#!/usr/bin/env python3 import argparse import os import sys import subprocess def check_file(filename, excludes, extensions): """ Check if a file should be included in our check """ name, ext = os.path.splitext(filename) if len(ext) > 0 and ext in extensions: if len(excludes) == 0: return True for exclude in excludes: if exclude in filename: return False return True return False def check_directory(directory, excludes, extensions): output = [] if len(excludes) > 0: for exclude in excludes: if exclude in directory: directory_excluded = False return output for root, _, files in os.walk(directory): for file in files: filename = os.path.join(root, file) if check_file(filename, excludes, extensions): print("Will check file [{}]".format(filename)) output.append(filename) return output def get_git_root(git_bin): cmd = [git_bin, "rev-parse", "--show-toplevel"] try: return subprocess.check_output(cmd).strip() except subprocess.CalledProcessError, e: print("Error calling git [{}]".format(e)) raise def clean_git_filename(line): """ Takes a line from git status --porcelain and returns the filename """ file = None git_status = line[:2] # Not an exhaustive list of git status output but should # be enough for this case # check if this is a delete if 'D' in git_status: return None # ignored file if '!' in git_status: return None # Covers renamed files if '->' in line: file = line[3:].split('->')[-1].strip() else: file = line[3:].strip() return file def get_changed_files(git_bin, excludes, file_extensions): """ Run git status and return the list of changed files """ extensions = file_extensions.split(",") # arguments coming from cmake will be *.xx. We want to remove the * for i, extension in enumerate(extensions): if extension[0] == '*': extensions[i] = extension[1:] git_root = get_git_root(git_bin) cmd = [git_bin, "status", "--porcelain", "--ignore-submodules"] print("git cmd = {}".format(cmd)) output = [] returncode = 0 try: cmd_output = subprocess.check_output(cmd) for line in cmd_output.split('\n'): if len(line) > 0: file = clean_git_filename(line) if not file: continue file = os.path.join(git_root, file) if file[-1] == "/": directory_files = check_directory( file, excludes, file_extensions) output = output + directory_files else: if check_file(file, excludes, file_extensions): print("Will check file [{}]".format(file)) output.append(file) except subprocess.CalledProcessError, e: print("Error calling git [{}]".format(e)) returncode = e.returncode return output, returncode def run_clang_format(clang_format_bin, changed_files): """ Run clang format on a list of files @return 0 if formatted correctly. """ if len(changed_files) == 0: return 0 cmd = [clang_format_bin, "-style=file", "-output-replacements-xml"] + changed_files print("clang-format cmd = {}".format(cmd)) try: cmd_output = subprocess.check_output(cmd) if "replacement offset" in cmd_output: print("ERROR: Changed files don't match format") return 1 except subprocess.CalledProcessError, e: print("Error calling clang-format [{}]".format(e)) return e.returncode return 0 def cli(): # global params parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(prog='clang-format-check-changed', description='Checks if files changed in git match the .clang-format specification') parser.add_argument("--file-extensions", type=str, default=".cpp,.h,.cxx,.hxx,.hpp,.cc,.ipp", help="Comma separated list of file extensions to check") parser.add_argument('--exclude', action='append', default=[], help='Will not match the files / directories with these in the name') parser.add_argument('--clang-format-bin', type=str, default="clang-format", help="The clang format binary") parser.add_argument('--git-bin', type=str, default="git", help="The git binary") args = parser.parse_args() # Run gcovr to get the .gcda files form .gcno changed_files, returncode = get_changed_files( args.git_bin, args.exclude, args.file_extensions) if returncode != 0: return returncode return run_clang_format(args.clang_format_bin, changed_files) if __name__ == '__main__': sys.exit(cli())