/* -*- mode: c; c-basic-offset: 4; tab-width: 4; indent-tabs-mode: t -*- * vim: ts=4 sw=4 noet ai cindent syntax=c * * tcp-portmon.c - libtcp-portmon hooks * * Copyright (C) 2008 Phil Sutter * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program. If not, see . * */ #include "conky.h" #include "logging.h" #include "tcp-portmon.h" #include "text_object.h" #include "libtcp-portmon.h" static tcp_port_monitor_collection_t *pmc = NULL; static tcp_port_monitor_args_t pma; int tcp_portmon_init(struct text_object *obj, const char *arg) { int argc, port_begin, port_end, item, connection_index; char itembuf[32]; struct tcp_port_monitor_data *pmd; memset(itembuf, 0, sizeof(itembuf)); connection_index = 0; /* massive argument checking */ argc = sscanf(arg, "%d %d %31s %d", &port_begin, &port_end, itembuf, &connection_index); if ((argc != 3) && (argc != 4)) { CRIT_ERR(NULL, NULL, "tcp_portmon: requires 3 or 4 arguments"); } if ((port_begin < 1) || (port_begin > 65535) || (port_end < 1) || (port_end > 65535)) { CRIT_ERR(NULL, NULL, "tcp_portmon: port values must be from 1 to 65535"); } if (port_begin > port_end) { CRIT_ERR(NULL, NULL, "tcp_portmon: starting port must be <= ending port"); } if (strncmp(itembuf, "count", 31) == EQUAL) { item = COUNT; } else if (strncmp(itembuf, "rip", 31) == EQUAL) { item = REMOTEIP; } else if (strncmp(itembuf, "rhost", 31) == EQUAL) { item = REMOTEHOST; } else if (strncmp(itembuf, "rport", 31) == EQUAL) { item = REMOTEPORT; } else if (strncmp(itembuf, "rservice", 31) == EQUAL) { item = REMOTESERVICE; } else if (strncmp(itembuf, "lip", 31) == EQUAL) { item = LOCALIP; } else if (strncmp(itembuf, "lhost", 31) == EQUAL) { item = LOCALHOST; } else if (strncmp(itembuf, "lport", 31) == EQUAL) { item = LOCALPORT; } else if (strncmp(itembuf, "lservice", 31) == EQUAL) { item = LOCALSERVICE; } else { CRIT_ERR(NULL, NULL, "tcp_portmon: invalid item specified"); } if ((argc == 3) && (item != COUNT)) { CRIT_ERR(NULL, NULL, "tcp_portmon: 3 argument form valid only for \"count\" " "item"); } if ((argc == 4) && (connection_index < 0)) { CRIT_ERR(NULL, NULL, "tcp_portmon: connection index must be non-negative"); } /* ok, args looks good. save the text object data */ pmd = malloc(sizeof(struct tcp_port_monitor_data)); memset(pmd, 0, sizeof(struct tcp_port_monitor_data)); pmd->port_range_begin = (in_port_t) port_begin; pmd->port_range_end = (in_port_t) port_end; pmd->item = item; pmd->connection_index = connection_index; obj->data.opaque = pmd; /* if the port monitor collection hasn't been created, * we must create it */ if (!pmc) { pmc = create_tcp_port_monitor_collection(); if (!pmc) { CRIT_ERR(NULL, NULL, "tcp_portmon: unable to create port monitor " "collection"); } } /* if a port monitor for this port does not exist, * create one and add it to the collection */ if (find_tcp_port_monitor(pmc, port_begin, port_end) == NULL) { tcp_port_monitor_t *p_monitor = create_tcp_port_monitor(port_begin, port_end, &pma); if (!p_monitor) { CRIT_ERR(NULL, NULL, "tcp_portmon: unable to create port monitor"); } /* add the newly created monitor to the collection */ if (insert_tcp_port_monitor_into_collection(pmc, p_monitor) != 0) { CRIT_ERR(NULL, NULL, "tcp_portmon: unable to add port monitor to " "collection"); } } return 0; } int tcp_portmon_action(struct text_object *obj, char *p, int p_max_size) { struct tcp_port_monitor_data *pmd = obj->data.opaque; tcp_port_monitor_t *p_monitor; if (!pmd) return 1; /* grab a pointer to this port monitor */ p_monitor = find_tcp_port_monitor(pmc, pmd->port_range_begin, pmd->port_range_end); if (!p_monitor) { snprintf(p, p_max_size, "monitor not found"); return 1; } /* now grab the text of interest */ if (peek_tcp_port_monitor(p_monitor, pmd->item, pmd->connection_index, p, p_max_size) != 0) { snprintf(p, p_max_size, "monitor peek error"); return 1; } return 0; } void tcp_portmon_update(void) { update_tcp_port_monitor_collection(pmc); } int tcp_portmon_clear(void) { destroy_tcp_port_monitor_collection(pmc); pmc = NULL; return 0; } int tcp_portmon_set_max_connections(int max) { if (max <= 0) { pma.max_port_monitor_connections = MAX_PORT_MONITOR_CONNECTIONS_DEFAULT; } else { pma.max_port_monitor_connections = max; } return (max < 0) ? 1 : 0; } void tcp_portmon_free(struct text_object *obj) { if (obj->data.opaque) { free(obj->data.opaque); obj->data.opaque = NULL; } }