<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<language id="conkyrc" _name="Conky" version="2.0" _section="Others">
    <!-- This syntax highlighting will apply for any file with the sequence "conky"
         in the file name (or extension), I recommend to use you_config_name.conky
         for config files or alternatively conky_your_config_name
         Unfortunately this will also trigger the syntax highlighting for this document,
         you can always manually set this one back to XML.
         If you have a favourite custom format you can change the globs property to your
         personal preference. -->
    <property name="globs">*conky*</property>
    <property name="block-comment-start">--[[</property>
    <property name="block-comment-end">]]</property>

    <style id="config-keyword" _name="Config keywords"     map-to="def:keyword"/>
    <style id="text-keyword"   _name="Text keywords"       map-to="def:type"/>
    <style id="comment" _name="Comment"         map-to="def:comment"/>
    <style id="escaped-char" _name="Escaped Character" map-to="def:special-char"/>
    <style id="path"    _name="Paths and URLs"      map-to="def:string"/>
    <style id="boolean" _name="Boolean"         map-to="def:boolean"/>
    <style id="argument"    _name="Arguments"       map-to="def:preprocessor"/>
    <style id="brackets"    _name="Text Variable Brackets ${ ... }"   map-to="def:identifier"/>
    <style id="decimal" _name="Decimal"         map-to="def:decimal"/>


<!-- ======================================================================================= -->
<!-- Keep in mind gedit does not like < and >, use &lt; and &gt; instead! -->
<!-- Use `ref="id:*"` to include all children of `id` instead of `id` itself -->

<!-- ========================== Container contexts and structure =========================== -->
   <!-- "root structure" this is where it all begins -->
   <context id="conkyrc" class="no-spell-check">
        <!-- Generic global stuff -->
        <!-- Comments -->
        <context ref="config-block-comment"/>
        <context ref="config-line-comment"/>
        <!-- end: Comments -->
        <!-- The settings block -->
            <!-- Keyword mark highlighter -->
            <context sub-pattern="1" where="start" style-ref="config-keyword"/>
            <context sub-pattern="2" where="start" style-ref="text-keyword"/>
            <!-- end: Keyword mark highlighter -->
            <!-- Equals highlighter -->
            <context sub-pattern="3" where="start" style-ref="brackets"/>
            <!-- end: Equals highlighter -->
            <!-- Brackets highlighter -->
            <context sub-pattern="4" where="start" style-ref="brackets"/>
            <context sub-pattern="0" where="end" style-ref="brackets"/>
            <!-- end: Brackets highlighter -->
            <!-- Comments -->
            <context ref="config-block-comment"/>
            <context ref="config-line-comment"/>
            <!-- end: Comments -->
            <!-- key=val pair -->
            <context ref="config-option"/>
            <!-- end: key=val -->
        <!-- end: settings block -->

        <!-- The text block -->
        <context id="conky-text">
          <end>(?=.|$)</end><!-- End at anything as we only have one child -->
              <!-- Keyword mark highlighter -->
              <context sub-pattern="1" where="start" style-ref="config-keyword"/>
              <context sub-pattern="2" where="start" style-ref="text-keyword"/>
              <!-- end: Keyword mark highlighter -->
              <!-- Equals highlighter -->
              <context sub-pattern="3" where="start" style-ref="brackets"/>
              <!-- end: Equals highlighter -->
            <!-- Literal Sub-String -->
            <!-- This is just a literal string, really -->
            <context ref="lua-lit-string"/>
        <!-- end: Text block -->
    <!-- end: root context -->

    <!-- ================================== Import groups ================================== -->
    <!-- Container for generic includes -->
    <!--<context id="generic-container">
    <!-- end: Generic container -->

    <!-- ======================== Component contexts and structure ========================= -->
    <!-- Block comment, lua syntax -->
    <!-- Note: this will only highlight block comments outside the conky.text section -->
    <context id="config-block-comment" style-ref="comment" class="comment" class-disabled="no-spell-check">
    <context ref="def:in-comment"/>
    <!-- end: Block comment, lua syntax -->

    <!-- Line comment, lua syntax -->
    <!-- Note: this will only highlight line comments outside the conky.text section -->
    <context id="config-line-comment" style-ref="comment" class-disabled="no-spell-check">
    <!-- end: Line comment, lua syntax -->
    <!-- Line comment, conky text syntax -->
    <!-- Note: this will only highlight line comments **inside** the conky.text section -->
    <context id="text-comment" style-ref="comment" class-disabled="no-spell-check">
    <!-- end: Line comment, conky syntax-->

    <!-- String -->
    <context id="lua-string"  style-ref="argument" style-inside="true"
             end-at-line-end="true" class="string">
        <!-- Quote mark highlighter -->
        <context sub-pattern="0" where="start" style-ref="brackets"/>
        <context sub-pattern="0" where="end" style-ref="brackets"/>
        <!-- end: Quote mark highlighter -->
        <!-- Known patterns -->
        <!-- Escaped Char (also prevents the context ending prematurely) -->
        <context ref="lua-escape"/>
        <context ref="path"/>
        <context ref="hex-colors"/>
        <context ref="predefined-colors"/>
        <!-- end: Known patterns -->
    <!-- end: String value -->
    <!-- Literal string -->
    <context id="lua-lit-string" once-only="true">
        <!-- Quote mark highlighter -->
        <context sub-pattern="0" where="start" style-ref="brackets"/>
        <context sub-pattern="0" where="end" style-ref="brackets"/>
        <!-- end: Quote mark highlighter -->
        <!-- Literal Sub-String -->
        <!-- We use this to stop premature end of parent -->
          <!-- Recursive -->
          <include><context ref="lua-lit-string:*"/></include>
        <!-- end: Literal Sub-String -->
        <!-- Stuff specific to literal strings (e.g. templates and conky.text) -->
        <!-- TODO: Find a clean way to separate template and text lit-strings -->
        <context ref="text-escape"/>
        <context ref="template-escape"/>
        <context ref="text-comment"/>
        <context ref="bracket-var"/>
        <context ref="text-var"/>
    <!-- end: Literal string -->
    <!-- Escaped char -->
    <!-- conky.text escapes -->
    <context id="text-escape" style-ref="escaped-char">
        <!-- NOTE: Conky doesn't currently escape double backslash -->
    <!-- template definition escapes -->
    <context id="template-escape" style-ref="escaped-char">
        <match>\\[n\\ 0-9]</match>
    <!-- lua string escapes -->
    <context id="lua-escape" style-ref="escaped-char">
    <!-- end: Escaped char -->
    <!-- File paths and URLs, starting with https://, http://, ~/ or / -->
    <context id="path" style-ref="path" class="string">
      <match>(?&lt;=\'|\ )(?:\~\/|\/|htt(?:p|ps)\:\/\/){1}[^\s\}\']*</match>
    <!-- end: File paths and URLs -->
    <!-- Custom colors (hex) -->
    <context id="hex-colors" style-ref="decimal">
    <!-- end: Custom colors -->

    <!-- Predefined colors -->
    <!-- Colors parsed by `XParsecolor()` (see /usr/share/X11/rgb.txt (or possibly /usr/lib)) -->
    <context id="predefined-colors" style-ref="decimal">
    <!-- end: Predefined colors -->

    <!-- Numbers -->
    <context id="number" style-ref="decimal">
      <match>(?&lt;=[\ \=]|\dx)([\+\-]{0,1}\d+)([\.\,]{1}\d+)?</match>
    <!-- end: Numbers -->
    <!-- Boolean values -->
    <context id="boolean" style-ref="boolean">
    <!-- end: Boolean values -->
    <!-- ======================================================================================= -->

    <!-- key=val pair -->
    <context id="config-option">
      <!-- ended by value -->
        <!-- Keyword highlight -->
        <context sub-pattern="0" where="start" style-ref="config-keyword"/>
        <!-- end: Keyword highlight -->
        <!-- value -->
        <context end-parent="true">
            <!-- Equals highlight -->
            <context sub-pattern="0" where="start" style-ref="brackets"/>
            <!-- end: Equals highlight -->
            <!-- Value types -->
            <context ref="lua-string"/>
            <context ref="lua-lit-string"/>
            <context ref="number"/>
            <context ref="boolean"/>
            <!-- end: Value types -->
            <!-- Comments -->
            <context ref="config-block-comment"/>
            <context ref="config-line-comment"/>
            <!-- end: Comments -->
        <!-- end: value -->
        <!-- Comments -->
        <context ref="config-block-comment"/>
        <context ref="config-line-comment"/>
        <!-- end: Comments -->
    <!-- end: key=val -->

    <!-- TextVariables -->
    <!-- Bracket style -->
    <context id="bracket-var" style-ref="argument" style-inside="true">
          <!-- Brackets highlighter -->
          <context sub-pattern="1" where="start" style-ref="brackets"/>
          <context sub-pattern="0" where="end" style-ref="brackets"/>
          <!-- end: Brackets highlighter -->
          <!-- Variable/keyword highlighter -->
          <context sub-pattern="2" where="start" style-ref="text-keyword"/>
          <!-- Special patterns -->
          <context ref="number"/>
          <context ref="boolean"/>
          <context ref="path"/>
          <context ref="hex-colors"/>
          <context ref="predefined-colors"/>
          <!-- end: Special patterns -->
          <!-- Inherit from lit-String -->
          <context ref="lua-lit-string:*"/>

    <!-- non-bracket style -->
    <context id="text-var" style-ref="text-keyword" style-inside="true">
          <!-- Dollar highlighter -->
          <context sub-pattern="1" where="start" style-ref="brackets"/>
          <!-- end: Dollar highlighter -->
    <!-- end: TextVariables -->
