mirror of
synced 2025-01-27 23:58:25 +00:00
Merge branch 'specsheet'
This commit is contained in:
@ -152,9 +152,9 @@ checksum = "2448f6066e80e3bfc792e9c98bf705b4b0fc6e8ef5b43e5889aff0eaa9c58743"
name = "libgit2-sys"
version = "0.12.13+1.0.1"
version = "0.12.14+1.1.0"
source = "registry+https://github.com/rust-lang/crates.io-index"
checksum = "069eea34f76ec15f2822ccf78fe0cdb8c9016764d0a12865278585a74dbdeae5"
checksum = "8f25af58e6495f7caf2919d08f212de550cfa3ed2f5e744988938ea292b9f549"
dependencies = [
@ -247,9 +247,9 @@ checksum = "830b246a0e5f20af87141b25c173cd1b609bd7779a4617d6ec582abaf90870f3"
name = "openssl-src"
version = "111.11.0+1.1.1h"
version = "111.12.0+1.1.1h"
source = "registry+https://github.com/rust-lang/crates.io-index"
checksum = "380fe324132bea01f45239fadfec9343adb044615f29930d039bec1ae7b9fa5b"
checksum = "858a4132194f8570a7ee9eb8629e85b23cbc4565f2d4a162e87556e5956abf61"
dependencies = [
@ -285,9 +285,9 @@ checksum = "d4fd5641d01c8f18a23da7b6fe29298ff4b55afcccdf78973b24cf3175fee32e"
name = "pkg-config"
version = "0.3.18"
version = "0.3.19"
source = "registry+https://github.com/rust-lang/crates.io-index"
checksum = "d36492546b6af1463394d46f0c834346f31548646f6ba10849802c9c9a27ac33"
checksum = "3831453b3449ceb48b6d9c7ad7c96d5ea673e9b470a1dc578c2ce6521230884c"
name = "redox_syscall"
@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
all: build test
all-release: build-release test-release
all: build test xtests
all-release: build-release test-release xtests-release
# compiles the exa binary
@ -28,6 +28,15 @@ all-release: build-release test-release
cargo hack test --feature-powerset -- --quiet
# runs extended tests
# runs extended tests (using the release mode exa)
xtests/run.sh --release
# lints the code
touch src/main.rs
@ -1,5 +1,3 @@
require 'date'
Vagrant.configure(2) do |config|
# We use Ubuntu instead of Debian because the image comes with two-way
@ -31,20 +29,19 @@ Vagrant.configure(2) do |config|
# Install the dependencies needed for exa to build, as quietly as
# apt can do.
config.vm.provision :shell, privileged: true, inline: <<-EOF
trap 'exit' ERR
apt-get update
apt-get install -qq -o=Dpkg::Use-Pty=0 -y \
git cmake curl attr libgit2-dev zip \
fish zsh bash bash-completion
if hash fish &>/dev/null; then
echo "Tools are already installed"
trap 'exit' ERR
echo "Installing tools"
apt-get update -qq
apt-get install -qq -o=Dpkg::Use-Pty=0 \
git gcc curl attr libgit2-dev zip \
fish zsh bash bash-completion
# Guarantee that the timezone is UTC -- some of the tests
# depend on this (for now).
config.vm.provision :shell, privileged: true, inline:
%[timedatectl set-timezone UTC]
# Install Rust.
# This is done as vagrant, not root, because it’s vagrant
# who actually uses it. Sent to /dev/null because the progress
@ -54,38 +51,43 @@ Vagrant.configure(2) do |config|
echo "Rust is already installed"
trap 'exit' ERR
curl --proto '=https' --tlsv1.2 -sSf https://sh.rustup.rs | sh -s -- -y
echo "Installing Rust"
curl --proto '=https' --tlsv1.2 -sSf https://sh.rustup.rs | sh -s -- --profile minimal --component rustc,rust-std,cargo,clippy -y
source $HOME/.cargo/env
cargo install cargo-hack
cargo install -q cargo-hack
# Install Just, the command runner.
# Privileged installation and setup scripts.
config.vm.provision :shell, privileged: true, inline: <<-EOF
# Install Just, the command runner.
if hash just &>/dev/null; then
echo "just is already installed"
wget "https://github.com/casey/just/releases/download/v0.8.0/just-v0.8.0-x86_64-unknown-linux-musl.tar.gz"
trap 'exit' ERR
echo "Installing just"
wget -q "https://github.com/casey/just/releases/download/v0.8.0/just-v0.8.0-x86_64-unknown-linux-musl.tar.gz"
tar -xf "just-v0.8.0-x86_64-unknown-linux-musl.tar.gz"
cp just /usr/local/bin
# Use a different ‘target’ directory on the VM than on the host.
# By default it just uses the one in /vagrant/target, which can
# cause problems if it has different permissions than the other
# directories, or contains object files compiled for the host.
config.vm.provision :shell, privileged: true, inline: <<-EOF
# Guarantee that the timezone is UTC — some of the tests
# depend on this (for now).
timedatectl set-timezone UTC
# Use a different ‘target’ directory on the VM than on the host.
# By default it just uses the one in /vagrant/target, which can
# cause problems if it has different permissions than the other
# directories, or contains object files compiled for the host.
echo 'PATH="/usr/local/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/bin:/sbin:/bin:/home/#{developer}/.cargo/bin"' > /etc/environment
echo 'CARGO_TARGET_DIR="/home/#{developer}/target"' >> /etc/environment
# Create a variety of misc scripts.
config.vm.provision :shell, privileged: true, inline: <<-EOF
trap 'exit' ERR
# Create a variety of misc scripts.
ln -sf /vagrant/devtools/dev-run-debug.sh /usr/bin/exa
ln -sf /vagrant/devtools/dev-run-release.sh /usr/bin/rexa
@ -106,16 +108,12 @@ Vagrant.configure(2) do |config|
echo -e "#!/bin/sh\ncat /etc/motd" > /usr/bin/halp
chmod +x /usr/bin/{exa,rexa,b,t,x,c,build-exa,test-exa,run-xtests,compile-exa,package-exa,halp}
# Configure the welcoming text that gets shown.
config.vm.provision :shell, privileged: true, inline: <<-EOF
trap 'exit' ERR
rm -f /etc/update-motd.d/*
# Configure the welcoming text that gets shown:
# Capture the help text so it gets displayed first
rm -f /etc/update-motd.d/*
bash /vagrant/devtools/dev-help.sh > /etc/motd
# Tell bash to execute a bunch of stuff when a session starts
@ -125,19 +123,19 @@ Vagrant.configure(2) do |config|
# Disable last login date in sshd
sed -i '/PrintLastLog yes/c\PrintLastLog no' /etc/ssh/sshd_config
systemctl restart sshd
# Link the completion files so they’re “installed”.
config.vm.provision :shell, privileged: true, inline: <<-EOF
trap 'exit' ERR
# Link the completion files so they’re “installed”:
# bash
test -h /etc/bash_completion.d/exa \
|| ln -s /vagrant/contrib/completions.bash /etc/bash_completion.d/exa
# zsh
test -h /usr/share/zsh/vendor-completions/_exa \
|| ln -s /vagrant/contrib/completions.zsh /usr/share/zsh/vendor-completions/_exa
# fish
test -h /usr/share/fish/completions/exa.fish \
|| ln -s /vagrant/contrib/completions.fish /usr/share/fish/completions/exa.fish
@ -20,6 +20,7 @@ fi
sudo mkdir "$TEST_ROOT"
sudo chmod 777 "$TEST_ROOT"
sudo mkdir "$TEST_ROOT/empty"
# Awkward file size testcases.
@ -189,22 +190,26 @@ echo -e "\033[1m[ 8/13]\033[0m Creating date and time testcases"
# there’s no way to touch the created date of a file...
# so we have to do this the old-fashioned way!
# (and make sure these don't actually get listed)
touch -t $OLD_DATE "$TEST_ROOT/dates/peach"; sleep 1
touch -t $MED_DATE "$TEST_ROOT/dates/plum"; sleep 1
touch -t $NEW_DATE "$TEST_ROOT/dates/pear"
touch -t $FIXED_OLD_DATE "$TEST_ROOT/dates/peach"; sleep 1
touch -t $FIXED_MED_DATE "$TEST_ROOT/dates/plum"; sleep 1
touch -t $FIXED_NEW_DATE "$TEST_ROOT/dates/pear"
# modified dates
touch -t $OLD_DATE -m "$TEST_ROOT/dates/pear"
touch -t $MED_DATE -m "$TEST_ROOT/dates/peach"
touch -t $NEW_DATE -m "$TEST_ROOT/dates/plum"
touch -t $FIXED_OLD_DATE -m "$TEST_ROOT/dates/pear"
touch -t $FIXED_MED_DATE -m "$TEST_ROOT/dates/peach"
touch -t $FIXED_NEW_DATE -m "$TEST_ROOT/dates/plum"
# accessed dates
touch -t $OLD_DATE -a "$TEST_ROOT/dates/plum"
touch -t $MED_DATE -a "$TEST_ROOT/dates/pear"
touch -t $NEW_DATE -a "$TEST_ROOT/dates/peach"
touch -t $FIXED_OLD_DATE -a "$TEST_ROOT/dates/plum"
touch -t $FIXED_MED_DATE -a "$TEST_ROOT/dates/pear"
touch -t $FIXED_NEW_DATE -a "$TEST_ROOT/dates/peach"
sudo chown $FIXED_USER:$FIXED_USER -R "$TEST_ROOT/dates"
mkdir "$TEST_ROOT/far-dates"
touch -t $FIXED_PAST_DATE "$TEST_ROOT/far-dates/the-distant-past"
touch -t $FIXED_FUTURE_DATE "$TEST_ROOT/far-dates/beyond-the-future"
# Awkward extended attribute testcases.
# We need to test combinations of various numbers of files *and*
@ -302,6 +307,10 @@ mkdir "deeply/nested/repository"
cd "deeply/nested/repository"
git init >/dev/null
touch subfile
# This file, ‘subfile’, should _not_ be marked as a new file by exa, because
# it’s in the sub-repository but hasn’t been added to it. Were the sub-repo not
# present, it would be marked as a new file, as the top-level repo knows about
# the ‘deeply’ directory.
find "$TEST_ROOT/git2" -exec touch {} -t $FIXED_DATE \;
sudo chown $FIXED_USER:$FIXED_USER -R "$TEST_ROOT/git2"
@ -318,9 +327,7 @@ git init >/dev/null
ln -s aaa/aaa/a b
# This normally fails with:
# touch: cannot touch '/testcases/git3/b': No such file or directory
# but that’s expected (the file deliberately does not exist)
find "$TEST_ROOT/git3" -exec touch {} -t $FIXED_DATE \; 2>/dev/null
find "$TEST_ROOT/git3" -exec touch {} -h -t $FIXED_DATE \;
sudo chown $FIXED_USER:$FIXED_USER -R "$TEST_ROOT/git3"
@ -332,6 +339,7 @@ shopt -u dotglob
mkdir "$TEST_ROOT/hiddens"
cd "$TEST_ROOT/hiddens"
touch "$TEST_ROOT/hiddens/visible"
touch "$TEST_ROOT/hiddens/.hidden"
touch "$TEST_ROOT/hiddens/..extra-hidden"
@ -34,6 +34,10 @@ export FIXED_LONG_USER="antidisestablishmentarienism"
# A couple of dates, for date-time testing.
export OLD_DATE='200303030000.00'
export MED_DATE='200606152314.29' # the june gets used for fr_FR locale tests
export NEW_DATE='200912221038.53' # and the december for ja_JP local tests
export FIXED_OLD_DATE='200303030000.00'
export FIXED_MED_DATE='200606152314.29' # the june gets used for fr_FR locale tests
export FIXED_NEW_DATE='200912221038.53' # and the december for ja_JP local tests
# Dates that extend beyond 32-bit timespace.
export FIXED_PAST_DATE='170001010000.00'
export FIXED_FUTURE_DATE='230001010000.00'
@ -30,10 +30,26 @@ else
# set up locales
# locale generation
# remove most of this file, it slows down locale-gen
if grep -F -q "en_GB.UTF-8 UTF-8" /var/lib/locales/supported.d/en; then
echo "Removing existing locales"
echo "en_US.UTF-8 UTF-8" > /var/lib/locales/supported.d/en
# uncomment these from the config file
sudo sed -i '/fr_FR.UTF-8/s/^# //g' /etc/locale.gen
sudo sed -i '/ja_JP.UTF-8/s/^# //g' /etc/locale.gen
if grep -F -q "# fr_FR.UTF-8" /etc/locale.gen; then
sed -i '/fr_FR.UTF-8/s/^# //g' /etc/locale.gen
if grep -F -q "# ja_JP.UTF-8" /etc/locale.gen; then
sed -i '/ja_JP.UTF-8/s/^# //g' /etc/locale.gen
sudo locale-gen
# only regenerate locales if the config files are newer than the locale archive
if [[ ( /var/lib/locales/supported.d/en -nt /usr/lib/locale/locale-archive ) || \
( /etc/locale_gen -nt /usr/lib/locale/locale-archive ) ]]; then
echo "Locales already generated"
@ -1,4 +1,47 @@
## Extra tests
# exa › xtests
These extra tests are intended to be run from a Vagrant VM that has already had its environment set up -- see the section in the README for more details.
These are the **extended tests**. They are integration tests: they run the `exa` binary with select configurations of parameters and environment variables, and assert that the program prints the correct text to standard output and error, and exits with the correct status code.
They test things like:
- broken symlinks
- extended attributes
- file names with weird stuff like newlines or escapes in
- invalid UTF-8
- missing users and groups
- nested Git repositories
They are intended to be run from the Vagrant VM that has already had its environment set up — see the `devtools/dev-create-test-filesystem.sh` script for how the files are generated.
## Anatomy of the tests
The tests are run using [Specsheet](https://specsheet.software/). The TOML files define the tests, and the files in `output/` contain the output that exa should produce.
For example, let’s look at one of the tests in `lines-view.toml`. This test checks that running exa does the right thing when running with the `-1` argument, and a directory full of files:
name = "‘exa -1’ displays file names, one on each line"
shell = "exa -1 /testcases/file-names"
stdout = { file = "outputs/names_lines.ansitxt" }
stderr = { empty = true }
status = 0
tags = [ 'oneline' ]
Here’s an explanation of each line:
1. The `[[cmd]]` line marks this test as a [cmd](https://specsheet.software/checks/command/cmd) check, which can run arbitrary commands. In this case, the commad is exa with some arguments.
2. The `name` field is a human-readable description of the feature of exa that’s under test. It gets printed to the screen as tests are run.
3. The `shell` field contains the shell script to execute. It should have `exa` in there somewhere.
4. The `stdout` field describes the [content](https://specsheet.software/docs/check-file-schema#content) that exa should print to standard output. In this case, the test asserts that the output of running the program should be identical to the contents of the file.
5. The `stderr` field describes the content of standard error. In this case, it asserts that nothing is printed to stderr.
6. The `status` field asserts that exa should exit with a status code of 0.
7. The `tags` field does not change the test at all, but can be used to filter which tests are run, instead of running all of them each time.
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,42 @@
name = "‘exa -@lT’ produces a tree view with metadata and attribute entries"
shell = "exa -@lT /testcases/attributes"
stdout = { file = "outputs/attributes_xattrs_long_tree.ansitxt" }
stderr = { empty = true }
status = 0
tags = [ 'xattrs', 'long', 'tree' ]
name = "‘exa -@T’ produces a tree view with attribute entries"
shell = "exa -@T /testcases/attributes"
stdout = { file = "outputs/attributes_xattrs_tree.ansitxt" }
stderr = { empty = true }
status = 0
tags = [ 'xattrs', 'tree' ]
name = "‘exa -@T’ with file arguments produces a tree view with attribute entries"
shell = "exa -@T /testcases/attributes/*"
stdout = { file = "outputs/attributes_files_xattrs_tree.ansitxt" }
stderr = { empty = true }
status = 0
tags = [ 'xattrs', 'tree' ]
name = "‘exa -@T’ produces a tree view with attribute entries of symlinks"
shell = "exa -@T /testcases/links"
stdout = { file = "outputs/links_xattrs_tree.ansitxt" }
stderr = { empty = true }
status = 0
tags = [ 'xattrs', 'tree' ]
# permission errors tests
name = "‘exa -@T’ displays an inaccessible directory with errors"
shell = "exa -@T /proc/1/root"
stdout = { file = "outputs/proc_1_root_xattrs.ansitxt" }
stderr = { empty = true }
status = 0
tags = [ 'tree' ]
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,57 @@
# details view (check the argument works)
name = "‘exa -l --colour=always’ always uses colours for metadata"
shell = "exa -l --colour=always /testcases/files"
stdout = { file = "outputs/files_long.ansitxt" }
stderr = { empty = true }
status = 0
tags = [ 'long', 'colour-term' ]
name = "‘exa -l --colour=never’ never uses colours for metadata"
shell = "exa -l --colour=never /testcases/files"
stdout = { file = "outputs/files_long_monochrome.ansitxt" }
stderr = { empty = true }
status = 0
tags = [ 'long', 'colour-term' ]
name = "‘exa -l --colour=automatic’ uses colours dependently for metadata"
shell = "exa -l --colour=automatic /testcases/files"
stdout = { file = "outputs/files_long_monochrome.ansitxt" }
stderr = { empty = true }
status = 0
tags = [ 'long', 'colour-term' ]
# grid view (check that all colours are turned off)
name = "‘exa --colour=never’ never uses colours for file names"
shell = "exa --colour=never /testcases/file-names"
environment = { COLUMNS = "80" }
stdout = { file = "outputs/files_grid_monochrome.ansitxt" }
stderr = { empty = true }
status = 0
tags = [ 'grid', 'colour-term' ]
name = "‘exa --colour=never’ never uses colours for files based on their extensions"
shell = "exa --colour=never /testcases/file-names-exts"
environment = { COLUMNS = "80" }
stdout = { file = "outputs/exts_grid_monochrome.ansitxt" }
stderr = { empty = true }
status = 0
tags = [ 'grid', 'colour-term' ]
# tree view (check that all colours are turned off)
name = "‘exa -T --colour=never’ never uses colours for punctuation and symlink targets"
shell = "exa -T --colour=never /testcases/file-names/links"
stdout = { file = "outputs/links_grid_monochrome.ansitxt" }
stderr = { empty = true }
status = 0
tags = [ 'tree', 'colour-term' ]
@ -1,4 +0,0 @@
[4mPermissions[0m [4mSize[0m [4mUser[0m [4mDate Modified[0m [4mName[0m
.[1;33mr[31mw[0m[38;5;244m-[33mr[31mw[38;5;244m-[33mr[38;5;244m--[0m [1;32m0[0m cassowary [34m 3 Mar 2003[0m pear
.[1;33mr[31mw[0m[38;5;244m-[33mr[31mw[38;5;244m-[33mr[38;5;244m--[0m [1;32m0[0m cassowary [34m15 Jun 2006[0m peach
.[1;33mr[31mw[0m[38;5;244m-[33mr[31mw[38;5;244m-[33mr[38;5;244m--[0m [1;32m0[0m cassowary [34m22 Dec 2009[0m plum
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,17 @@
name = "‘EXA_DEBUG=1 exa’ produces debug output"
shell = "exa --long /testcases"
environment = { EXA_DEBUG = "1" }
stdout = { empty = false }
stderr = { string = "DEBUG" }
status = 0
tags = [ 'debug', 'env', 'long' ]
name = "‘EXA_DEBUG=trace exa’ produces trace-level debug output"
shell = "exa --long /testcases"
environment = { EXA_DEBUG = "trace" }
stdout = { empty = false }
stderr = { string = "TRACE" }
status = 0
tags = [ 'debug', 'env', 'long' ]
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,84 @@
# various date fields
name = "‘exa -lh’ produces a table using the modified time field"
shell = "exa -lh /testcases/dates"
stdout = { file = "outputs/dates_long_time_modified.ansitxt" }
stderr = { empty = true }
status = 0
tags = [ 'long', 'header', 'time' ]
name = "‘exa -lh --time=modified’ produces a table using the modified time field"
shell = "exa -lh --time=modified /testcases/dates"
stdout = { file = "outputs/dates_long_time_modified.ansitxt" }
stderr = { empty = true }
status = 0
tags = [ 'long', 'header', 'time' ]
name = "‘exa -lh --time=accessed’ produces a table using the accessed time field"
shell = "exa -lh --time=accessed /testcases/dates"
stdout = { file = "outputs/dates_long_time_accessed.ansitxt" }
stderr = { empty = true }
status = 0
tags = [ 'long', 'header', 'time' ]
# distant past and far future dates
name = "‘exa -l’ handles dates far past and future dates"
shell = "exa -l /testcases/far-dates"
stdout = { file = "outputs/far_dates_long.ansitxt" }
stderr = { empty = true }
status = 0
tags = [ 'long', 'time' ]
# alternate date formats
name = "‘exa -l --time-style=long-iso’ produces a table using the long-iso date format"
shell = "exa -l --time-style=long-iso /testcases/dates"
stdout = { file = "outputs/dates_long_timestyle_longiso.ansitxt" }
stderr = { empty = true }
status = 0
tags = [ 'long', 'time-style' ]
name = "‘exa -l --time-style=full-iso’ produces a table using the full-iso date format"
shell = "exa -l --time-style=full-iso /testcases/dates"
stdout = { file = "outputs/dates_long_timestyle_fulliso.ansitxt" }
stderr = { empty = true }
status = 0
tags = [ 'long', 'time-style' ]
name = "‘exa -l --time-style=iso’ produces a table using the iso date format"
shell = "exa -l --time-style=iso /testcases/dates"
stdout = { file = "outputs/dates_long_timestyle_iso.ansitxt" }
stderr = { empty = true }
status = 0
tags = [ 'long', 'time-style' ]
# locales
name = "‘exa -l’ using a locale with 4-character-long month abbreviations (‘ja_JP’) sizes the date column correctly"
shell = "exa -l /testcases/dates"
environment = { LC_ALL = "ja_JP.UTF-8", LANG = "ja_JP.UTF-8" }
stdout = { file = "outputs/dates_long_localejp.ansitxt" }
stderr = { empty = true }
status = 0
tags = [ 'long', 'locales' ]
name = "‘exa -l’ using a locale with 5-character-long month abbreviations (‘fr_FR’) sizes the date column correctly"
shell = "exa -l /testcases/dates"
environment = { LC_ALL = "fr_FR.UTF-8", LANG = "fr_FR.UTF-8" }
stdout = { file = "outputs/dates_long_localefr.ansitxt" }
stderr = { empty = true }
status = 0
tags = [ 'long', 'locales' ]
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,63 @@
name = "‘exa -lb’ produces a details table with binary file sizes"
shell = "exa -lb /testcases/files"
stdout = { file = "outputs/files_long_binary.ansitxt" }
stderr = { empty = true }
status = 0
tags = [ 'long', 'binary' ]
name = "‘exa -lB’ produces a details table with bytes file sizes"
shell = "exa -lB /testcases/files"
stdout = { file = "outputs/files_long_bytes.ansitxt" }
stderr = { empty = true }
status = 0
tags = [ 'long', 'bytes' ]
name = "‘exa -lhb’ produces a details table with a header and binary file sizes"
shell = "exa -lhb /testcases/files"
stdout = { file = "outputs/files_long_header_binary.ansitxt" }
stderr = { empty = true }
status = 0
tags = [ 'long', 'header', 'binary' ]
name = "‘exa -lhB’ produces a details table with a header and bytes file sizes"
shell = "exa -lhB /testcases/files"
stdout = { file = "outputs/files_long_header_bytes.ansitxt" }
stderr = { empty = true }
status = 0
tags = [ 'long', 'header', 'bytes' ]
name = "‘exa -l --color-scale’ (US spelling) produces a details table using a file size colour scale"
shell = "exa -l --color-scale /testcases/files"
stdout = { file = "outputs/files_long_colourscale.ansitxt" }
stderr = { empty = true }
status = 0
tags = [ 'long', 'colour-scale' ]
name = "‘exa -l --colour-scale’ (UK spelling) produces a details table using a file size colour scale"
shell = "exa -l --colour-scale /testcases/files"
stdout = { file = "outputs/files_long_colourscale.ansitxt" }
stderr = { empty = true }
status = 0
tags = [ 'long', 'colour-scale' ]
name = "‘exa -l --colour-scale --binary’ produces a details table using a file size colour scale and binary sizes"
shell = "exa -l --colour-scale --binary /testcases/files"
stdout = { file = "outputs/files_long_colourscale_binary.ansitxt" }
stderr = { empty = true }
status = 0
tags = [ 'long', 'colour-scale', 'binary' ]
name = "‘exa -l --colour-scale --bytes’ produces a details table using a file size colour scale and byte sizes"
shell = "exa -l --colour-scale --bytes /testcases/files"
stdout = { file = "outputs/files_long_colourscale_bytes.ansitxt" }
stderr = { empty = true }
status = 0
tags = [ 'long', 'colour-scale', 'bytes' ]
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
name = "‘exa -lgh’ produces a tree view with attribute entries"
shell = "exa -lgh /testcases/passwd"
stdout = { file = "outputs/passwd_long_group_header.ansitxt" }
stderr = { empty = true }
status = 0
tags = [ 'long', 'group', 'header' ]
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
name = "‘exa -lghR’ (not as the user) produces a tree view with attribute entries"
shell = "exa -lghR /testcases/permissions"
stdout = { file = "outputs/permissions_long_group_header.ansitxt" }
stderr = { string = "/testcases/permissions/forbidden-directory: Permission denied (os error 13)" }
status = 0
tags = [ 'long', 'group', 'header', 'xattrs' ]
name = "‘exa -lghR’ (as the user) produces a tree view with attribute entries"
shell = "sudo -u cassowary exa -lghR /testcases/permissions"
stdout = { file = "outputs/permissions_long_group_header_sudo.ansitxt" }
stderr = { string = "/testcases/permissions/forbidden-directory: Permission denied (os error 13)" }
status = 0
tags = [ 'long', 'group', 'header', 'xattrs', 'sudo' ]
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,45 @@
name = "‘exa -l’ produces a details table"
shell = "exa -l /testcases/files"
stdout = { file = "outputs/files_long.ansitxt" }
stderr = { empty = true }
status = 0
tags = [ 'long' ]
# header tests
name = "‘exa -lh’ produces a details table with a header"
shell = "exa -lh /testcases/files"
stdout = { file = "outputs/files_long_header.ansitxt" }
stderr = { empty = true }
status = 0
tags = [ 'long', 'header' ]
name = "‘exa -lh’ with an empty directory skips the header"
shell = "exa -lh /testcases/empty"
stdout = { empty = true }
stderr = { empty = true }
status = 0
tags = [ 'long', 'header' ]
# file kinds
name = "‘exa -l’ handles file kinds"
shell = "exa -l /testcases/specials"
stdout = { file = "outputs/specials_long.ansitxt" }
stderr = { empty = true }
status = 0
tags = [ 'long' ]
name = "‘exa -lF’ handles and classifies file kinds"
shell = "exa -lF /testcases/specials"
stdout = { file = "outputs/specials_long_classify.ansitxt" }
stderr = { empty = true }
status = 0
tags = [ 'long', 'classify' ]
@ -1,3 +0,0 @@
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,58 @@
# hidden files in grid view
name = "‘exa’ does not show hidden files (in grid view)"
shell = "exa /testcases/hiddens"
environment = { COLUMNS = "80" }
stdout = { file = "outputs/hiddens_grid.ansitxt" }
stderr = { empty = true }
status = 0
tags = [ 'env', 'all', 'grid' ]
name = "‘exa -a’ shows hidden files (in grid view)"
shell = "exa -a /testcases/hiddens"
environment = { COLUMNS = "80" }
stdout = { file = "outputs/hiddens_grid_all.ansitxt" }
stderr = { empty = true }
status = 0
tags = [ 'env', 'all', 'grid' ]
name = "‘exa -aa’ shows hidden files, ., and .. (in grid view)"
shell = "exa -aa /testcases/hiddens"
environment = { COLUMNS = "80" }
stdout = { file = "outputs/hiddens_grid_all_all.ansitxt" }
stderr = { empty = true }
status = 0
tags = [ 'env', 'all', 'grid' ]
# hidden files in long view
name = "‘exa -l’ does not show hidden files (in details view)"
shell = "exa -l /testcases/hiddens"
environment = { COLUMNS = "80" }
stdout = { file = "outputs/hiddens_long.ansitxt" }
stderr = { empty = true }
status = 0
tags = [ 'env', 'all', 'long' ]
name = "‘exa -la’ shows hidden files (in details view)"
shell = "exa -la /testcases/hiddens"
environment = { COLUMNS = "80" }
stdout = { file = "outputs/hiddens_long_all.ansitxt" }
stderr = { empty = true }
status = 0
tags = [ 'env', 'all', 'long' ]
name = "‘exa -laa’ shows hidden files, ., and .. (in details view)"
shell = "exa -laa /testcases/hiddens"
environment = { COLUMNS = "80" }
stdout = { file = "outputs/hiddens_long_all_all.ansitxt" }
stderr = { empty = true }
status = 0
tags = [ 'env', 'all', 'long' ]
@ -1 +0,0 @@
Flag -l conflicts with flag --long
@ -1 +0,0 @@
Unknown argument --ternary
@ -1,2 +0,0 @@
Flag -t needs a value (choices: modified, changed, accessed, created)
To sort newest files last, try "--sort newest", or just "-snew"
@ -1,2 +0,0 @@
Option --time (-t) has no "r" setting (choices: modified, changed, accessed, created)
To sort oldest files last, try "--sort oldest", or just "-sold"
@ -1 +0,0 @@
Flag --long cannot take a value
@ -1 +0,0 @@
Option --time-style has no "24" setting (choices: default, long-iso, full-iso, iso)
@ -1 +0,0 @@
Unknown argument -4
@ -1 +0,0 @@
Flag -l was given twice
@ -1 +0,0 @@
Option --binary (-b) is useless without option --long (-l)
@ -1 +0,0 @@
Flag --time needs a value (choices: modified, changed, accessed, created)
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,17 @@
# Error suggestions
name = "‘exa -ltr’ offers a suggestion"
shell = "exa -ltr"
stdout = { empty = true }
stderr = { string = "To sort oldest files last, try \"--sort oldest\", or just \"-sold\""}
status = 3
tags = [ 'error', 'long', 'sort' ]
name = "‘exa -lt’ offers a suggestion"
shell = "exa -lt"
stdout = { empty = true }
stderr = { string = "To sort newest files last, try \"--sort newest\", or just \"-snew\""}
status = 3
tags = [ 'error', 'long', 'sort' ]
@ -1,29 +0,0 @@
[38;5;244m├──[0m ansi: [[31m\u{1b}[0m[34mblue[31m\u{1b}[0m[0m]
[38;5;244m├──[0m ascii: hello
[38;5;244m├──[0m backspace: [[31m\u{8}[0m]
[38;5;244m├──[0m bell: [[31m\u{7}[0m]
[38;5;244m├──[0m emoji: [🆒]
[38;5;244m├──[0m escape: [[31m\u{1b}[0m]
[38;5;244m├──[0m form-feed: [[31m\u{c}[0m]
[38;5;244m├──[0m invalid-utf8-1: [<5B>]
[38;5;244m│ └──[0m [31m<Error: path somehow contained a NUL?>[0m
[38;5;244m├──[0m invalid-utf8-2: [<5B>(]
[38;5;244m│ └──[0m [31m<Error: path somehow contained a NUL?>[0m
[38;5;244m├──[0m invalid-utf8-3: [<5B>(]
[38;5;244m│ └──[0m [31m<Error: path somehow contained a NUL?>[0m
[38;5;244m├──[0m invalid-utf8-4: [<5B>(<28>(]
[38;5;244m│ └──[0m [31m<Error: path somehow contained a NUL?>[0m
[38;5;244m├──[0m [1;34mlinks[0m
[38;5;244m│ ├──[0m [36manother: [[31m\n[36m][0m [38;5;244m->[0m [36m/testcases/file-names/new-line-dir: [[31m\n[36m]/[0manother: [[31m\n[0m]
[38;5;244m│ ├──[0m [36mbroken[0m [31m->[0m [4;31m/testcases/file-names/new-line-dir: [\n]/broken[0m
[38;5;244m│ │ └──[0m [31m<No such file or directory (os error 2)>[0m
[38;5;244m│ └──[0m [36msubfile[0m [38;5;244m->[0m [36m/testcases/file-names/new-line-dir: [[31m\n[36m]/[0msubfile
[38;5;244m├──[0m [1;34mnew-line-dir: [[0m[31m\n[1;34m][0m
[38;5;244m│ ├──[0m another: [[31m\n[0m]
[38;5;244m│ └──[0m subfile
[38;5;244m├──[0m new-line: [[31m\n[0m]
[38;5;244m├──[0m return: [[31m\r[0m]
[38;5;244m├──[0m tab: [[31m\t[0m]
[38;5;244m├──[0m utf-8: pâté
[38;5;244m└──[0m vertical-tab: [[31m\u{b}[0m]
@ -1,3 +0,0 @@
1_bytes 2_bytes 3_bytes 4_bytes 5_bytes 6_bytes 7_bytes 8_bytes 9_bytes 10_bytes 11_bytes 12_bytes 13_bytes
1_KiB 2_KiB 3_KiB 4_KiB 5_KiB 6_KiB 7_KiB 8_KiB 9_KiB 10_KiB 11_KiB 12_KiB 13_KiB
1_MiB 2_MiB 3_MiB 4_MiB 5_MiB 6_MiB 7_MiB 8_MiB 9_MiB 10_MiB 11_MiB 12_MiB 13_MiB
@ -1,3 +0,0 @@
1_bytes 2_bytes 3_bytes 4_bytes 5_bytes 6_bytes 7_bytes 8_bytes 9_bytes 10_bytes 11_bytes 12_bytes 13_bytes
1_KiB 2_KiB 3_KiB 4_KiB 5_KiB 6_KiB 7_KiB 8_KiB 9_KiB 10_KiB 11_KiB 12_KiB 13_KiB
1_MiB 2_MiB 3_MiB 4_MiB 5_MiB 6_MiB 7_MiB 8_MiB 9_MiB 10_MiB 11_MiB 12_MiB 13_MiB
@ -1,39 +0,0 @@
.[1;33mr[31mw[0m[38;5;244m-[33mr[38;5;244m--[33mr[38;5;244m--[0m [1;32m1[0m cassowary [34m 1 Jan 12:34[0m 1_bytes
.[1;33mr[31mw[0m[38;5;244m-[33mr[38;5;244m--[33mr[38;5;244m--[0m [1;32m1.0[0m[32mk[0m cassowary [34m 1 Jan 12:34[0m 1_KiB
.[1;33mr[31mw[0m[38;5;244m-[33mr[38;5;244m--[33mr[38;5;244m--[0m [1;32m1.0[0m[32mM[0m cassowary [34m 1 Jan 12:34[0m 1_MiB
.[1;33mr[31mw[0m[38;5;244m-[33mr[38;5;244m--[33mr[38;5;244m--[0m [1;32m2[0m cassowary [34m 1 Jan 12:34[0m 2_bytes
.[1;33mr[31mw[0m[38;5;244m-[33mr[38;5;244m--[33mr[38;5;244m--[0m [1;32m2.0[0m[32mk[0m cassowary [34m 1 Jan 12:34[0m 2_KiB
.[1;33mr[31mw[0m[38;5;244m-[33mr[38;5;244m--[33mr[38;5;244m--[0m [1;32m2.1[0m[32mM[0m cassowary [34m 1 Jan 12:34[0m 2_MiB
.[1;33mr[31mw[0m[38;5;244m-[33mr[38;5;244m--[33mr[38;5;244m--[0m [1;32m3[0m cassowary [34m 1 Jan 12:34[0m 3_bytes
.[1;33mr[31mw[0m[38;5;244m-[33mr[38;5;244m--[33mr[38;5;244m--[0m [1;32m3.1[0m[32mk[0m cassowary [34m 1 Jan 12:34[0m 3_KiB
.[1;33mr[31mw[0m[38;5;244m-[33mr[38;5;244m--[33mr[38;5;244m--[0m [1;32m3.1[0m[32mM[0m cassowary [34m 1 Jan 12:34[0m 3_MiB
.[1;33mr[31mw[0m[38;5;244m-[33mr[38;5;244m--[33mr[38;5;244m--[0m [1;32m4[0m cassowary [34m 1 Jan 12:34[0m 4_bytes
.[1;33mr[31mw[0m[38;5;244m-[33mr[38;5;244m--[33mr[38;5;244m--[0m [1;32m4.1[0m[32mk[0m cassowary [34m 1 Jan 12:34[0m 4_KiB
.[1;33mr[31mw[0m[38;5;244m-[33mr[38;5;244m--[33mr[38;5;244m--[0m [1;32m4.2[0m[32mM[0m cassowary [34m 1 Jan 12:34[0m 4_MiB
.[1;33mr[31mw[0m[38;5;244m-[33mr[38;5;244m--[33mr[38;5;244m--[0m [1;32m5[0m cassowary [34m 1 Jan 12:34[0m 5_bytes
.[1;33mr[31mw[0m[38;5;244m-[33mr[38;5;244m--[33mr[38;5;244m--[0m [1;32m5.1[0m[32mk[0m cassowary [34m 1 Jan 12:34[0m 5_KiB
.[1;33mr[31mw[0m[38;5;244m-[33mr[38;5;244m--[33mr[38;5;244m--[0m [1;32m5.2[0m[32mM[0m cassowary [34m 1 Jan 12:34[0m 5_MiB
.[1;33mr[31mw[0m[38;5;244m-[33mr[38;5;244m--[33mr[38;5;244m--[0m [1;32m6[0m cassowary [34m 1 Jan 12:34[0m 6_bytes
.[1;33mr[31mw[0m[38;5;244m-[33mr[38;5;244m--[33mr[38;5;244m--[0m [1;32m6.1[0m[32mk[0m cassowary [34m 1 Jan 12:34[0m 6_KiB
.[1;33mr[31mw[0m[38;5;244m-[33mr[38;5;244m--[33mr[38;5;244m--[0m [1;32m6.3[0m[32mM[0m cassowary [34m 1 Jan 12:34[0m 6_MiB
.[1;33mr[31mw[0m[38;5;244m-[33mr[38;5;244m--[33mr[38;5;244m--[0m [1;32m7[0m cassowary [34m 1 Jan 12:34[0m 7_bytes
.[1;33mr[31mw[0m[38;5;244m-[33mr[38;5;244m--[33mr[38;5;244m--[0m [1;32m7.2[0m[32mk[0m cassowary [34m 1 Jan 12:34[0m 7_KiB
.[1;33mr[31mw[0m[38;5;244m-[33mr[38;5;244m--[33mr[38;5;244m--[0m [1;32m7.3[0m[32mM[0m cassowary [34m 1 Jan 12:34[0m 7_MiB
.[1;33mr[31mw[0m[38;5;244m-[33mr[38;5;244m--[33mr[38;5;244m--[0m [1;32m8[0m cassowary [34m 1 Jan 12:34[0m 8_bytes
.[1;33mr[31mw[0m[38;5;244m-[33mr[38;5;244m--[33mr[38;5;244m--[0m [1;32m8.2[0m[32mk[0m cassowary [34m 1 Jan 12:34[0m 8_KiB
.[1;33mr[31mw[0m[38;5;244m-[33mr[38;5;244m--[33mr[38;5;244m--[0m [1;32m8.4[0m[32mM[0m cassowary [34m 1 Jan 12:34[0m 8_MiB
.[1;33mr[31mw[0m[38;5;244m-[33mr[38;5;244m--[33mr[38;5;244m--[0m [1;32m9[0m cassowary [34m 1 Jan 12:34[0m 9_bytes
.[1;33mr[31mw[0m[38;5;244m-[33mr[38;5;244m--[33mr[38;5;244m--[0m [1;32m9.2[0m[32mk[0m cassowary [34m 1 Jan 12:34[0m 9_KiB
.[1;33mr[31mw[0m[38;5;244m-[33mr[38;5;244m--[33mr[38;5;244m--[0m [1;32m9.4[0m[32mM[0m cassowary [34m 1 Jan 12:34[0m 9_MiB
.[1;33mr[31mw[0m[38;5;244m-[33mr[38;5;244m--[33mr[38;5;244m--[0m [1;32m10[0m cassowary [34m 1 Jan 12:34[0m 10_bytes
.[1;33mr[31mw[0m[38;5;244m-[33mr[38;5;244m--[33mr[38;5;244m--[0m [1;32m10[0m[32mk[0m cassowary [34m 1 Jan 12:34[0m 10_KiB
.[1;33mr[31mw[0m[38;5;244m-[33mr[38;5;244m--[33mr[38;5;244m--[0m [1;32m10[0m[32mM[0m cassowary [34m 1 Jan 12:34[0m 10_MiB
.[1;33mr[31mw[0m[38;5;244m-[33mr[38;5;244m--[33mr[38;5;244m--[0m [1;32m11[0m cassowary [34m 1 Jan 12:34[0m 11_bytes
.[1;33mr[31mw[0m[38;5;244m-[33mr[38;5;244m--[33mr[38;5;244m--[0m [1;32m11[0m[32mk[0m cassowary [34m 1 Jan 12:34[0m 11_KiB
.[1;33mr[31mw[0m[38;5;244m-[33mr[38;5;244m--[33mr[38;5;244m--[0m [1;32m11[0m[32mM[0m cassowary [34m 1 Jan 12:34[0m 11_MiB
.[1;33mr[31mw[0m[38;5;244m-[33mr[38;5;244m--[33mr[38;5;244m--[0m [1;32m12[0m cassowary [34m 1 Jan 12:34[0m 12_bytes
.[1;33mr[31mw[0m[38;5;244m-[33mr[38;5;244m--[33mr[38;5;244m--[0m [1;32m12[0m[32mk[0m cassowary [34m 1 Jan 12:34[0m 12_KiB
.[1;33mr[31mw[0m[38;5;244m-[33mr[38;5;244m--[33mr[38;5;244m--[0m [1;32m12[0m[32mM[0m cassowary [34m 1 Jan 12:34[0m 12_MiB
.[1;33mr[31mw[0m[38;5;244m-[33mr[38;5;244m--[33mr[38;5;244m--[0m [1;32m13[0m cassowary [34m 1 Jan 12:34[0m 13_bytes
.[1;33mr[31mw[0m[38;5;244m-[33mr[38;5;244m--[33mr[38;5;244m--[0m [1;32m13[0m[32mk[0m cassowary [34m 1 Jan 12:34[0m 13_KiB
.[1;33mr[31mw[0m[38;5;244m-[33mr[38;5;244m--[33mr[38;5;244m--[0m [1;32m13[0m[32mM[0m cassowary [34m 1 Jan 12:34[0m 13_MiB
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,86 @@
# Git-ignoring
name = "‘exa --git-ignore’ skips Git-ignored files"
shell = "exa --git-ignore /testcases/git2/ignoreds"
environment = { COLUMNS = "80" }
stdout = { file = "outputs/git2_ignoreds_grid_gitignore.ansitxt" }
stderr = { empty = true }
status = 0
tags = [ 'env', 'grid', 'git-ignore' ]
name = "‘exa --git-ignore -1’ skips Git-ignored files"
shell = "exa --git-ignore -1 /testcases/git2/ignoreds"
stdout = { file = "outputs/git2_ignoreds_lines_gitignore.ansitxt" }
stderr = { empty = true }
status = 0
tags = [ 'oneline', 'git-ignore' ]
name = "‘exa --git-ignore -l’ skips Git-ignored files"
shell = "exa --git-ignore -l /testcases/git2/ignoreds"
stdout = { file = "outputs/git2_ignoreds_long_gitignore.ansitxt" }
stderr = { empty = true }
status = 0
tags = [ 'long', 'git-ignore' ]
name = "‘exa --git-ignore -lG’ skips Git-ignored files"
shell = "exa --git-ignore -lG /testcases/git2/ignoreds"
environment = { COLUMNS = "150" }
stdout = { file = "outputs/git2_ignoreds_long_grid_gitignore.ansitxt" }
stderr = { empty = true }
status = 0
tags = [ 'env', 'long', 'grid', 'git-ignore' ]
name = "‘exa --git-ignore -lR’ skips Git-ignored files"
shell = "exa --git-ignore -lR /testcases/git2/ignoreds"
stdout = { file = "outputs/git2_ignoreds_long_recurse_gitignore.ansitxt" }
stderr = { empty = true }
status = 0
tags = [ 'long', 'recurse', 'git-ignore' ]
name = "‘exa --git-ignore -lT’ skips Git-ignored files"
shell = "exa --git-ignore -lT /testcases/git2/ignoreds"
stdout = { file = "outputs/git2_ignoreds_long_tree_gitignore.ansitxt" }
stderr = { empty = true }
status = 0
tags = [ 'long', 'tree', 'git-ignore' ]
name = "‘exa --git-ignore -T’ skips Git-ignored files"
shell = "exa --git-ignore -T /testcases/git2/ignoreds"
stdout = { file = "outputs/git2_ignoreds_tree_gitignore.ansitxt" }
stderr = { empty = true }
status = 0
tags = [ 'tree', 'git-ignore' ]
# Recursive git-ignoring
name = "‘exa --git-ignore -lR’ skips Git-ignored files in subfolders"
shell = "exa --git-ignore -lR /testcases/git2"
stdout = { file = "outputs/git2_long_recurse_gitignore.ansitxt" }
stderr = { empty = true }
status = 0
tags = [ 'long', 'recurse', 'git-ignore' ]
name = "‘exa --git-ignore -lT’ skips Git-ignored files in subfolders"
shell = "exa --git-ignore -lT /testcases/git2"
stdout = { file = "outputs/git2_long_tree_gitignore.ansitxt" }
stderr = { empty = true }
status = 0
tags = [ 'long', 'tree', 'git-ignore' ]
name = "‘exa --git-ignore -T’ skips Git-ignored files in subfolders"
shell = "exa --git-ignore -T /testcases/git2"
stdout = { file = "outputs/git2_tree_gitignore.ansitxt" }
stderr = { empty = true }
status = 0
tags = [ 'tree', 'git-ignore' ]
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,183 @@
# The first Git repo: additions and modifications
name = "‘exa --git -l’ shows a Git status column"
shell = "exa --git -l /testcases/git"
stdout = { file = "outputs/git1_long.ansitxt" }
stderr = { empty = true }
status = 0
tags = [ 'long', 'git' ]
name = "‘exa --git -lR’ shows a Git status column in every table"
shell = "exa --git -lR /testcases/git"
stdout = { file = "outputs/git1_long_recurse.ansitxt" }
stderr = { empty = true }
status = 0
tags = [ 'long', 'git' ]
name = "‘exa --git -lT’ shows a Git status column alongside the tree"
shell = "exa --git -lT /testcases/git"
stdout = { file = "outputs/git1_long_tree.ansitxt" }
stderr = { empty = true }
status = 0
tags = [ 'long', 'git' ]
name = "‘exa --git -l’ with a directory argument shows the combined Git status column"
shell = "exa --git -l /testcases/git/moves/thither"
stdout = { file = "outputs/git1_long_moves.ansitxt" }
stderr = { empty = true }
status = 0
tags = [ 'long', 'git' ]
name = "‘exa --git -l’ shows a Git status column containing new files"
shell = "exa --git -l /testcases/git/additions"
stdout = { file = "outputs/git1_long_additions.ansitxt" }
stderr = { empty = true }
status = 0
tags = [ 'long', 'git' ]
name = "‘exa --git -l’ shows a Git status column containing modified files"
shell = "exa --git -l /testcases/git/edits"
stdout = { file = "outputs/git1_long_edits.ansitxt" }
stderr = { empty = true }
status = 0
tags = [ 'long', 'git' ]
name = "‘exa --git -l’ shows a Git status column containing multiple statuses"
shell = "exa --git -l /testcases/git/{additions,edits}"
stdout = { file = "outputs/git1_long_multiple.ansitxt" }
stderr = { empty = true }
status = 0
tags = [ 'long', 'git' ]
name = "‘exa --git -lGd’ with file arguments shows a Git status column"
shell = "exa --git -lGd /testcases/git/**/* /testcases"
environment = { COLUMNS = "150" }
stdout = { file = "outputs/git1_paths_long_grid.ansitxt" }
stderr = { empty = true }
status = 0
tags = [ 'long', 'grid', 'git', 'list-dirs' ]
# The second Git repo: nested repositories and file ignoring
name = "‘exa --git -l’ shows a Git status column with ignored statuses"
shell = "exa --git -l /testcases/git2"
stdout = { file = "outputs/git2_long.ansitxt" }
stderr = { empty = true }
status = 0
tags = [ 'long', 'git' ]
name = "‘exa --git -lR’ shows a Git status column in every table, handling ignored files and nested repositories"
shell = "exa --git -lR /testcases/git2"
stdout = { file = "outputs/git2_long_recurse.ansitxt" }
stderr = { empty = true }
status = 0
tags = [ 'long', 'git' ]
name = "‘exa --git -lT’ shows a Git status column alongside the tree, handling ignored files and nested repositories"
shell = "exa --git -lT /testcases/git2"
stdout = { file = "outputs/git2_long_tree.ansitxt" }
stderr = { empty = true }
status = 0
tags = [ 'long', 'git' ]
name = "‘exa --git -l’ with a directory argument shows ignored flags inside a directory"
shell = "exa --git -l /testcases/git2/ignoreds"
stdout = { file = "outputs/git2_long_ignorednested.ansitxt" }
stderr = { empty = true }
status = 0
tags = [ 'long', 'git' ]
name = "‘exa --git -l’ with an ignored directory argument does not flag the contents as ignored"
shell = "exa --git -l /testcases/git2/target"
stdout = { file = "outputs/git2_long_ignoreddir.ansitxt" }
stderr = { empty = true }
status = 0
tags = [ 'long', 'git' ]
name = "‘exa --git -l’ with a nested repository argument uses the sub-repository rules"
shell = "exa --git -l /testcases/git2/deeply/nested/repository"
stdout = { file = "outputs/git2_long_nested.ansitxt" }
stderr = { empty = true }
status = 0
tags = [ 'long', 'git' ]
name = "‘exa --git -l’ with multiple directory arguments still gets the flags correct"
shell = "exa --git -l /testcases/git2/{deeply,ignoreds,target}"
stdout = { file = "outputs/git2_long_multiple.ansitxt" }
stderr = { empty = true }
status = 0
tags = [ 'long', 'git' ]
# The third Git repo: broken symlinks
name = "‘exa --git -l’ handles broken symlinks in Git repositories"
shell = "exa --git -l /testcases/git3"
stdout = { file = "outputs/git3_long.ansitxt" }
stderr = { empty = true }
status = 0
tags = [ 'long', 'git' ]
# Both repositories 1 and 2 at once
name = "‘exa --git -l’ shows a Git status column for multiple repositories"
shell = "exa --git -l /testcases/git /testcases/git2"
stdout = { file = "outputs/git1+2_long.ansitxt" }
stderr = { empty = true }
status = 0
tags = [ 'long', 'git' ]
name = "‘exa --git -l’ shows a Git status column for multiple repositories across multiple directories"
shell = "exa --git -l /testcases/{git/additions,git2/deeply,git/edits,git2/deeply/nested}"
stdout = { file = "outputs/git1+2_long_directories.ansitxt" }
stderr = { empty = true }
status = 0
tags = [ 'long', 'git' ]
name = "‘exa --git -l’ shows a Git status column for multiple repositories across multiple directories"
shell = "exa --git -l /testcases/{git2/deeply/nested/directory,git/edits,git2/target,git2/deeply,git}"
stdout = { file = "outputs/git1+2_long_nested.ansitxt" }
stderr = { empty = true }
status = 0
tags = [ 'long', 'git' ]
# No repository present
name = "‘exa --git -l’ shows an empty status for no repository"
shell = "exa --git -l /testcases/files"
stdout = { file = "outputs/files_long.ansitxt" }
stderr = { empty = true }
status = 0
tags = [ 'long', 'git' ]
name = "‘exa --git -lG’ shows an empty status for no repository"
shell = "exa --git -lG /testcases/files"
environment = { COLUMNS = "40" }
stdout = { file = "outputs/files_long_grid_1col.ansitxt" }
stderr = { empty = true }
status = 0
tags = [ 'env', 'long', 'grid', 'git' ]
@ -1,3 +0,0 @@
[1;34md[33mr[31mw[32mx[0m[33mr[31mw[32mx[33mr[38;5;244m-[32mx[0m [38;5;244m-[0m cassowary [34m 1 Jan 12:34[0m [1;34madditions[0m
[1;34md[33mr[31mw[32mx[0m[33mr[31mw[32mx[33mr[38;5;244m-[32mx[0m [38;5;244m-[0m cassowary [34m 1 Jan 12:34[0m [1;34medits[0m
[1;34md[33mr[31mw[32mx[0m[33mr[31mw[32mx[33mr[38;5;244m-[32mx[0m [38;5;244m-[0m cassowary [34m 1 Jan 12:34[0m [1;34mmoves[0m
@ -1,3 +0,0 @@
[1;34md[33mr[31mw[32mx[0m[33mr[31mw[32mx[33mr[38;5;244m-[32mx[0m [38;5;244m-[0m cassowary [34m 1 Jan 12:34[0m [1;34mdeeply[0m
[1;34md[33mr[31mw[32mx[0m[33mr[31mw[32mx[33mr[38;5;244m-[32mx[0m [38;5;244m-[0m cassowary [34m 1 Jan 12:34[0m [1;34mignoreds[0m
[1;34md[33mr[31mw[32mx[0m[33mr[31mw[32mx[33mr[38;5;244m-[32mx[0m [38;5;244m-[0m cassowary [34m 1 Jan 12:34[0m [1;34mtarget[0m
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,78 @@
# listing directory tests
name = "‘COLUMNS=40 exa -lG’ produces a grid with details of 1 column"
shell = "exa -lG /testcases/files"
environment = { COLUMNS = "40" }
stdout = { file = "outputs/files_long_grid_1col.ansitxt" }
stderr = { empty = true }
status = 0
tags = [ 'env', 'long', 'grid' ]
name = "‘COLUMNS=80 exa -lG’ produces a grid with details of 1 column"
shell = "exa -lG /testcases/files"
environment = { COLUMNS = "80" }
stdout = { file = "outputs/files_long_grid_1col.ansitxt" }
stderr = { empty = true }
status = 0
tags = [ 'env', 'long', 'grid' ]
name = "‘COLUMNS=120 exa -lG’ produces a grid with details of 2 columns"
shell = "exa -lG /testcases/files"
environment = { COLUMNS = "120" }
stdout = { file = "outputs/files_long_grid_2col.ansitxt" }
stderr = { empty = true }
status = 0
tags = [ 'env', 'long', 'grid' ]
name = "‘COLUMNS=160 exa -lG’ produces a grid with details of 3 columns"
shell = "exa -lG /testcases/files"
environment = { COLUMNS = "160" }
stdout = { file = "outputs/files_long_grid_3col.ansitxt" }
stderr = { empty = true }
status = 0
tags = [ 'env', 'long', 'grid' ]
name = "‘COLUMNS=200 exa -lG’ produces a grid with details of 4 columns"
shell = "exa -lG /testcases/files"
environment = { COLUMNS = "200" }
stdout = { file = "outputs/files_long_grid_4col.ansitxt" }
stderr = { empty = true }
status = 0
tags = [ 'env', 'long', 'grid' ]
# listing files tests
# (these rely on bash’s glob sort order)
# (some of the output files also have trailing whitespace)
name = "‘COLUMNS=100 exa -lG’ with file arguments produces a grid with details of 1 column, with full paths"
shell = "exa -lG /testcases/files/*"
environment = { COLUMNS = "100" }
stdout = { file = "outputs/files_paths_long_grid_1col.ansitxt" }
stderr = { empty = true }
status = 0
tags = [ 'env', 'long', 'grid' ]
name = "‘COLUMNS=150 exa -lG’ with file arguments produces a grid with details of 2 columns, with full paths"
shell = "exa -lG /testcases/files/*"
environment = { COLUMNS = "150" }
stdout = { file = "outputs/files_paths_long_grid_2col.ansitxt" }
stderr = { empty = true }
status = 0
tags = [ 'env', 'long', 'grid' ]
name = "‘COLUMNS=200 exa -lG’ with file arguments produces a grid with details of 3 columns, with full paths"
shell = "exa -lG /testcases/files/*"
environment = { COLUMNS = "200" }
stdout = { file = "outputs/files_paths_long_grid_3col.ansitxt" }
stderr = { empty = true }
status = 0
tags = [ 'env', 'long', 'grid' ]
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,133 @@
# file name tests
name = "‘exa’ produces a grid of file names"
shell = "exa /testcases/file-names"
environment = { COLUMNS = "80" }
stdout = { file = "outputs/names_grid.ansitxt" }
stderr = { empty = true }
status = 0
tags = [ 'env', 'grid' ]
name = "‘exa -x’ produces an across grid of file names"
shell = "exa -x /testcases/file-names"
environment = { COLUMNS = "80" }
stdout = { file = "outputs/names_grid_across.ansitxt" }
stderr = { empty = true }
status = 0
tags = [ 'env', 'grid', 'across' ]
name = "‘exa -d’ displays, ‘.’, ‘..’, and ‘/’ correctly"
shell = "exa -d . .. /"
environment = { COLUMNS = "80" }
stdout = { file = "outputs/dirs_grid.ansitxt" }
stderr = { empty = true }
status = 0
tags = [ 'env', 'grid', 'list-dirs' ]
# recurse tests
name = "‘exa -R’ produces several grids of file names"
shell = "exa -R /testcases/file-names"
environment = { COLUMNS = "80" }
stdout = { file = "outputs/names_grid_recurse.ansitxt" }
stderr = { empty = true }
status = 0
tags = [ 'env', 'grid', 'recurse' ]
# symlink tests
name = "‘exa’ highlights symlinks and broken symlinks"
shell = "exa /testcases/links"
environment = { COLUMNS = "80" }
stdout = { file = "outputs/links_grid.ansitxt" }
stderr = { empty = true }
status = 0
tags = [ 'env', 'grid' ]
# columns and width tests
name = "‘COLUMNS=40 exa’ produces a grid of 4 columns"
shell = "exa /testcases/files"
environment = { COLUMNS = "40" }
stdout = { file = "outputs/files_grid_4col.ansitxt" }
stderr = { empty = true }
status = 0
tags = [ 'env', 'grid' ]
name = "‘COLUMNS=80 exa’ produces a grid of 8 columns"
shell = "exa /testcases/files"
environment = { COLUMNS = "80" }
stdout = { file = "outputs/files_grid_8col.ansitxt" }
stderr = { empty = true }
status = 0
tags = [ 'env', 'grid' ]
name = "‘COLUMNS=120 exa’ produces a grid of 13 columns"
shell = "exa /testcases/files"
environment = { COLUMNS = "120" }
stdout = { file = "outputs/files_grid_13col.ansitxt" }
stderr = { empty = true }
status = 0
tags = [ 'env', 'grid' ]
name = "‘COLUMNS=160 exa’ produces a grid of 13 columns"
shell = "exa /testcases/files"
environment = { COLUMNS = "160" }
stdout = { file = "outputs/files_grid_13col.ansitxt" }
stderr = { empty = true }
status = 0
tags = [ 'env', 'grid' ]
name = "‘COLUMNS=200 exa’ produces a grid of 20 columns"
shell = "exa /testcases/files"
environment = { COLUMNS = "200" }
stdout = { file = "outputs/files_grid_20col.ansitxt" }
stderr = { empty = true }
status = 0
tags = [ 'env', 'grid' ]
# columns and width tests with files
# (these rely on bash’s glob sort order)
# (some of the output files also have trailing whitespace)
name = "‘COLUMNS=100 exa’ with file arguments produces a grid of 3 columns, with full paths"
shell = "exa /testcases/files/*"
environment = { COLUMNS = "100" }
stdout = { file = "outputs/files_paths_grid_3col.ansitxt" }
stderr = { empty = true }
status = 0
tags = [ 'env', 'grid' ]
name = "‘COLUMNS=150 exa’ with file arguments produces a grid of 5 columns, with full paths"
shell = "exa /testcases/files/*"
environment = { COLUMNS = "150" }
stdout = { file = "outputs/files_paths_grid_5col.ansitxt" }
stderr = { empty = true }
status = 0
tags = [ 'env', 'grid' ]
name = "‘COLUMNS=200 exa’ with file arguments produces a grid of 7 columns, with full paths"
shell = "exa /testcases/files/*"
environment = { COLUMNS = "200" }
stdout = { file = "outputs/files_paths_grid_7col.ansitxt" }
stderr = { empty = true }
status = 0
tags = [ 'env', 'grid' ]
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
name = "‘exa --help’ produces the correct help text"
shell = "exa --help"
stdout = { file = "outputs/help.ansitxt" }
stderr = { empty = true }
status = 0
tags = [ 'help ']
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
name = "‘exa -1 -I’ ignores based on a glob"
shell = "exa -1 -I '*.OGG' /testcases/file-names-exts/music.*"
stdout = { string = "music.mp3" }
stderr = { empty = true }
status = 0
tags = [ 'oneline', 'ignore' ]
name = "‘exa -1 -I’ ignores based on multiple globs"
shell = "exa -1 -I '*.OGG|*.mp3' /testcases/file-names-exts/music.*"
stdout = { empty = true }
stderr = { empty = true }
status = 0
tags = [ 'oneline', 'ignore' ]
@ -1 +0,0 @@
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,77 @@
name = "exa can handle invalid UTF-8 in command-line arguments"
shell = "exa /testcases/file-names/*"
stdout = { empty = false }
stderr = { empty = true }
status = 0
tags = [ 'options' ]
name = "exa displays an error for an unknown short option"
shell = "exa -4"
stdout = { empty = true }
stderr = { string = "Unknown argument -4" }
status = 3
tags = [ 'options' ]
name = "exa displays an error for an unknown long option"
shell = "exa --ternary"
stdout = { empty = true }
stderr = { string = "Unknown argument --ternary" }
status = 3
tags = [ 'options' ]
name = "exa displays an error for an option missing a parameter"
shell = "exa --time"
stdout = { empty = true }
stderr = { string = "Flag --time needs a value (choices: modified, changed, accessed, created)" }
status = 3
tags = [ 'options' ]
name = "exa displays an error for an option that cannot take a parameter has one"
shell = "exa --long=time"
stdout = { empty = true }
stderr = { string = "Flag --long cannot take a value" }
status = 3
tags = [ 'options' ]
name = "exa displays an error for option that takes the wrong parameter"
shell = "exa -l --time-style=24"
stdout = { empty = true }
stderr = { string = "Option --time-style has no \"24\" setting (choices: default, long-iso, full-iso, iso)" }
status = 3
tags = [ 'options' ]
# strict mode settings
name = "exa displays a warning for a useless option in strict mode"
shell = "exa --binary"
environment = { EXA_STRICT = "1" }
stdout = { empty = true }
stderr = { string = "Option --binary (-b) is useless without option --long (-l)" }
status = 3
tags = [ 'options' ]
name = "exa displays a warning for a short option given twice in strict mode"
shell = "exa -ll"
environment = { EXA_STRICT = "1" }
stdout = { empty = true }
stderr = { string = "Flag -l was given twice" }
status = 3
tags = [ 'options' ]
name = "exa displays a warning for a short option also given as long in strict mode"
shell = "exa -l --long"
environment = { EXA_STRICT = "1" }
stdout = { empty = true }
stderr = { string = "Flag -l conflicts with flag --long" }
status = 3
tags = [ 'options' ]
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,36 @@
# file name tests
name = "‘exa -1’ displays file names, one on each line"
shell = "exa -1 /testcases/file-names"
stdout = { file = "outputs/names_lines.ansitxt" }
stderr = { empty = true }
status = 0
tags = [ 'oneline' ]
name = "‘exa -1d’ displays, ‘.’, ‘..’, and ‘/’ correctly"
shell = "exa -1d . .. /"
stdout = { file = "outputs/dirs_oneline.ansitxt" }
stderr = { empty = true }
status = 0
tags = [ 'oneline', 'list-dirs' ]
# symlinks tests
name = "‘exa -1’ lists the destination of symlinks"
shell = "exa -1 /testcases/links"
stdout = { file = "outputs/links_lines.ansitxt" }
stderr = { empty = true }
status = 0
tags = [ 'oneline' ]
name = "‘exa -1d’ with file arguments lists the destination of symlinks"
shell = "exa -1d /testcases/links/*"
stdout = { file = "outputs/links_paths_lines.ansitxt" }
stderr = { empty = true }
status = 0
tags = [ 'oneline', 'list-dirs' ]
@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
[4mPermissions[0m [4mSize[0m [4mUser[0m [4mDate Accessed[0m [4mName[0m
.[1;33mr[31mw[0m[38;5;244m-[33mr[31mw[38;5;244m-[33mr[38;5;244m--[0m [1;32m0[0m cassowary [34m 3 Mar 2003[0m plum
.[1;33mr[31mw[0m[38;5;244m-[33mr[31mw[38;5;244m-[33mr[38;5;244m--[0m [1;32m0[0m cassowary [34m15 Jun 2006[0m pear
.[1;33mr[31mw[0m[38;5;244m-[33mr[31mw[38;5;244m-[33mr[38;5;244m--[0m [1;32m0[0m cassowary [34m22 Dec 2009[0m peach
.[1;33mr[31mw[0m[38;5;244m-[33mr[31mw[38;5;244m-[33mr[38;5;244m--[0m [1;32m0[0m cassowary [34m15 Jun 2006[0m pear
.[1;33mr[31mw[0m[38;5;244m-[33mr[31mw[38;5;244m-[33mr[38;5;244m--[0m [1;32m0[0m cassowary [34m 3 Mar 2003[0m plum
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
[4mPermissions[0m [4mSize[0m [4mUser[0m [4mDate Created[0m [4mName[0m
.[1;33mr[31mw[0m[38;5;244m-[33mr[31mw[38;5;244m-[33mr[38;5;244m--[0m [1;32m0[0m cassowary [34m17 Oct 14:27[0m peach
.[1;33mr[31mw[0m[38;5;244m-[33mr[31mw[38;5;244m-[33mr[38;5;244m--[0m [1;32m0[0m cassowary [34m17 Oct 14:27[0m pear
.[1;33mr[31mw[0m[38;5;244m-[33mr[31mw[38;5;244m-[33mr[38;5;244m--[0m [1;32m0[0m cassowary [34m17 Oct 14:27[0m plum
@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
[4mPermissions[0m [4mSize[0m [4mUser[0m [4mDate Modified[0m [4mName[0m
.[1;33mr[31mw[0m[38;5;244m-[33mr[31mw[38;5;244m-[33mr[38;5;244m--[0m [1;32m0[0m cassowary [34m22 Dec 2009[0m plum
.[1;33mr[31mw[0m[38;5;244m-[33mr[31mw[38;5;244m-[33mr[38;5;244m--[0m [1;32m0[0m cassowary [34m15 Jun 2006[0m peach
.[1;33mr[31mw[0m[38;5;244m-[33mr[31mw[38;5;244m-[33mr[38;5;244m--[0m [1;32m0[0m cassowary [34m 3 Mar 2003[0m pear
.[1;33mr[31mw[0m[38;5;244m-[33mr[31mw[38;5;244m-[33mr[38;5;244m--[0m [1;32m0[0m cassowary [34m22 Dec 2009[0m plum
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1 @@
[1;34m.[0m [1;34m..[0m [1;34m/[0m
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
.[1;33mr[31mw[0m[38;5;244m-[33mr[31mw[38;5;244m-[33mr[38;5;244m--[0m [1;32m0[0m [1;33mvagrant[0m [34m 1 Jan 2300[0m beyond-the-future
.[1;33mr[31mw[0m[38;5;244m-[33mr[31mw[38;5;244m-[33mr[38;5;244m--[0m [1;32m0[0m [1;33mvagrant[0m [34m 1 Jan 1700[0m the-distant-past
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,39 @@
.[1;33mr[31mw[0m[38;5;244m-[33mr[38;5;244m--[33mr[38;5;244m--[0m [38;5;118m1[0m cassowary [34m 1 Jan 12:34[0m 1_bytes
.[1;33mr[31mw[0m[38;5;244m-[33mr[38;5;244m--[33mr[38;5;244m--[0m [38;5;190m1.0[32mKi[0m cassowary [34m 1 Jan 12:34[0m 1_KiB
.[1;33mr[31mw[0m[38;5;244m-[33mr[38;5;244m--[33mr[38;5;244m--[0m [38;5;226m1.0[32mMi[0m cassowary [34m 1 Jan 12:34[0m 1_MiB
.[1;33mr[31mw[0m[38;5;244m-[33mr[38;5;244m--[33mr[38;5;244m--[0m [38;5;118m2[0m cassowary [34m 1 Jan 12:34[0m 2_bytes
.[1;33mr[31mw[0m[38;5;244m-[33mr[38;5;244m--[33mr[38;5;244m--[0m [38;5;190m2.0[32mKi[0m cassowary [34m 1 Jan 12:34[0m 2_KiB
.[1;33mr[31mw[0m[38;5;244m-[33mr[38;5;244m--[33mr[38;5;244m--[0m [38;5;226m2.0[32mMi[0m cassowary [34m 1 Jan 12:34[0m 2_MiB
.[1;33mr[31mw[0m[38;5;244m-[33mr[38;5;244m--[33mr[38;5;244m--[0m [38;5;118m3[0m cassowary [34m 1 Jan 12:34[0m 3_bytes
.[1;33mr[31mw[0m[38;5;244m-[33mr[38;5;244m--[33mr[38;5;244m--[0m [38;5;190m3.0[32mKi[0m cassowary [34m 1 Jan 12:34[0m 3_KiB
.[1;33mr[31mw[0m[38;5;244m-[33mr[38;5;244m--[33mr[38;5;244m--[0m [38;5;226m3.0[32mMi[0m cassowary [34m 1 Jan 12:34[0m 3_MiB
.[1;33mr[31mw[0m[38;5;244m-[33mr[38;5;244m--[33mr[38;5;244m--[0m [38;5;118m4[0m cassowary [34m 1 Jan 12:34[0m 4_bytes
.[1;33mr[31mw[0m[38;5;244m-[33mr[38;5;244m--[33mr[38;5;244m--[0m [38;5;190m4.0[32mKi[0m cassowary [34m 1 Jan 12:34[0m 4_KiB
.[1;33mr[31mw[0m[38;5;244m-[33mr[38;5;244m--[33mr[38;5;244m--[0m [38;5;226m4.0[32mMi[0m cassowary [34m 1 Jan 12:34[0m 4_MiB
.[1;33mr[31mw[0m[38;5;244m-[33mr[38;5;244m--[33mr[38;5;244m--[0m [38;5;118m5[0m cassowary [34m 1 Jan 12:34[0m 5_bytes
.[1;33mr[31mw[0m[38;5;244m-[33mr[38;5;244m--[33mr[38;5;244m--[0m [38;5;190m5.0[32mKi[0m cassowary [34m 1 Jan 12:34[0m 5_KiB
.[1;33mr[31mw[0m[38;5;244m-[33mr[38;5;244m--[33mr[38;5;244m--[0m [38;5;226m5.0[32mMi[0m cassowary [34m 1 Jan 12:34[0m 5_MiB
.[1;33mr[31mw[0m[38;5;244m-[33mr[38;5;244m--[33mr[38;5;244m--[0m [38;5;118m6[0m cassowary [34m 1 Jan 12:34[0m 6_bytes
.[1;33mr[31mw[0m[38;5;244m-[33mr[38;5;244m--[33mr[38;5;244m--[0m [38;5;190m6.0[32mKi[0m cassowary [34m 1 Jan 12:34[0m 6_KiB
.[1;33mr[31mw[0m[38;5;244m-[33mr[38;5;244m--[33mr[38;5;244m--[0m [38;5;226m6.0[32mMi[0m cassowary [34m 1 Jan 12:34[0m 6_MiB
.[1;33mr[31mw[0m[38;5;244m-[33mr[38;5;244m--[33mr[38;5;244m--[0m [38;5;118m7[0m cassowary [34m 1 Jan 12:34[0m 7_bytes
.[1;33mr[31mw[0m[38;5;244m-[33mr[38;5;244m--[33mr[38;5;244m--[0m [38;5;190m7.0[32mKi[0m cassowary [34m 1 Jan 12:34[0m 7_KiB
.[1;33mr[31mw[0m[38;5;244m-[33mr[38;5;244m--[33mr[38;5;244m--[0m [38;5;226m7.0[32mMi[0m cassowary [34m 1 Jan 12:34[0m 7_MiB
.[1;33mr[31mw[0m[38;5;244m-[33mr[38;5;244m--[33mr[38;5;244m--[0m [38;5;118m8[0m cassowary [34m 1 Jan 12:34[0m 8_bytes
.[1;33mr[31mw[0m[38;5;244m-[33mr[38;5;244m--[33mr[38;5;244m--[0m [38;5;190m8.0[32mKi[0m cassowary [34m 1 Jan 12:34[0m 8_KiB
.[1;33mr[31mw[0m[38;5;244m-[33mr[38;5;244m--[33mr[38;5;244m--[0m [38;5;226m8.0[32mMi[0m cassowary [34m 1 Jan 12:34[0m 8_MiB
.[1;33mr[31mw[0m[38;5;244m-[33mr[38;5;244m--[33mr[38;5;244m--[0m [38;5;118m9[0m cassowary [34m 1 Jan 12:34[0m 9_bytes
.[1;33mr[31mw[0m[38;5;244m-[33mr[38;5;244m--[33mr[38;5;244m--[0m [38;5;190m9.0[32mKi[0m cassowary [34m 1 Jan 12:34[0m 9_KiB
.[1;33mr[31mw[0m[38;5;244m-[33mr[38;5;244m--[33mr[38;5;244m--[0m [38;5;226m9.0[32mMi[0m cassowary [34m 1 Jan 12:34[0m 9_MiB
.[1;33mr[31mw[0m[38;5;244m-[33mr[38;5;244m--[33mr[38;5;244m--[0m [38;5;118m10[0m cassowary [34m 1 Jan 12:34[0m 10_bytes
.[1;33mr[31mw[0m[38;5;244m-[33mr[38;5;244m--[33mr[38;5;244m--[0m [38;5;190m10[32mKi[0m cassowary [34m 1 Jan 12:34[0m 10_KiB
.[1;33mr[31mw[0m[38;5;244m-[33mr[38;5;244m--[33mr[38;5;244m--[0m [38;5;226m10[32mMi[0m cassowary [34m 1 Jan 12:34[0m 10_MiB
.[1;33mr[31mw[0m[38;5;244m-[33mr[38;5;244m--[33mr[38;5;244m--[0m [38;5;118m11[0m cassowary [34m 1 Jan 12:34[0m 11_bytes
.[1;33mr[31mw[0m[38;5;244m-[33mr[38;5;244m--[33mr[38;5;244m--[0m [38;5;190m11[32mKi[0m cassowary [34m 1 Jan 12:34[0m 11_KiB
.[1;33mr[31mw[0m[38;5;244m-[33mr[38;5;244m--[33mr[38;5;244m--[0m [38;5;226m11[32mMi[0m cassowary [34m 1 Jan 12:34[0m 11_MiB
.[1;33mr[31mw[0m[38;5;244m-[33mr[38;5;244m--[33mr[38;5;244m--[0m [38;5;118m12[0m cassowary [34m 1 Jan 12:34[0m 12_bytes
.[1;33mr[31mw[0m[38;5;244m-[33mr[38;5;244m--[33mr[38;5;244m--[0m [38;5;190m12[32mKi[0m cassowary [34m 1 Jan 12:34[0m 12_KiB
.[1;33mr[31mw[0m[38;5;244m-[33mr[38;5;244m--[33mr[38;5;244m--[0m [38;5;226m12[32mMi[0m cassowary [34m 1 Jan 12:34[0m 12_MiB
.[1;33mr[31mw[0m[38;5;244m-[33mr[38;5;244m--[33mr[38;5;244m--[0m [38;5;118m13[0m cassowary [34m 1 Jan 12:34[0m 13_bytes
.[1;33mr[31mw[0m[38;5;244m-[33mr[38;5;244m--[33mr[38;5;244m--[0m [38;5;190m13[32mKi[0m cassowary [34m 1 Jan 12:34[0m 13_KiB
.[1;33mr[31mw[0m[38;5;244m-[33mr[38;5;244m--[33mr[38;5;244m--[0m [38;5;226m13[32mMi[0m cassowary [34m 1 Jan 12:34[0m 13_MiB
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,39 @@
.[1;33mr[31mw[0m[38;5;244m-[33mr[38;5;244m--[33mr[38;5;244m--[0m [38;5;118m1[0m cassowary [34m 1 Jan 12:34[0m 1_bytes
.[1;33mr[31mw[0m[38;5;244m-[33mr[38;5;244m--[33mr[38;5;244m--[0m [38;5;190m1,024[0m cassowary [34m 1 Jan 12:34[0m 1_KiB
.[1;33mr[31mw[0m[38;5;244m-[33mr[38;5;244m--[33mr[38;5;244m--[0m [38;5;226m1,048,576[0m cassowary [34m 1 Jan 12:34[0m 1_MiB
.[1;33mr[31mw[0m[38;5;244m-[33mr[38;5;244m--[33mr[38;5;244m--[0m [38;5;118m2[0m cassowary [34m 1 Jan 12:34[0m 2_bytes
.[1;33mr[31mw[0m[38;5;244m-[33mr[38;5;244m--[33mr[38;5;244m--[0m [38;5;190m2,048[0m cassowary [34m 1 Jan 12:34[0m 2_KiB
.[1;33mr[31mw[0m[38;5;244m-[33mr[38;5;244m--[33mr[38;5;244m--[0m [38;5;226m2,097,152[0m cassowary [34m 1 Jan 12:34[0m 2_MiB
.[1;33mr[31mw[0m[38;5;244m-[33mr[38;5;244m--[33mr[38;5;244m--[0m [38;5;118m3[0m cassowary [34m 1 Jan 12:34[0m 3_bytes
.[1;33mr[31mw[0m[38;5;244m-[33mr[38;5;244m--[33mr[38;5;244m--[0m [38;5;190m3,072[0m cassowary [34m 1 Jan 12:34[0m 3_KiB
.[1;33mr[31mw[0m[38;5;244m-[33mr[38;5;244m--[33mr[38;5;244m--[0m [38;5;226m3,145,728[0m cassowary [34m 1 Jan 12:34[0m 3_MiB
.[1;33mr[31mw[0m[38;5;244m-[33mr[38;5;244m--[33mr[38;5;244m--[0m [38;5;118m4[0m cassowary [34m 1 Jan 12:34[0m 4_bytes
.[1;33mr[31mw[0m[38;5;244m-[33mr[38;5;244m--[33mr[38;5;244m--[0m [38;5;190m4,096[0m cassowary [34m 1 Jan 12:34[0m 4_KiB
.[1;33mr[31mw[0m[38;5;244m-[33mr[38;5;244m--[33mr[38;5;244m--[0m [38;5;226m4,194,304[0m cassowary [34m 1 Jan 12:34[0m 4_MiB
.[1;33mr[31mw[0m[38;5;244m-[33mr[38;5;244m--[33mr[38;5;244m--[0m [38;5;118m5[0m cassowary [34m 1 Jan 12:34[0m 5_bytes
.[1;33mr[31mw[0m[38;5;244m-[33mr[38;5;244m--[33mr[38;5;244m--[0m [38;5;190m5,120[0m cassowary [34m 1 Jan 12:34[0m 5_KiB
.[1;33mr[31mw[0m[38;5;244m-[33mr[38;5;244m--[33mr[38;5;244m--[0m [38;5;226m5,242,880[0m cassowary [34m 1 Jan 12:34[0m 5_MiB
.[1;33mr[31mw[0m[38;5;244m-[33mr[38;5;244m--[33mr[38;5;244m--[0m [38;5;118m6[0m cassowary [34m 1 Jan 12:34[0m 6_bytes
.[1;33mr[31mw[0m[38;5;244m-[33mr[38;5;244m--[33mr[38;5;244m--[0m [38;5;190m6,144[0m cassowary [34m 1 Jan 12:34[0m 6_KiB
.[1;33mr[31mw[0m[38;5;244m-[33mr[38;5;244m--[33mr[38;5;244m--[0m [38;5;226m6,291,456[0m cassowary [34m 1 Jan 12:34[0m 6_MiB
.[1;33mr[31mw[0m[38;5;244m-[33mr[38;5;244m--[33mr[38;5;244m--[0m [38;5;118m7[0m cassowary [34m 1 Jan 12:34[0m 7_bytes
.[1;33mr[31mw[0m[38;5;244m-[33mr[38;5;244m--[33mr[38;5;244m--[0m [38;5;190m7,168[0m cassowary [34m 1 Jan 12:34[0m 7_KiB
.[1;33mr[31mw[0m[38;5;244m-[33mr[38;5;244m--[33mr[38;5;244m--[0m [38;5;226m7,340,032[0m cassowary [34m 1 Jan 12:34[0m 7_MiB
.[1;33mr[31mw[0m[38;5;244m-[33mr[38;5;244m--[33mr[38;5;244m--[0m [38;5;118m8[0m cassowary [34m 1 Jan 12:34[0m 8_bytes
.[1;33mr[31mw[0m[38;5;244m-[33mr[38;5;244m--[33mr[38;5;244m--[0m [38;5;190m8,192[0m cassowary [34m 1 Jan 12:34[0m 8_KiB
.[1;33mr[31mw[0m[38;5;244m-[33mr[38;5;244m--[33mr[38;5;244m--[0m [38;5;226m8,388,608[0m cassowary [34m 1 Jan 12:34[0m 8_MiB
.[1;33mr[31mw[0m[38;5;244m-[33mr[38;5;244m--[33mr[38;5;244m--[0m [38;5;118m9[0m cassowary [34m 1 Jan 12:34[0m 9_bytes
.[1;33mr[31mw[0m[38;5;244m-[33mr[38;5;244m--[33mr[38;5;244m--[0m [38;5;190m9,216[0m cassowary [34m 1 Jan 12:34[0m 9_KiB
.[1;33mr[31mw[0m[38;5;244m-[33mr[38;5;244m--[33mr[38;5;244m--[0m [38;5;226m9,437,184[0m cassowary [34m 1 Jan 12:34[0m 9_MiB
.[1;33mr[31mw[0m[38;5;244m-[33mr[38;5;244m--[33mr[38;5;244m--[0m [38;5;118m10[0m cassowary [34m 1 Jan 12:34[0m 10_bytes
.[1;33mr[31mw[0m[38;5;244m-[33mr[38;5;244m--[33mr[38;5;244m--[0m [38;5;190m10,240[0m cassowary [34m 1 Jan 12:34[0m 10_KiB
.[1;33mr[31mw[0m[38;5;244m-[33mr[38;5;244m--[33mr[38;5;244m--[0m [38;5;226m10,485,760[0m cassowary [34m 1 Jan 12:34[0m 10_MiB
.[1;33mr[31mw[0m[38;5;244m-[33mr[38;5;244m--[33mr[38;5;244m--[0m [38;5;118m11[0m cassowary [34m 1 Jan 12:34[0m 11_bytes
.[1;33mr[31mw[0m[38;5;244m-[33mr[38;5;244m--[33mr[38;5;244m--[0m [38;5;190m11,264[0m cassowary [34m 1 Jan 12:34[0m 11_KiB
.[1;33mr[31mw[0m[38;5;244m-[33mr[38;5;244m--[33mr[38;5;244m--[0m [38;5;226m11,534,336[0m cassowary [34m 1 Jan 12:34[0m 11_MiB
.[1;33mr[31mw[0m[38;5;244m-[33mr[38;5;244m--[33mr[38;5;244m--[0m [38;5;118m12[0m cassowary [34m 1 Jan 12:34[0m 12_bytes
.[1;33mr[31mw[0m[38;5;244m-[33mr[38;5;244m--[33mr[38;5;244m--[0m [38;5;190m12,288[0m cassowary [34m 1 Jan 12:34[0m 12_KiB
.[1;33mr[31mw[0m[38;5;244m-[33mr[38;5;244m--[33mr[38;5;244m--[0m [38;5;226m12,582,912[0m cassowary [34m 1 Jan 12:34[0m 12_MiB
.[1;33mr[31mw[0m[38;5;244m-[33mr[38;5;244m--[33mr[38;5;244m--[0m [38;5;118m13[0m cassowary [34m 1 Jan 12:34[0m 13_bytes
.[1;33mr[31mw[0m[38;5;244m-[33mr[38;5;244m--[33mr[38;5;244m--[0m [38;5;190m13,312[0m cassowary [34m 1 Jan 12:34[0m 13_KiB
.[1;33mr[31mw[0m[38;5;244m-[33mr[38;5;244m--[33mr[38;5;244m--[0m [38;5;226m13,631,488[0m cassowary [34m 1 Jan 12:34[0m 13_MiB
Some files were not shown because too many files have changed in this diff Show More
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