2017-04-28 19:36:42 +01:00
Vagrant.configure(2) do |config|
2017-09-30 15:23:55 +02:00
# We use Ubuntu instead of Debian because the image comes with two-way
# shared folder support by default.
2020-10-10 00:21:20 +01:00
UBUNTU = 'hashicorp/bionic64'
2017-09-30 15:23:55 +02:00
2020-10-10 00:21:20 +01:00
config.vm.define(:exa) do |config|
2017-04-28 19:36:42 +01:00
config.vm.provider :virtualbox do |v|
2017-09-30 15:23:55 +02:00
v.name = 'exa'
2020-01-19 00:37:24 +00:00
v.memory = 2048
2020-10-10 00:21:20 +01:00
v.cpus = `nproc`.chomp.to_i
2020-01-19 00:37:24 +00:00
config.vm.provider :vmware_desktop do |v|
v.vmx['memsize'] = '2048'
2020-10-10 00:21:20 +01:00
v.vmx['numvcpus'] = `nproc`.chomp
2016-10-07 19:31:03 +01:00
2017-09-30 15:23:55 +02:00
config.vm.box = UBUNTU
config.vm.hostname = 'exa'
2017-05-06 19:38:34 +01:00
2017-04-28 19:36:42 +01:00
2017-09-30 15:23:55 +02:00
# Make sure we know the VM image’s default user name. The ‘cassowary’ user
# (specified later) is used for most of the test *output*, but we still
# need to know where the ‘target’ and ‘.cargo’ directories go.
2018-09-26 21:25:50 +01:00
developer = 'vagrant'
2016-10-07 19:31:03 +01:00
2017-04-28 19:34:23 +01:00
2017-04-30 11:06:52 +01:00
# Install the dependencies needed for exa to build, as quietly as
# apt can do.
2017-05-06 20:34:59 +01:00
config.vm.provision :shell, privileged: true, inline: <<-EOF
2020-10-16 23:41:25 +01:00
trap 'exit' ERR
2017-09-30 15:23:55 +02:00
apt-get update
apt-get install -qq -o=Dpkg::Use-Pty=0 -y \
git cmake curl attr libgit2-dev zip \
fish zsh bash bash-completion
2017-05-06 20:34:59 +01:00
2017-04-28 19:34:23 +01:00
2016-10-07 19:31:03 +01:00
# Guarantee that the timezone is UTC -- some of the tests
# depend on this (for now).
config.vm.provision :shell, privileged: true, inline:
2017-09-30 15:23:55 +02:00
%[timedatectl set-timezone UTC]
2016-10-07 19:31:03 +01:00
2017-04-28 19:34:23 +01:00
2016-10-07 19:31:03 +01:00
# Install Rust.
# This is done as vagrant, not root, because it’s vagrant
# who actually uses it. Sent to /dev/null because the progress
2017-04-28 19:34:23 +01:00
# bar produces a ton of output.
2019-07-13 20:15:44 +01:00
config.vm.provision :shell, privileged: false, inline: <<-EOF
if hash rustc &>/dev/null; then
echo "Rust is already installed"
2020-10-16 23:41:25 +01:00
trap 'exit' ERR
2019-07-13 20:15:44 +01:00
curl --proto '=https' --tlsv1.2 -sSf https://sh.rustup.rs | sh -s -- -y
2020-10-16 23:41:25 +01:00
source $HOME/.cargo/env
2020-10-10 00:57:20 +01:00
cargo install cargo-hack
2019-07-13 20:15:44 +01:00
2016-10-07 19:31:03 +01:00
2017-04-28 19:34:23 +01:00
Replace Makefile with a developmental Justfile
This commit deletes the Makefile, which contained targets to build exa and install it on the local machine, and replaces it with a Justfile, which only contains command to build and test exa.
My reasoning for doing this is as follows:
• exa is increasingly being installed through package managers, rather than built and tested locally, so users are avoiding using the Makefile at all.
• It was a pain to keep up with the correct paths for installing the binary, man pages, and completions, which can vary between OSes. By removing them, the code in this repository need only concern itself with building exa and putting its files in the 'target' directory, simplifying things.
• just is much simpler than make conceptually, which is why I prefer it. It just runs commands, rather than being a complete build system, which we already use Cargo for.
• just has features built-in, such as listing tasks, that we've had to create make targets for.
• exa only needed a Makefile at all because it pre-dates Cargo!
• Other Rust projects seem to be getting along perfectly fine without one.
If I've missed some important reason that makes it worth keeping the Makefile around then please let me know.
2020-10-10 00:47:17 +01:00
# Install Just, the command runner.
config.vm.provision :shell, privileged: true, inline: <<-EOF
if hash just &>/dev/null; then
echo "just is already installed"
wget "https://github.com/casey/just/releases/download/v0.8.0/just-v0.8.0-x86_64-unknown-linux-musl.tar.gz"
tar -xf "just-v0.8.0-x86_64-unknown-linux-musl.tar.gz"
cp just /usr/local/bin
2016-10-07 19:31:03 +01:00
# Use a different ‘target’ directory on the VM than on the host.
# By default it just uses the one in /vagrant/target, which can
# cause problems if it has different permissions than the other
# directories, or contains object files compiled for the host.
2017-08-19 17:59:52 +01:00
config.vm.provision :shell, privileged: true, inline: <<-EOF
2017-09-30 15:23:55 +02:00
echo 'PATH="/usr/local/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/bin:/sbin:/bin:/home/#{developer}/.cargo/bin"' > /etc/environment
echo 'CARGO_TARGET_DIR="/home/#{developer}/target"' >> /etc/environment
2017-05-06 20:34:59 +01:00
2017-08-19 17:59:52 +01:00
# Create a variety of misc scripts.
2017-05-06 20:34:59 +01:00
config.vm.provision :shell, privileged: true, inline: <<-EOF
2020-10-16 23:41:25 +01:00
trap 'exit' ERR
2017-05-07 20:25:53 +01:00
2017-10-02 10:22:50 +02:00
ln -sf /vagrant/devtools/dev-run-debug.sh /usr/bin/exa
ln -sf /vagrant/devtools/dev-run-release.sh /usr/bin/rexa
2017-08-26 15:13:19 +01:00
2017-10-02 10:22:50 +02:00
echo -e "#!/bin/sh\ncargo build --manifest-path /vagrant/Cargo.toml \\$@" > /usr/bin/build-exa
2017-09-30 15:23:55 +02:00
ln -sf /usr/bin/build-exa /usr/bin/b
2017-08-26 15:13:19 +01:00
Inline the library into the binary
This commit removes the library portion of exa. Cargo now only builds a binary.
The original intent was for exa to have its own internal library, and have the binary just call the library. This is usually done for code cleanliness reasons: it separates the code that implements the purpose of the program (the "plumbing") from the code that the user interacts with (the "porcelain"), ensuring a well-defined interface between the two.
However, in exa, this split was in completely the wrong place. Logging was handled in the binary, but option parsing was handled in the library. The library could theoretically print to any Writer ("for testing", it said), but it's far easier to run integration tests by executing the binary than to change the code to handle unit tests, so this abstraction isn't gaining us anything.
I've also had several people ask me if exa should be packaged for Linux distributions as a library, or just a binary. Clearly, this is confusing!
In several of my other Rust projects, I've done this better, with the command-line option parsing and log printing done on the binary side. It also turns out that you don't need to have a [lib] section in the Cargo.toml, so that's gone too.
2020-10-10 01:43:42 +01:00
echo -e "#!/bin/sh\ncargo test --manifest-path /vagrant/Cargo.toml \\$@ -- --quiet" > /usr/bin/test-exa
2017-09-30 15:23:55 +02:00
ln -sf /usr/bin/test-exa /usr/bin/t
2017-08-26 15:13:19 +01:00
2017-09-30 15:23:55 +02:00
echo -e "#!/bin/sh\n/vagrant/xtests/run.sh" > /usr/bin/run-xtests
ln -sf /usr/bin/run-xtests /usr/bin/x
2017-08-19 17:59:52 +01:00
2017-09-30 15:23:55 +02:00
echo -e "#!/bin/sh\nbuild-exa && test-exa && run-xtests" > /usr/bin/compile-exa
ln -sf /usr/bin/compile-exa /usr/bin/c
2017-08-20 18:19:58 +01:00
2017-10-08 20:44:34 +01:00
echo -e "#!/bin/sh\nbash /vagrant/devtools/dev-package-for-linux.sh \\$@" > /usr/bin/package-exa
echo -e "#!/bin/sh\ncat /etc/motd" > /usr/bin/halp
2017-08-26 15:13:19 +01:00
2017-10-02 10:26:39 +02:00
chmod +x /usr/bin/{exa,rexa,b,t,x,c,build-exa,test-exa,run-xtests,compile-exa,package-exa,halp}
2017-08-19 17:59:52 +01:00
2017-08-26 15:13:19 +01:00
2017-10-01 09:49:45 +02:00
# Configure the welcoming text that gets shown.
2017-08-19 17:59:52 +01:00
config.vm.provision :shell, privileged: true, inline: <<-EOF
2020-10-16 23:41:25 +01:00
trap 'exit' ERR
2017-09-30 15:23:55 +02:00
rm -f /etc/update-motd.d/*
2017-10-01 09:49:45 +02:00
# Capture the help text so it gets displayed first
bash /vagrant/devtools/dev-help.sh > /etc/motd
# Tell bash to execute a bunch of stuff when a session starts
2018-09-26 21:25:50 +01:00
echo "source /vagrant/devtools/dev-bash.sh" > /home/#{developer}/.bash_profile
2019-07-13 20:15:44 +01:00
chown #{developer} /home/#{developer}/.bash_profile
2017-09-30 15:23:55 +02:00
# Disable last login date in sshd
sed -i '/PrintLastLog yes/c\PrintLastLog no' /etc/ssh/sshd_config
systemctl restart sshd
2017-05-06 19:07:29 +01:00
2017-04-28 19:34:23 +01:00
2017-05-06 20:34:59 +01:00
# Link the completion files so they’re “installed”.
config.vm.provision :shell, privileged: true, inline: <<-EOF
2020-10-16 23:41:25 +01:00
trap 'exit' ERR
2017-05-07 20:25:53 +01:00
2017-09-30 15:23:55 +02:00
test -h /etc/bash_completion.d/exa \
|| ln -s /vagrant/contrib/completions.bash /etc/bash_completion.d/exa
2017-05-06 21:56:40 +01:00
2017-09-30 15:23:55 +02:00
test -h /usr/share/zsh/vendor-completions/_exa \
|| ln -s /vagrant/contrib/completions.zsh /usr/share/zsh/vendor-completions/_exa
2017-05-06 20:50:24 +01:00
2017-09-30 15:23:55 +02:00
test -h /usr/share/fish/completions/exa.fish \
|| ln -s /vagrant/contrib/completions.fish /usr/share/fish/completions/exa.fish
2017-05-06 20:34:59 +01:00
2017-05-07 20:25:53 +01:00
# Install kcov for test coverage
# This doesn’t run coverage over the xtests so it’s less useful for now
2017-09-30 15:23:55 +02:00
config.vm.provision :shell, privileged: false, inline: <<-EOF
2020-10-16 23:41:25 +01:00
trap 'exit' ERR
2017-09-30 15:23:55 +02:00
test -e ~/.cargo/bin/cargo-kcov \
|| cargo install cargo-kcov
sudo apt-get install -qq -o=Dpkg::Use-Pty=0 -y \
cmake g++ pkg-config \
libcurl4-openssl-dev libdw-dev binutils-dev libiberty-dev
cargo kcov --print-install-kcov-sh | sudo sh
2020-10-16 23:41:25 +01:00
config.vm.provision :shell, privileged: true, path: 'devtools/dev-set-up-environment.sh'
config.vm.provision :shell, privileged: false, path: 'devtools/dev-create-test-filesystem.sh'
2017-09-30 15:23:55 +02:00
2016-10-07 19:31:03 +01:00