#include "conky.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include int64 buf_to_int(char *buf, int pos, int size); void int_to_buf(int64 i, char *buf, int pos, int size); #define BUF16_TO_INT(buf, pos) buf_to_int((buf), (pos), 2) #define BUF32_TO_INT(buf, pos) buf_to_int((buf), (pos), 4) #define BUF64_TO_INT(buf, pos) buf_to_int((buf), (pos), 8) #define INT_TO_BUF16(i, buf, pos) int_to_buf((i), (buf), (pos), 2) #define INT_TO_BUF32(i, buf, pos) int_to_buf((i), (buf), (pos), 4) #define INT_TO_BUF64(i, buf, pos) int_to_buf((i), (buf), (pos), 8) mldonkey_info mlinfo; mldonkey_config mlconfig; /* Call this function to update the information about mldonkey. * Note that the function will not reconnect to mldonkey if the * pointer to the mldonkey_config has not changed. As it uses static * data, it cannot be used in a multithreaded env. * Returns 1 if connected and info filled, 0 if connected but not filled, * -1 otherwise. */ enum to_gui { CoreProtocol, /* 0 */ Options_info, RESERVED2, DefineSearches, Result_info, Search_result, Search_waiting, File_info, File_downloaded, File_availability, File_source, /* 10 */ Server_busy, Server_user, Server_state, Server_info, Client_info, Client_state, Client_friend, Client_file, Console, Network_info, /* 20 */ User_info, Room_info, Room_message, Room_add_user, Client_stats, Server_info_v2, MessageFromClient, ConnectedServers, DownloadFiles, DownloadedFiles, /* 30 */ Room_info_v2, Room_remove_user, Shared_file_info, Shared_file_upload, Shared_file_unshared, Add_section_option, Client_stats_v2, Add_plugin_option, Client_stats_v3, File_info_v2, /* 40 */ DownloadFiles_v2, DownloadedFiles_v2, File_info_v3, DownloadFiles_v3, DownloadedFiles_v3, File_downloaded_v2, BadPassword, Shared_file_info_v2, Client_stats_v4, /* 49 */ }; #define MLDONKEY_DISCONNECTED 0 #define MLDONKEY_CONNECTING 1 #define MLDONKEY_AUTHENTICATING 2 #define MLDONKEY_CONNECTED 3 #define MAX_MESSAGE_LEN 65000 static int write_pos = 0; static char write_buf[MAX_MESSAGE_LEN]; static char read_buf[MAX_MESSAGE_LEN]; static int read_pos; static int mldonkey_sock = -1; static int mldonkey_state = MLDONKEY_DISCONNECTED; static mldonkey_config *old_config = NULL; /* int64 ------------------------------ */ int64 buf_to_int(char *buf, int pos, int size) { int i; int64 res = 0; for (i = 0; i < size; i++) { res += (buf[pos + i] & 0xFF) << (8 * i); } return res; } void int_to_buf(int64 i, char *buf, int pos, int size) { int j; for (j = 0; j < size; j++) { buf[pos + j] = (i & (-1)) >> (8 * j); } } /* Write operations --------------------- */ void init_message() { write_pos = 0; } void write_int8(int code) { write_buf[write_pos++] = code; } void write_opcode(int code) { write_buf[write_pos++] = code; } void write_int16(int code) { INT_TO_BUF16(code, write_buf, write_pos); write_pos += 2; } void write_int32(int code) { INT_TO_BUF32(code, write_buf, write_pos); write_pos += 4; } void write_int64(int64 code) { INT_TO_BUF64(code, write_buf, write_pos); write_pos += 8; } void write_string(char *str) { if (str == NULL) { write_int16(0); } else { int len = strlen(str); write_int16(len); memcpy((void *) (write_buf + write_pos), (void *) str, (size_t) len); write_pos += len; } } int write_message(char *mtype) { char header[4]; INT_TO_BUF32(write_pos, header, 0); if (4 != write(mldonkey_sock, header, 4) || write_pos != write(mldonkey_sock, (void *) write_buf, (size_t) write_pos)) { ERR("Error in transmitting %s\n", mtype); write_pos = 0; /* Immediatly close the connection */ close(mldonkey_sock); mldonkey_state = MLDONKEY_DISCONNECTED; mldonkey_sock = -1; return -1; } else { write_pos = 0; return 0; } } /* Read operations ----------------------------*/ int read_int8() { return read_buf[read_pos++]; } int read_int16() { int i = BUF16_TO_INT(read_buf, read_pos); read_pos += 2; return i; } int read_int32() { int i = BUF32_TO_INT(read_buf, read_pos); read_pos += 4; return i; } int64 read_int64() { int64 i = BUF64_TO_INT(read_buf, read_pos); read_pos += 8; return i; } char *read_string() { char *buf; int len; len = BUF16_TO_INT(read_buf, read_pos); read_pos += 2; buf = (char *) malloc((size_t) len + 1); memmove(read_buf + read_pos, buf, len); buf[len] = 0; read_pos += len; return buf; } /* protocol impl. ----------------------------- */ void close_sock(); /* This function returns the number of messages read, 0 if it blocks, -1 on error. */ int cut_messages(int reinit) { int nread; static int toread = 0; static int pos = 0; if (reinit) { toread = 0; pos = 0; read_pos = 0; return 0; } while (1) { if (toread == 0) { nread = read(mldonkey_sock, read_buf + pos, 4 - pos); if (nread <= 0) { if (errno == EAGAIN) { return 0; } else { close_sock(); pos = 0; toread = 0; return -1; } } pos += nread; if (pos == 4) { toread = BUF32_TO_INT(read_buf, 0); pos = 0; } } else { nread = read(mldonkey_sock, read_buf + pos, toread - pos); if (nread <= 0) { if (errno == EAGAIN) return 0; else { pos = 0; toread = 0; close_sock(); return -1; } } pos += nread; if (pos == toread) { /* We have one message !!! */ int old_pos = pos; read_pos = 0; pos = 0; toread = 0; return old_pos; } } } } void close_sock() { old_config = NULL; if (mldonkey_sock >= 0) close(mldonkey_sock); mldonkey_sock = -1; mldonkey_state = MLDONKEY_DISCONNECTED; cut_messages(1); } int mldonkey_connect(mldonkey_config * config) { if (config != old_config) { struct sockaddr_in sa; int retcode; close_sock(); old_config = config; /* resolve hostname */ memset(&sa, 0, sizeof(sa)); if (config->mldonkey_hostname == NULL) config->mldonkey_hostname = ""; if (config->mldonkey_hostname[0] >= '0' && config->mldonkey_hostname[0] <= '9') { #ifdef HAS_INET_ATON if (inet_aton (config->mldonkey_hostname, &sa.sin_addr) == 0) return -1; #else sa.sin_addr.s_addr = inet_addr(config->mldonkey_hostname); if (sa.sin_addr.s_addr == (unsigned int) -1) return -1; #endif } else { struct hostent *hp; hp = gethostbyname(config->mldonkey_hostname); if (hp == (struct hostent *) NULL) return -1; sa.sin_addr.s_addr = (unsigned long) hp->h_addr_list[0]; } sa.sin_port = htons(config->mldonkey_port); sa.sin_family = AF_INET; if ((mldonkey_sock = socket(PF_INET, SOCK_STREAM, 0)) < 0) { ERR("Opening socket"); close_sock(); return -1; } if (connect (mldonkey_sock, (struct sockaddr *) &sa, sizeof(sa)) < 0) { if (errno != EAGAIN && errno != EINTR && errno != EINPROGRESS && errno != EWOULDBLOCK) { // ERR("Connection failed"); close_sock(); return -1; } } retcode = fcntl(mldonkey_sock, F_GETFL, 0); if (retcode == -1 || fcntl(mldonkey_sock, F_SETFL, retcode | O_NONBLOCK) == -1) { return -1; } mldonkey_state = MLDONKEY_CONNECTING; return 0; } return 0; } int mldonkey_can_read() { return cut_messages(0); } int mldonkey_info_message(mldonkey_info * info) { int opcode = read_int16(); switch (opcode) { case CoreProtocol: init_message(); write_int16(0); /* GUI protocol */ write_int32(10); /* Version 10 ! */ write_message("GuiProtocol"); write_int16(47); /* GUI protocol */ write_int16(1); write_int32(1); write_int8(1); write_message("GuiExtensions"); init_message(); write_int16(5); /* Password */ write_string(old_config->mldonkey_password); write_message("Password"); break; case BadPassword: ERR("Bad Password\n"); close_sock(); break; case Client_stats: case Client_stats_v2: case Client_stats_v3: ERR("Client stats format too old...\n"); break; case Client_stats_v4: mldonkey_state = MLDONKEY_CONNECTED; info->upload_counter = read_int64(); info->download_counter = read_int64(); info->shared_counter = read_int64(); info->nshared_files = read_int32(); info->tcp_upload_rate = read_int32(); info->tcp_download_rate = read_int32(); info->udp_upload_rate = read_int32(); info->udp_download_rate = read_int32(); info->ndownloading_files = read_int32(); info->ndownloaded_files = read_int32(); break; } return 0; } int get_mldonkey_status(mldonkey_config * config, mldonkey_info * info) { if (mldonkey_connect(config) >= 0) { while (mldonkey_can_read() > 0) { mldonkey_info_message(info); } } return mldonkey_state; }