# This file prints out some help text that says which commands are available # in the VM. It gets executed during Vagrant provisioning and its output gets # dumped into /etc/motd, to print it when a user starts a new Vagrant session. echo -e " \033[1;33mThe exa development environment!\033[0m exa's source is available at \033[33m/vagrant\033[0m. Binaries get built into \033[33m/home/vagrant/target\033[0m. \033[4mCommands\033[0m \033[32;1mexa\033[0m to run the built version of exa \033[32;1mbuild-exa\033[0m (or \033[32;1mb\033[0m) to run \033[1mcargo build\033[0m \033[32;1mtest-exa\033[0m (or \033[32;1mt\033[0m) to run \033[1mcargo test\033[0m \033[32;1mrun-xtests\033[0m (or \033[32;1mx\033[0m) to run the extended tests \033[32;1mcompile-exa\033[0m (or \033[32;1mc\033[0m) to run the above three \033[32;1mdebug\033[0m to toggle printing logs \033[32;1mstrict\033[0m to toggle strict mode \033[32;1mcolors\033[0m to toggle custom colours \033[32;1mhalp\033[0m to show all this again "