
250 lines
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Raw Normal View History

// Provide standard values for the eight standard colours and custom
// values for up to 256. There are terminals that can do the full RGB
// spectrum, but for something as simple as discerning file types this
// doesn't really seem worth it.
// Bear in mind that the first eight (and their bold variants) are
// user-definable and can look different on different terminals, but
// the other 256 have their values fixed. Prefer using a fixed grey,
// such as Fixed(244), to bold black, as bold black looks really weird
// on some terminals.
2014-05-03 10:30:37 +00:00
pub enum Colour {
Black, Red, Green, Yellow, Blue, Purple, Cyan, White, Fixed(u8),
// These are the standard numeric sequences.
// See http://invisible-island.net/xterm/ctlseqs/ctlseqs.html
impl Colour {
fn foreground_code(&self) -> String {
match *self {
Black => "30".to_string(),
Red => "31".to_string(),
Green => "32".to_string(),
Yellow => "33".to_string(),
Blue => "34".to_string(),
Purple => "35".to_string(),
Cyan => "36".to_string(),
White => "37".to_string(),
Fixed(num) => format!("38;5;{}", num),
fn background_code(&self) -> String {
match *self {
Black => "40".to_string(),
Red => "41".to_string(),
Green => "42".to_string(),
Yellow => "43".to_string(),
Blue => "44".to_string(),
Purple => "45".to_string(),
Cyan => "46".to_string(),
White => "47".to_string(),
Fixed(num) => format!("48;5;{}", num),
2014-05-03 10:30:37 +00:00
2014-05-26 19:24:51 +00:00
// There are only three different styles: plain (no formatting), only
// a foreground colour, and a catch-all for anything more complicated
// than that. It's technically possible to write other cases such as
// "bold foreground", but probably isn't worth writing all the code.
2014-05-03 10:30:37 +00:00
pub enum Style {
2014-05-26 19:24:51 +00:00
// Having a struct inside an enum is currently unfinished in Rust, but
// should be put in there when that feature is complete.
2014-05-04 20:35:10 +00:00
pub struct StyleStruct {
2014-05-03 10:30:37 +00:00
foreground: Colour,
background: Option<Colour>,
bold: bool,
underline: bool,
impl Style {
2014-05-26 10:08:33 +00:00
pub fn paint(&self, input: &str) -> String {
2014-05-03 10:30:37 +00:00
match *self {
Plain => input.to_string(),
2014-05-03 10:30:37 +00:00
Foreground(c) => c.paint(input),
Style(s) => match s {
StyleStruct { foreground, background, bold, underline } => {
let bg = match background {
Some(c) => format!("{};", c.background_code()),
None => "".to_string()
2014-05-03 10:30:37 +00:00
let bo = if bold { "1;" } else { "" };
let un = if underline { "4;" } else { "" };
let painted = format!("\x1B[{}{}{}{}m{}\x1B[0m", bo, un, bg, foreground.foreground_code(), input.to_string());
return painted.to_string();
2014-05-03 10:30:37 +00:00
impl Style {
pub fn bold(&self) -> Style {
match *self {
2014-05-26 19:24:51 +00:00
Plain => Style(StyleStruct { foreground: White, background: None, bold: true, underline: false }),
Foreground(c) => Style(StyleStruct { foreground: c, background: None, bold: true, underline: false }),
Style(st) => Style(StyleStruct { foreground: st.foreground, background: st.background, bold: true, underline: st.underline }),
2014-05-03 10:30:37 +00:00
pub fn underline(&self) -> Style {
match *self {
Plain => Style(StyleStruct { foreground: White, background: None, bold: false, underline: true }),
Foreground(c) => Style(StyleStruct { foreground: c, background: None, bold: false, underline: true }),
Style(st) => Style(StyleStruct { foreground: st.foreground, background: st.background, bold: st.bold, underline: true }),
2014-05-03 10:30:37 +00:00
pub fn on(&self, background: Colour) -> Style {
match *self {
Plain => Style(StyleStruct { foreground: White, background: Some(background), bold: false, underline: false }),
Foreground(c) => Style(StyleStruct { foreground: c, background: Some(background), bold: false, underline: false }),
Style(st) => Style(StyleStruct { foreground: st.foreground, background: Some(background), bold: st.bold, underline: st.underline }),
2014-05-03 10:30:37 +00:00
impl Colour {
2014-05-26 19:24:51 +00:00
// This is a short-cut so you don't have to use Blue.normal() just
// to turn Blue into a Style. Annoyingly, this means that Blue and
// Blue.normal() aren't of the same type, but this hasn't been an
// issue so far.
2014-05-26 10:08:33 +00:00
pub fn paint(&self, input: &str) -> String {
let re = format!("\x1B[{}m{}\x1B[0m", self.foreground_code(), input);
return re.to_string();
2014-05-03 10:30:37 +00:00
pub fn underline(&self) -> Style {
Style(StyleStruct { foreground: *self, background: None, bold: false, underline: true })
pub fn bold(&self) -> Style {
Style(StyleStruct { foreground: *self, background: None, bold: true, underline: false })
pub fn normal(&self) -> Style {
Style(StyleStruct { foreground: *self, background: None, bold: false, underline: false })
pub fn on(&self, background: Colour) -> Style {
Style(StyleStruct { foreground: *self, background: Some(background), bold: false, underline: false })
2014-05-26 10:08:33 +00:00
pub fn strip_formatting(input: &String) -> String {
let re = regex!("\x1B\\[.+?m");
re.replace_all(input.as_slice(), "").to_string()
fn test_red() {
let hi = Red.paint("hi");
assert!(hi == "\x1B[31mhi\x1B[0m".to_string());
fn test_black() {
let hi = Black.normal().paint("hi");
assert!(hi == "\x1B[30mhi\x1B[0m".to_string());
fn test_yellow_bold() {
let hi = Yellow.bold().paint("hi");
assert!(hi == "\x1B[1;33mhi\x1B[0m".to_string());
fn test_yellow_bold_2() {
let hi = Yellow.normal().bold().paint("hi");
assert!(hi == "\x1B[1;33mhi\x1B[0m".to_string());
fn test_blue_underline() {
let hi = Blue.underline().paint("hi");
assert!(hi == "\x1B[4;34mhi\x1B[0m".to_string());
fn test_green_bold_underline() {
let hi = Green.bold().underline().paint("hi");
assert!(hi == "\x1B[1;4;32mhi\x1B[0m".to_string());
fn test_green_bold_underline_2() {
let hi = Green.underline().bold().paint("hi");
assert!(hi == "\x1B[1;4;32mhi\x1B[0m".to_string());
fn test_purple_on_white() {
let hi = Purple.on(White).paint("hi");
assert!(hi == "\x1B[47;35mhi\x1B[0m".to_string());
fn test_purple_on_white_2() {
let hi = Purple.normal().on(White).paint("hi");
assert!(hi == "\x1B[47;35mhi\x1B[0m".to_string());
fn test_cyan_bold_on_white() {
let hi = Cyan.bold().on(White).paint("hi");
assert!(hi == "\x1B[1;47;36mhi\x1B[0m".to_string());
fn test_cyan_underline_on_white() {
let hi = Cyan.underline().on(White).paint("hi");
assert!(hi == "\x1B[4;47;36mhi\x1B[0m".to_string());
fn test_cyan_bold_underline_on_white() {
let hi = Cyan.bold().underline().on(White).paint("hi");
assert!(hi == "\x1B[1;4;47;36mhi\x1B[0m".to_string());
fn test_cyan_underline_bold_on_white() {
let hi = Cyan.underline().bold().on(White).paint("hi");
assert!(hi == "\x1B[1;4;47;36mhi\x1B[0m".to_string());
fn test_fixed() {
let hi = Fixed(100).paint("hi");
assert!(hi == "\x1B[38;5;100mhi\x1B[0m".to_string());
fn test_fixed_on_purple() {
let hi = Fixed(100).on(Purple).paint("hi");
assert!(hi == "\x1B[45;38;5;100mhi\x1B[0m".to_string());
fn test_fixed_on_fixed() {
let hi = Fixed(100).on(Fixed(200)).paint("hi");
assert!(hi == "\x1B[48;5;200;38;5;100mhi\x1B[0m".to_string());