Merge branch 'help!'

This commit is contained in:
Benjamin Sago 2017-06-23 23:00:02 +01:00
commit 763e833b6f
9 changed files with 150 additions and 49 deletions

View File

@ -5,28 +5,44 @@ use std::env::args_os;
use std::io::{stdout, stderr, Write, ErrorKind};
use std::process::exit;
fn main() {
let args = args_os().skip(1);
let mut stdout = stdout();
match Exa::new(args, &mut stdout) {
match Exa::new(args, &mut stdout()) {
Ok(mut exa) => {
match {
Ok(exit_status) => exit(exit_status),
Err(e) => {
match e.kind() {
ErrorKind::BrokenPipe => exit(0),
ErrorKind::BrokenPipe => exit(exits::SUCCESS),
_ => {
writeln!(stderr(), "{}", e).unwrap();
Err(e) => {
Err(ref e) if e.is_error() => {
writeln!(stderr(), "{}", e).unwrap();
Err(ref e) => {
writeln!(stdout(), "{}", e).unwrap();
extern crate libc;
mod exits {
use libc::{self, c_int};
pub const SUCCESS: c_int = libc::EXIT_SUCCESS;
pub const RUNTIME_ERROR: c_int = libc::EXIT_FAILURE;
pub const OPTIONS_ERROR: c_int = 3 as c_int;

View File

@ -225,6 +225,11 @@ impl SortField {
/// argument. This will return `Err` if the option is there, but does not
/// correspond to a valid field.
fn deduce(matches: &getopts::Matches) -> Result<SortField, Misfire> {
const SORTS: &[&str] = &[ "name", "Name", "size", "extension",
"Extension", "modified", "accessed",
"created", "inode", "none" ];
if let Some(word) = matches.opt_str("sort") {
match &*word {
"name" | "filename" => Ok(SortField::Name(SortCase::Sensitive)),
@ -237,10 +242,7 @@ impl SortField {
"cr" | "created" => Ok(SortField::CreatedDate),
"none" => Ok(SortField::Unsorted),
"inode" => Ok(SortField::FileInode),
field => Err(Misfire::bad_argument("sort", field, &[
"name", "Name", "size", "extension", "Extension",
"modified", "accessed", "created", "inode", "none"]
field => Err(Misfire::bad_argument("sort", field, SORTS))
else {

View File

@ -1,5 +1,7 @@
use std::fmt;
pub static OPTIONS: &str = r##"
static OPTIONS: &str = r##"
-?, --help show list of command-line options
-v, --version show version of exa
-I, --ignore-glob GLOBS glob patterns (pipe-separated) of files to ignore
Valid sort fields: name, Name, extension, Extension, size,
modified, accessed, created, inode, none
pub static LONG_OPTIONS: &str = r##"
static LONG_OPTIONS: &str = r##"
-b, --binary list file sizes with binary prefixes
-B, --bytes list file sizes in bytes, without any prefixes
@ -39,8 +40,36 @@ LONG VIEW OPTIONS
-S, --blocks show number of file system blocks
-t, --time FIELD which timestamp field to list (modified, accessed, created)
-u, --accessed use the accessed timestamp field
-U, --created use the created timestamp field
-U, --created use the created timestamp field"##;
pub static GIT_HELP: &str = r##" --git list each file's Git status, if tracked"##;
pub static EXTENDED_HELP: &str = r##" -@, --extended list each file's extended attributes and sizes"##;
static GIT_HELP: &str = r##" --git list each file's Git status, if tracked"##;
static EXTENDED_HELP: &str = r##" -@, --extended list each file's extended attributes and sizes"##;
#[derive(PartialEq, Debug)]
pub struct HelpString {
pub only_long: bool,
pub git: bool,
pub xattrs: bool,
impl fmt::Display for HelpString {
fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter) -> Result<(), fmt::Error> {
try!(write!(f, "Usage:\n exa [options] [files...]\n"));
if !self.only_long {
try!(write!(f, "{}", OPTIONS));
try!(write!(f, "{}", LONG_OPTIONS));
if self.git {
try!(write!(f, "\n{}", GIT_HELP));
if self.xattrs {
try!(write!(f, "\n{}", EXTENDED_HELP));

View File

@ -4,10 +4,12 @@ use std::num::ParseIntError;
use getopts;
use glob;
use options::help::HelpString;
/// A list of legal choices for an argument-taking option
#[derive(PartialEq, Debug)]
pub struct Choices(Vec<&'static str>);
pub struct Choices(&'static [&'static str]);
impl fmt::Display for Choices {
fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter) -> fmt::Result {
@ -28,7 +30,7 @@ pub enum Misfire {
/// The user asked for help. This isnt strictly an error, which is why
/// this enum isnt named Error!
/// The user wanted the version number.
@ -54,11 +56,11 @@ pub enum Misfire {
impl Misfire {
/// The OS return code this misfire should signify.
pub fn error_code(&self) -> i32 {
pub fn is_error(&self) -> bool {
match *self {
Misfire::Help(_) => 0,
Misfire::Version => 0,
_ => 3,
Misfire::Help(_) => false,
Misfire::Version => false,
_ => true,
@ -66,10 +68,10 @@ impl Misfire {
/// argument. This has to use one of the `getopts` failure
/// variants--its meant to take just an option name, rather than an
/// option *and* an argument, but it works just as well.
pub fn bad_argument(option: &str, otherwise: &str, legal: &[&'static str]) -> Misfire {
pub fn bad_argument(option: &str, otherwise: &str, legal: &'static [&'static str]) -> Misfire {
"--{} {}",
option, otherwise)), Choices(legal.into()))
option, otherwise)), Choices(legal))

View File

@ -12,7 +12,7 @@ mod filter;
pub use self::filter::{FileFilter, SortField, SortCase};
mod help;
use self::help::*;
use self::help::HelpString;
mod misfire;
pub use self::misfire::Misfire;
@ -103,25 +103,13 @@ impl Options {
if matches.opt_present("help") {
let mut help_string = "Usage:\n exa [options] [files...]\n".to_owned();
let help = HelpString {
only_long: matches.opt_present("long"),
git: cfg!(feature="git"),
xattrs: xattr::ENABLED,
if !matches.opt_present("long") {
if cfg!(feature="git") {
if xattr::ENABLED {
return Err(Misfire::Help(help_string));
return Err(Misfire::Help(help));
else if matches.opt_present("version") {
return Err(Misfire::Version);

View File

@ -294,12 +294,12 @@ impl TimeTypes {
return Err(Misfire::Useless("accessed", true, "time"));
static TIMES: &[& str] = &["modified", "accessed", "created"];
match &*word {
"mod" | "modified" => Ok(TimeTypes { accessed: false, modified: true, created: false }),
"acc" | "accessed" => Ok(TimeTypes { accessed: true, modified: false, created: false }),
"cr" | "created" => Ok(TimeTypes { accessed: false, modified: false, created: true }),
otherwise => Err(Misfire::bad_argument("time", otherwise,
&["modified", "accessed", "created"])),
otherwise => Err(Misfire::bad_argument("time", otherwise, TIMES))
else if modified || created || accessed {
@ -342,13 +342,14 @@ impl TerminalColours {
/// Determine which terminal colour conditions to use.
fn deduce(matches: &getopts::Matches) -> Result<TerminalColours, Misfire> {
const COLOURS: &[&str] = &["always", "auto", "never"];
if let Some(word) = matches.opt_str("color").or_else(|| matches.opt_str("colour")) {
match &*word {
"always" => Ok(TerminalColours::Always),
"auto" | "automatic" => Ok(TerminalColours::Automatic),
"never" => Ok(TerminalColours::Never),
otherwise => Err(Misfire::bad_argument("color", otherwise,
&["always", "auto", "never"]))
otherwise => Err(Misfire::bad_argument("color", otherwise, COLOURS))
else {

xtests/help Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,42 @@
exa [options] [files...]
-?, --help show list of command-line options
-v, --version show version of exa
-1, --oneline display one entry per line
-l, --long display extended file metadata as a table
-G, --grid display entries as a grid (default)
-x, --across sort the grid across, rather than downwards
-R, --recurse recurse into directories
-T, --tree recurse into directories as a tree
-F, --classify display type indicator by file names
--colo[u]r=WHEN when to use terminal colours (always, auto, never)
--colo[u]r-scale highlight levels of file sizes distinctly
-a, --all don't hide hidden and 'dot' files
-d, --list-dirs list directories like regular files
-r, --reverse reverse the sort order
-s, --sort SORT_FIELD which field to sort by:
--group-directories-first list directories before other files
-I, --ignore-glob GLOBS glob patterns (pipe-separated) of files to ignore
Valid sort fields: name, Name, extension, Extension, size,
modified, accessed, created, inode, none
-b, --binary list file sizes with binary prefixes
-B, --bytes list file sizes in bytes, without any prefixes
-g, --group list each file's group
-h, --header add a header row to each column
-H, --links list each file's number of hard links
-i, --inode list each file's inode number
-L, --level DEPTH limit the depth of recursion
-m, --modified use the modified timestamp field
-S, --blocks show number of file system blocks
-t, --time FIELD which timestamp field to list (modified, accessed, created)
-u, --accessed use the accessed timestamp field
-U, --created use the created timestamp field
--git list each file's Git status, if tracked
-@, --extended list each file's extended attributes and sizes

xtests/help_long Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
exa [options] [files...]
-b, --binary list file sizes with binary prefixes
-B, --bytes list file sizes in bytes, without any prefixes
-g, --group list each file's group
-h, --header add a header row to each column
-H, --links list each file's number of hard links
-i, --inode list each file's inode number
-L, --level DEPTH limit the depth of recursion
-m, --modified use the modified timestamp field
-S, --blocks show number of file system blocks
-t, --time FIELD which timestamp field to list (modified, accessed, created)
-u, --accessed use the accessed timestamp field
-U, --created use the created timestamp field
--git list each file's Git status, if tracked
-@, --extended list each file's extended attributes and sizes

View File

@ -109,5 +109,8 @@ $exa $testcases/links/* -1 | diff -q - $results/links_1_files || exit 1
$exa $testcases/git/additions -l --git 2>&1 | diff -q - $results/git_additions || exit 1
$exa $testcases/git/edits -l --git 2>&1 | diff -q - $results/git_edits || exit 1
# And finally...
$exa --help | diff -q - $results/help || exit 1
$exa --help --long | diff -q - $results/help_long || exit 1
echo "All the tests passed!"