/* -*- mode: c++; c-basic-offset: 4; tab-width: 4; indent-tabs-mode: t -*- * vim: ts=4 sw=4 noet ai cindent syntax=cpp * * libmpdclient * (c)2003-2006 by Warren Dukes (warren.dukes@gmail.com) * This project's homepage is: http://www.musicpd.org * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions * are met: * * - Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * * - Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the * documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. * * - Neither the name of the Music Player Daemon nor the names of its * contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived from * this software without specific prior written permission. * * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS * ``AS IS'' AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT * LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR * A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE FOUNDATION OR * CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, * EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, * PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR * PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF * LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING * NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS * SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. * */ #include "conky.h" #include "libmpdclient.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #ifdef WIN32 # include # include #else # include # include # include # include # include #endif /* (bits + 1) / 3 (plus the sign character) */ #define INTLEN ((sizeof(int) * CHAR_BIT + 1) / 3 + 1) #define LONGLONGLEN ((sizeof(long long) * CHAR_BIT + 1) / 3 + 1) #define COMMAND_LIST 1 #define COMMAND_LIST_OK 2 #ifndef MPD_NO_GAI # ifdef AI_ADDRCONFIG # define MPD_HAVE_GAI # endif #endif #ifndef MSG_DONTWAIT # define MSG_DONTWAIT 0 #endif #ifdef WIN32 # define SELECT_ERRNO_IGNORE (errno == WSAEINTR || errno == WSAEINPROGRESS) # define SENDRECV_ERRNO_IGNORE SELECT_ERRNO_IGNORE #else # define SELECT_ERRNO_IGNORE (errno == EINTR) # define SENDRECV_ERRNO_IGNORE (errno == EINTR || errno == EAGAIN) # define winsock_dll_error(c) 0 # define closesocket(s) close(s) # define WSACleanup() do { /* nothing */ } while (0) #endif #ifdef WIN32 static int winsock_dll_error(mpd_Connection *connection) { WSADATA wsaData; if ((WSAStartup(MAKEWORD(2, 2), &wsaData)) != 0 || LOBYTE(wsaData.wVersion) != 2 || HIBYTE(wsaData.wVersion) != 2) { strcpy(connection->errorStr, "Could not find usable WinSock DLL."); connection->error = MPD_ERROR_SYSTEM; return 1; } return 0; } static int do_connect_fail(mpd_Connection *connection, const struct sockaddr *serv_addr, int addrlen) { int iMode = 1; /* 0 = blocking, else non-blocking */ ioctlsocket(connection->sock, FIONBIO, (u_long FAR *) &iMode); return (connect(connection->sock, serv_addr, addrlen) == SOCKET_ERROR && WSAGetLastError() != WSAEWOULDBLOCK); } #else /* !WIN32 (sane operating systems) */ static int do_connect_fail(mpd_Connection *connection, const struct sockaddr *serv_addr, int addrlen) { int flags = fcntl(connection->sock, F_GETFL, 0); fcntl(connection->sock, F_SETFL, flags | O_NONBLOCK); return (connect(connection->sock, serv_addr, addrlen) < 0 && errno != EINPROGRESS); } #endif /* !WIN32 */ static int uds_connect(mpd_Connection *connection, const char *host, float timeout) { struct sockaddr_un addr; strncpy(addr.sun_path, host, sizeof(addr.sun_path)-1); addr.sun_family = AF_UNIX; addr.sun_path[sizeof(addr.sun_path)-1] = 0; connection->sock = socket(AF_UNIX, SOCK_STREAM, 0); if (connection->sock < 0) { snprintf(connection->errorStr, MPD_ERRORSTR_MAX_LENGTH, "problems creating socket: %s", strerror(errno)); connection->error = MPD_ERROR_SYSTEM; return -1; } mpd_setConnectionTimeout(connection, timeout); /* connect stuff */ if (do_connect_fail(connection, (struct sockaddr *)&addr, SUN_LEN(&addr))) { snprintf(connection->errorStr, MPD_ERRORSTR_MAX_LENGTH, "problems connecting socket: %s", strerror(errno)); closesocket(connection->sock); connection->sock = -1; connection->error = MPD_ERROR_SYSTEM; return -1; } return 0; } #ifdef MPD_HAVE_GAI static int mpd_connect(mpd_Connection *connection, const char *host, int port, float timeout) { int error; char service[INTLEN + 1]; struct addrinfo hints; struct addrinfo *res = NULL; struct addrinfo *addrinfo = NULL; if (*host == '/') return uds_connect(connection, host, timeout); /* Setup hints */ hints.ai_flags = AI_ADDRCONFIG; hints.ai_family = AF_UNSPEC; hints.ai_socktype = SOCK_STREAM; hints.ai_protocol = IPPROTO_TCP; hints.ai_addrlen = 0; hints.ai_addr = NULL; hints.ai_canonname = NULL; hints.ai_next = NULL; snprintf(service, sizeof(service), "%i", port); error = getaddrinfo(host, service, &hints, &addrinfo); if (error) { snprintf(connection->errorStr, MPD_ERRORSTR_MAX_LENGTH, "host \"%s\" not found: %s", host, gai_strerror(error)); connection->error = MPD_ERROR_UNKHOST; return -1; } for (res = addrinfo; res; res = res->ai_next) { /* create socket */ if (connection->sock > -1) { closesocket(connection->sock); } connection->sock = socket(res->ai_family, SOCK_STREAM, res->ai_protocol); if (connection->sock < 0) { snprintf(connection->errorStr, MPD_ERRORSTR_MAX_LENGTH, "problems creating socket: %s", strerror(errno)); connection->error = MPD_ERROR_SYSTEM; freeaddrinfo(addrinfo); return -1; } mpd_setConnectionTimeout(connection, timeout); /* connect stuff */ if (do_connect_fail(connection, res->ai_addr, res->ai_addrlen)) { /* try the next address family */ closesocket(connection->sock); connection->sock = -1; continue; } } freeaddrinfo(addrinfo); if (connection->sock < 0) { snprintf(connection->errorStr, MPD_ERRORSTR_MAX_LENGTH, "problems connecting to \"%s\" on port %i: %s", host, port, strerror(errno)); connection->error = MPD_ERROR_CONNPORT; return -1; } return 0; } #else /* !MPD_HAVE_GAI */ static int mpd_connect(mpd_Connection *connection, const char *host, int port, float timeout) { struct hostent he, *he_res = 0; int he_errno; char hostbuff[2048]; struct sockaddr *dest; int destlen; struct sockaddr_in sin; if (*host == '/') return uds_connect(connection, host, timeout); #ifdef HAVE_GETHOSTBYNAME_R if (gethostbyname_r(rhost, &he, hostbuff, sizeof(hostbuff), &he_res, &he_errno)) { // get the host info snprintf(connection->errorStr, MPD_ERRORSTR_MAX_LENGTH, "%s ('%s')", hstrerror(h_errno), host); connection->error = MPD_ERROR_UNKHOST; return -1; } #else /* HAVE_GETHOSTBYNAME_R */ if (!(he_res = gethostbyname(host))) { snprintf(connection->errorStr, MPD_ERRORSTR_MAX_LENGTH, "host \"%s\" not found", host); connection->error = MPD_ERROR_UNKHOST; return -1; } #endif /* HAVE_GETHOSTBYNAME_R */ memset(&sin, 0, sizeof(struct sockaddr_in)); /* dest.sin_family = he_res->h_addrtype; */ sin.sin_family = AF_INET; sin.sin_port = htons(port); switch (he_res->h_addrtype) { case AF_INET: memcpy((char *) &sin.sin_addr.s_addr, (char *) he_res->h_addr, he_res->h_length); dest = (struct sockaddr *) &sin; destlen = sizeof(struct sockaddr_in); break; default: strcpy(connection->errorStr, "address type is not IPv4"); connection->error = MPD_ERROR_SYSTEM; return -1; break; } if (connection->sock > -1) { closesocket(connection->sock); } if ((connection->sock = socket(dest->sa_family, SOCK_STREAM, 0)) < 0) { strcpy(connection->errorStr, "problems creating socket"); connection->error = MPD_ERROR_SYSTEM; return -1; } mpd_setConnectionTimeout(connection, timeout); /* connect stuff */ if (do_connect_fail(connection, dest, destlen)) { snprintf(connection->errorStr, MPD_ERRORSTR_MAX_LENGTH, "problems connecting to \"%s\" on port %i", host, port); connection->error = MPD_ERROR_CONNPORT; return -1; } return 0; } #endif /* !MPD_HAVE_GAI */ const char *mpdTagItemKeys[MPD_TAG_NUM_OF_ITEM_TYPES] = { "Artist", "Album", "Title", "Track", "Name", "Genre", "Date", "Composer", "Performer", "Comment", "Disc", "Filename", "Any" }; static char *mpd_sanitizeArg(const char *arg) { size_t i; char *ret; register const char *c; register char *rc; /* instead of counting in that loop above, * just use a bit more memory and halve running time */ ret = (char*) malloc(strlen(arg) * 2 + 1); c = arg; rc = ret; for (i = strlen(arg) + 1; i != 0; --i) { if (*c == '"' || *c == '\\') { *rc++ = '\\'; } *(rc++) = *(c++); } return ret; } static mpd_ReturnElement *mpd_newReturnElement(const char *name, const char *value) { mpd_ReturnElement *ret = (mpd_ReturnElement*) malloc(sizeof(mpd_ReturnElement)); ret->name = strndup(name, text_buffer_size); ret->value = strndup(value, text_buffer_size); return ret; } static void mpd_freeReturnElement(mpd_ReturnElement *re) { free(re->name); free(re->value); free(re); } void mpd_setConnectionTimeout(mpd_Connection *connection, float timeout) { connection->timeout.tv_sec = (int) timeout; connection->timeout.tv_usec = (int) ((timeout - connection->timeout.tv_sec) * 1e6 + 0.5); } static int mpd_parseWelcome(mpd_Connection *connection, const char *host, int port, /* char *rt, */ char *output) { char *tmp; char *test; int i; if (strncmp(output, MPD_WELCOME_MESSAGE, strlen(MPD_WELCOME_MESSAGE))) { snprintf(connection->errorStr, MPD_ERRORSTR_MAX_LENGTH, "mpd not running on port %i on host \"%s\"", port, host); connection->error = MPD_ERROR_NOTMPD; return 1; } tmp = &output[strlen(MPD_WELCOME_MESSAGE)]; for (i = 0; i < 3; i++) { if (tmp) { connection->version[i] = strtol(tmp, &test, 10); } if (!tmp || (test[0] != '.' && test[0] != '\0')) { snprintf(connection->errorStr, MPD_ERRORSTR_MAX_LENGTH, "error parsing version number at \"%s\"", &output[strlen(MPD_WELCOME_MESSAGE)]); connection->error = MPD_ERROR_NOTMPD; return 1; } tmp = ++test; } return 0; } mpd_Connection *mpd_newConnection(const char *host, int port, float timeout) { int err; char *rt; char *output = NULL; mpd_Connection *connection = (mpd_Connection*) malloc(sizeof(mpd_Connection)); struct timeval tv; fd_set fds; strcpy(connection->buffer, ""); connection->buflen = 0; connection->bufstart = 0; strcpy(connection->errorStr, ""); connection->error = 0; connection->doneProcessing = 0; connection->commandList = 0; connection->listOks = 0; connection->doneListOk = 0; connection->sock = -1; connection->returnElement = NULL; connection->request = NULL; if (winsock_dll_error(connection)) { return connection; } if (mpd_connect(connection, host, port, timeout) < 0) { return connection; } while (!(rt = strstr(connection->buffer, "\n"))) { tv.tv_sec = connection->timeout.tv_sec; tv.tv_usec = connection->timeout.tv_usec; FD_ZERO(&fds); FD_SET(connection->sock, &fds); if ((err = select(connection->sock + 1, &fds, NULL, NULL, &tv)) == 1) { int readed; readed = recv(connection->sock, &(connection->buffer[connection->buflen]), MPD_BUFFER_MAX_LENGTH - connection->buflen, 0); if (readed <= 0) { snprintf(connection->errorStr, MPD_ERRORSTR_MAX_LENGTH, "problems getting a response from \"%s\" on port %i : %s", host, port, strerror(errno)); connection->error = MPD_ERROR_NORESPONSE; return connection; } connection->buflen += readed; connection->buffer[connection->buflen] = '\0'; } else if (err < 0) { if (SELECT_ERRNO_IGNORE) { continue; } snprintf(connection->errorStr, MPD_ERRORSTR_MAX_LENGTH, "problems connecting to \"%s\" on port %i", host, port); connection->error = MPD_ERROR_CONNPORT; return connection; } else { snprintf(connection->errorStr, MPD_ERRORSTR_MAX_LENGTH, "timeout in attempting to get a response from \"%s\" on " "port %i", host, port); connection->error = MPD_ERROR_NORESPONSE; return connection; } } *rt = '\0'; output = strndup(connection->buffer, text_buffer_size); strcpy(connection->buffer, rt + 1); connection->buflen = strlen(connection->buffer); if (mpd_parseWelcome(connection, host, port, /* rt, */ output) == 0) { connection->doneProcessing = 1; } free(output); return connection; } void mpd_clearError(mpd_Connection *connection) { connection->error = 0; connection->errorStr[0] = '\0'; } void mpd_closeConnection(mpd_Connection *connection) { closesocket(connection->sock); free_and_zero(connection->returnElement); free_and_zero(connection->request); free(connection); WSACleanup(); } static void mpd_executeCommand(mpd_Connection *connection, const char *command) { int ret; struct timeval tv; fd_set fds; const char *commandPtr = command; int commandLen = strlen(command); if (!connection->doneProcessing && !connection->commandList) { strcpy(connection->errorStr, "not done processing current command"); connection->error = 1; return; } mpd_clearError(connection); FD_ZERO(&fds); FD_SET(connection->sock, &fds); tv.tv_sec = connection->timeout.tv_sec; tv.tv_usec = connection->timeout.tv_usec; while ((ret = select(connection->sock + 1, NULL, &fds, NULL, &tv) == 1) || (ret == -1 && SELECT_ERRNO_IGNORE)) { ret = send(connection->sock, commandPtr, commandLen, MSG_DONTWAIT); if (ret <= 0) { if (SENDRECV_ERRNO_IGNORE) { continue; } snprintf(connection->errorStr, MPD_ERRORSTR_MAX_LENGTH, "problems giving command \"%s\"", command); connection->error = MPD_ERROR_SENDING; return; } else { commandPtr += ret; commandLen -= ret; } if (commandLen <= 0) { break; } } if (commandLen > 0) { perror(""); snprintf(connection->errorStr, MPD_ERRORSTR_MAX_LENGTH, "timeout sending command \"%s\"", command); connection->error = MPD_ERROR_TIMEOUT; return; } if (!connection->commandList) { connection->doneProcessing = 0; } else if (connection->commandList == COMMAND_LIST_OK) { connection->listOks++; } } static void mpd_getNextReturnElement(mpd_Connection *connection) { char *output = NULL; char *rt = NULL; char *name = NULL; char *value = NULL; fd_set fds; struct timeval tv; char *tok = NULL; int readed; char *bufferCheck = NULL; int err; int pos; if (connection->returnElement) { mpd_freeReturnElement(connection->returnElement); } connection->returnElement = NULL; if (connection->doneProcessing || (connection->listOks && connection->doneListOk)) { strcpy(connection->errorStr, "already done processing current command"); connection->error = 1; return; } bufferCheck = connection->buffer + connection->bufstart; while (connection->bufstart >= connection->buflen || !(rt = strchr(bufferCheck, '\n'))) { if (connection->buflen >= MPD_BUFFER_MAX_LENGTH) { memmove(connection->buffer, connection->buffer + connection->bufstart, connection->buflen - connection->bufstart + 1); connection->buflen -= connection->bufstart; connection->bufstart = 0; } if (connection->buflen >= MPD_BUFFER_MAX_LENGTH) { strcpy(connection->errorStr, "buffer overrun"); connection->error = MPD_ERROR_BUFFEROVERRUN; connection->doneProcessing = 1; connection->doneListOk = 0; return; } bufferCheck = connection->buffer + connection->buflen; tv.tv_sec = connection->timeout.tv_sec; tv.tv_usec = connection->timeout.tv_usec; FD_ZERO(&fds); FD_SET(connection->sock, &fds); if ((err = select(connection->sock + 1, &fds, NULL, NULL, &tv) == 1)) { readed = recv(connection->sock, connection->buffer + connection->buflen, MPD_BUFFER_MAX_LENGTH - connection->buflen, MSG_DONTWAIT); if (readed < 0 && SENDRECV_ERRNO_IGNORE) { continue; } if (readed <= 0) { strcpy(connection->errorStr, "connection closed"); connection->error = MPD_ERROR_CONNCLOSED; connection->doneProcessing = 1; connection->doneListOk = 0; return; } connection->buflen += readed; connection->buffer[connection->buflen] = '\0'; } else if (err < 0 && SELECT_ERRNO_IGNORE) { continue; } else { strcpy(connection->errorStr, "connection timeout"); connection->error = MPD_ERROR_TIMEOUT; connection->doneProcessing = 1; connection->doneListOk = 0; return; } } *rt = '\0'; output = connection->buffer + connection->bufstart; connection->bufstart = rt - connection->buffer + 1; if (strcmp(output, "OK") == 0) { if (connection->listOks > 0) { strcpy(connection->errorStr, "expected more list_OK's"); connection->error = 1; } connection->listOks = 0; connection->doneProcessing = 1; connection->doneListOk = 0; return; } if (strcmp(output, "list_OK") == 0) { if (!connection->listOks) { strcpy(connection->errorStr, "got an unexpected list_OK"); connection->error = 1; } else { connection->doneListOk = 1; connection->listOks--; } return; } if (strncmp(output, "ACK", strlen("ACK")) == 0) { char *test; char *needle; int val; strcpy(connection->errorStr, output); connection->error = MPD_ERROR_ACK; connection->errorCode = MPD_ACK_ERROR_UNK; connection->errorAt = MPD_ERROR_AT_UNK; connection->doneProcessing = 1; connection->doneListOk = 0; needle = strchr(output, '['); if (!needle) { return; } val = strtol(needle + 1, &test, 10); if (*test != '@') { return; } connection->errorCode = val; val = strtol(test + 1, &test, 10); if (*test != ']') { return; } connection->errorAt = val; return; } tok = strchr(output, ':'); if (!tok) { return; } pos = tok - output; value = ++tok; name = output; name[pos] = '\0'; if (value[0] == ' ') { connection->returnElement = mpd_newReturnElement(name, &(value[1])); } else { snprintf(connection->errorStr, MPD_ERRORSTR_MAX_LENGTH, "error parsing: %s:%s", name, value); connection->error = 1; } } void mpd_finishCommand(mpd_Connection *connection) { while (!connection->doneProcessing) { if (connection->doneListOk) { connection->doneListOk = 0; } mpd_getNextReturnElement(connection); } } static void mpd_finishListOkCommand(mpd_Connection *connection) { while (!connection->doneProcessing && connection->listOks && !connection->doneListOk) { mpd_getNextReturnElement(connection); } } int mpd_nextListOkCommand(mpd_Connection *connection) { mpd_finishListOkCommand(connection); if (!connection->doneProcessing) { connection->doneListOk = 0; } if (connection->listOks == 0 || connection->doneProcessing) { return -1; } return 0; } void mpd_sendStatusCommand(mpd_Connection *connection) { mpd_executeCommand(connection, "status\n"); } mpd_Status *mpd_getStatus(mpd_Connection *connection) { mpd_Status *status; /* mpd_executeCommand(connection, "status\n"); if (connection->error) { return NULL; } */ if (connection->doneProcessing || (connection->listOks && connection->doneListOk)) { return NULL; } if (!connection->returnElement) { mpd_getNextReturnElement(connection); } status = (mpd_Status *) malloc(sizeof(mpd_Status)); status->volume = -1; status->repeat = 0; status->random = 0; status->playlist = -1; status->playlistLength = -1; status->state = -1; status->song = 0; status->songid = 0; status->elapsedTime = 0; status->totalTime = 0; status->bitRate = 0; status->sampleRate = 0; status->bits = 0; status->channels = 0; status->crossfade = -1; status->error = NULL; status->updatingDb = 0; if (connection->error) { free(status); return NULL; } while (connection->returnElement) { mpd_ReturnElement *re = connection->returnElement; if (strcmp(re->name, "volume") == 0) { status->volume = atoi(re->value); } else if (strcmp(re->name, "repeat") == 0) { status->repeat = atoi(re->value); } else if (strcmp(re->name, "random") == 0) { status->random = atoi(re->value); } else if (strcmp(re->name, "playlist") == 0) { status->playlist = strtol(re->value, NULL, 10); } else if (strcmp(re->name, "playlistlength") == 0) { status->playlistLength = atoi(re->value); } else if (strcmp(re->name, "bitrate") == 0) { status->bitRate = atoi(re->value); } else if (strcmp(re->name, "state") == 0) { if (strcmp(re->value, "play") == 0) { status->state = MPD_STATUS_STATE_PLAY; } else if (strcmp(re->value, "stop") == 0) { status->state = MPD_STATUS_STATE_STOP; } else if (strcmp(re->value, "pause") == 0) { status->state = MPD_STATUS_STATE_PAUSE; } else { status->state = MPD_STATUS_STATE_UNKNOWN; } } else if (strcmp(re->name, "song") == 0) { status->song = atoi(re->value); } else if (strcmp(re->name, "songid") == 0) { status->songid = atoi(re->value); } else if (strcmp(re->name, "time") == 0) { char *tok = strchr(re->value, ':'); /* the second strchr below is a safety check */ if (tok && (strchr(tok, 0) > (tok + 1))) { /* atoi stops at the first non-[0-9] char: */ status->elapsedTime = atoi(re->value); status->totalTime = atoi(tok + 1); } } else if (strcmp(re->name, "error") == 0) { status->error = strndup(re->value, text_buffer_size); } else if (strcmp(re->name, "xfade") == 0) { status->crossfade = atoi(re->value); } else if (strcmp(re->name, "updating_db") == 0) { status->updatingDb = atoi(re->value); } else if (strcmp(re->name, "audio") == 0) { char *tok = strchr(re->value, ':'); if (tok && (strchr(tok, 0) > (tok + 1))) { status->sampleRate = atoi(re->value); status->bits = atoi(++tok); tok = strchr(tok, ':'); if (tok && (strchr(tok, 0) > (tok + 1))) { status->channels = atoi(tok + 1); } } } mpd_getNextReturnElement(connection); if (connection->error) { free(status); return NULL; } } if (connection->error) { free(status); return NULL; } else if (status->state < 0) { strcpy(connection->errorStr, "state not found"); connection->error = 1; free(status); return NULL; } return status; } void mpd_freeStatus(mpd_Status *status) { free_and_zero(status->error); free(status); } void mpd_sendStatsCommand(mpd_Connection *connection) { mpd_executeCommand(connection, "stats\n"); } mpd_Stats *mpd_getStats(mpd_Connection *connection) { mpd_Stats *stats; /* mpd_executeCommand(connection, "stats\n"); if (connection->error) { return NULL; } */ if (connection->doneProcessing || (connection->listOks && connection->doneListOk)) { return NULL; } if (!connection->returnElement) { mpd_getNextReturnElement(connection); } stats = (mpd_Stats *) malloc(sizeof(mpd_Stats)); stats->numberOfArtists = 0; stats->numberOfAlbums = 0; stats->numberOfSongs = 0; stats->uptime = 0; stats->dbUpdateTime = 0; stats->playTime = 0; stats->dbPlayTime = 0; if (connection->error) { free(stats); return NULL; } while (connection->returnElement) { mpd_ReturnElement *re = connection->returnElement; if (strcmp(re->name, "artists") == 0) { stats->numberOfArtists = atoi(re->value); } else if (strcmp(re->name, "albums") == 0) { stats->numberOfAlbums = atoi(re->value); } else if (strcmp(re->name, "songs") == 0) { stats->numberOfSongs = atoi(re->value); } else if (strcmp(re->name, "uptime") == 0) { stats->uptime = strtol(re->value, NULL, 10); } else if (strcmp(re->name, "db_update") == 0) { stats->dbUpdateTime = strtol(re->value, NULL, 10); } else if (strcmp(re->name, "playtime") == 0) { stats->playTime = strtol(re->value, NULL, 10); } else if (strcmp(re->name, "db_playtime") == 0) { stats->dbPlayTime = strtol(re->value, NULL, 10); } mpd_getNextReturnElement(connection); if (connection->error) { free(stats); return NULL; } } if (connection->error) { free(stats); return NULL; } return stats; } void mpd_freeStats(mpd_Stats *stats) { free(stats); } mpd_SearchStats *mpd_getSearchStats(mpd_Connection *connection) { mpd_SearchStats *stats; mpd_ReturnElement *re; if (connection->doneProcessing || (connection->listOks && connection->doneListOk)) { return NULL; } if (!connection->returnElement) { mpd_getNextReturnElement(connection); } if (connection->error) { return NULL; } stats = (mpd_SearchStats *) malloc(sizeof(mpd_SearchStats)); stats->numberOfSongs = 0; stats->playTime = 0; while (connection->returnElement) { re = connection->returnElement; if (strcmp(re->name, "songs") == 0) { stats->numberOfSongs = atoi(re->value); } else if (strcmp(re->name, "playtime") == 0) { stats->playTime = strtol(re->value, NULL, 10); } mpd_getNextReturnElement(connection); if (connection->error) { free(stats); return NULL; } } if (connection->error) { free(stats); return NULL; } return stats; } void mpd_freeSearchStats(mpd_SearchStats *stats) { free(stats); } static void mpd_initSong(mpd_Song *song) { song->file = NULL; song->artist = NULL; song->album = NULL; song->track = NULL; song->title = NULL; song->name = NULL; song->date = NULL; /* added by Qball */ song->genre = NULL; song->composer = NULL; song->performer = NULL; song->disc = NULL; song->comment = NULL; song->time = MPD_SONG_NO_TIME; song->pos = MPD_SONG_NO_NUM; song->id = MPD_SONG_NO_ID; } static void mpd_finishSong(mpd_Song *song) { free_and_zero(song->file); free_and_zero(song->artist); free_and_zero(song->album); free_and_zero(song->title); free_and_zero(song->track); free_and_zero(song->name); free_and_zero(song->date); free_and_zero(song->genre); free_and_zero(song->composer); free_and_zero(song->disc); free_and_zero(song->comment); } mpd_Song *mpd_newSong(void) { mpd_Song *ret = (mpd_Song *) malloc(sizeof(mpd_Song)); mpd_initSong(ret); return ret; } void mpd_freeSong(mpd_Song *song) { mpd_finishSong(song); free(song); } mpd_Song *mpd_songDup(mpd_Song *song) { mpd_Song *ret = mpd_newSong(); if (song->file) { ret->file = strndup(song->file, text_buffer_size); } if (song->artist) { ret->artist = strndup(song->artist, text_buffer_size); } if (song->album) { ret->album = strndup(song->album, text_buffer_size); } if (song->title) { ret->title = strndup(song->title, text_buffer_size); } if (song->track) { ret->track = strndup(song->track, text_buffer_size); } if (song->name) { ret->name = strndup(song->name, text_buffer_size); } if (song->date) { ret->date = strndup(song->date, text_buffer_size); } if (song->genre) { ret->genre = strndup(song->genre, text_buffer_size); } if (song->composer) { ret->composer = strndup(song->composer, text_buffer_size); } if (song->disc) { ret->disc = strndup(song->disc, text_buffer_size); } if (song->comment) { ret->comment = strndup(song->comment, text_buffer_size); } ret->time = song->time; ret->pos = song->pos; ret->id = song->id; return ret; } static void mpd_initDirectory(mpd_Directory *directory) { directory->path = NULL; } static void mpd_finishDirectory(mpd_Directory *directory) { free_and_zero(directory->path); } mpd_Directory *mpd_newDirectory(void) { mpd_Directory *directory = (mpd_Directory *) malloc(sizeof(mpd_Directory)); mpd_initDirectory(directory); return directory; } void mpd_freeDirectory(mpd_Directory *directory) { mpd_finishDirectory(directory); free(directory); } mpd_Directory *mpd_directoryDup(mpd_Directory *directory) { mpd_Directory *ret = mpd_newDirectory(); if (directory->path) { ret->path = strndup(directory->path, text_buffer_size); } return ret; } static void mpd_initPlaylistFile(mpd_PlaylistFile *playlist) { playlist->path = NULL; } static void mpd_finishPlaylistFile(mpd_PlaylistFile *playlist) { free_and_zero(playlist->path); } mpd_PlaylistFile *mpd_newPlaylistFile(void) { mpd_PlaylistFile *playlist = (mpd_PlaylistFile *) malloc(sizeof(mpd_PlaylistFile)); mpd_initPlaylistFile(playlist); return playlist; } void mpd_freePlaylistFile(mpd_PlaylistFile *playlist) { mpd_finishPlaylistFile(playlist); free(playlist); } mpd_PlaylistFile *mpd_playlistFileDup(mpd_PlaylistFile *playlist) { mpd_PlaylistFile *ret = mpd_newPlaylistFile(); if (playlist->path) { ret->path = strndup(playlist->path, text_buffer_size); } return ret; } static void mpd_initInfoEntity(mpd_InfoEntity *entity) { entity->info.directory = NULL; } static void mpd_finishInfoEntity(mpd_InfoEntity *entity) { if (entity->info.directory) { if (entity->type == MPD_INFO_ENTITY_TYPE_DIRECTORY) { mpd_freeDirectory(entity->info.directory); } else if (entity->type == MPD_INFO_ENTITY_TYPE_SONG) { mpd_freeSong(entity->info.song); } else if (entity->type == MPD_INFO_ENTITY_TYPE_PLAYLISTFILE) { mpd_freePlaylistFile(entity->info.playlistFile); } } } mpd_InfoEntity *mpd_newInfoEntity(void) { mpd_InfoEntity *entity = (mpd_InfoEntity *) malloc(sizeof(mpd_InfoEntity)); mpd_initInfoEntity(entity); return entity; } void mpd_freeInfoEntity(mpd_InfoEntity *entity) { mpd_finishInfoEntity(entity); free(entity); } static void mpd_sendInfoCommand(mpd_Connection *connection, char *command) { mpd_executeCommand(connection, command); } mpd_InfoEntity *mpd_getNextInfoEntity(mpd_Connection *connection) { mpd_InfoEntity *entity = NULL; if (connection->doneProcessing || (connection->listOks && connection->doneListOk)) { return NULL; } if (!connection->returnElement) { mpd_getNextReturnElement(connection); } if (connection->returnElement) { if (strcmp(connection->returnElement->name, "file") == 0) { entity = mpd_newInfoEntity(); entity->type = MPD_INFO_ENTITY_TYPE_SONG; entity->info.song = mpd_newSong(); entity->info.song->file = strndup(connection->returnElement->value, text_buffer_size); } else if (strcmp(connection->returnElement->name, "directory") == 0) { entity = mpd_newInfoEntity(); entity->type = MPD_INFO_ENTITY_TYPE_DIRECTORY; entity->info.directory = mpd_newDirectory(); entity->info.directory->path = strndup(connection->returnElement->value, text_buffer_size); } else if (strcmp(connection->returnElement->name, "playlist") == 0) { entity = mpd_newInfoEntity(); entity->type = MPD_INFO_ENTITY_TYPE_PLAYLISTFILE; entity->info.playlistFile = mpd_newPlaylistFile(); entity->info.playlistFile->path = strndup(connection->returnElement->value, text_buffer_size); } else if (strcmp(connection->returnElement->name, "cpos") == 0) { entity = mpd_newInfoEntity(); entity->type = MPD_INFO_ENTITY_TYPE_SONG; entity->info.song = mpd_newSong(); entity->info.song->pos = atoi(connection->returnElement->value); } else { connection->error = 1; strcpy(connection->errorStr, "problem parsing song info"); return NULL; } } else { return NULL; } mpd_getNextReturnElement(connection); while (connection->returnElement) { mpd_ReturnElement *re = connection->returnElement; if (strcmp(re->name, "file") == 0) { return entity; } else if (strcmp(re->name, "directory") == 0) { return entity; } else if (strcmp(re->name, "playlist") == 0) { return entity; } else if (strcmp(re->name, "cpos") == 0) { return entity; } if (entity->type == MPD_INFO_ENTITY_TYPE_SONG && strlen(re->value)) { if (!entity->info.song->artist && strcmp(re->name, "Artist") == 0) { entity->info.song->artist = strndup(re->value, text_buffer_size); } else if (!entity->info.song->album && strcmp(re->name, "Album") == 0) { entity->info.song->album = strndup(re->value, text_buffer_size); } else if (!entity->info.song->title && strcmp(re->name, "Title") == 0) { entity->info.song->title = strndup(re->value, text_buffer_size); } else if (!entity->info.song->track && strcmp(re->name, "Track") == 0) { entity->info.song->track = strndup(re->value, text_buffer_size); } else if (!entity->info.song->name && strcmp(re->name, "Name") == 0) { entity->info.song->name = strndup(re->value, text_buffer_size); } else if (entity->info.song->time == MPD_SONG_NO_TIME && strcmp(re->name, "Time") == 0) { entity->info.song->time = atoi(re->value); } else if (entity->info.song->pos == MPD_SONG_NO_NUM && strcmp(re->name, "Pos") == 0) { entity->info.song->pos = atoi(re->value); } else if (entity->info.song->id == MPD_SONG_NO_ID && strcmp(re->name, "Id") == 0) { entity->info.song->id = atoi(re->value); } else if (!entity->info.song->date && strcmp(re->name, "Date") == 0) { entity->info.song->date = strndup(re->value, text_buffer_size); } else if (!entity->info.song->genre && strcmp(re->name, "Genre") == 0) { entity->info.song->genre = strndup(re->value, text_buffer_size); } else if (!entity->info.song->composer && strcmp(re->name, "Composer") == 0) { entity->info.song->composer = strndup(re->value, text_buffer_size); } else if (!entity->info.song->performer && strcmp(re->name, "Performer") == 0) { entity->info.song->performer = strndup(re->value, text_buffer_size); } else if (!entity->info.song->disc && strcmp(re->name, "Disc") == 0) { entity->info.song->disc = strndup(re->value, text_buffer_size); } else if (!entity->info.song->comment && strcmp(re->name, "Comment") == 0) { entity->info.song->comment = strndup(re->value, text_buffer_size); } } else if (entity->type == MPD_INFO_ENTITY_TYPE_DIRECTORY) { } else if (entity->type == MPD_INFO_ENTITY_TYPE_PLAYLISTFILE) { } mpd_getNextReturnElement(connection); } return entity; } static char *mpd_getNextReturnElementNamed(mpd_Connection *connection, const char *name) { if (connection->doneProcessing || (connection->listOks && connection->doneListOk)) { return NULL; } mpd_getNextReturnElement(connection); while (connection->returnElement) { mpd_ReturnElement *re = connection->returnElement; if (strcmp(re->name, name) == 0) { return strndup(re->value, text_buffer_size); } mpd_getNextReturnElement(connection); } return NULL; } char *mpd_getNextTag(mpd_Connection *connection, int type) { if (type < 0 || type >= MPD_TAG_NUM_OF_ITEM_TYPES || type == MPD_TAG_ITEM_ANY) { return NULL; } if (type == MPD_TAG_ITEM_FILENAME) { return mpd_getNextReturnElementNamed(connection, "file"); } return mpd_getNextReturnElementNamed(connection, mpdTagItemKeys[type]); } char *mpd_getNextArtist(mpd_Connection *connection) { return mpd_getNextReturnElementNamed(connection, "Artist"); } char *mpd_getNextAlbum(mpd_Connection *connection) { return mpd_getNextReturnElementNamed(connection, "Album"); } void mpd_sendPlaylistInfoCommand(mpd_Connection *connection, int songPos) { int len = strlen("playlistinfo") + 2 + INTLEN + 3; char *string = (char*) malloc(len); snprintf(string, len, "playlistinfo \"%i\"\n", songPos); mpd_sendInfoCommand(connection, string); free(string); } void mpd_sendPlaylistIdCommand(mpd_Connection *connection, int id) { int len = strlen("playlistid") + 2 + INTLEN + 3; char *string = (char*) malloc(len); snprintf(string, len, "playlistid \"%i\"\n", id); mpd_sendInfoCommand(connection, string); free(string); } void mpd_sendPlChangesCommand(mpd_Connection *connection, long long playlist) { int len = strlen("plchanges") + 2 + LONGLONGLEN + 3; char *string = (char*) malloc(len); snprintf(string, len, "plchanges \"%lld\"\n", playlist); mpd_sendInfoCommand(connection, string); free(string); } void mpd_sendPlChangesPosIdCommand(mpd_Connection *connection, long long playlist) { int len = strlen("plchangesposid") + 2 + LONGLONGLEN + 3; char *string = (char*) malloc(len); snprintf(string, len, "plchangesposid \"%lld\"\n", playlist); mpd_sendInfoCommand(connection, string); free(string); } void mpd_sendListallCommand(mpd_Connection *connection, const char *dir) { char *sDir = mpd_sanitizeArg(dir); int len = strlen("listall") + 2 + strlen(sDir) + 3; char *string = (char*) malloc(len); snprintf(string, len, "listall \"%s\"\n", sDir); mpd_sendInfoCommand(connection, string); free(string); free(sDir); } void mpd_sendListallInfoCommand(mpd_Connection *connection, const char *dir) { char *sDir = mpd_sanitizeArg(dir); int len = strlen("listallinfo") + 2 + strlen(sDir) + 3; char *string = (char*) malloc(len); snprintf(string, len, "listallinfo \"%s\"\n", sDir); mpd_sendInfoCommand(connection, string); free(string); free(sDir); } void mpd_sendLsInfoCommand(mpd_Connection *connection, const char *dir) { char *sDir = mpd_sanitizeArg(dir); int len = strlen("lsinfo") + 2 + strlen(sDir) + 3; char *string = (char*) malloc(len); snprintf(string, len, "lsinfo \"%s\"\n", sDir); mpd_sendInfoCommand(connection, string); free(string); free(sDir); } void mpd_sendCurrentSongCommand(mpd_Connection *connection) { mpd_executeCommand(connection, "currentsong\n"); } void mpd_sendSearchCommand(mpd_Connection *connection, int table, const char *str) { mpd_startSearch(connection, 0); mpd_addConstraintSearch(connection, table, str); mpd_commitSearch(connection); } void mpd_sendFindCommand(mpd_Connection *connection, int table, const char *str) { mpd_startSearch(connection, 1); mpd_addConstraintSearch(connection, table, str); mpd_commitSearch(connection); } void mpd_sendListCommand(mpd_Connection *connection, int table, const char *arg1) { char st[10]; int len; char *string; if (table == MPD_TABLE_ARTIST) { strcpy(st, "artist"); } else if (table == MPD_TABLE_ALBUM) { strcpy(st, "album"); } else { connection->error = 1; strcpy(connection->errorStr, "unknown table for list"); return; } if (arg1) { char *sanitArg1 = mpd_sanitizeArg(arg1); len = strlen("list") + 1 + strlen(sanitArg1) + 2 + strlen(st) + 3; string = (char*) malloc(len); snprintf(string, len, "list %s \"%s\"\n", st, sanitArg1); free(sanitArg1); } else { len = strlen("list") + 1 + strlen(st) + 2; string = (char*) malloc(len); snprintf(string, len, "list %s\n", st); } mpd_sendInfoCommand(connection, string); free(string); } void mpd_sendAddCommand(mpd_Connection *connection, const char *file) { char *sFile = mpd_sanitizeArg(file); int len = strlen("add") + 2 + strlen(sFile) + 3; char *string = (char*) malloc(len); snprintf(string, len, "add \"%s\"\n", sFile); mpd_executeCommand(connection, string); free(string); free(sFile); } int mpd_sendAddIdCommand(mpd_Connection *connection, const char *file) { int retval = -1; char *sFile = mpd_sanitizeArg(file); int len = strlen("addid") + 2 + strlen(sFile) + 3; char *string = (char*) malloc(len); snprintf(string, len, "addid \"%s\"\n", sFile); mpd_sendInfoCommand(connection, string); free(string); free(sFile); string = mpd_getNextReturnElementNamed(connection, "Id"); if (string) { retval = atoi(string); free(string); } return retval; } void mpd_sendDeleteCommand(mpd_Connection *connection, int songPos) { int len = strlen("delete") + 2 + INTLEN + 3; char *string = (char*) malloc(len); snprintf(string, len, "delete \"%i\"\n", songPos); mpd_sendInfoCommand(connection, string); free(string); } void mpd_sendDeleteIdCommand(mpd_Connection *connection, int id) { int len = strlen("deleteid") + 2 + INTLEN + 3; char *string = (char*) malloc(len); snprintf(string, len, "deleteid \"%i\"\n", id); mpd_sendInfoCommand(connection, string); free(string); } void mpd_sendSaveCommand(mpd_Connection *connection, const char *name) { char *sName = mpd_sanitizeArg(name); int len = strlen("save") + 2 + strlen(sName) + 3; char *string = (char*) malloc(len); snprintf(string, len, "save \"%s\"\n", sName); mpd_executeCommand(connection, string); free(string); free(sName); } void mpd_sendLoadCommand(mpd_Connection *connection, const char *name) { char *sName = mpd_sanitizeArg(name); int len = strlen("load") + 2 + strlen(sName) + 3; char *string = (char*) malloc(len); snprintf(string, len, "load \"%s\"\n", sName); mpd_executeCommand(connection, string); free(string); free(sName); } void mpd_sendRmCommand(mpd_Connection *connection, const char *name) { char *sName = mpd_sanitizeArg(name); int len = strlen("rm") + 2 + strlen(sName) + 3; char *string = (char*) malloc(len); snprintf(string, len, "rm \"%s\"\n", sName); mpd_executeCommand(connection, string); free(string); free(sName); } void mpd_sendRenameCommand(mpd_Connection *connection, const char *from, const char *to) { char *sFrom = mpd_sanitizeArg(from); char *sTo = mpd_sanitizeArg(to); int len = strlen("rename") + 2 + strlen(sFrom) + 3 + strlen(sTo) + 3; char *string = (char*) malloc(len); snprintf(string, len, "rename \"%s\" \"%s\"\n", sFrom, sTo); mpd_executeCommand(connection, string); free(string); free(sFrom); free(sTo); } void mpd_sendShuffleCommand(mpd_Connection *connection) { mpd_executeCommand(connection, "shuffle\n"); } void mpd_sendClearCommand(mpd_Connection *connection) { mpd_executeCommand(connection, "clear\n"); } void mpd_sendPlayCommand(mpd_Connection *connection, int songPos) { int len = strlen("play") + 2 + INTLEN + 3; char *string = (char*) malloc(len); snprintf(string, len, "play \"%i\"\n", songPos); mpd_sendInfoCommand(connection, string); free(string); } void mpd_sendPlayIdCommand(mpd_Connection *connection, int id) { int len = strlen("playid") + 2 + INTLEN + 3; char *string = (char*) malloc(len); snprintf(string, len, "playid \"%i\"\n", id); mpd_sendInfoCommand(connection, string); free(string); } void mpd_sendStopCommand(mpd_Connection *connection) { mpd_executeCommand(connection, "stop\n"); } void mpd_sendPauseCommand(mpd_Connection *connection, int pauseMode) { int len = strlen("pause") + 2 + INTLEN + 3; char *string = (char*) malloc(len); snprintf(string, len, "pause \"%i\"\n", pauseMode); mpd_executeCommand(connection, string); free(string); } void mpd_sendNextCommand(mpd_Connection *connection) { mpd_executeCommand(connection, "next\n"); } void mpd_sendMoveCommand(mpd_Connection *connection, int from, int to) { int len = strlen("move") + 2 + INTLEN + 3 + INTLEN + 3; char *string = (char*) malloc(len); snprintf(string, len, "move \"%i\" \"%i\"\n", from, to); mpd_sendInfoCommand(connection, string); free(string); } void mpd_sendMoveIdCommand(mpd_Connection *connection, int id, int to) { int len = strlen("moveid") + 2 + INTLEN + 3 + INTLEN + 3; char *string = (char*) malloc(len); snprintf(string, len, "moveid \"%i\" \"%i\"\n", id, to); mpd_sendInfoCommand(connection, string); free(string); } void mpd_sendSwapCommand(mpd_Connection *connection, int song1, int song2) { int len = strlen("swap") + 2 + INTLEN + 3 + INTLEN + 3; char *string = (char*) malloc(len); snprintf(string, len, "swap \"%i\" \"%i\"\n", song1, song2); mpd_sendInfoCommand(connection, string); free(string); } void mpd_sendSwapIdCommand(mpd_Connection *connection, int id1, int id2) { int len = strlen("swapid") + 2 + INTLEN + 3 + INTLEN + 3; char *string = (char*) malloc(len); snprintf(string, len, "swapid \"%i\" \"%i\"\n", id1, id2); mpd_sendInfoCommand(connection, string); free(string); } void mpd_sendSeekCommand(mpd_Connection *connection, int song, int seek_time) { int len = strlen("seek") + 2 + INTLEN + 3 + INTLEN + 3; char *string = (char*) malloc(len); snprintf(string, len, "seek \"%i\" \"%i\"\n", song, seek_time); mpd_sendInfoCommand(connection, string); free(string); } void mpd_sendSeekIdCommand(mpd_Connection *connection, int id, int seek_time) { int len = strlen("seekid") + 2 + INTLEN + 3 + INTLEN + 3; char *string = (char*) malloc(len); snprintf(string, len, "seekid \"%i\" \"%i\"\n", id, seek_time); mpd_sendInfoCommand(connection, string); free(string); } void mpd_sendUpdateCommand(mpd_Connection *connection, char *path) { char *sPath = mpd_sanitizeArg(path); int len = strlen("update") + 2 + strlen(sPath) + 3; char *string = (char*) malloc(len); snprintf(string, len, "update \"%s\"\n", sPath); mpd_sendInfoCommand(connection, string); free(string); free(sPath); } int mpd_getUpdateId(mpd_Connection *connection) { char *jobid; int ret = 0; jobid = mpd_getNextReturnElementNamed(connection, "updating_db"); if (jobid) { ret = atoi(jobid); free(jobid); } return ret; } void mpd_sendPrevCommand(mpd_Connection *connection) { mpd_executeCommand(connection, "previous\n"); } void mpd_sendRepeatCommand(mpd_Connection *connection, int repeatMode) { int len = strlen("repeat") + 2 + INTLEN + 3; char *string = (char*) malloc(len); snprintf(string, len, "repeat \"%i\"\n", repeatMode); mpd_executeCommand(connection, string); free(string); } void mpd_sendRandomCommand(mpd_Connection *connection, int randomMode) { int len = strlen("random") + 2 + INTLEN + 3; char *string = (char*) malloc(len); snprintf(string, len, "random \"%i\"\n", randomMode); mpd_executeCommand(connection, string); free(string); } void mpd_sendSetvolCommand(mpd_Connection *connection, int volumeChange) { int len = strlen("setvol") + 2 + INTLEN + 3; char *string = (char*) malloc(len); snprintf(string, len, "setvol \"%i\"\n", volumeChange); mpd_executeCommand(connection, string); free(string); } void mpd_sendVolumeCommand(mpd_Connection *connection, int volumeChange) { int len = strlen("volume") + 2 + INTLEN + 3; char *string = (char*) malloc(len); snprintf(string, len, "volume \"%i\"\n", volumeChange); mpd_executeCommand(connection, string); free(string); } void mpd_sendCrossfadeCommand(mpd_Connection *connection, int seconds) { int len = strlen("crossfade") + 2 + INTLEN + 3; char *string = (char*) malloc(len); snprintf(string, len, "crossfade \"%i\"\n", seconds); mpd_executeCommand(connection, string); free(string); } void mpd_sendPasswordCommand(mpd_Connection *connection, const char *pass) { char *sPass = mpd_sanitizeArg(pass); int len = strlen("password") + 2 + strlen(sPass) + 3; char *string = (char*) malloc(len); snprintf(string, len, "password \"%s\"\n", sPass); mpd_executeCommand(connection, string); free(string); free(sPass); } void mpd_sendCommandListBegin(mpd_Connection *connection) { if (connection->commandList) { strcpy(connection->errorStr, "already in command list mode"); connection->error = 1; return; } connection->commandList = COMMAND_LIST; mpd_executeCommand(connection, "command_list_begin\n"); } void mpd_sendCommandListOkBegin(mpd_Connection *connection) { if (connection->commandList) { strcpy(connection->errorStr, "already in command list mode"); connection->error = 1; return; } connection->commandList = COMMAND_LIST_OK; mpd_executeCommand(connection, "command_list_ok_begin\n"); connection->listOks = 0; } void mpd_sendCommandListEnd(mpd_Connection *connection) { if (!connection->commandList) { strcpy(connection->errorStr, "not in command list mode"); connection->error = 1; return; } connection->commandList = 0; mpd_executeCommand(connection, "command_list_end\n"); } void mpd_sendOutputsCommand(mpd_Connection *connection) { mpd_executeCommand(connection, "outputs\n"); } mpd_OutputEntity *mpd_getNextOutput(mpd_Connection *connection) { mpd_OutputEntity *output = NULL; if (connection->doneProcessing || (connection->listOks && connection->doneListOk)) { return NULL; } if (connection->error) { return NULL; } output = (mpd_OutputEntity*) malloc(sizeof(mpd_OutputEntity)); output->id = -10; output->name = NULL; output->enabled = 0; if (!connection->returnElement) { mpd_getNextReturnElement(connection); } while (connection->returnElement) { mpd_ReturnElement *re = connection->returnElement; if (strcmp(re->name, "outputid") == 0) { if (output != NULL && output->id >= 0) { return output; } output->id = atoi(re->value); } else if (strcmp(re->name, "outputname") == 0) { output->name = strndup(re->value, text_buffer_size); } else if (strcmp(re->name, "outputenabled") == 0) { output->enabled = atoi(re->value); } mpd_getNextReturnElement(connection); if (connection->error) { free(output); return NULL; } } return output; } void mpd_sendEnableOutputCommand(mpd_Connection *connection, int outputId) { int len = strlen("enableoutput") + 2 + INTLEN + 3; char *string = (char*) malloc(len); snprintf(string, len, "enableoutput \"%i\"\n", outputId); mpd_executeCommand(connection, string); free(string); } void mpd_sendDisableOutputCommand(mpd_Connection *connection, int outputId) { int len = strlen("disableoutput") + 2 + INTLEN + 3; char *string = (char*) malloc(len); snprintf(string, len, "disableoutput \"%i\"\n", outputId); mpd_executeCommand(connection, string); free(string); } void mpd_freeOutputElement(mpd_OutputEntity *output) { free(output->name); free(output); } /** odd naming, but it gets the not allowed commands */ void mpd_sendNotCommandsCommand(mpd_Connection *connection) { mpd_executeCommand(connection, "notcommands\n"); } /** odd naming, but it gets the allowed commands */ void mpd_sendCommandsCommand(mpd_Connection *connection) { mpd_executeCommand(connection, "commands\n"); } /** Get the next returned command */ char *mpd_getNextCommand(mpd_Connection *connection) { return mpd_getNextReturnElementNamed(connection, "command"); } void mpd_sendUrlHandlersCommand(mpd_Connection *connection) { mpd_executeCommand(connection, "urlhandlers\n"); } char *mpd_getNextHandler(mpd_Connection *connection) { return mpd_getNextReturnElementNamed(connection, "handler"); } void mpd_sendTagTypesCommand(mpd_Connection *connection) { mpd_executeCommand(connection, "tagtypes\n"); } char *mpd_getNextTagType(mpd_Connection *connection) { return mpd_getNextReturnElementNamed(connection, "tagtype"); } void mpd_startSearch(mpd_Connection *connection, int exact) { if (connection->request) { strcpy(connection->errorStr, "search already in progress"); connection->error = 1; return; } if (exact) { connection->request = strndup("find", text_buffer_size); } else { connection->request = strndup("search", text_buffer_size); } } void mpd_startStatsSearch(mpd_Connection *connection) { if (connection->request) { strcpy(connection->errorStr, "search already in progress"); connection->error = 1; return; } connection->request = strndup("count", text_buffer_size); } void mpd_startPlaylistSearch(mpd_Connection *connection, int exact) { if (connection->request) { strcpy(connection->errorStr, "search already in progress"); connection->error = 1; return; } if (exact) { connection->request = strndup("playlistfind", text_buffer_size); } else { connection->request = strndup("playlistsearch", text_buffer_size); } } void mpd_startFieldSearch(mpd_Connection *connection, int type) { const char *strtype; int len; if (connection->request) { strcpy(connection->errorStr, "search already in progress"); connection->error = 1; return; } if (type < 0 || type >= MPD_TAG_NUM_OF_ITEM_TYPES) { strcpy(connection->errorStr, "invalid type specified"); connection->error = 1; return; } strtype = mpdTagItemKeys[type]; len = 5 + strlen(strtype) + 1; connection->request = (char*) malloc(len); snprintf(connection->request, len, "list %c%s", tolower(strtype[0]), strtype + 1); } void mpd_addConstraintSearch(mpd_Connection *connection, int type, const char *name) { const char *strtype; char *arg; int len; char *string; if (!connection->request) { strcpy(connection->errorStr, "no search in progress"); connection->error = 1; return; } if (type < 0 || type >= MPD_TAG_NUM_OF_ITEM_TYPES) { strcpy(connection->errorStr, "invalid type specified"); connection->error = 1; return; } if (name == NULL) { strcpy(connection->errorStr, "no name specified"); connection->error = 1; return; } string = strndup(connection->request, text_buffer_size); strtype = mpdTagItemKeys[type]; arg = mpd_sanitizeArg(name); len = strlen(string) + 1 + strlen(strtype) + 2 + strlen(arg) + 2; connection->request = (char*) realloc(connection->request, len); snprintf(connection->request, len, "%s %c%s \"%s\"", string, tolower(strtype[0]), strtype + 1, arg); free(string); free(arg); } void mpd_commitSearch(mpd_Connection *connection) { int len; if (!connection->request) { strcpy(connection->errorStr, "no search in progress"); connection->error = 1; return; } len = strlen(connection->request) + 2; connection->request = (char*) realloc(connection->request, len); connection->request[len - 2] = '\n'; connection->request[len - 1] = '\0'; mpd_sendInfoCommand(connection, connection->request); free_and_zero(connection->request); } /** * @param connection a MpdConnection * @param path the path to the playlist. * * List the content, with full metadata, of a stored playlist. */ void mpd_sendListPlaylistInfoCommand(mpd_Connection *connection, char *path) { char *arg = mpd_sanitizeArg(path); int len = strlen("listplaylistinfo") + 2 + strlen(arg) + 3; char *query = (char*) malloc(len); snprintf(query, len, "listplaylistinfo \"%s\"\n", arg); mpd_sendInfoCommand(connection, query); free(arg); free(query); } /** * @param connection a MpdConnection * @param path the path to the playlist. * * List the content of a stored playlist. */ void mpd_sendListPlaylistCommand(mpd_Connection *connection, char *path) { char *arg = mpd_sanitizeArg(path); int len = strlen("listplaylist") + 2 + strlen(arg) + 3; char *query = (char*) malloc(len); snprintf(query, len, "listplaylist \"%s\"\n", arg); mpd_sendInfoCommand(connection, query); free(arg); free(query); } void mpd_sendPlaylistClearCommand(mpd_Connection *connection, char *path) { char *sPath = mpd_sanitizeArg(path); int len = strlen("playlistclear") + 2 + strlen(sPath) + 3; char *string = (char*) malloc(len); snprintf(string, len, "playlistclear \"%s\"\n", sPath); mpd_executeCommand(connection, string); free(sPath); free(string); } void mpd_sendPlaylistAddCommand(mpd_Connection *connection, char *playlist, char *path) { char *sPlaylist = mpd_sanitizeArg(playlist); char *sPath = mpd_sanitizeArg(path); int len = strlen("playlistadd") + 2 + strlen(sPlaylist) + 3 + strlen(sPath) + 3; char *string = (char*) malloc(len); snprintf(string, len, "playlistadd \"%s\" \"%s\"\n", sPlaylist, sPath); mpd_executeCommand(connection, string); free(sPlaylist); free(sPath); free(string); } void mpd_sendPlaylistMoveCommand(mpd_Connection *connection, char *playlist, int from, int to) { char *sPlaylist = mpd_sanitizeArg(playlist); int len = strlen("playlistmove") + 2 + strlen(sPlaylist) + 3 + INTLEN + 3 + INTLEN + 3; char *string = (char*) malloc(len); snprintf(string, len, "playlistmove \"%s\" \"%i\" \"%i\"\n", sPlaylist, from, to); mpd_executeCommand(connection, string); free(sPlaylist); free(string); } void mpd_sendPlaylistDeleteCommand(mpd_Connection *connection, char *playlist, int pos) { char *sPlaylist = mpd_sanitizeArg(playlist); int len = strlen("playlistdelete") + 2 + strlen(sPlaylist) + 3 + INTLEN + 3; char *string = (char*) malloc(len); snprintf(string, len, "playlistdelete \"%s\" \"%i\"\n", sPlaylist, pos); mpd_executeCommand(connection, string); free(sPlaylist); free(string); }