Benjamin Sago 9872eba821 Separate the matched flags from the free strings
Originally, both the matched flags and the list of free strings were returned from the parsing function and then passed around to every type that had a ‘deduce’ method. This worked, but the list of free strings was carried around with it, never used.

Now, only the flags are passed around. They’re in a new struct which has the methods the Matches had.

Both of Matches’s fields are now just data, and all of the methods on MatchedFlags don’t ignore any fields, so it’s more cohesive, at least I think that’s the word.

Building up the MatchedFlags is a bit more annoying though because the vector is now hidden behind a field.
2017-08-05 19:11:00 +01:00

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use glob;
use fs::DotFilter;
use fs::filter::{FileFilter, SortField, SortCase, IgnorePatterns};
use options::{flags, Misfire};
use options::parser::MatchedFlags;
impl FileFilter {
/// Determines the set of file filter options to use, based on the users
/// command-line arguments.
pub fn deduce(matches: &MatchedFlags) -> Result<FileFilter, Misfire> {
Ok(FileFilter {
list_dirs_first: matches.has(&flags::DIRS_FIRST),
reverse: matches.has(&flags::REVERSE),
sort_field: SortField::deduce(matches)?,
dot_filter: DotFilter::deduce(matches)?,
ignore_patterns: IgnorePatterns::deduce(matches)?,
impl Default for SortField {
fn default() -> SortField {
const SORTS: &[&str] = &[ "name", "Name", "size", "extension",
"Extension", "modified", "accessed",
"created", "inode", "type", "none" ];
impl SortField {
/// Determine the sort field to use, based on the presence of a “sort”
/// argument. This will return `Err` if the option is there, but does not
/// correspond to a valid field.
fn deduce(matches: &MatchedFlags) -> Result<SortField, Misfire> {
let word = match matches.get(&flags::SORT) {
Some(w) => w,
None => return Ok(SortField::default()),
if word == "name" || word == "filename" {
else if word == "Name" || word == "Filename" {
else if word == "size" || word == "filesize" {
else if word == "ext" || word == "extension" {
else if word == "Ext" || word == "Extension" {
else if word == "mod" || word == "modified" {
else if word == "acc" || word == "accessed" {
else if word == "cr" || word == "created" {
else if word == "inode" {
else if word == "type" {
else if word == "none" {
else {
Err(Misfire::bad_argument(&flags::SORT, word, SORTS))
impl DotFilter {
pub fn deduce(matches: &MatchedFlags) -> Result<DotFilter, Misfire> {
match matches.count(&flags::ALL) {
0 => Ok(DotFilter::JustFiles),
1 => Ok(DotFilter::Dotfiles),
_ => if matches.has(&flags::TREE) { Err(Misfire::TreeAllAll) }
else { Ok(DotFilter::DotfilesAndDots) }
impl IgnorePatterns {
/// Determines the set of file filter options to use, based on the users
/// command-line arguments.
pub fn deduce(matches: &MatchedFlags) -> Result<IgnorePatterns, Misfire> {
let patterns = match matches.get(&flags::IGNORE_GLOB) {
None => Ok(Vec::new()),
Some(is) => is.to_string_lossy().split('|').map(|a| glob::Pattern::new(a)).collect(),
// TODO: is to_string_lossy really the best way to handle
// invalid UTF-8 there?
Ok(IgnorePatterns { patterns })
mod test {
use super::*;
use std::ffi::OsString;
use options::flags;
pub fn os(input: &'static str) -> OsString {
let mut os = OsString::new();
macro_rules! test {
($name:ident: $type:ident <- $inputs:expr => $result:expr) => {
fn $name() {
use options::parser::{Args, Arg};
use std::ffi::OsString;
static TEST_ARGS: &[&Arg] = &[ &flags::SORT, &flags::ALL, &flags::TREE, &flags::IGNORE_GLOB ];
let bits = $inputs.as_ref().into_iter().map(|&o| os(o)).collect::<Vec<OsString>>();
let results = Args(TEST_ARGS).parse(bits.iter());
assert_eq!($type::deduce(&results.unwrap().flags), $result);
mod sort_fields {
use super::*;
// Default behaviour
test!(empty: SortField <- [] => Ok(SortField::default()));
// Sort field arguments
test!(one_arg: SortField <- ["--sort=cr"] => Ok(SortField::CreatedDate));
test!(one_long: SortField <- ["--sort=size"] => Ok(SortField::Size));
test!(one_short: SortField <- ["-saccessed"] => Ok(SortField::AccessedDate));
test!(lowercase: SortField <- ["--sort", "name"] => Ok(SortField::Name(SortCase::Sensitive)));
test!(uppercase: SortField <- ["--sort", "Name"] => Ok(SortField::Name(SortCase::Insensitive)));
// Errors
test!(error: SortField <- ["--sort=colour"] => Err(Misfire::bad_argument(&flags::SORT, &os("colour"), super::SORTS)));
// Overriding
test!(overridden: SortField <- ["--sort=cr", "--sort", "mod"] => Ok(SortField::ModifiedDate));
test!(overridden_2: SortField <- ["--sort", "none", "--sort=Extension"] => Ok(SortField::Extension(SortCase::Insensitive)));
mod dot_filters {
use super::*;
// Default behaviour
test!(empty: DotFilter <- [] => Ok(DotFilter::JustFiles));
// --all
test!(all: DotFilter <- ["--all"] => Ok(DotFilter::Dotfiles));
test!(all_all: DotFilter <- ["--all", "-a"] => Ok(DotFilter::DotfilesAndDots));
test!(all_all_2: DotFilter <- ["-aa"] => Ok(DotFilter::DotfilesAndDots));
// --all and --tree
test!(tree_a: DotFilter <- ["-Ta"] => Ok(DotFilter::Dotfiles));
test!(tree_aa: DotFilter <- ["-Taa"] => Err(Misfire::TreeAllAll));
mod ignore_patternses {
use super::*;
use glob;
fn pat(string: &'static str) -> glob::Pattern {
// Various numbers of globs
test!(none: IgnorePatterns <- [] => Ok(IgnorePatterns { patterns: vec![] }));
test!(one: IgnorePatterns <- ["--ignore-glob", "*.ogg"] => Ok(IgnorePatterns { patterns: vec![ pat("*.ogg") ] }));
test!(two: IgnorePatterns <- ["--ignore-glob=*.ogg|*.MP3"] => Ok(IgnorePatterns { patterns: vec![ pat("*.ogg"), pat("*.MP3") ] }));
test!(loads: IgnorePatterns <- ["-I*|?|.|*"] => Ok(IgnorePatterns { patterns: vec![ pat("*"), pat("?"), pat("."), pat("*") ] }));