
142 lines
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use std::ptr::read;
use std::ptr;
2014-11-23 21:29:11 +00:00
use std::collections::HashMap;
mod c {
extern crate libc;
pub use self::libc::{
2014-09-22 19:12:07 +00:00
pub struct c_passwd {
pub pw_name: *const c_char, // login name
pub pw_passwd: *const c_char,
pub pw_uid: c_int, // user ID
pub pw_gid: c_int, // group ID
pub pw_change: time_t,
pub pw_class: *const c_char,
pub pw_gecos: *const c_char, // full name
pub pw_dir: *const c_char, // login dir
pub pw_shell: *const c_char, // login shell
pub pw_expire: time_t, // password expiry time
2014-09-22 19:12:07 +00:00
pub struct c_group {
pub gr_name: *const c_char, // group name
pub gr_passwd: *const c_char, // password
pub gr_gid: gid_t, // group id
pub gr_mem: *const *const c_char, // names of users in the group
extern {
pub fn getpwuid(uid: c_int) -> *const c_passwd;
pub fn getgrgid(gid: uid_t) -> *const c_group;
2014-05-27 18:05:15 +00:00
pub fn getuid() -> libc::c_int;
pub struct Unix {
user_names: HashMap<u32, Option<String>>, // mapping of user IDs to user names
group_names: HashMap<u32, Option<String>>, // mapping of groups IDs to group names
groups: HashMap<u32, bool>, // mapping of group IDs to whether the current user is a member
pub uid: u32, // current user's ID
pub username: String, // current user's name
impl Unix {
pub fn empty_cache() -> Unix {
let uid = unsafe { c::getuid() };
let infoptr = unsafe { c::getpwuid(uid as i32) };
2014-09-22 19:12:07 +00:00
let info = unsafe { infoptr.as_ref().unwrap() }; // the user has to have a name
2014-11-25 01:29:33 +00:00
let username = unsafe { String::from_raw_buf(info.pw_name as *const u8) };
let mut user_names = HashMap::new();
user_names.insert(uid as u32, Some(username.clone()));
// Unix groups work like this: every group has a list of
// users, referred to by their names. But, every user also has
// a primary group, which isn't in this list. So handle this
// case immediately after we look up the user's details.
let mut groups = HashMap::new();
groups.insert(info.pw_gid as u32, true);
Unix {
user_names: user_names,
group_names: HashMap::new(),
uid: uid as u32,
username: username,
groups: groups,
pub fn get_user_name(&self, uid: u32) -> Option<String> {
pub fn get_group_name(&self, gid: u32) -> Option<String> {
pub fn is_group_member(&self, gid: u32) -> bool {
pub fn load_user(&mut self, uid: u32) {
let pw = unsafe { c::getpwuid(uid as i32) };
if pw.is_not_null() {
2014-11-25 01:29:33 +00:00
let username = unsafe { Some(String::from_raw_buf(read(pw).pw_name as *const u8)) };
self.user_names.insert(uid, username);
else {
self.user_names.insert(uid, None);
fn group_membership(group: *const *const c::c_char, uname: &String) -> bool {
let mut i = 0;
// The list of members is a pointer to a pointer of
2014-11-25 20:50:23 +00:00
// characters, terminated by a null pointer.
loop {
match unsafe { group.offset(i).as_ref() } {
Some(&username) => {
if username == ptr::null() {
2014-11-25 20:50:23 +00:00
return false; // username was null, weird
2014-11-25 01:29:33 +00:00
else if unsafe { String::from_raw_buf(username as *const u8) } == *uname {
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return true; // group found!
else {
2014-11-25 20:50:23 +00:00
i += 1; // try again with the next group
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None => return false, // no more groups to check, and none found
pub fn load_group(&mut self, gid: u32) {
2014-09-22 19:12:07 +00:00
match unsafe { c::getgrgid(gid).as_ref() } {
None => {
2014-11-23 21:29:11 +00:00
self.group_names.insert(gid, None);
self.groups.insert(gid, false);
Some(r) => {
2014-11-25 01:29:33 +00:00
let group_name = unsafe { Some(String::from_raw_buf(r.gr_name as *const u8)) };
if !self.groups.contains_key(&gid) {
self.groups.insert(gid, Unix::group_membership(r.gr_mem, &self.username));
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2014-11-23 21:29:11 +00:00
self.group_names.insert(gid, group_name);
2014-11-25 20:50:23 +00:00