/* -*- mode: c++; c-basic-offset: 4; tab-width: 4; indent-tabs-mode: t -*- * vim: ts=4 sw=4 noet ai cindent syntax=cpp * * Conky, a system monitor, based on torsmo * * Please see COPYING for details * * Copyright (C) 2010 Pavel Labath et al. * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program. If not, see . * */ #include #include "setting.hh" namespace conky { namespace priv { /* * We cannot construct this object statically, because order of object construction in * different modules is not defined, so config_setting_base could be called before this * object is constructed. Therefore, we create it on the first call to * config_setting_base constructor. */ config_settings_t *config_settings; config_setting_base::config_setting_base(const std::string &name_, const lua_setter_t &lua_setter_) : name(name_), lua_setter(lua_setter_) { struct config_settings_constructor { config_settings_constructor() { priv::config_settings = new config_settings_t; } ~config_settings_constructor() { delete config_settings; config_settings = NULL; } }; static config_settings_constructor constructor; bool inserted = config_settings->insert({name, this}).second; if(not inserted) throw std::logic_error("Setting with name '" + name + "' already registered"); } void config_setting_base::lua_set(lua::state &l) { lua::stack_sentry s(l, -1); l.checkstack(2); l.getglobal("conky"); l.rawgetfield(-1, "config"); l.replace(-2); l.insert(-2); l.pushstring(name.c_str()); l.insert(-2); l.settable(-3); l.pop(); } } namespace { /* * Performs the actual assignment of settings. Calls the setting-specific setter after * some sanity-checking. * stack on entry: | ..., new_config_table, key, value, old_value | * stack on exit: | ..., new_config_table, key | */ void process_setting(lua::state &l, bool init) { lua::stack_sentry s(l, -2); int type = l.type(-3); if(type != lua::TSTRING) { NORM_ERR("invalid setting of type '%s'", l.type_name(type)); return; } std::string name = l.tostring(-3); auto iter = priv::config_settings->find(name); if(iter == priv::config_settings->end()) { NORM_ERR("Unknown setting '%s'", name.c_str()); return; } iter->second->lua_setter(&l, init); l.pushvalue(-2); l.insert(-2); l.rawset(-4); } /* * Called when user sets a new value for a setting * stack on entry: | config_table, key, value | * stack on exit: | | */ int config__newindex(lua::state *l) { lua::stack_sentry s(*l, -3); l->checkstack(1); l->getmetatable(-3); l->replace(-4); l->pushvalue(-2); l->rawget(-4); process_setting(*l, false); return 0; } } void simple_lua_setter(lua::state *l, bool) { l->pop(); } /* * Called after the initial loading of the config file. Performs the initial assignments. * at least one setting should always be registered, so config_settings will not be null * stack on entry: | ... | * stack on exit: | ... | */ void check_config_settings(lua::state &l) { lua::stack_sentry s(l); l.checkstack(6); l.getglobal("conky"); { l.rawgetfield(-1, "config"); { if(l.type(-1) != lua::TTABLE) throw std::runtime_error("conky.config must be a table"); // new conky.config table, containing only valid settings l.newtable(); { l.pushnil(); while(l.next(-3)) { l.pushnil(); process_setting(l, true); } } l.replace(-2); l.pushboolean(false); l.rawsetfield(-2, "__metatable"); l.pushvalue(-1); l.rawsetfield(-2, "__index"); l.pushfunction(&config__newindex); l.rawsetfield(-2, "__newindex"); // conky.config will not be a table, but a userdata with some metamethods // we do this because we want to control access to the settings // we use the metatable for storing the settings, that means having a setting // whose name stars with "__" is a bad idea l.newuserdata(1); l.insert(-2); l.setmetatable(-2); } l.rawsetfield(-2, "config"); } l.pop(); } /////////// example settings, remove after real settings are available /////// config_setting asdf("asdf"); }