/* -*- mode: c++; c-basic-offset: 4; tab-width: 4; indent-tabs-mode: t -*- * vim: ts=4 sw=4 noet ai cindent syntax=cpp * * Conky, a system monitor, based on torsmo * * Any original torsmo code is licensed under the BSD license * * All code written since the fork of torsmo is licensed under the GPL * * Please see COPYING for details * * Copyright (c) 2005-2012 Brenden Matthews, Philip Kovacs, et. al. * (see AUTHORS) * All rights reserved. * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program. If not, see . * */ #include #include #include "conky.h" #include "logging.h" #include "timeinfo.h" #include "libmpdclient.h" #include "mpd.h" #include "update-cb.hh" namespace { /* this is true if the current host was set from MPD_HOST */ bool mpd_environment_host = false; class mpd_host_setting: public conky::simple_config_setting { typedef conky::simple_config_setting Base; protected: virtual void lua_setter(lua::state &l, bool init); public: mpd_host_setting() : Base("mpd_host", "localhost", false) {} }; void mpd_host_setting::lua_setter(lua::state &l, bool init) { lua::stack_sentry s(l, -2); if(l.isnil(-2)) { // get the value from environment mpd_environment_host = true; const char *t = getenv("MPD_HOST"); if(t) { l.checkstack(1); const char *h = strchr(t, '@'); if(h) { if(h[1]) l.pushstring(h+1); } else l.pushstring(t); l.replace(-3); } } Base::lua_setter(l, init); ++s; } class mpd_password_setting: public conky::simple_config_setting { typedef conky::simple_config_setting Base; protected: virtual void lua_setter(lua::state &l, bool init); public: mpd_password_setting() : Base("mpd_password", std::string(), false) {} }; void mpd_password_setting::lua_setter(lua::state &l, bool init) { lua::stack_sentry s(l, -2); /* for security, dont use environment password when user specifies host in config */ if(l.isnil(-2) && mpd_environment_host) { // get the value from environment const char *t = getenv("MPD_HOST"); if(t) { const char *p = strchr(t, '@'); if(p) { l.checkstack(1); l.pushstring(t, p-t); l.replace(-3); } } } Base::lua_setter(l, init); ++s; } conky::range_config_setting mpd_port("mpd_port", 1, 65535, 6600, false); mpd_host_setting mpd_host; mpd_password_setting mpd_password; struct mpd_result { std::string title; std::string artist; std::string albumartist; std::string album; std::string date; std::string status; std::string random; std::string repeat; std::string track; std::string name; std::string file; int is_playing; int vol; float progress; int bitrate; int length; int elapsed; }; class mpd_cb: public conky::callback { typedef conky::callback Base; mpd_Connection *conn; protected: virtual void work(); public: mpd_cb(uint32_t period) : Base(period, false, Tuple()), conn(NULL) {} ~mpd_cb() { if(conn) mpd_closeConnection(conn); } }; void mpd_cb::work() { mpd_Status *status; mpd_InfoEntity *entity; mpd_result mpd_info; do { if (!conn) conn = mpd_newConnection(mpd_host.get(*state).c_str(), mpd_port.get(*state), 10); if (mpd_password.get(*state).size()) { mpd_sendPasswordCommand(conn, mpd_password.get(*state).c_str()); mpd_finishCommand(conn); } if (conn->error) { NORM_ERR("MPD error: %s\n", conn->errorStr); mpd_closeConnection(conn); conn = 0; mpd_info.status = "MPD not responding"; break; } mpd_sendStatusCommand(conn); if ((status = mpd_getStatus(conn)) == NULL) { NORM_ERR("MPD error: %s\n", conn->errorStr); mpd_closeConnection(conn); conn = 0; mpd_info.status = "MPD not responding"; } mpd_finishCommand(conn); if (!conn || conn->error) { // fprintf(stderr, "%s\n", conn->errorStr); mpd_closeConnection(conn); conn = 0; break; } mpd_info.vol = status->volume; if (status->random == 0) { mpd_info.random = "Off"; } else if (status->random == 1) { mpd_info.random = "On"; } else { mpd_info.random = ""; } if (status->repeat == 0) { mpd_info.repeat = "Off"; } else if (status->repeat == 1) { mpd_info.repeat = "On"; } else { mpd_info.repeat = ""; } /* if (status->error) { printf("error: %s\n", status->error); } */ switch (status->state) { case MPD_STATUS_STATE_PLAY: mpd_info.status = "Playing"; break; case MPD_STATUS_STATE_STOP: mpd_info.status = "Stopped"; break; case MPD_STATUS_STATE_PAUSE: mpd_info.status = "Paused"; break; default: mpd_info.status = ""; break; } if (status->state == MPD_STATUS_STATE_PLAY || status->state == MPD_STATUS_STATE_PAUSE) { mpd_info.is_playing = 1; mpd_info.bitrate = status->bitRate; mpd_info.progress = (float) status->elapsedTime / status->totalTime; mpd_info.elapsed = status->elapsedTime; mpd_info.length = status->totalTime; } else { mpd_info.progress = 0; mpd_info.is_playing = 0; mpd_info.elapsed = 0; } if (conn->error) { // fprintf(stderr, "%s\n", conn->errorStr); mpd_closeConnection(conn); conn = 0; break; } mpd_sendCurrentSongCommand(conn); while ((entity = mpd_getNextInfoEntity(conn))) { mpd_Song *song = entity->info.song; if (entity->type != MPD_INFO_ENTITY_TYPE_SONG) { mpd_freeInfoEntity(entity); continue; } #define SETSTRING(a,b) \ if (b) a=b; else a=""; SETSTRING(mpd_info.artist, song->artist); SETSTRING(mpd_info.album, song->album); SETSTRING(mpd_info.title, song->title); SETSTRING(mpd_info.date, song->date); SETSTRING(mpd_info.track, song->track); SETSTRING(mpd_info.name, song->name); SETSTRING(mpd_info.file, song->file); if (entity != NULL) { mpd_freeInfoEntity(entity); entity = NULL; } } mpd_finishCommand(conn); if (conn && conn->error) { // fprintf(stderr, "%s\n", conn->errorStr); mpd_closeConnection(conn); conn = 0; break; } if (conn->error) { // fprintf(stderr, "%s\n", conn->errorStr); mpd_closeConnection(conn); conn = 0; break; } mpd_freeStatus(status); /* if (conn) { mpd_closeConnection(conn); conn = 0; } */ } while (0); std::lock_guard lock(Base::result_mutex); result = mpd_info; // don't forget to save results! } mpd_result get_mpd() { uint32_t period = std::max( lround(music_player_interval.get(*state)/active_update_interval()), 1l ); return conky::register_cb(period)->get_result_copy(); } } static inline void format_media_player_time(char *buf, const int size, int seconds) { int days, hours, minutes; if (times_in_seconds.get(*state)) { snprintf(buf, size, "%d", seconds); return; } days = seconds / (24 * 60 * 60); seconds %= (24 * 60 * 60); hours = seconds / (60 * 60); seconds %= (60 * 60); minutes = seconds / 60; seconds %= 60; if (days > 0) { snprintf(buf, size, "%i days %i:%02i:%02i", days, hours, minutes, seconds); } else if (hours > 0) { snprintf(buf, size, "%i:%02i:%02i", hours, minutes, seconds); } else { snprintf(buf, size, "%i:%02i", minutes, seconds); } } void print_mpd_elapsed(struct text_object *obj, char *p, int p_max_size) { (void)obj; format_media_player_time(p, p_max_size, get_mpd().elapsed); } void print_mpd_length(struct text_object *obj, char *p, int p_max_size) { (void)obj; format_media_player_time(p, p_max_size, get_mpd().length); } uint8_t mpd_percentage(struct text_object *obj) { (void)obj; return round_to_int(get_mpd().progress * 100.0f); } double mpd_barval(struct text_object *obj) { (void)obj; return get_mpd().progress; } void print_mpd_smart(struct text_object *obj, char *p, int p_max_size) { const mpd_result &mpd_info = get_mpd(); int len = obj->data.i; if (len == 0 || len > p_max_size) len = p_max_size; memset(p, 0, p_max_size); if (mpd_info.artist.size() && mpd_info.title.size()) { snprintf(p, len, "%s - %s", mpd_info.artist.c_str(), mpd_info.title.c_str()); } else if (get_mpd().title.size()) { snprintf(p, len, "%s", mpd_info.title.c_str()); } else if (mpd_info.artist.size()) { snprintf(p, len, "%s", mpd_info.artist.c_str()); } else if (mpd_info.file.size()) { snprintf(p, len, "%s", mpd_info.file.c_str()); } else { *p = 0; } } int check_mpd_playing(struct text_object *obj) { (void)obj; return get_mpd().is_playing; } #define MPD_PRINT_GENERATOR(name, fmt, acc) \ void print_mpd_##name(struct text_object *obj, char *p, int p_max_size) \ { \ if (obj->data.i && obj->data.i < p_max_size) \ p_max_size = obj->data.i; \ snprintf(p, p_max_size, fmt, get_mpd().name acc); \ } MPD_PRINT_GENERATOR(title, "%s", .c_str()) MPD_PRINT_GENERATOR(artist, "%s", .c_str()) MPD_PRINT_GENERATOR(albumartist, "%s", .c_str()) MPD_PRINT_GENERATOR(album, "%s", .c_str()) MPD_PRINT_GENERATOR(date, "%s", .c_str()) MPD_PRINT_GENERATOR(random, "%s", .c_str()) MPD_PRINT_GENERATOR(repeat, "%s", .c_str()) MPD_PRINT_GENERATOR(track, "%s", .c_str()) MPD_PRINT_GENERATOR(name, "%s", .c_str()) MPD_PRINT_GENERATOR(file, "%s", .c_str()) MPD_PRINT_GENERATOR(vol, "%d", ) MPD_PRINT_GENERATOR(bitrate, "%d", ) MPD_PRINT_GENERATOR(status, "%s", .c_str()) #undef MPD_PRINT_GENERATOR