mirror of
synced 2024-12-28 02:35:03 +00:00
Minor whitespace changes
This commit is contained in:
@ -52,12 +52,12 @@ impl Git {
/// The character to display if the file has been modified, but not staged.
fn working_tree_status(status: git2::Status) -> file::GitStatus {
match status {
s if s.contains(git2::STATUS_WT_NEW) => file::GitStatus::New,
s if s.contains(git2::STATUS_WT_MODIFIED) => file::GitStatus::Modified,
s if s.contains(git2::STATUS_WT_DELETED) => file::GitStatus::Deleted,
s if s.contains(git2::STATUS_WT_RENAMED) => file::GitStatus::Renamed,
s if s.contains(git2::STATUS_WT_TYPECHANGE) => file::GitStatus::TypeChange,
_ => file::GitStatus::NotModified,
s if s.contains(git2::STATUS_WT_NEW) => file::GitStatus::New,
s if s.contains(git2::STATUS_WT_MODIFIED) => file::GitStatus::Modified,
s if s.contains(git2::STATUS_WT_DELETED) => file::GitStatus::Deleted,
s if s.contains(git2::STATUS_WT_RENAMED) => file::GitStatus::Renamed,
s if s.contains(git2::STATUS_WT_TYPECHANGE) => file::GitStatus::TypeChange,
_ => file::GitStatus::NotModified,
@ -65,11 +65,11 @@ fn working_tree_status(status: git2::Status) -> file::GitStatus {
/// has been staged.
fn index_status(status: git2::Status) -> file::GitStatus {
match status {
s if s.contains(git2::STATUS_INDEX_NEW) => file::GitStatus::New,
s if s.contains(git2::STATUS_INDEX_MODIFIED) => file::GitStatus::Modified,
s if s.contains(git2::STATUS_INDEX_DELETED) => file::GitStatus::Deleted,
s if s.contains(git2::STATUS_INDEX_RENAMED) => file::GitStatus::Renamed,
s if s.contains(git2::STATUS_INDEX_TYPECHANGE) => file::GitStatus::TypeChange,
_ => file::GitStatus::NotModified,
s if s.contains(git2::STATUS_INDEX_NEW) => file::GitStatus::New,
s if s.contains(git2::STATUS_INDEX_MODIFIED) => file::GitStatus::Modified,
s if s.contains(git2::STATUS_INDEX_DELETED) => file::GitStatus::Deleted,
s if s.contains(git2::STATUS_INDEX_RENAMED) => file::GitStatus::Renamed,
s if s.contains(git2::STATUS_INDEX_TYPECHANGE) => file::GitStatus::TypeChange,
_ => file::GitStatus::NotModified,
@ -135,17 +135,17 @@ impl FileFilter {
match self.sort_field {
SortField::Unsorted => {},
SortField::Name => files.sort_by(|a, b| natord::compare(&*a.name, &*b.name)),
SortField::Size => files.sort_by(|a, b| a.stat.len().cmp(&b.stat.len())),
SortField::FileInode => files.sort_by(|a, b| a.stat.as_raw().ino().cmp(&b.stat.as_raw().ino())),
SortField::Extension => files.sort_by(|a, b| match a.ext.cmp(&b.ext) {
Ordering::Equal => natord::compare(&*a.name, &*b.name),
order => order
SortField::Unsorted => {},
SortField::Name => files.sort_by(|a, b| natord::compare(&*a.name, &*b.name)),
SortField::Size => files.sort_by(|a, b| a.stat.len().cmp(&b.stat.len())),
SortField::FileInode => files.sort_by(|a, b| a.stat.as_raw().ino().cmp(&b.stat.as_raw().ino())),
SortField::ModifiedDate => files.sort_by(|a, b| a.stat.as_raw().mtime().cmp(&b.stat.as_raw().mtime())),
SortField::AccessedDate => files.sort_by(|a, b| a.stat.as_raw().atime().cmp(&b.stat.as_raw().atime())),
SortField::CreatedDate => files.sort_by(|a, b| a.stat.as_raw().ctime().cmp(&b.stat.as_raw().ctime())),
SortField::Extension => files.sort_by(|a, b| match a.ext.cmp(&b.ext) {
Ordering::Equal => natord::compare(&*a.name, &*b.name),
order => order,
SortField::ModifiedDate => files.sort_by(|a, b| a.stat.as_raw().mtime().cmp(&b.stat.as_raw().mtime())),
SortField::AccessedDate => files.sort_by(|a, b| a.stat.as_raw().atime().cmp(&b.stat.as_raw().atime())),
SortField::CreatedDate => files.sort_by(|a, b| a.stat.as_raw().ctime().cmp(&b.stat.as_raw().ctime())),
if self.reverse {
@ -171,15 +171,15 @@ impl SortField {
/// Find which field to use based on a user-supplied word.
fn from_word(word: String) -> Result<SortField, Misfire> {
match &word[..] {
"name" | "filename" => Ok(SortField::Name),
"size" | "filesize" => Ok(SortField::Size),
"ext" | "extension" => Ok(SortField::Extension),
"mod" | "modified" => Ok(SortField::ModifiedDate),
"acc" | "accessed" => Ok(SortField::AccessedDate),
"cr" | "created" => Ok(SortField::CreatedDate),
"none" => Ok(SortField::Unsorted),
"inode" => Ok(SortField::FileInode),
field => Err(SortField::none(field))
"name" | "filename" => Ok(SortField::Name),
"size" | "filesize" => Ok(SortField::Size),
"ext" | "extension" => Ok(SortField::Extension),
"mod" | "modified" => Ok(SortField::ModifiedDate),
"acc" | "accessed" => Ok(SortField::AccessedDate),
"cr" | "created" => Ok(SortField::CreatedDate),
"none" => Ok(SortField::Unsorted),
"inode" => Ok(SortField::FileInode),
field => Err(SortField::none(field))
@ -229,14 +229,14 @@ impl Misfire {
impl fmt::Display for Misfire {
fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter) -> fmt::Result {
match *self {
InvalidOptions(ref e) => write!(f, "{}", e),
Help(ref text) => write!(f, "{}", text),
Version => write!(f, "exa {}", env!("CARGO_PKG_VERSION")),
Conflict(a, b) => write!(f, "Option --{} conflicts with option {}.", a, b),
Useless(a, false, b) => write!(f, "Option --{} is useless without option --{}.", a, b),
Useless(a, true, b) => write!(f, "Option --{} is useless given option --{}.", a, b),
Useless2(a, b1, b2) => write!(f, "Option --{} is useless without options --{} or --{}.", a, b1, b2),
FailedParse(ref e) => write!(f, "Failed to parse number: {}", e),
InvalidOptions(ref e) => write!(f, "{}", e),
Help(ref text) => write!(f, "{}", text),
Version => write!(f, "exa {}", env!("CARGO_PKG_VERSION")),
Conflict(a, b) => write!(f, "Option --{} conflicts with option {}.", a, b),
Useless(a, false, b) => write!(f, "Option --{} is useless without option --{}.", a, b),
Useless(a, true, b) => write!(f, "Option --{} is useless given option --{}.", a, b),
Useless2(a, b1, b2) => write!(f, "Option --{} is useless without options --{} or --{}.", a, b1, b2),
FailedParse(ref e) => write!(f, "Failed to parse number: {}", e),
@ -349,10 +349,10 @@ impl SizeFormat {
let bytes = matches.opt_present("bytes");
match (binary, bytes) {
(true, true ) => Err(Misfire::Conflict("binary", "bytes")),
(true, false) => Ok(SizeFormat::BinaryBytes),
(false, true ) => Ok(SizeFormat::JustBytes),
(false, false) => Ok(SizeFormat::DecimalBytes),
(true, true ) => Err(Misfire::Conflict("binary", "bytes")),
(true, false) => Ok(SizeFormat::BinaryBytes),
(false, true ) => Ok(SizeFormat::JustBytes),
(false, false) => Ok(SizeFormat::DecimalBytes),
@ -367,9 +367,9 @@ pub enum TimeType {
impl TimeType {
pub fn header(&self) -> &'static str {
match *self {
TimeType::FileAccessed => "Date Accessed",
TimeType::FileModified => "Date Modified",
TimeType::FileCreated => "Date Created",
TimeType::FileAccessed => "Date Accessed",
TimeType::FileModified => "Date Modified",
TimeType::FileCreated => "Date Created",
@ -439,12 +439,12 @@ impl DirAction {
let tree = matches.opt_present("tree");
match (recurse, list, tree) {
(true, true, _ ) => Err(Misfire::Conflict("recurse", "list-dirs")),
(_, true, true ) => Err(Misfire::Conflict("tree", "list-dirs")),
(true, false, false) => Ok(DirAction::Recurse(try!(RecurseOptions::deduce(matches, false)))),
(_ , _, true ) => Ok(DirAction::Recurse(try!(RecurseOptions::deduce(matches, true)))),
(false, true, _ ) => Ok(DirAction::AsFile),
(false, false, _ ) => Ok(DirAction::List),
(true, true, _ ) => Err(Misfire::Conflict("recurse", "list-dirs")),
(_, true, true ) => Err(Misfire::Conflict("tree", "list-dirs")),
(true, false, false) => Ok(DirAction::Recurse(try!(RecurseOptions::deduce(matches, false)))),
(_ , _, true ) => Ok(DirAction::Recurse(try!(RecurseOptions::deduce(matches, true)))),
(false, true, _ ) => Ok(DirAction::AsFile),
(false, false, _ ) => Ok(DirAction::List),
@ -142,7 +142,6 @@ impl Table {
users: OSUsers::empty_cache(),
colours: colours,
current_year: LocalDateTime::now().year(),
@ -173,7 +172,7 @@ impl Table {
children: file.this.is_some(),
/// Use the list of columns to find which cells should be produced for
@ -205,11 +204,11 @@ impl Table {
let file_type = match permissions.file_type {
Type::File => self.colours.filetypes.normal.paint("."),
Type::Directory => self.colours.filetypes.directory.paint("d"),
Type::Pipe => self.colours.filetypes.special.paint("|"),
Type::Link => self.colours.filetypes.symlink.paint("l"),
Type::Special => self.colours.filetypes.special.paint("?"),
Type::File => self.colours.filetypes.normal.paint("."),
Type::Directory => self.colours.filetypes.directory.paint("d"),
Type::Pipe => self.colours.filetypes.special.paint("|"),
Type::Link => self.colours.filetypes.symlink.paint("l"),
Type::Special => self.colours.filetypes.special.paint("?"),
let x_colour = if let Type::File = permissions.file_type { c.user_execute_file }
@ -244,8 +243,8 @@ impl Table {
fn render_blocks(&self, blocks: Blocks) -> Cell {
match blocks {
Blocks::Some(blocks) => Cell::paint(self.colours.blocks, &blocks.to_string()),
Blocks::None => Cell::paint(self.colours.punctuation, "-"),
Blocks::Some(blocks) => Cell::paint(self.colours.blocks, &blocks.to_string()),
Blocks::None => Cell::paint(self.colours.punctuation, "-"),
@ -256,14 +255,14 @@ impl Table {
fn render_size(&self, size: Size, size_format: SizeFormat) -> Cell {
if let Size::Some(offset) = size {
let result = match size_format {
SizeFormat::DecimalBytes => decimal_prefix(offset as f64),
SizeFormat::BinaryBytes => binary_prefix(offset as f64),
SizeFormat::JustBytes => return Cell::paint(self.colours.size.numbers, &self.numeric.format_int(offset)),
SizeFormat::DecimalBytes => decimal_prefix(offset as f64),
SizeFormat::BinaryBytes => binary_prefix(offset as f64),
SizeFormat::JustBytes => return Cell::paint(self.colours.size.numbers, &self.numeric.format_int(offset)),
match result {
Standalone(bytes) => Cell::paint(self.colours.size.numbers, &*bytes.to_string()),
Prefixed(prefix, n) => {
Standalone(bytes) => Cell::paint(self.colours.size.numbers, &*bytes.to_string()),
Prefixed(prefix, n) => {
let number = if n < 10f64 { self.numeric.format_float(n, 1) } else { self.numeric.format_int(n as isize) };
let symbol = prefix.symbol();
@ -295,12 +294,12 @@ impl Table {
fn render_git_status(&self, git: Git) -> Cell {
let render_char = |chr| {
match chr {
GitStatus::NotModified => self.colours.punctuation.paint("-"),
GitStatus::New => self.colours.git.renamed.paint("N"),
GitStatus::Modified => self.colours.git.renamed.paint("M"),
GitStatus::Deleted => self.colours.git.renamed.paint("D"),
GitStatus::Renamed => self.colours.git.renamed.paint("R"),
GitStatus::TypeChange => self.colours.git.renamed.paint("T"),
GitStatus::NotModified => self.colours.punctuation.paint("-"),
GitStatus::New => self.colours.git.renamed.paint("N"),
GitStatus::Modified => self.colours.git.renamed.paint("M"),
GitStatus::Deleted => self.colours.git.renamed.paint("D"),
GitStatus::Renamed => self.colours.git.renamed.paint("R"),
GitStatus::TypeChange => self.colours.git.renamed.paint("T"),
@ -312,8 +311,8 @@ impl Table {
fn render_user(&mut self, user: User) -> Cell {
let user_name = match self.users.get_user_by_uid(user.0) {
Some(user) => user.name,
None => user.0.to_string(),
Some(user) => user.name,
None => user.0.to_string(),
let style = if self.users.get_current_uid() == user.0 { self.colours.users.user_you }
@ -416,10 +415,10 @@ enum TreePart {
impl TreePart {
fn ascii_art(&self) -> &'static str {
match *self {
TreePart::Edge => "├──",
TreePart::Line => "│ ",
TreePart::Corner => "└──",
TreePart::Blank => " ",
TreePart::Edge => "├──",
TreePart::Line => "│ ",
TreePart::Corner => "└──",
TreePart::Blank => " ",
Reference in New Issue
Block a user