/* * * Conky, a system monitor, based on torsmo * * Please see COPYING for details * * Copyright (c) 2005-2019 Brenden Matthews, Philip Kovacs, et. al. * (see AUTHORS) * All rights reserved. * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program. If not, see . * */ #include #include #include #include #include "conky.h" #include "logging.h" #include "text_object.h" struct ll_text { char *text; struct ll_text *next; }; struct obj_irc { pthread_t *thread; irc_session_t *session; char *arg; }; struct ctx { char *chan; int max_msg_lines; struct ll_text *messages; }; void ev_connected(irc_session_t *session, const char *, const char *, const char **, unsigned int) { struct ctx *ctxptr = (struct ctx *)irc_get_ctx(session); if (irc_cmd_join(session, ctxptr->chan, nullptr) != 0) { NORM_ERR("irc: %s", irc_strerror(irc_errno(session))); } } void addmessage(struct ctx *ctxptr, char *nick, const char *text) { struct ll_text *lastmsg = ctxptr->messages; struct ll_text *newmsg = (struct ll_text *)malloc(sizeof(struct ll_text)); newmsg->text = (char *)malloc(strlen(nick) + strlen(text) + 4); // 4 = ": \n" sprintf(newmsg->text, "%s: %s\n", nick, text); newmsg->next = nullptr; int msgcnt = 1; if (!lastmsg) { ctxptr->messages = newmsg; } else { msgcnt++; while (lastmsg->next) { lastmsg = lastmsg->next; msgcnt++; if (msgcnt < 0) { NORM_ERR("irc: too many messages, discarding the last one."); free(newmsg->text); free(newmsg); return; } } lastmsg->next = newmsg; } if (ctxptr->max_msg_lines > 0) { newmsg = ctxptr->messages; msgcnt -= ctxptr->max_msg_lines; while ((msgcnt > 0) && (ctxptr->messages)) { msgcnt--; newmsg = ctxptr->messages->next; free(ctxptr->messages->text); free(ctxptr->messages); ctxptr->messages = newmsg; } } } void ev_talkinchan(irc_session_t *session, const char *, const char *origin, const char **params, unsigned int) { char nickname[64]; struct ctx *ctxptr = (struct ctx *)irc_get_ctx(session); irc_target_get_nick(origin, nickname, sizeof(nickname)); addmessage(ctxptr, nickname, params[1]); } void ev_num(irc_session_t *session, unsigned int event, const char *, const char **params, unsigned int) { char attachment[4] = "_00"; if (event == 433) { // nick in use int len = strlen(params[1]) + 4; char *newnick = (char *)malloc(len); strcpy(newnick, params[1]); attachment[1] += rand() % 10; attachment[2] += rand() % 10; strncat(newnick, attachment, len - 1); irc_cmd_nick(session, newnick); free(newnick); } } #define IRCSYNTAX \ "The correct syntax is ${irc server(:port) #channel (max_msg_lines)}" #define IRCPORT 6667 #define IRCNICK "conky" #define IRCSERVERPASS nullptr #define IRCUSER nullptr #define IRCREAL nullptr void *ircclient(void *ptr) { struct obj_irc *ircobj = (struct obj_irc *)ptr; struct ctx *ctxptr = (struct ctx *)malloc(sizeof(struct ctx)); irc_callbacks_t callbacks; char *server; char *strport; char *str_max_msg_lines; unsigned int port; memset(&callbacks, 0, sizeof(callbacks)); callbacks.event_connect = ev_connected; callbacks.event_channel = ev_talkinchan; callbacks.event_numeric = ev_num; ircobj->session = irc_create_session(&callbacks); server = strtok(ircobj->arg, " "); ctxptr->chan = strtok(nullptr, " "); if (!ctxptr->chan) { NORM_ERR("irc: %s", IRCSYNTAX); } str_max_msg_lines = strtok(nullptr, " "); if (str_max_msg_lines) { ctxptr->max_msg_lines = strtol(str_max_msg_lines, nullptr, 10); } ctxptr->messages = nullptr; irc_set_ctx(ircobj->session, ctxptr); server = strtok(server, ":"); strport = strtok(nullptr, ":"); if (strport) { port = strtol(strport, nullptr, 10); if (port < 1 || port > 65535) port = IRCPORT; } else { port = IRCPORT; } int err = irc_connect(ircobj->session, server, port, IRCSERVERPASS, IRCNICK, IRCUSER, IRCREAL); if (err != 0) { err = irc_errno(ircobj->session); } #ifdef BUILD_IPV6 if (err == LIBIRC_ERR_RESOLV) { err = irc_connect6(ircobj->session, server, port, IRCSERVERPASS, IRCNICK, IRCUSER, IRCREAL); if (err != 0) { err = irc_errno(ircobj->session); } } #endif /* BUILD_IPV6 */ if (err != 0) { NORM_ERR("irc: %s", irc_strerror(err)); } if (irc_run(ircobj->session) != 0) { int ircerror = irc_errno(ircobj->session); if (irc_is_connected(ircobj->session)) { NORM_ERR("irc: %s", irc_strerror(ircerror)); } else { NORM_ERR("irc: disconnected"); } } free(ircobj->arg); free(ctxptr); return nullptr; } void parse_irc_args(struct text_object *obj, const char *arg) { struct obj_irc *opaque = (struct obj_irc *)malloc(sizeof(struct obj_irc)); opaque->thread = (pthread_t *)malloc(sizeof(pthread_t)); srand(time(nullptr)); opaque->session = nullptr; opaque->arg = strdup(arg); pthread_create(opaque->thread, nullptr, ircclient, opaque); obj->data.opaque = opaque; } void print_irc(struct text_object *obj, char *p, unsigned int p_max_size) { struct obj_irc *ircobj = (struct obj_irc *)obj->data.opaque; struct ctx *ctxptr; struct ll_text *nextmsg, *curmsg; if (!ircobj->session) return; if (!irc_is_connected(ircobj->session)) return; ctxptr = (struct ctx *)irc_get_ctx(ircobj->session); curmsg = ctxptr->messages; while (curmsg) { nextmsg = curmsg->next; strncat(p, curmsg->text, p_max_size - strlen(p) - 1); if (!ctxptr->max_msg_lines) { free(curmsg->text); free(curmsg); } curmsg = nextmsg; } if (p[0] != 0) { p[strlen(p) - 1] = 0; } if (!ctxptr->max_msg_lines) { ctxptr->messages = nullptr; } } void free_irc(struct text_object *obj) { struct obj_irc *ircobj = (struct obj_irc *)obj->data.opaque; struct ctx *ctxptr; struct ll_text *nextmsg, *curmsg = nullptr; if (ircobj->session) { if (irc_is_connected(ircobj->session)) { ctxptr = (struct ctx *)irc_get_ctx(ircobj->session); curmsg = ctxptr->messages; irc_disconnect(ircobj->session); } pthread_join(*(ircobj->thread), nullptr); irc_destroy_session(ircobj->session); } free(ircobj->thread); free(obj->data.opaque); while (curmsg) { nextmsg = curmsg->next; free(curmsg->text); free(curmsg); curmsg = nextmsg; } }