use colours::Colours; use dir::Dir; use file::File; use column::Column; use column::Column::*; use feature::Attribute; use output::{Grid, Details, Lines}; use term::dimensions; use std::cmp::Ordering; use std::fmt; use std::num::ParseIntError; use std::os::unix::fs::MetadataExt; use getopts; use natord; use self::Misfire::*; /// The *Options* struct represents a parsed version of the user's /// command-line options. #[derive(PartialEq, Debug, Copy, Clone)] pub struct Options { pub dir_action: DirAction, pub filter: FileFilter, pub view: View, } #[derive(PartialEq, Debug, Copy, Clone)] pub struct FileFilter { list_dirs_first: bool, reverse: bool, show_invisibles: bool, sort_field: SortField, } #[derive(PartialEq, Debug, Copy, Clone)] pub enum View { Details(Details), Lines(Lines), Grid(Grid), } impl Options { /// Call getopts on the given slice of command-line strings. pub fn getopts(args: &[String]) -> Result<(Options, Vec), Misfire> { let mut opts = getopts::Options::new(); opts.optflag("1", "oneline", "display one entry per line"); opts.optflag("a", "all", "show dot-files"); opts.optflag("b", "binary", "use binary prefixes in file sizes"); opts.optflag("B", "bytes", "list file sizes in bytes, without prefixes"); opts.optflag("d", "list-dirs", "list directories as regular files"); opts.optflag("g", "group", "show group as well as user"); opts.optflag("", "group-directories-first", "list directories before other files"); opts.optflag("h", "header", "show a header row at the top"); opts.optflag("H", "links", "show number of hard links"); opts.optflag("i", "inode", "show each file's inode number"); opts.optflag("l", "long", "display extended details and attributes"); opts.optopt ("L", "level", "maximum depth of recursion", "DEPTH"); opts.optflag("m", "modified", "display timestamp of most recent modification"); opts.optflag("r", "reverse", "reverse order of files"); opts.optflag("R", "recurse", "recurse into directories"); opts.optopt ("s", "sort", "field to sort by", "WORD"); opts.optflag("S", "blocks", "show number of file system blocks"); opts.optopt ("t", "time", "which timestamp to show for a file", "WORD"); opts.optflag("T", "tree", "recurse into subdirectories in a tree view"); opts.optflag("u", "accessed", "display timestamp of last access for a file"); opts.optflag("U", "created", "display timestamp of creation for a file"); opts.optflag("x", "across", "sort multi-column view entries across"); opts.optflag("", "version", "display version of exa"); opts.optflag("?", "help", "show list of command-line options"); if cfg!(feature="git") { opts.optflag("", "git", "show git status"); } if Attribute::feature_implemented() { opts.optflag("@", "extended", "display extended attribute keys and sizes in long (-l) output"); } let matches = match opts.parse(args) { Ok(m) => m, Err(e) => return Err(Misfire::InvalidOptions(e)), }; if matches.opt_present("help") { return Err(Misfire::Help(opts.usage("Usage:\n exa [options] [files...]"))); } else if matches.opt_present("version") { return Err(Misfire::Version); } let sort_field = match matches.opt_str("sort") { Some(word) => try!(SortField::from_word(word)), None => SortField::default(), }; let filter = FileFilter { list_dirs_first: matches.opt_present("group-directories-first"), reverse: matches.opt_present("reverse"), show_invisibles: matches.opt_present("all"), sort_field: sort_field, }; let path_strs = if { vec![ ".".to_string() ] } else { }; let dir_action = try!(DirAction::deduce(&matches)); let view = try!(View::deduce(&matches, filter, dir_action)); Ok((Options { dir_action: dir_action, view: view, filter: filter, }, path_strs)) } pub fn transform_files(&self, files: &mut Vec) { self.filter.transform_files(files) } } impl FileFilter { /// Transform the files (sorting, reversing, filtering) before listing them. pub fn transform_files(&self, files: &mut Vec) { if !self.show_invisibles { files.retain(|f| !f.is_dotfile()); } match self.sort_field { SortField::Unsorted => {}, SortField::Name => files.sort_by(|a, b| natord::compare(&*, &*, SortField::Size => files.sort_by(|a, b| a.metadata.len().cmp(&b.metadata.len())), SortField::FileInode => files.sort_by(|a, b| a.metadata.as_raw().ino().cmp(&b.metadata.as_raw().ino())), SortField::ModifiedDate => files.sort_by(|a, b| a.metadata.as_raw().mtime().cmp(&b.metadata.as_raw().mtime())), SortField::AccessedDate => files.sort_by(|a, b| a.metadata.as_raw().atime().cmp(&b.metadata.as_raw().atime())), SortField::CreatedDate => files.sort_by(|a, b| a.metadata.as_raw().ctime().cmp(&b.metadata.as_raw().ctime())), SortField::Extension => files.sort_by(|a, b| match a.ext.cmp(&b.ext) { Ordering::Equal => natord::compare(&*, &*, order => order, }), } if self.reverse { files.reverse(); } if self.list_dirs_first { // This relies on the fact that sort_by is stable. files.sort_by(|a, b| b.is_directory().cmp(&a.is_directory())); } } } /// User-supplied field to sort by. #[derive(PartialEq, Debug, Copy, Clone)] pub enum SortField { Unsorted, Name, Extension, Size, FileInode, ModifiedDate, AccessedDate, CreatedDate, } impl Default for SortField { fn default() -> SortField { SortField::Name } } impl SortField { /// Find which field to use based on a user-supplied word. fn from_word(word: String) -> Result { match &word[..] { "name" | "filename" => Ok(SortField::Name), "size" | "filesize" => Ok(SortField::Size), "ext" | "extension" => Ok(SortField::Extension), "mod" | "modified" => Ok(SortField::ModifiedDate), "acc" | "accessed" => Ok(SortField::AccessedDate), "cr" | "created" => Ok(SortField::CreatedDate), "none" => Ok(SortField::Unsorted), "inode" => Ok(SortField::FileInode), field => Err(SortField::none(field)) } } /// How to display an error when the word didn't match with anything. fn none(field: &str) -> Misfire { Misfire::InvalidOptions(getopts::Fail::UnrecognizedOption(format!("--sort {}", field))) } } /// One of these things could happen instead of listing files. #[derive(PartialEq, Debug)] pub enum Misfire { /// The getopts crate didn't like these arguments. InvalidOptions(getopts::Fail), /// The user asked for help. This isn't strictly an error, which is why /// this enum isn't named Error! Help(String), /// The user wanted the version number. Version, /// Two options were given that conflict with one another. Conflict(&'static str, &'static str), /// An option was given that does nothing when another one either is or /// isn't present. Useless(&'static str, bool, &'static str), /// An option was given that does nothing when either of two other options /// are not present. Useless2(&'static str, &'static str, &'static str), /// A numeric option was given that failed to be parsed as a number. FailedParse(ParseIntError), } impl Misfire { /// The OS return code this misfire should signify. pub fn error_code(&self) -> i32 { if let Help(_) = *self { 2 } else { 3 } } } impl fmt::Display for Misfire { fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter) -> fmt::Result { match *self { InvalidOptions(ref e) => write!(f, "{}", e), Help(ref text) => write!(f, "{}", text), Version => write!(f, "exa {}", env!("CARGO_PKG_VERSION")), Conflict(a, b) => write!(f, "Option --{} conflicts with option {}.", a, b), Useless(a, false, b) => write!(f, "Option --{} is useless without option --{}.", a, b), Useless(a, true, b) => write!(f, "Option --{} is useless given option --{}.", a, b), Useless2(a, b1, b2) => write!(f, "Option --{} is useless without options --{} or --{}.", a, b1, b2), FailedParse(ref e) => write!(f, "Failed to parse number: {}", e), } } } impl View { pub fn deduce(matches: &getopts::Matches, filter: FileFilter, dir_action: DirAction) -> Result { if matches.opt_present("long") { if matches.opt_present("across") { Err(Misfire::Useless("across", true, "long")) } else if matches.opt_present("oneline") { Err(Misfire::Useless("oneline", true, "long")) } else { let details = Details { columns: try!(Columns::deduce(matches)), header: matches.opt_present("header"), recurse: dir_action.recurse_options().map(|o| (o, filter)), xattr: Attribute::feature_implemented() && matches.opt_present("extended"), colours: if dimensions().is_some() { Colours::colourful() } else { Colours::plain() }, }; Ok(View::Details(details)) } } else if matches.opt_present("binary") { Err(Misfire::Useless("binary", false, "long")) } else if matches.opt_present("bytes") { Err(Misfire::Useless("bytes", false, "long")) } else if matches.opt_present("inode") { Err(Misfire::Useless("inode", false, "long")) } else if matches.opt_present("links") { Err(Misfire::Useless("links", false, "long")) } else if matches.opt_present("header") { Err(Misfire::Useless("header", false, "long")) } else if matches.opt_present("blocks") { Err(Misfire::Useless("blocks", false, "long")) } else if cfg!(feature="git") && matches.opt_present("git") { Err(Misfire::Useless("git", false, "long")) } else if matches.opt_present("time") { Err(Misfire::Useless("time", false, "long")) } else if matches.opt_present("tree") { Err(Misfire::Useless("tree", false, "long")) } else if matches.opt_present("group") { Err(Misfire::Useless("group", false, "long")) } else if matches.opt_present("level") && !matches.opt_present("recurse") { Err(Misfire::Useless2("level", "recurse", "tree")) } else if Attribute::feature_implemented() && matches.opt_present("extended") { Err(Misfire::Useless("extended", false, "long")) } else if let Some((width, _)) = dimensions() { if matches.opt_present("oneline") { if matches.opt_present("across") { Err(Misfire::Useless("across", true, "oneline")) } else { let lines = Lines { colours: Colours::colourful(), }; Ok(View::Lines(lines)) } } else { let grid = Grid { across: matches.opt_present("across"), console_width: width, colours: Colours::colourful(), }; Ok(View::Grid(grid)) } } else { // If the terminal width couldn't be matched for some reason, such // as the program's stdout being connected to a file, then // fallback to the lines view. let lines = Lines { colours: Colours::plain(), }; Ok(View::Lines(lines)) } } } #[derive(PartialEq, Debug, Copy, Clone)] pub enum SizeFormat { DecimalBytes, BinaryBytes, JustBytes, } impl Default for SizeFormat { fn default() -> SizeFormat { SizeFormat::DecimalBytes } } impl SizeFormat { pub fn deduce(matches: &getopts::Matches) -> Result { let binary = matches.opt_present("binary"); let bytes = matches.opt_present("bytes"); match (binary, bytes) { (true, true ) => Err(Misfire::Conflict("binary", "bytes")), (true, false) => Ok(SizeFormat::BinaryBytes), (false, true ) => Ok(SizeFormat::JustBytes), (false, false) => Ok(SizeFormat::DecimalBytes), } } } #[derive(PartialEq, Debug, Copy, Clone)] pub enum TimeType { FileAccessed, FileModified, FileCreated, } impl TimeType { pub fn header(&self) -> &'static str { match *self { TimeType::FileAccessed => "Date Accessed", TimeType::FileModified => "Date Modified", TimeType::FileCreated => "Date Created", } } } #[derive(PartialEq, Debug, Copy, Clone)] pub struct TimeTypes { accessed: bool, modified: bool, created: bool, } impl Default for TimeTypes { fn default() -> TimeTypes { TimeTypes { accessed: false, modified: true, created: false } } } impl TimeTypes { /// Find which field to use based on a user-supplied word. fn deduce(matches: &getopts::Matches) -> Result { let possible_word = matches.opt_str("time"); let modified = matches.opt_present("modified"); let created = matches.opt_present("created"); let accessed = matches.opt_present("accessed"); if let Some(word) = possible_word { if modified { return Err(Misfire::Useless("modified", true, "time")); } else if created { return Err(Misfire::Useless("created", true, "time")); } else if accessed { return Err(Misfire::Useless("accessed", true, "time")); } match &word[..] { "mod" | "modified" => Ok(TimeTypes { accessed: false, modified: true, created: false }), "acc" | "accessed" => Ok(TimeTypes { accessed: true, modified: false, created: false }), "cr" | "created" => Ok(TimeTypes { accessed: false, modified: false, created: true }), field => Err(TimeTypes::none(field)), } } else { if modified || created || accessed { Ok(TimeTypes { accessed: accessed, modified: modified, created: created }) } else { Ok(TimeTypes::default()) } } } /// How to display an error when the word didn't match with anything. fn none(field: &str) -> Misfire { Misfire::InvalidOptions(getopts::Fail::UnrecognizedOption(format!("--time {}", field))) } } /// What to do when encountering a directory? #[derive(PartialEq, Debug, Copy, Clone)] pub enum DirAction { AsFile, List, Recurse(RecurseOptions), } impl DirAction { pub fn deduce(matches: &getopts::Matches) -> Result { let recurse = matches.opt_present("recurse"); let list = matches.opt_present("list-dirs"); let tree = matches.opt_present("tree"); match (recurse, list, tree) { (true, true, _ ) => Err(Misfire::Conflict("recurse", "list-dirs")), (_, true, true ) => Err(Misfire::Conflict("tree", "list-dirs")), (true, false, false) => Ok(DirAction::Recurse(try!(RecurseOptions::deduce(matches, false)))), (_ , _, true ) => Ok(DirAction::Recurse(try!(RecurseOptions::deduce(matches, true)))), (false, true, _ ) => Ok(DirAction::AsFile), (false, false, _ ) => Ok(DirAction::List), } } pub fn recurse_options(&self) -> Option { match *self { DirAction::Recurse(opts) => Some(opts), _ => None, } } pub fn is_as_file(&self) -> bool { match *self { DirAction::AsFile => true, _ => false, } } pub fn is_tree(&self) -> bool { match *self { DirAction::Recurse(RecurseOptions { tree, .. }) => tree, _ => false, } } } #[derive(PartialEq, Debug, Copy, Clone)] pub struct RecurseOptions { pub tree: bool, pub max_depth: Option, } impl RecurseOptions { pub fn deduce(matches: &getopts::Matches, tree: bool) -> Result { let max_depth = if let Some(level) = matches.opt_str("level") { match level.parse() { Ok(l) => Some(l), Err(e) => return Err(Misfire::FailedParse(e)), } } else { None }; Ok(RecurseOptions { tree: tree, max_depth: max_depth, }) } pub fn is_too_deep(&self, depth: usize) -> bool { match self.max_depth { None => false, Some(d) => { d <= depth } } } } #[derive(PartialEq, Copy, Clone, Debug, Default)] pub struct Columns { size_format: SizeFormat, time_types: TimeTypes, inode: bool, links: bool, blocks: bool, group: bool, git: bool } impl Columns { pub fn deduce(matches: &getopts::Matches) -> Result { Ok(Columns { size_format: try!(SizeFormat::deduce(matches)), time_types: try!(TimeTypes::deduce(matches)), inode: matches.opt_present("inode"), links: matches.opt_present("links"), blocks: matches.opt_present("blocks"), group: matches.opt_present("group"), git: cfg!(feature="git") && matches.opt_present("git"), }) } pub fn for_dir(&self, dir: Option<&Dir>) -> Vec { let mut columns = vec![]; if self.inode { columns.push(Inode); } columns.push(Permissions); if self.links { columns.push(HardLinks); } columns.push(FileSize(self.size_format)); if self.blocks { columns.push(Blocks); } columns.push(User); if { columns.push(Group); } if self.time_types.modified { columns.push(Timestamp(TimeType::FileModified)); } if self.time_types.created { columns.push(Timestamp(TimeType::FileCreated)); } if self.time_types.accessed { columns.push(Timestamp(TimeType::FileAccessed)); } if cfg!(feature="git") { if let Some(d) = dir { if self.git && d.has_git_repo() { columns.push(GitStatus); } } } columns } } #[cfg(test)] mod test { use super::Options; use super::Misfire; use super::Misfire::*; use feature::Attribute; fn is_helpful(misfire: Result) -> bool { match misfire { Err(Help(_)) => true, _ => false, } } #[test] fn help() { let opts = Options::getopts(&[ "--help".to_string() ]); assert!(is_helpful(opts)) } #[test] fn help_with_file() { let opts = Options::getopts(&[ "--help".to_string(), "me".to_string() ]); assert!(is_helpful(opts)) } #[test] fn files() { let args = Options::getopts(&[ "this file".to_string(), "that file".to_string() ]).unwrap().1; assert_eq!(args, vec![ "this file".to_string(), "that file".to_string() ]) } #[test] fn no_args() { let args = Options::getopts(&[]).unwrap().1; assert_eq!(args, vec![ ".".to_string() ]) } #[test] fn file_sizes() { let opts = Options::getopts(&[ "--long".to_string(), "--binary".to_string(), "--bytes".to_string() ]); assert_eq!(opts.unwrap_err(), Misfire::Conflict("binary", "bytes")) } #[test] fn just_binary() { let opts = Options::getopts(&[ "--binary".to_string() ]); assert_eq!(opts.unwrap_err(), Misfire::Useless("binary", false, "long")) } #[test] fn just_bytes() { let opts = Options::getopts(&[ "--bytes".to_string() ]); assert_eq!(opts.unwrap_err(), Misfire::Useless("bytes", false, "long")) } #[test] fn long_across() { let opts = Options::getopts(&[ "--long".to_string(), "--across".to_string() ]); assert_eq!(opts.unwrap_err(), Misfire::Useless("across", true, "long")) } #[test] fn oneline_across() { let opts = Options::getopts(&[ "--oneline".to_string(), "--across".to_string() ]); assert_eq!(opts.unwrap_err(), Misfire::Useless("across", true, "oneline")) } #[test] fn just_header() { let opts = Options::getopts(&[ "--header".to_string() ]); assert_eq!(opts.unwrap_err(), Misfire::Useless("header", false, "long")) } #[test] fn just_group() { let opts = Options::getopts(&[ "--group".to_string() ]); assert_eq!(opts.unwrap_err(), Misfire::Useless("group", false, "long")) } #[test] fn just_inode() { let opts = Options::getopts(&[ "--inode".to_string() ]); assert_eq!(opts.unwrap_err(), Misfire::Useless("inode", false, "long")) } #[test] fn just_links() { let opts = Options::getopts(&[ "--links".to_string() ]); assert_eq!(opts.unwrap_err(), Misfire::Useless("links", false, "long")) } #[test] fn just_blocks() { let opts = Options::getopts(&[ "--blocks".to_string() ]); assert_eq!(opts.unwrap_err(), Misfire::Useless("blocks", false, "long")) } #[test] #[cfg(feature="git")] fn just_git() { let opts = Options::getopts(&[ "--git".to_string() ]); assert_eq!(opts.unwrap_err(), Misfire::Useless("git", false, "long")) } #[test] fn extended_without_long() { if Attribute::feature_implemented() { let opts = Options::getopts(&[ "--extended".to_string() ]); assert_eq!(opts.unwrap_err(), Misfire::Useless("extended", false, "long")) } } #[test] fn level_without_recurse_or_tree() { let opts = Options::getopts(&[ "--level".to_string(), "69105".to_string() ]); assert_eq!(opts.unwrap_err(), Misfire::Useless2("level", "recurse", "tree")) } }