# Conky docs There are 3 YAML files which contain the documentation: * [`variables.yaml`](variables.yaml): Documents each object/variable * [`config_settings.yaml`](config_settings.yaml): Documents global configuration settings * [`lua.yaml`](lua.yaml): Documents Conky's Lua API The `desc` field within the docs can be formatted with markdown, however _do not_ include headings within the `desc` fields, as it will mess up the man page output. In markdown, headings begin with `#`. ## Updating docs The man page is based on [`man.md.j2`](man.md.j2) which is a Jinja2 template. The generated markdown is used to generate a final man page using [`pandoc`](https://pandoc.org/). Generating the final man page is a 2 step process: 1. Run `docgen.py` to process `man.md.j2`: ```console $ ./docgen.py man.md.j2 > man.md ``` 2. Run `pandoc` to convert the markdown into a man page: ```console $ pandoc -f markdown -t man.md > conky.1 ``` These steps are also part of the CMake build, and can be executed by configuring the build with `-DBUILD_DOCS=ON`.