/* * Conky, a system monitor, based on torsmo * * This program is licensed under BSD license, read COPYING * * $Id$ */ #include "top.h" static regex_t *exclusion_expression = 0; static unsigned long g_time = 0; static unsigned long previous_total = 0; static struct process *first_process = 0; struct process *get_first_process() { return first_process; } void free_all_processes(struct process *pr) { struct process *next = NULL; while (pr) { next = pr->next; if (pr->name) { free(pr->name); } free(pr); pr = next; } } static struct process *find_process(pid_t pid) { struct process *p = first_process; while (p) { if (p->pid == pid) return p; p = p->next; } return 0; } /* * Create a new process object and insert it into the process list */ static struct process *new_process(int p) { struct process *process; process = (struct process*)malloc(sizeof(struct process)); // clean up memory first memset(process, 0, sizeof(struct process)); /* * Do stitching necessary for doubly linked list */ process->name = 0; process->previous = 0; process->next = first_process; if (process->next) process->next->previous = process; first_process = process; process->pid = p; process->time_stamp = 0; process->previous_user_time = ULONG_MAX; process->previous_kernel_time = ULONG_MAX; process->counted = 1; /* process_find_name(process); */ return process; } /******************************************/ /* Functions */ /******************************************/ static int process_parse_stat(struct process *); static int update_process_table(void); static int calculate_cpu(struct process *); static void process_cleanup(void); static void delete_process(struct process *); /*inline void draw_processes(void);*/ static unsigned long calc_cpu_total(void); static void calc_cpu_each(unsigned long); /******************************************/ /* Extract information from /proc */ /******************************************/ /* * These are the guts that extract information out of /proc. * Anyone hoping to port wmtop should look here first. */ static int process_parse_stat(struct process *process) { struct information *cur; cur = &info; char line[BUFFER_LEN], filename[BUFFER_LEN], procname[BUFFER_LEN]; int ps; unsigned long user_time = 0; unsigned long kernel_time = 0; int rc; char *r, *q; char deparenthesised_name[BUFFER_LEN]; int endl; int nice_val; snprintf(filename, sizeof(filename), PROCFS_TEMPLATE, process->pid); ps = open(filename, O_RDONLY); if (ps < 0) /* * The process must have finished in the last few jiffies! */ return 1; /* * Mark process as up-to-date. */ process->time_stamp = g_time; rc = read(ps, line, sizeof(line)); close(ps); if (rc < 0) return 1; /* * Extract cpu times from data in /proc filesystem */ rc = sscanf(line, "%*s %s %*s %*s %*s %*s %*s %*s %*s %*s %*s %*s %*s %lu %lu %*s %*s %*s %d %*s %*s %*s %d %d", procname, &process->user_time, &process->kernel_time, &nice_val, &process->vsize, &process->rss); if (rc < 5) return 1; /* * Remove parentheses from the process name stored in /proc/ under Linux... */ r = procname + 1; /* remove any "kdeinit: " */ if (r == strstr(r, "kdeinit")) { snprintf(filename, sizeof(filename), PROCFS_CMDLINE_TEMPLATE, process->pid); ps = open(filename, O_RDONLY); if (ps < 0) /* * The process must have finished in the last few jiffies! */ return 1; endl = read(ps, line, sizeof(line)); close(ps); /* null terminate the input */ line[endl] = 0; /* account for "kdeinit: " */ if ((char *) line == strstr(line, "kdeinit: ")) r = ((char *) line) + 9; else r = (char *) line; q = deparenthesised_name; /* stop at space */ while (*r && *r != ' ') *q++ = *r++; *q = 0; } else { q = deparenthesised_name; while (*r && *r != ')') *q++ = *r++; *q = 0; } if (process->name) { free(process->name); } process->name = strdup(deparenthesised_name); process->rss *= getpagesize(); if (!cur->memmax) update_total_processes(); process->totalmem = (float)(((float) process->rss / cur->memmax) / 10); if (process->previous_user_time == ULONG_MAX) process->previous_user_time = process->user_time; if (process->previous_kernel_time == ULONG_MAX) process->previous_kernel_time = process->kernel_time; /* store the difference of the user_time */ user_time = process->user_time - process->previous_user_time; kernel_time = process->kernel_time - process->previous_kernel_time; /* backup the process->user_time for next time around */ process->previous_user_time = process->user_time; process->previous_kernel_time = process->kernel_time; /* store only the difference of the user_time here... */ process->user_time = user_time; process->kernel_time = kernel_time; return 0; } /******************************************/ /* Update process table */ /******************************************/ static int update_process_table() { DIR *dir; struct dirent *entry; if (!(dir = opendir("/proc"))) return 1; ++g_time; /* * Get list of processes from /proc directory */ while ((entry = readdir(dir))) { pid_t pid; if (!entry) { /* * Problem reading list of processes */ closedir(dir); return 1; } if (sscanf(entry->d_name, "%d", &pid) > 0) { struct process *p; p = find_process(pid); if (!p) p = new_process(pid); /* compute each process cpu usage */ calculate_cpu(p); } } closedir(dir); return 0; } /******************************************/ /* Get process structure for process pid */ /******************************************/ /* * This function seems to hog all of the CPU time. I can't figure out why - it * doesn't do much. */ static int calculate_cpu(struct process *process) { int rc; /* compute each process cpu usage by reading /proc//stat */ rc = process_parse_stat(process); if (rc) return 1; /*rc = process_parse_statm(process); if (rc) return 1; */ /* * Check name against the exclusion list */ if (process->counted && exclusion_expression && !regexec(exclusion_expression, process->name, 0, 0, 0)) process->counted = 0; return 0; } /******************************************/ /* Strip dead process entries */ /******************************************/ static void process_cleanup() { struct process *p = first_process; while (p) { struct process *current = p; #if defined(PARANOID) assert(p->id == 0x0badfeed); #endif /* defined(PARANOID) */ p = p->next; /* * Delete processes that have died */ if (current->time_stamp != g_time) delete_process(current); } } /******************************************/ /* Destroy and remove a process */ /******************************************/ static void delete_process(struct process *p) { #if defined(PARANOID) assert(p->id == 0x0badfeed); /* * Ensure that deleted processes aren't reused. */ p->id = 0x007babe; #endif /* defined(PARANOID) */ /* * Maintain doubly linked list. */ if (p->next) p->next->previous = p->previous; if (p->previous) p->previous->next = p->next; else first_process = p->next; if (p->name) { free(p->name); } free(p); } /******************************************/ /* Calculate cpu total */ /******************************************/ static unsigned long calc_cpu_total() { unsigned long total = 0; unsigned long t = 0; int rc; int ps; char line[BUFFER_LEN]; unsigned long cpu = 0; unsigned long nice = 0; unsigned long system = 0; unsigned long idle = 0; ps = open("/proc/stat", O_RDONLY); rc = read(ps, line, sizeof(line)); close(ps); if (rc < 0) return 0; sscanf(line, "%*s %lu %lu %lu %lu", &cpu, &nice, &system, &idle); total = cpu + nice + system + idle; t = total - previous_total; previous_total = total; return t; } /******************************************/ /* Calculate each processes cpu */ /******************************************/ inline static void calc_cpu_each(unsigned long total) { struct process *p = first_process; while (p) { /*p->amount = total ? (100.0 * (float) (p->user_time + p->kernel_time) / total) : 0; */ p->amount = (100.0 * (p->user_time + p->kernel_time) / total); /* if (p->amount > 100) p->amount = 0;*/ p = p->next; } } /******************************************/ /* Find the top processes */ /******************************************/ /* * cpu comparison function for insert_sp_element */ int compare_cpu(struct process *a, struct process *b) { if (a->amount < b->amount) return 1; return 0; } /* * mem comparison function for insert_sp_element */ int compare_mem(struct process *a, struct process *b) { if (a->totalmem < b->totalmem) return 1; return 0; } /* * insert this process into the list in a sorted fashion, * or destroy it if it doesn't fit on the list */ int insert_sp_element( struct sorted_process * sp_cur , struct sorted_process ** p_sp_head , struct sorted_process ** p_sp_tail , int max_elements , int (*compare_funct) (struct process *, struct process *) ) { struct sorted_process * sp_readthru=NULL, * sp_destroy=NULL; int did_insert = 0, x = 0; if (*p_sp_head == NULL) { *p_sp_head = sp_cur; *p_sp_tail = sp_cur; return(1); } for(sp_readthru=*p_sp_head, x=0; sp_readthru != NULL && x < max_elements; sp_readthru=sp_readthru->less, x++) { if (compare_funct(sp_readthru->proc, sp_cur->proc) && !did_insert) { /* sp_cur is bigger than sp_readthru so insert it before sp_readthru */ sp_cur->less=sp_readthru; if (sp_readthru == *p_sp_head) { *p_sp_head = sp_cur; /* insert as the new head of the list */ } else { sp_readthru->greater->less = sp_cur; /* insert inside the list */ sp_cur->greater = sp_readthru->greater; } sp_readthru->greater=sp_cur; did_insert = ++x; /* element was inserted, so increase the counter */ } } if (x < max_elements && sp_readthru == NULL && !did_insert) { /* sp_cur is the smallest element and list isn't full, so insert at the end */ (*p_sp_tail)->less=sp_cur; sp_cur->greater=*p_sp_tail; *p_sp_tail = sp_cur; did_insert=x; } else if (x == max_elements && sp_readthru != NULL) { /* we inserted an element and now the list is too big by one. Destroy the smallest element */ sp_destroy = sp_readthru; sp_readthru->greater->less = NULL; *p_sp_tail = sp_readthru->greater; free(sp_destroy); } if (!did_insert) { /* sp_cur wasn't added to the sorted list, so destroy it */ free(sp_cur); } return did_insert; } /* * create a new sp_process structure */ struct sorted_process * malloc_sp(struct process * proc) { struct sorted_process * sp; sp = malloc(sizeof(struct sorted_process)); sp->greater = NULL; sp->less = NULL; sp->proc = proc; return(sp); } /* * copy the procs in the sorted list to the array, and destroy the list */ void sp_acopy(struct sorted_process *sp_head, struct process ** ar, int max_size) { struct sorted_process * sp_cur, * sp_tmp; int x; sp_cur = sp_head; for (x = 0; x < max_size && sp_cur != NULL; x++) { ar[x] = sp_cur->proc; sp_tmp = sp_cur; sp_cur = sp_cur->less; free(sp_tmp); } } // stole from common.c #define NEED(a) ((need_mask & (1 << a)) && ((info.mask & (1 << a)) == 0)) /* ****************************************************************** */ /* Get a sorted list of the top cpu hogs and top mem hogs. */ /* Results are stored in the cpu,mem arrays in decreasing order[0-9]. */ /* ****************************************************************** */ inline void process_find_top(struct process **cpu, struct process **mem) { struct sorted_process *spc_head = NULL, *spc_tail = NULL, *spc_cur = NULL; struct sorted_process *spm_head = NULL, *spm_tail = NULL, *spm_cur = NULL; struct process *cur_proc = NULL; unsigned long total = 0; if (!top_cpu && !top_mem) return; total = calc_cpu_total(); /* calculate the total of the processor */ update_process_table(); /* update the table with process list */ calc_cpu_each(total); /* and then the percentage for each task */ process_cleanup(); /* cleanup list from exited processes */ cur_proc = first_process; while (cur_proc !=NULL) { if (top_cpu) { spc_cur = malloc_sp(cur_proc); insert_sp_element(spc_cur, &spc_head, &spc_tail, MAX_SP, &compare_cpu); } if (top_mem) { spm_cur = malloc_sp(cur_proc); insert_sp_element(spm_cur, &spm_head, &spm_tail, MAX_SP, &compare_mem); } cur_proc = cur_proc->next; } sp_acopy(spc_head, cpu, MAX_SP); sp_acopy(spm_head, mem, MAX_SP); }