use ansi_term::Style; use ansi_term::Colour::{Red, Green, Yellow, Blue, Cyan, Purple, Fixed}; use output::render; use output::file_name::Colours as FileNameColours; use style::lsc::Pair; #[derive(Debug, Default, PartialEq)] pub struct Colours { pub colourful: bool, pub scale: bool, pub filekinds: FileKinds, pub perms: Permissions, pub size: Size, pub users: Users, pub links: Links, pub git: Git, pub punctuation: Style, pub date: Style, pub inode: Style, pub blocks: Style, pub header: Style, pub symlink_path: Style, pub control_char: Style, pub broken_symlink: Style, pub broken_path_overlay: Style, } #[derive(Clone, Copy, Debug, Default, PartialEq)] pub struct FileKinds { pub normal: Style, pub directory: Style, pub symlink: Style, pub pipe: Style, pub block_device: Style, pub char_device: Style, pub socket: Style, pub special: Style, pub executable: Style, } #[derive(Clone, Copy, Debug, Default, PartialEq)] pub struct Permissions { pub user_read: Style, pub user_write: Style, pub user_execute_file: Style, pub user_execute_other: Style, pub group_read: Style, pub group_write: Style, pub group_execute: Style, pub other_read: Style, pub other_write: Style, pub other_execute: Style, pub special_user_file: Style, pub special_other: Style, pub attribute: Style, } #[derive(Clone, Copy, Debug, Default, PartialEq)] pub struct Size { pub numbers: Style, pub unit: Style, pub major: Style, pub minor: Style, pub scale_byte: Style, pub scale_kilo: Style, pub scale_mega: Style, pub scale_giga: Style, pub scale_huge: Style, } #[derive(Clone, Copy, Debug, Default, PartialEq)] pub struct Users { pub user_you: Style, pub user_someone_else: Style, pub group_yours: Style, pub group_not_yours: Style, } #[derive(Clone, Copy, Debug, Default, PartialEq)] pub struct Links { pub normal: Style, pub multi_link_file: Style, } #[derive(Clone, Copy, Debug, Default, PartialEq)] pub struct Git { pub new: Style, pub modified: Style, pub deleted: Style, pub renamed: Style, pub typechange: Style, } impl Colours { pub fn plain() -> Colours { Colours::default() } pub fn colourful(scale: bool) -> Colours { Colours { colourful: true, scale, filekinds: FileKinds { normal: Style::default(), directory: Blue.bold(), symlink: Cyan.normal(), pipe: Yellow.normal(), block_device: Yellow.bold(), char_device: Yellow.bold(), socket: Red.bold(), special: Yellow.normal(), executable: Green.bold(), }, perms: Permissions { user_read: Yellow.bold(), user_write: Red.bold(), user_execute_file: Green.bold().underline(), user_execute_other: Green.bold(), group_read: Yellow.normal(), group_write: Red.normal(), group_execute: Green.normal(), other_read: Yellow.normal(), other_write: Red.normal(), other_execute: Green.normal(), special_user_file: Purple.normal(), special_other: Purple.normal(), attribute: Style::default(), }, size: Size { numbers: Green.bold(), unit: Green.normal(), major: Green.bold(), minor: Green.normal(), scale_byte: Fixed(118).normal(), scale_kilo: Fixed(190).normal(), scale_mega: Fixed(226).normal(), scale_giga: Fixed(220).normal(), scale_huge: Fixed(214).normal(), }, users: Users { user_you: Yellow.bold(), user_someone_else: Style::default(), group_yours: Yellow.bold(), group_not_yours: Style::default(), }, links: Links { normal: Red.bold(), multi_link_file: Red.on(Yellow), }, git: Git { new: Green.normal(), modified: Blue.normal(), deleted: Red.normal(), renamed: Yellow.normal(), typechange: Purple.normal(), }, punctuation: Fixed(244).normal(), date: Blue.normal(), inode: Purple.normal(), blocks: Cyan.normal(), header: Style::default().underline(), symlink_path: Cyan.normal(), control_char: Red.normal(), broken_symlink: Red.normal(), broken_path_overlay: Style::default().underline(), } } } /// Some of the styles are **overlays**: although they have the same attribute /// set as regular styles (foreground and background colours, bold, underline, /// etc), they’re intended to be used to *amend* existing styles. /// /// For example, the target path of a broken symlink is displayed in a red, /// underlined style by default. Paths can contain control characters, so /// these control characters need to be underlined too, otherwise it looks /// weird. So instead of having four separate configurable styles for “link /// path”, “broken link path”, “control character” and “broken control /// character”, there are styles for “link path”, “control character”, and /// “broken link overlay”, the latter of which is just set to override the /// underline attribute on the other two. fn apply_overlay(mut base: Style, overlay: Style) -> Style { if let Some(fg) = overlay.foreground { base.foreground = Some(fg); } if let Some(bg) = overlay.background { base.background = Some(bg); } if overlay.is_bold { base.is_bold = true; } if overlay.is_dimmed { base.is_dimmed = true; } if overlay.is_italic { base.is_italic = true; } if overlay.is_underline { base.is_underline = true; } if overlay.is_blink { base.is_blink = true; } if overlay.is_reverse { base.is_reverse = true; } if overlay.is_hidden { base.is_hidden = true; } if overlay.is_strikethrough { base.is_strikethrough = true; } base } // TODO: move this function to the ansi_term crate impl Colours { /// Sets a value on this set of colours using one of the keys understood /// by the `LS_COLORS` environment variable. Invalid keys set nothing, but /// return false. pub fn set_ls(&mut self, pair: &Pair) -> bool { match pair.key { "di" => = pair.to_style(), // DIR "ex" => self.filekinds.executable = pair.to_style(), // EXEC "fi" => self.filekinds.normal = pair.to_style(), // FILE "pi" => self.filekinds.pipe = pair.to_style(), // FIFO "so" => self.filekinds.socket = pair.to_style(), // SOCK "bd" => self.filekinds.block_device = pair.to_style(), // BLK "cd" => self.filekinds.char_device = pair.to_style(), // CHR "ln" => self.filekinds.symlink = pair.to_style(), // LINK "or" => self.broken_symlink = pair.to_style(), // ORPHAN _ => return false, // Codes we don’t do anything with: // MULTIHARDLINK, DOOR, SETUID, SETGID, CAPABILITY, // STICKY_OTHER_WRITABLE, OTHER_WRITABLE, STICKY, MISSING } true } /// Sets a value on this set of colours using one of the keys understood /// by the `EXA_COLORS` environment variable. Invalid keys set nothing, /// but return false. This doesn’t take the `LS_COLORS` keys into account, /// so `set_ls` should have been run first. pub fn set_exa(&mut self, pair: &Pair) -> bool { match pair.key { "ur" => self.perms.user_read = pair.to_style(), "uw" => self.perms.user_write = pair.to_style(), "ux" => self.perms.user_execute_file = pair.to_style(), "ue" => self.perms.user_execute_other = pair.to_style(), "gr" => self.perms.group_read = pair.to_style(), "gw" => self.perms.group_write = pair.to_style(), "gx" => self.perms.group_execute = pair.to_style(), "tr" => self.perms.other_read = pair.to_style(), "tw" => self.perms.other_write = pair.to_style(), "tx" => self.perms.other_execute = pair.to_style(), "su" => self.perms.special_user_file = pair.to_style(), "sf" => self.perms.special_other = pair.to_style(), "xa" => self.perms.attribute = pair.to_style(), "sn" => self.size.numbers = pair.to_style(), "sb" => self.size.unit = pair.to_style(), "df" => self.size.major = pair.to_style(), "ds" => self.size.minor = pair.to_style(), "uu" => self.users.user_you = pair.to_style(), "un" => self.users.user_someone_else = pair.to_style(), "gu" => self.users.group_yours = pair.to_style(), "gn" => self.users.group_not_yours = pair.to_style(), "lc" => self.links.normal = pair.to_style(), "lm" => self.links.multi_link_file = pair.to_style(), "ga" => = pair.to_style(), "gm" => self.git.modified = pair.to_style(), "gd" => self.git.deleted = pair.to_style(), "gv" => self.git.renamed = pair.to_style(), "gt" => self.git.typechange = pair.to_style(), "xx" => self.punctuation = pair.to_style(), "da" => = pair.to_style(), "in" => self.inode = pair.to_style(), "bl" => self.blocks = pair.to_style(), "hd" => self.header = pair.to_style(), "lp" => self.symlink_path = pair.to_style(), "cc" => self.control_char = pair.to_style(), "bO" => self.broken_path_overlay = pair.to_style(), _ => return false, } true } } impl render::BlocksColours for Colours { fn block_count(&self) -> Style { self.blocks } fn no_blocks(&self) -> Style { self.punctuation } } impl render::FiletypeColours for Colours { fn normal(&self) -> Style { self.filekinds.normal } fn directory(&self) -> Style { } fn pipe(&self) -> Style { self.filekinds.pipe } fn symlink(&self) -> Style { self.filekinds.symlink } fn block_device(&self) -> Style { self.filekinds.block_device } fn char_device(&self) -> Style { self.filekinds.char_device } fn socket(&self) -> Style { self.filekinds.socket } fn special(&self) -> Style { self.filekinds.special } } impl render::GitColours for Colours { fn not_modified(&self) -> Style { self.punctuation } fn new(&self) -> Style { } fn modified(&self) -> Style { self.git.modified } fn deleted(&self) -> Style { self.git.deleted } fn renamed(&self) -> Style { self.git.renamed } fn type_change(&self) -> Style { self.git.typechange } } impl render::GroupColours for Colours { fn yours(&self) -> Style { self.users.group_yours } fn not_yours(&self) -> Style { self.users.group_not_yours } } impl render::LinksColours for Colours { fn normal(&self) -> Style { self.links.normal } fn multi_link_file(&self) -> Style { self.links.multi_link_file } } impl render::PermissionsColours for Colours { fn dash(&self) -> Style { self.punctuation } fn user_read(&self) -> Style { self.perms.user_read } fn user_write(&self) -> Style { self.perms.user_write } fn user_execute_file(&self) -> Style { self.perms.user_execute_file } fn user_execute_other(&self) -> Style { self.perms.user_execute_other } fn group_read(&self) -> Style { self.perms.group_read } fn group_write(&self) -> Style { self.perms.group_write } fn group_execute(&self) -> Style { self.perms.group_execute } fn other_read(&self) -> Style { self.perms.other_read } fn other_write(&self) -> Style { self.perms.other_write } fn other_execute(&self) -> Style { self.perms.other_execute } fn special_user_file(&self) -> Style { self.perms.special_user_file } fn special_other(&self) -> Style { self.perms.special_other } fn attribute(&self) -> Style { self.perms.attribute } } impl render::SizeColours for Colours { fn size(&self, size: u64) -> Style { if self.scale { if size < 1024 { self.size.scale_byte } else if size < 1024 * 1024 { self.size.scale_kilo } else if size < 1024 * 1024 * 1024 { self.size.scale_mega } else if size < 1024 * 1024 * 1024 * 1024 { self.size.scale_giga } else { self.size.scale_huge } } else { self.size.numbers } } fn unit(&self) -> Style { self.size.unit } fn no_size(&self) -> Style { self.punctuation } fn major(&self) -> Style { self.size.major } fn comma(&self) -> Style { self.punctuation } fn minor(&self) -> Style { self.size.minor } } impl render::UserColours for Colours { fn you(&self) -> Style { self.users.user_you } fn someone_else(&self) -> Style { self.users.user_someone_else } } impl FileNameColours for Colours { fn normal_arrow(&self) -> Style { self.punctuation } fn broken_symlink(&self) -> Style { self.broken_symlink } fn broken_filename(&self) -> Style { apply_overlay(self.broken_symlink, self.broken_path_overlay) } fn broken_control_char(&self) -> Style { apply_overlay(self.control_char, self.broken_path_overlay) } fn control_char(&self) -> Style { self.control_char } fn symlink_path(&self) -> Style { self.symlink_path } fn executable_file(&self) -> Style { self.filekinds.executable } }