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use file::{File, GREY};
use self::FileType::*;
use std::old_io as io;
use ansi_term::Style;
use ansi_term::Style::Plain;
use ansi_term::Colour::{Red, Green, Yellow, Blue, Cyan, Fixed};
#[derive(PartialEq, Debug, Copy)]
pub enum FileType {
Normal, Directory, Executable, Immediate, Compiled, Symlink, Special,
Image, Video, Music, Lossless, Compressed, Document, Temp, Crypto,
static IMAGE_TYPES: &'static [&'static str] = &[
"png", "jpeg", "jpg", "gif", "bmp", "tiff", "tif",
"ppm", "pgm", "pbm", "pnm", "webp", "raw", "arw",
"svg", "stl", "eps", "dvi", "ps", "cbr",
"cbz", "xpm", "ico" ];
static VIDEO_TYPES: &'static [&'static str] = &[
"avi", "flv", "m2v", "mkv", "mov", "mp4", "mpeg",
"mpg", "ogm", "ogv", "vob", "wmv" ];
static MUSIC_TYPES: &'static [&'static str] = &[
"aac", "m4a", "mp3", "ogg", "wma" ];
static MUSIC_LOSSLESS: &'static [&'static str] = &[
"alac", "ape", "flac", "wav" ];
static COMPRESSED_TYPES: &'static [&'static str] = &[
"zip", "tar", "Z", "gz", "bz2", "a", "ar", "7z",
"iso", "dmg", "tc", "rar", "par" ];
static DOCUMENT_TYPES: &'static [&'static str] = &[
"djvu", "doc", "docx", "dvi", "eml", "eps", "fotd",
"odp", "odt", "pdf", "ppt", "pptx", "rtf",
"xls", "xlsx" ];
static TEMP_TYPES: &'static [&'static str] = &[
"tmp", "swp", "swo", "swn", "bak" ];
static CRYPTO_TYPES: &'static [&'static str] = &[
"asc", "gpg", "sig", "signature", "pgp" ];
static COMPILED_TYPES: &'static [&'static str] = &[
"class", "elc", "hi", "o", "pyc" ];
static BUILD_TYPES: &'static [&'static str] = &[
"Makefile", "Cargo.toml", "SConstruct", "CMakeLists.txt",
"build.gradle", "Rakefile", "Gruntfile.js",
"Gruntfile.coffee" ];
impl FileType {
/// Get the `ansi_term::Style` that a file of this type should use.
pub fn style(&self) -> Style {
match *self {
Normal => Plain,
Directory => Blue.bold(),
Symlink => Cyan.normal(),
Special => Yellow.normal(),
Executable => Green.bold(),
Image => Fixed(133).normal(),
Video => Fixed(135).normal(),
Music => Fixed(92).normal(),
Lossless => Fixed(93).normal(),
Crypto => Fixed(109).normal(),
Document => Fixed(105).normal(),
Compressed => Red.normal(),
Temp => GREY.normal(),
Immediate => Yellow.bold().underline(),
Compiled => Fixed(137).normal(),
pub trait HasType {
/// For a given file, find out what type it has.
fn get_type(&self) -> FileType;
impl<'a> HasType for File<'a> {
fn get_type(&self) -> FileType {
let name = self.name.as_slice();
if self.stat.kind == io::FileType::Directory {
return Directory;
else if self.stat.kind == io::FileType::Symlink {
return Symlink;
else if self.stat.kind == io::FileType::BlockSpecial || self.stat.kind == io::FileType::NamedPipe || self.stat.kind == io::FileType::Unknown {
return Special;
else if self.stat.perm.contains(io::USER_EXECUTE) {
return Executable;
else if name.starts_with("README") || BUILD_TYPES.iter().any(|&s| s == name) {
return Immediate;
else if let Some(ref ext) = self.ext {
if IMAGE_TYPES.iter().any(|&s| s == *ext) {
return Image;
else if VIDEO_TYPES.iter().any(|&s| s == *ext) {
return Video;
else if MUSIC_TYPES.iter().any(|&s| s == *ext) {
return Music;
else if MUSIC_LOSSLESS.iter().any(|&s| s == *ext) {
return Lossless;
else if CRYPTO_TYPES.iter().any(|&s| s == *ext) {
return Crypto;
else if DOCUMENT_TYPES.iter().any(|&s| s == *ext) {
return Document;
else if COMPRESSED_TYPES.iter().any(|&s| s == *ext) {
return Compressed;
else if self.is_tmpfile() || TEMP_TYPES.iter().any(|&s| s == *ext) {
return Temp;
let source_files = self.get_source_files();
if source_files.is_empty() {
return Normal;
else if source_files.iter().any(|path| self.dir.map(|d| d.contains(path)).unwrap_or(false)) {
return Temp;
else if COMPILED_TYPES.iter().any(|&s| s == *ext) {
return Compiled;
return Normal; // no filetype
mod test {
use super::*;
use file::test::{dummy_stat, new_file};
fn lowercase() {
let file = new_file(dummy_stat(), "/barracks.wav");
assert_eq!(FileType::Lossless, file.get_type())
fn uppercase() {
let file = new_file(dummy_stat(), "/BARRACKS.WAV");
assert_eq!(FileType::Lossless, file.get_type())
fn cargo() {
let file = new_file(dummy_stat(), "/Cargo.toml");
assert_eq!(FileType::Immediate, file.get_type())
fn not_cargo() {
let file = new_file(dummy_stat(), "/cargo.toml");
assert_eq!(FileType::Normal, file.get_type())