2017-04-29 14:53:47 -07:00
require 'date'
2017-04-28 19:36:42 +01:00
Vagrant.configure(2) do |config|
config.vm.provider :virtualbox do |v|
v.name = 'exa'
2016-10-07 19:31:03 +01:00
v.memory = 1024
v.cpus = 1
2017-04-28 19:36:42 +01:00
# We use Ubuntu instead of Debian because the image comes with two-way
# shared folder support by default.
config.vm.box = 'ubuntu/xenial64'
config.vm.hostname = 'exa'
2016-10-07 19:31:03 +01:00
2017-04-28 19:34:23 +01:00
2017-04-30 11:06:52 +01:00
# Install the dependencies needed for exa to build, as quietly as
# apt can do.
2016-10-07 19:31:03 +01:00
config.vm.provision :shell, privileged: true, inline:
2017-04-30 11:06:52 +01:00
%[apt-get install -qq -o=Dpkg::Use-Pty=0 -y git cmake libssl-dev libgit2-dev libssh2-1-dev curl attr pkg-config]
2017-04-28 19:34:23 +01:00
2016-10-07 19:31:03 +01:00
# Guarantee that the timezone is UTC -- some of the tests
# depend on this (for now).
config.vm.provision :shell, privileged: true, inline:
%[timedatectl set-timezone UTC]
2017-04-28 19:34:23 +01:00
2016-10-07 19:31:03 +01:00
# Install Rust.
# This is done as vagrant, not root, because it’s vagrant
# who actually uses it. Sent to /dev/null because the progress
2017-04-28 19:34:23 +01:00
# bar produces a ton of output.
2016-10-07 19:31:03 +01:00
config.vm.provision :shell, privileged: false, inline:
%[hash rustc &>/dev/null || curl -sSf https://static.rust-lang.org/rustup.sh | sh &> /dev/null]
2017-04-28 19:34:23 +01:00
2016-10-07 19:31:03 +01:00
# Use a different ‘target’ directory on the VM than on the host.
# By default it just uses the one in /vagrant/target, which can
# cause problems if it has different permissions than the other
# directories, or contains object files compiled for the host.
config.vm.provision :shell, privileged: false, inline:
2017-04-28 19:34:23 +01:00
%[echo "export CARGO_TARGET_DIR=/home/ubuntu/target" >> ~/.bashrc]
# We create two users that own the test files.
# The first one just owns the ordinary ones, because we don’t want to
# depend on “vagrant” or “ubuntu” existing.
user = "cassowary"
config.vm.provision :shell, privileged: true, inline:
%[id -u #{user} &>/dev/null || useradd #{user}]
2016-10-07 19:31:03 +01:00
2017-04-28 19:34:23 +01:00
# The second one has a long name, to test that the file owner column
# widens correctly. The benefit of Vagrant is that we don’t need to
# set this up on the *actual* system!
2016-10-07 19:31:03 +01:00
longuser = "antidisestablishmentarienism"
config.vm.provision :shell, privileged: true, inline:
%[id -u #{longuser} &>/dev/null || useradd #{longuser}]
2017-04-28 19:34:23 +01:00
2017-04-28 19:26:57 +01:00
# Because the timestamps are formatted differently depending on whether
# they’re in the current year or not (see `details.rs`), we have to make
# sure that the files are created in the current year, so they get shown
# in the format we expect.
current_year = Date.today.year
some_date = "#{current_year}01011234.56" # 1st January, 12:34:56
2017-04-28 19:34:23 +01:00
# We also need an UID and a GID that are guaranteed to not exist, to
# test what happen when they don’t.
2016-10-07 19:31:03 +01:00
invalid_uid = 666
invalid_gid = 616
2017-04-28 19:34:23 +01:00
# Delete old testcases if they exist already, then create a
# directory to house new ones.
test_dir = "/testcases"
config.vm.provision :shell, privileged: true, inline: <<-EOF
set -xe
rm -rfv #{test_dir}
mkdir #{test_dir}
chmod 777 #{test_dir}
2016-10-07 19:31:03 +01:00
# Awkward file size testcases.
2017-04-28 19:34:23 +01:00
# This needs sudo to set the files’ users at the very end.
2016-10-07 19:31:03 +01:00
config.vm.provision :shell, privileged: false, inline: <<-EOF
set -xe
mkdir "#{test_dir}/files"
for i in {1..13}; do
fallocate -l "$i" "#{test_dir}/files/$i"_bytes
fallocate -l "$i"KiB "#{test_dir}/files/$i"_KiB
fallocate -l "$i"MiB "#{test_dir}/files/$i"_MiB
2017-04-28 19:34:23 +01:00
2016-10-07 19:31:03 +01:00
touch -t #{some_date} "#{test_dir}/files/"*
2017-04-28 19:34:23 +01:00
chmod 644 "#{test_dir}/files/"*
sudo chown #{user}:#{user} "#{test_dir}/files/"*
2016-10-07 19:31:03 +01:00
2017-04-28 19:34:23 +01:00
2016-10-29 19:25:07 +01:00
# File name extension testcases.
2017-04-28 19:34:23 +01:00
# These are tested in grid view, so we don’t need to bother setting
# owners or timestamps or anything.
2016-10-29 19:25:07 +01:00
config.vm.provision :shell, privileged: false, inline: <<-EOF
set -xe
2017-04-28 20:07:31 +01:00
mkdir "#{test_dir}/file-names-exts"
2016-10-29 19:25:07 +01:00
2017-04-28 20:07:31 +01:00
touch "#{test_dir}/file-names-exts/Makefile"
2016-10-29 19:25:07 +01:00
2017-04-28 20:07:31 +01:00
touch "#{test_dir}/file-names-exts/image.png"
touch "#{test_dir}/file-names-exts/image.svg"
2016-10-29 19:25:07 +01:00
2017-04-28 20:07:31 +01:00
touch "#{test_dir}/file-names-exts/video.avi"
touch "#{test_dir}/file-names-exts/video.wmv"
2016-10-29 19:25:07 +01:00
2017-04-28 20:07:31 +01:00
touch "#{test_dir}/file-names-exts/music.mp3"
touch "#{test_dir}/file-names-exts/music.ogg"
2016-10-29 19:25:07 +01:00
2017-04-28 20:07:31 +01:00
touch "#{test_dir}/file-names-exts/lossless.flac"
touch "#{test_dir}/file-names-exts/lossless.wav"
2016-10-29 19:25:07 +01:00
2017-04-28 20:07:31 +01:00
touch "#{test_dir}/file-names-exts/crypto.asc"
touch "#{test_dir}/file-names-exts/crypto.signature"
2016-10-29 19:25:07 +01:00
2017-04-28 20:07:31 +01:00
touch "#{test_dir}/file-names-exts/document.pdf"
touch "#{test_dir}/file-names-exts/document.xlsx"
2016-10-29 19:25:07 +01:00
2017-04-28 20:07:31 +01:00
touch "#{test_dir}/file-names-exts/compressed.zip"
touch "#{test_dir}/file-names-exts/compressed.tar.gz"
touch "#{test_dir}/file-names-exts/compressed.tgz"
2016-10-29 19:25:07 +01:00
2017-04-28 20:07:31 +01:00
touch "#{test_dir}/file-names-exts/backup~"
touch "#{test_dir}/file-names-exts/#SAVEFILE#"
touch "#{test_dir}/file-names-exts/file.tmp"
2016-10-29 19:25:07 +01:00
2017-04-28 20:07:31 +01:00
touch "#{test_dir}/file-names-exts/compiled.class"
touch "#{test_dir}/file-names-exts/compiled.o"
touch "#{test_dir}/file-names-exts/compiled.js"
touch "#{test_dir}/file-names-exts/compiled.coffee"
2016-10-29 19:25:07 +01:00
2017-04-28 19:34:23 +01:00
2017-05-01 12:22:57 +01:00
# File name testcases.
# bash really doesn’t want you to create a file with escaped characters
# in its name, so we have to resort to the echo builtin and touch!
# The double backslashes are not strictly necessary; without them, Ruby
# will interpolate them instead of bash, but because Vagrant prints out
# each command it runs, your *own* terminal will go “ding” from the alarm!
config.vm.provision :shell, privileged: false, inline: <<-EOF
set -xe
mkdir "#{test_dir}/file-names"
echo -ne "#{test_dir}/file-names/ascii: hello" | xargs -0 touch
echo -ne "#{test_dir}/file-names/emoji: [🆒]" | xargs -0 touch
echo -ne "#{test_dir}/file-names/utf-8: pâté" | xargs -0 touch
echo -ne "#{test_dir}/file-names/bell: [\\a]" | xargs -0 touch
echo -ne "#{test_dir}/file-names/backspace: [\\b]" | xargs -0 touch
echo -ne "#{test_dir}/file-names/form-feed: [\\f]" | xargs -0 touch
echo -ne "#{test_dir}/file-names/new-line: [\\n]" | xargs -0 touch
echo -ne "#{test_dir}/file-names/return: [\\r]" | xargs -0 touch
echo -ne "#{test_dir}/file-names/tab: [\\t]" | xargs -0 touch
echo -ne "#{test_dir}/file-names/vertical-tab: [\\v]" | xargs -0 touch
echo -ne "#{test_dir}/file-names/escape: [\\033]" | xargs -0 touch
echo -ne "#{test_dir}/file-names/ansi: [\\033[34mblue\\033[0m]" | xargs -0 touch
echo -ne "#{test_dir}/file-names/invalid-utf8-1: [\\xFF]" | xargs -0 touch
echo -ne "#{test_dir}/file-names/invalid-utf8-2: [\\xc3\\x28]" | xargs -0 touch
echo -ne "#{test_dir}/file-names/invalid-utf8-3: [\\xe2\\x82\\x28]" | xargs -0 touch
echo -ne "#{test_dir}/file-names/invalid-utf8-4: [\\xf0\\x28\\x8c\\x28]" | xargs -0 touch
2017-04-28 23:24:19 +01:00
# Special file testcases.
config.vm.provision :shell, privileged: false, inline: <<-EOF
set -xe
mkdir "#{test_dir}/specials"
sudo mknod "#{test_dir}/specials/block-device" b 3 60
sudo mknod "#{test_dir}/specials/char-device" c 14 40
sudo mknod "#{test_dir}/specials/named-pipe" p
2017-04-29 09:21:31 +01:00
sudo touch -t #{some_date} "#{test_dir}/specials/"*
2017-04-28 23:24:19 +01:00
2016-10-07 19:31:03 +01:00
# Awkward symlink testcases.
config.vm.provision :shell, privileged: false, inline: <<-EOF
set -xe
mkdir "#{test_dir}/links"
2017-04-30 11:58:29 +01:00
ln -s / "#{test_dir}/links/root"
ln -s /usr "#{test_dir}/links/usr"
ln -s nowhere "#{test_dir}/links/broken"
2016-10-29 19:58:34 +01:00
ln -s /proc/1/root "#{test_dir}/links/forbidden"
2017-04-30 11:58:29 +01:00
touch "#{test_dir}/links/some_file"
ln -s "#{test_dir}/links/some_file" "#{test_dir}/links/some_file_absolute"
(cd "#{test_dir}/links"; ln -s "some_file" "some_file_relative")
(cd "#{test_dir}/links"; ln -s "." "current_dir")
(cd "#{test_dir}/links"; ln -s ".." "parent_dir")
(cd "#{test_dir}/links"; ln -s "itself" "itself")
2016-10-07 19:31:03 +01:00
2017-04-28 19:34:23 +01:00
2016-10-07 19:31:03 +01:00
# Awkward passwd testcases.
# sudo is needed for these because we technically aren’t a member
# of the groups (because they don’t exist), and chown and chgrp
# are smart enough to disallow it!
config.vm.provision :shell, privileged: false, inline: <<-EOF
set -xe
mkdir "#{test_dir}/passwd"
2017-04-28 19:34:23 +01:00
touch -t #{some_date} "#{test_dir}/passwd/unknown-uid"
chmod 644 "#{test_dir}/passwd/unknown-uid"
sudo chown #{invalid_uid}:#{user} "#{test_dir}/passwd/unknown-uid"
2016-10-07 19:31:03 +01:00
2017-04-28 19:34:23 +01:00
touch -t #{some_date} "#{test_dir}/passwd/unknown-gid"
chmod 644 "#{test_dir}/passwd/unknown-gid"
sudo chown #{user}:#{invalid_gid} "#{test_dir}/passwd/unknown-gid"
2016-10-07 19:31:03 +01:00
2017-04-28 19:34:23 +01:00
2016-10-07 19:31:03 +01:00
# Awkward permission testcases.
config.vm.provision :shell, privileged: false, inline: <<-EOF
set -xe
mkdir "#{test_dir}/permissions"
2017-04-28 19:34:23 +01:00
touch "#{test_dir}/permissions/all-permissions"
2016-10-07 19:31:03 +01:00
chmod 777 "#{test_dir}/permissions/all-permissions"
2017-04-28 19:34:23 +01:00
touch "#{test_dir}/permissions/no-permissions"
2016-10-07 19:31:03 +01:00
chmod 000 "#{test_dir}/permissions/no-permissions"
2017-04-28 19:34:23 +01:00
mkdir "#{test_dir}/permissions/forbidden-directory"
2016-10-07 19:31:03 +01:00
chmod 000 "#{test_dir}/permissions/forbidden-directory"
2017-04-28 19:34:23 +01:00
for perms in 001 002 004 010 020 040 100 200 400; do
touch "#{test_dir}/permissions/$perms"
chmod $perms "#{test_dir}/permissions/$perms"
touch -t #{some_date} "#{test_dir}/permissions/"*
sudo chown #{user}:#{user} "#{test_dir}/permissions/"*
2016-10-07 19:31:03 +01:00
# Awkward extended attribute testcases.
config.vm.provision :shell, privileged: false, inline: <<-EOF
set -xe
mkdir "#{test_dir}/attributes"
touch "#{test_dir}/attributes/none"
touch "#{test_dir}/attributes/one"
setfattr -n user.greeting -v hello "#{test_dir}/attributes/one"
touch "#{test_dir}/attributes/two"
setfattr -n user.greeting -v hello "#{test_dir}/attributes/two"
setfattr -n user.another_greeting -v hi "#{test_dir}/attributes/two"
#touch "#{test_dir}/attributes/forbidden"
#setfattr -n user.greeting -v hello "#{test_dir}/attributes/forbidden"
#chmod +a "$YOU deny readextattr" "#{test_dir}/attributes/forbidden"
mkdir "#{test_dir}/attributes/dirs"
mkdir "#{test_dir}/attributes/dirs/empty-with-attribute"
setfattr -n user.greeting -v hello "#{test_dir}/attributes/dirs/empty-with-attribute"
mkdir "#{test_dir}/attributes/dirs/full-with-attribute"
touch "#{test_dir}/attributes/dirs/full-with-attribute/file"
setfattr -n user.greeting -v hello "#{test_dir}/attributes/dirs/full-with-attribute"
mkdir "#{test_dir}/attributes/dirs/full-but-forbidden"
touch "#{test_dir}/attributes/dirs/full-but-forbidden/file"
#setfattr -n user.greeting -v hello "#{test_dir}/attributes/dirs/full-but-forbidden"
#chmod 000 "#{test_dir}/attributes/dirs/full-but-forbidden"
#chmod +a "$YOU deny readextattr" "#{test_dir}/attributes/dirs/full-but-forbidden"
2017-04-28 19:34:23 +01:00
touch -t #{some_date} "#{test_dir}/attributes"
2016-10-07 19:31:03 +01:00
touch -t #{some_date} "#{test_dir}/attributes/"*
touch -t #{some_date} "#{test_dir}/attributes/dirs/"*
touch -t #{some_date} "#{test_dir}/attributes/dirs/"*/*
2017-04-28 19:34:23 +01:00
sudo chown #{user}:#{user} -R "#{test_dir}/attributes"
2016-10-07 19:31:03 +01:00