Now the code actually starts to use the Strictness flag that was added in the earlier commit! Well, the *code* doesn’t, but the tests do: the macros that create the test cases now have a parameter for which tests they should run. It’s usually ‘Both’ for both strict mode and default mode, but can be specified to only run in one, for when the results differ (usually when options override one another)
The downside to strict mode is that, now, *any* call to `matches.has` or `matches.get` could fail, because an option could have been specified twice, and this is the place where those are checked for. This makes the code a little less ergonomic in places, but that’s what the ? operator is for. The only place this has really had an effect is in `Classify::deduce`, which used to just return a boolean but can now fail.
In order to more thoroughly test the mode, some of the older parts of the code can now act more strict. For example, `TerminalColours::deduce` will now use the last-given option rather than searching for “colours” before “colors”.
Help and Version continue doing their own thing.
The value is ignored, but this broke quite a lot of tests that assumed MatchedFlags had only one field.
Parsing tests have to have OsStr flags because I couldn’t get that part working right, but in general, some tests now re-use common functionality too.
This merges in exa’s own new options parser, which has the following features:
- You can specify an option twice and it’ll use the second one, making aliases usable for defaults (fixes#144)
- Lets arguments be specified more than once (fixes#125)
Strict mode is not done yet; I just wanted to merge this in because it’s been a while, and there’s work that needs to be done on master so I don’t want them drifting apart any further.
It’s likely that you’ll find cases where multiple arguments doesn’t work or where the wrong value is being used. There aren’t tests for *everything* yet, and it still uses global environment variables.
# Conflicts:
# src/options/
The term_size crate introduced in #237 did things *slightly* differently than exa: it tried to get the terminal width of stdout, stderr, and stdin. This broke some tests that only redirected stdout.
Originally, both the matched flags and the list of free strings were returned from the parsing function and then passed around to every type that had a ‘deduce’ method. This worked, but the list of free strings was carried around with it, never used.
Now, only the flags are passed around. They’re in a new struct which has the methods the Matches had.
Both of Matches’s fields are now just data, and all of the methods on MatchedFlags don’t ignore any fields, so it’s more cohesive, at least I think that’s the word.
Building up the MatchedFlags is a bit more annoying though because the vector is now hidden behind a field.
Apparently I forgot to give the --time flag an argument, and this wasn’t actually covered by any of the xtests! Well, it’s tested now.
I’m not sure how to handle multiple --time arguments.
This commit removes the dependency on the ‘getopts’ crate entirely, and re-writes all its uses to use the new options parser instead.
As expected there are casualties galore:
- We now need to collect the options into a vector at the start, so we can use references to them, knowing they’ll be stored *somewhere*.
- Because OsString isn’t Display, its Debug impl gets used instead. (This is hopefully temporary)
- Options that take values (such as ‘sort’ or ‘time-style’) now parse those values with ‘to_string_lossy’. The ‘lossy’ part means “I’m at a loss for what to do here”
- Error messages got a lot worse, but “--tree --all --all” is now a special case of error rather than just another Misfire::Useless.
- Some tests had to be re-written to deal with the fact that the parser works with references.
- ParseError loses its lifetime and owns its contents, to avoid having to attach <'a> to Misfire.
- The parser now takes an iterator instead of a slice.
- OsStrings can’t be ‘match’ patterns, so the code devolves to using long Eq chains instead.
- Make a change to the xtest that assumed an input argument with invalid UTF-8 in was always an error to stderr, when that now in fact works!
- Fix a bug in Vagrant where ‘exa’ and ‘rexa’ didn’t properly escape filenames with spaces in.
This commit moves the definitions of Filter and DirAction from the options module to the fs module, but leaves the parts that actually have to do with option parsing alone.
Now, the options module shouldn’t define any types that get used elsewhere in the program: it only adds functionality to types that already exist.
The FileExtensions in the FileName is now a reference to the one in the original FileStyle, which gets put there in the options module.
This allows the extensions to be derived from the user, somehow, in the future when that part’s done.
The new FileStyles value will contain all the fields necessary to “style” a file’s name. Right now this is only the Classify field, but there can be more later. The benefit of this is that when we add more, we won’t need to update all the places where file names are displayed.
This commit moves the Environment field from the Table to its Options, and properly gets rid of the name ‘columns’ from the last commit.
Having it in the Options is important, because it means it can be generated from some command-line options. Also, it reduces the number of arguments that need to be passed to Table::new; there would have been 4 with the inclusion of the Environment, but by moving some of the code into the function, we can avoid this (and any further arguments).
The views have been renamed to be the Optionses of their module; now the options for the Table — Columns — has followed suit.
This works out, because the table module depended on everything in the columns module. It opens the door for other only-table-specific things to be included.
The casualty was that by making it non-Clone and non-PartialEq, a bunch of other #[derive]-d types had to have their derivions removed too.
If a function returns one of several enum variants, but we’re only interested in one, then just return its contents and have it apply the Mode “wrapper” later.
These two fields were originally needed to determine how to recurse when using tree view.
However, as there was no distinction between the “options parsed from the command-line” Details and the “values needed to render a table” Details, these had to be threaded through the options parser as a special-case to end up in the right struct.
No more! Because there are separate structs for options and rendering, we can just add them in later.
Instead of having render methods on the types that are now called Options, create new Render structs (one per view) and execute them. This means that it’s easier to extract methods from them — some of them are pretty long.
Also, remove the GridDetails struct, which got consumed by Mode (mostly)
By introducing another indirection between the structs that command-line options get parsed into and the structs that get rendered, it should be easier to refactor that horrible function in
Now that colours don’t depend on a previously-calculated “should we be using colours” boolean anymore, their entire deduce function can be done separately to the mode’s one.
exa assumed that the COLUMNS environment variable being present always meant that the output was to a terminal, so it should use colours. But because this variable can be overridden, colours were being incorrectly set!
The ‘fix’ is to stop trying to be clever while only calculating the terminal width once, and instead just stick it in a lazy_static so it’s usable everywhere.
All four view types — lines, grid, details, and grid-details — held their own colours and classify flags.
This didn’t make any sense for the grid-details view, which had to pick which one to use: the values were in there twice.
It also gave the Table in the details view access to more information than it really should have had.
Now, those two flags are returned separately from the view “mode”, which is the new term for one of those four things.
This adds an option (always on at the moment) to use a colour scale of green to yellow to orange for the file size field instead of always green. See #65.
Now when you do `--sort time` instead of saying "unknown option --sort
time" it will say "unknown options '--sort time' (choices: name...)"
with all legal options.
This also adds the legal values to the default help text.
The original options was becoming a bit unwieldy, and would have been even more so if I added the same amount of comments. So this commit splits it up.
There's no extra hiding going on here, or rearranging things within the module: (almost) everything now has to be marked 'pub' to let other sub-modules in the new options module to see it.