/* libmpdclient * (c)2003-2006 by Warren Dukes (warren.dukes@gmail.com) * This project's homepage is: http://www.musicpd.org * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions * are met: * * - Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * * - Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the * documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. * * - Neither the name of the Music Player Daemon nor the names of its * contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived from * this software without specific prior written permission. * * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS * ``AS IS'' AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT * LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR * A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE FOUNDATION OR * CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, * EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, * PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR * PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF * LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING * NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS * SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. */ #ifndef LIBMPDCLIENT_H #define LIBMPDCLIENT_H #ifdef WIN32 # define __W32API_USE_DLLIMPORT__ 1 #endif #include #include #define MPD_BUFFER_MAX_LENGTH 50000 #define MPD_ERRORSTR_MAX_LENGTH 1000 #define MPD_WELCOME_MESSAGE "OK MPD " #define MPD_ERROR_TIMEOUT 10 /* timeout trying to talk to mpd */ #define MPD_ERROR_SYSTEM 11 /* system error */ #define MPD_ERROR_UNKHOST 12 /* unknown host */ #define MPD_ERROR_CONNPORT 13 /* problems connecting to port on host */ #define MPD_ERROR_NOTMPD 14 /* mpd not running on port at host */ #define MPD_ERROR_NORESPONSE 15 /* no response on attempting to connect */ #define MPD_ERROR_SENDING 16 /* error sending command */ #define MPD_ERROR_CONNCLOSED 17 /* connection closed by mpd */ #define MPD_ERROR_ACK 18 /* ACK returned! */ #define MPD_ERROR_BUFFEROVERRUN 19 /* Buffer was overrun! */ #define MPD_ACK_ERROR_UNK -1 #define MPD_ERROR_AT_UNK -1 #define MPD_ACK_ERROR_NOT_LIST 1 #define MPD_ACK_ERROR_ARG 2 #define MPD_ACK_ERROR_PASSWORD 3 #define MPD_ACK_ERROR_PERMISSION 4 #define MPD_ACK_ERROR_UNKNOWN_CMD 5 #define MPD_ACK_ERROR_NO_EXIST 50 #define MPD_ACK_ERROR_PLAYLIST_MAX 51 #define MPD_ACK_ERROR_SYSTEM 52 #define MPD_ACK_ERROR_PLAYLIST_LOAD 53 #define MPD_ACK_ERROR_UPDATE_ALREADY 54 #define MPD_ACK_ERROR_PLAYER_SYNC 55 #define MPD_ACK_ERROR_EXIST 56 typedef enum mpd_TagItems { MPD_TAG_ITEM_ARTIST, MPD_TAG_ITEM_ALBUM, MPD_TAG_ITEM_TITLE, MPD_TAG_ITEM_TRACK, MPD_TAG_ITEM_NAME, MPD_TAG_ITEM_GENRE, MPD_TAG_ITEM_DATE, MPD_TAG_ITEM_COMPOSER, MPD_TAG_ITEM_PERFORMER, MPD_TAG_ITEM_COMMENT, MPD_TAG_ITEM_DISC, MPD_TAG_ITEM_FILENAME, MPD_TAG_ITEM_ANY, MPD_TAG_NUM_OF_ITEM_TYPES } mpd_TagItems; extern const char *mpdTagItemKeys[MPD_TAG_NUM_OF_ITEM_TYPES]; /* internal stuff don't touch this struct */ typedef struct _mpd_ReturnElement { char *name; char *value; } mpd_ReturnElement; /* mpd_Connection * holds info about connection to mpd * use error, and errorStr to detect errors */ typedef struct _mpd_Connection { /* use this to check the version of mpd */ int version[3]; /* IMPORTANT, you want to get the error messages from here */ char errorStr[MPD_ERRORSTR_MAX_LENGTH + 1]; int errorCode; int errorAt; /* this will be set to MPD_ERROR_* if there is an error, 0 if not */ int error; /* DON'T TOUCH any of the rest of this stuff */ int sock; char buffer[MPD_BUFFER_MAX_LENGTH + 1]; int buflen; int bufstart; int doneProcessing; int listOks; int doneListOk; int commandList; mpd_ReturnElement *returnElement; struct timeval timeout; char *request; } mpd_Connection; /* mpd_newConnection * use this to open a new connection * you should use mpd_closeConnection when you're done with the connection, * even if an error has occurred * _timeout_ is the connection timeout period in seconds */ mpd_Connection *mpd_newConnection(const char *host, int port, float timeout); void mpd_setConnectionTimeout(mpd_Connection *connection, float timeout); /* mpd_closeConnection * use this to close a connection and free subsequent memory */ void mpd_closeConnection(mpd_Connection *connection); /* mpd_clearError * clears error */ void mpd_clearError(mpd_Connection *connection); /* STATUS STUFF */ /* use these with status.state to determine what state the player is in */ #define MPD_STATUS_STATE_UNKNOWN 0 #define MPD_STATUS_STATE_STOP 1 #define MPD_STATUS_STATE_PLAY 2 #define MPD_STATUS_STATE_PAUSE 3 /* use this with status.volume to determine if mpd has volume support */ #define MPD_STATUS_NO_VOLUME -1 /* mpd_Status * holds info return from status command */ typedef struct mpd_Status { /* 0-100, or MPD_STATUS_NO_VOLUME when there is no volume support */ int volume; /* 1 if repeat is on, 0 otherwise */ int repeat; /* 1 if random is on, 0 otherwise */ int random; /* playlist length */ int playlistLength; /* playlist, use this to determine when the playlist has changed */ long long playlist; /* use with MPD_STATUS_STATE_* to determine state of player */ int state; /* crossfade setting in seconds */ int crossfade; /* if a song is currently selected (always the case when state is PLAY * or PAUSE), this is the position of the currently playing song in the * playlist, beginning with 0 */ int song; /* Song ID of the currently selected song */ int songid; /* time in seconds that have elapsed in the currently playing/paused song */ int elapsedTime; /* length in seconds of the currently playing/paused song */ int totalTime; /* current bit rate in kbs */ int bitRate; /* audio sample rate */ unsigned int sampleRate; /* audio bits */ int bits; /* audio channels */ int channels; /* 1 if mpd is updating, 0 otherwise */ int updatingDb; /* error */ char *error; } mpd_Status; void mpd_sendStatusCommand(mpd_Connection *connection); /* mpd_getStatus * returns status info, be sure to free it with mpd_freeStatus() * call this after mpd_sendStatusCommand() */ mpd_Status *mpd_getStatus(mpd_Connection *connection); /* mpd_freeStatus * free's status info malloc'd and returned by mpd_getStatus */ void mpd_freeStatus(mpd_Status *status); typedef struct _mpd_Stats { int numberOfArtists; int numberOfAlbums; int numberOfSongs; unsigned long uptime; unsigned long dbUpdateTime; unsigned long playTime; unsigned long dbPlayTime; } mpd_Stats; typedef struct _mpd_SearchStats { int numberOfSongs; unsigned long playTime; } mpd_SearchStats; void mpd_sendStatsCommand(mpd_Connection *connection); mpd_Stats *mpd_getStats(mpd_Connection *connection); void mpd_freeStats(mpd_Stats *stats); mpd_SearchStats *mpd_getSearchStats(mpd_Connection *connection); void mpd_freeSearchStats(mpd_SearchStats *stats); /* SONG STUFF */ #define MPD_SONG_NO_TIME -1 #define MPD_SONG_NO_NUM -1 #define MPD_SONG_NO_ID -1 /* mpd_Song * for storing song info returned by mpd */ typedef struct _mpd_Song { /* filename of song */ char *file; /* artist, maybe NULL if there is no tag */ char *artist; /* title, maybe NULL if there is no tag */ char *title; /* album, maybe NULL if there is no tag */ char *album; /* track, maybe NULL if there is no tag */ char *track; /* name, maybe NULL if there is no tag; it's the name of the current song, * f.e. the icyName of the stream */ char *name; /* date */ char *date; /* added by qball */ /* Genre */ char *genre; /* Composer */ char *composer; /* Performer */ char *performer; /* Disc */ char *disc; /* Comment */ char *comment; /* length of song in seconds, check that it is not MPD_SONG_NO_TIME */ int time; /* if plchanges/playlistinfo/playlistid used, is the position of the song * in the playlist */ int pos; /* song id for a song in the playlist */ int id; } mpd_Song; /* mpd_newSong * use to allocate memory for a new mpd_Song * file, artist, etc all initialized to NULL * if you're going to assign values to file, artist, etc., be sure to * malloc or strdup the memory * use mpd_freeSong to free the memory for the mpd_Song, it will also * free memory for file, artist, etc, so don't do it yourself */ mpd_Song *mpd_newSong(void); /* mpd_freeSong * use to free memory allocated by mpd_newSong * also it will free memory pointed to by file, artist, etc, so be careful */ void mpd_freeSong(mpd_Song *song); /* mpd_songDup * works like strDup, but for a mpd_Song */ mpd_Song *mpd_songDup(mpd_Song *song); /* DIRECTORY STUFF */ /* mpd_Directory * used to store info from directory (right now just the path) */ typedef struct _mpd_Directory { char *path; } mpd_Directory; /* mpd_newDirectory * allocates memory for a new directory * use mpd_freeDirectory to free this memory */ mpd_Directory *mpd_newDirectory(void); /* mpd_freeDirectory * used to free memory allocated with mpd_newDirectory, and it frees * path of mpd_Directory, so be careful */ void mpd_freeDirectory(mpd_Directory *directory); /* mpd_directoryDup * works like strdup, but for mpd_Directory */ mpd_Directory *mpd_directoryDup(mpd_Directory *directory); /* PLAYLISTFILE STUFF */ /* mpd_PlaylistFile * stores info about playlist file returned by lsinfo */ typedef struct _mpd_PlaylistFile { char *path; } mpd_PlaylistFile; /* mpd_newPlaylistFile * allocates memory for new mpd_PlaylistFile, path is set to NULL * free this memory with mpd_freePlaylistFile */ mpd_PlaylistFile *mpd_newPlaylistFile(void); /* mpd_freePlaylist * free memory allocated for freePlaylistFile * will also free path, so be careful */ void mpd_freePlaylistFile(mpd_PlaylistFile *playlist); /* mpd_playlistFileDup * works like strdup, but for mpd_PlaylistFile */ mpd_PlaylistFile *mpd_playlistFileDup(mpd_PlaylistFile *playlist); /* INFO ENTITY STUFF */ /* the type of entity returned from one of the commands that generates info * use in conjunction with mpd_InfoEntity.type */ #define MPD_INFO_ENTITY_TYPE_DIRECTORY 0 #define MPD_INFO_ENTITY_TYPE_SONG 1 #define MPD_INFO_ENTITY_TYPE_PLAYLISTFILE 2 /* mpd_InfoEntity * stores info on stuff returned info commands */ typedef struct mpd_InfoEntity { /* the type of entity, use with MPD_INFO_ENTITY_TYPE_* to determine * what this entity is (song, directory, etc...) */ int type; /* the actual data you want, mpd_Song, mpd_Directory, etc */ union { mpd_Directory *directory; mpd_Song *song; mpd_PlaylistFile *playlistFile; } info; } mpd_InfoEntity; mpd_InfoEntity *mpd_newInfoEntity(void); void mpd_freeInfoEntity(mpd_InfoEntity *entity); /* INFO COMMANDS AND STUFF */ /* use this function to loop over after calling Info/Listall functions */ mpd_InfoEntity *mpd_getNextInfoEntity(mpd_Connection *connection); /* fetches the currently selected song (the song referenced by status->song * and status->songid */ void mpd_sendCurrentSongCommand(mpd_Connection *connection); /* songNum of -1, means to display the whole list */ void mpd_sendPlaylistInfoCommand(mpd_Connection *connection, int songNum); /* songId of -1, means to display the whole list */ void mpd_sendPlaylistIdCommand(mpd_Connection *connection, int songId); /* use this to get the changes in the playlist since version _playlist_ */ void mpd_sendPlChangesCommand(mpd_Connection *connection, long long playlist); /** * @param connection: A valid and connected mpd_Connection. * @param playlist: The playlist version you want the diff with. * * A more bandwidth efficient version of the mpd_sendPlChangesCommand. * It only returns the pos+id of the changes song. */ void mpd_sendPlChangesPosIdCommand(mpd_Connection *connection, long long playlist); /* recursively fetches all songs/dir/playlists in "dir* * (no metadata is returned) */ void mpd_sendListallCommand(mpd_Connection *connection, const char *dir); /* same as sendListallCommand, but also metadata is returned */ void mpd_sendListallInfoCommand(mpd_Connection *connection, const char *dir); /* non-recursive version of ListallInfo */ void mpd_sendLsInfoCommand(mpd_Connection *connection, const char *dir); #define MPD_TABLE_ARTIST MPD_TAG_ITEM_ARTIST #define MPD_TABLE_ALBUM MPD_TAG_ITEM_ALBUM #define MPD_TABLE_TITLE MPD_TAG_ITEM_TITLE #define MPD_TABLE_FILENAME MPD_TAG_ITEM_FILENAME void mpd_sendSearchCommand(mpd_Connection *connection, int table, const char *str); void mpd_sendFindCommand(mpd_Connection *connection, int table, const char *str); /* LIST TAG COMMANDS */ /* use this function fetch next artist entry, be sure to free the * returned string. * NULL means there are no more. * Best used with sendListArtists */ char *mpd_getNextArtist(mpd_Connection *connection); char *mpd_getNextAlbum(mpd_Connection *connection); char *mpd_getNextTag(mpd_Connection *connection, int type); /* list artist or albums by artist * arg1 should be set to the artist if listing albums by a artist * otherwise NULL for listing all artists or albums */ void mpd_sendListCommand(mpd_Connection *connection, int table, const char *arg1); /* SIMPLE COMMANDS */ void mpd_sendAddCommand(mpd_Connection *connection, const char *file); int mpd_sendAddIdCommand(mpd_Connection *connection, const char *file); void mpd_sendDeleteCommand(mpd_Connection *connection, int songNum); void mpd_sendDeleteIdCommand(mpd_Connection *connection, int songNum); void mpd_sendSaveCommand(mpd_Connection *connection, const char *name); void mpd_sendLoadCommand(mpd_Connection *connection, const char *name); void mpd_sendRmCommand(mpd_Connection *connection, const char *name); void mpd_sendRenameCommand(mpd_Connection *connection, const char *from, const char *to); void mpd_sendShuffleCommand(mpd_Connection *connection); void mpd_sendClearCommand(mpd_Connection *connection); /* use this to start playing at the beginning, useful when in random mode */ #define MPD_PLAY_AT_BEGINNING -1 void mpd_sendPlayCommand(mpd_Connection *connection, int songNum); void mpd_sendPlayIdCommand(mpd_Connection *connection, int songNum); void mpd_sendStopCommand(mpd_Connection *connection); void mpd_sendPauseCommand(mpd_Connection *connection, int pauseMode); void mpd_sendNextCommand(mpd_Connection *connection); void mpd_sendPrevCommand(mpd_Connection *connection); void mpd_sendMoveCommand(mpd_Connection *connection, int from, int to); void mpd_sendMoveIdCommand(mpd_Connection *connection, int from, int to); void mpd_sendSwapCommand(mpd_Connection *connection, int song1, int song2); void mpd_sendSwapIdCommand(mpd_Connection *connection, int song1, int song2); void mpd_sendSeekCommand(mpd_Connection *connection, int song, int seek_time); void mpd_sendSeekIdCommand(mpd_Connection *connection, int song, int seek_time); void mpd_sendRepeatCommand(mpd_Connection *connection, int repeatMode); void mpd_sendRandomCommand(mpd_Connection *connection, int randomMode); void mpd_sendSetvolCommand(mpd_Connection *connection, int volumeChange); /* WARNING: don't use volume command, its depreacted */ void mpd_sendVolumeCommand(mpd_Connection *connection, int volumeChange); void mpd_sendCrossfadeCommand(mpd_Connection *connection, int seconds); void mpd_sendUpdateCommand(mpd_Connection *connection, char *path); /* returns the update job id, call this after a update command */ int mpd_getUpdateId(mpd_Connection *connection); void mpd_sendPasswordCommand(mpd_Connection *connection, const char *pass); /* after executing a command, when you're done with it to get its status * (you want to check connection->error for an error) */ void mpd_finishCommand(mpd_Connection *connection); /* command list stuff, use this to do things like add files very quickly */ void mpd_sendCommandListBegin(mpd_Connection *connection); void mpd_sendCommandListOkBegin(mpd_Connection *connection); void mpd_sendCommandListEnd(mpd_Connection *connection); /* advance to the next listOk * returns 0 if advanced to the next list_OK, * returns -1 if it advanced to an OK or ACK */ int mpd_nextListOkCommand(mpd_Connection *connection); typedef struct _mpd_OutputEntity { int id; char *name; int enabled; } mpd_OutputEntity; void mpd_sendOutputsCommand(mpd_Connection *connection); mpd_OutputEntity *mpd_getNextOutput(mpd_Connection *connection); void mpd_sendEnableOutputCommand(mpd_Connection *connection, int outputId); void mpd_sendDisableOutputCommand(mpd_Connection *connection, int outputId); void mpd_freeOutputElement(mpd_OutputEntity *output); /** * @param connection a #mpd_Connection * * Queries mpd for the allowed commands */ void mpd_sendCommandsCommand(mpd_Connection *connection); /** * @param connection a #mpd_Connection * * Queries mpd for the not allowed commands */ void mpd_sendNotCommandsCommand(mpd_Connection *connection); /** * @param connection a #mpd_Connection * * returns the next supported command. * * @returns a string, needs to be freed */ char *mpd_getNextCommand(mpd_Connection *connection); void mpd_sendUrlHandlersCommand(mpd_Connection *connection); char *mpd_getNextHandler(mpd_Connection *connection); void mpd_sendTagTypesCommand(mpd_Connection *connection); char *mpd_getNextTagType(mpd_Connection *connection); /** * @param connection a MpdConnection * @param path the path to the playlist. * * List the content, with full metadata, of a stored playlist. */ void mpd_sendListPlaylistInfoCommand(mpd_Connection *connection, char *path); /** * @param connection a MpdConnection * @param path the path to the playlist. * * List the content of a stored playlist. */ void mpd_sendListPlaylistCommand(mpd_Connection *connection, char *path); /** * @param connection a #mpd_Connection * @param exact if to match exact * * starts a search * use mpd_addConstraintSearch to add a constraint to the search * use mpd_commitSearch to do the actual search */ void mpd_startSearch(mpd_Connection *connection, int exact); /** * @param connection a #mpd_Connection * @param type * @param name */ void mpd_addConstraintSearch(mpd_Connection *connection, int type, const char *name); /** * @param connection a #mpd_Connection */ void mpd_commitSearch(mpd_Connection *connection); /** * @param connection a #mpd_Connection * @param type The type to search for * * starts a search for fields... f.e. get a list of artists would be: * @code * mpd_startFieldSearch(connection, MPD_TAG_ITEM_ARTIST); * mpd_commitSearch(connection); * @endcode * * or get a list of artist in genre "jazz" would be: * @code * mpd_startFieldSearch(connection, MPD_TAG_ITEM_ARTIST); * mpd_addConstraintSearch(connection, MPD_TAG_ITEM_GENRE, "jazz") * mpd_commitSearch(connection); * @endcode * * mpd_startSearch will return a list of songs * (and you need mpd_getNextInfoEntity) * this will return a list of only one field (the one specified with type) * you need mpd_getNextTag to get the results */ void mpd_startFieldSearch(mpd_Connection *connection, int type); void mpd_startPlaylistSearch(mpd_Connection *connection, int exact); void mpd_startStatsSearch(mpd_Connection *connection); void mpd_sendPlaylistClearCommand(mpd_Connection *connection, char *path); void mpd_sendPlaylistAddCommand(mpd_Connection *connection, char *playlist, char *path); void mpd_sendPlaylistMoveCommand(mpd_Connection *connection, char *playlist, int from, int to); void mpd_sendPlaylistDeleteCommand(mpd_Connection *connection, char *playlist, int pos); #endif