#![warn(trivial_casts, trivial_numeric_casts)] #![warn(unused_results)] extern crate ansi_term; extern crate datetime; extern crate getopts; extern crate glob; extern crate libc; extern crate locale; extern crate natord; extern crate num_cpus; extern crate number_prefix; extern crate scoped_threadpool; extern crate term_grid; extern crate unicode_width; extern crate users; extern crate zoneinfo_compiled; #[cfg(feature="git")] extern crate git2; #[macro_use] extern crate lazy_static; use std::ffi::OsStr; use std::io::{stderr, Write, Result as IOResult}; use std::path::{Component, PathBuf}; use ansi_term::{ANSIStrings, Style}; use fs::{Dir, File}; use options::{Options, View, Mode}; pub use options::Misfire; use output::{escape, lines, grid, grid_details, details}; mod fs; mod info; mod options; mod output; mod term; /// The main program wrapper. pub struct Exa<'w, W: Write + 'w> { /// List of command-line options, having been successfully parsed. pub options: Options, /// The output handle that we write to. When running the program normally, /// this will be `std::io::Stdout`, but it can accept any struct that’s /// `Write` so we can write into, say, a vector for testing. pub writer: &'w mut W, /// List of the free command-line arguments that should correspond to file /// names (anything that isn’t an option). pub args: Vec, } impl<'w, W: Write + 'w> Exa<'w, W> { pub fn new(args: C, writer: &'w mut W) -> Result, Misfire> where C: IntoIterator, C::Item: AsRef { Options::getopts(args).map(move |(options, args)| { Exa { options, writer, args } }) } pub fn run(&mut self) -> IOResult { let mut files = Vec::new(); let mut dirs = Vec::new(); let mut exit_status = 0; // List the current directory by default, like ls. if self.args.is_empty() { self.args.push(".".to_owned()); } for file_name in &self.args { match File::new(PathBuf::from(file_name), None, None) { Err(e) => { exit_status = 2; writeln!(stderr(), "{}: {}", file_name, e)?; }, Ok(f) => { if f.is_directory() && !self.options.dir_action.treat_dirs_as_files() { match f.to_dir(self.options.should_scan_for_git()) { Ok(d) => dirs.push(d), Err(e) => writeln!(stderr(), "{}: {}", file_name, e)?, } } else { files.push(f); } }, } } // We want to print a directory’s name before we list it, *except* in // the case where it’s the only directory, *except* if there are any // files to print as well. (It’s a double negative) let no_files = files.is_empty(); let is_only_dir = dirs.len() == 1 && no_files; self.options.filter.filter_argument_files(&mut files); self.print_files(None, files)?; self.print_dirs(dirs, no_files, is_only_dir, exit_status) } fn print_dirs(&mut self, dir_files: Vec, mut first: bool, is_only_dir: bool, exit_status: i32) -> IOResult { for dir in dir_files { // Put a gap between directories, or between the list of files and // the first directory. if first { first = false; } else { write!(self.writer, "\n")?; } if !is_only_dir { let mut bits = Vec::new(); escape(dir.path.display().to_string(), &mut bits, Style::default(), Style::default()); writeln!(self.writer, "{}:", ANSIStrings(&bits))?; } let mut children = Vec::new(); for file in dir.files(self.options.filter.dot_filter) { match file { Ok(file) => children.push(file), Err((path, e)) => writeln!(stderr(), "[{}: {}]", path.display(), e)?, } }; self.options.filter.filter_child_files(&mut children); self.options.filter.sort_files(&mut children); if let Some(recurse_opts) = self.options.dir_action.recurse_options() { let depth = dir.path.components().filter(|&c| c != Component::CurDir).count() + 1; if !recurse_opts.tree && !recurse_opts.is_too_deep(depth) { let mut child_dirs = Vec::new(); for child_dir in children.iter().filter(|f| f.is_directory()) { match child_dir.to_dir(false) { Ok(d) => child_dirs.push(d), Err(e) => writeln!(stderr(), "{}: {}", child_dir.path.display(), e)?, } } self.print_files(Some(&dir), children)?; match self.print_dirs(child_dirs, false, false, exit_status) { Ok(_) => (), Err(e) => return Err(e), } continue; } } self.print_files(Some(&dir), children)?; } Ok(exit_status) } /// Prints the list of files using whichever view is selected. /// For various annoying logistical reasons, each one handles /// printing differently... fn print_files(&mut self, dir: Option<&Dir>, files: Vec) -> IOResult<()> { if !files.is_empty() { let View { ref mode, ref colours, classify } = self.options.view; match *mode { Mode::Lines => lines::Render { files, colours, classify }.render(self.writer), Mode::Grid(ref opts) => grid::Render { files, colours, classify, opts }.render(self.writer), Mode::Details(ref opts) => details::Render { dir, files, colours, classify, opts, filter: &self.options.filter, recurse: self.options.dir_action.recurse_options() }.render(self.writer), Mode::GridDetails(ref grid, ref details) => grid_details::Render { dir, files, colours, classify, grid, details, filter: &self.options.filter }.render(self.writer), } } else { Ok(()) } } }