use column::{Alignment, Column, Cell}; use attr::Attribute; use dir::Dir; use file::{File, GREY}; use options::{Columns, FileFilter}; use users::OSUsers; use locale; use ansi_term::Style::Plain; #[derive(PartialEq, Debug, Copy)] pub struct Details { pub columns: Columns, pub header: bool, pub tree: bool, pub ext_attr: bool, pub filter: FileFilter, } impl Details { pub fn view(&self, dir: Option<&Dir>, files: &[File]) { // The output gets formatted into columns, which looks nicer. To // do this, we have to write the results into a table, instead of // displaying each file immediately, then calculating the maximum // width of each column based on the length of the results and // padding the fields during output. let columns = self.columns.for_dir(dir); let locale = UserLocale::new(); let mut cache = OSUsers::empty_cache(); let mut table = Vec::new(); self.get_files(&columns[..], &mut cache, &locale, &mut table, files, 0); if self.header { let row = Row { depth: 0, cells: columns.iter().map(|c| Cell::paint(Plain.underline(), c.header())).collect(), name: Plain.underline().paint("Name").to_string(), last: false, attrs: Vec::new(), children: false, }; table.insert(0, row); } let column_widths: Vec = range(0, columns.len()) .map(|n| table.iter().map(|row| row.cells[n].length).max().unwrap_or(0)) .collect(); let mut stack = Vec::new(); for row in table { for (num, column) in columns.iter().enumerate() { let padding = column_widths[num] - row.cells[num].length; print!("{} ", column.alignment().pad_string(&row.cells[num].text, padding)); } if self.tree { stack.resize(row.depth + 1, "├──"); stack[row.depth] = if row.last { "└──" } else { "├──" }; for i in 1 .. row.depth + 1 { print!("{}", GREY.paint(stack[i])); } if row.children { stack[row.depth] = if row.last { " " } else { "│ " }; } if row.depth != 0 { print!(" "); } } print!("{}\n",; if self.ext_attr { let width = row.attrs.iter().map(|a|; for attr in row.attrs.iter() { let name =; println!("{}\t{}", Alignment::Left.pad_string(name, width - name.len()), attr.size() ) } } } } fn get_files(&self, columns: &[Column], cache: &mut OSUsers, locale: &UserLocale, dest: &mut Vec, src: &[File], depth: usize) { for (index, file) in src.iter().enumerate() { let row = Row { depth: depth, cells: columns.iter().map(|c| file.display(c, cache, locale)).collect(), name: file.file_name_view(), last: index == src.len() - 1, attrs: file.attrs.clone(), children: file.this.is_some(), }; dest.push(row); if self.tree { if let Some(ref dir) = file.this { let mut files = dir.files(true); self.filter.transform_files(&mut files); self.get_files(columns, cache, locale, dest, &files, depth + 1); } } } } } struct Row { pub depth: usize, pub cells: Vec, pub name: String, pub last: bool, pub attrs: Vec, pub children: bool, } pub struct UserLocale { pub time: locale::Time, pub numeric: locale::Numeric, } impl UserLocale { pub fn new() -> UserLocale { UserLocale { time: locale::Time::load_user_locale().unwrap_or_else(|_| locale::Time::english()), numeric: locale::Numeric::load_user_locale().unwrap_or_else(|_| locale::Numeric::english()), } } pub fn default() -> UserLocale { UserLocale { time: locale::Time::english(), numeric: locale::Numeric::english(), } } }