#![warn(deprecated_in_future)] #![warn(future_incompatible)] #![warn(nonstandard_style)] #![warn(rust_2018_compatibility)] #![warn(rust_2018_idioms)] #![warn(trivial_casts, trivial_numeric_casts)] #![warn(unused)] #![warn(clippy::all, clippy::pedantic)] #![allow(clippy::cast_precision_loss)] #![allow(clippy::cast_possible_truncation)] #![allow(clippy::cast_possible_wrap)] #![allow(clippy::cast_sign_loss)] #![allow(clippy::enum_glob_use)] #![allow(clippy::map_unwrap_or)] #![allow(clippy::match_same_arms)] #![allow(clippy::module_name_repetitions)] #![allow(clippy::non_ascii_literal)] #![allow(clippy::option_if_let_else)] #![allow(clippy::too_many_lines)] #![allow(clippy::unnested_or_patterns)] // TODO: remove this when we support Rust 1.53.0 #![allow(clippy::unused_self)] #![allow(clippy::upper_case_acronyms)] #![allow(clippy::wildcard_imports)] use std::env; use std::ffi::{OsStr, OsString}; use std::io::{self, Write, ErrorKind}; use std::path::{Component, PathBuf}; use ansi_term::{ANSIStrings, Style}; use log::*; use crate::fs::{Dir, File}; use crate::fs::feature::git::GitCache; use crate::fs::filter::GitIgnore; use crate::options::{Options, Vars, vars, OptionsResult}; use crate::output::{escape, lines, grid, grid_details, details, View, Mode}; use crate::theme::Theme; mod fs; mod info; mod logger; mod options; mod output; mod theme; fn main() { use std::process::exit; logger::configure(env::var_os(vars::EXA_DEBUG)); let args: Vec<_> = env::args_os().skip(1).collect(); match Options::parse(args.iter().map(|e| e.as_ref()), &LiveVars) { OptionsResult::Ok(options, mut input_paths) => { // List the current directory by default. // (This has to be done here, otherwise git_options won’t see it.) if input_paths.is_empty() { input_paths = vec![ OsStr::new(".") ]; } let git = git_options(&options, &input_paths); let writer = io::stdout(); let console_width = options.view.width.actual_terminal_width(); let theme = options.theme.to_theme(console_width.is_some()); let exa = Exa { options, writer, input_paths, theme, console_width, git }; match exa.run() { Ok(exit_status) => { exit(exit_status); } Err(e) if e.kind() == ErrorKind::BrokenPipe => { warn!("Broken pipe error: {}", e); exit(exits::SUCCESS); } Err(e) => { eprintln!("{}", e); exit(exits::RUNTIME_ERROR); } } } OptionsResult::Help(help_text) => { print!("{}", help_text); } OptionsResult::Version(version_str) => { print!("{}", version_str); } OptionsResult::InvalidOptions(error) => { eprintln!("exa: {}", error); if let Some(s) = error.suggestion() { eprintln!("{}", s); } exit(exits::OPTIONS_ERROR); } } } /// The main program wrapper. pub struct Exa<'args> { /// List of command-line options, having been successfully parsed. pub options: Options, /// The output handle that we write to. pub writer: io::Stdout, /// List of the free command-line arguments that should correspond to file /// names (anything that isn’t an option). pub input_paths: Vec<&'args OsStr>, /// The theme that has been configured from the command-line options and /// environment variables. If colours are disabled, this is a theme with /// every style set to the default. pub theme: Theme, /// The detected width of the console. This is used to determine which /// view to use. pub console_width: Option, /// A global Git cache, if the option was passed in. /// This has to last the lifetime of the program, because the user might /// want to list several directories in the same repository. pub git: Option, } /// The “real” environment variables type. /// Instead of just calling `var_os` from within the options module, /// the method of looking up environment variables has to be passed in. struct LiveVars; impl Vars for LiveVars { fn get(&self, name: &'static str) -> Option { env::var_os(name) } } /// Create a Git cache populated with the arguments that are going to be /// listed before they’re actually listed, if the options demand it. fn git_options(options: &Options, args: &[&OsStr]) -> Option { if options.should_scan_for_git() { Some(args.iter().map(PathBuf::from).collect()) } else { None } } impl<'args> Exa<'args> { /// # Errors /// /// Will return `Err` if printing to stderr fails. pub fn run(mut self) -> io::Result { debug!("Running with options: {:#?}", self.options); let mut files = Vec::new(); let mut dirs = Vec::new(); let mut exit_status = 0; for file_path in &self.input_paths { match File::from_args(PathBuf::from(file_path), None, None) { Err(e) => { exit_status = 2; writeln!(io::stderr(), "{:?}: {}", file_path, e)?; } Ok(f) => { if f.points_to_directory() && ! self.options.dir_action.treat_dirs_as_files() { match f.to_dir() { Ok(d) => dirs.push(d), Err(e) => writeln!(io::stderr(), "{:?}: {}", file_path, e)?, } } else { files.push(f); } } } } // We want to print a directory’s name before we list it, *except* in // the case where it’s the only directory, *except* if there are any // files to print as well. (It’s a double negative) let no_files = files.is_empty(); let is_only_dir = dirs.len() == 1 && no_files; self.options.filter.filter_argument_files(&mut files); self.print_files(None, files)?; self.print_dirs(dirs, no_files, is_only_dir, exit_status) } fn print_dirs(&mut self, dir_files: Vec, mut first: bool, is_only_dir: bool, exit_status: i32) -> io::Result { for dir in dir_files { // Put a gap between directories, or between the list of files and // the first directory. if first { first = false; } else { writeln!(&mut self.writer)?; } if ! is_only_dir { let mut bits = Vec::new(); escape(dir.path.display().to_string(), &mut bits, Style::default(), Style::default()); writeln!(&mut self.writer, "{}:", ANSIStrings(&bits))?; } let mut children = Vec::new(); let git_ignore = self.options.filter.git_ignore == GitIgnore::CheckAndIgnore; for file in dir.files(self.options.filter.dot_filter, self.git.as_ref(), git_ignore) { match file { Ok(file) => children.push(file), Err((path, e)) => writeln!(io::stderr(), "[{}: {}]", path.display(), e)?, } }; self.options.filter.filter_child_files(&mut children); self.options.filter.sort_files(&mut children); if let Some(recurse_opts) = self.options.dir_action.recurse_options() { let depth = dir.path.components().filter(|&c| c != Component::CurDir).count() + 1; if ! recurse_opts.tree && ! recurse_opts.is_too_deep(depth) { let mut child_dirs = Vec::new(); for child_dir in children.iter().filter(|f| f.is_directory() && ! f.is_all_all) { match child_dir.to_dir() { Ok(d) => child_dirs.push(d), Err(e) => writeln!(io::stderr(), "{}: {}", child_dir.path.display(), e)?, } } self.print_files(Some(&dir), children)?; match self.print_dirs(child_dirs, false, false, exit_status) { Ok(_) => (), Err(e) => return Err(e), } continue; } } self.print_files(Some(&dir), children)?; } Ok(exit_status) } /// Prints the list of files using whichever view is selected. fn print_files(&mut self, dir: Option<&Dir>, files: Vec>) -> io::Result<()> { if files.is_empty() { return Ok(()); } let theme = &self.theme; let View { ref mode, ref file_style, .. } = self.options.view; match (mode, self.console_width) { (Mode::Grid(ref opts), Some(console_width)) => { let filter = &self.options.filter; let r = grid::Render { files, theme, file_style, opts, console_width, filter }; r.render(&mut self.writer) } (Mode::Grid(_), None) | (Mode::Lines, _) => { let filter = &self.options.filter; let r = lines::Render { files, theme, file_style, filter }; r.render(&mut self.writer) } (Mode::Details(ref opts), _) => { let filter = &self.options.filter; let recurse = self.options.dir_action.recurse_options(); let git_ignoring = self.options.filter.git_ignore == GitIgnore::CheckAndIgnore; let git = self.git.as_ref(); let r = details::Render { dir, files, theme, file_style, opts, recurse, filter, git_ignoring, git }; r.render(&mut self.writer) } (Mode::GridDetails(ref opts), Some(console_width)) => { let grid = &opts.grid; let details = &opts.details; let row_threshold = opts.row_threshold; let filter = &self.options.filter; let git_ignoring = self.options.filter.git_ignore == GitIgnore::CheckAndIgnore; let git = self.git.as_ref(); let r = grid_details::Render { dir, files, theme, file_style, grid, details, filter, row_threshold, git_ignoring, git, console_width }; r.render(&mut self.writer) } (Mode::GridDetails(ref opts), None) => { let opts = &opts.to_details_options(); let filter = &self.options.filter; let recurse = self.options.dir_action.recurse_options(); let git_ignoring = self.options.filter.git_ignore == GitIgnore::CheckAndIgnore; let git = self.git.as_ref(); let r = details::Render { dir, files, theme, file_style, opts, recurse, filter, git_ignoring, git }; r.render(&mut self.writer) } } } } mod exits { /// Exit code for when exa runs OK. pub const SUCCESS: i32 = 0; /// Exit code for when there was at least one I/O error during execution. pub const RUNTIME_ERROR: i32 = 1; /// Exit code for when the command-line options are invalid. pub const OPTIONS_ERROR: i32 = 3; }