#! /usr/bin/lua local usage = [[ Usage: convert.lua old_conkyrc [new_conkyrc] Tries to convert conkyrc from the old v1.x format to the new, lua-based format. Keep in mind that there is no guarantee that the output will work correctly with conky, or that it will be able to convert every conkyrc. However, it should provide a good starting point. Altough you can use this script with only 1 arg and let it overwrite the old config, it's suggested to use 2 args so that the new config is written in a new file (so that you have backup if something went wrong). For more information about the new format, read the wiki page <http://wiki.conky.be/index.php?title=conky2rc_format> ]]; local function quote(s) if not s:find("[\n']") then return "'" .. s .. "'"; end; local q = ''; while s:find(']' .. q .. ']', 1, true) do q = q .. '='; end; return string.format('[%s[\n%s]%s]', q, s, q); end; local bool_setting = { background = true, disable_auto_reload = true, double_buffer = true, draw_borders = true, draw_graph_borders = true, draw_outline = true, draw_shades = true, extra_newline = true, format_human_readable = true, no_buffers = true, out_to_console = true, out_to_ncurses = true, out_to_stderr = true, out_to_x = true, override_utf8_locale = true, own_window = true, own_window_argb_visual = true, own_window_transparent = true, short_units = true, show_graph_range = true, show_graph_scale = true, times_in_seconds = true, top_cpu_separate = true, uppercase = true, use_xft = true }; local num_setting = { border_inner_margin = true, border_outer_margin = true, border_width = true, cpu_avg_samples = true, diskio_avg_samples = true, gap_x = true, gap_y = true, imlib_cache_flush_interval = true, imlib_cache_size = true, max_port_monitor_connections = true, max_text_width = true, max_user_text = true, maximum_width = true, mpd_port = true, music_player_interval = true, net_avg_samples = true, own_window_argb_value = true, pad_percents = true, stippled_borders = true, text_buffer_size = true, top_name_width = true, total_run_times = true, update_interval = true, update_interval_on_battery = true, xftalpha = true }; local split_setting = { default_bar_size = true, default_gauge_size = true, default_graph_size = true, minimum_size = true }; local colour_setting = { color0 = true, color1 = true, color2 = true, color3 = true, color4 = true, color5 = true, color6 = true, color7 = true, color8 = true, color9 = true, default_color = true, default_outline_color = true, default_shade_color = true, own_window_colour = true }; local function alignment_map(value) local map = { m = 'middle', t = 'top', b = 'bottom', r = 'right', l = 'left' }; if map[value] == nil then return value; else return map[value]; end; end; local function handle(setting, value) setting = setting:lower(); if setting == '' then return ''; end; if split_setting[setting] then local x, y = value:match('^(%S+)%s*(%S*)$'); local ret = setting:gsub('_size', '_width = ') .. x .. ','; if y ~= '' then ret = ret .. ' ' .. setting:gsub('_size', '_height = ') .. y .. ','; end; return '\t' .. ret; end; if bool_setting[setting] then value = value:lower(); if value == 'yes' or value == 'true' or value == '1' or value == '' then value = 'true'; else value = 'false'; end; elseif not num_setting[setting] then if setting == 'alignment' and value:len() == 2 then value = alignment_map(value:sub(1,1)) .. '_' .. alignment_map(value:sub(2,2)); elseif colour_setting[setting] and value:match('^[0-9a-fA-F]+$') then value = '#' .. value; elseif setting == 'xftfont' then setting = 'font'; end; value = quote(value); end; return '\t' .. setting .. ' = ' .. value .. ','; end; local function convert(s) local setting, comment = s:match('^([^#]*)#?(.*)\n$'); if comment ~= '' then comment = '--' .. comment; end; comment = comment .. '\n'; return handle(setting:match('^%s*(%S*)%s*(.-)%s*$')) .. comment; end; local input; local output; if conky == nil then --> standalone program -- 1 arg: arg is input and outputfile -- 2 args: 1st is inputfile, 2nd is outputfile -- 0, 3 or more args: print usage to STDERR and quit if #arg == 1 or #arg == 2 then input = io.input(arg[1]); else io.stderr:write(usage); return; end; else -- we are called from conky, the filename is the first argument input = io.open(..., 'r'); end; local config = input:read('*a'); input:close(); local settings, text = config:match('^(.-)TEXT\n(.*)$'); local converted = 'conky.config = {\n' .. settings:gsub('.-\n', convert) .. '};\n\nconky.text = ' .. quote(text) .. ';\n'; if conky == nil then if #arg == 2 then output = io.output(arg[2]); else output = io.output(arg[1]); end output:write(converted); output:close(); else return assert(loadstring(converted, 'converted config')); end;