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This file contains ambiguous Unicode characters

This file contains Unicode characters that might be confused with other characters. If you think that this is intentional, you can safely ignore this warning. Use the Escape button to reveal them.

use std::iter::Peekable;
use std::ops::FnMut;
use ansi_term::{Colour, Style};
use ansi_term::Colour::*;
// Parsing the LS_COLORS environment variable into a map of names to Style values.
// This is sitting around undocumented at the moment because its a feature
// that should really be unnecessary! exa highlights its output by creating a
// theme of one Style value per part of the interface that can be coloured,
// then reading styles from that theme. The LS_COLORS variable, on the other
// hand, can contain arbitrary characters that ls is supposed to add to the
// output, without needing to know what they actually do. This puts exa in the
// annoying position of having to parse the ANSI escape codes _back_ into
// Style values before its able to use them. Doing this has a lot of
// downsides: if a new terminal feature is added with its own code, exa wont
// be able to use this without explicit support for parsing the feature, while
// ls would not even need to know it existed. And there are some edge cases in
// ANSI codes, where terminals would accept codes exa is strict about it. Its
// just not worth doing, and there should really be a way to just use slices
// of the LS_COLORS string without having to parse them.
pub struct LSColors<'var>(pub &'var str);
impl<'var> LSColors<'var> {
pub fn each_pair<C>(&mut self, mut callback: C)
where C: FnMut(Pair<'var>)
for next in self.0.split(':') {
let bits = next.split('=')
if bits.len() == 2 && ! bits[0].is_empty() && ! bits[1].is_empty() {
callback(Pair { key: bits[0], value: bits[1] });
fn parse_into_high_colour<'a, I>(iter: &mut Peekable<I>) -> Option<Colour>
where I: Iterator<Item = &'a str>
match iter.peek() {
Some(&"5") => {
let _ = iter.next();
if let Some(byte) = iter.next() {
if let Ok(num) = byte.parse() {
return Some(Fixed(num));
Some(&"2") => {
let _ = iter.next();
if let Some(hexes) = iter.next() {
// Some terminals support R:G:B instead of R;G;B
// but this clashes with splitting on : in each_pair above.
/*if hexes.contains(':') {
let rgb = hexes.splitn(3, ':').collect::<Vec<_>>();
if rgb.len() != 3 {
return None;
else if let (Ok(r), Ok(g), Ok(b)) = (rgb[0].parse(), rgb[1].parse(), rgb[2].parse()) {
return Some(RGB(r, g, b));
if let (Some(r), Some(g), Some(b)) = (hexes.parse().ok(),
iter.next().and_then(|s| s.parse().ok()),
iter.next().and_then(|s| s.parse().ok()))
return Some(RGB(r, g, b));
_ => {},
pub struct Pair<'var> {
pub key: &'var str,
pub value: &'var str,
impl<'var> Pair<'var> {
pub fn to_style(&self) -> Style {
let mut style = Style::default();
let mut iter = self.value.split(';').peekable();
while let Some(num) = iter.next() {
match num.trim_start_matches('0') {
// Bold and italic
"1" => style = style.bold(),
"2" => style = style.dimmed(),
"3" => style = style.italic(),
"4" => style = style.underline(),
"5" => style = style.blink(),
// 6 is supposedly a faster blink
"7" => style = style.reverse(),
"8" => style = style.hidden(),
"9" => style = style.strikethrough(),
// Foreground colours
"30" => style = style.fg(Black),
"31" => style = style.fg(Red),
"32" => style = style.fg(Green),
"33" => style = style.fg(Yellow),
"34" => style = style.fg(Blue),
"35" => style = style.fg(Purple),
"36" => style = style.fg(Cyan),
"37" => style = style.fg(White),
"38" => if let Some(c) = parse_into_high_colour(&mut iter) { style = style.fg(c) },
// Background colours
"40" => style = style.on(Black),
"41" => style = style.on(Red),
"42" => style = style.on(Green),
"43" => style = style.on(Yellow),
"44" => style = style.on(Blue),
"45" => style = style.on(Purple),
"46" => style = style.on(Cyan),
"47" => style = style.on(White),
"48" => if let Some(c) = parse_into_high_colour(&mut iter) { style = style.on(c) },
_ => {/* ignore the error and do nothing */},
mod ansi_test {
use super::*;
use ansi_term::Style;
macro_rules! test {
($name:ident: $input:expr => $result:expr) => {
fn $name() {
assert_eq!(Pair { key: "", value: $input }.to_style(), $result);
// Styles
test!(bold: "1" => Style::default().bold());
test!(bold2: "01" => Style::default().bold());
test!(under: "4" => Style::default().underline());
test!(unde2: "04" => Style::default().underline());
test!(both: "1;4" => Style::default().bold().underline());
test!(both2: "01;04" => Style::default().bold().underline());
test!(fg: "31" => Red.normal());
test!(bg: "43" => Style::default().on(Yellow));
test!(bfg: "31;43" => Red.on(Yellow));
test!(bfg2: "0031;0043" => Red.on(Yellow));
test!(all: "43;31;1;4" => Red.on(Yellow).bold().underline());
test!(again: "1;1;1;1;1" => Style::default().bold());
// Failure cases
test!(empty: "" => Style::default());
test!(semis: ";;;;;;" => Style::default());
test!(nines: "99999999" => Style::default());
test!(word: "GREEN" => Style::default());
// Higher colours
test!(hifg: "38;5;149" => Fixed(149).normal());
test!(hibg: "48;5;1" => Style::default().on(Fixed(1)));
test!(hibo: "48;5;1;1" => Style::default().on(Fixed(1)).bold());
test!(hiund: "4;48;5;1" => Style::default().on(Fixed(1)).underline());
test!(rgb: "38;2;255;100;0" => Style::default().fg(RGB(255, 100, 0)));
test!(rgbi: "38;2;255;100;0;3" => Style::default().fg(RGB(255, 100, 0)).italic());
test!(rgbbg: "48;2;255;100;0" => Style::default().on(RGB(255, 100, 0)));
test!(rgbbi: "48;2;255;100;0;3" => Style::default().on(RGB(255, 100, 0)).italic());
test!(fgbg: "38;5;121;48;5;212" => Fixed(121).on(Fixed(212)));
test!(bgfg: "48;5;121;38;5;212" => Fixed(212).on(Fixed(121)));
test!(toohi: "48;5;999" => Style::default());
mod test {
use super::*;
macro_rules! test {
($name:ident: $input:expr => $result:expr) => {
fn $name() {
let mut lscs = Vec::new();
LSColors($input).each_pair(|p| lscs.push( (p.key.clone(), p.to_style()) ));
assert_eq!(lscs, $result.to_vec());
// Bad parses
test!(empty: "" => []);
test!(jibber: "blah" => []);
test!(equals: "=" => []);
test!(starts: "=di" => []);
test!(ends: "id=" => []);
// Foreground colours
test!(green: "cb=32" => [ ("cb", Green.normal()) ]);
test!(red: "di=31" => [ ("di", Red.normal()) ]);
test!(blue: "la=34" => [ ("la", Blue.normal()) ]);
// Background colours
test!(yellow: "do=43" => [ ("do", Style::default().on(Yellow)) ]);
test!(purple: "re=45" => [ ("re", Style::default().on(Purple)) ]);
test!(cyan: "mi=46" => [ ("mi", Style::default().on(Cyan)) ]);
// Bold and underline
test!(bold: "fa=1" => [ ("fa", Style::default().bold()) ]);
test!(under: "so=4" => [ ("so", Style::default().underline()) ]);
test!(both: "la=1;4" => [ ("la", Style::default().bold().underline()) ]);
// More and many
test!(more: "me=43;21;55;34:yu=1;4;1" => [ ("me", Blue.on(Yellow)), ("yu", Style::default().bold().underline()) ]);
test!(many: "red=31:green=32:blue=34" => [ ("red", Red.normal()), ("green", Green.normal()), ("blue", Blue.normal()) ]);