Vagrant.configure(2) do |config| # We use Ubuntu instead of Debian because the image comes with two-way # shared folder support by default. UBUNTU = 'hashicorp/bionic64' config.vm.define(:exa) do |config| config.vm.provider :virtualbox do |v| = 'exa' v.memory = 2048 v.cpus = `nproc`.chomp.to_i end config.vm.provider :vmware_desktop do |v| v.vmx['memsize'] = '2048' v.vmx['numvcpus'] = `nproc`.chomp end = UBUNTU config.vm.hostname = 'exa' # Make sure we know the VM image’s default user name. The ‘cassowary’ user # (specified later) is used for most of the test *output*, but we still # need to know where the ‘target’ and ‘.cargo’ directories go. developer = 'vagrant' # Install the dependencies needed for exa to build, as quietly as # apt can do. config.vm.provision :shell, privileged: true, inline: <<-EOF trap 'exit' ERR apt-get update apt-get install -qq -o=Dpkg::Use-Pty=0 -y \ git cmake curl attr libgit2-dev zip \ fish zsh bash bash-completion EOF # Guarantee that the timezone is UTC -- some of the tests # depend on this (for now). config.vm.provision :shell, privileged: true, inline: %[timedatectl set-timezone UTC] # Install Rust. # This is done as vagrant, not root, because it’s vagrant # who actually uses it. Sent to /dev/null because the progress # bar produces a ton of output. config.vm.provision :shell, privileged: false, inline: <<-EOF if hash rustc &>/dev/null; then echo "Rust is already installed" else trap 'exit' ERR curl --proto '=https' --tlsv1.2 -sSf | sh -s -- -y source $HOME/.cargo/env cargo install cargo-hack fi EOF # Install Just, the command runner. config.vm.provision :shell, privileged: true, inline: <<-EOF if hash just &>/dev/null; then echo "just is already installed" else wget "" tar -xf "just-v0.8.0-x86_64-unknown-linux-musl.tar.gz" cp just /usr/local/bin fi EOF # Use a different ‘target’ directory on the VM than on the host. # By default it just uses the one in /vagrant/target, which can # cause problems if it has different permissions than the other # directories, or contains object files compiled for the host. config.vm.provision :shell, privileged: true, inline: <<-EOF echo 'PATH="/usr/local/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/bin:/sbin:/bin:/home/#{developer}/.cargo/bin"' > /etc/environment echo 'CARGO_TARGET_DIR="/home/#{developer}/target"' >> /etc/environment EOF # Create a variety of misc scripts. config.vm.provision :shell, privileged: true, inline: <<-EOF trap 'exit' ERR ln -sf /vagrant/devtools/ /usr/bin/exa ln -sf /vagrant/devtools/ /usr/bin/rexa echo -e "#!/bin/sh\ncargo build --manifest-path /vagrant/Cargo.toml \\$@" > /usr/bin/build-exa ln -sf /usr/bin/build-exa /usr/bin/b echo -e "#!/bin/sh\ncargo test --manifest-path /vagrant/Cargo.toml \\$@ -- --quiet" > /usr/bin/test-exa ln -sf /usr/bin/test-exa /usr/bin/t echo -e "#!/bin/sh\n/vagrant/xtests/" > /usr/bin/run-xtests ln -sf /usr/bin/run-xtests /usr/bin/x echo -e "#!/bin/sh\nbuild-exa && test-exa && run-xtests" > /usr/bin/compile-exa ln -sf /usr/bin/compile-exa /usr/bin/c echo -e "#!/bin/sh\nbash /vagrant/devtools/ \\$@" > /usr/bin/package-exa echo -e "#!/bin/sh\ncat /etc/motd" > /usr/bin/halp chmod +x /usr/bin/{exa,rexa,b,t,x,c,build-exa,test-exa,run-xtests,compile-exa,package-exa,halp} EOF # Configure the welcoming text that gets shown. config.vm.provision :shell, privileged: true, inline: <<-EOF trap 'exit' ERR rm -f /etc/update-motd.d/* # Capture the help text so it gets displayed first bash /vagrant/devtools/ > /etc/motd # Tell bash to execute a bunch of stuff when a session starts echo "source /vagrant/devtools/" > /home/#{developer}/.bash_profile chown #{developer} /home/#{developer}/.bash_profile # Disable last login date in sshd sed -i '/PrintLastLog yes/c\PrintLastLog no' /etc/ssh/sshd_config systemctl restart sshd EOF # Link the completion files so they’re “installed”. config.vm.provision :shell, privileged: true, inline: <<-EOF trap 'exit' ERR test -h /etc/bash_completion.d/exa \ || ln -s /vagrant/contrib/completions.bash /etc/bash_completion.d/exa test -h /usr/share/zsh/vendor-completions/_exa \ || ln -s /vagrant/contrib/completions.zsh /usr/share/zsh/vendor-completions/_exa test -h /usr/share/fish/completions/ \ || ln -s /vagrant/contrib/ /usr/share/fish/completions/ EOF # Install kcov for test coverage # This doesn’t run coverage over the xtests so it’s less useful for now if ENV.key?('INSTALL_KCOV') config.vm.provision :shell, privileged: false, inline: <<-EOF trap 'exit' ERR test -e ~/.cargo/bin/cargo-kcov \ || cargo install cargo-kcov sudo apt-get install -qq -o=Dpkg::Use-Pty=0 -y \ cmake g++ pkg-config \ libcurl4-openssl-dev libdw-dev binutils-dev libiberty-dev cargo kcov --print-install-kcov-sh | sudo sh EOF end config.vm.provision :shell, privileged: true, path: 'devtools/' config.vm.provision :shell, privileged: false, path: 'devtools/' end end