */ @@ -78,307 +77,291 @@ static void init_window(lua::state &l, bool own); /********************* ************************/ namespace priv { - void out_to_x_setting::lua_setter(lua::state &l, bool init) - { - lua::stack_sentry s(l, -2); +void out_to_x_setting::lua_setter(lua::state &l, bool init) { + lua::stack_sentry s(l, -2); - Base::lua_setter(l, init); + Base::lua_setter(l, init); - if(init && do_convert(l, -1).first) - init_X11(); + if (init && do_convert(l, -1).first) init_X11(); - ++s; - } - - void out_to_x_setting::cleanup(lua::state &l) - { - lua::stack_sentry s(l, -1); - - if(do_convert(l, -1).first) - deinit_X11(); - - l.pop(); - } - - void own_window_setting::lua_setter(lua::state &l, bool init) - { - lua::stack_sentry s(l, -2); - - Base::lua_setter(l, init); - - if(init) { - if(do_convert(l, -1).first) { -#ifndef OWN_WINDOW - std::cerr << "Support for the own_window setting has been " - "disabled during compilation\n"; - l.pop(); - l.pushboolean(false); -#endif - } - - if(out_to_x.get(l)) - init_window(l, do_convert(l, -1).first); - else { - // own_window makes no sense when not drawing to X - l.pop(); - l.pushboolean(false); - } - } - - ++s; - } - -#ifdef BUILD_XDBE - bool use_xdbe_setting::set_up(lua::state &l) - { - // double_buffer makes no sense when not drawing to X - if(not out_to_x.get(l)) - return false; - - int major, minor; - - if (not XdbeQueryExtension(display, &major, &minor)) { - NORM_ERR("No compatible double buffer extension found"); - return false; - } - - window.back_buffer = XdbeAllocateBackBufferName(display, - window.window, XdbeBackground); - if (window.back_buffer != None) { - window.drawable = window.back_buffer; - } else { - NORM_ERR("Failed to allocate back buffer"); - return false; - } - - XFlush(display); - return true; - } - - void use_xdbe_setting::lua_setter(lua::state &l, bool init) - { - lua::stack_sentry s(l, -2); - - Base::lua_setter(l, init); - - if(init && do_convert(l, -1).first) { - if(not set_up(l)) { - l.pop(); - l.pushboolean(false); - } - - fprintf(stderr, PACKAGE_NAME": drawing to %s buffer\n", - do_convert(l, -1).first?"double":"single"); - } - - ++s; - } - - - -#else - bool use_xpmdb_setting::set_up(lua::state &l) - { - // double_buffer makes no sense when not drawing to X - if(not out_to_x.get(l)) - return false; - - window.back_buffer = XCreatePixmap(display, - window.window, window.width+1, window.height+1, DefaultDepth(display, screen)); - if (window.back_buffer != None) { - window.drawable = window.back_buffer; - } else { - NORM_ERR("Failed to allocate back buffer"); - return false; - } - - - XFlush(display); - return true; - } - - void use_xpmdb_setting::lua_setter(lua::state &l, bool init) - { - lua::stack_sentry s(l, -2); - - Base::lua_setter(l, init); - - if(init && do_convert(l, -1).first) { - if(not set_up(l)) { - l.pop(); - l.pushboolean(false); - } - - fprintf(stderr, PACKAGE_NAME": drawing to %s buffer\n", - do_convert(l, -1).first?"double":"single"); - } - - ++s; - } -#endif - - void colour_setting::lua_setter(lua::state &l, bool init) - { - lua::stack_sentry s(l, -2); - - if(not out_to_x.get(l)) { - // ignore if we're not using X - l.replace(-2); - } else - Base::lua_setter(l, init); - - ++s; - } + ++s; } -template<> +void out_to_x_setting::cleanup(lua::state &l) { + lua::stack_sentry s(l, -1); + + if (do_convert(l, -1).first) deinit_X11(); + + l.pop(); +} + +void own_window_setting::lua_setter(lua::state &l, bool init) { + lua::stack_sentry s(l, -2); + + Base::lua_setter(l, init); + + if (init) { + if (do_convert(l, -1).first) { +#ifndef OWN_WINDOW + std::cerr << "Support for the own_window setting has been " + "disabled during compilation\n"; + l.pop(); + l.pushboolean(false); +#endif + } + + if (out_to_x.get(l)) + init_window(l, do_convert(l, -1).first); + else { + // own_window makes no sense when not drawing to X + l.pop(); + l.pushboolean(false); + } + } + + ++s; +} + +#ifdef BUILD_XDBE +bool use_xdbe_setting::set_up(lua::state &l) { + // double_buffer makes no sense when not drawing to X + if (not out_to_x.get(l)) return false; + + int major, minor; + + if (not XdbeQueryExtension(display, &major, &minor)) { + NORM_ERR("No compatible double buffer extension found"); + return false; + } + + window.back_buffer = + XdbeAllocateBackBufferName(display, window.window, XdbeBackground); + if (window.back_buffer != None) { + window.drawable = window.back_buffer; + } else { + NORM_ERR("Failed to allocate back buffer"); + return false; + } + + XFlush(display); + return true; +} + +void use_xdbe_setting::lua_setter(lua::state &l, bool init) { + lua::stack_sentry s(l, -2); + + Base::lua_setter(l, init); + + if (init && do_convert(l, -1).first) { + if (not set_up(l)) { + l.pop(); + l.pushboolean(false); + } + + fprintf(stderr, PACKAGE_NAME ": drawing to %s buffer\n", + do_convert(l, -1).first ? "double" : "single"); + } + + ++s; +} + +#else +bool use_xpmdb_setting::set_up(lua::state &l) { + // double_buffer makes no sense when not drawing to X + if (not out_to_x.get(l)) return false; + + window.back_buffer = + XCreatePixmap(display, window.window, window.width + 1, window.height + 1, + DefaultDepth(display, screen)); + if (window.back_buffer != None) { + window.drawable = window.back_buffer; + } else { + NORM_ERR("Failed to allocate back buffer"); + return false; + } + + XFlush(display); + return true; +} + +void use_xpmdb_setting::lua_setter(lua::state &l, bool init) { + lua::stack_sentry s(l, -2); + + Base::lua_setter(l, init); + + if (init && do_convert(l, -1).first) { + if (not set_up(l)) { + l.pop(); + l.pushboolean(false); + } + + fprintf(stderr, PACKAGE_NAME ": drawing to %s buffer\n", + do_convert(l, -1).first ? "double" : "single"); + } + + ++s; +} +#endif + +void colour_setting::lua_setter(lua::state &l, bool init) { + lua::stack_sentry s(l, -2); + + if (not out_to_x.get(l)) { + // ignore if we're not using X + l.replace(-2); + } else + Base::lua_setter(l, init); + + ++s; +} +} // namespace priv + +template <> conky::lua_traits::Map conky::lua_traits::map = { - { "top_left", TOP_LEFT }, - { "top_right", TOP_RIGHT }, - { "top_middle", TOP_MIDDLE }, - { "bottom_left", BOTTOM_LEFT }, - { "bottom_right", BOTTOM_RIGHT }, - { "bottom_middle", BOTTOM_MIDDLE }, - { "middle_left", MIDDLE_LEFT }, - { "middle_middle", MIDDLE_MIDDLE }, - { "middle_right", MIDDLE_RIGHT }, - { "tl", TOP_LEFT }, - { "tr", TOP_RIGHT }, - { "tm", TOP_MIDDLE }, - { "bl", BOTTOM_LEFT }, - { "br", BOTTOM_RIGHT }, - { "bm", BOTTOM_MIDDLE }, - { "ml", MIDDLE_LEFT }, - { "mm", MIDDLE_MIDDLE }, - { "mr", MIDDLE_RIGHT }, - { "none", NONE } -}; + {"top_left", TOP_LEFT}, + {"top_right", TOP_RIGHT}, + {"top_middle", TOP_MIDDLE}, + {"bottom_left", BOTTOM_LEFT}, + {"bottom_right", BOTTOM_RIGHT}, + {"bottom_middle", BOTTOM_MIDDLE}, + {"middle_left", MIDDLE_LEFT}, + {"middle_middle", MIDDLE_MIDDLE}, + {"middle_right", MIDDLE_RIGHT}, + {"tl", TOP_LEFT}, + {"tr", TOP_RIGHT}, + {"tm", TOP_MIDDLE}, + {"bl", BOTTOM_LEFT}, + {"br", BOTTOM_RIGHT}, + {"bm", BOTTOM_MIDDLE}, + {"ml", MIDDLE_LEFT}, + {"mm", MIDDLE_MIDDLE}, + {"mr", MIDDLE_RIGHT}, + {"none", NONE}}; #ifdef OWN_WINDOW -template<> +template <> conky::lua_traits::Map conky::lua_traits::map = { - { "normal", TYPE_NORMAL }, - { "dock", TYPE_DOCK }, - { "panel", TYPE_PANEL }, - { "desktop", TYPE_DESKTOP }, - { "override", TYPE_OVERRIDE } -}; + {"normal", TYPE_NORMAL}, + {"dock", TYPE_DOCK}, + {"panel", TYPE_PANEL}, + {"desktop", TYPE_DESKTOP}, + {"override", TYPE_OVERRIDE}}; -template<> +template <> conky::lua_traits::Map conky::lua_traits::map = { - { "undecorated", HINT_UNDECORATED }, - { "below", HINT_BELOW }, - { "above", HINT_ABOVE }, - { "sticky", HINT_STICKY }, - { "skip_taskbar", HINT_SKIP_TASKBAR }, - { "skip_pager", HINT_SKIP_PAGER } -}; + {"undecorated", HINT_UNDECORATED}, + {"below", HINT_BELOW}, + {"above", HINT_ABOVE}, + {"sticky", HINT_STICKY}, + {"skip_taskbar", HINT_SKIP_TASKBAR}, + {"skip_pager", HINT_SKIP_PAGER}}; -std::pair -window_hints_traits::convert(lua::state &l, int index, const std::string &name) -{ - typedef conky::lua_traits Traits; +std::pair window_hints_traits::convert( + lua::state &l, int index, const std::string &name) { + typedef conky::lua_traits Traits; - lua::stack_sentry s(l); - l.checkstack(1); + lua::stack_sentry s(l); + l.checkstack(1); - std::string hints = l.tostring(index); - // add a sentinel to simplify the following loop - hints += ','; - size_t pos = 0; - size_t newpos; - uint16_t ret = 0; - while((newpos = hints.find_first_of(", ", pos)) != std::string::npos) { - if(newpos > pos) { - l.pushstring(hints.substr(pos, newpos-pos)); - auto t = conky::lua_traits::convert(l, -1, name); - if(not t.second) - return {0, false}; - SET_HINT(ret, t.first); - l.pop(); - } - pos = newpos+1; - } - return {ret, true}; + std::string hints = l.tostring(index); + // add a sentinel to simplify the following loop + hints += ','; + size_t pos = 0; + size_t newpos; + uint16_t ret = 0; + while ((newpos = hints.find_first_of(", ", pos)) != std::string::npos) { + if (newpos > pos) { + l.pushstring(hints.substr(pos, newpos - pos)); + auto t = conky::lua_traits::convert(l, -1, name); + if (not t.second) return {0, false}; + SET_HINT(ret, t.first); + l.pop(); + } + pos = newpos + 1; + } + return {ret, true}; } #endif namespace { - // used to set the default value for own_window_title - std::string gethostnamecxx() - { update_uname(); return info.uname_s.nodename; } +// used to set the default value for own_window_title +std::string gethostnamecxx() { + update_uname(); + return info.uname_s.nodename; } +} // namespace /* - * The order of these settings cannot be completely arbitrary. Some of them depend on others, and - * the setters are called in the order in which they are defined. The order should be: - * display_name -> out_to_x -> everything colour related - * -> border_*, own_window_*, etc -> own_window -> double_buffer -> imlib_cache_size + * The order of these settings cannot be completely arbitrary. Some of them + * depend on others, and the setters are called in the order in which they are + * defined. The order should be: display_name -> out_to_x -> everything colour + * related + * -> border_*, own_window_*, etc -> own_window -> + * double_buffer -> imlib_cache_size */ -conky::simple_config_setting text_alignment("alignment", BOTTOM_LEFT, false); -conky::simple_config_setting display_name("display", std::string(), false); +conky::simple_config_setting text_alignment("alignment", BOTTOM_LEFT, + false); +conky::simple_config_setting display_name("display", std::string(), + false); static conky::simple_config_setting head_index("xinerama_head", 0, true); -priv::out_to_x_setting out_to_x; +priv::out_to_x_setting out_to_x; -priv::colour_setting color[10] = { - { "color0", 0xffffff }, - { "color1", 0xffffff }, - { "color2", 0xffffff }, - { "color3", 0xffffff }, - { "color4", 0xffffff }, - { "color5", 0xffffff }, - { "color6", 0xffffff }, - { "color7", 0xffffff }, - { "color8", 0xffffff }, - { "color9", 0xffffff } -}; -priv::colour_setting default_color("default_color", 0xffffff); -priv::colour_setting default_shade_color("default_shade_color", 0x000000); -priv::colour_setting default_outline_color("default_outline_color", 0x000000); +priv::colour_setting color[10] = {{"color0", 0xffffff}, {"color1", 0xffffff}, + {"color2", 0xffffff}, {"color3", 0xffffff}, + {"color4", 0xffffff}, {"color5", 0xffffff}, + {"color6", 0xffffff}, {"color7", 0xffffff}, + {"color8", 0xffffff}, {"color9", 0xffffff}}; +priv::colour_setting default_color("default_color", 0xffffff); +priv::colour_setting default_shade_color("default_shade_color", 0x000000); +priv::colour_setting default_outline_color("default_outline_color", 0x000000); -conky::range_config_setting border_inner_margin("border_inner_margin", 0, - std::numeric_limits::max(), 3, true); -conky::range_config_setting border_outer_margin("border_outer_margin", 0, - std::numeric_limits::max(), 1, true); -conky::range_config_setting border_width("border_width", 0, - std::numeric_limits::max(), 1, true); +conky::range_config_setting border_inner_margin( + "border_inner_margin", 0, std::numeric_limits::max(), 3, true); +conky::range_config_setting border_outer_margin( + "border_outer_margin", 0, std::numeric_limits::max(), 1, true); +conky::range_config_setting border_width("border_width", 0, + std::numeric_limits::max(), + 1, true); #ifdef BUILD_XFT -conky::simple_config_setting use_xft("use_xft", false, false); +conky::simple_config_setting use_xft("use_xft", false, false); #endif #ifdef OWN_WINDOW -conky::simple_config_setting set_transparent("own_window_transparent", false, false); +conky::simple_config_setting set_transparent("own_window_transparent", + false, false); conky::simple_config_setting own_window_class("own_window_class", - PACKAGE_NAME, false); + PACKAGE_NAME, false); -conky::simple_config_setting own_window_title("own_window_title", - PACKAGE_NAME " (" + gethostnamecxx()+")", false); +conky::simple_config_setting own_window_title( + "own_window_title", PACKAGE_NAME " (" + gethostnamecxx() + ")", false); -conky::simple_config_setting own_window_type("own_window_type", TYPE_NORMAL, false); -conky::simple_config_setting - own_window_hints("own_window_hints", 0, false); +conky::simple_config_setting own_window_type("own_window_type", + TYPE_NORMAL, false); +conky::simple_config_setting own_window_hints( + "own_window_hints", 0, false); -priv::colour_setting background_colour("own_window_colour", 0); +priv::colour_setting background_colour("own_window_colour", 0); #ifdef BUILD_ARGB -conky::simple_config_setting use_argb_visual("own_window_argb_visual", false, false); -conky::range_config_setting own_window_argb_value("own_window_argb_value", - 0, 255, 255, false); +conky::simple_config_setting use_argb_visual("own_window_argb_visual", + false, false); +conky::range_config_setting own_window_argb_value("own_window_argb_value", + 0, 255, 255, false); #endif #endif /*OWN_WINDOW*/ -priv::own_window_setting own_window; +priv::own_window_setting own_window; #ifdef BUILD_XDBE -priv::use_xdbe_setting use_xdbe; +priv::use_xdbe_setting use_xdbe; #else -priv::use_xpmdb_setting use_xpmdb; +priv::use_xpmdb_setting use_xpmdb; #endif #ifdef BUILD_IMLIB2 /* - * the only reason this is not in imlib2.cc is so that we can be sure it's setter executes after - * use_xdbe + * the only reason this is not in imlib2.cc is so that we can be sure it's + * setter executes after use_xdbe */ imlib_cache_size_setting imlib_cache_size; #endif @@ -386,112 +369,104 @@ imlib_cache_size_setting imlib_cache_size; #ifdef DEBUG /* WARNING, this type not in Xlib spec */ -static int __attribute__((noreturn)) x11_error_handler(Display *d, XErrorEvent *err) -{ - NORM_ERR("X Error: type %i Display %lx XID %li serial %lu error_code %i request_code %i minor_code %i other Display: %lx\n", - err->type, - (long unsigned)err->display, - (long)err->resourceid, - err->serial, - err->error_code, - err->request_code, - err->minor_code, - (long unsigned)d - ); - abort(); +static int __attribute__((noreturn)) +x11_error_handler(Display *d, XErrorEvent *err) { + NORM_ERR( + "X Error: type %i Display %lx XID %li serial %lu error_code %i " + "request_code %i minor_code %i other Display: %lx\n", + err->type, (long unsigned)err->display, (long)err->resourceid, + err->serial, err->error_code, err->request_code, err->minor_code, + (long unsigned)d); + abort(); } -static int __attribute__((noreturn)) x11_ioerror_handler(Display *d) -{ - NORM_ERR("X Error: Display %lx\n", - (long unsigned)d - ); - exit(1); +static int __attribute__((noreturn)) x11_ioerror_handler(Display *d) { + NORM_ERR("X Error: Display %lx\n", (long unsigned)d); + exit(1); } #endif /* DEBUG */ /* X11 initializer */ -static void init_X11() -{ - if (!display) { - const std::string &dispstr = display_name.get(*state).c_str(); - // passing NULL to XOpenDisplay should open the default display - const char *disp = dispstr.size() ? dispstr.c_str() : NULL; - if ((display = XOpenDisplay(disp)) == NULL) { - throw std::runtime_error(std::string("can't open display: ") + XDisplayName(disp)); - } - } +static void init_X11() { + if (!display) { + const std::string &dispstr = display_name.get(*state).c_str(); + // passing NULL to XOpenDisplay should open the default display + const char *disp = dispstr.size() ? dispstr.c_str() : NULL; + if ((display = XOpenDisplay(disp)) == NULL) { + throw std::runtime_error(std::string("can't open display: ") + + XDisplayName(disp)); + } + } - info.x11.monitor.number = 1; - info.x11.monitor.current = 0; - info.x11.desktop.current = 1; - info.x11.desktop.number = 1; - info.x11.desktop.all_names.clear(); - info.x11.desktop.name.clear(); + info.x11.monitor.number = 1; + info.x11.monitor.current = 0; + info.x11.desktop.current = 1; + info.x11.desktop.number = 1; + info.x11.desktop.all_names.clear(); + info.x11.desktop.name.clear(); - screen = DefaultScreen(display); - display_width = DisplayWidth(display, screen); - display_height = DisplayHeight(display, screen); + screen = DefaultScreen(display); + display_width = DisplayWidth(display, screen); + display_height = DisplayHeight(display, screen); - get_x11_desktop_info(display, 0); + get_x11_desktop_info(display, 0); - update_workarea(); + update_workarea(); #ifdef DEBUG - _Xdebug = 1; - /* WARNING, this type not in Xlib spec */ - XSetErrorHandler(&x11_error_handler); - XSetIOErrorHandler(&x11_ioerror_handler); + _Xdebug = 1; + /* WARNING, this type not in Xlib spec */ + XSetErrorHandler(&x11_error_handler); + XSetIOErrorHandler(&x11_ioerror_handler); #endif /* DEBUG */ } -static void deinit_X11() -{ - XCloseDisplay(display); - display = NULL; +static void deinit_X11() { + XCloseDisplay(display); + display = NULL; } -static void update_workarea(void) -{ - /* default work area is display */ - workarea[0] = 0; - workarea[1] = 0; - workarea[2] = display_width; - workarea[3] = display_height; +static void update_workarea(void) { + /* default work area is display */ + workarea[0] = 0; + workarea[1] = 0; + workarea[2] = display_width; + workarea[3] = display_height; #ifdef BUILD_XINERAMA - /* if xinerama is being used, adjust workarea to the head's area */ - int useless1, useless2; - if (!XineramaQueryExtension(display, &useless1, &useless2)) { - return; /* doesn't even have xinerama */ - } + /* if xinerama is being used, adjust workarea to the head's area */ + int useless1, useless2; + if (!XineramaQueryExtension(display, &useless1, &useless2)) { + return; /* doesn't even have xinerama */ + } - if (!XineramaIsActive(display)) { - return; /* has xinerama but isn't using it */ - } + if (!XineramaIsActive(display)) { + return; /* has xinerama but isn't using it */ + } - int heads = 0; - XineramaScreenInfo *si = XineramaQueryScreens(display, &heads); - if (!si) { - NORM_ERR("warning: XineramaQueryScreen returned NULL, ignoring head settings"); - return; /* queryscreens failed? */ - } + int heads = 0; + XineramaScreenInfo *si = XineramaQueryScreens(display, &heads); + if (!si) { + NORM_ERR( + "warning: XineramaQueryScreen returned NULL, ignoring head settings"); + return; /* queryscreens failed? */ + } - int i = head_index.get(*state); - if (i < 0 || i >= heads) { - NORM_ERR("warning: invalid head index, ignoring head settings"); - return; - } + int i = head_index.get(*state); + if (i < 0 || i >= heads) { + NORM_ERR("warning: invalid head index, ignoring head settings"); + return; + } - XineramaScreenInfo *ps = &si[i]; - workarea[0] = ps->x_org; - workarea[1] = ps->y_org; - workarea[2] = workarea[0] + ps->width; - workarea[3] = workarea[1] + ps->height; - XFree(si); + XineramaScreenInfo *ps = &si[i]; + workarea[0] = ps->x_org; + workarea[1] = ps->y_org; + workarea[2] = workarea[0] + ps->width; + workarea[3] = workarea[1] + ps->height; + XFree(si); - DBGP("Fixed xinerama area to: %d %d %d %d", - workarea[0], workarea[1], workarea[2], workarea[3]); + DBGP("Fixed xinerama area to: %d %d %d %d", workarea[0], workarea[1], + workarea[2], workarea[3]); #endif } @@ -499,788 +474,800 @@ static void update_workarea(void) * Return desktop window on success, * and set root and desktop byref return values. * Return 0 on failure. */ -static Window find_desktop_window(Window *p_root, Window *p_desktop) -{ - Atom type; - int format, i; - unsigned long nitems, bytes; - unsigned int n; - Window root = RootWindow(display, screen); - Window win = root; - Window troot, parent, *children; - unsigned char *buf = NULL; +static Window find_desktop_window(Window *p_root, Window *p_desktop) { + Atom type; + int format, i; + unsigned long nitems, bytes; + unsigned int n; + Window root = RootWindow(display, screen); + Window win = root; + Window troot, parent, *children; + unsigned char *buf = NULL; - if (!p_root || !p_desktop) { - return 0; - } + if (!p_root || !p_desktop) { + return 0; + } - /* some window managers set __SWM_VROOT to some child of root window */ + /* some window managers set __SWM_VROOT to some child of root window */ - XQueryTree(display, root, &troot, &parent, &children, &n); - for (i = 0; i < (int) n; i++) { - if (XGetWindowProperty(display, children[i], ATOM(__SWM_VROOT), 0, 1, - False, XA_WINDOW, &type, &format, &nitems, &bytes, &buf) - == Success && type == XA_WINDOW) { - win = *(Window *) buf; - XFree(buf); - XFree(children); - fprintf(stderr, - PACKAGE_NAME": desktop window (%lx) found from __SWM_VROOT property\n", - win); - fflush(stderr); - *p_root = win; - *p_desktop = win; - return win; - } + XQueryTree(display, root, &troot, &parent, &children, &n); + for (i = 0; i < (int)n; i++) { + if (XGetWindowProperty(display, children[i], ATOM(__SWM_VROOT), 0, 1, False, + XA_WINDOW, &type, &format, &nitems, &bytes, + &buf) == Success && + type == XA_WINDOW) { + win = *(Window *)buf; + XFree(buf); + XFree(children); + fprintf(stderr, + PACKAGE_NAME + ": desktop window (%lx) found from __SWM_VROOT property\n", + win); + fflush(stderr); + *p_root = win; + *p_desktop = win; + return win; + } - if (buf) { - XFree(buf); - buf = 0; - } - } - XFree(children); + if (buf) { + XFree(buf); + buf = 0; + } + } + XFree(children); - /* get subwindows from root */ - win = find_subwindow(root, -1, -1); + /* get subwindows from root */ + win = find_subwindow(root, -1, -1); - update_workarea(); + update_workarea(); - win = find_subwindow(win, workarea[2], workarea[3]); + win = find_subwindow(win, workarea[2], workarea[3]); - if (buf) { - XFree(buf); - buf = 0; - } + if (buf) { + XFree(buf); + buf = 0; + } - if (win != root) { - fprintf(stderr, - PACKAGE_NAME": desktop window (%lx) is subwindow of root window (%lx)\n", - win, root); - } else { - fprintf(stderr, PACKAGE_NAME": desktop window (%lx) is root window\n", win); - } + if (win != root) { + fprintf(stderr, + PACKAGE_NAME + ": desktop window (%lx) is subwindow of root window (%lx)\n", + win, root); + } else { + fprintf(stderr, PACKAGE_NAME ": desktop window (%lx) is root window\n", + win); + } - fflush(stderr); + fflush(stderr); - *p_root = root; - *p_desktop = win; + *p_root = root; + *p_desktop = win; - return win; + return win; } #ifdef OWN_WINDOW namespace { - /* helper function for set_transparent_background() */ - void do_set_background(Window win, int argb) - { - unsigned long colour = background_colour.get(*state) | (argb<<24); - XSetWindowBackground(display, win, colour); - } +/* helper function for set_transparent_background() */ +void do_set_background(Window win, int argb) { + unsigned long colour = background_colour.get(*state) | (argb << 24); + XSetWindowBackground(display, win, colour); } +} // namespace -/* if no argb visual is configured sets background to ParentRelative for the Window and all parents, - else real transparency is used */ -void set_transparent_background(Window win) -{ +/* if no argb visual is configured sets background to ParentRelative for the + Window and all parents, else real transparency is used */ +void set_transparent_background(Window win) { #ifdef BUILD_ARGB - if (have_argb_visual) { - // real transparency - do_set_background(win, set_transparent.get(*state) ? 0 : own_window_argb_value.get(*state)); - } else { + if (have_argb_visual) { + // real transparency + do_set_background(win, set_transparent.get(*state) + ? 0 + : own_window_argb_value.get(*state)); + } else { #endif /* BUILD_ARGB */ - // pseudo transparency - - if (set_transparent.get(*state)) { - Window parent = win; - unsigned int i; + // pseudo transparency - for (i = 0; i < 50 && parent != RootWindow(display, screen); i++) { - Window r, *children; - unsigned int n; + if (set_transparent.get(*state)) { + Window parent = win; + unsigned int i; - XSetWindowBackgroundPixmap(display, parent, ParentRelative); + for (i = 0; i < 50 && parent != RootWindow(display, screen); i++) { + Window r, *children; + unsigned int n; - XQueryTree(display, parent, &r, &parent, &children, &n); - XFree(children); - } - } else - do_set_background(win, 0); + XSetWindowBackgroundPixmap(display, parent, ParentRelative); + + XQueryTree(display, parent, &r, &parent, &children, &n); + XFree(children); + } + } else + do_set_background(win, 0); #ifdef BUILD_ARGB - } + } #endif /* BUILD_ARGB */ } #endif #ifdef BUILD_ARGB -static int get_argb_visual(Visual** visual, int *depth) { - /* code from gtk project, gdk_screen_get_rgba_visual */ - XVisualInfo visual_template; - XVisualInfo *visual_list; - int nxvisuals = 0, i; - - visual_template.screen = screen; - visual_list = XGetVisualInfo (display, VisualScreenMask, - &visual_template, &nxvisuals); - for (i = 0; i < nxvisuals; i++) { - if (visual_list[i].depth == 32 && - (visual_list[i].red_mask == 0xff0000 && - visual_list[i].green_mask == 0x00ff00 && - visual_list[i].blue_mask == 0x0000ff)) { - *visual = visual_list[i].visual; - *depth = visual_list[i].depth; - DBGP("Found ARGB Visual"); - XFree(visual_list); - return 1; - } - } - // no argb visual available - DBGP("No ARGB Visual found"); - XFree(visual_list); - return 0; +static int get_argb_visual(Visual **visual, int *depth) { + /* code from gtk project, gdk_screen_get_rgba_visual */ + XVisualInfo visual_template; + XVisualInfo *visual_list; + int nxvisuals = 0, i; + + visual_template.screen = screen; + visual_list = + XGetVisualInfo(display, VisualScreenMask, &visual_template, &nxvisuals); + for (i = 0; i < nxvisuals; i++) { + if (visual_list[i].depth == 32 && (visual_list[i].red_mask == 0xff0000 && + visual_list[i].green_mask == 0x00ff00 && + visual_list[i].blue_mask == 0x0000ff)) { + *visual = visual_list[i].visual; + *depth = visual_list[i].depth; + DBGP("Found ARGB Visual"); + XFree(visual_list); + return 1; + } + } + // no argb visual available + DBGP("No ARGB Visual found"); + XFree(visual_list); + return 0; } #endif /* BUILD_ARGB */ -void destroy_window(void) -{ +void destroy_window(void) { #ifdef BUILD_XFT - if(window.xftdraw) { - XftDrawDestroy(window.xftdraw); - } + if (window.xftdraw) { + XftDrawDestroy(window.xftdraw); + } #endif /* BUILD_XFT */ - if(window.gc) { - XFreeGC(display, window.gc); - } - memset(&window, 0, sizeof(struct conky_window)); + if (window.gc) { + XFreeGC(display, window.gc); + } + memset(&window, 0, sizeof(struct conky_window)); } -static void init_window(lua::state &l __attribute__((unused)), bool own) -{ - // own is unused if OWN_WINDOW is not defined - (void) own; +static void init_window(lua::state &l __attribute__((unused)), bool own) { + // own is unused if OWN_WINDOW is not defined + (void)own; - window_created = 1; + window_created = 1; #ifdef OWN_WINDOW - if (own) { - int depth = 0, flags = CWOverrideRedirect | CWBackingStore; - Visual *visual = NULL; - - if (!find_desktop_window(&window.root, &window.desktop)) { - return; - } - + if (own) { + int depth = 0, flags = CWOverrideRedirect | CWBackingStore; + Visual *visual = NULL; + + if (!find_desktop_window(&window.root, &window.desktop)) { + return; + } + #ifdef BUILD_ARGB - if (use_argb_visual.get(l) && get_argb_visual(&visual, &depth)) { - have_argb_visual = true; - window.visual = visual; - window.colourmap = XCreateColormap(display, - DefaultRootWindow(display), window.visual, AllocNone); - } else { + if (use_argb_visual.get(l) && get_argb_visual(&visual, &depth)) { + have_argb_visual = true; + window.visual = visual; + window.colourmap = XCreateColormap(display, DefaultRootWindow(display), + window.visual, AllocNone); + } else { #endif /* BUILD_ARGB */ - window.visual = DefaultVisual(display, screen); - window.colourmap = DefaultColormap(display, screen); - depth = CopyFromParent; - visual = CopyFromParent; + window.visual = DefaultVisual(display, screen); + window.colourmap = DefaultColormap(display, screen); + depth = CopyFromParent; + visual = CopyFromParent; #ifdef BUILD_ARGB - } + } #endif /* BUILD_ARGB */ - int b = border_inner_margin.get(l) + border_width.get(l) - + border_outer_margin.get(l); - - /* Sanity check to avoid making an invalid 0x0 window */ - if (b == 0) { - b = 1; - } + int b = border_inner_margin.get(l) + border_width.get(l) + + border_outer_margin.get(l); - if (own_window_type.get(l) == TYPE_OVERRIDE) { + /* Sanity check to avoid making an invalid 0x0 window */ + if (b == 0) { + b = 1; + } - /* An override_redirect True window. - * No WM hints or button processing needed. */ - XSetWindowAttributes attrs = { ParentRelative, 0L, 0, 0L, 0, 0, - Always, 0L, 0L, False, StructureNotifyMask | ExposureMask, 0L, - True, 0, 0 }; + if (own_window_type.get(l) == TYPE_OVERRIDE) { + /* An override_redirect True window. + * No WM hints or button processing needed. */ + XSetWindowAttributes attrs = {ParentRelative, + 0L, + 0, + 0L, + 0, + 0, + Always, + 0L, + 0L, + False, + StructureNotifyMask | ExposureMask, + 0L, + True, + 0, + 0}; #ifdef BUILD_ARGB - if (have_argb_visual) { - attrs.colormap = window.colourmap; - flags |= CWBorderPixel | CWColormap; - } else { + if (have_argb_visual) { + attrs.colormap = window.colourmap; + flags |= CWBorderPixel | CWColormap; + } else { #endif /* BUILD_ARGB */ - flags |= CWBackPixel; + flags |= CWBackPixel; #ifdef BUILD_ARGB - } + } #endif /* BUILD_ARGB */ - /* Parent is desktop window (which might be a child of root) */ - window.window = XCreateWindow(display, window.desktop, window.x, - window.y, b, b, 0, depth, InputOutput, visual, - flags, &attrs); + /* Parent is desktop window (which might be a child of root) */ + window.window = + XCreateWindow(display, window.desktop, window.x, window.y, b, b, 0, + depth, InputOutput, visual, flags, &attrs); - XLowerWindow(display, window.window); + XLowerWindow(display, window.window); - fprintf(stderr, PACKAGE_NAME": window type - override\n"); - fflush(stderr); - } else { /* own_window_type.get(l) != TYPE_OVERRIDE */ + fprintf(stderr, PACKAGE_NAME ": window type - override\n"); + fflush(stderr); + } else { /* own_window_type.get(l) != TYPE_OVERRIDE */ - /* A window managed by the window manager. - * Process hints and buttons. */ - XSetWindowAttributes attrs = { ParentRelative, 0L, 0, 0L, 0, 0, - Always, 0L, 0L, False, StructureNotifyMask | ExposureMask | - ButtonPressMask | ButtonReleaseMask, 0L, False, 0, 0 }; + /* A window managed by the window manager. + * Process hints and buttons. */ + XSetWindowAttributes attrs = {ParentRelative, + 0L, + 0, + 0L, + 0, + 0, + Always, + 0L, + 0L, + False, + StructureNotifyMask | ExposureMask | + ButtonPressMask | ButtonReleaseMask, + 0L, + False, + 0, + 0}; + + XClassHint classHint; + XWMHints wmHint; + Atom xa; - XClassHint classHint; - XWMHints wmHint; - Atom xa; - #ifdef BUILD_ARGB - if (have_argb_visual) { - attrs.colormap = window.colourmap; - flags |= CWBorderPixel | CWColormap; - } else { + if (have_argb_visual) { + attrs.colormap = window.colourmap; + flags |= CWBorderPixel | CWColormap; + } else { #endif /* BUILD_ARGB */ - flags |= CWBackPixel; + flags |= CWBackPixel; #ifdef BUILD_ARGB - } + } #endif /* BUILD_ARGB */ - if (own_window_type.get(l) == TYPE_DOCK) { - window.x = window.y = 0; - } - /* Parent is root window so WM can take control */ - window.window = XCreateWindow(display, window.root, window.x, - window.y, b, b, 0, depth, InputOutput, visual, - flags, &attrs); + if (own_window_type.get(l) == TYPE_DOCK) { + window.x = window.y = 0; + } + /* Parent is root window so WM can take control */ + window.window = + XCreateWindow(display, window.root, window.x, window.y, b, b, 0, + depth, InputOutput, visual, flags, &attrs); - // class_name must be a named local variable, so that c_str() remains valid until we - // call XmbSetWMProperties(). We use const_cast because, for whatever reason, - // res_name is not declared as const char *. XmbSetWMProperties hopefully doesn't - // modify the value (hell, even their own example app assigns a literal string - // constant to the field) - const std::string &class_name = own_window_class.get(l); + // class_name must be a named local variable, so that c_str() remains + // valid until we call XmbSetWMProperties(). We use const_cast because, + // for whatever reason, res_name is not declared as const char *. + // XmbSetWMProperties hopefully doesn't modify the value (hell, even their + // own example app assigns a literal string constant to the field) + const std::string &class_name = own_window_class.get(l); - classHint.res_name = const_cast(class_name.c_str()); - classHint.res_class = classHint.res_name; + classHint.res_name = const_cast(class_name.c_str()); + classHint.res_class = classHint.res_name; - uint16_t hints = own_window_hints.get(l); + uint16_t hints = own_window_hints.get(l); - wmHint.flags = InputHint | StateHint; - /* allow decorated windows to be given input focus by WM */ - wmHint.input = - TEST_HINT(hints, HINT_UNDECORATED) ? False : True; - if (own_window_type.get(l) == TYPE_DOCK || own_window_type.get(l) == TYPE_PANEL) { - wmHint.initial_state = WithdrawnState; - } else { - wmHint.initial_state = NormalState; - } + wmHint.flags = InputHint | StateHint; + /* allow decorated windows to be given input focus by WM */ + wmHint.input = TEST_HINT(hints, HINT_UNDECORATED) ? False : True; + if (own_window_type.get(l) == TYPE_DOCK || + own_window_type.get(l) == TYPE_PANEL) { + wmHint.initial_state = WithdrawnState; + } else { + wmHint.initial_state = NormalState; + } - XmbSetWMProperties(display, window.window, NULL, NULL, argv_copy, - argc_copy, NULL, &wmHint, &classHint); - XStoreName(display, window.window, own_window_title.get(l).c_str() ); + XmbSetWMProperties(display, window.window, NULL, NULL, argv_copy, + argc_copy, NULL, &wmHint, &classHint); + XStoreName(display, window.window, own_window_title.get(l).c_str()); - /* Sets an empty WM_PROTOCOLS property */ - XSetWMProtocols(display, window.window, NULL, 0); + /* Sets an empty WM_PROTOCOLS property */ + XSetWMProtocols(display, window.window, NULL, 0); - /* Set window type */ - if ((xa = ATOM(_NET_WM_WINDOW_TYPE)) != None) { - Atom prop; + /* Set window type */ + if ((xa = ATOM(_NET_WM_WINDOW_TYPE)) != None) { + Atom prop; - switch (own_window_type.get(l)) { - case TYPE_DESKTOP: - prop = ATOM(_NET_WM_WINDOW_TYPE_DESKTOP); - fprintf(stderr, PACKAGE_NAME": window type - desktop\n"); - fflush(stderr); - break; - case TYPE_DOCK: - prop = ATOM(_NET_WM_WINDOW_TYPE_DOCK); - fprintf(stderr, PACKAGE_NAME": window type - dock\n"); - fflush(stderr); - break; - case TYPE_PANEL: - prop = ATOM(_NET_WM_WINDOW_TYPE_DOCK); - fprintf(stderr, PACKAGE_NAME": window type - panel\n"); - fflush(stderr); - break; - case TYPE_NORMAL: - default: - prop = ATOM(_NET_WM_WINDOW_TYPE_NORMAL); - fprintf(stderr, PACKAGE_NAME": window type - normal\n"); - fflush(stderr); - break; - } - XChangeProperty(display, window.window, xa, XA_ATOM, 32, - PropModeReplace, (unsigned char *) &prop, 1); - } + switch (own_window_type.get(l)) { + case TYPE_DESKTOP: + prop = ATOM(_NET_WM_WINDOW_TYPE_DESKTOP); + fprintf(stderr, PACKAGE_NAME ": window type - desktop\n"); + fflush(stderr); + break; + case TYPE_DOCK: + prop = ATOM(_NET_WM_WINDOW_TYPE_DOCK); + fprintf(stderr, PACKAGE_NAME ": window type - dock\n"); + fflush(stderr); + break; + case TYPE_PANEL: + prop = ATOM(_NET_WM_WINDOW_TYPE_DOCK); + fprintf(stderr, PACKAGE_NAME ": window type - panel\n"); + fflush(stderr); + break; + case TYPE_NORMAL: + default: + prop = ATOM(_NET_WM_WINDOW_TYPE_NORMAL); + fprintf(stderr, PACKAGE_NAME ": window type - normal\n"); + fflush(stderr); + break; + } + XChangeProperty(display, window.window, xa, XA_ATOM, 32, + PropModeReplace, (unsigned char *)&prop, 1); + } - /* Set desired hints */ + /* Set desired hints */ - /* Window decorations */ - if (TEST_HINT(hints, HINT_UNDECORATED)) { - /* fprintf(stderr, PACKAGE_NAME": hint - undecorated\n"); - fflush(stderr); */ + /* Window decorations */ + if (TEST_HINT(hints, HINT_UNDECORATED)) { + /* fprintf(stderr, PACKAGE_NAME": hint - undecorated\n"); + fflush(stderr); */ - xa = ATOM(_MOTIF_WM_HINTS); - if (xa != None) { - long prop[5] = { 2, 0, 0, 0, 0 }; - XChangeProperty(display, window.window, xa, xa, 32, - PropModeReplace, (unsigned char *) prop, 5); - } - } + xa = ATOM(_MOTIF_WM_HINTS); + if (xa != None) { + long prop[5] = {2, 0, 0, 0, 0}; + XChangeProperty(display, window.window, xa, xa, 32, PropModeReplace, + (unsigned char *)prop, 5); + } + } - /* Below other windows */ - if (TEST_HINT(hints, HINT_BELOW)) { - /* fprintf(stderr, PACKAGE_NAME": hint - below\n"); - fflush(stderr); */ + /* Below other windows */ + if (TEST_HINT(hints, HINT_BELOW)) { + /* fprintf(stderr, PACKAGE_NAME": hint - below\n"); + fflush(stderr); */ - xa = ATOM(_WIN_LAYER); - if (xa != None) { - long prop = 0; + xa = ATOM(_WIN_LAYER); + if (xa != None) { + long prop = 0; - XChangeProperty(display, window.window, xa, XA_CARDINAL, 32, - PropModeAppend, (unsigned char *) &prop, 1); - } + XChangeProperty(display, window.window, xa, XA_CARDINAL, 32, + PropModeAppend, (unsigned char *)&prop, 1); + } - xa = ATOM(_NET_WM_STATE); - if (xa != None) { - Atom xa_prop = ATOM(_NET_WM_STATE_BELOW); + xa = ATOM(_NET_WM_STATE); + if (xa != None) { + Atom xa_prop = ATOM(_NET_WM_STATE_BELOW); - XChangeProperty(display, window.window, xa, XA_ATOM, 32, - PropModeAppend, (unsigned char *) &xa_prop, 1); - } - } + XChangeProperty(display, window.window, xa, XA_ATOM, 32, + PropModeAppend, (unsigned char *)&xa_prop, 1); + } + } - /* Above other windows */ - if (TEST_HINT(hints, HINT_ABOVE)) { - /* fprintf(stderr, PACKAGE_NAME": hint - above\n"); - fflush(stderr); */ + /* Above other windows */ + if (TEST_HINT(hints, HINT_ABOVE)) { + /* fprintf(stderr, PACKAGE_NAME": hint - above\n"); + fflush(stderr); */ - xa = ATOM(_WIN_LAYER); - if (xa != None) { - long prop = 6; + xa = ATOM(_WIN_LAYER); + if (xa != None) { + long prop = 6; - XChangeProperty(display, window.window, xa, XA_CARDINAL, 32, - PropModeAppend, (unsigned char *) &prop, 1); - } + XChangeProperty(display, window.window, xa, XA_CARDINAL, 32, + PropModeAppend, (unsigned char *)&prop, 1); + } - xa = ATOM(_NET_WM_STATE); - if (xa != None) { - Atom xa_prop = ATOM(_NET_WM_STATE_ABOVE); + xa = ATOM(_NET_WM_STATE); + if (xa != None) { + Atom xa_prop = ATOM(_NET_WM_STATE_ABOVE); - XChangeProperty(display, window.window, xa, XA_ATOM, 32, - PropModeAppend, (unsigned char *) &xa_prop, 1); - } - } + XChangeProperty(display, window.window, xa, XA_ATOM, 32, + PropModeAppend, (unsigned char *)&xa_prop, 1); + } + } - /* Sticky */ - if (TEST_HINT(hints, HINT_STICKY)) { - /* fprintf(stderr, PACKAGE_NAME": hint - sticky\n"); - fflush(stderr); */ + /* Sticky */ + if (TEST_HINT(hints, HINT_STICKY)) { + /* fprintf(stderr, PACKAGE_NAME": hint - sticky\n"); + fflush(stderr); */ - xa = ATOM(_NET_WM_DESKTOP); - if (xa != None) { - CARD32 xa_prop = 0xFFFFFFFF; + xa = ATOM(_NET_WM_DESKTOP); + if (xa != None) { + CARD32 xa_prop = 0xFFFFFFFF; - XChangeProperty(display, window.window, xa, XA_CARDINAL, 32, - PropModeAppend, (unsigned char *) &xa_prop, 1); - } + XChangeProperty(display, window.window, xa, XA_CARDINAL, 32, + PropModeAppend, (unsigned char *)&xa_prop, 1); + } - xa = ATOM(_NET_WM_STATE); - if (xa != None) { - Atom xa_prop = ATOM(_NET_WM_STATE_STICKY); + xa = ATOM(_NET_WM_STATE); + if (xa != None) { + Atom xa_prop = ATOM(_NET_WM_STATE_STICKY); - XChangeProperty(display, window.window, xa, XA_ATOM, 32, - PropModeAppend, (unsigned char *) &xa_prop, 1); - } - } + XChangeProperty(display, window.window, xa, XA_ATOM, 32, + PropModeAppend, (unsigned char *)&xa_prop, 1); + } + } - /* Skip taskbar */ - if (TEST_HINT(hints, HINT_SKIP_TASKBAR)) { - /* fprintf(stderr, PACKAGE_NAME": hint - skip_taskbar\n"); - fflush(stderr); */ + /* Skip taskbar */ + if (TEST_HINT(hints, HINT_SKIP_TASKBAR)) { + /* fprintf(stderr, PACKAGE_NAME": hint - skip_taskbar\n"); + fflush(stderr); */ - xa = ATOM(_NET_WM_STATE); - if (xa != None) { - Atom xa_prop = ATOM(_NET_WM_STATE_SKIP_TASKBAR); + xa = ATOM(_NET_WM_STATE); + if (xa != None) { + Atom xa_prop = ATOM(_NET_WM_STATE_SKIP_TASKBAR); - XChangeProperty(display, window.window, xa, XA_ATOM, 32, - PropModeAppend, (unsigned char *) &xa_prop, 1); - } - } + XChangeProperty(display, window.window, xa, XA_ATOM, 32, + PropModeAppend, (unsigned char *)&xa_prop, 1); + } + } - /* Skip pager */ - if (TEST_HINT(hints, HINT_SKIP_PAGER)) { - /* fprintf(stderr, PACKAGE_NAME": hint - skip_pager\n"); - fflush(stderr); */ + /* Skip pager */ + if (TEST_HINT(hints, HINT_SKIP_PAGER)) { + /* fprintf(stderr, PACKAGE_NAME": hint - skip_pager\n"); + fflush(stderr); */ - xa = ATOM(_NET_WM_STATE); - if (xa != None) { - Atom xa_prop = ATOM(_NET_WM_STATE_SKIP_PAGER); + xa = ATOM(_NET_WM_STATE); + if (xa != None) { + Atom xa_prop = ATOM(_NET_WM_STATE_SKIP_PAGER); - XChangeProperty(display, window.window, xa, XA_ATOM, 32, - PropModeAppend, (unsigned char *) &xa_prop, 1); - } - } - } + XChangeProperty(display, window.window, xa, XA_ATOM, 32, + PropModeAppend, (unsigned char *)&xa_prop, 1); + } + } + } - fprintf(stderr, PACKAGE_NAME": drawing to created window (0x%lx)\n", - window.window); - fflush(stderr); + fprintf(stderr, PACKAGE_NAME ": drawing to created window (0x%lx)\n", + window.window); + fflush(stderr); - XMapWindow(display, window.window); + XMapWindow(display, window.window); - } else + } else #endif /* OWN_WINDOW */ - { - XWindowAttributes attrs; + { + XWindowAttributes attrs; - if (!window.window) { - window.window = find_desktop_window(&window.root, &window.desktop); - } - window.visual = DefaultVisual(display, screen); - window.colourmap = DefaultColormap(display, screen); + if (!window.window) { + window.window = find_desktop_window(&window.root, &window.desktop); + } + window.visual = DefaultVisual(display, screen); + window.colourmap = DefaultColormap(display, screen); - if (XGetWindowAttributes(display, window.window, &attrs)) { - window.width = attrs.width; - window.height = attrs.height; - } + if (XGetWindowAttributes(display, window.window, &attrs)) { + window.width = attrs.width; + window.height = attrs.height; + } - fprintf(stderr, PACKAGE_NAME": drawing to desktop window\n"); - } + fprintf(stderr, PACKAGE_NAME ": drawing to desktop window\n"); + } - /* Drawable is same as window. This may be changed by double buffering. */ - window.drawable = window.window; + /* Drawable is same as window. This may be changed by double buffering. */ + window.drawable = window.window; - XFlush(display); + XFlush(display); - XSelectInput(display, window.window, ExposureMask | PropertyChangeMask + XSelectInput(display, window.window, + ExposureMask | PropertyChangeMask #ifdef OWN_WINDOW - | (own_window.get(l) ? (StructureNotifyMask | - ButtonPressMask | ButtonReleaseMask) : 0) + | (own_window.get(l) ? (StructureNotifyMask | + ButtonPressMask | ButtonReleaseMask) + : 0) #endif - ); + ); } -static Window find_subwindow(Window win, int w, int h) -{ - unsigned int i, j; - Window troot, parent, *children; - unsigned int n; +static Window find_subwindow(Window win, int w, int h) { + unsigned int i, j; + Window troot, parent, *children; + unsigned int n; - /* search subwindows with same size as display or work area */ + /* search subwindows with same size as display or work area */ - for (i = 0; i < 10; i++) { - XQueryTree(display, win, &troot, &parent, &children, &n); + for (i = 0; i < 10; i++) { + XQueryTree(display, win, &troot, &parent, &children, &n); - for (j = 0; j < n; j++) { - XWindowAttributes attrs; + for (j = 0; j < n; j++) { + XWindowAttributes attrs; - if (XGetWindowAttributes(display, children[j], &attrs)) { - /* Window must be mapped and same size as display or - * work space */ - if (attrs.map_state != 0 && ((attrs.width == display_width - && attrs.height == display_height) - || (attrs.width == w && attrs.height == h))) { - win = children[j]; - break; - } - } - } + if (XGetWindowAttributes(display, children[j], &attrs)) { + /* Window must be mapped and same size as display or + * work space */ + if (attrs.map_state != 0 && + ((attrs.width == display_width && attrs.height == display_height) || + (attrs.width == w && attrs.height == h))) { + win = children[j]; + break; + } + } + } - XFree(children); - if (j == n) { - break; - } - } + XFree(children); + if (j == n) { + break; + } + } - return win; + return win; } -void create_gc(void) -{ - XGCValues values; +void create_gc(void) { + XGCValues values; - values.graphics_exposures = 0; - values.function = GXcopy; - window.gc = XCreateGC(display, window.drawable, - GCFunction | GCGraphicsExposures, &values); + values.graphics_exposures = 0; + values.function = GXcopy; + window.gc = XCreateGC(display, window.drawable, + GCFunction | GCGraphicsExposures, &values); } -//Get current desktop number -static inline void get_x11_desktop_current(Display *current_display, Window root, Atom atom) -{ - Atom actual_type; - int actual_format; - unsigned long nitems; - unsigned long bytes_after; - unsigned char *prop = NULL; - struct information *current_info = &info; +// Get current desktop number +static inline void get_x11_desktop_current(Display *current_display, + Window root, Atom atom) { + Atom actual_type; + int actual_format; + unsigned long nitems; + unsigned long bytes_after; + unsigned char *prop = NULL; + struct information *current_info = &info; - if (atom == None) return; + if (atom == None) return; - if ( (XGetWindowProperty( current_display, root, atom, - 0, 1L, False, XA_CARDINAL, - &actual_type, &actual_format, &nitems, - &bytes_after, &prop ) == Success ) && - (actual_type == XA_CARDINAL) && - (nitems == 1L) && (actual_format == 32) ) { - current_info->x11.desktop.current = prop[0]+1; - } - if(prop) { - XFree(prop); - } + if ((XGetWindowProperty(current_display, root, atom, 0, 1L, False, + XA_CARDINAL, &actual_type, &actual_format, &nitems, + &bytes_after, &prop) == Success) && + (actual_type == XA_CARDINAL) && (nitems == 1L) && (actual_format == 32)) { + current_info->x11.desktop.current = prop[0] + 1; + } + if (prop) { + XFree(prop); + } } -//Get total number of available desktops -static inline void get_x11_desktop_number(Display *current_display, Window root, Atom atom) -{ - Atom actual_type; - int actual_format; - unsigned long nitems; - unsigned long bytes_after; - unsigned char *prop = NULL; - struct information *current_info = &info; +// Get total number of available desktops +static inline void get_x11_desktop_number(Display *current_display, Window root, + Atom atom) { + Atom actual_type; + int actual_format; + unsigned long nitems; + unsigned long bytes_after; + unsigned char *prop = NULL; + struct information *current_info = &info; - if (atom == None) return; + if (atom == None) return; - if ( (XGetWindowProperty( current_display, root, atom, - 0, 1L, False, XA_CARDINAL, - &actual_type, &actual_format, &nitems, - &bytes_after, &prop ) == Success ) && - (actual_type == XA_CARDINAL) && - (nitems == 1L) && (actual_format == 32) ) { - current_info->x11.desktop.number = prop[0]; - } - if(prop) { - XFree(prop); - } + if ((XGetWindowProperty(current_display, root, atom, 0, 1L, False, + XA_CARDINAL, &actual_type, &actual_format, &nitems, + &bytes_after, &prop) == Success) && + (actual_type == XA_CARDINAL) && (nitems == 1L) && (actual_format == 32)) { + current_info->x11.desktop.number = prop[0]; + } + if (prop) { + XFree(prop); + } } -//Get all desktop names -static inline void get_x11_desktop_names(Display *current_display, Window root, Atom atom) -{ - Atom actual_type; - int actual_format; - unsigned long nitems; - unsigned long bytes_after; - unsigned char *prop = NULL; - struct information *current_info = &info; +// Get all desktop names +static inline void get_x11_desktop_names(Display *current_display, Window root, + Atom atom) { + Atom actual_type; + int actual_format; + unsigned long nitems; + unsigned long bytes_after; + unsigned char *prop = NULL; + struct information *current_info = &info; - if (atom == None) return; + if (atom == None) return; - if ( (XGetWindowProperty( current_display, root, atom, - 0, (~0L), False, ATOM(UTF8_STRING), - &actual_type, &actual_format, &nitems, - &bytes_after, &prop ) == Success ) && - (actual_type == ATOM(UTF8_STRING)) && - (nitems > 0L) && (actual_format == 8) ) { - - current_info->x11.desktop.all_names.assign(reinterpret_cast(prop), nitems); - } - if(prop) { - XFree(prop); - } + if ((XGetWindowProperty(current_display, root, atom, 0, (~0L), False, + ATOM(UTF8_STRING), &actual_type, &actual_format, + &nitems, &bytes_after, &prop) == Success) && + (actual_type == ATOM(UTF8_STRING)) && (nitems > 0L) && + (actual_format == 8)) { + current_info->x11.desktop.all_names.assign( + reinterpret_cast(prop), nitems); + } + if (prop) { + XFree(prop); + } } -//Get current desktop name -static inline void get_x11_desktop_current_name(const std::string &names) -{ - struct information *current_info = &info; - unsigned int i = 0, j = 0; - int k = 0; +// Get current desktop name +static inline void get_x11_desktop_current_name(const std::string &names) { + struct information *current_info = &info; + unsigned int i = 0, j = 0; + int k = 0; - while ( i < names.size() ) { - if ( names[i++] == '\0' ) { - if ( ++k == current_info->x11.desktop.current ) { - current_info->x11.desktop.name.assign(names.c_str()+j); - break; - } - j = i; - } - } + while (i < names.size()) { + if (names[i++] == '\0') { + if (++k == current_info->x11.desktop.current) { + current_info->x11.desktop.name.assign(names.c_str() + j); + break; + } + j = i; + } + } } -void get_x11_desktop_info(Display *current_display, Atom atom) -{ - Window root; - static Atom atom_current, atom_number, atom_names; - struct information *current_info = &info; - XWindowAttributes window_attributes; +void get_x11_desktop_info(Display *current_display, Atom atom) { + Window root; + static Atom atom_current, atom_number, atom_names; + struct information *current_info = &info; + XWindowAttributes window_attributes; - root = RootWindow(current_display, current_info->x11.monitor.current); + root = RootWindow(current_display, current_info->x11.monitor.current); - /* Check if we initialise else retrieve changed property */ - if (atom == 0) { - atom_current = XInternAtom(current_display, "_NET_CURRENT_DESKTOP", True); - atom_number = XInternAtom(current_display, "_NET_NUMBER_OF_DESKTOPS", True); - atom_names = XInternAtom(current_display, "_NET_DESKTOP_NAMES", True); - get_x11_desktop_current(current_display, root, atom_current); - get_x11_desktop_number(current_display, root, atom_number); - get_x11_desktop_names(current_display, root, atom_names); - get_x11_desktop_current_name(current_info->x11.desktop.all_names); + /* Check if we initialise else retrieve changed property */ + if (atom == 0) { + atom_current = XInternAtom(current_display, "_NET_CURRENT_DESKTOP", True); + atom_number = XInternAtom(current_display, "_NET_NUMBER_OF_DESKTOPS", True); + atom_names = XInternAtom(current_display, "_NET_DESKTOP_NAMES", True); + get_x11_desktop_current(current_display, root, atom_current); + get_x11_desktop_number(current_display, root, atom_number); + get_x11_desktop_names(current_display, root, atom_names); + get_x11_desktop_current_name(current_info->x11.desktop.all_names); - /* Set the PropertyChangeMask on the root window, if not set */ - XGetWindowAttributes(display, root, &window_attributes); - if (!(window_attributes.your_event_mask & PropertyChangeMask)) { - XSetWindowAttributes attributes; - attributes.event_mask = window_attributes.your_event_mask | PropertyChangeMask; - XChangeWindowAttributes(display, root, CWEventMask, &attributes); - XGetWindowAttributes(display, root, &window_attributes); - } - } else { - if (atom == atom_current) { - get_x11_desktop_current(current_display, root, atom_current); - get_x11_desktop_current_name(current_info->x11.desktop.all_names); - } else if (atom == atom_number) { - get_x11_desktop_number(current_display, root, atom_number); - } else if (atom == atom_names) { - get_x11_desktop_names(current_display, root, atom_names); - get_x11_desktop_current_name(current_info->x11.desktop.all_names); - } - } + /* Set the PropertyChangeMask on the root window, if not set */ + XGetWindowAttributes(display, root, &window_attributes); + if (!(window_attributes.your_event_mask & PropertyChangeMask)) { + XSetWindowAttributes attributes; + attributes.event_mask = + window_attributes.your_event_mask | PropertyChangeMask; + XChangeWindowAttributes(display, root, CWEventMask, &attributes); + XGetWindowAttributes(display, root, &window_attributes); + } + } else { + if (atom == atom_current) { + get_x11_desktop_current(current_display, root, atom_current); + get_x11_desktop_current_name(current_info->x11.desktop.all_names); + } else if (atom == atom_number) { + get_x11_desktop_number(current_display, root, atom_number); + } else if (atom == atom_names) { + get_x11_desktop_names(current_display, root, atom_names); + get_x11_desktop_current_name(current_info->x11.desktop.all_names); + } + } } static const char NOT_IN_X[] = "Not running in X"; -void print_monitor(struct text_object *obj, char *p, int p_max_size) -{ - (void)obj; +void print_monitor(struct text_object *obj, char *p, int p_max_size) { + (void)obj; - if(not out_to_x.get(*state)) { - strncpy(p, NOT_IN_X, p_max_size); - return; - } - snprintf(p, p_max_size, "%d", XDefaultScreen(display)); + if (not out_to_x.get(*state)) { + strncpy(p, NOT_IN_X, p_max_size); + return; + } + snprintf(p, p_max_size, "%d", XDefaultScreen(display)); } -void print_monitor_number(struct text_object *obj, char *p, int p_max_size) -{ - (void)obj; +void print_monitor_number(struct text_object *obj, char *p, int p_max_size) { + (void)obj; - if(not out_to_x.get(*state)) { - strncpy(p, NOT_IN_X, p_max_size); - return; - } - snprintf(p, p_max_size, "%d", XScreenCount(display)); + if (not out_to_x.get(*state)) { + strncpy(p, NOT_IN_X, p_max_size); + return; + } + snprintf(p, p_max_size, "%d", XScreenCount(display)); } -void print_desktop(struct text_object *obj, char *p, int p_max_size) -{ - (void)obj; +void print_desktop(struct text_object *obj, char *p, int p_max_size) { + (void)obj; - if(not out_to_x.get(*state)) { - strncpy(p, NOT_IN_X, p_max_size); - return; - } - snprintf(p, p_max_size, "%d", info.x11.desktop.current); + if (not out_to_x.get(*state)) { + strncpy(p, NOT_IN_X, p_max_size); + return; + } + snprintf(p, p_max_size, "%d", info.x11.desktop.current); } -void print_desktop_number(struct text_object *obj, char *p, int p_max_size) -{ - (void)obj; +void print_desktop_number(struct text_object *obj, char *p, int p_max_size) { + (void)obj; - if(not out_to_x.get(*state)) { - strncpy(p, NOT_IN_X, p_max_size); - return; - } - snprintf(p, p_max_size, "%d", info.x11.desktop.number); + if (not out_to_x.get(*state)) { + strncpy(p, NOT_IN_X, p_max_size); + return; + } + snprintf(p, p_max_size, "%d", info.x11.desktop.number); } -void print_desktop_name(struct text_object *obj, char *p, int p_max_size) -{ - (void)obj; +void print_desktop_name(struct text_object *obj, char *p, int p_max_size) { + (void)obj; - if(not out_to_x.get(*state)) { - strncpy(p, NOT_IN_X, p_max_size); - } else { - strncpy(p, info.x11.desktop.name.c_str(), p_max_size); - } + if (not out_to_x.get(*state)) { + strncpy(p, NOT_IN_X, p_max_size); + } else { + strncpy(p, info.x11.desktop.name.c_str(), p_max_size); + } } #ifdef OWN_WINDOW /* reserve window manager space */ -void set_struts(int sidenum) -{ - Atom strut; - if ((strut = ATOM(_NET_WM_STRUT)) != None) { - /* reserve space at left, right, top, bottom */ - signed long sizes[12] = {0}; - int i; +void set_struts(int sidenum) { + Atom strut; + if ((strut = ATOM(_NET_WM_STRUT)) != None) { + /* reserve space at left, right, top, bottom */ + signed long sizes[12] = {0}; + int i; - /* define strut depth */ - switch (sidenum) { - case 0: - /* left side */ - sizes[0] = window.x + window.width; - break; - case 1: - /* right side */ - sizes[1] = display_width - window.x; - break; - case 2: - /* top side */ - sizes[2] = window.y + window.height; - break; - case 3: - /* bottom side */ - sizes[3] = display_height - window.y; - break; - } + /* define strut depth */ + switch (sidenum) { + case 0: + /* left side */ + sizes[0] = window.x + window.width; + break; + case 1: + /* right side */ + sizes[1] = display_width - window.x; + break; + case 2: + /* top side */ + sizes[2] = window.y + window.height; + break; + case 3: + /* bottom side */ + sizes[3] = display_height - window.y; + break; + } - /* define partial strut length */ - if (sidenum <= 1) { - sizes[4 + (sidenum*2)] = window.y; - sizes[5 + (sidenum*2)] = window.y + window.height; - } else if (sidenum <= 3) { - sizes[4 + (sidenum*2)] = window.x; - sizes[5 + (sidenum*2)] = window.x + window.width; - } + /* define partial strut length */ + if (sidenum <= 1) { + sizes[4 + (sidenum * 2)] = window.y; + sizes[5 + (sidenum * 2)] = window.y + window.height; + } else if (sidenum <= 3) { + sizes[4 + (sidenum * 2)] = window.x; + sizes[5 + (sidenum * 2)] = window.x + window.width; + } - /* check constraints */ - for (i = 0; i < 12; i++) { - if (sizes[i] < 0) { - sizes[i] = 0; - } else { - if (i <= 1 || i >= 8) { - if (sizes[i] > display_width) { - sizes[i] = display_width; - } - } else { - if (sizes[i] > display_height) { - sizes[i] = display_height; - } - } - } - } + /* check constraints */ + for (i = 0; i < 12; i++) { + if (sizes[i] < 0) { + sizes[i] = 0; + } else { + if (i <= 1 || i >= 8) { + if (sizes[i] > display_width) { + sizes[i] = display_width; + } + } else { + if (sizes[i] > display_height) { + sizes[i] = display_height; + } + } + } + } - XChangeProperty(display, window.window, strut, XA_CARDINAL, 32, - PropModeReplace, (unsigned char *) &sizes, 4); + XChangeProperty(display, window.window, strut, XA_CARDINAL, 32, + PropModeReplace, (unsigned char *)&sizes, 4); - if ((strut = ATOM(_NET_WM_STRUT_PARTIAL)) != None) { - XChangeProperty(display, window.window, strut, XA_CARDINAL, 32, - PropModeReplace, (unsigned char *) &sizes, 12); - } - } + if ((strut = ATOM(_NET_WM_STRUT_PARTIAL)) != None) { + XChangeProperty(display, window.window, strut, XA_CARDINAL, 32, + PropModeReplace, (unsigned char *)&sizes, 12); + } + } } #endif /* OWN_WINDOW */ #ifdef BUILD_XDBE -void xdbe_swap_buffers(void) -{ - if (use_xdbe.get(*state)) { - XdbeSwapInfo swap; +void xdbe_swap_buffers(void) { + if (use_xdbe.get(*state)) { + XdbeSwapInfo swap; - swap.swap_window = window.window; - swap.swap_action = XdbeBackground; - XdbeSwapBuffers(display, &swap, 1); - } + swap.swap_window = window.window; + swap.swap_action = XdbeBackground; + XdbeSwapBuffers(display, &swap, 1); + } } #else -void xpmdb_swap_buffers(void) -{ - if (use_xpmdb.get(*state)) { - XCopyArea(display, window.back_buffer, window.window, window.gc, 0, 0, window.width, window.height, 0, 0); - XSetForeground(display, window.gc, 0); - XFillRectangle(display, window.drawable, window.gc, 0, 0, window.width, window.height); - XFlush(display); - } +void xpmdb_swap_buffers(void) { + if (use_xpmdb.get(*state)) { + XCopyArea(display, window.back_buffer, window.window, window.gc, 0, 0, + window.width, window.height, 0, 0); + XSetForeground(display, window.gc, 0); + XFillRectangle(display, window.drawable, window.gc, 0, 0, window.width, + window.height); + XFlush(display); + } } #endif /* BUILD_XDBE */ diff --git a/src/x11.h b/src/x11.h index d52df1ff..5cdaa031 100644 --- a/src/x11.h +++ b/src/x11.h @@ -1,11 +1,10 @@ -/* -*- mode: c++; c-basic-offset: 4; tab-width: 4; indent-tabs-mode: t -*- - * vim: ts=4 sw=4 noet ai cindent syntax=cpp +/* * * Conky, a system monitor, based on torsmo * * Please see COPYING for details * - * Copyright (c) 2005-2012 Brenden Matthews, Philip Kovacs, et. al. + * Copyright (c) 2005-2018 Brenden Matthews, Philip Kovacs, et. al. * (see AUTHORS) * All rights reserved. * @@ -27,8 +26,8 @@ #ifndef X11_H_ #define X11_H_ -#include #include +#include #ifdef BUILD_XFT #include @@ -38,54 +37,54 @@ #include #endif -#include "setting.hh" #include "colours.h" +#include "setting.hh" #define ATOM(a) XInternAtom(display, #a, False) #ifdef OWN_WINDOW enum window_type { - TYPE_NORMAL = 0, - TYPE_DOCK, - TYPE_PANEL, - TYPE_DESKTOP, - TYPE_OVERRIDE + TYPE_NORMAL = 0, + TYPE_DOCK, + TYPE_PANEL, + TYPE_DESKTOP, + TYPE_OVERRIDE }; enum window_hints { - HINT_UNDECORATED = 0, - HINT_BELOW, - HINT_ABOVE, - HINT_STICKY, - HINT_SKIP_TASKBAR, - HINT_SKIP_PAGER + HINT_UNDECORATED = 0, + HINT_BELOW, + HINT_ABOVE, + HINT_STICKY, + HINT_SKIP_TASKBAR, + HINT_SKIP_PAGER }; -#define SET_HINT(mask, hint) (mask |= (1 << (hint))) -#define TEST_HINT(mask, hint) (mask & (1 << (hint))) +#define SET_HINT(mask, hint) (mask |= (1 << (hint))) +#define TEST_HINT(mask, hint) (mask & (1 << (hint))) #endif struct conky_window { - Window root, window, desktop; - Drawable drawable; - Visual *visual; - Colormap colourmap; - GC gc; + Window root, window, desktop; + Drawable drawable; + Visual *visual; + Colormap colourmap; + GC gc; #ifdef BUILD_XDBE - XdbeBackBuffer back_buffer; + XdbeBackBuffer back_buffer; #else - Pixmap back_buffer; + Pixmap back_buffer; #endif #ifdef BUILD_XFT - XftDraw *xftdraw; + XftDraw *xftdraw; #endif - int width; - int height; + int width; + int height; #ifdef OWN_WINDOW - int x; - int y; + int x; + int y; #endif }; @@ -124,137 +123,132 @@ void xpmdb_swap_buffers(void); /* alignments */ enum alignment { - TOP_LEFT, - TOP_RIGHT, - TOP_MIDDLE, - BOTTOM_LEFT, - BOTTOM_RIGHT, - BOTTOM_MIDDLE, - MIDDLE_LEFT, - MIDDLE_MIDDLE, - MIDDLE_RIGHT, - NONE + TOP_LEFT, + TOP_RIGHT, + TOP_MIDDLE, + BOTTOM_LEFT, + BOTTOM_RIGHT, + BOTTOM_MIDDLE, + MIDDLE_LEFT, + MIDDLE_MIDDLE, + MIDDLE_RIGHT, + NONE }; -extern conky::simple_config_setting text_alignment; +extern conky::simple_config_setting text_alignment; namespace priv { - class out_to_x_setting: public conky::simple_config_setting { - typedef conky::simple_config_setting Base; - - protected: - virtual void lua_setter(lua::state &l, bool init); - virtual void cleanup(lua::state &l); +class out_to_x_setting : public conky::simple_config_setting { + typedef conky::simple_config_setting Base; - public: - out_to_x_setting() - : Base("out_to_x", true, false) - {} - }; - - class own_window_setting: public conky::simple_config_setting { - typedef conky::simple_config_setting Base; - - protected: - virtual void lua_setter(lua::state &l, bool init); + protected: + virtual void lua_setter(lua::state &l, bool init); + virtual void cleanup(lua::state &l); - public: - own_window_setting() - : Base("own_window", false, false) - {} - }; + public: + out_to_x_setting() : Base("out_to_x", true, false) {} +}; - class use_xdbe_setting: public conky::simple_config_setting { - typedef conky::simple_config_setting Base; - - bool set_up(lua::state &l); - protected: - virtual void lua_setter(lua::state &l, bool init); +class own_window_setting : public conky::simple_config_setting { + typedef conky::simple_config_setting Base; - public: - use_xdbe_setting() - : Base("double_buffer", false, false) - {} - }; + protected: + virtual void lua_setter(lua::state &l, bool init); - class use_xpmdb_setting: public conky::simple_config_setting { - typedef conky::simple_config_setting Base; - - bool set_up(lua::state &l); - protected: - virtual void lua_setter(lua::state &l, bool init); + public: + own_window_setting() : Base("own_window", false, false) {} +}; - public: - use_xpmdb_setting() - : Base("double_buffer", false, false) - {} - }; +class use_xdbe_setting : public conky::simple_config_setting { + typedef conky::simple_config_setting Base; - - struct colour_traits { - static const lua::Type type = lua::TSTRING; - typedef unsigned long Type; + bool set_up(lua::state &l); - static inline std::pair - convert(lua::state &l, int index, const std::string &) - { return {get_x11_color(l.tostring(index)), true}; } - }; + protected: + virtual void lua_setter(lua::state &l, bool init); - class colour_setting: public conky::simple_config_setting { - typedef conky::simple_config_setting Base; - - protected: - virtual void lua_setter(lua::state &l, bool init); + public: + use_xdbe_setting() : Base("double_buffer", false, false) {} +}; - public: - colour_setting(const std::string &name_, unsigned long default_value_ = 0) - : Base(name_, default_value_, true) - {} - - }; -} +class use_xpmdb_setting : public conky::simple_config_setting { + typedef conky::simple_config_setting Base; -extern priv::out_to_x_setting out_to_x; + bool set_up(lua::state &l); + + protected: + virtual void lua_setter(lua::state &l, bool init); + + public: + use_xpmdb_setting() : Base("double_buffer", false, false) {} +}; + +struct colour_traits { + static const lua::Type type = lua::TSTRING; + typedef unsigned long Type; + + static inline std::pair convert(lua::state &l, int index, + const std::string &) { + return {get_x11_color(l.tostring(index)), true}; + } +}; + +class colour_setting + : public conky::simple_config_setting { + typedef conky::simple_config_setting Base; + + protected: + virtual void lua_setter(lua::state &l, bool init); + + public: + colour_setting(const std::string &name_, unsigned long default_value_ = 0) + : Base(name_, default_value_, true) {} +}; +} // namespace priv + +extern priv::out_to_x_setting out_to_x; extern conky::simple_config_setting display_name; -extern priv::colour_setting color[10]; -extern priv::colour_setting default_color; -extern priv::colour_setting default_shade_color; -extern priv::colour_setting default_outline_color; +extern priv::colour_setting color[10]; +extern priv::colour_setting default_color; +extern priv::colour_setting default_shade_color; +extern priv::colour_setting default_outline_color; -extern conky::range_config_setting border_inner_margin; -extern conky::range_config_setting border_outer_margin; -extern conky::range_config_setting border_width; +extern conky::range_config_setting border_inner_margin; +extern conky::range_config_setting border_outer_margin; +extern conky::range_config_setting border_width; #ifdef BUILD_XFT -extern conky::simple_config_setting use_xft; +extern conky::simple_config_setting use_xft; #endif #ifdef OWN_WINDOW -extern conky::simple_config_setting set_transparent; +extern conky::simple_config_setting set_transparent; extern conky::simple_config_setting own_window_class; extern conky::simple_config_setting own_window_title; extern conky::simple_config_setting own_window_type; struct window_hints_traits { - static const lua::Type type = lua::TSTRING; - typedef uint16_t Type; - static std::pair convert(lua::state &l, int index, const std::string &name); + static const lua::Type type = lua::TSTRING; + typedef uint16_t Type; + static std::pair convert(lua::state &l, int index, + const std::string &name); }; -extern conky::simple_config_setting own_window_hints; +extern conky::simple_config_setting + own_window_hints; #ifdef BUILD_ARGB -extern conky::simple_config_setting use_argb_visual; +extern conky::simple_config_setting use_argb_visual; /* range of 0-255 for alpha */ -extern conky::range_config_setting own_window_argb_value; +extern conky::range_config_setting own_window_argb_value; #endif #endif /*OWN_WINDOW*/ -extern priv::own_window_setting own_window; +extern priv::own_window_setting own_window; #ifdef BUILD_XDBE -extern priv::use_xdbe_setting use_xdbe; +extern priv::use_xdbe_setting use_xdbe; #else -extern priv::use_xpmdb_setting use_xpmdb; +extern priv::use_xpmdb_setting use_xpmdb; #endif #endif /*X11_H_*/ diff --git a/src/xmms2.cc b/src/xmms2.cc index 951342ed..457e084c 100644 --- a/src/xmms2.cc +++ b/src/xmms2.cc @@ -1,5 +1,4 @@ -/* -*- mode: c++; c-basic-offset: 4; tab-width: 4; indent-tabs-mode: t -*- - * vim: ts=4 sw=4 noet ai cindent syntax=cpp +/* * * Conky, a system monitor, based on torsmo * @@ -9,7 +8,7 @@ * * Please see COPYING for details * - * Copyright (c) 2005-2012 Brenden Matthews, Philip Kovacs, et. al. + * Copyright (c) 2005-2018 Brenden Matthews, Philip Kovacs, et. al. * (see AUTHORS) * All rights reserved. * @@ -31,385 +30,370 @@ xmmsc_connection_t *xmms2_conn; -#define CONN_INIT 0 -#define CONN_OK 1 -#define CONN_NO 2 +#define CONN_INIT 0 +#define CONN_OK 1 +#define CONN_NO 2 -static void xmms_alloc(struct information *ptr) -{ +static void xmms_alloc(struct information *ptr) { + if (ptr->xmms2.artist == NULL) { + ptr->xmms2.artist = (char *)malloc(text_buffer_size.get(*state)); + } - if (ptr->xmms2.artist == NULL) { - ptr->xmms2.artist = (char*) malloc(text_buffer_size.get(*state)); - } + if (ptr->xmms2.album == NULL) { + ptr->xmms2.album = (char *)malloc(text_buffer_size.get(*state)); + } - if (ptr->xmms2.album == NULL) { - ptr->xmms2.album = (char*) malloc(text_buffer_size.get(*state)); - } + if (ptr->xmms2.title == NULL) { + ptr->xmms2.title = (char *)malloc(text_buffer_size.get(*state)); + } - if (ptr->xmms2.title == NULL) { - ptr->xmms2.title = (char*) malloc(text_buffer_size.get(*state)); - } + if (ptr->xmms2.genre == NULL) { + ptr->xmms2.genre = (char *)malloc(text_buffer_size.get(*state)); + } - if (ptr->xmms2.genre == NULL) { - ptr->xmms2.genre = (char*) malloc(text_buffer_size.get(*state)); - } + if (ptr->xmms2.comment == NULL) { + ptr->xmms2.comment = (char *)malloc(text_buffer_size.get(*state)); + } - if (ptr->xmms2.comment == NULL) { - ptr->xmms2.comment = (char*) malloc(text_buffer_size.get(*state)); - } + if (ptr->xmms2.url == NULL) { + ptr->xmms2.url = (char *)malloc(text_buffer_size.get(*state)); + } - if (ptr->xmms2.url == NULL) { - ptr->xmms2.url = (char*) malloc(text_buffer_size.get(*state)); - } + if (ptr->xmms2.date == NULL) { + ptr->xmms2.date = (char *)malloc(text_buffer_size.get(*state)); + } - if (ptr->xmms2.date == NULL) { - ptr->xmms2.date = (char*) malloc(text_buffer_size.get(*state)); - } + ptr->xmms2.artist[0] = '\0'; + ptr->xmms2.album[0] = '\0'; + ptr->xmms2.title[0] = '\0'; + ptr->xmms2.genre[0] = '\0'; + ptr->xmms2.comment[0] = '\0'; + ptr->xmms2.url[0] = '\0'; + ptr->xmms2.date[0] = '\0'; - ptr->xmms2.artist[0] = '\0'; - ptr->xmms2.album[0] = '\0'; - ptr->xmms2.title[0] = '\0'; - ptr->xmms2.genre[0] = '\0'; - ptr->xmms2.comment[0] = '\0'; - ptr->xmms2.url[0] = '\0'; - ptr->xmms2.date[0] = '\0'; - - ptr->xmms2.tracknr = 0; - ptr->xmms2.id = 0; - ptr->xmms2.bitrate = 0; - ptr->xmms2.duration = 0; - ptr->xmms2.elapsed = 0; - ptr->xmms2.size = 0; - ptr->xmms2.progress = 0; - ptr->xmms2.timesplayed = -1; + ptr->xmms2.tracknr = 0; + ptr->xmms2.id = 0; + ptr->xmms2.bitrate = 0; + ptr->xmms2.duration = 0; + ptr->xmms2.elapsed = 0; + ptr->xmms2.size = 0; + ptr->xmms2.progress = 0; + ptr->xmms2.timesplayed = -1; } -void free_xmms2(struct text_object *obj) -{ - (void)obj; +void free_xmms2(struct text_object *obj) { + (void)obj; - free_and_zero(info.xmms2.artist); - free_and_zero(info.xmms2.album); - free_and_zero(info.xmms2.title); - free_and_zero(info.xmms2.genre); - free_and_zero(info.xmms2.comment); - free_and_zero(info.xmms2.url); - free_and_zero(info.xmms2.date); - free_and_zero(info.xmms2.status); - free_and_zero(info.xmms2.playlist); + free_and_zero(info.xmms2.artist); + free_and_zero(info.xmms2.album); + free_and_zero(info.xmms2.title); + free_and_zero(info.xmms2.genre); + free_and_zero(info.xmms2.comment); + free_and_zero(info.xmms2.url); + free_and_zero(info.xmms2.date); + free_and_zero(info.xmms2.status); + free_and_zero(info.xmms2.playlist); } -void connection_lost(void *p) -{ - struct information *ptr = (struct information*) p; - ptr->xmms2.conn_state = CONN_NO; +void connection_lost(void *p) { + struct information *ptr = (struct information *)p; + ptr->xmms2.conn_state = CONN_NO; - fprintf(stderr,"XMMS2 connection failed. %s\n", xmmsc_get_last_error(xmms2_conn)); + fprintf(stderr, "XMMS2 connection failed. %s\n", + xmmsc_get_last_error(xmms2_conn)); - xmms_alloc(ptr); - strncpy(ptr->xmms2.status, "Disconnected", text_buffer_size.get(*state) - 1); - ptr->xmms2.playlist[0] = '\0'; - ptr->xmms2.id = 0; + xmms_alloc(ptr); + strncpy(ptr->xmms2.status, "Disconnected", text_buffer_size.get(*state) - 1); + ptr->xmms2.playlist[0] = '\0'; + ptr->xmms2.id = 0; } +int handle_curent_id(xmmsv_t *value, void *p) { + struct information *ptr = (struct information *)p; + xmmsv_t *val, *infos, *dict_entry; + xmmsc_result_t *res; + const char *errbuf; + int current_id; -int handle_curent_id(xmmsv_t *value, void *p) -{ - struct information *ptr = (struct information*) p; - xmmsv_t *val, *infos, *dict_entry; - xmmsc_result_t *res; - const char *errbuf; - int current_id; + const char *charval; + int intval; - const char *charval; - int intval; + if (xmmsv_get_error(value, &errbuf)) { + fprintf(stderr, "XMMS2 server error. %s\n", errbuf); + return TRUE; + } + if (xmmsv_get_int(value, ¤t_id) && current_id > 0) { + res = xmmsc_medialib_get_info(xmms2_conn, current_id); + xmmsc_result_wait(res); + val = xmmsc_result_get_value(res); - if (xmmsv_get_error(value, &errbuf)) { - fprintf(stderr,"XMMS2 server error. %s\n", errbuf); - return TRUE; - } + if (xmmsv_get_error(val, &errbuf)) { + fprintf(stderr, "XMMS2 server error. %s\n", errbuf); + return TRUE; + } - if (xmmsv_get_int(value, ¤t_id) && current_id > 0) { + xmms_alloc(ptr); - res = xmmsc_medialib_get_info(xmms2_conn, current_id); - xmmsc_result_wait(res); - val = xmmsc_result_get_value(res); + ptr->xmms2.id = current_id; - if (xmmsv_get_error(val, &errbuf)) { - fprintf(stderr,"XMMS2 server error. %s\n", errbuf); - return TRUE; - } + infos = xmmsv_propdict_to_dict(val, NULL); - xmms_alloc(ptr); + if (xmmsv_dict_get(infos, "artist", &dict_entry) && + xmmsv_get_string(dict_entry, &charval)) + strncpy(ptr->xmms2.artist, charval, text_buffer_size.get(*state) - 1); + if (xmmsv_dict_get(infos, "title", &dict_entry) && + xmmsv_get_string(dict_entry, &charval)) + strncpy(ptr->xmms2.title, charval, text_buffer_size.get(*state) - 1); - ptr->xmms2.id = current_id; + if (xmmsv_dict_get(infos, "album", &dict_entry) && + xmmsv_get_string(dict_entry, &charval)) + strncpy(ptr->xmms2.album, charval, text_buffer_size.get(*state) - 1); - infos = xmmsv_propdict_to_dict(val, NULL); + if (xmmsv_dict_get(infos, "genre", &dict_entry) && + xmmsv_get_string(dict_entry, &charval)) + strncpy(ptr->xmms2.genre, charval, text_buffer_size.get(*state) - 1); - if (xmmsv_dict_get(infos, "artist", &dict_entry) && xmmsv_get_string(dict_entry, &charval)) - strncpy(ptr->xmms2.artist, charval, text_buffer_size.get(*state) - 1); + if (xmmsv_dict_get(infos, "comment", &dict_entry) && + xmmsv_get_string(dict_entry, &charval)) + strncpy(ptr->xmms2.comment, charval, text_buffer_size.get(*state) - 1); - if (xmmsv_dict_get(infos, "title", &dict_entry) && xmmsv_get_string(dict_entry, &charval)) - strncpy(ptr->xmms2.title, charval, text_buffer_size.get(*state) - 1); + if (xmmsv_dict_get(infos, "url", &dict_entry) && + xmmsv_get_string(dict_entry, &charval)) + strncpy(ptr->xmms2.url, charval, text_buffer_size.get(*state) - 1); - if (xmmsv_dict_get(infos, "album", &dict_entry) && xmmsv_get_string(dict_entry, &charval)) - strncpy(ptr->xmms2.album, charval, text_buffer_size.get(*state) - 1); + if (xmmsv_dict_get(infos, "date", &dict_entry) && + xmmsv_get_string(dict_entry, &charval)) + strncpy(ptr->xmms2.date, charval, text_buffer_size.get(*state) - 1); - if (xmmsv_dict_get(infos, "genre", &dict_entry) && xmmsv_get_string(dict_entry, &charval)) - strncpy(ptr->xmms2.genre, charval, text_buffer_size.get(*state) - 1); + if (xmmsv_dict_get(infos, "tracknr", &dict_entry) && + xmmsv_get_int(dict_entry, &intval)) + ptr->xmms2.tracknr = intval; - if (xmmsv_dict_get(infos, "comment", &dict_entry) && xmmsv_get_string(dict_entry, &charval)) - strncpy(ptr->xmms2.comment, charval, text_buffer_size.get(*state) - 1); + if (xmmsv_dict_get(infos, "duration", &dict_entry) && + xmmsv_get_int(dict_entry, &intval)) + ptr->xmms2.duration = intval; - if (xmmsv_dict_get(infos, "url", &dict_entry) && xmmsv_get_string(dict_entry, &charval)) - strncpy(ptr->xmms2.url, charval, text_buffer_size.get(*state) - 1); + if (xmmsv_dict_get(infos, "bitrate", &dict_entry) && + xmmsv_get_int(dict_entry, &intval)) + ptr->xmms2.bitrate = intval / 1000; - if (xmmsv_dict_get(infos, "date", &dict_entry) && xmmsv_get_string(dict_entry, &charval)) - strncpy(ptr->xmms2.date, charval, text_buffer_size.get(*state) - 1); + if (xmmsv_dict_get(infos, "size", &dict_entry) && + xmmsv_get_int(dict_entry, &intval)) + ptr->xmms2.size = (float)intval / 1048576; + if (xmmsv_dict_get(infos, "timesplayed", &dict_entry) && + xmmsv_get_int(dict_entry, &intval)) + ptr->xmms2.timesplayed = intval; - - if (xmmsv_dict_get(infos, "tracknr", &dict_entry) && xmmsv_get_int(dict_entry, &intval)) - ptr->xmms2.tracknr = intval; - - if (xmmsv_dict_get(infos, "duration", &dict_entry) && xmmsv_get_int(dict_entry, &intval)) - ptr->xmms2.duration = intval; - - if (xmmsv_dict_get(infos, "bitrate", &dict_entry) && xmmsv_get_int(dict_entry, &intval)) - ptr->xmms2.bitrate = intval / 1000; - - if (xmmsv_dict_get(infos, "size", &dict_entry) && xmmsv_get_int(dict_entry, &intval)) - ptr->xmms2.size = (float) intval / 1048576; - - if (xmmsv_dict_get(infos, "timesplayed", &dict_entry) && xmmsv_get_int(dict_entry, &intval)) - ptr->xmms2.timesplayed = intval; - - - xmmsv_unref(infos); - xmmsc_result_unref(res); - } - return TRUE; + xmmsv_unref(infos); + xmmsc_result_unref(res); + } + return TRUE; } -int handle_playtime(xmmsv_t *value, void *p) -{ - struct information *ptr = (struct information*) p; - int play_time; - const char *errbuf; +int handle_playtime(xmmsv_t *value, void *p) { + struct information *ptr = (struct information *)p; + int play_time; + const char *errbuf; - if (xmmsv_get_error(value, &errbuf)) { - fprintf(stderr,"XMMS2 server error. %s\n", errbuf); - return TRUE; - } + if (xmmsv_get_error(value, &errbuf)) { + fprintf(stderr, "XMMS2 server error. %s\n", errbuf); + return TRUE; + } - if (xmmsv_get_int(value, &play_time)) { - ptr->xmms2.elapsed = play_time; - ptr->xmms2.progress = (float) play_time / ptr->xmms2.duration; - ptr->xmms2.percent = (int)(ptr->xmms2.progress*100); - } + if (xmmsv_get_int(value, &play_time)) { + ptr->xmms2.elapsed = play_time; + ptr->xmms2.progress = (float)play_time / ptr->xmms2.duration; + ptr->xmms2.percent = (int)(ptr->xmms2.progress * 100); + } - return TRUE; + return TRUE; } -int handle_playback_state_change(xmmsv_t *value, void *p) -{ - struct information *ptr = (struct information*) p; - int pb_state = 0; - const char *errbuf; +int handle_playback_state_change(xmmsv_t *value, void *p) { + struct information *ptr = (struct information *)p; + int pb_state = 0; + const char *errbuf; - if (xmmsv_get_error(value, &errbuf)) { - fprintf(stderr,"XMMS2 server error. %s\n", errbuf); - return TRUE; - } + if (xmmsv_get_error(value, &errbuf)) { + fprintf(stderr, "XMMS2 server error. %s\n", errbuf); + return TRUE; + } - if (ptr->xmms2.status == NULL) { - ptr->xmms2.status = (char*) malloc(text_buffer_size.get(*state)); - ptr->xmms2.status[0] = '\0'; - } + if (ptr->xmms2.status == NULL) { + ptr->xmms2.status = (char *)malloc(text_buffer_size.get(*state)); + ptr->xmms2.status[0] = '\0'; + } - if (xmmsv_get_int(value, &pb_state)) { - switch (pb_state) { - case XMMS_PLAYBACK_STATUS_PLAY: - strncpy(ptr->xmms2.status, "Playing", text_buffer_size.get(*state) - 1); - break; - case XMMS_PLAYBACK_STATUS_PAUSE: - strncpy(ptr->xmms2.status, "Paused", text_buffer_size.get(*state) - 1); - break; - case XMMS_PLAYBACK_STATUS_STOP: - strncpy(ptr->xmms2.status, "Stopped", text_buffer_size.get(*state) - 1); - ptr->xmms2.elapsed = ptr->xmms2.progress = ptr->xmms2.percent = 0; - break; - default: - strncpy(ptr->xmms2.status, "Unknown", text_buffer_size.get(*state) - 1); - } - } - return TRUE; + if (xmmsv_get_int(value, &pb_state)) { + switch (pb_state) { + case XMMS_PLAYBACK_STATUS_PLAY: + strncpy(ptr->xmms2.status, "Playing", text_buffer_size.get(*state) - 1); + break; + case XMMS_PLAYBACK_STATUS_PAUSE: + strncpy(ptr->xmms2.status, "Paused", text_buffer_size.get(*state) - 1); + break; + case XMMS_PLAYBACK_STATUS_STOP: + strncpy(ptr->xmms2.status, "Stopped", text_buffer_size.get(*state) - 1); + ptr->xmms2.elapsed = ptr->xmms2.progress = ptr->xmms2.percent = 0; + break; + default: + strncpy(ptr->xmms2.status, "Unknown", text_buffer_size.get(*state) - 1); + } + } + return TRUE; } -int handle_playlist_loaded(xmmsv_t *value, void *p) -{ - struct information *ptr = (struct information*) p; - const char *c, *errbuf; +int handle_playlist_loaded(xmmsv_t *value, void *p) { + struct information *ptr = (struct information *)p; + const char *c, *errbuf; - if (xmmsv_get_error(value, &errbuf)) { - fprintf(stderr,"XMMS2 server error. %s\n", errbuf); - return TRUE; - } + if (xmmsv_get_error(value, &errbuf)) { + fprintf(stderr, "XMMS2 server error. %s\n", errbuf); + return TRUE; + } - if (ptr->xmms2.playlist == NULL) { - ptr->xmms2.playlist = (char*) malloc(text_buffer_size.get(*state)); - ptr->xmms2.playlist[0] = '\0'; - } + if (ptr->xmms2.playlist == NULL) { + ptr->xmms2.playlist = (char *)malloc(text_buffer_size.get(*state)); + ptr->xmms2.playlist[0] = '\0'; + } - if (xmmsv_get_string(value, &c)) { - strncpy(ptr->xmms2.playlist, c, text_buffer_size.get(*state) - 1); - } - return TRUE; + if (xmmsv_get_string(value, &c)) { + strncpy(ptr->xmms2.playlist, c, text_buffer_size.get(*state) - 1); + } + return TRUE; } -int handle_medialib_changed(xmmsv_t *value, void *p) -{ - struct information *ptr = (struct information*) p; - const char *errbuf; - int current_id; +int handle_medialib_changed(xmmsv_t *value, void *p) { + struct information *ptr = (struct information *)p; + const char *errbuf; + int current_id; - if (xmmsv_get_error(value, &errbuf)) { - fprintf(stderr,"XMMS2 server error. %s\n", errbuf); - return TRUE; - } + if (xmmsv_get_error(value, &errbuf)) { + fprintf(stderr, "XMMS2 server error. %s\n", errbuf); + return TRUE; + } - if (xmmsv_get_int(value, ¤t_id) && current_id > 0 && - ptr->xmms2.id == (unsigned int)current_id) { - return handle_curent_id(value, ptr); - } + if (xmmsv_get_int(value, ¤t_id) && current_id > 0 && + ptr->xmms2.id == (unsigned int)current_id) { + return handle_curent_id(value, ptr); + } - return TRUE; + return TRUE; } -int update_xmms2(void) -{ - struct information *current_info = &info; +int update_xmms2(void) { + struct information *current_info = &info; - /* initialize connection */ - if (current_info->xmms2.conn_state == CONN_INIT) { + /* initialize connection */ + if (current_info->xmms2.conn_state == CONN_INIT) { + if (xmms2_conn == NULL) { + xmms2_conn = xmmsc_init(PACKAGE_NAME); + } - if (xmms2_conn == NULL) { - xmms2_conn = xmmsc_init(PACKAGE_NAME); - } + /* did init fail? */ + if (xmms2_conn == NULL) { + fprintf(stderr, "XMMS2 init failed. %s\n", + xmmsc_get_last_error(xmms2_conn)); + return 0; + } - /* did init fail? */ - if (xmms2_conn == NULL) { - fprintf(stderr,"XMMS2 init failed. %s\n", xmmsc_get_last_error(xmms2_conn)); - return 0; - } + /* init ok but not connected yet.. */ + current_info->xmms2.conn_state = CONN_NO; - /* init ok but not connected yet.. */ - current_info->xmms2.conn_state = CONN_NO; + /* clear all values */ + xmms_alloc(current_info); + } - /* clear all values */ - xmms_alloc(current_info); - } + /* connect */ + if (current_info->xmms2.conn_state == CONN_NO) { + char *path = getenv("XMMS_PATH"); - /* connect */ - if (current_info->xmms2.conn_state == CONN_NO) { + if (!xmmsc_connect(xmms2_conn, path)) { + fprintf(stderr, "XMMS2 connection failed. %s\n", + xmmsc_get_last_error(xmms2_conn)); + current_info->xmms2.conn_state = CONN_NO; + return 0; + } - char *path = getenv("XMMS_PATH"); + /* set callbacks */ + xmmsc_disconnect_callback_set(xmms2_conn, connection_lost, current_info); + XMMS_CALLBACK_SET(xmms2_conn, xmmsc_broadcast_playback_current_id, + handle_curent_id, current_info); + XMMS_CALLBACK_SET(xmms2_conn, xmmsc_signal_playback_playtime, + handle_playtime, current_info); + XMMS_CALLBACK_SET(xmms2_conn, xmmsc_broadcast_playback_status, + handle_playback_state_change, current_info); + XMMS_CALLBACK_SET(xmms2_conn, xmmsc_broadcast_playlist_loaded, + handle_playlist_loaded, current_info); + XMMS_CALLBACK_SET(xmms2_conn, xmmsc_broadcast_medialib_entry_changed, + handle_medialib_changed, current_info); - if (!xmmsc_connect(xmms2_conn, path)) { - fprintf(stderr,"XMMS2 connection failed. %s\n", xmmsc_get_last_error(xmms2_conn)); - current_info->xmms2.conn_state = CONN_NO; - return 0; - } + /* get playback status, current id and active playlist */ + XMMS_CALLBACK_SET(xmms2_conn, xmmsc_playback_current_id, handle_curent_id, + current_info); + XMMS_CALLBACK_SET(xmms2_conn, xmmsc_playback_status, + handle_playback_state_change, current_info); + XMMS_CALLBACK_SET(xmms2_conn, xmmsc_playlist_current_active, + handle_playlist_loaded, current_info); - /* set callbacks */ - xmmsc_disconnect_callback_set(xmms2_conn, connection_lost, current_info); - XMMS_CALLBACK_SET(xmms2_conn, xmmsc_broadcast_playback_current_id, - handle_curent_id, current_info); - XMMS_CALLBACK_SET(xmms2_conn, xmmsc_signal_playback_playtime, - handle_playtime, current_info); - XMMS_CALLBACK_SET(xmms2_conn, xmmsc_broadcast_playback_status, - handle_playback_state_change, current_info); - XMMS_CALLBACK_SET(xmms2_conn, xmmsc_broadcast_playlist_loaded, - handle_playlist_loaded, current_info); - XMMS_CALLBACK_SET(xmms2_conn, xmmsc_broadcast_medialib_entry_changed, - handle_medialib_changed, current_info); + /* everything seems to be ok */ + current_info->xmms2.conn_state = CONN_OK; + } - /* get playback status, current id and active playlist */ - XMMS_CALLBACK_SET(xmms2_conn, xmmsc_playback_current_id, - handle_curent_id, current_info); - XMMS_CALLBACK_SET(xmms2_conn, xmmsc_playback_status, - handle_playback_state_change, current_info); - XMMS_CALLBACK_SET(xmms2_conn, xmmsc_playlist_current_active, - handle_playlist_loaded, current_info); - - /* everything seems to be ok */ - current_info->xmms2.conn_state = CONN_OK; - } - - /* handle callbacks */ - if (current_info->xmms2.conn_state == CONN_OK) { - - xmmsc_io_in_handle(xmms2_conn); - if (xmmsc_io_want_out(xmms2_conn)) - xmmsc_io_out_handle(xmms2_conn); - - } - return 0; + /* handle callbacks */ + if (current_info->xmms2.conn_state == CONN_OK) { + xmmsc_io_in_handle(xmms2_conn); + if (xmmsc_io_want_out(xmms2_conn)) xmmsc_io_out_handle(xmms2_conn); + } + return 0; } -void print_xmms2_tracknr(struct text_object *obj, char *p, int p_max_size) -{ - (void)obj; - if (info.xmms2.tracknr != -1) { - snprintf(p, p_max_size, "%i", info.xmms2.tracknr); - } +void print_xmms2_tracknr(struct text_object *obj, char *p, int p_max_size) { + (void)obj; + if (info.xmms2.tracknr != -1) { + snprintf(p, p_max_size, "%i", info.xmms2.tracknr); + } } -void print_xmms2_elapsed(struct text_object *obj, char *p, int p_max_size) -{ - (void)obj; - snprintf(p, p_max_size, "%02d:%02d", info.xmms2.elapsed / 60000, - (info.xmms2.elapsed / 1000) % 60); +void print_xmms2_elapsed(struct text_object *obj, char *p, int p_max_size) { + (void)obj; + snprintf(p, p_max_size, "%02d:%02d", info.xmms2.elapsed / 60000, + (info.xmms2.elapsed / 1000) % 60); } -void print_xmms2_duration(struct text_object *obj, char *p, int p_max_size) -{ - (void)obj; - snprintf(p, p_max_size, "%02d:%02d", - info.xmms2.duration / 60000, - (info.xmms2.duration / 1000) % 60); +void print_xmms2_duration(struct text_object *obj, char *p, int p_max_size) { + (void)obj; + snprintf(p, p_max_size, "%02d:%02d", info.xmms2.duration / 60000, + (info.xmms2.duration / 1000) % 60); } -double xmms2_barval(struct text_object *obj) -{ - (void)obj; +double xmms2_barval(struct text_object *obj) { + (void)obj; - return info.xmms2.progress; + return info.xmms2.progress; } -void print_xmms2_smart(struct text_object *obj, char *p, int p_max_size) -{ - (void)obj; - int artist_len = strlen(info.xmms2.artist); - int title_len = strlen(info.xmms2.title); - if (artist_len < 2 && title_len < 2) { - snprintf(p, p_max_size, "%s", info.xmms2.url); - } else if (artist_len < 1) { - snprintf(p, p_max_size, "%s", info.xmms2.title); - } else { - snprintf(p, p_max_size, "%s - %s", info.xmms2.artist, - info.xmms2.title); - } +void print_xmms2_smart(struct text_object *obj, char *p, int p_max_size) { + (void)obj; + int artist_len = strlen(info.xmms2.artist); + int title_len = strlen(info.xmms2.title); + if (artist_len < 2 && title_len < 2) { + snprintf(p, p_max_size, "%s", info.xmms2.url); + } else if (artist_len < 1) { + snprintf(p, p_max_size, "%s", info.xmms2.title); + } else { + snprintf(p, p_max_size, "%s - %s", info.xmms2.artist, info.xmms2.title); + } } -#define XMMS2_PRINT_GENERATOR(name, fmt) \ -void print_xmms2_##name(struct text_object *obj, char *p, int p_max_size) \ -{ \ - (void)obj; \ - snprintf(p, p_max_size, fmt, info.xmms2.name); \ -} +#define XMMS2_PRINT_GENERATOR(name, fmt) \ + void print_xmms2_##name(struct text_object *obj, char *p, int p_max_size) { \ + (void)obj; \ + snprintf(p, p_max_size, fmt, info.xmms2.name); \ + } XMMS2_PRINT_GENERATOR(artist, "%s") XMMS2_PRINT_GENERATOR(album, "%s") @@ -428,9 +412,8 @@ XMMS2_PRINT_GENERATOR(percent, "%i") #undef XMMS2_PRINT_GENERATOR -int if_xmms2_connected(struct text_object *obj) -{ - (void)obj; +int if_xmms2_connected(struct text_object *obj) { + (void)obj; - return info.xmms2.conn_state == CONN_OK; + return info.xmms2.conn_state == CONN_OK; } diff --git a/src/xmms2.h b/src/xmms2.h index 50ef59b3..32c5145d 100644 --- a/src/xmms2.h +++ b/src/xmms2.h @@ -1,4 +1,4 @@ -/* -*- mode: c; c-basic-offset: 4; tab-width: 4; indent-tabs-mode: t -*- +/* * * Conky, a system monitor, based on torsmo * @@ -8,7 +8,7 @@ * * Please see COPYING for details * - * Copyright (c) 2005-2012 Brenden Matthews, Philip Kovacs, et. al. + * Copyright (c) 2005-2018 Brenden Matthews, Philip Kovacs, et. al. * (see AUTHORS) * All rights reserved. * @@ -32,26 +32,26 @@ #include struct xmms2_s { - char *artist; - char *album; - char *title; - char *genre; - char *comment; - char *url; - char *date; - char *playlist; - int tracknr; - int bitrate; - unsigned int id; - int duration; - int elapsed; - int timesplayed; - float size; + char *artist; + char *album; + char *title; + char *genre; + char *comment; + char *url; + char *date; + char *playlist; + int tracknr; + int bitrate; + unsigned int id; + int duration; + int elapsed; + int timesplayed; + float size; - float progress; - int percent; - char *status; - int conn_state; + float progress; + int percent; + char *status; + int conn_state; }; int update_xmms2(void);