//! Files, and methods and fields to access their metadata. use std::io::Error as IOError; use std::io::Result as IOResult; use std::os::unix::fs::{MetadataExt, PermissionsExt, FileTypeExt}; use std::path::{Path, PathBuf}; use std::time::{UNIX_EPOCH, Duration}; use log::{debug, error}; use crate::fs::dir::Dir; use crate::fs::fields as f; /// A **File** is a wrapper around one of Rust's Path objects, along with /// associated data about the file. /// /// Each file is definitely going to have its filename displayed at least /// once, have its file extension extracted at least once, and have its metadata /// information queried at least once, so it makes sense to do all this at the /// start and hold on to all the information. pub struct File<'dir> { /// The filename portion of this file’s path, including the extension. /// /// This is used to compare against certain filenames (such as checking if /// it’s “Makefile” or something) and to highlight only the filename in /// colour when displaying the path. pub name: String, /// The file’s name’s extension, if present, extracted from the name. /// /// This is queried many times over, so it’s worth caching it. pub ext: Option, /// The path that begat this file. /// /// Even though the file’s name is extracted, the path needs to be kept /// around, as certain operations involve looking up the file’s absolute /// location (such as searching for compiled files) or using its original /// path (following a symlink). pub path: PathBuf, /// A cached `metadata` (`stat`) call for this file. /// /// This too is queried multiple times, and is *not* cached by the OS, as /// it could easily change between invocations — but exa is so short-lived /// it's better to just cache it. pub metadata: std::fs::Metadata, /// A reference to the directory that contains this file, if any. /// /// Filenames that get passed in on the command-line directly will have no /// parent directory reference — although they technically have one on the /// filesystem, we’ll never need to look at it, so it’ll be `None`. /// However, *directories* that get passed in will produce files that /// contain a reference to it, which is used in certain operations (such /// as looking up compiled files). pub parent_dir: Option<&'dir Dir>, /// Whether this is one of the two `--all all` directories, `.` and `..`. /// /// Unlike all other entries, these are not returned as part of the /// directory's children, and are in fact added specifically by exa; this /// means that they should be skipped when recursing. pub is_all_all: bool, } impl<'dir> File<'dir> { pub fn from_args(path: PathBuf, parent_dir: PD, filename: FN) -> IOResult> where PD: Into>, FN: Into> { let parent_dir = parent_dir.into(); let name = filename.into().unwrap_or_else(|| File::filename(&path)); let ext = File::ext(&path); debug!("Statting file {:?}", &path); let metadata = std::fs::symlink_metadata(&path)?; let is_all_all = false; Ok(File { path, parent_dir, metadata, ext, name, is_all_all }) } pub fn new_aa_current(parent_dir: &'dir Dir) -> IOResult> { let path = parent_dir.path.to_path_buf(); let ext = File::ext(&path); debug!("Statting file {:?}", &path); let metadata = std::fs::symlink_metadata(&path)?; let is_all_all = true; Ok(File { path, parent_dir: Some(parent_dir), metadata, ext, name: ".".to_string(), is_all_all }) } pub fn new_aa_parent(path: PathBuf, parent_dir: &'dir Dir) -> IOResult> { let ext = File::ext(&path); debug!("Statting file {:?}", &path); let metadata = std::fs::symlink_metadata(&path)?; let is_all_all = true; Ok(File { path, parent_dir: Some(parent_dir), metadata, ext, name: "..".to_string(), is_all_all }) } /// A file’s name is derived from its string. This needs to handle directories /// such as `/` or `..`, which have no `file_name` component. So instead, just /// use the last component as the name. pub fn filename(path: &Path) -> String { if let Some(back) = path.components().next_back() { back.as_os_str().to_string_lossy().to_string() } else { // use the path as fallback error!("Path {:?} has no last component", path); path.display().to_string() } } /// Extract an extension from a file path, if one is present, in lowercase. /// /// The extension is the series of characters after the last dot. This /// deliberately counts dotfiles, so the “.git” folder has the extension “git”. /// /// ASCII lowercasing is used because these extensions are only compared /// against a pre-compiled list of extensions which are known to only exist /// within ASCII, so it’s alright. fn ext(path: &Path) -> Option { let name = path.file_name().map(|f| f.to_string_lossy().to_string())?; name.rfind('.').map(|p| name[p+1..].to_ascii_lowercase()) } /// Whether this file is a directory on the filesystem. pub fn is_directory(&self) -> bool { self.metadata.is_dir() } /// Whether this file is a directory, or a symlink pointing to a directory. pub fn points_to_directory(&self) -> bool { if self.is_directory() { return true; } if self.is_link() { let target = self.link_target(); if let FileTarget::Ok(target) = target { return target.points_to_directory(); } } false } /// If this file is a directory on the filesystem, then clone its /// `PathBuf` for use in one of our own `Dir` values, and read a list of /// its contents. /// /// Returns an IO error upon failure, but this shouldn’t be used to check /// if a `File` is a directory or not! For that, just use `is_directory()`. pub fn to_dir(&self) -> IOResult { Dir::read_dir(self.path.clone()) } /// Whether this file is a regular file on the filesystem — that is, not a /// directory, a link, or anything else treated specially. pub fn is_file(&self) -> bool { self.metadata.is_file() } /// Whether this file is both a regular file *and* executable for the /// current user. An executable file has a different purpose from an /// executable directory, so they should be highlighted differently. pub fn is_executable_file(&self) -> bool { let bit = modes::USER_EXECUTE; self.is_file() && (self.metadata.permissions().mode() & bit) == bit } /// Whether this file is a symlink on the filesystem. pub fn is_link(&self) -> bool { self.metadata.file_type().is_symlink() } /// Whether this file is a named pipe on the filesystem. pub fn is_pipe(&self) -> bool { self.metadata.file_type().is_fifo() } /// Whether this file is a char device on the filesystem. pub fn is_char_device(&self) -> bool { self.metadata.file_type().is_char_device() } /// Whether this file is a block device on the filesystem. pub fn is_block_device(&self) -> bool { self.metadata.file_type().is_block_device() } /// Whether this file is a socket on the filesystem. pub fn is_socket(&self) -> bool { self.metadata.file_type().is_socket() } /// Re-prefixes the path pointed to by this file, if it’s a symlink, to /// make it an absolute path that can be accessed from whichever /// directory exa is being run from. fn reorient_target_path(&self, path: &Path) -> PathBuf { if path.is_absolute() { path.to_path_buf() } else if let Some(dir) = self.parent_dir { dir.join(&*path) } else if let Some(parent) = self.path.parent() { parent.join(&*path) } else { self.path.join(&*path) } } /// Again assuming this file is a symlink, follows that link and returns /// the result of following it. /// /// For a working symlink that the user is allowed to follow, /// this will be the `File` object at the other end, which can then have /// its name, colour, and other details read. /// /// For a broken symlink, returns where the file *would* be, if it /// existed. If this file cannot be read at all, returns the error that /// we got when we tried to read it. pub fn link_target(&self) -> FileTarget<'dir> { // We need to be careful to treat the path actually pointed to by // this file — which could be absolute or relative — to the path // we actually look up and turn into a `File` — which needs to be // absolute to be accessible from any directory. debug!("Reading link {:?}", &self.path); let path = match std::fs::read_link(&self.path) { Ok(p) => p, Err(e) => return FileTarget::Err(e), }; let absolute_path = self.reorient_target_path(&path); // Use plain `metadata` instead of `symlink_metadata` - we *want* to // follow links. match std::fs::metadata(&absolute_path) { Ok(metadata) => { let ext = File::ext(&path); let name = File::filename(&path); FileTarget::Ok(Box::new(File { parent_dir: None, path, ext, metadata, name, is_all_all: false })) } Err(e) => { error!("Error following link {:?}: {:#?}", &path, e); FileTarget::Broken(path) } } } /// This file’s number of hard links. /// /// It also reports whether this is both a regular file, and a file with /// multiple links. This is important, because a file with multiple links /// is uncommon, while you come across directories and other types /// with multiple links much more often. Thus, it should get highlighted /// more attentively. pub fn links(&self) -> f::Links { let count = self.metadata.nlink(); f::Links { count, multiple: self.is_file() && count > 1, } } /// This file's inode. pub fn inode(&self) -> f::Inode { f::Inode(self.metadata.ino()) } /// This file's number of filesystem blocks. /// /// (Not the size of each block, which we don't actually report on) pub fn blocks(&self) -> f::Blocks { if self.is_file() || self.is_link() { f::Blocks::Some(self.metadata.blocks()) } else { f::Blocks::None } } /// The ID of the user that own this file. pub fn user(&self) -> f::User { f::User(self.metadata.uid()) } /// The ID of the group that owns this file. pub fn group(&self) -> f::Group { f::Group(self.metadata.gid()) } /// This file’s size, if it’s a regular file. /// /// For directories, no size is given. Although they do have a size on /// some filesystems, I’ve never looked at one of those numbers and gained /// any information from it. So it’s going to be hidden instead. /// /// Block and character devices return their device IDs, because they /// usually just have a file size of zero. pub fn size(&self) -> f::Size { if self.is_directory() { f::Size::None } else if self.is_char_device() || self.is_block_device() { let dev = self.metadata.rdev(); f::Size::DeviceIDs(f::DeviceIDs { major: (dev / 256) as u8, minor: (dev % 256) as u8, }) } else { f::Size::Some(self.metadata.len()) } } /// This file’s last modified timestamp. /// If the file's time is invalid, assume it was modified today pub fn modified_time(&self) -> Duration { match self.metadata.modified() { Ok(system_time) => system_time.duration_since(UNIX_EPOCH).unwrap(), Err(_) => Duration::new(0, 0), } } /// This file’s last changed timestamp. pub fn changed_time(&self) -> Duration { Duration::new(self.metadata.ctime() as u64, self.metadata.ctime_nsec() as u32) } /// This file’s last accessed timestamp. /// If the file's time is invalid, assume it was accessed today pub fn accessed_time(&self) -> Duration { match self.metadata.accessed() { Ok(system_time) => system_time.duration_since(UNIX_EPOCH).unwrap(), Err(_) => Duration::new(0, 0), } } /// This file’s created timestamp. /// If the file's time is invalid, assume it was created today pub fn created_time(&self) -> Duration { match self.metadata.created() { Ok(system_time) => system_time.duration_since(UNIX_EPOCH).unwrap(), Err(_) => Duration::new(0, 0), } } /// This file’s ‘type’. /// /// This is used a the leftmost character of the permissions column. /// The file type can usually be guessed from the colour of the file, but /// ls puts this character there. pub fn type_char(&self) -> f::Type { if self.is_file() { f::Type::File } else if self.is_directory() { f::Type::Directory } else if self.is_pipe() { f::Type::Pipe } else if self.is_link() { f::Type::Link } else if self.is_char_device() { f::Type::CharDevice } else if self.is_block_device() { f::Type::BlockDevice } else if self.is_socket() { f::Type::Socket } else { f::Type::Special } } /// This file’s permissions, with flags for each bit. pub fn permissions(&self) -> f::Permissions { let bits = self.metadata.mode(); let has_bit = |bit| { bits & bit == bit }; f::Permissions { user_read: has_bit(modes::USER_READ), user_write: has_bit(modes::USER_WRITE), user_execute: has_bit(modes::USER_EXECUTE), group_read: has_bit(modes::GROUP_READ), group_write: has_bit(modes::GROUP_WRITE), group_execute: has_bit(modes::GROUP_EXECUTE), other_read: has_bit(modes::OTHER_READ), other_write: has_bit(modes::OTHER_WRITE), other_execute: has_bit(modes::OTHER_EXECUTE), sticky: has_bit(modes::STICKY), setgid: has_bit(modes::SETGID), setuid: has_bit(modes::SETUID), } } /// Whether this file’s extension is any of the strings that get passed in. /// /// This will always return `false` if the file has no extension. pub fn extension_is_one_of(&self, choices: &[&str]) -> bool { match self.ext { Some(ref ext) => choices.contains(&&ext[..]), None => false, } } /// Whether this file's name, including extension, is any of the strings /// that get passed in. pub fn name_is_one_of(&self, choices: &[&str]) -> bool { choices.contains(&&self.name[..]) } } impl<'a> AsRef> for File<'a> { fn as_ref(&self) -> &File<'a> { self } } /// The result of following a symlink. pub enum FileTarget<'dir> { /// The symlink pointed at a file that exists. Ok(Box>), /// The symlink pointed at a file that does not exist. Holds the path /// where the file would be, if it existed. Broken(PathBuf), /// There was an IO error when following the link. This can happen if the /// file isn’t a link to begin with, but also if, say, we don’t have /// permission to follow it. Err(IOError), // Err is its own variant, instead of having the whole thing be inside an // `IOResult`, because being unable to follow a symlink is not a serious // error -- we just display the error message and move on. } impl<'dir> FileTarget<'dir> { /// Whether this link doesn’t lead to a file, for whatever reason. This /// gets used to determine how to highlight the link in grid views. pub fn is_broken(&self) -> bool { match *self { FileTarget::Ok(_) => false, FileTarget::Broken(_) | FileTarget::Err(_) => true, } } } /// More readable aliases for the permission bits exposed by libc. #[allow(trivial_numeric_casts)] mod modes { use libc; pub type Mode = u32; // The `libc::mode_t` type’s actual type varies, but the value returned // from `metadata.permissions().mode()` is always `u32`. pub const USER_READ: Mode = libc::S_IRUSR as Mode; pub const USER_WRITE: Mode = libc::S_IWUSR as Mode; pub const USER_EXECUTE: Mode = libc::S_IXUSR as Mode; pub const GROUP_READ: Mode = libc::S_IRGRP as Mode; pub const GROUP_WRITE: Mode = libc::S_IWGRP as Mode; pub const GROUP_EXECUTE: Mode = libc::S_IXGRP as Mode; pub const OTHER_READ: Mode = libc::S_IROTH as Mode; pub const OTHER_WRITE: Mode = libc::S_IWOTH as Mode; pub const OTHER_EXECUTE: Mode = libc::S_IXOTH as Mode; pub const STICKY: Mode = libc::S_ISVTX as Mode; pub const SETGID: Mode = libc::S_ISGID as Mode; pub const SETUID: Mode = libc::S_ISUID as Mode; } #[cfg(test)] mod ext_test { use super::File; use std::path::Path; #[test] fn extension() { assert_eq!(Some("dat".to_string()), File::ext(Path::new("fester.dat"))) } #[test] fn dotfile() { assert_eq!(Some("vimrc".to_string()), File::ext(Path::new(".vimrc"))) } #[test] fn no_extension() { assert_eq!(None, File::ext(Path::new("jarlsberg"))) } } #[cfg(test)] mod filename_test { use super::File; use std::path::Path; #[test] fn file() { assert_eq!("fester.dat", File::filename(Path::new("fester.dat"))) } #[test] fn no_path() { assert_eq!("foo.wha", File::filename(Path::new("/var/cache/foo.wha"))) } #[test] fn here() { assert_eq!(".", File::filename(Path::new("."))) } #[test] fn there() { assert_eq!("..", File::filename(Path::new(".."))) } #[test] fn everywhere() { assert_eq!("..", File::filename(Path::new("./.."))) } #[test] fn topmost() { assert_eq!("/", File::filename(Path::new("/"))) } }