/* Conky, a system monitor, based on torsmo * * Copyright (c) 2009 Toni Spets * Copyright (c) 2005-2009 Brenden Matthews, Philip Kovacs, et. al. * (see AUTHORS) * All rights reserved. * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program. If not, see . * */ #include "conky.h" #include "logging.h" #include "build.h" #ifdef HAVE_SYS_INOTIFY_H #include void llua_append_notify(const char *name); void llua_rm_notifies(void); static int llua_block_notify = 0; #endif /* HAVE_SYS_INOTIFY_H */ static char *draw_pre = 0; static char *draw_post = 0; lua_State *lua_L = NULL; static int llua_conky_parse(lua_State *L) { int n = lua_gettop(L); /* number of arguments */ char *str; char *buf = calloc(1, max_user_text); if (n != 1) { lua_pushstring(L, "incorrect arguments, conky_parse(string) takes exactly 1 argument"); lua_error(L); } if (!lua_isstring(L, 1)) { lua_pushstring(L, "incorrect argument (expecting a string)"); lua_error(L); } str = strdup(lua_tostring(L, 1)); evaluate(str, buf); lua_pushstring(L, buf); free(str); free(buf); return 1; /* number of results */ } void llua_init(void) { const char *libs = PACKAGE_LIBDIR"/lib?.so;"; char *old_path, *new_path; if (lua_L) return; lua_L = lua_open(); /* add our library path to the lua package.cpath global var */ luaL_openlibs(lua_L); lua_getglobal(lua_L, "package"); lua_getfield(lua_L, -1, "cpath"); old_path = strdup(lua_tostring(lua_L, -1)); new_path = malloc(strlen(old_path) + strlen(libs) + 1); strcpy(new_path, libs); strcat(new_path, old_path); lua_pushstring(lua_L, new_path); lua_setfield(lua_L, -3, "cpath"); lua_pop(lua_L, 2); free(old_path); free(new_path); lua_pushstring(lua_L, PACKAGE_NAME" "VERSION" compiled "BUILD_DATE" for "BUILD_ARCH); lua_setglobal(lua_L, "conky_build_info"); lua_pushstring(lua_L, VERSION); lua_setglobal(lua_L, "conky_version"); lua_pushstring(lua_L, BUILD_DATE); lua_setglobal(lua_L, "conky_build_date"); lua_pushstring(lua_L, BUILD_ARCH); lua_setglobal(lua_L, "conky_build_arch"); lua_pushstring(lua_L, current_config); lua_setglobal(lua_L, "conky_config"); lua_pushcfunction(lua_L, &llua_conky_parse); lua_setglobal(lua_L, "conky_parse"); } void llua_load(const char *script) { int error; char path[DEFAULT_TEXT_BUFFER_SIZE]; llua_init(); to_real_path(path, script); error = luaL_dofile(lua_L, path); if (error) { ERR("llua_load: %s", lua_tostring(lua_L, -1)); lua_pop(lua_L, 1); #ifdef HAVE_SYS_INOTIFY_H } else if (!llua_block_notify && inotify_fd != -1) { llua_append_notify(path); #endif /* HAVE_SYS_INOTIFY_H */ } } /* llua_do_call does a flexible call to any Lua function string: [par1] [par2...] retc: the number of return values expected */ char *llua_do_call(const char *string, int retc) { static char func[64]; int argc = 0; char *tmp = strdup(string); char *ptr = strtok(tmp, " "); /* proceed only if the function name is present */ if (!ptr) { free(tmp); return NULL; } /* call only conky_ prefixed functions */ if(strncmp(ptr, LUAPREFIX, strlen(LUAPREFIX)) == 0) { snprintf(func, 64, "%s", ptr); }else{ snprintf(func, 64, "%s%s", LUAPREFIX, ptr); } /* push the function name to stack */ lua_getglobal(lua_L, func); /* parse all function parameters from args and push them to the stack */ ptr = strtok(NULL, " "); while (ptr) { lua_pushstring(lua_L, ptr); ptr = strtok(NULL, " "); argc++; } free(tmp); if(lua_pcall(lua_L, argc, retc, 0) != 0) { ERR("llua_do_call: function %s execution failed: %s", func, lua_tostring(lua_L, -1)); lua_pop(lua_L, -1); return NULL; } return func; } /* * same as llua_do_call() except passes everything after func as one arg. */ char *llua_do_read_call(const char *function, const char *arg, int retc) { static char func[64]; snprintf(func, 64, "conky_%s", function); /* push the function name to stack */ lua_getglobal(lua_L, func); /* push function parameter to the stack */ lua_pushstring(lua_L, arg); if (lua_pcall(lua_L, 1, retc, 0) != 0) { ERR("llua_do_call: function %s execution failed: %s", func, lua_tostring(lua_L, -1)); lua_pop(lua_L, -1); return NULL; } return func; } char *llua_getstring(const char *args) { char *func; char *ret = NULL; if(!lua_L) return NULL; func = llua_do_call(args, 1); if (func) { if (!lua_isstring(lua_L, -1)) { ERR("llua_getstring: function %s didn't return a string, result discarded", func); } else { ret = strdup(lua_tostring(lua_L, -1)); lua_pop(lua_L, 1); } } return ret; } char *llua_getstring_read(const char *function, const char *arg) { char *func; char *ret = NULL; if(!lua_L) return NULL; func = llua_do_read_call(function, arg, 1); if (func) { if(!lua_isstring(lua_L, -1)) { ERR("llua_getstring_read: function %s didn't return a string, result discarded", func); } else { ret = strdup(lua_tostring(lua_L, -1)); lua_pop(lua_L, 1); } } return ret; } int llua_getnumber(const char *args, double *ret) { char *func; if(!lua_L) return 0; func = llua_do_call(args, 1); if(func) { if(!lua_isnumber(lua_L, -1)) { ERR("llua_getnumber: function %s didn't return a number, result discarded", func); } else { *ret = lua_tonumber(lua_L, -1); lua_pop(lua_L, 1); return 1; } } return 0; } void llua_close(void) { #ifdef HAVE_SYS_INOTIFY_H llua_rm_notifies(); #endif /* HAVE_SYS_INOTIFY_H */ if (draw_pre) { free(draw_pre); draw_pre = 0; } if (draw_post) { free(draw_post); draw_post = 0; } if(!lua_L) return; lua_close(lua_L); lua_L = NULL; } #ifdef HAVE_SYS_INOTIFY_H struct _lua_notify_s { int wd; char name[DEFAULT_TEXT_BUFFER_SIZE]; struct _lua_notify_s *next; }; static struct _lua_notify_s *lua_notifies = 0; static struct _lua_notify_s *llua_notify_list_do_alloc(const char *name) { struct _lua_notify_s *ret = malloc(sizeof(struct _lua_notify_s)); memset(ret, 0, sizeof(struct _lua_notify_s)); strncpy(ret->name, name, DEFAULT_TEXT_BUFFER_SIZE); return ret; } void llua_append_notify(const char *name) { /* do it */ struct _lua_notify_s *new_tail = 0; if (!lua_notifies) { /* empty, fresh new digs */ new_tail = lua_notifies = llua_notify_list_do_alloc(name); } else { struct _lua_notify_s *tail = lua_notifies; while (tail->next) { tail = tail->next; } // should be @ the end now new_tail = llua_notify_list_do_alloc(name); tail->next = new_tail; } new_tail->wd = inotify_add_watch(inotify_fd, new_tail->name, IN_MODIFY); } void llua_rm_notifies(void) { /* git 'er done */ struct _lua_notify_s *head = lua_notifies; struct _lua_notify_s *next = 0; if (!lua_notifies) return; inotify_rm_watch(inotify_fd, head->wd); if (head->next) next = head->next; free(head); while (next) { head = next; next = head->next; inotify_rm_watch(inotify_fd, head->wd); free(head); } lua_notifies = 0; } void llua_inotify_query(int wd, int mask) { struct _lua_notify_s *head = lua_notifies; if (mask & IN_MODIFY || mask & IN_IGNORED) { /* for whatever reason, i keep getting IN_IGNORED when the file is * modified */ while (head) { if (head->wd == wd) { llua_block_notify = 1; llua_load(head->name); llua_block_notify = 0; ERR("Lua script '%s' reloaded", head->name); if (mask & IN_IGNORED) { /* for some reason we get IN_IGNORED here * sometimes, so we need to re-add the watch */ head->wd = inotify_add_watch(inotify_fd, head->name, IN_MODIFY); } return; } head = head->next; } } } #endif /* HAVE_SYS_INOTIFY_H */ #ifdef X11 void llua_draw_pre_hook(void) { if (!lua_L || !draw_pre) return; llua_do_call(draw_pre, 0); } void llua_draw_post_hook(void) { if (!lua_L || !draw_post) return; llua_do_call(draw_post, 0); } void llua_set_draw_pre_hook(const char *args) { draw_pre = strdup(args); } void llua_set_draw_post_hook(const char *args) { draw_post = strdup(args); } void llua_set_long(const char *key, long value) { lua_pushnumber(lua_L, value); lua_setfield(lua_L, -2, key); } /* this function mostly copied from tolua++ source so that we could play nice * with tolua++ libs. tolua++ is provided 'as is' */ void llua_set_userdata(const char *key, const char *type, void *value) { if (value == NULL) { lua_pushnil(lua_L); } else { luaL_getmetatable(lua_L, type); lua_pushstring(lua_L,"tolua_ubox"); lua_rawget(lua_L,-2); /* stack: mt ubox */ if (lua_isnil(lua_L, -1)) { lua_pop(lua_L, 1); lua_pushstring(lua_L, "tolua_ubox"); lua_rawget(lua_L, LUA_REGISTRYINDEX); } lua_pushlightuserdata(lua_L,value); lua_rawget(lua_L,-2); /* stack: mt ubox ubox[u] */ if (lua_isnil(lua_L,-1)) { lua_pop(lua_L,1); /* stack: mt ubox */ lua_pushlightuserdata(lua_L,value); *(void**)lua_newuserdata(lua_L,sizeof(void *)) = value; /* stack: mt ubox u newud */ lua_pushvalue(lua_L,-1); /* stack: mt ubox u newud newud */ lua_insert(lua_L,-4); /* stack: mt newud ubox u newud */ lua_rawset(lua_L,-3); /* stack: mt newud ubox */ lua_pop(lua_L,1); /* stack: mt newud */ /*luaL_getmetatable(lua_L,type);*/ lua_pushvalue(lua_L, -2); /* stack: mt newud mt */ lua_setmetatable(lua_L,-2); /* stack: mt newud */ } else { /* check the need of updating the metatable to a more specialized class */ lua_insert(lua_L,-2); /* stack: mt ubox[u] ubox */ lua_pop(lua_L,1); /* stack: mt ubox[u] */ lua_pushstring(lua_L,"tolua_super"); lua_rawget(lua_L,LUA_REGISTRYINDEX); /* stack: mt ubox[u] super */ lua_getmetatable(lua_L,-2); /* stack: mt ubox[u] super mt */ lua_rawget(lua_L,-2); /* stack: mt ubox[u] super super[mt] */ if (lua_istable(lua_L,-1)) { lua_pushstring(lua_L,type); /* stack: mt ubox[u] super super[mt] type */ lua_rawget(lua_L,-2); /* stack: mt ubox[u] super super[mt] flag */ if (lua_toboolean(lua_L,-1) == 1) { /* if true */ lua_pop(lua_L,3); /* mt ubox[u]*/ lua_remove(lua_L, -2); return; } } /* type represents a more specilized type */ /*luaL_getmetatable(lua_L,type); // stack: mt ubox[u] super super[mt] flag mt */ lua_pushvalue(lua_L, -5); /* stack: mt ubox[u] super super[mt] flag mt */ lua_setmetatable(lua_L,-5); /* stack: mt ubox[u] super super[mt] flag */ lua_pop(lua_L,3); /* stack: mt ubox[u] */ } lua_remove(lua_L, -2); /* stack: ubox[u]*/ } lua_setfield(lua_L, -2, key); } void llua_setup_window_table(int text_start_x, int text_start_y, int text_width, int text_height) { if (!lua_L) return; lua_newtable(lua_L); if (output_methods & TO_X) { llua_set_userdata("drawable", "Drawable", (void*)&window.drawable); llua_set_userdata("visual", "Visual", window.visual); llua_set_userdata("display", "Display", display); llua_set_long("width", window.width); llua_set_long("height", window.height); llua_set_long("border_inner_margin", window.border_inner_margin); llua_set_long("border_outer_margin", window.border_outer_margin); llua_set_long("border_width", window.border_width); llua_set_long("text_start_x", text_start_x); llua_set_long("text_start_y", text_start_y); llua_set_long("text_width", text_width); llua_set_long("text_height", text_height); lua_setglobal(lua_L, "conky_window"); } } void llua_update_window_table(int text_start_x, int text_start_y, int text_width, int text_height) { if (!lua_L) return; lua_getglobal(lua_L, "conky_window"); if (lua_isnil(lua_L, -1)) { /* window table isn't populated yet */ lua_pop(lua_L, 1); return; } llua_set_long("width", window.width); llua_set_long("height", window.height); llua_set_long("text_start_x", text_start_x); llua_set_long("text_start_y", text_start_y); llua_set_long("text_width", text_width); llua_set_long("text_height", text_height); lua_setglobal(lua_L, "conky_window"); } #endif /* X11 */