.\" DO NOT MODIFY THIS FILE! It was generated by help2man 1.33. .TH CONKY "1" "August 2005" "Conky 1.2 compiled Aug 3 2005" "User Commands" .SH NAME Conky .SH SYNOPSIS .B conky [\fIOPTION\fR]... .SH DESCRIPTION .\" Add any additional description here .PP Conky is a system monitor that renders text on desktop or to own transparent window. Command line options will override configurations defined in config file. .TP \fB\-V\fR version .TP \fB\-a\fR ALIGNMENT text alignment on screen, {top,bottom}_{left,right} .TP \fB\-c\fR FILE config file to load instead of $HOME/.conkyrc .TP \fB\-d\fR daemonize, fork to background .TP \fB\-f\fR FONT font to use .TP \fB\-h\fR help .TP \fB\-o\fR create own window to draw .TP \fB\-b\fR double buffer (prevents flickering) .TP \fB\-t\fR TEXT text to render, remember single quotes, like \fB\-t\fR '$uptime' .TP \fB\-u\fR SECS update interval .TP \fB\-i\fR NUM number of times to update Conky .TP \fB\-w\fR WIN_ID window id to draw .TP \fB\-x\fR X x position .TP \fB\-y\fR Y y position .SH EXAMPLES .B conky -t '${time %D %H:%m}' -o -u 30 .PP Start Conky in its own window with date and clock as text and 30 sec update interval. .B conky -a top_left -x 5 -y 500 -d .PP Start Conky to background at coordinates (5, 500). .SH FILES ~/.conkyrc default configuration file