all: build test xtests all-release: build-release test-release xtests-release # compiles the exa binary @build: cargo build # compiles the exa binary (in release mode) @build-release: cargo build --release --verbose # compiles the exa binary with every combination of feature flags @build-features: cargo hack build --feature-powerset # runs unit tests @test: cargo test --all -- --quiet # runs unit tests (in release mode) @test-release: cargo test --release --all --verbose # runs unit tests with every combination of feature flags @test-features: cargo hack test --feature-powerset -- --quiet # runs extended tests @xtests: xtests/ # runs extended tests (using the release mode exa) @xtests-release: xtests/ --release # lints the code @clippy: touch src/ cargo clippy # updates dependency versions, and checks for outdated ones @update: cargo update cargo outdated # prints versions of the necessary build tools @versions: rustc --version cargo --version # builds the man pages @man: mkdir -p "${CARGO_TARGET_DIR:-target}/man" pandoc --standalone -f markdown -t man man/ > "${CARGO_TARGET_DIR:-target}/man/exa.1" pandoc --standalone -f markdown -t man man/ > "${CARGO_TARGET_DIR:-target}/man/exa_colors.5" # builds and previews the main man page (exa.1) @man-1-preview: man man "${CARGO_TARGET_DIR:-target}/man/exa.1" # builds and previews the colour configuration man page (exa_colors.5) @man-5-preview: man man "${CARGO_TARGET_DIR:-target}/man/exa_colors.5"